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0 [00:02:44] *** Quits: xet7 (~xet7@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
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9 [00:13:22] <wsky> well, there iwll be no debian on this
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13 [00:13:42] <koldf> yo
14 [00:13:47] <koldf> can someone explain this
15 [00:13:52] <wsky> as i expected, turns out the amdgpu drivers
are acting up
16 [00:15:08] *** Joins: Dovid (~dovid@replaced-ip )
17 [00:15:21] <koldf> /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg -nolisten tcp -auth
/var/run/sddm/{53312312-6613-4c43-4323} -background none -noreset
-displayfd 18 -seat seat0 vt1
18 [00:15:33] <koldf> did this laptop get owned
19 [00:16:28] <sney> koldf: nope, sddm is your display manager.
it provides the gui login prompt. the process entry for it on my
system looks like that, too
20 [00:16:45] *** Quits: NetTerminalGene (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Quit: NetTerminalGene)
21 [00:17:03] <sney> ,i sddm
22 [00:17:04] <judd> Package sddm (kde, optional) in
buster/amd64: modern display manager for X11. Version:
0.18.0-1+deb10u1; Size: 626.8k; Installed: 1870k; Homepage:
23 [00:18:07] <sney> wsky: with new hardware, there's
always the possibility of checking again after a few months have
passed. debian's cutting edge support is lacking unfortunately
24 [00:18:13] *** Quits: shifty (~shifty~~~@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
25 [00:18:24] <koldf> sney: are you sure
26 [00:18:28] <koldf> it's using an absurd amount
27 [00:18:32] <koldf> of resources
28 [00:18:39] <koldf> neve rseen it before
29 [00:19:01] <wsky> sney: this isn't even cutting edge,
it's a gpu from 2017
30 [00:19:04] <sney> I am 100% sure that's what sddm is
for, yes.
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33 [00:19:49] <sney> if it's using a lot of resources, you
may have some other issue, though it's easy to misread memory
use information on linux if you're not used to how it behaves
34 [00:19:56] <jhutchins> koldf: Or you could do the
direct-from-AMD install. Purge the Debian files completely and
follow AMD's instructions EXACTLY.
35 [00:20:12] <koldf> what
36 [00:20:17] <koldf> maybe you weren't trying to tlak 2 me
37 [00:20:23] <koldf> i don't have an md
38 [00:20:26] <jhutchins> koldf: I think I had to reboot ONCE
extra to let dkms catch up with a new kernel.
39 [00:20:30] <koldf> what
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41 [00:20:34] <sney> jhutchins: you mean wsky :)
42 [00:20:39] <koldf> psure you're reffering to sm1 else
43 [00:20:54] <sney> definitely
44 [00:21:02] <koldf> so sney
45 [00:21:04] <koldf> are you sure
46 [00:21:08] <koldf> i didn't get rooted
47 [00:21:14] <jhutchins> koldf: Oops.
48 [00:21:16] <koldf> was freaking out for like an hour
49 [00:21:23] <koldf> because im running a debian that reached
50 [00:21:27] <jhutchins> wsky: See above to koldf
51 [00:21:28] <wsky> jhutchins: i did follow the instructions, i
had the kernel modules running
52 [00:21:30] <sney> from my system just now: root 1801 3.3 2.2
680276 538868 tty7 Ssl+ 2020 198:33 /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg -nolisten tcp
-auth /var/run/sddm/{5673a898-5e25-4fa9-af91-ed9e5cc0e26f}
-background none -noreset -displayfd 17 -seat seat0 vt7
53 [00:21:42] <koldf> oh well that's reasuring
54 [00:21:45] <koldf> because i opened an ad
55 [00:21:51] <koldf> yesterday on some streaming website
56 [00:21:54] <koldf> that was serving exploit ktis
57 [00:22:01] <koldf> and it legit opened some rgb settings
thing for me
58 [00:22:07] <wsky> jhutchins: just the image wasn't
fluently rendered, lock up every second then back to rendering
59 [00:22:09] <koldf> so i wasn't sure if anything happaned
60 [00:22:17] <koldf> and then i see this running for 22h
61 [00:22:44] <sney> I've never heard of an 0day exploiting
sddm. I suppose it's not *completely* impossible but it's
dang unlikely. you can install 'debsums' to see if the
sddm binary has been modified, but in general, this is a normal
service to have on a debian system
62 [00:22:55] <koldf> what's sddm
63 [00:23:01] <sney> ,i sddm
64 [00:23:04] <judd> Package sddm (kde, optional) in
buster/amd64: modern display manager for X11. Version:
0.18.0-1+deb10u1; Size: 626.8k; Installed: 1870k; Homepage:
65 [00:23:31] <sney> it's part of the KDE desktop. might be
included with lxqt too, or can be used on its own. it manages your
gui sessions under Xorg
66 [00:23:43] <koldf> ohh okay
67 [00:23:45] <koldf> thanks guy
68 [00:23:51] <koldf> you were of great help
69 [00:23:54] <sney> np
70 [00:23:54] <koldf> this was a wake up call
71 [00:23:58] <koldf> to update my EOL system
72 [00:24:00] <koldf> for sure
73 [00:24:03] <koldf> and get a new install
74 [00:25:44] <alex11> i'm actively looking forward to
upgrading to debian 11
75 [00:25:52] <alex11> new stuff :D
76 [00:27:22] * dvs get the sns for alex11
77 [00:27:42] *** Quits: FnorZ (~FnorZ@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
78 [00:27:45] <alex11> sns?
79 [00:28:01] <dvs> !sns
80 [00:28:01] <dpkg> Shiny New Shit Syndrome is a serious
disorder, which usually breaks out into an epidemic every time
something new is released. If you have SNS, ask me about
<backports> and <ssb>; these are better options than
upgrading to <testing> because it is a <moving target>.
81 [00:28:17] <alex11> i mean when debian 11 releases as stable,
not now
82 [00:28:17] *** Joins: spacedust (~info@replaced-ip )
83 [00:28:57] <dvs> !wwbr
84 [00:28:57] <dpkg> extra, extra, read all about it, wwbr is
now Debian "Bullseye" is the current testing branch as of
2019-07-06 and it will be released "when it's ready."
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87 [00:31:44] <alex11> especially a new xfce, holy crap
88 [00:31:53] <alex11> with 4.16 being released the buster xfce
is aaaancient
89 [00:33:32] <sney> or specifically, it was considered stable
in july of 2019
90 [00:38:54] *** Joins: Kali_Yuga (~dustin@replaced-ip )
91 [00:39:02] <spacedust> i better start playing darts
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97 [00:46:20] <Kali_Yuga> Hello I've done a fresh install
of debian. And I am trying to use wine but for some reason it
won't start up? here is what POL tells me :( :
98 [00:48:26] <sney> debian doesn't have wine 4.20 staging,
so we can't offer much specific support, but try running that
binary directly and see if you get any more verbose error output
99 [00:49:34] <ratrace> sney: so it'll be ancient when
bullseye releases :)
100 [00:49:45] <ratrace> Stalebian.
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102 [00:50:03] <Kali_Yuga> sney: No this is with any wine version
I download in POL
103 [00:50:37] <sney> ratrace: there are other distros that
approach the stability:newness dilemma differently, feel free to use
one of those if debian's doesn't suit you
104 [00:50:55] <ratrace> alraedy am :)
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106 [00:50:59] <sney> Kali_Yuga: regardless, same advice: run
wine without the frontend and see what happens
107 [00:52:06] <Kali_Yuga> PlayOnLinux > Configure > Wine
> Configure Wine .. makes it crash after I downloaded that
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109 [00:53:05] <Kali_Yuga> sney: well this kinda needs to work
for me usually I need to be able to download mono and gecko packages
but nothing comes up
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111 [00:53:27] <sney> Kali_Yuga: see, the main error here is
"no such file or directory". either it's not
downloading wine properly, or there's something weird in the
configuration, and we need to find out which one it is in order to
proceed with troubleshooting
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121 [01:00:29] <Kali_Yuga> sney: okay so I just ran wine without
122 [01:00:31] *** Joins: waxfire (~waxfire@replaced-ip )
123 [01:00:35] <Kali_Yuga> and it tells me this
124 [01:00:56] <Kali_Yuga>
125 [01:01:10] <Kali_Yuga> so I'm just going to do that now
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128 [01:02:24] <sney> Kali_Yuga: that looks like debian's
wine binary as opposed to the
~/.PlayOnLinux/wine/linux-amd64/4.20-staging/bin/wine being called
in your other screenshot
129 [01:02:43] <sney> also, can you upload logs instead of images
in the future? makes copy/paste/search easier.
130 [01:02:44] <sney> !termbin
131 [01:02:45] <dpkg> you can paste to from terminal
via: cat /path/to/file | nc 9999
132 [01:03:55] <Kali_Yuga> sney: okay
133 [01:05:02] <wiscii> hi, having a problem with ssh-agent on
debian10, after reading man ssh-agent I found there is a specific
reference to debian not using ssh-agent "correctly" ..
134 [01:05:24] <wiscii> quote "In Debian, ssh-agent is
installed with the set-group-id bit set,"
135 [01:05:38] <wiscii> i simply cannot get ssh-agent to work
with ssh-add
136 [01:06:07] <wiscii> I am not using a desktop environmnet .. i
am loged in with ssh only
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138 [01:07:17] <n4dir> don't you usually start: ssh-agent;
in a termina and then you do ssh-add <path-to-key> ?
139 [01:07:49] <wiscii> n4dir: yes you do .. but not with deb10
because it does not set the required env-vars
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141 [01:08:06] <n4dir> eval "$(ssh-agent)"
142 [01:08:14] <n4dir> that is what i have in ~/.profile
143 [01:08:17] <wiscii> SSH_AUTH_SOCK When ssh-agent starts, it
creates a UNIX-domain socket and stores its pathname in this
144 [01:08:18] <n4dir> and that works for me
145 [01:08:35] <n4dir> using startx
146 [01:08:35] <wiscii> hmm.. ok I can try that, thanks
147 [01:08:52] <Kali_Yuga> sney: I think that did it
148 [01:09:03] *** Joins: DarwinElf (~darwin@replaced-ip )
149 [01:09:13] <DarwinElf> why is the Unix-like 'mail'
command missing?
150 [01:09:27] <Kali_Yuga> sney: wine32 needs to be installed I
believe. I am able to download mono und gecko package in POL now
151 [01:09:28] <sney> !install it
152 [01:09:28] <dpkg> Your box does not come with every
application, tool and utility known to debiankind installed already.
If you find that the program you've been told to use isn't
there, install it. Also ask me about <search>. If someone
suggests an application to you, it's highly likely that
it's available via apt-get or aptitude.
153 [01:09:34] *** Quits: sway (~Milo@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
154 [01:10:03] <DarwinElf> oh, you have to install mailutils.
