People who Joins, Parts or Quits a chatroom
this is #debian
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3[00:03:39] <unborn> kronoks: icedove is in repos as proper
replacement of thunderbird
4[00:03:47] *** Joins: darkblue_b (~chatzilla@replaced-ip)
5[00:03:51] <unborn> I had no issue with efi
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9[00:05:44] <darkblue_b> can someone walk me through debsign ?
I am working with a DD and I have two packages ready to upload
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11[00:06:02] <kronoks> unborn: debian recently decided to bring
back firefox and thunderbird, forgetting the idiotic fued of the
past. are you aware of this? this is what my question pertains to.
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13[00:07:10] <mutante> yea, hehe, that was such a nice
surprise.. apt-get upgrade and baaam.. surprise Firefox
14[00:07:18] <mutante> after 10 years :)
15[00:07:45] <unborn> kronoks: thunderbird? where? I dont have
that in my repos
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18[00:08:45] <unborn> kronoks: icedove and ice-weasel are
basically same code with changed branding.. are you aware of this?
19[00:08:53] * awwal Wonders if renaming iceweasel firefox have any
practical reasons...
20[00:09:28] <darkblue_b> brand-awareness is a Very Big Deal...
21[00:09:53] <darkblue_b> gpg setup help for debsign, anyone ?
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26[00:10:43] <kronoks> unborn: thunderbird is not yet in the
repos. it will be soon. they are working on it. just as firefox came
back. the question was when.
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28[00:11:13] <unborn> kronoks: they are both great peaces I
like that news :)
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30[00:11:19] <kronoks> unborn: they are not
"basically" the same. firefox displays characters
correctly when forcing droid sans and other non-uniform fonts, while
iceweasel dos not.
31[00:11:41] <kronoks> that debacle was fixed, however. not,
it's time for the e-mail client.
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33[00:11:56] <kronoks> hadouken, shinku tetsu-puuken.
34[00:12:05] <kronoks> >:o
35[00:12:20] <jmcnaught> kronoks:
36[00:12:29] <unborn> iceweasel works great for me.. I was very
lucky that I switched to debian from ubuntu
37[00:12:43] <judd> Bug
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42[00:14:30] <jmcnaught> darkblue_b: if you're working on
a package for inclusion in Debian you could ask for help on
#debian-mentors on
43[00:14:47] <darkblue_b> hmm its a side project
44[00:15:07] *** Joins: FuriousGeorge (~chatzilla@replaced-ip)
45[00:15:22] *** dreamon__ is now known as dreamon
46[00:15:28] <darkblue_b> it is REALLY a lot of work to make
this, and we have a deadline for our debian-based system
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49[00:15:47] <darkblue_b> its been more than four hours of
solid work with the DD and my gf is looking at me mean
50[00:16:08] <Loeb> darkblue_b, one word. Hitaci.
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52[00:16:15] <Loeb> hitachi*
53[00:16:29] *** Joins: Yukiteru (~Yukiteru@replaced-ip)
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60[00:18:45] <darkblue_b>
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65[00:20:00] <darkblue_b> or, more seriously,
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67[00:20:39] *** Parts: wsky (~sexyboy@replaced-ip)
68[00:20:52] <neilthereildeil> does debian make and changes to
the structure of /usr/src/linux directory?
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70[00:21:53] <neilthereildeil> or is this the same one
installed by "make headers_install" in vanilla kernel?
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73[00:22:18] <jmcnaught> darkblue_b: is this for Debian, or
Ubuntu? Also if this is not for uploading to the Debian archives,
then you might not need dput
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75[00:22:52] <darkblue_b> I apologize profusely for any
non-Debian talk, but honestly, I just need to get gpg setup
76[00:23:00] <darkblue_b> another channel suggestion is also
77[00:23:30] <jmcnaught> darkblue_b: you should be asking in
#ubuntu if you're doing this on Ubuntu. #debian is only for
Debian, not for derivatives
78[00:23:33] <darkblue_b> our DD said to do this, I am trying
to do that
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81[00:23:51] <darkblue_b> I am not going to #ubuntu thx
82[00:24:09] *** Joins: blueness (~blueness@replaced-ip)
83[00:24:12] <darkblue_b> can we skip this cul-de-sac ?
84[00:24:46] <kronoks> ubuntu chat is like teenagers trying to
solve a problem
85[00:26:05] * unborn ubuntu channel is horrible and actually
helpless been there 3 times past 4 years.. no help only arrogant
replies.. google provide better help then ubuntus channel
86[00:26:12] <jmcnaught> still, coming here for Ubuntu help is
off-topic. darkblue_b you may want to read the New Maintainers Guide
for an overview of Debian packaging, and/or check out reprepro for
hosting your local repository
87[00:26:16] *** Joins: chimi (~chimi@replaced-ip)
88[00:26:42] <darkblue_b> jmcnaught: you are mis-characterizing
the situation, and I am supplying specific responses
89[00:27:14] *** Joins: ragedragon (~ragedrago@replaced-ip)
90[00:27:19] <kronoks> darkblue_b: try the arch wiki. they are
the most competent linux community.
91[00:27:30] <unborn> darkblue_b: is that for ubuntu or debian?
92[00:27:34] <darkblue_b> kronoks: ok thx
93[00:28:21] <darkblue_b> unborn: our debian developer just
walked me throuch about four hours of building two packages with
some dependancy changes..
94[00:28:56] <darkblue_b> I want to send this work somewhere..
is it going directly to a Debian resource somewhere, no
95[00:29:10] <unborn> darkblue_b: cool but is that for ubuntu
or debian?
96[00:29:32] <darkblue_b> if this is entertainment for you,
97[00:29:38] <kronoks> lol
98[00:29:41] <kronoks> it is for me.
99[00:29:48] <unborn> darkblue_b: if for ubuntu then there is
some wikis right here:
100[00:29:52] <mutante> this repeats itself all day
101[00:30:32] <kronoks> best solution: give up computers and
computing devices. become a free human again. exit the matrix.
102[00:30:49] <darkblue_b> ok - so this is entertainment...
103[00:30:56] <unborn> mutante: yeah I am actually fed up with
this.. its usually like this I need help with this but they never
tell you what distro they are on or what version they need to sort
and why.. even if you ask them couple of times..
104[00:31:04] <mutante> why does everybody insist in using
105[00:31:28] <kronoks> ubuntu is the easiest and most uniform
to use.
106[00:31:39] <mutante> "easiest" but then there is no
support, right
107[00:31:51] <kronoks> i said easiest. not simplest, or best,
108[00:31:57] <jmcnaught> let's keep it on the topic of
Debian tech support please
109[00:32:08] <kronoks> there is some basic support in the IRC
channel and online.
110[00:32:16] <unborn> yeah debian
111[00:32:22] *** Joins: denisk (~denisk@replaced-ip)
112[00:32:26] <kronoks> ubuntu is a glorified debian, frozen in
point in time.
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114[00:32:44] <darkblue_b> ugh
115[00:33:00] <Loeb> Anyone here familiar with kvm? Channel is
116[00:33:33] <darkblue_b> a more nuanced treatment of this
situation is lost here apparently
117[00:33:50] <Loeb> darkblue_b, are you expecting quality
conversation in irc?
118[00:34:02] <jmcnaught> Loeb: if you're using libvirt
there's a #virt on you could try. some people
using libvirt here too.
119[00:34:16] <unborn> Loeb: here? always
120[00:34:22] <Loeb> I'm honestly not even sure if I'm
using libvirt or not
121[00:34:26] *** Joins: curtis22 (~curtis@replaced-ip)
122[00:34:33] <Loeb> Right now I'm still trying to bind my
stuff to vfio-pci
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125[00:34:50] <darkblue_b> the gpg signing is Debian rules.. I
just put massive effort into this very tedious endeaver, with the
guidance of an unbelievably hard-working and somewhat difficult DD
126[00:34:53] <Loeb> The hdmi audio bit of my GPU is hanging the
terminal when I try to unbind it
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128[00:35:12] <jmcnaught> darkblue_b: i suggested looking at the
NMG and reprepro. from your paste it looks like you're trying
to push to a PPA which is a feature not commonly used in Debian, so
it would be better for you to ask in the correct channel.
129[00:35:20] <darkblue_b> your Debian project will benefit
directly, because there is a direct equivalent in Debian - direct
130[00:35:25] <Loeb> Every time you say DD I keep imagining
you're running dd the command
131[00:36:02] <darkblue_b> its an easy out to just call
"ubuntu" and "go away:" and you do yourself a
disservice in this case
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133[00:36:11] *** Parts: mutante (mutante@replaced-ip)
134[00:36:19] <jmcnaught> Loeb: are you running qemu from the
command line? libvirt is worth a try, it's a pretty nice front
end for managing hypervisors
135[00:36:20] <kronoks> Loeb: what would happen if, as root, you
issued: "dd bs=40M if=/tmp of=/ ; sync
136[00:36:34] <jmcnaught> !tell darkblue_b about based on debian
137[00:36:39] <Loeb> kronoks, sounds like a fancy way to rm -rf
138[00:36:56] <Loeb> jmcnaught, I'm not even at the point
where I'm starting the VM yet
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140[00:36:59] <teraflops> darkblue_b: of course it is, also
it's legit, and people get pissed everytime we shout it at them
141[00:37:01] <kronoks> who will try it out
142[00:37:03] *** Quits: denisk (~denisk@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
143[00:37:07] <kronoks> maybe test it on someone in #ubuntu
144[00:37:14] <kronoks> mwahahah!
145[00:37:15] <jmcnaught> kronoks: please don't suggest
destructive commands on IRC
146[00:37:18] <Loeb> I keep getting errors related to my HDMI
driver not being on the vfio-pci driver
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148[00:37:31] <jmcnaught> Loeb: can you make a paste of the
command and error?
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150[00:37:43] <kronoks> have a sense of humanity.
151[00:37:54] <Loeb> Which error, the one when I try to start
qemu or the one when I try to unbind?
152[00:38:09] <Loeb> The latter has no error, it hangs the
153[00:38:12] <unborn> darkblue_b: I asked you twice what system
you running - you came back to me with some entertainment crap. How
can anyone help you with your gpg setup if you not put out problem
154[00:38:15] <unborn> ?
155[00:38:26] <jmcnaught> kronoks: often there are new users
here who could think a command was suggested for them, and they will
execute it without knowing what it means. Suggesting destructive
commands even as a joke isn't funny, and will get you banned.
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160[00:39:01] <jmcnaught> Loeb: generally provide as much info
as you can
161[00:39:37] <Loeb> Can't copypaste, IRC not running on
that computer as it gets rebooted a lot during this process
162[00:39:38] <kronoks> jmcnaught: obviously. consider whether
we doing them a disservice by protecting people from their own
ignorance, robbing them of a valuable learning experience.
163[00:40:04] <kronoks> good day, gentlemen.
164[00:40:11] *** Parts: kronoks (18610c62@replaced-ip)
165[00:40:33] <Loeb> the unbind command is "Echo
0000:02:00.1 >
/sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:02:00.1/driver/unbind" as root. Not
sudo, but actually root.
166[00:40:52] <Loeb> If I do this with 0000:02:00.0, it works.
Rebinding with vfio-pci does as well.
167[00:41:11] <Loeb> .0 is the GPU, .1 is the audio part for
audio via HDMI. Hardware device in question is a GTX 950
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172[00:42:45] <Loeb> There is an XML file somehwere for qemu
that supposedly has "managed=yes" in it somewhere, and
that is what is requiring the HDMI drivers to be enabled...
173[00:43:04] <Loeb> This might be related to libvirt, guess
I'll go find that channel
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177[00:44:56] <jch> Hi.
178[00:45:14] <jch> on amd64, how do I find out what packages
have installed things into my initramfs?
179[00:45:16] <jmcnaught> Loeb: the XML is probably a libvirt
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182[00:46:02] <putridp> Is there a way to stop atp from clearing
the terminal screen when it finishes, so its output remains
183[00:46:03] <Loeb> I'm not sure what the name of the VM
is as I haven't successfully launched the VM yet... I think.
184[00:46:08] <putridp> s/atp/apt
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187[00:47:02] <jmcnaught> Loeb: "virsh list --all"
(for virsh you might also need to tell it the connection name with
"--connect qemu:///system", check the man page for details
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191[00:47:42] <jmcnaught> putridp: it doesn't clear the
screen for me. What command does this?
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194[00:48:41] <putridp> jmcnaught: $sudo apt install
195[00:49:04] <Loeb> jmcnaught, doesn't return anything
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204[00:51:31] <jmcnaught> Loeb: libvirt isn't involved if
you're launching the VM with qemu on the command line, still
not sure if that's what you're doing
205[00:51:39] <Loeb> That is
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207[00:52:07] <jmcnaught> putridp: do apt-get and aptitude do
this? which version of Debian is this?
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213[00:53:40] <putridp> jmcnaught: no, apt-get and aptitude work
as usual. I'm using raspbian jessie.
214[00:54:47] <jmcnaught> putridp: this could be something
introduced by raspbian, which is supported in #raspbian
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217[00:55:26] <putridp> jmcnaught: Thank you. It's helpful
to know it's not expected behaviour
218[00:55:39] <unborn> :D
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220[00:58:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1648
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226[00:59:12] <Loeb> When I try to launch it from command line,
I get "error, group 18 is not viable, please ensure all devices
within the immo_group are bound to their device driver
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229[01:00:28] <neilthereildeil> guys, whats the difference
between usr/include and usr/src?
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238[01:02:49] <Loeb> So obvious answer, I need to get
0000:02:00.1 out of /sys/kernel/iommu_groups/18/devices/
239[01:02:58] <Loeb> If that is such a thing
240[01:03:15] <Loeb> (it has shortcuts/files/whatever for
02:00.0 and 02:00.1 right now)
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267[01:15:51] <jch> on amd64, how do I find out what packages
have installed things into my initramfs?
