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31[00:32:54] <rant> I'm making a systemd oneshot service
to start a detached screen session, how can I set what user that
session is running as?
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36[00:35:33] <rant> nm, I guess its just User= and Group= in
the [Service] section
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42[00:40:06] <rant> hmm well that was fail.. the systemd
service works, it started screen with irssi but failed to load the
bot in another screen window.
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47[00:41:59] * RoyK mutters something about tmux being a bit better
than screen
48[00:42:38] <RoyK>
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52[00:43:30] <rant> yeah problem is I'd have to learn a
whole new program and really I'm happy with the features of
53[00:44:05] <RoyK> just remap ctrl+b to ctrl+a and it's
about the same ;)
54[00:44:16] <rant> just thought doing "screen -t foo
foocmd\nscreen -t bar barcmd" in .screenrc would start it with
two windows foo and bar
55[00:44:35] <rant> but it only started it with foo and not bar
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57[00:44:46] <RoyK>
58[00:45:37] <RoyK> well, I've left my old friend screen
for tmux - screen is still sorry, I guess
59[00:45:56] <rant> blah blah blah :P
60[00:46:15] <RoyK> rant rant rant rant rant
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66[00:47:23] * rant thinks . o O ( < pot> kettle: BLACK! )
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68[00:48:35] <rant> I guess technically I didnt phrase it in
the form of a question like jeopardy.. heh.. but you also
sidestepped my issue with a my program is better than yours :P
69[00:49:20] <RoyK> no worries ;)
70[00:49:30] <rant> oh, I'm worried ;)
71[00:50:00] <rant> I'm workin a bit outside my comfort
zone already as it is..
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74[00:51:15] <rant>
75[00:51:46] <rant> I've also setup the systemd service on
the server side to start a screen session to be nested in that mosh
76[00:51:59] <rant> the only problem now seems to be getting
that server side screen session to start both irssi and the bot
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82[00:56:32] <rflec028> ...any reason to use screen over tmux?
(Avid tmux user.)
83[00:56:47] <BCMM> rflec028: for terminal multiplexing, no
84[00:56:51] <rant> none at all that I'm aware of other
than being old and stubborn
85[00:57:01] <rant> tmux has more features
86[00:57:09] <rflec028> Tmux is fantastic.
87[00:57:14] <BCMM> rflec028: but screen does a bunch of
barely-related stuff to do with interacting with serial ports and so
88[00:57:14] <jelly> screen is older.
89[00:57:24] <rflec028> Not an advantage
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91[00:57:28] <rflec028> Unless bragging
92[00:57:56] <BCMM> bizarrely, screen is a full-fledged serial
client. that's gnu for you i guess.
93[00:58:00] <RoyK> A collegue of mine said screen is better
for nested sessions
94[00:58:17] <RoyK> might be true, but that's the only
thing I can think of
95[00:58:20] <rflec028> "I like Vinyl and use Screen"
^^RoyK, that might be a good poing.
96[00:58:30] <BCMM> but for the terminal multiplexing stuff
that people *actually use it for*, god no. use tmux.
97[00:58:43] <jelly> there are very little reasons to go back
to screen. AFAIR it deals with sessions attached from multiple
terminals at the same time better, and it deals with terminal resize
a bit better.
98[00:58:44] <rflec028> KK. No reason to change my ways.
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100[00:59:16] <gzcwnk> Hi I am trying to install roundcube
webmail on debian 9 but I want to use a remote mysql database I have
been unable to do this. a) any docs that work? b) how do I get the
maintainer toupdate database config that comes in the package to
allow for a remote database please?
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102[01:00:06] <gzcwnk> ie do I just raise a bug report?
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104[01:00:20] <ph88> how do i go back to the gnome default
alt-tab grouping ? it got messed up after installing/uninstalling
AtlernateTab gnome extension
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106[01:00:53] <rflec028> So... Any Debian Members in Ottawa that
I can sit down for coffee with?
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108[01:01:39] <rflec028> ph88: ^^Should go back automatically...
Try the tweak tool?
109[01:01:52] <rant> rflec028: you may want to familiarize with
#debian-offtopic its our social channel, this is our support channel
110[01:02:03] <rflec028> rant: Can do. Bye!
111[01:02:04] <ph88> rflec028, what exactly in the tweak tool ?
112[01:02:21] <rflec028> ph88 *Installs Gnome Really Fast*
113[01:03:32] <rflec028> ...try turning it off and on again?
114[01:03:44] <ph88> i did already a couple of times
115[01:03:56] <rflec028>
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118[01:04:59] <rflec028> join #debian-offtopic
119[01:05:04] <rflec028> wow
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126[01:08:01] <ph88> somehow it's restored :|
127[01:08:18] <ph88> only terminator doesn't group
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171[02:12:58] <galex-713> Why is it needed to be registred and
auth with services to join here now?
172[02:13:28] <galex-713> Anyway, I was here to ask:
what’s the standard, proper way to install stuff for properly
cross-compiling stuff for, say, arm
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174[02:14:40] <galex-713> like I’d want, say libgrx2
175[02:16:36] <maferv> what are the right repositories for
wheezy? I tried "deb
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177[02:17:48] <somiaj> galex-713: those who have choosen to
abuse the policy of not having a registered account here have caused
the change.
178[02:18:22] <somiaj> galex-713: We would prefer to not have it
+r, but the spammers have been extra active lately, and +r keeps the
spam down a lot.
179[02:18:36] <galex-713> somiaj: ah okay, sad thing :/
180[02:18:38] <somiaj> maferv: wheezy I think is still on the
main mirrors.
181[02:18:43] <galex-713> hope one day it’ll be fixed
182[02:18:45] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o somiaj
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191[02:18:58] <somiaj> galex-713: last time I tried this, it was
only a few hours before I put it back.
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195[02:19:11] <dvs> holy! that was fast!
196[02:19:47] <galex-713> somiaj: you know, I only wanted an
explanation, if it wasn’t that long ago it’s maybe not
necessary to bother you or maybe others with this for testing if
it’s fixed right now ^^
197[02:20:02] *** Joins: apt (ibot@replaced-ip)
198[02:20:21] <maferv> yes, you're right somiaj, I
didn't know it, I wonder how long it will last
199[02:20:46] <bitess> maferv: end of may
200[02:20:50] <somiaj> galex-713: haha, we at least prefer to
not have it, I didn't do it just cause you asked.
201[02:20:53] <somiaj> !wheezy-lts
202[02:20:53] <dpkg> Security support for Debian 7
"Wheezy" from the Debian Security Team ended on
2016-04-25. The amd64, i386, armel and armhf architectures receive
additional long term support (LTS) via <wheezy/updates> until
2018-05-31. See
203[02:21:05] <galex-713> yeah I guess :)
204[02:21:06] <somiaj> maferv: sometimes after the support for
wheezy-lts ends I assume.
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206[02:22:00] <somiaj> galex-713: there are some setsup to cross
compile to arm using qemu
207[02:22:17] <maferv> thanks
208[02:22:40] <galex-713> qemu? don’t you only need
arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc and the right libs in some proper standard
prefix I don’t know yet?
209[02:23:33] <somiaj> glebihan:
210[02:23:39] <somiaj> glebihan: sorry bad tab completion
211[02:24:04] <galex-713> you meant me?
212[02:24:12] <somiaj> galex-713: ^^. I haven't doen this,
but I think this is the more standard way I have seen. You can just
emulate arm directly, and then run the build tools/envoriment in an
enumlated enviorment, like chroot
213[02:24:14] <maferv> does anybody know what is the right way
to load a framebuffer driver for trident? I do it manually from
tty1, as root "modprobe tridentfb mode=1024x768-8", but
I'd like to load it automatically since start. I tried adding
this parameter to the linux options: video=tridentfb, it didn't
do anything
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215[02:26:01] <somiaj> maferv: framebuffers are kinda old, could
ti be you have some kms driver being used? Anyways, I think if you
wanted to do that, you may have to rebuild the initramfs to include
that in the initrd image, so it switches to that module
216[02:26:11] <somiaj> maferv: I'm unsure on any of the
specifics of doing this though.
217[02:26:22] <galex-713> somiaj: that’s interesting, yet
a little frustrating and disappointing to know that with dpkg you
can’t properly configure packages for another system without
218[02:26:35] <galex-713> yet in my case it’s for
sometimes when I can’t chroot
219[02:26:37] <somiaj> galex-713: anyways, I think using
qemu-static you can basically build an arm chroot, and just build in
an arm enviorment.
220[02:26:55] <galex-713> currently I *can* chroot, but
it’s a microsd card intended to be put in another system I can
eventually ssh to
221[02:27:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1349
222[02:27:11] <galex-713> and it’s quite tiring to do all
the compilation steps through ssh
223[02:27:21] <somiaj> galex-713: there maybe other ways, but I
think more and more qemu is being used for this, over building a
full cross compling tool chain. I also have not done this, so this
is only stuff I have seen in passing.
224[02:27:36] <galex-713> somiaj: I already use qemu-static to
update the system when the foreign device board is unavailable :)
225[02:28:20] <galex-713> somiaj: I know nodaways virtualization
does progress and such, but doesn’t that that slow down stuff,
at least more than necessary?
226[02:29:31] <somiaj> galex-713: emulation on modern hardware
is probably fast enough it isn't to bad (even if it is all
software), though as I said unsure on the details. I personally
prefer building in clean chroots anyways, so this method always
looked more apepaling to me than building a full cross compile tool
227[02:30:02] <galex-713> I understand
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229[02:30:18] <galex-713> yet what I need is for when I
can’t chroot to it but can only ssh on it
230[02:30:24] <maferv> somiaj, that's unfortunate, I know
nothing about kms drivers. I'm using this module, tridentfb,
which works perfectly. I'll just add a script to my first tty
to load this module
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233[02:30:52] <galex-713> and I wouldn’t like to be forced
to recompile a whole arm system to virtualize while I only need 2,
maybe 3 libs
234[02:31:07] <galex-713> one of which is already installed in
its arm version (its default, seemingly)
235[02:31:10] <somiaj> maferv: I'm unsure the best way to
make it load at boot. I think the /etc/modules fiel still works,
then in /etc/modeprobe.d you can add the resolution option to that
module to use.
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239[02:33:43] <somiaj> galex-713: have you read through
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242[02:38:44] <galex-713> mmh
243[02:38:56] <galex-713> it seems to be mainly for packaged
software or compilers
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245[02:39:18] <galex-713> I already have the arm cross-compiler,
and the software I look for is not packaged by debian
246[02:39:41] <galex-713> yet it is by some project based on
debian which has .deb and standard source for .deb (which I still
don’t understand)
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248[02:40:53] <somiaj> maybe others who know more about cross
compling can help. I have only skimmed the possiblity out of
coursoity, I have never attempted it
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250[02:42:13] <galex-713> I understand
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252[02:42:24] <galex-713> it also never interested me before now
I need it ^^
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268[03:03:18] <maferv> it works fine this somiaj, I just did
what you told me
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271[03:04:38] <somiaj> maferv: glad it worked
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306[03:38:19] <walterve> Hi folks, anyone here using yubikey +
gpg + pass + git + ssh?
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314[03:43:28] <zerocool> i am only using each of those
315[03:43:37] <zerocool> well idk about pass
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317[03:43:42] <zerocool> what's pass
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334[03:51:53] <annadane> walterve, if you have a specific
technical question it's best to just ask it
335[03:51:58] <annadane> rather than ask one specific person
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337[03:55:08] <somiaj> well in this case taking a poll
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374[04:26:02] <hiexpo> well figured out the segmentation fault
error with powershell in debian solved
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377[04:28:30] <dvs> ,v powershell
378[04:28:31] <judd> No package named 'powershell' was
found in amd64.
