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0 [00:00:01] <somiaj> so you may also want to look at versions
in debian 10 to compare for what you need
1 [00:00:10] <Rojola> I must pick an OS for a Droplet (virtual
2 [00:00:21] <Rojola> somiaj, they don't offer Debian 10
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6 [00:00:39] <Rojola> they offer Debian 9.7 and Ubuntu
7 [00:00:47] *** Joins: yokel (~yokel@replaced-ip )
8 [00:00:52] <donofrio> alpine for docker is that is what your
asking about
9 [00:00:53] <Rojola> I personally am doing well on both
10 [00:00:57] <somiaj> !buster release
11 [00:00:57] <dpkg> Buster's release is planned for
2019-07-06 (replaced-url
12 [00:01:00] <BCMM> Rojola: you can check individual packages
here and here
13 [00:01:03] <somiaj> (They may offer it soon, espically once
the release happens)
14 [00:01:23] <BCMM> Rojola: debian 9 is "stretch", or
"stable"; ubuntu 18.04 is "bionic"
15 [00:01:39] <Rojola> BCMM, now I am confused
16 [00:01:53] <BCMM> Rojola: you can check the package versions
included in both distros there
17 [00:02:00] <Rojola> ah, that's what you meant
18 [00:02:02] <Rojola> thank you
19 [00:02:43] <mutante> donofrio: not sure, but i think rather
not and everything needs to be in the ./archives/ dir directly
20 [00:02:48] <BCMM> e.g.
21 [00:02:54] *** Quits: Nokaji (~Nokaji@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ***** YOUGOV POLL;- Most Conservative
members would see party destroyed to achieve Brexit -
22 [00:03:02] *** Joins: lord_rob (~robert@replaced-ip )
23 [00:03:15] <donofrio> that [trusted=yes] seems to be
24 [00:03:28] *** Quits: `jig (~jig@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
25 [00:03:46] <BCMM> Rojola: what is "sandstorm"? is
26 [00:04:12] *** Quits: Logg_ (~Logg@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
27 [00:04:24] *** Quits: AquaL1te (~AquaL1te@replaced-ip ) (Quit: leaving)
28 [00:04:44] <mutante> darude
29 [00:04:57] <Rojola> BCMM, yes
30 [00:05:02] <Rojola> an other question, please
31 [00:05:07] <Rojola> Digital Ocean has an option:
32 [00:05:08] <Rojola> [ ] IPv6 (Enables Public IPv6 Networking)
33 [00:05:18] <BCMM> Rojola: i don't think either distro
packages that... it's one of those stupid "curl | sh"
34 [00:05:18] <Rojola> I think I should check this,
shouldn't I ?
35 [00:05:29] <mutante> sure, it's been waiting for 20
years to be enabled
36 [00:05:36] <Rojola> BCMM, it did not work on my other
provider's virtual server
37 [00:05:42] <mutante> just remember to also use ip6tables
38 [00:05:44] <Rojola> BCMM, they used OpenVZ and kernel 2.6
39 [00:05:55] <BCMM> Rojola: how did it not work? i mean, what
did you try, and what went wrong?
40 [00:06:02] <Rojola> mutante, will it cause me any stress if I
use ipv6 ?
41 [00:06:11] <Rojola> BCMM, the kernel is not supported
42 [00:06:12] *** Joins: m0u (~m0u@replaced-ip )
43 [00:06:17] <Rojola> 2.6 is too old a kernel
44 [00:06:22] *** Quits: Hunterkll (~hunterkll@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
45 [00:06:27] <Rojola> installing wekan via snap also failed
46 [00:06:27] <BCMM> Rojola: yeah, 2.6 *is* too old a kernel
47 [00:06:29] <BCMM> for, like, anything
48 [00:06:31] <Rojola> because it could not be mounted
49 [00:06:36] <mutante> Rojola: hard to tell without knowing
what services you run.. i would say "a little but not too
much" you need to care about firewall rules but only once
50 [00:06:46] <Rojola> "wekan" is the software I
really need installed
51 [00:07:09] <BCMM> is there even an lts of kernel 2.6,
upstream? i thought it was properly dead now
52 [00:07:23] <Rojola> BCMM, I have absolutely no idea
53 [00:07:31] <Rojola> BCMM, it's a small provider in a
small european country
54 [00:07:39] <BCMM> anyway, you'll be fine with either
distro, on that front
55 [00:08:00] <Rojola> I really feel comfortable with both
56 [00:08:07] <Rojola> I have used Debian ever since
"Debian Potato"
57 [00:08:14] <mutante> Rojola: so it uses nodejs and mongodb
and nginx.. and if they support IPv6 there is no problem
58 [00:08:36] <mutante> Rojola: i think it should be fine but if
it's not you can always turn it off again.. go for it and try
59 [00:08:44] <Rojola> and Ubuntu has been nice on Desktops back
in the day when you had to manually configure the XF86Config
60 [00:08:55] <Rojola> ok I try it
61 [00:09:00] <donofrio> 2019 keyring updated to 2019 keyring
thanks to the aupdate ;)!!!
62 [00:09:02] <BCMM> Rojola: both debian and ubuntu have a kind
of old docker package. it works ok for most stuff, but some people
end up using's repos, if they need a current version
63 [00:09:07] <donofrio> from 2017
64 [00:09:15] *** Quits: mtn (~mtn@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
65 [00:09:33] <BCMM> donofrio: ok. now you might wanna turn the
security back on :)
66 [00:10:27] <BCMM> Rojola: as for proftpd... what are you
doing? why do you have proftpd?
67 [00:10:30] <BCMM> !ftpmustdie
68 [00:10:30] <dpkg> FTP MUST DIE!
69 [00:11:56] <donofrio> I will....any way this can "get
bug checked" so I don't have to do this on each rebuild?
70 [00:12:02] *** Joins: Wharncliffe (coffee@replaced-ip )
71 [00:12:51] <donofrio> I thank you all for tolerating me and
my ramblings......without your help I'd have reloaded ubuntu
16.04 on this awesome hardware of mine ;) off to go install 1500+
packages to get xfce4 and the like running
72 [00:12:54] <somiaj> donofrio: powerpc is unoffical so no,
maybe if someone were to do this a few times and document it, at
least we can help the next wayward soul who wants to install powerpc
73 [00:12:56] <Rojola> BCMM, I am using sftp
74 [00:13:07] <Rojola> BCMM, don't I need proftpd to handle
sftp connections?
75 [00:13:15] <somiaj> sftp is an ssh extension
76 [00:13:23] <Rojola> oh
77 [00:13:24] <donofrio> opps it broke
78 [00:13:26] <BCMM> Rojola: nope. you're probably
confusing ftps and sftp
79 [00:13:28] <somiaj> though I would just use scp/sftp over ssh
80 [00:13:47] <Rojola> so I had proftpd installed on my servers
for no reason? :)
81 [00:13:47] *** Joins: Hunterkll (~hunterkll@replaced-ip )
82 [00:13:49] <BCMM> Rojola: ftps is just ftp over tls. like
http and https.
83 [00:13:50] <Rojola> good to know
84 [00:14:00] <BCMM> Rojola: it has all of the problems of ftp,
except for security
85 [00:14:05] <Rojola> yes, I figured so much, but I thought
proftpd would handle it
86 [00:14:20] <donofrio> line 4102
87 [00:14:23] <donofrio> ;(
88 [00:14:40] <BCMM> Rojola: sftp is an entirely different,
newer protocol. it's part of ssh. if you've got openssh
server running, you already have an sftp server
89 [00:15:09] <BCMM> Rojola: you can just log in with your
favourite sftp client, and whatever username + key you use to log in
with ssh
90 [00:15:29] <BCMM> (you are using a key pair not a password on
this presumably internet-facing machine, right?)
91 [00:15:44] <somiaj> donofrio: that is one of the common
issues with sid, sometimes depends can't be met, you have to
track down the issue and maybe use to help fix
92 [00:15:55] <donofrio> oh ok....
93 [00:16:07] <Rojola> BCMM, I am using a normal password
94 [00:16:08] *** Joins: orotalt (~orotalt@replaced-ip )
95 [00:16:09] <donofrio> same debian-ports directory or?
96 [00:16:20] <Rojola> BCMM, but I guess things are changing now
- I just installed the droplet, and it works with an SSH key
97 [00:16:21] <somiaj> though libgch-here-dev is probably
unneeded package (unless you want to build stuff) you might be able
to just remove it
98 [00:16:22] *** Joins: rivyn (~rivyn@replaced-ip )
99 [00:16:31] <donofrio> I'll remove it if I can...
100 [00:16:32] <somiaj> you could try apt-get -f install and see
what it wants to do
101 [00:16:53] <BCMM> Rojola: if your server is accessible from
the internet you will (not "might") get people trying to
brute-force your password
102 [00:17:15] <BCMM> it's ok to use a password instead of a
key pair, but be very sure that the password is complex enough
103 [00:17:32] <somiaj> also use fail2ban and/or denyhosts
104 [00:17:42] <somiaj> they work well with ssh and will block
failed attempts fairly quickly
105 [00:17:50] <BCMM> botnets will find it and bruteforce it
completely automatically; it doesn't matter how boring your
server is, it will be targeted anyway
106 [00:18:06] <Rojola> I don't know how much help I am
allowed to ask for in this channel.
107 [00:18:12] <Rojola> Is it okay to ask for you to guide me a
little here?
108 [00:18:20] <Rojola> for example, I have never used anything
but passwords
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112 [00:18:40] <Rojola> concerning fail2ban, I have successfully
set that up in the past on a different server
113 [00:18:44] <Rojola> I think I can repeat it
114 [00:19:20] <somiaj> in debian you can just install it and it
shoudl be working for ssh, If you want it to monintor other logs
you'll have to configure that
115 [00:19:35] <mutante> if the password isnt in any dictionaries
you can also just ignore them.. but best is to turn off password
based auth in sshd config
116 [00:19:37] <somiaj> (such as if you have apache logins or
117 [00:19:37] <BCMM> Rojola: it's ok as long as your
passwords are adequately complex. and a lot of people have a poor
understanding of what constitutes an adequately complex password
118 [00:19:51] <mutante> setting up fail2ban/denyhosts adds a
slight risk to lock out yourself
119 [00:19:52] <somiaj> or at least turn it off for root at a
120 [00:19:52] <BCMM> Rojola: also, that means all passwords that
can be used to log in to the system, not just the ones you regularly
121 [00:20:43] <Rojola> mutante, that happened to me multiple
times (locking myself out) but thanks heaven my ISP assigns a new IP
address to me every time I disconnect / reconnect to the internet
122 [00:20:46] <BCMM> Rojola: but if you use an ssh key pair and
disable password authentication, then you're totally proof
against bruteforce
123 [00:21:02] <Rojola> BCMM, please let us do it in a moment
124 [00:21:07] <Rojola> I must solve something else first
125 [00:21:08] *** Quits: karakedi (~eAC53C340@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
126 [00:21:11] <Rojola> I ran a dist-upgrade
127 [00:21:13] <Rojola>
128 [00:21:21] <Rojola> which version ob grub's config do I
want to keep?
129 [00:21:24] <mutante> Rojola: 4 steps here..basically.. 1)
ssh-keygen to create a new key pair 2) keep the private part save
locally somewhere and copy the public part to the server 3) ssh-add
to load the private key locally and ssh to server... 4) if it all
works.. disabled password based auth in sshd and restart it
130 [00:21:24] *** Quits: abdullah__ (~LeghariK@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
131 [00:21:54] *** Joins: Donatas (~Donatas@replaced-ip )
132 [00:22:07] <Rojola> mutante, steps 1-3 were done when I set
up the droplet on digital ocean
133 [00:22:13] <Rojola> 4 - not sure
134 [00:22:35] <Rojola> will filezilla know about the sshkey?
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137 [00:23:02] <mutante> Rojola: check for
"PasswordAuthentication" in /etc/ssh/sshd_config or so
138 [00:23:31] <Rojola> thank you
139 [00:23:36] <Rojola> which grub version do I want to keep?
140 [00:23:40] <Rojola> I am stuck at that screen
141 [00:23:44] <Rojola>
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143 [00:24:11] <mutante> Rojola: most people use an ssh agent to
keep the private key loaded in the background.. then apps like
filezilla dont need to know about it
144 [00:24:20] <mutante> Rojola: that was the ssh-add part..
after that it should just work
145 [00:24:34] *** Quits: m0u (~m0u@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
146 [00:24:41] <mutante> but the alternative is to tell it
specifically which key to use each time you connect
147 [00:24:46] <Rojola> mutante, the ssh agent is a local thing?
148 [00:24:55] <mutante> Rojola: yes, on your laptop for example
149 [00:24:57] *** Joins: patterson (~patterson@replaced-ip )
150 [00:24:58] * Rojola googles it
151 [00:25:00] <Rojola> thank you mutante
152 [00:25:01] *** Quits: sdrac8_ (~sdracu8__@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
153 [00:25:28] <mutante> you're welcome
154 [00:25:31] <Rojola> as for grub, I select "keep the
local version currently installed"
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158 [00:26:06] <mutante> sounds good.. if in doubt i would stick
with whatever is the default if you just hit enter
159 [00:27:46] <Rojola> thank you
160 [00:27:55] <Rojola> I will be right back - I just need to
focus on sandstorm for a moment
161 [00:28:20] <mutante> i just imagine the darude youtube video
when you say that, but cool
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165 [00:30:39] *** Joins: Lelapinblanc (~u694458@replaced-ip )
166 [00:31:31] <Rojola> ha!
167 [00:31:38] <Rojola> that did not even cross my mind before
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169 [00:31:44] <Rojola> you're right, there was this song
back in the day
170 [00:32:06] <Rojola> mutante, wasn't this the song with
the melody: "dada da dadadadadada daaaa dadadaaaaa..."
171 [00:32:35] *** Joins: vutral (vutral@replaced-ip )
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179 [00:34:15] <Rojola1> re
180 [00:34:21] <Rojola1> I think I got disconnected for a short
181 [00:34:23] <Rojola1> sorry
182 [00:34:34] <mutante> Rojola: i am not very good at
text2melody , but yes :)
183 [00:34:44] *** Quits: Mad`Man`Da`Lalta (~dost@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
184 [00:34:49] <mutante> dada dadadadada
185 [00:35:59] *** Joins: OS-46357 (~OS-46357@replaced-ip )
186 [00:36:17] *** Quits: Rojola (~Rojola@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
187 [00:36:23] <Rojola1> :)
188 [00:36:24] <humpled> Ode to Joy?
189 [00:36:41] *** Joins: Krennic_ (~Krennic@replaced-ip )
190 [00:37:59] <karlpinc> mutante: IMO the right approach is to
have a single identity, a single key, and just use that all the
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197 [00:43:17] <Rojola1> I am amazed.
198 [00:43:32] <Rojola1> getting the new server to run on DO took
me less than 20 minutes
199 [00:43:39] <Rojola1> setting up Wekan took another 5 minutes
200 [00:43:43] <Rojola1> I am extremely happy
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219 [00:53:17] <uio> Well, just for kicks I decided to try the
on the eeepc. Not working. Not impressed. I'm like 45 minutes
in and it's saying that the install software step failed. So I
am rerunning the step, but now it's saying /media/cdrom:Please
insert the disc labeled: 'Debian GNU/Linux 9.9.0 _Stretch....
But I hadn't touched the usb. So I tried unplugging the usb and
putting it back it. Stil
220 [00:53:17] <uio> l nothing. Seriously Debian, is this for
221 [00:53:25] *** Quits: dvs (~Herbert@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
222 [00:53:54] <uio> So, now I'm stuck in a failed install?
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225 [00:56:34] <blackflow> uio: I thought you moved to lubuntu?
226 [00:56:46] *** Joins: dvs (~Herbert@replaced-ip )
227 [00:57:34] <uio> blackflow, Oh I did, but wanted to give the
non-free route a try. Now I think it hard to not see that Debian has
some issues.
228 [00:57:44] <humpled> heheh
229 [00:57:55] <jmcnaught> uio: how did you copy the image to the
USB stick?
230 [00:58:02] <uio> dd
231 [00:58:23] <uio> I got like halfway through the install
process though!
232 [00:58:32] <uio> I guess that's positive.
233 [00:58:47] <jmcnaught> uio: did you copy the image to the
device or to a partition?
234 [00:58:58] <humpled> but then it chroots and wham, forgets
where the drive is mounted
235 [00:59:03] <uio> Although before I was actually able to get
an os.
236 [00:59:29] <uio> sudo dd
of=/dev/sdb bs=4M status=progress && sync
237 [00:59:54] <dvs> uio, you don't need sync for dd
238 [01:00:04] <uio> dvs cool.
239 [01:00:33] <uio> Like, honestly, is it just me, or should
this not be happening?
240 [01:01:04] <uio> I did the same thing for Lubuntu and had
zero issues. Why is Debian having such a hard time?
241 [01:01:16] <uio> Can't blame it on the firmware this
242 [01:01:31] <uio> So abort install?
243 [01:01:34] <jmcnaught> uio: are you here to troubleshoot or
244 [01:02:07] <uio> I'm here for the former but I think
that the latter is well merited.
245 [01:02:26] *** Quits: Dilruba (~Dilruba@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
246 [01:02:49] <humpled> you can complain all you like but it
won't make a blind bit of difference to anything
247 [01:03:21] <jmcnaught> The more you complain the less people
feel like helping. Do you have another USB stick you could try?
248 [01:03:31] *** Quits: mikevanbike (~luci@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
249 [01:03:40] <karlpinc> dvs: When is sync called for these
250 [01:03:49] <dvs> karlpinc, cp\
251 [01:03:57] *** Joins: hblack (~hblack@replaced-ip )
252 [01:04:08] <karlpinc> dvs: Ok. Thanks.