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157 [01:11:06] <wiscii> n4dir: thanks .. that works perfectly ..
i guess i was reading it all wrong
158 [01:11:13] <Kali_Yuga> sney:
159 [01:11:38] <n4dir> wiscii: now i for one sure couldn't
figure out what "eval" does. As long it works i don't
mind, so i can't tell you
160 [01:12:06] <sney> Kali_Yuga: cool, I see wine32 is listed as
a dependency of playonlinux, but it seems if you tried installing
'wine' by itself first then that would satisfy the dep
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163 [01:15:01] <Kali_Yuga> sney: Well thank you anyway I'm
glad it's working now...
164 [01:15:12] <sney> np
165 [01:15:38] <wiscii> n4dir: no problem .. now it is working i
have to work out what mess has been made on the ssh keys and that is
not debians issue ;-)
166 [01:15:38] *** Quits: gelignite (~gelignite@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Stay safe!)
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168 [01:16:38] <n4dir> there are probably people in this room,
#debian, who know it in and out. It is still holiday time. Anyway:
good luck
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170 [01:16:57] <wiscii> salute !
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197 [01:50:11] <Iarfen> hi!
198 [01:50:25] <Iarfen> anyone here uses Google Cloud Platform? I
need help configuring the VM instance
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205 [01:55:07] <rk4> if it's a debian question, ask, if
it's a GCP question go ask google :P
206 [01:55:59] <rk4> [sometimes the line is a little blurred...]
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208 [01:57:15] <backupluis> From time to time I lost some desktop
icons (shortcuts) and now I find why, If I select see hidden files
in my home folder, icons appears on the desktop.
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413 [02:10:43] <teclo-> ouch ! what the .... ?
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422 [02:12:04] * dvs smacks teclo- again
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435 [02:23:54] <LuKaRo> Hi, just installed debian buster KDE on a
MacBook Pro late 2011 with dual graphics (AMD/Intel). After booting,
only a tty opened, SDDM failed to start. So I installed
firmware-amd-graphics, firmware-linux-nonfree, libgl1-mesa-dri,
libglx-mesa0, mesa-vulkan-drivers, xserver-xorg-video-all as advised
436 [02:23:55] <LuKaRo> initramfs is messed up? Any ideas?
437 [02:24:08] <LuKaRo> I have booted the 10.7 debian live kde
ISO, but I don't know how to fix my boot process. I'm
usually using Arch Linux, not so familiar with Debian...
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442 [02:31:24] <LuKaRo> When booting, I get "loading initial
RAM disk" and then just a blank screen. Any ideas?
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444 [02:34:04] <LuKaRo> Ah, I was able to boot using an older
kernel in the GRUB menu. How can I fix my main kernel?
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447 [02:38:12] <ax562> LuKaRo I would start with a fresh install,
I believe there are is a "choose" proprietary drivers
during the instalation. Save drivers and reinstall. Thats' what
I would do.
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453 [02:41:10] <LuKaRo> ax562: Thanks! I just installed 2 hours
ago, and there was no such option unfortunately :/
454 [02:41:52] <ax562> hmmm, were you able to boot into gui after
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457 [02:46:05] <sn00p> how do I remove python2 from buster
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459 [02:47:35] <quadrathoch2> sn00p you shouldn’t
460 [02:48:21] <quadrathoch2> LuKaro any output you can
461 [02:48:36] <sn00p> I have python3 installed and it conflicts
with the stuff I need to use with python3
462 [02:49:30] <quadrathoch2> sn00p if you remove python2 you
will get a broken system, because a lot of the system packages
depend on it
463 [02:51:15] <rk4> what is the python3 thing you're trying
to run
464 [02:51:20] <ax562> sn00p make python3 default python
465 [02:51:34] <quadrathoch2> ax562 holy hell, no
466 [02:51:46] <quadrathoch2> You will break the system
467 [02:52:14] <ax562> If both are present?
468 [02:52:23] <quadrathoch2> yes
469 [02:52:29] <ax562> thats new to me
470 [02:53:12] <sn00p> rk4,
471 [02:54:00] <rk4> i'd go with the docker image myself
472 [02:54:09] <sn00p> i installed the docker image
473 [02:54:13] <sn00p> its saying
474 [02:54:36] *** Quits: unluckyshrubbery (~unluckysh@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - ##replaced-url
475 [02:54:37] <sn00p> imp module is depreciated in favor of
476 [02:55:03] <quadrathoch2> oO so it's not a Debian issue
477 [02:55:14] <quadrathoch2> as docker is outside of Debians
478 [02:55:26] *** Quits: bolovanos (~bolovanos@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
479 [02:55:49] <sney> also,
480 [02:55:51] <sney> !warning
481 [02:55:52] <dpkg> Yerp, lots of software outputs warnings.
Kernel module warnings on boot, mplayer warnings, GTK warnings, X11
warnings, build warnings, gpg warnings. Don't be scared -
informative output is a GOOD THING. Consider yourself warned, and if
the program works as expected, be happy.
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483 [02:56:36] <rk4> side note, see how us telling you how to
'remove python2 from buster' would have been a giant
disaster, you should include overall context in your questions, the
real problem you're trying to solve
484 [02:56:38] <sney> if you want a debian release without
python2, good news, that'll be debian 11, out in less than a
485 [02:57:24] <ax562> I heart debian 11 <3
486 [02:57:40] <quadrathoch2> I still see not really how that has
everything to do with python2 or python3
487 [02:57:45] <LuKaRo> quadrathoch2: Yeah, probably my
488 [02:59:22] <quadrathoch2> Lukaro what dgpu do you have?
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490 [03:01:37] <LuKaRo> lspci says "Radeon HD
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494 [03:04:58] <Iarfen> how I give apache http server permission
to access the filesystem?
495 [03:05:06] <Iarfen> it gives me errors because it can't
open the files
496 [03:05:18] <Iarfen> it was with chown and chmod the command,
as I remember
497 [03:05:46] <sney> probably chown the relevant directory to
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499 [03:07:19] <sney> certainly don't 777 anything.
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507 [03:17:48] <quadrathoch2> LuKaRo did you make sure that you
updated your initramfs? (because of the cryptsetup)
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sorry for any inconvenience this may cause :-)
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772 [04:04:43] <Iarfen> what means: chcon: can't apply
partial context to unlabeled file?
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788 [04:21:57] <clime> hello, what would you say is the main
debian advantage over e.g. CentOS or Fedora?
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790 [04:24:08] <sney> vs the redhat ecosystem, debian is not
beholden to corporate funding, and can't be spontaneously
changed the way CentOS was recently
791 [04:24:31] <clime> sney: right
792 [04:24:53] <clime> sney: is debian sponsored by anyone?
793 [04:25:07] *** Joins: jotaxpe_ (jotaxpe@replaced-ip )
794 [04:25:14] <sney> debian is supported by a nonprofit called
SPI, that gets funding from a lot of different sources
795 [04:25:23] <clime> i see
796 [04:26:12] *** Quits: jotaxpe_ (jotaxpe@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
797 [04:26:57] <sney> but from a software/user perspective
it's pretty comparable. both ecosystems are built around
producing stable OS releases that can be reliable with security
support for multiple years, both have large established communities,
both have large software archives, etc
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800 [04:28:39] <clime> sney: can you actually work for Debian and
get money?
801 [04:28:52] *** Joins: moldorcoder7 (~moldorcod@replaced-ip )
802 [04:28:55] <clime> or people are volunteering?
803 [04:29:44] <sney> people are volunteering. there may be some
companies paying people to work on debian, but debian itself
isn't an employer
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805 [04:30:14] <clime> okay, thank you, i didn't know that
806 [04:31:18] <sney> working for canonical is pretty close
though, ubuntu and debian share a lot of contributors
807 [04:33:13] <clime> right, does ubunu actually do anything
except providing support?
808 [04:33:17] <clime> *ubuntu
809 [04:33:31] <clime> i.e. are they tweaking the packages?
810 [04:33:45] <Iarfen> in order to work with seliux, how I can
install semanage inside debian? Or is there another tool that
replaces semanage?
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812 [04:33:58] <sney> they tweak and patch a lot of packages,
ubuntu is pretty distinct as derivatives go.
813 [04:34:11] *** Joins: fb_ (~freebench@replaced-ip )
814 [04:34:43] <sney> they even made some modifications to the
packaging tools, so a given source package can automatically build
for debian or ubuntu with different patches applied
815 [04:35:09] <clime> i see
816 [04:38:15] <clime> sney: thanks, it's useful to know
more about the linux eco-system
817 [04:38:26] <sney> np
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830 [05:03:09] *** Joins: Zombie (~masterz@replaced-ip )
831 [05:03:32] <Zombie> Hello, I'm having issues with
LDAP/Kerberos configs for a Samba 4 AD.
832 [05:04:13] <Zombie> While NSS Seems to work fine with,
833 [05:04:21] <Zombie> PAM Fails every time.
834 [05:04:41] <Zombie> even when the password reflects success.
835 [05:19:27] <Zombie> Jan 3 03:58:08 tandypi sshd[3092]:
pam_sss(sshd:auth): authentication success; logname= uid=0 euid=0
tty=ssh ruser= rhost=::1 user=masterz
836 [05:19:27] <Zombie> Jan 3 03:58:08 tandypi sshd[3092]: Failed
password for masterz from ::1 port 34174 ssh2
837 [05:19:27] <Zombie> Jan 3 03:58:08 tandypi sshd[3092]: fatal:
Access denied for user masterz by PAM account configuration
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848 [05:38:35] <Zombie> Hello?
849 [05:39:32] <alex11> hi
850 [05:39:43] <alex11> sorry, not sure how to solve your issue
851 [05:41:14] <sney> I've never achieved any real
understanding of samba auth issues. they might know in #samba or
wait around for the helpers in a different time zone
852 [05:43:12] <Zombie> This is more a Straight Kerberos and LDAP
issue, with SSSD
853 [05:43:34] <Zombie> Or more likely, PAM telling giving me the
middle finger
854 [05:43:43] <Zombie> Jan 3 03:58:08 tandypi sshd[3092]:
pam_sss(sshd:auth): authentication success; logname= uid=0 euid=0
tty=ssh ruser= rhost=::1 user=masterz
855 [05:43:59] <Zombie> Jan 3 03:58:08 tandypi sshd[3092]: fatal:
Access denied for user masterz by PAM account configuration
856 [05:44:02] <sney> kerberos and ldap are AD internals though,
so I still suspect samba people would know
857 [05:44:29] <Zombie> The password is known correct and I can
858 [05:44:47] <Zombie> in addition, the LDAP functions are
859 [05:46:49] <Zombie> PAM Fails every time.
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862 [05:48:49] <rk4> sssd seems to be biggest [and sponsored by?]
in redhat communities, if you had a rh client with the same
863 [05:49:28] <rk4> trouble shooting this stuff always seemed
hard to me, since it's not obvious where to stick the debugger
and there's so much cross-project communication
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867 [05:49:44] <Zombie> Unable to get user objectInfoPipe
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885 [06:09:18] <cluelessperson> I think the bottleneck I'm
experiencing on this server is disk io
886 [06:09:20] <cluelessperson> how can I measure it?
