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0[00:01:35] *** Joins: missmbob_ (~missmbob@replaced-ip)
1[00:02:52] <MickyW> somiaj: Despite there had been no problem
for a while (about a year) after using them for installation?
2[00:03:36] <dhalgren> maybe the cd's degraded? guess you
could try burning new wheezy cd's if you so desire...
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5[00:04:10] <MickyW> BTW: For me, having a network connection,
isn't a granted thing. Having a fallback seems a good practive
to me.
6[00:04:34] <dhalgren> yeah, I've been in such a
situation in the recent past too
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11[00:05:01] <`Kevin> MickyW: honestly i do not think many here
have expertise to debug a cdom repository issue without quite a bit
back and forth, it is very uncommon and there are likely many
possibilities regarding having todo workarounds to just make it work
the way yo uare wanting
12[00:05:05] *** Quits: navlys (~smuxi@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
13[00:05:20] <`Kevin> MickyW: i would suggest you setup a local
apt mirror and sync when possible
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16[00:05:44] <`Kevin> if thats possible in your situation..
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19[00:06:29] <somiaj> MickyW: these are on physical cd drives?
20[00:06:42] <somiaj> MickyW: or usb drivesr or just images
(.iso) on your harddisk?
21[00:07:24] *** Joins: gtrotcko (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
22[00:07:40] <MickyW> somiaj: Yes. They are physical cdroms
(dvds to be precise). And the command "apt-cdrom add"
didn't issue any error message.
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24[00:08:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1606
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26[00:08:15] <dhalgren> I'd def suspect the dvd medium
27[00:08:17] <somiaj> MickyW: well if they went from working to
not working, the physical dvd could just be going bad. That to me
seems the most likely.
28[00:08:19] <MickyW> It had just added the cdrom line again to
sources.list like the one I removed right before.
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30[00:09:59] <MickyW> somiaj: That does not sound reasonable to
me. If the problem appeared just during "update" without
any cdrom in the drive (as the with the many times before witout any
problem) how should any degration, which occured to the media sould
affect the software, which could not notice any degration?
31[00:10:06] <teraflops> local repo sounds better, updating an
up-to-date system with debian isos could end in downgrading things
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38[00:11:24] <MickyW> I am not sure about what
"apt-cdrom" add actually does.
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40[00:12:13] <dhalgren> MickyW: but maybe it could've
affected it during indexing of the repo on the DVD; some corruption
of the index; maybe that can be causing it?
41[00:12:53] <dhalgren> wait
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45[00:13:29] <dhalgren> so the error message during apt-get
update is just that it can't update the cdrom's that
aren't in the drive? nothing else, just that it can't
index something that doesn't exist??
46[00:13:31] <MickyW> dhalgren: But aptitude did work for a
long time with the index data on hd after having it added.
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48[00:13:43] <MickyW> dhalgren: Yes. Exactly
49[00:13:50] <dhalgren> hm
50[00:13:58] <dhalgren> doesn't even sound wrong really
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53[00:15:11] <MickyW> dhalgren: Sorry. Cant follow you. An
error message does sound like something is wrong. Doesn't it?
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55[00:17:33] <dhalgren> MickyW: heh, yeah; I just mean, ofc
apt-get update can't update a repo that physically isn't
there. It shouldn't be even trying to update those particular
repos, that seems the correct behavior, as there's no point;
the cd's didn't change anyhow
56[00:17:43] <teraflops> MickyW: talking about error. did you
look at the logs?
57[00:17:47] <somiaj> !wheezy-lts
58[00:17:48] <dpkg> Security support for Debian 7
"Wheezy" from the Debian Security Team ended on
2016-04-25. The amd64, i386, armel and armhf architectures receive
additional long term support (LTS) via <wheezy/updates> until
2018-05-31. See
59[00:17:51] <MickyW> dhalgren: Oh. Just got it. - OK. But why
didn't took it (aptitude) as error before a certain time? And
what sense would make it? It can't be that unusaly havin both
online and offline sources in sources.llist.
60[00:18:18] <somiaj> MickyW: did this error happen somewhere
around april this year? Just wondering if the change to wheezy-lts
is causing an issue with apt when it is looking at wheezy sources.
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62[00:18:58] <somiaj> MickyW: I think it is unsual, I see very
few people in here using actualy physical cds as their sources. Many
use thigns like apt-cacherng though
63[00:19:05] *** Quits: Rerst (~Rerst@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
64[00:19:09] <MickyW> Having amd. So I shall be covered by
prolonged sec updates either.
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66[00:20:06] <missmbob> having what?
67[00:20:36] <MickyW> AMD architecture
68[00:21:25] <somiaj> MickyW: amd64 and i386 are both
supported. It won't matter if you have intel or amd hardware,
they are just codenames fo x86 and x86_64
69[00:21:27] <MickyW> somepoortech: About the april issue: Not
sure. Could be around that time.
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72[00:22:08] <somiaj> MickyW: it could be there is something
subtle with how wheezy just became wheezy-lts without having new
sources.list (unsure if this will affect apt or not).
73[00:22:39] <dhalgren> MickyW: just to eliminate
possibilities, is there any chance you just used to scroll through
this error before, but maybe because you saw some recent problems
with the system (or had a feeling it was misbehaving for any reason)
, you went looking for errors and noticed this one?
74[00:23:00] <cbzt> kde just released a LTS version. i'm
guessing that one will end up in debian 9 since the freeze
hasn't begun?
75[00:23:02] <MickyW> somiaj: I know that. I misunderstood dpkg
post, which I first interpreted as saying that support for i386
ended but was extended for AMD64.
76[00:23:56] <dhalgren> I'm unsure how apt-get update
normally behaves about cdroms, though it would make sense for it to
not even try updating cdrom repos
77[00:24:13] <somiaj> cbzt: you'll have to ask the kde
team. The freeze happens in november, so they only have until then
to get it into stretch.
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79[00:24:26] <MickyW> dhalgren: Yes. Thats true. I saw today,
that the "update tool" (the one which is called by cron)
wanted to install some security update but saying, that its source
is untrusted (which made me suspicuous).
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84[00:25:11] <MickyW> Want to see sources.list?
85[00:26:09] <dhalgren> so it could be the case that apt update
just normally unnecessarily barks at its cdrom-using users that it
can't update the cdroms, or it could be the case that someone
missed something when the old stable became LTS, cuz so few ppl use
86[00:26:30] <cbzt> somiaj: ok thanks. i read that november is
a transition freeze, but january 2017 is the soft freeze where no
new packages come in
87[00:26:33] <cbzt> what is transition freeze?
88[00:26:35] <dhalgren> either way, the error seems benign
89[00:26:55] <missmbob> cbzt: the rc's arent even in
experimental i highly doubt it
90[00:27:06] <`Kevin> x2 teraflops
91[00:27:12] <cbzt> missmbob: well it was just released
92[00:27:30] <missmbob> cbzt: yes but experimental tends to
follow rc's for such things. not just final releases
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94[00:27:48] <cbzt> i don't know that kde has rcs
95[00:27:58] <cbzt> they just release every few months and
declared this one lts
96[00:28:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1596
97[00:28:09] <`Kevin> ... forcibly downgrade from a CDROM repo
or something similar breakin the system heh
98[00:28:17] <MickyW> dhalgren: It may help, in spite I said
it. - It came to the point where the "update tool"
didn't any update until I first did an update with aptitude
(without installing any).
99[00:28:19] <missmbob> cbzt: it does. example
100[00:28:50] <cbzt> missmbob: that's a major update from
plasma 4 to plasma 5. i meant minor point releases
101[00:29:16] <cbzt> plasma 5 has been out for two years i think
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103[00:29:56] <cbzt>
104[00:29:57] <MickyW> Sorry. Cant't follow the recent
entries. What are you talking about? (cbzt, mssmbob, 'Kevin)
105[00:30:09] <somiaj> cbzt: not positive on what they mean, but
it seems by transition freeze, it means packages will stop
automatically flowing from sid to stretch. But in some cases the
debian release directors can force newer packages in from sid (this
is rare). And after january, packages that still have rc bugs start
to get removed if there isn't signficant progress on them.
106[00:30:36] <dhalgren> MickyW: unrelated; seems about kde
versions in deb
107[00:30:43] <MickyW> Uh.
108[00:30:47] <MickyW> Thank you.
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110[00:31:15] <cbzt> somiaj: ok thanks
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112[00:31:24] <cbzt> if that's the case then it seems
113[00:31:43] <zxc> Is the "Delete" key supposed to
not function in Debian? Mine worked in Windows, and I believe it
worked in Ubuntu, but why may it not work in Debian? It doesn't
appear to be Gnome problem.
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115[00:31:58] <somiaj> cbzt: yea desktops just take a long time
to integrate into debian, a few months for a desktop seems unlikely
to me too.
116[00:32:01] <missmbob> cbzt: unrelated but i just saw the
video on the page you linked us to. the "desktop widgets"
made me have flashbacks to Windows ME. eww.
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119[00:32:25] <cbzt> windows 10 has desktop widgets too
120[00:32:28] <dhalgren> MickyW: anyhow, try the suggestion
about creating a local mirror of the repo instead of using the
cdrom, seems the better way of using debian w a spotty connection
regardless of whatever apt is doing wrongly here
121[00:32:33] <MickyW> dhalgren: About your last post: There was
a time, when aptitude did NOT moan about the cdroms. That started at
some time this year. I think about march or not very much later.
122[00:32:59] <dhalgren> could actually be a bug that the LTS
team missed maybe..
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124[00:33:11] <cbzt> i may try kde neon. it's just a shame
they only work on an ubuntu base and not debian
125[00:33:24] <cbzt> i like the idea of keeping the base system
stable while keeping the DE up to date
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127[00:34:26] <somiaj> cbzt: It sounds nice, but in practice
de's are just too big. I have yet to see a backport for a DE
made due to this.
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131[00:34:34] <MickyW> dhalgren: Hm. It just came to me, to
check whether aptitude itself was updated recently. Moment.
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134[00:35:17] <somiaj> MickyW: in wheezy aptitude won't get
updated. But the wheezy > wheezy-lts could have added something
subtle on the server side that confuses aptitude.
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136[00:35:51] <somiaj> MickyW: (well besides for bug/security
fixes). Maybe report a bug and see if it gets any traction. Unsure
where the best place for this is though.
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138[00:36:06] <MickyW> hm history.log is empty. - Have I deleted
it by using apt-get clean?
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140[00:36:34] <maxcell_> When i update the kernel to 4.7 i get
some firmware missing errors about nouveau, so i uninstall
xserver-xorg-video-nouveau and install nvidia, it works but, always
when i try to apt-get autoremove it wants to remove the
"xinit" and "xorg". How to stop this
141[00:36:37] <cbzt> i could use debian testing but don't
want to give up the security team support i get in stable
142[00:36:45] <cbzt> thanks for the info
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145[00:38:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1589
146[00:38:01] <somiaj> cbzt: debian is not a distro that is
about having the most current DEs. I like it a lot, but I also
don't use a DE so that makes it easier for me to not want the
newer/fancy features.
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148[00:38:30] <MickyW> Forgot. There are rotate logs. Moment.
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153[00:40:08] <dhalgren> MickyW: y, just tried it, no effect on
the log
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160[00:41:56] <MickyW> dhalgren: The same. No entry regarding
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165[00:42:47] <dhalgren> so, to be expected
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167[00:42:55] <MickyW> dhalgren: But at least one regardin apt.
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169[00:43:03] <MickyW> Moment
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174[00:44:34] <dhalgren> sry, I'm gonna go afk and watch a
video , cya !
175[00:45:37] <MickyW> Update: apt:amd64 (,
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185[00:50:23] <awal1> Why Enter, +, - and . touches of the
numerical keyboard when, NumLock is off, works for some apps but not
for others (in X)? Example: they work for moc and guake but not for
cmus and mxrvt
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191[00:53:16] <cbzt> somiaj: it's not just about wanting a
current DE though. the KDE debian currently uses is EOL and lost
support by KDE long ago lol
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193[00:53:37] <cbzt> which wm do you use?
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195[00:53:56] <cra1g321> and yet it's more stable and less
buggy than newer KDE ;)
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197[00:54:10] <missmbob> the debian way (tm)
198[00:54:11] <cbzt> of course old software is more stable
199[00:54:20] <cbzt> but that doesn't mean we should stick
with windows xp
200[00:54:22] <somiaj> cbzt: that is how stable works. stable
will support the version that gets frozen with debian (despite what
upstream does)
201[00:54:25] <somiaj> cbzt: I use fvwm myself.
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203[00:54:33] <MickyW> somiaj: If you have one more minute: Did
I understand right? You consider it possible that either during
transtion to lts or alter some problem was introduces into code of
apt which may have caused my problem?
204[00:54:56] <MickyW> alter -> after
205[00:55:16] <somiaj> MickyW: could be, could also be something
more subtle. I personally don't have enough experience with the
actual cdrom sources to know what it could be.
206[00:55:21] <missmbob> sns just rubs me the wrong way. testing
currently has thunar with tab support. who really needs that?
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209[00:55:53] <somiaj> missmbob: window managers are supose to
handel the tabs!! But alas every program wants to do their own tabs
these days. (:
210[00:55:59] * awal1 thinks that somiaj may want to be involved in
fvwm deb pkg maintainer(s) team :P
211[00:56:00] <MickyW> somiaj: Do you possibly know where to
look for changes then?
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215[00:56:23] <somiaj> awal1: if I can find time. (:
216[00:56:29] <MickyW> I mean, may I see a log from the version
control system (I think they use one).
217[00:56:34] <awal1> somiaj , :)
218[00:56:48] <somiaj> MickyW: as I mentioned it might be worth
givnig a bug report. Though I would try with a single curret cd
image to ensure it isn't the images you are using first.
219[00:57:19] <MickyW> somiaj: OK. Thank you so far.
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223[00:57:35] <MickyW> Thanks to all, which have read and
answered me.