253 [01:04:13] *** Quits: queip (~queip@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
254 [01:04:14] <dvs> np
255 [01:04:17] <uio> jmcnaught, I may have other usbs, but I need
to understand why Debian needs a different usn when other distros
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259 [01:04:50] <jmcnaught> uio: troubleshooting involves
eliminating possibilities. Anyways good luck.
260 [01:04:52] <karlpinc> dvs: (I always wind up umount-ing after
the cp-s that I care about that would warrent a sync.)
261 [01:05:25] <uio> jmcnaught, Right, I agree, I just don't
see how the usb could be faulty if other distros can run off it.
262 [01:06:29] <dvs> karlpinc, if you are copying an ISO image to
a mounted USB then you're doing it wrong.
263 [01:06:31] <karlpinc> uio: Is this the stretch (stable)
installer? (Just curious.)
264 [01:06:41] <karlpinc> dvs: Nope. Just a file.
265 [01:06:45] <uio> jmcnaught, I'm hesitant to just
'try' things because I did that for seven hours today with
Debian, so I'm trying to think things out before going too far.
266 [01:06:52] <blackflow> uio: btw why are you bothering with
the firmware iso? you installed debian already and have access to
267 [01:07:10] <uio> karlpinc, I used the non-free cd.
268 [01:07:47] *** Quits: Guest57946 (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
269 [01:07:57] *** Quits: sydney_untangle (~sydney@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
270 [01:08:04] <uio> blackflow, Oh, the idea was thrown around
here in a 'Don't try the non-free iso on a laptop'
way, so I thought, why not, let's go. Access was onlt via
external monitor.
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272 [01:08:52] *** Joins: Krennic (~Krennic@replaced-ip )
273 [01:09:04] <blackflow> uio: uh no, you got it all wrong. that
iso is needed only if you need firmware during the installation. it
contains absolutely no additional magick than non-free/firmware
packages you can install regularly
274 [01:09:06] *** Joins: sydney_untangle (~sydney@replaced-ip )
275 [01:09:40] <karlpinc> !firmware images
276 [01:09:40] <dpkg> Unofficial <netinst> images
containing non-free Debian <firmware> packages are available
from <replaced-url
277 [01:09:51] <uio> blackflow, Tell greycat that too.
278 [01:09:56] <tds> uio - in the past I've seen the
installer fail to mount /media/cdrom properly, just dropping to a
shell and mounting by hand sorts that
279 [01:10:20] <blackflow> greycat knows that, but he didn't
know that you installed debian just fine, and that it runs just fine
_except_ with display through the wrong VGA port on your eeepc.
280 [01:10:23] <karlpinc> The above installs non-free firmware
when needed.
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284 [01:11:19] <uio> But it the end there was no solution.
That's what gets me. Lubuntu beat Debian at that for sure.
285 [01:11:33] <blackflow> then install lubuntu and stop wasting
your time :)
286 [01:11:43] *** Quits: Krennic_ (~Krennic@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
287 [01:12:44] <uio> blackflow, That's what I'm doing
now. Preparing the flash drive. But I must admit that this failed
install made me lose a lot of esteem for Debian.
288 [01:13:04] <uio> I mean, sure maybe one has to put in a bit
more time, but like seven hours??
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291 [01:13:11] *** Joins: vutral (~vutral@replaced-ip )
292 [01:13:13] <humpled> seven?
293 [01:13:17] <humpled> more like 14
294 [01:13:19] *** Quits: vutral (~vutral@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
295 [01:13:21] <uio> eight.
296 [01:13:26] <humpled> and that's just since i got in
297 [01:13:27] <uio> Oh, I took a break.
298 [01:13:53] <blackflow> uio: you're complaining about a
very rare and edge case, and greycat already explained to you why
that is. if you're gonna judge entire distro based on such a
single edge case, then you have a problem.
299 [01:13:55] <uio> Right, I think a good distro shouldn't
require that. I would'nt recommend such a distro to friend!
300 [01:14:08] <humpled> good
301 [01:14:49] <uio> blackflow, Our judgements come from our
302 [01:14:53] *** Joins: blackkon13 (~bebek@replaced-ip )
303 [01:15:11] <blackflow> experience with one single eeepcs
having video output through wrong port.... dude...
304 [01:15:35] <uio> blackflow, Then why can Lubuntu do it so
305 [01:15:42] <blackflow> at any rate, this is becoming very
annoying. good luck with lubuntu. move on, stop wasting your time.
306 [01:15:45] <uio> Can't Debian get its shit together too?
307 [01:16:04] <blackflow> no. bye now.
308 [01:16:19] <humpled> run lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 network or
similar in lubuntu and we might find out :D
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310 [01:17:06] *** Joins: Krennic_ (~Krennic@replaced-ip )
311 [01:17:17] <humpled> errm, VGA not network, whatever
312 [01:17:42] <uio> I love how when Debian doesn't work the
problem is never Debian.
313 [01:18:10] <jezebel> uio… debian is what you make it,
if you believe it is debian at fault, feel free to file a bug report
314 [01:18:20] *** Quits: iiaann (~iiaann@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
315 [01:18:34] *** Quits: trackanddirt (~trackandd@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
316 [01:18:38] <blackflow> humpled: *ubuntu adds a lot of
"SAUCE" patches to the kernel in order to support a
variety of consumer hardware. this comes at a price which uio will
find out with one of the next few updates which regularly break
317 [01:19:22] *** Quits: blackkon13 (~bebek@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
318 [01:19:25] <jezebel> it wont hold your hands the way some
distros will, but you get a lot of freedom in return - you make your
system the way you want
319 [01:19:37] *** Quits: hblack (~hblack@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
320 [01:20:17] *** Quits: Krennic (~Krennic@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
321 [01:20:49] <jezebel> there are more barebones distros out
there, but debian strikes the right balance for me, your ideals for
a system may differ
322 [01:20:56] *** Quits: BCMM (~BCMM@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
323 [01:21:11] *** Quits: tagomago (~tagomago@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
324 [01:21:12] <jezebel> distro hop until you find what you like!
325 [01:21:21] <uio> jezebel, My ideal was: 'boots with
326 [01:21:34] *** Quits: dethos (~dethos@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
327 [01:21:46] <jezebel> define display
328 [01:22:00] *** Joins: kesenai (~username@replaced-ip )
329 [01:22:03] <blackflow> jezebel: this whole hubbub is over
default output on their eeepc being the VGA port instead of the
built-in screen. and I'll bet ya a trainful of cookies that
they never tried to force default device via xorg.conf, as has been
suggested before.
330 [01:22:04] *** Quits: hypn0 (~h@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving.)
331 [01:22:50] <blackflow> xorg.conf, kernel video= cmdline
option, xrandr hack, whatever... there's a number of
possibilities, one just has to find out which one is specific to
their situation.
332 [01:23:12] <mutante> karlpinc: yea, i didn't actually
suggest to have multiple identities, did i
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336 [01:24:54] <blackflow> neway, I'm out, EOD
337 [01:25:19] <uio> Well, cheers. Thanks for trying to help and
I still have Debian on my thinkpad.
338 [01:25:23] *** Quits: uio (~uio3@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
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343 [01:29:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1483
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349 [01:34:24] <zoredache> is the buster mini.iso netboot
installer supposed to just give you a grub prompt?
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354 [01:37:25] <zoredache> If I try to boot the mini.iso on a
hyper-v (gen2) VM and it just drops directly into grub prompt
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356 [01:42:01] *** Joins: donofrio_ (~donofrio@replaced-ip )
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361 [01:44:51] <donofrio_> well I'm sending this from the g5
362 [01:45:02] <donofrio_>
363 [01:45:11] <donofrio_> doesn't want to install firefox
364 [01:45:25] *** Joins: Aussie_matt (~quassel@replaced-ip )
365 [01:45:33] <met> congrats, looks like you got it running
366 [01:45:46] <met> try firefox-esr
367 [01:45:52] <donofrio_> I did ;) except I have *zero* gui
368 [01:45:56] <donofrio_> ok I'll try that
369 [01:46:38] <donofrio_>
370 [01:46:40] <donofrio_> ;(
371 [01:47:37] <donofrio_>
372 [01:47:45] <donofrio_> opps mispaste
373 [01:48:31] <donofrio_>
374 [01:48:57] <donofrio_> nice to see you folk have it updated
(weather was broken on ubuntu 16.04 lol)
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380 [01:51:01] <met> huh, you're running sid :o
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384 [01:53:09] *** Joins: rocketmagnet (~rocketmag@replaced-ip )
385 [01:53:14] <rocketmagnet> hello everyone
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387 [01:53:29] <rocketmagnet> i have a strange problem, i just
did a reboot and now he's not enterin X11 (debian with
lightdm), i get the error message: snd_hda_codec_hdmi ndaudioC1D0
HDMI: invalid ELD data.... it's a dualboot and windows works
normaly, what is heppening ??
388 [01:53:40] <donofrio_>
389 [01:53:54] *** Joins: vutral (vutral@replaced-ip )
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391 [01:53:54] *** Joins: vutral (vutral@replaced-ip )
392 [01:53:56] <donofrio_> E: Package 'libgcrypt11-dev'
has no installation candidate
393 [01:54:50] *** Quits: vutral (vutral@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
394 [01:55:29] *** Joins: bralyclow (bralyclow@replaced-ip )
395 [01:55:46] <met> ,v libgcrypt11-dev
396 [01:55:47] <judd> Package: libgcrypt11-dev on amd64 --
jessie: 1.5.4-3+really1.6.3-2+deb8u4; jessie-security:
1.5.4-3+really1.6.3-2+deb8u5; stretch: 1.5.4-3+really1.7.6-2+deb9u3;
stretch-security: 1.5.4-3+really1.7.6-2+deb9u3
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401 [01:56:28] <donofrio_> what about ppc64
402 [01:56:55] *** Joins: Minds_Quest (~Minds_Que@replaced-ip )
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404 [01:57:18] <met> maybe there's an arch switch for the
405 [01:57:24] <met> ,v libgcrypt11-dev ppc64
406 [01:57:26] <judd> Package: libgcrypt11-dev on amd64 --
jessie: 1.5.4-3+really1.6.3-2+deb8u4; jessie-security:
1.5.4-3+really1.6.3-2+deb8u5; stretch: 1.5.4-3+really1.7.6-2+deb9u3;
stretch-security: 1.5.4-3+really1.7.6-2+deb9u3
407 [01:57:27] *** Joins: we6jbo (~we6jbo@replaced-ip )
408 [01:57:32] <met> ,v libgcrypt11-dev:ppc64
409 [01:57:33] <judd> No package named
'libgcrypt11-dev:ppc64' was found in amd64.
410 [01:57:37] <met> sigh
411 [01:58:02] <met> looks like you have to use w3m||links||lynx
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414 [01:58:16] <winny> maybe you mean ppc64el
415 [01:58:25] <donofrio_> I'm using lynx right now but whoa
416 [01:58:25] <met> why are you running unstable and not testing
417 [01:58:48] *** Joins: akko (~gentoo@replaced-ip )
418 [01:58:56] <donofrio_> I dunno I'll install whatever
version I should be at just figured sid would have newest firefox
ubuntu 16.04 has old firefox
419 [01:58:58] <winny> oh donofrio_ are you running old stable?
420 [01:59:00] <jmcnaught> donofrio_ is using debian-ports which
is only available as unstable
421 [01:59:06] *** Joins: jarray52 (4822631a@replaced-ip )
422 [01:59:25] <winny> i'm wondering because i didn't
see ppc64 or ppc for anything other than old debian releases
423 [01:59:26] *** Parts: jarray52 (4822631a@replaced-ip ) ()
424 [01:59:50] <winny> (i'd like to be proven wrong though)
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431 [02:03:39] <winny> oh wait... i could have installed sid?!
Ugh. Wish I had known that when I tried to get a modern linux on my
own imac g5 a week ago.
432 [02:03:42] *** Quits: vutral (vutral@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
433 [02:05:03] <rocketmagnet> nobody an idea what the problem
might be ??
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436 [02:07:00] <jmcnaught> rocketmagnet: I doubt that the error
message you included about a sound module is the cause of X11 not
starting. Could you put /var/log/Xorg.0.log on
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440 [02:08:03] <jmcnaught> donofrio_: you should probably move
your support questions to #debianppc or #debian-ports (both on as unstable is not supported in this channel, and I
doubt debian-ports should be either.
441 [02:08:11] *** Quits: vutral (vutral@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
442 [02:09:18] *** Joins: corvo (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip )
443 [02:09:23] <met> donofrio, sid is called 'unstable'
for a reason -- try running testing with firefox pulled in from sid
444 [02:09:33] *** Quits: stwalkerster (~stwalkers@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
445 [02:09:42] <jmcnaught> rocketmagnet: actually I see
you're also in ##linux so please just continue there, cross
posting is considered rude in this channel.
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464 [02:17:16] <rocketmagnet> jmcnaught, i can just swith to the
console, how can i paste the content in the console ?
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466 [02:18:38] <mutante> ctrl + shift + v ? middle mouse button?
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478 [02:24:37] <donofrio_> any hope ://
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618 [04:03:49] <teksimian> just upgraded to buster. gotta admit
it's pretty slick.
619 [04:04:02] <Psi-Jack> Does it really bust your hide? ;)
620 [04:04:18] <teksimian> like i cant even tell you
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634 [04:18:18] <rocketmagnet> hi everyon, i have a strnge
problém, when i start linux normaly he starts to hang when he
tried to starx, but when i go into rescue mode an switch to my user
for X11 and use startx it's working
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636 [04:20:02] <altker128> rocketmagnet: Check
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639 [04:21:27] <rocketmagnet> altker128:
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645 [04:25:37] <altker128> rocketmagnet: Sorry URL is not
resolving for me
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651 [04:31:42] <altker128> rocketmagnet: Can you try
or something?
652 [04:32:15] <rocketmagnet> yes,sec
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730 [05:23:36] <finn0> I'm looking for a program which can
create an encrypted backup periodically. Any suggestion will be
greatly appreciated.
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736 [05:29:07] <somiaj> why not just backup to an encrypted
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741 [05:35:47] <finn0> somiaj: That's good idea. But may I
want my data to transfer someone else or carry sensitive(mainly some
keys and certificate) with me or store at cloud. So, encrypted
version of that data would be much safer.
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751 [05:42:38] <jelly> finn0: restic? duplicity? Most modern
backup tools assume you can't trust the store and do encryption
of data-at-rest
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763 [05:58:31] <finn0> jelly: Thanks, What do you suggest if have
to backup my private keys and certificates to cloud service? Is this
a good practice? My private keys are already password protected so,
is it necessary to encrypt it once again before storing it to cloud?
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the help)
767 [06:02:00] <finn0> Any suggestion would be welcome.
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779 [06:18:44] <altker128> finn0: Well, you can rsync the data,
zip it / 7-zip it and AES encrypt it
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800 [06:41:19] <finn0> altker128: Thanks, On Internet I found
many tutorials to backup data using rsync and it's much more
preferable among sysadmins. I would prefer backup program which keep
files intact (means store as collection of file).
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847 [07:07:27] <finn0> !irclog
848 [07:07:27] <dpkg> from memory, irclog is #debian on
<freenode> is logged at
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868 [07:16:24] <blackflow> finn0: how much are you willing to pay
for that backup?
869 [07:16:38] <finn0> I'll out for some hours. Seems like
this channel neither have support for Matrix IRC Bridge nor log is
properly maintained.
870 [07:17:00] <finn0> blackflow: (pay) means?
871 [07:17:28] <blackflow> pesos. monies. cash.
872 [07:18:04] <finn0> blackflow: why?
873 [07:18:25] <blackflow> I ask because I've found that
backups should be a DIY job. If you want something done, do it
right. Rent a server, stick ZFS on LUKS on that, run your backups
via rsync over ssh.
874 [07:18:48] *** Joins: Ericounet (~Eric@replaced-ip )
875 [07:20:04] *** Joins: bralyclow (bralyclow@replaced-ip )
876 [07:20:25] *** Joins: conta (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip )
877 [07:20:45] <blackflow> and also if data is sensitive, stay
away from public clouds.
878 [07:21:19] *** Joins: kts (~kts@replaced-ip )
879 [07:21:56] *** Quits: tsujp (~tsujp@replaced-ip ) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
880 [07:21:57] <finn0> blackflow: Okay. But I will store my
backup on nextcloud instance.
881 [07:22:06] *** Quits: electro33 (uid613@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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884 [07:22:55] <blackflow> finn0: does nextcloud support ZFS or
885 [07:23:20] <Psi-Jack> Nextcloud is a web application. So...
886 [07:23:28] *** Joins: Matt12345 (~Matt12345@replaced-ip )
887 [07:23:30] <finn0> blackflow: yep.
888 [07:23:33] <Psi-Jack> It, itself, doesn't care about the
underlyng filesystem.
889 [07:24:25] <finn0> blackflow: NextCloud will also encrypt my
data using a key which generates from my password.
890 [07:24:27] *** Quits: bralyclow (bralyclow@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
891 [07:24:53] <finn0> *is generated
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894 [07:26:53] <finn0> blackflow: Anyway rent a server is not
good solution for just storing couple of GiB backup data.
895 [07:27:00] <blackflow> finn0: does that allow rsync-like
delta backups? automatic detection of changed files, so only those
are incrementally backed up? maybe this is slightly becomng offtopic
here, but let's say it's powered by debian, so... ontopic
896 [07:27:23] <Psi-Jack> borgbackup is a better backup solution
897 [07:29:08] <blackflow> finn0: that's why I asked how
much are you willing to spend. you can get a dedicated machine for
30-40 €/mo, with at least two disks, so you RAID that up, put
debian on ZFS on LUKS there and you own the full stack. you simply
can't trust public clouds.
898 [07:29:09] <finn0> How does people read message when they are
not online this channel? I've to go somewhere and IRC log is
not properly maintained.
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903 [07:34:17] <finn0> blackflow: I'm pretty much new to
nextcloud so, I'm not suitable person answer your question.
