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0[00:00:28] <cef> ForceRecon: yeah.. most distros plan names
quite early.. like multiple version names get chosen in advance.
1[00:00:39] <ForceRecon> petn-randall:
2[00:01:03] <ForceRecon> Apr 26, 2015 Development started
3[00:01:47] <n4dir> As soon stable is released, the
development for the next stable starts.
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9[00:07:41] <ForceRecon> almost time to reboot and see debian
in action on the laptop.. whew.. scary..
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11[00:08:03] <ForceRecon> then rebuild by tomorrow morning with
access via rdp and irc
12[00:08:16] <ForceRecon> old laptop.. takes time.
13[00:08:45] <NapoleonWils0n> be afraid be very afraid
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15[00:09:12] <shadoxx> Never be afraid, be willing to leap into
action when things don't go the way you're expecting or
wanting them to
16[00:09:23] <shadoxx> It's just ones and zeros!
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18[00:09:56] <NapoleonWils0n> as long as you have your tin foil
hat on your should be fine
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21[00:10:45] <NapoleonWils0n> i have been using freebsd and zfs
is awesome
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25[00:11:25] <ForceRecon>
26[00:11:29] <ForceRecon> not bad..
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28[00:12:11] <ForceRecon>
29[00:12:17] <ForceRecon> any issues you can see at this point
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33[00:13:54] <petn-randall> ForceRecon: Usually people come
here with a problem and show us data. Not show us data and look for
a problem. :)
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36[00:14:49] <ForceRecon> well maybe they should :)
37[00:14:57] <ForceRecon> jk.. I understand
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39[00:15:21] <jhutchins> andai: Have you compiled software
40[00:15:28] <jhutchins> Gah, buffer.
41[00:15:51] <petn-randall> ForceRecon: You don't have to
wait for stretch, btw. We've already got the jessie release
which is stable and well-tested!
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45[00:17:39] <ForceRecon> I downloaded the lastest release as
specified earlier.. burnt a dvd live image.. gonna reboot once I
finish with my class online regarding inbound and outboun filtering
isolation on the network and transport layer port protocol and
address using ip tables.. with custom firmware.. change the channel
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59[00:26:37] <andai> jhutchins yeah, a couple times. Though I
tend to avoid it whenever I can, especially when tired/drunk/been
meaning to reinstall to a distro which has what I want in the
packages ;)
60[00:27:07] <andai> jhutchins although that's not
strictly true (tigervnc is in latest debian packages but not
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90[00:46:26] <andai> if i install a package with a large
dependecy tree, then remove the main package, do the dependecies
stay installed? does autoremove remove all of them?
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92[00:46:49] <andai> i notice when i remove a package it says
less space will be freed than the space it said was necessary to
install it
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95[00:47:19] <KaffeeJunky123> I'm having some trouble with
an intel hd630 integrated gpu, past the boot screen of the debian
installer I run into a black screen. Any ideas on what the issue
could be? The hardware should be fine, as a windows installation is
functioning on it.
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102[00:48:31] <petn-randall> andai: Correct, if you only remove
the package, the dependencies don't automatically get removed.
That is what autoremove is for.
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109[00:51:25] <andai> petn-randall thx
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112[00:52:57] <andai> sweet, switching from tightvnc to tigervnc
solved my weird keyboard problems. Now let's see if i can do
"xdotool" as well :D
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115[00:54:30] <SuperTramp83> KaffeeJunky123, try
116[00:54:32] <SuperTramp83>
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119[00:55:13] <andai> aaaand it works! sweet
120[00:55:21] <KaffeeJunky123> SuperTramp83: thanks a bunch, I
will try
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122[00:55:33] <SuperTramp83> yw!
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148[01:08:09] <bkeys> How do I open a port in debian?
149[01:08:18] <bkeys> Lets say I need to open port 5000
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157[01:13:00] <petemc> bkeys: nothing should be blocking access
to it by default so run something that listens on that port
158[01:13:16] <jushur> bkeys: firewall enabled?
159[01:13:17] <bkeys> I do and I get a "Connection
refused" error
160[01:13:51] <bkeys> Is there a firewall installed by default?
161[01:13:58] <petemc> no
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163[01:14:24] <petemc> is that machine you're trying to
access it from on same network segment?
164[01:14:36] <petemc> lsof -i :5000
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166[01:15:15] <petemc> as root
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168[01:15:38] <bkeys> Is this on the my workstation or on the
computer I am connecting to?
169[01:15:41] <bkeys> Both are on the same LAN
170[01:16:08] <petemc> which one do you expect to have something
listening on port 5000 ?
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172[01:16:19] <bkeys> One I am connecting to
173[01:16:48] <bkeys> python3 11030 pi 4u IPv4 50500 0t0 TCP
localhost:5000 (LISTEN)
174[01:16:50] <bkeys> That looks about right
175[01:17:05] <petemc> no, it says localhost
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178[01:17:56] <bkeys> Yeah that makes sense since I ran the
command on the computer that is listening on that port
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180[01:18:28] <petemc> localhost means you wont be able to
access it from other machines on the lan
181[01:18:53] <bkeys> Hmm, how do I change that?
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184[01:20:46] <beastwick> this might be a dumb question, but...
I run both Debian and Fedora. Debian on my main rig and Fedora on my
laptop. Can I compile a Fedora kernel and prepare it in an RPM on
Debian? I want to use my quad core...
185[01:21:18] <beastwick> or just compile a vanilla kernel and
package it in an RPM?
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192[01:24:36] <bkeys> beastwick: Sounds like you might want a
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195[01:26:39] <beastwick> nah, no virtualization, I was just
hoping I could compile a Fedora-ized kernel on my Debian box.
196[01:26:40] <somiaj> beastwick: you maybe able to put fedora
in a chroot on your debian machine, and build it inside the chroot
with fedora build tools and libaries.
197[01:26:50] <beastwick> that... sounds interesting
198[01:26:55] <somiaj> I use chroots to build a lot, never done
a non debian distro with it though.
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200[01:27:14] <beastwick> let me see if Fedora has some docs
about chroot installs
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202[01:28:16] <beastwick> somiaj
203[01:28:20] <bkeys> Perhaps Docker would be a good solution as
204[01:28:34] <beastwick> bkeys that actually uses a docker
image hah!
205[01:28:35] <somiaj> for building chroot is sufficent and
doesn't need extra tools.
206[01:28:51] <somiaj> but I guess if you have docker setup and
just need an image, no need to build a chroot
207[01:28:56] <beastwick> oh you mean setup docker in debian and
spin up a Fedora instance I guess?
208[01:29:04] <beastwick> not entirely sure how docker works
209[01:29:21] <somiaj> a chroot should be fine
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214[01:31:51] <bean9916_> Anyone know what's going on with
intel's ME vulnerability?
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219[01:33:10] <kankusht> good evening
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224[01:34:07] <bkeys> Does anyone know why my thing is listening
on localhost and how to make it accessible to other things on my
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226[01:34:28] <kankusht> how can I update libreofice on debian?
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228[01:34:39] <somiaj> bkeys: my thing? I must have missed
229[01:34:46] <somiaj> kankusht: are you running debian jessie?
230[01:34:51] <kankusht> yes
231[01:35:00] <somiaj> you can get a newer version from
232[01:35:02] <somiaj> ,v libreoffice
233[01:35:03] <judd> Package: libreoffice on amd64 -- wheezy:
1:3.5.4+dfsg2-0+deb7u6; wheezy-security: 1:3.5.4+dfsg2-0+deb7u9;
jessie: 1:4.3.3-2+deb8u5; wheezy-backports:
1:4.3.3-2+deb8u6~bpo70+1; jessie-security: 1:4.3.3-2+deb8u7;
jessie-backports: 1:5.2.6-2~bpo8+1; sid: 1:5.2.6-2; stretch:
1:5.2.6-2; experimental: 1:5.3.2-1
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235[01:35:50] <bkeys> somiaj:
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238[01:36:48] <somiaj> what command are you using to open the
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240[01:37:01] <kankusht> ok, I'll give it a try, I'm
new with debian :(
241[01:37:03] <bkeys> None so far; that is what I am trying to
figure out
242[01:37:11] <somiaj> !tell kankusht about jessie-backports
243[01:37:44] <somiaj> kankusht: the bot sent you some info on
what to add to your sources.list, then apt-get update, and finaly
apt-get -t jessie-backports install libreoffice
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245[01:38:18] <somiaj> bkeys: oh you are trying to figure out
what opened port 5000? I thought you were trying to open this port
and could only get it on local host
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247[01:38:38] <somiaj> bkeys: as for opening a port, kinda
depends on what you mean. Programing langauges should provdie a
libary for this.
248[01:38:55] <bkeys> I am running a flask server on port 5000
249[01:39:10] <bkeys> There is a file but it specifies
the address as
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251[01:39:20] <somiaj> so change the address to your outside ip
252[01:39:38] <somiaj> seems you need to configure that piece of
software to open the port in the correct location
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254[01:40:01] <somiaj> depending on the software it may require
you actually specify the ip, should read up on flasks
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261[01:43:29] <bkeys> Yay that fixed it; thanks
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264[01:44:15] <kankusht> Does anyone know a book that helps me
to know more about debian?
265[01:44:43] <somiaj>
266[01:44:59] <kankusht> thank you very much
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298[02:03:16] <beastwick> so I installed docker on debian, but I
want to do is grab the latest docker fedora image
299[02:03:23] <beastwick> all I want*
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303[02:03:54] <beastwick> docker pull fedora ? I just want the
current image though... I found an FTP host, but only of F24
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329[02:16:08] <forcerecon> okay.. I am back
330[02:16:14] <forcerecon> debian is installed
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332[02:16:28] <beastwick> congrats!
333[02:16:31] <forcerecon> can't figure out why installing
things from terminal can't find anything
334[02:16:44] <beastwick> i will cease asking for help here,
looking thru docker docks now
335[02:16:53] <somiaj> forcerecon: can you paste the output of
apt-cache policy at
336[02:17:13] <forcerecon> oithis is my first time with debian
but I managed to get on xchat properly but I don't know if I am
passing authenticato
337[02:17:36] <forcerecon> I was trying to install hexchat
338[02:17:43] <forcerecon> sudo apt-get install hexchat
339[02:17:50] <forcerecon> am I incorrect in my spelling
340[02:17:57] <forcerecon> program name
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342[02:18:19] <forcerecon> I tried to look for it in synaptic
but it does not show up there either
343[02:18:26] <somiaj> ,v hexchat
344[02:18:27] <judd> Package: hexchat on amd64 --
wheezy-backports: 2.10.0-1~bpo70+1; jessie: 2.10.1-1+deb8u1;
jessie-backports: 2.12.4-2~bpo8+1; sid: 2.12.4-2; stretch: 2.12.4-2
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346[02:18:39] *** Quits: apt (ibot@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
347[02:18:43] <somiaj> forcerecon: can you please paste the
output of apt-cache policy at
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357[02:20:40] <beastwick> holy sh@# docker is incredible
358[02:20:56] <forcerecon>
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362[02:22:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1637
363[02:22:07] <forcerecon> somiaj, is that what you needed >
364[02:22:08] <somiaj> forcerecon: your sources only contain the
cdrom you installed from and dropbox. YOu will want to edit
/etc/apt/sources.list, remove/comment out the cdrom sources and then
add the following three items
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366[02:22:13] <somiaj> !jessie sources.list
367[02:22:13] <dpkg> A suitable /etc/apt/sources.list for Debian
8 "Jessie" has three lines: "deb
368[02:22:29] <somiaj> it looks like you will want to append
contrib and non-free to main at the end from what the bot said.
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370[02:23:30] <forcerecon> and the learning begins,, :) I think
I can do this
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373[02:25:00] <forcerecon> I need a shower first.. but thanks
for the information.. bbiab
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377[02:28:04] <forcerecon> any chance I could get a copy and
paste for this to hastebin so I can just edit the file and make sure
I have the proper items in the sources.list
378[02:28:36] <dvs> !tell forcerecon about jessie sources.list
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380[02:34:06] <dezerializer> exit
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382[02:34:55] <forcerecon> got it
383[02:35:00] <forcerecon> will add in a bit
384[02:35:01] <forcerecon> thanks
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392[02:39:54] <beastwick> hang on a sec
393[02:40:11] <beastwick> can I do this chroot voodoo to install
and use testing/unstable packages?
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419[03:01:33] <beastwick> great chroot worked!
420[03:01:34] <beastwick> thanks guys!
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462[03:22:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1631
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471[03:29:43] <brian|lfs> wow I"m in shock that I read
Debian 9 will not have UEFI support
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473[03:29:59] <dvs> ???
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476[03:30:15] <bazhang> did you mean secureboot
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484[03:33:37] <abrotman> dpkg: confuse brian|lfs
485[03:33:37] <dpkg> Yes, where is our bacon tomorrow,
brian|lfs? Wellies of the Monarchy of Tibet with extra anchovies.
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494[03:38:46] <chatter29> hey guys
495[03:38:50] <chatter29> allah is doing
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501[03:39:52] <chatter29> to accept Islam say that i bear
witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and
Muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger
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509[03:44:00] <brasil2100> algum brasilieiro por aqui
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513[03:45:51] <watersj> anyone doing passthrough video cards
w/kvm guests?
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516[03:46:42] <brasil2100> boa oite
517[03:46:52] <brasil2100> boa noite
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520[03:47:49] <brasil2100> alguem pode me ajudar
521[03:49:09] <abrotman> !br
522[03:49:09] <dpkg> Este canal é apenas em inglês.
Por favor, use #debian-br (/j #debian-br) para ajuda em portugues.