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256[01:12:35] <sohum> hi, I'm looking for advice on how to
debug an issue with my system
257[01:13:42] <somiaj> please give more details
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259[01:14:02] <sohum> every now and then*, it freezes for most
actions. usually things like typing in something on the cli is
responsive, but actually running the command freezes (for all
commands). similarly, switching between existing chrome tabs is
responsive, but opening a new tab freezes
260[01:14:47] <sohum> back when I used to keep my system on all
the time, this would happen regularly like clockwork at 7:35am. now
that I don't, it happens more erratically, about once a day,
most likely just after booting
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262[01:14:55] <sohum> this makes me suspect a cron/anacron job
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264[01:16:49] <somiaj> sohum: sounds like an io issue, maybe you
are filling up your memory and using swap (check top, cat
/proc/meminfo, etc). also check demsg to see if your disks are
spouting out i/o errors.
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266[01:17:44] <sohum> a small percentage of the few occasions
I've had top running before the freeze happens, I've
noticed btrfs related processes spiking the cpu. so I disabled the
cron.daily job for taking a system snapshot (as the only
cron.whatever thing I could find that could have something to do
with btrfs). this hasn't helped.
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268[01:18:34] <sohum> somiaj: dmesg reports no i/o errors, and I
don't have a swap
269[01:18:56] <somiaj> that could freeze your file system. But a
freeze where things in memory work fine but as soon as you request
data from your drive is an i/o issue, and it could be just something
is going on with the filesystem and it has deleyd actions and put
them in a que.
270[01:19:06] <somiaj> I dn't know btrfs well enough to say
much, but a snapshot or the likes could totally do that.
271[01:19:42] <somiaj> there is an iotop you can look at I
belive to see what is reading/writing to your drive at the time
272[01:19:46] <sohum> yeah, that was my thought as well, but
like I say, disabling that snapshot hasn't helped
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274[01:20:09] <sohum> I'll install iotop and see what
information I can get from it
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277[01:21:20] <sohum> do you have any other general advice for
how to debug this issue?
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282[01:23:32] <teraflops> sohum: behaves like run out of ram
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285[01:25:00] <sohum> I can totally believe that it's
running out of ram
286[01:25:00] <sohum> I have 16gb of ram, but chrome is hungry
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288[01:25:22] <cra1g321> i've 4GB here and all good
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291[01:25:54] <teraflops> sohum: just saying
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294[01:26:38] <teraflops> sohum: also swappiness 0 is a good
idea if you don't have swap
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296[01:27:11] <teraflops> not related but saner imo since you do
not have swap (btrfs)
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298[01:27:54] <teraflops> cra1g321: ssd o hdd? iotop looks like
a good idea
299[01:28:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1581
300[01:28:04] <teraflops> or*
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303[01:29:19] <cra1g321> i was just saying that, to make sohum
aware, that it is likely not lack of RAM, or that chrome eats ram,
i've got chrome, firefox, konversation, caja, mate-terminal,
all open, and running less than 2GB of RAM
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305[01:29:38] <sohum> my swappiness appears to be 1, which is
probably a mistake
306[01:29:55] <sohum> cra1g321: I have a very memory-hungry
usage pattern of chrome with many long-running tabs :)
307[01:30:33] <cra1g321> i think you need to find a way to check
whether its hardware or software that is to blame
308[01:31:23] <sohum> as in, I've seem the oom-killer in
action more than a few times; I know my system does run out of
memory sometimes
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311[01:32:04] <sohum> I'm happy to test the hypothesis that
that's doing ... something ... to disk i/o and triggering
freezes via swap
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315[01:34:29] <denken> sohum: yeah check /proc/meminfo and see
if you are using all your real ram or not
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317[01:34:49] <n-iCe> hello, bought a new laptop, using a ssd
and a sata hard drive, does debian has any issue with ssd's?
318[01:34:55] <denken> and check top (with some switches) to see
how much swap you are using and which processes are page faulting
the most
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320[01:35:26] <denken> n-iCe: not that ive ever heard of
(depending on your definition of 'issues')
321[01:35:38] <awal1> sometimes my I get 100% cpu usage and
system slows when using chromium+pepperflash in a few tabs, sohum
322[01:35:53] <MickyW> Got the solution to my problem. -
Multiarch problem.
323[01:35:54] <awal1> - my :P
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325[01:35:59] <n-iCe> denken: well, does it active trim noatime
by default, etc?
326[01:36:22] <MickyW> Juchu!
327[01:36:43] <denken> n-iCe: trim is filesystem dependent, last
time i checked, and i dont think the installer automatically enables
it (but you can always add it to /etc/fstab)
328[01:37:03] <denken> n-iCe: noatime is definitely an optional
optimization that have to enable by hand... but that has nothing to
do with ssd's
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330[01:37:14] <denken> well, its not ssd specific anyway
331[01:37:14] <n-iCe> ok
332[01:37:19] <n-iCe> is not?
333[01:37:30] <n-iCe> I keep reading ubuntu does it by default
to better ssd performace etc
334[01:37:43] <denken> that may be, but that doesnt mean its
only useful on ssd's
335[01:37:57] <n-iCe> ok
336[01:37:58] <denken> also, trim is 'discard' in
/etc/fstab, fyi
337[01:38:20] <denken> you may need to enable it in LVM as well,
if you're using it
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342[01:38:57] <teraflops> n-iCe: it depends on the sdd, so check
it out with hdparm
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344[01:39:08] <denken> teraflops: that too :)
345[01:39:26] <teraflops> e.g sudo hdparm -I /dev/sda | grep
346[01:39:48] <teraflops> Data Set Management TRIM supported
(limit 2 blocks)
347[01:39:56] <teraflops> here^
348[01:40:50] *** Joins: SCHAAP137 (~SCHAAP137@replaced-ip)
349[01:40:53] <denken> for ext filesystems, only ext4 supports
trim, fyi
350[01:40:57] <denken> im not sure about btrfs or others
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352[01:41:46] <domovoy> so, the only way i can get fsdev to work
correctly in mode passthrough when creating files (guest uid = host
uid) is to set qemu tu run as root AND set
"clear_emulator_capabilities = 0". I
353[01:42:10] <domovoy> tried every test from my script:
354[01:42:36] <denken> hmm apparently there is periodic trim and
continuous trim now
355[01:42:47] <denken> i need to refresh my knowledge, it seems.
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359[01:44:19] <domovoy> Is that the "normal" way?
Doesn't seem very secure. Any other way?
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371[01:53:57] <sohum> okay, thanks for all your help, everyone
372[01:54:11] <sohum> I've got a few changes I'm now
testing and I know to check iotop/etc now
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398[02:11:16] * hawken looks around
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401[02:12:09] <hawken> My asus eee 1000HE is getting old.. On
linux 3.16 (jessie kernel) it seems stable, however on linux > 4
(testing kernel for example), it seems to get hardware errors. I
think they are related to the pci bus
402[02:12:38] <hawken> I'm thinking that maybe there have
been regressions, or that more recent linux enabled some feature
which didn't work well with my pc
403[02:13:30] <hawken> I don't know.. But since I'm
using the debian kernel packages primarily I decided to come here,
and maybe get some help in case I should go to the kernel
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426[02:28:57] <ranix> you can report them in the debian tracker
if you like. If you're able to root cause or partially root
cause the issues it is more valuable to report them upstream so a
debian contributor doesn't need to triage
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428[02:29:36] <ranix> it is unsurprising your legacy hardware
doesn't currently work with a >4 kernel
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459[02:43:49] <Richard_Cavell> Is there anyone here using Debian
on a 68000 based computer?
460[02:44:06] <abrotman> m68k ?
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464[02:44:30] <Richard_Cavell> Yes
465[02:44:37] <abrotman> Richard_Cavell: #debian-m68k on
466[02:44:43] <abrotman> sorry, #debian-68k
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515[03:13:07] <allan_wind> netinst grub-install fails with Could
not prepare Boot variable: No such file or directory. Any ideas on
how to fix this?
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518[03:14:13] <awal1> allan_wind, Stable (Jessie) installer?
519[03:14:27] <somiaj> allan_wind: Are you using uefi? It sounds
like it from google, and it could be something wrong with your efi
partition setup (is there space on your efi partition)?
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523[03:16:07] <somiaj> allan_wind: Some things I see are the efi
partition is not mounted or efivars module is not loaded. I also saw
someone with a similar error when they didn't disable secure
boot (which you need to do with debian).
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526[03:17:00] <allan_wind> awal1: nightly testing as my hardware
will not boot stable or testing netinst
527[03:17:33] <allan_wind> somiaj: yes, to efi, and there is
528[03:17:41] <somiaj> allan_wind: secure boot is disabled?
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531[03:17:56] <allan_wind> somiaj: yes, otherwise you can't
even boot netinst
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533[03:18:25] <somiaj> allan_wind: hit alt-f2 and what is the
output of lsmod | grep efivars and/or ls /target/boot/efi (I think
that is where it should be mounted)
534[03:18:36] <allan_wind> somiaj: yes, efivars is loaded
535[03:18:44] <allan_wind> and /target/boot/efi mounted
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537[03:20:22] <allan_wind> any other ideas? It seems efibootmgr
is interesting, how do i get a sufficiently working chroot to run
538[03:20:23] <somiaj> allan_wind: well those are the hits I got
as possible things that could cause that error. You may have to
chroot /target and see if you can manually get grub to install.
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540[03:20:57] <allan_wind> chroot /target, yeah, need any of the
mounts (sys, proc etc)?
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542[03:21:03] <somiaj> allan_wind: I don't know enough to
know how to manually use efibootmgr to install grub64.efi in the efi
543[03:21:14] <somiaj> allan_wind: if you are in the installer
that should allready be done, you can check though.
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545[03:22:32] <allan_wind> chroot /target
546[03:22:32] <allan_wind> bin/efibootngr --verbose gives me No
BootOrder is set; firmware will attempt recovery
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548[03:23:35] <somiaj> allan_wind: I don't know what that
is saying. I would have rung grub-install as that should try to
isntall grub on the efi partition and may give more output than the
installer did)
549[03:23:49] <somiaj> allan_wind: was this efi partition
already created or did you create it with the installer?
550[03:24:08] <hawken> ranix: Thanks for your reply.. I was
thinking that it would go unanswered but didn't :) The problem
with this issue is that it looks exactly like a hardware fault.
It's not easy to narrow down, but it seems like the errors
happen with sound card, graphics card, other things connected over
pci. So that's my best guess
551[03:24:29] <allan_wind> somiaj: netinst created
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553[03:25:00] <allan_wind> somiaj: if I run chroot /target,
grub-update complains about missing /proc stuff which is not mounted
in the chroot
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557[03:25:22] <somiaj> allan_wind: then exit the chroot and
mount --bind /proc /target/proc (and /dev and /sys if needed)
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561[03:25:57] <somiaj> allan_wind: maybe the installer failed to
mount /sys (which is where efivars is mounted) causing trouble
talking to efi.
562[03:26:06] <somiaj> allan_wind: mount it inside the chroot I
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564[03:26:18] <allan_wind> somiaj: yeah, googled some mounts
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568[03:26:49] <allan_wind> last time I ran grub-install I ran it
without chroot and there was an option to say where it was living...
let me see if I can fin dit
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572[03:27:30] <somiaj> allan_wind: I would just run it from
inside the chroot once you mount --bind those directoires
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574[03:28:01] <somiaj> but I could see not having /target/sys
mounted making things not able to read the efi firmware causing the
error you saw
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583[03:30:57] <allan_wind> somiaj: so mount --bind and ran
grub-update, and it didn't complain. efibootmgr --verbose still
says No BootOrder found ...
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585[03:31:21] <somiaj> allan_wind: that is because you want
586[03:31:37] <somiaj> allan_wind: grub-update just updates the
grub config, doesn't actually install grub in the efi
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588[03:32:21] <allan_wind> somiaj: what does?
589[03:32:35] <somiaj> allan_wind: grub-install
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593[03:33:18] <allan_wind> somiaj: hmm... confused
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595[03:33:31] <somiaj> allan_wind: run the command
'grub-install', you told me you ran the command
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601[03:36:28] <allan_wind> somiaj: oh, sorry, typo, ran
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604[03:37:24] <somiaj> allan_wind: ls /boot/efi/EFI/debian (or
something liek that) is grub64.efi there?
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607[03:38:19] <allan_wind> somiaj: grubx64.efi
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609[03:39:11] <somiaj> allan_wind: looks like grub is installed
in the efi partition and since it didnt' give you any errors I
assume it updated the efi firmware (if not you can usually manually
point the efi firmware at that file)
610[03:39:27] <allan_wind> how?
611[03:39:41] <somiaj> depends on the actual firmware, you can
get this to your config options at boot.
612[03:40:00] <somiaj> anyways, it looks like grub is installed,
so you should be able to finish the install and reboot. Hope it
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616[03:40:53] <allan_wind> I am worried about the efibootmgr not
giving me any output which I think is how to tell the bios what you
want to boot
617[03:40:56] <somiaj> allan_wind: though I'm unsure why
efibootmgr dosen't show anything. I see the boot order.
618[03:41:33] <allan_wind> could you give example output for a
debian install?
619[03:41:36] <allan_wind> maybe I can just create it
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621[03:42:06] <somiaj> you can read the manpage for efibootmgr
to create it yourself. I'm unsure at this point. My experience
was grub-install handeled that for me.
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625[03:43:58] <somiaj> allan_wind: according to the manpage
'efibootmgr -c -l debian/grub64.efi' should be sufficent.
626[03:44:16] <allan_wind> cool, man page looked scary ;-)
627[03:45:20] *** Quits: troffasky (~r00t@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
628[03:45:39] <allan_wind> somiaj: that gave me the same error
that I got in the installer; Could not prepare Boot variable. No
such file or directory
629[03:46:23] <somiaj> allan_wind: on my system I see three
files in /boot/efi/EFI/debian, grubx64.efi initrd.img and vmlinuz
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631[03:46:42] <somiaj> allan_wind: also seems I didn't list
the name correct, it should be grub64x.efi, maybe that will fix it.
