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0 [00:00:22] *** Joins: v01t (~v01t@replaced-ip )
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12 [00:08:26] <dziri> /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER dziri
13 [00:08:30] <dziri> opps
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18 [00:10:09] <RoyK> dreamon_: time to change the password? ;)
19 [00:10:18] <RoyK> dziri: you, perhaps
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21 [00:10:29] <dziri> lol ywp
22 [00:10:56] <linuxcobbler> JPT: ok, first brain teaser, when
re-creating partition: Partition #2 contains a crypto_LUKS
signature. Do you want to remove the signature? [Y]es/[N]o:
23 [00:10:57] *** Quits: hawken (~hawken@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
24 [00:11:01] <linuxcobbler> JPT: my gut reaction is N
25 [00:11:05] <linuxcobbler> :)
26 [00:11:16] <JPT> mhhh... :|
27 [00:11:22] <blackflow> dziri: no problem all we saw was /msg
NickServ VERIFY REGISTER dziri ************
28 [00:11:42] <JPT> I have to admit, that sounds a bit scary.
29 [00:11:49] <linuxcobbler> yes it does!
30 [00:13:14] <JPT> Let me think about this a bit.
31 [00:13:28] <linuxcobbler> ok, i'm doing some thinking
too, and reading :)
32 [00:14:26] <JPT> As far as i know, a "partition" is
just an idea that consists of these things: A partition number,
starting sector, ending sector, perhaps total size, a partition type
(83 for linux, ef02 for efi stuff, ...) and maybe some flags like
"hidden" or "bootable"
33 [00:14:44] *** Quits: StygianBlues (~StygianBl@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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36 [00:15:45] <muffinman8> I cant find much info on configuring
xen on debian 9 stretch. Does anyone have any specific
suggestions/resources? Also this can be done correct?
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39 [00:21:03] <JPT> linuxcobbler: Abort! Which tool were you
40 [00:21:10] <linuxcobbler> JPT: i'm going to N and
discard fdisk changes, then backup luks header (which the official
luks docs say how to do)
41 [00:21:23] <linuxcobbler> fdisk
42 [00:21:27] <JPT> Okay.
43 [00:21:57] <JPT> I did not get many results, but people are
suggesting that fdisk will actually wipe data from a partition (or
at least parts of it) when deleting a partition.
44 [00:22:02] <JPT> Try using gdisk instead
45 [00:22:30] <linuxcobbler> i actually thought you typod fdisk
when writing gdisk
46 [00:22:33] <linuxcobbler> never heard of gdisk
47 [00:23:18] *** Joins: veebull (~veebull@replaced-ip )
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49 [00:23:50] <JPT> gdisk is basically a more modern version of
fdisk which can deal with gpt just fine, too.
50 [00:24:06] *** Joins: kanzure (~kanzure@replaced-ip )
51 [00:24:13] <JPT> fdisk is more of an older, mbr only tool
52 [00:24:32] *** Quits: veebull (~veebull@replaced-ip ) (Max SendQ exceeded)
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55 [00:26:49] <JPT> muffinman8: I don't know Xen at all. I
guess these two resources may give you a basic start, but apart from
that, you may need to wait for Xen experts to appear.
56 [00:27:02] *** Quits: bablux (~bablux@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
57 [00:27:26] <JPT> muffinman8: There is also #xen here on
freenode in case you want to talk about xen specific things. Good
luck :)
58 [00:27:26] *** Joins: bablux (~bablux@replaced-ip )
59 [00:27:29] <RoyK> JPT: fdisk only changes the partition table
- nothing else
60 [00:27:35] *** Quits: Obi-Wan (~obi-wan@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
61 [00:28:12] <JPT> RoyK: Then why is it printing this warning:
"Partition #2 contains a crypto_LUKS signature. Do you want to
remove the signature?"
62 [00:28:24] *** Joins: Obi-Wan (~obi-wan@replaced-ip )
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65 [00:28:40] <JPT> Removing the signature != deleting the
66 [00:29:07] <RoyK> JPT: not sure about LUKS - perhaps
there's part of the key there - if so, you're in tough
luck getting the data out of there
67 [00:29:35] *** Quits: oish (~charlie@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
68 [00:29:42] <RoyK> better keep a full copy of the partition
table (first megabyte on the disk will be quite sufficient)
69 [00:30:03] <RoyK> dd if=/dev/sda of=parttable.backup bs=1M
70 [00:30:07] <JPT> Well, the goal is to resize the partition.
The traditional way is to delete and re-create. I never had such an
issue with gdisk, so i assume that that particular flavour of fdisk
may be able to do more than i expected.
71 [00:30:11] <JPT> Good idea :)
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73 [00:31:12] <RoyK> or just use LVM next time - partition
tables are so 1990
74 [00:31:43] <JPT> I'll leave that up to linuxcobbler.
I'm just supporting here. :)
75 [00:32:29] *** Quits: Kevlar_Noir (~lexou@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
76 [00:32:31] <linuxcobbler> backed up luks header, backing up
part header now (thanks RoyK)
77 [00:33:02] <RoyK> linuxcobbler: backup the data too - better
safe than sorry
78 [00:33:04] *** Joins: hanfm (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip )
79 [00:33:32] <linuxcobbler> RoyK: data is backed up
80 [00:33:38] <linuxcobbler> most of it
81 [00:33:38] <kingsley> When should I expect Talos
II/Raptor/IBM/AMD kernel video patches submitted to Linus to appear
in Debian's unstable kernels?
82 [00:33:40] <RoyK> good
83 [00:35:02] <linuxcobbler> btw, yes partition tables are so
90s, but that's literally when I started my system partitions
and have kept them ever since (with resizing & migrating over
different hard drives of course)
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85 [00:35:34] <linuxcobbler> plus lvm + luks seemed a little
scary when i decided to encrypt my partition
86 [00:35:48] <linuxcobbler> i'm sure it's gotten
better now
87 [00:37:05] <RoyK>
88 [00:37:45] <linuxcobbler> thanks RoyK, that was not an
options years ago :)
89 [00:37:49] *** Quits: vntraHOME (~ventura@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ircN 8.00 for mIRC (20100904) -
90 [00:37:51] <wonderer> hi all
91 [00:38:03] <RoyK> linuxcobbler: well, that article is only
three years old ;)
92 [00:38:07] *** Joins: vntraHOME (~ventura@replaced-ip )
93 [00:38:12] <wonderer> while doing a apt-get dist-upgrade from
stretch to wheery
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95 [00:38:22] <wonderer> wheezy
96 [00:38:32] <wonderer> am getting Errors were encountered
while processing:
97 [00:38:45] <wonderer> dovecot-*
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100 [00:38:51] <wonderer> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned
an error code (1)
101 [00:38:54] <wonderer> any ideas?
102 [00:39:01] *** Quits: vntraHOME (~ventura@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
103 [00:39:02] <RoyK> ,v dovecot
104 [00:39:03] <judd> No package named 'dovecot' was
found in amd64.
105 [00:39:17] <RoyK> iirc dovecot was removed some time back
106 [00:39:19] <annadane> um... you can't go from stretch to
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109 [00:39:34] <annadane> you can't go back *one* stable
release let alone two
110 [00:39:39] <RoyK> good point :)
111 [00:39:43] <wonderer> hmm
112 [00:39:47] <wonderer> So
113 [00:39:53] <wonderer> what should i do?
114 [00:39:55] <annadane> absolutely stop everything you're
doing and you probably need to reinstall now
115 [00:40:06] <annadane> because you have a half stretch half
wheezy frankendebian mess
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117 [00:40:34] <wonderer> yea probably annadane
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122 [00:42:12] <muffinman8> @jpt thanks been reading that link.
Will seek to join the xen group as well.
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126 [00:45:02] <JPT> muffinman8: You're welcome. Good luck
127 [00:45:29] <wonderer> well
128 [00:45:47] <wonderer> upgrade from stretch to wheezy seemed
to go through :)
129 [00:45:54] <annadane> ...don't
130 [00:45:57] <wonderer> Description: Debian GNU/Linux 7.11
131 [00:45:57] <wonderer> Release: 7.11
132 [00:46:06] <annadane> you will not have a working system,
like, at all
133 [00:46:12] <annadane> but whatever, it's your computer
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139 [00:51:08] <azarus> are debian downgrades even supported?
140 [00:51:18] <azarus> I recall a myriad of breakages
141 [00:51:30] <annadane> they're not
142 [00:51:42] <annadane> not full stable releases anyway
143 [00:52:03] <lapyo> all my torrent traffic seems to be blocked
somehow after switching from ubuntu to debian, I haven't made
any changes with network settings and I just copied my home
partition to this debian install
144 [00:52:30] <lapyo> I've tried transmission-gtk, -daemon
and some other software with no luck
145 [00:52:46] <azarus> lapyo: get a vpn?
146 [00:53:05] <lapyo> why would that help in this particular
147 [00:53:14] *** Joins: semeion (~semeion@replaced-ip )
148 [00:53:18] <lapyo> I have no trouble with my ISP and torrent
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151 [00:53:43] <lapyo> besides I'm only downloading linux
152 [00:53:48] <azarus> it being blocked is very unlikely to be a
distro problem
153 [00:54:31] <lapyo> well I have this very same installation
image on my other computer without any previous home partition and
everything works fine
154 [00:56:02] *** Quits: mnemonic (~semeion@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
155 [00:56:08] <lapyo> I mean, it seems weird since I have only
my home partition from the ubuntu installation, so nothing root
required to control networking
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159 [00:59:04] <lapyo> okay so idk what happened but after just
running netstat and lsof -i -P, transmission-gtk seems to run fine
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laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win." - Mahatma
Gandhi (1869-1948))
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162 [01:00:14] <lapyo> weird
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179 [01:12:24] <linuxcobbler> JPT: FYI it looks like I'm
using the MBR partition table anyway, not GPT - fdisk & parted
say msdos table, gdisk says Found invalid GPT and valid MBR
180 [01:12:39] <linuxcobbler> JPT: i think fdisk is the correct
way to go about this then, what do you think?
181 [01:12:47] *** Joins: StygianBlues (~StygianBl@replaced-ip )
182 [01:12:49] <JPT> Using gdisk on mbr is still fine
183 [01:12:59] *** Joins: callidvs (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip )
184 [01:13:20] <linuxcobbler> JPT: but will it NOT delete luks
info...? hrm
185 [01:14:04] <JPT> It should not. At least you can check if
it's asking the same dangerous question
186 [01:14:31] <linuxcobbler> JPT: my thinking is, it may not
even ask and just delete because it may not take that into
187 [01:14:37] <linuxcobbler> at least fdisk asks
188 [01:14:43] *** Joins: ec0 (~ec0@replaced-ip )
189 [01:14:56] <linuxcobbler> that's my thinking so far...
could be wrong
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192 [01:15:33] <JPT> gdisk should not care about the contents of
your partitions at all. All it needs to manipulate is the mbr/gpt
header of your disk.
193 [01:16:36] <JPT> If you feel safe with fdisk, you can still
answer the wiping question with no and still have the partition
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195 [01:16:55] *** Joins: Akuw (~kenny@replaced-ip )
196 [01:16:57] <jim> linuxcobbler, could it be that's
because there was remnants of a GPT table written there before?
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199 [01:17:58] <Akuw> i am learning about LVM, can i use / as
200 [01:18:10] <jim> yep
201 [01:18:20] <Akuw> wait
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204 [01:18:25] <jim> with LVM, instead of putting filesystems in
partitions directly, you put 'LVM physical volumes' in
partitions, then you make a 'volume group' (which is just
a list of physical volumes), and put physical volumes in the volume
groups, then you can make 'logical volumes', and these are
allocated out of the volume groups
205 [01:18:40] <Akuw> i know the concept
206 [01:19:08] <jim> ok
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209 [01:20:27] <jim> I think you could temporarily have both
210 [01:20:41] <Akuw> but filesystem should be LVM or ext4
211 [01:20:45] <Akuw> because i got an error
212 [01:20:51] <linuxcobbler> JPT: deleting partition was normal,
that question was asked when creating partition if i remember
213 [01:21:10] <JPT> Oh - okay. Just make sure it does not wipe
any data. :)
214 [01:21:22] <Akuw> i am doing clean install
215 [01:21:28] <Akuw> virtualbox
216 [01:21:34] <JPT> The question still scares me a bit.
It's too much of "service oriented fdisk" for me.
217 [01:21:41] <jim> (your existing / partition, -and- an exact
copy on a LV
218 [01:21:50] <linuxcobbler> jim: what do you mean? what does
"could it be" refer to?
219 [01:22:39] <jim> another way of saying "is it
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221 [01:23:08] <Akuw> jim: when i select lvm i got error
222 [01:23:18] <Akuw> for /
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224 [01:23:35] <jim> Akuw, wait :)
225 [01:23:35] <RoyK> Akuw: or xfs?