NextCloud is pretty much like Google drive and some features can be
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905 [07:35:20] <blackflow> finn0: yes but nextcloud is an
application. and what I'm talking about is _where_ you will
store your backups.
906 [07:35:58] *** Quits: P1ersson (~P1ersson@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
907 [07:36:10] <finn0> On
908 [07:36:11] <blackflow> if the data is sensitve and you value
it, it won't be stored in a public cloud (VPS, "cloud
servers", ...), but on a dedicated machine under your control.
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914 [07:39:30] <patterson> I encrypt my breakfast
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916 [07:39:57] <finn0> blackflow: Yes, I understand my threat
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920 [07:40:51] <blackflow> finn0: it's not just threat
model. by setting up ZFS or BTRFS yourself, you have some level of
guarantee against bitrot. Does ""
guarantee that?
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924 [07:45:03] <finn0> blackflow: I've ask them on their
matrix channel #disroot. How they are managing their infrastructure?
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928 [07:50:07] <finn0> blackflow: I heard that lots of people are
switching to BTRFS and Does BTRFS is more secure than EXT4?
Isn't full disk encryption sufficient?
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931 [07:50:26] <Psi-Jack> Switching TO? I'd switch the heck
AWAY from. LOL
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933 [07:52:13] <blackflow> finn0: sufficient for what? also,
btrfs or even better zfs, are not about security but about data
integrity. ZFS and BTRFS are the only two filesystems that run data
checksums, at the moment, and are capable of on-the-fly
autocorrection of corrupt data (on read), with sufficient redundancy
(RAID1 / copies >= 2)
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935 [07:54:09] <jaggz> $ perldoc -f sprintf
936 [07:54:09] <jaggz> Encode.c: loadable library and perl
binaries are mismatched
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938 [07:54:22] <jaggz> oops.. tried to join #debian-next ..
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941 [07:56:34] <finn0> blackflow: whether my data is safe if
I've used good cipher for encryption?
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943 [07:57:16] <blackflow> finn0: that's just one part of
the security equation. the other parts are trusting the provider,
the connection, the software.
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946 [07:58:10] <blackflow> the _best_ thing you can do is a
dedicated machine with full stack in control by you. it is not
absolute security (that doesn't even exist), but is the best
you can do as all of the trust that can be _chosen_, is on you
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958 [08:02:43] <finn0> blackflow: Disroot is currently my best
possible trusted provider and although I'm not happy with their
all decision about how they manage their infrastucture? I'm
pretty much sure my all connection is secure. NextCloud is an open
source software and go through many security auditing(replaced-url
959 [08:03:04] *** Joins: __marco (~marco@replaced-ip )
960 [08:03:55] <finn0> blackflow: Okay, thanks.
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965 [08:07:03] <blackflow> finn0: if it's not encrypted on
the _client_ side, ther is no encryption.
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985 [08:15:40] <finn0> blackflow: On their documentation they
written that all data will encrypted with key which will extracted
from users password. But admin can only see the file's name,
its size and its mime-type. But, I've some doubts they do have
access to my password. I think it better store multiple copies these
data in some flash/hard drives.
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991 [08:19:38] <finn0> Please send messages after an hour if they
are for me. I'm out for an hour.
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1034 [08:51:50] <Th3D4rkL0rd> Hey guys
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1037 [08:52:28] <Th3D4rkL0rd> I wanted to add a random tidbit, the
debian guide for installing Nvidia drivers seems a bit vague on it
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1043 [08:53:57] <Th3D4rkL0rd> I simply installed the legacy 390
driver and its depends. and it didn't mess anything up on my
optimus laptop. Installed the proprietary nvidia drivers flawlessly
and I didn't have to fiddle with any xorg settings.
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1168 [10:00:21] <rdz> hey all. would I have to expect many
problems when making python3 the default pyhton on a Debian buster
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1173 [10:03:32] <humpled> if you want python3 to be the default
you use when you write and run your own python that's fine, if
you want all the services and apps on your system to be ready to use
python3, you might have problems
1174 [10:04:06] *** Joins: bertbob (~bertbob@replaced-ip )
1175 [10:04:16] <themill> rdz: there is no such thing as a default
1176 [10:04:21] <rdz> humpled, do they usually specify what python
they want or call they simply /usr/bin/python'
1177 [10:04:34] <themill> (There is a default Python 2 and a
default Python 3; see PEP394)
1178 [10:04:55] <rdz> themill, what is /usr/bin/python then?
1179 [10:05:13] <themill> that is supposed to be Python 2
1180 [10:05:28] *** Quits: progart (~kamee@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving.)
1181 [10:05:37] <themill> it is everywhere except one distro that
decide to blow up the world and didn't care about any form of
1182 [10:05:47] <rdz> themill, will that be python2 in thousand
years still?
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1184 [10:05:57] <themill> no, it will just disappear
1185 [10:06:10] <rdz> ok.. thanks
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1187 [10:07:06] <rdz> i would like ansible to use python3 and it
is actually capable to do so, but it says no python find on Debian
buster machine
1188 [10:07:12] <rdz> but python3 is there, just not python
1189 [10:07:24] <themill> ansible works just fine with Python 3 in
1190 [10:07:36] <rdz> since ansible is able to use python3, i
don't want to install python2
1191 [10:07:49] <themill> I bet other things still need Python 2
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1194 [10:08:10] <rdz> i'd rather install it when it is
actually needed
1195 [10:08:17] <rdz> but how can i tell ansible to use python3
1196 [10:08:40] <rdz> hm.. not a debian question anymore..
anyway.. thanks for sharing your knowledge
1197 [10:09:08] *** Quits: bertbob (~bertbob@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
1198 [10:09:19] <themill> how are you running ansible?
1199 [10:09:57] <rdz> themill, i am running ansible-playbook -l
busterhost maplay.yml
1200 [10:10:10] <themill> from?
1201 [10:10:11] *** Joins: noodlepie (~phillip@replaced-ip )
1202 [10:10:18] <rdz> from Debian stretch host
1203 [10:11:18] <themill> ansible_python_interpreter
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1205 [10:11:38] <rdz> themill, ok.. i'll make sure to set
1206 [10:12:02] *** Joins: Guest68904 (~quassel@replaced-ip )
1207 [10:12:07] <rdz> will have to figure out a way to use python3
only on buster hosts
1208 [10:12:17] *** Quits: sdrac8_ (~sdracu8__@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
1209 [10:12:32] <rdz> besides stretch, we still run some jessie
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1213 [10:15:39] <noodlepie> Well, hello, guys! How doing?
1214 [10:16:11] <patterson> Sounds like Hawaiian crank
1215 [10:16:20] <patterson> Noodle Pie?
1216 [10:16:34] <patterson> Is that NerdShark?
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1218 [10:17:23] <patterson> I didn't regiter Strozzapreti if
you want it
1219 [10:17:26] <patterson> s
1220 [10:18:02] <patterson> \Such a wrong room. Honest
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1224 [10:18:28] <patterson> I'll just go sit in the corner
shall I
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1226 [10:19:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1504
1227 [10:19:30] <halt> HI All, I'm running Debian workload in
AWS and yet again today I had to face the falling behind with
mainstream, namely this time it's the
1228 [10:19:39] <halt> While I do appreciate the rock stable and
handy Debian, and I would love to keep it as my number one go to
distro even in Cloud, it's getting more and more difficult to
backport all the tiny bits and bots to keep it on the same base
level as AWS Linux 2 or Ubuntu, so I'm asking the tricky
question, within the limits of the strict requirements of Debian
what can be done to overcome this limitation.
1229 [10:19:56] <halt> I mean I can anytime just fork, and add the
missing pieces and call it debian-aws and there go wild, but maybe
there is a less distinctive option, like create just an extra
section in the repo next to main/non-free for aws, or have a
separated repo, maintained by AWS, don't know just trying to
make it right... Any ideas ?
1230 [10:20:00] *** Quits: mayurvpatil (~mayurvpat@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
1231 [10:20:15] <themill> tl;dr
1232 [10:22:12] <pyfgcr> halt: which kind of missing pieces are
you refering to?
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1238 [10:25:17] <halt> SSM agent, AWS Connect Agent, AWS
inspector, EC2 Instance Connect, CloudWatch Logs Agent
1239 [10:25:38] <halt> I wrote connect twice ..
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1246 [10:28:58] <lope> I nice'd ksmtuned to 19. Is that ok?
Am I a bad person?
1247 [10:29:22] <halt> themill: I understand, it's more then
a thousand characters, I wouldn't read it either, but if you
can sum up a complex issue in much less pls do.
1248 [10:29:57] *** 7YSACEWF4 is now known as RobinAnatoscope
1249 [10:30:34] <themill> It looks like "I'm looking for
$version of $package for $release of Debian", but I have no
idea from what you've actually written or from that URL
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1254 [10:33:04] <pyfgcr> halt: sorry, I reformulate: is the
problem the fact theta the debian package is too outdated, or that
those are not debian packages at all?
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1265 [10:37:24] <halt> themill: Well almost, AWS as
"small" cloud provider is providing packages for Debian as
well, to run Debian within their own network nicely, Debian is
providing disk images (AMI's) for AWS users, but non of the
packages which AWS is providing are actually included, there due to
the license and other policies of Debian
1266 [10:37:31] *** Joins: jubo2 (~juboxi@replaced-ip )
1267 [10:37:52] <themill> well if Debian isn't allowed to
distribute it, it's not going to be in the AMI
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1274 [10:44:27] <halt> hmm I'm not sure that "Debian
isn't allowed to distribute it" is actually true, even if
it's not in the AMI that's fine as long as it's
accessible, you have userdata, and cfn-init and etc to make it still
1275 [10:44:52] <pyfgcr> halt: so where are you supposed to get
them from, according to amazon?
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1280 [10:46:51] <halt> Github, Pypy, AWS Download link, take your
pick, some here some there
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1284 [10:47:12] <apollo13> halt: cn't you use your own
1285 [10:47:16] <apollo13> -'
1286 [10:47:23] <halt> SSM is in GitHub for example
1287 [10:48:36] <halt> apollo13: of course I can, but why would I
? I use the stock Debian AMI, and I just have an ever growing
userdata section, which is getting not just big but ugly
1288 [10:49:09] *** Quits: mn3m (~mn3m@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
1289 [10:49:25] <apollo13> why you would? apparantly because of
the "novel" of problems you wrote above :D
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1294 [10:51:47] <halt> If my car is reversed back to a garage,
then I wouldn't keep it driving backwards, even if I can adjust
to it, as I have mirrors, and maybe even a camera at the back, I
just turn around and drive it right, I think our car is backwards
now, and trying to understand why we don't turn around
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1296 [10:53:06] <pyfgcr> I'm not sue what you would like to
1297 [10:53:25] <themill> halt: step 1 would be to actually
describe what is wrong. I *still* don't know what you
don't have
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1299 [10:54:18] <x10> software not included in default images?
1300 [10:54:44] <halt> themill: In short and general terms , I
don't have a standard way to use Debian within AWS
1301 [10:54:57] <themill> general terms are the problem
1302 [10:55:09] <pyfgcr> halt: what do you mean by
1303 [10:55:34] <themill> halt: does this software have a name? is
in debian? is it the wrong version?
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1305 [10:55:54] <substreamz> Hello
1306 [10:55:59] <nojake> just keep driving backwards.
1307 [10:56:24] <nojake> put the car into the garage.
1308 [10:56:42] <substreamz> Guys how can i get list of all
freenode channels?
1309 [10:56:45] <themill> halt: pretend that this has something to
do with software release and that things need to be actionable not
vague and general
1310 [10:56:50] <nojake> /list
1311 [10:57:13] <themill> substreamz: there's 54k channels,
you probably don't want them all. /msg alis help
1312 [10:57:34] <nojake> /list *keyword* --for filter
1313 [10:58:06] <themill> /list is often a great way of getting
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1317 [10:58:51] <halt> themill: I wrote general, because the
problem is coming up with all new AWS OS tools, new services, new
integrations come, and Debian falling behind, but if that helps,
let's pick a specific example of the SSM agent
1318 [10:59:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1510
1319 [10:59:33] <halt> a standard solution would be, either having
it installed by default, or having a documented, recommended, way to
install it
1320 [10:59:38] <nojake> why is node on stretch only version 4.x
or so?
1321 [10:59:38] <themill> real tool name, link to source code, rfp
1322 [11:00:02] <cupcake90> I think debian offering latest tools
1323 [11:00:10] <themill> nojake: that would have been the current
version when stretch was released
1324 [11:00:13] <nojake> i mean.. i can imagine there is a reason
beyond not having reviewed newer versions.
1325 [11:00:30] <nojake> themill: but other packages get updated
too.. no?
1326 [11:00:33] <themill> no
1327 [11:00:43] <noodlepie> Is GNU Linux serving you well? - I
love it - I run
1328 [11:00:43] <noodlepie> gre
1329 [11:00:43] <noodlepie> at!<noodlepie> I even installed
Debian on my psychiatrist's computer - he wanted to try it and
he managed to install the free WiFi driver for his hardware -
Impressive! I want to install Linux/Kubernetes on all the UK,
National Health Service machines and use the cluster to build
1330 [11:00:48] <noodlepie> encryption source code.
1331 [11:00:50] <pyfgcr> halt: so you would it to be included in
1332 [11:01:07] <themill> dpkg: tell halt about rfp
1333 [11:01:18] <nojake> themill: can u explain why i get volatile
and the updates for stretch .. and not for node?
1334 [11:01:21] <halt> might be that I can just make up a
aws-deb-helper package, which just give you option to install SSM
1335 [11:01:22] *** Quits: burrows (burrows@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Quitting)
1336 [11:01:41] <themill> nojake: that's only security
1337 [11:01:53] <nojake> hm.
1338 [11:01:59] *** Joins: cyphix (~cyphix@replaced-ip )
1339 [11:02:36] <pyfgcr> so you are willing to write the debian
package yourself?
1340 [11:02:42] *** Quits: cyphix (~cyphix@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
1341 [11:02:43] <pyfgcr> halt: ^
1342 [11:02:51] <nojake> what when security updates are part of
newer versions?
1343 [11:02:55] <nojake> like in a browser.
1344 [11:02:56] <ayekat> volatile also isn't a thing anymore,
1345 [11:02:57] *** Joins: cyphix (~cyphix@replaced-ip )
1346 [11:03:02] <themill> nojake: there's a newer version in
stretch-backports (but not incredibly new tbh, node is too difficult
to maintain and backport)
1347 [11:03:14] <nojake> are you saying ppl use a 2 year old
browser version by default?
1348 [11:03:50] <apollo13> no, browsers are updated .)
1349 [11:04:24] <themill> nojake: firefox gets security updates
1350 [11:04:35] <apollo13> also feature updates afaik
1351 [11:04:42] <apollo13> ie new ESR releases
1352 [11:04:43] <themill> only from one esr to the next
1353 [11:04:51] <halt> pyfgcr: absolutely, as long as the approach
is accepted, and works with the community
1354 [11:04:57] <themill> and only when that has to be done as
part of a security update
1355 [11:05:06] <nojake> i don't think u can get security
updates without the other features.
1356 [11:05:30] <themill> nojake: yes you can
1357 [11:05:36] <nojake> but even if so. the reasoning is already
proven false.
1358 [11:05:42] <nojake> themill: you can't./
1359 [11:05:45] <blackflow> what!
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1361 [11:06:17] <nojake> in theory you can. but it's just not
what happens.
1362 [11:06:19] <themill> nojake: so you can keep saying that as
long as you like, and I'll just install the security updates
1363 [11:06:26] <nojake> i keep saying nothing.
1364 [11:06:33] <nojake> i ask simple questions.
1365 [11:06:43] <halt> pyfgcr: but last time I seen the SSM trying
to make it to the mainline repos, it was turned down, as even
thought it's OSS but it's not free to use, or something
similar, and I expect that the same applies for the inspector and
etc etc
1366 [11:06:46] <nojake> node is 4.x
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1369 [11:07:15] <HicksD> nojake: Packages do in general just get
security specific fixes backported to them, with no new features.
Some packages are more hassle to do that with than it's worth,
browsers for example, so they tend to just track the ESR releases
which are pretty much just security fixes until a major new ESR
1370 [11:07:18] <themill> nojake: and I've explained why
1371 [11:07:38] <pyfgcr> halt: if you are willing to write te
package yourself, there is no need to have it en the main repository
1372 [11:07:55] <HicksD> Anyone that uses node in debian that I
know of, just installs a vm and then installs node from upstream via
adding the apt-repo. It's the path of least resistance for web
dev imo
1373 [11:07:55] <nojake> hicksd.. are packages on release reviewed
by some debian team?
1374 [11:08:16] <pyfgcr> halt: but maybe you can still file a bug
report to the maintainers of the nonfree repo
1375 [11:08:20] <themill> nojake: you might need to explain what
you mean by 'release'
1376 [11:08:21] <HicksD> There's a variety of descriptions of
how all the repos and teams work on the debian site.
1377 [11:08:54] <nojake> when including newer versions of
packages. like for instance node.
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1379 [11:09:12] <nojake> themill: strech jessy etc.
1380 [11:09:24] <nojake> its the context of our talk.
1381 [11:09:27] <themill> are you asking how a Debian release is
1382 [11:09:30] *** Quits: substreamz (~androirc@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1383 [11:09:33] <nojake> sh.
1384 [11:09:44] <themill> I have no idea what you're actually
1385 [11:09:46] <nojake> let me talk to the other girls.
1386 [11:09:54] <nojake> thats ok then.
1387 [11:10:01] <ayekat> wow, way to ask for support...
1388 [11:10:04] <nojake> you have not to answer the.
1389 [11:10:05] *** Joins: omonk (~omonk@replaced-ip )
1390 [11:10:14] <themill> Try asking questions in a way that the
reader has some chance.