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269[01:18:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1636
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284[01:27:31] <controll> i am using debian 8 with KDE, i am
trying to install gnome and i get this:
285[01:27:44] <controll> root@pc:~# apt-get install gnome
286[01:27:44] <controll> Package gnome is not available, but is
referred to by another package.
287[01:28:00] <controll> any ideas?
288[01:28:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1630
289[01:28:19] <somiaj> controll: sounds like you don't have
your internet sources set up
290[01:28:22] <somiaj> !jessie sources.list
291[01:28:22] <dpkg> A suitable /etc/apt/sources.list for Debian
8 "Jessie" has three lines: "deb
292[01:28:34] <somiaj> controll: modify your
/etc/apt/sources.list to include full internet sources
293[01:28:44] *** Quits: zeemz (~zeemz@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
294[01:28:53] <controll> ok, thanks, i will check this
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300[01:32:22] <controll> i already have this 3 lines in my
sources list
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307[01:33:19] <somiaj> controll: run apt-get update
308[01:33:33] *** Quits: RickXy (~zncadmin@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
309[01:34:19] <controll> omg
310[01:34:25] <controll> fixed!
311[01:34:35] <controll> i can belive that this was the solution
312[01:34:35] *** Quits: eti (~eti@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
313[01:34:45] <somiaj> you have to update the database after you
make changes to your sourcse.list
314[01:34:45] <controll> i feel so dumb
315[01:34:46] *** Quits: dethos (~dethos@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
316[01:34:49] <controll> thanks!
317[01:34:52] <somiaj> controll: it is easy to overlook.
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321[01:35:42] <slystone> Ohai!
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324[01:35:53] <slystone> I need a little help.
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326[01:36:10] * simonlnu doesn't feel dumb anymore, he just
laughs at his mistakes
327[01:36:12] <somiaj> please ask your question slystone
328[01:36:23] <simonlnu> just ask, it's easier
329[01:36:27] <slystone> I'm using Debian with an Olinuxino
(a a 4Go card).
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331[01:36:52] <slystone> I need to make some space (root is
332[01:37:04] <slystone> I've deleted some stuff, but
it's still not enough.
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335[01:37:13] <Loeb> how do I remove a device from
"/sys/kernel/iommu_groups/18/devices/" ?
336[01:37:18] <slystone> What more could I do?
337[01:37:30] <somiaj> slystone: try this, apt-get clean (this
will remove all the downlaoded .deb files that are kept as an
338[01:37:35] <somiaj> slystone: does that clean up some space?
339[01:37:36] <simonlnu> apt storage full? (apt-get autoclean or
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343[01:38:05] <somiaj> note if you want that archive, you can
copy /var/cache/apt/archive/foo.deb to some other location
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345[01:38:21] <neilthereildeil> hey guys
346[01:38:36] <neilthereildeil> i am trying to install
libgnutls-dev on debian, but am getting an error
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348[01:38:48] <slystone> Furthermore, I got rid of xserver-xorg
and stuff, but there still remain some graphical interfaces (had to
manually get rid of lightdm, openbox, etc.).
349[01:38:48] <neilthereildeil> libgnutls-dev : Depends:
libgnutls-openssl27 (= 2.12.20-8+deb7u5) but 3.3.8-6+deb8u3 is to be
350[01:38:48] <neilthereildeil> Depends: libgcrypt11-dev (>=
1.4.0) but it is not going to be installed
351[01:38:55] <neilthereildeil> any ideas how to solve this?
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353[01:39:09] <somiaj> neilthereildeil: why are you mixing
wheezy and jessie sources/packages?
354[01:39:21] <slystone> somiaj: already done (and autoclean and
355[01:39:26] *** Joins: sleonard_ (~sleonard@replaced-ip)
356[01:39:27] <simonlnu> asking for trouble
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358[01:39:35] <neilthereildeil> somiaj: am i? how do you know?
359[01:39:50] <simonlnu> he reads minds
360[01:39:52] <somiaj> slystone: then you'll have to
manaully track down what is using the space, or maybe you just need
more space in root
361[01:40:01] *** Quits: Sucks (~Sucks@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
362[01:40:03] <slystone> somiaj: /dev/root 3.7G 3.6G 0 100% /
363[01:40:16] *** Quits: f10 (~flo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
364[01:40:22] <slystone> That's why I'm here. I
don't want to break stuff.
365[01:40:43] <somiaj> neilthereildeil: the versions that are
pasted, the +deb7u5 are security updates for wheezy, while the
deb8u3 are security updtes for jessie. Somehow you have a mix
between jessie packages and wheezy packages on your system.
366[01:40:48] <slystone> Well, sometimes breaking stuff is good
to learn, but I'd rather avoid mistakes.
367[01:40:50] <simonlnu> slystone: not a lot of room for a linux
distro. is that an embedded device?
368[01:40:53] <somiaj> neilthereildeil: care to share the output
of 'apt-cache policy' at
369[01:41:04] *** Quits: sleonard_ (~sleonard@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
370[01:41:14] <slystone> simonlnu: it runs on an Olinuxino A20.
371[01:41:16] *** Quits: xaa (~xaa@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
372[01:41:26] <somiaj> slystone: well du /log (is it the logs
taking up space), what sort of software do you have installed?
deskops/databases/etc can eat up a lot of that space fairly quickly.
373[01:41:33] <simonlnu> slystone: a raspi?
374[01:42:09] <slystone> simonlnu: no, Olinuxino A20 (but some
stuff running on a raspi can actually run on that board).
375[01:42:16] <somiaj> slystone: have you installed any local
software in /usr/local or /otp (That is outside of debian)?
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378[01:43:06] <slystone> My setup is very light: weechat,
rtorrent, mysecureshell, lighttpd…
379[01:43:11] <neilthereildeil> somiaj:
380[01:43:12] <somiaj> slystone: arg, 'du /var'
basically /var unless you install local software will be one of the
only places that will take up space that is data used by debian
packages but not the software itself. Is a lot of your space being
used in /var/log
381[01:43:17] *** Quits: newbiedev (43f73499@replaced-ip) (Quit: Page closed)
382[01:43:47] <somiaj> slystone: rtorrent could take up a lot of
space with all of the files it shares/downloads. That is a place to
check too
383[01:44:27] <slystone> The files downloaded went to an
external disk.
384[01:44:36] <somiaj> neilthereildeil: see that output of you
have both wheezy and jessie packages installed. This mix has caused
a conflict on your system making it hard for apt to figure how to
isntall things. In essence mixxing wheezy/jessie packages is why
things are not installing nicely.
385[01:44:50] <slystone> Should I paste the return of 'du
386[01:44:51] <somiaj> slystone: well check that du /var
command, does /var seem to be taking up a lot of space?
387[01:45:07] <somiaj> slystone: just the total it takes, du -h
/var if you want it more human readable than just bytes
388[01:45:19] <slystone> ok :)
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390[01:46:41] <Loeb> how do I blacklist a driver on boot?
391[01:46:54] <Loeb> I read about it earlier but I can't
find it now. I know I already have some blacklisted for the nonfree
nvidia drivers
392[01:47:00] <slystone> somiaj:
393[01:47:06] <neilthereildeil> somiaj: i think i needed
packages from both because this is a dev environment
394[01:47:07] <Loeb> just need to try adding the audio drivers
to see if it helps me rebind the HDMI audio
395[01:47:15] <neilthereildeil> somiaj: do you know how to fix
396[01:47:57] <slystone> Total: 290M
397[01:48:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1622
398[01:48:22] <somiaj> slystone: only 270M being used, not too
bad. nothing to bad there
399[01:48:31] *** Quits: alvesadrian (~adrian@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
400[01:48:39] <neilthereildeil> somiaj: my main goal is just to
install libgnutls
401[01:49:09] <neilthereildeil> the package name is
libgnutls-dev. maybe theres some other way to install?
402[01:49:24] <somiaj> neilthereildeil: My advise is don't
mix, and fix your mixing issues and then you won't have issues
like this. Otherwise you are going to have to manually track down
any of the conflicts and fix them. Mixing jessie and wheezy will
cause issues like this.
403[01:49:29] <somiaj> neilthereildeil: we don't support
mixing here
404[01:49:31] <somiaj> !don't break debian
405[01:49:31] <dpkg> [dont break debian]
406[01:49:31] <slystone> somiaj: I wanted to upgrade to stretch.
407[01:49:39] <slystone> Not enough space. =)
408[01:50:00] <somiaj> slystone: it could just be the software
you have installed is more than the space you have given.
409[01:50:05] <neilthereildeil> somiaj: i did that because
someone here told me to add the other sources
410[01:50:16] <neilthereildeil> this is a requirement because i
needed an older version of some other libraries
411[01:50:29] <slystone> Nothing is upgrade yet, so I doubt it.
412[01:50:30] <somiaj> slystone: you can look at dpkg -l, and
see if there are packages you don't need and remove them.
413[01:50:47] <neilthereildeil> i needed those older versions
because some code depended on those versions
414[01:50:58] <somiaj> neilthereildeil: then you should jsut be
running wheezy.
415[01:51:33] <slystone> somiaj: well, I'm going to try
that, cheers!
416[01:51:33] <somiaj> neilthereildeil: Sorry you got bad
advise, we usually try to keep people from suggesting you mix binary
packages from debian releases, but in this case the fix is manually
tracking down the conflict and fixing it.
417[01:51:37] <neilthereildeil> but everyone here would tell me
wheezy is old and install jessie :)
418[01:52:04] <somiaj> neilthereildeil: I wouldn't. wheezy
is fully supported by wheezy-lts (for non-desktop systems) and is
just fine to use
419[01:52:07] <somiaj> !wheezy-lts
420[01:52:07] <dpkg> Security support for Debian 7
"Wheezy" from the Debian Security Team ended on
2016-04-25. The amd64, i386, armel and armhf architectures receive
additional long term support (LTS) via <wheezy/updates> until
2018-05-31. See
421[01:52:09] <neilthereildeil> somiaj: sorry about the
422[01:52:10] <Eduard_Munteanu> neilthereildeil, they even call
it oldstable
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425[01:52:46] <Eduard_Munteanu> While stable is rather old-ish
426[01:53:18] <neilthereildeil> any way to help me get this
package installed? ill try to avoid doing this again!
427[01:53:24] *** Quits: fossrox (~fossrox@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
428[01:53:46] <somiaj> neilthereildeil: The issue is you are in
a state that doesn't have an easy solution. So i'm just
trying to give some standard debian advise. As I said for your
situation you will have to track down any depends conflict you have
(the output you gave gave one conflcit) and try to manually fix it
429[01:54:07] <somiaj> neilthereildeil: it could be fixable, it
could be not fixable. But there is no easy solution (that i know of)
430[01:54:14] <neilthereildeil> somiaj: could you please help
with that?
431[01:54:49] *** Joins: tytel (~tytel@replaced-ip)
432[01:55:06] <somiaj> no, because it could be hours and hours
of tracking down conflicts. I would suggest with that install you
fully dist-upgrade to jessie, remove wheezy alltogether. Then create
another wheezy install for your older stuff (or a wheezy chroot)
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435[01:55:23] <somiaj> or a wheezy vm
436[01:55:28] *** Joins: Ricardo__ (~rick@replaced-ip)
437[01:55:35] <neilthereildeil> that would take a couple weeks
cuz of my dev environment
438[01:55:40] *** Quits: tytel (~tytel@replaced-ip) (Read error: No route to host)
439[01:55:55] <slystone> somiaj: if I don't use any
graphical interface, I can remove any x11* package, right?
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444[01:59:20] <Loeb> <Loeb> Yeah I think I have some kind
of hardware issue with the HDMI audio
445[01:59:21] <Loeb> <Loeb> I managed to get it bound to
vfio-pci by blacklisting the hda_intel_audio or whatever that driver
446[01:59:21] <Loeb> <Loeb> but when I try to start the VM
it hung the entire system
447[02:00:01] <Loeb> So, I need to find a way to start kvm
without using the 0000:02:00.1 hdmi audio device
448[02:00:11] <neilthereildeil> can anyone else please help me
install gnutls?
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451[02:00:55] <somiaj> slystone: there are some core x11
packages that are very small and just common libs that packages can
link against that could be used with x11 or without
452[02:01:08] <somiaj> slystone: but for the most part yes, just
realize some of the core ones (which aren't that big) may be
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454[02:02:24] <slystone> somiaj: how could I make sure to remove
any graphical frontend without breaking stuff (for a command line
455[02:03:02] <somiaj> slystone: easy, if you try to remove a
package, and it removes packages you depend on, then you'll
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457[02:03:23] <somiaj> slystone: i.e. apt-get remove packagename
(it will list all other packages it wants to remove, check that list
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459[02:04:02] <slystone> Well, i tried to remove all
xserver-xorg packages, but for a reason I can't fathom, the
rest did not follow. è_é
460[02:04:12] *** Quits: Julinux (~juliosara@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
461[02:05:01] <slystone> Maybe I should try removing x11-common
and x11-utils? =)
462[02:05:06] <somiaj> slystone: only packages that depend on a
package would get removed
463[02:05:19] <somiaj> slystone: x11-common I think is one of
the core ones I was talking about, but x11-utils I don't hthink
you'll need
464[02:05:39] <slystone> You don't think or you're
sure? =)
465[02:05:56] *** Quits: diniwed (~gavron@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
466[02:06:04] <somiaj> slystone: if any package you needs
depends on one of those packges, you'll see it in the list of
the packages you want to remove
467[02:06:09] <slystone> (I'm a pain, but I've learnt
to double check =))
468[02:06:12] <somiaj> slystone: and not if you happen to remove
a bit to much, you can install it later.
