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0[00:00:53] *** Quits: mruff (~freenode@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
1[00:01:00] <buruma> How can I automatically mount external
devices? After switching from gnome to i3 as window manager,I have
to either manually mount them devices, or open the default
filebrowser nautilus which mounts them for me
2[00:01:21] <voicegui> can nayone recomnend me an easy to use
GUI application to record my own voice with a microphone. Something
like audio-recorder which unfortunately is not available for jessie.
3[00:01:52] <voicegui> ardour is overkill
4[00:02:11] <otyugh> audacity?
5[00:02:23] <voicegui> audacity is overkill
6[00:02:41] <otyugh> gnome-microphone or such ?
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10[00:03:05] <otyugh> I don't recall the exact name
11[00:03:05] <luxio> Is there a way to use Debian Stable, but
still have some up-to-date packages?
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14[00:03:30] <otyugh> luxio, yes, but it is advised against it,
but still possible.
15[00:03:35] <voicegui> does gnome-microphone exist?
16[00:03:41] <luxio> otyugh: Why is it advised againt?
17[00:04:11] <missmbob> otyugh:
18[00:04:18] <otyugh> it's call a frankendebian, modern
and less modern libs can be a threat to stability or security
19[00:04:27] <missmbob> is not
20[00:04:32] <otyugh> backport is the less damageable
21[00:04:37] <otyugh> still not supported thought
22[00:04:46] <missmbob> we support it in here
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24[00:05:08] <otyugh> Oh ? I recall haerd the contrary.
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26[00:05:23] <luxio> so how do I choose to install a backports
package as opposed to a stable package?
27[00:05:43] <otyugh> Anyway not all software have backported
version, you can know throught asking "judd" by "/msg
judd ,v audacity" for instance
28[00:05:57] <missmbob> luxio:
29[00:06:17] <voicegui> audio-recorder is a very popular with
mint and ubuntu and extremely easy to use application which
unfortunately is not available for jessie BUT has anyone been able
to install it on jessie?
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31[00:07:23] <otyugh> voicegui : gnome-sound-recorder
32[00:07:28] <otyugh> that is the name I was looking for
33[00:07:53] <otyugh> but anyway
34[00:08:08] <otyugh> if you think audacity is overkill, just
use commandline, and be done with it
35[00:10:22] <otyugh> (looks very simple :
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42[00:12:43] <voicegui> have you used gnome-sound-recorder to
record your own voice on jessie?
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49[00:15:33] <luxio> Even when I add jessie-backports, gcc is
stuck at 4.9.2
50[00:15:45] <luxio> isn't it around 6.2 now?
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53[00:16:23] <missmbob> not all packages have backports. that
one doesnt. and gcc is 6.1.1 in sid btw
54[00:17:32] <voicegui> otyugh, NO command line please
55[00:17:39] <somiaj> luxio: not all packages are provided via
jessie-backports, pluss due to pinning jessie-backports will not be
installed by default.
56[00:17:45] <somiaj> luxio: what does apt-cache policy gcc
57[00:17:48] <voicegui> have you used gnome-sound-recorder to
record your own voice on jessie?
58[00:18:21] <somiaj> luxio: It looks like gcc has not been
backported to jessie. Any raeson you need gcc 6?
59[00:18:43] <voicegui> BTW gnome-sound-recorder exits with an
60[00:18:59] <luxio> somiaj: no specific reason, I'm just
deciding between distros
61[00:19:07] <luxio> running Debian in a VM right now
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63[00:19:18] <missmbob> luxio: dont expect debian to have
latest anything. even in backports
64[00:19:24] <luxio> and I mean, it'd be nice to have the
latest software
65[00:19:32] <missmbob> luxio: then debian isnt for you
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68[00:20:47] <somiaj> luxio: jessie-backports provides select
packages for backports, but many things won't be backported.
Debian is designed to be a stable/frozen releases in which all the
packages are known to work well together. As missmbob said, if you
are someone who wants software to update more regurally, debian may
not be what you are looking for.
69[00:22:36] <awal1> debian unstable/testing may be ^
70[00:23:09] <otyugh> ,v gcc
71[00:23:10] <judd> Package: gcc on amd64 -- wheezy: 4:4.7.2-1;
jessie: 4:4.9.2-2; sid: 4:6.1.1-1; stretch: 4:6.1.1-1
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75[00:23:58] <luxio> awal1: yeah but I read that the security
can be bad on those
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77[00:24:16] <luxio> "Note that testing does not get the
timely security updates from the security team."
78[00:24:19] <luxio>
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86[00:25:46] <otyugh> you could use archlinux, which is
designed for updateness sake
87[00:25:47] <somiaj> luxio: correct, debian stable is known to
work and get timely security. Debian unstable/testing are moving
targets and things are constantally changing. Side effects of this
are low priority for security fixes and a multiude of bugs that may
creep in. But a debian release is designed to be frozen and
88[00:26:31] <somiaj> luxio: note packages in unstable and
testing do get security fixes, but mostly through the normal flow of
packages in the constantally changing pre-release.
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90[00:26:32] <otyugh> voicegui, well I tried once and it worked
fine on raspberrypi
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93[00:26:47] <otyugh> but I prefer audacity for the task x)
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98[00:28:24] <otyugh> archlinux is way better, I think, for
developers and gamers. Everything is really up to date even if you
have to hack a bit sometimes, because a lot of upgrade happens and
the staff is smaller than debian's.
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100[00:29:02] <otyugh> (well I'm not sure for the
developper side :O)
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103[00:29:42] <awal1> luxio, well, nothing is perfect, you have
to choose between security & stability vs bleeding edge
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106[00:30:31] <otyugh> ...Or Ubuntu which claim to be still okay
on the security side.
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133[00:44:53] <ksft> I'm having trouble booting Debian from
a live USB.
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135[00:45:01] <ksft> I'm on Ubuntu now.
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137[00:45:09] <ksft> I think the problem has to do with EFI.
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139[00:45:23] <missmbob> ksft: live doesnt support that
140[00:45:31] <ksft> the USB drive doesn't show up in the
BIOS's list of boot devices
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142[00:45:49] <ksft> then how should I install Debian?
143[00:45:59] <missmbob> ksft: you use the real installer, not
144[00:46:08] <ksft> okay, how do I do that?
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146[00:46:18] <ksft> someone in ##linux suggested I use a live
USB thing
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149[00:46:34] <missmbob> ksft: they're stupid.
150[00:46:36] <ksft> I have a largish partition for Ubuntu that
I also store a lot of data on
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152[00:46:51] <ksft> I want to be able to use those files from
153[00:47:00] *** Quits: BackEndCoder (~steve@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
154[00:47:01] <ksft> and shrink that partition to fit Debian
155[00:47:24] <ksft> what do I do with that file?
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157[00:47:55] <missmbob> cp firmware-8.5.0-amd64-netinst.iso
/dev/sdX (probably sdb, NOT sdb1)
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160[00:48:18] <missmbob> you want to shrink the partition first,
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162[00:48:33] <ksft> that's what I was doing before
163[00:48:40] <ksft> maybe I wasn't trying to create a live
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165[00:48:56] <missmbob> i doubt you went to the iso i linked
you to. newbies dont find that one
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168[00:49:32] <ksft> then what do I want?
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170[00:49:50] <missmbob> i linked you to what you want.
171[00:50:03] <ksft> I got a file called
172[00:50:10] <ksft> oh, hah
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175[00:50:16] <missmbob> yeah, that's not what i linked you
to. that one doesnt support uefi
176[00:50:23] <ksft> I misread that as "i doubt you want
the iso i linked you to"
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181[00:50:49] <missmbob> ksft: then show me what you type to get
the iso to the usb
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183[00:51:40] <ksft> missmbob: "cp
~/Downloads/firmware-8.5.0-amd64-netinst.iso /dev/sdb"?
184[00:51:52] <missmbob> you'll need to sudo, but yeah
185[00:52:04] <missmbob> then sync
186[00:52:12] <ksft> what does that do?
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188[00:52:18] <ksft> also, what's /dev/?
189[00:52:26] <missmbob> flushes the buffer to make sure
it's done writing. it's the "eject" on windows
190[00:52:30] <ksft> ah
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193[00:52:46] <ksft> just `sync`?
194[00:52:49] <missmbob> yeah
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196[00:53:11] <ksft> do I need to unmount it first?
197[00:53:17] <missmbob> no
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199[00:54:01] <missmbob> ksft: keep in mind even though it
supports uefi it doesnt support secure boot. make sure that's
disabled in bios
200[00:54:08] <RoyK> I hope you didn't have any data on sdb
201[00:54:26] *** Quits: fengling (~fengling@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
202[00:54:26] <missmbob> stupid live iso
203[00:54:26] <ksft> it is
204[00:54:33] <ksft> RoyK: I don't know what sdb is
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206[00:54:57] <ksft> what is it?
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208[00:55:03] <RoyK> ksft: it's what Windows would call D:
209[00:55:04] <missmbob> hopefully your flash drive
210[00:55:16] <ksft> how do I make sure it is?
211[00:55:31] <missmbob> plug it back in and type dmesg
212[00:55:32] <RoyK> lsblk
213[00:55:36] <missmbob> or that
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215[00:55:41] <ksft> it's been plugged in the whole time
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219[00:56:19] <missmbob> should still show up if not too many
new messages have been logged. if you dont see it, unplug and plug
it back in then dmesg again
220[00:56:31] <ksft> I ran `cp
~/Downloads/firmware-8.5.0-amd64-netinst.iso /dev/sdb`
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222[00:56:37] <ksft> it finished suspiciously quickly
223[00:56:43] <missmbob> ksft: it's tiny. that's
224[00:56:57] <ksft> it's several hundred megabytes
225[00:57:00] <missmbob> no it's not
226[00:57:06] <ksft> the file I downloaded is
227[00:57:08] <RoyK> ksft: erm - smartctl -i /dev/sdb
228[00:57:08] <missmbob> the one i linked you to is about 270
229[00:57:16] <missmbob> ksft: then you cant follow instructions
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231[00:57:26] <ksft> 267 MB
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233[00:57:30] <missmbob> yeah, see?
234[00:57:35] <missmbob> guessing isnt good for you
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236[00:57:45] <ksft> huh?
237[00:57:49] <ksft> I called it "several hundred"
238[00:57:55] <missmbob> 270 is not several
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240[00:57:59] <ksft> okay
241[00:58:11] <ksft> now I should be able to boot from it?
242[00:58:21] <missmbob> assuming everything was done correctly
243[00:58:40] <ksft> I thought that's what a live USB was
244[00:58:51] <missmbob> debian live is shit
245[00:58:56] <ksft> a thing you can boot from
246[00:59:02] <missmbob> lead developer of it quit several
months ago, too.
247[00:59:07] <ksft> I thought that's what "live
USB" meant
248[01:00:12] <ksft> should I resize the partition before I try
to boot from it?
249[01:00:19] <ksft> if so, how do I do that?
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252[01:01:12] <missmbob> gparted has a live image that can help.
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255[01:01:29] <missmbob> make a cd or usb out of that iso and
boot into it. you'll get a nice partitioner
256[01:02:02] <ksft> is there a reason I shouldn't run it
in Ubuntu?
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258[01:02:09] <climjark> hello all!
259[01:02:20] <ksft> oh, because you can't
260[01:02:24] <missmbob> ksft: it cant. the drive cant be
261[01:02:48] <ksft> not sure I have another USB drive I can
conveniently use for this
262[01:03:24] <missmbob> so have it be gparted first, then
reboot after shrinking back into ubuntu, then cp the debian iso to
the usb again
263[01:03:25] <ksft> I'll just use the same one
264[01:03:29] <ksft> yeah
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266[01:04:08] <ksft> I'm guessing it won't be easy to
use IRC from gparted
267[01:04:15] <missmbob> not possible
268[01:04:26] <ksft> yeah
269[01:04:38] <ksft> so I should shrink the partition
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271[01:04:50] <missmbob> i there's no unallocated space you
have to
272[01:04:52] <ksft> should I create a new partition, or should
I do that when I'm installing Debian?
273[01:05:02] <missmbob> debian installer will create it
274[01:05:05] <ksft> okay
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276[01:05:19] <ksft> how do I make sure I don't
accidentally delete everything?
277[01:05:37] <missmbob> do it slowly :P pay very close
attention to read everything exactly
278[01:05:51] <ksft> okay
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280[01:06:11] <ksft> I'm really bad about backups, but I
did back up everything important, I think, a few days ago
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282[01:06:42] <ksft> how much space should I give Debian?
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286[01:07:04] <DoctorD90> it depends
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290[01:07:19] <DoctorD90> how much is bigger your hdd?
291[01:07:20] <ksft> if I want to, say, try several window
managers, do I need to give it more space, or can I somehow use them
from the Ubuntu partition?
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293[01:07:24] <missmbob> at the very least 15G. but really as
big as you think you'll need (if you'll be downloading a
ton of crap, etc)
294[01:07:26] <ksft> It's 512 GB
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297[01:07:37] <ksft> I'd like to use the Ubuntu partition
for storage
298[01:07:39] <missmbob> ksft: no you cant use it from ubuntu
299[01:07:41] <ksft> or maybe create a new one
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302[01:07:54] <otyugh> separate your /home then
303[01:07:56] <missmbob> ksft: you can mount the ubuntu
partition and save crap to it, though
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305[01:08:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1664
306[01:08:10] <ksft> okay
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309[01:08:16] <missmbob> he doesnt know what /dev/ is. telling
him to separate crap isn't productive
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311[01:08:28] <DoctorD90> ksft: 100gb should be good as system
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313[01:08:36] <ksft> df shows a bunch of things, the biggest of
which is /dev/sda8
314[01:09:01] <ksft> 215 GB of 322 GB on it are used
315[01:09:03] <otyugh> debian / : 20Go ubuntu / : 50Go, /home :
the rest, and you'll add 2Go if swap in a swapfile or dedicaced
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318[01:09:18] <ksft> what's "tmpfs"?
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320[01:09:39] <missmbob> ksft: forget all of that. shrink ubuntu
to what you feel comfortable with. then on debian you let the
installer take care of the remaining free space automatically
321[01:09:50] <ksft> which partition is Ubuntu?
322[01:10:02] <DoctorD90> missmbob +1
323[01:10:06] <ksft> df lists eleven things
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326[01:10:33] <DoctorD90> forget df...
327[01:10:39] *** Quits: ChuMar1 (~ChuMar1@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
328[01:10:41] <missmbob> ksft: ksft my guess is the largest one
you want to shrink. so /dev/sda8
329[01:10:43] <ksft> "udev" and "tmpfs" are
each 7.8 GB and empty, according to that
330[01:10:55] <missmbob> yeah dont worry about that
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332[01:11:02] <ksft> but that's like 15 GB
333[01:11:05] <`Kevin> lol
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335[01:11:09] <missmbob> you didnt freaking use encryption in
ubuntu, did you?
336[01:11:12] <missmbob> forgot to ask
337[01:11:15] <ksft> I didn't
338[01:11:18] <missmbob> good.
339[01:11:39] *** Joins: siva_machina (~siva@replaced-ip)
340[01:11:39] <ksft> mostly because I didn't want things
like this to break everything
341[01:11:46] <`Kevin> ksft: tmpfs is ram not your disk
342[01:11:53] <ksft> ohh
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345[01:11:59] <otyugh> >tmpfs is a common name for a
temporary file storage facility on many Unix-like operating systems.
It is intended to appear as a mounted file system, but stored in
volatile memory instead of a persistent storage device.
346[01:12:25] <DoctorD90> ksft: follow missmbob suggests. he
knows what he is suggesting to you
347[01:12:29] <ksft> okay
348[01:12:36] <otyugh> Kevin : could be on swap too right ?
349[01:12:41] <otyugh> not necessarly on ram
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351[01:13:27] <DoctorD90> otyugh: tu es français? :P
352[01:13:29] <ksft> is it possible and a good idea to move
/home onto a separate partition I can use from both Debian and
353[01:13:31] <otyugh> well I second missmbob.
354[01:13:54] <otyugh> DoctorD90, crappy english or IP location
gave me up ?
355[01:14:05] <missmbob> ksft: you can. not recommended between
distros. for it to not cause problems uuid guid, etc, have to match
356[01:14:15] <ksft> okay
357[01:14:21] <missmbob> ksft: and then different version of
programs have different config files (stored in /home)
358[01:14:25] <DoctorD90> otyugh Go as GigaByte :P hehe
359[01:14:26] <ksft> what about just ~/Documents?
360[01:14:30] <missmbob> so one version wont know how to read
the new format, etc
361[01:14:34] <`Kevin> otyugh: in crap scenarios sure :)
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364[01:14:59] <missmbob> ksft: you dont need a seperate
partition, though. you can mount all of ubuntu in debian.
365[01:15:15] <ksft> wouldn't it be better to just mount
what I need?
366[01:15:21] <missmbob> it'd be easier
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368[01:15:26] *** Parts: luxio (~luxio@replaced-ip)
369[01:15:30] <ksft> I wish I had set this up better when I
installed Ubuntu
370[01:15:42] <ksft> maybe I'll just mount Ubuntu and store
stuff there
371[01:15:51] <ksft> do it better next time
372[01:16:09] <missmbob> gotta go for a bit. good luck.
373[01:16:14] <DoctorD90> nigth guys ;)
374[01:16:16] <otyugh> we always regret our partitionning
choices someday x)
375[01:16:20] <ksft> wait noo!
376[01:16:33] <ksft> is everyone who knows what they're
doing leaving?
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378[01:17:01] <ksft> is 25 GB good for everything that needs to
be on the same partition as Debian?
379[01:17:04] <ksft> 20 GB?
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381[01:17:53] <ksft> I assume gparted can shrink partitions so
that it only removes empty space from that partition
382[01:17:56] <ksft> right?
383[01:18:04] <epsilon> ksft: default install with desktop? yes
384[01:18:44] <ksft> epsilon: possibly several desktop
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386[01:18:56] <ksft> haven't decided on my favorite yet
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388[01:19:20] <epsilon> ksft: first time using linux?
389[01:19:30] <ksft> no, I've been using Ubuntu for a
couple years or so
390[01:19:38] <ksft> just haven't used any except Unity
391[01:20:00] <ksft> I like xfce, and I want to try i3
392[01:20:09] *** Joins: redabhr (H2O@replaced-ip)
393[01:20:54] <epsilon> ksft: try debian live cd first, it has
cinnamon, gnome, kde, lsde, mate, xfce for tryout
394[01:21:28] <ksft> missmbob just suggested I not use a live
395[01:21:30] <awal1> ksft, excluding /home stuff, you can 20gb
are enough for install all DEs/WMs available in debian
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397[01:21:53] <ksft> awal1: what's "/home stuff"?
398[01:22:04] <ksft> you mean things I store there?
