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0 [00:00:08] <hypn0> no spaces?
1 [00:00:10] <peaceguy> yes
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4 [00:00:13] <peaceguy> there are no spaces
5 [00:00:16] <peaceguy> in that filename
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7 [00:00:29] <peaceguy> i checked on the server machine too
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15 [00:03:44] <xdruppi> is there any advantage on using
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18 [00:05:07] <bites> debian doesn't rely on it for
security. some third party repositories are https only.
19 [00:05:30] <xdruppi> bites: what do you mean?
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22 [00:07:01] <grady> if you use https, then the transfer is
crypted, i dont know is apt commands and package names so important
to crypt but , if you want you can do that.
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24 [00:07:07] <peaceguy> sorry i disconnected
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26 [00:07:27] <grady> odd is that debians security patches dosnt
support https :) but their sources does
27 [00:07:44] <peaceguy> so the command was spc -r
user_name@address:/home/user_name/directory .
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31 [00:09:05] <hypn0> I think the exact command would be better,
copy, paste it
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34 [00:09:35] <peaceguy> what exact command?
35 [00:09:40] <peaceguy> the one i provided?
36 [00:09:47] <hypn0> that you used
37 [00:10:24] <peaceguy> ok thanks
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40 [00:11:34] <hypn0>
41 [00:12:02] <hypn0> it is scp?
42 [00:12:36] <peaceguy> yes it is
43 [00:12:51] <hypn0> you wrote spc?
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45 [00:13:13] <peaceguy> scp sorry
46 [00:13:17] <peaceguy> mistake
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60 [00:17:16] <Barones> is it a good idea to try hypervisor to
run 2 distro in a desktop envio?
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71 [00:20:37] <__m4ch1n3__> Barones, isnt that what qubesOS
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73 [00:21:24] <__m4ch1n3__> thought its a hypervisor running
multiple baremetal vms on one machine but it has insane high
resources usage
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77 [00:21:45] <Barones> __m4ch1n3__: yeah, actually I'm
looking a more practical way to run two distros that share the same
kernel, like ubuntu and kali
78 [00:22:09] <altker128> Barones: LXC :)
79 [00:22:09] <nr9032nsc6> Is there a USB bootable version of
Debian Server such that if the computer boots on this USB flash
drive, it autostarts Linux live, and I can directly SSH it from
another computer? (with a default root password)
80 [00:22:35] <altker128> Barones: You can have Fedora, Ubuntu,
Debian, Alpine with the same kernel and pretty low (minimal? zero?)
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82 [00:22:55] <altker128> proxmox if you want a GUI and ability
to still use KVM and run other machines
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86 [00:23:11] <__m4ch1n3__> qubes launches all vm windows in one
desktop but the vindows are gruped by vm domain and every domain can
have its custom window decoration color
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89 [00:23:48] <__m4ch1n3__> its like one desktop with windows
from multiple vms
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91 [00:24:28] <Barones> cool altker128 , I think its LXC
I'm looking for, I have already worked with proxmox and I think
it is more to a server operation than a home environment
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93 [00:25:01] <altker128> Barones: I've been using LXC for
several years now and I can't imagine life w/o it.
94 [00:25:05] <Barones> __m4ch1n3__: qubes has a nice idea in
security, but it is insanely resource heavy
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96 [00:25:23] <jhutchins> nr9032nsc6: I don't believe the
live images boot with sshd running, and the deafault configurations
don't allow any remote root access.
97 [00:25:26] <Barones> in home desktop altker128 ?
98 [00:25:37] <jhutchins> nr9032nsc6: You can always build your
own though.
99 [00:25:38] <altker128> Barones: It's pretty easy to get
going on Debian. You need to likely setup a bridged-interface (it
can bridge to virtual or physical or both) and setup the lxc-net
100 [00:25:42] <jhutchins> !live
101 [00:25:42] <dpkg> The Debian Live project provides pre-built
Debian live system images and allows creation of your own. These can
be used to install a Debian system. Live images are available from
102 [00:26:04] <__m4ch1n3__> *ups wrong id
103 [00:26:27] <altker128> Barones: Yes, I'm using it on a
local desktop and several servers. The software I'm running
under LXC are mostly services like wiki or something, but you can
run graphical apps that use X like Firefox under LXC containers too
104 [00:27:10] <nr9032nsc6> jhutchins: thanks!
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106 [00:27:26] <altker128> Barones: I suggest using the
dummy-ethernet device along with a bridge & dnsmasq. All the LXC
containers then get IP addresses via dnsmasq and are bridged
together using the veth mechanism
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108 [00:27:41] <altker128> You can decide if you want to forward
from that bridge to the "real world" or not
109 [00:27:46] <jhutchins> nr9032nsc6: There's also
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112 [00:28:02] <altker128> Anyway, that's how I've been
using it and I'm pretty happy
113 [00:28:14] <jhutchins> nr9032nsc6: You probably do NOT want
to just install to a USB drive and try to run off of it. Unusably
114 [00:28:56] <altker128> nr9032nsc6: If it doesn't have to
be Debian, Sysreccd works pretty well
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117 [00:30:08] <peaceguy> scp -r directory_name address:directory
just hangs
118 [00:30:27] <nr9032nsc6> jhutchins: i just want to install
debian (or ubuntu) to a headless computer (no monitor/no keyboard)
as a server
119 [00:30:32] <peaceguy> with scp -r directory
user_name@address:directory also
120 [00:30:45] <nr9032nsc6> that i'll later connect from my
laptop with ssh
121 [00:30:59] <altker128> nr9032nsc6: Does that machine possess
a keyboard or monitor you can temporarily use?
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123 [00:31:23] <nr9032nsc6> no i have only laptops (and no
monitor/no tv at home...)
124 [00:31:50] <ryouma> there are so many container or
virtualizing type things that i truly don't know which to use
for which purposes
125 [00:31:56] <nr9032nsc6> i wanted to avoid to buy a monitor
just to use it 30 minutes to install Linux server...
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127 [00:32:17] <Barones> I see altker128 , thanks for the tips,
I'm going to read more about it in its documentation, I'm
honestly a rusty with virtualization, hypervisor and containers, its
pretty vague how I would setup what I'm thinking of
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216 [01:27:49] <xparanoik> changed my eth0 interface from inet
dhcp to inet manual and then added a bridge "br0" with
inet static config, briding ports "eth0". did a service
network restart, the bridge comes up but eth0 still has its last
dhcp address... any ideas how to fix ?
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223 [01:29:39] <xparanoik> tried eth0 and br0 with inet static
and that old IP address is still stuck
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231 [01:32:01] <whislock> xparanoik: Reboot, for an easy fix.
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234 [01:32:59] <xparanoik> well, i use windows on my desktop
already, that's where I do all of the rebooting
235 [01:33:26] <xparanoik> i only reboot my debian box to boot
into new kernel
236 [01:34:20] <xparanoik> i don't think it's a bug,
probably PEBKAC, so I was wondering what I could be doing wrong
237 [01:34:46] <whislock> Or... You could reboot.
238 [01:36:16] <whislock> And I assume you also reboot your
system to handle security updates that necessitate such.
239 [01:36:27] <xparanoik> yes, security/kernel patches.
240 [01:36:39] <whislock> Anyway. Reboot.
241 [01:36:49] <xparanoik> but anyways, I am trying to learn
something new. Why in hell does my interface show up with and
address, but when I do ifdown eth0 it says interface not configured?
242 [01:37:02] <xparanoik> well, ok
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244 [01:37:43] <whislock> You reconfigured it when it had a dhcp
lease active. Now it doesnt know to release it.
245 [01:38:05] <whislock> Rebooting is the easiesst way to clean
that up.
246 [01:38:27] <xparanoik> my assumption is that bring it down
and back up would make it release its dhcp settings, but a reboot it
is then
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248 [01:38:39] <xparanoik> /s/bring/bringing
249 [01:38:53] <whislock> Only if the system knows its a dhcp
250 [01:39:19] <xparanoik> makes sense.
251 [01:39:20] <whislock> Once you've reconfigured it, it
doesnt know that anymore.
252 [01:39:55] <whislock> So it gets stuck. I've done it
several tinew, myself.
253 [01:40:05] <xparanoik> so lets say I have a valid DHCP
address and all that, then I go from inet dhcp to inet static, and
restart the networking service... Shouldn't it force the new
config ?
254 [01:40:06] <whislock> Sorry, new keyboard.
255 [01:40:10] <xparanoik> yep understood
256 [01:40:24] <whislock> No, dhcp is a separate procezs.
257 [01:40:52] <xparanoik> huh..
