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0[00:00:19] *** Quits: Nh3xus (~Nh3xus@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
1[00:00:23] <shtrb> so if your tun0 go down it will fallback
to eth0
2[00:00:27] *** Quits: AnD[a]LeS (~andales@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3[00:00:28] <shtrb> *in your setup
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5[00:01:17] <sine0> ok this is not a debian question but I ask
here because over the years i have grown to realise that most debian
users know a thing or two, ok felatio done; I needed to secure
delete some drives from a client, someone in here suggested boot and
nuke, which worked slow but it worked ok. I watched a video recently
about harddrive repair and they took the platters out and used tape
to keep them aligned
6[00:01:23] <sine0> otherwise (data would be lost forever
etc). My thought was, cant I just open the harddrive and move the
platters around out of alignment and then quick format (stupid
7[00:01:37] <anotherus3r> shtrb: Otherwise it looks good for
you? :)
8[00:02:14] <shtrb> sine0 , why not to just melt them ?
9[00:02:34] <anotherus3r> shtrb: So you mean if VPN server
goes down, then it fallback to eth0? Or do I have to close the
running openvpn first?
10[00:02:35] <shtrb> anotherus3r , it has exactly the thing I
warned you about it
11[00:03:03] <shtrb> anotherus3r , if the openvpn client decide
to drop the link (for any reason )
12[00:04:12] <anotherus3r> shtrb: What if the VPN server goes
offline then? Would it fallback to eth0 or play dead?
13[00:04:30] *** Quits: edju (~edju@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
14[00:04:48] <shtrb> something like route add -net
netmask dev eth0 , route default gw
15[00:04:55] <shtrb> fallback
16[00:05:12] <shtrb> *assuming the route will be nuked from
your table
17[00:05:24] <shtrb> if it's not , all is good
18[00:05:39] <TomTomTo1> sine0: use shred if you need to delete
it securely, dd if you need it quick. disassembling the drive and
not actually overwriting the data is madness and not secure at all.
19[00:06:01] <anotherus3r> shtrb: What I mean, Will the
internet connection not working if that happends? Or would it really
fallback to eth0 directly?
20[00:06:02] <shtrb> TomTomTo1 , or 15 min the furnece
21[00:06:30] <TomTomTo1> i assume sine0 doesn't want to
destroy the drives.
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23[00:07:03] <shtrb> that is all depend on what would actually
happen , it may perform a nice action and everything will be still
working (almost because your DNS are preepended , so DNS will not
work for you)
24[00:07:08] *** Quits: circ-user-qzNJE (~circuser-@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
25[00:07:08] <shtrb> (*) may not work for
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27[00:08:09] <shtrb> sine0 , always assume data can be
retracted , that is why destorying the device is such a good option
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30[00:08:53] <shtrb> and by destroying I meant , become a blob
of metled metal and plastic
31[00:09:17] * shtrb go to check some DIY furness
32[00:09:44] <anotherus3r> shtrb: By having 4 nameservs, 2 from
VPN and 2 from ISP. Would the ISP still be enable to read my DNS
traffic in this way?
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35[00:10:20] <shtrb> only if the first two don't find it
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37[00:11:04] <anotherus3r> shtrb: So the best thing for me
would be to get ride of the 2 ISP nameservers, right?
38[00:11:12] <davidebeatrici> Hi
39[00:11:29] <shtrb> it's all boils on how much time you
are going to invest in it
40[00:11:34] <shtrb> sine0 ,
41[00:11:59] <davidebeatrici> I have a friend who has installed
Debian Stretch RC 3 on a PC with a MSI Z170A Gaming M5, an i7-6700K
and 2 R9 480
42[00:12:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1728
43[00:12:36] <davidebeatrici> He has enabled the IGD
Multi-Monitor option in his BIOS
44[00:13:24] <davidebeatrici> He has one monitor connected to
the primary 480 and one to the integrated graphics card
45[00:13:39] <davidebeatrici> Desktop environment: KDE
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48[00:14:07] <davidebeatrici> On Windows both monitors work
49[00:14:19] *** Quits: fedrox (~fedrox@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
50[00:14:21] <davidebeatrici> On Debian, only the one connected
to the dedicated GPU is detected
51[00:14:32] *** Quits: adrem (~adrem@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
52[00:15:06] <shtrb> davidebeatrici , also ask on #kde
53[00:15:25] <davidebeatrici> shtrb: Ok, thank you for the tip
54[00:15:45] <davidebeatrici> Initially dmesg displayed an
error regarding the Intel firmware
55[00:15:56] <shtrb> but how do you know what is detected , and
have you installed the firmware
56[00:16:08] <shtrb> missing ?
57[00:16:13] *** Quits: netzfisch (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
58[00:16:15] *** Quits: seanz (~seanz@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving.)
59[00:16:29] <davidebeatrici> [ 9.923516] i915 0000:00:02.0:
firmware: failed to load i915/skl_dmc_ver1_26.bin (-2)
60[00:16:29] <davidebeatrici> [ 9.923545] i915 0000:00:02.0:
Direct firmware load for i915/skl_dmc_ver1_26.bin failed with error
61[00:16:29] <davidebeatrici> [ 9.923547] i915 0000:00:02.0:
Failed to load DMC firmware [replaced-url
62[00:17:03] <davidebeatrici> We installed the firmware with
the package firmware-misc-nonfree
63[00:17:19] <davidebeatrici> And the errors don't appear
anymore in dmesg
64[00:17:34] *** Quits: TsukiRa (~fpob@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving.)
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67[00:18:43] <beardyanme_> anyone good with mergerfs?
68[00:18:46] <davidebeatrici> dmesg:
69[00:19:02] <beardyanme_> it seems it works, but ls won't
show the folders, and i can actually cd into dirs i know are there
70[00:19:10] <beardyanme_> just seems i can't list/find e
71[00:19:10] *** Quits: Logg (~Logg@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
72[00:19:11] <beardyanme_> em
73[00:19:23] <anotherus3r> shtrb: Sorry for asking you again,
but how can I easy remove the ISP dns servers? Is there really
nothing I can change in dhclient.conf?
74[00:19:36] <davidebeatrici> shtrb: I see the monitors in
KDE's System Settings
75[00:19:45] <shtrb> anotherus3r, if you manually run dhclient
-r after vpn is up does it solve your issue ?
76[00:19:45] <davidebeatrici> But also "xrandr" shows
only a monitor
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78[00:20:06] *** gftg_away is now known as gftg
79[00:20:10] <shtrb> you can change , just remove the pulling
of the name-servers
80[00:20:15] <shtrb> but that will brake other stuff
81[00:20:50] <shtrb> davidebeatrici , xrander -q ?
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84[00:21:31] <shtrb> anotherus3r , you can remove name-server
and search options from the pooling
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86[00:21:41] <shtrb> but that will brakeyour DNS , I warned you
87[00:22:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1720
88[00:22:26] <nbastin> shtrb: if they already have a useful
DNS, then it won't break anything
89[00:23:05] <shtrb> nbastin , if you remove the option to pull
dns servers from dhclient , next reboot there will be no "good
setting there"
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91[00:23:24] <nbastin> shtrb: why? there are lots of ways to
set the values in /etc/resolv.conf
92[00:23:34] <shtrb> and his vpn is accessed over dns (he
needes to add it the hosts file)
93[00:23:50] *** Quits: anotherus3r (~unknown@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
94[00:24:03] <shtrb> nbastin , his issue is with preventing
that file being updated by dhclien
95[00:24:05] <shtrb> *dhclien
96[00:24:35] <shtrb> he has two sources for updates , and he
need to block the update from one
97[00:24:41] <davidebeatrici> shtrb: It seems like it's
detected with xrandr -q
98[00:24:51] <davidebeatrici>
99[00:24:58] <nbastin> shtrb: if the file works before dhclient
is run, removing domain-name-servers from request seems sensible
100[00:25:03] <shtrb> ok , your only need is just to enable it
under KDE (I think)
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102[00:25:25] <shtrb> yes , but that will brake his workflow if
he doesn't have a vpn working all the time
103[00:25:29] <shtrb> that is why I warned him
104[00:25:51] <shtrb> without that option (and search ) his dns
records will not be updated automaticly next boot
105[00:25:58] <shtrb> that's my point
106[00:26:04] *** Joins: dexTrose (d5278cba@replaced-ip)
107[00:26:08] <shtrb> *nbastin ^
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115[00:28:58] <shtrb> anotherus3r , have you seen my comment
about removing the option and adding your vpn dns in hosts ?
116[00:29:26] <anotherus3r> shtrb: No
117[00:30:10] <shtrb> ok , you can remove the options to pull
the dns name in dhclient.conf and add your vpn dns in hosts , that
way it will not be overwritten by dhclient
118[00:30:25] <shtrb> but when your vpn does not work your dns
will not work
119[00:31:05] <anotherus3r> shtrb: btw, dhcp -r killed my
connection. I had to reboot my computer
120[00:31:36] <anotherus3r> shtrb: So I cant use VPN DNS servers
with my ISP and ISP DNS server with my VPN, why?
121[00:31:38] <shtrb> Sorry I forgot to say you needed to have a
route to the vpn
122[00:31:39] <shtrb> sorry
123[00:31:52] <shtrb> what ?
124[00:32:12] <shtrb> I thought you wished to ban isp DNS while
you are on vpn
125[00:32:12] *** Quits: xet7 (~xet7@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
126[00:32:22] <anotherus3r> shtrb: Yes, no this was just a
127[00:32:38] <shtrb> your ISP will brobabaly block you when you
are on your vpn
128[00:32:45] <anotherus3r> shtrb: I mean, you cant use
VPN's dns server when you are not on VPN?
129[00:32:58] <anotherus3r> ok
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131[00:33:10] <shtrb> if you will arrive from an external ip ,
but it will happily support it when it arrive from the local ones
132[00:33:25] <shtrb> that is why I said you should have a
single route to your vpn and not a default gw
133[00:33:29] <shtrb> on your eth0
134[00:33:54] <sypher> shtrb: That advice is only valid if you
don't want to route your entire connection through the VPN.
135[00:34:10] <sypher> shtrb: Or, wait, I think I misread what
you said.
136[00:34:24] <shtrb> and to have a deafult route on the vpn
connection (tun)
137[00:34:34] *** Quits: Cabanossi (~Cabanossi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
138[00:35:10] <shtrb> sypher, I meant to say the default gw is
on tun (vpn ) and not eth0 (ISP)
139[00:35:27] <anotherus3r> shtrb: Would it not be much easier
to just ask DHCP to dont override my resolv.conf?
140[00:35:29] <dexTrose> wargh >:@ grep is driving me nutz...
why does grep require escaping double quotes in single quotes while
not requiring anything else ( like backslashes) to be escaped -.-?
141[00:35:32] *** Quits: jon_x1111111 (~jon_x@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
142[00:36:02] <sypher> anotherus3r: It would be easyEST to
correctly configure DNS and routing statements in OpenVPN.
143[00:36:02] <shtrb> the don't override is the core of
issues :)
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145[00:36:14] <sypher> shtrb: No, it really isn't.
146[00:36:15] <nbastin> dexTrose: it's likely the
interaction of grep with the requirements of your shell
147[00:36:17] <shtrb> sypher good luck :)
148[00:36:31] <sypher> shtrb: Good luck? Okay. Oops, I'm
done already. Only been doing this for years.
149[00:36:43] <dexTrose> nbastin: nasty bash
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151[00:37:02] <shtrb> sypher , sorry I think you have a better
an easier idea than I have
152[00:37:30] <sypher> shtrb, anotherus3r: Using the
'push' directives, you can force the client to assume
routes and DNS settings when it connects.
153[00:37:30] <shtrb> he needs that a dhclient that is running
before openvpn will not override it (openvpn acts correctly)
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155[00:37:49] <sypher> shtrb: That's easy. Using the
statements I just mentioned will do that.
156[00:38:10] <dexTrose> nbastin: well usually i would expect
bash to treat everything in single quotes as text :/ as variable
replacement is not done etc
157[00:38:16] <shtrb> sypher , he has no control on the server
(where push is sent) , and openvpn works flawlessly the issue is
with the first dhclient
158[00:38:46] <sypher> shtrb: You can configure them client-side
as well. Also, easy.
159[00:38:47] <anotherus3r> shtrb: May I ask why you are saying
first dhclient? I thought I had only one dhclient, no?
160[00:38:48] <shtrb> but if you have a better idea , go for it
161[00:38:56] *** Quits: czesmir (~stefan@replaced-ip) (Quit: Lost terminal)
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163[00:39:31] <shtrb> I think I will pass the honer to sypher
(he seems to have good ideas )
164[00:39:38] <anotherus3r> sypher: I do that in the
openvpn.conf file?
165[00:39:48] <shtrb> sorry for failing you so far (just
consider removing the options)
166[00:41:28] <anotherus3r> shtrb: actually the Ovpn tells you
to use prepend domain-name-servers,; as
you said.
167[00:41:55] <anotherus3r> shtrb: But they dont have anything
about the 4 nameservers.
168[00:42:17] *** Quits: antgel (~topdog@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
169[00:42:31] <shtrb> you can also drop the name serving , but
sypher may have good ideas please wait for him
170[00:42:47] <shtrb> maybe I'm to tired or something , so
I maybe missing somethign very easy
171[00:42:54] <shtrb> sorry...
172[00:43:18] <shtrb> sypher ?
173[00:43:34] <sypher> anotherus3r:
174[00:43:43] <anotherus3r> shtrb: What if I change # option
domain-name-servers; under lease to prepend
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177[00:44:36] <sypher> I push those from server-side because I
control the server, but they'll work on the client
178[00:44:39] <shtrb> this will not really help you to gain what
you wish , my option is to pull the rug from seeking the dns name
179[00:44:42] *** Joins: jon_x1111111 (~jon_x@replaced-ip)
180[00:44:51] <sypher> shtrb:
181[00:46:06] <shtrb> lets give anotherus3r to answer if it
worked or not
182[00:46:45] <anotherus3r> sypher: Is this something I add in
the /etc/openvpn/ovpn.conf?
183[00:46:47] <shtrb> I don't think it should , but I hope
it would that way I will learn something new and your solution is
much more elegent than mine
184[00:46:50] <sypher> anotherus3r: Yes.
185[00:47:00] <sypher> anotherus3r: Assuming that's your
client configuration.
186[00:47:19] <anotherus3r> sypher: Its a config file I
downloaded from the VPN provider.
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192[00:50:20] <sypher> anotherus3r: I have some concerns as to
whether or not the dhcp-option lines will work on the client side,
so that'll be interesting to see if it does work.
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195[00:51:11] <shtrb> I remind you about a dhclient that is
running ....
196[00:51:44] <sypher> shtrb: And? You act like I don't use
this configuration every day.
197[00:51:53] <sypher> shtrb: My laptop at work certainly
doesn't have a static IP.
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201[00:52:50] <shtrb> as for the link , it also says that you
can should drop the option (as I suggested)
202[00:52:55] <shtrb> *for the provider link
203[00:53:03] <shtrb> but sypher option should be better
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206[00:54:31] <shtrb> oops I misread the google translate
207[00:54:37] <anotherus3r> sypher: Why did not the VPN Provider
already wrote this in their .conf files?
208[00:54:39] <alekz> see you tomorrow guys! have a good one :)
209[00:55:02] *** Quits: alekz (~alekz@replaced-ip) (Quit: Got Debian?)
210[00:55:04] <shtrb> Ignore my last comment (I misread the
google translate )
211[00:55:04] *** Quits: afuentes (~kusanagi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
212[00:55:26] <shtrb> just use sypher idea (which is the same
when I said to use default gw from your vpn )
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214[00:55:33] <sypher> anotherus3r: I dunno. They're
idiots? This is why I run my own VPN server.
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216[00:56:00] <shtrb> sypher , or they don't wish to mass
with default gw for the client ?
217[00:56:16] <sypher> shtrb: Which completely negates the
intended function of VPN services.
218[00:56:18] <shtrb> or if they have old version that option
crashes their client
219[00:56:23] *** Joins: Delta-One (~zero@replaced-ip)
220[00:56:49] <shtrb> it's their business , I would tell a
person how to do buisness :)
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223[00:58:34] <dexTrose> huh could someone lend me a hand? I
want to loop over a file list obtained by grep -l <for line in
`grep -l '\"woggle\"' *`; do echo $line;
done> but even if i try to save the output the variable is empty
224[00:58:51] <anotherus3r> sypher: And this would add the DNS
servers to resolv.conf from the VPN? And DHCP would stop add ISP DNS
servers to resolv.conf?
