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32[00:12:00] <dviv> hi, okular is taking forever to open pdf
files. am i missing some package?
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46[00:16:27] <irn4l> hi
47[00:16:48] <jmcnaught> dviv: if you open okular from a
terminal emulator you may see some errors or other messages that
tell you what's going on
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57[00:19:26] <Resilience> hello to everyone, I am having
trouble with hibernate, it seems that it corrupts my fs, and it is
related to the kernel 4 series, is there some workaround?
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59[00:21:07] <jmcnaught> Resilience: before you can workaround
something you need to know what the problem is. Can you show us some
logs from before and after a hibernate event? And also whatever
you're seeing that tells you that your file system is corrupt?
60[00:21:12] <dviv> this is what i have so far, its still
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67[00:23:27] <jmcnaught> dviv: does okular take a long time to
start, or just load PDF files? what about other file types or other
programs? Details about the session type and how you start it could
help too.
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69[00:24:11] <Resilience> jmcnaught, mmm /var /log/syslog or
what? what I'm seeing is that when resuming from hibernate
state it never load the image and always tries a fsck, then the
system finds a corrupted filesytem and then make a fsck
"repairing" it (maybe my filesystem is damaged?)
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73[00:25:18] <jmcnaught> Resilience: so instead of resuming, it
does a fresh boot that needs to fsck?
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77[00:26:06] <Resilience> jmcnaught, right, not sure if it is a
"fresh boot" but it does always fsck
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80[00:26:43] <jmcnaught> Resilience: how are you not sure if it
is a new boot or resuming the previous boot. Do you not have a
session running?
81[00:26:54] <CutMeOwnThroat> I don't think there's
even a mechanism to fsck during resume…
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84[00:26:57] <NapoleonWils0n> hi all
85[00:27:15] <NapoleonWils0n> just installed
86[00:27:23] <CutMeOwnThroat> but you should know if it boots
into your resumed state/session or a new one easily
87[00:27:29] <NapoleonWils0n> cant seem to change the font size
88[00:27:52] <NapoleonWils0n> its not picking up the
inconsolata for powerline and the font size
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90[00:28:17] <aaro> NapoleonWils0n, how are you trying yo
change it?
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92[00:28:35] <Resilience> jmcnaught, I have a sesion running
(this one) but I am not sure how to kow if it is a fresh boot (it
starts trying to load an image, then it fsck's, and then it
boot the machine as alwys, loosing all session image, and restarting
t as if it was powered up, is it a "fresh" boot?)
93[00:28:40] <NapoleonWils0n> i manually installed inconsolata
in fonts and ran fs-cache
94[00:29:08] <NapoleonWils0n> also tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure
95[00:29:24] <dviv> jmcnaught: other programs starts fine,
opening okular alone takes just as long apparently. running xfce
right now
96[00:29:37] <NapoleonWils0n> but inconsolata isnt listed as a
terminal font, and if i use apt to install inconsolata it doesnt
show up either
97[00:30:04] <dviv> does not matter the filetype i try to open,
it is slow
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99[00:30:36] <jmcnaught> Resilience: it sounds like it is
failing to resume then. If you're on Debian 8 with systemd you
can run "journalctl" as root to see log entries for the
current boot. There might be messages about this problem at the
start of this log.
100[00:30:59] <aaro> NapoleonWils0n, you need to create an
.Xresources file and set the urxvt config there, or if you just want
to config the font the use the -fn and -fb options
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102[00:31:20] <jmcnaught> dviv: is the problem happening with
other KDE programs? It's not clear what it's trying to
103[00:31:35] <NapoleonWils0n> i have an ~/.Xresources with the
font and font size
104[00:31:57] <dviv> no jmcnaught
105[00:32:10] <dviv> tried krita, kolourpaint
106[00:32:16] <dviv> they open instantly
107[00:32:17] <Resilience> jmcnaught, unfortunately I am running
systemd-shim, logs are in /var/log/syslog? or where can I find them?
108[00:32:28] <aaro> NapoleonWils0n, ok then do xrdb
~/.Xresources to make it happen
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110[00:32:36] <NapoleonWils0n> ah yes thats it
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112[00:33:28] <dviv> i think i will install kde just to see if
it opens faster
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114[00:33:42] <NapoleonWils0n> aaro thx mate that worked
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116[00:34:00] <NapoleonWils0n> no more large shouty font in the
117[00:34:04] <jmcnaught> Resilience: look in /var/log/syslog,
the output of 'dmesg'. It's up to you to find the
part in syslog where the hibernate event happened.
118[00:34:11] <aaro> NapoleonWils0n, np :)
119[00:34:32] <NapoleonWils0n> strange thing is the spacing
seems off
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121[00:34:47] <NapoleonWils0n> very wide spacing compared to
same set up on arch
122[00:35:12] <Resilience> jmcnaught, thanks, I am going to chek
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124[00:35:27] <aaro> NapoleonWils0n, use the letterSpace
125[00:35:57] <NapoleonWils0n> aaro sorry for being dense is
that in Xresources
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130[00:36:25] <jmcnaught> Resilience: i recommend looking for
messages from when the previous boot put the computer into
hibernate, and also messages from when it resumes or boots. You may
find relevant messages in some of the other logs in /var/log too.
131[00:36:35] <aaro> NapoleonWils0n, yes URxvt*letterSpace: -1
132[00:36:56] <NapoleonWils0n> just found it on stack cheers
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139[00:39:59] <NapoleonWils0n> tried URxvt*letterSpace: -1 and
URxvt.letterSpace: -1
140[00:40:13] <NapoleonWils0n> and xrdb ~/.Xresources
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142[00:40:28] <NapoleonWils0n> but still not looking the same as
on arch
143[00:40:44] <teraflops> URxvt.letterSpace: -1 whan an ugly
144[00:40:50] <teraflops> s/what*
145[00:40:53] <solrize> is wheezy stlil getting updates? should
i worry about the new kernel exploit i've been hearing about?
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148[00:41:16] <NapoleonWils0n> hi teraflops hope your not still
trying to sex up your laptop
149[00:41:21] <teraflops> xD
150[00:42:01] <NapoleonWils0n> i ran dpkg-reconfigure
151[00:42:35] <jmcnaught> solrize: do you know the CVE for the
exploit? You can look it up here:
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153[00:42:56] <aaro> NapoleonWils0n, paste your Xresources to
check it out
154[00:42:59] <solrize> CVE-2016-7117
155[00:43:01] <solrize> looking
156[00:43:12] <NapoleonWils0n> this is my Xresources
157[00:43:14] <NapoleonWils0n>
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159[00:43:23] <solrize> linux (PTS) wheezy 3.2.78-1 vulnerable
160[00:43:39] <NapoleonWils0n> just used my arch setup and
install powerline for inconslata
161[00:43:50] <missmbob> solrize: see the very next line
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163[00:43:52] <NapoleonWils0n> did a fc-cache
164[00:44:14] <solrize> missmbob, yeah i'm checking my
version which is somewhat older
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166[00:44:30] <aaro> NapoleonWils0n, define boldFont too
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168[00:44:37] <solrize> i do have security in my apt.sources
maybe i just need to reboot
169[00:44:53] <solrize> there goes my 8 month uptime :/
170[00:44:56] <solrize> rebooting
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172[00:46:10] <jmcnaught> solrize: rebooting won't do a lot
of good if you haven't installed the updated pacakge
173[00:46:20] <solrize> well i did apt-get upgrade
174[00:46:33] <missmbob> and didn't notice a kernel
175[00:46:43] <missmbob> you're fired
176[00:46:50] <teraflops> NapoleonWils0n: dpkg-reconfigure
console-setup is not related at all to Xorg and you don't have
to run fc-cache manually (it's useless)
177[00:46:59] <solrize> i didn't see a kernel upgrade but i
see i have a new kernel after the reboot
178[00:47:13] <NapoleonWils0n> ok cheers teraflops
179[00:47:23] <solrize> which unfortunately is 3.2.81-2
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181[00:47:37] <jhutchins_wk> solrize: You can always check the
running kernel against what dpkg says is installed.
182[00:47:38] <NapoleonWils0n> the spacing is like t h i s
183[00:47:38] <solrize> where the cve page says 3.2.82-1
184[00:48:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1643
185[00:48:06] <aaro> NapoleonWils0n, got a screenie?
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188[00:48:32] <solrize> ii linux-image-3.2.0-4-amd64 3.2.81-2
amd64 Linux 3.2 for 64-bit PCs
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190[00:48:41] <solrize> could that be a typo in the cve page?
191[00:48:45] <solrize>
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195[00:50:29] <NapoleonWils0n> maybe it some gnome font setting
196[00:50:45] <aaro> NapoleonWils0n, i'm not sure that font
name is correct, check what;s the font name in some other program,
an editor maybe
197[00:50:47] <teraflops> NapoleonWils0n: urxvt ignores
fontconfig at all
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199[00:51:20] <NapoleonWils0n> URxvt*font: xft:Inconsolata\ for\
200[00:51:22] <solrize> is there an authoritative way to find
out what the latest wheezy kernel is?
201[00:52:06] <NapoleonWils0n> teraflops any inconsolata
alternatives worth looking at
202[00:52:13] <aaro> NapoleonWils0n, try another font and see if
the spacing continues like that
203[00:52:26] <somiaj> ,kernels
204[00:52:27] <judd> Available kernel versions are:
experimental: 4.8.0-rc8-686-pae (4.8~rc8-1~exp1); sid: 4.7.0-1-686
(4.7.6-1); stretch: 4.7.0-1-686 (4.7.6-1); jessie-backports:
4.7.0-0.bpo.1-686-pae (4.7.5-1~bpo8+2); jessie: 3.16.0-4-686-pae
(3.16.36-1+deb8u1); wheezy-backports: 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae
(3.16.36-1+deb8u1~bpo70+1); wheezy: 3.2.0-4-686-pae (3.2.81-2)
205[00:52:39] <teraflops> NapoleonWils0n: I dont use powerline
so idk
206[00:52:50] <somiaj> solrize: are you wantnig this just for
knowledge, or do you have a wheezy box you want to check what the
latest kernel is from?
207[00:53:13] *** Quits: ledixus (ledixus@replaced-ip) (Quit: switching to powersavemode)
208[00:53:14] <solrize> i have a wheezy box that i just upgraded
but there's a mismatch between uname -a and what the cve page
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210[00:53:25] <NapoleonWils0n> ill try install fonts-inconsolata
and remove the powerline version
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212[00:53:44] <jmcnaught> solrize: because of that mismatch i
would consider asking in #debian-lts on OFTC
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214[00:54:02] <solrize> hmm what's oftc? another irc
215[00:54:05] <somiaj> solrize: what cve page? Do you have the
correct security sources needed for wheezy-lts?
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217[00:54:22] <somiaj> solrize: also is the missmatch just
because you haven't rebooted on the newer kernel?
218[00:54:37] <solrize> cve page is
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220[00:55:01] <solrize> my security source is deb-src
221[00:55:03] <solrize> is that right?
222[00:55:07] <NapoleonWils0n> ok fixed it
223[00:55:29] <solrize> uname -a says i'm running kernel
224[00:55:29] <somiaj> solrize: run 'apt-get update'
then run 'apt-cache policy' and 'apt-cache policy
linux-image-amd64' (assuming amd64 arch)
225[00:55:32] *** Quits: CutMeOwnThroat (~k@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
226[00:55:36] <NapoleonWils0n> used fonts-inconsolata and then
xrdb ~/.Xresorces
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228[00:55:59] <NapoleonWils0n> thx guys
229[00:56:03] <solrize> apt-cache policy gets a pile of 500
errors sec
230[00:56:27] <pikaroo-> ahh it's a wonderful day
231[00:56:28] <NapoleonWils0n> time to right down the steps so i
dont forgot
232[00:56:30] <somiaj> solrize: 500 errors? You may have a
problem in your soruces.list (it might show lots of pinnings at 500
which is default and totally normal)
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235[00:56:46] <solrize> oh i thought those were http errors
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238[00:57:39] <somiaj> solrize: seems that tracker page is
outdated, the current wheezy kernel seems to be 3.2.82-2 but still
put the output of apt-cache policy linux-image-amd64 at a pastebin.
239[00:57:56] <solrize>
240[00:58:32] <solrize> brb
241[00:58:36] <jmcnaught> solrize: 'apt-cache policy
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243[00:58:53] <somiaj> solrize: thanks, but follow jmcnaught
advise, I thought the metapackage was more specific than that.
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251[01:01:46] <jmcnaught> somiaj: rmadison shows 3.2.81-2 from
wheezy-security for me, same with packages.d.o. I suggested asking
in the #debian-lts channel on OFTC because of the mismatch between
security tracker and what's in the archives
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254[01:02:25] <jmcnaught> anyways i'm out for a bit,
solrize i hope you get to the bottom of this :) also consider
upgrading to jessie!
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257[01:03:07] <somiaj> jmcnaught: yea I wonder if the tracker is
having issues with the wheezy-lts sources so when it says
wheezy(Security) it is listing the last version provided from the
security team before lts.
258[01:03:09] <solrize> thanks jmcnaught yeah i'll keep at
it... i'm scared to upgrade this box to jessie without backing
it up first, which means i need to get hold of 2+ TB of backup space
so i've been putting it off...
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263[01:03:45] <somiaj> solrize: you seem to be up to date.
I'm unsure why the tracker is showing an outdated version for
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265[01:04:16] <solrize> tracker you mean apt-cache? it says
3.2.81-2 which sounds older
266[01:04:33] <somiaj> solrize:
267[01:04:50] <solrize> oh ok should i still go ask on oftc?
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272[01:05:22] <somiaj> solrize: Oh i missread it, I saw 3.2.82-2
not 3.2.81-2 (yea it does look older)
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277[01:06:10] <somiaj> solrize: I would follow that link I gave
you and report this issue somewhere like the mailing list
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280[01:06:35] <solrize> ok i'll see what i can find..
thanks somiaj
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286[01:08:06] <irn4l> a linux that pays users to use it
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289[01:08:36] <mtn> this idiot just got kicked in the arch
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292[01:08:54] <mtn> what takes a bit to do ;)
293[01:09:06] <irn4l> yeah
294[01:09:12] <irn4l> and just got kicked cause im a genious
295[01:09:27] <somiaj> irn4l: if you don't have a specific
debian support question or are not on topic here the same will
296[01:09:37] <irn4l> not on topic
297[01:09:43] <irn4l> couldnt be more on topic man
298[01:09:45] <irn4l> linux
299[01:09:53] <irn4l> build to pay users to use it
300[01:10:07] <irn4l> selling themes
301[01:10:14] <irn4l> and cosmetic stuff
302[01:10:17] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o somiaj
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304[01:10:18] *** irn4l was kicked by somiaj (you should know better)
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307[01:10:58] <solrize> lol
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310[01:12:54] <solrize> reported on oftc awaiting response which
tracker page says might take a while
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319[01:14:42] <somiaj> solrize: yea mostly on irc you get users
so trying to get response or info from a matainer of the tracker
page may be a bit. I find the mailing lists are far more reliable
(though you do have to wait for a reply)
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322[01:15:29] <solrize> well i should be online most of the
afternoon so i figured if i don't hear anything on irc by
tonight i can email the list, does that sound like a good plan?
