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2[00:00:13] <karlpinc> michael2: Understood. (Which is why I
give up. :) Perhaps I'll use 'stow' or something to
keep things sane.
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5[00:00:33] <michael2> karlpinc: you can get it in on line:
6[00:00:51] <fareast> ok
7[00:01:05] <karlpinc> michael2: I see there's a tar
file. I assume I compile and install it.
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9[00:01:54] <michael2> karlpinc: curl -L
10[00:02:08] <rob_debian> one question: why when I download
youtube files separately I have option to download all of them in
.mp4 format, but when I download them as a part of the playlist
where they are taking place ?
11[00:03:10] <michael2> karlpinc: that will give you youtube-dl
- then remove .deb package to prevent conflict - note: this is prob
not debian official recommended way
12[00:03:18] <Brigo> karlpinc, which one do you need?
13[00:03:21] <michael2> but it is distro portable
14[00:04:06] <michael2> Brigo: the answer to that question is
pretty much always "the very latest"
15[00:05:03] <karlpinc> michael2: I see. It's python. What
is it that you actually get? I thought python needed a virtual
environment to hold dependencies for any program of size.
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19[00:05:50] <michael2> karlpinc: nah, its a standalone
executable script. you only need that file.
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21[00:06:33] <karlpinc> michael2: For a single /usr/local/bin/
program I don't need "the debian way". Especially
because it will become useless and dated pretty much instantly so I
may as well delete after use. :)
22[00:06:37] <michael2> karlpinc: you will need to update
manually - but as you've learned - this is just something that
you'll just likely have to live with
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24[00:07:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1603
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27[00:07:41] <Brigo> i prefer my local programs away of /usr. I
use to save them in /opt.
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32[00:09:05] <michael2> somiaj: would it be worthwhile for
fareast to get the firmware from the HP website - would that be
newer than debians packaged firmware?
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35[00:09:32] <karlpinc> michael2: (that's the wrong url. I
get a web page. I'll get the url from the github readme.)
36[00:10:01] <fareast> ok i have non free installed
37[00:10:07] <fareast> I have that much done so far
38[00:10:07] <debron> guys, Is there some way to make a windows
bootable usb from debian? Is it possible to just copy the ISO with
cp /dev/sdX?
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41[00:11:17] <michael2> karlpinc: you're right, sorry the
correct url is:
42[00:11:19] <michael2>
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44[00:12:01] <rob_debian> michael2, please, in this case,
should I have to compile 'youtube-dl' in order to have the
latest version ?
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46[00:12:20] <rob_debian> shoud I use it ?
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50[00:13:41] <michael2> rob_debian: you dont compile a python
script - the first line should say some thing like:
51[00:13:55] <karlpinc> michael2: I still get the same error.
But the url I'm using is one of those "short ones"
(see above) and old. So maybe it expired or something.
52[00:13:57] <michael2> #!/usr/bin/python
53[00:13:58] <fareast> ok intel firmware installed
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55[00:14:25] <fareast> somiaj: what now?
56[00:14:29] <fareast> reboot?
57[00:14:31] <ayee> I haven't setup a startup script in
awhile. In the old days init v was pretty simple. I'm on debian
9, with crazy systemd stuff. I just want to execute some script
_before_ nginx starts. Is there a guide on how to execute a script
on startup, and find out if it runs before another startup script?
58[00:14:33] <michael2> fareast: how did you install firmware -
from HP site - or through apt repo?
59[00:14:38] <fareast> apt
60[00:14:45] <fareast> hp only has windows 10 drivers
61[00:14:56] <fareast> I know of ndiswrapper but does that work
for debian?
62[00:15:01] <karlpinc> fareast: Eventually you're going
to want to reboot to make sure it loads properly. So I suppose it
wouldn't hurt.
63[00:15:07] <rob_debian> I see, michael2, thanks for
information !
64[00:15:08] <michael2> ayee: you need to add
"Before" in your unit file
65[00:15:09] <fareast> ok here we go
66[00:15:12] <fareast> thanks guys
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68[00:15:29] <ayee> michael2: unit file is some special systemd
69[00:15:50] <michael2> karlpinc: so your you're running
latest youtube-dl? what version?
70[00:16:08] <bites> you can also use pip to install
youtube-dl, which makes it easier to keep updated.
71[00:16:17] <karlpinc> michael2: 2018.05.01
72[00:16:25] <michael2> ayee: yes, its the generic
module/component that systemd controls
73[00:16:31] <karlpinc> bites: I like that idea.
74[00:17:17] <bites> but the binary gets installed to
~/.local/bin so it's not in your $PATH automatically.
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76[00:17:21] <ayee> michael2: where is the file?
77[00:18:14] <michael2> ayee: you need to create it
78[00:18:16] <karlpinc> ayee: It'd be a file you put in
/etc/systemd/system/. But after that I always have to read "man
systemd.unit". There's a whole giant learning curve.
79[00:18:30] <michael2> ayee: in /etc/systemd/system/.
80[00:18:49] <karlpinc> ayee: Don't forget the
"systemctl daemon-reload".
81[00:19:00] <karlpinc> bites: I can put it in a venv if I
82[00:19:11] <bites> yes, or that.
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85[00:22:46] <karlpinc> ayee: And "systemctl enable
foo" (If not also "systemctl start foo".)
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88[00:23:11] <fareast> ok its working
89[00:23:20] <fareast> at least for 100mbit down over 5g
90[00:23:22] <fareast> so that should be good for now
91[00:23:46] <ayee> thanks for the tips, I'll dig into
this and see if I can get it working.
92[00:23:55] <fareast> I am running the new gnome on here it
seems pretty good on hidpi laptop 14 inch
93[00:24:10] <michael2> karlpinc: yeah managing through pip
prob a good idea if you have pip installed. regarding systemd, can
you make a unit file to just fire a one time command? rather than
start a daemon?
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98[00:24:40] <michael2> fareast: so your wifi up and running?
99[00:24:44] <fareast> yeah
100[00:24:46] <fareast> I am on wifi
101[00:24:54] <michael2> nice
102[00:24:55] <fareast> I am a tech
103[00:25:06] <fareast> so I can get stuff working with some
help you know.
104[00:25:17] <michael2> yeah, didn't take you long to get
it working - nice job
105[00:25:22] <bites> michael2: that's the service type
106[00:25:23] <fareast> thanks
107[00:25:27] <fareast> oh yeah
108[00:25:51] <fareast> except I am color blind I always have 1
wire i mess up with the wh br wh gr at least
109[00:26:01] <fareast> lol
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113[00:26:41] <fareast> teamwork is dreamwork.
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117[00:28:55] <michael2> bites: thanks
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119[00:29:53] <michael2> anyone know the command to print out
all man pages whose name contains pattern? e.g. something like `man
--title '*systemd*' ?
120[00:30:25] <karlpinc> michael2: man -k systemd is usually the
best way for searching man stuff
121[00:30:42] <karlpinc> michael2: You can always pipe to grep
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124[00:31:38] <michael2> karlpinc: isn't that apropos? that
searches something else in the contents? not the titles, right?
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126[00:32:05] <karlpinc> michael2: Yes, it is apropos. I forget.
But you can grep to filter the titles.
127[00:32:08] <michael2> I never worked out what exactly apropos
is searching, is it tags?
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132[00:36:37] <arzak> hi
133[00:36:55] <rob_debian> please, what's the channel
that's focused on debian running under android ? or should be
android running under debian ?
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164[00:53:07] <Heston> hellos, just curious why I'm still
getting updates for wheezy after it's now EOL? Not that
I'm complaining, just wondering
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170[00:57:22] <michael2> I thought updates fall back to a
"best effort" basis when a release goes EOL
171[00:58:27] <Heston> i got you, makes sense
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280[01:17:59] <fareast> is there a way to delete menu entries
from the bios bcd menu
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286[01:19:07] <epergny> I've got a somewhat silly question:
I keep notes of "admin" stuff I did, like packages I
needed to install to be able to compile Emacs from source on, say,
Debian version x.y.z. Like this:
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289[01:19:20] <epergny> (just one line, won't spam)
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295[01:19:38] <epergny> apt-get install autoconf build-essential
xorg-dev libtinfo5 libgif-dev libtiff-dev libpng12-dev libpng3
libtiff5 libtiff5-dev libgif-dev libgif4 ...
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301[01:20:34] <epergny> with more packages than that... But then
issue is: when I install a new Debian, like 9.4.0 just now, I try
this line and many package gives: "E: Unable to locate package
libpng13-dev". Stupid question: how do find what's the
"new name" of that package?
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303[01:20:58] <michael2> epergny: did you update apt local
304[01:21:27] <epergny> michael2: it's on a brand new
install, using notes I took from an older Debian version
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307[01:21:47] <fareast> is efibootmgr available with debian?
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317[01:22:43] <epergny> Basically my notes are
"outdated" because package numbering was updated and I get
lots of: "Unable to locate package libpng3", "Unable
to locate package libgif4", ...
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320[01:23:02] <epergny> which make me question if taking notes
even makes sense
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324[01:23:38] <michael2> epergny: ok, can you use an aptitude
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333[01:24:57] <epergny> michael2: I'm using apt from the
command line. I don't know what's an aptitude pattern : )
334[01:25:01] <michael2> like aptitude install
'libgif?' - which might match multiple package (including
the old ones) but then apt-cache policy should only install latest
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337[01:26:05] <epergny> michael2: oh ok, because I was trying:
"apt-get install libpng1?-dev" but I don't think
that's correct globbing there
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339[01:26:18] <michael2> epergny: maybe apt has pattern matches
too - Im just familiar-ish with aptitude
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346[01:28:23] <epergny> michael2: ok, this should get me started
: )
347[01:28:43] <michael2> epergny: I think `?' means
"any single character" if program uses globs. its a
quantifier (one or none? of the preceding token) for regex
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358[01:32:15] <epergny> michael2: I'll try and take more
notes ^ ^
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424[02:23:32] <ayee> I'm mirroring a debian repo, with this
command: `debmirror -i18n --method=rsync --progress --arch=amd64 --dist=stretch-updates
--ignore-small-errors --root=:debian/ --no-check-gpg /var/replaced-url
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428[02:26:51] <meatmanek> how long does it usually take after
submitting a bug with reportbug before a number is assigned?
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433[02:30:32] <meatmanek> never mind, the email arrived. seems
like it takes a few minutes
434[02:30:44] <c-c> *tup*
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442[02:42:02] <rpifan> linux is great when it works, but when
something goes wrong, you try everything and that fails then you do
something else and boom it works again LOL
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445[02:44:16] <Heston> at least you can actually dive in and fix
446[02:45:27] <rpifan> more like read hundreds of google results
and try it over and over again like stupid
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462[02:54:56] <UnsaneVirusez> Hello, my pulse audio sound sytem
works in debian, but I try to use hydrogen linux drum kit and I get
no sound, I try all the sound outputs
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464[02:58:37] <UnsaneVirusez> Any idea what to do?
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468[03:00:51] <somiaj> what is hydrogen linux? Is it something
you installed from debian repos or something else?
469[03:01:57] <somiaj> UnsaneVirusez: are you using the package
'hydrogen' in debian, or installing this some other way?
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487[03:03:46] <c-c> somiaj: its a music program
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493[03:03:57] <c-c> UnsaneVirusez: do you use jack?
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499[03:04:11] <c-c> UnsaneVirusez: basically most ppl either use
pulseaudio or jack
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501[03:04:25] <somiaj> c-c: yea I see that now. Thanks.
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504[03:04:38] <rpifan> speaking of issues i had a dpkg deb that
i couldnt get to run and now everytime i do apt update it keeps
showing hte package, how do i remove it from the list
505[03:04:48] <UnsaneVirusez> Using distro package, and sound
works, etc. and I do not use jack but pavucontrol and pulseaudio and
I have alsa installed too I think it does alsa automaticaly. I tried
to switch between various sound systems offered in hydrogen and
restarted and sound system/apps and still no luck.
506[03:04:51] <c-c> UnsaneVirusez: if you use jack for your
audio routing, you will need to connect the hydrogen to audio out in
jack patch bay/mixer
507[03:05:04] <somiaj> rpifan: dpkg -r packagename or dpkg
--purge packagename.
