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0[00:00:14] *** Quits: v01t (~v01t@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1[00:00:15] <jhutchins> Klaus_Dieter: You might pastebin the
script ( ) and maybe the full output of the
attempted run. It was not clear what you said happened when you ran
the script directly. Might pastebin that as well.
2[00:00:18] <Klaus_Dieter> ahmed751995: apt-get remove eclipse
--- the start of many great software projects.
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5[00:00:27] <jhutchins> ahmed751995: What about it? When was
it released?
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7[00:01:20] <ahmed751995> jhutchins, 4 months ago
8[00:01:50] <jhutchins> Oh. Java. That's why.
9[00:01:53] <Klaus_Dieter> jhutchins: this is the script:
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13[00:03:32] <ahmed751995> jhutchins, what is wrong with java ?
14[00:05:34] <jhutchins> ahmed751995: Much, but developers tend
to maintain their own environment rather than rely on packaging for
this very reason, they want the latest whiz-bang complete with all
the shiney new bugs.
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16[00:07:14] <ahmed751995> hmmmm, thanks jhutchins
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19[00:09:25] <Klaus_Dieter> jhutchins: when running the script
directly, the error message (line 3) in the log does not appear.
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38[00:13:58] <jhutchins> Klaus_Dieter: Why are you using at?
Why not just run the backup directly from the script?
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48[00:15:14] <Klaus_Dieter> jhutchins: because udev will block
for the runtime of the script. the script may move al ot of data but
that takes time. I do not want to block udev for > 1 minute.
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55[00:20:12] <MaBunny> what is a good system stats viewer for
56[00:20:26] <MaBunny> like tht in gnome, system something
57[00:20:33] <MaBunny> or something
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59[00:20:46] <Klaus_Dieter> top
60[00:20:53] <MaBunny> i hav htop
61[00:21:00] <MaBunny> but i want something more
62[00:21:04] <MaBunny> something gui
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64[00:21:11] <Klaus_Dieter> there is a xfce process monitor
65[00:21:12] <Unit193> xfce4-taskmanager?
66[00:21:21] <MaBunny> ok ill search
67[00:21:28] <Klaus_Dieter>
68[00:21:50] <Unit193> Personally I just use htop, ps, kill,
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70[00:22:10] <MaBunny> hmm
71[00:22:18] <MaBunny> i hav to setup conky
72[00:23:06] <Unit193> I have my weather script and gcalcli in
it, nothing interesting.
73[00:23:31] <MaBunny> do you mind sharing the weather one?
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75[00:24:12] <Klaus_Dieter> hm. conky is nice but when on
battery I get 1h less run-time when it is running compared to when
it is not although I hardly ever see it.
76[00:24:14] <Unit193> I mean it's pretty awful and works
best if in teh US, but sure I can. bash script. ;3
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78[00:24:33] <MaBunny> yeah it will do
79[00:24:42] <MaBunny> i hardly know any bash or lua :3
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81[00:25:59] <Unit193>
82[00:26:02] <SuperTramp83> Klaus_Dieter: I find it consumes a
lot less resources when set to update each 2 secs instead of 1,
which is what I used to run it as. Have you tried that?
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84[00:26:46] <MaBunny> thnx
85[00:26:46] <SuperTramp83> MaBunny: I can share my conky if
you want, it's nice and simple :P
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87[00:26:56] <MaBunny> SuperTramp83: cool, do share
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90[00:28:21] <Klaus_Dieter> SuperTramp83: good idea, let me
review my config
91[00:28:27] <SuperTramp83> MaBunny: here u are ->
92[00:28:36] <SuperTramp83> save as .conkyrc in /home
93[00:28:37] <Klaus_Dieter> 1.5 seconds
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95[00:28:53] <MaBunny> thnx SuperTramp83
96[00:29:00] <SuperTramp83> yw
97[00:29:14] <SuperTramp83> Klaus_Dieter: that's good too,
better that each sec..
98[00:29:20] <SuperTramp83> *than
99[00:30:09] <Klaus_Dieter> I have conky show me my calendar
and todo list on the desktop (khal / todoman) but I think I only
need that updated once every couple of minutes. so going from 5s
there to 10 minutes. we'll see how that fares.
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102[00:32:24] <SuperTramp83> MaBunny: you will probably want to
change the value of 'own_window_transparent', if you use
transparency, I have fake transparency, in that I just set the conky
to have the same background as the wallpaper, heh
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106[00:33:24] <Wulf> Help! My gnome-shell process consumes 100%
cpu. But everything appears to be working. Is that a known problem?
Any fix?
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109[00:34:11] <Wulf> never mind, I guess strace shows me
something interesting
110[00:34:38] <Klaus_Dieter> o_O
open("/var/spool/cron/atjobs/.SEQ", O_WRONLY) = -1 EROFS
(Read-only file system)
111[00:34:48] <Klaus_Dieter> it is mounted RW
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114[00:35:02] <Klaus_Dieter> I just wrote to the darn file.
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128[00:45:15] <braingain> help i dont get why my netstat says
listening but nmap says ports closed. iptables nonexisting. any
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145[00:55:11] <braingain> xorg is listening on port 6000 but
openness isnt visible to nmap either locally or remotely
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148[00:56:48] <enzeperix> hello / salutare pulime
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151[00:58:56] <enzeperix> so i have installed Debain Stretch
(9.2 i think ) on a PC with i3 4th generation , 12GB RAM and a
Nvidia GPU ( GT 630 i think ..)
152[00:59:18] <enzeperix> i choosed KDE as a DE
153[00:59:25] <enzeperix> and is buggy as shit
154[00:59:38] <enzeperix> is flikkering like crap
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156[01:00:08] <dTal> enzeperix: I suspect that KDE really
stresses graphics drivers
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159[01:00:54] <dTal> I've recently switched to KDE and I
too find it horribly unstable, but mostly only the graphical
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162[01:01:19] <enzeperix> @dTal idk man you might be right
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166[01:01:44] <enzeperix> i didn't customised too much , i
don't have crazy shiny effects
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168[01:03:21] <enzeperix> dTal: so you suggest changind the DE
to a lighter one
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177[01:05:53] <dTal> enzeperix: Perhaps. KDE is reeeeealy nice
though, so maybe try googling your graphics drivers, see if
it's a know issue / if there's a workaround
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179[01:07:10] <enzeperix> yea that's why i picked this one
i like it very much ...
180[01:08:20] <enzeperix> and i installed the build with the
non-free software packages ( i thought there will be the necessary
drivers there )
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183[01:09:36] <enzeperix> i will dig deeper , on google about
this issue , i just tought that here i will find a shourcut twoards
the resolution
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185[01:10:40] <enzeperix> thanks anyway for support man , i see
there is not much activity here
186[01:10:48] <enzeperix> good night
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227[01:38:50] <noahmg123> Can I safely zero out my entire hard
drive and then install Debian from a USB stick?
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232[01:41:17] <braingain> noahmg123: make sure to be able to
boot from it first
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236[01:42:15] <noahmg123> braingain: is there a possibility of
me breaking the boot sector if I zero out my hard drive?
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245[01:46:45] <braingain> you are going to null your drive,
right? MBR is on the drive. Youll kill the drive, youll kill the MBR
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259[01:52:06] <dTal> noahmg123: a drive is just a bag of bits,
you can zero it just fine no worries
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262[01:52:29] <dTal> you won't break anything and debian
will install just fine afterwards
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264[01:53:14] <dTal> you will erase any boot code that already
exists, but that's alright as debian will install its own
265[01:53:36] <annadane> right
266[01:53:42] <annadane> i don't think booting is a
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272[01:56:20] <noahmg123> Thank you.
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278[02:00:25] <annadane> of course you don't need to zero
your computer just to install debian
279[02:00:35] <annadane> if you select entire disk it'll
just wipe everything anyway
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329[02:48:53] <foul_owl> What's a good media player that
shows milliseconds? Thanks!
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331[02:52:10] <Sveta> foul_owl: avidemux
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333[02:54:33] <foul_owl> Thank you, I will try that
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336[02:58:34] <themill> (of course you hit the frame rate pretty
quickly, with (say) 40 ms per frame)
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378[03:19:43] <tsukiyomi> currently I have debian/windows and
i'm planning to install kali as well. I'm using grub as
bootloader. Imagine I install kali and then i want to remove it by
deleting the kali partition, will I be able to boot into debian like
I normally do?
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384[03:21:12] <Sveta> you can use 'grub-install'
command to specify which partition grub bootloader is using, I think
it would keep using the debian one because that's where you
just put it
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387[03:22:00] <tsukiyomi> Sveta: If kali doesn't reinstall
grub, yes
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460[04:13:45] <_rubik> Is there a recommended way to setup full
disk encryption POST install?
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462[04:14:37] <aedinius> _rubik: I think it needs to be done at
time of filesystem creation
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470[04:16:51] <_rubik> aedinius: Damn. That would require a full
system rebuild...
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472[04:18:06] <_rubik> I'm assuming I could use rsync to
cut that time in half, but that still is a sizeable chunk of time.
473[04:18:09] <themill> If you've got enough space you can
do it post install
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475[04:19:38] <_rubik> themill: partition drive, backup locally,
restore backup, expand partition?
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477[04:21:46] <_rubik> iirc post install part disk encryption is
doable, but not full disk.
478[04:22:35] <themill> you'd normally only encrypt a
partition in any case, leaving /boot outside; inside that luks
container you have lvm with whatever you want
479[04:23:07] <themill> and yeah, if you want to move / then
you'd be doing it off a live CD. At some point, it's
easier to reinstall.
480[04:24:23] <Sveta> foul_owl: avidemux has some licensing
issues, i'm wondering if theres an alternative, eg "vlc
older version 2.0.x +addon " or package subtitleeditor also
plays video with miliseconds (look at "apt search subtitle
editor", I think majority of them would have this feature)
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483[04:25:19] <_rubik> themill: so I gueess luks in-place
conversion is my best bet. Could be worth a try just for experience
sake. Worst case scenario I backup and rebuild.
484[04:25:28] <_rubik> guess*
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486[04:27:13] <themill> _rubik: depending on how much space
you've got it might be more fuss than it is worth. There's
certainly merit in allowing the installer to get all the steps of
the config correct for you.
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493[04:29:20] <_rubik> themill: Come thanksgiving when I have a
free moment I might as well reinstall, and actually take the time to
setup a decent iptable / fail2ban. Thanks for the advice!
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584[05:44:42] <codebam> how can I install a port?
585[05:44:46] <codebam> (package)
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587[05:44:55] *** Lxrowe is now known as HarreePeter
588[05:45:00] <codebam> I added the ports repo to my
sources.list but I get this
589[05:45:12] <codebam> N: Skipping acquire of configured file
'main/binary-amd64/Packages' as repository 'replaced-url
590[05:45:25] *** HarreePeter is now known as Lxrowe
591[05:45:27] <themill> what are you really trying to do?
592[05:45:34] <codebam> I want to install libva1
593[05:45:42] <codebam> because mpv is broken without it
594[05:45:56] <themill> what release of debian is this?
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596[05:46:10] <codebam> sid
597[05:46:11] <codebam> unstable
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599[05:46:46] <themill> libva1 is not in unstable and mpv in
unstable does not require it
600[05:47:19] <codebam> okay fine, but when I try to play music
I get "mpv: error while loading shared libraries:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
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602[05:47:26] <codebam> which means I need libva1
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605[05:48:02] <themill> Can you pastebin the output of
"apt-cache policy libva1 mpv apt libc6; apt-cache policy"?
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607[05:48:41] <annadane> libva1 was replaced with libva2
608[05:49:06] <themill> annadane: libva2 does not contain
609[05:49:38] <codebam>
610[05:50:19] <codebam> themill: ^
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612[05:50:32] <codebam> I have to go but I'll be back in
like 20 mins
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617[05:52:29] <themill> codebam: it might be that mpv is
dlopening things in an odd way and just install libva2 will shut it
618[05:52:47] <themill> codebam: that said, you have a
sufficiently hideous mess there that I'm not going to touch it
at all.
