2[00:00:29] <njsg> grub1 does fit in a floppy, I wonder if it
can boot CDs. I guess handling the CD like another hard drive would
be enough? But I have no idea how far can grub go.
3[00:00:30] <bites> Vanfanel: that copy of debootstrap comes
from --foreign see debootstrap man page.
53[00:19:42] <Gigglebyte> Would anyone have some thoughts on
how to fix an error that says "Another process has locked the
database". This error shows up after I try to open the address
book called Dlume. Prior to this afternoon I have not had any
problem with the program and don't recall doing anything that
would have created such a problem. I am running Debian stable.
54[00:22:31] <moldy> Gigglebyte: if you are sure no process is
using the database anymore, look for the lockfile and delete it
55[00:22:59] <moldy> Gigglebyte: maybe something like `find ~
-name dlume.lock`
59[00:23:39] <Gigglebyte> moldy> I can't open the
database so how would I back it up? There isn't much in there.
60[00:24:40] <Vanfanel> bites: What's the right command to
transfer the ARM64 rootfs from the X86 host to an SD meant to run on
the target machine? rsync maybe?
61[00:24:45] *** Quits: JohnML (~john1@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
62[00:25:25] <Gigglebyte> It worked. Hoorah, and I am back in.
63[00:25:50] <Gigglebyte> I deleted the lock file, but now
wondering how this problem occurred in the first place?
64[00:26:40] *** Quits: spacebison (~bison@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
74[00:30:24] <format_c> Gigglebyte, probably the application
wasn't shut down properly before so that it had no chance to
delete the lockfile.
75[00:30:41] <Aebian> can someone explain mv to me? The manpage
seems not to cover my point. So if I want to move something,
example: I'm in my home dir /home/aebian and now do a mv
/mnt/somedisk/folder1/folder2/folder3/file.txt and now want to move
it just one folder down to like folder 4. Do I have to write the
whole path again? I know I can do copy-pasta but is that the only
76[00:31:14] <Gigglebyte> format_c> It has locked up again,
and I have no idea why.
77[00:31:27] <annadane> i guess it's just the microcode
and kernel
84[00:33:32] <Gigglebyte> format_c> Earlier within the hour
I deleted the lock file and the application started working again,
but the lock file has come back.
85[00:33:40] <Gigglebyte> What is htop?
86[00:34:15] <hypn0> to see if something else is using
89[00:34:59] <format_c> Gigglebyte, can you open the
application using a terminal. When it quit's do "echo
90[00:35:32] <Aebian> so I guess the normal move does not allow
me to do that ok. I was thinking of having a variable or something
that takes the source path and applies that as target like mv
/mnt/somedisk/folder1/folder2/folder3/file.txt $source_path/folder4
but seems that I need to do the approach with cd then
91[00:35:48] <Gigglebyte> format-c> No, I get the same
error. I have installed htop, and trying to find something relevant.
92[00:36:11] <format_c> What is the output of echo $?
98[00:37:30] <Aebian> well the variable shouldn't be
static so the change dir approach is easier then
99[00:38:00] <n4dir> Aebian: bash has some wild variables, for
example !$ is the last argument of the last command (so if you did
mv /some/long/path; the next command "cd !$" will cd to
/some/long/path). - Side note
105[00:39:17] <Gigglebyte> format_c> The output of echo $? is
106[00:39:24] <Aebian> but they don't worjk directly in a
move command :p And I didn't do a ll or cd before running the
mv command :D
107[00:39:37] <Aebian> but thanks anyway
108[00:39:44] <format_c> Aebian, set a alias for mv calling a
wrapper script that does setting the variable or whatever
you're thinking of
109[00:39:52] <n4dir> yes, here it won't help much, at
least not easily ...
110[00:40:11] <Gigglebyte> I will be back in about 2 minutes.
111[00:40:14] *** Quits: JohnML (~john1@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
112[00:40:23] <format_c> Gigglebyte, that says you that your
application didn't exit normally. Otherwise the value would be
113[00:40:42] <Aebian> I will think about it. But gtg, thanks
for the help
114[00:40:55] *** Quits: hbautista (~hbautista@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
115[00:40:56] <Gigglebyte> format_c> so what is causing the
application not to exit? It exited fine prior to this afternoon.
116[00:41:25] <format_c> I donno how well documented are the
exit-codes for your application. But it confirms that your
application doesn't properly shut down and hence doesn't
remove the lockfile properly as well.
117[00:41:31] <Gigglebyte> Maybe dlume needs to be updated?
118[00:41:43] <format_c> It's worth a try
119[00:42:28] <Gigglebyte> There needs to be more address books
for Debian stable.
136[00:46:01] *** Quits: Orys (~Orys@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
137[00:47:28] <Gigglebyte> format_c> in the past the address
book on Thunderbird was supper buggy and had a tendency to lockup.
Not sure if things changed much since the last time I used it.
Ideally the best fix would be a stand alone address book.
177[01:09:47] <rivyn> Why does `apt upgrade` show packages that
will be upgraded that `apt -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold -o
DPkg::Options::=--force-confdef upgrade` does not?
178[01:10:02] <rivyn> As far as I can understand, those options
should not prevent some packages from being upgraded.
189[01:14:41] <mrslaughter1775> But I'm going through a
list of things to doafter installing Stretch, and I'm trying to
login as root to configure Sudo, but the password for root that I
chose is not working for some reason. Is this a bug?
190[01:15:07] <mrslaughter1775> I used the exact same password
for my regular user, and it works just fine when logging in.
217[01:20:42] <rgr> "Since you must usually invoke sudo
each time you want to do something that requires privileges, the
reasoning is that you will "think before you leap", i.e.
not just stick sudo in front of something without thinking for a
second what the command you're running is going to do."
219[01:20:55] <n4dir> i would wanna hear the complete
explanation for that.
220[01:21:04] <n4dir> ha ha ha. ubunutu. ok. eof.
221[01:21:09] <rgr> for want of a better link.
222[01:21:53] <rgr> n4dir: you're wrong and giving wrong
advice. The fact you focus on the "ubuntu" part of a
generic explanation suggests you have a bias.
223[01:22:04] <rivyn> I work with plenty of
"professionals" who ALWAYS habitually put sudo in front of
every command whether it's needed or not.
224[01:22:11] <rivyn> So that reasoning isn't necessarily
225[01:22:11] <rgr> sudo is there for a reason. keeping su
shells open is asking for trouble expecially for a noob.
242[01:28:27] <mrslaughter1775> rgr: I used 'sudo usermod
-aG sudo travis' and it said 'travis is not in the sudoers
file. This incident will be reported.' lol
243[01:28:31] *** Quits: yomisei11 (~yomisei@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
244[01:28:34] <mrslaughter1775> I thought I was adding myself!