225[00:59:33] <sypher> anotherus3r: How, exactly, do you have
your eth0 connection configured? Because that's odd behavior.
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229[01:00:58] <dexTrose> ah nevermind! xargs :)
230[01:01:03] *** Quits: brokency1le (~brokencyc@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
231[01:01:59] <teraflops> dexTrose: eh use awk ^
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234[01:02:21] <anotherus3r> sypher: I downloaded
debian-8.7.1-amd64-kde-CD-1.iso, then I got bad mirror archive
during install. So after boot I fix the sources.list and did apt-get
update && apt-get upgrade
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237[01:02:32] <anotherus3r> sypher: And nothing more
238[01:03:02] <sypher> anotherus3r: Default configuration, then.
Let me do some testing.
239[01:03:06] <shtrb> he needs your /etc/network/interfaces
240[01:03:08] *** Quits: vonsyd0w (~vonsyd0w@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
241[01:03:15] <shtrb> remove any pwd from there
242[01:03:33] <anotherus3r> I use wired ethernet
243[01:03:38] <anotherus3r> btw
244[01:03:41] <dexTrose> teraflops: too steep, the learning
curve's slope :P
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248[01:04:08] <anotherus3r> shtrb: Do you want to see my
249[01:04:14] <teraflops> dexTrose: but in the end youll be
250[01:04:19] <shtrb> no , but it might bee needed soon
251[01:04:37] <anotherus3r> shtrb:
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256[01:06:24] <shtrb> anotherus3r , I will have to disconnect
now it was a joy and sorry for failing to solve your issue, good
257[01:06:28] <dexTrose> teraflops: someday I will be - but not
today :/
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261[01:07:30] <teraflops> dexTrose: just saying, as it's
said, whatever floats your goat
262[01:07:41] <anotherus3r> shtrb: :) good night
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267[01:08:40] <teraflops> anotherus3r: sorry I just joined, are
you pissed because openvpn appends dns entries in /etc/resolv.conf?
268[01:09:09] <anotherus3r> sypher: What did you mean by Because
that's odd behavior.
269[01:09:11] <anotherus3r> btw?
270[01:09:44] *** gftg is now known as gftg_away
271[01:09:51] <anotherus3r> teraflops: Not really, I want to get
ride of the ISP DNS Server actually.
272[01:09:59] <anotherus3r> servers*
273[01:10:25] <teraflops> nothing related to openvpn?
274[01:10:34] <cyphix> I have a package that is installed as a
dependancy, but I don't know from which package. How can I
check which packaged has it as a dependancy?
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276[01:11:02] <teraflops> !resolvconf
277[01:11:02] <dpkg> extra, extra, read all about it, resolvconf
is a package that can be used to manage your /etc/resolv.conf (the
file that contains your DNS settings). Packages like ppp, ifupdown,
dhcp-client, ... are compatible with it. Ask me about
<fixresolvconf>, <resolv.conf>, <override dns>
278[01:11:15] *** Quits: jgdhgfhdfhcggdb (~yaaic@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
279[01:11:16] <teraflops> ah override dns
280[01:11:29] <teraflops> !override dns
281[01:11:29] <dpkg> To instruct dhclient to use your specified
nameserver rather than the one given by your DHCP server, echo
"supersede domain-name-servers a.b.c.d, e.f.g.h;" >>
/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf, or see man 5 dhclient.conf for more
information. Instead of supersede, you can use "prepend"
or "append" to add nameservers. Or remove
domain-name-servers (etc.) from "request" in dhclient.conf
if you prefer.
282[01:11:57] *** Quits: shtrb (~shtrb@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
283[01:12:36] <DeaDSouL> Hi, how can I check the maximum speed
of an aggregated dual ports ? the iperf as far as I know would test
the maximum speed between two boxes. not how maximum each box is
capable of
284[01:13:44] <anotherus3r> teraflops: I already use prepend
domain-name-servers,; in
/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf but then I have 4 nameservers in
resolv.conf, 2 from VPN and 2 from ISP.
285[01:14:00] <anotherus3r> teraflops: I just want to use the 2
DNS servers from VPN.
286[01:14:09] <nbastin> dpkg: one small point, removing
domain-name-servers doesn't actually stop the server from
sending you that data, and dhclient-script doesn't know you
didn't ask for it and will still act on the value
287[01:14:10] <dpkg> You are person #1 to send an unparseable
request, nbastin
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290[01:14:39] <nbastin> oh, that's a bot...
291[01:14:40] *** Quits: dadinn (~DADINN@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
292[01:14:54] <nbastin> well someone fix its response.. :-)
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296[01:17:52] <teraflops> anotherus3r: that's what I asked^
297[01:19:04] <anotherus3r> teraflops: ah ok, do you know how to
fix it? :)
298[01:19:30] *** Quits: cyphix (~cyphix@replaced-ip) (Quit: WeeChat 1.6)
299[01:19:34] <teraflops> anotherus3r: I tried several things,
the only thing that worked was having in /etc/resolv.conf
and using unbound or similar
300[01:20:36] *** Quits: lethu (~lethu@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
301[01:20:39] <anotherus3r> teraflops: But if I change
/etc/resolv.conf then after some few minutes DHCP overwrites it?
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305[01:21:12] <nbastin> anotherus3r: if the server sends a dns
server, yes (and you haven't modified dhclient-script in some
306[01:21:16] <teraflops> anotherus3r: openvpn appends dns
servers but do not delete the existing ones, and that means possible
dns leakage
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313[01:22:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1702
314[01:22:28] <teraflops> anotherus3r: nope, well because you
told your dhcpclient to do so
315[01:23:04] *** Quits: karakedi (~e7E2C80CD@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
316[01:23:29] <teraflops> anotherus3r: read the override dns
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320[01:26:14] <anotherus3r> nbasting: I did just modified the
321[01:26:51] <anotherus3r> prepend domain-name-servers,; <- this is the DNS servers from VPN
provider. I only want to use them, no other.
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323[01:27:06] <teraflops> openresolv does not work the same at
debian as in archlinux, I wonder if they are the same software
324[01:27:47] <teraflops> anotherus3r: but your openvpn provider
pushes dns?
325[01:27:47] <nbastin> anotherus3r: so, I'm trying to
backtrack to where you started, lest anything I say be completely
stupid... :-/
326[01:27:55] <nbastin> anotherus3r: you only want to use the
VPN DNS when you are connected to the VPN, no?
327[01:28:13] <anotherus3r> teraflops: if I dont change
dhclient.conf and add prepend domain-name-servers, then the openVPN
itself doesnt add any DNS server in /etc/resolv.conf?
328[01:28:42] <teraflops> anotherus3r: idk about 3rd party vpn
providers, try it and see
329[01:28:49] <anotherus3r> nbastin: I could use them always.
330[01:28:57] <nbastin> anotherus3r: this dhclient.conf is for
dhclient that runs on the tun interface after the VPN is up? or is
this the dhclient that is running on the physical interface that
goes to your ISP connection?
331[01:28:58] <teraflops> anotherus3r: I prefer running my own
332[01:29:21] <teraflops> anotherus3r: because their configs at
the server side…
333[01:29:37] <nbastin> anotherus3r: if you could use them
always just put them in /etc/resolv.conf and disable it being
written by dhclient or openvpn entirely, and avoid the whole issue,
if I understand you properly
334[01:29:38] <anotherus3r> nbasting: I dont really know, it is
the /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
335[01:30:02] <anotherus3r> teraflops: You want me to paste the
openvpn.conf file?
336[01:30:33] <anotherus3r> nbasting: How do I disable it being
written by dhclient?
337[01:31:06] *** Quits: boris_t (~boris_t@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
338[01:31:18] <nbastin> anotherus3r: *most* of the time you can
just remove the "domain-name-servers" option from the
request line (line 23)
339[01:31:23] *** Quits: ToBeCloud (uid51591@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
340[01:31:49] <teraflops> anotherus3r: the client conf? no
341[01:32:05] *** Quits: scoobertron (~tom@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
342[01:32:13] <anotherus3r> nbastin: request subnet-mask,
broadcast-address, time-offset, routers, domain-name,
domain-name-servers, domain-search, host-name,,
343[01:32:20] *** Joins: scoobertron (~tom@replaced-ip)
344[01:32:28] <anotherus3r> nbastin: Remove domain-name-servers
from the request line?
345[01:32:28] <nbastin> anotherus3r: yeah, just remove the
domain-name-servers from that
346[01:32:42] <teraflops> anotherus3r: there is a
update-resolv-conf script for dealing with dns, I never used it
347[01:32:46] <nbastin> anotherus3r: as long as the upstream
server is well-behaved, it will not send you the DNS servers, and
dhclient won't write them
348[01:33:02] *** Quits: cruncher (~cruncher@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
349[01:33:52] <nbastin> if the upstream ignores you, you'll
have to get more persistent, but that usually works
350[01:34:36] *** Quits: magyar (~magyar@replaced-ip) (Quit: Riding the split)
351[01:35:20] <anotherus3r> nbastin: What if I uncomment and
change # option domain-name-servers;?
352[01:35:25] *** Joins: Zynkx (~zynkx@replaced-ip)
353[01:35:38] <nbastin> anotherus3r: well then you better have a
resolver installed on your local computer..
354[01:35:38] <anotherus3r> under lease
355[01:36:09] <anotherus3r> and used the same DNS server as
above prepend domain-name-servers,;
356[01:36:13] <anotherus3r> ?
357[01:36:14] *** Quits: jon_x1111111 (~jon_x@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
358[01:36:22] <anotherus3r> nbastin: why?
359[01:36:44] <nbastin> anotherus3r: if you set
domain-name-servers to, that means will get
written into resolv.conf, and your computer will try to use itself
to resolve names
360[01:37:14] <nbastin> anotherus3r: if you use prepend then
your other servers will get written first, and so things will mostly
Just Work(tm), but setting is unlikely to ever be right in
your case
361[01:38:17] *** Quits: Starky (~Starky@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
362[01:38:19] *** Joins: ILikeUnity7 (~ILikeUnit@replaced-ip)
363[01:38:21] <nbastin> anotherus3r: the principle here is very
simple - when your computer needs to contact a server to lookup a
name, it uses the first one in the list that responds
364[01:38:26] <anotherus3r> nbastin: Yes, thats want I mean. I
have 4 nameservers now. 2 from VPN (first) and then 2 from ISP.
365[01:38:29] <ILikeUnity7> Hi
366[01:38:35] <bazhang> hi
367[01:38:36] *** Joins: Starky (~Starky@replaced-ip)
368[01:38:42] <ILikeUnity7> What's a nameserver?
369[01:38:48] <anotherus3r> DNS servers
370[01:38:59] <ILikeUnity7> What are those?
371[01:39:03] <nbastin> anotherus3r: my understanding is that
you don't want the ISP nameservers at all, right?
372[01:39:10] <anotherus3r> nbasting: correctly
373[01:39:19] <nbastin> anotherus3r: so just remove
domain-name-servers from request and be DONE.
374[01:39:34] <nbastin> anotherus3r: leave your prepend, and
just stop asking the ISP for dns servers
375[01:40:58] <anotherus3r> nbastin: Sorry for asking, but you
say something about "as long as the upstream server is
well-behaved, it will not send you the DNS servers, and dhclient
won't write them
376[01:41:11] *** Quits: llucenic (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
377[01:41:21] <nbastin> anotherus3r: yes, but you won't
know the answer to that question unless you actually change your
378[01:41:29] <anotherus3r> nbastin: So if DNS servers from VPN
stop working, then dhclient will write the ISP DNS server anyway?
379[01:41:38] <nbastin> anotherus3r: no
380[01:41:51] <nbastin> anotherus3r: by upstream server i mean
the ISP DHCP server
381[01:42:13] *** Quits: arturo (~arturo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
382[01:42:14] <nbastin> anotherus3r: the "request"
options are you asking it for various bits of information
383[01:42:22] <nbastin> (ala, the request...)
384[01:42:38] <nbastin> anotherus3r: it sends you back a DHCP
lease with all of that requested information filled in
385[01:42:45] <nbastin> anotherus3r: if you don't ask for
domain-name-servers, it shouldn't send you any
386[01:42:59] <nbastin> anotherus3r: and thus your dhclient will
not write them into resolv.conf, because they won't be in the
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389[01:44:42] <anotherus3r> nbastin: One thing I dont get is,
why does DHCP write the Dns servers from ISP if the # option
domain-name-servers field is comment?
390[01:44:52] <anotherus3r> here is my dhclient.conf
391[01:45:02] *** Quits: tpanarch1st (~tpanarch1@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
392[01:45:13] <nbastin> anotherus3r: because that line is an
override, it's not controlling
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396[01:45:33] <nbastin> anotherus3r: oh, well in the case of
your "file", it's actually just a sample lease
397[01:45:38] <nbastin> anotherus3r: and not even a
configuration option
398[01:46:09] <nbastin> anotherus3r: everything in your file in
the #lease section is not real data, it's just a representative
399[01:46:27] *** Joins: godmachine81 (~godmachin@replaced-ip)
400[01:46:47] <nbastin> anotherus3r: as long as you send the
request domain-name-servers option (which you are), you are asking
the DHCP server to send you DNS servers to use
401[01:46:47] *** Joins: karakedi (~e7E2C80CD@replaced-ip)
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404[01:46:56] <nbastin> anotherus3r: all you want to do is STOP
asking for that information, since you don't want it anyhow
405[01:47:12] *** Quits: ILikeUnity7 (~ILikeUnit@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
406[01:47:29] *** Joins: ILikeUnity7 (~ILikeUnit@replaced-ip)
407[01:47:31] <anotherus3r> nbastin: yes, but why it then write
my ISP DNS servers also, If I only ask for,
408[01:47:46] <nbastin> anotherus3r: you're not asking for
those IPs
409[01:48:01] <nbastin> anotherus3r: you're saying
"please prepend these on the answers I get from the ISP"
410[01:48:20] <nbastin> but you don't want any answers from
the ISP, so all you have to do is not ask for them
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412[01:48:50] <nbastin> I don't know how many times I can
tell you to just remove the domain-name-servers request
option...there's not really any more discussion to be had about
413[01:49:03] <nbastin> if you don't want DNS servers from
your ISP, stop telling your dhclient to ask for them
414[01:49:15] <anotherus3r> nbastin: I appreciate it, I'm
just trying to understand things
415[01:50:35] <anotherus3r> nbastin: What is the difference
between prepend and not?
416[01:51:02] <nbastin> well, what is "not" in this
case? eliminate that line?
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420[01:51:32] <nbastin> if you don't have the prepend
domain-name-servers line, *and* you don't request any dns
servers, then dhclient won't write to /etc/resolv.conf
421[01:51:51] <nbastin> if you don't have the prepend line,
but you still request dns servers, then dhclient will write the ISP
DNS servers into /etc/resolv.conf (the default)
422[01:52:09] <nbastin> if you have both the prepend line and
the request line, then you get both sets of servers written into
423[01:53:38] *** Joins: peterbec` (~peterbeci@replaced-ip)
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425[01:54:05] <nbastin> anotherus3r: "prepend" is not
a special DHCP token, it has the literal english meaning of
"prepend", which is "insert before"
426[01:54:09] *** Quits: Zynkx (~zynkx@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
427[01:54:17] *** Quits: cdown (~cdown@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
428[01:54:27] <nbastin> anotherus3r: so you are literally
requesting that dhclient "insert these dns servers before any
429[01:54:38] <nbastin> it doesn't replace them, it just
tells it where to write them (before others)
430[01:55:05] <anotherus3r> nbastin: i see, so the prepend is a
priority thing?
431[01:55:12] <ILikeUnity7> What paste website can I use to help
432[01:55:28] <anotherus3r> ILikeUnity7:
433[01:55:29] <nbastin> anotherus3r: it ends up having that
effect, yes, although it really just means ordering in the
resolv.conf file
434[01:55:34] <ILikeUnity7> Thanks anotherus3r
435[01:55:38] <anotherus3r> yw
436[01:55:40] <anotherus3r> brb reboot
437[01:55:44] *** Quits: anotherus3r (~unknown@replaced-ip) (Quit: leaving)
438[01:56:16] * nbastin ponders if anotherus3r rebooted to get dhcp to
refresh.. :-/
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440[01:57:49] <ILikeUnity7> anotherus3r left :( i uploaded the
441[01:57:52] *** Quits: fax (~fax@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
442[01:58:40] <nbastin> he'll be back, methinks
443[01:58:49] <nbastin> the only fix he needs is to remove
domain-name-servers from the request
444[01:59:10] <nbastin> (and then clean up any old crufty files
left around with stale info in them)
445[01:59:26] *** Quits: peterbec` (~peterbeci@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
446[02:00:16] *** Joins: anotherus3r (~unknown@replaced-ip)
447[02:00:27] <anotherus3r> hmm
448[02:00:32] <ILikeUnity7> anotherus3r, look at
449[02:00:41] <ILikeUnity7> That's my suggestion
450[02:00:48] <anotherus3r> it still adding my ISP DNS servers
451[02:01:03] <nbastin> anotherus3r: well, it may STILL have
them in /etc/resolv.conf
452[02:01:06] *** Quits: de-facto (~de-facto@replaced-ip) (Quit: See you around.)