1391 [11:10:35] *** Joins: monstar (~mitya@replaced-ip )
1392 [11:10:58] <themill> Having to decipher the question gets
pretty old and tends not to lead to the answers you were wanting
1393 [11:11:19] <nojake> the reader would have some chance if you
wouldn't just spam the chat superpendantic polemic complexity.
1394 [11:11:44] *** ChanServ sets mode: +q
1395 [11:11:44] <themill> Understanding that you're not
actually interested in the answer helps too.
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1403 [11:16:34] <megernic> /ignore *joins*
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1405 [11:18:22] <halt> pyfgcr: I might just need to take the
bullet and finish my glid project and submit that to debian as well
... that would solve this ( as well )
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1408 [11:19:37] <pyfgcr> halt: if you are sarcastic, I didn't
get it
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1414 [11:21:53] <halt> pyfgcr: not at all, I'm playing with
the idea of Generic Linux Installer Database (glid) for a while so
maybe that way I solve this problem as well, as many other (
It's on GitHub if you interested )
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1429 [11:33:43] <halt> btw if anyone around here can access the
official Debian image "sell" statistics for the AWS
Marketplace, I would be very much interested that how much this is
an issue only for me
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1535 [12:34:18] <lbr> Hi. Anyone using Anaconda on Debian? So far
so good, no issues with Python shipped via apt?
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1571 [13:07:13] <darxmurf> is it possible to split a long grep
patern into multiple lines? in order to make the script a bit more
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1584 [13:15:07] <Logg> darxmurf, try a \
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1587 [13:15:43] <darxmurf> tried already :D
1588 [13:16:04] <Logg> :D
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1598 [13:23:43] <humpled> how could that happen?
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1608 [13:30:28] <humpled> not sure why there are extra quotes in
your split version, i'm not an expert here though
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1610 [13:31:01] <humpled> also there's a hanging bracket on
your first line
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1704 [14:24:51] <tachikomas> Hello debian channel, i would like to
execute a script in my background each time that i ssh a server,
using the hostname of the server i am reaching as a parameter. How
can i do that ?
1705 [14:24:52] <karlpinc> darxmurf: You can with python and I
think pcre (perl) expressions, but not traditional regexps. So use
grep -P.
1706 [14:25:27] <tachikomas> i would like not to create a wrapper
around ssh if possible
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1708 [14:25:44] <karlpinc> tachikomas: Executing on the local or
remote end?
1709 [14:25:49] <tachikomas> local
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1714 [14:27:18] <karlpinc> tachikomas: How about using a shell
1715 [14:27:35] <tachikomas> for what ?
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1717 [14:28:58] <tachikomas> what i would like to do is ssh
somehost and my somehost is given as a parameter for a script each
1718 [14:29:04] <tachikomas> and all the thing to be called by ssh
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1720 [14:29:52] <apathor> tachikomas: write a script named
'ssh' that does whatever then execs /usr/bin/ssh
1721 [14:30:21] <tachikomas> thats a bit dirty no ? There is no
other way ?
1722 [14:30:24] <hwm4rgs> gonna be tricky reliably getting the
hostname from the ssh command
1723 [14:30:31] <apathor> passing along all arguments not consumed
by your part of the script
1724 [14:30:57] <tachikomas> i would really like to avoid wrapping
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1726 [14:31:05] <humpled> but
1727 [14:31:15] <nojake> thats what u want though.
1728 [14:31:15] <hwm4rgs> i doubt ssh has "execute this
before connecting" as a feature
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1730 [14:31:34] <tachikomas> there is an option called
1731 [14:31:40] <tachikomas> but i didnt find anything better than
1732 [14:31:53] <hwm4rgs> that sounds exactly like what you want
1733 [14:32:06] *** Joins: winy (~vince@replaced-ip )
1734 [14:32:09] <nojake> u want to execute 2 commands as one?
that's a script. (alias was proposed as well)
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1737 [14:32:52] <nojake> or say how u would even notice its not a
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1740 [14:33:07] <hwm4rgs> tachikomas:
1741 [14:33:35] <hwm4rgs> I think there's a variable %H or so
that gives you hostname
1742 [14:33:49] <nojake> or a function.
1743 [14:34:18] <nojake> but i suggest not to name it ssh. it will
mess things up at some point or other.
1744 [14:34:26] <tachikomas> So i have to use localcommand then :D
1745 [14:34:29] <tachikomas> Thanks
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1749 [14:34:38] <hwm4rgs> that's one option, yes
1750 [14:34:40] <tachikomas> i will not use a script for that
1751 [14:34:42] <nojake> that guy.
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1822 [15:18:55] <Guest121> caution : the most spectificated IT guy
in the world just stepped in
1823 [15:19:16] <greycat> This thing again...
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1876 [15:45:02] <azy> how do i know what processes am i meant to
have running? it was kinda intuitive under windows, you could spot
bs.exe that was running in the background with ctrlaltdelete, but im
not sure where to start with linux processes
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1879 [15:45:12] <greycat> Experience.
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1882 [15:45:37] <Psi-Jack> It was never really
"intuitive" on Windows either. heh
1883 [15:45:49] <greycat> You can look at the process list with
nobody logged in through the GUI, just root on the console (or ssh)
to get a "base line".
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1888 [15:46:47] <azy> hm good idea
1889 [15:47:03] <han-solo> ps -u <user> -o pid,command # ?
1890 [15:47:25] <han-solo> meant to have running :/
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1894 [15:50:13] <GenTooMan> hmmm this is a bit strange, I did
"apt-get install python3-pip" which said "python3-pip
is already the newest version (9.0.1-2+deb9u1)" great then I
did "pip3 install -f
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1896 [15:50:54] <greycat> try "hash -r pip3" to clear
the old location out of bash's cache
1897 [15:51:30] <greycat> (oh, actually that clears *all*
entries... sorry)
1898 [15:51:42] <greycat> either "hash pip3" or
"hash -r"
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1901 [15:52:25] <GenTooMan> it looks like it installed pip3 in
/usr/local/bin instead of /usr/bin ... why?
1902 [15:52:38] *** Joins: vutral (~vutral@replaced-ip )
1903 [15:52:48] <greycat> Your /usr/local/bin/pip3 is definitely
not from a Debian package. That would be a grievous policy
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1905 [15:53:27] <GenTooMan> sorry if I sound frustrated... argh..
how do I reinstall pip3 in the correct location?
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1908 [15:54:08] <greycat> ,file usr/bin/pip3
1909 [15:54:13] <judd> Search for usr/bin/pip3 in stretch/amd64:
python3-pip: usr/bin/pip3
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1912 [15:54:45] <greycat> You could do "apt-get --reinstall
install python3-pip" for that half, but as for
/usr/local/bin/pip3, that's on you. We can't guess where
that came from.
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1915 [15:55:15] <GenTooMan> Well that makes 2 of us, I wondered
why I kept getting weird errors.
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1924 [16:00:06] <GenTooMan> I suspect it's an after affect of
something else, which obviously I don't know what was or is. :D
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1933 [16:08:25] <jelly> GenTooMan: probably using pip install ...
as root
1934 [16:08:36] <jelly> or pip something else as root (don't)
1935 [16:08:54] <jelly> virtualenv and normal users.
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1937 [16:10:43] <han-solo> don't run system pip as root :)
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1940 [16:11:21] <GenTooMan> jelly That seems more likely
1941 [16:11:36] <GenTooMan> jelly suggestions on how to clear the
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1944 [16:13:49] <finn0> How can I view message timestamp of kernel
ring buffer in my localtime? probably -e option will show but,
I'm afraid it's not showing correct timestamp. Can I print
something in kernel ring buffer just for testing purpose? Whether
timestamp is correct?
1945 [16:14:46] <greycat> dmesg -H is a start
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1949 [16:18:03] <finn0> greycat: I've tried all options but,
not sure whether they are correct. So, I want verify it by printing
something to ring buffer. Is it possible?
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1960 [16:22:00] <hwm4rgs> finn0: "echo foo >
1961 [16:22:09] *** Joins: megernic (~megernic@replaced-ip )
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1965 [16:26:41] <finn0> hwm4rgs: thanks, How can I run this
command as sudo user? because getting permission denied when try to
run `sudo echo foo > /dev/kmsg`.
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1967 [16:26:55] <hwm4rgs> echo foo | sudo tee /dev/kmesg
1968 [16:27:07] <hwm4rgs> you're telling "echo" to
run as root
1969 [16:27:14] <hwm4rgs> not the ">" operation
1970 [16:27:42] *** Joins: progart (~kamee@replaced-ip )
1971 [16:27:53] <progart> jh
1972 [16:28:15] <finn0> hwm4rgs: okay, thanks. By the way none of
none of option shows timestamp in local time in ring buffer.
1973 [16:28:58] <hwm4rgs> Yeah, I have no idea how to make dmesg
output local time, I think it's millis since boot regardless
1974 [16:29:15] <greycat> dmesg -H but it only prints the full
date/time on *some* lines, not all lines
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1978 [16:30:24] <finn0> greycat: No, dmesg -H is not working.
I've test it using hwm4rgs answer.
1979 [16:30:33] <hwm4rgs> -e or --reltime sounds like it's
what you want
1980 [16:30:55] <hwm4rgs> [Jun28 16:24] foo
1981 [16:31:08] <greycat> that still uses [ +0.750561] on some
lines, but that's fine, so does -H
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1983 [16:31:21] <hwm4rgs> Oh, didn't scroll far enough to see
1984 [16:31:37] <greycat> looks like it only prints the absolute
date/time maximum once per second
1985 [16:31:44] <finn0> hwm4rgs: still not. But in my case it
prints [Jun27 16:13] but correct time is Jun 28 20:01
1986 [16:32:02] *** Joins: diogenes_ (~diogenes_@replaced-ip )
1987 [16:32:06] <hwm4rgs> I presume your local time is correctly
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1990 [16:32:28] <GenTooMan> how do you install a binary whl not as
1991 [16:32:40] <finn0> hwm4rgs: Can I verify it?
1992 [16:32:45] <hwm4rgs> finn0: `date`
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1996 [16:33:25] <finn0> hwm4rgs: My local time is correctly setup.
Fri Jun 28 20:02:51 IST 2019
1997 [16:33:34] <hwm4rgs> Then I have no idea why dmesg is a day
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2001 [16:34:22] <greycat> Maybe the clock was wrong at boot time,
and it recorded the wrong clock setting at "time zero"?
Just a guess.
2002 [16:34:42] <hwm4rgs> That would make sense
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2004 [16:34:49] *** Joins: CSP-SOFTWARE (~uwx@replaced-ip )
2005 [16:34:51] <jmcnaught> dmesg(1) under -T: "Be aware that
the timestamp could be inaccurate! The time source used for the logs
is not updated after system SUSPEND/RESUME."
2006 [16:34:57] <finn0> hwm4rgs: Is it due to clock drifting? But
drifting shouldn't change time that much.
2007 [16:35:36] <m4ch1n3znc> is there any good read on howto
configure debian when connecting to public open wlan hotspots to
stay safe?
2008 [16:35:38] <finn0> greycat: Can I fix it?
2009 [16:36:09] <hwm4rgs> m4ch1n3znc: Same principles as for
internet-facing hosts apply
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2015 [16:39:27] <jhutchins_wk> finn0: Why does this matter to you?
Are you unable to understand GMT?
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2017 [16:39:39] <jhutchins_wk> s/GMT/UTC
2018 [16:40:11] <finn0> m4ch1n3znc: Randomize MAC address if
supported by wireless card as well driver. Use DoT or DoH.
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2021 [16:40:42] <m4ch1n3znc> finn0, already did both
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2024 [16:41:21] <m4ch1n3znc> also customized dhcpclient settings
to not use their dns server and to not send my networkname/hostname
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2027 [16:41:59] <m4ch1n3znc> thought more about something like
howto setup it up to be like behind nat to local hotspot ip ranges
and still allow browse inet from my machine but harden it to all
other machines on the same hotspot
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2030 [16:42:10] <greycat> *WHY* do so many people in this channel
think that their hostname has to be protected?!
2031 [16:42:14] *** Quits: vutral (vutral@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2032 [16:42:16] <greycat> It's baffling.
2033 [16:42:22] <m4ch1n3znc> lol idk
2034 [16:42:33] <hwm4rgs> A hostname says a lot about a user.
2035 [16:43:05] <greycat> Well, stop using your grandma's
maiden name and your first pet name as your hostname.
2036 [16:43:22] <finn0> jhutchins_wk: because that time is not in
GMT. I couldn't figure out where does in world current is
[Jun27 16:13]
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2038 [16:44:07] <pyfgcr> finn0: I guess nowhere
2039 [16:44:09] *** Joins: akko (~gentoo@replaced-ip )
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2041 [16:44:28] <hwm4rgs> finn0: It's either that your
computer suspended/hibernated which it doesn't keep track of,
or your hardware clock was behind at boot
2042 [16:44:29] *** Joins: noosanon` (~user@replaced-ip )
2043 [16:44:32] <m4ch1n3znc> oh yes to make it harder to indentify
machine for other when use mac randimozation
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2046 [16:44:42] <hwm4rgs> finn0: Or something else I don't
2047 [16:44:58] *** Joins: overbythere (~textual@replaced-ip )
2048 [16:45:05] <pyfgcr> it's UTC-22.30
2049 [16:45:19] *** Joins: sphenxes (~sphenxe@replaced-ip )
2050 [16:45:23] <m4ch1n3znc> thought uniq hostname would make the
whole mac randomization near to useless
2051 [16:45:40] <hwm4rgs> MAC addresses have no tie to hostnames
2052 [16:45:49] *** Joins: stryker (~stryker@replaced-ip )
2053 [16:45:50] <m4ch1n3znc> yes but to my machine
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2056 [16:46:15] <m4ch1n3znc> both could be used to target a
certain machine
2057 [16:46:23] <m4ch1n3znc> or not?
2058 [16:46:40] <m4ch1n3znc> on a unecrypted public wifi
2059 [16:46:41] *** Quits: rsx (~rsx@replaced-ip ) (Quit: rsx)
2060 [16:46:46] <ayekat> not unless you specify what you mean with
"target a machine"
2061 [16:46:54] *** Joins: Zvmdyv (~Zvmdyv@replaced-ip )
2062 [16:46:58] *** Quits: stryker (~stryker@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
2063 [16:47:01] <greycat> If someone is going to *attack* you, it
will either be a network-wide attack where they're hitting
everyone on the LAN, or it'll be targeted by IP address.
2064 [16:47:20] *** Quits: noosanon` (~user@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
2065 [16:47:50] <greycat> The fact that your hostname is
"dragon" or "debian" or "ilikeb00bs"
is completely irrelevant nobody cares.
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2070 [16:49:04] <hwm4rgs> In the scenario where a MAC is
randomized per connect but hostname isn't, it's
information that can be used to identify a returning user.
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2074 [16:49:54] <finn0> hwm4rgs: According to their help manual
"Suspending/resume will make ctime and iso timestamps
inaccurate" not with -e (realtime) option but, second could be
possible. Can I see my hardware clock time?
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2079 [16:50:39] <hwm4rgs> finn0: google says hwclock
2080 [16:51:28] <finn0> hwm4rgs: my hw clock time is correct
(2019-06-28 20:20:50.608810+0530)
2081 [16:51:43] <hwm4rgs> Then I have no idea.
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2084 [16:52:10] <greycat> finn0: *is* this a laptop? *have* you
suspended it since boot?
2085 [16:53:10] *** Joins: vutral (vutral@replaced-ip )
2086 [16:53:17] <finn0> greycat: Yep, it is laptop. And I've
suspended it many times since boot.
2087 [16:53:27] <greycat> That's why the timestamps in dmesg
are wrong. There is no fix.
2088 [16:53:31] *** Quits: vutral (vutral@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2089 [16:54:08] <finn0> greycat: Thanks, I'll verify this
when next time I'll boot my system.
2090 [16:54:10] <greycat> Your best bet if you're tracking
down a problem would be to look at the secondary logged stuff --
either in syslog, or journalctl.
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2095 [16:55:52] <finn0> greycat: but all message which are in ring
buffer may not be present in syslog or journalctl. I've seen
some error message which are only present in ring buffer in syslog.
2096 [16:56:20] <finn0> mostly hardware/driver related problem.
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2103 [17:02:08] <finn0> m4ch1n3znc: I was wondering how do
you've setup DoT(DNS over TLS) in your system?
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2109 [17:04:42] <m4ch1n3znc> ... i would like to restrict all
services like cups that would be by default accessible on local
network to localhost on my machine only
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2111 [17:05:26] <greycat> *that* is sensible, yes.
2112 [17:05:37] *** Joins: Gyro (~user@replaced-ip )
2113 [17:05:40] <m4ch1n3znc> finn0, its super easy :3
2114 [17:05:46] <m4ch1n3znc> apt-get install stubby
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2121 [17:07:27] <m4ch1n3znc> then edit its config and set address
where it listens for dns requests e.g and add it to
2122 [17:08:36] <m4ch1n3znc> it also is configured by default to
spread dns requests to multiple DoT servers that are in default
config file and doesnt use only one dns server
2123 [17:09:08] <m4ch1n3znc> its pretty cool and takes only
seconds to set it up
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2131 [17:11:37] <m4ch1n3znc>
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2135 [17:12:42] <greycat> if you're editing resolv.conf by
hand, you also want to read...
2136 [17:12:42] *** Joins: diogenes_ (~diogenes_@replaced-ip )
2137 [17:12:43] <greycat> !override dns
2138 [17:12:43] <dpkg> To have dhclient etc not touch
/etc/resolv.conf, the best plan is to configure it not to touch that
file. See
2139 [17:13:12] <m4ch1n3znc> yeah i have it in my dhclient.conf
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2146 [17:13:46] <m4ch1n3znc> prepend domain-name-servers;
2147 [17:14:03] *** Joins: gekketinus (~gekketinu@replaced-ip )
2148 [17:14:13] <m4ch1n3znc> and
2149 [17:14:17] <m4ch1n3znc> # send host-name = gethostname();
2150 [17:14:17] <m4ch1n3znc> send host-name = "";
2151 [17:14:30] <diogenes_> m4ch1n3znc, i use dnsmasq for that.