280[01:59:58] <Gigglebyte> It looks like System76 uploaded a
bunch of broken packages to the Debian server and I am wondering who
is the gatekeeper for this? The driver they uploaded requires a
python package that is only in testing and unstable. It
shouldn't even be in Debian stable. Much of the problem has to
do with the fact that System76 has very limited in house technical
support for this. Their developer doesn't want to use Python
3.5 and insists
281[01:59:58] <Gigglebyte> on using 3.6 which doesn't work
with Debian stable. Similarly I haven't been able to get the
maintainer of the Python 3.6 package to work on getting Python 3.6
to work in Debian, and he referred me to the bugs report. I
couldn't figure out how to file the bug, and he suggested
contacting the mailing list, which I haven't gotten around to
282[02:01:07] *** Quits: de-facto (~de-facto@replaced-ip) (Quit: See you around.)
288[02:03:54] <judd> No package named
'system76-driver' was found in stretch/amd64.
289[02:04:01] *** Quits: fedorafan (~fedorafan@replaced-ip) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
290[02:04:03] <bites> Gigglebyte: no such package in the debian
291[02:04:15] <Gigglebyte> You can't install the nvidia
drivers unless then system76-driver is installed. However, I think
it is good that at least they are reaching out to Debian, and I have
tried to encourage them to participate more with development since
Debian is virtually ubiquitous distro in the linux world.
294[02:06:09] <nyov> Gigglebyte: you are referring to the
system76 ppa, I believe, which is no part of Debian
295[02:06:41] <somiaj> !based on debian
296[02:06:42] <dpkg> Your distribution may be based on and have
software in common with Debian, but it is not Debian. We don't
and cannot know what changes were made by your distribution (compare
297[02:06:52] <somiaj> almost sounds like you are using some
based on debian repos/distro. Which is not debian.
299[02:07:38] <somiaj> Gigglebyte: and you can install the
nvidia drivers just fine from the debian non-free repo. No third
party stuff required.
300[02:07:41] <Gigglebyte> nyov> the package name is
system76-driver I can't tell you any more than that, but assume
System76 uploaded it without testing it. It is broken and has
dependency issues. So I am wondering how it ended up in the repos
for Debian stable?
301[02:08:08] <bites> Gigglebyte: it did not end up in the repos
for debian stable.
302[02:08:21] <bites> Gigglebyte: there is no such package in
debian stable.
303[02:08:32] <Gigglebyte> nvidia drivers won't install
without the System76-driver and the System76-driver requires python
3.6 which is not compatible with Debian stable.
304[02:08:51] <bites> Gigglebyte: apt-cache policy
system76-driver and you will see where it's from.
310[02:09:35] <somiaj> the nvidia drivers in debian do not
system76-driver. Where are you getting your nvidia drivers from?
What distro are you actually running (is it debian + third party
stuff, or some based on debian distro)
311[02:09:37] <bites> Gigglebyte: obviously with foreign
sources. i gave you a command to check.
340[02:16:05] <karlpinc> Gigglebyte: You might be better off
telling us your ultimate goal. We might be able to tell you how to
get there.
341[02:17:03] <Gigglebyte> karlpinc> My ultimate goal is to
restore the functionality of the "F" keys and to shut off
the blue keyboard lights. The laptop that I am on is a Cleavo, sold
to Saeger, who resells it to System76.
342[02:17:19] <Gigglebyte> The laptop is made in China.
346[02:18:18] <nyov> Gigglebyte: you won't be able to
install that PPA package- it depends on ubuntu stuff (even if you
tried an older release without python3.6)
350[02:19:11] <somiaj> Gigglebyte: the issue is that you are
mixing ubuntu packages with debian. This is not an issue with the
package being broken in Debian.
351[02:19:21] <Gigglebyte> nyov> Are you sure about that?
Supposedly there are ways to get adapt some of the Ubuntu things in
Debian, but my point is that there are files in Debian that should
be more closely reviewed. Unfortunately people got defensive on here
after I tried mentioning it.
352[02:19:45] <somiaj> Gigglebyte: what package in debian needs
to be more closely reviewed. The package you are talking about is
not in Debian.
353[02:20:01] <Gigglebyte> somiaj> I am not referring to
Debian's core package, but files uploaded to the repo. Are you
able to see the same packages I am referring to?
354[02:20:16] <somiaj> Debian has a fairly good review and
testing process, and a BTS that users can use to help review stuff.
But it has to actually be packages from debian.
355[02:20:32] <somiaj> Gigglebyte: system76-driver is NOT in
debian, so debian does not review it.
356[02:20:55] <bites> Gigglebyte: do you still not understand
that this package has nothing to do with debian? it was not made for
debian, it is not in the debian repos, it's not meant to be
installed on debian.
357[02:21:35] <Gigglebyte> Here is the results of the apt-cache
search for system76-driver
358[02:21:44] *** Quits: arthurmde_ (uid38505@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
359[02:21:52] <somiaj> That package is NOT in debian. I
don't know how much clearer we can make this.
360[02:22:04] <somiaj> just because you added a random ppa to
your sources and can search for it doens't make it part of
361[02:22:12] <Gigglebyte> It might not have anything to do with
Debian, but the whole reason for my comments on the matter is
because the package doesn't work, and extra effort should be
made to get a modified package from System76.
370[02:23:17] <bites> Gigglebyte: apt-cache search does not
search official repositories. it searches everything you have in
your sources. which in your case is an UBUNTU PPA
371[02:23:24] <Gigglebyte> It isn't possible to install
this drive because I am running Debian stable.
372[02:23:26] <somiaj> read the output, it clearly says that it
is from a ubuntu ppa and made for ubuntu cosmic
378[02:24:34] <somiaj> and this is not a problem in debian, but
an issue with your sources.list
379[02:24:40] <Gigglebyte> Switching subjects, what is the
prognosis of being able to shut off the blue keyboard lights? Or is
this a lost cause because of a lack of driver support?
382[02:25:42] <somiaj> It really depends on the actual hardware,
and i"m not sure. Sometimes function (fn) key combos can do
that, and it is a firmawre thing and has nothing to do with the os.
Others drivers are needed. If it isn't supported in a native
linux kernel it may not be possible, or require some special care to
384[02:26:16] <Gigglebyte> Also, wondering if anyone has had any
trouble installing Linux on the latest macbook pros? However, I
would prefer to avoid Apple if I possible. I still haven't
ruled them out.
385[02:26:17] <somiaj> you may also be able to find firmware
settings in your firmware ui that can configure such things.
388[02:27:10] <somiaj> macbooks require a bit of work to install
linux on them. I know people who do, but it can be hit or miss on
how much work is required.
389[02:27:25] <somiaj> sometimes it boils down to the aactual
model on how possible it is
399[02:34:47] <Gigglebyte> I installed their firmware but
nothing happened.
400[02:35:17] <Gigglebyte> Everything they have is written for
Ubuntu, so I am not hopeful I am going to be able to resolve the
problem. And with respect to Cleavo, they don't do Linux.
498[03:58:28] <Gigglebyte> nyov> I just discovered something
that might be a clue as to why it isn't working. Python3.5.3-1
is installed, but Python3.6 is required in order to make the drivers
work, or at least that was an earlier message awhile back.