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262 [01:42:24] <xparanoik> maybe i am behind the times, but i
don't like rebooting for something "buggy" like this
263 [01:43:05] <whislock> Okay.
264 [01:43:11] * whislock shrugs.
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266 [01:44:29] <xparanoik> to me that's something I'd
find on a microsoft forum lol
267 [01:44:45] <xparanoik> RTNETLINK answers: File exists.. i am
going to look into what that means
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269 [01:45:24] <whislock> Not sure why you keep mentioning
Microsoft or Windows. Not really relevant.
270 [01:45:27] <xparanoik> ip addr flush dev eth0 should clear it
271 [01:45:35] <whislock> Might.
272 [01:45:43] <whislock> Anyway, good luck.
273 [01:45:53] <xparanoik> thanks.
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555 [06:34:21] <l9> my latest kernel boots into initfsram and
freeze can't type or anything
556 [06:34:46] <l9> what is happening?
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562 [06:44:11] <l9> initfsram what is it and what could be wrong
when you end up there instead of a shell ?
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570 [06:52:22] <SerajewelKS> l9: the initramfs is the initial /
for the kernel, and contains all of the config required to mount the
real / and pivot to it
571 [06:52:36] <SerajewelKS> if you get dumped into the initramfs
shell then it means something is wrong with your boot config
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573 [06:53:53] <l9> SerajewelKS: well there has been no changes
to the boot as i know at least... the problem is that i can't
do anything inside the initfsram
574 [06:54:05] *** Joins: koleygr_ (~koleygr@replaced-ip )
575 [06:54:15] <SerajewelKS> what happens if you boot an older
kernel from grub?
576 [06:54:25] <l9> that boots fine
577 [06:54:43] <SerajewelKS> what is the old and new kernel
578 [06:55:46] *** Quits: koleygr (~koleygr@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
579 [06:56:18] <l9> Linux 4.18.0-3-amd64 #1 SMP
Debian 4.18.20-2 (2018-11-23) x86_64 GNU/Linux
580 [06:57:08] <SerajewelKS> 4.18? are you on testing or
581 [06:57:16] <l9> testing
582 [06:57:24] <SerajewelKS> ,v linux-image-amd64
583 [06:57:25] <judd> Package: linux-image-amd64 on amd64 --
wheezy: 3.2+46; wheezy-security: 3.2+46+deb7u2; jessie:
3.16+63+deb8u2; jessie-security: 3.16+63+deb8u2; jessie-backports:
4.9+80+deb9u4~bpo8+1; stretch: 4.9+80+deb9u6; stretch-security:
4.9+80+deb9u6; stretch-backports: 4.18+100~bpo9+1; buster: 4.19+101;
sid: 4.19+101
584 [06:57:50] <SerajewelKS> or using a backported kernel?
585 [06:59:15] <l9> i was on 4.19 but had to boot 4.18
586 [06:59:30] <l9> could this be linked to a full drive /var ?
587 [06:59:37] <SerajewelKS> unlikely
588 [06:59:44] <SerajewelKS> it's more likely some bug in
4.19 or some config incompatibility
589 [06:59:54] <SerajewelKS> you can always try rebuilding your
initramfs and/or updating grub
590 [07:00:14] <SerajewelKS> from the 4.18 kernel, you can
"update-initramfs -k all -u && update-grub"
591 [07:00:54] <l9> /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig: 253:
/usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig: cannot create /boot/grub/
Directory nonexistent
592 [07:01:16] <SerajewelKS> well that's not good, do you
have a separate /boot and if so, is it mounted?
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594 [07:02:12] <SerajewelKS> i don't know how you'd
even boot 4.18 without a /boot/grub
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596 [07:02:33] <l9> yeah i umounted that last night did a fsck on
597 [07:02:42] <SerajewelKS> ok so mount it and run the command
598 [07:02:56] <l9> done :) rebooting now
599 [07:03:21] <SerajewelKS> ok
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602 [07:03:30] <SerajewelKS> i will brb, my newbord is waking up
603 [07:03:33] <SerajewelKS> newborn*
604 [07:04:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1438
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621 [07:21:15] <l9> nope that was not the answer and now i have
no bootable kernels :o
622 [07:21:21] *** Joins: crimastergogo (~crimaster@replaced-ip )
623 [07:21:38] <l9> thank god i have working laptop
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638 [07:30:03] <ellyacht> change the ownership of all files in a
particular directory? chown -R /directory/file#1 - file#125.....?
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642 [07:35:23] <n4dir> ellyacht: you want to change everything,
files *and* folders inside /directory? Then just -R, as far i can
643 [07:35:35] *** Quits: kirk781 (~kirk781@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
644 [07:36:41] <n4dir> for a more fine-grained solution probably
"find -exec",as someone in ##linux said.
645 [07:37:06] *** Quits: hele (~hele@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
646 [07:38:34] <ellyacht> n4dir: lol I didn't ask in ##linux
647 [07:39:08] <n4dir> then someone with your nickname asked a
very similar question there. Anyway, what i said.
648 [07:39:16] <ellyacht> Scratch that. I sure did
649 [07:40:11] <n4dir> if it is really everything, just use
"chown -R username: directory" (again: as far i can tell).
650 [07:40:13] <ellyacht> What argument do I need with -exec
651 [07:41:00] <n4dir> find is a beast, as far it's me.
I'd assume: find dir -type f -exec chown username: {} \;
652 [07:41:04] <n4dir> wait a sec:
653 [07:41:04] *** Quits: koleygr_ (~koleygr@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
654 [07:41:11] <n4dir>
655 [07:41:24] <n4dir> scroll back and forth a bit, i think you
will find what you need there.
656 [07:41:35] <ellyacht> Ok once I'm done transferring a
ton of stuff I'll try chown -R user: dir
657 [07:41:36] <ellyacht> Fy
658 [07:41:40] <ellyacht> Ty*
659 [07:42:14] <n4dir> if all files you want to chown follow a
certain name pattern, as in your example, you may also make use of
globs, i'd assume
660 [07:42:46] <n4dir> chown -R username dir/file{1..125} (or
similar, i only shoot ideas)
661 [07:43:30] <n4dir> isn't a glob, i think.
662 [07:43:48] <n4dir> but should work, depending on the
663 [07:44:09] *** Quits: mavhc (~mavhc@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
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665 [07:46:27] <ellyacht> Damn find is a beast!!!
666 [07:47:54] <ellyacht> Lol I just did find / and my laptop
shot it out in about 6 seconds
667 [07:48:04] <n4dir> the good news: many are really good with
it. Let them confirm your solution does what you assume it does (say
in ##linux)
668 [07:48:28] <ellyacht> Lol
669 [07:48:59] <ellyacht> n4dir: what's your absolute
favorite Linux distro and DE
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672 [07:49:27] <n4dir> bad news: i got none. I do so little on
the PC, to me it doesn't matter much. debian seems good for
673 [07:49:35] *** Joins: mavhc (~mavhc@replaced-ip )
674 [07:49:55] <n4dir> right now i use void, does it's job
too. dragora is ... interesting.
675 [07:50:51] <n4dir> if you ever wanna see a different
approach, look at dragora (pre-alpha-3 release)
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RussiaGate Coverage - ##replaced-url
679 [07:53:33] <ellyacht> I've been trying so hard to get
archlinux installed to look like this
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682 [07:55:54] <n4dir> looks good, no?
683 [07:56:35] <n4dir> as far i can tell arch users are looking
for rolling release. void offers that, but is pretty
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687 [07:58:22] <n4dir> gotta run, good luck with your chown
688 [07:58:26] <ellyacht> Looks good what? Void?
689 [07:58:32] <ellyacht> KK l8r
690 [07:58:33] <n4dir> your gui.
691 [07:59:18] <ellyacht> That wasn't mine. That's a
duckduck search from a long ass time ago when I started trying to
install arch
692 [08:00:01] <n4dir> ah, i see. too early over here. gotta
really run now. bye-bye.
693 [08:00:16] *** Quits: n4dir (~n4dir@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
694 [08:00:20] <ellyacht> Everyone in #debian is always so nice
and calm u ever notice that
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724 [08:31:23] <SerajewelKS> l9: strange. i'm not sure what
the problem could be. are there any error messages? where are /boot
and /? any luks/lvm/dmraid layers?
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887 [11:00:53] <sourabhboss> Hi
888 [11:01:21] <sourabhboss> I interested in gsoc 19 at debian
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891 [11:04:53] <__m4ch1n3__> what is gsuck?
