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0[00:00:25] <sonion_> peaches and watermellon are the best in
1[00:00:42] <Eryn_1983_FL> peaches and cream...
2[00:00:53] <sonion_> Eryn_1983_FL: get the info from proc and
make a script that reads it -
3[00:01:20] <Eryn_1983_FL> ok..
4[00:01:44] <Tsutsukakushi> app?
5[00:01:59] <Eryn_1983_FL> uhh
6[00:02:10] <Tsutsukakushi> cat
7[00:02:11] <Eryn_1983_FL> what is called in proc? i dont see
a battery.. or b*
8[00:02:16] <Eryn_1983_FL> ofcourse..
9[00:02:45] <Tsutsukakushi>
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11[00:02:58] <sonion_> something like /bin/cat
12[00:02:58] <Tsutsukakushi> this is what i use
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15[00:03:40] <missmbob> upower -i $(upower -e | grep BAT) |
grep --color=never -E "state|to\ full|to\
16[00:04:50] <sonion_> i think i have the wrong upower link
17[00:05:14] <Eryn_1983_FL> cool ty guys
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19[00:05:49] <sonion_> you need the battery kernel module
loaded too
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21[00:06:19] <John> my swap has been used!
22[00:06:20] <missmbob> that's not the link at all. lol.
23[00:06:27] <John> 36MB were written so far
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25[00:06:35] <John> no longer needed, but i guess for a second
it was
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27[00:06:53] <missmbob> none of you are allowed to make a movie
you know nothing about :P
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31[00:08:02] <newlinux> Hi
32[00:08:07] <newlinux> How can I wipe my harddrive?
33[00:08:16] <newlinux> I cant use DBAN for some reason, I
getting cat: can't open '/prooc/cmdline': No such
file or directory
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35[00:08:28] <sonion_> porno or state secrets?
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37[00:08:32] <newlinux> Is there any other way to wipe my
38[00:08:38] <missmbob> newlinux:
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43[00:10:10] <sonion_> i'd use dd - you really can't
erase anything - thems got trace particle analytical retrival
devices that can see all - even photorec/testdisk can get stuff
thought to be long gone
44[00:10:21] <Eryn_1983_FL> ok xmobar is not picking up power
stuff how do i make it do so?
45[00:10:30] <Eryn_1983_FL> i can get it on cli fine too
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49[00:11:11] <missmbob> why dont you use what i gave you?
50[00:11:11] <sonion_> that was the only good thing about
windows - it had a nice battery empty/full graphics
51[00:11:28] <sonion_> why don't you use what I gave you?
52[00:11:51] * sonion_ high fives missmbob
53[00:11:52] <newlinux> sonion_: You really cant erase
anything? What do you mean?
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56[00:12:11] <Eryn_1983_FL> i did but i want it on my bar
57[00:12:21] <sonion_> the magnetics etc on a disk are always
still there - the only way is ti incinerate
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59[00:12:50] <sonion_> Eryn_1983_FL: you can make a great task
bar icon with lazarus-ide and display battery status
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62[00:13:29] <newlinux> missmbob: So I cant use ubuntu live usb
and then use gnome-disks tool that has ATA Secure Erase?
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64[00:13:47] <missmbob> newlinux: i dont care what you use
65[00:13:57] <sonion_> even redoing partitions and reformating
can be undone by lowly testdisk/photorec - do a google on the
equation group
66[00:14:10] <newlinux> missmbob: Why not?
67[00:14:26] <missmbob> jesus christ. why the fuck would i?
68[00:14:42] <newlinux> missmbob: please watch ur language
69[00:15:01] <missmbob> no. sorry.
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108[00:34:02] <newlinux> missmbob: Im not familyar to use
commands. is there any easy gui way to wipe my harddrive?
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120[00:36:34] <Walex> newlinux: some GUI programs probably
support the SATA "SECURITY ERASE" function, but I always
use the command line for that, so I would not know which one.#
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122[00:37:32] <sonion_> did you google the equation group?
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124[00:37:57] <Walex> newlinux: IIRC there are some GUI
frontends to 'smartctl'...
125[00:38:05] <Walex> newlinux: also look here:
126[00:38:45] <Walex> newlinux: claims that 'gparted'
has a well hidden security erase command
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131[00:41:44] <sonion_> gparted can't hold a candle against
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133[00:42:22] <Walex> newlinux:
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158[00:58:00] <newlinux> Walex: thank you. should I boot from
ubuntu live?
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163[00:59:52] <sonion_> ubuntu? is that thing still around? who
164[01:00:11] <missmbob> someone else who doesnt care what you
do. imagine that
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197[01:30:59] <MrCthulhu> what!?
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203[01:33:57] <sonion_> how do you pronounce your nick? siri
tells me to keep repeating it when she and i look for your internet
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223[01:46:29] <newlinux> Is using multiple passes for wiping a
disk really necessary?
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225[01:47:23] <sonion_> what exaclty is the type of data you are
trying to hide?
226[01:47:44] <nine_milli> dont ask dont tell
227[01:48:15] <sonion_> his stuff is already on wikileaks i just
want to see if he is honest with himself
228[01:48:34] <newlinux> sonion_: Selling my computer and I dont
want people to see my holiday photos.
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230[01:48:38] <missmbob> once is really all you need. people are
just paranoid.
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238[01:51:48] <sonion_> i'd just put ubuntu on it and a
folder called 'secret stuff' then touch "
239[01:51:52] <newlinux> missmbob: with 00s or random text, does
it matter?
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242[01:52:08] <sonion_> secret stuff/love-letter.txt" and
be done with it
243[01:52:34] <newlinux> sonion_: I dont know, maybe the guy who
buy my computer are trying to recover my harddrive somehow?
244[01:52:34] <missmbob> yeah. i cant believe you've cared
this much. just do whatever the live cd does. couldnt matter less
245[01:53:03] <sonion_> i wouldn't have put my ip in the
ircname of your whois though
246[01:53:48] <cabraturgo> Hi, people! Quick check: is Evolution
in Stretch working with the new GMail login for anyone?
247[01:53:59] <missmbob> working for me
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250[01:54:08] <sonion_> now the world knows to look for your
computer on ebay you said?
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254[01:55:13] <cabraturgo> @missmbob, did you had configured it
before it changed or have you relogin in the last week?
255[01:55:16] <missmbob> using online accounts in
gnome-control-center (click on details).
256[01:55:18] <newlinux> sonion_: What you are saying no one
should care about their privacy?
257[01:55:25] <missmbob> yes, actually
258[01:55:26] <cabraturgo> ok
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260[01:55:35] <cabraturgo> i'll try that way
261[01:55:46] <cabraturgo> thanks a bunch
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263[01:56:23] <missmbob> awesome thing about that way is it
works with 2 step auth. setting it up as just imap doesnt
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267[01:57:26] <sonion_> newlinux: where did you go on vacation?
did you get so drunk that the kids drew penii on your forehead or
268[01:57:48] <cabraturgo> yeah, through Evolution form
doesn't even let me login but through online accounts works, I
don't know why didn't think of that
269[01:57:59] <newlinux> sonion_: Does that really matter for
270[01:58:32] <missmbob> so long as you remember for next time
271[01:58:41] <cabraturgo> sure, thanks again ^^
272[01:58:57] <sonion_> well i paid $20 for these pics that
claimed they were of you and i don't want to get scammed again
273[01:59:24] <TomTomTosch> newlinux: wipe the drive. dd
if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/<the drive> wait a few hours,
depending on the size.
274[02:00:12] <newlinux> TomTomTosch: Thank you, is that 1 pass
with random data?
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276[02:00:19] <TomTomTosch> yes
277[02:00:37] <sonion_> you will need exactly 212 passes - siri
told me this
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279[02:00:46] <newlinux> TomTomTosch: May I ask, whats different
between 00s pass or random data?
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282[02:01:53] <TomTomTosch> the idea is that random data
introduces noise that makes forensic analysis harder.
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286[02:03:37] <TomTomTosch> /dev/zero is faster, though.
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292[02:03:58] <missmbob> hella faster
293[02:04:27] <newlinux> TomTomTosch: So what I have to do is,
install USB bootable debian or ubuntu. And then boot and run dd
if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/<the drive>?
294[02:04:27] <MrCthulhu> hi
295[02:04:29] <newlinux> Thats it?
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298[02:04:56] <missmbob> or just use the secure erase option in
299[02:05:13] <TomTomTosch> you need to boot from a different
drive, yes.
300[02:05:21] <newlinux> missmbob: what secure erase option?
301[02:05:31] <jmcnaught> ,i nwipe
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305[02:05:32] <judd> Package nwipe (utils, extra) in
jessie/amd64: Utility to securely erase disks. Version: 0.17-1;
Size: 29.8k; Installed: 116k; Homepage:
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307[02:05:48] <missmbob> newlinux: it's in ubuntu live,
like i said
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309[02:06:00] <missmbob> newlinux: tool that wipes it securely
without you doing anything
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313[02:06:16] <missmbob> like i said before
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315[02:06:44] <newlinux> ok thank you
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320[02:07:40] <newlinux> whats the different between using
nwipe, secure erase option in ubuntu and dd?
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322[02:08:04] <jmcnaught> the user interface
323[02:08:21] <newlinux> ok
324[02:08:38] <sonion_> newlinux: if you are this concerned
about your holiday pics 1. see a priest or turn yourself into
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326[02:09:09] <missmbob> wow. that one was actually funny
327[02:09:21] <newlinux> sonion_: there could be nude pictures
on your mother, thats why :)
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329[02:09:31] <sonion_> they all are at this end... that is the
330[02:09:31] <jmcnaught> nwipe is what i used last time i
needed to wipe some drives
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332[02:09:43] <missmbob> i used a drill
333[02:10:02] <newlinux> sonion_: sorry bro, i was joking with
you :)
334[02:10:20] <jmcnaught> i just needed to get rid of old raid
and lvm metadata
335[02:10:21] <sonion_> newlinux: no problem - you probably got
them off her site anyway
336[02:10:44] <TomTomTosch> classy...
337[02:10:53] <jmcnaught> newlinux: sonion_: please take this
somewhere else.
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339[02:11:09] <sonion_> uh oh the fuzz
340[02:11:12] <sonion_> :)
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379[02:34:13] <p1kanuku> #flood
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381[02:34:57] <dvs> #drought
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385[02:37:11] <sonion_> personally i'd rather see offtopic
rather then nothing - don't you want freenode to think debian
is hot?
386[02:37:29] <missmbob> offtopic should be in #debian-offtopic
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388[02:37:48] <p1kanuku> #debian-offtopic
389[02:38:10] <missmbob> use a / in front p1kanuku
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391[02:40:37] <bazhang> /join
392[02:42:37] <sonion_> and this ain't offtopic ?
393[02:42:56] <sonion_> why yes it is sonion_ - thank you for
bringing it to our attention
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401[02:50:31] <newlinux> sonion_:
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403[02:51:25] <missmbob> newlinux: when you do things like that
(especially youtube) you risk hundreds of thousands of people adding
you to /ignore i want to do you now
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405[02:51:59] <missmbob> hundres..not thousands...heh
406[02:52:09] <missmbob> fuck
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408[02:52:19] <dvs> meeellions!