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408[04:53:30] <chrios_> Anyone know when LXD is looking to be
released in debian? Debian 10?
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411[04:53:50] <chrios_> All i can find is the bugtracker notes
saying that the last dependency has been pushed to unstable
412[04:55:20] <dvs> chrios_, it won't show up in stable
until Debian 10.
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507[05:15:26] <hiexpo> judd, its not in the repo's had to
add it
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516[05:16:13] <annadane> judd is just a bot
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534[05:17:49] <somiaj> hiexpo: be careful mixing thrid party
sources, and in gneral they won't be supported here
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543[05:19:14] <hiexpo> somiaj, I know just added it to get
powershell I know better it can create complete havoc
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636[05:59:02] <dvergurinn> hey guys, i'm in need of a way
to delete subguids due to attempting to get an linux container up
and running. would anyone know a good way to do this? i cound't
find much on googles
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668[06:12:20] <chicognu> I'm with a weird problem. On pure
terminal, into the login prompt, appers some characters, ^@, over
and over again, like if my keyboard have some short circuit, but on
gnome it does not appear, and xev don't show any key as been
pressed. Any one have a clue on how to fix that ?
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737[07:08:33] <smokeysea> Hello I am tring to systemctl service
which will automatically execute a script on boot.
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740[07:12:11] <smokeysea> This is the simiple test.service
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746[07:18:08] <smokeysea> Whenever I reboot the machine it does
execute a script but the correpsonding program doesn't persist.
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792[07:55:53] <shtrb|laptop> Is there an equivalent in
VirtualBox on Debian to VirtualBox on windows idom for a network
device for all vms ? (tap device that should be auto created to hold
traffic just for vbox)
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811[08:12:43] <o11c_> What sources.list line is needed for
-dbgsym packages for security updates?
812[08:13:12] <o11c_> I can see the package by browsing the
pool, but they aren't available form the standard line
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814[08:13:37] <o11c_> specifically, note the multiple versions
815[08:14:41] <o11c_> 52.5.0esr-1~deb9u1 is in normal stable;
52.6.0esr-1~deb9u1 is in security
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890[09:01:41] <maret> hi , when using top how to reduce all
processes with same name under one item and sum up their resources?
I have few chromium processes and I want to know how much ram they
take in sum
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947[09:39:30] <bookworm> maret: `man top` and if you can't
find an option in there it can't do it
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950[09:40:10] <bookworm> then you can write a pipeline/script
with say awk or something if you really want to use top
951[09:40:40] <bookworm> or you can query the kernel info
directly as you know the pid of chrome
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976[09:57:30] <`ajven> Hello, I am looking for help - got server
where need to configure static IP so I edited the file
/etc/network/interface like that blob:replaced-url
977[09:58:18] <skandix> `ajven: imgur link is 404
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981[10:01:21] <`ajven> I am sorry, fixed link -
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1002[10:13:49] <Ool> `ajven: not so easy to answer you with this
first caracter in your pseudo
1003[10:14:10] <Ool> why did you comment auto enp0s16 ?
1004[10:14:30] <`ajven> 0ol: it didnt want to restart network
service with that line
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1006[10:15:01] <Ool> restart ?
1007[10:15:15] <`ajven> start / restart - yes
1008[10:15:31] <Ool> and please use my nick without error like
this HL work
1009[10:15:59] <Ool> without this line your NIC stay down
1010[10:16:57] <`ajven> i was up it via ifup
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1068[11:03:28] <Iridos> Ool, maybe your nick is not so easy to
address with this first character :-}
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1077[11:12:21] <patterson> Oh. Not0
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1131[11:40:24] <Milo-> How does on uninstall this a package that
gives: "dpkg-query: error: --listfiles needs a valid package
name but 'gir1.2-ibus-1.0' is not: ambiguous package name
'gir1.2-ibus-1.0' with more than one installed
1132[11:40:28] <Milo-> google has been most unhelpful -_-
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1134[11:41:09] <BanHammor> apt list --installed |grep gir1?
1135[11:41:39] <Milo-> gir1.2-glib-2.0/testing,now 1.54.1-4 amd64
[installed,automatic AND gir1.2-ibus-1.0/testing,now 1.5.17-3 amd64
1136[11:42:53] <BanHammor> can you use in the
future? It's really hard to read this, and the devil is in the
1137[11:43:41] <Milo->
1138[11:44:06] <Milo-> I would have used a pastebin if it had
been longer than two lines
1139[11:45:12] <BanHammor> hm, so that's weird. What command
lead you to that first error?
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1144[11:46:17] <Milo-> tried to install 64bit sdl2 packages,
which wanted to get rid of sdl2*:i386 packages.
1145[11:46:24] <shtrb|laptop> Anyone have a clue what other than
modemmanger I should get to work with Huawei GSM stick modems ? It
is identified by the kernel , minicom show AT access, but
modemmanger / network manger does not allow me access - (getting
error "modem state 'failed'" in /var/log/syslog)
, When I try to connect to it using modemmanger modem is in state
"not connect yet" indefinitely
1146[11:47:13] <Milo-> now every single apt install and apt
remove gives me the gir1.2-ibus conflict
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1157[11:53:47] <Milo-> well, I ended up removing the pre-install
1158[11:53:54] <Milo-> excuse me, pre-remove
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1239[12:23:01] <expert975> How can I allow non-root users to use
shutdown and reboot commands?
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1241[12:23:59] <NetTerminalGene> expert975, systemctl reboot
1242[12:24:22] <expert975> Doesn't that require root?
1243[12:24:27] <NetTerminalGene> no
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1248[12:26:44] <expert975> How can I allow the shutdown command?
I don't think my mom will remember the systemctl part
1249[12:27:30] <Haohmaru> expert975 don't you have a
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1265[12:38:20] <expert975> Haohmaru: I'm using awesome
window manager
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1269[12:39:01] <Haohmaru> uhm so there's nothing like a
panel with a menu with logout/reboot/suspend/shutdown?
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1271[12:39:32] <expert975> Haohmaru: nope
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1298[12:51:02] <sergey> Hello everyone! I would like to ask if
there is any IRC channel related to L2/L3 networking in debian.
Would be grateful for any help
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1306[12:54:22] <tommaso> sergey: afaik no. just ask here
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1308[12:55:41] <walterve> hio
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1314[13:04:46] <sergey> Is there any handsome and reliable way to
setup network interface parameters like MTU/speed/duplex and bridge
interfaces permanently from python. Using ifup/ifdown from
subprocess and changing /etc/network/interfaces and using preup/down
script with ethtool settings setup doesn't look good due to
multiple calls.And it also doesn't allow to add interfaces to
bridge. Otherwise, pynetlinux library provides the following
features, but it doesn't change inter
1315[13:04:47] <sergey> faces permanently.
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1373[13:43:21] <rafalcpp> is debian good to build a multi cpu
cluster, to take eg 10 cores 8 cpu and see it as 80 cpu machine?
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1375[13:44:09] <jelly> rafalcpp: first choose the cluster
solution THEN choose the OS that supports it
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1377[13:44:58] <BCMM> ^ that. there's a bunch of different
things you *might* be doing here, so your question is arguably too
vague to answer
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1384[13:46:31] <rafalcpp> jelly: BCMM: the goal here is to buy
e.g. 10 of 8 core serwer, and set them up so that from pint of view
of a normal progrem it would look like 80 core system, so it can run
80 threads optimally
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1387[13:46:50] <jelly> rafalcpp: you can't do that from the
"point of normal program"
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1389[13:47:17] <jelly> rafalcpp: your program will have to work
with a (well known) distributed multiprocessing API
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1391[13:47:35] <rafalcpp> jelly: :/
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1393[13:48:13] <rafalcpp> are there any OSes then that could do
1394[13:48:33] <jelly> yes, OSes that use well known distributed
multiprocessing APIs :-)
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1398[13:49:01] <rafalcpp> jelly: but, on which that would be
transparent for the user program, and normal program would just see
it as such massive hardware thread machine
1399[13:49:12] <BCMM> rafalcpp: generally in any kind of
massively parallel environment, you're running code
specifically written to take advantage of that environment
1400[13:49:26] <jelly> rafalcpp: sadly that's not how HPC
1401[13:49:30] <rafalcpp> (of course a good program could
optimize and allocate tasks to v-CPUs that are actually on same real
machine if they talk to eachother a lot)
1402[13:49:38] <BCMM> rafalcpp: if you think about what you just
wrote at a low level, you can kind of see why it doesn't work
1403[13:50:07] <rafalcpp> BCMM: I think about it on low level,
and I don't see any not solvable problem with that actually
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1406[13:50:32] <rafalcpp> other then, talking to other thread,
that happens to be on other physical machine, would be really slow,
so programs would benefit from taking that into account
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1408[13:51:03] <BCMM> rafalcpp: for example shared memory access
between nodes is inevitably going to be much slower than within a
node - sure you *could* just transparently fetch it for
applications, but the result would probably be much, much slower
than just running locally
1409[13:51:06] <rafalcpp> inter-thread synchronizatin between you
and memory of v-cpu on other machine would be synced via network
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1415[13:52:53] <BCMM> fact is, the application needs to be aware
of which actions are fast and which are slow in such an environment
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1420[13:55:01] <rafalcpp> BCMM: aren't there APIs to query
NUMA layout, and find out which [virtual] CPU threads are fast for
me, or are local? which memory is local node?
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1423[13:55:24] <BCMM> how is that transparent?
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1429[13:57:16] <bitesss>
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1431[13:57:29] <bitesss> but certainly not with a normal debian
kernel. ^^
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1433[13:58:42] <BCMM> bitesss: do any of those run applications
compiled for regular gnu/linux?
1434[13:58:56] <rafalcpp> BCMM: well it's an optimization.
To write code to make sure only long-term batch tasks are placed on
remote-cores, that's a possible modification
1435[13:59:11] <bitesss> dunno, never tried it.
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1438[14:01:10] <bitesss> i guess the scheduler would keep
processes and their threads on one node. but what do i know.
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1465[14:23:57] <sine0> folks, when doing rsync, is it possible to
ssh the file but copying the directory structure, so for
/var/log/blah.log when it gets to the other machines backup folder
you see the var first
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1489[14:34:09] <kaisarOS-36401> /msg NickServ REGISTER K@isar
1490[14:34:24] <aedinius> ...
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1492[14:34:28] <sine0> REKT
1493[14:34:35] <aedinius> Those spaces, man
1494[14:35:08] <annadane> kaisarOS-36401, change your password,
and also i would say use a stronger password also
1495[14:35:49] <aedinius> Also, and I hope this isn't the
case, change your other accounts if you use the same password
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1500[14:37:05] <kaisarOS-36401> how to register my nick name with
free node
1501[14:37:16] <kaisarOS-36401> ?
1502[14:37:55] <annadane> like that but just don't put a
space between the start of your message and /
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1505[14:39:16] <kaisarOS-36401> where should i execute this
1506[14:39:22] <kaisarOS-36401> ?
