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0[00:00:06] <andril> has anyone updated a Dell bios in Debian
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4[00:01:10] <paule32> use PDO in php5
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9[00:02:29] <jmcnaught> paule32: do you have the php5-mysql
package installed?
10[00:02:34] <unborn> paule32: do you have installed php
extentions? I mean plugins?
11[00:02:55] <paule32> how to found out - which files?
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13[00:03:41] <paule32> php5-mysql is installed
14[00:04:11] <paule32> extensions???
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16[00:04:14] <unborn> paule32: you can install this: apt-get
install php5-curl php5-dev php5-gd php5-intl php5-imagick php5-imap
php5-mcrypt php5-memcache php5-common php5-mysql php-pear
php5-pspell php5-recode php5-snmp php5-sqlite php5-tidy php5-xmlrpc
php5-xsl php5-odbc php5-dev imagemagick make memcached g++
php5-adodb php5-ldap
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21[00:05:02] <unborn> copy it all from apt-get and paste to
terminall.. it will install few which you may not need but some of
those depends from each other..
22[00:05:10] <jmcnaught> or maybe just the ones you need..
paule32 what exactly did you install with "dpkg -i"?
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24[00:05:21] <unborn> paule32: I call it extentions :) sorry
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26[00:05:48] <unborn> jmcnaught: true.. but this way it would
be faster you know ;)
27[00:06:08] <unborn> also he may use them in future
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35[00:07:33] <paule32> jmcnaught: php5-gd... and php5-mysql...
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37[00:08:50] <jmcnaught> paule32: where did you download the
.deb files from, and why didn't use just you apt-get to install
them from the debian repos?
38[00:09:00] <paule32> debian org
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40[00:09:09] <paule32> unborn: aptitude search php5-extentions
41[00:09:14] <paule32> shows nothing
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48[00:11:34] <jmcnaught> paule32: there is no need to download
.deb files manually from, you should be installing them
with commands like "apt-get install php5-mysql" for
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53[00:13:19] <unborn> paule32: do it like this: apt-cache
search --names-only ^php5-
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56[00:14:07] <unborn> this will give you list of all existing
ones so you can select one by name to install...
57[00:15:27] <unborn> paule32: btw those php5-gd and php5-mysql
are in command I gave you earlier if that is what you need to
58[00:16:09] <paule32> unborn: pdo is not listed
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62[00:17:58] <unborn> paule32: pdo? that is driver
63[00:18:08] <paule32> yes
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66[00:18:23] <unborn> paule32: PDO and the PDO_SQLITE driver is
enabled by default as of PHP 5.1.0. You may need to enable the PDO
driver for your database of choice; consult the documentation for
database-specific PDO drivers to find out more about that.
67[00:18:32] <markybob> paule32: that'ss because you
should be listening to jmcnaught
68[00:18:41] <unborn> so this should works for you
69[00:18:43] <unborn>
70[00:19:18] <markybob> paule32: the pdo driver is php5-mysql
like you've been told
71[00:19:50] <unborn> paule32: on my box its working.. I am
able to install and run wordpress without mysql for this test.. I am
running wordpress on sqlite without installation or enabling
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74[00:20:36] <unborn> paule32: just run this command: apt-get
install php5-curl php5-dev php5-gd php5-intl php5-imagick php5-imap
php5-mcrypt php5-memcache php5-common php5-mysql php-pear
php5-pspell php5-recode php5-snmp php5-sqlite php5-tidy php5-xmlrpc
php5-xsl php5-odbc php5-dev imagemagick make memcached g++
php5-adodb php5-ldap
75[00:20:50] <paule32> unborn: php.ini settings?
76[00:20:53] <markybob> jesus.
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78[00:20:56] * markybob gives up
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80[00:21:18] <unborn> paule32: run the command above ^^^
81[00:21:49] <alphazulu> trying to install
php7.0/redis/apache/owncloud on jessie...
82[00:21:58] <unborn> thats all you need.. perhaps even more
then you need right now but in future I think you will be needing
83[00:22:07] <markybob> alphazulu: not supported here
84[00:22:15] <paule32> apache2
85[00:22:15] <paule32> libapache2-mod-php5
86[00:22:15] <paule32> task-web-server
87[00:22:25] <paule32> Error processing
88[00:22:38] * unborn put cup of tea to markybobs hands... keep calm
and use linux ;)
89[00:24:02] <jmcnaught> alphazulu: all of that except php7 is
available in jessie. if you want php7 you'll have to do some
work yourself backporting it, or task some risks using a third-party
repo (which would not be supported in #debian). Any reason you
cannot use php 5.6 that comes with Jessie?
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91[00:24:16] <unborn> paule32: did you run the command?
92[00:24:21] <paule32> yes
93[00:24:26] <jmcnaught> dpkg: tell paule32 about bat
94[00:24:41] <alphazulu> jmcnaught: using the dotdeb repo for
php7.0 (and also latest redis)
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96[00:24:58] <jmcnaught> paule32: please see the message from
dpkg bot about the information you would need to provide for us to
be able to help you with these apt problems
97[00:25:45] <jmcnaught> dpkg: tell alphazulu about dotdeb
98[00:25:45] <unborn> paule32: brilliant so its working now
99[00:26:22] <paule32> Trigger for php5-fpm
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102[00:26:53] <paule32> it seems it will install, but i get
always the same error
103[00:27:03] <paule32> per apt-get
104[00:27:05] <jmcnaught> paule32: please use
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107[00:27:19] <alphazulu> interesting
108[00:27:36] <unborn> thanks god for paste!
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110[00:28:25] <unborn> paule32: ah that module was not on that
command.. you may try to install it by this command: apt-get install
111[00:28:37] <unborn> then it should work
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115[00:29:32] <paule32>
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118[00:29:59] <jmcnaught> paule32: why are you still using dpkg
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120[00:30:13] <paule32> jmcnaught: unborn ...
121[00:30:24] <digidog> hm .... this machine looks like sth is
messed up with nvidia packages, aren't some of them conflicting
? pasty here ->
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123[00:30:47] <unborn> paule32: I told you to run that
commands.. this is nothing even close what I typed..
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125[00:31:09] * unborn gives up.. I did try :D
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127[00:31:28] <unborn> okay better things to do then wasting
time.. good night (zzz)
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130[00:31:44] <paule32>
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133[00:32:34] <jmcnaught> dpkg: tell paule32 about localized
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146[00:37:50] <digidog> jmcnaught: isnt it !dpkg: ?
147[00:38:23] <digidog> oh wait no, it runs in pm mode right ?
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150[00:39:28] <paule32> jmcnaught:
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153[00:40:22] <somiaj> digidog: 'tell nick about
factoid' will send nick a factoid from dpkg. 'tell nick
-about factoid' will do the same thing, but dpkg will not send
you a tell about the factoid as well.
154[00:41:01] <somiaj> digidog: !factoid makes dpkg send it to
the channel.
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159[00:41:49] <digidog> somiaj: thanks!
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162[00:44:03] <digidog> somiaj: very detailed and useful
clarification. thank you very much
163[00:44:07] <jmcnaught> paule32: so it seems that this problem
was caused by manually installing packages with dpkg instead of
apt-get. apt-get will automatically get the dependencies. can you
try "apt-get -f install" ? Feel free to make a paste if it
asks you something and you're not sure what to answer
164[00:45:12] <jmcnaught> digidog: you can also do "!tell
digidog about food" but I think it's more clear to the
recipient if the bot itself is addressed. Same with judd, you can
trigger with ",versions foo" or "judd: versions
165[00:45:42] <paule32> jmcnaught:
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169[00:46:47] <somiaj> jmcnaught: !tell jmcnaught about self
tell (:
170[00:47:02] <somiaj> digidog: /msg dpkg factoid (is another
way if you want to get a factoid yourself)
171[00:47:03] *** Quits: cabezza (~cabezza@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
172[00:47:55] <jmcnaught> the factoids can also be searched
173[00:48:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1701
174[00:48:13] <digidog> somiaj: yeah, and less interfering
175[00:48:46] <digidog> jmcnaught: thanks for chiming in. nice
overview of you both.
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178[00:50:29] <jmcnaught> paule32: were apache2 and
libapache2-mod-php5 also installed using "dpkg -i"? can
you purge them with "apt-get purge apache2
libapache2-mod-php5" and then reinstall them with apt-get?
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182[00:52:38] <paule32> ok, it seems to help
183[00:52:41] <paule32> root@debian /var/replaced-url
184[00:52:41] <paule32> Reading package lists... Done
185[00:52:41] <paule32> Building dependency tree
186[00:52:41] <paule32> Reading state information... Done
187[00:52:41] <paule32> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to
remove and 2 not upgraded.
188[00:52:41] *** paule32 was kicked by debhelper (flood. Please use
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191[00:53:01] <paule32> sorry
192[00:53:10] <RippyDippy> is there a reason why I cannot
install nor use fdisk?
193[00:53:45] <paule32> jmcnaught: and now, install pdo?
194[00:54:07] <jmcnaught> paule32: do you want to use php-fpm or
195[00:54:27] <paule32> ehm, good question
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197[00:54:47] <paule32> i dont know
198[00:54:57] <paule32> mod_pdo
199[00:55:06] <paule32> php is enabled
200[00:55:29] *** Quits: fornax (~fornax@replaced-ip) (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
201[00:56:11] <jmcnaught> paule32: probably you just need to do
"apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql"
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203[00:57:11] <paule32> ok all installled
204[00:57:17] <paule32> but, pdo?
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207[00:58:17] <jmcnaught> paule32: read the description of
php5-mysql "apt-cache show php5-mysql". it is included in
that package
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224[01:08:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1692
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230[01:09:23] <Vasistha> I would like to see a list of what
devices are connected via loop device, in a machine readable way.
losetup -a gives a list that's not so easy to parse
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273[01:18:59] <mcdado> hi! quick question… during the
install of Debian 8 if I want only Xfce, do i need to leave selected
Debian desktop enviroment? it’s confusing since GNOME (which
is default) is selectable but not by default
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282[01:21:44] <zykotick9> mcdado: i'm actually not sure how
that works (so i'm rather interested in a _real_ answer)...
good luck (if i _had_ to bet right now, i'd uncheck the top
"desktop environment" and only have the xfce... but
that's TOTALLY a guess)
283[01:22:22] <mcdado>
284[01:22:36] <mcdado> here it says to keep Desktop Environemnt
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286[01:23:10] <zykotick9> mcdado: ahhh. /me thinks thats sorta
out-of-date versus new netinst options... <- again, not sure...
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288[01:23:41] <mcdado> hmm yeah i’m using netinst btw
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291[01:24:19] <zykotick9> mcdado: <just a sidenote> i
always use netinst with nothin' but the last item select
(system utils or whatever it's called) then install xorg &
wm/de after...
292[01:24:31] <jmcnaught> task-desktop depends (actually
recommends) "task-gnome-desktop | task-xfce-desktop |
task-kde-desktop..." so if you only select "desktop
environment" it picks the first from that list (gnome) but if
you select desktop environment and xfce, you will get an xfce
293[01:24:43] <zykotick9> mcdado: oh i _know_ what you're
currently seeing in netinst ;) that's why i replied.
294[01:25:03] <zykotick9> jmcnaught: thanks!
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300[01:26:21] <mcdado> thank you!
301[01:27:07] <mcdado> for the sake of argument, if i select
Xfce but don’t select “desktop enviroment”, what
happens? does it actually install Xfce?