502[03:59:10] <nyov> we installed the trusty version explicitly
so it didn' require py3.6
503[03:59:27] <Gigglebyte> ok, that explains why the trusty.
504[03:59:42] <nyov> Well, if you knew some python, you could
run this nasty thing yourself. It's hidden in the
driver//daemon.py file and writes some strange bits to a stranger fd
724[07:33:44] <dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For
example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian
version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I
expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if
anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all
volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get
an answer try a few hours later or on debian-user@lists.debian.org.
See <smart questions><errors>.
743[07:52:38] <mrslaughter1775_> I ran: "sudo adduser
travis sudo" as a superuser twice because after the first time
it said that I was not in sudoers, so I retried and got this output:
The user `travis' is already a member of `sudo'. Does
adding a user to sudoers require a restart to become effective? I
don't see why it would?
744[07:53:11] <likcoras> the user needs to re-login
764[08:05:28] <diogenes_> mrslaughter1775, with your enthusiasm,
soon you will become a power linux user, i kinda see that :)
765[08:05:33] <mrslaughter1775> This is a serious question, and
I do NOT mean to start a flame war. As someone new to Linux, would
Vim be the best route to go, or emacs?
784[08:14:07] <Faket> Hey guys, I got an Acer laptop Aspire
A114. There is no more OS on it, the BIOS is locked with a password
(I already reset it and I still have the password, so I can't
enter) and got SecureBoot enabled. I can boot on a Xubuntu or Linux
Mint live but it stops on what seems to be the installation of grub.
Any idea of what I can do?
785[08:14:20] <themill> mrslaughter1775: you'd need to use
dist-upgrade instead
786[08:15:06] *** Quits: JelmerD20 (~JelmerD@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
788[08:15:16] <mrslaughter1775> themill: That seems a bit
strange. I could see some uses, but now I've got to go back and
make sure I used apt for every package I installed lol
793[08:19:13] <mrslaughter1775> themill: Let's say I did
"sudo apt-get install vim -y". If I re-execute the command
as sudo apt install vim -y, does that overwrite apt-get, or do I
need to uninstall the package and then use apt?
907[09:40:46] <darxmurf> I'll install a new fileserver for
windows/mac users. The idea is to monitor that and block file
creation based on filenames we usually find in those ransomwares
908[09:41:30] *** Quits: learjet60xr (~learjet60@replaced-ip) (Quit: live, learn, love and make friends :))
920[09:55:07] <darxmurf> jolt: well, windows machines are
"protected" by a corporate antivirus but the idea was to
add a layer on my linux servers
921[09:56:06] <jolt> darxmurf: Just that it sounds like a tough
job to write your own malware detection :)
922[09:56:45] <jolt> darxmurf: I would recommend to use
snapshots on the filesystems so that if the worst happens you can
just go back to a previous snapshot
923[09:57:40] *** Quits: RebelCoder (~RebelCode@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
926[10:00:40] <darxmurf> jolt: this is an idea too. The idea is
not to build my own malware detection tool, just to lock some doors
927[10:01:16] *** Quits: Ericounet (~Eric@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
928[10:01:41] <jolt> darxmurf: yeah, but I just guess you are
going to see a billion file changes, and that the problem is what is
what. But I'm all for!
957[10:18:55] <thms> How CPU/Memory intensive is sysstat ?
958[10:19:12] <Faket> Hey guys, I got an Acer laptop Aspire
A114. There is no more OS on it, the BIOS is locked with a password
(I already reset it and I still have the password, so I can't
enter) and got SecureBoot enabled. I can boot on a Xubuntu or Linux
Mint live but it stops on what seems to be the installation of grub.
Any idea of what I can do?
967[10:26:02] *** Quits: Darcidride (~Darcidrid@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
968[10:26:25] <Faket> You didn't read well, I reseted the
BIOS by removing the battery and waiting, cause the BIOS wasn't
launching before (black screen with white _ top left). So now, I
have a password...
969[10:27:11] <diogenes_> so you can you cannot access the bios?
970[10:27:16] *** Quits: rgr (~user@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
971[10:29:14] <Faket> No I can't acces BIOS, need this
password for it
977[10:31:40] <Faket> darxmurf: yeah, can you explain how should
I do it better than reset it by unpowering?
978[10:32:03] *** Quits: Esyllt (~Esyllt@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
979[10:32:15] <Faket> diogenes_: That's not realy an
980[10:32:47] <darxmurf> depends of the motherboard, some have a
jumper to change, then put back. Some have 2 points to link with a
piece of something to shortcut it, some have a switch
982[10:33:37] <darxmurf> On supermicro server boards I had to
unpower it, shortcut 2 dots and the job was done. Have a look in the
manual of your board :-)
1030[11:03:05] <dob1> hi, am I wrong or time ago it was possible
to execute for example "sudo apt-get update && apt-get
dist-upgrade" , using just sudo at the first one, now I have to
do "sudo apt-get.... && sudo apt-get dist...", it
is changed ?
1046[11:14:21] <njsg> okay, it looks like / is ext4 *and* tune2fs
can't disable some of the incompatible features, so I'll
install lilo for now while I make up a separate boot and then
I'll install grub1 there.
1055[11:17:06] <njsg> I doubt it'd work without the second
sudo before, at least without quotes. && ought to be
interpreted by the shell and that will be two separate commands. But
there could always be some shell that does things in a different
way, of course...
1056[11:18:04] <moldy> dob1: you can do something like `sudo bash
-c "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade"`
1057[11:18:59] *** Quits: catsup (d@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1128[12:21:08] <Camusensei> Hello guys. I'm on debian 9.5
and I am wondering why util-linux does not provide /usr/bin/column
(which is on my system provided by bsdmainutils). util-linux is
supposed to contain column, is there a specific package of
util-linux for debian?
1129[12:21:12] <DeafGoose> is it alright if I ask a crontab
1130[12:21:16] <Camusensei> !ask
1131[12:21:16] <dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For
example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian
version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I
expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if
anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all
volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get
an answer try a few hours later or on debian-user@lists.debian.org.
See <smart questions><errors>.
1137[12:21:43] <DeafGoose> Im trying to figure out why my
scheduled job is not doing anything via crontab..Im tailing the
cron.log file and I see that the cron line /usr/local/bin/php
1138[12:21:50] <DeafGoose> if I run /usr/local/bin/php /var/replaced-url
1145[12:24:14] <Camusensei> It's actually quite common to
have differences, you're running an interactive shell with a
different environment compared to cron
1146[12:24:24] <Camusensei> plus it's not even the same
1147[12:25:06] <DeafGoose> ok logging to a file lets see
1230[13:21:32] <spycrowsoft> Hi! In the current
stable-repository, the package Enigmail depends on icedove and
forces an uninstall of the thunderbird-l10n, lightning and
lightning-l10n packages, but it leaves the main thunderbird package
installed. Am I right if I conclude that this is not the intended
nor expected behavior? And if so, how can I report this?