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325[01:16:12] <somiaj> solrize: thank you for following up on
this and reporting it.
326[01:16:16] *** Parts: kalentia (~kalentia@replaced-ip)
327[01:16:22] <solrize> np
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337[01:20:29] <posi> gf
338[01:20:50] <Emil> hMMMMM
339[01:20:57] <Emil> adduser is not creating userhome
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343[01:22:50] <somiaj> Emil: what was the exact command you
typed? is /home mounted read-only or something that prevents it from
being created?
344[01:23:51] <Emil> somiaj: adduser user --gecos ""
345[01:24:20] <Emil> followed by some bad things like adduser
user sudo and passwd -d user
346[01:24:58] <somiaj> Emil: the man page suggest you need to do
adduser --gecos "" username -- unsure if order matters
(sometimes it does)
347[01:25:43] <Emil> somiaj: I tried both ways
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349[01:26:29] <somiaj> I'm not familar with the --gecos
option so unsure if it is causing any issue
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351[01:26:34] <somiaj> what if you just 'adduser
username' as a test
352[01:27:19] <rebelgenesis> I'm having issues recording my
desktop with vokoscreenrecorder it says it records but when I play
the video I just recorded it says there's 0 mins on it and
flashes then stops.
353[01:27:36] <Emil> somiaj: can't, adduser becomes
interactive :/
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360[01:29:38] <somiaj> Emil: ahh so the --gecos makes it
non-interactive? You still need to supply the info it wants.
I'm not use to the error, but almost seems like there is issue
with how you are using it, but I don't know enough to say much
more than that.
361[01:29:50] <Emil> somiaj: "" supplies the data
362[01:30:30] <somiaj> it might be supllying no data so no home
dir is created as a result.
363[01:30:39] <somiaj> Emil: what is your end goal (what are you
trying to achive)?
364[01:30:57] <Emil> somiaj: Automating logins to a live
365[01:31:08] <Emil> I'm doing bad boy things with it
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367[01:31:15] <Emil> Regarding my own security :D
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369[01:31:35] <somiaj> Emil: maybe useradd is what you want, and
you want to specify each thing you need (like the homedir to create)
370[01:31:43] <Emil> Yeah, used it and worked
371[01:32:18] <somiaj> Emil: you could also suplly the --home
/home/user --gecos "" to specifiy the home so it creates
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373[01:32:32] <somiaj> (still unsure on the details here as to
why it isn't creating the home dir)
374[01:32:34] <Emil> Did just that
375[01:32:52] <Emil> It worked until I added the passwd -d
option iirc
376[01:33:02] <Emil> But I cannot see how it could disable home
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429[02:00:10] <Emil> Areplaced-url
430[02:00:13] <Emil> IT BLOODY HELL WORKS
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577[03:39:25] <drzraf> somiaj: thank you for the setgid support
intent yesterday. I fixed my ACL (mis)configuration.
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603[03:55:33] <somiaj> drzraf: good work
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654[04:27:45] <d34dbug> not sure if this is a debian live ISO
thing or is it's an issue with the kingston usb I put it on,
but after putting the ISO on the stick, it now says it's write
protected/read only ... anyone else see this and know how to fix it?
This is my first time looking at Debian rather than Ubuntu
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659[04:31:03] <d34dbug> I guess not. Thanks.
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663[04:32:01] <somiaj> d34dbug: the live image is a cdimage so
the filesystem is read-only
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697[05:00:51] <aboulafia_> hi, it's late... Since I
uninstall network manager on Jessie I can't begin a cinnamon
session. Nice...
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718[05:12:59] <somiaj> aboulafia_: any errors? Does the display
manager load?
719[05:13:15] <somiaj> aboulafia_: did any other packages get
removed when you uninstalled network-manager?
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724[05:14:46] <aboulafia_> somiaj, i can only access to the
login page. Yes, when i made apt-get remove network-manager, it
removes other packages
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726[05:15:44] <somiaj> aboulafia_: you used apt-get (not
aptitude)? What happens when you try to login/any errors?
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730[05:17:07] <aboulafia_> somiaj, when I enter my login and
password, it says cinnamon error and stay on the login page
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733[05:17:55] <aboulafia_> and yes, i used apt-get. A mistaa
734[05:18:05] <aboulafia_> **mistakde ?
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738[05:19:20] <pingfloyd> aboulafia_: you probably ended up
removing a meta-package in the process
739[05:19:57] <pingfloyd> aboulafia_: i.e., network manager was
one of the packages of a meta-package that also kept other programs
you needed on the system.
740[05:20:52] <aboulafia_> pingfloyd: sometimes i'm too
confident on debian for the package managing...
741[05:20:54] <pingfloyd> aboulafia_: to fix that, simply
install the missing packages back that were being kept installed by
the meta-package you needed (minus the ones you want gone).
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744[05:21:11] <pingfloyd> aboulafia_: yeah, you should always
see what it wants to remove before hitting Y
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746[05:21:16] <somiaj> aboulafia_: Here is a way you can get
cinnimon back (though it may also reinstall network-manager) -- if
so we can help you remove it.
747[05:21:44] <somiaj> aboulafia_: but hit ctrl-alt-f2, and
login as root then run, "apt-get install
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749[05:22:53] <somiaj> aboulafia_: if you want to invesigate
more you can probably find a smaller meta packages like
'cinnamon' I also see 'cinnamon-core' (unsure of
the one that best suits your needs)
750[05:23:31] <aboulafia_> thanks for your help, here is begin
to be late. I'll try tomorow but I need to connect in wifi with
command line.
751[05:23:32] <pingfloyd> I'd just do apt-cache depends on
whatever meta-packages were included in the removal, and then
install the packages of that you want.
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754[05:24:47] <aboulafia_> i'll re-install all desktop
environment, if some packages are on my system, it will not
overwrite them normally
755[05:25:19] <somiaj> aboulafia_: hopefully just reinstalling
the de package will get what is missing and you can login
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757[05:25:42] <somiaj> aboulafia_: if you still have errors, it
is sometimes user configuration. Create a new user and login with
that user. A default setup may work.
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760[05:26:15] <aboulafia_> somiaj, ok. Thanks
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765[05:28:02] <jmcnaught> aboulafia_: the cinnamon metapackage
depends on network-manager. having the metapackage installed is good
for upgrades, so that the package manager knows that you want
cinnamon installed (which in the next release may add or remove
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768[05:28:40] <jmcnaught> aboulafia_: so if you want to use
cinnamon but not network-manager, it's probably a better idea
to simply disable network-manager than remove it
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772[05:30:52] <aboulafia_> jmcnaught: i only follow the debian
wiki to make a manual connexion for wifi. I have big trouble with
network-manager : loosing connexion or can't connect to the
773[05:31:39] <jmcnaught> aboulafia_: it's easy to disable
network-manager. by default on debian network-manager will leave
alone any interface that you configure in /etc/network/interfaces
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775[05:32:38] <jmcnaught> aboulafia_: you may not need an
internet connection to reinstall the
'cinnamon-desktop-environment' package, usually the
packages will be in /var/cache/apt/archive, so apt-get will find
them there
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777[05:33:43] <aboulafia_> jmcnaught: ??? if i make a apt-get
install will works ?
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781[05:34:17] <jmcnaught> aboulafia_: Debian caches packages on
the hard drive so they can be reinstalled without downloading them
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784[05:35:14] <aboulafia_> jmcnaught: this save my life !
785[05:35:24] <naught101> This might seem like a stupid
question, but what are the kernel image packages called in debian
jessie? I don't seem to have an linux-image-* packages
installed on my (working) server at all....
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791[05:36:50] <jmcnaught> naught101: linux-image-$ARCH where
ARCH=amd64 for most people
792[05:37:03] <jmcnaught> naught101: "dpkg -l | grep
linux-image" returns nothing?
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794[05:37:43] <naught101> jmcnaught: correct. This is a Scaleway
jessie image, installed when they set up the server
795[05:37:52] <missmbob> depending on the vps you dont have any
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797[05:37:59] <missmbob> my linode vps doesnt
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799[05:38:12] <naught101> missmbob: so what does it have
800[05:38:36] <missmbob> it uses the host kernel. not sure how
they do it
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803[05:39:02] <tjackson> i don't see anything in the gcc-6
changelog.. anybody know if today's sid update intentionally
broke -fstack-protector-strong or? bug?
804[05:39:18] <missmbob> !tell tjackson about debian-next
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806[05:39:27] <tjackson> oh ok, thx
807[05:39:29] <naught101> huh... yeah, I see now in the email
they don't suggest upgrading, just modifying the boot script
and rebooting
808[05:39:35] <aboulafia_> thanks for your help... time to
sleep... bye
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812[05:40:08] <jmcnaught> some VPS are actually containers,
running in the same kernel as the host (but a different namespace)
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818[05:43:09] <naught101> guess that must be the case with
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885[06:37:08] <veek> what's a good graphical tool to look
at resource usage like in windows
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889[06:37:52] <gry> which resources usage, and which desktop are
you using
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900[06:42:01] <veek> debian gry
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902[06:42:17] <veek> olwm desktop
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904[06:42:31] <veek> but i have a mix of kde/gnome apps
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911[06:46:39] <veek> cpu memory - similar to the win 10
912[06:46:44] <darsie> "You are using pip version 7.1.2,
however version 8.1.2 is available. You should consider upgrading
via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command." Should
I do that?
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915[06:47:17] <jmcnaught> veek: gnome-system-monitor is like the
windows task manager
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918[06:49:26] <veek> ah nice, not too many pkgs
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1017[08:01:44] <rumflump> I am using the installer from amd64
live disk. the partition management in the GUI confused me, so I
used the shell and set up my partitions with partman. but it
can't write the changes, I think the main installer "has
control" of /dev/sdb (the install target). is there any way to
get control and write the changes without having to exit the shell
and re do the scheme?
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1020[08:03:06] <rumflump> s/partman/fdisk and partman/
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1035[08:09:18] <th0r> wesbl, to the inexperienced that would look
like a youtube link
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1037[08:11:17] <bolt> rumflump: an error message would help
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1040[08:12:44] <rumflump> bolt: The ext4 file system creation in
partition #3 of SCSI1 (0,0,0) (sdb) failed.
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1050[08:16:14] <rumflump> so fdisk worked, but partman
couldn't write. so I went ahead and exited to the GUI installer
and it seems to have my changes showing up there too, but on the
other-other hand, I think it's having trouble with the ext4
creation both ways... does busybox have an fsck equivalent that I
could/should try?
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1055[08:17:42] <RinpooChu> re
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1094[08:39:54] <rumflump> well, e2fsck sees a bazillion errors on
there, but can't fix them all. hopefully the drive is ok. I
guess the thing to do is start a more powerful live disc like
partedmagic or ubuntu, fsck and partition the disc there, then boot
and run the debian installer again?
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1109[08:46:27] <rachelfish> Is it just me or is going very slowly
1110[08:46:37] <rachelfish> Trying to run an apt-get update and
I'm stuck at 0% for several minutes
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1117[08:48:26] <rachelfish> 100% [Waiting for headers] is
displayed for a while
1118[08:48:31] <rachelfish> while doing an apt-get update
1119[08:48:36] <rachelfish> and then during apt-get upgrade I
get... Failed to fetch
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1124[08:50:36] <cra1g321> rachelfish, must be doing maintainance
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1126[08:50:50] <cra1g321> also is a shorter domain than
one you linked :)
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1128[08:51:00] <rachelfish> cool
1129[08:51:02] <rachelfish> :)0
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1132[08:51:25] <rachelfish> So, nobody here knows why is down?
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1134[08:52:24] <RinpooChu> I get command not found when I try to
use cp or mv
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1136[08:53:08] <RinpooChu> or bash: /bin/mv: No such file or
1137[08:53:47] <cra1g321> it's /usr/bin/mv
1138[08:53:59] <cra1g321> also not sure why it's telling you
command not found like that
1139[08:54:10] <RinpooChu> yea
1140[08:54:30] <RinpooChu> I simply tried to cp and mv some files
1141[08:54:43] <RinpooChu> and I get that shit
1142[08:55:22] <th0r> RinpooChu, are you sure that the error
refers to the mv and cp commands, and not to the files or paths you
are trying to use?
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1144[08:55:28] <RinpooChu> wtf
1145[08:55:40] <RinpooChu> when I use dir I get no such file or
directory now
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1147[08:55:51] <cra1g321> im sure you can think of a better word
than shit, also i had something similar to me on arch, i think it
was after i installed a new kernel or systemd related
1148[08:56:02] <cra1g321> i think i just logged out and logged in
again or rebooted
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1150[08:57:16] <RinpooChu> hmm I'm not getting into my
1151[08:57:26] <ransur0t> rachelfish: ping to
is successful ...
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1153[08:57:57] <RinpooChu> and my root dir stuff seems to be in
1154[08:58:04] <cra1g321> yeah it's working now rachelfish
1155[08:58:24] <RinpooChu> seems like mv moved the root dir into
1156[08:58:35] <RinpooChu> I'm so done right now
1157[08:58:49] <RinpooChu> what do I do?
1158[08:59:03] <RinpooChu> I cant connect to the server anymore
because of that
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1162[09:01:21] <RinpooChu> Im so done for right now, I dont have
the time to redo the whole server
1163[09:02:04] <RinpooChu> I don't even know how this
happened I used abolute path
1164[09:02:09] <RinpooChu> +s
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1170[09:03:31] <lorenzo__> Good morning ladies and gents
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1182[09:05:36] <lorenzo__> Are there any Debian Gods out there
that have a few minutes for me?
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1185[09:05:56] <evilman_work> lorenzo__: just ask the questions.
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1188[09:06:56] <RinpooChu> does anyone know what I can do now? Or
is reinstalling the os my only choce left?
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1190[09:07:29] <lorenzo__> thanks, ok using debootrap to install
debian live, will send a pastebin of the code i entered, but it
keeps getting stuck at this particular package, libc6 2.19-18+deb8u6
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1200[09:11:22] <lorenzo__> Apologies, only read the guidelines
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1204[09:11:35] <gebruiker> what is the dd command to
"burn" debian-8.6.0-amd64-netinst.iso on usb ?
1205[09:12:22] <Stummi> I don't think you can do this with
1206[09:12:37] <Stummi> gebruiker, look for wodim
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1208[09:12:52] <Mathisen> gebruiker, dd bs=4M if=name.iso
1209[09:13:00] <Stummi> oh, usb, not cd. Then yes, just dd if=iso
1210[09:13:11] <Stummi> or "cp name.iso /dev/sdX"
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1212[09:13:48] <Mathisen> sdb you need to change ofc
1213[09:13:55] <Mathisen> to your usb
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1239[09:22:53] <gebruiker> mate vs xfce I have tourble choosing
after using them. I would appreciate hearing some input from you
all. What pro and cons do you see?
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1248[09:26:48] <th0r> gebruiker, why wouldn't you want to
install them and decide for yourself?