453[02:01:18] *** Joins: de-facto (~de-facto@replaced-ip)
454[02:01:49] <nbastin> anotherus3r: you also don't need to
reboot to refresh your network config.. :-)
455[02:02:05] <anotherus3r> nbastin: I removed them, then
reboot. And their where back.
456[02:02:17] <missmbob> if you dont know what's writing to
resolv.conf you can just set immutable bit so nothing can alter the
file. chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf
457[02:02:20] <nbastin> anotherus3r: ok, so in that case the
upstream may be misbehaving and sending them anyhow
458[02:02:33] *** Parts: anuxivm (~anuxi@replaced-ip)
459[02:02:33] <nbastin> missmbob: unfortunately dhclient
doesn't actually modify the file, it replaces it
460[02:02:36] <ILikeUnity7> Look at
461[02:02:39] <nbastin> missmbob: and you can't stop it
462[02:03:03] *** Quits: msl09 (~msl09@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
463[02:03:04] <nbastin> missmbob: (well, there are some horrible
ways to stop it, but they're all pretty horrible)
464[02:03:05] <anotherus3r> ILikeUnity: I dont use
networkmanager :)
465[02:03:11] <ILikeUnity7> Wrong channel i think... 2 internet
problems in 2 channels xD
466[02:03:26] <ILikeUnity7> anotherus3r, ok I use Ubuntu...
467[02:03:36] <sypher> ILikeUnity7: Try
''. It responds only with plaintext.
468[02:03:53] <anotherus3r> ILikeUnity: debian jessie here
469[02:04:09] <ILikeUnity7> ok
470[02:04:22] <ILikeUnity7> What's your network manager
471[02:04:30] <nbastin> anotherus3r: can you post the actual
full contents of your /etc/resolv.conf?
472[02:04:34] <nbastin> anotherus3r: (to paste.debian)
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474[02:05:28] <anotherus3r> ILikeUnity: I dont really know, how
can I check? The debian default I guess.
475[02:05:46] <anotherus3r> nbastin: nameserver,
476[02:05:53] <anotherus3r> nbastin: and two other :)
477[02:06:06] <nbastin> anotherus3r: well, so..the first
question would be why is this a problem.. :-)
478[02:06:18] <nbastin> anotherus3r: as long as one of the first
two servers responds, it will *never* use the last 2
479[02:06:33] <nbastin> I mean I realize this is possibly
suboptimal in a perfect world
480[02:06:39] <nbastin> but as a practical matter you are
getting what you want
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484[02:07:59] <nbastin> if the dhcp server is ignoring your
requested options, the fixes you can do are all pretty awful
485[02:08:13] <nbastin> so the question is whether it's
worth doing them
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487[02:09:02] <anotherus3r> nbastin: Why do you think upstream
may be misbehaving and sending them anyhow
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489[02:09:21] <nbastin> anotherus3r: Well I could engage in a
lot of conjecture, but it doesn't really matter.. :-)
490[02:09:33] <nbastin> anotherus3r: what matters is if it *is*
doing it, it doesn't really matter *why*
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495[02:11:07] <anotherus3r> nbastin: It's more of a matter
of principle that I want to get rid of the two other DNS Servers
496[02:11:28] <nbastin> anotherus3r: so the easiest way to do
this, but which is not great, is to edit dhclient-script
497[02:11:36] <nbastin> and disable the code that writes
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500[02:12:01] <nbastin> I mean optimally someone would fix that
script to not be so horrible, but it's been that way for 20
years, so don't count on that
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502[02:12:48] <Devastator> where can I find the message which
appears at boot? something like: /dev/sda1: clean etc etc
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504[02:13:30] <nbastin> Devastator: dmesg might be the first
place to look
505[02:13:43] <Devastator> nbastin it isn't there
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507[02:14:28] <anotherus3r> nbastin: Would you suggest to
uninsall dhclient? Why do you need it anyway?
508[02:14:39] <nbastin> anotherus3r: well you need it to give
you an IP address
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510[02:14:57] <nbastin> Devastator: sudo grep -i
"clean" /var/log/*? :-)
511[02:15:10] *** Quits: wcfields (~wcfields@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
512[02:15:57] <nbastin> anotherus3r: so, if you want to go the
crazy route...
513[02:16:01] *** Quits: Ekchuan (~RandyMars@replaced-ip) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
514[02:16:01] <Devastator> nbastin nothing meaninful
515[02:16:09] <Devastator> meaningful
516[02:16:11] <nbastin> Devastator: then I dunno.. :-/
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518[02:16:43] <nbastin> anotherus3r: you can edit
/sbin/dhclient-script, there is a function in there called
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520[02:17:10] <anotherus3r> nbastin: What would it mean to edit
the dhclient-script? Security risk? Something else?
521[02:17:10] <nbastin> anotherus3r: you can basically just
delete it, and redefine it as:
522[02:17:17] <nbastin> anotherus3r: make_resolv_conf() {}
523[02:17:34] <anotherus3r> nano /sbin/dhclient-script
524[02:17:35] *** Quits: apt (ibot@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
525[02:17:36] <nbastin> anotherus3r: well,it will never write
your /etc/resolv.conf again, so if you ever WANT it to, it
won't.. :-)
526[02:17:52] <nbastin> anotherus3r: there is no security risk
from editing it in this way
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532[02:19:38] <nbastin> anotherus3r: it will also *not* write
your prepend DNS servers into /etc/resolv.conf, so you'll have
to write them in once by hand
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535[02:20:07] <nbastin> (since it won't write anything into
resolv.conf anymore)
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538[02:21:06] <anotherus3r> nbastin: Should I remove everything
down to # DHCPv6?
539[02:21:31] <nbastin> anotherus3r: so if you're not
comfortable writing this kind of code, you should remove the entire
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541[02:21:42] <nbastin> anotherus3r: and replace it with an
empty one
542[02:21:53] <nbastin> anotherus3r: make_resolv_conf() {}
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547[02:23:45] <anotherus3r> nbastin: The entire function, but
leave the # set host name
548[02:23:49] <anotherus3r> and below?
549[02:24:04] <nbastin> anotherus3r: leave the rest of the file,
just remove make_resolv_conf
550[02:24:09] <nbastin> (from { to } )
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552[02:24:16] <nbastin> and replace it with the empty one
553[02:24:21] <nbastin> you need the rest of those functions
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556[02:26:00] <anotherus3r> nbastin: Can you paste bin a
example? :)
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560[02:26:14] <nbastin> anotherus3r: probably.. :-)
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565[02:27:47] <nbastin> anotherus3r:
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580[02:36:54] <jim> Hi... so, I purged all the pkgs dpkg
--get-selections | grep cups... it took out half my system... I have
the dpkg log and I wanna put em back (so that's my main
goal)... can I tell apt-get to just unpack? then I'll dpkg
--configure --pending
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582[02:37:38] <jim> (I'm running hexchat right now... but,
it's an uninstalled package)
583[02:38:23] <anotherus3r> nbastin: thank you
584[02:39:02] <nbastin> anotherus3r: always remember that you
did this, when some day you want dhclient to fill your
/etc/resolv.conf again.. :-)
585[02:39:18] <jim> gnome and kde gone... so my system is
currently fragile... rebooting will -not- be good
586[02:39:37] <anotherus3r> nbastin: I was thinking if there
really is no other way? This feels very hardcoded to do :)
587[02:39:44] <jim> it's possible the x server is gone too
588[02:39:55] <nbastin> anotherus3r: there are other ways that
are also pretty painful
589[02:40:36] <nbastin> anotherus3r: possibly the easiest way
(in theory.....?) would be to use a different dhclient, but I
don't know what software that would be
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591[02:41:06] <nbastin> anotherus3r: you can also try to make
/etc/resolv.conf unwriteable and *unreplaceable*, but that will be
very difficult since dhclient runs with superuser privileges
592[02:41:10] *** Quits: Darcidride (~Darcidrid@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
593[02:41:34] <nbastin> anotherus3r: because what
dhclient-script does is write a new file (/etc/
and then moves it to /etc/resolv.conf
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595[02:42:12] <nbastin> anotherus3r: you could also have a cron
job that ran every minute and wrote /etc/resolv.conf to whatever you
wanted it to be
596[02:42:19] <nbastin> anotherus3r: these are all pretty
horrible options
597[02:42:45] *** Quits: peterbecich (~peterbeci@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
598[02:42:57] <nbastin> anotherus3r: but yes, dhclient-script is
a file that comes in the dhclient package, and modifying it is
sortof Bad.
599[02:43:17] <nbastin> anotherus3r: but at this point you are
mostly choosing between which bad option you want to use
600[02:43:41] <nbastin> anotherus3r: (including doing nothing,
and just living with 2 unused DNS servers at the end of the file)
601[02:43:57] <nbastin> anotherus3r: if your ISP sends you the
same DNS servers all the time you could also use iptables to drop
all traffic to those destinations
602[02:44:10] <nbastin> anotherus3r: so your system
wouldn't use them if for some reason they became the only
servers that you had
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604[02:49:08] <anotherus3r> nbastin: What would you do?
605[02:49:50] <nbastin> anotherus3r: well, I'm a network
security researcher, so what I would do is not what I would suggest
that you should do.. :-)
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607[02:50:15] <nbastin> anotherus3r: what *I* would do is write
a network function that modified the DHCP packets I got back from
the ISP server
608[02:50:21] <nbastin> anotherus3r: and stripped the options I
didn't want..
609[02:50:32] <nbastin> anotherus3r: but that's pretty
crazy.. :-)
610[02:50:50] <nbastin> anotherus3r: I mean, it does seem like I
actually should write such a thing, and then people like you could
just use it
611[02:51:03] <sypher> Or we could avoid Rube Goldberging it by
adding 'supersede domain-name-servers' to
612[02:51:19] <nbastin> sypher: that still only works if your
upstream is not misbehaved
613[02:51:29] <nbastin> because dhclient is so damn stupid
614[02:51:45] <sypher> Um, K.
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617[02:52:47] <nbastin> also if debian used the enter-hooks, but
my system at least doesn't have them
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619[02:52:53] <nbastin> perhaps that is because I did something
bad to it though
620[02:53:20] <nbastin> (then you could just put
make_resolv_conf() {} in a separate file on its own)
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623[02:54:30] <anotherus3r> nbastin: I dont get why upstream is
misbehaved, because the DNS servers from my VPN provider is stable
624[02:54:49] <nbastin> anotherus3r: but your dhcp response
isn't from your vpn provider, it's from your isp
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626[02:56:01] <nbastin> anotherus3r: so they're sending you
the option you didn't request (and may be forcing down the
dhcp6 option that breaks supersede, but we didn't check that)
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629[02:56:54] <nbastin> anotherus3r: because request is, while
by spec controlling, not actually controlling in dhclient, and it
will fill dns servers if it gets them, regardless of what it asked
630[02:56:57] <jim> welp... I'm gonna grep n cut the
package names out of todays remove and purge logs, apt-get -d
install em then unpack em all
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669[03:25:27] <anotherus3r> nbastin: What about to add DNS
servers in /etc/network/interfaces under eth0?
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676[03:30:18] <Weeezy> I upgraded to kernel 4.8 a few months
ago. since I did I get pages and pages of modprobe messages, looking
for tokens when I first boot up. can anyone tell me what this means?
do I need to go to a newer kernel?
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679[03:31:35] <Weeezy> Linux debian 4.8.0-0.bpo.2-amd64 #1 SMP
Debian 4.8.15-2~bpo8+2 (2017-01-17)
680[03:32:05] <Weeezy> I'll be around if anyone catches
this and can help.
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683[03:34:03] <anotherus3r> nbastin: good night
684[03:34:08] <anotherus3r> nbastin: and thank you
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711[03:57:33] <Weeezy> modprobe: bad line: 0 : 1 token found 2
712[03:58:08] <Weeezy> this cycles through for a couple minutes
counting up into the thousands and restarting several times before
the operating system will start.
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739[04:15:52] <simbalion> Hi, can someone tell me how to change
the default file manager? Is this a window manager setting or an OS
setting? I'm currently using Gnome 3.14 as my WM and it appears
to launch nautilus as the default file manager, I want to use
Dolphin instead.
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750[04:23:18] <dirac1> Hello guys, i need some help i recently
installed debian on my laptop with already a arch root partition and
a uefi boot partition, but on debian's installation it
installed a new grub inside his root partition, how i can completely
remove it safely?
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794[04:38:53] <kion> what does the directory /run/user/1000/gvfs
is for?
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837[05:15:42] <Lyberta> hi, I'm trying to make a bash
script that uses file contents as an argument, I'm doing: foo
"$(< bar.txt)" but I get result as if bar.txt is empty.
In reality it contains several lines
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846[05:19:39] <ryouma> <(
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848[05:19:58] <ryouma> oops, no
849[05:20:03] <ryouma> just <
850[05:20:07] <ryouma> <bar
851[05:20:13] *** Quits: userro (~userro@replaced-ip) (Quit: bye)
852[05:20:19] <ryouma> screw it forget everything i said
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854[05:20:28] <ryouma> $(cat bar)
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856[05:21:41] <Lyberta> ryouma, yay, it works! thanks
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858[05:21:50] <ryouma> yw
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881[05:33:44] <remote> hi
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885[05:37:07] <HackInTheBox> yo guys
886[05:37:37] <HackInTheBox> i was getting lag in my tty1 so i
changed terminals to see what was up, when i went back to tty1 and
logged in the desktop was empty
887[05:37:44] <HackInTheBox> i checked all procs and they are
still running
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889[05:38:14] <HackInTheBox> (ps -aux). also, all nothing has
been moved to workspace down (unsure if there are other workspaces.
890[05:38:52] <remote> how do I prevent lib deps checks with
debuild ? Passing -d still yields the dependencies errors
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940[06:16:43] <SubGenius> hi folks!
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942[06:17:15] <SubGenius> hi I have a question regarding an
issue I'm having upgrading Debian.
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945[06:17:59] <SubGenius> when attempting to run apt-get
upgrade, it returns with a Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an
error code (1)
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950[06:18:50] <SubGenius> I've researched and the methods
I've tried don't seem to be working. If there are other
resources I could read first I would appreciate it.
951[06:19:23] <SubGenius> I know many prefer people to read
before asking questions, and I'm willing to read any helpful
information first. thanks in advance.
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957[06:26:34] <ryouma> SubGenius: try update again
958[06:26:41] <remote> SubGenius: paste your command and its
959[06:27:20] <SubGenius> okay I'll try I don't have a
gui and I don't recall the program that I used to use to
autocreate pastebin.
960[06:27:33] <SubGenius> unless I dunno if I can do something
with screen and lynx
961[06:27:48] <SubGenius> I just thought there was a pastebin
program with wget
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963[06:29:11] <SubGenius> I think I found it pastebinit
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965[06:29:49] <SubGenius> I'm using cubieboard arm by the
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983[06:35:16] <SubGenius> I'm creating an output file right
now then I'll send the pastebin online.
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994[06:46:44] <SubGenius> sorry hang on I'm trying to paste
the output of this terminal I'll figure it out in a sec.
995[06:49:50] <SubGenius> well I'll come back to this
issue. I have to install a gui and hope I can actually get audio and
not choppy video either.
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1001[06:52:57] <SubGenius> remote:
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1027[07:05:20] <quietone> iwlist wlan0 scan finds networks, but
Network Manager says 'No Networks'
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1055[07:21:31] <dgriffi> what's the deal with the
default-mysql-server package installing mariadb? what am I missing
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1059[07:24:57] <dgriffi> oh... I think I see now...
1060[07:25:01] <nkuttler> dgriffi: oracle pissing off everybody
in the open source world
1061[07:25:08] <dgriffi> yeah...