1247[13:30:55] <Secret-Fire> for some reason when i launch
pavucontrol, i get system wide freezes and no sound
1248[13:32:59] *** Quits: pvdp (~pvdp@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1249[13:33:13] <spycrowsoft> purpleunicorn: If you are feeling
adventurous and have a chromeOS recovery USB stick, you could just
try it..... No guarantees though...
1251[13:35:36] <purpleunicorn> spycrowsoft i have to make the
recovery USBB first and then try it out. Do you think that since its
not listed online will it fuck up the system or would it just result
into my doing a recovery?
1266[13:40:54] <spycrowsoft> purpleunicorn: Is it a coreboot
system? (probably yes). If so, then it is probably similar to what
is visible on this page:
1269[13:41:52] <spycrowsoft> In developer-mode you always have to
be carefull, but as long as you don't flash another coreboot
version onto your chromebook, you should be able to get a working
1274[13:43:44] <sZbcE8qNfG> hello, if I want my bash script to
log to /var/log/myscript.log........how is that log rotated?
1275[13:43:53] <spycrowsoft> However, since I havn't done
this before, I cannot guarantee that this is 100% true. It's a
gamble with high chances of succeeding and low chances of bricking
your chromebook, but the chances that you'll brick it are not
1277[13:45:07] <purpleunicorn> spycrowsoft this makes me not want
to take a chance lol
1278[13:45:09] *** Quits: encod3 (~encod3@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1279[13:45:58] <spycrowsoft> purpleunicorn: It on how much you
love your chromebook. If you don't care what happens to it, you
can try. If you do, you might not want to take the risk.
1281[13:46:48] <purpleunicorn> so by doing this or trying this i
could potentially fuck up the chromebook to the point where it could
no longer be of use? spycrowsoft
1286[13:48:19] <spycrowsoft> If you don't flash a new
coreboot and are fine with a message "OS verification OFF"
at startup. You will probably be fine.
1287[13:48:37] <spycrowsoft> But yes, it's possible since
it's uncharted territory.
1288[13:48:59] <spycrowsoft> Basically: You are on your own.
1289[13:49:01] <purpleunicorn> spycrowsoft im probably not going
to take the risk. I'm just going to have to either install
gallium or ubuntu
1291[13:50:35] <spycrowsoft> purpleunicorn: Has that been tried
before? If yes, try that first, you can always return and try Debian
again later
1292[13:50:44] <SerajewelKS> spycrowsoft: AIUI the enigmail
package does not work with thunderbird 60. uninstall the package and
use the thunderbird extension manager to download it instead.
1297[13:52:01] <spycrowsoft> SerajewelKS: So it is intended
behaviour. Ok thanks! I already applied your suggestion but I just
wanted to check if this was intended or not.
1310[13:54:19] <SerajewelKS> so there's a bunch of broken
addons in the repo because they don't support firefox 60, but
would require updating other (non-broken) packages
1312[13:55:17] <purpleunicorn> spycrowsoft it hasn't been
tried before but i feel like any os except maybe mac os is the only
that won't let you download any linux distros. I know someone
who has an acer chromebook which im guessing probably runs windows
and it works. Some people have told me i might have a harder time
because its chrome os and has had issues. Im going to be honest, i
dont have the chromebook. Im planning on buying one or the thinkpad
but the
1313[13:55:18] <purpleunicorn> specs of the chromebook is better.
1323[13:57:54] <spycrowsoft> SerajewelKS: Well it's not like
I'm going to run testing or unstable on systems in the wild
with users which are regularly geographycally 30+ minutes away.
1324[13:58:05] <SerajewelKS> TBH i'm not sure the reasoning
behind packaging firefox/thunderbird addons at all
1326[13:58:28] <SerajewelKS> the way i see it, firefox and
thunderbird include their own package manager of sorts. it would be
like debian packaging npm modules.
1327[13:59:09] <spycrowsoft> SerajewelKS: It is to make the life
of sysadmins easier and it's something that worked nicely in
the past.... and it did to be honest.
1328[14:00:29] <spycrowsoft> purpleunicorn: You will surely have
a harder time on a chromebook than on a thinkpad. I assumed you
already had the chromebook. I would not be buying one brand new and
bet that debian runs on it.
1329[14:00:49] <purpleunicorn> yeah that's why i came here
to ask
1330[14:01:14] <spycrowsoft> purpleunicorn: If you are in the
luxury position of buying a system that will run linux, it's
better to just go with plain old regular computers.
1331[14:01:16] <purpleunicorn> spycrowsoft the pricing of both
are the same but the speed of the thinkpad is slower than the
1334[14:02:14] <spycrowsoft> purpleunicorn: depends on what you
want to do with it... Most websites are quite power-crazy
nowadays.... If surfing is the only thing you are concerned about,
you might just as well buy the chromebook
1337[14:03:18] <spycrowsoft> What are the thinkpad's specs?
1338[14:03:44] <dob1> hi, I have a file -rw-r--r-- 1 root root
why I am able to delete it as user? it asks me if I am sure ti
remove it but I can remove it
1380[14:10:22] <spycrowsoft> If you set the directory the file is
in to read-only for user (or chown it to root:root) then you cannot
delete the file anymore
1381[14:10:48] <spycrowsoft> It's functioning as it is
intended, you just have to understand what you are doing
1391[14:12:36] <spycrowsoft> If you delete a file from a
directory, you are not modifying the file, but you are modifying the
directory the file is stored in
1392[14:13:12] <spycrowsoft> Therefore, the premissions of the
directory the file resides in, are applied to the rm command.
1393[14:13:51] <spycrowsoft> Is this clear?
1394[14:13:57] <dob1> spycrowsoft, thanks for the info, I got it.
1395[14:14:33] <purpleunicorn> these are the one's im
thinking about right now. spycrowsoft
1396[14:14:35] <spycrowsoft> You're welcome
1397[14:14:38] <SPF> very interesting :)
1398[14:14:58] <dob1> it's a bit strange if you think, for
example chmod 600 file
1399[14:15:02] <dob1> I can't read it but I can delete it
1400[14:15:21] <spycrowsoft> purpleunicorn: that link
doesn't work for me
1403[14:16:07] <SerajewelKS> spycrowsoft: "everything is a
file" is misleading. everything is a node. nodes share some
properties, such as permissions.
1404[14:16:33] <SerajewelKS> this has nothing to do with
"directories are files" (which is wrong) and it has to do
with the permission model as it is defined
1405[14:16:47] <spycrowsoft> SerajewelKS: Of course you are
right, but I tried to keep it simple.
1406[14:17:50] <SerajewelKS> the correct way to think about it is
that unlinking a node is an operation on the directory the node is
in, not the node itself. hence, the node's permissions
aren't relevant.
1411[14:18:53] <spycrowsoft> And files are nodes....
1412[14:19:12] <SerajewelKS> right. so it follows. but it applies
to more than files.
1413[14:19:44] <SerajewelKS> dob1: think about it like this. if
you have an encrypted document in your possession, you can't
read it without the key. but even if you don't have the key,
you can shred it.