469[02:06:19] <somiaj> not=note
470[02:06:25] <slystone> Fair enough! ;)
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479[02:08:40] <somiaj> slystone: another thing that might help:
dpkg -l | grep "^rc" -- lists packages that are removed
but still have configuration files on your system.
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481[02:10:02] <slystone> Cheers! Good one! :)
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487[02:13:09] <slystone> somiaj:
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496[02:16:20] <slystone> /dev/root 3.7G 3.4G 57M 99% / Little by
little XD
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498[02:16:31] <somiaj> slystone: you did have a lot of x11 stuff
instaled, surprised.
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501[02:16:49] <somiaj> slystone: those packages are all removed
but contain configuration files. you can dpkg --purge each of those
packages to remove their config files
502[02:17:11] <somiaj> slystone: disclaimer: This will remove
the configs, do this only on packages you don't want to keep a
backup of the configs
503[02:18:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1616
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511[02:21:56] <Loeb> uh
512[02:22:04] <Loeb> how do I undo the last aptitude command I
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520[02:24:41] <somiaj> Loeb: aptitude doens't include an
undo. But it does include /var/log/aptitude so you can see what it
did and manually undo it.
521[02:24:59] <Loeb> I tried putting some openGL driver on and
it nuked a bunch of stuff
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523[02:25:09] <Loeb> I think it's gonna break things so I
gotta undo all that junk
524[02:25:14] <Loeb> probably a few dozen packages
525[02:25:25] *** Quits: Lokke (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Quit: Lokke)
526[02:25:34] <somiaj> Loeb: there should be a list of all the
packages it removed so you can reinstall them
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530[02:26:42] <slystone> Cheers! :)
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546[02:31:26] <Loeb> It's saying a lot of the packages
can't be found somiaj
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550[02:32:39] <slystone> somiaj: Thanks for the help. I'm
not done yet, but I should manage. :)
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552[02:33:20] <Loeb> holy hell it uninstalled xorg
553[02:33:39] <Loeb> Welp, guess I'm restarting from
scratch then
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555[02:34:02] <SerajewelKS> does avconv have an input mode where
inputs are read sequentially instead of merged together?
556[02:34:50] <bipul_> hi
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564[02:42:11] <bazhang> ,v avconf-utils
565[02:42:13] <judd> No package named 'avconf-utils'
was found in amd64.
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575[02:46:34] <Sander^home> Hi. Do anyone here know how the
virtualization/kernel space/userspace rings in the cpu works?
576[02:46:47] <Loeb> magic
577[02:47:01] <Sander^home> What is those rings called?
578[02:47:34] <monoxane> Security rings iirc
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581[02:47:51] <Sander^home> Is systemd in such a ring?
582[02:48:26] <monoxane> Protection rings,
583[02:48:30] <monoxane> Dunno
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586[02:48:43] <monoxane> Probs in the kernel one
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588[02:48:55] <bipul> Hi,I am making a script that will run on
debian, unfortunately my script
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595[02:52:22] <Sander^home> I've had an idea for some time
now (as this is what windows7 does), that there should be an own
"audit ring", which makes sure the health of all other
rings is good, that can audit it like a honeypot does.
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597[02:53:05] <Sander^home> There is 4 bits reserved for rings.
598[02:53:27] <Sander^home> Sorry, 2 bits, 4 rings.
599[02:53:28] <Sander^home> I belive.
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602[02:54:14] <Sander^home> Yeah, the wiki also says so.
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604[02:54:34] <Sander^home> Wondring if its hard to add another
ring in the middle.
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612[02:57:11] <Sander^home> As intel have rings -1 -2 and -3 for
special hardware audits. But there is no audits which goes across
all rings in software.
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616[02:59:53] <Sander^home> Unless intel have special code for
Linux in the rom, then Linux aint auditted.
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619[03:01:02] <Sander^home> But some how, ms. did make it work,
I wish I knew more details, but I think they used the virtualization
ring as an audit ring.
620[03:02:04] <Sander^home> In this weeks twit security now, the
explains everything in a 2 hour video podcast.
621[03:02:10] <Sander^home> they*
622[03:03:40] <Sander^home> Oh well.. I guess its pretty secure
theese days with the built in anti overrun protection.
623[03:03:52] <Sander^home> But the stack aint protected by
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640[03:14:19] <Sander^home> I wish ublock origin was built into
firefox, So I could get it on ipad and iphone.
641[03:14:31] <Sander^home> It works very nice for security.
642[03:14:48] <Sander^home> Remove all ads and things you dont
643[03:14:53] <Sander^home> removes* :-)
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650[03:16:58] <Sander^home> Or maybe plugin support on firefox
mobile edition would be enough:)
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652[03:17:27] <Sander^home> I'll check it up with firefox
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654[03:17:46] <Sander^home> I think its enabled on android
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667[03:22:55] <Loeb> hey, someone do me a favor
668[03:22:59] <Loeb> run aptitude install libgl1-nvidia-glx:i386
669[03:23:11] <Loeb> don't install it unless you want to
reinstall your OS
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671[03:23:43] <Loeb> that's the apt command I ran and it
nuked about 400 packages, I had nvidia-driver installed and working
with a 750ti
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677[03:26:46] <Sander^home> Loeb: I guess such an audit ring
could report this behaviour.. But Maybe systemd cant be in that
678[03:27:07] <Loeb> Don't look at me, I don't put
taxes in my linux
679[03:27:07] <Sander^home> Just thinking loud here.
680[03:27:33] <Loeb> are you asking because of that intel
management chip they found the other day that runs at ring -3 or -4
or some junk?
681[03:27:46] <Sander^home> Loeb, yes.
682[03:28:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1595
683[03:28:34] <Loeb> don't think anyone here really cares
about that, try the gentoo channel or something
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685[03:28:52] <Loeb> you wanna go for maximum tinfoil until
someone actually backengineers that thing and it becomes a public
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699[03:35:45] <Sander^home> Loeb: Do you know if there is some
kinda auto bug reporting in debian?
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702[03:36:35] *** Joins: ER_nesto (~ER_nesto@replaced-ip)
703[03:36:54] <Loeb> don't look at me, I'm just
switching my main OS over today
704[03:37:05] <Loeb> or trying to, I had a whole day's
worth of work nuked by a bad apt command
705[03:37:12] <Loeb> now I can barely get the damn thing to
706[03:37:24] <Loeb> it pukes with my 750ti so I have to switch
my 950 back into the main port
707[03:37:50] <petemc> k
708[03:38:42] <Loeb> Why does the installer keep trying to grab
from a cd?
709[03:38:42] *** Quits: roger__ (~roger@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
710[03:38:43] <Sander^home> Loeb: maybe you could report it in.
711[03:39:04] *** Quits: MoonkYang (~moonkyang@replaced-ip) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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714[03:40:05] <Sander^home> Loeb: Have you removed the cd entry
in sources.list?
715[03:40:19] <Loeb> why the hell would I need to do that to
install from a USB drive?
716[03:40:28] <Loeb> Moreover why is it doing this when this is
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720[03:44:41] <Loeb> yo ok
721[03:44:47] <Loeb> why does it want to use lilo instead of
grub now
722[03:44:47] *** Quits: Yukiteru (~Yukiteru@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
724[03:45:18] <Sander^home> Loeb: which version of debian are
you using?
725[03:45:34] <Loeb> 8.5
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728[03:45:41] <Loeb> amd64 xfce
729[03:45:57] <Loeb> why the hell is this entirely different
from what it did yesterday
730[03:45:59] <Loeb> this makes no sense
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746[03:54:06] <Sander^home> Loeb: What diffrent did you do?
747[03:55:05] <Sander^home> I think it dosnt matter if you use
grub or lilo.
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760[04:01:15] <Sander^home> Loeb: I would recommend installing
from a cd anyway.
761[04:01:23] <Loeb> no
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763[04:01:25] <Loeb> that's stupid
764[04:01:26] *** Joins: cerebro (~cerebro@replaced-ip)
765[04:01:34] <Loeb> there's no reason a USB stick
shouldn't work
766[04:01:47] <Loeb> it turns out dd managed to corrupt part of
the image whilst writing
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771[04:03:31] <Sander^home> Loeb: I dont know the details, but I
suspect that can be the reason why fallbacking to lilo.
772[04:03:47] <Loeb> no
773[04:03:53] <Loeb> I reimaged the usb drive and it's
using grub now
774[04:04:48] <Sander^home> Ok, good:) Do you have a very new
graphic card?
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778[04:06:24] <Loeb> gtx 950 has graphical errors with the live
779[04:06:27] <Loeb> er
780[04:06:29] <Loeb> the 750ti does
781[04:06:31] <Loeb> the 950 works fine
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783[04:08:57] <Sander^home> All I know is that specifically
nvidia drivers are lagging atleast 1 years.
784[04:09:30] <Sander^home> Unless nvidia did listed to linus
statement past years.
785[04:09:34] <Sander^home> listen
786[04:10:16] <Loeb> the newer card works better than the old
787[04:10:22] <Loeb> and this is with the built in free drivers
that run by default
788[04:10:27] <Loeb> with nvidia-drivers installed they work
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797[04:18:09] <Sander^home> Loeb: Its always nice to have a
backup installation cd laying around, saves the dd hassle.
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801[04:20:44] <Sander^home> Loeb: I wouldnt use nvidia drivers
with Linux.
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804[04:21:05] <Sander^home> Loeb: I would go and buy a another
graphic card.
805[04:21:26] <Loeb> Yes I'm going to buy a whole different
graphics card because some OS is acting up
806[04:21:28] <Loeb> that's a great idea
807[04:21:31] <Loeb> you're very smart
808[04:21:59] <Sander^home>
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810[04:22:16] <Sander^home> Oh well, if it works, then I guess
it dosnt matter, but I meant for next time:)
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814[04:24:52] <Sander^home> Linus going maniac at nvidia saying
fuck you. As it breaks everything.
815[04:25:14] <petemc> thats pretty old
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817[04:25:30] <Sander^home> Ok, so its improved now?
818[04:26:08] <petemc> yes
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820[04:26:14] <Sander^home> Nice:)
821[04:26:44] <Jaga-Jaga> my space doesnt work so i need to
assign another key for it, like right altfor example. what should i
put as "command" ?
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823[04:27:11] <jelly> Sander^home: the context was
"everything" but their ARM development at the time.
824[04:27:13] <jelly> was not*
825[04:28:56] <petemc> ?
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827[04:30:12] <Sander^home> jelly: I see, it blocked arm dev.
But does Linux use some of the rings for the grafic drivers?
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834[04:38:30] <Jaga-Jaga> how do i assign "space" to
my ALT_R key ?
835[04:39:40] <Devastator> ok, I've booted gparted, created
GPT partition table on my brand new SSD, then I can use debian
installer to make the partitions and after that install Windows for
my dual boot? or should I create the partitions in gparted already?
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840[04:42:06] <Jaga-Jaga> what is the terminal command for
"space"? (I want to assign it to another key)
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848[04:46:31] <Devastator> somiaj ping :)
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852[04:50:00] <quaker_> games in fullscreen seems to run slower
than windowed, regardless of resolution; is this a xorg issue or
driver issue? e.g. warsow <replaced-url
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868[05:08:24] <bipul> What does this error signify? E: Could not
get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily
869[05:09:41] <petemc> another process running dpkg
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875[05:11:23] <bipul> petemc, Only one process is allowed to
run? not two?
876[05:11:54] <petemc> not any more than one
877[05:12:17] <petemc> hard to keep db consistent otherwise, etc
878[05:12:22] <bipul> petemc, Why is that so?
879[05:12:47] <bipul> You mean dpkg is linked with db?
880[05:12:56] <petemc> yes
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883[05:13:54] <bipul> petemc, Do you have any link , where i can
know more about it's entire architecture. How things work
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885[05:14:11] <petemc>
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887[05:15:07] <bipul> Yes.
888[05:15:09] <petemc>
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890[05:18:12] <Loeb> Is there a way to blacklist a pci device in
grub so the OS never even knows it exists?
891[05:18:24] <zinx> Loeb: no
892[05:18:35] <LambdaComplex> Loeb: what is the problem that you
think that will solve?
893[05:18:38] <zinx> Loeb: you can tell the kernel to ignore it,
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895[05:18:51] <zinx> Loeb: and you can do that via the kernel
command line.
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898[05:19:52] <Loeb> I'm trying to use kvm/qemu with vga
passthrough. The HDMI audio device will hang the system if I try to
unbind it or launch the VM with it bound to vfio-pci. But since
it's in the same IOMMU group (18), KVM wants both devices on
vfio in order to boot
899[05:20:54] <Loeb> since I can't get anyone to help me
disable that requirement in KVM/Qemu/libvirt, I'm trying to
just remove it from the group somehow.
900[05:21:17] <Loeb> So far everything I've read is to just
unbind it when the kernel loads. This may or may not work, if it
doesn't it'll hang on boot.
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904[05:25:35] <Loeb> zinx, LambdaComplex Any ideas?
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907[05:26:18] <petemc> tried toggling bios settings?
908[05:26:45] <Loeb> VT-d is enabled, not sure what else there
is to toggle
909[05:27:12] <Loeb> Unless there is a way to disable the HDMI
audio in the GPU bios
910[05:27:20] <Loeb> which would probably require a firmware
mod, and windows to load the ROM
911[05:27:26] *** Quits: Orbitrix (~Huevos@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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915[05:28:45] <petemc> which gpu driver?
