People who Joins , Parts or Quits a chatroom
this is #debian
an IRC -Channel at freenode
(freenode IRC service closed
0 [00:00:41] *** Quits: fly_agaric (5e88073f@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
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10 [00:06:17] <whislock> dka: sms?
11 [00:06:35] <whislock> !ops l33th4xx0r
12 [00:06:35] <dpkg> Hydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH,
mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel,
zobel, themill, babilen, SynrG, jm_, somiaj, jelly, petn-randall,
bremner: whislock complains about a problem (see above)
13 [00:07:09] -l33th4xx0r- glguy of #freenode staff is a eastern
zionist pig. We will coordinate his doxxing from
genitals because he killed pussy
14 [00:07:19] <ZaZaGX> what?
15 [00:07:27] <l33th4xx0r> ZaZaGX: the freenode staffer glguy
16 [00:07:38] <l33th4xx0r> he is a eastern orthodox zionist
17 [00:07:49] <l33th4xx0r> bans all things that express
sexuality of any type
18 [00:07:55] <ZaZaGX> can he buy me a wife for black friday?
19 [00:08:00] <l33th4xx0r> so i created new channel ##genitals
20 [00:08:05] *** Quits: zyun (~zyun@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
21 [00:08:09] <oerheks> The smsd log file is incredibly useful
here. It lives in /var/log/smstools/smsd.log
22 [00:08:11] <l33th4xx0r> and we will coordinate the doxxing of
glguy from there
23 [00:08:33] <dka> I found
24 [00:09:51] <livebrain> l33th4xx0r that nick is hilarious lol
25 [00:09:53] <livebrain> are you 3 ?
26 [00:10:01] <dka> How can I send SMS from command line using
my SIM card which is inserted within my Fibocom L850-GL modem ? (not
with modem-manager-gui)
27 [00:10:03] <whislock> Can we stop interacting with the
spammer, please?
28 [00:10:18] <l33th4xx0r> livebrain: are you on crack?
29 [00:10:26] <ZaZaGX> who is the spammer?
30 [00:10:34] <l33th4xx0r> whislock: affirmative. you are the
31 [00:10:35] <ZaZaGX> i can't tell
32 [00:10:51] <livebrain> whislock: sorry, i made a mistake :)
33 [00:11:01] *** Quits: l33th4xx0r (~l33t@replaced-ip ) (K-Lined)
34 [00:11:12] <whislock> Zap.
35 [00:12:31] *** Joins: _till_ (~till@replaced-ip )
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38 [00:12:47] *** Quits: LorD_n1c0w (~igora@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving.)
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40 [00:13:52] *** Joins: nuclearjam (~nucleargn@replaced-ip )
41 [00:14:36] *** Joins: drybjed (~drybjed@replaced-ip )
42 [00:14:57] <ZaZaGX> whoa
43 [00:15:02] <ZaZaGX> who K-Lined him?
44 [00:15:20] *** Joins: LorD_n1c0w (~igora@replaced-ip )
45 [00:15:46] *** Joins: tme520_ (~tme520@replaced-ip )
46 [00:16:08] <Mathisen> freenode staffer. he been spamming
multiple channels
47 [00:16:13] *** Joins: sinaptik (sinaptik@replaced-ip )
48 [00:16:23] *** Joins: V7 (~v7@replaced-ip )
49 [00:16:24] *** Joins: B|ack0p (~m@replaced-ip )
50 [00:16:29] <B|ack0p> hi
51 [00:18:04] <ZaZaGX> oh ic
52 [00:18:32] * nvz passes ZaZaGX an irn
53 [00:18:49] *** Joins: BlueByte_ (~walther@replaced-ip )
54 [00:18:59] <B|ack0p> when will xfce 14.04 be supported in
55 [00:19:06] <nvz> ,v xfce
56 [00:19:07] <judd> No package named 'xfce' was found
in amd64.
57 [00:19:11] <nvz> ,v xfce4
58 [00:19:12] <judd> Package: xfce4 on amd64 -- jessie: 4.10.1;
stretch: 4.12.3; buster: 4.12.5; bullseye: 4.14; sid: 4.14
59 [00:19:19] <B|ack0p> huh
60 [00:19:31] <B|ack0p> which version is sid?
61 [00:19:33] <ZaZaGX> for irn i got Independent Radio News
62 [00:19:37] *** Quits: LorD_n1c0w (~igora@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
63 [00:19:41] <B|ack0p> i thought buster is the latest debian
64 [00:19:51] *** Quits: tme520 (~tme520@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
65 [00:19:52] <nvz> B|ack0p: 4.14 is in testing/unstable, stable
has 4.12.5
66 [00:20:11] <B|ack0p> yes but when will tests finish?
67 [00:20:24] <nvz> 14.04 is an ubuntu version
68 [00:20:32] *** Quits: tagomago (~tagomago@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
69 [00:20:45] <B|ack0p> so?
70 [00:20:53] <nvz> B|ack0p: two years from now probably..
71 [00:21:18] *** Joins: tagomago (~tagomago@replaced-ip )
72 [00:21:19] <B|ack0p> ...
73 [00:21:20] <nvz> B|ack0p: so, its not an xfce version, its an
ubuntu release version
74 [00:21:24] *** Quits: BazookaTooth (~bob@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
75 [00:21:26] *** Quits: aidanpr (~aidanpr@replaced-ip##) (Quit: BlameFran - ##replaced-url
76 [00:21:37] <Unit193> I think he may have typo'd 4.14..
77 [00:21:38] <B|ack0p> why debian is so slow about supporting
latest kernel and packages..
78 [00:21:53] <whislock> !sns
79 [00:21:53] <dpkg> Shiny New Shit Syndrome is a serious
disorder, which usually breaks out into an epidemic every time
something new is released. If you have SNS, ask me about
<backports> and <ssb>; these are better options than
upgrading to <testing> because it is a <moving target>.
80 [00:21:55] <madprops> is making deb packages for non C
binaries more troublesome?
81 [00:21:59] <B|ack0p> oh yea i mean 4.14
82 [00:21:59] <whislock> B|ack0p: Because that's not the
83 [00:22:23] <B|ack0p> but xfce 4.14 has newer features as i
read in their official website..
84 [00:22:25] <nvz> dpkg, why debian?
85 [00:22:26] <dpkg> Debian strives to maintain your freedom
whilst also paying close attention to the technical aspects of
making a great OS. Debian is stable, upgradable and well tested. See
86 [00:22:27] *** Joins: tme520__ (~tme520@replaced-ip )
87 [00:22:32] <nvz> dpkg, social contract?
88 [00:22:32] <dpkg> The Debian Social Contract is the document
that defines Debian's purpose, see
89 [00:22:43] <whislock> B|ack0p: Then go find a distro that
gives you shineys and not stability.
90 [00:22:53] *** Quits: mmx_in_space (~mmx_in_sp@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
91 [00:22:54] <B|ack0p> i rely on debian
92 [00:22:59] <B|ack0p> that s not my case
93 [00:23:06] <mutante> then use testing
94 [00:23:10] <whislock> That is horrible advice.
95 [00:23:11] <B|ack0p> but xfce released 4.14 as stable.. why
not debian
96 [00:23:13] <nvz> well for the last few releases, MATE has
been being backported, but not xfce
97 [00:23:14] *** Quits: silverwhitefish (~hidden@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
98 [00:23:15] <B|ack0p> i just wanna understand
99 [00:23:28] <nvz> ,v mate
100 [00:23:29] <judd> No package named 'mate' was found
in amd64.
101 [00:23:30] *** Joins: silverwhitefish (~hidden@replaced-ip )
102 [00:23:30] <Unit193> You could backport 4.14, but that'd
be some fun to deal with.
103 [00:23:34] <whislock> B|ack0p: Debian isn't going to
completely change everyone's DE in the middle of a release.
That goes against the point of Debian.
104 [00:23:34] <nvz> ,v mate-panel
105 [00:23:35] <judd> Package: mate-panel on amd64 -- jessie:
1.8.1+dfsg1-3; stretch: 1.16.2-1; stretch-backports:
1.20.5-1~bpo9+1; buster: 1.20.5-1; bullseye: 1.22.2-1; sid: 1.22.2-1
106 [00:23:40] <ZaZaGX> go use Ubuntu 19.10 xfce
107 [00:23:43] <whislock> mutante: Don't blindly tell people
to use testing. That's just moronic.
108 [00:23:56] <B|ack0p> i came here from ubuntu already..
109 [00:24:01] *** Joins: wikifart (~hackd@replaced-ip )
110 [00:24:07] <wikifart> all hail bernie
111 [00:24:13] <ZaZaGX> is debian testing bad? i was going to try
112 [00:24:14] <mutante> whislock: you literally just told him to
use a distro that gives you shiny and not stability
113 [00:24:18] *** Quits: wikifart (~hackd@replaced-ip ) (K-Lined)
114 [00:24:22] <B|ack0p> it s nice distro but i d like to learn
about debian too
115 [00:24:27] *** Joins: aidanpr (~aidanpr@replaced-ip )
116 [00:24:30] <whislock> mutante: "distro" is not
117 [00:24:43] *** Quits: tds (~tds@replaced-ip##) (Quit: The Lounge - ##replaced-url
118 [00:24:49] <whislock> mutante: Example: Xubuntu. That would
be a distro.
119 [00:24:50] *** Joins: mmx_in_space (~mmx_in_sp@replaced-ip )
120 [00:25:17] <mutante> whislock: and you want to argue that
Ubuntu isn't just using the Debian packages?
121 [00:25:32] <whislock> mutante: Given that they're not,
it wouldn't be much of an argument.
122 [00:25:40] <whislock> mutante: Please stop being purposefully
123 [00:25:57] *** Quits: tme520_ (~tme520@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
124 [00:26:22] <mutante> whislock: maybe focus on giving actual
advice to the person asking
125 [00:26:34] <ZaZaGX> never heard of the word obtuse before
126 [00:26:43] <nvz> ZaZaGX: seriously?
127 [00:26:48] <whislock> mutante: I can help them and call you
out on being an idiot at the same time.
128 [00:26:51] *** Joins: BERNIE2020 (~bernie@replaced-ip )
129 [00:26:55] <nvz> ZaZaGX: you never had a geometry course?
130 [00:26:56] <mutante> whislock: stop insulting me
131 [00:27:03] <BERNIE2020> BERNIE FOR PRESIDENT 2020
132 [00:27:04] *** Quits: BERNIE2020 (~bernie@replaced-ip ) (K-Lined)
133 [00:27:05] <whislock> mutante: Then stop acting in a way
deserving of insults.
134 [00:27:24] *** Quits: pringau (~pringau@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
135 [00:27:26] <mutante> whislock: no, that's not how that
works. you don't get to attack people and then decide they
deserve it
136 [00:27:46] <ZaZaGX> i failed geometry
137 [00:27:48] <madprops> echo 'asdf'
138 [00:27:52] <Unit193> whislock, mutante: It'd likely be
nicer for the rest of us if #debian could get back to Debian
139 [00:27:53] <ZaZaGX> i was more an algebra guy
140 [00:27:55] <nvz> ZaZaGX: heh.. oh well...
141 [00:27:55] *** Joins: BazookaTooth (~bob@replaced-ip )
142 [00:27:58] *** Parts: madprops (~exofvak@replaced-ip ) ("WeeChat 2.6")
143 [00:28:06] <whislock> Unit193: Already have.
144 [00:28:11] <B|ack0p> i think i started an arguement :p
145 [00:28:17] <whislock> B|ack0p: Not at all.
146 [00:28:37] <ZaZaGX> i'm having a hard time with
147 [00:28:59] <B|ack0p> okk
148 [00:29:00] <nvz> ZaZaGX: acute angles are less than 90deg,
obtuse are greater than 90deg.. acute/obtuse have other uses.. like
they use acute in the medical field to describe a sudden onset as
opposed to chronic condition which is regularly occuring
149 [00:29:18] <whislock> B|ack0p: The purpose of a Debian
release is to provide a stable set of software and user experience
for the life of that release. If an upstream projects releases a new
stable version, that won't be brought into the current Debian
stable release because that release is already... well, stable.
Bringing in a brand new version might drastically change the system
in a way that it shouldn't change
150 [00:29:20] <whislock> within a stable release.
151 [00:29:48] <ZaZaGX> oh ic
152 [00:29:57] *** Quits: Trieste (~T@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
153 [00:30:10] <ZaZaGX> so i was thinking of getting a basic flip
154 [00:30:22] <ZaZaGX> can i install debian on it?
155 [00:30:25] <B|ack0p> whislock: also i realised that in debian
i dont receive updates often unlike ubuntu
156 [00:30:32] *** Joins: swift110 (~swift110@replaced-ip )
157 [00:31:02] *** Joins: tds (~tds@replaced-ip )
158 [00:31:11] <nvz> ZaZaGX: obtuse in that context though means
kinda willfully ignorant
159 [00:31:13] <whislock> B|ack0p: Ubuntu, especially the non-LTS
releases, are more liberal about what they'll bring into an
existing release. Updates within Debian are typically bugfixes and
security updates.
160 [00:31:27] *** Joins: BERNIE2020 (~bernie@replaced-ip )
162 [00:31:36] <nvz> ZaZaGX: but expresses more that you are
doing it annoyingly so :P
164 [00:31:41] <B|ack0p> so how often debian releases new
versions? every 2 years?
165 [00:31:41] <ZaZaGX> i feel the burnnn
166 [00:31:44] *** Quits: sinaptik (sinaptik@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
167 [00:31:54] <whislock> B|ack0p: When it's ready(tm)
168 [00:31:54] <BERNIE2020> MEDICAID FOR ALL!
169 [00:32:07] <nvz> !ops political spam
170 [00:32:07] <dpkg> Hydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH,
mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel,
zobel, themill, babilen, SynrG, jm_, somiaj, jelly, petn-randall,
bremner: nvz complains about a problem (see above)
171 [00:32:14] <whislock> nvz: Tautology. ;)
172 [00:32:30] <B|ack0p> whislock: thx for specific info :p
174 [00:32:31] <B|ack0p> lol
175 [00:32:35] <ZaZaGX> whoa, sinbaptik uses the same VPN as i do
176 [00:32:36] <whislock> B|ack0p: Sure.
177 [00:32:43] <BERNIE2020> !ops nvz false reporting me
178 [00:32:44] <dpkg> Hydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH,
mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel,
zobel, themill, babilen, SynrG, jm_, somiaj, jelly, petn-randall,
bremner: bernie2020 complains about a problem (see above)
179 [00:32:52] <BERNIE2020> basic human rights are not span
180 [00:32:54] <B|ack0p> BERNIE2020: stop spamming
181 [00:32:58] <BERNIE2020> basic human rights are not spam
182 [00:32:59] <BERNIE2020> basic human rights are not spam
183 [00:32:59] *** Quits: BERNIE2020 (~bernie@replaced-ip ) (K-Lined)
184 [00:33:16] <ZaZaGX> how does he keep getting new IP adddress?
185 [00:33:28] <nvz> its not even remotely difficult
186 [00:33:43] <nvz> you can easily get a whole list of open
proxies online
187 [00:33:45] *** Quits: swift110 (~swift110@replaced-ip ) (Changing host)
188 [00:33:45] *** Joins: swift110 (~swift110@replaced-ip )
189 [00:33:51] <ZaZaGX> i would used to have to disconnect my 56k
modem and reconnect to get a different IP address
190 [00:34:09] *** Quits: alexandros_c (~alexandro@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
191 [00:34:39] <nvz> I have a browser plugin that can
automatically fetch a list and configure one
192 [00:34:44] *** Joins: sinaptik (sinaptik@replaced-ip )
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194 [00:35:06] <ZaZaGX> hi sinaptik
195 [00:35:21] <ZaZaGX> oh ic
196 [00:35:27] <nvz> finding a decent one is the trick.. and for
something as low-latency low-bandwidth as irc id doesnt really
matter much
197 [00:36:09] <ZaZaGX> i thought freenode blocks them
198 [00:36:18] <nvz> I'm sure they try
199 [00:36:19] *** Quits: nckx (~nckx@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
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201 [00:36:36] *** Joins: nckx (~nckx@replaced-ip )
202 [00:36:54] <ZaZaGX> i tried to connect on here with ProtonVPN
but it won't let me
203 [00:37:17] <nvz> well many things are allowed but may be
blocked during times of network trouble
204 [00:37:19] <B|ack0p> i am having problem with Evolution
205 [00:37:21] <Unit193> ZaZaGX: You have to use SASL with some
non-password based auth, I believe.
