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0[00:00:16] <how2down> Thx! :)
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2[00:00:41] <annadane> FWIW and it's entirely up to you
(along with the usual caveats of testing maybe breaking, don't
use it on mission critical stuff), i hear newer versions of KDE are
just as buggy
3[00:01:14] <annadane> i know kde has a fast release cycle and
i don't know what features you want, but yeah, newer isn't
always better with regard to kde (or anything else; but kde
specifically feels like something that gets left behind in debian
unlike xfce or whatever)
4[00:01:18] <annadane> (which is why i say this)
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7[00:01:42] <annadane> also, keep in mind that when you use as
a desktop with a lot of dependencies like kde does, it won't
all get migrated to testing at once, there will probably be delays
at some points
8[00:01:50] <sponix> Unit193: yeah.. I might do something like
that... I want the whole qemu stack including libvirt, virt-manager
and so forth to be current from Sid... Kinda afraid I might get in
over my head, but at the same time almost wanna sake screw it and go
for it :P
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10[00:02:00] <how2down> Ye, i distrohopped from Ubuntu to Mint
to Manjaro and want the deb packages back
11[00:02:10] <how2down> And manjaro does kde reaaally well
12[00:02:19] <how2down> So i just want some too
13[00:02:42] <annadane> so you'll get some kde packages
but then some might be delayed and you'll have
half-a-newer-desktop with some older components
14[00:03:07] <Unit193> sponix: Honestly, doesn't sound fun
at all.
15[00:03:14] <annadane> how2down,
16[00:03:19] <how2down> Ye, i just want seminew kde and
packages, thats why ill be testing
17[00:03:30] <sponix> Unit193: that entirely depends on your
ideal of fun ;)
18[00:03:32] <how2down> I doubt ill notice the old/new mixup
19[00:03:35] <joepublic> I'm sure it's just me, my
computer, or whatever, but I find the desktop environment formerly
known as KDE to be quite the reliable crash factory.
20[00:03:49] <annadane> 3.1.7 was what i actually wanted to
link, not that, but just scroll down
21[00:04:08] <sponix> how2down: Might as well just wipe and
install Sid to begin with -- Know a guy running Sid for a couple
months now and its done okay
22[00:04:11] <annadane> (3.1.6 is also related, though)
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24[00:04:21] <sponix> how2down: who needs stability anyway ?
25[00:04:51] <how2down> Eh, i might stick to manjaro if
stability is an issue, for rolling i had it for half a year and no
26[00:04:58] <joepublic> one generally installs sid by
upgrading stable.
27[00:05:13] <sponix> joepublic: I'm xfce Debian stable.
Because for me I just want a light on resources DE to function, be
stable, and stay out of my way
28[00:05:13] <how2down> Or maybe ill install debian as 2nd boot
29[00:05:31] <Unit193> sponix: Xfce 4.14 is so much more fun
30[00:05:35] <sponix> joepublic: Oh really.. I keep forgetting
31[00:05:47] <Unit193> joepublic: One can use
debootstrap/mmdebstrap to just install testing/unstable.
32[00:05:51] <annadane> the thing with testing/sid is it
isn't a true rolling release; manjaro et al are meant to be
*releases* and while you can use debian testing/sid (unstable), its
main point is to become the eventual stable, so you won't
always get the bleeding edge of what you might want bleeding edge
(or just generally newer) versions of
33[00:05:56] <sponix> Unit193: because the version number is
higher than 4.12 ?
34[00:06:15] <Unit193> sponix: If you do multimonitor stuff,
the support in 4.14 is much better.
35[00:06:32] <joepublic> 4.14 does have scaling for hidpi
36[00:06:35] <sponix> Unit193: lol ... well lucky I am poor
enough to only run one panel
37[00:06:55] <how2down> Ye, i dont need bleeding edge, i just
dont want stable old packages
38[00:07:08] <how2down> Kinda like manjaro stable
39[00:07:23] <annadane> idk how pacman works but i imagine
something like manjaro meant to be rolling might do transitions
40[00:07:38] <annadane> whereas like i said in debian in
testing and sid something transition wise is half-installable
41[00:07:51] <annadane> especially testing
42[00:07:52] <econeuler> how2down: Why do you want to run
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45[00:08:13] <how2down> As said, i just seem to find soft i
want/need more often in deb
46[00:08:16] <Unit193> annadane: KDE/etc transitions tend to
get held up in unstable, so you get them basically all at the same
time in testing.
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48[00:08:45] <annadane> yeah, that's also true, and
mirrors my experience using kde in sid
49[00:09:08] <annadane> first you wait months for qt to be
updated, then for them to decide which version of kde to include in
sid, *then* you wait more, *then* you eventually get t
50[00:09:11] <annadane> get it*
51[00:09:33] <annadane> anyway, *hums along happily on xfce
52[00:09:57] <sparky4> should i upgrade to debian 11 to fix my
pointer trackpoint issue?
53[00:10:07] <sponix> annadane: yeah, I'm sure that .02
worth isn't that huge
54[00:10:07] <annadane> only if you know updating would fix it
55[00:10:17] <how2down> I just love kde connect and that i can
turn off my laptop from another room from my phone when i get to
stoned to leave the couch haha
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57[00:10:44] <annadane> i'm surprised they don't call
it kde konnect
58[00:10:52] <sponix> how2down: I leave my rig and laptop
running 24/7
59[00:10:58] <sponix> annadane: they probably do
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61[00:11:15] <how2down> Its probably in the works haha
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64[00:12:08] <how2down> well, the isos written, ill be off,
will report back
65[00:12:24] <annadane> sparky4, i guess my first guess in
situations like that would be "maybe it's fixed with the
debian backported kernel", but i have no idea about your
specific case
66[00:12:31] <Unit193> sparky4: I do not wish to be rude,
though in general I'd say if one has to ask if one should
upgrade to testing/unstable, the answer is likely 'no'.
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69[00:13:12] <Unit193> It *might* fix a problem, but it's
also likely to come with headaches if one hasn't used it
70[00:13:54] <sponix> sure.. backport kernel is like 5.4.19
right now... Giving that a shot for a hardware possible fix.. why
not :)
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72[00:14:21] <Unit193> That being said, wireguard is being
inserted into the backports kernel, which is amazing.
73[00:14:24] <sponix> I'm running that kernel right now
just because I like higher version numbers
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81[00:17:14] <sponix> Unit193: surely if they rebuild the whole
libreoffice for shits and giggles, someone would like to do my
virtualization setup, riiight ?
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116[00:25:00] <sponix> Unit193: well from a security standpoint
I hear that is very good
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122[00:26:01] <sponix> Unit193: question is, is virtualization a
big enough deal for enough people to warrant backports. Or am I just
a niche
123[00:26:12] * sponix goes to google how to request a Backport
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132[00:27:10] <Unit193> sponix: It's linked off of
133[00:27:26] <sparky4> ok i will test the kernel and see if it
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143[00:30:14] <sponix> Unit193: the mailing list -- Yeah,
I'm going to sub to it now. Thanks
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146[00:30:23] <Unit193> Sure thing.
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156[00:34:08] <Unit193> sponix: Do you do a fair bit of personal
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167[00:36:34] <sponix> Unit193: the only thing I've needed
to backport so far was rtorrent from 0.9.7 to 0.9.8 .. It only had
like 2/3 deps
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169[00:37:05] <sponix> Unit193: so no, I haven't done a
fair bit, just that one, the one time
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179[00:40:21] <sponix> Unit193: I already know what they are
gonna come back and tell me when I put in the request... lol "
sounds great, do it yourself " ;)
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192[00:44:14] <sponix> Unit193: know what.. Think I'll do a
fresh VM for this one, do the building in there, that way if I break
something my Host OS will be fine :)
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194[00:44:39] <Unit193> sponix: sbuild/pbuilder is a great
option without the weight of a VM.
195[00:44:51] <Unit193> Also, look into mini-dinstall/aptly.
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198[00:46:06] <sponix> Unit193: I will look into that. But for
right now I'm gonna try the vm + ssbp option from the bot :)
199[00:46:09] <sponix> !ssb
200[00:46:09] <dpkg> First, check for a backport on
<debian-backports>. If unavailable: 1) Add a deb-src line for
sid (not a deb line!); ask me about <deb-src sid> 2) enable
debian-backports (see <bdo>) 3) apt update; apt install
build-essential; apt build-dep packagename 4) apt -b source
packagename 5) dpkg -i packagename-ver.deb To change compilation
options, see <package recompile>; for versions newer than sid
see <uupdate>.
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209[00:48:36] <how2down> Done installing, guess ill search how
to switch to testing :)
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216[00:51:55] <annadane> how2down, if you have questions about
it then #debian-next on
217[00:52:01] <how2down> My mouse pointer speed seems to be
fixed in the touchpad settings, how do i fix it?
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221[00:52:45] <annadane> no clue, not a kde user
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223[00:55:27] <sponix> Unit193: I know a VM seems heavy for what
I'm doing... But my rig is overkill so I am use to using them
for a lot of things :)
224[00:55:31] <how2down> Where can i edit the sudoers file so i
can sudo?
225[00:55:46] <joepublic> visudo
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227[00:56:31] <how2down> vi sudo?
228[00:56:32] <sparky4> nope dose not work
229[00:56:38] <sparky4> should i upgrade?
230[00:56:44] <joepublic> visudo
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232[00:57:15] <how2down> thats not a command for me if u meant
233[00:57:30] <sponix> Unit193:
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236[00:57:39] <joepublic> `/sbin/visudo`
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238[00:57:57] <sparky4> my pointer thing dose not work still
239[00:58:03] <how2down> Ok, thx
240[00:58:24] <trek00> how2down: you can also add your user to
the sudo group
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242[00:58:51] <how2down> trek00 how?
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245[00:59:50] <trek00> how2down: usermod -a -G sudo yourusername
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247[01:00:33] <how2down> usermod isnt a command or do i not
248[01:00:35] <joepublic> dpkg, tell how2down about su
249[01:00:48] <trek00> how2down: you need to run it as root
250[01:00:50] *** Quits: MyStartx (~X@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
251[01:01:00] <how2down> oh, ofc lmao
252[01:01:06] *** Quits: tds (~tds@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
253[01:01:16] <themill> also just "adduser youruser
254[01:01:24] <sparky4> my pointer is so broken!!! ghaaah
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257[01:01:57] <trek00> sparky4: it's too fast?
258[01:02:04] *** Quits: fauweh (~root@replaced-ip) (Quit: )
259[01:02:05] <sparky4> it dose not move
260[01:02:13] <how2down> Ok neither usermod nor adduser work
with sudo
261[01:02:14] *** Joins: badar
262[01:02:15] <sparky4> i did a modprobe of psmouse and it is
now detected
263[01:02:23] <how2down> and visudo is jibberish in kate
264[01:02:23] <sparky4> but fails to move
265[01:02:30] *** Quits: orbatos (~orbatos@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
266[01:02:33] <joepublic> how2down, didn't dpkg just tell
you about su?
267[01:02:49] <how2down> Oh, i didnt notice the channel pop up
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270[01:03:48] <joepublic> these commands are in /sbin, so they
won't be in your path with su unless you `su -` or `su -l`
271[01:03:53] <how2down> Ok, so basically sudo is su?
272[01:03:56] <sponix> how2down: umm, sure Sid is right for you?
Seems you are struggling with the basics bro
273[01:04:02] <joepublic> no, sudo is not su.
274[01:04:16] <how2down> I dont want unstable
275[01:04:18] <sparky4> trek00: it is stuck
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278[01:04:38] <trek00> sparky4: do you reastarted X11?
279[01:04:43] <how2down> I just want a semi-up-to-date debian
with kde, dont hate
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282[01:04:59] <sponix> annadane: well I put in my request for a
virtualization backport to be done... I'll give it a few days,
see what I get for a response. And if needed, just do it my damn
self :)
283[01:05:06] *** Joins: badar_
284[01:05:07] <sparky4> trek00: oh how?
285[01:05:31] <trek00> sparky4: well, may be try to logout and
login again
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(Client Quit)
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288[01:05:32] <sparky4> ./etc/init.d/lightdm restart?
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290[01:05:35] <sparky4> ok
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293[01:06:33] <how2down> Ok, i figured it out, this is
comfortable, i just never used root as user outside of sudoing
commands, thx
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299[01:08:26] <sponix> first thing is to install Debian though,
I would guess -- doing that now
300[01:08:48] <sparky4> trek00: still stuck
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303[01:09:33] <sparky4> sigh
304[01:09:36] <trek00> sparky4: sorry i don't know how to
debug a sticky pointer
305[01:09:48] <sparky4> i8t is a mouse pointer device
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310[01:10:48] <trek00> sparky4: may be unplug an plug again the
311[01:11:17] <afidegnum> anyone familiar with samba4 dns
settings please? i have an existing remote dns server, how do i
configure to match current configurations?
312[01:11:24] <sparky4> it is built into the laptop
313[01:11:29] <sparky4> i know it works
314[01:11:36] <sparky4> it worked in debian 9
315[01:11:48] <trek00> sparky4: sometimes unplug and replug
causes events to be processed
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318[01:12:48] <sponix> how2down:
319[01:12:49] <sponix> how2down: if you can't follow the
usermod as root there -- you might as well call it a day
320[01:12:59] <trek00> sparky4: may be /etc/X11/xorg.conf points
to the wrong device?
321[01:13:05] <sparky4> lets see
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325[01:14:44] <ThinkDao> Hi all, there is a way to protect
packages from being removed from a system?
326[01:15:00] <annadane> ThinkDao, apt-mark manual
327[01:15:03] <trek00> ThinkDao: you can mark them as manually
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330[01:17:27] <ThinkDao> annadane & trek00 even using that
command they are in the list of "packages to be removed"
.. no other way ? Or maybe I should just let Debian remove them and
then reinstall them again?
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332[01:17:52] <annadane> not sure why, according to my current
knowledge that shouldn't be happening
333[01:17:55] <annadane> maybe someone else knows more
334[01:17:58] <trek00> ThinkDao: may be you are installing a
package conflicting with those removed?
335[01:18:15] <annadane> ^
336[01:19:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1509
337[01:19:05] <how2down> sponix2ipfw I checked with id, have
sudo, but cant sudo- wtf?
338[01:19:20] <ThinkDao> trek00: Not sure why.. pulseaudio can
work without X and mplayer as well. Even ffmpeg can.. while is a
pre-compiled packages.. maybe ffmpeg is a X dependecy?