916[05:28:57] <Loeb> nvidia-drivers
917[05:29:03] <Loeb> I think lspci just says nvidia
918[05:29:03] <petemc> perhaps boot argument
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921[05:29:24] <Loeb> I'm running a 950 to pass and a 750ti
for the host, so I can't blacklist the driver
922[05:30:07] <petemc> the plot thickens
923[05:30:29] <Loeb> I can blacklist the audio driver
924[05:30:37] <Loeb> that's how I got vfio-pci on the HDMI
925[05:30:46] <Loeb> but it just hung the system when I started
the VM
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927[05:31:14] <Loeb> I actually had to hard shutdown after
trying to unbind that device. It'd hang the terminal and after
you shut down, it would unload everything except for one monitor and
that monitor would stay black
928[05:31:27] <Loeb> something was still runinng, and it only
happened when I had tried to unbind that device
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944[05:41:06] <Loeb> Can't seem to get vfio to grab either
device from the stub now
945[05:41:12] <Loeb> but the good news is it's hooking the
stub on boot now
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955[05:46:08] <Loeb> Progress: it doesn't hang when
unbinding from pci-stub...
956[05:46:28] <cobalt_> Any encryption wizards about?
957[05:47:17] <Loeb> holy hell it worked that time
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960[05:49:56] <cobalt_> I was wondering if dd writing 100MB or
so to the beginning of a full-disk encrypted Debian drive would
render the data unreadable (at least, not able to be decrypted.)
961[05:50:38] <petemc> of course
962[05:51:04] <Loeb> I think the issue is it wasn't bound
to pci-stub before I started
963[05:51:11] <Loeb> if you don't do that, it'll throw
all kinds of fits
964[05:51:19] <Loeb> write this on the wall of knowledge for
those who come after me
965[05:51:38] <cobalt_> petemc: Thanks.
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967[05:51:42] <cobalt_> That's good to know.
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1016[06:17:52] <Arch_Angel> hey i need help. How do you install
Yaourt on a debian based computer. I don't know if its possible
because if not i need to find a different way to install products
like Steam
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1019[06:18:23] <simonlnu> don't need yaourt, just convert it
1020[06:18:41] *** Joins: Orbitrix (~Huevos@replaced-ip)
1021[06:18:56] <Arch_Angel> yeah but where can i get steam in the
repositories. it doesnt show
1022[06:19:30] <simonlnu> !non-free
1023[06:19:30] <dpkg> [non-free] a component which contains
software that does not comply with the <DFSG>. To add non-free
packages to your packages index, ask me about <non-free
sources>. To see which non-free packages are installed ask me
about <non-free list>. For the non-free tracking system, see
1024[06:20:46] <simonlnu> or add non-free like above
1025[06:21:47] <Arch_Angel> how do you add them?
1026[06:22:31] <cobalt_> I use Synaptic to add sources.
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1028[06:23:40] <cobalt_> Arch_Angel: But you can use the terminal
with nano /etc/apt/sources.list
1029[06:23:43] <simonlnu> add non-free and contrib to your
sources.list entries (i put them after main usually)
1030[06:23:51] <simonlnu> e.g.
1031[06:24:20] <simonlnu> deb
1032[06:25:23] <simonlnu> you'll need to run an update after
1033[06:25:31] <Arch_Angel> what do i type to add them?
1034[06:25:34] *** Joins: ki0 (~ki0@replaced-ip)
1035[06:25:35] <simonlnu> apt-get update or using aptitude
1036[06:26:03] <simonlnu> look at the example i pasted
1037[06:26:23] <simonlnu> compare with yours
1038[06:26:28] <cobalt_> Arch_Angel: It's a text file, so
you'd need to use an editor. Such as: sudo nano
1039[06:26:41] <Arch_Angel> yeah i have nano
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1041[06:27:05] <Sander^home> Do anyone know how far lxc have
gotten regarding conteinerization, I think openvz have the history
advantage, but is docker using lxc or?
1042[06:27:24] <cobalt_> Or gnome-text-editor if you want a GUI.
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1044[06:28:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1601
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1059[06:40:24] <Sander^home> At work we used to use openvz, but
consider switching to lxc.
1060[06:40:46] *** Joins: HSKW (~HSKW@replaced-ip)
1061[06:40:48] <HSKW> hell
1062[06:41:17] <HSKW> i've compiled ffmpeg but when i start
the binary i receive this error: ffmpeg: error while loading shared
libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory
1063[06:41:43] <somiaj> ,v ffmpeg
1064[06:41:45] <judd> Package: ffmpeg on amd64 --
squeeze-security: 4:0.5.10-1; squeeze: 4:0.5.10-1;
squeeze-security-lts: 4:0.5.10-1+deb6u1; squeeze-backports:
6:0.8.6-1~bpo60+1; wheezy: 6:0.8.17-2; wheezy-security:
6:0.8.17-2+deb7u2; jessie-backports: 7:3.0.2-2~bpo8+1; sid:
7:3.0.2-4; stretch: 7:3.0.2-4; wheezy-multimedia: 8:1.0.10-dmo1;
jessie-multimedia: 10:2.6.9-dmo1; sid-multimedia:
1065[06:41:46] <judd> 10:3.0.2-dmo2
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1067[06:41:59] <somiaj> HSKW: any reason you are compling ffmpeg
as opposed to using the version in jessie-backports?
1068[06:42:51] <HSKW> yes because the jessie not have the non
free codec like fdk acc
1069[06:43:03] <Sander^home> HSKW: Have you followed the guide
and including one and one library at a time, some might break.
1070[06:43:30] <HSKW> Sander^home: followed this
1071[06:43:33] <somiaj> ,v fdk-acc
1072[06:43:34] <judd> No package named 'fdk-acc' was
found in amd64.
1073[06:43:52] <somiaj> ,v fdk-aac
1074[06:43:53] <judd> No package named 'fdk-aac' was
found in amd64.
1075[06:43:56] <Sander^home> Maybe you need to install
1076[06:44:08] <HSKW> i've compiled all... try to install
1077[06:44:33] <HSKW> THANKS
1078[06:44:34] <HSKW> it WORK
1079[06:44:38] <HSKW> :))
1080[06:44:42] <somiaj> HSKW: looks like those codecs are
avaialble in nonfree in the packages libfdk-aac0
1081[06:44:46] <somiaj> ,v libfdk-aac0
1082[06:44:47] <judd> Package: libfdk-aac0 on amd64 --
wheezy-multimedia: 0.1.1-dmo1; sid/non-free: 0.1.3+20140816-2;
jessie/non-free: 0.1.3+20140816-2; stretch/non-free:
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1087[06:46:30] <HSKW> somiaj: how i can add this on apt-get?
1088[06:47:40] <somiaj> !non-free
1089[06:47:40] <dpkg> [non-free] a component which contains
software that does not comply with the <DFSG>. To add non-free
packages to your packages index, ask me about <non-free
sources>. To see which non-free packages are installed ask me
about <non-free list>. For the non-free tracking system, see
1090[06:47:57] <somiaj> HSKW: you will have to add the non-free
to your sources
1091[06:48:02] <somiaj> !non-free sources
1092[06:48:03] <dpkg> Edit /etc/apt/sources.list, ensure that the
two main Debian mirror lines end with "main contrib
non-free" rather than just "main", then
«aptitude update». But bear in mind that you'll be
installing <non-free> software. These may have onerous terms;
check the licenses. See also <sources.list>.
1093[06:48:19] <somiaj> HSKW: and you'll have to add
jessie-backports to your sources to get the ffmpeg from
jessie-backports (jessie just has libav)
1094[06:48:22] <somiaj> !jessie-backports
1095[06:48:23] <dpkg> Selected packages intended for the Debian 9
"Stretch" release but recompiled for use with
"Jessie" (8.x) can be found in the
"jessie-backports" repository. Note that jessie-backports
are on the regular mirror network, not on A
suitable line for your sources.list is «deb
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1100[06:50:28] <HSKW> somiaj: i use wheezy
1101[06:50:41] <HSKW> 4.7.2
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1106[06:54:50] <somiaj> HSKW: you might want to consider
upgrading to jessie if using a desktop, as wheezy-lts only really
supports server software.
1107[06:55:03] <somiaj> HSKW: but yes my suggestions won't
work in wheezy
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1116[06:59:47] <HSKW> somiaj: i user on server
1117[06:59:53] <HSKW> *use
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1119[07:00:18] <HSKW> somiaj: solved with manual compiling... and
the tips to install libx264-dev !!
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1123[07:02:08] <HSKW> infact ffmpeg is special for server-side
1124[07:02:52] *** Joins: fredl (~fredl@replaced-ip)
1125[07:03:32] <somiaj> Anyways you got it to work, I was just
pointing out that software is now available in jessie. Maybe for
future knowledge when you move to jessie
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1137[07:09:30] <Sander^home> HSKW: It didnt use to be very easy
to compile ffmpeg from scratch, I think they would appriciate debian
related feedback if documentation, but for some of those libraries,
you cant turn on all functinality in the compile args, depending on
which libraries you need to have. I remember it took a week of
finding out which libraries was broken and not when I tried ages
1138[07:10:12] *** Quits: timahvo1 (~rogue@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
1139[07:10:31] <Sander^home> But its easy when you know which
libs to compile in ahead.
1140[07:10:53] <Sander^home> I prefer as many libs as possible.
1141[07:11:07] <Sander^home> For best functionality.
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1157[07:20:07] <dr-ahti> hi
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1164[07:22:48] <dr-ahti> i have a problem with my dvb-s
equipment: kaffeine or me-tv could not scan and station. i get some
error message like: "cannot parse scanfile.dvb" anyway if
a scanfile.dvb is present or not. my favorit satelite is astra19.2e
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1184[07:37:20] <wsky> W: There is no public key available for the
following key IDs:
1185[07:37:21] <wsky> 1397BC53640DB551
1186[07:37:29] <wsky> what should i do with that, what changed
1187[07:37:31] <wsky> ?
1188[07:38:01] <wsky> it's on debian jessie
1189[07:38:09] *** Quits: GameOfTrolls (~GitGud@replaced-ip) (Quit: :))
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1192[07:39:55] <SerajewelKS> wsky: you are using a third-party
repo. i assume the google chrome repo.
1193[07:40:07] <wsky> let me check
1194[07:40:46] <SerajewelKS> wsky: basically you don't have
the signing key added using apt-key, so apt can't verify that
the repo contents are valid
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1197[07:43:58] <wsky> SerajewelKS: thank you, it was actually the
google-earth repository but also google
1198[07:44:01] <wsky> thanks
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1223[08:12:19] <placko> Hello, my eyes are no more in best shape.
Can I setup to use huge cursor? It is sometimes hard for me to find
cursor on screen
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1225[08:12:48] <placko> I am using blackbox wm
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1230[08:19:40] <somiaj> placko: I see a package called
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1257[08:40:45] <uruk7> hello can you help me -> ffmpeg -i
"input.mp4"* -s '640x360' -b '350k'
-ab '90k' -strict experimental "output.mp4" and
then the error is ->The encoder 'aac' is experimental
but experimental codecs are not enabled, add '-strict -2'
if you want to use it
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1324[09:33:08] <placko> thanks somiaj, i installed big-cursor.
now i am going to reboot computer to see how it works
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1342[09:44:32] <volcX> gnome/jessie no root terminal and su root
gives authintiication error. Any ideas?
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1431[10:44:25] <Krigsforbryter> Hello, my server have got a load
on 3.8 and i cant find any reason for that. When i try to test my
disk with "hdparm -tT /dev/md2" (same with sda1 and sdb1)
its output the device name and hang and not reacting on ctrl+c.
/proc/mdstat says nothings is wrong, smart says nothing is wrong.
help :(
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1434[10:46:12] <brimonk> Krigsforbryter: Is your RAM full? Or
rather, is /run or any other tmpfs full?
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1436[10:46:36] <Krigsforbryter> brimonk: No, 28Gb free
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1439[10:48:10] <Krigsforbryter> brimonk: no mounts is full. /run
have 1% use
1440[10:50:03] <brimonk> If you have iotop installed, you could
try to run that and see what specifically is hogging the disk.
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1443[10:52:07] <Krigsforbryter> its upto 500K/s total diskwrite,
mostly less
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1445[10:53:45] <brimonk> Krigsforbryter: Is there some sort of
verbosity mode that you can check out? Did you check dmesg for
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1447[10:54:05] <brimonk> 1/
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1452[10:56:33] <Krigsforbryter> no errors in dmesg, only a bad
checksum on a UDP package the last month
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1455[10:59:00] <TomasCZ> Krigsforbryter, try vmstat -S M 1 4 and
pick two lines with numbers from it for me
1456[10:59:52] <Krigsforbryter>
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1459[11:03:31] <TomasCZ> Krigsforbryter, ok. wildshot, I
don't see anything wrong. Did you do some operations with
filesystems recently on some storage that errored out on IO or
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1463[11:05:09] <Krigsforbryter> No, only change i have done the
last month is add one domain to my vhost file in nginx and start a
TeamSpeak3 server. And cant see that make a change
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1465[11:05:19] <up2late> anyone awake?
1466[11:05:27] <Krigsforbryter> I have try to stop the TS3 server
without that help
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1468[11:05:57] <TomasCZ> Krigsforbryter, second is what is the
usual load you see? how many "cores" you have(if you have
one skip next questions)? Did "top -d 1" or "htop -d
10" tell you what is using CPU most?
1469[11:06:07] <up2late> yay! can someone point me towards a img
file for a debian install (similiar to the way bsd installer works)
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1471[11:06:27] <TomasCZ> Krigsforbryter, if you use ts3server
check updates and update?
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1473[11:06:40] <brimonk> up2late: Is it like, an installer from
the net?
1474[11:06:49] <brimonk> up2late: Or is everything packaged
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1476[11:06:58] <up2late> im trying to intall via a usb
1477[11:07:10] <brimonk> up2late: Do you have a connection to the
1478[11:07:13] <up2late> but my bios only recognizes img wrote
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1481[11:07:37] <up2late> *files
1482[11:07:41] <brimonk> up2late: ... It sounds like you're
writing the images to the usb wrong.
