88[01:23:55] <mr_ab> How do you specify more than one [foo=bar]
bit in sources.list? The two most obvious ways deb [a=b,c=d]... or
deb [a=b] [c=d]... Don't seem to be working or perhaps I'm
doing something else wrong... Still trying to recover my machine..
3rd day...
89[01:24:06] <urk> Will I be able to use vi or vim without the
apt edit-sources after updating?
90[01:24:44] <urk> Currently I can't use vi
/etc/apt/sources.list I get an error while in a screen indicating it
went to readonly, and when I do the :w!, I get an error indicating
it can't read the file.
91[01:24:56] *** Quits: Zauberfisch (~Zauberfis@replaced-ip) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
92[01:25:14] <dvs> urk: you need to run vi as root in that case
94[01:25:40] <urk> dvs> Its already in root, and that is
what is going on.
95[01:26:07] <urk> dvs> If it wasn't in root I
wouldn't even be able to get into the vi screen, and I would
immediately get an error that the file is locked.
98[01:26:51] <mr_ab> That's not accurate.. You can open
file with vi in readonly mode...
99[01:27:15] <milkt> urk: in that case vi start with readonly
100[01:27:17] <urk> mr_ab> Well this is what is going on with
my installation.
101[01:27:42] <urk> mr_ab> What version of Debian are you
102[01:27:55] <milkt> urk: what are you trying to do with
/etc/apt/sources.list ?
103[01:28:20] <mr_ab> Just try running sudo vi...
104[01:28:47] <urk> milkt> Yes, I am trying to edit
sources.list I was able to do it with the apt edit-sources, but it
is a few extra steps.
105[01:29:29] <urk> mr_ab> A lock file situation is not the
type of error I am posting about, and it isn't related. I am
already at root. The error I am complaining about is within the
screen that opens up after running vi.
106[01:30:12] <pasiz> why you run vi in screen?
107[01:30:20] <oxek> mr_ab: the syntax described in `man
108[01:30:32] <oxek> deb [ option1=value1 option2=value2 ] uri
suite [component1] [component2] [...]
109[01:30:37] <pasiz> or do you mean gnu screen or physical
110[01:30:40] <milkt> urk: do you know how to use vi? try
editing with "sed" or "cat"?
120[01:32:56] <urk> milkt> Saving within vi seems to be
121[01:33:16] <pasiz> :wq
122[01:33:21] <oxek> :x
123[01:33:27] <oxek> saved you a letter
124[01:33:37] <milkt> urk: what do you mean?
125[01:33:40] <themill> mr_ab: «multiple values these are
separated from each other with a comma (,)» from
sources.list(5). You might like to look at the deb822 format for the
file instead, however
126[01:33:55] * pasiz donates saved letter for charity
127[01:34:23] * pasiz and still uses wq ;)
128[01:34:52] <themill> mr_ab: actually, that's for
multiple values for the same item; it's space separated...
definitely use the 822 format!
129[01:35:00] <oxek> pasiz: better to use :x, :wq will save each
time, even if file is not changed
130[01:35:30] <pasiz> oxek: if i don't change file, i use
plain q
131[01:35:31] <oxek> themill: I've still never seen 822 in
the wild
132[01:35:49] <themill> I must live in wilder places.
139[01:38:51] <mr_ab> Oxek.. Thanks and sorry.. I dug around
some manpages forgot there was one for the file itself... On a live
CD with no internet and TV.. Really uncomfortable.. ;)
140[01:39:08] <mr_ab> Off my a-game to say the least
160[01:44:33] <themill> oxek: as a sources.list format, I think
stretch was the first to have robust support, with experimental
support perhaps in jessie
168[01:46:06] <acu> is there a way to see the left life of an
169[01:46:22] <pasiz> acu: could you elaborate more
170[01:46:39] <pasiz> otherwise, as long as it goes...
171[01:47:14] <oxek> acu: you could check the SMART values, some
vendors use it to indicate "remaining life"
172[01:47:22] <pasiz> Paerox: The project is ready to be built
and run, before continuing create ynab-metrics/config.json based on
the sample.json file in the same directory. Replace access_token
with your actual access token.
174[01:47:33] <pasiz> did you read github installation notes
175[01:47:46] <pasiz> that is your problem
176[01:48:02] <Paerox> pasiz, I do have a config file, yes. I
followed the example, renamed "sample-config.json" to
"config.json" and inserted my access token.
177[01:49:29] <ryouma> acu: i recall something about smart
showing the number of blocks or similar that have been used up and
are total or such
217[02:17:09] <jaggz> shoot. yeah, there's a lot missing.
so whatever's there now was created at the boot/run of x11..
all the stuff created by apt installations is gone
218[02:17:23] <Paerox> dpkg expects to read/write to
/var/lib/dpkg. If it does exist, dpkg will fail unless you tell dpkg
about the new location (is that possible?)
219[02:17:23] <dpkg> Paerox: You are person #2 to send an
unparseable request
221[02:17:49] <jaggz> They *could* be hiding in the mounted-over
/var directory but I didn't see the message I noticed when I
did that with another dir "/var is not empty. mounting over it
anyway kthx"
223[02:18:56] <lembron> just to close that out from a few hours
ago - `spt-get update && apt-mark manual php5.6-memcache
&& apt-get remove php-memcache && apt autoremove
&& apt-get dist-upgrade` worked like a charm, whole farm is
upgraded =)
234[02:23:24] <genr8_> is anyone smart enough to know how
Firefox controls disabling X's screensaver when playing a
fullscreen video ? I started running Firefox in FireJail, but now
that feature is gone, it keeps blanking the screen while im watching
a video
249[02:42:00] <ratrace> "inhibit", not suspend.
250[02:43:59] <ratrace> on i3-wm I'm using xautolock which
will lock the screen unless I place the mouse cursor in the
predefined corner, which I do when I watch netflix
251[02:46:04] *** Quits: ryouma (~user@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
252[02:46:44] <Druid> wow how did u do that ratrace
253[02:48:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1039
254[02:48:04] <genr8_> that sounds cool
255[02:49:20] <Druid> ignore my question the feature is in
xautolock itself
268[03:01:46] <jaggz> SponiX, i wasn't copying a whole
thing.. just was setting up a new system and.. the way I do it is I
have my raid hdd mirror at something like /mnt/bigfs, then in it I
have the few directories I want on hdd
270[03:02:19] <jaggz> that means the normal boot options of
picking mounting locations don't work during install, I just
have to put the thing at /mnt/bigfs then add bind-method mounts in
275[03:03:35] <jaggz> I used to use symlinks for it /home ->
/mnt/bigfs/home .. but finally, once, after YEARS of it, one
software (forgot which) couldn't handle the symlink
300[03:12:49] <SponiX> jaggz: seems like a complicated mess with
a lot of points of failure to me. I just use something like rsync
and verify the data is in a few places to avoid loss and call it
good enough :)
301[03:12:58] <SponiX> you do you though
302[03:14:02] <jaggz> SponiX, I've just used raid mirrors
for years in our personal systems
304[03:14:33] <jaggz> something starts dying -- unless both die
-- swap one out with a new.. done.
305[03:14:35] <ratrace> Druid: yes, xautolock essentially
invokes the -locker of choice in -time period of inactivity unless
the mouse is within -corners
482[06:59:01] <urk> PaddyF> If you don't comment them
out then you will get even more redundancy errors than what I have
here. I have been through this before, and find that the
instructions on Debian's website could use some improvement.
483[06:59:24] <PaddyF> one second
484[06:59:30] <urk> themill> I was wondering about that, but
these are the instructions that came from Debian's site.
485[06:59:51] <SponiX> urk: know the list that debian ships with
? --- YEAH, that one is just fine ( quit dicking with things )
486[06:59:55] <PaddyF> this tool makes it easy to get a proper
sources.list -->
487[06:59:56] <SponiX> LOL
488[06:59:58] <edlou> anyone with ryzen 9 experiencing this:
498[07:01:26] <themill> urk: "the website" is pretty
vague. If it's the wiki page I'm thinking of, then
it's pretty clear that that is an "instead of" not
"as well as"
499[07:02:32] <genr8_> Whats the deal with 5.4.x not being a
thing on debian ?