226 [01:23:43] <jim> don't do that yet
227 [01:23:44] <linuxcobbler> jim: i mean, what is that
regarding? what gdisk prints or the fdisk question?
228 [01:24:00] <jim> don't wipe your / partition!
229 [01:24:39] <Akuw> xfs error
230 [01:24:59] <Akuw> is a clean install on virtualbox don't
231 [01:25:41] *** Quits: Tralfaz (~none@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
232 [01:26:12] *** Quits: slack_ (~slack@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
233 [01:26:17] <Akuw> or ext3
234 [01:28:02] <jim> Akuw, what you would do if you're
installing a fresh debian, is build the lvm first (put new PVs on
partitions, make a volume group including that pv, then allocate an
LV for / from the lvm system you will have just built
235 [01:28:34] <jim> you can do that inside a debian netinstaller
236 [01:29:19] <Akuw> i am doing from install
237 [01:29:37] <Akuw> actually i selected xfs for / and it accept
238 [01:29:41] <jim> linuxcobbler, I was just wondering, maybe
there used to be a GPT partition table on the drive that got
overwritten by putting an MBR partition table over it
239 [01:29:49] *** Quits: bablux (~bablux@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
240 [01:30:30] <linuxcobbler> jim: maybe i don't remember
241 [01:30:45] <jim> Akuw, if you tell it to use a partition as
LVM, I believe it would put an LVM PV there
242 [01:31:48] <jim> linuxcobbler, ok, maybe that's why some
tools are reporting a broken GPT partition table on the drive... how
large is it?
243 [01:32:59] <jim> that is, how large is the drive?
244 [01:33:17] <linuxcobbler> jim: wait what tool is reporting
that, gdisk says invalid gpt, using mbr.... but before that gdisk
states partition table scan: mbr only
245 [01:33:40] <linuxcobbler> oh and gdisk always converts mbr to
gpt in memory, that sounds scray
246 [01:33:42] <linuxcobbler> scary
247 [01:33:55] <Akuw> exit
248 [01:33:58] *** Quits: Akuw (~kenny@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
249 [01:33:59] *** Quits: mtn (~mtn@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
250 [01:34:12] <jim> linuxcobbler, I guess you just said gdisk
reported it
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254 [01:34:54] <linuxcobbler> jim: i don't know how gdisk
reports disks when the disk is 100% mbr (it may be the same way)
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257 [01:36:36] <jim> linuxcobbler, howbout this: what I'm
saying doesn't really matter about what's reporting what,
what does matter is what you want to do with the drive
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259 [01:38:10] <linuxcobbler> jim: i want to revert the partition
size to what it was before the shrink attemp without touching the
underlying data
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261 [01:38:58] <jim> uhoh, now that sounds scary :)
262 [01:39:13] <linuxcobbler> jim: i have a mismatch between
physical size and filesystem size
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264 [01:39:15] <linuxcobbler> :(
265 [01:39:47] <jim> ok, how large is the filesystem?
266 [01:39:55] <linuxcobbler> > 700G
267 [01:40:23] <jim> and how large is the partition currently?
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269 [01:41:11] <linuxcobbler> ah ok if you want to be exact i can
be, but fs is ~ 20G bigger than physical size of partition
270 [01:41:17] <linuxcobbler> of device
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274 [01:42:18] <jim> ok, how was the partition shrunk? was the
end moved down, or the beginning moved up?
275 [01:42:31] <linuxcobbler> end moved down
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279 [01:43:02] <jim> ok, (don't do anything yet) it -seems-
like you could just move it back
280 [01:43:09] <linuxcobbler> jim: there's a catch, data is
encrypted in luks
281 [01:43:43] <linuxcobbler> jim: yes, that's what i'm
trying to do, restore it to how it was before the failed shrink
attempt (if you mean the same thing by "move it back")
282 [01:44:46] <linuxcobbler> jim: because of luks, i have to
make sure nothing is overwritten especially in the beginning of the
partition since that's where luks data resides
283 [01:44:50] <jim> ok, do you know if there's overhead in
the encryption data? that is, should the partition be even larger
than that 20g to accomodate that overhead?
284 [01:44:54] <linuxcobbler> encryption data
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287 [01:45:19] <jim> also, I'm out of my depth here, you
need to be talking with someone with actual experience
288 [01:45:25] <linuxcobbler> :)
289 [01:45:32] <linuxcobbler> thanks for trying
290 [01:45:38] <jim> I have none with luks
291 [01:45:46] <jim> welcome
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293 [01:46:54] <jim> I have expernence with unencrypted
partitions, where the size calculations would be straightforward,
but none here
294 [01:47:39] <linuxcobbler> first time in 25 years i'm
having a partition issue :/ been using luks for a long time too,
never had any problem
295 [01:48:58] *** Quits: orphean (~Orphean@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
296 [01:50:05] <jim> linuxcobbler, one thing, don't alter
any other partitions, or especially make new partitions
297 [01:51:02] <linuxcobbler> jim: yep
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299 [01:51:51] <jim> is the luks partition the top one on the
whole drive?
300 [01:52:02] <linuxcobbler> jim: inside that one partition
301 [01:52:24] <linuxcobbler> and luksOpen works on it no problem
302 [01:52:54] <linuxcobbler> can't mount it of course since
it's broken
303 [01:53:52] <jim> I just had a thought... if there's a
partition defined above the luks partition, maybe the bottom edge of
the partition above has the right setting for the top edge of the
partition in question
304 [01:54:04] <JPT> Resizing the partition back to its original
size should fix it. :)
305 [01:54:27] <linuxcobbler> question being what's the
proper way to do that without screwing anything up :D
306 [01:54:57] <JPT> I leave the decision up to you - As long as
you do not wipe data on the partition in the process, you should be
fine :)
307 [01:55:02] <jim> also, how do you figure out what the
original size is
308 [01:55:38] <linuxcobbler> jim: i know what the original size
is because i was brilliant enough to save partitioning output to a
log file on a usb drive :D
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310 [01:56:37] <jim> linuxcobbler, that's good, because of
that, I think you have a good chance of recovering the correct size
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313 [01:58:00] <jim> JPT, once he makes that correction, the next
question is how does he repair the partition (he said something
about it being damaged in some way)
314 [01:58:17] <JPT> It isn't really damaged (i hope)
315 [01:58:26] <JPT> It is just cut off at the end which makes
fsck complain
316 [01:58:37] <linuxcobbler> what JPT said (hopefully)
317 [01:58:54] <linuxcobbler> i did not write any data over
anything since the failed shrink attempt
318 [01:58:57] *** Quits: timahvo1 (~rogue@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
319 [01:58:57] <jim> tread carefully :)
320 [01:59:14] <jim> and you should be fine
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322 [01:59:36] *** semeion is now known as mnemonic
323 [01:59:40] <linuxcobbler> yeah the whole luks thing is making
me nervous... reading man pages on gdisk and more technical stuff on
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325 [02:00:15] *** Quits: telcoguy____ (~telcoguy_@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
326 [02:00:36] <jim> maybe you should focus on resetting the top
edge of the partition
327 [02:01:28] *** Quits: de-facto (~de-facto@replaced-ip ) (Quit: See you around.)
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334 [02:03:36] <JPT> I will get some sleep now. Good luck for the
recovery - keep calm and read the warnings.
335 [02:04:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1580
336 [02:04:10] <JPT> Tomorrow will probably be a good day to
think about backups again.
337 [02:04:21] <linuxcobbler> JPT: thank you for the tremendous
help - i really appreciate it
338 [02:04:34] <JPT> You're welcome. :)
339 [02:05:24] <linuxcobbler> there's a change i'll
sleep on my decision and go from there
340 [02:05:45] <linuxcobbler> don't want to make some
idiotic mistake or misread something
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344 [02:07:51] <nzhuk98> I can't get logind to catch
power/suspend button on my laptop (Dell XPS 13 9360). Closing the
lid shows an event in the log and gets processed accordign to
defaults in logind.conf. Presing power button doesn't produce
anything in journalctl and does nothing. Holding the button for 8
(or 9) seconds causes is it work as power off and does trigger
shutdown. It's the short press that supposed to trigger suspend
345 [02:07:53] <nzhuk98> that doesn't work. Here is some
info from journalctl
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382 [02:49:57] <MuffinMedic> Hi all. I have this line in my
crontab file but it's not running and im not sure why. Any help
is apprecaited: "0 3 * * * /usr/bin/rdiff-backup -v 6 --force
--remote-schema "ssh -C -p1234 %s rdiff-backup --server"
--include-globbing-filelist /root/backup.txt / >> /root/backups/$(date
+"%Y-%m-%d_%H%M").log 2>&1"
383 [02:50:26] <MuffinMedic> The line works fine when I run it
outside of cron from the command prompt
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385 [02:51:18] <MuffinMedic> Oh I forgot to escape the % it hink
386 [02:51:22] <Tom-_> you can try putting that all in a shell
script somewhere and then executing that
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410 [03:13:51] <muffinman8> @muffinmedic this is muffinman. Do
you like muffins?
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413 [03:14:31] <MRX_> hello friends,good morning guys
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543 [05:19:10] <mallxs> on a ssh to a new stretch the ctrl-c will
not stop a running ping command , i check stty and saw a diff
between stretch and jessie for the brkint value, where can i change
the default stty settings ?
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608 [06:23:48] <helloworld1> do I need registered nick?
609 [06:23:55] <helloworld1> I guess not
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611 [06:24:55] <Sveta> hello, helloworld1 :)
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613 [06:25:32] <helloworld1> hi
614 [06:25:54] *** Quits: nutron (~nutron@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
615 [06:26:39] <helloworld1> ok so I am switching from ubuntu to
debian on two machines
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617 [06:26:47] <Sveta> yes
618 [06:26:58] <helloworld1> each has different issues but I will
tackle one machine at a time
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620 [06:27:38] <helloworld1> I think it partitioned as UEFI on my
Z97 motherboard that has auto UEFI/EFI
621 [06:27:52] <helloworld1> I can see the ESP partition
622 [06:28:02] <helloworld1> but grub failed to install
623 [06:28:10] <helloworld1> I have a really limited shell
624 [06:28:40] <helloworld1> there is a popup message about /
being ram disk and /target being the installed OS after reboot
625 [06:29:01] <helloworld1> but I have the same physical disks
listed in /dev and /target/dev
626 [06:29:14] <helloworld1> nothing in /mnt or /target/mnt
627 [06:31:15] <helloworld1> there is also a popup message about
"you will need to boot manually with the /vmlinuz kernel on
partition /dev/sda2 and root=/devsda2 quiet passed as a kernel
628 [06:31:21] *** Quits: tpanarch1st (~tpanarch1@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Thanks for your help)
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632 [06:32:10] <helloworld1> I did nano /target/etc/grub/default
633 [06:32:26] *** Joins: mnemonic (~semeion@replaced-ip )
634 [06:32:35] <helloworld1> or maybe it was
635 [06:33:01] <helloworld1> I got in but I had some blank lines.
one of them just says quiet and one is blank
636 [06:33:12] <helloworld1> not sure what I need to do
637 [06:33:23] *** Quits: kooldavi (~kooldavi@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
638 [06:33:36] <helloworld1> I guess I need to find the path to
vmlinuz and some help about how the syntax works
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647 [06:35:37] <TrickkyTyper> Hey'
648 [06:35:39] <TrickkyTyper> whats up guys
649 [06:36:04] *** Quits: shinnok (~shinnok@replaced-ip ) (Quit: byebye)
650 [06:36:20] <Sveta> helloworld1, hmm
651 [06:36:29] *** Quits: erasmus (~erasmus@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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654 [06:37:02] <helloworld1> if I reboot the machine without the
live usb recovery console (boot from broken installation on HD) I
get error: no such device 2da7addw-63a2-4f24-97c3-0cfb80014593
655 [06:37:08] <Sveta> helloworld1, the installer usually
installs grub for you. i'm not sure how to debug this, sorry.
i'd look for relevant error messages
656 [06:37:16] <helloworld1> I get a grub> prompt
657 [06:37:47] *** Quits: dex-bsd (~dex@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
658 [06:38:31] <helloworld1> grub>ls shows (hd0) (hd0,gpt3)
(hd0,gpt2) (hd0,gpt1)
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660 [06:39:14] <helloworld1> ^ this confirms my suspicion that it
is a GPT/GUID partition setup attempting to boot with UEFI GRUB 2.02
661 [06:40:16] <helloworld1> pretty sure gpt2 = sda2 no matter
which way you count up
662 [06:40:47] <helloworld1> I can use the live ubuntu usb to get
to the grub shell that is a little bit better than this one
663 [06:41:07] <helloworld1> or just full live ubuntu usb if that
would help?