887 [06:09:26] <Zombie> org.freedesktop.systemd1.NoSuchUnit: Unit
sssd-ifp.service not found.
888 [06:09:32] <cluelessperson> I can see the iops is at its
889 [06:09:34] <Zombie> What provides this?
890 [06:09:41] *** Joins: daveyates (~daveyates@replaced-ip )
891 [06:09:51] <sney> ,file sssd-ifp.service
892 [06:09:53] <cluelessperson> but how can I see a value for
latency or an issue with waiting for disk?
893 [06:09:55] <judd> No packages in buster/amd64 were found with
that file.
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901 [06:21:46] <cluelessperson> how are you supposed to spot disk
io issues exactly?
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904 [06:26:44] <rk4> cluelessperson:
905 [06:28:53] <rk4> cluelessperson: how are you seeing the iops?
this EBS or something?
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914 [06:41:56] <cluelessperson> rk4, iostat
915 [06:41:58] *** Quits: Bjornn- (~Bjornn@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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923 [06:48:09] <Zombie> its part of sssd-dbus
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935 [07:07:46] <Zombie> Jan 3 06:07:06 tandypi sshd[1465]:
pam_krb5(sshd:auth): user masterz authenticated as masterz@PUKEY
936 [07:07:47] <Zombie> Jan 3 06:07:06 tandypi sshd[1465]: Failed
password for masterz from ::1 port 37032 ssh2
937 [07:07:47] <Zombie> Jan 3 06:07:06 tandypi sshd[1465]: fatal:
Access denied for user masterz by PAM account configuration
938 [07:07:56] <Zombie> WTF!
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963 [07:40:41] <skyliner_369> Anyone know of a good (free) C++
IDE? Gonna take a look at alternatives to the MS products. Something
that's good to use with C++ projects with Vulkan powered
964 [07:43:52] <alex11> uh i guess geany is the all-purpose ide
965 [07:44:50] <alex11> i'm not of much help though sorry
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967 [07:45:32] <skyliner_369> it's alright
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979 [08:15:01] <Zombie> Jan 3 07:13:44 tandypi sshd[1998]:
pam_krb5(sshd:auth): user masterz authenticated as masterz@PUKEY
980 [08:15:01] <Zombie> Jan 3 07:14:16 tandypi login[841]:
pam_krb5(login:auth): user masterz authenticated as masterz@PUKEY
981 [08:15:01] <Zombie> Jan 3 07:14:16 tandypi login[841]:
Authentication failure
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1018 [09:03:39] <jelly> Zombie, can you show sssd.conf, output of
"id -a masterz", and look at
/var/log/sss/sssd_domainname.log for further clues?
1019 [09:04:00] <Zombie> I've gotten further along.
1020 [09:04:08] <jelly> and go back to pam_sss maybe
1021 [09:04:27] <Zombie> There seems to be some failure state in
pam itself.
1022 [09:04:57] <Zombie> I've stopped using pam_sss and
started falling back to pam_krb5 for comtrol testing.
1023 [09:05:04] <jelly> which debian release is this?
1024 [09:05:11] <Zombie> Here are my results
1025 [09:05:16] <Zombie> Buster (10)
1026 [09:05:34] <Zombie> on the Raspberry Pi 1
1027 [09:05:58] <jelly> is it really armel debian, or is it
raspbian really
1028 [09:06:15] <Zombie> raspbian
1029 [09:06:44] <Zombie> $ sudo pamtester sshd masterz
1030 [09:06:44] <Zombie> Password:
1031 [09:06:44] <Zombie> pamtester: successfully authenticated
1032 [09:07:06] <Zombie> $ sudo pamtester sshd masterz acct_mgmt
1033 [09:07:07] <Zombie> pamtester: Authentication failure
1034 [09:07:36] <Zombie> $ sudo pamtester common-auth masterz
1035 [09:07:36] <Zombie> pamtester: successfully opened a session
1036 [09:08:07] *** Joins: coot (~coot@replaced-ip )
1037 [09:10:40] <Zombie> Every Phase succeeds except acct_mgmt
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1070 [10:09:49] <shtrb> what is a proper way to unblock/unset
Ethernet card ? I have an issue that an ethernet card would go to a
state where it is stuck on ON (even if cable is unplugged) and the
kernel will not send message link down after I unplug the cable , or
when I replug the cable again . I tried rmmoding e1000e and
modprobing it again but did not unblock , and the only way I had
found to go back to working state is to reboot.
1071 [10:11:04] <shtrb> I was told last week it is "dead end
street in the state change chain"
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1103 [11:00:50] <solrize_> root 398 1.4 80.6 1566484 822336 ? Sl
2019 10331:29 /usr/bin/pyth
1104 [11:00:50] <solrize_> on3 /usr/bin/fail2ban-server -s
/var/run/fail2ban/fail2ban.sock -p /var/run/fail
1105 [11:00:50] <solrize_> 2ban/ -x -b
1106 [11:01:11] <solrize_> any idea how that bloated up to use so
much memory?
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1108 [11:02:22] <solrize_> root 398 1.4 80.6 1566484 822336 ? Sl
2019 10331:29 /usr/bin/pyth
1109 [11:02:22] <solrize_> on3 /usr/bin/fail2ban-server -s
/var/run/fail2ban/fail2ban.sock -p /var/run/fail
1110 [11:02:22] <solrize_> 2ban/ -x -b
1111 [11:02:27] <solrize_> oops sorry
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1113 [11:02:39] <solrize_> was trying to paste a github
issue--apparently other people have encountered this too
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1124 [11:11:27] <quadrathoch2> shtrb doesn’t ifdown help?
1125 [11:11:51] <quadrathoch2> Zombie, I guess you would need then
ask in raspbian
1126 [11:12:10] <quadrathoch2> As raspbian is not debian
1127 [11:12:15] <Zombie> This appears to be a generic PAM issue,
1128 [11:12:35] <Zombie> $ sudo pamtester common-account masterz
1129 [11:12:35] <Zombie> pamtester: Authentication failure
1130 [11:12:42] <Zombie> Distro aside.
1131 [11:14:06] <Zombie> How would I go about diagnosing PAM
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1133 [11:15:02] <shtrb> quadrathoch2, no , just got help in
#kernel , there seem to be a live bug regarding power mangment with
that module
1134 [11:15:53] <quadrathoch2> Ahh okay
1135 [11:16:16] <shtrb> via
1136 [11:16:22] <shtrb> ,v kernel
1137 [11:16:23] <judd> No package named 'kernel' was
found in amd64.
1138 [11:16:27] <shtrb> ,v linux-image
1139 [11:16:28] <judd> No package named 'linux-image'
was found in amd64.
1140 [11:17:13] <quadrathoch2> ,v linux-image-amd64
1141 [11:17:14] <judd> Package: linux-image-amd64 on amd64 --
jessie: 3.16+63+deb8u2; jessie-security: 3.16+63+deb8u7;
stretch-security: 4.9+80+deb9u6; stretch: 4.9+80+deb9u11;
stretch-backports: 4.19+105+deb10u4~bpo9+1; buster-security:
4.19+105+deb10u7; buster: 4.19+105+deb10u8; buster-backports:
5.9.6-1~bpo10+1; bullseye: 5.9.15-1; sid: 5.10.4-1
1142 [11:17:35] <Zombie> Anyone?
1143 [11:17:47] <Zombie> This is stopping me dead in my tracks.
1144 [11:19:01] <shtrb> quadrathoch2, based on the fact that I
have 5.9.6 with the same bug it wasn't fixed I won the lottery
of this kernel module
1145 [11:20:23] <quadrathoch2> Ugh, that a bug exists for long, is
rather rare afair
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1153 [11:36:44] <Zombie> Are you going to refuse to help me?
1154 [11:37:29] <quadrathoch2> zombie maybe you have to wait for
another time zone to wake up, as I literally have no idea how to
even start to fix it
1155 [11:37:31] *** Joins: SHADOWSaaaA (~jessie@replaced-ip )
1156 [11:38:34] <shtrb> Zombie, many people are idling ,some who
don't may not know how to help you
1157 [11:38:57] <Zombie> Even though I can kinit, LDAP, and NSS
operations work?
1158 [11:39:11] <rudi_s> Zombie: Try that on a clean Buster
installation. PAM can be difficult to debug but it works pretty
well. Most likely you have an error in your /etc/pam.d. Also you can
enable logging for many pam modules which should help.
1159 [11:39:13] <shtrb> Zombie, I would have started verifying the
aaa side to see what arrive
1160 [11:39:15] *** Joins: S3xyL1nux (~danie@replaced-ip )
1161 [11:40:14] <shtrb> Zombie , by default kinit and ldap do not
use the standard /etc/pam.d
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1166 [11:47:51] <Zombie> shtrb, only acct_mgmt fails. (the account
1167 [11:47:58] *** Quits: zapatista (~zapatista@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1168 [11:48:11] <Zombie> common-auth, common-session and common
password succeds
1169 [11:48:25] <Zombie> I can pastebin my PAM Configs
1170 [11:50:55] <Zombie>
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1193 [12:28:01] <creathor> hi, I've installed nvidia-driver
on my testing drive and it's working good so far. Still one
question left: at bootup and shutdown, with nouveau drivers the
screen was perfect scaled. But with the new nvidia drivers, the
screen isnt scaled properly and looks odd. Is there a way to scale
the resolution with nvidia drivers, too?
1194 [12:28:58] <jelly> creathor, nvidia driver does not do
framebuffer console, you're seeing text mode up until late in
the boot process
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1196 [12:31:04] <creathor> ok, thank you
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1225 [13:23:42] <jelly> Zombie, you said you switched from sss to
krb5 and ldap, yet you still have sss in common-auth
1226 [13:25:53] <jelly> er, common-account
1227 [13:26:45] <freem> Hi. busybox says, for it's DHCP
client: "-S Log to syslog too". I assume that it means,
"by default, nothing is sent to syslogd", right? Yet,
there are lines logged there, despite me running udhcpc with
"udhcpc -i enp2s0 -f -R -n". The lines I can find in the
logs are:
1228 [13:26:45] <freem> daemon.notice udhcpc[29639]: enp2s0:
1229 [13:26:45] <freem> daemon.err udhcpc[29639]: enp2s0:
configuration failed: leasefail:
1230 [13:26:58] *** Quits: knidos (~knidos@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1231 [13:27:33] <freem> is that expected, or is it a bug, maybe in
busybox itself? Busybox's version here: BusyBox v1.30.1 (Debian
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1243 [13:40:58] <dob1> I would like to find a console utility that
given the pid of a process it will monitor the memory usage of it
along the time, maybe with graph... not the total memory
1244 [13:41:01] <freem> tried with official source code for
v1.30.1, and the behavior there is: no syslog except if asked for.