399[01:22:10] <awal1> yeah
400[01:22:15] <ksft> I plan to use the Ubuntu partition for most
of my storage
401[01:22:22] <awal1> i dont know, books, audio, video stuff
402[01:22:41] <ksft> yeah
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404[01:23:09] <ksft> I have an external drive, but I can't
get to it for a couple days
405[01:23:36] <ksft> I'm going to wait until then and then
store a disk image on it before I try to change the partitions
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409[01:25:10] <otyugh> 25GB is fine for debian, as long as you
only use it for system
410[01:25:28] <otyugh> if the /home is in it, it will probably
get tight pretty soon
411[01:25:34] <ksft> okay
412[01:25:45] <otyugh> alas again, depends a lot on the software
you chose
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414[01:25:52] <ksft> I just realized that the external drive I
was going to use might not be big enough
415[01:26:20] <ksft> maybe I'll give it 30 GB
416[01:26:34] <otyugh> But I personnaly use debian for 3 years
now, and "/" without home is 15GB.
417[01:27:10] <otyugh> (not very helping thought, the archlinux
I use for gaming is more close to 150 GB)
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425[01:29:00] <epsilon> na, xfce without home requires like 3 GB
426[01:29:10] * awal1 Wonders how many gbs are needed for install all
the software available in debian (40000 +). maybe something like
50/60 gb (?)
427[01:29:24] <awal1> epsilon, much less then that
428[01:29:31] *** Joins: glowing_apple (~jayson@replaced-ip)
429[01:29:51] <otyugh> agin depends of what you'll had time
passing throught.
430[01:30:05] <glowing_apple> Hi, I'm running debian
testing and having issues with KDE over a VNC session. KDE runs fine
on the attached display, but running a vncserver session all I get
is a grey screen. I installed xfce4 and it works fine over VNC, but
KDE doesn't seem to be loading. I'm not really sure where
to start troubleshooting.
431[01:31:10] *** Quits: ]3n19m4[ (~]3n19m4@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
432[01:31:29] <awal1> epsilon, just xfce4 and it's goodies,
no more then 300 mb
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436[01:32:31] <awal1> windows base system (pack1, 2...) around
50/60 gb :D
437[01:32:45] <epsilon> think? I have a shell-box which needs
like 400MB minimum
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445[01:35:04] <awal1> xfce is my main DE, xfce4 + xfce4-goodies
, after unpacking , no more then 300 mb. kde-full , the biggest
unix-like DE,around 2 gb
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452[01:37:27] <isaaclw2> ... so I just started a debian 7 ->
debian 8 upgrade inside tmux. Then I detached, and now I get the
error: protocol version mismatch (client 8, server 6). How screwed
am I? any way to resolve this?
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454[01:38:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1666
455[01:38:02] <jim> the first thing you want to do is bring the
debian 7 up to date
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459[01:39:30] <jim> you should still be able to use the console
on a vt
460[01:39:33] <isaaclw2> ok, sorry. false alarm. apt-get
isn't still running.
461[01:39:39] <isaaclw2> I can just kill tmux and recreate
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465[01:40:24] <isaaclw2> I was worried it was stuck on some
prompt merging configs, and killing it would cause dpkg to get in an
incomplete state
466[01:40:28] <jim> had you made sure the debian 7 is uptodate
before moving on to 8?
467[01:40:44] <isaaclw2> yes
468[01:41:11] <jim> then... the upgrade probably worked?
469[01:41:20] <jim> you may need to rebot
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471[01:41:23] <isaaclw2> yep. I think we're good.
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479[01:43:41] <jim> in fact you very likely do: the upgrade
probably installed a new kernel AND some server daemons you may have
had running need to be restarted to get the new libc
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542[02:21:10] <NSGFK> Is the longstanding encryption bug fixecd.
543[02:21:27] <missmbob> who knows. have a CVE?
544[02:21:40] <NSGFK> Where you install Debian enable encryption
and the install fails due to the swap partition not being disabled.
545[02:21:59] <missmbob> worked for me yesterday
546[02:22:12] <missmbob> dont use testing installer
547[02:22:17] <NSGFK> I'm not using the testing
548[02:22:22] <NSGFK> This is a long LONG standing bug
549[02:22:28] *** Quits: denisk (~denisk@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
550[02:22:29] <missmbob> i havent run into it
551[02:22:34] *** Quits: Belkaar (~Belkaar@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
552[02:22:37] <NSGFK> That doens't mean it doesn't
553[02:22:45] <missmbob> if you dont have a bug # or
can we tell?
554[02:22:55] <missmbob> otherwise you're just saying shit
555[02:22:56] *** Quits: mtn (~mtn@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
556[02:23:13] <NSGFK> You're the one just saying shit right
557[02:23:24] <missmbob> okay. get back when you have the bug #
558[02:23:27] <NSGFK> I've experienced this in the
installer and havent' gone looking for a CVE / bug #
559[02:23:36] <NSGFK> missmbob, go back to #mac
560[02:23:37] <missmbob> NSGFK: how do you make the installer?
561[02:23:40] <NSGFK> "works for me"
562[02:23:46] *** Joins: shifty (~shifty779@replaced-ip)
563[02:24:01] *** Joins: Belkaar (~Belkaar@replaced-ip)
564[02:24:03] <NSGFK> missmbob, The bug works across DD'ing
a usb, unetbootin, Linux Live USB creator
565[02:24:20] <missmbob> NSGFK: did you use unetbootin or rufus?
yeah, see. unetbootin breaks debian. and live doesnt support uefi
566[02:24:22] <NSGFK> When you do a full disk install without
LVM and enable encryption it doesn't swapoff
567[02:24:23] <missmbob> !unetbootin
568[02:24:24] <dpkg> UNetbootin (Universal Netboot Installer)
allows creation of bootable USB drives for a variety of Linux
569[02:24:29] <missmbob> NSGFK: ^^ you're doing it wrong
570[02:24:36] <NSGFK> missmbob, are you thick?
571[02:24:43] <NSGFK> DD a USB and the bug still exists.
572[02:25:07] <NSGFK> I can't remember the exact words but
it refuses to continue as there's a unsafe swap partition
573[02:25:09] <missmbob> give me a bug # since it's so long
574[02:25:13] *** Joins: lowin (~lowin@replaced-ip)
575[02:25:17] <NSGFK> To get past you switch into a tty and
swapoff -a
576[02:25:26] *** Quits: lowin (~lowin@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
577[02:25:28] <NSGFK> I'm ready to /ignore you.
578[02:25:32] <missmbob> go for it
579[02:25:38] <NSGFK> You're either a troll or a moron.
580[02:25:45] <NSGFK> You can go re-produce the problem right
581[02:25:55] <missmbob> i installed it yesterday. didn't
see it
582[02:25:57] *** Joins: dtux (~dmtucker@replaced-ip)
583[02:26:03] <NSGFK> Don't use LVM, select a full
partition, enable encryption and it fails.
584[02:26:25] *** Quits: gaiada (~Gaiada@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving.)
585[02:26:30] <NSGFK> The installer by default creates a swap
586[02:26:36] *** Joins: lowin (~lowin@replaced-ip)
587[02:26:37] <missmbob> i'm aware
588[02:26:41] <NSGFK> When enabling encryption it doesn't
disable it or make a safe swap
589[02:26:50] <missmbob> does here
590[02:26:52] *** Quits: lowin (~lowin@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
591[02:27:35] <NSGFK> Again your scenario doesn't cover all
592[02:27:59] *** Joins: lowin (~lowin@replaced-ip)
593[02:28:04] <missmbob> for such a "long"
"systemic" bug you should be able to give a #
594[02:28:14] *** Quits: lowin (~lowin@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
595[02:28:26] <NSGFK> I haven't looked up a bug #
596[02:28:29] <missmbob> otherwise how do you know it's a
known bug for so long?
597[02:28:43] <NSGFK> Experienced it since wheezy
598[02:28:57] <NSGFK> Possibly dates back further.
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601[02:29:11] <missmbob> yet yesterday it worked for me. magic.
602[02:29:17] <NSGFK> missmbob, you sound like the guy who
+q'd me for a "unreproducable bug"
603[02:29:19] <NSGFK> in #ubuntu
604[02:29:26] *** Joins: lowin (~lowin@replaced-ip)
605[02:29:29] <NSGFK> Three others reproduced it and posted
606[02:29:29] *** Joins: amcorreia (~amcorreia@replaced-ip)
607[02:29:31] <NSGFK> "not a bug"
608[02:29:39] <NSGFK> To seen a CD rom when installing from a
609[02:29:42] *** Joins: dreamon__ (~dreamon@replaced-ip)
610[02:29:43] *** Quits: lowin (~lowin@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
611[02:29:43] <missmbob> ubuntu is easier to debug, actually. as
far as installer goes
612[02:30:10] <NSGFK>
613[02:30:13] <NSGFK> Same bug in ubuntu.
614[02:30:28] *** Quits: Jkessler (~Jkessler@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
615[02:30:41] <NSGFK> Amazing that your system "just
worked". You probably disabled swap
616[02:30:49] <missmbob> that's 13.10. has nothing to do
with how far jessie installer goes
617[02:30:55] *** Quits: dtux (~dmtucker@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
618[02:31:31] <NSGFK> missmbob, ...
619[02:31:35] *** Quits: cyborg-one (~cyborg-on@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
620[02:31:39] <NSGFK> It shows the bug is real across debian
based distros too.
621[02:31:42] <missmbob> NSGFK: you know ubuntu works with
secure boot? debian doesn't. things are different.
622[02:31:46] *** Joins: Joufflu (~Joufflu@replaced-ip)
623[02:31:49] <NSGFK> missmbob, ...
624[02:31:54] *** Quits: neurot (~neurosis@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
625[02:31:55] <NSGFK> You must be really thick.
626[02:32:02] <NSGFK> Your brain must be made of lead.
627[02:32:11] <NSGFK> You can reproduce the bug in debian
628[02:32:12] <NSGFK> debian
629[02:32:34] <NSGFK> I'm downloading virtualbox right now
to re-create the bug
630[02:32:52] *** Quits: dreamon_ (~dreamon@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
631[02:33:25] <NSGFK> missmbob, you follow the instructions to
re-create it in ubuntu on debian and you get the same issue
632[02:33:30] <missmbob> NSGFK: since i'm so thick, you
realize you're asking in the wrong channel for installer
support, right? wrong network, even. it's #debian-boot on OFTC
633[02:33:38] <NSGFK> It's not unetbootin's fault nor
is it secureboot.
634[02:34:01] <NSGFK> missmbob, #debian is debian support.
635[02:34:13] <cra1g321> you shouldn't be using unetbootin
636[02:34:14] <NSGFK> I've been here on off for years
without anyone complaining about the installer.
637[02:34:16] <missmbob> yes, and it breaks up. like testing
support. and installer support
638[02:34:18] <NSGFK> cra1g321, I'm not
639[02:34:31] <missmbob> and web support. and all sorts
640[02:34:33] <NSGFK> missmbob, Again stop putting words in my
641[02:34:34] <missmbob> so go to the proper place
642[02:34:43] <NSGFK> This isn't becuase of unetbootin,
this isn't the testing installer, this isn't secureboot.
643[02:34:56] <NSGFK> I referenced the same issue happening in
ubuntu while I find the debian bug tracker
644[02:35:02] <missmbob> i didn't say it was testing
645[02:35:14] <missmbob> installer, even stable, #debian-boot on
646[02:35:49] *** Quits: lenswipe (~lenswipe@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
647[02:36:20] <NSGFK>
648[02:36:21] <judd> Bug
649[02:36:32] <NSGFK> There's another instance of it.
650[02:36:35] *** Joins: xiaodong (~xiaodong@replaced-ip)
651[02:36:38] <NSGFK> missmbob, yes you did.
652[02:36:38] <missmbob> last modified 2014
653[02:36:46] <NSGFK> You said it was caused by unetbootin
654[02:36:50] <NSGFK> then you said it was secureboot
655[02:36:54] *** Joins: danijoo_ (~danijoo@replaced-ip)
656[02:37:03] <NSGFK> Now what? it doesn't exist becuase it
was last modified 2014?
657[02:37:04] <missmbob> you mentioned unetbootin. i said dont
use it. i mentioned secure boot. dont use it.
658[02:37:08] <missmbob> i didnt say it was caused by
659[02:37:10] <missmbob> jesus
660[02:37:16] *** Joins: Junaos (Junaos@replaced-ip)
661[02:37:22] *** Quits: wcfields (~wcfields@replaced-ip) ()
662[02:37:23] <NSGFK> You litterally told me not to use secure
boot because it causes the problem.
663[02:37:28] <missmbob> it does
664[02:37:32] <NSGFK> You said the problem doesn't exist
becuase "it works for me"
665[02:37:33] <OerHeks> i know this version
666[02:37:37] <missmbob> debian doesnt work with secure boot.
ubuntu does
667[02:37:39] <NSGFK> No it does not.
668[02:37:40] *** Joins: Y04NN (~y04nn@replaced-ip)
669[02:37:50] <missmbob> NSGFK: you're wrong. debian does
not work with secure boot
670[02:37:50] <NSGFK> The problem with encrypting the partition
is not secureboot related.
671[02:37:58] <NSGFK> missmbob, You must have a brain made of
672[02:38:01] <missmbob> NSGFK:
673[02:38:03] <NSGFK> It's NOT secureboots fault.
674[02:38:05] <missmbob> NSGFK: see for yourself
675[02:38:11] <NSGFK> None of my machines even have secureboot
676[02:38:21] <missmbob> i didnt say it was. i said secureboot
causes problem and was asking
677[02:38:25] <NSGFK> YES YOU ARE.
678[02:38:29] <missmbob> for fuck's sake man
681[02:38:42] <missmbob> alright. go have fun.
682[02:38:46] <missmbob> it DOES
683[02:38:50] <NSGFK> !ops missmbob trolling
684[02:38:51] <dpkg> Hydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH,
mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel,
zobel, themill, babilen, SynrG, jm_, somiaj, jelly: nsgfk complains
about: missmbob trolling
685[02:38:53] <missmbob> DEBIAN DOESNT SUPPORT SECURE BOOT
686[02:38:58] <missmbob> see the wiki i just linked you to
687[02:38:59] <NSGFK> You're pretty obviously a troll
688[02:39:13] <missmbob> okay. can't wait for an op to tell
me debian supports secure boot
689[02:39:17] <missmbob> any op out there?
690[02:39:19] *** Joins: rtfm-hysm (~RTFMaway]@replaced-ip)
693[02:39:29] <Starky> missmbob: just get out
694[02:39:37] <missmbob> Starky: no kidding. fuck this.
695[02:39:40] <Gryllida> NSGFK: please disable caps
696[02:39:47] <NSGFK> Gryllida, sorry but this is agrivating.
697[02:39:49] *** Quits: Lowl3v3l (~Lowl3v3l@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
698[02:40:01] <NSGFK> missmbob, is clearly a troll. I explained
it's not on a secure boot machine so it can't be
secureboots fault.
699[02:40:05] <Gryllida> NSGFK: take a deep breath, close eyes
for a minute or something...
700[02:40:12] <NSGFK> S/he responds "it's secure boots
fault. debian doesn't support secure boot"
701[02:40:21] <Gryllida> NSGFK: you can vent about people like
Gryllida being stupid at #debian-ops, they like to hear feedback
702[02:40:22] <NSGFK> I've linked two instances of this bug
703[02:40:39] *** Quits: danijoo__ (~danijoo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
704[02:40:43] <NSGFK> Gryllida, you're not stupid.
You're a wonderful woman who's helped thousands of people
705[02:40:55] <NSGFK> You've helped me in the past.
706[02:41:13] <NSGFK> Without your help years ago I'd have
given up on Linux completely.
707[02:41:29] *** Joins: speeddragon (~speeddrag@replaced-ip)
708[02:41:47] *** Quits: spronk (~spronkey@replaced-ip) (Quit: I may need a longer sleep timer...)
709[02:41:52] <NSGFK> Gryllida, I remember when you where a
710[02:42:07] *** Joins: bugaloo (~bugaloo@replaced-ip)
711[02:42:20] <Gryllida> Was an interesting time...
712[02:42:44] <NSGFK> Gryllida, You where a level headed staffer
who cared about the network.
713[02:42:49] *** Quits: mruff (~freenode@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
714[02:42:57] <NSGFK> Now it feels like the staffers care more
about pushing thir own agendas.
715[02:43:03] <Gryllida> I keep making more stupid mistakes than
others... someone just asking you to link to the bug is a very very
small problem compared to how I screwed things up during the yeas...
716[02:43:16] <NSGFK> Gryllida, what have you screwed up?
717[02:43:34] *** Quits: poleprogger (~mj@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
718[02:43:37] <Gryllida> a relatively big number of computers,
if you compare to what I touched :)
719[02:44:18] <NSGFK> oh god.
720[02:44:26] <NSGFK> Gryllida, Can I throw an idea past you?
721[02:45:12] <bugaloo> hi all. i'm running kde over debian
9 on my laptop. When I plug the laptop on my tv via hdmi, the video
is ok, but audio is still on the speakers. Any ideas? I used to do
this using gnome on debian 8 and it used to work.
722[02:45:17] *** Joins: dvs (~hibbard@replaced-ip)
723[02:45:32] <NSGFK> bugaloo, do you have pulseaudio installed?
724[02:45:41] <missmbob> !tell bugaloo about debian-next
725[02:45:52] <missmbob> bugaloo: see what the bot told you
726[02:46:17] <NSGFK> missmbob, That's a really good job
helping him.
727[02:46:19] *** Quits: speeddragon (~speeddrag@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
728[02:46:28] <missmbob> NSGFK: it is if you read the /topic
729[02:46:31] <Gryllida> bugaloo: when asking the debian-next
people (I am there too) include output of `aplay -l'
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731[02:47:17] *** Quits: lowin (~lowin@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
732[02:47:21] <NSGFK> Gryllida, You think it would be adviasble
to create chroot jails to store software I compile myself
733[02:47:22] <Gryllida> NSGFK: we split debian and debian-next
here because we don't know how to troubleshoot debian-next, it
does things differently
734[02:47:38] <NSGFK> This way there's no conflicts if the
repo's update before I do
735[02:47:43] *** Joins: austin987 (~null@replaced-ip)
736[02:47:53] <Gryllida> NSGFK: I didn't chroot before, but
I don't think it's a bad idea to do it for self compiled
things. If in doubt I just compile things under another username.
737[02:47:54] *** Quits: Dr-Shadow (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
738[02:47:56] <bugaloo> Gryllida, ok , thanks
739[02:48:04] *** Quits: bugaloo (~bugaloo@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
740[02:48:04] *** Quits: iViLe (~bob@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
741[02:48:04] <missmbob> if you're doing ssb there's
no need. if ssb isnt enough then yes, chroot
742[02:48:30] *** Joins: lowin (~lowin@replaced-ip)
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754[02:50:29] *** Joins: Livingroom (~livingroo@replaced-ip)
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756[02:50:51] <Livingroom> Hello fellow debianers. i am
struggling to understand how to correctly use RSYNC - is anyone here
that might be able to help?