664 [06:42:33] *** Quits: krytarik (~krytarik@replaced-ip ) (Quit: กำลังออก)
665 [06:42:55] <helloworld1> sveta yes I have enough error
messages but I do not have examples of a working debian grub config
for UEFI debian 9 grub 2.02
666 [06:43:31] <helloworld1> I did search for answers but none of
them are compatible with my specific distro
667 [06:43:41] <helloworld1> and UEFI
668 [06:44:17] <helloworld1> what is the init for debian 9?
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670 [06:44:46] <helloworld1> and whats the uname -r command to
get the kernel name?
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678 [06:49:28] <Sveta> lessthan0 you may wish to ask #grub in
case they have experience recovering unsuccessful grub installs
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683 [06:52:19] <Tom-_> the init for Debian 9 is by default
684 [06:52:20] <lessthan0> I am pretty much just asking for the
one line of code that tells grub where the kernel is on debian 9
amd64 with a known install on /dev/sda2
685 [06:52:45] <lessthan0> Tom-_ yeah I was assuming systemd that
is why I have no experience
686 [06:52:54] <lessthan0> I know initrd and runit
687 [06:53:10] <Tom-_> i guess it's uname -s
688 [06:53:18] *** Quits: Sir_Desi_ (~Sir_Desig@replaced-ip##) (Quit: Mutter: ##replaced-url
689 [06:53:20] <Tom-_> well, you can always run runit
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691 [06:54:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1583
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693 [06:54:03] <lessthan0> I don't want to do anything
different from what the debian installer would normally do because I
don't want to break anything else
694 [06:54:36] <lessthan0> I prefer to learn your ways of systemd
and debian 9 standards
695 [06:54:52] *** Joins: Sir_Desi_ (~Sir_Desig@replaced-ip )
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699 [06:55:43] <lessthan0> if I do uname -s how do I know that
will give me the kernel of the target disk and not the live usb I am
700 [06:56:03] <lessthan0> I am running ubuntu live to work on
the drive
701 [06:56:15] <lessthan0> I guess I should mount /dev/sda2
702 [06:56:42] <themill> !fixgrub
703 [06:56:42] <dpkg> To reinstall <GRUB> boot to your
Debian install disk/live CD, switch to the other console (Alt-F2),
mount your root filesystem (mount -t ext4 /dev/whatever /target ;
mount --bind /dev /target/dev ; mount -t proc none /target/proc ;
mount -t sysfs none /target/sys), chroot into it (chroot /target),
run "mount /boot/efi" on EFI and "update-grub
&& grub-install /dev/whatever". See also <rescue
mode>, <dual boot guide>, <supergrub>.
704 [06:58:10] <themill> make sure it is booted in UEFI mode and
that grub-efi-amd64 is installed (assuming this is an amd64
705 [06:58:35] *** Quits: errrasmus (~erasmus@replaced-ip ) (Quit: END-AUMF)
706 [06:58:43] *** Joins: Obi-Wan (~obi-wan@replaced-ip )
707 [06:59:18] <lessthan0> I erased the debian 9 installer I had
on my only usb 8gb drive so I could use a live ubuntu usb to do my
edits of the grub config
708 [06:59:51] <themill> that should be fine as long as
you're booted in UEFI mode
709 [06:59:54] <lessthan0> so I am currently at the local
terminal on my other box running ubuntu live usb to rescue this
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711 [07:00:20] <lessthan0> is there a way to check if I booted
the live usb in uefi?
712 [07:01:03] <lessthan0> I can just reboot it from bios that
will tell me
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715 [07:01:39] <themill> the presence of /sys/firmware/efi/
716 [07:01:47] <lessthan0> I can confirm I am booted live usb in
717 [07:03:27] <lessthan0> I do have /sys/firmware/efi
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719 [07:05:21] <lessthan0> can I use fdisk to show if sda2 is
ext2 or ext4
720 [07:05:48] <lessthan0> before I mount it I want to make sure
I am using the right command
721 [07:06:40] <lessthan0> I usually don't specify ext4 when
I mount something and I never had a problem before so not sure why I
need to specify that now?
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725 [07:09:44] <lessthan0> ok I used lsblk -f
726 [07:09:54] <lessthan0> sda2 us ext4
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730 [07:12:48] <lessthan0> I run "mount -t ext4 /dev/sda2
/target" I get an error mount: /target: mount point does not
731 [07:13:05] *** Quits: moonkyang (~moonkyang@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
732 [07:13:10] <ozfalcon> did you make a dir /target ?
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734 [07:13:48] <lessthan0> I thought mount creates directories
dynamically (automatically)
735 [07:13:53] <lessthan0> I will try mkdir
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738 [07:14:29] <lessthan0> ok that works now
739 [07:15:09] *** Joins: nutron (~nutron@replaced-ip )
740 [07:15:37] <ozfalcon> just did and update on Buster and
nvidia drivers are not working. Even tried purge and reinstall with
no success.
741 [07:16:26] <ozfalcon> Locks the system up on boot (Have no
root account for rescue). Had to remove the nvidia card and boot
from onboard.
742 [07:16:46] <ozfalcon> Using nouveau now.
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744 [07:19:08] *** Quits: my_mind (uid305596@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
745 [07:19:58] <lessthan0> ok I did all the mount and bind
746 [07:20:21] <lessthan0> I am trying to understand the commands
more as I do them
747 [07:20:26] <lessthan0> so I can learn this stuff
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750 [07:21:15] <brieweb> anyone here using openvswitch?
751 [07:21:37] <brieweb> I am just trying to create a switch and
add the network interface to it
752 [07:21:41] <lessthan0> the mount -t proc none /target/proc ;
mount -t sysfs none /target/sys is just creating dummy mounts from
null so that they will exist?
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755 [07:21:58] <lessthan0> to prevent errors?
756 [07:22:54] <lessthan0> or because they are virtual file
systems they technically don't have a block device as input for
a source to mount from?
757 [07:23:14] *** Joins: Odyseus (~Odyseus@replaced-ip )
758 [07:23:19] <lessthan0> proc and sysfs redirects to the
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760 [07:25:22] <lessthan0> ok I did chroot /target
761 [07:25:43] <lessthan0> I read the docs on chroot and I think
I understand it
762 [07:25:55] <lessthan0> so now /target changed to /
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764 [07:26:25] <lessthan0> when I ls from / I do not see /target
because I am already inside it (ls /target)
765 [07:26:50] <lessthan0> I see vmlinuz on /
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767 [07:28:18] *** Joins: Obi-Wan (~obi-wan@replaced-ip )
768 [07:28:18] <lessthan0> is mount /boot/efi correct for UEFI?
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771 [07:34:12] <lessthan0> ls /boot output is config-4.9.0-6-amd64 efi grub
initrd.img-4.9.0-6-amd64 vmlinuz-4.9.0-6-amd64
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777 [07:40:48] <lessthan0> this last part has me confused
778 [07:41:20] <lessthan0> not sure if I need to mount sda1 where
the ESP is or mount sda2 where my ext4 is
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789 [07:55:25] <lessthan0> grub-install: error efibootmgr failed
to register the boot entry: Input/output error
790 [07:55:29] *** Quits: TrickkyTyper (~0xDebug@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
791 [07:55:36] <lessthan0> Could not prepare Boot variable: No
such file or directory
792 [07:55:57] *** Quits: dayten (~gnoid@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
793 [07:56:19] <lessthan0> lsblk -f is acting strange since it no
longer identifies ext4 ESP on sda1 sda2
794 [07:56:30] <lessthan0> it is totally blank
795 [07:56:39] *** Quits: Sir_Desi_ (~Sir_Desig@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
796 [07:56:52] <lessthan0> I think the chroot messed up lsblk -f
797 [07:57:09] <lessthan0> this is some voodoo
798 [07:57:59] *** Quits: badrabb1t (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
799 [07:58:50] <lessthan0> maybe I need to force the motherboard
into UEFI only mode during install
800 [07:59:03] <lessthan0> and just reinstall debian 9 from usb
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802 [08:01:26] *** Parts: MjrWingnut (~smuxi@replaced-ip ) ()
803 [08:03:43] <lessthan0> looks like my bios was in UEFI only
but CSM was turned ON so it is technically not exactly UEFI only
804 [08:04:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1584
805 [08:04:02] <lessthan0> that is what is causing the debian 9
installer to fail to install grub
806 [08:04:53] <lessthan0> it probably reverts back to EFI on a
non-EFI system because the bios is telling lies half the time
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829 [08:24:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1578
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839 [08:31:26] *** Joins: CtrlC (~CtrlC@replaced-ip )
840 [08:32:20] <CtrlC> I downloaded the gnome iso from here:
841 [08:32:21] *** Quits: ktrl (~ktrl@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Ex-Chat)
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854 [08:51:09] <rant> as far as it is concerned anything you put
i on is a cd
855 [08:51:44] *** Joins: pingfloyd (~pingfloyd@replaced-ip )
856 [08:52:39] <annadane> CtrlC, if you want to
"install" debian as in write to disk just use the regular
installer image
857 [08:52:51] *** Quits: vivid (~ViViD@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
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859 [08:53:36] <annadane>
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865 [08:57:27] <CtrlC> rant, can't find it. maybe it has
something to do with UEFI?
866 [08:57:41] <rant> CtrlC: though as annadane suggests its
better to us a normal installer image I installed from a MATE Live
image onto this machine and wound up with a ton of packages I didnt
need or want, and an install double the normal size because live
images just copy the running live setup and it has support packages
for every language and inpu mehod imaginable
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870 [08:58:58] <CtrlC> I just need it installed for now. I'm
downloading the net iso. I hope it'll work fine.
871 [08:59:51] <rant> CtrlC: what sort of internet connectivity
do you have on the machine?
872 [09:00:03] *** Quits: deicide- (~deicide-@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
873 [09:00:23] <CtrlC> rant, something semi shitty if it matters.
874 [09:00:31] <annadane> because while you can get some kind of
permanence on live images i think, it's more work than just
using the installer meant for the purpose of being a typical, common
875 [09:00:52] <rant> yes it matters the netinsal can only
install a base text mode system without connecting to the internet
876 [09:01:22] *** Quits: MrGr33n (~None@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
877 [09:01:26] <pingfloyd> that's not such bad way to go
878 [09:01:39] <pingfloyd> install base through installer and
then use apt for everything else you need from there
879 [09:01:45] <rant> it is for someone who doesnt know wha
hey're doing
880 [09:01:50] <CtrlC> ah I have a wifi connection here.
it's a desktop. rant and it is connecting using a dlink modem.
881 [09:01:50] <pingfloyd> se
882 [09:01:52] <pingfloyd> sure
883 [09:02:03] *** Joins: femto (~stelio@replaced-ip )
884 [09:02:12] <pingfloyd> CtrlC: if it's wifi, you may need
the image with the non-free firmware
885 [09:02:21] <pingfloyd> in order to get wifi working in the
886 [09:02:22] *** Joins: toxync12- (~toxync12@replaced-ip )
887 [09:02:25] <rant> CtrlC: what wifi? PCI or USB? check lsusb
or lspci -nn and paste the wifi line
888 [09:02:28] *** Joins: MrGr33n (~None@replaced-ip )
889 [09:02:31] <CtrlC> USB.
890 [09:02:58] <rant> CtrlC: lsusb then should show you the name
and vend/prod id code for it
891 [09:04:13] * rant wonders why lsusb does that by default and lspci
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893 [09:04:36] *** Joins: loader (~loader@replaced-ip )
894 [09:04:41] <CtrlC> rant, can't access lsusb now.
895 [09:04:53] <rant> CtrlC: running windows?
896 [09:05:01] <CtrlC> no. running nothing.
897 [09:05:27] <rant> can you look and see what the make/model is
incuding revision number of the device itself?
898 [09:05:46] *** Quits: toxync12 (~toxync12@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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900 [09:05:55] <rant> CtrlC: to be on safe side you may want to
use the unofficial firmware installer to be sure
901 [09:06:06] *** Joins: ozfalcon (~OzFalcon@replaced-ip )
902 [09:06:07] <rant> dpkg, firmware installer
903 [09:06:07] <dpkg> Debian-Installer is able to load additional
<firmware>, by including it within installation media or
supplying on removable media (e.g. USB stick, floppy). See
904 [09:06:15] <CtrlC> rant, can I just use a different image to
get things offline?
905 [09:06:24] *** Quits: blasen (~bigcake@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
906 [09:06:30] <rant> CtrlC: yes the full gnome dvd1 iso
907 [09:06:31] <CtrlC> It's a desktop thing. not a server.
doesn't matter if it's a bit big really.