409[02:52:45] <sonion_> newlinux: do you have testdisl/photorec
- give it a try i think you will not be happy
410[02:53:12] <bazhang> testdisk
411[02:53:20] <sonion_> and interpol already has a file on you -
so don't bother hiding ;)
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414[02:55:41] <UUSSEERR> hello all I am having an issue. I have
upgraded one of my smaller devices to debian sid. When the choice
came to keep my custom grub setup I erroneously chose to instead of
generating a new one (it has a 32 bit uefi and a 64 bit system). Now
I amstill booting 3.16 and do not know how to boot to the 4.9
kernel. It isn't even in the boot directory. I have looked all
over. Thank you for your time and any guidance you may share!
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416[02:55:47] <sonion_> seriously you are better off just
changing partition sizes and reformating them with ntfs - no one
would even think of undoing it - who hasn't got your interpol
file that is
417[02:56:15] <missmbob> 4.9 is in jessie-backports
418[02:56:21] <missmbob> !jessie-backports
419[02:56:21] <dpkg> Some packages intended for Stretch (Debian
9) but recompiled for use with "Jessie" (8.x) can be found
in the "jessie-backports" repository. See
420[02:56:28] <missmbob> read the url with instructions
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423[02:57:33] <UUSSEERR> I am upgraded to sid I just need to
boot correctly.sudo apt-get dist-upgrade shows no changes needed. my
sources.list only grab from sid
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427[02:57:55] <UUSSEERR> it is a grub issue
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429[02:58:31] <UUSSEERR> update-grub doesnt help either
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431[02:58:35] <jelly> sonion_: try to keep chatter in here to a
minimum next time, esp. when there's actual support questions
being dealt with. 2 hours quiet.
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437[03:01:58] <UUSSEERR> I'm sorry if I am confusing by 4.9
I mean whatever comes with sid. (4.x?)
438[03:02:17] <jelly> ,kernels
439[03:02:18] <judd> Available kernel versions are:
experimental: 4.11.0-trunk-686 (4.11-1~exp2); sid: 4.9.0-3-686
(4.9.25-1); stretch: 4.9.0-2-686 (4.9.18-1); jessie-backports:
4.9.0-0.bpo.2-686-pae (4.9.18-1~bpo8+1); jessie: 3.16.0-4-686-pae
(3.16.43-2); wheezy-backports: 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae
(3.16.39-1+deb8u1~bpo70+1); wheezy: 3.2.0-4-686-pae (3.2.88-1)
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441[03:02:31] <jelly> still 4.9
442[03:02:43] <missmbob> sid support is in #debian-next on oftc
443[03:02:51] <jelly> that too
444[03:02:57] <UUSSEERR> tysm!!!
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619[05:32:44] <johefernan> How do I change bind9 default 53 port
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622[05:34:39] <TomG2> not sure, try a web search?
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624[05:35:26] <UUSSEERR> Here's one for you guys! Running
mate DE and the debian backround image persists after changing it in
mate appearance preferences. any help?
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749[07:38:26] <podosfero> hello, can someone with an ntfs
partition check if this command 'ntfs-3g -o windows_names'
works, please? the windows_names option is always ignored for some
reason, i tried 'mount -o windows_names' and 'mount
-t ntfs-3g -o windows_names', and in all cases it is ignored
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761[07:49:20] <missmbob> works for me in jessie
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770[07:55:18] <podosfero> hello missmbob , enter mount, do you
see windows_names among the mount options for the ntfs partition? if
no, then it was ignored in your system also
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782[07:57:11] <podosfero> missmbob: in case it didn't
notify you
783[07:58:31] <missmbob> i'm in the drive, browsing
it...but sudo mount |grep ntfs is blank. i dont know wtf that means
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788[08:00:00] <podosfero> missmbob: check with grep 3g and grep
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794[08:02:29] <podosfero> missmbob: one of the two or both will
output at least one match
795[08:03:48] <BanHammor> MissionCritical, can you just pastebin
the mount output?
796[08:03:54] <BanHammor> blerg, wrong m
797[08:04:12] <BanHammor> missmbob, ^
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913[09:14:18] <robert__> im having a panic attack, I can't
do something simple.
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917[09:14:54] <robert__> I just want to be able to install
jockey-text or manage my drivers another way
918[09:15:14] <robert__> can someone help me switch from
nvidia-376 to nvidia-340xx?
919[09:15:52] <robert__> so tired of endless googling and unable
to get this working. so many reboots. so many copy pastes.
920[09:17:23] <jelly> robert__: which debian release?
921[09:17:50] <robert__> Kali 2, which I have modified some
sources file to act as 16.04
922[09:18:03] <tx> So, not debian?
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924[09:18:19] <jelly> !kali
925[09:18:20] <dpkg> Kali Linux (replaced-url
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929[09:20:50] <jelly> robert__: can you reproduce the issue on
an actual Debian installation? Debian 8 has 340.x as default
930[09:21:12] *** Quits: Jamboy (~olexve@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
931[09:21:18] <jelly> ,v nvidia-driver
932[09:21:19] <judd> Package: nvidia-driver on amd64 --
wheezy-backports/non-free: 340.102-1~bpo70+1; jessie/non-free:
340.102-1; jessie-backports/non-free: 375.39-1~bpo8+1;
stretch/non-free: 375.39-1; sid/non-free: 375.39-1
933[09:21:22] <robert__> Right now the issue is that I
don't know how to install jockey-gtk or jockey-text so I can
switch from 376 to 340
934[09:21:24] *** Quits: Espopore (~Espopore@replaced-ip) (Quit: leaving)
935[09:21:40] <robert__> also I guess I am not on the right
freenode server, since I don't really see a #kali-linux channel
936[09:21:50] <jelly> you're on freenode alright
937[09:22:06] *** Quits: dec0n (~dec0n@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
938[09:22:13] <robert__> i really need to learn more about how
drivers work under the hood
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940[09:22:40] <robert__> i can't be crying everytime I want
to mess around with compiling GPU miners and stuff.
941[09:22:52] <robert__> i would be even happy with some reading
material on that.
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943[09:23:01] <robert__> I just need to empower myself, because
this feeling is crippling.
944[09:23:03] *** Joins: dec0n (~dec0n@replaced-ip)
945[09:23:04] <jelly> however, that channel is +r which means
you need to have a registered NickServ account to join it
946[09:23:25] <robert__> ive registered, i just don't
remember the password before.
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949[09:23:58] <jelly> then remember it, or change it. /msg
NickServ help
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954[09:26:03] <robert__> okay, let me compose myself a little.
and lets time travel way back to the a debian question. How are
drivers managed? Where can I read about these systems?
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958[09:26:45] <robert__> I never want to be copy pasting things
again and immediately forgetting the solution afterwards.
959[09:26:53] *** Joins: jackNemrod_ (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
960[09:26:57] <robert__> I need to understand how it works, so I
can solve it on my own.
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963[09:27:59] <robert__> maybe a book? pdf? Something written by
the creator, RIP?
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966[09:28:31] <robert__> So that I can have reference material
that will teach me, instead helplessly googling and begging for
967[09:28:41] <robert__> Just a recommendation on how to level
968[09:29:13] *** jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
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973[09:32:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1644
974[09:32:09] <qyyduii> Hi everyone! I just installed
debian-stable but I don't have the GPU drivers -- when i tried
a debian-unstable derivative the GPU drivers were there, does that
mean that i should switch to unstable?
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977[09:32:57] <tx> You just need to use the package manager to
install the GPU drivers for your vendor.
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979[09:33:02] <tx> on stable
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981[09:33:52] <qyyduii> they aren't available i have a
Radeon 4530 mobile
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990[09:36:16] <tx> qyyduii: for the proprietary drivers you will
need to add "non-free" to your sources.list file at the
end of your debian repo line(s)
991[09:36:29] <tx> OR
992[09:36:35] <tx> use the free radeon driver, I'd give
that a go first.
993[09:36:36] *** Joins: Trendrrr (~anon@replaced-ip)
994[09:37:02] <tx> Just checking device support for the free
995[09:37:42] *** Joins: Lowl3v3l (~lowl3v3l@replaced-ip)
996[09:38:57] <tx> Seems like it only supports 7xxx and up.. hm.
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999[09:39:18] <tx> May need to use the non-free one then (I
think the older versions may not be compatible with newer releases
of xorg)
1000[09:39:33] <robert__> robert__ already has a password change
key outstanding.
1001[09:39:34] *** Quits: MicroCheapFx (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1002[09:39:47] <robert__> not my day.
1003[09:41:04] *** Joins: niko (~niko@replaced-ip)
1004[09:41:09] <qyyduii> tx. "The AMD Catalyst Legacy driver
- supporting the Radeon HD 2000/3000/4000 series - is not available
for Debian 8 "Jessie", as upstream has not updated the
driver for newer Xorg releases"
1005[09:41:18] <qyyduii>
1006[09:41:44] <jelly> qyyduii: what does the "lspci
-nn" line for your card look like?
1007[09:41:45] <qyyduii> :/
1008[09:42:17] <jelly> robert__: not your day to read email, or
not your day to pick a different nickname?
1009[09:42:20] <qyyduii> jelly. 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller
[0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV710/M92 [Mobility
Radeon HD 4530/4570/545v] [1002:9553]
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1012[09:43:37] <jelly> qyyduii: get kernel from jessie-backports
1013[09:43:40] <jelly>
pci:v00001002d00009553sv*sd*bc*sc*i* radeon
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1015[09:44:04] <jelly> stretch seems to have _some_ support in
free drivers for 1002:9553
1016[09:44:29] *** robert__ is now known as spinNspiral
1017[09:44:34] <jelly> so that means the update bdo kernel will
have some as well
1018[09:44:58] <qyyduii> jelly: sorry for being a noob but what
does "from jessie-backports" mean?
1019[09:44:59] <jelly> dpkg, tell qyyduii about bdo kernel
1020[09:45:05] <jelly> dpkg, tell qyyduii about jessie-backports
1021[09:45:12] <qyyduii> thanks
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1025[09:45:48] <jelly> if your (other) hardware requires
firmware, you'll need to upgrade that to jessie-backports as
1026[09:45:54] <qyyduii> will try and be back
1027[09:46:07] <jelly> ,v xserver-xorg-video-radeon
1028[09:46:08] <judd> Package: xserver-xorg-video-radeon on amd64
-- wheezy: 1:6.14.4-8; jessie: 1:7.5.0-1; jessie-backports:
1:7.8.0-1~bpo8+1; stretch: 1:7.8.0-1+b1; sid: 1:7.8.0-1+b1
1029[09:46:16] <jelly> possibly that one as well
1030[09:46:24] <spinNspiral> dpkg, tell spinNspiral about bdo
1031[09:46:51] <jelly> asking the bot about stuff works as well,
/msg dpkg stuff
1032[09:47:14] <tx> qyyduii: is it in backports?
1033[09:47:21] <tx> er, oops, already mentioned :)
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1037[09:50:55] <qyyduii> i'm now in the process of switching
to testing, can i add the line jessie backport after?
1038[09:51:59] <towo^work> in stretch will never be
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1040[09:52:02] <tx> stick with your distro release stream
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1043[09:52:12] <tx> don't pick and choose
1044[09:52:24] <tx> You might end up with broken packages.
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1059[09:57:02] <spinNspiral> #kali-linux told me to go to #linux.
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1106[10:25:56] <folivora> Hi, i need to use rest of the available
space on my disk. Is this right syntax? part raid.0006 --size 1
--grow --ondrive=sdb
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1108[10:28:14] <x0n> hI!
