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11[00:03:12] <DeaDSouL> Hi, I'm trying to delete a folder
as root in my server with `rm -rfv .AppleDouble` but it says: `rm:
cannot remove `.AppleDouble': Directory not empty` when I list
that folder with `ls -lah` i found a strange info there like this:
`-?????????? ? ? ? ? ? MCT OVA 12 - roOoby .mp4` so I tried `file
'MCT OVA 12 - ro0oby .mp4'` and it says: `MCT OVA 12 -
roOoby .mp4: ERROR: cannot open `MCT OVA 12 - roOoby .mp4' (No
such file or directo
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15[00:05:18] <LtL> DeaDSouL: stat directoryname - what
permission does it have
16[00:05:23] <Brigo> DeaDSouL, try checking the filesystem. It
looks like a filesystem corruption.
17[00:06:04] <LtL> DeaDSouL: don't cross-post please
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19[00:06:39] <unborn> LtL: cross-post?
20[00:06:59] <LtL> unborn: he's asking in ##linux also
21[00:07:09] <unborn> LtL: and?
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26[00:08:13] <LtL> unborn: its poor etiquette to crosspost
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34[00:09:31] <unborn> LtL: I would understand if he post that
question on all debian channels but he post it on different channel
completely nothing to do with this one.. and his question is legit
as it is touching about issue having on linux.. so where do you see
poor etiquette or cross-post
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37[00:09:59] <unborn> LtL: ah I understand.. because you
sitting there and you dont like it.. sorry
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40[00:10:35] <LtL> unborn: why should anyone here help if
he's asking elsewhere
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42[00:11:09] <vook> many debian members don't watch
43[00:11:14] <vook> and visa versa
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45[00:11:48] <LtL> unborn: im sure youre not new to IRC,
neither am i crossposting is frowned upon, think what you like
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47[00:12:38] <unborn> LtL: sure. I was just asking why not to
ask elsewhere too.. perhaps he was in urgency or something.. end of
the day its not my business.
48[00:12:48] <vook> I've heard the same, and I'd
completely agree if it was cross-posting between freenode and oftc,
but anyway...
49[00:12:55] * unborn just wanted to know
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75[00:22:28] <DeaDSouL> back sorry
76[00:22:44] <DeaDSouL> Brigo: it says: stat: cannot stat `MCT
OVA 12 - roOoby .mp4': No such file or directory
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83[00:24:26] <Brigo> DeaDSouL, i said you should check the
fileystem for errors not stat any file.
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90[00:25:35] <DeaDSouL> Brigo: how can I check the filesystem
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93[00:26:43] <dTal> DeaDSouL: I second the "corrupt
filesystem" explanation, and strongly suggest that before doing
anything else you should back up important files
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99[00:28:32] <Brigo> DeaDSouL, that link is quite good:
100[00:28:40] <dTal> actually wait
101[00:28:53] <dTal> do what LtL said to start with
102[00:29:03] <dTal> check the directory permissions
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105[00:29:08] <dTal> (not the file permissions)
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108[00:29:29] <Brigo> dTal, he did it, check his messages.
109[00:29:33] <Miesco> Hi. How come my ip gets changed to a
dynamic one when I have a static one in /etc/network/interfaces?
110[00:29:49] <Miesco> I don't have NetworkManager...
111[00:30:00] <dTal> you mean this? 23:32 < DeaDSouL>
Brigo: it says: stat: cannot stat `MCT OVA 12 - roOoby .mp4':
No such file or directory
112[00:30:18] <Brigo> dTal, yes
113[00:30:19] <dTal> because that's the file, not the
directory .AppleDouble
114[00:30:27] <Brigo> dTal, right.
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116[00:30:58] <Brigo> Miesco, it shouldn't
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118[00:31:02] <DeaDSouL> here:
119[00:31:04] <Brigo> is dhcpd running?
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121[00:31:47] <DeaDSouL> no, but bindfs is
122[00:32:18] <DeaDSouL> but I'm trying to delete it from
the original ext3 mount point
123[00:32:26] <Brigo> DeaDSouL, i was talking with Miesco :)
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125[00:33:39] <DeaDSouL> :p
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129[00:35:34] <dTal> there's something odd going on in that
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133[00:36:22] <dTal> why would ls -lah in the *parent* directory
give "blahblah.mp4: no such file or directory"?
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139[00:38:07] <dTal> maybe also check the perms on the
"Japanese" directory, since you can't even
'ls' inside that?
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142[00:38:42] <Brigo> dTal, you can try it.
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145[00:39:24] <Brigo> dTal, but i think you were root, so no
permission problems.
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151[00:42:15] <dTal> Brigo: I'm not DeaDSouL
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153[00:43:03] <Brigo> dTal, too late for me, dude :D
154[00:43:23] <dTal> However I did try it and indeed no amount
of permission mangling could provoke that effect as root
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156[00:43:56] <dTal> so I will default back to "borked
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159[00:45:23] <Brigo> anyway, i am off, going to be, bye and
good luck DeaDSouL :)
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161[00:46:03] <Brigo> going to bed* :)
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169[00:50:24] <psylence> I feel so stupid for asking this. But
how do I figure out the name of my wireless interface?
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173[00:51:55] <DeaDSouL> thanks Brigo :) gn
174[00:52:01] <psylence> ifconfig.. and I'm not even high
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180[00:55:24] <dTal> Poor psylence left before anyone could tell
them that 'ifconfig' is deprecated
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184[00:56:16] <count> heyho
185[00:56:59] <count> are there any known issue with Xenial
server, where the keyboard input stops working (while console
switching still works) and the network stacks also seems to stop
working in userspace?
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188[00:57:46] <count> having the issue reliably with kernels
4.4.0-28 and earlier from the release, also tried 3.19.0-61 with the
same result
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194[00:59:06] <count> somehow feels like a weird userspace issue
affecting daemons, e.g. ssh and getty are stopping working. nothing
in the logs, nothing on the console.
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199[01:02:09] <vook> that's nor really a debian question
200[01:02:12] <vook> *not
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216[01:05:27] <count> it isn't. I'm on the wrong
channel. oh damn.
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218[01:06:01] <count> I'm usually using Debian on all of my
server except that one. heh.
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220[01:06:08] <count> sorry for that :D
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283[01:35:02] <bittin> Is there gonna be streaming of Debconf
this year ?
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345[02:05:52] <siloxid> I recently did applied some updates to
sid and lost the ability to click by tapping my touchpad and the
setting has disappeared from settings. how can I force this back on?
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368[02:13:45] <siloxid> nevermind, found how to enable it
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377[02:19:34] <Dan39> vnstat keeps teling me " eth2: Not
enough data available yet." even though its been running for
378[02:20:09] <Dan39> it seems it is not recording any stats to
the db files, i dont know why :(
379[02:20:44] <Dan39> from some research, it seems it is a bug
specific to version debian is using
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385[02:23:10] <Dan39> hmm, i do not see the "Info:
Monitoring: eth2 (no limit)" message in journalctl until i stop
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388[02:24:06] <somiaj> Did you find the bug report in the debian
BTS? Is there a workaround? Sounds to me like you need to tell the
program to watch eth2 (sounds like it is not watching that
389[02:24:26] <Dan39> i set it in the config
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391[02:25:47] <Dan39> it says it is monitoring it, but not until
i stop the service... wtf -_-
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439[02:53:34] <v0r0nwe> hello debian fellas, i just tried to
install stretch alpha6 via netinstall on a ssd. i wanted to set up
encrypted lvm and ran the "overwrite blocks with random
data"-thing... after finishing this step, the installer
can't continue because the ssd isn't detected. after
reboot even the bios doesn't detect the ssd anymore. could it
be possible that this write-intensive step just
"destroyed" the disk? it was a
440[02:53:36] <v0r0nwe> sandisk ultraII 480gb
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456[03:08:57] <simonlnu> re-partition it?