892 [11:05:19] <jelly> !gsoc
893 [11:05:20] <dpkg> [SoC] System-on-a-chip, or Summer of Code,
a mentoring program created by Google, see
894 [11:05:39] <jelly> the latter.
895 [11:06:11] <jelly> sourabhboss, best ask in that
(= channel
896 [11:07:00] <sourabhboss> Okay great
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919 [11:24:37] <xormor> how do I know that my Debian GNU/Linux
has not been infected by malware, and that no malware code has been
run on it? I sometimes look at pictures of unclothed females on my
Debian GNU/Linux system using a browser. I don't download third
party programs, except if I find them in the standard repositories.
I have run chkrootkit and rkhunter on my system, and I removed the
bsd-mailx or whatever was suspicious reported by rkhunter. I also
run "John the
920 [11:24:37] <xormor> Ripper" sometimes, like am now
921 [11:25:23] <Tom-_> internet porn is making you scared. one of
the many downsides
922 [11:25:31] <xormor> I use the updated stable Debian.
923 [11:25:37] <xormor> Tom-_, yes.
924 [11:25:41] <Tom-_> your system is fine, but you're a
little buggy :)
925 [11:26:10] <Tom-_> i can give you more information in /msg if
you like
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927 [11:28:34] <__m4ch1n3__> hmm maybe less porn more animu would
928 [11:28:45] <xormor> Tom-_, if you want to. I also found out
that one of the sites my system was connecting to might try to
install "Windows updates" on my system. Won't work,
since I don't use WINE. I just use Debian. I think my cell
phone is more at danger than my desktop computer.
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930 [11:29:13] <Tom-_> is animu anime?
931 [11:29:26] <__m4ch1n3__> wine != no malware/security
932 [11:29:33] <__m4ch1n3__> yes
933 [11:30:21] <Tom-_> xormor, they're probably both fine.
it seems to be you that is having the deleterious effects ;)
you're not the first and you definitely won't be the last
934 [11:31:16] <__m4ch1n3__> that comes from to much vr-porn
935 [11:31:19] <__m4ch1n3__> lol
936 [11:31:46] <__m4ch1n3__> maybe
937 [11:32:14] <xormor> I can get infected by influenza
face-to-face, from a living person :-D
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939 [11:32:51] <xormor> I can always reinstall my computer
system, and if my cell phone has problems I think I can put it into
factory settings.
940 [11:33:21] <Tom-_> you won't need to do any of that.
just give it a break for a week or so and see if your head clears
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942 [11:35:47] <__m4ch1n3__> think cia is inside xormor router
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944 [11:36:06] <__m4ch1n3__> *xormor's
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946 [11:37:34] <xormor> __m4ch1n3__, oh they won't find
anything useful :-D besides, I live in Finland, so it should be Supo
or KRP.
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950 [11:39:56] <__m4ch1n3__> nsa spies on americans and cia on
everything not in america
951 [11:40:08] <__m4ch1n3__> thought
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954 [11:41:00] <annadane> there's clamav for virus checking
and stuff
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984 [11:58:43] <SerajewelKS> xormor: if you are worried you can
do browsing in a secure container, or a VM/chroot both of which you
can effectively snapshot
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988 [11:59:04] <SerajewelKS> so when you're done looking at
whatever you want to look at, you can revert to the snapshot and the
system will be effectively untouched
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1036 [12:24:58] <Sveta> xormor phones factory settings have
backdoors too. use a debian mobile
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1117 [13:18:52] <RandomSerb> hi. I've two displays with
different resolutions. I want to have one bottom panel spanning
across both. Now, the problem is, when I set it like so, I can
barely see it on a display with lower resolution
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1121 [13:19:07] <RandomSerb> this happened recently, before that I
was able to have this working quite all right. I'm on xfce
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1127 [13:20:26] <Lope> how can I find a PID based on the program
name AND it's run arguments?
1128 [13:21:04] <zamuro> ps eww | [nameoftheprogram]
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1130 [13:21:12] <zamuro> ps eww | grep [nameoftheprogram]
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1136 [13:22:32] <GNU\colossus> pgrep -laf
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1138 [13:22:38] <GNU\colossus> do not parse `ps`
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1158 [13:31:14] <Lope> GNU\colossus, ah, I used `kill $(ps aux |
grep "[n]bd-client foo 1234 /dev/nbd0" | awk '{print
1159 [13:31:16] <Lope> Works
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1164 [13:33:50] <Lope> GNU\colossus, wow. pgrep is really nice!
1165 [13:34:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1479
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1172 [13:39:52] <EdePopede> morning. installing g++ would only add
g++-6 libstdc++-6-dev while some others are only suggestions. taking
them too would install some 50 packages, but now there's
gcc-6-doc as a suggestion. so installing suggestions doesn't
install suggestions of suggestions?
1173 [13:39:54] <Lope> GNU\colossus, pgrep produces a marginally
shorter command: kill $(pgrep -laf "nbd-client foo 1234
/dev/nbd0" | awk '{print $1}')
1174 [13:40:27] <zamuro> That's why they're suggestions
1175 [13:41:32] <EdePopede> so is there a recurse switch?
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1180 [13:42:33] <zamuro> Don't think so. I think it means
it's not a dependendy, but won't hurt to have them.
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1183 [13:43:47] <EdePopede> especially since it is a doc. but it
is virtual only, hm
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1185 [13:45:25] <EdePopede> how this? > E: Package
'gcc-6-doc' has no installation candidate
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1194 [13:49:08] <Lope> GNU\colossus, okay, latest greatest
command: pkill --full 'nbd-client foo 1234 /dev/nbd0'
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1260 [14:24:23] <kroon> How come I can't open files via
file-roller, especially tarballs ?
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1269 [14:26:14] <kroon> Like, using file-roller on a .deb, and
then unpacking the data tarball
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1416 [16:09:13] <exifbono> hello everyone. I'd like to swap
my HDD to SSD. I just bought it and I am thinking: in order to
switch from one to another can I just connect the ssd, format it as
ext4 and dd my current disk over it?
1417 [16:09:19] <exifbono> Hope it's clear and is not a silly
question =D
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1420 [16:12:02] <diogenes_> exifbono, i think a fresh installtion
will cost you less hassle
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1423 [16:12:51] <nkuttler> yup, reinstall is almost always
1424 [16:12:51] <phogg> exifbono: You either dd or mkfs, not both.
I would mkfs, rsync everything over, and then worry about grub.
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1427 [16:14:38] <exifbono> I see... I'll do a fresh install
and rsync at least my /home folder then
1428 [16:15:15] <exifbono> Thanks for the tip good people =)
1429 [16:15:30] <PaddyF> may the force be with you, exifbono
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1431 [16:15:53] <diogenes_> especially on an ssd the installation
process should be like 5 minutes
1432 [16:16:04] <victorqueiroz> I'm having this error while
trying to create .deb package:
1433 [16:16:07] <__m4ch1n3__> hmmm dont think this will copy disks
uid or?
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1435 [16:16:25] <n4dir> no experience with dd, but using rsync to
move a full installation to a different disk is pretty straight
forward. exifbono
1436 [16:17:28] <__m4ch1n3__> victorqueiroz, hmm maybe try firs
1437 [16:17:31] <__m4ch1n3__> make clean
1438 [16:17:36] <__m4ch1n3__> then
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1440 [16:17:41] <__m4ch1n3__> ./
1441 [16:17:44] *** Quits: rattlebattle79 (~steinar@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving.)
1442 [16:17:48] <__m4ch1n3__> then ./configure
1443 [16:17:51] <__m4ch1n3__> then make
1444 [16:17:58] <victorqueiroz> Alright, one moment
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1448 [16:19:01] <__m4ch1n3__> oh wait
1449 [16:19:03] *** Joins: xcm (~xcm@replaced-ip )
1450 [16:19:04] <__m4ch1n3__> i see
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1452 [16:19:24] <__m4ch1n3__> you trying to compile an debian
source package
1453 [16:20:03] <tomreyn> hi. is FDE (incl /boot) with / on all of
(bottom to top, / on top) md raid-1, dmcrypt-luks, lvm2 whil eufi
booting off gpt something the debian installer fully supports out of
the box?
1454 [16:20:16] <__m4ch1n3__> there are build scripts in one of
subdirectories, there should be also a file with "rules"
in this directorie
1455 [16:20:38] <__m4ch1n3__> *rules in name
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1462 [16:22:27] <tomreyn> i tried with ubuntu's d-i fork but
it failed during grub install, using their secure boot signed x86_64
efi grub (they have a signed and a non-signed one), which lacks the
cryptomount grub module.
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1468 [16:24:32] <hexhaxtron> I got many pictures taken with my
Smartphone. Is there a tool that shows the location of a picture in
Google Maps?