1507[14:40:04] <kaisarOS-36401> It may be the wrong place where i
already executed
1508[14:40:20] <annadane> yes, it is, because you sent it to the
whole channel and now everyone knows your password and email
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1510[14:41:04] <annadane> just typing /msg nickserv register blah
blah in the main window should be fine if you don't leave a
space but a safer option is to open a dialog window with nickserv
first and do it in there
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1514[14:43:08] <danieled> hi all
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1516[14:43:35] <danieled> I use stretch, set static ip. But if
modem reboot I change ip... whit?
1517[14:43:43] <danieled> *why?
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1519[14:44:59] <sameerynho> hey folks, I can see several threads
for urxvtd under my systemd process. but there is no such service.
how can I get ride of that ?
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1558[15:03:31] <password2> hi
1559[15:04:16] *** Joins: Tom01 (~tom@replaced-ip)
1560[15:04:29] <password2> can someone help me with installing
drivers for my nvidia card? the nvidia installer is telling me to
close X , but I don't know how , i did try killall and service
stop gdm
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1563[15:06:31] <annadane> password2, are you installing the
nvidia drivers from the debian repository? that's the
recommended method
1564[15:06:46] <annadane> it's not suggested to use
nvidia's installer
1565[15:06:51] <password2> no I tried from nvidias site
1566[15:06:55] <password2> ah ok
1567[15:07:05] <password2> so just sudo apt0get install nvidia?
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1571[15:09:15] <password2> is its name nvidia-driver?
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1575[15:12:15] <password2> ok brb , rebooting
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1586[15:17:04] <password2> Hi my lightdm wont start now after
installing nvidia drivers :(
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1592[15:18:56] <annadane> possibly a result of half-installing or
installing the nvidia drivers using the nvidia installer and then
trying immediately to install from the debian repo
1593[15:19:12] <annadane> not sure how to fix, but check
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1598[15:21:17] <password2> Annadane the nvidia stuff never
1599[15:21:28] <password2> I think it messed up removing navau
1600[15:22:07] <password2> Idk how you spell it
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1603[15:22:43] <annadane> did you apt remove anything?
1604[15:22:51] *** Quits: john1_ (~john1@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
1605[15:23:17] <password2> No
1606[15:24:01] <annadane> i will let somebody else answer then
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1608[15:25:07] <password2> Xsession error does not exist either
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1610[15:25:55] <BanHammor> okay, so. Did you blacklist nouveau?
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1620[15:27:48] <password2> Bamhammor , no but i did get a
conflicting driver warnjng about it and it said i should simply
reboot after installation finishes
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1625[15:29:31] <password2> Anything i can try , googling is a bit
1626[15:29:52] <towo^work> lspci | egrep -i
1627[15:30:24] <towo^work> password2, and paste your Xorg.0.log
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1629[15:31:12] <password2> Idk how to paste from terminal
1630[15:31:39] <towo^work> install and use pastebinit
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1636[15:34:07] <password2> Its not working right
1637[15:34:31] <password2> It just returns
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1639[15:35:29] <towo^work> what exact are you doing?
1640[15:35:47] <towo^work> the command would be lspci | egrep -i
"vga|3d|display" | pastebinit
1641[15:35:56] <password2> i tried using pastebinit -i ./myfile
1642[15:36:02] <towo^work> and pastebinit <
1643[15:36:05] <password2> I also tried that
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1647[15:37:58] <darxmurf> good week-end, cheers folks !
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1651[15:40:40] <password2> Looks like im going to have a long one
1652[15:42:31] <alkisg> password2, does this work? date | nc 9999
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1655[15:43:58] <noodlepie> Hiya guys!
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1659[15:46:29] <password2> Yes
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1662[15:47:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1432
1663[15:47:10] <alkisg> password2, ok, then use that one when you
want to paste something
1664[15:47:31] <password2> Ok
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1667[15:49:25] <Haohmaru> password2 you could've pasted that
one line here directly ;P~
1668[15:49:43] <password2> You mean retyped?
1669[15:49:49] <password2> Im on mobile
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1671[15:49:56] <Haohmaru> aww
1672[15:50:13] <password2> lightdm is not starting up
1673[15:50:25] <password2> So pc is not fully booting
1674[15:50:32] <Haohmaru> nasty
1675[15:50:53] <Haohmaru> i'm also using this barely-working
nvidia for kicad
1676[15:51:01] <password2> Well yeah
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1678[15:51:11] <password2> Idk what to do
1679[15:51:11] <Haohmaru> but i'm using the nouvua-whatever
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1686[15:53:10] <password2> I was using that , but it was not
playing with my new card , so i installed the
"reckomended" drivers
1687[15:53:18] <password2> which fucked my system
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1690[15:54:33] <password2> Now i'm mashing random buttons to
see if i can revive it
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1700[15:56:46] <password2> Im trying nvidias driver now , seems
they atleast put in much more system checks
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1702[15:58:02] <annadane> i suggest not mashing random buttons
1703[15:58:06] *** Quits: astrofog (~astrofog@replaced-ip) (Quit: Quite)
1704[15:58:13] <annadane> your problem has a solution which
won't be found by randomly trying things
1705[15:58:19] <annadane> why not get help from us?
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1707[15:58:34] <BanHammor> "nvidia's driver" being
the one from the website? good luck
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1709[15:58:55] <annadane> and as i said, that ^ isn't
1710[15:59:08] <password2> Annadane well im here?
1711[15:59:29] <password2> Doing nothing will be less helpfull
than trying random thibgs
1712[15:59:50] <password2> Official driver did not unfudge things
1713[15:59:55] <annadane> lspci | egrep -i
"vga|3d|display" | pastebinit is correct?
1714[16:00:00] <annadane> er
1715[16:00:00] *** Quits: alxy (uid115853@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
1716[16:00:07] <annadane> well then it wouldn't be in a
termbin >_>
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1720[16:00:43] <annadane> but yes, that appears to be the
information requested
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1724[16:01:02] <annadane> again, i'm not good with this kind
of thing but just wait until someone who knows better gets around to
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1728[16:02:09] <password2> Well till then ill tryto fix things
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1732[16:03:30] <BanHammor> alright, so step one: remove the
"official" nvidia driver.
1733[16:04:09] <password2> Ok , how?
1734[16:04:42] *** Joins: ski7777 (~quassel@replaced-ip)
1735[16:05:00] <BanHammor> run the same script you ran while
installing it, but with --uninstall added
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1737[16:05:52] <password2> Ok running
1738[16:06:04] <password2> Should i reboot agterwards?
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1741[16:07:12] <BanHammor> yeah
1742[16:07:21] <password2> Ok rebooting now
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1745[16:08:04] <password2> Ok rebooted into terminal
1746[16:08:54] <password2> Should i reinstall the drivers from
1747[16:09:02] <BanHammor> yeah
1748[16:09:10] <BanHammor> let's figure out what actually
goes wrong with them
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1751[16:09:36] <password2> Ok , its called nvidia-drivers ,
1752[16:10:13] *** Quits: m3rlin (~m3rlin@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1753[16:10:16] <password2> The i assume reboot again?
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1755[16:10:35] <BanHammor> yes
1756[16:11:36] <password2> I get possible missing firmware , but
its about rtl_nic , i think its a wifi dongle i tried to install
years ago
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1760[16:12:39] <password2> Ok I'm back where i was when
lightdm first failed it seems
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1763[16:14:15] <BCMM> password2: usually those would be rtlwifi
rather than rtl_nic
1764[16:14:16] <password2>
1765[16:14:33] *** Joins: sxar_ (~sxar@replaced-ip)
1766[16:14:41] <BCMM> password2: sure you don't have a wired
ethernet controller with a realtek chip?
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1768[16:15:04] <password2> Could be
1769[16:15:28] <password2> Im using the ethernet connection
1770[16:15:38] <password2> But i think thats besides my issue
1771[16:15:49] <BCMM> yes, sorry for the distraction
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1774[16:16:14] <password2> Paste above is from systemctl status
1775[16:16:20] <password2> No issue
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1778[16:16:47] <annadane> it's called nvidia-driver
1779[16:16:48] <password2> Anything i should pastebin , let me
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1782[16:17:05] <password2> yeah i saw it has no trailing s
1783[16:17:17] <password2> Its installed now and i rebooted
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1794[16:20:36] <password2> What can i do next towo^work diagnose
the issue?
1795[16:20:42] <password2> To*
1796[16:21:14] <BanHammor> password2, pastebin
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1799[16:21:27] <tw> password2: you've already looked at
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1802[16:22:55] <password2>
1803[16:23:09] <password2> Tw lol my amswer is at the end of the
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1808[16:25:56] <password2> Could it be just that my gfx card is
too new?
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1811[16:26:22] <password2> Well i dont hope so , ilmy old one is
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1813[16:26:33] <password2> *my
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1816[16:27:36] <annadane> why don't you just paste
/var/log/Xorg.0.log as requested
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1820[16:28:52] <password2> i did paste it
1821[16:28:54] <tw> it says check your kernel log for error
messages. I'm guessing it never loaded the nvidia kernel
1822[16:29:03] <password2> Or did i paste wrongly?
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1831[16:31:14] <password2> Annadane , its coincidence url endedin
1832[16:31:48] <password2> Tw how do i check?
1833[16:31:50] <annadane> oh! haha
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1836[16:32:51] <tw> password2: should be /var/log/kern.log in a
fresh boot.
1837[16:33:03] *** Joins: Haudegen (~quassel@replaced-ip)
1838[16:33:10] <password2> Should i paste /var/log/kern.log ?
1839[16:33:20] <password2> Ok will do so
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1844[16:35:48] <password2>
1845[16:37:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1430
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1848[16:38:48] <password2> Should i have an nvidia module
1849[16:39:46] <somiaj> what do you mean? By default nvidia will
use the nouveau module. Did you install the non-free nvidia driver?
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1851[16:40:39] <password2> I did , then i removed it again
1852[16:41:04] <password2> Somiaj how mich context do you have?
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1855[16:42:13] <somiaj> well you can't have nouveau and
nvidia running at the same time, and I see nouveau loaded there
(though you werew asked for the xorg log file, not dmesg)
1856[16:42:25] <somiaj> anyways, you installed then removed the
nvidia moudle, well if you removed it, it won't be loading.
1857[16:42:36] <somiaj> but I missed your actual issue.
1858[16:43:09] <JustASlacker> whats the opinion on firewalld for
1859[16:43:11] <JustASlacker> yay or nay
1860[16:43:12] <password2> i did give xorg log file
1861[16:43:35] <password2> Lightdm is not starting after
installation of nvidia-driver
1862[16:43:39] *** Quits: sxar_ (~sxar@replaced-ip) (Quit: WeeChat 2.0.1)
1863[16:43:46] <password2> So i can't boot into my de
1864[16:43:58] <somiaj> how did you install the nvidia-driver?
What nvidia card do you have?
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1867[16:45:22] <password2> Gt 1030 , installed using sudo apt-get
instaal nvidia-driver
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1873[16:46:34] <somiaj> password2: are you running stretch?
1874[16:46:35] *** Quits: really34293 (~really342@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1875[16:46:37] <somiaj> ,v nvidia-kernel-dkms
1876[16:46:38] <judd> Package: nvidia-kernel-dkms on amd64 --
wheezy/non-free: 304.131-1; wheezy-backports/non-free:
340.102-1~bpo70+1; jessie/non-free: 340.102-1;
jessie-backports/non-free: 375.82-1~deb9u1~bpo8+1; stretch/non-free:
375.82-1~deb9u1; stretch-backports/non-free: 384.111-3~bpo9+1;
buster/non-free: 384.111-4; sid/non-free: 384.111-4;
experimental/non-free: 390.25-1
1877[16:47:19] *** Joins: TomyWork (~tomy@replaced-ip)
1878[16:47:24] <password2> Somiaj i *think* so , camt remember
1879[16:47:26] <somiaj>
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1882[16:47:52] <jelly> which is why there are backports
1883[16:47:58] <somiaj>
1884[16:48:12] <somiaj> so I think it just your card is not
supported by the driver you installed, and you'll have to get
the version from stretch-backports to support that card.