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547[04:04:47] <xobefa> [global] freenode oper grumble has been
compromised, please come to #freenode for help immediately. jelly
television JPT Putti JonathanD tristero Cabanossi WinstonSmith
dirtyroshi MDA2 alxd Cronus paulgrmn1 DzAirmaX dave4925 andatche
johefernan raynold kooldavi LV-426 gb00s OtsoaUnLoco tytel TomTomTo1
potus blaman verc TuxShells MoDaX Harkj masber _foldLeft
BuildTheRobots elkalamar karakedi sphenxes kobain Robby yokel
SugoiBeans tripkin cruncher AntiSpamMeta fyr
548[04:04:47] <xobefa> [global] freenode oper grumble has been
compromised, please come to #freenode for help immediately. jelly
Vorpal yianni __C_P__ ryan`c Amun_Ra forcerecon sveva65_ dirac1
eblip sjk femto_ cdown ArchDuke serban xiaodong Shock_ wafflejock
vonsyd0w spacebug^ MaxLanar fstd benklop pipeep kirin_v de-facto
degenerate stealthii pingfloyd jasonwc Yondering KjetilK_ thunderrd_
JustTheDoctor sobkas RaiNerTsuFal dvs eki davimore n1ck3 beastwick
BlackFox xcin seekr kever_ pr
549[04:04:47] <xobefa> [global] freenode oper grumble has been
compromised, please come to #freenode for help immediately. jelly
githogori ChmEarl Darby tikun bertbob _Vi AndrewMC q6AA4FD aaro
smidlers f1nch_ dayten cyphix yeticry tsglove Almtesh lsv_ Pr0t3us
Sir_Designer Colti syco_ Mad_Hat sz0 krytarik kupi shtirlic
Lady_Aleena internot Deific Bent0 Guest51121 fyxx Ralin3 exezin
Emmanuel_Chanel vectr0n|cloud pawalls flyingkiwi Delta-One
Quick_Wango faw Bercik soop frankie koltrast H
550[04:04:48] <xobefa> [global] freenode oper grumble has been
compromised, please come to #freenode for help immediately. jelly
UUID01 __builtin jgoohu somepoortech Alam_Squeeze andai hsiktas
soahccc redd SwK jon_x1111112 shabius Aim_Here Canucktux Strife89
dpkg yaymuffins k^ macrobat x42 mactimes autofsckk Zauberfisch_
XSoul Ekchuan_ Hobbyboy eb0t barteks2x Gabemo johnnyfive ajp
blueness zupzupper maurostorch
551[04:04:48] <xobefa> [global] freenode oper grumble has been
compromised, please come to #freenode for help immediately. jelly
MyIgel Janhouse Arroyo1010 kolla jeddi xet7 perserva Kruppt CissWit
altyr moss fors xobefa olegfusion electrostat Mahe Cy-GorWork
Devastator lethu Gurty Walex mithrandeer vutral_ mzf jakew LostSoul
[red]claw mingdao safder Urchin[emacs] lankanmon Atramentous
mdorenka cronic grift RickXy dsfox2 waynr Junaos chrisa Orphis
electro33 SuperSeriousCat Trieste Lean
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561[04:10:09] <id10t> hey, if there are any debian devs here,
i'd just like to say thank you. i'm in the middle of
experiencing the mess that the default apache24 config setup is in
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566[04:11:07] <co> [global] freenode oper grumble has been
compromised, please come to #freenode for help immediately. jelly
television JPT Putti JonathanD tristero Cabanossi WinstonSmith
dirtyroshi MDA2 alxd Cronus paulgrmn1 DzAirmaX dave4925 andatche
johefernan raynold kooldavi LV-426 gb00s OtsoaUnLoco tytel TomTomTo1
potus blaman verc TuxShells MoDaX Harkj masber _foldLeft
BuildTheRobots elkalamar karakedi sphenxes kobain Robby yokel
SugoiBeans tripkin cruncher AntiSpamMeta fyrril
567[04:11:07] *** Quits: co (~Ye@replaced-ip) (Killed (Sigyn (Spam is off topic on freenode.)))
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570[04:11:33] <dave4925> lol
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578[04:14:25] <Robby> thats a fuckin tryhard right there
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581[04:16:01] <Cronus> quite
582[04:16:13] <Robby> ohai Cronus!
583[04:16:17] <Cronus> oh god
584[04:16:18] <Cronus> its you
585[04:16:23] <Robby> yes, and its you too
586[04:16:34] <Cronus> and its you!
587[04:16:38] <Robby> its us!
588[04:16:45] <Cronus> i know a guy named Robby` on here, i
guess he can blame that on you
589[04:16:56] *** nicdev` is now known as nicdev
590[04:17:19] <Robby> or me on him!
591[04:17:37] <Cronus> im enjoying freenode
592[04:17:40] <Cronus> all these ip's i get to dnsbl
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595[04:18:44] <Robby> :D
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598[04:18:58] <Robby> yeah, at least they're not cloaked
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603[04:22:38] <brian|lfs> sorry meant secureboto
604[04:22:52] <brian|lfs> and forgot about my irc window
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677[05:18:35] <Lady_Aleena> What's going on? I just got
back to my computer.
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775[06:45:46] <viscera> "apt full-upgrade" seems stuck
while "Setting up dbus" --
776[06:46:09] <viscera> Perhaps that
systemd-tty-ask-password-agent is blocking...?
777[06:47:06] <viscera> (full-upgrade to Stretch, which worked
fine, and I did a reboot before trying the "apt install
778[06:48:08] <viscera> systemd-tty-ask-password-agent --list
shows nothing
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781[06:50:07] <viscera> systemctl status dbus:
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786[06:53:17] <viscera> Perhaps the fancy progress bar of apt is
787[06:54:49] <awal1> btw, apt is buggy for me sometimes
788[06:55:13] <awal1> try apt-get or aptitude
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790[06:55:15] <viscera> awal1: I can always rollback to a
snapshot before this installation and try with apt-get
791[06:55:17] <viscera> ok
792[06:55:42] <themill> that's really unlikely to be
relevant (or real)
793[06:55:42] <viscera> This is a libvirt/kvm/qemu VM by the way
794[06:55:47] <awal1> not a solution/suggestion for your
question, just a comment :P
795[06:55:52] <viscera> yeah...
796[06:56:12] <viscera> themill: what do you think?
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798[06:56:42] <themill> I saw one box where dbus got
sufficiently confused it was unhappy.
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800[06:57:23] <themill> I think I was further down the upgrade
path than that though.
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802[06:57:49] <themill> oh, no, similar point
803[06:58:02] <viscera> This is on an "apt install
gnome", I misspoke earlier
804[06:58:13] <viscera> The Jessie->Stretch full-upgrade
already happened
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852[07:43:20] <lonewolf> k moogoom
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857[07:46:42] <viscera> Ugh, dbus postinst is still hung
858[07:46:52] <viscera> (switching from apt to apt-get
didn't help)
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877[07:58:27] <jim> hi... what do I need installed onto a debian
machine, in order to print to another machine whose printer is
served by a cups server and queue?
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944[08:27:53] <jelly> jim: also cups
945[08:27:59] <PenguinLinux> hello, what are non free versions
of Debian for?
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948[08:28:31] <jelly> PenguinLinux: do you mean iso images with
non-free firmware?
949[08:28:36] <jelly> !firmware images
950[08:28:36] <dpkg> Unofficial <netinst> images -
containing non-free Debian <firmware> packages - for
installing Debian 8 "Jessie" are available from
951[08:28:37] <PenguinLinux> are they officially supported?
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954[08:29:28] <jim> PenguinLinux, generally, non-free software
is that software entangled with legal requirements
955[08:29:34] <jelly> PenguinLinux: not really but if you have
to use them, use them
956[08:30:02] <PenguinLinux> ok. are they as stable as the
normal debian images?
957[08:30:29] <jim> generally, that varies
958[08:30:37] *** Joins: Zzeiss (~wsy@replaced-ip)
959[08:30:48] <jelly> those are just builds containing the exact
same software as normal images, plus some firmware
960[08:30:51] <PenguinLinux> jim: could you please eloaborate?
961[08:30:58] <jelly> jim: what varies?
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965[08:31:31] <jim> but what you have to remember, is that
particular non-free software is "firmware" meant to load
into specific hardware to make them work
966[08:31:44] <PenguinLinux> are debian non-free versions
comparable to mint or ubuntu?
967[08:32:05] <jelly> it's debian plus some bits to make
some drivers work
968[08:32:11] *** zz_djz88 is now known as djz88
969[08:32:32] <jelly> not sure what you mean by comparable
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971[08:32:53] <PenguinLinux> jelly: in beginner friendliness.
972[08:33:00] <jelly> no
973[08:33:09] <jelly> it's still Debian
974[08:33:26] <PenguinLinux> jelly: does that mean Debian is not
beginner friendly?
975[08:33:37] <jelly> just makes it installable on some more
servers and some more consumer models
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977[08:33:50] <PenguinLinux> ok
978[08:33:50] <jelly> PenguinLinux: I wouldn't call it
beginner friendly
979[08:33:57] *** Joins:
980[08:34:07] <jim> PenguinLinux, I'm hearing that you want
to know something more general... I'm also surmising that
you're trying to evaluate whether to try it for the first time?
981[08:34:07] <Stummi> I think beeing "beginner
friendly" never was a claim of what debian is
982[08:34:43] <jim> it's more friendly than, say, arch
983[08:34:59] <PenguinLinux> I see so many distros are based on
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987[08:35:30] <jelly> it's a good platform to build useful
stuff on
988[08:35:37] <PenguinLinux> has anybody here heard of BOSS
989[08:36:05] *** Quits:
990[08:36:10] <jim> I think I've heard the name, not much
991[08:36:18] <jelly> !boss
992[08:36:18] <dpkg> boss is probably a powerful, annoying
creature, usually devoid of any clue, especially when ordering
people around. "Bharat Operating System Solutions" (BOSS),
an Indian GNU/Linux distribution <based on debian>; support is
at #boss-nrcfoss on and
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995[08:36:57] <PenguinLinux> has anybody tried that?
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998[08:37:11] <jim> maybe at least one person
999[08:37:17] <PenguinLinux> I think it is a debian based
1000[08:37:29] <jelly> that's what the bot says
1001[08:37:39] *** Joins: michaelni (~michael@replaced-ip)
1002[08:38:39] <jim> PenguinLinux, normally being "debian
based" means people other than debian developers are
maintaining it
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1005[08:39:00] <jim> or debian-the-organization
1006[08:39:01] <PenguinLinux> Debian is on the 2nd position in
distrowatch page hit rankings.
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1008[08:39:41] <jim> PenguinLinux, so... what exactly are you
looking to find out?
1009[08:39:43] <PenguinLinux> jim: who are the target users for
1010[08:39:49] *** Quits: Cabanossi (~Cabanossi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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1012[08:40:00] <jim> people who run linux?
1013[08:40:24] <PenguinLinux> I thought Debian non-free versions
are meant for beginners and could be comparable to Mint or Ubuntu.
1014[08:40:30] *** Joins: Cabanossi (~Cabanossi@replaced-ip)
1015[08:40:35] <PenguinLinux> jim: yes.
1016[08:40:43] <jim> people who want a very solid server
platform, for one thing
1017[08:41:13] *** Joins: torjeh (~Torje@replaced-ip)
1018[08:41:20] <PenguinLinux> are majority users of Debian
usually developers?
1019[08:41:20] <jim> debian is extremely well tested and
1020[08:41:40] <PenguinLinux> or Debian is preferred by Windows
users also?
1021[08:41:40] <viscera> I don't get how this can be failing
so hard. Has anyone successfully installed GNOME onto Stretch in a
libvirt QEMU/KVM guest?
1022[08:41:49] <viscera> i.e. in the last day or two
1023[08:41:52] <PenguinLinux> I mean Linux beginners.
1024[08:41:55] <jim> maybe, since one of the well-tested features
of debian is its toolchain
1025[08:42:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1625
1026[08:42:29] <PenguinLinux> jim: well tested means completely
bugfree and fast?
1027[08:42:41] <awal1> PenguinLinux, there isn't
"debian non-free" version(s). there are unofficial images
(amd64+i386). official images+ non free firmware vs official images
without non free firmware. that's all
1028[08:42:49] *** Quits: Strife1989 (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
1029[08:42:58] <PenguinLinux> awal1: ok
1030[08:43:36] <PenguinLinux> awal1: are the images updated every
month? or they get updated after the install?
1031[08:44:17] <jim> it is pretty fast, and well tested means
well tested... there's bugs, to tell you there are absolutely
none would be a lie... people who maintain the packages try to
reduce them
1032[08:45:17] *** Quits: DrNo (~DrNo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
1033[08:45:20] <awal1> PenguinLinux, "unofficial
images" are stable branch specific and netinst category
1034[08:45:26] <PenguinLinux> ok. I had downloaded the live image
of debian non free version sometime back. If I want to install now,
do I need to download it again? It was 8.7.1.
1035[08:45:29] <awal1> btw, are you using debian yet or not?
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1038[08:46:14] <PenguinLinux> on a 32 bit laptop, I have used
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1041[08:46:18] <jim> PenguinLinux, maybe the live image has an
installer, you might not have to download again
1042[08:46:30] <PenguinLinux> wanted to try for my 64 bit laptop
which is a new one.
1043[08:46:58] <jim> do you know the image file name that you
1044[08:47:17] <PenguinLinux> jim: I'll try the downloaded
live image.
1045[08:47:26] <jim> one sec
1046[08:47:52] <jim> you say you have a new 64 bit laptop? what
was the other machine?
1047[08:48:03] <awal1> PenguinLinux, all your doubt can be
cleared clicking a few links here
1048[08:48:08] <awal1> doubts
1049[08:48:08] <PenguinLinux> 32 bit laptop.
1050[08:48:16] <jim> oh ok....
1051[08:48:19] <PenguinLinux> ok.
1052[08:48:23] <jim> some stuff:
1053[08:48:30] *** Joins: Madda (~Madda@replaced-ip)
1054[08:48:43] <PenguinLinux> but, I had downloaded the live
image of 64 bit version also.
1055[08:49:03] <PenguinLinux> awal1: thanks for those links. Will
go through them.
1056[08:49:14] <jim> the image you downloaded for your 32bit
laptop will work in the 64 bit one, but debian has 64bit stuff too
1057[08:49:42] <PenguinLinux> jim: I think I have 64 bit image
1058[08:49:45] <jim> PenguinLinux, are you specifically looking
to install debian on the 64bit laptop?
1059[08:49:58] <PenguinLinux> jim: yes.
1060[08:50:27] <jim> PenguinLinux, oh, ok, the file name of the
image should tell you which cpu it's for
1061[08:50:35] <PenguinLinux> ok
1062[08:51:01] *** Joins: DrNo (~DrNo@replaced-ip)
1063[08:51:20] <jim> again, the 32bit image -should- work... the
64bit one will be more performant
1064[08:51:48] <PenguinLinux> ok
1065[08:51:56] *** Quits: conta (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Quit: conta)
1066[08:52:19] <jim> and, when you subsequently add new software
using apt-get, it will get the 64 bit stuff if you started with the
64bit image
1067[08:52:32] <PenguinLinux> or, a distro based on Debian, like
MX linux could be more beginner friendly?
1068[08:52:34] <jelly> it's better to use the specific
installer image for installing, I vaguely remember installer code on
the live image doesn't deal with UEFI firmware well
1069[08:52:46] <jim> dunno
1070[08:53:01] <PenguinLinux> what is systemd?
1071[08:53:07] <jim> do you consider yourself a beginner/
1072[08:53:08] *** Quits: Madda (~Madda@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
1073[08:53:11] <jim> ?
1074[08:53:16] <PenguinLinux> does Debian have it?
1075[08:53:21] <jim> yep
1076[08:53:27] *** Joins: conta (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
1077[08:53:28] <PenguinLinux> yes. I am a beginner.
1078[08:54:01] <jim> the arguments for and against systemd are
largely noise
1079[08:54:35] *** Joins: azg (~azg@replaced-ip)
1080[08:54:41] <PenguinLinux> jim: I don't know what is
systemd in the first place.