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1502 [16:46:11] <victorqueiroz> hexhaxtron: You should find a tool
that deals with this:
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1520 [17:01:44] <victorqueiroz> __m4ch1n3__: there is a rules file
but it seems that ./ is being executed twice for some
reason. See line 15:
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1531 [17:06:16] <vlt> hexhaxtron: One of the many tools that
support this is Darktable.
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1549 [17:21:44] <PaddyF> i face a strange phenomenon:
hostname=ircserv; hosts entry=ircserv.localdomain; login via ssh
patrick@IP --> patrick@patrick $ (not patrick@ircserv)
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1553 [17:23:31] <PaddyF> how can i find out what is causing this?
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1560 [17:25:28] <bites> what's the output of echo $PS1;
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1562 [17:25:36] <PaddyF> ircserv
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1564 [17:26:17] <bites> that's not all.
1565 [17:26:46] <PaddyF> 17:26:00 root@root:~] echo $PS1; hostname
1566 [17:26:46] <PaddyF> [\t \u@\u:\w]
1567 [17:26:46] <PaddyF> ircserv
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1570 [17:27:14] <bites> so \u@\u will show as username@username.
1571 [17:27:32] <PaddyF> wait, \u@\u?? when did that happen!
1572 [17:27:51] <PaddyF> thanks bites :)
1573 [17:28:01] <bites> no problem. ^^
1574 [17:28:11] <PaddyF> amazing that i made this typo in 3 places
the same time
1575 [17:30:23] <PaddyF> or i copied the mistake. ah, no remote
hands that caused this. thanks again
1576 [17:30:40] <jim> PaddyF, maybe that's just your prompt
1577 [17:30:53] <PaddyF> it resolved :)
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1590 [17:41:18] <victorqueiroz> I was able to create .deb files
but I can't replace current libfreetype6 package. What should I
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1598 [17:44:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1487
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1609 [17:50:57] <Heathen> Greetings everyone. I'm trying to
install debian 9.6.0 on an older ThinkPad. When I start from the
netinstall image Im told I need the non-free firmware. When I start
with the live non-free iso, it hangs at Started Update UTMP. Any
suggestions on how to get my install going?
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1613 [17:52:17] <LtL> Heathen: use the nonfree included install
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1615 [17:53:16] <Heathen> LtL, Sorry, how is that different from
the live nonfree install iso I tried?
1616 [17:53:23] *** Joins: hspcd (~hspcd@replaced-ip )
1617 [17:53:58] <LtL> Heathen: the live install has been known to
suck and isn't advised.
1618 [17:54:38] <LtL> i've never installed from a
'live' image/cd/dvd -ever-
1619 [17:55:32] <LtL> Heathen: you'll need a 3.4 GB iso but
it's worth the trouble.
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1622 [17:56:14] <Heathen> Ok, I'm looking around for the not
live, nonfree image now. I'll give it a try
1623 [17:56:34] <LtL> Heathen: netinstall is fine if you can get
the firmware on it.
1624 [17:56:45] *** Quits: warai_otoko (~warai_oto@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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1626 [17:57:34] <LtL> Heathen:
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1645 [18:04:02] <Heathen> LtL, I only see netinst.iso in the
directory. What am I missing?
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1648 [18:04:48] <LtL> Heathen: this is what you want, provided
you're 64bit.
1649 [18:04:54] <LtL>
1650 [18:05:35] <Heathen> Oh, I was looking in iso-dc
1651 [18:05:40] <Heathen> err, iso-cd
1652 [18:06:05] <LtL> Heathen: yeah, it doesnt fit on cd's
1653 [18:06:37] <Heathen> Ok, I'll give it a shot. Thanks
1654 [18:06:51] <LtL> Heathen: welcome, happy installing
1655 [18:07:03] <Heathen> It's a slow download =(
1656 [18:07:26] <LtL> Heathen: i feel ya, it's worth it.
1657 [18:07:32] <Heathen> Roger
1658 [18:07:49] <LtL> check the checksums when done
1659 [18:08:13] <LtL> onw will do
1660 [18:08:19] <LtL> *one
1661 [18:08:26] <Heathen> Just to be sure.. I want
1662 [18:08:30] <Heathen> Correct?
1663 [18:08:34] *** Joins: dez (uid92154@replaced-ip )
1664 [18:08:42] *** Joins: Olanzapin (~never@replaced-ip )
1665 [18:08:44] <LtL> Heathen: if you are 64 bit yes.
1666 [18:08:56] *** Joins: ml| (~ml|@replaced-ip )
1667 [18:09:20] <Heathen> Great. I'm on my way
1668 [18:09:37] *** Joins: Tarrasquero (~Tarrasque@replaced-ip )
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1675 [18:16:09] <ChmEarl> victorqueiroz, look in your control.
What arch is *-dev? maybe use `any` for libfreetype6-dev
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1688 [18:22:54] <karlpinc> Heathen: FWIW, because you're only
installing on a single machine you'll be wasting bandwidth
downloading the dvd. You're sure to download stuff you
don't install, whereas if you use the netinstall you download
(during install) only what you need.
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1691 [18:23:41] <LtL> karlpinc: he/she needs firmware
1692 [18:24:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1494
1693 [18:24:08] <karlpinc> LtL: There's unoffical netinstalls
with non-free firmware.
1694 [18:24:15] *** Quits: kunwon1 (~kunwon1@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1695 [18:24:31] <LtL> karlpinc: damn, i didn't know that
1696 [18:24:42] <karlpinc> !firmware images
1697 [18:24:42] <dpkg> Unofficial <netinst> and DVD
installer images containing non-free Debian firmware packages are
available for installing Debian 9 "Stretch". See
1698 [18:24:54] *** Joins: kunwon1 (~kunwon1@replaced-ip )
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1700 [18:25:40] <LtL> !firmware images | Heathen
1701 [18:26:01] <LtL> not sure if that'll work
1702 [18:26:05] <karlpinc> LtL: You can do "!tell Heathen
about firmware images"
1703 [18:26:26] <karlpinc> LtL: It's probably not worth it
though, he should be able to read it here.
1704 [18:26:38] <LtL> !tell Heathen about firmware images
1705 [18:26:43] *** Quits: Exagone313 (exa@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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1707 [18:26:58] <LtL> karlpinc: thanks, i forgot about !tell
1708 [18:27:21] <karlpinc> LtL: (and if you don't want the
channel to see it then: /msg dpkg tell ...
1709 [18:28:17] <LtL> karlpinc: nod
1710 [18:28:54] *** Quits: rpifan (~rpifan@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
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1712 [18:29:13] <LtL> Heathen: kill that d/l try this:
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1725 [18:32:34] <karlpinc> LtL: You left off the actual file from
your url.
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1727 [18:33:23] <LtL> karlpinc: i'm sure they'll find
it. i trust but yeah i did
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1730 [18:34:07] <LtL> Heathen:
1731 [18:34:18] *** Joins: colinjmatt (~colinjmat@replaced-ip )
1732 [18:34:43] <LtL> poor guy probably went on vacation waiting
on 3.4 GB
1733 [18:34:51] *** Quits: Hemmmmy (~Hemmmmy@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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1737 [18:36:10] *** Joins: Thedarkb-T60 (~Thedarkb-@replaced-ip )
1738 [18:36:18] <LtL> This day has gone south from the get go for
me *sigh*
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1743 [18:37:02] <Thedarkb-T60> Hey, I'm having stability
issues with wicd and I'm wondering what steps I'll have to
take to switch to network manager
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1746 [18:39:32] <n4dir> like in install network-manager and either
remove wicd or stop it from starting during boot?
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1748 [18:39:53] <temple48> Thedarkb-T60: I think it may be as
simple as installing the appropriate NetworkManager packages,
enabling NetworkManager, stopping wicd, starting NetworkManager, and
disabling wicd.
1749 [18:40:11] <ChmEarl> victorqueiroz, can you pastebin
`dpkg-deb -I libfreetype6-dev_2.12_amd64.deb` ?
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1760 [18:44:57] <Thedarkb-T60> apt installing network-manager
while wicd was still running was not a good idea.
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1764 [18:45:24] <l9> dosent sound like the best idea at least ;)
1765 [18:45:42] <Thedarkb-T60> How do you switch network managers
1766 [18:46:22] <l9> never had to switch
1767 [18:46:49] <n4dir> what didn't work with the described
1768 [18:47:25] *** Joins: innoix (~innoix@replaced-ip )
1769 [18:47:28] <temple48> Thedarkb-T60: I guess you could
download all the network-manager packages like apt -d install and
then stop & disable wicd, then install network-manager, start
& enable? if you are having some kind of issue installing
network-manager while wicd is running...