908 [09:06:40] *** Joins: LiQuiD (~NeelDant@replaced-ip )
909 [09:06:53] <LiQuiD> hello
910 [09:07:06] <annadane> hi LiQuiD
911 [09:07:13] <LiQuiD> hi annadane
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914 [09:07:47] <LiQuiD> i am using debian vps for ircd server but
i cant able to connect anope with it
915 [09:07:47] <rant> CtrlC: we have dvd1 isos for each of our 7
DEs if you want to insall something other than gnome to start with,
you can always install something else later from the repos
916 [09:08:00] <LiQuiD> need help regarding anope
917 [09:08:15] *** Joins: TestDummy (~TestDummy@replaced-ip )
918 [09:08:25] <rant> we need help regarding you not telling us
what the problem is
919 [09:08:38] <CtrlC> rant, that's huge! 4 GB. I'll
try to see what the CD versions are.
920 [09:08:51] *** Joins: conta (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip )
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922 [09:09:26] <CtrlC> rant, I had the live version and it
doesn't go past detecting the CD. that's the problem. idk
what else to say. any specific questions?
923 [09:09:42] <rant> CtrlC: the cd versions will result in a
less complete install and in any case if you dont use the firware
installer and you DO need non-free firmware it'll have to be
manually installed at some point anyhow
924 [09:10:21] <CtrlC> rant, I don't care really. I can
install stuff later. But if I be able to get the debian running!
925 [09:11:10] <rant> if you dont have access to the repos
because your device requires non-free firmware you can't until
you manually download and copy the firmware package and install it
926 [09:12:01] <_m4ch1n3_> be smart and download the official
unofficial debian image with non-free firmware next time
927 [09:12:04] <CtrlC> rant, I can probably get tethering or
something till I get it to work. that's no issue. the problem
for now is I can't install this thing anyway.
928 [09:12:39] <rant> yeah I'm not sure why the live isnt
detecting the CD
929 [09:13:06] <_m4ch1n3_>
930 [09:13:42] <rant> _m4ch1n3_: thanks, his has been addressed
and ignored already beating a dead horse won't make it run
931 [09:14:04] <_m4ch1n3_> :D
932 [09:14:11] <_m4ch1n3_> poor horse
933 [09:14:28] <TestDummy> hello, I am very new to debian and was
wondering what the main source of packets that I install should be
in sources.list
934 [09:14:45] <rant> !sources.list
935 [09:14:45] <dpkg> A suitable /etc/apt/sources.list for
"Stretch" has three lines: "deb
936 [09:15:19] <rant> TestDummy: you may want to append
"contrib non-free" to the end of each line after
937 [09:16:06] <rant> TestDummy: use the three lines dpkg
suggested above
938 [09:16:11] *** Joins: llucenic (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip )
939 [09:18:38] <_m4ch1n3_> is <stretch/updates> ==
<stretch-updates> ?
940 [09:18:49] *** Joins: elevated (~elevated@replaced-ip )
941 [09:18:54] <rant> no
942 [09:19:18] <CtrlC> Thanks guys.
943 [09:19:47] <annadane> you can /msg dpkg stretch/updates and
/msg dpkg stretch-updates to see the difference, just as it says
944 [09:20:02] <rant> stretch/updates is security updates
stretech-updates is proposed updates what we used to call volitile
for things that need updaes between releases or point releases
945 [09:21:09] <annadane> until people misspelled it and put
"voltaire" in their sources.list and begin philosophically
speaking french
946 [09:23:14] <_m4ch1n3_> oh shit, so my sources.list is
947 [09:24:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1585
948 [09:24:33] <annadane> yeah i'm not entirely clear how
buster-updates works but i think you're supposed to have it
949 [09:25:41] <annadane> actually i've had this
conversation with someone before and it's really complicated
and i don't remember half of it
950 [09:26:03] <annadane> the tl;dr is it's sometimes
necessary sometimes not and it really depends on weird arcane
obscure decisions
951 [09:26:08] *** Quits: llucenic (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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953 [09:29:18] *** Joins: NonParity (~nonparity@replaced-ip )
954 [09:29:40] <rant> I'm not real certain either the
current policy for testing sources.. historically it got no updates
as its main repos were updated frequently but that had changed
955 [09:30:04] <rant> its not supported here, #debian-next on
956 [09:30:21] *** Joins: deicide- (~deicide-@replaced-ip )
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973 [09:50:05] <_m4ch1n3_> why apt-get upgrade helds some
packages back? have current 36 not updated packes, is this normal?
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977 [09:54:42] <jelly> !apt-get upgrade
978 [09:54:42] <dpkg> hmm... apt-get upgrade is probably not what
you're looking for. try apt-get dist-upgrade instead, see
'man apt-get' for details
979 [09:55:46] *** Joins: clemens3 (~clemens@replaced-ip )
980 [09:56:38] <rant> dist-upgrade frees apt up to do things that
could be destructive.. there is a reason upgrade holds things
981 [09:59:01] <_m4ch1n3_> damn to late
982 [09:59:24] <_m4ch1n3_> update-initramfs throws wired warings
983 [09:59:27] <_m4ch1n3_> WARNING: Unknown X keysym
984 [10:00:29] <rant> typically an upgrade will result only in
replacing not removing things
985 [10:02:09] *** Joins: hele (~hele@replaced-ip )
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say no... I wear black on the outside because black is how I feel
on the inside... Uso negro por fuera porque negro me siento por
dentro... ##replaced-url
992 [10:08:58] <pingfloyd> upgrade will basically upgrade any
packages it can without having to remove any packages to fulfill
993 [10:09:13] <pingfloyd> dist-upgrade allows removal in order
to upgrade everything.
994 [10:09:51] <rant> yes, which is why I dont take its use
lightly and oftten bitch at people for using it in place of upgrade
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1001 [10:16:17] <jelly> patches in stable require dist-upgrade so
often it's not even worth trying to do a mere upgrade first
1002 [10:16:49] <jelly> might have been different 10 years ago
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1005 [10:19:11] <pingfloyd> ^
1006 [10:20:09] <pingfloyd> shouldn't usually be a problem,
unless you're running testing or unstable where sometimes not
all updated packages will be available.
1007 [10:20:18] <pingfloyd> but with those you should always do a
dry-run first anyway
1008 [10:20:32] <pingfloyd> to make sure all dependencies are in
place on the repo
1009 [10:21:47] <annadane> in testing/sid especially you really
shouldn't blindly dist-upgrade
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1011 [10:22:18] <annadane> should actually take the time and
research/triangulate what's a planned removal, what's a
transition, is this package now a part of this package and
that's why apt is being weird ...
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1013 [10:23:11] <jelly> good thing we point users of those to the
other, more appropriate channel, then
1014 [10:23:34] <pingfloyd> it's normal, and should be
expected, for packages to be missing with those two
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1016 [10:25:52] <pingfloyd> that's why I run stable. I got
sick of playing upgrade roulette a long time ago.
1017 [10:26:16] <pingfloyd> if I need something more current than
what stable provides, I'll just build it myself
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1057 [10:49:06] <jozefk> o/
1058 [10:49:27] <jozefk> Is it OK to ask questions here about MX
1059 [10:49:50] <annadane> !mxlinux
1060 [10:49:51] <dpkg> Current MX Linux is based on Debian
stretch. However, MX Linux is not supported in #debian. Seek help at
1061 [10:50:21] *** Quits: Ryushin (chris@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1062 [10:50:36] <jozefk> ok :) Thanks. the forum on that site
wasn't working. I tried that first.
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1064 [10:51:48] <annadane> if the question is generic enough we
can try to answer it or give you the solution that works in debian
stretch but some people are opposed to that as a matter of policy
1065 [10:52:14] <annadane> general issue with trying to solve
other distros problems is they have distro specific changes which
may make our solutions useless
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1067 [10:53:28] <jelly> or harmful
1068 [10:53:42] <annadane> or harmful
1069 [10:53:54] <annadane> thus yeah, probably don't ask
about it here unfortunately
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1071 [10:54:09] <jozefk> It could be generic but I'm not
sure. I don't have an issue yet. But I have a question. I boot
MX Linux live off USB flash drive and during boot some things are
copied to RAM. The question is what would happen if there is no
enough RAM for that amount of files needed to be copied to it?
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1074 [10:55:27] <jelly> probably a disk full situation
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1098 [11:13:53] <heston> I found that Jessie and Wheezy both have
a newer version of firefox than Buster, any idea why?
1099 [11:14:26] <annadane> uh
1100 [11:14:28] <Walakea> i installed Debian Testing, when i run
Libreoffice, the GUI looks like Windows 95, i tried changing some
opengl options, but now it won't even show pictures nor text
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1103 [11:14:49] <annadane> Walakea, change it back and then either
install libreoffice-gtk2 or libreoffice-gtk3
1104 [11:14:52] <annadane> ,v firefox-esr
1105 [11:14:53] <judd> Package: firefox-esr on amd64 --
jessie-backports/firefox-release: 52.1.0esr-1~bpo80+1; stretch:
52.6.0esr-1~deb9u1; wheezy-security: 52.8.0esr-1~deb7u1; jessie:
52.8.1esr-1~deb8u1; jessie-security: 52.8.1esr-1~deb8u1;
stretch-proposed-updates: 52.8.1esr-1~deb9u1; stretch-security:
52.8.1esr-1~deb9u1; buster: 52.8.1esr-2; sid: 52.9.0esr-1;
experimental: 60.1.0esr-1
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1107 [11:15:25] <annadane> looks not to be the case ...?
1108 [11:15:38] <Walakea> annadane: i can't really see
anything (including options), i guess i would purge
1109 [11:16:08] <annadane> well, i'm not sure which opengl
options you changed and whether purging libreoffice would also purge
the opengl settings
1110 [11:16:11] <Walakea> also i did't mention, i am using
1111 [11:16:39] <annadane> ,v firefox
1112 [11:16:40] <judd> Package: firefox on amd64 --
jessie-backports/firefox-release: 52.0-1~bpo80+1; sid: 61.0-1;
experimental: 62.0~b3-1
1113 [11:16:59] <heston> annadane,
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1115 [11:17:48] <annadane> oh, apparently there's a security
patch that hasn't been fixed in buster yet
1116 [11:17:49] <heston> my package options correlate with
1117 [11:17:54] <annadane> lemme check security.d.o
1118 [11:18:39] <heston> both wheezy and jessie have 52.9
1119 [11:18:56] <annadane> yeeeep that's why
1120 [11:18:57] <heston> buster is at 52.8.1
1121 [11:19:10] <annadane> vulnerability; not yet fixed, should be
1122 [11:19:58] <annadane> Walakea, but the general option for
making libreoffice not look like windows 95 is to install one of the
gtk packages
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1125 [11:20:35] <heston> my mistake jessie and stretch*
1126 [11:20:47] <annadane> same answer
1127 [11:20:52] <heston> ya
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1132 [11:21:39] <annadane> for future reference you can ask your
buster/unstable questions in #debian-next on, for when
they get more technical
1133 [11:21:52] *** Joins: catsup (d@replaced-ip )
1134 [11:21:54] <dutchfish> annadane, fyi firefox wont land in
testing due to y-u-no-validate/2013052407-3
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1136 [11:22:06] <annadane> yeah i kind of suspected
1137 [11:22:08] <heston> ok, not sure if ill stick with buster, it
appears to be pretty unstable
1138 [11:22:09] <annadane> just wanted to make sure
1139 [11:22:20] <jelly> !testing security
1140 [11:22:21] <dpkg> Security updates in testing are delayed by
the normal testing migration *and* may be further delayed by missing
dependencies, etc. See
1141 [11:22:33] <heston> yikes
1142 [11:22:44] <annadane> ok; just be aware debian doesn't
really support downgrades from testing -> stable so if you want
stable you basically should reinstall
1143 [11:22:52] <jelly> heston: testing is the _worst_ option wrt.
security updates
1144 [11:22:55] <Walakea> annadane: ok, installing
1145 [11:23:08] <heston> jelly, good to know, thanks
1146 [11:23:33] <heston> annadane, thanks as well
1147 [11:23:34] <annadane> also stupid me for relying on judd
1148 [11:23:41] <annadane> it's not necessarily up to date
1149 [11:24:11] <jelly> judd shouldn't be lagging more than
6-8 hours
1150 [11:25:23] <Walakea> annadane: well, i installed it but it
looks like there is only the base program, none of the writer / calc
/ ... are available
1151 [11:25:38] <annadane> Walakea, it depends on what you had
installed before
1152 [11:25:57] <annadane> libreoffice is the metapackage if you
want the entire suite
1153 [11:26:19] <Walakea> annadane: man, i still don't know
how apt works, i usually assume it will magically do what i want
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1155 [11:26:41] <heston> well im gonna go try stretch with gnome
instead of xfce and hope its more stable
1156 [11:26:42] <annadane> as root history | grep libreoffice and
you can then apt show what you installed and it gives package
1157 [11:26:47] <MidTwitters> anyone recommend a good rss client
for debian systems?