1081[08:54:50] <jelly> PenguinLinux:
1082[08:54:53] <jim> having said that, it does replace a lot of
functionality, so people used to the older system have a fair amount
to learn
1083[08:55:22] <Guest82128> systemd is a fork in the road that
will lead to the death opf debian
1084[08:55:36] <Guest82128> just give it time and watch
1085[08:55:54] <jim> Guest82128, you're a fork in the road
1086[08:55:58] <jelly> PenguinLinux: it's a software
component that manages startup of various services at boot time
1087[08:56:02] <gry> jim: yay
1088[08:56:17] <jim> hi gry
1089[08:56:18] <PenguinLinux> ok
1090[08:56:24] <gry> jim: hi :-)
1091[08:56:45] <jelly> PenguinLinux: in fact scroll up and read
that whole chapter if you want to know
1092[08:57:07] <Guest82128> i am a fork, indeed!
1093[08:57:41] <PenguinLinux> ok
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1097[08:58:04] <jelly> Guest82128: you're also an annoyance,
quieted for 60 minutes
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1099[08:58:20] <jelly> try to be more constructive in the future
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1102[08:59:30] <jim> PenguinLinux, given you're a beginner,
you have some other fish to fry... for one thing, you need to get
used to the command line, and come to know its interpreter fairly
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1104[08:59:38] <PenguinLinux> in one of the youtube videos Linus
Torvalds has said that Debian is somewhat difficult to install and
maintain. Probably long time back. Has anything changed since then?
1105[08:59:59] <PenguinLinux> jim: true. I agree with you.
1106[09:01:57] <awal1> PenguinLinux, you know, here people ask
specific questions about debian, almost technical ones. a vs b and
similar stuff are more suitable for #debian-offtopic
1107[09:02:16] <PenguinLinux> ok
1108[09:02:32] <PenguinLinux> awal1: I'll install Debian and
try it.
1109[09:02:51] <jim> PenguinLinux, he also says he's a
disaster when it comes to maintaining machines; he wants to do what
he wants to do, and he doesn't want a dist getting in his way.
he's fairly easily frustrated and easy to anger (I would say by
observation)... he has built a lot of the tools he uses, and debian
may or may not have them yet (although it does have the tools needed
to build pretty much anything)
1110[09:03:29] <PenguinLinux> ok
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1113[09:05:00] <jim> PenguinLinux, and, you might like it. one
thing to avoid, especially right now, is trying to install things
that don't come from debian (that debian works very hard to
make sure things work together is a small part of the reason for
that, the rest is mostly that you could break it)
1114[09:05:52] <PenguinLinux> jim: I feel Debian has enough
packages suitable for all my needs.
1115[09:05:58] <astephanh> is there a irc channel for creating
deb packages?
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1117[09:06:49] <PenguinLinux> jim: what is the difference between
using Debian and Debian based distros like MX or Sparky?
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1119[09:07:00] <PenguinLinux> they also seem to be popular.
1120[09:07:08] <jim> astephanh, there are debian mentors to help
you do just that; they're on in #debian-mentors
1121[09:07:12] *** heheda is now known as debian-linux
1122[09:07:24] <towo^work> PenguinLinux, the difference is, only
debian is supported here
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1124[09:07:44] <astephanh> jim, thx
1125[09:07:46] <jim> PenguinLinux, they have their own archive of
software you can get
1126[09:07:55] *** Quits: Pjusur (~Pjusur@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
1127[09:08:00] <jim> astephanh, welcome
1128[09:08:14] <PenguinLinux> besides support, any other
difference? pros and cons of it.
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1130[09:08:41] <jim> I dunno for sure
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1132[09:09:59] <jelly> astephanh, jim: #debian-mentors is for
people who want to package for Debian inclusion; if you know your
package will not enter Debian, there's #packaging channel, also
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1136[09:11:11] <jim> that's good to know
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1139[09:12:22] <PenguinLinux> ok
1140[09:12:59] *** Parts: debian-linux (~oops@replaced-ip)
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1146[09:15:18] <PenguinLinux> thanks a lot. Will give Debian a
try on my new laptop.
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1162[09:25:20] <nkuttler> is there a tool to make it easy to
transcode audio files, and perhaps to copy them (selectively) to an
external storage?
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1173[09:28:32] <jelly> does "sox" still exist?
1174[09:28:35] <jelly> ,i sox
1175[09:28:36] <judd> Package sox (sound, optional) in
jessie/amd64: Swiss army knife of sound processing. Version:
14.4.1-5; Size: 133.9k; Installed: 224k; Homepage:
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1190[09:33:10] <nkuttler> well, i know how to transcode and move
files. i think i'll write a script for quodlibet, which manages
my library anyway
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1194[09:34:19] <celyr> ,i firebird2.5
1195[09:34:20] <judd> No package named 'firebird2.5'
was found in jessie/amd64.
1196[09:34:24] <celyr> ,i firebird2.5-classic
1197[09:34:25] <judd> Package firebird2.5-classic (database,
optional) in jessie/amd64: Firebird Classic Server - an RDBMS based
on InterBase 6.0 code. Version:; Size: 28.6k;
Installed: 81k; Homepage:
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1232[09:55:20] <craniumslows[awa> Oh no it's getting that
late already
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1234[09:55:27] <astephanh> jelly, i'd like to ask a few
questions how to repackage with a custom patch
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1357[10:35:49] <tdn> After hardening my SSH settings according to
1358[10:35:55] <tdn> ixed in debian 8?
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1370[10:40:26] <DoctorD90> good day. some issue installing debian
on a new acer with efi. I used expert install. I choosen gpt. I
parted the disk in "efi", /boot, /(enc), /home(enc),
swap(enc). Once at grub installation step, it said it failed. Even
if I choose yes to "insfall in removable path"...any idea?
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1383[10:46:30] <petn-randall> ,v python-paramiko
1384[10:46:31] <judd> Package: python-paramiko on amd64 --
wheezy:; wheezy-backports: 1.10.1-1~bpo70+1; jessie:
1.15.1-1; stretch: 2.0.0-1; sid: 2.0.0-1
1385[10:47:08] <petn-randall> tdn: The safest system is an
offline system! :)
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1387[10:47:47] <petn-randall> tdn: Looks like a backport
won't happen soon. I recommend making your settings less
restrictive to get it to work again. Or you can backport the version
from stretch yourself.
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1424[11:12:41] <tdn> petn-randall, I see that sid and stretch has
2.0. Since this is a major version upgrade compared to 1.15 I guess
backporting wont be so easy. I think maybe upgrading paramiko via
pip instead would probably be easier. However, I am not sure how
other debian packages will handle that ... Or how to undo it, if it
does not work. Dont want to break my system.
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1427[11:13:29] <FreddyP> petn-randall: install it into a VM test
it out first
1428[11:13:35] <petn-randall> tdn: Then do a user install, that
will only affect your user then.
1429[11:13:45] <petn-randall> tdn: pip install --user
1430[11:14:03] <petn-randall> FreddyP: Install what?
1431[11:14:15] <FreddyP> stretch
1432[11:14:25] <petn-randall> FreddyP: why?
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1435[11:15:29] <FreddyP> you said 'However, I am not sure
how other debian packages will handle that ...
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1446[11:19:11] <rabgulo_> hello. can i in debian 9 (strech) have
php version5?
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1453[11:23:31] <tdn> petn-randall, good idea. However, the user
is going to be root since that is the only one who can back up
1454[11:23:48] <themill> rabgulo_: not really
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1458[11:25:46] <rabgulo_> themill: i muss compile? :/
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1461[11:26:39] <petn-randall> FreddyP: tdn said that.
1462[11:26:52] <FreddyP> ok
1463[11:26:53] <themill> rabgulo_: I can think of other solutions
that are better
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1469[11:28:20] <rabgulo_> themill: other solutions? pls, can tell
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1471[11:28:44] <themill> you probably wouldn't appreciate
1472[11:28:52] <themill> they won't involved php being on
the box
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1480[11:32:01] <petn-randall> rabgulo_: PHP5 won't be
supported by upstream for the duration of stretch, which is why
it's not there anymore. I suggest you stick with jessie if you
need PHP5.
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1491[11:36:33] <Koyaanisqatsi`> what's the consensus on
using deb-multimedia repos on debian? does it cause problems or is
it just an ideological problem?
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1493[11:36:49] <petn-randall> !dmm
1494[11:36:49] <dpkg> We recommend against using; these unofficial packages are known to cause
many hard to debug problems. They are not in Debian either because
the they are poor in quality or for legal reasons. See
1495[11:36:54] <petn-randall> Koyaanisqatsi`: ^^^
1496[11:37:17] <petn-randall> Also:
1497[11:37:20] <petn-randall> !why not dmm
1498[11:37:20] <dpkg> The repository was once
the only way of getting good multimedia support. By the release of
Debian 6.0 "Squeeze" this was mostly not true and for
Debian 7 "Wheezy" this situation is even better. Libraries
from dmm are known to cause incompatibilities with packages from
Debian; packages may not meet the <DFSG> so are not allowed in
Debian. Use dmm as a last resort; ask me about <dmm pinning>
and <dmm remove>.
1499[11:37:58] <DoctorD90> next month will be available stretch??
1500[11:38:10] <Koyaanisqatsi`> problem is even in debian
testing, audacious is an ancient version. why?
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1503[11:39:51] <petn-randall> Koyaanisqatsi`: I wouldn't
call a year old ancient.
1504[11:40:14] <CQ> hello, I'm running jessie with xfce in a
vbox VM, and I can't get it to shut down from the GUI When I go
into rescue mode and shutdown -h now, it does shut down. I'm
not seeing where it hangs in messates or syslog... any ideas?
1505[11:40:22] <petn-randall> Koyaanisqatsi`: What are you
missing from the newer release?
1506[11:40:35] <Koyaanisqatsi`> petn-randall, features and
1507[11:40:37] <CQ> basically I need to wait 10-15 seconds, and
then kill the VM
1508[11:40:45] <petn-randall> !sns
1509[11:40:45] <dpkg> Shiny New Shit Syndrome is a serious
disorder, which usually breaks out into an epidemic every time
something new is released. If you have SNS, ask me about
<backports> and <ssb>; these are better options than
upgrading to <testing> because it is a <moving target>.
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1514[11:42:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1655
1515[11:42:04] <themill> There's a new version packaged in
git but it's not suitable for uploading until after stretch has
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1518[11:42:24] <petn-randall> Koyaanisqatsi`: You can always
install from source if the packaged version doesn't do it for
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1521[11:42:42] <DoctorD90> themill: it is there a date for
1522[11:42:47] <themill> WIR
1523[11:42:50] <Koyaanisqatsi`> petn-randall, yes I know, but
might as well use gentoo or something at that point
1524[11:43:01] <DoctorD90> maybe it will fix my issue in
installing :P
1525[11:43:17] <DoctorD90> wir means? wip work in progress...wir?
1526[11:43:39] <petn-randall> Koyaanisqatsi`: Sure, but newer
software tends to be more buggy, so it's a double-edged sword.
1527[11:43:46] <petn-randall> DoctorD90: when it's ready
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1545[11:44:17] <Koyaanisqatsi`> petn-randall, in this case
it's better. I've been using the newer versions for
several months.
1546[11:44:36] <Koyaanisqatsi`> is there somewhere we can make
requests to non-free?
1547[11:44:46] <Koyaanisqatsi`> I'd like to see nvenc
support in ffmpeg
1548[11:44:59] <DoctorD90> petn-randall: :P isn't
there a release date :P
1549[11:45:30] <petn-randall> Koyaanisqatsi`: ffmpeg is in main,
not non-free.
1550[11:45:33] <DoctorD90> what do you suggest? wait a month or
try to solve isssue and install jessie?
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1557[11:46:27] <petn-randall> DoctorD90: Did the installation
work with the guided install?
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1559[11:46:56] <petn-randall> DoctorD90: I'm guessing that
you made a mistake with the ESP.
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1562[11:47:24] <DoctorD90> petn-randall: i havent tried that one,
because it doesnt make what id like unfortunately
1563[11:47:41] <DoctorD90> yea, me too :/ but this is the first
efi i installed
1564[11:47:50] <petn-randall> DoctorD90: I'd just use LVM,
then you don't have to encrypt all partitions by hand.
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1569[11:48:28] <Koyaanisqatsi`> petn-randall, I think that's
the problem then, since nvidia stuff is in non-free
1570[11:48:35] <DoctorD90> i dont like lvm :P
1571[11:48:56] <coke> cause its convenient?
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1574[11:49:28] <petn-randall> Koyaanisqatsi`: Yeah, that
won't happen then. No package from main can depend on a package
from non-free.
1575[11:49:33] *** Joins: writeerase (~writeeras@replaced-ip)
1576[11:49:39] <petn-randall> Koyaanisqatsi`: You can compile
your own ffmpeg, though.
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1581[11:50:39] <Koyaanisqatsi`> An ffmpeg-nonfree could be added
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1583[11:51:09] <DoctorD90> petn-randall: with efi, and the /
encrypted, should I create /boot partition rigth? from what i
remember now i flagged "bootable" efi but /boot too
1584[11:51:53] <Koyaanisqatsi`> compiling is not practical in
some cases
1585[11:52:04] <Koyaanisqatsi`> like running on a tiny ssd
1586[11:52:49] <petn-randall> DoctorD90: /boot is where the
kernels lie. /boot/efi (the EFI System Partition) is a separate
partition containing the EFI PE32 executables.
1587[11:53:10] <petn-randall> DoctorD90: That's why I
recommend guided partition with encrypted LVM, it's less
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1593[11:56:00] <DoctorD90> petn-randall, ok in that case I did it
rigth making efi partition, and /boot partition. Probably I have to
not select bootable the /boot partition maybe.....but in that case,
is possible that grub doesnt know where it should be installed?
bha...very strange
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1597[11:57:40] <DoctorD90> i dont like lvm, so I cant use it. In
plus I would like (like on this actual system) /boot, /(enc),
/home(enc), /swap(enc)...and guided hasnt this configuretion :P
1598[11:58:02] <DoctorD90> configuration*
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1603[12:00:05] <DoctorD90> petn-randall, due to I havent a flat
internet access in this period, I will make a clone of repo, and I
will try to use netinst with a local repo :P (I hope it will
work...either, I will learn a new stuff :D)
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1612[12:04:19] <petn-randall> DoctorD90: But what if you install
a few things and your rootfs is too small? You'd have to
backup, repartition, reinstall, and restore your data. With LVM
it's just two commands and you're good to go again.
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1615[12:06:50] <DoctorD90> petn-randall, because Now with all
stuff installed, I give 100gb to system, an I have used less than giving to new disk (1TB) 150gb, I stay quite easy :D and
I would give different key to /home , /, and swap. to do so I have
to create 3 luks....and create a luks inside a LVM is senseless :P
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1618[12:07:38] <petn-randall> DoctorD90: But you have to type
three passwords to boot, right?
