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0[00:00:07] <de-facto> can i use systemctl without dbus
1[00:00:46] *** Joins: led_belly (~led_belly@replaced-ip)
2[00:01:21] <jmcnaught> crayon: if you're in gnome you
can do Alt+F2 and run 'lg' (short for looking glass) to
get a javascript console that has a windows tab
3[00:03:58] *** Joins: winsen (~asulil@replaced-ip)
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5[00:04:52] <winsen> Hi all
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8[00:06:26] <winsen> can you please tell me how to fix the
grub using 2 servers windoz and debian? thanks
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11[00:07:30] <simonlnu> de-facto: no
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14[00:07:59] <jmcnaught> winsen: you'll probably need to
provide more information about what you're trying to do.
15[00:08:33] <de-facto> simonlnu is there any alternative to
systemd in official debian yet?
16[00:08:37] <arahael> winsen: also, "windoz"
doesn't exist. your spelling is a bit off.
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20[00:09:59] <jmcnaught> de-facto: sysvinit and upstart are
both available, but if running ls is taking a long time you probably
have an underlying problem. another init may or may not cope better
with whatever that problem is, but the problem will still be there
21[00:10:07] <teraflops> winsen: also fix what? you didn't
describe the issue
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25[00:10:51] <simonlnu> nsswitch, or networking, or...
26[00:11:26] <winsen> teraflos: I had probleme on grub
(multiboot, winserv +debian) can you tell me how to fixit
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28[00:11:41] <teraflops> winsen: again what's the problem?
29[00:12:03] <simonlnu> !mindreaders
30[00:12:17] <winsen> teraflos: again my system is not working
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32[00:12:29] <jelly> !ask
33[00:12:29] <dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For
example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian
version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I
expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if
anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all
volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get
an answer try a few hours later or on
See <smart questions><errors>.
34[00:12:37] *** Quits: Spr1ng (~Spr1ng@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
35[00:12:37] <simonlnu> what. is. the. exact. problem?
36[00:12:41] *** Quits: P6hjakonn (~NASA@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
37[00:12:42] <teraflops> simonlnu: thanks heh
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39[00:12:55] <winsen> jelly: I did but it seems nobody wants to
40[00:13:01] <teraflops> heh
41[00:13:06] <markybob> okay. /ignore
42[00:13:11] <teraflops> no wait
43[00:13:11] <fxms> Hi there! Anybody knows what's
happening with the springseed repos/website?
44[00:13:16] <nebg> hello everyone... if i do
"ifconfig" i see a network interface called veth... i used
for lxc but i don't know which process/daemon starts that...
how can i find out ?
45[00:13:20] <simonlnu> winsen: we read, you didn't
explain enough.
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47[00:13:38] <jelly> winsen: maybe you did, but I can't
find it in the last hour
48[00:13:50] * simonlnu doesn't see it either
49[00:13:54] <de-facto> jmcnaught do you think if i switched
over to sysvinit i could still be able to manage services without
relying on too much dependencies (if this is somehow dbus related)?
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52[00:14:31] <arahael> de-facto: i think the init system you
use is completely unrelated to the performance of 'ls'.
53[00:15:05] <de-facto> arahael yes, but "ls" still
works, systemctl wont
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55[00:15:10] <jmcnaught> de-facto: maybe, sysvinit does just
manage a bunch of scripts, but i think you'll still have
whatever the underlying problem is. did you try masking any of the
services before you rebooted? You don't need dbus up to do that
56[00:15:19] <jelly> winsen: tyr more details, exact things you
tried, exact output (camera shorts of the screen, if nothing else)
57[00:15:24] <simonlnu> i bet his dbus isn't starting
properly, so everything dependent on it grinds to a halt.
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60[00:15:49] <winsen> I have problem with grub, should I
reinstall grub from debian cd or...?
61[00:16:02] <esainane> What kind of problem with grub?
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63[00:16:10] <jmcnaught> de-facto: is journalctl working at
all? can you find any clues in the syslog?
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66[00:16:37] <jmcnaught> winsen: what is the problem? saying
you have a problem doesn't tell us what the problem is.
67[00:16:39] <jelly> winsen: you want to describe the
"problem with grub". Does the menu appear at all? Can you
edit the entries? Does booting an older kernel work?
68[00:16:58] <esainane> Does it drop you to a grub> command
line? A grub (rescue)> command line? Do you see a menu at any
point? "A problem with grub" is very vague
69[00:17:05] *** Quits: Piratmajor (~Piratmajo@replaced-ip) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
70[00:17:06] <teraflops> winsen: did you install windows and
then grub dissapeared?
71[00:17:22] <teraflops> heh this is crazy
72[00:17:36] <jelly> !doesn't work
73[00:17:36] <dpkg> "Doesn't work" is a vague
statement. Does it sit on the couch all day long? Does it
procrastinate doing the dishes? Does it beg on the street for
change? Please be specific! Define 'it' and what it
isn't doing. Give us more details so we can help you without
needing to ask basic questions like "what's the error
message?". Ask me about <smart questions>, <sicco>
and <errors>.
74[00:17:49] <arahael> winsen: as an example, is the problem
with grub something like: "Hi, i am using installed grub with
debian jessie. this server also has windows installed, and it is
booting windows by default. how can i get it to run linux by
75[00:18:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1676
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77[00:18:28] <simonlnu> *plonk*
78[00:18:40] <arahael> blegh, i should proofread my grammar,
but the example stands.
79[00:18:56] <winsen> teraflops: I installed debian at the end,
but when I upgraded windows server on same machine I can't
access to the Grub as I did before
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82[00:19:07] <crayon> how do i use apt to dist upgrade?
83[00:19:29] *** TomTomTo1 is now known as TomTomTosch
84[00:19:46] <jmcnaught> crayon: what kind of upgrade are you
trying to do?
85[00:19:54] <arahael> winsen:aha! did windows replace the boot
loader? (Ie, you don't have grub anymore?)
86[00:20:00] <crayon> dist
87[00:20:12] <teraflops> winsen: ah, well
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89[00:20:36] <winsen> arahael: yes the problem has to do with
Grub, after upgrading windoz server, I can't access to debian
from Grub as use to do
90[00:20:36] <jmcnaught> crayon: as in... packages were held
back when you did security updates?
91[00:20:43] <crayon> yes, sorry
92[00:20:52] <winsen> arahael: I think you're right, how
to fix it?
93[00:21:17] <teraflops> winsen: boot the debian iso into
rescue mode, click next next as in windows :P then pick the disk
with debian once in the shell reinstall grub
94[00:21:24] <jmcnaught> crayon: "apt-get
dist-upgrade". but if you're trying to do a major release
upgrade that's something else
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97[00:21:33] <arahael> winsen: so it isn't that you have a
problem with grub... but that grub no-longer exists. do what
teraflops says.
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100[00:23:04] <crayon> jmcnaught, is there no way to do it via
apt directly?
101[00:23:23] <winsen> arahael: i guess you mean since windoz
system removed the Grub(boot loader), I have to reinstall grub from
my debian cd... ?
102[00:23:43] <jmcnaught> crayon: "man apt" talks
about a full-upgrade
103[00:23:45] <markybob> crayon: man apt. apt dist-upgrade does
do the same thing as apt-get dist-upgrade
104[00:23:59] <winsen> teraflops: should I go right to the grub
and reinstall it or I need to reinstall all the system?
105[00:24:58] <jmcnaught> winsen: you don't need to
reinstall the full system. as teraflops says the installer cd has a
rescue mode that lets you reinstall only grub
106[00:25:02] <de-facto> jmcnaught yes journalctl is working,
disabled some units and try to reboot again
107[00:25:10] <crayon> thanks wish me
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109[00:25:22] <jmcnaught> crayon: are you doing a major release
110[00:25:28] <crayon> ya
111[00:25:33] <arahael> winsen: windows has a nasty habit of
assuming that it is the only system in existence. it must have
updated it's boot loader, overwriting (removing) grub in the
112[00:25:53] <jmcnaught> crayon: to what? you definitely
shouldn't upgrade to testing or unstable if you needed to ask
this kind of question
113[00:26:03] *** Quits: mgolawala (~mgolawala@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
114[00:26:13] <jmcnaught> crayon: if you're upgrading to
jessie, you should follow the instructions in the release notes
115[00:26:33] <de-facto> weird that systemd cant even reboot a
system i always manually have to invoke "/sbin/reboot -f"
116[00:26:53] <winsen> teraflops:Thanks, so I need tpo boot with
my cd/dvd..on rescue mode and reinstall only grub.
117[00:27:00] <jmcnaught> crayon: when i asked if you were
trying to upgrade packages held back during security updates you
said yes...
118[00:27:34] <markybob> crayon: you really don't want to
do this
119[00:27:45] <jmcnaught> de-facto: if journalctl is working,
what does "journalctl -u dbus" say? any clues there?
120[00:28:01] <winsen> arahael: I guess, now all I have to do is
to reinstall the grub without loosing anything right?
121[00:28:05] <markybob> crayon: and keep in mind if you listen
and do it anyway, this channel will no longer be where you get
support. you'll need to go to #debian-next on
122[00:28:06] <teraflops> winsen: yes!
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124[00:28:21] <winsen> teraflops: thanks
125[00:28:27] <teraflops> winsen: np
126[00:28:30] <markybob> crayon: don't* listen
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129[00:29:03] <winsen> thanks all
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131[00:30:04] <crayon> what's wrong
132[00:30:21] <markybob> crayon: you not knowing how to type for
133[00:30:32] <crayon> huh
134[00:30:39] <TomTomTosch> crayon: answer the questions please.
from where to where do you want to upgrade?
135[00:30:45] <markybob> crayon: to use testing you need to have
a basic working knowledge. you don't. it will break your system
and then complain to us
136[00:30:51] <crayon> my home comp
137[00:31:06] <TomTomTosch> crayon: from which release to which?
138[00:31:58] <de-facto> jmcnaught it seems to be empty, i think
i give up for now, that box seems to be trash for some reason, i
shut it down and call my provider tomorrow :-//
139[00:32:12] <crayon> i should be okay i think guys
140[00:32:15] <crayon> dont worry
141[00:32:18] <crayon> ill report back
142[00:32:22] <jmcnaught> de-facto: they don't have a
ticket interface?
143[00:32:27] <markybob> crayon: not here you won't. we
don't support testing here
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148[00:34:22] <de-facto> jmcnaught i dont think so
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150[00:34:52] <jmcnaught> de-facto: i would get a different
provider if you're having these kinds of problems and
there's no place to open a ticket about it
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154[00:36:30] <de-facto> jmcnaught they say use the contact form
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156[00:37:47] <winsen> teraflops: do you know if there is any
tool to create a buckup for both (windoz and debian+grub) in case?