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627[05:58:35] <annadane> my recommendation: nuke your system and
start over from backups
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666[06:35:10] <vutral> is somewhere a list what changed between
stretch and buster?
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669[06:36:51] <annadane> well, buster is only due to be released
in... a year and a half-ish
670[06:37:20] <themill> vutral: there are already about 8000
source packages that have changed between the two releases. No,
no-one keeps a list of what has changed.
671[06:37:37] <annadane> there's a
672[06:38:40] <vutral> thx
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675[06:41:48] <annadane> basically the universal answer is
"everything will change except for abandoned packages"
676[06:42:24] <annadane> in what direction nobody can really
tell because it's highly individual to the programs though
it's generic stuff like "bug fixes and more features"
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678[06:42:34] <annadane> and obviously new packages
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681[06:43:56] <themill> there are non-abandoned packages that
don't change
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868[08:50:48] <zxd> does debian 7 use /usr/lib64 directory ?
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905[09:05:46] <jelly> zxd: no, maybe if you're mixing
releases or have leftovers?
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910[09:09:25] <Kedor> Anyone online?
911[09:09:32] <jelly> !ask
912[09:09:32] <dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For
example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian
version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I
expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if
anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all
volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get
an answer try a few hours later or on
See <smart questions><errors>.
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917[09:11:06] <Wulf> Kedor: yes, someone is.
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920[09:13:00] <Kedor> Wulf: Do you know parrot OS?
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922[09:13:32] <Wulf> Kedor: no. Does it repeat everything you
say with a funny voice?
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925[09:14:54] <Kedor> Err..
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973[09:40:56] <Bushmaster> hi, anyone here
974[09:41:01] <Bushmaster> I am seeking some help
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978[09:42:09] <n4dir> !ask
979[09:42:09] <dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For
example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian
version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I
expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if
anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all
volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get
an answer try a few hours later or on
See <smart questions><errors>.
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986[09:44:24] <Bushmaster> hi thanks n4cht dpkg My Debian OS is
not allowing me to log in, I put correct password for sure but it
pops back to log in screen again, but if I put down wrong password,
it does indicates wrong passowrd
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989[09:45:55] <n4dir> I for one am not good with
display-managers (the stuff which gives you a login screen).
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991[09:46:36] <n4dir> There are log files which might contain
info about such errors (users home ~/.xsession-errors and
992[09:47:10] <n4dir> Try to get a tty, hitting ctrl+alt+F2 (i
am not sure if that still works with systemd, but i think so)
993[09:47:17] <n4dir> if it works, try to login
994[09:47:27] <n4dir> as user, if that doesn't work, try to
log in as root
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997[09:47:57] <n4dir> - other option: wait for someone who knows
the problem or who is good with display managers ....:-)
998[09:48:15] <n4dir> what i said is very general stuff. i doubt
i will be able to help in detail
999[09:48:48] <Bushmaster> understandable and thanks for sheding
some light in it n4cht
1000[09:48:54] <n4dir> my guess is that a file has wrong
permissions ...
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1003[09:49:12] <n4dir> yeah, good luck. Just post what you can
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1006[09:51:49] <Bushmaster> n4dir: I am going to take your
suggestion and give it a shot shortly and try let you know
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1010[09:53:03] <crcrcr> what's glog?
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1018[09:55:59] <n4dir> apt-cache show glog (or similar)
doesn't tell you?
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1026[09:58:24] <crcrcr> i don't have the package
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1028[09:58:55] <crcrcr> it's glog, the google logging module
1029[09:59:12] <n4dir> apt-cache show should work anyway
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1033[09:59:49] <crcrcr> it's a depenci
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1035[10:00:02] <n4dir> probably doesn't tell you more than
what you just posted (the README of sure
doesn't say more ...)
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1052[10:06:00] <RoyK> Anyone that knows if there's such a
thing as an suphp replacement? I want to have a way for apache (or
nginx?) processes to run as the users' UID, and suexec
hasn't been updated in years.
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1056[10:07:53] <jolt> RoyK: I use php-fpm and run it per user
(different pools)
1057[10:08:04] <jolt> RoyK: but that doesn't do anything
with nginx though
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1062[10:11:06] <RoyK> jolt: ok - any idea if there's a howto
on that?
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1066[10:13:44] <RoyK> jolt: oh - does that mean I'll have to
hardcode this in the config for each user/pool?
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1068[10:14:36] <jelly> RoyK: you can use php-fpm with nginx but
yeah, may have to generate config snippets per user
1069[10:15:16] <RoyK> hm - I wish there was something as easy as
1070[10:15:26] <RoyK> or suphp
1071[10:15:28] <RoyK> that is
1072[10:15:36] <jelly> suphp is definitely dead
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1074[10:16:13] <FinalX> and if it wasn't, it should've
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1078[10:16:54] <FinalX> we still have a legacy setup, but that
has a fastcgi wrapper (with a custom suexec), but everything else is
going through fpm :)
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1099[10:28:46] <cybrNaut> ,v mutt
1100[10:28:47] <judd> Package: mutt on amd64 -- wheezy:
1.5.21-6.2+deb7u3; wheezy-security: 1.5.21-6.2+deb7u3; jessie:
1.5.23-3; stretch: 1.7.2-1; buster: 1.8.3+neomutt20170609-2+b1; sid:
1101[10:29:18] <cybrNaut> what does "LTS" mean on this
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1103[10:30:11] <babilen> Long Term Support
1104[10:30:20] *** Joins: schu-r (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
1105[10:30:20] <babilen> dpkg: lts
1106[10:30:20] <dpkg> Debian Long Term Support (LTS) is a project
to extend the lifetime of all Debian stable releases to (at least) 5
years. Debian LTS is not handled by the Debian security team, but by
a separate group of volunteers and companies. Ask me about
<wheezy-lts> and see
1107[10:30:20] <LiuYan> Anyone tried migrating from Fedora to
Debian Unstable? I'm using mate + compiz + emerald in Fedora,
there's an external compiz-reload repository for debian
stretch, but not for unstable.
1108[10:31:11] <babilen> dpkg: compiz
1109[10:31:11] <dpkg> Compiz was a compositing window manager
using OpenGL for rendering. Compiz hasn't been developed for
some time and is no longer part of Debian (see bugs #719870 and
#677864). Plenty of other window managers have the same features as
compiz. For a list of available window managers, run
«apt-cache showpkg x-window-manager». See also
1110[10:31:20] <babilen> LiuYan: ^^^
1111[10:31:43] *** Joins: aielima (~aielima@replaced-ip)
1112[10:31:52] <n4dir> i couldn't think of a single
window-manager which has features like compiz. plenty seems a bit
like an overstretch
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1115[10:32:21] <cybrNaut> babilen: thanks
1116[10:32:29] <babilen> n4dir: I just had the same thought
1117[10:32:39] *** Joins: f4cl3y (~f4cl3y@replaced-ip)
1118[10:32:51] <babilen> And compiz seems to have been
ressurected also, so that factoid is a bit outdated
1119[10:33:10] <n4dir> :-) well: every now and then the bot has a
tiny weird info ...
1120[10:33:29] <babilen>
1121[10:34:08] <babilen> judd: v compiz
1122[10:34:08] *** Quits: [k00l]shamoanjac (~shamoanja@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
1123[10:34:09] <judd> Package: compiz on amd64 -- buster:
1:; sid:
1:; stretch:
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1125[10:34:19] <LiuYan> babilen:
1126[10:34:22] <babilen> In fact 0.9 appears to be packages in
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1128[10:34:58] <LiuYan> babilen: yes, i notice compiz in sid, but
no emerald package
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1130[10:35:19] <babilen> Is emerald still actively developed?
Sorry, I haven't looked into this in years
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1134[10:35:53] <n4dir> quite a while ago i had to use emerald.
Someone at told me how-to, and it wasn't
difficult. The info might be outdated though
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1138[10:36:34] <LiuYan> babilen: emerald seems reloaded in
compiz-reloaded project too
1139[10:36:39] <babilen>
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1142[10:37:27] * LiuYan kind of like compiz + emerald
1143[10:37:31] <babilen> Looks as if that bit has just not been
packaged .. might be possible to use the Debian packages for compiz
and install emerald manually into a stow managed dir in /usr/local
(cf. /msg dpkg stow usage)
1144[10:37:54] <n4dir> LiuYan: i would ask in #debian-next but i
would sure ask that project, compiz-reloaded, if it will work with
debian unstable too (well: i would probably simply give it a try ...
but that is not a good advise)
1145[10:38:19] <n4dir> in addition, not instead of here
1146[10:38:35] <babilen> Well, 0.9 has been packaged for Debian
and I wouldn't be too surprised if the only problem (heh) with
emerald is that it hasn't been packaged yet
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1161[10:45:33] <Bushmaster> n4dir, hi, i have managed to log in
to debian, following your suggeston, it helped man, thanks a lot
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1164[10:46:07] <coreGrl> hi
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1166[10:46:40] <n4dir> Oh. Bushmaster. That is cool. I would have
expected more problems (and mainly those i can't help with ...
). Glad it worked
1167[10:46:47] <LiuYan> n4dir: okay, i'll try #debian-next
chanel, thanks
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1169[10:47:31] <coreGrl> there is a way to conenct to an already
opened graphic session (xorg) from another pc? like vnc for windows
I mean, but with something faster than vnc? (suppose a remove slow
vpn connection)
1170[10:47:35] <LiuYan> ooops, it's needed to be invited to
1171[10:47:46] *** Quits: quamtumslash (~quamtumsl@replaced-ip) (Quit: quamtumslash)
1172[10:47:55] <n4dir> it is a different server, oftc ?
1173[10:47:57] <n4dir> !next
1174[10:47:57] <dpkg> Another happy customer leaves the building.
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1176[10:48:03] <n4dir> !debian-next
1177[10:48:04] <dpkg> #debian-next is the channel for
testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not*
on Freenode. If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is
invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
1178[10:48:04] *** Joins: quamtumslash (~quamtumsl@replaced-ip)
1179[10:49:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1690
1180[10:49:05] <LiuYan> n4dir: okay, thanks again
1181[10:49:57] *** ForceRecon_ is now known as ForceRecon
1182[10:50:06] <n4dir> haven't been there for ages, but i
recall the debian-next channel to be rather silent. Still chances
are higher to run into someone who wants to use compiz on sid too
1183[10:50:18] *** Quits: ForceRecon (~forcereco@replaced-ip) (Changing host)
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1186[10:52:06] <Bushmaster> n4dir, it worked in a weird way, from
my GRUB menu,I went to Debian and I pressed CTR+ALT+F1 and then it
took me to a command mode, where I keep typing username and passowrd
and it kept rejecting it until I found out that the username I was
putting is not capitalize, i then return to main GUI login screen
and click 'not listed' and it allowed me to manually type
uysername which is bushcat and not Bushcat but thing that confused
me now, i
1187[10:52:06] <Bushmaster> been using Debian for over 4 years
and log in sreen always pre-selnt username as Bushcat hence i always
simply typed password but this time i do not know what went wrong
1188[10:52:32] <n4dir> Bushmaster: ah. good
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1190[10:53:14] <Bushmaster> thanks n4dir
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1205[10:58:30] <gunix> what's default firewall for stretch?
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1207[10:59:31] <gunix> or, an even better question: anybody has
XP in configuring nftables?
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1210[11:00:44] <n4dir> gunix: none.
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1213[11:01:38] <gunix> n4dir: none wat?
1214[11:01:56] <towo^work> none default firewall
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1227[11:11:07] <edfox> Hello!