2152 [17:14:35] *** Joins: HarveyPwca (~HarveyPwc@replaced-ip )
2153 [17:15:03] <greycat> the wiki page gives several approaches
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2158 [17:19:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1532
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2161 [17:20:18] <annadane> do dbus restarts always involve a
reboot? when i upgraded expat, needrestart had dbus in its list of
services to restart, and i'm just wondering...
2162 [17:20:44] <greycat> I know apt or dpkg tells me that I need
to reboot whenever there's a new dbus.
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2166 [17:22:14] <annadane> i've never seen what happens if i
just let needrestart restart dbus
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2173 [17:26:23] <MisterZan> is securing debian-howto up to date
since systemd?
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2178 [17:27:55] <awalis> hello everyone! does anyone know how to
use "android file transfer for linux" in an efficient way
? so far I can only use the interactive mode. but it's a gues
game, and the inclcuded help page doesn't say much
2179 [17:27:55] *** Joins: de-facto (~de-facto@replaced-ip )
2180 [17:28:31] <annadane> there's also likely a difference
between reboots to replace dbus for a new version of dbus
specifically vs just restarting it by itself
2181 [17:29:12] *** Joins: akko (~gentoo@replaced-ip )
2182 [17:29:24] <MisterZan> some of the links in the guide are out
of date/broken
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2186 [17:30:21] <MisterZan> also is gufw actually adjusting any
2187 [17:30:29] <MisterZan> am i unprotected until gufw runs?
2188 [17:30:45] <annadane> dbus was also unchecked by default in
needrestart, which is an interesting feature i don't know too
much about yet
2189 [17:31:22] <annadane> whether it unchecks things of a certain
priority, etc
2190 [17:31:28] *** Quits: noosanon (~user@replaced-ip ) (Quit: ERC (IRC client for Emacs 24.5.1))
2191 [17:31:31] <nojake> .:ayekat:. not unless you specify what
you mean with "target a machine == gosh
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2197 [17:33:46] <MisterZan> installing needrestart. man perl sure
is used in many apps
2198 [17:34:20] *** Quits: calebwill (~caleb@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
2199 [17:36:19] *** Joins: Tom01 (~tom@replaced-ip )
2200 [17:36:49] <nojake> "To have dhclient etc not touch
/etc/resolv.conf, the best plan is to configure it not to touch that
file. " -- troeeeet
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2204 [17:38:53] <ayekat> nojake: ??
2205 [17:39:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1525
2206 [17:39:05] <nojake> missterzan. all good questions.
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2209 [17:40:58] <ayekat> ah, I see I've got you on my ...
list since april - nothing to see here ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
2210 [17:41:12] <nojake> MisterZan, there is no firewall features
installed on stretch by default .. afaik (its not much) and since
you get ignored.
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2217 [17:45:52] <mutante> MisterZan: you can run "iptables
-L" to see rules.. if there are none.. you are unprotected
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2220 [17:46:07] *** Prints is now known as GurneyHallock
2221 [17:46:24] <mutante> MisterZan: also note there is iptables
and ip6tables for IPv6 if you have that enabled.. and they are
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2225 [17:46:56] <jhutchins_wk> THe logic of having an on-server
firewall is questionable. The firewall should be
"upstream" of the server.
2226 [17:47:03] <nojake> ayekat. are you a troll? disinformation?
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2230 [17:49:03] <bernyrd> ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
2231 [17:49:33] <nojake> could be you're just an idiot. with
a list. hard to tell.
2232 [17:49:41] <bernyrd> jhutchins_wk: do not see why. closing
ports is good. if you can not trust firewall on server, why can you
trust firewall not on server?
2233 [17:49:55] <bernyrd> main argument I see is reduce load, if
doing adaptive blocking
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2235 [17:50:02] <MisterZan> "ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere
tcp dpt:bootps"
2236 [17:50:09] <MisterZan> that doesn't sound good
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2240 [17:50:57] <jhutchins_wk> bernyrd: Closing ports is windows.
Linux doesn't open a port unless there's something
configured (by you) to listen on it.
2241 [17:51:16] <MisterZan> i thought port 67 was dns discover?
2242 [17:51:23] <jhutchins_wk> bernyrd: There is no reduction of
load, because all packets are processed by the kernel/iptables.
2243 [17:51:24] <ayekat> well, the same can be said about windows
- either there is a process listening on a given port, or it
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2245 [17:52:42] <nojake> jhutchins_wk, no matter what option it
seems avahi-daemon always got installed and listening on stretch.
any idea why?
2246 [17:52:52] <MisterZan> bootps/bootpc is just a scary name.
not related to remote booting
2247 [17:53:01] <ayekat> MisterZan: port 67 is for DHCP
2248 [17:53:04] <MisterZan> had me scared
2249 [17:53:14] <MisterZan> blocking it now
2250 [17:53:49] <mutante> MisterZan: nah.. it's actually not
that bad.. i mean you HAVE rules as opposed to none and just being
wide open
2251 [17:54:11] <mutante> and having one for DHCP is likely needed
unless you configure everything static
2252 [17:54:22] <ayekat> MisterZan: no need to block DHCP
2253 [17:54:27] <jhutchins_wk> nojake: Do you understand what
avahi is?
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2255 [17:55:20] <ayekat> MisterZan: then again, even if you *do*
block it, most DHCP clients actually circumvent the OS's
network stack anyway, and AFAIK are thus not affected by firewall
rules like that
2256 [17:55:26] *** Prints is now known as prints
2257 [17:55:27] <nojake> barely. but .. when u say nothing is
listenting you surely mean nothing. it did sound very solid to me.
2258 [17:55:29] <mutante> MisterZan: more important to look at
what the default rule is if nothing else matches.. default drop or
default accept
2259 [17:56:22] <nojake> jhutchins_wk, so avahi gets instgalled
and listening?
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2263 [17:56:53] <ayekat> MisterZan: also (as I don't
use/understand ufw): is that rule for outgoing or incoming packets?
2264 [17:57:15] <MisterZan> both. i had some connectivity issues a
while back
2265 [17:57:25] <MisterZan> i cleared them up but didn't
remove the port change
2266 [17:57:54] *** Quits: HarveyPwca (~HarveyPwc@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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2269 [17:58:34] <ayekat> I would recommend understanding what you
are doing before getting scared of rules and randomly deleting or
inserting them :-)
2270 [17:59:13] <MisterZan> if inittab is gone how do i disable
ctrl-alt-delete reboot
2271 [17:59:42] *** Quits: mulletman (stumpys@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2272 [17:59:52] <nojake> jhutchins_wk, still there? i'm
certainly not out to mock you. it's just i remember you saying
that and the fact it seemed not to be the case for me made me
reinstsall several times from several sources. would be nice if you
could clarify. pls.
2273 [18:00:49] *** Quits: epony (epony@replaced-ip ) (Quit: QUIT)
2274 [18:01:10] <nojake> like yes or no. would be good.
2275 [18:01:16] *** Quits: jubo2 (~juboxi@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2276 [18:01:37] <MisterZan> found answer
2277 [18:01:59] <sentriz> how i can do `exec 3< <(command)`
in bash. how can i do it in sh/ash?
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2280 [18:03:25] <sentriz> *** i can do <thing> in bash. how
can i do it in ash/sh?
2281 [18:03:25] <sentriz> this probably isn't the right
channel either sorry
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2288 [18:05:29] <nkuttler> sentriz: check their documentation
2289 [18:06:12] *** Quits: TheWizard (~thewizard@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2290 [18:06:19] <bernyrd> jhutchins_wk: There is reduction of load
if you are doing something like fail2ban, or monitoring usage
patterns to block IP ranges
2291 [18:06:22] *** Joins: zette (~mkf@replaced-ip )
2292 [18:06:26] <sentriz> that's what i tried first. but
there is a lot going on there
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2294 [18:06:52] <bernyrd> jhutchins_wk: Windows behaves the same
way... it is just some distributions are configured to also fail to
respond to ICMP packets also, so port is fully dead
2295 [18:07:13] *** Joins: zette (~mkf@replaced-ip )
2296 [18:07:14] <bernyrd> based on what you are saying it looks
like you accept a firewall as redundant then
2297 [18:07:26] <bernyrd> in some cases it is not, and maybe also
does load balance or some
2298 [18:07:41] <bernyrd> but one computer behind one firewall is
2299 [18:08:42] *** Quits: czesmir (~stefan@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Lost terminal)
2300 [18:08:58] <ayekat> sentriz: <(command) is not defined in
POSIX, so not all shells support that syntax
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2303 [18:09:27] <ayekat> sentriz: notably /bin/sh (which by
default links to dash) doesn't support it (and I assume ash
doesn't either)
2304 [18:11:09] <MisterZan> do i dare set a grub password? almost
never ends well...
2305 [18:11:54] <mutante> speaking of iptables.. so i am not
supposed to use that anymore and use nftables now that i am freshly
on Buster? oooh
2306 [18:11:58] *** Quits: jcmesar (~jcmesar@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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2308 [18:12:10] <mutante> needs a new script for nftables then
2309 [18:12:11] <nojake> i mean. it seems not very different to
windows. blocking ports doesn't really prevent software from
not communicating through others. no? also with that dbus thing
which is completely opaque to me still (not saying its jnot well
documented somewhere) processes can use other procs to communicate.
is that the default way procs use to tall? or is it sockets?
2310 [18:12:52] <ayekat> mutante: I believe iptables is simply a
compatibility interface for interacting with nftables, so it should
still work
2311 [18:12:57] *** Quits: thePiGrepper (~nagato@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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2315 [18:13:45] <nojake> talk*
2316 [18:13:50] <nojake> lol. hi
2317 [18:13:52] <mutante> argg.. seems down for
2318 [18:14:00] <mutante> ayekat: i see.. thanks
2319 [18:14:00] <MisterZan> what on earth. i did a grub install -v
and it actually installed something instead of printing version
2320 [18:14:34] <nojake> -v up to date now. :)
2321 [18:14:37] *** Quits: embden (~embden@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2322 [18:14:46] <ayekat> MisterZan: what else did you expect? -v
is 'verbose', according to the man page
2323 [18:15:03] <nojake> i have a vision. *bookstore*
2324 [18:15:20] <MisterZan> " Users can check the version of
GRUB they are using with grub-install -V"
2325 [18:15:34] <nojake> capital matters
2326 [18:15:45] <ayekat> MisterZan: -V is not -v :-P
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2330 [18:20:57] *** Joins: darkdrgn2k3 (~darkdrgn2@replaced-ip )
2331 [18:21:13] <darkdrgn2k3> Hello all, im working on Debian 10
and im seeing allot of
2332 [18:21:22] <jhutchins_wk> This is fairly conventional, -v is
--verbose and -V is --version
2333 [18:21:22] *** Joins: thePiGrepper (~nagato@replaced-ip )
2334 [18:21:23] <darkdrgn2k3> " Cannot assign requested
2335 [18:21:23] <darkdrgn2k3> " i one of the networking
2336 [18:21:32] *** Joins: areyouloco (~areyouloc@replaced-ip )
2337 [18:21:40] <darkdrgn2k3> anyone have any insight to what it
could be?
2338 [18:22:04] <ayekat> darkdrgn2k3: where exactly are you seeing
those messages?
2339 [18:22:19] *** Quits: belanthor (~belan@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2340 [18:22:22] <darkdrgn2k3> im working it a meshing software
called babeld
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2344 [18:22:31] <nojake> on the monitor
2345 [18:22:42] <darkdrgn2k3> its part of its logs, im guessing
its the retrun of some tcp dunctions
2346 [18:22:46] <nojake> luckily. lol
2347 [18:22:56] <darkdrgn2k3> im also seeing that the routes it
supposed to install do not seem to be correctly done
2348 [18:23:04] <darkdrgn2k3> - !H -1
- 0 -
2349 [18:23:17] <ayekat> hm... I'm not familiar with that :-|
2350 [18:23:22] <darkdrgn2k3> yes
2351 [18:23:23] *** Quits: oish (~charlie@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2352 [18:23:24] <bernyrd> nojake: true, so for webserver, common
to only allow inbound on 80, and related outbound connection. so,
ideally, if webserver is hacked, attacker can not always send data
out that they should not
2353 [18:23:24] <bernyrd> in practice the attacks are clever
enough to send the data as real responses, or the issue is actually
with the database or something, and it does not matter
2354 [18:23:41] <darkdrgn2k3> i was hoping to get some insight
into what may have changed in buster (it was find on stretch)
2355 [18:23:49] *** Quits: lcabrera (~desarroll@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2356 [18:23:55] <bernyrd> there is harness that takes iptables
rules I think
2357 [18:24:04] <nojake> bernyrd, hi. :) ok.
2358 [18:25:23] *** Quits: spacemanspam (~weechat@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2359 [18:25:46] <MisterZan> rebooting. if i don't return in 5
minutes i got rekt
2360 [18:25:53] <MisterZan> grub a dub dub
2361 [18:26:00] *** Quits: MisterZan (~entmax@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2362 [18:26:10] <nojake> good luck.
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2375 [18:32:16] <m4ch1n3znc> 5 minutes are over lol
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2377 [18:32:27] <m4ch1n3znc> rip
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2382 [18:34:56] <nojake> grub adventures are an epos on their own
2383 [18:35:16] *** Quits: twobitsprite (~isaac@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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2386 [18:35:57] <mutante> yea, MisterZan is in grub shell right
now :(
2387 [18:35:58] <noosanon> nojake: yes they are... lol
2388 [18:36:15] <mutante> trying random commands and then when
typing "help" it scrolls by and there is no | less :p
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2391 [18:36:30] <nojake> lol. yes.
2392 [18:36:40] <nojake> you can press break. if you;re fast.
2393 [18:36:47] <mutante> gtk :)
2394 [18:37:05] <MisterZan> the good news is the grub password
works and the bios password works. the bad news is my freaking
network cable has been setup as a possible boot device
2395 [18:37:16] <MisterZan> and there is no way to say no booting
from usbs.
2396 [18:37:33] *** Joins: xcm (~xcm@replaced-ip )
2397 [18:37:34] <nojake> wb
2398 [18:37:42] <MisterZan> thnx
2399 [18:37:44] <mutante> MisterZan: welcome , we thought you were
stuck in grub shell
2400 [18:38:07] <mutante> why is "booting from ethernet
cable" bad ?
2401 [18:38:08] <MisterZan> yeah i got a little sidetracked with
the bios
2402 [18:38:24] *** Quits: rivyn (~rivyn@replaced-ip ) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2403 [18:38:24] <MisterZan> because then someone could boot the
machine remotely
2404 [18:38:28] <MisterZan> and i simply do not do that
2405 [18:38:55] <mutante> oh, really? but dont you have to press
F12 or something to PXE boot
2406 [18:39:21] <MisterZan> with the hidden SoC in our processors
these days i just don't trust it
2407 [18:39:22] <mutante> turn of WakeUpOnLAN in BIOS?
2408 [18:39:35] *** Joins: manakanapa (manakanapa@replaced-ip )
2409 [18:39:36] <MisterZan> didn't see any option like that
2410 [18:39:49] <mutante> hmm.. i just saw that in mine.. but
different BIOS of course
2411 [18:39:53] <nojake> right. are there any chinese mainboards
on the market? :d
2412 [18:39:58] <MisterZan> do you have UEFI?
2413 [18:40:09] <mutante> yea
2414 [18:40:12] <nojake> i definitely need to get rid of that asus
2415 [18:40:40] <MisterZan> one nice thing is they do let me
disable every usb port.
2416 [18:41:07] <nojake> and i hate uefi. i dont understand it. it
only cost me nevers. though i can browse bios with a vr helmet.
2417 [18:41:11] <MisterZan> literally every slot i can configure
as enable/disabled
2418 [18:41:24] *** Quits: casaca (~nut@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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2423 [18:44:33] <jhutchins_wk> MisterZan: You badly misunderstand
how netboot works, Don't worry about it, it's a standard
fallback feature.
2424 [18:44:35] *** Joins: juboxi (~juboxi@replaced-ip )
2425 [18:44:52] <nojake> lol
2426 [18:44:53] *** Quits: hamberder (hamberder@replaced-ip ) (Quit: hamberder)
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2428 [18:45:38] *** Quits: jubo2 (~juboxi@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
2429 [18:45:40] <MisterZan> @jhutchins_wk there are situations
where all drives become unplugged
2430 [18:45:47] *** juboxi is now known as jubo2
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2432 [18:46:45] <nojake> it's like the most top ranked
forums. first you get squeezed about tons of information about your
setup, and in the end the expert agree about it's fine to
ignore it all and get a life.
2433 [18:47:12] *** Quits: thePiGrepper (~nagato@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2434 [18:48:00] <nojake> the secret place where ppl learn to write
and read.
2435 [18:48:08] *** Quits: han-solo (~han-solo@replaced-ip ) (Quit: leaving)
2436 [18:48:51] <MisterZan> maybe my most important question. how
can i have every document, video, and audio file be auto-chrooted?
2437 [18:48:51] <nojake> an esoteric cabal of knowledge
2438 [18:49:03] *** Joins: ctcx (~user@replaced-ip )
2439 [18:49:53] <MisterZan> or am i thinking of this backwards?
2440 [18:50:02] <nojake> can u explain to me noob? or link me?
2441 [18:50:09] <mutante> what do you want to protect against?
2442 [18:50:11] *** Joins: aliasnumber10 (~anzero@replaced-ip )
2443 [18:50:18] <mutante> MisterZan: what is the higher level goal
2444 [18:50:37] *** Quits: dethos (~dethos@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Time to Go!)