157[00:38:32] <jmcnaught> de-facto: if this system is important
i would do that then, it could be something like one of the other
VMs on the node is abusing resources. My only other suggestion is
that you have an automated way to deploy try to reproduce the
problem in a VM on your computer (for example run the
puppet/ansible/whatever locally to reproduce)
158[00:38:42] <teraflops> winsen: dd
159[00:38:50] <bazhang> winsen whats a buckup
160[00:39:04] <bazhang> winsen drop the windowz
161[00:39:21] <bazhang> winsen, it's WINDOWS
162[00:39:47] <teraflops> winsen: dd for the mbr and/or the
partition table
163[00:40:00] <teraflops> bazhang: let the guy be cool :P
164[00:40:08] <luxio> daily reminder to `apt-get update
&& apt-get upgrade && apt-get autoremove`
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166[00:40:23] <bazhang> winsen, you mean back up
167[00:41:02] <teraflops> hey don't be picky :P
168[00:41:23] <de-facto> jmcnaught i wish i had the install
automated somehow, i just have a full system backup on another
169[00:41:40] <teraflops> bazhang: sorry i was joking
170[00:41:59] <winsen> bazhang: yes
171[00:42:23] <winsen> sorry
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174[00:42:28] <bazhang> try clonezilla winsen
175[00:42:40] <bazhang> ,v clonezilla
176[00:42:43] <teraflops> bazhang: for the mbr?
177[00:42:44] <judd> Package: clonezilla on amd64 -- jessie:
3.10.11-1; sid: 3.10.11-3; stretch: 3.10.11-3
178[00:42:46] <de-facto> jmcnaught any idea how it could be my
fault that I/O wait times are so high?
179[00:42:48] <teraflops> hey use dd ...
180[00:43:17] <bazhang> teraflops, he cant even spell windows,
seriously rethink recommending dd
181[00:43:19] <winsen> bazhang: I thought cloezilla can do it
only for only one system at the same time not for 2 or more right?
182[00:43:21] <teraflops> heh
183[00:43:41] <bazhang> teraflops, used in a wrong fashion dd
can wreak havoc
184[00:43:42] <jmcnaught> de-facto: no, i think it's a
problem with the host. but since you were so convinced it was
systemd earlier you could try to reproduce the problem locally
185[00:44:07] <teraflops> bazhang: maybe he is not native
english, don't be picky
186[00:44:16] <winsen> bazhang: do you think that I can clone
debian and windoz partition included grub?
187[00:44:20] <de-facto> jmcnaught yeah i think making a full
copy inside a vm is a very good idea indeed
188[00:44:28] <bazhang> teraflops, he wants to clone both
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191[00:45:09] <teraflops> winsen: what do you want to backup,
just grub and the parition table or the whole thing
192[00:45:10] <bazhang> winsen seriously it's windoWs
193[00:45:11] <teraflops> ?
194[00:45:19] <jmcnaught> de-facto: even if you can't
reproduce this problem (because it's the host) you at least get
something you can test changes on before doing them in production
195[00:45:59] *** Joins: z0ran (~z0ran@replaced-ip)
196[00:46:08] <winsen> teraflops: I want to backup both debian
and windoz.
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203[00:47:23] <teraflops> winsen: yes you can, you can clone
whole disks with dd, you can use clonezilla, you can even clone
partitions etc.
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206[00:48:00] <de-facto> jmcnaught what approach would you
suggest to clone it to a vm (on my local system)?
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209[00:50:20] <jmcnaught> de-facto: not sure if your hosting
provider can give you a disk image. do you have documentation of
everything that is installed? if you've done everything by
hand, you might need to do it by hand locally to try and reproduce.
or start learning ansible, puppet, saltstack or chef
210[00:50:21] *** Quits: silverhom (~silverhom@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
211[00:50:41] <arahael> bazhang: it is irritating that he
persistently misspells windows, but there are more important
considerations going on.
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217[00:53:10] <de-facto> jmcnaught yeah when i reinstall it
(which i might :-((), i def will look into automation, but for now i
want to have a local vm of it which is as close as possible to it.
on the vps i cannot export snapshots, but i can boot from preconf cd
images (e.g. GParted Live CD, System Rescue CD 4.2.0 and such)
218[00:53:43] <de-facto> for debian they just provide netinstall
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221[00:54:46] <winsen> teraflops: sorry, I am back, I had a
phone call, what is "dd"?
222[00:54:47] *** Quits: GunshipPenguin (~GunshipPe@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
223[00:55:09] <jmcnaught> de-facto: i don't imagine copying
the entire disk image over the internet would be very fast or
reliable but you could probably give it a try. if the host node is
struggling right now it could take a very long time
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225[00:56:36] <teraflops> winsen: I think we have reached the
point fomr which you have to do your own research. you already have
the info
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227[00:56:40] <teraflops> from*
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230[00:57:18] <teraflops> dd, clonezilla, mbr, patition table
231[00:57:25] <teraflops> backups
232[00:57:42] <winsen> teraflops: I asked you just to tell me
what is "dd" I don't know this tool?
233[00:58:14] <teraflops> !dd
234[00:58:14] <dpkg> it has been said that dd is an abbreviation
for Debian Developer, or a utility for the low-level copying and
conversion of raw data: man dd, dd if=/foo/vmlinuz of=/dev/fd0 to
produce a bootable floppy, dd if=/dev/hdc of=image.iso to make an
image of a CD/DVD. See also <win32 dd>, <ddrescue>,
<gddrescue>. <pv>
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236[00:59:22] <markybob> winsen: you can google. help yourselvf.
that's what he meant. easy to find out what it is
237[00:59:56] <winsen> teraflops: ok, I'll see thanks for
238[01:00:25] *** Quits: Martyn (~Martyn@replaced-ip##) (Quit: Textual IRC Client: ##replaced-url
239[01:00:26] <winsen> Thanks all
240[01:00:42] <bazhang> welcome winsen
241[01:01:01] *** Quits: monoxane (~monoxane@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
242[01:01:07] <teraflops> winsen: np
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250[01:04:47] <aguitel> when the stretch become stable ?
251[01:04:50] *** Quits: savantgarde (~savantgar@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
252[01:04:54] <markybob> aguitel: spring 2017
253[01:04:59] <dvs> !wwsr
254[01:04:59] <dpkg> Hang on.... we've only just released
255[01:05:09] *** Quits: white_magic (~white_mag@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
256[01:05:15] <teraflops> !when
257[01:05:15] <dpkg> Now!
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261[01:05:34] <aguitel> ok
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277[01:16:15] <Lady_Aleena> Hello, I just tried to update, and
I'm getting the following warning and error (if W stands for
warning, and E stands for error.)
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279[01:16:38] <Lady_Aleena> W: Failed to fetch
280[01:16:48] <Lady_Aleena> E: Some index files failed to
download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.
281[01:16:55] <Lady_Aleena> When I tried again...
282[01:17:01] <markybob> Lady_Aleena:
swtiched to firefox
283[01:17:01] <dvs> Lady_Aleena, no more weasels, only foxes
284[01:17:10] <teraflops> :S
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286[01:17:25] <somiaj> Lady_Aleena:
287[01:17:26] <Lady_Aleena> same thing...
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289[01:17:43] <Lady_Aleena> Where is the sources file again?
290[01:17:55] <luxio> Lady_Aleena: /etc/apt/sources.list
291[01:18:02] <somiaj> Lady_Aleena: either /etc/atp/sources.list
for the main one, though sometimes they are put in
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ directory
292[01:18:04] <dvs> Lady_Aleena, they've changed the
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298[01:21:20] <Lady_Aleena> So change the last line in
sources.list (line 5 here)
299[01:21:38] <markybob> Lady_Aleena: yes
300[01:21:40] <Lady_Aleena> Do I need to uninstall iceweasel and
install firefox?
301[01:21:53] <somiaj> Lady_Aleena: you don't have to do it
in that order, but you should isntall iceweasel
302[01:22:04] <somiaj> (I think the packages can live side by
303[01:22:16] <somiaj> and Imean uninstall (not install)
304[01:22:28] * Lady_Aleena face palms.
305[01:22:45] <dvs> Lady_Aleena, you should uninstall iceweasel
because it will no longer be updated.
306[01:22:56] <teraflops> if you uninstall iceweasel gnome will
complain, does firefox fulfill the gnome deps as icewesel do?
307[01:22:59] <dvs> as somiaj said (sorta ;-)
308[01:23:07] <Lady_Aleena> So Firefox install will not
overwrite or change the Iceweasel install?
309[01:24:07] * Lady_Aleena wishes she were more savvy nano right now.
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312[01:24:52] <teraflops> I do crtl+x in vim and :+wq in nano
313[01:24:54] <somiaj> teraflops: in sid, firefox-esr: Provides:
314[01:25:09] <teraflops> somiaj: ah nice
315[01:25:11] <somiaj> teraflops: I don't know what the
gnome depends in jessie is, but if it is gnome-replaced-url
316[01:25:34] <teraflops> somiaj: it pulls from gnome core and
other one if I remember well
317[01:26:02] <somiaj> teraflops: I would assume it should work,
but unsure at the jessie level as I'm not on jessie or use
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320[01:26:21] <Lady_Aleena> I don't have Gnome.
321[01:26:32] <teraflops> somiaj: yeah thanks
322[01:26:37] <pink_vampire> hiii
323[01:26:52] *** Quits: Anwarias (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
324[01:26:58] <Lady_Aleena> So now update and firefox will be
installed automatically or do I need to install it first then
325[01:27:17] *** Quits: `ariel (core@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
326[01:27:19] <somiaj> Lady_Aleena: you will need to install the
new firefox pacakage as the instructions at
327[01:27:29] <somiaj> Lady_Aleena: then you will want to
uinstall your iceweasel package.
328[01:27:38] <Lady_Aleena> What does the -t do?
329[01:28:02] <somiaj> Lady_Aleena: it raising the priority of
the jessie-backports repo to tell apt that it is okay to install
this package from jessie-backports
330[01:28:09] *** Quits: jfdh1 (~jfdh@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
331[01:28:33] <somiaj> Lady_Aleena: by default apt will not
install stuff from the jessie-backports repo unless you include that
flag (though once installed, apt will keep it upgraded from the
jessie-backports repo)
332[01:29:17] <jmcnaught> I don't think there is any need
to remove the iceweasel package, at least for me after install
firefox-esr from mozilla.d.n it also updated the iceweasel
package's version number. removing iceweasel could remove a
333[01:29:30] <teraflops> jmcnaught: in jessie?
334[01:29:36] <Lady_Aleena> And "Package firefox is not
available, but is referred to by another package."