500[07:02:39] <leonardus> I just installed Debian and I'm
trying to install the drivers for Surface Laptop stuff
501[07:02:49] <leonardus> The problem is that involves
downloading stuff from the internet and installing packages
502[07:02:54] <leonardus> and I don't have any wifi drivers
503[07:02:59] <leonardus> what am I supposed to do?
504[07:03:23] <SomethingGeneric> leonardus, Surface Linux is
fairly explicit that you need internet to get up and running. In my
case, that meant a USB-C adapter w/ a ethernet port
505[07:03:37] <SomethingGeneric> Of course, you could always
also download and copy files from another PC via USB stick, too
506[07:04:18] <SomethingGeneric> genr8_, iirc, Debian
doesn't like to bump major versions in point releases
507[07:04:28] <leonardus> I don't have one of those
508[07:05:00] <SomethingGeneric> leonardus, if you've got a
base system running, use the same adaptor that connected ur flash
drive or memory card, and use that as a transfer method for the
correct drivers>
509[07:05:02] <SomethingGeneric> *?
510[07:07:24] *** Quits: CrazyEddy (crazyed@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
511[07:07:56] <leonardus> I'm not running Linux on my other
machine so I'm not sure how I would go about getting the
packages on there, maybe could you do me a favor and send me the
.debs for: `linux-image-surface linux-headers-surface iptsd
libwacom-surface linux-surface-secureboot-mok`?
512[07:08:12] <leonardus> Or is there a way for me to get those
514[07:09:35] <SponiX> leonardus: got a phone handy that has
internet ?
515[07:09:39] <leonardus> Yes
516[07:09:41] <SponiX> Android one ?
517[07:09:44] <leonardus> yep
518[07:09:58] <SponiX> Google how to USB Tether internet over to
your Surface
519[07:10:06] <SomethingGeneric> leonardus, here's the repo
url as per their github
520[07:10:16] <SomethingGeneric> But yeah actually SponiX's
suggestion sounds better
521[07:10:34] <leonardus> I'll try that, thanks
522[07:11:23] <SomethingGeneric> leonardus, worst case, find the
.deb files and copy them over some other way, but as DontBreakDebian
would say, use package manager instead :))
523[07:11:45] <urk> Does anyone know why I am getting an error
message after trying to unmount a usb?
524[07:12:07] <urk> I just realized I am off topic, and should
have posted this in hardware.
546[07:21:50] <urk> Problem persists no matter what I do.
Tomorrow I might check the net to see if there are other complaints
about it.
547[07:21:53] <SomethingGeneric> Hmm. I wonder if it's
conflicting with udisk/udev? (Honestly, I don't know enough
about those subsystems to help you troubleshoot, sorry :( )
548[07:22:04] <leonardus> Alright so, as my luck would have it,
I don't think I have a C-to-C cable to tether with
549[07:22:40] <SomethingGeneric> leonardus, might want to look
into making a custom repo by downloading the packages you need from
the surfacelinux repo
550[07:22:44] <leonardus> I have a C-to-A but that would mean
unplugging my keyboard
551[07:23:22] <leonardus> SomethingGeneric: Alright, I guess I
have no other option. How do I do that?
552[07:23:48] <urk> I think I have a bad USB. I had to run fuser
2-3 times to clear out the running processes.
553[07:23:59] <SomethingGeneric> urk, it's also weird that
even becoming root kicks you back?? Try "sudo fuser -k
/dev/sdd1" ?
554[07:24:06] <SomethingGeneric> Ope, you're faster than
559[07:25:35] <SomethingGeneric> urk, that's really weird.
I'm not sure what else to tell you to try. Sorry. Do you/did
you sanity check w/ a different USB stick?
560[07:25:49] <SomethingGeneric> Good luck to you and leonardus,
I've gotta take off for tn
561[07:25:53] <SomethingGeneric> Have a good <local time
636[08:38:04] <jolt> SymbioticFemale: systemd is a bit confusing
sometimes. Normally it starts a process, but that process starts
another process, and then the first process is exited (SUCCESS)
637[08:38:49] *** Quits: EmleyMoor (42b789682f@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
638[08:39:28] <jolt> SymbioticFemale: but I see that my ssh
service is "running" state, maybe you want to investigate
the ssh service output for clues; journalct -u ssh
658[09:04:28] <dff> hi all, im trying to debug an issue in a
huge log file. id like to cat log.txt | grep "weird error"
| tell me which line the errors occur on
659[09:04:42] <dff> anyone that can help me out with the last
660[09:05:16] <fireba11> frostschutz: no clue. where is that
fiel supposed to be?
878[10:34:32] *** Quits: lupulo (~lupulo@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
879[10:35:18] <fireba11> frostschutz: since that setup is very
old, the first partition starts at sector 63 leaving little room for
grub. default is 2048 now. will probably have to shrink the first
partition a little
975[12:21:55] <Lope> I've only ever * Installed r8168-dkms
(on a computer that needs it) or * Not installed r8168-dkms.
I've found that some Realcrap adapters will _only_ work with
r8168, and others will _ONLY_ work with r8169 adapters...
976[12:22:23] <Lope> Is it possible that I can have r8168-dkms,
but only load the module if r8169 isn't working?
977[12:22:38] <Lope> so maybe put it in the modules blacklist
file, then modprobe it if I need it?
978[12:22:54] <Lope> after first unloading r8169 of course.
979[12:23:25] <Lope> it's just that I'd like to be
able to make a portable debian installation that I can use on either
type of Realcrap network adapters.
980[12:23:29] <ratrace> I think the amount of Joules you're
pouring into this problem has vastly surpased the cost of just
getting a different NIC :)
981[12:23:46] <Lope> ratrace, haha, bro, sometimes onboard is
the way to go :)
982[12:23:57] <ratrace> but that's a rented server, innit?
988[12:24:45] <Lope> all my servers/PC's are working
989[12:25:01] <Lope> but I don't like that I have to either
install r8168-dkms, or not install it.
990[12:25:10] <ratrace> then you really have two options: a)
have both installed, the kernel will chose the right one b) if the
kernel chooses the wrong one, you'll have manually blacklist in
such cases
991[12:25:15] <Lope> I'd like to have it installed, but
only load it when i detect a shitty revision of realcrap.
1012[12:29:08] <Lope> ain't no replacement for intel
1013[12:29:15] <Lope> It's one thing they've done
1014[12:29:15] <ratrace> I guess I got lucky with mine. it's
r8169 and I wasn't think about it at all when I was purchasing
the motherboard
1015[12:29:30] <Lope> which rev is it?
1016[12:29:41] <Lope> I've got a database of revisions and
it's problems.
1017[12:29:44] <ratrace> the worst thing would've been
buying an additional pcie nic thingy for a dozen bucks I think
they're that cheap
1018[12:30:29] <Lope> ratrace, I've got literally 10
realcrap rev 6 nics, which "work" "fine" with
1019[12:30:38] <mrjpaxton[m]> I'm using both the backported
kernel and `firmware-realtek`, and it seems to be working just fine
with my RTL8822BE. Just make sure that you backport both if
you're going to use it, otherwise you may get "firmware
missing" errors.
1020[12:30:41] <Lope> Problem is you don't always have a
free PCI-E slot etc.
1021[12:30:44] <ratrace> rev 11
1022[12:30:51] *** Quits: D4rk4ngel2020 (~darkangel@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1023[12:30:55] <Lope> ratrace, jesus, rev11 is satan for me.
1031[12:31:49] <Lope> mrjpaxton[m], it might be hardware REVISION
1032[12:31:55] <Lope> but different firmware or some shit.
1033[12:31:55] <ratrace> so.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I have no
friggin clue whether it's 8169 or 8168 or both or what
1034[12:32:31] <ratrace> It JustWorks(tm), even without the
firmware, I'm just loading it because OCD.
1035[12:32:32] <Lope> mrjpaxton[m], are you on buster?