632[03:47:04] <allan_wind> yeah, I already used the right file,
don't have other files in my dir
633[03:47:11] <somiaj> allan_wind: also what partition is your
efi partition. it is /dev/sda1 here.
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636[03:47:36] <allan_wind> same
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638[03:49:17] <allan_wind> strace tells me it is looking for
639[03:49:25] <allan_wind> my etivars directory is empty
640[03:49:53] <somiaj> allan_wind: mount | grep efi, is the
efivars parititon mounted?
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645[03:50:15] <k_sze[work]> My colleague did something really
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650[03:50:32] <k_sze[work]> He shutdown a NFS storage server
while it's still mounted by another server via autofs
651[03:50:39] <allan_wind> somiaj: no, what should it be?
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654[03:51:03] <somiaj> allan_wind: efivarfs on
/sys/firmware/efi/efivars type efivarfs, that might be what is
missing. Exit the chroot and mount the efivars partition. One second
655[03:51:12] <k_sze[work]> I booted up the NFS storage server
again, but the other still server is still stuck when trying to
access that NFS volume.
656[03:51:20] <k_sze[work]> How can I "un-stick" it?
657[03:51:36] <somiaj> allan_wind: mount -t efivars efivars
658[03:51:39] <k_sze[work]> umount -lf and umount -f don't
seem to help.
659[03:52:24] <allan_wind> k_sze[work]: what about seeing if
anyone have files open to the mount point that went away?
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661[03:52:58] <allan_wind> k_sze[work]: there is a timeout, I
think, two diff ways to mount if I recall
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664[03:54:27] <allan_wind> somiaj: mount fails. no such device
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666[03:56:26] <k_sze[work]> allan_wind: There are probably open
file handles, but I can't tell now with `lsof +D`, because that
get's stuck, too.
667[03:56:32] <k_sze[work]> oh wait
668[03:56:33] <k_sze[work]> it's not
669[03:56:48] <k_sze[work]> ok, it's finally unstucked.
670[03:56:51] <somiaj> allan_wind: and the efivars module is
671[03:57:00] <allan_wind> somiaj: yes
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673[03:57:42] <somiaj> allan_wind: not sure what the issue is,
but you did track it down. Unsure why you can't mount the
efivars. Though it looks like it is mostly setup, you can point to
grubx64.efi from your firmware I belive (on mine I can)
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678[04:00:25] <allan_wind> somiaj: nothing shows up in the bios
if that is what you mean with firmware
679[04:00:42] <allan_wind> I see -t efivarfs none as mount
680[04:00:48] <allan_wind> doesn't work either though
681[04:01:16] <somiaj> allan_wind: on my firmware when I load
it, I can go through its menus and actually browse the efi partition
and choose an .efi file.
682[04:01:50] <allan_wind> somiaj: oh... I didn't see what.
What box do you have?
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686[04:03:20] <somiaj> allan_wind: some asus
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688[04:04:01] <somiaj> allan_wind: anyways something is not
working with efi and the setup you have. Unsure why you cannot mount
the efivars partition. check dmesg after y ou run that mount ocmmand
to look for errors
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hell. all is stress everytime I am on IRC, how is that even
possible, ugh.)
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697[04:07:38] <allan_wind> somiaj: thx for all your help
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732[04:29:34] <solrize> does anything bad happen if i delete the
.debs in /var/cache/apt/archive ?
733[04:29:40] <solrize> they are eating a lot of disk
734[04:29:44] <somiaj> solrize: apt-get clean
735[04:29:49] <solrize> oh thanks
736[04:29:54] <solrize> didn't know about that
737[04:29:56] <somiaj> solrize: you just won't have a
backup and will have to download them again if needed
738[04:30:02] <solrize> sok
739[04:30:05] *** Quits: lenovo_lover (~lenovo_lo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
740[04:30:10] <somiaj> solrize: there is alos apt-get autoclean
if you are on testing/unstable and want to keep the most recent
741[04:30:11] <allan_wind> solrize: apt-get clean
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743[04:30:37] <solrize> i'm on wheezy but will upgrade at
some point
744[04:31:02] <solrize> dist-upgrade seems to lock up my machine
so i'll have to move off the user files and reinstall
745[04:31:28] <somiaj> !tell solrize about wheezy->jessie
746[04:31:36] <missmbob> why are you using dist-upgrade on
olstable if you dont mean to dist-upgrade in the first place?
747[04:31:39] <allan_wind> solrize: why does it lock up your
machine? that's not normal
748[04:31:41] <missmbob> oldstable*
749[04:31:58] *** Quits: flugger (~flugger@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
750[04:32:02] <solrize> i never really understood or tried to
diagnose it
751[04:32:26] *** Quits: subzero79 (~subzero79@replaced-ip) (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds))
752[04:32:33] <solrize> it's happened several times....
it's been on small vps so not that big a problem to reinstall.
but i couldn't log in, so had to exfiltrate the files by scp
from another machine
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755[04:33:09] <solrize> i have a much bigger server also on 7 so
i'm afraid to distupgrade and migrating the files will be
something of a hassle because there's around 2.5TB
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760[04:33:42] <solrize> if anyone has any ideas i'm
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762[04:34:16] <missmbob> solrize: not without you showing us
what happened
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764[04:34:50] <solrize> ok ;). i'll try it again and log
everything. (small vps so if it messes up i'll be able to
765[04:34:51] <solrize> thanks
766[04:35:02] <allan_wind> solrize: one idea to troubleshoot is
to (sys)log to another system
767[04:35:14] <solrize> hmm how do i do that?
768[04:35:38] <solrize> well i'll look at the syslog docs
769[04:35:40] <allan_wind> solrize: if you have another machine,
it's fairly easy to setup but details depend on the actual
syslog you use (rsyslog, syslog-ng, etc)
770[04:35:43] <missmbob> that's so far removed from where
you should start to diagnose a dist-upgrade problem...
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772[04:36:04] <allan_wind> missmbob: if it freezes and he has no
info at least he will have some data
773[04:36:12] <missmbob> allan_wind: you don't know that
774[04:36:19] <solrize> well when it freezes i just can't
ssh in, i can still scp
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778[04:36:43] <allan_wind> missmbob: know what?
779[04:37:01] <missmbob> allan_wind: obviously it's still
up and functioning if he can scp. so your premise is false
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Xbox today!)
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782[04:37:48] <jmcnaught> solrize: are you talking about apt-get
freezing while it calculates the upgrade (before it prompts you to
continue)? or while the packages are being upgraded?
783[04:37:55] <allan_wind> missmbob: that there is no debug
data? oh... yeah, I guess you can just scp /var/log on the machine
when he can't get in to see what is going on. My guess, out of
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785[04:38:11] <missmbob> allan_wind: he just hasnt given us
enough data yet
786[04:38:17] <allan_wind> missmbob: ok
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791[04:39:24] *** Sublim3 is now known as umbSublime^
792[04:39:26] <solrize> during upgrade i think. it's been a
couple months since i did it last
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794[04:39:43] <solrize> i mean the upgrade has already run a
fair amount or even completed
795[04:39:53] <solrize> but the system is then messed up
796[04:40:23] *** Quits: patterson (~patterson@replaced-ip##) (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (##replaced-url
797[04:40:25] <solrize> i'll do it again and have a more
precise description if there's a similar failure
798[04:40:28] *** umbSublime^ is now known as YEAH
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801[04:40:38] <jmcnaught> solrize: do you follow the upgrade
instructions in the release notes? also some types of
"VPS" are really just containers and might not run a
kernel recent enough for jessie
802[04:41:00] <solrize> it's openvz and i've installed
jessie from scratch
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805[04:43:49] <solrize> ok here goes. update in progress
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809[04:44:15] <solrize> dist-upgrade
810[04:44:16] <missmbob> solrize: i would've liked to see
sources.list and the upgrade command (with what it'd do) first
811[04:44:30] <missmbob> solrize: you made a snapshot?
812[04:44:40] <solrize> of sources.list?
813[04:44:53] <missmbob> no. the vps
814[04:44:59] <solrize> nah
815[04:45:06] <solrize> nothing real important on it
816[04:45:07] <missmbob> awesome
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819[04:45:47] <missmbob> wanna pastebin anything or not really?
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822[04:46:41] <solrize> it just finished downloading packages
(200MB) and is popping dialogues, which i guess is usual. i'll
see if anything surprising happens
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824[04:46:56] <missmbob> so no. so we can't help. great.
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826[04:47:16] <missmbob> time for a smoke then
827[04:47:18] *** Quits: shyam-id-au (caaba4bb@replaced-ip) (Quit: Page closed)
828[04:47:29] <solrize> it's asking whether to restart
services after upgrading them, one by one.... i think last time i
said "don't restart them" figuring i'd just
reboot at the end
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830[04:47:32] <solrize> was that an error?
831[04:47:56] <solrize> oh i see, it was going to prompt for
everything otherwise
832[04:47:59] <solrize> so i told it to upgrade
833[04:48:03] <solrize> i mean restart
834[04:48:04] <jmcnaught> solrize: did you start this in a
screen or tmux session?
835[04:48:14] <solrize> no maybe i should have done that
836[04:48:27] <solrize> so far it's just doing normal
upgrade stuff
837[04:48:48] <jmcnaught> solrize: best practice is to follow
the instructions in the release notes, which recommends running in a
screen session among other things
838[04:48:58] <solrize> hmm ok good idea
839[04:49:34] <solrize> i remember when i did a normal upgrade
it listed several packages held back
840[04:49:37] <solrize> a while ago
841[04:50:01] <missmbob> which is why i asked for sources.list
and what it would do. everything.
842[04:50:18] *** Quits: x_ (~x@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
843[04:50:19] <jmcnaught> solrize: that kind of thing happens,
can't really tell you more than that without the details
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845[04:50:53] <solrize> deb
846[04:50:53] <solrize> deb
847[04:50:53] <solrize> deb
848[04:50:54] *** Joins: NoCode_ (~NoCode@replaced-ip)
849[04:50:56] <solrize> that's sources.list
850[04:50:57] *** Quits: bluenemo (~bluenemo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
851[04:51:00] <solrize> after changing wheezy to jessie
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860[04:56:02] <solrize> hmm ok, distupgrade finished. my ssh
session still works fine, but when i try to open a new one it says
861[04:56:03] <solrize> PTY allocation request failed on channel
862[04:56:16] *** Quits: BenNZ (~Ben__@replaced-ip) (Quit: Everytime I think IQ's must have dropped recently, I
remember that this is the internet)
863[04:56:20] <solrize> that's what happened before iirc
864[04:56:30] <missmbob> solrize: can you ssh into a new
865[04:56:35] <solrize> so i couldn't log in, but could scp
stuff off
866[04:56:40] <solrize> no i get that error
867[04:56:44] <solrize> i still have an active session
868[04:57:11] <missmbob> solrize: are you using something on top
of ssh such as mosh?
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870[04:57:39] *** Joins: enthdegree (~cdchapm2@replaced-ip)
871[04:57:41] <solrize> durng upgrade it asked whether to
replace /etc/init/networking.conf from defaults, and there were some
diffs... i figured the existing setup i had was from openvz so i
said keep it.... no just plain ssh
872[04:57:42] <enthdegree> hi all
873[04:57:47] <enthdegree> i have a really bad issue
874[04:57:50] <solrize> hi enthdegree
875[04:58:15] <enthdegree> all instances of gnome-terminal crash
when i run ps ax
876[04:58:22] <enthdegree> or when i go fullscreen, or resize
the text too large
877[04:58:33] *** Quits: chachasmooth (~chachasmo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
878[04:58:38] <missmbob> enthdegree: stretch?
879[04:58:49] *** Quits: aaro (~aaro@replaced-ip) (Quit: Quit)
880[04:59:09] <enthdegree> actually, any command that displays
more than one page of data crashes all instances of g-t
881[04:59:18] <solrize> yow
882[04:59:33] *** Joins: chachasmooth (~chachasmo@replaced-ip)
883[04:59:36] <enthdegree> i installed debian because i thought
it was stable
884[04:59:44] <enthdegree> wtf are these problems, i havent
changed any default settings
885[05:01:28] <missmbob> so not going to answer?
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891[05:05:14] <solrize> i've never seen anything like that
892[05:05:59] *** Parts: Thasan (~thasan@replaced-ip)
893[05:06:05] <solrize> hmm i typed "gnome-terminal
crash" into duckduckgo and got a number of hits that might be
894[05:07:15] <missmbob> solrize: it's a stretch/testing
thing. i was going to answer him but he decided not to listen
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896[05:07:44] <solrize> oh
897[05:07:56] <solrize> hmm
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913[05:16:24] <solrize> welp i gotta run a few errands...
bbl.... thanks for the help so far
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916[05:17:38] <evilgry> how do i switch from systemd init to
upstart in debian jessie? i installed 'upstart' and
rebooted, the system is unreachable (its a vps) and sshd isn't
started. same with upstart-sysv
917[05:17:51] <evilgry> is just installing them enough? or i
have to alter another setting?
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921[05:21:43] <BishamonX> Hey, guys. Back again with another
noobish question :P. How can I ask the SMPlayer maintainer on Debian
to attempt pushing for a newer version on Stretch before the freeze?
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926[05:26:40] <random_numbers> Is there a way to move stable to
newer kernel versions without then needed to constantly recompile
and install the kernel manually?
927[05:26:53] <random_numbers> s/then needed/then needing/
928[05:28:33] *** Quits: theviajerock (~victor@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving.)
929[05:28:37] <jmcnaught> dpkg: tell random_numbers about
930[05:28:47] <jmcnaught> dpkg: tell random_numbers about bdo
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933[05:30:08] <random_numbers> backports does kernel tracking?
Oh that's neat.
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936[05:30:50] <jmcnaught> random_numbers: newer kernels get
added to backports, but they aren't as well tested or security
supported as the stock jessie kernel
937[05:31:17] <random_numbers> Are security-supported at all?