302[01:27:27] <mcdado> i would imagine it depends on it
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304[01:27:32] * zykotick9 also interested in ^^ ;)
305[01:27:53] <jmcnaught> zykotick9: take a look at
"tasksel --list-tasks" and "tasksel --task-packages
TASK" to get a better idea what tasksel is gonna do.
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313[01:29:12] <zykotick9> jmcnaught: AHHH, door is opened. i
_do_ have a task question. where can i find what that "system
utils or whatever it's called" package installs? most of
the other tasks are task-foo packages i can use rdpends on... but
not that system one it seams?
314[01:29:13] <jmcnaught> mcdado: the task-xfce-desktop package
depends on the task-desktop package, so it will be fine. the only
difference is that tasksel might not think the desktop task was
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320[01:30:31] <jmcnaught> zykotick9: i'm not 100% certain
but i think this is the equivalent to the required, important and
standard priorities.. something like "aptitude install
~prequired ~pimportant ~pstandard"
321[01:30:32] <zykotick9> s/seams/seems/ <- sorry it was
buggin' me
322[01:30:50] <mcdado> thanks for the feedback! for this time
I’d rather follow the procedure and avoiding to install the
enviroment by hand afterwards ;)
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327[01:32:47] <jmcnaught> zykotick9:
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336[01:35:34] <zykotick9> jmcnaught: thanks again! good ol'
"aptitude search .." ftw
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355[01:40:18] <mcdado> i’m actually new to Debian…
used mainly Ubuntu before; by default there is no sudo, am i right?
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357[01:40:51] <jmcnaught> mcdado: correct. you can install sudo
later and add your user to the sudo group with "adduser
username sudo" if you want to use it
358[01:40:54] <zykotick9> mcdado: using netinst, if you add a
root password = no sudo by default. if you leave it blank = sudo by
359[01:41:24] <mcdado> thanks to both!
360[01:41:48] <jmcnaught> i think the installer only gives you
that option in expert mode
361[01:42:40] <zykotick9> jmcnaught: i'd _certainly_ have
to confirm (i've never actually done it) but i've heard
leaving root password blank during regular netinst does install
362[01:42:53] <jmcnaught> zykotick9: speaking of tasksel, do you
know about blends?
363[01:43:16] <jmcnaught> zykotick9: you're right, but it
only asks you that question in expert mode
364[01:43:48] <zykotick9> jmcnaught: i tried the blend for
freedombox (it was a new experience for me) after seen there talk to
365[01:44:01] <mcdado> what people generally use? aptitude, apt
or plain old apt-get/apt-cache?
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367[01:44:33] <zykotick9> mcdado: i've been using apt a lot
recently... before that aptitude... before that apt-get/aptitude...
before that apt-get
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370[01:45:08] <mcdado> alright, so short apt is kinda new,
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375[01:45:45] <jmcnaught> zykotick9: freedombox is pretty cool
but i haven't looked into it recently
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378[01:46:13] * zykotick9 still doesn't think freedombox is ready
for "prime time" <- but it's gonna be really cool
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386[01:47:20] <zykotick9> ^ i mean requiring testing = "not
ready for prime time" ;)
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391[01:50:30] <jmcnaught> well last time i looked at it there
were only ARM builds available so it seems like a lot of progress
has been made
392[01:52:38] <zykotick9> :)
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395[01:53:11] <mcdado> so if i install sudo, can i then delete
root’s password?
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397[01:55:40] <zykotick9> mcdado: re: "apt is kinda new,
correct" <- yes. actually i think it's the only one
that's "actively" being developed right now???
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401[01:56:10] <mcdado> thanks
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404[01:57:22] <mcdado> well… gotta go! thanks again
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426[02:06:16] <digidog> does anyone know about a list of pure
terminal based naked boot up linux distros ?
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431[02:08:50] <zykotick9> digidog: does debian count?
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438[02:10:14] <digidog> zykotick9: heh, well, I know how to slim
Debian down to console only linux but I am looking for a get-to-go
boot-to-root start-up linux to sent back a new laptop.
439[02:11:04] <zykotick9> digidog: i'd suggest not
"slimming it down" but instead use netinst (uncheck
everything) to start from nothing... ymmv. good luck.
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442[02:12:21] <digidog> zykotick9: this notebook came with a
slimmed linpus, but this version is nowhere to find. only linpus and
linpus lite, but thats not the console linux version of it. after
asking around and looking in search engines I am in hope now to find
it listed somewhere else.
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446[02:13:50] <zykotick9> digidog: sorry... i have no idea what
linpus or 'linpus lite' is... and no desire to learn
either... good luck. (in _whatever_ it is you're doin')
447[02:15:05] <digidog> zykotick9: no need to sorry, thank you
very very much for your thoughts on this weird issue. linpus is a
useless Fedora based Linux DIstro mainly spread in asian area which
often comes with Acer Laptops. JFYI.
448[02:15:25] <zykotick9> digidog: ahhh. TIL. thanks.
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452[02:17:21] * digidog tries to use the search of
with no luck yet
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467[02:20:31] <somnambler> Hey guys, I've got a question
about apt, autoremove, and metapackages
468[02:20:54] <somnambler> is this a place somebody might be
able to help me out?
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470[02:21:26] <digidog> somnambler: dont ask to ask, just ask
(IRC rule No.1)
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472[02:22:25] <somnambler> gotcha. Package A recommends
metapackage B, which depends on B1, then changes to B2, B3, etc.
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474[02:23:13] <somnambler> I want package A. But an autoremove
will never remove B1 or B2, since they satisfy the recommendation
475[02:23:59] <somnambler> I could make it so recommends
don't count for the purposes of autoremoves, but I want them to
count. I just don't need all of B1, B2, B3, B4, etc.
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477[02:24:07] <somnambler> Is there any way for me to do this?
478[02:24:52] <digidog> somnambler: there is a --no-recommends
(or similar) argument you can use while install and install the
others manually afterwards
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480[02:25:16] <somnambler> No, because the package B depends on
481[02:25:25] <somnambler> specifically, the packages are
virtualbox, which depends on linux-headers
482[02:25:30] <somnambler> *suggests
483[02:25:35] <somnambler> **recommends
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485[02:25:59] <digidog> hm, ok maybe somebody else can chime in?
486[02:26:02] <somnambler> but then I end up with headers taking
all my inodes unless I go in and manually clear them out.
487[02:26:12] <digidog> gotcha
488[02:26:43] <somnambler> the nice thing about it being
linux-headers is that there are already noauto restrictions for my
current and prior kernels, so I know B5 (5 being the latest) will
stick around.
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501[02:33:17] <somnambler> In this particular instance,
APT::AutoRemove::RecommendsImportant set to false would solve the
problem if I could do so on a package-level, since virtualbox is the
only package with the dep
502[02:33:54] <somnambler> But a) I can't and b) this
wouldn't solve the general case. But suggestions on how to do
that would be welcome as well.
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516[02:40:18] <xcel> someone willing to help with sed?
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524[02:47:20] <markybob> xcel: you'll probably be better
served in ##sed
525[02:47:33] <xcel> :(
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531[02:49:43] <markybob> xcel: you should probably just ask your
question in there instead of asking to ask like you did
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541[02:52:23] <wfio> Does any one know if Debian will run on an
542[02:52:44] <wfio> It has NVIDIA discrete graphics and an
intel integrated bit
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544[02:53:33] <aypea[1]> have you tried searching for
"ASUS-ZenBook-Pro-UX501VW debian"?
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550[02:54:23] <markybob> wfio: probably if you follow the
bumblebee wiki for that kinda thing.
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564[03:01:16] <wfio> Ubuntu works on it more or less
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584[03:14:26] <xcel> alright i'd like to remove the blanks
from "8x whitespace x. xx:xx" and put the line three lines
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591[03:20:57] <xcel> example:
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600[03:28:29] <lucas-arg> hey guys
601[03:28:33] <lucas-arg> got a question
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603[03:28:46] <lucas-arg> its ok to use debian 8.4 even if
packages are old?
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605[03:29:19] <markybob> lucas-arg: most of us do. this is the
stable (8.4/jessie) support channel
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607[03:29:40] <markybob> lucas-arg: they get security updates
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612[03:30:27] <lucas-arg> ok
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615[03:30:44] <lucas-arg> im using jessie with xfce
616[03:31:01] <lucas-arg> its nice and seems stable
617[03:31:12] <markybob> yeah that's the point :P
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673[04:06:41] <awwal> How to list with a single command the
whole deps, sub deps , recommends and sub recommends X pkg will
install? (X pkg depends on 1, 2,3 and recommends 4, 5, 6; 1, depends
on a, recomends b and so)
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679[04:12:07] <oneand0> awwal: apt-cache show pkg-name
680[04:12:49] <oneand0> awwal: if u have a deb i think
"dpkg -I pkgname" will do simialr
681[04:13:03] <awwal> onead0, thats not what I was asking, but
thanks :P
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693[04:21:41] <awwal> I have worked a biit this "apt-cache
show foo |awk '{print $1}'| while read ; do apt-cache
depends $REPLY ; done | less" , inspired by stuffs in man/docs
and googling, but I dont know how to include recommends and exclude
694[04:23:04] <markybob> awwal: exclude libs? it won't work
with libs
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697[04:24:41] <awwal> markybob, the output is so veeeery long
bcoz of libs it shows
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705[04:28:26] <markybob> awwal: you need to rephrase.
that's the end goal here.
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707[04:28:57] <markybob> what's*
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709[04:31:23] <markybob> awwal: you just want the names of the
packages stripped from the rest of the output?
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711[04:31:37] <awwal> I mean if "apt-cache show
task-desktop ---» Depends on tasksel , xorg,
xserver-xorg-video-all, xserver-xorg-input-all, desktop-base , and
Recommends task-gnome-desktop | task-xfce-desktop | task-kde-desktop
| task-lxde-desktop | task-cinnamon-desktop | task-mate-desktop,
xdg-utils, avahi-daemon, libnss-mdns, anacron, eject, iw,
alsa-utils" I want make the command show only that, not too
exhaustive about libs., markybob
712[04:31:49] <awwal> yes
713[04:31:54] *** Joins: electrostat (~dag@replaced-ip)
714[04:33:16] <awwal> bad english here, I dont know if i get
understood xD
715[04:33:29] <markybob> that's pretty impossible for task
packages since they use | instead of strong recommends
716[04:33:30] *** Joins: hexagoxel (~hexagoxel@replaced-ip)
717[04:33:41] <markybob> i can tell you how to do it for normal
packages...but that won't help you there
718[04:33:59] <awwal> markybob, task-desktop was just an example
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720[04:35:21] <markybob> awwal: this is an example (really rough
hack i just put together and i'm not great at this stuff) for
721[04:35:33] <awwal> for normal pkgs I was wondering almost. if
it works for 50% of the pkgs I want to check, that will be great
722[04:35:37] <awwal> ok let me check
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725[04:36:52] <ipatrol> I'm trying to make some minor
modifications to an Ubuntu PPA package to prepare it for me to
request its addition to the repositories
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730[04:38:48] <awwal> markybob, so the exact command is apt-get
install -s apache2 |egrep -v
|awk '{print $2}' |xargs | sed -e 's/ /\ /g' ?
731[04:39:02] <markybob> awwal: yeah. i said it was rough and i
sucked but it works
732[04:39:03] <ipatrol> is it acceptable to use a non-shell
language like Python for maintainer scripts?
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734[04:39:35] <ipatrol> if so, is that a Depends, Build-Depends,
or Pre-Depends?