1414[14:20:02] <SerajewelKS> a node in a directory owned by a
user is "in the possession of that user" regardless of
their rights to otherwise manipulate the node
1420[14:23:08] <SerajewelKS> it's actually a necessary
thing, due to hardlinks. consider this scenario: user A owns a file
with permissions 644. user B creates a hardlink to this file in his
home directory. user A changes the permissions to 600.
1422[14:23:19] <SerajewelKS> user B now has a node in their home
directory with permissions 600 and owned by another user
1423[14:23:37] <spycrowsoft> purpleunicorn: I would go with the
HP Probook. I've recently installed Debian on a system with
simmilar specs and it ran Debian just fine for regular web and
office-use. It's also the most powerfull of the bunch
1424[14:23:59] <SerajewelKS> unless user B can delete any node in
a directory they own, they either need to enlist user A to change
the permissions, or root to come delete the node
1425[14:24:20] <purpleunicorn> is it more powerful than the
thinkpad as well spycrowsoft
1430[14:26:16] <spycrowsoft> purpleunicorn: It's about as
powerful as a "modern" machine from 10 years ago.
Something with specs like that is enough for home office and
webbrowsing use
1434[14:28:02] <spycrowsoft> But It'll do the job for debian
and homework.
1435[14:28:03] <purpleunicorn> i already have a laptop for
regular use...i'm trying to learn how to tinker with things on
it. Create projects and programs spycrowsoft
1436[14:28:12] <purpleunicorn> i need it to last but im on a
1475[14:40:52] <spycrowsoft> I remember running an entire
community-system on a server with 800 mHz with about 1200 users....
It's a shame those days are over.
1476[14:42:29] <spycrowsoft> T420S is the best one so far
1477[14:42:40] *** Quits: graphene (~graphene@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1483[14:44:06] <spycrowsoft> Will last you a little longer with
debian on it, might need a new harddrive in the new future, but
those are not to expensive either. 1TB is like 40$ and it's a
fundamentally better machine
1484[14:44:26] *** Quits: sturles17 (~sturles@replaced-ip) (Killed (Sigyn (Spam is off topic on freenode.)))
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1489[14:46:21] <spycrowsoft> I'd give the thinkpad about 4
or 5 years, but it's not going to get much better on your
1490[14:46:24] <spycrowsoft> Go with it
1491[14:47:07] <purpleunicorn> thanks dob1 and spycrowsoft for
the advice
1492[14:49:45] *** Quits: BeamWatcher (~gashead76@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1493[14:49:49] <spycrowsoft> You're welcome
1494[14:49:50] <jelly> a T420s is exactly what I've bought
two years ago, 16GB RAM and SSD and happy with it
1495[14:50:19] <spycrowsoft> jelly: this one has an HDD and 4 GB,
and an i5 so it's a lot less powerfull
1496[14:51:35] <spycrowsoft> But the ram and HDD are not that
hard to replace when the time comes and an 1-st gen i5 will last a
few years from now on. He/she could even replace it with an SSD, but
given the budget I don't think that's likely.
1497[14:52:11] <spycrowsoft> A bit of new ram might be worth it,
but an SSD would be as expensive as the entire laptop in it's
current state.
1503[14:54:16] <jelly> if there's a single 4GB stick of ram
inside, adding 4 or 8 more will be enough for any Linux workstation
work, and perhaps some light virtualization
1520[14:59:15] <spycrowsoft> The T430 and T410 are also ok
1521[15:00:16] <spycrowsoft> It's more or less the same, and
SSD makes a BIG difference, but they are expensive and small. A new
1TB harddisk costs you about $40 when you need it and ram is
identical for all those T4**
1522[15:00:17] <purpleunicorn> found this one. it has an SSD
1523[15:00:37] <spycrowsoft> purpleunicorn: Yes but it's cpu
is way slower
1526[15:01:00] <Vanfanel> Hi! After following this guide to
create an aarch64 rootfs on an X86 host, I can natively boot and
login as root on the aarch64 system, but I am missing systemd's
service initialization messages, but shutdown messages DO appear.
Any idea on what am I missing?
1527[15:01:01] <spycrowsoft> Go for a thinkpad T4xx and a high
clock speed
1528[15:01:21] <Vanfanel> This is the guide I followed:
1529[15:01:29] <spycrowsoft> The CPU is nearly impossible to
replace after all
1555[15:07:02] <sdk> just curious whats the most powerful cpu you
can get with a t420(s)?
1556[15:07:11] <spycrowsoft> sdk: I can run a win 10 64 bit as
well without swapping on 8GB, but I'de have to make sure
firefox and other apps are closed
1557[15:07:20] <spycrowsoft> sdk about an i7 something
1558[15:07:50] <spycrowsoft> Probably i7 26xxM or 28xxM
1568[15:09:32] <spycrowsoft> Well that's where the disk
storage comes in
1569[15:09:36] <purpleunicorn> like if i dont plan on getting rid
of windows can i just make another drive for debian
1570[15:09:55] <purpleunicorn> oh
1571[15:10:05] <spycrowsoft> an 128 GB SDD is so small that you
can theoretically fit in linux and windows at the same time, but
you'll have a hard time
1572[15:10:43] <petn-randall> !ot
1573[15:10:43] <dpkg> #debian is primarily a support channel for
Debian users. Please keep the discussions in #debian on-topic and
take longer discussions and non-support questions to
#debian-offtopic. Imagine the chaos if each of the hundreds of
people in the channel felt the need to wander off topic for a few
minutes every day.
1574[15:10:47] <spycrowsoft> But it's powerfull enough to
run just plain old windows for about 1 or 2 years, before you'd
have to ditch windows and install debian on it
1575[15:11:16] <spycrowsoft> The bot's are reacting to
us.... we have to quit now
1576[15:11:48] <petn-randall> spycrowsoft: You can also just move
over to #debian-offtopic and continue the discussion there. :)
1589[15:14:38] <jelly> sdk: ask in ##ibmthinkpad, some models can
have firmware replaced with coreboot or libreboot and more powerful
sandybridge (2nd gen i3/i5/i7) or ivybridge (3rd gen) cpu installed,
provided you can figure out the cooling
1590[15:15:14] *** Quits: monksam (~monksam@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
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1603[15:18:37] <b1nny> Hello! Could someone tell me what the
security update policy of Debian is in regards to non-officially
supported PHP versions (PHP 7.0 from December and onwards)?
1608[15:19:38] <SerajewelKS> b1nny: if it's in stable and
upstream is still providing security updates, debian does too
1609[15:19:49] <SerajewelKS> if upstream is not providing
security updates then... well, there aren't any security
updates to give you
1610[15:20:29] <b1nny> so everyone running Debian Stretch using
PHP is boned, pretty much?
1611[15:20:37] <jelly> b1nny: if we look at past history with
php, Debian is likely to keep backporting relevant security issues
to their own php 7.0 even after upstream gives up on it
1612[15:20:39] <b1nny> (unless you use 3rd party repos ofc)
1613[15:20:40] <SerajewelKS> typically in that case stable will
get the next release. like what happened with firefox 52 ESR.
mozilla stopped supporting 52 so debian received a security update
to 60 ESR.