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1314[09:54:23] <fossrox> hi, I'm trying to compile Texmacs
under debian jessie and I get "checking for __gmpf_init in
-lgmp... no, configure: error: compulsory library gmp not
found", libgmp-dev libgmp10 libgmp3-dev libgmpxx4ldbl are
installed on my system, does anybody have an idea what might be
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1409[10:25:27] <sobczyk> what fields from debian/control support
substitution variables? I've tried using in Package but it
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1412[10:26:18] <eumel> which fields are you speaking ofß
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1417[10:27:48] <sobczyk> eumel: "package" field
1418[10:27:59] <babilen> sobczyk: You might be interested in
#debian-mentors on (aka
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1437[10:35:16] <foetus> i have a problem with incorrect terminal
setting under jessie (locale "de_DE@euro") using systemd -
no german umlauts. if i use sysvinit, problem is gone, but this is
no solution for desktop environment. i've found a workaround by
adding a script template to /etc/profile.d/ like this: echo
'/bin/setupcon 2>/dev/null || true'
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1444[10:37:43] <gebruiker> d bs=4M
if=debian-8.6.0-amd64-netinst.iso of=/dev/sdb1 status=progress
&& sync does not make the usb bootable
1445[10:37:48] <gebruiker> dd*
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1450[10:39:36] <foetus> ^^ systemd workaround* is there a better
1451[10:40:21] <Stummi> gebruiker, it should work. Are you sure
your system tries to boot from the stick?
1452[10:40:25] <eddymode>
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1454[10:41:58] <eddymode> Mullins presents some bare facts about
the Federal Reserve System with subjects on: it IS NOT a U.S.
government bank; it IS NOT controlled by Congress; it IS a privately
owned Central Bank controlled by the elite financiers in their own
1455[10:42:00] *** Quits: stenrose (~stenrose@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
1456[10:42:04] <Stummi> heh. Its always easy to squeeze money out
of tin foil hats
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1460[10:42:35] <eddymode> All Americans should be aware of who
controls their currency because the truth is that the country can be
controlled if the economy is controlled and the economy of a nation
is controlled if its currency is controlled. The path to freedom
lies in learning the truth. This is the role of this book.
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1463[10:43:17] <Stummi> eddymode, what has this to do with
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1467[10:45:00] <eddymode> The very latest from Scott Roberts, one
of the most censored men on the Internet, candidly sharing his
latest thoughts:
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1475[10:47:55] <eddymode> This time unlike all the others, an
Awakening would be on a massive scale, worldwide, and thanks the to
the Information Age, it wouldn't likely be forgotten.
1476[10:48:09] *** Quits: iWaldo__ (iWaldo___@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
1477[10:48:26] <eddymode> Scott Roberts replies: "I agree.
And these Jews, even the ones who troll me, damn well know it
1478[10:48:49] <OerHeks> !ops
1479[10:48:49] <dpkg> Please invoke 'dpkg: ops
$problem' to call the operators to deal with a specific
problem. Misuse of this will lead to a ban. Operators can also be
contacted in the #debian-ops channel.
1480[10:48:52] <eddymode> They would have nowhere to hide.
That's why they're escalating their agenda at a crazy
pace. That's why they have an Army of Half-Truth,
Quarter-Truth, 10% Truth bastards out there.
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1482[10:49:08] <eddymode> We're in a race to the death.
1483[10:49:20] <eddymode> Scott replies: "Indeed, we are.
Problem is, only the Jews know it."
1484[10:49:26] *** Joins: stenrose (~stenrose@replaced-ip)
1485[10:49:28] <Iridos> !ops eddymode
1486[10:49:28] <dpkg> Hydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH,
mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel,
zobel, themill, babilen, SynrG, jm_, somiaj, jelly: iridos complains
about: eddymode
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1492[10:50:12] <Iridos> OerHeks, it's more efficient if you
use it properly (with some info as an argument) :P
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1498[10:51:10] <OerHeks> Iridos, my bad, thank you
1499[10:51:28] <gebruiker> Stummi: yes last time I did it from ms
windows ... when the stick is mounted it shows all the files
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1501[10:51:51] <olsenwyers> thanks for the link
1502[10:51:55] <olsenwyers> that talk is really good
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1519[10:56:39] <xsmltx> Hi, anyone please, how to autostart -
autologin fluxbox at the boot please? Thank you.
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1522[10:57:12] <oisa> SynrG, can i message you?
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1555[11:24:35] <choice> Is it possible to grep my
/var/log/apache2/access.log for ipv6 requests?
1556[11:25:00] <eumel> sure
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1558[11:25:10] <choice> eumel: What would you grep for?
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1560[11:25:25] <eumel> the address you want to know about
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1563[11:25:43] <choice> You mean the ipv6 address of the server
1564[11:25:49] <choice> I doubt it would appear in the logs.
1565[11:25:57] <choice> It's ipv4 is not in the logs either.
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1568[11:26:09] <choice> I mean: I want to grep for all requests
that came in via ipv6.
1569[11:26:09] <az_> if i want under ubuntu just download (not
install) debian packages from specified repository and in specified
version, how can i do it?
1570[11:26:18] *** Quits: poleprogger (~mj@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
1571[11:27:01] <eumel> @choice: try to connect to you'r
apapche server with curl -6, you can check what you need to grep for
1572[11:28:01] <choice> eumel: Good idea. Let's see.
1573[11:28:41] *** Quits: karimb (~karimb@replaced-ip) (Quit: Karim has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
1574[11:28:57] <Dagger> the answer will be "v6
addresses", presumably
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1576[11:29:11] <Dagger> something like `awk '$1 ~ /:/'`
should work
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1579[11:30:08] <eumel> @az_: -d Download only - do NOT install or
unpack archives
1580[11:30:22] <choice> eumel: I tried "curl -6
localhost/yuppyupp" but that only results in "::1" in
the log.. hm..
1581[11:30:46] <eumel> because you're using you'r
localhost's address, that's ::1 in ipv6 notation
1582[11:31:02] <choice> Yes
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1584[11:31:17] <Dagger> your* -.-
1585[11:31:22] *** Quits: chalcedony (~chalcedon@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
1586[11:31:29] <eumel> so you've successfully connected via
ipv6 and you can find a corresponding entry in your acces.log
1587[11:31:57] <choice> eumel: Yes. But it only leaves a
"::1" which is probably not true for other ipv6 requests.
1588[11:31:57] <eumel> @Dagger: sry for my bad grammar
1589[11:32:05] <choice> So I still don't know how to find
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1591[11:33:17] <eumel> @choice: that's right, other people
will leave "real" ipv6 addresses in your log, i'd try
to get rid of the ipv4 notation with grep -v, ipv6 addresses should
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1596[11:34:37] <Dagger> that also works, on the assumption that
apache doesn't ever log with the last 32 bits of a v6 address
in v4 format
1597[11:34:38] <NCoher> SynrG, But I said I wouldn't do it
again, so I know better now.
1598[11:34:43] <NCoher> So what more do you want? Why ban me?
1599[11:34:48] <Dagger> (which I think is a valid assumption, so
1600[11:34:58] <choice> eumel: That gives me a trillion lines
with dummy connections from ::1
1601[11:35:02] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o SynrG
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1607[11:35:18] <sep> choice, when you test with curl use the
public ipv6 ip instead of localhost
1608[11:35:24] <choice> sep: How?
1609[11:35:30] *** Joins: Elan0a (~Elan0a@replaced-ip)
1610[11:35:38] <eumel> @choice: isn't that what you wanted?
all ipv6 access-entries in you'r log?
1611[11:35:46] <sep> curl -6 2001:x:y::1 instead of curl -6
1612[11:35:50] <choice> eumel: Maybe, yeah :)
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1614[11:36:12] <choice> sep: That gives me: curl: (3) IPv6
numerical address used in URL without brackets
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1617[11:36:23] <sep> choice, so use bracets
1618[11:36:31] <sep> [2001:x:y::z]
1619[11:36:43] <choice> sep: curl: (7) Couldn't connect to
1620[11:36:43] *** Quits: SamSagaZ_ (~SamSagaZ@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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1622[11:36:51] <eumel> ipv6 adresses in urls should be
encapsulated in brackets
1623[11:36:55] <choice> That is because the machine is currently
cut off from the ipv6 internt.
1624[11:37:10] <choice> That is the reason why I want to see how
many people use ipv6 to access it.
1625[11:37:14] <sep> choice, i thought you was on the host in
1626[11:37:17] <choice> So I know how much of a problem it is.
1627[11:37:24] <choice> sep: Yes, I am on the host.
1628[11:37:25] <sep> ip addr and use the link local address
1629[11:37:28] <eumel> @choice:
1630[11:37:44] *** Quits: johefernan (~joheferna@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1631[11:37:47] <sep> the only purpose was to get the log to show
a real ipv6 address instead of ::1/localhost
1632[11:37:51] <choice> eumel: The ipv6 cutoff is datacenter
wide. Not on my server.
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1635[11:38:14] <choice> Well, I'm giving up.
1636[11:38:16] *** Quits: pitelpan (~panagioti@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ZNC - ##replaced-url
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1638[11:38:17] <choice> Fuck ipv6 :)
1639[11:38:31] <choice> Those ipv6 users can go use the internet
1640[11:38:37] <Dagger> ...what's up with this conversation?
1641[11:38:40] <sep> choice, you can also try the grep you did
previously that gave you lots and lots of ::1 entries and | grep -v
::1 to get rid of the localhost connections and see the
"real" ipv6 external user connections
1642[11:38:54] <choice> sep: Yup, that grep would probably work.
1643[11:39:01] <xehbit> I have the Debian cloud image running on
a OpenStack (Jessie), however, when i upgrade the sources.list to
testing and reboot my machine, it doenst have any network interfaces
anymore (except for lo). Why is that?
1644[11:39:05] <eumel> @choice: i'd follow sep's idea,
that should do the job
1645[11:39:07] <Dagger> you want all log entries using v6
addresses, so search the log file for any line where the first field
has a : in it
1646[11:39:22] <xehbit> Oh, and running apt update &&
apt-get dist-upgrade
1647[11:39:27] <choice> Yeah, it's onle the ::1 dummy
1648[11:39:30] <sep> choice, you just want to get an idea of how
many users are affected by the ipv6 outage ?
1649[11:39:31] <Dagger> trying to generate your own log lines
over v6 isn't going to tell you anything you don't already
1650[11:39:43] <choice> So nobody ever connected via ipv6. So all
is good.
1651[11:39:51] <choice> sep: Yeah. And learn a bit along the way.
1652[11:39:52] <Dagger> also if you have no v6 requests at all
then you probably stuffed something up at some point
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1654[11:39:57] <sep> choice, do you advertice AAAA dns records ?
1655[11:40:04] <sep> for your site
1656[11:40:07] <Dagger> pretty unlikely that none of your clients
have v6 these days
1657[11:40:29] <choice> Yeah, I probably never set up ipv6 DNS
records for the machine.
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1659[11:40:43] <choice> Which is a blessing now, because that
means I am unaffected by the outtage.
1660[11:40:57] <sep> choice, so not so strange that you have no
ipv6 entries then. since your service is not ipv6 enabled really :)
1661[11:41:01] <Dagger> well go and do that once the datacenter
fixes their shit :p
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1663[11:41:50] <Dagger> note that most browsers will fall back to
v4 very fast (= 300ms or so) if the v6 is slow to respond, so a
breakage like this often isn't a huge deal
1664[11:42:09] <Dagger> and if you also have v6, then you're
somewhat isolated from any future v4-only failure too, because the
v6 will still work
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1667[11:42:26] <choice> I might try it.
1668[11:42:38] <choice> So far, I never felt compelled doing it
as I saw no benefit.
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1670[11:43:02] <sep> choice, a good idea to try
1671[11:43:37] *** Quits: mazert_ (~mazert@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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1673[11:43:56] <shifty> how to remove 'wondershaper'?
is there a command to remove 'tc' stuff?
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1676[11:44:23] <eumel> @choice: i like to use
"goaccess" to get a quick overview about my access logs,
if you can install it (it's in the repositories) it'll may
help you
1677[11:44:27] <sep> choice, depends on who and where your users
are ofcourse. but if you have a global audience it's
definitiftly moving into "needed" category
1678[11:44:28] <choice> sep: Yup. I have tons of hostnames. Would
start tests on the less important ones first.
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1681[11:44:47] <choice> sep: I have about 1m global users.
1682[11:44:50] *** Joins: Elan0a (~Elan0a@replaced-ip)
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1684[11:44:56] <choice> So far, nobody complained.
1685[11:45:05] *** Joins: Elan0a (~Elan0a@replaced-ip)
1686[11:45:09] <choice> By the way, this is the grep I used: grep
-Ev ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+
1687[11:45:30] <Dagger> it's your job to handle this for
them, not wait for them to complain
1688[11:45:48] <choice> Right now my job is drinking a coffee.
1689[11:46:02] <choice> Jobs are so pre internet.
1690[11:46:16] <Dagger> that filters out v6 addresses for me
1691[11:46:30] <Dagger> grep -Ev ^[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+
1692[11:46:35] <Dagger> grep -Ev "^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+"
1693[11:46:46] <Dagger> both of those work on the log I was
testing on
1694[11:46:52] <Dagger> or there's my awk suggestion from
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1697[11:47:30] <choice> double backslash to escape the .?
1698[11:47:56] <choice> Seems to give me the same result.
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1701[11:48:11] <choice> I'm confused about the \\. - what
does it do?
1702[11:48:24] <Dagger> single backslash to escape the . in the
regex, but you need to escape the backslash itself for the shell (or
quote the entire string)
1703[11:48:46] *** Quits: troulouliou_div2 (~troulouli@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
1704[11:49:06] <Dagger> if you do `echo ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+`
it'll show you the regex that `grep` received
1705[11:49:23] <choice> Funky
1706[11:49:43] <choice> Thanks
1707[11:50:19] <choice> If I had an ipv6 dns entry, I would see
it in the output of dig, right?
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1709[11:50:45] <Dagger> in `dig AAAA` or `host`
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1711[11:51:33] <choice> Interesting.
1712[11:51:36] <diabel> Hello everyone
1713[11:51:47] <choice> Seems like not even CloudFront has ipv6
enabled by default.
1714[11:52:41] <choice> Ah, they enabled it for all new
distributions two weeks ago.
1715[11:52:59] <diabel> I've got a problem (Debian jessie,
updated stable
1716[11:53:12] <diabel> i have from dmesg a lot of warnings:
1717[11:53:13] <diabel> [71042.988048] xen:balloon: Cannot add
additional memory (-17)
1718[11:53:13] <diabel> [71043.004063] xen:balloon: Cannot add
additional memory (-17)
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1722[11:53:33] <diabel> ofcourse i've got:
1723[11:53:39] <diabel>
/etc/xen/xend-config.sxp:(enable-dom0-ballooning 0)
1724[11:53:47] <diabel>
GRUB_CMDLINE_XEN="dom0_mem=512M,max:512M dom0_max_vcpus=1
1725[11:53:58] <diabel> got kernel: Linux xen 4.3.0-0.bpo.1-amd64
#1 SMP Debian 4.3.5-1~bpo8+1 (2016-02-23) x86_64 GNU/Linux
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1728[11:54:20] <diabel> Why xen try autoballooning if I've
disabled it?