1885[16:48:34] <password2> Ok , how do i install from backports
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1896[16:52:21] <password2> Ok i am on stretch
1897[16:52:58] *** Joins: snhmib (~jurjen@replaced-ip)
1898[16:53:30] <jelly> !stretch-backports
1899[16:53:30] <dpkg> Some packages intended for Buster (Debian
10) but recompiled for use with Stretch (Debian 9) can be found in
the stretch-backports repository. See
1900[16:55:02] <password2> Must i install current version first?
1901[16:55:12] *** Quits: TomyWork (~tomy@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
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1904[16:56:02] <password2> I run sudo apt-get -t
stretch-backports but it did not update my driver
1905[16:56:05] *** Quits: dasj (~daniel@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
1906[16:56:26] <jelly> that does not sound like a complete
command line
1907[16:56:30] *** Quits: xcm (~xcm@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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1909[16:57:03] <jelly> !nvidia dkms
1910[16:57:03] <dpkg> For Debian 7 "Wheezy" and later
systems. Ask me about <contrib> and <non-free sources>.
«aptitude -r install linux-headers-`uname -r|sed
's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,'` nvidia-kernel-dkms && mkdir -p
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d ; echo -e 'Section
"Device"\n\tIdentifier "My GPU"\n\tDriver
"nvidia"\nEndSection' >
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf». Restart your system to
enable the <nouveau> blacklist.
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1915[16:57:25] <jelly> do that, except add -t stretch-backports
when installing stuff
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1917[16:57:33] *** Quits: infek__ (~infek@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
1918[16:57:43] <password2> Sorry my attention went pear shaped
" sudo apt-get -t stretch-backports install nvidia-driver
1919[16:57:46] *** Joins: RedSoxFan07 (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
1920[16:57:53] <password2> It said 79 not upgraded
1921[16:58:01] *** Joins: AlexPortable (uid7568@replaced-ip)
1922[16:58:23] <jelly> I do not know whether "apt-get
install nvidia-driver" is enough to get things working. The
recipe above, however, should be.
1923[16:58:53] <password2> Ok hang on its gonna take a while to
type that whole cmd
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1927[16:59:28] <jelly> uh, ssh into the machine and copy/paste
1928[16:59:29] *** Joins: jhutchins_wk (~jonathan@replaced-ip)
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1932[17:00:13] <jelly> or just copy/paste on the console (install
gpm to get mouse and copy/paste working in linux console if
you're logged in that way)
1933[17:00:24] *** Joins: keith20 (~keith20@replaced-ip)
1934[17:00:32] *** debfan is now known as Guest45889
1935[17:00:33] <password2> Its a bit of a loopy setup , cant
easily ssh in now
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1938[17:01:11] <password2> Hmm why is my system not finind
1939[17:01:12] *** Joins: Guest84120 (~root@replaced-ip)
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1944[17:02:54] <walterve> password2: what debian version do you
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1946[17:03:14] <jelly> password2: install aptitude first, then
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1949[17:03:30] <jelly> it's not present on minimal
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1957[17:04:46] <password2> Walterve stretch
1958[17:04:48] *** Quits: format_c (~koeppea@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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1960[17:04:53] *** Joins: debfan (~debfanbla@replaced-ip)
1961[17:04:56] <debfan> test
1962[17:04:56] *** Quits: Ool (~Ool@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
1963[17:05:14] <Haohmaru> boooom!
1964[17:05:25] <walterve> password2: I would recommend to use apt
instead of aptitude
1965[17:05:31] <walterve> sudo apt install package
1966[17:05:44] *** Quits: keith20 (~keith20@replaced-ip) (Quit: byeee)
1967[17:05:50] <debfan> hello. how would i suppress deb kernel
info from showing up on shell login? unrelated to /etc/motd and
/etc/issue but this thing Linux debian 4.9.0-6-amd64 #1 SMP Debian
4.9.82-1+deb9u2 (2018-02-21) x86_64
1968[17:06:17] *** Joins: keith20 (~keith20@replaced-ip)
1969[17:06:37] <debfan> walterve, but how about aptitude search
thing ? :)
1970[17:06:47] *** Joins: Mebius (~kvirc64@replaced-ip)
1971[17:06:50] <password2>
1972[17:06:58] *** Quits: Mebius (~kvirc64@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
1973[17:07:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1437
1974[17:07:06] <jhutchins_wk> debfan: Why do you want to supress
1975[17:07:13] *** Quits: edwardly (~edwardly@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1976[17:07:25] <password2> Urg , wget is saving raw html
1977[17:07:27] <debfan> jhutchins_wk, i dont like it
1978[17:07:52] <debfan> i know it doesnt like me as well
1979[17:07:53] <somiaj> what sort of info is showing up? Usually
these are only sever errors, or you have removed quiet from
1980[17:08:00] <debfan> so why shall we both suffer
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1985[17:09:17] <debfan> password2, thats how wget works
1986[17:09:24] <debfan> what else were u expecting?:)
1987[17:09:30] <JustASlacker> anybody know where I could find a
debian package for python-firewalld
1988[17:09:30] *** Joins: hiexpo (~hiexpo@replaced-ip)
1989[17:09:33] <password2> Idk
1990[17:09:34] *** Quits: TomyWork (~tomy@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1991[17:09:39] <somiaj> check out /etc/sysctl.conf and the
kernel.printk line it says to comment out to stop low level messages
from going to the console.
1992[17:10:07] <debfan> somiaj, this thing
1993[17:10:07] *** Joins: sxar (novcharmat@replaced-ip)
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1995[17:10:24] <debfan> thx ill follow ur advice now hope it
1996[17:10:28] <jelly> walterve: there's a reason why that
recipe uses aptitude, it's better at figuring out alternative
dependencies sometimes
1997[17:10:51] *** Joins: TomyWork (~tomy@replaced-ip)
1998[17:10:57] <somiaj> debfan: oh that is something different,
that is not some kerenel error message.
1999[17:11:10] <debfan> somiaj, printk is commented btw
2000[17:11:18] <debfan> aha.
2001[17:11:22] <password2> Sorry , its taking a while
2002[17:11:23] *** Joins: OS-35682 (~OS-35682@replaced-ip)
2003[17:11:32] <password2> Need to fix html formatting now
2004[17:11:50] *** Joins: _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@replaced-ip)
2005[17:11:51] <somiaj> debfan: I really don't see why that
is apeparing, also why is it asking for roots password if you are
running as root?
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2018[17:12:56] <debfan> somiaj, i am running as root and feeling
perfectly fine about it as it's local unexposed dev machine and
i will never use root when i finish tweaking it of course
2019[17:13:26] <somiaj> I mean I don't understand why
running nano /etc/issue would porduce the output you are showing
2020[17:13:27] <Haohmaru> famous last words
2021[17:13:43] <somiaj> I don't see why it would even ask
for a password, and then return some motd/issue of some sort.
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2023[17:13:52] <debfan> somiaj, man u overcomplicating
2024[17:13:56] <password2> Well its running
2025[17:13:58] <debfan> nano etc issue did not
2026[17:14:01] <password2> The cmd
2027[17:14:13] *** Quits: cdown (~cdown@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2028[17:14:21] <debfan> i was using nano before.
2029[17:14:29] *** Quits: Pjusur (~Pjusur@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2030[17:14:35] <password2> Lets see if succeeds
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2036[17:16:00] <password2> Restart after running that cmd?
2037[17:16:54] *** Joins: really34293 (~really342@replaced-ip)
2038[17:16:56] <somiaj> debfan: so then it is not clear from your
paste what is producing the output of uname -a when you
2039[17:16:56] <jelly> yes
2040[17:17:02] <jelly> password2: ^
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2042[17:17:10] <somiaj> debfan: at least to me.
2043[17:17:17] <debfan> btw answering my own question, uname was
generated by /etc/update-motd.d/
2044[17:17:19] <password2> I did , it booted to terminal directly
2045[17:17:28] <password2> Did not moad about lightdm
2046[17:17:46] <jelly> password2: pastebin your dmesg output.
2047[17:18:05] <somiaj> ahh yea, it looked like some automatic
script giving that output, and not the kernel, but wasn't sure
exactly what you were doing to cause it.
2048[17:18:07] <jelly> password2: did the kernel module build
successfully at installation time?
2049[17:18:40] <debfan> somiaj, i was logging in to system :)
2050[17:18:43] <password2>
2051[17:18:46] <debfan> that ws the cause :)
2052[17:18:53] <debfan> thx for ur efforts
2053[17:18:58] <debfan> <3
2054[17:19:22] <jelly> password2: nvidia kernel module loaded,
that's good.
2055[17:20:02] <password2> Should i try starting lightdm?
2056[17:20:06] <jelly> password2: however it looks like the old
version, that's not good
2057[17:20:08] <jelly> [ 2.811761] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX
x86_64 Kernel Module 375.82 Wed Jul 19 21:16:49 PDT 2017 (using
threaded interrupts)
2058[17:20:23] *** Quits: jayarcss (~jayarcs@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2059[17:20:33] <password2> Awe :(
2060[17:20:49] <JohnA> I am thinking of running 2 LVMs on my
server 1 for the System stuff (root/var/usr home ...) and 1 for the
thinks like mail/web pages/... Any thoughts on the advisability of
this ?
2061[17:21:24] <password2> We want 390 , right?
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2066[17:23:39] <password2> I'm an idiot
2067[17:23:43] <jelly> password2: which versions of nvidia stuff
are installed? aptitude -F'%20V %p' search '~i
2068[17:23:49] <password2> I did not edit it!
2069[17:23:49] *** Joins: noobineer (~noobineer@replaced-ip)
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2072[17:24:52] <jelly> password2: redo just the install
nvidia-kernel-dkms part, no need to create files in xorg.conf.d
again or install headers
2073[17:25:42] <jelly> (also you're using an outdated
kernel. You'll probably want to run aptitude full-upgrade or
apt full-upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade at some point
2074[17:26:23] <somiaj> if using an outdated kernel, could it be
the headers are for the new kernel (not the old one) and thus the
module isn't being built for the kernel being used?
2075[17:26:34] <password2> What part?
2076[17:26:52] <jelly> !nvidia dkms
2077[17:26:53] <dpkg> For Debian 7 "Wheezy" and later
systems. Ask me about <contrib> and <non-free sources>.
«aptitude -r install linux-headers-`uname -r|sed
's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,'` nvidia-kernel-dkms && mkdir -p
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d ; echo -e 'Section
"Device"\n\tIdentifier "My GPU"\n\tDriver
"nvidia"\nEndSection' >
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf». Restart your system to
enable the <nouveau> blacklist.
2078[17:27:21] <jelly> aptitude -t stretch-backports -r install
2079[17:27:34] *** Quits: Haohmaru (~Haohmaru@replaced-ip) ()
2080[17:28:38] <password2> Should ibex ave replaced my gpu woth
2081[17:28:49] <password2> With* gt1030?
2082[17:28:59] <password2> Or does it not really matter
2083[17:29:01] *** Joins: Hemmmmy (~Hemmmmy@replaced-ip)
2084[17:29:42] <password2> I have*
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2094[17:32:37] <password2> Is this right?