1483[11:07:42] <Krigsforbryter> TomasCZ: I have stoped the ts3
server, and it not help. I'am not running the TS3 server now
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1485[11:08:39] <Krigsforbryter> TomasCZ:
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1495[11:11:02] <Felishia> help
1496[11:11:04] <Felishia> debian is dead
1497[11:11:11] <Felishia> I can't do a wget
1498[11:11:26] *** Joins: Nnavd (~Nnavd@replaced-ip)
1499[11:11:32] <Felishia> it doesn't work it says `Resolving ( failed: Name or service not known.`
1500[11:11:39] <Felishia> `wget: unable to resolve host address
1501[11:12:32] *** Joins: clu5ter (~staff@replaced-ip)
1502[11:12:33] <Krigsforbryter> Felishia: try another url on
1503[11:12:38] *** Quits: Gh0sty (~ghosty@replaced-ip) (Quit: reboot)
1504[11:13:04] <alternate_nick> curl
1505[11:13:21] <alternate_nick> curl
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1507[11:13:34] <TomasCZ> Felishia, check your DNS servers are
reachable, and inspect /etc/resolv.conf
1508[11:13:35] <Felishia> Krigsforbryter, none of them work
1509[11:13:52] <Felishia> what changed resolv.cong?
1510[11:13:58] <Krigsforbryter> ok, then the DNS settings is your
1511[11:14:07] <Felishia> not even an ip works
1512[11:14:14] <Felishia> I can't even ping outside the
1513[11:14:29] *** Quits: bhuvi (~bhuvi@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1514[11:14:31] <TomasCZ> Felishia, idk, I'm not NSA support
to know your server
1515[11:14:36] <Felishia> 102 packets transmitted, 0 received,
100% packet loss, time 101807ms
1516[11:14:51] <Felishia> it's just a plain debian install
1517[11:15:08] <TomasCZ> Felishia, firewall? cable dead? at this
point we don't even know where your problems are
1518[11:15:27] <Felishia> it was working until I ran sudo sysctl
1519[11:15:29] *** Joins: fennesz (~fennesz@replaced-ip)
1520[11:15:32] <TomasCZ> Felishia, is your network interface even
1521[11:15:43] *** Joins: bhuvi (~bhuvi@replaced-ip)
1522[11:15:44] <TomasCZ> aha
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1528[11:18:14] <TomasCZ> Felishia, did you changed anything in
configuration for sysctl? what was it?
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1532[11:19:21] <TomasCZ> Krigsforbryter, any networked
1533[11:19:52] <TomasCZ> Krigsforbryter, did you try that top or
htop? and observed it for few seconds? Are you running squid proxy?
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1536[11:20:31] <Felishia> TomasCZ, yes I disabled ipv6
1537[11:20:37] <Felishia> but then I enabled it again
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1540[11:20:41] <Felishia> and nothing works this time
1541[11:21:08] <Felishia> #net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
#net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1
#net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1
1542[11:21:14] *** Joins: guardianJ (~javaserve@replaced-ip)
1543[11:21:15] <Felishia> now they are commented out
1544[11:21:20] <Felishia> it doesn't work at all
1545[11:21:49] *** Joins: tytel (~tytel@replaced-ip)
1546[11:21:53] <TomasCZ> Felishia, are we talking about a box
without IPv4 ?
1547[11:21:58] *** Joins: rumpole (~Rufu5@replaced-ip)
1548[11:22:00] <Felishia> no
1549[11:22:10] <Felishia> it has ipv4
1550[11:22:15] *** Joins: bhuvi (~bhuvi@replaced-ip)
1551[11:22:18] <TomasCZ> Felishia, ie: VPS with only ipv6 IP to
the WAN
1552[11:22:23] <Felishia> no
1553[11:22:29] <Felishia> it's a fresh debian install
1554[11:22:35] <Felishia> I did that configuration...
1555[11:22:38] <Krigsforbryter> TomasCZ: no, only a md raid and a
memdisk, no squid proxy. I cant see any problem in top, htop or
1556[11:22:49] *** Joins: davi (~davi@replaced-ip)
1557[11:24:21] <TomasCZ> Krigsforbryter, well the only reasons
I've asked on those filesystems and IO errors is that it
sometimes happened to me and consequence of it was constantly higher
cpu load avg most likely because system was unable to write
something(hence is waiting for some device no longer present for
1558[11:24:28] *** Quits: uruk7 (~uruk@replaced-ip) (Quit: Saliendo)
1559[11:24:53] <TomasCZ> Krigsforbryter, but that is just a
theory. I've experienced it few times though.
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1561[11:25:31] <TomasCZ> Krigsforbryter, try sync ?
1562[11:25:47] *** Quits: guardianJ (~javaserve@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1563[11:25:58] <Krigsforbryter> just the command
"sync"? No parameters?
1564[11:26:08] <TomasCZ> yop
1565[11:26:33] <Krigsforbryter> shuld that take long time?
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1568[11:26:53] <TomasCZ> Felishia, any errors when you ran sysctl
-p in logs? ie: sudo tail -F /var/log/messages
1569[11:27:06] *** Joins: guardianJ (~javaserve@replaced-ip)
1570[11:27:40] <TomasCZ> Krigsforbryter, usually not. but it
might move us with logfiles towards what the problem might be caused
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remember that this is the internet)
1572[11:28:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1623
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1574[11:28:30] <Krigsforbryter> TomasCZ: I start it and i got no
output from it, and its not reacting on ctrl+c. like hdparm -tT
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1577[11:29:04] <TomasCZ> Krigsforbryter, or yea a processes that
are "hanging" for long time... Open another prompt and
tail -F /var/logs/messages can thing of interesting.
1578[11:29:04] *** Joins: alexandr1 (~alexandro@replaced-ip)
1579[11:30:48] <Krigsforbryter> TomasCZ: the newest message there
is 5hours old
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1584[11:33:36] *** Joins: whooo (75f0e762@replaced-ip)
1585[11:33:46] <whooo> i installed
1586[11:33:58] <whooo> debian but i can only see
1587[11:34:14] <whooo> black screen asking usename and password
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1591[11:34:39] <whooo> even after entering password I cannot see
gnome desktop
1592[11:34:54] <whooo> anyone can help meto use gaphic desktop
1593[11:35:05] <Felishia> TomasCZ, Jun 26 09:27:51 debian kernel:
[309534.045754] sysctl: The scan_unevictable_pages
sysctl/node-interface has been disabled for lack of a legitimate use
case. If you have one, please send an email to
1594[11:35:22] *** Joins: GJ_ (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
1595[11:35:22] <whooo> hello
1596[11:35:29] <TomTomTosch> whooo: okay short-winded friend, is
gnome installed at all?
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1598[11:35:49] <whooo> i am new to debian , i think i skipped
that part
1599[11:36:00] <whooo> @ tomtomtosch
1600[11:36:27] <TomTomTosch> whooo: dpkg -l gnome should say ii
if gnome is installed
1601[11:37:05] *** Quits: Ex-Opesa (~Ex-Opesa@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
1602[11:37:24] <whooo> :) yep no gnome @ TomTomTosch
1603[11:37:34] <whooo> how can i install it ?
1604[11:37:46] <TomTomTosch> whooo: then as root: apt-get install
1605[11:37:53] <whooo> i was using ubuntu , I have no idea about
debian !
1606[11:38:04] <TomasCZ> Felishia, can't you reboot the box?
is it virtual or physical machine?
1607[11:38:21] <Felishia> physical
1608[11:38:36] <TomTomTosch> whooo: do you have an internet
1609[11:38:54] *** Fjorgynn_ is now known as Fjorgynn
1610[11:38:58] <whooo> yeah I have . it says command not found
1611[11:38:59] *** Quits: bhuvi (~bhuvi@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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1614[11:39:17] <Felishia> TomasCZ, how do I reboot it from
1615[11:39:33] <TomasCZ> whooo, you do realize that ubuntu is
kind of based on debian? Just find how to get gnome.
1616[11:39:52] *** Joins: bhuvi (~bhuvi@replaced-ip)
1617[11:39:53] <TomasCZ> Felishia, that's easy either
infamous ctrl-alt-del or type shutdown -r now
1618[11:39:59] <TomTomTosch> whooo: paste the command and output
to please
1619[11:40:00] <whooo> TomTomTosch : why it says command not
1620[11:40:15] <polyzen> WHOOHA
1621[11:40:33] *** Quits: GJ_ (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
1622[11:40:52] <polyzen> when you step up in the place, you
better step correct WHOOHA
1623[11:41:09] <polyzen> whooo, because the command cannot be
1624[11:41:10] <Felishia> TomasCZ, none of them worked...
apparently the commands are hidden in /sbin/
1625[11:41:10] <TomTomTosch> whooo: which debian release are you
1626[11:41:33] <whooo> latest debian 8
1627[11:41:37] <TomasCZ> Felishia, sorry obviously run the
command with sudo in front
1628[11:41:41] *** Joins: dreamon_ (~dreamon@replaced-ip)
1629[11:42:13] <Felishia> okay it works again
1630[11:42:20] <TomasCZ> Felishia, that's just me
automatically having root shell open too.
1631[11:42:22] <Felishia> TomasCZ, yeah it just took me a while
to find
1632[11:42:24] <whooo> I am running it on Vmware worskstaion 12
1633[11:42:37] <Felishia> so can I just start openvpn now? and
disable ipv6
1634[11:42:41] <TomTomTosch> whooo: so just typing apt-get says
command not found?
1635[11:42:44] <Felishia> or will it just fail again?
1636[11:43:02] <TomasCZ> Felishia, what are you tryin to achieve?
1637[11:43:15] *** Joins: das_ (~das@replaced-ip)
1638[11:43:15] <TomTomTosch> whooo: or /usr/bin/apt-get
1639[11:43:46] <Felishia> TomasCZ, yes it just died again
1640[11:43:51] <whooo> TomTomTosch : no apt-get works fine
1641[11:43:52] *** Joins: agent66 (bc6824c5@replaced-ip)
1642[11:43:54] <Felishia> TomasCZ, use opnvpn
1643[11:44:12] <Felishia> but I can't because every time I
disable ipv6 the whole internet dies
1644[11:44:34] <TomTomTosch> whooo: so apt-get install
task-gnome-desktop it can't say command not found if apt-get
works for you.
1645[11:44:48] <whooo> and when type apt-get install it asks am i
root ?
1646[11:45:02] <whooo> are you root ? message
1647[11:45:03] <Felishia> so my system doesn't allow me to
disable ipv6?
1648[11:45:03] <TomTomTosch> whooo: i said earlier, you need to
be root.
1649[11:45:07] *** Quits: erre (~erre@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
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1652[11:45:10] <Felishia> great
1653[11:45:26] *** Quits: agent66 (bc6824c5@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
1654[11:45:29] <whooo> TomTomTosch : how can i root it
1655[11:45:54] <TomTomTosch> whooo: just type su and your
1656[11:46:01] <whooo> k
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1659[11:47:16] <Felishia> okay so it's no posible to disable
ipv6 in debian
1660[11:47:36] <Felishia> because that means that the whole
network interface is diabled
1661[11:47:54] <simbalion> Hi, I've got a server running
jessie 8.5 and none of the bash startup files are loading for a user
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1665[11:48:58] <whooo> TomTomTosch : root worked well
1666[11:49:17] <whooo> now it says unable to finf
1667[11:49:35] <whooo> unable to locate package
1668[11:50:09] *** Joins: rimdeker (~rimdeker@replaced-ip)
1669[11:50:20] <whooo> does that mean debian is not connected
with internet
1670[11:50:29] <TomTomTosch> whooo: check if you can ping
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1728[12:21:26] <MachX> hi
1729[12:21:32] <MachX> anyone here?
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1735[12:22:59] <dayten> yep
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1750[12:31:40] <MachX> hi
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1873[13:20:33] <MisterGadfly> Why aren't the Jetbrains IDEs
in the repos?
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1877[13:22:04] <TomasCZ> simbalion, Are you positive you are
using bash as your default shell?
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1881[13:23:04] <TomasCZ> simbalion, type bash and enter
1882[13:23:21] <SerajewelKS> MisterGadfly: because they are not
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1884[13:23:41] <MisterGadfly> Darn it
1885[13:23:43] <SerajewelKS> AFAICT they're not even
1886[13:23:48] <SerajewelKS> you need to purchase a license
1887[13:24:13] <MisterGadfly> SerajewelKS: Idea CE is
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1890[13:25:47] <SerajewelKS> MisterGadfly: then it *might* be
eligible to be packaged in the nonfree section
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1893[13:26:55] <TomTomTosch> the CE is compatible with DFSG,
having the Apache 2.0 license, but as they get updated frequently
and it's easy enough to get it from jetbrains directly probably
nobody bothered.
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1905[13:37:40] <MisterGadfly> Where should I put software that I
can't find in the repos? /opt?
1906[13:37:58] <MisterGadfly> And for security purposes, should I
make it owned by root?
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1909[13:39:38] <TomTomTosch> i usually put it in /usr/local/bin
and owned by my user.
1910[13:40:29] <MisterGadfly> Oh, moving the directories made
them root.
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1912[13:40:36] <MisterGadfly> So no need to make them
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1933[13:50:44] <HSKW> hello
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1938[13:52:06] <HSKW> on debian what is the correct
/home/yourusername path?
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1941[13:54:16] <TomTomTosch> HSKW: how did you install ffmpeg? if
you got it from a debian repo you don't need to give the full
1942[13:54:42] <HSKW> TomTomTosch: i cant use debian repo because
need special fuction on ffmpeg.. and i must compile it
1943[13:54:55] <HSKW> btw... the guide install ffmpeg on special
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1946[13:55:08] <HSKW> what is the correct path to use with bash
1947[13:55:09] <TomTomTosch> HSKW: then the correct path is to
whereever you put ffmpeg
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1949[13:55:30] <HSKW> TomTomTosch: ~/bin ?