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458[03:09:36] <simonlnu> maybe just the partition got wiped, and
so setting it like you had it will restore it. but it's better
you actually file a bug report.
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481[03:18:51] <DeaDSouL> hi, it had an unprintable characters
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483[03:19:05] <DeaDSouL> how can I rename files if they have
unprintable characters ?
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490[03:22:55] <v0r0nwe> simonlnu: how could i re-partition it if
it's not even detected by the bios?
491[03:23:06] <v0r0nwe> but thx anyway
492[03:23:08] <v0r0nwe> :)
493[03:23:18] <simonlnu> doh, yeah, LOL
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496[03:24:32] <SerajewelKS> v0r0nwe: all i can suggest is trying
it in a different machine or with a sata-to-usb bridge or something
497[03:24:45] <SerajewelKS> maybe the sata controller in this
box suddenly doesn't like it
498[03:24:57] <v0r0nwe> hm yeah i will try that
499[03:25:02] <v0r0nwe> thx
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501[03:25:40] <abrotman> suddenly?
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503[03:27:04] <v0r0nwe> i had some issues with sandisk ssd
drives before (like bad blocks / corrupt fs), caused by
write-intensive tasks
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528[03:47:37] <up2late> how do i set my user to about to use
sudo without putting in a password ebery time
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532[03:48:26] <DeaDSouL> i'm logged as user1 ... how can i
login as user2 from user1 ?
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535[03:48:49] <Dan39> i removed the User=vnstat line that debian
added to the vnstat.service file, now it works fine. meh :\
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538[03:49:06] <dvs> up2late, "ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL"
in sudoers file
539[03:49:18] <Dan39> not sure why, files were owned by vnstat,
so shouldnt have been an issue for it to write
540[03:49:24] <LtL> DeaDSouL: su user2
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542[03:49:38] <DeaDSouL> LtL: thanks
543[03:49:49] <LtL> de nada DeaDSouL
544[03:50:01] <Dan39> hmmm
545[03:50:08] <Dan39> this is interesting
546[03:50:26] <Dan39> if i su to vnstat user, ifconfig returns 0
for all RX/TX bytes
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548[03:50:45] <Dan39> as root it has values
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550[03:51:30] <LtL> Dan39: vnstat is most likely nologin in
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552[03:52:22] <Dan39> yea
553[03:52:32] <Dan39> but i did su -s /bin/bash vnstat
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556[03:52:58] <LtL> Dan39: so its not a user per se but a daemon
557[03:52:59] <Dan39> else i wouldnt be able to su to vnstat at
all :P
558[03:53:05] <Dan39> LtL: right...
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561[03:53:27] <Dan39> but does that change the fact that it
seems there is some permissions issue?
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564[03:53:50] <Dan39> probably some weird kernel or udev
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567[03:54:28] <LtL> Dan39: i havent used vnstat for years, but
it looks lie a /etc/vnstat.conf type thing
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569[03:54:43] <LtL> *like
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571[03:55:51] <Dan39> there is the feature to switch user/group
in the config... debian does it in service file instead though
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575[03:57:09] <dvs> up2late, please don't /msg me
576[03:57:21] <LtL> Dan39: frankly i've been watching a
movie so i didn't see your issue
577[03:57:26] <up2late> k
578[03:57:27] <Dan39> heh
579[03:57:40] <abrotman> up2late: this is well documented in the
man page for that config file
580[03:57:42] <Dan39> thats ok LtL, you have given good
responses anyways :P
581[03:57:50] <abrotman> and no, don't msg me either :)
582[03:57:56] <up2late> how do i read the man page?
583[03:58:00] <up2late> im very new to this
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585[03:58:08] <abrotman> and apparently up too late
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587[03:58:19] <Dan39> you can /msg me
588[03:58:20] <Dan39> :P
589[03:59:03] <dvs> up2late, on the command line, type
"man" and then the command like "man sudo"
590[03:59:13] <up2late> will do thanks
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592[04:01:20] <Dan39> hmm
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594[04:01:33] <Dan39> /sys/class/net/eth2/statistics/rx_bytes is
permissioned denied even for my normal users
595[04:01:49] <Dan39> ya know what i almost forgot
596[04:02:06] <Dan39> this has grsecurity kernel
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608[04:07:47] <Dan39> yep i think thats it
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610[04:08:15] <Dan39> sorry guys :( i feel like jerk now since i
dont think thats a debian supported kernel at that point
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612[04:08:45] <ttyS1> I made some bad changes accidentally on
iptables and now it prevents accesing the server after reboot. If I
can unmount the drive what should I edit in order to prevent
iptables from starting at boottime ?
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614[04:09:05] <Dan39> unmount the drive?
615[04:09:18] <Dan39> you mean mount it?
616[04:10:02] <Dan39> i do believe there is an iptables file in
617[04:10:32] <Dan39> lets read
618[04:10:44] <Dan39> /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/iptables
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733[05:19:34] <awal1> Any nice suggestion about a command for
gkrellm battery monitor? (command for warn about low & critical
battery level)
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746[05:28:29] <up2late> anyone have a second to discuss a
suderos file with me?
747[05:28:36] *** Quits: chinesesausage (~esr@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
748[05:28:43] <up2late> *sudoers
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750[05:29:16] <SerajewelKS> up2late: just ask your question. if
someone can answer, they will.
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782[05:48:39] <awal1> Which WM have better support for multi
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809[06:15:02] <stoned> xmonad
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811[06:15:31] <stoned> awal1: I use Xmonad. KDE wm, kwin is also
pretty good. Plasma has multi monitor taskbar support if you need
812[06:16:32] <stoned> awal1:
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815[06:18:43] <awal1> sstoned, ok , thanks. I have heard about
xmonad being good with multi monitors, yeah, but a bit lazy having
to learn about haskell :P
816[06:18:59] <awal1> stoned, but thinking about it :)
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818[06:20:29] <awal1> stoned, what's that config file?
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824[06:21:45] <stoned>
825[06:21:59] <stoned> I have 2x 60" up top, and 4x
19" under vertical for coding
826[06:22:10] <stoned> Xmonad imo is the best wm for multimon
827[06:22:55] <stoned> It works really well even out of the box
828[06:23:03] <stoned> and learning the cofnig is pretty easy.
Good docs
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832[06:25:39] <awal1> looks nice :) I have used xmonad a few
time but haven't had enough free time for set it up well. I may
look at it again :P
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840[06:28:26] <stoned> It's nice.
841[06:28:29] <stoned> #xmonad
842[06:28:34] <stoned> Also #haskell of course
843[06:28:43] <stoned> Let me know if you want further tips
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847[06:31:13] <awal1> stoned, ok, I will :) thanks
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849[06:32:20] <stoned> ok bye bye
850[06:32:30] <stoned> I ate too many skittles. Now I feel sick.
851[06:32:34] <awal1> stoned, the only xmonad stuff related I
have set up as I need it is xmobar
852[06:32:55] <stoned> Coo,
853[06:32:56] <awal1> ok, rest well :P
854[06:33:16] *** Quits: Rusty1_ (~kanotix@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
855[06:33:18] <stoned>
856[06:33:49] <stoned> g'nite
857[06:34:54] <awal1> night
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875[06:54:09] <kareeoleez> I am seeing /dev/root 1.8G 1.7G 7.1M
100% / in my SD 2GB but I can't find where the space goes. Any
ideas ? I've tried with ncdu and other commands but they simply
show sizes up to 500MB
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886[07:00:21] <tripkin> I am running Jessie, latest updates,
etc. I rebooted my computer and when it came back up I did not have
eth0. I installed a usb wifi and it is working. How do I go about
troubleshooting the nic, etc to find the problem? It is an
integrated nic, static ip.
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894[07:06:16] <jmcnaught> tripkin: is it listed by "ip
a" or "lspci -nn | grep -i net" ?