938[05:31:57] <random_numbers> Are they*
939[05:32:16] <jmcnaught> in practice backports kernels get
updated pretty frequently, but backports are not covered by the
Debian security team
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not important at all])
943[05:33:16] <mrtrump> why dont they just us up to date package
944[05:33:20] <mrtrump> and forget backporting
945[05:33:48] <jmcnaught> evilgry: did you look at
946[05:34:36] <jmcnaught> mrtrump: Debian stable is primarily
for people who don't want their system to change all the time.
947[05:34:46] <mrtrump> hmm
948[05:34:58] <mrtrump> fair enuf
949[05:35:37] <jmcnaught> like sysadmins who don't want to
have to fix stuff that gets broken by new features.. or desktop
users who have more important work to do than dealing with config
changes for new versions of stuff
950[05:35:39] <random_numbers> I was maybe thinking of upgrading
it because I remember a livecd of a newer distro supporting my
bluetooth card fine, whereas jessie says a patch failed, everytime I
951[05:35:43] <mrtrump> what is the opinion of best file system
and io sched combo for a 4 real disk raid 10 on a server? the app is
a heavy read write perl datacruncher with 1-4 threads
952[05:35:52] <random_numbers> It's an ath3k or some such.
953[05:35:53] <mrtrump> raid controller
954[05:36:34] <jmcnaught> random_numbers: do you just need a
firmware? "dmesg | grep firmware"
955[05:37:02] <random_numbers> firmware: failed to load
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958[05:37:22] <mrtrump> oh can I get reiserfs on debian? I think
I had trouble on 8.6...
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961[05:40:15] <jmcnaught> random_numbers: you need to install
the package firmware-atheros from non-free
962[05:40:25] <jmcnaught> random_numbers:
963[05:40:54] <random_numbers> Ah, there's no free drivers
for it anywhere?
964[05:41:12] <jmcnaught> mrtrump: my general policy is to go
with defaults unless i have a good reason, so i'd probably just
use ext4
965[05:41:18] *** Quits: remanos (~remanos__@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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967[05:41:20] <jmcnaught> random_numbers: the drivers are free,
the firmware is not
968[05:41:28] <somiaj> random_numbers: the driver is open, so
the code in the kernel is open, but it requires non-free frimware
from the manufacture to run.
969[05:42:04] <random_numbers> Wait. The kernel is attempting to
reflash the chip each time it loads?
970[05:42:15] <somiaj> mrtrump: I also thought reiserfs
isn't used/developed/supported that much these days. Many seem
to be using btrfs, though ext4 unless you need those extra features.
971[05:42:38] <somiaj> random_numbers: no, the driver reads
firmware from a file. This way if the manfacture needs to update the
firmware, you don't need to flash the chip, just update the
972[05:43:22] <random_numbers> I see. Makes me wonder how the
chip is made to use that instead of what's in its memory.
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975[05:47:37] <jelly> random_numbers: typically there is no
persistent memory to keep the whole fw in the "chip" _at
all_, just a small bit to enable loading it from outside on each
976[05:48:17] *** Quits: BishamonX (~sam@replaced-ip) (Quit: BishamonX)
977[05:48:57] <random_numbers> Oh, so it'd really just
contain an identifier and regardless of the os, the firmware would
always be external and just loaded from distributed firmware images?
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980[05:51:08] <jelly> those images usually come with
vendor's driver. Linux is kind of special because linux users
sometimes care which parts are free software and which are not
981[05:51:54] <jelly> but yes, that's the gist
982[05:52:13] <random_numbers> Alright, thanks.
983[05:52:35] *** Quits: timahvo1 (~rogue@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
984[05:53:15] <random_numbers> Hm, how do the restrictions on
what it can and can't touch on the system administrated? Should
I be concerned it's a blob?
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991[05:55:02] <kill9> I currently have RHEL installed, if I
download a Debian install cd, does the installer have the capability
to partition the drive to dualboot? It currently has grub2. Will it
install over it, recognize both and make it easier for me?
992[05:56:03] <somiaj> kill9: the installer in expermode can do
all of that. You can either choose to install grub from debian, or
skip that set and let rhel manage grub.
993[05:56:19] <somiaj> kill9: though you may have to muck around
with rhel when you reboot the installer into the os.
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995[05:57:13] <somiaj> kill9: also if you already have the
partions (or even filesystems) created to install debian on, you can
skip those steps. You just need to decide which os you want to
control grub if you want just a signle boot loader.
996[05:57:16] <kill9> if I install grub during the debian
install, will it recognize both RHEL and Debian?
997[05:57:47] <somiaj> kill9: you may have to additionally
install the package os-prober after the isntall is complete. But I
belive the installer may do this (I am not sure)
998[05:58:05] *** Quits: lenovo_lover (~lenovo_lo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
999[05:58:27] <kill9> Sweet thank you. Ill look more
1000[05:58:58] <somiaj> kill9: just use the expert install mode
if you want to ensure you have more advanted features available.
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1006[06:02:11] <mrtrump> I want reiser3
1007[06:02:16] <mrtrump> no?
1008[06:02:25] <mrtrump> reiserfstools was the thingy
1009[06:02:42] <mrtrump> best perf for lots of files
1010[06:02:44] <mrtrump> :)
1011[06:03:13] *** Joins: lzpl (~lux@replaced-ip)
1012[06:03:28] <Rusty1_> !reiser
1013[06:03:28] <dpkg> ReiserFS version 3 (aka Reiser3) is a
journaling filesystem with pretty good performance and some
interesting features. It is wonderful and everyone loves it, until
the axe falls and they lose data due to a crash. As such, it has a
lot of ex-fans who are now sadder but wiser. Ask me about
<ext3>, <jfs> and <xfs> for safer filesystems. See
also <reiserfs d-i>, <ext3 vs reiserfs>,
<rfstool>, <reiser4>.
1014[06:03:56] <random_numbers> Well anyway, thanks for the
1015[06:03:57] *** Parts: random_numbers (~u28357398@replaced-ip)
1016[06:04:17] <kill9> somiaj: yea i will
1017[06:05:23] <mrtrump> I never had a crash
1018[06:05:27] <mrtrump> with reiser
1019[06:05:51] <mrtrump> hmm
1020[06:06:04] <mrtrump> then again I never had any linux
filesystem crash on me
1021[06:06:08] <mrtrump> hmmmm
1022[06:06:31] <mrtrump> xfs I worked at a place that it blew up
under mysql nuking the whole enchilada
1023[06:06:34] <kill9> they were fairly common with ext2
1024[06:06:36] <mrtrump> jfs dunno
1025[06:07:14] <stoned> I use only xfs and zfs
1026[06:07:21] <jelly> xfs got better and has a working fsck.
reiser never did gain that
1027[06:07:24] <stoned> If there was a yfs, I'd use that too
1028[06:07:35] <stoned> xyz!
1029[06:08:02] <mrtrump> sue everybody!
1030[06:08:28] <stoned> huh
1031[06:08:44] <pingfloyd> reiserfs is murder to data
1032[06:09:00] <cast> used reiser3 for years without isssue,
curiously used jfs2 for weeks and lost data twice
1033[06:09:09] <jelly> mrtrump: you will find this channel works
better with specific inquiries, not polls
1034[06:09:25] <stoned> pingfloyd: only to data?
1035[06:09:29] <mrtrump> very good my good man, I shall proceed
in such a noble vein
1036[06:09:34] <pingfloyd> I bet Hans is a great wife to someone
1037[06:09:36] <stoned> Zing!
1038[06:09:39] <jelly> you want polls, ask in ##linux
1039[06:09:42] <mrtrump> free hans
1040[06:09:46] <stoned> Shhh.
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1043[06:10:01] <mrtrump> disbar all lawyers who steal mens money
to give to wives in divorce, forcing men to go nutbar
1044[06:10:09] <stoned> Knock it off.
1045[06:10:17] <mrtrump> end mararige then look at tax returns
for each person and divide money that way
1046[06:10:18] <mrtrump> done
1047[06:10:20] <jelly> *cough* or #debian-offtopic *cough*
1048[06:10:20] <mrtrump> :)
1049[06:10:30] <mrtrump> linux booted me
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1052[06:10:42] <stoned> Don't be a tool, then.
1053[06:10:48] <mrtrump> im trying
1054[06:11:02] <jelly> and you're not far from being booted
from here as well, so keep it to tech support or stay quiet
1055[06:11:23] <evilgry> or come back to the channel which is
smaller but does not kick you out
1056[06:11:58] *** Parts: jelly (jelly@replaced-ip)
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1059[06:12:07] <mrtrump> you
1060[06:12:07] <pingfloyd> mrtrump: I don't think
you'll have to worry about marriage
1061[06:12:19] <mrtrump> dang right
1062[06:12:24] <mrtrump> I refused two 10s
1063[06:12:29] <mrtrump> one a doc :)
1064[06:12:34] <pingfloyd> first you have to find a woman that
likes you
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1067[06:12:39] <mrtrump> had many
1068[06:12:41] <mrtrump> always do
1069[06:12:46] <jelly> mrtrump, pingfloyd: really.
#debian-offtopic, not here
1070[06:12:51] <mrtrump> had two 7 year relationships with
gorgeous women
1071[06:12:53] <mrtrump> tall
1072[06:12:54] <mrtrump> busty
1073[06:13:00] <stoned> I like stable for the stability
1074[06:13:01] <mrtrump> im 6-6 blue eyes white guy with dark
1075[06:13:09] <mrtrump> women adore me n fall at my feeet
1076[06:13:11] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o jelly
1077[06:13:11] *** jelly sets mode: +q
1078[06:13:12] <stoned> I think my recent crashes are due to very
old hardware
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1081[06:13:46] <pingfloyd> stoned: I'm kind of surprised,
because I've found that debian stable is more friendly to older
hardware than most dists
1082[06:13:50] *** Quits: CurryWurst (~CurryWurs@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1083[06:13:54] <stoned> I need a triple head gpu. Having to use
multiple gpu is proving to be a hassle.
1084[06:14:03] <stoned> Well, sure. It is.
1085[06:14:05] <stoned> *nod*
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1087[06:14:23] *** Joins: n-iCe (~nice@replaced-ip)
1088[06:14:24] <stoned> I am having to use nvidia gtx 275 +
8400GS to drive a bunch of monitors.
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1090[06:14:31] <stoned> I boke up my 6 mon setup
1091[06:14:34] <stoned> broke*
1092[06:14:38] <stoned> multple rooms
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1094[06:14:52] *** HoloIRCUser is now known as hondafromrhonda1
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1096[06:15:16] <stoned> OS: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64/x86_64-Distro:
Debian 8.6-CPU: 4 x Intel Core2 Quad (3775.315 MHz)-Processes:
635-Uptime: 1d 14h 10m-Users: 2-Load Average: 0.04-Memory Usage:
2858.44MB/8002.49MB (-79.96%)-Disk Usage: 3392.20GB/3734.40GB
1097[06:15:25] *** Quits: hondafromrhonda1 (~holoirc@replaced-ip) (Quit: hondafromrhonda1)
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1099[06:15:27] <stoned> Q9550, DDR2, etc. etc.
1100[06:15:54] <stoned> I think it has to do with my gfx card
(the old 8400GS), or could be the gtx 275 too. *shrug*
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1103[06:18:15] *** Parts: n-iCe (~nice@replaced-ip)
1104[06:18:18] <jelly> mrtrump: 10 minutes cool down, do try to
keep it to debian support questions in here, not ramblings about
your beautiful blue eyes
1105[06:19:32] *** Quits: Se-bash (~seba@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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1107[06:19:58] <pingfloyd> the one issue I can't put my
finger on is why sometimes flash causes firefox to freeze up
completely when running firefox through firejail.
1108[06:20:15] *** Quits: murfjr (~douseiais@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
1109[06:20:18] <stoned> When I set ZFS_MOUNT to yes and reboot
the system, pool is not mounted and even it's lost from pools
list (look at my 1st post), so I need to import it again.
1110[06:20:24] *** Joins: murfjr (~douseiais@replaced-ip)
1111[06:20:40] <stoned> zpool/media on /home/stoned/media type
zfs (rw,relatime,xattr,noacl)
1112[06:20:52] <stoned> must manually do zfs mount zpool/media
1113[06:20:59] <stoned> Starting to make me not stoned. Ugh.
1114[06:21:22] <stoned> Stupid zfs on linux!
1115[06:21:24] * stoned shakes a fist
1116[06:21:47] <somiaj> pingfloyd: are you using the old adobe
flash or pepperflash?
1117[06:22:16] <pingfloyd> somiaj: I'm using the one from
1118[06:22:35] <somiaj> pingfloyd: that is the old one, it could
jsut be old enough it is having trouble. There is a wrapper for
1119[06:22:42] <pingfloyd> freshplayer has even more issue for me
1120[06:22:58] <pingfloyd> like I could never get hardware
decoding working with the pepperflash wrapper unfortunately
1121[06:23:09] <stoned> I also asked #zfsonlinux but let's
see. *Jeopardy music*
1122[06:23:15] <somiaj> pingfloyd: I use chromium so I
haven't tried it.
1123[06:23:16] <pingfloyd> wish I could
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1125[06:23:36] <stoned> somiaj: how do you get netpoop to work in
1126[06:23:36] <pingfloyd> chromium, with either, will only get
hardware rendering, but never hardware encoding for me
1127[06:23:40] <somiaj> pingfloyd: just a thought. Unsure what
the problem could be. Do you get the crashes if you don't use
the jail.
1128[06:23:54] <somiaj> stoned: I don't use it.
1129[06:23:56] <pingfloyd> somiaj: yeah, I think that's
1130[06:23:57] <stoned> I am using chrome becauase of that silly
Widewine p lugin crap.
1131[06:23:59] <stoned> ahh.
1132[06:24:10] <stoned> I like netpoop movies. It's cheap.