508[03:05:20] <somiaj> rpifan: or just run apt -f install, it
should try to fixt that, and sometimes the fix is to remove it
509[03:05:24] <UnsaneVirusez> ,v hydrogen
510[03:05:25] <judd> Package: hydrogen on amd64 -- wheezy:
0.9.6~beta2-1; jessie:; stretch: 0.9.7-1+b1; buster:
0.9.7-6; sid: 0.9.7-6
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512[03:05:38] <c-c> UnsaneVirusez: and you have loaded samples
in hydrogen, that should be audible?
513[03:05:39] *** Quits: 17WAA8BMX (~granis@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
514[03:05:44] <UnsaneVirusez> yes
515[03:05:49] <UnsaneVirusez> drum kits are loaded
516[03:06:01] <c-c> UnsaneVirusez: and you have something
triggering the playback of the samples?
517[03:06:16] <UnsaneVirusez> Hang on
518[03:06:19] <UnsaneVirusez> you may have something here pal
519[03:06:21] *** Joins: hexnewbie (~hexnewbie@replaced-ip)
520[03:06:29] <UnsaneVirusez> So, I loaded up a default demo
that shipped with hydrogen
521[03:06:31] <UnsaneVirusez> I got sound!
522[03:06:50] <UnsaneVirusez> I think that the kit my old files
are using are may not be compatible with the new kits? I don't
523[03:06:52] <c-c> Ok so its playing back something, just
524[03:06:58] <UnsaneVirusez> I got no sound on my audio
525[03:07:18] *** Joins: blaztek (~blaztek@replaced-ip)
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527[03:07:30] <c-c> UnsaneVirusez: what do you have in yur audio
system preferences?
528[03:07:32] <UnsaneVirusez> I can click the kit and get
individual sounds from sampled instruments
529[03:07:44] <c-c> UnsaneVirusez: do you hear those?
530[03:07:45] *** Quits: cliluw (~cliluw@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
531[03:07:48] <UnsaneVirusez> So hydrogen sound works, yay.
It's not a problem with config.
532[03:07:49] *** Joins: handlebar (~ed@replaced-ip)
533[03:07:54] <c-c> ok
534[03:08:09] <c-c> so its just a quiet song or part (pattern)
535[03:08:24] <c-c> Good luck!
536[03:08:34] <UnsaneVirusez> The problem is now this, when I
load my .h2song files into hydrogen, (pre made drum loops I created
circa 2008 in debian), those files load up fine, play fine, but give
me no sound, which leads me to believe it's a problem with some
kind of drum kit config.
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538[03:09:16] <c-c> UnsaneVirusez: if you load that song, and
then try to trig the individual kit sounds, is there a sound?
539[03:09:31] <UnsaneVirusez> Ohh, I see now, I think I figure
it out.
540[03:09:45] <UnsaneVirusez> When I load my h2song files into
hydrogen, every single instrument is muted out. I didn't notice
this first.
541[03:09:47] <UnsaneVirusez> That's odd.
542[03:09:50] * c-c guesses the file paths for the kit sample files
are not correct
543[03:10:16] <c-c> oh, ok, the classic muted - sometimes its
"empty channel solo'ed", too
544[03:10:20] *** Joins: slv (~slv@replaced-ip)
545[03:10:26] <UnsaneVirusez> No, that's not it. Good idea
though, but no. Instruments are muted by default when I load my old
files, but they are not muted when I load a default sample shipped
with hydrogen (sample song)
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551[03:12:27] <UnsaneVirusez> Alright, I umuted all instruments,
and i still have no sound on my .h2song files
552[03:12:40] <michael2> the netinstaller USB I created has a
weird sector numbering:
553[03:12:51] <michael2>
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557[03:13:41] <c-c> UnsaneVirusez: does loading a song change
the audio out settings in hydrogen?
558[03:13:43] *** Joins: DerLG (~derlg@replaced-ip)
559[03:14:00] <c-c> UnsaneVirusez: in other words, do you hear
the individual samples
560[03:14:31] <michael2> I thought partitions need to occupy
sequential numbers? i.e. if partition 1 occupies sectors 1 thru
2500, then partition 2 can only start at sector 2501?
561[03:14:35] <c-c> Audio out - or, Audio system, UnsaneVirusez
562[03:14:39] <somiaj> michael2: how did you create the usb?
(and note the hybrid iso images are just weird, they have a complex
partition table that works both legacy and efi, and also being cd
and usb boot.
563[03:14:43] *** Quits: Azrael_- (~aweoi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
564[03:14:44] <UnsaneVirusez> c-c: it does not
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566[03:14:53] <UnsaneVirusez> c-c: audio settings remain same
567[03:15:17] <UnsaneVirusez> c-c: I do not hear the individual
samples when I click them after loading my song, but I do hear them
when I load the demo songs
568[03:15:34] <michael2> somiaj: using dd
if=debian.netinstaller.iso of=/dev/sdb
569[03:15:40] <somiaj> michael2: yea, then that is normal.
570[03:15:51] *** Quits: zZzZzZ (~zZzZzZ@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
571[03:16:09] <c-c> UnsaneVirusez: ok try this - 1. load your
song. 2. load a demo sample into one of the kit samples used in your
song. 3. test if audible?
572[03:16:28] <UnsaneVirusez> c-c: one of my songs works. One of
them doesn't, it seems each song loads a kit. I'll go over
seach .h2song file, think they are xml files and comare them to the
demo songs
573[03:16:29] <michael2> somiaj: normal for disk partitioning in
general - or normal for these weird hybrid iso things?
574[03:16:33] *** Quits: Neomex (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
575[03:16:42] <somiaj> michael2: normal for the debian hybrid
iso images
576[03:16:44] <UnsaneVirusez> See what' different. Wrose
come to worse, I'll just have to remake my samples again, which
is not that bad.
577[03:17:01] <c-c> UnsaneVirusez: have you been using hydrogen
a lot?
578[03:17:06] <UnsaneVirusez> for years.
579[03:17:08] *** Joins: zZzZzZ (~zZzZzZ@replaced-ip)
580[03:17:11] <UnsaneVirusez> But haven't in years.
581[03:17:17] *** Joins: padarc (~user@replaced-ip)
582[03:17:19] <UnsaneVirusez> I've been using hydrogen
since 2008 or before.
583[03:17:29] <michael2> somiaj: ok thanks
584[03:17:54] <c-c> UnsaneVirusez: I haven't tested it in
years.. I wonder if I should
585[03:18:10] <c-c> Its probably still pattern based and I like
audio track based
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588[03:19:02] <UnsaneVirusez> c-c:
589[03:19:28] <UnsaneVirusez>
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591[03:20:12] <UnsaneVirusez> my exact version of hydrogen is:
Setting up hydrogen (0.9.7-6)
592[03:20:12] <rpifan> well its missing kernel headers but its
not relevant at this moment anymore
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595[03:20:35] <UnsaneVirusez> c-c: if you feel up to it,
here's some time pass stuff.
596[03:20:49] *** Joins: ehlodex (~quassel@replaced-ip)
597[03:21:04] <UnsaneVirusez> Debian testing/ updated just
recently today, hydrogen 0.9.7-6
598[03:21:07] <c-c> yeah I have to start making coffee
599[03:21:14] <c-c> 8)
600[03:21:21] <UnsaneVirusez> np. I'll keep digging, thanks
for the time
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602[03:21:49] <c-c> yeah maybe just re-load the samples one by
one in hydrogen would be easisest
603[03:21:51] <rpifan> but purge worked
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613[03:26:36] <c-c> UnsaneVirusez: if you gist the xml I can
have a look in 5 mins, after I make the coffee
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644[03:50:08] <michael2> does anyone know where in the debian
docs the info on all the uefi, secure boot and all that stuff is?
645[03:51:12] <c-c> here?`replaced-url
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647[03:52:12] <michael2> c-c: thanks
648[03:52:24] <michael2> Im trying to find what "EFI"
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651[03:53:07] <c-c> michael2: if you were, you wouldn't be
here starting a conversation, but had googled that 8)
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662[04:01:07] <UnsaneVirusez> well trying and doing are not the
same thing
663[04:01:12] *** Quits: tagomago (~tagomago@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
664[04:01:20] <UnsaneVirusez> he's trying to find out. when
he's done trying he's actually gonna go find out. np
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748[05:08:28] <fareast> superblock mount time messed up
749[05:08:41] <fareast> People saying this is windows 10 dual
boot issue
750[05:08:52] <fareast> something about a registry fix and a fix
on ntp
751[05:08:55] <fareast> servers....
752[05:09:01] <fareast> anyone else have the guide to the fix?
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754[05:11:10] <_|||||||_> dual boot usually goes better if you
install linux after. <- If that's the other OS
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757[05:12:55] <fareast> well this all just happened when i
started installing multiple linux installs after linux
758[05:12:59] *** jrj_ is now known as jrj
759[05:13:25] <fareast> I did a su bcd edit and deleted some
entries that were appearing
760[05:13:34] <fareast> but debian was installed after linux
that is for sure
761[05:13:39] <fareast> and it has booted many times.
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763[05:14:03] <fareast> debian after windows
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765[05:14:21] <awal1> fareast, my suggestion will make you have
correct time in linux and kick off that "warning" but
wrong in windows : as root run "timedatectl set-local-rtc
0" and reboot
766[05:14:42] <_|||||||_> grub should take care of that
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769[05:15:01] <fareast> what a freakin headache
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771[05:15:21] <_|||||||_> if you have multiple OS
772[05:15:24] <awal1> my suggestion should help
773[05:15:32] <fareast> I am sure it will
774[05:15:35] <fareast> I read it online already
775[05:16:07] <awal1> nothing is sure; even 1+1 is not really =
2 :D
776[05:16:13] <_|||||||_> Im not sure what the issue is cause I
just got here
777[05:16:28] <fareast> I am loosing interest in windows that is
the problem
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779[05:17:00] <awal1> man timedatectl
780[05:17:07] <_|||||||_> win 10 is blahh
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784[05:20:14] <_|||||||_> cactus?
785[05:20:22] <_|||||||_> 'cactus!
786[05:20:48] <fareast> _|||||||_, its ugly as shit
787[05:20:58] <_|||||||_> thanks
788[05:21:00] <_|||||||_> lol
789[05:21:17] <fareast> windows
790[05:21:28] <_|||||||_> oh lol
791[05:21:52] <_|||||||_> I thought you meant _|||||||_
792[05:21:56] <fareast> I am so tired been dealing with the 1803
updates all day and running network audits
793[05:22:33] <_|||||||_> sound like a fun filled day
794[05:22:42] <fareast> computers are really the last thing I
want to do right now I programmed some door locks and even did some
hotel manager tasks today
795[05:23:05] <_|||||||_> I love computers
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797[05:23:19] <fareast> they are good when teamwork is dreamwork
798[05:23:30] <_|||||||_> lol yes?
799[05:23:32] <fareast> but sometimes I feel like I am the only
one working...
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801[05:23:38] <_|||||||_> oh like that
802[05:23:42] *** Quits: rpifan (~rpifan@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
803[05:23:47] <_|||||||_> that sux
804[05:24:03] *** Joins: dreamon__ (~dreamon@replaced-ip)
805[05:24:11] <fareast> yeah well its bad when its 80 degrees
and you are deciding on driving to get something to eat when
normally people would be open ina tourist area
806[05:24:15] <_|||||||_> people will be people
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809[05:24:46] <fareast> I am sitting looking at all these hungry
workers with nothing open around me.
810[05:25:29] <fareast> I just don't understand how you
could spit and hit someone but you can't find a open place to
811[05:26:02] <_|||||||_> got to go cyah
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838[05:51:44] <simbalion> Is it possible to target an X server
with a crontab task? I want to set feh to change my wallpaper every
5 minutes but it complains it can't find the X-server. Works
fine from a terminal of course
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848[06:02:15] <Torr> it should be if you set your environment
properly and set the cron job to run as the same user that is logged
into the screen
849[06:03:16] <Torr> i.e. export DISPLAY=:1
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858[06:07:08] <somiaj> simbalion: I wouldn't use cron for
that, what wm do you have?
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862[06:10:00] <nprs> is there an easier way to edit
/etc/network/interfaces from the shell besides with vi? I'm
finding vi rather difficult to use.
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865[06:11:06] <somiaj> nprs: use any editor you like. I find vim
a bit nicer than vi (which is really vim-tiny), some like nano, it
should also be installed by default.