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1232[11:12:04] <edfox> Suddently all the icons on my tray
disappeared (XFCE). I thought it was a bug since it happened after
an upgrade but nothing changed. I tried to delete and readd the tray
plugin from the panel many times and resetting it but i still have
no icons :(
1233[11:13:01] <edfox> Uh, but apparently hexchat can show an
icon. It's the only software that works apparently
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1256[11:35:10] <efrahim> hi. after a reboot lightdm fails to
start x. disabling display-manager service gave me a console after
boot, from which startx, xinit, and lightdm only gives vblack screen
with text cursor. any suggestions?
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1261[11:40:02] <ezra-s> efrahim: after a reboot.. and what
happend before the reboot?
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1263[11:40:14] <ezra-s> driver change perhaps?
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1268[11:41:12] <ezra-s> everything correctly "apt-get
1269[11:41:23] *** Joins: NeoBlaster (~N3oBl@replaced-ip)
1270[11:41:25] <efrahim> ezra-s: no driver change. computer
crashed while trying to install remmina using snap.
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1272[11:42:42] <efrahim> ezra-s: apt-get upgrade finished
sucessfully after crash.
1273[11:43:06] <ezra-s> efrahim: your description seems to say
you are out of window manager, which one do you use?
1274[11:43:34] *** Quits: Devastator (~Devastato@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
1275[11:44:17] <efrahim> ezra-s: Im using the mate desktop, as
installed by debian installer.
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1283[11:47:14] <ezra-s> efrahim: perhaps something from mate was
removed by accident before your last attempt to install remmina,
worth checking if its not running even manually with startx
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1286[11:49:11] <efrahim> ezra-s: running startx gives the same
problem... how do I make sure it runs mate directly and not anything
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1289[11:50:29] <ezra-s> efrahim: exactly, I would check
/var/log/apt/history.log to see if mate packages were changed
recently too
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1294[11:52:53] <efrahim_> ezra-s: grepping for mate from that
file gives nothing
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1299[11:54:27] <ezra-s> efrahim_: I would try to run
/usr/bin/mate-session from .xinitrc and see what happens (for when
you call startx)
1300[11:54:41] <efrahim_> ezra-s: furthermore, there are no
"(EE)" in /var/log/Xorg.0.log, running dpkg-reconfigure on
lightdm and xorg has no effect either.
1301[11:54:50] <efrahim_> ezra-s: aight, will try that
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1307[11:57:38] <efrahim> ezra-s: same thing
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1309[11:58:15] <efrahim> black screen w/ cursor
1310[11:58:35] <efrahim> text-cursor that is
1311[11:58:44] <ezra-s> efrahim: ohh, no mouse pointer
1312[11:58:50] *** Quits: Cavedude (~Cavedude@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
1313[11:59:23] <ezra-s> efrahim: perhaps better paste the whole
output of /var/log/Xorg.0.log and let's see what happens,
preferably in a sane pastebin with no ads
1314[11:59:29] <efrahim> ezra-s: no. no mouse-pointer. sorry for
not being clearer.
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1322[12:01:57] <efrahim> ezra-s: ok. I will try... having no
desktop browsing/copy-pasting is problematic...
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1333[12:06:00] <ezra-s> efrahim: hold a sec, Ill show you a
simple way..
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1336[12:06:36] <ezra-s> efrahim: we use this method in #httpd
-> cat pastedata | curl -F type=nocode -F paste='<-'
1337[12:06:39] <ezra-s> apaste='curl -F
1338[12:06:57] <ezra-s> from terminal ^^^
1339[12:07:12] <ezra-s> perhaps in this channel there is a
similar way, but I'm not familiar yet
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1343[12:09:07] <NoCode> ezra-s, Ding!
1344[12:09:10] <NoCode> :D
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1347[12:10:05] <turnip> I am using luxrender for blender.There
are two versions,openCL and noopenCL.What's the difference
between them?
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1353[12:12:19] <efrahim_> ezra-s: that gives me a html snippet
with "301 moved permanently"
1354[12:13:35] *** Quits: LioneLL (~Pidgin@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving.)
1355[12:13:41] <ezra-s> NoCode: o/
1356[12:13:52] <NoCode> \o
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1358[12:14:21] <ezra-s> efrahim_: wops , there must be a similar
method using curl to post to afamouse pastebin site, don't know
about another of the top of my head
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1363[12:15:58] <efrahim_> ezra-s: I have mailed the file to
someone, asking them to paste it at give me link...
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1373[12:19:39] <efrahim_> ezra-s: (perhaps...
lynx and links refuse to show me tha page...)
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1375[12:20:32] <ezra-s> seems "pastebinit" has the tool
to do the job too
1376[12:20:44] <efrahim_> efrahim_: oh, now I got it. yes, that
is the correct paste.
1377[12:20:50] <efrahim_> cool
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1379[12:22:03] <ezra-s> efrahim_: which graphics card do you
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1383[12:23:06] <efrahim_> ezra-s: lspci: VGA ... : Intel ... you
want more info?
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1386[12:23:41] <ezra-s> efrahim_: no, that's enough for now,
I don't know why the heck it is defaulting to use vesa driver
instead of the intel one
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1388[12:24:30] <ezra-s> efrahim_: with root terminal run this:
Xorg -configure
1389[12:24:45] <efrahim_> yeah, I saw the vesa warnings too.
lspci with a bunch of -vvv gives "Kernel module in use
1390[12:24:51] <ezra-s> it will create a xorg.conf file, see if
it specifies intel
1391[12:25:21] <ezra-s> "Driver "intel""
1392[12:25:57] <efrahim_> ezra-s: yepp, says "intel"
under device -> card0 driver.
1393[12:26:13] <efrahim_> so yeah, a line "Driver
1394[12:26:33] <ezra-s> efrahim_: fantastic, if you have
"/etc/X11/xorg.conf" make a backup, if not copy the file
generated into that exact path
1395[12:26:41] *** LuCkER is now known as lucioam
1396[12:27:25] <efrahim_> ezra-s: done
1397[12:27:35] <efrahim_> ezra-s: I presume I try startx again
1398[12:27:42] <ezra-s> although your xorg output doesn't
imply an error, let's see if the black window with cursos has
anything to do with it
1399[12:27:55] <ezra-s> efrahim_: when you try startx make sure
lightdm or such services are stopped
1400[12:28:42] <ezra-s> iirc you can always try "Xorg
:1" or similar manually but still..
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1403[12:29:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1690
1404[12:29:43] <efrahim_> ezra-s: that is another funny thing...
to get the computer to boot to console I "systemctl disable
display-manager" but then "systemctl start
display-manager" gives no such service messages... so I suppose
my DM is gone.
1405[12:29:54] * ezra-s doesn't know why default Xorg conf
(without conf file) defaults to vesa instead of trying to use the
intel driver right away
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1407[12:30:33] <devel_> Hello, any one managed to push opensource
mta to 1m+ mails per hour?
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1411[12:32:12] <ezra-s> devel_: 277 per second, you need good
hardware not just opensource mta
1412[12:32:44] <devel_> atm 60k per h using only 3 % of 4 cores
and around 50mb ram lol
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1414[12:33:15] <devel_> cant go any further, i am stuck, and from
the info on the net, postfix would perform even worse
1415[12:33:59] <ezra-s> devel_: seems like a very specific query
for a distro channel, perhaps inquery in the channel of the mta you
use, or in the postfix channel.
1416[12:34:12] <ezra-s> inquiry
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1419[12:34:20] <devel_> Yeh, no people there
1420[12:34:33] <efrahim_> ezra-s: same thing as before.
1421[12:34:37] <ezra-s> devel_: #postfix is filled up
1422[12:35:05] <devel_> Right, but you need to registrate on
postfix :D
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1433[12:39:07] <efrahim_> ezra-s: the log now ends with a
"(EE) Server terminated with error (2)", but I did not get
a working console back... (whenever I try to start x, trough
lightdm, startx, xinit, the coputer is unresponseive to input and I
have to shut it off manually)
1434[12:39:42] <efrahim_> ezra-s: but the computer is still
functioning (eg. can ssh to it)
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1436[12:40:21] <ezra-s> efrahim_: perhaps with the previous
messages before that one we might get a clue
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1443[12:42:23] <CrazyTux> hello, what can we add to Debian 9 to
make it easy for a linux newbie and a windows user?
1444[12:42:46] <devel_> install kde
1445[12:42:58] <CrazyTux> ok
1446[12:43:12] <mr__tea> use gnome!
1447[12:43:16] *** Joins: lsv_ (~nn@replaced-ip)
1448[12:43:29] <CrazyTux> anything else that will make it easier
and intuitive for a linux beginner?
1449[12:43:36] *** Quits: gpunk (~gpunk@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
1450[12:43:37] <babilen> CrazyTux: A cup of tea and some time
explaining specific Linux knowledge to the new user. Hand over a
printed copy of the Administration Guide also
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1452[12:44:03] *** Joins: gpunk (~gpunk@replaced-ip)
1453[12:44:19] <CrazyTux> ok. For someone who completely relies
on GUI for most of his work?
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1457[12:45:39] <babilen> Install a browser and a (graphical) tool
for package management (and ensure that security upgrades are
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1460[12:46:15] <CrazyTux> babilen, please suggest a graphical
tool for package management.
1461[12:46:23] <jrabe> packagekit
1462[12:46:29] <efrahim_> ezra-s: the two lines above are about
/root/ being my new xorg.conf file and how to try it
out. Before that, about detecting a mouse at /dev/input/mice, then
three lines for loading intel and two lines saying it is disabling
keyboard0 and mouse0
1463[12:46:32] <babilen> I don't use any, but that
shouldn't be too hard to figure out
1464[12:46:33] <jrabe> It's also good for them to have a
rough idea of how the terminal works, in case they need to look up a
1465[12:46:46] <CrazyTux> ok
1466[12:46:47] <jrabe> They don't need to know how to use
it, just that it exists and how to open it.
1467[12:47:07] <jrabe> (and that it's a powerful but
dangerous tool for inexperienced users)
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1470[12:47:19] <efrahim_> ezra-s:
1471[12:47:23] <CrazyTux> can I make Debian 9 as intuitive as
Mint or Ubuntu?
1472[12:47:53] <gpunk> CrazyTux I guess yes, it depends on the DE
1473[12:48:11] <CrazyTux> gpunk, which DE would you suggest?
1474[12:48:25] *** Quits: gryffus (~gryffus@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
1475[12:48:35] <gpunk> I am perso on Gnome
1476[12:48:36] <babilen> CrazyTux: What is so unintuitive about
Debian as opposed to, say, Ubuntu?
1477[12:48:41] <Unit193> I think 'synaptic' for a GUI
package manager, 'gnome-software' for a software center.
The latter only picks up stuff that have appstream data though, so
it's much less powerful (and useful, IMO.)
1478[12:49:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1698
1479[12:49:23] <gpunk> gnome-software exists and is installed by
default on debian
1480[12:49:30] <gpunk> synaptic too of course
1481[12:50:34] <ezra-s> efrahim_: but try to copy it in
/etc/X11/xorg.conf like I mentioned earlier, not sure what error is
refered in the last line
1482[12:50:57] <CrazyTux> how is Cinnamon?
1483[12:51:11] <efrahim_> ezra-s: I did... where the message comes from I do not know.
1484[12:51:15] <gpunk> spicy
1485[12:51:16] <Unit193> gpunk: What precisely do you mean
'by default' in this context?
1486[12:51:42] <efrahim_> ezra-s: Thansk for the help, but I have
to leave now. I be back in this channel looking for help later.
thanks again
1487[12:51:50] <gpunk> Unit193 it is available out of the box,
when you install task-gnome
1488[12:51:51] <ezra-s> efrahim_: but your paste says
"/root/" :(
1489[12:51:58] <ezra-s> efrahim_: ok!