339[01:19:59] *** Joins: sponix (~sponix@replaced-ip)
340[01:20:01] <trek00> what package are you installing an what
package it removes?
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342[01:20:12] <abrotman> use to show us
343[01:20:17] <sparky4> should i upgrade to debian testing to
see if it works?
344[01:20:26] <sparky4> i think it is something wrong with the
345[01:20:31] <ThinkDao> trek00: I am truing to remove all X
346[01:20:58] <trek00> sparky4: only if your hardware is really
new (less than 1-2 years)
347[01:21:46] <trek00> ThinkDao: if you are using aptitude,
launch it with -R to disable recommends, it will be simpler
348[01:21:59] <how2down> sponix I checked with id, have sudo,
but cant sudo- wtf?
349[01:22:24] *** Quits: jelly (jelly@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
350[01:22:25] <trek00> how2down: try sudo id
351[01:22:46] <trek00> how2down: what it prints?
352[01:22:54] <how2down> same output
353[01:23:07] <trek00> how2down: paste it
354[01:23:23] *** Joins: mikas (mikas@replaced-ip)
355[01:23:26] <sponix2ipfw> how2down: login as root. Do the
usermod command as /sbin/usermod blah blah blah
356[01:23:31] <how2down> root@mg:~# sudo id mguid=1000(mg)
357[01:23:38] *** Joins: sinaowolabi (~Sina@replaced-ip)
358[01:23:48] <how2down> Literally in sudo
359[01:23:50] *** Quits: CMistress (~n6tadam@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
360[01:23:53] <how2down> group
361[01:24:05] <trek00> how2down: why do you want to run sudo
when you alreay root?
362[01:24:13] <sponix2ipfw> sponix2ipfw: exit root. Login to
your user. And then use sudo
363[01:24:21] *** Quits: oguzkoroglu (~ogu@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
364[01:24:27] <how2down> Dont want to root every time i just
want to sudo a command
365[01:24:35] <how2down> As said
366[01:24:40] <how2down> It doesnt sudo on user
367[01:24:47] <sponix2ipfw> trek00: because he is full of fail.
368[01:24:54] <trek00> :)
369[01:24:54] <sparky4> trek00: it is from 2014
370[01:25:05] <trek00> how2down: we can't help you without
the error messages
371[01:25:14] <sparky4> debian 10 has been horrid on my older
372[01:25:37] <how2down> mg@mg:~$ sudo apt update[sudo] password
for mg: mg is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be
373[01:25:50] <trek00> sparky4: it should run fine, but may be
you can rename your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.old and
try again
374[01:25:55] <ThinkDao> what player is only for audio ? not for
video ?
375[01:26:16] <sponix> how2down: no shit. because you
didn't run the proper usermod command as root, then switch to
the user
376[01:26:40] <sparky4> ok
377[01:26:53] <how2down> I ran usermod -aG mg from root alrdy
378[01:26:59] <trek00> ThinkDao: you can try cmus
379[01:27:15] *** Joins: hilacha (~joel@replaced-ip)
380[01:27:17] <sponix> how2down: umm that isn't the correct
command bro
381[01:27:26] <hemimaniac> ThinkDao: rhythmbox,clementine
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384[01:27:47] <sponix> how2down: usermod -aG sudo mg
385[01:27:49] <how2down> usermod -aG sudo mg, yesyes
386[01:28:04] <sponix> how2down: did that run without issues ?
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389[01:28:14] <ThinkDao> hemimaniac: those use X .. why
pulseaudio have X libraries as dependency ? :o
390[01:28:22] <joepublic> then ... this bit is important ...
next time (not this time) you log in as your user, you have sudo
391[01:28:27] *** Quits: Lupricon (~Lupricon@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
392[01:28:31] <how2down> Yes, and i checked with id that im in
the sudo group
393[01:28:32] <trek00> ThinkDao: pulseaudio is evil :)
394[01:28:36] <how2down> And it wont sudo :)
395[01:28:46] <trek00> how2down: what error message?
396[01:29:01] <joepublic> how2down ... this bit is important ...
next time (not this time) you log in as your user, you have sudo
397[01:29:04] *** Joins: Lupricon (~Lupricon@replaced-ip)
398[01:29:07] <how2down> No error message, as posted, just not
in the suoers file
399[01:29:18] <sponix> how2down: reboot the rig, then it will
work :)
400[01:29:27] <how2down> Thank for not being condescending after
i told u the same shit the 2nd time :)
401[01:29:43] <how2down> Ill go reboot :)
402[01:29:49] <sponix> joepublic: Yeah, he hasn't fully
logged out and back in.. just telling him "reboot" is
easier though
403[01:29:50] *** Joins: oldborow (4f6fb231@replaced-ip)
404[01:30:00] <sponix> how2down: good, then I'll try to
quit giving you shit
405[01:30:01] <oldborow> hi everyone
406[01:30:08] *** Quits: how2down (50822574@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
407[01:30:15] <oldborow> F
408[01:30:33] *** Joins: jelly-home (jelly@replaced-ip)
409[01:30:35] <joepublic> telling someone to "reboot"
for something other than a new kernel is a little bit evil. But I
see your point in this instance and did not even feel the least bit
tempted to argue.
410[01:30:46] <oldborow> i just want to test this irc technology
411[01:31:06] <ThinkDao> WOW .. removing mplayer + ffmpeg made
Debian remove dhcp ( Debian is EVIL )
412[01:31:31] <trek00> oldborow: you can write and we all read
413[01:31:36] <sponix> joepublic: I know its all kinds of
wrong.. But at this point, did I really care ? lol
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417[01:32:06] <ThinkDao> then I need to set a static IP to
connect againt and update this system or I should just don't
use DEbian at all ?
418[01:32:09] <ThinkDao> :D
419[01:32:20] *** Joins: Lupricon (~Lupricon@replaced-ip)
420[01:32:30] <how2down> Now it works :)
421[01:32:31] <trek00> ThinkDao: it's really weird
422[01:32:37] <ThinkDao> true
423[01:32:45] <joepublic> you have the steps reversed, imo.
first, stop using debian if it conflicts with your deeply held
convictions, then do whatever else
424[01:32:47] <ThinkDao> but now I have no dhcp
425[01:32:50] <trek00> ThinkDao: i have many systems with dhcp
and without mplayer or ffmpeg
426[01:33:10] <how2down> Thank you trek00 :)
427[01:33:12] *** Quits: Lupricon (~Lupricon@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
428[01:33:24] <abrotman> ThinkDao: have you put any of this in a
pastebin for us to review?
429[01:33:26] <oldborow> Think Dao lol this is weird I've
never encountered this
430[01:33:28] <trek00> how2down: me? :)
431[01:33:39] <sponix> how2down: your welcome
432[01:33:40] *** Joins: Lupricon (~Lupricon@replaced-ip)
433[01:33:48] <how2down> *youre
434[01:33:58] <ThinkDao> abrotman: not at all and now I
can't.. I am disconnected from that machine to internet
435[01:34:06] <sponix> /kick how2down
436[01:34:18] <how2down> LMAO
437[01:34:20] <ThinkDao> in any case, Debian have wgetpaste
438[01:34:35] *** Joins: challenger (~OS-43422@replaced-ip)
439[01:34:40] <ThinkDao> or similar.. I don't know
440[01:35:00] <annadane> i see people mess up your and
you're all the time and it's terrible, there isn't
even 3 of them like there their and they're
441[01:35:23] <Unit193> ThinkDao: pastebinit, or termbin.
442[01:35:26] *** Quits: barteks2x (~barteks2x@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
443[01:35:45] <how2down> Illiteracy is a global problem
444[01:35:52] *** Joins: f4cl3y (~f4cl3y@replaced-ip)
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451[01:38:04] <joepublic> GNU/Linux illiteracy is a global
452[01:38:14] <joepublic> ftfy
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456[01:38:39] <oldborow> guys do you know about kolibri os??
457[01:38:48] <abrotman> oldborow: hi, this is #debian
458[01:39:02] <oldborow> i know
459[01:39:39] <oldborow> but this is a live chat where I can ask
460[01:39:45] <oldborow> i think
461[01:39:47] <abrotman> so is #kolibri
462[01:39:51] <how2down> Sir, This Is an Arby's
463[01:39:53] <abrotman> and no, we only support Debian here
464[01:39:57] <oldborow> ok
465[01:40:14] <tsarompy> oldborow: theres #debian-offtopic too
466[01:40:29] <abrotman> no
467[01:40:33] <abrotman> that's not a support channel
468[01:40:38] <abrotman> wtf is wrong with you
469[01:40:43] *** Joins: alexandros_ (~alexandro@replaced-ip)
470[01:40:45] <tsarompy> no need to be rude
471[01:41:05] <tsarompy> i think they said that in reference to
this -> [18:38] <joepublic> GNU/Linux illiteracy is a
global problem
472[01:41:12] * tsarompy shrug
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474[01:41:13] <oldborow> where i can find popular offtop
475[01:41:22] <abrotman> See the topic in #debian-offtopic ..
it's clearly not a support channel
476[01:41:31] <tsarompy> did i say 'go there for
477[01:41:50] <abrotman> ...
478[01:42:22] <abrotman> oldborow: if you want random chat, you
can try ##chat also
479[01:43:14] <oldborow> "Cannot send to nick/channel"
what this error means??
480[01:43:23] <abrotman> it means you probably have to register
481[01:43:35] <abrotman> oldborow: /msg nickserv help (or see
482[01:43:39] *** Quits: how2down (50822574@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
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484[01:43:50] <ThinkDao> I forget how to setup a static IP.. I
did reboot and yes, dhcliet was removed and dhcpcd as well.. lets
see if with a static IP I can solve this problem.
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487[01:45:02] <sponix> ThinkDao: it is possible with Debian
itself, and that is covered in the wiki -- BUT, I just do a static
lease at my router for my rigs. Lets them stay simple with dhcp,
while still always getting the same address
488[01:45:08] <sponix> just a thought
489[01:45:39] *** Joins: gdot2 (~gdot@replaced-ip)
490[01:45:46] <ratrace> ThinkDao: first example in this chapter
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492[01:47:04] <ThinkDao> sponix: a lot of things did change.. I
see.. I need to edit a file to setup .. the old way doesn't
work anymore?
493[01:47:30] <ratrace> "old way"?
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496[01:48:11] <ThinkDao> ifconfig ratrace: like > ifconfig netmask eth0 ( for example )
497[01:48:14] <sponix> ThinkDao: Yes, things have changed
498[01:48:37] <ThinkDao> doesn't work :(
499[01:49:27] *** Quits: gdot (~gdot@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
500[01:49:51] <ratrace> ThinkDao: you have to install ifconfig.
it's superseded by iproute/ip
501[01:50:12] <ratrace> but really, don't use it any more.
learn iproute, and use the interfaces(5) framework
502[01:50:23] <ThinkDao> ratrace: yeah, I have ifconfig but not
ip (command )
503[01:50:41] <ThinkDao> checking
504[01:50:41] <ratrace> ThinkDao: which debian?
505[01:51:23] *** Quits: f4cl3y (~f4cl3y@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
506[01:51:29] <ThinkDao> ratrace: is pretty new.. kernel 4.19.98
507[01:51:42] <trek00> ThinkDao: you should write: ifconfig eth0 netmask
508[01:52:09] <ratrace> ThinkDao: if that's buster, then
you must have ip, and not ifconfig
509[01:52:11] <ThinkDao> trek00: yeah, but it doesn't
assume to ip for the lan
510[01:52:26] <ThinkDao> the ip*
511[01:52:35] <sponix> ThinkDao: run: uname -a
512[01:52:39] <sponix> Linux sponix 5.4.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian
5.4.19-1~mx19+1 (2020-02-15) x86_64 GNU/Linux
513[01:52:52] <sponix> hmm that isn't the one
514[01:52:59] <ratrace> mx? MX?! MX?!?!?! get out!
515[01:53:07] <trek00> :D
516[01:53:19] <sponix> ThinkDao: I meant run: inxi -S
517[01:53:31] <sponix> ThinkDao: that should tell you what
Debian version you are on
518[01:53:49] <ThinkDao> sponix: inxi ( command not found )
519[01:54:02] <sponix> ThinkDao: well then "apt install
520[01:54:07] <ratrace> ThinkDao: cat /etc/debian_version
521[01:54:08] <ThinkDao> no ip ..
522[01:54:09] *** Quits: Allain (~Allainn@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
523[01:54:10] <lwp> !mxlinux
524[01:54:10] <dpkg> MX-18 Linux is based on Debian stretch;
MX-19 is based on Debian buster. However, MX Linux is not supported
in #debian. Seek help at
525[01:54:13] <ThinkDao> no connection
526[01:54:14] <sponix> if inxi isn't found, we know its
pretty old
527[01:54:16] <ThinkDao> no updates
528[01:54:19] <ThinkDao> no installs
529[01:54:33] <ratrace> sponix: stop confusing them with
non-debian stuff
530[01:54:34] *** Joins: sparky4 (~sparky4@replaced-ip)
531[01:54:35] <sponix> lol forgot, you networking is broken. apt
will not install anything
532[01:54:49] <annadane> ThinkDao, just give the output of cat
533[01:55:06] <ThinkDao> annadane: 10.3
534[01:55:11] <sparky4> ok the mouse buttons work no
535[01:55:15] <sparky4> ok the mouse buttons work now**
536[01:55:29] <sparky4> but the pointer still is stuck
537[01:55:59] <sponix> ThinkDao: is this a fresh install, or an
upgrade from Jessie ?
