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2[00:00:36] <markybob> wewlad:
3[00:00:39] <frostschutz> wewlad, I'm sure this is
explained on a hundred wiki/blogs better than I could
4[00:00:43] <markybob> ssh doesn't really change :P
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6[00:01:11] <frostschutz> just if you copy private keys around
they may no longer be really private... usually each client
generates their own key and then you just copy the pub key
(ssh-copy-id user@host or manually)
7[00:01:14] <wewlad> now I used my debian box to connect to
that hosting by ssh (without importing anything), upon connecting it
said that 'the authenticity of host blabla can't be
established, rsa key fingerprint is ab:23:..:3d and asked me whether
I'm sure I want to connect, I wrote 'yes' and it
warned that permanently added blabla (rsa) to the list of known
hosts, and asked for the password. I typed-in that password I
generated and it doesn't let me in.
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11[00:01:49] <markybob> wewlad: why are you using keys with
12[00:02:01] *** Joins: nebg_ (~nebg@replaced-ip)
13[00:02:05] <wewlad> because the gui prompted to generate a
14[00:02:08] <frostschutz> it's probably asking you for
regular password authentication, not using your key
15[00:02:28] <markybob> wewlad: well fuck the gui. follow the
guide i gave you
16[00:02:36] <wewlad> that's what confused me: why a
password if the key itself should be a password
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19[00:02:52] <frostschutz> wewlad, what's the exact
message? Enter passphrase for key `/path/to/id_rsa`: or similar?
20[00:03:49] <wewlad> frostschutz: no, it's
'username@hostname's password:'
21[00:04:10] <frostschutz> wewlad, ssh will refuse to use keys
if they're not in the correct location / don't have the
correct permissions. if your .ssh dir or keyfile has the wrong
owner, or world readable permissions, it won't work
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23[00:04:22] <frostschutz> wewlad, you're not using a key
24[00:04:31] <wewlad> frostschutz: I didn't copy anything
25[00:04:39] <TomTomTosch> gobelin789, i've seen a patch
somewhere in the BTS.
26[00:04:51] <wewlad> I just typed ssh
27[00:04:53] <markybob> wewlad: follow the guide. please.
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29[00:05:19] <frostschutz> ssh -vvv might also be more
informative, as would be the server sshd logs if you had access to
30[00:05:39] <markybob> fuck it. i give up
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33[00:06:21] <TomTomTosch> gobelin789, here >>>
34[00:06:22] <judd> Bug
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37[00:06:58] <TomTomTosch> gobelin789, not sure if it works.
maintainer seems to be no help.
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42[00:08:02] <gobelin789> TomTomTosch, ah thanks. I'll try
it out
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46[00:09:23] <TomTomTosch> gobelin789, i hope you'll
report back then. would be interesting to know if we can recommend
this. ;D
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52[00:11:02] <wewlad> weird shit, turns out I just needed to
use my hosting's password
53[00:11:23] <wewlad> no need to create any keys, no need for
extra passwords...
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61[00:16:15] <markybob> wow
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69[00:18:50] <frostschutz> wewlad, if you want to stick to
regular passwords, make sure it's a good one ;)
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71[00:19:26] <wewlad> wait, I'm less secure if I use
password instead of keys?
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79[00:20:03] <wewlad> I think I'll follow markybob's
tutorial then
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86[00:20:55] <nander> Hi
87[00:21:07] <nander> Does anyone know how to install debian on
a computer with a modern (Nvidia 970) graphics card?
88[00:21:26] <gobelin789> TomTomTosch, well, there's a lot
of complaining about this (annoying) message and the author seems
not to lift a finger to fix it. The simplest solution for me was to
download a newer version of xscreensaver and install it. Not the
Debian way...but now I got rid of this inappropriate message. Thanks
for the link :)
89[00:21:28] <nander> It felll back to an ancient resolution
90[00:21:45] <vook> !nvidia
91[00:21:45] <dpkg> Where possible, Nvidia graphic processing
units are supported using the open source <nouveau> driver on
Debian systems by default. To install the proprietary
"nvidia" driver, see
92[00:22:14] <nander> I found those links, they aren't
working for my setup
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95[00:22:41] <nander> Using recommended settings ended for me
with a not-working installation and an attempt installing Ubuntu,
which interestingly also failed
96[00:22:57] <nander> It seems linux support for Nvidia 9xx
graphics cards is really poor
97[00:23:06] <vook> If I couldn't get that to work,
I'd go the unsupported route, which consequently cannot be
discussed here...
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101[00:24:10] * nander sighs
102[00:24:34] <vook> thems the rules
103[00:24:35] <nander> All I want is a tidy OS with a package
manager and a tiling window manager
104[00:24:55] <nander> If windows had a 10% more open approach I
would have been fine with it
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106[00:25:09] <nander> But no, you get an atrocious window
manager and no way to fix it
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113[00:26:38] <vook> really, the unsupported method usually
works, you can just go to the vendor website. Packages won't
auto update and a new kernel will break X, but as long as you are
prepared for that (and the debian methods don't work), may as
well try.
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116[00:27:15] <TomTomTosch> i would try the one packaged in
debian first.
117[00:27:25] <vook> I think nander already tried that
118[00:27:46] <nander> You mean the nouveau one or the nvidia
119[00:27:53] <vook> nander, you could look into backports, they
may have a more recent version of the module that supports your
120[00:28:14] <nander> I tried the one in non-free
121[00:28:27] <vook> !backports
122[00:28:28] <dpkg> A backport is a package from a newer Debian
branch, compiled from source for an older branch to avoid dependency
and <ABI> complications.
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126[00:29:14] <wewlad> markybob: hey, is that your guide or not?
127[00:29:33] <nander> I'll need to reinstall my debian
anyway, it's incredibly broken
128[00:29:37] <markybob> wewlad: i didn't write it, no. but
it's correct in everything it says
129[00:29:47] <nander> My bios skips to windows after a minute
of waiting
130[00:30:00] <markybob> wewlad: why is your tone attacking now?
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132[00:31:30] <wewlad> markybob: my tone is attacking? :) no,
man, it's just an opener for further questions I hope
you'll answer :) the explanation there is a bit confusing to
me: after the 'ssh-keygen -t …' command I'm
asked to enter the passphrase (optional) - is that equal to setting
a password to the key files?
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134[00:32:23] <markybob> wewlad: you won't need to enter a
password to ssh in. you use this to help with encryption of the key.
it is a bit confusing i guess
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136[00:32:35] <wewlad> so do I need a passphrase?
137[00:32:50] <vook> I usually just hit enter through that, no
138[00:32:52] <markybob> wewlad: enter a passphrase
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148[00:34:19] <wewlad> markybob: also about the '-C
"…"' part: what is that comment for? for this
machine I'm typing all that on or for the target server I
intend to connect to? Sorry, I'm a total dumbo.
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151[00:35:00] <markybob> wewlad: doesn't really matter at
all. put in your email address
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162[00:37:18] <wewlad> markybob: I'm usually su'ed,
but I feel like I'd better create the keys from under a plain
user, not root. Right?
163[00:37:36] <markybob> wewlad: correct. normal user
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165[00:38:11] <wewlad> but if I do so - I'd probably need
to copy /user/.ssh/id_rsa to /root/.ssh/id_rsa so that I could
connect from under su, right?
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167[00:38:40] <wewlad> [I wish someone would create very
detailed guides for dumbtards like me]
168[00:38:53] <markybob> wewlad: no. you connect as regular user
and then sudo or su after connecting. dont mess with /root/.ssh
169[00:39:21] <wewlad> markybob: I'll connect to the shared
hosting, I doubt they grant root access there
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171[00:40:30] <markybob> wewlad: the only other thing
you'll probably need to do is add yourself to sudo group or
visudo. if you don't want to su all the time
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175[00:40:46] <wewlad> I prefer su over sudo
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179[00:41:37] <wewlad> also, where to specify the length of the
key? what's the default one?
180[00:42:06] <markybob> default is 2048
181[00:42:07] <TomTomTosch> 2048 iirc. it asks you while you
generate it.
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186[00:43:02] <markybob> smoke break
187[00:44:06] <vook> I think you're overthinking this
wewlad, you can just 'ssh-keygen' (enter through it), copy
~/.ssh/ (via pasting or scp) to the target, then append or
create (on the target host), .ssh/authorized_keys2, adding the
contents of
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189[00:44:54] <vook> as long as perms and ownership are correct,
and ssh allows log in with keys, it'll work.
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220[00:56:34] <jim> whew... I thought I lost the fresh new amd64
jessie I installed yesterday... I didn't, and I'm running
it now
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267[01:16:03] <aer> is there something in debian stopping php
from using shell_exec() ?
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272[01:17:13] <pugfantus> aer : look at your php.ini
273[01:17:49] <pugfantus> aer: disable_functions
<-- you'll probably see something like that
274[01:18:22] <aer> it only lists lots of pcntl ones
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278[01:18:55] <pugfantus> is safe_mode on?
279[01:19:04] <pugfantus> ; When safe_mode is on, only
executables located in the safe_mode_exec_dir; will be allowed to be
executed via the exec family of functions.
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285[01:20:00] <aer> how do I find out? the ini doesn't
mention, and php -c php.ini -i doesn't list anything about safe
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289[01:20:57] <pugfantus>
290[01:21:11] <aer> oh the zend site says it was removed in 5.4.
I'm running 5.6
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294[01:22:31] <aer> someone on a forum was suggesting that maybe
debian chroots and shell_exec might not be able to run any system
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296[01:23:16] <pugfantus> Warning - This feature has been
DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0 and REMOVED as of PHP 5.4.0. <-- ha, I
can't read
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298[01:23:32] <pugfantus> that could be an issue too
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300[01:23:46] <pugfantus> you'd have to move the binaries
into the chroot
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303[01:24:15] <aer> I tried copying /usr/bin/whoami to
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307[01:26:32] <markybob> aer: you should be asking #php
308[01:26:42] <markybob> ##php to be exact
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311[01:26:56] <aer> sounded like a debian thing. anyway
it's an invite only channel or something
312[01:27:11] <markybob> aer: no it's not. if you do ##php
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314[01:27:41] <aer> wants me to register the nick. meh. think
I'll just continue googling :)
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317[01:28:08] <markybob> sure. registering a nick is terrible
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319[01:28:21] <aer> spot on
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324[01:33:31] <wewlad> markybob: that concept doesn't work
for me :(
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327[01:34:38] <wewlad> your guide says I need to import only
public key to the other side, but the gui suggest to import only the
pair(priv(+passphrase)+pub) at once
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334[01:36:26] <TomTomTosch> there is a gui for doing this?
335[01:36:34] <markybob> wewlad: i don't know what gui
think you keep mentioning so i can't help you
336[01:36:41] <markybob> thing*
337[01:36:49] *** Quits: kiao2938 (~mj@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
338[01:36:51] <wewlad> cPanel
339[01:36:58] <vook> wo
340[01:37:01] <wewlad> administrator panel for managing hosting
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343[01:37:15] <markybob> why? when i told you how to do it
without it? the right way?
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345[01:37:36] <wewlad> I got stuck on the scp step: do I need to
use regular login+password there?
346[01:37:43] <markybob> yes
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348[01:38:12] <vook> you don't even need to scp, you can
just copy from one term ( and paste into the other
349[01:38:49] <freq> ahah
350[01:38:54] <wewlad> scp is secure copy, is the
local file with public key, the source of copy, but what will be the
destination of the copy?
351[01:39:15] <freq> new take on distros:
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358[01:40:02] <jmcnaught> wewlad: you can use
"ssh-copy-id" to copy the public key to the server. For
example "ssh-copy-id". It will ask
for your login password, copy the key and tell you to try connecting
over SSH again (which shouldn't ask for a password this time)
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361[01:41:05] <wewlad> jmcnaught: copy where?
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365[01:41:55] <wewlad> I don't own the server, I only have
access to some space there, so when you say copy to server - please
provide the correct path
366[01:42:07] <vook> wewlad: there, it's majick -
ssh-copy-id yourusername@targethost
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368[01:42:17] <wewlad> or is ~/.ssh/ is the globally assumed
default dir?
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371[01:42:50] <jmcnaught> wewlad: you have an account on the
server right?
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373[01:43:10] <wewlad> yes
374[01:43:16] <freq> pew pew pew
375[01:43:47] <jmcnaught> wewlad: you can log into the server
with a password? Your user on the server has a home directory. In
that home directory is a .ssh directory, with a file called
authorized_keys. The public keys listed in that file are allowed to
log in for that user.
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377[01:44:52] <jim> the usuall thing is to textually append the
public key to that file
378[01:45:05] <jmcnaught> wewlad: ssh-copy-id (which has a man
page) merely automates the process of copying your SSH public key to
the /home/username/.ssh/authorized_keys file
379[01:45:05] <wewlad> what's the difference between
authorized_keys and authorized_keys2?
380[01:45:23] <jim> 2?
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382[01:45:42] <vook> ssh version perhaps?