2095[17:32:42] *** Joins: ssaturos (~saturos@replaced-ip)
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2097[17:33:17] <password2> Thats the 20-nvidia.conf file
2098[17:33:21] *** Joins: HeinzBoettjer (~HeinzBoet@replaced-ip)
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2107[17:35:38] <password2> Im running apt fullupgrade now
2108[17:35:52] <HeinzBoettjer> how can I resize a ext4 partition
to minimum? resize2fs works but after it is still a large partition.
2109[17:36:23] *** Quits: saturos (~saturos@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2110[17:36:25] *** ssaturos is now known as saturos
2111[17:36:37] <petn-randall> HeinzBoettjer: What command are you
exactly using? How large are the filesystem contents? How large is
the filesystem?
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2114[17:37:56] <password2> Ok rebooting after full install
2115[17:38:23] <HeinzBoettjer> The Partition is 500 G, data are
170 G, command: resize2fs /dev/sda1 -p 170G
2116[17:38:31] <bites> resize2fs will not change partition size,
only the filesystem inside. note that ext4 also does not support
online shrinking.
2117[17:39:22] *** Joins: sh00p (~z@replaced-ip)
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2120[17:40:33] <HeinzBoettjer> online=mounted or must I save the
170G to other drives and delete the partiton?
2121[17:40:49] *** Quits: jerdef82 (~jerdef@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2122[17:40:59] <bites> yes, you can't shrink while it is
2123[17:41:20] <HeinzBoettjer> the partition is not mounted
2124[17:41:33] <bites> you also don't change partition size
with resize2fs
2125[17:41:42] <password2> Now what?
2126[17:42:36] *** Joins: zaqq72 (~zaqq72@replaced-ip)
2127[17:42:53] <password2> It looks still to be loading 375
2128[17:43:06] *** Parts: zaqq72 (~zaqq72@replaced-ip) ()
2129[17:43:31] <HeinzBoettjer> which command to change partiton
size instead of resize2fs?
2130[17:43:59] <evilman_work> HeinzBoettjer: parted.
2131[17:44:17] *** Joins: Madda (~Madda@replaced-ip)
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2135[17:46:00] <jhutchins_wk> HeinzBoettjer: You should have a
backup any time you change partitioning. Not just the partition
you're changing, the whole device.
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2141[17:46:50] <password2> Hmm
2142[17:47:35] *** Joins: silverhom (~silverhom@replaced-ip)
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2148[17:49:25] <password2> can iter be helpful if i paste my
sources file , maybe its wrong?
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2150[17:51:28] <HeinzBoettjer> evilman_work: parted - resizepart
2151[17:51:40] *** Quits: TomyWork (~tomy@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
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2155[17:52:20] <evilman_work> HeinzBoettjer: yep. there is a gui
version - gparted.
2156[17:52:21] *** Quits: thiras (~thiras@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2157[17:53:22] <HeinzBoettjer> does not work because of e2progs
2158[17:53:23] *** Quits: OS-35682 (~OS-35682@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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2165[17:55:23] * HeinzBoettjer reboots to try resizepart with grm
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2168[17:56:24] <jelly> password2: that "-e " should
probably be removed from the file. Did you manager to install the
newer version?
2169[17:56:32] *** Joins: killian99 (~killian99@replaced-ip)
2170[17:57:49] <jelly> password2: verify installed versions with:
aptitude -F'%20V %p' search '~i
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2173[17:59:42] <password2>
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2177[17:59:59] <password2> So still 375.82 it looks like
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2181[18:01:08] <password2> I removed -e , rebootin now
2182[18:01:20] *** Quits: o11c_ (41b7ceba@replaced-ip) (Quit: Page closed)
2183[18:01:43] *** Quits: GenteelBen (~GenteelBe@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2184[18:03:04] <password2> Im on kernel 4.9.0-6-amd64 now
2185[18:03:06] *** Quits: Ilyas (uid43013@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
2186[18:03:12] <jelly> that's up to date.
2187[18:03:30] <password2> Ok
2188[18:03:45] *** Joins: sdoubleyou (~sdoubleyo@replaced-ip)
2189[18:04:21] <jelly> password2: pastebin the output of
"apt-cache policy nvidia-kernel-dkms
linux-headers-4.9.0-6-amd64" and "apt-cache policy"
2190[18:04:26] *** Joins: thiras (~thiras@replaced-ip)
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2193[18:05:20] *** czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
2194[18:05:39] <jelly> because either you're doing something
wrong during backport installation attempt, or apt isn't
configured correctly
2195[18:06:04] <password2>
2196[18:06:22] * jelly waits for the other command
2197[18:06:24] *** Quits: scde (~scde@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2198[18:06:48] <password2>
2199[18:06:55] *** Joins: hbautista (~hbautista@replaced-ip)
2200[18:07:13] *** Joins: HeinzBoettjer (~HeinzBoet@replaced-ip)
2201[18:07:21] <jelly> password2: you did not enable contrib and
non-free sections for stretch-backports
2202[18:07:37] <password2> Oh
2203[18:07:39] *** Joins: schu-r (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
2204[18:07:56] <jelly> append " contrib non-free" to
that deb line
2205[18:08:06] <jelly> rerun apt-get update
2206[18:08:30] *** Quits: ChunkzZ1 (uid233645@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
2207[18:08:31] <HeinzBoettjer> evilman_work: :-( did not work.
has debian 9.0.0 the 1.43 tools as default?
2208[18:08:44] <jelly> ,v e2fsprogs
2209[18:08:46] <judd> Package: e2fsprogs on amd64 -- wheezy:
1.42.5-1.1+deb7u1; wheezy-security: 1.42.5-1.1+deb7u1; jessie:
1.42.12-2+b1; jessie-backports: 1.43.3-1~bpo8+1; stretch: 1.43.4-2;
buster: 1.43.9-2; sid: 1.43.9-2; experimental: 1.44.0~rc1-1
2210[18:09:03] <jelly> HeinzBoettjer: yes
2211[18:09:12] <jelly> stretch: 1.43.4-2
2212[18:09:34] <HeinzBoettjer> thanks than I burn a dvd
2213[18:09:52] <jelly> 2017.05 ought to be fresh enough
2214[18:10:14] <jelly> but I did not read what exactly you were
trying to do.
2215[18:10:17] *** Quits: rlange (~rlange@replaced-ip) (Quit: Bye)
2216[18:10:17] <HeinzBoettjer> but it does not work
2217[18:10:26] *** Quits: noodlepie (~me@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
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2219[18:10:39] *** Joins: j7k6 (~j7k6@replaced-ip)
2220[18:10:55] <HeinzBoettjer> parted - resizepart - from 500 G
to 170 G
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2223[18:11:23] <evilman_work> HeinzBoettjer: but you should
shrink the fs itself before resize the partition!
2224[18:11:32] <password2> Jelly i rerun the aptitude cmd to
update nvidia-kernel-dkms and now its warning about unresolved
2225[18:11:36] *** Joins: mandeep (~mandeep@replaced-ip)
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2227[18:12:08] <HeinzBoettjer> I did so
2228[18:12:47] *** Quits: noobineer (~noobineer@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2229[18:12:51] <HeinzBoettjer> first resize2fs than parted
2230[18:12:51] *** Quits: j7k6 (~j7k6@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
2231[18:13:13] *** Quits: ongolaBoy (~ongolaBoy@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2232[18:13:20] <jelly> password2: show the exact command line you
ran and the whole output
2233[18:13:30] *** Quits: dementedshaman (~DementedS@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
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2238[18:13:55] <jelly> HeinzBoettjer: what failed to work?
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2241[18:14:20] <HeinzBoettjer> no message
2242[18:14:24] *** Joins: _MaX_BR (~androirc@replaced-ip)
2243[18:14:36] <jelly> resize2fs should bloody well show
2244[18:14:40] <password2> how do i capture the output , it ask
for a choice, can i still pipe it to nc?
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2248[18:15:23] <password2> Cmd is : aptitude -t stretch-backports
-r install nvidia-kernel-dkms
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2253[18:15:41] <HeinzBoettjer> sorry, resize2fs report well done
but parted say after "are you sure" Yes nothing
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2256[18:15:54] <jelly> password2: run "script
output.txt", it opens a new shell and logs everything in
output.txt, then run command in there and "exit" when
you're done. Pastebin tht file.
2257[18:16:10] *** Joins: GenteelBen (~GenteelBe@replaced-ip)
2258[18:16:52] <jelly> HeinzBoettjer: what does dumpe2fs -h
/dev/whatevers | grep 'Block count:' say?
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2261[18:17:54] <password2> How do i exit?
2262[18:18:01] <password2> Just type exit?
2263[18:18:04] <jelly> yes
2264[18:18:43] <password2>
2265[18:18:56] *** Joins: debron (~debron@replaced-ip)
2266[18:19:35] <password2> Did that link work?
2267[18:20:26] <jelly> yes
2268[18:20:38] <jelly> 13) nvidia-driver [375.82-1~deb9u1 (now,
2269[18:20:38] <jelly> 14) nvidia-driver-libs [375.82-1~deb9u1
(now, stable)]
2270[18:20:43] <password2> Ok it wont open on my phone , odly
2271[18:20:44] *** Quits: memo1 (~memo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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2273[18:20:51] <HeinzBoettjer> jelly: I reboot and make notices
2274[18:20:52] <debron> hi, I would reallylike to find a browser
really light, firefox goes really slow on this primitive laptop. I
have tried links2 and works great, but cant access some sites like
gmail inbox because javascript its not enabled on links2. I have
readed that i need to recompile links2 with javascript enabled but
it says its buggy. Any alternatives? thanks in advance
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2278[18:21:48] <jelly> password2: run it again. when it gets to
the same question, note the numbers next to "Remove the
following packages:" entry for nvidia-driver
2279[18:22:42] <jelly> password2: then tell aptitude you Reject
the suggestion to remove nvidia-driver, type: r 13 and press enter
2280[18:22:49] *** Joins: inaki (~inaki@replaced-ip)
2281[18:23:12] <jelly> password2: then tell it to try harder:
Accept this solution? n
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2283[18:23:39] <password2> So just r13 when it asks again?
2284[18:23:50] <password2> And then n?
2285[18:23:51] <jelly> it might not be 13
2286[18:23:55] <jelly> correct
2287[18:24:02] <jelly> mind the number
2288[18:24:07] <password2> urg it cutts off
2289[18:24:17] <password2> How do i scroll up?
2290[18:24:22] *** Joins: ssaturos (~saturos@replaced-ip)
2291[18:24:23] <jelly> shift pageup
2292[18:25:00] <password2> Ok 13/14 is the same again
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2296[18:26:12] <jelly> you want to coerce aptitude to upgrade
everything nvidia to stretch-backports, and preferably not remove
anytihng in the process
2297[18:26:40] <password2> Ok 13 now have an r next to it
2298[18:26:44] <jelly> good
2299[18:26:56] <password2> Should i do this with 14 too?
2300[18:27:00] <jelly> no need
2301[18:27:09] <password2> Ok
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2303[18:27:15] <jelly> let it try to figure things out again, see
if it's any better
2304[18:27:18] *** Quits: True3vyl (~true3vyl@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
2305[18:27:20] <password2> So now i tell it n?