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738[04:43:07] <awwal> markybob, good. interesting command;
it's better then the one I worked, thanks
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740[04:44:29] <themill> ipatrol: see policy §7.2 for the
relationships; it's pretty uncommon; as a general rule, if you
feel the need for that sort of language, your maintainer scripts are
probably trying to do too much. The best maintainer scripts are the
absent ones.
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747[04:46:56] <awwal> markybob, I will try to understand your
command and work it for apt/aptitude show.
748[04:47:25] <ipatrol> themill: What I want to do is actually
pretty trivial, I just feel much more comfortable working in Python
than in Bash
749[04:48:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1662
750[04:48:22] * ipatrol wonders when someone will call me nuts
751[04:49:06] <themill> nut!
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753[04:49:47] <ipatrol> ok
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755[04:50:42] <ipatrol> it says it's a Pre-Depends if
it's the preinst script, it's not. It's the postinst
script, and the postrm script
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761[04:52:48] <ipatrol> themill: I'm just trying to make a
couple of symlinks, but I suck at writing flow control in bash
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764[04:54:13] <themill> ipatrol: what flow control do you need?
765[04:55:43] <ryouma> in wheezy, without a dm, you can log in
on vt1 and x would show up on vt7. in jessie, i log in on vt1 and x
displaces my login session on vt1. is this normal? i kinda prefer
vt7 because then i can kill x by kiilling my exec in vt1.
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768[04:56:35] <ipatrol> themill: because dpkg can call the
maintainer scripts with all different things for argv[1], and
several of these require different behavior, plus there's the
removal of the config files for purge, then there's exception
769[04:57:54] <themill> ipatrol: sure; you've probably got
a few thousand examples in /var/lib/dpkg/info if you want to see the
standard approaches
770[04:59:25] <themill> ipatrol: you quite probably only need to
check for "install" and "purge" for the case of
a couple of symlinks
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779[05:01:38] <ipatrol> themill: I find most of those examples
hard to read
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786[05:04:07] <ipatrol> themill: when I do anything that's
actually important to get right, I do it in Python. That is what my
experience has convinced me of.
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788[05:04:55] <themill> when you do anything in a maintainer
script, you depend on as little functionality as possible so that
failures don't cascade
789[05:05:42] <themill> ipatrol: Is this for Debian or is this
your own private package? Is it a package that depends on python in
any case?
790[05:06:01] <ipatrol> themill: the package in question does
not touch Python, or any of its dependencies. No, it does not depend
on Python as it stands
791[05:06:17] <ipatrol> themill: I hope to make it for Debian
792[05:06:37] <themill> yeah, best avoided then. Using something
than sh also means you can't use debhelper snippets for much of
the automation
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796[05:07:40] <ipatrol> themill: there's not much to
automate here, and frankly I think it would take longer to write the
debhelper snippets than the scripts themselves
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799[05:08:35] <themill> no, the debhelper snippets are important
in that they reduce code duplication (rebuild the package, get
updated snippets)
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806[05:13:52] <ipatrol> themill: the downstream maintainer also
packaged it oddly, which isn't helping
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809[05:14:54] <shadows> uhhh... can't play videos anymore
using totem or VLC, the whole computer locks up frozen solid (i915
intel graphics)
810[05:15:03] <shadows> mplayer still works
811[05:15:10] <themill> ipatrol: this is already packaged in
debian or something
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813[05:15:15] <shadows> how to even go about figuring out what
went wrong?
814[05:15:24] <ipatrol> themill: no, in a private Ubuntu PPA
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816[05:17:31] <ipatrol> but it creates an error because it
doesn't include the proper Provides/Conflicts/Replaces lines,
and it doesn't remove the config files
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819[05:18:46] <ipatrol> themill: and he didn't make a
source package, just the orig and debian tarballs, and two binary
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824[05:20:28] <themill> the orig and debian.tar.* are all
that's really needed; the dsc is nice but not essential for
825[05:20:40] <ipatrol> there's that too
826[05:21:16] <themill> well those 3 files are what is meant by
"source package"
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829[05:23:03] <ipatrol> themill: ok
830[05:24:09] *** Quits: digidog (~digidog@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
831[05:24:20] <ipatrol> how is DEBIAN generated from debian?
832[05:24:43] *** Quits: BenderRodriguez (~Foxhoundz@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
833[05:25:32] <themill> the build system deals with all of that
for you (debhelper)
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837[05:27:16] <ipatrol> themill: ok, so unpacking it, the debian
tar is a subdirectory of the orig tar?
838[05:27:22] <Mazhive> what permission should procmail[14059]:
Error while writing to "/var/log/procmail.log" have
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840[05:28:18] <themill> ipatrol: approximately; use
"dpkg-source -x" as it will also do other things. You
might like to /msg dpkg debsrc3.0; /msg dpkg nmg
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849[05:32:50] <ipatrol> themill: I already have those documents
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857[05:36:22] <positi> hello
858[05:36:27] <positi> good night
859[05:36:31] <positi> i need help
860[05:36:37] <positi> with gnokii
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863[05:37:21] <ipatrol> themill: it also kinda looks like the
source tarballs were not actually used to build the binary packages
864[05:37:33] *** Quits: johnnyfive (~johnnyfiv@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
865[05:37:36] <positi> how can print ALL messages from gnokii to
866[05:37:42] *** Joins: techquila (~sod@replaced-ip)
867[05:37:47] <ipatrol> several debhelper components that should
be in debian based on what's in DEBIAN are missing
868[05:38:00] <themill> ipatrol: I didn't think that was
possible with a PPA
869[05:38:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1651
870[05:38:38] <positi> hello
871[05:38:49] <ipatrol> themill: wait, it says debhelper
automatically flags files under /etc as conffiles
872[05:38:58] <themill> yes
873[05:39:03] <ipatrol> didn't catch that
874[05:39:17] <positi> how can print ALL messages from gnokii to
875[05:39:24] <ipatrol> that's why it's not in the
source package
876[05:39:35] <themill> ipatrol: makes sense
877[05:39:44] <ipatrol> positi: `gnokii 2> out.txt` ?
878[05:39:52] <positi> oohhh yes
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883[05:40:28] <positi> thank you
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897[05:48:18] <ipatrol> themill: who would be the maintainer and
who would be the uploader in this case?
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899[05:49:40] <themill> ipatrol: unless you have a
co-maintainer, the Uploaders field won't exist. Is this a
package that could live within one of the existing teams?
900[05:50:33] <ipatrol> themill: no, the issue is the guy
who's actually doing the heavy lifting on the package is the
downstream person, but he's not involved in this process
901[05:51:22] <themill> if they're not involved in
maintaining the package that you want to upload to debian,
they're not involved
902[05:51:33] *** Joins: oneand0 (~erle@replaced-ip)
903[05:51:49] <themill> If you can get them involved as a
comaintainer, then even better
904[05:52:03] <ipatrol> themill: my queries have so far gone
905[05:52:09] *** Joins: njs (~njs@replaced-ip)
906[05:52:28] <ipatrol> strange, given that the last update was
this February
907[05:53:06] <njs> On debian testing, apt just removed skype
(some issues with libasound2-plugins). sadly, I need it. Anyone
worked out yet how to get it back?
908[05:54:12] <markybob> njs: try #debian-next on
for testing support
909[05:54:48] <njs> okay
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912[05:56:11] <ipatrol> he also didn't put the version in
the control file itself, he put it in a separate VERSION file, for
some reason
913[05:56:33] *** Quits: ktchk (~eddie6929@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
914[05:56:45] <themill> the version doesn't go into
control, only into changelog
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916[05:57:36] <ipatrol> themill: that's not what
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918[05:59:51] <themill> ipatrol: you mean DEBIAN/control not
919[06:00:35] *** Joins: z0ran (~z0ran@replaced-ip)
920[06:00:51] <ipatrol> themill: no, debian/control
921[06:01:14] <themill> version doesn't appear in
debian/control and nothing on that page says it does
922[06:01:30] <ipatrol> 5.2 Source package control files --
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924[06:01:58] <ipatrol> oh, wait
925[06:02:00] <ipatrol> nm
926[06:02:22] <ipatrol> I'm too tired for this. I'll
work on it tomorrow
927[06:02:24] <themill> There's about 3 packages in the
archive where the version of the binary package is different to the
source package and they are the only ones that do so
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930[06:03:24] <ipatrol> themill: the version he lists in the dsc
is different than the one in VERSION
931[06:04:05] <themill> no idea what this VERSION thing is for
932[06:04:13] <ipatrol> 3.aea9172-ppa2 vs the actual version
which is 4.11
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934[06:05:11] <ipatrol> themill: your guess is as good as mine
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940[06:09:22] <themill> ipatrol: the changelog versions there
are using "N.$git_commit" where N is just an increasing
integer and the git_commit is the git commit short hash
941[06:09:35] <themill> That's a bit special.
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945[06:10:28] <ipatrol> themill:
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947[06:10:51] <themill> yes, found that
948[06:11:39] <ipatrol> themill: where did I mention it's
name before?
949[06:11:49] <themill> the version string was enough ;)
950[06:11:58] <ipatrol> oh, you googled it?
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997[06:40:01] *** Joins: Sheraf (~Sheraf@replaced-ip)
998[06:40:03] <Sheraf> Hi
999[06:40:14] <Sheraf> I just installed NFS on my server,
mounted from windows
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1001[06:40:24] <Sheraf> when i go in /var/replaced-url
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1003[06:40:32] <Sheraf> but it's not empty on my debian
1004[06:40:42] <Sheraf> i think it's some permission issue
1005[06:40:48] <Sheraf> but i can't find how to fix it
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1007[06:40:50] <Sheraf> any idea?
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1010[06:43:03] <somiaj> Sheraf: any reason youw ant to use nfs if
mounting from windows? Why not use samba?
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1012[06:43:47] <Sheraf> i need performance
1013[06:43:56] <Sheraf> i was using sshfs before, but it's
too slow
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1015[06:44:05] <Sheraf> samba would probably faster, but NFS
would probably be the best
1016[06:44:06] <somiaj> samba is not sshfs
1017[06:44:14] <Sheraf> never said it was
1018[06:44:24] <somiaj> why do you think nfs would be the best,
if windows is the client, why not use a protpcol windows has
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1021[06:45:00] <njs> I've successfully switched to from
sshfs to samba when I needed faster transfers
1022[06:45:09] *** Joins: wbill (~wbill@replaced-ip)
1023[06:45:10] <njs> ...and that was actually just
linux-to-linux, it was just simpler than setting up nfs
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1026[06:45:56] <somiaj> Anyways I'm unsure on how to
configure a windows nfs client.
1027[06:46:21] <prussian> it is
1028[06:46:31] *** Joins: techquila (~sod@replaced-ip)
1029[06:46:32] <prussian> I prefer CIFS over nfs
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1032[06:46:46] <prussian> less of a headache worring about unix
perms too
1033[06:47:01] <pyface> is there a relatively easy way to change
the keymap, per application? im using xfce
1034[06:47:14] <prussian> pyface: key map as in..
1035[06:47:20] <prussian> like swapping a key with another?
1036[06:47:27] <pyface> yeh, thats it
1037[06:47:28] <prussian> like caps lock = control?