383[01:45:58] <vook> I think they're generally
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385[01:46:17] <jmcnaught> wewlad: sounds like a non-Debian
thing, or the result of a typo. there's also a man page for
"authorized_keys", and the ssh command too
386[01:46:49] <vook> apparently authorized_keys2 is deprecated,
but still functional...
387[01:47:01] <jmcnaught> hmm... i guess "man
authorized_keys" is just the man page for sshd, but still
388[01:47:02] <vook> wow, since 2001.
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391[01:48:20] <wewlad> seems like markybob's tutorial
worked, but now I have to write-in pass-phrase each time, since both
my regular account password and passphrase are randomly generated
symbols - for me the connection looks the same way, so what's
the gain? is it secure this way when I use keys+passphrase instead
of account's login+password?
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393[01:49:00] <wewlad> is it more secure this way*
394[01:49:04] *** Parts: gpai (~guru@replaced-ip)
395[01:49:17] <TomTomTosch> it makes sure that the correct human
is using the key.
396[01:49:37] <jmcnaught> wewlad: you can put a passphrase on an
SSH key, or not (it's optional). You can also use ssh-agent to
keep the passphrase in memory, so you only have to type it once per
session. Also consider using a password manager like Keepassx
397[01:49:37] <wewlad> nno
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399[01:50:21] <wewlad> passwordopocalypse
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401[01:50:48] <TomTomTosch> but... we told you that you
don't need to add a password...
402[01:51:04] <wewlad> markybob said I should use passphrase :D
403[01:51:15] <wewlad> I wish I could at least paste it
404[01:51:37] <wewlad> oh, wait, I can!
405[01:51:38] <TomTomTosch> redo it... it takes one minute.
406[01:52:52] <freq> i always make my pass "assword"
407[01:52:58] <freq> even here on freenode
408[01:53:09] <wewlad> how do I transfer files
localPC>remoteSSH when I'm logged into ssh?
409[01:53:17] <cafuego> it's too easy to guess, I use
410[01:53:25] <freq> oh cool
411[01:53:31] <vook> zmodem
412[01:53:43] <vook> kidding, but it actually does work.
413[01:53:52] <cafuego> wewlad: easiest would be to just use scp
414[01:53:54] <wewlad> I know how to use scp
415[01:54:00] <jmcnaught> wewlad: use sftp if the server
supports it, or scp (which has syntax very similar to cp)
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417[01:54:35] <wewlad> does scp work from the state when
I'm logged into ssh?
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420[01:55:16] <jmcnaught> wewlad: you probably want to use it
from the client computer. sometihng like "scp somefile"
421[01:55:17] <cafuego> wewlad: it will create a new connection
422[01:55:47] <cafuego> wewlad: But, it uses the ssh agent for
authentication, so you needn't re-enter passwords etc.
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424[01:56:07] <wewlad> jmcnaught: that works outside of
ssh-session, I'm asking for a way to send files to the ssh
server when I'm already connected
425[01:56:33] <wewlad> I'd like to escape retyping the
ssh.key's password again and again
426[01:56:49] <TomTomTosch> wewlad, no.
427[01:56:50] <wewlad> I'd like to log into ssh once and do
the damn file operations back and forward!
428[01:56:53] <jmcnaught> wewlad: i think ssh-agent has been
mentioned a few times already
429[01:56:59] <cafuego> wewlad: Make sure the ssh agent runs, so
you don't have to.
430[01:56:59] <wewlad> LEEEENOOOOOOKS
431[01:57:15] <cafuego> wewlad: eval `ssh-agent`; ssh-add
432[01:57:28] <wewlad> cafuego: what's that?
433[01:57:30] <TomTomTosch> welad, sshfs. keys withoug pw,
ssd-agent. pick one. we told you already.
434[01:57:44] <cafuego> wewlad: what you should run to stop
getting prompted for the key password over and over.
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437[01:58:19] <wewlad> cafuego: okay, could you explain how
exactly your command works? I'm not familiar with eval
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439[01:58:48] <wewlad> I'm asking because 'man
eval' says 'No manual entry for eval'
440[01:58:57] <vook> its a builtin
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442[01:59:05] <wewlad> builtintowhat
443[01:59:11] <cafuego> wewlad: eval makes the shell execute
whatever follows. In this case, the output of 'ssh-agent'.
The output of ssh-agent is a string with an env var.
444[01:59:23] <wewlad> is that a reason enough to not have a man
for it?
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446[01:59:29] <cafuego> wewlad: So here, that command will set
an env var in your shell.
447[01:59:37] <cafuego> wewlad: man bash; /eval
448[01:59:43] <vook> is a bash-builtin
449[02:00:01] *** Joins: dArK_IcE (~DARKICEPT@replaced-ip)
450[02:00:05] <wewlad> thx
451[02:00:32] <cafuego> It sets a socket, on which any ssh agent
aware apps can talk to the agent about getting access to the private
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453[02:01:24] <wewlad> from time to time I wonder how you all
guys learned all that stuff, that's VERY non-obvious and
confusing from time to time and look at me: it's not like
I'm trying to do some rocket science, but I'm trying to do
some really basic stuff
454[02:01:41] <cafuego> wewlad: time.
455[02:01:45] <cafuego> wewlad: Allit takes is time.
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458[02:02:06] * cafuego started with this (not ssh though) over 20
years ago.
459[02:02:15] *** Quits: myself_ (~myself@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
460[02:02:34] <cafuego> And if you do it over and over, after 20
eyars you just know.
461[02:02:56] <wewlad> cafuego: damn I usually forget stuff I
just learned, because in linux world it's not like you go from
easy stuff to more complex, you instantly get into
all-ways-are-complex position
462[02:03:01] *** Joins: myself_ (~myself@replaced-ip)
463[02:03:19] <wewlad> so I make notes about everything I
464[02:03:46] <cafuego> I sued to do that to
465[02:03:54] <cafuego> Then I stopped needing my notes
466[02:04:03] <cafuego> Then I wrote a book about it :-)
467[02:04:29] <s00pcan> I have a huge amount of notes, they
don't do much
468[02:04:39] *** Joins: myself__ (~myself@replaced-ip)
469[02:04:47] <wewlad> well, my notes saved my ass multiple
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472[02:05:00] <cafuego> Well nowadays you don't really need
notes, just google + bookmarks and/or stackexchange.
473[02:05:12] <wewlad> because ctrl+f'ing through them is
the shortest way to find a solution for the problem you once solved
474[02:05:15] <s00pcan> 71080 lines in my notes file (78char
475[02:05:24] <wewlad> google usually returns crap
476[02:05:35] <s00pcan> I wrote like 4000 words today
477[02:05:52] *** Quits: austeregrim (~austeregr@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
478[02:05:58] <cafuego> s00pcan: That's one chapter. 14
days to go and you got a book ;-)
479[02:06:01] <vook> wewlad: google can be pretty spot on if you
get really good at creating queries
480[02:06:31] <jmcnaught> on the other hand there's a lot
of bad and/or outdated advice on the web
481[02:06:37] <cafuego> Yeh, don't ask it for "omg i
need to copy files"
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486[02:06:57] <wewlad> because it's either a 100000 words
TO THE WHOLE WORLD WORKS) or vice-versa: a short code you are
supposed to run without basic explanation of what it does, so
it's trust&try
487[02:07:01] <s00pcan> google does searches by "last
year", or month, week, wahtever.
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489[02:07:24] <wewlad> + lots of solutions are for different
490[02:07:42] <cafuego> that's usually just about config
file locations
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498[02:09:21] <s00pcan> I'm getting better results as the
years go on by searching man pages instead of websites, but
ocassionally there is something like
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504[02:10:45] <s00pcan> great, my headphones are finally
starting to break inside the connector
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506[02:10:57] <wewlad> s00pcan: yeah, and then you go deep into
details like what's the difference between those solutions?
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508[02:11:04] <wewlad> which one to pick?
509[02:11:32] <TomTomTosch> whatever works for you is fine.
510[02:11:33] <wewlad> did it really worked the way I wanted or
did it also do something wrong that I didn't notice (yet)?
511[02:11:50] <s00pcan> wewlad: depends how determined you are
in doing whatever it is that you actually want to be doing
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514[02:12:18] <vook> just them out and see if they work. A good
example, your question earlier about authorized_keys and
authorized_keys2, just "authorized_keys2 vs
authorized_keys", top hit.
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517[02:12:49] <s00pcan> apparently I was needing it for zsh
array munging: functions.d/choose_shows.zsh:16: shows=$(redis-cli
keys 'playlist:*' | sed -e 's/playlist://g' |
518[02:13:06] <s00pcan> or something around that
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521[02:13:39] <markybob> okay let's get back on topic. this
is getting distracting.
522[02:13:41] <wewlad> btw I thought you guys suggested some 3rd
party utils when you mentioned 'ssh-agent' and
'ssh-add', but turns out it's preinstalled
523[02:14:34] <wewlad> as well as 'ssh-copy-id'
524[02:15:04] *** Joins: myself__ (~myself@replaced-ip)
525[02:16:53] <jmcnaught> wewlad: ssh-add, ssh-agent,
ssh-copy-id are all in the same openssh-client package as the ssh
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531[02:18:18] <wewlad> for my notes: could anyone, please,
confirm that 'ssh-copy-id user@host' is equal to manually
connecting to the ssh server uploading the to ~/.ssh
there, then copying's contents to
~/.ssh/authorized_keys there?
532[02:18:25] *** Quits: jim (~jim@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
533[02:18:27] <cafuego> wewlad: yep
534[02:18:34] *** Quits: dbgr (~user@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
535[02:18:38] <jmcnaught> wewlad: read the man pages :)
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540[02:24:02] <s00pcan> that's exactly what it does
541[02:24:09] *** Quits: xaa (~xaa@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
542[02:25:01] <s00pcan> more like read the source; it's
543[02:25:07] *** Quits: Belkaar (~Belkaar@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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545[02:26:12] <wewlad> read sources in binary
546[02:26:14] <wewlad> 010101000010
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548[02:26:54] <cafuego> that won't work, you'll need
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557[02:32:52] <wewlad> I hate mans, I hate that they don't
start up right with an example of how that command is used. Just the
most general usage.
558[02:33:20] <cafuego> wewlad: Examples are at the bottom,
usually. shift-G to jump to the end.
559[02:33:34] *** Quits: Shentino (~Shentino@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
560[02:33:45] <wewlad> there should be some plugin for manual
pages that dims manual parts based on their importance
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565[02:35:16] <wewlad> cafuego: 'man scp' > shift+G
> 0 examples
566[02:35:54] *** Joins: Shentino (~Shentino@replaced-ip)
567[02:35:57] <wewlad> in most cases people don't use any
flags in scp, thus they should have .opacity set to 0.05
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574[02:38:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1643
575[02:39:50] <wewlad> what if I work with 2 ssh servers? do I
need to set up ssh-agent for each of them? will it work?
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578[02:40:58] <wewlad> is there a way to 'push'
ssh-agent to the bottom of the session, so that I wouldn't need
to reboot the OS if I want all the programs to hook up to
ssh-agent's session?
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582[02:42:15] <wewlad> how often do I need to retype passphrase
if I use ssh-agent? each time I start it using 'eval
`ssh-agent`; ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa' or is that command not
supposed to be executed each session but rather just once per key?
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586[02:43:19] <wewlad> cafuego: hey, could you answer to any of
that ^ ? Unanswered questions mentally piss me off.
587[02:43:38] * wewlad that's another question, isn't it?
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590[02:47:10] <allorder> wewlad: be cool
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600[02:51:19] <cafuego> wut?
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603[02:51:41] <wewlad> cafuego: I started up ssh-agent
604[02:51:50] <cafuego> Yeh
605[02:52:00] <wewlad> I switch to the previous tab in
'Konsole' and ssh there still asks passphrase
606[02:52:04] <wewlad> because unix
607[02:52:15] <cafuego> Yeh
608[02:52:22] <wewlad> the change works for child processes, not
for all
609[02:52:37] <cafuego> So you need to start theagent frpom the
logins ession, that will make each child inherit the env.
610[02:52:41] <wewlad> so how do I 'push' the change
so that it would affect all?
611[02:52:50] <cafuego> I'm sure that KDE would have a
helper for that.
612[02:52:55] <wewlad> cafuego: that requires a restart
613[02:53:05] <cafuego> Yes, you cannot do this after the fact.
614[02:53:10] <wewlad> >:(
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616[02:53:30] <wewlad> okay. how does ssh-agent work with
multiple keys for multiple servers?
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618[02:53:43] <wewlad> does it play cool or do I need to start a
bunch of them?
619[02:54:01] <cafuego> You can add any number of keys to the
620[02:54:18] <wewlad> so it's a single manager for
multiple keys, right?
621[02:54:19] <cafuego> However, there really is no need to make
a new private key for each server you connect to.
622[02:54:36] <wewlad> no, there actually is such a need
623[02:54:58] <wewlad> because default ssh's config is
vulnerable to the 'scan visited hosts' attack
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627[02:55:30] <cafuego> Just hash the known hosts and throw away
the old file.