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759[02:51:19] <NSGFK> Livingroom, the gurus have #rysnc
760[02:51:24] <Livingroom> oh nice! thanks!
761[02:51:28] <NSGFK> Be careful there's a troll lurking
762[02:51:37] <Livingroom> it's the internet- is there ever
NOT a troll lurking?
763[02:51:37] <NSGFK> I asked how to copy but not erase my
photos from my phone.
764[02:51:44] <missmbob> Livingroom: sure. my default is rsync
-aP (a = archive P = progress). so rsync user@ip:/path ~/ would
download path and save all attributes to ~/
765[02:51:48] <NSGFK> He gave me a command that would erase at
both ends
766[02:51:55] <RoyK> Livingroom: rsync isn't particularly
767[02:52:08] *** Joins: lowin (~lowin@replaced-ip)
768[02:52:12] <NSGFK> ^
769[02:52:13] <Livingroom> i'm sure it's not, but
i'm having trouble
770[02:52:22] <NSGFK> Livingroom, what are you trying to achieve
771[02:52:24] *** Quits: lowin (~lowin@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
772[02:52:25] *** Joins: fengling (~fengling@replaced-ip)
773[02:52:28] <RoyK> Livingroom: what are you trying to
774[02:53:11] *** Joins: spronk (~spronkey@replaced-ip)
775[02:53:12] <Livingroom> well, let me try and explain
776[02:53:19] *** Joins: John[Lisbeth] (~user@replaced-ip)
777[02:53:36] *** Joins: lowin (~lowin@replaced-ip)
778[02:53:39] <John[Lisbeth]> do you guys know if there are some
old debians that are still unofficially supported beyond the current
debian oldstable?
779[02:53:54] *** Quits: lowin (~lowin@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
780[02:53:59] <missmbob> John[Lisbeth]: no oldstable is it
781[02:54:16] <John[Lisbeth]> oh well. You know if current
oldstable still has floppy support?
782[02:54:29] <missmbob> sure it does
783[02:54:30] <Livingroom> i have a backup performed to a USB3
drive at /dev/sdc1 - but it has "number of backups" set to
5, so every day it says "oh, i have 5 backups here. i need to
delete one, to make room for the new one!" and instead of
running another backup process for my second backup drive /dev/sdd1,
i'd like to use rsync to "sync" /backup to
784[02:54:33] <John[Lisbeth]> ty
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792[02:55:48] <missmbob> John[Lisbeth]: sure. -a for archive. -P
if you want progress updates as it's happening
793[02:56:15] *** Joins: methou (~methou@replaced-ip)
794[02:56:18] <RoyK> Livingroom: perhaps use something like
duplicity instead
795[02:56:21] <Livingroom> i tried that but it seems to overrite
all the files
796[02:56:22] *** Joins: lowin (~lowin@replaced-ip)
797[02:56:31] <missmbob> no -a doesnt do that
798[02:56:39] *** Quits: lowin (~lowin@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
799[02:56:43] <missmbob> you can man rsync and look up -a to see
what all it does
800[02:57:06] *** Quits: fengling (~fengling@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
801[02:57:08] <RoyK> Livingroom: it won't if you do it
correctly - it'll only symlink exinsting stuff
802[02:57:26] *** Joins: danijoo__ (~danijoo@replaced-ip)
803[02:57:48] *** Quits: xiaodong (~xiaodong@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
804[02:57:52] <RoyK> Livingroom: rsync -a will obviously
overwrite old stuff
805[02:58:15] <missmbob> changed
806[02:58:22] <Livingroom> ok, i'll try -a -p --delete and
see what happens
807[02:58:35] <Livingroom> because, of course, i need to follow
the retention rules and delete the "old" backup
808[02:58:41] <RoyK> or just use something sane like duplicity
809[02:58:46] <missmbob> sure
810[02:58:50] <RoyK> rsync isn't backup software
811[02:58:50] *** Quits: tjg1 (uid178791@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
812[02:59:38] <missmbob> it is over network. for local shit
it's counter productive since it saves bandwidth by harming i/o
813[02:59:56] <Livingroom> ok, but what is duplicity?
814[02:59:59] * RoyK just uses Bareos
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818[03:01:05] <RoyK> Livingroom:
819[03:01:12] <missmbob> gotta go for a bit
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822[03:02:08] <Livingroom> royk: that's fine, but duplicity
creates a tarball and then copies it - that's way more work and
it won't just synchronize the two folders.
823[03:02:18] <Livingroom> we're talking about ~300gb image
824[03:02:35] <Livingroom> the backups are already done by the
hypervisor. i just need to say folder1 needs to match folder2
825[03:02:57] <RoyK> Livingroom: I use bareos for local backups,
snapshots on zfs for shorter intervals and crashplan for longterm
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828[03:04:05] <Livingroom> royk: that's terrific, but does
not meet my needs. the backups are already being done correctly, to
/backup - to a single .xva file - i just want to sync /backup to
/backup-removable so i can physically unplug the /backup-removable
HD every day and take it off site
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835[03:04:47] <RoyK> I think you're misunderstanding how
duplicity works
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841[03:06:29] <Livingroom> i'm reading the website at - it says it makes an archive (tarball) and
then only updates the changed information. that sounds like a
tremendous amount of filesystem work, when really all i need is a
thing to say "/backup has changed. duplicate these changes to
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852[03:14:15] <somiaj> Livingroom: rsync can do that, there is
also rdiff-backup
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860[03:19:20] <pingfloyd> Livingroom: the problem with tarballs
is they're a format optimized for linear media
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862[03:20:41] <Livingroom> the problem with the whole thing is
that i dont need it. Xenserver exports-as-a-template to very tidy
.Xva files - i only need to keep two directories contents matching,
and my backup woes are over
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905[03:38:47] <average> how do you call it when patches from
downstream are imported back into upstream?
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927[03:49:46] <Hello71> upstreaming.
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939[03:55:55] <average> thanks
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948[03:59:21] <average> is there a workflow diagram that
includes the upstreaming process ?
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950[03:59:33] <average> fedora has sort of a policy here about
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966[04:06:53] <average> is there high adoption of this policy ?
967[04:06:54] <average>
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1021[04:38:06] <M-alex_mayorga> ¡Hola! Which package shall
I file a bug against if the Fn keys for LCD brightness do nothing?
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1023[04:38:34] <missmbob> probably look at your bios to make sure
it's using/not using multimedia keys for Fn
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1058[05:05:58] <M-alex_mayorga> missmbob: ¡Gracias! Will
check there. Any idea for the package if that's not in fact the
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1060[05:07:14] <missmbob> M-alex_mayorga: i dont use any of the
fancy DE's like gnome or kde which control those things. so no.
it's not my thing.
1061[05:07:46] <M-alex_mayorga> missmbob: Thanks anyway =)
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1092[05:31:59] <M-alex_mayorga> Strngely the on screen indicators
do appear...
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1151[06:10:19] <foreverska> DD is writing waaay too fast, it
normally goes back to normal after a few writes, has anybody seen
this. It's wriring at 900MB/s.
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1153[06:15:31] <pingfloyd> foreverska: what command did you run?
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1162[06:17:01] <luckyguy> my ultrabook has Windows 10 already
installed on it. How can I install Windows 10 and Debian from
scratch - I want to delete all the Windows files
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1165[06:17:01] <foreverska> iso flashed to a USB drive?
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1186[06:17:20] <foreverska> Install windows first though... it
used to be a dick about the bootloader in the WIn7 days.
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1191[06:17:32] <pingfloyd> foreverska: that doesn't answer
the question
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1194[06:17:43] <foreverska> sorry I was talking to lucky
1195[06:17:44] <foreverska> sudo dd
if=ubuntu-15.04-esdk-2016.3.1-headless-z7010.img of=/dev/sdf
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1204[06:18:14] <pingfloyd> what device is /dev/sdf?
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1208[06:18:34] <foreverska> It's an SD card reader in a
USB2.0 port
1209[06:19:01] <pingfloyd> what's the file size of
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1213[06:19:18] <foreverska> 3.8GB, card is ~16.
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1221[06:21:55] <pingfloyd> foreverska: did you try mounting the
sd card and looking at its contents?
1222[06:22:31] <foreverska> The card was zeroed at some point. I
was just thinking I might try wiping it again and retry the process
1223[06:23:24] <pingfloyd> foreverska: sometimes on a usb stick,
for example, after dding a live image to it, it won't work
right until you delete the partitions on it, the partition table,
create a new partition and fs on it.
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1225[06:24:19] <pingfloyd> foreverska: don't ask me why, but
I've seen plenty of usb sticks that seemed like they had gone
bad, when they actually haven't, and zeroing with dd
didn't fix them like you would think it should.
1226[06:24:20] *** Quits: NoobsFlyVFR (~TCASMyAss@replaced-ip) (Quit: I fucked a turkey, once. True story.)
1227[06:25:22] <pingfloyd> so basically you create a new
partition table, partition and fs the entire size of the stick and
then you can dd images fine to them from there.
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1230[06:26:55] <foreverska> hmmm gparted is screwing up creating
a partition... have to try it by hand
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1233[06:28:06] <pingfloyd> foreverska: you can ignore those
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1235[06:28:44] <pingfloyd> foreverska: see the comment here
1236[06:29:14] <foreverska> the issue comes when mkfs can't
find sdf1
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1269[06:56:23] <foreverska> My work laptop is doing it correctly
so there's something wrong with my desktop
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1279[07:01:28] <jelly> foreverska: what does "blockdev
--getsize64 /dev/sdf" say?
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1285[07:02:47] <veek> how do i set locale for firefox Gtk-WARNING
**: Locale not supported by C library su - veek -c
"LC_ALL=zh_cn.gbk /usr/local/firefox/firefox"
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1287[07:02:56] <foreverska> `blockdev: ioctl error on
BLKGETSIZE64: Inappropriate ioctl for device`
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1291[07:05:38] <jelly> whut
1292[07:06:07] <jelly> that's _with_ the sd card in the
reader, right?
1293[07:06:35] <foreverska> actually I unplugged it and put a USB
drive in it's place. It also took the name sdf
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1298[07:08:01] <foreverska> I just plugged in an SD card with
partitions and sdf1 and sdf2 return sizes
1299[07:08:06] <foreverska> but not sdf itself
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1301[07:08:42] <jelly> that's unexpected
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1306[07:10:13] <jelly> foreverska: and cat /sys/block/sdf/size ?
1307[07:11:01] <foreverska> `15523840`
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1312[07:11:53] <jelly> that's probably in 512B sectors, so
"8GB" more or less
1313[07:12:12] <foreverska> Yea, that'd be correct for this
1314[07:12:26] *** Quits: Geom (~Geom@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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1316[07:15:06] *** Joins: Hink (~Hink@replaced-ip)
1317[07:15:44] <Hink> I can't seem to install the
dante-server package on Debian Wheezy.
1318[07:16:07] <Hink>
1319[07:16:09] <foreverska> I'm going to have to let this
demon fester for the time. Next time I have to do a DD if it's
still acting up I'll do a restart
1320[07:16:41] <jelly> Hink: how does the installation fail?
1321[07:16:44] <jelly> !bat
1322[07:16:45] <dpkg> In order to troubleshoot your problem with
apt-get, apt or aptitude we need ALL OF THE FOLLOWING information:
1. complete output of your apt-get/apt/aptitude run (including the
command used) 2. output from "apt-cache policy pkg1
pkg2..." for ALL packages mentioned ANYWHERE in the problem,
and 3. "apt-cache policy". Use
1323[07:17:38] <Hink> foreverska, it's unable to find the
software package.
1324[07:17:47] <Hink> E: Unable to locate package dante-server
1325[07:18:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1634
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1327[07:19:12] <jelly> ,v dante-server
1328[07:19:12] *** Quits: subzero79 (~subzero79@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
1329[07:19:13] <judd> Package: dante-server on amd64 -- wheezy:
1.1.19.dfsg-3+b3; stretch: 1.4.1+dfsg-2+b1; sid: 1.4.1+dfsg-2+b1
1330[07:19:21] *** Quits: siva_machina (~siva@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1331[07:19:37] <jelly> Hink: verify your sources.list is correct
for wheezy, and do an "apt-get update"
1332[07:19:41] <jelly> !wheezy sources.list
1333[07:19:41] <dpkg> A suitable /etc/apt/sources.list for Debian
7 "Wheezy" has three lines: "deb
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1336[07:20:13] <Hink> deb
1337[07:20:13] <Hink> deb
1338[07:20:13] <Hink> deb
1339[07:20:20] <Hink> That's what it contains for me.
1340[07:20:38] <jelly> Hink: "jessie" is not
1341[07:20:38] <Geom`> are those oob repos?
1342[07:20:47] <Hink> Oops did I say wheezy
1343[07:20:50] <Hink> I meant Jessie
1344[07:21:09] <jelly> well then, as judd says above,
there's no dante-server in jessie
1345[07:21:32] <Hink> Okay, can I still access the server
packages in Debian 7 somehow?
1346[07:22:06] *** Joins: Putti (~Putti@replaced-ip)
1347[07:22:14] <jelly> you can try to add the wheezy sources back
and install it, but there's probably a reason why it was not
included in jessie
1348[07:22:30] <jelly> Geom`: oob?
1349[07:23:00] <Geom`> out of the box
1350[07:23:02] <Hink> jelly, Should I append the 3 lines for
wheezy or replace my 3 temporarily?
1351[07:23:10] *** Joins: aaro (~aaro@replaced-ip)
1352[07:23:25] <jelly> add them, do not remove your jessie lines.
1353[07:23:35] *** Quits: Geom` (~Geom@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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1355[07:24:31] <jelly> Geom: pretty much (but one can pick a
different mirror in the installer)
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1358[07:27:22] <jelly> Hink: then again, there's a real
reason why the package had been considered too buggy for jessie
release that may affect you. Proceed with caution.
1359[07:27:58] <Hink> jelly, I will proceed at my own risk,
thanks though for the help jelly.
1360[07:28:30] *** Quits: cerebro_ (~cerebro@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
1361[07:28:43] <Geom> jelly, do you know of a multimedia repo
1362[07:29:03] <themill> Geom: about about
1363[07:29:15] <jelly> Geom: no, why do you ask?
1364[07:29:38] <Geom> coz i need some old stuff that can be found
in -deb-multimedia
1365[07:29:46] <jelly> which stuff?
1366[07:30:26] *** Joins: rocketmagnet (~rocketmag@replaced-ip)
1367[07:30:27] <Geom> im still on wheeze. handbrake-cli no longer
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1370[07:32:03] <rocketmagnet> hi all, i've troubles
installing libgew-dev on my debian xian (i get unresolved objects
and i have no idea how to solve them) !! can someone point me in the
right direction so i understand how i get things wokings ?????
1371[07:32:36] <rocketmagnet> i get this problem ofter so i wanto
to understand how to solve such issues
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1374[07:33:15] <rocketmagnet> my sources.list is only deb
1375[07:33:18] *** Quits: Ceber (~PHP5-4-45@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
1376[07:33:18] <jelly> Geom: there seems to be a build in
1377[07:33:18] <rocketmagnet> deb-src
1378[07:33:29] *** Quits: kj4 (~kj4kjl@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
1379[07:34:00] <jelly> rocketmagnet: those look like ubuntu
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1381[07:34:13] <rocketmagnet> i'm using ubuntu
1382[07:34:22] <jelly> rocketmagnet: then you need to ask in
1383[07:34:28] <rocketmagnet> k
1384[07:34:38] <Geom> jelly, there is. but the problem is, it
lacks dependencies support. it wont install
1385[07:35:44] <themill> Geom: handbrake-cli is already in
debian. If has broken dependencies, all
we're going to do is shrug our shoulders...
1386[07:36:01] *** Quits: sayur (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
1387[07:36:43] <jelly> Geom: that sometimes happens. Do you have
a correct set of sources for wheezy and wheezy-backports, and you
can't install using -t wheezy-backports?
1388[07:37:04] <jelly> dpkg, tell Geom about basic apt
1389[07:37:28] <jelly> if so, please provide the info dpkg
1390[07:37:49] *** Quits: PryMar56 (~prymar@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
1391[07:37:51] <Geom> -t wont.. ild try dpkg instead
1392[07:38:29] <themill> Geom: it's a lot easier to help you
if you provide the requested information
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1398[07:40:42] <veek> how do i set locale for firefox Gtk-WARNING
**: Locale not supported by C library su - veek -c
"LC_ALL=zh_cn.gbk /usr/local/firefox/firefox"
1399[07:40:43] <Geom> il provide info after doing dpkg
1400[07:40:54] <Geom> thanks everyone.. later
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1409[07:44:45] <jim> maybe you need to get more locales...
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1413[07:46:15] <jelly> veek: are you positive
"zh_cn.gbk" is a valid locale name? Case is important
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1418[07:47:46] <Illumitardi> anyone know or have links to valid
docsis 3.0 cable modem acceptable signal and power levels?
1419[07:47:55] <veek> jelly ah, yes fixed that but it still
deson't work.. i'm trying to run fcitx
1420[07:48:40] <veek> jelly thanks though.. just fixed that
1421[07:49:12] *** Quits: d0nn1e (~d0nn1e@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1422[07:49:38] <veek> zh_CN
1423[07:50:04] *** Quits: monoxane (~monoxane@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ZNC - ##replaced-url
1424[07:50:08] <jelly> or zh_CN.GBK if that's the encoding
you wanted
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1427[07:50:50] <jelly> veek: "dpkg-reconfigure locales"
as root and see what's available in the chinese locales
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1438[07:54:50] <raidghost> Good morning. HAving some issues with
libvirtd. Every 2 hours the computer that runs inside qemu loosing
network. We dont know why. And NOThing been said in the logfile
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1440[07:55:06] <veek> ah stupid me! i have to run fcitx as the su
- user!
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1443[07:55:40] <raidghost> veek: How`s your day?
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1495[08:24:52] <ImQ009> Hello. It would appear that I'm
completely unable to use ssh as non-root. I only get a "No user
found with uid ..."
1496[08:25:00] <ImQ009> Any assistance, please?
1497[08:26:45] *** Joins: Geom (~Geom@replaced-ip)
1498[08:26:56] <suboptimal90> permissions on your user's ssh
keys okay?
1499[08:27:24] <jelly> ImQ009: what's your username and what
does "id -a yourusernamehere" say?
