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35 [00:32:48] *** Joins: brutser (57434136@replaced-ip )
36 [00:32:56] <brutser> hi all! made a /boot and grub on
separate usb, now i want to do: 1. create backup of the usb data and
UUID (because i use this in fstab) 2. exclude the usb from mounting
on my existing installs (to prevent they are both mounted with same
37 [00:33:56] *** Quits: BloopMonster (~stultus@replaced-ip ) (Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1)
38 [00:35:18] <trek00> brutser: to raw copy an entire disk you
can: dd if=/dev/XXX of=/path/to/file bs=4096
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41 [00:35:57] <Filystyn> ok
42 [00:36:00] <Filystyn> i passed all tests
43 [00:36:06] <trek00> brutser: where /dev/XXX is the device you
want to copy, like /dev/sdd if you want the whole disk (partition
table included) or /dev/sdd1 if you want only the first partition
44 [00:36:15] *** Joins: fionnan (~fionnan@replaced-ip )
45 [00:36:16] <Filystyn> God so much time on this lol
46 [00:36:24] <Filystyn> its now *building* further
47 [00:36:25] <trek00> Filystyn: well you should have a .deb
file in the parent directory
48 [00:36:31] <Filystyn> k
49 [00:36:43] <ratrace> brutser: "they are both" --
both what? you'll need to give more detail about what exactly
you want to do here
50 [00:36:51] <brutser> trek00: ah yes of course and now i need
to make sure they not get mounted at the same time, because that
will mean they get different UUID?
51 [00:37:25] <ratrace> brutser: so far you mentioned only one
usb and that you want to make a backup of it, so what's this
other thing that's constantly plugged in that you want to
prevent from being mounted?
52 [00:37:36] *** Quits: slurpee (~slurpee@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
53 [00:38:25] <Filystyn> fnone such packet lol
54 [00:38:28] <Filystyn> no .deb
55 [00:38:53] <trek00> brutser: if you mount your /boot
partition via UUID, then you should not plug the usb copy during
boot, if they have the same uuid
56 [00:39:12] <trek00> Filystyn: check the parent directory ..
57 [00:39:56] <Filystyn> ahh
58 [00:40:05] <Filystyn> lots of debs
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62 [00:40:41] <brutser> trek00: ok, but maybe this is silly
thing, but i don't want the boot usb to be mounted at all,
it's just there is no need to and i prefer not to have it shown
on desktop by default and mounted
63 [00:40:52] <brutser> can i prevent that for a single usb?
64 [00:41:04] <Filystyn> now should I just use udev ?
65 [00:41:08] *** Joins: oahong (~samigarus@replaced-ip )
66 [00:41:12] <Filystyn> udev_241-5_amd64.deb
67 [00:41:41] <trek00> Filystyn: it should be that, you can
install it with dpkg -i udev_241-5_amd64.deb
68 [00:41:46] <ratrace> brutser: you can put "noauto"
in the mount options in the fstab for /boot ... but then you'd
have to remember to mount it before updates for something might
trigger initramfs to rebuild
69 [00:41:47] <Filystyn> ok
70 [00:42:33] *** Quits: Soo_Slow (Soo_Slow@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
71 [00:42:59] <Filystyn> hehe it sFailed to lower
RLIMIT_NOFILE's soft limit to 1K: Function not implemented
72 [00:43:00] <brutser> ratrace: ok, that's maybe not so
smart to do then
73 [00:43:20] <ratrace> brutser: what's the reason you put
grub and /boot on an usb?
74 [00:44:01] <brutser> ratrace: security reasons mainly
75 [00:44:06] <trek00> brutser: do you have the usb /boot copy
in your fstab? if not may be it get automounted by some desktop
gadget, but it depends which and anyway I don't know them
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79 [00:44:41] <brutser> trek00: yes it's in fstab with UUID
80 [00:45:04] <ratrace> brutser: you can configure dpkg hooks to
mount /boot before update, and umount it after
81 [00:45:07] <Filystyn> ./basic/process-util.c:
log_full_errno(prio, r, "Failed to lower
82 [00:45:07] <Filystyn> RLIMIT_NOFILE's soft limit to 1K:
83 [00:45:12] <trek00> Filystyn: please double check it has
installed your new built version
84 [00:45:25] <brutser> ratrace: that's a good idea!
85 [00:45:36] <brutser> ok, i will copy that line and try to
figure out how to do that
86 [00:45:59] <Filystyn> how do i double check?
87 [00:46:43] <trek00> Filystyn: it wrote some error during the
88 [00:46:48] <ratrace> brutser:
89 [00:46:52] <Filystyn> yes the usuall one
90 [00:47:05] <Filystyn> same as last time
91 [00:47:15] <brutser> ratrace: thanks!
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93 [00:48:28] <ratrace> brutser: but then you'd have to
update the copy too, or you'll risk mismatch in versions of
modules or other initramfs tools, kernel, ...
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95 [00:49:38] <brutser> ratrace: ah yes of course.. maybe i
should update and then always after an update make a new clone
96 [00:49:39] *** Quits: BCMM (~BCMM@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
97 [00:50:00] <ratrace> brutser: i think maybe you should
consider just encrypted /boot, instead of portable /boot
98 [00:50:16] <ratrace> you otherwise encrypt root fs, yes?
99 [00:50:37] <brutser> ratrace: yes i thought about that
100 [00:50:46] <brutser> but someone told me that is not secure
101 [00:50:51] <brutser> and i am no expert on that
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103 [00:51:12] <ratrace> brutser: depends on the threat model
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108 [00:53:24] <trek00> Filystyn: may be you should add return 0;
at the start of rlimit_nofile_safe() in basic/rlimit-util.c
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110 [00:54:10] <Filystyn> ok for now i have one more startegy
111 [00:54:28] <trek00> Filystyn: this way it should no more call
rlimit at all
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117 [00:56:07] <ratrace> brutser: no pm please
118 [00:56:13] <trek00> Filystyn: try again now, it will take
some time to recompile and I don't know how much I will remain
119 [00:56:28] <brutser> ratrace: ok, i was just for you, so
that's why pm
120 [00:56:39] <Filystyn> its fine after my solution fails we
will try yours relinking takes ages here
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126 [00:58:38] <trek00> brutser: a copy of /boot & grub is
secure as a backup if you get grub or /boot broken, but not secure
like forbidding access
127 [00:59:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1537
128 [00:59:34] <brutser> trek00: if the root is encrypted, it
kind of prevent access no?
129 [01:00:14] <trek00> brutser: yes the encryption prevents the
access, not the boot on usb stick
130 [01:01:07] <ratrace> it prevents access only when the
computer is powered off and if the passphrase is complex enough
131 [01:01:22] *** Quits: Ekchuan (~RandyMars@replaced-ip ) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
132 [01:01:29] <brutser> ratrace: yes of course
133 [01:02:00] <brutser> does it also prevent to know that the
encrypted partition is in fact a debian install?
134 [01:02:15] <Filystyn> ok the function it self allways succes
135 [01:02:20] <Filystyn> so i hope this makes the deal
136 [01:02:21] <brutser> you would need the /boot to know that
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139 [01:02:55] <brutser> ratrace: i wrote you the threat model in
pm, but i don't want discuss it here really
140 [01:02:57] <Filystyn> rebuilding
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142 [01:02:57] <trek00> brutser: yes /boot, grub configuration
and may be some efi variable?
143 [01:03:07] <ratrace> brutser: luks headers reveal that
they're luks headers, so the attacker could assume that's
some linux distro in there
144 [01:03:48] *** Quits: Ingvix (~Ingvix@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
145 [01:04:08] <brutser> true luks headers will know the
encryption used, but can only assume what's inside
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147 [01:04:51] <Bushmills> grub booting may be a dead giveaway
towards that too
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150 [01:06:02] <brutser> Bushmills: yes but that is separated
from it on usb drive
151 [01:06:58] <trek00> brutser: check if efibootmgr -v show some
debian entry too
152 [01:07:54] <brutser> trek00: it's mbr/bios
153 [01:08:01] <trek00> brutser: good :)
154 [01:08:04] <Filystyn> Failed to lower RLIMIT_NOFILE's
soft limit to 1K: Function not implemented
155 [01:08:10] <Filystyn> it won't fag of ;-)
156 [01:08:22] <Filystyn> ehh duno what is the reason realy
157 [01:08:25] <trek00> Filystyn: it's full of code
158 [01:08:49] <Filystyn> i actualy changed the it self function
159 [01:08:52] <Filystyn> so taht should be it
160 [01:08:55] <trek00> Filystyn: it seems rlimit_nofile is not
implemented in older kernel versions
161 [01:09:20] <Filystyn> maybe i should just like fucking
implement it lol
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164 [01:11:01] <trek00> Filystyn: may be also that it's an
error message from systemd directly as it is using the same
libraries? try to launch it from the command line:
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169 [01:12:02] <Filystyn> it's thinking
170 [01:12:29] *** Joins: glennb (~glennb@replaced-ip )
171 [01:12:30] <trek00> Filystyn: if it does not exit, it is
running fine
172 [01:12:41] *** Joins: Ekchuan (~RandyMars@replaced-ip )
173 [01:12:44] <Filystyn> well than
174 [01:13:02] <trek00> Filystyn: ctrl-C will kill it, and you
can call it again with --debug to see if it is running fine
175 [01:13:03] <Filystyn> the systemd is problem ?
176 [01:13:07] *** Joins: molezz (uid292222@replaced-ip )
177 [01:13:24] <trek00> Filystyn: may be, but I never used
systemd sorry
178 [01:13:28] <Filystyn> okie
179 [01:13:34] *** Joins: Brigo (~Brigo@replaced-ip )
180 [01:13:35] <Filystyn> anyway udev seems fine
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182 [01:14:17] *** Joins: Adiemus|Away (~Adiemus@replaced-ip )
183 [01:14:34] <trek00> Filystyn: well try to reinstall also the
other sytemd packages you have built that are already installed
184 [01:14:56] *** Quits: humpled (~i@replaced-ip ) (Quit: hello)
185 [01:15:35] <trek00> Filystyn: i think the important ones are
systemd, systemd-sysv and libsystemd
186 [01:16:27] <Filystyn> funny it seems udev now fails on
llimits ;-))
187 [01:16:30] <Filystyn> the error changed
188 [01:16:44] <Filystyn> and since limits was problem this is
rippiti rip
189 [01:16:44] *** Quits: Adiemus|Away (~Adiemus@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
190 [01:16:51] <Filystyn> last thing i was thinking just using
older source?
191 [01:16:54] *** Quits: czesmir_ (~stefan@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Lost terminal)
192 [01:17:08] <Filystyn> well older versions
193 [01:17:14] <trek00> Filystyn: yes you can rebuild an older
source from debian as well
194 [01:17:34] <trek00> Filystyn: but at first you must
understand if it is a systemd or udevd problem
195 [01:18:00] <trek00> Filystyn: other services are running
fine? you can restart them?
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198 [01:18:46] <trek00> Filystyn: if it is a systemd problem you
can install another init system to work around
199 [01:19:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1530
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202 [01:21:08] <trek00> Filystyn: but I would bet installing an
updated kernel will be easier to do
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204 [01:23:02] <Filystyn> trek ok what other init system could do
205 [01:23:11] <Filystyn> do i just apt remove systemd ?
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208 [01:23:43] <trek00> Filystyn: there are high chances to break
the installation, be aware
209 [01:23:55] <Filystyn> ok just suggest some other init system
210 [01:24:05] <Filystyn> that will be in repository
211 [01:24:07] <trek00> Filystyn: installing sysvinit-core should
do the trick
212 [01:24:22] *** Quits: Yukiteru (~Yukiteru@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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214 [01:24:46] <Filystyn> ok installed
215 [01:24:53] <Filystyn> should i somehow try to get rid of
systemd ?
216 [01:25:09] <trek00> Filystyn: but it may need some complex
strategy to do not remove many of your installed packages
217 [01:25:23] <Filystyn> fuck packages for now we need to start
sshd ;-)
218 [01:25:44] *** Joins: nekomata (~nekomata@replaced-ip )
219 [01:25:46] <Filystyn> what is command for it
220 [01:25:49] *** Joins: Mughitsah (~Kandi@replaced-ip )
221 [01:26:01] <trek00> Filystyn: if you have installed
sysvinit-core, it should have uninstalled systemd-sysv, right?