628[02:55:31] <wewlad> a site you have keys for will know all
the other hosts you have keys for, that's insecure
629[02:55:48] <wewlad> english, please
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633[02:56:29] <cafuego> wewlad: The list of previously
connected-to servers is not forwarded to each server you connect to.
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637[02:57:01] <wewlad> cafuego: afaik you are wrong, I may
ctrl+f my histories to try to find the poc on github
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640[02:58:29] <FuriousGeorge> hey all
641[02:58:32] <wewlad> found it. cafuego:
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647[03:00:10] <cafuego> wewlad: I don't think that emans
what you think it means.
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649[03:01:31] <FuriousGeorge> i have a dps. it had a problem
reinstalling the os i selected, so the onsite tech did it manually.
as a result i have lvm on /. that's great cuz their
"custum" version of the distro i can install from cpanel
does not, so i cannot resize disks, add partitions etc
650[03:01:40] *** Joins: uglybandersnatch (~johngrime@replaced-ip)
651[03:01:43] <wewlad> I don't think you are correct in
your judgment, but okay.
652[03:01:51] *** Joins: axiom_1 (~axiom_1@replaced-ip)
653[03:02:00] <FuriousGeorge> so im worried im gonna lock myself
out again
654[03:02:08] <markybob> wewlad: he is right
655[03:02:33] <FuriousGeorge> is there any way i can back up
this good partition table and restore it onto a live server safely?
656[03:02:37] <cafuego> wewlad: it sends keys, for
authentication, not ~/.ssh/known_hosts.
657[03:02:39] *** Joins: tremon (~aschuring@replaced-ip)
658[03:02:39] <FuriousGeorge> in case i do lock myself out?
659[03:02:55] <cafuego> wewlad: If you have a key per host, it
*can* send all those keys.
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661[03:03:10] <cafuego> wewlad: You can set an IdentifyFile for
a given host in ~/.ssh/config to avoid that.
662[03:03:21] <cafuego> wewlad: Or, if you have a single key,
the point is moot.
663[03:03:22] <wewlad> cafuego: I know it from that article
664[03:03:31] <jmcnaught> wewlad: sounds like this is easily
mitigated by using a specific key for github and only github (and
configuring this in ~/.ssh/config). This only works because github
has a lot of people's ssh public keys, and apparently
they're searchable with an API
665[03:03:57] <wewlad> jmcnaught: that's exactly how it
666[03:04:06] <wewlad> and it is explained by that link I gave
667[03:04:18] <cafuego> wewlad: It still has nothing to do with
your known_hosts file.
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670[03:04:56] <wewlad> cafuego: I quote: "When it tries to
authenticate via public key, ssh sends the server all your public
keys, one by one, until the server accepts one. One can take
advantage of this to enumerate all the client's installed
public keys."
671[03:05:06] <cafuego> wewlad: It still has nothing to do with
your known_hosts file.
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674[03:05:27] <jmcnaught> wewlad: anyways, there's nothing
wrong with using multiple keys, it just gets more complex for you to
manage. i tend to have unique keys for portable devices, so i can
remove that key from authorized_keys files if that device is lost.
675[03:05:35] <cafuego> wewlad: And the keys do NOT include any
information about what host you're using them for, unless you
name them accordingly.
676[03:05:47] <wewlad> yeah, but based on your pub keys it
already is potentially deducible to what hosts you visited
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680[03:07:06] <wewlad> cafuego: that's exactly how people
usually distinguish multiple keys: they rename it to github_id_rsa,
681[03:07:10] *** Quits: denisk (~denisk@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
682[03:07:12] <wewlad> or add comments to the keys
683[03:07:30] *** Parts: tswartz (~tswartz@replaced-ip)
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685[03:07:39] <cafuego> wewlad: Well that's very silly if
they do this specifically to avoid this problem.
686[03:08:15] <wewlad> okay
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689[03:09:18] *** Joins: littlebear (~littlebea@replaced-ip)
690[03:09:26] <cafuego> Anyway, the thing you need, apparently,
is KDE Wallet.
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693[03:09:43] <wewlad> yeah, I should probably start using it
694[03:10:04] <cafuego> If you're worry about the key
names, symlink them as 1, 2, 3, 4 and add those symlinks to the
695[03:10:06] <wewlad> because even that icefirefox browser
relies on it as master pass :(
696[03:10:20] *** Quits: cerebro (~cerebro@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
697[03:10:39] <wewlad> cafuego: should I worry? do you do so?
698[03:10:47] <cafuego> I don't worry.
699[03:10:52] <wewlad> does scp show any progressbar at all?
700[03:10:57] *** Quits: mastokley (~mastokley@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
701[03:10:58] <wewlad> >:[
702[03:11:06] <cafuego> Got plenty of more important things to
worry about, if I were a worryer.
703[03:11:23] <cafuego> wewlad: scp doesn't show a bar, it
does show progress.
704[03:11:35] <wewlad> cafuego: does it?
705[03:11:47] <cafuego> Well, mine does.
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708[03:12:18] <wewlad> then it probably just stalled for me,
because it doesn't show anything for me ("scp -rf
/local/folder remotelogin@remotehost:replaced-url
709[03:13:03] <cafuego> what is that '-f' supposed to
710[03:13:23] <wewlad> 'let the force be with you'
711[03:13:28] <wewlad> from the 'man cp'
712[03:13:50] <cafuego> Yeah look, man cp' is not 'man
713[03:14:12] <wewlad> but everyone says they are nearly the
same, the one is just using ssh
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717[03:14:45] <cafuego> ethanol and methanol are nearly the same
718[03:14:49] *** Quits: Lipp (~Lipp@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
719[03:14:49] <cafuego> only one makes you blind
720[03:14:56] <cafuego> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
721[03:14:57] *** Quits: g0ne (~g0ne@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
722[03:15:03] <wewlad> not if you drink them both in the 1:1
723[03:15:06] <dvs> and one makes you love blind
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726[03:15:26] <wewlad> and again: not if you drink them both in
the 1:1 proportion :)
727[03:15:33] <cafuego> scp -r dir user@host:/somewhere
728[03:15:35] *** Joins: Mouaad (Mouaad@replaced-ip)
729[03:15:38] <markybob> wewlad: i'm curious as to how you
pick and choose who you listen to. if you had followed my guide you
would've been done over an hour ago
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733[03:16:06] <markybob> wewlad: who is this
734[03:16:10] <wewlad> markybob: I usually flip a 29-sided coin
735[03:16:12] <cafuego> though personally I usually use rsync
for larger dirs, especially if i want a progress report.
736[03:16:35] <wewlad> markybob: btw, I followed your manual
737[03:16:49] <cafuego> rsync -a --progress --human-readable
./dir user@host:/somewhere
738[03:16:52] <wewlad> it's just I'm copying my
wordpress site's files to the hosting now
739[03:17:12] <wewlad> cafuego: did you just type it from the
740[03:17:15] <markybob> then yeah, rsync
741[03:17:15] * cafuego bites tongue
742[03:17:24] <cafuego> wewlad: I did
743[03:17:27] *** Quits: uglybandersnatch (~johngrime@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
744[03:17:29] <wewlad> :o
745[03:17:36] <cafuego> wewlad: I move a lot of data between AWS
instances, for work.
746[03:17:39] <cafuego> I use that a lot.
747[03:17:54] <wewlad> I got into the land of wizards and
markybob asks how I figure out whom to listen to
748[03:18:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1637
749[03:18:13] <cafuego> Note that rsync treats a traling / on
the SOURCE dir as magic.
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752[03:18:31] <wewlad> also, markybob, why not ssh-copy-id
instead of a bunch of commands in your manual?
753[03:18:38] <cafuego> If it's there, it will copy the
CONTENTS of that dir only, not the dir itself.
754[03:18:55] <cafuego> wewlad: ssh-copy-id isn't available
755[03:19:04] <markybob> wewlad: there are a million ways to do
any single thing on linux/unix. you wanted a guide. i gave you one
that works.
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757[03:19:15] <wewlad> okay, accepted
758[03:19:39] *** Quits: BenNZ (~Ben__@replaced-ip) (Quit: Everytime I think IQ's must have dropped recently, I
remember that this is the internet)
759[03:19:40] <cafuego> speaking of ethanol
760[03:19:47] <wewlad> it's just we are on #debian, so
I'd think it's okay to assume we all have a basic
installation of debian
761[03:19:52] <wewlad> at least*
762[03:20:20] <cafuego> wewlad: Maybe. I connect to many debian
machines from an OSX host. No ssh-copy-id there.
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765[03:21:23] * wewlad is running debian in a virtualbox under windows
7 -.-
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774[03:26:59] <wewlad> I probably shouldn't have uploaded
all the files using scp, should've archived them first,
transfer the archive and then unpack there
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779[03:29:07] <markybob> wewlad: permissions?
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781[03:29:38] <wewlad> markybob: sorry, what do you mean?
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783[03:29:58] <markybob> wewlad: what went wrong with scp?
permissions werent preserved?
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785[03:30:14] <pingfloyd> use -p if that is the problem
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787[03:30:38] <wewlad> pingfloyd: sure, and wait another hour of
the upload? :D
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789[03:30:50] <pingfloyd> wewlad: should have read the man page
790[03:31:00] <wewlad> markybob: dunno yet, it's just
taking sooo long to upload lots of small files
791[03:31:03] <markybob> wewlad: that's why we suggested
rsync. rsync -aP no problem and you get the progress you wanted
792[03:31:10] <pingfloyd> because using random flags always
results in great usage of time
793[03:31:20] <wewlad> just finished
794[03:31:21] <wewlad> let's see
795[03:31:40] *** Quits: blink (b20@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
796[03:32:05] <wewlad> wtf
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800[03:32:51] <wewlad> I'm in my home directory, I type
'ls' and I see 'remoteuser@remotehost' file :-/
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805[03:33:18] <pingfloyd> that means you messed up the command
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807[03:33:37] <wewlad> yeah, but at least now I don't have
to remember the ip of the remote host xD
808[03:33:46] <pingfloyd> haha
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811[03:34:13] <pingfloyd> yeah, I guess that is the silver
lining there
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813[03:35:03] <wewlad> weird though: I type
'remo{tab}{tab}' and it gets into the
'remotestuff/firstmatch' instead of
814[03:35:18] <wewlad> I mean weird autocomplete
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819[03:36:33] <wewlad> the permissions seems to be okay, I guess
the hosting provider's servers are fool-proof
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841[03:47:08] <juslintek> how to increase tmp size?
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855[03:56:46] <wewlad> thank you pals, gnight everyone
856[03:56:47] * wewlad ♫ hello, darkness, my old friend ♫
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863[03:58:39] <zykotick9> juslintek: in what context? my /tmp is
part just part my main root filesystem...
864[03:59:09] <juslintek> found it, vim /etc/fstab /tmp
default,size=xsize xunit
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933[04:26:17] <armin> i admit it, one of my hobbies is having
query sessions with dpkg.
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941[04:27:46] <TomTomTosch> she's not quite as vulgar as
the microsoft AI.
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952[04:32:58] <FuriousGeorge> hey all
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990[04:54:28] <Akuw> anybody here can help with a mail problem?
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993[04:56:32] <jmcnaught> Akuw: you won't know if anyone
can help you until you ask a detailed question :)
994[04:56:45] <Akuw> ok
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997[04:57:29] <Akuw> every time i enable my email address in my
mail server i next day i get a lot of spam mails, many, from my own
mail address
998[04:57:41] <Akuw> so i have to delete the address from mail
999[04:58:20] <jmcnaught> Akuw: how do you enable the email
address? What MTA are you using? Have you taken care to make sure
you're not running an open relay?
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1001[04:58:41] <Akuw> i use cpanel of my hosting provider
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1003[04:58:59] <Akuw> that happen with only one of mail addresses
1004[04:59:12] <jmcnaught> Akuw: sounds like you might need to
contact the support team of your hosting provider
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1008[04:59:24] <Akuw> they can't do nothing
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1010[04:59:38] <Akuw> same happen with the other hosting provider
1011[04:59:54] <Akuw> that happen with one email address only
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1013[05:00:04] <jmcnaught> Akuw: it could also be some buggy PHP
blog or CMS software that you're hosting, but it doesn't
sound like this is on topic for #debian
1014[05:00:25] <Akuw> what channel can help wth that ?
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1020[05:01:33] <jmcnaught> Akuw: i don't know if
there's a cpanel channel, you could look for one or ask in
1021[05:02:03] <Akuw> is not related to cpanel
1022[05:03:59] <jmcnaught> Akuw: it's also not related to
Debian. Maybe you just need to change your password. Maybe you have
malware on your computer, or in your CMS/blog/whatever. Anyways good
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1024[05:04:57] <Akuw> actually is not used in any site
1025[05:05:54] <markybob> Akuw: jmcnaught is right. it's not
related to debian.
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1027[05:07:28] <Akuw> ok, ok
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1116[06:16:50] <nickgaw> Hi, I am trying to change my system
after install cpufrequtils to use the performance govner but am not
sure what to do to set this up and see the speeds my system can be
set at?