1038[06:47:35] <somiaj> pyface: unsure if you can do per
application, but you can probabaly put a button that can quickly
switch for you, or use a keybinding
1039[06:47:36] <pyface> like ( instead of 9
1040[06:47:47] <prussian> ya
1041[06:47:48] <markybob> per application? no
1042[06:47:52] <prussian> you can try Xmodmap
1043[06:47:52] <pyface> or _ instead of -
1044[06:48:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1661
1045[06:48:03] <njs> pyface: I'm pretty sure X does not
provide any way to do that, except maybe by having some program like
your window manager track which window has focus and switch around
the global keymap as you go
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1048[06:48:22] <pyface> ah mkay
1049[06:48:25] <prussian> ya
1050[06:48:27] <njs> I don't know of any window managers
that have this feature, though, it's just the only way I can
see that feature being possible to implement
1051[06:48:27] <prussian> that too
1052[06:48:49] <prussian> otherwise Xmodmap.
1053[06:49:19] <somiaj> not sure if xmodmap would achive what was
being asked, that only configures the modifiers
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1055[06:49:40] <somiaj> Though sounds like you want sort of
'shift lock' key.
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1057[06:50:51] <pyface> ye pretty much. its for programming,
really. im using pycharm but it seems to not have the amount of
keymap customising that im after
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1075[06:55:37] <geetar> question: I am new to debian. On an old
Mac without a DVD drive, I was able to install MintPPC, which I
understand is based on ubuntu which I think is based on debian. Can
I convert this distribution to a straight debian install?
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1077[06:56:24] <jml2> geetar, nope
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1079[06:56:46] <jml2> geetar, ubuntu and debian used to share the
same repos... that was years ago.. not anymore
1080[06:57:05] <geetar> jml2, thanks
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1082[06:57:57] <jml2> geetar, they share the same bug reports,
but their repos/compiles differ... they can differ in many ways --
even though it is the same upstream..
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1085[06:58:20] <jml2> geetar, if you see a simple package
(outside repo) meant for ubuntu that is also meant for debian, then
you often won't have a problem..
1086[06:59:18] <jml2> geetar, (they share "some" same
bug reports, between launchpad and debian reportbug.. it's
mostly for ubuntu though)
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1089[07:01:01] <geetar> jml2, MintPPC did not recognize the
wireless card in the emac. I wanted to add that to the installed
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1091[07:01:58] <markybob> geetar: ask #mintppc for support then
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1096[07:03:31] <geetar> markybob: will do, mintppc is a low
traffic chat channel and I wanted to try debian.
1097[07:03:43] <geetar> markybob, thanks
1098[07:04:22] <Sheraf> i'm trying samba
1099[07:04:24] <Sheraf> it won't le met write
1100[07:04:45] <trysten> i'm dealing with some error prone
harddisks and my /var/log/kern.log is 20G. what mechanism should I
use to keep it under control?
1101[07:05:25] <trysten> the log files. the harddisks are being
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1104[07:06:20] <trysten> more specifically: i want to truncate my
logs periodically. I would assume debian has a system for this, is
it only logrotate?
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1115[07:14:59] <dgriffi> does anyone here know anything about
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1119[07:17:09] <markybob> trysten: logrotate by default rotates
weekly and keeps 4 weeks worth. for you to have 20G in
kern.log...something's really fucked. read the log and find out
what and fix it
1120[07:17:21] <jml2> dgriffi, it's for people who want to
do some cloud things
1121[07:17:42] <jml2> dgriffi, and then there's the other
people who want to muck around with their bios
1122[07:17:48] <dgriffi> jml2: I'm just having a crappy time
getting things working
1123[07:17:48] <markybob> trysten: my kern.log is 700K and
kern.log.1 is 2.2M
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1125[07:18:03] <jml2> dgriffi, that's cuse you aint mucky
1126[07:18:35] <trysten> markybob: yes, they are sata chip errors
because i'm trying to recover failing harddrives. do you
perhaps know of a way to stop issuing such errors tothe log file?
1127[07:18:57] <markybob> no
1128[07:19:02] <jml2> dgriffi, the term also can be grub-coreboot
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1130[07:19:18] <jml2> dgriffi, it's becoming more and more
obscure as a term on its own...
1131[07:19:28] <dgriffi> jml2: huh? I'm just trying to get
coreboot+seabios working
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1135[07:22:24] <trysten> thank you very much for the info marky
1136[07:23:12] <markybob> trysten: this is linux generic enough
to where you might want to try ##linux
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1146[07:27:03] <markybob> trysten: know what..this might do it.
sudo systemctl stop rsyslog.service
1147[07:27:21] <trysten> hey that's not too bad of an idea
1148[07:27:25] <trysten> good thinking
1149[07:27:31] <hiya> how to create a cron job for script to
execute with a command every 30 mins?
1150[07:27:41] <hiya> the script is in the ~ folder
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1153[07:29:15] <markybob> hiya: do you want to add it to
/etc/crontab? do you have root? run it as root?
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1157[07:30:29] <rjsalts> hiya: or if not running as root, crontab
-e -u foo
1158[07:30:40] <hiya> markybob, I need it to run a root otherwise
it won't work, the problem is its "tc" command script
for controlling bandwidth but since it is based on openvpn 's
tun0 tc rules vanish when openvpn restarts so, I need it to do clear
rules (via script) and apply rules (via script) again
1159[07:31:31] <hiya> it has to happen every 30 mins so that even
if KVM restarts owing to any issues it applies the rules again and
any disorderly bandwidth management is only there for 30 mins
1160[07:31:41] <hiya> if I set it for 15 mins, would it cause
much load on system?
1161[07:31:45] <markybob> hiya: so sudo nano -w /etc/crontab and
add "*/30 * * * * root /home/user/bin/foo" without quotes
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1165[07:32:57] <hiya> markybob, but I run the script like
1166[07:33:14] <markybob> hiya: i don't really care. crontab
will want the full path
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1168[07:33:21] <hiya> markybob, but I run the script like
./ <para> <para> <para> <para>
1169[07:33:34] <markybob> hiya: so add the params after
1170[07:33:49] <hiya> markybob, but I need both rules? so I add
two lines?
1171[07:34:16] <hiya> markybob, it I set it to do it every 30
mins vs 1 min | what is the difference on processor load?
1172[07:34:18] <markybob> hiya: i'd merge them into a single
script. add whatever clear is to the start of add
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1175[07:36:29] <hiya> markybob, does cron jobs bring CPU load?
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1177[07:36:56] <markybob> hiya: depending on what the job does,
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1180[07:37:41] <markybob> trysten: worked?
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1193[07:46:53] <rjsalts> hiya: wouldn't this be better in
ifup.d or the like?
1194[07:48:09] <rjsalts> hiya: if it's reapplying qos rules
when the vpn connection is disconnected/reconnected
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1205[07:57:00] <hiya> rjsalts, Ok, I don't know how to do it
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1229[08:03:06] <rjsalts> hiya: if you put a script in
/etc/network/ifup.d it will be called with certain environment
1230[08:03:13] <rjsalts> hiya: see man interfaces
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1234[08:04:22] <unborn> hiya: whats the script name in your case?
and where the script is located?
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1236[08:05:10] <markybob> rjsalts: not that easy. that'll
run for lo as well unless you do some bash magic to check
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1238[08:05:48] <unborn> hiya: there is very small difference to
run script on server and on personal machine but both will work.. if
you give me name of the script with correct location I give you
correct command, you just use for your crontab
1239[08:06:04] <markybob> unborn: i already gave it to him
1240[08:06:49] <unborn> morning markybob ah great :)
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1255[08:15:05] <hiya> unborn, rjsalts I have a script that
manages tc command with parameters | so its ./clear.rules and then
./add.rules <para> <para> <para> <para>
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1264[08:18:31] <markybob> hiya: what do you think was wrong with
my answer exactly?
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1276[08:23:14] <hiya> markybob, people are suggesting me ifup.d
solution when the interface and off and back on, hence asking more,
nothing else
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1286[08:26:42] <hmf> does debian currently support SGI MIPS (Fuel
& Tezro)
1287[08:27:01] <hmf> the IP35 machines, fastest MIPS machines SGI
released before giving up MIPS...
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1290[08:28:09] <hmf> I have an O2, which it supports, but those
are really not the fastest
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1293[08:28:46] <markybob> hmf:
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1300[08:33:43] <hmf> k I'm on a fuel (R16000).. the
last/fastest workstation SGI made.. its not supported, so... is that
Linux or debian ?
1301[08:33:48] <hmf> probably the kernel
1302[08:34:23] *** Joins: overlord_tm (~overlord@replaced-ip)
1303[08:34:37] <hmf> yep, fuels and tezros (IP35 level machines)
are not supported by linux
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1305[08:34:51] <hmf> everything supports the indys and o2s tho..
1306[08:35:09] <unborn> hiya:
1307[08:35:34] <hmf> I'm going to see about FreeBSD/MIPS..
oh - same deal...
1308[08:36:00] <hmf> i have irix so i guess that's what im
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1310[08:36:57] <unborn> that is simplest solution for you how to
run cronjob.. if you need to run this as root then log into machine
as root and crontab my-cronjob and paste it there
1311[08:37:03] <hiya> unborn, why /dev/null ?
1312[08:37:05] <hmf> or, i can patch the kernel with hw support
for an IP35 system.. but I have absolutely 0-time for that.. which
sucks because I'm a kernel developer for BSD, Linux and Solaris
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1314[08:37:28] <hiya> unborn, Also I got a lot of para for
add-rules l
1315[08:37:31] <unborn> hiya: so output does not generate
1316[08:37:53] <markybob> he's trying to stop output. but
you said it needed to be root so you need to add root like what i
said earlier
1317[08:38:01] <unborn> hiya: put them all into one script as I
suggested into
1318[08:38:39] <unborn> markybob: it would be easier if he add
this to roots crontab..
1319[08:38:48] <markybob> that's what i said
1320[08:38:57] <markybob> i said sudo -w /etc/crontab
1321[08:39:02] <markybob> and gave him everything
1322[08:39:11] <unborn> ah did not seen this markybob sorry
1323[08:39:13] <markybob> and no one listens :( now i'm
going on a smoke break
1324[08:39:42] <unborn> markybob: yeah last night there was guy
with pdo issue exactly same thing :D
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1326[08:39:54] <posi> anyone wanna make open source deb packages
for my postgresql extension. happy to pay
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1329[08:40:16] <posi> it's
already on pgxn
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1331[08:40:32] <posi> hooray money for open source
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1337[08:41:04] <unborn> hiya: if you would like to see output
every time you run that cronjob then remove /dev/null.....
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1345[08:42:55] <unborn> hiya: to get logs that cronjob done its
thing you can replace >/dev/null 2>&1 with
>/some-folder/logfile-name.txt that will create text file with
output (what you normally see when you run command in terminal)
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1379[08:49:03] <unborn> hiya: is it working for you?
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1547[09:35:22] <Joselete17> hey niggas
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1549[09:35:37] <jml2> !ops Joselete17 racial profanity
1550[09:35:37] <dpkg> Hydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH,
mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel,
zobel, themill, babilen, SynrG, jm_, somiaj, jelly: jml2 complains
about: Joselete17 racial profanity
1551[09:35:54] <jml2> that was rude
1552[09:36:04] <Joselete17> sorry
1553[09:36:09] <Joselete17> I am new here
1554[09:36:14] <jml2> still
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1589[09:51:31] <Skyrider> Does one have to install/use
'stun' in order to use SIP outside wifi?
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1634[10:10:46] <hiya> unborn, I am yet to deploy and try it and
when I do, I would get back to you, ok?