1133[06:24:16] <pingfloyd> somiaj: because without firejail,
flash itself will sometimes crash, but then it can just be reloaded
and doesn't affect firefox at all
1134[06:24:27] *** Joins: bolovanos (~bolovanos@replaced-ip)
1135[06:24:28] <somiaj> oh netflix and wildvine. I watch netflix
on a ruku, so rarely load up chrome to do it on my desktop.
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1137[06:24:43] <stoned> aha, yeah. I call it netpoop
1138[06:24:44] <pingfloyd> that is, it just shows the button for
"reload" for flash in firefox, without using firejail.
1139[06:24:58] *** Quits: alex1a (~alex1a@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
1140[06:25:19] <pingfloyd> flash is buggy crap, but I can't
get hardware decoding and hardware rendering to work right with
html5 :(
1141[06:25:42] <stoned> If it wasn't for netflix, I
wouldn't even use a gui browser. elinks is just fine for me.
1142[06:25:50] <pingfloyd> the ultimate would be getting hardware
rendering and decoding working in html5
1143[06:25:53] <stoned> I get my youtube stuff with smtube
1144[06:25:58] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o eir
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*!* eir
1146[06:26:01] <stoned> and browser can remain flash and crap
1147[06:26:01] <noob> Can anyone help me with an apt-get error?
1148[06:26:05] <stoned> noob: ask
1149[06:26:19] <noob> After apt-get completes it throws
"dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: files list file for
package 'libxi6:amd64' is missing final newline E:
Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)"
1150[06:26:25] *** Joins: eshlox (uid44222@replaced-ip)
1151[06:26:36] <jelly> !basic apt troubleshooting
1152[06:26:36] <dpkg> In order to troubleshoot your problem with
apt-get, apt or aptitude we need ALL OF THE FOLLOWING information:
1. complete output of your apt-get/apt/aptitude run (including the
command used) 2. output from "apt-cache policy pkg1
pkg2..." for ALL packages mentioned ANYWHERE in the problem,
and 3. "apt-cache policy". Use
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1160[06:30:27] <mrtrump> whats the biggest postgresql you have
seen on deb?
1161[06:30:35] <noob>
1162[06:30:37] <noob> good?
1163[06:31:12] <jelly> noob: also the full output of that
"apt-get install tor" thing you did
1164[06:31:36] *** Quits: Rusty1_ (~kanotix@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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1167[06:32:02] <jelly> noob: but anyway, you seem to be on kali
not Debian. Ask in their channel how to proceed, maybe reinstalling
libxi6, maybe something else
1168[06:32:08] <jelly> !kali
1169[06:32:08] <dpkg> Kali Linux (replaced-url
1170[06:32:15] *** Quits: Se-bash (~seba@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
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1175[06:39:07] <mrtrump> if firefox says sqlite is not linked....
1176[06:39:10] <mrtrump> correctly
1177[06:39:18] <mrtrump> jeesh I dont wana recompile firefox
1178[06:39:56] <jmcnaught> mrtrump: you really shouldn't
need to recompile firefox
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1180[06:40:26] <gry> someone is just pulling your leg
1181[06:40:37] <gry> they're not really using sql or firefox
1182[06:41:06] <mrtrump> people are out to get me
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1194[06:48:42] <ranix> it's because of your racist frog meme
1195[06:48:42] *** Joins: cybiko123 (~cybiko123@replaced-ip)
1196[06:48:58] <mrtrump> what frog ?
1197[06:49:06] <mrtrump> and how is a frog racist?
1198[06:49:08] <ranix> sorry, joking about your name
1199[06:49:19] <mrtrump> I heard something about frog
1200[06:49:25] <mrtrump> pepe the frog or something
1201[06:49:29] <mrtrump> why is it racist?
1202[06:49:53] <ranix> it's very funny, we can discuss in
the offtopic channel or just search for american news articles about
pepe the frog
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1207[06:53:09] <ranix> I have a question for the channel
actually. Recently I had a mysql server that had a poor
configuration and was writing too many small writes to my disk. When
the database became very large / busy, mysql started consuming 100%
of the disk with these little writes. When I enabled caching so it
did fewer large writes that resolved the issue.
1208[06:53:24] <ranix> the problem is, the only way I knew it was
mysql was because it happened to be one of the big things this
server was doing
1209[06:53:26] *** Quits: Phibonacci (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
1210[06:53:37] <ranix> I couldn't figure out a way to find
out what process was actually eating the disk
1211[06:53:59] *** Joins: Cabanossi (~Cabanossi@replaced-ip)
1212[06:54:06] <ranix> does anyone know the right way to
investigate that
1213[06:54:09] <jmcnaught> ranix: did you look at iotop?
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1216[06:55:09] <ranix> yeah, something was wrong with the way it
displays output if I recall
1217[06:55:22] <ranix> like it displays processes at the top of
the list which are writing lots of bytes
1218[06:55:29] <ranix> and not which are causing a lot of iowait
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1221[06:57:00] <ranix> I'm not intimate with iotop though,
maybe there's a better way to display it
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1228[07:01:57] <mrtrump> I have been hacking on amriadb
1229[07:02:11] <mrtrump> mariadb lately, did you use
1230[07:02:37] <mrtrump> The innoDB buffer is most important, and
should be in 1G segments
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1232[07:02:46] <mrtrump> after that remove everything to defaults
1233[07:02:53] <mrtrump> and maybe add join buffer 1G
1234[07:03:11] <mrtrump> put thread cache 256
1235[07:03:22] <mrtrump> at that point your 90% there
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1262[07:17:25] <n-iCe> has Debian any issues with ssd's ?
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1265[07:18:13] <somiaj> n-iCe: works just fine here and from what
I hear most modern ssd's don't need the defaults changed.
1266[07:18:39] <somiaj> n-iCe: but there are some modifications
you can do to mount options and the likes on ssds to increase life
(though I don't think it is as important as it was when ssds
first came out)
1267[07:18:52] <SwedeMike> n-iCe: well, some SSDs might have
problems with TRIM, I recommend to run "relatime" in fstab
on ssd filesystems, but apart from that, no issues really.
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1270[07:19:48] <isuckatlinux> is it possible to run php scripts
in terminal without php installed?
1271[07:20:16] <somiaj> isuckatlinux: no. But there is a php-cli
you can install that can run php sripts form the command line.
1272[07:20:24] <isuckatlinux> eh cant. apt-get broke
1273[07:20:44] <somiaj> sounds like you should fix apt
1274[07:20:54] <isuckatlinux> thats what im trying to do lol
1275[07:21:02] <n-iCe> somiaj: well, I don't know if y ssd
is that modern, otherwise, which changes should I made?
1276[07:21:02] <isuckatlinux> kali-linux freenode is dead
1277[07:21:04] <somiaj> you shoudln't need to run a php
script to do that.
1278[07:21:25] <somiaj> isuckatlinux: if running kali, you need
to use their support. I think their forums are more active than irc.
1279[07:21:48] <somiaj> n-iCe: as SwedeMike mentioned, trim and
difernt options can help. I'd have to look them up.
1280[07:22:01] <n-iCe> somiaj: did you use that?
1281[07:22:54] <somiaj> n-iCe:
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1298[07:38:49] <hiya> What would be the best player for Debian to
play a .mts video file?
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1300[07:39:40] <somiaj> hiya: does the player you usally use
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1304[07:40:45] <hiya> somiaj, Smplayer works but when I fast
forward etc it does not work :( its a 22 GB file though?
1305[07:41:03] <hiya> like when I switch from x secs to xx:yy
mm:ss it stops
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1307[07:41:17] <hiya> does not crash or anything but video stops
and then you have to play from beginning
1308[07:41:52] <baum> my system just crashed after about ~2
months uptime, however i can't find anything in the logs
(dmesg, Xorg.log, messages, syslog) by chance someone got an idea
how to find the cause?
1309[07:42:05] *** Joins: docholiday (~docholida@replaced-ip)
1310[07:42:22] <somiaj> hiya: unsure if another player would stop
that. There is also mpv, mplayer2, vlc, etc
1311[07:42:25] <baum> (by crash i mean that the computer was shut
down this morning)
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1314[07:42:54] <hiya> somiaj, I think it could be the file size
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1316[07:43:09] <hiya> I am accessing it over USB 3.0 from an
external HDD
1317[07:43:18] <somiaj> hiya: could be, I think you have to be
able to index the file to move forward/backwards. You might be able
to sned command line options to start at a certain point.
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1319[07:43:47] <baum> nvm, just realized it was a power outage
1320[07:44:02] <somiaj> baum: a crash wouldn't shut down the
computer. It would still be running in a frozen state.
1321[07:44:11] <hiya> somiaj, I would copy the file on my
laptop's HDD and see if it would work
1322[07:44:13] <somiaj> well it mostly wouldn't. Some mobos
will shutthem selves down if they overheat
1323[07:44:42] <baum> somiaj: good to know thanks
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1440[08:49:26] <berger> hi hello can someone here please explain
to me how to install debian 8 in an .iso when it says it needs the
requirements of a driver for network hardware insatall?
1441[08:49:51] <berger> specifically rt2870.bin
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1450[08:52:13] <jmcnaught> berger: this chapter of the install
manual explains the issue, links to a firmwares you can put on
another USB stick and also an ISO with the firmwares included:
1451[08:52:27] <berger>
1452[08:52:29] <berger>
1453[08:52:30] <berger>
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1455[08:52:44] <berger> thanks
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1462[08:55:54] <percY-> anyone run into any issues like this?
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1464[08:57:49] <jmcnaught> percY-: are you using any DKMS
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1467[08:58:10] <percY-> dkms is installed
1468[08:58:28] *** Quits: repka (~repka@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
1469[08:58:49] <jmcnaught> percY-: what does "dpkg -l | grep
dkms" say?
1470[08:59:16] <percY-> dkms , spl-dkms, zfs-dkms
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1473[09:00:21] <jmcnaught> ,v zfs-dkms
1474[09:00:22] <judd> Package: zfs-dkms on amd64 --
jessie-backports/contrib:; sid/contrib:;
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1476[09:00:34] <jmcnaught> percY-: that's in backports now,
you don't need to use a third party repo
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1479[09:01:38] <jmcnaught> percY-: i don't have any packages
that use DKMS, but you could read that file
/etc/kernel/postinst.d/dkms and try to determine where that
dkms.conf file is supposed to come from
1480[09:01:44] <percY-> im not using a 3rd party repo
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1482[09:01:59] <percY-> based on sources.list
1483[09:02:17] <jmcnaught> percY-:
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1487[09:02:30] <percY-> ahhhh
1488[09:02:40] <jmcnaught> percY-: that might not be the cause of
the issue, i was just pointing out that it's available in
backports now
1489[09:02:42] <percY-> i guess zfsonlinux did add a .list
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1596[09:44:22] <derp341> welp, I give up. The most recent version
of Debian is just not gonna install properly on this used PC
I've rebuilt.
1597[09:44:42] <derp341> anyone that helped me, thanks.
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1629[09:56:27] <catbeard> hey so does iptables-persistent on
debian 8.6 x86_64 have an ipset option?
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1682[10:25:19] <kyshtynbai> Hi guys! Debian 8 stable. Something
is constantly overwriting my resolv.conf. a-w does help but only
until next reboot. How do I change this behavior?
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1686[10:26:57] <FinalX> kyshtynbai: perhaps resolvconf is
installed, try see if /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base exists and
set it there if so
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1688[10:27:17] <kyshtynbai> FinalX, thanks
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1725[10:50:19] <du5tball> hi there. is it possible to install
only selected packages from the backports, but not update anything
else from there?
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1728[10:50:46] <du5tball> oh. i think i found it
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1730[10:50:59] <TomTomTosch> that's the default situation.
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1732[10:52:04] <TomTomTosch> backports is pinned lower. you can
check with 'apt-cache policy'. backports is pinned at 100
while other repos are at 500.
1733[10:52:53] <du5tball> yeah, found the googles for it right
after i asked.. sorry, i don't seem to be fully awake yet
1734[10:53:16] <babilen> Which is mostly due to the combination
of "NotAutomatic: yes" and "ButAutomaticUpgrades:
yes" (cf. apt_preferences(5))
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1794[11:26:47] <boxrick1> Could someone tell me any advantages to
running PVS on top of MDADM rather than simply native LVM ?
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1796[11:26:57] <boxrick1> Assuming RAID 1
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1806[11:32:03] <jorgebueno> hi all. I have a user with sudo in a
server and I want to rsync files against that server but in the
destination I need root permission
1807[11:32:12] <jorgebueno> is it possible to do that¿
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1814[11:39:28] <ksk> nope
1815[11:40:05] <ksk> you can sync them to where sudo-user has
access to, loginto the machine, copy the files over to /root or
1816[11:40:13] <du5tball> fun issue: the documentation on
backports is wrong.
1817[11:41:00] <TomTomTosch> du5tball: man apt-get
1818[11:41:12] <ksk> du5tball: they do have the -t flag.
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1824[11:43:58] <du5tball> "aptitude -t=jessie-backports
install letsecnrypt" results in "E: The value
'=jessie-backports' is invalid for APT::Default-Release as
such a release is not available in the sources", as does
without the = sign
1825[11:44:12] <du5tball> what the..
1826[11:44:17] <du5tball> okay, works. thanks
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1831[11:46:10] <jorgebueno> ksk: OK, thanks.
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1838[11:48:59] <pingfloyd> boxrick1: there's not much
difference in regards to raid 1, a different raid level would be a
different story.
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1905[12:30:03] <venkat_330> Guys after upgrading to jessie my 3M
touch not working ( 0596:0400 MicroTouch Systems, Inc.). tired
installing driver from its siite. Need guidance...
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1972[13:01:53] <oskie> does anyone know a simple way to test if
deb package X is installed with version Y or later? (e.g. from a
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1978[13:03:48] <rozie> oskie: dpkg -l, dpkg-query
1979[13:03:58] <rozie> man for details
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2021[13:18:37] <rubas> Hello, I am trying to connect to a server
which I normally could, there is a lot of people who have access to
this server. But when I try to connect it now, it says: no matching
host key type found. Their offer: ssh-dss
2022[13:18:46] <rubas> does anyone have an idea what is going on
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2033[13:23:49] <chrnybo> Hi, is this a reasonable place to get
help with a stuck upgrade? If so, I get "perl-modules: Depends:
perl (>= 5.14.2-1) but 5.10.1-17squeeze6 is installed" when
doing apt-get upgrade. Anyone got the time to help me out?