335[01:30:04] <somiaj> jmcnaught: ahh, wasn't sure if m.d.n
was goign to use a transitional package in their repo or not. Last I
saw (when this first hit) was it didn't.
336[01:30:21] <somiaj> Lady_Aleena: you ran apt-get update after
changing your sources.list?
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338[01:30:30] <Lady_Aleena> somiaj, yes.
339[01:30:35] <markybob> Lady_Aleena: pastebin your apt-get
command and your sources.list
340[01:30:38] <Lady_Aleena> I mean no!
341[01:30:42] <markybob> okay then
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343[01:31:21] <dvs> maybe?
344[01:31:22] <jmcnaught> teraflops: yes in jessie
345[01:31:38] <teraflops> ah, nice
346[01:31:58] <jmcnaught> i'm not sure what the case is for
the firefox package since it's a different repo line, but for
firefox-esr keep the iceweasel package around (for metapackages that
depend on it)
347[01:32:17] <Lady_Aleena>
348[01:32:49] <sebboh> My laptop freezes when I close the lid.
Or when I push the lid button with a pen knife while I leave the lid
open. I watch it... Screen goes blank and there is no hdd activity
light and the capslock button stops responding. After this, I gotta
hold down the power button till it clicks off.
349[01:32:51] <markybob> Lady_Aleena: i assume it worked after
apt-get update ?
350[01:33:05] <Lady_Aleena> markybob, I have no run apt-get
update yet.
351[01:33:11] <Lady_Aleena> s/no/not/;
352[01:33:16] <teraflops> jmcnaught: I saw it symlinked to
firefox-real or something like that, sorry I dont have access to
that system right now
353[01:33:19] *** Quits: sgalvez (~sgalvez@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
354[01:33:20] <Lady_Aleena> ... since changing it.
355[01:33:32] <sebboh> What is handling the lid button? What is
the lid button tied to? Is this a "special" keyboard
button, or an acpi button, or what?>
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357[01:33:39] <somiaj> sebboh: sounds like something is not
working with suspending the machine. I would check your logs to see
what is happening when it tries to suspend (though usually it is the
resume) that went wrong.
358[01:33:49] <Lady_Aleena> So, run apt-get update first, then
install firefox, right?
359[01:33:50] <jmcnaught> teraflops: i'm just saying we
don't need to tell people to remove the iceweasel package is
360[01:33:50] *** Quits: tumble_ (~tumble@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
361[01:33:56] <markybob> Lady_Aleena: yes
362[01:34:06] <somiaj> sebboh: its part of acpi, systemd/udev I
think is what is listening for it and triggering the suspend eevent.
363[01:34:25] <sebboh> ok, how do I change what happens when I
close the lid? I can solve the problem later, preventing the crash
is fine for now.
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365[01:34:59] <jmcnaught> sebboh: if you're on jessie with
systemd you can edit /etc/systemd/logind.conf and set
HandleLidSwitch=ignore (and then "systemctl restart
366[01:35:03] <sebboh> wait... systemd. crap, I remember this
whole problem now. This is not the first time I've worked on
367[01:35:14] <Lady_Aleena> GUH! So many packages to update!!!
368[01:35:15] *** Joins: sgalvez (~sgalvez@replaced-ip)
369[01:35:22] <sebboh> jmcnaught: ... ok, maybe it's not so
much of a problem.
370[01:35:26] <somiaj> sebboh:
371[01:35:35] <sebboh> somiaj: thanks.
372[01:35:43] <teraflops> jmcnaught: ah sure
373[01:35:45] <somiaj> sebboh: the first answer seems reasonable
and I think will work in debian (not posible)
374[01:36:10] * Lady_Aleena can't remember the last time she
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376[01:36:13] <somiaj> sebboh: in the comments to the question
is a debian 8 jessie command to mask all the processes that would
trigger a suspend.
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380[01:36:47] <sebboh> mask? Sorry I'll fire up a browser
381[01:37:02] <somiaj> sebboh: it is systemd slang to mean
'completely ignore these units'
382[01:37:06] <Lady_Aleena> 224 packages gotten
383[01:37:42] <markybob> Lady_Aleena: you probably just got the
libc6 security fix then. so you'll want to reboot.
384[01:37:57] <Lady_Aleena> markybob, what is libc6?
385[01:38:12] <sebboh> somiaj: I mean, who should ignore --- oh,
systemd. ... processes means some systemd config item, I trust?
386[01:38:17] <markybob> Lady_Aleena: uh...basically it's
one of the core libraries that make your system work.
387[01:38:25] <somiaj> sebboh: that link has two solutions, the
main one is disable just the lid button, the side comment should
disable systemd trigering susupend in other ways too.
388[01:38:38] <Lady_Aleena> markybob, so one of those things I
don't think about normally.
389[01:38:45] <sebboh> somiaj: ok, thanks.
390[01:38:51] <somiaj> sebboh: yea, systemctl controls systemd,
and the command tells systemd to ignore them (which is a very strong
way of turing them off)
391[01:39:00] <markybob> Lady_Aleena: right.
392[01:39:07] <somiaj> sebboh: this is more useful for thigns
that get 'triggered' vs a service that can just be
393[01:39:37] <sebboh> somiaj: I was quite comfortable with udev
and even its predecessor.
394[01:39:43] *** Quits: pencilandpaper (~penciland@replaced-ip) (Quit: Peace. :))
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399[01:40:41] <somiaj> sebboh: I am growign to like systemd, I
find it nice to contorl things. But I'm still learning how it
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402[01:41:23] <Lady_Aleena> Okay, my updates stopped here ->
403[01:41:44] *** Quits: denisk (~denisk@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
404[01:41:50] <markybob> Lady_Aleena: hit q
405[01:42:11] <jmcnaught> or you know, read about the changes
because they could be worth knowing
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407[01:42:18] <Lady_Aleena> markybob, thanks,,,
408[01:42:44] <Lady_Aleena> jmcnaught, I read it.
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411[01:44:34] <Lady_Aleena> I feel I don't know 95% of what
is installed on my system.
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417[01:46:14] *** unborn_ is now known as unborn
418[01:46:15] <sebboh> Lady_Aleena: you and me both. I
can't remove systemd without understanding the ramifications
that has on polkit. is pol kit? I am either me, or root, and
I know how to change the permissions on everything under /dev/, so
what the heck is polkit supposed to do?
419[01:46:26] <Lady_Aleena> No wonder it is taking so long. It
is updating LibreOffice.
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421[01:46:55] <jmcnaught> sebboh: why do you want to remove
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430[01:49:16] <sebboh> My first nix machine was LFS--followed by
Slackware when that failed horribly, followed by LFS again, followed
by Debian when I observed that --- because it's my fucking
computer and I never told it to do ANYTHING when I closed the lid.
The lid switch is a piece of plastic that provides input. My system
should respond to input as instructed. Anyway... As I was saying, I
switched to debian because hundreds of people that think like me
431[01:49:16] <sebboh> built a better system than I could build
on my own. Well that was .. crap, 13 years ago?
432[01:49:22] <Lady_Aleena> What is samba anyway?
433[01:49:42] <tremon> sebboh: polkit is for
enhancing/subverting the unix access controls. For example, Gnome
people want to make sure that you can access a plugged-in usb disk
when you're at the console, but not when you're logged in
434[01:49:46] <sebboh> samba is an implementation of the SMB
protocol which supports things like windows files shares.
435[01:49:48] <abrotman> dpkg: tell Lady_Aleena about samba
436[01:49:50] <guest4454> pencilandpaper: Long time, how are
437[01:50:07] *** guest4454 is now known as myers001
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441[01:50:45] <sebboh> tremon, well that's silly because I
am me whether I am at home or away. Anyway I'm feeling grumpy
so I don't belong here right now so I'll see ya'll
442[01:50:47] <tremon> and since Gnome people can't write a
pam plugin to do that, we end up with consolekit/polkit/logind
443[01:50:47] *** Quits: Gi0 (~Gi0@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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446[01:51:00] <pencilandpaper> Doing alright myers001 , how
about yourself? Yeah ltns..its good to see you.
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448[01:52:02] <myers001> Im ok pencilandpaper, its good to see
you pal.
449[01:52:17] <pencilandpaper> Good to hear. :)
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452[01:52:32] <pencilandpaper> Are you in #debian-offtopic as
well myers001 ?
453[01:53:02] <myers001> no pencilandpaper, first time i have
visited here
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455[01:55:08] <myers001> How do i join pencilandpaper, i am
using the web client at the moment
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508[02:22:56] <Lady_Aleena> EEK! Another problem...Mismatched
nvidia kernel module loaded. The NVIDIA driver that is being
installed (version 340.96) does not match the nvidia kernel module
currently loaded (version 340.65). The X server, OpenGL, and GPGPU
applications may not work properly. The easiest way to fix this is
to reboot the machine once the installation has finished. You can
also stop the X server (usually by stopped the login manager, e.g.
gdm3, kdm, or
509[02:22:57] <Lady_Aleena> xdm), manually unload the module
("rmmod nvidia"), and restart the X server. <OK>
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512[02:24:51] <Lady_Aleena> Now, can someone please tell me what
is going on here? How could there be a mismatched nvidia kernel
module? What is the X server? Do I just push <OK> and leave it
be and hope my monitor still works?
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515[02:27:35] <markybob> Lady_Aleena: x server is what gives you
graphics. and it's pretty easy. hit okay and reboot once the
upgrade is done like the text says.
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518[02:28:08] <Lady_Aleena> markybob, so don't worry about
it then. It will fix itself on reboot?
519[02:28:27] <markybob> Lady_Aleena: hopefully. it should.
520[02:28:40] <Lady_Aleena> markybob, okeydokey.
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522[02:29:08] * Lady_Aleena was away working in dinner.
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525[02:29:28] <Lady_Aleena> s/in/on/;
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592[03:07:02] <Tipping_Fedora> hey everyone, Can someone help
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600[03:09:43] <gmbs> Is down? How else
should I get debian security updates?
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653[03:41:30] <locrian9> Can someone verify if I'm
downloading the correct .iso file? I need "debian 4.0 etch for
i386". Appears that there's a mirror hosting this at Index
of /mirror/cdimage/archive/4.0_r9/i386/iso-dvd
654[03:41:34] <locrian9> ? Name Last modified Size
655[03:41:44] <abrotman> locrian9: why would you download a
version that old?
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657[03:42:14] <locrian9> There's a machine with a program
that would need to run off that version.
658[03:42:17] <abrotman> anyway, we'd need the full URL to
the one you're download
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665[03:43:52] <locrian9> Wasn't sure what the
"netinst.iso" was.