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1637[10:11:15] <unborn> if I know how to help and be here sure
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1675[10:26:47] <Cloudwalker42> Im not able to write to the httpd
channel thats why I want to try it here. Can someone explain me why
the following error appear on a webserver with a NFS mount: Please
verify that the current setting of session.save_path is correct
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1724[10:46:17] <dagerik> ntp is not updating time correctly. how
can I debug this
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1726[10:47:18] <klys> check your logs, dpkg-reconfigure tzdata to
select a time zone, and find a timeserver so you can run ntpdate
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1732[10:52:52] <klys> client uptime: since 19 July 2015.
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1741[10:56:51] <jelly> dagerik: look at "ntpq -p
localhost" for a start
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1750[11:01:19] <Kirito> On my newly configured Debian Jessie
boxes, the home and end keys do not seem to function properly. It
doesn't seem to be caused by the usual problems, and there are
no issues on my other Debian Jessie boxes. TERM is xterm on both,
neither have a custom inputrc
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1765[11:06:31] <dagerik> jelly:
1766[11:06:33] <dagerik> jelly:
1767[11:06:34] <dagerik>
1768[11:06:37] <dagerik> asdreplaced-url
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1773[11:09:14] <BlenderPro> is there a package for debian 8.1
that allows me to capture video from a dv bridge
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1790[11:18:26] <dagerik> ntpq -p shows old peer after I have
changed /etc/ntp.conf and restarted ntp daemon
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1822[11:32:17] <a-865> what's it take to get an xserver
newer then 1.16.4 in Jessie? Having backports enabled doesn't
seem to be good enough for aptitude search to find anything newer.
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1833[11:42:59] <MeanEYE> Anyone has idea why
keyboard-setup.service takes close to one second to initialize?
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1835[11:43:45] <Agemaniac> Hello :)
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1838[11:45:18] <Agemaniac> I have my iptables.firewall.rules
file, and i would like to import some extra configuration from
another file. How can i do that?
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1840[11:46:15] <Agemaniac> the other file only contains some port
forwarding rules
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1844[11:47:02] <Agemaniac> is it possible?
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1863[11:55:47] <digidog_> how is the single user mode named in
systemd targets ? I have problems to translate from runlevels in
inittab to systemd eqivalents
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1869[11:56:29] <digidog_> is it or emergency ?
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1873[11:57:27] <digidog_> oh now I see the symlinks there are
helper symlinks listed for runlevels. great
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1875[11:58:16] <digidog_> I think this is what I was after: -> ->
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1897[12:08:46] * a-865 chose upgrade to stretch
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1899[12:09:09] <digidog_> can anyone suggest me a pure console
linux like knoppix but for hardware tests on notebooks ?
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1902[12:10:02] <petemc> !debian live
1903[12:10:03] <dpkg> The Debian Live project provides pre-built
Debian live system images and allows creation of your own. These can
be used to install a Debian system. Live images are available from
1904[12:10:04] *** Quits: dselect (~dselect@replaced-ip) (Quit: ouch... that hurt)
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1912[12:12:30] <heerlik> Hey everyone, I made a symlink so that
when /bin/mysql is called it automatically passes the "-p"
argument to make things easier, how can i tell the link to pass over
additional arguments as well? thanks in advance
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1916[12:13:20] <barubaru> Heerlik make a bash script for it
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1918[12:13:22] <Johann> heerlik: you should use an alias for
that, alias mysql=/bin/mysql -p
1919[12:13:37] <barubaru> Links are not suppose to be used like
1920[12:13:43] <Johann> heerlik: then you can simply do mysql -u
1921[12:13:59] *** Quits: MafProd (~mafprod@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
1922[12:14:00] <Johann> and it will actually call /bin/mysql -p
-u root
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1926[12:14:39] <heerlik> ah, alias might be the better choice as
i made a script to call instead of using alias
1927[12:14:42] <heerlik> thanks Johann :D
1928[12:14:54] <heerlik> thats exactly what i need
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1942[12:18:53] <Width> hi
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1957[12:22:52] <debian965> Hello, I created RSA Key on my
computer, I pushed public key on my server and added this on
"authorized_keys", but now, when i'm connect in my
server with "ssh -T me@37.***.***.*** -p 9325", the
password is requested ... can you help me ?
1958[12:23:24] *** Quits: s4ndm4n (~sandman@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
1959[12:23:34] <heerlik> debian965: "chmod 600
authorized_keys" on remote?
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1964[12:26:05] <debian965> Yes, chmod 600 for authorized_keys
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1966[12:26:09] *** Quits: miroesq_ (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1967[12:26:27] <bezaban> what else did you do on your client
before connecting?
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1976[12:30:03] <heerlik> debian965: I believe bezaban's
question was aimed at you
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1982[12:31:05] <bezaban> yeah, but work just kinda kicked off
1983[12:31:19] <vegardx> ssh -vvv foo@bar
1984[12:31:29] <vegardx> See that you're actually given the
right challenge.
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1994[12:34:21] <debian965> bezaban, sorry for my bad english. I
just created my keys with " ssh-keygen -t rsa " and push
public key. After, I added this on remote.
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1996[12:34:45] <debian965> Now, I just want to connect on my
server with user@IP ... but, password is requested :)
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1998[12:35:27] <vegardx> debian965: ssh-copy-id foo@bar
1999[12:35:38] <vegardx> Log in with your password, and it will
handle the rest.
2000[12:35:57] <vegardx> If that doesn't work, try
connecting with ssh -vvv foo@bar and give us the output
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2004[12:36:23] <vegardx> It might be that you haven't loaded
your local key into your ssh-agent.
2005[12:36:26] <debian965> Thanks, I test
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2011[12:38:55] <debian965> vergardx, ssh-copy-id is same "
cat >> authorized_keys ", no ?
2012[12:40:03] <ewew> Hi. Does anyone here have installed debian
with debootstrap ? The problem is that the mount config for devpts
is ignoring my setting to 600 permission. Any idea why ? Other
systems are respecting the setting without a problem.
2013[12:40:06] <vegardx> More or less, it copies whatever you
have in ~/.ssh. Keep in mind that if you've called your keys
something else than the default ssh-agent won't pick them up
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2022[12:42:09] <themill> debian965: ssh-copy-id also ensures the
permissions are correct at both ends
2023[12:42:42] <debian965> Thanks, I delete last key and create
new :)
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2029[12:45:45] <vv> Hello, where is the public key called Debian
CD signing key, fingerprint DF9B 9C49 EAA9 2984 3258 9D76 DA87 E80D
6294 BE9B ?
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2036[12:50:57] <ewew> Anyone ?
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2053[12:57:20] <bollo> debian965, I did ssh-keygen and
ssh-copy-id and it doesn
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2055[12:58:00] <bollo> debian965, it says failure and prompts me
for password unless I set a password when I create the keys
2056[12:58:02] <Rovanion> Does anyone know why my screen would be
killed on ssh disconnect? I've never had this happen before on
any other Debian machine.
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2072[13:04:22] <Rovanion> This shows the procedure
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2075[13:05:14] <Iridos> oh, did mplayer1 fall out of debian
stable... and with it mencoder?
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2085[13:08:53] <mirazi_heket> when to use discard on ssd? is
there something against it on ssd's?
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2093[13:14:09] <Iridos> hm, can I get memcoder from snapshots?
Like... the last version out of stretch/testing?
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2101[13:17:42] <insidious> Anyone know why apt-get
2102[13:17:51] <insidious> times out on ipv6 ?
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2105[13:18:09] <insidious> i had to remove my ipv6 addresses to
update and upgrade
2106[13:18:17] <insidious> because the ipv6 would time out.
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2109[13:19:09] <Dagger2> insidious: if apt-get is printing v6
addresses in error messages, it usually means your v4 is broken
(because apt-get only prints the last error message)
2110[13:19:45] <insidious> he
2111[13:19:47] <insidious> hm
2112[13:19:54] <Dagger2> try `wget <your mirror>` and see
what it says. wget prints the server's IPs in the same order
that apt-get tries them in, and it prints useful error messages too
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2114[13:20:01] <insidious> that dont make sense if its broken why
would it work for ipv4?
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2120[13:21:53] <themill> Is the mirror you have selected actually
available on ipv6? (and is your dns working correctly etc). apt
doesn't do anything special
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2122[13:22:30] <Dagger> insidious: it might've been a
temporary failure that fixed itself while you were figuring out how
to remove v6
2123[13:22:34] <insidious> not too sure i just disabled ipv6 to
get the update working
2124[13:22:50] <Dagger> insidious: although you're right, if
you already have working v6 then it's probably not the problem
I just described
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2129[13:23:53] <insidious> i just removed the ipv6's from
the node and it worked... once it finished updating i re added them
and apt-get worked fine with the ipv6
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2131[13:24:03] <insidious> was just curious if the dns was down
on the other side.
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2140[13:29:02] <winsen> hi all
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2152[13:31:58] <winsen> can you please tell me good tool for
recovery data on any kind of partitions? thanks
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2156[13:32:46] <Iridos> magicrescue
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2159[13:33:49] <winsen> Iridos: hi thanks for answering, is
"magicrescue" bootable and working on any kind of
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2168[13:35:58] <Iridos> no... it's just looking for the
magic byte on all files (or something you write a recipe to find)
and recovers the files that match... that's why I think it
should work on most filesystem types
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2173[13:37:11] <Iridos> usually it's preferable to use
something that uses FS specific things
2174[13:37:17] <Iridos> oh... and: backups
2175[13:37:34] <Iridos> totally independent on the type of
partition, backups are
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2188[13:41:44] <kangelane> I have a question. Iperf is running on
two virtual machines,which are on nodes. The one where server is
hosted, experiences 0 latency drop, the one where iperf client is,
experiences 100x latency drop
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2190[13:41:51] <kangelane> what is the cause of this ? I have no
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2195[13:42:46] <vegardx> latency drop?
2196[13:42:46] *** Joins: faz3r (~faz3r@replaced-ip)
2197[13:43:02] <vegardx> Packet loss?
2198[13:43:34] <kangelane> i mean no internet traffic - network
latency 0.37 ms (tested on host machines)
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2201[13:44:18] <kangelane> Iperf server and host running on VMs.
now host with iperf server has network latency 0.214 ms (tested on
host machines)
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2204[13:44:54] <kangelane> Now wierd part, The host with iperf
client running on VM has network latency 8.375 ms
2205[13:45:08] <kangelane> that is 50 times more latency on
client with iperf client
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2216[13:46:42] <vegardx> I still don't understand what
you're trying to say
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2219[13:47:56] <kangelane> I have a host A with virtual machine
lets call it virtA and Host B with virtual machine lets call it
virtB, now I also have my machine, lets call it Controller
2220[13:48:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1711
2221[13:48:26] <kangelane> IF iperf server is running on virtA
and iperf client is running on virtB - Basically creates a lot of
network bandwidth
2222[13:48:49] *** Quits: ven00m (~ven00m@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2223[13:48:55] <kangelane> I experience Huge latency increase
with Host B, which has the iperf client running on virtB
2224[13:49:30] <kangelane> But no lateny increase between Host C
and Host A (Where iperf server is running on virtA)
2225[13:50:50] <Donitzo> oh blah, dilemma
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2227[13:51:00] <zuzzas> kangelane: are you sure that there are no
deep buffers and/or shaping policies on the network equipment
between all those hosts?
2228[13:51:06] <Donitzo> I don't have a wired network
connection, and debian doesn't work with my wifi usb dongle by
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2230[13:52:01] <kangelane> I am not sure, but I did not set
anything like that up ( it does have OpenStack neutron running on it
though )
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2232[13:52:35] <kangelane> My quess was that the iperf is one
directional and that server only aknowledges packets send and this
is not a heavy task ?