1619[12:08:11] <DoctorD90> is all "commanded" by main
install theory...different keys for different i have
to make luks, and luks cant be lvm-ed XD (but you know, Im just
saying to underline the problem :D)
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1623[12:08:28] <DoctorD90> petn-randall, yep....2 in reality.
swap is random at each boot :D
1624[12:08:37] <DoctorD90> just 2, / and /home
1625[12:08:59] <petn-randall> DoctorD90: "LUKS can't be
LVMed"? I don't know what you mean with that. But you can
have LVM on top of a LUKS partition, which is what I have on several
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1628[12:09:48] <jelly> petn-randall: you can also have luks
inside a lv if you want to!
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1637[12:12:16] <petn-randall> And I doubt using two different
LUKS partitions will improve security. If an attacker can gain
access to one key, I'm pretty sure they also have access to the
1638[12:12:35] <petn-randall> jelly: Sure, you can stack them as
deep as you want! :)
1639[12:12:41] <DoctorD90> petn-randall, sorry. I try to explain
my think better. LVM allowes me to resize partition. LUKS doesnt
allow to resize partition. If I create a "master" /
encrypted, then if I create a LVM inside it...i can only use up to
max size of master LUKS. If I create a LVM for /, then I encrypt the
size inside it....I should have a "large block
device"(allow me the term), that I can resize. So in my case,
to get 3 partition luks-ed, lvm is not very
1640[12:12:41] <DoctorD90> usefull belong to me :P
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1643[12:13:33] <DoctorD90> petn-randall, for sure. But he has to
start a new attack from scratch...because it is a new key :P
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1648[12:14:36] <petn-randall> DoctorD90: That's why you have
/boot, /boot/efi, and a the remaining disk space is LUKS. And on top
of that you have LVM, where you can distribute the disk space freely
among any partitions you want.
1649[12:14:39] <DoctorD90> with 1 password, LVM is the best. To
get 3 different luks partition lvm is a quite useless (always belong
to me)
1650[12:14:53] <petn-randall> DoctorD90: In which scenario would
an attacker gain access to one but not the other?
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1652[12:15:44] <petn-randall> DoctorD90: If an attacker has root
access on your machine, they'll just read it out of memory,
where both keys lie. If an attacker beats you until you give away
your password, do you think they'll stop after the first one?
1653[12:16:27] *** Quits: jesuscmf (~jesuscmf@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
1654[12:16:33] <petn-randall> DoctorD90: I can't think of a
scenario where one key is compromised, and the other isn't. And
even if, I can't imagine a scenario where it would mitigate any
further attacks.
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1658[12:17:47] <DoctorD90> petn-randall, 1. i havent gotcha the 1
sentece. a scenario in which the attacker has run an attack to
get my key, it just get key of only 1partition. /(system) maybe. To
reach data on /home, he has to run a new attack, because to unlock
the /home partition he has to enter a new/different key from /
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1662[12:18:38] <DoctorD90> if I have 3 vault, with 3 different
key, burglar should run 3 different attacks on 3 different vault 0o
isnt so?
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1667[12:19:20] <petn-randall> DoctorD90: *which* new attack? I
said they'll get both keys in one go. Can you come up with a
*specific* attack that would only get you one key, but NOT the
1668[12:20:14] <petn-randall> DoctorD90: For the vault example,
you have three different vaults, but you're always carrying
those three keys on the same keyring. So if someone steals or robs
them from you, they've always got all three.
1669[12:20:20] <DoctorD90> keys are store nowhere. So I have to
just type at boot. With pc shutted down, attacker where could get
the key without an attack on partition? 0o (sorry maybe is my own
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1671[12:21:13] <DoctorD90> petn-randall, for sure, But I will
never boot up pc in front of other people xD so they cant see which
is my passhrase XD
1672[12:21:44] <petn-randall> DoctorD90: The keys are stored in
the LUKS header, protected by the password. The keys are unencrypted
in kernel memory, directly next to each other.
1673[12:21:46] <DoctorD90> keyring is *only* in my mind (I have a
dump of partition header for security...but it is in a secure place)
1674[12:21:58] <jelly> I have an opposite problem. Two LUKS
devices, same passphrase, key on disk, would REALLY like to be asked
jsut once for the password
1675[12:21:59] <petn-randall> DoctorD90: You type both keys at
the same time, during boot, or not?
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1677[12:22:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1666
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1679[12:24:28] <DoctorD90> petn-randall: boot, grub, ask for 1
partition pass, load, ask for 2nd partition pass, then boot system.
I have to type 2 different keys 0o but im talking about with pc
shutted down, sorry, Maybe I havent mentioned this in *scenario*.
Because if attacker has access to pc while it is running,
1-1thousand luks are useless, for reason you mentioned (keys in
1680[12:24:42] <DoctorD90> jelly, wait...I havent fully
1681[12:25:48] *** Quits: azzamsa (~azzamsa@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1682[12:26:26] <DoctorD90> jelly, if I understood, in your case,
keys are on 1 disk, connected to device. Once unlocked that
"keyring" partition, system will load keys from there. So
user should type just 1 pass (pass of "keyring"
1683[12:26:32] *** Quits: zorg1 (~zorg1@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
1684[12:27:39] <jelly> DoctorD90: nah, I don't have any
"keyring partition"
1685[12:27:47] *** Joins: nighty-- (~nighty@replaced-ip)
1686[12:28:00] <DoctorD90> or if keys are on /boot, (senseless
belong to me), and /boot isnt encrypted, system will never ask to
type password...(system setted to load key from a
"unencrypted" partition..not just magically say "ok
debian! load key xD ahahahah what a beautifull world would it be)
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1688[12:29:07] <DoctorD90> btw from my memory, (maybe corrupted
ahah), same password, alays 2 type required
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1693[12:32:50] <DoctorD90> my new pc has tpm too...maybe it is
better to create secure password :D
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1699[12:36:27] <z00kov> hi all :). Do you know the email address
of the security team in order to have information about fixes
regarding the last BIND advisory. Is there information about a
released date of a DSA/DLA for CVE-2017-3136>CVE-2017-3138 ?
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1703[12:37:33] <jelly> dpkg: cve lookup CVE-2017-3136
1704[12:37:33] <dpkg> Information about the security advisory
CVE-2017-3136 may be found at
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1707[12:38:33] <jelly> z00kov: you can track the bug report
linked there
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1709[12:38:52] <istevenmon> hi guys, i need some help with ipsec
vpn and pptp. I have configured ipsec site-to-site and it works with
no problem. In the same debian machine i have a pptp vpn which i
connect with my PC where i have some VM. My VM can connect and reach
the VM in the other side of the ipsec vpn, but the VMs in the ipsec
dont reach my local VMs, it stops at the linux box
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1712[12:40:06] <anexit> Any tools out there that will allow me to
open a remote application? For example I have a debian RDP box that
a few people log into, possible for them to just click an icon and
it loads their application without logging into an entire desktop?
1713[12:40:17] <anexit> Commercial or free, just looking at
1714[12:40:30] <petn-randall> istevenmon: Are you using UDP
tunneling? Otherwise IPsec won't traverse any NAT.
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1716[12:40:35] <jelly> z00kov: as for the DLA, ask in #debian-lts
1717[12:40:50] <z00kov> jelly: thanks about that :) i know DST
;=) but there is no information on the bugid :/ and sound weird bcz
there is only few date between ISC advisory and DLA/DSA and these
vulnerabilities few weeks ? :/
1718[12:41:01] <z00kov> ok thanks jelly
1719[12:41:12] <Cerebr0> petn-randall: Sorry to bother you, what
is a NAT ? (Don't have technical vocab in english)
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1721[12:41:31] <anexit> network address translation
1722[12:41:36] <petn-randall> Cerebr0:
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1726[12:41:48] <Cerebr0> Thanks
1727[12:42:05] <anexit> Cerebr0 a hacked up way to help the ipv4
pool hehe
1728[12:42:06] *** Joins: n4dir (~user@replaced-ip)
1729[12:42:13] <anexit> Works really well, though
1730[12:43:03] <petn-randall> NOT
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1733[12:43:30] <petn-randall> There's been at least 5 RFCs
to cope with the problems stemming from NAT. :/
1734[12:43:44] <istevenmon> petn-randall: i have udp with esp
1735[12:45:02] <anexit> It's not great put it works. Most
people that like ipv4 have moved to enip
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1738[12:45:17] <anexit> but isps are far to none
1739[12:45:52] <jelly> $work is implementing CGNAT... because
ipv6 is HARD
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1742[12:46:57] <rockyh> hi! Has this bug (replaced-url
1743[12:47:12] <judd> Bug
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1746[12:48:21] <anexit> I don't know why we don't all
just move to IPv6
1747[12:48:57] <anexit> or at least make it talk to ipv4 without
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1751[12:50:44] <Cerebr0> Ok i'm sorry but idk where i could
ask this question instead of here. What exactly is an IP address
space ?
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1753[12:51:48] <jolt> Cerebr0: Not sure what you mean, but maybe
that IP addresses are forced to be in certain ranges. read more at
1754[12:52:25] *** Quits: fhdrin (~fhdrin@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
1755[12:52:47] <anexit> Sage accounting software = dog pile
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1762[12:56:14] <rockyh> judd: I still cannot read `(open,
patch)' in that page. Anyway, does this mean "yes"?
1763[12:56:15] <judd> No package named 'still' was
found in jessie/amd64.
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1779[13:10:36] <DoctorD90> btw, jelly petn-randall during
installation, i will have to set /boot as bootable or not?
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1781[13:11:29] <danieeel> Hi guys. I did dd with mbr.bin on wrong
partition with data, what option do I have?
1782[13:11:31] <danieeel> :)
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1791[13:14:09] <danieeel> Are there any chance to recover data
from this partition since not much was write with dd
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1801[13:19:12] <j4ckcom> how can i install gqrx on debian?
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1805[13:21:22] <jim> jelly, ayh?
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1812[13:22:15] <j4ckcom> how can i install gqrx on debian? help
me plz :(
1813[13:22:17] *** Joins: Haudegen (~quassel@replaced-ip)
1814[13:22:21] <jim> j4ckcom, I dunno what gqrx is... but, you
might find something if you... apt-cache search gqrx
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1817[13:23:32] <j4ckcom> ok thanks jim
1818[13:23:33] <j4ckcom> :)
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1821[13:24:17] <jim> at least you might find out if it's
packaged for debian (and if it is, that's pretty much the
safest way to get it)
1822[13:24:20] *** Joins: theluckymike (~theluckym@replaced-ip)
1823[13:25:18] <jim> (you can, but hopefully don't have to
go on the adventure of "let's build it from source")
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1825[13:26:19] <n4dir>
1826[13:26:36] <j4ckcom> ok jim
1827[13:26:37] <j4ckcom> :)
1828[13:26:41] *** Parts: danieeel (bcfc6c22@replaced-ip)
1829[13:26:51] <jim> hey, someone found something for you
1830[13:27:52] <n4dir> the bot can search for packages too, but i
always forget how. So there are three options (apt-cache search, and the bot, perhaps even more)
1831[13:28:52] <jim> once you have a package name, you can...
" , versions (put package name here) "
1832[13:28:54] <n4dir> apt-cache search is probably the most
natural one ... :-)
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1837[13:29:53] <jim> where;s n4land? arizona?
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1841[13:32:00] <j4ckcom> i can’t hear sound on debian.
what’s wrong?
1842[13:32:48] <jim> computer off?
1843[13:32:59] <j4ckcom> jim on
1844[13:33:06] <j4ckcom> it is on
1845[13:33:11] <jim> that;s a good start...
1846[13:33:16] *** Joins: z0xb7 (~z0xb7@replaced-ip)
1847[13:33:17] <jim> ok, serionsly
1848[13:33:19] <j4ckcom> but i don’t know why i can’t
hear sound on debian.
1849[13:33:31] <jim> umm have you ever before?
1850[13:33:46] <j4ckcom> ?
1851[13:33:49] <j4ckcom> what you mean?
1852[13:34:05] <jim> have you ever heard sound on your debian
1853[13:34:15] *** Joins: dreamseeker (~dreamseek@replaced-ip)
1854[13:34:16] <j4ckcom> no
1855[13:34:16] <jim> on that hardware/that os
1856[13:34:20] <j4ckcom> it is first time
1857[13:34:38] <j4ckcom> i think that debian don’t have
speaker now
1858[13:34:39] <j4ckcom> :(
1859[13:34:40] <jim> ok, then we start from trying to find out
what your sound hardware is
1860[13:34:56] <j4ckcom> oh good
1861[13:35:28] <jim> could you... lspci -nn | grep -i audio | wc
1862[13:35:30] *** Joins: phinxy (~tehhhd@replaced-ip)
1863[13:35:30] <j4ckcom> i can do it in the Setting Manager?
1864[13:35:39] *** Quits: n4dir (~user@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
1865[13:35:40] <jim> in the terminal
1866[13:35:55] *** Quits: mar77i (~mar77i@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
1867[13:35:58] <j4ckcom> 1
1868[13:36:07] <j4ckcom> jim: 1
1869[13:36:21] *** Joins: cruncher (~cruncher@replaced-ip)
1870[13:36:31] <jim> ok, now run the same thing again, only take
off the last pipe (take off the "| wc -l")
1871[13:36:52] <jim> you'll get one line, show it here
1872[13:36:58] *** Quits: Guest7367 (~dreamseek@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
1873[13:37:10] <j4ckcom> 02:02.0 Multimedia audio controller
[0401]: Ensoniq ES1371 / Creative Labs CT2518 [AudioPCI-97]
[1274:1371] (rev 02)
1874[13:37:36] <jim> ok... this thing: [1274:1371] is called your
1875[13:37:44] <jim> let's see what judd says
1876[13:37:50] *** Quits: Kurocon (kevin@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
1877[13:37:51] <jim> , pciid [1274:1371]
1878[13:37:52] <judd> [1274:1371] is 'ES1371/ES1373 /
Creative Labs CT2518' from 'Ensoniq' with kernel
module 'snd-ens1371' in jessie. See also
1879[13:38:50] <jim> what happens if you... modprobe snd-ens1371
1880[13:38:59] *** Quits: dreamseeker (~dreamseek@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1881[13:39:11] *** Joins: pragomer (~pragomer@replaced-ip)
1882[13:40:08] <blackflow> The maintainer of bind9 package in
Debian also maintains the package in Ubuntu. It got fixed for some
secvulns in Ubuntu, but in Debian the fix hasn't even touched
unstable. Anyone knows why?
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1885[13:40:25] <pragomer> I have a PC and its cooler fan is
extremly loud under linux live systems. do I have proprietary
graphic driver installed its ok. I wonder how could I manager this
with default (noveau??) driver because I use a lot of live-cds based
on debian (e.g. kali)
1886[13:40:35] <pragomer> can I somehow slow down the fan?