538[01:56:40] <ratrace> ThinkDao: you can use commands, but if
you want your config to persist on boot, use the interfaces(5)
framework, namely the /etc/network/interaces file, see the link I
gave you earlier
539[01:56:52] *** Quits: OPK (~OPK@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
540[01:57:28] <ThinkDao> sponix: a "fresh install" ..
lets assume that.. is a slow machine I did install X and I remove
all X stuff to clean it out, while cleaning remove some important
packages I believe
541[01:57:47] *** Joins: OPK (~OPK@replaced-ip)
542[01:58:01] <sponix> !why debian
543[01:58:01] <dpkg> Debian strives to maintain your freedom
whilst also paying close attention to the technical aspects of
making a great OS. Debian is stable, upgradable and well tested. See
544[01:58:07] <ThinkDao> ratrace: I will check that
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547[01:59:02] <oldborow> by the way guys what GUI do you use in
your debian systems
548[01:59:14] <sponix> oldborow: xfce
549[01:59:20] <ratrace> i3-wm
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551[01:59:31] <sponix> oldborow: with X from xorg pretty sure
(not wayland)
552[01:59:56] <annadane> oldborow, xfce, but, try not to ask
general questions when people are asking support questions
553[02:00:03] <annadane> that's a fantastic question for
554[02:00:11] <sponix> ratrace: have you tried
"Awesome" window manager ? I keep hearing good things
about it, but time never permits
555[02:00:11] <oldborow> hah
556[02:00:12] <oldborow> ok
557[02:00:33] <annadane> i guess the support questions kinda
558[02:00:38] <annadane> i'm only half paying attention to
559[02:00:46] <trek00> sparky4: may be you can try to switch to
another console and then back to X11 (CTRL-ALT-F3 and then
560[02:00:51] <ratrace> sponix: haven't
561[02:00:54] <annadane> or never mind.
562[02:01:01] <sparky4> ok
563[02:01:05] <sparky4> nope
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567[02:03:14] <trek00> sparky4: i'm sad i can't help
you, may be this can help in some way?
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572[02:05:50] <ThinkDao> I need to reboot again to have
573[02:06:12] <ratrace> ThinkDao: no
574[02:06:18] <ratrace> ThinkDao: restart the networking.service
575[02:06:49] <ratrace> ThinkDao: assuming you configured the
/etc/network/interfaces file
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580[02:08:03] <ThinkDao> ratrace: /etc/init.d/netoworking
restart .. ok, but ping ( failure in name resolution )
581[02:08:27] <ratrace> ThinkDao: learn to use systemd and the
systemctl command. /etc/init.d/ is going out of fashion fast
582[02:08:28] <ThinkDao> mispell it /etc/init.d/networking
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586[02:09:09] <ThinkDao> I still us RC in other systems.. lets
587[02:09:11] <ratrace> ThinkDao: well yes. when you set up
static networking you need to do several things that otherwise DHCP
would do for you. IP address, routes, and the resolver. You need to
configure /etc/resolv.conf for a rsolver of choice
588[02:09:37] <ratrace> ThinkDao: but why are you insisting on
static configuration if you're apparently not familiar with
networking at all? why just not use your network's DHCP?
589[02:10:04] *** Quits: Lucom (~compunovu@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
590[02:10:18] <sparky4> ok
591[02:10:37] <joepublic> ratrace, ThinkDao story is that
"debian is broken and removing unrelated packages also removed
dhcp" - this is a rescue attempt
592[02:10:40] <ThinkDao> ratrace: please... this conversation is
about that problem
593[02:10:49] <ThinkDao> dhcp was removed :D
594[02:10:59] <ratrace> I see.
595[02:11:22] <ThinkDao> it say's: systemd-networkd is not
596[02:11:37] *** Joins: jmcgnh (~jmcgnh@replaced-ip)
597[02:11:47] <ratrace> ThinkDao: do you know the IP of your
resolver in your network? it's probably the main router
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599[02:12:09] <ratrace> ThinkDao: systemd-networkd is an
entirely different method to manage network. since you're in
"rescue mode", please stay on track
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601[02:12:56] <ratrace> ThinkDao: so use your network's
router/resolver's IP, or google's by setting
nameserver <ip address here> in /etc/resolv.conf
602[02:12:58] <ThinkDao> ratrace: I was pointing to a different
dns, but I can setup the router up to
603[02:13:02] *** Quits: sleeplessmr (~sleepless@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
604[02:13:25] <ThinkDao> ratrace: it was pointing to cloudflare
( )
605[02:13:27] *** Quits: sparky4 (~sparky4@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
606[02:13:49] <ratrace> thta's okay too if it works for
607[02:14:02] *** Joins: sparky4 (~sparky4@replaced-ip)
608[02:14:07] <ratrace> *you
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612[02:16:06] <ThinkDao> hmm. ok.. there is some Good news.. I
can ping the router but the router don't let pings go outside
from that machine.. saying "network is unreachable" if I
ping e.g
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619[02:17:36] <ThinkDao> so for this case I should setup the
router for it right ?
620[02:18:04] <trek00> ThinkDao: try ping
621[02:18:12] <trek00> not
622[02:18:25] <trek00> ping
623[02:18:45] <ratrace> ThinkDao: did you set up routing/default
gateway? What's your interfaces file like?
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625[02:18:49] <trek00> sparky4: what model is your laptop?
626[02:18:51] <ThinkDao> same.. even if I try to ping or, it tells me "network is unreacheble"
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628[02:19:02] <ThinkDao> trek00: yes
629[02:19:56] <trek00> ThinkDao: check if you setup default
gateway: what it prints route | grep default?
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631[02:20:47] <ThinkDao> trek00: nothing
632[02:21:09] <trek00> ThinkDao: good, type route add default gw
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636[02:22:21] <ThinkDao> trek00: <3 ping is working .. glad
.. :D thank you so much !
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638[02:22:36] <sparky4> trek00: thinkpad t1440p
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644[02:25:04] <trek00> sparky4: it never worked on this setup?
or it just freeze after the first suspend?
645[02:25:05] <sparky4> trek00: ok i am using my desktop for
646[02:25:21] <trek00> ThinkDao: nice :)
647[02:25:27] <sparky4> it never worked with debian buster
648[02:25:44] <sparky4> my desktop'sgfx card dose not woith
with buster eiyhrer
649[02:25:48] <sparky4> it is an old pci one
650[02:25:59] <sparky4> buster is so frustrating
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653[02:26:43] <trek00> :/
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656[02:29:02] <trek00> sparky4: do you have installed
server-xorg-input-synaptics ?
657[02:29:10] <trek00> sparky4: xserver-xorg-input-synaptics
658[02:29:15] <sparky4> syna[ptics is for touchpads
659[02:29:35] <sparky4> let me see if there is a package for
thinkpad trackpoints
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662[02:32:00] <trek00> sparky4: may be there are error messages
in the logs? type dmesg | grep psmouse
663[02:32:01] <sparky4> it is installed
664[02:32:05] <sparky4> ok
665[02:32:31] <sparky4> !
666[02:32:38] <sparky4> i found something
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673[02:33:40] <ThinkDao> ok.. lets dive into the last problem..
pulseaudio try to install x11 libs that will not be used. alsa-utils
is installed but cmus report: Error opening audio device: no such
device.. there is no other way to have audio ?
674[02:34:35] *** Joins: mikas (mikas@replaced-ip)
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676[02:34:58] <sparky4_> ok
677[02:35:00] <ThinkDao> I didn't knew this player.. thanks
for the tip.. seams pretty nice
678[02:35:03] <sparky4_> [ 711.793224] psmouse serio4: Failed to
enable mouse on rmi4-02.fn03/serio0
679[02:35:15] <sparky4_> trek00:
680[02:35:26] <trek00> ThinkDao: check the card is recognized
with aplay -l
681[02:36:54] *** Quits: daniel_gc (~daniel_gc@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
682[02:36:55] <trek00> sparky4_ may be you laptop gone in
suspend mode, before you started X?
683[02:36:58] <ThinkDao> yes, "both" are. there
generic one (hdmi) and the hda which should be the main one
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685[02:38:05] <trek00> ThinkDao: try with speaker-test -t wav
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688[02:39:35] *** Quits: OPK (~OPK@replaced-ip) (Quit: OPK)
689[02:39:53] <ThinkDao> ah ok.. this get me an error: ALSA lib
pcm_dmix.c:1108(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
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692[02:40:43] <sparky4_> trek00: no?
693[02:40:58] <sparky4_> trek00: i restarted it multiple times
and the pointer is stuck
694[02:41:07] <sparky4_> i cant usre the trackpoint still
695[02:43:18] <trek00> ThinkDao: may be it select the wrong
device (hdmi is for digital output, the other for analog)
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697[02:43:30] <trek00> sparky4_: i have no more ideas
698[02:43:51] *** Quits: flokuehn (~flokuehn@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
699[02:44:01] *** Quits: CTF (~ctf@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
700[02:44:34] <trek00> ThinkDao: you can try speaker-test -D
"hw:CARD=Generic,DEV=0" -c2
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703[02:45:09] <trek00> ThinkDao: with aplay -L you should get
all devices names to set with -D
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705[02:45:48] <sparky4_> [ 711.793224] psmouse serio4: Failed to
enable mouse on rmi4-02.fn03/serio0 trek00 this is the only thing i
got from dmesg
706[02:45:49] *** Quits: tsal (~tsal@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
707[02:45:51] <trek00> ThinkDao: this should print your model
name lspci -nn | grep -i audio
708[02:46:43] <trek00> sparky4_: i don't have experience
with trackballs, but i read sometimes trackball go in conflict with
touchpad, bios settings and more
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711[02:47:36] <sparky4_> it has to be a conflict or something
712[02:47:45] <trek00> ThinkDao: this is more specific: aplay -L
| grep ^hw:
713[02:47:50] <sparky4_> let me see if it works on hardware
714[02:47:54] <sparky4_> it should
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718[02:50:18] <ThinkDao> trek00: this is a AMD/ATI Azalia (
intel hda ) .. this is so weird.. amd + intel in the same machine
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720[02:51:29] <trek00> ThinkDao: i have an amd intel hda too and
my board have two (virtual) cards: 0 and 1 and i must use card 1
721[02:52:28] <ThinkDao> so I need to setup the one I wish to
use, which in this case is the second card ( hda intel ).. I
don't use hdmi
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724[02:54:52] <trek00> ThinkDao: first you need to discover the
one running fine
725[02:55:08] <sparky4> rebooting dose nothing
726[02:55:10] <trek00> ThinkDao: this will list devices: aplay
-L | grep ^hw:
727[02:55:12] *** Quits: oldborow (4f6fb231@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
728[02:55:16] <sparky4> imma try one more thing
729[02:55:20] <sparky4> bgefore upgrade
730[02:55:24] <trek00> ThinkDao: the you should try with
speaker-test -D "devicename"
731[02:55:25] <ThinkDao> disconnect? this is a laptop
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735[02:55:58] <trek00> ThinkDao: discover, to find
736[02:56:39] <ThinkDao> sorry bad, your spell it well
737[02:57:33] <ThinkDao> hw:CARD=Generic,DEV=3 ||
738[02:58:11] <trek00> ThinkDao: try both: speaker-test -D
"hw:CARD=Generic,DEV=3" -c2
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741[02:59:34] <ThinkDao> trek00: cool. This last one is
"doing something" but I cannot hear anything.. not sure if
is supposed to hear
742[02:59:41] <OS-66968> /msg NickServ REGISTER
743[03:00:07] <trek00> ThinkDao: it's noise, if you want a
voice try speaker-test -D "hw:CARD=Generic,DEV=3" -c2 -t
744[03:00:58] <trek00> ThinkDao: anyway may be your
/etc/asound.conf have something wrong
745[03:01:05] <annadane> OS-66968, omit the space before /
746[03:01:05] <sparky4> yeah it is a buster problem
747[03:01:16] <sparky4> trek00: i am going to upgrade
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750[03:01:57] <trek00> sparky4: hope this will fix it, but if it
is a really old hardware may be it runs better with older debian
751[03:02:03] <trek00> ThinkDao: good
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755[03:03:10] <trek00> ThinkDao: i'm searching for a
756[03:03:50] <ThinkDao> still not listen anything at all, but
the speaker-test is running
757[03:04:00] *** Quits: CMistress (~n6tadam@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
758[03:04:15] <u53r_4n0n_101> my country is going to the hell
with this cr|p of virus, i think because of what i see on tv
759[03:04:39] <trek00> ThinkDao: well, try with the other card:
speaker-test -D "hw:CARD=SB,DEV=0" -c2 -twav
760[03:05:33] <ThinkDao> trek00: Playback open error: -2, no
such file or diretory
761[03:05:34] <u53r_4n0n_101> i don't believe it so, but
just in case of i can't contact with this (and no one else):
how can i could i maintain this system by myself?
762[03:05:49] <annadane> u53r_4n0n_101, debian in general?
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765[03:06:17] <u53r_4n0n_101> i think. compile it and so?
766[03:06:24] <trek00> ThinkDao: well may be you need to unmute
channels: try with alsamixer -D "hw:CARD=Generic,DEV=3"
and then try again with speaker-test on that device
767[03:06:48] <annadane> it's not that hard to maintain,
just keep on top of updates, like by having an update notifier (i
use package-update-indicator), subscribe to, maybe read some basic
documentation (especially
768[03:06:49] <annadane> !newcomer
769[03:06:50] <dpkg> Welcome to Debian! Here's some
resources to help you on your merry way: The Debian Handbook:
770[03:07:16] <annadane> otherwise, your question is maybe a bit
hard to answer, i'm not sure what you really mean
771[03:07:25] <annadane> when you say "maintain this system
by myself"
772[03:07:36] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_101: we will be here to support
anyway, virus or not :)
773[03:07:47] <ThinkDao> trek00: using "alsamixer -D
...." is not defined by alsamixer it self as a command .. tell
me to use alsamixer --help
774[03:08:43] <u53r_4n0n_101> it helps if i have a net,
but if i don't? i'll explain: develop the kernel (and
everything i need) by my own
775[03:09:46] <trek00> ThinkDao: sorry this is taking too long
for me
776[03:10:22] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_101: why you need to develp the
777[03:10:25] <ThinkDao> is ok trek00 I already have
connection.. just tell me, I need to setup the /etc/asound.conf file
778[03:11:06] <trek00> ThinkDao: asound.conf is to setup the
correct card, once you find it, but you need to ear something
779[03:11:54] <trek00> ThinkDao: may be you can
780[03:12:05] <annadane> u53r_4n0n_101, what do you mean by
develop, exactly? it may be easier to ask in your native language
781[03:12:17] <Unit193> package-update-indicator \o/
782[03:12:35] <u53r_4n0n_101> nothing
783[03:12:39] <annadane> yeah i wish i could just dpkg -l
package when i get those emails but it isn't practical
784[03:12:45] <ThinkDao> cool.. checking
785[03:12:47] <annadane> because it goes under different names
786[03:12:48] <Unit193> annadane: What do you set the update
command to?
787[03:12:59] <annadane> you mean frequency of how often it
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789[03:13:45] <u53r_4n0n_101> i'll try to have a
connection, otherwise, just compile the kernel and all the files?
790[03:13:56] <Unit193> No. It has two configuration options,
frequency and update command.