1614[15:20:47] <b1nny> jelly: ah that sounds sensible :)
1638[15:36:43] <Faket> Hey, I have a small trouble with
pavucontrol I guess, my cmus player sound seems to be muting itself
at random times, what can I do to diagnostic this?
1639[15:41:04] *** Quits: pkpkpk1 (~pkpkpk1@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1687[16:03:58] <Brigo> usually /mnt (ixists just for that)
1688[16:04:21] <thms> Anyonbe using sysstat ? I've disabled
it in /etc/default/sysstat, but the cron.d/sysstat file is still
there & being called. I don't really get what's the
use of this default/sysstat file
1689[16:04:25] <karlpinc> Iarfen: Or you could activate the lvm
volume group, assuming it's all on the one hard drive.
1734[16:15:37] <RoyK> Brigo: I use on every linux machine I run -
just because it doesn't eat resources (as of that I can
measure) and because it's sometimes invaluable in terms of the
statistics it logs
1785[16:41:58] <pagios> hi all, i would like to give my windows
machines access to some folders with access permissions applied on
them, i am using linux servers, uset1 should access ofolder1 and
read from folder2 and admin should access al all windows machines
are part of a workgroup, should i use samba to do that service or
any other recommended services?
1817[16:52:18] *** Quits: citypw (~citypw@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1818[16:52:29] <Iarfen> after installing debian from zero how I
should do to config the environment variables that aren't set?
Like for example ${APACHE_RUN_DIR}
1819[16:52:46] <greycat> ... why would you think that should be
set? Who would use it?
1820[16:53:02] <apollo13> aside from the fact that the init
script sets it afaik
1829[16:55:21] <sZbcE8qNfG> is there a way to get apache to call
a script on access? Basically, I'm want to send an email
everytime a unique ip address accesses apache
1830[16:55:46] <sZbcE8qNfG> i could do it using a handler
pre-script or even polling access.log, wonder if there is a better
1831[16:55:49] <Iarfen> apollo13: how I do that apache uses those
environment variables there? I've the file :D
1832[16:56:02] <greycat> Iarfen: what are you trying to do?
1839[16:57:17] <greycat> It's started at boot by default. If
you've stopped it for some reason, you can restart it with
"service apache2 start" or "systemctl start
1840[16:58:04] *** Quits: Haohmaru (~Haohmaru@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1841[16:59:19] *** Quits: Iarfen (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1843[17:03:55] <Faket> Hey, I have a small trouble with
pavucontrol I guess, my cmus player sound seems to be muting itself
at random times, what can I do to diagnostic this?
1851[17:10:46] <Faket> diogenes_ seems to be randomly
1852[17:11:10] <Faket> diogenes_ I tried to reproduce it but I
can't figure out anything who do it
1853[17:11:26] <greycat> Are you sure it's the software
(i.e. you can actually see that the software shows "muted"
somewhere), and not just a cable or other HW issue?
1854[17:11:58] <diogenes_> Faket, maybe it gets muted when you
got a call on fb or skype or something similar?
1855[17:12:22] <sZbcE8qNfG> dio, you use opensuse?
1856[17:12:37] <Faket> diogenes_ I don't think so... Got no
FB or Skype...
1861[17:14:33] <diogenes_> Faket, one random try would be to
comment out this line #load-module module-role-cork in
/etc/pulse/default.pa then pulseaudio -k
1863[17:17:03] *** Quits: sparklyballs (~bouncy@replaced-ip) (Quit: One of the victims is making too much noise.)
1864[17:17:09] <Faket> diogenes_ I did it, so basicly now I just
wait until it mutes again right? So if it doesn't maybe this
was the cause of the problem.
1865[17:17:27] <Faket> Or maybe I didn't waited long enough
1866[17:17:31] <diogenes_> Faket, exactly
1867[17:17:37] <Faket> Roger that
1868[17:17:50] <diogenes_> roger that control :)
1869[17:18:23] *** Quits: electro33 (uid613@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
1905[17:39:01] <jhutchins_wk> I've discovered what appears
to be a vbox guest running on a CentOS server with no GUI. It
doesn't accept ssh or rdp connections. How can I get console
1932[17:55:08] <jhutchins_wk> Actually, it appears to be a
redirect that nmap incorrectly identified as vbox, possibly because
it was running on a vbox guest.
1958[18:08:08] <zafu> hi, when I ssh into some debian hosts
running X11, two SSH_AUTH_SOCK are created: one local and one for
the forwarded key, how can I avoid creating the local one?
2037[18:50:12] <jelly-home> zafu: what do you mean by an X11
host, just a machine running X?
2038[18:50:24] <jelly-home> in any case the right place to ask is
2039[18:50:27] <jelly-home> !debian-next
2040[18:50:27] <dpkg> #debian-next is the channel for
testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (irc.oftc.net), *not*
on freenode. If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is
invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
2045[18:51:54] <greycat> If I ssh as root (without -X or -Y) into
a stretch machine with a user logged in and running KDE on the
console, I see only one /tmp/ssh-* file. I think you need to specify
a few more details here.
2078[19:08:41] <mtn> mrslaughter1775: just to be fair,
2079[19:09:18] <mrslaughter1775> I've never heard of irssi
or konversation, but I used to use HexChat on Windows 10 and quite
enjoyed it.
2080[19:10:39] <mrslaughter1775> After reading "In The
Beginning Was The Command Line" though, I'm trying to
start using applications that don't rely on GUI's.
I'll look into weechat. I've seen the name pop up a lot
but never checked it out.
2081[19:11:11] *** Quits: roshanavand (~roshanava@replaced-ip) (Quit: Lost terminal)
2082[19:11:30] <nyov> Whom do I talk to wrt salsa account
2083[19:12:07] <nyov> or: y u no send confirmation mail, salsa!?
2084[19:12:50] <n4dir> mrslaughter1775: pretty sure there is a
very old thread at forums debian net about the most liked
commandline programs (audiplayers, screenshot, etc). - Not sure if
it is easy to find that thread with a web-searchengine, but might be
worth a try.
2085[19:12:59] <nyov> funny thing, I could use the password
recovery page and got a mail, set new password and am still not
"email confirmed"
2215[20:41:18] <IpSo> Recently upgraded to Debian 9, and I'm
running into an odd issue with a nagios plugin that simply checks if
a file exists. When running the command locally it works fine and
says the file exists, however when running it from NRPE it fails
saying the file does not exist. When I do a strace on NRPE I see:
stat("/tmp/asterisk_last_call.txt", 0x55a67836e298) = -1
ENOENT (No such file or directory) -- Yet the file is there, and
readable by the 'nagios' user
2216[20:41:18] <IpSo> ... Any ideas what I'm missing here?
2220[20:43:04] <mutante> IpSo: i would go to the NRPE config and
copy/paste the exact command line from there, then run it manually
and with sudo -u as the exact same user
2221[20:43:09] <mutante> then see if that gives more hints
2222[20:43:23] *** Quits: platvoeten (~platvoete@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
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2242[20:48:29] <IpSo> greycat, hrmm, any ideas how I could tell
if the NRPE server is in a chroot?