Looks like a bug introduced by debian, but I don't know how to
find which patch does that
1245 [13:41:24] <dob1> and not the memory usage in the instant,
the history of memory usage during the time
1246 [13:41:57] <freem> dob1: while true; do ps -orss,vsz,pid,comm
>> log; done
1247 [13:42:12] <freem> then, use gnuplot to draw the graphs with
the data?
1248 [13:42:15] <jelly> freem, well, start by doing apt-get source
busybox and looking at the contents of busybox-*/debian/patches/
1249 [13:42:29] <jelly> dob1, atop can collect that info.
1250 [13:42:43] <dob1> jelly, but of a single process?
1251 [13:42:56] <freem> that's what I did, but I need to make
sense of the patches there. I'll do that after lunch
1252 [13:42:58] <jelly> all processes, the default service does 10
minute intervals
1253 [13:43:25] <dob1> jelly, this is the point, I don't want
the total. I would like the usage in memory in % like you see on
htop, a graph about this
1254 [13:44:13] <jelly> dob1, it tracks each process separately.
1255 [13:44:15] *** Quits: tomg (~tomg@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
1256 [13:44:35] <jelly> no graphs tho
1257 [13:45:49] <dob1> I will try, thanks
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1259 [13:46:36] <Zombie> jelly, I have changed it around several
1260 [13:47:00] <Zombie> Same result either way.
1261 [13:47:25] <jelly> Zombie, and you haven't shown your
sssd.conf and id output yet
1262 [13:47:49] <freem> patch file names have no mention of
syslog, and in the patches including "syslog" text,
nothing meaningful neither. I'll need to "bissect"
the patchset I guess
1263 [13:48:06] <freem> urgh.
1264 [13:48:07] <Zombie> # id masterz
1265 [13:48:07] <Zombie> uid=500(masterz) gid=504(Domain Users)
groups=506(Domain Admins),504(Domain Users)
1266 [13:48:57] <Zombie> I can do a successful sssctl user-checks
1267 [13:48:58] <jelly> Zombie, can you go back to sss and
pastebin those, and also the whole of: grep -vE '^#|^$'
1268 [13:49:11] <Mister00X> ,
1269 [13:49:17] *** Quits: HZun (~HZun@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
1270 [13:54:14] <Zombie>
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1275 [13:58:02] <dob1> related to memory while on htop I have swap
memory but with mount I don't see any swap partition?
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1277 [13:59:05] <creathor> Hi, I am on testing (bullseye) and
about 3 days ago I've installed nvidia-driver. Now I would like
to go back to standard nouveau. What can I do to get rid of
nvidia-driver and to get sure nouveau will be used instead?
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1280 [14:00:01] <jelly> dob1, "swapon -s" or "cat
1281 [14:00:14] <Zombie>
1282 [14:00:16] *** Joins: lowdread (~lowdread@replaced-ip )
1283 [14:00:24] <Zombie> jelly, Anything else?
1284 [14:01:01] <jelly> Zombie, your common-account is not
different from mine, on buster with sss (we use sssd_ldap, but
1285 [14:01:25] <Zombie> I use sssd_ldap and sssd_krb5
1286 [14:01:38] <dob1> jelly, I read 2gb vda5
1287 [14:03:43] *** onejukeboksi is now known as jukeboh
1288 [14:03:52] <jelly> dob1, "vmstat 1" from procps
package to look at swap usage changes in near-realtime
1289 [14:04:18] <dob1> jelly, I disabled it in fstab
1290 [14:04:37] *** Quits: lowdread (~lowdread@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
1291 [14:05:26] <Mister00X> creathor: See
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1293 [14:08:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1145
1294 [14:08:08] <creathor> Mister00X, I'll try this. And
nouveau will be used automatically, after removing nvidia?
1295 [14:08:53] <Mister00X> It should. If it doesn't you need
to remove the blacklisting of nouveau
1296 [14:08:54] <jelly> Zombie, /etc/sssd/sssd.conf, and strace
-e\!mprotect,mmap,munmap pamtester common-account masterz acct_mgmt
1297 [14:10:10] <creathor> Mister00X, ok, I'll give it a
1298 [14:10:27] *** Joins: JohnML (~john1@replaced-ip )
1299 [14:12:08] <ratrace> there was a few factoids, or links in
the wiki or debian admin guide, about building custom kernels. if I
want to track latest LTS from, can someone point me
toward appropriate docs?
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1303 [14:15:18] *** Joins: rue_bed (~rue@replaced-ip )
1304 [14:15:48] <rue_bed> how the heck do I get the system to drop
the -nolisten flag when starting X?!?!?!!
1305 [14:16:58] *** Quits: randomguy090 (~RandomGuy@replaced-ip ) (Quit: WeeChat 2.3)
1306 [14:17:55] <jelly> rue_bed, probably depends on the way the X
server is started and what starts it
1307 [14:18:12] <rue_bed> kde
1308 [14:18:22] <jelly> rue_bed, is there a parent process for
Xorg that is not equal to 1 ?
1309 [14:18:27] <rue_bed> and I'v disabled all the right
things in the kde config
1310 [14:19:20] <rue_bed> 661 ? Ss 0:00 /usr/bin/kdm -config
1311 [14:19:20] <rue_bed> 699 tty7 Ssl+ 0:26 \_ /usr/lib/xorg/Xorg
:0 vt7 -br -nolisten tcp -auth /var/run/xauth/A:0-TUPsyb
1312 [14:19:32] <jelly> wow, kdm
1313 [14:19:35] <dvs> ratrace: make deb-pkg. That's it after
you download the source from
1314 [14:19:39] <jelly> rue_bed, which debian release is this?
1315 [14:19:59] <rue_bed> 10.7
1316 [14:20:04] *** Quits: dreamon (~dreamon@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
1317 [14:20:11] <jelly> judd, file usr/bin/kdm
1318 [14:20:16] <judd> No packages in buster/amd64 were found with
that file.
1319 [14:20:18] *** Joins: RandomGuy90 (~RandomGuy@replaced-ip )
1320 [14:20:43] <jelly> rue_bed, what does "dpkg -S
/usr/bin/kdm" say? what does "dpkg -l libc6|tail -n1"
1321 [14:20:56] *** Quits: tagomago (~tagomago@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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1324 [14:21:29] <ratrace> dvs: ahhh right, I forgot the kernel
sources have those targets
1325 [14:21:31] <ratrace> thanks
1326 [14:21:36] <dvs> np
1327 [14:21:43] <rue_bed> says it came from kdm
1328 [14:21:57] *** Joins: JohnML (~john1@replaced-ip )
1329 [14:22:08] <rue_bed> and libc6 is 2.28-10
1330 [14:22:22] <jelly> rue_bed, can you pastebin the output of
"apt-cache policy" and "apt-cache policy kdm"
1331 [14:22:28] <ratrace> dvs: and if I wante to track sid's,
I just do !ssb, right?
1332 [14:22:30] *** Quits: creathor (~creathor@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
1333 [14:22:51] <rue_bed> jelly, you working on finding out where
I got kdm from?
1334 [14:22:53] <ratrace> which is probably not what I want, sid
will upgrade beyond 5.10 one bullseye is out
1335 [14:22:58] <ratrace> *once
1336 [14:23:17] <jelly> rue_bed, it seems you have packages left
over from earlier debian releases. I want to see which release is
the system actually supposed to be.
1337 [14:23:18] <dvs> ratrace: It would be better to track
backports than sid
1338 [14:23:25] <rue_bed> ah
1339 [14:23:46] <ratrace> dvs: backports are too slow. 5.9 has
long be EOL'd and I really need 5.10 to test some upcoming
1340 [14:23:46] <jelly> before suggesting any changes be done
1341 [14:24:13] <jelly> ,kernels
1342 [14:24:14] <judd> Available kernel versions are:
experimental: 5.10.0-trunk-686 (5.10.2-1~exp1); sid: 5.10.0-1-686
(5.10.4-1); bullseye: 5.9.0-5-686 (5.9.15-1); buster-backports:
5.9.0-0.bpo.2-686 (5.9.6-1~bpo10+1); buster: 4.19.0-13-686-pae
(4.19.160-2); stretch-backports: 4.19.0-0.bpo.9-686-pae
(4.19.118-2+deb10u1~bpo9+1); stretch: 4.19.0-0.bpo.13-686
(4.19.160-2~deb9u1); jessie-backports:
1343 [14:24:15] <judd> 4.9.0-0.bpo.6-686-pae
(4.9.88-1+deb9u1~bpo8+1); jessie: 4.9.0-0.bpo.12-686
1344 [14:24:19] <rue_bed>
1345 [14:24:48] <jelly> and the first command...
1346 [14:24:54] <rue_bed> kdm:
1347 [14:24:54] <rue_bed> Installed: 4:4.8.4-6
1348 [14:24:55] <dvs> ratrace: I'd rather get the source from than sid because sid packages may pull in other packages
from sid.
1349 [14:25:13] <jelly> ,v kdm
1350 [14:25:14] <judd> Package: kdm on amd64 -- jessie:
1351 [14:25:16] *** Quits: Monodroid (~Mono3@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1352 [14:25:17] <ratrace> right, that's why I wanted it, and
I can stay within 5.10 LTS much sooner
1353 [14:25:17] <rue_bed> see anything odd?
1354 [14:25:29] *** Joins: robobox (~chatzilla@replaced-ip )
1355 [14:25:35] <jelly> rue_bed, so kdm has not been present in
Debian since Debian 8. Switch to sddm first.
1356 [14:26:10] <robobox> yes, KDE5 doesn't have KDM
1357 [14:26:17] <rue_bed> why did kde get nixed?
1358 [14:26:41] <robobox> no, kdm did
1359 [14:26:47] <jelly> rue_bed, and you have an even older
version present, which suggests your release upgrade steps were not
done correctly at some point. Maybe you skipped a release, this is
not allowed.
1360 [14:26:51] <robobox> kde is still in debian
1361 [14:27:19] *** Joins: abrotman_ (~abrotman@replaced-ip )
1362 [14:27:29] <rue_bed> hmm
1363 [14:27:48] <jelly> !not available
1364 [14:27:49] <dpkg> To get a list of packages you have
installed now, that are not available from any repository in your
sources.list: aptitude search
1365 [14:27:55] <rue_bed> ok, so with this install there is no way
to disable the -nolisten flag thats being added to X
1366 [14:28:00] <jelly> rue_bed, ^ take a look at those.