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224 [01:26:37] <Filystyn> nit depends on systemd-sysv |
sysvinit-core; however:
225 [01:26:37] <Filystyn> Package systemd-sysv is to be removed.
226 [01:26:37] <Filystyn> Package sysvinit-core is not installed.
227 [01:26:38] *** Joins: hybrid (~hybrid@replaced-ip )
228 [01:26:42] <Filystyn> this is what happened seeems
229 [01:27:11] *** Quits: Mughitsah (~Kandi@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
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231 [01:27:24] *** Joins: Cabanossi (~Cabanossi@replaced-ip )
232 [01:27:37] <Filystyn> anyway it says the systemd-sysv is
inistalled and 'systemd-sysv' is not installed,
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235 [01:28:05] <trek00> Filystyn: sorry it's too late for me
and I'm not an expert about systemd and its ecosystem
236 [01:28:08] *** Quits: hybrid (~hybrid@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
237 [01:28:12] <Filystyn> sorry the sysvinit-core is installed *
238 [01:28:19] *** Joins: toxync12 (~toxync12@replaced-ip )
239 [01:28:26] <Filystyn> ok wait just tell me how to start
deamon with sysvinit-core
240 [01:28:27] *** Joins: hybrid (~hybrid@replaced-ip )
241 [01:28:35] <Filystyn> and you can go to bed ;-)
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243 [01:28:52] *** Joins: electro33 (uid613@replaced-ip )
244 [01:29:34] <trek00> Filystyn: if it is installed right,
reboot and you should get everything started, but if it is not
installed right you could not boot anymore
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246 [01:30:12] <Filystyn> ok
247 [01:30:22] <Filystyn> all cards on table lets se
248 [01:30:34] <humpled> /etc/init.d/daemon start
249 [01:30:48] <humpled> used to be the way, but you have to have
such a file
250 [01:30:54] <jmcnaught> or 'service <service>
251 [01:31:42] <Filystyn> i bet i don't have it. somehow i
belived it will migrate from systemctl or what ever did job in
system d
252 [01:31:43] <Filystyn> hue
253 [01:31:52] <trek00> service should be compatible with any
init system
254 [01:32:01] <Filystyn> k
255 [01:32:33] *** Quits: Plan_IX (~P9@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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258 [01:33:02] <trek00> Filystyn: for ex: service ssh start
259 [01:33:12] <Filystyn> well it seems it's a rip
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261 [01:33:16] <Filystyn> but fuck this.
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263 [01:33:35] <Filystyn> tooo tired for today
264 [01:33:40] <Filystyn> thx for help
265 [01:33:48] <Filystyn> actualy I learned something useful
266 [01:33:57] <trek00> Filystyn: good to know :)
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274 [01:41:11] <rj1> hi, i installed fresh debian 10 + xfce, when
the display goes to sleep it won't wake.. common issue? any
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285 [01:49:11] <jmcnaught> rj1: have you checked for error
messages in your logs at the times when the display goes to sleep
and fails to wake? I would check /var/log/syslog and your xorg log
which could be in /var/log/ or in ~/.local/share/xorg/ (not
Xorg.0.log if you have rebooted that one would be the current
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291 [01:54:34] <rj1> jmcnaught: can't see any related errors
in either of those logs
292 [01:55:06] <rj1> also if i change terminal via alt+f1 then
back to alt+f7 it will wake the display, but regular keyboard/mouse
input won't
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308 [02:04:56] <rj1> UnloadModule: "libinput"
309 [02:05:02] <rj1> is that the issue?
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317 [02:11:25] <trek00> rj1: may be bug #929834?
318 [02:11:26] <judd> Bug
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321 [02:13:27] <rj1> trek00: sure sounds like it! thx!
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325 [02:15:17] <trek00> rj1: may be you can try another greeter
(which one I don't know)
326 [02:15:41] <trek00> rj1: or another display manager
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333 [02:22:41] <rj1> trek00: thank you very much! this workaround
provided in the thread has fixed it for me -
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342 [02:28:03] <trek00> rj1: good :)
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353 [02:41:24] <astronavt> why are gcc-doc and cpp-doc
354 [02:41:43] <astronavt> also is bug #924712 something i need
to care about? apt alerted me to it while installing stuff
355 [02:41:44] <judd> Bug
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360 [02:44:38] <BobBarker> Hello, when I have numlock on my 9 and
3 keys and page up and pagedown, I want to bind these keys to a
terminal application but I can't bind them the say way I do 8 3
2 6
361 [02:44:44] <BobBarker> 8 2 4 6*
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363 [02:44:56] <BobBarker> is there way to change this behavior?
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372 [02:50:24] <BobBarker> nevermind, this looks like a
functionality issue with suckless-terminal, aterm works fine.
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394 [03:02:33] <qid|ydl> is there a good way to *enable* screen
blanking on boot? google finds lots of advice on disabling it but
not setting up something to enable it... I'm on buster with no
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396 [03:03:42] <qid|ydl> not sure if there's a best way to
configure the consoleblank kernel parameter, or to run setterm at
startup, assuming either of those does what I want
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398 [03:06:37] <enri> hello
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416 [03:19:23] <bertbob> qid|ydl: consoleblank can be set in
/etc/default/grub or as an append line in lilo.conf. consoleblank=0
disbables the timer, the default
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426 [03:21:09] <bertbob> qid|ydl: I use consoleblank=600, which
is 10 minutes. It works well
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447 [03:26:25] <qid|ydl> bertbob: thanks, I'll give that a
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480 [03:45:58] <jim> bertbob, is lilo still a thing?
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487 [03:52:43] <abrotman> judd: v lilo
488 [03:52:44] <judd> Package: lilo on amd64 -- jessie: 1:24.1-1;
stretch: 1:24.2-2+b1; bullseye: 1:24.2-4; buster: 1:24.2-4; sid:
489 [03:55:30] * dvs checks what year it is
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500 [04:09:11] <jim> abrotman, ok, lilo is in debian... howbout
this: how can I see popcon results?
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506 [04:13:58] <Tom-_> dpkg, popcon?
507 [04:13:58] <dpkg> extra, extra, read all about it, popcon is
the Debian Popularity contest, the basis for what packages appear on
the first few CDs/DVDs etc (by rank). Install the popularity-contest
package to participate. See the results at
508 [04:15:27] <jim> thanks
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511 [04:19:18] <jim> interesting... grub does beat lilo by a
fairly large margin... but its installed numbers are kinda low... is
there another boot loader?
512 [04:20:29] <Tom-_> did me asking for nethack-console to be
created (although the name was only a suggestion) get it on the
Debian woody CD 1?
513 [04:20:34] *** Joins: root-x (~root-x@replaced-ip )
514 [04:20:43] <Tom-_> jim, interesting. well there's
extlinux and gummiboot or systemd-boot
515 [04:21:27] <SerajewelKS> jim: ~200k installs is low?
516 [04:21:31] *** Quits: preview (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
517 [04:21:36] <SerajewelKS> jim: it's the 120th
most-installed package in debian
518 [04:22:01] <astronavt> does popcon include installs that were
part of an iso though
519 [04:22:08] <jim> systemd-boot might be it... SerajewelKS, oh,
didn't see the k
520 [04:22:18] <SerajewelKS> it includes any install that has
installed and activated the package
521 [04:22:31] <SerajewelKS> (and has internet connectivity)
522 [04:22:35] <astronavt> how is it not included in nearly every
debian install then
523 [04:22:55] <SerajewelKS> astronavt: what do you call 98.35%
if not "nearly every install"
524 [04:23:03] *** Joins: preview (~quassel@replaced-ip )
525 [04:23:15] <jim> I figure that since uptodate netinstalls
install grub, it should be at least the most installed boot loader,
if not the most installed package
526 [04:23:18] <Tom-_> SerajewelKS, little hlep, where do you see
200 k installs of GRUB?
527 [04:23:23] <astronavt> which stats page should i be looking
528 [04:23:30] <SerajewelKS> Tom-_:
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532 [04:24:29] <astronavt>
533 [04:25:01] <SerajewelKS> astronavt: see the page i linked
534 [04:25:04] *** Joins: oldguy (~oldguy@replaced-ip )
535 [04:25:25] <astronavt> i wonder if the gap between grub and
dpkg, apt, etc. has more to do with historical data than anything
536 [04:25:38] <jim> SerajewelKS, thanks... by the way, do you
have some time for me? I want to figure out the jack + pulse
thing... I can get pulse stopped using systemd --user, but jack
doesn't start; I must have the config wrong or something
537 [04:25:39] <SerajewelKS> it could be explained any number of
538 [04:25:54] <SerajewelKS> jim: can you pastebin the jack log?
539 [04:26:15] <jim> the one that shows up in qjackctl?
540 [04:26:20] <SerajewelKS> jim: also note that pulseaudio is
configured by default to start as soon as something tries to play
audio. so it's possible that something starts it right back up
as soon as you stop it.
541 [04:26:27] <SerajewelKS> jim: sure
542 [04:26:40] <jim> sec
543 [04:27:04] <Tom-_> extlinus is surprisingly popular in
judd's popcon results, in fact the highest of all the
bootloaders i checked
544 [04:27:38] <Tom-_> etlinux ;)
545 [04:28:00] <Tom-_> whatever
546 [04:28:05] *** Joins: meteo (~meteo@replaced-ip )
547 [04:28:33] <SerajewelKS> TimWolla: i. uh... what? no.
548 [04:28:44] <SerajewelKS> TimWolla: it's barely pushing
549 [04:28:49] *** Quits: emOne (~emOne@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
550 [04:29:10] <Tom-_> SerajewelKS, ah i see the ~= 200 k
installs in popcon for grub-common now
551 [04:29:13] *** Joins: dtux (~dmtucker@replaced-ip )
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553 [04:29:56] <jim> SerajewelKS, jack log from qjackctl:
554 [04:30:35] <SerajewelKS> jim: "ALSA: Cannot open PCM
device alsa_pcm for playback."
555 [04:30:43] <SerajewelKS> jim: are you 100% sure that pulse
did not start after you stopped it
556 [04:30:59] <jim> no
557 [04:31:05] <SerajewelKS> heh :)
558 [04:31:11] <SerajewelKS> "ps ax | grep pulse" and
see if it shows up
559 [04:31:21] <SerajewelKS> if it does you should disable
560 [04:31:25] <jim> oh wait, that pastebin was made without
stopping it, so of course it's running
561 [04:31:32] <SerajewelKS> ah
562 [04:31:42] <Tom-_> looks like most people are using BIOS boot
563 [04:32:02] <SerajewelKS> Tom-_: i use bios boot unless there
is a compelling reason not to
564 [04:32:24] * Tom-_ takes a deep breath
565 [04:32:25] <SerajewelKS> EFI is insanely hard to work with in
a system with redundant storage, unless you have hardware RAID
566 [04:32:25] *** Parts: ilikeyou (ilikeyou@replaced-ip ) ()
567 [04:32:34] <SerajewelKS> you can't safely mirror the ESP
568 [04:32:43] <Tom-_> i'm getting mixed ideas on (U)EFI
569 [04:32:57] <SerajewelKS> with software RAID, i mean
570 [04:33:00] *** Joins: Cabanossi (~Cabanossi@replaced-ip )
571 [04:33:21] <Tom-_> yeah, i'd like to use software RAID
in the future, but i think it's called MD now
572 [04:33:25] *** Quits: Guest89900 (ab5b45c9@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
573 [04:33:49] <SerajewelKS> so you either have to do some kind
of by-hand or by-script synchronization of the ESP or you have to
configure only one boot disk and hope that disk doesn't die
574 [04:34:26] <SerajewelKS> you can use 0.9x dmraid as the
metadata is stored at the end but then ANYTHING ELSE that MIGHT
modify the ESP (your BIOS, another OS) and isn't aware of
dmraid will desync the array
575 [04:34:57] <SerajewelKS> it's unfortunate, but UEFI
makes it really hard to have redundant boot disks
576 [04:35:00] *** Quits: Shahnaz_ (~Shahnaz@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
577 [04:35:07] <SerajewelKS> i guess everyone assumes you'll
use hardware RAID
578 [04:35:24] *** Joins: Shahnaz_ (~Shahnaz@replaced-ip )
579 [04:35:28] <SerajewelKS> (which I try to avoid)
580 [04:35:33] <Tom-_> abou twhich I would prefer software RAID
581 [04:36:09] <SerajewelKS> software RAID doesn't require
proprietary tools to tweak on a live system and is very compatible
with any linux
582 [04:36:23] <qid|ydl> every time I've tried hardware raid
the controller has screwed up at some point and trashed the array,
despite the disks being fine
583 [04:36:25] <Tom-_> yeah i was barely going to default to
using BIOS in general
584 [04:36:40] <SerajewelKS> hardware RAID makes redundant boot
with UEFI simpler. not worth the trade-off IMO. so i use software
RAID with BIOS boot when I can.