1109[10:28:19] <x0n> :D
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1131[10:38:47] <celyr> folivora, I would say no
1132[10:38:56] <celyr> folivora, but depends on your system
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1134[10:40:15] <jubo2> I am retireing a server for recycling into
hypervisor just to get a new clean fresh one
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1136[10:40:37] <jubo2> I dunno if this is wise. The server is
fine. no problems since installation
1137[10:41:03] <jubo2> I'd be replacing a well working
though a little filled up Debian 8 with a new Debian 8
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1140[10:41:52] <jubo2> part of the logic is that reinstall gets
rid of many types of got rooted situations.. if you do it
consistently some of them will not be imaginary in a lifetiem
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1152[10:51:42] <dob1> hi, i have a wheezy installation, i would
like to update to jessie. I read some documentation but i don't
understand what will happen to custom scripts in /etc/init.d/ linked
in rc2.d for example
1153[10:52:01] <dob1> they will continue to work? i have to
modify them?
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1161[10:56:54] <jubo2> Uptine 204 d
1162[10:57:17] <jubo2> I could totally keep this server and use
it for development
1163[10:57:37] <jubo2> but something says to scrap it and get a
new one with new sudoable passwd
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1165[10:58:43] <jubo2> When is nine coming out?
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1170[11:00:02] <jelly> !wwsr
1171[11:00:02] <dpkg> Well... it's starting to get
distinctly chilly... Debian 9 "Stretch" will probably
release in mid-2017. It will release sooner if you help fix bugs in
stretch and sid... take that as a challenge. Ask me about
<stretch freeze>, <how-can-i-help>
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1175[11:00:46] <jelly> dob1: in general, they will continue to
work if they have valid LSB headers
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1177[11:01:09] <jelly> dob1: if unsure, you can keep using
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1179[11:01:39] <jelly> try it in a test environment if unsure
1180[11:02:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1662
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1182[11:03:42] <dob1> jelly, this seems valid LSB headers, right
1183[11:04:15] <jelly> dob1: yeah, that looks fine
1184[11:04:42] <jelly> systemd ought to work in LSB compability
mode with init scripts like that
1185[11:04:54] * jelly can't type today
1186[11:05:31] <jelly> dob1: for starters you ought to read the
release notes in any case
1187[11:05:35] <jelly> !jessie release notes
1188[11:05:35] <dpkg> Release notes for Debian 8
"Jessie" are at
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1273[11:40:26] <bipul> What is the use of debconf-utils ?
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1279[11:42:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1675
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1283[11:43:33] <babilen> bipul: Why do you ask? What's the
context? Are you familiar with debconf and its use in Debian?
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1288[11:44:43] <bipul> babilen, I am writing a script in python
for debian distribution.
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1290[11:45:37] <bipul> And i my python script will automate the
LAMP task, but for the configuration, i think i need to know about
1291[11:45:47] <bipul> And my*
1292[11:46:20] <babilen> Wouldn't using a tool like
SaltStack or Ansible be more appropriate there?
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1294[11:47:09] <bipul> if you write your own things, it will help
you to understand the mechanism. :)
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1318[12:01:49] <fbaca> any idea how I can preload the AHCI kernel
module when I am netbooting the installer? I have one USB hard drive
and one M2 SSD. When the USB drive is plugged in the installer will
not detect any M2 SSD because it does not load the AHCI module. The
moment I run modprobe AHCI I can see the SSD drive. If I boot the
installer with the USB drive unplugeed the SSD
1319[12:01:49] <fbaca> is correctly detected.
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1324[12:02:28] <BluesKaj> howdy folks
1325[12:02:34] <LINUX-NEW> hi guys anyone can help me with vsfptd
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1349[12:14:14] <OtakuSenpai> yesterday i downloaded runescape and
then today when i try to run it
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1352[12:14:47] <OtakuSenpai> it waits/hangs on the "Loading
application" step at 97%
1353[12:14:53] <OtakuSenpai> what is going on?
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1381[12:33:04] <OtakuSenpai> guys anyone help me?
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1387[12:36:18] <MoonKid> sorry, wrong language. :D
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1389[12:36:37] <MoonKid> Ah I found a mirror for tails. Hope the
download will work.
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1393[12:37:48] <OtakuSenpai> anyone can tell me why this
runescape app is not running?
1394[12:38:26] <Vizva> <MoonKid>
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1396[12:38:34] <Vizva> vielleicht geht es auch über opera
1397[12:39:05] <OtakuSenpai> guys?
1398[12:39:29] <hyure> hmmm i switched to testing and upgraded
but i still dont have those gpu drivers
1399[12:39:42] <hyure> should i switch to sid now?
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1401[12:40:10] <crash_> sid is pretty frozen at the moment
beacuse of the stretch freeze
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1423[12:48:17] <towo^work> hyure, "those gpu drivers"
should be what?
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1429[12:52:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1678
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1431[12:52:45] <hyure> towo^work 01:00.0 VGA compatible
controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV710/M92
[Mobility Radeon HD 4530/4570/545v] [1002:9553]
1432[12:53:11] <towo^work> you allwways have the drivers, radeon
1433[12:53:20] *** Quits: techping (~techping@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
1434[12:53:31] <towo^work> you need firmware-linux-nonfree for
correct working
1435[12:53:49] <hyure> towo^work but they aren't there
1436[12:53:57] <towo^work> sure thay are
1437[12:53:58] <hyure> The AMD Catalyst Legacy driver -
supporting the Radeon HD 2000/3000/4000 series - is not available
for Debian 8 "Jessie", as upstream has not updated the
driver for newer Xorg releases
1438[12:54:07] <hyure>
1439[12:54:10] *** Quits: sbasso_ (~sbasso@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1440[12:54:12] <towo^work> fglrx is dead
1441[12:54:24] <towo^work> you want the free radeon
1442[12:54:42] <hyure> however i tested a debian derivative
(subgraph) and it actually worked
1443[12:54:49] <towo^work> and for them, you need
firmware-linux-nonfree, or firmware-amd-graphics
1444[12:54:54] <hyure> - i.e. the drivers
1445[12:55:00] <towo^work> again, fglrx is dead
1446[12:55:03] <towo^work> period
1447[12:55:46] <hyure> ok will try hope it works
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1450[12:56:44] <hyure> The radeon driver in Debian 8
"Jessie" supports R100 to Hawaii (Radeon 7000 - Radeon R9
290) GPUs.
1451[12:56:54] <hyure>
1452[12:57:14] <hyure> no 4350 :[
1453[12:57:30] *** Joins: Guest81245 (~anonymous@replaced-ip)
1454[12:57:32] <towo^work> sure, 4350 is supported, since ages
1455[12:57:59] <hyure> so i install xserver-xorg-video-ati ?
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1457[12:58:38] <towo^work> normaly xserver-xorg-video-ati comes
preinstalled, if not, yes
1458[12:58:38] <hyure> and firmware-linux-nonfree ?
1459[12:58:49] <towo^work> and again, you need at minimum
1460[12:59:05] *** Joins: Pjusur (~Pjusur@replaced-ip)
1461[12:59:08] <towo^work> and stretch support is in #debian-next
on oftc network
1462[12:59:33] <hyure> ok will go there
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1464[13:00:12] <hyure> thanks
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1484[13:07:51] <OtakuSenpai> jelly: hey do you mind a
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1553[13:51:16] <OtakuSenpai> why the fuck doesnt it work MAN!!!
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1559[13:52:52] <andre144k> someone knows how to restart a
"usersession" inside vnc-viewer/vnc-server when i logged
out xorg-session as user?
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1564[13:56:37] <OtakuSenpai> ,v runescape
1565[13:56:50] <OtakuSenpai> ,v runescape
1566[13:56:59] <judd> Package: runescape on amd64 --
sid/non-free: 0.1-4; stretch/non-free: 0.1-4
1567[13:57:00] <judd> Package: runescape on amd64 --
sid/non-free: 0.1-4; stretch/non-free: 0.1-4
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1569[13:57:53] <OtakuSenpai> fuck it man
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1572[13:59:11] <OtakuSenpai> anyone help me
1573[13:59:23] <OtakuSenpai> its been like this for a FUCKING 3
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1582[14:01:36] <Eryn_1983_FL> whats gooing on?
1583[14:02:10] <Eryn_1983_FL> runescape?
1584[14:02:19] <OtakuSenpai> i cant run runescape on debian
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1586[14:02:33] <Eryn_1983_FL> whats the error you are getting?
1587[14:02:37] <teraflops> someone needs an infusion of lime
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1591[14:03:11] <OtakuSenpai> no error.just tht it hangs on the
Loading applications part at 97%
1592[14:03:19] <OtakuSenpai> for a fucking 3 hours
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1595[14:03:33] <Eryn_1983_FL> mmm
1596[14:04:07] <Eryn_1983_FL> well why dont u got well at the
creators for runscape app..
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1599[14:04:22] <Eryn_1983_FL> cause we are debian here and
support anything but that.
1600[14:04:28] <teraflops> !testing
1601[14:04:29] <dpkg> Testing is a continuously updated release
between <stable> and <unstable>, currently codenamed
<stretch>. See
1602[14:04:49] <Eryn_1983_FL> oh yeah and that ^
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1605[14:05:29] <teraflops> there's a shorter factoid but I
don't remember it
1606[14:05:34] <Eryn_1983_FL> haha
1607[14:06:54] <teraflops> OtakuSenpai: try asking in
server/channel the factoid pointed to
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1611[14:08:50] <babilen> And also debug what it is doing (e.g.
strace, ...)
1612[14:09:06] <babilen> Ah, non-free .. can't be arsed
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1619[14:12:29] <OtakuSenpai> babilen: teraflops i found the error
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1625[14:13:46] <teraflops> see? we help you after all... moral
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1630[14:15:05] <OtakuSenpai> teraflops:
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1632[14:15:19] <OtakuSenpai> can you tell me where i can contact
the developers?
1633[14:15:39] <teraflops> i have no idea
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1641[14:17:37] <altyr> OtakuSenpai: emailing jagex might work.
it's a non-free program so nobody here will be able to fix it
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1643[14:17:54] <OtakuSenpai> hmm
1644[14:18:22] <altyr> you can try the official launcher from
their website to see if there's any difference to the package
in the debian repo
1645[14:18:27] <OtakuSenpai> teraflops: altyr what about there a deb for tht?
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1647[14:19:37] <OtakuSenpai> its a free game and i tried their
intaller a few days ago
1648[14:19:43] <OtakuSenpai> but its crappy
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1650[14:20:07] *** Parts: okao (~ookura@replaced-ip)
1651[14:21:35] <altyr> OtakuSenpai: "apt search
planeshift" and google are much faster than me
1652[14:22:10] <OtakuSenpai> ok
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1658[14:26:08] <altyr> OtakuSenpai: if you're looking for
games in general the games-finest task contains a number of games
included with debian. you can also install steam from the debian
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1664[14:27:25] <OtakuSenpai> altyr: ok ill see tht
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1673[14:30:58] <jonathan_x> question: I have a sparse file that I
know for a fact contains about 900MB of real data. But when I copy
it with cp --sparse=always only some 29MB of that remains in du -h
1674[14:31:04] <jonathan_x> how can that be?
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1676[14:32:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1684
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1689[14:40:53] <jonathan_x> meanwhile dd goes through the list of
uallocated space at 636MB/s.... probably converting it to zeroes
before making it sparse again.
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1693[14:42:19] <jonathan_x> thus far my "sparse
experience" has been rather sparse ;-).