1950[13:55:36] <TomTomTosch> HSKW: how should we know where you
put ffmpeg after compiling?
1951[13:55:43] <HSKW> see the guide...
1952[13:55:46] <HSKW> ~/bin
1953[13:56:02] <TomTomTosch> again, if you put it there, yes.
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1956[13:56:38] <HSKW> some application cant execute on this
strange path... ~
1957[13:57:06] <HSKW> i would know if is it possible to move it
on standard /usr/bin or other normal path
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1961[13:58:01] <TomTomTosch> move the binary to /usr/local/bin if
you feel like, it shouldn't make a difference.
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1964[14:00:13] <TomTomTosch> if you put the binary in a place
that is in echo "$PATH" you don't need to give the
full path every time you call it.
1965[14:01:19] <TomTomTosch> /usr/local/bin is usually the place
where one puts compiled stuff, the package manager does not touch
that dir.
1966[14:01:40] <HSKW> ok better use $path...
1967[14:02:08] <HSKW> well if i launh "ffmpeg" without
the full path it start
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1970[14:02:43] <HSKW> but it start ever if i recall only
"ffmpeg" on an program like nginx?
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1973[14:03:31] <HSKW> on some guide all exec ffmpeg with full
path: /usr/bin/ffmpeg... i dont know if i write only ffmpeg on nginx
it execute... i cant debug them
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1976[14:04:09] <TomTomTosch> type 'which git' and see
what the full path is.
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1981[14:06:56] <TomTomTosch> i'm not sure how whatever
language you use with nginx invoces the shell. it might be that PATH
is not fully given, in which case it shouldn't be too hard to
just give the full path to the binary.
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1983[14:07:26] <HSKW> this is an example
1984[14:07:29] <HSKW>
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1986[14:07:37] <simbalion> TomasCZ: I got it thanks :)
1987[14:07:47] <HSKW> look on rtmp.. exec ffmpeg -i
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1991[14:08:19] <HSKW> he invoke ffmpeg from this module... but
for me dont work.. but if i invoke on bash all work
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1994[14:08:57] <TomTomTosch> HSKW: then give the full path, or
look into the nginx logs and see if it shows some errors.
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2001[14:11:55] <TomTomTosch> ^ 'which ffmpeg' it is
obviously, not git.
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2005[14:13:04] <TomTomTosch> there is also the #nginx channel.
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2013[14:16:18] <jelly> ,v ffmpeg
2014[14:16:19] <judd> Package: ffmpeg on amd64 --
squeeze-security: 4:0.5.10-1; squeeze: 4:0.5.10-1;
squeeze-security-lts: 4:0.5.10-1+deb6u1; squeeze-backports:
6:0.8.6-1~bpo60+1; wheezy: 6:0.8.17-2; wheezy-security:
6:0.8.17-2+deb7u2; jessie-backports: 7:3.0.2-2~bpo8+1; sid:
7:3.0.2-4; stretch: 7:3.0.2-4; wheezy-multimedia: 8:1.0.10-dmo1;
jessie-multimedia: 10:2.6.9-dmo1; sid-multimedia:
2015[14:16:20] <judd> 10:3.0.2-dmo2
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2017[14:16:37] <jelly> oh, it's not present in jessie at
all, only in backports
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2021[14:22:06] <HSKW> thankss
2022[14:22:22] <HSKW> TomTomTosch: found /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg
2023[14:22:23] <HSKW> :DD
2024[14:22:39] <Devastator> I'm trying to install Debian and
Windows 10 in dual boot on an SSD. I was told to create a GPT
partition and then install them, am I correct to assume I just need
to create GPT partition TABLE and leave the partition creation for
the installers itself?
2025[14:23:46] <Goonzu> Devastator: create the partitions you
want first then install windows 10 first then debian.
2026[14:24:47] <Devastator> Goonzu I've booted gparted, do
you mean I need to create every partition in gparted, not just the
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2030[14:27:44] <Goonzu> Devastator: oh I see, yeah create the GPT
table and the partitions then install ur os's but I guess it
would be simpler to create these partition during windows 10
installation let windows do its "funny businees" then
leave enough space for your debian partition
2031[14:28:33] <Devastator> Goonzu well, let's try
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2036[14:32:45] <Lionyx> Hello! Does anybody knows a "mutt
for calendar integration with gmail cal"? I mean, a textbased
software that can sincronyze with google calendar.
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2039[14:34:11] <polyzen> khal or calcurse probably
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2043[14:36:25] <HSKW> TomTomTosch: how i can watch the nginx
error log?
2044[14:37:41] <TomTomTosch> HSKW: tail -f -r 500
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2050[14:38:39] <Lionyx> polyzen: tks. also found this one
2051[14:38:50] <polyzen> lol how could I forget that
2052[14:39:06] <TomTomTosch> HSKW: oops, that's -n 500 not
-r 500
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2054[14:39:16] <HSKW> ok TomTomTosch: ok
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2061[14:42:06] <HSKW> TomTomTosch: wow some strange shit in the
log!!! WOW
2062[14:42:51] <HSKW> xmlrpc!!!
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2069[14:47:36] <Devastator> I wish there was a debian netinst
installer with kernel from backports.. but I guess there isn't
2070[14:48:44] <Joost> I've just upgraded to the 4.6 kernel
in backports.. and now I'm getting a flickering LCD screen
2071[14:48:54] <Joost> i.e. this bug
2072[14:49:03] <Joost> any suggestions on how to proceed?
2073[14:49:40] <Devastator> any reason to use the kernel from
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2075[14:50:02] <abrotman> Devastator: you can create one if you
have free time
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2079[14:52:08] <Devastator> abrotman what do you recommend? 1-
install debian from DVD-1 and download kernel from backports on
another machine or 2- create a custom netinst with kernel from
backports? I'm assuming I will need more things from backports
along with the kernel, no?
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2081[14:52:36] <Joost> Devastator: newer drivers for new hardware
was the initial reason
2082[14:53:11] <Devastator> Joost were the old drivers buggy or
2083[14:53:29] <abrotman> Devastator: depends how many times
you'll use it
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2086[14:53:50] <Devastator> abrotman maybe once hehe
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2088[14:54:08] <Joost> Devastator: yeah, but not this bad
2089[14:54:13] <Joost> Devastator: is there a way back?
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2095[14:55:32] <Devastator> Joost well, assuming you didn't
remove the default kernel, you just reboot and choose advanced
options, then you can select the old kernel, as a matter of fact you
shouldn't need advanced options at all
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2112[14:58:02] <Devastator> abrotman is this the right wiki?
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2118[15:00:34] <abrotman> That's one, yes
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2137[15:03:42] <Devastator> abrotman can I check
#debian-installer @ oftc or I should not bother them?
2138[15:03:57] <abrotman> you can
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2144[15:07:22] <Devastator> abrotman also, do you happen to know
from where judd get its data when you use ,pciid?
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2147[15:08:37] <TomTomTosch> Devastator: iirc judd is just an
interface to:
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2152[15:09:50] <Devastator> TomTomTosch interesting, thanks!
2153[15:10:07] *** Joins: pkiller (~pkiller@replaced-ip)
2154[15:11:08] <TomTomTosch> Devastator: here are more details
about the pciid command:
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2158[15:14:02] <Devastator> TomTomTosch even better, I just
didn't understand the modules.pcimap
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2166[15:19:39] <smoutz> Why debian chose systemd ?
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2169[15:20:36] <TomTomTosch> Devastator: tbh, i think that part
is outdated since jessie. not sure about that.
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2172[15:21:05] <mayhew> smoutz:
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2175[15:21:34] <Devastator> TomTomTosch thank you, I thought
about giving some feedback on that, but I don't think it worth
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2179[15:24:48] <abrotman> Devastator: the drivers themselves
2180[15:24:51] *** Joins: electrostat (~dag@replaced-ip)
2181[15:24:52] <smoutz> Why debian doesn't want to comply
with the fsf guidelines for free software distros ?
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2184[15:26:10] <Devastator> abrotman I see, it seems to check
modules.pcimap in jessie-backports as well, the driver for my
ethernet card is there, yet ,pciid gives a bogus result..
2185[15:26:16] <edwinpaixao> bom dia senhores
2186[15:26:37] <neskau> bom dia!
2187[15:26:47] <edwinpaixao> como estão?
2188[15:26:47] <TomTomTosch> smoutz: you can read the debian free
software guidelines in the social contract
2189[15:26:48] <Devastator> abrotman I just thought about
reporting it to someone, but as somiaj_ said, I should just move on
2190[15:26:56] <Devastator> edwinpaixao english only
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2192[15:27:34] <HSKW> TomTomTosch: found all logs... but a
question: there are max size log or are till space over?
2193[15:27:34] <smoutz> TomTomTosch: That doesn't answer my
question. My question is why they keep having non-free repos and
thus as a result not having fsf endorsement
2194[15:27:52] <markybob> because it's fucking useful
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2196[15:28:43] <smoutz> markybob: are you answering to me ?
2197[15:28:47] <markybob> yes
2198[15:28:56] <TomTomTosch> smoutz: because debian wants to give
the user the choice to use non-free software if they wish to. free
software is the defaul though.
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2202[15:29:31] <smoutz> Right
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2204[15:29:42] <markybob> non-free firmware is essential for an
awful lot of machines, for example
2205[15:30:00] <sypher> I don't give a damn about FSF
endorsement. I care about function. I'm sure many Debian users
and maintainers agree.
2206[15:30:10] <HSKW> smoutz: like me.. i need codec like libaac
lamemp3... this is not GPL compilat and you must compile it from
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2208[15:30:20] <smoutz> HSKW yeah
2209[15:30:38] <TomTomTosch> and so everyone can devide if they
want to go the free route or not. yay, choice.
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2211[15:31:00] <TomTomTosch> s/devide/decide damn fat fingers.
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2213[15:31:22] <markybob> TomTomTosch: you're fired :P
2214[15:31:27] <HSKW> TomTomTosch: my prof. said: GPL is like a
virus.. if u use it code from GPL lic. you must "infect"
all your code with GPL lic
2215[15:31:35] <TomTomTosch> markybob: do i get a payout?
2216[15:31:39] *** Quits: Anonymes (uid168604@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
2217[15:32:16] <HSKW> smoutz: my prof. said: GPL is like a
virus.. if u use any code from GPL lic source. you must
"infect" all your code with GPL lic
2218[15:32:18] <HSKW> :D
2219[15:32:23] <mayhew> I think Debian takes the best practical
stance. Use `main` only if you care about using an entirely
FSF-compliant distro. Contrib and non-free are much appreciated
coming from Fedora where you have to add "third party"
stuff like RPMFusion which is honestly a mess compared to Debian.
2220[15:32:26] <markybob> your professor is a moron
2221[15:32:52] <HSKW> markybob: i know :d
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2226[15:33:44] <HSKW> If we are here it is only thanks GPL GNU
2227[15:33:54] <hicksd> next time he says that, point out that
amazon use it perfectly well without opening up the code for their
kindles beyond the base layer kernel changes.
2228[15:34:27] <hicksd> and that he's over simplfying things
2229[15:34:35] <HSKW> but... any help with nginx log... on debian
all log on /var/log are cleaned after reboot? or still remain till
space over?
2230[15:35:25] <markybob> so they're not "cleaned"
if you mean deleted. they're rotated
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2232[15:35:29] <TomTomTosch> HSKW: the -n option limits the
number of lines. leave it out and tail will display the whole file.
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2234[15:36:01] <smoutz> Could Debian do more to become more user
friendly than Ubuntu ?
2235[15:36:09] <HSKW> rotated? well all log not fill all my hdd
2236[15:36:19] <sypher> If ubuntu is considered user-friendly,
then no thank you.
2237[15:36:22] <markybob> that does happen sometimes
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2239[15:37:02] <HSKW> markybob: i use nginx log, the friends
tomtomtosch asked me how to watch but are a lot of line... i suppose
that some day this log eat all my hdd space
2240[15:37:12] *** Parts: edwinpaixao (~edwin@replaced-ip)
2241[15:37:20] <sypher> HSKW: How long rotated logs are retained
is configurable.
2242[15:37:28] <markybob> HSKW: sure. if you don't pay
attention and move the rotated logs elsewhere
2243[15:37:36] <sypher> Or that.
2244[15:37:53] <markybob> an admin shouldn't ever just
delete logs. that's crazy
2245[15:37:57] <markybob> never*
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2249[15:38:21] <markybob> damnit i'm firing myself.
can't type
2250[15:38:22] <HSKW> i've only this line on nginx conf:
access_log /var/log/nginx_access.log combined;
2251[15:38:22] <HSKW> error_log /var/log/nginx_error.log;
2252[15:38:38] <sypher> Uh, no, that's not crazy at all. But
2253[15:39:38] <markybob> hell why have them at all if
you're just going to delete them
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2255[15:39:56] <markybob> i'd be fired in an instant
2256[15:40:03] <HSKW> sypher: well the /var/log/ is maintained by
operating system?
2257[15:40:22] <sypher> There's a time horizon beyond which
logs are of no further use. A logfile from, say, four years ago
isn't useful to me for anything.
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2259[15:40:46] <HSKW> maintained to say rotation or avoid space
eating space
2260[15:40:49] <HSKW> ?
2261[15:40:52] <markybob> not really. sometimes hacks go
unnoticed for years
2262[15:41:18] *** Quits: MisterGadfly (~MisterGad@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
2263[15:41:39] <markybob> HSKW: i always just rotate and move to
NAS or whatever you have
2264[15:41:59] <sypher> markybob: K.