2306[18:27:21] <password2> Ok
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2308[18:27:57] *** ssaturos is now known as saturos
2309[18:28:23] <jelly> and it tries to figure a different
solution, one that obeys your "don't remove
2310[18:28:24] <password2> Now it seems it wants to remove even
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2313[18:28:52] <password2> Nvidia-driver is no longer in there
2314[18:28:55] <jelly> does it want to remove nvidia-driver or
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2318[18:30:00] <password2> No , only nvidia-driver-libs
2319[18:30:07] <password2> And a few others
2320[18:30:31] *** Quits: msporky (~34_f_duba@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
2321[18:30:43] <jelly> ,v nvidia-driver-libs
2322[18:30:43] *** Quits: Hemmmmy (~Hemmmmy@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2323[18:30:44] <judd> Package: nvidia-driver-libs on amd64 --
jessie-backports/non-free: 375.82-1~deb9u1~bpo8+1; stretch/non-free:
375.82-1~deb9u1; stretch-backports/non-free: 384.111-3~bpo9+1;
buster/non-free: 384.111-4; sid/non-free: 384.111-4;
experimental/non-free: 390.25-1
2324[18:30:57] <jelly> password2: reject that one too, then
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2326[18:31:18] <jelly> and again tell it to think again
2327[18:31:27] <password2> The i386 versions too?
2328[18:31:34] <jelly> sure
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2330[18:32:17] *** Joins: Pjusur (~Pjusur@replaced-ip)
2331[18:32:23] <jelly> you'll only need those for legacy
crap or some steam games that are still 32bit, but if they're
installed already
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2339[18:33:12] <password2> Ok it says it want to leave them
unresolved now
2340[18:33:34] <jelly> can you pastebin that bit
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2345[18:34:08] <password2> Mind if i take a photo?
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2351[18:34:14] <jelly> that's fine
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2366[18:37:21] <password2> Ok , ill have to redo the process and
use script again , img upload is not working
2367[18:38:14] *** Joins: solaris (~solaris@replaced-ip)
2368[18:38:24] <jelly> uh, okay. Since you're saving the
output you might as well let aptitude do the partial upgrade it
wants to do right now, then inspect the log later and see what
we're missing
2369[18:39:07] *** Quits: beaver (~none@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2370[18:39:32] <password2> Ok
2371[18:39:39] *** Joins: aindilis (~aindilis@replaced-ip)
2372[18:39:57] <password2> So Y
2373[18:39:59] *** Joins: ddumk (~Force@replaced-ip)
2374[18:40:01] <ddumk> hello
2375[18:40:03] <ddumk> i have one problem
2376[18:40:15] *** Joins: LioneLL (~Pidgin@replaced-ip)
2377[18:40:33] <ddumk> when i go to ip/phpmyadmin it show 403
forbbiden if i type ip/phpmyadmin/index.php it download file named
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2384[18:41:33] <jelly> password2: yeah!
2385[18:41:57] <ddumk> ?
2386[18:42:05] <ddumk> can someone help me
2387[18:42:07] <jhutchins_wk> ddumk: You don't have the php
handler defined (and posibly not installed) and index.php is not
defined as a valid index file.
2388[18:42:10] <password2> Ok , its running , almost complete
2389[18:42:13] *** Joins: HeinzBoettjer (~HeinzBoet@replaced-ip)
2390[18:42:13] <jelly> ddumk: which debian release is this?
2391[18:42:18] <ddumk> debian 8.0
2392[18:42:47] *** Quits: glebihan (~glebihan@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2393[18:42:54] <jelly> ddumk: did php-based web apps ever work on
this system before?
2394[18:42:54] <ddumk> i installed nginx server and then i
install phpmyadmin and i added location of phpmyadmin in
2395[18:43:22] *** Quits: mandeep (~mandeep@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
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2398[18:43:59] <password2> Ok its warning about mismatching
nvidia kernel being installed amd suggesting i reboot to resolve it
2399[18:44:37] <jelly> that's expected after a driver
2400[18:44:46] *** Joins: Darcidride_ (~Darcidrid@replaced-ip)
2401[18:44:47] <jelly> after nvidia* driver upgrade
2402[18:44:55] <password2> Ok doki , now i reboot again?
2403[18:45:15] <jelly> you can, or you can go install the bits
that got removed if any
2404[18:45:27] <jelly> and then reboot
2405[18:45:44] *** Joins: sir_wombat1 (~andreas@replaced-ip)
2406[18:45:44] <jelly> eh, reboot now and let's see
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2409[18:46:38] <password2> Ok rebooted
2410[18:46:39] <jelly> ddumk: I'd verify php worked at all
with a nice phpinfo.php file
2411[18:46:44] <HeinzBoettjer> jelly: resize2fs says "The
filesystem is already 44564480 (4k) blocks long nothing to do!"
dumpe2fs says "2228223" parted /dev/sdb1 resizepart: # 1
End 170GB Warning Yes Info fstab. no more
2412[18:47:10] <jelly> HeinzBoettjer: 44564480 * 4KiB is about
170GB so the fs is resized.
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2415[18:47:33] <ddumk> all noobs god fuck
2416[18:47:34] *** Quits: ddumk (~Force@replaced-ip) ()
2417[18:47:44] <jelly> !next
2418[18:47:45] <dpkg> Another happy customer leaves the building.
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2423[18:49:11] <jelly> HeinzBoettjer: but dumpe2fs should have
reported that same number.
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2426[18:49:38] <password2> It looks like 384.111 is being loaded
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2429[18:50:25] <jelly> password2: but your *dm still does not
2430[18:50:52] <password2> yeah , it drops me straight to tty1
2431[18:51:17] <jelly> password2: can you pastebin the last
aptitude install output, to see what's missing
2432[18:51:34] *** Joins: glebihan (~glebihan@replaced-ip)
2433[18:51:38] <jelly> password2: and also /var/log/Xorg.0.log
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2435[18:51:51] <jelly> password2: what's the timestamp on
/var/log/Xorg.0.log ?
2436[18:52:01] <jelly> ls -ld /var/log/Xorg.0.log
2437[18:52:41] <HeinzBoettjer> jelly: that may that problem that
sdb1 is shown under 1.42 with gparted as 465.76. GiB but how to fix
2438[18:52:45] <password2> about 2hours 20 min ago
2439[18:53:03] <jelly> so it didn't even start now
2440[18:53:09] *** Quits: [6667]ThinkTank (~Spacebase@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2441[18:53:17] <password2>
2442[18:53:32] <password2> Yeah , can i start it manually?
2443[18:53:34] <jelly> HeinzBoettjer: hm, which partition format
is this?
2444[18:53:40] <jelly> HeinzBoettjer: MBR or GPT?
2445[18:53:46] <password2> Its a long paste
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2449[18:54:29] <holyhit> hallo
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2451[18:56:03] <HeinzBoettjer> fdisk say "Disklabel type:
dos" so I expect MBR
2452[18:56:25] <HeinzBoettjer> @ jelly:
2453[18:56:38] <jelly> HeinzBoettjer: you can then use cfdisk or
fdisk or sfdisk to edit that table.
2454[18:57:02] <jelly> password2: dunno, "systemctl start
sddm" ?
2455[18:57:10] <jelly> if it's sddm you use.
2456[18:57:11] *** Quits: winem_ (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2457[18:58:03] <password2> unit sddm.service noteness found
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2460[18:58:36] <jelly> do you... know which display manager is
2461[18:58:42] <password2> Not found*
2462[18:58:49] *** Quits: ehlodex (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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2466[18:59:21] <password2> Lightdm?
2467[18:59:32] <HeinzBoettjer> jelly: I can not find a option in
fdisk that looks like to change end of a partition
2468[18:59:36] <password2> Thats the errori was getting right at
the start
2469[18:59:36] <jelly> password2: try to start that one then
2470[19:00:09] <password2> Nothing happens when ibex try to use
systemctl start lightdm
2471[19:00:16] <password2> No output
2472[19:00:17] <jelly> HeinzBoettjer: no. You have to delete
partition, and create a new one, starting _exactly_ in the same
place, and ending wherever you want
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2475[19:00:35] <jelly> poor ib'ex getting highlighted all
the time
2476[19:00:45] <tw> password2: /var/log/lightdm/ has some
interesting files in it as well. You should check those.
2477[19:00:48] <jelly> password2: systemctl status lightdm
2478[19:00:50] <password2> whoops
2479[19:01:04] *** Joins: hypn0 (~h@replaced-ip)
2480[19:02:01] <password2> Active for 15 min , jelly
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2482[19:03:13] <password2>
2483[19:03:41] <holyhit> is it possible to install stretch on
bunsenlabs linux?
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2487[19:04:02] <petn-randall> !bunsenlabs
2488[19:04:02] <dpkg> BunsenLabs Linux is a community
continuation of <crunchbang> that features the <Openbox>
window manager. It is not supported in #debian.
2489[19:04:17] <petn-randall> holyhit: That's a different
distro, so your question doesn't make much sense. ^^^
2490[19:04:23] <holyhit> ok
2491[19:04:34] *** Joins: imfearless (~imfearles@replaced-ip)
2492[19:04:36] <HeinzBoettjer> jelly: that is too much
experimental 4 me so I try to burn a debian 9.0.0 DVD and than I try
the live system with 1.43 + gparted. If that fails I move the data
and delete the whole partition the new funktion should be a
apt-mirror with ext2
2493[19:04:56] *** Quits: xcm (~xcm@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2494[19:05:04] <hypn0> there is #bunsenlabs too
2495[19:05:10] <password2> None of the logs in /var/log/lightdm
updated in the last 2 hours
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2497[19:05:15] <holyhit> yes, I stay there
2498[19:05:44] *** Quits: hanasaki (~hanasaki@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2499[19:05:51] <hypn0> the are going to release it someday, try
archlabs holyhit
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2502[19:06:25] <holyhit> ok hypn0 i look for archlabs, thx
2503[19:06:27] *** Quits: RebelCoder (~RebelCode@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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2512[19:09:42] <jhutchins_wk> holyhit: You can install stretch
instead of bunsenlabs or beside it.
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2515[19:11:16] <password2> Meh
2516[19:11:24] *** Quits: coderphive (~coderphiv@replaced-ip) (Quit: coderphive)
2517[19:11:38] <password2> i might go and install fresh debian
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2523[19:12:22] <password2> Ill give until tomorrow
2524[19:12:54] *** Quits: FreEm1nD (~FreEm1nD@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2525[19:13:25] *** Quits: m0j0dj0dj0 (~punk3r@replaced-ip) (Quit: go drink with my bitches!)
2526[19:13:37] <password2> Ill jist have to move my minecraft
2527[19:13:53] *** Quits: [6667]ThinkTank (6667Thin@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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2529[19:14:46] <holyhit> ok jhutchins_wk
2530[19:14:48] *** Quits: gpunk (~gpunk@replaced-ip) (Quit:
2531[19:14:52] <holyhit> i try it
2532[19:14:53] <jelly> password2: weird. Can you try
"startx" instead? (xinit package if you don't have
2533[19:14:54] *** Quits: hbautista (~hbautista@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2534[19:15:14] <jelly> password2: and then see if
/var/log/Xorg.0.log is updated
2535[19:15:45] <jelly> you have to run it directly in console,
not inside script
2536[19:16:02] <password2> Startx dissapeared
2537[19:16:06] *** Quits: holyhit (~rb@replaced-ip) (Quit: WeeChat 1.0.1)
2538[19:16:36] <jelly> what does that mean!