1367 [14:28:14] <rue_bed> I'm not into a big upgrade
1368 [14:28:34] *** Quits: gonzo (~gonzo@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
1369 [14:28:40] <rue_bed> I have a file server that cant serve
files and a second file sever with bad motherboard caps
1370 [14:28:45] <rue_bed> my list is full
1371 [14:28:57] <jelly> rue_bed, you should first switch to a *dm
that is supported; right now you seem to have an unholy mix of
debian 7 and 10
1372 [14:29:12] <rue_bed> ok
1373 [14:29:24] <jelly> file servers don't have to run a GUI
at all
1374 [14:29:39] <rue_bed> upgrades are like pulling on the threads
of a knitted sweater
1375 [14:29:57] *** Joins: shokohsc (~shokohsc@replaced-ip )
1376 [14:29:57] <jelly> release upgrades are well documented.
1377 [14:30:02] <ratrace> jelly: a million windows admins might
disagree :)
1378 [14:30:03] <rue_bed> no, I'm just saying I have enough
to do aleady
1379 [14:30:27] <jelly> ratrace, let me introduce you to
"windows core" installations
1380 [14:30:28] *** Joins: DaNeenjah (~DaNeenjah@replaced-ip )
1381 [14:31:04] <jelly> rue_bed, then don't touch this
system, it smells like lots of work
1382 [14:31:28] <jelly> using "stable" in sources.list
is not a good idea and might have contributed to the mess
1383 [14:31:33] *** Quits: earthundead (~earthunde@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1384 [14:31:43] <rue_bed> I'd rather write a script called
Xorg and have it drop the extra flags
1385 [14:31:58] <jelly> (and it used to be default until like
Debian 6 or so)
1386 [14:32:28] *** Joins: dreamon (~dreamon@replaced-ip )
1387 [14:32:33] <Zombie> sssd.conf contains passwords and stuff.
1388 [14:32:43] <jelly> Zombie, munge the passwords
1389 [14:32:46] *** Quits: ml| (~ml|@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
1390 [14:32:55] <jelly> don't change other stuff
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1394 [14:38:19] <jelly> rue_bed, only thing to do right now is
replace all instances of "stable" in /etc/apt/sources.list
with "buster" to avoid compounding the issue when Debian
11 comes out
1395 [14:40:53] <jelly> Version: 4:4.8.4-6 # yeah, this is from
Debian 7
1396 [14:41:19] <Zombie> jelly: Hey? Look in private Query
1397 [14:41:27] <Zombie> Password lines removed
1398 [14:42:15] *** Joins: Space_Man (~Space_Man@replaced-ip )
1399 [14:42:16] <jelly> Zombie, sorry, did not notice that. Please
use the public channel for free help.
1400 [14:44:21] <Zombie> the Stack trace output more than I can
paste bin
1401 [14:44:49] <jelly> !pastebinit
1402 [14:44:49] <dpkg> A command-line tool to send data to a
<pastebin>. To paste e.g. your sources.list do "apt-get
install pastebinit; pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list"; to paste
the output of a program do e.g. "dmesg 2>&1 |
pastebinit". For a list of pastebin sites do "pastebinit
-l". See also <pastebinit config>, <nopaste>.
1403 [14:45:13] <jelly> ought to take 64KiB, is
it more?
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1406 [14:47:22] <jelly> Zombie, try not to remove any lines :-(
just censor the passwords
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1410 [14:50:40] <Zombie> I did not want to post stuff about myDN
1411 [14:50:45] <Zombie> did you read it?
1412 [14:51:42] <Zombie> Also the stack trace was too large for me
to pastebin,
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1415 [14:54:53] <Zombie> How do you want me to handle that?
1416 [14:55:29] <Zombie> I get the exact same behavior from as I do from
1417 [14:55:48] <Zombie> and that config is a known working
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1496 [16:03:52] <CrystalMath> hmm
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1498 [16:04:15] <CrystalMath> is there any way to prevent
from filling up my log with silly error messages about DBus not
being installed?
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1526 [16:24:41] <ratrace> yes, install dbus. xorg apps on debian
are really not meant to be running without it.
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1549 [16:53:22] <smurfke> Hello, I just succesfully instaled
docker on debian 10. It automatically installed as a system unit
(systemctl status docker --> returns active). How can I find the
system unit file for the docker service? It apparantly is not in
1550 [16:54:20] *** Joins: tyzef (~tyzef@replaced-ip )
1551 [16:54:29] <petn-randall> smurfke: /etc/systemd/system/ is
only for the systemd unit files the admin sets up. No package should
write it there.
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1553 [16:54:59] <petn-randall> smurfke: `dpkg -L docker` will list
any files that package has, it's probably somewhere under
1554 [16:55:45] *** Quits: Haudegen (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1555 [16:55:45] <smurfke> petn-randall: thanks! I found it under
1556 [16:56:24] <smurfke> However docker apparantly installed two
services... docker.service and containerd.service. I was wanting to
start up docker After=mnt-storage.mount (NFS storage is mounted)
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1558 [16:56:35] <smurfke> am unsure as to which one to edit now
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1562 [16:56:51] <smurfke> nevermind
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1565 [16:57:06] <petn-randall> smurfke: That should already be the
case, otherwise it's an RC bug.
1566 [16:57:20] <smurfke> docker.service itself references
1567 [16:57:25] <smurfke> petn-randall, hmm
1568 [16:57:28] <smurfke> ok
1569 [16:57:52] <smurfke> I mounted the NFS share via /etc/fstab
for which it dynamically generates a system unit
1570 [16:58:21] <smurfke> I had problems in the past with services
starting up before the NFS share was mounted that's why I would
like to explicitly hook in on the after event
1571 [16:58:32] <smurfke> but anyway I'll try it first :)
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1575 [17:01:08] <elios> hi. every time i reboot my
Master,PCM,Front is set to 0, how can i change that?
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1595 [17:02:22] <ratrace> alsamixer settings should persist after
you exit and reboot
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1597 [17:02:25] <ratrace> elios: ^
1598 [17:02:52] <elios> yeah that is totally not what it does
right now
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1630 [17:13:55] <ratrace> elios: pulseaudio controls are synced
with alsa, for sinks, because it uses alsa. maybe your pulseaudio
settings alter the defaults?
1631 [17:18:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1151
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1633 [17:18:21] <CrystalMath> ratrace: i don't want to
install dbus
1634 [17:18:30] <CrystalMath> everything works without it,
it's just that stupid error message
1635 [17:18:34] *** Joins: Widget (~widget@replaced-ip )
1636 [17:18:41] <CrystalMath> i guess i must patch xserver-xorg
1637 [17:19:06] <ratrace> or rebuild it without. most/many
programs have dbus as a compile time options
1638 [17:19:12] *** Joins: tyzef (~tyzef@replaced-ip )
1639 [17:19:14] <CrystalMath> no, it's not the programs
1640 [17:19:16] <CrystalMath> it's just the server
1641 [17:19:17] *** Quits: coot (~coot@replaced-ip ) (Quit: coot)
1642 [17:19:20] <CrystalMath> that bothers me
1643 [17:19:39] <ratrace> well doesn't xorg have dbus as
compile time option? --config something somethign?
1644 [17:19:41] <CrystalMath> none of the X apps i use (i use
traditional ones from like 1987...) need dbus
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1650 [17:24:14] <CrystalMath> ratrace: i'm not sure how to do
that with the debian source
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1654 [17:25:50] <ratrace> CrystalMath: when you unpack the src
deb, there should be a debian directory and in it, rules file.
it's the rules file you should alter, I think, to change the
config options. do alter the version via changelog, I think if you
add ~ (tilde) in the version, you'll make it so that your
version is superior to buster's but inferior to
bullseye's, when the upgrade comes, you won't have your
system broken
1655 [17:26:06] <ratrace> I'm not 100% sure on that, someone
with more srcdeb experience will want to correct me
1656 [17:26:18] <CrystalMath> yes but i don't see at all how
to get rid of dbus
1657 [17:26:25] <CrystalMath> i see it in the C code
1658 [17:26:31] <CrystalMath> i can comment out a little piece,
and it's dead
1659 [17:27:41] <ratrace> check xorg docs, or source, or rummage
through its automake or whatever the build framework script it uses,
to see what the compile time options are
1660 [17:27:48] <ratrace> don't alter the code, use the
1661 [17:27:54] <CrystalMath> okay NEED_DBUS should be undefined
1662 [17:28:09] <CrystalMath> for the bad path to not start
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1665 [17:28:27] <CrystalMath> and that is set by configure
1666 [17:29:08] <ratrace> CrystalMath: well the xorg gitlab post
you linked, someone recommends to use the --disable-systemd-logind
config option. makes sense that this would require dbus
1667 [17:29:19] *** Quits: fourstepper (~fourstepp@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - ##replaced-url
1668 [17:29:27] <CrystalMath> ah, i'm using the
xserver-xorg-legacy wrapper
1669 [17:29:48] <CrystalMath> i'm not running dbus nor
systemd nor anything of the sort
1670 [17:30:12] *** Joins: fourstepper (~fourstepp@replaced-ip )
1671 [17:30:47] <ratrace> doesn't mattre what YOU use; what
matters is what xorg requries by its compile time options. is this
even debian? if it is, then it will want the logind API
1672 [17:31:01] <ratrace> which you can patch via elogind, if you
don't do systemd/logind. but dbus is a must.
1673 [17:31:14] <ratrace> so you're deviating a LOT from what
Debian is, it's almost a derivative now.
1674 [17:31:36] <CrystalMath> but it's totally possible to
install xserver-xorg-core without dbus
1675 [17:31:44] <CrystalMath> dbus isn't a dependency,
libdbus is
1676 [17:31:45] *** Quits: alexandros_c (~alexandro@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1677 [17:31:59] <CrystalMath> libdbus is installed, but the daemon
itself is not
1678 [17:32:29] <DDDD> So if i have a debian system which is prone
to freeze etc, where should i look for any appropriate logs?
1679 [17:32:34] <n4dir> just ran in a nodbus iso and was wondering
what all this might be about.
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1681 [17:34:21] <ratrace> DDDD: the journal. I'd start with
journalctl -b -n -p err ; and if that doesn't show anything,
I'd look through -k for kernel msgs, without -p err . if you
don't have persistent journal, look into /var/log/kernel.log
for possible issues, but you can't grep that for severity,
1682 [17:35:55] <DDDD> ratrace, thanks
1683 [17:36:02] <DDDD> how the hell do you remember all this
1684 [17:36:19] *** Joins: geowiesnot (~user@replaced-ip )
1685 [17:36:38] <ratrace> 20+ years of lee nuks
1686 [17:37:20] *** Quits: fourstepper (~fourstepp@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ZNC 1.8.2 - ##replaced-url
1687 [17:37:21] <CrystalMath> i've only been using GNU/linux
for 10 years
1688 [17:37:24] <ratrace> and that's my $dayjob, sysadmining
a small linux server farm
1689 [17:37:35] <CrystalMath> well, this year, it will be a full
decade of linux
1690 [17:37:43] *** Joins: Ekis (~Ekis@replaced-ip )
1691 [17:37:59] <n4dir> i use linux as long i use PC's, and i
know close to nothing. Only time doesn't help much.