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1504[12:59:06] <pragomer> hi. is it safe to convert my
luks/dmcrypt encrypted ext4 root partition to btrfs for beeing able
to work with snapshots?
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1513[13:02:24] <matrix_architect> pragomer, sounds like a
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1519[13:04:46] <pragomer> i know *LOL*
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1521[13:05:20] <pragomer> it just tried out suse tumbleweed
functionality with btrfs and snapshots of root-partition
(encrypted!) and it worked
1522[13:05:33] <pragomer> so I thought about converting my ext4
to btrfs
1523[13:05:46] <pragomer> sounds like a nightmare *lol*
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1538[13:12:13] <unchained> hey I am new on debian, and I
downloaded a .dsc file it is supposed to be needed to install a
sofware, but I don't know how to handle it, any help ?
1539[13:12:20] <CrazyTux> which is the most intuitive and
beginner friendly DE that I can install on Debian? for those
switching from Windows?
1540[13:12:29] <CrazyTux> it has to be stable, though.
1541[13:12:44] <SirLagz> CrazyTux: XFCE can be made to look
pretty similar to windows
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1544[13:13:23] <CrazyTux> SirLagz, could you please provide a
link to the site where that is explained?
1545[13:13:44] <SirLagz> CrazyTux: where what can be explained?
1546[13:13:46] <ezra-s> CrazyTux: MATE is intuitive for former
windows users too
1547[13:14:20] <babilen> unchained: A .dsc is needed if you want
to build a package, rather than install an already build one (for
which you'd use a .deb)
1548[13:14:28] <CrazyTux> SirLagz, how xfce can be made easier to
windows users.
1549[13:14:38] <ikonia> CrazyTux: you ask this question every
1550[13:14:38] *** Joins: moozer (~moz@replaced-ip)
1551[13:14:46] <matrix_architect> CrazyTux, kde on debian
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1553[13:14:54] <rawruw> what does "toast up with the
gang" mean? :P
1554[13:14:55] <ikonia> CrazyTux: you brag telling people how you
are supporting beginner users onto linux, and then swap distros and
desktops every 5 minutes,
1555[13:14:58] <SirLagz> CrazyTux: just set it up to look like it
when you install it?
1556[13:15:03] <CrazyTux> ikonia, no. I am installing Debian for
a windows user.
1557[13:15:12] <ikonia> CrazyTux: right, so thats exactly what I
just said
1558[13:15:16] <unchained> allright I will find a .deb file for
the install thx babilen
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1561[13:15:48] <babilen> Why is "Looking like Windows"
seen as a good thing? They are different systems that behave
differently, and if you imply similarity people will draw
conclusions that don't necessarily hold true. My mum is happily
using Linux with Gnome and finds it a lot easier to navigate than
the "horribly overladen Windows" she had to use back in
the day
1562[13:15:51] *** christia2 is now known as giirt
1563[13:15:56] <babilen> unchained: What are you after?
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1565[13:16:12] <CrazyTux> ikonia, after exploring several distros
I have decided to stick to a few distros. Those that are mainstream.
1566[13:16:34] <CrazyTux> and I don't intend to try any new
distro now.
1567[13:16:45] <ikonia> CrazyTux: yes, you said that too, about
50 times, here you are now, asking what desktop you should install
1568[13:16:59] <CrazyTux> I am using Debian now and won't
switch to other distro.
1569[13:17:22] *** Quits: BWMerlin (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
1570[13:17:32] <ikonia> CrazyTux: I don't care (personally)
what you use, and you've said this before, but again,
you've been uysing linux for over a year now, and you brag that
you personally support "noobs" so why are you asking what
desktop to install
1571[13:17:35] *** Quits: efrahim_ (~unknown@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
1572[13:17:46] <CrazyTux> ikonia, yes. I asked about the various
ways in which Debian 9 could be made easier to a linux beginner.
1573[13:18:07] <ikonia> CrazyTux: right, you're a beginner,
so what don't you work out what you need
1574[13:18:12] *** Quits: J0hnD0h (~jeff@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1575[13:18:18] <CrazyTux> ikonia, because I have used xfce
1576[13:18:27] <CrazyTux> haven't tried others much.
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1578[13:19:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1705
1579[13:19:05] <ikonia> you've been asking about kde, gnome,
unity, cinnamon for months now, so whatever,
1580[13:19:52] *** Joins: Gaaab (~Gaaab@replaced-ip)
1581[13:19:56] <SirLagz> CrazyTux: well if you've used XFCE,
just install XFCE. when they ask you for help, you'll know how
to help them
1582[13:20:08] <ikonia> wisdom
1583[13:20:38] <CrazyTux> SirLagz, ok. How can I make the top
panel in xfce appear at the bottom?
1584[13:20:52] *** Quits: f10_ (~flo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
1585[13:20:54] <SirLagz> CrazyTux: have you even tried?
1586[13:21:04] <CrazyTux> SirLagz, no.
1587[13:21:11] <unchained> babilen I founded my software on .deb
1588[13:21:18] <SirLagz> CrazyTux: why don't you try and
work it out first and if you need help, come back and ask
1589[13:21:24] <CrazyTux> I have been using the default settings
1590[13:21:29] <CrazyTux> ok
1591[13:21:34] <babilen> unchained: great
1592[13:21:35] <SirLagz> CrazyTux: you'll learn much better
if you work things out yourself
1593[13:21:51] *** Quits: Velgor (~Velgor@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
1594[13:21:54] <unchained> it's now installed and works ! :D
1595[13:23:12] <CrazyTux> is there any tool like Opensuse Yast or
Mageia's Control Centre that we can install on Debian 9?
1596[13:23:36] <CrazyTux> or is something like that available on
other DEs?
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1598[13:24:13] <SirLagz> CrazyTux: synaptic
1599[13:24:37] <CrazyTux> SirLagz, ok. I know Synaptic. I have
that installed now.
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1601[13:25:07] <unchained> if it's not on synaptic you can
add repositories on sources.list I think, is it correct ?
1602[13:25:10] <matrix_architect> kde has its own software center
on debian
1603[13:25:14] *** Joins: xp (~xp@replaced-ip)
1604[13:25:32] <Unit193> moun, or something like that I believe.
1605[13:25:36] <CrazyTux> does KDE have it?
1606[13:25:48] *** Joins: sdrac8 (~sdrac8@replaced-ip)
1607[13:25:58] <CrazyTux> then, I will try KDE.
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1609[13:26:31] <SirLagz> ikonia: I see.
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1611[13:26:40] <CrazyTux> thanks a lot.
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1619[13:30:45] <giirt> Hello, what is the preferred method of
making a debian dist. Should I mount the .deb iso and make my
1620[13:31:17] <SirLagz> giirt: what are you trying to do?
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1629[13:33:01] <giirt> Just for fun. I want to make a basic
debian dist where I: I want to install tor-daemon, insert firewall
rules that block network access to all applications except
tor-daemon and make the debian boot from CD.
1630[13:33:11] *** Quits: songww (~songww@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1631[13:33:11] <giirt> SirLagz: Kinda like tails
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1637[13:34:25] <SirLagz> giirt: ah k
1638[13:34:25] <giirt> SirLagz: I intend to make a minimalistic
tails. I plan on making a script that mounts the .iso, makes the
required changes and saves the iso. Is this a common method?
1639[13:34:35] *** Quits: songww (~songww@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1640[13:34:48] <SirLagz> giirt: you can't change an ISO file
because ISO files are readonly. You'd need to build a new iso
after modifying the files
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1642[13:35:13] <SirLagz> giirt: well. I should say I'm not
aware on any methods to change an ISO file
1643[13:35:30] <SirLagz> giirt: the times I've done
something similar, I built a new ISO from existing ISO files
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1645[13:35:57] <giirt> SirLagz: Okey, thx for the info!
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1653[13:37:46] <SirLagz> giirt: nop
1654[13:37:49] <SirLagz> no probs
1655[13:38:29] <Unit193> SirLagz: You can, it's just not
exactly like that. Have to mount, unsquashfs, chroot/make changes,
squashfs it, then create the iso using xorriso or something.
1656[13:38:48] *** Joins: dave0x6d (uid190567@replaced-ip)
1657[13:39:01] <SirLagz> Unit193: exactly what I said, need to
recreate the iso, can't modify an ISO file.
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1661[13:39:57] <Unit193> Ah, way past sleep time, sorry for
1662[13:40:03] *** Joins: Cabanossi (~Cabanossi@replaced-ip)
1663[13:40:04] <SirLagz> Unit193: no problems
1664[13:40:14] <giirt> Unit193: Thanks for details (y). This will
be fun to try!
1665[13:40:19] *** Quits: nibble_zero (~AndChat26@replaced-ip) ()
1666[13:40:36] <Unit193> I was thinking from scratch, using
live-build (or live-wrapper, once it's more complete.)
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1670[13:42:00] <giirt> Unit193: So, live-build can be used to
make the operating system bootable directly from CD?
1671[13:42:18] <Unit193> giirt: live-build is how you create it
from scratch, yes.
1672[13:42:57] *** Joins: alecov (~control@replaced-ip)
1673[13:43:52] <giirt> Unit193: Aha, great! BTW, is the
unsquashfs and squashfs method the "common" approach to
making dists? Does Ubuntu for example work this way when building
1674[13:43:56] <nodiscc> giirt: i have an example live-build
config if you want
1675[13:44:28] <giirt> nodiscc: I'd very much like to see
your config example!
1676[13:44:40] <nodiscc> i think ubuntu uses debian-cd, i might
be wrong
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1679[13:45:27] <nodiscc> giirt:
1680[13:45:27] <linurandy> hello to everyone, i've problems
with my wifi and bluetooth. I see networks but i can't create
hotspot. I've debian 9 and I uses Network-Manager with Gnome
1681[13:45:32] *** Joins: Pitticus (~Pitticus@replaced-ip)
1682[13:45:42] <Unit193> Ubuntu uses 'livecd-rootfs',
'debian-cd', and 'ubuntu-cdimage'.
1683[13:46:30] <[0x9090]> hello ! , I need to upgrade me server
from debian 7.11 to debian 9 ,, when I change the sources list and
update it give me error
1684[13:46:57] <nodiscc> [0x9090]: please pastebin your
1685[13:47:05] *** Joins: jubo2 (~juboxi@replaced-ip)
1686[13:47:09] <nodiscc> and the actual error message
1687[13:47:31] <linurandy> hello to everyone, i've problems
with my wifi and bluetooth. I see networks but i can't create
hotspot. I've debian 9 and I uses Network-Manager with Gnome
1688[13:47:36] *** Joins: Velgor (~Velgor@replaced-ip)
1689[13:47:48] <themill> [0x9090]: and you need to upgrade to
Debian 8 first.
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1694[13:50:02] <[0x9090]> my sources list is the same with
1695[13:50:31] *** Joins: Nekojimi (~jimj316@replaced-ip)
1696[13:50:57] <themill> [0x9090]: people what to see what you
actually have not some wiki page. (and you still need to upgrade to
Debian 8 first)
1697[13:50:58] <linurandy> [0x9090]: you need to upgrade to
debian 8 first, for not create conflict
1698[13:51:11] *** Quits: SmearedBeard (~SmearedBe@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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1700[13:52:29] <flipper8827> been yup sense 3am pst
1701[13:53:27] *** Joins: NeoBlaster (~N3oBl@replaced-ip)
1702[13:53:40] <[0x9090]> <themill> <linurandy>
thanks alot ,,, I will do it , is my configuration safe while
upgrade ?
1703[13:53:45] *** Joins: shannara_ (~Stanislas@replaced-ip)
1704[13:53:58] <themill> [0x9090]: you should read the release
1705[13:54:10] *** Quits: shannara_ (~Stanislas@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1706[13:54:18] <nodiscc> [0x9090]: i would do a backup before
upgrading, just in case. something you can revert to if things go
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1708[13:54:40] <[0x9090]> ok , great thanks alot
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1712[13:55:57] <rawruw> Required: parse the other modules too on
failure. Requisite: return directly on fail. Sufficient: return on
success. But what about running the other modules too on success
without returning?