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1806[12:29:45] <juslintek> Hi can someone tell me how via php-fpm
I can enabled php write via user without changing original ownership
and permissions?
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1814[12:33:49] <eumel> you can't
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1817[12:34:36] <eumel> the user you're running php with must
have permissions to write to files and folders, therefore
you'll have to set permissions
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1821[12:37:11] <petan> hi
1822[12:37:12] <petan> system
1823[12:37:26] <petan> why does it keep changing it? (the
resolv.conf file)
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1825[12:37:54] <petan> how do I stop it? there is no network
manager it's just a super lightweight installation
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1830[12:40:22] <eumel> do you have dhcpcd or some similar daemon
1831[12:40:42] <petan> not sure I will check, it's default
installation from netinst
1832[12:40:50] <petan> but domcumentation doesn't mention
1833[12:41:10] <petan> root 462 1 0 12:36 ? 00:00:00 dhclient -v
-pf /run/ -lf /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.eth0.leases
1834[12:41:19] <petan> this thingie is running there, could it be
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1853[12:48:55] <eumel> when you use dhclient to get an ip-address
for an interface it'll also query the dns server information
from the dhcp server
1854[12:49:51] <eumel> if you're required to obtain the
ip-address from a dhcp server you can prevent this behaviour by
modifying /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
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1856[12:50:34] <eumel> there should be a request field in there
that lists all options which are queried with the dhcp request
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1858[12:50:56] <eumel> somewhere around line 22
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1861[12:51:18] <petan> mhm
1862[12:51:21] <petan> it should be in docs
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1878[12:55:57] <eumel> you're right, the documentation for
dhclient doesn't explicitly list this fact, neither does man
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1884[12:57:24] <n4dir> if no network-manager overrides
resolv.conf, the router probably does. All routers i had hat a
config for DNS server.
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1886[12:58:44] <n4dir> "dig" gives: ;;
1887[12:58:44] <n4dir> ; to give an example
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1890[13:02:06] <eumel> @n4dir: dig is a tool for querying zone
information from dns, having a dns server is required to use this
1891[13:02:18] <eumel> dig will use the dns server
listed in you're resolv.conf
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1894[13:03:01] <eumel> question was how to stop the system from
rewriting resolv.conf
1895[13:03:05] <FinalX> your router can't overwrite
/etc/resolv.conf on your computer, a piece of software on your
computer does, most likely network manager or dhclient, as eumel
already stated
1896[13:03:20] <eumel> .. and it's dhclient
1897[13:03:48] <eumel> @FinalX is absolutely right
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1902[13:05:34] <petan> how I restart dhcp client?
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1905[13:06:35] <petan> root@vpn:/home/petanb# systemctl | grep -c
1906[13:06:36] <petan> 0
1907[13:06:42] <n4dir> well: at least in my case either dchlient
or wicd get the info from the router.
1908[13:06:50] <eumel> you can simply kill the process, but you
have to configure you're interface manually then
1909[13:06:59] <petan> eh
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1911[13:07:11] <petan> I don't want to configure interface
manually, I just want to configure nameserver manually
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1913[13:07:26] <petan> I removed nameserver option from dhclient
config file
1914[13:07:32] <petan> now I need to restart that thing
1915[13:07:36] <petan> there is no service unit for it
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1917[13:08:11] <eumel> @petan: okay sry i mixed some other
discussion, restart the network, dhclient is executed by the
interface scripts when a dhcp interface is brought up
1918[13:08:20] <petan> ok
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1922[13:11:05] <eumel> @n4dir, that's right, both are
getting their information from the router, but their writing it down
in /etc/resolv.conf, that's the place where dig get's the
default dns to query for zone informations
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1928[13:12:11] <n4dir> got you. thanks
1929[13:12:31] *** Quits: dvx (~vachulka@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1930[13:12:32] <n4dir> can i overwrite the setting in the router,
from the PC/laptop/etc ?
1931[13:12:44] <eumel> depends on the router
1932[13:13:08] <eumel> standard routers usually stick to the dns
settings that are set by the provider
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1935[13:13:31] <n4dir> no, i meant: the router says to make use
of a certain DNS server. Now i make a setting on the PC, and that
DNS server is used instead.
1936[13:13:48] <n4dir> looks to me as if it wasn't possible,
but i never really looked deep
1937[13:13:49] <niko> :15
1938[13:13:52] <eumel> yes, you can simply overwrite you're
1939[13:14:09] <mik> your*
1940[13:14:12] <n4dir> but reconnecting will overwrite it again,
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1942[13:14:14] <KpuCko> hello, im trying to start unpriviliged
lxc container via libvirt, when i try to start the container i got
error as follow: /sys/fs/cgroup: Read-only file system, can somebody
help me with this/
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1946[13:14:54] <eumel> reconnecting to the network can overwrite
if you're /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf is configured to query
dnsnames from the dhcp server in the network
1947[13:15:21] <eumel> that'll cause dhclient to start when
you bring up an interface that's configured to use dhcp
1948[13:15:29] <eumel> .. and overwrite you're
1949[13:15:33] *** my123_ is now known as my123
1950[13:15:40] <n4dir> aha, eumel, thanks
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1969[13:28:42] <pmarkoulidakis> I have a problem with ssh
ipv6/ipv4. Yesterday i enebaled IPv6 on a VPS and i cant longer
access via IPv4. I ve seen several bug reports for this issue but a
second VPS is working just fine with same setup. I get
"Connection refused" sshd is listening on ::22 and iptables are flushed. Any thoughts?
1970[13:29:59] <eumel> can you try using ssh with -4 to force it
using ipv4=
1971[13:30:00] <eumel> ?
1972[13:30:07] <eumel> -v could give us more details then
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2035[13:56:59] <pmarkoulidakis> Still connection refused
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2037[13:57:05] <teraflops> pmarkoulidakis: it has no sense, are
you sure you're not doing something else there? DNS weirdness
or whatever?
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2039[13:58:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1682
2040[13:58:10] <teraflops> pmarkoulidakis: also ssh -vvv for both
-6 and -4
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2045[14:00:34] <pmarkoulidakis> stil no luck
2046[14:00:35] <pmarkoulidakis>
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2048[14:01:44] <teraflops> pmarkoulidakis: what's that?
2049[14:02:32] <pmarkoulidakis> the result of sshd start. i tried
to connect still connection refused
2050[14:02:50] <pmarkoulidakis> there is no -vvv option
2051[14:03:03] <teraflops> I mean ssh -v -4 to your machine and
then ssh -v -6
2052[14:03:13] <jelly> pmarkoulidakis: can you run tcpdump on the
server side and see if the ipv4 traffic comes to your machine at
2053[14:03:17] <teraflops> -v -vvv more verbose
2054[14:03:55] <jelly> probably won't get a lot more than
"connection refused" out of the client if the tcp
connection is, well, refused
2055[14:04:23] <teraflops> pmarkoulidakis: also are you doing
some kind of routing or redirection or vpn stuff?
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2059[14:05:18] <pmarkoulidakis> No routing
2060[14:05:25] *** Joins: jemadux (~jemadux@replaced-ip)
2061[14:05:31] <teraflops> pmarkoulidakis: and you have logs
there on the vps
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2063[14:06:28] <teraflops> pmarkoulidakis: it's a vps and
youre trying to access it from *where*?
2064[14:07:27] <pmarkoulidakis> its a vps hosted on OVH and am
trying to access from my office. everything was fine till yesterday.
The machine was working the past 2years :D
2065[14:07:34] <teraflops> pmarkoulidakis: also check youre
accessing the right machine/ip, sorry for being obvious
2066[14:07:46] <pmarkoulidakis> Yes i double checked this
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2069[14:08:19] <teraflops> pmarkoulidakis: you access it via ip
address or via dns name?
2070[14:08:27] <pmarkoulidakis> Both
2071[14:08:43] <teraflops> so both fails?
2072[14:08:43] *** Quits: stenrose (~stenrose@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2073[14:08:56] <pmarkoulidakis> On IPv4 yes on IPV6 Both works
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2076[14:10:09] <teraflops> and the ipv4 match the dns and point
to the right remote machine? sorry again for asking such things
2077[14:10:28] <pmarkoulidakis> Yes that is correct. dns records
are correct :D
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2082[14:12:22] <teraflops> pmarkoulidakis: and the machine is
reachable via ipv4 / any other services (if any) are accessible?
2083[14:12:32] <pmarkoulidakis> should i try a dpkg-reconfigure
2084[14:12:34] *** Joins: jirka (~Icedove@replaced-ip)
2085[14:13:08] <pmarkoulidakis> Yes nginx/pureftpd are all
accessible via IPV4
2086[14:13:13] <teraflops> hmm
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2089[14:13:52] <teraflops> did you edit any ssh/d config by hand
there? in ~/ or /etc/ ?
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2093[14:14:52] <teraflops> I never had to reconfigure ssh daemon
for accessing it via ipv6/4
2094[14:15:09] <pmarkoulidakis> The only changes since yesterday:
i manually added the Ipv6 address/route and kernel upgrade via apt
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2099[14:15:26] <Dagger> can you `ssh` on the server?
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2102[14:16:14] <pmarkoulidakis> Yes i can
2103[14:17:08] <teraflops> well did you flushed iptables (if you
have rules), also do you have fail2ban or whatever?
2104[14:17:12] <Dagger> so it's listening on v4 at least
2105[14:17:13] *** Joins: Eryn_1983_FL (~Eryn_1983@replaced-ip)
2106[14:17:22] <Dagger> most likely culprit is a firewall, I
2107[14:17:38] <pmarkoulidakis> I stopped fail2ban and after
flushed iptables
2108[14:17:55] <teraflops> pmarkoulidakis: youre blocking it
2109[14:18:28] <teraflops> or at least it looks like it
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2111[14:18:39] <Dagger> could you pastebin the output of
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2113[14:19:52] <pmarkoulidakis> Well
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2121[14:22:37] <biandenew> bonjour
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2125[14:24:02] <pmarkoulidakis> Well i changed ssh to a non
standard port and it works.
2126[14:25:04] <candidat> hello guys !
2127[14:25:48] <pmarkoulidakis> For security reasons vodafone
greece decided to block 22 25 5060 for security reasons
2128[14:25:55] <pmarkoulidakis> Am pissed off
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2134[14:26:14] <pmarkoulidakis> its a bussiness line, shouldnt
they send an email or smth????
2135[14:26:25] *** Joins: WayToDoor (~milk.bott@
2136[14:26:35] <teraflops> pmarkoulidakis: sorry they block
outgoing connections to remote port 22 tcp?
2137[14:26:36] <pdo_fn14> pmarkoulidakis: bad idea ever. :))
2138[14:26:45] <pmarkoulidakis> Yes they do
2139[14:26:48] *** Joins: shtrb (~shtrb@replaced-ip)
2140[14:26:55] <pmarkoulidakis> they didnt till yestrday
2141[14:27:02] <teraflops> pmarkoulidakis: well kill them with
fire :S
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2144[14:27:46] <shtrb> anyone around that uses debian as UE in an
LTE envoirment ?
2145[14:27:48] <teraflops> pmarkoulidakis: are you sure it's
not the firewall in your vodafone router?
2146[14:28:37] <teraflops> holly cow
2147[14:28:42] <teraflops> holy*
2148[14:28:43] <pmarkoulidakis> yes its the firewall on the
vodafone router. They asked me to send a "document" asking
to change firewall policy
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2150[14:29:18] <pmarkoulidakis> ........
2151[14:29:21] <Eryn_1983_FL> hi peeps my ssmtp just stopped
2152[14:29:24] *** Quits: karimb (~karimb@replaced-ip) (Quit: Karim has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2153[14:29:39] <teraflops> pmarkoulidakis: you cannot just
disable the firewall in the router admin interface?
2154[14:29:45] <Eryn_1983_FL> i try to send emails that would
work a few days ago from cli and this is what i am getting ssmtp:
Cannot open
2155[14:31:04] <teraflops> Eryn_1983_FL: can you reach that
ip/port? lol are you using vodafone?
2156[14:31:08] <teraflops> sorry heh
2157[14:31:12] *** Quits: AndrewAlexMac (~andrewale@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2158[14:31:30] <pmarkoulidakis> No it has no interface. and there
is no open port on the lan side
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2162[14:33:12] <Eryn_1983_FL> no
2163[14:33:14] <Eryn_1983_FL> ssmtp
2164[14:33:20] <teraflops> pmarkoulidakis: it's an outgoing
connection, they are filtering the traffic to that port
2165[14:33:21] <Eryn_1983_FL> i dont think i can ping it. let me
try again
2166[14:33:31] *** Quits: nikoma (~nikoma@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2167[14:33:44] <teraflops> Eryn_1983_FL: if you cannot ping it
try to telnet it
2168[14:33:51] <Eryn_1983_FL> no ping
2169[14:33:55] <Eryn_1983_FL> ok
2170[14:34:53] <pmarkoulidakis> its they only vps that i run ssh
on a non standard port.
2171[14:35:04] <Eryn_1983_FL> nope
2172[14:35:09] <teraflops> pmarkoulidakis: blame your ISP
2173[14:35:18] <teraflops> Eryn_1983_FL: nope what?
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2176[14:35:57] <teraflops> Eryn_1983_FL: telnet
587 does not work?
2177[14:36:07] <Eryn_1983_FL> nopenope
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2179[14:36:16] <shtrb> pmarkoulidakis UK ?
2180[14:36:21] <pmarkoulidakis> Greece!
2181[14:36:29] <Eryn_1983_FL> does not work tereflops
2182[14:36:29] <teraflops> Eryn_1983_FL: then you know why it
stopped working
2183[14:36:32] <shtrb> never mind then
2184[14:36:33] <Eryn_1983_FL> :(
2185[14:36:42] <Eryn_1983_FL> do i need to open a ticket to
2186[14:36:44] *** Quits: ransur0t (~ransur0t@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2187[14:36:57] * Eryn_1983_FL cries for logwatch
2188[14:37:02] <Eryn_1983_FL> i want my emails back!
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2191[14:37:23] <teraflops> Eryn_1983_FL: why?
2192[14:37:40] <Eryn_1983_FL> so i know what is going on in my
logs and who is attacking me..
2193[14:37:47] <Eryn_1983_FL> whats been auto installed by
2194[14:37:55] <teraflops> Eryn_1983_FL: that ip is from gmail?