1036[12:33:09] <mrjpaxton[m]> Some of Realtek's Ethernet
seems to work out of the box with the free drivers/firmware.
It's always the Wi-Fi I've had problems with in the past
on Debian.
1037[12:33:16] <mrjpaxton[m]> Lope: Yep, on Buster.
1038[12:33:19] <ratrace> I've been very luck with hardware
support on linux since... forever. I never purchased specifically
researching driver support, and got bitten only once, many years ago
when I had ATI that of course didn't work, and I replaced it
with nvidia which.... JustWorked(tm)..... in 2006....
1039[12:33:34] <ratrace> *lucky
1040[12:33:41] <Lope> ratrace, I've got one old mobo
that's only got 2 PCI-E slots. at one point I was using USB
ethernet adapter on it lolz. (until I mastered the realcrap
1041[12:33:42] <mrjpaxton[m]> But I have `buster-backports`
enabled to use the newer drivers.
1042[12:33:51] <mrjpaxton[m]> They seem to work a lot better.
1043[12:34:12] <ratrace> even the random 10€ usb wifi I just
grabbed off the shelf with zero though..... JustWorks(tm) being a
Ralink thingy
1045[12:34:34] *** Quits: dreamon (~dreamon@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1046[12:34:44] <mrjpaxton[m]> Ralink is very much hit or miss.
1047[12:34:54] <Lope> ratrace, there's one ralink chipset
that's very buggy, requires you to turn off the hardware crypto
otherwise it runs at a proper snails pace.
1054[12:36:29] <ratrace> the first laptop I bought for linux was
a random choice.... HP something. atheros wifi, Justworked(tm).
nvidia gpu, JustWorked(tm). even the pcmcia sd card thingy,
JustWork....no, wait, I had to fiddle with some userland daemons for
that one.
1055[12:36:35] <deadrom> hi. M.2-to-USB-C adapter, popped in,
"device not responding to setup address", deb10, stock
kernel. not shown in lsusb. crappy device? needs newer kernel?
tested other dist with 5.4, same result.
1056[12:36:37] <ratrace> that was 2006
1057[12:37:09] <ratrace> deadrom: where did you get 5.4 in debian
1058[12:37:24] <ratrace> ah "other dist" ..... so,
tried backports? 5.10 is in buster backprots
1059[12:38:06] <mrjpaxton[m]> Hmm... The Nvidia GPU just worked
on Linux in 2006? I find it hard to believe it worked with every
acceleration feature though.
1060[12:38:11] <Lope> ratrace, my realtek rev 11 is on a Z87
motherboard i5 4th gen.
1061[12:38:28] <Lope> that will not work at all without r8168.
1062[12:38:31] <ratrace> assus H81M-R here
1063[12:38:40] <mrjpaxton[m]> I mean nowadays Nouveau would work
on it just fine, but that didn't exist back then... I think?
1064[12:38:59] <ratrace> no, nouveau came later
1065[12:39:13] <Lope> is Nouveau okay for a laptop for just
1066[12:39:24] <ratrace> mrjpaxton[m]: I don't know about
"every accel feature" but .... I played EnemyTerritory
just fine... and later Doom.
1067[12:39:45] <mrjpaxton[m]> I still have a GTX 780 Ti, just to
test out Nouveau any time I want to. But in the meantime, I've
switched to Radeon. It's good enough for me. Lol.
1068[12:39:46] <ratrace> downloaded doom linux client from iD
software FTP site, and copied media from the game DVD.
1069[12:40:21] <ratrace> Lope: should be
1070[12:40:30] <Lope> ratrace, in fairness to realcrap, it's
only about 5% as bad as AMD pro proprietary linux driver situation.
1071[12:40:41] <ratrace> afaik major problem with nouveau is lack
of some very proprietary firmware that's something something
"reclocking" something which is needed in games
1072[12:40:43] <Lope> That is some special kind of evil.
1073[12:40:54] <mrjpaxton[m]> That sounds cool. I wish I grew up
with that game. But I grew up with a lot of Maxis and Nintendo
1074[12:41:37] <ratrace> THAT SAID .... Debian Stretch default
installation wouldn't boot on the workstation with gtx960 I
built in 2015, due to nouveau going belly up on boot. had to boot
into text mode and install nvidia-driver
1079[12:42:12] <mrjpaxton[m]> ratrace: The simple thing is, since
it's reprogrammed from the ground up to be compatible with
Nvidia GPUs, it lacks a lot of the code that fully accelerates them.
So the GPUs have "slow accelleration".
1080[12:42:16] *** Quits: mezzo (~mezzo@replaced-ip) (Quit: leaving)
1081[12:42:23] <mrjpaxton[m]> In other words, the driver sucks.
But at least it's FOSS.
1082[12:42:25] <ratrace> mrjpaxton[m]: btw I was very much adult
in 2006. I "grew up" with early Zork, collossal cave....
things like that :)
1083[12:42:27] <Lope> ratrace, as I understand it, Nouveau only
got really good recently.
1084[12:42:56] <mrjpaxton[m]> Oh really? I could check it out
1085[12:43:06] <ratrace> Lope: wouldn't now, I used nouveau
only to get to the terminal and install nvidia-driver :)
1086[12:43:10] <mrjpaxton[m]> I was thinking of installing a
second GPU and passing it through to some kind of VM, maybe.
1089[12:43:38] <ratrace> mrjpaxton[m]: I'm doing that....
needs CPU with good VT-* support
1090[12:43:44] <mrjpaxton[m]> I guess Linux could use the 780 Ti.
it's not like I use Linux that much for my gaming. That's
still Winblows.
1091[12:44:04] <ratrace> most importantly... which isn't
mentioned in various guides.... you need a newer CPU with POsted
Interrupts or else the performance is gonna tank
1092[12:44:28] <Lope> Yeah, not just CPU, also need a good Mobo.
1093[12:44:38] <ratrace> heh "newer" .... that'd
be Broadwell and newer. oh yeah, mobo with good IOMMU separation
1094[12:44:46] <Lope> I bought a Ryzen x470 mobo, hopefully
it'll be good for IOMMU.
1095[12:44:47] <ratrace> if it does NUMA zones, you've hit a
1096[12:44:55] <mrjpaxton[m]> I used to have a link for
Nouveau's compatibility list, but I lost it. It's very
good though and showing you what works, and what doesn't.
1097[12:45:04] <Lope> I haven't gotten around to setting it
1098[12:45:12] <mrjpaxton[m]> Or I guess "feature set".
1099[12:45:23] <ratrace> Lope: x470 or x740?
1100[12:45:38] <ratrace> dunno if you typo'd. Cuz I got x740
for the new workstation. still haven't assembled it all
1101[12:45:55] <mrjpaxton[m]> Oh weird. Their Website is down for
me -
1102[12:46:12] <Lope> Ryzen X470 MSI Gaming MAX
1103[12:46:29] <ratrace> I found and ordered RTX3060ti but the
store screwed me over and called in a week later to tell me
they're out of them. now you can't get rtx 30* anywhere
and they're insanely priced. NOPE.
1105[12:47:04] <mrjpaxton[m]> Hmm... Yeeeah. Why are people like
that, though? Lol.
1106[12:47:08] <Lope> ratrace, can you pass thru a single USB
port to a VM?
1107[12:47:12] <Lope> for gaming
1108[12:47:36] <ratrace> Lope: you must pass all the devices in
the IOMMU group. So if that one port is alone in its group, sure.
1109[12:47:40] <Lope> I know people like to pass the whole USB
controller thru, but what if you only have a port.
1110[12:47:44] <mrjpaxton[m]> People really have nothing better
to do during a pandemic then use their time to scam people.
1111[12:48:09] <Lope> ratrace, yes, I'm aware of the IOMMU
1112[12:48:20] <ratrace> I've learned to hate nvidia so
much.... so I'll be getting AMD 6700tx
1113[12:48:21] <Lope> but what about using some KVM/Qemu hax to
pass thru just the port
1114[12:48:28] <Lope> using software or whatever?