791[03:14:02] <u53r_4n0n_101> develop: make my software
792[03:14:22] *** Quits: Brainium (~brainium@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
793[03:14:32] <annadane> Unit193, oh i just leave it blank and
do my updates from the terminal
794[03:14:41] <Unit193> Ah.
795[03:15:25] <annadane> i don't like auto updates, i
prefer seeing what it's doing
796[03:15:35] <trek00> ThinkDao: i think you need to write
something like: pcm.!default { type hw; card Generic; device 3 }
ctl.!default { type hw; card Generic; device 3 }
797[03:16:26] <Unit193> annadane: `synaptic-pkexec
--dist-upgrade-mode` would do that: "Call DistUpgrade and
display changes"
798[03:16:56] <annadane> meh
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801[03:19:51] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_101: probably we don't
understood your question, may be you can be more specific about what
you need
802[03:20:07] <u53r_4n0n_101> maintain
803[03:20:33] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_101: your debian system will
run fine also without updates
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806[03:21:14] <u53r_4n0n_101> ok
807[03:22:09] *** Quits: Tom01 (~tom@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
808[03:22:51] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_101: anyway, even if this virus
is bad, it is expected that it will not kill more than 1/5 of the
people in the worst case, so the network should continue to be
809[03:24:02] *** Quits: mikas (mikas@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
810[03:24:29] <annadane> ...1/5 is a lot
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814[03:25:47] <trek00> yeah, but it should be the worst case
(everyone got infected, no one get medical care)
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854[03:55:20] <ThinkDao> I have sound :D I can sleep trek00 ..
super thanks for your time and tips! Take care!
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858[03:56:47] <trek00> ThinkDao: good :)
859[03:57:03] <dvs> No you can't. Not with all that noise!
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861[03:57:59] <ThinkDao> dvs noise? the good in the bad of this
world wide warning virus is: there is no noise at cities :D
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865[03:58:42] <sahag> Hi all
866[03:58:45] <dvs> heh
867[03:59:01] <sahag> I have a little problem
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871[03:59:36] <sahag> Admin is installed node v.12 to server
872[03:59:49] <sahag> but I wanted node 8.13 LTS
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874[04:00:11] <sahag> so i've downloaded portable version
of node813 and run it
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876[04:00:46] <sahag> now the problem is i cant set in path my
node813 with priority
877[04:00:50] <sahag> how can i do that
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880[04:03:33] <trek00> sahag: export PATH=/your/node/path:$PATH
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884[04:04:42] <sahag> <trek00> I've already tested
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935[04:48:45] <realRobbinWillia> join #offsec
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941[04:49:59] <dvs> no!
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943[04:50:22] <realRobbinWillia> Can anyone assist with - I have a barely functioning initial shell and I am
curious to see how others got their shell on this machine
944[04:50:54] <lwp> !kali
945[04:50:54] <dpkg> Kali Linux (replaced-url
946[04:52:11] <nyov> 'man 1 date' says --date=STRING
can be a relative time/time zone -- does anyone have an example of
giving a relative time offset there?
947[04:53:17] <trek00> nyov: date -d "now + 1 week"
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950[04:53:42] <trek00> or simply "1 week"
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953[04:54:07] <nyov> trek00: okay, more specifically I wanted a
timezone offset from UTC. so "+EST" or something
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956[04:54:54] <trek00> nyov: you can type date -d EST
957[04:55:11] <nyov> ah right. so confused
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959[04:55:31] <trek00> or date -d +3hours
960[04:56:25] <nyov> I actually need to use strftime, can't
use date directly. and strftime has a "%+" format I was
hoping to use... I guess I'll see if that works there, somehow
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963[04:56:56] <nyov> thanks, trek00
964[04:57:32] <trek00> nyov: youcan also use %z
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966[04:57:50] <nyov> yeah, for format output. but I need to set
a time offset
967[04:58:29] <nyov> %z would simply show UTC
968[04:59:23] *** Quits: yue-lan (~lanyue@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
969[04:59:35] <trek00> %Z? :)
970[04:59:36] *** Quits: sobkas (~sobkas@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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973[05:04:22] <nyov> well, I guess lua doesn't
support that format. dangit. I hate changing date format string on
DST changes
974[05:04:31] *** Quits: HarveyPwca (~HarveyPwc@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
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977[05:06:39] <Unit193> I tend to use the format of
`TZ=Australia/Sydney date` for alternate locations. :3
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1025[05:50:20] <sponix2ipfw> Unit193: you ever sleep?
1026[05:50:26] *** Quits: Lupricon (~Lupricon@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
1027[05:50:38] <Unit193> sponix2ipfw: Sure.
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1032[05:52:57] <sponix2ipfw> I'm making some progress.
Managed to get my VM up
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1066[06:22:30] <pastiche> sponix2ipfw: VM ?
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1077[06:26:46] <sissylog> what's the lowest TDP socketed CPU
I can get right now
1078[06:27:25] <sissylog> I see AMD 200GE is 35W
1079[06:27:32] <sissylog> anything below that
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1083[06:31:28] <sissylog> lol sorry i asked the question in the
wrong channel
1084[06:33:14] <annadane> how DARE you
1085[06:33:16] <annadane> banned forever
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1139[07:09:46] <ryouma> there has been a moderator in this
channel who was exactly like that. a mischan would be taken as a
deliberate act of sabotage.
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1141[07:10:38] <ryouma> i use feh. most of my images are
portrait. i want to rotate them. but feh doesn't do that any
longer due to some library issue.
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1146[07:12:42] <ryouma> "feh WARNING: lossless rotate: Got
exitcode 1 from jpegtran. Commandline was: jpegtran -copy all
-rotate 270 -outfile image image"
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1152[07:15:01] <ryouma> ah i think i mysteriously need jpegtran
where for some reason i had it before
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1157[07:18:45] <emss> ryouma any benefits using jpegtran instead
of imagemagick?
1158[07:19:02] <ryouma> emss: it is hardcoded into feh acc
1159[07:19:16] <ryouma> it works now
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1300[09:18:24] <Lady_Aleena> Buffoni1990, The Face of Boe?
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1345[09:58:27] <jringoot> Hello do any of you use recent dell
latitudes (5300, 5400 or 5500) laptops with debian 10 (or 11)? Any
of you experience the random hang at boot just after "Loading
intial ramdisk"? Any workaround? (Dell says they only give
linux Support for Precision laptops)
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1354[10:05:41] <jm_> try booting with quiet option removed, my
guess would be RNG stuff
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1405[10:31:45] <ChrisH> Debian stretch, following
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1411[10:33:26] <ChrisH> I am unsure what updtaes were applied
between first success tests (2 weeks ago) and reboot on sunday. I
added IPv6 to my network on saturday but afterwards it still worked.
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1430[10:49:09] <emss> ChrisH does it go down the moment you ifup?
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1440[10:58:03] <ChrisH> yes
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1454[11:04:50] <fonky> hi all
1455[11:04:59] <Paul__> hi
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1457[11:05:32] <luna_> hi
1458[11:05:43] <fonky> i have a question, if anyone having a
suggestion, is there a way to for example get a txt or whatever
listing of every file on
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1460[11:06:22] <fonky> something akin to a directory and file
print >> whatever.whatever on local drive
1461[11:06:28] <fonky> y
1462[11:06:31] <fonky> structure and file name
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1479[11:15:53] <fonky> lynx -dump -listonly
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1481[11:16:04] <fonky> can anyone help me a bit :)
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1483[11:16:27] <nevivurn> sponix: update re: RX 5500XT,
everything works on Debian Testing + adding some new firmware bits
from linux-firmware.git. Which means I can backport whatever I need
to get it working on stable (probably)!
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1487[11:17:44] <fonky> without the second grep i get a directory
1488[11:18:04] <fonky> grep \.xpi$ <- does not really work
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1497[11:22:08] <jm_> try '.xpi$'
1498[11:22:11] <jringoot> thanks for the suggestion @jim_ With
corona I am working from home, but I will definitely try this.
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1500[11:22:27] <jm_> make that '\.....'
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1504[11:23:42] <jringoot> rng is "random number
generator" I suppose, I am looking trough the list of kernel
options, it doesn't seem configurable there, correct?
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1508[11:24:43] <klys> google [random number generator kconfig]
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1519[11:29:07] <fonky> jm ty for reply but does not print
1520[11:29:34] <fonky> tried grep '\.xpi$' grep \\.xpi$
grep '.xpi$'
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1530[11:32:24] <jm_> fonky: the command does not list any xpi
1531[11:32:40] <tucna> hi
1532[11:32:50] <klys> h~
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1551[11:41:00] <jamesc> I see debian useto have
/etc/networking/interfaces all the guides put static routes in
there. I would like to add a seperate routes file like previous
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1578[12:10:07] <fonky> odd stuff
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1580[12:10:14] <fonky> lynx -dump -listonly
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1583[12:10:42] <fonky> lynx -dump -listonly
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1586[12:11:06] <fonky> any ideas why?
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1590[12:11:58] <fonky> as there are xpi files on that server
1591[12:12:34] *** Quits: LordBreetai (~LordBreet@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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1600[12:19:17] <fonky> um, last question
1601[12:19:29] <fonky> is there an -R for recursive option in
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1603[12:19:51] <fonky> with -dump & -listonly
1604[12:20:04] <fonky> so it dump the whole of the structure
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1626[12:30:51] <duude__> Hello people. I'm trying to make
prepackaged live OS for radio amateur ethusiasts. Not sure where to
start, but I definetely don't want to reinvent the wheel and go
with LFS. Can I just base it off Debian? If so, where do I start?
1627[12:31:32] <fonky> there are some packages that help you out
how to build a distro based on debian
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1629[12:31:53] <Unit193> Specifically, live-build will help
1630[12:32:24] <duude__> Oh nice! Thank you.
1631[12:33:07] <fonky> let me check
1632[12:33:15] <fonky> i saw those a while ago while using apt
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1634[12:33:17] <fonky> not sure
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1636[12:34:38] <ChrisH> duude__: IIRC there are several ham radio
based Live Distros. There should be one debian ham radio flavor. We
talked about that a while ago in a linux and hand radio workshop.
1637[12:35:06] <fonky> remastersys respin
1638[12:37:24] <fonky>
1639[12:37:38] <fonky> it should not be much different
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1641[12:37:47] <fonky> but then again you better ask the people
writing the code
1642[12:37:47] <duude__> ChrisH: I saw some too. They're all
kinda outdated though. I wanted to create something new, how I
imagined them
1643[12:37:54] <duude__> Hopefully the community will like it heh
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1650[12:42:18] <fonky> duude__:
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1660[12:49:41] <rs2009> Worked on the first release of Krob Linux
1661[12:49:47] <rs2009>
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1671[12:56:21] <jamesc> I see debian useto have
/etc/networking/interfaces all the guides put static routes in
there. I would like to add a seperate routes file like previous
1672[12:58:15] <trek00> jamesc: you can create a file inside
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1675[12:58:42] <nkuttler> rs2009: please don't spam here
1676[12:59:03] <rs2009> Not spamming :)
1677[12:59:10] <rs2009> Just wanted opinion of the idea
1678[12:59:20] <jamesc> @trek00 Thanks
1679[12:59:20] <nkuttler> my opinion is that you're
off-topic and spamming
1680[12:59:31] <rs2009> Am not :)
1681[12:59:39] <nkuttler> !ops rs2009 spam
1682[12:59:39] <dpkg> Hydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH,
mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel,
zobel, themill, babilen, SynrG, jm_, somiaj, jelly, petn-randall,
bremner: nkuttler complains about a problem (see above)
1683[12:59:55] *** Quits: yurakeshi (~ale@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
1684[13:00:04] <rs2009> !ops nkuttler spam
1685[13:00:04] <dpkg> Hydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH,
mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel,
zobel, themill, babilen, SynrG, jm_, somiaj, jelly, petn-randall,
bremner: rs2009 complains about a problem (see above)
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1687[13:00:45] <rs2009> Please do not create a fuss
1688[13:01:04] *** Quits: tomreyn (~tomreyn@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1689[13:01:21] <rs2009> I haven't caused a problem and am
not a spambot, which I guess you believe
1690[13:01:44] <jelly-home> rs2009, we warned you about
gratuitous ads for your own project before
1691[13:01:53] *** jelly-home is now known as jelly
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1694[13:02:15] <jelly> nkuttler, thanks
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1696[13:02:25] <nkuttler> jelly: you're welcome
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1699[13:03:11] <jelly> they seem to be just an enthusiastic kid
but could learn to use offtopic channels for things like that
1700[13:04:11] <Haohmaru> or a spamthusiastic kid
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1704[13:05:23] <jelly> and they got conflicting advice
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1706[13:06:45] <jelly> Mar 16 12:20:11 <rs2009>
petn-randall: Debian could have a special edition though. It could
be mainly for users who aren't worried about system issues and
do not like the old version set of Debian Stable. [...]
<petn-randall> rs2009: Let us know how far you get with it!
1707[13:07:08] *** Quits: de-facto (~de-facto@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1708[13:07:16] <Haohmaru> i wonder why some packages that are in
debian11 right now aren't available via backportz to debian10
1709[13:07:19] *** Joins: de-facto (~de-facto@replaced-ip)
1710[13:07:40] <jelly> noone asked for them.
1711[13:07:50] *** Joins: Tobbi (~Tobbi@replaced-ip)
1712[13:08:03] <Haohmaru> hm, i guess there has to be muchos
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1714[13:08:18] <jelly> there has to be ANY demand
1715[13:08:27] <jelly> !backports
1716[13:08:27] <dpkg> A backport is a package from a newer Debian
branch, compiled from source for an older branch to avoid dependency
and <ABI> complications.
1717[13:08:32] <trek00> Haohmaru: if they are small packages, it
is simpler to build packages yourself
1718[13:08:38] *** Joins: dfstorm (~me@replaced-ip)
1719[13:08:50] <Haohmaru> it's not too small, it's
1720[13:08:54] <jelly> Haohmaru, read the instructions, join the
mailing list, ask for stuff you need
1721[13:09:04] <Haohmaru> aww mailing list x_x
1722[13:09:17] *** Joins: sz0 (uid110435@replaced-ip)
1723[13:09:54] <jelly> too good for your refined social
networking palate?
1724[13:10:58] <Haohmaru> i seriously don't understand
mailing lists, there must be some logic in them since a ton of
people prefer that, but to me it's all just confusing
1725[13:11:10] *** Quits: bigpresh (~bigpresh@replaced-ip) (Quit: Life? Outside IRC? A curious idea, I must investigate.)