585 [04:37:16] <qid|ydl> now I just do backups, seems to be more
reliable overall
586 [04:37:27] <SerajewelKS> i do backups as well. in fact, RAID
is not a backup solution.
587 [04:37:41] <SerajewelKS> RAID is a high-availability
588 [04:37:59] <qid|ydl> right, it's only useful against
hardware failures, not software failures or human error
589 [04:38:08] <SerajewelKS> and not even all hardware failures
590 [04:38:11] <Tom-_> yeah
591 [04:38:21] <SerajewelKS> it's designed to keep the
machine on during disk maintenance, not to protect your data
592 [04:38:39] *** Joins: Phase (Blockahs@replaced-ip )
593 [04:38:52] <qid|ydl> I'm not doing anything with high
availability requirements, just a home server
594 [04:39:13] <qid|ydl> these days it's easier to offload
that kind of stuff onto azure or aws most of the time
595 [04:39:21] <SerajewelKS> same. i use RAID less for high
availability and more so because i don't want to be arsed
trying to restore a backup when a disk inevitably fails.
596 [04:39:37] <SerajewelKS> i have backups so that i can restore
in the case of a house fire or mobo failure that zaps the disks or
something like that
597 [04:39:48] <SerajewelKS> but if a single disk fails (much
more likely) it's just easier to have RAID deal with it
598 [04:39:57] <SerajewelKS> in fact i've already had to
replace one disk. worked like a charm.
599 [04:40:31] <SerajewelKS> i can justify the cost of the second
disk as an insurance policy against my time. it's cheaper to
have the extra disk than to take hours of my precious time to get
the server running again. :)
600 [04:40:35] *** Joins: kitwzh6 (~corty@replaced-ip )
601 [04:42:03] <SerajewelKS> and the "insurance policy"
has already paid out in excess of what i spent on the disk, IMO
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610 [04:49:59] <jim> SerajewelKS, ok, now pulse is definitely
gone... one sec
611 [04:51:09] *** Joins: Jason_ (~Jason@replaced-ip )
612 [04:53:34] <jim> SerajewelKS, here's another jack log
from qjackctl:
613 [04:54:38] *** Quits: cshzg (~dietary@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving.)
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615 [04:56:24] *** Joins: cshzg (~dietary@replaced-ip )
616 [04:56:34] <SerajewelKS> jim: same error. confirm with ps
that pulse is not running.
617 [04:56:38] *** Quits: cshzg (~dietary@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
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620 [04:58:20] <jim> 10555 pts/4 D+ 1:59 grep -r systemctl --user
stop pulseaudio.socket (\n) 10703 pts/7 S+ 0:00 grep pulse
621 [04:58:31] <jim> pulse is definitely gone
622 [04:59:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1511
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624 [04:59:13] <jim> do you see in the log what device node
it's trying to use?
625 [05:01:13] <jim> can I use fuser or something along those
lines to see if there's a process keeping it busy?
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629 [05:02:53] <SerajewelKS> jim: creating alsa driver ...
630 [05:03:04] <SerajewelKS> jim: you could try playing something
that directly uses alsa from the command line to see what happens
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634 [05:04:17] <jim> howbout if I start vlc?
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640 [05:08:19] *** Joins: torbo (~user@replaced-ip )
641 [05:08:37] <SerajewelKS> just make sure if you tell it to use
alsa that it's not using the pulse driver
642 [05:09:19] *** Joins: toxync12 (~toxync12@replaced-ip )
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649 [05:14:21] *** Joins: toxync12 (~toxync12@replaced-ip )
650 [05:14:59] <jim> when I go to vlc's menu audio ->
audio device, I get a huge list of outputs
651 [05:15:33] <jim> when I start vlc, it says it can't use
the default, gets "connection refused"
652 [05:16:35] <SerajewelKS> that may be pulse
653 [05:17:07] <jim> that it's trying to connect to?
654 [05:17:37] *** Quits: skyikot (~skyikot@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
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658 [05:18:39] <jim> !artsshell
659 [05:18:48] *** Quits: skyikot (~skyikot@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
660 [05:18:50] *** Parts: dazzler (~dazzler@replaced-ip ) ()
661 [05:19:49] <jim> I think that predates pulse, in any case
artsshell is not installed
662 [05:20:35] *** Joins: skyikot (~skyikot@replaced-ip )
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665 [05:23:28] *** Joins: patterson (~patterson@replaced-ip )
666 [05:24:21] <jim> the default/from-the-package config of
qjackctl tries to kill off artsshell... perhaps that's a
filable bug... I don't see it being harmful to try to run a
nonexistant program
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673 [05:28:19] *** Parts: maxrazer (~razer@replaced-ip ) ()
674 [05:28:31] <Tom-_> i use aplay -l or aplay -L to find
devices, and aplay uh
675 [05:29:11] <Tom-_> i forget, but some options are for finding
the devices, and another option is used to specify the device
676 [05:29:18] <Tom-_> it's faster than reconfiguring and
restarting VLC every time
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679 [05:32:09] *** Joins: well_laid_lawn (~Jean-luc@replaced-ip )
680 [05:32:13] <jim> but I'm not sure how to use fuser with
a device listed in aplay -l
681 [05:33:20] <jim> SerajewelKS, here's a log without any
youtubes running (so no browsers):
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687 [05:40:40] <SerajewelKS> jim: it's hard to say why it
doesn't work. did you select the correct alsa device in the
qjackctl config?
688 [05:41:02] <jim> don't know :)
689 [05:42:14] <jim> wait, I just got it started
690 [05:42:32] *** Quits: Ingvix (~Ingvix@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
691 [05:42:33] *** Joins: root-x (~root-x@replaced-ip )
692 [05:43:00] <jim> yep, it's running... I picked a
different device, the analog one
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696 [05:47:00] <SerajewelKS> ah. does playing using the HDMI
device work with other stuff though?
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699 [05:47:20] <SerajewelKS> (maybe the sample rate was wrong,
too, and the hardware wanted 48kHz)
700 [05:47:30] <jim> at the moment? I dunno exactly
701 [05:47:41] <jim> I switched to 48k earlier
702 [05:48:51] <jim> it works at 44.1khz earlier
703 [05:49:18] <jim> sorry, I just now switched to 44.1
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708 [05:51:02] <jim> when I start the jack_metro client, it says
"Cannot lock down 82280346 byte memory area (Cannot allocate
709 [05:51:15] *** Joins: Plan_IX (~P9@replaced-ip )
710 [05:51:37] <jim> 82 mb should be easy
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713 [05:58:58] <SerajewelKS> hmm. i don't use jack_metro so
not sure how to help you.
714 [05:59:26] <SerajewelKS> do you get that from jack or from
715 [05:59:49] <SerajewelKS> oh right, i recognize that error
716 [05:59:53] <SerajewelKS> jim: what is the output of
"ulimit -l"
717 [06:00:31] <jim> 65536
718 [06:00:49] <SerajewelKS> there's the problem
719 [06:00:59] <SerajewelKS> your system is configured to allow
64mb of locked memory
720 [06:01:20] <jim> ok, can I increase that?
721 [06:01:45] <SerajewelKS> yes, in /etc/security (buster)
722 [06:01:59] <SerajewelKS> add a file to the limits.d directory
723 [06:03:03] <SerajewelKS> something like: youruser - memlock
724 [06:03:25] <SerajewelKS> i believe the simplest way to get
this change to take effect is to log out and back in
725 [06:03:47] *** Quits: Plan_IX (~P9@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
726 [06:03:58] <jim> I have a file,
727 [06:04:04] <jim> I'll pastebin it
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730 [06:04:35] <jim>
731 [06:05:17] <SerajewelKS> okay so in that case you just need
to add your user to the audio group
732 [06:05:34] <SerajewelKS> sudo adduser $USER audio
733 [06:05:39] <SerajewelKS> then log out and back in
734 [06:05:47] *** Quits: VadPerevad (~vadpereva@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
735 [06:05:52] <jim> I think it is
736 [06:06:00] *** Joins: citypw (~citypw@replaced-ip )
737 [06:06:01] <jim> one sec, let me check for sure
738 [06:06:04] <SerajewelKS> check with "id"
739 [06:06:10] <jim> (I reinstalled)
740 [06:06:14] <SerajewelKS> if it is you shouldn't have any
memlock limit :/
741 [06:06:53] <SerajewelKS> another possible explanation is that
you have not logged out and back in since you installed the jackd
package (which creates this config file)
742 [06:06:53] <jim> looks like I'm in audio group
743 [06:07:30] *** Quits: toxync12 (~toxync12@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
744 [06:07:32] <jim> oh, let's try that... in fact,
I'll reboot "just because"
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754 [06:13:27] <jim> ok back again... stopped pulse
755 [06:17:08] *** Quits: emOne (~emOne@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
756 [06:17:08] *** Quits: Prints (~333@replaced-ip ) (Excess Flood)
757 [06:18:05] <SerajewelKS> jim: it's after midnight here
so i need to run to bed. i'll try to read the scrollback in the
758 [06:18:16] *** Quits: Uberius (~Uberius@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
759 [06:18:26] <jim> now I'm not getting "cannot
allocate any more when starting clients, jack does start...
760 [06:18:39] *** Joins: bDreadz (~bDreadz@replaced-ip )
761 [06:18:46] <jim> SerajewelKS, ahh, east coaster. noted
762 [06:18:46] *** Joins: Hunterkll (~hunterkll@replaced-ip )
763 [06:18:59] <SerajewelKS> cheers
764 [06:19:12] <jim> SerajewelKS, what time of day is best?
765 [06:20:19] <SerajewelKS> depends, i'm at the keys during
EST business hours (am a dev/sysadmin)
766 [06:20:33] <SerajewelKS> and i'm on some in the evenings
when my family permits
767 [06:20:53] <SerajewelKS> but i don't monitor IRC all of
the time either
768 [06:21:11] <jim> ok, good enough. I'll ask when I see
you around
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771 [06:21:52] <SerajewelKS> doesn't hurt to ping me either,
if i'm paying attention i'll respond
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774 [06:23:59] <alphazulu> is RPC used for anything anymore? is
it needed?
775 [06:24:38] <alphazulu> rpcinfo doesn't show anything
other than portmapper service
776 [06:25:11] <alphazulu> on another ubuntu system there is no
rpcbind even installed
777 [06:25:23] <met> for nfs
778 [06:26:16] <alphazulu> hmm yes i see rpcbind and nfs-common
installed for some reason. will remove them
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793 [06:35:56] <Gerowen> How do I ensure that a third party
repository (in this case Plex Media Server) is included in the
unattended upgrades process so updates get installed automatically?
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800 [06:42:45] <jim> SerajewelKS, ok, good enough... in case
you're still here, I went through a lot of the devices in my
aplay -L, and (suspiciously) can't find it... I wonder if
I'm plugged into the wrong socket?
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809 [06:50:51] <alphazulu> Gerowen: maybe run dpkg-reconfigure
unattended-upgrades ?
810 [06:51:17] <alphazulu> Gerowen: man unattended-upgrade
811 [06:51:45] <Wulf> Hello! Is there a list of uninstallable
(due to unfulfillable dependencies) packages in unstable?