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2266[15:42:58] <HSKW> markybob: okay good, the i must create a
cron script that copy on the hdd log only the current log and empty
the /var/log
2267[15:43:20] <HSKW> this is mean ROTATE, right?
2268[15:43:53] <markybob>
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2270[15:45:52] <HSKW> markybob: THANKS, more simple to say that
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2273[15:46:31] <sypher> HSKW: A lot of your space consumption
worries are mitigated by the fact that logrotate can compress the
not-current log.
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2279[15:48:24] <HSKW> sypher: yeah this is very important...
logfile on server that run apache/nginx are very dangerous...
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2281[15:48:35] <HSKW> if is not manage correctly
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2349[16:26:16] <MisterGadfly> I want to store my /tmp in my RAM.
I know how to mount it with fstab, but how can I remove all of the
files in it before mounting it?
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2357[16:28:26] <mayhew> MisterGadfly: you probably should just
restart if you can, a program running might rely on those files. You
could rm -rf it if you're feel like "risking" it.
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2360[16:29:37] <MisterGadfly> mayhew: but after I mount "on
top of it", the previous files and directories are still there
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2370[16:33:28] <MisterGadfly> Seems like the rm worked, mayhew
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2372[16:35:02] <mayhew> nice :) I recently did the same thing
myself, surprised it's not the default (but then again Debian
is pretty conservative)
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2398[16:46:43] <gchristensen> Hi, I'm trying to find the
various patches applied to acpitool 0.5.1 and am not really sure
where to look, as
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2401[16:47:22] <zarath> hi there
2402[16:47:28] *** Quits: Otani (~Yukiteru@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2403[16:47:52] <zarath> went something wrong with the latest
testing updates?
2404[16:48:31] <zarath> many packages are no longer available and
have broken dependencies
2405[16:48:54] <mayhew> gchristensen: using `apt-get source
pkg-name` will download the entire package source, including
Debian-patches AFAIK
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2407[16:50:34] <TomTomTosch> well, the weather forecast for
testing says sunny with no uninstallable packages on amd64.
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2409[16:50:59] <TomTomTosch> zarath: but maybe you should take
your problem to #debian-next on
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2412[16:52:33] <TomTomTosch> s/no/very few/
2413[16:55:06] <zarath> strange. perhaps just broken mirrors
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2425[17:01:11] <google77> So, is it already possible to update
the kernel without rebooting?(not neccessarily on debian though)
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2435[17:06:25] <gchristensen> google77: yeah
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2437[17:06:56] <google77> cool...uptime is love, uptime is life
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2490[17:30:11] <Devastator> ,kernels]
2491[17:30:19] <Devastator> ,kernels
2492[17:30:20] <judd> Available kernel versions are:
experimental: 4.7.0-rc4-686-pae (4.7~rc4-1~exp1); sid: 4.6.0-1-686
(4.6.2-2); stretch: 4.6.0-1-686 (4.6.1-1); jessie-backports:
4.6.0-0.bpo.1-686-pae (4.6.1-1~bpo8+1); jessie: 3.16.0-4-686-pae
(3.16.7-ckt25-2); wheezy-backports: 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae
(3.16.7-ckt25-2~bpo70+1); wheezy: 3.2.0-4-686-pae (3.2.81-1)
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2497[17:33:45] <MisterGadfly> Why is Eclipse IDE so old, even in
unstable? What the hell?
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2499[17:34:16] <_Sys5_> Hi, For some odd reason mouse disapears
when you click on terminal window. any ideas?
2500[17:34:48] <MisterGadfly> This is bullshit
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2503[17:35:27] <_Sys5_> not much luck with update-alternatives
-config x-cursor-theme
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2505[17:37:50] <TomTomTosch> MisterGadfly: that bullshit is
probably due to a lack of manpower. are you free to help out if you
feel so strongly about it.
2506[17:38:02] <TomTomTosch> * you are
2507[17:38:12] <MisterGadfly> TomTomTosch: freaking Eclipse? A
very popular IDE?
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2510[17:38:54] <_Sys5_> so, no1 experienced this before?
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2514[17:39:41] <cyphix> is there a version of the debian usb
installer that allows to test debian before installing it?
2515[17:39:45] <mayhew> MisterGadfly: you can also get it from
the Eclipse website if you want an up-to-date version
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2517[17:40:01] <MisterGadfly> mayhew: that's what I'm
doing, but an updated version should be in the repos
2518[17:40:02] <mayhew> cyphix: yes, there's live images
2519[17:40:16] <mayhew> cyphix:
2520[17:40:28] *** Parts: vgo (~OS-21482@replaced-ip)
2521[17:41:31] <mayhew> MisterGadfly:
2522[17:41:42] <TomTomTosch> MisterGadfly: yeah, freaking
eclipse, if not many cared about the version in stable.
2523[17:41:44] <mayhew> Like TomTomTosch said, it's a
manpower/interest issue it seems.
2524[17:41:51] <_Sys5_> ok cool
2525[17:42:27] <mayhew> I don't think many Debian people
use/like Java, I know a lot of people prefer IntelliJ or lightweight
2526[17:42:57] <TomTomTosch> which use java as well :P
2527[17:43:29] *** Quits: Youri (~youri@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2528[17:43:29] <TomTomTosch> but those don't have active
packages either. i guess it's because people want the up to
date version.
2529[17:43:42] <mayhew> TomTomTosch: yeah, but I believe most of
the Java community has moved on from Eclipse to IntelliJ.. Even
Android Studio is based on it.
2530[17:44:03] <TomTomTosch> mayhew: i'd agree.
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2532[17:44:57] <cyphix> mayhew: Ok thank you!
2533[17:45:18] <MisterGadfly> I do use IntelliJ, but I sometimes
need Eclipse
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2549[17:52:00] <qqz> if I start firefox fromout of a kde session
everything is scaled abnormally large
2550[17:52:09] <qqz> sicne I have used a higher dpi value to
scale things right for the KDE plasma desktop
2551[17:52:19] <qqz> however that settings is needed for the KDE
desktop only
2552[17:52:31] <qqz> firefox should behave the same when started
fromout of a gnome session as when started fromout of a KDE plasma
2553[17:52:42] <qqz> at least this is what I want
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2555[17:52:50] <qqz> anyone her who can help?
2556[17:52:58] <qqz> it only applies to firefox not to google
2557[17:53:06] <qqz> what is the magic that makes firefox scale
its screen appearance and its menus
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2560[17:53:43] <Epakai> about:config layout.css.devPixelsPerPx
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2564[17:54:53] <qqz> ok; if set to one then everything is the
same between gnome and kde
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2568[17:55:48] <qqz> hope that will be o.kj. also when I wanna do
some webdev
2569[17:56:40] <qqz> anyone here who knows what layout.css.dpi is
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2571[17:57:03] <qqz> may I change the em/ex - value without
affecting the px-values?
2572[17:57:22] <qqz> what if that parameter is non-zero?
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2575[17:58:07] <MisterGadfly> Ok, this is stupid. Whenever I
create a new tmux pane, my .zprofile gets sourced, but when I try to
make it source after logging in, it doesn't
2576[17:58:12] <MisterGadfly> What am I doing wrong?
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2591[18:03:48] <Lionyx> Hi! Is there any how use xinit
/usr/bin/libreoffice -args and set an arg to height and width? I
usually do it with chrome and firefox, but I can't seem to find
an option for libreoffice. Is there any how make xinit force it? tks
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2594[18:04:42] <qqz> Lionyx: I think you should start a window
maanger to do so first
2595[18:04:53] <qqz> and not start libreoffice directly via xinit
2596[18:05:15] <qqz> start an xterm and invoke there kwin &
lowriter &
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2601[18:05:42] <qqz> and set the default width and height of the
libreoffice window in the kwin setttings dialogue for specific
2602[18:06:09] <qqz> or invoke kwin & libreoffice fromout of
a bash script if you need that often
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2605[18:07:12] <smev81> when i try to filter for apps that depend
on gtk2 in synaptic it wont let me. If I revisit the filter
configuration it is set to "NOT depend" instead of
"depend". Did you have similar problems and found a
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2610[18:11:35] <smev81> I started aptitude which has a view for
that, nevermind
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2623[18:16:35] <BernhardPosselt> where should your custom nginx
config go? /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default ?
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2630[18:20:21] <DoctorD90> Hi guys! Little issue...I got a
Usb14gb must have some bad sector because I find out some
corrupted file. I runned e2fsck, but it give 0 errors. I create
thousand copies of a 10megabyte file, hashed them, and I find out
4-5 corrupted copies, so it has to exist bad sectors! ...
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2633[18:20:29] <mayhew> BernhardPosselt: it's entirely up to
you, but the "Debian way" if you're hosting more than
1 site is to add files to /etc/nginx/sites-available and symlink
them to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled if you want them to be enabled.
2634[18:20:37] <DoctorD90> now im using directly badblocks, but
it also gives 0 errors....
2635[18:20:42] <BernhardPosselt> mayhew: ty
2636[18:20:43] <DoctorD90> any idea?
2637[18:21:00] *** Joins: lucdalton (~lucdalton@replaced-ip)
2638[18:21:16] <unborn> DoctorD90: corrupted files does not mean
bad sectors..
2639[18:21:29] <DoctorD90> unborn, and what they can mean?
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2641[18:21:53] <unborn> DoctorD90: they are corrupted files.. heh
it can happen anywhere..
2642[18:22:05] <DoctorD90> mainly it starts to give me corrupted
files, after i go trougth airport checkpoint with Xray....
2643[18:22:36] <unborn> DoctorD90: I usually got corrupted files
when in windows scanning usb is clicked.. < that is just example
2644[18:22:39] <unborn> *for
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2647[18:23:05] <DoctorD90> unborn, i copied one 10mega file, 1373
times. I hashed them, and find out 4-5 files corrupted. I repeated
this test, and I find out SAME numbered files corrupted :P
2648[18:23:52] <DoctorD90> dd if=/dev/urandom of=Desktop/file
bs=1M count=10
2649[18:24:00] <unborn> DoctorD90: its still does not mean that
you must have bad sectors on your ssd, hdd, usbdisk
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2653[18:24:30] <DoctorD90> i created 1373 copies of that file on
the usbstick, and for 4-5 files, hash doesnt match
2654[18:24:38] <unborn> if usb disk is low quality than it can
2655[18:24:39] *** Quits: XeonSquared (~ShadowKat@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2656[18:24:55] <DoctorD90> Kingston :P 3.0 :P 18€ xD
2657[18:25:04] <DoctorD90> 16gb
2658[18:25:20] <unborn> DoctorD90: what grade is that?
2659[18:25:31] *** Joins: XeonSquared (~ShadowKat@replaced-ip)
2660[18:25:46] <unborn> never failed
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2663[18:26:00] <DoctorD90> the stuff that is strage, is that i do
copy-hash stage 2 times, and in both, I find out the SAME file
numbered corrutped
2664[18:26:09] <DoctorD90> what do you mean with grade?
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2667[18:27:44] <unborn> DoctorD90: there is difference between
them.. just because you have kingstone it does not mean you have
anything good. for example new standard ssd disk from kingstone are
crap.. but same disk graded as A - ultra have completely different
insides and also works much differently...
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2673[18:28:38] <MisterGadfly> How do I ignore the orphan
2674[18:28:39] <unborn> DoctorD90: if you have any other usb
stick try your test repeat on that
2675[18:28:55] <DoctorD90> unborn, done :P
2676[18:29:01] <DoctorD90> and it goes well... xD
2677[18:29:10] <DoctorD90> due to this i thougth at bad sector
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2679[18:29:46] <unborn> DoctorD90: so you see? perhaps next time
you purchase some usb stick, you may do research which is better
(even same brand)
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2683[18:30:06] <DoctorD90> lol
2684[18:30:27] <DoctorD90> so do you suggest that i have to trowh
it in garbage? :P
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2686[18:30:39] <DoctorD90> it is 3 years old
2687[18:30:42] <DoctorD90> ....uff
2688[18:30:56] <unborn> DoctorD90: I didnt say that
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2690[18:31:11] <unborn> perhaps you would use it normally for
some crappy stuff
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2695[18:32:15] <Lionyx> tks qqz
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2699[18:33:17] <DoctorD90> ah, and any idea to elude that
2700[18:33:27] <DoctorD90> ah ok
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2703[18:33:30] <DoctorD90> so no idea
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2707[18:36:08] <MisterGadfly> How do I remove the "packages
no longer required" message from apt-get?
2708[18:36:19] *** Joins: MaBunny (~Peter@replaced-ip)
2709[18:36:36] <unborn> MisterGadfly: apt-get autoremove?
2710[18:36:37] *** Quits: murfjr (~douseiais@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2711[18:36:45] <MisterGadfly> unborn: will that remove the
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2714[18:37:06] <MisterGadfly> unborn: I don't want them
removed, I just want that message gone
2715[18:37:26] *** Joins: lucdalton (~lucdalton@replaced-ip)
2716[18:37:29] <markybob> then manually apt-get install them
2717[18:37:31] <unborn> MisterGadfly: if you see msg that no
longer required then usually on end it tells you what to do with it
2718[18:37:45] <MisterGadfly> markybob: all of them!?
2719[18:37:59] <markybob> it's copy and paste. not that
difficult. it wont redownload/reinstall
2720[18:38:10] <unborn> ah message? meh did not read it properly
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2738[18:47:36] <sol> howdy folks
2739[18:47:43] <doublehp> teraflops: you told me a few days ago,
that any phrase I adress to you make each time you a bit more
confused ... I think i started using VirtualBox 2 days ago (or less,
maybe 36h). I have already found a bug in it. People are often
confused about my questions, and have dougts about my mental sanity;
fact is, I am just asking for softwares to do what they claim they
can do. And i have a special gift to find bugs.