2233[13:52:46] <vegardx> Same node they are running on?
2234[13:52:53] <Donitzo> if I want to use my raspberry pi as
nothing but a wifi-to-ethernet adapter, what OS accomplishes this
the easiest?
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2236[13:53:06] <kangelane> Nono, virtual machines are on separate
physical nodes
2237[13:53:10] <vegardx> Donitzo: Any software, but openwrt is
2238[13:53:21] <Donitzo> openwrt eh. I'll try it
2239[13:54:03] <vegardx> Personally I'd just use Debian. All
you're doing is a bridge...
2240[13:54:20] <winsen> Iridos: sorry, I am back. is that working
for ntfs partition as well?
2241[13:54:45] *** Quits: Buffer_Overflow (~Buffer_Ov@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2242[13:55:10] <Donitzo> I guess. I still need to get the drivers
for this wifi dongle to work
2243[13:55:18] <Donitzo> and raspian is easy to install
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2248[13:59:25] <hiya> Guys, I need a general advise, how many
hours of Computer time is sane in a day?
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2251[14:00:06] <Donitzo> why did they decide to drop raid support
in the default ubuntu installers
2252[14:00:11] <Donitzo> I don't see any reason why
that's beneficial
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2261[14:04:18] <Iridos> winsen, look at the manpage
2262[14:04:33] <dagerik> what does jessie have both rsyslog and
2263[14:04:39] <dagerik> is it safe to remove rsyslog
2264[14:04:54] <zamba> ok, what has happened with debian?
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2266[14:05:20] <donnoc> Hello my friends. I am writing a bash
script and I try to make a comand (duplicity) but if there is an
Error I want so send me a Mail. The problem is that I don't
know how to let the script look if something went to stderr from
2267[14:05:25] <zamba> i tried to upgrade from wheezy to jessie..
all went good with the upgrade.. rebooted.. the box answered to icmp
ping, but i was not able to ssh into it.. had to bring up the
console and i could see that the system was in emergency mode..
2268[14:05:41] <zamba> i investigated the logs and see that a nfs
mount was unsuccessful..
2269[14:05:51] <zamba> and this halted the whole boot-up?
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2271[14:05:57] <winsen> Iridos: ok, is that the only you can
2272[14:05:59] <zamba> in what direction are we going?
2273[14:06:18] <zamba> how come a faulty nfs mount entry in
/etc/fstab can halt a successful boot of a system?
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2276[14:06:43] <zamba> what happened with keep it simple, stupid?
2277[14:07:02] <zamba> first and foremost the system should
boot.. no matter what you throw at it
2278[14:07:50] <zamba> boot and get the sshd running
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2280[14:08:00] <zamba> boot - networking - ssh
2281[14:08:09] <zamba> EVERYTHING else can fail for what i care
2282[14:08:37] <Iridos> winsen, if it's for ntfs, you could
search for packages e.g. with "apt-cache search ntfs
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2284[14:09:32] <winsen> Iridos: not only but it's part of.
2285[14:10:09] <frenchie> Somebody knows about a tool to record
deezer/spotify audio ? something like ' streaming audio
recorder' .. that can record And name each mp3 separately..
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2287[14:11:03] <winsen> Iridos: do you if that works with live
2288[14:11:09] *** Joins: level7 (~quassel@replaced-ip)
2289[14:11:14] <winsen> Iridos: do you know if that works with
live version?
2290[14:12:10] <Iridos> if you have configured the repos like in
a normal debian, yes
2291[14:12:26] <winsen> Iridos: I mean by launching ubuntu live
for example, can I run magicrescue on it?
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2299[14:13:38] <Iridos> you're in #debian. I never used
ubuntu in my life. How the fuck should I know?
2300[14:16:15] <Agemaniac> lmao
2301[14:16:38] <devster31> I'm trying to create a vdi file
from an img file, if I mount and chroot into the img file it tells
me the total size is 3.7G, but the VDI file is actually 9G
2302[14:16:42] <devster31> why is that?
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2305[14:17:45] <winsen> Iridos: don't torture yourself.
slowdown boy. It's just a question
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2308[14:18:50] <SanchoPensa> hey guys!
2309[14:18:51] <SanchoPensa> do you happen to know of any linux
capable music recognition service or sophtware like tunatic?
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2311[14:19:12] <frenchie> I don't know the original question
winsen, but testdisk saved me several times :
2312[14:20:03] <Iridos> winsen, I've used debian for 15
years now. There's a reason I sometimes take the time to answer
question in #debian and not in #ubuntu or #arch or wherever
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2314[14:20:41] <sealsniper> htop
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2323[14:25:09] <DataGhostS> I just cloned a wheezy VM into a new
VM and dist-upgraded it to jessie, which went horribly wrong but I
think I got it right after a couple of well-placed apt-gets... thing
is that now I can ping that machine, I can SSH to that machine, but
I have no outbound connectivity whatsoever, I can't even ping
the IP that I used to ping the machine with, I can't ping
2324[14:25:09] <dagerik> why does jessie come with rsyslog
2325[14:25:11] *** Quits: nadersith (~nadersith@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
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2327[14:25:37] <dagerik> DataGhostS: change IP address
2328[14:25:40] <DataGhostS> I did iptables -F, ethtool says the
link is up (and I'm ssh'ing into the machine so it should
be) so what the hell is going on? even strace just shows timeouts on
the outbound sockets
2329[14:25:54] <DataGhostS> dagerik what would that accomplish?
2330[14:25:56] <winsen> frenchie: I tested 'testdisk'
but it doesn't work. Anyway thanks for answering
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2336[14:27:47] <winsen> Iridos: 15 years..., congratulation boy.
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2341[14:29:36] <frenchie> you welcome winsen
2342[14:30:13] <nadersith> hi, is this an official debian
channel? I thought it was on OFTC now
2343[14:30:17] <jelly> winsen: that "boy" thing is
unnecessarily patronizing. Drop it please.
2344[14:30:32] *** Joins: GRiZL0C (~TK@replaced-ip)
2345[14:30:55] <donnoc> I like the Debian Filesystem Hirarchy and
I want to use is more as standart. What is the correkt folder if I
write some of my scripts for the system? /urs/local/src?
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2349[14:31:12] <DataGhostS> dagerik, I changed it anyway, still
no outbound connectivity, only inbound
2350[14:31:14] <winsen> jelly: take care of you.
2351[14:32:06] <debian133> Hello, I come again a second time but
I don't understand ... I created ssh key on my computer with
root's user. I copied in my server (with ssh-copy-id) and
" authorized_keys " automatically created. But now, when
i'm connect in my server with "ssh myuser@myip -p
9325", the password is requested ... can you help me ?
Thank's very much :)
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error: No route to host)
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2354[14:32:19] <dagerik> DataGhostS: maybe switch has blacklisted
MAC address. try change it
2355[14:32:30] <jelly> nadersith: the official status of this
channel is that it is officially unofficial. Still managed by debian
people even if all the development irc channels moved to oftc.
2356[14:32:40] <nadersith> thank you jelly
2357[14:32:58] *** Quits: b0xii (~b0xii@replaced-ip) (Quit: leaving)
2358[14:33:01] <DataGhostS> dagerik, I had connectivity before
dist-upgrading, last time I checked that would not change my MAC
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2360[14:33:20] <dagerik> DataGhostS: show your iptables -L -n -v
2361[14:33:28] <DataGhostS> I did iptables -F so it's empty
2362[14:33:32] <DataGhostS> policy ACCEPT on all
2363[14:33:32] <dagerik> ok
2364[14:34:18] <dagerik> how about dig @
2365[14:34:21] <DataGhostS> I am seeing the counters increase due
to my SSH traffic
2366[14:34:33] <DataGhostS> doesn't work because
2367[14:34:34] <DataGhostS> --- ping statistics ---
2368[14:34:34] <DataGhostS> 186 packets transmitted, 0 received,
100% packet loss, time 185258ms
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2370[14:34:49] <dagerik> DataGhostS: show ip r
2371[14:35:27] <DataGhostS> default via dev eth0
2372[14:35:27] <DataGhostS> dev eth0 proto
kernel scope link src
2373[14:35:39] <dagerik> ping ?
2374[14:35:42] <DataGhostS> nothing
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2379[14:36:39] <frenchie> debian133: have a look at your
server's sshd log, it will likely explain why the password is
requested ( configure it to DEBUG in /etc/ssh/sshd_config , restart
it it should log under /var/log/auth )
2380[14:36:42] <dagerik> DataGhostS: do tcpdump see if packets
are going out
2381[14:36:59] <aypea[1]> dataghosts: is eth0 actually up?
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2384[14:37:18] <DataGhostS> aypea[1], I'm ssh'ing into
that machine over that eth0
2385[14:37:26] <DataGhostS> you should actually be able to ping
it and get a response
2386[14:37:32] <aypea[1]> dataghosts: hah. nifty.
2387[14:37:41] <aypea[1]> dataghosts: in the same network?
2388[14:37:43] <DataGhostS> tcpdump only shows some arps though m
ySSH session is online
2389[14:37:44] <aypea[1]> on
2390[14:37:53] <DataGhostS> no from a completely different
network and ISP
2391[14:38:01] <DataGhostS> but I can't ping back
2392[14:38:19] <debian133> frenchie thanks, I see (and I'm
french too, bit my english is very bad)
2393[14:38:58] <frenchie> ok pm me if you want, we'll speak
french without polluting the main chan
2394[14:38:59] *** Joins: coldbox (~root@replaced-ip)
2395[14:39:27] <dagerik> do tcpdump while you use dig. see if a
UDP packet is actually going out
2396[14:39:31] <DataGhostS> if I ifdown eth0, my top stops and it
resumes when I ifup eth0
2397[14:39:41] *** Quits: kamaao (~deb@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2398[14:40:25] <DataGhostS> tcpdump: verbose output suppressed,
use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
2399[14:40:26] <DataGhostS> listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB
(Ethernet), capture size 262144 bytes
2400[14:40:26] <DataGhostS> ^C^\Quit
2401[14:40:26] <DataGhostS> 4 packets transmitted, 0 received,
100% packet loss, time 3023ms
2402[14:40:27] *** DataGhostS was kicked by debhelper (flood. Please
2403[14:40:35] *** Joins: DataGhostS (~vincent@replaced-ip)
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2407[14:41:30] <DataGhostS> that's all I see
2408[14:41:55] *** Joins: Slashman (~Slash@replaced-ip)
2409[14:42:06] *** Pseudo is now known as Zionist
2410[14:42:20] <dagerik> DataGhostS: tcpdump port 53 then dig
2411[14:42:32] <dagerik> you should see 14:42:03.862625 IP >
44359+ [1au] A? (40)
2412[14:42:35] <dagerik> 14:42:03.879139 IP >
44359$ 1/0/1 A (56)
2413[14:42:48] <DataGhostS> still nothing
2414[14:42:58] *** Joins: mrkebab (~mk@replaced-ip)
2415[14:42:59] <aypea[1]> not even an outgoing packet?
2416[14:43:05] <DataGhostS> wait a few appeared *after* the
2417[14:43:17] <DataGhostS> but they're requests for
2418[14:43:28] <DataGhostS> from a different inte.. what?!