1158 [11:26:53] <annadane> liferea
1159 [11:27:03] <Walakea> i purged libreoffice* and assumed that
installing libreoffice-gtk3 will install all that i uninstalled as
1160 [11:27:20] <annadane> yeah, that's not gonna work :P
1161 [11:27:34] <Walakea> MidTwitters: i have been usind
Thunderbird for Email / RSS / IRC
1162 [11:27:37] *** Quits: heston (~heston@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
1163 [11:27:57] <MidTwitters> cool is liferea fairly minimal?
1164 [11:28:15] <jelly> Walakea: if you look at that package
Description, you'll see it's just a plugin
1165 [11:28:33] <annadane> MidTwitters, you can see for yourself
with apt show liferea
1166 [11:28:34] *** Quits: hgfd123 (~hgfd123@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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1168 [11:28:45] <annadane> download size is 221 KB (at least in
sid) with a few dependencies
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1170 [11:28:56] <Walakea> so i guess i will install the package
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1172 [11:29:05] <annadane> (i run sid so apt show foo gives me the
sid version of foo but it shouldn't be much different to
1173 [11:29:08] <MidTwitters> nice, thx
1174 [11:29:25] <annadane> also before you install it it will tell
you how much space it will take up
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1177 [11:30:32] <MidTwitters> (Y)
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1180 [11:31:18] <Walakea> is there still no better way to disable
HDD power management than writing systemd units? (hdparm -B 254
1181 [11:31:22] <annadane> except when it has no further
dependencies and it just installs itself and nothing else then it
assumes and installs anyway :P
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1183 [11:31:52] <JO45> CIAO
1184 [11:31:57] <JO45> !LIST
1185 [11:31:57] <dpkg> jo45: Debian è un sistema operativo
composto da software libero (un concetto distinto da quello di
gratis): vedi
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1189 [11:32:41] <annadane> "power management" generally?
no idea
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1192 [11:33:22] <Walakea> i mean disabling the head retraction
that causes noise every few seconds
1193 [11:33:55] <ezname> Hey i am having troubles installing
windows on a usb and on the computer, it is black screen when i boot
the pc, i used disks restore for
1194 [11:34:09] <Walakea>
1195 [11:34:17] *** Quits: lcwd (~lcwd@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
1196 [11:34:19] <annadane> i'm not sure you even can install
windows on a usb...?
1197 [11:34:23] <ezname> for the usb, because i had a rough time
finding any software that would make a bootable usb key
1198 [11:34:33] <annadane> let alone the licensing problems
1199 [11:34:34] *** Quits: Neo_Chen[FBSD] (~Neo_Chen@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
1200 [11:34:45] <annadane> maybe i'm wrong
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1361 [13:34:55] <holycow> hi
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1363 [13:35:28] <holycow> i want to remap my right click synaptics
button to be the same as the left button but ONLY act as a right
click on ctrl/alt
1364 [13:35:33] <holycow> does anyone know if this is possible?
1365 [13:35:55] <holycow> i'm googling up only how to swap
functions around on synaptics touch pads, nothing clear on setting
up modifiers
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1397 [13:56:57] <__m4ch1n3__> holycow, guess there are some
commandline evdev tools in debian, know only how to do stuff like
this with python3 evdev lib
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1400 [13:57:52] <__m4ch1n3__> evdev allows catch/intercept and
inject input events
1401 [13:58:26] <__m4ch1n3__> have some gaming python evdev macros
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1403 [13:58:57] <__m4ch1n3__> but you need to be in input group or
1404 [14:00:33] *** Quits: endstille (~endstille@replaced-ip ) (Quit: I'll be back.)
1405 [14:00:53] <holycow> aha!
1406 [14:01:02] <holycow> okay something to google for, great!
1407 [14:01:05] <holycow> thanx
1408 [14:01:36] <__m4ch1n3__> you could create a fake input device
then gain exclusive access on real input device and pass everythin
like it is except the for key a specific key
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1410 [14:02:14] <holycow> that is an interesting idea
1411 [14:02:15] <holycow> huh
1412 [14:02:40] <__m4ch1n3__> but i guess there is a easier way to
do this
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1417 [14:05:35] <__m4ch1n3__>
1418 [14:05:57] *** Quits: deb (~unlike@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1419 [14:07:06] <holycow> totally sweet. appreciate it!
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1430 [14:15:05] <kirk781> My bluetooth headphones just aren't
usable on my debian system. Even with no other device connected,
whenever I am watching a video, the audio would go off sync each
time my BT headphones are plugged in
1431 [14:15:35] *** Quits: SopaXorzTaker (~SopaXorzT@replaced-ip ) (Disconnected by services)
1432 [14:15:36] <kirk781> The video would just stutter in the
middle and poof, the sync breaks. This doesn't take place while
on wired headphones
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1442 [14:21:40] <__m4ch1n3__> take wired headphones :)
1443 [14:22:04] <kirk781> Thanks for the wonder solution
1444 [14:23:28] *** Quits: Guest89130 (~julian@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Lost terminal)
1445 [14:24:54] <__m4ch1n3__> never used audio over bt, guess
btphones are actually a own btaudiodevice
1446 [14:25:31] <nkuttler> i never got bluetooth audio to work..
until a few weeks ago, but i run sid on the laptop..
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1450 [14:27:11] <kirk781> The BT headphones work perfectly fine on
the phone but raise hell while on the desktop
1451 [14:27:17] <__m4ch1n3__> what do you mean with audio go off
sync, not syncrone to default audio output?
1452 [14:27:22] <kirk781> I think I will try them in another
1453 [14:27:55] <kirk781> The video will continue to play while
the audio will begin to stutter and soon, the video stream and audio
stream wouldn't be in sync
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1455 [14:28:27] <kirk781> every time I pause the video, the audio
will take an extra second to stop. Same issue with all media files
across SMPLayer and VLC both
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1459 [14:29:17] <__m4ch1n3__> maybe try increase audio buffer +
disable default audio when watching on headphones
1460 [14:29:28] <kirk781> I will try that
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1488 [14:47:58] <lologrigri> hi, I have a 32 Gb microsd card which
have been plugged into a sd reader. Unfortunatly, the reader only
accept 16Gb, and the microsd seems to be corrupted... Trying
gparted, fdisk, dd doesn't work. The microsd card seems to be
read only. Any help ?
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1493 [14:49:39] <EmleyMoor> lologrigri: What is the card plugged
into now? Same reader?
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1496 [14:50:35] <lologrigri> EmleyMoor : It's now plugged in
a usb card reader. The partition mount, but I can't modify or
format ir.
1497 [14:50:41] <lologrigri> it
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1500 [14:53:35] <EmleyMoor> lologrigri: ... as yourself or as
1501 [14:53:57] <lologrigri> EmleyMoor : as root.
1502 [14:54:46] <lologrigri> gparted (as root) says their are some
1503 [14:55:50] <EmleyMoor> lologrigri: If it details them, send
it to a pastebin and post the address here... may I suggest for text?
1504 [14:56:23] <lologrigri> EmleyMoor : okay
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1511 [14:58:26] <lologrigri> EmleyMoor : This is gparted trace :
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1516 [14:59:58] <EmleyMoor> If you cfdisk -z /dev/sdb, can you
then partition and write the table out?
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1520 [15:03:23] <EmleyMoor> How about if you umount /dev/sdb1 and
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1522 [15:03:49] <lologrigri> EmleyMoor : cfdisk says the partition
has been aletred, but when leaving, their is a message :
/dev/sdb : échec de fermeture du
périphérique: Erreur d'entrée/sortie
(closing error, io error)
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1531 [15:06:05] <lologrigri> EmleyMoor : I'm trying mkfs.vfat
-F 32 /dev/sdb1
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1572 [15:24:05] <TrickkyTyper> wanted to say thank you to
1573 [15:24:10] <TrickkyTyper> for tting my drivers working!
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1580 [15:28:29] <sadsagfjg> link for download debian 32 bit
1581 [15:28:45] <sadsagfjg> Do you have that link?
1582 [15:30:10] <sadsagfjg> ?
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1584 [15:30:39] <sadsagfjg> .
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1588 [15:32:04] <toruvinn> sadsagfjg, what's the problem,
exactly? just go for ix86 not x86_64
1589 [15:32:09] <hicks> sadsagfjg:
1590 [15:32:32] <toruvinn> yeah "i386".
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1603 [15:35:08] <sadsagfjg> ok thanks
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1632 [15:45:25] <lessthan0> I got debian 9 amd64 installed
successfully using UEFI and network updates but there is a huge
problem with apt-get and sudo not installed
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1634 [15:45:59] <lessthan0> also the images are broken in the help
file they display "?" icon
1635 [15:46:06] <RoyK> lessthan0: erm - apt is there
1636 [15:46:19] <lessthan0> yes apt-cache policy apt installed
1637 [15:46:32] *** Quits: cerenous (~cerenous@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
1638 [15:46:35] <RoyK> lessthan0: login as root on the console or
just run "su -" and type the root password you gave debian
during installation
1639 [15:46:36] <lessthan0> 1.4.8
1640 [15:46:49] *** Joins: gryffus (~gryffus@replaced-ip )
1641 [15:46:56] <RoyK> lessthan0: it'll allow you to install
sudo (which for some stupid reason isn't there by default)
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1643 [15:46:58] <lessthan0> yes I used su root to get it
1644 [15:47:01] *** Quits: Odyseus (~Odyseus@replaced-ip ) (Quit: I'm leaving)
1645 [15:47:08] <lessthan0> su had failed
1646 [15:47:17] <lessthan0> maybe I typed it wrong
1647 [15:47:17] *** Quits: hgfd123 (~hgfd123@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1648 [15:47:27] <lessthan0> but I'm in root prompt now
1649 [15:47:30] *** Quits: magnulu (~magnulu@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
1650 [15:47:36] <RoyK> ok - apt install sudo
1651 [15:47:57] *** Quits: tikund (~David@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1652 [15:48:01] <Walakea> this happened to me too when i installed
debian with root account
1653 [15:48:29] <RoyK> is it possible not to?
1654 [15:48:42] <Walakea> if you leave it blank during
installation, it will ask you for initial user name and password,
that will be automatically added to sudoers
1655 [15:49:01] <RoyK> ok - I didn't know
1656 [15:49:09] <RoyK> danke :)
1657 [15:49:17] <lessthan0> ok now it wants the cd so looks like I
need to mount my usb to /media/cdrom/
1658 [15:49:30] <Walakea> i think you need to install sudo package
and add yourself into sudoers file somewhere
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1661 [15:50:13] <RoyK> lessthan0: better modify
/etc/apt/sources.list and remove the CD - then apt update to have it
download the files directly without using ninetees technology ;)
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1664 [15:50:24] <lessthan0> well right now it can't apt-get
so all I can do is mount usb and try to pull it from there
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1666 [15:50:37] <RoyK> lessthan0: it's not networked?
1667 [15:50:38] <lessthan0> ok good idea
1668 [15:50:41] <lessthan0> it is
1669 [15:50:55] <lessthan0> I took network updates through the
1670 [15:50:59] <RoyK> ok - then comment out that cd line in
sources.list - it's old school
1671 [15:51:03] *** Joins: RebelCoder (~RebelCode@replaced-ip )
1672 [15:51:11] <lessthan0> so it should not have any problems at
1673 [15:51:14] <lessthan0> very off
1674 [15:51:31] <RoyK> then apt update # etc
1675 [15:51:35] *** user_ is now known as Odyseus
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1678 [15:52:50] <lessthan0> so I don't need to use nano
1679 [15:53:05] <RoyK> lessthan0: pastebin that file first
1680 [15:53:08] <lessthan0> just use apt update # etc?
1681 [15:53:17] <lessthan0> ok
1682 [15:53:23] <RoyK> # and everything behind it is a comment ;)
1683 [15:53:32] *** Quits: kzimmermann (~kzimmerma@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
1684 [15:53:57] <RoyK> echo "print this line" # but this
is a shellscript comment
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1689 [15:57:34] <lessthan0>
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1694 [15:58:16] <RoyK> lessthan0: comment out the line that starts
with "deb cdrom:"
1695 [15:58:26] <lessthan0> it looks like a duplicate
1696 [15:58:26] <RoyK> or just delete it - you won't need it
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1698 [15:58:35] <lessthan0> could just delete one of them?