866[06:11:14] <somiaj> there is emacs, and I'm sure a
handfull of other editors
867[06:11:37] <simbalion> somiaj: openbox
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869[06:11:49] <simbalion> Torr: will that work for both screens?
I will test
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871[06:12:59] <c-c> in fact, most of the time vi will actually
be Vim on your system
872[06:13:23] <somiaj> simbalion: you may want to see if openbox
has a way to run peridoic tasks, you could also do this as a simple
script launched by openbox (this way it is attached to your openbox
xsession and not cron)
873[06:13:29] <nprs> Thanks I will see if this machine has any
of those installed.
874[06:13:35] <c-c> nprs: nano is simple
875[06:13:55] <somiaj> and should be installed
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878[06:15:53] <somiaj> simbalion: I'm not seeing any
openbox feature for this, but I would just tell openbox to launch a
shell script inthe background that just loops with a sleep in it
over cron.
879[06:16:27] *** Quits: diniwed (~gavron@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
880[06:16:44] <simbalion> I would really rather use cron for it
881[06:16:47] <simbalion> that's what cron is for
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883[06:18:21] <simbalion> tried adding export DISPLAY=:1 to the
script but that didn't fix it :/
884[06:18:42] <somiaj> you need a full enviorment, and I think
that is what your wm is for. (:
885[06:18:50] <simbalion> oh wait it should be :0 I think
886[06:18:58] <Torr> when you're logged into a shell, do
'echo $DISPLAY' and put the result in your script
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888[06:19:12] <simbalion> trying now
889[06:19:19] <Torr> if you have more than one monitor on the
same desktop, then yes, it should work on all attach displays
890[06:19:37] *** Quits: thunderrd (~thunderrd@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
891[06:19:56] <simbalion> I do
892[06:20:19] <simbalion> welp... tick happened but script
didn't work
893[06:20:22] <simbalion> works in term
894[06:20:32] *** Joins: james41382 (~james4138@replaced-ip)
895[06:20:36] <simbalion> doesn't work in a F1 console
either, fwiw
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897[06:21:29] <Torr> hrm... are you using xorg or wayland?
898[06:21:44] <simbalion> xorg
899[06:22:03] <simbalion> still waiting for wayland support for
nvidia I think heh
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901[06:22:43] <Torr> you might need to use xhost to give
permissions to cron
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903[06:23:07] <Torr> and also export XAUTHORITY
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905[06:23:15] <simbalion> I don't know what either of those
things is
906[06:23:18] *** Quits: rpifan (~rpifan@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
907[06:23:58] <Torr> maybe try "* * * * * DISPLAY=:0
XAUTHORITY=~/.Xauthority screensaver-command"
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919[06:29:18] <Tom-_> i think you need $HOME/.Xauthority when
you're setting environment variables or might not be using bash
or something
920[06:30:31] <nprs> Thanks guys I found nano much simpler to
921[06:32:02] <c-c> nprs: should work, for programming neovim is
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923[06:32:47] <nprs> I just needed to get wireless working. I
would have normally used scp but there is no ethernet port.
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925[06:33:15] <nprs> I should really spend some time learning
these editors
926[06:34:30] <Torr> yeah, what kind of idiot through it was
great to switch to wayland when there's no nvidia support?
927[06:34:37] <Torr> thought
928[06:34:45] <c-c> nprs: One superior editor (usually vim) can
20x your edit speed
929[06:35:27] *** Quits: mzf (~fakhraee@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
930[06:35:56] <c-c> nprs: if your work involves
editing/programming/writing, there is definite payback in terms of
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936[06:38:56] <simbalion> Torr: thanks but that didn't work
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938[06:39:55] <Torr> simbalion, sorry
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950[06:41:25] <simbalion> Torr: I appreciate the effort.
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958[06:44:26] <Torr> np
959[06:44:54] <Torr> there are probably tricks, but xorg has
changed over the past 15 or so years since I was trying to do stuff
like this
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964[06:47:00] <simbalion> I saw a page about ubuntu and gdm that
suggested xauthority isn't used anymore but I dunno if that
applies to debian and lightdm
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968[06:51:21] <aloo_shu> #debian-next : i+ cannot join channel,
you must be invited
969[06:51:34] <aloo_shu> braaaavo
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973[06:51:52] <aloo_shu> anyway ,why is it that on a 1280x800
display, if I give xrandr a --fb of 2560x1600 and then do a --scale
2x2, the mouse pointer stays confined to the upper left quarter, but
if I add a --panning 2560x1600, becomes unblocked?
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976[06:52:59] <aloo_shu> ahh, sry, my bad, different server ,
that #debian-next
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978[06:53:50] <aloo_shu> let's assume my question
isn't version specific
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buster/sid • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6850K CPU @ 3.60GHz
(3.60GHz) • Memory: Physical: 8.6 GiB Total (1.0 GiB Free)
Swap: 8.8 GiB Total (471.2 MiB Free) • Storage: 20.7 GB / 37.2
GB (16.4 GB Free) • VGA: InnoTek Systemberatung GmbH VirtualBox
Graphics Adapter @ Intel Corporation 440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]
• Uptime: 2w 1d 17h 41m 24s
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1095[08:25:50] <han-solo> Is python3.6 not available in stretch ?
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1132[08:45:23] <Heston> ,v python
1133[08:45:24] <judd> Package: python on amd64 -- wheezy:
2.7.3-4+deb7u1; jessie: 2.7.9-1; stretch: 2.7.13-2; buster:
2.7.15~rc1-1; sid: 2.7.15~rc1-1
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1141[08:50:22] <michael2> hmm, I just learned some of
docs are not getting indexed by google
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1143[08:51:09] <dionysus69> does anyone use etcher ?
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1145[08:51:21] <dionysus69> and if anyone knows if it makes uefi
usb drives
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1164[08:58:47] <Heston> ,v python3.6
1165[08:58:48] <judd> Package: python3.6 on amd64 -- buster:
3.6.5~rc1-1; sid: 3.6.5-5
1166[08:59:23] <Heston> ,check-backport python3.6
1167[08:59:24] <judd> Backporting package python3.6 in
sid→stretch/amd64: all build-dependencies satisfied using
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1172[09:01:29] <michael2> can anyone point me in the direction of
how to file bug reports or "enhancement/suggestions"
related to the website?
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1174[09:03:50] <jelly> michael2: file a bug report against a
package named "replaced-url
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1183[09:05:33] <michael2> jelly: thanks there is also some advice
1184[09:05:39] <michael2>
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1187[09:06:04] <michael2> o report a problem with the web site,
e-mail our publicly archived mailing list debian-replaced-url
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1192[09:07:58] <jelly> that's also a good option probably
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1195[09:09:22] <michael2> I noticed some pages of docs
are not being fetched by google. I wonder if the website devs will
care about that?
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1218[09:27:57] <lilp> Hello, since this morning I can't
login into lightdm with my regular user, root login works. I try
passwd, and delete .Xauthority, but still not login. tty1 login
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1223[09:30:52] <babilen_> What changed in the interim?
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1227[09:31:42] <lilp> in the interim?
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1237[09:35:41] <alkisg> lilp: if you create a new user, does it
work with that?
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1270[09:52:39] <lilp> I test with a new user and it's works
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1283[10:00:28] <alkisg> lilp: then it sounds like a problem with
your account. Do you have any files owned by root, where the user
wouldn't be able to write? Login from vt2 as the user, and run:
find . -uid 0
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1299[10:09:58] <dionysus69> if I move main partition with
gparted, it will not make system unbootable right?
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1306[10:13:17] <epsilon> linux is robust in these things... if
unsure make a disk image with dd or clonezilla
1307[10:15:24] <k_sze[work]> In Debian (or any Linux distro,
really), is it possible to somehow isolate an GeForce GTX Titan X
card and have coexisting, different versions of graphics drivers?
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1310[10:16:26] <k_sze[work]> I have a server with 3 identical
GeForce GTX Titan X cards, and I want to try upgrading the drivers
without breaking everything.
1311[10:16:42] <justinebastian> hello how can I make firefox in
french langage in MX Linux 17.1 ?
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1313[10:17:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1602
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1321[10:22:20] <dionysus69> epsilon: you mean make a backup if
simple gparted move will break the boot?
1322[10:22:33] <wrksx> hey guys
1323[10:22:40] <wrksx> just install ufw firewall
1324[10:22:55] <wrksx> before enabling it i'd like to make
sure i'm not goin to lock me out
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1327[10:23:24] <dionysus69> ufw enable {rule name or port number}
1328[10:23:33] <wrksx> but I cant find a way to list what ufw
will allow
1329[10:23:40] <wrksx> I did ufw allow OpenSSH
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1332[10:24:07] <wrksx> but it'd be nice to have a way to
list what's allowed exxactly
1333[10:24:13] <wrksx> before enableing the firewall
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1335[10:25:00] <epsilon> dionysus69: it's always recommended
to make a backup before performing a change on partitions
1336[10:25:43] <wrksx> Command may disrupt existing ssh
connections. Proceed with operation (y|n)?
1337[10:25:55] <epsilon> it's a very short time period
between "uups" and "when did I the last backup"
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1339[10:27:12] <dionysus69> start n now
1340[10:27:24] <dionysus69> before you start it you need to sudo
ufw allow 22
1341[10:27:39] <dionysus69> not to disrupt ssh connections wrksx
1342[10:28:06] <dionysus69> and any other port you need, i.e
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1346[10:29:45] <wrksx> dionysus69, ok done. Nothing disrupted =)
Had to hold my breath for a second =)
1347[10:29:56] <dionysus69> cool ^.^
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1349[10:30:21] <wrksx> too bad it's impossible to list the
rules like sudo ufw status does when the firewall is off
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1356[10:33:10] <epsilon> wrksx: to avoid a lockout, you can
create a cronjob to wipe out iptables rules every 5 Minutes
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1360[10:34:34] <dionysus69> wrksx: sudo ufw status -v I think,
for verbose
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1362[10:35:32] <wrksx> epsilon, oh my god that would have been
such a good security
1363[10:35:38] <wrksx> didn't thought about this
1364[10:36:25] <wrksx> epsilon, I'll remember it next time,
seems like a very good idea before enabling the firewall
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1366[10:36:52] <dionysus69> sudo ufw show added
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1383[10:42:39] <epsilon> wrksx: basically a shellscript with
"iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT", "iptables -F INPUT"
(repeat with OUTPUT and FORWARD). custom chains can be wiped with
iptabes -X
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1389[10:44:25] <slax0r> wiping iptables rules every 5 minutes is
not exactly "security" wrksx :)
1390[10:44:39] <slax0r> but it prevents accidental lockouts if
you don't have physical access
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1403[10:47:58] <wrksx> dionysus69, ufw show added is great ty
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1405[10:48:27] <wrksx> slax0r, looooool
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1408[10:48:54] <wrksx> slax0r, I think you got the point =) Wipe
it every 5 minutes, test, if ssh works remove the cron an BOOM
1409[10:48:59] <wrksx> secured
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1412[10:49:41] <wrksx> I've never been loked out while
configuring a firewall, but I've been around someone who did
just that and it seemed painful
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1422[10:54:23] <k_sze[work]> How do I check if OpenGL works on my
Debian server (Jessie, x86_64)?
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1425[10:57:25] <k_sze[work]> e.g. I have these libgl* packages
1426[10:57:27] <k_sze[work]>
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1432[11:01:02] <Ironhand> hi, is there a utility/service that I
can install in Debian to help me manage persistent static routes?
all solutions I find come down to adding 'up' lines to
/etc/network/interfaces, but I'm hoping for a solution that
allows me to reload/update routes from a config file without having
to bring an interface down & up again
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1453[11:07:43] <jolt> Ironhand: Maybe you could use a proper
routing daemon, like quagga or something?
1454[11:08:22] <jolt> Ironhand: Not my expertise though, I do
mine as you say with interface up, or more advanced routing in the
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1456[11:08:55] <jolt> Ironhand: Zebra was probably what I was
thinking about, but it seems to be part of quagga
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1458[11:09:54] <Ironhand> jolt: yeah, Zebra/Quagga was an option
I considered, but it seems major overkill to run a dynamic routing
daemon on every machine where I want to do this, just for static
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1476[11:19:11] <k_sze[work]> My server seems to have nvidia dkms
modules, but I have trouble finding out how exactly they were
installed (the guy who set the server up has already left the
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1480[11:22:08] <Stanley678> browsing on my new debian9 64bit
system is not as fast as when i had debian8 32 bit on this very same
computer. why is that?