1770 [18:47:46] <temple48> Thedarkb-T60: but just installing it,
as far as I know, won't enable network-manager or start it,
unless you had a different experience testing it
1771 [18:47:53] <Thedarkb-T60> I did.
1772 [18:48:05] <Thedarkb-T60> dmesg started spitting out link not
1773 [18:48:08] <Thedarkb-T60> I had to restart.
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1816 [19:15:41] <pila> hey
1817 [19:16:14] <pila> why is it not possible to install
php7.3-curl on debian? there is problem with libcurl 3 & 4...
any solution for this?
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1829 [19:21:45] <tomreyn> pila: if you don't even discuss
"problem" it will be difficult for anyone to help you out.
1830 [19:22:09] <pila> problem is: php7.3-curl : Depends: libcurl3
(>= 7.44.0) but it is not going to be installed
1831 [19:22:26] <pila> but since apache2 uses libcurl4 i cannot
install php curl without removing apache2....
1832 [19:22:29] <pila> so thats the problem
1833 [19:22:47] <tomreyn>
1834 [19:23:15] <tomreyn> on buster, php7.3-curl depends on
libcurl4. what are you running?
1835 [19:23:25] *** Quits: LiuYan (~NiHola@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
1836 [19:24:10] <pila> buster/sid
1837 [19:24:50] <pila> php7.3-curl depends on php7.3-common (=
7.3.0-2); however:
1838 [19:24:57] <pila> is when i try to install^^
1839 [19:25:04] <pila> so i think i need to remove all packages
1840 [19:25:48] <tomreyn> pila: you need to remove unsupported
packages and apt sources, then run apt update, then install
1841 [19:26:33] <pila> is there a way to use only buster when
installing packages?
1842 [19:26:46] <pila> i added buster repo to my aptsources,
somehow there is only stretch
1843 [19:26:46] <tomreyn> see above
1844 [19:26:47] *** Quits: dowwie (~dowwie@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
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1846 [19:27:06] <pila> is it safe to remove all stretch repos?
1847 [19:27:17] <tomreyn> depends on what you are running
1848 [19:27:41] <tomreyn> if you'Re runnign stretch: probably
not. if you're running buster, you should already have removed
1849 [19:28:02] <tomreyn> looks like you went through an unclean
1850 [19:28:18] *** Joins: watchcat (~un@replaced-ip )
1851 [19:28:22] <pila> i installed it through my hoster
1852 [19:28:56] <tomreyn> so you did a fresh install (not an
upgrade) using the buster image of your hoster, and now you have apt
sources pointing to stretch?
1853 [19:29:14] <pila> yes
1854 [19:29:24] <tomreyn> find a new hoster
1855 [19:29:39] <tomreyn> for now, run: sudo apt update
2>&1 | nc 9999
1856 [19:29:43] <tomreyn> then report the url here
1857 [19:30:08] <tomreyn> then run: sudo apt-cache policy
2>&1 | nc 9999
1858 [19:30:10] <tomreyn> then report the url here
1859 [19:30:35] <tomreyn> finally run "lsb_release -ds"
and post the output here.
1860 [19:30:38] <pila>
1861 [19:30:44] <jelly> ,v php7.3-curl
1862 [19:30:45] <judd> Package: php7.3-curl on amd64 -- buster:
7.3.0-2; sid: 7.3.0-2
1863 [19:31:12] <pila>
1864 [19:31:24] <jelly> pila, mixing different, especially newer
debian release repos is not supported
1865 [19:31:40] <pila> u mean the buster one?
1866 [19:31:53] <jelly> if you had a stretch installation, yes
1867 [19:31:55] <tomreyn> pila: you installed stretch, then added
buster and sid sources
1868 [19:32:06] <pila> that was just for a test i did that 2 mins
1869 [19:32:08] <tomreyn> pila: this is not your hosters'
unmodified image, i'm convinced
1870 [19:32:30] <pila> are you sure? i fired up their recovery
system, picked the install image, and installed it
1871 [19:32:38] <pila> i only modifier raid levels in their config
1872 [19:32:46] <jelly> pila, you can either upgrade fully to
buster, or reinstall and avoid mixing
1873 [19:32:49] <pila> except from that i did not alter anything
1874 [19:33:00] <pila> i would want to avoid reinstalling
1875 [19:33:07] *** Quits: mavhc (~mavhc@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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1877 [19:33:20] <pila> should i try lsb_release -ds ?
1878 [19:33:32] *** Joins: bfit (~bfit@replaced-ip )
1879 [19:33:38] <pila> "Debian GNU/Linux buster/sid"
1880 [19:33:47] *** Quits: tyranny12 (~blarg@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1881 [19:33:50] <jelly> so you managed to install some things from
1882 [19:33:58] <tomreyn> pila: you re-created frankensteins
monster there
1883 [19:34:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1489
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1885 [19:34:19] <tomreyn> pila: mixing parts of 3 releases
1886 [19:34:23] <tomreyn> +a ppa
1887 [19:34:26] <pila> mhhh...
1888 [19:34:32] <pila> better backup my stuff and do a clean
1889 [19:34:36] *** Joins: ircusertest (~ircuserte@replaced-ip )
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1891 [19:34:44] <jelly> that's the simplest thing to do yes
1892 [19:34:48] <tomreyn> probably
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1896 [19:35:25] <jelly> or switch over to buster completely, with
all the consequences using the "testing" branch has
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1898 [19:36:08] <jelly> I don't see any ppa in that policy
1899 [19:36:25] <tomreyn> i should have said 2third party apt
1900 [19:36:37] <tomreyn> sury
1901 [19:36:39] <jelly> !
1902 [19:36:39] <dpkg> Short instructions for sury's php deb
builds can be found at
1903 [19:37:25] <tomreyn> i'm aware that it's well
maintained, i'm just pointing out that pila should have told us
about the modifications they made
1904 [19:38:07] <jelly> Should have? If people knew what they were
doing they would not come ask us questions here.
1905 [19:38:26] *** Quits: ircusertest (~ircuserte@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1906 [19:38:35] <tomreyn> well they said that it was a fresh
installation using the hosters' image
1907 [19:38:38] <tomreyn> which it clearly isnt
1908 [19:38:41] <pila> i cant explain why everything was mixed
1909 [19:39:15] <pila> but thanks for leading me the right way
1910 [19:39:27] <jelly> the only way is that someone, you, or your
hoster, added repos that do not work well with debian 9 (stretch)
1911 [19:39:27] <pila> i understand that this is a true
frankenstein monster :D
1912 [19:39:54] *** Joins: ircusertest (~ircuserte@replaced-ip )
1913 [19:39:55] <pila> i will backup my stuff, and reinstall
1914 [19:40:02] <pila> how can i "verify" that it worked
this time?
1915 [19:40:02] *** Quits: ircusertest (~ircuserte@replaced-ip ) (Changing host)
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1917 [19:40:05] <tomreyn> cool, good luck there.
1918 [19:40:28] <tomreyn> pila: repeat the steps i asked you to do
(posting this output)
1919 [19:40:36] <jelly> !basic apt troubleshooting
1920 [19:40:36] <dpkg> In order to troubleshoot your problem with
apt-get, apt or aptitude we need ALL OF THE FOLLOWING information:
1. complete output of your apt-get/apt/aptitude run (including the
command used) 2. output from "apt-cache policy pkg1
pkg2..." for ALL packages mentioned ANYWHERE in the problem,
and 3. "apt-cache policy". Use
1921 [19:40:48] <pila> so in apt source should only be buster
1922 [19:40:51] <pila> and no stretch
1923 [19:41:09] *** Joins: mavhc (~mavhc@replaced-ip )
1924 [19:41:09] <tomreyn> pila: if "apt-cache policy"
lists repositoies which are not the official ones, you'll know
something is wrong.
1925 [19:41:36] <jelly> pila, debian 9 is stretch is the current
release. buster is a work in progress, don't use that unless
you know why you need and want it.
1926 [19:41:49] <jelly> !buster
1927 [19:41:49] <dpkg> The release following Debian 9
"Stretch" is codenamed "Buster" (Andy's pet
Dachshund in Toy Story) and will be Debian 10.
1928 [19:41:50] <tomreyn> pila: i think you want stretch, not
1929 [19:42:01] <pila> yeah probably thats better
1930 [19:42:08] <pila> so stretch = 9.0 buster = 9.5 ?