1692 [17:38:22] <CrystalMath> well over time i've learned to
use it properly
1693 [17:38:28] *** Joins: fourstepper (~fourstepp@replaced-ip )
1694 [17:38:32] <CrystalMath> and that is, in the traditional
UNIX® kind of way
1695 [17:39:28] <CrystalMath> i am considering a switch from
debian to slackware
1696 [17:39:39] <wigums> YaY slackware
1697 [17:39:52] *** Quits: szorfein (~daggoth@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1698 [17:40:07] <CrystalMath> so it's quite possible that i
won't be going to bullseye
1699 [17:40:09] <wsky> CrystalMath: bad idea, slackware had no
realease for last 4 years
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1702 [17:40:21] <CrystalMath> wsky: so? it has had updates
1703 [17:40:24] <wigums> slackware -current
1704 [17:40:27] <CrystalMath> i have slackware installed into a
1705 [17:40:29] <elios> there is also devuan
1706 [17:40:30] <wigums> all up to date
1707 [17:40:36] <CrystalMath> it gets updates more than debian
1708 [17:40:40] <elios> no systemd
1709 [17:40:42] <CrystalMath> not that that's always a good
1710 [17:40:47] <CrystalMath> hmm... devuan...
1711 [17:40:53] <CrystalMath> i suppose
1712 [17:40:58] <CrystalMath> that's also an option
1713 [17:40:59] <wsky> still, they had no release for last 4 years
1714 [17:41:06] * wigums run slackware for 25 years
1715 [17:41:09] <CrystalMath> wsky: i love slow releases
1716 [17:41:20] <wigums> wsky look into slackware -current
1717 [17:41:22] <CrystalMath> but it's not that i detest
change, oh no...
1718 [17:41:27] <CrystalMath> i change my system all the time
1719 [17:41:33] <CrystalMath> to be more and more outdated and
1720 [17:41:43] <CrystalMath> i actively look for ways i can be
more oldfashioned and implement them
1721 [17:41:46] <wsky> wigums: i'm aware of -current,
it's just i prefer releases
1722 [17:41:53] <CrystalMath> this is not a joke, i truly do this
all the time, these days it's all i do
1723 [17:42:06] *** Quits: geowiesnot (~user@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
1724 [17:42:08] <wigums> well if you run a slackware release you
can upgrade whatever you want
1725 [17:42:26] <wigums> youre not stuck with 4 year old xfce for
1726 [17:42:27] <CrystalMath> i think slackware has a more
oldfashioned feel to it, and i love it for that
1727 [17:42:39] <CrystalMath> i don't use xfce, silly...
that's way too modern
1728 [17:42:49] <CrystalMath> i use FVWM set up to look like
windows 3.1
1729 [17:42:49] <wigums> just an a example
1730 [17:42:51] <elios> haha
1731 [17:42:54] <n4dir> Do it ! Don't let your dreams be
dreams. Do it !
1732 [17:43:28] *** Quits: Brigo (~Brigo@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
1733 [17:43:37] <CrystalMath> as we speak, i'm ordering a
very old monitor from 20 years ago
1734 [17:44:06] <ratrace> you're bringing back RayTracing!
1735 [17:45:02] <elios> cathode-ray tube, i heard of it.
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1738 [17:47:08] <CrystalMath> now, let's see if my modified
xserver works
1739 [17:47:37] <CrystalMath> well it seems to work
1740 [17:48:02] <ratrace> CrystalMath: so what did you do to it in
the end?
1741 [17:48:03] <CrystalMath> no more dbus spam
1742 [17:48:06] *** Quits: Widget (~widget@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1743 [17:48:17] <CrystalMath> --disable-systemd-logind
1744 [17:48:20] <CrystalMath> that's all
1745 [17:48:20] *** Quits: Ekis (~Ekis@replaced-ip ) (Quit: leaving)
1746 [17:48:28] <ratrace> CrystalMath: nice. that via debian/rules
1747 [17:48:31] <CrystalMath> and dch -lcoderain to mark it
1748 [17:48:31] <CrystalMath> yes
1749 [17:48:40] <ratrace> mmh-hmm.
1750 [17:48:49] *** Quits: fourstepper (~fourstepp@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
1751 [17:48:59] <ratrace> now just make sure you're notified
when the package updates for bug/security fixes, so you can rebuild
1752 [17:49:01] *** Quits: czesmir (~stefan@replaced-ip ) (Quit: leaving)
1753 [17:49:47] <n4dir> as said, i just ran in said nodbus
refracta iso. All i can say it exists. Didn't use it,
don't plan to
1754 [17:50:00] *** Joins: fourstepper (~fourstepp@replaced-ip )
1755 [17:50:10] <CrystalMath> i rebuild a few packages
1756 [17:50:14] <CrystalMath> mostly to fix bugs in them
1757 [17:50:22] <CrystalMath> sc and ksh93 come to mind
1758 [17:50:29] <CrystalMath> i reported all the bugs
1759 [17:50:34] <CrystalMath> but i fixed them locally
1760 [17:50:37] <CrystalMath> because i need these programs
1761 [17:50:49] <kspalaiologos> hello, is anyone here facing an
issue with xfce4 on debian? I had xfwm4 version 4.16.0 (revision
c697a54ad) for Xfce 4.16 crash on me while using Java applications
(swing/awt/alikes) - i had to restart it later. In the kernel logs
there was an entry about xfwm getting int3 trap. I later used gdb
and virtual tty's to find out the callstack (unfortunately I
couldn't take a screenshot, so I had to take a picture of my
screen, which seems to be a
1762 [17:50:49] <kspalaiologos> bit blurry):
1763 [17:51:34] <kspalaiologos> i've checked the issue
tracker on launchpad for ubuntu, and supposedly they faced the same
problem as me, but the bug was left hanging without a solution for
around a few months now.
1764 [17:51:35] *** Joins: absinthe (~absinthe@replaced-ip )
1765 [17:51:52] <n4dir> !testing
1766 [17:51:52] <dpkg> Testing is a continuously updated release
between <stable> and <unstable>, currently codenamed
<bullseye>. See
1767 [17:52:05] <n4dir> that is the channel you want,
1768 [17:52:43] <kspalaiologos> thanks a lot, I'll check it,
1769 [17:53:55] <CrystalMath> also i backport nasm
1770 [17:54:21] <CrystalMath> because i really like the new more
masm-like syntax
1771 [17:56:04] <CrystalMath> wow i really love the peace and
quiet in my /var/log/Xorg.0.log file
1772 [17:58:20] <CrystalMath> one thing i don't quite
understand about devuan... is why avoid systemd if you're gonna
use stuff like dbus
1773 [17:58:37] <CrystalMath> elogind is kinda crazy
1774 [17:59:21] <petn-randall> CrystalMath: You'll have to
ask #devuan for that.
1775 [18:00:12] <CrystalMath> right
1776 [18:00:29] <CrystalMath> it was suggested to me here, so
i'm thinking about it
1777 [18:02:31] <n4dir> and as i told 2 times already i ran in a
devuan based nodbus iso. If that is what you want
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1784 [18:11:40] *** Joins: Fromhell (~fromhell@replaced-ip )
1785 [18:11:44] <Fromhell> hallo
1786 [18:12:20] <petn-randall> hi Fromhell
1787 [18:12:26] <Fromhell> hi
1788 [18:12:35] <Fromhell> need help about cockpit
1789 [18:14:29] *** Quits: Haudegen (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1790 [18:14:47] <petn-randall> Fromhell: Don't ask to ask,
just ask. :)
1791 [18:20:25] *** Quits: szorfein (~daggoth@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1792 [18:22:01] <Fromhell> petn-randall , can you help me whith
ssh for web page
1793 [18:23:18] <petn-randall> !ask
1794 [18:23:18] <dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For
example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian
version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I
expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if
anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all
volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get
an answer try a few hours later or on
1795 [18:24:00] *** Quits: Ericounet (~Eric@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
1796 [18:24:29] <Fromhell> petn-randall , what can i install for
web ssh ?
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1799 [18:25:51] <sney> Fromhell: your question doesn't make
sense, "web ssh" is not a thing. what is your real goal?
what have you tried, and what was the result?
1800 [18:25:54] <sney> !your screen
1801 [18:25:54] <dpkg> Your screen is in front of your face.
#debian cannot see it. Please give as many details as you can about
the problem. It wastes our time and yours when we have to guess what
is on your screen. See <context>, <what>
1802 [18:26:27] <Fromhell> sney whant ssh from web my server
1803 [18:26:40] <Fromhell> it like ssh online
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1806 [18:28:06] <wiscii> Fromhell: do you mean, "how can I
make my web server use https ?"
1807 [18:29:21] <Fromhell> wiscii i meen like
1808 [18:29:38] <simpledat> Hello. How do I run an appimage?
1809 [18:29:40] *** Joins: Haudegen (~quassel@replaced-ip )
1810 [18:30:21] <Fromhell> or like shellinaboxd
1811 [18:30:22] <n4dir> simpledat: make sure it is executable and
then do: ./AppImageName
1812 [18:30:47] <n4dir> in the directory where it is,else
1813 [18:30:58] <unborn> wiscii: that should be asked somewhere
else... I think its off topic - anyway he was rumbling about some
what he can install via ssh which is obvious - everything.. if he is
about cookpit - he can see manual online and also its off topic...
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1816 [18:31:36] <alex11> you can make it executable by chmod +x
<name of appimage>
1817 [18:32:22] <simpledat> n4dir: Should I run it as root or
normal user?
1818 [18:32:25] <unborn> simpledat: hello
1819 [18:32:39] <n4dir> simpledat: i'd say depends, but
usually really as a user. Which Appimage?
1820 [18:32:41] *** Quits: longshot (~nobody@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
1821 [18:32:49] <simpledat> n4dir: electrum, bitcoin wallet
1822 [18:33:08] *** Quits: Epakai (Epakai@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
1823 [18:33:23] <n4dir> if apps are supposed to be run as root,
then usually they should tell you if you run them as user. But
brutal truth: i sure don't know
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1826 [18:33:55] <Arrowmaster> if unsure, never run as root
1827 [18:34:05] <n4dir> good point
1828 [18:34:08] <vadershark> i've noticed pulseaudio uses
around 5% cpu when idle, anyway to stop this from happening?
1829 [18:34:17] *** Quits: kspalaiologos (~palaiolog@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
1830 [18:35:10] <wiscii> unborn: sure ;-)
1831 [18:36:46] *** Quits: Haudegen (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Bin weg.)