1115[12:48:30] <ratrace> Lope: I've heard about it, but
never did it
1116[12:48:34] <Lope> I mean that's been around since
1117[12:48:41] <Lope> Long before IOMMU
1118[12:48:54] <mrjpaxton[m]> IOMMU crashed my computer once. I
still prefer VirtIO whenever I can use it. But I guess GPU
passthrough needs it.
1119[12:49:01] <ratrace> Lope: one thing I learned for gaming VM
is that you should virtualize as little as possible. passhtrough
natively as much as possible
1120[12:49:03] <Lope> Okay, I can't imagine performance
would be terrible. Mouse and KB is hardly high perf shit.
1121[12:49:14] <ratrace> Lope: lag
1122[12:49:24] <Lope> ratrace, ah, I suppose.
1123[12:49:25] <ratrace> if it lags 1 ms it can screw your FPS
1124[12:49:41] <deadrom> ratrace: is there a deb-live-testing
with latest kernel?
1125[12:49:42] <Lope> ratrace, can you achieve zero lag with
1126[12:49:51] <ratrace> deadrom: I don't know, sorry
1127[12:50:00] <ratrace> Lope: yes with posted interrupts
1128[12:50:22] <ratrace> feature of CPU to virtualize interrupts
in such a way that the host kernel is not handling them,
they're signalled directly into the VM
1129[12:50:22] <Lope> ratrace, you know those PLX PCI-E port
1130[12:50:33] <Lope> they probably don't make extra IOMMU
groups eh?
1131[12:50:44] <ratrace> no idea, but they're essentially
bifurcating a lane, no?
1132[12:50:56] <ratrace> so I'd guess that's still the
same IOMMU but.... I don't know that for a fact
1133[12:50:57] <Lope> they're like a USB hub but for
1134[12:51:21] <Lope> but then you could pass thru the whole
1135[12:51:22] <ratrace> Lope: well they can't make up new
lanes out of thin air, so they're bifurcating existing ones
1136[12:51:30] <Lope> but still not an IOMMU thing.
1137[12:51:45] <Lope> ratrace, bifurcating is completely
different to PLX
1138[12:51:54] <ratrace> the "passthrough" is really
just one thing: assigning a pciid to the vfio-pci driver before the
regular driver gets to it. that's literally all there is
1139[12:52:07] <Lope> bifurcating is where you have say a 16 lane
slot, and you split that into 4x 4 lane slots.
1140[12:52:24] <ratrace> (and giving those pciids to the qemu-kvm
of course). but it'll fail unless you reassign _all_ devices in
the group to vfio-pci
1141[12:52:27] <Lope> the PLX thing can take a 1 lane slot and
turn that into 4x 1 lane slots.
1142[12:52:39] <Lope> So it's really like a hub.
1143[12:52:43] <ratrace> yeah no
1144[12:52:46] <Lope> Whereas bifurcation is more passive.
1145[12:52:53] <ratrace> it can't make up pci lanes out of
thin air
1147[12:53:01] <deadrom> you guys are aiming at virtual machine
1148[12:53:09] <ratrace> yea
1149[12:53:11] <Lope> it doesn't make up lanes, it acts as a
PCI-E switch.
1150[12:53:19] <Lope> think of a network switch.
1151[12:53:34] <ratrace> Lope: yes but the motherboard and CPU
have a fixed number of them. you can't add new ones to the
fixed number of physical wires going into the cpu
1152[12:54:00] <ratrace> so if it's not bifurcating
it's doing something even worse .... emulating
1153[12:54:18] <ratrace> round robin serialization onto the same
pci lane or some shit like that
1156[12:54:51] <Lope> ratrace, those are not USB ports.
they're PCI-E riser ports.
1157[12:55:16] <ratrace> Lope: a network swith can't give
you 10x1GBps if it has one 1GBps uplink. I mean, it CAN but
it's a lie, those 10 ports will balance and round robin packets
to saturate 1GBps uplink
1158[12:55:18] <Lope> ratrace, yes exactly
1159[12:55:45] <Lope> but you don't need a full 1 PCI-E lane
bandwidth for mouse and keyboard.
1160[12:55:51] <ratrace> that's true
1161[12:55:56] <Lope> So bandwidth saturation is a non issue.
1162[12:56:24] <ratrace> you can bif.... emulate.... mice, kbd,
network card even.... you can stuff 16x devices onto a single 1x16
1163[12:57:05] <ratrace> 16x1 onto 1x16
1164[12:57:19] <Lope> sure could.
1165[12:57:36] <Lope> BTW you see there's a heatsink on a
chip on that card.
1166[12:57:44] <Lope> It's very much like a network switch.
1167[12:58:14] <ratrace> "for bitcoin miner" ..... now
THAT'S marketing.
1170[12:58:59] <ratrace> gold plated UTP cat6 for EXCELLENT
(digital) audio performance. $300 per 2 meters of it
1171[12:59:00] <Lope> so funny the people who write marketing for
1172[12:59:18] <Lope> especially tech products, who don't
know jack.
1173[12:59:55] <Lope> So I don't know if I'm
remembering accurately, but I think I've seen a 2x slot
bifurcation card that has no substantial chip or heatsink on it.
1207[13:14:10] <queip> as "hf" what does this mean?
that the copy changed sometimes a pair of hardlinked files into 2
distinct files in the new disk2 ?
1208[13:14:35] *** Iamahuman is now known as Iamahuman4
1209[13:14:43] <queip> can this and only this be repaired with
rsync? just do rsync -avH /disk1 /disk2 now again? (files on either
side did not changed in the meantime)
1228[13:22:20] <aminvakil> zprd: i didn't have grub2 package
installed, not affected then
1229[13:22:58] *** Quits: nobyk (~nobyk@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1230[13:23:04] <zprd> ah
1231[13:23:09] <zprd> gosh
1232[13:23:11] <ratrace> queip: I don't think you can turn a
copy into a hardlink post-hoc. should really use all the possibly
relevant flags when copying. -aSHAXx
1248[13:31:06] <omarek> LVM is oficially bleh. I'm reading
the recommended resources at tldp.org, and it says 1) most boot
loaders don't understand LVM, 2) root on LVM is for advanced
users only.
1251[13:31:35] <omarek> Looks like asking for trouble unless your
goal is to learn about LVM.
1252[13:32:02] <omarek> I only started reading and it's
already 2 special cases.
1253[13:32:03] <themill> next step is to ask is "most
bootloaders" a useful measure of anything. The relevant thing
is whether the bootloaders you will actually use support it.
1254[13:32:53] <themill> also, d-i will happily set up /boot
outside the lvm for you with about 1 click.
1259[13:36:29] <ratrace> I concur that LVM is bleh, but not for
those reasons. It's because filesystem suites like ZFS or BTRFS
are much better for most use casese where LVM is needed.
1260[13:37:12] <omarek> themill: I'm a newbie when it comes
to LVM but I'm vaguely experienced with standard partition
setup and know how to back it up.
1261[13:38:05] <omarek> I'm also a programmer, so when I see
special cases I get uncomfortable. Suppose I want to backup data on
my hard drive. If all I have is partitions, it's relatively
straightforward. Go over the list of partitions and back up each of
them, or make an image with dd.
1262[13:38:22] <omarek> I suppose I can still make a dd image if
I use LVM...
1263[13:38:59] <themill> as a programmer, you also know that
adding an additional layer of indirection solves all problems.
That's what lvm is.
1264[13:39:01] <ratrace> but how do you make a delta of that...
or do dd all the data over and over again for each backup run?
1265[13:39:13] <omarek> ratrace: Would you bother with a
different filesystem on a M.2 / nvme drive?
1266[13:39:47] <ratrace> I wouldn't bother with anything
other than btrfs or zfs regardless of ssd interface, but that's
becuse I value my data
1267[13:39:47] <themill> Don't know about you, but encrypted
/ is basically mandatory.