1887[13:41:05] <j4ckcom> jim whaat is modprobe?
1888[13:41:22] <jim> j4ckcom, judd says the kernel module is
called snd-ens1371
1889[13:41:41] <jim> do you know what insmod is?
1890[13:42:33] <jim> yes or no are both perfectly good answers
1891[13:42:59] *** Joins: HugsWontletgo (~HugsWontl@replaced-ip)
1892[13:43:10] <j4ckcom> i don’t know insmod
1893[13:43:25] <j4ckcom> how can i hear sound on debian ? :(
1894[13:43:25] <jim> ok, that tells me where to start...
1895[13:43:47] <jim> first, a little explanation...
1896[13:44:02] <j4ckcom> i go to web site, then i start movie, i
can see movie but i can’t hear sound :(
1897[13:44:12] <TomTomTo1> maybe first install pavucontrol and
check if the sound levels are up and the right output device is
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1899[13:44:57] <jim> j4ckcom, the linux kernel has a big piece
which is the main kernel, and a lot of little pieces called kernel
modules... understand so far?
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1902[13:45:37] <j4ckcom> oh yeah so how can i hear sound?
1903[13:45:52] *** Parts: rabgulo_ (~rabgulo@replaced-ip)
1904[13:45:59] <j4ckcom> pavucontrol
1905[13:46:04] <jim> I'm in the middle of answering your
question :)
1906[13:46:23] <j4ckcom> oh yeah
1907[13:46:26] <j4ckcom> go on
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1912[13:48:06] <jim> when you boot linux, the main part of the
kernel comes in, and whichever modules are necessary are loaded
too... these modules do jobs like: support different kinds of disk
formats, different kinds of disk and other devices (like sound), and
serve other functions as well
1913[13:48:14] *** Quits: Babaiya (~Babaiya@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
1914[13:48:42] <j4ckcom> then i can’t hear sound?
1915[13:49:15] *** Quits: z0xb7 (~z0xb7@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
1916[13:49:18] <jim> sometimes, you have a situation where the
only way one specific module can work, is if another module comes in
1917[13:49:55] *** Quits: pragomer (~pragomer@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
1918[13:50:07] <jim> your debian will figure out which modules
need which other modules and make that information available in a
1919[13:50:18] <jim> what modprobe does...
1920[13:50:58] <jim> is it looks for the modules needed by the
module you tell it, and load those, then load the one you want
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1925[13:52:02] <jim> (I'm cutting some corners telling you
this way.... some info is missing, I expect that when you need it
(probably not today), you can find out
1926[13:52:05] <j4ckcom> ok then how can i hear youttube sound?
1927[13:52:38] *** Joins: _Nox (~Nox@replaced-ip)
1928[13:52:47] <jim> so first, what happens if you... modprobe
1929[13:53:06] <jim> (that's probably not everything, but
we'll see)
1930[13:53:07] <j4ckcom> nothing
1931[13:53:17] <j4ckcom> modprobe snd-ens1371 <— nothing
1932[13:53:18] <jim> that's usually good news
1933[13:53:35] <jim> no news is sometimes good news
1934[13:53:44] <j4ckcom> oh yeah
1935[13:53:50] <j4ckcom> give me more good news :)
1936[13:54:06] <jim> see if alsamixer does anything
1937[13:54:14] *** Parts: Koyaanisqatsi` (~xyzone@replaced-ip)
1938[13:54:27] <j4ckcom> alsamixer?
1939[13:54:33] <j4ckcom> what is alsamixer?
1940[13:54:58] *** Joins: Rockj (rockj@replaced-ip)
1941[13:55:09] <jim> yeah, well, it's a mixing panel that
knows the volume levels for your sound card
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1943[13:55:35] <jim> (as long as the driver is loaded)
1944[13:55:44] <j4ckcom> i don’t know where is alsamixer?
1945[13:55:59] <jim> try just running it from the terminal
1946[13:56:16] <j4ckcom> oh
1947[13:56:17] <j4ckcom> wait
1948[13:56:19] <jim> type: alsamixer (then hit enter)
1949[13:56:42] *** Quits: dreamon (~dreamon@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
1950[13:56:47] <j4ckcom> 00
1951[13:56:54] <j4ckcom> alsamixer is 00
1952[13:57:07] <j4ckcom> oh it works
1953[13:57:09] <j4ckcom> :)
1954[13:57:38] <jim> sound in linux is not the most inviting of
1955[13:57:43] <tsglove> yeah! That sweet feeling when something
1956[13:58:06] <j4ckcom> :)
1957[13:58:18] <jim> does your youtube video work now?
1958[13:58:25] <j4ckcom> i can put it into status bar?
1959[13:58:26] <j4ckcom> jim:
1960[13:58:36] <j4ckcom> yes it works well
1961[13:58:50] <jim> oh good, so you can hear the audio?
1962[13:59:05] *** Quits: theluckymike (~theluckym@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1963[13:59:58] <jim> if so... good... have fun... and you even
got to learn something about the linux kernel
1964[14:00:16] *** Quits: velly (~reev@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
1965[14:00:36] <j4ckcom> i can hear audio
1966[14:00:38] *** Quits: bnw (~bnw@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
1967[14:00:42] <jim> great
1968[14:01:00] <jelly> jim: [ayh] nope! :-)
1969[14:01:04] <j4ckcom> jim: anyway i can put it on the status
bar? like mac or windows?
1970[14:01:13] <jim> oh, hey....
1971[14:01:18] *** Quits: pseubodot (~p-dot@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1972[14:01:51] <jim> what, alsamixer? you can probably get a
mixer program that can go in the status bar
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1974[14:02:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1664
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1976[14:02:14] <jim> jelly, one sec (sorry)
1977[14:02:28] <jim> just finishing up
1978[14:02:29] <j4ckcom> what is mixer program?
1979[14:02:46] *** Quits: xpovos (~xpovos@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
1980[14:02:59] <jim> a mixer is something that lets you adjust
the volume levels
1981[14:02:59] *** Joins: pseubodot (~p-dot@replaced-ip)
1982[14:03:14] <j4ckcom> yeah then how can i install it?
1983[14:03:42] <jim> but, what I need to tell you now, is: right
now your sound situation might be a little fragile
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1985[14:04:03] <j4ckcom> yeah
1986[14:04:12] *** Quits: heller__ (~heller@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
1987[14:04:12] <jim> it's fragile because I don't know
if the driver module gets modprobed at boot
1988[14:04:16] <j4ckcom> so i need mixer program
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1990[14:04:22] <forcerecon> morning everyone
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1993[14:04:42] <jusss> I tried `make-kpkg kernel_image
kernel_headers` to compile 4.11, and headers compile failed,
install: cannot stat ‘REPORTING-BUGS’: No such file or
1994[14:04:55] <jusss> anyone meet this before?
1995[14:05:01] <jim> so next time you boot, you might need to
modprobe it again, then run a mixer (alsamixer from the terminal is
one) and set your levels
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1999[14:06:23] <jim> jusss, aside not really related to your
problem: you might wish to run make-kpkg with the --initrd option
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2004[14:06:50] <jim> (man make-kpkg to see what it does)
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2006[14:07:19] <jusss> jim: no, it's compiled for another
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2008[14:08:11] <jim> jelly: ok, I installed cups, and it found
the jetdirect card of the hp printer I got, I printed a test page
with it, and set it as default...
2009[14:08:18] <jusss> --initrd will generate initramfs, but
it's for another computer
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2012[14:09:18] <jim> jusss, yes, it will do that when the .deb is
installed on the other kernel (the package build won't do it,
instead, it will include code in the package which does it on
package install)
2013[14:09:51] <jim> s/on the other kernel/on the other computer/
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2020[14:10:26] <jusss> jim: I see, I will try it
2021[14:11:13] <jim> (but --initrd won't solve the problem
you're reporting unfortunately)
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2023[14:12:16] <jim> hmm, is that a ham callsign?
2024[14:12:41] <jusss> jim: still same failed
2025[14:12:56] <forcerecon> when I change the sources.list file
and run aptitude update I am getting an error.. Can someone take a
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2027[14:12:57] <forcerecon>
2028[14:14:32] <forcerecon> I figured it out,, left quotes in
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2030[14:14:34] <jim> jelly, when I "echo hi | lpr", it
prints a hi page...
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2035[14:15:56] <forcerecon> what is the proper way to check for
updates with debian? Is there an applet
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2037[14:16:21] <jim> jelly, but when I try to print from firefox,
it doesn't see the cups print queue
2038[14:16:40] <jim> the only entry I see is "print to
2039[14:17:29] <jim> forcerecon, I usually run apt-get -d
2040[14:17:40] *** Joins: Haudegen (~quassel@replaced-ip)
2041[14:17:42] <jim> which will -ohly- download the packages
2042[14:18:08] <forcerecon> I just did sudo apt-get update
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2044[14:18:31] <forcerecon> does debian let you know in the
notifications if there are updates for the distro
2045[14:18:37] <jim> forcerecon, then, if it does download
anything, I would run it again without the -d (so, apt-get
2046[14:18:56] <jim> not that I know of
2047[14:19:00] *** Guest77232 is now known as CrazyEddy
2048[14:19:38] <jim> anyway, the second run would install the
packages that got downloaded
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2053[14:20:44] <jim> forcerecon, do you have a cdrom in the
2054[14:21:04] *** Quits: TomTomTo1 (~henryk@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
2055[14:21:05] <forcerecon> Jim, not anymore
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2058[14:21:42] <jim> forcerecon, ok, then you may wish to comment
out line 3 in your /etc/apt/sources.list
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2060[14:22:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1673
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2065[14:23:10] <forcerecon> Jim, i was thinking that but I wanted
to see what you guys said first, so thanks.. I do have a duplicate
in my sources.list but one starts with deb and the other deb-irc I
think,. Is that okay?
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2069[14:24:48] <jim> forcerecon, the deb-src line is what lets
you get a package's source
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2074[14:27:35] <forcerecon> thanks.. packages installing..
appreciate it
2075[14:27:39] <jim> forcerecon, so yes, that's fine
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2081[14:29:31] <forcerecon> since there is no indicator that you
need to update your system. How often should you run the upgrade
2082[14:30:07] *** Joins: hnhnhnhn (~itsme@replaced-ip)
2083[14:30:37] <jim> I dunno exactly... I do it when I notice
packages are waiting, but you don't have to do that
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2085[14:32:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1679
2086[14:32:16] <jim> sometimes there might be packages waiting,
but there's no reason to upgrade
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2088[14:33:58] <n4dir> usually upgrades in stable are security
upgrades, so of course there is a reason to upgrade
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2092[14:34:57] <forcerecon> yeah I am just curious how you KNOW
when there are upgrade? I don't see an indicator on the panel
like you do in other distro's
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2095[14:35:28] <n4dir> i think there is one, or at least has
been, but i don't know the name of it
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2098[14:36:42] <forcerecon> brb
2099[14:36:47] *** Joins: Kurocon (kevin@replaced-ip)
2100[14:36:48] <n4dir> the web tells this, but i don't know
anything about it
2101[14:37:04] <jim> sometimes I'll try to upgrade a single
package, and when I do that, it will say something like 0 upgraded,
0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 27 not upgraded, with various
2102[14:39:31] <forcerecon> good to know... so just do a check
manually with the commands that Jim explained earlier to keep things
up to date.. I would figure for firmware or kernel updates that you
would have an option to choose those independently not just take the
chance upgrading is a good idea.. Does debian only UPDATE the stable
2103[14:39:44] <toruvinn> anyone tried uswsusp s2disk with a
pendrive? im mostly interested if resume works, not if suspend does,
which it probably does. just not entirely sure when resume kicks in,
is it /before/ async usb device detection in kernel (so i'd
need something like rootwait, except resumewait) or after
2104[14:39:56] <forcerecon> is there something you can take out
of your sources.list to make sure you don't get any nightly
2105[14:40:56] <jim> you won't get nightly updates unless
you specifically tell it to update every time
2106[14:41:11] <toruvinn> just uninstall unattended-upgrades if
you have it
2107[14:41:30] *** Quits: jgoohu (~Mutter@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2108[14:41:59] <jim> also I'll chime in and warn you against
automatic upgrades, one day things could change radically, at
minimum, that will be inconvenient
2109[14:42:04] <toruvinn> although im not entirely sure why
you'd want it. you can mark certain packages "hold"
(dpkg --set-selections) to make sure they dont auto-update
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2113[14:43:41] <forcerecon> brb.. yeah these are things I need to
learn.. in linux mint it just tells you what to update with a
numbering sequence of 1-5 in the gui. This way you know to do ones
with 1-4 but take chances on the 5's nice thing it is visual. I
need to read more here in debian on how to properly do it
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2127[14:50:23] <ForceRecon> how are you suppose to know what the
package name is for something? I want to install chrome 64 bit
version.. Where do you go for a list of downloads for a single
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2131[14:51:06] <toruvinn> ForceRecon, there's always
apt-cache search something
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2136[14:51:28] <toruvinn> then again i sorta doubt there's
chrome in packages... perhaps -nonfree?
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2139[14:52:49] <toruvinn> ForceRecon, also
2140[14:52:56] <ForceRecon> I just went to the website and the
installed did it for the proper version automatically.. However, I
do need to learn these commands so I will try apt-cache search next
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2143[14:53:37] <toruvinn> ForceRecon, yeah, there's no
chrome in debian's packages anyway. only chromium.
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2147[14:54:41] <petn-randall> ForceRecon: chrome is not
distributable even in non-free because it comes with a few
proprietary bits.
2148[14:54:42] <ForceRecon> toruvinn, thanks for the info. I also
noticed that after installing something it still shows the box to
install, versus saying reinstall or something to the effect that it
had been already installed..
2149[14:54:57] <ForceRecon> morning petn-randall
2150[14:55:24] *** Joins: Cabanossi (~Cabanossi@replaced-ip)
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2152[14:55:52] <petn-randall> hi ForceRecon
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2165[15:04:34] <ForceRecon> what can I read to learn how to
remove firefox from debian but then add the icon for chrome back to
where the icon for firefox is in the menu
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2169[15:06:29] <petn-randall> ForceRecon: If you want to remove
firefox, just uninstall it with your package manager.
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2179[15:09:07] <ForceRecon> says it also wants to uninstall the
cinnamon desktop
2180[15:09:10] *** Joins: antolona2pan (~anto@replaced-ip)
2181[15:09:12] <ForceRecon> scary
2182[15:09:42] *** Quits: kuschku (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
2183[15:09:46] <petn-randall> !bat
2184[15:09:47] <dpkg> In order to troubleshoot your problem with
apt-get, apt or aptitude we need ALL OF THE FOLLOWING information:
1. complete output of your apt-get/apt/aptitude run (including the
command used) 2. output from "apt-cache policy pkg1
pkg2..." for ALL packages mentioned ANYWHERE in the problem,
and 3. "apt-cache policy". Use
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2210[15:25:45] <lifeboy> I have a new 2TB disk that is formatted
with a single LVM partition and ext4. When I try to copy a file
106.conf to 102.conf, I get "file already exists".