206 [00:37:29] <B|ack0p> i click send email but it takes forever
to send
207 [00:37:30] <ZaZaGX> yeah i used SASL
208 [00:37:57] *** Quits: null1337 (~WhoAmI@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
209 [00:38:35] *** Joins: mrloafbot (~mrloafbot@replaced-ip )
210 [00:38:51] <ZaZaGX> i'm not sure if i locked down my
debian machine enough
211 [00:39:04] <whislock> Enough for what?
212 [00:39:28] <ZaZaGX> from the spies and the feds
213 [00:39:51] <whislock> Are you immune to firearms?
214 [00:39:53] *** Joins: null1337 (~WhoAmI@replaced-ip )
215 [00:40:03] <ZaZaGX> no
216 [00:40:08] *** Quits: we6jbo (~we6jbo@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
217 [00:40:12] <whislock> Then your machine is not the weakest
link. ;)
218 [00:40:20] <nvz> debian comes fairly locked down.. if you
don't do stupid things its mostly secure
219 [00:40:31] <nvz> as implied above, the user is the big issue
220 [00:40:36] <whislock>
221 [00:40:44] <nvz> I been using Debian since like 2002 and I
only been compromised once..
222 [00:40:45] <dka> does modemmanager and gummu conflict ?
223 [00:40:46] *** Joins: zyun (~zyun@replaced-ip )
224 [00:40:48] <ZaZaGX> well, i disabled the rubber ducky usb
flash drive
225 [00:41:14] *** Joins: clon3r (~clon3r@replaced-ip )
226 [00:41:16] <nvz> and that resulted from me testing something
with a friend where I made a user account called guest with the
password guest and forgot to remove it afterward
227 [00:41:22] *** Joins: shibboleth (~shibbolet@replaced-ip )
228 [00:41:26] <dka> does modemmanager and gammu conflict ? or I
can have both installed ?
229 [00:41:32] <nvz> I wouldnt exactly call that getting hacked
230 [00:41:36] <ZaZaGX> nvz, how did you get compromised?
231 [00:41:45] <ZaZaGX> oh nvm
232 [00:41:46] <nvz> ZaZaGX: someone logged in and put an irc bot
in there
233 [00:41:51] *** Joins: mosasaur (~mosasaur@replaced-ip )
234 [00:42:42] <ZaZaGX> oh ic
235 [00:43:17] <ZaZaGX> systemctl disable cups-browsed
236 [00:43:39] <ZaZaGX> used the ufw
237 [00:44:06] <ZaZaGX> i also changed the DNS field to
238 [00:44:16] <ZaZaGX> and i use a VPN
239 [00:44:20] <nvz> well if you actually have services available
having keys and good security policy for changing passwords/keys is
more important..
240 [00:44:23] *** Joins: silverballz (~hidden@replaced-ip )
241 [00:44:31] <nvz> and something like fail2ban doesnt hurt
242 [00:44:50] <nvz> cause if you have something like say ssh
running on default port, you can almost gaurentee people are gonna
243 [00:44:59] <ZaZaGX> i have never heard of fail2ban
244 [00:45:04] <nvz> and if you allow password logins,
they're gonna try common names and passwords
245 [00:45:10] <whislock> All of that stuff is of VERY limited
value, honestly.
246 [00:45:21] <ZaZaGX> oh i made a grub login and password
247 [00:45:38] <ZaZaGX> and encrpyted my harddrive
248 [00:45:39] <nvz> yeah that only prevents local bypassing of
the security
249 [00:45:54] <nvz> doing something like init=/bin/bash to
bypass pam
250 [00:45:54] <ZaZaGX> i don't use ssh
251 [00:46:18] <whislock> Keys of proper size don't need
rotating. Passwords of proper strength don't need changing.
fail2ban does very little because most attempts don't come from
the same IP. Changing the SSH port is tantamount to obscurity, which
has zero value. All it takes is a few seconds with nmap.
252 [00:46:25] *** Quits: Zathras (~Zzzth@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
253 [00:46:31] <ZaZaGX> i'm not sure putting a password on
the BIOS is okay security
254 [00:46:53] <nvz> all that would do is stop someone from
booting via another media or such
255 [00:46:54] *** Quits: jubo2 (~jubz@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
256 [00:47:01] *** Quits: format_c (~format_c@replaced-ip ) (Quit: format_c)
257 [00:47:03] <nvz> and if the disk is encrypted that doesnt
change much
258 [00:47:21] <ZaZaGX> yeah i didn't want to someone to
live boot a live usb flash drive
259 [00:47:35] *** Quits: silverwhitefish (~hidden@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
260 [00:47:59] *** Parts: clon3r (~clon3r@replaced-ip ) ("Leaving")
261 [00:48:08] <nvz> I dont have bios or grub passwords if
someone has access to my drive and can get past the encryption
I'm screwed either way :P
262 [00:48:12] <whislock> ZaZaGX: If someone is physically at the
system, all bets are off.
263 [00:48:25] <nvz> it'd be trivial to take the drive out
and access it
264 [00:48:41] <whislock> Or hit the CMOS reset jumper, and your
BIOS password disappears.
265 [00:49:02] *** Quits: greatgatsby (~greatgats@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
266 [00:49:19] <ZaZaGX> CMOS reset jumpers are in the
laptop's motherboard? i don't have a desktop. i did reset
a jumper for a desktop a long time ago
267 [00:49:32] <ZaZaGX> to reset my BIOS password.
268 [00:49:39] <whislock> Yup. Or you can pull the CMOS battery.
269 [00:49:40] <ZaZaGX> but it was back than in Windows XP ages
270 [00:49:41] <whislock> Same effect.
271 [00:49:52] <nvz> yeah well most any machine without some sort
of security chip, the bios password is easy to circumvent or
272 [00:50:08] <ZaZaGX> i think i have a TPM security chip
273 [00:50:09] <nvz> I have all my built in security crap
274 [00:50:13] <nvz> I dont trust it :P
275 [00:50:21] <whislock> Bad reason to disable it.
276 [00:50:37] <whislock> Not like Debian makes use of a TPM
277 [00:50:46] <ZaZaGX> yeah i thought so
278 [00:50:49] <whislock> Unless the OS is using the TPM, it
doesn't help.
279 [00:50:54] <nvz> these machines have computrace, tpm, all
kinds of crap
280 [00:51:13] <B|ack0p> ZaZaGX: do you have a ThinkPad ?
281 [00:51:20] <whislock> nvz: Sure. But disabling it as a
default isn't a great plan.
282 [00:51:21] <ZaZaGX> how do you know?
283 [00:51:31] <ZaZaGX> are you hacking me right now?
284 [00:51:36] <B|ack0p> maybe :p
285 [00:51:36] *** Joins: millbates (~lewl@replaced-ip )
286 [00:51:37] <B|ack0p> lol
287 [00:51:41] *** Quits: zapatistaist (~zapatista@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
288 [00:51:49] <nvz> there aren't many machines out there
that come with the thinkpad's standard features
289 [00:51:54] * nvz is also on a thinkpad
290 [00:52:02] <ZaZaGX> yeah i'm in a thinkpad
291 [00:52:06] <whislock> Dell XPS.
292 [00:52:08] <ZaZaGX> on
293 [00:52:10] <B|ack0p> ThinkPads usually have TPM
294 [00:52:17] *** Joins: zapatistaist (~zapatista@replaced-ip )
295 [00:52:18] <ZaZaGX> oh ic
296 [00:52:24] <whislock> Any modern system with UEFI
capabilities has a TPM.
297 [00:52:24] <swift110> tlm
298 [00:52:26] * B|ack0p is also on an old IBM ThinkPad now
299 [00:52:28] <swift110> \tlp you mean
300 [00:52:35] <B|ack0p> swift110: sup
301 [00:52:37] <swift110> B|ack0p, WHICH ONE
302 [00:52:41] <gordonfish> "<nvz> you can easily get
a whole list of open proxies online" ; Doesn't freenode
specifically check for that upon login?
303 [00:52:43] <swift110> Client: HexChat 2.12.4 • OS:
"BunsenLabs" ""helium""
"9.8" • CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) M CPU 420 @ 1.60GHz
(1.60GHz) • Memory: Physical: 2.9 GiB Total (1.4 GiB Free)
Swap: 1.9 GiB Total (1.9 GiB Free) • Storage: 52.5 GB / 79.9 GB
(27.4 GB Free) • VGA: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS,
943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller @ Intel
Corporation Mobile 945GM/PM/GMS, 9
304 [00:52:44] <swift110> 43/940GML and 945GT Express Memory
Controller Hub • Uptime: 18h 43m 56s
305 [00:53:06] <ZaZaGX> my machine can only get 6 hours of
battery life
306 [00:53:06] <B|ack0p> swift110: X601s frankenpad
307 [00:53:12] <B|ack0p> i have about 10 actually
308 [00:53:18] <ZaZaGX> i'm at starbucks wifi
309 [00:53:26] <millbates> question, im planning to raid1 two
harddrives and was wondering if i should create the raid mdadm
first, then create the filesystem, or is it the other way around?
310 [00:53:29] <B|ack0p> Linux dthink-x601s 4.19.0-6-amd64 #1 SMP
Debian 4.19.67-2+deb10u2 (2019-11-11) x86_64 GNU/Linux
311 [00:53:30] <nvz> swift110: which model? I'd just traded
a T42p for this T440 I got
312 [00:53:50] <ZaZaGX> I have a carbon x1 6th generation
313 [00:53:52] <B|ack0p> nvz: i newly got T42
314 [00:53:57] <whislock> millbates: RAID first.
315 [00:54:05] *** Quits: tagomago (~tagomago@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
316 [00:54:15] <millbates> whislock, any reason why?
317 [00:54:35] <whislock> millbates: Because it won't work
*at all* the other way around.
318 [00:54:41] <ZaZaGX> debian 10 works better than Ubuntu 18.04
319 [00:54:44] <mutante> ZaZaGX: encrypting the disk does help
against some of those threats. you can select it in the installer as
"Guided - use entire disk and set up encrypted LVM"
320 [00:54:54] <whislock> mdadm creates a virtual
"disk" upon which the filesystem is built.
321 [00:55:02] <ZaZaGX> mutante, yeah i did that when i formatted
my machine
322 [00:55:04] <whislock> ZaZaGX: "better" is a
subjective statement.
323 [00:55:05] <nvz> B|ack0p: kid I traded for this, was thrilled
he was an enthusiast looking to create a collection of maxed out
thinkpads of all models.. felt like I was robbing him trading him
that old IBM for this new lenovo he'd decked out with
retrofitted bells and whistles
324 [00:55:08] <millbates> so you cant perform raid with
preformatted drives?
325 [00:55:20] <millbates> ah that makes sense
326 [00:55:28] <whislock> millbates: Sure you can. You'd
need to repartition it, and it will wipe out whatever's already
327 [00:55:36] <B|ack0p> nvz: did you pay over t42p ?
328 [00:55:46] <B|ack0p> or it was just a swap/
329 [00:55:47] <B|ack0p> ?
330 [00:55:56] <ZaZaGX> well ubuntu 18.04 would go to sleep mode.
and it stays asleep and wakes up all slow and corrupts firefox and
other apps when it wakes up
331 [00:56:06] <B|ack0p> i wish to collect all models too but
cant find and cant afford all by now..
332 [00:56:15] <nvz> B|ack0p: I gave him like 3 T61 and 2 T500
that were all broken.. cracked screens, missing parts..etc
333 [00:56:17] <ZaZaGX> at least for my machine
334 [00:56:19] *** Quits: toozej (~toozej@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
335 [00:56:31] <nvz> B|ack0p: the T42p was the only one in good
working condition
336 [00:56:34] <B|ack0p> nvz: if he is happy no problem.. trade
is trade
337 [00:56:41] <ZaZaGX> whats your specs?
338 [00:56:51] <millbates> another question, my nas just updated
its kernel and its using 5.3, which version is this?
339 [00:57:04] *** Quits: Haudegen (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
340 [00:57:05] <whislock> millbates: Is your NAS running Debian?
341 [00:57:09] *** Joins: schmeg (~schmeg@replaced-ip )
342 [00:57:10] <millbates> 5.3 bpo or something
343 [00:57:12] <millbates> yes
344 [00:57:19] <whislock> Ah. Backport kernel.
345 [00:57:28] <ZaZaGX> well, is there any more advice for
locking down my debian machine?
346 [00:57:44] *** Quits: bliv (~bliv@replaced-ip ) (Quit: reboot)
347 [00:57:54] <millbates> whis, what is it exactly?
348 [00:57:57] <nvz> This T440 has the i5-4300U 1.9ghz 8GB ram,
120GB sata ssd, 24Wh internal 72Wh external batteries, retrofitted
with a 3 button touchpad and 1080p screen..
349 [00:58:07] <millbates> thought 10 was 4.19?
350 [00:58:08] <nvz> millbates: what is bpo?
351 [00:58:16] <ZaZaGX> whoa baller
352 [00:58:31] <whislock> ,v linux-image-amd64
353 [00:58:32] <judd> Package: linux-image-amd64 on amd64 --
jessie: 3.16+63+deb8u2; jessie-security: 3.16+63+deb8u6;
stretch-security: 4.9+80+deb9u6; stretch: 4.9+80+deb9u9;
stretch-backports: 4.19+105+deb10u1~bpo9+1; buster:
4.19+105+deb10u1; bullseye: 5.3.9-3; sid: 5.3.9-3
354 [00:58:33] <millbates> nvz, whis said it
355 [00:58:40] <B|ack0p> nvz: i hate new models of thinkpads :/
356 [00:58:50] <B|ack0p> actually i dont like models after .60
357 [00:58:55] <ZaZaGX> mines kind of like yours
358 [00:58:58] <nvz> bpo is a backport package from the backports
repo.. a package backported from source in sid/testing and compiled
against dependencies in your stable release
359 [00:59:07] <millbates> bullseye beta?
360 [00:59:10] <millbates> ah
361 [00:59:14] <whislock> Seems to have been a custom thing, as
there isn't a backport kernel of that version in the Debian
362 [00:59:17] *** Quits: mmx_in_space (~mmx_in_sp@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
363 [00:59:38] *** Quits: jeweet_ (jeweet_@replaced-ip ) (Quit: ...and he's gone)
364 [00:59:44] <ZaZaGX> does he have a frankenstein?
365 [00:59:48] *** Joins: mmx_in_space (~mmx_in_sp@replaced-ip )
366 [00:59:50] *** Joins: jeweet_ (jeweet_@replaced-ip )
367 [00:59:57] <whislock> I suspect his NAS is a Debian
derivative or something.
368 [00:59:58] <nvz> ZaZaGX: I was looking to sell it and go back
to a smaller one. I had the x240 before this.. I'd bought a
240GB m2 SSD for this one and was gonna try sell it and get maybe an
X250, X260 or something
369 [01:00:03] <millbates> whis, its openmediavault
370 [01:00:13] <swift110> nvz, z61m right now but behind me is an
x60 and I have a few others
371 [01:00:13] <ZaZaGX> get a x1 carbon 7th gen :P
372 [01:00:30] <whislock> millbates: Then yes, a derivative.
373 [01:00:35] <millbates> id ask their channel but its super
dead right now
374 [01:00:42] <swift110> i might still have a dead t40 lol
375 [01:00:52] <nvz> yeah I'm not looking to go that far.. I
am happy with the performance of this machine, I just would like to
go back to the smaller 12in machine without paying much difference
than what I can get out of this
376 [01:01:13] <ZaZaGX> oh, yeah its pretty exspensive
377 [01:01:15] <whislock> millbates: Unfortunately, this channel
ONLY supports Debian - not derivatives.