1268[13:40:00] <ratrace> agreed
1269[13:40:28] <omarek> There are some filesystems optimized for
1270[13:40:47] <ratrace> I prefer "data integrity" and
"durability" over "optimized for SSD"
1271[13:41:16] <ratrace> for all the volatile data that may
perish whenever, and I'll just recreate it, raid0 mdadm atop of
sata or nvme SSDs works for me
1272[13:41:26] <omarek> themill: Why encrypted / ? This is a home
1273[13:41:45] <ratrace> what do you do with your home
system's disk when it dies?
1274[13:42:19] <omarek> ratrace: I boot from an USB, try to mount
and salvage data.
1275[13:42:21] <themill> omarek: now you're projecting your
use case onto everyone else and telling them that they don't
need things.
1276[13:42:31] <omarek> Unless I have a backup.
1277[13:42:42] <ratrace> omarek: I mean what do you do with the
physical disk that has died
1278[13:42:48] <themill> work data anywhere near machine ==
encrypted hard disk.
1279[13:43:06] <ratrace> do you throw it in the garbage? do you
melt it?
1280[13:43:26] <omarek> themill: I will likely have to work from
home now.
1281[13:44:46] <omarek> ratrace: Obviously I don't see what
you're asking for.
1282[13:45:31] <ratrace> omarek: just trying to understand how
you deal with data cleanup from the storage device before you
recycle it or throw it away. I'm guessing you're not
throwing away your data for anyone to pick it up and salvage it,
after the disk leaves your home
1284[13:46:18] <omarek> I've been guilty of failing to set
up a proper backup. My plan is to do a proper install now and then
set up an rsync process to periodically back it up.
1285[13:46:47] <omarek> I now have 2 large SATA drives, one USB
drive, and one M.2 SSD.
1286[13:47:34] <omarek> I'm reading up on btrfs now.
1287[13:48:35] <revolutionary> i am connecting to openvpn server
A and i want to connect to openvpn server B from server A but i am
getting these errors
1289[13:48:42] <ratrace> what I was aiming at was that even
"home systems" benefit from encryption. soner or later
you're going to retire the storage media. in some cases you
won't be able to dd wipe out the data. and for those cases (let
alone theft or active snooping or ...), having the data encrypted in
the first place is very beneficial
1291[13:50:07] <omarek> ratrace: Oh I see your point now. I heard
it's basically impossible, or at least very time-consuming to
truly erase data. You need to write over it with some random
patterns or stuff and even then it's not foolproof.
1294[13:51:46] <omarek> How should I set up my Linux system if I
expect to work from home? An employer may want me to run some icky
software with potential spyware or whatever.
1295[13:51:54] <ratrace> omarek: there are levels of success
proper forensic equipment can achieve when restoring erased data,
1296[13:52:41] <ratrace> omarek: in my experience, single
overwrite with random data (crucial: random and not zeroes) should
suffice for vast majority of cases, but military grade stuff
recommends multiple passes "just in case". proper
encryption mitigates all that.
1320[14:19:41] <parabyte> okay guys and girls, i been using wodim
to write raw data to cdr's without a filesystem how can i do
the same with dvd?
1321[14:19:58] <Wulf> parabyte: with wodim too?
1322[14:20:21] <parabyte> i been writing raw data to dvd without
a filesystem when i dd off the device i get a full 4.6 or so gigs of
data not my expected 3.1 gigs of data
1323[14:20:27] <parabyte> yes Wulf
1324[14:20:35] <parabyte> i used wodim for the cdr writing
1325[14:20:41] <parabyte> let me get the command switches i used
1326[14:21:12] <Wulf> parabyte: do you still get your data, only
with some zeros or similar appended?
1338[14:24:47] *** Quits: Newami (~Newami@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1339[14:25:02] <parabyte> Wulf, iv used cdrecord and cdrtools
over the years i kinda know the switches without referring to the
1340[14:25:29] <parabyte> but dvd media i have no clue what so
ever! its creating a track 1 and adding some padding, im reading the
wodim output i enabled -vv to get some verbosity
1400[15:10:26] <magicpl> Hi debian community, I search for ext4
filesystem features documentation such as
"needs_recovery". I have possible issue with an ext4
filesystem and I would like to understand all filesystem features
from tune2fs. I already searched in tune2fs man.. I would appreciate
if someone could give me information. I didn't find it yet on
google.. Thank you and have a good day
1419[15:41:07] <magicpl> thank you Namarrgon, I think that the
only place I will have details about it is into the kernel source. I
now search into bootlin website for EXT4_FEATURE_INCOMPAT
1433[15:58:39] <ratrace> that's a bit misleading what it
says there. but yes, CoW filesystems do fragment more than non-CoW
filesystems. there's autodefrag, but mostly you won't need
1436[16:00:52] <omarek> ratrace: How do you deal with slow dpkg
on btrfs?
1437[16:02:10] <ratrace> I don't
1438[16:02:53] <omarek> ratrace: If I understand correctly, dpkg
is either slow or unsafe on btrfs?
1439[16:02:53] <ratrace> I don't see that it's slow.
It's fast enough. If it's slower than ext4, so be it. I
prefer the features of btrfs that aren't available in ext4
1453[16:06:40] <ratrace> omarek: maybe there is but in short, why
I prefer btrfs: data checksumming, auto healing corruption with
redundancy, volume management / pooled filesystem, built in raid
levels, snapshotting, transparent compression.
1454[16:07:13] <omarek> ratrace: Which of these do you get for
free, and which need to be explicitly set up?
1455[16:07:22] <ratrace> I prefer ZFS for the same reason, and I
use btrfs and zfs in different roles for increased data durability
1457[16:08:05] <omarek> I have a lot of reading to do.
1458[16:08:29] <ratrace> omarek: data checksumming is always on
unless you explicitly disable per file, dir or mount; autohealing is
consequence of data checksummiing if you have redundancy (like
raid1). volume management is built in. raid levels are built in if
you give it more than one device. snapshts are built in. compression
needs to be activated per mount, dir or file
1459[16:09:11] <ratrace> there's also deduplication but I
never use taht
1460[16:09:42] <omarek> I think it doesn't have innate
encryption support so I guess you need to use a third party utility
or something...
1468[16:17:03] *** Joins: len (~lenisko@replaced-ip)
1469[16:18:07] <jelly> ,i eatmydata
1470[16:18:09] <judd> Package eatmydata (utils, optional) in
buster/amd64: Library and utilities designed to disable fsync and
friends. Version: 105-7; Size: 15.4k; Installed: 30k; Homepage:
1498[16:38:37] <pafymyc> hi! would someone know how to zgrep on
all these files: a.log, a.log.1, a.log.2.gz, a.log.3.gz, ...,
a.log.15.gz *but on reverse order*?
1499[16:39:02] <miausX> s/sais/says/
1500[16:40:13] <shtrb> abrotman, I don't need a library :)
I'm searching for an already built game :)
1513[16:50:58] <heydrickx> I've installer pihole on my
debian router. It didn't work very well so I removed it and
installed it on a raspberry pi where it's working fine.
1514[16:51:04] <heydrickx> However it has apparenly created a
mess in my router's dhcp
1515[16:51:09] <heydrickx> I've got a WAN interface for
which the IP is not the public IP provided by my internet provider
anymore (it was the case before I installed pihole)
1516[16:51:13] <heydrickx> And I've got a bridge between LAN
and Wifi. Bridge is still fine but LAN and Wifi now receives IP
(they didn't before). I don't know where those IP come
frome since they're in a range I never use
1518[16:51:19] <heydrickx> My routeur and internet connections
are now erratic. I've read the config files (interface,
dhcpcd.conf, dhcpd.conf, ...) but can't find what pihole has
1519[16:51:25] <heydrickx> Anyone would have an idea which could
help me ?
1525[16:57:45] <SirFooBar> While I don't actively use Arch,
I have a bootloader I installed my distro from the terminal in
legacy mode, and the whole install is located in a solitary
partition. My system is UEFI capable, but for whatever reason, efi
installs always failed. I was stupid enough to install gnome
software, even though I use i3. It automatically installed a new
1526[16:57:46] <SirFooBar> kernel version, and of course when it
came to updating grub, it failed but never threw a single message. I
have booted into live images, mounted the root filesystem and tried
reinstalling grub to no avail. The simplest option is for me to back
up the data and do a clean wipe, but I have various installs of
programs with modded headers and and
1527[16:57:46] <SirFooBar> installed with modified makefiles, so
a disk wipe would be a pain in the ass. I can try to explain more in
depth, and I can also explain what types of errors it threw when
reinstalling grub.