1062[07:25:48] <dgriffi> I briefly confused myself
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1064[07:26:24] <coypu> hehe
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1067[07:26:49] <coypu> I sent them a single line non-functional
patch, they asked me to sign a CLA
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1069[07:27:32] <quietone> what is CLA?
1070[07:27:36] <_Maik_> anyone worked with
there a better way?
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1074[07:29:46] <coypu> sign a legal document saying I grant them
full rights over my contributions (so they can change the license on
a whim, distribute a closed version, etc.)
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1076[07:30:23] <quietone> thanks
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1079[07:31:52] <SubGenius> coypu: wow that's messed up.
1080[07:32:26] <SubGenius> shystie stuff.
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1083[07:33:30] <dgriffi> coypu: what did you do? submit a
million-dollar poem embedded as comments?
1084[07:34:49] <coypu> casted something to void
1085[07:34:55] <coypu> or something
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1120[07:56:21] <quietone> iwlist wlan0 scan finds networks, but
Network Manager says 'No Networks'
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1126[07:59:09] <quietone> since I had to reinstall networking has
been a problem. bridge stopped working, extra routes appearing
1127[07:59:28] <quietone> so I've pulled out most stuff, no
local dns, no bridge, no firewall
1128[07:59:32] <quietone> and still no wifi
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1130[08:00:39] <quietone> networking isn't really my thing.
But I have been researching this for many days and making zip
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1177[08:31:49] <quietone> i don't get it. network manager
shows the wire disconnected. but it isn't.
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1181[08:33:53] <coypu> guessing it is relying on background scan
and iwlist wlan0 scan isn't background scan
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1183[08:34:04] <coypu> but I don't linux enough to be sure
that is a thing on linux too
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1316[09:50:08] <dpkg> Hydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH,
mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel,
zobel, themill, babilen, SynrG, jm_, somiaj, jelly: minecraftmoron
complains about: i have a wee wee
1317[09:50:23] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o themill
1318[09:50:25] <MinecraftMoron> lmfao dpkg is nick flooding!!!
1319[09:50:29] *** themill sets mode: +b *!*@
1320[09:50:31] *** MinecraftMoron was kicked by themill (On the
Internet nobody can hear you being subtle.)
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1472[11:00:08] <kolla> I struggle setting up disks from a preseed
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1477[11:02:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1715
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1479[11:02:07] <kolla> two disks, GTP, I want 64MB ESP at start
of both disks, rest of disk as RAID partition, then create RAID1 on
the two raid partitions, and LVM on top of that - should be really
simple one would think
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1485[11:03:03] <kolla> but.. damn if I manage to make that 64MB
ESP :p
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1503[11:09:54] <HD|Laptop> Hi
1504[11:10:11] <HD|Laptop> I used this command to set up a KVM
guest on a headless server: sudo virt-install --name centos7 --ram
12288 --disk path=./centos.qcow2,size=100 --vcpus 6 --os-type linux
--os-variant centos7.0 --network bridge=br0 --graphics none
--console pty,target_type=serial --location 'replaced-url
1505[11:10:18] <HD|Laptop> Worked so far
1506[11:10:21] <HD|Laptop> but how do I detach from the serial
1507[11:10:36] <HD|Laptop> virtinstall said to me:
"Connected to domain centos7 Escape character is ^]"
1508[11:10:59] <HD|Laptop> But how do I input this character,
when connecting to the headless server via ssh, and using a German
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1511[11:12:50] <kolla> hm, ok... looks like partman will only
make 512MB minimum ESP
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1528[11:23:19] <sds_> does anyone know a good way to loadbalance
syslog traffic? I configured a HAProxy and just realised that it
doesn't support UDP.
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1531[11:23:55] <sds_> the feature that was really attractive with
HAProxy was the custom TCP health check (which fit perfectly my
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1533[11:24:12] <sds_> a good alternative maybe?
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1539[11:28:00] <sep> sds loadbalance ? do you not want it into a
central system? or are you thinking HA ? active passive ? with load
balancing youd have logs going to different servers and a mess to
look at. perhaps sharding is a better option, ?
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1542[11:29:38] <FinalX> sds_: the whole point about UDP is that
you don't _have_ any control over whether or not it actually
1543[11:29:51] <FinalX> there won't be an ACK coming back
1544[11:30:13] <FinalX> you basically dump it over someone's
fence and pray it doesn't end up in a swamp somewhere, never to
be found again
1545[11:30:25] <FinalX> if you want log security, syslog with udp
is not the way to go
1546[11:30:58] <FinalX> safer to either syslog locally and ship
them off to a central system after, or use something else
1547[11:31:41] <sds_> Actually I'm ok with my logs going to
different servers
1548[11:32:03] <sds_> Because theses servers are some logstash,
connected to the same ElasticSearch cluster
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1553[11:33:59] <sds_> some of the equipements logging are only
supporting syslog, so I can't something else at this level
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1556[11:34:35] <sds_> but FinalX, you're making me thinking
again about log security
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1564[11:36:48] <FinalX> I believe you can also make syslog log
over TCP, and then it'd be HA'able, too
1565[11:37:08] <FinalX> but kinda depends on the used software,
and if you have equipment doing it, you might not have that option,
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1567[11:38:40] <sds_> you're right, I think I heard of a TCP
support for syslog the firewall I manage. I'll check if
that's a solution. Unfortunaly, my supervision will then depend
on that feature for the others equipements...
1568[11:38:50] <sds_> Either way, thank you :)
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1570[11:39:21] <FinalX> np :)
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1580[11:42:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1721
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1590[11:43:56] <kolla> wtf - when I specify 512MB, it creates ESP
size of 487MB
1591[11:43:58] <kolla> it's as if partman pics arbitrary
numbers out of the blue
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1605[11:46:40] <uniTosch> 512MB are roughly 487Mebibyte, sure it
didn't just convert the units?
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1612[11:49:02] <kolla> Could be
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1615[11:49:54] <kolla> the logics of partman is beyond me
1616[11:49:56] <shtrb|laptop> Any idea for a solenoid that could
be installed on top of a water valve without replacing the actual
valve ?
1617[11:50:13] <shtrb|laptop> sorry , wrong place
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1697[12:38:57] <sypher> kolla: partman for some inexplicable
reason works in SI units instead of binary units. 1 GiB = 1024 MiB
~= 1074 MB. In your case, 512 MB ~= 488 MiB.
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1706[12:41:37] <lowin> Hello. I'm trying to install debian
jessie, but I don't have any usb flash or blank discs with me
atm. I do have a ubuntu live disk I can boot from though. Is it
possible to run debian-installer from another system?
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1709[12:42:25] <lowin> I wanted to boot into debian's
initrd.gz directly but the ubuntu disk doesn't use grub so I
couldn't do it
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1714[12:44:56] <petn-randall> lowin: You could use debootstrap to
provision a Debian installation onto the HDD, but it's more
geared towards advanced users.
1715[12:45:20] *** Quits: pingfloyd (~pingfloyd@replaced-ip) (Quit: ☮ out)
1716[12:45:36] <andrew2221> Hi everyone. Have someone
successfully set up a Windows 7 guest with QUEMU+KVM and 3D support
on Debian8/9? I don't know how to make 3D available in the
guest. Read something about PCI passthrough and Virgil, but I was
unable to find a simple step-by-step tutorial for that. The most I
could do is to increase the vram amount from the guest XML file.
1717[12:46:20] <lowin> petn-randall, Well, I'd like to think
of myself as an advanced user. where can I find debootstrap utility?
I don't recall seeing it inside the initrd.gz image
1718[12:46:23] <petn-randall> andrew2221: I'm pretty sure
that feature is not available in Debian jessie. That feature just
hit the Linux kernel in the last release.
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1720[12:47:23] <petn-randall> lowin: Install the package, then
start reading on the man page. Note that you'll have to install
the bootloader by hand, and that you need to make sure you boot the
live image witht the same UEFI mode as you'd boot the Debian
1721[12:47:25] <andrew2221> petn-randall, Damn.. No wonder why I
couldn't find something useful on the subject. Thank you.
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1724[12:48:11] <petn-randall> andrew2221: Unless you're
planning on playing GPU intensive games this shouldn't be an
issue though.
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1726[12:48:29] <uniTosch> andrew2221: this guide is rather handy.
1727[12:48:35] *** Quits: Pjusur (~Pjusur@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1728[12:49:25] <andrew2221> petn-randall, nothing fancy like
that, just wanted to use Aero and browsing/working generally with
the guest would have been much smoother. So my best bet for 3D is
still VirtualBox/VmWare, right?
1729[12:49:41] <kolla> sypher: yes, I figured it out :)
1730[12:49:42] <kolla> specifying 269 gives me a 256MiB partition
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1733[12:50:12] <kolla> got my preseed working now
1734[12:50:18] <uniTosch> lowin: oops, meant to send this to you
1735[12:50:27] <andrew2221> uniTosch, looking to it right now,
thank you.
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1737[12:50:44] <uniTosch> andrew2221: sorry, didn't mean to
tag you. ^^
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1739[12:51:10] <petn-randall> andrew2221: If they support that,
yes. But virtio video card should be fast enough for Aero and smooth
browsing. You might need to install the actual graphics driver in
your guest system.
1740[12:51:18] <andrew2221> uniTosch, I just realized that..
Thanks anyway.. :)
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1746[12:53:49] <andrew2221> petn-randall, Actually I've set
my video to virtio, but couldn't figure out why the standard
VGA driver was installed by Windows, and it couldn't find the
correct drivers from the virtio ISO neither.. So I should try to
install the host drivers?
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1749[12:54:34] <petn-randall> andrew2221: In that case just pick
a different graphics card that is supported by windows.
1750[12:55:05] <petn-randall> andrew2221: I can't really
give you any hands-on tips as I don't use any Windows VMs.
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1753[12:56:42] <andrew2221> petn-randall, With QXL at least
Windows works ok, installing the spice-guest and using the RedHat
QXL driver.. Just that bloody 2D/3D support is missing.. Thank you
for the tips.. I will wait some more for 3D to be more mature on
1754[12:57:27] <andrew2221> Maybe one day (sooner than later)
we'll see that.
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1757[12:59:07] <petn-randall> andrew2221: All you need is
hardware acceleration, not 3D support. The former is already
supported, it might just need a little searching on how to do it in
1758[12:59:20] <lowin> uniTosch, thanks for the link
1759[13:00:12] <andrew2221> petn-randall, that's right, I
might confuse the terms a bit, but yeah, that's what I meant.
Will keep searching.
1760[13:01:06] <Fasort> anyone can help me fix wifi issue? it
doesnt connect at startup. have to reboot everytime to fix the
issue. rfkill shows no blocking, idk whats wrong. dmesg is here :
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1764[13:02:37] <r4co0n> Fasort, so it does not connect after a
cold boot, but after rebooting it works?
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1769[13:06:25] <petn-randall> Fasort: which release are you
1770[13:06:27] *** Joins: booi (~booi@replaced-ip)
1771[13:06:39] <r4co0n> Fasort, I can't see which wireless
chipset you are using from the dmesg log. Please run
"lspci|grep Network" in a terminal.
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1784[13:13:01] <Fasort> r4co0n, yup
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1786[13:13:37] <Fasort> petn-randall, 24:00.0 Network controller:
Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N 6205 [Taylor Peak] (rev 34)
1787[13:15:05] <Fasort> r4co0n, this wifi ^
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1790[13:16:11] <r4co0n> Fasort, first of all, your wifi chipset
is supported and should work with linux:
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1797[13:17:23] <r4co0n> Fasort, do you have the non-free package
firmware-iwlwifi installed? (I guess so because it sometimes works,
but am not sure if there is an alternative free wifi driver)
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1800[13:17:54] <Fasort> I dont think so
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1802[13:17:57] <Fasort> I didnt install it
1803[13:18:09] *** Joins: scoobertron (~tom@replaced-ip)
1804[13:18:13] <Fasort> I just installed wpa supplicant and
network manager
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1808[13:19:27] <r4co0n> Then my recommendation would be to go and
install firmware-iwlwifi, which supports your wifi chip. Though it
would be nice if we could get this to work without this driver.
1809[13:19:39] <r4co0n> Fasort, ^
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1812[13:20:16] <Fasort> ok
1813[13:20:19] <petn-randall> Fasort: Which OS release are you
1814[13:20:49] *** Joins: corner_cubicle (0cb47366@replaced-ip)
1815[13:21:58] <petn-randall> r4co0n: That is *firmware*, and
it's just an updated version that already exists on the device.
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1817[13:22:36] <petn-randall> (as opposed to drivers, which run
on the CPU)
1818[13:22:53] <Fasort> Idk why its causing wifi not to work
sometimes. now I am connected just fine after rebooting
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1821[13:23:31] <r4co0n> petn-randall, driver!=firmware, noted,
sorry for the confusion
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1824[13:24:32] <Fasort> so do I need the firmware?
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1826[13:24:51] <petn-randall> Fasort: Which OS release are you
1827[13:24:53] <r4co0n> Fasort, you probably do, we will know for
sure when the problem is gone.
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1829[13:25:36] <Fasort> petn-randall, testing
1830[13:25:42] <Fasort> and stable
1831[13:25:43] <Fasort> dual boot
1832[13:25:49] <Fasort> both have same issue many times
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1837[13:27:38] <r4co0n> Fasort, we assume that your systems are
up-to-date. Checking that, I would go try firmware-iwlwifi
1838[13:27:39] *** Quits: btf (~btf@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
1839[13:27:50] <Fasort> r4co0n, yes its up to date
1840[13:28:00] <Fasort> r4co0n, if firmware was missing, why
would it be working now?
1841[13:28:08] *** Quits: mundus2018 (~mundus201@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1842[13:28:22] <r4co0n> It is a newer version of the firmware
already resident in your chipset
1843[13:28:29] <r4co0n> Fasort, ^ an update
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1850[13:30:47] <r4co0n> If I'm not mistaken, this will be
loaded during every boot, since it can't permanently replace
what is on the chipset now. So you need the package for both systems
and keep it.
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1853[13:31:22] <Fasort> r4co0n, installed. do I have to enable
any systemd service?
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1855[13:31:33] <BluesKaj> Hi folks
1856[13:31:59] <petn-randall> Fasort: The firmware gets loaded
when the drivers loads, so during boot. A reboot should make it
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1860[13:33:15] <r4co0n> petn-randall, but they don't
permanently replace the firmware, just until powerloss, or am I
mistaken? (It was like that with CPU firmware updates iirc)
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1862[13:33:52] <andrew2221> petn-randall, according to
1863[13:34:07] <petn-randall> r4co0n: Yes, they're just
loaded for that powercycle, it's not permanent.
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1896[13:49:36] <disaster__> Hi! hi try to do a debian service
with a php script chrooted. Any good tips, tutorial...? i try tu use
start-stop-daemon but he refuse to start
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1901[13:52:02] <petn-randall> disaster__: What error message do
you get? What does the PHP script do?
1902[13:52:27] *** Quits: denisk (~denisk@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1903[13:52:30] <disaster__> petn-randall: the php script is a
websocket server
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1906[13:54:35] <disaster__> petn-randall: and the error
start-stop-daemon: unable to start /usr/bin/php5 (No such file or
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1912[13:56:23] <disaster__> petn-randall: start-stop-daemon
--start --pidfile /var/run/ --chroot /var/replaced-url
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1918[13:57:20] <jelly> disaster__: is there a /usr/bin/php5
inside chroot?
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1920[13:58:01] <jelly> iotw, is there a /var/replaced-url
1921[13:58:22] <disaster__> jelly: yes i cp it
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1935[14:02:35] <jelly> disaster__: alright, did you also cp the
libraries it needs and configuration and php modules/extensions your
service needs?
1936[14:02:50] <lavenders> dear developers, i am proud to join
the python team, everyone get seated lets go to the moon
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1938[14:03:30] <disaster__> jelly: well no
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1948[14:07:29] <jelly> disaster__: you'll have to do that.
Start with "ldd /usr/bin/php5" output maybe. There are
probably tools to automate populating a chroot, but I can't
name any right now
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1952[14:08:57] <disaster__> jelly ok thanks! there is no way to
run it without moving? php-fpm run some pool in chroot but the
master one isn't
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1956[14:09:31] <jelly> I have no idea how php5-fpm works.
1957[14:09:43] <jelly> probably has its own chroot support
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1995[14:26:36] <petn-randall> lavenders: You might want to idle
in #debian-python on then.
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2016[14:38:56] <anotherus3r> I still cant get ride of my ISP dns
servers from /etc/resolv.conf :/
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2022[14:41:38] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: Why do you want that?