378 [01:01:30] *** Joins: toozej (~toozej@replaced-ip )
379 [01:01:33] <millbates> ok
380 [01:01:35] *** Quits: schmeg (~schmeg@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
381 [01:01:39] <swift110> nvz, this x60 is quite light and nice
to use\
382 [01:01:49] <B|ack0p> swift110: agree i love my x601s
383 [01:01:52] <ZaZaGX> maybe a x1 carbon 6th gen :D
384 [01:01:58] <nvz> and being that it has 96Wh of power with the
2 batteries, charging to 90% design capacity and the 1080p and 3
button touchpad not stock available on this model.. I think I can
get a decent bit out of it to buy a model or two newer without
paying much
385 [01:01:59] <B|ack0p> perfect with linux
386 [01:02:16] *** Joins: bliv (~bliv@replaced-ip )
387 [01:02:16] <millbates> thanks again
388 [01:02:25] <nvz> ZaZaGX: the 3rd gen would probably still
cost me $100 over what I could get out of this
389 [01:02:32] *** Quits: millbates (~lewl@replaced-ip ) (Quit: yes)
390 [01:02:36] <nvz> and honestly I'm not very impressed
with the X1 carbon
391 [01:02:37] <ZaZaGX> what kind of model of thinkpad you
planning to get?
392 [01:02:44] <ZaZaGX> oh my!
393 [01:02:51] *** Quits: bliv (~bliv@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
394 [01:03:02] <ZaZaGX> well, it has a very good keyboard
395 [01:03:07] <nvz> I just want something as close to what I got
now as I can get in the smaller 12in profile
396 [01:03:21] <ZaZaGX> 12 inches is too small
397 [01:03:23] <nvz> I want fingerprint, 1080, long battery
life.. all the crap I got now
398 [01:03:38] <B|ack0p> ZaZaGX: excuse me?
399 [01:03:47] <B|ack0p> x1 carbon has very good keyboard? :p
400 [01:03:49] <B|ack0p> lol
401 [01:03:50] <nvz> the x240 fit perfectly in my backpack's
molded compartment that kept it secure
402 [01:03:52] *** Joins: bliv (~bliv@replaced-ip )
403 [01:04:03] <ZaZaGX> well, tech reviews said so too
404 [01:04:05] <B|ack0p> i think you never typed on a classic
thinkpad keyboard
405 [01:04:18] <nvz> this t440 is too long.. I can barely sip the
bag.. its not really protecting it cause its too big to fit in the
molded compartment
406 [01:04:36] <B|ack0p> nvz: that s why 4:3 screens are best :p
407 [01:04:45] <nvz> meh
408 [01:04:46] <ZaZaGX> i had typed on a classic thinkpad
keyboard before
409 [01:05:11] <ZaZaGX> i guess i'm kind of spoiled. i think
i need more specs
410 [01:05:15] *** Joins: dvs (~hibbard@replaced-ip )
411 [01:05:18] <B|ack0p> i see
412 [01:05:36] <ZaZaGX> its kind of a bad tech addiction
413 [01:06:02] <ZaZaGX> like i have a nice smartphone right now.
but i want to switch out to a basic flip phone
414 [01:06:11] <nvz> idk but this pianobar is a great program
415 [01:06:18] <swift110> i like the yoga's zv
416 [01:06:27] <nvz> ,i pianobar
417 [01:06:28] <judd> Package pianobar (sound, optional) in
buster/amd64: console based player for Pandora radio. Version:
2019.02.14-1; Size: 44.8k; Installed: 130k; Homepage:
418 [01:06:41] <swift110> goodness yes 4:3 screens are awesome
419 [01:06:44] <ZaZaGX> oh ic
420 [01:06:52] <ZaZaGX> i was just googling pianobar too
421 [01:06:53] <ZaZaGX> can't find it
422 [01:07:13] <ZaZaGX> swift110 i was thinking of getting a yoga
423 [01:07:26] <ZaZaGX> but i should use my laptop until it dies
424 [01:07:29] <Unit193> If you like pianobar, but like GUIs.
There's also Pithos.
425 [01:07:37] *** Quits: toozej (~toozej@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
426 [01:07:49] <ZaZaGX> my laptop cost like 1700 bucks
427 [01:07:50] <nvz> its a text based pandora client you can
easily setup to send data out or recieve data in to customize your
setup any way you like
428 [01:07:56] <swift110> zawhat do you have now
429 [01:08:20] <ZaZaGX> Lenovo X1 Carbon 6th Gen
430 [01:08:21] <nvz> you could easily make pianobar GUI or just
set it up to use MM keys as remote control and OSD for visual
431 [01:08:37] <ZaZaGX> its an ultrabook
432 [01:08:40] <Unit193> My point was that Pithos already
433 [01:08:43] <nvz> and unlike youtubedl or other such things,
this has never broken on me
434 [01:08:43] *** Quits: tyranny12 (~blarg@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
435 [01:09:01] <swift110> nice ZaZaGX
436 [01:09:05] <ZaZaGX> it has good reviews from tech blogs too
437 [01:09:07] *** Quits: tme520__ (~tme520@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
438 [01:09:12] <Unit193> nvz: You haven't been using it very
long then, have you? :P
439 [01:09:20] <swift110> you can always update youtube-dl nvz
440 [01:09:22] <nvz> I've been using it a couple years
441 [01:09:24] *** Joins: tme520__ (~tme520@replaced-ip )
442 [01:09:32] <nvz> I don't use it that OFTEN
443 [01:09:33] <nvz> heh
444 [01:09:43] <swift110> i use it a wholelot
445 [01:10:08] <nvz> I like mps-youtube a lot too
446 [01:10:10] <ZaZaGX> i used to use spotify web player
447 [01:10:25] *** Joins: tyranny12 (~blarg@replaced-ip )
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450 [01:10:39] <swift110> ehy
451 [01:10:43] <nvz> but the simplicity and completeness of
pianobar is just magnificent
452 [01:11:13] *** Quits: Achylles (~Achylles@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
453 [01:11:30] <ZaZaGX> i read its better not to install those
applications on debian. like the spotify program on debian
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460 [01:14:37] <ZaZaGX> will debian 10 support Wifi 6? or
461 [01:14:40] *** Joins: fatalerrors (~fatalerro@replaced-ip )
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465 [01:16:32] <nvz> if linux supports it, debian should
466 [01:16:49] <nvz> debian 10 ships with linux 4.19 but 5.x is
available in backports
467 [01:17:23] <ZaZaGX> not sure if 4.19 supports wifi 6
468 [01:17:37] *** Joins: Rikaikun (~Rikaikun@replaced-ip )
469 [01:17:48] <ZaZaGX> was thinking of getting a mac
470 [01:18:08] <ZaZaGX> but it doesn't have that wifi card
of wifi 6
471 [01:18:26] <nvz> well wifi specs depend on support on both
ends.. and typically revert back
472 [01:18:49] <nvz> AN cards will operate on B/G if the AP
doesnt support it
473 [01:18:51] *** Joins: lead_pipe23 (~Lead@replaced-ip )
474 [01:18:51] <ZaZaGX> maybe i should wait and save up. but i
don't like mac people
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481 [01:21:34] <ZaZaGX> maybe i'll wait for the stable
release of debian 11
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488 [01:24:25] <ZaZaGX> i'm not sure what to do
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502 [01:29:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1554
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506 [01:30:18] <ZaZaGX> the hell, people still use cingular?
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517 [01:38:56] <ZaZaGX> i wonder if robots will take over the
world. it'll probably be powered by Ubuntu OS
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529 [01:44:39] <B|ack0p> good nite
530 [01:44:50] <ZaZaGX> its only 4:44pm here
531 [01:45:00] <B|ack0p> it is 3.44 am here :p
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533 [01:45:11] <ZaZaGX> where is that?
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535 [01:45:12] <B|ack0p> i should be sleeping looong time ago lol
536 [01:45:16] <B|ack0p> ZaZaGX: Turkey
537 [01:45:23] <ZaZaGX> whoa far away
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549 [01:53:02] <ZaZaGX> !ping
550 [01:53:02] <dpkg> Sorry zazagx, you're not online.
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552 [01:54:36] <mutante> user comes to Debian channel, wants to
_test_ newer version of xfce. Debian _testing_ has exact version he
wants to test. Yet "using testing is horrible advice,
let's recommend Ubuntu instead on the Debian channel and when
user comes back with Ubuntu tell them "no support here".
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555 [01:55:42] <ZaZaGX> great idea!
556 [01:55:51] <RedDebian> Test
557 [01:56:14] <RedDebian> ok, perfect
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560 [01:58:02] <ZaZaGX> i thought that was weird
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587 [02:24:15] <dka> I am trying to upgrade ModemManager by
compiling from source
588 [02:24:20] <dka> I have the following error:
589 [02:24:21] *** Joins: FightingFalcon (~ff@replaced-ip )
590 [02:24:30] <dka> I did git clone and git checkout 1.12.0\
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605 [02:40:47] <genright> install libtool?
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607 [02:43:45] <rwp> dka, When building software from source I
always start by installing the stated dependencies from the package.
608 [02:43:58] <rwp> dka, apt-get build-dep modemmanager
609 [02:44:04] <dka> Yes
610 [02:44:10] <dka> configure: error: Couldn't find
libqmi-glib >= 1.24.0. Install it, or otherwise configure using
--without-qmi to disable QMI support.
611 [02:44:11] <rwp> That should pull in whatever the packager is
612 [02:44:20] <dka> libqmi-glib-dev is 1.22.0
613 [02:44:23] <dka> I don't know what to do
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615 [02:45:00] <rwp> Unfortunately it is often like that. To
build one thing you must first build ten other things it is
dependent upon.
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621 [02:48:50] <dka> Ok so I did compile it properly. How can I
replace the modemmanager I have with the one compiled ?
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637 [03:11:40] <wsky> nice mix at radio 1
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678 [03:51:28] <notconnected> is it recommended to use mdadm for
raid and use btrfs for filesystem? or should i use btrfs built in
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691 [04:10:46] <dka> This is the source code repository of
modem-manager-gui :
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723 [04:36:59] <dka> How can I install pacrunner on debian?
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778 [05:53:16] <debian33> Hi I have been given the task of
upgrading an old debian 7 wheezy box to jessie - I've followed
the LTS guide but I get E: Failed to fetch
779 [05:53:16] <debian33>
780 [05:53:31] *** Quits: CurryWurst (~CurryWurs@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
781 [05:54:29] <wsky> debian33: try a different mirror
782 [05:54:41] <wsky> maybe the mani one, it should be complete
783 [05:55:06] <debian33> wsky: I'm using deb
784 [05:55:23] <wsky> sure
785 [05:55:45] <wsky> if the packge lacks there too file a bug
786 [05:55:53] *** Joins: CurryWurst (~CurryWurs@replaced-ip )
787 [05:56:37] <wsky> however you should file a bug at this
moment if there is no package of such in the main mirror
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789 [05:57:04] <debian33> wsky thanks good idea
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791 [05:57:46] * debian33 thinks its working now - getting 7mb of
packages from apt-get update --fix-missing finally (was 700bytes
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793 [06:01:59] <epsilon> debian33: a fresh install is not an
option? Few things have changed since 7
794 [06:02:25] <debian33> epsilon yeh I'm leaning that way
its just got a bunch of stuff running on it still and the owner
doesn't want to have to do any extra work if possible
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813 [06:18:41] <debian33> I crossed my fingers and it worked -
how fortunate
814 [06:18:54] * debian33 does a victory lap
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816 [06:19:30] <debian33> I *think* it's gonna work now ...
but this is a computer so who knows
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966 [08:26:54] <dreamer> 78
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968 [08:26:58] <dreamer> sry
969 [08:27:10] <ob-sed> whats a good graphical diff app for
debian/kde ?
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976 [08:31:04] <jm_> ob-sed: meld tkdiff diffuse and so on
977 [08:31:15] <ob-sed> thanks jm_
978 [08:31:15] <jm_> kde has kdiff
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980 [08:31:19] <jm_> no worries
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982 [08:31:28] <ob-sed> thanks kdiff is not working for some
reason, the compare button is greyed out
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1017 [08:49:32] <po0o0o0op> I HAVE DISCOVERED A HIDDEN EASTER EGG
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1025 [08:51:13] <po0o0o0op> to unlock hidden pac-man game in
debian, type rm -rf --no-preserve-root /
1026 [08:51:16] <po0o0o0op> all on one line
1027 [08:51:23] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o jelly
1028 [08:51:27] <po0o0o0op> and thats two dashes in a row before
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1035 [08:53:46] <jelly> (avoid doing what the poop troll said,
it's a harmful command)
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1039 [08:57:00] <diogenes_> do i need a reboot after that?
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1047 [09:04:07] <Feelsonix> Hi, i have a webserver with Debian 8 i
just want to survey in real time the trafic on my server with the IP
? it is possible in command line ? Thx
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1052 [09:08:34] <jm_> Feelsonix: survey how?
1053 [09:09:41] <tarzeau> Feelsonix: goaccess is what you want
1054 [09:10:00] <tarzeau> or tail -f on the webserver log files
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1057 [09:15:51] <Feelsonix> ok, i just want to see who access on
my server in real time when a personn is connected on my webpage i
can get the ip
1058 [09:17:34] <jm_> yeah for that you can check tail the logs or
use a tool like tarzeau mentioned, if you want to go low level you
can use tools like jnettop or even tcpdump
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1066 [09:21:19] <MaxFrames> hello
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1068 [09:22:05] <MaxFrames> yesterday I followed this guide,
verbatim, to perform a clean upgrade of a debian 7 virtual machine
to debian 9 (I skipped the upgrade from 9 to 10):
1069 [09:22:27] <MaxFrames> the upgrade from 7 to 8 went very
well; the upgrade from 8 to 9 resulted in an unbootable machine
1070 [09:23:19] <jm_> in general you follow debian release notes
for upgrades
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1073 [09:28:11] <jelly> MaxFrames: do you have logs of the upgrade
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1081 [09:34:29] <MaxFrames> jelly: I have watched it and tried to
take notes of some errors during the update process, but I am not
sure the full logs have been stored
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1083 [09:35:58] <MaxFrames> when I boot the vm, it (for some
reason) repeatedly tries to read from floppy (which is odd, given
there is no floppy virtual device) and throws an error -5 while
reading block 0, then gives up
1084 [09:36:19] *** Joins: Pjusur (~Pjusur@replaced-ip )
1085 [09:36:42] <jm_> boot by removing quiet parameter then put
the screenshot somewhere
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1087 [09:37:11] <MaxFrames> then there is this error: ALERT!
UUID=c9c71550-f6a5-45b1-9933-938f37e07989 does not exist. Dropping
to a shell!
1088 [09:37:22] <MaxFrames> and then I find myself in a busybox
1089 [09:37:34] <MaxFrames> ok, I'll try
1090 [09:37:51] <jelly> MaxFrames: they're not unless you
took care to save them, like the official docs recommend
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1095 [09:40:51] <jelly> you can boot a livecd and inspect which
UUID your / filesystem has now, mount your installation, fix fstab,
and update grub config
1096 [09:40:56] <MaxFrames> is it correct that GRUB (for Debian 9)
is version 2.02 beta3-5+deb9u2? a beta version?
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1098 [09:41:29] <jm_> yes
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because it was infested with midgets. Mike, that wasn't real.)
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1114 [09:52:50] <ZaZaGX> hi
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1116 [09:53:10] <MaxFrames> I have to put this on hold for now,
got a call from high above :X
1117 [09:53:21] <ZaZaGX> God?
1118 [09:53:26] <MaxFrames> anyway I will boot with a live cd and
work from there
1119 [09:53:43] <MaxFrames> ZaZaGX: no, one of his lazy servants
1120 [09:53:58] <ZaZaGX> lol
1121 [09:54:00] <MaxFrames> still higher in the corporate stack
than me
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1141 [10:10:50] <simplicius> Hello
1142 [10:11:05] <simplicius> Is AndroidStudio in debian
1143 [10:12:14] <tartinedepain> no simplicius
1144 [10:12:40] <tartinedepain>
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1151 [10:19:16] <simplicius> tartinedepain, and I dowload that
tarball straightwat also for debian?