2195[14:37:58] *** Quits: iflema (~ian@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2196[14:38:05] <Eryn_1983_FL> its their ip
2197[14:38:06] <Eryn_1983_FL> yes
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2200[14:38:31] <teraflops> use a dns name
2201[14:38:37] *** Quits: pencilandpaper (~penciland@replaced-ip) (Quit: Peace. :))
2202[14:38:40] <Eryn_1983_FL> i am using a dns name in my
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2204[14:38:53] <juslintek> Can someone help me solve php-fpm
write problem on multiuser server, so php-fpm can write via
directory owners user, everything works with the same user from cli
php -r "mkdir(__DIR__.'uploads');", but it
doesn't from web. My proof of same user:
2205[14:38:56] <shtrb> try
2206[14:39:22] <shtrb> *for gmail
2207[14:39:26] <Eryn_1983_FL> Non-authoritative answer:
2208[14:39:28] <Eryn_1983_FL> name =
2209[14:39:35] <Eryn_1983_FL> ok
2210[14:39:37] <teraflops> Eryn_1983_FL: what's wrong with ?
2211[14:39:51] <shtrb> he needs
2212[14:39:53] <Eryn_1983_FL> ok yeah i found it
2213[14:40:01] <teraflops> shtrb: whatever
2214[14:40:03] <teraflops> xD
2215[14:40:11] <Eryn_1983_FL> ty for making me look i shall try
the and that ip u gave
2216[14:40:19] <pmarkoulidakis> Ok i feel better now :D. Thanks
for the help everyone
2217[14:40:21] <Eryn_1983_FL> i forgot there were two configs
2218[14:40:30] * teraflops *shrugs*
2219[14:40:48] <shtrb> anyone who uses LTE with debian around ?
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2221[14:41:01] <teraflops> pmarkoulidakis: yeah blame your ISP we
all do
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2224[14:41:32] <Eryn_1983_FL> nope does not work
2225[14:41:34] <Eryn_1983_FL> trying imap
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2229[14:41:54] <shtrb> you need smtp and connect over ssmtp
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2231[14:42:01] <teraflops> is a typo right?
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2233[14:42:08] <Eryn_1983_FL> new error
2234[14:42:10] <shtrb> imap give you different protocols
2235[14:42:27] <Eryn_1983_FL> authorization failed with
2236[14:42:43] *** Quits: ptkrm (~ptkrm@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
2237[14:42:44] <shtrb> Eryn_1983_Fl , did you try changing your
2238[14:42:58] <Eryn_1983_FL> nm i figured it out i turned on the
security on gmail again it works now
2239[14:42:58] <shtrb> in /etc/resolve.conf change to
2240[14:43:10] <Eryn_1983_FL> yeah i got that one in there shtrb
2241[14:43:17] <shtrb> as first one ?
2242[14:43:25] <shtrb> missed your comment it works for you now
2243[14:43:36] <Eryn_1983_FL> i turned off secure apps in gmail
just put it back, which one? no shtrb
2244[14:43:39] <Eryn_1983_FL> #3?
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2254[14:50:37] <candidat> who here have a ssd hardrive and which
model ?
2255[14:50:52] <jelly> !polls
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2257[14:50:53] <dpkg> "Does anyone have X or use Y?" is
taking a poll, not asking a good question that IRC helpers can
answer. Don't do it or sussudio's army of militant badgers
will hurt you. Also see <ask> and <bad polls>.
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2260[14:51:14] <jelly> !ask
2261[14:51:14] <dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For
example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian
version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I
expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if
anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all
volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get
an answer try a few hours later or on
See <smart questions><errors>.
2262[14:51:34] <jelly> candidat: try to ask about your actual
issue, if you have one
2263[14:52:01] *** Joins: shinnya (~shinnya@replaced-ip)
2264[14:52:01] <shtrb> Eryn_1983_FL, have google dns server as
the first one (top most) in /etc/resolve.conf
2265[14:52:27] <candidat> yes jelly
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2267[14:52:37] <shtrb> regadring the config
2268[14:52:57] <pmarkoulidakis> teraflops: i would expect some
kind of warning for firewall change, its a corporate connection,
moreover i have no access to their router. wh
2269[14:53:06] <shtrb> and do you ask about the ssmtp the client
? or just the protocol to gmail
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2273[14:53:32] <pmarkoulidakis> what should i say? ty vodafone
for changing policy?
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2284[14:58:56] <juslintek> Can someone help me solve php-fpm
write problem on multiuser server, so php-fpm can write via
directory owners user, everything works with the same user from cli
php -r "mkdir(__DIR__.'uploads');", but it
doesn't from web. My proof of same user:
2285[14:58:56] <juslintek> /var/log/syslog
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2290[15:00:13] <teraflops> pmarkoulidakis: movistar here filters
telnet outgoing connections but if I disable the fw in the router it
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2293[15:01:21] <pmarkoulidakis> I have no access on Vodafones
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2298[15:01:46] <shtrb> justlintek , add both users to
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2300[15:02:05] <teraflops> yeah you can't at least you
can't as administrator.
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2333[15:17:25] <JyZyXEL> at what time does debian
unattended-upgrades run?
2334[15:18:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1695
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2339[15:20:23] <JyZyXEL> ah, its ran by /etc/cron.daily/apt
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2343[15:20:52] <jelly> !win JyZyXEL
2344[15:20:53] <dpkg> Congratulations, JyZyXEL! You have won a
one way ticket to Christmas Island!
2345[15:20:54] <shtrb> also by systemd file (depneding on what
version you have)
2346[15:22:21] *** Quits: Hunterkll (~Hunterkll@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2347[15:23:11] <candidat> can i ask a question ?
2348[15:23:19] <greycat> !ask
2349[15:23:19] <dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For
example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian
version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I
expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if
anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all
volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get
an answer try a few hours later or on
See <smart questions><errors>.
2350[15:24:06] <Iridos> yes, but only one per day… oops,
seems you just used it up
2351[15:24:55] *** Quits: B4daBing73 (~B4daBing7@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
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2356[15:26:12] <candidat> does anybody wants to talk about debian
linux on skype ?
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2359[15:27:24] <candidat> why do only root can chown ?
2360[15:27:49] *** Joins: Hunterkll (~Hunterkll@replaced-ip)
2361[15:27:52] <greycat> Because giving away your files is either
incredibly stupid from a security POV, or allows you to bypass
quotas, which is also stupid just from the other direction.
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2363[15:28:19] <Iridos> even more true for taking over someone
else's files
2364[15:28:47] <greycat> That's so far beyond stupid that I
didn't even mention it.
2365[15:29:00] <candidat> oh i understand now
2366[15:29:07] <candidat> thanks
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2377[15:32:03] <Agiofws> hello
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2380[15:33:17] <Agiofws> i have installed gnome3 with debian 8.6
netinstall but due to 3d accel that gnome3 needs and probably gdm3 i
get a whoops somethings went wrong can anyone help me fix this issue
of my onbiard gfx card?
2381[15:33:21] <greycat> Some non-Linux systems allow users to
give away their files. HP-UX 10.20 does. Debian (or any other Linux)
does not.
2382[15:33:39] *** Joins: jediraster (~jediraste@replaced-ip)
2383[15:33:41] <Agiofws> hello greycat
2384[15:33:47] <candidat> hello greycat
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2388[15:34:30] <Agiofws>
2389[15:34:38] *** Quits: RTFM[away] (~RTFMaway]@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2390[15:34:44] <Agiofws> i think i'll take a llok in notes i
think i stored something tehre
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2393[15:35:01] <greycat> why would you need a paste site for one
line of output...
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2397[15:35:33] <greycat> ... and not even a PCI ID which is the
only thing we want to see
2398[15:35:36] *** Joins: TsukiRa (~fpob@replaced-ip)
2399[15:35:39] <greycat> lspci -nn | grep VGA
2400[15:35:42] *** Joins: Deathrattle (~death@replaced-ip)
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2404[15:36:18] <Agiofws> a sec
2405[15:36:26] *** Joins: likevinyl (~freebeer@replaced-ip)
2406[15:36:42] <Agiofws> 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller
[0300]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:1902] (rev 06) there you go
2407[15:36:52] <greycat> judd, pciid 8086:1902
2408[15:36:53] <judd> [8086:1902] is 'HD Graphics 510'
from 'Intel Corporation' with kernel modules
'ata_generic', 'snd-hda-intel' in jessie. See
2409[15:37:13] *** Quits: JZTech101 (jztech101@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2410[15:37:21] <greycat> If the jessie driver doesn't work
well enough out of the box, you can try jessie-backports.
2411[15:37:28] <greycat> Many intel users found that to be
2412[15:37:29] *** Quits: Makaveli7 (~Makaveli7@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
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2415[15:38:16] <Agiofws> does that mean backported packages or
just a backported kernel or both|?
2416[15:38:28] <greycat> just the xserver-xorg-video-intel
2417[15:38:28] *** Joins: corsibu (~corsibu@replaced-ip)
2418[15:38:40] <Agiofws> backport means compiling somthing from
stretch to stable ?
2419[15:38:46] <greycat> !jessie-backports
2420[15:38:46] <dpkg> Selected packages intended for the Debian 9
"Stretch" release but recompiled for use with
"Jessie" (8.x) can be found in the
"jessie-backports" repository. Note that jessie-backports
are on the regular mirror network, not on A
suitable line for your sources.list is «deb
2421[15:38:47] <yepla> hello, i have a problem with my usb
display adapter. This is my xorg.conf:
2422[15:38:51] <yepla> (EE) open /dev/fb0: No such file or
2423[15:39:07] <yepla> root@desktop:/home/yepla# ls -al /dev/fb*
2424[15:39:07] <yepla> crw-rw---- 1 root video 29, 0 Oct 20 03:51
2425[15:39:10] <greenit> hi, is there still a site where i can
see the current state of a package in the repos? I know there was a
nice overview where you could search the package, get the current
status (errors which are holding the package back), the time it is
already in unstable, min time it takes to get to testing and the
current versions in the different branches
2426[15:39:41] <greycat> greenit: the "why is ___ not in
testing" web site stopped updating in July, and this channel
doesn't know why. Ask the testing support channel.
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2430[15:41:14] <greenit> greycat: ok, this was not specifically
for testing, it was similar to and i believe
that it was later renamed to (had a weird name
before), but this site is down for maintenance... for some days now
2431[15:42:02] <Agiofws> greycat, i already had this line in
sources.lst deb
2432[15:42:20] <Agiofws> i mean deb
2433[15:42:37] <Agiofws> dpkg, bdo
2434[15:42:39] <dpkg> (formerly is an official repository of <backports> for
the current stable (see <jessie backports>) and oldstable
(<wheezy backports>) distributions, prepared by Debian
developers. Ask me about <backport caveat> and read
2435[15:42:40] *** Joins: Darcidride (~Darcidrid@replaced-ip)
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2437[15:43:10] <greycat> Agiofws: apt-get install -t
jessie-backports xserver-xorg-video-intel
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2445[15:43:53] <polemic> is it possible to use a bash alias to
add additional functionality to an existing command? (e.g. foo is
installed and I want to add an alias for "foo bar")?
2446[15:44:08] <greycat> Is foo "git"?
2447[15:44:11] *** Joins: Mithrandir__ (~Nobody@replaced-ip)
2448[15:44:13] <polemic> no
2449[15:44:16] <Akuli> you could do foo-bar
2450[15:44:17] <greycat> Is foo node.js?
2451[15:44:20] *** Quits: shovel_boss (~shovel_bo@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2452[15:44:24] <polemic> foo is beets
2453[15:44:40] <greycat> Is beets an external command, or a
function defined in your .bashrc by something *like* node.js?
2454[15:44:50] *** Quits: greenit (c308d41e@replaced-ip) (Quit: Page closed)
2455[15:44:53] <Agiofws> greycat,
2456[15:44:54] <polemic> beets is an external command
2457[15:45:02] <greycat> OK, then you can write a wrapper
2458[15:45:03] <ChrisH> polemic: Using the real example might
make it easier to understand
2459[15:45:19] <Agiofws> i left the line as is and did not delete
the "non free" section
2460[15:45:26] <greycat> beets() { if [[ $1 = bar ]]; then ...;
else commands beets "$@"; fi; }
2461[15:45:37] <polemic> thank you greycat :)
2462[15:45:55] <greycat> "command beets", not
"commands beets" :(
2463[15:46:11] <Agiofws> should i try to reboot?
2464[15:46:11] <polemic> thanks
2465[15:46:30] <greycat> Agiofws: after installing a new
xserver-xorg-video-intel, yeah, you probably want to reboot.
2466[15:46:35] *** Quits: Deathrattle (~death@replaced-ip) (Quit: bye)
2467[15:46:36] <Agiofws> cool
2468[15:46:48] <Agiofws> thank you again
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2470[15:47:03] <Braven> hello everyone
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2472[15:47:38] <Braven> greycat: I figured it out
2473[15:48:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1701
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2479[15:51:17] <polemic> greycat, that worked. Thank you v. much!
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2483[15:52:41] <Braven> SSSD on linux server was updating the DNS
2484[15:52:54] *** Quits: paradx (~paradx@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2485[15:53:05] <greycat> You have sssd on Debian?
2486[15:53:18] <jelly> that's a somewhat unusual setup
2487[15:53:51] <yepla> someone can help me ?
2488[15:54:26] *** Quits: SpaceDanceCJ (~Sasha@replaced-ip##) (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (##replaced-url
2489[15:54:42] <greycat> The only reason I've even *heard*
of sssd is because once upon a time some internal probing thingy
said my probed machine was bad because it had sssd and I was like
"Duh, no it doesn't, you just made that shit up because
you saw "Linux" and assumed I had it installed."
2490[15:54:45] *** Quits: ojoa (~zetagi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2491[15:54:49] <jelly> (but yeah, there's sssd, pam, nss,
ldap, kerberos, the whole shebang)
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2493[15:55:19] <Braven> yeap
2494[15:55:21] *** Joins: rgr (~user@replaced-ip)
2495[15:55:22] <greycat> And that ends my knowledge of sssd.
2496[15:55:40] *** Joins: ojoa (~zetagi@replaced-ip)
2497[15:55:45] <Braven> all I had to do is add this to
dyndns_update=false in /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
2498[15:55:56] <greycat> I'm glad you found your answer.
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2514[16:02:20] <Braven> Thanks GreyCat and Jelly for your help.
These guys are masters at this. I seen them in multiple chats and
they are always willing to help people out.
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2518[16:03:17] <adac> how can I disable dialogs with apt-get?
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2528[16:05:36] <KpuCko> adac export
2529[16:05:37] <KpuCko> apt-get -y install [packagename]
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2538[16:09:07] <adac> KpuCko, the first one did the trick
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2540[16:09:11] <adac> thanks
2541[16:09:30] <KpuCko> you are welcome
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2577[16:21:16] <candidat> hello, i have a problem, how do you
make a script in linux command that make two folder with a file. a
file that is saved and incremented by the newer file. ?
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2579[16:21:52] <greycat> You've lost me. You're making
two directories, so there *aren't* any files to start with.
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2581[16:22:47] <greycat> Is there some pre-existing file, outside
of your two new directories, which plays a role in this question?
2582[16:23:22] <candidat> just a txt file
2583[16:23:47] <greycat> What's in it, and what do you want
to do with it?
2584[16:24:22] <bolt> smells like a homework assignment :)
2585[16:24:33] <greycat> No, not stupid enough for homework yet.