1699 [15:58:39] <RoyK> both
1700 [15:58:39] <lessthan0> yes ok
1701 [15:58:48] <dvs> lessthan0, you can add "contrib"
to the end of lines 7 and 8 too
1702 [15:58:49] <RoyK> the first is already commented out
1703 [15:59:00] <RoyK> dvs: and non-free, perhaps
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1705 [15:59:38] <RoyK> nah - don't add non-free unless you
need it
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1708 [16:00:41] <lessthan0> just curious, what does contrib
1709 [16:00:59] <RoyK> lessthan0: it's just another repo
1710 [16:01:01] *** Parts: mframe (~mframe@replaced-ip ) ("WeeChat 2.1")
1711 [16:01:15] <dvs> lessthan0, packages that depend on non-free
1712 [16:01:17] <RoyK> lessthan0: shouldn't be needed - but
there's a lot of nice packages there
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1714 [16:01:46] <lessthan0> good to have a non-free repo there if
I need it later
1715 [16:01:51] <RoyK> dvs: I guess we'll take one thing at a
time here
1716 [16:01:53] <lessthan0> than to not have it at all
1717 [16:01:57] <RoyK> lessthan0: just remove the cdrom line
1718 [16:02:02] <lessthan0> yup
1719 [16:02:06] <RoyK> lessthan0: or put an # in front
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1722 [16:02:37] <lessthan0> installed sudo :)
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1725 [16:03:02] <lessthan0> is there a reason we use apt and not
1726 [16:03:13] <RoyK> lessthan0: apt is the new apt-get etc
1727 [16:03:26] <RoyK> apt-get should work too
1728 [16:03:37] <lessthan0> i dont have it installed
1729 [16:03:44] <RoyK> but it takes so horribly long time to write
those extra four characters
1730 [16:03:47] <lessthan0> I guess I can install it now but not
sure if I need to
1731 [16:04:02] <dvs> lessthan0, you don't need to
1732 [16:04:02] <RoyK> try to run it as root - should be there
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1736 [16:04:27] <lessthan0> unable to locate package apt-get
1737 [16:04:31] <jelly> lessthan0: debian 9 comes with
/usr/bin/apt by default, if it's not there something is wrong
1738 [16:04:38] <lessthan0> from apt policy apt-get
1739 [16:04:40] <RoyK> lessthan0: the only thing apt-{get,cache}
can do better than apt, is for scripting
1740 [16:04:45] <jelly> apt-get is a command, not a package
1741 [16:04:50] <lessthan0> oh ok
1742 [16:04:53] <RoyK> lessthan0: it's in the apt packages
1743 [16:04:53] <lessthan0> then it works good
1744 [16:04:55] <RoyK> lessthan0: it's in the apt package
1745 [16:05:02] <lessthan0> apt policy apt is working
1746 [16:05:02] <apt> lessthan0: what are you talking about?
1747 [16:05:14] <jelly> apt: be quiet
1748 [16:05:15] <RoyK> lessthan0: type apt-get
1749 [16:05:15] <apt> Ah, shuddup.
1750 [16:05:20] <dvs> heh
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1752 [16:05:33] <jelly> I thought that bot was +q
1753 [16:05:35] <lessthan0> yes working
1754 [16:05:41] <Walakea> lessthan0: apt is more user-friendly, it
also shows progress bar
1755 [16:05:43] *** Joins: magnulu (~magnulu@replaced-ip )
1756 [16:05:43] <lessthan0> shows commands for apt-get
1757 [16:06:11] <RoyK> lessthan0: now just do "apt update
&& apt dist-upgrade && apt autoremove" to do
the final upgrade to the shiniest shit :)
1758 [16:06:36] *** Quits: bkraptor (~bkraptor@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1759 [16:06:59] * dvs gets a polish
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1761 [16:07:51] <fajarclap> hi
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1764 [16:08:11] <dvs> !next
1765 [16:08:11] <dpkg> Another happy customer leaves the building.
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1767 [16:08:27] <lessthan0> you guys are awesome
1768 [16:08:42] <RoyK> :)
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1771 [16:09:07] <RoyK> lessthan0: everyone starts somewhere - try
1772 [16:09:09] <RoyK> !handbook
1773 [16:09:09] <dpkg> The Debian Administrator's Handbook is
1774 [16:09:58] <lessthan0> but how to reinstall the help package
in debian 9?
1775 [16:10:10] <lessthan0> the gui
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1780 [16:11:38] <lessthan0> my user is not in the sudoers file
1781 [16:11:51] <RoyK> lessthan0: no, you have to add it - run
1782 [16:12:15] <lessthan0> command not found
1783 [16:12:25] <lessthan0> do I need root?
1784 [16:12:32] <RoyK> lessthan0: or take some time to read the
handbook - it's good and written as a good starting point
1785 [16:12:59] <RoyK> obviously you need to be root - you
don't want any user to say "hi, I want to be an
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1788 [16:14:23] <lessthan0> it says not to edit sudoers.tmp but to
edit sudoers.d instead
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1790 [16:15:45] <RoyK> lessthan0: please just look it up in the
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1792 [16:16:08] <lessthan0> ok
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1805 [16:22:17] <Hubcapp> anyone know if USB 3.1 Gen
2 pcie cards are compatible with Debian Stretch?
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1811 [16:25:55] <rant> Hubcapp: you have a vend/prod code for em?
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1814 [16:27:33] <rant> Hubcapp: looking at the ohci, uhci, ehci,
xhci drivers modinfo seems they claim virtually anything
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1818 [16:29:22] <rant> alias: pci:v*d*sv*sd*bc0Csc03i30* is what
xhci_pci says
1819 [16:29:46] <rant> so unless its something real odd, it should
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1824 [16:33:03] <Hubcapp> It's called " USB
3.1 PCIE Card - 5 Port - 1x USB-C - 2x USB-A - 2x IDC" on
amazon, rant
1825 [16:33:27] <rant> Hubcapp: yeah those things are irrelevant
linux claims hardware by its vend/prod id codes
1826 [16:33:37] *** Joins: kenden (~dsps@replaced-ip )
1827 [16:33:44] <Hubcapp> yup. Newegg calls it "StarTech
Add-on Card"
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1830 [16:33:54] <rant> Hubcapp: I'd be really surprised if
ANY USB card that would fit in your system would not work
1831 [16:34:00] <Hubcapp> I don't think I'm going to be
lucky enough to find exact vend/prod card.
1832 [16:34:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1623
1833 [16:34:18] <Hubcapp> but I'm worried I won't get 10
Gbps speed out of the usb c port
1834 [16:34:24] <Hubcapp> with linux driver
1835 [16:34:25] <rant> Hubcapp: seems like linux doesnt care when
it comes to he usb drivers
1836 [16:34:27] <dvs> Hubcapp, read the reviews, search for
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1838 [16:35:04] <Hubcapp> nobody has been that helpful yet. :( I
guess I can just return it if it doesn't work.
1839 [16:35:47] <rant> Hubcapp:
1840 [16:36:28] <Hubcapp> yeah, I found that link, and I would buy
that model, except I think it's out of stock, and I need an
internal 19 pin IDC usb 3.0 connector
1841 [16:36:33] <rant> Hubcapp: and has done benchmarks on it
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1844 [16:37:21] * rant shrugs
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1847 [16:38:14] <Hubcapp> how about the "ASMedia
ASM1142" controller chip?
1848 [16:38:17] <rant> a USB host controller is a fairly standard
piece of hw if by some chance you found one that didnt work I'd
think getting it to would be trivial
1849 [16:38:19] <Hubcapp> is that enough to go on?
1850 [16:39:17] <rant> its not something you'd have a real
hard time getting support for.. you send a small bit of info to lkml
and someone would be able to tweak the driver fairly easily
1851 [16:39:33] <Hubcapp> Hm. never tried that before lol.
1852 [16:40:13] *** Joins: magnulu (~magnulu@replaced-ip )
1853 [16:40:15] <rant> yeah well its not like a graphics card or
anything fancy.. a usb host controller is fairly standardized or
else it wouldnt work on anything :P
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1891 [17:11:40] <Walakea> what is the difference berween
xserver-...-libinput and ...-synaptics?
1892 [17:12:38] <Walakea> is libinput supposed to be
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1903 [17:21:01] *** Joins: fatalerrors (~fatalerro@replaced-ip )
1904 [17:21:03] <rant> the synaptics is for synaptics compatible
touchpads, libinput is for virtually any kind of input
1905 [17:21:10] *** Joins: magnulu (~magnulu@replaced-ip )
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1907 [17:22:27] <rant> would be like comparing a taxi driver to a
human being
1908 [17:22:38] <rant> only less potentially funny
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1920 [17:28:24] <Walakea> i noticed that in Debian Buster with
KDE, the touchpad feels less sophisticated, the movements are
strictly linear and i cannot tweak it much in the settings, it is
much better in Stretch with Gnome, so i am not sure if i should
install synaptics
1921 [17:29:16] *** Joins: P4 (~hostmaste@replaced-ip )
1922 [17:29:18] <rant> synaptics touchpads usually have features
like palmid, muti-finger clicking, gestures..etc
1923 [17:29:33] *** Joins: jmnk (~jmnk@replaced-ip )
1924 [17:30:06] <Walakea> i mean more like, if libinput is there
to provide all synaptics has
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1928 [17:31:06] <Walakea> anyway, i installed synaptics, do i need
to restart the GUI session in order to notice anything?
1929 [17:31:11] <rant> no it doesnt currently
1930 [17:31:16] *** max__ is now known as MxMax
1931 [17:31:33] <rant> but its more low-level approach would open
it up to implementation of more control via other apps
1932 [17:31:58] <rant> yes you would need to restart the X server
at the very least
1933 [17:32:31] *** Quits: leoew (~leoew@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1934 [17:33:02] <P4> Hello. Suddenly I cannot execute visudo on my
Debian Stretch hosts because it complains that
"/etc/sudoers.tmp: line 20: syntax error near unexpected token
`('\n/etc/sudoers.tmp: line 20: `root ALL=(ALL:ALL)
ALL'", still visudo -c reports all OK. what's going
on? it's present on my several hosts already and I recall no
related config changes recently. :| All my hosts include pretty
identical sudoers
1935 [17:33:04] <P4> file.
1936 [17:33:26] <rant> Walakea: this is one part of our wiki that
is fairly current
1937 [17:33:50] *** Quits: poprocks (~poprocks@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
1938 [17:34:01] <Walakea> i actually had it open, but didn't
read it
1939 [17:34:23] *** Joins: poprocks (~poprocks@replaced-ip )
1940 [17:34:36] <rant> we don't currently have support for
matrix downloading to your brain on our wiki
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1943 [17:35:36] <Walakea> it's 2018
1944 [17:36:12] <Walakea> i always knew Debian is too
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1953 [17:39:45] <rant> heh
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1964 [17:45:08] <heston> Hello, so I'm Stretch with Gnome and
when I try changing the permissions on the contained folders it
doesnt do anything. How can I investigate that?
1965 [17:46:06] *** Quits: Odyseus (~user@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Odyseus)
1966 [17:46:34] <Walakea> heston: depends on how much you need
GUI, i found Gnome GUI to be quite weird when it comes to setting
permissions, so i always rather use terminal
1967 [17:47:14] <heston> yeah just used chown -R which worked easy
1968 [17:47:24] <heston> but it's kind of annoying that gnome
doesnt do anything
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1971 [17:49:43] <heston> oh hmm, I'm pretty sure I know why
1972 [17:50:11] <rant> heston: if you're stretch with gnome,
I got some questions about why you suck so much :P
1973 [17:50:16] <heston> the enclosed directories were owned by
root and the file manager would have needed to be run in root
1974 [17:50:44] <rant> heston: apt install nautilus-admin and use
with care
1975 [17:50:50] <heston> rant, considering how broken xfce turned
out to be, I assumed gnome is the most maintained
1976 [17:50:56] <heston> what exactly would you recommend
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1978 [17:51:25] <rant> heston: I was just being funny you said YOU
ARE Stretch with Gnome, not that you are using it
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1980 [17:51:37] <heston> oh
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1983 [17:52:07] <rant> I personall would recommend anything over
KDE and GNOME though they're both terrible
1984 [17:52:32] <heston> I cant stand either
1985 [17:52:47] <heston> I did enjoy Gnome while it was like MATE
1986 [17:52:48] <rant> and in particular I have issues with gtk3
changes that effect even people not using gnome
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1989 [17:53:10] <rant> well you can always insall MATE its one of
our 7 DEs in Debian 9
1990 [17:53:17] <heston> light-locker is completely messed up on
1991 [17:53:42] *** Quits: jmnk (~jmnk@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
1992 [17:53:59] <heston> it's locking me out of my xfce
sessions with a blank screen and the inability to change terminals
1993 [17:54:35] *** Quits: enki (~enki@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1994 [17:54:41] <heston> I guess I figured is xfce was left
broken, there's a good chance MATE is as well
1995 [17:55:03] <rant> wth is light-locker
1996 [17:55:07] <rant> ,i light-locker
1997 [17:55:08] <judd> Package light-locker (x11, optional) in
stretch/amd64: simple screen locker for lightDM display manager.
Version: 1.7.0-3; Size: 244.4k; Installed: 664k; Homepage:
1998 [17:55:21] * rant rolls his eyes
1999 [17:55:40] <rant> xscreensaver provides locking functionality
2000 [17:55:58] *** Parts: tester10 (4ea0fd2b@replaced-ip ) ()
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2002 [17:56:50] <heston> i mean, I'm assuming that's the
problem, it's either that or lightDM itself
2003 [17:56:52] <blackflow> tty locking (inability to switch them)
is actually a feature in some lockers.