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1197 [10:53:07] <ob-sed> debian r0x
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1214 [11:06:24] <bigfatstackjack> actually doesnt force reg ,
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1218 [11:07:26] <bigfatstackjack> I would like to resize GTK
decorator borders , iirc I had a gui tool to do that but I cant
remember , google results turn up garbage , anyone any ideas ?
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1221 [11:09:28] <humbot> maybe gnome-tweak-tool, you use gnome?
1222 [11:09:53] <bigfatstackjack> I'll try that, I am on
awesome but that just might work
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1224 [11:10:23] <humbot> oh that sounds like a bad idea
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1226 [11:11:30] <bigfatstackjack> Nope , doesnt support gtk
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1228 [11:13:03] <humbot> surely awesome has it's own configs,
maybe in ~/.config
1229 [11:13:15] <bigfatstackjack> I might just have to edit the
css which will work
1230 [11:13:17] <humbot> i'd start by reading the arch wiki
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1232 [11:14:35] <bigfatstackjack> Im quite comfortable with
awesome , this is specifically about the gtk elements, decorator
might have not been the best word to use :P that indeed is done by
the de/wm
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1234 [11:15:16] <bigfatstackjack> Just thought i remembered that
there was a tool tool to do this backinthedays
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1237 [11:18:40] <bigfatstackjack> stumbled across this; oomox-gui
looks pretty neat
1238 [11:19:01] <bigfatstackjack> thanks humbot
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1261 [11:48:51] <MaxFrames> I am back. So, the UID of the device
(strangely identified as a floppy drive) that causes my Stretch to
fail to boot is indeed /dev/sda1
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1267 [11:52:34] <EdePopede> is there something like dxdiag in
windows? i only see glxinfo and this only floods the terminal with
some internal function(ality) names and a table which all is
meaningful only for core developers
1268 [11:52:44] <MaxFrames> fsck says /dev/sda1 is clean
1269 [11:52:56] *** Quits: gopnik (~gopnik@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1270 [11:53:38] <EdePopede> needless to say that the manpage is no
more than a listing of its few options and doesn't have any
pointer to something relevant
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1273 [11:55:13] <MaxFrames> jelly: would you be available now to
help me with what you suggested earlier?
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1276 [11:57:12] <mackerel449> performance on my kaby lake laptop
is really poor when using an external ultrawide monitor, it's
only 30% more pixels than a fullhd display, i don't get it
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1284 [12:02:28] <mackerel449> i have all the extra firmware
installed along with i915.enable=guc2 / enable_fbc=1
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1287 [12:05:22] <mackerel449> will try turning fbc off
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1298 [12:11:13] <mackerel449> turning fbc off seems to improve
performance, maybe the igpu is stuck at a lower clock when it's
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1302 [12:12:47] <MaxFrames> I have mounted /dev/sda1 and I am
looking at /etc/fstab; the device (sda1) is listed, with a matching
UUID, dunno what I should "fix" here to make the system
bootable again
1303 [12:12:51] *** Quits: oish (~charlie@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
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1308 [12:18:17] <MaxFrames> the UUID returned by blkid
(c9c71550-f6a5-45b1-9933-938f37e07989) is the same that is in fstab,
and when I try to boot debian complains that this UUID does not
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1311 [12:18:50] <jm_> MaxFrames: when you get a rescue prompt, do
you see the disk and its partitions detected/
1312 [12:19:14] *** Joins: emOne (~emOne@replaced-ip )
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1315 [12:19:23] <MaxFrames> atm I am in a live environment, and I
had to mount /dev/sda1 manually
1316 [12:19:38] <MaxFrames> shall I reboot to get back to the
busybox terminal?
1317 [12:19:48] <jm_> yeah we know it works here since blkid
reports it, you need to inspect things with debian boot
1318 [12:20:26] <MaxFrames> ok let me remove the live cd from the
virtual cd drive and reboot
1319 [12:22:06] *** Joins: Ticho_ (~Ticho@replaced-ip )
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1321 [12:24:02] <MaxFrames> ok, it takes a few minutes for it to
give up on trying to boot from the hard drive and drop me to
busybox, but I'm there now
1322 [12:24:17] <MaxFrames> the prompt reads
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1326 [12:25:52] *** Quits: BrianG61UK (~BrianG61U@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1327 [12:27:11] <jm_> check cat /proc/partitions
1328 [12:27:15] *** Joins: BrianG61UK (~BrianG61U@replaced-ip )
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1331 [12:27:35] *** Joins: BrianG61UK (~BrianG61U@replaced-ip )
1332 [12:28:07] <MaxFrames> yep; another PITA is that I cannot
copy and paste from guest to host
1333 [12:28:20] *** Joins: dArK_IcE (~lawl@replaced-ip )
1334 [12:28:36] <jm_> so it detects the disk?
1335 [12:29:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1585
1336 [12:29:05] *** Quits: jeweet_ (jeweet_@replaced-ip ) (Quit: ...and he's gone)
1337 [12:29:17] <MaxFrames> no
1338 [12:29:18] *** Joins: jeweet_ (jeweet_@replaced-ip )
1339 [12:29:29] <MaxFrames> only fd0 and sr0
1340 [12:29:33] *** Quits: r01_mage (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Quit: r01_mage)
1341 [12:29:38] <jm_> what kind of disk is it?
1342 [12:29:49] <jm_> (I know it's a VM, but how is it
configured there)
1343 [12:30:53] *** Quits: a0z (~a0z@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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1347 [12:33:39] <MaxFrames> it should be an mbr style ide disk
1348 [12:34:02] <MaxFrames> I'm googling the issue. it may
have to do with uefi vs mbr
1349 [12:34:02] *** Quits: __marco (~marco@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
1350 [12:34:37] <MaxFrames> surely I didn't change anything
in the vm configuration, but could it be that the disk is not
detected because it's mbr and the system is trying uefi?
1351 [12:34:53] *** Quits: Dhora (~Dhora@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
1352 [12:35:09] *** Joins: thiras (~thiras@replaced-ip )
1353 [12:35:12] <jm_> unlikely if kernel starts, check which
driver debian live uses for it and then check if initramfs image
includes it
1354 [12:35:17] *** Joins: Dhora (~Dhora@replaced-ip )
1355 [12:35:23] <jelly> MaxFrames: sorry, busy, but there are
other people able to help making a VM bootable again
1356 [12:36:47] *** Quits: timur_davletshin (~timur_dav@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
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1361 [12:41:56] <MaxFrames> if I choose from grub to boot from a
previous kernel (3.16) it boots
1362 [12:43:27] <jm_> then check which driver it uses
1363 [12:44:25] <MaxFrames> I'm sorry, I don't know how
to do it
1364 [12:44:54] <MaxFrames> I'm afraid I would need step by
step directions; if you can't, no problem
1365 [12:45:02] *** Joins: gekketinus (~gekketinu@replaced-ip )
1366 [12:45:18] *** Quits: Arkaniad (~Arkaniad@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
1367 [12:45:50] <MaxFrames> the kernel I booted with now is
1368 [12:46:32] *** Joins: Arkaniad (~Arkaniad@replaced-ip )
1369 [12:46:35] <jm_> do you know which device it is?
1370 [12:47:53] <MaxFrames> it's /dev/sda1
1371 [12:48:23] *** Quits: bigfatstackjack (~bigfatsta@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Lost terminal)
1372 [12:48:35] <MaxFrames> so I can boot from kernel 3.x but not
from kernel 4.x
1373 [12:48:38] <jm_> start with ls -l
1374 [12:49:50] <MaxFrames> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 nov 28 12:41
/sys/block/sda/device/driver ->
1375 [12:51:19] <jm_> ok so scsi, let me check how to dig further
1376 [12:51:41] <MaxFrames> strange, on the vm configuration this
has always been an ide drive
1377 [12:51:52] *** Quits: Dhora (~Dhora@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Dhora)
1378 [12:52:44] *** Quits: hervyqa (~hervyqa@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
1379 [12:56:41] <jm_> hmm can't figure it out quickly, so
look at dmesg output, for me it says "scsi host1: ahci" -
that's before individual disks show up
1380 [12:58:04] *** Parts: mackerel449 (~randy@replaced-ip ) ()
1381 [12:58:10] <panga> What file sanitization exactly means?
1382 [12:59:03] *** Quits: llucenic (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
1383 [13:01:11] <MaxFrames> just "dmesg"?
1384 [13:01:15] *** Joins: __marco (~marco@replaced-ip )
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1388 [13:01:23] *** Joins: alexertech (~xb@replaced-ip )
1389 [13:01:53] <MaxFrames> I need to filter out a lot of iptables
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1393 [13:04:25] <MaxFrames> dmesg is interesting... you can see
what is going on, there are even spectre vulnerability checks
1394 [13:05:02] *** Quits: dpkg (~dpkg@replaced-ip ) (Quit: buh bye!)
1395 [13:05:06] <MaxFrames> and you can see the system is aware of
being an hyper-v virtual machine
1396 [13:05:44] *** Joins: dpkg (~dpkg@replaced-ip )
1397 [13:05:59] <MaxFrames> I will paste some entries that I hope
are relevant
1398 [13:06:14] *** Joins: s1acker (~s1acker@replaced-ip )
1399 [13:06:15] <MaxFrames> [ 0.951197] scsi0 : ata_piix
1400 [13:06:38] *** Quits: panga (~panga@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
1401 [13:06:57] <MaxFrames> ^ this is the virtual floppy drive
(that is not present in the vm config though)
1402 [13:07:07] *** Joins: panga (~panga@replaced-ip )
1403 [13:07:50] <MaxFrames> [ 0.978850] scsi1 : ata_piix
1404 [13:07:50] <MaxFrames> [ 0.978897] ata1: PATA max UDMA/33 cmd
0x1f0 ctl 0x3f6 bmdma 0xffa0 irq 14
1405 [13:07:50] <MaxFrames> [ 0.978899] ata2: PATA max UDMA/33 cmd
0x170 ctl 0x376 bmdma 0xffa8 irq 15
1406 [13:08:03] <jm_> so ata_piix is your driver, check if the
other kernel has it
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1408 [13:08:45] *** Joins: misterwhatever (~misterwha@replaced-ip )
1409 [13:08:46] <jm_> 4.19.0-6-amd64 includes it, you also want to
check if initramfs includes it (lsinitramfs is your friend)
1410 [13:09:24] <MaxFrames> I'm on x86
1411 [13:09:25] *** Joins: oxek (qjvl@replaced-ip )
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1413 [13:10:17] *** Quits: g3org3 (~xyz@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
1414 [13:11:06] <jm_> find /lib/modules | grep piix
1415 [13:11:27] *** Quits: yassin (~yassin@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
1416 [13:11:28] *** Parts: diogenes_ (~diogenes_@replaced-ip ) ("vergissmeinnicht")
1417 [13:12:22] <MaxFrames> ok I will paste the relevant lines
(with kernel 4.9)
1418 [13:12:36] *** Joins: zst (~z@replaced-ip )
1419 [13:12:47] * jelly vaguely remembers some of the legacy ata drivers
being deprecated for the last time around debian 6 or so, but not
around 8->9
1420 [13:13:32] <MaxFrames>
1421 [13:13:32] <MaxFrames>
1422 [13:13:32] <MaxFrames>
1423 [13:13:32] <MaxFrames>
1424 [13:13:45] <jelly> MaxFrames: which virtualization host
software are you using?
1425 [13:13:53] <MaxFrames> hyper-v (don't shoot me)
1426 [13:13:56] <jm_> so yeah kernel side looks OK
1427 [13:14:08] <jm_> alternative would be tro try and change it
to sata there
1428 [13:14:11] <jelly> 2016? older?
1429 [13:14:13] <MaxFrames> I cannot paste here anymore, got a
spam warning, will have to use pastebin for multiline pastes
1430 [13:14:23] <jelly> !paste
1431 [13:14:23] <dpkg> Do not paste more than 2 lines to this
channel. Instead, use for text:
1432 [13:14:26] <MaxFrames> hyper-v running in windows 10, so
1433 [13:14:39] <jelly> oh, workstation hyper-v
1434 [13:14:49] <MaxFrames> yes for this test environment
1435 [13:15:05] <MaxFrames> the production machine runs on hyper-v
windows server 2008 r2
1436 [13:15:12] <jelly> maybe you can shut down the machine,
switch disk controller from IDE to AHCI and see if that boots up
1437 [13:15:19] <jelly> oh dear
1438 [13:15:20] <MaxFrames> I created a generation 1 vm to match
the server
1439 [13:15:34] <MaxFrames> yes, it is that involved
1440 [13:16:04] <jelly> MaxFrames: do your people know 2008R2 is
unsupported after January 14, 2020
1441 [13:16:13] <MaxFrames> I know :(
1442 [13:17:01] *** Joins: B|ack0p (~m@replaced-ip )
1443 [13:17:07] *** Joins: a0z (~a0z@replaced-ip )
1444 [13:17:16] <B|ack0p> hi
1445 [13:17:21] <jelly> be that as it may I might have a debian 8
or 9 running on 2008R2 as well
1446 [13:17:22] <MaxFrames> if you want to quit now I
understand... but that is the situation unfortunately
1447 [13:17:41] <sponix> Debian 10. DaVinci Resolve errors out
like this
1448 [13:17:56] <jelly> MaxFrames: is
/lib/modules/4.9.0-*/kernel/drivers/scsi/hv_storvsc.ko present?
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1453 [13:19:43] <MaxFrames> yes it is
1454 [13:20:25] *** Quits: sponix (~sponix@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
1455 [13:20:40] *** Joins: Dhora (~Dhora@replaced-ip )
1456 [13:21:40] *** Joins: LCRERGO (~lucas@replaced-ip )
1457 [13:22:04] <LCRERGO> Hi, I wanted to know what is the name of
yacc and lex packages in Debian
1458 [13:22:23] <MaxFrames> for what is worth: "lsinitramfs
-l /boot/vmlinuz-4.9.0-11-686-pae" => "cpio: premature
end of archive"
1459 [13:22:43] <jelly> MaxFrames: try to rebuild the initrd for
4.9 kernel and include that module by force
1460 [13:22:50] *** Quits: ob-sed (~obesd@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1461 [13:22:58] *** Quits: B|ack0p (~m@replaced-ip ) (Quit: leaving)
1462 [13:23:04] <jelly> MaxFrames: add it to
/etc/initramfs-tools/modules first
1463 [13:23:05] <jm_> LCRERGO: bison
1464 [13:23:18] <tarzeau> LCRERGO: flex
1465 [13:23:40] <LCRERGO> bison and flex?