2586[16:24:39] <bolt> just wait
2587[16:24:41] <greycat> If we see "But I'm not allowed
to use ____" then it's homework.
2588[16:24:45] <babilen> :D
2589[16:24:48] *** Quits: chucklebug (~chucklebu@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2590[16:24:51] <babilen> You gave the game away now ;)
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2595[16:27:15] <petn-randall> Hahahaha :D
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2599[16:27:34] <greycat> petn-randall: Oh, this is incredibly
lightweight compared to what we get in #bash.
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2601[16:27:44] <candidat> i want to make a list of files to save
and archive as tar. new tar files would be added but the newest will
have the first place in their name... and yes its a damn homework
2602[16:27:58] <bolt> told you.
2603[16:28:00] <RinpooChu> which / dirs do I need to backup in
case I get problems and need to roll back? I just want to slam
everything on a new install without having to manually do anything
2604[16:28:08] *** Quits: OtakuSenpai (~Peter@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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2606[16:28:26] <candidat> i dont understand
2607[16:28:37] <candidat> just give me which commands to use
2608[16:28:40] <greycat> Well, *I* definitely don't
understand your question at all.
2609[16:28:40] <candidat> and i will search it
2610[16:28:46] <RinpooChu> I'm trying to create a rsync
script to backup my deb8s erver
2611[16:28:59] <RinpooChu> server
2612[16:29:03] <greycat> Is the original homework question in
English? If it is, just point us to the actual question.
2613[16:29:26] <bolt> !tell RinpooChu about things to backup
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2615[16:29:41] <babilen> candidat: The first step would be a
precise description of what you are trying to achieve.. but the
nature of homework is that you are expected to figure things out. It
is typically a more important lesson to learn *how* to solve a
problem, rather than figuring out the exact steps.
2616[16:29:48] <babilen> You learn methods to approach problems
2617[16:29:57] *** Quits: asterismo_m (~asterismo@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
2618[16:30:00] <babilen> Not ready made solutions that you can
apply later
2619[16:30:15] <greycat> If the homework is for "a bash
course" then what you usually learn is how to make scripts that
fail horribly.
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2623[16:31:35] <babilen> RinpooChu: You might want to look at
dirvish, rsnapshot or rdiff-backup
2624[16:31:39] <petn-randall> babilen: No, you misunderstand.
candidat is trying to teach *us* new things, which is why we're
doing their homework.
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2626[16:31:55] <RinpooChu> do they work with cygwin?
2627[16:32:10] <bolt> does anyone?
2628[16:32:21] <babilen> RinpooChu: You run cygwin on Debian?
2629[16:32:29] <RinpooChu> I need to get the backup though ssh to
my win7 clien
2630[16:32:31] <RinpooChu> t
2631[16:32:39] <greycat> Stop using a win7 client. Problem
2632[16:32:45] <RinpooChu> I cant
2633[16:32:49] <RinpooChu> problem not solved
2634[16:32:54] <greycat> *shrug*
2635[16:32:56] <greycat> Not a debian problem, then.
2636[16:33:01] <RinpooChu> need win7 for my work
2637[16:33:07] <babilen> ##windows or #cygwin might have an idea
2638[16:33:13] <RinpooChu> that's why I use cygwin
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2641[16:33:24] <bolt> RinpooChu: ssh to your server from cygwin,
run a tar command there and pipe the results back to your win7
client for storage. done.
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2644[16:33:55] <RinpooChu> well I'm trying to do that with
2645[16:33:58] <babilen> I believe that RinpooChu wants to create
a backup of the Windows box
2646[16:34:09] <greycat> s/to your server/to the new intermediate
backup-holding server that you set up to sit in between your server
and your MS abomination client/
2647[16:34:20] <RinpooChu> no I want to backup my deb8 server on
to my client pc
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2649[16:34:28] <RinpooChu> which is mainly win7
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2651[16:34:45] <greycat> I'm afraid to ask what the *other*
body parts are from.
2652[16:34:50] <candidat> save the newest files in a .tar
2653[16:34:51] <candidat> the .tar must not be overwritten saving
after saving . they must be named in function of the date of saving
2654[16:34:53] <babilen> RinpooChu: The result is just data...
even Windows won't corrupt it
2655[16:35:04] <greycat> candidat: newer than what?
2656[16:35:10] <bolt> well, except permissions, if the files ever
leave the cygwin environment
2657[16:35:15] <greycat> what makes a file qualify to be saved
into the tar archive?
2658[16:35:44] <RinpooChu> So I'd use a script to tar all
folders on the server and then use a script from cygwin to copy the
tar ont my client pc
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2660[16:35:50] <candidat> nothing there is like 3 or 4 files
2661[16:35:53] <candidat> txt
2662[16:35:59] <greycat> candidat: so you want to back up *all*
of the files?
2663[16:36:09] <candidat> yeah that s the idea !
2664[16:36:24] <greycat> candidat: so the only hard part is
coming up with the name of the tar file?
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2666[16:36:49] <babilen> RinpooChu: The copying part is not
really related to the creation of the backup. Some backup solutions
might be able to write directly over SSH or similar things, but you
are essentially creating the backup and then copy it somewhere else
in one of the many different approaches
2667[16:36:50] <RinpooChu> I want to just slam the backup onto
the server without doing anything manually in case something goes
2668[16:36:55] <bolt> RinpooChu: you can pipe the results of tar
through ssh, so you don't have to store the entire thing on the
server. and you can compress it on either side depending on
network/cpu/disk overheads
2669[16:36:55] <RinpooChu> kind of like rollback
2670[16:37:02] <candidat> yes i dont know the command that will
do that. i know the first part which is tar -zxvf the file to save
the destination of the file
2671[16:37:23] <greycat> candidat: don't worry about
*commands* at this point. We're still trying to figure out what
the *goal* is.
2672[16:37:27] <martman> im running a configure script that keeps
failing with "checking for patch... no"
2673[16:37:28] <bolt> RinpooChu: in that case, you need an entire
disk image
2674[16:37:31] <martman> i have patch installed
2675[16:37:34] <martman> i can run patch
2676[16:37:43] <RinpooChu> well can;t get that
2677[16:37:52] <greycat> candidat: Are you supposed to create a
whole new tar file for each backup? With a datestamp in its name?
2678[16:38:00] <bolt> RinpooChu: why?
2679[16:38:07] <babilen> RinpooChu: In that case you won't
be able to have a "one click, works" solution
2680[16:38:09] <RinpooChu> so next best thing is to isntall deb
and just overwrite everything with the backup
2681[16:38:10] <candidat> yes with datestamp in it s name that
2682[16:38:16] <candidat> greycat, correct
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2685[16:38:26] <RinpooChu> or wont that wok?
2686[16:38:26] *** Quits: dell_ (~dell@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2687[16:38:28] <RinpooChu> work?
2688[16:38:37] *** Quits: karimb (~karimb@replaced-ip) (Quit: Karim has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2689[16:38:37] <greycat> candidat: tar czvf
/backup/directory/backup-$(date +%Y%m%d).tar.gz dir1 dir2
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2692[16:39:44] <greycat> But I bet your homework assignment wants
something *more complicated* because that is what idiotic professors
2693[16:39:49] <bolt> RinpooChu: have you considered a virtual
machine? or simply running a base install, putting another system on
top in a chroot and experimenting inside of that?
2694[16:40:21] <greycat> (The goal of these professors is not to
write a script that does a sensible thing in a sensible way, but
rather to make you do a crapload of work.)
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2697[16:41:17] <RinpooChu> I'm not sure do you mean on my
client pc or run the virtual os on my server?
2698[16:41:24] *** Joins: converge (~converge@replaced-ip)
2699[16:41:25] <bolt> people need to stop writing convenient
tools, so that getting stuff done remains hard and student
assignments will take time without having to enforce unreasonable
2700[16:41:26] <bolt> RinpooChu: either
2701[16:41:30] *** Quits: Drzacek (~Drzacek@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2702[16:41:50] *** Parts: KpuCko (~KpuCko@replaced-ip)
2703[16:41:55] <RinpooChu> I did learn with a virtual os on my
client before I made my server
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2706[16:42:20] <babilen> candidat: Be prepared to explain your
2707[16:42:26] <babilen> Well .. "your" solution
2708[16:42:29] <RinpooChu> but I dont really have the time for a
lot of experimenting anymore
2709[16:42:32] *** Quits: Darcidride (~Darcidrid@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2710[16:42:46] <candidat> greycat, that s right but its to make
us learn how to do it
2711[16:43:01] <greycat> candidat:
2712[16:43:02] *** Quits: Lowl3v3l (~Lowl3v3l@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2713[16:43:15] <converge> im trying to remote login in ssh, and
getting "permission denied" on root and non root user.
anyone knows whats wrong ?
2714[16:43:39] <babilen> converge: Are you running jessie on the
remote box?
2715[16:43:53] *** Joins: GJ_ (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
2716[16:43:55] <converge> babilen: yes, both box are debian
2717[16:43:59] <babilen> converge: And are you login in with a
key or password?
2718[16:44:06] <MikeDebian> root ssh login may be disabled by
2719[16:44:09] <converge> babilen: using a password
2720[16:44:11] <babilen> They are
2721[16:44:28] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o eir
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*!* eir
2723[16:44:33] <babilen> converge: Okay, what happens when you
run "ssh -vvvvv youruser@thebox" ?
2724[16:44:46] <babilen> And you are sure the password is
2725[16:45:23] <MikeDebian> babilen, check /etc/passwd and verify
if the non root user has /bin/bash set
2726[16:45:32] *** Quits: poleprogger (~mj@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2727[16:45:42] <MikeDebian> sorry, converge I mean
2728[16:45:49] <candidat> greycat, im looking...
2729[16:45:54] <candidat> ty
2730[16:45:56] <greycat> Is the permission denied coming from the
client, or the server?
2731[16:46:11] <greycat> That's a *very* strange message to
see from an ssh command.
2732[16:46:22] <babilen> It is
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2735[16:46:30] <babilen> (which is why I'd like to see some
detailed output)
2736[16:46:31] *** Joins: paw (~afong@replaced-ip)
2737[16:46:49] <converge> I'll gist it, 1min
2738[16:46:51] <greycat> I can get "Permission denied,
please try again." by intentionally failing a password.
2739[16:46:57] <babilen> converge: Could you paste a (potentially
anonymised variant) to
2740[16:47:26] <babilen> Or gist it .. :)
2741[16:47:37] <babilen> brb
2742[16:48:02] *** Quits: fossrox (~fossrox@replaced-ip) (Quit: Free Software, Free Hardware, Free Culture, Free Spectrum)
2743[16:48:10] <greycat> So, I suppose "Permission denied,
please try again." could also result from an account with an
invalid shell, etc. (as MikeDebian suggested)
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2746[16:49:34] <bolt> there's a pam_shell or whatever
it's called that requires the user's login shell to be in
2747[16:49:45] <greycat> *nod*
2748[16:49:47] <bolt> (in case a non-standard one was used)
2749[16:50:36] *** Joins: lowin (~lowin@replaced-ip)
2750[16:50:46] <converge> here is the -vvvvv output
2751[16:50:46] <converge>
2752[16:51:03] <converge> the password is right, check it twice
2753[16:51:04] <greycat> of course the command is hidden :( :(
2754[16:51:04] *** Parts: pmarkoulidakis (~pmarkouli@replaced-ip)
2755[16:51:12] <converge> *checked
2756[16:51:18] <RinpooChu> I think I'm gonna switch to a
managed server
2757[16:52:12] <greycat> converge: so... you've got a DSA
key, it was rejected, you were prompted for a password, and the
password was rejected.
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2759[16:52:37] <greycat> err, no, I misread this
2760[16:52:52] *** Joins: wonton (~wonton@replaced-ip)
2761[16:52:53] <greycat> the DSA key was a host key that was
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2766[16:53:20] <khudher_> hello, sometimes my debian hangs on
shut down
2767[16:53:27] <greycat> you've got an RSA key, rejected,
password, rejected
2768[16:53:29] *** Joins: suffer (~jeff@replaced-ip)
2769[16:53:29] <khudher_> it happens frequently, how can i
2770[16:53:31] <converge> Im logged in a digital ocean server,
trying to connect (ssh) in my local server
2771[16:53:51] <khudher_> "kvm virtualization",
"entering system sleep state S5" and then it hangs
2772[16:54:05] <greycat> Does the user account on the "local
server" have a nonstandard shell?
2773[16:54:28] <converge> greycat: no.. it's a normal user
2774[16:55:02] <greycat> Were you expectin the RSA key to work,
and you're asking why you were prompted for a password? Or are
you asking why the password didn't work?
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2777[16:56:20] <converge> greycat: Im asking why password didnt
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2781[16:56:26] <converge> this is my sshd_config,
2782[16:56:48] <greycat> You've going to have to look in
/var/log/auth.log (or similar) on the "local server". The
server will not tell the client why authentication is being denied.
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2789[16:58:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1699
2790[16:58:54] <converge> auth.log doesnt show up my login
attempts, now it looks like it's a firewall/nat problem hitting
the wrong machine
2791[16:59:17] *** Joins: SlaGTaTs (~bilbo@replaced-ip)
2792[16:59:49] <greycat> That's pretty alarming, especially
considering that you've got a validated host key in
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2796[17:00:35] <converge> greycat: youre right, the box im trying
to loggin, is the only one on 2222 port (ssh)
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2798[17:02:13] <greycat> debug1: Remote protocol version 2.0,
remote software version ROSSSH
2799[17:02:39] <greycat> That's definitely not normal.
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2802[17:03:20] <greycat> If you connected to an OpenSSH server it
should look something like debug1: Remote protocol version 1.99,
remote software version OpenSSH_6.8
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2808[17:05:44] <Kingsy> I accidently deleted my dovecot folder in
/etc/ when I try to reinstall with apt-get it says its Not replacing
deleted config file /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-auth.conf for example..
how can I force it to totally reinstall the package from scratch?
2809[17:05:48] <Kingsy> I tried --reinstall
2810[17:05:56] <greycat> !confmiss
2811[17:06:08] *** Joins: johefernan (~joheferna@replaced-ip)
2812[17:06:09] <dpkg> You have to especially tell the packaging
system to reinstall config files because when they are gone, it is
assumed that you want them to stay deleted. "aptitude -o
DPkg::Options::='--force-confmiss' reinstall
$packagename" will restore them (man dpkg for details). If the
package uses <ucf> for config file management, ask me about
<ucf confmiss>.
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2815[17:06:35] <Kingsy> greycat: can I do it through apt-get?
just curious
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2817[17:06:41] <greycat> Dunno. Probably.
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2819[17:07:04] <Kingsy> ah Is ee
2820[17:07:07] <Kingsy> its the same syntax
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2832[17:08:04] <Kingsy> meh that didnt work either.. same output
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2844[17:09:09] <greycat> Next thing I would try would be manually
installing with dpkg -i --force-confmiss
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2852[17:10:17] <CutMeOwnThroat> that should work… the
other default way is to purge the package, then install it again
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2854[17:10:26] <Kingsy> ok
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2859[17:11:19] <converge> greycat: thanks for your help, it was a
firewall problem
2860[17:11:23] <Kingsy> thaty worked.