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1836 [18:38:44] <alex11> debian in particular is annoying with
electron appimages; you need to enable unprivileged kernel
1837 [18:38:47] <alex11> sometimes
1838 [18:39:10] <alex11> if you keep getting 'you need to set
chrome-sandbox to root and mode 4755'
1839 [18:39:38] <alex11>
1840 [18:39:53] <alex11> it's due to be fixed as of bullseye
1841 [18:40:12] <Arrowmaster> its fixed in sid
1842 [18:40:18] <alex11> for programs that *actually have
chrome-sandbox in their directory tree* then you can feel free to do
as it tells you
1843 [18:40:33] <alex11> but if it mentions /tmp, i'd just do
what that mailing list reply says
1844 [18:40:52] <ratrace> wait, bullseye continues to build
without userns? suids chrome?
1845 [18:41:13] <alex11> or if you're paranoid, run your
appimage with --no-sandbox and apparmor/firejail that specific
1846 [18:41:14] <simpledat> Thank you
1847 [18:41:54] <simpledat> alex11: Do you recommend me to run it
as normal user first?
1848 [18:42:06] <simpledat> Try and see
1849 [18:42:09] <alex11> yes, always run stuff as normal user
first, as a general rule
1850 [18:42:15] <alex11> don't use root unless you have to
1851 [18:42:18] <alex11> that goes for anything
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1879 [19:05:45] <alex11> tbh i probably should run more stuff in
firejail in the first place...
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1897 [19:17:49] <Azrael_-> hi
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1902 [19:20:30] <petn-randall> hi Azrael_-
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1981 [20:39:48] <Mazhive> hello can some one help me with a debian
10 / 2 gpu (gtx660/gtx1070) and 2 screens using proprietary drivers
i get the screens to show in nvidia-settings but only my cursor is
showing on the second screen
1982 [20:40:16] <Mazhive> when i try to move a app it does not
show in the 2nd screen
1983 [20:40:57] <sney> what if you move the app in the opposite
direction? the orientation may not match your monitor placement
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1985 [20:42:07] <spacedust> hello
1986 [20:42:31] <Mazhive> ah i forgot to tell the second screen is
a 1024x600 max and the first screen is a 1920 x 1080 max
1987 [20:42:52] <Mazhive> second screen is a 7 inch screen first
is a 32 inch
1988 [20:43:39] <sney> in any case, you probably just need to mess
with xrandr settings
1989 [20:43:58] <Mazhive> xrandr does not show my second screen
1990 [20:45:57] <Mazhive> arandr too
1991 [20:47:00] <sney> weird. no ideas here, I'll let someone
else pick it up
1992 [20:47:48] <Mazhive> when i move my mouse cursor i can see my
cursor on the second screen moving
1993 [20:48:32] <Mazhive> how can i make sure both are using the
same/proprietary drivers instead of another
1994 [20:48:56] <sney> if you installed the proprietary nvidia
driver using the debian package, nouveau is prevented from loading
1995 [20:49:06] <Mazhive> i mean , how can you tell its using the
same drivers
1996 [20:49:12] *** Quits: onejukeboksi (~noname@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
1997 [20:49:18] <sney> you can also look at 'lspci -k'
to see what modules are loaded for each card
1998 [20:49:20] <jmcnaught> Why not run both screens from a single
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2001 [20:50:55] <zykotick9> jmcnaught: I'm not sure what Xorg
will do with two active GPUs (personally I passthrough one for VMs).
2002 [20:51:24] <Mazhive> wy because i dont want it. , second i
dont have dp cables , third i probably want it to be configured to
use it as a kvm dedicated screen but thats for another day
2003 [20:52:27] <Mazhive> zykotick9: true i would do that
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2005 [20:53:55] <jmcnaught> I do PCI pass-through but I have not
tried using the GPU I pass-through on the host when the guest VM is
not booted up. Does that work?
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2008 [20:54:43] <zykotick9> jmcnaught: you'd need to remove
the "blacklisting" of the passthrough card before the host
can use it again.
2009 [20:56:27] <spacedust> why not run one screen with 2 GPUs ?
2010 [20:58:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1164
2011 [20:58:23] <zykotick9> spacedust: that's what I'm
doing ;) One monitor, one system, two graphics cards.
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2014 [20:59:34] <spacedust> zykotick9: i was just joking :) but
yeah i mean you could have a VM and have pci passtrough with it and
plugged into the same monitor different hdmi port :)
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2016 [20:59:52] <spacedust> i once tried pci passtrought didnt
2017 [21:00:15] <zykotick9> greatest thing since sliced bread (or
ssd drives) IMO
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2020 [21:02:11] <wiscii> was sliced bread really that big a thing
? ;-)
2021 [21:02:22] <n4dir> for the ones not able to do it themselves
it was
2022 [21:02:45] <wiscii> hard to imagine!
2023 [21:03:41] <n4dir> and you say that after having seen IRC ?
ha ha
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2027 [21:04:03] <wiscii> i expect it was more of a status symbol
(price hyke) than anything truly useful.
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2029 [21:06:14] <n4dir> or perhaps good knifes were a problem for
the poor. No clue
2030 [21:06:33] <n4dir> sandwich bread with a lousy knife sure
ain't much fun
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2034 [21:11:11] <wiscii> the expression has been around a long
time, so i expect I am just under-estimating the effect because I
was not there ;)
2035 [21:11:54] <wiscii> industrial revolution = bread cutting
machine !
2036 [21:12:36] <n4dir> ah, i didn't know that expression.
thanks for explaining.
2037 [21:12:45] <zykotick9> wiscii: i recently learned the origins
to both: "mind your own beeswax" and "freeze the
balls off a brass monkey" <- I would never have guessed what
either was refering too, because I didn't live it at all.
2038 [21:13:23] <dvs> Arrrrrrr!
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2041 [21:15:13] <wiscii> i know the brass monkeys origin but not
the beezwax one .. I'm sure they make a beeswax joke in
"Bee-Movie" ;-)
2042 [21:15:26] <n4dir> swedish curtains is a german term for
prison. Learned recently it relates to the once very hard swedish
2043 [21:16:19] <n4dir> hence the series "swedish dicks"
i assume ...
2044 [21:16:22] <wiscii> swedish curtains sounds like something
very spicy!
2045 [21:16:33] <wiscii> lol
2046 [21:17:05] *** Quits: CombatVet (~c4@replaced-ip ) (Quit: FBI Agent logging out [ID: D8362C010])
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2048 [21:17:15] <zykotick9> wiscii: beeswax was used as concealer
for men's and women's facial blemishes, so is someone was
starring at your face "mind your own beeswax".
2049 [21:17:15] <n4dir> great series to get over the winter, imho.
But enough of off-topic, before someone shouts at me.
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2057 [21:18:19] <wiscii> ah yes, the beeswax one I have heard
before :)
2058 [21:18:23] *** Quits: szorfein (~daggoth@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2059 [21:18:38] * zykotick9 was ignorant to both
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2062 [21:19:02] <wiscii> do you know the one "Bull in a china
shop" ?
2063 [21:19:03] *** Joins: mortderire (~mortderir@replaced-ip )
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2065 [21:19:28] <wiscii> many people pronounce it "bowel in a
china shop" because they don't get the point !
2066 [21:19:38] <wiscii> bowl*
2067 [21:19:43] *** Quits: milkt (~debian@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2068 [21:21:38] <azeem> in germany it's an elephant in the
china shop
2069 [21:21:47] <wiscii> haha
2070 [21:21:52] <cheapie> I like how the Debian installer talks
about "your hard disk" when this computer has closer to an
SD card jammed into an M.2 slot.
2071 [21:22:12] <cheapie> I suppose it gets the point across at
least :P
2072 [21:22:54] <sney> general terms are better
2073 [21:23:32] <jelly> noone knows what a block device is.
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2075 [21:24:59] <sney> we will probably still be saying "on
disk" when the underlying hardware is, you know, a quantum
crystal liquid solution or something.
2076 [21:25:12] * dvs pulls out a Rubik's cube
2077 [21:25:14] <zutat> cheapie: the debian installer "cd
2078 [21:25:34] <cheapie> zutat: I didn't boot from one of
those, but... sure, that probably does too.
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2097 [21:38:57] <scruloose> Supposing I want to manually install
some Python3 program on Buster (repo version is archaic & no
backport available). I want to make the program available
systemwide, but use a venv so I can install its Python deps without
trashing the system Python libraries that apt manages...
2098 [21:40:24] *** Joins: jukebohi (~noname@replaced-ip )
2099 [21:40:25] <scruloose> Can anybody point me to a howto on
2100 [21:41:01] <sney> python's venv docs are pretty good,
2101 [21:41:35] <sney> you can then launch the program systemwide
with a simple script in e.g. /usr/local/bin
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2103 [21:43:30] <wiscii> or systemd unit ;-)
2104 [21:43:41] <scruloose> Cool, thanks. Is there a recommended
"Debian way" for where to put the venv itself?
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2107 [21:45:10] <scruloose> wiscii: I do like me some systemd
units, but the current thing is an interactive utility, so I
don't think that's the tool for this job :-)
2108 [21:45:36] <sney> debian recommends unpackaged software be
organized under /usr/local, though how you do that is up to you
2109 [21:46:52] <wiscii> scruloose: i just like starting flame
wars about systemd (only joking)
2110 [21:47:12] *** Quits: mortderire (~mortderir@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2111 [21:47:15] <jelly> we do not joke about such things in here
2112 [21:48:13] <wiscii> yes .. i know ..
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2114 [21:48:38] <sney> systemd flame wars aren't as bad as
they were a few years ago, but still good to tread lightly in a
channel of ~1200 users
2115 [21:49:06] <scruloose> Also, I'm not very experienced
with virtual environments... Would I create that as a regular user
then just move the venv directory to /usr/local/wherever, or does it
need to be created with sudo in the location where I want it to end
2116 [21:50:44] <sney> treat it like any other program. if
it's a binary that can be used by any system user, it's
probably owned by root, unless it's a service in which case it
should have its own service account
2117 [21:51:56] *** Quits: snegov (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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2120 [21:54:04] <scruloose> Cool, so just to confirm... creating a
venv directly in, say, /usr/local/lib/program-venv, activating it,
and pip installing some dependencies *all as root* is a safe and
reasonable thing to do?
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2124 [21:54:59] <jelly> scruloose, avoid doing it as root. Make
the directory writable as a normal user and set it up as a normal
user instead
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2128 [21:59:55] <scruloose> jelly: And then I can just chown/chmod
-R the whole venv to be root-owned and writable only to root once I
have it all set up, I take it?
2129 [22:00:49] *** Quits: jolitoledo (~jolitoled@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2130 [22:01:01] <ghoti> Hi folks. I've got a home-made router
with hostapd and friends running, but I need to temporarily attach
its wifi interface to another local network. But when I `service
hostapd stop`, my wlan0 interface disappears, and `service
wpa_supplicant start` does not make it reappear. What am I missing?