1528[16:58:09] <SirFooBar> Current install is debian
1540[17:07:04] <codehotter> I have two interfaces, one configured
via dhcp, one static. I want the static one to be the default route.
I've set the gateway, and if I disable the dhcp interface, it
does work fine, but if I have them both enable the dhcp one gets the
default route
1541[17:07:15] <codehotter> how do I configure this in
/etc/network/interfaces so that I can have the statically configured
one be the default route?
1542[17:07:59] <miausX> heydrickx: I'm interested in your
question because I plan to create a similar setup
1543[17:09:39] <heydrickx> miausX, ok. It just wen well until
yesterday and my only advice is : do NOT install pihole on your
router!!! ^^'
1546[17:11:32] <miausX> heydrickx: are you sure the bridge was
created by Pi-hole?
1547[17:12:41] <heydrickx> miausX, no I created the bridge before
I installed pihole. All was working fine before pihole. No it just
looks like I have two dhcp servers interfering with each others
1554[17:16:23] <miausX> heydrickx: Pi-hole has a builtin DHCP
server. Maybe you have both your router DHCP server and the Pi-hole
DHCP server enabled?
1555[17:16:59] <miausX> heydrickx: just an idea... As I said,
never used the product
1556[17:17:26] <heydrickx> miausX, I've checked the running
services. There was nothing strange on the router but there was
indeed a dhpcd service running on the pi (on which I now installed
pihole). But shutting down the pi and rebooting the router
didn't change anything
1562[17:19:59] <nmschulte> I noticed that firmware required by
nouveau for VA-API / PureVideo hardware codec acceleration is not
available in Debian. I don't know if this ever was, but without
it or any instruction as to how to acquire the firmware blobs, e.g.
h.264 decode acceleration is not available with nouveau and
"older" cards (GeForce 8400 GS [rev 2; NV98]).
1563[17:20:19] <nmschulte> Is it possible to improve this
1585[17:42:15] <heydrickx> miausX, that doesn't look good at
all. But I've checked everything a hundred times and sent some
pastebins to ##networking and still don't understand what
1586[17:42:17] <miausX> heydrickx: the Pi-hole installed on the
Pi has nothing to do with it
1629[18:06:52] <neilthereildeil> when i setup my fstab file, the
UUID has to be the UUID of the root LV, not the VG containing the
rootLV, of the GPT UUID of the partitioning containing the VG,
1641[18:13:53] *** ircuser is now known as SirFooBar
1642[18:14:57] <SirFooBar> Hello, does anybody have the time to
help me recover a debian install that failed to boot after a kernel
1643[18:15:10] <SirFooBar> Because reinstalling is not an option
1644[18:15:38] <miausX> SirFooBar: ouch, sorry about that :(
1645[18:17:14] <miausX> SirFooBar: excuse the silly question...
don't you have a second entry on grub to boot from?
1646[18:17:57] <SirFooBar> It is installed in legacy mode because
my laptop's efi always tries to boot using fallback
directories. This is because I have Windows installed for use at
1647[18:18:35] <SirFooBar> After doing research, this is a
recurring issue for my laptop model
1648[18:18:56] *** Quits: chele (~chele@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1649[18:18:56] <SirFooBar> But debian was working fine up until
1650[18:19:58] <SirFooBar> miausX I had only the debian entry,
because it was installed in legacy mode, whereas Windows was
installed in EFI mode
1651[18:20:39] <nmschulte> I have the device working; I used
extract_firmware.py and latest 340.180 version (check script usage
for how to amend versions). one such file is: nouveau/nv98_fuc084
1653[18:20:50] <miausX> SirFooBar: oh, I'm really sorry... I
never tried that setup. I no longer dual boot on any computer nor
use Windows (just in VMs when required)
1659[18:23:15] <SirFooBar> miausX After booting failed, I booted
into a live USB, and mounted the filesystem, and tried to reinstall
grub. Now I don't even get a grub menu.
1661[18:23:46] <nmschulte> I'm just surprised that, after
the firmware is available, nouveau (video; PureVideo; VA-API)
hwaccel performs excellent. There is no way to set this up, or ready
instructions on debian.org, but there are conveniences for setting
up proprietary nvidia driver.
1662[18:24:17] <nmschulte> Seems strange that setting up
proprietary driver is more assisted/enabled than the nouveau/mesa
1684[18:38:02] <SirFooBar> *sigh* so I guess my debian install
will remain a dead partition until I can back it up and add the
backed up configs to an install on my desktop computer with a much
smarter firmware
1685[18:39:44] <miausX> SirFooBar: what computer do you have?
Can't you install grub and boot both Debian and Windows from
1699[18:44:51] <SirFooBar> The issue is that I need windows for
work, due to stupid proprietary software that won't run in
wine. And my system is what many refer to as a potato, so a VM would
be quite slow.
1703[18:47:33] <miausX> SirFooBar: my corporate laptop
doesn't pick up grub when installed on EFI, but you can set
that up on the firmware, pointing it to the correct path
1704[18:48:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1069
1705[18:48:18] <miausX> SirFooBar: when I said
"firmware" I refer to the "BIOS" laptop
1712[18:54:00] <SirFooBar> miausX Thank you for trying to help,
but I think I am just going to back up the data and install some
time later. It really is too bad though; I had i3, polybar, and a
compositor all set up and looking good.
1713[18:54:27] <SirFooBar> I even made a few posts on /r/unixporn
showing off my setup
1714[18:54:52] <miausX> SirFooBar: sorry about that :(
1716[18:56:33] <SirFooBar> This really is a problem with computer
manufacturers in general, especially when they are manufacturing
laptops. With desktops at least you can pick your motherboard
1718[18:57:28] <SirFooBar> this dictates the quality of firmware
you have
1719[18:57:38] <miausX> SirFooBar: yup. I try to get only
business line laptops, just in case. I prefer a used ThinkPad or
Latitude before the latest and greatest consumer laptops
1741[19:03:13] <SirFooBar> miausX that is a question I was unable
to answer; the disk is gpt, but debian is in bios mode, and has no
biosboot partition
1742[19:03:23] <SirFooBar> it is a wonder how it even installed
1743[19:04:04] <jelly> do we know windows boots in uefi mode?
1744[19:04:25] <SirFooBar> yes because I can verify
1745[19:04:26] <jelly> surely it booted from grub now, if grub
deals with the boot process.
1746[19:04:36] <SirFooBar> nope
1747[19:04:49] <jelly> how to do pick which one to boot, then?
1748[19:04:58] <jelly> how do* you* pick
1749[19:04:59] *** Quits: earthundead (~earthunde@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1750[19:05:22] <SirFooBar> I manually switch between uefi mode
and bios mode in the firmware menu
1751[19:05:33] <jelly> oh $DEITY
1752[19:05:39] <SirFooBar> they have no idea each other exist
1765[19:08:56] <SirFooBar> neilthereildeil you want to specify
the UUID by listing your disks, and then copying the UUID of your
boot partition, and then add it to fstab
1766[19:09:08] *** prg3_ is now known as prg3
1767[19:09:30] <miausX> SirFooBar: can't you install Windows
on legacy mode? Not now, but when you reinstall that thing
1768[19:09:43] <neilthereildeil> hmmm it seems on my GPT
partitioned machine with no separate /boot partition, there was no
/boot entry in fstab
1769[19:10:39] <miausX> SirFooBar: my laptop has three options:
legacy boot, UEFI and UEFI+SecureBoot. Maybe try both Debian and
Windows with legacy boot?
1770[19:10:52] <SirFooBar> miausX I could but installing windows
is a pain in the ass, and if I removed windows I would probably not
want to reinstall it anyway.