2419[14:43:37] <DataGhostS> from an IP that's not even
assigned to the machine
2420[14:43:44] *** Quits: sexytime (~GitGud@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
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2423[14:43:58] <hypermist> well i managed to re-install vps
without any problems
2424[14:43:59] <aypea[1]> use tcpdump -n -i eth0 and try again
2425[14:44:08] <dagerik> DataGhostS: give output of iptables -L
-n -v
2426[14:44:40] <DataGhostS> still empty
2427[14:44:55] <DataGhostS> grepping for that IP (it's the
old IP of the VM I cloned) I did find some ipsec thing
2428[14:44:58] *** Quits: kamaao (~deb@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2429[14:45:17] <aypea[1]> DataGhostS: check other tables with -t
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2436[14:46:26] <DataGhostS> yes great. what's the use case
for not flushing all tables with -F and no arguments
2437[14:46:28] <debian133> frenchie, I do not know how to
activate this logfile in sshd_config, can you help me ?
2438[14:46:35] <DataGhostS> thanks aypea[1] there was some crap
2439[14:46:38] *** Joins: jasonwert (~wert@replaced-ip)
2440[14:46:46] <aypea[1]> DataGhostS: it flushes all chains in
selected table :)
2441[14:46:56] <aypea[1]> by default the table is the filter
2442[14:47:00] <DataGhostS> yes true I know that
2443[14:47:16] <DataGhostS> but I'd have it flush everything
if you didn't specify, heh
2444[14:47:24] *** Joins: Ard1t (~ard1t@replaced-ip)
2445[14:47:55] <frenchie> debian133: you should have a line like
this : SyslogFacility AUTH
2446[14:48:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1720
2447[14:48:12] <DataGhostS> someone set up VPN and NAT stuff on
that box without telling me
2448[14:48:31] <aypea[1]> DataGhostS: it's the little things
that make life fun :)
2449[14:48:39] <frenchie> followed by a line like that : LogLevel
DEBUG ( not sure if DEBUG is valid but I think so )
2450[14:48:42] <DataGhostS> weeeee I'm overjoyed haha
2451[14:49:01] <frenchie> then just restart sshd debian133
2452[14:49:04] *** Joins: CEnnis91 (uid3543@replaced-ip)
2453[14:49:13] <debian133> frenchie, oh ok thanks, I have
auth.log, I see him
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2458[14:50:40] <aypea[1]> DataGhostS: :)
2459[14:50:50] <nadeem> my debian system doen't resume after
hibernate. please help
2460[14:51:09] <frenchie> you can do a man sshd_config to learn
more debian133 , DEBUG should be fine according to it
2461[14:51:13] <aypea[1]> tempt it out with salmon
2462[14:51:21] <frenchie> :)
2463[14:51:38] <nadeem> please help
2464[14:51:39] <frenchie> sorry no idea nadeem
2465[14:51:51] <aypea[1]> same.
2466[14:52:15] <aypea[1]> (except for the salmon bit -
there's a small chance)
2467[14:52:32] <frenchie> :p
2468[14:52:41] *** Zionist is now known as Pseudo
2469[14:52:55] <nadeem> it powers off fine, but after i poweron i
dont have my work there , it resumes like restart, all jobs gonne
2470[14:52:59] <debian133> thanks frenchie, I change
"INFO" for "DEBUG"
2471[14:53:24] <frenchie> cool debian133 you should get your
answer then
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2474[14:53:31] <aypea[1]> nadeem: check dmesg for clues
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2479[14:56:27] <frenchie> looks like you can pinpoint the problem
following this procedure nadeem :
2480[14:57:00] <debian133> frenchie thank's, this is my log,
I search into but i'm newbie in debian, if you have ideas ... :
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2486[14:59:48] <frenchie> not enough information to solve it
debian133 ; try changing DEBUG to DEBUG3 to have more information
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2489[15:00:07] <debian133> frenchie, Oh ok, thanks :)
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2496[15:03:49] <debian133> frenchie, this is my new logfile :
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2504[15:09:31] <frenchie> You're trying to log in as
'myuser' not root I guess debian133 , so you should
generate your key as myuser not root at first no ?
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2510[15:11:55] <debian133> frenchie, on my local computer I have
generate key with "root". But in my server, I connect with
" myuser " (and public key is .ssh myuser repertory). But
in my server, " myuser " is not root.
2511[15:12:27] <frenchie> got to work brb
2512[15:12:34] <debian133> frenchie, now, i want to connect in my
server with root : " root > ssh dometech@server " :)
2513[15:12:40] <frenchie> generate key with mysuser
2514[15:12:55] <frenchie> root may be disabled by default for
2515[15:12:58] *** Quits: ZFS1 (~smyrvang@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2516[15:13:25] <Smither> Heya. Just installed debian on my
laptop, and the trackpad doesn't work. I have done `xinput
list` and the only mouse that shows is a "virtual core XTEST
pointer". and when i do `cat /proc/bus/input/devices` I
don't get anything remotely mouse/trackpad like. Haven't a
clue where to go from here, any pointers would be fantastic.
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2519[15:14:00] <debian133> frenchie, Mmm, strange because I can
connect in ssh (but password required). You think generate key with
other user in my locale machine ?
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2527[15:18:18] <frenchie> yes debian133 generate and copy id too
2528[15:18:30] <debian133> thanks frenchie :)
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2562[15:30:52] <debian133> frenchie, I see this "Now try
logging into the machine, with: "ssh -p '9325'
'myuser@37.***.***.***'" and check to make sure that
only the key(s) you wanted were added." ; but password is
requested again ... :/
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2565[15:32:30] <frenchie> last time I hope .. paste your log plz,
2566[15:32:37] <debian133> This is my Gist :
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2573[15:36:38] <frenchie> in /home/youruser/authorized_keys you
have something ? debian133
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2575[15:36:48] <frenchie> on the remote host
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2584[15:37:53] <frenchie> ' .ssh/authorized_keys' *
2585[15:38:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1714
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2591[15:39:23] <debian133> frenchie, yes I have public key rsa
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2594[15:39:43] <DammitJim> is there a way to set the dpi for 1
screen, but not another?
2595[15:39:55] <Walex> DammitJim: yes
2596[15:39:55] <DammitJim> the fonts are tiny on my laptop, but
they are normal on my external monitor
2597[15:40:08] <DammitJim> my laptop is a 14", but my
external is 22 or something
2598[15:40:08] <ratrace> Hello. Anyone using selinux on debian?
are the policies up to date and well integrated with debian or is
there a lot of manual work to get them going?
2599[15:40:09] <Walex> DammitJim: that's a different
2600[15:40:17] <Walakea> i have currently installed GNOME on
jessie, i would like to tee how KDE looks, i know there is a package
that contains only the GUI (without applications), if i install it
will i be able to easily remove it?
2601[15:40:18] <DammitJim> Walex, what do you mean?
2602[15:40:21] <frenchie> debian133: sorry we must be missing
something very simple but I just don't see it
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2604[15:40:43] <Walex> Walakea: yes
2605[15:40:47] <DammitJim> I have been able to increase the dpi
on ALL of them with xrandr, but then my stuff is huge on my external
2606[15:40:52] <debian133> Thanks ... I answer french forum
(debian-fr) :)
2607[15:40:55] <DammitJim> what else would it be Walex ?
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2609[15:41:12] <frenchie> cool debian133
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2612[15:41:47] <Walex> DammitJim: you can set the DPI on
different X11 'screens' and evenn on different monitors
mapped to the same 'screen', but applications don't
always care (actually, almost never)
2613[15:42:06] <DammitJim> ok, how do I do that per monitor?
2614[15:42:27] <Walakea> but there is no way to see KDE 5 on
jessie without issueas, right?
2615[15:43:03] <Walex> DammitJim: 'man xrandr' =>
2616[15:43:20] <DammitJim> Walex, that's what I used, but
that does it for ALL monitors
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2620[15:43:32] <Walex> DammitJim: '--output'
2621[15:43:57] <DammitJim> I used --output but still no go
2622[15:44:10] <DammitJim> now, since you are saying that this is
a different problem... what would be a proper test when I do this?
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2624[15:44:25] <DammitJim> I was just doing this by looking at
"transmission"'s interface
2625[15:44:39] <Walex> DammitJim: then the CPU driver does not
allow you to set different DPI for different monitors...
2626[15:44:42] *** Quits: katebe (~katebe@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2627[15:44:47] <DammitJim> and it just became super huge on my
external monitors even though I was setting the --output to my eDP1
2628[15:45:00] <DammitJim> oh, that's a GPU driver?
2629[15:45:02] <DammitJim> thing
2630[15:45:29] <Walex> DammitJim: 'xterm -fa
monospace-10' and you can try 'xterm -fa
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2635[15:46:05] <Walex> DammitJim: but most GUI libraries ignore
the X11 reported DPI, and don't allow specifying different
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2637[15:46:11] <DammitJim> thank you
2638[15:46:15] <DammitJim> that's all I wanted to know
2639[15:46:21] <Walakea> kde-plasma-desktop does not seem minimal
to me, it even contains VLC
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2643[15:47:25] *** Parts: gferencz (~gferencz@replaced-ip)
2644[15:47:35] <Walex> DammitJim: also 'xdpyinfo | grep
dpi' of course
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2646[15:47:44] <DammitJim> Walex, I did that
2647[15:47:48] <Walex> DammitJim: also 'xdpyinfo | grep
dots' of course
2648[15:47:52] <DammitJim> and that shows the dpi for all my
monitors together
2649[15:47:55] <DammitJim> not per monitor
2650[15:48:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1720
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2655[15:49:49] <Walex> DammitJim: things are more complicated
than you think. Curse Keith Packard whenever you can
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2657[15:50:18] <DammitJim> that's ok
2658[15:50:20] *** Joins: kamaao (~deb@replaced-ip)
2659[15:50:30] <DammitJim> I was just trying to make sure I
wasn't doing anything stupid which happens 90% of the time
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2663[15:51:31] <Walex> DammitJim: you are trying to do something
that should work, but the reason why usually it does not is usually
complicated, but it all goes back to that Keith Packard guy and his
moronic changes
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2682[15:56:16] <kasimon> Hello everyone. Is there a place where
one can download older debian isos or at least the content?
2683[15:56:42] <kasimon> I'm looking for the latest wheezy
amd64 cd, jigdo and/or netinst would be okay.
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2687[15:58:49] <petemc> !archive
2688[15:58:50] <dpkg> well, archive is a collection of files.
'tar', 'ar', 'cpio' are all archiving
tools. This is *not* the same as compression, which is a separate
operation. Debian Archives is the repository for old Debian
releases, see
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2698[16:01:04] <ewew> Hi. Why is system with systemd ignoring
setting in /etc/default/devpts file ?
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2716[16:08:48] <kasimon> petemc: Awesome, thanks. I was looking
at debian archive and cdimage.d.o, but missed that folder.
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2718[16:10:04] <themill> ewew: that config file is for sysvinit
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2727[16:13:36] <ewew> thermill What do you suggest to correct
this ? I know i must read the docs for systemd.
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2733[16:17:25] <s123> Hi guys. What do you guys do when the
stable kernel is buggy and the backports kernel is even worse?
2734[16:17:59] <aypea[1]> take up fishing
2735[16:18:19] * aypea[1] rolls his own anyway.
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2737[16:18:34] <Nik05> run the one from experimental
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2743[16:19:16] <kasimon> s123: apt show kernel-package
2744[16:19:47] <themill> You also make sure you have written
actionable bug reports
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2756[16:24:15] <ewew> themill From where it get the mount
parameters for /dev/pts ?