1500[08:27:48] <ImQ009> uid=13020(S.Blauciak) gid=10000(adb)
1501[08:27:54] <ImQ009> S.Blauciak is my username
1502[08:28:19] <jelly> ImQ009: I'm not sure a literal dot in
the username is legal
1503[08:28:33] <jelly> some apps use it to delimit user from
1504[08:28:33] <ImQ009> I'm sure it is, it works on other
1505[08:28:46] <ImQ009> Though with other accounts of course
1506[08:29:06] *** Joins: AndroUser2 (~androirc@replaced-ip)
1507[08:29:27] <jelly> ImQ009: which debian release is this and
where are users and groups stored?
1508[08:29:39] <jelly> ImQ009: "getent passwd
1509[08:29:50] <ImQ009> It's Ubuntu, about precise Debian
version, let me see
1510[08:30:13] <jelly> if your system is ubuntu you'll have
to ask in #ubuntu channel
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1512[08:30:46] <ImQ009> Hm, alright then
1513[08:30:49] <ImQ009> Thanks anyway
1514[08:30:55] <jelly> if you can reproduce the same issue on an
actual debian install, you can ask here
1515[08:31:32] <jelly> (I don't have a reference, but
I'm not sure either uppercase or dots are legal in user or
group names)
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1573[09:01:42] <meldron> Hi there, can anyone tell me how to
disable update popups in the default gnome DE? thanks!
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1613[09:16:16] <noqnio1> Hello. After the latest upgrade of the
nvidia drivers im having hard freezes when playing multimedia files,
regardless of the application. Anyone experiencing the same?
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1641[09:21:30] <pingfloyd> meldron: is the nouveau kernel module
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1644[09:23:18] <nfsiv> good day all, is there anyone knows how
can i install php5.4.x by apt-get?
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1655[09:27:38] <nfsiv> good day all, is there anyone knows how
can i install php5.4.x by apt-get? i tried add some ppa repository
from lunchpad, but seems like the php5.4.x was removed.
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1663[09:28:44] <tdn> After doing an apt-get upgrade earlier, a
new kernel version was installed and thus grub needed to be updated.
I got this dialog during configuration of packages:
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1667[09:31:48] <pingfloyd> tdn: I think your irc client truncated
your message
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1669[09:32:32] <ransur0t> meldron: stop update-manager-gnome
service from loading using sysv-rc-conf
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1672[09:34:50] <tdn> pingfloyd, what was the last bit?
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1679[09:35:51] <tdn> ... Then I get a list of devices to install
GRUB on. I chose /dev/sd[ab]. But I also had /dev/md0 and /dev/dm-0.
I am now unsure if it is safe to reboot this machine. The machine is
(very) remote, so I would like to somehow verify that it will boot
before rebooting. How can I do this?
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1694[09:40:23] <pingfloyd> tdn: the million dollar question is
why the uuid changed
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1696[09:40:32] <tdn> pingfloyd, yeah, I have no idea.
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1698[09:41:16] <pingfloyd> tdn: are you running with raid?
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1700[09:41:31] <tdn> pingfloyd, yes
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1702[09:41:34] <dearfibonacci> hi. anyone had luck with localhost
respond cms installation?
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1707[09:44:07] <nfsiv> good day all, is there anyone knows how
can i install php5.4.x by apt-get? i tried add some ppa repository
from lunchpad, but seems like the php5.4.x was removed.
1708[09:45:03] <tdn> pingfloyd, since I have raid using mdadm,
should I then install grub on the md device instead of sda and sdb
as I did?
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1713[09:45:48] <naknomik_> debian package php-horde-webmail ---
the CKEditor for Horde seems to be busted...
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1729[09:55:05] <pingfloyd> tdn:
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1731[09:56:23] <tdn> pingfloyd, reading
1732[09:56:23] <pingfloyd> tdn: anyway, I'm not too sure
about your issue as I've never encountered it
1733[09:57:57] <tdn> pingfloyd, that forum thread contains no
1734[09:58:03] <tdn> pingfloyd, usable at least.
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1736[09:59:16] <pingfloyd> tdn: there's some commands to
find out where grub is currently installed
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1743[10:01:31] <otyugh> nfsiv: ppa are ubuntu specific, you could
ask on #ubuntu for more insight
1744[10:01:52] <otyugh> ,v php
1745[10:01:53] <judd> Package: php on amd64 -- sid: 1:7.0+44;
stretch: 1:7.0+44
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1747[10:02:11] <meldron> ransur0t: systemctl is telling me there
is no such service
1748[10:02:25] <otyugh> ,v php5
1749[10:02:26] <judd> Package: php5 on amd64 -- wheezy:
5.4.45-0+deb7u2; wheezy-security: 5.4.45-0+deb7u4; jessie:
5.6.20+dfsg-0+deb8u1; jessie-security: 5.6.24+dfsg-0+deb8u1;
jessie-proposed-updates: 5.6.24+dfsg-0+deb8u1; sid: 5.6.24+dfsg-1
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1753[10:05:24] <nfsiv> Otyugh: thanks, i tried add "deb
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1755[10:05:39] <otyugh> " how can i install php5.4.x by
apt-get" > you want the wheezy version ? Then add source of
wheezy and try to apt-get build-dep and apt-get -b source, but
I'm pretty confident it's not the good path, this would be
a package mess.
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1757[10:06:03] <otyugh> I'm not experienced in downgrading
1758[10:06:24] <otyugh> but guess compiling yourself it the way
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1760[10:06:35] <otyugh> althought it may break stuff
1761[10:06:38] <nfsiv> then apt-get php5=5.4.45-0+deb7u2, seems
like installed but php5 -v or php -v says no such file
1762[10:08:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1688
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1778[10:18:32] <tdn> pingfloyd, well, as I understand it, what I
need is do know what MBR will actually be used to boot up the
machine when I reboot it.
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1780[10:18:56] <tdn> pingfloyd, I figure there are some general
rules for this, as it should be OS independent. Isn't this done
by the BIOS?
1781[10:19:00] *** Parts: raidghost (raidghost@replaced-ip)
1782[10:19:21] <tdn> pingfloyd, when I know where the BIOS will
try to load a boot loader from - this is where I need to install
GRUB, no?
1783[10:20:20] <pingfloyd> tdn: that's usually how it works
1784[10:20:56] <tdn> pingfloyd, so if there is only one disk in a
machine, I figure this is easy: just install grub on MBR on
/dev/sda, right?
1785[10:20:59] <pingfloyd> tdn: chances are the ones it selected
will work fine, but I can't be sure
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1787[10:21:11] <pingfloyd> tdn: I think it's more that the
debconf for grub-pc is confused
1788[10:21:21] <tdn> pingfloyd, but if there are two disks, then
what? And what if those two disks are raid?
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1791[10:21:55] <pingfloyd> raid1?
1792[10:22:02] *** Joins: Guest360 (~Omni@replaced-ip)
1793[10:22:08] <tdn> pingfloyd, I agree, however, this machine is
located approx. 2000 km from here, so I cannot really just do trial
and error.
1794[10:22:11] <tdn> pingfloyd, raid1, yes.
1795[10:22:19] <pingfloyd> usually for that you install it on
both drive's MBRs
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1797[10:23:10] <pingfloyd> raid doesn't really come into
play until later stages after the MBR has been executed
1798[10:23:33] <tdn> pingfloyd, ok, so I did the right thing to
select /dev/sda and /dev/sdb?
1799[10:24:08] <pingfloyd> that seems right to me
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1805[10:24:52] <tdn> oK
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1807[10:25:02] <tdn> I guess I will just have to try and reboot
1808[10:25:22] *** Quits: benjr (~benjr@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
1809[10:26:05] <pingfloyd> that's usually how it is done
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1816[10:26:51] <pingfloyd> the only real moment of truth will be
when you reboot
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1818[10:27:48] <tdn> pingfloyd, yeah, crossing my fingers
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1846[10:35:42] <littlebit> hi people, I have a few questions
concerning the inner logic of how does debian assign the device
files to harddisks. I have installed debian on my system with 1
harddisk at the beginning. Later I added another harddisk to my
system and noticed that the harddrive on which I have installed my
os on /dev/sda is now designated as /dev/sdb. Why is that so?
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1852[10:37:27] <jelly> littlebit: sd* devices are assigned
asynchronously, as the controllers and drives respond
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1856[10:38:46] <jelly> littlebit: do not rely on their order. If
you need to address a specific device, use links in /dev/disk/by-id/
or some other link farm under /dev/disk/
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1860[10:39:22] <littlebit> jelly: you mean that when the os calls
out to the harddirves, /dev/sda gets assigned to the harddrive that
answers that call first?
1861[10:39:27] <jelly> yes
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1864[10:40:11] <jelly> this often correlates with physical ports
they're attached to, but not always
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1869[10:41:18] <jelly> if these are eg. SATA devices, you can try
switching up their sata ports (or cable ends) and see what happens
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1886[10:46:49] <afx_> Hello ! Can anyone suggest any alternatives
to dropbox?
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1894[10:48:28] <cyris212> afx_: How about
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1896[10:49:24] <afx_> cyris212, will check that
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remember that this is the internet)
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1902[10:52:29] <jemadux> gpg works on sid ?
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1905[10:54:23] <jelly> jemadux: if it doesn't, look at the
1906[10:54:41] <jemadux> bts?
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1917[10:59:30] <meowshwitz> jemadux: it does for me
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1927[11:02:08] <jemadux> meowshwitz, what command do you use ?
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1931[11:02:37] <ransur0t> afx_: google drive?
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1935[11:03:40] <littlebit> jelly: ok thank you. I'm doing my
first RAID1 with mdadm with the help of this link:
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1937[11:03:57] <jemadux> meowshwitz i cant generate new key
1938[11:03:58] <afx_> ransur0t, would like a client too , so that
my files get synced automatically when changed
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1943[11:04:33] <afx_> looking at syncthing atm
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1946[11:05:39] <ransur0t> yeah, google is a little slow to
release linux client ... although doesn't nautilus offer some
type of sync function via linking to the web app of google drive?
1947[11:05:46] <littlebit> I'm doing my first RAID1 with
mdadm with the help of this link:
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1950[11:06:26] <jemadux> gpg agent_genkey failed no such file or
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1952[11:06:54] <afx_> ransur0t, found this for dropbox , but not
google drie
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1954[11:06:57] <afx_> drive*
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1958[11:08:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1695
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1961[11:08:42] <anonrate> The folder /usr/local By default on a
fresh install, does it actually contain anything?
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1965[11:12:34] <meowshwitz> anonrate: standard empty dirs
1966[11:13:29] <anonrate> Thank, I asked ebcause I compiled tar
and I thought the default directoy that it installs to would replace
the previous version, but I was wrong. So now I just wanted to make
sure I didn't have any left over folders or files after
uninstalling it.
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1973[11:17:03] <afx_> Anyone uses spideroak?
1974[11:17:26] <petemc> i have done, and know some poeple that
still do - its fairly well regarded
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1980[11:18:28] <anonrate> I just did something really stupid...
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1982[11:18:49] <Flashtek> ran 'init 0' on a remote box
1983[11:18:53] <meowshwitz> anonrate: rm -rf what?
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1986[11:19:07] <littlebit> hi, I'm doing my first RAID1 with
mdadm with the help of this link:
1987[11:19:11] <meowshwitz> anonrate: make uninstall etc
1988[11:19:16] <anonrate> First I configured tar with the prefix
of /
1989[11:19:23] <anonrate> Then I installed it
1990[11:19:36] <anonrate> Noticed that it made extra shit inside
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1992[11:20:03] <anonrate> Once again I thought that just
specifiying / as the prefix would make everything else correct such
as the location for man and stuff..
1993[11:20:08] <anonrate> Here is the bad part...
1994[11:20:13] <anonrate> I uninstalled it..
1995[11:20:15] <meowshwitz> littlebit: are the disks same size
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1999[11:20:52] <Flashtek> anonrate: just restore the back
2000[11:20:54] <Flashtek> *backup
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2002[11:21:15] <anonrate> How?
2003[11:21:16] *** Quits: BenNZ (~Ben__@replaced-ip) (Quit: Everytime I think IQ's must have dropped recently, I
remember that this is the internet)
2004[11:21:30] <anonrate> I have real bad SNS right now. LOL!
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2017[11:25:24] <Flashtek> my add on groundplane arrived \o/
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2020[11:25:58] <littlebit> meowshwitz: yes they are
2021[11:26:04] <littlebit> 250 GB
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2023[11:26:33] <meowshwitz> and sfdisk -d xxx | sfdisk xxx
returns errors?
2024[11:27:00] *** Quits: Blueeer (~Blueer@replaced-ip) ()
2025[11:27:02] <meowshwitz> is your original partition table
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2027[11:28:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1703
2028[11:28:32] <littlebit> meowshwitz: the original partition
table is a freshly installed debian, don't know that cannot be
valid on?
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2031[11:29:03] <meowshwitz> littlebit: er, odd, but if the tables
compare exactly no harm
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2036[11:29:59] <anonrate> Is there a way to check when a folder
was created?
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2038[11:30:24] <mbe> ls -l will show you
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2040[11:30:32] <anonrate> Thank you.
2041[11:30:55] <anonrate> That's modification date, no?
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2043[11:31:29] <mbe> sorry, yes thats right
2044[11:31:40] <anonrate> I am honestly going crazy right now.
2045[11:31:47] <meowshwitz> anonrate: stat(1)
2046[11:31:55] *** Quits: ilyaman (ilyaman@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
2047[11:32:05] <anonrate> My OCD is saying reinstall Debian..
2048[11:32:09] *** Quits: NoobsFlyVFR (~TCASMyAss@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2049[11:32:11] <meowshwitz> there isn't a creation date per
2050[11:32:16] <meowshwitz> anonrate: if this is a fresh box,
then why not
2051[11:32:25] <mbe>
2052[11:32:31] <anonrate> Because it' snot exactly.
2053[11:32:33] <meowshwitz> anonrate: otherwise install the same
package to /tmp/whatever
2054[11:32:45] <meowshwitz> and then delete whatever it installs
from /
2055[11:33:01] <anonrate> I don't know if these folders are
supposed to be there or not or I would do that.
2056[11:33:07] <anonrate> Now there is a share folder in /
2057[11:33:29] <meowshwitz> anonrate: share/ lives under /usr,
you can wipe the one in /
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2059[11:34:10] <anonrate> What about libexxec?
2060[11:34:16] <meowshwitz> also
2061[11:34:33] <meowshwitz> it probably dropped some trash to
/bin, /sbin and /etc
2062[11:34:38] <meowshwitz> maybe /var
2063[11:34:45] <meowshwitz> but it's not harmless, just
2064[11:34:51] <meowshwitz> but you learned a valuable lesson
2065[11:34:53] *** Quits: jemadux (~jemadux@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2066[11:35:06] <anonrate> Yes I did. SNS and OCD Don't
2067[11:35:09] *** Joins: jemadux (~jemadux@replaced-ip)
2068[11:35:56] <anonrate> I wanna reinstall everything..
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2070[11:37:34] <anonrate> Shoot me...
2071[11:38:43] *** Quits: cerebro_ (~cerebro@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2072[11:39:38] <anonrate> Frig IT! I'm reinstalling
2073[11:39:43] *** Quits: anonrate (~anonrate@replaced-ip) (Quit: 01010000 01100101 01100010 01101112 ..! Oh Sh..!)
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2098[11:51:58] <DeaDSouL> Hi, I followed this guide
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2100[11:52:44] <DeaDSouL> btw, it's a fresh minimal debian
installation, and a brand new harddrive
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2104[11:57:14] <Flashtek> I want to set a kernel module parameter
on boot... AIUI I should add this to /etc/modprobe.d/blah.conf right
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2120[12:03:37] <SynrGy> Flashtek: if the module is loaded early
in boot, i think you also need to update your initramfs.
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2148[12:15:19] <innerand> Hello, what builds the final config
from the fragmented config files in the foo.d directory? Where can I
find the final config?
2149[12:15:41] <Flashtek> SynrGy: the module in question is a NIC
driver (e1000e) so I am assuming this is loaded 'later' in
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2153[12:16:29] <themill> innerand: that depends -- many programs
don't need that step
2154[12:16:42] <SynrGy> innerand: context?
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2158[12:17:50] <innerand> SynrGy: I would like to see the final
config used by amavisd-new
2159[12:17:51] <SynrGy> innerand: and in most cases i've
seen there is no 'builds the final config'. rather, the
files in the directory are all read directly
2160[12:17:54] <Flashtek> SynrGy: I have tried to set
"options e1000e InterruptThrottleRate=5000,5000" and
it's still loading the default
2161[12:18:29] <Flashtek> innerand: from personal experience
"cat *" will result in the config used
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2168[12:21:05] <innerand> okay, thank you Flashtek and SynrGy
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2175[12:23:46] <DoctorD90> it is possible boot a debian livecd
from network?
2176[12:24:02] <Flashtek> innerand: In the past I've had to
be sneaky about naming files in .d dirs so they get processed in a
specific order
2177[12:24:10] <Flashtek> DoctorD90: I see no reason why not...
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2179[12:25:05] <DoctorD90> Flashtek, may I ask you any guide or
how to? ... im looking in grub, but im not so luckly...(or maybe im
searching bad on google))
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2182[12:25:37] <Flashtek> it's been a long time since I had
need... I used a howto on the debian site IIRC
2183[12:25:39] <jelly> innerand: note that the service as
provided in debian 8 reads from two directories by default.
@config_files =
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2188[12:26:05] <xendon> DoctorD90
2189[12:26:18] <DoctorD90> Flashtek, .... xendon thx you!
2190[12:26:32] <xendon> DoctorD90: you can just put the livecd
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2193[12:27:16] <DoctorD90> xendon, what do you mean? boot
normally from livecd on cdrom? looking for a network image
shared configuration :)
2194[12:27:29] <DoctorD90> boot many pc fro 1 single livecd on
network :)
2195[12:27:32] *** Quits: hualet_deepin (~hualet@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2196[12:27:40] <Flashtek> PXE booting
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2200[12:28:04] <DoctorD90> "exactly" :P
2201[12:28:16] *** Joins: boulon (~ircc@replaced-ip)
2202[12:28:21] <DoctorD90> but I could not be able to find that
debian wiki page lol
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2204[12:29:17] <SynrG> Flashtek: sorry. crash here. back. missed
anything from 10m ago to when i rejoined here.