666[03:44:23] <markybob> you don't want netinst for etch.
you want a full cd
667[03:45:01] <locrian9> Alright, I'll keep searching the
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670[03:46:42] <markybob> i really don't know where
you'd find one :/
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673[03:46:51] <abrotman> Ido ..
674[03:47:04] <markybob> in abrotman we trust
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677[03:47:22] <abrotman> I keep things up there ..
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680[03:47:39] <abrotman>
681[03:47:45] <abrotman> That's the best you'll get
that I know to find easily
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684[03:47:56] <abrotman> you can use to get
to the "newest" version of etch
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691[03:49:55] <locrian9> abrotman: Appreciate it.
692[03:50:26] <markybob> yes, abrotman, you better appreciate
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698[03:53:21] <abrotman> also, whatever app that is should be
taken out back and shot ..
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717[04:03:14] <locrian9> abrotman: I found a link, but is there
a specific .iso I should download? It's showing CD-1, CD-2,
CD-3, etc. Looks like they're all about ~640MB each.
718[04:03:26] <locrian9>
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722[04:05:06] <dvs> debian-40r9-i386-netinst.iso
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729[04:07:50] <locrian9> dvs: markybob said I don't want
netinst for etch, and I should grab a full cd instead.
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733[04:09:15] <dvs> locrian9, if you want the full distribution,
I'd grab all the DVDs at
734[04:11:11] <locrian9> dvs: Cool. I've got a 38GB USB
drive, and I'll throw the whole thing onto it.
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785[04:38:29] <markybob> arienovo: please fix your shit
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790[04:42:00] * dvs takes a wrench to his toilet
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819[05:01:35] <pbase> anyone using a conexant smartaudio hd chip
20585 ?
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forget to make a life!)
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841[05:11:43] <mlin112> anyone know how i can get audio device
numbers? the instructions i found said to use lsdev. but the command
isn't working for me
842[05:11:46] <mlin112> lsdev in and out
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850[05:18:22] <jmcnaught> mlin112: what do you mean audio device
number? "lspci -nn" can show the pci-id. "aplay
-l" can show the ALSA card number. "pacmd list-cards"
can show info about cards that pulseaudio knows about
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858[05:24:28] <mlin112> jmcnaught, ok thanks. i was editing a
config file and it needs a number for the preferred audio device
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878[05:30:59] <cluelessperson> Hi all, when I use DD to copy, or
if maybe unplug USB drive while machine is suspended, the system
will still show /dev/sdb even though it doesn't exist. If I try
to connect the usb storage drive, it isn't detected until I
reboot the system. How can I reset the USB subsystem without
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898[05:42:32] <aypea[1]> is it possible to set a per-user
desktop environment in lightdm?
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900[05:43:29] <pingfloyd> aypea[1]: have the user change their
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902[05:45:01] <aypea[1]> pingfloyd: saw that. realised it was
being overriden. want to see how to override the override :)
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904[05:46:00] <mcordingley> Hi pkexec is giving me this error:
"polkit-agent-helper-1: error response to PolicyKit daemon:
GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1.Error.Failed: No session for
905[05:46:17] <mcordingley> I don't even know where to
start on fixing it. :(
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922[05:54:29] <markybob> i just saw the mini-debconf video about
secure boot. so excited :P
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945[06:08:16] <eb0t> this open suse is looking good on the
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947[06:08:21] * eb0t pats himself on the back
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950[06:09:10] <markybob> eb0t: why are you here?
951[06:10:00] <eb0t> oh sorry wrong room
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953[06:10:04] <eb0t> channel
954[06:10:09] <pingfloyd> aypea[1]: I can't remember if it
remembers last set session for each individual user
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956[06:11:20] <aypea[1]> yeah it does, if you tell it to.
unfortunately it remembers the last selection when logging in,
instead of resetting to a safe default so I wound up logging in with
gnome (what the last user used) rather than xfce. :/
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961[06:13:08] <jml2> aypea[1], ~/.dmrc
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963[06:13:29] <aypea[1]> jml2: it was overriden.
964[06:13:39] <jml2> aypea[1], so make it root-only
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982[06:27:09] <W8TVI> so I'm trying to install jessie on an
hp g6 series laptop (used unetbootin, told it debian, and the
hdmedia sub option, and placed the first iso on the root of the
flashdrive). so far so good. now it's telling me it need the
firmware files for my wifi and nic. I've tried placing the
requested files in the root dir of a fat32 formated 32gb usb drive,
in the /firmware folder, and just extracted the entire contents of
non-free firmware
983[06:27:09] <W8TVI> tarball to the root of the drive (so it
recreated the directory tree of the archive). the installer still
refuses to use the files.
984[06:27:31] <W8TVI> it just comes back to asking me if I want
it to look for them on removable media again.
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986[06:28:35] <W8TVI> (and it is asking for
rtl_nic/rtl8105e-1.fw and rt2860.bin
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989[06:29:31] <markybob> !unetbootin
990[06:29:31] <markybob> W8TVI: don't do that. it breaks
991[06:29:31] <dpkg> UNetbootin (Universal Netboot Installer)
allows creation of bootable USB drives for a variety of Linux
992[06:29:41] <markybob> W8TVI: ^
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994[06:30:32] <markybob> W8TVI: so you're trying to make a
usb from windows, right?
995[06:30:37] <W8TVI> ues
996[06:30:39] <W8TVI> yes
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998[06:31:04] <W8TVI> I don't have a linux box available to
create one right now.
999[06:31:09] <markybob> !win32diskimager
1000[06:31:09] <dpkg> win32diskimager is much more reliable than
<unetbootin> for copying ISO images to USB sticks and you can
download it from
1001[06:31:27] <markybob> W8TVI: and since you need firmware you
want to use the firmware installer.
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1004[06:33:26] <W8TVI> markybob: so don't use the ISO I
already downloaded, and instead use that ISO?
1005[06:33:34] <markybob> W8TVI: correct
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1027[06:43:16] <W8TVI> markybob: Thanks, it's working. Now I
wonder why my trackpad isn't working in the GUI installer... my
USB mouse works fine.
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1030[06:46:25] <markybob> W8TVI: i've never used gui
installer in my life. maybe it'll work once it's fully
installed. my laptop has a f3 key that turns the trackpad on/off.
maybe that works?
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1032[06:47:06] <W8TVI> yeah, not worried right now.
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1043[06:51:23] <W8TVI> man... my MS surface pro 2 has me spoiled
by its boot speed
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1053[06:55:27] <jml2> W8TVI, it would be easier for you because
non-free is included on the cdrom-- if you need to install things
with apt-get/aptitude it'll ask to have the CD or usb plugged
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1102[07:28:57] <iKarith> Don't suppose anyone can suggest a
relatively n00b-friendly console Twitter client, preferably
alreadyin stable? I don't really twit, but I was asked to look
into it, so I'm looking. :)
1103[07:32:10] <jml2> iKarith, when you say "console"
you mean command-line ?
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1111[07:36:56] <jml2> iKarith, bash twitter idiocy
1112[07:36:58] <jml2> lol
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1134[07:51:32] <arahael> How do I install gcc and g++
1135[07:51:37] <arahael> Man pages, that is.
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1142[07:54:55] <jmcnaught> arahael: some of the GNU documentation
like gcc-4.9-doc is in non-free
1143[07:55:24] <arahael> How wonderfully ironic.
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1149[07:57:58] <arahael> Just found:
1150[07:58:04] <arahael> I guess it does make sense. Thanks. :)
1151[07:58:07] <iKarith> bleh, what a time to get a phone call :P
Yes, I meant command-line, terminal, ssh, whatever. :)
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1153[07:59:03] <iKarith> And yes, FDL poses some problems :)
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1174[08:10:06] <shibly> Hi
1175[08:10:15] <shibly>
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1177[08:10:29] <shibly> If i do this: update-rc.d <daemon>
1178[08:10:41] <shibly> Then what will happen?
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1180[08:11:01] <shibly> There are some options for a script, like
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1186[08:11:32] <shibly> So if i do update-rc.d <daemon>
enable , then which option will occur ? Will it stop or start or
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1188[08:11:59] <shibly> update-rc.d <daemon> enable , this
doesn't say anything about start,stop,restart,reload,status
1189[08:12:11] <jmcnaught> shibly: if you are on Jessie using
systemd (the default) it would be better to use "systemctl
enable <service>" which makes it start at boot, but does
not start it right away
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1192[08:13:03] <shibly> Scripts will be in /etc/init.d
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1197[08:13:51] <jmcnaught> shibly: systemd treats those init
scripts the same as its native service units. are you on jessie, or
wheezy still?
1198[08:13:51] <shibly> service <script> start and
systemctl enable <service> are these same?
1199[08:14:03] <shibly> Jessie
1200[08:14:40] <jmcnaught> shibly: yes, if you read
/usr/sbin/service you'll see it's just a wrapper around
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1202[08:15:22] <shibly> But to run systemctl enable
<service> i need to put the service unit in
/etc/systemd/system instead of in /etc/init.d , right?
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1204[08:16:24] <pingfloyd> shibly: you have to create a unit file
if there isn't one
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1206[08:16:40] <jmcnaught> shibly: no systemd is backwards
compatible with init scripts in /etc/init.d. The service units that
go in /etc/systemd/system have a different format (which is much
easier to write)
1207[08:17:06] <pingfloyd> systemctl creates a symlink to
existing unit files
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1271[08:52:32] <hellyeah> yo
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1273[08:52:51] <hellyeah> i have a problem with my 3g modem it is
usb mode vodafone
1274[08:53:04] <hellyeah> i have to unlock from windows for using
in the debian
1275[08:53:11] <hellyeah> is there any known issue about that?
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1277[08:55:05] <suexec> hellyeah, you will have to elaborate
mate. That's a bit vague. "Unlock from windows"?
1278[08:55:25] <cred> this might help hellyeah
1279[08:55:31] *** Quits: bestucan (~bestucan@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
1280[08:55:35] <cred> if it's a sim lock try mmcli
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1282[08:55:59] <cred> if you want people to help you please
supply the relevant lsusb output
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1302[09:03:53] <hellyeah> creat: first i needd to connect in
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1304[09:04:11] <hellyeah> creat: then i can use it in debian
1305[09:04:25] <hellyeah> creat: if i didnt do sim unlock from
windows i cannot use in debian ever
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1333[09:17:31] <cafuego> ,v mmcli
1334[09:17:33] <judd> No package named 'mmcli' was
found in amd64.
1335[09:17:36] <cafuego> aww
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1360[09:26:59] <hmir> Hi guys. Not sure if this is a debian
sepcific question but;
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1364[09:27:25] <hmir> Using dpkg-reconfigure console-setup allows
me to change the font and font size of the teminal.