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1737[14:08:40] <linurandy> [0x9090]: in my experience debian is
very stable with that type of process
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1743[14:09:08] <linurandy> hello to everyone, i've problems
with my wifi and bluetooth. I see networks but i can't create
hotspot. I've debian 9 and I uses Network-Manager with Gnome
1744[14:09:42] <themill> you don't create a hotspot with n-m
1745[14:10:54] <themill> ,i hostapd
1746[14:10:55] <judd> Package hostapd (net, optional) in
stretch/amd64: IEEE 802.11 AP and IEEE 802.1X/WPA/WPA2/EAP
Authenticator. Version: 2:2.4-1; Size: 547.1k; Installed: 1393k;
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1751[14:12:59] <linurandy> themill, judd: but i think is for the
driver i use Network controller: Broadco
1752[14:13:00] <OtakuSenpai> hello
1753[14:13:00] *** Joins: jelly-home (jelly@replaced-ip)
1754[14:13:24] <OtakuSenpai> how do i add fontconfig's path
to bashrc?
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1762[14:18:45] <OtakuSenpai> i mean is it a executable?
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1764[14:18:53] <OtakuSenpai> idk what it is
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1767[14:19:02] <OtakuSenpai> can anyone tell me?
1768[14:19:14] <OtakuSenpai> i hav it installed
1769[14:19:28] <themill> !wayttd
1770[14:19:28] <dpkg> What Are You Trying To Do?
1771[14:19:50] <OtakuSenpai> im trying to compile a game
1772[14:19:58] <OtakuSenpai> and it requires fontconfig
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1774[14:20:03] <OtakuSenpai> which autotools cant find
1775[14:20:09] <OtakuSenpai> even if its installed
1776[14:20:13] <OtakuSenpai> it sux
1777[14:20:15] <themill> if what is installed?
1778[14:20:25] <OtakuSenpai> fontconfig
1779[14:20:28] <themill> (real commands and real output in a
1780[14:20:34] <OtakuSenpai> wait
1781[14:20:49] <OtakuSenpai>
1782[14:20:56] <OtakuSenpai> thts the configure script
1783[14:20:57] *** Quits: tobiasBora (~tobiasBor@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1784[14:21:05] <OtakuSenpai> you will find the error there
1785[14:21:08] <themill> and you need -dev packages to compile
things, just like last time. and the time before
1786[14:21:09] <tw> Do you have the development package for
fontconfig installed?
1787[14:21:18] <OtakuSenpai> idk
1788[14:21:35] <OtakuSenpai> no
1789[14:21:44] <OtakuSenpai> ok im gonna install then\m too
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1791[14:24:13] <tw> have you considered using apt-get build-dep
on the packaged version of whatever you're trying to install to
get the known dependencies?
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1794[14:24:42] <OtakuSenpai> tw its a build from source
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1796[14:25:00] <tw> I know, but you didn't write it, so odds
are good it is already packaged for debian.
1797[14:25:01] <OtakuSenpai> the game itself has its source code
on github so
1798[14:25:09] <OtakuSenpai> no it isnt
1799[14:25:13] <OtakuSenpai> ,v naev
1800[14:25:14] <judd> No package named 'naev' was found
in amd64.
1801[14:25:27] <tw> Ah, well, no luck there then.
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1805[14:25:52] <OtakuSenpai> thnx guys
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1868[14:52:40] <altab> hello, I accidentally deleted my
/etc/crontab file so when I edit crontab (crontab-e), the file
isn't saved; is there a way to regenerate an /etc/crontab file?
(touch /etc/crontab doesn't work : the crontab -e content
isn't saved in the file)
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1875[14:54:54] <lucioam> does anyone know about Raspberry?
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1885[14:58:32] <jelly> lucioam: are you talking about raspberry
pi series of hardware platforms?
1886[14:59:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1721
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1889[15:00:34] <jrabe> altab, check the file's permissions,
should be "-rw-r--r-- 1 root root" I believe
1890[15:00:56] <linuxthefish> hi, is there any way to search apt
for packages that contain a file?
1891[15:00:57] <jrabe> i.e. 644 and root-owned
1892[15:00:59] <linuxthefish> i'm looking for
1893[15:01:05] *** Joins: AliasSpider (~HeadAdmin@replaced-ip)
1894[15:01:25] <jelly> dselect: confmiss
1895[15:01:25] <dselect> You have to especially tell the
packaging system to reinstall config files because when they are
gone, it is assumed that you want them to stay deleted.
"aptitude -o DPkg::Options::='--force-confmiss'
reinstall $packagename" will restore them (man dpkg for
details). If the package uses <ucf> for config file
management, ask me about <ucf confmiss>.
1896[15:01:27] *** Quits: d00bster (~d00b@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1897[15:01:30] <jelly> altab: ^^
1898[15:01:30] *** Joins: Ekchuan (~RandyMars@replaced-ip)
1899[15:02:01] <jelly> altab: /etc/crontab comes with package
named: cron
1900[15:02:05] *** Quits: AliasSpider (~HeadAdmin@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1901[15:02:29] <jrabe> linuxthefish, openssl?
1902[15:02:40] *** Quits: [0x9090] (9cde922b@replaced-ip) (Quit: Page closed)
1903[15:02:41] <jelly> linuxthefish: that one has not existed
since debian 6, squeeze, so you need squeeze sources (and the
package name was libssl0.9.8)
1904[15:03:13] *** Quits: nodiscc (~auto@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
1905[15:03:16] <jelly> dselect: squeeze sources.list
1906[15:03:16] <dselect> A suitable /etc/apt/sources.list for
Debian 6.0 "Squeeze" has two lines: "deb
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1911[15:05:01] <linuxthefish> jelly is there any way to search
for the package?
1912[15:05:17] <jelly> linuxthefish: add squeeze sources and use
1913[15:05:49] <linuxthefish> won't that mess stuff up? i
thought mixing sources from different versions was not allowed
1914[15:07:42] <jelly> adding sources for NEWER releases is vrey
problematic. Older, less so
1915[15:08:15] <lucioam> jelly: yes
1916[15:08:31] <jelly> linuxthefish: even then, adding sources
does not do damage. Installing stuff does
1917[15:08:37] <CuteMeOwnThroat> dpkg, tell linuxthefish about
1918[15:08:48] <jelly> CuteMeOwnThroat: she's dead, Jim
1919[15:08:52] *** Quits: d00bster (~d00b@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1920[15:08:52] <CuteMeOwnThroat> dpkg, test
1921[15:08:53] <dpkg> Test failed.
1922[15:09:07] <jelly> dselect, tell CuteMeOwnThroat about msg
the bot
1923[15:09:13] <CuteMeOwnThroat> jelly, đ
1924[15:09:24] <CuteMeOwnThroat> revival successful
1925[15:09:45] <CuteMeOwnThroat> wtf was that for
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1928[15:11:33] <linuxthefish> hmm apt-file gives me but no
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1930[15:13:07] <linuxthefish> ah nvm i manually copied
1931[15:13:39] <likcoras> YOu can also search for files with judd
in here, btw.
1932[15:13:46] <likcoras> ,file
1933[15:13:50] <judd> Search for in
stretch/amd64: libcrypto++6:
1934[15:14:51] <linuxthefish> ,file
1935[15:14:55] <judd> No packages in stretch/amd64 were found
with that file.
1936[15:14:59] <linuxthefish> ,file
1937[15:15:03] <judd> No packages in stretch/amd64 were found
with that file.
1938[15:15:06] <linuxthefish> ,file
1939[15:15:10] <judd> No packages in stretch/amd64 were found
with that file.
1940[15:15:13] <linuxthefish> ,file
1941[15:15:16] <judd> Search for in stretch/amd64:
libssl-dev: usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/; libssl1.0-dev:
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1945[15:15:34] <likcoras> linuxthefish: it works if you PM judd
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1948[15:17:00] <linuxthefish> hmm it keeps wanting to use debian
sid repo, should i remove temporarily?
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1953[15:19:17] <jelly> linuxthefish: what "keeps
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1958[15:20:04] <jelly> linuxthefish: judd does not care about
squeeze any more, it doesn't know about any archived release
1959[15:20:36] <linuxthefish> ah it's ok i solved now!
1960[15:20:42] <linuxthefish> thanks guys
1961[15:20:46] <linurandy> i'm really can't understead
why i can't create hotspot with Network controller: Broadcom
Limited BCM43142 802.11b/g/n (rev 01)
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1969[15:26:19] <giirt>
1970[15:26:55] <giirt> Have anyone experience with including
gpg-keys to live-boot?
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2034[16:04:17] <Wulf> giirt: nope, but shouldn't be hard.
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2036[16:04:28] <Wulf> giirt: include how and why?
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2041[16:04:50] <Wulf> ah, for apt repos
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2043[16:06:23] <Wulf> giirt: there are hook scripts
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2046[16:07:10] <Wulf> config/hooks/live/
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2073[16:17:57] <dcpc007> Hi all
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2077[16:19:11] <dcpc007> to get the total size of file modified
<30days in a big repo, do you see better (more efficient) than a
"find -mtime | ls -l or du -k | awk with SUM on size
field" ? (millions entries)
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2079[16:19:41] <b-04> hi to all :)
2080[16:19:43] <b-04> I just created a cron that runs every 30
minutes, is there a way to force the execution to run now?
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2083[16:20:21] <b-04> I mean, let's run from the crontab
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2085[16:20:36] <b-04> force to run crontab list
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2090[16:23:43] <jelly> b-04: no. You can add a copy of the same
job and change time so that it runs next minute+1
2091[16:24:39] <jelly> (why not next minute? Because next minute
cron daemon only notices a crontab file was changed, and runs any
new job only a minute after that if it's scheduled then)
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2098[16:28:21] <cymen> Since it is apparently rather common these
days to ask people to add a repository to add I was wondering if
there is any sort of access control that I can impose.
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2100[16:28:43] <cymen> Is it possible for example to restrict the
google chrome repository from replacing my gcc. :)
2101[16:28:58] <jelly> sadly no
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2104[16:29:53] <jelly> might be able to do something with
pinning, but that'd be a kldge
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2115[16:35:32] <jelly> cymen: even if you could, installation
scripts for all packages run as root
2116[16:35:58] <jelly> but it might still be a nice feature
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2126[16:39:08] <aetheryxes9514> hello, I'm trying to install
a font on my raspbian system (so I hope I'm in the right
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2128[16:39:37] <aetheryxes9514> I followed the guide listed here
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2131[16:39:46] <aetheryxes9514> and it is not recognized by any
other programs
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2140[16:41:41] <cymen> jelly: good point, so it makes no sense
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2143[16:42:30] <jelly> it does, but not really for security
purposes, more to avoid accidental damage
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2145[16:44:01] <jelly> !raspbian
2146[16:44:02] <dpkg> Raspbian is a distribution <based on
Debian> made specifically for the <Raspberry Pi>. Raspbian
is not Debian and it is not supported in #debian. Please use
#raspbian on for support.
2147[16:44:10] <jelly> dselect: raspbian
2148[16:44:10] <dselect> Raspbian is a distribution <based on
Debian> made specifically for the <Raspberry Pi>. Raspbian
is not Debian and it is not supported in #debian. Please use
#raspbian on for support.
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2150[16:44:22] <aetheryxes9514> Thank you!