However, nothing will show the file
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2212[15:26:08] <lifeboy> rm 102.conf says the file doesn't
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2215[15:26:29] <petn-randall> lifeboy: Can you paste the shell
commands + output to
2216[15:26:31] <lifeboy> but cp 106.conf 102.conf says 102.conf
2217[15:26:33] <BluesKaj> Hey folks
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2225[15:29:43] <lifeboy> petn-randall, here:
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2228[15:31:04] <petn-randall> lifeboy: What filesystem type is
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2235[15:32:50] <paul_grozav> hello, is there any chance that free
is lying about the amount of free memory on the system? It seems
that there is enough free memory but a process can not start because
"Bad fork [Cannot allocate memory]"
2236[15:33:03] <lifeboy> petn-randall: ext4
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2240[15:34:51] <ross`>
2241[15:35:16] *** jor_ is now known as jor
2242[15:35:18] <ross`> can someone help me... when I try to type
dpkg-reconfigure roundcube it says: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure:
roundcube is broken or not fully installed
2243[15:35:28] <ross`> I've tried removing roundcube and
roundcube-core and reinstalling
2244[15:35:40] <ross`> but it never actually opens up a
configuration thingy where it asks for db info or anything
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2246[15:36:44] <ross`> I have been coming back to trying to get
dovecot exim4 and ronudcube working every few months for a couple
2247[15:37:02] <lifeboy> petn-randall: running debian8 on a
2248[15:37:05] <ross`> It just never ever ever ever works, and
It's hard to figure out the proper way.
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2251[15:37:33] <jolt> ross`: I have it working since forever.
Whats your issue
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2253[15:38:32] <ross`> jolt: can you please give me some steps to
follow? I can't figure out how to get exim4 and dovecot to play
nice with mysql..
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2255[15:38:53] <petn-randall> lifeboy: Did you copy/paste those
names? Could be some unicode character stuck in one, but not the
2256[15:38:58] <ross`> Honestly I'm just looking for some
guide to follow. I tried following this 2 years ago but it
didn't work together:
2257[15:39:08] *** Quits: f10 (~flo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2258[15:39:12] <ross`> Honestly I'm just not sure what
config stuff needs to get set or what needs to be done in what
2259[15:39:33] *** Quits: VicMackeyST (9ee300f0@replaced-ip) (Quit: Page closed)
2260[15:39:34] <ross`> Do I need to manually create mysql for
mysql inbox or does it do that for you now?
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2263[15:39:45] <petn-randall> lifeboy: Do you have an alias for
'cp'? Because by default it doesn't complain if the
destination exists, it'll just overwrite it.
2264[15:39:47] <lifeboy> petn-randall: No, they where rsynced
from another server, but on completion and validation that
they're all there, the old server was reformatted
2265[15:39:48] <ross`> Honestly I really just don't know the
best way to start or how to configure.
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2267[15:40:10] <ross`> I've been using mutt for 2 years when
squirrelmail broke along long time ago
2268[15:40:13] <ross`> and I can't get roundcube working
2269[15:40:17] <lifeboy> maybe it's something proxmox is
doing that differs from the the standard debian?
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2273[15:41:06] <jolt> ross`: I run it with sqlite and not mysql,
does that matter?
2274[15:41:24] <ross`> jolt: dovecot-imapd and exim4 with
2275[15:41:33] <ross`> jolt: all 3 of those or something else
with roundcube
2276[15:41:54] <ross`> And no, it doesn't matter. If I can
figure out how to get it working with sqlite that should be fine.
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2284[15:44:30] <petn-randall> !proxmox
2285[15:44:30] <dpkg> Proxmox Virtual Environment (Proxmox VE) is
a GNU/Linux distribution <based on Debian>, providing a
virtualization platform with <LXC> and <KVM>. It is not
supported in #debian. There's an unofficial
proxmox channel on Freenode. For official venues, see
2286[15:44:34] *** Quits: mhg (~mhg@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
2287[15:44:37] <petn-randall> lifeboy: ^^^
2288[15:44:41] *** Joins: kryptoz (~kryptoz@replaced-ip)
2289[15:44:41] <jolt> ross`: dovecot-imapd, exim4, roundcube yes
2290[15:44:48] *** Joins: mhg (~mhg@replaced-ip)
2291[15:44:51] <ross`> jolt: can I /query you?
2292[15:44:57] <jolt> Sure
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2298[15:46:44] <gcbirzan> Trying to add some packages from
stretch to a jessie install, but after installing what I need from
stretch, I get this:
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2303[15:49:07] <gcbirzan> Ah. libstdc++6 breaks libdapserver7
older than a version that's not in stretch :P
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2305[15:49:26] <petn-randall> !frankendebian
2306[15:49:27] <dpkg> When you get random packages from random
repositories, mix multiple releases of Debian, or mix Debian and
derived distributions, you have a mess. There's no way anyone
can support this "distribution of Frankenstein" and
#debian certainly doesn't want to even try. See if you can
convince ##linux to help.
2307[15:49:28] <lifeboy> petn-randall: I took this over to
##proxmox, although this is what I have
2308[15:49:28] <lifeboy> # cp --version
2309[15:49:28] <lifeboy> cp (GNU coreutils) 8.23
2310[15:49:28] <lifeboy> Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software
Foundation, Inc.
2311[15:49:28] <lifeboy> License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or
later <replaced-url
2312[15:49:28] <lifeboy> This is free software: you are free to
change and redistribute it.
2313[15:49:29] *** lifeboy was kicked by debhelper (flood. Please use
2314[15:49:55] <petn-randall> gcbirzan: Don't mix releases,
that's what gets your pet killed.
2315[15:50:20] <petn-randall> gcbirzan: If you need some newer
package, either check backports, or backport it yourself.
2316[15:50:24] <gcbirzan> Oh, it's called libdapserver7v5
2317[15:50:44] *** Joins: lifeboy (~lifeboy@replaced-ip)
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2320[15:51:00] <gcbirzan> petn-randall: I'm not going to
backport QT :P
2321[15:51:09] *** Quits: Strife89 (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
2322[15:51:22] * petn-randall shrugs.
2323[15:51:36] *** Joins: N3tw0rK (~n3tw0rk@replaced-ip)
2324[15:51:37] <lifeboy> petn-randall: thanks for pointing me in
the right direction!
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2326[15:52:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1693
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2328[15:52:26] <petn-randall> gcbirzan: Mixing releases is not
supported because it breaks the system in unexpected and horrible
ways. And there are plenty of alternatives to accomplish most goals
without mixing releases.
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2332[15:53:58] <SmallR2002> I've tried random things from
random websites, now I shall try random things you guys suggest. I
have two identical nVidia cards (or the option of onboard if this
just won't work) and I want to drive four monitors from them.
One (or more) monitor must be off of another card instead of just
being on the main card. I can get as far as an X screen on the
fourth screen but it doesn't seem to be accepted by Gnome and
used. All I want is
2333[15:53:58] <SmallR2002> to have it as a fourth screen.
2334[15:54:02] <s3nSU> help
2335[15:54:12] *** Joins: Shock_ (~Shock@replaced-ip)
2336[15:54:15] <petn-randall> !ask
2337[15:54:15] <dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For
example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian
version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I
expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if
anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all
volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get
an answer try a few hours later or on
See <smart questions><errors>.
2338[15:54:17] <petn-randall> s3nSU: ^^^
2339[15:55:13] *** Joins: jubo2 (~juboxi@replaced-ip)
2340[15:55:49] <toruvinn> is it possible to force initramfs to
wait for a device before, erm, executing further? the problem is i
want to uswsusp-resume from a usb flash drive.
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2343[15:56:12] <s3nSU> quit
2344[15:56:13] <toruvinn> i mean, default debian's
initramfs, because "edit it" is a valid option i guess,
but then i'd have to worry about upgrades. ;-p
2345[15:56:16] <toruvinn> s3nSU, NO I WONT
2346[15:56:18] <toruvinn> ;^)
2347[15:56:21] <s3nSU> quit ()
2348[15:56:28] <toruvinn> s3nSU, try with / prefix
2349[15:56:35] *** Parts: s3nSU (~themaster@replaced-ip)
2350[15:56:51] <toruvinn> i hope that's what he wanted
2351[15:57:00] * petn-randall shrugs.
2352[15:57:05] <petn-randall> Looked a little lost.
2353[15:57:28] *** Joins: ChmEarl (~chmearl@replaced-ip)
2354[15:57:31] <toruvinn> yeah, a bit. i like the "quit
()" one, though.
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2360[15:59:32] <toruvinn> hmm, perhaps i could try with this:
./scripts/init-top/udev:# If the rootdelay parameter has been set,
we wait a bit for devices
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2362[16:00:07] *** jcdury is now known as dury
2363[16:00:09] <toruvinn> setting rootdelay to, say, 30 secs
should do the job. not the best solution, but a working one. i need
it for "emergency" anyway.
2364[16:00:17] <SmallR2002> Heh, quit () feels like it needs a ;
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2370[16:04:57] <gcbirzan> petn-randall: That is a possibility,
and I'll probably end up rebuilding the whole thing. But I
wanted to check if that's the issue before wasting the time to
do that :P
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2372[16:06:35] <petn-randall> gcbirzan: What are you trying to
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2391[16:18:01] <gcbirzan> petn-randall: Trying to see if
upgrading qt will make wkhtmltopdf generate links in PDFs :P
2392[16:18:29] <jim> do I need some specific package to print
from firefox to a cups printer (which has a queue which works,
printed a test page, and printed from lpr), but when I print from
firefox, it doesn't show any printers
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2404[16:24:00] <petn-randall> gcbirzan: A stretch chroot would
help you with that without potentially breaking your system.
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2408[16:25:28] <petn-randall> !debootstrap
2409[16:25:28] <dpkg> debootstrap can create a basic Debian
system from scratch, without apt/dpkg. Useful for installing in a
<chroot>. It is key to installing Debian GNU/Linux from a
Unix/Linux system, ask me about <install guide>.
2410[16:25:32] <petn-randall> gcbirzan: ^^^
2411[16:25:34] *** Joins: Cabanossi (~Cabanossi@replaced-ip)
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2427[16:30:27] <hodorsec> !ip
2428[16:30:27] <dpkg> IP (Internet Protocol) is a connectionless,
best-effort packet switching protocol. It provides packet routing,
fragmentation and re-assembly through the data link layer. To check
yours, go to
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2438[16:35:12] <gcbirzan> petn-randall: This is in a container, I
just wanted to make sure that particular thing is the issue.
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2442[16:36:09] <gcbirzan> petn-randall: I already know it works
in sketch, I just wanted to verify which package is to blame. If it
was something lighter, could've built it myself...
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2469[16:43:54] <dontknow> this channel should support debian
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2473[16:44:02] <dontknow> or open a new channel
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2480[16:44:22] <dontknow> we have to enter oftc
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2575[16:46:46] <hicks_> trying to install unity3d on stretch and
it's whining about libpango1.0-0, stretch has libpango-1.0-0
which I assume are the same just different package names? Is there
anyway to let apt think they're the same?
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2578[16:47:00] <jim> dontknow, there is one... on oftc (which is,
2579[16:47:01] <hicks_> oh that was meant for the -next channel
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2599[16:47:55] <dontknow> jim, yeah i stated oftc
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2601[16:48:01] <hicks_> ignore above, reasked in -next :)
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2610[16:48:24] <dontknow> but we shouldn't have to enter
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2627[16:49:46] <jim> don't enter oftc then... instead, enter :)
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2652[16:51:01] <jim> anyway you obviously knew all that... so any
further argument becomes a challenge of wills (and my name
isn't will))
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2687[16:54:36] <BluesKaj> !testing
2688[16:54:36] <dpkg> Testing is a continuously updated release
between <stable> and <unstable>, currently codenamed
<stretch>. See
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2690[16:54:55] <strk> I crated an /etc/init.d/davmail file as
described here:
2691[16:55:17] <strk> but upon calling it, I get this error:
2692[16:55:17] <strk> Starting davmail (via systemctl):
davmail.serviceFailed to start davmail.service: Unit davmail.service
failed to load: No such file or directory.
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2695[16:55:41] <strk> why is it that init.d script ends up
looking for a .service file, when the code in that file does not
explicitly request a service ?
2696[16:55:46] <strk> or, how to avoid that ?
2697[16:55:50] <Brigo> strk, try rebooting
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2705[16:56:13] <Brigo> strk, systemd looks for init scripts at
boot time
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2710[16:56:43] <strk> rebooting is not an option
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2712[16:56:51] <Brigo> strk, and translates them to service
2713[16:56:53] <strk> what's the command to load new
services ?
2714[16:57:12] <Brigo> you can trigger that behaviour somehow,
just i don't remember how.
2715[16:58:15] <Brigo> strk, try systemctl reload
2716[16:58:29] <strk> too few arguments
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2721[16:58:51] <strk> that's to reload a service
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2724[16:59:42] <Epakai> man systemd-sysv-generator
2725[17:00:00] <Brigo> strk, daemon-reload
2726[17:00:33] <strk> Brigo++ (worked)
2727[17:01:03] <Brigo> strk, nice :)
2728[17:01:51] <strk> now I wonder if I need the `update-rc.d
davmail defaults` step, as this whole thing looks all just unused ?
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2786[17:17:31] <dunderproto> I'm using OpenBSD instead of
Debian, but I'm having issues with dvd+rw-tools (which seems to
be have its mailing list on debian). I couldn't find an irc
channel for the project, so I wanted to ask here. I've been
able to burn 6 data dvd's successfully using growisofs
-dvd-compat -Z /dev/rcd1c=<file_name.iso>, but the last 3
attempts have all failed with the following error:
2787[17:17:36] <dunderproto>
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2791[17:18:15] <dunderproto> The main error message is ':-[
WRITE@LBA=19dcd0h failed with SK=4h/TIMEOUT ON LOGICAL UNIT]:
Input/output error'
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2794[17:18:46] <JPT> Input/output error usually points to a
hardware issue/failure. What does the syslog and kernel log say
regarding this?
2795[17:18:53] <dunderproto> I couldn't find any more
detailed error logs...has anyone had a similar experience? Each time
growisofs would burn successfully up to about 50-80%, then die in
the middle
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2800[17:20:44] <capum321> hello
2801[17:20:49] <capum321> dpkg-deb -b recipe~randomnumber
lxrandr-qt.deb can't find `control` because it is looking at
some `DEBIAN` folder whereas it should look for other patterns as it
is currently presented as lowercase `debian`
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2804[17:22:19] <dunderproto> JPT: my /etc/syslog.conf looks like
2805[17:22:46] *** Quits: Cabanossi (~Cabanossi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2806[17:22:51] <JPT> Looks like it
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2808[17:23:07] <jelly> capum321: dpkg-deb is only used to build a
binary package from a ready-made directory structure with pre-built
package contents. Does your tree contains binaries or source?