1365[09:27:54] <hmir> But I only have 3-4 choices for fonts, and
their respective font sizes. I am visually impaired and need the
font size to be bigger. Advice?
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1371[09:31:35] <cafuego> hmir: I *think* you can change the
terminal resolution at bootup, by passing a boot param for the
framebuffer console.
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1374[09:34:21] <hmir> Is there a way to maybe import more fontz
for dpkg-reconfigure to set
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1382[09:36:43] <cafuego> hmir: If I choose 'Terminus'
as font, I can pick some larger sizes
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1388[09:37:42] <cafuego> 16x32 is the biggest available on that
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1392[09:40:19] <hmir> cafuego: I need them to a bit larger than
that Terminus allows. =(
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1404[09:45:39] <cafuego> hmir: I think you'll prolly need to
change the console resolution then, I can't find any info about
larger fonts.
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1408[09:46:22] <hmir> How would you go about doing that, is there
a tutorial I can use?
1409[09:46:46] <cafuego> hmir: Generally do do it via a kernel
boot param.
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1411[09:48:16] <hmir> Ah, okay.
1412[09:48:27] <hmir> I have a question regarding the Debian
Installer Stretch Alpha 5 release
1413[09:48:34] <cafuego> hmir: You should have some info about
the current size in your `dmesg' output.
1414[09:48:51] <cafuego> dmesg | grep -i 'frame buffer'
1415[09:48:55] <hmir> It's a DVD, and I created a boot USB.
In the boot options, I do not see anywhere where I can set the
desktop environment to install.
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1418[09:49:02] <fernando> Hi
1419[09:49:11] *** Joins: dioxane (~monoxane@replaced-ip)
1420[09:49:26] <fernando> Could someone help me with some audio
issues? I am a bit desperate
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1427[09:51:20] <hmir> It says "Alternatively, go to
"Advanced options" then "Alternate desktop
environments", and choose Xfce there. "
1428[09:51:38] <hmir> But that option is not present with this
stretch alpha 5 testing dvd.
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1430[09:51:39] <hellyeah> gdebi still works
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1449[09:58:11] <Cloudwalker42> I have just one question. One of
my system had a full hard disk. If I run "df -h" it
returns that this hard disk is 100% in use. Now I was able to delete
some files and my 126G disk is now 122G in use. But I wonder why the
percentage is still on 100%.
1450[09:58:30] <Cloudwalker42> Can someone explain :D ?
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1452[09:59:04] <hmir> Question: When I install debian from the
usb, it says I need non-free ralink drivers and asks if I want to
load them from usb. I select no. After the system is installed. can
I change the sources.list to add non-free, and then when I
update/upgrade, will it automatically install the missing drivers?
1453[09:59:14] <hmir> Cloudwalker42: Have you emptied the bin?
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1456[10:00:26] <neoncortex> how can you have a half hard disk?
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1461[10:00:46] <Cloudwalker42> hmir: I emptied folders with
mysqldumps. There is only one partion "xvda".
1462[10:00:55] <Cloudwalker42> neoncortex: Its a xen DomU
1463[10:01:02] <neoncortex> i see
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1478[10:11:10] <hmir> Is there a debian install ISO which is xfce
only, has debian testing, and includes non-free firmware?
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1495[10:18:37] <bollo> hmir,
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1500[10:20:52] <hmir> Thanks, bollo.
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1502[10:21:28] <hmir> I figured out that what you can do is just
download the non-free firmware tarball/zip and extract it to the
/firmware directory of your install medium i.e. usb.
1503[10:21:45] <hmir> And during installation, it will look in
that directory and automatically select and install the needed
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1506[10:24:10] <hmir> bollo: Is there a huge difference between
installing testing from a weekly build as opposed to the stretch
alpha builds?
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1508[10:25:10] <bollo> hmir,
1509[10:25:45] <hmir> bollo: I've read the page, but
I'm not sure how that relates to my last question?
1510[10:25:50] <TomTomTosch> first you shouldn't be using
the live cd for installing. netinst is what you want.
1511[10:26:01] <bollo> hmir, I don't know I use jessie
1512[10:26:07] <TomTomTosch> !testing installer
1513[10:26:08] <dpkg> Repeat after me: the testing installer is
for testing the <installer>, not for installing
<testing>. To install testing, do a minimal installation using
the <stable> installer and ask me about
<stable->testing>. Installer bugs should be filed against
the debian-installer pseudopackage.
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1516[10:26:22] <hmir> TomTomTosch: I get where you're coming
from, but I really do not want to pull down an entire system over
the network.
1517[10:26:36] <hmir> I don't limited bandwidth and data
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1519[10:27:20] <hmir> TomTomTosch: Are you saying that the
stretch alpha 5 is ALSO for testing just the installer?????
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1523[10:27:59] <hmir> Because that's not what their page
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1527[10:29:35] <themill> I don't know that the stretch alpha
image actually works at all at this stage; they tend to break fairly
quickly as the system to be installed changes
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1533[10:30:23] <bollo> hmir, you should use stable for install
and then go from there to whatever you want to use
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1537[10:32:45] <hmir> Well, what I want is xfce 4.12 which
doesn't come with debian 8, but omes with testing.
1538[10:32:47] <TomTomTosch> "but I really do not want to
pull down an entire system over the network." - my point was,
don't use the live cd to install. use the installer
1539[10:33:00] *** Joins: dr4kk4r^ (~dr4kk4r^@replaced-ip)
1540[10:33:12] <hmir> TomTomTosch: Yes, of course I wouldn't
install the system with a live cd.
1541[10:33:45] <TomTomTosch> hmir: i was referring to the link
bollo posted.
1542[10:33:55] <hmir> Yes, I know.
1543[10:34:00] <TomTomTosch> :)
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1546[10:35:36] <hmir> I will be using the Stretch Alpha 5 dvd-1
for install, and have the non-free firmware in the /firmware folder
to be installed as needed. As for xfce, it says somewhere that xfce
is the default desktop it installs, and I dont see an option to
specifically select it at the beginning like you do with Debian
Jessie/Wheezy. But I will add the "desktop=xfce" to the
command line just inc ase.
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1552[10:37:19] <bollo> hmir, you're making it way more
complicated than it actually is
1553[10:37:57] <bollo> hmir, use to stable netinstall iso with
firmware and choose xfce as desktop environment during install
1554[10:38:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1671
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1559[10:38:19] <bollo> hmir, then upgrade you're system to
stretch after install
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1562[10:39:22] <hmir> But that then pulls all the updates/testing
down the internet.
1563[10:39:47] *** Joins: wobelingers (~wobelinge@replaced-ip)
1564[10:40:13] <hmir> Also, you said the netinstall iso. The
netinstall isos include desktops?
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1567[10:40:38] <bollo> hmir, whichever way you choose to do it
you will at some point have to download it
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1569[10:41:10] <bollo> hmir, you choose the de during install
1570[10:41:47] <hmir> But the netinstall iso doesn't include
it, so it pulls it down over the internet during install?
1571[10:41:52] *** Quits: frozengeek (~frozengee@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
1572[10:42:00] <bollo> hmir, yes correct
1573[10:42:13] <hmir> Ny internet isn't stable enough for
1574[10:42:51] <themill> you can just put the relevant firmware
on a usb stick and then pop it in during the installation. Or, if
possible, just complete the installation without it and then deal
with it later
1575[10:43:30] *** Joins: shodan` (~shodan`@replaced-ip)
1576[10:43:30] <hmir> themill: You can put the firmware in the
/firmware folder of your install medium.
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1578[10:43:38] <hmir> Problem solved!
1579[10:43:40] <bollo> hmir, OK I suppose you could use a 8.4 iso
with xfce and put the firmware on a separate stick
1580[10:43:57] *** Quits: imunsie (imunsie@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1581[10:44:12] <hmir> No need for a separate stick.
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1585[10:46:03] <bollo> hmir,
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1588[10:46:53] <hmir> That's okay if you want to install
Jessie, but according to debian: "To install Debian testing, we
recommend you use the Stretch Alpha 5 release of the installer,
after checking its errata. The following images are available for
Stretch Alpha 5: "
1589[10:46:57] <hmir>
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1592[10:47:09] <cousin_luigi> Greetings.
1593[10:47:23] <hmir> Hi cousin_luigi.
1594[10:47:45] <cousin_luigi> Is it possible to subscribe to a
bug report thread without using the "email with a long address
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1596[10:48:20] <bollo> !tell hmir about #debian-next
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1598[10:49:12] <hmir> Why is it on a separate irc network? Seems
a bit counter-intuitive.
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remember that this is the internet)
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1602[10:53:29] <nkuttler> hmir: all official debian channels are
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1605[10:56:14] <hmir> oh!
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1621[11:06:17] <wabuh> hello everyone
1622[11:06:35] <wabuh> I would like to create a debian backports
1623[11:06:43] <wabuh> is there an easy way to do it?
1624[11:07:04] <wabuh> I tried to find some info online, but
wasn't successful so far
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1641[11:15:49] <OnkelTem> Hi all. I've upgraded to Debian 8
and noticed, that when issuing "reboot" command
immediately kills sshd
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1644[11:16:37] <OnkelTem> before, on Debian 7, I had some moments
to gracefully close ssh connection, now it's not the case
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1646[11:17:18] <OnkelTem> any ideas how to configure this
beghavior? Maybe 'shutdown' has changed its behavior?
1647[11:17:37] <TyrfingMjolnir> runlevel?
1648[11:17:58] <TyrfingMjolnir> I never used reboot
1649[11:18:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1677
1650[11:18:02] <TyrfingMjolnir> shutdown -r 0
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1652[11:18:05] <Nik05> OnkelTem systemd?
1653[11:18:11] <aypea[1]> systemd appears to be rather
psychopathic when told to kill processes. :)
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1655[11:18:43] <Nik05> aypea[1] no it just tells them to
1656[11:18:50] <Nik05> the killing takes a lot longer
1657[11:18:58] <TyrfingMjolnir> OnkelTem: Considered:
1658[11:19:07] *** Quits: lucaswang (~lucaswang@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1659[11:19:10] <TyrfingMjolnir> It's a fork of Jessie with
no systemd
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1662[11:19:40] <aypea[1]> OnkelTem: why does killing the
connection nicely matter, btw?
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1664[11:21:32] <OnkelTem> Oh, I need to run :( See you later.
1665[11:22:08] *** Parts: alien1it (~alien@replaced-ip)
1666[11:22:10] <aypea[1]> OnkelTem: if it's to kill the ssh
process, hit enter, tilda and full stop
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1697[11:41:00] <slax0r> hello, I am having issues with using an
intel graphics card, the highest, and lowest res I can switch to is
1024x768, here are a few outputs:
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1716[11:48:21] <cluelessperson> Hi all. I want to customize a
debian installation for a production environment, using ARMHF
1717[11:48:25] <cluelessperson> How do I approach this?