1801[19:17:09] <jelly> neilthereildeil, run "dpkg -l"
on its own. Then append " | grep ^.i" and run that to see
what it changed. Then append the second pipe.
1873[19:33:26] <jelly> assuming you're in some live cd
preparing things right now, step 1) put all files back in place step
2) mount / and /boot under it, make sure etc/fstab is correct step
3) chroot into your new LVM /, have /sys and /proc and /dev
bind-mounted step 4) run update-grub and grub-install /dev/sda step
5) rebuild initrd so that it contains lvm stuff
1874[19:33:46] <jelly> neilthereildeil, install lvm2 package if
it's not present for some reason
1876[19:34:37] * jelly may have done a conversion to lvm or twenty
1877[19:34:53] <miausX> O.o
1878[19:35:24] <jelly> LVM makes some things a lot easier
1879[19:35:40] <neilthereildeil> jelly: 20? nice
1880[19:36:20] <jelly> don't keep count, but we had lots of
naively done P2V
1881[19:36:48] <jelly> VMware tools doing Physical to Virtual
recreate the exact same disks and partitions. This is silly.
1882[19:37:47] <jelly> so the second or third time after we have
to reboot to extend some disks, I convert them to LVM and never have
to reboot for that again
1886[19:39:52] *** Quits: Ericounet (~Eric@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1887[19:39:58] <neilthereildeil> i dont have antying in fstab
about /boot...
1888[19:40:03] <jelly> neilthereildeil, there are some
debian-specific tricks for fstab and initrd that help, if you use
/dev/mapper/vg-lv syntax in fstab and grub pulls it from there for
the root=... boot parameter, initrd code will assume that's LVM
without checking
1889[19:40:25] <neilthereildeil> ok so then i think fstab is
1890[19:40:29] <jelly> neilthereildeil, you need to have every
filesystem in fstab if you want it mounted at boot
1891[19:40:38] <jelly> add the new /boot.
1892[19:40:41] <neilthereildeil> oh so i need /boot in fstab also
1893[19:40:45] <neilthereildeil> ok
1894[19:41:01] <jelly> it's okay to use UUID= for that one
1895[19:41:40] <neilthereildeil> ok thats a UUID entry since its
a whole GPT [artition
1896[19:42:02] <jelly> it's also okay to use it for root fs
but as I said /dev/mapper/vg-lv makes initrd shortcut some of the
detection. /dev/vg/lv does not make the same shortcut
1897[19:42:02] <miausX> jelly: it should use the UUID to avoid
device name changes that prevent the system from booting, isn't
1898[19:42:32] <neilthereildeil> i have /dev/vg/LV syntax
1899[19:42:33] <miausX> jelly: Nice one! I wasn't aware of
that syntax trick
1900[19:42:39] <jelly> miausX, sometimes /dev/sda1 becomes
/dev/sdb1 yes
1901[19:42:56] <neilthereildeil> ok im gonna update-grub now!
1902[19:42:58] <jelly> neilthereildeil, I'd change that to
/dev/mapper/vg-lv in fstab
1984[20:03:32] <jhutchins> For some reason, on buster all of my
cifs mounts are 755 even though the server's mask is 777, and
they mount 777 on a machine running stretch.
2074[20:24:16] <ratrace> now one trick to prevent that problem
with umounting sys and dev, run unshare --mount before you start
mounting. that will start a new subshell so keep in mind to do extra
exit after exiting chroot
2076[20:24:47] <neilthereildeil> im gonna hydrate while
2077[20:24:48] <ratrace> without that you can't umount
--rbound mounts. otherwise you just --bind but then have issues with
some things inside chroot missing shm and other things
2078[20:25:30] <jelly> so, dumb question
2079[20:25:32] <ratrace> and with unshare --mount you don't
have to umount anything, just exit the namespace
2080[20:26:03] <jelly> is there a way to pass a '\0' as
a parameter to a command in zsh or bash?
2101[20:37:24] <vincent-> Hello. I'm trying to run a fully
automated Debian installation via PXE. I manage to boot the machine
into the Debian installer by using the "vmlinuz",
"initrd.gz" and "boot.img.gz" files from this
2102[20:37:31] <vincent-> Now, in order to perform the automated
installation I'm trying to use a preseed.cfg file. For that,
I'm adding the following kernel options to the kernel command
line: "auto url=replaced-url
2103[20:37:41] <vincent-> The Debian installer boots and remains
in the screen for language selection, and nothing else happens. Am I
doing it wrong?
2120[20:50:44] <lpancescu> vincent-: when i use http for loading
preseeds, it also seems to want the md5 of the file, to be sure it
wasn't incompletely downloaded. that works for me, but i boot
from a stick, not pxe
2131[20:54:53] <greycat> Debian doesn't actually provide a
whole initrd. It provides the framework to build one on demand every
time you update kernel, firmware, microcode, etc.
2132[20:55:02] <vincent-> lpancescu, which option do you use for
the checksum? "preseed/url/checksum", or a short one?
According to the docs "preseed/url" can be shortened to
just "url". But I can't find the short version for
the checksum.
2133[20:55:06] <lpancescu> vincent-: you can just edit the
debian-provided one to add a preseed to it
2134[20:55:59] *** Quits: Night-Shade (~TimF@replaced-ip) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2135[20:56:24] <lpancescu> i used both the short and long ones,
they both works. it's typing md5 hashes that sucks :)
2136[20:57:07] <vincent-> lpancescu, can you tell me the short
version for the checksum? I can't find it.
2137[20:57:17] <lpancescu> which you don't have to do if you
put the preseed on the initrd. it will be discovered automatically
without you doing anything
2138[20:57:52] <vincent-> According to the docs the checksum is
optional, so I'm expecting this to not work again. I'm
going to try it right now.
2140[21:00:01] <vincent-> Yep, as I was expecting, doesn't
2141[21:00:16] <lpancescu> probably preseed-md5, see
2142[21:01:40] <lpancescu> maybe you're missing firmware for
the network card or something... try to use your own web server,
then you can see if any http request comes through
2143[21:02:00] <lpancescu> passing the two params works fine for
2154[21:07:55] <vincent-> Oh, wait a sec. I just opened a console
and looked at the output of "ip a". Only the loopback
device is there :-( That's the problem.
2155[21:08:23] <lpancescu> there's a shell available on VT2
and the syslog available on VT4, maybe you see something there
2156[21:09:00] <lpancescu> yup. if the bios/uefi recognize your
network card, it doesn't mean the kernel also will...
2157[21:09:26] *** Quits: D4rk2020 (~darkangel@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2158[21:09:40] <lpancescu> you can try the unofficial installer
images containing firmware, maybe that helps
2161[21:11:44] *** Quits: milkt (~debian@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2162[21:11:57] <jelly> ratrace, argv[][] takes NUL terminated
strings, #bash put the blame on C language, and unix and linux
kernel just inherited that. You can't pass parameters
containing '\0' to commands on this OS.
2176[21:16:50] <dpkg> Starting with Debian 9 (stretch), the
net-tools package which has the ifconfig, netstat, route commands is
not installed by default. You may install net-tools if you wish.
Remember: /sbin/ifconfig and /sbin/route are not in a normal user
$PATH. net-tools is deprecated; replacement commands include
«ip a» and «ss» and «ip r».
2177[21:16:50] <leonardus> what's the proper way to
configure it for networking?
2178[21:17:07] <leonardus> greycat: I can't install any
packages, I don't have wifi
2179[21:17:32] <greycat> I was simply triggering the explanation
for why you don't have ifconfig
2180[21:17:33] <jelly> lpancescu, there ought to be netboot files
around there somewhere
2191[21:22:49] <vincent-> lpancescu, that's what I'm
trying now. I think if it works, it would be good enough. It's
just concatenating the firmware to the initrd. Not that bad.
2205[21:28:57] <vincent-> lpancescu, apparently is not that easy.
I may have the firmware, but it looks like the kernel is lacking the
module for my ethernet card.