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2025[14:42:03] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: I just want to use 2
DNS servers from the VPN provider :)
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2027[14:42:28] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: Does your vpn
connection set /etc/resolv.conf when turning it on?
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2030[14:42:42] <anotherus3r> no
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2032[14:42:55] <anotherus3r> But I edit /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf
2033[14:43:03] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: Are you using
network-manager to bring up the vpn connection?
2034[14:43:12] <anotherus3r> and I did prepend
2035[14:43:22] <anotherus3r> no, I use openvpn
2036[14:43:22] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: That sounds like the
wrong approach.
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2038[14:43:46] <anotherus3r> why?
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2043[14:44:42] <tdn> I see a lot of these messages in syslog.
Does this mean my HDD is dead? Or are they harmless? smartd[980]:
Device: /dev/sda [SAT], SMART Prefailure Attribute: 1
Raw_Read_Error_Rate changed from 100 to 95
2044[14:44:50] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: If you use
network-manager, you can simply override the DNS servers. Though
ideally the openvpn server should send some dns servers, and your
client should accept them.
2045[14:45:00] <nbastin> tdn: it may mean that your HDD is dying
2046[14:45:24] *** Quits: notebox (~textual@replaced-ip) (Quit: My Mac Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2047[14:45:31] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: It's not a good
approach because dhclient.conf is used globally by every interface
using dhcp. So you might end up adding those name server to
connections that might not even be able to access them.
2048[14:45:38] <tdn> nbastin, how do I know if it is serious or
2049[14:45:51] <nbastin> tdn: it may also be meaningless, as some
(most) SMART implementations aren't actually well correlated
with HDD failure rates
2050[14:45:55] <tdn> nbastin, It suddenly started on the same day
on both disks in a RAID-1 array
2051[14:45:57] <nbastin> tdn: you have to assume that it is,
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2054[14:46:20] <tdn> nbastin, so I should take this as a sign to
replace the disks?
2055[14:46:26] <nbastin> tdn: that may be something to
investigate, although I'm not sure how (it might be some weird
problem with the way the raid is set up)
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2057[14:46:30] <petn-randall> tdn: I'd verify my backups
2058[14:46:37] <nbastin> tdn: well, I'd take it as a sign to
make sure I have backups.. :-)
2059[14:46:45] <tdn> nbastin, I do have backups
2060[14:46:53] <nbastin> tdn: I wouldn't necessarily
actually replace the disks until they fail
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2062[14:47:21] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: The VPN provider say I
should do that. If you use DHCP software that writes the settings in
/etc/resolv.conf you need to edit the software configuration.
2063[14:47:27] <tdn> petn-randall, I have backups offsite. By
verify do you mean that I should simulate a recovery and check that
all live files match those in backups? In other words, you suspect
data to be corrupted?
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2065[14:47:36] <anotherus3r> petn-randall:
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2067[14:47:52] <nbastin> tdn: if your raid software tells you the
disks are bad, then I'd replace them, but SMART isn't
really enough (imo)
2068[14:47:55] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: Under Debian
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2072[14:48:16] <tdn> nbastin, raid software is mdadm in debian. I
do not use hw raid
2073[14:48:16] <petn-randall> tdn: I don't suspect corrupted
data, I'd just make sure the backups exist and are current
before those disks (might) fail.
2074[14:48:33] <nbastin> tdn: If you have good backups, I'd
just ignore it
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2078[14:48:50] <tdn> nbastin, ok
2079[14:48:52] <tdn> petn-randall, ok
2080[14:49:18] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: I don't
understand swedish, but I think the better approach is to configure
it via network-manager, and replace the DNS servers there in the
2081[14:49:44] <tdn> The SMART messages started occoruing about a
week ago and since then there have been about 5 of these messages
per disk per day. Before that there were none such messages for more
than a year
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2083[14:50:14] <petn-randall> tdn: If you want to investigate,
you can kick off a SMART long selftest, and after that kick off a
RAID scrub.
2084[14:50:21] <nbastin> tdn: if it's directly post-raid
configuration, it might be a result of slightly laggy disk acks on
the software side
2085[14:50:29] <nbastin> tdn: you might want to do a smart test
on the disks directly
2086[14:50:43] *** Joins: nimbius (~nimbius@replaced-ip)
2087[14:50:48] <tdn> petn-randall, I already started a smart
extended test (about 6 hours) and it is going on on both disks
2088[14:50:48] <nbastin> tdn: but also dependingo n your vendor,
the SMART data is basically meaningless
2089[14:50:55] <tdn> petn-randall, RAID scrub?
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2092[14:51:24] <petn-randall> tdn: It reads both sides and
compares if the values are identical (which they always should).
That would catch any silent corruption if there is any.
2093[14:51:26] <tdn> nbastin, the disks are toshiba
2094[14:51:28] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: IF I dont use
network-manager, What other software do I use then? How can I check
2095[14:51:54] <nbastin> tdn: also if you're doing raid 1
and all the disks came from the same batch, you are at risk of
near-correlated failure, where you'll lose them both about the
same time (since they've had nearly identical workloads)
2096[14:51:58] <tdn> petn-randall, how to initiate that with
mdadm? And is it generally safe to run that? Or is it destructive?
2097[14:52:12] <tdn> petn-randall, scrub sounds awful lot like
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2099[14:52:23] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: If you don't use
network-manager, I'd use ifupdown (configured in
/etc/network/interfaces). Either way, I wouldn't start openvpn
by hand, but do it with the tools present.
2100[14:52:33] <tdn> nbastin, the disks are from different
batches and bought about a year between
2101[14:52:58] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: bash: ifupdown:
command not found
2102[14:53:01] <petn-randall> tdn: It's not descructive,
mdadm should have a cron job that does that (but due to bugs in
stable doesn't run correctly).
2103[14:53:08] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: 'man ifup'
2104[14:53:12] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, On a VM I use to connect to
a VPN using proprietary software, I just added the immutable flag to
resolv.conf, which hinders any process from writing to the file. I
disable it again if I need to. Enable: "chattr +i
/etc/resolv.conf" Disable: "chattr -i
/etc/resolv.conf" - I can't really recommend this
approach, but it works for me as long as I remember what I did.
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2106[14:53:15] <nbastin> tdn: I guess I'd have some small
confidence that this is a red herring / spurious problem and
wouldn't necessarily dig too deep (again, on the assumption
that failure isn't fatal since you have backups)
2107[14:53:37] <tdn> petn-randall, is this the same as the
"resync" job that runs periodically? I noticed that this
is something that runs
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2110[14:54:20] <petn-randall> tdn: It's the checkarray
script, the bug is here:
2111[14:54:22] <judd> Bug
2112[14:54:41] <petn-randall> Argh, no wait
2113[14:55:05] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: What if I use ifup and
install network-manager? Can I really do that?
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2115[14:55:11] <anotherus3r> r4co0n: ok thank you
2116[14:55:12] <petn-randall> tdn:
2117[14:55:13] <judd> Bug
2118[14:55:28] *** Joins: davimore (~davimore@replaced-ip)
2119[14:55:37] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: network-manager will
ignore any interfaces defined in /etc/network/interfaces, so they
don't interfere.
2120[14:55:57] <tdn> petn-randall, thanks
2121[14:56:01] *** Joins: darxmurf (~darxmurf@replaced-ip)
2122[14:56:03] <darxmurf> hi all
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2125[14:56:25] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: So you mean that you
can use ifup and network-manager togheter?
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2130[14:57:06] <darxmurf> is there a maximum number of members in
a group reconized by the "id" command ?
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2133[14:57:20] <darxmurf> I have a ldap group with 350 users
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2136[14:57:47] <darxmurf> when I launch "id username"
it does not print this group anymore in the list despite the fact
I'm a member
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2138[14:58:01] <darxmurf> if I launch a ldapsearch, I'm in
the group
2139[14:58:03] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: You can use ifupdown
for some interfaces, and nm for other. You can't use both for
the same interface.
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2143[14:58:46] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: What do you mean by
'some interfaces'?
2144[14:59:11] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: Using ifupdown and nm
are mutually exclusive for the same interface.
2145[14:59:24] <anotherus3r> petn-randall:
2146[14:59:25] *** Joins: uniTosch (~henryk@replaced-ip)
2147[14:59:28] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: If you have eth0, you
can only configure it with ifupdown *OR* with nm, not with both.
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2149[14:59:46] <petn-randall> eth0 being an example for an
2150[15:01:03] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: Looks like a normal
config to me.
2151[15:01:08] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: Does mine
/etc/network/interfaces looks good to you?
2152[15:02:13] <anotherus3r> ok
2153[15:02:18] *** Quits: Cabanossi (~Cabanossi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2154[15:02:54] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: I installed
debian-8.7.1-amd64-kde-CD-1.iso, why did it not install
network-manager by default?
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2157[15:04:02] <BluesKaj> anotherus3r: it does install nm by
2158[15:04:10] *** Quits: lavenders (~lavenders@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2159[15:04:21] <BluesKaj> i've found using the interfaces
file with static ip without network-manger is simpler to connect to
vpn servers with the command line
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2161[15:04:34] <BluesKaj> anotherus3r: ^
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2164[15:05:00] <anotherus3r> BluesKaj: Package
'network-manager' is not installed, so not removed
2165[15:05:06] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, you have the plain
/etc/network/interfaces file that comes with installation. If you
have nothing in /etc/network/interfaces.d/ , it is perfectly fine.
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2167[15:05:31] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, otherwise, these files need
to be checked as well.
2168[15:06:02] <anotherus3r> r4co0n: /etc/network/interfaces.d/
is blank
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2170[15:06:25] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: I'm pretty sure
that if you installed KDE, you have nm on it, too.
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2172[15:06:43] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: How can I check?
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2176[15:07:51] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: dpkg -l
2177[15:08:21] *** Joins: lmc (~lmc@replaced-ip)
2178[15:08:29] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: dpkg-query: no
packages found matching network-manager
2179[15:08:47] <anotherus3r> :/
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2183[15:09:39] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: Any idea why?
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2187[15:10:37] <modles> Hi all. got an issue where my disk is
going read only when i do an apt-get update and the update always
fails on a 'could not resolve' issue and the drive stays
locked. any ideas?
2188[15:11:14] <coke> filesystems go read only when the disk has
2189[15:11:24] <coke> check dmesg to find out more
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2192[15:12:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1746
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2194[15:12:14] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, task-kde-desktop recommends
plasma-nm, which depends on network-manager
2195[15:12:46] <anotherus3r> r4co0n: What does that really mean?
2196[15:13:11] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, that means a standard kde
install includes network-manager
2197[15:13:23] *** Quits: frapox (~frapox@replaced-ip) (Quit: Live Long And Prosper!)
2198[15:14:00] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, if you run tasksel, select
"Debian desktop environment / KDE", it should get
2199[15:14:12] <BluesKaj> anotherus3r: did you upgrade via
dist-upgrade after setting your sources.list to jessie ?
2200[15:14:44] <anotherus3r> r4co0n: Where should I select? I
already installed it.
2201[15:15:18] *** Joins: kpease (~kpease@replaced-ip)
2202[15:15:41] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, "tasksel" is a
program you can run as root on your computer to reconfigure it using
meta-packages for specific tasks. One of them is "Install KDE
desktop". If you have selected that, network-manager should be
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2205[15:17:10] <anotherus3r> BluesKaj: I installed
debian-8.7.1-amd64-kde-CD-1.iso, then I got Bad Mirror Archive
during install and skip that step. Then I boot to Rescue Mode, fix
the sources.list and did apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
and Installed nvidia-driver. Now Im here.
2206[15:17:11] <brenlae> question, where is the netinstall of
Debian Stretch?
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2208[15:17:51] <BluesKaj> aha, so some packages didn't get
installed by default
2209[15:18:03] <anotherus3r> r4co0n: The thing is I got KDE, yea?
But there is no network-manager
2210[15:18:11] *** Quits: jasonvw (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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2212[15:18:21] <BluesKaj> brenlae: just google it
2213[15:18:22] <anotherus3r> BluesKaj: Because of the Bad Mirror
Archive thing, yes?
2214[15:18:25] <ikevin> hi
2215[15:18:25] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, the
"task-kde-desktop" is not the only way to install kde
2216[15:18:28] <brenlae> BluesKaj: k :)
2217[15:18:32] <brenlae> well later :)
2218[15:18:34] *** Parts: brenlae (~brenlae@replaced-ip)
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2221[15:18:42] <anotherus3r> r4co0n: So what should I do now?
2222[15:18:46] <ikevin> is there the good place for asking about
creation of deb file?
2223[15:18:54] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, run tasksel and select KDE
2224[15:19:03] <BluesKaj> anotherus3r: depends , what do you want
to do?
2225[15:19:09] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, or run "apt-get install
2226[15:19:10] *** Quits: yokisuci (~yokisuci@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
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2229[15:19:51] <anotherus3r> BluesKaj: Install that packages that
didnt get installed by default.
2230[15:20:02] <r4co0n> ikevin,
2231[15:20:11] *** Joins: jasonvw (~quassel@replaced-ip)
2232[15:20:21] <r4co0n> ikevin, or are you packaging yourself?
2233[15:20:24] <anotherus3r> r4co0n: task-kde-desktop is already
the newest version.
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2235[15:20:39] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, interesting...
2236[15:20:41] <ikevin> r4co0n, i'm making a package
2237[15:20:51] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, do you have disabled
installing recommended packages?
2238[15:21:06] <BluesKaj> using tasksel is one method installing
plsama-desktop is another
2239[15:21:07] <anotherus3r> r4co0n: I cant belive that. How do I
2240[15:21:15] <r4co0n> ikevin, look at the new maintainer's
guide ?
2241[15:21:19] <BluesKaj> plasma-desktop
2242[15:21:45] <anotherus3r> BluesKaj: plasma-desktop is already
the newest version.
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2245[15:22:06] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, how about just installing
network-manager? Or install "plasma-nm", which includes
GUI stuff for KDE.
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2247[15:22:16] <BluesKaj> anotherus3r: then try r4co0n's
2248[15:22:40] <anotherus3r> r4co0n: Maybe there is more packages
that missing, How do I check?
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2250[15:22:55] <anotherus3r> I just try to understand this.
2251[15:23:08] <anotherus3r> Because you say network-manager
should be installed by default.
2252[15:23:13] <BluesKaj> r4co0n: don't think he even need
nm if he's going to set up his vpn
2253[15:23:24] <BluesKaj> needs
2254[15:23:28] *** Joins: iNCoNFuN (~inconfun@replaced-ip)
2255[15:23:45] <BluesKaj> nm is an impediment
2256[15:23:51] <anotherus3r> BluesKaj: I got mine vpn from a
2257[15:23:58] <ikevin> r4co0n, i've take a look, so
i'm not sure about "Replaces" directive
2258[15:24:01] <BluesKaj> yes i know
2259[15:24:36] <anotherus3r> So is there any way to install
missing packages from the install?
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2262[15:24:56] <BluesKaj> anotherus3r: ^ , but with nm out of the
using the command line to connect to your vpn server will be much
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2264[15:25:04] <r4co0n> ikevin, I don't think this is the
right channel to discuss this, though I am willing to help you as
far as I can? Maybe write a private message, you're welcome, or
let someone suggest a more appropriate channel.
2265[15:25:06] <BluesKaj> out of the way
2266[15:25:12] *** Joins: dreamon_ (~dreamon@replaced-ip)
2267[15:25:17] <brenlae> i have debian 8.7, is it worthwhile
upgrading to debian 9? should i just wait for a final release?
2268[15:25:23] <anotherus3r> BluesKaj: I really like the openvpn
client :)
2269[15:25:29] *** Quits: rj1 (uid221277@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
2270[15:25:43] <BluesKaj> yes anotherus3r I use it too
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2274[15:26:22] <dontknow> brenlae, debian 9 is stable for me
2275[15:26:22] *** Joins: Delta-One (~zero@replaced-ip)
2276[15:26:26] <brenlae> ok
2277[15:26:28] <brenlae> hmm
2278[15:26:30] <brenlae> i'll give it a go
2279[15:26:31] <BluesKaj> brenlae: I'm running stretch and
it's fine, but a lot depends on your HW and drivers
2280[15:26:32] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, if you have selected the
meta-package we talked about, you have installed kde proper. Though,
if your install aborted prematurely, how about installing again
using online mirrors?