1726[13:11:25] <Haohmaru> i "grew up" with phpbb forums
and IRC
1727[13:12:21] <jelly> they are excellent to track conversations
IF you have a decent mail client
1728[13:12:37] <jelly> forums are a mess, and you don't keep
a local copy
1729[13:12:50] <Haohmaru> i open my email.. from the web browz0r
1730[13:12:53] <jelly> no way to track who answered what
1731[13:13:08] <Haohmaru> forums are a mess?! wot?!
1732[13:13:35] <jelly> even sites like reddit have better
1733[13:13:38] <trek00> Haohmaru: mailing list are comfortable
with a proper mail client
1734[13:14:11] <Haohmaru> so they aren't otherwise?
1735[13:14:19] *** Quits: prince1 (~prince@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1736[13:14:43] <Haohmaru> oh well
1737[13:14:47] <trek00> Haohmaru: it depends how much the webmail
client is done well
1738[13:15:11] <jelly> Haohmaru, most webmail solutions
don't present conversations in a decent manner
1739[13:15:17] <trek00> and how fast you can move between
messages and search
1740[13:16:18] <Haohmaru> imma look for another way
1741[13:17:47] <Haohmaru> i remember like probably 15 years ago i
had to use this "yahoo groups" thing to talk to certain
peoplez, is that the same as mailing list?
1742[13:18:05] <Haohmaru> it was a highly unpleasent experience
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1745[13:21:19] <trek00> Haohmaru: it should be easy to rebuild
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1791[13:46:20] <jelly> mailing lists are just mail.
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1794[13:48:48] <coet-i3> Hi! How can I find which package has
installed a specific /usr/lib*.so file?
1795[13:49:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1560
1796[13:49:51] <trek00> coet-i3: dpkg -S /path/to/file
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1801[13:50:58] <coet-i3> trek00: doesn't work: `dpkg-query:
no path found matching pattern /usr/lib/`
1802[13:51:32] <trek00> coet-i3: this is a symlink, try with the
full name
1803[13:52:35] <coet-i3> trek00: same error:
1804[13:53:14] *** Quits: RoyK (~roy@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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1806[13:53:57] <trek00> coet-i3: it should mean that files are
not installed by a package
1807[13:54:19] <coet-i3> trek00: oh, that can make sense, because
it was installed with `configure && make`
1808[13:54:31] *** Joins: jmasson (~julienm@replaced-ip)
1809[13:54:44] <trek00> coet-i3: you should install under
/usr/local to not mess your system
1810[13:54:52] <trek00> coet-i3: configure --prefix=/usr/local
1811[13:55:23] *** Quits: noamber (~luca@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1812[13:56:31] <coet-i3> thanks
1813[13:56:36] <trek00> :)
1814[13:58:02] *** Joins: ph8 (~ph8@replaced-ip)
1815[13:58:34] <ph8> Hi all, does anyone know when stretch is
getting EOLed this year?
1816[13:58:38] *** Joins: denden (~Denden@replaced-ip)
1817[13:58:48] <ph8> I'm looking for a more specific date so
i can plan when to upgrade to buster
1818[13:59:09] <dvs> !stretch
1819[13:59:10] <dpkg> Stretch is the codename for the current
<oldstable> release, Debian 9, released 2017-06-17.
"Stretch" is the rubber octopus in Toy Story 3, see
1820[13:59:20] *** Joins: dacod (~dacod@replaced-ip)
1821[13:59:56] <mutante> ph8: June 30, 2020
1822[14:00:09] <dvs> ph8, it's usually about a year after
the next stable release.
1823[14:00:17] <ph8> thanks
1824[14:00:29] <trek00> ph8: the LTS support will end on 2022
1825[14:00:37] <ph8> awesome thanks
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1830[14:06:04] <ice9> i'm trying to install mysql on debian
stretch but getting "mysql-server : Depends:
default-mysql-server but it is not going to be installed"
1831[14:06:15] *** Quits: watom (~watom@replaced-ip##) (Quit: The Lounge - ##replaced-url
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1833[14:08:23] *** Joins: watom (~watom@replaced-ip)
1834[14:10:22] <jelly> ,v default-mysql-server
1835[14:10:23] <judd> Package: default-mysql-server on amd64 --
stretch: 1.0.2; bullseye: 1.0.5; buster: 1.0.5; sid: 1.0.5
1836[14:10:54] <jelly> ice9, make sure your srtetch sources.list
are complete and that you're actually running stretch
1837[14:11:01] <jelly> !stretch sources.list
1838[14:11:01] <dpkg> A suitable /etc/apt/sources.list for
"Stretch" has three lines: "deb
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1845[14:12:20] <jelly> ice9, you'll actually get to install
mariadb-server-10.1 in the end but that's okay
1846[14:14:12] <ice9> jelly, mariadb-server : Depends:
mariadb-server-10.3 (>= 1:10.3.22-1) but it is not going to be
1847[14:14:26] *** Quits: makaveli7 (~makaveli7@replaced-ip) (Quit: WeeChat 2.7.1)
1848[14:14:47] <ice9> jelly, that's my sources.list
1849[14:15:56] <dvs> !frankendebian
1850[14:15:56] <dpkg> When you get random packages from random
repositories, mix multiple releases of Debian, or mix Debian and
derived distributions, you have a mess. There's no way anyone
can support this "distribution of Frankenstein" and
#debian certainly doesn't want to even try. Ask me about
1851[14:18:44] *** Quits: earthundead_ (~earthunde@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1852[14:19:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1566
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1854[14:19:29] <mutante> ice9: you might be lucky if you remove
line 11 and apt-get update and try again
1855[14:19:48] <mutante> otherwise.. yea..reinstall
1856[14:20:57] <ice9> reinstall system??
1857[14:21:30] <mutante> yea, because you mixed different
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1859[14:22:03] <ice9> what if I added mysql PPA?
1860[14:22:07] <ChrisH> yes
1861[14:22:12] <mutante> "testing" is very different
from stretch
1862[14:22:32] <ChrisH> ups... I did not answer anything.
1863[14:22:37] <joepublic> adding various random repositories is
not the answer, unfortunately, but rather the problem
1864[14:22:53] *** Joins: gerov (~tg@replaced-ip)
1865[14:23:47] <mutante> ice9: no, more like remove the
'testing' part from sources and only use stretch. and then
do an upgrade to buster and then install mariadb package
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1871[14:25:01] <mutante> reinstall with stable is the cleanest
and probably does not take any longer
1872[14:25:08] *** Quits: colttt (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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1876[14:26:15] <ice9> it's a VPS!
1877[14:26:42] <joepublic> it's a FrankenDebian VPS!
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1879[14:27:13] *** RoyK^_ is now known as RoyK
1880[14:27:39] <mutante> ice9: rsync data to somewhere else,
delete VPS, create new VPS with buster, rsync data back ?
1881[14:27:49] *** Joins: HoardingTP (~hoarding@replaced-ip)
1882[14:28:05] * HoardingTP has 65 rolls!!!!!!!!!
1883[14:28:22] <mutante> or have 2 VPS for a few days until you
got it all migrated
1884[14:30:22] * dvs sends a mob after HoardingTP
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1886[14:30:47] <Haohmaru> wew, such mafia
1887[14:31:14] <mutante> he got TPed by opers
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1890[14:31:35] <dvs> it worked!
1891[14:31:43] *** Quits: Glitch|2 (~LordBreet@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
1892[14:31:54] *** Joins: commandlinux (50822574@replaced-ip)
1893[14:32:38] <commandlinux> Hello! i Just installed debian on
my pc and it doesnt load a gui session, altough i installed kde,
just command line, help?
1894[14:32:56] <watom> how you installaed kde?
1895[14:33:14] <commandlinux> The options box during install
1896[14:33:21] *** Joins: PallasXD (~PallasXD@replaced-ip)
1897[14:33:26] <Haohmaru> you probably don't have a login
manager thing
1898[14:33:29] <dvs> apt install sddm
1899[14:33:51] <trek00> commandlinux: you can start it manually
with startx
1900[14:34:13] <commandlinux> sddm installed, started it
1901[14:34:18] <commandlinux> with startx
1902[14:34:41] <commandlinux> I dont want to have to do this
every time, possible fix?
1903[14:34:59] <Haohmaru> commandlinux you already have sddm and
yet you end up in text mode?
1904[14:35:16] *** Quits: wireshark (~none@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
1905[14:35:19] <commandlinux> Yep, when i typed it in it said no
packages to instal/update/upgrade
1906[14:35:35] <trek00> commandlinux: may be after a reboot, sddm
wil started automatically?
1907[14:35:43] *** tds3 is now known as tds
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1909[14:35:49] <Haohmaru> i don't have experience with kde
(i hate it) .. maybe try lightdm?
1910[14:35:49] <commandlinux> Maybe, ill reboot
1911[14:36:00] <commandlinux> I love kde since i tried it on
1912[14:36:11] <Haohmaru> my condolesence
1913[14:36:11] <commandlinux> And kde connect is bomb
1914[14:36:13] *** Quits: jpe (~jp@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
1915[14:36:22] <watom> commandlinux try dpkg-reconfigure sddm
1916[14:36:36] <commandlinux> Ok, ill reconfigure and reboot
1917[14:37:36] <commandlinux> Command line again
1918[14:37:38] *** Joins: jpe (~jp@replaced-ip)
1919[14:37:58] <abrotman> commandlinux: how did you install kde?
and how did you install xorg?
1920[14:37:59] <Haohmaru> try installing lightdm
1921[14:38:11] <watom> abrotman commandlinux> The options box
during install
1922[14:38:22] <Haohmaru> it smells wrong tho
1923[14:38:32] <commandlinux> Didnt install xorg manually,
shouldnt it do so automatically?
1924[14:38:36] <abrotman> no
1925[14:38:43] <Haohmaru> if you're installing kde or
anything from netinst, it should "just work"
1926[14:39:03] <commandlinux> Ok, how do i install xorg?
1927[14:39:10] <dvs> installed from a live CD?
1928[14:39:13] <Haohmaru> you must already have it
1929[14:39:17] <commandlinux> usb, yes
1930[14:39:19] <jm_> commandlinux: what does 'systemctl
get-default' show?
1931[14:39:21] <abrotman> commandlinux: if you're not sure
if everything is installed .. install xorg kde kdm
1932[14:39:27] <abrotman> try that , see how that goes
1933[14:39:44] <commandlinux> Ok, let me switch to pc so i can
paste easily
1934[14:39:49] <Haohmaru> abrotman shouldn't it be like
"task-kde" instead?
1935[14:40:00] <Haohmaru> or task-kde-desktop or however it was
1936[14:40:08] <watom> i'd not mess with apt or we will
never understand what went wrong
1937[14:40:16] <abrotman> "options box" is a bit vague,
let's make sure
1938[14:41:04] *** Joins: commandlinepc (50822574@replaced-ip)
1939[14:41:06] <commandlinepc> Ok, tis me
1940[14:41:10] <commandlinepc> Hold on
1941[14:41:36] <Haohmaru> hurry up.. i can't hold it..
much.. longer..
1942[14:41:49] *** Joins: wrksx (~wrksx@replaced-ip)
1943[14:41:54] <watom> you should really check ssdm status.
"systemctl status ssdm"
1944[14:41:57] <commandlinepc> jm_
1945[14:42:16] *** Joins: zeden (~user@replaced-ip)
1946[14:43:10] <commandlinepc> Is there some command so i can
pastebin into chat
1947[14:43:19] <commandlinepc> Some troubles with xorg kde kdm
1948[14:43:29] <Haohmaru> commandlinepc did you see something
fishy before you end up in text mode? like, maybe some
errors/warnings about your video card?
1949[14:43:45] <Haohmaru> iirc kde might expect fancy video card
1950[14:43:46] <trek00> commandlinepc:
1951[14:43:50] <jm_> commandlinepc: 'systemctl show' will show units it depends on, there should
be sddm.service among them, is it?
1952[14:44:00] <commandlinepc> Text too fast
1953[14:44:07] <commandlinepc> Hold on
1954[14:44:15] *** Joins: noln (~boy@replaced-ip)
1955[14:44:24] <commandlinepc>
1956[14:44:33] <commandlinepc> This is my output for install kde
kdm xorg
1957[14:44:49] <commandlinepc> i have an rx460 as gpu
1958[14:44:52] <watom> journalct | grep ssdm would be great
1959[14:44:59] <commandlinepc> Hold ooon
1960[14:45:01] *** Joins: winy (~vince@replaced-ip)
1961[14:45:09] <Haohmaru> i think you're not supposed to
"install kde" but something else like task-kde-desktop or
some such
1962[14:45:41] *** Joins: b1ack0p (~M@replaced-ip)
1963[14:46:04] <commandlinepc> This is sustemctl
1964[14:46:06] *** Joins: hearwa (~hearwa@replaced-ip)
1965[14:46:34] <commandlinepc> journalct isnt a command?
1966[14:46:40] *** Quits: coet-i3 (~asellares@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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1969[14:46:50] <watom> journalctl :D
1970[14:47:04] *** Joins: arkiver_ (~arkiver@replaced-ip)
1971[14:47:08] <watom> watom> you should really check ssdm
status. "systemctl status ssdm"
1972[14:47:13] <commandlinepc> Does nothing
1973[14:47:14] *** Quits: arkiver (~arkiver@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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1975[14:47:25] <commandlinepc> aka no output
1976[14:47:29] <watom> it means ssdm doesn't even try to
1977[14:47:38] <watom> did you dpkg-reconfigure it?
1978[14:47:53] <commandlinepc> Yes, and rebooted as said earlier
1979[14:48:10] <Haohmaru> i'd try installing lightdm ;P~
1980[14:48:17] <jm_> even 'systemctl status
ssdm.service' does not work?
1981[14:48:43] <watom> it's really weird is not yet there
after a dpkg-reconfigure
1982[14:48:51] *** Quits: horseshoecrab (~crab@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
1983[14:48:56] <commandlinepc> systemctl status ssdm.serviceUnit
ssdm.service could not be found.
1984[14:49:00] *** Joins: alexandros_c (~alexandro@replaced-ip)
1985[14:49:18] <watom> where did you grab that debian installer?