2445 [18:50:45] <MisterZan> against trojan horses
2446 [18:51:09] <ayekat> you can't chroot files - you can
launch processes in a chroot
2447 [18:51:33] *** Joins: humpled (~humbag@replaced-ip )
2448 [18:51:38] <mutante> MisterZan: so where would those come
from? clicking malicious links in a browser or email app? then you
would want to separate those app processes
2449 [18:51:38] *** Quits: Laurence_123 (~laurence@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2450 [18:51:55] *** Joins: Laurence_123 (~derek_123@replaced-ip )
2451 [18:51:59] <MisterZan> i sometimes download documents,videos,
and audio files
2452 [18:52:09] <MisterZan> i then use something like vlc, pluma
to view/watch these
2453 [18:52:14] *** Joins: dvs (~hibbard@replaced-ip )
2454 [18:52:34] <nojake> but it affects the file system
accessible? is it really sandboxed? or .. better vm maybe?
namespace? xserver? cgroup? aah..
2455 [18:52:35] <mutante> you are worried about malware in the
downloads? so you want anti-virus ?
2456 [18:52:56] <ctcx> This *old* bug
2457 [18:52:57] <judd> Bug
2458 [18:53:04] *** Quits: finn0 (~finn0@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2459 [18:53:12] <jhutchins_wk> It's important to make sure
your tinfoil hat proides full coverage.
2460 [18:53:23] <nojake> actually anything that can be read. and
should not. or even worse: written over.
2461 [18:54:15] <nojake> jhutchins_wk, what about the avahi
deaemon. installed and listeneing on stretch or not?
2462 [18:54:41] <mutante> MisterZan: maybe
2463 [18:54:49] <nojake> *cirp
2464 [18:55:33] <nojake> i would be 100% fine if u just made a
mistake. or say sth. kike im not sure.
2465 [18:55:35] <nojake> bro.
2466 [18:55:40] *** Quits: Laurence_123 (~derek_123@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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2469 [18:56:22] <nojake> np,
2470 [18:56:32] <MisterZan> @mutante doesn't support my
hardware yet.
2471 [18:57:12] <MisterZan> i installed firejail
2472 [18:57:51] <mutante> MisterZan: i see. you can also check out
"Tomoyo Linux"
2473 [18:58:14] <MisterZan> i'm interested in if
(run_media_app) { don't run media_app; run "firejail
2474 [18:58:31] *** Quits: amphiprions (~amphiprio@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
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2480 [18:58:59] <mutante> MisterZan: you can just use aliases..
something like 'alias foo="bar"' in .bashrc or
2481 [18:59:23] <nojake> yup. i did as well. it opejned a few new
questions.. as when it can completely circumvent monitoring as i
learned so far. no clue if it uses namespaces or what. but ps -aux
would defitely list all procs?
2482 [18:59:38] <mutante> where foo is "media_app" and
bar is "firejail media_app"
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2486 [19:00:28] <nojake> so what damn list am i on: iq 80+ ?
2487 [19:00:31] <greycat> or if this media_app is being invoked by
other programs, not from your interactive shell, you might need to
write wrapper scripts instead
2488 [19:00:35] <nojake> warning.
2489 [19:00:37] <ayekat> aliases won't work if they launch it
from a desktop environment - not even sure if wrapper scripts work
(with .desktop file entries)
2490 [19:00:58] <nojake> listens to spice girls.
2491 [19:01:18] <ayekat> most Exec= lines specify the full path to
the executable, it seems
2492 [19:01:19] <nojake> secretely plans to install suse.
2493 [19:01:19] <mutante> nojake: and i listen to nojake.. just a
bit too much
2494 [19:01:44] <nojake> alrright. i will calm a bit.
2495 [19:02:00] *** Quits: vutral (~vutral@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2496 [19:02:00] <MisterZan> maybe i can lock down the media apps
as noexecute. then have the aliases magically ignore the noexecute
and do a firejailing
2497 [19:02:03] <nojake> have a good weekend all.
2498 [19:02:04] *** Quits: Slashman (~Slash@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2499 [19:02:16] <greycat> MisterZan: no, if you need that, use
wrapper scripts instead
2500 [19:02:29] <mutante> nojake: thanks, you have a good weekend
too. i did not mean you should leave, just stick to one or 2
questions at once
2501 [19:02:32] *** Joins: cshzg (~dietary@replaced-ip )
2502 [19:02:42] <ctcx> This *old* bug
2503 [19:02:53] *** Quits: tradar (~tradar@replaced-ip ) (Quit: tradar)
2504 [19:03:34] <nojake> nah. im not leaving at all.. just say
hi.. i enujoyed the talk. ;> maybe idle around a bit or play with
myself :d
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2506 [19:03:42] <nojake> thx
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2509 [19:04:11] <ayekat> greycat: if libreoffice.desktop specifies
Exec=/usr/bin/libreoffice, do wrapper scripts even work?
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2511 [19:04:45] <greycat> ayekat: well, no... in that case you
would have to do something intrusive, like using a dpkg override
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2515 [19:06:27] <ayekat> because if they double-click on some .odt
file in a file manager, the file manager will probably look up the
MIME association and launch the program using the mimeapps.list and
XDG .desktop entries, so they'll need to override those, too
2516 [19:06:45] <jmcnaught> I know that you can put .desktop files
in ~/.local/share/applications, maybe you can also put them in
2517 [19:06:53] <greycat> and these desktop environments hard-code
paths to programs, instead of just using the program's name?
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2520 [19:07:24] <somiaj> ctcx: what about that bug? In general it
hasn't been a prioprity of the debian developers to make debian
work on multiboot iso installers.
2521 [19:07:29] <ayekat> greycat: no, but the .desktop entries
installed under /usr/share/applications might
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2523 [19:07:54] <ayekat> greycat: I guess one could override those
by placing custom .desktop entry files under ~/.local/share or
wherever it goes
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2525 [19:08:32] *** Quits: areyouloco (~areyouloc@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2526 [19:08:38] <greycat> or go full throttle, and use dpkg-divert
to permanently move /usr/bin/fooplayer to /usr/bin/fooplayer.real,
and set up /usr/local/bin/fooplayer as a wrapper script, and make
/usr/bin/fooplayer a symlink to /usr/local/bin/fooplayer
2527 [19:09:09] <greycat> I can't think of anything else that
would be nearly-guaranteed to work around stupids who hard-code full
paths to end user programs in config files or scripts.
2528 [19:09:39] *** Joins: omonk (~omonk@replaced-ip )
2529 [19:10:08] <MisterZan> ok i made a wrapper
2530 [19:11:11] <greycat> Ugh, you're doing it... OK, I am
not the best person to help with dpkg-divert. Never used it myself.
If you have an issue and it's not obvious from the man page, I
guess ask here and wait for someone who knows it.
2531 [19:11:31] <MisterZan> i'm just doing the simple wrapped
2532 [19:11:40] <greycat> Unless you only meant "a wrapper
that catches fooplayer but not /usr/bin/fooplayer" in which
case you don't need dpkg-divert.
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2535 [19:12:18] <MisterZan> my wrapper is just a .sh. i'll
somehow add it to my app menu
2536 [19:12:34] <greycat> Your app menu invokes programs with full
2537 [19:12:40] <MisterZan> ikd
2538 [19:12:56] <ayekat> MisterZan: what application did you wrap?
2539 [19:13:31] <MisterZan> pluma for now
2540 [19:13:59] <ctcx> somiaj: so devs are not really interested
in supporting loopback devices?
2541 [19:14:04] <ayekat> MisterZan: does
/usr/share/applications/pluma.desktop have an absolute path (like
/usr/bin/pluma) on the Exec= line?
2542 [19:14:13] *** Quits: Zvmdyv (~Zvmdyv@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2543 [19:14:44] <somiaj> ctcx: Read the bug report, to me it is
clear their stance.
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2547 [19:15:31] <MisterZan> ayekat the pluma.desktop file exists
in the /usr/share/applications, but i don't have pluma on my
2548 [19:15:45] <somiaj> ctcx: you might also read the installer
guide on the making a usb image the flexiable way, maybe that would
work on a multiboot iso.
2549 [19:15:46] <MisterZan> it's in the menus
2550 [19:15:47] <m4ch1n3znc> jesus christus that *tables seems to
be a insane complex and huge topic
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2554 [19:16:20] <MisterZan> i think i will just add my wrapper to
a secondary panel
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2556 [19:16:39] <ayekat> MisterZan: what do you mean with
"have pluma on the desktop"?
2557 [19:17:11] <ayekat> MisterZan: actually - totally different
question: if your goal is to avoid "trojan horses"... what
exactly are you trying to defend against?
2558 [19:17:24] <ayekat> because a text file won't be able to
do much damage if you open it in a text editor
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2563 [19:17:34] <MisterZan> there's also pdf documents and
2564 [19:17:37] *** Quits: hqdruxn08__ (hqdruxn08@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2565 [19:17:38] <greycat> Am I allowed to suggest that if one is
ultra paranoid, running a Desktop Environment may be a bad move?
2566 [19:18:00] <somiaj> or even connecting to the internet.
2567 [19:18:04] *** hiya is now known as hiya___
2568 [19:18:13] <m4ch1n3znc> or own a computer
2569 [19:18:21] <ayekat> ^ this - you keep clicking on files and
expect stuff to happen in an automatic fashion - it's not
exactly an environment for a super-paranoid user
2570 [19:18:25] *** hiya___ is now known as hiya
2571 [19:18:30] <MisterZan> so actually i can just add a custom
launcher (perhaps a feature of matE?) and just say "firejail
2572 [19:18:45] *** Quits: noodlepie (~phillip@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2573 [19:18:50] <somiaj> Isn't this what apparmor/selinux is
designed for as well?
2574 [19:19:07] <MisterZan> what can i say i want my host to be
usable w/ gui
2575 [19:19:22] <greycat> "usable" means different
things to different people...
2576 [19:19:34] <MisterZan> i can testrun the graphical apps i
develop on the host
2577 [19:19:47] <ayekat> that YOU develop?
2578 [19:19:48] <MisterZan> going full terminal, not really an
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2580 [19:19:53] <MisterZan> yes ayekat
2581 [19:20:09] <ayekat> ... so why are you being paranoid about
what the application does?
2582 [19:20:16] *** Joins: noodlepie (~phillip@replaced-ip )
2583 [19:20:24] <MisterZan> i still open documents/videos/audio
that aren't mine
2584 [19:20:36] <MisterZan> this was an explanation of why not
just a stripped down host with only a terminal
2585 [19:20:36] <somiaj> MisterZan: greycat suggestion was not go
full terminal. Not running a desktop enviorment is not the same
thing as not running xorg.
2586 [19:20:44] <MisterZan> actually videos should have indicated
2587 [19:20:48] <greycat> I didn't suggest scrapping X11
altogether. Just run a normal window manager instead of a Desktop
2588 [19:21:05] *** Quits: annadane (~annadane@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2589 [19:21:24] <ayekat> well, whether they run a full-blown DE or
just a WM doesn't change much when it comes to double-clicking
on icons and having the appropriate application run automagically,
2590 [19:21:28] <greycat> (unless you *want* text console only, in
which case, great)
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2593 [19:21:52] <greycat> Depends on the wm. I don't have any
icons on my desk unless I minimize a window. And then the icon just
restores that window.
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2595 [19:22:03] <somiaj> ayekat: it makes a huge difference, lots
of WMs don't even support .desktop files and automatic
launching of things, and you can configure it to use wrappers, shell
scripts far easier.
2596 [19:22:23] <greycat> I have root menus that can be run with
the mouse, and every entry in them can be customized by editing a
text file.
2597 [19:22:36] <ayekat> somiaj: it's not up to the WM/DE to
support .desktop files - it's the (graphical) file manager in
question, be it nautilus, thunar, caja, ...
2598 [19:23:00] <somiaj> though the click random file you download
and have it run is more a filemanager thing, so you would have to
find a file manger you can configure wrapper scripts with, and lots
of simpler filemanagers have the ability select which program is run
when you click on it.
2599 [19:23:10] <greycat> I don't use nautilus of thunar or
caja. I've never even heard of the last one.
2600 [19:23:25] <m4ch1n3znc> openbox-session + pcmanfm, no desktop
icons. you can only click on things in file manager and pcmanfm
always prompt menu if you want execute executable file or open it in
other way
2601 [19:23:35] <somiaj> Though as mentioned probably running
things via a filemanager may not be the the best way if you want to
have nice wrapers to jail everything you run.
2602 [19:23:55] <greycat> Maybe the file manager can be configured
to use your jailed wrapper. I don't know.
2603 [19:24:05] <m4ch1n3znc> ah ok
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2605 [19:24:36] <somiaj> I think the simipler filemanagers would
have more control over this, than the ones that try to just do
everything using freedesktop standards.
2606 [19:24:39] <ayekat> yeah, you can configure what programs to
run for what file type, with most if not all file managers (pcmanfm
is no difference there, I believe)
2607 [19:25:06] <MisterZan> you could critisize lots of decisions
i've made. i have bless installed, and with that some extra
mono stuff i probably don't need
2608 [19:25:26] *** Quits: a_l_b (~a_l_b@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2609 [19:25:26] <MisterZan> and bless crashes all the time on me.
strace says it's due to a null pointer dereference
2610 [19:25:35] <m4ch1n3znc> mono installs a shitload of microsoft
certs :(
2611 [19:25:36] <greycat> The simpler your environment is, the
more easily you can understand all the pieces of it, and the more
control you can exercise.
2612 [19:26:27] <m4ch1n3znc> yeah and the more efficent it is
2613 [19:26:47] <ayekat> "efficient" highly depends on
the user, though
2614 [19:27:04] *** Quits: rivyn (~rivyn@replaced-ip ) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2615 [19:27:34] <somiaj> For someoen who was going down the road
of dpkg-divert (vs just make local .desktop files) I would say
simplier/efficent would be highly benifical.
2616 [19:27:40] <greycat> There's efficiency of system
resource usage, and there's efficiency of workflow.
2617 [19:27:49] <greycat> pretty sure m4ch1n3znc meant the first
2618 [19:28:24] <MisterZan> i think i might purge bless from the
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2624 [19:31:17] <jhutchins_wk> nojake: It is on this install.
2625 [19:31:37] <ayekat> MisterZan: anyway, if you want to
properly wrap pluma, check whether the corresponding .desktop file
hardcodes the path to the executable or not - if it doesn't,
you're fine - otherwise, you'll need to write a custom
.desktop file as well
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2636 [19:34:09] <ayekat> but as I've already mentioned above,
running pluma in a jail will do very likely nothing for security
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2641 [19:34:26] <nojake> jhutchins_wk, alright. cheers.
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2644 [19:34:57] <MisterZan> odd. i have image magick installed.
but can't find its /usr/bin
2645 [19:35:13] <greycat> it consists of programs like
/usr/bin/convert and /usr/bin/mogrify
2646 [19:35:14] <ayekat> MisterZan: imagemagick is not a command -
it provides multiple tools
2647 [19:35:27] *** Quits: diogenes_ (~diogenes_@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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2651 [19:37:08] <MisterZan> which one does the viewing?
2652 [19:37:10] <greycat> you can use something like dpkg -L
imagemagick-6.q16 | grep bin/ to see them
2653 [19:37:21] *** Joins: madage (~madage@replaced-ip )
2654 [19:37:27] <greycat> MisterZan: display, probably?
2655 [19:37:29] <somiaj> MisterZan: display
2656 [19:37:57] *** Quits: dvs (~hibbard@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2657 [19:38:08] <MisterZan> ha perfect
2658 [19:38:45] <greycat> I didn't think too many people used
display(1) from im for image viewing. Mostly people just use im for
image file manipulations.
2659 [19:39:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1508
2660 [19:39:11] <MisterZan> i'm more concerned about viewing
2661 [19:39:14] <MisterZan> i use gimp for editing
2662 [19:39:40] *** Joins: Tom-_ (~tomg@replaced-ip )
2663 [19:39:41] <greycat> and you use display for viewing, but you
didn't know that you use it?
2664 [19:39:41] *** Quits: Gyro (~user@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
2665 [19:40:02] <MisterZan> i just double click the picture and it
says image magick then shows the picture
2666 [19:40:37] <MisterZan> sorry that was eye-of-mate but
sometimes i use the displaly
2667 [19:40:39] <somiaj> maybe something like feh would be more
your style though most desktops come with their own built in viewer.
2668 [19:40:41] <MisterZan> of image magick
2669 [19:41:08] <greycat> I'm old-fashioned and still use xv
even though Debian hasn't shipped it in years.
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2671 [19:42:27] <m4ch1n3znc> display-im6.q16
2672 [19:42:53] *** Quits: ghoti (~paul@replaced-ip ) (Read error: No route to host)
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2675 [19:43:04] <greycat> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 May 26 2017
/usr/bin/convert -> /etc/alternatives/convert
2676 [19:43:07] <greycat> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 24 May 26 2017
/etc/alternatives/convert -> /usr/bin/convert-im6.q16
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2678 [19:44:57] <jelly> greycat: but do you have it patched up!?
2679 [19:45:12] <jelly> ii xv 3.10a-jumbo20050501-1+jelly.0 i386
An image viewer and manipulator for the X Window System.
2680 [19:45:28] <MisterZan> xeyes are these eyeballs
2681 [19:45:29] <greycat> Probably not.
2682 [19:45:35] <MisterZan> and they look at my cursor
2683 [19:45:44] <greycat> MisterZan: yeah, that's what xeyes
2684 [19:45:45] <jelly> you can have some patches... for a price.
2685 [19:45:57] <nkuttler> feh is alright for viewing
2686 [19:46:13] <jelly> gliv is ok if your opengl works well
2687 [19:46:38] <greycat> There are so many classic X11 programs
that are gone from Debian, or were never added. xlock(more),
2688 [19:46:39] *** Quits: areyouloco (~areyouloc@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2689 [19:46:40] <somiaj> feh works for most things, though it
doesn't have all image support, so ocasionally I need somethign
2690 [19:47:01] <nkuttler> xlock was removed? eh..