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1695[14:42:41] <jonathan_x> as in close to impossible...
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1699[14:44:05] <klacek> du -h --apparent-size
1700[14:44:18] <klacek> shows the expected 600mb?
1701[14:44:21] <jonathan_x> the apparent size is much bigger
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1704[14:44:26] <jonathan_x> 2TB
1705[14:44:49] <klacek> only the 'i know for a cadt'
thing could be fishy here imho
1706[14:44:49] <klacek> :D
1707[14:44:57] <klacek> *fact
1708[14:45:03] <jonathan_x> it is an image of a root filesystem
1709[14:46:00] <klacek> apparent size on the replica?
1710[14:46:03] <jonathan_x> it really cannot have less than the
amount of data put in there besides du -hcs shows the original image
as having 900MB
1711[14:46:04] <klacek> 2tb?
1712[14:46:13] <jonathan_x> yes of course.
1713[14:46:19] <klacek> ... glhf
1714[14:46:20] <klacek> :)
1715[14:46:31] <jonathan_x> 2tb disk, root partition is 4gb
1716[14:46:40] <jonathan_x> and contains about 700MB of data I
1717[14:46:51] *** Joins: x032cx (~lxuser@replaced-ip)
1718[14:46:52] <jonathan_x> a little more
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1724[14:48:09] <klacek> cp without sparse=always doesn't
work as expected?
1725[14:48:29] <jonathan_x> the original image is fine, but cp
takes 3 seconds to copy it, and ... idk really :p.
1726[14:48:48] <jonathan_x> dd takes like 15 minutes to copy 2tb
of empty. :p.
1727[14:49:08] <klacek> 3 seconds seems legit for me copying ~
1728[14:49:13] <jonathan_x> not on this system
1729[14:49:45] <jonathan_x> unless it is read from cache and
written to cache
1730[14:49:45] <dob1> what is a sparse file?
1731[14:49:53] <jonathan_x> a file with holes in it that are not
1732[14:50:02] <jonathan_x> and that would read as zeroes
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1734[14:50:12] <dob1> why you have a file like this?
1735[14:50:14] <jonathan_x> without being read
1736[14:50:24] <jonathan_x> it's a good way to make images
of mostly empty disks :p
1737[14:50:37] <jonathan_x> so the image doesn't cost 2tb
but only 900MB on disk.
1738[14:50:53] <dob1> ah ok, got it dd if=/dev/zero of=foo, like
this =?
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1742[14:51:06] <klacek> yes
1743[14:51:09] *** Joins: kedare (~kedare@replaced-ip)
1744[14:51:16] <dob1> ok thanks
1745[14:51:17] <jonathan_x> that would happen for the holes.
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1751[14:53:07] <TandyUK> hey guys having i think a permissions
issue trying to setup a user for remote backups onto one of my
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1754[14:53:45] <TandyUK> we have a structure /data (owned by
root:management), /data/backups (the same) and
/data/backups/customer, whcih is owned by the new accoutn i just
created for $user
1755[14:54:18] <TandyUK> /etc/passwd lists it correctly, but when
logging in (using su - user), i get "No directory, logging in
with HOME=/"
1756[14:54:27] <TandyUK> any suggestions what to check?
1757[14:54:39] <jonathan_x> whether the user has execute and read
permissions on the upper directories.
1758[14:54:53] <jonathan_x> particularly execute I think.
1759[14:55:00] <TandyUK> ah the user isnt in management, an
theyre not world reald/executable
1760[14:55:15] <jonathan_x> then they cannot traverse to that
1761[14:55:24] <TandyUK> hmm ok, need to rethink this structure
1762[14:55:31] <jonathan_x> ok, roger.
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1765[14:56:30] <jonathan_x> you only need execute
1766[14:56:42] <jonathan_x> it would leave the upper dirs
unreadable, but you can get through them.
1767[14:57:07] <bezaban> which could be handy for hiding
customers from each other
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1769[14:57:38] <jonathan_x> @ TandyUK
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1771[14:59:02] <TandyUK> yeah thats the goal, but while also
having our management easily able to get the $customer backups
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1773[14:59:20] <jonathan_x> lol cp without --sparse=always did
copy it normally :p. Thanks.
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1775[14:59:41] <every55bad> hi
1776[14:59:42] <every55bad> my cpu seems to always be at more
than 10% usage even at idle
1777[14:59:51] <every55bad> wonder what the issue may be here
1778[15:00:01] <every55bad> it's due to xorg and gnome shell
1779[15:00:12] <jelly> didn't you just ask the same thing in
1780[15:00:14] *** Joins: Cy-GorWork (~IceChat9@replaced-ip)
1781[15:00:53] <jelly> no, it was 20 minutes ago. Alright then
1782[15:01:02] <TandyUK> ah sorted :)
1783[15:01:31] <jonathan_x> TandyUK: so if you make the
directories world traversable but not readable, and you make the
customer directory not world readable nor traversable, you have what
you want right.
1784[15:01:38] <bezaban> TandyUK: should be fine with 771 (or
775) on the upper directories, but there are more fine grained ACLs
possible with setfacl
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1786[15:02:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1691
1787[15:02:07] <bezaban> or redesign :)
1788[15:02:38] <TandyUK> generally world has no rights at all
1789[15:02:47] <bezaban> I agree to that approach
1790[15:02:58] <TandyUK> so ive just added o+x to the /data and
/data/backups folders
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1792[15:03:27] <bezaban> with 771 you should only navigate there,
and the actual customer data domain can restrict listing of contents
1793[15:03:37] <bezaban> s/domain/folder/
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1800[15:06:59] <ForceRecon> how can you tell which hardware is
associated with which wireless network
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1803[15:08:59] <jelly> ForceRecon: lspci -k will show you which
pci card uses which kernel module (driver)
1804[15:10:05] <bezaban> iwconfig should show more details about
each connected network
1805[15:10:09] <jer0me> hey there, I have some weird "hard
reboot when idle" issues on my thinkpad x220, where my laptop
would hard reboot itself when idling for some time. Ever heard of
something like that?
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1817[15:13:33] <jonathan_x> jer0me:
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1825[15:16:31] <jer0me> jonathan_x: weird indeed. The battery is
brand new and the laptop is connectet to AC, the BIOS is up to date.
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1827[15:16:46] <jer0me> Let's try to disable the shutdown
1828[15:17:52] <jonathan_x> bit annoying you only find these
things after you buy something ;-).
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1835[15:20:31] <aypea[1]> hey folks. is there a boot paramater to
tell initramfs to drop me to shell /before/ mounting rootfs?
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1848[15:25:04] <rjsalts> aypea[1]: you could do root=/nonexistent
and it will fail to mount and drop you into busybox
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1851[15:27:36] <aypea[1]> rjsalts: a plan most-cunning. I like
it. :)
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1855[15:28:35] <jer0me> jonathan_x: I don't know how to
diagnose this issue further though.
1856[15:28:54] <jer0me> jonathan_x: there is actually no
workaround in this post :(
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1860[15:30:22] <TandyUK> jer0me: do the logs actually indicate it
is rebooting, could be some hardware issue causing it to reset,
rather than reboot
1861[15:31:05] <jer0me> TandyUK: I can't find anything
relevant in the logs :( I ram memtest for a couple hours this
1862[15:31:43] <Hyp3ri0n> i was away to watch TV,and when i came
back i found my user login space in gdm to continuously show
"failed to login"
1863[15:31:53] *** Hyp3ri0n is now known as Cl0udN9ne
1864[15:32:30] <TandyUK> well first id suggest running memtest
1865[15:32:36] <Cl0udN9ne> how can i see what ip was trying to
login to my user?
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1873[15:36:46] <donofrio> so question if you're locked into
a chroot directory say /app for middleware services like apache,
jboss, tomcat, etc, (openssl, curl, php) what do I do to keep
chrooted apps as near to git'versioned as possable. What I mean
is we have linux folks that run out vm's but they do not
install or what version they install on os is just for os to use and
probably nor the newest version, so we've been compiling like
peasants and want to be
1874[15:36:46] <donofrio> able to use a package mangement mindset
inside of the chrooted /app directory
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1883[15:41:04] <Cl0udN9ne> i changed my password to something
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1885[15:41:28] <Cl0udN9ne> but caan i get help as to see which ip
was trying to access my computer?
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1902[15:50:24] <jolt> donofrio: I would use docker or lxc
containers for that stuff. Then they can install bleeding edge
stuff, while you still retain some sanity. Not that docker have
it's own issues, but atleast the apps are containerized.
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1918[15:54:39] <rocketmagnet> hey there, i've a short
question: how on earth can add a custom command to an lxpanel ? i
only get a list with the .desktop files for the system but i
can't find an entry to add a custom command that can be started
with the lxpanel :(
1919[15:54:57] *** Quits: coke (coke@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1920[15:55:10] <donofrio> jolt, but these are all built from git
and such, it's almost like we need a emerge logic to the
chrooted jail....
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1931[15:58:44] <jolt> donofrio: This is not about debian really,
but we build our docker images automatically by pulling from repos
and then deploying on servers automatically with ansible.
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1938[16:03:57] <Iridos> rocketmagnet, "application launch
bar" settings?
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1943[16:07:08] <Iridos> if you're talking about
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1946[16:07:23] <rocketmagnet> Iridos: i've a "Panel
settings" window where i can spaces, apps from the .desktop
list but i find nothing like "custom command"
1947[16:07:32] <Iridos> yeah, I guess those are kind of internal
mappings to whatever
1948[16:08:13] <Iridos> rocketmagnet, I just added those to the
context menu editing .config/openbox/menu.xml
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1950[16:08:57] <rocketmagnet> i just have the folder, the
menu.xml file is missig
1951[16:09:03] <rocketmagnet> i'm on jessie here
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1954[16:09:30] <rocketmagnet> do i realy need to create a custom
.desktop file for every different variant want an icon for ???
1955[16:09:37] <Iridos> oh, you probably want lxde-rc.xml
1956[16:09:40] <Iridos> or so
1957[16:09:49] <rocketmagnet> this file is here
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1960[16:10:14] <Iridos> not sure which is the active one…
but by default lxde uses openbox as a DE
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1962[16:10:33] <Iridos> and that file changes the context menue
that you get when you right-click anywhere on the background
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1965[16:10:45] <Iridos> and no idea how that panel works
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1967[16:11:23] <rocketmagnet> Iridos: but i see no other example
of how to add my custom app (also own icon is important)
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1971[16:13:47] <Iridos> hm, seems so
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1973[16:14:03] <Iridos> and the .desktop files that the panel
references are in /var/lib/menu-xdg/applications/menu-xdg/
1974[16:14:11] <Cl0udN9ne> Iridos: can you help me?
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1977[16:14:37] <Cl0udN9ne> i was away to watch TV,and when i came
back i found my user login space in gdm to continuously show
"failed to login"
1978[16:14:51] <Cl0udN9ne> how can i see what ip was trying to
login to my user?
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1980[16:15:00] <Cl0udN9ne> i changed my password to something
1981[16:15:08] <Cl0udN9ne> but caan i get help as to see which ip
was trying to access my computer?
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1984[16:15:53] <Iridos> sounds more like someone tried to log on
locally… where exactly did you see the message
1985[16:16:15] <Cl0udN9ne> in the gdm user login screen
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1987[16:16:31] <Cl0udN9ne> nobody could touch my computer at home
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1998[16:18:49] <donofrio> jolt, yes we use ansable as well ;)
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2011[16:22:26] <charlie_> Is there a simple way to have
‘hdparm -y /dev/sda2’ run on shutdown or reboot?