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2036[13:24:39] <otyugh_II> hey there
2037[13:24:54] <rubas> chrnybo: did you try to upgrade perl?
2038[13:25:00] <otyugh_II> I have my hospital that sends me my
result on a website... Which use silverlight
2039[13:25:03] <ransur0t> rubas: what type of ssh key have you
been authenticating with?
2040[13:25:08] <rubas> rsa
2041[13:25:15] <rubas> ransur0t: rsa *
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2044[13:25:36] <rubas> ransur0t: did someone play with the
openssh server and change it to support dsa only ?
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2048[13:26:36] <rubas> chrnybo: what is happening is, that your
trying to update a package called perl-modules, but perl-modules
have a dependency that says it needs perl version 5.14.2-1 (or
2049[13:27:03] <rubas> chrnybo: so to do a upgrade, you need to
upgrade perl first - so the perl-module package gets allowed to get
2050[13:27:04] <chrnybo> rubas: No, my intention is to upgrade to
wheezy (7.0) or jessie (8.0). Should I try to upgrade perl
2051[13:27:17] <ransur0t> rubas: did your ssh client update
2052[13:27:41] <rubas> ransur0t: I did not - but I know some guys
on the server did something with ssh (they said they wanted to
improve security on the server)
2053[13:27:46] <ransur0t> dsa is disabled in openssh 7.0+
2054[13:27:59] <rubas> ransur0t: yes, they fucked up
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2057[13:28:21] <ransur0t> sounds like they did restrict to dsa
only, hence your key type not matched to server config
2058[13:28:24] <chrnybo> rubas: Could you express "upgrade
perl" in more detail, please?
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2061[13:28:45] <rubas> ransur0t: I just wanted to know if they
know what they are doing or not. But apparently they don't..
yeah I need to call them and explain them how to fix it I suppose
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2065[13:30:00] <ransur0t> rubas: probably, sounds like they
"enhanced" security in the wrong direction ...
2066[13:30:03] <babilen> rubas: Which command gives you that
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2068[13:30:10] <babilen> chrnybo: ^
2069[13:30:16] <babilen> rubas: sorry, ENICK
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2071[13:30:39] <rubas> ransur0t: You are right, some sysops huh?
2072[13:30:50] <rubas> babilen: np :)
2073[13:31:24] <rubas> chrnybo: are you doing a "apt-get
upgrade" to upgrade from wheezy to jessie?
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2076[13:32:18] <chrnybo> rubas: Actually, I'm on squeeze,
looking to modernize the install.
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2078[13:32:42] <chrnybo> And yes, I try to do it by issuing the
command apt-get upgrade.
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2084[13:34:30] <babilen> chrnybo: So you are following
2085[13:34:41] <rubas> chrnybo: what apt-get upgrade does, is
upgrade all your packages (and applications) - it should not and
won't upgrade the whole system from one version to another.
2086[13:34:44] <babilen> Could you paste your command, its output
and that of "apt-cache policy" ?
2087[13:35:03] <Iridos> chrnybo, you cannot upgrade from squeeze
to jessie directly, you'd have to go
squeeze->wheezy->jessie. It may just be faster to do a fresh
jessie install (you can save the currently installed packages with
/usr/bin/dpkg --get-selections >file and restore them with
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2089[13:35:33] <babilen> 5.14 would be the perl version in wheezy
2090[13:35:35] <rubas> chrnybo: I am wrong sorry - don't
listen to what I just said
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2092[13:36:27] <chrnybo> babilen: No, not following anything in
particular, I'm merely copying and pasting various commands
that I find in google.
2093[13:37:02] <rubas> chrnybo: Please do not do that, please
understand first what the commmands do before you enter it in the
2094[13:37:17] <Iridos> that's always a nice idea …
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2098[13:38:35] <rubas> chrnybo: Once, I wrote something in the
terminal - and the next thing I knew was that all my files, all my
partitions were gone. (by the way, always keep backups!)
2099[13:39:27] <babilen> chrnybo: So, what have you done then?
(in detail .. please use a pastebin such as
2100[13:40:01] <babilen> chrnybo: I'd also recommend to
follow the official documentation (i.e. the release notes for wheezy
and jessie respectively)
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2106[13:43:26] <chrnybo> Chapter 4 of the release notes for
Wheezy is only ~7500 words. I'll be back in a while.
2107[13:43:59] <babilen> chrnybo: We can help you, but it's
hard to if you don't tell/show us what you've done and
what your problems are
2108[13:44:06] <dirgeable> hi! i am having problems with apt
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2124[13:49:22] <oskie> dirgeable: no python expert, but there
seems to be some conflict with different python versions ... if you
have python3 installed, try removing it. if not, try installing it
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2126[13:49:29] <oskie> but that's just a guess
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2135[13:52:04] <Iridos> judd, versions lsb-release
2136[13:52:05] <judd> Package: lsb-release on amd64 -- wheezy:
4.1+Debian8+deb7u1; jessie: 4.1+Debian13+nmu1; sid: 9.20160629;
stretch: 9.20160629
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2139[13:53:26] <themill> dirgeable: do you have the
libpython2.7-minimal package installed?
2140[13:53:43] *** Joins: dunderproto (~dunderpro@replaced-ip)
2141[13:53:49] <ransur0t> i recently discovered virtualenv and
will use this going forward with all python apps :)
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2143[13:54:26] <dirgeable> oskie, ok thanks trying uninstall
python 3
2144[13:54:43] *** Joins: cdown (~cdown@replaced-ip)
2145[13:54:51] <themill> dirgeable: wait...
2146[13:55:02] <Iridos> dirgeable, you can't install or
uninstall anything at the moment
2147[13:55:15] *** Joins: th0r (~th0r@replaced-ip)
2148[13:55:15] <Iridos> but you can possibly answer
themill's question
2149[13:55:29] <Iridos> …which would be a good thing to do
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2152[13:57:48] <dirgeable> themill tried to
2153[13:58:19] *** Joins: boubou (boubou@replaced-ip)
2154[13:58:32] <themill> tried to what?
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2157[13:59:28] <dirgeable> install libpython2.7-minimal
2158[13:59:39] *** Joins: jas4711 (~jas4711@replaced-ip)
2159[13:59:52] <themill> that pastebin does not show that
2160[13:59:56] *** Joins: _2offensive4me (~marian@replaced-ip)
2161[14:00:40] <themill> dirgeable: can you pastebin the output
of "apt-cache policy python-minimal libpython2.7-minimal
python2.7 python; apt-cache policy" for us?
2162[14:00:41] *** Quits: barajasfab (~fabian@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2163[14:00:50] <dirgeable> libpython2.7-minimal is already the
newest version.
2164[14:00:51] *** Quits: afuentes (~kusanagi@replaced-ip) (Read error: No route to host)
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2167[14:01:48] <dirgeable>
2168[14:01:51] <dirgeable> sure
2169[14:02:00] <dirgeable> thanks for the help btw
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2173[14:03:58] <themill> dirgeable: can you please try:
apt-get--reinstall install python-minimal libpython2.7-minimal
python2.7 python
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2176[14:04:23] <babilen> apt-get --reinstall install
python-minimal libpython2.7-minimal python2.7 python
2177[14:04:40] <dirgeable> E: Couldn't configure
python:amd64, probably a dependency cycle.
2178[14:04:42] <themill> err yes
2179[14:06:07] <themill> I'd love to see command and full
output in a pastebin
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2181[14:06:55] <dirgeable>
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2184[14:08:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1650
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2187[14:09:21] <themill> dirgeable: so each of those packages is
already in /var/lib/apt/archives; try installing the four of them
with dpkg -i
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2190[14:10:54] <dirgeable> themill,
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2193[14:11:56] <dirgeable> oh things seem fixed somehow
2194[14:11:57] <dirgeable> :))
2195[14:12:03] <google77> hi
2196[14:12:04] <themill> yeah, you need to give the full file
name: cd /var/lib/apt/archives; dpkg -i python-minimal_*deb
libpython2.7-minimal_*deb python2.7_*deb python_*deb
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2198[14:12:47] <google77> why is krita not in testing anymore?
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2201[14:14:03] <jelly> !why is krita not in testing
2202[14:14:04] <dpkg> krita is not in testing for the reasons
listed in
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2204[14:14:28] <themill> google77: krita isn't currently in
debian as it has been split out of calligra
2205[14:14:45] <google77> oh
2206[14:14:52] <google77> when will it be back?
2207[14:14:58] <themill> WIR
2208[14:15:07] <google77> or rather will it be back?
2209[14:15:15] <google77> OK
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2213[14:15:44] <themill> it's sitting in NEW destined for
experimental already
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2217[14:17:01] <google77> thx, bye
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2262[14:28:52] <Neon> I have a Debian 8 server and I've
received an abnormal amount of incoming UDP traffic (around 300 GB
in total) starting from yesterday evening to this morning. It could
be kind of a DOS attack and users reported they couldn't use
the services in that time. Is there a way to find out the source of
that traffic? Or whether it came from one or multiple sources?
2263[14:29:18] <Neon> (using a standard Debian setup I mean)
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2266[14:31:54] <tinyhippo> when I try to make a bootable USB of
debian 8.6 netinst from a mac, I get 'isolinux.bin missing or
corrupt', what have I done wrong? I did 'sudo dd
if=debian-8.6.0-amd64-netinst.iso of=/dev/rdisk2 bs=1m'
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2270[14:34:13] <Iridos> dirgeable, did it get fixed when you
started using a differen terminal?
2271[14:34:33] <jelly> tinyhippo: is rdisk2 the whole device,
without partitions?
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2275[14:37:22] <dirgeable> Iridos, same terminal
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2277[14:37:46] <dirgeable> a bit mystified but happy
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2295[14:44:05] <stoned> Good morning
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2297[14:45:05] <stoned> DoS is easy to detect given it's
nature, Neon
2298[14:45:19] <stoned> DDoS is not easy or almost imposible to
detect because of the distributed nature.
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2301[14:46:09] <stoned> Neon: you need to talk with your upstream
2302[14:46:33] <stoned> It your provider doesn't have DDoS
protection offered, or protected by another party, you should try to
find another provider.
2303[14:46:46] *** Quits: heifan (~heifan@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2304[14:46:57] <stoned> Neon: for further information ask in
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2306[14:47:10] <Neon> Thanks for the information, stoned.
2307[14:47:14] <stoned> Neon: for hardening debian, we can harden
it here with you.
2308[14:47:24] <stoned>
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2311[14:49:37] <stoned> tinyhippo: you must copy the iso to the
main drive/device and not one of it's partitions. rdisk2 looksl
like partition 2 of the rdisk device. Do you have /dev/rdisk and
/dev/rdisk1 ? Try to cp or dd it to /dev/rdisk if so.
2312[14:50:27] <Akuli> is /dev/sdXY really linux-specific?
2313[14:50:55] <stoned> Yes
2314[14:50:59] <stoned> Are you familiar with BSDs?
2315[14:51:11] <stoned> They use totally diff dev names in the
node tree
2316[14:51:18] <Akuli> yeah, i have noticed that
2317[14:51:21] <stoned> da, ad, etc. etc.
2318[14:51:22] <tinyhippo> stoned: rdisk2 is the device, its
partitions on OS X appear as rdisk2s1 rdisk2s2 etc
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2321[14:52:17] <stoned> tinyhippo: you are sure you're using
the correct arch? (I'm not familiar with this issue, no exp w/
2322[14:52:26] <stoned> Installer for the correct arch?
2323[14:53:12] <stoned> !ig
2324[14:53:12] <dpkg> The Installation Guide for Debian 8
"Jessie" can be found at
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2328[14:53:59] <stoned> Wait, would it be PPC or don't macs
use intel now? I dunno this. \o/
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2332[14:56:08] <stoned> Well, ppc doesn't have this booting
method listed in there at all. You can burn a cd but not a hybrid
iso on a usb or something else. seemingly.
2333[14:56:14] <ChrisH> tinyhippo: Do you get the error message
while dd'ing or when trying to boot from the USB device/stick?
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2338[14:57:09] <tinyhippo> ChrisH: when booting from the device
2339[14:57:27] <stoned> tinyhippo: try cp file.iso /dev/rdisk2
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2341[14:57:43] <stoned> I'm not sure if blocksize does
anythign since it's an ISO? I'm sleepy.
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2344[14:58:06] <tinyhippo> stoned: I always do bs=1m I dont know
why, its just habit *shrug*
2345[14:58:06] <ChrisH> and where do you boot? X86 "PC"
or your Mac or what? Release notes recommend cp
2346[14:58:19] <tinyhippo> ChrisH: a dell poweredge r310
2347[14:58:23] <stoned> Also, read the installation guide for
your arch
2348[14:58:30] <stoned> It was written for this reason
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2352[15:00:30] <ChrisH> tinyhippo: I would fill the USB device
once with zeros like: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/XXX bs=10m and then cp
file.iso /dev/XXX
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2377[15:09:47] <annoymouse> hello how can I see kernel panic log
in debian?
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2385[15:11:19] <petn-randall> annoymouse: Yes, in the output of
'dmesg', or in /var/log/kern.log, assuming userland is
still working and the disk writeable.
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2387[15:11:27] <greycat> So, er, how come I haven't got
anything from debian-user (email) in the last few days? And how come
when I tried to re-subscribe just now, I still got nothing?
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2389[15:12:31] <themill> sounds like a win
2390[15:12:32] <annoymouse> petn-randall: thx! I found it
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2393[15:13:56] <jelly> I bet they use exim!
2394[15:14:16] * jelly a mta snob
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2397[15:14:25] <tinyhippo> <3 exim
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2399[15:14:47] * greycat wonders if the debian mailing list sender got
onto one of the RBL blacklists....