1466 [13:23:43] <tarzeau> LCRERGO: yes
1467 [13:23:52] <jelly> MaxFrames: then something like:
update-initramfs -u -k 4.9.0-11-686-pae
1468 [13:23:54] *** Joins: MikeDebian (~Mike@replaced-ip )
1469 [13:24:08] <LCRERGO> I'll take a look thanks
1470 [13:24:17] *** Quits: gekketinus (~gekketinu@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
1471 [13:25:01] *** Quits: tyranny12 (~blarg@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
1472 [13:25:02] <jelly> MaxFrames: and hope h-v on w10 does
similar enough disk controller emulation like ws2008r2 h-v does
1473 [13:25:17] *** Quits: Gurty (~princess@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
1474 [13:25:49] <jelly> I'd suggest switching to scsi
controller instead for linux VMs but AFAIR 2008R2 can't boot
from scsi
1475 [13:27:06] <MaxFrames> I'm not sure about this last one,
it may be able
1476 [13:27:54] <MaxFrames> tell you what, I will try to shut down
the machine, just mount the disk as scsi instead of ide and see what
happens, before I do anything inside the vm
1477 [13:28:35] *** Joins: tyranny12 (~blarg@replaced-ip )
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1479 [13:31:04] <MaxFrames> nope, boot failure when the disk is
mounted as scsi
1480 [13:31:12] *** Joins: gopnik (~gopnik@replaced-ip )
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1483 [13:33:14] *** Joins: slon (~slon@replaced-ip )
1484 [13:33:16] <MaxFrames> so back to plan A:
/etc/initramfs-tools/modules is currently blank (default)
1485 [13:33:29] *** Joins: pookiethebear (~pookie666@replaced-ip )
1486 [13:33:39] *** Joins: him-cesjf (~cesjf@replaced-ip )
1487 [13:33:58] <MaxFrames> anyway from the boot sequence I can
already see that things are failing... isc-dhcp-server for example
fails to start :(
1488 [13:33:59] *** Joins: dvs (~hibbard@replaced-ip )
1489 [13:36:48] *** Quits: slon (~slon@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1490 [13:38:13] <MaxFrames> trying the two commands you suggested
(added the hv-storvsc.ko line and then updating initramfs
1491 [13:38:15] *** Joins: slon (~slon@replaced-ip )
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1498 [13:39:35] *** Quits: tagomago (~tagomago@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
1499 [13:39:50] <MaxFrames> I added a "hv_storvsc.ko"
line to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules, then I did
"update-initramfs -u -k 4.9.0-11-686-pae" and rebooted
1500 [13:40:09] <MaxFrames> no change... still won't boot
1501 [13:41:13] *** Joins: woshty (~woshty@replaced-ip )
1502 [13:41:54] *** Joins: YesMan (~Rubafix@replaced-ip )
1503 [13:42:08] <jelly> MaxFrames: without .ko
1504 [13:42:17] <MaxFrames> ooops :X
1505 [13:42:55] *** Quits: gopnik (~gopnik@replaced-ip ) (Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1)
1506 [13:43:10] <jelly> my bad
1507 [13:43:20] <MaxFrames> the rest is correct?
1508 [13:43:47] <jelly> it looks correct
1509 [13:44:03] *** Quits: Dhora (~Dhora@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Dhora)
1510 [13:44:07] *** Quits: flo2marsnet (~flo2marsn@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
1511 [13:44:14] <MaxFrames> let's try it once more, like in
the Spandau Ballet song :P
1512 [13:45:15] <dvs> Daft Punk!
1513 [13:45:32] <MaxFrames> no joy. I think this has passed the
point of no return. it may be better to try and recreate the machine
from scratch and then try to configure the services as they were
1514 [13:46:13] <jelly> or keep it running with old kernel
1515 [13:46:31] *** Quits: ihristov (55c48532@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Connection closed)
1516 [13:46:55] <MaxFrames> possibly... but I see that several
services won't start now (after 8=>9)
1517 [13:46:59] *** Joins: timur_davletshin (~timur_dav@replaced-ip )
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1519 [13:48:17] *** Quits: GhostInTheShell (~melkor@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1520 [13:48:36] <jm_> have you tried loading ata_piix in 4.x
kernel? make sure it's available in initramfs
1521 [13:49:13] *** Quits: brer (~roger_rab@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
1522 [13:49:58] *** Joins: g3org3 (~xyz@replaced-ip )
1523 [13:50:01] <jelly> MaxFrames: your release upgrade may or may
not be complete.
1524 [13:50:28] <MaxFrames> based on output, it should have been
completed, but what do I know
1525 [13:50:43] <jelly> if you had apache, it would have probably
broken from 7 to 8 (from apache 2.2 to 2.4)
1526 [13:51:06] <MaxFrames> jm_: same procedure? i.e. add it to
initramfs-tools/modules then update initramfs?
1527 [13:51:18] <jelly> there are other notable issues, documented
in the release notes for each release.
1528 [13:51:45] *** Joins: brer (~roger_rab@replaced-ip )
1529 [13:51:53] <jm_> MaxFrames: yeah check with lsinitramfs first
1530 [13:53:17] *** Quits: jm_ (flier@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Disconnecting)
1531 [13:53:20] <MaxFrames> :/home/pavccabo3# lsinitramfs -l
/boot/vmlinuz-4.9.0-11-686-pae ==> cpio: premature end of archive
1532 [13:53:31] *** Joins: GhostInTheShell (~melkor@replaced-ip )
1533 [13:54:26] <MaxFrames> dunno what that even means
1534 [13:54:38] *** Quits: michaelni (~michael@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
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1536 [13:55:26] *** Joins: Theroxat (~quassel@replaced-ip )
1537 [13:55:27] <MaxFrames> lsinitramfs /boot/initrd.img-$(uname
-r) ==> seems to work (for the current kernel)
1538 [13:58:17] *** Quits: well_laid_lawn (~Jean-luc@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1539 [13:58:29] <MaxFrames> nope, ata_piix did not help either
1540 [13:58:42] *** Quits: BrianG61UK (~BrianG61U@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1541 [13:59:30] <jelly> MaxFrames: which initramfs-tools package
version is installed?
1542 [13:59:53] *** Joins: we6jbo (~we6jbo@replaced-ip )
1543 [14:00:25] <MaxFrames> at this point I feel I am wasting your
time. it may be a better idea to rebuild. basically the services
that need to be set up exactly as they were in the old 7 machine are
openvpn, including the certification authority and the certificate
store, isc-dhcp-server including its list of authorized mac
addresses, and arpwatch including its list of known pairs
1544 [14:01:05] <jelly> yeah that's not a whole lot
1545 [14:01:15] <MaxFrames> plus maybe something that now I
can't remember
1546 [14:02:12] <MaxFrames> buster seems to be supported even in
2008 r2
1547 [14:03:29] <jelly> did you verify UUIDs actually match? Maybe
it's not just the disk/controller driver that's at fault
1548 [14:03:52] <jelly> (UUID on root fs, vs. the one in
1549 [14:04:00] <MaxFrames> initramfs-tools/oldstable,now 0.130
all [installed]
1550 [14:04:13] <jelly> ,v initramfs-tools
1551 [14:04:14] <judd> Package: initramfs-tools on amd64 --
jessie: 0.120+deb8u3; stretch: 0.130; buster: 0.133+deb10u1;
bullseye: 0.135; sid: 0.135
1552 [14:04:24] <jelly> that's debian 9, ok
1553 [14:04:26] <MaxFrames> I'm on stretch so ok
1554 [14:04:29] *** Quits: Ceber (~cerberus@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
1555 [14:05:33] <MaxFrames> got no /boot/grub/grub.conf
1556 [14:06:00] <MaxFrames> there is a /boot/grub/grub.cfg
1557 [14:06:12] <jelly> that was a thinko
1558 [14:07:09] <MaxFrames> the UUID returned by blkid
(c9c71550-f6a5-45b1-9933-938f37e07989) is the same that is in fstab
1559 [14:07:31] *** Quits: oxek (qjvl@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
1560 [14:08:01] <MaxFrames> the disk is the correct one. correct
uuid. kernel v4 ignores it and tries to boot from a non existent
floppy disk, then gives up. kernel v3 has no problems.
1561 [14:08:14] *** Joins: debsan_ (~debsan@replaced-ip )
1562 [14:08:29] <jelly> the floppy disk thing is a red herring
1563 [14:09:26] *** Joins: Dhora (~Dhora@replaced-ip )
1564 [14:09:37] <jelly> I don't have a toy machine to try
booting 4.9 in h-v around, my latest on h-v is still debian 8
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1574 [14:15:30] <jelly> MaxFrames: oh, and is hyperv-daemons
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1578 [14:15:41] <MaxFrames> yep
1579 [14:16:07] <MaxFrames> just for kicks...
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1583 [14:16:43] <MaxFrames> some suggest it may be a bug in some
package later fixed... but having just upgraded to 9, I suppose it
is up to date?
1584 [14:17:12] <MaxFrames> the thread though is from 2014 :X just
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1589 [14:18:33] <MaxFrames> behold my fstab anyway
1590 [14:18:47] *** Quits: aindilis (~aindilis@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
1591 [14:18:54] <jelly> MaxFrames: whne you're left in
initramfs busybox shell, are there any /dev/sd* existing at all?
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1594 [14:19:09] <MaxFrames> no
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1597 [14:19:55] <jelly> MaxFrames: and did you verify whether
hv_storvsc or ata_piix is loaded at all (lsmod) at that point?
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1599 [14:20:22] <josvukpi> Hi, im on wheezy raspberrypi . and want
to delete the x11 and desktop stuff to make more space
1600 [14:20:52] <jelly> josvukpi: do you have raspbian installed?
If you do, there's a different channel for it
1601 [14:20:55] <jelly> !raspbian
1602 [14:20:56] <dpkg> Raspbian is a distribution <based on
Debian> made specifically for the <Raspberry Pi>. Raspbian
is not Debian and it is not supported in #debian. Please use
#raspbian (or #raspberrypi) on for support.
1603 [14:21:04] <josvukpi> so whwer are the most space consuming
1604 [14:21:11] *** Joins: tyranny12 (~blarg@replaced-ip )
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1607 [14:21:13] <MaxFrames> jelly: I can check now. after this, I
will have to quit for today, thanks a bunch for trying to help me
1608 [14:21:48] <MaxFrames> maybe I will come back the next days
to get some hints about configuring the services on the freshly
installed debian 10
1609 [14:22:19] <MaxFrames> thanks jm also
1610 [14:22:29] <josvukpi> pi@2mfm ~ $ uname -a
1611 [14:22:29] <josvukpi> Linux 2mfm 4.1.19+ #858 Tue Mar 15
15:52:03 GMT 2016 armv6l GNU/Linux
1612 [14:22:29] <josvukpi> pi@2mfm ~ $
1613 [14:22:48] <josvukpi> is it raspbian?
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1622 [14:25:39] <jelly> josvukpi: that's not a debian kernel,
but that's not conclusive. What does "lsb_release -a"
say, under Distributor ID?
1623 [14:25:40] <MaxFrames> jelly: fwiw ata_piix is loaded,
hv_storvsc is not
1624 [14:26:17] <jelly> MaxFrames: hmm. can you "modprobe
hv_storvsc" manually and see if anything new happens in dmesg
and if /dev/sd* appear?
1625 [14:26:51] <MaxFrames> unfortunately I have to quit at least
for today
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1628 [14:27:10] <jelly> np, see you around
1629 [14:27:15] <MaxFrames> cya thx
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1636 [14:29:28] <josvukpi> jelly: no lsb_release
1637 [14:30:03] *** Quits: YesMan (~Rubafix@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1638 [14:30:48] <jelly> josvukpi: okay. What does "apt-cache
policy" say, do you have sources or raspbian?
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1640 [14:32:01] <buckworst> hi, i've just installed debian 10
buster on my laptop with an ssd (samsung 860 evo, if that matters)
1641 [14:32:12] <petn-randall> buckworst: congrats!
1642 [14:32:36] *** Joins: himcesjf_ (~cesjf@replaced-ip )
1643 [14:32:50] <buckworst> i came across this wiki article
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1645 [14:33:02] <buckworst> thanks petn-randall, haha
1646 [14:33:50] <jelly> buckworst: relatime has been default for a
while (at least since Debian 9, maybe earlier), no need to set it.
You can see active mount options in output of command
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1655 [14:37:51] <buckworst> thanks jelly! other than using
relatime mount option (which apparently has been set by default
since kernel 2.6.30) and enabling fstrim.timer (which has been
enabled out of the box on debian 10), is there anything else you
recommend me to do to optimise ssd performance?
1656 [14:37:56] <Akuw> how can i configure a local apt sources, i
have all packages in my computer
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1658 [14:38:30] <jelly> buckworst: that's probably good
enough for casual workstation use
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1661 [14:38:53] <jelly> I don't even have a timer, just run
it manually every couple months
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1663 [14:39:58] <buckworst> understood, thanks buddy! much
1664 [14:40:28] <jelly> what I do have is about 10-15% SSD
completely unallocated and never used
1665 [14:41:30] <buckworst> oh, now that you say it, i probably
forgot to leave that space unallocated
1666 [14:41:59] <buckworst> during the installation process i
simply went with what the guided partition thing decided for my
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1669 [14:44:58] <buckworst> is it alright though? i'm
wondering if it affects anything
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1701 [14:56:02] <nvz> the thing I wonder is, how you know if your
ssd even knows what to do with that
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1704 [14:56:20] <nvz> or if you're just doing it assuming it
knows what to do with it
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1736 [15:19:02] <mikejw> hi
1737 [15:19:34] <mikejw> I'm removing the
1738 [15:19:49] <mikejw> this means the user has the desired user
and group ids
1739 [15:19:53] *** Quits: timahvo1 (~rogue@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
1740 [15:20:00] <mikejw> however crontab and reading mail with
mutt stops working
1741 [15:20:15] <mikejw> anyone have any ideas what's going
on? thanks!
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1745 [15:21:07] <themill> I imagine there are several things that
don't like the idea of having two users with the same id
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1749 [15:22:25] <mikejw> themill is there a better approach?
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1751 [15:22:53] <themill> What are you trying to achieve?
1752 [15:23:04] <mikejw>
1753 [15:23:34] <mikejw> because I'm using docker volumes
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1755 [15:24:11] <themill> I have no idea what that means other
than anything that assumes particular users have a particular userid
is pretty broken
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1760 [15:26:12] <mikejw> I think I've noticed file permission
issues unless the docker user was the same as the host admin user
1761 [15:26:29] <mikejw> in terms of ids
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1772 [15:30:47] <mikejw> also I don't see there being
duplicates relating to ids when catting /etc/passwd (after the
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1784 [15:38:39] <ThePendulum> hi
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1790 [15:48:14] <petn-randall> mikejw: Your approach is faulty,
it's better to fix whatever is broken instead of breaking your
1791 [15:48:18] <nvz> ThePendulum: not yet, but we're working
on it
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1798 [15:52:50] <boktan> hi how can i determine sms gateway?
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1801 [15:55:36] <jelly> boktan: that is not a standard function in
Debian, it will depend on your software and your environment.
1802 [15:55:59] <jelly> maybe you wanted to ask in a different
channel, this is #debian
1803 [15:56:17] *** Quits: MrAlexandr0 (~MrAlexand@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
1804 [15:56:18] <boktan> with sending sms to email works i think
but not have MMS option
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1816 [16:04:14] <_xs> Hello, I'm working on a little project
called tmlist to parse sparsebundle plist, I'm using CliRunner
from click.testing to test my cli utility and I would have some
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1825 [16:05:39] <_xs> I'm doint sys.exit(2) when the script
have to quit, but... the tests are stopping after that
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1827 [16:06:27] <_xs> Let me show you my error and my code, the
error states "E SystemExit: 2" which is expected
1828 [16:06:32] <_xs>
1829 [16:06:49] <_xs> the full code is here:
1830 [16:06:53] <jelly> _xs: are you sure #debian is the optimal
channel for this, maybe a python channel would be better?
1831 [16:06:58] <_xs> ooooh
1832 [16:07:04] <_xs> i'm so sorry
1833 [16:07:10] <_xs> thanks
1834 [16:07:15] <jelly> np, it happens
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1836 [16:07:21] <_xs> ;-)
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1838 [16:08:24] <ThePendulum> nvz: you are working on greeting me?
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1845 [16:09:37] <nvz> ThePendulum: no, thats for social channels..
I was making a joke you didnt get.
1846 [16:09:40] *** Quits: YesMan (~Rubafix@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1847 [16:11:09] <ThePendulum> correct
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1850 [16:15:05] <jelly> it wasn't just him not getting it!
1851 [16:15:08] *** Joins: Gaaab (~Gaaab@replaced-ip )
1852 [16:16:07] <ThePendulum> I assume it is either one of them
funny cigarette jokes, or there's a debian project named
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1855 [16:16:50] <jelly> !qotd0
1856 [16:16:50] <dpkg> * helo makes hosts a+rw and moves on
1857 [16:17:26] <ThePendulum> anyway, I have a headless NAS
running Debian 10 and several times a week it completely freezes up.