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2013[16:23:16] <Iridos> your cat could have hit "enter"
which would have been sufficient
2014[16:24:13] <Iridos> charlie_, that doesn't make sense
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2029[16:31:08] <Iridos> and on normal home setups you'd be
behind a nat and nobody could access the machine from remote either
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2038[16:34:34] <Iridos> and if you're not behind a nat,
you'd still need to have /etc/gdm3/daemon.conf with something
in the xdmcp section to allow for remote logins
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2042[16:35:17] <Hyp3ri0n> Iridos: i got logged out due to network
2043[16:35:25] <charlie_> Iridos: it’s a command to
spindown my usb drive before the power is cut to it.
2044[16:35:37] <Hyp3ri0n> how can i ban the ip which was trying
to log into my system?
2045[16:35:38] *** Quits: Hyp3ri0n (~OtakuSenp@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
2046[16:35:40] <charlie_> I want to run that before the machine
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2054[16:37:08] <TvL2386> charlie_: how about you create a systemd
service or something that does that?
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2058[16:38:14] <TvL2386> charlie_: and btw: doesn't the
drive automatically spin up when something is mounting it or trying
to access data? So you only have to bring it down on system
2059[16:38:47] <charlie_> TvL2386: yeah, just spin down I need to
worry about
2060[16:39:09] <charlie_> I’ll have a look at what you
suggested, thanks
2061[16:39:36] <Iridos> charlie_, yes, I know, but ACPI should
shut it down as part of the poweroff event. And it doesn't make
sense to shut it down for a reboot anyway, because a reboot starts
reading for it again immediately
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2065[16:40:32] <TvL2386> charlie_: yeah and you have to make sure
that the spin down is the last thing that does something with the
disk, otherwise it may spin up again
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2067[16:40:45] <charlie_> It’s plugged into a raspberry pi
and its making this awful click sound when the power cuts to it for
reboot the same as if I yank the cable out while its in use.
2068[16:41:19] <charlie_> If I reboot my mac for example that
correctly ejects the drive and puts it to standby before cycling the
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2070[16:41:29] <charlie_> That’s why I’m trying to do
it manually.
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2072[16:41:42] <Iridos> oh, if it's external, that'd
work… if you unmount it and it doesn't have /
2073[16:41:47] <TvL2386> charlie_: maybe it's better do do
'hdparm -S <number> <dev>'... This causes the
drive to spin down after a timeout (read the man page, it's not
seconds) and execute this on systemd service stop.... On systemd
service start you disable this again
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2077[16:42:06] <charlie_> Yeah thats the command I was looking at
and it works when I run it manually.
2078[16:42:21] <charlie_> I want it to be run at reboot or
shutdown though automatically.
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2080[16:42:31] <charlie_> Sorry if I wasnt clear.
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2089[16:45:17] <missmbob> add it to cron
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2091[16:45:49] <Hyp3ri0n> Iridos: can you help me bro?
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2093[16:45:54] <Hyp3ri0n> how can i ban the ip which was trying
to log into my system?
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2096[16:46:25] <TvL2386> Hyp3ri0n: "log into my system"
you mean ssh into my system?
2097[16:46:36] <TvL2386> Hyp3ri0n: in that case: fail2ban
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2100[16:47:06] <TvL2386> or.... sudo iptables -I INPUT -s
$ASSHOLE_IP -p tcp --dport 22 -j DROP
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2117[16:50:44] <Hyp3ri0n> TvL2386: someone was trying to log into
my user account which i noticed through multiple failed to login
attempts at
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2120[16:51:24] <wr> icecat browser not on debian repos?
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2124[16:52:45] <altyr> ,v icecat
2125[16:52:46] <judd> No package named 'icecat' was
found in amd64.
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2135[16:54:48] <at0m> Hyp3ri0n: have a look at fail2ban
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2137[16:55:04] <Hyp3ri0n> ok
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2139[16:55:54] <TvL2386> yup.... f2b like I said and the quick
fix if you're worried: the iptables drop I just gave
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2142[16:56:43] <Iridos> charlie_, look at
2143[16:56:48] *** Joins: tanay (Elite19022@replaced-ip)
2144[16:56:50] <Iridos> "ejecting" a usb disk should
spin it down
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2147[16:57:19] <Iridos> (you probably should try that on your
disk using the "eject" command before trying to automate
2148[16:57:47] <Iridos> or rather
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2151[16:58:57] <Iridos> or just copy the systemd blarb and use
hdparm -y
2152[16:59:14] <tanay> how to install latest version of any
software in a debian based distro-ustable
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2156[16:59:45] <Iridos> however that distro did or did not
implement such a thing
2157[17:00:26] <TvL2386> tanay: apt-get dist-upgrade ?
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2160[17:01:09] <tanay> hmm. i am on deepin 15.4..... debian
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2171[17:05:59] <at0m> !debian-based
2172[17:05:59] <dpkg> Your distribution may be based on and have
software in common with Debian, but it is not Debian. We don't
and cannot know what changes were made by your distribution (compare
2173[17:06:10] <Iridos> you'll have to ask them. We only
answer questions on debian
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2176[17:06:33] <Iridos> if only for the reason that there are
about a gazillion distributions based on debian
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2178[17:07:13] <tanay> ok thanks!
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2182[17:08:00] <tanay> is there any way to add repository to
debian based systems ?
2183[17:08:05] <Iridos> funnily I can't even find out where
to ask
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2185[17:09:28] <altyr> Iridos: it's chinese
2186[17:09:48] <altyr> so if you don't speak chinese it
might be tricky
2187[17:09:48] <Iridos> yes, I figured that much out… and
it's at
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2195[17:11:34] <Iridos> possibly
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2199[17:13:25] <altyr> how does one teach dpkg about new things?
might be handy to have it know about deepin as we've had
multiple questions recently
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2206[17:16:01] <x032cx> !deepin
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2208[17:16:41] <Iridos> dpkg, deepin is <reply> deepin is a
chinese distribution <based on debian>. It is not supported on
#debian. Try their forums at
2209[17:16:42] <dpkg> Iridos: okay
2210[17:16:46] <Iridos> dpkg, deepin
2211[17:16:46] <dpkg> deepin is a chinese distribution <based
on debian>. It is not supported on #debian. Try their forums at
2212[17:17:01] <Iridos> dpkg, ~= s/chinese/Chinese/
2213[17:17:01] <dpkg> Iridos: are you using Windows?
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2217[17:17:10] <Iridos> dpkg, =~ s/chinese/Chinese/
2218[17:17:10] <dpkg> parse error: dunno what the heck
you're talking about, Iridos
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2220[17:17:13] <Iridos> meh
2221[17:17:21] <Iridos> dpkg, deepin ~= s/chinese/Chinese/
2222[17:17:22] <dpkg> wish i knew, Iridos
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2224[17:17:32] <Iridos> dpkg, deepin =~ s/chinese/Chinese/
2225[17:17:32] <dpkg> Iridos: OK
2226[17:17:37] <Iridos> holy fuck
2227[17:17:47] <x032cx> !deepin
2228[17:17:48] <dpkg> deepin is a Chinese distribution <based
on debian>. It is not supported on #debian. Try their forums at
2229[17:17:53] *** Joins: bub_ (~bub@replaced-ip)
2230[17:18:08] <altyr> that should do
2231[17:18:18] <Iridos> how is it I can never get that right,
despite it being the same as in perl
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2233[17:18:50] <tanay> who is dpkg? a bot?
2234[17:18:54] <altyr> maybe it's because it's like
2235[17:18:57] <altyr> tanay: yes
2236[17:19:01] *** Parts: bub_ (~bub@replaced-ip)
2237[17:19:05] <tanay> wao..... :)
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2241[17:20:51] <altyr> !beer tanay
2242[17:20:51] * dpkg pulls out an exquisite Jever for tanay
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2259[17:27:48] <charlie_> Iridos: thanks for the link, works
2260[17:29:32] <jelly> dpkg: listvals deepin
2261[17:29:34] <dpkg> Factoid search of 'deepin' by
value (1): deepin.
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2325[18:02:20] <nafetsreuab> hi, after latest security updates
for mariadb (installed with apt-get dist-upgrade), package
mariadb-server-10.0 is in state iF and upgrade process was not
successful, how can i fix this?
2326[18:03:20] <somiaj> nafetsreuab: you are in a half-configured
state, first try, dpkg --configure -a
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2329[18:03:55] <nafetsreuab> somiaj: i did, see paste log, its
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2332[18:04:39] <somiaj> that log does not give me the output of
dpkg --configure -a
2333[18:05:34] <jelly> nafetsreuab: are you still logged in on
pts/1 somewhere (screen, tmux)?
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2335[18:06:04] <nafetsreuab> no, its after a restart of the
2336[18:06:24] <jelly> are you SURE you actually restarted the
2337[18:07:14] <jelly> that ps output suggests it was not
restarted since last apt run.
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2344[18:10:22] <jelly> nafetsreuab: kill (but not with -9) any
dpkg processes, then run "dpkg --configure -a" inside
script -f, then if/when it hangs again, pastebin the contents of the
log (file named typescript by default)
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2352[18:12:59] <nafetsreuab> jelly: what is this inside script -f
2353[18:13:12] <nafetsreuab> i dont get it, is output of px aus
2354[18:14:03] <nafetsreuab>
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2358[18:14:38] <Iridos> dunno… is the output of ps telling
you what's happening and what you have to do?
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2362[18:15:03] <jelly> nafetsreuab: so dpkg --configure -a says
just that one line?
2363[18:15:10] <nafetsreuab> correct
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2365[18:15:36] <jelly> nafetsreuab: does it react to Ctrl-C ?
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2370[18:16:13] <nafetsreuab>
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2375[18:17:25] <jelly> nafetsreuab: okay, now try to figure where
it hangs. run again, and instead of ctrl-c do a ctrl-z
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2377[18:17:44] <nafetsreuab> done
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2379[18:17:45] <jelly> nafetsreuab: then look up the dpkg pid,
"jobs -p"
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2381[18:18:10] <jelly> then pastebin the output of pstree -Apa
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2383[18:19:00] <nafetsreuab>
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2387[18:19:52] <jelly> nafetsreuab: okay... seems like it's
doing something.
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2389[18:20:29] <jelly> > DESCRIPTION mysql_install_db
initializes the MySQL data directory and creates the system tables
that it contains, if they do not exist.
2390[18:21:10] <jelly> nafetsreuab: put it back into foreground
and let it finish, I guess. "fg"
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2392[18:21:48] <jelly> nafetsreuab: what's the longest you
waited before deciding it's hung?
2393[18:22:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1709
2394[18:22:12] <nafetsreuab> a few minutes, top is not showing
any load or i/o
2395[18:22:21] <setup> HELLO!
2396[18:22:23] *** Quits: HarveyPwca (~HarveyPwc@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2397[18:22:29] <setup> do ytou use windows 7?
2398[18:22:46] <jelly> nafetsreuab: yeah, that's slightly
2399[18:22:56] <setup> IKR
2400[18:22:58] <Iridos> top won't show i/o
2401[18:23:00] <jelly> setup: some people in ##windows channel
probably do.