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2541[19:17:19] <password2> I could have sworn i had it a few
hours ago
2542[19:17:30] <password2> But im not thinking clearly anymore
2543[19:17:44] <password2> Maybe it was imagination
2544[19:18:03] *** Joins: XPUCTOB (~XPUCTOB@replaced-ip)
2545[19:18:03] <password2> Ooh
2546[19:18:09] <password2> Startx did a thing
2547[19:18:34] *** Quits: cdown (~cdown@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2548[19:18:40] <password2> im in my desktop
2549[19:18:42] <password2> !
2550[19:18:51] *** Joins: cdown (~cdown@replaced-ip)
2551[19:19:07] <password2> Desktop looks different now
2552[19:19:10] *** Joins: gpunk (~gpunk@replaced-ip)
2553[19:19:31] <somiaj> startx may not run the same session as
using your display manager
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2559[19:20:18] <password2> I run it as root
2560[19:20:30] <password2> Should i have run as my user?
2561[19:20:32] <somiaj> ahh that is it, it own't be the same
as your user
2562[19:20:35] *** Joins: pax (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
2563[19:20:38] <somiaj> yes, in general you never want to run
xorg as root
2564[19:20:50] <password2> Ok / me reboots
2565[19:21:06] <somiaj> you should be able to just quit
2566[19:21:09] <somiaj> then run startx as your user
2567[19:21:13] <password2> Oh
2568[19:21:22] <password2> Too late :D
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2571[19:21:51] <somiaj> in general unless you do something with
the kernel, you shoudln't need to reboot in linux
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2573[19:22:11] <password2> ah
2574[19:22:17] <password2> Now it looks right
2575[19:22:33] <nix64bit> if you change user permission you might
also need to reboot
2576[19:22:49] <jhutchins_wk> nix64bit: Permission on what?
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2578[19:22:56] <somiaj> nix64bit: user permission? I can't
think of reboots needed for that.
2579[19:23:03] <password2> Now what do i fix so i dont have to
run startx everytime?
2580[19:23:04] <Tenkawa> nix64bit: no.. just kill processes or
2581[19:23:06] <somiaj> adding a user to a group just requires
you logout, and logback in
2582[19:23:06] <Tenkawa> logout
2583[19:23:16] *** Quits: inaki (~inaki@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2584[19:23:31] <jhutchins_wk> password2: Fix your dm.
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2587[19:24:08] <password2> Jhutchin_wk how?
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2590[19:24:29] <donofrio> did midori get removed from Debian?
2591[19:24:31] <somiaj> you don't recall how you disabled
lightdm in the first place?
2592[19:24:34] <somiaj> ,v midori
2593[19:24:36] <judd> Package: midori on amd64 -- wheezy:
0.4.3+dfsg-0.1; jessie-backports: 0.5.11-ds1-2~bpo8+1; stretch:
2594[19:25:08] <nix64bit> I changed directory ownership recently
an needed to reboot, logging in and out didnt do it
2595[19:25:09] <somiaj> donofrio:
2596[19:25:10] *** Quits: BCMM (~BCMM@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2597[19:25:32] <password2> My display goes a bit out of my screen
, is this something i can adjust in linux?
2598[19:25:34] <somiaj> I think something else is going on there,
changing the owernship of a directory shouldn't require a
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2604[19:26:20] <password2> Hmm hexchat was uninstalled
2605[19:26:31] <password8> hi
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2608[19:26:43] <password8> Finally i can open from desktop
2609[19:26:51] <password8> jelly, thanx so much for the help
2610[19:27:11] <Tenkawa> somiaj: sounds likes a missed follow
2611[19:27:18] <password8> btw , how can i test that my gpu is
doing its thing?
2612[19:27:19] <Tenkawa> paths
2613[19:27:38] <donofrio> somiaj, and yet links and lynx is still
current...humm....I think someone didn't like xfce4 ;(
2614[19:28:10] <password8> my mouse is jumping
2615[19:28:12] <somiaj> donofrio: in general I woudl not suggest
using any browser except chromium or firefox
2616[19:29:05] <somiaj> donofrio: I do like the lighter webkit
browsers, but they have no security support in debian, and they are
a pain to matain because of security issues, hence probably why
midori has no one wanting to matain it. And debian doesn't want
to support webkit browers, it is too much work.
2617[19:29:05] <password8> urg , this is bad
2618[19:29:21] <Tenkawa> those browsers are a different
strategy... comparing console to graphial is not equal
2619[19:29:24] <somiaj> and if debian cannot support a package,
it cannot include it in a release.
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2621[19:29:56] <Tenkawa> uggh i cant type today
2622[19:30:22] <Tenkawa> password8: what is bad?
2623[19:30:39] *** Quits: erasmus (~erasmus@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2624[19:30:45] <password8> Tenkawa, I'm getting really
uneven framerate
2625[19:31:04] <password8> like every 300ms or so it stalls
2626[19:31:12] *** Quits: rsx (~rsx@replaced-ip) (Quit: rsx)
2627[19:31:24] <Tenkawa> what are you running?
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2630[19:32:05] <Tenkawa> dont get too hung up on framerates
2631[19:32:19] <password8> Tenkawa, no its very bad
2632[19:32:26] <password8> like my mouse jumps
2633[19:32:32] <Tenkawa> run top in a consoole
2634[19:32:35] <Tenkawa> er console
2635[19:32:40] <password8> and then?
2636[19:32:55] <Tenkawa> see what the top couple of procsses are
2637[19:32:57] <password8> xorg is using like20% cpu!?
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2641[19:33:26] <debron> Hello. I have installed debian stretch on
a dell inspiron 1000, using a USB drive as system drive, since the
IDE drive of the laptop its broken and doesnt have any other atm. I
installed with xfce DE and everything works decent except web
browsing. I am not sure if it is because the rendering, or because
the network adapter, could someone help me to diagnose if it is
something that could be improved by
2642[19:33:29] <debron> software? perhaps switching to diferent
drivers on network adapter or graphics.
2643[19:33:29] <Tenkawa> once top is running hit 1
2644[19:34:04] <password8> Tenkawa, ok
2645[19:34:06] <Tenkawa> it shoud show you by cpu now right?
2646[19:34:13] <password8> xorg is using way more than it used to
2647[19:34:23] <password8> i was running htop
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2650[19:34:42] <password8> could it be rendering with cpu?
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2652[19:34:56] <Tenkawa> does any of them show anything really
high under wait state?
2653[19:35:03] <Tenkawa> yes
2654[19:35:13] <Tenkawa> thats where i was going
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2657[19:35:28] <somiaj> debron: webbrowsers like to cache
everything, this could end up being a lot of read/writes, and on usb
io this can be slow.
2658[19:35:44] <Tenkawa> i wanted to see if this could isolate it
2659[19:35:47] <somiaj> debron: It could be the network, but I
would try other tools to test your network that won't have the
io overhead.
2660[19:35:52] <password8> wait state?
2661[19:36:10] *** Quits: pos (~pos@replaced-ip) (Quit: pos)
2662[19:36:15] <password8> oh uptop
2663[19:36:27] <password8> wa?
2664[19:36:32] <Tenkawa> column after id
2665[19:36:35] <Tenkawa> yep
2666[19:36:42] <password8> no
2667[19:36:45] <jhutchins_wk> debron: You'll probably get
better results using a live image rather than a standard
2668[19:36:45] <debron> Well, apt-get sometimes get stucked on
2669[19:36:56] <password8> but at times xorg uses 35%
2670[19:37:01] <password8> *25%
2671[19:37:10] <jhutchins_wk> debron: How much RAM on the system?
2672[19:37:11] <password8> which is a whole core
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2674[19:37:15] <Tenkawa> stil ould be the vid
2675[19:37:21] *** Quits: Mazhive (~Mazhive@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2676[19:37:36] <password8> ?
2677[19:38:01] <somiaj> debron: I would suggest looking into a
live system + persistance, as it will run a bit better than running
off of the usb directly.
2678[19:38:08] <Tenkawa> if you run glxinfo from a terminal..
output it to a file
2679[19:38:25] <somiaj> debron: and it coudl be the network, usb3
might be okay speed, but lots of caching and read/writes to the
drive could slow you down because of running off of usb
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2682[19:38:43] <debron> jhutchins_wk: i would like to check, but
since webbrosing is almost impossible and im quite newbie to linux,
could you please hint me with some command to check the ram ammount?
I think it might me like... 256 MB maybe
2683[19:38:44] <Tenkawa> look towards the top and see if its
dirct rendering or not
2684[19:39:09] <tw> debron: free -h
2685[19:39:12] <debron> somiaj: I see
2686[19:39:20] <debron> thanks , second i willcheck
2687[19:39:25] <debron> its a very old computer, for sure
2688[19:39:40] <password8> Tenkawa, i don't follow?
2689[19:39:42] <jhutchins_wk> debron: free will show your memory;
top shows active stats (q to exit).
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2691[19:40:11] <somiaj> debron: 256megs of ram? A browser will
eat that up in no time.
2692[19:40:22] <somiaj> but yea, look at free, get the real
2693[19:40:31] *** Joins: PMS (~ircap@replaced-ip)
2694[19:40:32] <debron> 210 MB
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2697[19:40:47] <debron> yeah... links2 works just great
2698[19:40:50] <tw> from which field? total?
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2700[19:41:04] <jhutchins_wk> Wow. Yeah, firfox will kill that.
2701[19:41:07] <debron> my onlyproblem is compatibility with some
sites, like gmail inboc
2702[19:41:09] <debron> inbox
2703[19:41:20] <debron> tw: yeah
2704[19:41:22] <debron> total
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2706[19:41:31] <debron> free is just 13 MB right now
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2708[19:42:17] <somiaj> yea any browser will kill 200megs of ram
in no time and require you to swap, and this will slow your system
to as crawl
2709[19:42:18] <Tenkawa> password8: run glxinfo | grep
"direct rendering: "
2710[19:42:22] <debron> swap 440 MB, and on the USB, so all the
time writting/reading fromthere i guess
2711[19:42:38] <somiaj> debron: a live system on that little ram
would be hard too. I don't think you can nicely run a system
off of usb with that little ram
2712[19:42:43] <disi> why does apt-get bail when i interrupt
listbugs even tho it asks if I want to continue, and I said yes?
2713[19:42:45] <Tenkawa> is it enabled?
2714[19:42:48] <somiaj> that is you want to use a webbrowser.
2715[19:43:10] <password8> Tenkawa, it says Yes
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2717[19:43:48] <debron> yeah, well i wanted to use this to study
programming languajes, maybe ill just stick to command line and use
links to get docummentation from plain sites
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2719[19:43:58] <Tenkawa> yeah this is odd... havent seen a system
act like this
2720[19:44:16] <Tenkawa> usually something shows up by now
2721[19:44:46] <password8> i wish i can show how severe it is
2722[19:45:11] *** Quits: Hunterkll (~Hunterkll@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2723[19:45:44] <debron> thanks guys. Maybe someone know any DE
suite for this very old machines?
2724[19:45:48] *** Quits: AlexPortable (uid7568@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
2725[19:46:08] <debron> lxde was lighter than xfce?
2726[19:46:09] <tw> debron: you're likely better off
installing debian in a VM on a more powerful system. I can exhaust
200MB of ram in a single g++ CI with boost includes.
2727[19:46:21] <tw> *CU
2728[19:46:41] <debron> tw: if i could i wouldnt been using this
computer hehehe
2729[19:47:07] *** Quits: hbautista (~hbautista@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2730[19:47:10] <debron> im in not the best situation right now,
soon will be beter, but now this is all i got
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2748[19:50:51] <Tenkawa> well that was weird
2749[19:51:31] *** Quits: LtL (~ltl@replaced-ip) (Quit: LtL)
2750[19:51:35] <password8> you timed out?