2691 [19:47:03] <somiaj> xroach use to be a part of debian, it was
removed years ago, but still worked for years, eventaully I removed
2692 [19:47:19] <jelly> huh! I never notices xlock(more) was gone
2693 [19:47:25] <somiaj> I think xlockmore was around for a while,
not sure if it is there, I use i3lock now or something liek that.
2694 [19:47:30] <greycat> Apparently xlockmore's fancier
modes crashed sometimes, and that was considered unacceptable in a
screen-locking program.
2695 [19:47:34] <jelly> xsnow is there but does not work
2696 [19:47:42] <nkuttler> i3lock here too
2697 [19:47:48] <greycat> yeah, I had to switch to i3lock also
2698 [19:48:06] <jelly> xscreensaver forever
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2700 [19:48:43] <nkuttler> xtrlock is still there
2701 [19:48:47] <MisterZan> wow eye of mate is simply eom
2702 [19:48:47] *** Quits: Brigo (~Brigo@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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2705 [19:49:24] <jelly> nkuttler: xtrlock leaks your precious
2706 [19:49:37] <somiaj> MisterZan: well they just changed that
from eog (eye of gnome)
2707 [19:49:57] <nkuttler> jelly: that's why i don't use
it any more
2708 [19:50:32] <nkuttler> just had to explain to somebody today
that even a blurred screenshot of your desktop leaks data
2709 [19:51:02] <MisterZan> brb
2710 [19:51:05] *** Quits: MisterZan (~entmax@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
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2714 [19:51:47] <greycat> Your porn wallpaper is still
identifiable as porn even if you blur it. ;-)
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2719 [19:55:56] <MisterZan> now i'm noticing something i
never installed
2720 [19:55:59] <MisterZan> Xpra
2721 [19:56:25] <greycat> Desktop Environments tend to bring in a
plethora of surprises
2722 [19:56:52] *** Quits: trackanddirt (~trackandd@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2723 [19:57:01] <MisterZan> it's a frikking remote
application connector thing
2724 [19:57:28] <greycat> you can use "aptitude why
xpra" to see why it's there
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2727 [19:58:26] <MisterZan> i don't have aptitude
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2729 [19:58:47] <MisterZan> can it know even if i install it now?
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2731 [19:59:10] <MisterZan> "i firejail Recommends xpra |
2732 [19:59:10] <MisterZan> "
2733 [19:59:12] <greycat> Yes. It really shows why the package
hasn't been autoremoved, not the literal historical decisions.
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2735 [19:59:24] <MisterZan> look at that
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2738 [20:00:19] <ayekat> makes sense - if you want to jail an
application, you don't want it to access your real desktop, so
it needs to run on an alternative X server (or display, at least)
2739 [20:00:46] <ayekat> *your real X session, that is
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2788 [20:28:12] <fred1807> can I "nmcli networking
connectivity" specific on wlan0 ?
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2799 [20:35:40] <shmam> Trying to install ddclient. Used `sudo apt
install ddclient` but still getting "ddclient: command not
found" and there's no binary in /user/bin
2800 [20:36:07] <Ticho> try dpkg -L ddclient to see what files the
package installed
2801 [20:36:17] *** Quits: trackanddirt (~trackandd@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
2802 [20:36:20] <greycat> you can use dpkg -L ddclient | grep bin/
to see what executable files it contains
2803 [20:36:21] <Ticho> it's probably in /usr/sbin
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2806 [20:37:38] <shmam> Oh yeah it's in /usr/sbin
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2809 [20:38:09] <shmam> Is this an issue/how do I make it work
without having to type /usr/sbin/ddclient every time?
2810 [20:38:19] *** Joins: annadane (~annadane@replaced-ip )
2811 [20:38:21] <greycat> you can put /usr/sbin in your PATH
2812 [20:38:29] <shmam> oh touche
2813 [20:38:35] <greycat> or you can make /usr/local/bin/ddclient
a symlink to /usr/sbin/ddclient
2814 [20:38:35] <shmam> is that recommended?
2815 [20:38:45] <shmam> I like that better
2816 [20:38:49] <greycat> or $HOME/bin/ddclient if you prefer that
2817 [20:39:27] <greycat> assuming that your method of login has
$HOME/bin in your PATH, which Debian mostly tries to do if possible,
but because of Desktop Environments and Display Managers, nothing
can ever be simple
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2827 [20:43:02] <jelly> my life with squeeze
2828 [20:43:07] <jelly> # faketime 2018-01-01 apt-get -o
Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false update
2829 [20:44:29] <annadane> i resorted to using slim because i was
too lazy to read how to startx for various desktops
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2835 [20:47:58] <jhutchins_wk> shmam: Actually, the system should
be running that as root, possibly from the ifup file.
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2837 [20:48:16] <jhutchins_wk> shmam: You shouldn't be
running that as a regular user.
2838 [20:48:28] <jhutchins_wk> shmam: That's why it's in
2839 [20:49:15] <greycat> I have no idea what it does. I just took
for granted that he had some legit reason to run it from a shell,
perhaps because it has an option or subcommand where it just gives
info instead of doing things.
2840 [20:49:32] *** Joins: trackanddirt (~trackandd@replaced-ip )
2841 [20:49:42] <greycat> (like ifconfig)
2842 [20:50:16] <jhutchins_wk> greycat: perl dynamic DNS client.
2843 [20:50:46] *** Quits: queip (~queip@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2844 [20:52:50] <jelly> there's precious little reason to
call a remote http api as root really; you may have meant "run
when internet comnection goes up"
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2847 [20:53:46] <greycat> "it gets called by
programs/scripts, not from shells" I think is the intended
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2852 [20:57:29] <shmam> Yeah I'm testing the config rn so
just using sudo
2853 [20:57:54] <shmam> Once I verify it, I will call it through a
cron job
2854 [20:58:01] *** Quits: vutral (~vutral@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2855 [20:58:02] <greycat> ... what, no
2856 [20:58:03] <jhutchins_wk> shmam: sudo -i <command> will
find commands on the root path.
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2858 [20:58:09] <shmam> oof why no?
2859 [20:58:14] <greycat> it should be called from a DHCP hook
2860 [20:58:31] <shmam> oh yeah what I said makes no sense at all
2861 [20:58:34] <shmam> lmao
2862 [20:58:48] <greycat>
2863 [20:58:58] <jhutchins_wk> ... which should already be in
place if you installed it from a debian package.
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2866 [20:59:56] <shmam> wait did you write this greycat?
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2868 [21:00:15] <greycat>
2869 [21:00:21] <greycat> Yeah, looks like nobody else has touched
2870 [21:01:10] <shmam> so you actually know what you're
doing here, cool
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2878 [21:04:41] <shmam> any idea why I'm getting this error:
"WARNING: skipping host: <removed>: 'zone=' is
an invalid fully quantified host name." I just copied the
config from here:
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2880 [21:05:22] <jpw> where are goi seeing that?
2881 [21:05:32] <jpw> s/goi/you/
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2883 [21:05:58] <shmam> when I try to run "sudo -i
2884 [21:05:59] <greycat> from previous context, shmam is trying
to set up ddclient, which is a perl dynamic DNS client
2885 [21:06:12] <jpw> kk
2886 [21:06:14] <shmam> oh yeah sorry
2887 [21:06:59] <greycat>
2888 [21:07:22] <shmam> yeah I can't really find much info on
ddclient in general
2889 [21:07:37] *** Quits: dab21 (~dab21@replaced-ip ) (Excess Flood)
2890 [21:07:46] <shmam> Is there a better/widely used alternative?
2891 [21:07:50] <mutante> apt-cache search dyndns
2892 [21:07:54] <mutante> ^ will show alternatives
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2895 [21:08:41] <jpw> nsupdate if your provider supports it
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2900 [21:11:50] <jhutchins_wk> shmam: You may have the hostname
misconfigured. You could try running it in debug mode.
2901 [21:12:54] <shmam> What am I looking for in this debug
output? I don't see any errors or warnings
2902 [21:13:00] <jhutchins_wk> shmam: If you installed it from
that site or from perl, you should remove what you've done and
install it with aptitude. That will make sure the right hooks are in
the network config.
2903 [21:13:18] <greycat> What you want is accurate documentation
of the config file format, and to compare that to what you actually
have in YOUR config file.
2904 [21:13:40] <mutante> shmam: "fully quantified" is
really "fully qualified" and they mean it needs to be
something like "" and not just something like
"foo", so with a domain
2905 [21:13:42] *** Joins: mihi (~mihi@replaced-ip )
2906 [21:13:46] <greycat> debug output from the program can help
you pinpoint where the problem is, but it seems like you already
know (some line with "Zone" in it).
2907 [21:13:57] <shmam> I installed it with `sudo apt install
ddclient libjson-any-perl`
2908 [21:14:13] *** Joins: vutral (~vutral@replaced-ip )
2909 [21:14:23] <jhutchins_wk> shmam: You should be ok once you
fix the config then.
2910 [21:14:26] <jhutchins_wk> !paste
2911 [21:14:26] <dpkg> Do not paste more than 2 lines to this
channel. Instead, use for text:
2912 [21:14:33] *** Quits: vutral (~vutral@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2913 [21:14:44] <jhutchins_wk> Paste your config, make sure you
don't past the password.
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2917 [21:17:34] <shmam> It's on the last line which contains
the domain:
2918 [21:17:41] *** Joins: vutral (~vutral@replaced-ip )
2919 [21:17:48] <shmam> I also tried using a subdomain:
2920 [21:17:54] <shmam> which had the same error
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2924 [21:19:30] <greycat> 15:04 shmam> any idea why I'm
getting this error: "WARNING: skipping host:
2925 [21:19:50] *** Quits: pringau (~pringau@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2926 [21:19:51] <greycat> GAH, mouse is hard to use. Anyway. You
had "zone=" in the error. I do not see "zone="
in this config file snippet.
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2929 [21:20:10] <greycat> That makes it really hard to interpret
the error.
2930 [21:20:35] <shmam> yeah my config doesn't have
'zone=' in it so I'm also very confused lol
2931 [21:21:00] *** Joins: fus (~quassel@replaced-ip )
2932 [21:21:16] <jhutchins_wk> xparanoik: `Since you removed your
domain name, we don't know if it's something about that.
Is your domain registerd (presumably with cloudflare)?
2933 [21:21:24] <shmam> I found a random blog post with a
cloudflare config with 'zone=*cloudflare-domain*' so
I'm going to try that
2934 [21:21:24] *** Quits: conta1 (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Quit: conta1)
2935 [21:21:35] <mutante> shmam: all lines are key=value, except
line 6? that doesn't have a key?
2936 [21:21:45] <shmam> My domain is registered through another
provider, cloudflare just does dns
2937 [21:21:52] <mutante> and it ends in comma?
2938 [21:22:09] <shmam> mutante: From what I understand,
that's how it's supposed to be
2939 [21:22:16] *** bashes4 is now known as bashes
2940 [21:22:26] <mutante> what if you replace "," with a
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2942 [21:22:37] <mutante> that would seem more natural for a DNS
2943 [21:23:07] <shmam> I think it's just an optional
trailing comma so that you can add subdomains
2944 [21:23:11] *** Joins: dez (uid92154@replaced-ip )
2945 [21:23:16] <mutante> ah, ok
2946 [21:23:25] <shmam> just a guess tho, idk
2947 [21:23:39] <jhutchins_wk> No, no comma.
2948 [21:23:43] <mutante> does the name have any illegal
characters or start with a number or something?
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2951 [21:24:11] <jhutchins_wk> mutante: According to the docs on
github it's just the fqdn
2952 [21:24:21] <shmam> adding
'zone=<REMOVED-mydomain>' seemed to fix that issue
2953 [21:24:28] *** coderayn is now known as CrystalMath
2954 [21:24:32] <shmam> no idea what it does but we're gonna
roll with it for now
2955 [21:24:33] <mutante> ok, and whatever string you have is not
a valid FQDN
2956 [21:24:35] <mutante> that's what it tells us
2957 [21:24:54] *** Quits: acelogic (~acelogic@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2958 [21:25:28] <shmam> now getting `DEBUG: get_ip: using ip, ip
reports <undefined> WARNING: unable to determine IP address`
2959 [21:25:53] <mutante> you can't reveal what is redacted
on line 6, can you?
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2961 [21:26:00] <mutante> there seems to be the problem
2962 [21:26:12] *** Joins: Streusel (~Anonymous@replaced-ip )
2963 [21:26:32] <jhutchins_wk> It's rather silly if it's
a host on the internet and soon-to-be in DNS.
2964 [21:26:37] <mutante> i'd still try removing that comma
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2969 [21:27:47] <tharkun> Good $DAY I am looking for a nice bug
tracking tool besides bugzilla. I ask here because google is only
displaying some expensive platforms.
2970 [21:27:52] <mutante> are you trying to use your own domain or
something there? but you can only use something like or whatever?
2971 [21:28:04] *** Joins: thelastjedi_ (~quassel@replaced-ip )
2972 [21:28:10] <shmam> I think the config is ok now but something
is misconfigured with ddclient getting my local ip
2973 [21:28:58] <mutante> tharkun: it's more than a bug
tracker, but a bug tracker is part of it and it's modular
2974 [21:29:12] <jhutchins_wk> shmam: Is your public IP on your
server or is it on a router?
2975 [21:29:15] <greycat> if it's called from
dhclient-exit-hooks it should receive the IP address in an
environment variable
2976 [21:29:41] <jhutchins_wk> router/firewall
2977 [21:29:53] *** Joins: vutral (vutral@replaced-ip )
2978 [21:30:04] <mutante> tharkun:
2979 [21:30:07] *** Joins: dvs (~hibbard@replaced-ip )
2980 [21:30:29] <shmam> it's connected to a router
2981 [21:30:43] <jhutchins_wk> tharkun: We're shunning
bugzilla why?
2982 [21:30:59] <mutante> tharkun: finally
2983 [21:31:05] *** Quits: vutral (vutral@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2984 [21:31:31] <mutante> and managed to avoid mentioning any
Atlassian products and stick to foss. heh
2985 [21:31:55] <jelly> jira!
2986 [21:32:04] <jhutchins_wk> shmam: Then you have to enable the
mechanism that queries the router. Many routers come with a ddns
client installed.
2987 [21:32:26] *** Joins: queip (~queip@replaced-ip )
2988 [21:32:44] <mutante> jelly: boooh, non-free .. hate as an
admin's a black box.. but unfortunately for users
it's nice :P
2989 [21:32:49] <shmam> oh boy this is going to be very difficult.
TDS insisted in installing cascading routers so this computer is
really behind two routers
2990 [21:32:57] <mutante> i mean.. yea.. the workflow capabilities
are powerful
2991 [21:32:59] <jhutchins_wk> shmam: If you may have a sample
config file in /usr/share/doc/ddclient*
2992 [21:33:03] <tharkun> jhutchins_wk: no particular reason but
some of the develpment team members are "special".
(Don't ask me anymore please)
2993 [21:33:10] <jelly> mutante: also free to use for small teams
that manage open sauce
2994 [21:33:12] * tds wonders what I've done now
2995 [21:33:33] <jhutchins_wk> tharkun: No worries, we've all
been there.
2996 [21:33:42] <mutante> jelly: kind of like github.. all the
free software projects use it but it's not free itself..
2997 [21:33:45] <jelly> but it's cloud, and "cloud"
means someone else's computers
2998 [21:34:03] <shmam> the isp tds
2999 [21:34:10] <tharkun> jhutchins_wk: Thanks I appreciate your
3000 [21:34:13] <shmam> not you tds, ur fine lol
3001 [21:34:18] <tds> :)
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3004 [21:34:38] *** Seto_Kaiba is now known as Hunterkll
3005 [21:34:54] <shmam> hmm this may not be very possible
3006 [21:35:09] *** Joins: Uchu_98 (b9fd618f@replaced-ip )
3007 [21:35:10] <jhutchins_wk> tharkun: jira isn't free but
it's reasonable. It does get pricey for large teams.
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3009 [21:35:22] <Uchu_98> Hello. I am going to start my Live show
in a few minutes. I have 2 free vip invitations left (normally
$14.99/30 minutes). Enter now if you are interested and write in the
chat "Free Invite" --->
3010 [21:35:30] <umbSublime> tharkun: gitlab issue tracker maybe ?
3011 [21:35:31] *** Quits: vutral (~vutral@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
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3013 [21:35:41] <shmam> lmao what was that
3014 [21:35:50] <tharkun> jhutchins_wk: Looking into my monitor?
:D I was just at their url
3015 [21:36:01] *** Quits: grobi (~rtng@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
3016 [21:36:20] <tds> shmam - iirc ddclient should be able to
detect your public IP from behind nat and regularly send updates, vs
monitoring an interface on the machine?
3017 [21:36:24] <tharkun> umbSublime: We host our own git
repositories which has proven a life saver within this project.
3018 [21:36:31] <jhutchins_wk> tharkun: jira is what practically
all OS teams use.
3019 [21:37:31] <umbSublime> you can selfhost gitlab. Also you
could use _just_ the issue tracking part
3020 [21:38:08] *** Quits: timahvo1 (~rogue@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
3021 [21:38:08] <tharkun> umbSublime: gitlab interesting. I will
also look into it.
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3023 [21:38:29] <umbSublime> Altough now that I think of it,
I'm not sure that feature is part of the "free" offer
3024 [21:39:37] <umbSublime> also maybe it's minumal compared
to Jira, but there is gitkraken's "glo board"
3025 [21:39:53] <tharkun> umbSublime: I am currently using a
selfmade frankenstein that uses git, taskwarrior, and stmp support.
But that is my cli solution to gsd.