2205[12:29:18] <Flashtek>
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2207[12:29:32] <Flashtek> SynrGy: I have tried to set
"options e1000e InterruptThrottleRate=5000,5000" and
it's still loading the default
2208[12:29:48] <SynrG> there's some command that shows what
options were used when the module was loaded, i believe
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2210[12:30:23] <SynrG> modinfo
2211[12:30:41] *** Joins: HeOS (~heos@replaced-ip)
2212[12:30:47] <Flashtek> modinfo shows what it will support...
doesn't seem to list what was loaded though
2213[12:30:55] <DoctorD90> thx guys! as always ^_^
2214[12:30:58] <xendon> DokctorD90 you will need an working DHCP
to configure all required options and you will need an TFTP Server
as well. The guild i've send you is about installing debian. If
you want an Desktop/LiveCD you just replace the imange with is
2215[12:31:13] <SynrG> gotcha
2216[12:31:31] <SynrG> i thought there was some way to inspect
the loaded module's params
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2219[12:32:17] <Flashtek> SynrG: that would actually be
helpful... I can see in syslog that it's loading, but using the
default settings
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2221[12:32:57] <SynrG>
2222[12:34:19] <Flashtek> systool might work...
2223[12:34:21] <Flashtek> thanks
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2225[12:34:53] <Flashtek> if it were installed that is...
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2227[12:36:45] <SynrG> Flashtek: but the little script in the
first answer seemed to produce some results for me ...
2228[12:36:54] <SynrG> Flashtek: and that requires nothing else
to be installed
2229[12:37:10] *** Quits: morphis (~morphis@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2230[12:37:29] <Flashtek> yeah, checked that. the module
parameters aren't being honoured
2231[12:37:38] *** Quits: gnupyx (5a356554@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2232[12:37:45] <SynrG> so you're sure it's loaded in
late boot?
2233[12:38:00] * Flashtek shrugs
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2235[12:38:28] <SynrG> i'd expect the kernel to
autoconfigure the network if it can because that can be useful
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2237[12:38:53] <Flashtek> hmm..
2238[12:39:05] <Flashtek> it used to work just fine from
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2246[12:42:14] <SynrG> maybe the initramfs was regenerated in
that case? did you regenerate the initramfs since you made the
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2249[12:42:59] <SynrG> i haven't looked at an initrd image
lately (i forget the magic spell to extract one) but perhaps it
includes the whole modprobe.d?
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2256[12:45:54] <SynrG> not sure if MODULES=most (the default)
sucks in network stuff or not. the comment above it says "Add
most filesystem and all harddrive drivers." but is not specific
(there are, after all, networked filesystems ...)
2257[12:46:06] *** Quits: cuechan (~paul@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2258[12:46:19] <SynrG> that is, if you use the default
MODULES=most. what do you have for that in
2259[12:46:37] <SynrG> MODULES=netboot says it adds network
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2262[12:47:53] <DoctorD90> xendon, Flashtek may I try
pxebootdebian guide trougth virtualbox belong to you?
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2264[12:48:29] <Flashtek> ?
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2269[12:50:36] <DoctorD90> i mean, to try these steps, described
on wiki, is possible use virtual box belong to you?
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2276[12:55:08] <Flashtek> DoctorD90: you want to use a VirtualBox
system as the PXE server ?
2277[12:55:33] <SynrG> DoctorD90: english not your mother tongue?
could not parse "... belong to you"
2278[12:55:46] <DoctorD90> Flashtek, yes, but just to test the
guide, not "in real life". Just to first setup to
understand how it works :)
2279[12:56:03] <Flashtek> DoctorD90: probably
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2282[12:56:48] <DoctorD90> SynrG, italian....and belong to you
doesnt exist? 0o ....and how may I say in english "according to
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2285[12:57:33] <SynrG> ah, "according to you" makes
more sense :)
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2287[12:58:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1690
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2289[12:58:04] <DoctorD90> Flashtek, but from what I have
understood, I have to download a pxeboot file from debian official
server. If i would like to not use official ISO, but modded one?
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2291[12:58:19] <DoctorD90> SynrG, ok...i will use that one from
now on :) thx
2292[12:58:43] <blastwave> I have built and am running Linux
4.7.0 kernel very nicely with Intel Corporation Atom Processor
D4xx/D5xx/N4xx/N5xx Integrated Graphics Controller. Resolution is
fine at 1920x1080. When I boot linux 4.7.2 kernel the resolution
drops to 1280x1024 with no option to change resolution. Attempts to
run Xorg -configure in single user mode just returns "Number of
created screens does not match number of detected ..." config
fails . A
2293[12:58:43] <blastwave> ny thoughts?
2294[12:59:28] <blastwave> Also Xorg -configure fails for kernel
4.7.0 also
2295[12:59:44] <blastwave> yes .. I am way outside of the debian
kernel package here and know it
2296[13:00:00] <otyugh> ,v kenerl
2297[13:00:02] <judd> No package named 'kenerl' was
found in amd64.
2298[13:00:05] <otyugh> fail o/
2299[13:00:28] <Flashtek> AHA
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2301[13:00:42] <tremon> blastwave: any mentions of missing
firmware in dmesg? not sure what generation your processor is, but
Intel's latest gpus require firmware
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2304[13:01:17] <blastwave> tremon, this is an older thin client
desktop unit from "Shuttle" and nothing new here at all
2305[13:01:45] <blastwave> tremon, however .. I shall look into
dmesg .. which has a LOT of traffic because of various kernel
features I compiled in
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2308[13:02:24] <tremon> also, what do you mean with
"resolution is fine at 1920x1080"? did this work with a
previous kernel version?
2309[13:02:38] <SynrG> Flashtek: aha?
2310[13:02:39] <otyugh> guess you forgot to add some feature
about gpu support ;..;
2311[13:02:40] <blastwave> tremon, in fact .. I am using the
machine right now. wonderful little thin client with a tiny atom
processor in it and is super stable.
2312[13:03:02] <blastwave> tremon, yes .. am running 4.7.0 right
now fine
2313[13:03:18] <blastwave> uname -a says Linux io 4.7.0 #1 SMP
Sun Aug 7 20:51:25 EDT 2016 i686 GNU/Linux
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2316[13:03:48] <blastwave> tremon, what is the pasebin du jour
these days ? I have not used ird in a few years
2317[13:03:54] <blastwave> sorry .. irc in a few years
2318[13:03:57] <tremon> we prefer here
2319[13:04:01] <tremon> so a hand-compiled 4.7.0 works and
hand-compiled 4.7.2 does not? can you diff the .configs between the
two builds?
2320[13:04:13] <blastwave> tremon, good thinking
2321[13:04:21] <blastwave> most likely a bucket of diffs
2322[13:04:45] <blastwave> tremon, I tried to remove a lot of the
kernel hackary features in the 4.7.2 build
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2327[13:05:16] <tremon> you may have removed too much
2328[13:05:34] *** Joins: dpkg (~dpkg@replaced-ip)
2329[13:05:41] <tremon> just a wild guess, did you remove i2c
2330[13:05:54] <tremon> it's needed for querying the
supported resolutions of connected monitors
2331[13:05:56] <blastwave> tremon, see
2332[13:06:06] *** Joins: towo^work (~towo@replaced-ip)
2333[13:06:09] <blastwave> tremon, nope .. I wouldn't touch
that one
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2336[13:06:39] <Flashtek> ha..
2337[13:06:59] *** Joins: cuechan (~paul@replaced-ip)
2338[13:07:01] <Flashtek> SynrG: updated /etc/modprobe.d file,
then re-ran mkinitramfs, rebooted
2339[13:07:10] <Flashtek> it now loads with required parameters
2340[13:07:12] *** Quits: tcpman_ (~tcpman@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2341[13:07:13] <SynrG> yes!
2342[13:07:16] <Flashtek> seems it's loaded in early boot
2343[13:07:20] <SynrG> glad my hunch worked
2344[13:07:32] <Flashtek> good call
2345[13:07:33] <SynrG> if it hadn't, i was fresh out of
ideas :)
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2348[13:07:52] <tremon> blastwave: don't see any obvious
missing kernel options in that diff. To be sure, you could try
rebuilding 4.7.0 with the new config
2349[13:08:02] <blastwave> tremon, so the only real diff here is
the removal of a bucket of kernel trace features where this 4.7.0
kernel is pretty slow .. in fact the whole machine feels a tad
sluggish but otherwise works great
2350[13:08:15] <SynrG> well, off to work. later, folks
2351[13:08:15] *** Quits: noxs (~noxs@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2352[13:08:22] <Flashtek> ttfn
2353[13:08:45] <blastwave> tremon, or rebuild 4.7.2 with the
exact same config as 4.7.0 with all the kernel trace and kobject
noise and other bits enabled and see what happens
2354[13:09:03] *** Joins: TsukiRa (~tsukira@replaced-ip)
2355[13:09:09] <blastwave> tremon, however I was surprised that
Xorg -configure fails in single user mode regardless of the kernel
2356[13:09:45] <blastwave> thus -->
2357[13:10:06] <tremon> can you paste the most recent
/var/log/Xorg.*.log, and if possible a log file from 4.7.0 too? the
output of xrandr --verbose under both kernels could be helpful too
2358[13:10:25] <blastwave> tremon, cool .. looks like I will be
rebooting a bit ..
2359[13:10:33] <jelly> ,kernels
2360[13:10:35] <judd> Available kernel versions are:
experimental: 4.7.0-rc7-686 (4.7~rc7-1~exp1); sid: 4.7.0-1-686
(4.7.2-1); stretch: 4.6.0-1-686 (4.6.4-1); jessie-backports:
4.6.0-0.bpo.1-686-pae (4.6.4-1~bpo8+1); jessie: 3.16.0-4-686-pae
(3.16.7-ckt25-2+deb8u3); wheezy-backports: 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae
(3.16.7-ckt25-2+deb8u3~bpo70+1); wheezy: 3.2.0-4-686-pae (3.2.81-1)
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2363[13:11:04] <jelly> blastwave: also try 4.7.0-1-686 from sid
instead of your own
2364[13:11:23] <blastwave> jelly, well that removes the fun now
doesn't it ? :-)
2365[13:11:30] *** Quits: monoxane (~monoxane@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2366[13:11:40] <blastwave> jelly, also .. I have no clue how to
use a package from sid
2367[13:11:56] <blastwave> cat /etc/debian_version says 8.5 btw
2368[13:12:01] <jelly> you of all people should appreciate saving
time using prebuilt binaries :-)
2369[13:12:08] <blastwave> ha ha
2370[13:12:16] <blastwave> guess I still have a name for that
2371[13:12:23] <blastwave> hey .. I build stuff from sources !
2372[13:12:53] *** Joins: cedvan (~cedvan@replaced-ip)
2373[13:12:53] <jelly> you can get it from I
2374[13:13:10] <blastwave> however ever since the great frack
blowup of 2010 and the kill of OpenSolaris and other works .. well I
lost my desire for it .. a bit
2375[13:13:14] *** Joins: veek (~veek@replaced-ip)
2376[13:13:15] <jelly> let me VERY CAREFULLY add sid deb line and
see what happens on a 32bit system
2377[13:13:30] <blastwave> jelly, go forth with phasers on stun
2378[13:13:31] <jelly> if I can find a 32bit system
2379[13:13:46] <blastwave> jelly, yeah .. this is a cool little
desktop that I just had to play with
2380[13:13:52] *** Quits: careta (~botto@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2381[13:13:55] <blastwave> was surprised how well it runs
2382[13:13:56] *** Quits: nibble_zero (~chatzilla@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
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2384[13:14:09] <veek> is there a way to verify installed file
hashes against a server
2385[13:14:26] <blastwave> veek, do you mean sha256 hashes ?
2386[13:14:32] <veek> yeah
2387[13:14:55] <blastwave> veek, hrmmm .. I didn't know
there was a sha256 manifest catalog for each package but it
certainly makes sense
2388[13:15:03] <jelly> veek: "debsums" but it may not
detect all issues (checksums are not mandatory and some packages do
not ship them)
2389[13:15:11] *** Joins: careta (~botto@replaced-ip)
2390[13:15:16] * blastwave thinks 'figures'
2391[13:15:22] <veek> ah i ran debsums but it verifies against a
local copy
2392[13:15:25] *** Joins: monoxane (~monoxane@replaced-ip)
2393[13:15:29] <jelly> yes.
2394[13:16:27] <blastwave> jelly, that was a feature I had built
into all the blastwave packages and then enforced in the Oracle new
pkg system beefore all hell broke loose .. that was back in the days
when Ian Murdock was still with us .. a sad loss
2395[13:16:42] <jelly> blastwave: well, seems that might work
2396[13:16:52] *** Joins: ChubaDuba (~ChubaDuba@replaced-ip)
2397[13:16:57] <jelly> apt-get -s install linux-image-4.7.0-1-686
# doesn't install anything else from sid
2398[13:17:04] <blastwave> hrmmm
2399[13:17:07] *** Joins: N4N0IIR (~falken@replaced-ip)
2400[13:17:19] <blastwave> jelly, not surprise here really
2401[13:17:29] <jelly> likewise with
2402[13:17:39] <jelly> don't ask me about the difference
2403[13:17:50] <blastwave> in truth I am building the intel
drivers and modules and was just, well, surprised where the
resolution changed on the exact same hardware
2404[13:18:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1699
2405[13:18:03] <blastwave> jelly, hey .. I'll figure it out
.. its what I do
2406[13:18:26] <JyZyXEL> yesterday i tried to build the
debianized version of 4.7.2 on jessie, but couldn't because it
had a requirement for gcc-5
2407[13:18:29] <jelly> if it's a recent cpu/gpu (2015+) you
may need xserver-xorg-video-intel from jessie-backports
2408[13:18:43] <JyZyXEL> its weird because the vanilla 4.7.2 does
compile without that requirement
2409[13:18:47] <blastwave> jelly, no .. this thing is old
2410[13:18:57] *** Quits: n0wje (~anthony@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2411[13:18:59] <blastwave> jelly, had to blow the dust out of it
just to get it to work on day one
2412[13:19:05] *** Joins: varun_ (~nafk@replaced-ip)
2413[13:19:09] <jelly> blastwave: oh, then you shouldn't
need either 4.7 or new(er) drivers
2414[13:19:16] <blastwave> by the way .. Xorg log -->
2415[13:19:19] <jelly> but who knows with atoms
2416[13:19:41] <blastwave> jelly, well I just build the new
kernel and often beta bits on a number of systems for various test
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2425[13:22:36] <blastwave> jelly, actually am working on a memory
issue that may still yet exist in the prod kernel version
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2428[13:24:00] <jelly> blastwave: that Xorg log looks like
1920x1080 was read from EDID and worked?
2429[13:24:09] *** Joins: Posterdati (~kvirc@replaced-ip)
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2431[13:25:12] <mrtnt> I saw a following entry in a file under
/etc/cron.d "12 10 25 * * /usr/lib/bin/blah". Is the user
column(sixth column) optional?
2432[13:25:13] <blastwave> jelly, works great on 4.7.0
2433[13:25:23] <jelly> JyZyXEL: I guess you can munge the build
dependencies manually, or wait for jessie-backports
2434[13:25:27] <blastwave> jelly, exact same hardware and it does
not work with 4.7.2
2435[13:25:35] <jelly> ah.
2436[13:25:42] <blastwave> yep .. see ?
2437[13:25:49] <blastwave> its .. a sneaky little bug here
2438[13:25:51] *** Quits: hualet_deepin (~hualet@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2439[13:25:56] <jelly> *shrug*
2440[13:25:59] <blastwave> jelly, yep
2441[13:25:59] <JyZyXEL> jelly: i just built and installed the
vanilla 4.7.2 instead
2442[13:26:26] *** Joins: bolovanos (~bolovanos@replaced-ip)
2443[13:26:26] <jelly> JyZyXEL: now that upstream has "make
deb-pkg" you can even have packages easily
2444[13:26:30] <blastwave> so it may be an interface issue in the
intel atom driver code and therein lay the rabbit hole to dig down
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2447[13:26:46] <blastwave> but I was wondering why even Xorg
-configure fails on 4.7.0
2448[13:26:55] <JyZyXEL> jelly: yeah, it just takes a really long
time even with a good CPU
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2450[13:27:22] <JyZyXEL> something about the dpkg creating those
.deb packages at the end is really slow
2451[13:27:29] <blastwave> JyZyXEL, just imagine with a 32-bit
atom processor at 1.6GHz and 1G of memory
2452[13:27:36] <JyZyXEL> compilation goes pretty fast with -j8
2453[13:27:59] <JyZyXEL> blastwave: haha, you might as well call
it a day after hitting enter :P
2454[13:28:18] <Flashtek> JyZyXEL: even quicker with -j24
2455[13:28:24] <JyZyXEL> luckyyy
2456[13:28:25] *** Joins: Darcidride_ (~Darcidrid@replaced-ip)
2457[13:28:26] <blastwave> JyZyXEL, think 30 hours
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2460[13:29:19] <blastwave> JyZyXEL, so I generally run
/usr/bin/nice -n +19 /usr/bin/time -p /usr/local/bin/gmake and then
leave for the day
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2463[13:30:24] <JyZyXEL> blastwave: ever consider using another
machine for building? :P
2464[13:30:36] <blastwave> JyZyXEL, well that would just be
2465[13:30:41] <JyZyXEL> my Haswell-desktop did the job in 45
2466[13:30:50] *** Quits: N4N0IIR (~falken@replaced-ip) (Quit: WeeChat 1.4)
2467[13:30:52] <blastwave> JyZyXEL, but I have a whole farm of
systems and they are all doing things ..
2468[13:31:03] <blastwave> 45 minutes ? whoa
2469[13:31:06] <JyZyXEL> meanwhile i was using the system for
desktop activities
2470[13:31:20] *** Joins: MFrostIT (~holoirc@replaced-ip)
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2472[13:31:52] <jelly> debian's .config has everything and
then some
2473[13:31:54] *** Quits: masber (~masber@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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2475[13:32:20] <blastwave> jelly, yes .. it is a bit damn thicj
2476[13:32:25] <blastwave> jelly, yes .. it is a bit damn thick
2477[13:32:34] <JyZyXEL> there was a gotcha when using debians
.config though. i needed to comment out the
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2481[13:32:45] <blastwave> JyZyXEL, I do have access to one of
these however :
2482[13:32:53] <JyZyXEL> because it points to
2483[13:33:10] <blastwave> JyZyXEL, 1024 cores at 4.1GHz and 2TB
of memory
2484[13:33:35] *** Joins: txp (~txp@replaced-ip)
2485[13:33:56] <blastwave> JyZyXEL, sort of obscene really .. but
I use a think client desktop with an Intel Atom and Debian .. in
fact I live in front of Debian
2486[13:35:46] <JyZyXEL> debian is the only thing left in my life
2487[13:36:14] *** Quits: MFrostIT (~holoirc@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2488[13:36:25] <blastwave> JyZyXEL, sadly I have to deal with a
wide array of systems .. but Debian has been my desktop of choice
and os for .. a decade
2489[13:36:42] <blastwave> actually .. no .. I ran RedHat zoot a
long long time ago
2490[13:36:45] <blastwave> that was the 90's
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2499[13:40:22] <txp> hey guys, I'm trying to install a
minimal headless version of libreoffice on a server running debian
stable. Some other distros have a libreoffice-headless package. I
read in this thread (
2500[13:40:59] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o eir
2501[13:40:59] *** eir sets mode: -bo *!*@ eir
2502[13:41:00] <stoned> yeah
2503[13:41:04] <stoned> Why are you putting OO on a server?