812 [06:52:53] <jim> Wulf, hi, I've never seen such a list
813 [06:52:58] *** Joins: Cyanoxygen (~cyanoxyge@replaced-ip )
814 [06:53:10] <alphazulu> Wulf: you mean every package in the
debian unstable repository that has a dependency bug?
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816 [06:53:40] <Wulf> alphazulu: yep
817 [06:54:48] *** Quits: maxrazer (~razer@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
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819 [06:58:47] <Gerowen> alphazulu: The man and --help options
for it aren't very, I've found a few walkthroughs on the
internet that supposedly explain it, but all I have from Plex is the
"site", being the URL for the repo, and when I browse to
it in Firefox it just redirects to their regular download web page.
820 [06:59:14] <Gerowen> On top of that, I'm not getting any
useful output when I do unattended-upgrade -d that tells me if it
succeeded or failed in checking for an update on the repo after
adding it to 50unattended-upgrades
821 [07:00:03] <Gerowen> I tried entering a known bad URL like
822 [07:00:04] <alphazulu> Wulf: you can enter filter params on
the BTS web page:
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824 [07:01:03] <Gerowen> I think what I may do is just remove the
changes I made for Plex from unattended-upgrade and toss a little
bash script into cron.daily that specifically looks for updates to
Plex, and only Plex, and let unattended-upgrades handle the rest of
the system since it does automatic reboots and all that jazz.
825 [07:01:13] <alphazulu> Gerowen: are you just trying to add
the repository for plex to your sources?
826 [07:01:27] <Gerowen> No it's in the sources already, but
it isn't included in the unattended-upgrades process.
827 [07:02:09] <alphazulu> Gerowen: well the man page lists the
conf file for it. if that doesn't help i don't know
anything else
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829 [07:03:42] <alphazulu> Gerowen: maybe
830 [07:04:10] *** Quits: Prints (~333@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
831 [07:04:34] <Gerowen> alphazulu: Yeah that conf file is where
I added the "site" value for Plex, but I can't seem
to find any confirmation as to whether or not it likes the value
I'm giving it, so I just won't mess with
unattended-upgrades for Plex.
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836 [07:08:22] <alphazulu> Gerowen: i mean basically it's
trivial to write your own cron script
837 [07:08:35] <Gerowen> I just did, :p
838 [07:08:35] *** Quits: electro33 (uid613@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
839 [07:09:07] <alphazulu> :-)
840 [07:09:21] <Gerowen> I had "just" noticed Plex
wasn't getting updated automatically and got curious as to why,
thanks for responding though, :-)
841 [07:09:38] *** Joins: liberiga (~liberiga@replaced-ip )
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843 [07:09:59] <alphazulu> according to man page it appears
unattended-upgrade only installs security updates
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846 [07:12:00] <Gerowen> Yeah I think that's what it's
intended for, but I added a few lines and uncommented a few things
where it's been doing other updates as well, automatically
reboots at 0400 every day if an update requires it (such as a new
kernel), automatically removes newly unused dependencies, etc.
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852 [07:17:23] <alphazulu> Wulf: i don't know if package
installation is part of CI workflow for all packages or not. if so
dependency issue(s) might get picked up that way and tagged
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854 [07:19:21] *** Quits: eirc (~eirc@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds))
855 [07:19:26] <alphazulu> Wulf: you can see the GET API for
Debian CI
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924 [07:52:16] <SymbioticFemale> after i apt install docker, I
have no 'man docker' and no 'docker' bin file
925 [07:52:44] <AlpacaFace> hi. trying to install irssi script
desktop-notify, but its asking me to install
glib::object::introspection module. Any idea which one specifically?
there are many that seem to fit. tried gobject-introspection, did
not work.
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929 [07:58:02] <Wulf> AlpacaFace: perhaps
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985 [08:26:10] <csanyipal> Hi,
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994 [08:28:32] <csanyipal> I upgraded yesterday my Debian Stretch
to Buster on my laptop. Since then on my XFCE DE when there is no
acitivity the screen goes blank and after that I can't get it
back to state so I can't work after that. I must use the Power
button of the laptop to power off, then power on my laptop.
995 [08:29:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1521
996 [08:29:36] <csanyipal> I try to set up in the Settings how to
save Energy. My laptop is always on the power ( not on battery ),
battery is full charged.
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1000 [08:30:11] <csanyipal> I did set up so it not should go into
hibernate state.
1001 [08:30:20] <csanyipal> How to solve this problem?
1002 [08:32:15] <csanyipal> I am installing now the
laptop-mode-tools on this laptop.
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1030 [08:45:02] <kreyren> i need debian netinstall with non-free
1031 [08:45:32] <kreyren> assuming that end-user can install
netinstall from wifi this way
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1034 [08:48:12] <kreyren> btw. description on
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1069 [09:20:58] <ZaZaGX> ah, do i need to have all dvds downloaded
to install debian-10? or all 3? netinstall doesn't work
1070 [09:22:27] <deego> just 1 is good
1071 [09:23:59] <ZaZaGX> thanks. i did that before. but i
can't update the debian OS. i thought i installed it wrong
1072 [09:24:35] <klys> zazagx, what was your network hardware?
1073 [09:25:18] <ZaZaGX> Intel Wireless 8265 / 8275
1074 [09:25:21] <kreyren> Looking for .iso with debian testing
(end-user doesn't have internet connection and unofficial was
unable to autoconfigure)
1075 [09:26:07] <ZaZaGX> i downloaded the firmware edition of
debian on the offical website. so i got it to work for the wifi
1076 [09:26:42] <ZaZaGX> sudo apt-get update doesn't work.
1077 [09:26:52] <ZaZaGX> it says i couldn't sudo, and
it'll be reported
1078 [09:27:17] <klys> you should try `su -' then
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1080 [09:27:51] <ZaZaGX> i did try su, it didn't work
1081 [09:28:02] <klys> did it ask you for a root password?
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1083 [09:28:30] <ZaZaGX> yes
1084 [09:28:47] <klys> and you were able to oblige it because you
set the root password yourself?
1085 [09:29:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1527
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1087 [09:29:08] <ZaZaGX> yes
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1090 [09:29:28] <klys> then you got a # prompt and tried `apt-get
update' ?
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1093 [09:30:40] <ZaZaGX> yeah, it doesn't update
1094 [09:30:43] *** Quits: AlpacaFace (AlpacaFace@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
1095 [09:30:57] <klys> you will have to elaborate on your error
messages next time.
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1097 [09:31:31] <ZaZaGX> i'm not sure how to update it
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1100 [09:32:02] <klys> there are files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
that should contain contents that had been explained to you
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1102 [09:34:03] <ZaZaGX> ok, well i'm going to try it again
1103 [09:34:07] <ZaZaGX> (install it)
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1105 [09:34:39] <klys> good luck!
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1166 [10:13:56] <jelly> kreyren, testing is not for the faint
hearted, move the machine somewhere you can get wired internet, then
use the usual way of installing it (smallest stable installation,
and then switch sources and do a release upgrade)
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1168 [10:16:02] <jelly> kreyren, this early in the release process
it makes little sense for developers to focus on debian-installer
media, and automatically generated iso images will often be broken
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1274 [11:32:35] <ZaZaGX> omg it works
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1333 [12:10:23] <Haohmaru> in a terminal (say, lxterminal) i get
fancy colors when i "ls" .. but when i'm root - no
1334 [12:10:37] <luna> Location for the Debian Day in Stockholm in
August now fixed
1335 [12:10:55] <Haohmaru> is this intentional to scare off normal
users from accidentally messing things up as root?
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1337 [12:11:13] <Haohmaru> "scare" ..sorta
1338 [12:11:19] <koollman> Haohmaru: do you get color as root
with: ls --color
1339 [12:12:13] <Haohmaru> yeah
1340 [12:12:23] <Haohmaru> folders are blue
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1344 [12:16:10] <koollman> Haohmaru: so, users have alias defined
for ls, and root does not. you can probably change that
1345 [12:16:34] <Haohmaru> nah, it's not a problem
1346 [12:16:51] <Haohmaru> i guess this is maybe intentionally
done like that
1347 [12:17:27] <Haohmaru> so that when you "ls" as root
(without intending it) - you'll notice something doesn't
look right
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1353 [12:21:12] <jelly> Haohmaru, it's accidental, and likely
based on keeping settings for root at their builtin/global defaults
to minimize surprises
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1357 [12:21:32] <jelly> LS_COLORS are not enabled or present by
1358 [12:21:52] <klys> nor*
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1361 [12:22:20] * jelly stands corrected
1362 [12:22:43] <humpled> heheh
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1383 [12:32:54] <Bushmills> "it's accidental" - hm,
has been that way for as long as I can remember
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1386 [12:35:59] <Habbie> Bushmills, doesn't mean it was on
purpose to begin with
1387 [12:36:26] <jelly> compiled and global defaults tend not to
change that quickly
1388 [12:36:27] <Bushmills> But probably on purpose by now
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1513 [14:24:05] <lineageosfan> Could anybody please tell me how to
do a file system check on a decrypted USB stick?
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1516 [14:25:00] <lineageosfan> sudo fsck slash media slash
veracryp1 does not work
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1523 [14:26:28] <lineageosfan> madage with Veracrypt
1524 [14:26:54] *** Quits: AndrejSPB (~andrej@replaced-ip ) (Quit: AndrejSPB)
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1526 [14:27:13] <lineageosfan> I encrypted the entire stick.
1527 [14:27:15] <madage> veracrypt decrypts and automounts it?
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1530 [14:27:24] <lineageosfan> madage: yes
1531 [14:27:56] <madage> if you dmesg after it, can you see a new
device being created?
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1534 [14:28:16] <madage> or if you do a "mount" without
1535 [14:28:27] <lineageosfan> I use the GUI.
1536 [14:29:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1545
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1538 [14:29:37] <madage> you will probably need to do it on the
cli so you get the unencrypted device to fsck it
1539 [14:30:12] <madage> or at least you can open the terminal and
do an umount without closing the device
1540 [14:30:22] <lineageosfan> I already did but to fsck it looks
as an unformated stick and it says bad superblock, as it naturally
can not find a fs
1541 [14:30:27] <madage> and taking note on the unencrypted device
1542 [14:30:52] *** Quits: zeden (~user@replaced-ip ) (Quit: WeeChat 2.4)
1543 [14:30:59] <madage> you are doing it to the encrypted device,
not the unencrypted one
1544 [14:31:10] <lineageosfan> The device name is xvdj
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1547 [14:32:02] <lineageosfan> Could it be possible that there is
no tutorial on this simple task? I am the first from 7 billion
people on the planet who wouldl ike to do this?
1548 [14:32:18] <lineageosfan> I could not find anything.
1549 [14:32:27] <lineageosfan> I assume this is a trivial task.
1550 [14:32:59] <bzed> lineageosfan: well, I guess your problem is
that nobody sane uses Veracrypt ;)
1551 [14:33:00] <madage> there probably is... but anyhow, what do
you see if you issue "mount" after veracrypt automounts
1552 [14:33:31] <madage> or if you "dmesg | tail -n 30"
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1554 [14:36:04] <bzed> lineageosfan: well, first hit with google:
1555 [14:36:11] <bzed> you could have managed to find that, too
1556 [14:36:47] *** Joins: v01d4lph4 (~v01d4lph4@replaced-ip )
1557 [14:37:41] <lineageosfan> bzed: No I couldn't have. I
have installed the GUI version of Veracrypt. I wouldn't have
looked/searched for that. If I had an idea how to do it I would have
entered different search terms.
1558 [14:38:23] <humpled> ,v veracrypt
1559 [14:38:24] <lineageosfan> bzed: Anything on the web can be
found if you know what you are looking for exactly.
1560 [14:38:24] <judd> No package named 'veracrypt' was
found in amd64.
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1563 [14:38:50] <lineageosfan> judd: Yes, thank you.
1564 [14:39:08] <lineageosfan> OK, Thank you. I will go to the
Veracrypt channel then.
1565 [14:39:25] *** Parts: lineageosfan (50daa8fd@replaced-ip ) ()
1566 [14:39:58] <humpled> lineageosfan: if you show the commands
you used and the errors which returned, plus other information which
may be asked for, people will have a chance to help you...