2151[16:45:17] <b-04> jelly: thanks man :)
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2251[17:24:44] <jim> jelly, huh? wha??? someone's dead,
2252[17:27:09] <jelly> heh
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2255[17:29:49] <CuteMeOwnThroat> it happens ^^
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2260[17:30:41] <CuteMeOwnThroat> sum ar moar dedd then otters
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2300[17:56:08] <cymen> sudo apt install afl afl-clang afl-cov
2301[17:56:12] <cymen> y
2302[17:56:50] <CuteMeOwnThroat> this is not a shell
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2305[17:58:29] <cymen> til
2306[17:58:39] <cymen> if you enable group all in terminator it
will group even different windows :o
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2309[17:59:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1727
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2318[18:02:27] <vutral> someone noticed systemd needing like 11GB
of ram?
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2322[18:03:35] <jelly> vutral: on its own? that'd be a bug
2323[18:04:06] <vutral> yes on its own
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2325[18:04:15] <jelly> no, haven't noticed anything similar
on debian 8 or 9
2326[18:04:37] <n4dir> nor have i ever heard of it
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2330[18:06:24] <jhutchins> Mine's using 0.1% of 4G, so
around 4K.
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2333[18:06:50] <jhutchins> 40K? Decimal ponts don't want to
line up this morning.
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2335[18:07:18] <vutral> i just read it often happens when systemd
fails to start something ^^
2336[18:07:27] <vutral> it just keeps growing
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2338[18:07:34] <vutral> its a serious bug
2339[18:08:02] <tharkun> Good $DAY is there an aditional way to
copy an iso image into a usb drive?
2340[18:08:25] <vutral> dd if=iso.img of=/dev/usbdrive
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2342[18:10:03] <jelly> vutral: which debian release is this?
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2348[18:10:37] <jelly> tharkun: in addition to cp blah.iso
/dev/sdx; sync, or what?
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2352[18:11:38] <jelly> vutral: pastebin the output of "top
-o %MEM |head -n 17; dpkg -l dpkg libc6 systemd\*|grep
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2355[18:12:23] <jhutchins> tharkun: You can use pretty much any
copy program if you copy directly to the unmounted device.
2356[18:12:37] <vutral> jelly, i have rebooted now
2357[18:12:41] <jhutchins> tharkun: There are also linux versions
of programs like unetbootin if you want handholding.
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2361[18:13:55] <jelly> caveat
2362[18:13:57] <jelly> !unetbootin
2363[18:13:57] <dpkg> UNetbootin (Universal Netboot Installer)
allows creation of bootable USB drives for a variety of Linux
2364[18:14:02] <jelly> dselect: unetbootin
2365[18:14:02] <dselect> UNetbootin (Universal Netboot Installer)
allows creation of bootable USB drives for a variety of Linux
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2378[18:18:55] <Hela> hola vatos
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2389[18:23:14] <jelly> vutral: good for you. Still, which debian
release is this and which version of systemd and systemd-sysv
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2392[18:24:48] <vutral> debian stretch
2393[18:24:54] <vutral> how do i get the version of systemd ?
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2395[18:25:28] <Scrutinizer> systemctl --version
2396[18:25:59] <vutral> systemd 235-2 systemd-sysv 235-2
2397[18:26:11] <greycat> or, dpkg -l systemd systemd-sysv | grep
2398[18:26:35] <greycat> or grep ^.i just in case you have one of
them on hold
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2402[18:27:10] <greycat> vutral: any chance your 235-2 is
truncated by screen width?
2403[18:27:11] <jelly> 235-2 looks cut off or unlikely old
2404[18:27:19] <jelly> ,v systemd
2405[18:27:20] <judd> Package: systemd on amd64 -- wheezy:
44-11+deb7u4; wheezy-security: 44-11+deb7u5; wheezy-backports:
204-14~bpo70+1; jessie: 215-17+deb8u7; jessie-backports:
230-7~bpo8+2; stretch: 232-25+deb9u1; stretch-backports:
234-3~bpo9+1; buster: 235-2; sid: 235-2
2406[18:27:49] *** Quits: mavhq (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2407[18:27:54] <jelly> vutral: or you're not running
stretch, in which case all bets are off
2408[18:28:28] <jelly> found a bug in testing/unstable? Great!
Report it so it gets fixed
2409[18:28:32] *** Quits: oojacoboo (~oojacoboo@replaced-ip) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2410[18:28:58] <tharkun> jelly: precisely, I've allways used
dd but I recalled a comment that used cp. Thanks
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2412[18:29:06] <tharkun> jhutchins: Thanks
2413[18:29:15] <vutral> hm
2414[18:29:21] <jelly> tharkun: install guide says cp
2415[18:29:36] <vutral> is it possible dist-upgrade is
2416[18:30:03] <greycat> vutral: you've gone *past* stretch.
you're running unstable or testing.
2417[18:30:04] *** Joins: Ralin3_ (~Ralin3@replaced-ip)
2418[18:30:21] <Scrutinizer> Stretch has 232
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2420[18:30:48] <vutral> oops
2421[18:30:51] <vutral> i ran dpkg in a chroot
2422[18:30:52] <vutral> ^^
2423[18:30:54] <jelly> vutral: you have a package version from
testing or unstable. Having it installed means you're not
running stretch any more
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2428[18:31:57] <tharkun> jelly: New install guide ;P old one
recommended dd </discussion>
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2430[18:32:19] <jelly> tharkun: if jessie is new, then yes
2431[18:32:27] <jelly> (hint: jessie is old)
2432[18:32:32] <greycat> dd and cp both copy bytes from one place
to another.
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2435[18:33:46] <jelly> greycat: they may copy bytes in the end,
but they make write() of various sizes and dd defaults can make for
a very slow very write-amplified attack on a cheap usb stick
2436[18:34:02] *** Joins: grandfso (~quassel@replaced-ip)
2437[18:34:11] <jelly> which is probably why i-g does not
recommend it any more
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2442[18:38:16] <grandfso> Dear all, is there a simple way to run
a Debian Live USB from a Fully encrypted partition on the USB? So
that before the bootloader asks which system to boot, I would like
to be asked for a password to unlock the partition.
2443[18:38:23] *** Joins: jandrusk (~jra@replaced-ip)
2444[18:38:29] <grandfso> I tried several guides so far, but no
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2446[18:39:03] <buu> Can I set the bridge_port on a bridge to
another bridge?
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2448[18:39:27] <grandfso> I found one guide that is like 30 steps
long but it was published like 7 years ago, so not sure if it is
still relevant
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2453[18:40:17] <n4dir> what is the point to encrypt if it is a
live ?
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2455[18:41:25] <grandfso> n4dir: my bad i Mean encrypted
persistent live USB
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2458[18:42:40] <grandfso> The idea is I would like to have a
carry a system with some tools on me, which I can run anywhere. I
might loose the usb stick, and this is not acceptable :)
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2460[18:42:47] <n4dir> ah, got you
2461[18:43:25] <n4dir> another wild thought, if in doubt ignore:
just install to the usb-stick instead of using the liveCD?
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2465[18:46:20] <grandfso> n4dir: this could work, if I am able to
encrypt the entire drive after/before the installation and then
unlock it pre-boot. Not sure how to tacle this one though.
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2467[18:46:54] <n4dir> i assume that it works just the way like
an encrypted installation to hard-disk does.
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2473[18:47:35] <n4dir> you boot, get grub screen, choose it, get
asked for the decrypt passwords, etc ...
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2478[18:48:41] <grandfso> If this is really this simple... Then
please kill me. I was googling specifically for live persistent
encrypted usb
2479[18:48:55] <grandfso> n4dir: will try this in the evening
2480[18:49:14] *** Joins: lingkhang (~lingkhang@replaced-ip)
2481[18:49:17] <n4dir> don't take my word for it. I for one
am confident enough to give it a try.
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2483[18:49:47] <vutral> ii systemd 232-25+deb9u1 amd64 system and
service manager
2484[18:49:47] <vutral> ii systemd-sysv 232-25+deb9u1 amd64
system and service manager - SysV links
2485[18:49:56] <n4dir> the one problem i sure see: you must be
able to make the according devises boot from stick
2486[18:50:21] <grandfso> which devices do you refer to ?
2487[18:50:42] <n4dir> wherever you want to use it. A PC, a
laptop,etc. Where you stuck the usb-stick in
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2491[18:51:50] <jelly> vutral: right, consider filing a bug
report anyway so you get the right info next time it happens
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2498[18:52:50] <grandfso> n4dir: ah, sure you're right
2499[18:53:28] <grandfso> I have the feeling that most consumer
machines have auto-select boot nowadays.. But your right
2500[18:53:43] <n4dir> i was a bit unclear. My point was: i think
or hope it is rather easy.
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2502[18:54:35] <n4dir> when installing to usb-sticks and use them
outside i think i also had the problem that it was not (for example)
/dev/sdb on the remote. But it's been ages. Perhaps UUID might
help, but i am talking over my head here.
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2508[18:56:33] <grandfso> n4dir: I am going AFK now, but will
report in case of success / failure
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2510[18:57:17] <n4dir> good luck.
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2538[19:09:33] <Epx998> Does d-i preeseed/late_command work in
the squeeze/wheezy releases?
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2546[19:16:39] <tw> preseed late_command works for me in squeeze,
I can only assume it works in wheezy.
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2557[19:26:03] <AlexZion> Hi everyone, I have a virtal server
with debian 8, I would need to install php5-ffmpeg on it but it
doesn't found any package, I already installed ffmpeg itself
but how to install the php module ?
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2562[19:27:37] <bitlan_> hello, how i can add esfq module for
debian 9 with 4.9.0-4-amd64 kernel ?
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2564[19:27:42] <jhutchins> AlexZion: Which release are you on?
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2566[19:27:50] <jhutchins> ,v php
2567[19:27:52] <bitlan_> i never add any modules to kernel,
2568[19:27:52] <judd> Package: php on amd64 -- stretch: 1:7.0+49;
buster: 1:7.0+54; sid: 1:7.0+56
2569[19:28:02] <jhutchins> ,v php5
2570[19:28:03] <judd> Package: php5 on amd64 -- wheezy:
5.4.45-0+deb7u2; wheezy-security: 5.4.45-0+deb7u11; jessie:
5.6.30+dfsg-0+deb8u1; jessie-security: 5.6.30+dfsg-0+deb8u1
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2572[19:28:10] <jhutchins> ,v php5-ffmpeg
2573[19:28:12] <judd> Package: php5-ffmpeg on amd64 -- wheezy:
2574[19:28:25] <obbardc> hey guys, got a foreign buster arm64
chroot in a buster amd64 system. it's getting stuck on
"apt-get update" at 0%. sources.list is filled, and chroot
has web access. Any ideas?
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2577[19:29:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1735
2578[19:29:08] <jhutchins> obbardc: You should check to see that
you can reach the repos you have configured manually.
2579[19:29:25] <jhutchins> obbardc: You should check for disk
space as well.
2580[19:29:43] *** Joins: nuno_nunes (~PC@replaced-ip)
2581[19:29:48] <obbardc> jhutchins, just main debian repos. disk
space got 1GB free to chroot & have installed the qemu binary
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2586[19:31:17] <AlexZion> jhutchins: I'm on Debain 8 stable
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2593[19:35:34] <jhutchins> !dmm
2594[19:35:35] <dpkg> We recommend against using; these unofficial packages are known to cause
many hard to debug problems. They are not in Debian either because
the they are poor in quality or for legal reasons. See
2595[19:36:03] <jhutchins> I personally have had great results
from DMM, though I'm not currently using it. I believe they
have php5-ffmpeg.
2596[19:36:07] <rawruw> I am editing /etc/pam.d/passwd and
I'm wondering what effect the auth type has here? Nothing is
really happening when I'm adding that
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2598[19:36:49] <jhutchins> AlexZion: It seems like there was some
struggle regarding the maintenance of fmpeg and related packages
during the jessie era, but they seem to have gotten over it.
2599[19:36:56] <jhutchins> AlexZion:
2600[19:37:20] <jhutchins> AlexZion: Or you could upgrade to
Stretch and php7, which has significantly improved performance.