2504[13:41:16] <stoned> Good morning btw, 5am is cold.
2505[13:41:56] *** Joins: daniel-s (~daniel-s@replaced-ip)
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2508[13:43:06] * blastwave thinks "it is 5AM somewhere .. let me
see .. California?"
2509[13:43:19] <stoned> txp: why office on a server?
2510[13:43:54] <txp> stoned: we are using a commercial
"digital workplace" software which needs
openoffice/libreoffice for PDF generation
2511[13:43:58] *** Joins: Blueer (~Blueer@replaced-ip)
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2513[13:44:29] <blastwave> txp, don't expect blazing
performance from that
2514[13:44:40] <txp> stoned: I know its kind of overkill, but
sadly there is no other way
2515[13:44:56] *** Quits: seekr (~seekr@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2516[13:45:20] <stoned> There are many ways to produce pdf
2517[13:45:31] <blastwave> txp, there is tcpdf or if you have
buckets of money Adobe PDF API
2518[13:45:56] *** Quits: biberu (~biberu@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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2520[13:46:28] <Iridos> txp, only you can know what you
need… → apt-cache show libreoffice=1:4.3.3-2+deb8u5|grep
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2522[13:46:56] <stoned> txp: what is the input for generating the
2523[13:47:01] <txp> stoned, blastwave: yeah, but on the software
only supports openoffice for pdf generation - I know its stupid...
2524[13:47:06] *** Quits: mzf (~mzf@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2525[13:47:07] <stoned> Oh
2526[13:47:12] <stoned> You're limited by some prop.
2527[13:47:17] *** Joins: denis_k (~denisk@replaced-ip)
2528[13:47:25] <stoned> Commercial digital workdplace?
2529[13:47:27] <stoned> what exactly
2530[13:47:39] * blastwave yep .. been there many times
2531[13:47:42] *** Quits: fireball``` (~fireball`@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
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2534[13:48:13] *** Joins: biberu (~biberu@replaced-ip)
2535[13:48:23] <txp> stoned: intrexx - from a smallish german
company (replaced-url
2536[13:48:37] *** Joins: seekr (~seekr@replaced-ip)
2537[13:49:02] <Iridos> txp, might be you only need
libreoffice-core; to see, run: apt-file show libreoffice-core |grep
-e soffice -e pdf
2538[13:49:31] <stoned> Oh boy. This stuff giving me a headache.
2539[13:49:49] <txp> Iridos: ah, that would be better...
2540[13:50:02] *** Joins: CoOolBreeze (~CoOolBree@replaced-ip)
2541[13:50:31] <stoned>
2542[13:50:47] <stoned> You want to batch convert .doc to .pdf
using the command line on a server without a GUI?
2543[13:50:50] <stoned> ... so forth
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2549[13:51:50] <stoned>
2550[13:52:02] <stoned> JODConverter, the Java OpenDocument
Converter, converts documents between different office formats.
2551[13:52:04] <stoned> It leverages, which
provides arguably the best import/export filters for OpenDocument
and Microsoft Office formats available today.
2552[13:52:26] <Iridos> what's the point if they're
using some software that wants libreoffice
2553[13:52:30] <txp> stoned: yep, thats the plan... so we have a
kind of a intranet system, and there users should be able to
generate pdfs from html content
2554[13:52:37] *** Joins: stoffepojken (~stoffe@replaced-ip)
2555[13:52:52] <stoned> txp: they can do this clientside...
2556[13:52:56] <txp> Iridos: they have some build in converter,
which sucks...
2557[13:52:59] *** Joins: Guest49953 (~weechat@replaced-ip)
2558[13:53:00] <stoned> in a browser. Print as PDF
2559[13:53:10] *** Joins: tallbarr (~none@replaced-ip)
2560[13:53:12] <stoned> Save as a pdf file through the print
2561[13:53:34] *** Quits: jandrusk (~jra@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
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2564[13:55:49] <txp> stoned: yeah, thats true, but we have some
more complex situations, where pdfs are generated dynamically...
It's all in the beginning, but I think the libreoffice solution
is the only way to go for us sadly. That being said oooninja looks
2565[13:55:52] *** Parts: OS-23065 (~OS-23065@replaced-ip)
2566[13:56:02] <stoned> Good luck
2567[13:56:07] <txp> If we can trick intrexx in thinking its
talking to OO....
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2569[13:56:17] <stoned> You pay for support. Ask for it.
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2571[13:56:35] <stoned> s/ask/Demand/
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2573[13:57:13] <netzach> Hello
2574[13:57:29] <netzach> Is update-motd.d part of standard
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2576[13:57:48] <hanshenrik> what the hell does this mean?
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2578[13:58:00] <txp> stoned: yeah I just wanted to know, if there
is a more minimal way to install OO... thanks a lot guys!
2579[13:58:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1705
2580[13:58:03] <netzach> I have googled and havent found the
answers. There is no reference to it on any cron job, init service
or even in
2581[13:58:04] *** Quits: Scourje (uid63311@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2582[13:58:16] <stoned>
2583[13:58:37] <hanshenrik> OpenOffice?
2584[13:58:40] <hanshenrik> OO?
2585[13:58:52] <Iridos> hanshenrik, what the hell do you think it
2586[13:59:11] <netzach> stoned: unfortunately I haven't
found anything there, I'll check again
2587[13:59:12] <hanshenrik> Iridos, i have no idea. broken
2588[13:59:18] <stoned> hanshenrik: ls -l filezilla
2589[13:59:25] <stoned> hanshenrik: does it have +x
2590[13:59:27] <stoned> ?
2591[13:59:27] <Iridos> it means you downloaded some random
binary instead of installing the debian package
2592[13:59:28] <xendon> txp libreoffice is pretty the same.
2593[13:59:38] <netzach> I guess I haven't paid attention it
is explaiend there stoned
2594[13:59:39] <netzach> than you
2595[13:59:47] <stoned> np
2596[13:59:49] <netzach> or maybe read another page, the old
version who knows
2597[13:59:49] <txp> xendon: yes I know
2598[13:59:57] <hanshenrik> -rwxr-xr-x 1 hanshenrik hanshenrik
11465912 Aug 23 15:21 filezilla
2599[14:00:00] <Iridos> and either the file doesn't have
executable permissions or you're on a 64-bit system without
32bit libraries and this is a random 32bit binary
2600[14:00:03] <netzach> stoned: so if I understand correctly
it's hardcoded?
2601[14:00:09] <hanshenrik> yes, it has g+r
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2604[14:00:18] <hanshenrik> err, whatever, it has x
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2606[14:00:39] <Iridos> so why don't you use the debian
package instead… and don't run it as root
2607[14:00:41] <stoned> netzach: don't run ./
2608[14:00:44] <stoned> just type filezilla
2609[14:00:52] <netzach> you probably don't mean me stoned ?
2610[14:01:13] <stoned> I'm half asleep trying to focus :)
2611[14:01:18] <stoned> getting confused between people
2612[14:01:27] <stoned> netzach: no
2613[14:01:28] *** Quits: noxs_ (~noxs@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2614[14:01:33] <stoned> sorry
2615[14:01:45] <netzach> stoned: so is it configurable somewhere?
2616[14:01:53] <stoned> Wait, what is?
2617[14:01:56] <netzach> I mean how does know to
start the scripts there?
2618[14:01:59] <odish> your username also probably has something
to do with it :^)
2619[14:02:09] <netzach> I mean /etc/update-motd.d/ must be
hardcoded in
2620[14:02:36] <stoned> "A little less known thing about
/etc/motd in Debian and Ubuntu is that pam will actually update your
/etc/motd based simply on the scripts in /etc/update-motd.d. So to
replicate the above scripts, you could do:"
2621[14:02:50] <hanshenrik> Iridos, i downloaded the official
filezilla release because the debian version is from 2014 and i
wanted to try the newest version
2622[14:02:55] <netzach> yes stoned but I mean it's the code
of pam that hardcoded that path I take it?
2623[14:03:02] *** Quits: marsjaninzmarsa (~marsjanin@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2624[14:03:14] <stoned> Note that this technique is using a patch
that is shipped only with Debian and Ubuntu and not factored into
upstream PAM. Furthermore, this code has had security issues in the
past (CVE-2010-0832, this bug).
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2627[14:03:36] <stoned> Sure. Seems like debian is patching for
2628[14:03:44] <netzach> I see stoned , securiy issues related to
motd? strange
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2632[14:05:11] <stoned> hanshenrik: where did you grab the binary
2633[14:05:20] <Iridos> judd, versions filezilla
2634[14:05:22] <judd> Package: filezilla on amd64 -- wheezy:
3.5.3-2; wheezy-backports:; jessie:;
stretch: 3.20.0-1; sid: 3.20.0-1
2635[14:05:42] <Iridos> judd, checkbackport filezilla
2636[14:05:42] *** Quits: marsjaninzmarsa (~marsjanin@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
2637[14:05:43] <judd> Backporting package filezilla in
sid→jessie/amd64: unsatisfiable build dependencies:
Build-Depends: libfilezilla-dev (>= 0.6.1), libgnutls28-dev
(>= 3.4.0), libpugixml-dev (>= 1.5), nettle-dev (>= 3.1).
2638[14:06:02] <hanshenrik> stoned, the link provided by
2639[14:06:12] <hanshenrik> wget
2640[14:06:14] <hanshenrik> err wrong
2641[14:06:22] <hanshenrik> wget
2642[14:06:31] <Iridos> urgh
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2644[14:06:47] <DeaDSouL> is it safe to use the kernel from
jessie-backports ? I'm using jessie 8.5 btw
2645[14:07:00] <hanshenrik> sourceforge, depending on the
"accept" header, will either give you the raw binary, or
html blabla if you have "accept text/html~~"
2646[14:07:10] <hanshenrik> its in tar.bz2 format tho, so i
extracted it
2647[14:07:46] <Iridos> hanshenrik, it's offering me a
filezilla with …x86_64… are you on a 32bit system?
2648[14:08:07] <hanshenrik> no, 64bit debian 8 fully updated, no
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2651[14:08:38] <Iridos> well, but your file showed it's a
32bit binary you have there… it's obvious why you
can't run that if you have no multiarch
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2653[14:09:06] * blastwave must go do that office job stuff
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2655[14:09:24] <stoned> hanshenrik: did you download the 32bit
version for an 64bit os?
2656[14:09:42] <stoned>
root@webdevdebian:~/Desktop/FileZilla3/bin# file filezilla
2657[14:09:45] <stoned> filezilla: ELF 32-bit LSB executable,
Intel 80386, version 1
2658[14:09:58] <stoned> You need this: filezilla: ELF 64-bit LSB
executable, x86-64, version 1
2659[14:10:07] <stoned> You need a 64bit filezilla for 64bit
2660[14:10:14] <jelly> file filezilla zilla?
2661[14:10:23] <stoned> He pasted the file output
2662[14:10:25] <stoned> it's 32bit,
2663[14:10:31] <stoned> He just said he has a 64bit jessie
2664[14:11:14] <hanshenrik> oh, seems that yeah, i downloaded a
32bit edition on a 64bit sysmtem :( is that supposed to explain why
it says "./filezilla: No such file or directory" tho? cus
that's a horrible way to say that the binary is not compatible
with your arch..
2665[14:11:41] <Iridos> the file missing is the runtime library
2666[14:11:44] <stoned> You don't need the latest version.
Debian's stable version is fine too
2667[14:11:54] <stoned> Are there new features in .31 what you
direly need?
2668[14:12:22] <stoned> hanshenrik: it would have worked if yo
had multiarch/ia32libs
2669[14:12:24] <stoned> etc.
2670[14:12:57] <stoned> DeaDSouL: why do you need the backported
2671[14:13:02] *** Quits: Lubba_Dub_Dub (0180616b@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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2674[14:13:14] <hanshenrik> well, if the debian repo version
support sftp and concurrent multi-connection downloads, then no ^^
2675[14:13:23] <jelly> DeaDSouL: sure, but it's less tested
than the release one
2676[14:13:23] <stoned> Why wouldn't it?
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2680[14:13:48] <stoned> DeaDSouL: that's what filezilla
does. sft and multiple connections in tabs.
2681[14:14:01] <veek> dpkg -V --audit is also fairly decent at
checking hashes
2682[14:14:01] <dpkg> veek: what are you talking about?
2683[14:14:08] <stoned> hey veek
2684[14:14:10] <veek> err.. lol
2685[14:14:15] <veek> hey stoned
2686[14:14:22] <Iridos> hanshenrik, I think you only get that
when some extremely basic library like or so is
2687[14:14:45] <Iridos> or maybe libc…
2688[14:14:48] <jelly> Iridos, hanshenrik: the kernel is
responsible for that error message, it's the error code from
execve() system call
2689[14:15:32] <Iridos> hm, but then that's a bad message to
2690[14:15:37] <jelly> it makes sense if you know what it does
2691[14:15:46] <veek> hanshenrik, 32 bit ought to work fine on 64
2692[14:15:47] <Iridos> well, what does it do
2693[14:16:31] <veek> ./filezilla implies you are executing in
current working dir
2694[14:16:41] <veek> is filezilla in cwd?
2695[14:16:48] <stoned> yeah
2696[14:16:52] <stoned> he wa sin the unpacked bin dir
2697[14:17:09] *** Quits: Darcidride_ (~Darcidrid@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2698[14:17:17] <veek> ah! then it could be compatibility
2699[14:17:31] <veek> i had asked this once i think on so..
2700[14:17:39] <jelly> Iridos: <shell> please execute this
binary *kernel* thinks hmm... it looks like an ELF binary, good, it
wants this 64bit ELF to run, good, but there's no right on the file system, bad! <kernel> I tried
2701[14:17:49] *** Quits: acidtech (acid@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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2703[14:19:14] <Iridos> so… that's basically what I
said… happens when some extremely basic runtime library is
2704[14:19:44] <jelly> only if there's correct
(/lib64/ _already_ installed will you get a
different result
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2708[14:21:37] <jelly> the shell would have to make wild
assumptions and interpretations to get a better message
2709[14:22:07] <Iridos> shell gone wild
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2718[14:26:37] <DeaDSouL> stoned: sorry bro, i was away....
because I'm using btrfs.. and I'm facing some memory
leaks. and I got advised to do so ... that's why I'm
wondering if it is safe enough to do it?
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2721[14:27:28] <DeaDSouL> jelly: but it won't cause any
conflicts with future packages, updates ..etc.... right?
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2728[14:32:19] <DeaDSouL> jelly: which one should I be installing
? 'linux-image-4.6.0-0.bpo.1-amd64',
'linux-image-4.6.0-0.bpo.1-rt-am' or
'linux-image-4.6.0-1-grsec-amd64' ?
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2731[14:33:48] <DeaDSouL> jelly: or `aptitude install
linux-image-amd64 -t jessie-backports` and it will take care of the
rest ?
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2734[14:34:17] <DeaDSouL> jelly: sorry, but this is my first time
to backport the kernel
2735[14:34:25] <Iridos> if you don't know what the -rt- and
-grsec- ones are, you don't want them
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2740[14:35:01] <Iridos> specially the latter
2741[14:35:09] *** Quits: nprs (uid54228@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
2742[14:35:11] <DeaDSouL> Iridos: i saw 'security' in
grsec ... that's why i wondered?
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2745[14:35:23] <miesco> ,v bitlbee-purple
2746[14:35:25] <judd> No package named 'bitlbee-purple'
was found in amd64.
2747[14:35:40] <SynrG> not all that glitters is gold
2748[14:35:54] <Iridos> DeaDSouL, not sure what you expect me to
say to that
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2751[14:36:28] <SynrG> Iridos: 'secure' is often
confused as a synonym for 'better' ;)
2752[14:36:53] <Iridos> I thought it was a synonym for
2753[14:36:59] <SynrG> heh
2754[14:37:04] *** Joins: oish_ (~charlie@replaced-ip)
2755[14:37:14] <Iridos> or in this case, maybe
2756[14:38:22] <DeaDSouL> Iridos: is the normal kernel in
backports still get its security updates?
2757[14:38:39] <SynrG> DeaDSouL: "the most secure system in
the world is one with its hard drive demagnetized and buried in a 30
foot hole filled with concrete poured around a Faraday grid"
2758[14:38:57] <SynrG> grsec kernel is only very slightly more
usable than that
2759[14:39:14] <Iridos> the better question would be: does
anything in backports get security updates
2760[14:40:28] *** Parts: netzach (~cotillion@replaced-ip)
2761[14:40:37] <SynrG> as per
2762[14:40:41] <DeaDSouL> SynrG: lol. just wanted to know the
differences between normal kernel and grsec
2763[14:40:46] <DeaDSouL> Iridos: do they ?
2764[14:40:51] <SynrG> "done on a best effort basis by the
people who track the package"
2765[14:41:03] <SynrG> generally the Debian kernel maintainers
(who backport the kernel) take security seriously
2766[14:41:04] <Iridos> look at the faq that SynrG linked
2767[14:41:20] <SynrG> but it's still "best
2768[14:41:27] *** Quits: Brigo (~Brigo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2769[14:42:12] <jelly> DeaDSouL: grsec kernel has two dozen
different features dealing with hardening, prevention of common
classes of security issues, some auditing, oh and a RBAC
2770[14:42:23] <Iridos> DeaDSouL, well, we're not
wikipedia… read
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2773[14:42:44] <jelly> Iridos: hey, a week isn't a lot of
2774[14:43:02] <DeaDSouL> great! :(
2775[14:43:06] <Iridos> jelly, so how many weeks of vacation do
you get a year? :)
2776[14:43:23] *** Joins: hspcd (~hspcd@replaced-ip)
2777[14:43:26] <Iridos> anyway, are you sure you'll be done
in a week?
2778[14:43:34] <jelly> Iridos: paid to play with kernels!
2779[14:43:41] <zinx> weeks plural? if he's in the US, i
think that's a bit optimistic ;)
2780[14:43:55] <Iridos> how often did you take
into account?
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2784[14:44:34] <jelly> Iridos: "a week" already has *3
2785[14:45:11] <Iridos> not enough! see
2786[14:45:16] <jelly> zinx: not US, and if I ever I'll
bring my EU-style paid leave specifications with me
2787[14:45:47] <jelly> /cs kick Iridos noxkcd here
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2790[14:46:39] <Iridos> pfft.
2791[14:47:38] <dondelelcaro> it means committee
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2831[15:05:42] <Hakon_> Is it possible to chroot into a partition
of my hard drive that contains an installation of Debian using a
Live USB, and install drivers/kernel through that? The system has no
means to connect to the internet, so I'm kind of stuck on what
I should do.