1567 [14:40:07] <humpled> oopss
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1572 [14:42:10] <Eryn_1983_FL> hey guys i think i got this bug i
keep seeing it in my logs
1573 [14:42:11] <somebody> Hello. Is it possible to configure
Debian to install security updates immediately after they come out,
but the rest of them once per week?
1574 [14:42:12] <judd> Bug
1575 [14:42:25] <Eryn_1983_FL> is this relate to thunar? its the
onlything i got open that preveiws ...
1576 [14:42:41] <Eryn_1983_FL> **Unmatched Entries**
1577 [14:42:43] <Eryn_1983_FL> audit: type=1400
audit(1564494491.044:70): apparmor="DENIED"
profile="/usr/bin/evince-thumbnailer" pid=20919
comm="evince-thumbnai" capability=1
capname="dac_override": 1 Time(s)
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1596 [15:00:25] <shiftlockboom> Has anyone experience installing
debian on libreboot with encrypted /boot?
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1624 [15:13:02] <ssarah> hi. is there such a thing as a
recommended post install script for debian as a server?
1625 [15:13:17] *** Joins: domovoy_ (~domovoy@replaced-ip )
1626 [15:13:18] <ssarah> you know, installing fail2ban, ssh
server, ntp. stuff like that
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1631 [15:14:03] <Mathisen> ssarah, nope, everyone got diffrent
1632 [15:14:15] <ssarah> any recommended guides you know of?
1633 [15:14:20] <SPiRiT__> Hey ssarah, I guess every person would
like to create his own script... Maybe you can see what people do
(google) and build your own. I am now building my own
1634 [15:14:36] <SPiRiT__> for installing gnome extensions,
configure keyboard shortcuts, install software etc'...
1635 [15:14:59] <Mathisen> ssarah, just think of what usecase your
debian machine is gonna have. and then configure it for the job
1636 [15:15:00] <ssarah> am trying to find such things, so far no
1637 [15:15:25] *** Quits: marcelo_ (~marcelo@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
1638 [15:15:28] <SPiRiT__> what would you like to customize or
change in your system? :)
1639 [15:15:46] <SPiRiT__> if it works perfect for you out of the
box then why to run such script? :)
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1645 [15:19:40] <ssarah> i'm also trying to find such scripts
in order to draw from the experience of others.
1646 [15:20:01] <ssarah> it's not just to tune the machine.
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1649 [15:20:23] <greycat> ... so I guess ssarah is not talking
about package postinstall scripts...
1650 [15:20:41] <ssarah> not only that
1651 [15:21:16] <greycat> As far as I can tell, it's
literally not that *at all*. You're talking about "what
steps do you perform to install Debian"?
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1656 [15:23:42] <greycat> Whereas the Debian package management
system has a thing called a "postinst" (post-install),
which is shipped as part of each package, and is executed when the
package is installed. These live in /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.postinst
and you can read them.
1657 [15:23:50] *** Quits: shiradz (~shiradz@replaced-ip ) (Quit: shiradz)
1658 [15:24:10] <greycat> Took me a few moments to realize this is
*not* what you were talking about.
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1663 [15:26:45] <SPiRiT__> do you mean pkg-reconfigure ? :/
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1671 [15:31:24] <greycat> As far as "what steps do you
perform when installing Debian", it's incredibly machine-
and organization-specific. E.g. I have my own local NTP servers on
my network, so one of the things I do is edit /etc/ntp.conf and
replace all the "pool" entries with my local NTP servers.
1672 [15:31:42] *** Quits: Butt3rfly (~Butt3rfly@replaced-ip ) (Quit: e equals m c squared)
1673 [15:32:24] <greycat> I also have to gather up the new
machine's MAC address and DHCP-allocated IP address and send an
email to the person/role who manages IP addresses, and request that
this DHCP allocation become permanent. Otherwise the damned IP
address will change.
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1675 [15:33:32] <greycat> Then I have to replace the contents of
/etc/resolv.conf with my own nameservers and my own subdomain name,
and take steps to prevent DHCP or other daemons from reverting my
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1678 [15:34:11] <greycat> Then I have to decide whether I want to
let this box run exim4, or rip that out and replace it with a
different MTA, which is very strongly dependent on what this box
1679 [15:35:32] *** Quits: Shahnaz_ (~Shahnaz@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1680 [15:35:43] <thms> greycat, Do you use ansible for this ? :)
1681 [15:35:47] <greycat> no
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1709 [15:48:31] <Akuw> if i have debian installed, later i can use
1710 [15:48:38] *** Joins: MrShared (~mrshared@replaced-ip )
1711 [15:48:43] <Akuw> to install another hard drive to expand
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1713 [15:49:21] <Mathisen> i recommend setting upp LVM during
install if you talking about using it on the debian system
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1715 [15:49:27] <Mathisen> pain to setup post install
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1717 [15:49:43] <Mathisen> not true if you just want a random new
hdd/sdd to use for something and just use LVM for that
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1720 [15:50:31] <Akuw> the requeriment is just to increase storage
1721 [15:50:36] <Akuw> using lvm
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1723 [15:52:22] * Mathisen is not experienced with raid + lvm.. so cant
answer that
1724 [15:53:03] <SwedeMike> Akuw: you can use LVM on the new
drives, but the original install can't be part of that lvm
setup if it wasn't there from the beginning.
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1727 [15:53:21] <Akuw> Upss
1728 [15:53:25] <SwedeMike> Akuw: so you can move /home to a new
drive that uses lvm for instance
1729 [15:53:27] <Akuw> bad design
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1745 [16:00:11] <nifker> when I try to set environment varibales
with .profile using lightdm it seems like it wont set them
1746 [16:00:39] <ratrace> nifker: you need ~/.xsessionrc
1747 [16:00:46] <greycat> that's because Display Manager
logins (e.g. lightdm) do not run a login shell, so there is nothing
that reads .profile
1748 [16:01:17] <nifker> ratrace: even under wayland?
1749 [16:01:19] <greycat>
1750 [16:01:32] *** Quits: Itaipu_ (~itaipu@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
1751 [16:01:35] <ratrace> nifker: no idea about wayland
1752 [16:01:38] <greycat> I don't know about Wayland. If
someone does, please let me know, or just edit the wiki.
1753 [16:01:58] <ratrace> which de/wm would you run under lightdm
with wayland?
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1755 [16:02:03] <nifker> sway
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1757 [16:02:20] <nifker> but I need to set the variables before
the wm starts
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1762 [16:03:07] <greycat> well, you could try ~/.xsessionrc and
see what happens.
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1765 [16:03:30] <ratrace> nifker: then you need something sway
specific i think, wayland is just a protocol, "it" itself
doesn't do anything, so the compositor does, in this case sway
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1769 [16:04:05] <greycat> ratrace: the issue is "what does
lightdm do" when it is supposed to run a Wayland session
instead of an X session
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1773 [16:04:43] <ratrace> that part i don't know ; but i do
seem to recall that with wayland, things have moved one level
"below", to compositors themselves
1774 [16:04:56] <ratrace> i mean, i don't know how lightdm
interacts with wayland itself
1775 [16:05:08] <ratrace> /ligthdm itself interacts with wayland/
1776 [16:05:14] *** Quits: SPiRiT__ (~RealName@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1777 [16:07:00] <ratrace> quick googling suggests there's
something called /usr/share/wayland-sessions that's analogous
to xsessions
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1780 [16:08:17] <choice> One of my VMs suddenly got extremely
slow. Even though top says its very much idle. Any ideas what is
going on?
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1783 [16:08:29] <choice> Could it be that some disk repair is
going on? How would I check that?
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1786 [16:10:07] <ratrace> choice: with ioping for example, you can
check (virtual) disk latency and compare to your other VMs ; I
assume you don't have access to the host?
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1788 [16:10:52] <choice> rotaticus: No access to the host. Can I
use vmstat or iotop instead?
1789 [16:11:23] <ratrace> choice: yes but you'd need to know
some baseline in order to compare to that
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1792 [16:12:11] <ratrace> choice: no wait, i read
"iotop" as ioping .... ioptop/vmstat don't make much
sense if the VM is idle, but you can observe the disk wait % under
load ; ioping is a better check
1793 [16:12:40] <ratrace> but again, you'll need a baseline
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1834 [16:34:19] <ddevault> just set up debian on ppc64el
1835 [16:34:32] <ddevault> but attempting to ssh into it gives:
ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to [...]: incorrect signature
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1838 [16:37:11] <ausjke> a programming newbie question, I open a
uvc video file(e.g. /dev/video0), and start using that device file,
how do I detect when that device file is gone reliably(e.g. unplug
the uvc camera from usb port)
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1840 [16:37:43] <ausjke> kernel probably will send some
notification for usb-disconnect, how does the application capture it
then release the file handler on /dev/video0
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1846 [16:43:56] <mrquincy> I'd like to host some open source
data on my home web server, but only allow access to the files via
token. Use case would be, someone fills out a web form, I check
forms once a day and grant access with a token. The token should be
associated with download limits that I define. Do we know of such a
tool? I could put something together myself but I'd rather not.
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1880 [17:02:04] <greycat> Well, THIS was fun.
1881 [17:02:12] <greycat> Anyone care to guess what the
interface's name is now?
1882 [17:02:58] <greycat> Yes, that's right! It's eno0!
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1895 [17:08:40] <karlpinc> greycat: I recall some discussion of
this sort of thing when I sent a patch in to the buster release
notes to document that the buster default is to change "old
style" interface names to the new naming scheme. Somebody put
some magic into the release notes that are _supposed_ to let you be
able to tell what the new interface name is going to be.
1896 [17:08:47] <ssarah> greycat, no.
1897 [17:09:00] <ssarah> i am talking what kind of steps you take
after installing debian
1898 [17:09:14] <ssarah>
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1900 [17:09:27] <greycat> karlpinc: yes, I've been involved
in that discussion. This is the first time that the new interface
name DID NOT APPEAR anywhere in the output of that udevadm command.
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1902 [17:09:36] <ssarah> i use puppet and stuff for provisioning,
i'm just trying to develop something good
1903 [17:09:51] <ssarah> and simple. for friends and stuff
1904 [17:10:42] <greycat> karlpinc: (for the record, it *does*
appear after rebooting into buster, but by then it's a bit too
late, eh)
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1909 [17:12:06] <karlpinc> ssarah: Here's mine:
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1912 [17:13:16] <ssarah> ty karlpinc. looks big
1913 [17:13:53] <karlpinc> ssarah: Probably has a bunch of stuff
for older debian releases at the bottom. (Might want unbound instead
of bind9.)
1914 [17:15:30] *** Quits: lcabrera (~desarroll@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1915 [17:16:27] <karlpinc> ssarah: (And, fwiw, I'd recommend
turning off password logins in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and using keys
instead. Then you don't worry about stuff like fail2ban, which
can, possibly, lock out a legitimate user for a time.)
1916 [17:16:34] <ratrace> greycat: i prefer ethX naming + a .link
file that binds it to the macaddr ; never fails, never surprises,
always predictable ;)
1917 [17:16:39] *** Joins: toxync12- (~toxync12@replaced-ip )
1918 [17:16:44] <ssarah> true true
1919 [17:16:47] *** Joins: leandrovianna (~leandrovi@replaced-ip )
1920 [17:16:57] <ssarah> but some users don't know how to use
1921 [17:17:10] <greycat> ratrace: yeah, I'm starting to lean
that way myself. These "predictable" names are not
predictable, which absolutely defeats the entire purpose.
1922 [17:17:10] <ssarah> windows people and such
1923 [17:17:18] <karlpinc> ssarah: What would they use instead?
1924 [17:17:46] *** Quits: toxync12 (~toxync12@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
1925 [17:17:47] <karlpinc> ssarah: (sftp is ssh, and can use keys
just fine.)