2243[20:49:04] <RoyK> IpSo: it probably isn't
2244[20:49:15] <RoyK> IpSo: and using nagios is a bad thing to
start width
2245[20:49:16] <greycat> I don't even know what NRPE is, so
I don't know what your options are. If you can ask it to make a
file, try asking it to create "/tmp/helloworld" or
something, and see where it ends up.
2299[21:00:27] <RoyK> jelly-home: a: it's not good, nor
modern. b: I really dislke it - have you looked at the codebase? I
worked with it for almost a decade and saw rather a lot of it
2300[21:00:41] <RoyK> but hell - some people would use win98
2313[21:04:12] <jelly-home> we don't use nrpe at all,
it's always stricken me as a bad idea to have a backdoor just
for monitoring
2314[21:04:13] <RoyK> which was my point
2315[21:05:32] <RoyK> better use agent-initiated checks then (I
don't want to use active/passive checks - it's confusing -
especially when zabbix uses the same terms, only the other way
2316[21:06:14] <RoyK> agent-initiated or server-initiated -
2317[21:06:16] <jelly-home> (almost) everything is visible over
2325[21:08:53] <IpSo> greycat, RoyK, mutante, FYI: Turned out to
be systemd "privatetmp" setting that was preventing the
NRPE service from reading files from the system /tmp/ directory. We
had one service that would dump files there, and NRPE would check to
see if they exist, so systemd was preventing that from happening.
2326[21:09:24] <greycat> Just out of curiosity, how did you
discover it?
2330[21:11:16] <IpSo> greycat, the chroot was the tip-off, I then
created a script that NRPE would run that simply did: "touch
/tmp/test.file" and searched the entire disk for it. It turned
up in some weird random /tmp/systemd-private-<HASH garbage>
directory. So that pointed me towards systemd, and the systemd guys
pointed me towards the privatetmp setting in the service unit file.
2331[21:11:48] <jelly-home> seems like a case of "for fucks
sake don't put files with known fixed paths in /tmp"
2332[21:11:51] <IpSo> greycat, Thanks for the help!
2333[21:12:22] *** Quits: rootroot (~rootroot@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2335[21:12:48] *** Quits: thelastjedi (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
2336[21:13:06] <IpSo> jelly-home, Or "for fuck sake, what
else is Systemd going to control!"
2337[21:13:06] <jelly-home> if it had checked
/var/lib/service/test.file it would have worked, and usually noone
but "service" and root would be able to create that file
2338[21:13:30] <jelly-home> I don't blame systemd's
defaults, this time.
2345[21:15:19] <greycat> yeah, it's not "systemd did
this thing", it's "the debian maintainer of the
package did this thing using systemd"
2346[21:15:46] <jelly-home> not that there's a functional
difference for an aggravated user
2347[21:16:34] <tw> does anything still use tmp for ipc, or has
all of that been moved to /run or /var?
2348[21:16:48] <IpSo> Systemd changes so fast its hard to keep up
with it... Its not really anyones "fault", just a quirk of
learning a new distro version.
2358[21:19:07] <msiism> what would be a convenient way to get
information about changes to the original source of zsh in the
current debian package? i mean, if you don't understand the
source code...
2364[21:20:31] <RoyK> msiism: apt source zsh and find the
2365[21:20:32] <bites> msiism: look at the changelog and at the
patches in the package source under debian/patches. maybe they have
comments in the header.
2380[21:25:04] <msiism> jelly-home: don't know. the default
prompt looks like it had been put together by a freak. but maybe
that's upstream. i just generally like to have a basic
understanding of what debian changed.
2385[21:27:12] <jelly> msiism: which debian release are you
2386[21:27:14] <greycat> I remember installing zsh just to test
something, being appalled by the default prompt, not seeing any kind
of menu, and manually changing the prompt somehow. I don't
remember all the details.
2388[21:27:43] <msiism> jelly: ok, yes that... should have taken
that more seriously. but it was kind of in-my-face, so i quit.
2389[21:27:55] <Vanfanel> Hi. After following this tutorial (replaced-url
2390[21:27:57] <greycat> It doesn't appear to have left
anything in /etc/skel/ but I have a ~/.zshrc that must have come
from *somewhere* because I definitely didn't create all that.
2391[21:28:00] <tw> PS1 automatic variables for zsh are different
from bash.
2392[21:28:00] <Vanfanel> /dev/tty1 is created by udev)
2438[21:34:58] <tw> Vanfanel: only if /dev is unmounted. If it
has udev mounted on it already, MAKEDEV will not help.
2439[21:35:09] <jelly> msiism: zsh was nice bask when bash 2 was
missing useful features, both have all the useful stuff now and also
copious amounts of fluff
2443[21:35:43] <jelly> aaii: you may try rar, but you need
non-free sources to install it
2444[21:35:44] <aaii> bites, failed error
2445[21:35:57] <jelly> and then it's rar x file.rar
2446[21:36:34] <Vanfanel> tw: I am going to do it on the HOST
machine (X86) where I am creating the aarch64 rootfs, so it's
not on a "running" system, but on a chrooted enviroment.
Is that right?
2447[21:36:36] <jelly> !non-free sources
2448[21:36:36] <dpkg> Edit /etc/apt/sources.list, ensure that the
two main Debian mirror lines end with "main contrib
non-free" rather than just "main", then
«apt-get update». But bear in mind that you'll be
installing <non-free> software. These may have onerous terms;
check the licenses. See also <sources.list>.
2456[21:37:47] <bites> "t Test archive files. " sounds
like something you could do to check if your archive is corrupted.
2457[21:37:48] <jelly> aaii: correct
2458[21:38:12] <aaii> jelly, so why?
2459[21:38:32] <jelly> why what?
2460[21:38:34] <tw> unrar works in all but a few cases. rar is
only needed in some rare cases, like the rar file uses the stupid
bytecode interpreter feature.
2461[21:38:35] <sdk> msiism: why do you do that to yourself :P
2463[21:39:01] <Vanfanel> tw: When I do 'apt install
makedev', I get '/sbin/MAKEDEV: warning: can't read
/proc/devices' repeated at the end, when apt is setting
makedev. Is that expectec?
2490[21:47:07] <tw> Vanfanel: it's trying to detect your
architecture from /proc is my guess; apparently this changes which
devices it generates. I'd go back into your working system,
bind mount / somewhere else so you can manually create the device
node (under the udev mount).
2491[21:47:36] <aaii> tw, this error me : Please check the
'Store archiver output' option to see it.
2492[21:47:38] <aaii> Please check the 'Store archiver
output' option to see it.
2498[21:50:24] <jelly> aaii: there are different versions and
features of .rar archive format, unrar and 7z handle some but not
all of them, and native tools are supposed to
2499[21:50:38] <Vanfanel> tw: I don't get you. Should I go
into the native aarch64 system? do you mean booting the rootfs?