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896[07:07:19] <tripkin> jmcnaught, it shows up in both
897[07:07:46] <jmcnaught> tripkin: how is your eth0 normally
configured? with /etc/network/interfaces?
898[07:07:57] <tripkin> Yes it is.
899[07:08:19] <jmcnaught> can you make a paste with that file
and the output of "systemctl status networking"?
900[07:08:20] <tripkin> ip a shows the correct information
901[07:08:37] <tripkin> Sure. Just a moment
902[07:08:46] <jmcnaught> tripkin: in what way did you "not
have eth0" then?
903[07:09:23] <tripkin> When I try to navigate anywhere, I
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905[07:09:41] <sol> anyone ever had any trouble with iwlwifi?
906[07:09:46] <tripkin> It also does not show up in the dash
list of interfaces.
907[07:10:05] <sol> the wireless ping to my router is so
#($&ing unstable, it's really frustrating
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909[07:10:21] <sol> I get 200ms pings sometimes, when
there's only a little bit of web traffic from my system
910[07:10:30] <sol> normally the ping is 0.8ms
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912[07:11:26] <tripkin> jmcnaught, the gnome extension
'Show ip' shows it as not connected.
913[07:11:34] <sol> there were some posts online for setting
various config options (eg, options iwlwifi bt_coex_active=0 in
/etc/modprobe.d/iwlwifi.conf, but nothing seems to help
914[07:11:38] <sol> also tried the latest firmware
915[07:12:03] <jmcnaught> tripkin: had you tried using ifdown
and ifup on eth0?
916[07:12:46] <tripkin> jmcnaught, ifdown: interface eth0 not
configured is what I get.
917[07:12:49] <jmcnaught> sol: i use that driver but don't
have problems, maybe it's more specific to the model of your
card than the driver?
918[07:13:36] <sol> jmcnaught; could be, I've seen people
with other intel devices complaining about the exact same issue, but
plenty were for my card, so it could be just a few models -- using a
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920[07:14:09] <jmcnaught> sol: 6205 here
921[07:14:18] <sol> I might have to rip it out and put something
else in :|
922[07:14:29] <sol> or use a USB adapter
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924[07:14:53] <jmcnaught> sol: did you try using a kernel from
925[07:15:26] *** Joins: brimonk (~brian@replaced-ip)
926[07:15:41] <sol> jmcnaught; I updated to testing, hoping that
would fix it
927[07:15:41] *** Joins: RebelCoder (~jurisl85@replaced-ip)
928[07:15:44] <tripkin> jmcnaught,
929[07:16:13] *** Joins: philballew (~philip@replaced-ip)
930[07:16:18] <jmcnaught> sol: trying a newer kernel from
jessie-backports probably would have sufficed
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932[07:16:39] <sol> jmcnaught; yea, probably, but I'm not a
man of half-measures :D
933[07:16:43] <tripkin> jmcnaught, I had tried creating a boot
script and registering in with update-rc.d, and that is the only
recent change to my system.
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936[07:18:22] <tripkin> jmcnaught, I have the following two
lines in the LSB header, and perhaps that is the problem. #
Required-Start: $local_fs $network # Required-Stop: $network
937[07:18:50] <tripkin> I removed the script from update-rc.d
but if it changed something else, I don't know how to properly
fix it.
938[07:19:22] <jmcnaught> tripkin: is this boot script in anyway
related to network interfaces?
939[07:19:55] <RebelCoder> I Love Debian !
940[07:20:15] <tripkin> jmcnaught, only in that it mentions
$network in the Required-Start and Required-Stop
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942[07:20:41] <tripkin> It is just supposed to run vncserver at
943[07:21:20] <jmcnaught> tripkin: did you replace systemd? how
did you try to add the script at boot?
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945[07:22:15] <tripkin> I put the script in /etc/init.d and then
ran update-rc.d vncxerver defaults
946[07:22:23] <daftest> Hello. How do I boot into something
other than GNOME? (from a terminal)
947[07:22:33] <jmcnaught> tripkin: "Configuring network
interfaces...RTNETLINK answers: File exists" <-- have you
researched this error?
948[07:22:58] *** Quits: philballew (~philip@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
949[07:22:58] <daftest> Upgraded from Wheezy to Jessie. I boot
up without errors, but at the login screen I get the sadface and
"oh no!". I am trying to get around it...
950[07:23:04] <tripkin> jmcnaught, no I have not. Let me do that
and I will get back to you. Thanks.
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954[07:24:05] <jmcnaught> tripkin: with systemd to enable
something at boot it's "systemctl enable
servicename". services can be init scripts in /etc/init.d or
systemd units (INI file format) in /etc/systemd/system
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956[07:24:52] <tripkin> jmcnaught, thanks. I am still used to
thinking like I am running Ubuntu 14.04.
957[07:25:07] <jmcnaught> daftest: what kind of graphics card do
you have? is it the login screen itself that has that error, or
right after logging in?
958[07:26:14] <daftest> jmcnaught: ATI Radeon 5770. login screen
itself. thanks
959[07:26:18] <daftest> Happens whether I have the proprietary
driver on or not.
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963[07:27:14] <jmcnaught> daftest: i'm pretty sure fglrx is
not compatible with gnome at this point. if you install a different
display manager like lightdm it will ask you which you want to use
964[07:27:54] <jmcnaught> daftest: with the free radeon driver,
you might simply need the non-free firmware. some cards that worked
in wheezy without it need it in jessie
965[07:28:33] <daftest> so I could just apt-get lightdm from
terminal and boot into it?
966[07:28:42] *** Quits: Gurty (~princess@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
967[07:28:53] <daftest> yeah, so I hear about the FGIRX. :(
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971[07:29:13] <jmcnaught> daftest: or try with the
firmware-linux-nonfree package installed
972[07:29:21] *** Quits: hasanatizaz2 (~hasan@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
973[07:29:43] <daftest> firmware-linux-nonfree by itself
doesn't fix it, but I am yet to try fully installing the free
974[07:29:58] <jmcnaught> what do you mean?
975[07:30:10] <jmcnaught> radeon is installed by default
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979[07:31:45] <daftest> jmcnaught: That wasn't the case for
me. It defaulted to something normal, at least on Wheezy, and and
that required extra work. At least as I recall.
980[07:32:04] <solrize> ok so i have a debian 7 frankensystem
with a 1tb root partition and 2tb user partition... the root
partition has 900+gb of user files. i'm thinking of upgrading
to jessie by 1) apt-get distupgrade; 2) back up everything and
reinstall the whole system from scratch from jessie distro on bare
metal; 3) back up everything and reinstall with some kind of
virtualization scheme so i can do further upgrades with less
headaches. any advice?
981[07:34:31] <jmcnaught> daftest: i used that card on wheezy,
it used radeon. it required the non-free firmware for 3D. Take a
look at
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983[07:34:57] <jmcnaught> daftest: also if you've had fglrx
installed then the radeon driver could be blacklisted in
984[07:35:25] <daftest> jmcnaught: ok, that's a good lead,
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994[07:43:03] <daftest> jmcnaught: no, modprobe blacklist is no
longer there, but still failing on login with firmware-linux-nonfree
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998[07:44:19] <daftest> jmcnaught: I just don't understand
why I can't find a clear explanation in a log of why it
won't load
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1000[07:45:03] <somiaj> solrize: unsure what unstandard stuff you
ahve done to your system. But if you follow some basic guidlines
debian can be upgraded to future releases, so provided your wheezy
install is in good shape, just read the jessie release notes for
upgrading. If your wheezy system is not in good shape, I'd
reinstall and then make sure you follow some basic rules (/msg dpkg
don't break debian) on jessie, and you'll eventually be
able to upgrade it to stretch.
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1002[07:45:39] <somiaj> daftest: grep radeon /etc/modprobe.d/*
1003[07:46:02] <solrize> yeah i'm not sure what nonstandard
stuff i've done either, and it may be messy. but i'm
basically ok with clobbering all the system stuff and starting over,
as long as i don't mess up the user data
1004[07:46:10] <somiaj> daftest: dmesg does give you any errors
why the radeon module isn't loading?