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2133 [22:02:03] <jelly> scruloose, yes
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2135 [22:03:22] <wiscii> .oO jelly & wiscii .. sounds like a
wine gum! ;-)
2136 [22:03:46] *** Quits: milkt (~debian@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2137 [22:04:11] <wiscii> or trifle
2138 [22:04:16] *** Quits: fflori (~fflori@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2139 [22:04:20] <ghoti> all these foods.. jelly,wiskii,ghoti,milkt
2140 [22:04:34] <wiscii> :D
2141 [22:05:08] *** Joins: riddle (riddle@replaced-ip )
2142 [22:06:26] <wiscii> lol .. i forgot about ghoti .. fish
trifle .. eeereplaced-url
2143 [22:06:44] <wiscii> meh salmon mouse :)
2144 [22:06:59] <wiscii> mousse*
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2147 [22:08:23] <scruloose> jelly: sweet, thanks! I'll go try
2148 [22:08:32] <scruloose> wiscii: mouse mousse?
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2151 [22:10:06] <wiscii> moose mouse mousse!
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2153 [22:10:26] * ghoti has Python flashbacks
2154 [22:10:30] * wiscii pipes down before bannishment
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2156 [22:11:22] <scruloose> Muppet show flashback: "Furrst yu
tek de chocolate..."
2157 [22:11:26] *** Quits: ArlequInOut (~DaVinciCo@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2158 [22:11:42] <ghoti> Oooh, that was a good episode.
2159 [22:12:18] <wiscii> lol .. showing your age there ;-) all we
need now is a mock swedish chef to boil it all up with his curtains!
2160 [22:12:33] <scruloose> Oh, good, I'm not the only one in
the room old enough to remember that ;-)
2161 [22:12:50] <wiscii> <- old git too
2162 [22:12:56] <ghoti> I think my fave might have been the
"genuine Swedish dish" he made with his uncle, played by
Danny Kaye.
2163 [22:13:09] <ghoti> < old cvs
2164 [22:13:25] <wiscii> LMAO! :D
2165 [22:13:28] *** Perform is now known as Debugger
2166 [22:13:31] <ghoti> (even rcs, which I still use)
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2172 [22:15:52] <wiscii> Remember "Pigs in Space" ? ....
how much did the FED "lend" Trump for that ?
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2180 [22:22:35] <Zombie> How do I check if my Kernel has IPX
Support compiled in?
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2189 [22:25:26] <sney> Zombie: check for CONFIG_IPX in your
/boot/config-$(uname -r) , but according to wikipedia ipx support
was dropped from mainline linux in 2018
2190 [22:26:21] *** Quits: luna_is_here (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2191 [22:26:28] <sney> more info from linus
2192 [22:26:55] <sney> er, from gregkh but authoritative anyway
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2202 [22:39:41] <twb> How can I probe an NTP server's stratum
without installing ntpsec or ntpd? I don't want to interfere
with the works-perfectly-fine systemd-timesyncd.
2203 [22:41:12] <Zombie> sney, Config_IPX=m
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2210 [22:50:34] <jhutchins> twb: On a normal system I would expect
ntpq -p
2211 [22:50:50] <jhutchins> Not sure you get ntpq unless you
install ntpd though.
2212 [22:50:56] <twb> jhutchins: exactly
2213 [22:51:03] <twb> and busybox doesn't seem to include
one, only rdate
2214 [22:51:07] <twb> (as compiled by Debian anyway)
2215 [22:51:36] <twb> and timedatectl only lets me examine the
local server i.e. what timedated is actually using
2216 [22:52:09] <jhutchins> twb: ntpstat
2217 [22:52:47] * twb tries
2218 [22:54:31] <twb> jhutchins: sigh that only talks to
2219 [22:54:51] <twb> Yep
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2222 [22:56:36] <spacedust> whats the best os for a n3050 celeron
cpu with 4gb ram ?
2223 [22:57:05] <twb> spacedust: depends what you're doing
with it
2224 [22:57:06] <tvm> twb: what about timedatectl show-timesync
2225 [22:57:13] *** Quits: black_ant (~antilope@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2226 [22:57:17] <tvm> there's NTPMessage in there usually
2227 [22:57:27] <twb> tvm: that only shows the server timedated is
using, i.e. rather than the test server
2228 [22:57:47] <tvm> oh, you want specific box
2229 [22:57:51] <twb> right
2230 [22:57:59] <spacedust> twb: nothing much just little bit of
browsing and general stuff like that facebook or instagram or so
2231 [22:58:12] <twb> I want to say "can I get good time from" before I say "get time from"
2232 [22:58:16] <jhutchins> ntpq supports remote queries.
2233 [22:58:20] <twb> spacedust: OK so desktop stuff
2234 [22:58:46] <twb> jhutchins: yes but ntpq is not packaged
separately. If I "apt install ntp" it will replace
timedated with ntpd as the local time server
2235 [22:58:55] <twb> *as the local NTP client
2236 [22:58:58] <jhutchins> twb: I believe that the systemd module
is designed to work with NTP, and I've never had any trouble
with interference.
2237 [22:59:13] <twb> jhutchins: no
2238 [22:59:27] <jhutchins> Um, 1500 servers say you're
2239 [22:59:30] <twb> jhutchins: systemd-timedated.service has a
rule like StartUnlessExists=/usr/bin/ntpd
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2241 [22:59:45] <twb> jhutchins: the presence of ntpd will prevent
timedated from running
2242 [23:00:07] <jhutchins> They can be run in parallel. The
documentation is pretty good.
2243 [23:00:11] *** Quits: H-var (~H-var@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2244 [23:00:29] <twb> timesyncd will automaticalled disable its
NTP client when ntpd is installed.
2245 [23:00:34] <spacedust> twb: yeah
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2249 [23:02:45] <twb> spacedust: Debian will work but if you
aren't an expert, you should use whatever your expert friend
knows how to support
2250 [23:03:04] <jhutchins> The _default_ is to not run the systed
service, but it can be run cooperatively. Hence the command
timedatectl ntp with various options.
2251 [23:03:11] <jhutchins> twb: Try timedatectl show-timesync
2252 [23:03:52] <twb> jhutchins: that only shows the NTP servers
that timesyncd is currently using
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2255 [23:04:56] <twb> Just to repeat: the goal is to sent NTP
message 6 to a specific host ( without in any way
changing or affecting the system NTP client (systemd-timesyncd).
2256 [23:04:57] <jhutchins> I believe the cooperative protocol is
to run at startup, then hand off to ntpd.
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2258 [23:07:24] <rander2> hello all
2259 [23:07:41] <rander2> I started kismet , and after the server
run I try to connect to it with
2260 [23:07:56] <rander2> But if I put in listing a port with: nc
-l -p 2000 and after try to connect to it, I see the browser's
2261 [23:09:00] <rander2> and connection go with nc
2501. So I don't understand what is wrong
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2266 [23:12:59] <rander2>
2267 [23:13:45] <kline\0> rander2: thats the output when you nc to
2268 [23:14:09] <rander2> kline\0, kismet server
2269 [23:14:17] *** Quits: robobox (~chatzilla@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2270 [23:14:20] <rander2> as I explained before
2271 [23:14:33] <twb> rander2: this is kismet the 802.11 cracking
2272 [23:14:43] <twb> That looks more like IRC stuff
2273 [23:14:44] <rander2> obvious
2274 [23:14:54] <kline\0> rander2: when you nc 2501
2275 [23:14:57] <kline\0> this is what you get out?
2276 [23:14:59] <twb> never mind, I'm an idiot
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2278 [23:15:11] <rander2> kline\0, yes, I paste
2279 [23:15:26] <kline\0> this isnt http, so if you connect a
browser to, it wont render anything
2280 [23:15:30] <rander2> kline\0, but it's unreachable from
2281 [23:15:33] <kline\0> because 2501 is sending the wrong
2282 [23:16:02] <rander2> kline\0, on readme file tell to set the
server from browser
2283 [23:16:17] <kline\0> youll need to read the docs some more or
ask the kismet people
2284 [23:16:30] <twb> rander2: have you asked #kismet on freenode?
2285 [23:16:31] <kline\0> but whats going wrong is obvious: :2501
isnt a http port
2286 [23:16:47] <rander2> official web site
2287 [23:17:36] <wiscii> "set the server from browser"
is not exactly authoritive ..
2288 [23:18:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1160
2289 [23:18:21] <rander2>
2290 [23:18:45] <rander2> the official web site say to do this
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2301 [23:23:12] <wsky> when
2302 [23:23:48] <rander2> I'm using buster
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2304 [23:24:28] <Arrowmaster> wsky: when bullseye is released
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2308 [23:26:36] <wiscii> rander2: did you see httpd here:
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2313 [23:28:26] <rander2> wiscii,
2314 [23:28:45] <rander2> #Navigate to the Web UIPermalink
2315 [23:29:19] *** Parts: Debugger (~iq@replaced-ip ) ("Leaving...")
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2319 [23:29:58] <wiscii> rander2: "Kismet is primarily
configured through a set of configuration text files"
2320 [23:30:05] *** Quits: BenDover (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Quit: BenDover)
2321 [23:30:46] <rander2> wiscii, Point your browser at
2322 [23:30:46] <rander2> If you are running Kismet on your laptop
(or other system with a browser), you can see the Kismet UI at
2323 [23:30:57] <rander2> ok excuse me
2324 [23:31:09] <rander2> but this is written in the official web
2325 [23:31:48] *** Quits: n4dir (~n4dir@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2326 [23:31:52] <wiscii> rander2: 22:16:31 kline\0 | but whats
going wrong is obvious: :2501 isnt a http port
2327 [23:32:32] <kline\0> wiscii: ask the kismet people, this isnt
really a debian issue
2328 [23:32:37] <Zombie> Is anyone here good at diagnosing PAM?
2329 [23:32:40] <wiscii> agreed
2330 [23:32:45] *** Devastator_ is now known as Devastator
2331 [23:32:51] <kline\0> oh, sorry
2332 [23:32:57] *** Quits: gelignite (~gelignite@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Stay safe!)
2333 [23:33:06] <wiscii> np :)
2334 [23:33:11] <kline\0> rander2: kismet is clearly doing
something since there is information coming from :2501, but its also
clearly not an http port
2335 [23:33:15] <rander2> however browser don't show ascii
chars without html tags, I didn't know. Now I know. I'll
write to kismet developers
2336 [23:33:27] <kline\0> you should speak to the kismet people
since this is not a debian issue but one of kismets documentatino
2337 [23:33:30] <wiscii> +1
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2356 [23:53:52] <twb> SOLVED
2357 [23:54:02] <twb> jhutchins:
/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_ntp_time -H ===> NTP OK:
Offset -0.0009749531746 secs|offset=-0.000975s;60.000000;120.000000;
2358 [23:54:07] <twb> FYI
2359 [23:54:16] <twb> I should have just said "screw you
ISC" and gone straight to that
2360 [23:56:55] *** Quits: S3xyL1nux (~dante@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2361 [23:57:20] <Zombie> I just fixed PAM.
2362 [23:57:48] <twb> Zombie: like a dog? ;-)
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