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1119[06:18:17] <nickgaw> when I check the cpu information it says
it is on the ondamand setting.
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1121[06:21:46] <markybob_> nickgaw: read the docs.
/usr/share/doc/cpufrequtils/ there's a readme and examples
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1124[06:22:30] <nickgaw> ok I was going by the information in the
debian wiki which is rather old I wll read the docs.
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1127[06:24:21] <nickgaw> One other small issue I have but not
sure if you can help me with this or not is I am trying to get
speech-dispatcher working with the festival voice synthesizer as I
am totally blind but the docs talk about some festival server that
is disabled but when I add the information it talks about in the
/etc/default/festival and install the package for speech-dispatcher
for festival and uncomment the lines I still get no festival server
and no speech
1128[06:24:29] <nickgaw> I am on espeak currently.
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1136[06:28:02] <Goddesspapa> Is there a best practice for
installing binaries from outside apt (eg VisualStudio Code)?
1137[06:28:47] <Goddesspapa> Specifically wondering what
directory to put things in and with what permissions if I intend
other users to share them
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1139[06:29:19] <markybob_> Goddesspapa: that's terrible for
many reasons, but if it's system-wide, /use/local/bin
1140[06:29:27] <markybob_> Goddesspapa: otherwise ~/bin
1141[06:29:35] <markybob_> !dontbreakdebian
1142[06:29:35] <dpkg> rumour has it, dont break debian is
1143[06:29:42] <markybob_> Goddesspapa: read that ^
1144[06:30:54] <markybob_> Goddesspapa: i meant /usr/local/bin
1145[06:31:03] <GAM002> does debian 8.3 jessie support intel hd
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1148[06:33:20] <Goddesspapa> Thanks markybob
1149[06:33:26] <markybob_> GAM002: oh man that's skylake
1150[06:33:27] <jim> you already did :)
1151[06:33:34] <jmcnaught> nickgaw: it looks like there are some
instructions in the README.Debian files for the speech-dispatcher
and speech-dispatcher-festival files, have you checked those?
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1153[06:34:18] <jim> markybob_. is that good?
1154[06:34:26] <markybob_> GAM002: you need a 4.4 or above kernel
for that to be okay
1155[06:34:31] <nickgaw> Are you talking about where you change
the run to yes for the festival server?
1156[06:34:37] <markybob_> jim: it's good...just not on
1157[06:34:45] <jim> ahh
1158[06:35:08] <jim> that kernel is not in jessie backports... or
is it?
1159[06:35:25] <jim> I guess he could build or backport
1160[06:35:35] <jmcnaught> nickgaw: I only took a quick look, but
it seems that festival needs to be started by the user either
manually or with a script. If you are using systemd a user service
unit might do the trick for you.
1161[06:35:47] <markybob_> jim: actually jessie-backports just
got 4.4. was 4.3 until recently
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1163[06:36:06] <jim> oh, like today?
1164[06:36:30] <markybob_> jim: i'm guessing two days. my
days run into each other :P
1165[06:36:32] <jim> that would be good news for him then :)
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1167[06:36:44] <jim> mine too
1168[06:36:57] *** Quits: GAM002 (~eugine@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
1169[06:37:09] <jim> they crash against the side wall pretty
violently too
1170[06:37:21] <markybob_> heh, exactly
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1174[06:38:25] <jim> GAM002, so you're getting this hardware
no matter what? or you're trying to make a decision?
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1178[06:38:55] <jim> GAM002, so you're getting this hardware
no matter what? or you're trying to make a decision?
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1181[06:39:19] <nickgaw> I sent a message to the
debian-accessibility list about this issue as this should be
documented in the wiki on accessibility.
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1184[06:40:11] <nickgaw> are there any tutorials on writing
systemd scripts
1185[06:40:12] <jmcnaught> nickgaw: you're right. it is a
wiki, so if you figure out how to get it working on jessie you can
update it yourself too.
1186[06:40:38] <jim> markybob_, do you have an idea what the
driver (or driver package) is called?
1187[06:40:40] <nickgaw> true but I don't know how to get it
1188[06:41:42] <markybob_> jim: no i don't have it or really
looked into it. just read some stuff. in fact 4.4 in skylake has a
serious power drain. but it works
1189[06:41:49] <jmcnaught> nickgaw: using a systemd user unit is
only one way, but i recommended it because systemd user sessions are
run once per user, not once per login. If you are logging into X
then you might prefer a different way to start festival and
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1194[06:43:02] <nickgaw> I want it running system wide before the
gdm3 login screen starts so orca can read out the login prompt.
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1198[06:43:42] <TomTomTosch> nickgaw, did you get it running at
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1200[06:45:14] <neorpheus> hey there, anyone here ever played
with moving /bin /etc or any other system folder to another
partition? mainly i want to figure out if i can drop bin or etc on
another partition so for examlpe debian installed on /dev/sda1 can
have its bin folder reside at /dev/sdb1/bin/ or something similiar
1201[06:45:52] <TomTomTosch> nickgaw,
/usr/share/doc/speech-dispatcher-festival explains how to create the
config file for speech-dispatcher with festival as a default module.
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1205[06:46:41] <nickgaw> yes but not how to setup the default
file to start the server on boot as creating this file by hand does
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1207[06:47:28] <jim> markybob_, so not so good on the laptop
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1212[06:48:13] <markybob_> jim: it's terrible. 4.5 fixed it.
but it's not in backports
1213[06:48:30] <jmcnaught> nickgaw: It says in
/usr/share/doc/speech-dispatchcer/README.Debian that to get it
running system wide you need to set SPEECHD_SOCKET to
/var/run/speech-dispatcher/speechd.sock (it also says this is not
recommended anymore). Did you try that?
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1218[06:52:42] <jim> you can install kernel package directly,
1219[06:52:44] <jim> ?
1220[06:52:55] <nickgaw> yes but I don't think they were
thinking of the blind community and the documentation does not say
how to set this socket up.
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1222[06:53:14] <jim> like if there were a 4.5.x in testing
1223[06:53:41] <markybob_> jim: sure
1224[06:54:09] <jim> so at least there's a fallback if he
wanted to do it
1225[06:54:13] <markybob_> jim: though 4.5 doesn't ssb. it
depends on a higher gcc
1226[06:54:32] <jim> which one?
1227[06:54:41] <jmcnaught> nickgaw: The socket might be created
automatically by speech-dispatcher if this variable is set in
/etc/default/speech-dispatcher. Does the Alt+Super+S shortcut enable
Orca in GDM for you?
1228[06:55:25] <nickgaw> orca starts after I login.
1229[06:55:45] <TomTomTosch> also firmware might not work. i
don't think ssb a kernel is a good idea.
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1232[06:56:02] <nickgaw> as well as at the login screen using
espeak but I wish to change to festival is flite better and does it
use the vestival voice data?
1233[06:56:09] <jim> well nm for now, I probably don't heed
to know today
1234[06:56:30] <jim> was curious tho
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1236[06:57:04] <markybob_> jim: it needs gcc-5
1237[06:57:16] <markybob_> smoke break
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1239[06:58:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1613
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1242[06:58:53] <jmcnaught> nickgaw: sorry i have never used
festival or flite, i have only ever turned Orca on inside a Gnome
session to test it. I'm just trying to troubleshoot this with
you going by documentation that I can find.
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1244[06:59:45] <nickgaw> are you a debian developer?
1245[07:00:02] <jmcnaught> nickgaw: no i am just a volunteer
helper on IRC.
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1247[07:00:41] <nickgaw> I hope someone responds soon about this
issue on the debian-accessibility list as usually they do.
1248[07:00:58] <nickgaw> espeak is ok but I just wish to use
something that sounds different.
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1250[07:02:07] <jmcnaught> nickgaw: For me it seems that Orca
works once I am logged in, but not on the GDM login screen. On the
login screen I tried the keyboard shortcut and the menu option.
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1252[07:03:02] <nickgaw> I think there is something the
debian-installer did if it is installed with software speech to
enable orca but agree this should be easy to change later on after
the installation.
1253[07:03:24] <nickgaw> on my system orca speaks at the login
screen just fine.
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1255[07:04:01] <jmcnaught> nickgaw: I have not installed anything
specific for screen reading, the Orca support I have is just part of
the default install.
1256[07:04:38] <nickgaw> what version of debian are you running?
1257[07:04:53] <jmcnaught> nickgaw: Jessie
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1261[07:06:33] <jmcnaught> nickgaw: I found some GDM
accessibility documentation on the gnome website, would you like the
1262[07:06:45] <nickgaw> yes
1263[07:07:00] <jmcnaught> nickgaw:
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1266[07:07:42] <jmcnaught> nickgaw: the files it is talking about
are in /usr/share/gdm
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1268[07:08:24] <nickgaw> I will have a look at the documentation
now and come back if I have any more issues.
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1356[08:30:14] <Kirito> Is there a realistic way to get wget with
SNI support on Debian 7.9?
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1360[08:31:56] <Kirito> No wget package in wheezy-backports
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1369[08:38:44] <jmcnaught> ,checkbackport wget --fromrelease
jessie --torelease wheezy
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1371[08:38:50] <judd> Backporting package wget in
jessie→wheezy/amd64: unsatisfiable build dependencies:
Build-Depends: libpsl-dev.
1372[08:39:15] <jmcnaught> Kirito: it doesn't look like
there would be an easy way. can you use curl instead, or upgrade to
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1376[08:45:18] <TomTomTosch> well, you would have to backport
publicsuffix, then libpsl-dev, then wget. backporting wget could
break other stuff though.
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1392[08:58:34] <catbeard> is there an equivalent to landscape for
debian 7/8 ?
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1395[08:59:26] <zxd> is there a tool to detect the correct
keyboard layout
1396[08:59:31] <zxd> for my keyboard
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1508[10:10:41] <gr8> I have this problem:
1509[10:10:42] <judd> Bug
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1511[10:12:16] <gr8> oh and why is there no IceCat in the Debian
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1541[10:28:44] <rgr> whats the best way to get sd cards to mount
without root? I really dont want to add rules for each UUID and/or
specific variable device lines in the fstab. Im doing a lot of
photography and really want to just pop the sd card in and out of
the usb card reader without wondering which device etc and have
itmounted directly to ~/sdcard (Ive got about 20 sd cards).
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1547[10:30:48] <gr8> rgr: I am using XFCE, works ootb
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1550[10:31:37] <gr8> rgr: sometimes I have to chmod the mount
folder the first time I use a device
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1576[10:53:28] <rgr> hat part of xfce does it? (yeah I could
google). I have some xfce with xmonad and it doesn't work. It
says it does but then no access.
1577[10:53:31] <rgr> what
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1588[11:03:56] <gr8> rgr: thunar probably. I have enabled
"volume management" in thunar settings.
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1591[11:04:30] <gr8> package thunar-volman
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1641[11:34:56] <boodie> Hi (stable), yesterday a message keeps
cropping up saying that my version of xscreensaver (5.3) is old and
I should update it. How does a screensaver program detects its own
obsolescence and should I bother ?
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1650[11:40:32] <bbear> Hello,
1651[11:40:40] <bbear> is debian faster than ubuntu ?
1652[11:40:49] <bbear> is debian faster than archlinux ?
1653[11:40:56] <bbear> is debian better than archlinux ?
1654[11:41:05] <bbear> is debian stronger than archlinux ?
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1668[11:46:02] <babilen> bbear: Faster at what?
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1672[11:46:32] <jelly> boodie: its code has a silly check for
that. Going to be fixed one way or the other, ignore it in the
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1676[11:47:10] <jelly> judd: bug 819703
1677[11:47:11] <judd> Bug
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1681[11:50:15] <bbear> babilen: for desktop applications I mean.
1682[11:50:28] <bbear> maybe the linkage is better.
1683[11:51:18] <babilen> bbear: Shouldn't make much of a
difference. It really depends on what you install on it and what you
use it for. All of them can be pretty slim, but it might be a little
harder to install, say, Ubuntu that way.
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1685[11:51:40] <babilen> Anyway, just pick what you are most
comfortable with or try them all and decide then.
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1688[11:52:38] <bbear> I love debian because of the neat
1689[11:52:47] *** Quits: btf (~btf@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1690[11:53:00] <bbear> But I love arch because it is bleeding
edge. However, packaging and integration is _raw_
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1718[12:12:31] <boodie> I had debian for over 12 years, always
stable, never had any issues (apart from the self inflicted ones)
... The first distro I installed was RedHat, then Mandrake. I used
to switch from one to the other, thinking that they were updates of
the same distro! When I tried debian I found it easier, especially
the installation of packages, via the apt system, which is, in my
opinion, superior to rpm. I tried Ubuntu, but I find i
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1725[12:18:35] <jim> I have a newly installed jessie, and the
ethernet is up, and I can't find what configured it or how to
change it... nothing in interfaces about eth0, and I don't have
reason to run network-manager... what else could it be?
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1728[12:19:20] <jim> it successfully configured in the installer
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1802[13:07:21] <jelly> jim: which, if any, DE are you using?