1005[07:46:38] <somiaj> solrize: provided you keep stuff nicely
in $HOME you should be fine. Note sometimes you may have to clean up
your $HOME with newer software, older user configs may not work
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1007[07:47:16] <solrize> yeah but i was a bad boy and downloaded
all kinds of newer packages and ran "make install" which
put stuff in /usr/bin etc
1008[07:47:18] <daftest> somiaj: but how do I know it isn't?
I just know that my system is screwed.
1009[07:47:45] <solrize> so i'm basically taking
DontBreakDebian to heart this time :)
1010[07:47:54] <somiaj> solrize: in /usr/bin? Most make install
will put thigns in /usr/local (which is just fine)
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1012[07:48:07] <somiaj> solrize: also look into stow or
check-install, makes manging source installs in /usr/local a lot
1013[07:48:14] <solrize> hmm ok
1014[07:48:17] <daftest> somiaj:
/etc/modprobe.fbdev-blacklist.conf:blacklist radeonfb
/etc/modprobe.d/radeon-kms.conf:options radeon modeset=1
1015[07:48:25] <solrize> i kind of want to try out nixos or guix
under debian
1016[07:48:30] <solrize> but that's separate
1017[07:48:37] <solrize> hmm
1018[07:48:59] <somiaj> daftest: I missed your original issue,
but that looks fine
1019[07:49:05] <solrize> yeah i guess stuff mostly went in $HOME
or /usr/local
1020[07:49:18] <somiaj> solrize: that is just fine and debian
packages will live nicely with that.
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1022[07:49:24] <solrize> fair enough
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1024[07:49:52] <somiaj> solrize: only one word of warning,
/usr/local/bin and $HOME/bin are in the path before /usr/bin (or
/bin) so this means that local stuff will be run instead of debian
stuff, if you have both.
1025[07:50:11] <daftest> somiaj: sadface at login after
Wheezy-Jessie update. (I was named "bin-plymouth" 12 hours
ago and you tried to help, for which I am very grateful.)
1026[07:50:44] <solrize> yeah if i have local stuff it's
generally because i want it to run instead of debian stuff. e.g. gcc
1027[07:50:57] <somiaj> daftest: have you tried another
desktop/wm that is not gnome?
1028[07:51:27] <daftest> somiaj: good idea: I'm trying to
figure out how to do that right now.
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1031[07:51:49] <somiaj> solrize: correct, but this can conflict
with debian stuff, and if the local version gets used and is
incompadable with debian stuff it may cause a problem (note this is
more for stuff like python or core tools, gcc should be fine)
1032[07:52:18] <solrize> hmm ok
1033[07:53:27] <solrize> damn my network started flaking out in
the middle of the install
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1035[07:53:50] <somiaj> solrize: I don't have an opion on if
I think it would be better for you to reinstall or dist-upgrade. For
the most part sounds like you are doing things okay, but a clean
isntall will just ensure better practice in the future. Also allow
you to use stow or check-install to manage your source isntalls
1036[07:54:04] <solrize> ok i'll read up on those thanks
1037[07:54:14] <solrize> i guess virtualization is a more complex
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1041[07:54:39] <somiaj> solrize: and probabaly not what you want,
I'm sure you want to install on your physical hardware
1042[07:54:48] <somiaj> solrize: just keep good backups
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1044[07:55:43] <solrize> yeah, haha, my backups currently suck
(software raid 1, yeah i know, raid is not backup)... the files are
mostly static storage
1045[07:56:35] <somiaj> solrize: I use a usb drive and remote
location for my backups. Though I'm bad about connect the drive
and running my backup scripts
1046[07:57:11] <solrize> this is 3tb of data
1047[07:57:17] <solrize> and it's a remote machine
1048[07:57:59] <solrize> it's software raid 1 but i can get
a storage server at cheaper per gb than the live server, so i was
thinking i might convert the live box to raid-0 and back up on
remote storage
1049[07:58:10] <solrize> at the moment i'm not out of disk
space yet though
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1052[07:58:25] <somiaj> solrize: rsync is nice because only the
changes are copied
1053[07:58:31] <solrize> yeah
1054[07:58:46] <somiaj> daftest: a wm like fluxbox, i3, etc will
be the simplest thing to test that isn't gnome and see if it is
an issue with gnome or xorg.
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1056[07:59:48] <solrize> i was thinking i could have a raid-1
partition of 100gb or so for $HOME (stuff that potentially changes)
and another small raid-1 for root, and the rest raid-0 for static
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1058[07:59:56] <solrize> and then rsync everything to the remote
now and then
1059[07:59:59] <daftest> somiaj: i3: cannot open display
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1063[08:00:34] <somiaj> daftest: you would add exec /usr/bin/i3
to your .xsession file and then run startx
1064[08:00:49] <solrize> so that would give me 5000gb or so of
usable space instead of 2600gb
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1072[08:03:02] <rozie> solrize: probably JBOD (two separate
disks) will be as useful (space) as raid0. and twice less safer
1073[08:03:35] <rozie> I mean raid0 is twice less safe than JBOD
1074[08:03:51] <solrize> yeah i guess... can i do that with
partitions? i.e. still have some raid1 space. there's two 3tb
drives (3tb = 3e12 bytes = 2600 GiB approx)
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1076[08:04:07] <solrize> yeah i understand, when a jbod drive
crashes you lose only half your data :)
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1079[08:04:24] <rozie> yes, you can use partitions in softrai
1080[08:04:28] <rozie> d
1081[08:04:56] <rozie> just make sure they are on different
drives ;-)
1082[08:05:20] <rozie> and yes, it's possible to make raid1
build from partitions on the same disk ;-)
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1102[08:12:05] <daftest> somiaj: i don't have an .xsession
file, only an .xsession.errors file.
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1115[08:16:17] <daftest> somiaj: also lightdm won't start at
least with "lightdm" command, so maybe it's all
1116[08:17:52] <brimonk> Hey, can anyone key me into why
'watch ss | grep tcp' gives me no output, but I can
perfectly 'watch ss' fine? I have a feeling it has
something to do with it piping the output into grep, but what do I
do to get around that?
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1120[08:20:34] <somiaj> daftest: when testing xorg from a console
use startx, lightdm should be started via its init script.
1121[08:21:18] <daftest> somiaj: what do you mean
1122[08:21:32] <daftest> for now, just brought me to the same
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1125[08:21:58] <somiaj> daftest: I mean I find it easer to get
things working with startx than a display manager
1126[08:22:11] <somiaj> daftest: still sounds like you are
loading gnome, make sure you .xsession has the wm you want to load
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1128[08:22:27] <daftest> somiaj: I do not have an
"xsession" file
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1130[08:22:59] <somiaj> daftest: create on in $HOME if you
don't have one, and it is .xsession
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1132[08:25:52] <tripkin> jmcnaught, looks like "ip a flush
dev eth0" and a reboot did the trick. Thanks for your
assistance and point stuff out to me.
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1135[08:26:02] <daftest> somiaj: Created such a file, no
difference. :(
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1151[08:40:06] <daftest> somiaj: I'm in under i3! this
should be interesting. Thank you so much!
1152[08:40:34] <somiaj> yea it is just gnome requires opengl to
be working fully. could be your card, could be you just need to get
your graphics driver sorted out
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1156[08:41:00] <somiaj> there is also the gnome-flashback package
for the fallback mode if you really want gnome. There is also mate
(gnome2 clone) and cinnimon (gnome-shell fork) that will work
1157[08:41:14] <somiaj> there is also xfce, lxde, and many other
wms to choose from.