1931 [19:42:13] *** PaddyF is now known as PaddyF_BAK
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1933 [19:42:42] <coruja> buster will be 10 when released
1934 [19:42:42] <jelly> point releases are just fixes, stretch =
everything from 9.0 to 9.6
1935 [19:42:43] <tomreyn> buster will likely be debian 10
1936 [19:42:53] <tomreyn>
1937 [19:43:09] <pila> oh
1938 [19:43:12] <pila> yeah okay
1939 [19:43:15] <pila> then i installed stretch
1940 [19:43:18] <pila> i was wrong
1941 [19:43:26] <jelly> !9.6
1942 [19:43:26] <dpkg> Debian 9.6 was released on Nov 10, 2018.
This point release corrects some serious bugs and copies security
updates across to the main archive. Further details are at
1943 [19:43:30] <pila> is there a way to remove the buster stuff?
i just did it 10 mins ago and it may be only 1 package
1944 [19:43:34] <jelly> no
1945 [19:44:02] <jelly> it's not only 1 package, you already
updated base-files and other dependencies
1946 [19:44:08] <tomreyn> pila: once you reinstalled and verified
you have only stretch apt sources, you can re-add the sury apt
source (but for stretch, not buster), which should enable you to
install the newer php version
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1951 [19:44:36] <jelly> if you have a backup of the installation
from before any buster stuff got added, you can restore to that
1952 [19:44:40] <pila> yeah i think i added the wrong sury apt
1953 [19:44:42] <pila> which messed up
1954 [19:44:53] <jelly> it is not the sury source that is wrong
1955 [19:45:05] <jelly> it's all the "buster" and
"sid" and "experimental" stuff
1956 [19:45:42] <pila> i see...
1957 [19:45:43] <coruja> pila, apt list --installed | grep
1958 [19:45:58] <pila> empty result
1959 [19:47:25] <tomreyn> pila: see the report of your apt sources
1960 [19:47:39] *** VerrueckterMongo is now known as __notm4ch1n3__
1961 [19:48:05] <coruja> looks like no testing packages are
installed then (as long as all repos are still active, else try
again with testing replaced by /now and/or /unstable)
1962 [19:48:59] <tomreyn> coruja: you must have missed that
"lsb_release -ds" reports "Debian GNU/Linux
1963 [19:49:32] <jelly> coruja, if a package version is available
from more than one repo, what does that command show?
1964 [19:49:34] <coruja> indeed - strange that there are no
testing packages installed then
1965 [19:49:36] *** Quits: Ericounet (~Eric@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1966 [19:50:04] <coruja> jelly, e.g. <package>/stable,
testing, unstable, now
1967 [19:50:07] *** Joins: Ericounet (~Eric@replaced-ip )
1968 [19:50:10] <tomreyn> coruja: not strange, there is no
"testing" apt source.
1969 [19:50:28] *** Joins: effeerre (~effeerre@replaced-ip )
1970 [19:51:19] <coruja> ah, i see, so i misinterpreted the
talking about buster above
1971 [19:51:32] *** Quits: effeerre (~effeerre@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1972 [19:52:06] <coruja> has pila already pasted a complete list
of installed packages? (i better ask in advance)
1973 [19:52:09] <tomreyn> this may be a way to determine non
stretch packages: apt list --installed | grep -Fv '/stretch,
1974 [19:52:27] *** Joins: effeerre (~effeerre@replaced-ip )
1975 [19:52:28] <tomreyn> coruja: no, but so far we suggested a
1976 [19:52:29] *** Joins: conta (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip )
1977 [19:52:30] <jelly> tomreyn, it does not show the source, I
got a buster system with "buster" in sources.list, yet
1978 [19:52:32] <jelly> base-files/testing,unstable,now 10.1 amd64
1979 [19:52:32] *** Joins: kodapa (david@replaced-ip )
1980 [19:52:32] <jelly> libc6/testing,now 2.28-2 amd64
[installed,upgradable to: 2.28-4]
1981 [19:52:39] <tomreyn> which is probably faster than trying to
release downgrade
1982 [19:52:41] <coruja> then we could take a look for ourselves
1983 [19:53:21] <tomreyn> jelly: okay, sorry then coruja, i was
mistaken there.
1984 [19:53:26] *** Quits: effeerre (~effeerre@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1985 [19:53:31] <pila>
1986 [19:53:53] <jelly> so it's a pretty much sid (unstable)
1987 [19:53:55] <coruja> ok, reinstall then i guess
1988 [19:54:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1496
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1990 [19:54:26] <jelly> heh, haveged
1991 [19:54:35] <pila> but how was i able to mess up so badly?
1992 [19:54:51] <pila> i believe i added a repo maybe just for 1
1993 [19:55:00] <jelly> you added sid (or unstable) repos and did
an upgrade or full-upgrade command.
1994 [19:55:18] *** Joins: PocketKiller (taha@replaced-ip )
1995 [19:55:20] <pila> apt-get upgrade... yeah^^ i remember that
1996 [19:55:22] <jelly> apt and aptitude have logs. Also, your
shell may have kept history.
1997 [19:55:23] <pila> but no full-upgrade
1998 [19:55:39] *** Quits: Penguin_ (~xwQ5kwYl6@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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2006 [19:57:35] <pila> anyway, i reinstall and watch for the apt
sources better next time
2007 [19:57:43] <pila> thank you very much for the help
2008 [19:57:54] <tomreyn> pila: after reinstall, you can do this:
2009 [19:58:10] <tomreyn> then you just need to apt update and
install the php packages you need.
2010 [19:58:14] *** PocketKiller is now known as PacKet7
2011 [19:58:29] <pila> thats a great tip! thanks. i bookmarked the
2012 [19:58:31] *** Quits: l9 (~muad@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2013 [19:58:39] <tomreyn> remember "apt update && apt
policy" to check your apt sources
2014 [19:58:49] <pila> thank you all very much for taking time and
patience for my silly questions^^
2015 [19:58:49] *** Joins: l9 (~muad@replaced-ip )
2016 [19:58:54] <pila> i wish you a great day/night
2017 [19:59:42] <tomreyn> pila: using sury's DPA, be sure to
also read
2018 [19:59:45] <tomreyn> see you!
2019 [20:00:07] <tomreyn> those questions weren't silly, it
was good you asked.
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2023 [20:02:04] <coltkirk> i switched to debian this morning after
pacman -Syu blew my graphics card up
2024 [20:03:21] <coltkirk> im enjoying the package manager more
than opening up community packages from the centos i had tried for a
quick minute
2025 [20:03:40] <SerajewelKS> coltkirk: no guarantees that
won't happen with debian, either.... i regularly have to sift
through package upgrade conflicts every time there is an
nvidia-driver update, and if i'm not careful it will uninstall
most of the driver packages.
2026 [20:04:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1503
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2028 [20:04:52] <Hund> I have never had any issues with Nvidia in
Arch. I know that's not the case for a lot of people though. I
seem to have issues with in Debian though.
2029 [20:04:56] <coltkirk> my friends told me that
"'stable' releases are so 90s," in a funny way,
so here i am on the testing version... i back up config files to git
as to not reconfig everything
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2032 [20:05:33] <SerajewelKS> coltkirk: if you're talking
about /etc, have a look at the etckeeper package
2033 [20:05:53] <Hund> I went with testing as well, I didn't
expect it to be soo.. testing though. :P
2034 [20:05:57] <coltkirk> mainly .emacs .xauthority. .zshrc and a
few other things
2035 [20:06:04] <SerajewelKS> ah
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2037 [20:07:14] <coltkirk> what might i do to troubleshoot an
atomic meltdown in the future? i just had chaotic text all over the
2038 [20:08:04] <coltkirk> regardeless, im pleased with debian.
serious buisnesses don't use arch, from what my people say
2039 [20:08:43] *** Joins: natz (~natz@replaced-ip )
2040 [20:09:07] <Hund> No, you want a stable distro for your
2041 [20:09:48] <coltkirk> btw im just at home, homebrew hacker,
trying to catch a break
2042 [20:10:24] <Hund> What's that?
2043 [20:10:25] <coltkirk> debian-stable for business, i was
kidding about the slight
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2045 [20:10:42] <coltkirk> what?
2046 [20:10:51] <Hund> Homebrew hacker?
2047 [20:11:02] <coltkirk> amateur
2048 [20:11:10] <Hund> Ahh
2049 [20:11:15] <SerajewelKS> coltkirk: #1 rule is make a full
system backup before doing upgrades you're worried about
2050 [20:11:32] *** Quits: mavhc (~mavhc@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2051 [20:11:38] <coltkirk> using git right
2052 [20:12:11] <SerajewelKS> coltkirk: git is not a backup tool.
i use restic, there's also things like duplicity and borg.