2809[17:23:26] <capum321> jelly: yes
2810[17:23:38] <JPT> dunderproto: I found an older bug on
launchpad that contains some comments that might be helpful:
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2812[17:23:42] <jelly> capum321: that's not a yes/no
2813[17:24:11] <capum321> jelly: the tree contains the source
2814[17:24:17] <jelly> capum321: Does the
"recipe~randomnumber" directory contain binaries, or
2815[17:24:26] <capum321> ^
2816[17:24:34] <jelly> capum321: then you need to use debuild or
2817[17:24:44] <jhutchins_wk> dunderproto: This channel is more
OS support than App support, but it looks like buffer problems.
Could be hardware failure, decent drives are rare these days.
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2820[17:25:26] <capum321> i will try.. i mgith disconnect for a
2821[17:25:35] <jelly> capum321: eg. "cd
recipe~randomnumber; dpkg-buildpackage -b -rfakeoot"
2822[17:25:48] <jelly> oops. -rfakeroot
2823[17:26:16] <jelly> capum321: which OS and release are you
building on?
2824[17:26:55] <dunderproto> jhutchins_wk: the cpu seems to be
mostly idle during burning, and there is plenty of spare hdd/memory,
so I am guessing it is unlikely to be buffer problems. But it's
definitely possible the hardware is defective because this was a
second-hand dvd burner
2825[17:27:13] <capum321> what if I just rename debian to DEBIAN
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2828[17:27:35] <capum321> the problem is if it was too many
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2831[17:28:29] <jelly> capum321: dpkg-deb won't magically
start compiling things
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2835[17:29:06] <jhutchins_wk> dunderproto: I was thinking
on-drive buffer problems.
2836[17:29:25] <jhutchins_wk> dunderproto: I can rip about 3
audio disks before my drive overheats and won't do any more.
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2839[17:30:24] <capum321> jelly what is man page for
2840[17:30:31] <dunderproto> jhutchins_wk: Would lowering the
write speed help? Or perhaps decreasing the size of the iso written
to the disc?
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2842[17:31:02] <dunderproto> JPT: I couldn't find anything
useful in /var/log/messages
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2847[17:31:35] <jhutchins_wk> dunderproto: Can't tell unless
you try. Trying a different app might help. Doing an MD5 sum on a
disk should test read capability.
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2849[17:31:44] <JPT> dunderproto: Does your system have something
like dmesg? Maybe that contains some information.
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2851[17:32:42] <dunderproto> JPT: Yes. Unfortunately, last time
the write failed, the kernel panicked. Let me try again with a
slower write speed, perhaps if it crashes again there will be
something interesting. :)
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2854[17:33:05] <capum321> what is man page for dpkg-buildpackage?
2855[17:33:28] <JPT> A kernel panic may point to an issue with
either the hardware or the driver controling it.
2856[17:33:45] <JPT> Maybe try to do the same thing on a
different OS
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2860[17:36:08] <capum321> hello
2861[17:36:18] <FreddyP> hello
2862[17:36:22] <capum321> what is man page for dpkg-buildpackage?
2863[17:36:56] <ChmEarl> capum321, dpkg-dev
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2869[17:39:00] <jelly> capum321: don't get what you're
asking. "man dpkg-buildpackage"
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2872[17:40:38] <jelly> capum321: which OS and release are you
building on?
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2894[17:48:07] <Smither_> Hi I am using exim4 and spamassassin,
but spamassassin is only listening on ipv6 localhost, I need it to
listen on ipv4 as well so exim4 can connect. I have googled it and
taken a look at the configs but can't find out how to set
spamassassin to listen for ipv4 as well as 6
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2897[17:49:24] <Dagger> couldn't you alternately tell exim
to connect to ::1 instead of
2898[17:49:31] <blackflow> Smither_: I think that also listens to
ipv4 localhost
2899[17:49:46] <blackflow> aftre all, ipv4 localhost can be
expressed as an ipv6 address
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2902[17:52:35] <Smither_> so the fact that netstat says
spamassassin is only listening on ::1: and exim is trying to reach and can't communicate with spam assassin is not the
2903[17:52:41] *** Smither_ is now known as Smither
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2907[17:53:21] <blackflow> Smither: I guess it is, then.
2908[17:53:26] <blackflow> how are you starting SA?
2909[17:53:31] <Dagger> blackflow: negative. sockets listening on
:: can accept v4 connections by default, but anything listening on a
specific IP (::1 here) can only accept connections from the same
address family
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2912[17:54:20] <Smither> systemctl enable, and status says it is
started fine
2913[17:54:24] <blackflow> Dagger: I possibly remember'd
something wrong about that then. I know munin, for example,
configures nodes only for ipv6, but that also listens on ipv4
(expresses ipv4 through ipv6)
2914[17:54:50] <Dagger> it's listening on :: then, not ::1
or another specific IP
2915[17:55:01] <blackflow> Smither: I don't have SA on a
debian box (only freebsd), is there a corresponding /etc/default/
config file?
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2917[17:55:50] <blackflow> Dagger: well, :: is equivalent of, right?
2918[17:55:55] <blackflow> ie, all available addresses
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2920[17:56:24] <blackflow> Smither: the point being, spamd takes
-i for address to bind to, default to all available ips
2921[17:56:28] <Smither> blackflow: yeh there is, one for SA and
one for exim
2922[17:56:39] <blackflow> Smither: right, so check if -i is
2923[17:56:41] *** Joins: kion (~kion@replaced-ip)
2924[17:56:54] <Dagger> it means roughly "all v6
addresses", it just happens that there's also a
compatibility mechanism that allows a v6 socket listening on :: to
accept v4 connections
2925[17:57:10] <Smither> no, nothing in /etc/default/spamassassin
overriding a -i option
2926[17:57:14] <blackflow> Dagger: that must be the part I
remembered about both being listened on with a single addr
2927[17:57:43] <blackflow> Smither: well, is there a
/lib/systemd/system/spamd.service (or whatever the unit file) ?
2928[17:57:52] <Smither> so Dagger does that mean that SA
listening on ::1: won't hear the connections from exim trying
to connect to
2929[17:57:54] <blackflow> does that change something about
parameters given?
2930[17:58:08] <Dagger> Smither: that's correct
2931[17:58:15] <blackflow> Smither: right. I was thinking of ::
as Dagger pointed out.
2932[17:58:17] <Dagger> can you get exim to connect to ::1?
2933[17:58:33] <blackflow> you can try telnet, spamd is a text
2934[17:58:35] <Dagger> no idea how to do that but it might be
easier than affecting SA
2935[17:58:38] <blackflow> *has a
2936[17:58:50] <Smither> blackflow: no option being overriden by
systemd either
2937[17:59:03] <blackflow> then are you sure you're reading
netstat right?
2938[17:59:23] <blackflow> netstat -n -4 --inet -p | grep spam
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2942[18:00:13] <_Danny__> Hello all, I'm trying to install
old version of package (namely keepassx_0.4.3+dfsg-0.1_i386.deb) and
can't get it to appear in apt-cache, only
keepassx_2.0.3-1_i386.deb is there, even though they can both be
downloaded at:
2943[18:01:21] <Smither> blackflow: that command returns nothing,
but netstat -alpn | grep spam return a line "tcp6 ::1:783 :::*
LISTEN 1136/spamassassin.p"
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2948[18:02:29] <blackflow> Smither: that right end of it, :::*
means it's listening both ipv4 and 6
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2953[18:03:28] <Smither> ok
2954[18:03:47] <blackflow> Smither: can you telnet to it via
2955[18:03:55] <centrx> _Danny__: It doesn't need to appear
in apt-cache to install it
2956[18:04:04] *** Joins: puffymc (~puffymc@replaced-ip)
2957[18:04:12] <centrx> _Danny__: apt-cache doesn't show
everything in the pool. It shows what is referenced in your sources
2958[18:04:24] *** Joins: f4cl3y (~f4cl3y@replaced-ip)
2959[18:04:31] <centrx> _Danny__: and IIRC what's already
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2963[18:05:23] <blackflow> Smither: telnet 783 if it
says something like Connected... escape character.... then it's
connected fine over ipv4. Just hit Ctrl-C to exit
2964[18:05:33] *** Quits: dmtucker (~dmtucker@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2965[18:05:46] <Smither> it refuses. "telnet
783" is refused but "telnet ::1 783" connects
2966[18:05:52] <blackflow> hrm
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2969[18:06:17] <blackflow> Smither: now the 1M question: is this
a container and you don't have lo on ?
2970[18:06:23] <_Danny__> centrx: so should I edit sources.list?
2971[18:07:16] <Smither> container?
2972[18:07:32] <centrx> _Danny__: If all you want to do is
install the old version, just download the package and run dpkg -i
on the file
2973[18:07:38] <blackflow> Smither: LXC, LXD, docker, nspawn, ...
2974[18:07:49] <Smither> no it isn't
2975[18:08:05] <Smither> and telnet 80 works so i think
that proves that the loopback works?
2976[18:08:08] *** Quits: kupi (uid212005@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
2977[18:08:16] <centrx> _Danny__: download in your web browser
2978[18:08:36] *** Quits: jackNemrod (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Quit: jackNemrod)
2979[18:08:44] <Smither> and telnet ::1 80 works as well
2980[18:09:00] <blackflow> Smither: yeah. well, other than trying
to force spamd to -i, or just configure exim to connect to
::1, I have no idea why it's like that.
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2983[18:09:47] <blackflow> Smither: add that -i to
OPTIONS of /etc/default/spamassassin
2984[18:09:56] <_Danny__> centrx: What about dependencies?
won't it cause problems with the rest of packages installed
with apt?
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2988[18:10:18] <centrx> _Danny__: If there are problems, it will
just error out when you run dpkg -i
2989[18:10:22] <centrx> _Danny__: won't break anything
2990[18:10:49] *** Quits: lousab (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2991[18:10:53] <centrx> _Danny__: But yes, dependencies may be a
2992[18:11:16] <centrx> _Danny__: But installing all the
dependencies from an old version of Debian will probably just break
your system. What are you running now?
2993[18:11:42] <_Danny__> centrx: stretch at the moment
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2995[18:12:16] <dunderproto> JPT, jhutchins_wk : Thanks for your
help. It seems like a bad USB cable -- I swapped the cable for the
external dvd burner and all seems to be working well
2996[18:12:27] <JPT> Nice! :)
2997[18:12:32] <centrx> _Danny__: You may have to recompile the
package to get it to work. Why do you want the old version of
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3001[18:13:48] <_Danny__> centrx: because I want it to use the
old database format, in which all my passwords are kept, this is
what I've been using on slackware based distribution
3002[18:14:33] <_Danny__> centrx: sorry for such stupid
questions, I'm new to Debian, used to be a Slackware user
3003[18:14:45] <centrx> _Danny__: Okay, I would use the latest
version in jessie (stable) -
3004[18:14:53] <centrx> _Danny__: Download the file and install
it with dpkg -i
3005[18:15:07] <centrx> _Danny__: If the install fails (probably
because of dependencies), recompile it using the debian build tools
3006[18:15:15] <centrx> dpkg: msg _Danny__ about ssb
3007[18:15:15] <dpkg> centrx: I wish you would RTFM.
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3010[18:16:09] <centrx> dpkg: tell _Danny__ about ssb
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3012[18:17:01] <centrx> _Danny__: The message from the bot (dpkg)
tells you how to build the package (it's pretty easy normally),
but instead of "sid" or "unstable" you want to
get the package from jessie/stable
3013[18:17:23] <centrx> _Danny__: And ignore (2) about backports
3014[18:17:29] *** Joins: tymczenko (~tymczenko@replaced-ip)
3015[18:18:31] <_Danny__> centrx: dpkg is a bot, right?
3016[18:18:41] <centrx> _Danny__: correct, responds to keywords
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3021[18:20:07] <_Danny__> centrx: Ok, let me try :)
3022[18:20:34] <centrx> _Danny__: first try just the simple dpkg
-i method with the downloaded file, it may just work
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3035[18:24:30] <ruied> hello.
3036[18:25:06] <ruied> Why in ssh if I do "shutdown -r
now" it hangs the reboot... It does this ins some computers and
others it is ok.
3037[18:25:26] <ruied> Error: "watchdog0 didn't
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3040[18:25:53] <mkonnov1> ping
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3043[18:26:31] <mkonnov1> ping
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3045[18:27:33] <jelly> !ping mkonnov1
3046[18:27:34] * dpkg tolls a 5-meter-bell over mkonnov1's head
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3058[18:34:21] <petn-randall> ruied: It has to do with the how
your ssh server and systemd interact. If you install dbus and
libpam-systemd, systemd will notify your ssh server before tearing
down the network, so it closes cleanly.
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3065[18:37:28] <blackflow> ruied: systemd broke it because it
kills the current sshd process. on fedora for example it's done
via dbus so it gracefully logs you off. I just do "systemctl
reboot && exit" and it does to fast enough.
3066[18:37:57] <blackflow> *does so
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3068[18:38:28] <jelly> blackflow: do you happen to know if
there's a bug report for shutdown -r breakage?
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3071[18:38:44] <_Gold_Wolf_> hi
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3091[18:47:56] *** mar77i_ is now known as mar77i
3092[18:48:26] <_Danny__> is it possible to get current apt-get
current configuration for options like
Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order, anything not set in apt.conf?
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3099[18:51:41] <blackflow> jelly:
3100[18:51:44] <judd> Bug
3101[18:52:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1682
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3122[19:00:42] <jelly> ah, workaround exists, but not fixed in
3123[19:00:48] <jelly> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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3125[19:01:17] <introom> hi
3126[19:01:19] <introom> Unit iptables.service could not be
3127[19:01:22] <introom> how to rescue ?
3128[19:01:39] <jelly> introom: which debian release are you
3129[19:01:46] <introom> jelly: scratch
3130[19:01:51] <introom> strech...
3131[19:02:50] <mutante> create a file
3132[19:03:01] <jelly> introom: there has not been a service
called just "iptables" in a VERY long time. If you want
something simple that reads rules from a file, look at
iptables-persistent package.
3133[19:03:20] <DoctorD90> jelly it is there a parameter that i
can pass through grub to change keyboard mapping /layout?
3134[19:03:32] <jelly> DoctorD90: no idea
3135[19:03:48] <DoctorD90> jelly: thx
3136[19:03:52] <jhutchins_wk> iptables isn't a persistent
service, it's a configuration tool.
3137[19:04:31] <introom> in order for iptables to work, any
caveat on stretch?
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3141[19:05:25] <jelly> introom: "don't read tutorials
for Debian 5 that mention iptables service" maybe
3142[19:05:29] <DoctorD90> the name for deb9? it is just exist?