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1721[11:50:19] <azswa> Hi, anyone knows how to emphasize login on
gnome terminal login@host:
1722[11:50:59] <azswa> Running several commands, sometimes
it's hard to see the end of the previous command...
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1728[11:54:06] <TomTomTosch> azswa: sure, you can run something
like this: >>> PS1='("\(^_^)/")
${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ '
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1731[11:55:04] <cafuego> I make the commandline be a line by
itself, so it always stands out.
1732[11:55:17] <cafuego> PS1="\u@\h:\w\n; "
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1734[11:55:35] <cafuego> also means deep dirs don't make the
commandline tiny
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1766[12:15:24] <gry_> Hi, I have this problem (same symptoms) as
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1777[12:23:33] <slax0r> I have tried installing the 4.5.0 kernel
from backports, but when I boot into this kernel, then the X server
doesn't even start, with the "no screens found"
error, any help on that skylake graphics issue would be greatly
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1788[12:27:16] <cousin_luigi> So, isn't there a way to
report a debian bug in a way like
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1824[12:33:40] <linux-fox> i am using xfce4 in debian, it is a
very good desktop environment
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1960[12:54:49] <Myrkur> Hi guys
1961[12:55:10] <Myrkur> I'm setting up a web server for some
pupils where I work
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1963[12:55:24] <Myrkur> what would be the best ftp server on
debian for a web server with multiple access ?
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1965[12:57:08] <markybob> i like vsftpd
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1979[13:02:22] <halt> Hi guys, it might be specific to debian,
but if not then at least you can direct me to the right direction, I
have a NAT instance running debian ( aws vpc ) and nodes behind it
debian again, the nodes without public address fail to sync ntp, not
sure what iptables rule or nat rule I missed...
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1981[13:02:50] <teraflops> markybob: theres no need of teaching
your pupils bad things, do not use ftp
1982[13:03:01] <teraflops> err^ Myrkur*
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1984[13:03:08] <markybob> :/
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1990[13:05:10] <crissae__> FTL: hello?
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1993[13:06:56] <pink_vampire> hi
1994[13:07:03] <teraflops> crissae__: yes we all read you
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1997[13:08:38] <crissae__> I met someone in Frankfurt last week,
said they hang out as ftl in #debian on freenode. I don't
typically reach out via irc for this, just seeing if this person was
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2000[13:09:49] <bezaban> 13:09 -NickServ(NickServ@replaced-ip)- ftl is not registered.
2001[13:10:11] <pharpend> crissae__: They might be offline at the
moment, or using some phonetic variant on that name
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2021[13:14:07] <Myrkur> teraflops: sftp ?
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2025[13:14:42] <markybob> if you're gonna use ftp it better
be sftp (which vsftpd does support)
2026[13:15:11] <Myrkur> so vsftpd uses an ssh tunnel as well i
2027[13:15:29] <markybob> yep
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2029[13:15:42] <markybob> i use ssh keys with sftp
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2031[13:15:54] <Myrkur> ok nice
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2037[13:16:24] <verwilst> sftp is ssh, does vsftpd support that?
2038[13:16:30] <verwilst> i guess you mean ftps?
2039[13:16:32] <markybob> yes
2040[13:16:32] <verwilst> ftp over ssl
2041[13:16:45] <Ticho> hopefully over tls, not ssl :)
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2043[13:16:56] <verwilst> well yeah :-)
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2051[13:18:32] <markybob> it supports both
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2058[13:20:36] <markybob> Myrkur: anyway there is #vsftpd if you
need help
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2081[13:27:38] <Myrkur> thanks markybob
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2096[13:32:13] <Jakob_-> People: Any news on an investigation
into Ian Murdock's passing?
2097[13:34:18] <Jakob_-> The web is pretty silent on this...
Doesn't seem like there is much happening (or being published)
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2103[13:37:40] <markybob> Jakob_-: #debian-offtopic
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2114[13:43:43] <Jakob_-> ok
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2128[13:49:36] <disho> hi
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2133[13:50:02] <disho> can you help me to solve my problem?
2134[13:50:26] <Stummi> no
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2136[13:50:32] <disho> my problem is: why nmcli not work under
2137[13:51:13] <slax0r> pretty much ready to break down in tears
here, if I run kernel 3.16 on skylake, I get only 1024x768
resolution, after some googling I found that I should install the
bpo kernel, which I did, but then I have no Xserver, hangs with
"intel(0): Uknnown Chipset", unloads the intel module and
errors with "no screens found"
2138[13:51:33] <slax0r> I can boot with nomodeset, but this is
only temp, as I again don't have all the available resolutions
2139[13:51:43] <slax0r> anyone already solved this issue?
2140[13:51:45] <disho> OR How disable and enable wifi connection
under cronjob?
2141[13:51:52] <teraflops> Myrkur: sftp look saner and it means
less work btw
2142[13:52:06] <teraflops> looks*
2143[13:52:33] <markybob> slax0r: you also need
xserver-xorg-video-intel from backports probably
2144[13:52:59] <disho> ?
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2149[13:54:15] <holms> anyone worked with duplicity? i have a
trouble =/
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2151[13:55:00] <disho> any guys have solved this problem ?! why
nmcli not work under cronjob?
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2153[13:55:31] <Stummi> disho, what does the cronjobs output say?
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2155[13:55:52] <Stummi> (also, show us your cronjob. Is it a
system or user cronjob?)
2156[13:56:12] <slax0r> markybob: well, let me just go find a
cliff to jump off of
2157[13:56:12] *** Aim_Here is now known as AimHere
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2161[13:56:28] <slax0r> wasted the better part of my day on this,
thank you for your help!
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2163[13:56:32] <markybob> slax0r: wait, i need to get a life
insurance policy on you first
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2165[13:56:38] <markybob> slax0r: okay, done. go.
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2168[13:57:06] <disho> cat /var/log/syslog nothing anymore!
2169[13:57:19] <markybob> slax0r: no worries mate
2170[13:57:20] <disho> cat /var/log/syslog nothing anymore
2171[13:58:12] <disho> Stummi; can you help me?
2172[13:59:01] <holms> would pay for duplicity help =/
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2176[13:59:27] <Stummi> disho, show us your crontab entry
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2178[13:59:44] <disho> Stummi; my cron like that : 00 13 * * * *
/usr/bin/nmcli radio wifi on ... OR off but not running correctly!
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2182[14:00:06] <enoch> hi all
2183[14:00:22] <halt> disho: journalctl
2184[14:00:32] <enoch> is it possible to automatically add a
password in sftp/scp command?
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2186[14:00:35] <disho> Stummi; I have no problem on any bash
script, only under cron...
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2189[14:01:02] <Stummi> disho, if you want help, you could start
with actually answering my questions. Is it a system or user cron?
2190[14:01:06] <Stummi> *cron entry
2191[14:01:15] <Stummi> (/etc/crontab vs crontab -e)
2192[14:01:16] <disho> user cron
2193[14:01:20] <markybob> enoch: that's where you need to
use keys
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2195[14:01:27] <disho> crontab -e
2196[14:01:29] *** Quits: blingrang (~bling@replaced-ip) (Changing host)
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2198[14:01:41] <enoch> markybob, so the solution is using a key?
no alternative?
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2201[14:02:04] <halt> enoch: for most of the cases when it's
not possible to enter stuff but you still want to automate
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2203[14:02:39] <halt> enoch: but seriously suggest to use keys
wherever it's possible
2204[14:02:53] <enoch> ok thank you
2205[14:03:00] <Stummi> enoch, use a key. Only if its really not
a option for some weird reason, take a look at sshpass
2206[14:05:04] <Stummi> disho, your entry is wrong for a user
crontab entry, theres a * too much
2207[14:05:35] <Stummi> ("m h dom mon dow", but you
have 6 columns)
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2209[14:06:24] <disho> Stummi, mistake in here! original row is:
17 15 * * * /usr/bin/nmcli radio wifi off
2210[14:06:47] <disho> Stummi, 3 star...
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2212[14:07:26] <Stummi> disho, you could add something like
"> /tmp/cronout 2>&1" to your cronjob
2213[14:07:48] <Stummi> for testing purposes
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2223[14:11:38] <disho> Stummi, testing is done and output is
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2225[14:11:56] <Stummi> disho, but the file is there?
2226[14:12:03] *** Quits: catpoop (~mnrmnaugh@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2227[14:12:04] <Stummi> what makes you think it didn't
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2241[14:15:24] <disho> Stummi, output file created by is empty!
2242[14:15:52] <Stummi> disho, well, I don't know network
manager but I would assume if theres no output it just did what you
2243[14:15:52] <disho> Stummi, problem is not solve
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2246[14:16:10] <disho> Stummi,
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2250[14:17:38] <Stummi> disho, well, this seems to solve your
problem, doesn't it?
2251[14:17:44] <disho> Stummi, if i run this command on bash
script or on terminal, It`s OK...
2252[14:17:54] <disho> NO.
2253[14:17:58] <teraflops> ereplaced-url
2254[14:18:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1680
2255[14:18:22] <Stummi> disho, have you tried to look at
nm-settings as the post says?
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2257[14:19:16] <disho> Stummi, my problem not about password!
[only disable or enable wifi connection]
2258[14:21:12] <Stummi> I would assume you need some password to
do that
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2262[14:22:10] <Stummi> disho, but I can't help you any
further, I am not a user of NM, your crontab entry seems to be
right, so its a problem with the nm tool itself
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2268[14:24:51] <disho> Stummi, thx for your time... any
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2283[14:30:02] <antena-cli> What is the package responsible for
USB sticks (to eject and stuff)?
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2293[14:31:49] <teraflops> antena-cli: what's your issue?
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2311[14:35:24] <antena-cli> Every time I put a large file in my
USB stick and I eject it, it keeps copying. That's normal, I
see no problem in it. The problem is that Debian don't show a
message telling me I can take the USB stick out when it's done
copying. I need to be watching Nautilus to see if the USB stick
disapears or I need to be checking with lsblk.
2312[14:36:14] <markybob> antena-cli: just type sync and once
sync ends you know it's done
2313[14:36:50] <teraflops> antena-cli: are you using gnome?
2314[14:36:56] <frostschutz> in the terminal it would be when
umount is done... in a GUI it depends on the desktop environment how
it visualizes things
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2316[14:39:03] <antena-cli> teraflops: No. Cinnamon.
2317[14:39:13] <teraflops> antena-cli: gnome tells you when is
safe to release the stick (or I'n mad) using the notification
daemon. so if youre using nautilus in a wm and/or you don't
have a nitification demon this could be the issue
2318[14:40:20] <teraflops> antena-cli: im not use to cinnanmon.
does it have a filebrowser? are the notifications working there?