2402[18:23:06] *** Quits: PHPanos (~textual@replaced-ip) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2403[18:23:13] <jelly> atop will show i/o
2404[18:23:36] <nafetsreuab> no easy way to install it atm
2405[18:23:49] <setup> ATM run WINDOWS XP
2406[18:23:53] <Iridos> so will iotop
2407[18:24:00] <setup> @Jelly
2408[18:24:06] <setup> but some do dualboot
2409[18:24:37] *** Joins: dreamon_ (~dreamon@replaced-ip)
2410[18:24:46] <jelly> setup: that is not relevant for a place
where Debian-specific issues are discussed
2411[18:25:49] <setup> But, it is. Dual booting is specific to
all OS that is install
2412[18:25:56] *** Joins: GenteelBen (GenteelBen@replaced-ip)
2413[18:25:57] <jelly> setup: unless you have a question about
your Debian installation, please keep quiet. We have
#debian-offtopic for chat about things that are not support related.
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2415[18:26:10] <nafetsreuab> jelly: thank you. its done.
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2417[18:26:18] <nafetsreuab> i stopped all processes that used
the sql database
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2419[18:26:20] <Iridos> heh
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2422[18:26:45] <setup> sorry
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2426[18:27:24] <jelly> nafetsreuab: mysql_install_db sounds like
something that only gets run during initial installation or MAYBE a
major server upgrade. If you've just migrated from mysql to
maria, perhaps this is normal
2427[18:27:36] <jelly> I'm guessing wildly at this point.
2428[18:28:14] <jelly> nafetsreuab: hope you have backups of your
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2432[18:29:34] <nafetsreuab> this was just a security update.
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2439[18:30:40] <jelly> I'm clueless about maria. Perhaps it
was a security upgrade that did a change in internal server stuff.
Who knows.
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2453[18:37:52] <ChrisH> When searching for CPU usage limit for a
eg. vlc convert job, where do I need to start searching. nice is not
enough here
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2457[18:39:34] <Iridos> how many cores does the machine have?
2458[18:39:45] <Iridos> and how much of your memory do you use
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2460[18:40:11] <fdgvs> hi guys
2461[18:40:19] <fdgvs> how can i force a module to unload?
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2464[18:40:27] <fdgvs> specifically, i want to fore unload i915
2465[18:40:40] <fdgvs> force*
2466[18:40:45] <fdgvs> i have already stopped X
2467[18:40:51] <jelly> fdgvs: if it's in use by something,
like the framebuffer console, you can't.
2468[18:40:59] <fdgvs> ahh right that is using it
2469[18:41:01] <fdgvs> true
2470[18:41:03] *** Joins: downtime (uptime@replaced-ip)
2471[18:41:08] <ChrisH> Iridos: 2 cores, 1 socket; memory: RSS
abt. 250MB
2472[18:41:11] <fdgvs> why doesnt lsmod show me that someone is
using it?
2473[18:41:28] <jelly> fdgvs: does it have 0 next to that module
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2476[18:41:46] <fdgvs> i915 957864 3
2477[18:41:48] *** Joins: mhg_ (~mhg@replaced-ip)
2478[18:41:50] <fdgvs> thats what it says
2479[18:42:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1718
2480[18:42:03] <jelly> 3 means three... somethings are using it.
2481[18:42:11] <fdgvs> ohh is that '3' column saying
that 3 other modules depend on it?
2482[18:42:16] <fdgvs> ohh ok
2483[18:42:22] <fdgvs> how can i find out which modules those
2484[18:42:25] <jelly> not necessarily modules.
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2486[18:42:42] <fdgvs> lsof comes to mind, but not sure how to
use to to find module deps
2487[18:42:45] <jelly> could be userspace, could be a builtin
part of the kernel
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2491[18:43:04] <Iridos> ChrisH, you can pin it to one core (both
processes, if need be)… but if you're swapping that
won't help… if some other disk IO is blocking …
well dunno.
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2494[18:43:26] <Iridos> well, it'll block any other IO
2495[18:43:27] <jelly> fdgvs: I don't remember if it's
possible to unload it once it got hold of the console.
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2498[18:43:49] <jelly> fdgvs: the simplest thing to do is
blacklist the module and reboot
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2502[18:44:21] <jelly> !blacklist
2503[18:44:21] <dpkg> To blacklist a Linux kernel module,
create/edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local.conf and add a line
similar to this (without quotes): "blacklist module_name".
If this doesn't work, do 'echo "install modulename
/bin/true" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local.conf'.
IMPORTANT: ask about <blacklist-initramfs>. To blacklist a
module at installation time, ask me about <installer
2504[18:44:24] <Iridos> ChrisH, use iotop to (hopefully) see disk
usage… actually… guess you can also see disk usage in
2505[18:44:56] *** Joins: Vizva (~max@replaced-ip)
2506[18:45:02] <jelly> !kms
2507[18:45:02] <dpkg> Kernel Mode Setting (KMS) has graphical
modes initialized by the Linux kernel instead of X. It is hardware
dependent, introduced in Linux 2.6.29. Enabled via modprobe as of
xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.9.1-2 and xserver-xorg-video-radeon
1:6.12.192-2. To disable, edit
/etc/modprobe.d/{i915,radeon}-kms.conf or boot with the
'nomodeset' kernel command line parameter.
2508[18:45:09] <Iridos> make that /sys/fs/cgroup
2509[18:45:18] <ChrisH> Iridos: I simply want to restrict the CPU
Usage to avoid other process to slow down. If the convert needs more
time it is no problem.. IO shpuld not be the problem, as there is a
dedicated VG/PV for this kind of jobs.
2510[18:45:44] <Iridos> well, then pin it to one core, everything
else can use the other one…
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2512[18:45:51] <jelly> fdgvs: ^^ maybe that is enough. But then
you still have to be careful not to start X without xorg.conf,
because it's going to autodetect and load it again if you do
2513[18:46:20] <Iridos> nice should already put that into
scheduling, though
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2516[18:47:26] <fdgvs> jelly: ok, so it seems i have to reboot to
disable i915
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2519[18:48:22] <Walakea> why is the latest eclipse package of
version 3.8?
2520[18:48:51] <jelly> because noone packaged anything newer
2521[18:48:58] <Walakea> are the newer one hard to package or no
people are doing it?
2522[18:49:05] <jelly> why not both
2523[18:49:14] <Walakea> it is not xor
2524[18:49:33] <Walakea> although it sounds so
2525[18:49:43] *** Quits: uptime (uptime@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2526[18:49:49] <jelly> oh... then, "yes"
2527[18:50:00] <Walakea> i successfully got the official version
running but it is inconvenient
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2529[18:50:09] <jelly> ,v eclipse
2530[18:50:15] <judd> Package: eclipse on amd64 -- wheezy:
3.8.0~rc4-1; jessie: 3.8.1-7; sid: 3.8.1-8; stretch: 3.8.1-10; sid:
2531[18:50:18] <Walakea> messes up my /home dir
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2533[18:50:36] <Walakea> the latest one is 4.3
2534[18:50:56] <ChrisH> Iridos: cpulimit seems to provide such
faetures, but it looks like it need a started process to limit. I
hoped for something during startup.... I will continue searching
2535[18:50:58] <jelly> Walakea: did you check the bug reports?
2536[18:51:10] <jelly> judd: bug #681726
2537[18:51:11] <judd> Bug
2538[18:51:22] <jelly> Walakea: see that HELP WANTED sign
2539[18:51:25] <Walakea> i am not so advanced user
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2542[18:51:53] <jelly> if you want it, help
2543[18:51:57] *** Quits: meLon (~meLon@replaced-ip) (Quit: leaving)
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2547[18:53:25] <Walakea> although i would like to i still do not
know anything about debian packaging proccess
2548[18:54:03] <Iridos> well… set your facebook status to
"it's complicated" or something ^^
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2551[18:54:24] <jelly> learning is HARD!
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2586[19:07:44] <skrite> hello all !
2587[19:08:03] <Skie> Hello! I finished building this sweet
desktop computer with 32 Gb RAM, 2 Tb HDD and the AMD Bulldozer
8350.I made a 6 (4 on top 2 bellow) display array and just installed
latest Linuxmint. Problem being that i have one Nvidia Gforce gtx950
and a AMD Radeon R7 370x and can only get one of the two to work at
a time
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2589[19:08:34] <jelly> !mint
2590[19:08:35] <dpkg> Linux Mint is not Debian and is not
supported in #debian. Please use their forums at
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2596[19:10:04] <Skie> jelly: i am asking here because i want to
come back home to Debian. Question is, is it possible to run two
different maker graphics cards?
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2605[19:16:41] <jelly> Skie: in general, yes if all the cards use
open source drivers, and if there are no other bugs preventing such
a setup. No idea about non-free drivers, or some combination of free
and non-free, maybe it's possible, maybe not
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2607[19:17:30] <jelly> Skie: this isn't a debian-specific
answer, just an observation of how my onboard intel and discrete
nvidia interact.
2608[19:17:48] <jelly> ask in #xorg, you may get a better answer
2609[19:18:26] <Skie> jelly: that is an awfully good idea. :D
thanks :)
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2621[19:22:49] <Plushfish> Hi
2622[19:23:01] <Plushfish> I heard Debian doesn't update
every package? Or am I wrong?
2623[19:23:12] <Skie> Plushfish: what you mean?
2624[19:23:35] <Plushfish> I mean you have yout 43.000 packages -
does every single update get security updates and bug fixes?
2625[19:23:41] <Plushfish> I don't care for new features or
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say no... I wear black on the outside because black is how I feel
on the inside... Uso negro por fuera porque negro me siento por
dentro... ##replaced-url
2627[19:23:43] <Plushfish> Just security
2628[19:23:57] <Plushfish> *about
2629[19:24:08] <Plushfish> *single package
2630[19:24:43] *** Joins: laurus (~laurus@replaced-ip)
2631[19:24:55] <laurus> What is the easiest most hassle-free way
to emulate a Raspberry Pi on Debian Jessie?
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2634[19:25:52] <BillKGR> laurus, qemu is for sure a popular way
2635[19:26:05] <altyr> laurus: buying one and connecting to it
over ssh
2636[19:26:15] <laurus> BillKGR, I'm totally confused about
how to do that. I tried following the tutorial on the Debian Wiki
but it didn't work.
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2638[19:27:17] <SwedeMike> laurus:
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2640[19:27:35] <SwedeMike> laurus:
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2642[19:28:01] <laurus> SwedeMike, is it safe to have
"root=/dev/sda2" there?
2643[19:28:07] <laurus> Currently my real hard drive uses
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2645[19:28:18] <SwedeMike> of course you need to adapt to
whatever your conditions are.
2646[19:28:40] <laurus> Well what would I put there?
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2666[19:33:32] <jelly> laurus: the emulated /dev/sda will
typically be just a file on the filesystem somewhere, and
you're going to run qemu as normal user anyway so it won't
be able to access physical /dev/sda2 by default
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2684[19:40:08] <inch> laurus: I
2685[19:40:22] <inch> say that the most hassle-free way depends
on what you need to do.
2686[19:40:44] <laurus> inch, actually I just want to be able to
write assembler programs on the chipset inside the machine.
2687[19:40:49] <laurus> The "machine", that is.
2688[19:41:02] <laurus> Without actually having to have a
physical one and SSH to it.
2689[19:41:12] <inch> In some cases you can unpack the raspbian
installation in a directory and chroot to it by using
2690[19:41:35] <laurus> inch, that sounds promising
2691[19:41:50] <inch> Sometimes that is enough and sometimes it
is not.