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2834[15:05:51] <RoboticRobot> Debian
2835[15:06:00] <RoboticRobot> Debian Debian
2836[15:06:04] <RoboticRobot> Debian Debian Debian
2837[15:06:10] <RoboticRobot> Debian Debian Debian Debian
2838[15:06:14] <RoboticRobot> Debian Debian Debian Debian Debian
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2843[15:07:46] <Iridos> Hakon_, what do you need to install? You
cannot boot into that system?
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2845[15:08:22] <Hakon_> I have installed it, however it comes
with the 4.3 kernel, and the drivers that I need for network
connectivity were introduced in 4.4.
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2847[15:08:32] <Hakon_> And yes, I can boot into it.
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2851[15:09:18] <SynrG> so yes, you can boot a live USB, chroot
into it, and then you should have functional network in that
environment, if I recall correctly
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2854[15:09:48] <Hakon_> It should allow me to install updates to
the system I have installed on the partition?
2855[15:09:58] <SynrG> but 4.3 kernel? that's ... odd
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2858[15:10:01] <SynrG> ,kernels
2859[15:10:02] <judd> Available kernel versions are:
experimental: 4.7.0-rc7-686 (4.7~rc7-1~exp1); sid: 4.7.0-1-686
(4.7.2-1); stretch: 4.6.0-1-686 (4.6.4-1); jessie-backports:
4.6.0-0.bpo.1-686-pae (4.6.4-1~bpo8+1); jessie: 3.16.0-4-686-pae
(3.16.7-ckt25-2+deb8u3); wheezy-backports: 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae
(3.16.7-ckt25-2+deb8u3~bpo70+1); wheezy: 3.2.0-4-686-pae (3.2.81-1)
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2861[15:10:13] <SynrG> not a (current) debian kernel
2862[15:10:14] <Iridos> a newer kernel should be just one .deb
package… you can just put that on a stick and install it
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2864[15:10:36] <Iridos> oh, good point
2865[15:10:36] *** Joins: nikp123 (~nikp123@replaced-ip)
2866[15:11:11] <Iridos> how'd you get to have 4.3 anyway
2867[15:11:16] *** Joins: Disconsented (~core@replaced-ip)
2868[15:11:20] <voicegui> can anyone recommend me a GUI app that
works on a Pentium IV and can download youtube videos? Something
like clipgrab. I am NOT after a browser addon or a command line tool
like youtube-dl
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2870[15:12:22] <Hakon_> It's a Debian based distro, not
official Debian. Can't find support for it in the other IRC, so
I thought I'd try and see if I could get some help here.
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2872[15:12:33] <SynrG> voicegui: once upon a time there was a
totem plugin ...
2873[15:12:49] <SynrG> Hakon_: that's not entirely honest.
you said "an installation of Debian"
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2876[15:13:07] <Hakon_> Erm, based.
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2879[15:13:35] <SynrG> in any case, i'll give you the
benefit of the doubt and suppose you didn't know, but
debian-based distros are not supported here.
2880[15:13:58] <voicegui> SynrG, i've been told that once
upon a time clipgrab worked on debian
2881[15:14:07] <Hakon_> Alright then, thanks anyways then!
2882[15:14:10] *** Quits: iViLe (~bob@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2883[15:14:14] <SynrG> voicegui: youtube downloaders tend to
suffer bitrot
2884[15:14:21] <SynrG> because google keeps changing the api
2885[15:14:39] <SynrG> ,v totem-plugins
2886[15:14:40] <judd> Package: totem-plugins on amd64 -- wheezy:
3.0.1-8; jessie: 3.14.0-2; sid: 3.20.1-3; stretch: 3.20.1-3
2887[15:14:53] <SynrG> voicegui: check that out. it may or may
not work. last time i tried it, it did.
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2890[15:15:06] <voicegui> ok thanks
2891[15:15:19] <SynrG> of course, you need to run totem to use it
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2894[15:15:57] <SynrG> and you probably need to find the plugins
in totem and enable it after installing totem-plugins, iirc
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2896[15:16:20] <Iridos> Hakon_, if it's more than one
package, /msg dpkg apt-offline (and apt-zip , apt-walkabout)
… that would be options available under debian
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2904[15:18:06] <Hakon_> Iridos, I appreciate it, I'll go
check that out then. Thanks for the guidence.
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2910[15:19:39] <SlazO> good day, guys :)
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2958[15:31:55] <jak2013> hi all
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2960[15:32:22] <jak2013> i need put this on crontab task (after
reboot: ifdown eth0; ifup eth0; how do this?
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2962[15:32:29] <jak2013> every tme the pc restarted
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2965[15:35:05] <cbarbieri> why would you need to restart the
network interface once the os has loaded and started it already?
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2973[15:38:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1718
2974[15:38:01] <cbarbieri> you should take a look at
/etc/network/interfaces and add some 'pre-up',
'pre-down', 'post-up', 'post-down'
commands if you need to run something on interface state change
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3053[15:59:57] <adac> is there a newer package for openssl
available for jessie?
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3056[16:00:11] <adac> if yes, how can I install it?
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3059[16:00:52] <Iridos> there are never any newer versions in
stable (except if security patches make that necessary)
3060[16:00:58] <Iridos> judd, versions openssl
3061[16:00:59] <judd> Package: openssl on amd64 -- wheezy:
1.0.1e-2+deb7u20; wheezy-security: 1.0.1e-2+deb7u21;
jessie-security: 1.0.1k-3+deb8u5; jessie: 1.0.1t-1+deb8u2;
jessie-backports: 1.0.2h-1~bpo8+2; sid: 1.0.2h-1; stretch: 1.0.2h-1;
experimental: 1.1.0-1
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3063[16:01:12] <Iridos> there's 1.0.2 in backports, though
3064[16:01:23] <Iridos> dpkg, backports
3065[16:01:24] <dpkg> A backport is a package from a newer Debian
branch, compiled from source for an older branch to avoid dependency
and <ABI> complications.
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3068[16:01:40] *** precise|snek is now known as precise
3069[16:01:50] <Iridos> note that packages in backports
don't have dedicated security support like stable does
3070[16:01:58] <adac> Iridos, thanks will try it with backports
3071[16:02:04] <adac> ok
3072[16:02:52] <Iridos> so it may not be such a great idea to
take a package like openssl from backports
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adjacent, my friends.)
3076[16:03:23] <RafaelK> hello folks
3077[16:03:25] <adac> Iridos, Ok yes I understand
3078[16:03:45] <RafaelK> i'm trying to upgrade squueze to
jessie :D
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3080[16:04:15] <RafaelK> and now i get following error, which i
can not solve "Could not perform immediate configuration on
3081[16:05:35] <themill> that's not a supported upgrade path
3082[16:05:39] *** Quits: super_gollum (~ich@replaced-ip) (Quit: Ex-Chat)
3083[16:05:55] <Iridos> you can't jump releases when
3084[16:06:24] <themill> RafaelK: has the upgrade actually
installed any packages yet?
3085[16:06:24] <Iridos> you have to go squeeze -> wheezy ->
jessie if you want to upgrade
3086[16:06:45] <Iridos> but for the most part it's simpler
and/or faster to reinstall at that point
3087[16:07:03] *** Quits: cat3 (~Cat3@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
3088[16:07:10] <RafaelK> themill yes
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3091[16:08:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1710
3092[16:08:05] <RafaelK> Iridos: but its to late now :D
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3095[16:08:15] <Iridos> I'd say save your data and do a
fresh jessie install
3096[16:08:25] <RafaelK> :D
3097[16:08:25] <adac> Iridos, this should be enough right: echo
3098[16:08:30] <adac> and then a update
3099[16:08:48] <adac> and apt-get install --only-upgrade openssl
3100[16:09:23] *** Quits: tlaxkit (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3101[16:10:06] <Iridos> RafaelK, you can probably still do dpkg
--get-selections> somefile to save the names of the packages
currently installed and restore that with --get-selections on a new
system (for packages whose names changed, it will just do nothing)
3102[16:10:11] *** Quits: gebjgd (~stmsgebjg@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3103[16:10:27] <themill> !immediate configuration
3104[16:10:27] <dpkg> When upgrading from squeeze to wheezy, apt
may stop with "E: Could not perform immediate configuration on
'$package'." First, try running apt-get upgrade; . If
that fails, try running apt-get dist-upgrade -o
APT::Immediate-Configure=0; instead. Finally, if that doesn't
work, if $package isn't an Essential package, then "dpkg
-r $package; apt-get -f install. You should also read <release
3105[16:10:50] *** Joins: anuxivm (~anuxi@replaced-ip)
3106[16:10:57] <Iridos> adac, then apt-get install -t backports
openssl or apt-get install openssl=1.0.2h-1~bpo8+2
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3113[16:11:20] <adac> Iridos, thanks!
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3119[16:12:42] <adac> Iridos, hmm that says: E: The value
'backports' is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a
release is not available in the sources
3120[16:13:00] <themill> adac: jessie-backports
3121[16:13:05] *** Parts: tlaxkit (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
3122[16:13:26] <Iridos> yeah, forgot the name changed
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3127[16:13:41] <adac> alright now I see! Thank you friends!
3128[16:13:46] <themill> Iridos: changed?
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3131[16:14:59] <Iridos> *shrugÜ*
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3133[16:15:11] <RafaelK> Iridos: i do not have KVM access to this
machine, i can only restore last 30 Days. I think i do then
6->7->8 upgrade ;)
3134[16:15:14] <RafaelK> thanks
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3147[16:16:50] <Iridos> hm, but does that mean you can't
upgrade the kernel?
3148[16:17:00] <elliot007> hey is there any way i can get
transparency in gnome-terminal
3149[16:17:05] *** Joins: FinalX (~danielm@replaced-ip)
3150[16:17:39] <SynrG> elliot007: sort of
3151[16:17:44] *** Quits: _barto_ (~Freddy@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
3152[16:18:00] <elliot007> SynrG: how??
3153[16:18:08] <SynrG> gnome-terminal itself no longer supports
it. however, i've seen it done before with a gnome3 extension
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3156[16:18:23] <SynrG> third-party, though. and no guarantee this
still works ...
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3161[16:18:53] <SynrG> see and search it for
transparent or transparency
3162[16:19:08] *** Quits: _barto_ (~Freddy@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
3163[16:19:13] <elliot007> SynrG: But in my laptop(Fedora) its
there by default and without 3rd party plugins
3164[16:19:14] *** Quits: solf1re (~solf1re@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
3165[16:19:15] <SynrG> of course, if it breaks, you're on
your own. we won't support it here. i don't think debian
includes any such extension
3166[16:19:21] *** Quits: hanshenrik (~hanshenri@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
3167[16:19:23] <SynrG> older gnome?
3168[16:19:37] *** Joins: _barto_ (~Freddy@replaced-ip)
3169[16:19:38] <SynrG> gnome removed transparency with the
introduction of gnome 3
3170[16:19:46] *** Quits: ChubaDuba (~ChubaDuba@replaced-ip) (Quit: WeeChat 1.5)
3171[16:20:18] <SynrG> so it's not a matter of what debian
offers vs. other distros. upstream removed it.
3172[16:20:26] <elliot007> nope gnome 3.20
3173[16:20:35] *** Quits: _barto_ (~Freddy@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
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3175[16:20:45] <SynrG> ,v gnome
3176[16:20:46] <judd> Package: gnome on amd64 -- wheezy:
1:3.4+7+deb7u1; jessie: 1:3.14+3; stretch: 1:3.20+1; sid: 1:3.20+1
3177[16:21:00] <elliot007> SynrG: 3.20 the latest stable
3178[16:21:01] <SynrG> i don't know.i haven't used
gnome since about gnome 3.14
3179[16:21:17] <SynrG> so if upstream has recanted and now offers
transparency, that's a possibility ...
3180[16:21:37] *** Quits: rtfm-hysm (~RTFMaway]@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
3181[16:21:42] <SynrG> if that's the case, it should work in
3182[16:21:58] <elliot007> oh okay so can i like download
gnome-terminal from stretch repo
3183[16:22:24] <jelly> elliot007: don't mix in any stretch
packages into jessie
3184[16:22:50] <elliot007> jelly: oh
3185[16:22:52] <jelly> it it practically certain to make a mess
3186[16:23:01] <SynrG> yes. sorry, i should've made that
3187[16:23:05] <jelly> it is*
3188[16:23:14] <SynrG> also, i was poking around upstream's
site and see:
3189[16:23:50] *** Quits: xiaodong (~xiaodong@replaced-ip) (Quit: Lost terminal)
3190[16:24:04] <elliot007> let me have a look
3191[16:24:36] *** Quits: noqnio1 (~mark@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3192[16:24:40] <jelly> maybe pick a terminal emulator that has
the desired feature in the meantime, like xfce4-terminal or
rxvt-unicode-lite or konsole?
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3198[16:25:53] <SynrG> elliot007: additionally, i see
3199[16:26:04] <SynrG> any distributions that offer this
capability are hacking around it
3200[16:26:11] *** Quits: Guest81 (~textual@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3201[16:26:12] <SynrG> (e.g. Arch, and apparently also Fedora)
3202[16:26:26] <r00tobo> guys, I have problems with apt-get
upgrade ...
3203[16:26:28] <jelly> or maybe they're just using a
different default term
3204[16:26:32] <r00tobo> I got this error, unable to open files
list file for package `libarchive-zip-perl': Input/output error
3205[16:26:43] <RoyK> r00tobo: anything in dmesg?
3206[16:26:50] <r00tobo> then E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg
returned an error code (2)
3207[16:26:56] <elliot007> jelly: is there anyway i can patch
3208[16:27:03] <jelly> r00tobo: pastebin the complete command and
its full output
3209[16:27:04] <r00tobo> I searched the whole google no such
3210[16:27:18] *** Quits: blueness_ (~blueness@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
3211[16:27:30] <RoyK> r00tobo: Input/output error may indicate a
disk problem - pastebin output of 'dmesg', please
3212[16:27:36] <SynrG> indeed
3213[16:27:43] *** Joins: naos62 (~naos62@replaced-ip)
3214[16:27:45] <somiaj> You could also use xcompmgr to give
transparency to windows/termials.
3215[16:27:47] *** Quits: zadrot_ebaniy (~Zadrot@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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3217[16:27:50] <r00tobo> ok,
3218[16:28:14] <SynrG> i suspect corruption affecting at least
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3220[16:28:20] <elliot007> somiaj: i'll try it
3221[16:28:26] <jelly> if we're guessing I suspect full disk
3222[16:28:34] <SynrG> jelly: not on input
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3226[16:29:22] <SynrG> jelly: i mean, the implication is that
reading the file is causing an I/O error. i'd expect a
different error if it were simply truncated.
3227[16:29:23] <r00tobo> RoyK, this is the out put
[2000339.034577] EXT4-fs error (device md2):
ext4_ext_check_inode:479: inode #2660: comm dpkg: pblk 0 bad
header/extent: invalid extent entries - magic f30a, entries 1, max
4(4), depth 60(60)
3228[16:29:32] <jelly> !win SynrG
3229[16:29:33] <dpkg> Congratulations, SynrG! You have won the
time-life collection of vintage AOL CDs, a set of 120!
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3231[16:29:53] <SynrG> i'll treasure that :)
3232[16:30:14] <RoyK> r00tobo: ok - touch /forcefsck ; reboot
3233[16:30:32] <RoyK> r00tobo: something is fishy on that
3234[16:30:39] *** Quits: Lowl3v3l (~Lowl3v3l@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3235[16:30:54] <elliot007> hey i've asked about transparency
in gnome channels and they said convince the Debian maintainers to
carry the patches
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3237[16:31:13] <r00tobo> well, it's running with raid 0
3238[16:31:17] <jelly> elliot007: who were they, btw?
3239[16:31:21] *** Quits: plainWhi_ (~plainWhit@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
3240[16:31:28] <r00tobo> so what I shall do?
3241[16:31:45] <elliot007> jelly: technically one guy said
3242[16:31:52] <jelly> right, but where?
3243[16:31:57] <RoyK> r00tobo: like I said - force a fsck
3244[16:32:04] *** Quits: Not_a_Robot (~soul@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
3245[16:32:20] <RoyK> r00tobo: you can't run fsck on a
mounted filesystem
3246[16:32:22] <SynrG> elliot007: see #763383
3247[16:32:22] <elliot007> jelly: in gnome channel on gimpnet
3248[16:32:23] <judd> Bug
3249[16:32:36] <jelly> SynrG: technically the error message does
not say whether it's "open for reading" or "open
for writing"
3250[16:32:45] <r00tobo> I see. so I do forcefsck in the command
line ?
3251[16:33:02] *** Quits: High_Priest (~hp@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
3252[16:33:08] <RoyK> r00tobo: no
3253[16:33:10] *** Quits: aaro (~aaro@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
3254[16:33:17] <SynrG> elliot007: the idea is to convince
*upstream* to include the patch
3255[16:33:20] <SynrG> not the other way around
3256[16:33:21] <r00tobo> what I should type in the cli
3257[16:33:31] <RoyK> r00tobo: first run 'touch
/forcefsck' to create a zero byte file with that name, and then
reboot (like I said above)
3258[16:33:39] *** Quits: plainWhiteTee (~plainWhit@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
3259[16:33:42] <SynrG> elliot007: generally, if upstream is not
interested in supporting it, neither are we (certainly not for
cosmetic things like this)
3260[16:33:44] *** Joins: fengling (~fengling@replaced-ip)
3261[16:33:53] <r00tobo> oh ok , so the command actually is touch
3262[16:33:53] <SynrG> i say "we", loosely, being
retired now
3263[16:34:04] <r00tobo> this is a new command to me
3264[16:34:07] *** Quits: Anselmo (~cjdns@replaced-ip) (Quit: WeeChat 1.5)
3265[16:34:10] <RoyK> r00tobo: man touch
3266[16:34:15] <jelly> hmm, three different distros (rather than
two) carrying the same patches surely weighs on upstream a bit
3267[16:34:32] * SynrG nods
3268[16:34:36] <r00tobo> btw, this filesystem is on a server
3269[16:34:38] <SynrG> but ultimately the buck stops with
3270[16:34:40] <jelly> but so does switching from gnome because
they remove features, to something else
3271[16:34:47] <SynrG> yes :)
3272[16:34:55] <SynrG> an option a lot of people have exercised
3273[16:34:55] <jelly> preferably _also_ on the distro level :-)
3274[16:35:01] <SynrG> hah. good luck
3275[16:35:03] *** Joins: xxooxx (~u291187@replaced-ip)
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3277[16:35:19] <SynrG> last i looked at a feature matrix, i think
the debian-cd team felt none of the others were up to it
3278[16:35:25] <jelly> SynrG: it has happened before (ok, and
3279[16:35:30] <RoyK> r00tobo: I hope you have a good backup
3280[16:35:45] <SynrG> yes. but the alternatives end up lacking
in one or more areas :(
3281[16:35:52] <r00tobo> well, the touch creates a file so the
file is forcefsck ?