2319[14:40:56] <teraflops> used* sorry for all the typos
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2321[14:42:10] <antena-cli> teraflops: I think the filebrowser is
Nautilus. It has a notification. I'll try unset Ignore
transient notifications to see if it tell me something.
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2324[14:42:32] <antena-cli> markybob, teraflops, thanks!
2325[14:42:35] *** Quits: antena-cli (~kvirc@replaced-ip##) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium ##replaced-url
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2330[14:45:04] <kenifanying> Hi, I turn on the option "Run a
custom command instead of my shell" in gnome-terminal, and set
the custom command to "env TERM=xterm-256color /bin/bash"
to get the full 256 color. But "open in terminal" action
in nautilus will will not behavior correctly, it always open the
home directory, any suggestion?
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2338[14:50:40] <Slimmy> hello guys. I have installed
pepperflashplugin-nonfree but chromium still wont detect it. when
going on a site that needs it I get "Install adobe flash
player". I also tried installing afp but it wouldnt work
either. any ideas?
2339[14:52:08] <tnick42> Hi. I just tried to configure logrotate
and then manually started it with /etc/sbin/logrotate
/etc/logrotate.conf. It throwed no error... but the logfiles kept
unchanged. I expected to see some history-files in the log-directory
and the log-files to be cropped instantly...
2340[14:52:33] <kenifanying> Slimmy, see
2341[14:53:00] <Slimmy> kenifanying: on it. thanks
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2344[14:53:10] <DexterF> hi
2345[14:53:32] <tonk> DexterF, hello
2346[14:53:45] <DexterF> have a problem with one package,
2347[14:54:19] <DexterF> I have to keep the wheezy package in
jessie and reinstall it over the jessie package after eah upgrade
2348[14:54:45] *** Quits: Spr1ng (~Spr1ng@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2349[14:54:55] <abrotman> dpkg: tell DexterF about hold
2350[14:54:59] <DexterF> there is somethign wit a Qt function
call that breaks due to a name change. I run kodi media center from
jessie backports mainly
2351[14:55:01] *** Quits: utlemming (~ben@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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2355[14:56:10] <DexterF> abrotman: not a good solution. sooner or
later other programs will start running into the issue. not quit
esure how to approach that
2356[14:56:21] <abrotman> then get it fixed
2357[14:56:27] <abrotman> file a bug, get it fixed
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2359[14:57:08] <wewlad> hi, could anyone, please, remind me how
to tie some specific shell to a user?
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2362[14:57:46] <wewlad> also, please, remind me what's an
ancient and outdated tool out of these two: adduser, useradd?
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2364[14:59:38] <gluon> wewlad: debian favours the use of adduser
2365[14:59:47] <bezaban> wewlad: none of them really. adduser is
a script that uses useradd
2366[15:00:07] <bezaban> wewlad: and chsh for changing shell
2367[15:00:18] <gluon> but yeah, it's mostly up your
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2369[15:00:41] <wewlad> gluon: bezaban: thank you both
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2373[15:02:16] <bezaban> otoh I guess you could call both of them
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2375[15:02:22] <bezaban> ancient
2376[15:02:26] <Slimmy> Guys. I can't believe I can't
solve something this simple. I downloaded adobe flash player tar.gz.
Ran tar xzfv and decompressed. did sudo cp -r ./usr* /usr and then
sudo cp /usr/lib/mozilla/browser/plugins. But I
still can't get to use adobe flash player. I restarted firefox.
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2380[15:03:01] <gluon> adduser is interactive by default, it asks
you all the information instead of you having to supply it on the
command line
2381[15:03:13] <gluon> so one could say it's a bit easier to
2382[15:03:42] <gluon> i like useradd better, because it gives me
more control
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2386[15:05:09] <DexterF> abrotman: hold wants to uninstall libs
I've never heard about marked {u}. {u}nneeded?
2387[15:05:22] *** Quits: apt (ibot@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2388[15:05:22] <abrotman> DexterF: Have you filed a bug on the
package yet?
2389[15:05:34] <wewlad> is it okay that /etc/shells contains 2
paths to zsh? /bin/zsh and /usr/bin/zsh
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2392[15:06:06] <wewlad> I did 'chsh -s zsh user', it
prompted a password, I entered it and then I got 'chsh: zsh is
an invalid shell'
2393[15:06:17] <DexterF> abrotman: wanted to, reportbug is not
happy with my mail provider.
2394[15:06:28] <wewlad> so then I 'man chsh' and there
read about -s option more carefully
2395[15:06:28] *** Joins: apt (ibot@replaced-ip)
2396[15:06:55] <wewlad> and the man says that it should be enough
to specify just the name of the shell if that shell is present in
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2399[15:07:57] <abrotman> DexterF: you can use webmail
2400[15:08:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1701
2401[15:09:21] <OnkelTem> aypea[1]: back to reboot + ssh: killing
nicely does matter because then my script awaits for a host to boot
up, but my script hangs expecting the output of ssh command
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2406[15:12:03] <tnick42> found conclusion in
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2409[15:14:14] <wewlad> is it true that the output of
'mount' is just a differently parsed output of 'cat
2410[15:14:15] <aypea[1]> OnkelTem: ah. hrm. I see why you might
be annoyed. two choices as near as I can see: 'shutdown -r
+1' or '(sleep $x; shutdown -r now) &' where x is
however many seconds you want to wait/need to wait.
2411[15:14:28] <aypea[1]> OnkelTem: the first one will wait a
2412[15:14:46] <OnkelTem> aypea[1]: wait, it seems 'shutdown
-r 0' just worked!
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2415[15:15:10] <aypea[1]> OnkelTem: interesting. I wonder what
the difference is.
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2417[15:15:21] <aypea[1]> OnkelTem: unless 'reboot' is
more violent.
2418[15:15:22] <OnkelTem> perhaps that's because it has some
output which my script expects
2419[15:15:25] <Slimmy> why cant i find
browser-plugin-freshplayer-pepperflash package?
2420[15:15:44] <OnkelTem> aypea[1]: well, I read in man pages
that reboot w/o flags just calls shutdown
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2422[15:16:01] <aypea[1]> OnkelTem: yeah. oddness.
2423[15:16:10] <themill> Slimmy: where have you looked?
2424[15:16:29] <Slimmy> themill: apt-get, synaptic and aptitude
2425[15:17:17] <themill> which release...
2426[15:17:32] <Slimmy> wheezy
2427[15:17:42] <aypea[1]> Slimmy:
2428[15:17:55] *** Joins: eladhen (~eladhen@replaced-ip)
2429[15:17:56] <themill> it doesn't exist for wheezy. You
don't run a release that is on life support if you want the
newest packages.
2430[15:18:30] <aypea[1]> it's not even in jessie,
2431[15:18:39] *** Joins: TyrfingMjolnir (~Tyrfing@replaced-ip)
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2436[15:22:23] <holms> anyone familiar with duplicity? please..
small kittens are dying here
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2439[15:23:29] <srg> I seem to be missing the proper outlines for
html text boxes, checkboxes/radio buttons, and the save dialogs look
all messed up in firefox:
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2461[15:32:51] <themill> srg: stretch?
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2466[15:35:18] <holms> anyone familiar with duplicity?
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2475[15:39:23] <srg> themill: uh, it's on testing, yeah. I
installed ff from the tarball, not from the package. I think
I'm missing some gtk library or something.
2476[15:40:11] <themill> There's not much we can do to help
you with firefox from a tarball, but there were people complaining
about recent gtk3 with firefox in #debian-next on
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2482[15:41:22] <srg> themill: Ok, thanks. I just asked in here
because I thought it might be some missing gtk library package, not
ff itself, but I'll check it out
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2496[15:47:10] <DexterF> would someone know something like
MusicPD? it turns out not to be maintainable
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2500[15:49:26] <xreal> I've just installed
"glances" with bottle, but I'm getting
"CRITICAL: Bottle module not found. Glances cannot start in web
server mode" - anyone with an idea?
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2511[15:52:35] <xreal> got it working
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2526[16:00:39] <zq> is down?
2527[16:01:51] <themill> no
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2529[16:02:14] <zq> can't seem to apt-get update from inside
my chroot
2530[16:02:39] <alchemistswl> can you ping outside?
2531[16:02:48] <zq> yes
2532[16:03:11] <zq> but apt-get stalls at 'Get [0%
2533[16:03:25] <alchemistswl> ipv6?
2534[16:03:33] <zq> god i hope not
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2536[16:03:49] <zq> i just nuked it and re-debootstrapped
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2538[16:04:29] <alchemistswl> I had some ipv6 related issues with
chroot. But meh, doesnt mean you have to.
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2545[16:07:27] <zq> well it works again anyhow
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2558[16:10:59] <zq> oh god not again
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2561[16:11:53] <zq> oh i see, it's the stale
/etc/resolv.conf left from the previous boot
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2600[16:32:41] <srg> I accidentally made a symlink in my homedir
that points to ".": lrwxrwxrwx 1 tuf83079 203766 1 May 2
10:31 wp-httpdocs -> .
2601[16:32:58] <srg> When I try to rm it, it asks if I want to
descend and delete all my stuff in the homedir
2602[16:33:02] <srg> I just wanna delete the link
2603[16:33:05] <srg> How can I do that?
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2617[16:39:04] <zq> srg: rm wp-httpdocs
2618[16:39:08] <zq> does that not work?
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2645[16:50:25] <Cuby96> .
2646[16:50:31] <srg> zq: oops, I was using tab completion which
was adding the trailing slash
2647[16:50:38] <srg> zq: it worked without the slash, thanks!
2648[16:51:16] <Cuby96> Hi there having an issue with wine and
debian jessie, it says wrong exe-format, can someone help me with
that issue?
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2650[16:51:26] <johnfg> hi guys
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2652[16:51:50] <johnfg> I've got most of the wrinkles ironed
out on my system, but still have this one.
2653[16:52:27] <johnfg> This is from cron.daily: run-parts:
/etc/cron.daily/exim4-base exited with return code 123.
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2656[16:53:03] <johnfg> The rest of mail, whether through mutt or
icedove seems to be fine, but I'd like to correct this.
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2664[16:55:17] <dwarfmut> hello guys
2665[16:55:35] <dwarfmut> somebody here use macbook?
2666[16:56:20] <bazhang> yeah
2667[16:56:31] <bazhang> the mbp
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2679[17:01:41] <Cuby96> could anyone help me with my issue?