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2604[19:39:25] <AlexZion> thanks jhutchins, i'll give a view
to, for now would be nice to use it on"
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2624[19:47:04] <AlexZion> jhutchins: I didn't found any info
on php5-ffmpeg in, so if I'll upgrade to PHP
7 I'll have some php-ffmpeg to use ?
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2627[19:48:13] <teraflops> AlexZion:
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2644[19:50:48] <AlexZion> thanks teraflops, all my development
should be just ready for PHP 7 but I'll give the link a deeper
2645[19:51:22] <teraflops> np
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2648[19:51:49] <AlexZion> teraflops: but what about ffmpeg in
php7, do you know if is available ?
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2650[19:52:02] <teraflops> np idea tbh
2651[19:52:05] <teraflops> no^
2652[19:52:16] <greycat> wooledg:~$ apt-cache search --names-only
php ffmpeg
2653[19:52:16] <greycat> wooledg:~$
2654[19:52:33] <greycat> whatever it is, it's not in stretch
by this name
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2690[19:59:32] <f-a_> hello. My mother uses "geary" to
read emails (and gnome3 as a DE). Is there anything to display
"3 unread emails" on the top bar? (the black one, where
date/wifi/battery is)
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2694[20:00:43] <RedSoxFan08> f-a_: I believe there is. Though I
actually use Thunderbird because it's more full-featured. In
fact, I'm actually typing this in Thunderbird.
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2696[20:01:25] <RedSoxFan08> f-a_: Here's something:
2697[20:01:47] <RedSoxFan08> f-a_: I found that by using the !deb
bang in DDG.
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2701[20:03:09] <teraflops> f-a_: maybe there's an extension
2702[20:03:09] <f-a_> ohhh
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2705[20:04:34] <AlexZion> ok, I just saw that was a path problem
of ffmpeg, it doesn't need php5-ffmpeg, so I fix the path and
it works great
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2708[20:04:45] <f-a_> thanks teraflops and AlexZion
2709[20:04:46] *** Joins: DieMoesch (~thomas@replaced-ip)
2710[20:05:16] <teraflops> np, there is a lot of good stuff at
2711[20:05:24] *** Quits: vpgrn (~vpgrn@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2712[20:05:41] <teraflops> …if you do gnome, obv
2713[20:05:52] <RedSoxFan07> f-a_: teraflops: Yeah, there are a
bunch of extensions there which provide notification of new emails.
I just don't know if they all still work - sometimes
development on certain extensions stops without anybody important
being notified.
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2716[20:06:44] <RedSoxFan07> teraflops: But yeah, the ones I
found on the Debian site are more universal. I like Gnome, but I
also like how light XFCE is and how much faster it is on older
hardware than Gnome.
2717[20:06:52] *** Quits: Epx998 (~Epx998@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2718[20:06:52] <teraflops> I guess so, but maybe between gnome
2719[20:07:25] <teraflops> RedSoxFan07: ah true if deboian
packages the extensions you need you better go with them I suppose
2720[20:07:30] <teraflops> debian^
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2726[20:11:12] <noahmg123> Debian actually detects my 2-in-1s
hinge and accelerometer. However, while it disables the keyboard in
tablet mode, it does not disable the touchpad. Is there a way to
make it also disable my touchpad?
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2732[20:13:07] <teraflops> maybe udev rule
2733[20:13:09] *** Joins: l3archos1 (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
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2736[20:13:16] <teraflops> good luck btw :P
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2742[20:16:24] <noahmg123> udev rule, can you elaborate please?
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2748[20:17:12] <noahmg123> teraflops: ^
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2753[20:19:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1731
2754[20:19:09] <teraflops> when you disconnect e.g lappy from
dockstation or from keyb an udev eevnt is triggered and you can run
2755[20:19:39] <teraflops> you put them at /etc/udev/rules.d
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2760[20:20:58] <teraflops> it was a very very simple explanation
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2762[20:21:32] <noahmg123> Ah ok. Thank you.
2763[20:22:13] <teraflops> I meant event not eevnt
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2778[20:29:20] <efrahim> Hi, is there a way to search for which
packages (package *version* in particular) (in testing or backports)
that have a certain bug resolved? (bug in question:
2779[20:29:22] <judd> Bug
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2792[20:32:44] <jelly> efrahim: the graph on top right shows
which version(s) got the fix if any
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2797[20:37:11] <efrahim> jelly: oh, cool. I did not see that one.
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2801[20:38:34] <jelly> and apparently no package with a fix was
released, so far
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2819[20:45:26] <obbardc> hey guys, got a foreign buster arm64
chroot in a buster amd64 system. it's getting stuck on
"apt-get update" at 0%. sources.list is filled, and chroot
has web access. Any ideas?
2820[20:47:04] <ChmEarl> obbardc, use pbuilder
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2822[20:47:26] <efrahim> jelly: There are several things that are
confusing me now... 1. there is no "xorg-server"
package... I guess it is reffering to "xserver-xorg-core"
2. The last reply under that link says fix is in testing (Buster) 3.
... aaah, the red dots/bubbles means that they are still affected
2823[20:47:35] *** Quits: gagrio (~gagrio@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2824[20:47:38] <obbardc> ChmEarl, I am not using the chroot to
build packages :)
2825[20:47:43] <ChmEarl> obbardc, it has support of
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2827[20:48:08] <ChmEarl> obbardc, ok, not building
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2833[20:50:09] <Doxin> So my network connection keeps getting
interrupted, even though the connection is fine. doing
/etc/init.d/networking restart fixes it for about 5 minutes.
what's going on?
2834[20:50:37] <buu> wired?
2835[20:50:40] <Doxin> yep
2836[20:50:55] *** Quits: physiKal (~debian@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
2837[20:51:10] <Doxin> seems to affect new connections more than
existing ones, although on this other irc channel I keep pinging out
2838[20:51:35] <Doxin> *network
2839[20:53:10] <Doxin> just had to restart it again.
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2841[20:54:06] <Doxin> so any debugging I can do on this because
it's driving me insane
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2844[20:55:20] <petemc> Doxin: does the link drop? it should be
logged in dmesg if it does
2845[20:55:42] <petemc> Doxin: you could also use
tcpdump/wireshark to see what is happening to the connections
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2847[20:55:56] <Doxin> petemc: I don't think so. None of the
software seems to notice anything off until it starts timing out
2848[20:56:14] <Doxin> I mean I can run wireshark but that's
a lot of traffic for an indeterminate amount of time
2849[20:56:32] <Doxin> I'll do that when it happens again
2850[20:56:46] <petemc> its easy to filter by connection in
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2853[20:57:31] <Doxin> petemc: sure but which connection do I
filter on? :P
2854[20:57:46] <petemc> one that timed out
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2870[21:03:23] <Doxin> petemc: no packets show up in wireshark at
2871[21:03:25] <Doxin> which is weird
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2876[21:04:09] <petemc> Doxin: try tcpdump -i eth0 -w foo.pcap ,
adjust interface to suit
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2880[21:04:34] <Doxin> petemc: will do as soon as its going on
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2885[21:05:07] <petemc> its usually better to get stream from
initial handshake
2886[21:05:22] <Doxin> petemc: I made sure I started a new
2887[21:05:27] <petemc> ok
2888[21:05:40] <Doxin> petemc: I don't have tcpdump and
installing it like this isn't going to happen I'm pretty
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2901[21:12:10] <Doxin> petemc: either I'm getting very
unlucky or running pcap fixes the problem temporarily too
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2905[21:13:39] <Doxin> petemc: right, managed to capture
/something/. next up?
2906[21:13:56] *** Quits: obbardc (~obbardc@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2907[21:14:07] <petemc> right click a packet, follow stream
2908[21:14:44] <Doxin> petemc: how do I with a pcap file?
2909[21:14:51] <Doxin> nvm got it
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2917[21:16:35] <Doxin> petemc: so now I have a giant packet dump
open in wireshark. how do I find anything even remotely relevant?
2918[21:17:02] <petemc> are you having problems browsing
2919[21:17:16] <Doxin> yes, and irc is being all wonky too
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2922[21:17:38] <Doxin> petemc: filtering by http only finds
successful requests
2923[21:17:43] <Doxin> and only one as well
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2925[21:18:33] <petemc> if you remember what timed out, you can
search fora string inside packets
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2928[21:18:52] <petemc> assuming it wasnt encrypted
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2930[21:19:08] <Doxin> I doubt it, it never even managed to
redirect to https
2931[21:19:10] <Doxin> petemc: I'm unfamiliar with the
filter syntax, how would I go about that?
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2935[21:20:20] <petemc> ctrl f , change type to string
2936[21:20:48] *** Joins: jandrusk (~jra@replaced-ip)
2937[21:21:13] <Doxin> petemc: I'm finding a bunch of dns
queries with no answer
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2940[21:21:45] <Doxin> (I think)
2941[21:22:01] <petemc> i generally focus on tcp streams
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2944[21:22:33] <Doxin> petemc: no TCP packets found at all for
the site I was trying to visit
2945[21:22:35] *** Quits: gagrio (~gagrio@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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2947[21:22:59] <Doxin> oh if I search by details it finds it
2948[21:23:02] <petemc> you could try turning off tcp protocol
dissection and looking again
2949[21:23:05] <petemc> ok
2950[21:23:14] <Doxin> seems to go all fine in the packet dump
2951[21:23:31] <petemc> it ends with a FIN >
2952[21:23:33] <petemc> ?
2953[21:23:46] <Doxin> yep
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2957[21:24:28] <Doxin> petemc: the tricky thing is this is very
intermittent, so I know I have one successful request in this
capture as well
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2962[21:25:26] <petemc> i often leave tcpdump running for a while
2963[21:25:43] <Doxin> petemc: so I can get even more noise into
my capture?
2964[21:25:49] <petemc> which you then filter
2965[21:25:53] <Doxin> petemc: I'm having trouble finding
anything relevant as-is
2966[21:25:55] <petemc> or use a capture filter initialluy
2967[21:26:05] <petemc> s/uy/y/
2968[21:26:13] *** Parts: ideanet (~idea@replaced-ip) ()
2969[21:26:20] <Doxin> petemc: I've got a capture with at
least one bad request in it. running the capture for longer
isn't going to help much
2970[21:26:31] <petemc> which bad request?
2971[21:26:37] *** Joins: Cosmophile (~matt@replaced-ip)
2972[21:26:40] <Doxin> a request to which timed out
2973[21:26:42] *** Quits: PyBot` (~PyBot@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
2974[21:26:53] <Doxin> but there's also at least one request
to in there which did work
2975[21:27:05] *** Quits: jnavila (~jnavila@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2976[21:27:16] <petemc> can you find them or not?
2977[21:27:20] <Doxin> petemc: I can't seem to find the bad
one at all.
2978[21:27:30] <petemc> but you just said..
2979[21:27:36] <Doxin> I mean I can see a bunch of dns requests
that fail
2980[21:27:40] *** Quits: cmanns (~textual@replaced-ip##) (Quit: Textual IRC Client: ##replaced-url
2981[21:27:40] <Doxin> and I can find the working request
2982[21:27:58] <Doxin> in case you hadn't noticed: I'm
not very good at wireshark.
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2985[21:28:49] <petemc> i told you how to search for a string
2986[21:29:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1731
2987[21:29:11] <Doxin> petemc: and I am searching for imgur
2988[21:29:16] <Doxin> and the result is one requests
2989[21:29:20] <Doxin> which is successful
2990[21:29:26] <petemc> so you do not have a capture of a bad
2991[21:29:38] <Doxin> petemc: the capture was running during the
bad request
2992[21:29:45] <Doxin> as it was previously
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2999[21:32:22] <Doxin> petemc: I think it's going wrong
during name resolution which wont show up as tcp stream.