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1159[08:41:16] <warriorkitty> Can package
"build-essentials" be an alias of
"build-essential"? I can't tell you how many times I
wrote it wrong and I don't think I am the only one. :)
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1168[08:48:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1640
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1174[08:53:32] <solrize> wow, i recompiled one of my programs
with gcc 6.1 and it's about 20% faster than it was with gcc 4.8
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1178[08:56:53] <somiaj> solrize: did you compile it with gcc 4.8
or just using the version compiled from debian?
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1183[09:00:46] <venkat_330> after enabling apparmor mqueue not
working under normal user
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1194[09:05:41] <solrize> compiled with 4.8 it's a program i
wrote not a debian package
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1197[09:06:12] <solrize> but it spends a lot of time in a library
so i want to recompile that too :)
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1200[09:06:55] <solrize> i had to muck with the load paths for a
long time to get the 6.1 executable to run though
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1258[09:37:37] <Drzacek> I'm on debian with lxde (?) gui -
can someone tell me where are the display settings?
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1273[09:42:57] <fennesz> Hello! is there a way I can monitor io
usage for a specific drive ? Also would be interested to see what
process is using it . I have already tried iostat and iotop . Would
like the combination of those two :)
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1316[10:05:41] <ChrisH> fennesz: atop and press d ??
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1321[10:08:31] <fennesz> ChrisH, let me check
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1324[10:09:56] <ChrisH> fennesz: I like atop for a quick overview
check very much.
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1329[10:12:57] <fennesz> can I monitor a specific drive with atop
like I can with iostat , ChrisH ?
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1357[10:22:52] <ROMELU> hi
1358[10:23:02] <ROMELU> i'm looking for help
1359[10:23:22] <ROMELU> with a HD corrupted
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1361[10:24:18] <ChrisH> fennesz: dunno... man atop :)
1362[10:24:30] <ChrisH> ROMELU: buy a new one and restore from
1363[10:24:39] <ROMELU> :D
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1365[10:25:04] <ROMELU> can you tell any command to check it?
1366[10:25:09] <ChrisH> ROMELU: that is the most specific answer
possible to an unspecific question
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1368[10:25:35] <ChrisH> ROMELU: lets start with dmesg and paste
it to
1369[10:25:51] <ROMELU> dmesg /dev/sdc6?
1370[10:26:26] <ChrisH> Just dmesg
1371[10:26:29] <ROMELU> ok
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1373[10:27:48] <ROMELU>
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1375[10:29:01] <fennesz> thank you ChrisH
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1377[10:29:58] <ROMELU> ChrisH:
1378[10:30:18] <ROMELU> how can stop terminal windows?
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1380[10:30:33] <ROMELU> dmesg | xxx?
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1382[10:31:36] <ChrisH> ROMELU: ?? check
1383[10:32:31] <ROMELU> samsung choose XFS for recording
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1386[10:33:24] <ChrisH> ROMELU: I do not yet see the connect
between Debian and Samsung.
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1389[10:33:50] <ROMELU> I can read the disk on linux
1390[10:33:51] *** Joins: foetus (~norbi@replaced-ip)
1391[10:34:34] <ROMELU> I can't use xfs_repair, it hangs
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1396[10:37:17] <Iridos> xfs shouldn't be a bad choice,
1397[10:37:23] *** Joins: erre (~erre@replaced-ip)
1398[10:37:34] <Iridos> after all, it's not the FS suse
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1401[10:38:19] <ROMELU> I need some ideas
1402[10:38:29] <ROMELU> to recover the disk
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1408[10:41:13] <ChrisH> ROMELU: How important are the data on the
disk. How much would you invest to get it recovered? There are
professionals to do that. My next step would be dd read the disk to
check if the disk itself is fine. Then image the data and then start
recover work.
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1411[10:42:46] <ROMELU> dd read?
1412[10:43:00] *** Joins: foetus (~norbi@replaced-ip)
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1419[10:45:16] <ROMELU> ChrisH:
1420[10:45:43] <ROMELU> I need to try things before that
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1424[10:47:22] <ROMELU> is there anything like chkdsk ?
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1428[10:48:32] <ChrisH> ROMELU: dd and xfs_repair
1429[10:48:51] <ROMELU> xfs_repair hangs
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1433[10:51:44] <ChrisH> ROMELU: then you need to check the disk
using dd and/opr smartctl ; you could start with smartctl -H
/dev/sdc ; I would like to see that output and also lsb_release -a ;
lsblk on please
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1436[10:52:39] <ROMELU> ok
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SMART STATUS RETURN: incomplete response, ATA output registers
missing SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
Warning: This result is based on an Attribute check.
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1442[10:56:39] <ROMELU> lsb_release -a dont work
1443[10:57:30] <ROMELU>
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1448[10:58:37] <ChrisH> ROMELU: What does uname -a show?
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1451[10:59:05] <jelly> he's booted from a live image of some
1452[10:59:16] <ROMELU> Linux wifislax 3.12.36-pae-wifislax #1
SMP PREEMPT Wed Jan 14 18:09:22 GMT 2015 i686 Intel(R) Celeron(R)
CPU 560 @ 2.13GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
1453[11:00:09] <ROMELU> yes, jelly
1454[11:00:17] *** Quits: foetus (~norbi@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving.)
1455[11:01:45] <ROMELU> hello?
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1461[11:03:10] <ROMELU> ChrisH:
1462[11:03:22] <jelly> ROMELU: where's your OS supposed to
be, also on sdc?
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1466[11:03:42] <ChrisH> ROMELU: Why do you expect in #debian
Support for what-ever you booted?
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1471[11:04:22] <ROMELU> i don't know, jelly
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1473[11:05:00] <ROMELU> ChrisH: i need help in linux
1474[11:05:11] <bazhang> ##linux
1475[11:05:22] <ROMELU> i'm on slackware
1476[11:05:26] *** Quits: soulz (~soulz@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1477[11:05:31] <bazhang> or #slackware
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1480[11:06:22] <jelly> ROMELU: try to use the ##linux channel,
and find a newer live image for recovery; 3.12 sounds very old and
it probably also has very old xfs tools
1481[11:06:55] <ChrisH> ROMELU: dd if=/dev/sdc of=/dev/null
bs=1024k will read the Disk named sdc from the very beginning to
check if the Disk itself is fine or not. IF YOU MIX THE OPTIONS IT
FILL CLEAR YOUR DISK! be carefull. This is most my last statement on
this. and xfs_repair might run for severla hours for a 1TB Disk
1482[11:07:00] <ROMELU> mm
1483[11:07:03] <ChrisH> s/FILL/WILL
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1486[11:07:27] <ROMELU> well
1487[11:07:53] *** Joins: vila (~vila@replaced-ip)
1488[11:08:00] *** Parts: Oups32 (~fredo@replaced-ip)
1489[11:08:45] <ROMELU> dd if=/dev/sdc6 of=/dev/null bs=1024k
1490[11:08:48] <ROMELU> ?
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1495[11:11:01] <alazred> ROMELU, ChrisH said sdc not sdc6... Plz
help other help yourself.
1496[11:11:08] <ROMELU> ROMELU> what do you think about : dd
if=/dev/sdc6 of=/dev/null bs=1024k
1497[11:11:25] <ROMELU> "absolutely retarded"
1498[11:11:27] <ChrisH> ROMELU: NO!!
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1500[11:12:32] <ChrisH> I carefully wrote sdc and not sdcX
1501[11:13:30] <ROMELU> ok
1502[11:13:33] <ROMELU> dd: error al leer «/dev/sdc»:
Error de entrada/salida 1+0 registros leídos 1+0 registros
escritos 1048576 bytes (1,0 MB) copiados, 5,61045 s, 187 kB/s
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1508[11:15:28] <jelly> ROMELU: now look at dmesg again and see if
there are errors.
1509[11:15:57] <ROMELU> yes, the same
1510[11:16:07] <ROMELU> dd: error al leer «/dev/sdc»:
Error de entrada/salida 1+0 registros leídos 1+0 registros
escritos 1048576 bytes (1,0 MB) copiados, 5,61045 s, 187 kB/s
1511[11:16:09] <ROMELU> excuse me
1512[11:16:12] *** Joins: cdown (~cdown@replaced-ip)
1513[11:16:19] <ROMELU> 9418.343067] XFS (sdc6): xfs_log_force:
error 5 returned.