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2753[19:52:05] <somiaj> debron: a window manager is going to be
the lightest weight graphical alternative, and there are various
light weight ones to choose form.
2754[19:52:28] <debron> i remember i used awesome before
2755[19:52:35] <somiaj> debron: you still may not be able to
actually web browse, but maybe get some graphical tools
2756[19:52:36] *** Quits: xcm (~xcm@replaced-ip) (Killed ( (Nickname regained by services)))
2757[19:52:41] <Tenkawa> yes but I'm on a very congested
2758[19:52:55] <somiaj> though with that little ram on a modern
os, you may want to just use the command line and work from there
2759[19:53:04] <somiaj> as compling will require some ram if you
plan to build things
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2761[19:53:19] <debron> yeah i think its the best option too
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2764[19:53:39] <debron> thanks somiaj
2765[19:55:37] *** Quits: toli_ (~toli@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2766[19:55:40] <debron> I cant understand why this computer had
Windows XP by default... I must check the bios because i remember to
seesomething like 200+700 RAM or something like that
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2768[19:55:55] <debron> im going to reboot, brb in few minutes :P
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2774[19:59:58] <password8> urg
2775[20:00:19] <password8> minecraft has much better framerate
than ever , but the spikes is very bad
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2784[20:02:31] <password8> best way i can show the spikes
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2824[20:18:19] <password8> my /var/log/Xorg.0.log has 1000s of
these lines !
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2826[20:18:41] <password8> any idea waht my be the cause?
2827[20:19:06] <password8> so much so that the log file is
already 2.5Mb
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2834[20:20:36] <password8> bigger sample set
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2841[20:22:25] <Epakai> maybe display/cable issues. does the
screen freeze or blank regularly?
2842[20:22:38] <password8> it freezes a lot
2843[20:22:56] <password8> and xorg has high cpu usage
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2845[20:23:01] <password8> I'm on an hdmi cable
2846[20:23:16] <password8> look at the red spikes here
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2852[20:25:31] <Betania> ???
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2855[20:25:52] <password8> Betania, whats wrong?
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2859[20:26:45] <Betania> What's this about?
2860[20:27:09] <password8> whats my issue about?
2861[20:27:14] <password8> or this channel?
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2863[20:28:00] <Betania> the channel!!
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2865[20:28:21] <password8> its mostly a support channel for
2866[20:28:26] <filipe_> Betania, about a operation system
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2870[20:28:42] <filipe_> Linux based and opensource
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2873[20:28:54] <nkuttler> free software even
2874[20:29:19] <Betania> Oh, okay
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2877[20:30:06] <Betania> que bien me gusta
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2880[20:30:44] <Betania> my name is betania thank you for your
2881[20:32:40] <filipe_> Betania, where are you from
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2883[20:33:30] <Betania> Been Miranda Venezuela and you
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2885[20:33:56] <filipe_> Betania, Brazil
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*!*$##not-a-honeypot eir
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2890[20:34:45] <Betania> I'm glad
2891[20:35:00] <hypn0> type /topic
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2900[20:37:36] <Betania> there is someone I want to talk
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2906[20:39:06] <password8> anyway , jelly thanx for all your help
, hopefully by tomorrow i can make more progress
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2908[20:39:39] <password8> and everyone else that helped
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2911[20:40:20] <Betania> ?'''?
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2924[20:44:23] <annadane> Betania, hi, do you have a support
question? go ahead and ask
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2926[20:45:00] <Betania> not
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2942[20:48:09] <annadane> the social channel is at
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2976[21:00:00] <hexhaxtron> I wanted to update my whole system at
midnight of every day. How should the crontab line be?
2977[21:00:28] <r3> hexhaxtron: this might help:
2978[21:01:39] <hexhaxtron> r3 0 0 * * * cron-apt?
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2996[21:09:46] <RoyK> hexhaxtron: better take a look at
2997[21:09:47] <r3> I haven't ever used cron-apt, but you
could do something like 0 0 * * * (apt-get update && apt-get
-y -d upgrade)
2998[21:10:14] <RoyK> !
2999[21:10:15] <RoyK> !unattended-upgrades
3000[21:10:42] <annadane> dpkg: tell hexhaxtron about
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3002[21:10:58] <annadane> hexhaxtron, check your private
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3075[21:46:12] <disi> why does apt-get bail when i interrupt
listbugs even tho it asks if I want to continue, and I said yes?
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3109[22:02:15] <tacobat> confirming that ^ bug on stretch
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3128[22:15:15] <Chakka____> Hi Debian folks - thank you for
answering my question a few days ago about SMBv3 support in Debian
w/latest BPO kernel. I am getting an error mounting encrypted SMBv3
shares on Debian9 - what package should I report against?
cifs-utils? Kernel?
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3130[22:15:54] <Chakka____> Since my kernel is a backported:
Linux rstudio 4.14.0-0.bpo.3-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.14.13-1~bpo9+1
(2018-01-14) x86_64 GNU/Linux can I even report this bug?
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3135[22:17:31] <simbalion> Hi, this site recommends only using
dist-upgrade for non-interactive updates, can someone explain why?
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3138[22:18:40] <simbalion> and would dist-upgrade still deploy
all security patches? Which is my primary concern
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3147[22:21:07] <simbalion> my understanding is dist-upgrade is
for upgrading major debian versions
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3152[22:21:52] <jhutchins_wk> simbalion: I believe the manpages
for aptitude and apt-get explain it pretty well.
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3155[22:22:51] <simbalion> jhutchins_wk: I did some reading and I
see dist-upgrade upgrades dependencies and also removes packages to
prevent conflicts, but I don't see how that's superior to
using upgrade, if dist-upgrade can update dependencies wouldn't
upgrade also do that?
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3165[22:24:30] <simbalion> perhaps a better question is, can
someone provide me an authoritative answer on the best approach to a
cron based nightly update?
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3167[22:24:51] <vlt> !unattended-upgrades | simbalion
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3169[22:25:23] <simbalion> vlt: Alright, I've been using
that method thus far, I will continue to
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3197[22:39:17] <eric23> I am trying to upgrade to debian stretch
from jessie. it is complaining about not having a key with the ID
EF0F382A1A7B6500 . what is the recommended way to get it ?
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3209[22:45:22] <jhutchins_wk> dpkg: jessie -> stretch
3210[22:45:22] <dpkg> parse error: dunno what the heck
you're talking about, jhutchins_wk
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3212[22:45:35] <jhutchins_wk> dpkg: jessie->stretch
3213[22:45:35] <dpkg> Read (at least) the upgrading chapter of
the <release notes>
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3215[22:47:28] <eric23> so you are saying I am missing a step ? I
don't see anything about public keys
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3229[22:53:08] <jhutchins_wk> simbalion: Try pasting the full
exact text of the error into google.
3230[22:53:09] <disi> tacobat: I'm on stretch stable fwiw
3231[22:53:48] <jhutchins_wk> sorry, eric23 ^
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3249[22:57:42] <boehse_onkelz> guten morgen
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3254[22:58:49] <saeleko> Hello, I'm currently helping a
friend with his debian install through ssh, not that I know debian
that well, but `apt upgrade` suggests removing linux-image of the
currently running kernel, I don't think that's supposed to
happen, or am I wrong?
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3257[23:00:29] <boehse_onkelz> saeleko: try sudo apt-get
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3260[23:01:02] <saeleko> boehse_onkelz: same result
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3262[23:01:29] <saeleko> I have no idea what he did, but I feel
the packages state is inconsistent
3263[23:01:37] <jhutchins_wk> saeleko: That's not a problem
really. Unless you need to load a module, you don't need the
kernel on-disk.
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3265[23:01:46] <saeleko> Oh
3266[23:01:48] <saeleko> Okay
3267[23:01:57] <jhutchins_wk> saeleko: aptitude -f upgrade?
3268[23:02:04] *** Joins: sxar (~sxar@replaced-ip)
3269[23:02:16] <saeleko> Doesn't have aptitude installed
3270[23:02:35] <saeleko> Do I have to get it as well? I
don't recall ever needing it on my server
3271[23:02:47] <jhutchins_wk> saeleko: It's not uncommon to
make boot a separate partition that gets un-mounted when it's
done booting, and the kernel binary is in /boot.
3272[23:03:04] <jhutchins_wk> I think apt-get will -f, pretty
sure apt will.
3273[23:03:54] <saeleko> jhutchins_wk: I know, my computer's
runs Gentoo, I've done a whole lot of manual kernel stuff and
partitioning, it's just that I'm kind of lost when
it's automatic :')
3274[23:03:57] <dob1> if I don't have any reference on eth0
(or any other interfaces) on /etc/network/interfaces where is setup
the lan address ?
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3276[23:04:28] <jhutchins_wk> dob1: Probably network manager.
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3278[23:04:50] <jhutchins_wk> dob1: ... which probably uses dhcp.
3279[23:05:01] <dob1> jhutchins_wk, where can I look?
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3282[23:05:53] <dob1> for sure it is assigned via dhcp
3283[23:05:57] <jhutchins_wk> dob1: Which release? Do you have a
GUI/Desktop? Which one?
3284[23:06:12] <dob1> I am connected via ssh, it's jessie
3285[23:06:35] <jhutchins_wk> dob1: Ok, so what do you want to
3286[23:06:53] <saeleko> jhutchins_wk: well indeed grub seems
just fine with it, my bad, thanks for the help o/
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3288[23:07:15] <dob1> jhutchins_wk, change nothing, just confirm
it is assigned via dhcp
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3292[23:07:43] <jhutchins_wk> dob1: How else would it be assigned
if you didn't configure it? ps ax | grep dhc
3293[23:07:48] <dob1> I found something on
/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Wired\ connection\ 1
3294[23:08:34] <jhutchins_wk> dmesg -T | less
3295[23:09:07] *** Quits: jhutchins_wk (~jonathan@replaced-ip) (Quit: leaving)
3296[23:09:16] <dob1> jhutchins_wk, I didn't configure it,
the address is static not assigned via dhcp
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3298[23:10:36] <jhutchins> dob1: I'm out. Provide a much
more detailed account of what you're trying to do and what the
environment is. The only answer I can give you from what you've
said is "it depends".
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3304[23:12:01] <dob1> jhutchins, I found the answer. This system
was not installed by me and I was checking if the lan address is
assigned via dhcp or it is static. on /etc/network/interfaces there
is nothing, you suggest me to look about NetworkManager and I found
somehthing on /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/Wired\
connection\ 1
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3308[23:12:17] <dob1> here the address is setup
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3370[23:33:22] <MichaelOF> hi all. installed 9.3, fresh download,
i386, on an old PC. Dual boot, old XP box. Installation itself went
fine, system starts. But X / Gnome fails to start. Screen changes to
graphical, mouse cursor appears, a couple of seconds to be waited,
mouse cursor dissappears. X starts automatically again.
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3372[23:33:53] <MichaelOF> Login via ssh is possible, and dmgesg
shows " gnome-shell[503]: segfault at 4 ip ac6e876d sp bf923e90
error 4 in[abde2000+2d1b000]"
3373[23:34:21] <MichaelOF> again and again. found this:
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3386[23:41:15] <jhutchins> dob1: That was probably configured vi
nm-cli or if there's a GUI then the NM Applet for whatever
desktop. Wouldn'