2861[17:11:52] *** Quits: GJ_ (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2862[17:11:54] <greycat> converge: You may want to check that
known_hosts entry too.
2863[17:12:20] *** Quits: TsukiRa (~fpob@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving.)
2864[17:12:38] <greycat> Getting MITM'ed by your own
firewall is pretty bad.
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2870[17:14:25] <converge> greycat: what do you mean..?
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2877[17:15:14] <greycat> You had a known_hosts entry containing
what your client believed was a valid key for this host you thought
you were connecting to. Turns out you were connecting to the wrong
place. But your known_hosts entry was useless.
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2880[17:16:23] <converge> greycat: got it, ill check it
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2906[17:29:25] <hang> hello expert..
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2909[17:30:26] <hang> need help regarding eth0 didnt up by auto
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2913[17:31:46] <tim_s007> hi
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2915[17:32:08] <tim_s007> how can i find out the correct size of
non correct working sd cards?
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2917[17:32:29] <tim_s007> like if the sdcard says it has 16GB but
has infact 2
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2919[17:32:56] <tim_s007> i want to know its real size to use it
nomether this problem
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2933[17:37:38] <hang> ahh debian network is unreachable
2934[17:37:39] *** MaBunny is now known as OtakuSenpai
2935[17:37:42] <hang> jhmmm
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2937[17:38:01] <MrTopless> Can someone help me solve php-fpm
write problem on multiuser server, so php-fpm can write via
directory owners user, everything works with the same user from cli
php -r "mkdir(__DIR__.'uploads');", but it
doesn't from web. My proof of same user:
2938[17:38:01] <MrTopless> /var/log/syslog if I set permissions
777 to whole directory it uploads files creates dir, but as
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2960[17:45:43] <jelly> MrTopless: what does "id -a
useris" say?
2961[17:45:49] *** Quits: towo` (~towo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2962[17:46:10] <MrTopless> jelly: uid=1000(useris)
2963[17:46:23] *** Joins: karimb (~karimb@replaced-ip)
2964[17:46:34] <jelly> ok, so it seems to match uid and gid in
2965[17:46:51] <MrTopless> yeah its already pasted in additional
info pastebin
2966[17:47:10] <jelly> MrTopless: which debian release is this?
2967[17:47:35] <MrTopless> Debian GNU/Linux 8 \n \l
2968[17:48:11] <MrTopless> jessie
2969[17:48:20] *** Joins: jeltz (~user@replaced-ip)
2970[17:48:40] <MrTopless> its just that I'm using
2971[17:49:10] <MrTopless>
2972[17:49:25] <missmbob> !dotdeb
2973[17:49:25] <dpkg>
2974[17:49:28] <jelly> ouch
2975[17:49:39] *** Quits: morphis_ (~morphis@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2976[17:49:45] <jeltz> Does apt-cache show an installed package
or a package in the repos?
2977[17:50:12] <MrTopless> But I want php7.0 and debian has none
:-( PHP 7.0.9-1~dotdeb+8.1 (cli) ( NTS )
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2981[17:50:40] <missmbob> jeltz: yeah unfortunately we cant
support them because it's crap. you'll have to ask them
2982[17:50:47] <missmbob> MrTopless: that was for you
2983[17:51:10] <jelly> jeltz: both.
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2986[17:51:27] <jeltz> jelly: ok, thanks
2987[17:51:37] <jelly> every available version, including the
currently installed if any
2988[17:51:47] <MrTopless> How to check with apt-cache I'm
doing any comand in the list none shows yet :-D
2989[17:51:50] <MrTopless> 6 left to go
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2991[17:51:57] <Rico> hello
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2996[17:52:22] <Rico> can somebody please tell me the right
syntax to add a route with iproute2 commands in
/etc/network/interfaces ?
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2998[17:52:41] <MrTopless> apt-cache unmet?
2999[17:52:43] <Rico> I'm trying things for hours and the
only thing I get is "networking[3741]: Failed to bring up
3000[17:52:57] <MrTopless> jelly, should I type in apt-cache
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3003[17:53:26] <jelly> MrTopless: sorry, what?
3004[17:53:38] <MrTopless> jelly, which repo should I use for
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3007[17:54:05] <jelly> MrTopless: I don't know of any other
repo with php7 for jessie, sorry
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3011[17:54:52] <MrTopless> P.S. About outsourced repos: php-fpm
is not in there:
3012[17:55:05] <jeltz> How can I see a list of held packages?
3013[17:55:09] <greycat> it's called php5-fpm in Debian
3014[17:55:10] *** Quits: David_Hernandez (~David_Her@replaced-ip) (Quit: Saliendo)
3015[17:55:18] <greycat> jeltz: dpkg -l | grep ^h
3016[17:55:34] *** Quits: BaW (~BaW@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3017[17:55:35] <jelly> MrTopless: I have no idea where that
output comes from or what it's supposed to mean
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3020[17:55:57] <cybiko123> MrTopless:
3021[17:56:02] <MrTopless> jelly, it comes from apt-cache unmet |
grep dotdeb
3022[17:56:16] <jeltz> OK. So I get the 'E: Unable to
correct problems, you have held broken packages.' error but I
didn't hold any packages?
3023[17:56:19] <cybiko123> Oh, derp
3024[17:56:28] <greycat> Why do people show the output of a
command but not the command? :( :(
3025[17:56:36] *** Joins: towo` (~towo@replaced-ip)
3026[17:56:37] <MrTopless> jelly, it might mean, that my
installed php-fpm is from official repo.
3027[17:56:43] *** Quits: karimb (~karimb@replaced-ip) (Quit: Karim has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
3028[17:56:45] <jelly> ,v php-fpm
3029[17:56:46] <judd> Package: php-fpm on amd64 -- sid: 1:7.0+45;
stretch: 1:7.0+45
3030[17:56:50] <jelly> ,v php5-fpm
3031[17:56:51] <judd> Package: php5-fpm on amd64 -- wheezy:
5.4.45-0+deb7u2; wheezy-security: 5.4.45-0+deb7u5; jessie:
5.6.24+dfsg-0+deb8u1; jessie-security: 5.6.26+dfsg-0+deb8u1; sid:
3032[17:57:16] *** Quits: hang (af8d6eb7@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3033[17:57:34] <missmbob> greycat: i dont know i stopped caring
about this one
3034[17:58:00] <greycat> It's not just this one person
though. It's a trend.
3035[17:58:14] <CutMeOwnThroat> maybe it's all the rage now
3036[17:58:20] <CutMeOwnThroat> which means something like: makes
you angry
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3040[17:59:21] <CutMeOwnThroat> this is the first time I hear
about "apt-cache unmet" … and apt-cache unmet | wc
-l --> 20327
3041[17:59:31] <jelly> greycat: all the command | pastebintool
tools do it
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3044[18:00:33] <jelly> perhaps a "set -x; command
2>&1 | pastebintool; set +x" would be a simple solution
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3046[18:00:54] <greycat> jelly: yes, understood... didn't
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3058[18:02:55] <greycat> jelly: even set -x won't catch
everything in the original command (e.g. shell redirections are not
3059[18:03:06] *** Quits: Darcidride_ (~Darcidrid@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
3060[18:03:19] <greycat> And pipelines are shown as separate
commands, and so on.
3061[18:03:44] *** Joins: bertbob (~bertbob@replaced-ip)
3062[18:03:48] <MrTopless> jelly, okay so php-fpm is not from
dotdeb and I'm using php5.6
3063[18:03:50] *** Quits: Ex0xpl0it (~Ex0spl0it@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
3064[18:03:59] <MrTopless> And still same problem, so whats next?
3065[18:04:35] <greycat> php-fpm is only in stretch and sid, so
it's not on topic here.
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3072[18:05:50] <MrTopless> okay, then whats next then?
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3077[18:06:29] <MrTopless> How can I make that php-fpm not
convert user to
3078[18:06:36] <Agiofws> greycat, gnome3 and gdm3 still
won't run with the apt-get install -t jessie-backports
xserver-xorg-video-intel what else can i do ?
3079[18:06:57] <Agiofws> so i have to install a bdo kernel as
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3082[18:07:28] <greycat> Agiofws: google for your exact card and
see if you can find someone else who had your problem and found a
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3086[18:08:14] <jelly> MrTopless: the answer is probably
"configure php5-fpm correctly"
3087[18:08:20] *** Quits: poleprogger (~mj@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
3088[18:08:27] <greycat> except he's not using php5-gpm
3089[18:08:31] <greycat> except he's not using php5-fpm
3090[18:08:39] <MrTopless> I'm using both
3091[18:08:44] *** Quits: killian99 (~killian99@replaced-ip) (Quit: Quitte)
3092[18:08:55] <missmbob> never heard of someone installing
dotdeb crap on stretch/sid.
3093[18:08:57] <Agiofws> judd, pciid 8086:1902
3094[18:08:58] <jelly> MrTopless: which API are you using, what
does phpinof() say when called from web?
3095[18:08:59] <judd> [8086:1902] is 'HD Graphics 510'
from 'Intel Corporation' with kernel modules
'ata_generic', 'snd-hda-intel' in jessie. See
3096[18:09:01] <MrTopless> php5-fpm and php7.0-fpm from dotdeb
3097[18:09:13] <Agiofws> am i looking for 'HD Graphics 510 ?
greycat ?
3098[18:09:13] <greycat> christ on a stick
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3102[18:09:58] <jelly> MrTopless: it's not possible to use
both for the same URL, figure out which one you have active for the
relevant VirtualHost and URL
3103[18:10:00] <MrTopless> On one dev2 site its php5.6 and on
dev1 site its php 7.0.9, I've set apache vhosts for each domain
to listen on different socks
3104[18:10:13] *** Joins: DevilIntheNight (~DevilInth@replaced-ip)
3105[18:10:15] <MrTopless> one sock is from php5 other from php7
3106[18:10:24] <MrTopless> different php-fpms as well
3107[18:10:30] <MrTopless> one from dotdeb other yours
3108[18:10:30] *** Joins: andril (~andril@replaced-ip)
3109[18:10:33] <MrTopless> still same problem.
3110[18:10:39] <greycat> Well, focus on the php5 one first,
because that one MIGHT actually be on topic in this channel since
it's actually IN debian.
3111[18:10:39] <jelly> and probably find someone what knows about
fpm config (not me ;-)
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3117[18:11:01] <greycat> Although you may end up having to ask
3118[18:11:01] *** Quits: miklcct (michael@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3119[18:11:06] <MrTopless> Well #php guys already know nothing.
3120[18:11:10] <jmcnaught> MrTopless: i tried looking at your
pastes from earlier, but they were gone so...
3121[18:11:22] <morf> MrTopless: look how the fpm pools are
3122[18:11:25] <morf> it's quite simple
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3125[18:12:08] <MrTopless> I've just doubled checked all are
3126[18:12:12] <morf> you can set user / group
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3128[18:12:30] <morf> i have multiple fpm pools ... dev / stable
/ for users it's working
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3131[18:12:43] <MrTopless> they are configured perfectly I have
other server which is working for some reason and configs are the
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3135[18:12:47] <MrTopless> but the server is on centos
3136[18:12:47] <Agiofws> Graphics: Card: Intel Device 1902
3137[18:12:52] <morf> ok sry
3138[18:13:01] <MrTopless> Its an anomaly
3139[18:13:08] <morf> there are two settings one for socket one
for process
3140[18:13:14] *** Joins: shakalaka (~shakalaka@replaced-ip)
3141[18:13:15] <morf> maybe check if you changed both
3142[18:13:22] <morf> gl
3143[18:13:49] <jmcnaught> MrTopless: may i see your php5-fpm
pool conf and apache virtualhost? or are you just complaining now?
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3146[18:14:04] <MrTopless> Added my problem to this pastebin:
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3151[18:14:41] <jmcnaught> MrTopless: you don't like to make
it easy eh?
3152[18:14:42] *** Joins: sergi (~sergi@replaced-ip)
3153[18:14:45] <MrTopless> I've posted everything on
18:38:01 in GMT+2
3154[18:14:55] <sergi> hello debien pro
3155[18:15:04] <jelly> MrTopless: it's 18:14 in that
timezone now.
3156[18:15:13] <missmbob> in aditional info "unmet
debs" should've been listed. "i'm running
stretch/sid with dotdeb"
3157[18:15:13] <Agiofws> greycat, should i try adding
nouveau.modeset=0 in grub boot line?
3158[18:15:20] <sergi> it is secure to install wine32 on amd64
3159[18:15:30] <greycat> why would nouveau be relevant to an
INTEL graphic chip?
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3162[18:15:52] *** Quits: DomaMuffin (~DomaMuffi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3163[18:16:00] <MrTopless> Okay maybe its because of daylight
savings GMT+3
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3169[18:16:45] <MrTopless> As well at 19:14:05 GMT+3 I've
pasted all my problem with all configs
3170[18:17:05] <jmcnaught> MrTopless: sorry your urls in your
paste have semicolons and i don't feel like manually selecting
them or searching the backlog. If you rephrase your question with
valid URLs i might take a look
3171[18:17:19] * jelly scrolls back instead of jmcnaught
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3173[18:17:21] <MrTopless> okay no problem :-)
3174[18:18:38] <missmbob> serban: yes
3175[18:18:41] *** Joins: hang (af8d6eb7@replaced-ip)
3176[18:18:46] <missmbob> sergi: yes
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3179[18:19:24] <sergi> thanks missmbob
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3182[18:19:39] <CutMeOwnThroat> well… … be the first
3183[18:19:43] <sergi> tchao
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3189[18:20:02] <Agiofws> greycat, would you advise me to follow
this article
3190[18:20:08] <chromity-ux> okay
3191[18:20:10] <jelly> installing is secure. _Using it_ to run
potentially insecure software, however...
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3195[18:20:43] <Agiofws> If you’re on the Debian stable
release, you’re currently using the more‐than‐a‐year‐old
2.21.15 driver. The older driver does not support Intel’s most
recent graphics cards and you’ll either have a non‐functioning
graphics driver or serious performance problems. Luckily, you can
easily upgrade the graphics driver running on Debian stable
(currently “Jessie”) to the testing version (currently
“Stretch”) a
3196[18:20:43] <Agiofws> nd leave the rest of your system on
Debian stable.
3197[18:21:09] *** Joins: turfal (~Icedove@replaced-ip)
3198[18:21:10] <Agiofws> would you recommend this practice?
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3202[18:21:51] <missmbob> no. xserver-xorg-video-intel is in
jessie-backports. use that
3203[18:21:52] *** Quits: OerHeks (~OerHeks@replaced-ip) (Quit: Bye! [If you don't have a backup of your data, it is
not important at all])
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3205[18:22:04] <missmbob> mixing stable and testing is stupid.
3206[18:22:13] *** Quits: davimore_ (~davimore@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
3207[18:22:35] <Agiofws> ok i'm looking at the comments its
not a good solution
3208[18:22:35] *** Joins: Shentino (~Shentino@replaced-ip)
3209[18:22:44] <missmbob> it's awful
3210[18:22:46] <MrTopless> jmcnaught:
3211[18:22:47] <jelly> Agiofws: are you quoting an article from
June 2015?