1986[14:49:38] *** Joins: lanyue_ (~lanyue@replaced-ip)
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1988[14:50:15] <commandlinepc> Firmware_netinst a friend gave me
to try, installed it on my laptop yesterday, upgraded to testing,
works fine
1989[14:50:18] <dvs> watom, will you stop misspelling
1990[14:50:27] <jm_> bleh sorry
1991[14:50:37] <jm_> 'systemctl status sddm.service'
1992[14:50:38] <commandlinepc> Oh, let me try sddm
1993[14:50:43] *** Joins: horseshoecrab (~crab@replaced-ip)
1994[14:50:45] <jm_> I just spotted that too :)
1995[14:51:30] <Haohmaru> do you have
"task-kde-desktop" installed?
1996[14:51:42] <commandlinepc>
1997[14:51:44] <abrotman> TOO MANY COOKS
1998[14:51:45] <commandlinepc> Let me check
1999[14:51:49] <commandlinepc> YES
2000[14:51:52] <noln> Install task-kde-desktop for a full
install, kde-plasma-desktop plasma-nm for minimal install
(plasmashell + kwin)
2001[14:51:52] <commandlinepc> TOO MANY
2002[14:52:08] <commandlinepc> task-kde-desktop installed
2003[14:52:13] *** Quits: jmasson (~julienm@replaced-ip) (Quit: Using Circe, the loveliest of all IRC clients)
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2006[14:52:24] <watom> dvs i didn't start that mispelling
sir :x
2007[14:52:26] <Haohmaru> weird then
2008[14:52:27] <commandlinepc> So i shouldnt need to try minimal
2009[14:52:34] *** Joins: jmasson (~julienm@replaced-ip)
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2011[14:52:52] <Haohmaru> well, something is very fishy
2012[14:52:52] <noln> cat /var/log/sddm.log
2013[14:53:09] *** Quits: airgapp (~belovent@replaced-ip) (Quit: airgapp)
2014[14:53:09] <commandlinepc> no output
2015[14:53:12] <dvs> <watom> it means ssdm doesn't
even try to start
2016[14:53:24] <dvs> <watom> watom> you should really
check ssdm status. "systemctl status ssdm"
2017[14:53:49] <commandlinepc> was the last one aimed at me?
2018[14:53:54] <dvs> no
2019[14:53:59] <commandlinepc> Kk
2020[14:54:00] <noln> wait, you're on testing not stable?
2021[14:54:18] <commandlinepc> Im on stable rn, my laptop is on
testing perfectly fine with kde
2022[14:54:18] <Haohmaru> aww, call teh police
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2024[14:55:16] *** Parts: jmasson (~julienm@replaced-ip) ()
2025[14:55:22] <watom> dvs oh. apparently i mispelled after a
bit. could be related i'm buying an ssd
2026[14:56:03] <Haohmaru> it's a sign - don't buy the
ssd ;P~
2027[14:56:17] *** Quits: gerov (~tg@replaced-ip) (Quit: Lost terminal)
2028[14:56:25] *** Joins: upindaclub (027fea13@replaced-ip)
2029[14:56:27] <watom> right i should slow down
2030[14:57:43] *** Quits: ddavid (~Dennis@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2031[14:57:53] <commandlinepc> Any further possible
2032[14:58:07] <commandlinepc> Should i mb just reinstall
2033[14:58:12] <upindaclub> can anyone please clarify how long
oldstable is supported for? one official source says '1 year
after stable release', another 'june 2022'
2034[14:58:14] <commandlinepc> Since its fresh anyway
2035[14:58:38] <joepublic> commandlinepc, sudo tasksel, select
debian desktop environment and kde, see what you get?
2036[14:58:52] <abrotman> dpkg: tell upindaclub about lts
2037[14:58:55] <dvs> upindaclub, June 30, 2020
2038[14:58:57] *** Joins: ddavid (~Dennis@replaced-ip)
2039[14:59:03] <dvs> someone already asked that today
2040[14:59:16] <mutante> upindaclub: i think the difference is
who does the security updates and whether you want to rely on LTS or
2041[14:59:18] <jm_> commandlinepc: try running startx manually
and see what happens
2042[14:59:47] <commandlinepc> I cant paste an imgur link?
2043[15:00:03] <upindaclub> yes, it is on the LTS page (replaced-url
2044[15:00:19] *** Quits: jeddi7 (~jedd@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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2046[15:00:42] <jm_> why do you want to paste imgur link?
2047[15:00:50] <commandlinepc>
2048[15:00:54] <commandlinepc> Kde installed
2049[15:02:06] *** Joins: lmns (~lmns@replaced-ip)
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2051[15:02:12] <abrotman> upindaclub: that's what it seems
like from reading that page, there is a #debian-lts on
if you want to follow up with them
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2053[15:03:12] *** Joins: k4nz (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
2054[15:03:15] <upindaclub> abrotman: thanks, i will do that to
clear up my confusion
2055[15:03:42] <watom> commandlinepc update-alternatives --query
x-session-manager output?
2056[15:04:07] *** Quits: upindaclub (027fea13@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
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2059[15:04:48] <commandlinepc>
2060[15:04:52] <mutante> upindaclub:
2061[15:05:35] <commandlinepc> As said, should i just try
reinstalling if it should from out of the box from netinstall?
2062[15:05:36] *** Joins: jmasson (~julienm@replaced-ip)
2063[15:05:40] <mutante> i could imagine giving an exact date to
be counter productive. everybody would delay until last 24hours and
then ddos the servers :p
2064[15:05:42] <commandlinepc> *should work
2065[15:06:40] <watom> if you will not change the media installer
i presume you will get the same outcome
2066[15:06:47] *** Quits: asymptotically (~asymptoti@replaced-ip) (Quit: Executed for war crimes)
2067[15:07:17] <commandlinux> Ill download the netinstall from
the website and try, mb this ones cursed by my friend
2068[15:07:24] *** Joins: butt3rF7y (~butt3rF7y@replaced-ip)
2069[15:07:33] <commandlinux> Idk lol
2070[15:07:37] <watom> did you check every tty?
2071[15:07:45] <commandlinux> tty?
2072[15:07:48] <watom> maybe is actually started bit you are on
the wrong tty
2073[15:08:01] <commandlinux> Ok, lemme type
2074[15:08:02] *** Quits: Immanuel (~Manu@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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2076[15:08:16] <commandlinepc> tty/dev/pts/1
2077[15:08:29] <commandlinepc> tty /dev/pts/1
2078[15:08:35] <commandlinepc> more like this
2079[15:09:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1572
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2082[15:09:25] <watom> run "ps ax | grep sddm"
2083[15:10:25] <commandlinepc> 615 ? Ssl 0:00 /usr/bin/sddm 2271
pts/1 S+ 0:00 grep sddm
2084[15:11:47] <watom> you can change displayed tty with
ctrl+alt+f1 and so on
2085[15:12:14] <Haohmaru> i find my desktop usually on
ctrl+alt+F7 (but it's not kde)
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2087[15:12:15] <commandlinepc> Whats tty and how tight is her
2088[15:12:22] <commandlinepc> (its jibberish to me, pls
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2090[15:12:32] <Haohmaru> commandlinepc pls, there are kids here
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2094[15:13:12] <watom> at the login screen. use ctrl+alt+f1...f12
to move through other "screens"
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2097[15:13:21] <Haohmaru> commandlinepc in text mode you have a
number of "screens" basically, you can log on to each of
them and switch between them
2098[15:13:23] <watom> maybe on some of them there is your kde
2099[15:13:30] <commandlinepc> Ok, lemme reboot
2100[15:13:31] <jm_> i imagine if ctrl-alt-f7 works we'll
see 'Quit: commandlinepc (broken pipe)'
2101[15:13:32] <Haohmaru> one of them usually goes for your
desktop session
2102[15:13:41] <commandlinepc> Brb
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2182[15:16:06] <dvs> go away!
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2190[15:16:27] <commandlinepc> Saw some flickering, but same shit
on all f-x
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2227[15:18:38] <commandlinepc> Ill just try the netinstall from
the website and report back
2228[15:18:46] <commandlinepc> Its almost done writing
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2231[15:18:56] <dvs> do you have WiFi?
2232[15:19:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1566
2233[15:19:04] <commandlinepc> LAN
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2236[15:19:07] <dvs> ok
2237[15:19:22] <Haohmaru> you could've tried lightdm or
another login manager
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2241[15:20:12] <commandlinepc> im not switching des, debian
really should be able to do kde, one of the most popular ones,
especially as im writing the iso on said debian kde from my laptop
2242[15:20:29] <Haohmaru> lightdm is only a login manager
2243[15:20:30] <commandlinepc> K, done writing, will report back,
thx for the help so far
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2245[15:20:49] <commandlinepc> Oh, sry
2246[15:20:51] <Haohmaru> you can have 5 DEs and use lightdm to
"log in" and "choose which DE"
2247[15:20:59] <commandlinepc> Ye, got it
2248[15:20:59] *** Joins: Schwarzbaer (~Schwarzba@replaced-ip)
2249[15:21:07] <commandlinepc> Let me give it one last try
2250[15:21:15] <commandlinepc> How do i setup its start
2251[15:21:15] *** Joins: Downer (downer@replaced-ip)
2252[15:21:15] <Haohmaru> since sddm isn't doing its job for
some reason
2253[15:21:16] *** Joins: funabashi (funabashi@replaced-ip)
2254[15:21:45] <Haohmaru> just install lightdm and you should get
that screen that asks you which one should be default (sddm or
lightdm), choose lightdm
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2256[15:22:00] <commandlinepc> Yup, alrdy did it
2257[15:22:25] <commandlinepc> As one says in russian- hope dies
last, imma reboot
2258[15:22:39] <Haohmaru> >:)
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2262[15:24:24] <commandlinepc> Lightdm works yeeee
2263[15:24:40] <Haohmaru> ;P~
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2265[15:24:54] <Haohmaru> well, you have your kde now x_x
2266[15:25:15] <commandlinepc> Thanks for all the help all :)
2267[15:25:30] <commandlinepc> Now ill go testing
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2269[15:26:05] <dvs> -_-
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2275[15:29:21] <commandlinepc> although first ill go to the
market, its rona time in germany and i dont want it to be packed
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2277[15:29:58] <dvs> Rona? Why do you need lumber? ;-P
2278[15:30:10] <commandlinepc> Lel
2279[15:30:10] *** Joins: lanyue__ (~lanyue@replaced-ip)
2280[15:30:28] * Haohmaru callz it corizzle-vizzle
2281[15:30:33] <commandlinepc> Aight, im out, thx for the help
and cya at next debian escapades of mine
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2310[15:43:51] <dff> hi all, looking for an email client with a
decent gui and support for gpg.
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2312[15:44:54] <dff> thunderbird with engimail?
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2314[15:45:00] <dff> enigmail*
2315[15:45:01] <tapoxi> dff: yep
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2317[15:45:55] <tapoxi> probably your best option. geary has some
preliminary support
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2322[15:46:32] <tomreyn> there is none, but thunderbird +
enigmail is usable.
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2327[15:50:28] <xormor> this is my homepage:
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2329[15:51:09] <xormor> I port scanned myself, and I saw the
services it was running, but I do not know if the versions have
security holes.
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2352[16:01:07] <BoBeR> Hello, how do I upgrade python2 to python3
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2361[16:04:31] <mutante> BoBeR: i heard there is a
"2to3" script but it still needs manual checking :/
2362[16:04:41] <mutante> if that's what you mean
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2364[16:05:19] <mutante> BoBeR: do you mean upgrading python code
or upgrading Debian packages?
2365[16:05:30] <BoBeR> upgrading the packages
2366[16:05:33] <BoBeR> I installed python3
2367[16:05:43] <BoBeR> I need to use pip to install
"sopel" bot
2368[16:05:45] <mutante> ah, yea, that sounds right
2369[16:05:49] <BoBeR> but I get an error
2370[16:05:57] <BoBeR> ImportError: cannot import name
'main' from 'pip'
2371[16:06:10] <mutante> did you make sure you actually have to
use pip and can't avoid it by using a distro pacakge?
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2373[16:06:57] <noln> Install python3-pip and run pip3 install
2374[16:07:01] <noln> Mind the 3 in pip3
2375[16:07:10] <BoBeR> I did and I get that error
2376[16:07:21] <BoBeR> !dpkg sopel
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2381[16:08:02] <coey> Ayy, I'm new to Debian and Linux. Last
night i installed the propriety nvidia graphic drivers. I did so
before enabling multiarch, and I get a libgl error when launching
Steam. I tried installing the 32-bit drivers and now apt says that I
have broken package; fix install doesn't work. This is my
terminal output, the solution to this is probably simple but
I'd appreciate any help you can send my way. Thanks!
2382[16:08:05] <coey>
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2385[16:08:47] <mutante> yet another case where they claim pip
makes it soo easy but it actually does not. " Installing with
pip will “just handle” dependencies for you, so you
won’t need to do so manually "
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2387[16:09:06] <noln> it is, his install is borked presumably
2388[16:09:22] <mutante> "Sopel requires Python 2.7.x or
Python 3.3+ to run. Under Python 2.7, Sopel requires
backports.ssl_match_hostname to be installed. Use pip install
2389[16:09:24] <noln> Anyway python3 is preinstalled, it coexists
with python2
2390[16:09:45] <BoBeR> pip3 list crashes aswell
2391[16:09:49] <BoBeR> this is not a sopel bug
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2395[16:10:06] <trek00> coey: you already did dpkg
--add-architecture i386?
2396[16:10:20] <coey> I did! I did it a few minutes ago.
2397[16:10:29] <mutante> is the bug mixing stuff from multiple
package managers?
2398[16:10:50] <trek00> coey: do you know how to use aptitude?
2399[16:11:03] <coey> No, I don't.
2400[16:11:12] <BoBeR> mutante, is that to me?
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2402[16:11:17] <sponix> nevivurn: Glad you got it working
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2404[16:12:00] <BoBeR>
2405[16:12:15] <mutante> BoBeR: yea, somewhat. proper sopel
package and avoiding pip maybe.
2406[16:12:40] <trek00> coey: it seems you have enabled backports
and when you install nvidia drivers for i386 it search for version
440, but you have installed version 418
2407[16:12:48] <BoBeR> sopel in debian is 6.x I'm using 7.x
in python2
2408[16:12:54] <BoBeR> I do not want to downgrade
2409[16:13:17] <coey> Hmm.. Yeah, I enabled backports last night.
What should I do?