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3144[19:05:57] <jelly> DoctorD90: stretch ?
3145[19:06:02] <DoctorD90> yes
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3148[19:06:32] <DoctorD90> strech is not the name for all
"next" release? or i remember wrong?
3149[19:06:40] <jelly> !stretch
3150[19:06:40] <dpkg> The release following Debian 8
"Jessie" is codenamed "Stretch" (the rubber
octopus in Toy Story 3) and will be Debian 9:
3151[19:06:46] <mutante> no, it's a specific release, soon
3152[19:06:47] <jelly> !buster
3153[19:06:47] <dpkg> The release following Debian 9
"Stretch" is codenamed "Buster" (Andy's pet
Dachshund in Toy Story) and will be Debian 10.
3154[19:06:53] <jelly> !testing
3155[19:06:54] <dpkg> Testing is a continuously updated release
between <stable> and <unstable>, currently codenamed
<stretch>. See
3156[19:06:57] <mutante> the one that is always unstable is
called "sid"
3157[19:07:07] *** Quits: oish (~charlie@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3158[19:07:15] <jelly> that one that comes after current stable
is always "testing"
3159[19:07:16] <DoctorD90> thx! now i read msg :P
3160[19:07:27] <blackflow> jelly: well, && exist works
fine for me on Jessie :)
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3164[19:07:37] <blackflow> s/exist/exit/
3165[19:07:48] <mutante> exit also works fine for me though
3166[19:08:05] <jelly> installing sysvinit-core works fine for me
3167[19:08:08] * jelly hides
3168[19:08:20] <blackflow> openrc here :)
3169[19:08:24] <jelly> on debian?
3170[19:08:30] <blackflow> no, gentoo *hides*
3171[19:08:56] <mutante> goes compiling for a while, bbl
3172[19:08:59] <n4dir> if i run debian i usually use sysvinit.
3173[19:09:01] *** Joins: ledeni (~ledeni@replaced-ip)
3174[19:09:27] <n4dir> openrc is in the repos though, irrc
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3176[19:09:45] <blackflow> has to be. the gentoo ppl have caused
some drama in gentoo because of debian's demands for it
3177[19:09:47] *** Quits: Velgor (~Velgor@replaced-ip) (Quit: Night)
3178[19:10:14] <blackflow> long time ago, long story. just meant
to say debian has to support it. blood was spilt over it :)
3179[19:10:53] <DoctorD90> oh...i have seen stable, unstable, and
strech will upper capital letter, so my memory got corrupted
thinking it was the "testing" name, like sid fo unstable
3180[19:11:00] <darsie> mplayer2 doesn't play H265/HEVC,
there's no backport and SSB doesn't build :(.
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3182[19:11:17] <jelly> darsie: try mpv
3183[19:11:40] <DoctorD90> 0o stretch is frozen???
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3185[19:11:49] <darsie> ok ...
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3187[19:12:02] <DoctorD90> dpkg: freeze
3188[19:12:03] <dpkg> The 'freeze' is when large
changes to testing version of Debian are stopped for few months.
During this period, no new package uploads are made except to fix
critical bugs or to provide documentation updates. During the
freeze, bugs are squashed to 'stabilize' the release to
make the new 'stable'. Stretch started to freeze in Nov
2016 and entered full freeze on 5 Feb 2017. Also ask me about
<slushy>, <stretch freeze>.
3189[19:12:12] <jelly> DoctorD90: /msg dpkg stuff
3190[19:12:24] <DoctorD90> oh sorry, i always forget
3191[19:12:58] *** Quits: FreddyP (~fred@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
3192[19:12:59] <darsie> jelly: plays. thx! :)
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3196[19:14:22] <DoctorD90> i cross the finger...i hope it will be
released soon deb9 :D
3197[19:14:30] <DoctorD90> with uefi support u.u
3198[19:15:22] <jhutchins_wk> DoctorD90: UEFI has been supported
for quite a while now.
3199[19:15:52] <blackflow> DoctorD90: you mean secureboot
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3204[19:16:52] <DoctorD90> blackflow: from an article i read
today, secure boot will be post poned
3205[19:16:59] <DoctorD90> ....i go to check it again
3206[19:17:01] *** Joins: FreddyP (~fred@replaced-ip)
3207[19:17:20] <petn-randall> DoctorD90: secure boot != UEFI boot
3208[19:17:26] <blackflow> DoctorD90: yeah. so you probably meant
that, as EFI has been supported for quite some time
3209[19:17:43] *** Joins: G__81 (~balaji@replaced-ip)
3210[19:17:55] <G__81> What would be the version of Gnome in
Debian 9
3211[19:18:04] <petn-randall> ,v gnome
3212[19:18:06] <judd> Package: gnome on amd64 -- wheezy:
1:3.4+7+deb7u1; jessie: 1:3.14+3; stretch: 1:3.22+2; sid: 1:3.22+2
3213[19:18:16] <petn-randall> G__81: 3.22 from the looks of it.
3214[19:18:30] *** Joins: loader (~rado@replaced-ip)
3215[19:18:43] <OS-28471> /msg NickServ REGISTER <cjm18971>
3216[19:18:45] <G__81> and what would be the tentative time line
for the release. Would it be in a month or so. Just want an approx
3217[19:18:55] <jolt> OS-28471: Try again!
3218[19:19:00] <G__81> petn-randall, thanks for the information
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3224[19:20:00] <georgia> Heyyo. generic
3225[19:20:10] <georgia> hahah that just illustrated my point
3226[19:20:22] <georgia> anydangway, generic gnu/linux question
re xmodmap
3227[19:20:49] <georgia> I want to disable the right enter key
because my right elbow keeps pressing it (maybe because I'm
3228[19:20:50] *** Parts: OS-28471 (~OS-28471@replaced-ip)
3229[19:21:04] <georgia> I tried nanoing my ~./Xmodmap
3230[19:21:09] <greycat> Your elbows are on your keyboard?
3231[19:21:18] <georgia> One of them
3232[19:21:21] *** Joins: Lowl3v3l (~lowl3v3l@replaced-ip)
3233[19:21:39] <georgia> that may not have been an apt
3234[19:22:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1689
3235[19:22:04] <georgia> more like between my elbow and wrist
3236[19:22:25] <georgia> but anyway, I did the standard xmodmap
-e 'keycode 91='
3237[19:22:39] <georgia> and I also nulled that line manually
which does the same thing...
3238[19:22:45] *** Joins: BillKGR (~bill12332@replaced-ip)
3239[19:22:51] <zykotick9> georgia: <sidenote only> i use
/etc/default/keyboard to remap caps->esc system wide
3240[19:22:56] <greycat> Did the xmodmap command work?
3241[19:23:00] <georgia> but the key still works. I'll post
this write now as an example.
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3245[19:23:15] <georgia> Stupid homonyms
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3248[19:24:05] <georgia> Remember me? I have a new compy now.
Well, it's not mine per se. It's the meche departments.
But its basically mine.
3249[19:24:15] <DoctorD90> petn-randall, blackflow I read an
italian version of the article. the original said that WEEKLY
VERSIONS will be shipped woth uefi support
3250[19:24:30] <greycat> (a) Did the xmodmap command work? (b) If
not, where did you get "91"? From xev?
3251[19:24:42] <georgia> A. no B. yes
3252[19:24:48] <DoctorD90> probably a wrong italian article :P
3253[19:25:03] <DoctorD90> ,v network-manager
3254[19:25:04] <judd> Package: network-manager on amd64 --
wheezy:; jessie:; sid: 1.6.2-3; stretch:
3255[19:25:19] <georgia> arrivederci
3256[19:25:21] <DoctorD90> yuppi!!! 1.6! yes!
3257[19:25:23] <greycat> On mine, it's keycode 104, and
xmodmap -e 'keycode 104=' works to disable it.
3258[19:25:28] <DoctorD90> ciao georgia
3259[19:25:33] <georgia> umm... dulce et decorum est pro patria
3260[19:26:05] <greycat> And xmodmap -e 'keycode
104=KP_Enter' puts it back.
3261[19:26:11] <georgia> It would make my life if stretch is
released on my birthday
3262[19:26:24] <georgia> There's nothing to put back. It
still works.
3263[19:26:32] <georgia> Oh, you mean the line?
3264[19:26:46] *** Joins: SPF|Cloud (uid11755@replaced-ip)
3265[19:26:48] <georgia> No, the line was originally xmodmap -e
'keycode 91='
3266[19:26:49] *** Quits: kryptoz (~kryptoz@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3267[19:26:54] <greycat> I mean to restore the functionality of
this KEY that I only disabled to test it for you.
3268[19:26:55] <georgia> crap wrong paste
3269[19:27:04] *** Quits: FreddyP (~fred@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
3270[19:27:04] <georgia> Delete KP_Decimal KP_Decimal Delete
3271[19:27:18] <greycat> Get it working with an xmodmap command
in a shell.
3272[19:27:25] <greycat> THEN worry about editing this alleged
file of yours.
3273[19:27:30] <georgia> That was very sweet of you. :) but the
key is not 104
3274[19:27:41] *** Quits: cereal_poster (~Cereal@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3275[19:27:50] <georgia> Alleged? ;)
3276[19:28:06] <greycat> wooledg:~$ grep -r Xmodmap /etc/X11
3277[19:28:06] <greycat> wooledg:~$ ls -ld .Xmod*
3278[19:28:06] <greycat> ls: cannot access '.Xmod*': No
such file or directory
3279[19:28:12] <georgia> Perhaps I should start over and give you
my bash history.
3280[19:28:21] <greycat> That would not help either of us.
3281[19:28:30] <georgia> I was going to make a joke and write
3282[19:28:39] <greycat> Figure out what the keycode actually is,
using xev. Then write the xmodmap command to map that keycode to
3283[19:28:39] <georgia> adduser georgia sudo
3284[19:28:46] <georgia> I did :)
3285[19:28:50] *** Quits: _KaszpiR_ (quasselcor@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
3286[19:28:51] <greycat> You do NOT need root privileges for
3287[19:29:05] *** Joins: navlys (~smuxi@replaced-ip)
3288[19:29:09] <georgia> holy shit this is embarassing.
3289[19:29:13] <georgia> erm, now it's 104
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3292[19:29:19] <georgia> I don't know how that's
3293[19:29:23] <georgia> it's gaslighting me!!!!
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3296[19:30:10] <georgia> bahaha it worked
3297[19:30:21] <georgia> thank you for your service...s.
3298[19:30:42] <georgia> I don't know where 91 is thought...
meh. Don't need it. Numpads are only good for roguelikes.
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3300[19:30:56] <greycat> Heresy. vi mode forever.
3301[19:30:57] *** Joins: skza (~skza@replaced-ip)
3302[19:31:35] <georgia> I would like to ignite a vi-emacs war
but I just use nano.
3303[19:31:50] <greycat> !start an editor war
3304[19:31:50] <dpkg> nvi is known to cause sexual impotence!
3305[19:31:56] <jelly> it annoys me SO much when boots
with zsh in vi bindings mode
3306[19:32:02] <georgia> and pluma. Not gedit because I
don't want all the gnome dependencies
3307[19:32:10] <georgia> I have grml too!
3308[19:32:19] <jelly> who uses their shell with vi bindings?!
3309[19:32:24] <greycat> <-
3310[19:32:38] <nkuttler> \o
3311[19:32:43] <georgia> I destroyed it by baleeting the dpkg
cache. I should probs set up another
3312[19:32:50] <jelly> it's almost perfect a livecd.
3313[19:33:14] <georgia> !grml
3314[19:33:14] <dpkg> grml is a bootable CD (Live CD) originally
<based on> Knoppix, now Debian. It includes a collection of
GNU/Linux software especially for users of text tools and system
administrators. It can be used as a rescue system, for analyzing
systems/networks or as a working environment.
3315[19:33:28] <georgia> the power is mine!
3316[19:33:43] <georgia> Anyone else enjoying finals week?
3317[19:34:14] *** Joins: SuperTramp83 (~SuperTram@replaced-ip)
3318[19:34:21] <georgia> Oh wait, nevermind. that's
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3333[19:41:34] <georgia> Was I the only one who died when this
3334[19:41:35] *** Joins: nhhc (~nhhc@replaced-ip)
3335[19:42:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1697
3336[19:42:02] <georgia> I watch the critical release bug graph
like it's the stockmarket.
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3338[19:42:56] <georgia> where'd everybloody go.
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3349[19:45:27] <FreddyP> here
3350[19:47:31] <georgia> Holy shit. Yesterday I heard something
that broke my heart. By chance I saw an acquaintance I met in a
computer lab who I thought was a kindred spirit because he runs
Debian. (who insists is called Deebian, even though Ian's
girlfriend/wife/widow is named Deb and not Deeb) I asked him, how do
you feel about proprietary software? Because y'know debian,
while not masochistic to the point of not offering prop driver
support, is the most philosophically GNU
3351[19:47:31] <georgia> inclined of all the major distros by
far. And main as you know is totally free. He said "open source
all the way", I asked him about the FSF which he had never
heard of. Then I asked him what DE he uses and HE DOESNT FUCKING USE
3352[19:48:02] <georgia> He said "I used to dualboot (debian
and winsomething) but now I don't need to".
3353[19:48:19] <georgia> "I only used linux for massive file
transfers. Why else would anyone use it?"
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3356[19:48:55] <teraflops> georgia: looks the kind of history
that one can tell in #debian-offtopic
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3358[19:49:22] <georgia> Eh, I'm done anyway. Sorry.
3359[19:49:56] *** Joins: puffymc (~puffymc@replaced-ip)
3360[19:50:13] <georgia> I had never even heard the file transfer
thing. I was dumbfounded.
3361[19:50:15] <teraflops> georgia: np
3362[19:50:20] <georgia> Oh wait, guess I wasn't done.
3363[19:50:24] <georgia> Now done for reals
3364[19:50:43] *** Quits: Zvmdyv (~Zvmdyv@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3365[19:50:44] <x032cx> if feel strange realizing that Ian killed
him self that Sunday!
3366[19:51:07] <georgia> too soon
3367[19:51:17] <greycat> Please take it to #debian-offtopic.
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3381[19:56:38] <georgia> I want to ask you a question greycat but
it's offtopic. I'll try to make it on topic. Do you sudo
apt-get dist-upgrade --no-install-recommends have dpkg -i
totallyrelevant.deb any up up down down left right left right b a
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3387[19:59:11] <iyra> does anyone know what a good solution for
network management is? I've tried networkmanager and
systemd-networkd+wpa_supplicant and both of them mess up horribly
after suspend to RAM
3388[19:59:27] <iyra> even though I have wired network I need to
use PEAP
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3390[19:59:33] <BillKGR> wicd?
3391[20:01:00] <iyra> as far as I can tell it doesn't
support PEAP, at least not on wired connection
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3400[20:04:04] <iyra>