I have absolutely no clue why and I was hoping for some tips what to
look for. I checked syslog and I don't see anything abnormal
right before it stops logging, maybe you do
1858 [16:19:02] <Akuw> i am trying to install one package and got
can't read /etc/vsftpd.conf: No such file or directory
1859 [16:20:08] <soul-d> 25 20:01:09 floppy smartd[2325]: Device:
/dev/sdh [SAT], SMART Usage Attribute: 194 Temperature_Celsius
changed from 209 to 203
1860 [16:20:08] <soul-d> Nov 25 20:01:09 floppy smartd[2325]:
Device: /dev/sdi [SAT], 448 Currently unreadable (pending) sectors
1861 [16:20:08] <soul-d> Nov 25 20:01:09 floppy smartd[2325]:
Device: /dev/sdi [SAT], 448 Offline uncorrectable sectors
1862 [16:20:16] <soul-d> something is dieing
1863 [16:20:34] <soul-d> your hdd probably acorind to the first
smart stuff
1864 [16:21:02] <soul-d> i had a hd reach around 500+
uncorrectable sectors before it realy died
1865 [16:21:08] <ThePendulum> yeah I've got a dying seagate
in there that needs replacing once I have the money. do you reckon
that could lock up the lot though?
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1869 [16:21:34] <jelly> yes.
1870 [16:21:40] <ThePendulum> I figured considering it's
managed by zfs and it's aware of the issues it would also kind
of prevent it from blowing the whole thing up
1871 [16:21:41] <soul-d> yes i blew a ssd earlier this year by
blasting data from m.2 device
1872 [16:21:46] <ThePendulum> in particular because the OS
isn't on there
1873 [16:21:48] <jelly> remove it from array and unplug it if you
1874 [16:22:03] <ThePendulum> it's on its own at least
1875 [16:22:06] <soul-d> went 2gbs for sec then froze and then ssd
died :D
1876 [16:22:17] <soul-d> and coulnd even boot
1877 [16:22:23] *** Joins: soee (~soee@replaced-ip )
1878 [16:22:30] <jelly> zfs does not deal with drivers being stuck
on hardware responses
1879 [16:22:32] <ThePendulum> the reason I didn't think much
of it is because it reports issues on /dev/sdi throughout the day
and just carries on
1880 [16:22:36] <SwedeMike> ThePendulum: depending on what kind of
drives you have, it can take a long time for the drive to return an
error and during that time, reads are not progressing.
1881 [16:23:01] <soul-d> i could not boot with the device
attacehed indeed do to driver lvl msgs
1882 [16:23:03] <ThePendulum> but I guess at some point something
else tries to access it and fails, samba perhaps
1883 [16:23:17] <soul-d> so not mounting it or stuff doesnt help
1884 [16:23:52] <soul-d> best is to just power it off while you
get new hd
1885 [16:24:15] <SwedeMike> ThePendulum: you should replace sdi
asap. That many pending sectors is a sure indication that something
is seriously wrong with it.
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1889 [16:25:39] <ThePendulum> suppose I could transfer the files
to the 6TB WD Red for now
1890 [16:26:01] *** Quits: melpy (~melpy@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
1891 [16:26:20] <soul-d> i hope the smart temperature is not in
celcius lol dint even see that but even a value from 0-255 would not
make sense :P
1892 [16:26:21] <jelly> but they're all pending, rewriting
them might still lower the count
1893 [16:26:27] <soul-d> Temperature_Celsius changed from 209 to
1894 [16:26:33] <soul-d> never seen a hd be 200c
1895 [16:26:34] <jelly> that's a raw value
1896 [16:26:34] <soul-d> lol
1897 [16:26:45] <ThePendulum> yeah that is reported as celcsius
but that is almost certainly not correct
1898 [16:26:50] *** Joins: soee_ (~soee@replaced-ip )
1899 [16:26:51] <ThePendulum> or I'd have a puddle of hard
disk on the floor
1900 [16:27:17] <ThePendulum> hottest disk I have in there is
1901 [16:27:29] *** Quits: soee (~soee@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
1902 [16:27:40] <jelly> ThePendulum: there's an alternative
smart tool, binary only download but sometimes interprets attributes
1903 [16:27:48] <jelly> !hdsentinel
1904 [16:27:49] <dpkg> A gratis but closed source <SMART>
client with slightly more user-friendly output than <smartctl>
and ability to read more USB devices than smartctl. Binaries for x86
and ARM at
1905 [16:28:23] <ThePendulum> I generally use hddtemp to get
temperatures which works quite well
1906 [16:28:23] <SwedeMike> "194 Temperature_Celsius 0x0002
216 216 000 Old_age Always - 30 (Min/Max 24/41)" this is from a
WD drive, so if the raw values are fairly the same then it's
not a problem.
1907 [16:28:32] <ThePendulum> but for other values that might come
in handy too
1908 [16:28:39] *** Joins: tdres (~tdres@replaced-ip )
1909 [16:28:40] <SwedeMike> ThePendulum: can you pastebin the
information from smartctl -a /dev/sdi ?
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1916 [16:30:08] <ThePendulum>
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1919 [16:31:55] <ThePendulum> wonder why that raw temperature
value shoots off by as much as it does, atm it's looking fine
for that disk
1920 [16:32:18] <ThePendulum> for /dev/sdc that is, sdi is all
kinds of shafted
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1925 [16:36:51] <nvz> idk but thats why folk recommend hdsentinel
cause smart values are often enough incorrect with smartctl
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1927 [16:37:45] <SwedeMike> ThePendulum: I'd ditch that drive
1928 [16:38:12] <ThePendulum> unfortunately a replacement is quite
costly but I've got a 6TB almost entirely free, this one is 4TB
but only 1TB in use
1929 [16:38:21] <nvz> free software is often designed to spec and
manufacturers don't often do the same.. so either it takes a
lot of trial and error or you need someone getting paid to patch
over where the manufacturer didn't do things right :P
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1931 [16:38:39] <ThePendulum> and I mean, the whole machine has
66TB left... I should be able to get rid of 1TB somewhere lol
1932 [16:39:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1588
1933 [16:39:50] <ThePendulum> wonder if the 6TB WD Elements still
contain WD Reds, or if they have the white EMAZ drives now too. that
other 6TB WD Red came from a WD Elements
1934 [16:40:08] <SwedeMike> ThePendulum: they're typically
whitelabel drives nowadays.
1935 [16:40:14] *** Quits: diroots (~diroots@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
1936 [16:40:31] <ThePendulum> I got that Red elements about
1½ years ago I think, probably indeed EMAZ now as well
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1939 [16:41:24] <ThePendulum> should be fine putting them in a z2
pool together anyway
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1947 [16:46:02] <ThePendulum> alright, back-up in progress
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1951 [16:46:42] <ThePendulum> curious if this is actually the
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1958 [16:48:03] <ThePendulum> think I'll still pick up one of
1959 [16:48:38] <ThePendulum> inevitably going to go offline due
some random reason at some point, and the NAS is under our main
staircase opposite our basement staircase, and I have to let down a
drawbridge to get to it haha
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1973 [16:59:31] <ThePendulum> "Hold down the Alt and SysRq
(Print Screen) keys" - "While holding those down, type the
following in order. Nothing will appear to happen until the last
letter is pressed: REISUB"
1974 [16:59:37] *** Quits: patterson (~patterson@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
1975 [16:59:40] <ThePendulum> how many hands do they have o_o
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1980 [17:03:40] <jelly> ThePendulum: you do the r, e, i, s, u, b
in sequence, pressing and depressing each one at a time
1981 [17:03:53] *** Quits: hjarvard (~hjarvard@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
1982 [17:03:59] <ThePendulum> yeah I just read a clarification of
that. doesn't seem like my keyboard can do that unfortunately
1983 [17:04:09] <jelly> !pal ThePendulum
1984 [17:04:09] * dpkg points at ThePendulum and laughs
1985 [17:04:27] <ThePendulum> I am pleased there is a command for
1986 [17:04:46] *** Joins: ob-sed (~obesd@replaced-ip )
1987 [17:05:02] <jelly> you can also echo characters into
/proc/sysrq-trigger if you still have a working root shell
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2035 [17:45:17] <hanasaki> which kernel parameter in .config
compiles in an option to avoid this issue" Spectre V2 : Spectre
mitigation: kernel not compiled with retpoline; no mitigation
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2043 [17:51:48] <neredsenvy> How can I search for a package in all
my sources listed under /sources.list.d
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2049 [17:52:49] <neredsenvy> I know the package is named something
like traf(something something)gen1
2050 [17:53:46] <mtn> neredsenvy: use your favorite package
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2052 [17:53:58] <neredsenvy> apt ok but how
2053 [17:54:03] <neredsenvy> apt search does not list it
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2055 [17:54:31] <mtn> neredsenvy: do a better search? maybe you
have the wrong name? etc.
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2058 [17:55:10] <mtn> neredsenvy: if you use a gui, try synaptic
2059 [17:55:20] <neredsenvy> terminal
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2091 [18:19:31] <g0zzy> NetworkManager seems to be easily
confused. I installed Buster with Ethernet and no desktop at first.
After installing task-mate-desktop i then deleted
/etc/network/interfaces (remembering vaguely that NM can butt out if
it finds that in use) . After reboot i expected it to invite my wifi
connection to be made. Nothing. It seems to know nothing of wifi.
How can i make it known?
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2094 [18:21:34] <petn-randall> g0zzy: Is it listed when you run
'ip addr' or 'ifconfig'?
2095 [18:22:08] <g0zzy> Shall check
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2100 [18:25:12] <g0zzy> No! Rtl8821CE is the nic
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2105 [18:26:19] <gvth> Hi; can please someone post me command line
(with find or something) to show the say 100 largest files on a
filesystem or in a directory?
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2111 [18:28:59] <g0zzy> Try
2112 [18:28:59] <g0zzy> find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -ls | sort -n
-k 7 | tail -n 100
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2123 [18:31:24] <bluewizard> if it is just a directory and not the
whole filesystem, ls has -S to sort by file size (largest first
according to the man page)
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2259 [19:53:37] <Big_Aziz> hi
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2261 [19:53:54] <_DeLa_> Zotero from
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2265 [19:56:55] <jhutchins> ,v zoltero
2266 [19:56:56] <judd> No package named 'zoltero' was
found in amd64.
2267 [19:57:06] <jhutchins> ,v pycharm
2268 [19:57:07] <judd> No package named 'pycharm' was
found in amd64.
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2270 [19:57:51] <g0zzy> petn-randall: Thanks for prompt. Had to
get and install the driver
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2272 [19:58:14] <_DeLa_> jhutchins: yes, they are not from the
official repositories, I know that. But one works in this scenaria
and the other doesn't
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2276 [20:00:43] <jhutchins> _DeLa_: Not being Debian sofware we
don't have any resources to help you troubleshoot, but in the
browser's "applications" page you might find how
it's supposed to pass the URL you're clicking on.
2277 [20:01:31] <jhutchins> _DeLa_: You'd have to seek
support directly from whichever project you're having trouble
with. It's likely to be a mailing list or an online forum
rather than irc.
2278 [20:01:39] <_DeLa_> jhutchins: could it be an issue with file
2279 [20:01:52] *** Joins: Big_Aziz (~azizhon@replaced-ip )
2280 [20:01:58] <_DeLa_> browser is FF btw
2281 [20:02:00] <jhutchins> _DeLa_: Not from what you've said
so far.
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2285 [20:03:35] <_DeLa_> jhutchins: thanks for your suggestions!
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2289 [20:04:45] <_DeLa_> jhutchins: btw the same issue not only
happens with Pycharm but also with Rambox (replaced-url
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2291 [20:05:10] <pfred1> /opt is empty here
2292 [20:05:46] <_DeLa_> pfred1: hm?
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2294 [20:06:11] *** Quits: mrcrypto08 (uid405647@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
2295 [20:06:31] <pfred1> _DeLa_ pfred1@five:/opt$ du -h 4.0K .
2296 [20:06:37] *** Quits: Krennic (~Krennic@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2297 [20:07:33] <_DeLa_> pfred1: sorry, me noob, no understand
2298 [20:08:12] <pfred1> _DeLa_ that's inode size
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2303 [20:10:24] <whislock> pfred1: You seem to be having a
different conversation.
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2309 [20:10:47] <pfred1> whislock a few
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2313 [20:11:31] <whislock> pfred1: Please direct what you say to
the right person to avoid confusion.
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2317 [20:11:59] <pfred1> whislock I'll see what i can do
there tiger
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2319 [20:12:03] <_Fremen_> hello everyone
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2332 [20:13:35] <whislock> pfred1: Its quite simple. I doubt you
have much of an issue if you try.
2333 [20:13:43] *** Quits: shokohsc (~shokohsc@replaced-ip##) (Quit: The Lounge - ##replaced-url
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2335 [20:13:57] <_Fremen_> I have a NAS on my network that I can
connect to with windows easily, however, Debian does not see it. I
have found many different tutorials online but they advice different
things, can you help about which one I should follow or what should
I do in general?
2336 [20:14:08] *** Quits: bjne (~bjne@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2337 [20:14:35] <pfred1> whislock I'm going to have no issue
putting you on my iggy list that's for sure kthanksbye
2338 [20:15:10] <pfred1> here's to better living through
hostmask technology
2339 [20:16:28] *** Quits: servo (~servo@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2340 [20:18:11] <annadane> how can i remove firefox-esr without it
installing epiphany? this is a machine set up with the xfce tasksel
2341 [20:18:53] *** Quits: Mad_Hat (~Mad_Hat@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2342 [20:19:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1575
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2348 [20:21:33] <nvz> annadane: it installs epiphany
automatically? doesn't just suggest removing a metapackage?
2349 [20:21:48] *** Joins: spacebison (~bison@replaced-ip )
2350 [20:21:55] <annadane> it removes firefox-esr and installs
epiphany and like 15 other packages
2351 [20:22:09] <nvz> annadane: my thought is if its not giving
you the option of just letting the metapackage pulling it in, be
removed.. perhaps use equivs
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2354 [20:22:49] <annadane> remind me to never use the installer
desktops ever again
2355 [20:22:53] <nvz> annadane: if you're not familiar with
equivs, its fairly simple you give one command to make a control
file, modify it to taste, then another to build a fake package
2356 [20:23:07] *** Quits: dreamon_ (~dreamon@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2357 [20:23:17] <nvz> just make it either provide firefox-esr or
2358 [20:23:19] *** Joins: jnavila (~jnavila@replaced-ip )
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2362 [20:25:28] <tekcap> Could someone help me with a new Debian
install, please. Fresh install of Debian Buster using KDE Plasma.
`lspci -k` gives me 01:00.0 3D controller: NVIDIA Corporation GP107M
[GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Mobile] (rev a1) - Driver :Nouveau //////// The
issue is not being able to connect HDMI to my laptop and have it
connect to external monitor
2363 [20:25:52] *** Quits: BazookaTooth (~bob@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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2367 [20:29:39] <section1> tekcap, xrandr show you two screens ?
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2370 [20:31:13] <tekcap> @section1 nope, only have 1 option even
in xrandr
2371 [20:31:16] *** Joins: jubo2 (~jubz@replaced-ip )
2372 [20:31:18] <tekcap> arandr*
2373 [20:31:28] <nvz> tekcap: I've had machines where
they'd work with open drivers and without firmware, but for
more advanced stuff like multihead and audio out, they needed
firmware or official drivers
2374 [20:31:35] *** Quits: _Fremen_ (~F@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2375 [20:32:00] <nvz> tekcap: the Radeon R2E in my HP t520 thin
client for example will only do one output with no audio over hdmi
without the firmware
2376 [20:32:16] *** Joins: fflori (~fflori@replaced-ip )
2377 [20:32:26] <tekcap> @nvz I'm not sure how to install the
official driver, I probably have to remove the "nouveau"
one and install the nvidia official one, but I have no idea how to
do this
2378 [20:32:33] *** Joins: friendofafriend (~chat@replaced-ip )
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2381 [20:32:59] <nvz> I haven't used nvidia in a long time,
but its probably simple as installing nvidia-driver
2382 [20:33:13] <nvz> also stop putting @ in front of nicks, thats
not a thing on IRC
2383 [20:33:29] *** Joins: dvs (~hibbard@replaced-ip )
2384 [20:33:43] <friendofafriend> Hello. I'm running Buster
and there's some program I'm using with a dep on libcurl3.