1926 [17:17:47] <greycat> Windows people use VNC and RDP and they
don't understand the concepts that we understand, and we
don't understand the concepts that they use. It's
1927 [17:17:54] <ssarah> they use putty to log in to the machines
1928 [17:17:55] *** Quits: pagetelegram_ (~pageteleg@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
1929 [17:18:02] <ssarah> wiht a password
1930 [17:18:07] <ratrace> greycat: btw, i used to use
'udevadm info' for output, inspect it visually, then
decided which one it'd likely be, according to the order in the
1931 [17:18:10] <greycat> ah, not a pure Windows user then
1932 [17:18:16] <karlpinc> ssarah: Putty is ssh, it will use a
1933 [17:18:34] <ssarah> karlpinc, but then i have to teach them
how to key-gen
1934 [17:18:41] *** Quits: supercoven (~quassel@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ##replaced-url
1935 [17:18:44] <ssarah> actually i never even tried
1936 [17:18:46] <karlpinc> ssarah: Those sorts of people usually
need something set up for them anyway, so may as well set them up
with a key.
1937 [17:18:52] *** Joins: supercoven (~quassel@replaced-ip )
1938 [17:19:02] <ratrace> greycat: eno0 suggests
1939 [17:19:08] *** Joins: Wulf (~Wulf@replaced-ip )
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1941 [17:19:23] <greycat> ratrace: yes, absolutely, so *why
didn't that show up in the output*
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1943 [17:19:29] <karlpinc> ssarah: Then when they choose a server
in putty's connect menu, it just works.
1944 [17:19:50] <karlpinc> ssarah: Anyway, not for me to tell you
what will work for you. Just saying.
1945 [17:19:57] <ssarah> yep yep, i gotcha
1946 [17:20:05] <ratrace> greycat: are you sure it didn't in
'udevadm info /sys/class/...' ? i'm not familira with
test-builting command of it
1947 [17:20:15] <emilsp> What method does a bog-standard debian
install use to setup an interface with DHCP? I've not installed
literally anything, this is an install without any DEs or anything,
I do not have NetworkManager, dhcpcd or anything else. I'm
trying to figure out what is overwriting my /etc/resolv.conf
1948 [17:20:22] <greycat> ratrace: I ran the thing that's in
the release notes, which was shown in the paste.
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1950 [17:20:33] <greycat> root@svr4:/# udevadm test-builtin net_id
/sys/class/net/eth0 2>/dev/null
1951 [17:20:50] <emilsp> I'm assuming that once in a while,
some dhcpcd kind of a thing is reasserting it's dominance over
my /etc/resolv.conf
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1955 [17:21:08] <karlpinc> ssarah: (Putty has a different key
format and comes with a utilility that converts to openssh format. I
forget the details.)
1956 [17:21:14] <greycat> emilsp:
1957 [17:21:44] <ratrace> greycat: hrm... my eno3 on a server
shows up there....:
1958 [17:21:50] <greycat> emilsp: the literal answer is "most
likely isc-dhcp-client"
1959 [17:21:52] <karlpinc> emilsp: It's always networkmanager
that breaks my network config. I always un-install. YMMV.
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1962 [17:22:05] <emilsp> greycat: thanks, will have a look at
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1964 [17:22:42] <greycat> ratrace: is that on stretch, or buster?
1965 [17:22:46] <emilsp> karlpinc: I've not got
NetworkManager installed. And it's actually quite easy to
manage your DNS with NetworkManager if it's not using
systemd-resolved underneath - there's a nice config file or a
DBus RPC that sets a global DNS server list.
1966 [17:22:53] <ratrace> greycat: buster
1967 [17:23:02] <greycat> yeah, my output changed when I ran it
again under buster
1968 [17:23:13] <ratrace> oh lol
1969 [17:23:40] *** Joins: wachbirn (~wachbirn@replaced-ip )
1970 [17:23:45] <greycat> under stretch it did not show the eno0
choice, so I edited /etc/network/interfaces and changed everything
from eth0 to enp2s0 and ...
1971 [17:23:51] <karlpinc> ssarah: I've given people a usb
stick with a .bat file on it. They can click on it, and so long as
putty is installed it will use the key on the stick to connect.
Kinda-sorta secure against various MS Windows maladies.
1972 [17:24:00] *** Joins: Tom01 (~tom@replaced-ip )
1973 [17:24:22] <ratrace> greycat: and udev said "Oh no u
won't, hahaha lolz, i win!"
1974 [17:24:35] *** Quits: han-solo (~telaverge@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Lost terminal)
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1976 [17:28:15] <ratrace> greycat: i think the problem is in
capricious bioses and too much choice in the default policy .
NamePolicy=keep kernel database onboard slot path yeah... onboard
before path, you thought path would be used, it wasn't
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1979 [17:29:42] <ssarah> karlpinc, i don't treat them like
babies. I just go here's your ip and password, for the app and
for the server.
1980 [17:29:46] <ssarah> use putty to get in
1981 [17:29:59] *** Joins: LtL (~ltl@replaced-ip )
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1989 [17:32:47] <karlpinc> ssarah: The usb stick is mostly to keep
the key off-line until needed. Thing is, users's should have a
single key -- a single identity. So hopefully you give them a key
only once.
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1991 [17:34:24] <karlpinc> (And putty runs on debian, so you can
do all the key generation etc. as automated as you like.)
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1994 [17:36:08] <ratrace> putty on linux... why would anyone....
next you're gonna tell me someone's using bash on
windows.... oh, wait.
1995 [17:36:28] * karlpinc also like assocating keys with specific
commands, that do things like backup. Via command= in
1996 [17:36:46] <Habbie> ratrace, i know a bunch of putty-on-linux
users, because it has a nice gui, and emulation consistent with what
they're used to on windows
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1999 [17:40:19] <karlpinc> Habbie: I know a guy who uses mc,
because he won't get away from midnight commander after all
these years. :)
2000 [17:40:44] <Habbie> ack
2001 [17:40:47] <Habbie> i'm fine with that :)
2002 [17:41:22] *** Joins: Makaveli7 (arch@replaced-ip )
2003 [17:41:40] <ratrace> i used to love norton commander on dos ;
these days i prefer ranger on linux
2004 [17:42:32] *** Quits: casaca (~nut@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2005 [17:43:22] *** Quits: silentjet (~jet@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2006 [17:43:35] <Mathisen> ratrace, may want to check out nnn also
2007 [17:43:56] *** Joins: casaca (~nut@replaced-ip )
2008 [17:44:22] *** Quits: twobitsprite (~isaac@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2009 [17:45:05] <jhutchins_wk> I've very comfortable with
console for ssh connections. Putty lacks history, so you can't
connect to an arbitrary host, disconnect, then reconnect to the same
host without having to enter the host name again.
2010 [17:45:27] <ratrace> jhutchins_wk: does it not have saved
2011 [17:45:32] *** Joins: towo` (~towo@replaced-ip )
2012 [17:45:38] <jhutchins_wk> Not sure why that was never added.
I've been known to run a Windows cmd shell just so I'll
have history.
2013 [17:45:42] <ratrace> or what's the terminology, been a
while since i touched that on windows
2014 [17:45:50] <jhutchins_wk> ratrace: Yes. I have 1500+ servers
to manage.
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2017 [17:46:24] <ratrace> ouch
2018 [17:46:39] <ratrace> console and tab completion wins for that
2019 [17:47:05] <ratrace> (any scale even ; call me old school but
cli > gui for me ; faster, better, more flexible)
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2023 [17:47:54] <jhutchins_wk> ratrace: Agreed.
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2025 [17:48:11] <domovoy> hi
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2029 [17:49:50] <Mathisen> any info command for the bot ? to say
the info about a package
2030 [17:49:53] *** Quits: casaca (~nut@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2031 [17:50:09] <greycat> Which info? Version numbers, or one-line
description, or something else?
2032 [17:50:16] <Mathisen> desciption
2033 [17:50:18] <greycat> ,info bash
2034 [17:50:19] <judd> Package bash (shells, required) in
buster/amd64: GNU Bourne Again SHell. Version: 5.0-4; Size: 1345.3k;
Installed: 6439k; Homepage:
2035 [17:50:28] <Mathisen> ,info dsh
2036 [17:50:29] <judd> Package dsh (net, optional) in
buster/amd64: dancer's shell, or distributed shell. Version:
0.25.10-1.4; Size: 37.0k; Installed: 108k
2037 [17:50:40] <Mathisen> jhutchins_wk,
2038 [17:51:03] <Mathisen> well it got loads of more info then
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2048 [17:54:53] <domovoy> i'm setting up kerberos/ldap, i use
"ldap:///ou=people,ou=$2??one?(uid=$1)"' for mapping
kerberos principals to ldap dn. Thing is, i can't find a
correct olcAccess that would allow auth for these dn
('olcAccess: to * by anonymous auth' works, but
what's the use of that? i want to restrict it to
'ldap:///ou=people,ou=$2??one?(uid=$1)'). Any idea how to
debug the search done by slapd?
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2051 [17:57:34] <greycat> Jul 31 11:57:01 svr4 imapd[2429]:
/bin/sh: 1: /usr/bin/mkdir: not found
2052 [17:57:38] <greycat> cute.
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2062 [18:03:12] <greycat> Aha, already reported by someone else
2063 [18:03:13] <judd> Bug
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2069 [18:05:34] * greycat edits the two scripts by hand, while waiting
for the bug to be fixed... which was filed in ... February ...
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2071 [18:06:23] <ratrace> greycat: why courier though, i think
that's your first problem there :p
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2074 [18:10:06] <greycat> I can't even remember why.
It's been there for so long.
2075 [18:10:21] <greycat> And since it's been working, the
cardinal rules is "don't touch it".
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2083 [18:14:19] <greycat> I suspect the predecessor to
courier-imap on this system's predessor might have been UW
imap, a long-ass time ago, but it's also possible that there
wasn't any previous IMAP daemon, just POP3. I don't
remember any more.
2084 [18:14:48] <greycat> I'm fairly sure dovecot just
Wasn't A Thing Yet, whenever the decision was made.
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2086 [18:15:46] <ratrace> that's a very long time then :)
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2093 [18:18:25] <greycat> My notes for the predecessory system
only go back as far as "2009-05-12: Upgraded to Debian
5.0.1", nothing about choosing the IMAP service.
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2095 [18:19:53] <GNU\colossus> hehe
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2113 [18:29:05] <AlpacaFace> Wulf: Sorry I didnt get a chance to
respond last night.. Yes the libglib-object-introspection-perl
worked for irssi desktop-notify. Thanks much. Debian wiki advised
not to mess with perl structure, so I didnt think wise to tinker too
much with it myself. Appreciate it :)
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2117 [18:30:48] <jhutchins_wk> greycat: Dovecot's been a pain
since I first installed it. Incompatible config files, configuration
items that do NOT work as documented, etc.
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2124 [18:34:40] <indibart> hi there folks. I'm trying to set
up my laptop with debian buster. the problem i'm facing is that
it will only boot when i change something in the boot parameters...
can anybody help me to solf this?
2125 [18:35:03] <greycat> put whatever it needs into the boot
parameters, permanently
2126 [18:35:18] <greycat> (edit /etc/default/grub and run
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2129 [18:38:56] <Habbie> yes
2130 [18:39:03] <Habbie> indibart, what boot parameters are these?
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2133 [18:39:39] <indibart> :-) sorry i wasn't clear: I tried
the parameter and it worked (booted). So I change the boot
parameters permanently just the way you said. But then it
didn't work anymore. So I tried something else again in the
boot menu. And this also made it boot. I made it permanant. Again it
didn't work...
2134 [18:39:50] <Habbie> oh
2135 [18:39:53] <Habbie> well that's special
2136 [18:40:54] <indibart> I tried iommu=soft, then iommu=pt, then
tried if it's a problem with acpi, so acpi=off, acpi=Linux...
2137 [18:42:16] <Habbie> i run with acpi_osi=Linux
2138 [18:42:24] <Habbie> just mentioning that as a random thing
you can try
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2143 [18:45:35] <indibart> so acutally i always get the same error
but sometimes (when i change something) it ignores it and boots
anyway. The error ist ACPI BIOS ERROR (bug): Could not resolve
[\_SB.PCI0.LPC0.EC0], AE_NOT_FOUND (20180810/dswload2-160)
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2148 [18:46:30] <indibart> @Habbie: yes, sorry, I meant
acpi_osi=Linux. It worked, once...