Pastebin the output of "ip a" and "networkctl
-a" and contents of /etc/network/interfaces
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1806[13:09:01] <crutchy> or ifconfig. maybe its not eth0 for some
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1825[13:19:55] <jelly> and no reason to run doesn't mean
it's not running already
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1828[13:20:26] <jim> jelly, ok, sec
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1833[13:22:32] <jim> jelly, lightdm/cinnamon I think, for the
rest, one sec
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1841[13:26:18] <jim> jelly, networkctl: cmd not found; still
working on the rest
1842[13:26:37] <jelly> jim: also, which debian release are you
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1850[13:32:53] <jim> jelly and the group,
1851[13:33:24] <jim> jelly amd64 8.3
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1853[13:34:04] <jelly> jim: and "ps -fe | grep
NetworkManager" is empty?
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1855[13:34:32] <rah> I'm building a BeagleBone Green Debian
testing image using vmdebootstrap
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1859[13:35:21] <rah> please give me a medal :-)
1860[13:35:36] <jim> jelly, actually no it isn't empty (and
not just the grep)
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1864[13:36:41] <netSys_phone> Hi
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1866[13:37:02] <netSys_phone> How i would set shutdown when my
laptop's battery get 8%?
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1878[13:41:10] <jim> jelly,
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1888[13:43:59] <jelly> jim: so you do have n-m running
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1890[13:44:31] <hstl> Hi, friends! I am going to burn Debian
DVDs. Do i need to burn update DVDs? Which software is in update
DVD? The same soft that is in simple DVDs, all difference in
1891[13:44:50] <jim> at least not by my own volition...
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1894[13:45:08] <jim> ok, thanks for helping me find that
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1896[13:45:22] <jelly> hstl: just the differences, so if
you're getting DVDs for 8.3 there absolutely no need to get 8.3
update DVDs
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1899[13:46:05] <jelly> jim: it's likely a cinnamon session,
like gnome, starts up n-m
1900[13:46:30] <jelly> but I'm just making a guess there
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1902[13:47:18] <jim> one thing, when I was installing the net
successfully configured
1903[13:47:52] <hstl> jelly, ok, mate!
1904[13:47:57] <hstl> thank you
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1917[13:55:05] <pizduley> Hey there
1918[13:55:22] <jimm> hi
1919[13:55:23] <pizduley> Anybody got experience with
1920[13:55:45] <jimm> I fired up a debian netinst with kvm
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1923[13:56:12] <pizduley> hmm I had a successful debian
installation with virt-install too
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1927[13:56:38] <pizduley> having problem installing something
different tho
1928[13:56:59] <jim> I couldnt get the disk space set up right,
so I wrote it to a usb and booted normally
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1930[13:57:21] <pizduley> jim you know if you can allocate more
memory/disk space to the guest os using qemu-system?
1931[13:57:38] <pizduley> that problem sounds familiar
1932[13:57:51] <jim> no, didn't know that :)
1933[13:58:15] <pizduley> I allocated 15 Gigs with qemu-img for
the guest os, yet it only shows me 15 Mb
1934[13:58:25] <jim> but my thing was, I wanted to give it access
to all the sata drives
1935[13:58:29] <pizduley> ofc its slow as shit and can't be
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1938[13:59:55] <pizduley> well, how did you use it?
1939[13:59:58] <pizduley> via KVM?
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1942[14:00:33] <jim> that I have -no- idea for... that's
what I was unsuccessfully struggling with,,, but I reached my goal
of getting an amd64 jessie by not using kvm
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1945[14:01:32] <jim> I couldn't get it out of
"toy" status, all it was able to do is start the installer
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1949[14:02:43] <kulelu88> Hello all
1950[14:03:39] <jim> hi
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1952[14:04:23] <kulelu88> I am trying to follow this example and
have completed it successfully:
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1955[14:05:08] <pizduley> yea well, from what I heard libvirt/kvm
is relatively new technology
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1959[14:06:21] <kulelu88> Is the other method more suitable:
1960[14:06:23] <kulelu88> ?
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1967[14:08:22] <jim> pizduley, what I can tell you, is there are
people here and on ##linux who know kvm pretty well, also
there's a #kvm here,,, then, there's docs and wikis about
1968[14:09:03] <kulelu88> aah worth asking my question on ##Linux
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1970[14:09:42] <pizduley> yea but those docs and wikis are
endless I came to find
1971[14:10:01] <pizduley> and finding a solution for a particular
problem is really hard jim
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1973[14:10:32] <pizduley> the man page is well written in case of
virt-install and qemu-system, yet it's long and finding a
solution to a particular problem is perilious
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1976[14:10:57] <jim> kulelu88, possibly, also consider the time
zone and what segment of the world pop who come here, whether
they're awake...
1977[14:11:37] <kulelu88> I don't want to join <yet
another slack group> though jim . that shit becomes so slow when
there's like >2000 users on it
1978[14:12:54] <jim> pizduley, yeah, piecing a sol'n
together is hard alright
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1981[14:13:47] <jim> kulelu88, you mean your irc client slows?
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1985[14:14:57] <kulelu88> jim: nope, I was just venting about how
people have swapped IRC for Slack groups
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2013[14:23:05] <noobandnoober> i just installed debian and
i'm trying to install a second monitor on my laptop, it's
not detected, i see this when i use "xrandr"; HDMI1
disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
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2015[14:23:20] <dutchfish> kulelu88, if you want a routed net and
have it inside your routed setup on one station. Your client in the
outside net needs a route setup. On a bridge setup and a shared DHCP
server, this is of couse transparant.
2016[14:23:24] <noobandnoober> the screen and the wire works fine
on other computers
2017[14:23:43] <noobandnoober> what can i do?
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2022[14:24:16] <dutchfish> kulelu88, assuming your
iptables/netfilter has a proper setup
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2025[14:24:59] <kulelu88> dutchfish: my goal is very simple. I
have an LXC container that is running a small webserver. I want this
webserver accessible to my local LAN only. so basically, I want to
be able to access this webserver on another device that is connected
to my LAN
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2028[14:25:43] <dutchfish> kulelu88, while both methods can be
used, the bridge setup is easier.
2029[14:26:10] <dutchfish> kulelu88, altho not safer, if you have
intentions to hook it up to the outside
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2035[14:26:47] <kulelu88> dutchfish: what exactly is the libvirt
method doing though? somebody else mentioned that it is: "your
container probably has access to the host's network, but your
host's network can't route traffic to the VLAN because it
doesn't have a rule to do so"
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2038[14:28:46] <dutchfish> kulelu88, right
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2041[14:29:36] <dutchfish> kulelu88, the client that wants to
access that 'other' subnet needs a route to it having
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2043[14:30:12] <dutchfish> kulelu88, basically the ip of the host
where your lxc is being hosted inside that other subnet
2044[14:30:33] <dutchfish> kulelu88, its well documented inside
lxc docs
2045[14:31:13] <kulelu88> dutchfish: sorry for asking i(if it is
indeed documented), but the LXC docs had zero info that I could find
to make this work, which is why I ended up on IRC
2046[14:31:21] <dutchfish> kulelu88, in pictures
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2048[14:31:56] <dutchfish> kulelu88, the netfilter part
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2051[14:32:36] <kulelu88> dutchfish: so if I want a quick/simple
method of accessing my webserver from another device within my LAN,
I should use the simple bridge option?
2052[14:33:05] <dutchfish> kulelu88, if security/firewalling is
of no importance, the bridge setup is far easier
2053[14:33:23] <dutchfish> kulelu88, it shares the same subnet
for everything
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2055[14:33:58] <dutchfish> kulelu88, it depends on what you want
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2057[14:34:30] <kulelu88> dutchfish: I just want to run the
webserver for about 10 minutes to install a packaged app to my
mobile phone
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2059[14:35:11] <kulelu88> the only problem with the bridged setup
is that my /etc/network/interfaces , doesn't look the same as
the Debian one
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2061[14:36:13] <dutchfish> kulelu88, well, try the bridged setup,
if it still doesnt work then, post it to pastebin and ask in here,
read the docs carefully
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2064[14:36:46] <kulelu88> dutchfish:
2065[14:36:57] <kulelu88> they are different
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2068[14:38:24] <dutchfish> kulelu88, seams wrong, read the man
pages about a proper bridge setup
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2070[14:38:53] <kulelu88> alright, I'll keep digging, thank
you for your patience dutchfish
2071[14:38:58] <dutchfish> kulelu88, and hint: you cant add a
physical interfacing to the brdige when it is active
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2074[14:39:11] <dutchfish> kulelu88, np, yw
2075[14:39:57] <dutchfish> kulelu88, this might also help
2076[14:40:06] <kulelu88> I didn't know it was this
difficult with LXC. I recall docker made it simpler
2077[14:40:14] <dutchfish> ;)
2078[14:40:36] <dutchfish> kulelu88, it is not hard once you
grasp all there is in netfilter/osi layer
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2081[14:41:37] <dutchfish> kulelu88, its a ferm read tho
2082[14:41:45] <kulelu88> The person I asked in the LXC channel
told me he figured it out after reading 2 networking books :D
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2084[14:42:00] <dutchfish> xD
2085[14:42:22] <dutchfish> kulelu88, netfilter is well documented
on the net
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2087[14:42:41] <dutchfish> but sure, fair enough
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2089[14:43:05] <kulelu88> well we can't always have
everything on a plate/tutorial. At least I will learn from this
2090[14:43:22] <dutchfish> kulelu88, absolutely
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2092[14:43:48] <dutchfish> kulelu88, and very valuable as well
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2096[14:45:34] <kulelu88> thanks again!
2097[14:45:40] <dutchfish> np
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2147[15:12:43] <kulelu88> dutchfish: I think I found something
that might work:
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2153[15:14:01] <dutchfish> kulelu88, looks a bridge setup to me
2154[15:14:15] <dutchfish> kulelu88, hence layer 2
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2158[15:14:36] <kulelu88> dutchfish: even the first option, where
the iptable rule forwards any requests to the IP?
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2160[15:14:43] <dutchfish> julius, and the very simple nat rule
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2162[15:15:40] <dutchfish> julius, you still ned to setup a
proper brdige tho
2163[15:15:44] <dutchfish> need*
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2167[15:16:29] <kulelu88> *cries inside a little*
2168[15:17:38] <dutchfish> kulelu88, its explained in LXC
startup, however ubuntu is no debian
2169[15:18:18] *** Quits: Ticho_ (~Ticho@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2170[15:18:20] <dutchfish> kulelu88, debian has no upstart
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2172[15:18:24] <moldy> hi
2173[15:18:41] <moldy> what is the right way to get the sassc
binary onto a debian system?
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2177[15:19:37] <kulelu88> dutchfish: is that currently the
problem between using debian solutions for an ubuntu workstation?
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2180[15:20:14] <dutchfish> kulelu88, only as far as strating
network services within this context and there setup
2181[15:20:24] <dutchfish> s/strating/starting
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2183[15:20:48] <dutchfish> (as far as i know, i am not an expert
on Ubuntu)
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2188[15:22:59] <dutchfish> kulelu88, kulelu88 setting up the
bridge seams simular as the link i provided
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2191[15:23:36] <kulelu88> dutchfish: I am trying to make sure
that whichever solution I use does not break my actual internet
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2193[15:23:55] <dutchfish> kulelu88, so in short, setup your
bridge -> configure lxc to use that -> add your lxc container
to that bridge
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2196[15:25:23] <dutchfish> julius, ones you have attached your
host to that bridge, your host runs fine. You can not to this when
your current physical interface is active, so yes, it will break
(temporarely) your connection, until your bridge is up.
2197[15:25:33] <dutchfish> sorry that was for kulelu88
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2202[15:27:05] <dutchfish> kulelu88, start here
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2205[15:27:49] <kulelu88> okay doing so. thank you
2206[15:27:54] <dutchfish> kulelu88, your lxc config will add the
containers to that bridge when started, for that you need to setup
your lxc configs
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2209[15:28:06] <dutchfish> yw
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2255[15:49:26] <lmat> I have a script for my wife, and it says
"sshfs user@otherserver:/whatever ./whatever"
2256[15:49:29] <lmat> or so
2257[15:49:32] *** josue is now known as josuebrunel
2258[15:49:51] <lmat> When she double-clicks it and presses run
in terminal, or any of the other options, it doesn't perform
the sshfs command successfully.
2259[15:50:01] <lmat> When she opens a terminal and types
./mountscript; then closes the terminal, it works.
2260[15:50:14] <lmat> How do I make the thing work from thumar
(or whatever the file browser is here)
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2263[15:50:47] <lmat> nautilus!
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2267[15:52:32] <kulelu88> lmat: you need to make the file
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2269[15:53:49] <lmat> kulelu88: If the file wasn't +x, she
wouldn't be able to run it in the terminal.
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2271[15:54:08] <lmat> kulelu88: But thanks :-)
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2275[15:54:54] <lmat> You know... it's working now. Let me
restart and see if I can reproduce the problem...