3282[16:35:57] <r00tobo> I don't have backups 😞
3283[16:35:57] <elliot007> SynrG: I got it
3284[16:36:06] *** Joins: cat3 (~Cat3@replaced-ip)
3285[16:36:07] <RoyK> r00tobo: and you're on raid0?
3286[16:36:08] *** Joins: towo` (~towo@replaced-ip)
3287[16:36:14] <r00tobo> it's a remote server running
3288[16:36:16] <xxooxx> I catches
3289[16:36:19] <RoyK> r00tobo: that's insane
3290[16:36:30] <jelly> SynrG: good thing you don't have to
care eh!
3291[16:36:32] <r00tobo> about 16 TB
3292[16:36:40] *** Joins: Anselmo (~cjdns@replaced-ip)
3293[16:36:59] <jelly> r00tobo: is the filesystem actually larger
than 16TiB ?
3294[16:37:09] <SynrG> elliot007: so in the debian bug# i cited,
there are cross-references to the upstream bugs. if you want, you
can browse those and see if upstream is buying our arguments that
they're responsible to do something about the situation
3295[16:37:10] *** Quits: karimb (~karimb@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving...)
3296[16:37:11] <RoyK> r00tobo: well, touch /forcefsck and give it
a reboot - your filesystem needs a check now - if it doesn't
come up again, pray to your favourite god etc
3297[16:37:20] <SynrG> elliot007: i was not sufficiently
interested to do that extra reading
3298[16:37:27] *** Joins: _barto_ (~Freddy@replaced-ip)
3299[16:37:44] <RoyK> r00tobo: ext4 isn't recommended for
filesystems that large - use xfs
3300[16:37:51] <jelly> elliot007: at that point the easy way out
is probably just to use a different term
3301[16:37:52] <r00tobo> it's ext4 plus I make a separate
partition for / root and the rest to /home
3302[16:37:57] <SynrG> jelly: oh, i care! there are just limits
to my caring
3303[16:38:08] <SynrG> jelly: even as a DD, i was free to care,
or not care, about most things :)
3304[16:38:14] <r00tobo> oh I see. so what's the best to
ext4 the maximum size?
3305[16:38:15] <RoyK> r00tobo: ok, then touch /home/forcefsck too
before rebooting
3306[16:38:17] <elliot007> SynrG: yeah i've read almost all
the page
3307[16:38:26] *** Quits: fengling (~fengling@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3308[16:38:44] <jelly> RoyK: RHEL did have it tested and
supported for sizes up to 16TiB
3309[16:39:01] *** Joins: seanrdev (~seanrdev@replaced-ip)
3310[16:39:02] <elliot007> jelly: Yeah you're right but
i'm a gnome fan and i'd love to use it even if it
don't have that feature anymore
3311[16:39:18] <RoyK> jelly: sure, but that doesn't mean
they recommend it anymore - they switched to xfs on rhel7, remember
3312[16:39:35] <jelly> RoyK: and debian has, like, tytso as
maintainer for e2fsprogs so if there's an issue debian will
probably fix it
3313[16:39:36] <seanrdev> If I need to run a script in rc.local
as a user (not root) how does one do this? I've tried using (su
user01 -c '/home/user01/scripts/') however when
logging in and executing 'ps aux | grep' I can see
the command being run but by root not user01.
3314[16:39:52] *** Quits: ayypot (~ayy@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3315[16:39:55] <r00tobo> remember that I'm running debian 8
3316[16:39:58] <RoyK> jelly: the main problem with ext4 and large
filssystems is fsck - it takes forever - I once spent 14 hours on a
14TiB fs
3317[16:40:04] *** Quits: noteness (znc@replaced-ip) (Quit: To Infinity and Beyooonddd!)
3318[16:40:26] <jelly> elliot007: sure, you can keep using the
rest of gnome, just switch to a different terminal emulator.
You're allowed to do that.
3319[16:40:32] <RoyK> r00tobo: doesn't matter - anyway - you
can't just convert to xfs - you'll have to
3320[16:40:48] <RoyK> r00tobo: bit first you'll need a check
on those filesystems
3321[16:40:48] <SynrG> iirc there's guake ... isn't
that gnomish?
3322[16:40:53] <jelly> RoyK: 1 hour per TB is about the rule of
thumb I've seen as well.
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3324[16:40:56] <elliot007> jelly: yeah i know lol
3325[16:41:00] <r00tobo> yes. this is the bad-side any way I did
sudo touch /forcefsck and touch /home/forcefsck
3326[16:41:04] <SynrG> if you want gnomey goodness
3327[16:41:05] <r00tobo> now I should reboot
3328[16:41:15] <RoyK> jelly: depends on storage and number of
files too
3329[16:41:33] <SynrG> elliot007: give guake a look. see if that
floats your boat
3330[16:41:34] <jelly> personally I cut my ext4 to slices not
more than 500GB
3331[16:41:37] <xxooxx> I catch a problem.In Debian8,My laptop is
no sound.The type of sound chip is Realtek Alc255.this chip
integrates sound port with microphone port.How to solve the
3332[16:41:40] <RoyK> jelly: I had to run fsck on another server
with 9TiB storage and that took less than an hour
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3335[16:42:04] <jelly> RoyK: mostly depends on random iops the
backend can do
3336[16:42:23] *** Quits: iSlayWyverns (~uid18915@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed)
3337[16:42:26] <jelly> and in case of ext4, whether it was
actually populated that much or not
3338[16:42:31] *** Quits: RobotLord (~RobotLord@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
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3340[16:43:03] *** Joins: iuvhb85 (6dbe54c4@replaced-ip)
3341[16:43:05] <RoyK> and file sizes, since extents are faster to
check than old ext3-like blocks (just because it's fewer of
3342[16:43:19] <iuvhb85> Hi, can you help me ? :)
3343[16:43:21] <jelly> but somehow I prefer my 8 parallel fscks
than a large one.
3344[16:43:54] <SynrG> !alsa checklist
3345[16:43:54] <dpkg> 1) add yourself to the 'audio'
group (log out & in again) 2) unmute and raise channels w/
alsamixer (also try muting some & toggle jack sense if
available) 3) <pulseaudio> or other daemon stopped? 4)
speakers on? 5) does "aplay
/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav" work for root? 6) purge any
installed <oss4> packages to remove ALSA blacklist. See also
<list alsa users>, <alsa firmware>.
3346[16:43:56] <SynrG> xxooxx: ^
3347[16:43:59] <RoyK> iuvhb85: perhaps try #letsencrypt
3348[16:44:16] <jelly> dpkg, tell iuvhb85 about ask
3349[16:44:42] <jelly> iuvhb85: write a sentence or two about
what you're trying to achieve in addition to just the pastebin
3350[16:44:59] <r00tobo> I did a reboot...hope it solves the
problem =p
3351[16:45:13] <jelly> people don't like to click on a
pastebin jsut to figure out they don't know how to hlep at all
3352[16:45:19] <RoyK> r00tobo: server up already?
3353[16:45:28] <r00tobo> no, not yet
3354[16:45:37] *** Joins: WadeWatts_ (~Wade@replaced-ip)
3355[16:45:41] <r00tobo> I just did the reboot, it's not up
3356[16:45:49] *** Quits: WadeWatts (~Wade@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
3357[16:45:51] <iuvhb85> jelly: yes sorry
3358[16:45:53] *** WadeWatts_ is now known as WadeWatts
3359[16:45:57] <elliot007> SynrG: thanks for suggestion
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3362[16:46:45] <jelly> r00tobo: do you have access to the console
of the remote system?
3363[16:46:51] <iuvhb85> Hello, i have probléme with
letscrypt (work fine but returne: invalid challenge), can you help
me ?
3364[16:46:59] <r00tobo> hmmm...I can request a KVM
3365[16:47:04] <r00tobo> but I usually use the ssh
3366[16:47:22] <jelly> r00tobo: a fsck of a 16TB ext4 _will_ take
hours, and _may_ ask questions at the console time
3367[16:47:25] *** Joins: ayypot (~ayy@replaced-ip)
3368[16:47:29] <RoyK> r00tobo: console access is rather nice when
the shit hits the fan ;)
3369[16:47:30] <r00tobo> plus I noticed sometimes the server goes
down and I have to reboot it from the control panel
3370[16:47:39] *** Parts: xxooxx (~u291187@replaced-ip)
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3373[16:48:01] <r00tobo> plus this server is been used before I
take it
3374[16:48:17] <r00tobo> so probably the HDDs are not good
3375[16:48:58] *** Joins: cuechan (~paul@replaced-ip)
3376[16:49:03] <r00tobo> so I need a KVM to see if there are any
3377[16:49:41] *** Joins: satbyy (~Satish@replaced-ip)
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3380[16:51:04] <jelly> r00tobo: yes, especially if it
doesn't come back on its own today
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3382[16:51:29] <r00tobo> oh, will see, thank you for your help
3383[16:51:38] <SynrG> r00tobo: if you suspect hard drive
failure, fscking it may not be helpful ...
3384[16:51:51] <r00tobo> yes, I know that 😞
3385[16:51:53] <SynrG> r00tobo: do you have smartctl?
3386[16:52:12] <SynrG> r00tobo: if it's dying and you have
no backups, take the drive out of service and work on a recovery
3387[16:52:13] <r00tobo> I think I can install it...but the
server is down I think
3388[16:52:26] *** Quits: _foldLeft (~foldleft@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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3390[16:52:41] <SynrG> it might be a better use of your time (and
safer) to clone the whole drive onto a good one
3391[16:52:50] <SynrG> and then try to fix up the corruption on
the clone
3392[16:53:00] *** Joins: _foldLeft (~foldleft@replaced-ip)
3393[16:53:15] <seanrdev> If I need to run a script in rc.local
as a user (not root) how does one do this? I've tried using (su
user01 -c '/home/user01/scripts/') however when
logging in and executing 'ps aux | grep user01' I can see
the command being run but by root not user01.
3394[16:53:25] <SynrG> a block-wise copy minimizes disk seeks,
vs. any filesystem-wise operations
3395[16:53:26] *** Quits: eju (~eju@replaced-ip) (Quit: eju)
3396[16:53:28] <jelly> SynrG: seeing as r00tobo has _chosen_ to
run on raid0, I'd say they don't care a lot about loss of
data or downtime
3397[16:53:31] <RoyK> SynrG: the error message was from ext4
3398[16:53:36] <r00tobo> yaay
3399[16:53:43] *** Joins: pullphinger (~pullphing@replaced-ip)
3400[16:53:44] <SynrG> jelly: oh! missed the raid0 part
3401[16:53:48] <r00tobo> it's up now
3402[16:53:54] *** Quits: flugger (~flugger@replaced-ip) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
3403[16:54:04] <r00tobo> yes, jelly I don't much care
3404[16:54:06] * jelly did not see the whole dmesg, just one line
r00tobo picked
3405[16:54:16] <r00tobo> it's now working upgrading the
system ;)
3406[16:54:27] *** Quits: willmore (~willmore@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
3407[16:55:05] <iuvhb85> no body ?
3408[16:55:43] *** Joins: lasdam (lasdam@replaced-ip)
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3414[16:56:46] <r00tobo> ok it's working now, everything is
up to date
3415[16:56:53] <r00tobo> thank you guys ♥
3416[16:57:27] <r00tobo> ok wait it's not a 16 TB lol
3417[16:57:28] *** Quits: GhostInTheShell (~melkor@replaced-ip) (Quit: Programmers don't die. They just GOSUB without
3418[16:57:31] *** Quits: KpuCko (~KpuCko@replaced-ip) ()
3419[16:57:35] <r00tobo> it's 8 TB
3420[16:57:45] <r00tobo> /dev/md3 8.1T 7.8T 343G 96% /home
3421[16:58:05] <r00tobo> and when I did now a dmesg the problem
comes with the md3 only
3422[16:58:31] <r00tobo> [ 34.900678] EXT4-fs error (device md3):
ext4_ext_check_inode:479: inode #238229109: comm rtorrent main: pblk
0 bad header/extent: invalid extent entries - magic f30a, entries 1,
max 4(4), depth 255(255)
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3425[16:59:52] <latenite> Hi folks, why does 'journalctl
--list-boots' not list any more but ONE boot?
3426[16:59:52] <latenite> root@replaced-url
3427[16:59:52] <latenite> 0 d3487c9d12364c6787e67b1463165833 Wed
2016-08-31 16:20:49 CEST—Wed 2016-08-31 16:35:50 CEST
3428[16:59:52] <latenite> root@replaced-url
3429[16:59:52] *** latenite was kicked by debhelper (flood. Please use
3430[17:00:11] *** Joins: latenite (~latenite@replaced-ip)
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3432[17:00:24] <latenite> I am sorry !!!
3433[17:00:57] *** Quits: xhoy (~xhoy@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
3434[17:01:06] <jelly> r00tobo: which debian release is this
3435[17:01:13] <r00tobo> Debian 8
3436[17:01:17] <jelly> default kernel?
3437[17:01:23] <r00tobo> yes
3438[17:01:35] <r00tobo> [ 304.965401] EXT4-fs (md3): error count
since last fsck: 527
3439[17:01:35] <r00tobo> [ 304.965478] EXT4-fs (md3): initial
error at time 1470623402: ext4_ext_check_inode:479: inode 238229234
3440[17:01:35] <r00tobo> [ 304.965654] EXT4-fs (md3): last error
at time 1472654772: ext4_ext_check_inode:479: inode 238229246
3441[17:02:11] <jelly> it's possible your i/o is triggering
some kernel bug
3442[17:02:11] *** Quits: atis (~atis@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
3443[17:02:15] <RoyK> dpkg: tell r00tobo about pastebin
3444[17:02:26] <jelly> (rtorrent is mentioned :-)
3445[17:02:35] <r00tobo> oh, sorry...:(
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3450[17:04:21] <latenite> anyone? (btw, I did not mean to flood)
3451[17:04:28] <r00tobo> yes, I'm running rtorrent
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3457[17:05:09] <Iridos> iuvhb85, it can't download the file
it needs to verify you own that address
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3464[17:07:07] *** Joins: oish__ (~charlie@replaced-ip)
3465[17:07:45] <jor> latenite: maybe persistant logs aren't
enabled on your system? Do you have a /var/log/journal directory?
3466[17:08:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1716
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3472[17:10:15] <balor> What system component interprets
/etc/network/interfaces? I'm trying to find it in order to
provide it with an alternative configuration under certain
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3474[17:10:33] <latenite> jor, weird... I don't. But I did
not delete it!
3475[17:10:38] <jelly> balor: the ifupdown package
3476[17:10:46] *** Parts: fjkhajk (~dhoteio@replaced-ip)
3477[17:10:47] <latenite> jor, are the disabled by default?
3478[17:10:50] <balor> jelly, thanks
3479[17:10:51] <iuvhb85> Iridos: whi don't check dns ? the
token is on port 8443
3480[17:10:55] *** Joins: fjkhajk (~dhoteio@replaced-ip)
3481[17:10:56] <iuvhb85> no on 80
3482[17:11:04] *** Quits: overlord_tm (~andraz@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3483[17:11:04] <RoyK> latenite: seems default is
/run/log/journal, that's on tmpfs
3484[17:11:20] <RoyK> latenite: afaics it'll log to
/var/log/journal if that exists
3485[17:11:46] <latenite> RoyK, but that does not exist per
default. Why is that so?
3486[17:11:46] *** Quits: Blueer (~Blueer@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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3488[17:12:15] <RoyK> latenite: ask the systemd guys :P
3489[17:12:16] <jelly> latenite: because then journald would fill
up your disk
3490[17:12:29] *** Joins: SPF|Cloud (uid11755@replaced-ip)
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3492[17:12:43] <RoyK> jelly: not really
3493[17:12:53] *** SPF|Cloud is now known as Guest21124
3494[17:12:57] <Iridos> iuvhb85, letsencrypt can only work on the
official ports
3495[17:13:01] *** Quits: Guest21124 (uid11755@replaced-ip) (Changing host)
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3497[17:13:02] <RoyK> jelly: there's a thing called log
3498[17:13:04] <jelly> RoyK: it filled up mine.
3499[17:13:05] *** Guest21124 is now known as SPF|Cloud
3500[17:13:08] <jor> latenite: I'm not sure what the current
default is... isn't rsyslog still installed and running by
default on latest stable?
3501[17:13:15] <RoyK> jelly: erm - is it that greedy?
3502[17:13:41] <latenite> jor, I see this
3503[17:13:42] <latenite> 10 [Journal]
3504[17:13:42] <latenite> 11 #Storage=auto
3505[17:13:55] <latenite> in /etc/systemd/journal.conf
3506[17:14:13] *** Quits: spronk (~spronkey@replaced-ip) (Quit: I may need a longer sleep timer...)
3507[17:14:17] <latenite> why is that off by default? That just
seems wrong!
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3510[17:15:15] <jelly> RoyK: 1.4G /var/log/journal
3511[17:15:29] <jelly> latenite: if you don't like the
3512[17:16:01] <jelly> it's a sane default for workstation
systems, laptops, that sort of thing
3513[17:16:27] *** Quits: fjkhajk (~dhoteio@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
3514[17:16:53] <latenite> jelly, sure I'll change it. What I
wanted to know is why it's off by default. You say its sane for
workstation systems, laptops,
3515[17:16:55] <jelly> seems everyone likes to whine about
defaults that don't fit THEIR usage scenario
3516[17:16:57] <latenite> why is that?
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3518[17:17:02] <jor> latenite: maybe disabled because of the
duplicate logging? if rsyslog is still writing to /var/log/...
3519[17:17:05] <latenite> true :D ^^
3520[17:17:11] <jelly> latenite: because it fills up the disk
3521[17:17:16] <latenite> but's logs....
3522[17:17:31] *** Quits: voicegui (~voicegui@replaced-ip) (Quit: Saliendo)
3523[17:17:39] <latenite> jelly, there is a build in rotation to
the journal!
3524[17:17:47] *** Quits: FinalX (~danielm@replaced-ip) (Quit: WeeChat 1.5)
3525[17:17:58] <latenite> jelly, it'll fill up only *so*
3526[17:17:59] <jelly> latenite: is there? What's the limit?
3527[17:18:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1710
3528[17:18:12] <latenite> jelly, you set it in the defaults....
no kidding
3529[17:18:26] <jelly> so you have to SET it, eh?
3530[17:18:33] <jelly> that's not what "default"
3531[17:18:38] <latenite> jelly, no my other distros have set it
3532[17:18:38] *** Joins: czesmir (~stefan@replaced-ip)
3533[17:18:44] <latenite> by default