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2150 [18:46:52] <Habbie> indibart, ah
2151 [18:47:02] <Habbie> i have a few AE_NOT_FOUND errors too, i
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2163 [18:53:31] <noodlepie> I am having no joy getting sound to
work on Debain 10/Stable - I have an AMD/Intel SB Azalia card which
shows up in "aplay -l" but the GNOME sound settings only
shows "Dummy Sound Output"
2164 [18:53:37] <noodlepie> For some reason the Realtek codec is
loaded but no ALC codec?
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2166 [18:54:15] <petn-randall> noodlepie: Sounds like something
grabbed your audio before pulseaudio could.
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2168 [18:55:54] <LtL> !timidity pulseaudio
2169 [18:55:54] <dpkg> Some users have had <timidity>
blocking access to their sound card, resulting in <pulseaudio>
only seeing a dummy output. Check if timidity is running with
'systemctl status timidity' and stop/disable with
'systemctl stop timidity ; systemctl disable timidity'
and/or remove the timidity-daemon package.
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2220 [19:22:39] <omnio> Hi, this page seems to describe a very
simple way of switching from systemd to sysvinit in Stretch:
2221 [19:22:42] <omnio> has anyone tried it? is it safe?
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2226 [19:25:14] <greycat> I don't know how many people have
tried it in buster, since buster is still so new.
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2228 [19:26:31] <ratrace> devuan beowulf is based on buster
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2230 [19:27:18] <weedloser> probably not gonna release anytime
soon though is it?
2231 [19:27:42] <omnio> I see, thanks. Anyway, I think it's
great you can do that in Debian, in some other distros you just
2232 [19:28:44] <ratrace> i thought it was a pita to go
systemd-less in debian? why else would devuan go the effort...
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2234 [19:29:19] <greycat> Replacing systemd as PID 1 in Debian
doesn't remove all of the other pieces of systemd. Devuan tries
to remove *every* single lingering piece of it, everywhere.
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2237 [19:30:21] <ratrace> greycat: ah yes i think i've read
about exactly that somewhere
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2239 [19:33:16] <Akuw> anybody here knows monit?
2240 [19:33:37] <Akuw> is a daemon? because i cant find it using
ps -e
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2244 [19:34:35] <greycat> ,info monit
2245 [19:34:37] <judd> No package named 'monit' was
found in buster/amd64.
2246 [19:34:52] <greycat> !monir
2247 [19:34:53] <greycat> !monit
2248 [19:35:03] <greycat> !monit
2249 [19:35:03] <dpkg> Monit is a utility for monitoring services
on a Unix system, performing actions (e.g. service restart via init
script) when issues are detected.
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2260 [19:41:47] <Akuw> is there any documentation about linux logs
structure ? i mean, un understand each line
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2262 [19:42:31] <greycat> what "structure"? programs
write information they think is worth writing.
2263 [19:43:10] <greycat> Usually each line is a self-contained
message, but not always. Sometimes a message is too large and will
span several lines.
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2273 [19:48:11] <Bushmills> generally, first column contains the
date. sometimes as epoch. This is about as common to most log files
as it gets
2274 [19:48:45] *** Quits: hybrid (~hybrid@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2275 [19:48:54] <greycat> "There is often a timestamp at the
start of each line" is pretty much it, yes. The timestamp
formats are wildly inconsistent.
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2280 [19:50:23] <zophyx> how can i start X from the 'debian
live standard cd' ?
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2282 [19:50:32] <Bushmills> try startx
2283 [19:50:37] <zophyx> nopd
2284 [19:50:41] <zophyx> nope
2285 [19:51:03] *** Quits: hybrid (~hybrid@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2286 [19:51:05] <greycat> You tried and it said...?
2287 [19:51:14] <zophyx> command not found
2288 [19:51:21] <greycat> Then it's probably not *there*.
2289 [19:51:35] <zophyx> i see X libs are on the cd
2290 [19:51:42] <greycat> Is the x server on it?
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2292 [19:52:01] <Akuw> look for Xorg
2293 [19:52:04] <ratrace> startx requires xinit package installed
2294 [19:52:23] <Bushmills> startx is provided by package xinit -
i though that came with debian live
2295 [19:52:31] <ratrace> i don't think startx is supported
any more
2296 [19:52:55] <greycat> They said "debian live standard
cd". Whatever that is. If it's related to the
"Standard" selection in tasksel, there will not be any X
server stuff.
2297 [19:53:07] *** Quits: casaca (~nut@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
2298 [19:53:13] <greycat> ratrace: incorrect. I use startx.
2299 [19:53:19] <greycat> LOTS of people use startx.
2300 [19:53:31] <ratrace> i didn't say it doesn't work,
just that it's not supported any more
2301 [19:53:48] <ratrace> you probably had to fiddle with /dev
permissions for gpu, audio, input, etc...
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2305 [19:53:54] <greycat> What evidence do you have to claim that
it's not supported?
2306 [19:54:14] <Bushmills> well, it's just a script
2307 [19:54:25] <Bushmills> not much support needed
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2310 [19:55:50] <zophyx> greycat, i see no xserver package, but
there is a x11-common package
2311 [19:56:06] <ratrace> because startx does not deal with device
permissions ; sure you can do it manually but... you can also
compile packages from tarball -- is that supported? perhaps i'm
using "supported" here to mean "blessed" by
distro tooling, config, defaults
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2314 [19:56:22] <zophyx> all sorts of X packages
2315 [19:56:39] *** Joins: malmalmal (~malmalmal@replaced-ip )
2316 [19:56:41] <greycat> "all sorts" of x libraries
only? as dependencies?
2317 [19:56:57] <greycat> No X server, no window manager, no basic
X utilities, no X terminals, ...?
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2320 [19:57:56] <greycat> As I said before, based on the *NAME* of
this thing alone, never having heard of it before, I would guess it
means "it has only the packages you would get if you chose
Standard during the installation".
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2324 [19:58:09] <greycat> Which would not include X.
2325 [19:58:24] <greycat> It may include X *libraries* as
dependencies of things in Standard, but that's very different.
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2334 [20:01:02] <weedloser> i know it's just wishful thinking
but i really hope there would be a more centralised effort on making
debian truly universal, make it compatible with different init
2335 [20:01:04] <Bushmills> also, "starting X" implies
needing an X server, while it can make perfect sense to not have
one, even though some X clients are installed
2336 [20:01:41] <greycat> weedloser: Please feel free to test
different init systems and see how it goes.
2337 [20:01:47] <Bushmills> though a bit unusual for a minimal
2338 [20:01:54] <greycat> Probably not on important production
2339 [20:02:32] <ratrace> weedloser: no. i'm already
complaining that due to debian's policy to support sysv,
systemd units for services are NOT utilizing all they possibly could
:: too many cooks spoil the broth
2340 [20:02:37] <greycat> Bushmills: it requires an X server,
various drivers both in the kernel and in X11-userspace, fonts, and
a basic set of client programs (window manager, etc.).
2341 [20:02:58] *** Quits: Ekchuan (~RandyMars@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2342 [20:03:00] <greycat> And very likely firmware.
2343 [20:03:14] <weedloser> it's sad it has to be that way
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2345 [20:03:28] <Bushmills> yes, to "start X" in the
most common sense. But X server isn't a dependency of X clients
2346 [20:03:44] <weedloser> but aside from possibly gentoo this is
one of the only 'modular' and portable distros out there,
i love it
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2349 [20:03:52] <greycat> Bushmills: I'm talking reality
here. A "live cd". If you want to start X, that means you
need all the stuff I mentioned.
2350 [20:03:54] <weedloser> certainly on the binary side
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2353 [20:04:36] <greycat> MOST LIKELY this "debian live
standard" thing does not have X. Or X fonts. Or X drivers. Or X
window managers. Or X terminals. Or the scripts to start the X
2354 [20:04:52] <twobitsprite> Just curious, why are /bin/bash and
/usr/bin/bash copies of each other, instead of links?
2355 [20:05:00] <greycat> twobitsprite: `ls -ld /bin /usr/bin
2356 [20:05:21] <twobitsprite> greycat: oh yeah, derp :P thanks
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2372 [20:12:56] <uxfi> Hi Anyoen here can provide help I am on
Debian 10 and have issues with Dovecot
2373 [20:12:58] <uxfi> this issue
2374 [20:13:02] <eb0t_> hey twobitsprite /bin contains programs
needed in single user mode and to bring hte ssystem up or repair it
... /usr/bin is like a general directory for executables
2375 [20:13:17] <greycat> eb0t_: except, that's not true any
more in a new buster installation.
2376 [20:13:28] <uxfi> it keeps giving me a issue.. with I have
2377 [20:13:31] <uxfi> says fialed SSL...
2378 [20:13:35] <eb0t_> ah ok
2379 [20:13:49] <uxfi> I hada another issue which I fixed as I
restored a previosu backu pof debian 9 /etc file I had
2380 [20:13:54] <uxfi> but now I face this SSL issue... :/
2381 [20:13:57] <uxfi> what do I do?
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2386 [20:15:25] <Habbie> uxfi, what did you set ssl_dh to?
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2390 [20:15:55] <uxfi> is that a conf file?
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2392 [20:16:34] <dvs> uxfi, it's in the conf file
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2396 [20:17:14] <uxfi> uhhh
2397 [20:17:18] <uxfi> elt me see
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2400 [20:17:55] <uxfi> Habbie; this db file is in et/c/dovecot?
2401 [20:18:13] <Habbie> uxfi, it's in one of your config
2402 [20:18:34] <uxfi> Habbie; you mean in /etc/ssl or what?
2403 [20:18:36] *** Joins: sputnik (kli0rf@replaced-ip )
2404 [20:18:56] <Habbie> uxfi, it's in one of your dovecot
config files
2405 [20:19:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1557
2406 [20:19:18] <uxfi> oh
2407 [20:19:23] <Habbie> uxfi, also, can you show us the -full-
error message?
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2410 [20:20:09] <uxfi> uh
2411 [20:20:10] <uxfi> sure
2412 [20:20:12] <uxfi> hwo do I do that?
2413 [20:20:19] <uxfi> sorry I really have a basic doevecotpostfix
2414 [20:20:30] <Habbie> you say it says 'failed ssl'
2415 [20:20:34] <uxfi> I beleive when I ugpraded to debian 10 I
hit "use package maitnaierns version" my msitake
2416 [20:20:35] <Habbie> i bet it says more than that
2417 [20:20:44] <uxfi> ok
2418 [20:20:47] <uxfi> Hwo do I get it to say more?
2419 [20:20:49] <uxfi> er show more?
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2421 [20:20:54] <Habbie> it should already do that
2422 [20:20:59] <uxfi> ok
2423 [20:21:01] <Habbie> can you show the full screen you see it
on perhaps?
2424 [20:21:26] <uxfi> one minute
2425 [20:21:26] <uxfi> yes
2426 [20:21:35] <uxfi> Thank you by the way
2427 [20:21:36] *** Joins: hybrid (~hybrid@replaced-ip )
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2429 [20:21:43] <uxfi> I really try to keep my mail server setup
2430 [20:21:50] <uxfi> first time Iv'e ran itno any issues as
im nw to it
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2433 [20:23:36] <uxfi> oops
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2435 [20:23:45] <uxfi> Habbie;
2436 [20:23:47] <uxfi> here you go
2437 [20:24:10] *** Joins: hybrid (~hybrid@replaced-ip )
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2439 [20:24:57] <uxfi> I hoep that helps
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2444 [20:27:18] <Habbie> ok
2445 [20:27:24] <Habbie> that's not the same issue as in that
forum post
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2447 [20:27:30] <Habbie> i also agree it's not a very useful
2448 [20:27:48] <Habbie> i suggest /join #dovecot
2449 [20:27:53] <Habbie> they'll know better what that error
might mean
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2453 [20:29:45] <Habbie> uxfi, btw, what happened to your hostname
in that log?
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2455 [20:30:14] <uxfi> Habbie; privacy ...