2281[15:26:40] <brenlae> hmmm
2282[15:26:42] <brenlae> maybe not then
2283[15:26:46] <brenlae> i have an AMD Radeon
2284[15:26:57] <brenlae> runs fine with fglrx drivers from
2285[15:26:57] <BluesKaj> nvidia gpu here
2286[15:27:09] <dontknow> intel here
2287[15:27:13] *** Quits: chalcedony (~chalcedon@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2288[15:27:38] <brenlae> hmmk
2289[15:27:41] *** Joins: chalcedony (~chalcedon@replaced-ip)
2290[15:27:43] <dontknow> BluesKaj, stretch produces more heat
for you_
2291[15:27:44] <anotherus3r> r4co0n: So 'apt-get install
-f' would not do the work?
2292[15:28:04] *** Joins: [74]HELLth (~dasher00@replaced-ip)
2293[15:28:05] <BluesKaj> dontknow: nope
2294[15:28:12] <dontknow> BluesKaj, i use kde plasma and it
produces more heat for me :/
2295[15:28:15] <towo^work> in stretch, there are no fglrx anymore
2296[15:28:17] *** Quits: elbart0 (~elbarto@replaced-ip) (Quit: Lost terminal)
2297[15:28:42] <brenlae> towo^work: just open source radeon
2298[15:28:44] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, I guess it will do nothing
right now.
2299[15:28:49] <towo^work> sure
2300[15:28:56] <towo^work> they are way better than fglrx
2301[15:29:04] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, try it, you can cancel if
you don't supply additional flags.
2302[15:29:12] <BluesKaj> dontknow: , laptop? , maybe so... mine
is a desktop
2303[15:29:15] <brenlae> towo^work: oh cool :D
2304[15:29:20] *** Joins: rsx (~dummy@replaced-ip)
2305[15:29:21] <dontknow> BluesKaj, yes
2306[15:29:26] <anotherus3r> r4co0n: 0 upgraded, 0 newly
installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
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2308[15:29:45] <dontknow> brenlae, it depens on what card you
2309[15:29:54] <dontknow> it might not work well for you
2310[15:30:06] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, my crystal ball is working
correctly then ;)
2311[15:30:20] *** Joins: toorop (~toorop@replaced-ip)
2312[15:30:26] <brenlae> hmm
2313[15:30:27] <anotherus3r> r4co0n: I dont know man, its just
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2318[15:30:37] <brenlae> i have an AMD A8 apu
2319[15:30:43] <brenlae> radeon r5 and 800 mhz
2320[15:30:46] <brenlae> 2.08 ghz * 4
2321[15:31:03] <dontknow> apus work fine i believe
2322[15:31:08] <brenlae> good good :3
2323[15:31:17] <anotherus3r> r4co0n: The thing is, I always gets
the bad mirror achrive.
2324[15:31:25] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, try to install
"plasma-nm". Or just reinstall and make sure the
mirrors/connection doesn't break.
2325[15:31:27] *** Quits: iNCoNFuN (~inconfun@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2326[15:31:48] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, right now, when running
"apt-get update"?
2327[15:31:50] <anotherus3r> r4co0n: How can I be sure the
connecton doesnt break? Im wired.
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2329[15:32:15] <anotherus3r> r4co0n: yes now it works. But not
during the install itself.
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2335[15:33:28] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, you can choose a mirror
before getting that error while installing. So either your network
is not working when the installer thinks it is, or you got unlucky
and picked a repo that was having problems at this point in time.
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2338[15:33:55] <r4co0n> anotherus3r, which never happened to me
(as of yet).
2339[15:34:29] <petn-randall> Or the wifi interface didn't
work due to missing firmware, and the installer skipped that step
after confirmation.
2340[15:34:35] <anotherus3r> r4co0n: I tried alot repos from
different countrys.
2341[15:34:50] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: Im not on wifi.
2342[15:34:55] *** Quits: juantelez (~juantelez@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2343[15:35:08] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: How did you prepare
the USB/CD image to install from?
2344[15:35:35] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: unetbootin
2345[15:35:50] <anotherus3r> then bios -> boot from usb
2346[15:35:53] <towo^work> no wonder then
2347[15:35:58] <anotherus3r> why?
2348[15:36:14] <towo^work> unetbootin does not support isohybrid
2349[15:36:24] <towo^work> that's why it is not recommend
2350[15:36:46] <petn-randall> !unetbootin
2351[15:36:46] <dpkg> UNetbootin (Universal Netboot Installer)
allows creation of bootable USB drives for a variety of Linux
2352[15:37:11] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: Likely it broke a
bunch of other things. I might just start over and install again.
2353[15:37:29] <anotherus3r> So how should I do?
2354[15:37:39] <anotherus3r> not using unetbootin?
2355[15:37:44] <BluesKaj> unetbootin doesn't create a proper
image on a usb a lot of the time ..check out dd anotherus3r
2356[15:38:14] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: The release notes have
instructions on how to prepare the image safely on any platform.
2357[15:38:17] <petn-randall> !release notes
2358[15:38:17] <dpkg> Release notes for Debian 8
"Jessie" are at
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2375[15:47:49] <magonick> Hello everybody! Has anyone ever tried
to install ros on Debian stretch? I cannot find a way to make it
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2384[15:49:40] <anotherus3r> what is isohybrid propper?
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2392[15:51:35] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: I cant find where on
how to prepare the image safely on any platform?
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2395[15:52:26] <BluesKaj> anotherus3r: research dd
2396[15:52:29] *** Quits: cronic__ (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2397[15:52:29] <zykotick9> anotherus3r: if you are using windows,
see "/msg dpkg win32diskimages"
2398[15:52:32] *** Joins: ChmEarl (~chmearl@replaced-ip)
2399[15:52:55] <anotherus3r> parse error: dunno what the heck
you're talking about, anotherus3r
2400[15:52:59] <zykotick9> s/win32diskimages/win32diskimager/
<- sorry
2401[15:53:40] *** Joins: tty0_ (~NA@replaced-ip)
2402[15:53:42] <petn-randall> !install guide
2403[15:53:42] <dpkg> The Installation Guide for Debian 8
"Jessie" can be found at
2404[15:53:57] *** Quits: vettel (~vettel@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2405[15:53:59] <anotherus3r> so I cant really use unetbootin, why
2406[15:54:04] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: Sorry, this is the
right documentation ^^^
2407[15:54:15] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: Because it breaks the
2408[15:54:20] *** Quits: savantgarde (~savantgar@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2409[15:54:42] <BluesKaj> anotherus3r: read the posts above about
2410[15:54:52] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: All you need to do is
a byte-by-byte copy of the image to USB. unetbootin doesn't do
2411[15:55:06] <BluesKaj> dd
2412[15:55:07] *** Joins: ben_roose (~roose@replaced-ip)
2413[15:55:18] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: Even if I select an
distro from the list and do not own .iso?
2414[15:55:19] <BluesKaj> does
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2417[15:55:50] <petn-randall> BluesKaj: cp does that, too,
without having to define a block size.
2418[15:56:05] * BluesKaj gives up for now
2419[15:56:11] *** Joins: OtsoaUnLoco (~otsoa@replaced-ip)
2420[15:56:26] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: No idea, since there
are better tools available.
2421[15:56:30] *** Quits: sspencer (~sspencer@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2422[15:56:37] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: What tools?
2423[15:56:45] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: Read the link I gave
2424[15:56:48] *** Quits: cronic_ (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
2425[15:56:53] <BluesKaj> petn-randall: not gonna sdebate cp vs
dd right now :-)
2426[15:57:02] <petn-randall> :)
2427[15:57:13] *** Joins: sspencer (~sspencer@replaced-ip)
2428[15:57:18] <BluesKaj> we did that already
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2443[16:03:07] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: What step is this
about? I cant find anything about it.
2444[16:03:18] <magonick> does anyone know why libvtk-java is not
available in debian stretch?
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2447[16:03:44] <istevenmon> hi guys, what is currently being
deployed as the facto web server? apache or nginx? or is it other
alternative ?
2448[16:04:08] <coke> often both
2449[16:04:22] <FinalX> you have to choose yourself, what works
best for you.
2450[16:04:34] <FinalX> choices are also not limited to apache
httpd (it's called httpd, not apache) or nginx
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2452[16:05:02] <FinalX> both have nice support here on freenode,
though. in #httpd and #nginx respectively
2453[16:05:18] <istevenmon> thanks!
2454[16:05:33] <FinalX> I use both and I'm in both channels
as well :)
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2460[16:07:59] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: So Win32 Disk Imager
would do the work for me?
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2467[16:09:29] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: If you're using
windows, yes.
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2470[16:10:47] <FinalX> I wonder though, what made Debian
eventually give in to the continous misnaming of Apache HTTP Server
(httpd) into just calling it Apache :)
2471[16:10:59] <FinalX> Everyone knows what you mean with it, but
it's technically still incorrect.
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2473[16:11:41] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: petn-randall: So
select Stable_NetInstall from the list in unetbootin would not give
me the same as download the netinstall.iso and copy files to USB
with Win32 Disk Imager?
2474[16:11:45] <FinalX> On RedHat and some other distro's it
was always just called httpd (even the process :P)
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2476[16:12:17] <r4co0n> FinalX, I think httpd sounds like it is
the only thing that is able to do that, therefore I like the Debian
naming convention
2477[16:12:59] <r4co0n> FinalX, though you have to get your head
around this when working with official Apache Documentation.
2478[16:13:01] <FinalX> r4co0n: yeah, I also believe that to be
the case :)
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2481[16:13:52] <FinalX> well, the projects that Apache does
(including Subversion!) are <project> after all :)
so, like,
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2483[16:14:29] <FinalX> ...I also do believe the httpd name is
very confusing, though.. and I also like Debian's naming
convention for it
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2487[16:15:22] <r4co0n> FinalX, apache was the founding product
of apache foundation
2488[16:15:44] <setuid> Same query as yesterday: Has anyone
successfully managed to get preseed to work installing grub-pc
without prompting?
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2491[16:17:34] <FinalX> r4co0n: hm, yeah, I guess :)
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2506[16:23:20] <r4co0n> setuid, do you have a bug for this open?
I have also managed to *not* fully automate the install using
preseed ;)
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2508[16:23:37] <hatesec> hi
2509[16:23:48] <setuid> There's a few I've found in
searching, basically if you use grub or lilo, you're going to
get prompted, period.
2510[16:23:58] *** Quits: anotherus3r (~unknown@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2511[16:24:05] <setuid> There's absolutely no way to do a
100% fully automated install with preseed, without an interactive
2512[16:24:31] <setuid> I've even tried skipping grub and
doing the partman commands directly in my preseed, debconf still
prompts me
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2516[16:25:46] <r4co0n> setuid, I would need to dig into this
again - But I remember that there was some prompt remaining in my
last preseed configuration - Which defeats the purpose of preseeding
for me.
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2518[16:26:44] <setuid> r4co0n: I've done about 1,300 builds
in the last couple of days, using every single possible option to
get grub to install without that damn confirmation window "You
are about to install grub-pc... [Ok]"
2519[16:26:45] *** Joins: billythefish (~btf@replaced-ip)
2520[16:26:54] <setuid> Not a single option works, even leaving
no grub on the drive
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2528[16:29:35] <r4co0n> setuid, did you find a recent bug report?
If so, add your experience to it, if not, open another one?
2529[16:30:08] <r4co0n> setuid, If I'm not mistaken,
principially any prompt in d-i can be preseeded using the right
configuration option.
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2531[16:31:10] <setuid> r4co0n: That's true for every single
prompt, except grub
2532[16:31:36] <r4co0n> setuid, sounds even more like a bug now.
2533[16:31:40] <setuid> You can't preseed that one away,
under any parittioning scheme (raid, standard, lvm) or any
bootloader (grub, lilo), whether using native commands or
2534[16:31:43] *** Quits: super_gollum (~ich@replaced-ip) (Quit: Ex-Chat)
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2536[16:32:35] <setuid> I even tried shunting all prompts
critical and under, still prompts
2537[16:32:45] <setuid> I need something higher than critical,
but it doens't exist
2538[16:32:56] <r4co0n> setuid, leaving a stone on the enter key
should solve the problem for installs where you are physically
2539[16:33:15] *** Quits: poleprogger (~mj@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2540[16:33:21] <setuid> It's headless, that won't work
2541[16:33:37] <r4co0n> setuid, just joking...
2542[16:34:06] <r4co0n> setuid, have you tested if ubuntu
installs without that prompt?
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2544[16:34:27] <setuid> r4co0n:
2545[16:34:48] <setuid> r4co0n: Both behave exactly the same,
tried using xenial, same issue
2546[16:35:24] <setuid> I've tried: d-i
grub-installer/bootdev string (hd0,1) # fails, still prompts
2547[16:35:33] <r4co0n> setuid, interesting. And you really
can't preseed the GRUB install device?
2548[16:35:35] <setuid> I've tried: d-i
grub-installer/bootdev string /dev/sda # fails, still prompts
2549[16:35:46] <r4co0n> setuid, I see...
2550[16:35:59] *** Joins: marie1972 (marie1972@replaced-ip)
2551[16:36:34] <r4co0n> setuid, with "d-i
grub-installer/skip boolean true" and "d-i
lilo-installer/skip boolean true" it is still promptiung?
2552[16:36:36] <setuid> also tried: grub-pc
grub-pc/install_devices string /dev/sda # fails, still prompts
2553[16:36:46] <setuid> r4co0n: I'll tst that now, one sec
2554[16:36:46] *** Quits: hexjay (~hexjay@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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2556[16:37:12] <r4co0n> setuid, this should install no
bootloader, which you may be able to fix in late commands
2557[16:37:16] <setuid> Also using: grub-installer
grub-installer/grub2_instead_of_grub_legacy boolean true
2558[16:37:27] <setuid> ^ fails also
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2564[16:39:30] <nagibu> how do I install gcc-5 on debian stretch?
I need to run cuda 8
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2567[16:40:04] <setuid> nagibu: kvm
2568[16:40:30] <nagibu> setuid: what is it?
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2572[16:43:13] <setuid> nagibu: Install the latest debian in a
vm, then use gcc-5 there
2573[16:43:36] <setuid> r4co0n: Even with those two options
skipped, grub-pc still tries to install
2574[16:43:45] <setuid> same exact error message as in the above
2575[16:43:57] *** Quits: Freenoodle (~Bratwurst@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2576[16:44:00] <setuid> I think this is a bug or a dependency
forcing grub-pc to install before the preseed gets to tell it noit
2577[16:44:05] *** Quits: peterbec` (~peterbeci@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2578[16:44:20] <nagibu> setuid: is it the only way? I will
probably try to install it from source
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2581[16:44:35] <setuid> nagibu: Use fakeroot or chroot
2582[16:44:40] <r4co0n> setuid, that may be the case. Please
report this and post a link here so I can share my experience too
2583[16:44:57] <setuid> And remember, *NEVER EVER* build software
in the source tree, or as root
2584[16:45:12] *** Quits: Jonwel1 (~Jonwel@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
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2586[16:45:28] <setuid> r4co0n: I tried getting the questions.dat
file and parsing out what was used to build it, then pulling those
back into the preseed, still prompts
2587[16:45:55] <setuid> ..from /var/log/installer/cdebconf/
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2590[16:46:05] <setuid> whoa, ok, this is weird
2591[16:46:25] *** Joins: rypervenche (~rypervenc@replaced-ip)
2592[16:46:41] <setuid> r4co0n: So with grub and lilo skipped via
your suggested preseed commands, it prompts to install grub-pc, I
choose /dev/sda from the next screen, install that, then the VERY
next screen, tells me that no bootloader has been installed
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2595[16:47:13] <r4co0n> setuid, we are still missing one preseed
command, it seems.
2596[16:47:26] <setuid> I have an idea
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2600[16:48:02] <r4co0n> setuid, preseeding needs better
documentation, we maybe should try to provide this.
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2607[16:50:46] <r4co0n> setuid, try "debconf-get-selections
| grep grub2 " on the installed system to see the preseed
answers provided.
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2610[16:52:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1763
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2613[16:55:03] <setuid> r4co0n: I've beat up preseed quite a
bit for my automated maas install, just that there is a lot of lore
around some options, and the mechanisms to bypass/override them
isn't clear, some work with late_ commands, some with
'skip' options, it's not consistent, or clear
2614[16:55:37] <setuid> I'd even consider making a preseed
builder tool where you choose what you want the installer to do, and
it'll build a working preseed for you: (o) normal ( ) raid ( )
lvm, etc.
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2617[16:55:47] <setuid> a web-based tool to generate a working
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2625[16:57:43] <lowin> How can I see the history of
installed/uninstalled packages?