2053 [20:12:13] *** Joins: juboxi (~juboxi@replaced-ip )
2054 [20:12:26] <SerajewelKS> (if you use restic, the version in
debian is so out of date that it's useless, use the release
binary on github instead)
2055 [20:12:28] <nkuttler> eh, rule 1# of backups is to automate
them and make them continuously ;)
2056 [20:12:55] <SerajewelKS> that too
2057 [20:12:55] <Hund> Rule #2 should probably be to test your
backups. :)
2058 [20:13:01] *** Quits: snypzz (~smylezz@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2059 [20:13:20] <nkuttler> pretty much
2060 [20:13:29] <Hund> The only thing that's worse than no
backups is backups that doesn't work.
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2062 [20:13:53] <coltkirk> ok. thank you. i save those type of
rules into a file for me to go through, and 'learn by
2063 [20:14:19] *** juboxi is now known as jubo2
2064 [20:14:25] <coltkirk> my life is one lon todo list
2065 [20:14:30] <coltkirk> *long
2066 [20:14:44] <nkuttler> the more you learn, the longer it gets
2067 [20:14:54] <Hund> There's also that 3-2-1 rule as well.
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2071 [20:16:33] <Hund> 3 copies, 2 types of medias and 1 offsite
copy. If I recall it correctly.
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2073 [20:16:42] <coltkirk> duly noted
2074 [20:16:55] *** Quits: DzAirmaX (~DzAirmaX@replaced-ip ) (Quit: We here br0.... xD)
2075 [20:17:15] <SerajewelKS> with restic i keep one copy on-site
and two off-site copies instead
2076 [20:17:19] <SerajewelKS> seems a bit safer to me
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2083 [20:20:33] <Hund> They're talking about servers though.
You don't store the backups on the server. So we're really
talking about 3 computers and one of them is offsite.
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2085 [20:21:18] <SerajewelKS> right. we use one on-site dedicated
backup server and two off-site replicas.
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2087 [20:21:26] <Hund> Okey. :)
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2117 [20:40:59] <annadane> what is a good primer on cron jobs
other than the man pages?
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2119 [20:41:38] <Hund>
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2152 [21:03:37] * whislock bookmarks that...
2153 [21:03:40] <notenoughcatnip> Hund: tnx for that cron website.
2154 [21:03:50] <Hund> Np. :)
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2158 [21:09:01] <friendofafriend> Where can I find live images for
ARM targets?
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2174 [21:14:31] <karlpinc> friendofafriend: I don't know. You
can start here:
2175 [21:14:34] <karlpinc> !debian live
2176 [21:14:34] <dpkg> The Debian Live project provides pre-built
Debian live system images and allows creation of your own. NOT
recommended for installing Debian. Live images are available from
2177 [21:16:04] *** Quits: ismiseconchubhar (~mise@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Lost terminal)
2178 [21:16:49] <exifbono> hello everyone. I just removed my old
hard disk and swapped it for a SSD. Now, I want to recover all of my
stuff but the old hdd is FDE. I get asked for the password, I put it
and I have an Error: operation was canceled. This is my lsblk:
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2183 [21:18:38] <exifbono> I tried to mount it with mount and
cryptsetup, no good. Here is the output:
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2193 [21:25:18] <coltkirk> about to purge xfce and make default i3
wm. i learn more staying away from windows-like interfaces
2194 [21:25:46] *** PocketKiller is now known as PacKet7
2195 [21:26:15] <insecurity> hi all. i'm experiencing this
issue in kali but having a heck of a time finding a solution.
it's a fresh install. rebooting is fine until i apt-get
upgrade, then after rebooting i get this error and can't boot:
2196 [21:26:42] <mtn> !kali
2197 [21:26:42] <dpkg> Kali Linux (replaced-url
2198 [21:26:47] <RustyShackleford>
2199 [21:26:51] <RustyShackleford> pretty neat application
2200 [21:27:28] <RustyShackleford> anything else I should look
into? I've been recommended nagios
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2212 [21:32:18] <watchcat> exifbono: here are commands for
creating, opening, closing crypsetup partitions:
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2215 [21:33:41] <altker128> insecurity: Something got screwed up
in your install -- did you clone it from one drive to another? The
UUID stuff is telling you that the boot loader (GRUB) is looking for
a certain unique drive for the OS but can't find it. You can
try to salvage it by fixing grub & the /etc/fstab usually
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2219 [21:34:20] <insecurity> altker128: nothing beyond installing
into a VM from the latest .iso. seems the upadte is messing it up
2220 [21:34:27] <insecurity> going to try their pre-build VM
2221 [21:34:40] *** Quits: trysten (~user@replaced-ip ) (Quit: leaving)
2222 [21:35:45] <altker128> insecurity: Something doesn't
sound right there then. The installer will pick up on the UUID of
the destination drive and properly set that up.
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2225 [21:37:07] <exifbono> watchcat, thanks, after a bit of a
hassle with error I managed... feew, cold sweat for a couple of
minutes =D
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2229 [21:39:00] <cryptoape> Why not just run kali live as
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2234 [21:39:42] <insecurity>
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2236 [21:40:17] *** Joins: Cabanoss- (~Cabanossi@replaced-ip )
2237 [21:40:56] <cryptoape> Boot the iso run the tools to learn
then shut down it's not meant to be a daily use
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2242 [21:41:55] <insecurity> altker128: before i reboot fstab has
the right uuid... it's empty when i'm in the initramfs
shell though
2243 [21:41:56] <cryptoape> And if you want some of the tools
Google them add the ppas or repos and install them for use on your
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2247 [21:42:15] <insecurity> cryptoape: i think you are mistaken
about the intended use.
2248 [21:42:27] <cryptoape> Uh no
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2250 [21:43:22] <insecurity> i use it for pen testing. booting
into a live environment will not lend itself to that over time.
2251 [21:43:33] <insecurity> the intended use of the distro is for
pen testing.
2252 [21:43:45] *** Joins: matrim (~mats_@replaced-ip )
2253 [21:43:57] <cryptoape> It's a security based
distribution that is quite often used live in forensic
investigations and penetration testing boot to a live session do
your work save reports to a USB fir analyzing later
2254 [21:44:00] *** Quits: ppw (~ppw@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2255 [21:44:05] <PaddyF> my banana pi runs from an sd card and i
connected a sata drive via usb. i want to have the same partition on
the sd card and the usb drive. how can i do that?
2256 [21:44:13] <insecurity> cryptoape: cool.
2257 [21:44:20] <altker128> Glancing over this (replaced-url
2258 [21:44:21] *** Quits: OS-36013 (~OS-36013@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
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2260 [21:44:41] <PaddyF> altker128: for kali stuff go to kali
support places, i would say
2261 [21:44:43] <insecurity> altker128: strange that a update
breaks it though?
2262 [21:45:11] <PaddyF> nevermind
2263 [21:45:34] <altker128> PaddyF: Understood, I'm not
struggling with Kali, I use Debian :)
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2265 [21:45:41] <PaddyF> :)
2266 [21:45:52] <exifbono> PaddyF, You want to reproduce the exact
same partition table and data of the sdcard into the usdb device?
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2268 [21:46:08] <exifbono> usb*
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2271 [21:46:17] <PaddyF> exifbono: not the partition table just
the content of a partition
2272 [21:46:34] <exifbono> mmhm. Why is cp not suitable?
2273 [21:46:45] <PaddyF> like a raid1 or something
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2275 [21:47:17] <PaddyF> maybe cp or rsync are suitable. thats why
i ask
2276 [21:47:49] <exifbono> ah, yeah they should do the job. cp -a,
so you'll get hidden stuff as well
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2281 [21:48:36] <PaddyF> problem with cp and rsync: when i delete
a file or directory on A it will not sync over to B. and the next
time i sync B will sync it back to A, etc.
2282 [21:49:12] <coltkirk> i made a .xinitrc file with "exec
i3" now i only boot into initramfs. might i be pointed to the
/home/ directory from this place as to fix the file
2283 [21:49:22] <exifbono> I have a similar question: since I just
changed my hard disk for a ssd, what parameters would you people
recommend to rsync the entire old hdd to the new one so that
I'll have the same programs, preferences and everything?
2284 [21:49:57] <exifbono> ah, PaddyF, you want them to keep
syncing, so that you delete something from A and it will delete the
same thing on B?
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2287 [21:50:10] <PaddyF> exifbono: yup!