2410[16:13:32] <mutante> BoBeR: my experience is a lot of issues
with mixing pip and distro packages and also pip does not clean up
after itself when you remove stuff ..causing surprises
2411[16:13:57] <trek00> coey: you can try: 1) to disable
backports and try to install again nvidia for i386 or 2) upgrade
nvidia 64-bit to backports version (440) and then add nvidia for
2412[16:14:34] <ikus060> Hello, I'm trying to create a
control file to genrate packages for debian buster and stretch. I
see "python3-distutils" is a new package in buster that
doesn't exists in stretch. What is the best way to manage this
2413[16:14:36] <trek00> coey: sorry my analysis is not true
2414[16:14:52] <coey> Oh, really? That's fine, no worries.
2415[16:15:00] <coey> I'm not in a hurry here or anything,
2416[16:15:03] <trek00> coey: you already have 440 version for 64
bit, but may be backports are not enabled for i386?
2417[16:15:15] <coey> Hmm...
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2419[16:16:21] <trek00> coey: you done apt update after dpkg
2420[16:16:29] <coey> I did, yeah
2421[16:17:53] <trek00> coey: may be try to type apt-get install
-t buster-backports nvidia-driver nvidia-driver-libs-i386
nvidia-vulkan-icd nvidia-vulkan-icd:i386
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2423[16:18:16] <karlpinc> BoBeR: If you want to use pip/pypi you
should do so in virtual environments.
2424[16:18:42] <karlpinc> BoBeR: Using pip as root breaks apt.
2425[16:20:04] <coey> It works! Thanks!
2426[16:20:12] <trek00> coey: nice :)
2427[16:20:27] <BoBeR> karlpinc: venv is not found
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2450[16:30:19] <BoBeR> python3 -m pip install --force-reinstall
pip worked for me
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2454[16:31:00] <noln> it's python3-venv
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2475[16:42:52] <u53r_4n0n_10> why i must kill once and again
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2477[16:43:39] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_10: it is not responding?
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2480[16:44:29] <u53r_4n0n_10> ttg yes
2481[16:44:42] *** Quits: Plan_IX (~P9@replaced-ip) (Quit: Screw this I quit)
2482[16:44:50] <u53r_4n0n_10> if not, i won't be here
2483[16:45:04] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_10: it was just to understand
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2486[16:46:10] <ice9> erig, i did "firewall-cmd --permanent
--zone=drop --add-rich-rule='rule family=ipv4 port
protocol="tcp" port="80" accept'" but
iptables-save | grep 80 doesn't show up the rule
2487[16:46:23] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_10: may be it is a bug of
network-manager or the graphical applet you use, that depends by
your desktop environment
2488[16:46:34] <u53r_4n0n_10> cinnamon
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2490[16:47:50] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_10: i can't find bug
reports about this issue, may be you can search on the logs for some
related error message?
2491[16:47:58] <u53r_4n0n_10> but i kill it with sudo htop, and
it works
2492[16:48:49] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_10: it should not freeze, if it
does, may be it prints an error message or it is a bug
2493[16:49:06] <ice9> i did "firewall-cmd --permanent
--zone=drop --add-rich-rule='rule family=ipv4 port
protocol="tcp" port="80" accept'" but
iptables-save | grep 80 doesn't show up the rule, anyidea?
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2497[16:50:10] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_10: may be you can read the
file .xsession-errors inside your home directory
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2500[16:53:06] <u53r_4n0n_10> what should i search in the output
that you mentioned?
2501[16:53:17] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_10: something relatedo to
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2504[16:54:08] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_10: if you can't find a
solution, may be you can uninstall network-manager and try with wicd
package, that is similar
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2506[16:54:37] <jrg> Is there a reason why tmux for Debian
doesn’t have the -s option to name the session?
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2509[16:56:23] <u53r_4n0n_10> no. i've tried the inverse
(uninstall wicd and try w/ network-manager), and i cannot uninstall
it, despite i ran it with sudo
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2513[16:57:06] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_10: sorry i don't know how
to help, may be others here will reply
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2516[16:59:05] <noln> jrg, tmux new -s myname # works here
2517[16:59:29] <u53r_4n0n_10> well, you've don so far.
thanks. i'll try to start a session with root, it could helps?
2518[16:59:41] <jrg> noln: weird. i'm getting -s has no
2519[17:00:01] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_10: no, you should never run X
as root
2520[17:00:02] <noln>
2521[17:00:18] <u53r_4n0n_10> why?
2522[17:00:19] <jrg> tmux: unknown option -- s
2523[17:00:29] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_10: it could brings to you more
2524[17:00:53] <u53r_4n0n_10> oh, thanks. but what it's sudo
2525[17:00:57] <noln> mind the "new"
2526[17:01:04] <noln> tmux -s will error out
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2528[17:01:28] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_10: sudo is to launch only some
commands as root, not the whole session
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2530[17:02:09] <InvisibleRasta> how can i make it so when i close
my laptop lid it doesnt go in standby?
2531[17:02:27] <u53r_4n0n_10> where i can practice? i have been
trying with a few know
2532[17:02:32] <u53r_4n0n_10> or lear
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2537[17:03:55] <mutante> InvisibleRasta: for me it's System
-> Preferences -> Hardware -> Power Management ->
"When laptop lid is closed.." (i use MATE (old Gnome))
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2539[17:04:15] <jrg> noln: ah ok. yeah missed that heh
2540[17:04:17] <jrg> my mistake
2541[17:04:22] <jrg> let me try it out
2542[17:04:23] <InvisibleRasta> mutante, i am running without X
2543[17:04:47] *** Quits: Antoine- (~Antoine@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2544[17:04:58] <mutante> InvisibleRasta:
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2547[17:05:26] <mutante> InvisibleRasta: see the different
"targets" there? you may or may not want all of them
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2550[17:05:44] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_10: i don't know, may be
reading some articles, forums and do many tests: i've broken
may systems to get more experience
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2552[17:05:59] <mutante> InvisibleRasta: or what it says about
"If you just want to prevent suspending when the lid is closed
you can set the following options in /etc/systemd/logind.conf:
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2555[17:06:19] <Akuw> how can i to restart nfs in debian 8 ?
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2560[17:06:53] <InvisibleRasta> mutante, grazie
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2563[17:07:06] <Akuw> service restart nfs ?
2564[17:07:09] <Akuw> right?
2565[17:07:11] <mutante> InvisibleRasta: prego
2566[17:07:21] <noln> Akuw, should be systemctl restart
2567[17:07:27] <trek00> Akuw: it should be right
2568[17:07:29] <noln> sorry, nfs-kernel-server
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2570[17:07:46] <trek00> noln: systemd was default on debian 8?
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2572[17:07:59] <noln> ah, missed that, sorry
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2576[17:08:14] <u53r_4n0n_10> hum... should i stay with an OS?
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2583[17:08:48] <trek00> Akuw: as noln said, the service name is
nfs-kernel-server, this you should type: service nfs-kernel-server
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2596[17:08:59] <ice9> i'm getting this error after upgrading
and can't apply rules, any idea?
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2609[17:09:39] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_10: it depends, i tried many OS
but i only use linux as main computer
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2627[17:10:14] <u53r_4n0n_10> thanks
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2638[17:10:59] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_10: it could help to have an
old computer to use for your tests
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2659[17:12:40] <trek00> noln: anyway the service command will run
fine with or without systemd, it's a wrapper
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2666[17:12:50] <u53r_4n0n_10> i've read people furious with
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2678[17:13:49] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_10: i don't like it, but
it seems to run fine most of the time
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2682[17:14:39] <trek00> u53r_4n0n_10: it's not something you
should be worried, if it don't have issues with your system
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2702[17:17:17] <trek00> ice9: do you tried to reload firewalld?
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2793[17:42:00] <how2test> Hey, guys! Im in the sources list and
im not quite sure on how much to edit- do i just need to replace the
debian-security sources as noted here?
2794[17:42:16] <how2test> Want to upgrade to testing
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2853[17:45:45] <bouba> how2test,
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2871[17:47:18] <joepublic> * Don't include third party repos
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2875[17:47:40] <how2test> Thx!
2876[17:47:51] <how2test> Wont, just want the bare bones
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2894[17:51:55] <hattkunskapz> hi, i might have a too old kernel
for my os upgrade
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2896[17:52:35] <hattkunskapz> can that be done separately?
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2906[17:54:55] <joepublic> can your kernel by itself be upgraded
to a newer kernel? yes.
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2909[17:55:47] <hattkunskapz> ok, just curious why it hasn't
been upgraded along with the os
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2914[17:57:58] <dvs> hattkunskapz, because that wouldn't be
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2917[17:59:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1561
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2923[18:02:47] <jhutchins> hattkunskapz: Possibly because you
failed to read the release/upgrade notes and failed to do a
dist-upgrade or full-upgrade.
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2930[18:06:55] <idhugo> Can anybody help me understand this log
message: audit: type=1400 audit(1585576407.347:381):
apparmor="DENIED" operation="open"
name="/boot/vmlinuz-5.4.0-4-amd64" pid=336260
comm="pool-evince" requested_mask="r"
denied_mask="r" fsuid=1000 ouid=0
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2940[18:13:25] <ice9> I restarted firewalld and now there is no
rules in iptables-save, any idea?
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2944[18:14:20] <hattkunskapz> hmm, likely
2945[18:14:30] <hattkunskapz> i have a very old debian kernel
2946[18:14:38] <watom> how to list packages installed by default?
without any task selected in the installer
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2949[18:16:05] <greycat> !standard
2950[18:16:05] <dpkg> standard task is, like, a "task"
that should be installed on all machines during the installer stage.
It installs packages that are important, required and standard (i.e.
"aptitude install ~pstandard ~prequired ~pimportant").
Packages in the <essential> set are always installed. Also ask
me about <tasksel>.
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2954[18:17:20] <watom> thanks
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2956[18:17:31] <greycat> so, something like: aptitude search
\~prequired \~pimportant ... plus the essentials, which can't
be shown so easily, apparently
2957[18:17:54] <watom> uhm isn't aptitude like legacy
2958[18:18:01] <watom> i don't have that though
2959[18:18:22] <lupulo> idhugo, do you use ubuntu?
2960[18:18:43] <idhugo> Nope debian testing
2961[18:19:12] *** Joins: dellprecision (~dellpreci@replaced-ip)
2962[18:19:14] <dvs> !debian-next
2963[18:19:14] <dpkg> #debian-next is the channel for
testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not*
on freenode. If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is
invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
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2968[18:20:50] <greycat> no, aptitude is definitely not
2969[18:21:29] <watom> also "tasksel --task-packages
standard" is showing only iptables here...
2970[18:22:03] <watom> it's like listing only what is
missing on the system
2971[18:23:15] <ChrisH> Debian stretch, following
2972[18:23:30] <ChrisH> I am unsure what updates were applied
between first success tests (2 weeks ago) and reboot on sunday. I
added IPv6 to my network on saturday but afterwards it still worked.
2973[18:23:31] <greycat> watom: so, that command is wrong. Use
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2976[18:24:38] <idhugo> lupulo nope debian testing
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2980[18:26:46] <lupulo> idhugo,
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2984[18:27:29] <lupulo> idhugo, perhaps that it used for server
like selinux
2985[18:28:18] <idhugo> Thanks lupulo, but can you help me
understand why the heck does evince wants to access the kernel
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2988[18:28:57] <idhugo> Or whatever the relation among those... I
sincerely just need help undertanding the message... What does it
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2993[18:30:41] <lupulo> idhugo, you should read the manpages
about errors
2994[18:30:52] <lupulo> they use uppercase
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2997[18:31:27] <idhugo> Thx. Now I see I can understand the error
there. The link did not open, but I am running man on the terminal
now. Thx lupulo. Thumbs up
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3002[18:33:33] <diverdude> Hi, i am trying to do: apt-get install
libpq-dev but i get: Unable to locate package libpq-dev. Is it
called something else?
3003[18:33:53] <greycat> apt-cache search --names-only -- libpq
3004[18:34:04] *** Joins: InvisibleRasta1 (~Invisible@replaced-ip)
3005[18:34:13] <greycat> looks like it's still called
libpq-dev in buster, at least
3006[18:34:28] <greycat> which release are you running, and do
you have a valid sources.list?
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3010[18:34:50] <diverdude> im on buster
3011[18:35:10] <greycat> !buster sources.list
3012[18:35:10] <dpkg> A suitable /etc/apt/sources.list for
"Buster" has the lines: "deb
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3017[18:36:13] <diverdude> greycat: ok so apt-get install
libpq-dev should be correct right?
3018[18:36:46] <greycat> ,v libpq-dev
3019[18:36:47] <judd> Package: libpq-dev on amd64 -- jessie:
9.4.18-0+deb8u1; jessie-security: 9.4.26-0+deb8u1; stretch:
9.6.16-0+deb9u1; stretch-proposed-updates: 9.6.17-0+deb9u1;
stretch-security: 9.6.17-0+deb9u1; buster: 11.6-0+deb10u1;
buster-proposed-updates: 11.7-0+deb10u1; buster-security:
11.7-0+deb10u1; bullseye: 12.2-1+b1; sid: 12.2-4
3020[18:37:27] <greycat> make sure your sources.list is correct,
and run apt-get update
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3022[18:38:21] <diverdude> greycat: its because i am trying to
install it on the FROM python:3.8-slim-buster which is a debian
buster docker image, so maybe there is some issue with the sources
3023[18:39:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1568
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3029[18:41:06] <ChmEarl> diverdude, python in buster should be
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3032[18:42:16] <diverdude> Ah, this is what i need RUN
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update && apt-get
upgrade -y && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y
build-essential libpq-dev
3033[18:42:29] <greycat> He's not using Debian. He's
using some Debian derivative.
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3036[18:43:13] <BCMM> diverdude: is this a new install, by any
chance? have you ever run apt-update?
3037[18:43:19] *** Quits: el_lamer (lamer@replaced-ip) (Quit: ALT+F4)
3038[18:43:19] <BCMM> sorry, apt update
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3041[18:43:30] <diverdude> BCMM: its a docker image actually with
debian inside
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3047[18:43:53] <diverdude> BCMM: but the command i wrote above
seems to do what i need
3048[18:43:57] <jrg> anybody know if there is a way to get alpine
to open elinks to browse?