3026 [21:40:02] <tharkun> smtp
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3031 [21:42:46] <jhutchins_wk> shmam: Are you familiar with
services like There are ddns clients that will use
3032 [21:43:00] *** Joins: Theudobald (~Theudobal@replaced-ip )
3033 [21:43:11] <jhutchins_wk> shmam: I haven't dug deep
enough to know if ddclient will.
3034 [21:43:27] <greycat> Sounds like he's trying to run a
Dyndns client on a machine that isn't actually the one getting
the IP address from DHCP. That's... just not right.
3035 [21:43:39] <greycat> How does it know *when* to fire?
3036 [21:43:55] <jhutchins_wk> shmam:
3037 [21:44:13] <jhutchins_wk> greycat: You can set an interval in
the config.
3038 [21:44:52] <greycat> So you just count on it being *wrong*
for hours at a time if your IP changes?
3039 [21:45:10] <greycat> Polling like a windows user?
3040 [21:45:20] <mutante> host.and.domain[,host2.and.domain...]
3041 [21:45:30] <mutante> ^ that comma is not outside the
3042 [21:45:38] <jhutchins_wk> shmam: use=web
3043 [21:46:04] <mutante> so i bet that is still bad inside an
FQDN unless followed by a second FQDN
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3046 [21:46:11] <jhutchins_wk> greycat: They suggeest a 300 second
3047 [21:46:13] <jelly> greycat: firing it from crontab is often
good enough
3048 [21:46:19] <greycat> *vomit*
3049 [21:46:24] <jhutchins_wk> shmam: That uses
3050 [21:46:50] <jhutchins_wk> greycat: Well, dynamic DNS is
pretty much a kludge from the start.
3051 [21:47:02] <greycat> Granted, but that's a good reason
not to make it *worse*.
3052 [21:47:34] *** Joins: patterson (~patterson@replaced-ip )
3053 [21:47:43] <jelly> I use a 2€/month VM and my own VPN to
keep things accessible, instead
3054 [21:49:12] *** Joins: digin4 (~digin4@replaced-ip )
3055 [21:49:49] <jhutchins_wk> I've found over the years
since I first had an always-up connection that my IP rarely changes.
It does change, say if I replace the modem or take the modem
off-line for a while (power outage). Sometimes the provider
arbitrarily changes it.
3056 [21:50:18] <jhutchins_wk> Then I've worked with Mexican
Telecom, where they do forced changes regularly.
3057 [21:50:49] <jhutchins_wk> Telmex
3058 [21:51:38] *** Joins: thePiGrepper (~nagato@replaced-ip )
3059 [21:51:48] <mutante> it should really just be a simple option
all the ISP customers can check or not "IP static or
3060 [21:51:52] <jelly> it's more like you arbitrarily kept
the same IP, because of how ISP-side dhcp or radius worked
3061 [21:52:05] <jelly> mutante: it is, you usually pay $$$ for
3062 [21:52:06] <mutante> but i guess ISPs have more customers
than IPs
3063 [21:52:15] <mutante> it's like overbooking flights
3064 [21:52:48] <mutante> jelly: if at least that's an option
that's already a "good" provider to me, heh
3065 [21:53:12] *** Joins: copngcurhat (~androirc@replaced-ip )
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3067 [21:53:27] <jelly> more customer node than IPs is a recent
development, more common with mobile networks. Then you get CGNAT
and share IP with 1 or more customers.
3068 [21:53:51] *** Quits: we6jbo (~we6jbo@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
3069 [21:54:09] <mutante> yea, shmam , maybe just cough up 2 bucks
extra or whatever they want and consider it part of the Internet
cost but in return don't have to deal with the whole dynamic
updating a name?
3070 [21:54:12] <jelly> and you forget about being able to port
3071 [21:54:31] <greycat> 2 bucks? no.
3072 [21:54:56] <jelly> 2 bucks for a cheap VPS.
3073 [21:55:10] <greycat> A cheap VPS is much cheaper than static
IP on home ISP.
3074 [21:55:11] <jelly> static IP here is around $60 a month
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3077 [21:55:21] <mutante> oops. what
3078 [21:55:22] <greycat> it's $20 a month here
3079 [21:55:45] <mutante> because IPv4 became so rare now?
isn't IPv6 enough
3080 [21:56:12] <jelly> sure, go ahead and connect to your home
systems over ipv6 :-)
3081 [21:56:38] <greycat> I have yet to see a non-local IPv6
address on any computer. It's just not a *thing* in some
3082 [21:56:41] <tds> plenty of mobile networks are ipv6-only with
nat64 to talk to the legacy world these days :)
3083 [21:56:45] * dvs hides his $5/month
3084 [21:56:48] <jelly> or assume that everyone has a working dual
stack where ipv6 actually works by default
3085 [21:57:30] <mutante> meanwhile companies are offering money
to "buy back" IPv4 space.. guess the prices need to go up
to make it a thing
3086 [21:57:45] <jelly> greycat: but if you have extra /24s you
can make a pretty penny selling them off!
3087 [21:57:58] <tds> throw web services behind a reverse proxy
with ipv4 connectivity, proxyjump via a bastion host for ssh, etc,
and you can happily run ipv6-only servers :)
3088 [21:58:27] <shmam> sorry, had to do something quickly but
back now. Read over the chat logs and it makes sense that this
should be running somewhere else so that it can get called when the
ip updates instead of polling. So would that be the top level router
3089 [21:58:53] *** Quits: lysander__ (~lysander_@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
3090 [21:58:55] <greycat> many consumer routers have their own
built-in dyndns support
3091 [21:59:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1508
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3095 [21:59:52] <shmam> wow this router actually has it!
3096 [21:59:58] <fred1807> what does "nmcli networking
connectivity check" checks?
3097 [22:00:08] *** Quits: mniip (mniip@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 608 seconds)
3098 [22:00:11] <jelly> just don't use, Oracle is
shutting it down
3099 [22:00:15] <shmam> but it only works with dyndns or no-ip
3100 [22:00:20] *** Joins: yokel (~yokel@replaced-ip )
3101 [22:00:26] <shmam>*
3102 [22:00:33] <mutante> usually the router supports like 3
different services that all cost money or are down and the 4th one
you want isn't in the list
3103 [22:00:38] <mutante> heh, knew it
3104 [22:00:55] <jelly> I think no-ip nags every 30 days but is
still freeish?
3105 [22:01:21] <umbSublime> oracle recently announced it would
stop free accounts on by 2020
3106 [22:01:52] <greycat> just seeing the word "Oracle"
should be enough to send you running away as fast as possible
3107 [22:01:56] <umbSublime> ^
3108 [22:01:58] <shmam> ^
3109 [22:02:14] <jelly> carets are for bunnies
3110 [22:02:17] <jelly> not irc
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3113 [22:02:40] <shmam> but they're so convenient
3114 [22:02:54] *** Quits: thePiGrepper (~nagato@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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3117 [22:05:36] <Kobaz> trying to use socat to send the contents
of a file... here's what I have so far: socat -v -dddd -u
TCP: OPEN:sendfile,creat
3118 [22:05:48] <Kobaz> but it's not sending the file, it
just gets the header from the (line-based) server
3119 [22:06:13] <Habbie> is your file called 'sendfile'?
3120 [22:06:36] <Kobaz> sure is
3121 [22:06:57] <greycat> well that's not confusing at all...
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3125 [22:07:13] <Kobaz> just playing around, i'll have better
file names shortly
3126 [22:07:45] <Kobaz> how about: socat -v -dddd -u
TCP: OPEN:sending_this_file_to_the_other_side,creat
3127 [22:07:47] *** Quits: ibalerio (~ibalerio@replaced-ip##) (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (##replaced-url
3128 [22:07:50] <shmam> any reason not to use scp?
3129 [22:08:27] <Kobaz> because scp is not the correct tool to
send commands to an artibtrary service
3130 [22:08:36] <shmam> nvm just read man socat
3131 [22:08:48] <Kobaz> right, that's what i've been
doing, and i'm stuck here
3132 [22:09:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1502
3133 [22:09:02] <Kobaz> i basically get the header from the
service and then the file doesn't send
3134 [22:09:07] <Kobaz> not sure what's missing
3135 [22:09:08] <jhutchins_wk> Kobaz: netcat
3136 [22:09:21] <jelly> socat is just a more powerful netcat
3137 [22:09:27] <Habbie> netcat might be easier here, but it
should be doable with socat
3138 [22:09:30] <Habbie> why are you passing ,creat?
3139 [22:09:39] <jelly> but files should probably not be sent to
arbitrary services either, what's wrong with the usual tar | nc
3140 [22:09:42] <Kobaz> Habbie: not sure, it's in the example
i'm following
3141 [22:10:01] <Habbie> Kobaz, that sounds like it's an
example for reading from a socket and writing to a file
3142 [22:10:07] <Kobaz> mm
3143 [22:10:15] <Kobaz> could use netcat i suppose
3144 [22:10:27] <Habbie> what kind of service are you talking to?
3145 [22:10:36] <Kobaz> asterisk manager interface
3146 [22:10:45] <Kobaz> i have a whole framwork i usually use, but
this is a one-off
3147 [22:10:50] <mutante> TCP: just says it "connects"
3148 [22:10:50] *** Quits: Ericounet (~Eric@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
3149 [22:10:50] <greycat> my initial problem just looking at it,
with zero socat knowledge, was "OPEN:sendfile,creat"
looked like you were setting two options for what would happen upon
an "OPEN", whatever an "OPEN" is, and then there
was no file name given
3150 [22:11:08] <mutante> but there is "SOCKET-SENDTO: and
others that actually say "sends outgoing data"
3151 [22:11:13] <Habbie> greycat, i thought that too but the socat
manpage does not mention a 'sendfile' option
3152 [22:11:32] <Kobaz> no, sendfile is not an option
3153 [22:11:41] <Kobaz> it's a paramter containing the
filename to send
3154 [22:11:51] <Kobaz> 'sendfild' is my test
3155 [22:11:55] <Kobaz> *file...
3156 [22:12:41] <mutante> Kobaz: as i read the man page, the
"TCP:" command only promises to 'connect' but
not more
3157 [22:12:49] <Kobaz> oh
3158 [22:12:52] <Kobaz> i had it backwards
3159 [22:12:52] <mutante> which would maybe match what you are
3160 [22:12:53] *** Quits: Hestben (~robert@replaced-ip ) (Quit: leaving)
3161 [22:13:06] <Kobaz> socat -u FILE:send TCP:
3162 [22:13:09] <Kobaz> there you go
3163 [22:13:14] <mutante> aha :)
3164 [22:13:35] <Kobaz> and in this case 'send' is my
arbitrarily named file to send
3165 [22:13:54] <jhutchins_wk> Kobaz: testfile is a good
placeholder for things like that.
3166 [22:13:57] <mutante> i can't find "FILE:" in
my man page
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3169 [22:14:34] <jelly> Kobaz: are you trying to send a file to
the service, or read something from service and write it to a file?
3170 [22:14:39] <Kobaz> neither can i.. but...
3171 [22:14:46] <Kobaz> client$ socat -u FILE:test.txt
3172 [22:14:54] <jelly> right, input then output
3173 [22:15:09] <Kobaz> jelly: send input to service, don't
care about any output
3174 [22:15:21] *** Quits: zeden (~user@replaced-ip ) (Quit: WeeChat 2.4)
3175 [22:15:22] <jelly> the service _IS_ output
3176 [22:15:22] <mutante> Kobaz: what about
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3178 [22:16:18] <mutante> UDP-SENDTO: shrug
3179 [22:16:27] <Kobaz> IP-SENDTO looks very low level
3180 [22:16:32] <jelly> but really, nc 5038 < file
3181 [22:16:53] <mutante> back to netcat.. clearly "more
powerful" also means wasting time with more than you need, hehe
3182 [22:16:54] <Kobaz> right yeah
3183 [22:17:02] *** Quits: copngcurhat (~androirc@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
3184 [22:17:16] <Kobaz> i usually use socat because i wind up
needing stuff netcat doesn't have
3185 [22:17:17] <Kobaz> but yeah
3186 [22:17:29] <Habbie> also netcat is not portable, but socat is
3187 [22:17:33] <greycat> sometimes you *only* need it to toast
the bread, not to harvest the wheat and grid it into flour....
3188 [22:17:33] <Kobaz> or i'm on systems with socat but no
3189 [22:17:49] <Kobaz> they have some dumbed down nc that
doesn't do udp for example, like on ubnt edgerouter
3190 [22:17:59] <greycat> but you're not connecting to UDP
3191 [22:18:02] <Kobaz> right
3192 [22:18:06] <Kobaz> but it was my go-to
3193 [22:18:12] <Kobaz> but anyway
3194 [22:18:14] *** Joins: Tenkawa (~Tenkawa@replaced-ip )
3195 [22:18:14] <Kobaz> yeah this is good
3196 [22:18:33] <jelly> socat STDIN TCP:localhost:5038 < file ?
3197 [22:18:35] <greycat> if it's your go-to, you need to
brush up on how to use it
3198 [22:18:36] *** Joins: Hestben (~robert@replaced-ip )
3199 [22:18:53] * jelly reduces the problem to a known one
3200 [22:19:09] <Kobaz> haha well, never sent a file with socat,
so... i was brushing indeed
3201 [22:19:29] <Kobaz> well, file in this way... i've done
stdin before
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3205 [22:20:44] <jelly> I mean socat is great if you have to proxy
from tcp to unix socket or to ssl and avoid stunnel, okay, but this
is not complex
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3207 [22:21:17] <Kobaz> right
3208 [22:21:26] *** Quits: Loggg (~Logg@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
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3231 [22:37:15] <JustTheDoctor_> so i am working with a Linode Deb
9 VPS and when i type apt dist upgrade or apt-dist upgrade im
getting a command not found am i doing something wrong?
3232 [22:37:45] *** Joins: ghost64 (~ghost64@replaced-ip )
3233 [22:37:46] <somiaj> it is apt dist-upgrade
3234 [22:37:49] *** Quits: retpoline (~retpoline@replaced-ip ) (Quit: bye)
3235 [22:37:57] <greycat> it's actually "apt
full-upgrade" or "apt-get dist-upgrade"
3236 [22:37:58] <somiaj> though be careful, isn't linode
using a shared kernel?
3237 [22:38:05] <JustTheDoctor_> greycat, thank you
3238 [22:38:10] <somiaj> I think apt supports both dist-upgrade
and full-upgrade
3239 [22:38:14] <greycat> probably
3240 [22:38:33] *** Joins: shibboleth (~shibbolet@replaced-ip )
3241 [22:38:41] <JustTheDoctor_> the commands greycat gave me
worked, both of them.. looks like i am upto date
3242 [22:38:46] <somiaj> For some reason I have a vague memeory of
linode (though maybe I'm thinking of something else) using a
container like system with a shared kernel, and sometimes you
can't just upgarde your debian version due to this.
3243 [22:38:57] *** Quits: \\Mr_C\\ (~mrc@replaced-ip ) (Quit: (Read error: Connection reset by beer))
3244 [22:38:57] <greycat> did you remember to "apt-get
update" before that?
3245 [22:38:59] *** Quits: apathor (~mike@replaced-ip ) (Quit: WeeChat 1.6)
3246 [22:39:00] <JustTheDoctor_> now i have to figure out how to
do a couple of simple things without reading a tutorial or asking
for help.
3247 [22:39:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1495
3248 [22:39:02] <somiaj> JustTheDoctor_: ahh, you must doing the
9.8 upgrade, usually one only needs upgrade.
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3268 [22:49:49] <dvs> How rude! 69 bugs left!
3269 [22:49:55] <Habbie> could have been 420
3270 [22:49:59] <dvs> true
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3281 [22:53:27] <Kobaz> somiaj: unless you're upgrading from
an ancient debian, 99% of the packages are kernel-agnostic
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3283 [22:53:50] * albertnpc5 wahahaha losers
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3292 [22:55:19] <somiaj> Kobaz: Depends on how acient, but there
is often reasons why that didn't work, intrudction of udev,
introduction of systemd, and so on. I don't think the curent
releases matter, but that doens't mean some new change will
require some new kernel feature needed in a modern kernel.
3293 [22:55:42] <somiaj> But yes, I don't think it is an
issue with jessie->stretch->buster recent chain
3294 [22:55:55] <Kobaz> somiaj: exactly
3295 [22:56:06] <greycat> (it's why mine is still on wheezy)
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3297 [22:56:13] <Kobaz> heh
3298 [22:56:17] <Kobaz> i still have a box or two on wheezy
3299 [22:56:39] <Kobaz> been testing with buster, still working
out the bugs/issues with removing systemd
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3301 [22:56:59] <m4ch1n3znc> greycat with grey wheezy boxes
3302 [22:57:01] <m4ch1n3znc> :3
3303 [22:57:55] <somiaj> It wouldn't not supprise me that
systemd will introduce some new feature that requires a new kernel.
3304 [22:58:09] <somiaj> So one should always check if using a
shared kernel with the host before doing a actual dist-upgrade
3305 [22:58:31] <Kobaz> or spin up a test vm, have at it, upgrade
and see what breaks
3306 [22:58:34] <somiaj> wheezy is even still supported via ELTS
(or did that finally loose funding)
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3310 [22:58:42] <greycat> Buster requires a 3.2 kernel, so
don't attempt an upgrade to buster on a squeeze kernel.
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3312 [22:58:45] <somiaj> yea, testing it first is good.
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3318 [23:00:47] <jhutchins_wk> ..also checking your
provider's documentation.
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3323 [23:03:16] <jhutchins_wk> There's stuff kicking around
that requires a 2.6 kernel.
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3378 [23:47:10] <Kon-> In the context of the cdimages listings,
what's the difference between the "cd" directories
and the "image" directories?
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3384 [23:55:39] <Tom-_> i think the images are the vmlinuz and
initrd image that go on the CDs
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3386 [23:55:51] <Tom-_> confusing i know
3387 [23:55:59] <Tom-_> this is debian
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