2288 [21:50:21] <altker128> PaddyF: rsync :)
2289 [21:50:50] <altker128> PaddyF: It's got a bewildering
number of options but it will do what you want. There's an
option to delete files/folders if they're not present on the
2290 [21:50:52] <PaddyF> i hate rsync for its many features
2291 [21:51:17] <PaddyF> ah. very nice then
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2293 [21:52:02] <watchcat> exifbono:
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2297 [21:53:46] <altker128> exifbono: I used gparted to copy the
partitions ; you'll usually have to update the /etc/fstab and
also find a file for systemd's suspend/resume and update that
UUID as well
2298 [21:53:58] <coltkirk> ill try booting from a live usb and
searching for the home folder from there
2299 [21:54:49] <exifbono> thanks watchcat and altker128,
I'll do my homework and report if I feel like I'm drowning
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2301 [21:56:04] <RustyShackleford> I have a few services that
serve a webpage at certain port
2302 [21:56:23] <RustyShackleford> Is there a way I can remotely
access these without exposing them to the internet?
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2304 [21:56:47] <RustyShackleford> open port 22 on my router so I
can ssh in. And then like.. ssh tunneling maybe?
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2311 [21:58:07] <altker128> RustyShackleford: Or setup a VPN, like
OpenVPN. In the long-term this works well
2312 [21:58:18] <exifbono> RustyShackleford, ssh tunnel will work.
I use sshuttle to make it easier
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2316 [21:59:13] <RustyShackleford> altker128: do I host OpenVPN on
the same machine I want to access remotely?
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2318 [21:59:33] <RustyShackleford> or do I get an AWS/digitalocean
2319 [21:59:43] <watchcat> RustyShackleford: you could also make
them tor hidden service, which is amazingly easy.
2320 [21:59:44] <RustyShackleford> vps. too many acronyms lol
2321 [21:59:59] <altker128> RustyShackleford: It doesn't have
to be that way, but it can. The OpenVPN connection needs to give you
network access to your local network. You could install it on a
firewall computer which is network connected, or onto the server
2322 [22:00:05] <RustyShackleford> I want to be able to stream
video remotely, if it matters
2323 [22:00:29] <RustyShackleford> I was really interested in a
2324 [22:00:32] <altker128> My suggestion is on the machine
that's Internet facing
2325 [22:00:38] <altker128> (firewall or server or VPS)
2326 [22:01:06] <RustyShackleford> it seems like a great way to
access everything on your home wifi network
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2329 [22:01:13] <RustyShackleford> without having to open a bunch
of ports
2330 [22:01:19] *** Parts: km0201 (~km0201@replaced-ip ) ()
2331 [22:01:24] <exifbono> watchcat, I do that for all machines,
in case routers get reset, but for streaming content may be too slow
2332 [22:01:41] <RustyShackleford> it would be cool to run all my
devices through pihole as well
2333 [22:01:46] <watchcat> yep.
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2361 [22:24:59] <coltkirk> my first day of debian and i already
screwed up enough to delete and start from scratch. guess to backup
everything will be my very first task as I can see this defaulting
to initramfs over and over again as a common occurance until I
actually know what I am doing
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2363 [22:25:50] <annadane> do you understand what you screwed up
or do you just think you screwed up "something" to make it
default repeatedly to initramfs?
2364 [22:27:20] <coltkirk> i made a .xintrc file with some copied
code. that started this. then i edited it again correctly, getting
me to the login, however I cannot log into my user, as the password
is incorrect
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2366 [22:28:38] <coltkirk> in thunar A big red X is on the drive
over my home folder, when viewing from a live disk
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2368 [22:28:42] <abrotman> you can't login at the shell?
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2377 [22:31:35] <coltkirk> target filesystem doesn't have
requested /sbin/init
2378 [22:31:45] *** Quits: fedorafan (~fedorafan@replaced-ip ) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2379 [22:32:10] <coltkirk> ill google arond
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2386 [22:34:53] <coltkirk> initramfs is probably a learning
opportunity so, just nuking it might be just cheating
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2388 [22:35:35] <karlpinc> RustyShackleford: You _can_ configure
your firewall to pass openvpn traffic to some other box on your
network, but if you want to access the whole network you may as well
just configure the firewall to support openvpn and access your
network from there.
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2393 [22:36:14] <RustyShackleford> karlpinc: might need some
better hardware for that
2394 [22:36:26] *** Quits: oahong_ (~samigarus@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2395 [22:36:27] <RustyShackleford> I have a wireless router that
supports ddwrt
2396 [22:38:09] <karlpinc> RustyShackleford: Your current hardware
might suffice, you'd be suprised how little cpu is required. It
does depend on how much bandwidth you intend to push through.
2397 [22:38:26] <RustyShackleford> usually not much
2398 [22:38:34] <RustyShackleford> I would like to be able to
stream video via plex though
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2401 [22:38:54] <RustyShackleford> nice to have: route my mobile
phone through the vpn also for ad blocking
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2403 [22:39:16] <whislock> I do. Just not with OpenVPN.
2404 [22:39:17] *** Joins: Barones (~Barones@replaced-ip )
2405 [22:39:38] <whislock> OpenVPN can do it too, quite easily,
just to be clear.
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2409 [22:41:45] <karlpinc> I'd expect that wireguard would
use less cpu. Am I right in that it does not have to switch in and
out of userland?
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2413 [22:43:35] <whislock> Wireguard is also not ready for
real-world use.
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2416 [22:44:15] <hexa-> karlpinc: correct
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2419 [22:45:43] <karlpinc> Humm. The internet says this about
openvpn cpu requirements: "If your CPU is older and does not
have AES-NI, assume 40MHz per megabit per second of data
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2423 [22:48:03] <karlpinc> whislock: Yeah. And sadly, even when
wireguard is ready for real world use it won't be ready,
because crypto software needs to age for a while before it's
well trusted. The other downside is that I don't recall it
being cross platform, just linux/android.
2424 [22:49:02] *** Quits: pringau (~pringau@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2425 [22:49:27] <whislock> At this point, yes. The only Windows
implementation, for example, was immediately deemed unsafe by the
Wireguard devs.
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2428 [22:50:34] <karlpinc> whislock: I'm less interested in
MS Windows than I am in the BSDs. Although in practice MS Windows
seems always to get in my face sooner or later.
2429 [22:50:46] <RustyShackleford> netstat is really neat
2430 [22:51:50] <RustyShackleford> i'm trying nagios. seems
like it needs more configuration out of the box?
2431 [22:52:00] <karlpinc> RustyShackleford: ss is good too.
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2435 [22:52:35] <RustyShackleford> sorry netdata
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2464 [23:04:46] <centrix> I have come accross a server that
rotates logs using "squid -k rotate" out of the
/etc/logrotate.d/squid config in the postrotate section. I suppose
it is not neat to rotate logs using two mechanism. Am I right?
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2478 [23:11:25] <centrix> Why to use logrotate to rotate squid
logs while I can simply set a cron job calling "squid -k
2479 [23:14:42] <abrotman> keeping things consistent?
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2482 [23:16:59] <jhutchins> centrix: What does the man page say -k
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2484 [23:18:09] <fuxxy> Is there a utility I can use that's
scriptable to go through my folder of >500 movies and determine
what the default audio stream is for each?
2485 [23:18:11] <jhutchins> centrix: Some programs require a
separate step to re-start the log file.
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2493 [23:21:17] <centrix> jhutchins, I tried to call "squid
-k rotate" separately and it did what expected.
2494 [23:22:14] <centrix> Esp. when you have "rotate 10"
in the logrotate conf and "logfile_rotate XY" uncommented
in squid's config!
2495 [23:23:07] *** Quits: jmesker (~jmesker@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2496 [23:24:00] <jhutchins> Apache has a whole independent log
management tool, but I like seeing everything managed by logrotate.
It's standard, it's running anyway, and there just
isn't much point in re-inventing the wheel.
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2499 [23:26:34] <jhutchins> We have systems at work where someone
has disabled log rotation for atop (internal) and apache (just no
management). Once the person who decided to maintain them manually
leaves, nobody knows there's a problem until the disk's
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2501 [23:27:14] <centrix> jhutchins, let me post configs and what
I have found ...
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2504 [23:28:23] <jhutchins> centrix: Like I said, I don't
know squid. I'm sure there's information in it's man
pages and discussion of logging on their site.
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2506 [23:28:48] <centrix> OK then.
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2520 [23:37:53] <annadane> the man page is written in squid ink
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2548 [23:57:33] <Wulf> Hello!
2549 [23:58:06] <Wulf> On sid, "python3.6 -m venv
some_dir/" no longer works. Should I just live with it and use
py3.7, or is there an easy way to fix it?
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