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2628[16:58:04] <r4co0n> setuid, I did a rudimentary tool in
python that works on a preseed template
2629[16:58:39] *** Joins: robotroll (~robotroll@replaced-ip)
2630[16:58:42] <r4co0n> setuid, I can send it to you if you want
to check if it is a useful base.
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2632[16:59:06] <setuid> r4co0n:
2633[16:59:08] *** Quits: nighty-- (~nighty@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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2636[16:59:55] <r4co0n> setuid, do you still skip grub-installer
2637[16:59:58] <setuid> That's with: 'd-i
debconf/priority string critical', 'd-i
grub-installer/skip boolean true' and 'd-i
lilo-installer/skip boolean true'
2638[16:59:58] *** Quits: Colti (Miramar-FL@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
2639[17:00:16] <setuid> checking something, I wonder if my
default package list asserts grub, even though I tell it not to
2640[17:00:17] *** Quits: denisk (~denisk@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2641[17:00:27] <setuid> 'd-i pkgsel/include string
openssh-server build-essential linux-generic-lts-xenial'
2642[17:00:47] <r4co0n> setuid, that should not pull in grub -
From looking at it
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2645[17:01:37] <r4co0n> setuid, try to finish the install and
then look at "dpkg-get-selections" if there is anything
about grub2 configured that you were missing.
2646[17:01:57] <setuid> Testing a build without any package
selections, let's see what happens
2647[17:01:59] *** Quits: robotroll (~robotroll@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2648[17:02:17] <setuid> I may be able to inject a bootargs that
asserts root=/dev/sda1 instead
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2697[17:15:53] <brenlae> so i installed debian stretch and i have
no problems thus far
2698[17:15:58] <brenlae> using the MATE desktop
2699[17:15:59] <brenlae> :)
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2701[17:16:16] <BluesKaj> ugh ;-)
2702[17:16:22] <brenlae> :p
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2706[17:17:48] <brenlae> anyway, bye all
2707[17:17:49] <brenlae> :)
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2727[17:23:46] <setuid> "I came here to say I have no
problems whatsoever. Bye." :)
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2743[17:27:34] <jelly> nice to hear anyway!
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2745[17:28:00] <wondiws> does debian support USB ethernet
2746[17:28:07] <johnkeates> yes
2747[17:28:11] <johnkeates> but not with non-free firmware
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2750[17:28:39] <greycat> If they require non-free firmware, you
can probably install it. It just won't be installed by default.
2751[17:28:43] <wondiws> johnkeates, not with free firmware I
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2754[17:29:55] <jelly> wondiws: many of the cheap devices just
work, some need firmware, some are not supported (yet)
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2757[17:30:55] <invizus> i am puzzled, I just pinged IP in remote
network and the tunnel came up? I think it did because of ... that..
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2759[17:31:10] <wondiws> jelly, this one works on the computer
I'm on now I see now, but not on the one I intend to use it on,
but I did install some firmware in the past for my wireless, I
selected a few until it worked, so probably it included the wired
one I just plugged in :P
2760[17:31:15] <invizus> if there only was a cmd in ASA which I
could find easy on internet to trigger tunnel up..
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2766[17:33:05] <wondiws> jelly, hmm, maybe I did just install
only my wireless firmware, because I don't see anything that
resembles the realtek usb adapter I'm using now
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2770[17:34:53] <wondiws> jelly, hmm, how do I find out how to get
it to work on my ultrabook: it's kinda urgent, I upgraded to
sid, but right now the kernel and udev and whatnot are missing and
my wireless went down as well, I would like to install those before
rebooting :P
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2772[17:35:16] <jelly> wondiws: well, see what lsusb says about
it, and what dmesg says on the machine where it works
2773[17:35:37] <jelly> wondiws: why did you go sid in the first
2774[17:35:48] *** Joins: mtn (~mtn@replaced-ip)
2775[17:36:02] <jelly> !debian-next
2776[17:36:03] <dpkg> #debian-next is the channel for
testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not*
on Freenode. If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is
invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
2777[17:36:19] <wondiws> jelly, I suspect I get more recent
versions of the software I use?
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2779[17:36:31] <wondiws> jelly, but my question is not related to
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2781[17:36:45] <jelly> right, but your installation is not stable
2782[17:36:48] <petn-randall> It is if you're running it.
2783[17:36:55] <jelly> or oldstable
2784[17:36:58] <wondiws> petn-randall, not yet ;)
2785[17:37:02] <jelly> or frozen testing
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2788[17:38:08] <jelly> "kernel and udev and whatnot are
missing" usually happens when one does not read apt(itude)
saying it's going to remove lots of packages
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2790[17:38:36] <wondiws> jelly, I did read that
2791[17:38:46] <jelly> but still went with it
2792[17:38:49] <wondiws> jelly, but I will install them again
2793[17:38:57] <wondiws> jelly, I didn't anticipate my
network issue
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2795[17:40:11] <jelly> yeah well. If you're able to, ask in
the right place for sid, there are more people with relevant
experience there
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2799[17:40:37] <wondiws> jelly, later perhaps, maybe I just get
this ethernet adapter to work
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2801[17:40:55] <wondiws> or I can setup wifi with the commandline
tools like I did in ancient past
2802[17:41:04] <wondiws> jelly, and I'm not invited to that
channel ;)
2803[17:41:29] *** Quits: nog3_ (~tud3@replaced-ip) (Quit: WeeChat 1.4)
2804[17:41:46] <jelly> that's no excuse
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2808[17:42:42] <petn-randall> wondiws: Read dpkg's message
2809[17:42:55] <wondiws> petn-randall, what message?
2810[17:43:07] <petn-randall> !debian-next
2811[17:43:08] <dpkg> #debian-next is the channel for
testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not*
on Freenode. If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is
invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
2812[17:43:11] <petn-randall> wondiws: ^^^
2813[17:43:43] <jelly> I thought they read it the first time and
were commenting in jest
2814[17:43:47] <wondiws> petn-randall, oh yeah, I read half of
it, but I did read I had to go to ;)
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2825[17:45:00] <wondiws> jelly, oh, I get it, the modules are
gone in this transitioning stage
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2841[17:50:26] <anotherus3r> hi :)
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2844[17:50:51] <anotherus3r> KDE vs mate? 25/5000
2845[17:50:54] <anotherus3r> I can not decide
2846[17:51:05] <cronic> i3 !
2847[17:51:11] <jelly> wondiws: probably "set up networking
_before_ doing a release upgrade"
2848[17:51:28] *** Joins: mtn (~mtn@replaced-ip)
2849[17:51:32] <dontknow> anotherus3r, on jessie?
2850[17:51:36] <anotherus3r> dontknow: yes
2851[17:51:50] <wondiws> jelly, didn't think about it
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2853[17:51:54] <dontknow> xfce :D
2854[17:51:59] <jelly> wondiws: this is often worked around by
requiring kernel package be upgraded first or before most packages.
Was the case for lenny->squeeze, maybe squeeze->wheezy too.
2855[17:52:05] <anotherus3r> dontknow: why? :D
2856[17:52:22] <dontknow> it is so stable and minimal
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2858[17:52:57] <cronic> dontknow: anotherus3r: If you wanna
discuss about wms, i fell in love with i3. tiling ftw
2859[17:53:01] *** Quits: root__ (~rsd@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2860[17:53:25] <dontknow> i don't like wm
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2862[17:53:33] <jelly> wondiws: things you may have also lost on
the way: ifupdown package
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2877[17:57:48] <wondiws> jelly, thanks in front ;)
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2880[17:58:16] <anotherus3r> dontknow: so you wont proper mate
for nvidia gtx 1060 6GB graphic card?
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2886[17:59:32] <dontknow> anotherus3r, hmm, i don2t think gtx
1060 would work fine on jessie. correct me if i am wrong
2887[17:59:50] <dontknow> i think jessie is older than that card
2888[18:00:06] <anotherus3r> dontknow: why not? :)
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2891[18:00:38] <dontknow> because jessie didn't get updates
for that card?
2892[18:01:00] <cronic> dontknow: wm = windowmanager, you are
using one if you have xfce :D
2893[18:01:09] <anotherus3r> dontknow: jessie-backports got
nvidia-driver? :)
2894[18:01:09] *** Quits: godmachine81_ (~godmachin@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2895[18:01:16] <petn-randall> It *might* work with the right
stuff from jessie-backports, though new cards are always a gamble.
2896[18:01:35] <dontknow> cronic, but i have title :D
2897[18:01:40] <dontknow> atleast
2898[18:01:44] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: I just did install
again, and now I have network-manager+mate instead of KDE :)
2899[18:02:11] <anotherus3r> I really like mate, i dont know why
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2903[18:03:02] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: Congrats! Glad it
worked this time.
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2906[18:03:19] <crash_> anotherus3r: mate is awesome :)
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2912[18:04:37] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: I dont know why, But
my /etc/resolv.conf keep the same after I change it. somehow dhcp
dont keep changing it back to ISP DNS servers. Do you know why?
2913[18:05:02] <anotherus3r> Now also the /etc/resolv.conf say #
Generated by NetworkManager
2914[18:05:10] *** Quits: Dreaman (~deb@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2915[18:05:15] <anotherus3r> Because I got networkmanger
2916[18:05:36] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: Yes, use
network-manager to configure you openvpn tunnel, and configure the
DNS manually there.
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2919[18:05:55] <dontknow> anotherus3r, after editing resolv.conf
use chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf
2920[18:06:12] <petn-randall> dontknow: That will break a lot of
other things.
2921[18:06:19] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: But do you know why it
keep the same DNS servers? You remember before, it keep changing
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2924[18:06:50] <anotherus3r> dontknow: thanks for you advice
2925[18:07:09] <dontknow> petn-randall, i dunno. i use it like
2926[18:07:14] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: /etc/resolv.conf is
not a file you should edit manually. Use the proper tools at hand.
2927[18:07:26] <petn-randall> dontknow: Until you change networks
and nothing works anymore.
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2929[18:08:09] <anotherus3r> petn-randall: In networkmanger
2930[18:08:19] <petn-randall> anotherus3r: yes
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2932[18:10:36] <modles> hi all, any arbian peeps here?
2933[18:10:43] <modles> having a wierd issue of no mouse/keyboard
2934[18:10:52] <petn-randall> !armbian
2935[18:10:53] <dpkg> rumour has it, armbian is a distribution
<based on Debian> made specifically for several <ARM>
processors. Armbian is not Debian and it is not supported in
2936[18:11:00] <modles> doh
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2938[18:11:08] <petn-randall> modles: :/
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2940[18:11:25] <modles> ok so if i had the same issue in debian,
what would be worth checking? ;)
2941[18:11:30] <petn-randall> modles: I was hoping there'd
be a IRC channel I could point you to.
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2945[18:11:43] <modles> there is but no-one there
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2949[18:12:01] <petn-randall> modles: Feel free to ask if you can
reproduce it on Debian.
2950[18:12:20] <modles> everything is working perfect just no
mouse of keyboard, yet they show up fine in lsusb
2951[18:12:28] <dontknow> <modles> ok so if i had the same
issue in debian, what would be worth checking? (fair question)
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2984[18:24:17] <anotherus3r> randall you here?
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2988[18:25:24] <digi9> Quick question: if I want to get every
linux-image-*-amd64*.deb Debian has had available in their repos for
the last, say, 5 years, is the best option?
2989[18:25:35] <digi9> looks like /pool/main/l/linux has the
kernel images
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2998[18:28:29] <anotherus3r> I will reinstall debian with
encrypted LVM. Do I need Erasing data (overwriting with random data
to prevent meta-information leaks from the encrypted volume) again?
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3000[18:28:56] <anotherus3r> Is it necessary?
3001[18:29:25] *** Joins: AlexPortable (uid7568@replaced-ip)
3002[18:29:38] <anotherus3r> I already did it before once.
3003[18:29:49] <dontknow> it is not necessary then
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3006[18:30:01] <dontknow> i remember reading that
3007[18:30:10] <anotherus3r> dontknow: Are you sure my friend? :)
3008[18:30:14] *** anon is now known as Guest83888
3009[18:30:22] <dontknow> %85 :D
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3011[18:30:37] <anotherus3r> Anyone who can confirm please? :D
3012[18:30:46] <anotherus3r> dontknow: Where did you read it?
3013[18:31:20] <dontknow> anotherus3r, it is possible in debian
installation. but i am not sure
3014[18:31:34] <dontknow> or arch wiki
3015[18:31:48] <dontknow> let's think about it
3016[18:31:58] <dontknow> you overwritten it with random data
3017[18:32:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1765
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3019[18:32:18] <dontknow> after that all of the information you
put there will be encrypted
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3023[18:33:02] <digi9> anotherus3r: it's not necessary
3024[18:33:06] <anotherus3r> dontknow: so erasing data again
would make no sense?
3025[18:33:07] *** Joins: blueness (~blueness@replaced-ip)
3026[18:33:08] <n4dir> if you already overwrote the previous
data, overwriting it again doesn't seem to make sense
3027[18:33:22] <anotherus3r> oh ok :)
3028[18:33:27] <dontknow> :D
3029[18:33:44] <anotherus3r> dontknow: you should try mate :D
3030[18:33:51] <anotherus3r> its awesome dude
3031[18:33:56] <anotherus3r> btw
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3033[18:34:03] <dontknow> no. i am on kde plasma now. it is great
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3036[18:34:47] <dontknow> i set it transparent theme. it looks
3037[18:34:57] <anotherus3r> yea I really like KDE too
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3042[18:36:33] <dontknow> i didn't rewrite the data when
3043[18:36:48] <anotherus3r> dontknow: not even once? :S
3044[18:36:56] <dontknow> yes
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3046[18:37:04] <dontknow> because the drive was new
3047[18:37:32] <anotherus3r> Is there any way to tell that hard
drive is really encrypted?
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3049[18:37:55] <dontknow> anotherus3r, try lsblk
3050[18:38:00] <dontknow> it says crypted
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3053[18:38:42] <digi9> anotherus3r: boot from a usb stick and try
mounting the drive?
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3055[18:39:10] <dontknow> or simply, it asks password lol
3056[18:39:15] <digi9> I'm required to encrypt my laptop for
work and even I didn't put this much anxiety into it
3057[18:39:18] <anotherus3r> digi9: Do you mean like rescue mode?
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3060[18:39:59] <digi9> anotherus3r: yeah just boot the install
media in rescue mode
3061[18:40:18] <anotherus3r> digi9: ok
3062[18:40:23] <anotherus3r> dontknow:
3063[18:40:27] <dontknow> you don't need rescue mode
3064[18:40:42] *** Quits: Stochastic (~Stochasti@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3065[18:40:43] <digi9> or, as dontknow says, if it prompts for a
password at boot to unlock the volume, you're good
3066[18:41:09] <digi9> anotherus3r: your'e good
3067[18:41:12] <dontknow> anotherus3r, yeah it is encrypted
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3069[18:41:17] <anotherus3r> thanks :)
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3073[18:42:02] <dontknow> swap 16 Gb :O
3074[18:42:14] <anotherus3r> dontknow: maybe because I got 16 GB
3075[18:42:34] <anotherus3r> idk
3076[18:42:42] <dontknow> i have 8gb ram i have never seen swap
is filled
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3079[18:43:08] <dontknow> and debian set it 8GB >.>
3080[18:43:28] *** Quits: CrackerJack (~deb@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
3081[18:43:32] <CarlFK> grub-install seems to get confused? by a
wonky ssd id: /dev/nvme0n1p1 drive1 partition 1 grub-install
/dev/nvme0n1p1 errors, ...n1 doesnt, but the box doesn't boot
3082[18:43:43] <anotherus3r> dontknow: I use Windows 10 besides
for games and so :)
3083[18:43:56] <dontknow> :O
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3085[18:44:05] <dontknow> spyware
3086[18:44:18] <anotherus3r> dontknow: spyware? me?
3087[18:44:27] <dontknow> windows 10
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3089[18:44:49] <anotherus3r> dontknow: it can spyware my linux?
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3091[18:45:07] <dontknow> no. but it can spy you on windows!
3092[18:45:12] <dontknow> it is tracking you
3093[18:45:25] <anotherus3r> dontknow: as i told, I use windows
more for games and other stuff. :)
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3097[18:45:45] <anotherus3r> dontknow: I installed windows 10 on
my SSD hard drive, if it makes any sense?
3098[18:45:51] *** Quits: theunixfreak (~theunixfr@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
3099[18:45:56] <dontknow> they are sneaky. they even blocked
windows 7 updates for new cpus
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3101[18:46:05] <dontknow> anotherus3r, so?