2692[19:43:17] <inch> In raspbian case you need to remove
/etc/ that loads some library that makes some things
fail with qemu
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2696[19:45:57] <inch> copy emulator binary: install
/usr/bin/qemu-arm-static /path/to/chroot/usr/bin/
2697[19:46:37] <inch> then write some word to
/path/to/chroot/etc/debian_chroot that changes the prompt
conveniently when you are in the chroot
2698[19:47:10] *** Quits: Cabanossi (~Cabanossi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2699[19:47:43] <inch> and of course fix etc/resolv.conf, mount
/proc, /sys, /dev etc. in the chroot if needed
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2701[19:48:21] <laurus> Thanks inch .
2702[19:48:31] <laurus> And I have to do all that every time I
want to load it up, right?
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2704[19:49:37] <inch> If you need those, then yes.
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2707[19:50:01] <inch> Write a script to run the mount commands.
2708[19:50:42] <laurus> OK thanks inch.
2709[19:50:44] <laurus> Thank you very much.
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2723[19:54:53] <teraflops> !gm
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2725[19:54:54] <dpkg> extra, extra, read all about it, gm is
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2728[19:55:27] <teraflops> sorry wrong buffer
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2790[20:20:46] <maxdml> Is it worth using RRDtool to store simple
time series, instead of using something like a pair of arrays?
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2793[20:22:36] <ForceRecon> what do we use in debian vs arp-a
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2796[20:23:20] <ForceRecon> is there an arp cache
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2801[20:25:35] <Iridos> maxdml, depends
2802[20:25:36] <Iridos> ^^
2803[20:25:47] <maxdml> :)
2804[20:25:52] <JPT> There should be a tool called
"arp" which basically does exactly the same thing.
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2806[20:26:04] <JPT> Maybe you need to find the package and
install it
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2809[20:26:25] <Iridos> probably not
2810[20:26:27] <maxdml> Iridos, I don't really need fancy
features, just to be able to retrieve data per time, and perform
some stat function
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2813[20:26:50] <mutante> ForceRecon: try just running
"arp" as root
2814[20:26:54] <maxdml> right now I don't even need the
graphic features proposed by rrdtool
2815[20:27:01] *** Joins: holmgren (magnus@replaced-ip)
2816[20:27:14] <maxdml> but I wonder if it is so well optimized
in terms of read/write that it would be beneficial
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2818[20:27:59] <Iridos> I think one of the main features is that
it just flows over and so rrd file size never grows
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2820[20:28:09] <ForceRecon> mutante, nicely done
2821[20:28:12] <ForceRecon> thanks
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2825[20:29:17] <Iridos> and if you get more data points than you
want to record, it does automatic averaging… and it can also
do that on a couple of more operations, like going to a more coarse
2826[20:29:28] *** Quits: SkyPatrol_ (~SkyPatrol@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2827[20:29:41] <Iridos> but then it has a couple of what I kind
of consider non-features
2828[20:31:11] <Iridos> like that you *have* to save data into it
at least once a tick on your scale, else there is a gap… or
that you cannot store data out of order (i.e if you save a data
point from "now" you cannot fill up a data point 10
minutes ago if that doesn't go into the same tick)
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2830[20:31:43] <Iridos> or the reverse polish notation, which I
find unintuitive (bet one gets used to that if one uses it a lot,
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2832[20:33:34] <Iridos> and yes, it's pretty optimized for
writing… doesn't mean writing to ~70000 rrds all the
time doesn't create hell
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2835[20:35:11] <Iridos> from what I heard whisper is about a
factor of 3 slower
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2853[20:42:37] <onee-chan> what is the channel for debian testing
on freenode?
2854[20:43:04] <missmbob> there isnt one
2855[20:43:08] <onee-chan> oh
2856[20:43:16] <missmbob> !oftc
2857[20:43:16] <dpkg> OFTC is the Open and Free Technology
Community, a support/collaboration service. They have an IRC
network: You may be connected to OFTC's network.
2858[20:43:31] <onee-chan> well can't wait when testing gets
2859[20:43:57] <missmbob> you have a while. late aug maybe
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2863[20:44:21] <galex-713> How to, under debian, copy the mbr
from one hard disk to another?
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2865[20:44:40] <missmbob> dd works
2866[20:44:43] <ForceRecon> wow I am interested in that too
2867[20:44:46] <galex-713> dd how much?
2868[20:45:07] <galex-713> 4MiB? 4MB? 2MB? 1? 8K
2869[20:45:10] <galex-713> *?
2870[20:45:28] <onee-chan> lol, last time I was here, predictions
were for late june
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2874[20:46:06] <missmbob> 512 bytes
2875[20:46:08] <rudi_s> galex-713: 512B, the first secotr of the
2876[20:46:12] <rudi_s> *sector
2877[20:46:14] <rudi_s> ForceRecon: ^
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2879[20:46:24] <onee-chan> and the green line on release critical
bugs is getting pretty close to 0
2880[20:46:39] <onee-chan> unless something major introduces new
bugs again
2881[20:46:46] <missmbob> not it's not. been around 135 for
over a month
2882[20:46:47] <galex-713> so… dd if=/dev/sdb of=/dev/sdc
bs=512 count=1 should work?
2883[20:46:55] <missmbob> yes
2884[20:47:11] <galex-713> ok
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2886[20:48:14] <galex-713> since I lost one of my sata cables,
will do dd if=/dev/sdb of=mbr.bin bs=512 count=1 ; switch disks ; dd
if=mbr.bin of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=1; will probably work too
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2888[20:48:31] <missmbob> yes
2889[20:48:58] <humbot> except
2890[20:49:09] <ForceRecon> making lunch.. re read.. rudi_s watch
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2892[20:49:57] <ForceRecon> galex-713, mmmmmmmmm
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2894[20:50:10] <galex-713> what?
2895[20:50:21] *** Quits: R3zn0v (~Viowel@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2896[20:50:26] <ForceRecon> are you putting that drive in the
exact same spot
2897[20:50:45] <galex-713> what do you mean by spot?
2898[20:50:53] <ForceRecon> ahh.. never mind.. never mind
2899[20:51:00] <galex-713> I connect it through the same cable
which stays connected to the same port
2900[20:51:04] <ForceRecon> better off reading then writing
2901[20:51:10] <ForceRecon> yeah
2902[20:51:10] *** Quits: raziel_ (~raziel__@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2903[20:51:13] <ForceRecon> I seee
2904[20:51:15] <missmbob> you can ignore him
2905[20:51:29] <humbot> i'd guess sdb will not be given out
again straight away, but if you're rebooting to swap, then fine
2906[20:51:43] <galex-713> missmbob, well if he didn’t
understand something I don’t see problem in trying to help him
understand :)
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2908[20:52:10] <galex-713> humbot, given out again straight away?
2909[20:52:14] <ForceRecon> wtf missmbob
2910[20:52:19] <ForceRecon> you know me?
2911[20:52:31] <galex-713> “rebooting to swap”? you
mean resuming hibernation? don’t understand the relationship
2912[20:52:37] <missmbob> it'll get the same drive name the
very next boot
2913[20:52:45] <humbot> yes
2914[20:52:47] <humbot> sorry
2915[20:53:48] <rudi_s> galex-713: swap = switch drives
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2917[20:54:17] <galex-713> missmbob, nope, if I disconnect a
drive and reconnect another, it has the same name
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2921[20:54:26] <galex-713> if I disconnect before to reconnect
the other
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2924[20:55:19] <missmbob> that's what i said
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2928[20:56:44] <galex-713> why you said “the very next
boot” then?
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2930[20:57:53] <missmbob> i'm not sure how what you just
said is any different. but i'm really tired and dont care
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2938[20:59:48] <galex-713> ah ok
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2947[21:03:08] <ForceRecon> so tired of know it alls
2948[21:03:33] <ForceRecon> then they use that level of
intimidation and get tired of helping.. useless..
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2952[21:04:16] <missmbob> i told exact how to backup his mbr.
nice try though.
2953[21:04:46] <missmbob> did you tell him to bs=512? not you
didnt. i did
2954[21:05:17] <ForceRecon> hey missmob.. not everyone gets it on
the first try.. you have to hand hold or don't answer at all..
otherwise its useless.. not everyone knows what you know or
understands what you are saying no matter how silly it may soun
2955[21:05:19] <ForceRecon> d
2956[21:05:24] *** Joins: DeaDSouL (~DeaDSouL@replaced-ip)
2957[21:05:51] <galex-713> ForceRecon, I prefer a bad answer I
can, at worse, investigate/ask with more info somewhere else than no
answer at all
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2960[21:06:28] <ForceRecon> galex-713, I apologize for speaking
for you.. just gets tiring
2961[21:06:42] <galex-713> and actually I understood at the first
time, then it was only misunderstandement on useless comments on
already achieved help and if he’s tired of talking about
unnecessary stuff that’s not helping it’s okay
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2965[21:07:50] <maxdml> Iridos, thanks
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2976[21:11:55] <ForceRecon> galex-713, completely understand what
you are saying.. too bad the people that help don't quite get
that if they helped more with less attitude linux would take over
the world..
2977[21:12:34] *** Quits: johnkeates (~johnkeate@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2978[21:12:39] <missmbob> maybe you should join #ubuntu.
i've be helping in #debian for 15 years. this is what it's
like. we're all volunteers
2979[21:12:43] *** Joins: moozer (~moz@replaced-ip)
2980[21:13:04] <ForceRecon> yeah no wonder linux has a 2% market
2981[21:13:19] <missmbob> yes, i'm that powerful
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2988[21:14:36] * zykotick9 remembers seeing missmbob help a lot of
people in #d... ForceRecon not so much...
2989[21:14:57] <humbot> i've installed thunderbird for
debian stable, but can't login to gmail, it passes my address
to the login window, but the 'Next' button does nothing
2990[21:15:19] <ForceRecon> you know that sound that sounds like
ass kissing.. I think I just heard it
2991[21:15:22] <missmbob> i had a different nick. markybob.
i'm the one who created the first unofficial xfs installer for
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2994[21:15:58] <humbot> there's a few oldish reports of this
happening, they recommend changing various settings in gmail, but i
haven't succeeded yet
2995[21:16:01] <ForceRecon> congrats.. loose the attitude when
teaching and maybe people will like you more upon first contact.. it
would help the linux cause
2996[21:16:23] <at0m> ForceRecon: can you keep it on-topic?
2997[21:16:29] <wachpwnski-mobi> I'm not getting how
packages are lined up in terms of making a repository directory
structure. If I look at the dpkg info it will tell me its section
could be "main" or "libdevel", but not matter
what it is, all binaries go into the pool/main directory. Can
someone explain to me how that works?
2998[21:16:38] <ForceRecon> I thought that was the topic
2999[21:16:40] <ForceRecon> but okay
3000[21:16:50] <humbot> is this a continuing problem, should i
install thunderbird 52 from their site, or have i missed something ?
3001[21:16:57] *** Quits: oish (~charlie@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3002[21:16:58] <at0m> the topic is in the channel name, actually.
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3004[21:18:05] <missmbob> humbot: i moved to evolution because
thunderbird has various problems, so as no 2 step auth support. is
you use online accounts in gnome-control-center it just works
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3006[21:18:13] <vutral> eh
3007[21:18:16] <missmbob> such as*
3008[21:18:25] <maxdml> Does gmail embed PGP usage?