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2409[15:19:43] <dfcnvt> Anybody knows a way to move the window
from first LCD monitor to second LCD monitor automatic by hotkey?
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2411[15:20:20] <dfcnvt> Note, not the part that move to different
desktop, that's different than to move on the same desktop but
different monitor.
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2420[15:23:38] <TomTomTosch> depends on the desktop environment
you use. gnome has ctrl + alt + numpad4/6, i3 and awesome are
completely controlled by shortcuts.
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2429[15:26:53] <stoned> I use Xmonad and it handles physical
xinerama screens as physical workspaces all acoss one large desktop
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2431[15:27:03] <stoned> dfcnvt: it would depend on your window
2432[15:27:27] <stoned> I know KDE supports it with Kwin.
2433[15:27:31] <stoned> Others might I dunno.
2434[15:28:00] <dfcnvt> I think it's gnome....
2435[15:28:02] <dfcnvt> Not sure
2436[15:28:12] <stoned> I don't know gnomes or trolls or
2437[15:28:18] <stoned> I know dragons.
2438[15:28:35] <annoymouse> how can I dump kernel log when
/var/log/kern.log is not exists? I'm facing no rootfs kernel
panic after kernel upgrade, but before kernel upgrade, no kernel
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2446[15:31:08] <ThoMe_> hiho
2447[15:31:09] <ThoMe_> root@ifs02:/# netstat -natp |grep -i
2448[15:31:11] <ThoMe_> tcp 0 0 ESTABLISHED 3760/gsbrts11
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2450[15:31:19] <ThoMe_> how i can close the connection, without
kill the process 3760 ?
2451[15:31:20] <petn-randall> annoymouse: 'man dmesg'
2452[15:31:51] *** ThoMe_ is now known as ThoMe
2453[15:31:56] <greycat> ThoMe_: what is process 3760? what is
this 'connection'?
2454[15:32:09] <stoned> man tcpkill
2455[15:32:26] <ThoMe> stoned: tcpkill -i eth0 host
2456[15:32:30] <greycat> No manual entry for tcpkill
2457[15:32:31] <ThoMe> doesnt works
2458[15:32:31] <annoymouse> ok thx I will read it now
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2460[15:32:55] <ThoMe> greycat: an server from our ooooold erp
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2463[15:33:51] <stoned> ,v dsniff
2464[15:33:52] <judd> Package: dsniff on amd64 -- wheezy:
2.4b1+debian-22; jessie: 2.4b1+debian-22.1+b1; stretch:
2.4b1+debian-22.1+b2; sid: 2.4b1+debian-22.1+b2
2465[15:33:59] <stoned> dsniff contians tcpkill
2466[15:34:02] <stoned> greycat
2467[15:34:10] <ThoMe> root@ifs02:/# tcpkill -i eth0 host
2468[15:34:10] <ThoMe> tcpkill: listening on eth0 [host]
2469[15:34:12] <ThoMe> and then?
2470[15:34:31] *** Quits: heifan (~heifan@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2471[15:34:49] <stoned> tcpkill ip host x.x.x.x
2472[15:34:54] <stoned> Maybe?
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2474[15:35:24] <ThoMe> root@ifs02:/# tcpkill ip host
2475[15:35:24] <ThoMe> tcpkill: listening on eth0 [ip host]
2476[15:35:26] <ThoMe> no :-(
2477[15:36:18] *** Quits: Ticho (~Ticho@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2478[15:36:21] <stoned> 006 cutter disconnect routed IP
2479[15:36:23] <stoned> Try cutter
2480[15:36:44] <stoned> ,v cutter
2481[15:36:45] <judd> Package: cutter on amd64 -- wheezy: 1.03-2;
jessie: 1.03-2; sid: 1.04-1; stretch: 1.04-1
2482[15:36:48] *** Quits: ksilentkid (~ksilentki@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2483[15:37:13] <ThoMe> root@ifs02:/# cutter 1901
2484[15:37:13] <ThoMe> openning /proc/net/ip_conntrack: No such
file or directory
2485[15:37:13] <ThoMe> root@ifs02:/#
2486[15:38:07] *** Joins: Starky (~Starky@replaced-ip)
2487[15:38:30] <ThoMe> modprobe nf_conntrack_ipv4
2488[15:38:35] <ThoMe> root@ifs02:/# cutter
2489[15:38:36] <ThoMe> No matching connections found
2490[15:38:36] <ThoMe> root@ifs02:/# cutter
2491[15:39:07] *** Quits: Starky (~Starky@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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2494[15:39:49] <Iridos> ThoMe, why do you want to end that
2495[15:40:23] *** Quits: iqualfragile (~iqualfrag@replaced-ip) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
2496[15:40:28] <ThoMe> Iridos: the client is dead but not the
2497[15:40:48] <Iridos> and?
2498[15:40:48] <jelly> it will timeout in a couple hours
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2502[15:42:01] <stoned> apt-get install conntrack
2503[15:42:03] *** Joins: iqualfragile (~iqualfrag@replaced-ip)
2504[15:42:07] <stoned> ThoMe: then try again.
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2508[15:42:26] <Iridos> tcpkill is a pretty… well,
hackish? haxxorish? way to end a connection… it sniffs for
packages and when it sees some tries to end the connection by
sending fake packages that end the connection
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2511[15:43:03] <stoned> Well, there is a local endpoint socket,
could try to close that.
2512[15:43:06] <Rephlexie> doesnt work with a hanging host either
2513[15:43:06] <stoned> IIRC.
2514[15:43:16] <stoned> It's been years since I was balls
deep in linux.
2515[15:43:32] *** Quits: Janos (~Janos@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2516[15:43:36] <Iridos> I also still don't see the point of
closing that connection
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2521[15:49:26] <Iridos> how'd you close something if you
aren't the process that opened it anyway
2522[15:49:41] *** Quits: Zitter (~danilo@replaced-ip) (Quit: Sto andando via)
2523[15:50:02] <ThoMe> stoned: no. :_( No matching connections
2524[15:50:13] <greycat> I imagine the client host crashed or
locked up.
2525[15:50:20] <ThoMe> Iridos: and? the connection is still
2526[15:50:28] <greycat> Thus there were no packets from the
client saying "Arrrggh I am dying now"
2527[15:50:45] <stoned> Yup. Lack of packets will fuck you hard.
2528[15:50:55] <stoned> Move along, little packet.
2529[15:51:03] *** Joins: Geoff_C (~user@replaced-ip)
2530[15:51:03] <stoned> But noooo. No packets.
2531[15:51:04] <Iridos> ThoMe, but that's only an entry in
your netstat… it'll time out after some time
2532[15:51:16] <stoned> Why don't you want to kill the
2533[15:51:22] <stoned> It's of no use any longer.
2534[15:51:24] <Iridos> and it's not like it's doing
anything now
2535[15:51:26] <Klaus_D1eter_> hello world
2536[15:51:30] *** Quits: |ifei5good (~sharris12@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2537[15:51:36] <stoned> Exactly
2538[15:51:41] <stoned> Hello Klaus_D1eter_
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2546[15:54:51] <ThoMe> stoned: the process use other user also
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2549[15:55:35] <Klaus_D1eter_> I am running a debian with 3.16
kernel and initramfs - the initramfs' sole purpose is to set up
the harddrive for a setup process that will be started by pxe boot.
The routine in the initramfs requires fetching a file from network.
inside the initramfs I dropped to a shell and in there I can ping
the http server where I want to fetch some files from however
running wget on that machine shows the
2550[15:55:37] *** Joins: ojoa (~zetagi@replaced-ip)
2551[15:55:40] <Klaus_D1eter_> error "connection ...
2552[15:55:43] <Klaus_D1eter_> ... refused". running tcpdump
on the http server shows that there is no actual request received
(but the webserver is running and actually able to serve files). the
exact commands to set up networking in the initramfs are: cmdline
for kernel: ip=:::::eth0:dhcp then inside the busybox I ran:
ifconfig eth0 up; . /scripts/functions
2553[15:55:48] <Klaus_D1eter_> configure_networking
2554[15:55:59] <Klaus_D1eter_> I can see that eth0 has an ip and
subnet assigned - ping works towards the server. what am I missing?
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2557[15:57:07] <frostschutz> Klaus_D1eter_, does netcat work?
echo hello | nc 80
2558[15:57:16] <Klaus_D1eter_> the client and the server are both
part of the same isolated network
2559[15:57:45] <r3> are you able to get wget working after this
system has fully booted? (as in not part of this process?)
2560[15:57:50] <Klaus_D1eter_> frostschutz: connection refused
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2563[15:58:20] <Klaus_D1eter_> r3: the system has no rootfs, the
initramfs is meant to set up the disk for a different setup process
2564[15:58:31] *** Quits: jmnk (jargonmonk@replaced-ip) (Quit: jmnk)
2565[15:58:37] <Klaus_D1eter_> r3: so I have not tried and it
would be quite a hassle to try
2566[15:59:46] <r3> could you swap the network cable from this
system to a system that has more of a standard image and try again?
All I am trying to establish is if the cause is something in the
initramfs process or a larger networking issue
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2572[16:00:52] <r3> or have you insured that this wget command is
formatted correctly and could be used from another system on the
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2574[16:01:07] <Klaus_D1eter_> r3: yes.
2575[16:01:09] *** Joins: th3jam3sd3an (~james@replaced-ip)
2576[16:01:11] <Klaus_D1eter_> that I have
2577[16:01:41] <Klaus_D1eter_> this is a virtual network for
2578[16:01:58] <Klaus_D1eter_> so there are no cables involved
but frankly I am not sure if this is working correctly
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2580[16:02:09] <frostschutz> Klaus_D1eter_, ifconfig, route, (ip
address, ip route) shows what you expect? if you get a ping unless
you're pinging yourself, there must be something somewhere...
2581[16:02:34] <stoned> ThoMe: oh well! :/
2582[16:02:37] <Klaus_D1eter_> frostschutz: yes.
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2585[16:02:57] <Klaus_D1eter_> iptables is not active so there is
no firewall either
2586[16:03:02] <frostschutz> Klaus_D1eter_, what's virtual?
the server? the client? both? is it nat, that may be getting in the
way too
2587[16:03:13] <r3> hrm, sometimes there are issues with how the
VM host deals with the networking of the clients, double check that
the VM host networking options are correct (I suppose verifying
connectivity with another VM would do it)
2588[16:03:20] <r3> what frostschutz said
2589[16:03:37] <frostschutz> you'll probably have to play
with tcpdump
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2592[16:04:16] <frostschutz> or you could nmap that ip just to
see what you're talking to and if it has any open ports
2593[16:04:25] <Klaus_D1eter_> frostschutz: both are virtual and
on the same host.
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2595[16:04:43] <Klaus_D1eter_> and connectivity is there from
another vm
2596[16:04:49] *** Quits: docholiday| (~docholida@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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2598[16:05:08] <Klaus_D1eter_> interesting: on the client ping
$serverip yields results but on the client ping $clientip leads to
2599[16:05:11] *** Joins: sandeepkr (~sandeepkr@replaced-ip)
2600[16:05:37] <Klaus_D1eter_> on the server ping $clientip does
not work
2601[16:05:57] <frostschutz> you sure you didn't give the
serverip to the client. using dhcp this could happen if it ended up
with the same mac address or something
2602[16:06:14] <Klaus_D1eter_> ifconfig eth0 shows the clientip
2603[16:06:17] *** Joins: guampa (~guampa@replaced-ip)
2604[16:06:21] <Klaus_D1eter_> ip a s shows only the clientip on
the client
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2611[16:07:21] <frostschutz> it shows the client ip but you
can't ping it? that's strange... can you show it in a
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2613[16:07:53] <Klaus_D1eter_> yes
2614[16:08:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1665
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2616[16:08:40] <Iridos> networking in a vm is often strange
2617[16:09:00] *** Quits: Riyria (~Riyria@replaced-ip) (Quit: The most interesting network tech in the world... Stay
adjacent, my friends.)
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2621[16:10:20] <Klaus_D1eter_> frostschutz:
2622[16:10:55] *** Quits: overlord_tm (~andraz@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
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2624[16:11:31] <Klaus_D1eter_> Iridos: I am not sure if the
definition of strange still applies here or some stronger word might
be needed.... ;)
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2627[16:13:12] <Klaus_D1eter_> even worse still the kernel and
the initrd are both loaded via tftp / http into that very vm
2628[16:13:20] <Klaus_D1eter_> so it seems that libvirt is
actually working
2629[16:13:21] *** Joins: Janos (~Janos@replaced-ip)
2630[16:13:33] <Iridos> you seem to be missing a default route
for the cases where no gateway is needed
2631[16:13:35] <Klaus_D1eter_> but in the initrd I cannot connect
to the same http server where pxelinux just fetched the initrd from
2632[16:14:10] <tx> what is your external network (in cidr)
2633[16:14:13] <Klaus_D1eter_> Iridos: this is local traffic
inside so taht should not matter here
2634[16:14:23] <Klaus_D1eter_>
2635[16:14:29] <Klaus_D1eter_> that is external ^
2636[16:14:43] <Iridos> this is the first time I see ip r s
… I'm still using route -n
2637[16:14:54] <tx> heh same
2638[16:15:02] <tx> what is the output of netstat -r
2639[16:15:16] <cruncher> i like more route as it is easier to
2640[16:15:32] <cruncher> (columns are aligned)
2641[16:15:44] <Iridos> also, why is (seems to be) ip r short for
"ip route" and not for "ip rule"
2642[16:15:54] *** Quits: docholiday- (~docholida@replaced-ip) (Quit: Bye)
2643[16:15:56] <tx> alphabetical?
2644[16:16:02] *** Joins: docholiday (~docholida@replaced-ip)
2645[16:16:07] <Iridos> ambiguous?