1514[11:16:28] <ROMELU> a lot of lines
1515[11:16:57] <jelly> other than that?
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1518[11:17:34] <ROMELU> yes
1519[11:17:35] <ROMELU> a lot
1520[11:17:39] <ChrisH> Why does xfs complains about a not
mounted filesystem? at least from lsblk it is not mounted.
1521[11:17:57] <ChrisH> ROMELU: dmesg | grep -v xfs_log_force and
put that onto
1522[11:18:01] <ROMELU>
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1525[11:19:05] <ROMELU> dmesg | grep -v xfs_log_force
----->nothing happens
1526[11:19:15] *** Parts: dr4kk4r^ (~dr4kk4r^@replaced-ip)
1527[11:19:34] <jelly> ROMELU: so you don't actually have
any other errors.
1528[11:19:41] *** Joins: sauna (c1280651@replaced-ip)
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1530[11:20:14] <jelly> ROMELU: boot a newer live cd, something
from 2016 preferably. Your issue may be fixed in newer software.
1531[11:20:34] <ROMELU> I tried it
1532[11:21:10] <sauna> Debian OpenLdap setup is very outdated :(
(It suggests using like ldapmodify, which I don't have after
installing slapd). Any other recommendation where to find help to
set up LDAP on deb8.4 ?
1533[11:21:11] *** Parts: angefede (~angefede@replaced-ip)
1534[11:21:30] <jelly> ROMELU: tried what? something like debian
8 live? ubuntu 16.04?
1535[11:21:34] *** MY123_ is now known as MY123
1536[11:21:38] <ROMELU> no
1537[11:21:43] <ROMELU> slackware
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1539[11:22:05] <bazhang> why ask in #debian
1540[11:22:07] *** trench is now known as trench_
1541[11:22:13] <ROMELU> he problem occurs at a more advanced live
1542[11:22:16] <jelly> ROMELU: we can't help you with
slackware. Can you reproduce the issue with debian?
1543[11:22:37] *** trench_ is now known as trench
1544[11:23:15] *** Joins: foetus (~norbi@replaced-ip)
1545[11:23:48] <ROMELU> I just know that in "linux" i
can see xfs files
1546[11:23:54] <jelly> sauna: you installed slapd, the tools are
in a different package.
1547[11:24:00] *** Joins: fornax (~fornax@replaced-ip)
1548[11:24:11] <jelly> judd: file bin/ldapmodify
1549[11:24:14] <judd> Search for bin/ldapmodify in jessie/amd64:
ldap-utils: usr/bin/ldapmodify
1550[11:24:21] <jelly> sauna: install that ^^
1551[11:24:50] <sauna> okayy thanks
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1556[11:27:52] <jelly> ROMELU: there are different linux
distributions, and different places to ask for help with them.
You're currently in #debian channel that only provides
knowledge about Debian distribution
1557[11:28:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1673
1558[11:28:28] <jelly> ROMELU: there's a generic Linux
channel on this network, /join ##linux
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say no... I wear black on the outside because black is how I feel
on the inside... Uso negro por fuera porque negro me siento por
dentro... ##replaced-url
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remember that this is the internet)
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1563[11:34:08] *** AllahDuhaiHai is now known as gitgud
1564[11:34:18] <sauna> I found this guide:
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1569[11:37:49] <MaBunny> guys how do i change my dns server in
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1571[11:38:23] <mflow> How can I install Qt5 webengine in Debian
1572[11:38:51] <colo-work> I'm looking for a tool that does
something like pngcruch does for PNG, but for lossy image formats
(predom. JPEG) - i. e., heuristically try different compression and
quality settings, and then determine which is "optimal"
(in terms of size/quality ratio, compared to the source image). is
there something like that available (preferably in Debian)?
1573[11:39:03] <ChrisH> sauna: that guide does not use dns, he
just uses the dommyu domain unixman.local use sauna.local an be
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1580[11:43:44] <mflow> Anyone knows why Debian doesn't yet
have Qt 5 Web Engine packaged? I can only find libqt5webkit5
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1588[11:49:56] <ypo> Hello ! Is there a way I can add a second ip
address to an interface , so that I can be pinged in both of them ?
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1602[11:58:11] <count> ypo: permanently or just until the next
1603[11:58:34] <ypo> count, lets say permanent
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1606[11:59:23] <count> ypo: have a look at
1607[11:59:30] *** Quits: Al3xG0 (~t7DS@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
1608[11:59:51] <ypo> count: thank you ! appreciate it
1609[11:59:52] <MaBunny> count can you help me change my dns
1610[12:00:05] <count> ypo: I personally tends towards the
iproute2 manual approach due to clarity
1611[12:00:06] *** Quits: digidog (~digidog@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
1612[12:00:21] <count> MaBunny: well, who or what set your DNS
server? are you using DHCP?
1613[12:00:33] <MaBunny> yes DHCP
1614[12:00:57] <MaBunny> it was set automatically during
1615[12:01:06] <count> then your DHCP admin should do that
1616[12:01:14] <count> what is the problem you are trying to
1617[12:01:18] <MaBunny> im my computers admin
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1619[12:01:37] <MaBunny> i want to access a blocked site
1620[12:02:15] <count> the problem is that the next DHCP lease
renewal will override it again if you don't take the necessary
1621[12:02:30] <MaBunny> so?
1622[12:02:47] <count> just saying :)
1623[12:02:49] <count> have a look at
1624[12:02:50] *** Joins: Goddesspapa (~goddesspa@replaced-ip)
1625[12:04:18] <MaBunny> is tht how DNS servers are added?
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1631[12:05:51] <MaBunny> srry a silly question but im bad at
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1633[12:07:30] <count> that much is obvious ;)
1634[12:07:47] <count> just follow the instructions there and
you'll be fine; for anything else you should read up on it :)
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1642[12:11:44] <MaBunny> so in this line: append
domain-name-servers <working DNS IP(s) here>;
1643[12:11:47] *** Joins: ongolaBoy (~ongolaBoy@replaced-ip)
1644[12:12:06] <MaBunny> do i put an IP in between the < and
> ?
1645[12:12:15] *** Joins: thebrush (~Icedove@replaced-ip)
1646[12:12:33] <MaBunny> or do i change the domain-name-servers
to the websites domain name?\
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1649[12:12:59] <MaBunny> the man pages didnt hav too much on this
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1657[12:15:31] <count> MaBunny: ooookay, you seem to know way
less about it than necessary.
1658[12:15:39] <MaBunny> :D
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1660[12:16:02] <MaBunny> im dumb in networking lool
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1662[12:16:29] <count> MaBunny: well, you seem to have decided to
stay that way, otherwise you'd be educating yourself instead of
trying to get others to help you.
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1664[12:16:49] <MaBunny> im in ahurry
1665[12:16:54] <bazhang> ##networking MaBunny
1666[12:16:58] *** Quits: foetus (~norbi@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving.)
1667[12:17:05] <count> MaBunny: the "stupid" solution
is putting "supersede domain-name-servers;" into
/etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf and get it over with. remove after. good
1668[12:17:16] <bazhang> MaBunny, this is not a learn in a hurry
1669[12:17:54] <count> MaBunny: oh, you'll want to restart
networking or at least the dhclient. putting "nameserver" into /etc/resolv.conf will have the same effect but
will be automatically reverted.
1670[12:18:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1679
1671[12:18:04] <count> MaBunny: you're at least harming only
yourself ...