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2285[15:57:35] <lmat> okay, it works. I don't know
what's wrong with my wife ;-)
2286[15:57:54] <lmat> Maybe she's not providing her ssh
unlock password (to access the ssh private key) or something...
2287[15:57:58] <lmat> thanks for you rtime!
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2290[15:58:22] <bmomjian> Is it a problem that mounting an ext4
volume generates this kernel message? mounted filesystem without
journal. Opts: (null)
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2304[16:03:18] <kulelu88> I assume journal means it's not
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2306[16:04:38] <bmomjian> I have no idea; I just mkfs on the file
system using Jessie; I can't see anything special about the
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2314[16:08:00] <TomTomTosch> bmomjian, if you used mkfs.ext4 then
it should enable the journal. if not, look into /etc/mke2fs.conf and
see if ext4 contains the feature has_journal
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2319[16:09:07] <bmomjian> I just used mkfs with no options except
the file system location
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2323[16:09:51] <bmomjian> I see ext4 = {features = has_journal
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2326[16:10:36] <bmomjian> fstab is UUID=.... /backup0 ext4 noauto
0 0
2327[16:10:41] *** Joins: Tom01 (~tom@replaced-ip)
2328[16:10:49] <TomTomTosch> if you used mkfs without adding -t
ext4 it will create an ext2 fs.
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2330[16:11:23] <bmomjian> uh, really?, yikes
2331[16:11:53] *** Joins: rimdeker (~rimdeker@replaced-ip)
2332[16:11:55] <bmomjian> mount with no args shows: /dev/sdc1 on
/backup0 type ext4 (rw,relatime)
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2335[16:13:00] <bmomjian> This is on Jessie, upgraded from
Squeeze a few weeks ago, but the mkfs was done after the upgrade to
2336[16:13:32] <bmomjian> I am about to reformat my root
partition to ext4 so I am looking into this now.
2337[16:13:55] <TomTomTosch> what does file -sL /dev/sdxx say=
2338[16:14:21] <TomTomTosch> sdxx being the partition in
2339[16:14:36] <bmomjian> /dev/sdc1: Linux rev 1.0 ext2
filesystem data (mounted or unclean),
UUID=009d554b-7f8b-45e7-bd99-5a6db9340a21, volume name "Backup
0" (large files)
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2341[16:14:41] <bmomjian> should I mount it?
2342[16:14:49] <bmomjian> sorry, it was mounted at that time
2343[16:14:52] <TomTomTosch> there you go. it's ext2.
2344[16:15:08] <bmomjian> yikes, unmounted it shows: /dev/sdc1:
Linux rev 1.0 ext2 filesystem data,
UUID=009d554b-7f8b-45e7-bd99-5a6db9340a21, volume name "Backup
0" (large files)
2345[16:15:18] <bmomjian> so something is odd
2346[16:15:38] <TomTomTosch> as i said. you created it as ext2.
2347[16:15:52] <TomTomTosch> redo the partition, be happy ;D
2348[16:16:02] <TheReverend403> all these pings ;-;
2349[16:16:11] <TomTomTosch> this time mkfs.ext4 or mkfs -t ext4
2350[16:16:15] <bmomjian> so why does it show ext4 when mounted?
Any why would mkfs still default to ext2? I guess I am confused; I
can easily reformat everything as I did this all last week.
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2352[16:16:54] <TomTomTosch> bmomjian, maybe because ext4 is
backwards compatible and mount does not bother to handle them
2353[16:17:03] <bmomjian> glad I saw this before I reformatted
the root partition, which is a pain to do.
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2355[16:17:22] <bmomjian> wow, that's amazing; I would never
have guessed ext2 was still the default
2356[16:17:26] <bmomjian> should I be using ext4 then?
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2360[16:18:14] <TomTomTosch> yes, sure. i'd go with ext4.
2361[16:18:19] <bmomjian> ok
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2364[16:19:28] <bmomjian> When do you a fresh install those are
all ext2 too? Wow.
2365[16:19:53] <TomTomTosch> bmomjian, the debian-installer
defaults to ext4.
2366[16:20:10] <bmomjian> uh, ok, but then shouldn't mkfs
also default to ext4?
2367[16:20:19] <teraflops> why?
2368[16:20:20] * TomTomTosch shrugs
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2371[16:20:53] <bmomjian> uh, well if the installers defaults to
ext4, you would think the command-line tools would default to the
same, no?
2372[16:21:18] <teraflops> bmomjian: no, what you say makes no
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2375[16:21:51] <bmomjian> uh, why would the installer and
command-line tools have different defaults?
2376[16:22:09] <TomTomTosch> don't know, they are not
2377[16:22:21] <dutchfish> bmomjian, it is also possible that the
journal was hosed up, the mounting then will try ext2. Also it is
possible the convert ext2 to ext4. But if this is a new drive, why
bother? Just recreate with the proper params.
2378[16:22:22] <teraflops> because the installer is a debian
related thing and mkfs has nothing to do with it
2379[16:22:34] <bmomjian> ok. I was confused because when mounted
it says it is ext4, only when unmounted does it say ext2.
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2381[16:23:09] <teraflops> also in the case a devel or whoever
defaults mkfs to ext4 the riot could be epic
2382[16:23:26] <bmomjian> ok. I just don't want to get into
the same problem as these are pristine drives that are only a week
old, with almost no activity.
2383[16:23:38] <bmomjian> I think I need the mkfs -t ext4 options
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2386[16:24:20] <TomTomTosch> bmomjian, it's all in the
manpage if you are not sure about default settings.
2387[16:24:26] <teraflops> bmomjian: also mkfs.^tab^tab
2388[16:24:39] <bmomjian> Yikes, you are totally right! Specify
the type of filesystem to be built. If not specified, the default
filesystem type (currently ext2) is used.
2389[16:24:54] <bmomjian> I never even read that far as I had
read somewhere else that Jessie defaults to ext4.
2390[16:24:58] <bmomjian> Thanks, that is the cause, clearly!
2391[16:25:08] <bmomjian> wow, mkfs ext4 is much faster than ext2
2392[16:25:17] *** Quits: vadmeste (~vadmeste@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2393[16:25:53] <bmomjian> I was only tipped off by the dmesg
output I saw this morning as I was preparing for the root mkfs. :-)
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2395[16:26:20] <teraflops> oh meh I didnt't know it defaults
to ext2, that's why one should look at the man pages prior
saying anything, sorry
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2401[16:27:21] <wewlad> hello everyone, I have a folder with some
contents, I need to move those contents outside that folder (next to
that folder) how to do that correctly? "mv -rf /target/folder/*
/target/" ?
2402[16:27:23] <bmomjian> I was just surprised, but now I know.
2403[16:27:35] <TomTomTosch> x)
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2405[16:27:50] <rgr> probably not /target anyway.
2406[16:28:14] <rgr> mv sourcedir/* newdir
2407[16:28:22] <rgr> assuming youve created newdir.
2408[16:28:28] <rgr> no -r required.
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2410[16:28:42] <bmomjian> OK, now file -sL /dev/sdc1 shows the
proper file system type when umounted, ext4
2411[16:30:09] <wewlad> rgr: in my case I need to move
/a/b/file.txt to /a/file.txt, so I guess /target/ is the correct
dst, but I'm not sure about the trailing /
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2431[16:38:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1669
2432[16:38:19] <premoboss> hi. my server has 3 lan (eth0,1,2). i
run ssh on eth0. now i installed dropbear an i want it to work only
on eth1 on the port 333, how to do it? in /etc/dropbear there is not
a config file as ssh has.
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2441[16:40:25] <koowgnojeel> Hi
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2446[16:41:52] <koowgnojeel> I can't start X-window after
upgrade my Debian. @_@
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2449[16:43:49] <koowgnojeel> uname -a Linux localhost
3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt25-1 (2016-03-06) x86_64
2450[16:45:33] <premoboss> koowgnojeel, "startx" does
2451[16:45:39] *** Joins: SPF|Cloud (uid11755@replaced-ip)
2452[16:45:57] <koowgnojeel> premoboss: Hi :) - No
2453[16:46:11] <premoboss> what message error report?
2454[16:46:21] *** Quits: hstl (~1@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2455[16:46:21] <koowgnojeel> No error
2456[16:46:38] *** Joins: leoj3n (~leoj3n@replaced-ip)
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2458[16:46:42] <premoboss> when you type "startx", what
message appear?
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2462[16:49:21] <koowgnojeel> premoboss: X Server 1.16.4 / Release
Date : ... / X Protocol version 11, .. / Build operating system /
current operating system / kernel command line / build date /
current version of pixmap / markers/ log file /
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2470[16:53:40] <koowgnojeel> INFO: task Xorg:1602 blocked for
more than 120 seconds. / Not tained 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 / "echo 0
> /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this
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2472[16:55:04] <koowgnojeel> Did I mess up with my Debian ? :P
2473[16:55:36] <koowgnojeel> I think I didnt't I don't
know what I have done. I must wait or reinstall my Debian.
2474[16:55:50] <koowgnojeel> s/I didn't//
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2476[16:56:02] <hexnewbie> koowgnojeel: /var/log/Xorg.0.log may
provide useful information for debugging this
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2479[16:56:32] <koowgnojeel> hexnewbie: I've seen that log
file. No erors I think in that log.
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2482[16:57:13] <koowgnojeel> Thanks all :) I will reinstall my
X-org then.
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2484[16:57:23] <hexnewbie> koowgnojeel: Then what's your
video adapter and what video drivers for it are you using?
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2486[16:57:42] <koowgnojeel> hexnewbie: Default :) I have ATI
2487[16:58:29] <hexnewbie> koowgnojeel: It would then be more
than surprising if an upgrade broke anything, if you were upgrading
within jessie. Did you upgrade from wheezy to jessie, or did you
install security upgrades for jessie?
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2490[16:58:58] <hexnewbie> koowgnojeel: And what's the last
Xorg.0.log message before than hang?
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2496[17:01:30] <koowgnojeel> hexnewbie: I have Jessie // X.log, I
only have a warning, [ 499.624] (WW) The directory
"/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic" does not exist.
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2498[17:01:58] <hexnewbie> Yes, but did you have Jessie before
the upgrade?
2499[17:01:59] <koowgnojeel> hexnewbie: It must be my fault
2500[17:02:22] <koowgnojeel> hexnewbie: No, I used my PC before 6
hours ago.
2501[17:02:32] <koowgnojeel> Yes I have Jessie, Fresh install
2502[17:02:58] <koowgnojeel> hexnewbie: I must be my fault. @_@
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2504[17:03:53] <koowgnojeel> hexnewbie: Thanks. :)
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2507[17:04:19] <hexnewbie> koowgnojeel: You said it was an
upgrade a few minutes ago :) Anyway, do you have /etc/X11/xorg.conf?
If you do, try renaming it and restarting X without it
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2510[17:04:49] <koowgnojeel> hexnewbie: Got it ;) Thanks!
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2513[17:05:16] <koowgnojeel> See you next time. @_@
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2538[17:16:41] <koowgnojeel> hugs hexnewbie Thanks again!
(I'll take care of it later. I'm a PC user so I not in
rush.) :) bye
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2601[17:42:35] <leonardobbh> BRAZIL - 12:40 PM: Boa tarde | Good
aternoon | Buenas tardes | guten Tag | bonjour | buon pomeriggio
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2603[17:42:54] <nullzen> if I have done a new install with the
internet enabled, I shouldnt need to do a system update correct?
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2605[17:43:34] <johnkeates> nullzen: no, only if it downloaded
updates before installing
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2615[17:47:10] <leonardobbh> I'm migrating a NAS server on
Debian Jessie with ZFS ON LINUX ... Anyone know if this version is
stable for production?
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2619[17:50:26] <hexnewbie> The official packages zfsonlinux for
Debian became incompatible with backports kernels like two days ago,
so that's sort of a downer for anyone who wants to use ZFS on a
new PC :) But otherwise ZFS on Linux works in Debian
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2628[17:52:19] <hexnewbie> official as in official from the ZFS
on Linux guys, not Debian. Sorry if that was misleading :)
2629[17:52:21] <johnkeates> ZFS on Linux is very stable. Just
don't use an unsupported configuration. Stick with stable and
the stable repo's and you'll be fine.
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2631[17:52:54] <johnkeates> I'm using ZFS on Linux on
Stretch and that works too.. but you have to hack a few build
scripts to resolve some dependency issues
2632[17:53:02] <johnkeates> even used it on sid
2633[17:53:09] <johnkeates> but hey, if you want stable,
don't go there :p
2634[17:53:11] <siac> Hi, what version of KDE plasma come in
testing ISO?