When it runs, I see: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version
`CURL_OPENSSL_3' not found (required by ./program)
2385 [20:33:46] <nvz> its a social media convention that means
something entirely different here and doesnt cause someone to be
highlighted unless they have specific highlighting ruls
2386 [20:33:47] *** Joins: u_u (5fb0296d@replaced-ip )
2387 [20:33:48] <section1> yeah try that package in non-free repo
2388 [20:33:55] *** Joins: sony__ (~real@replaced-ip )
2389 [20:34:32] <u_u> Question about debian, I saw that debian is
a stable version so if a new version is up, should I reinstall
debian or can I upgrade from my actual debian ?
2390 [20:35:11] <nvz> friendofafriend: is it a deb package with a
dependency line? or just something you compiled or something?
2391 [20:35:18] *** Quits: arora (ashok@replaced-ip ) (Quit: 'Night)
2392 [20:35:23] <section1> u_u, you can update from your actual
2393 [20:35:44] <sony__> hi all
2394 [20:36:33] <section1> u_u,
2395 [20:36:40] <friendofafriend> nvz: It's some pre-compiled
binary thing that included no source.
2396 [20:37:02] <annadane> i think i may just reinstall with no
desktop and manually add xfce4
2397 [20:37:04] <annadane> this was a dumb idea
2398 [20:37:27] *** Quits: Caplain (~shayne@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2399 [20:37:33] <nvz> friendofafriend: ah, well you may not be
able to use it then, if they have a strict dependency on that..
which is stupid.. I doubt libcurl3 has anything libcurl4 doesnt..
try just symlinking
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2402 [20:38:11] <nvz> friendofafriend: ln -s
2403 [20:38:40] <Habbie> symlinking .so versions is terrible
2404 [20:38:42] *** Quits: f1x (~f1x@replaced-ip ) (Quit: WeeChat 2.7-dev)
2405 [20:38:51] <jhutchins> v libcurl3
2406 [20:38:56] <jhutchins> ,v libcurl3
2407 [20:38:57] <judd> Package: libcurl3 on amd64 -- jessie:
7.38.0-4+deb8u11; jessie-security: 7.38.0-4+deb8u16; stretch:
7.52.1-5+deb9u9; stretch-security: 7.52.1-5+deb9u9
2408 [20:38:58] <nvz> yeah, well so is using binaries with strict
2409 [20:39:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1584
2410 [20:39:02] <Habbie> and putting @ in front of nicks is fine,
people were doing that long before social media was a thing
2411 [20:39:19] <Habbie> nvz, agreed :)
2412 [20:39:28] <nvz> no, its not fine.. it doesn't highlight
me, and it indicates a usermode in irc
2413 [20:39:39] <jhutchins> annadane: Why?
2414 [20:39:57] <jhutchins> Oh, firefox dependency.
2415 [20:39:58] <nvz> in social media its a user tag, it causes
the person to be alerted.. it doesnt do that on irc, it causes
people to think you're stupid and talking to an op
2416 [20:40:12] <annadane> the tasksel is also just too much bloat
in general
2417 [20:40:13] <section1> lol
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2420 [20:40:48] <nvz> I'd have to make a special rule with a
regex to recognize @nvz and not openvz or other things
2421 [20:40:54] <nvz> cause @nvz isnt my nick
2422 [20:40:57] <annadane> the only thing about apt install xfce4
i'm not a fan of is it not installing xfce4-terminal by
default; i don't like xterm
2423 [20:41:03] <sony__> does anyone know with distro you suggest
no or less tracking, no surveillance? thanks
2424 [20:41:09] <annadane> this one
2425 [20:41:10] <friendofafriend> nvz: That didn't do
anything. libcurl is there, it seems like there was some security
concern which led to libcurl4 not behaving like libcurl3.
2426 [20:42:00] <section1> make a debian 7 bootstrap and run the
program inside that chroot
2427 [20:42:06] <friendofafriend> I see there's lots of
people with the same problem, and I don't see any fixes. Is
there some way to install it from Stretch?
2428 [20:42:07] <nvz> friendofafriend: well then it has a strict
dependency on libcurl3 so you will probably have to provide that
manually or in a chroot
2429 [20:42:08] <sony__> *which
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2433 [20:42:37] *** Quits: AimHere (~David@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2434 [20:42:38] <friendofafriend> "In a chroot" here
meaning...? Have another install of Debian?
2435 [20:42:46] *** Joins: well_laid_lawn (~Jean-luc@replaced-ip )
2436 [20:43:02] <nvz> friendofafriend: yes, using debootstrap..
you'll need base plus any and all deps of the program
2437 [20:43:13] <section1> s/debian 7/debian 9/
2438 [20:43:19] *** Joins: amphiprions (~amphiprio@replaced-ip )
2439 [20:43:33] <nvz> friendofafriend: or just manually fetch the
libcurl3 from stretch off a mirror and drop the so file somewhere
2440 [20:43:37] <friendofafriend> I might as well not even run
Buster, then. Is there a build of libcurl3 from another repo I could
2441 [20:43:50] *** Quits: Starhowl (~starhowl@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2442 [20:43:51] *** Joins: fstd_ (~fstd@replaced-ip )
2443 [20:43:55] <nvz> ,depends libcurl3
2444 [20:43:56] <judd> No package named 'libcurl3' was
found in buster/amd64.
2445 [20:43:59] *** Quits: HZun (~HZun@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2446 [20:44:05] <nvz> ,depends --release stretch libcurl3
2447 [20:44:06] <judd> No package named '--release' was
found in stretch/amd64.
2448 [20:44:15] <nvz> blah blah blah
2449 [20:44:31] <nvz> afaik its rather light.. ssl, c..
2450 [20:44:42] <section1> yeah
2451 [20:44:47] <nvz> the thing is your strict dependency probably
is on the ssl part
2452 [20:44:49] <section1> or grab the src deb and compile
2453 [20:44:58] *** Joins: zyun (~zyun@replaced-ip )
2454 [20:45:10] <nvz> which means libcurl3 compiled against buster
ssl isnt gonna work either
2455 [20:45:11] <jhutchins> friendofafriend: Did you try the
2456 [20:45:14] *** Joins: AimHere (~David@replaced-ip )
2457 [20:45:23] *** Joins: uncle (~Mutter@replaced-ip )
2458 [20:45:25] <nvz> which means you'd have to compile
openssl too
2459 [20:45:31] <section1> oh
2460 [20:46:23] <sony__> does anyone know?
2461 [20:46:23] <friendofafriend> jhutchins: Yes, but it's
not a problem with libcurl not being found, but "version
`CURL_OPENSSL_3' not found" in the library.
2462 [20:46:33] *** Quits: thePiGrepper (~nagato@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2463 [20:46:37] <nvz> ,depends stretch libcurl3
2464 [20:46:38] <judd> No package named 'stretch' was
found in buster/amd64.
2465 [20:46:48] <nvz> ,depends
2466 [20:46:49] <judd> (depends <packagename> [--arch
<amd64>] [--release <stable>]) -- Show the packages that
are listed as 'Depends' for a given package. By default,
the current stable release and amd64 are used.
2467 [20:47:00] <section1> sony__, maybe tails.
2468 [20:47:07] <nvz> ,depends libcurl3 --release stretch
2469 [20:47:08] <judd> Package libcurl3 in stretch/amd64 --
depends: libc6 (>= 2.17), libcomerr2 (>= 1.01),
libgssapi-krb5-2 (>= 1.14+dfsg), libidn2-0 (>= 0.6),
libk5crypto3 (>= 1.6.dfsg.2), libkrb5-3 (>= 1.6.dfsg.2),
libldap-2.4-2 (>= 2.4.7), libnghttp2-14 (>= 1.12.0), libpsl5
(>= 0.13.0), librtmp1 (>= 2.4+20131018.git79459a2-3~),
libssh2-1 (>= 1.7.0), libssl1.0.2 (>= 1.0.2d), zlib1g (>=
2470 [20:47:34] <nvz> it has no strict dependencies
2471 [20:47:35] <friendofafriend> That's really the pits. It
looks like the change to libcurl has broken a lot of software and
there's any number of people griping about it.
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2475 [20:48:06] <nvz> yeah well people should either update their
damn software or ship their libs..
2476 [20:48:08] *** Joins: milkt (~debian@replaced-ip )
2477 [20:48:22] *** Joins: thePiGrepper (~nagato@replaced-ip )
2478 [20:48:45] <nvz> you can use the ssb method to forward port
from oldstable
2479 [20:49:05] <nvz> but as I said if the strict dependency is
due to one of libcurl3's deps.. then you need to pull that too
2480 [20:49:11] <friendofafriend> I wish Debian just provided the
library even if there's an ideological concern over it. It sure
beats breaking stuff.
2481 [20:49:24] <nvz> cause libcurl3 will likely happily compile
with buster's deps as it has no strict deps..
2482 [20:49:26] <friendofafriend> I guess this is related to
security somehow.
2483 [20:49:28] *** Quits: zyun (~zyun@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2484 [20:49:40] <jhutchins> friendofafriend: It's not
ideological, it's security related, with live explloits.
2485 [20:49:45] <nvz> but if that black box software depends on
something specific that libcurl3 is dependant on..
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2489 [20:51:27] <friendofafriend> jhutchins: Right, but
that's just some maintainer trying to "protect users from
themselves" as it were.
2490 [20:51:34] *** Joins: zleap (~zleap@replaced-ip )
2491 [20:51:47] <nvz> you'd have to comment out any and all
deb-src lines, and leave just a deb-src for stretch, and a deb line
for stretch (for build-deps) apt update, apt build-dep libcurl3, apt
-b source libcurl3
2492 [20:52:03] <sony__> nvz: thanks for answering, ssb is a bit
difficult tu use to me or my wife, don't you know other distro?
2493 [20:52:08] <nvz> leaving all your normal buster deb lines of
2494 [20:52:36] *** Quits: Slashman (~Slash@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2495 [20:52:49] <nvz> sony__: I don't even know what
you're talking about.. the conversation we're having here
is about some binary friendofafriend has dependant on libcurl3
2496 [20:53:12] *** Quits: u_u (5fb0296d@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2497 [20:53:19] <nvz> sony__: we're all ignoring you, cause
you come to #debian asking about other distros..
2498 [20:53:30] <nvz> thats not something we specialize in here
2499 [20:53:46] <friendofafriend> I'm pretty sure this is
just #858398?
2500 [20:53:47] <judd> Bug
2501 [20:54:03] *** Joins: diniwed (~gavron@replaced-ip )
2502 [20:54:12] <nvz> sony__: debian already takes the kinds of
precautions you mention, and we're all happy enough with the
precautions debian takes.. or we wouldnt be debian users here
supporting debian
2503 [20:54:12] <friendofafriend> So could I install libcurl from
2504 [20:54:28] *** Quits: zleap (~zleap@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
2505 [20:54:39] <nvz> libcurl in sid is still gonna be libcurl4
2506 [20:54:54] <nvz> libcurl3 was dropped after stretch
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2509 [20:55:17] <nvz> you'd have to compile the stretch
source if you want libcurl3, or the upstream source
2510 [20:56:09] <nvz> though.. with all loose >= deps, as long
as all those deps still exist in buster you could probably even just
install that package
2511 [20:56:16] <friendofafriend> nvz: I don't really
understand what the user would have to do to fix it, and if you see
a clear path it'd help quite a few people with the issue.
2512 [20:56:22] <sony__> nvz: ok,let me clarify, I am asking about
debian distro or even other unix/linux distro safest to run internet
without tracking nosurveillance
2513 [20:56:27] *** Quits: Ericounet (~Eric@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2514 [20:56:44] <nvz> sony__: and we're still not
interested.. we understood you the first time
2515 [20:56:46] <sony__> hope it's clear
2516 [20:57:03] <nvz> sony__: debian maintainers have already
taken steps to remove various phone home things from our browsers
and such
2517 [20:57:20] <nvz> if you wanna talk general linux crap, go to
##linux, this is #debian, we only talk about debian
2518 [20:57:44] <nvz> we all recommend debian here.. thats as far
as that conversation goes
2519 [20:58:44] *** Joins: phdeswer (~phdeswer@replaced-ip )
2520 [20:58:59] <sony__> nvz: ok, thank you, you're very
helpfull. I'll see elsewhere where I can find peple who has
more time to loose.
2521 [20:59:03] <nvz> we don't however take any steps to stop
users bad habits online.. which ultimately is the only solution
2522 [20:59:37] <nvz> with the most advanced, every smart person
on the planet focused effort, you still are totally naked and
vulnerable if you do dumb shit
2523 [21:00:05] *** Joins: g0zzy (~goose@replaced-ip )
2524 [21:00:08] <nvz> your question on its face is silly..
you're looking for an _installation_ of security.. there is no
such thing
2525 [21:00:29] <nvz> information/computer security is not an
object you put in place.. its an ideal, you practice, audit.. etc
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2529 [21:01:27] <g0zzy> Trying to get exim to send me a mail via
smarthost on startup. Only problem is that DNS doesn't seem to
be 'ready' so the mail gets frozen or stalled.
2530 [21:01:30] *** Joins: Texou (~Texou@replaced-ip )
2531 [21:01:30] <nvz> someone with more time on their hands, more
concerned with compromising you than you are with stopping them
always wins
2532 [21:01:36] <g0zzy> Any ideas?
2533 [21:02:36] <nvz> g0zzy: sounds like something maybe #systemd
could help with.. as the issue seems to be making sure all the right
stuff is up and running before you do it
2534 [21:02:59] <nvz> you just need a service that makes sure all
that is good to go before attempting to send the email
2535 [21:04:01] *** Joins: zyun (~zyun@replaced-ip )
2536 [21:04:32] <g0zzy> Yes i know what you're saying but
that can get unexpectedly complex
2537 [21:05:16] <nvz> thats why I suggested #systemd, cause thats
where they get into the complex uses :P
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2539 [21:06:36] <ws2k3>
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2541 [21:09:59] <nvz> ws2k3: that'd be more meaningful to
someone who could see your block layout.. the raid printout shows
sda in there, and the gist of it seems to be complaining about a
specific uuid a swap device..
2542 [21:10:03] <nvz> lsblk -o NAME,UUID,TYPE,MOUNTPOINT
2543 [21:10:16] <nvz> lsblk -o NAME,UUID,TYPE,MOUNTPOINT | nc 9999
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2546 [21:11:52] <nvz> I'd also look for other messages in the
journal related to that device
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2549 [21:12:58] <ws2k3> nvz
2550 [21:13:30] <nvz> that doesn't help much as you didnt
list the uuids and the errors are using uuid
2551 [21:13:31] <g0zzy> nvz: tbh i did try a systemd service
before and it never quite worked. Can't quite remember why not.
I'm using gmail as smarthost. I was thinking maybe using the IP
address for but of course that's not good
2552 [21:14:17] *** Quits: resixian (~akira@replaced-ip ) (Quit: WeeChat 2.5)
2553 [21:14:26] <nvz> g0zzy: yeah.. not a good idea at all.. you
just need a service to have it wait until everything is up
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2557 [21:15:25] <ws2k3> nvz working machine
2558 [21:15:43] <ws2k3> nvz unfortunaly no internet on the box so
i have to do it over screenshots
2559 [21:15:56] <nvz> g0zzy: if its too cumbersome of a problem,
go back to the beginning and try a different approach.. like using a
WOL utility to see if the host is up from another machine or
2560 [21:16:13] <g0zzy> This is the little service i tried before
2561 [21:16:53] <ws2k3> nvz also on the working box there is sda3
sdb3 and sdc3 into md0 in the broken box only sdb3 and sdc3 so my
guess is that i should add sda3 on the broken box
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2564 [21:18:51] <nvz> ws2k3: yes, thats sda2 its talking about,
and the link down and such is indicating the drive is failing
somehow.. possibly a bad cable
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2567 [21:19:26] <nvz> could be a power cable or a sata cable most
2568 [21:19:33] *** Quits: Jerrynicki (~niklas@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2569 [21:19:35] <fly_agaric> hello guys I have a otrs ticket
system installed on debian 10 server and my problem is that otrs
fetches mail with the fetchmail binary. fetchmail does not get mail
from microsoft exchange 2010 server because of a suspected tls
version missmatch.
2570 [21:19:36] <ws2k3> nvz also it shows
2571 [21:20:04] <ws2k3> nvz so i guess i have to check if i can
readd it?