2004 [17:57:03] <rant> ah
2005 [17:57:28] <rant> I use lightdm and mate on here without any
issues I'm aware of
2006 [17:57:51] <rant> but if something as simple as a dm or
locker are causing problems there are alternatives
2007 [17:57:55] *** Quits: timahvo1 (~rogue@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2008 [17:58:00] <heston> hmm, do you get a lot of flickering every
time your screen locks or unlocks?
2009 [17:58:15] <rant> I dont lock my screen I leave it on or I
shut it off
2010 [17:58:24] *** Joins: phebus (~phebus@replaced-ip )
2011 [17:58:29] <rant> I find locking very annoying
2012 [17:58:32] <heston> that might be why youve never run into
2013 [17:58:46] *** Joins: timahvo1 (~rogue@replaced-ip )
2014 [17:58:49] <rant> if I were to lock it I'd use the old
xscreensaver method
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2017 [17:59:49] <rant> only time a DM ever caused me issues is
many years ago KDM had a bug where if you ran it on a tty other than
7 it still sent input to tty7 thus rendering the machine unusable
2018 [18:00:22] <heston> hah, why did you need it running on a
different tty?
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2021 [18:02:23] <heston> i tried sddm quickly in place of lightdm
and as soon as I locked the screen i was stuck like mentioned
2022 [18:03:14] <heston> didnt want to install gnome for just gdm
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2030 [18:07:28] <rant> I was using console a lot at the time and
wanted all the 1-12 usable for text mode
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2035 [18:08:05] <rant> was using those things that kept logs
runing in a less -S +F kinda deal on a console etc..
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2037 [18:08:25] <dob1> I am trying to compare 2 directories using
kdiff3 or meld, both of them have a .git directory inside. Either
kdiff3 and meld seems to ignore this .git directory on the
comparision, why?
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2040 [18:09:20] <heston> oh i got you
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2042 [18:10:15] <heston> dob1, maybe it treats it as a hidden
directory. just a guess
2043 [18:11:36] <dob1> heston, no, I don't think so. There
are other dirs with the name that start with "."
(.settings for example) and I can see it in the comparision results
2044 [18:12:28] <heston> are the permissions set differently on
the .git dir?
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2048 [18:14:21] <dob1> heston, no
2049 [18:15:02] <dob1> i think it's because it's
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2053 [18:19:12] <heston> dob1, what if you diff the .git dir
2054 [18:20:23] <dob1> heston, I renamed it
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2056 [18:20:47] <heston> that worked?
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2059 [18:21:36] <dob1> it's comparing
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2099 [18:50:20] <dob1> heston, it worked
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2115 [19:03:42] <heston> dob1, hah ok. Maybe that's to
protect the integrity of the .git repo. Would have to read a lot of
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2123 [19:10:34] <lapide_viridi> Hey there. I'm trying to
install Debian to my new laptop via Live-CD on a USB stick. When I
try to boot Debian from the USB stick, I get a black screen with a
single underscore in the corner. However, if I try the Live CD of
Ubuntu MATE, it boots just fine. Any suggestions?
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2127 [19:15:39] <Brigo> lapide_viridi, yes use the netinstall, as
you should.
2128 [19:15:44] <r_rios> lapide_viridi: How did you burn the
2129 [19:15:49] <r_rios> Is your computer BIOS or UEFI?
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2132 [19:16:23] <lapide_viridi> Brigo, netinstall has the same
result. I started with that.
2133 [19:16:30] <crazybit> JPT: ping
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2136 [19:17:18] <lapide_viridi> r_rios, computer is UEFI. Tried
Legacy Mode, but no difference. Burned it using the Disk Image
Writer on Linux, but also tried unetbootin
2137 [19:17:42] <lapide_viridi> Or in my case, unotbootin
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2139 [19:18:26] <lapide_viridi> Graphics card is a Intel HD
Graphics 505. Can that be some kind of issue?
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2142 [19:20:07] <JPT> crazybit: pong
2143 [19:20:26] * crazybit is linuxcobbler from yesterday
2144 [19:20:41] <crazybit> JPT: i recovered the partition!!
2145 [19:20:44] <JPT> Ah, nice!
2146 [19:21:24] <JPT> Did you already think about your backup
strategy for your most important data?
2147 [19:21:35] <crazybit> JPT: i have backups
2148 [19:21:41] <JPT> Very good
2149 [19:22:08] <crazybit> JPT: daily encrpyted dedpulicated
backups that go to my NAS then go on a server far far away from my
house :)
2150 [19:22:18] <JPT> Sounds very well planned, i like it
2151 [19:22:26] <crazybit> incremental of course
2152 [19:22:40] <crazybit> i lost only 11mb into lost+found
2153 [19:22:59] <JPT> Are you using particular tools for creating
the backups or just custom scripts with rsync?
2154 [19:23:07] <crazybit> i did a backup right before trying to
resize so now i can just diff and easily recover what's in
2155 [19:23:11] *** Quits: coderphive (~coderphiv@replaced-ip ) (Quit: coderphive)
2156 [19:23:13] <crazybit> JPT: borg backup
2157 [19:23:36] <JPT> I guess i really need to check out that borg
backup more. I already heard about it, but didn't care enough
to check it out yet
2158 [19:23:36] <crazybit> JPT:
2159 [19:23:39] *** Joins: coderphive (~coderphiv@replaced-ip )
2160 [19:24:26] <crazybit> JPT: i was averse against it for over a
year because it's a fork of attic backup that was abandoned...
attic was very stable, borg was constantly breaking but now it
calmed down so i migrated from attic to borg
2161 [19:24:49] *** Quits: Zyferus (Zyferus@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2162 [19:25:14] <crazybit> constantly breaking = constantly
breaking stuff on purpose between releases (backwards
incompatibility, etc.)
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2167 [19:26:24] <JPT> Hmm... that may be a dealbreaker for
introducing it at work. But perhaps it may help me get my stuff at
home organized a bit more
2168 [19:27:12] <JPT> I'll consider it when i'm done
figuring out what my requirements really look like. Until then,
it's a colourful mix of rsync'ing to different machines
and pushing data into a nextcloud
2169 [19:27:45] <__m4ch1n3__> lapide_viridi, debian iso files are
hybrid images, dont use unetbootin or any usbisowriter crap, use dd
2170 [19:27:57] <JPT> Okay, since you're back to a working
setup now, do you plan on re-trying that shrinking operation again?
2171 [19:28:26] <__m4ch1n3__> dd if=/path/to/isofile.iso
2172 [19:28:36] <__m4ch1n3__> assumed your usb is sdb
2173 [19:29:13] <crazybit> JPT: before resizing the partition, I
read a lot of docs (and even source code) on fdisk a gdisk... found
out that recent versions of fdisk have the ability to wipe
signatures but if using via cmd it's an option
(auto/never/always) and in interactive mode it always asks Yes/No.
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2175 [19:29:42] <JPT> Ah, that's good to know. So that fdisk
was serious about killing your data
2176 [19:29:43] <lapide_viridi> __m4ch1n3__, I'll try that.
Doesn't the Disk Image Writer do the same thing?
2177 [19:29:55] <__m4ch1n3__> no
2178 [19:30:15] <crazybit> JPT: also, found out from the author of
gdisk that it's a very bad idea to use gdisk in the situation
that i was in
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2180 [19:30:28] <crazybit> JPT: situation being MBR and recovering
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2182 [19:30:43] <__m4ch1n3__> outputfile is /dev/sdX without
2183 [19:30:46] <crazybit> *especially* since it was also dealing
with LUKS
2184 [19:31:18] <JPT> crazybit: That's good to know - i
assume that i never had issues yet because i was already on proper
GPT layout.
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2186 [19:31:56] <crazybit> JPT: fdisk was serious about killing my
LUKS signature, yes, not the whole data inside it... BUT i did
backup that header signature via LUKS before proceeding just to be
sure :)
2187 [19:32:00] *** Quits: pims (~woops@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2188 [19:32:31] <crazybit> the LUKS header backup is also somewhat
recent (past few years) so it was new to me
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2190 [19:33:02] <crazybit> anyway...
2191 [19:33:38] <crazybit> JPT: THANK YOU very much for helping me
out and giving me ideas on how to recover.... I really, really
appreciate it!!!!
2192 [19:33:52] <JPT> You're welcome :)
2193 [19:34:42] <JPT> I'm glad you managed to keep calm and
learn all about what you're going to do before doing it. If you
keep going at this rate, you'll easily be able to manage your
partitions manually in the future.
2194 [19:34:42] <lapide_viridi> __m4ch1n3__, I used dd to burn the
image to the USB stick, but I still get a black screen with a single
underscore on boot
2195 [19:35:36] <crazybit> JPT: that's what I intend to do
from now on, do it manually
2196 [19:35:43] *** Joins: argus (~down@replaced-ip )
2197 [19:35:56] <crazybit> after 25 years of Linux it's about
2198 [19:36:24] <JPT> crazybit: You may want to take a look at
Arch Linux then - it might be something for you. :D
2199 [19:36:42] <Brigo> lapide_viridi, can you show as the command
you used for burnd the usb stick, please?
2200 [19:37:07] <lapide_viridi> Brigo, sure thing. sudo dd
if=debian-9.4.0-amd64-netinst.iso of=/dev/sdb
2201 [19:37:14] <__m4ch1n3__> hmm, is your efi or bios configured
to boot usb first? and is the iso file checksum valid?
2202 [19:37:30] <crazybit> JPT: I don't want to do
*everything* manually ;) I got over that many years ago.... I was
one of the first Gentoo users back when there were no docs (we were
writing them with drobbins creator of Gentoo as we went along)
2203 [19:37:31] *** Quits: cereal_poster (~Douglas@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2204 [19:37:55] <crazybit> stage0 was all you had (as in, there
were no stages!)
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2206 [19:38:42] <lapide_viridi> __m4ch1n3__, I set it to boot from
USB first, since this seems to be taking a few tries. Strange, since
Ubuntu MATE has no problems at all. Checking the checksum now
2207 [19:38:44] <JPT> crazybit: Sounds like a lot of fun. I tried
Gentoo a while back when there were already proper stages. I was
really happy when i managed to get my kernel with a fancy
framebuffer tty running. Then i got a bit sad because it did not
work with my video drivers. :D
2208 [19:39:01] *** Quits: argusbr (~down@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2209 [19:39:28] <JPT> Currently, i'm sitting on Arch Linux
and - for most of the time - it's really nice. Until i'll
need to mess with pulseaudio again.
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2211 [19:40:21] <crazybit> JPT: yep i remember the days of custom
2212 [19:41:02] <__m4ch1n3__> my usb on my machine somtimes hangs
after reboot, try poweroff wait a second and turn power on
2213 [19:42:08] <crazybit> JPT: for rolling distro right now i
prefer openSUSE Tumbleweed, because they test every release and only
actually do a release if it passes the tests - plus there the
awesome build service
2214 [19:42:11] <Brigo> lapide_viridi, that command is right. It
should boot.
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2216 [19:42:43] <lapide_viridi> __m4ch1n3__, I've done this a
few times already. Doesn't BitTorrent automatically verify
2217 [19:42:53] <crazybit> JPT: oh and root snapshots so if any
update does go back (2 the past 2 years, 1 was my fault), I can
rollback from grub
2218 [19:43:06] <crazybit> go back = go bad
2219 [19:43:13] <lapide_viridi> Brigo, that is what bugs me too.
Ubuntu MATE worked at first try
2220 [19:43:16] <crazybit> for servers it's pretty much 100%
2221 [19:43:18] <__m4ch1n3__> ehmm you need to dl a separate
checksum file
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2225 [19:43:46] <JPT> crazybit: That sounds interesting. At least
that snapshot-part seems to be nice. Maybe i'll give it a try.
For now, i'll stay with Arch. There were very few breaking
changes in the last years
2226 [19:44:07] <Brigo> lapide_viridi, what laptop is that?
2227 [19:44:10] <lapide_viridi> Brigo, can it be caused by the
hardware? I think Ubuntu includes some nonfree packages
2228 [19:44:20] <lapide_viridi> Brigo, Lenovo Ideapad 120s
2229 [19:44:47] <Brigo> lapide_viridi, that would cause install
issues later (like no wifi) but it should boot
2230 [19:45:02] <lapide_viridi> Brigo, Intel Pentium N4200 and
Intel HD Graphics 505
2231 [19:45:43] <Brigo> lapide_viridi, the model for checking for
compatibility issues as a last resort
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2236 [19:47:30] <lapide_viridi> Brigo, Lenovo Ideapad 120S-14IAP,
model 81A5
2237 [19:47:37] <lapide_viridi> Where can I check stuff like that?