1672[12:18:08] <MaBunny> so do i put append domain-name-servers in the file
1673[12:18:11] <bazhang> MaBunny, expect at least two-three weeks
of intense reading
1674[12:18:28] <MaBunny> ok
1675[12:18:35] <count> MaBunny: that's not what I wrote, and
I'll stop responding now :)
1676[12:18:51] *** Quits: Niham (~textual@replaced-ip) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
1677[12:19:09] <MaBunny> no...tht site tells to change the DNS
server to to get with it
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1680[12:19:55] <bazhang> MaBunny, why continue asking, you need
to start reading up on this
1681[12:20:09] <MaBunny> brb thnx for ya help
1682[12:20:15] *** Quits: MaBunny (~Peter@replaced-ip) (Quit: Bye guys hav a good time :))
1683[12:20:25] <bazhang> be right back?
1684[12:21:01] <count> incredible :D
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1689[12:24:04] <rafalcpp> There was update of linux-image-3.16.0
amd64 released today/yesterday. Why, what changed?
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1692[12:24:30] <rafalcpp> tried reading
1693[12:24:54] <rafalcpp> but the newest changelog entry is from
"Fri, 08 Apr 2016 11:51:23 +0100" apparently. So what was
changed in last days?
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1705[12:30:42] <count> rafalcpp: sure it wasn't just
accepted from testing with that change actually being the last?
1706[12:31:00] <dagerik> got [SECURITY] [DSA 3607-1] linux
security update 30 mins ago. when are these updates available in
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1709[12:31:37] <rafalcpp> count: hmm could be. How to be sure,
where is exact changelog with debian versions too?
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1718[12:36:40] <petn-randall> dagerik: Very soon™
1719[12:36:51] *** Quits: bblindy (~bblinder@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
1720[12:36:54] <petn-randall> dagerik: I'm guessing
they're still building on the servers as we speak.
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1723[12:38:23] <petn-randall> rafalcpp:
/usr/share/doc/linux-image-3.16.0-amd64/changelog.Debian.gz will
have the current changelog for that package.
1724[12:39:01] <petn-randall> rafalcpp: I also recommend
installing apt-listchanges so it'll show every changelog entry
upon upgrade of packages, so you know what was updated.
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1731[12:43:31] <rafalcpp> petn-randall: I have unattended
upgrades, deos then apt-listchanges make sense?
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1763[12:58:00] <dka> is there a way to increase shm-size in
docker ?
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1767[13:00:16] <petn-randall> rafalcpp: Sure. It can distinguish
between interactive and non-interactive mode, and will only show it
on the former.
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1769[13:00:35] <rafalcpp> oki
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1786[13:07:42] <Diziet> I preferred
persistent-net-generator.rules. Has anyone done anything to try to
make this available as an option for people in stretch ?
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1791[13:09:35] <jelly> Diziet: stretch? ask in #debian-next on (=, not here
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1798[13:14:15] <Diziet> jelly: OK, thanks.
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1822[13:28:43] <sauna> umm I made ldap server on localhost and
then also configured ldap client on localhost. Logged in as LDAP
user Mikko, but now when I use PAM as user, I am authenticated as
Mikko. What happened ?
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1825[13:29:08] <sauna> I did not log out from user tho, just
ctrl+alt+f2 and logged in as mikko
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1832[13:33:57] <sauna>
1833[13:34:00] <sauna> output
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1836[13:36:30] <sauna> nevermind, I put /home/user/mikko as home
directory :(
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1842[13:39:45] <sauna> whoami is still giving me
"mikko", damn did I mess something up bad ?
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1846[13:40:35] <petn-randall> sauna: I don't understand your
problem. Is it the casing you're confused about?
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1848[13:41:48] <sauna> when I added ldap users, I added mikko
with home directory as /home/user/mikko. I updated LDAP, did
restart, removed everything locally and when I log in, it creates
home folder in /home/user/mikko instead of /home/mikko.
1849[13:42:15] <petn-randall> !ask
1850[13:42:15] <dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For
example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian
version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I
expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if
anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all
volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get
an answer try a few hours later or on
See <smart questions><errors>.
1851[13:42:51] <petn-randall> sauna: ^^^ what is your expected
behaviour? If you add the home dir as /home/user/mikko, I'd
expect it to be such when I log in. Which is exactly your case.
1852[13:43:22] <sauna> I changed the home dir to /home/mikko and
still same behaviour
1853[13:43:51] <petn-randall> sauna: How did you configure PAM to
use LDAP?
1854[13:43:59] *** Joins: atis (~atis@replaced-ip)
1855[13:44:05] <petn-randall> sauna: Does the user
'mikko' exist in /etc/passwd?
1856[13:44:52] <sauna> does it have to be there ? tutorial I
1857[13:45:53] <gevatter> hi there. so debian resets permissions
for some folders managed by apt/dpkg on boot, in my case
/var/run/mysqld. i know there is a way to prevent this, but i
can't remember how. anybody has a hint? i don't even find
the right words to make google helpfull
1858[13:47:18] <sauna> well mikko does not exist in /etc/passwd
1859[13:47:29] <petn-randall> gevatter: They are not
'reset'. That isn't a persitant mount point.
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1861[13:47:49] <petn-randall> *persistent
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1864[13:48:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1692
1865[13:48:11] <petn-randall> gevatter: Why do you need to change
the permissions in the first place?
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1869[13:49:59] <gevatter> ist a vagrant development box and i
need to have mysql running as vagrant user
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1874[13:52:22] <gevatter> i change the group of /var/run/mysqld
to vagrant and to 775 and after a reboot everythink is like before.
something is going on
1875[13:52:27] <petn-randall> sauna: Ok, that's how
it's supposed to be. If you log in to your directory service
with the credentials from mikko, does that work? Does a lookup of
that entry also show the right home dir?
1876[13:53:06] *** Joins: GJ_ (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
1877[13:53:16] <petn-randall> gevatter: As I said, /var/run is
not persistent.
1878[13:53:43] <mayhew> gevatter: I'm curious why you'd
need MySQL to run as the vagrant user?
1879[13:54:15] *** Joins: Miesco (~mugsy@replaced-ip)
1880[13:54:23] <petn-randall> gevatter: /var/run/ is a symlink to
/run, and /run is a tmpfs.
1881[13:54:24] <Miesco> The debian vim doesn't have x
clipboard support built in?
1882[13:54:54] <petn-randall> Miesco: Depends on which vim you
1883[13:55:02] <Miesco> petn-randall: I don't use X
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1886[13:55:57] <petn-randall> Miesco: Then I don't know what
you're asking for.
1887[13:55:59] <petn-randall> !ask
1888[13:55:59] <dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For
example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian
version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I
expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if
anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all
volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get
an answer try a few hours later or on
See <smart questions><errors>.
1889[13:56:19] <bezaban> still depends on which vim you
installed. ls -l /etc/alternatives/vim
1890[13:56:21] *** Quits: Makaveli7 (~makaveli@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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1892[13:56:50] * bezaban guesses vim.tiny :)
1893[13:56:57] <Miesco> bezaban: Yea I have that
1894[13:57:16] *** Joins: hmca (~hmca@replaced-ip)
1895[13:57:21] <Miesco> bezaban: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 16 Jun 23
19:48 /etc/alternatives/vim -> /usr/bin/vim.nox
1896[13:57:37] <sauna> Okay I ffixed one of the issued. I still
have user user, but whoami says mikko, what is happening there -.-
1897[13:57:56] <sauna> login name is still user
1898[13:58:28] *** Joins: Makaveli7 (~makaveli@replaced-ip)
1899[13:58:42] <bezaban> Miesco: you can select from the ones you
have installed with sudo update-alternatives --config vi vim.basic
works pretty well for me
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1902[13:58:58] <bezaban> the command ends at vi'
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1908[14:00:35] <Miesco> Okay I installed vim gtk
1909[14:01:12] <Miesco> bezaban: vim.basic has -clipboard
1910[14:01:18] <gevatter> petn-randall: the mysql data is located
on a shared folder outside the vm and vagrant mounts is as user
1911[14:01:22] <Miesco> bezaban: `vim.basic --version | grep
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1914[14:02:03] <gevatter> how are the permissions vor /var/run
set on boot?