2572 [21:20:30] <fly_agaric> is there a fetchmail binary for
debian which does use tls 1.0 instead of tls 1.2?
2573 [21:20:36] <nvz> ws2k3: you need to first check your cables
would be my suggestion.. if this is the only problem you have, the
cables are the first most likely problem..
2574 [21:20:59] <nvz> if you have other issues, it could be a PSU
failing, but if not, and the cables are all good.. the drive is
2575 [21:21:13] *** Joins: Cork (~Cork@replaced-ip )
2576 [21:21:30] <nvz> I'd swap out the data and power cables
with a different disk to be sure.. if that disk starts failing with
the cables you swapped instead of sda.. then you know thats the
2577 [21:22:15] *** Quits: estrom (estrom@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2578 [21:22:20] <nvz> if you swap cables and it all works.. it was
just a lose connection :P
2579 [21:22:25] *** Quits: uncle (~Mutter@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2580 [21:22:40] <ws2k3> nvz thats already been fixed
2581 [21:22:54] <ws2k3> nvz motherboard was replaced
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2583 [21:23:32] <g0zzy> Thanks nvz. Shall do some thinking
2584 [21:23:44] <ws2k3> nvz should i just readd the disk then?
2585 [21:23:55] *** Quits: g0zzy (~goose@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving.)
2586 [21:24:19] * nvz shrugs
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2589 [21:25:30] <nvz> if I'm following the latest
developments correctly you're saying the original errors were
in fact a bad motherboard (last thing I'd have checked), then
yeah, you just need to get that disk back in the array
2590 [21:26:07] <nvz> but what you originally asked looked to me
like a disk was going offline.. and probably a cabling issue.. if
thats been solved, then yeah, just toss it back in the game
2591 [21:26:08] <davidl33> I have a system where Thunderbird has
stopped working. $HOME is on NFS, server is Debian 8
"Jessie" (can't upgrade further because of an old
CPU), affected system was revcently upgraded to Debian 10
"Buster". When I try to start Thunderbird, it displays a
message-box "Your Thunderbird profile cannot be loaded. It may
be missing or inaccessible",
2592 [21:26:08] <davidl33> and prints an error "Error: Access
was denied while trying to open files in your profile
directory." to the console. I've rebooted both client and
server since the issue started; tried starting with "-P"
to choose a different profile; and tried moving
"~/.thunderbird" or "~/.local/cache/thunderbird"
out of the way. None of that helps, still the
2593 [21:26:09] <davidl33> same message. Known issue, or any
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2604 [21:35:36] <nvz> my first suggestion is, its a holiday in the
US where its currently mid day.. and you should stick around long
enough for people to unbusy themselves and respond :P
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2606 [21:40:42] <annadane> oh so that's why greycat
isn't here
2607 [21:41:35] <teclo-> yeah
2608 [21:41:40] <teclo-> it's Thanksgiving up there
2609 [21:42:05] *** Joins: Peyam (~maroufi@replaced-ip )
2610 [21:42:35] <annadane> "why did you cut the turkey like
that?! *plonk*"
2611 [21:42:35] <teclo-> they're stuffing themselves with
2612 [21:42:50] <teclo-> annadane: well...
2613 [21:43:41] <nvz> idk but I get the feeling someone
wasn't totally forthcoming with what they actually did to this
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2618 [21:46:49] <nvz> all I got was they knocked it off a table,
and now it doesnt come on.. I figured maybe they busted the
backlight or something.. but first off the hdd is missing, so
somoene already took it apart.. and secondly the power light on the
mobo comes on, the power button lights up.. I even saw the fan move
but there is no voltage getting to the disks.. this isnt something
likely to happen due to a fall
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2621 [21:50:02] <teclo-> there's that one
2622 [21:50:29] *** Joins: CrystalMath (~coderain@replaced-ip )
2623 [21:50:43] <teclo-> you know that chick didn't know
Turkey is a country
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2626 [21:51:26] <nvz> hmm.. seems to all be working now.. and I
have no explaination :P reseating the ram, clearing cmos, etc did
nothing.. all I did between it being dead and coming on was check
the voltage on the power cord..
2627 [21:51:31] <sponix> So, is OpenShot a decent video editor ? I
can't get DaVinci Resolve to run for the life of me
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2629 [21:52:19] <nvz> I typically use kdenlive but I saw openshot
did have a few cool features like native multihead support
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2631 [21:53:45] <ThePendulum> I have tried openshot several times
and I am baffled to hear anyone suggest it next to kdenlive
2632 [21:53:46] <pfred1> sponix which version should i download?
2633 [21:54:05] <ThePendulum> kenlive is miles ahead of any of
them, at least in usability
2634 [21:54:16] <pfred1> sponix plain or studio?
2635 [21:54:21] <nvz> yeah that was my assessment.. it kdenlive
was simplest to use
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2637 [21:55:12] <sponix> pfred1: I was doing the Free plain
2638 [21:55:14] <pfred1> lordy I'm going for plain I got no
idea what they're talking about with these extra features
2639 [21:55:18] *** Joins: nucleargnat (~nucleargn@replaced-ip )
2640 [21:55:58] <Joit> i boycott anything from kde since some
hyperparanoids are there now
2641 [21:56:04] <sponix> ThePendulum: I have several say kdelive
is the way to go. I hate having the extra kde libs, but whatever :)
2642 [21:56:05] <pfred1> wait a minute they need my phone number?
2643 [21:56:09] *** Quits: mns (~mns@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2644 [21:56:34] <ThePendulum> I don't have any strong
feelings about KDE one way or the other as long as it's not my
DE, maybe I should?
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2646 [21:57:10] <sponix> pfred1: lol, either just put in a fake
one, or I can mirror the download for you
2647 [21:57:30] <sponix> pfred1: will take me less than 2 minutes
to copy it over to my web server downloads
2648 [21:57:45] <pfred1> sponix OK
2649 [21:57:59] <pfred1> sponix I'll see what libs it needs
to run or what have you
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2653 [21:59:44] <sponix>
2654 [22:00:22] <sponix> pfred1: ldd /opt/resolve/bin/resolve --
was showing that it had all libs found that it needed last time I
checked :)
2655 [22:00:45] <sponix> pfred1: I tried it both with the script
that makes it into a .deb -- and without
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2657 [22:01:01] <pfred1> sponix let me see that's in the zip
2658 [22:01:47] <pfred1> sponix eta 1m 40s
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2661 [22:02:09] * nvz shoots sponix
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2663 [22:02:23] <sponix>
2664 [22:02:33] <sponix> pfred1: yeah, my UP speed isn't all
that good
2665 [22:02:49] <pfred1> sponix it's amlost here half a
minute to go
2666 [22:02:53] *** Joins: Mazhive (~Mazhive@replaced-ip )
2667 [22:02:53] <nvz> oh, .tk is not Turkey apparently
2668 [22:03:17] <ThePendulum> it's some islans isn't it
2669 [22:03:21] <sponix> nvz: could be... lol ... I got it for
2670 [22:03:25] <ThePendulum> tokelau
2671 [22:03:57] *** Quits: Caplain (~shayne@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2672 [22:04:02] <nvz> guess I'll have to find dinner
2673 [22:04:12] <ThePendulum> off the coast of new zealand,
everyone had a .tk domain when I got into webdev haha
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2679 [22:05:27] <pfred1> sponix let's see if this stuff will
let me install in my home directory
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2681 [22:05:54] <sponix> pfred1: full Disclosure.. I'm not a
n00b, been doing Linux for over 30 Years. And my install is actually
MX, not pure Debian. Only under the hood variation I have from
Debian right now though is SysVinit vs Systemd
2682 [22:06:08] *** Quits: jeddi (~jedd@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2683 [22:06:17] <sponix> pfred1: No, it will prompt for root pass
if you launch as a normal user without sudo vs local in home install
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2685 [22:06:40] <pfred1> sponix yeah i got that far with it
2686 [22:07:18] <lupine> N00b detected
2687 [22:08:20] <nvz> pkexec is probably a more suitable modern
means of running GUI apps on a linux desktop than sudo
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2691 [22:09:41] <pfred1> sponix it really doesn't give the
option to run in place does it?
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2694 [22:11:48] <pfred1> oh what the hey I'll install it
2695 [22:11:48] <sponix> pfred1: nope
2696 [22:12:07] <pfred1> I'm normally against this sort of
thing but I've been thinking about upgrading anyways
2697 [22:12:14] <sponix> pfred1: yeah, the install process
isn't my issue at all
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2700 [22:12:26] <B|ack0p> hi
2701 [22:12:50] <sponix> pfred1: it is pretty self contained in
/opt though -- think it might toss a few libs in /usr/lib64 or such
not 100% on that
2702 [22:14:35] *** Quits: zyun (~zyun@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2703 [22:14:48] <pfred1> sponix I installed it now I'll see
what I've got
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2711 [22:17:33] <pfred1> sponix I can see this stuff doesn't
like to run
2712 [22:18:00] <sponix> pfred1: I will be in and out, but always
logging :)
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2715 [22:18:33] <sponix> pfred1: for sure, let me know or even
send me a /msg if you figure something out. I'm pretty stumped,
and that doesn't happen often
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2718 [22:22:01] <pfred1> sponix from what i can gather on the net
we're in large company if not good company this stuff seems to
crash for everyone
2719 [22:22:57] *** Quits: war9407_ (war@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2720 [22:23:04] <sponix> pfred1: I even went back to my prior
version I had working on Mint (Ubuntu 18.04 base) -- same crash
2721 [22:23:16] *** Joins: war9407_ (war@replaced-ip )
2722 [22:23:53] <pfred1> sponix yeah I straced the program and
found the crash log so far nothing obvious is jumping out at me
2723 [22:24:08] <pfred1> write(2, "OpenCL error -1001:
'Unspecified"..., 146) = 146
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2727 [22:25:20] <sponix> pfred1: See that is where the Nvidia 435
was suspect, but I'm now Nvidia 418 stock, with Kernel 4.19
stock also
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2729 [22:25:50] <pfred1> sponix yeah I'm on stretch with the
nvidia driver so 340?
2730 [22:25:51] <sponix> pfred1: but come to think of it... I was
on a higher Nvidia version than 435 when I had it going on Mint
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2734 [22:27:06] <pfred1> sponix that could be it the readme was
bagging about video drivers
2735 [22:27:12] <sponix> pfred1: If I _knew_ 100% it was Nvidia
related -- Hell, I'd just rip that card out and put my 580 in
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2739 [22:28:36] <Schwarzbaer> Hi. I seem to be unable to find an
official guide for upgrading from buster to bullseye.
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2742 [22:29:18] <pfred1> sponix if I was dying to get this stuff
to run that's what I'd pursue
2743 [22:29:18] <sponix> pfred1: will Debian take an Ubuntu PPA ?
And if it does, will it blow my rig up ?
2744 [22:29:53] <pfred1> sponix it is hard for me to say there
2745 [22:29:59] *** Joins: Gaaab (~Gaaab@replaced-ip )
2746 [22:29:59] <pfred1> not how I'd go
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2748 [22:30:12] <sponix> pfred1: screw it, after we eat in a bit,
I'll purge Nvidia and do the AMD Card.. See what that does for
me :)
2749 [22:30:25] <pfred1> sponix you're probably better off
2750 [22:30:50] <pfred1> yeah apt-get purge nvidia*
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2752 [22:32:01] <pfred1> sponix may want to save your
/etc/X11/xorg.conf ?
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2757 [22:34:46] <pfred1> sponix I did manage to get Cinelerra to
build and run over here
2758 [22:34:47] <sponix> pfred1: ... Dude .. I got it !!!!!
2759 [22:35:06] <pfred1> oh yeah? what's the secret?
2760 [22:35:07] <sponix> pfred1: needed one extra nvidia package
-- you lead me to it with the strace man :)
2761 [22:35:15] <pfred1> ah ha
2762 [22:35:26] <sponix> pfred1: the ocl on 435 was bunk, but it
did take the older one bundled with 418 :)
2763 [22:35:43] <pfred1> well congratz
2764 [22:36:00] <sponix> I did a synaptic search on
"418" and found the nvidia list, saw a main ocl portion
wasn't installed
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2768 [22:38:28] <pfred1> sponix yeah mine isn't installed
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2772 [22:40:34] <pfred1> sponix ha ha it is running here too!
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2775 [22:42:15] <sponix> pfred1: congrats.. I gotta yet do the
16.1.1 installer -- I have 16.04Beta something right now :P
2776 [22:42:23] <sponix> but a win is a WIN IMHO
2777 [22:42:49] <pfred1> sponix yeah that -1001 error code is no
platform found
2778 [22:43:26] <pfred1> I installed nvidia-libopencl1 and it runs
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2780 [22:44:05] <sponix> pfred1: oddly enough, I don't think
that is the same one that made it go for me
2781 [22:44:28] <pfred1> they need better dependency listing in
their readme
2782 [22:44:36] <sponix> pfred1: I'll double check after I
get done doing 16.1.1 with dpkg
2783 [22:44:57] <sponix> pfred1: well, ldd said it was all good to
hook, didn't list anything unresolved
2784 [22:45:11] <sponix> pfred1: I should have thought of the
stack trace though :)
2785 [22:45:32] <pfred1> sponix yeah I didn't see anything
bad in ldd either
2786 [22:45:47] *** Quits: n_1-c_k (~n_1-c_k@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2787 [22:45:48] <pfred1> the strace lead me to the crash report
2788 [22:46:14] <pfred1> but I didn't scroll down far enough
on the webpage to see what that code meant
2789 [22:46:17] <sponix> well running it in console and what it
spit out, had me no where in the right ball park for sure
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2791 [22:46:49] <pfred1> yeah strace is cool
2792 [22:47:33] <pfred1> I see why they don't let you run in
place it is all hard coded lib locations
2793 [22:48:40] <nvz> the same reason why there is closed source..
cause its so atrocious they dont want you to see it :P
2794 [22:48:55] <pfred1> nvz yeah well...
2795 [22:49:02] *** Quits: JaredSchooley (~Sech@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2796 [22:49:11] <pfred1> open sores can be a can of worms too
2797 [22:49:19] <sponix> pfred1: what you installed, I assumed
would be a dep of what I installed -- BUT, it wasn't lol -->
2798 [22:49:23] <sponix> pfred1: That was my fix
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2801 [22:50:11] <pfred1> sponix I did an aptitude and it pulled in
a bunch of packages
2802 [22:50:22] <pfred1> 8 I think?
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2804 [22:50:26] <sponix> nvz: I installed kdenlive also -- they
can compete for what is best :)
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2807 [22:50:57] <pfred1> try Cinelerra if you can get it to build
and run
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2809 [22:51:28] <nvz> sponix: I'd installed em all at one
point.. kdenlive was the simplest to do fancier stuff. there was one
I think it was pitivi that was a bit simpler but I found only really
suitable for basic stuff
2810 [22:51:31] <sponix> a little editing will just be me as a
hobby. I'm doing some video guides for the Mint n00bz
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2813 [22:52:08] <nvz> sponix: I found vokoscreen and screenkey to
be very useful for those kinds of things
2814 [22:52:25] <sponix> pfred1 nvz :
2815 [22:52:36] <nvz> sponix: one of the many software projects
I'm procrastinating against is making a better screen recorder
2816 [22:52:53] <sponix> nvz: OBS does just fine for me
2817 [22:53:15] <nvz> my idea is that you dont want something that
just records the framebuffer to video for doing howtos for software
2818 [22:53:24] <sponix> pfred1: feel better having it working,
took me a whole OS re-install to get back down to Nvidia 418
2819 [22:53:39] <pfred1> sponix from my notes it looks like I got
the goodguy build of Cinelerra to work
2820 [22:53:47] <nvz> you want it to record the events, and other
metadata so you can put in a toc index and such
2821 [22:54:09] <nvz> more easily edit out nonsense
2822 [22:54:59] <ThePendulum> nas crashed again... really hope
pulling out that seagate does the trick
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2866 [23:42:34] <ThePendulum> thanks for your help. if that disk
wasn't the problem I'm sure I'll be back :P
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