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2741[18:48:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1682
2742[18:48:05] <sol> I'm upgrading all my software from
jessie to testing, and E: This installation run will require
temporarily removing the essential package sysvinit-utils:amd64 due
to a Conflicts/Pre-Depends loop. This is often bad, but if you
really want to do it, activate the APT::Force-LoopBreak option.
2743[18:48:05] <sol> is coming up
2744[18:48:44] <sol> I'm wondering how I should proceed? I
see that this bug was noted and apparently corrected by debian devs
2745[18:48:52] <sol> but I don't see any comment of how to
get around it
2746[18:49:21] <sol> I'm not sure its safe to use
2747[18:50:47] <markybob> ask #debian-next on per
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2749[18:51:27] <sol> thanks markybob
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2801[19:20:26] <doublehp> teraflops:
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2830[19:29:49] <riskc> on certain ACPI events, like connecting my
laptop to an external power source, my usb mouse suddenly gets
unrecognized. I have already had to replug it a billion times in the
past for the reason. Any idea why (happens with differenz mice of
diff vendors)?
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2876[19:54:15] <MisterGadfly> It's nice that Debian's
Firefox package has useless junk disabled by default
2877[19:54:44] <MisterGadfly> On Archlinux I had to google them
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2889[20:00:14] <rudar> MisterGadfly, what junk?
2890[20:01:27] <MisterGadfly> rudar: like some of the date
reporting stuff
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2894[20:02:09] <MisterGadfly> rudar: talking about this kind of
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2969[20:44:04] <BasicWorker> Hello everyone
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2971[20:44:10] <BasicWorker> Hello, I'm having an issue
right now I'm trying to dpkg-reconfigure libnss-ldap and the
output I get is "default start level arguments (2 3 4 5) do not
match libnss-ldap default start value (none)"
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2978[20:48:09] <jelly> BasicWorker: which debian release are you
using? is that the complete output?
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2980[20:49:28] <BasicWorker> jelly that's pretty much the
complete output the only thing missing is the "warning" at
the beginning
2981[20:49:52] <BasicWorker> I'm using Linux Mint
2982[20:50:07] *** Quits: enki (~enki@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2983[20:50:20] <BasicWorker> Linux Mint 17
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2986[20:51:12] <jelly> 1) a "Warning" isn't
necessarily a problem 2) ask in the Mint channel, or reproduce the
same issue on an actual debian installation
2987[20:51:14] <jelly> !mint
2988[20:51:15] <dpkg> Linux Mint is not Debian and is not
supported in #debian. Please use their forums at
2989[20:51:33] <jelly> BasicWorker: > #linuxmint-help on
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3029[21:05:50] <Citizen1> mint ....
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3031[21:05:54] <Citizen1> what a noise
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3046[21:12:34] <Projectns> Can somebody help me
3047[21:12:45] *** Joins: Makaveli7 (~Makaveli7@replaced-ip)
3048[21:12:45] <Projectns> i have a vps with debian and i
installed samba ..
3049[21:12:59] <Projectns> and also cifs-utils but i cant connect
on the vps samba server with my mac
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3063[21:18:13] <Projectns> why cantttt i connect to smb :(
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3067[21:18:34] <abrotman> can you even connect to the ports?
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3075[21:20:34] <unborn> Projectns: ^^^
3076[21:20:35] <Projectns> nope
3077[21:20:36] <Projectns> :(
3078[21:20:39] <unborn> 3020 TCP UDP CIFS / SMB
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3080[21:20:47] <Projectns> i see that the port 445 and 139 is
3081[21:20:50] *** Joins: breakfast (490f4a57@replaced-ip)
3082[21:20:54] <Projectns> i checked it with telnet
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3085[21:21:10] <unborn> 3020 TCP UDP CIFS / SMB is port you need
3086[21:21:10] <Projectns> 3020 is closed
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3088[21:21:20] <Projectns> okay than its not online :/
3089[21:21:21] <unborn> well why not ssh?
3090[21:21:34] <Projectns> i wanna mount my drive as a normal
3091[21:21:40] <unborn> yeah
3092[21:21:53] <unborn> you can use it as folder via ssh no?
3093[21:22:03] <Projectns> and how? ^^
3094[21:22:04] <abrotman> Projectns: sshfs is a thing youcan use,
and should
3095[21:22:07] <abrotman> !sshfs
3096[21:22:08] <dpkg> sshfs is a <FUSE>-based filesystem
using <SSH> for securely mounting remote resources. See
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3098[21:22:15] <Projectns> okay
3099[21:22:19] <unborn> Projectns: its quiet simple
3100[21:22:28] <Projectns> so its better to use sshfs as
3101[21:22:32] <unborn> Projectns: you did setup ssh keys yeah?
3102[21:22:36] <Projectns> yes
3103[21:22:58] <unborn> sure.. you know how to 'connect to
server' in your finder?
3104[21:23:04] <Projectns> yes :D
3105[21:23:09] <unborn> use that :)
3106[21:23:14] <unborn> one moment
3107[21:23:21] <Projectns> for sshfs ?
3108[21:23:28] <Projectns> or smb?
3109[21:24:38] <unborn> Projectns:
3110[21:24:52] <Projectns> :D over ftp?
3111[21:25:03] *** Quits: bin4ry (~bin4ry@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3112[21:25:04] <unborn> connect to it and make shortcut on
desktop or save it to your favourites
3113[21:25:06] *** Quits: kunaaljain_____ (~kunaaljai@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
3114[21:25:22] <Projectns> what can you recomend ? sshfs or sftp?
3115[21:25:30] <unborn> Projectns:
3116[21:25:31] <Projectns> *recommend
3117[21:25:31] *** Quits: theviajerock (~victor@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3118[21:25:38] <unborn> just said it sftp
3119[21:25:46] <unborn> dont you read or something?
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3124[21:27:14] <jelly> Projectns: sshfs is just another sftp
3125[21:27:24] <jelly> so you're using sftp in both cases
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3127[21:27:38] <Projectns> ok
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3132[21:29:20] <breakfast> so here is an ssh command to get
around imgur being blocked ssh -L
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3135[21:30:02] <breakfast> is this telling your intermediate
server at to look at port 80 at
3136[21:30:43] <breakfast> and assigning port 9000 on the subnet
thats blocking imgur to look at that server
3137[21:30:49] <breakfast> ?
3138[21:30:54] *** Quits: papey (~papey@replaced-ip) (Quit: WeeChat 1.0.1)
3139[21:31:31] <hicksd> it's saying forward port 9000
locally to port 80 via the system
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3141[21:31:51] <hicksd> see man ssh specifically the -L section
for a bit more info.
3142[21:32:07] <breakfast> right so thats what i said right? im
new to both networking and ssh
3143[21:32:13] <hicksd> yes
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3146[21:32:36] <breakfast> the question i have is why this
tyranical subnet would allow you to forward ports
3147[21:32:47] <breakfast> why would they allow that if they are
blocking websites
3148[21:33:06] <hicksd> they're not allowing it, they
don't know you're port forwarding
3149[21:33:08] *** Parts: Bridouz (~justin@replaced-ip)
3150[21:33:15] <hicksd> the only thingthey're allowing is
you to run ssh connections to other hosts
3151[21:33:22] <hicksd> and you can tunnel over ssh.
3152[21:33:47] <hicksd> but "they" won't know that
since ssh is encrypted. Only your machine and the
machine will know that
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3155[21:34:59] <breakfast> hicksd: oh what i meant was that you
are opening a port and why would they let you do that. but they have
to let you do it because all normal applications are going to open
random ports if they interact with the internet.
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3160[21:36:14] <breakfast> i get it
3161[21:36:37] <breakfast> whats the best irc for learning more
about networking stuff?
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3167[21:39:15] <up2late> i just installed debian, how do i set it
to where i can ssh into it from anpother computer
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3169[21:39:23] <up2late> do i have to open a port 22 or whatever
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3171[21:40:17] <TomTomTosch> up2late: all you need to do is
install the ssh server. it's an option during the install too
3172[21:40:39] <up2late> i beleive i did that
3173[21:40:55] <breakfast> what about forwarding port 22?
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3176[21:41:22] <TomTomTosch> why forwarding if you want to access
it from the local network?
3177[21:41:37] <up2late> how can i see if i installed ssh server
3178[21:41:43] <up2late> im a debian noob
3179[21:41:48] <up2late> just trying it out
3180[21:41:53] <TomTomTosch> up2late: dpkg -l openssh-server
3181[21:42:35] <TomTomTosch> up2late: or systemctl status
ssh.service to see if the server is up.
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3184[21:43:18] <Citizen1> or apt install ssh
3185[21:43:38] <breakfast> is the ssh server always running by
3186[21:43:43] <breakfast> how to stop and start it?
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3190[21:44:21] <up2late> tomocha_____: says its activly running
3191[21:44:23] <up2late> err
3192[21:44:23] <TomTomTosch> systemctl stop ssh.service
3193[21:44:24] <up2late> tomtom
3194[21:44:37] <up2late> says listnening on tho
3195[21:44:38] <TomTomTosch> up2late: then you can connect from
your local network.
3196[21:45:01] <Citizen1> if he is modify the /etc/init.d/ssh its
ok ?
3197[21:45:13] *** koltrast_ is now known as koltrast
3198[21:45:13] <Citizen1> or systemctl is necessary ?
3199[21:45:16] <TomasCZ> don't modify that
3200[21:45:26] <up2late> TomTomTosch: how do i verify the ip im
using is correct
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3202[21:45:44] <TomasCZ> ifconfig ?
3203[21:45:54] *** Joins: awal1 (~awal1@replaced-ip)
3204[21:45:55] <TomTomTosch> up2late: 'ip addr' to see
the ips your computer has.
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3207[21:46:30] <Citizen1> and modify /etc/default/ssh and put the
option in its ok ?
3208[21:46:32] <TomasCZ> or that.
3209[21:46:54] <up2late> ahh, i used the wrong ip
3210[21:46:56] <bezaban> Citizen1: that works, but might as well
just change it in the config file, but that is not needed for it to
work ( is all interfaces
3211[21:46:56] <up2late> thanks guys
3212[21:47:04] <bezaban> well all ipv4 interfaces anyway
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3214[21:47:36] <TomTomTosch> no problemo
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3221[21:48:38] <bezaban> Citizen1: also not really recommended if
you are on a network with dynamic ip allocation or if you want to
connect to another network
3222[21:48:49] <TomTomTosch> TomasCZ: those new tools are a
change for me too, i try to condition myself to use them now, though
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3224[21:49:43] <TomasCZ> I use them for advanced things. other
than that it's just habit
3225[21:50:07] <TomasCZ> can't say but the formatting of
ifconfig changed not so long ago.
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3229[21:51:19] <bezaban> I find 'ip a' so much more
comfortable than 'sudo ifconfig'. (or sudo /sbin/ifconfig
on other distros)
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3264[22:06:09] <alske> Hello.
3265[22:06:42] <alske> I am running mint right now. Is there a
way to install debian without a usb or cd? Maybe just with mint?
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3267[22:07:47] <sypher> alske: I THINK there are ways to boot
into an installer from within the current OS, but I can't vouch
for any personally.
3268[22:08:10] <abrotman> !debootstrap
3269[22:08:11] <dpkg> debootstrap can create a basic Debian
system from scratch, without apt/dpkg. Useful for installing in a
<chroot>. It is key to installing Debian GNU/Linux from a
Unix/Linux system, ask me about <install guide>.
3270[22:08:17] <alske> sypher: Thanks for answering. I would love
to do it that way.
3271[22:08:53] <alske> abrotman: Have you tried to do this? Is it
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3279[22:11:31] <TomTomTosch> alske: there is a little bit more to
it. here is a more in-depth explenation
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3281[22:12:11] <alske> TomTomTosch: Thank you! It seems that i
will download all the packages from the repos. Can I just get the
packages from the iso I already have?
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3290[22:16:23] <TomTomTosch> debootstrap just pulls the base
system. that's not that large. afterwards you can apt-cdrom to
add a cd to your sources. i wouldn't bother, though.
3291[22:16:41] <TomTomTosch> * you can use
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3310[22:28:18] <Tachyon`> hi, anyone know why oidentd is going
rogue occasionally and maxing out the cpu / spawning lots of copies
of itself? is there a simple identd I can use instead?
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3321[22:33:14] <DebianNewbie> Hello everyone
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3326[22:33:47] <DebianNewbie> I try to do a apt-get install
libnss-ldap on my debian 8 and it can't locate the package
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3338[22:36:48] <jelly> DebianNewbie: yay debian! verify the
contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list are sane... pastebin the file
3339[22:36:53] <jelly> !jessie sources.list
3340[22:36:54] <dpkg> A suitable /etc/apt/sources.list for Debian
8 "Jessie" has three lines: "deb
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3373[22:51:26] <tonk> I finally had to add the
"non-free" repository and get adobe flash. Couldn't
watch porhub without it.
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3383[22:54:15] <H4ndy> I am pretty sure most of those sites work
just fine without flash
3384[22:54:20] <H4ndy> :^)
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3391[22:56:24] <jelly> H4ndy: many do html5 only if your browser
can pretend it's a mobile device well enough, else they still
push flash
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3393[22:56:30] <jelly> OR SO I HEAR
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3396[22:56:55] <H4ndy> I heard of a friend who's using
Firefox without plugins just fine
3397[22:57:15] <jelly> I have no plugins in firefox, sure.
3398[22:57:24] <jelly> use Chrome for all that crap ;-)
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3403[22:58:23] <jelly> it seems to have betterer hw acceleration
features for video
3404[22:58:43] <H4ndy> well I am on windows with that, so I have
no direct experience of that on deb
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3407[23:00:31] <jelly> you mean your friend is on windows.
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