3212[18:22:48] <Agiofws> but it still does not work
3213[18:22:50] <MrxCyberX> Hi
3214[18:22:57] *** Joins: MaxLanar (~user@replaced-ip)
3215[18:22:58] <Agiofws> yeah i can see that now...
3216[18:23:04] *** Joins: TIFON (b4fe5333@replaced-ip)
3217[18:23:06] <jelly> Agiofws: it was decent advice at THAT TIME
3218[18:23:20] <jelly> now, however, fuck no
3219[18:23:26] <missmbob> Agiofws:
3220[18:23:28] <MrxCyberX> Good evening
3221[18:23:38] <TIFON> hi
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3228[18:24:45] <Agiofws> missmbob, i've already used the
xorg driver from backports which does not work
3229[18:24:53] <jelly> Agiofws: if your hardware is not (fully)
supported and you need to upgrade x-x-video-intel from
jessie-backports, you WILL also want to get linux-image-amd64, any
firmware you need, and libgl1-mesa-dri from the same
jessie-backports as well.
3230[18:24:55] <Agiofws> maybe i should upgrade my kernel aswell
3231[18:24:59] <Agiofws> Unpacking linux-image-3.16.0-4-amd64
(3.16.36-1+deb8u2) over (3.16.36-1+deb8u1)
3232[18:25:13] <MrxCyberX> Kontol
3233[18:25:15] <missmbob> Agiofws: i haven't been following
your story. but yes, do what jelly said
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3235[18:26:01] <overoxeide> njirr :3
3236[18:26:06] <jelly> !xorg skylake
3237[18:26:06] <dpkg> Enable <jessie-backports> with
included <non-free sources>. apt-get -t jessie-backports
install linux-image-amd64 firmware-misc-nonfree
xserver-xorg-video-intel libgl1-mesa-dri
3238[18:26:09] <jelly> Agiofws: ^^
3239[18:26:11] <Agiofws> jelly, apt-get install -t
jessie-backports libgl1-mesa-dri ?
3240[18:26:26] <Agiofws> WOW
3241[18:26:27] <Agiofws> :)
3242[18:27:05] <MrxCyberX>
3243[18:27:07] <jelly> so maybe it takes me 5 minutes to remember
the factiod exists
3244[18:27:22] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o jelly
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3249[18:28:18] <TIFON> why only a few are active
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3254[18:28:51] <gray0panda> TIFON: different timezone?
3255[18:29:03] <jmcnaught> MrTopless: how have you confirmed that
the php is actually running as useris?
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3258[18:29:17] <rysiek|pl> I am having a weird issue:
3259[18:29:19] *** Joins: nikoma (~nikoma@replaced-ip)
3260[18:29:20] <rysiek|pl> # ls -l /dev/mapper/video
3261[18:29:21] <rysiek|pl> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Oct 20 18:21
/dev/mapper/video -> ../dm-4
3262[18:29:21] <rysiek|pl> # cryptsetup luksClose
3263[18:29:21] <rysiek|pl> # ls -l /dev/mapper/video
3264[18:29:21] <rysiek|pl> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 Oct 20 18:21
/dev/mapper/video -> ../dm-4
3265[18:29:21] *** rysiek|pl was kicked by debhelper (flood. Please use
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3267[18:29:42] <rysiek|pl> still worth it ;)
3268[18:29:55] <rysiek|pl> anywhoo, the underlying file is on an
sshfs-mounted volume
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3271[18:30:10] <MrTopless> <jmcnaught>, yes
3272[18:30:12] <greycat> what "underlying file"?
3273[18:30:14] <rysiek|pl> the connection broke, and now the
cryptsetup loop device file is seemingly in limbo
3274[18:30:26] *** Quits: calher (~calher@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
3275[18:30:31] <rysiek|pl> greycat: the one that got crypsetup
luksOpen'd originally
3276[18:30:35] <MrTopless> <jmcnaught>, I will add as well
pood worker screenshot from htop
3277[18:30:41] <MrTopless> pool*
3278[18:31:18] <gray0panda> rysiek|pl: copy it to pastebin?
3279[18:31:21] <greycat> so you've got LVM, sshfs, *and*
crypto all mangled together in one question somehow? good luck.
3280[18:31:31] <rysiek|pl> there is no lvm
3281[18:31:34] *** Joins: gustavohmsilva (~gustavohm@replaced-ip)
3282[18:31:39] <gustavohmsilva> hi guys
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3284[18:32:10] <rysiek|pl> gray0panda:
3285[18:32:14] <jelly> TIFON: this is a support channel. If there
were more support questions, maybe more people would volunteer to
answer things. IF you want activity of activity's sake, join
3286[18:32:28] <gustavohmsilva> I've been trying to install
the morse package on my ARM debian machine but it took some time to
discover that there's only packages available for amd64 and
3287[18:32:33] *** Joins: psmolen (~psmolen@replaced-ip)
3288[18:32:50] <gustavohmsilva> how can I download the source
code of this package and compile it on my device?
3289[18:33:03] <jelly> dpkg, tell gustavohmsilva about package
3290[18:33:12] *** Joins: [Brain] (~brain@replaced-ip)
3291[18:33:37] <rysiek|pl> greycat: basically: sshfs-mounted
volume contains a file that is used as a block device for
cryptsetup, and then that cryptsetup-created loop dev is used as a
blockdev containing ext4 filesystem
3292[18:33:38] <jelly> gustavohmsilva: see also: /msg dpkg
3293[18:33:39] <nsing> Does the stretch installer play nice with
efi? This is my first notebook with efi support and I'm all
kinds of confused.
3294[18:34:05] <Agiofws> uname -a
3295[18:34:05] <Agiofws> Linux athena 4.7.0-0.bpo.1-amd64 #1 SMP
Debian 4.7.5-1~bpo8+2 (2016-10-01) x86_64 GNU/Linux
3296[18:34:22] <missmbob> nsing: you shouldn't use the
stretch installer. that's to test the installer, not install
stretch. install stable then dist-upgrade to stretch if you must
3297[18:34:26] <jelly> nsing: ask in #debian-next on
(not this Freenode network). Support for UEFI was present in jessie
as well, but support for Secure Boot is a work in progress
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3299[18:34:54] <jmcnaught> MrTopless: you're sure it's
not a path bug in your php?
3300[18:35:10] <rysiek|pl> greycat: when connection breaks, it
was usually enough to unmount the ext4 fs, cryptsetup luksClose the
loop dev, remount the sshfs mount, cryptsetup luksOpen the file,
mount the ext4 fs and all was well
3301[18:35:18] <nsing> jelly, Thanks, I've got secure boot
3302[18:35:19] <rysiek|pl> greycat: however, right now it's
in limbo
3303[18:35:44] *** Quits: gustavohmsilva (~gustavohm@replaced-ip) (Quit: Sair)
3304[18:35:51] <missmbob> nsing: live cds dont support uefi. just
3305[18:35:51] <rysiek|pl> lsof /dev/mapper/video does not give
me anything
3306[18:35:55] <MrTopless> jmcnaught, then why its working from
3307[18:36:20] <rysiek|pl> so not sure how is it "busy"
3308[18:36:31] <Agiofws> jelly, now i think not even the xserver
runs because the screen has no signal...
3309[18:36:38] <Agiofws> what could be wrong?
3310[18:37:01] <jelly> did you upgrade all that stuff from bpo?
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3312[18:37:16] <Agiofws> apt-get -t jessie-backports install
linux-image-amd64 firmware-misc-nonfree xserver-xorg-video-intel
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3316[18:37:35] <jelly> Agiofws: was that successful and did all
those actually upgrade?
3317[18:37:38] <Agiofws> anything specific from intel in
3318[18:37:42] <Agiofws> yes
3319[18:37:46] <Agiofws> no errors
3320[18:37:54] *** Joins: X-Cyber (~root@replaced-ip)
3321[18:38:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1706
3322[18:38:07] <jelly> alright, then try to power off the monitor
and power it back on
3323[18:38:16] <jelly> just in case.
3324[18:38:17] <nsing> missmbob, Wish I had asked earlier.
I'm think I'm right in the middle of using the stretch
netinst found here:
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3327[18:38:42] <missmbob> nsing: not saying it wont work, but it
has known bugs. good luck.
3328[18:38:46] <Agiofws> jelly,
3329[18:38:57] <Agiofws> jelly, i did that
3330[18:39:08] <Agiofws> i rebooted
3331[18:39:19] <Agiofws> i'm logged in via ssh
3332[18:39:40] <Agiofws> but no xorg seems to be running
3333[18:39:54] <nsing> missmbob, I've got my fingers
crossed. I don't know if this is a new feature or not but I was
impressed when it told me specifically what non-free firmware files
were necessary to get networking started.
3334[18:40:05] <Agiofws> should i look for xorg errors or
something ?
3335[18:40:13] *** Quits: annoymouse4210 (~annoymous@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3336[18:40:19] <nsing> I used to have to memorize my hardware
3337[18:40:38] *** Parts: gray0panda (~rizki@replaced-ip)
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3339[18:40:47] <jelly> Agiofws: sure, pastebin your
/var/log/Xorg.0.log, and also output of "dmesg" command or
/var/log/kern.log since this boot.
3340[18:40:56] <hang> hello guys,
3341[18:41:01] *** Joins: yepla (~quassel@replaced-ip)
3342[18:41:15] <hang> what happen when pc does not received by
3343[18:41:34] <jelly> hang: that does not make a lot of sense.
3344[18:41:37] <nsing> hang, what do you mean?
3345[18:41:40] <hang> i need to open terminal and run cmd
dhclient eth0
3346[18:41:51] <hang> then network is working fine
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3350[18:42:40] <hang> actually my pc does not connected to
3351[18:42:45] <nsing> Ah. You aren't getting an IP address?
3352[18:42:46] <hang> :)
3353[18:42:50] <hang> yes...
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3356[18:43:42] <nsing> Do other devices get connected?
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3360[18:44:34] *** Parts: overoxeide (~overoxeid@replaced-ip)
3361[18:44:36] <hang> yes.. only the desktop got problem now and
my laptop eth,wlan working fine..
3362[18:44:46] <yepla> hey guys i have still pb with my
displaylink adapter
3363[18:44:56] <yepla> my issue :
3364[18:46:14] <yepla> i think the problem is because /dev/fb0 is
created at the start of gdm3
3365[18:46:17] *** Quits: daniel-s (~daniel-s@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
3366[18:46:24] <yepla> and displaylink driver start before
3367[18:46:28] *** Quits: booboy_laptop (~booboy@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
3368[18:46:29] <Agiofws> jelly,
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3371[18:48:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1695
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3374[18:48:39] <hang> any idea nsing ?
3375[18:49:06] <th0r> hang, can you pastebin
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3377[18:50:00] <missmbob> Agiofws: i made 4.8.3 kernel debs for
jessie if you want to try an even newer kernel
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3381[18:51:30] <missmbob> Agiofws: i see skylake kernel updates
on every release. might help. or roll your own
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3384[18:52:38] <jelly> Agiofws: 200 lines did not cover the whole
boot, however. It's interesting that
3385[18:52:40] <jelly> Oct 20 19:35:25 athena kernel: [ 3.306628]
i915 0000:00:02.0: No connectors reported connected with modes
3386[18:52:40] <jelly> Oct 20 19:35:25 athena kernel: [ 3.306632]
[drm] Cannot find any crtc or sizes - going 1024x768
3387[18:52:58] <hang> th0r:
3388[18:53:10] <jelly> Agiofws: apparently kms driver did not
detect any monitors
3389[18:53:48] <Agiofws> should i disable kms in grub or
3390[18:53:59] <jelly> no, you need that. Ask the video intel
people what's going on.
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3393[18:54:12] <th0r> hang, you have eth0 defined in that file,
so dhcp isn't going to work
3394[18:54:15] <Agiofws> lol :)
3395[18:54:21] *** Quits: gniourf (~gniourf@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
3396[18:54:29] <jelly> or try an even newer kernel, as missmbob
3397[18:54:29] *** Joins: losingkeys (~losingkey@replaced-ip)
3398[18:54:34] <Agiofws> i don't think there is a specific
channel for that?
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3404[18:55:00] <Agiofws> how would i install newer kernel?
3405[18:55:05] *** Quits: endstille (~endstille@replaced-ip##) (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium ##replaced-url
3406[18:55:17] <missmbob> Agiofws:
3407[18:55:20] <jelly> Agiofws: find the channel on your own:
/msg alis list intel -min 50
3408[18:55:25] <hang> th0r: actually it happen after i tried to
use static ip
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3411[18:55:47] <hang> before i set static ip dhcp is working fine
3412[18:55:48] <greycat> hang: if you want to go back to DHCP,
use "auto eth0" and "iface eth0 inet dhcp"
3413[18:55:56] <nsing> hang, Sorry, I got busy. Don't take
this the wrong way, but make sure the cables are good and are firmly
3414[18:56:02] *** Putti is now known as putti
3415[18:56:12] <hang> i tried
3416[18:56:16] *** putti is now known as Putti
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3418[18:56:31] <nsing> hang, maybe you had an IP address
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3422[18:57:55] <greycat> He said that manually running dhclient
worked, so it should just be a matter of fixing
/etc/network/interfaces and then rebooting.
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3428[18:58:28] <hang> nsing: try ping ip that i need to use as
static but no reply, i think no issue with ip conflict
3429[18:58:30] <Agiofws> jelly, maybe i'm missing a package
or something ?
3430[18:58:53] <th0r> greycat, agreed, assuming he doesn't
get misdirected
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3438[19:00:02] <hang> try to reconfig in interfaces with dhcp see
it is work as normal or not..
3439[19:00:09] *** Quits: juboxi (~juboxi@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
3440[19:01:09] <jmcnaught> MrTopless: your info.php works for me
on php5-fpm with these:
3441[19:01:32] <Agiofws> A little more research has turned up
that although the integrated graphics do support OpenGL 4.4, the
support has not yet been implemented in Mesa, and is still limited
to OpenGL 3.3 for the time being. Guess I'll just have to wait
this one out for now.
3442[19:01:34] *** Joins: LordDeath (~LordDeath@replaced-ip)
3443[19:01:52] <Agiofws> buts thats from an ubuntu forum from the
23 fo august
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3448[19:02:23] <MrTopless> jmcnaught, guess I need to remove php7
lib at all
3449[19:02:23] *** Joins: chucklebug (~chucklebu@replaced-ip)
3450[19:02:25] <MrTopless> :-(
3451[19:02:33] <MrTopless> Or compile my own
3452[19:03:09] <missmbob> MrTopless: i'd reinstall from
3453[19:03:27] <Agiofws> jelly, how can i find out what version
of mesa i have installed?
3454[19:03:35] *** Joins: poleprogger (~mj@replaced-ip)
3455[19:03:40] <greycat> did you try dpkg -l | grep mesa yet?
3456[19:03:40] <hang> hmm seen my ethernet does not blinking even
after reboot the pc..
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