2456 [20:30:36] <Habbie> uxfi, ok - editing things may make it
harder to help, just to be clear
2457 [20:31:06] <uxfi> sure
2458 [20:31:09] <uxfi> eh its a publci site
2459 [20:31:13] <uxfi> I guss I cna keep it in heh
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2463 [20:31:48] <uxfi> Habbie; Like i said I think when i was
doing the Buster ugprade I selected use pakcage mainters version did
that screw it up/
2464 [20:31:54] *** Joins: hybrid (~hybrid@replaced-ip )
2465 [20:31:57] <uxfi> Do you think if I restored to my Stretch
Backup then it'll be fine/
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2469 [20:32:48] <Habbie> uxfi, i don't know - you asked in
#dovecot, let's not confuse the matter by trying things from
two channels
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2472 [20:33:30] <uxfi> ok
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2550 [21:15:13] <jebediah_scrooge> Hey guys! Thanks for providing
a #debian channel :-* I've just one question. I'm
scratching my head about the command /bin/echo p@ssw0rd |
/usr/bin/sshfs -o
user@ssh-server:/tmp /media/sshfs/ is working properly when I use it
normally in terminal but not when I try to use it as a ExecStart
command in Systed Service nor as a
2551 [21:15:13] <jebediah_scrooge> command in /etc/rc.local I
cannot use fstab just because key auth is not enabled on the
respective SSH server :( Due to this circumstance I have to find
another way to mount the SSHFS on another way. Is there anything
fundamental wrong with the statement? I would appreciate any helping
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2568 [21:22:57] <farisMA> hi, i need help installing lm_sensors on
debian buster bu i dont find it in the repository
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2570 [21:23:31] <Habbie> ,v lm-sensors
2571 [21:23:32] <judd> Package: lm-sensors on amd64 -- jessie:
1:3.3.5-2; stretch: 1:3.4.0-4; bullseye: 1:3.5.0-3; buster:
1:3.5.0-3; sid: 1:3.5.0-3
2572 [21:23:39] *** Parts: bartholemyfsc8 (~rowan@replaced-ip ) ()
2573 [21:23:53] <greycat> package names may not contain _
characters, so the pkg name uses - instead
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2575 [21:24:17] <farisMA> yaay its working thx :)
2576 [21:24:20] <Habbie> yay
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2601 [21:39:16] <karlpinc> jebediah_scrooge: Probably having to do
with whether or not a tty exists, or something. It is bad practice
to try to feed ssh a password like that. Better is to use
public/private keys.
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2604 [21:40:44] <greycat> Who are these idiots who disable key
auth on their ssh servers....
2605 [21:40:44] <karlpinc> jebediah_scrooge: There might even be
code in ssh itself that prevents such usage when not in an
interactive shell. Dunno.
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2608 [21:41:28] <Habbie> programs like ssh and sudo tend to open
the console explicitly to get passwords
2609 [21:41:37] <Habbie> which means tools like 'expect'
fake a pty to be able to put passwords in anyway
2610 [21:41:55] *** Quits: Terminus- (~null@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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2612 [21:41:59] <Habbie> i'm surprised
jebediah_scrooge's echo works in a terminal
2613 [21:42:13] <greycat> Yes. In the absolute WORST possible
case, where your ssh server is managed by an idiot, or is so
hideously ancient that it lacks any kind of security, you write an
expect script to hack around it.
2614 [21:42:13] <Habbie> ah
2615 [21:42:16] <Habbie> -o password_stdin
2616 [21:42:21] *** weedloser_ is now known as weedloser
2617 [21:42:27] <Habbie> greycat, indeed
2618 [21:42:36] <jebediah_scrooge> @karlpinc, Thanks for your
reply! I know that but pub/priv key auth is unfortunately not
possible. Running the command in terminal works fine and as
expected. So I'm assuming the issue is not related to the SSH
daemon itself.
2619 [21:42:49] <Habbie> why is key auth not possible?
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2623 [21:43:14] <greycat> You saying things like "not
possible" without saying "because it's Acme router OS
version 1.3 and it only has password auth" leaves me doubtful.
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2626 [21:44:54] <greycat> Also, for the love of glob, DO NOT ever
utter the word /bin/echo in any script.
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2630 [21:45:02] <greycat> Use "echo".
2631 [21:45:15] <greycat> BETTER STILL, use printf.
2632 [21:45:33] <greycat> You can't be sure echo won't
mangle the various punctuation characters in your password.
2633 [21:45:42] <jebediah_scrooge> @Habbie, When I created
priv/pub keys and stored it (pub) into the authorized_keys file on
the server (~/.ssh) the server is expecting a password furthermore
2634 [21:45:46] <uRock> ronnie@Number-Zero:~$ echo printf
2635 [21:45:46] <uRock> printf
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2638 [21:46:32] <greycat> So it's not a router. It's
some kind of unix.
2639 [21:46:33] <uRock> Doesn't work the other way around,
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2648 [21:49:43] <greycat> Given that it's some kind of unix,
you can investigate it. You can find out what OS it is. What version
of ssh it's running. You may be able to read the configuration
file. You may even have root, in which case you can do things like
running sshd in debug mode for additional information about why
it's rejecting your key auth attempts.
2649 [21:50:02] <greycat> Or even reading the existing logs for
additional info.
2650 [21:50:52] <greycat> It's worth putting some time into
this, because if you can get key auth working, all your current
problems just go away. You create a keypair with no passphrase, and
you can use that in your scripts.
2651 [21:51:34] <Habbie> jebediah_scrooge, then the server is
2652 [21:51:38] *** Quits: tubeyou (~tutu@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2653 [21:51:41] <annadane> i swear to fscking god i don't
understand virt-manager. sometimes it works when you don't add
your user to the libvirt group (it just prompts for root password,
then it works), sometimes it doesn't... on openbox i got a
message about being unable to use it due to missing polkit or
something and now that i launched it again it will just stubbornly
say "not connected"...
2654 [21:51:51] *** Quits: real_walnut_burl (~oak@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
2655 [21:52:04] <jebediah_scrooge> @greycat, Not I can't ...
I've got no permissions like that. No shell access, just file
2656 [21:52:10] <greycat> Habbie: or he's made a mistake in
the permissions...
2657 [21:52:16] <Habbie> yes
2658 [21:52:25] <Habbie> that also counts as misconfiguration, but
on another level
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2661 [21:53:25] <jebediah_scrooge> I can run the command in
terminal and everything is mounted as expected. But bringing up the
"device" at startup doesn't work. I don't know
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2663 [21:54:24] <greycat> Well, you either go down the
"figure out why key auth isn't working" road, which
involves checking permissions and everything as far as you can, and
then possibly asking the admin... or you throw away what you have
and write it in expect the way you should have in the first place.
2664 [21:54:33] *** Quits: Shahnaz_ (~Shahnaz@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2665 [21:54:49] <greycat> There is no proper solution that
involves "echo password | ssh" in a shell script.
2666 [21:54:57] *** Joins: Shahnaz_ (~Shahnaz@replaced-ip )
2667 [21:55:56] <annadane> actually never mind, i'm just
being stupid
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2690 [22:09:42] <xxStarAngelxx> Hello. Come and watch my Live Show
(Username: xxStarAngelxx) and let's have fun together ---->
2691 [22:09:50] <alkisg> jebediah_scrooge: echo passwd | sshfs
works fine for me when I run it via pam, so it should work fine from
rc.local as well:
2692 [22:09:55] *** Quits: xxStarAngelxx (b914637b@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2693 [22:10:14] * greycat dies a little more inside
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2696 [22:10:45] <alkisg> greycat, if you endorse
"expect", it really is the wrong way to go...
2697 [22:11:14] <alkisg> ssh_askpass for ssh, and passwd_stdin are
the recommended ways; screen scraping is the workaround
2698 [22:12:17] <alkisg> jebediah_scrooge: note though that sshfs
needs access to ~/.ssh; e.g. make sure that HOME exists and stuff
like that
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2706 [22:17:06] <jhutchins_wk> Has anyone mentioned using the
verbose option to diagnose the failure?
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2709 [22:18:03] <greycat> That almost never works from the client,
but the fact that he never even *offered* the -v output for someone
to read for him tells me a lot.
2710 [22:18:47] <greycat> Even my not-very-subtle hints about
getting info about the remote system went totally unanswered.
2711 [22:18:54] *** Quits: Prints (~333@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2712 [22:19:21] <greycat> We're just supposed to take on
faith that he must use password authentication. No proof given.
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2714 [22:19:52] <jhutchins_wk> I wonder if ssh_copy_id works if
the system's locked down to sftp?
2715 [22:20:05] *** Joins: cshzg (~dietary@replaced-ip )
2716 [22:20:31] <greycat> I very much doubt it.
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2720 [22:23:23] <greycat> "OK, I saw your concerns about
permissions, so I sshfs mounted the thing, and here's a paste
of ls -ld / /home /home/me /home/me/.ssh
/home/me/.ssh/authorized_keys, and as you can see, none of the
permissions look wrong".
2721 [22:23:26] *** Joins: dtux (~dmtucker@replaced-ip )
2722 [22:23:38] <greycat> Did we get anything like that? No.
2723 [22:24:04] *** Joins: real_walnut_burl (~oak@replaced-ip )
2724 [22:24:27] <greycat> "It's not a router. It's
running AIX 6.4 with OpenSSH 4.1 (yeah I know, ancient as Rome) and
when I asked the admin, he said he can't upgrade it, and
it's rejecting all the modern key types because it doesn't
know about them."
2725 [22:24:31] <greycat> Did we get that? Nope.
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2756 [22:44:35] <alkisg> Whoops, /me only read the question above,
not the whole chat :)
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2765 [22:50:05] <lope> ratrace, I think it was you who was telling
me recently, that /etc/crypttab hints to grub or luks or whatever
what to ask you for the password for, to try mount
2766 [22:50:35] <lope> Does /etc/crypttab get read at the time
when grub is being installed?
2767 [22:50:57] <karlpinc> lope: It'd be in the initramfs.
2768 [22:51:22] <lope> and the initramfs gets setup according to
2769 [22:51:27] <karlpinc> lope: Maybe: zless
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2772 [22:52:15] <[sr]> howdy
2773 [22:52:19] <[sr]> just an info,
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2775 [22:52:34] <[sr]> any idea or who can i ask, when mysql8 will
be available in sid?
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2777 [22:52:45] <Habbie> [sr], probably the debian mysql
2778 [22:52:50] <Habbie> ,v mysql-server
2779 [22:52:51] <judd> Package: mysql-server on amd64 -- jessie:
5.5.60-0+deb8u1; jessie-security: 5.5.62-0+deb8u1; stretch:
5.5.9999+default; sid: 5.7.26-1
2780 [22:53:12] <[sr]> thanks Habbie
2781 [22:53:23] <[sr]> that feature for the bot is cool :P
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2784 [22:54:19] <[sr]> ,v php
2785 [22:54:21] <judd> Package: php on amd64 -- stretch: 1:7.0+49;
bullseye: 2:7.3+69; buster: 2:7.3+69; sid: 2:7.3+69
2786 [22:54:21] <lope> karlpinc, thanks
2787 [22:54:49] <greycat> Am I the only one wishing it would show
buster before bullseye?
2788 [22:55:16] <karlpinc> sr: The name of the bot is judd, you
can: /msg judd v php
2789 [22:55:31] <karlpinc> sr: This avoids splatting stuff into
the channel.
2790 [22:55:31] <greycat> (if it's sorting by version strings
and then alphabetically by release name to break ties, that's
fine, it'll diverge eventually)
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2792 [22:56:02] <Habbie> greycat, no :)
2793 [22:56:26] <[sr]> karlpinc: cool thanks, i'll!
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2841 [23:18:55] <krackhead> Tru. Sign up for mint mobile, sir.
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2848 [23:20:17] <ratrace> lope: yeah, crypttab is used by
initramfs-tools scripts
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2850 [23:21:03] <Habbie> hmm
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2853 [23:21:32] <Habbie> does that mean that whatever i put into
crypttab is copied into initramfs?
2854 [23:21:37] <Habbie> unsecured?
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2877 [23:32:02] <lope> ratrace, thanks bud
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2892 [23:43:18] <ratrace> lol wth is wrong with load in buster, or
is it kernel 4.19 .... single python process writing to btrfs atop
of two dm-crypt devices (in raid1), and load is 22, all from kworker
threads in D state. one process, load 22.....
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2895 [23:46:00] <Habbie> is the python process threaded?
2896 [23:46:09] <ratrace> no
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