2635[17:53:18] <johnkeates> none, you can only use Gnome
2636[17:53:21] *** Tundra-Sleep is now known as Tundra-Mobile
2637[17:53:24] <johnkeates> if you install KDE a kid in africa
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2640[17:53:44] <johnkeates> and Microsoft gets a donation from
the lets-pretend-we-are-windows-fund
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2643[17:54:08] <hexnewbie> johnkeates: Have you ran it with
Kernel 4.4? I'm wondering if I would need to build my own
packages to get 4.4 support from it
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2645[17:54:31] <johnkeates> i'll ssh in to my box, and check
what uname reports
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2648[17:54:59] <johnkeates> Linux clava 4.3.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP
Debian 4.3.5-1 (2016-02-06) x86_64 GNU/Linux
2649[17:55:02] <johnkeates> so, 4.3 and not 4.4
2650[17:55:12] <johnkeates> haven't done maintenance much,
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2653[17:55:57] <hexnewbie> Thanks for checking. ZoL archive
provides Debian packages for, and Linux 4.4 support comes in IIRC, so I've pinned my 4.3 kernel when backports added
4.4 last week and I'm waiting for new ZFS :)
2654[17:55:57] <leonardobbh> Hmmm ... OK. I work for years with
mdadm + LVM without any problem. What caught my attention was that
there is a native compression capacity of the file system. But I did
not want to put into production before knowing some more concrete
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2658[17:56:37] <johnkeates> I used MD + LVM too, and it's
fine, just slightly less feature-rich and less flexible
2659[17:56:54] <johnkeates> ZFS in my case is also faster since I
use L2ARC and ZIL on SSD's
2660[17:56:56] <leonardobbh> :)
2661[17:57:02] <hexnewbie> LVM is also slower if you plan to use
snapshots, especially a lot of them - I keep around 30 on an FS
2662[17:57:05] <johnkeates> and 32GB RAM for only 11TB of space
2663[17:57:08] <johnkeates> yeah
2664[17:57:26] <johnkeates> I've also wanted to check
2665[17:57:34] <johnkeates> since it'll have the native ZFS
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2667[17:58:02] <leonardobbh> Nice....
2668[17:58:11] <g00se> I don't get this time bomb thing with
xscreensaver in jessie. Is it the author or the maintainer
that's behind it?
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2670[17:58:28] <johnkeates> no, it's the terrorists
2671[17:58:35] <johnkeates> havent' you been reading the
2672[17:58:53] <hexnewbie> Both ZoL and FreeBSD are part of the
OpenZFS umbrella project, it's as native as you can have it.
The fact that it isn't in-tree isn't a big deal. But the
FreeBSD one works a little bit better with a thousand filesystems
for some reason
2673[17:59:04] <siac> johnkeates: OK, thank you.
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2676[17:59:39] <johnkeates> well, that, plus you have less
interference with the SPL and other porting parts
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2679[17:59:56] <johnkeates> OpenZFS itself is very stable and
works fine
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2683[18:00:41] <johnkeates> I wonder what would happen if MS
decided to suddenly add ZFS to Windows
2684[18:01:00] <johnkeates> they could only do that if they pay
someone ofc, like Oracle
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2687[18:01:20] <leonardobbh> KKk....
2688[18:01:23] <hexnewbie> g00se: The way I read the message, you
need to upgrade to a software that's not so terrible outdated.
That is anything that is not xscreensaver, which doesn't
respect how modern stable distributions work. :)
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2690[18:01:43] <leonardobbh> I will build a test environment with
Debian / kFreeBSD ... All my servers use Debian GNU / Linux is very
stable here ... never used FreeBSD kernel .. I read and see a lot of
good things about it ... I'll try. . Thank you all...
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2693[18:02:09] <leonardobbh> Thank you very much! ;)
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2697[18:02:49] <hexnewbie> g00se: The offending code comes from
2698[18:02:52] *** Quits: Samouy (~Samouy@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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2701[18:03:34] <johnkeates> upstream is where the danger is
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2709[18:05:15] <blawiz> im trying to mount a hdd with debian
install encrypted with LVM, what partition is it usually on? seems
to be on sda3, and cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda3 mountpoint ask for
password, but there doesnt seem to be anything in the mountpoint
2710[18:05:42] <g00se> So that probably means no screensaver
2711[18:06:43] <g00se> In fact, it's not really required on
this particular laptop. Would systemctl disable xscreensaver.service
stop it running for now?
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2713[18:07:05] <hexnewbie> blawiz: There isn't a usual
partition. But it's probably /dev/sda3. luksOpen doesn't
mount anything, it only opens the encrypted devices and creates a
block device for the data inside.
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2718[18:08:19] <hexnewbie> blawiz: You need to mount the new
device that it created - look for it in /dev/mapper, dmesg,
/dev/disk/by-*, etc.
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2720[18:08:59] <asd213> Hi. Anybody here using kernel 4.4?
I'm having some issues with it. My ttys go blank/black after
some time, but the system is still responsive. Anybody having this
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2722[18:09:03] <jelly> blawiz: typically there's lvm on top
of luks, check the output of "pvs" and "vgs" now
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2736[18:12:54] <blawiz> hexnewbie: seems to be in /dev/mapper but
'mount /dev/mapper/enc destfolder' gives: "mounting
/dev/mapper/enc on destfolder failed: Invalid argument"
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2739[18:13:37] <hexnewbie> blawiz: As jelly noted, it's very
likely it's not a filesystem, but an LVM physical volume. Run
pvs, vgs, lvs. And see man vgchange on how to enableit.
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2741[18:14:23] <hexnewbie> blawiz: It's usually: vgchange
-ay [vgname]
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2753[18:17:20] <Dutch_Gh0st> hello all
2754[18:17:32] <blawiz> 2 logical columes in volume group xxxx
now active
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2757[18:18:14] <hexnewbie> blawiz: So now your devices to be
mounted can be found in /dev/xxxx (as well as /dev/mapper/ under
names like xxxx-lv1, etc.)
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2759[18:18:30] <Dutch_Gh0st> mmhhh
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2765[18:20:14] <blawiz> hmm i still get invalid argument...
trying 'mount /dev/xxxx-vg/root destfolder'
2766[18:20:42] <jelly> blawiz: pastebin the output of
"lsblk", please
2767[18:21:00] <jelly> blawiz: and "vgs" and
"lvs" perhaps
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2769[18:21:06] <Dutch_Gh0st> where are you chatting about?
2770[18:21:19] <blawiz> oh, im on rescue mode on a
debian-install-usb on the comp :P
2771[18:21:28] <jelly> Dutch_Gh0st: probably some debian tech
support issue!
2772[18:21:35] <Dutch_Gh0st> oh allright
2773[18:21:37] <Dutch_Gh0st> cool
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2775[18:21:48] <jelly> because that's all that goes in this
2776[18:21:58] <blawiz> vgs gives bicetre-vg 1 2 0 wz--n- 465.02g
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2778[18:22:25] <Dutch_Gh0st> mmhh
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2780[18:22:35] <jelly> !paste
2781[18:22:35] <dpkg> Do not paste more than 2 lines to this
channel. Instead, use:
2782[18:22:46] <blawiz> lvs gives two lines, the root one is:
root bicetre-vg -wi-a----- 457.12g
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2785[18:22:54] <jelly> put everything in a single paste entry
2786[18:23:35] <blawiz> i dont have lsblk on that rescue mode
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2789[18:24:06] <hexnewbie> blawiz: Your encrypted laptop stopped
booting, and you're trying to repair it? It *is* possible that
the FS got corrupted (and I even suspect encryption makes it more
likely - possibly)
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2791[18:24:20] <hexnewbie> blawiz: Is there anything in dmesg
when you try to mount root?
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2795[18:25:07] <blawiz> hexnewbie: i accidentaly did somethink
like sudo rm -r /* or something... stopped it, but problably lot of
2796[18:25:29] <blawiz> maybe its unmountable?
2797[18:26:10] <blawiz> hexnewbie: doesnt seem to be anything in
dmesg no
2798[18:27:05] <hexnewbie> blawiz: That shouldn't corrupt
the FS. OK, IIRC the rescue mode doesn't have tab completion,
so I guess you're writing the LV names out. Make sure you
haven't misspelled them. Also explicitly tell what's the
2799[18:27:27] <hexnewbie> blawiz: Like mount -t ext4
/dev/bicetre-vg/root /mnt
2800[18:27:30] <jelly> blawiz: oh. what about a "file -s
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2804[18:27:58] <blawiz> hexnewbie: ahh, adding -t ext4 seems to
have worked :D
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2808[18:28:37] <hexnewbie> Yeah, fs type detection didn't
work in rescue mode either
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2813[18:30:07] <jelly> rescue images often don't have
full-fledged tools (like mount from util-linux with blkid and
fs-guessing capabilities) but some rudimentary replacements
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2818[18:31:00] <blawiz> would be nice if they did :]
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2823[18:32:09] <jelly> blawiz: I like, based on debian
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2829[18:33:06] <blawiz> jelly: oh, i actually was making that
before i noticed rescue mode on the deb installer... i
"never" need it so, probably outdated next time i need it
2830[18:33:08] <jelly> comes with almost everything a debian
admin might need, (also screen and zsh)
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2837[18:34:10] <jelly> blawiz: heh, outdated? I use their 2014.03
iso because the newer ones don't boot properly on hp proliants
or some ibm system-x stuff
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2841[18:34:50] <blawiz> ye, i had problem buying laptop recently,
since the hardware is too new :/
2842[18:35:21] <blawiz> ofc u probably can hack most of it to
work, but dont want to spend days/weeks/months on it ;P
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2844[18:35:55] <blawiz> (bought a bit old model, asus ux305fa)
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2850[18:37:54] <blawiz> *ended up buying
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2868[18:44:15] <digitalice> got a question about spamassasin
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2878[18:47:16] <abrotman> just ask
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2980[19:34:08] <gumnos> Doing an `apt-get update` I'm
receiving the following message: "E: Release file for
2981[19:34:19] <gumnos> (I'm on Jessie, FWIW)
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2989[19:36:11] <gumnos> as best I can tell, I don't have
anything in my /etc/apt/sources.list that points to such a repo. I
do have a "deb
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2991[19:36:44] <teraflops> gumnos: afaik there are no more
squeeze backports
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2994[19:37:20] <ewew> gumnos EOF of squeeze backports.
2995[19:37:26] <ewew> *EOL
2996[19:37:29] <gumnos> teraflops: I'm cool with that. Just
curious why, when everything in my sources.list says jessie,
it's talking about squeeze. That, and how to get it to stop
2997[19:37:30] <jmcnaught> gumnos: check for files in
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2999[19:37:33] <gumnos> ah
3000[19:37:42] <teraflops> but I guess theres an archive thing
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3002[19:38:00] <teraflops> or whatever, sorry for being so vague
3003[19:38:20] <jhutchins> gumnos: try aptitude clean
3004[19:38:27] <teraflops> ah wait then it's a typo
3005[19:38:41] <gumnos> jmcnaught: bingo.
sources.list.d/backports.list was the guilty party
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3007[19:39:01] <gumnos> safe to just nuke that one-line file
3008[19:39:07] <jhutchins> jmcnaught: Good call.
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3010[19:39:10] <jhutchins> gumnos: Yeah.
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3013[19:40:14] <gumnos> sweet, apt-get no longer complains.
Thanks, all.
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3015[19:40:29] <jhutchins> That's the problem with those .d
folders, they're really handy but they make troubleshooting
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3018[19:41:02] <gumnos> and, when I tab-completed, bash completed
to the file that existed without hint that there was something else
with an additional suffix.
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3020[19:41:16] <teraflops> jhutchins: but this is pebcak since he
is running jessie
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3023[19:41:43] <gumnos> is there a way to check if any packages I
have came from those backports and will no longer be supported?
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3025[19:42:20] <jhutchins> teraflops: You don't suppose he
was running squeeze and didn't delete the file when he
3026[19:42:30] <jmcnaught> gumnos: "aptitude search ~o"
will show packages that are no longer downloadable. anything else
should have been upgraded.
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3029[19:44:31] <teraflops> jmcnaught: yeah, it can be, but
squeeze is old² stable
3030[19:44:52] <gumnos> teraflops: this install has been upgraded
for quite a while, so it's lived through squeeze & wheezy
(and possibly lenny before that; not sure if I did a complete
reformat/reinstall at that jump). So having some ghosts of squeeze
or wheezy around wouldn't surpise me
3031[19:44:55] <gumnos> *surprise
3032[19:45:46] <jmcnaught> gumnos: it's probably worth
checking any other .list files you have in that directory then. when
you do upgrades do you do follow all the steps in the releases
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3034[19:46:11] <teraflops> gumnos: sure that's fine and i
agree with jmcnaught too, it's just hard to believe you
didnt's saw squeeze shit when doing apt-get update or whatever
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3036[19:46:25] <gumnos> jmcnaught: thanks. Looks like it's
mostly ttf fonts, hpodder, and python2.5 (still used for some
testing) so I don't feel a great loss at losing those
3037[19:46:26] <teraflops> nvm then
3038[19:46:41] <gumnos> the only other .list file there was a
mozilla.list which had all lines commented out.
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3045[19:49:02] <gumnos> teraflops: given the obsolescence date in
that error (~13d ago), it's not surprising that apt hasn't
barfed before then. I tend to update every other week or so unless
something of import crosses my radar.