3049[18:44:07] <jrg> i figured it was URL-Viewers but i guess
i'm wrong
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3052[18:44:53] <BCMM> with the recent mention of docker, it took
me waaay too long to work out you were talking about the mailreader,
not the distro
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3057[18:45:52] <BCMM> diverdude: debian won't be able to
install any packages until after you do apt-get update (or an
equivalent). that's probably the bit that fixed it, not
changing the apt frontend.
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3060[18:46:24] <BCMM> (because that's the command that
downloads the list of available packages)
3061[18:46:27] <diverdude> BCMM: ah yeah ok, that makes sense
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3064[18:46:43] <diverdude> BCMM: thanks for the insight
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3072[18:47:58] <biys> i have a tl-wn727n usb wireless adapter. i
used it for the install of firmware-10.
3073[18:48:01] <biys> everything went swimmingly
3074[18:48:23] <biys> now that i'm booted into gnome after
the install completed i can see the wireless networks i just
can't connect to them
3075[18:48:26] <biys> any suggestions?
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3146[19:23:36] <antto>
3147[19:23:58] <antto> (all the files came out of the selected
.tar.gz file)
3148[19:24:35] <luna_> antto: sudo dpkg -i *.deb
3149[19:24:45] <antto> i've installed .deb packages before
with gdebi, but i don't think it was a program made of so many
3150[19:25:30] <antto> also, i have codeblocks installed at the
moment, the normal way (version 16.01 from synaptic)
3151[19:25:39] <antto> i guess i wanna uninstall it first?
3152[19:25:52] <sney> the newer version will upgrade over the old
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3154[19:26:11] <luna_> hm no idea maybe sudo apt remove
3155[19:26:15] <luna_> and sudo dpkg -i *.deb
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3166[19:28:17] <biys> why would a wireless adapter work for the
install but not work once booted into the new install?
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3168[19:28:43] <antto> requires "non-free" driver?
3169[19:29:19] <sney> if the driver worked in the installer then
it should work in the system as well
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3174[19:30:45] <biys> i used the non-free installer from the
3175[19:30:48] <biys> everything went well
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3178[19:31:01] <biys> soon as i boot into the system, i can see
the wireless networks avaialbe, they just don't connect
3179[19:31:28] <sney> what happens when you try?
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3181[19:31:53] <biys> i select the network from the list. i enter
the appropriate password
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3185[19:32:36] <biys> it sits for a minute then gives me...
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3187[19:33:05] <biys> connection failed activation of network
connection failed
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3195[19:36:21] <sney> this might be worth a shot:
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3198[19:36:56] <sney> otherwise try the 'command line'
instructions on the same page and see if you get a clearer error
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3201[19:37:44] <disillusion> can someone provide a good link
explaining what supercedes ufw settings? I'm asking this
because I sometimes set rules with ufw and they're not adhered
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3203[19:38:10] <disillusion> It also makes me wonder if most
Debian users edit iptables directly rather than using an
"easy" tool such as ufw
3204[19:38:46] <howtorx> Hello! Can somebody tell me how id go
about installing drivers for my rx460? I think i saw them missing
during boot text and the only ones i find are for ubuntu
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3206[19:39:22] <sney> howtorx: enable non-free and install the
firmware-amd-graphics package and reboot. the "driver" is
already present in the linux kernel, you just need some extra
components to enable all of the features
3207[19:39:49] <disillusion> for example, I get people connected
on OpenVPN, using the allocation, and I allow traffic to
port 443. And yet, in the ufw logs, I see traffice from
addresses being blocked access to port 443. And yet, the clients are
still able to access it, though sometimes there are failures.
3208[19:39:55] <Boohbah> sney: Do current debian kernels not
support the free AMD drivers?
3209[19:40:17] <howtorx> Im on testing, if its relevant
3210[19:40:21] <antto> if i want to manually specify which
packages i want.. would it be dpkg -i p1.deb p2.deb p3.deb ...?
3211[19:40:23] <Boohbah> sney: Or is it just the firmware
that's nonfree?
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3216[19:40:40] <sney> disillusion: I haven't used ufw, but
with firewalls the order of the rules is important. so if you have a
rule that doesn't seem to be matching traffic, the traffic in
question is probably matching an earlier rule
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3218[19:41:02] <sney> Boohbah: correct, the "free"
amdgpu driver still requires non-free firmware in most cases
3219[19:41:19] <sney> antto: yep
3220[19:41:22] <disillusion> sney, is there a config file which
shows the order of rules?
3221[19:41:32] <sney> see: "I haven't used ufw"
3222[19:41:36] <disillusion> I want to know what to look at
3223[19:41:47] <sney> there is probably a manual somewhere.
3224[19:42:47] <disillusion> what I can say is that ufw used to
work great around 2016, with Debian 8 and Ubuntu 16.04. But
something happened after then and things stopped being easy and
straight forward.
3225[19:43:17] * disillusion misses the good old days when a simple
setting in ufw told the system what to do
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3228[19:44:32] <howtorx> Just installed the graphics, thanks, ill
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3234[19:47:47] <JTechno> hello folks
3235[19:47:55] <luna_> hi
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3237[19:48:50] <disillusion> It was around 2016 when I thought
Debian and derivatives worked so well for a server that I was bored
with it. Now we're back to an era of adventure and I'm
missing the days when I could set up a server in my sleep.
3238[19:48:56] <JTechno> I want to install debian to a software
raid 0 with two identical hdds, should I add both drives to the raid
and the partition or should I partition both disks and then add the
partitions to the raid?
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3241[19:50:32] <JTechno> I'm totally new to raid, I tried to
google the question but I didn't find a satisfactory answer
3242[19:50:54] <trek00> JTechno: it could be both, but i suggest
you to add only partitions to raid, not disks
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3244[19:51:51] <JTechno> so let's say I need three
partitions for EFI, swap and root, should I make the three
partitions to both disks?
3245[19:51:57] <howtorx> Hey, how do i check if i run the correct
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3247[19:52:19] <trek00> JTechno: yes, but EFI can't be on
3248[19:52:36] <trek00> JTechno: and are you sure you want raid0
and not raid1?
3249[19:53:01] <JTechno> yes it is 0 what I want, for performance
not fault tolerance
3250[19:53:09] <trek00> JTechno: also do not add swap to raid,
only root
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3252[19:53:47] <JTechno> ok, thank you
3253[19:53:52] <trek00> JTechno: ok, then you need only one efi
partition to boot, you can make two swap partition (but not in raid,
they are managed like raid0 automatically)
3254[19:54:05] <trek00> and two root partitions to be in raid
3255[19:54:16] <JTechno> do they need to be of the same size?
3256[19:54:32] <trek00> JTechno: for optimal performance, yes
3257[19:54:39] <JTechno> ok
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3260[19:54:49] <JTechno> thank you very much
3261[19:55:08] *** Joins: Nefertiti (~Nefertiti@replaced-ip)
3262[19:55:08] <trek00> JTechno: and if it is not an ssd, make
them on the same part of the disk (different parts have different
3263[19:55:26] <JTechno> I understand
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3267[19:58:23] <trek00> howtorx: if you have
xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu and firmware-amd-graphics it's ok
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3269[19:59:09] <howtorx> K, thx :)
3270[19:59:39] <howtorx> Any guesses on when kde 5.18 will come
to testing?
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3272[19:59:53] <trek00> howtorx: you can try to run glxgears or
some opengl app
3273[20:00:31] <howtorx> Already tried dota client, seemed fine
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3275[20:01:26] <howtorx> Every linux i tried my favourite dota
arcade keeps crashing, if it wont work on debian i doubt itll work
anywhere else
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3277[20:01:47] <pasiz> raid 0 cannot be on different size
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3290[20:06:47] <mason> trek00: EFI can be on MD-RAID1 if you use
metadata 1.0 or earlier.
3291[20:07:29] <mutante> /win 4
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3296[20:08:12] <trek00> mason: it needs a raid0 root partition,
so if one disk fails, no need to have a rescue efi partition
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3299[20:08:53] <trek00> he needs, not it
3300[20:09:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1576
3301[20:09:12] <mason> trek00: I'd missed the desire for
RAID 0. Wouldn't recommend that for much of anything.
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3303[20:09:35] <pasiz> would be awesome, all of my data is lost,
but my efi partition is intact ;)
3304[20:09:42] <trek00> :D
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3306[20:10:50] <dmt> Hiya, I've got a new install of Buster
that keeps making ~/.themes and ~/.icons but I want those
directories under ~/.local/share, or $XDG_DATA_HOME. Any ideas on
what I should do/where I should look for info?
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3311[20:12:51] <trek00> dmt: may be some apps you use does not
follow xdg specs
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3313[20:13:56] <pasiz> dmt: what dm you are running
3314[20:14:54] <dmt> I'm running lightdm and the mate DE
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3343[20:27:49] <FSF-GNU-Soldier> @dmt: just wondering if perhaps
its worth trying moving ~/.icons etc to other locations and then
recreating ~/.icons as a symbolic link pointing to the desired
locations? - try in vm maybe, i'm no expert
3344[20:28:57] *** Joins: u53r_4n0n_10 (~u53r_4n0n@replaced-ip)
3345[20:28:59] <FSF-GNU-Soldier> so your ~/.icons symoblic link
points to ~/local/share locations
3346[20:29:10] <u53r_4n0n_10> I'll SICK
3347[20:29:37] <u53r_4n0n_10> I'll do a wipe of ALL the
programs that I've installed without necessity
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3352[20:30:34] <dmt> @FSF-GNU-Soldier, That's a good
suggestion. Unfortunately that's not entirely suitable for me
because I'm just trying to get rid of having a cluttered $HOME,
so I'd still end up with 2 extra items in my `ls -la`.
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3355[20:31:55] <dmt> Whatever is making these directories
doesn't seem to be populating them with anything, I just end up
with 2 empty directories in my ~ which I'm trying to get rid
of. I think @pasiz had a good point that it may be the DM, I'm
trying to see if I can find some info on whether they support XDG
3356[20:32:06] <trek00> dmt: try to delete these folders, then
launch your apps one by one and check if folders are recreated and
by which app
3357[20:32:41] *** Joins: LowercaseSigma
3358[20:32:48] <greycat> another approach is to remove the
directory, create a *file* with that name, and then see if one of
your applications generates an error message. for even more fun, set
the immutable bit on the file.
3359[20:33:14] <trek00> nice one :)
3360[20:33:21] <LowercaseSigma> ello
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3363[20:34:37] <trek00> greycat: i use this method to prevent
unwanted star of firefox on some users
3364[20:35:00] <dmt> Found the culprit! Thanks @trek00. Appears
to be `mate-appearance` that's causing this.
3365[20:35:29] <u53r_4n0n_10> Mate? mate-de?
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3367[20:35:42] <dmt> @u53r_4n0n_10, yep.
3368[20:35:58] <u53r_4n0n_10> I didn't installed it
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3370[20:36:38] <trek00> dmt: :)
3371[20:36:44] <u53r_4n0n_10> It was not made based on gnome2?
3372[20:36:59] <dmt> u53r_4n0n_10: Oh, I was referring to my own
issue, sorry.
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3374[20:37:31] <nlpqda> why debian 10 (buster), keeps failing
starting all applications with prefexed by sudo from terminal?
3375[20:37:40] <u53r_4n0n_10> oh, ait
3376[20:37:42] <nlpqda> e.g. sudo gedit | sudo gparted
3377[20:37:54] <nlpqda> Gtk-WARNING
3378[20:38:25] <u53r_4n0n_10> wait, i have deb 10 i386 and
I've being having some problems...
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3387[20:42:39] <LowercaseSigma> hello
3388[20:42:51] <LowercaseSigma> Anyone have website ideas?
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3395[20:44:34] <trek00> nlpqda: because it is not recommended to
launch graphical apps as root
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3399[20:45:57] <diverdude> i am getting: `WARNING: apt does not
have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts.` is that
because i do apt install instead of apt-get install ?
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3402[20:46:26] <trek00> diverdude: yes, if you need to put it in
a script, just use apt-get
3403[20:46:38] <diverdude> aha ok
3404[20:46:48] <b1ack0p> diverdude: i read you as
"driverdude" :p
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3406[20:46:57] <diverdude> hahaha
3407[20:47:03] <nlpqda> trek00: to be more accurate
"it's prohibited" this way
3408[20:47:04] <greycat> and *that's* why I ignore users
with Docker questions...
3409[20:47:07] <b1ack0p> lol
3410[20:47:25] <diverdude> greycat: why?
3411[20:47:25] <nlpqda> trek00: I still need to take my
3412[20:47:59] <u53r_4n0n_10> Ready!
3413[20:48:05] <u53r_4n0n_10> Bye
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3416[20:48:12] <trek00> nlpqda: try with pkexec instead of sudo,
install policykit-1
3417[20:48:15] <greycat> "I'm starting with an image,
and I plan to install it a billion trillion times, but my actual end
goal is an installation with some changed stuff, so instead of
changing the IMAGE, I plan to write the world's worst bash
script, so that after installing the image, I can download and
install new pacakges on it. a billion trillion times."
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3420[20:48:42] <greycat> "why don't you just change the
image ONCE..." "Because DOCKER!!!"
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3422[20:49:01] <BCMM> LowercaseSigma: well, that's a rather
broad question... can you narrow it down a bit? are you having
trouble setting up a web server?
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3424[20:49:46] <trek00> greycat: for example i use scripts to do
nearly the same tasks on different versions of debian
3425[20:49:49] <LowercaseSigma> no
3426[20:49:56] <LowercaseSigma> I just need ideasa
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3428[20:49:58] <LowercaseSigma> ideas
3429[20:50:08] <LowercaseSigma> I've made websites before
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3432[20:50:50] <diverdude> greycat: mmm ok
3433[20:50:57] <BCMM> LowercaseSigma: like, ideas for a topic to
make a website about? might be the wrong channel.
3434[20:51:18] <LowercaseSigma> I don't know, can't
find a good channel for this
3435[20:51:31] <LowercaseSigma> think of it like writers block
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3437[20:51:41] <LowercaseSigma> I just don't know what to
3438[20:52:10] <BCMM> find an open-source project that's
looking for an updated site maybe?
3439[20:52:24] <trek00> (the debian wiki) :)
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3441[20:52:28] <LowercaseSigma> :)
3442[20:52:30] <LowercaseSigma> okay
3443[20:52:44] <LowercaseSigma> I'm running debian on one of
my partitions :)
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3476[21:13:01] <nlpqda> trek00: I've tried pkexec already
and gave the same gtk-warning ... what is install policykit-1?
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3479[21:13:35] <nlpqda> seems like the package of pkexec