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1486[11:23:49] <jelly> k_sze[work]: "dkms status" says
1487[11:23:57] *** Joins: davet (~davet@replaced-ip)
1488[11:24:29] <k_sze[work]> nvidia, 367.48, 3.16.0-4-amd64,
x86_64: installed
1489[11:24:36] <voobscout> does anybody know when will go back up? it's been down for a couple of
days now....
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1492[11:24:57] <jelly> ,v nvidia-kernel-dkms
1493[11:24:58] <judd> Package: nvidia-kernel-dkms on amd64 --
wheezy/non-free: 304.131-1; wheezy-backports/non-free:
340.102-1~bpo70+1; jessie/non-free: 340.102-1;
jessie-proposed-updates/non-free: 340.106-1; stretch/non-free:
375.82-1~deb9u1; jessie-backports/non-free: 384.111-4~deb9u1~bpo8+1;
stretch-proposed-updates/non-free: 384.130-1;
stretch-backports/non-free: 390.48-2~bpo9+1; buster/non-free:
390.48-3; sid/non-
1494[11:24:59] <judd> free: 390.48-3
1495[11:25:15] <jelly> k_sze[work]: that might be installed from
nvidia installer
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1500[11:25:34] <k_sze[work]> jelly: you mean NVIDIA's .run
thing, right?
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1526[11:36:12] <rootkea> Hello! I'm using Debian Stretch. My
Mumlock key keeps getting off automatically after some time. How do
I prevent that?
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1532[11:37:27] <rootkea> I activate the numlock, type some
numbers. And then after some time when I type numbers again they
don't get printed. Turns out Numlock got off automatically.
Then I have to press Numlock again. Sigh!
1533[11:37:43] <Haohmaru> weird
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1535[11:37:58] <Haohmaru> does the computer happen to go into
some sleep/suspend during that time?
1536[11:38:20] <rootkea> Haohmaru: No, all the while I'm
using it.
1537[11:38:29] <Haohmaru> is it a usb keyboard?
1538[11:38:53] <rootkea> Haohmaru: No, I am using Dell laptop
with it's keyboard
1539[11:39:00] <Haohmaru> oh
1540[11:39:23] * Haohmaru ran out of ideas
1541[11:39:30] <rootkea> It's okay :)
1542[11:40:25] <rootkea> Earlier it used to work just fine! And
now I don't remember since when but this weirdness started
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1545[11:40:48] <Haohmaru> did you install some obscure program
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1547[11:41:31] <rootkea> Haohmaru: Oh I installed, purged a lot
of packages but I can't pin-point the time since when this
kicked in
1548[11:42:02] <Haohmaru> if i were you, i'd plug in an
external keyboard to see if the issue will happen there too
1549[11:42:42] <rootkea> Haohmaru: Nice idea! Thanks. Though I
don't have one right now but will check for sure.
1550[11:42:49] <Haohmaru> or run a live debian flash stick (or
other OS) for a while and see if it happens there
1551[11:42:59] <rootkea> Meanwhile is there some conf file,
command to poke at?
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1553[11:43:48] <Haohmaru> there was some program i installed
additionally to turn ON the numlock before i reach desktop (i added
it into lightdm configs)
1554[11:43:58] <rootkea> numlockx?
1555[11:44:02] <Haohmaru> i think so
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1557[11:44:34] <rootkea> Yeah, I dumped it for Xfce's
"Restore num lock state on startup"
1558[11:44:47] <Haohmaru> oh
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1560[11:45:01] <Haohmaru> that's a built-in functionality of
1561[11:45:07] <rootkea> Yes :)
1562[11:45:22] <Haohmaru> could it be "fighting" with
numlockx then
1563[11:45:28] <Haohmaru> (i use lxde)
1564[11:45:41] <rootkea> But I don't have numlockx
1565[11:45:57] <Haohmaru> oh, right
1566[11:46:31] <rootkea> And anyways, all it does is to turn on
the numlock on startup while I'm facing issue while using the
1567[11:46:55] <rootkea> RIP grammar!
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1569[11:47:09] <Haohmaru> ;]
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1576[11:48:23] <rootkea> So, guess I should first experiment with
another keyboard and another OS to pinpoint the issue
1577[11:48:53] <amprxc> Hello, i have a question : i have a
hostapd AP running on a Banana Pi and redirecting all the wlan
trafic to Tor (all is working). But i would like to log (because of
the law) because it's an open AP. The problem is : how to get
the trafic ip destination and log it ?
# thanks
(when i say trafic destination, im talking, of course, about the
first tor node)
1578[11:49:03] <Haohmaru> yeah, you could try a debian-live (with
xfce or lxde) image and see if it happens then
1579[11:49:18] <rootkea> Haohmaru: Sure, thanks!
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1583[11:51:05] <amprxc> anyone to help me please ?
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1591[11:52:54] <amprxc> Hello, i have a question : i have a
hostapd AP running on a Banana Pi and redirecting all the wlan
trafic to Tor (all is working). But i would like to log (because of
the law) because it's an open AP. The problem is : how to get
the trafic ip destination and log it ?
# thanks
(when i say trafic destination, im talking, of course, about the
first tor node)
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1595[11:54:31] <rootkea> amprxc: Please don't flood the
channel. Wait for a while. Be patient.
1596[11:54:39] <amprxc> ok sorry
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1598[11:54:59] <rootkea> It's okay :)
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1608[12:01:59] <JustASlacker> olla
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1611[12:02:14] <JustASlacker> is there any modern alternative to
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1615[12:05:38] <yakiza> JustASlacker: what you doing in debian
channel ? :O
1616[12:06:27] <JustASlacker> Slacking around
1617[12:06:37] <JustASlacker> whats your excise
1618[12:06:39] <JustASlacker> excuse
1619[12:06:42] <yakiza> hahahaha best answer ever
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1622[12:07:04] <yakiza> We use Debian as our managed desktop in
the university i work
1623[12:07:31] <JustASlacker> We have cusomers with debian
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1635[12:13:11] <NetTerminalGene> yakiza, what are you doing with
1636[12:13:17] <NetTerminalGene> what is managed desktop?
1637[12:14:40] <yakiza> its the desktop we provide to the
students but we look after it
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1641[12:15:18] <NetTerminalGene> yakiza, how many desktops?
1642[12:15:19] *** Quits: CeRVaNTeS (~CeRVaNTeS@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
1643[12:15:45] <yakiza> around 1000
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1646[12:16:42] <NetTerminalGene> yakiza, what version of debian?
1647[12:16:49] <NetTerminalGene> default desktop?
1648[12:16:49] <yakiza> NetTerminalGene: Debian 8
1649[12:16:55] <NetTerminalGene> gnome?
1650[12:17:20] <yakiza> NetTerminalGene: no we have win 7/10 as
1651[12:17:34] <NetTerminalGene> >.<
1652[12:17:55] <yakiza> NetTerminalGene: haha well its a
university windows are required
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1656[12:18:26] <NetTerminalGene> rebel university students!
1657[12:18:41] <yakiza> aahahahah
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1660[12:20:31] <NetTerminalGene> yakiza, do they use gnome?
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1670[12:25:16] <amprxc> Hello, i have a question : i have a
hostapd AP running on a Banana Pi and redirecting all the wlan
trafic to Tor (all is working). But i would like to log (because of
the law) because it's an open AP. The problem is : how to get
the trafic ip destination and log it ?
# thanks
(when i say trafic destination, im talking, of course, about the
first tor node)
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1678[12:26:47] <yakiza> NetTerminalGene: mate
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1682[12:28:38] <JustASlacker> any ideas on jailkit?
1683[12:28:44] <JustASlacker> is that still the way to go
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1749[13:04:35] <henery89> does the blocksize (bs) as specified
for "dd" command directly influence the structure of the
underlying bits on disk? or is the blocksize just a buffer size,
specifying how many bits are written per "turn"?
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1766[13:11:36] <cyber321> hey
1767[13:12:12] <cyber321> anyone here?
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1769[13:12:26] <cyber321> hey @chachasmooth
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1771[13:13:20] <cyber321> hello world
1772[13:13:55] <chachasmooth> cyber321 hi, what's up?
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1774[13:14:07] <cyber321> not much, what about you @chachasmooth?
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1776[13:14:50] <cyber321> Have you lot seen
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1783[13:17:31] <safsom2> hello
1784[13:17:34] <safsom2> debian best distro
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1786[13:18:24] <ejr> ok, so i could somewhat narrow down my
issues in building icecat on debian. it seems to be related to
available RAM space. this is the point where the build process
always gets in a loop:
1787[13:18:28] <ejr>
1788[13:18:34] <ejr> how could this be fixed?
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1805[13:29:15] <lilp> I can't connect to debian by gui with
my user. TTy1 & ssh works. I can connect with su, I create a new
user and can connect to gui with it.
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1811[13:30:50] <jelly> ejr: that stuff looks like warnings and
not anything fatal. Are you sure there's a loop, maybe
it's still building stuff?
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1829[13:39:28] <ejr> jelly: you're right, it was no loop, i
just assumed because it ran that for at least 15 times. thanks
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1840[13:44:08] <litb> hello folks
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1843[13:44:44] <litb> if i build a kernel for 686 (32bit) on a
amd64 system, and specify --arch i386, does this make a difference
as opposed to --arch i686 ?
1844[13:45:02] <litb> because.. the official debian package
contains i686 in its name, but my debian package has i386 in its
name. so i'm confused
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1846[13:45:08] <litb> i use make-kpkg
1847[13:45:40] <ejr> the errors in the crashreport seem to be
fixable, if I understand what they mean. what exactly does ^~ refer
to? as in:
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1849[13:46:46] <litb> i'm also confused of the version
number... the kernel of debian has version 4.9.0, and i downloaded
that linux-source. but make-kpkg creates a deb file with 4.9.82 in
its name!?
1850[13:47:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1646
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1858[13:51:44] <jelly> litb: debian kernel has ABI string that
looks like 4.9.0-6-something, but that is not the version of source
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1860[13:51:49] <jelly> !kernel abi
1861[13:51:49] <dpkg> Debian kernel packages have an <ABI>
to indicate when out-of-tree modules must be rebuilt; upgrading from
a package with 3.2.0-3-amd64 to another 3.2.0-3-amd64 doesn't
require fglrx/nvidia/etc to be rebuilt, but upgrading from
3.2.0-3-amd64 to 3.2.0-4-amd64 does. Development kernels intended
for <experimental> have the ABI <trunk> to indicate the
ABI is unmanaged.
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1865[13:53:04] <litb> thanks, that makes sense
1866[13:53:04] <noodlepie> I like the speed at which Debian
packages update and install. I use Gentoo on my faster i7 laptop
though which I think is best for newer machines if you want a
perfectly, fully optimized computer.
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1878[13:55:19] <litb> jelly, i suspect i should rebuild with
--arch i686 . wikipedia says i686 started with Pentium Pro. so i386
would be very old and would not contain SSE and the like
1879[13:55:23] <alx_fly> anybody got the following problem:[7fb7fdb9a000+700000]
1880[13:55:25] <alx_fly> [ 131.897503] gnome-session-f[1342]:
segfault at 0 ip 00007fe8969b0e19 sp 00007ffec2f7fd10 error 4 in[7fe8966ce000+700000]
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1882[13:56:10] <jelly> litb: I have no idea what --arch does
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1884[13:56:33] <litb> jelly, it's to select between x86 and
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1890[14:02:18] <safsom2> what debian version do you guys use?
1891[14:02:22] <safsom2> stable, testing or sid?
1892[14:02:35] <safsom2> _systemd_is_evil: nice username
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1913[14:09:23] <FinalX> safsom2: mix of wheezy, jessie and
stretch (and trusty, xenial and bionic for ubuntu). vast majority is
still stuck on jessie (oldstable), still. things that were easy to
upgrade are on stretch :) things that were next to impossible to
upgrade are still wheezy, but are having new versions installed with
stretch and moving stuff over :p
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1919[14:09:40] <abrotman> !polls
1920[14:09:40] <dpkg> "Does anyone have X or use Y?" is
taking a poll, not asking a good question that IRC helpers can
answer. Don't do it or sussudio's army of militant badgers
will hurt you. Also see <ask> and <bad polls>.