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2689[17:05:20] <donofrio> is this still neded when we are running these days -
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2691[17:06:10] <vegardx> Lets pretend (or not) that I've
installed multiple machines with grub2 on a partitionless disk and
that has naturally failed after an upgrade. Can I just add another
small disk, make it bootable and install grub2 on that?
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2702[17:10:52] <aphorise> Is there an easy way to mimic systemv /
systemd as per default jessie minimal image using docker? - I'm
adding services via `update-rc.d TEST defaults` where after I can do
`sudo service TEST start` from within the image but it doesnt get
started as I expected similar to when a system is booted.
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2733[17:18:22] <jordanm> aphorise: i'm sure you can
accomplish that in some way, but it does sound like a docker
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sound did you figure out a way to get it working?
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2745[17:19:34] <aphorise> jordanm sure - I'm trying to
figure out how though.
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2997[17:28:51] <eveau> bonjour
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2999[17:29:20] <eveau> j'aimerai me connecter en wifi via
mon debian en mode console
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3001[17:29:28] <eveau> savez-vous se que je dois faire ?
3002[17:29:48] <greycat> !fr
3003[17:29:48] <dpkg> Pour l'aide en francais, veuillez
rejoindre le canal #debian-fr. Francophone users: for help in
french, please go to #debian-fr.
3004[17:30:11] <greycat> Hmmm, looks like it's actually
#debianfr now.
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3006[17:30:38] <greycat> dpkg, fr =~ s/debian-fr/debianfr/g
3007[17:30:38] <dpkg> OK, greycat
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3021[17:34:34] <dimitry7> hey guys
3022[17:34:44] <dimitry7> im getting this error:
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3025[17:35:02] <dimitry7> using lynx from debian 6, but I have
many debian 6 servers and I can access to that file from all except
this one
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3028[17:35:07] <dimitry7> what can be wrong?
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3030[17:35:30] <greycat> Yeah, good luck getting ANY of the text
mode browsers (lynx, elinks) to work properly now.
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3041[17:37:39] <brigo> dimitry7, https connection it looks like:
"Unable to make secure connection to remote host."
3042[17:37:52] <brigo> can't you use http?
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3045[17:38:08] <greycat> In the last year there have been so many
changes to https, and to the libraries that implement it. And
lynx/elinks use libgnutls which apparently has many issues with
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3049[17:39:04] <dimitry7> greycat, wow didn't know that
3050[17:39:07] <dimitry7> brigo, sure let me check
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3052[17:39:53] <greycat> That's why I get so frustrated when
J. Random N00b uses Yet Another Godawful HTTPS Pastebin site. (Yours
was fine, though.)
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3087[17:52:22] <vegardx> Do you have ca-certificatas package
installed, dimitry7?
3088[17:52:34] <greycat> He's also on squeeze, so...
3089[17:53:16] <vegardx> Kids that were born when it came out are
starting to use the Internet.
3090[17:53:42] <dimitry7> vegardx, yup: ca-certificates is
already the newest version.
3091[17:53:58] <dimitry7> greycat, yes, although the other
servers can access the file, so it's weird
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3094[17:54:09] <dimitry7> i've compared the ssl packages
installed and they are fine.
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3096[17:54:18] <vegardx> But use curl or wget. Save yourself some
3097[17:54:42] <dimitry7> well, the issue is with get
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3100[17:55:16] <greycat> Why are you doing this on squeeze?
3101[17:55:29] <vegardx> Anything related to TLS is going to be
like a swiss cheese on squeeze.
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3105[17:56:19] <dimitry7> greycat, oh Ihaven't upgraded
because here the DBA's use some shit with firebird and until
they finish testing, I need to keep squeeze
3106[17:56:26] <dimitry7> but on the server side I have Jessie
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3108[17:56:31] <OnkelTem> Folks, I'd like to configure a
low-production Debian 8 VPS with Xorg server so that my kids can
join it and do some tasks. How can I organize interaction with the
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3115[17:57:47] <OnkelTem> My first thought was using some Win32
Xserver, but I'm unsure is it the best option and which server
to pick
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3119[17:59:51] <dimitry7> greycat, I reinstalled openssl too
3120[18:00:04] <greycat> because...?
3121[18:00:12] *** Joins: danijoo (~danijoo@replaced-ip)
3122[18:00:17] <greycat> Seriously, why do you expect ANY of this
to work?
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3126[18:01:03] <greycat> I'd make the squeeze boxes ssh to a
jessie box to retrieve the https crap.
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3129[18:01:47] <greycat> lynx on squeeze is also linked with
libgnutls (/usr/lib/
3130[18:02:04] <greycat> reinstalling a library that it
doesn't even use (openssl) is pretty silly
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3135[18:03:57] <alchemistswl> OnkelTem you might want to look
into NX
3136[18:03:59] <alchemistswl> was easy to setup
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3150[18:06:34] <wooden_> testing current has gnutls 30 in it, but
the -dev package is for 28. i need to build something against the 30
version. should i download the source .deb and just put the headers
in place manually, or is there a cleaner way to do this?
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3153[18:07:09] <jak2013> for install ufw apt-get install ufw not
3154[18:07:13] <jak2013> how to install?
3155[18:07:13] <greycat> ,v libgnutls30-dev
3156[18:07:15] <judd> No package named
'libgnutls30-dev' was found in amd64.
3157[18:07:21] <jak2013> i want open the port 8006 how to?
3158[18:07:57] <babilen> jak2013: It shouldn't be closed by
3159[18:08:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1661
3160[18:08:03] <greycat> *shrug* ask the testing support channel,
3161[18:08:15] <babilen> (#debian-next on
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3165[18:08:44] <wooden_> greycat, babilen: thank you
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3174[18:11:51] <zykotick9> jak2013: 1st i'd like to issue
caution using ufw, but ymmv. are you running debian stable? as ufw
is a package in main... so my follow up (assuming stable) did you
install without internet? if so, your /etc/apt/sources.list would be
"broken"... can you install other packages?
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3179[18:13:05] <babilen> zykotick9: jak2013 decided to move over
to #debian-next (presumably because (s)he is using testing or
3180[18:13:17] <zykotick9> babilen: ahhh, thanks.
3181[18:13:27] <babilen> np, all valid questions/remarks :)
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3184[18:14:24] <babilen> Just didn't want to create too much
of a schism
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3224[18:27:34] <debian_upgr> hi there
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3226[18:28:25] <debian_upgr> Hi there, I'm trying to upgrade
from trisquel to debian. Does anyone know what should I do with held
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3228[18:28:36] <pharpend> "upgrade" =p
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3234[18:29:04] <pharpend> I don't know the answer to your
question, I just thought your phrasing was funny
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3237[18:29:27] <debian_upgr> when I hit dist-upgrade it tells me
there are no needed packages and held packages
3238[18:29:27] <Zurok> debian_upgr: Hi.
3239[18:29:35] <debian_upgr> and its a big nuisance
3240[18:30:14] <Zurok> debian_upgr: You can't upgrade.
3241[18:30:23] <Zurok> From one distro to another like that.
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3245[18:30:33] <Zurok> At least not from Trisquel to Debian.
3246[18:31:07] <debian_upgr> I thought debian based where all
interchangable with it
3247[18:31:07] *** Quits: tmladek (~T@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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3249[18:31:15] <pharpend> The differences between the two are I
guess stark enough
3250[18:31:40] <Zurok> It's better to fresh install Debian.
3251[18:31:42] *** Joins: tmladek (~T@replaced-ip)
3252[18:31:52] <debian_upgr> So now I've got a wholly
screwed broken system?
3253[18:31:55] <pharpend> Zurok: Why wouldn't one be able to
do so? I agree with your interpretation, I'm just curious,
3254[18:31:59] <pharpend> debian_upgr: more or less =p
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3257[18:32:16] <pharpend> Zurok: I suppose Trisquel would have
apparmor et al, and perhaps a different base system?
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3261[18:32:45] <greycat> Upgrading a package from version A to
version B requires some knowledge of what version A *did*, which
Debian's version B cannot know if A didn't come from
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3263[18:32:53] <greycat> Now multiply that by a thousand
3264[18:32:59] <pharpend> I see
3265[18:33:01] <Zurok> ^
3266[18:33:14] <debian_upgr> I see... ok guys, thank you. You
helped me deciding! Good-bye!
3267[18:33:17] *** Quits: astrofog (~astrofog@replaced-ip) (Quit: Quite)
3268[18:33:33] <pharpend> I used Arch for the longest time, so
concerns about breaking one's system were not a top priority =p
3269[18:33:49] <debian_upgr> LOL
3270[18:34:06] <Zurok> Debian>Ubuntu>Trisquel
3271[18:34:12] <debian_upgr> indeed
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3282[18:36:15] <Gill> Hey guys anyone have experience with Debian
hanging on boot with “A start job is running for LSB: Raise
network interf”? Its running on AWS so I dont really have much
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3284[18:36:34] <shingouz> this is not strictly debian suppert,
but do you guys have an idea what to use. i would need an infinite
loop of an oncoming starfield at warp speed, kinda like you would
see looking through the "windscreen" of the enterprise
going at full tilt. hints appreciated
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3291[18:38:46] <sweb> my mail server is not same server with bind
how can i set PTR record on server when dont have bind service ?
3292[18:38:48] <teraflops> Gill: something is stuck at network
target. dhcp request, borked network configuration or something like
3293[18:38:58] *** Quits: Guest51105 (~rage@replaced-ip) (Quit: Quitte)
3294[18:39:13] <greycat> You set the PTR records in your domain,
wherever that is served from.
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3297[18:39:56] <greycat> Or... actually, those go in the
*reverse* domain ( which may not even
be under your direct control.
3298[18:39:56] <sweb> greycat: so i dont need set bind reverse
zone ?
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3300[18:40:17] <Gill> teraflops: anyway to boot the system then?
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3302[18:40:25] <Gill> should i just reboot a frew times and hope
it comes up?
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3304[18:41:20] <teraflops> Gill: no idea about AWS
3305[18:41:22] <jelly> shingouz: like... a screensaver?
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3309[18:41:50] <Gill> teraflops: ah ok cool thanks fo ryour help
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3314[18:42:49] <shingouz> jelly: about that way. any way to grab
the output into some image or video format?
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3322[18:46:53] <shingouz> jelly: to answer myself, after figuring
out the almost correct quiestion, google spat out blender doing some
particle animation. now i "just" need to grok blender
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3330[18:50:50] <jelly> shingouz: /usr/lib/xscreensaver/rocks has
asteroids not stars
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3333[18:53:42] <OnkelTem> alchemistswl: thanks!
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3339[18:56:49] <shingouz> oops. also gravit might fit the bill
after a bit of tweaking for the oncoming strafield generation
3340[18:57:01] <shingouz> s/strafield/starfield/
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