2238 [19:48:00] *** Quits: sidmo_ (~ilven@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2239 [19:48:10] <Brigo> there is a tool only for hackers. It'
called google ;)
2240 [19:48:35] <__m4ch1n3__>
2241 [19:49:15] <__m4ch1n3__> or
2242 [19:49:18] <Toadisattva> I thought google was for the masses
and bing was for the 1337 :P
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2244 [19:49:38] <__m4ch1n3__> duckduckgo is for the 1337 :D
2245 [19:49:46] <Toadisattva> sssshhhhh
2246 [19:49:50] <Toadisattva> don't tell the plebs
2247 [19:50:23] <Brigo> __m4ch1n3__, you wasted my elaborated plan
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2250 [19:51:07] <Brigo> lapide_viridi, there is some hints here:
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2259 [19:56:30] <lapide_viridi> Brigo, I have to run now, but
I'll have a look when I'm back. Thanks for the help!
2260 [19:56:49] <Brigo> lapide_viridi, np, good luck
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2262 [19:57:20] <__m4ch1n3__> lapide_viridi, btw on a laptop i
would recommend officiaal unofficial image with non-free firware
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2264 [19:58:11] <__m4ch1n3__>
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2266 [19:58:20] <lapide_viridi> __m4ch1n3__, thanks, I'll
have a go at that one
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2269 [19:58:27] <lapide_viridi> Official unofficial?
2270 [19:58:49] *** Quits: platvoeten (~platvoete@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2271 [19:59:27] <__m4ch1n3__> ys its a official image + contrib
and non-free content
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2275 [20:01:00] <__m4ch1n3__> but it has ~3GB
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2279 [20:02:08] <__m4ch1n3__> oh there is a unofficial netinstall
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2283 [20:04:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1642
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2294 [20:18:37] <crazybit> JPT: what docs / manuals do you
recommend on reading for manual partitioning, especially for more
odd situation like moving ext4 partition 20G over towards the end of
2295 [20:19:53] <JPT> This is not just about an ext4 partition
since this will affect your luks container, too. I guess the manpage
for resize2fs is a nice start. After that, you can probably head
over to cryptsetup resize
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2297 [20:21:25] <JPT> I guess the arch wiki article may at least
provide some rough pointers about what you can read more about:
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2299 [20:24:19] <crazybit> yeah cryptsetup resize does not do any
actual resizing just refreshes luks container information on an
activated container... i never use it because it's not needed
if you use luksOpen and luksClose (both refresh automatically) which
is what I do just as a precaution
2300 [20:25:14] <JPT> If you want to go the safe way, it is
probably a good idea to first think about your current state and
your desired state. Then come up with a step-by-step plan on how to
do this.
2301 [20:26:14] <JPT> If you want to "move" that whole
partition (both beginning and end) about 20G to the end or to the
beginning of the disk, you will need to split that up into more than
one enlarge and shrink operation
2302 [20:26:53] <JPT> The most interesting question for me right
now is: Does resize2fs support shrinking a partition by moving its
starting point towards the end of the disk?
2303 [20:27:16] <JPT> A lot of data will probably need to be moved
in that scenario, so that is probably an interesting step
2304 [20:27:38] <JPT> Step 0 will still be to make sure you have
all your backups ready. :)
2305 [20:28:04] <johnkeates> gparted can do it, so unless it
implemented something custom, I bet it is still using resize2fs
meaning it can migrate data to any location you want it to
2306 [20:28:14] <JPT> I'll be on a dota2 match now. :)
2307 [20:28:22] <Akuw> can i use logical partitions in lvm ?
2308 [20:29:29] <johnkeates> yes
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2312 [20:33:00] <strive> Akuw: Generally: Partitions -> Volume
Group -> Logical Volumes
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2314 [20:33:20] <Akuw> yes
2315 [20:33:28] *** Joins: chachasmooth (~chachasmo@replaced-ip )
2316 [20:33:32] <Akuw> but i am learning and i create 2 Primary
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2328 [20:38:36] <little_tommy> what is best debian channel for
nvidia questions on sid?
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2330 [20:39:29] <heston> says in the topic. debdobian-next @
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2332 [20:39:43] <heston> sid is debian unstable
2333 [20:40:10] <little_tommy> yes, I know sid is the unstable
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2368 [20:56:30] <Walakea> so i installed Debian Buster on a new
partition along with my old Debian Stretch, i was able to dual boot
once, then when i rebooted again from Buster, i can't find the
Stretch entry in Grub
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2371 [20:59:05] <Walakea> i guess i need to do some tweaking in
some Grub configs
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2374 [20:59:57] <rant> sounds like the unpredictability of testing
had updated grub and left something out
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2376 [21:00:32] <TrickkyTyper> thanks again to everyone here
getting myt nvdia card working
2377 [21:00:33] <TrickkyTyper> <3
2378 [21:00:36] <TrickkyTyper> mad apprecaited.
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2389 [21:13:40] <rant> is there a vm where I can install a 64bit
os without virtualization extensions? Virtualbox seems to refuse to
/ can't do it
2390 [21:13:54] *** Quits: Guest75684 (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2391 [21:13:57] <rant> for debian stretch (host) that is
2392 [21:14:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1636
2393 [21:14:10] <rant> on an amd64 arch
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2404 [21:16:56] <blackflow> rant: qemu
2405 [21:17:10] <rant> blackflow: and you know for a fact it can
do this?
2406 [21:17:17] <blackflow> but I thought virtualbox could do it
without hw acccel
2407 [21:17:28] *** Joins: pax (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip )
2408 [21:17:30] <blackflow> rant: yes, but it's gonna be slow
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2410 [21:17:43] <rant> blackflow: it insists its an invalid config
to install a 64bit os without it enabled
2411 [21:17:47] *** Quits: StygianBlues (~StygianBl@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2412 [21:17:59] <blackflow> rant: 64bit guest on 64-bit host?
2413 [21:18:06] <rant> I'm just trying to use itunes to fix
ipod and win7 is all I got around
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2416 [21:18:21] <rant> yes its Stretch amd64 on AMD G-Series SoC
2417 [21:20:52] <rant> I could just wait and get xp I guess.. idk
if any other versions had a 32bit
2418 [21:20:53] <blackflow> I see. then qemu is the only one
I'm aware of. And I think Xen but with paravirt guest
2419 [21:21:12] <Walakea> ok, os-prober found Stretch, do i now
run update-grub?
2420 [21:21:48] <rant> Walakea: I'd say so thats what
actually writes the bootloader
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2422 [21:22:44] <Walakea> kthxbye
2423 [21:22:53] *** Quits: Walakea (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Walakea)
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2427 [21:25:30] <rant> is qemu still really complex to use or is
there a frontend now like virtualbox has?
2428 [21:26:23] *** Quits: hypn0 (~h@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving.)
2429 [21:26:23] <blackflow> nah, command line is very simple, I
only use that, it's faster and easier then the gui lol
2430 [21:26:46] <blackflow> but, I think via libvirt you can get
it working with a gui. I _don't_ know that as a fact tho'
2431 [21:26:48] <rant> idk I'd tried it ages ago it wasnt
that simple lookin to me
2432 [21:27:02] <heston> never used it but there's aqemu
2433 [21:27:20] *** Quits: kriger (~norge@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2434 [21:27:46] <rant> I think it may be easier to dig up XP and
just install a 32bit os for this quick need of itunes
2435 [21:28:07] <blackflow> rant: something off torrents :9
2436 [21:28:29] <heston> are you sure you can even get a recent
version of itunes that's going to be compatible with your apple
2437 [21:28:34] <heston> for xp
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2440 [21:28:53] <rant> its a pretty old ipod.. nano 5th gen
2441 [21:29:14] <rant> just too new to make anything possible with
rockbox or something linux friendly
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2444 [21:29:58] <rant> and I'm fairly sure this system
doesn't have vx its not just merely disabled
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2447 [21:30:19] <rant> its a thin client, with a SoC
2448 [21:30:50] <heston> the screenshot for aqemu looks nice
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2491 [22:00:58] <rant> yeah qemu seems to be tthrowing a similar
error abou kvm kernel module, which can't be loaded because its
not supported by the hardware
2492 [22:01:35] <Akuw> how can i see free space on my disk, i mean
non partitoned space
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2495 [22:03:11] <rant> though it keeps suggesting its disabled by
BIOS and I'm pretty sure the CPU doesnt even have it
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2497 [22:03:39] <NetTerminalGene> Akuw, gparted?
2498 [22:03:42] <rant> AMD GX-212JC SOC I don't think has vx
2499 [22:04:27] <NetTerminalGene> Akuw, "lsblk" command
2500 [22:04:47] <blackflow> rant: I'm pretty sure qemu can do
it, because it does emulation. I mean, qmeu can even do compeltely
different ISA emulation
2501 [22:05:23] <rant> yeah well I know its used for cross
compiling and all kinds of stuff
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2505 [22:06:22] <blackflow> did you try running qemu-system-x86_64
command? wihtout -kvm or -enable-kvm it shouldn't require vt-x
2506 [22:06:25] <rant> but it wants me to choose an accelerator
and kvm was selected and it cant load kvm modules cause it says
operation not supported and dmesg says its disabled in bios.. I dont
WANT to but I can reboot to be sure.. but I am pretty sure this
doesnt have VX
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2508 [22:06:54] <rant> idk what the commandline was, I used
aqemu.. I'll look more into it just sayin..
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2510 [22:07:47] <blackflow> rant:
2511 [22:08:43] <heston> you can look up the chip's specs
online to be sure
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2513 [22:09:11] <heston> just looking for AMD-V
2514 [22:10:49] *** Quits: hele (~hele@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
2515 [22:10:50] <rant> I tried that earlier and didnt see any
mention of it
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2518 [22:13:07] <rant>
2519 [22:13:56] <Akuw> lsblk is ok
2520 [22:13:59] <Akuw> thanks
2521 [22:14:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1630
2522 [22:14:03] <rant> idk I guess I gotta reboot and look in the
bios setup.. its a PITA cause I got a lot of stuff I haven't
setup to be persistent yet since I dont reboot often.. :P
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2527 [22:15:42] <heston> yeah, definitely lists it
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2529 [22:16:09] <heston> you might need to manually load the kvm
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2543 [22:18:33] <heston> considering how slow that chip is, you
probably wouldnt want to run qemu without kvm
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2545 [22:21:06] <rant> thats what I'm saying I manually load
it and it says operation not permitted
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2549 [22:23:26] <rant> I'll have to check the bios.. the mfg
may not have even included the option since its a thin client
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2561 [22:31:20] <rant> yeah it was under security settings and
disabled in the bios
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2563 [22:31:37] <rant> I never would've thought to look in
security for virtualization
2564 [22:32:13] *** Quits: pax (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
2565 [22:32:24] <rant> this thing has some odd bios settings..
wakeup timers, ability to disable every and anything.. each usb port
individually, the sound, mini pci..etc
2566 [22:32:37] <pingfloyd> that's not odd
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2568 [22:32:52] <rant> I never seen it before
2569 [22:32:53] <johnkeates> it's normal for enterprise
2570 [22:33:06] <pingfloyd> that's more like a half-way
decent one
2571 [22:33:33] <rant> yeah its an HP t520 thin client.. its
pretty nice.. works well as a desktop/media center on debian stable
2572 [22:33:37] <pingfloyd> rant: you're probably used to
looking at OEM neutered bios
2573 [22:33:45] <rant> yeah pretty much
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2575 [22:34:24] <heston> didnt it come with win10?
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2580 [22:38:15] <rant> no it comes with hp thinpro.. it doesnt
have but an 8gb ssd in it
2581 [22:38:29] <Error451> rant : I remember having a high end
Dell that let me change just about anything except for my
mother's birthday
2582 [22:38:32] <rant> its not made to run an OS its made to
connect to one remotely
2583 [22:38:54] <Error451> in the BIOS
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2585 [22:39:26] <heston> oh ok
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2614 [23:01:57] <Akuw> i create a new partition is there any
command to load in fstab ?
2615 [23:02:04] <Akuw> or i have to do it manually
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2617 [23:04:03] <rant> that said though the thing runs very well
as a debian desktop and I highly recommend it
2618 [23:05:03] <heston> Akuw, I believe the old partition table
is locked in the kernel until you reboot. Pretty sure it will
automatically be in your fstab after a reboot
2619 [23:06:09] <Akuw> no
2620 [23:06:19] <Akuw> i just restart and is not there
2621 [23:07:35] <blackflow> uhm... you have to add it to fstab
yourself. I don't know of a partitioning tool that does it for
2622 [23:08:04] <blackflow> also, `partprobe` to reload kernel
partition table
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2626 [23:10:26] <Akuw> partprob is to infor the kernel new
partition table but don't load in fstab
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2648 [23:30:13] <blackflow> Akuw: yup. you have to add them to
fstab yourself.
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