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1923[14:10:13] <FinalX> heh :)
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1935[14:16:52] <tw> !bad polls
1936[14:16:52] <dpkg> The reasons we hate polls are because: 1)
they are a massive waste of IRC and bandwidth and screen real estate
when asked in a 700 person channel. Did you want 700 answers? 2)
They're often a prelude to isolating one helper and barraging
him or her in /msg. BAD! 3) We don't care about Ubuntu, this is
1937[14:17:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1638
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1939[14:17:19] <tw> lol. I wish it continued into really bad
1940[14:17:24] <tw> chain rant.
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1991[14:48:07] <Sepultura> are there static libraries inside of
boost debian package?
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1993[14:49:41] <jelly> Sepultura: if there were any , they would
be inside of relevant -dev packages
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1998[14:51:37] <Sepultura> jelly can I make the file portable by
putting the so (dynamic library) in the same folder?
1999[14:51:45] <Sepultura> like in Windows?
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2001[14:53:50] <jelly> Sepultura: that's not enough,
you'd also have to specify LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable
and the default does noot look in .
2002[14:54:39] <jelly> you can make a wrapper script that does
2003[14:54:57] <jelly> google chrome does that, for example
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2038[15:08:50] <lroe> is there a command I can run that will show
me the currently configured ciphers for sshd?
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2042[15:09:39] <well_laid_lawn> ou can ssh -v
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2045[15:11:45] <alx_fly> could someone help?
/usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[1910]: #011(WW) warning, (EE) error,
(NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
2046[15:11:57] <alx_fly> is there a possibilty to reinstall all
debian packages
2047[15:11:59] <alx_fly> ?
2048[15:12:15] <alx_fly> could not start xserver
2049[15:12:46] <alx_fly> could not figure out what the problem is
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2097[15:36:11] <litb> why does linux-headers depend on libqt5 ?
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2102[15:36:58] <babilen> litb: Which packages exactly?
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2104[15:37:16] <litb> make-kpkg created linux-image-4.9.82
2105[15:37:27] <litb> sorry, meant linux-headers-4.9.82
2106[15:37:51] <babilen> There isn't a libqt5 package in
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2108[15:37:57] <babilen> (hence my question)
2109[15:38:14] <litb> sorry, more specifically it depends on
libqt5core5a libqt5gui5 libqt5widgets5
2110[15:38:25] <litb> they are not even developer packages
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2112[15:38:32] <babilen> judd: why linux-headers-4.9.82
2113[15:38:33] <judd> No package named
'linux-headers-4.9.82' was found in stretch/amd64.
2114[15:38:44] <babilen> heh
2115[15:38:47] <litb> it's a package i built myself using
2116[15:39:20] <litb> judd, why
linux-headers-4.9.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae libqt5core5a
2117[15:39:21] <judd> No package named
'linux-headers-4.9.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae' was found in
2118[15:39:31] <litb> judd, why linux-headers-4.9.0 libqt5core5a
2119[15:39:32] <judd> No package named
'linux-headers-4.9.0' was found in stretch/amd64.
2120[15:39:35] <litb> what's this
2121[15:39:46] <babilen> You should use packages that actually
exist in Debian
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2123[15:40:06] <babilen> judd: why linux-image-4.9.0-6-amd64
2124[15:40:07] <judd> No dependency chain found between packages
linux-image-4.9.0-6-amd64 and libqt5core5a in stretch/amd64.
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2126[15:40:09] <karlpinc> litb: I've heard that make-kpkg is
no longer the preferred way to make kernels, although I don't
know. The place to look for kernel creation information is on the
debian wiki.
2127[15:40:18] <babilen> And there is no dependency chain between
those packages
2128[15:40:31] <babilen> make-kpkg hasn't been used in a
2129[15:40:33] * karlpinc forgets whether there's something in the
debian reference about making kernels.
2130[15:40:58] <litb> :( that's sad. so I've wasted all
the last 4 hours
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2133[15:41:24] <bites> there is the debian kernel handbook.
2134[15:41:24] <litb> first i used linux's own make deb-pkg
or what's called. but I got frustrated after i called it twice
and it did a clean in between *automatically*
2135[15:41:25] <babilen>
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2137[15:41:38] <bites> hehe, that.
2138[15:41:42] <karlpinc> litb: Dunno. I often find that about
only 1/2 of such time is wasted. :-)
2139[15:41:57] <babilen> litb: Sure, Debian packages clean before
they are built, to ensure that you have a .. well .. clean package
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2141[15:42:19] <litb> first my disk went full. i cleaned up a bit
and started it again. and it removed all .ko files it built before
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2143[15:42:22] <babilen> Why are you compiling your own kernel to
begin with and which package does actually depend on libqt5core5a ?
2144[15:42:24] <litb> man, that's stupid
2145[15:42:57] <litb> baba__, i need CONFIG_HZ=1000
2146[15:43:04] <litb> babilen, ^
2147[15:43:17] <karlpinc> litb: How is the package going to know
what's stupid? Better safe than sorry with that sort of stuff.
2148[15:43:47] *** Quits: BCMM (~BCMM@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
2149[15:44:02] <litb> it could print "removing old .ko
files.. C-c to cancel" and sleep for some seconds before
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2153[15:44:55] <jhutchins_wk> litb: you're not very familiar
with compiling code, are you? Maybe you should accept the defaults.
There's a reason they work that way.
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2157[15:45:40] <babilen> litb: Did you look into the RT kernel?
2158[15:45:46] <babilen> (and what do you need it for?)
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2168[15:48:34] <davorin> ehlo (o;
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2172[15:50:10] <davorin> what kernel version have the weekly test
builds of debian 9?
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2175[15:51:05] <bites> debian 9 has released a while ago with
kernel 4.9. otherwise...
2176[15:51:07] <bites> ,kernels
2177[15:51:08] *** Quits: shodan` (~textual@replaced-ip) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2178[15:51:08] <judd> Available kernel versions are:
experimental: 4.16.0-rc6-686 (4.16~rc6-1~exp1); sid:
4.16.0-1-686-pae (4.16.5-1); buster: 4.15.0-3-686-pae (4.15.17-1);
stretch-backports: 4.15.0-0.bpo.2-686 (4.15.11-1~bpo9+1); stretch:
4.9.0-6-686-pae (4.9.88-1); jessie-backports: 4.9.0-0.bpo.6-686-pae
(4.9.82-1+deb9u3~bpo8+1); jessie: 3.16.0-6-686-pae (3.16.56-1);
wheezy-backports: 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae
2179[15:51:09] <judd> (3.16.39-1+deb8u1~bpo70+1); wheezy:
3.2.0-6-686-pae (3.2.101-1)
2180[15:51:25] <davorin> in the iso installer images?
2181[15:51:30] <davorin> that would be great...
2182[15:51:41] <davorin> as i don't like ubuntu 18 at
all...well..never liked it (o;
2183[15:51:52] <bites> the debian 9 installer images all have
kernel 4.9
2184[15:51:55] <davorin> another option would be to install an
older pice ethernet card for my company pc
2185[15:52:00] <davorin> ooh...
2186[15:52:08] <davorin> but i can then back port a newer
2187[15:52:22] <bites> yes, after the installation, sure.
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2189[15:52:37] <davorin> well..makes sense to use a kernel from a
stable release for an installer (o;
2190[15:52:49] <karlpinc> davorin: Or use one from debian
2191[15:53:06] <davorin> for the installer?
2192[15:53:26] <karlpinc> davorin: I was thinking after install.
2193[15:53:41] <davorin> right...
2194[15:53:45] <davorin> well might be that kernel 4.15 or newer
have better support for i7-8700 series
2195[15:54:12] <davorin> found yesterday a good blog post
describing the procedure...
2196[15:54:54] <davorin> what desktop do you prefer for
2197[15:55:05] <davorin> currently use xfce at it seems
very lightweight
2198[15:55:07] *** Quits: sibyakin (~sibyakin@replaced-ip) ()
2199[15:55:43] <davorin> and so far had no issues with commercial
pga tools on debian 9
2200[15:55:48] <bites> i3wm or awesome. don't like to use
the touchpad when moving around.
2201[15:55:54] <davorin> besides some programs are compiled
against libpng12 (o;
2202[15:56:26] <davorin> don't remember which wm are offered
during install
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2207[15:57:20] <bites> uh, gnome, xfce, kde, lxde, cinnamon,
mate, lxqt
2208[15:57:29] <bites> that should be it.
2209[15:57:33] *** Quits: dionysus69 (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Quit: dionysus69)
2210[15:57:45] <davorin> i liked the old code in the old days on
a sun (o;
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2212[15:57:50] <davorin> s/cde/code/
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2215[15:57:55] <davorin> stupid auto correction...
2216[15:57:59] <karlpinc> davorin: All desktops suck.
2217[15:58:08] *** Quits: ggherdov (sid11402@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
2218[15:58:21] <davorin> well...i still edit mostly remotely with
vi (o;
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2225[15:59:09] <davorin> hmm..who did a screenshot of awesome
desktop with bob ross as background...makes me thinking (o;
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2229[15:59:39] <Guest58298> davorin: vi is a way of life
2230[15:59:41] <alx_fly> is there a possibilty to reinstall
default debian packages like after fresh install?
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2235[16:01:13] * davorin looks in his drawers for older pcie ethernet
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2239[16:03:21] <karlpinc> alx_fly: It should be simple enough to
script a re-install of all installed packages: aptitude search
'~i' | xargs -n 1 aptitude reinstall But I've not
tested this. But rather than doing something like that it'd be
better for you to tell us your real problem and see if that
can't be fixed. (Look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log)
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2243[16:04:13] <davorin> intel, a tp-link and two
realteks should be enough to test...
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2273[16:11:45] <candidat> hello :)
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2346[16:42:41] <alx_fly> anyone running into this problem ?
/usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-x-session[1910]: #011(WW) warning, (EE) error,
(NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
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2357[16:46:03] * alx_fly kills his dell 7537
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2360[16:47:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1644
2361[16:47:05] <jelly> talin: that does not look like a problem,
just some random line from Xorg log
2362[16:47:14] <jelly> erm.
2363[16:47:19] <jelly> alx_fly: that does not look like a
problem, just some random line from Xorg log
2364[16:47:20] <jhutchins_wk> alx_fly: That's pretty
meaningless without context. What operation yeilds this error? Does
anything fail?
2365[16:47:25] <jelly> !ask
2366[16:47:25] <dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For
example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian
version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I
expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if
anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all
volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get
an answer try a few hours later or on
See <smart questions><errors>.
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2373[16:50:41] <alx_fly> jelly, jhutchins_wk: gdm does not show
up. it causes since updateing yesterday. i used before the
nvidia-dkms, bumblebee and kernel 4.14 from backports. the update
fails and broke some dependencies. now i removed the 4.15bpo kernel
and the backports packages and installed and nvidia
bumblebee. after that my gdm does not start
2374[16:50:50] <alx_fly> running debian 9
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2382[16:53:25] <jelly> ah, so it's likely a change in kernel
broke nvidia driver (dkms building) again
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2388[16:55:44] <alx_fly> here the logs:
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2391[16:56:28] <alx_fly> jelly: done dkms rebuild and nvidia
works fine. but gdm is not showing up. HELL
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2395[16:57:52] <alx_fly> alex@Inspiron-7537:~$ optirun glxgears
2396[16:57:55] <alx_fly> 3968 frames in 5.0 seconds = 793.452 FPS
2397[16:57:57] <alx_fly> [VGL] ERROR: in readback--
2398[16:57:59] <alx_fly> [VGL] 254: Window has been deleted by
window manager
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2404[17:01:14] <alx_fly> jelly, jhutchins_wk: here the full log
2405[17:01:17] <alx_fly> syslog
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2409[17:03:19] <davorin> well is gtx1050 supported in
debian 9?
2410[17:03:38] <alx_fly> dmesg
2411[17:03:45] <Trel> Ok, odd question, from the debian home
page, how do I navigate to the current iso with the extra drivers
and firmwares? I know how to find it through google, but not
manually through links from the debian site.