3009[21:18:26] <galex-713> ForceRecon, that’s absolutely
not in relationship with help if *GNU/*Linux has only 2% market
share, that’s partially because it’s not counted enough
because often it’s informally and non-commercially diffused,
and also because all the computers comes with Windows pre-installed,
and because schools teach with either Windows or Mac OS (for the
riches one)
3010[21:18:34] <vutral> can you fix systemd from killing every
boot just because of a fstab entry which couldnt be mountecd
3011[21:18:38] <maxdml> or do I have to use a client like
3012[21:19:04] *** Joins: cyborg-one (~cyborg-on@replaced-ip)
3013[21:19:09] <missmbob> maxdml: if you use various extensions
such as mailenvelop the one i use cryptup
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3015[21:19:37] <maxdml> missmbob, I see, thanks
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3021[21:21:20] <humbot> use the nofail flag in fstab i think
3022[21:21:22] *** Quits: chrisM_1 (~cmse_1@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
3023[21:21:30] <humbot> err, vutral ^^^
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3027[21:22:01] <vutral> hi humbot
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3029[21:22:25] <humbot> if that's a suitable solution for
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3032[21:22:55] <vutral> humbot: in more than the half of cases i
need a running system to fix problems :
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3074[21:45:42] <pthreat> I have jessie 8.8 I just installed it, I
have no sound, Codec: Intel Haswell HDMI
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3077[21:47:02] <GNU\colossus> pthreat, have you tried installing
the jessie-backports kernel image?
3078[21:47:09] <GNU\colossus> it might fix your problem without
much ado
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3080[21:47:26] <pthreat> GNU\colossus: I haven't
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3086[21:48:06] <pthreat> Could you copy the apt repo so I can
fetch it?
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3088[21:49:04] <igorx> pthreat,
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3097[21:50:08] <pthreat> gotcha
3098[21:50:09] <pthreat> thanks!
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3104[21:52:00] <pthreat> GNU\colossus: I'll let you know
what's up in a few
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3115[21:57:03] <pthreat> GNU\colossus: And viola, worked
3116[21:57:05] <pthreat> voila*
3117[21:57:07] <pthreat> thanks man
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3125[21:58:36] <SuperTramp83> ForceRecon, it is my understanding
GNU/Linux has a 2% market share because 98% of the world population
is 'computer illiterate'. Also, misinformation, monopoly
and social pressure appear to contribute a lot to the sad state.
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3127[22:00:26] <ryouma> i have an external hard drive that is
giving kernel errors including "Sense Key : Hardware Error
[current] [descriptor]". google suggests it's a false
positive. is it?
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3131[22:03:44] <ForceRecon> SuperTramp83, with no disrespect
please.. they are illiterate to linux as much as you are to cisco or
windows or mac.. it has nothing to do with illiteracy it has to do
with ease of usage, simplicity and nice pictures, hence why linux is
moving away from the comamand line. the sad state is people want to
do, now, and not learn ever.. and those of us that do want to learn
are looked at like we are morons on these channels since we
don't know as much
3132[22:03:44] <ForceRecon> as the other that have been working
in this somewhat forgotten field..
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3135[22:05:27] <SuperTramp83> ForceRecon, Windows is not easy to
use. It's just a myth
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3142[22:06:07] <avalon_> it is fun to me to use it
3143[22:06:17] <avalon_> pleasure ;)
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3145[22:07:37] <avalon_> more fun than pleasure, but ok
3146[22:07:51] <ForceRecon> SuperTramp83, that is because you did
not start on dos, go to windows 1 and then 2 and then 3.1 did not
spend 2 decades in school for server support or do the migration
from novell to windows for Merck Pharma at the HQ in NJ. You did not
build the servers from scratch, create the domain controll and
backup controll, exchange servers and utilize PCDOC for document
management for 8000 people.. hence why it is not easy for you.. for
me, it flows
3147[22:07:51] <ForceRecon> like water
3148[22:08:08] <ForceRecon> and I am sure it works the same way
for you with linux then it does for me
3149[22:08:16] <ForceRecon> but we are not on a windows channel
are wel
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3151[22:09:32] <igorx> ForceRecon: made my day, high5 man :)
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3157[22:12:21] <ForceRecon> igorx, (* ´
3158[22:12:28] *** Quits: earthmor__ (~earthmor@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3159[22:12:34] <SuperTramp83> ForceRecon, what I'm saying is
people think it is easy coz they are used to it, it's basically
the only "OS" they ever tried to use. Windows is not easy
to use. It's just people are more familiar with it. Mint is
much more easy to use than any version of Windows. And I know it by
experience. I installed that shit on a load of computers and very
rarely has anyone had any issue with it. If you put a child with 0
experience in front of
3160[22:12:34] <SuperTramp83> two monitors, one with win$ and the
other with any user-friendly GNU/linux distro and ask them after a
few hours which one they find easier to use...
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3163[22:13:20] <SuperTramp83> but enough of offtopicing for me.
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3165[22:13:57] <ForceRecon> SuperTramp83, you are correct.. hence
why I am here.. I had a lady who could F up a windows install that
took 12 hours to complete in 10 minutes utilize yahoo email..
3166[22:14:05] *** Quits: jonasbits__ (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
3167[22:14:11] <ForceRecon> I installed linux mint on her
laptop.. no problem after a month
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3169[22:14:16] <ForceRecon> I agree..
3170[22:15:02] *** Joins: jonasbits (~quassel@replaced-ip)
3171[22:15:17] <ForceRecon> but I am one of the good guys pushing
it.. I just can't stand all the attitude on the help channels
to support it.. like it should be so simple.. its not.. well not to
those of us that have not used it for more then 3 months
3172[22:15:56] *** Joins: Eduard_Munteanu (~Eduard_Mu@replaced-ip)
3173[22:16:31] <ForceRecon> she won't know how to do
updates, or that there is a password in there or remember it if she
needs too.. older folk, but it works for now.. so that's a good
thing in my book
3174[22:16:48] <missmbob> !offtopic
3175[22:16:49] <dpkg> #debian is primarily a support channel for
Debian users. Please keep the discussions in #debian on-topic and
take longer discussions and non-support questions to
#debian-offtopic. Imagine the chaos if each of the hundreds of
people in the channel felt the need to wander off topic for a few
minutes every day.
3176[22:17:09] <ForceRecon> yes boss..
3177[22:17:39] <missmbob> you act as if i made the channel. you
can complain with it in #debian-offtopic
3178[22:18:08] <ForceRecon> just giving respect because I was off
topic and you are doing the proper thing..
3179[22:18:12] <ForceRecon> I mean that
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3182[22:20:18] <humbot> ugh
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3198[22:28:14] <galex-713> Hi
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3202[22:28:42] <galex-713> normally, “copy partition”
with gparted + copy mbr with dd should work to copy windows from one
disk to another?
3203[22:28:45] <galex-713> right?
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3209[22:29:43] <Nik05> galex-713 what windows version? And maybe
you should ask in ##windows
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3212[22:30:06] <galex-713> windows 7, dunno if they know about
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3214[22:30:29] <galex-713> probably they would redirect me on the
channel of the OS that the tools are from, that is here
3215[22:30:44] <Nik05> You can also use something like
Clonezilla, that way it only copies used space
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3219[22:33:01] <petn-randall> galex-713: Depends on many factors.
For example, if you boot via UEFI, you also need to copy the EFI
System Partition.
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3243[22:47:51] <galex-713> petn-randall, MBR
3244[22:47:56] <galex-713> BIOS then
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3246[22:48:15] <galex-713> Nik05, ntfsclone do that normally
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3262[22:54:35] <missmbob> dd bs=512
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3266[22:56:11] <galex-713> missmbob, yes that’s what I did
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3272[22:57:03] <petn-randall> + count=1
3273[22:57:06] <galex-713> missmbob, yes that’s what I did
3274[22:57:13] <galex-713> petn-randall, +that yes
3275[22:57:18] <petn-randall> :)
3276[22:57:23] <galex-713> and windows does a bsod on boot
3277[22:57:32] <galex-713> with a “coundn’t
mount” error
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3281[22:58:44] <galex-713> oh but…
3282[22:58:45] <galex-713> wait…
3283[22:58:50] <galex-713> my fault
3284[22:58:54] <galex-713> even debian can’t mount it
3285[22:58:59] <galex-713> probably copied it wrong
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3287[23:00:08] <ufa> hiii
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3289[23:00:14] <ufa> I have just update my pi, and now my
ecryptfs usb partition is not sowing the filenames :(
3290[23:00:19] <ufa> it mounts the filesystem but i cannot cd
into it
3291[23:00:28] <ufa> does anyone have a clue about it?
3292[23:00:38] <ufa> I can mount it, but cannot cd into it
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3296[23:03:28] <altyr> ufa: are you running raspbian on that? if
yes better ask in #raspbian
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3304[23:06:02] <ufa> altyr: ok, thanks
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3334[23:20:47] <rebrec> hello
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3337[23:22:46] <rebrec> Each time i boot my computer, i get my /
mounted RO. If i remount RW manually, it works. i get an error from
systemd-remount-fs which tells that it can't find some UUID
partition But this UUID is not the correct one... I suspect an
initrd image not well rebuild (i don't master all of this, i
just tried to do an update-initramfs -k all -c and reboot but i
still have the same problem (/ mounted RO) any ideas please ?
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3343[23:24:52] <petn-randall> rebrec: Does your /etc/fstab list
your rootfs correctly?
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3345[23:26:24] <uxfi> hello pet
3346[23:26:34] <rebrec> petn-randall: damn... i think you just
fixed my problem
3347[23:26:41] <rebrec> thanks (so easy/fast)
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3350[23:26:52] <rebrec> i will reboot to test thanks a lot
3351[23:26:56] <rebrec> brb
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3353[23:27:11] <hanasaki> what happens to https traffic that hits
squid ?
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3361[23:28:46] <rebrec> thanks petn-randall it was just that ...
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3363[23:29:10] <petn-randall> hanasaki: Is it used as HTTPS
3364[23:29:22] <petn-randall> rebrec: You're welcome, glad I
could help.
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3366[23:29:37] <rebrec> petn-randall: do you know how i could
have my partition UUID to get changed after a dist-upgrade ? UUID
are not related to anything about the OS packages right ?
3367[23:30:00] <rebrec> i wonder how i have been able to
"change this UUID" (probably during an upgrade process)
3368[23:30:25] <petn-randall> hanasaki: Then the client issues a
HTTP CONNECT, after that squid just proxies encrypted bytes back and
forth, neither seeing the content, nor being able to cache it.
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3373[23:31:00] <petn-randall> rebrec: They don't get changed
on upgrade. Maybe you formatted the partition at some point?
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3378[23:31:48] <rebrec> petn-randall: no... there must be
something i am missing but what i am sure is that i keep the same OS
since years and only dist-upgrade when needed
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3380[23:32:27] <rebrec> anyway i must be wrong somewhere thanks
3381[23:32:32] <ebol4> is there a way to make dhclient run again
every time the ethernet cable is unplugged and plugged back in
3382[23:32:45] <ebol4> at the moment, it only seems to run on
3383[23:33:01] <rebrec> ebol4: netplug
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3385[23:33:09] <rebrec> ebol4:
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3387[23:34:05] <rebrec> ebol4: according to the previous link, it
seems that ifplugd is preferable over netplugd
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3389[23:35:02] <ebol4> i tried ifplugd, but couldn't get it
to run in systemd
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