2646[16:16:11] <r3> I would search for this networking issue in
relation to whatever VM Host you are using. I'm sure you
aren't the first one to have this level of issue with it. Could
be something as simple as changing the VM network from
"NAT" to "Bridged Adapter" or something like
2647[16:16:16] <tx> agree
2648[16:16:19] <`Kevin> Iridos: you can do a lot of `ip` :)
2649[16:16:26] <`Kevin> with*
2650[16:16:38] <tx> can it make you coffee?
2651[16:16:41] <Iridos> I'd rather not
2652[16:16:53] <stoned> kevv-ooon
2653[16:16:55] *** Joins: ksilentkid (~ksilentki@replaced-ip)
2654[16:17:00] <stoned> :D
2655[16:17:01] <Klaus_D1eter_> netstat -r shows:
2656[16:17:11] <tx> dgw is set
2657[16:17:14] <Iridos> it'll probably be systemctl-net or
so in a year from now
2658[16:17:18] <Klaus_D1eter_> Iridos: because ip rule show would
be ip ru s
2659[16:17:37] <Iridos> that's not logic!
2660[16:18:28] <frostschutz> Klaus_D1eter_, no idea, sorry. you
could add a lo device thats sometimes needed for the
strangest things, but no idea what's going on really
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2662[16:19:19] <Klaus_D1eter_> I am thinking the network might
not be fully up.
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2664[16:20:12] <Klaus_D1eter_> frostschutz: that was it!
2665[16:20:20] <Klaus_D1eter_> frostschutz: thank you very much I
never would have guessed that
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2670[16:23:20] <frostschutz> really? wow
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2689[16:33:57] <Klaus_D1eter_> actually this is worse still
2690[16:34:40] <greycat> Yup, that did it. I removed from the RBL list and now I've got
... a couple dozen mails from debian-user
2691[16:35:09] <Klaus_D1eter_> now I have put ifconfig lo netmask up in my script that I am running
in initramfs. inside the same script I am calling curl to fetch a
file which still fails with connection refused. but when I directly
after the scritp call the same curl command then it works
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2694[16:39:03] <r3> I had a feeling that the network was the
focus and not the initramfs, etc, glad you got it fixed
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2697[16:40:55] <frostschutz> Klaus_D1eter_, does it show up in
'ip neigh' after the connection refused?
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2708[16:45:33] <Klaus_D1eter_> busybox ip does not know about
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2725[16:49:53] <Klaus_D1eter_> frostschutz: lol. sometimes it
seems to work when run from the script
2726[16:50:03] <Klaus_D1eter_> this must be one of the oddes
things I have seen
2727[16:50:13] <boubou> what can I use as a ssh/rdp proxy ? ...
with authentification if its possible!
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2730[16:51:52] <dviola> what's the recommended way to use
glamor/modesetting on debian jessie?
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2765[17:05:04] <ksk> boubou: another ssh server? what do you want
to archive?
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2795[17:19:32] <alwyn> Hi, I'm having an issue that apt-get
update hangs indefinitely on unstable. I tried clearing the cache
(both apt-get clean and rm /var/cache/apt/*.bin) but it still hangs
at "0% [Working]"
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2799[17:20:21] <greycat> !debian-next
2800[17:20:22] <dpkg> #debian-next is the channel for
testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not*
on Freenode. If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is
invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
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2946[18:25:11] <remanos> good afternoon
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2974[18:40:44] <oskie> hi, i have an md raid1 with two disks, one
of them has major problems and I'm getting constant
"redirecting sector X to other mirror". that's all
fine, but it also causes extreme lockups of the device, and that
can't be right
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2988[18:47:39] <petn-randall> oskie: That's fine? Looks like
your disk is failing.
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2991[18:48:28] <petn-randall> oskie: Also, if your drive supports
ERC, you can set it to a lower value (by default it is 7 seconds for
most devices). See
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2993[18:48:54] <petn-randall> oskie: Basically it's a
configurable timeout to fetch a block on the disk.
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3003[18:54:55] <oskie> petn-randall: i mean, it's fine that
it is failing - but it is not fine that i'm getting constant
lockups. it is as if BOTH disks are failing
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3006[18:55:59] <oskie> what's even more strange - I get
lockups when I list some dir, but then it caches the response and no
more lockups for listing. EXCEPT for stuff served via smbd. it
always locks up when listing the same directory.
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3016[18:59:01] <dviola> is jessie the stable branch?
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3021[19:00:24] <jelly> dviola: yes
3022[19:00:34] <dviola> ok thanks
3023[19:00:55] <dviola> is sid/testing using modesetting/glamor
by default?
3024[19:00:59] <dviola> as opposed to xf86-video-intel
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3027[19:02:21] <jelly> there was talk of it recently
3028[19:02:35] <dviola> meaning?
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3033[19:03:17] <jelly> meaning I don't know whether a
decision has been made, or implemented, or if it trickled down to
testing, yet
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3035[19:03:54] <jelly> !goal
3036[19:03:55] <dpkg> Describe your goal, not what you think the
solution is.
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3042[19:05:22] <petn-randall> oskie: How are failing disks fine?!
3043[19:05:35] <jelly> dviola: you're not the first to ask
about modesetting and glamor on intel gpus in kind of a roundabout
way today. What prompted this question, if I may ask?
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3055[19:07:34] <dviola> jelly: sadly there are a lot of problems
with xf86-video-intel (this DDX driver hasn't even seen a
release in a number of years now), and users are trying to use
modesetting/glamor which appears more reliable in some ways
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3059[19:08:00] <dviola> see this bug I've reported 2 years
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3062[19:08:26] <dviola> or this one that is solved with
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3066[19:10:15] <oskie> petn-randall: it's expected. :) i
bought the cheapest 4TB 3.5 USB drives, removed them from their
cases and used them for RAID1 in a 24/7 server. the other drive died
a few weeks ago.
3067[19:10:19] <dviola> I don't claim xf86-video-intel is
the problem, but maybe something else is...
3068[19:10:26] <jelly> dviola: which users? Was there an article
you read recently to prompt this?
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3073[19:11:34] <dviola> jelly: there are lot of users in forums
such as phoronix reporting the same results
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3075[19:12:12] <jelly> I mean if it's 2+ years old, two
similar questions the same day is a bit of a coincidence
3076[19:12:25] <dviola> it's all over the place
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3078[19:12:40] <dviola>
3079[19:12:40] <jelly> care to name ONE reference?
3080[19:12:43] <jelly> thanks
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3082[19:13:24] <dviola> I don't think it's a
3083[19:13:44] <dviola> I did a lot of debugging of the intel
driver recently...
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3085[19:14:29] <dviola> I still want the xf86-video-intel to get
fixed, but I don't think the devs are very interested to fix
the remaining bugs
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3087[19:14:40] <dviola> so they just said "use
dri3/modesetting" instead
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3095[19:16:57] <jelly> having gone thru XAA, EXA, UXA, whatever
was the last thing video-intel used during the last 8 years,
I'm not surprised they've thrown in the towel
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3100[19:18:18] <teraflops> I do modesetting. when an Intel devel
says to you: go use modesetting...
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3105[19:18:43] <jelly> how do you do, the thing that you do?
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3110[19:19:24] <teraflops> wat thing?
3111[19:19:41] <dviola> teraflops: well, one of the devs are
claiming that this is a kernel bug
3112[19:19:53] <dviola> but nobody wants to fix the bug
3113[19:20:00] <petn-randall> oskie: I'd run a smart test to
make sure they work. SATA timeouts are a good hint that your disk is
failing very soon.
3114[19:20:04] <teraflops> dviola: ^
3115[19:20:11] <petn-randall> oskie: Oh, and you have backups,
3116[19:20:25] <dviola> teraflops: ?
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3124[19:22:21] <teraflops> I'm on the phone I tried to
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3162[19:43:11] <jelly> the modesetting thing
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3174[19:47:01] <bolt> if I create a vlan interface, say, eth0.4,
assign a bridge interface to that and host a kvm virtual machine on
said bridge, how easy is it for the virtual machine to screw with
the vlans? what happens if someone inside the virtual machine
creates a vlan interface on top of the one assigned to the vm, for
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3178[19:47:53] <bolt> i'm hoping that any vlan tags would be
stripped by the host machine and the correct vlan assigned to the
packets, but i can't find documentation to confirm this
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3186[19:51:30] <Psil0Cybin> hey guys super quick question so i
have java 7 installed and i just installed java 8 but it still shows
me java 7
3187[19:51:32] <Psil0Cybin> whne i do java -version
3188[19:51:46] <teraflops> jelly: it works in debian
3189[19:51:47] <Psil0Cybin> java full version
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3193[19:52:10] <jelly> Psil0Cybin: that's not 7, that's
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3195[19:52:23] <Psil0Cybin> sorry i mean the wrong version
3196[19:52:31] <Psil0Cybin> 7 was on my windows machine sorry
been installing android studio in all my boxes
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3199[19:52:39] <jelly> Psil0Cybin: ls -ld $(readlink -f $(which
3200[19:52:53] <teraflops> jelly: just uninstall the xorg intel
driver, and remove any xorg snippet related to intel driver if any
3201[19:53:04] <Psil0Cybin>
3202[19:53:10] <Psil0Cybin> so thats where its hiding
3203[19:53:11] <Psil0Cybin> lol
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3205[19:53:17] <teraflops> …and reboot
3206[19:53:20] <jelly> Psil0Cybin: which debian release is this?
3207[19:53:50] <jelly> and how did you install java 8 and where
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3216[19:56:55] <jelly> good to know. but having a 75 days uptime
with an amd card driving both outputs on jessie, I don't think
I'll be running any sort of intel soon
3217[19:57:30] <jelly> it's more stable than any intel setup
was since... um, 2010
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3226[19:59:10] <teraflops> jelly: well it worth a try, here I got
rid of compositor/tearfree nonsense
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3228[19:59:34] <teraflops> intel hd3000
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3315[20:37:28] <Iridos> why does stop with
3316[20:38:13] <missmbob> of 2005...
3317[20:38:39] <missmbob> you seriously need something older?
3318[20:38:49] <Iridos> of 2016
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3322[20:39:08] <missmbob>
3323[20:39:20] <greycat> What are you looking for?
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3325[20:39:40] <Iridos> and I was looking for the 4.6.0 kernel
that vanished from backports
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3327[20:40:29] <Iridos> oh, actually… I'm behind a
bit… last time there was only that weird 4.7
"unsigned" kernel, whatever that meant
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3330[20:41:03] <greycat>
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3332[20:41:15] <unborn> im about 2009 - so how old we are???
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3335[20:41:57] <rsync> anyone knows when Full Disk Encryption for
Debian is supported (incl. Boot partition)?
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3338[20:42:31] <rafalcpp> how to check in bash whether package X
is installed? package that is uninstalled but not purged (in c
state) should count as NOT installed
3339[20:42:49] <greycat> rafalcpp: dpkg -l "$package"
3340[20:43:13] <rafalcpp> greycat: it returns true if package was
removed but not purged
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3343[20:44:26] <greycat> OK, then capture stdout and look at
character 2 which is ${myvar:1:1}
3344[20:44:53] <Iridos> rsync, how'd you even do that?
3345[20:45:38] <rsync>
3346[20:45:57] <rafalcpp> greycat: hm ok. (I was wondering if
there is cleaner way)
3347[20:46:00] <rsync> ubuntu offers full disk encryption
3348[20:46:18] <`Kevin> could also capture status from -s
3349[20:46:25] <greycat> There may very well be some other way
using dpkg-query. I don't know.
3350[20:46:50] <rsync>
3351[20:47:28] <Iridos> greycat, it only looks that way…
supposing there's a reason kernels are backported (which
I'm not so sure of), I want a bdo one… and they'd
been all replaced by the 4.7.0 unsigned/signed ones…
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3355[20:47:56] <missmbob> rsync: that doesn't encrypt /boot
3356[20:48:01] <Iridos> but I wonder in general why snapshots
stop with march this year… I thought they provide all old
versions and are updated automatically
3357[20:48:07] <jhutchins> I'm running XFCE4 and in Thunar I
can extract archives (uses Ark), but when I try to right-click and
create an archive, I get "No suitable archive manager
found." All the "solutions" I find are for failing to
3358[20:48:12] <missmbob> rsync: you should read it all.
"The boot partition must be separate in Linux FDE, no matter
which configuration or distro and for most, it must also be
unencrypted "
3359[20:48:38] <missmbob> Iridos: didnt follow the link i gave
you to 2005?
3360[20:49:39] <drmagoo> rsync: you can encrypt everything except
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3362[20:49:55] <Iridos> missmbob, well, no, because… what
does 2005 have to do with april-2016 to september-2016?
3363[20:50:13] <rsync> how does the attack on a boot partition
work? can the attacker directly access my encrypted partition by
modifying the kernel or is this only possible after i logged on with
manipulated kernel?
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3365[20:50:31] <TomTomTo1> Iridos: where did you see it stop
3366[20:50:33] <missmbob> rsync: after you logged on with a
manipulated kernel
3367[20:50:38] <rsync> hm ok.. someone said that grub understands
3368[20:50:47] <rsync> ah ok thx!
3369[20:50:53] <rafalcpp> rsync: if attacker can physically
access your computer (e.g. take out hdd) then you already lost
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3371[20:51:04] <Iridos> TomTomTo1, duh.
3372[20:51:31] <rsync> ok so only possible like for ex. a
hardware keylogger
3373[20:51:36] <rafalcpp> rsync: what for would you encrypt
/boot? there should be no secret on it
3374[20:51:40] <Iridos> TomTomTo1, there:
3375[20:51:49] <rsync> but not in changing just the kernel and
all is unencrypted.. good to know
3376[20:51:55] <rafalcpp> rsync: you should encrypt everything
else, because it will contain secrets (your /home /var /tmp swap
3377[20:52:10] <missmbob> rsync: correct
3378[20:52:17] <rsync> okay.. thx!
3379[20:52:30] <jelly> rsync: the "evil maid" attack is
easily googlable, if you know how it's called!
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3381[20:52:41] <TomTomTo1> Iridos: oh, that is weird^^
3382[20:52:55] <drmagoo> rsync: enc