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2417[17:05:47] <Trel> nevermind, I found a path there
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2419[17:05:57] <karlpinc> Trel: I don't know the navigation.
I always ask the bot here.
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2423[17:07:24] <Trel> I found it though, it's a small text
link just mentioned on the cdimage download page.
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2447[17:19:05] <bolovanos> hithere
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2453[17:22:23] <alx_fly> after killing gdm3 gdm starts
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2475[17:30:00] <alx_fly> so could someone help. i dont want to
reinstall debian XD
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2477[17:31:05] <LtL> alx_fly: how do you 'kill' it? Try
systemctl stop gdm3
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2480[17:31:34] <alx_fly> LtL: killall gdm3
2481[17:31:51] <LtL> alx_fly: not a good method.
2482[17:32:06] <alx_fly> i know
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2485[17:32:12] <alx_fly> will use systemd
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2496[17:34:26] <alx_fly> now i am confused
2497[17:34:32] <alx_fly> LtL: gdm3 starts at boot. many time it
does not
2498[17:34:44] <alx_fly> and i dont know what goes wrond
2499[17:34:54] <alx_fly> LtL: THX for your advice
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2509[17:37:59] <LtL> alx_fly: look at journalctl and other logs
to see whats happening.
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2515[17:39:08] <alx_fly> would you help? i dont maintained a
system since some years XD
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2520[17:41:15] <LtL> alx_fly: systemctl status gdm3 for starters,
journalctl -f to see what is happening. Also logfiles in
/var/log/messages /var/log/syslog
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2525[17:43:14] <alx_fly> LtL:
2526[17:43:26] <alx_fly> grep EE /var/log/messages
2527[17:43:44] <alx_fly> really strange errors
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2531[17:45:18] <LtL> alx_fly: is that paste /var/log/messages?
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2533[17:45:40] <alx_fly> yeah, but only the EE errors
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2535[17:46:23] <LtL> alx_fly: ok, what does 'systemctl
status gdm3' state/say?
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2538[17:47:32] <alx_fly> LtL:
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2544[17:49:19] <LtL> alx_fly: that looks good, the touchscreen
errors seem to be an issue.
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2546[17:51:06] <alx_fly> LtL: what would be the good way? get a
new screen XD
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2550[17:52:46] <LtL> alx_fly: please keep messages in the channel
so others can assist. I can't say if the screen itself is the
problem. Try 'journalctl -f' and see if there are errors
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2557[17:54:38] <alx_fly> LtL:
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2560[17:55:43] <LtL> alx_fly: you stated 'nvidia-dkms
bumblebee and the kernel from backports then removed them. That may
have caused issues. I'm not sure.
2561[17:57:06] <alx_fly> LtL: is it possible to reinstall all
default packages?
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2563[17:57:13] <alx_fly> damn got no backup
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2569[17:59:29] <LtL> alx_fly: y0u could try, 'apt-get
install --reinstall <pkg>' but that may be risky unless
you know the exact offending package. Downgrading is risky at best,
it look like a display problem though.
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2576[18:01:22] <alx_fly> LtL: the only good thing is that
bumblebee works on my machine with kernel
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2583[18:04:52] <LtL> alx_fly: re-installing -all- default
packages would be more difficult than re-installing from scratch
without a dpkg --get-selections file _before_ all those changes.
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2594[18:08:09] <LtL> alx_fly: I wish I could be more definitive,
but nvidia-dkms and bumble I have no experience with.
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2597[18:09:10] <LtL> alx_fly: if this is a fresh install, you
know what works so a re-install would be pretty quick.
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2599[18:09:34] <jhutchins_wk> I think you want
/var/log/Xorg.0.log for EE messages.
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2601[18:10:27] <jhutchins_wk> The status of gdm3 would be
significant when it fails to start more than when it succeeds.
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2605[18:11:16] <jhutchins_wk> Hmmm. Gone already.
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2619[18:16:17] <alx_fly> LtL: yeah it would be quick. mv /home to
an backup device...
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2622[18:16:47] <alx_fly> gdm gives no errors but no screen. after
restart gdm3 in tty2 it worked and gdm3 show up
2623[18:16:56] <alx_fly> so could be this fixed?
2624[18:17:21] *** Quits: chris__ (~chris@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2625[18:17:40] <LtL> alx_fly: jhutchins_wk wisely suggests
looking at /var/log/Xorg.0.log
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2642[18:24:34] <dada78641> Hi there! I'm trying to get
internet working with the "wl" proprietary driver (via
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2644[18:26:04] <jelly> dada78641: if it's not found it
probably means the build procedure was not successful
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2650[18:27:34] <dada78641> Could be, but I'm not sure how I
can tell whether that's the case. The wiki only tells me to
install things, and then activate the module.
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2654[18:27:58] <dada78641> Or rather it says "dkms will
build the module"
2655[18:28:07] <dada78641> Maybe I need to do something manually
to start that process then?
2656[18:29:16] <alx_fly> LtL: thousend of times i get following
2657[18:29:18] <alx_fly> [ 228.595] (EE) SynPS/2 Synaptics
TouchPad: Read error 9
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2662[18:29:31] <BanHammor> dada78641, could you uninstall and
reinstall broadcom-sta-dkms from your terminal and post the full
output of it?
2663[18:29:36] *** Quits: electro33 (uid613@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
2664[18:29:40] <dada78641> Yes, will do
2665[18:29:42] <BanHammor> of the installation command that is
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2670[18:30:37] <alx_fly> LtL: grep 'SynPS/2 Synaptics
TouchPad: Read error 9' /var/log/Xorg.0.log | wc -l
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2672[18:30:39] <alx_fly> 127825
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2674[18:30:48] <dada78641> Ah, I think that revealed something I
missed before. Upon reinstalling it says it skipped the module build
because the 4.15.0-2-amd64 kernel headers haven't been
2675[18:30:55] <jelly> dada78641: the output of broadcom-sta-dkms
package installation shows whether the build was successful. You can
probably do "dpkg-reconfigure broadcom-sta-dkms" to try
building it again
2676[18:30:58] *** Quits: leafwiz (~leafwiz@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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2680[18:31:23] <jelly> dada78641: install linux-headers-$(uname
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2684[18:31:40] <jelly> ,kernels
2685[18:31:42] <judd> Available kernel versions are:
experimental: 4.16.0-rc6-686 (4.16~rc6-1~exp1); sid:
4.16.0-1-686-pae (4.16.5-1); buster: 4.15.0-3-686-pae (4.15.17-1);
stretch-backports: 4.15.0-0.bpo.2-686 (4.15.11-1~bpo9+1); stretch:
4.9.0-6-686-pae (4.9.88-1); jessie-backports: 4.9.0-0.bpo.6-686-pae
(4.9.82-1+deb9u3~bpo8+1); jessie: 3.16.0-6-686-pae (3.16.56-1);
wheezy-backports: 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae
2686[18:31:43] <judd> (3.16.39-1+deb8u1~bpo70+1); wheezy:
3.2.0-6-686-pae (3.2.101-1)
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2690[18:32:37] <jelly> dada78641: looks like you'll have to
upgrade both the kernel and headers, unless you want to fetch old
headers from Also, if you're on testing or
unstable, it's better to ask in
2691[18:32:39] <jelly> !debian-nexyt
2692[18:32:45] *** Joins: leafwiz (~leafwiz@replaced-ip)
2693[18:32:46] <jelly> !debian-next
2694[18:32:46] <dpkg> #debian-next is the channel for
testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not*
on Freenode. If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is
invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
2695[18:32:49] *** Joins: crayon (~crayon@replaced-ip)
2696[18:34:07] <dada78641> hm, it claims it can't find
linux-headers-4.15.0-2-amd64, although I do have linux-headers-amd64
at (4.9+80+deb9u4) installed
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2698[18:34:23] <dada78641> that one comes from the wiki guide
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2701[18:36:09] <eugenmayer> why is someting like "source
/home/me/; env" not working in cron. It seems like the
env is never popuplated
2702[18:36:09] *** Quits: Cuechan (~paul@replaced-ip) (Quit: Cuechan)
2703[18:36:38] <eugenmayer> when i pipe the output to a logfile,
the ENV is always only the bare minimum ( default path / home.) and
thats it
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2705[18:37:35] <eugenmayer> seems like it should be possible -
generally ;
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2708[18:38:03] <jelly> eugenmayer: crond avoids running commands
in a subshell when it feels it can. Do "sh -c '.
/home/me/; env'"
2709[18:38:03] <dada78641> I'll see if debian-next knows
what the deal is with the kernel headers, seems that must be the
key. Thanks for the help :)
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2713[18:38:32] <jelly> dada78641: you probably have old kernel
running right now, and headers for it are gone from the repo
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2717[18:39:13] <dada78641> My uname -r seems to be
4.15.0-2-amd64, no idea if that's old or not
2718[18:39:31] <jelly> it's old, see what judd bot said
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2720[18:40:05] <eugenmayer> jelly: interesting - trying that
2721[18:40:07] <dada78641> Aha, ok
2722[18:41:38] *** Quits: Andocromn (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2723[18:42:26] <jelly> eugenmayer: and your /bin/sh might not
know what "source " command is
2724[18:42:35] <eugenmayer> jelly: that worked. Serously how
crappy, unpredictible and horribly designed is cron actually
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2727[18:43:11] <eugenmayer> it never logs anything, it never
telss why it does not run anything, it needs a newline ( sometimes
). It seems like from 1960 without any love gone to it since then ;/
2728[18:43:17] <jelly> eugenmayer: reading the manual pages
crontab(5) and cron(8) can clear up so many issues
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2731[18:43:43] <eugenmayer> i did read it, and nothing of that is
inside there :) And googling about cron issues alone does help
understand, how bad it is designed
2732[18:43:44] *** Joins: CMLSC (b8594656@replaced-ip)
2733[18:43:58] <jelly> eugenmayer: enabling cron.* in syslog and
setting up working mail delivery can be helpful, too
2734[18:44:04] <eugenmayer> in my case, if you would see that -
thats rediculous.
2735[18:44:25] <eugenmayer> jelly: nevertheless, thank you for
the subshell trick, that did it.
2736[18:44:49] *** Quits: Kevlar_Noir (~lexou@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2737[18:44:49] <jelly> I agree is rather special, but
SHELL=/bin/sh is doumented
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2741[18:45:47] <jelly> and Debian's default /bin/sh does not
do "source"
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2745[18:46:16] <CMLSC> Could anyone help me with some
installation issues I'm having with debian?
2746[18:46:21] <jelly> !ask
2747[18:46:21] <dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For
example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian
version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I
expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if
anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all
volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get
an answer try a few hours later or on
See <smart questions><errors>.
2748[18:46:26] *** Quits: WhatisRT (~whatisrt@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2749[18:46:40] <jelly> that means you CMLSC
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2751[18:46:48] <CMLSC> okay
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2754[18:47:19] <CMLSC> Basically I tried to install debian and
chose the settings to replace all the OSes on the hard drive, but
for some reason it seems that the installation did nothing.
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2757[18:48:00] <jelly> CMLSC: does that mean any previously
existing partitions are still present?
2758[18:48:05] *** Joins: thescientist
2759[18:48:06] <CMLSC> Previous boot options are still there and
I can't find debian under the other boot options in the bios.
2760[18:48:23] <CMLSC> jelly the debian installation said it was
going to repartition everything
2761[18:48:42] *** Joins: Schmeckle (~Schmeckle@replaced-ip)
2762[18:48:43] <jelly> yes. But it didn't say it was going
to clear up old UEFI boot options, sadly
2763[18:48:44] <CMLSC> so they shouldn't be
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2765[18:49:22] <jelly> is your system booting via UEFI or legacy
2766[18:49:22] *** Joins: button (~crayon@replaced-ip)
2767[18:49:28] <CMLSC> I chose the options to replace the other
boot options because it thought there wasn't any OS on it
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2773[18:49:52] <CMLSC> jelly I can't get UEFI to work, but I
can boot from legacy
2774[18:50:02] *** the is now known as Guest44183
2775[18:50:04] <CMLSC> specifically the flash drive I was using
to install
2776[18:50:13] <jelly> CMLSC: can you take a screenshot of the
boot options and put it someplace like
2777[18:50:22] <jelly> or
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2783[18:51:05] <jelly> ok. a phone cam shot of the screen, not
technically "screenshot"
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2827[18:54:52] <CMLSC> jelly
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2831[18:55:09] <CMLSC> my original ubuntu install broke when I
installed some software updates
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2835[18:55:25] <jelly> CMLSC: okay. So you have an UEFI boot
entry for ubuntu.