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3002[21:33:17] <petemc> try using different nameservers then,
like googles
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3009[21:34:27] <Doxin> petemc: if I can't reach the
nameserver on my modem I doubt I can reach
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3012[21:34:47] <mspo> is your nic losing carrier?
3013[21:35:10] <Doxin> mspo: nope. link light was on when this
all was going on yesterday
3014[21:35:25] <Doxin> frantic blinkies on the activity led too,
but that doesn't mean much
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3016[21:35:44] <mspo> Doxin: dmesg show anything?
3017[21:35:50] <mspo> is dmesg still a thing?
3018[21:35:54] <petemc> of course
3019[21:35:59] <annadane> very much yes
3020[21:36:14] <mspo> it wasn't changed to dmesystemdctlg?
3021[21:36:26] <mspo> someone better open a feature request :)
3022[21:36:33] <mspo> Doxin: are you on a cable modem?
3023[21:36:34] <Doxin> bunch of "[ 2412.589278] device eth0
entered promiscuous mode" because of packet captures
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3025[21:36:43] <mspo> yeah before that
3026[21:36:50] <Doxin> not much else of relevance as far as I can
3027[21:36:54] <mspo> eth0 lost foo
3028[21:37:08] <Doxin> nope
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3031[21:37:22] <mspo> Doxin: I like to ping my default gateway in
a screen
3032[21:37:33] <mspo> Doxin: that way I can see if I can lead-up
latency to an outage or if it's sudden
3033[21:37:33] <Doxin> mspo: it's unreachable when this
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3035[21:37:44] <Doxin> I can run a ping I guess
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3037[21:37:56] <mspo> Doxin: are you on a cable modem?
3038[21:38:17] <Doxin> mspo: nah, ADSL, and the modem is not the
issue since this is the only computer having the issue
3039[21:38:24] <mspo> oh okay
3040[21:38:25] <mspo> good test
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3043[21:38:51] <mspo> Doxin: have you rebooted? is the nic using
a kernel module?
3044[21:39:08] <Doxin> mspo: yeah I had the same problem 3 days
now, and I reboot every day
3045[21:39:30] <mspo> Doxin: ran memtest? :)
3046[21:39:40] <Doxin> no?
3047[21:39:54] <Doxin> I've got better things to do that
have my memory crap out on me :P
3048[21:39:59] <Doxin> *than
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3050[21:40:28] <mspo> could be hardware
3051[21:40:37] *** Quits: Mononoke-BT (~BT@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
3052[21:40:39] <mspo> have you tried wireless instead?
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3054[21:40:56] <Doxin> mspo: I have no wireless
3055[21:41:04] <Doxin> I mean it /is/ the NIC on a $30
motherboard, but then why does restarting the networking work?
3056[21:41:07] <mspo> a different nic? a new cable?
3057[21:41:37] <Doxin> haven't got either of those, and
pulling a new cable through the walls is a bit of a last resort
3058[21:41:39] <mspo> idk look at what restarting the network
3059[21:41:55] <mspo> does it drop carrier and bring it back up?
3060[21:41:56] <Doxin> presumably it puts the interface down and
back up
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3075[21:45:54] <jhutchins> Doxin: Reloads some of the components
as well.
3076[21:46:15] <jhutchins> Doxin: Try moving the cable to a
different port on the router.
3077[21:46:19] <Doxin> okay so I think it's actually just
the dns server being wonky
3078[21:46:26] <jhutchins> Doxin: Is the cable in good physical
3079[21:46:31] <Doxin> ping has been going uninterrupted while
everything is going wrong
3080[21:46:41] <Doxin> jhutchins: I mean the clip is broken off,
but it's not work at all
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3083[21:47:13] <jhutchins> Doxin: Could be it's not seating
properly. New cable might be just the thing.
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3086[21:47:59] <jhutchins> Doxin: So might a $5 card.
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3088[21:48:23] <Doxin> jhutchins: I'm not getting cable-like
symptoms at all
3089[21:48:27] *** Quits: nathamanath (~nathamana@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
3090[21:48:31] <Doxin> jhutchins: and the stores are closed right
now in any case
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3093[21:48:59] <mspo> I have a usb nic and usb wireless in a
drawer somewhere around here :)
3094[21:49:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1723
3095[21:49:06] <jhutchins> Doxin: You could verify that it's
not the cable by swapping the cable by swapping with another
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3097[21:49:39] <Doxin> jhutchins: wouldn't you expect link
to go down in the bad-cable case?
3098[21:49:53] <Doxin> jhutchins: and the closes machine is down
a set of stairs and the cable isn't /that/ long
3099[21:49:55] <jhutchins> Doxin: Nope. That's only one
3100[21:50:29] <Doxin> jhutchins: well wouldn't you still
expect a bunch of dropped packets to a fixed ip? because I'm
getting 0% packet loss to the gateway
3101[21:50:34] <lroe> Is there a way for UFW to print the current
rule set in such a way UFW can ingest it?
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3106[21:51:17] <jhutchins> Doxin: I've given you a couple of
ideas to try. I think you're looking for nosmoke.exe (look it
3107[21:51:44] <Doxin> jhutchins: I'm looking for a solution
that doesn't involve twiddling my thumbs until the weekend
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3109[21:51:54] <Doxin> jhutchins: it's most definitely not a
cable problem
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3112[21:52:03] <Doxin> jhutchins: and I can't check a NIC
problem till its weekend
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3116[21:52:18] <Doxin> jhutchins: and in any case the symptoms
point to a janky dns server.
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3118[21:53:01] <petemc> that wouldnt cause irc to time out
3119[21:53:34] <Doxin> petemc: agreed, but it's on a russian
network that sometimes likes timing you out anyways, in which case
the not-reconnecting seems about right
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3122[21:53:56] <Doxin> anyways I added a couple backup dns
servers, lets see if that'll help
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3129[21:57:04] <Doxin> petemc, jhutchins: thanks for the help
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3132[21:58:14] <petemc> np
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3135[21:59:41] <jhutchins> Doxin: Yeah, switch to google dns is
what most people do. Sounds like it might very well be the network.
Switching ports on the router could help though.
3136[22:00:04] <Doxin> mhm
3137[22:01:34] <Satou> Hello guys, i did a clean install of
debian 8.9, installed i3wm and it seems to have a lot of glitches, i
don't know yet if it's because of graphics drivers or i3,
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3141[22:03:34] <AlbaLupus> hi, I cannot ping my server after
reboot. I'm chrooting from rescue image now. What should I
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3145[22:04:39] <jhutchins> AlbaLupus: Logs.
3146[22:04:43] <fearnothing> ok, let's try this again since
I had no luck yesterday
3147[22:04:54] <jhutchins> AlbaLupus: dmesg, journalctl.
3148[22:04:59] <fearnothing> I'm having major troubles with
the only x11 app I use, it has stopped rendering all text
3149[22:05:07] <fearnothing>
3150[22:05:21] <jhutchins> fearnothing: Did you try cygwin?
3151[22:05:41] <jhutchins> fearnothing: Did you try another app
that renders text?
3152[22:05:55] <fearnothing> jhutchins - I don't have any
others that I know of. What would you suggest?
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3156[22:06:25] <mspo> xfontsel?
3157[22:06:44] <jhutchins> Not sure what might be common.
Titlebar text is rendered by the local server iirc...
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3161[22:06:58] <mspo> maybe run fc-cache or something?
3162[22:07:00] <jhutchins> fearnothing: Is the titlebar legible
(I don't remember)
3163[22:07:18] <fearnothing> as for cygwin, do you think that is
likely to provide information that ssh -Y from a linux box did not?
3164[22:07:24] <fearnothing> and yes the titlebar is legible
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3167[22:07:44] <fearnothing> mspo - fc-cache was suggested
yesterday, didn't help
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3169[22:08:01] <jhutchins> mspo: He's forwarding a single
graphical application from a headless server to xming, and after an
update the font quit rendering, box-with-question-mark glyph instead
of each letter (us_en).
3170[22:08:15] <fearnothing> well, I'm assuming it was an
3171[22:08:19] <mspo> so the font is totally corrupted
3172[22:08:19] <fearnothing> I don't know for sure
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3174[22:08:40] <mspo> or the app changed to utf8 and broke it
3175[22:08:43] <jhutchins> mspo: All we know is that the font is
no longer rendering.
3176[22:08:47] *** Quits: Cabanossi (~Cabanossi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
3177[22:09:00] <jhutchins> mspo: UTF-8 is pretty standard.
3178[22:09:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1735
3179[22:09:19] <mspo> fearnothing: any idea what font is not
rendering, specifically?
3180[22:09:23] <mspo> fearnothing: and can you run xfontsel?
3181[22:09:30] <AlbaLupus> jhutchins: No journal files were
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3183[22:10:10] <fearnothing> mspo: I don't know how to
verify this, but all the blog posts I've found referencing
similar issues said it was one of the dejavu fonts
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3188[22:10:44] <fearnothing> aha, yes
3189[22:10:51] <fearnothing> xfontsel works, and the text renders
3190[22:11:19] <AlbaLupus> dmesg dont show anything unusual
3191[22:12:15] <fearnothing> there are a number of dejavu fonts
listed in xfontsel
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3193[22:12:20] <fearnothing> they all seem to render correctly
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3195[22:12:48] <fearnothing> so that would suggest it's
something specific to virt-manager's method of accessing the
font yes?
3196[22:13:03] <fearnothing> assuming that it is indeed a dejavu
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3207[22:17:46] <AlbaLupus> any other ideas?
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3211[22:18:03] <mspo> it is a python app using gtk, looks like
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3218[22:20:12] <mspo> which means pango, right?
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3229[22:23:52] <mspo> can you do a GTK_DEBUG or --gtk-debug ?
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3236[22:25:56] <fearnothing> mspo - me? Possibly but I'll
have to look up how
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3243[22:27:48] <fearnothing> I've tried running it with its
--debug option but I can't seem to redirect the output to a
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3248[22:29:13] <fearnothing> ah wait, that's because I had
the params in the wrong order
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3252[22:29:46] <mspo> I mean gtk debug specifically but try
3253[22:30:15] <fearnothing> yeah, just reading how to do that
3254[22:30:49] <mspo> you could also start it with a custom GTK
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3261[22:31:47] <mspo> what's another pygtk app to try?
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3266[22:33:11] <fearnothing> no errors regarding the font in the
debug output
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3270[22:33:58] <AlbaLupus> Cannot ping server, nothing suspicious
in logs. Chrooted from rescue image. What else should I check?
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3273[22:34:35] <fearnothing> hmm
3274[22:34:54] <fearnothing> so when I run this with
GTK_DEBUG=all, I get GTK+ Inspector
3275[22:35:05] <AlbaLupus> iptables are flushed
3276[22:35:11] <fearnothing> and interestingly, the fonts for GTK
inspector are also not rendering
3277[22:35:21] <fearnothing> so this might be an issue at the gtk
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3279[22:36:03] <mspo>
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3287[22:37:52] <fearnothing> most fonts seem ok there
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3289[22:38:10] <mspo> man idk :)
3290[22:38:12] <fearnothing> Droid Sans ones don't seem to
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3294[22:38:41] <Unit193> Droid" Wasn't that replaced by
3295[22:38:45] <mspo> I was just looking for simple python gtk
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3297[22:38:57] <mspo> virtmanager is python2, though
3298[22:39:06] <fearnothing> good point
3299[22:39:09] <fearnothing> maybe it's a py2 issue
3300[22:39:16] <fearnothing> python
3301[22:39:19] <fearnothing> erm
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3303[22:39:29] <fearnothing> ok let's actually be in a
terminal next time I do that :)
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3305[22:39:30] <mspo> that same program (or a very very similar
one) would probably work under python2
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3312[22:40:56] <fearnothing> aaaand here we see... that all the
fonts work as expected
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3318[22:42:22] <fearnothing> this is confusing as hell
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3369[22:51:47] <fearnothing> thanks for your time anyway mspo
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