2513[22:00:25] <tw> Vanfanel: yeah, once you're booted do
something like mkdir -p /mnt/rootfs && mount --bind /
/mnt/rootfs && cd /mnt/rootfs/dev , then mknod the tty1.
2522[22:06:48] <msiism> nemo: what bothers me about vim is that
it is already in an editing mode before you've hit
'i'. and as i often forgert to hit 'i' before i
type, i end up doing strange things to text files by accident in
many situations. neno always being in "record mode" is
very simple in comparison. and if i was using an editor that has
modes, i'd like it if it would keep files read-only until i
select one of its modes.
2524[22:07:10] <msiism> nemo: vim's syntax highlighting is
very neat, though, which is why i sometimes write stuff in vim. nano
is terrible at highlighting.
2545[22:10:40] <msiism> nemo: i'm afraid i don't quite
follow. insert mode is not the default for me in vim. but you can
still edit in the default mode. notably use dd and p and such.
2546[22:10:42] <nemo> greycat: there's been times I've
royally botched stuff up and needed to do that
2547[22:10:57] <nemo> msiism: ah. you mean editing-type commands
2548[22:11:02] <greycat> nemo: then you install the .deb file
that you had lying around in /var/cache/ or that you downloaded from
2549[22:11:03] <nemo> msiism: yeah command mode is indeed the
2552[22:11:13] <greycat> but wm4 didn't want to do either of
those things, so.
2553[22:11:15] <nemo> msiism: ok. so you want the opposite then.
alias vim to vim -c
2554[22:11:33] <wm4> nemo: apt deletes the old package fgrom /var
2555[22:11:37] <nemo> greycat: synaptic will let you force too
no? nothing wrong with using a gui?
2556[22:11:39] <tw> Vanfanel: as long as udev isn't mounted,
that works too.
2557[22:11:40] <msiism> nemo: right, that's my problem.
because vim does not use meta-key combinations for, e.g. delting a
2558[22:11:47] <msiism> nemo: ok, i'll try that
2559[22:11:49] <wm4> greycat: then what do I do
2560[22:12:12] <greycat> I have no clue what synaptic does.
Apparently it actually works now, unlike the time right after
stretch's release when we were bombarded with "why is
synaptic saying _apt something something .gpg file"
2561[22:12:22] <nemo> msiism: er. vim -c 'startinsert'
2562[22:12:26] <nemo> msiism: or put it in your .vimrc
2563[22:12:36] <nemo> msiism: and no, I didn't actually know
that, I had to look it up ☺
2564[22:13:04] <greycat> But if synaptic somehow lets you
automatically grab versions from snapshot.d.o I will be somewhat
2565[22:13:11] <nemo> msiism: I just put it as last line in my
.vimrc and it worked as expected
2566[22:13:26] <Vanfanel> tw: the problem is that I don't
really know if I only need /dev/tty1 before udev starts so systemd
can print to screen, or something else... do you need for sure mknod
for tty1 will work??
2567[22:13:31] * nemo removes it before he screws himself up
2568[22:13:49] <msiism> nemo: :) well, 'startinsert'
sounds like bein in insert mode by default. what i would want is:
read-only-mode by default and having to select a mode before i can
even make any change.
2569[22:14:02] <nemo> greycat: well. it lets you switch between
versions you have available from your various sources
2570[22:14:03] <Vanfanel> tw: also, what parameters does
'mknod tty1' need?
2571[22:14:06] <nemo> greycat: like backports vs stable
2572[22:14:11] <tw> Vanfanel: No, but based on your symptoms,
2573[22:14:14] <greycat> sure, OK, that is not a surprise
2581[22:15:39] <msiism> nemo: i don't know what it is, but i
happen to do type accidentally into files quite often. but i'm
not even computing drunk...
2613[22:23:58] <Vanfanel> tw: I tried 'console=tty0'
but that doesn't change anything.
2614[22:24:01] <nemo> msiism: my .bashrc is a couple of decades
old and first thing I copy on new machines so I probably never get
to even know what the debian default is
2615[22:24:15] <Vanfanel> tw: thing is that the shutdown messages
ARE printed on screen!
2616[22:24:23] <Vanfanel> tw: only missing the boot messages
2617[22:24:33] <tw> Vanfanel: I'm out of ideas then, I guess
you could try debug, but I'm not sure how that would help.
2618[22:24:51] *** Quits: matthelmke (~matthelmk@replaced-ip) (Quit: Probably the weekend or rebooting to install updates...)
2619[22:24:56] <tw> Vanfanel: for arm, I'm usually using
ttyS0 anyway =/
2620[22:25:04] <Vanfanel> tw: don't worry, you have tried to
help me very hard
2626[22:27:06] <ChmEarl> Vanfanel , Stretch or later can easily
create a cross-compilation toolchain using pbuilder, install
pbuilder with qemu-debootstrap included
2627[22:27:06] *** Quits: dee (~dee@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2634[22:30:06] <Vanfanel> ChmEarl: how would that help me? the
system works, I am missing something on /dev on boot before udev
starts (or some similar problem). Why would rebuilding the rootfs
with a different method help?
2635[22:30:32] <ChmEarl> Vanfanel, somehow I thought your host
was amd64?
2636[22:30:57] <Vanfanel> ChmEarl: my host is amd64, yes. The
target is aarm64.
2637[22:31:16] <Vanfanel> ChmEarl: rootfs creation speed is not a
2665[22:47:08] <msiism> nemo: well, the annyoing thing about
read-only mode is not actually having to give it :w!, but being
bothered by a warning when you switch to insert mode.
2666[22:47:32] <msiism> nemo: that awrning makes sense, though
2699[22:57:57] <petn-randall> AlexPortable: wget here says my
LE-signed site is ok, greycat also tested it on his. What error are
you exactly getting? Is the site public?
2713[23:00:39] <petn-randall> AlexPortable: Are you also sending
the intermediate certificate?
2714[23:00:50] <AlexPortable> whats that
2715[23:01:01] * petn-randall writes down "no".
2716[23:01:37] <petn-randall> AlexPortable: An intermediate
certificate is a cert that is signed by the CA, and signs your cert
in return. For the client to verify it, it must have the whole
2717[23:02:22] <AlexPortable> client = the machine that it's
2718[23:02:35] <greycat> "client" in your case being
2719[23:02:48] <Vanfanel> tw: want to know something funny? I had
systemd printing to screen from the begining, but it was clearing
the console before I could read anything... :(
2720[23:02:50] <AlexPortable> how can i send it?
2721[23:02:51] <Vanfanel> XD
2722[23:03:19] <petn-randall> AlexPortable: Check the
documentation of your webserver.
2723[23:03:21] <tw> Vanfanel: hah, glad you found it.
2724[23:03:22] *** Quits: comatekeke (~comatekek@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2803[23:58:01] <pagetelegram> Both text and gui based installer
are sequantial installer. What can I do to invoke custom install
settings to load those drivers. Checking link now thanks if it
covers my question then nvm
2804[23:58:48] <mutante> it should offer the option after it
detects it cant find a free, included driver for hardware