2836[18:55:32] *** Joins: rpifan (~rpifan@replaced-ip)
2837[18:55:34] <CMLSC> yeah
2838[18:55:34] *** Quits: ggherdov (sid11402@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
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2841[18:55:46] <jelly> what happens of you choose that
2842[18:55:53] <jelly> if*
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2846[18:56:23] <CMLSC> Dell SupportAssist "Your system seems
to be having trouble starting. Dell SupportAssist is scanning your
hardware for a possible cause."
2847[18:56:33] <jelly> fuckwhat
2848[18:56:37] *** Quits: the_scientist
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2849[18:56:46] <CMLSC> jelly that's the broken ubuntu
2850[18:56:51] <jelly> the goal now is probably to boot Debian
somehow, then call the tool for editing uefi boot choices
2851[18:56:54] *** Joins: thescientist
2852[18:57:13] <CMLSC> I have a ubuntu iso that I could put on
the flashdrive
2853[18:57:30] <jelly> efibootmgr? I'll have to find some
uefi machine to look
2854[18:57:40] *** Joins: nobodi (~nobodi@replaced-ip)
2855[18:57:41] <CMLSC> There isn't a "try debian"
option, right?
2856[18:57:49] *** Joins: mephistolist (~ph33r@replaced-ip)
2857[18:57:50] <jelly> there are debian live images
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2862[18:58:11] <CMLSC> jelly I have some ubuntu isos already
2863[18:58:24] <jelly> any linux that boots will probably do
2864[18:58:43] <jelly> even the installer has a shell on
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2872[18:59:23] <CMLSC> jelly shouldn't take long to prepare
the iso...
2873[18:59:28] <jelly> but I have to run away right now,
hopefully someone will hop in
2874[18:59:31] *** Quits: m1m1r (~mbdb92@replaced-ip) (Quit: WeeChat 1.4)
2875[18:59:48] <CMLSC> okay
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2881[19:01:20] <sky_> hello can someone hack in to linux os ?
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2901[19:05:35] <CMLSC> looks like I can't boot from the
flash drive now... idk why
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2907[19:06:09] <mtn> CMLSC: do you still have the debian install
2908[19:06:20] <CMLSC> mtn I had it on a flash drive
2909[19:06:27] <mtn> CMLSC: did or do?
2910[19:06:30] *** Joins: mephistolist (~ph33r@replaced-ip)
2911[19:06:31] <CMLSC> just replaced it with ubuntu
2912[19:06:40] <sky_> CMLSC can my linux distro could be hacked/
2913[19:06:41] <CMLSC> ah, I got it running from the legacy
options again
2914[19:06:54] *** Quits: Ilyas (uid43013@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
2915[19:06:59] <mtn> CMLSC: ok. I always use the debian install
disk for repairs. It has a nice repair function
2916[19:07:24] <CMLSC> mtn the iso I was using might've had
a repair option
2917[19:07:25] *** Quits: Eloy (~Eloy@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2918[19:07:26] <CMLSC> not sure
2919[19:07:39] <CMLSC> just trying to get to a terminal for now
2920[19:07:39] <mtn> CMLSC: the debian install disk does for sure
2921[19:08:21] <sky_> windows guy saying they can hack me on
linux ?
2922[19:09:44] *** Quits: gjt343 (~gjt@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2923[19:09:48] <oerheks> sky_, we don't comment on
2924[19:10:14] <oerheks> !fud
2925[19:10:14] <dpkg> fud is probably Fear, uncertainty, doubt.
Originally invented by IBM, but now used by many others. or YAFA. or
Fscking Useless Data or otherwise known as false information or
mindless facts with no backup facts or
2926[19:10:33] <CMLSC> mtn so my hard drive has 5 partitions
2927[19:10:48] <CMLSC> 2 4MB partitions for booting.
2928[19:10:56] <CMLSC> and 3 others
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2935[19:12:15] <sky_> oerheks yes they said i must install
antivirus or they hack me
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2939[19:13:33] <mtn> CMLSC: if you have that many partitions, the
the install didn't work the way you said. It should only be two
partitions, one root and one swap.
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2942[19:16:06] <mtn> CMLSC: why not do the install again? make
sure what it is doing and that it is what you want it to do.
2943[19:16:07] <CMLSC> mtn here's what is says
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2945[19:16:33] <CMLSC> mtn what settings do I need to choose
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2947[19:16:56] <CMLSC> I thought I chose the right ones. (I
can't name them all, but I'll remember which ones I chose
if you name them)
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2949[19:17:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1627
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2973[19:24:56] <sky_> that guy in windows room saying that he can
hack in to debian or i must install antivirus ,There is any anti
virus for debian ?
2974[19:25:00] <mtn> CMLSC: sorry, I am not familiar with that
kind of setup.
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2977[19:25:51] <mtn> sky_: antivirus is not needed while using
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2980[19:26:38] <sky_> mtn than how he s saying he can hack in my
debian pc
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2982[19:27:18] <mtn> sky_: he is trolling you or you are just
trolling this channel
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2984[19:28:29] <sky_> mtn he s trolling me by hacking may be ?
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2997[19:31:41] <CMLSC> mtn do my partitions still look wrong?
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3002[19:33:16] <mtn> CMLSC: as I said, I am not familiar with
your kind of setup. I would only use 2 partitions
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3011[19:36:23] <CMLSC> mtn okay
3012[19:37:56] *** Joins: WhatisRT (~whatisrt@replaced-ip)
3013[19:38:22] <annadane> antiviruses are often useless at best
anyway and at worst actively harmful
3014[19:38:25] *** Quits: DerLGm (~DerLGm@replaced-ip) (Quit: Hold on, brb.😎)
3015[19:38:31] <annadane> certainly on linux boxes
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3017[19:38:45] <eugenmayer> jelly: our of any reason its still
not working. I deploy on a stretch, creating a /etc/cron.d/drupal
using that statement in a docker file
3018[19:39:08] <eugenmayer> jelly: now, it simply never runs
until i just edit the file with vim and save it - then it gets
3019[19:39:09] *** Quits: krabador (~krabador@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
3020[19:39:19] <eugenmayer> it really drives me nuts ;/
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3027[19:40:58] <jelly> eugenmayer: are there any differences in
the file before and after editing?
3028[19:41:18] <eugenmayer> according to cat -A there are now
3029[19:41:21] *** Quits: rpifan (~rpifan@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3030[19:41:21] <eugenmayer> *not
3031[19:41:31] <jelly> file size? diff -u?
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3033[19:41:44] <jelly> I have no clue what cat -A does
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3035[19:41:49] <annadane> doubly so if the person is running an
antivirus because they expect defaults to do all the work for them
in place of making healthy decisions
3036[19:42:13] <greycat> I would look for cron's logs from
the times when it failed.
3037[19:42:55] <jelly> crond notoriosly ignores last lines
without \n without complaining at all
3038[19:42:56] *** Joins: toorop (~toorop@replaced-ip)
3039[19:43:12] <greycat> and vim would add a final \n if it were
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3041[19:43:35] <jelly> eugenmayer: which your docker automation
should really know about, if that's the cause
3042[19:43:48] <jelly> it's been that way for 20+ years now
3043[19:44:15] * greycat still doesn't know how "cat -A"
is a substitute for diff.
3044[19:45:02] <jelly> meow
3045[19:45:04] *** Quits: sysvalve (~sysvalve@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3046[19:45:31] <jelly> oh, that's no automation, that looks
like echo > file
3047[19:45:49] <eugenmayer> jeezy: cat -A shows all spacial
3048[19:46:02] <greycat> but it doesn't show you the
differences between two files
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3050[19:46:11] <eugenmayer> jelly: ^^ adding \n does not help me
at all
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3053[19:46:31] <jelly> eugenmayer: adding it where?
3054[19:46:33] <CMLSC> oh hey jelly
3055[19:46:42] <jelly> hi
3056[19:46:45] <CMLSC> jelly these are my partitions:
3057[19:46:45] *** Parts: darkred (~kvirc@replaced-ip) ()
3058[19:46:47] <greycat> You said you edited the file in vim. Vim
adds a \n to the end if it was originally missing. By default.
3059[19:47:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1633
3060[19:47:06] <eugenmayer> jelly:
3061[19:47:31] <greycat> that is not a diff between the files
before and after editing
3062[19:47:32] <eugenmayer> jelly: i tried that before (\n) adds
a newline, but cron does not care still, not execution before i edit
it with vim
3063[19:47:43] <jelly> CMLSC: what kind of system is this that it
only has 32GB flash for boot disk?
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3066[19:48:20] <greycat> what the hell is that
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3069[19:48:36] <jelly> eugenmayer: ok. Same question about file
difference before and after editing, then
3070[19:48:47] <eugenmayer> a typo
3071[19:49:03] <eugenmayer> greycat: echo "* * * * *
3072[19:49:12] <jelly> eugenmayer: you should probably use printf
instead of echo, if that's a shell snippet
3073[19:49:33] <eugenmayer> i will deploy that and give you a
diff, but AFICS yet, since cat -A does not show me any difference,
diff will neither. But sill, let me try that
3074[19:49:41] <greycat> eugenmayer: what you just pasted into
chat is NOT what appeared on your web page.
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3076[19:50:03] <CMLSC> jelly a really bad laptop that someone
gave to me for free
3077[19:50:04] <eugenmayer> greycat: yes, i made a typo. I was
using that before so i was just quickly adjusting
3078[19:50:15] <CMLSC> it couldn't fit windows, so they just
let me have it
3079[19:50:19] <greycat> eugenmayer: whether this means your
chosen pastebin ate the character or whether it means you EDITED
SOMETHING, we cannot know. Also, that literal \n is not correct AND
3080[19:50:24] <jelly> CMLSC: oh, like a netbook thingy?
3081[19:50:35] <CMLSC> dell inspiron-somethingorother
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3083[19:50:55] <jelly> it's possible they do something weird
with boot process. But still ubuntu managed to install itself
3084[19:50:59] <CMLSC> jelly Dell Inspiron 14-3452 I think.
3085[19:51:02] *** Quits: sysvalve (~sysvalve@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3086[19:51:05] <CMLSC> jelly not properly
3087[19:51:06] <greycat> eugenmayer: run "diff -u" on
the NON-WORKING file and the WORKING file.
3088[19:51:12] <jelly> improperly?
3089[19:51:16] <CMLSC> like I said, I had to start ubuntu 3 times
for it to actually start properly
3090[19:51:19] *** Quits: Brigo (~Brigo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
3091[19:51:22] <CMLSC> or did I not mention that? xD
3092[19:51:27] <CMLSC> it was weird
3093[19:51:28] <eugenmayer> i will. greycat relaxe, i am not
trying to waste either of yours time.
3094[19:51:41] <CMLSC> the way it broke was also weird(software
3095[19:52:17] <jelly> CMLSC: that's output of lsblk?
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3098[19:53:07] <CMLSC> jelly yep
3099[19:53:14] <CMLSC> or at least the hard drive partition
3100[19:53:16] <CMLSC> *parts
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3103[19:54:02] <jelly> I don't really know a lot about uefi
boot issues, but you ought to have a vfat efi boot partition,
possibly one tiny (4MB sounds about right) partition for grub
stage2, and then two normal partiitons for linux and linux swap
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3108[19:54:56] <jelly> not sure what those two mmcblk0boot* are
3109[19:55:02] <CMLSC> jelly so any idea what I should do?
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3112[19:55:27] <jelly> and partitions 1, 2 then 5 sound like MBR
partition table format and not GPT which is more common with UEFI
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3116[19:56:20] <jelly> CMLSC: you basically only have two real
partitions, mmcblk0p1 and mmcblk0p5, and it looks like debian did
that part right
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3120[19:57:06] <CMLSC> jelly so why are ubuntu and windows boot
manager my boot options?
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3125[19:58:17] <jelly> CMLSC: that's a good question. Which
os you have booted now?