2206[21:29:11] *** Quits: xet7 (~xet7@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2213[21:32:19] <lpancescu> vincent-: you can also add modules to
the initrd
2214[21:33:03] <lpancescu> or you can give up and use a usb stick
like everybody else :)
2215[21:33:12] <vincent-> That's probably what I need to do.
It's a well known module, "igb", for Inter gigabit
cards, I'm surprised it's not included by default.
2216[21:33:32] <vincent-> lpancescu, no way, we have more than
200 machines. We want to automate this thing.
2217[21:34:02] <vincent-> *Intel
2218[21:35:29] <lpancescu> oh. i thought you have just one
raspberry pi or something like that :)
2219[21:36:15] *** Quits: odnes (~odnes@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2221[21:37:05] <lpancescu> did you try a debian live-cd with
firmware, does that work? if your hardware is new enough, it might
not be recognized by the 4.19 kernel in stable
2224[21:38:48] <lpancescu> or even an unofficial installer image
with firmware, i'd try that before trying to change an initrd -
if the network card is still not seen, you might need a newer kernel
2237[21:49:54] <sney> do you mean firefox 86 which is only in
2238[21:50:02] <NetTerminalGene> dunno
2239[21:50:23] <NetTerminalGene> i read it somewhere that firefox
can hw accel the videos
2240[21:50:27] <greycat> You don't know what your own
question is.
2241[21:50:28] <NetTerminalGene> on bullseye
2242[21:51:25] <sney> I'm on bullseye and I use firefox from
sid, but I don't know how to tell if videos in it are using
hardware acceleration
2243[21:51:47] <sney> I would guess probably unless it requires a
non-free component
2244[21:51:50] <NetTerminalGene> "As of Debian 11/Bullseye,
VA-API support is enabled by default in Chromium and Firefox.
However, in the case of Firefox, it currently only works on Wayland
desktops. GNOME Web has VA-API support through the
gstreamer1.0-vaapi package if installed. "
2266[22:14:18] <Okee> During bootup I noticed that in recovery
mode I have both kernel 4.19, and kernel 5.10. How do I purge my
system of this unexpected anticle?
2267[22:14:48] <greycat> remove the package you don't want,
but seriously, it's good to have a backup kernel just in case
2281[22:19:59] <sney> greycat: if you're going to engage
with this guy, be prepared for days and days of saying the same
thing repeatedly. anyway, it's buster with backports.
2282[22:20:28] <Okee> greycat> I am running stable.
2283[22:20:37] <sney> Okee: that is the wrong interpretation.
hexchat does not care about your nick. if the network made you
change, it was because someone (maybe you!) registered urk with a
2284[22:20:46] <sney> you are really good at wrong
interpretations, though.
2285[22:20:47] <greycat> well, you can use dpkg -l to see the
installed packages
2286[22:21:10] <greycat> there is an urk logged in
2295[22:23:31] <sney> Okee: look in your messages from the dpkg
bot, almost every question you have about debian like "how do I
remove a package" is answered in the first link, and
there's more detail in the second one.
2306[22:25:23] <greycat> another solution to okee's dilemma
is "do nothing", because having the second kernel sitting
there doesn't hurt, other than occupying a bit of disk space
2307[22:25:38] <greycat> Debian will try to keep your two most
recent kernels installed by default.
2308[22:25:47] <leonardus> sney: I do, version 20190114-2
2309[22:25:58] <sney> leonardus: try with the version from
buster-backports, then.
2310[22:26:05] <greycat> ... shit, they already left.
2311[22:26:26] <leonardus> sney: I have buster-backports in my
sources.list but I don't know how to force the package to
install from there
2312[22:26:36] <sney> greycat: don't worry, you'll have
another chance to repeat yourself with that one
2315[22:27:13] <dpkg> Some packages intended for Bullseye (Debian
11) but recompiled for use with Buster (Debian 10) can be found in
the buster-backports repository. See
2329[22:31:40] <sney> Urk: look in your messages from the dpkg
bot, almost every question you have about debian like "how do I
remove a package" is answered in the first link, and
there's more detail in the second one.
2330[22:31:54] <sney> (and if you come to #debian with questions
answered by the refcard, people here will have less and less
patience for you)
2333[22:34:14] <sney> oxek: yeah, if I were developing lvm's
logic for "is this volume encrypted?" I would at least
include a way to squelch those messages. but as is, hmm, you get
used to it
2334[22:35:23] <oxek> yes, we get used to it, but every new
person comes up to me asking about this "warning"
2335[22:37:37] <sney> #794971 says that you can hide the messages
by changing an initramfs-tools script.
2374[23:09:28] <sney> I think only illumos has the in-kernel cifs
server. is it possible that there's some other samba daemon
running via some other method? inetd?
2384[23:14:09] <zodd> What is the desired document-root,
ownership and chmod settings for serving Matomo using NGinx? Package
installs stuff in /etc/matomo and /usr/share/matomo. Security wise I
just wonder...
2385[23:14:35] <jhutchins> jmcnaught: Do you run cifs?
2412[23:28:49] *** Quits: jotaxpe (jotaxpe@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2413[23:30:34] <leonardus> I'm trying to follow the
instructions at `
2414[23:30:41] <leonardus> I made sure that wpa_supplicant is not
2415[23:30:53] <jhutchins> !user accessible ntfs
2416[23:30:54] <dpkg> To get an NTFS or VFAT file system
accessible by users and groups on the local machine, man mount; man
5 fstab; and read about the umask, fmask, dmask, uid, and gid
options. You'll end up sticking something like
into your fstab's mount option field.
2417[23:31:24] <genr8_> leonardus, thats complaining about your
2421[23:31:52] <leonardus> genr8_: I'm using the
surface-linux kernel, is it incompatible?
2422[23:31:55] <jhutchins> Hm, that might not be it.
2423[23:32:10] <genr8_> leonardus, it appears like it is.
2424[23:32:58] <genr8_> leonardus, you would have to recompile it
yourself, and add those 3 options (it would lose factory secureboot
signing). im not sure if thats viable or not.
2427[23:33:32] <jhutchins> SymbioticFemale: I see a suggestion of
UUID=8C52-C1CD /home/storage auto user,umask=000,utf8,
-->noauto<-- 0 0
2428[23:33:57] <jhutchins> SymbioticFemale: I'm afraid the
system where I had it set up may be dead and gone, let me keep
2429[23:34:10] <jhutchins> SymbioticFemale: There's always
google, plenty of responses there.
2430[23:34:22] <genr8_> leonardus, theres also an off chance,
that you can run the 'iwd' service with some
--disablesomefeature option to prevent it from wanting extra stuff.
but it might actually be crucial to the core of IWD, not sure
2431[23:34:35] *** JackFrost is now known as Unit193
2432[23:34:53] <leonardus> I'll probably just use
NetworkManager instead
2448[23:40:58] <genr8_> actually, im reading the source code, and
it does not look hopeful
2449[23:41:44] <genr8_> seems to be very built into the EAPOL
component (Extensible Authentication Protocol)
2450[23:42:04] <SomethingGeneric> leonardus, I had arch on my
surface using surface-linux, and NetworkManager worked fine once I
followed the instructions to grab the correct binary driver.
2476[23:54:20] <genr8_> It does seem very unusual that the
surface kernel does not have those options. i checked all my debian
kernels and debian makes sure to have those options
2478[23:54:58] <leonardus> genr8_: got this answer in
##linux-surface: As far as I can tell, the latest kernel has
`CONFIG_CRYPTO_ARC4` seems to be disabled as that seems to be
considered obsolete (it at least depends on
2479[23:55:02] <genr8_> may want to complain upstream, they seem
like normal stuff and can be built as a module
2480[23:55:13] <genr8_> ah hah
2481[23:55:19] <genr8_> that makes sense
2482[23:55:34] <genr8_> they actually secured you to the point of
breaking Intels own junk
2483[23:55:42] <genr8_> i'd complain to intel then lol.
2487[23:57:06] <genr8_> RC4 is definitely obsolete and I agree
with it being disabled. unfortunately the intel iwd daemon doesnt
seem to account for this likelyhood.