3046[19:49:20] <teraflops> gumnos: fine, yeah
3047[19:49:55] <gumnos> Thanks again, all. Everything's back
as I expect it now.
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3083[20:06:10] <B4daBing73> Hi
3084[20:06:25] <B4daBing73> What's the coolest Desktop
Environment for Debian?
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3086[20:07:03] <teraflops> B4daBing73: wrong question
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3097[20:11:41] <lesley> Is there a voodoo that turns Ubuntu into
Debian without having to completely reinstall?
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3100[20:12:48] <teraflops> lesley: I guess is easier/saner
reinstalling at that point
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3106[20:16:12] <Pinchiukas> So is testing not recommended for my
daily-driver Desktop use? Should I use stable instead?
3107[20:16:38] <abrotman> that's up to you
3108[20:16:53] <abrotman> depends howmuch breakage you can handle
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3118[20:21:13] <hexnewbie> lesley: Reinstalling Debian while
keeping your /home (and maybe parts of /etc) is mostly equivalent to
what you're asking for. There aren't tons of configuration
tied to the current install that can't be safely regenerated
during a fresh install.
3119[20:21:27] *** Joins: Sasori (ircap@replaced-ip)
3120[20:21:30] <Sasori> Hello!
3121[20:21:35] <Sasori> Please I need help :S
3122[20:21:37] <Sasori> So urgent :(
3123[20:21:51] <lesley> Oh, that's a thing in the install?
3124[20:22:34] <Sasori> No, it's about the /var/lib/mysql,
appears too full
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3126[20:22:49] <Sasori> But I have 2 tb of disk... In df -h
appears /dev/root at 100% use
3127[20:22:53] <hexnewbie> lesley: Once I wrecked my / badly (XFS
and no backups = win), so I simply rsynced my laptop's / to my
desktop and barely noticed I was on a different /. The only trouble
I had - I had to install some software again, and when I upgraded to
jessie, systemd would wait 3 minutes for my laptop's encrypted
disk before letting the system boot.
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3130[20:23:31] <hexnewbie> lesley: Well, is your /home on a
separate partition? Do you keep things on your root partition, like
databases, /data folder, etc.
3131[20:23:52] *** Quits: f10 (~flo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
3132[20:24:08] <lesley> It's all in one partition.
3133[20:24:17] <lesley> The installer said "for advanced
users" :(
3134[20:24:33] <nullzen> question, Im using gnome and was trying
to attach my gmail account to evolution for the calendar, but google
refuses it. Anyone know a workaround for this?
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3136[20:24:52] <hexnewbie> Hm, I don't recall if the Debian
installer allows you to install without running mkfs on the root
3137[20:25:02] *** Parts: salto (~salto@replaced-ip)
3138[20:25:24] <hexnewbie> You certainly could with debootstrap,
preferably with a chroot, but that's too sophisticated an
operation if you haven't done it before.
3139[20:26:14] <lesley> eh
3140[20:26:27] *** Quits: daniel-s (~daniel-s@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
3141[20:26:29] <jmcnaught> lesley: make a backup of your files
and do a normal install of Debian is what i recommend. checking the
install manual is not a bad idea.
3142[20:26:39] <lesley> yeah
3143[20:26:57] <lesley> So ah is there a better way to run
Windows programs, like say a whole emulator that only drives a
single program?
3144[20:26:58] <jmcnaught> Sasori: you can use the du tool to
find what is taking so much space. perhaps a run-away log?
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3152[20:29:43] <Sasori> uhm
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3157[20:30:00] <Sasori> but jmcnaught, can i maximize the size of
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3160[20:31:11] <jmcnaught> Sasori: i don't know what you
mean. if you're using LVM you could add a new physical volume
to the volume group, and use the new space to expand your root
logical volume. This will mean that one disk failing loses the whole
filesystem though (eg it's not a RAID setup)
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3168[20:32:52] <jmcnaught> Sasori: for you right now it probably
makes more sense to find what's using all the space and fix
that problem.
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3170[20:33:04] <hexnewbie> I think there *has* to be a way to
force the installer to not run mkfs on /. Am I wrong?
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3172[20:33:36] <jmcnaught> hexnewbie: it's one of the
options when you look at the details of a volume/partition
3173[20:33:46] <Sasori> But how can I find what's using all
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3175[20:34:03] <Sasori> If I use df -h /dev/root use 100%
3176[20:34:07] <Sasori> but /dev/root don't exist
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3179[20:34:36] <hexnewbie> lesley: So if jmcnaught is correct,
all you'd need to do is move Ubuntu files (except for /home) in
a directory, say /ubuntu, and install Debian over. You'd need
to do that from a live CD (or the Debian installer, though that will
be more complicated)
3180[20:34:56] <jmcnaught> Sasori: what does "dh -h"
say without /dev/root?
3181[20:34:58] *** Joins: wildlander (~wild@replaced-ip)
3182[20:35:01] <hexnewbie> lesley: I've only ran the Debian
installer three times in my life, so I am not sure how exactly :)
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3186[20:35:28] <lesley> i dont know anymore ( ._.)
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3188[20:35:58] <jmcnaught> lesley: you shouldn't attempt a
new OS reinstall without backing up files you care about first. this
isn't Debian specific, it's just general.
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3193[20:36:41] <Sasori> See this jmcnaught
3194[20:36:42] <Sasori> :S
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3200[20:38:02] <hexnewbie> You should have backups even if you
aren't installing an OS
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3203[20:38:13] <lesley> OKAY I GET IT OMG
3204[20:38:15] <hexnewbie> lesley: My current Debian install used
to be Mandrake, then it became Slackware, then it became Gentoo, and
then it became Debian. I haven't lost any files along the way,
and for the Debian I didn't use the installer. And yes, I did
get backups (after Debian, before that I was willing to be more
3205[20:38:22] <lesley> AAAAAAAAAAA
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3209[20:38:47] <jmcnaught> Sasori: you could try running
"apt-get clean" to free up a little space. this removes
cached .deb files (check the apt-get manpage for more details). Then
you can use "du -h / | less" to get a huge list of disk
usage by directory. narrow it down with a different path like
"du -h /var" for example. there's also a
"ncdu" that does the same thing in an interactive TUI
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3211[20:39:10] <bumbar> i've added user to sudo group (as
root), but when i try to run some command says user is not in
sudoers file
3212[20:39:36] <jmcnaught> bumbar: if you run "groups"
as that user is sudo in the list? has the user logged out and back
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3224[20:41:03] <bumbar> jmcnaught, ah yes, forgot to logout. used
to that in linux one hardly has to reboot/logout :P
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3228[20:42:38] <Sasori> I can't see nothing jmcnaught :(
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3237[20:43:44] <jmcnaught> Sasori: i can't see your screen
so i don't know what you've tried. i did notice from your
screengrab that your rootfs is 20GB, while your /home is 1.8TB (but
only 68MB used on /home)
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3243[20:44:41] <Sasori> jmcnaught, how can I put more space in
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3249[20:45:37] <jmcnaught> Sasori: it depends, are you using LVM?
did you try "apt-get clean" or using du or ncdu to figure
out where all the space is being used?
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3251[20:46:12] <Sasori> I used apt-get clean and nothing
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3254[20:46:49] <jmcnaught> Sasori: no output at all? the results
of "dh -h" are unchanged?
3255[20:47:02] <Sasori> no :s
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3259[20:48:01] <jmcnaught> Sasori: if you "cd
/var/cache/apt/archives" and then run "du -sh ." what
does it say?
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3262[20:48:35] <Sasori> 40K
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3264[20:49:15] <jmcnaught> Sasori: and the "Disp"
column for / when you run "df -h" still says 20K?
3265[20:49:48] <Sasori> no, appears 96K
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3269[20:51:02] <streulma> is there a solution for using Debian
with Secure Boot enabled ?
3270[20:51:07] <Sasori> uhm, /var/qmail appears 7,4G jmcnaught
3271[20:51:18] <Sasori> can i change var/qmail to /home?
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3273[20:52:16] <jmcnaught> Sasori: you could move /var/qmail to
somewhere on /home and then make a symlink to its original location
3274[20:52:30] <Sasori> how that? :S
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3277[20:54:28] <jmcnaught> Sasori: in general you'll want to
stop qmail from running, then use the mv command to move /var/qmail
to something like /home/qmail, then a command like "ln -s
/home/qmail /var/qmail"
3278[20:54:45] <Sasori> oh it's a nice idea :O
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3284[20:56:36] <jmcnaught> Sasori: it's kind a of messy
solution if you ask me, but the problem originates with the decision
to only allocation 20G for / and 1.8T for /home which didn't
get used
3285[20:57:00] <Sasori> yes... but i don't know how increase
it... :S
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3287[20:57:07] <Sasori> I have a dedicated server in ovh
3288[20:57:07] <abrotman> lvm?
3289[20:57:16] <Sasori> how can I check it?
3290[20:58:01] <jmcnaught> Sasori: your df output doesn't
look like you're using LVM, but if "lvs" or
"vgs" tells you about logical volumes or volume groups,
you could be using LVM
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3295[21:00:04] <Sasori> then i can't increase it?
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3297[21:01:33] <Sasori> df -h
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3299[21:01:52] <jmcnaught> Sasori: if your rootfs is an LVM
logical volume and you have unallocated space on the volume group it
will be fairly easy. Judging by /home being mounted from /dev/md3 I
would say you're not using LVM
3300[21:02:35] <Sasori> ls
3301[21:02:37] <Sasori> uih
3302[21:02:43] <pengown> I use btrfs to separate my ssd from hdd
3303[21:02:51] <Sasori> I moved qmail to home...
3304[21:02:57] <pengown> home is on the 2tb hdd
3305[21:03:03] <Sasori> Now I have space
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3307[21:03:28] <jmcnaught> Sasori: make sure that /var/qmail
exists as a symlink before you start qmail again
3308[21:03:42] <Sasori> Yes I will check it
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3310[21:04:01] <Walex> Sasori: it is unliky that a typical Debian
install has a 20GB '/' filesystem.
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3315[21:05:30] <Walex> Sasori: so it is likely that you have some
sort of "data" files in '/' that you can move
under '/home' apart from 'qmail' (whatever that
is, because the 'qmail' program itself is tiny).
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3321[21:06:51] <jmcnaught> Walex: Sasori had found that
/var/qmail was using 7.4G. I don't use qmail, but I assume
that's where it was keeping its mailboxes or spools
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3324[21:07:39] <Walex> ahhhhhh]
3325[21:07:40] <Sasori> I installed Plesk
3326[21:07:47] <Sasori> plesk configured all like that...
3327[21:08:01] <Walex> Sasori: did you ever backup '/'?
3328[21:08:30] <Sasori> no
3329[21:08:52] <Walex> Sasori: did you ever backup
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3333[21:10:57] <Sasori> no :s
3334[21:11:06] <Walex> uhhhhhh
3335[21:11:10] <Sasori> Not for now, I have this server about 1
3336[21:11:22] <Sasori> I only backup var/replaced-url
3337[21:11:25] <Walex> Sasori: because a typical server install
might take 3-5GiB.
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3339[21:12:44] <Walex> Sasori: so if you filled up 20GB then you
have probablu 15GB of "data", of which 7.4GB was you mail
inbox. Perhaps the remaining 7-8GB would be web pages or databases
or images or whatever else your server is designed to serve.
3340[21:13:29] <Walex> Sasori: so you may want to have a look at
how much stuff you got under '/var/' that you might want
to backup...
3341[21:13:48] <Sasori> In var now without the qmail: 8,7 G
3342[21:13:54] <markybob> any op around to update /topic for
8.4/7.10 ?
3343[21:14:07] <Walex> Sasori: als also check '/srv/'
if you got it.
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3346[21:14:29] <Walex> Sasori: for '/var/' that's
pretty huge. You may have pretty large logs.
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3349[21:15:20] <Walex> Sasori: try 'du -xm --max-depth=3
/var/ | sort -n | tail -10' to get an idea of what's
inside '/var/'
3350[21:15:22] <Sasori> Not really...
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3352[21:15:29] <Sasori> the other problem is /var/replaced-url
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3354[21:15:32] <Sasori> i have all pages here...
3355[21:15:33] <jmcnaught> Sasori: if /var/qmail used 7.4G in a
month you could have a problem with your qmail configuration
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3357[21:15:45] <Sasori> no no, i migrate other server
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3359[21:15:51] <Sasori> XDD
3360[21:17:26] <Walex> Sasori: how sad would you be if
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3363[21:18:04] <hexnewbie> Sasori: Is your actual mail going in
/var/qmail, or is just your queue there?
3364[21:18:15] <Sasori> yes
3365[21:18:22] <Sasori> But I moved it to /home
3366[21:18:27] <Sasori> Now i have the qmail in /home
3367[21:18:35] <Sasori> and with df -h i have more space...
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3369[21:18:51] <Sasori> But I hate it, what I must to do? move
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3371[21:19:37] <Walex> Sasori: that would be good too. But make
3372[21:19:44] <Sasori> yes, sure
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