3126[19:58:54] <tw> That's not a normal setup. You're
booting a non-embedded system off mmc? Is this a chromebook or
3127[19:59:00] *** Quits: litb (~js@replaced-ip) (Quit: Verlassend)
3128[19:59:00] <CMLSC> jelly I've got ubuntu on the flash
3129[19:59:04] *** Quits: noodlepie (~Phillip@replaced-ip) (Quit: Rebooting)
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3131[19:59:23] <CMLSC> the installation specifically, but
I'm using the "try ubuntu" thing for the terminal
3132[19:59:25] <jelly> CMLSC: okay. Can you "mount
/dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt" as root
3133[19:59:39] <jelly> open a root shell with "sudo -i"
3134[19:59:49] <jelly> you'll be doing a lot of stuff as
3135[20:00:16] *** Quits: krabador (~krabador@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3136[20:00:16] <jelly> tw: cheap netbook looks kinda embedded...
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3139[20:00:51] <tw> My money is on custom boot block location in
3140[20:00:52] <CMLSC> jelly should it say anything?
3141[20:00:56] <CMLSC> I did it tho
3142[20:01:13] <CMLSC> the "mount /dev/mmcblk0p1 /mnt"
3143[20:01:57] <jelly> no, if it's quiet it means it worked
3144[20:02:07] <CMLSC> anything else?
3145[20:02:10] <jelly> "df" or "mount" should
show it's mounted now
3146[20:02:13] *** Joins: Satou (~jjj@replaced-ip)
3147[20:03:05] <CMLSC> so under df I should see
"/dev/mmcblk0p1 27949140 4001580 22504744 16% /mnt"?
3148[20:03:06] <jelly> CMLSC: now, prepare to do stuff in debian
inside chroot. for each of /dev, /proc, /sys, do something like:
"mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev"
3149[20:03:10] <jelly> yes
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3152[20:03:46] <CMLSC> wdym for each /dev, /proc, and /sys?
3153[20:03:50] <CMLSC> the stuff under df?
3154[20:04:12] <CMLSC> oh, under mount
3155[20:04:16] <jelly> run "mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev"
and "mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc" and...
3156[20:04:17] <CMLSC> all of them?
3157[20:04:33] <jelly> all three
3158[20:05:07] <CMLSC> did it
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3160[20:05:12] <CMLSC> anything else?
3161[20:05:16] *** Joins: Strife89 (~quassel@replaced-ip)
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3163[20:05:27] <jelly> and then you might be able to "chroot
/mnt" and get a shell inside debian installation
3164[20:06:05] <CMLSC> jelly it switched from
"root@ubuntu:~#" to "root@ubuntu:/#"
3165[20:06:07] *** Joins: Kevlar_Noir (~lexou@replaced-ip)
3166[20:06:09] <CMLSC> still ubuntu tho
3167[20:06:20] <jelly> that's still the host name
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3169[20:06:28] <CMLSC> what now?
3170[20:06:43] *** Quits: enki (~enki@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
3171[20:07:00] <jelly> ubuntu iso sets host name to
"ubuntu" at boot. It's only set once at boot time
usually. Not relevant.
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3174[20:07:16] <CMLSC> I gtg for a little bit. .-.
3175[20:07:25] *** Joins: noodlepie (~Phillip@replaced-ip)
3176[20:07:28] <jelly> see you later
3177[20:07:31] <CMLSC> I'll be back later and I'll read
whatever is in here
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3180[20:08:40] <jelly> CMLSC: the general idea is to find the efi
boot partition, mount it inside debian chroot shell at /boot/efi,
then use efibootmgr to remove old entries and add one for debian
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3186[20:10:21] <jelly> CMLSC: possibly install grub-efi-amd64 or
grub-efi-ia32, whichever works for your system
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3211[20:24:45] <CMLSC> jelly I'm back
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3215[20:26:03] <CMLSC> also, I have no clue how to do any of
that. I'm pretty new to using linux. ._.
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3221[20:29:07] <CMLSC> lol, apparently this laptop has 1 star on
3222[20:29:21] *** Quits: Capprentice (~Capprenti@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3223[20:29:26] <CMLSC> I gotta say though, it's got a good
battery life
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3225[20:32:03] <eugenmayer> jelly: greycat:
3226[20:32:21] <eugenmayer> as expected, the diff is non
existent, nothing is diffrent
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3232[20:34:49] <greycat> eugenmayer: then we have a mystery. Are
there any errors from the time when cron *should* be running it, and
it's failing to do so?
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3234[20:35:40] <eugenmayer> greycat: since i run cron in the
foreground and log it, there is nothing i can see there
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3236[20:37:10] <greycat> What *DOES* it show at the time when it
looks for jobs in that directory to execute? You have to come up
with some details at some point. You can't just keep saying
"there is nothing I can do but you should all be able to tell
me what to do"
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3239[20:37:59] <greycat> Do the OTHER jobs in that directory work
at that moment?
3240[20:38:03] <eugenmayer> greycat: how would i trace that? So
how can i visualize how cron does anallize. the content of
/etc/crontab /etc/cron.d? there is no debug flag for that, is there?
3241[20:38:09] <eugenmayer> yes they do
3242[20:38:20] <greycat> Then SHOW THE FREAKIN' LOGS from
that time!
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3252[20:41:41] <greycat> Bah, I should know better than to try to
help Docker users. Even outside of #bash.
3253[20:42:21] <eugenmayer> wow.
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3257[20:43:57] * greycat reads cron(8) and sees "the files in the
/etc/cron.d directory are monitored for changes" and wonders if
the Docker component of the problem has made it so that cron(8)
doesn't know the file is there, until you "change" it
by saving in vim
3258[20:44:11] * greycat also sees "the system administrator
should not use/etc/cron.d/"
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3261[20:45:59] <eugenmayer> you have 0 clue of docker, what i do
or whatever you rant about. So why in hell you even involve? I did
hopefully not force you to try to help, in any case i invite you to
not do so
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3278[20:57:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1625
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3283[20:58:53] <rigoabe> hi i may have screwed up my x2 with
jessie. now this little box boots only in emergency mode. journalctl
-xn is like chinese for me at the moment. meaning i have no idea
what to check. can i pastebin the content here?
3284[20:59:34] <rigoabe> oh yeah. this happened after i tried to
upgrade from jessie to stretch of course (don't ask why i did
it... i'm like a kid)
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3288[21:01:18] <petn-randall> rigoabe: What is a x2?
3289[21:01:43] <wodny> petn-randall: filesystem type in japanese
3290[21:01:48] <annadane> thinkpad model...?
3291[21:02:03] <rigoabe> it is a cheap "allwinner"
beelink x2
3292[21:02:23] <annadane> ah
3293[21:02:37] *** Quits: RedSoxFan07 (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Quit: Goodbye and [depending on the time] good night.)
3294[21:02:54] <petn-randall> annadane: Those have more digits to
signify speed.
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3296[21:03:09] <annadane> yeah
3297[21:03:15] <petn-randall> rigoabe: Did the upgrade even go
all the way through?
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3299[21:03:16] <petn-randall> !apt
3300[21:03:16] <dpkg> Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) is a package
management system used by Debian and its derivatives. APT is a C++
library of functions that are used by several command line programs
for dealing with packages, notably apt-get, apt-cache, and aptitude
and, from Debian 8 "Jessie" onwards, apt. See also
<aptitude> <apt-get>, <apt-cache>, <apt
3301[21:03:31] <petn-randall> rigoabe: Can you provide all of the
above in a single paste? We can then check what's up.
3302[21:03:35] <eugenmayer> jelly thanks for pointing it printf,
that was the actual issue. have looked at
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3305[21:04:46] <rigoabe> petn-randall: now it did after i did it
locally not remotely via putty.
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3311[21:07:00] <petn-randall> rigoabe: Did the kernel upgrade
3312[21:07:31] <rigoabe> i'm not sure what that means
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3315[21:09:01] <wodny> rigoabe: what does `$ dpkg -l | grep
linux-image` say?
3316[21:10:02] *** Joins: slv (~slv@replaced-ip)
3317[21:10:11] <rigoabe> linux-image-sun8i 5.38 armhf linux
kernel, version 3.4.113-sun8i
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3319[21:10:35] <rigoabe> starts with ii sorry.
3320[21:10:47] <mrig> Hello, having a little trouble booting my
debian box, something seems to be a miss with it. Booting in
recovery mode and it seems to freeze at the line: 'random: crng
init done'
3321[21:11:21] <wodny> mrig: is a physical machine and a virtual
3322[21:11:35] <wodny> *or
3323[21:11:47] <mrig> wodny a physical machine, has been running
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3325[21:12:14] <mrig> no instillation or changes, I am suspecting
hardware but could well be wrong.
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3327[21:13:02] <wodny> mrig: do you have any encrypted
3328[21:13:16] <rigoabe> wodny: but apt update, apt upgrade and
apt dist-upgrade shows that all packages are up to date
3329[21:13:41] <jelly> rigoabe: that's built from a sunxi
vendor kernel tree and has quite a number of issues
3330[21:13:44] <mrig> there is no encryption no, partitions yes
3331[21:14:28] <wodny> mrig: do you mean you have encrypted
partitions or just have partitions?
3332[21:14:33] <rigoabe> well upgrading a system that works just
fine was a mistake i know that :) now is there a way to a) fix it or
b) downgrade it back to the old one?
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3334[21:14:45] <mrig> just partitions, they are not encrypted.
3335[21:14:58] <jelly> rigoabe: "restore the system from
previous backup"
3336[21:15:28] <mrig> when I try a normal boot, it does its own
file system check which is ok, and then freezes.
3337[21:16:23] <jelly> rigoabe: given the lack of (some) kernel
features for systemd, the system might work better (or at least fail
differently) with sysvinit
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3339[21:16:36] <rigoabe> and that goes how? naturally, i
didn't do a backup.. bc why..
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3341[21:16:49] <jelly> !stretch sysvinit
3342[21:16:50] <dpkg> To replace systemd with sysvinit in
stretch, simply "apt-get install sysvinit-core" and
reboot. To switch from systemd to runit, "apt-get install
runit-systemd", reboot, "apt-get install runit-init",
and reboot again.
3343[21:16:51] <wodny> mrig: hmm, you may be right with a
hardware malfunction. the last easy thing to check would be typing
mindlessly on keyboard during the freeze phase. maybe for some
reason something needs entropy and that is why it freezes.
3344[21:17:04] <jelly> rigoabe: but that means apt has to work
3345[21:17:34] <rigoabe> yeah. that seems easy. will check right
3346[21:17:36] <mrig> wodny, just doing that as you send the
message, spooky!
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3349[21:18:08] <mrig> ok so now it starts ...
3350[21:18:11] <mrig> :|
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3352[21:18:29] <Schmeckle> Guys sorry to post this here, I know
it doesn't fit, but I am still beginner in IRC channels and
stuff. Where would I post the following question best, in which
channel? Or maybe one of you can answer it. "Do you know any
good books about the early times of the internet, especially early
successful applications/software/websites/phenomenae of it."
3353[21:18:30] <wodny> mrig: it started after typing some
3354[21:18:36] <mrig> Why thank you wodny, you are a genius :D
3355[21:18:46] <mrig> wodny, it would appear so
3356[21:18:47] <eugenmayer> wodny: how .. you .. new …
that :)
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3359[21:18:58] <jelly> Schmeckle: ##history ?
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3361[21:19:17] <rigoabe> removing systemd-sysv when i thought
i've learned a new thing and can use it. :D
3362[21:19:28] <jelly> Schmeckle: there's a bot used to hunt
for irc channels on this network, /msg alis list keywordhere
3363[21:19:40] <wodny> mrig: eugenmayer: i have seen things like
that on physical embedded machines and on virtual machines
3364[21:19:48] *** Joins: freddy_fcch_ (~freddy_fc@replaced-ip)
3365[21:19:59] <greycat> Schmeckle: and if you can't find it
from alis, ask in #freenode
3366[21:20:00] <wodny> sometimes as a workaround i install the
haveged daemon to "produce" entropy
3367[21:20:21] <Schmeckle> Hey thanks, you are really helpful.
Sorry again for the off-topic!
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3372[21:20:38] <wodny> i should probably add that installing
haveged may influence security of the system (cryptography)
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3377[21:21:11] <jelly> wodny: haveged is probably just fine for
physical systems with actual working rdtsc instruction
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