3102[18:46:20] <dontknow> it doesn't matter what drive you
do put in
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3108[18:47:00] <anotherus3r> dontknow: haha my friend :)
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3110[18:47:13] <anotherus3r> dontknow: so you never use win?
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3113[18:48:03] <dontknow> yes. but i have been using gnu/linux
for about 5 years
3114[18:48:11] <anotherus3r> dontknow: 80/5000
3115[18:48:11] <anotherus3r> I expriminate and use most Linux to
learn privacy and security.
3116[18:48:28] <anotherus3r> Encryption, VPN and so on.
3117[18:48:35] <dontknow> what is 80/5000
3118[18:48:39] <anotherus3r> wrong :P
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3121[18:49:09] <`Kevin> CarlFK: if you are going to partition the
nvme id suggest make an initial parition (p1) a small EFI boot
3122[18:49:09] <anotherus3r> dontknow: did you read?
3123[18:49:32] <dontknow> anotherus3r, yes!
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3126[18:49:45] <`Kevin> CarlFK: assuming your bios is looking for
efi boot
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3128[18:49:51] <anotherus3r> dontknow: thats one reason why I
want to learn more about linux :)
3129[18:49:53] <dontknow> microsoft said they alredy patched them
3130[18:50:09] <CarlFK> `Kevin: I am letting the installer do
whatever it does. except the installer / g-installer can't
figure out how to make it boot.
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3140[18:52:38] <dontknow> anotherus3r, there is a way in
gnu/linux you can passthrough one of your gpu to virtual machine
windows and play games natively
3141[18:52:51] *** Quits: tobias__ (~tobias@replaced-ip) (Quit: tobias__)
3142[18:52:54] <dontknow> but it is complicated
3143[18:53:02] <anotherus3r> dontknow: oh sounds cool
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3146[18:53:35] <anotherus3r> dontknow: do I need fail2ban for
more security? I guess I read about this.
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3148[18:55:04] <dontknow> anotherus3r, i don2t know what it is
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3151[18:55:11] *** Quits: crusader_ (~hideider@replaced-ip) (Quit: Ex-Chat)
3152[18:55:30] <dontknow> anotherus3r, instead look for isolation
stuff like firejail
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3156[18:55:55] <dontknow> you can restrict your browser with
that. it is a sandbox software
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3162[18:56:47] <dontknow> anotherus3r, if you want privacy and
security. first thing you should think your browser. (for home
3163[18:57:11] <`Kevin> CarlFK: jessie?
3164[18:57:12] <judd> Bug
3165[18:57:16] *** Joins: RickXy (~zncadmin@replaced-ip)
3166[18:57:37] <cronic> anotherus3r: fail2ban is only neccesary
if you dont have a nat router/ firewall
3167[18:57:46] <cronic> anotherus3r: e.g if you are using pppoe
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3169[18:58:00] <n4dir> would rather say if you run ssh. might be
i recall fail2ban wrong
3170[18:58:09] *** Joins: Hyp3ri0n (~OtakuSenp@replaced-ip)
3171[18:58:10] <cronic> anotherus3r: fail2ban is a service that
detects e.g bruteforce against ssh
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3179[18:59:26] <cronic> anotherus3r: if i followed correctly you
are using debien on desktop env - so fail2ban is not needed (if you
dont run public internet services w your device)
3180[18:59:47] <cronic> *ian
3181[18:59:55] <anotherus3r> cronic: ok
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3183[19:00:53] <anotherus3r> Should I run UFW?
3184[19:01:05] *** Quits: denisk (~denisk@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3185[19:01:49] <cronic> anotherus3r: if you take care of
security, think about encfs, browser jail/sandbox, maybe vpn, maybe
lvm decryption. Most important (imho) is that you are not
browsing/working as root.
3186[19:01:58] <`Kevin> anotherus3r: not if you want to learn
actual linux :P go with iptables and learn that
3187[19:02:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1759
3188[19:02:15] <cronic> +1 `Kevin
3189[19:03:06] <anotherus3r> cronic: you really mean lvm
encryption not decryption, right? :)
3190[19:03:09] <cronic> anotherus3r: these are security mechanism
that you need for server. Could be/ is important if you are using
public infrastructure.
3191[19:03:10] *** Quits: dontknow (~Guest75@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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3194[19:03:28] <anotherus3r> cronic: no server for me right now
3195[19:03:29] <cronic> anotherus3r: my bad.
3196[19:03:31] <dontknow> i got disconnected
3197[19:03:37] <anotherus3r> dontknow: wb
3198[19:04:11] <anotherus3r> cronic: How do I browser
3199[19:04:22] *** Joins: OS-28724 (~OS-28724@replaced-ip)
3200[19:04:24] <anotherus3r> `Kevin: thanks
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3203[19:04:52] <edi> hi, is it possible on a stable (jessie)
install to use (in this case openjdk) packages from the unstable
branch ?
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3206[19:05:34] <nkuttler> !tell edi about backports
3207[19:05:44] <greycat> ,v openjdk-8-jre
3208[19:05:45] <judd> Package: openjdk-8-jre on amd64 --
jessie-backports: 8u121-b13-1~bpo8+1; sid: 8u121-b13-4; stretch:
3209[19:05:56] <dontknow> anotherus3r, install firejail package
3210[19:06:12] *** Joins: Downer (~downer@replaced-ip)
3211[19:06:16] <nkuttler> ,v openjdk-9-jre
3212[19:06:17] <judd> Package: openjdk-9-jre on amd64 -- sid:
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3215[19:07:06] <greycat> ,checkbackport openjdk-9-jre
3216[19:07:06] <anotherus3r> dontknow: Do I need to configure it?
3217[19:07:09] <judd> Backporting package openjdk-9-jre in
sid→jessie/amd64: unsatisfiable build dependencies:
Build-Depends: g++-6, jtreg (>= 4.2-b03-1~).
3218[19:07:19] <greycat> So, "no".
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3221[19:08:06] <mac`> hello all, any ideas how i can fix scramble
characters on the web? when i change to different languages it
scrambles the letters
3222[19:08:16] <edi> dah, thanks :-)
3223[19:08:20] <nkuttler> mac`: install the necessary fonts?
3224[19:08:39] <dontknow> anotherus3r, after that create a folder
in your home. and start firefox with "firejail
--private=~/foldername firefox"
3225[19:08:49] <jelly> g++-6 is probably not strict as much as
"default gcc version", but who knows what that jtreg thing
3226[19:08:50] <mac`> i am selecting russian and it's
scrambling the letters
3227[19:09:08] <nkuttler> mac`: yeah.. do you have a cyrillic
font installed?
3228[19:09:10] *** Quits: han-solo (~han-solo@replaced-ip) (Quit: leaving)
3229[19:09:19] <mac`> thank you let me look and see
3230[19:09:21] <dontknow> anotherus3r, this way you can restrict
you firefox from your real home
3231[19:09:35] *** Quits: tklam2 (~tklassen@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3232[19:10:05] <anotherus3r> dontknow: create a folder in my
home? what folder? :)
3233[19:10:36] *** Joins: peanuts5566 (~Adium@replaced-ip)
3234[19:10:42] <anotherus3r> ah
3235[19:10:50] <dontknow> anotherus3r, just create any folder and
name it
3236[19:11:05] *** Quits: Downer (~downer@replaced-ip) (Changing host)
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3238[19:11:25] <dontknow> if you want disposable clean firefox
you can use "firejail --private firefox"
3239[19:11:30] <mac`> nkuttler xfonts-cyrillic all 1:1.0.3 is
3240[19:12:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1765
3241[19:12:03] <nkuttler> mac`: did you just install it, or.. ?
3242[19:12:27] <mac`> i just installed it
3243[19:12:29] *** Quits: RickXy (~zncadmin@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
3244[19:12:40] <nkuttler> mac`: you should probably restart x
3245[19:12:47] <anotherus3r> dontknow: so what I understand, I
should add firejail --private firefox
3246[19:12:50] <mac`> they're so many cyrillic when i
3247[19:12:51] <anotherus3r> dontknow: To command?
3248[19:13:03] *** Quits: pifon (uid108572@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
3249[19:13:04] <mac`> i am not using x i am on the server
3250[19:13:14] *** Quits: oish (~charlie@replaced-ip) (Quit: leaving)
3251[19:13:18] <mac`> for the server? which one do i need to
3252[19:13:24] <mac`> let me go head and remove the x
3253[19:13:30] <nkuttler> um, what?
3254[19:13:48] <nkuttler> < mac`> i am selecting russian
and it's scrambling the letters
3255[19:13:56] <nkuttler> how do you select, and what is
"it" ?
3256[19:13:57] <greycat> The font would need to be installed on
the machine where you run the web browser that tries to display
those characters.
3257[19:13:57] <mac`> indeed, on the website
3258[19:14:00] <dontknow> anotherus3r, yeah, in terminal. for
disposable. if you want persistent use "firejail
--private=~/foldername firefox"
3259[19:14:10] <greycat> NOT on the web server.
3260[19:14:11] *** Parts: peanuts5566 (~Adium@replaced-ip)
3261[19:14:13] <dontknow> that way your profile will be
3262[19:14:14] *** Joins: soee (~soee@replaced-ip)
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3265[19:16:24] <anotherus3r> dontknow: What is different between
firejail firefox and firejail --private firefox?
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3268[19:17:00] <dontknow> anotherus3r, i dunno :p
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3273[19:17:57] <dontknow> but i think firejail firefox uses your
real home or something
3274[19:18:55] <dontknow> anotherus3r, look at man firejail
3275[19:19:02] <CarlFK> `Kevin: thanks for that bug url - stretch
net install, so looks like I have something to report
3276[19:19:23] <anotherus3r> dontknow: So after I run firefail
and firefox opened and then close firefox. Do I have to run the
firefail command again?
3277[19:19:41] *** Quits: wonderworld (~ww@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3278[19:20:26] *** Joins: peanuts5566 (~Adium@replaced-ip)
3279[19:20:30] <dontknow> anotherus3r, you can edit your firefox
shortcut with that command. but i don't know how on mate
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3282[19:20:56] <OtakuSenpai> ,v tor
3283[19:20:57] <judd> Package: tor on amd64 -- wheezy:; wheezy-security:; jessie:;
jessie-security:; jessie-backports:;
sid:; stretch:; experimental:
3284[19:21:33] <OtakuSenpai> what is the pacakage name?
3285[19:21:46] *** Joins: w00dsman (~w00dsman@replaced-ip)
3286[19:21:48] <anotherus3r> dontknow: --private Mount new /root
and /home/user directories in temporary filesys‐ tems. All
modifications are discarded when the sandbox is closed.
3287[19:22:25] <dontknow> anotherus3r, yeah. disposable
3288[19:22:31] *** Joins: tklam2 (~tklassen@replaced-ip)
3289[19:22:45] <anotherus3r> dontknow: I just closed firefox, but
firejail is still running. 1 pts/3 S 0:00 firejail
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3292[19:23:11] <dontknow> it shouldn't
3293[19:23:44] *** Quits: teknolust (~manjaro-k@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
3294[19:23:46] <dontknow> and you have old version of firejail in
jessie. i think newer version is in backports
3295[19:25:07] <anotherus3r> dontknow: I should run firejail as
normal user, right?
3296[19:25:13] *** Quits: Zynkx (~zynkx@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
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3298[19:25:22] <dontknow> anotherus3r, right
3299[19:25:34] <anotherus3r> dontknow:
3300[19:26:11] *** Joins: iNCoNFuN (~inconfun@replaced-ip)
3301[19:26:15] <anotherus3r> lol I removed firejail but it still
running :P
3302[19:26:18] *** Joins: nuno_nunes (~PC@replaced-ip)
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3304[19:26:21] <anotherus3r> 1 pts/3 S 0:00 firejail
3305[19:26:51] <anotherus3r> I cant even kill it with kill -9 1
3306[19:27:10] *** Quits: RickXy (~zncadmin@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
3307[19:27:17] <dontknow> anotherus3r, does firefox run in
sanboxed mode?
3308[19:27:30] <anotherus3r> dontknow: no firefox opened
3309[19:28:12] <dontknow> i have no idea
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3312[19:29:08] <anotherus3r> kill 1, Child received signal 15,
shutting down the sandbox...
3313[19:29:12] <anotherus3r> Parent is shutting down, bye...
3314[19:29:21] *** Joins: TomTomTosch (~henryk@replaced-ip)
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3317[19:30:04] <dontknow> i thought you were noob
3318[19:30:13] *** Joins: l3archos (~Icedove@replaced-ip)
3319[19:30:26] <dontknow> lol
3320[19:31:03] *** Quits: l3archos (~Icedove@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
3321[19:31:27] <anotherus3r> /usr/bin/xprop -root -spy
3322[19:31:30] <anotherus3r> what is this? :/
3323[19:32:04] *** Joins: CeloFan (~OS-28633@replaced-ip)
3324[19:32:08] <jelly> anotherus3r: what does "man
xprop" say?
3325[19:32:18] *** Joins: RickXy (~zncadmin@replaced-ip)
3326[19:32:27] <anotherus3r> -spy Examine window properties
forever, looking for property change events.
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3328[19:33:13] <anotherus3r> jelly: why it spy on me? :)
3329[19:33:20] *** Joins: f10_ (~flo@replaced-ip)
3330[19:33:28] <jelly> anotherus3r: you started it, probably
3331[19:33:33] <anotherus3r> no
3332[19:33:37] <jelly> anotherus3r: what's the parent
3333[19:33:47] *** Parts: CeloFan (~OS-28633@replaced-ip)
3334[19:33:52] <anotherus3r> 1368 ? S 0:00 /bin/sh
3335[19:34:04] <anotherus3r> sorry
3336[19:34:06] <anotherus3r> 1369 ? S 0:00 /usr/bin/xprop -root
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3340[19:34:53] <jelly> anotherus3r: use a ps syntax that actually
shows you PPID, eg: ps -fp 1369
3341[19:35:08] <jelly> or a nicer tool like pstree
3342[19:35:26] <anotherus3r> unknown 1369 1368 0 18:12 ? 00:00:00
/usr/bin/xprop -root -spy
3343[19:35:39] <jelly> so 1368 started it.
3344[19:36:16] <jelly> anotherus3r: now go read the code in
/usr/bin/start-pulseaudio-x11 shell script
3345[19:36:24] <jelly> see what it does.
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3348[19:37:56] <anotherus3r> jelly:
3349[19:37:56] *** Quits: ledeni (~ledeni@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3350[19:37:58] <jelly> anotherus3r: it seems to start xprop that
waits forever, as a way to wait while X is running, and only finish
when X root window (that is, the whole X session) is done
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3353[19:38:58] <anotherus3r> jelly: what does this mean for
privacy and security?
3354[19:39:11] <jelly> anotherus3r: absolutely nothing
3355[19:39:34] <anotherus3r> dontknow: jessie backports installed
me the same version of firejail firejail (
3356[19:39:43] <anotherus3r> jelly: ok thanks
3357[19:40:11] <jelly> anotherus3r: you wanted to start
pulseaudio in this session, and this is how it works.
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3359[19:40:39] <dontknow> anotherus3r, i think it is the latest
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3363[19:41:32] <jelly> anotherus3r: play with xprop, see what it
does: start "xprop", it changes the cursor to a cross,
then cliock into an open window. You'll get some (interesting?)
information about that X window. That's what xprop does.
3364[19:42:07] <dontknow> anotherus3r, i have the same version in
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3411[20:01:48] <die7> does make sense to create with fdisk
partitions inside ov lv?
3412[20:01:50] <die7> *of
3413[20:02:49] *** Quits: doyle_ (~doyle@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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3417[20:05:10] <jelly> die7: your question does not really parse,
can you rephrase?
3418[20:05:11] <jelly> !ask
3419[20:05:12] <dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For
example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian
version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I
expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if
anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all
volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get
an answer try a few hours later or on
See <smart questions><errors>.
3420[20:05:37] *** Joins: doyle_ (~doyle@replaced-ip)
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3422[20:06:36] *** Parts: LorD_n1c0w (~igorhenri@replaced-ip)
3423[20:07:29] <die7> jelly: I have one HDD which is in VG01, lv
created DATA, now I do not wish to make it smaller/resize/recerate
it can stay as it is ... I wish to create 3 paririons iside lv_data
with fdisk as disk1/disk2/disk3
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3426[20:07:56] <die7> jelly: does this make sense?
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