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2780[16:27:59] <themill> ewew:
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2783[16:28:31] <ewew> thermill or fstab ?
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2805[16:34:35] <ratrace> Anyone using selinux on debian? are the
policies up to date and well integrated with debian or is there a
lot of manual work to get them going?
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2810[16:37:33] <jelly> ratrace: last time I looked it up, the
policies were basically completely unmaintained
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2820[16:42:05] <jelly> ,v linux-image-grsec-amd64
2821[16:42:06] <judd> Package: linux-image-grsec-amd64 on amd64
-- jessie-backports: 7~bpo8+1; sid: 7
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2837[16:52:23] <hypermist> collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit
2838[16:52:23] <hypermist> ,_, and thats all i get as a error
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2840[16:52:26] <hypermist> Well gosh darnit
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2859[17:01:08] <ratrace> jelly: thanks.
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2878[17:08:35] <jhutchins> hypermist: Sounds like a kernel module
failed to load. Check dmesg?
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2880[17:09:19] <jhutchins> hypermist: No, I'm sorry, ld is
part of the build/compile process.
2881[17:09:22] <jhutchins> hypermist: What did you try to do? How
did you try to do it? What did you expect to happen? What happened
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2883[17:10:08] <greycat> There definitely has to be more error
than just that.
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2887[17:11:08] <jml2> sry
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2905[17:19:12] <ladder> PowerPC kernel from main repo..
2906[17:19:40] <ladder> ...does it contains binary blobs ???
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2922[17:25:57] <Devastator> I'm trying to install Debian 8.4
with netinst image in qemu 2.1 and during the installation it gives
errors like "Unknown localized field: ....", has anyone
ever seen this? during a quick google research about it, I've
seen only really old topics about it
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2993[17:58:35] <Angelicaa> Hey guys, i'd like to go about
installing the latest kernel for my system.
2994[17:59:14] <Angelicaa> Does anyone recommend these?
linux-headers-4.4.0-1-grsec-amd64 - Header files for Linux
2995[17:59:14] <Angelicaa> linux-image-4.4.0-1-grsec-amd64 -
Linux 4.4 for 64-bit PCs, Grsecurity protection
2996[17:59:27] <Angelicaa> i got them from apt-cache search
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2998[18:00:21] <greycat> what's wrong with the kernel you
have now?
2999[18:01:14] <Angelicaa> 3.16? idk i just want to upgrade for
the experience
3000[18:01:18] <Angelicaa> ;3
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3003[18:01:37] <greycat> Love it when they make it easy on me.
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3005[18:01:57] <Angelicaa> So what warrants no answer? >.>
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3008[18:02:23] <Angelicaa> Does the reasoning have to serve you
justice before you're willing to offer me your advise?
3009[18:02:26] <olx69> hi, which package contains LVM's
lvmconfig ?
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3011[18:02:58] <olx69> as mentioned in man lvmthin(7) ?
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3016[18:04:28] <greycat> I don't see an lvmconfig in the SEE
ALSO of lvmthin(7). Nor do I find one if I search the page for
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3019[18:05:54] <Echo6> Hey, I need the device information from a
busybox instance
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3021[18:06:04] <Echo6> I want the CPU details and memory details.
3022[18:06:08] <Angelicaa> Hmm, i guess the upgrade process of a
kernel is more difficult than one had expected
3023[18:06:11] <Echo6> Any thoughts on how to get it?
3024[18:06:20] <Angelicaa> Can't believe that's all it
took to stump the IRC Channel
3025[18:06:23] <Angelicaa> bye guys
3026[18:06:24] <greycat> Ask #busybox
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3028[18:06:28] <olx69>
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3032[18:06:30] <Echo6> ahhh. Thank you!
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3037[18:08:44] <rattking> Echo6: you can 'cat
/proc/cpuinfo' and 'cat /proc/meminfo' to get that
info.. assuming that busybox build has cat :)
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3047[18:29:34] <rozie> Devastator: which language do you use
during installation?
3048[18:29:49] <Devastator> rozie English
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3050[18:29:55] <styler2go> how can i forward ipv6 traffic between
wlan0 and wlan1?
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3057[18:30:49] <petn-randall> styler2go: Is NAT involved?
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3059[18:31:29] <rozie> Devastator: that's strange. I'd
use any livecd and debootstrap Debian
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3061[18:31:49] <Iridos> Devastator, the openstack thing one finds
looks also oldish... but as they said *they* fixed it for debian,
it's probably not something that has been changed in the
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3065[18:32:07] <olx69> I created a thinpool as described at
3066[18:32:21] *** Joins: mtn (~mtn@replaced-ip)
3067[18:32:23] <olx69> thin_pool_autoextend_threshold=100, which
seems to be the global defaults; how to get them for the sepcific
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3070[18:32:34] <Devastator> Iridos how should I proceed then?
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3077[18:35:02] <styler2go> petn-randall, i am not sure anymore :(
i just want to have anipv6 repeater
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3080[18:35:12] <jhutchins> Iridos: How did openstack get into
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3083[18:35:46] <Iridos> Iridos, when you google the error... you
find they did something to get rid of the problem with that error
3084[18:36:12] <Iridos> (together with debian 7)
3085[18:36:33] <Devastator> it is odd.. at this point I'm
thinking about starting all over
3086[18:36:59] *** Quits: awwal (~awwal@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
3087[18:37:06] <Iridos> something's not utf8 save
3088[18:37:07] *** Quits: unglid (~unglid@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
3089[18:37:25] <petn-randall> styler2go: Repeater? Sounds like
you don't want a router, but a network bridge.
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3091[18:37:50] <petn-randall> styler2go: Should all devices on
both sides behave as if they're on the same network?
3092[18:37:52] <styler2go> petn-randall, yes, i just want all
traffic from wlan1 to wlan0
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3095[18:38:05] <styler2go> petn-randall, in best case yes, but
not necessary
3096[18:38:06] <Iridos> err, jhutchins not me... now people think
I like talking with myself :-/
3097[18:38:14] <Pseudo> hi hello there
3098[18:38:29] <styler2go> wlan0 is hosting the access point with
hostapd and wlan1 is connected to the wifi currently
3099[18:38:35] <Pseudo> what the problem with openssl any issue
with that ?
3100[18:38:46] <jhutchins> styler2go:
3101[18:38:57] <Pseudo> because am using any irc client which is
failed to connect to a ssl port
3102[18:39:11] <styler2go> jhutchins, tried that with iptables,
it worked at work with ipv4 but at home i only have ipv6 and it
doesnt work anym1ore
3103[18:39:13] *** Joins: dionysus69 (~Icedove@replaced-ip)
3104[18:39:16] <jhutchins> Pseudo: No problem here with irssi.
Check your port.
3105[18:39:26] <Pseudo> currently been trying irssi and weechat
3106[18:39:34] <jhutchins> styler2go: Ah. Rules are different for
3107[18:39:45] <Pseudo> jhutchins: i cant use either port 6697 or
7000 in irssi
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3109[18:40:13] <Pseudo> ./connect -ssl 7000
3110[18:40:18] <styler2go> can you help me setting it up,
jhutchins ?
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3114[18:40:51] <Pseudo> orh its ok
3115[18:41:04] <Pseudo> well i try another server othe rthan
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3121[18:43:44] <jmcnaught> Devastator: when do you get that
error? are you doing a preseed?
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3123[18:44:32] <Devastator> jmcnaught sometimes after I select
country, longest I could get was after setting root account and user
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3125[18:45:44] <jmcnaught> Devastator: do you get the same
problem if you choose a different country?
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3130[18:46:47] <Devastator> jmcnaught I didn't try, next on
the list..
3131[18:47:19] <Devastator> jmcnaught problem is, if I choose
another country I will have to set date and time manually :(
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3133[18:48:06] <jmcnaught> Devastator: this is for
troubleshooting, figuring out what the problem is
3134[18:49:16] <Devastator> jmcnaught yes, I have no problem
doing it
3135[18:49:20] <Devastator> let me see
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3139[18:50:47] <jmcnaught> Devastator: also you mentioned qemu,
are you launching qemu from the cli, or are you in some sort of
virt-manager console?
3140[18:51:01] <Devastator> jmcnaught virt-manager
3141[18:51:30] <Devastator> jmcnaught you helped me setup what I
have so far :)
3142[18:51:36] <petn-randall> styler2go: Then you want to bridge
both interfaces.
3143[18:51:50] <Devastator> jmcnaught yesterday the problem was I
downloaded arm64 image instead of amd64
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3149[19:04:46] <jmcnaught> Devastator: this is "virsh
dumpxml" of my installer VM if you want to compare:
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3153[19:05:12] <markybob> asd213: read 4.5 and 4.6
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3156[19:05:40] <styler2go> petn-randall, is it workign for wifi?
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3161[19:06:59] <Devastator> jmcnaught how do I list domains?
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3163[19:07:38] *** guestnick is now known as sexytime
3164[19:08:14] <Iridos> Devastator, can you manually _set_ the
3165[19:08:24] <jmcnaught> Devastator: virsh list (you probably
need to use "-c qemu:///system" for all virsh commands,
leaving them out for simplicity)
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3173[19:10:37] <crash_> does deb-pkg handle multicore when
compiling with set concurrent_level?
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3180[19:12:32] <asd213> markybob. Ty. Found this:
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3186[19:14:28] <greycat> I know a way you could find out what
3187[19:14:37] <Devastator> Iridos no :(
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3191[19:16:07] <RippyDippy> Devastator says Iridos says no
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3193[19:16:43] <Devastator> jmcnaught well, I've deleted the
other vm and created a new one, unfortunately I'm remotely
connected to my work computer which is then connected to the
"vm server"
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3196[19:16:55] <Devastator> jmcnaught gonna test in about 40 min
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3282[19:55:17] <Devastator> jmcnaught I'm gonna start over
now that I have a bit more knowledge, no backported kernel this time
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3300[20:04:59] <Smither> Heya. Just installed debian on my
laptop, and the trackpad doesn't work. I have done `xinput
list` and the only mouse that shows is a "virtual core XTEST
pointer". and when i do `cat /proc/bus/input/devices` I
don't get anything remotely mouse/trackpad like. Haven't a
clue where to go from here, any pointers would be fantastic.
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3302[20:05:40] <somiaj> Smither: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log and
see if you can find more info
3303[20:06:16] <somiaj> Smither: There are two common problems.
1) The kernel is not correctly identifying your trackpad device and
thus not making it available to the os. 2) xorg is not correctly
detecting the device.
3304[20:06:23] <somiaj> the log will only check the second
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3309[20:08:44] <jelly> Smither: which debian release is that btw?
3310[20:08:55] <Smither> somiaj: if i grep the log for
"pad" or "syn" i don't get anything related
to trackpads or mouse or pointer devices or anything
3311[20:09:53] <Smither> debian 8.4
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3320[20:14:23] <Smither> however a USB mouse does work totally
fine and does show up in /var/log/Xorg.0.log
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3330[20:18:34] <somiaj> Smither: sounds like it might be an issue
with the kernel. Just to double check, you don't happen to have
the touchpad turned off in the bios?
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3332[20:19:07] <Smither> let me check, but I'm 98% sure not.
I haven't deliberately done that
3333[20:19:16] <Iridos> does rather sound as if there's
nothing coming from the kernel...
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3337[20:20:38] <Iridos> Smither, you could do "cat
/dev/input/mice" and then move around on it... IIRC any
pointing device should be translated there
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3339[20:21:27] <Smither> k I'l try that Iridos, also there
is no option i can find in the bios to disable it