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1916[14:02:17] <bezaban> Miesco: and that results in -/+ ? :>
1917[14:02:38] <petn-randall> gevatter: You'd have to check
the init script of mysql, or the systemd unit file. I'm
guessing the user is set there.
1918[14:02:44] <Miesco> bezaban: ?
1919[14:02:50] <bezaban> ah, nvm. just odd wording
1920[14:02:55] *** Parts: mxn (~u@replaced-ip)
1921[14:03:08] <Miesco> bezaban: vim-gtk is what I want
1922[14:03:34] <bezaban> Miesco: right. Then I completely
misunderstood, I thought you weren't using x and wanted the
ability to cut inside vim using the 'x' key
1923[14:04:09] <bezaban> along with visual select
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1926[14:04:40] <bezaban> (or delete, but still goes in buffer)
1927[14:04:45] *** Joins: Oups32 (~fredo@replaced-ip)
1928[14:05:27] <sauna> it says that my uid=1000(mikko) and all
else are user, like gid=1000(user), what is the fix here ?
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1933[14:07:24] <petn-randall> sauna: Wait, you created a user
called 'user', and then changed that?
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1935[14:07:33] <sauna> nope
1936[14:08:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1701
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1939[14:09:04] <sauna> I had user: user. Then I logged in with
LDAP as mikko, but it changed some stuff from user: user, because I
had home dir as /home/user/mikko. Now I fixed that, I have user
mikko with home dir /home/mikko, but user is still broken
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1947[14:12:09] <petn-randall> sauna: Can you show the complete
output of the ldapsearch command? →
1948[14:12:25] <petn-randall> sauna: I'm guessing
you're either looking at the wrong attribute, or nscd is still
caching the stale entry.
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1953[14:13:40] <sauna> the ldapsearch is okay, but I can copy it.
Problem is that the properties of user: user were overwritten and I
don't know how to change them back, like uid, groups etc
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1960[14:15:50] <sauna>
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1962[14:16:07] <sauna> look in the end, I added the wierd lines
1963[14:16:09] <sauna> also
1964[14:16:21] <Yotabyte> Is Debian dead for exotic hardware?
RTL8821AE (with a AzureWave chipset) doesn't work _within_ the
installer, AMD R9 M275X doesn't work properly, my bluetooth
can't connect to anything, my power button does nothing, my
external UASP HDD doesn't use UASP anymore, my audio jack
doesn't work (It tells me I have to switch a button?
1965[14:16:24] <Yotabyte> Where are the FIXES?
1966[14:16:46] <petn-randall> Yotabyte: Are you using the
firmware installer?
1967[14:16:49] *** Joins: macartur (uid39242@replaced-ip)
1968[14:16:51] <Yotabyte> Yes
1969[14:16:54] *** Quits: Starduster (~SD@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
1970[14:17:02] <petn-randall> Yotabyte: jessie?
1971[14:17:05] <Yotabyte> Yes
1972[14:17:07] <Yotabyte> 8.5
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1978[14:18:31] <petn-randall> Yotabyte: There are a few realtek
chipsets that don't work at all within Debian, maybe
you've got bitten by them. I'd try using a newer kernel,
which you can install from jessie-backports. Might also fix some of
your other problems, too.
1979[14:19:13] <Yotabyte> So, I need _weeks_ to get my system
work properly?
1980[14:19:18] <sauna> probably non-free drivers issue, use
aptitude and look for your drivers. If you cannot install properly,
boot with any linux system and do debootsrap
1981[14:19:57] *** Joins: zephyrhils (42b09412@replaced-ip)
1982[14:19:59] <petn-randall> Yotabyte: Depends on how fast you
are with installing a kernel. If you need weeks for that, Debian
might not be for you.
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1984[14:20:33] <Yotabyte> It's not me, it's the system
with it's config files etc ... what about my GPU? I soubt a new
kernel will fix that :(
1985[14:20:40] <Yotabyte> *doubt
1986[14:20:58] *** Quits: jemmma_jj22 (~bose@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
1987[14:21:24] <sauna> You might have to install drivers
manually, its not very hard tho
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1989[14:21:26] <petn-randall> Yotabyte: Then use something else.
If you want to fix it, we're here to help. If you just want to
rant, then this is the wrong channel.
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1996[14:23:58] <petn-randall> sauna: Have you logged out and in
again? I would also restart nscd.
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1999[14:24:37] <Yotabyte> Then linux sucks at all if I have to
use Google to get everything to work (I'm not a linux noob, but
with the prievous versions everything was easier)
2000[14:24:39] <Yotabyte> Bye
2001[14:24:52] <petn-randall> !next
2002[14:24:53] <dpkg> Another happy customer leaves the building.
2003[14:25:06] <sauna> well all of my files in home directory are
owner=mikko group=user ...
2004[14:25:14] *** Parts: Yotabyte (2e3bc366@replaced-ip)
2005[14:25:25] <sauna> But I did restart nscd
2006[14:25:34] <petn-randall> Yotabyte: If you don't even
want to install a kernel from backports and reboot to see if it
fixes your problem, then Debian is not for you. Probably also
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2011[14:26:39] <sauna> I mean "echo $USER" gives back
user and "whoami" returns mikko, I quess this user is
2012[14:27:42] *** Joins: Uf0 (~luna@replaced-ip)
2013[14:28:34] <greycat> sauna: log out and back in?
2014[14:28:46] *** Joins: frotz47 (~matthew@replaced-ip)
2015[14:28:49] <greycat> sauna: or did you create two user
accounts with the same UID but different names?
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2017[14:29:23] <sauna> well LDAP did that I quess, but yeah it
seems 2 user accounts with same UID and different names
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2020[14:29:55] <greycat> There you go, that'll do it. The
files are owned by your UID number, and ls -l just maps that UID
number to one of the account names.
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2022[14:31:07] <sauna> so how does one specify 1 specific user
for 1 UID
2023[14:31:24] <greycat> If you're asking about LDAP, I know
2024[14:31:44] <count> greycat: hey John
2025[14:31:54] <greycat> If one of the accounts is from LDAP and
one is local, I'd say you should make your local accounts in
the UID range that LDAP is *not* covering.
2026[14:32:01] *** Joins: cruncher (~cruncher@replaced-ip)
2027[14:32:12] <greycat> count: less Game of Thrones, more
Hogan's Heroes
2028[14:32:22] <count> greycat: I know nothing.
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2031[14:32:43] <sauna> I actually want to know how to point UID
1000 to user: user and not user:mikko
2032[14:32:46] *** Quits: comgot (~Icedove@replaced-ip) (Quit: comgot)
2033[14:32:58] <count> fix at least one of the user records in
2034[14:33:13] *** Joins: woodst0ck (~woodst0ck@replaced-ip)
2035[14:33:41] <sauna> I already fixed the LDAP issue ... it is
correct, but some shit remain, it is already done, have to fix it :)
2036[14:33:41] <Eduard_Munteanu> UID/GID confusion?
2037[14:33:58] <greycat> I *think* (not sure) he has a local
account and an LDAP account both with UID 1000
2038[14:34:31] *** Joins: vrederv (~vrederv@replaced-ip)
2039[14:34:46] <greycat> Not sure which one is which, and I have
absolutely no idea how LDAP works, except "as confusingly and
non-portably as they can possibly make it"
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2044[14:35:29] <Cuby96> .
2045[14:35:32] <sauna> What if I told you to not think about the
LDAP for a sec and say that I just have 2 users with same UID, is
there a fix ?
2046[14:35:51] <greycat> Yes. Put them in the desired order in
/etc/passwd. The first one in the file will be the one it maps the
UID to.
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2048[14:36:55] <Cuby96> Hi there having issues with reconfiguring
mysql on my debian machine it tells me to install mysql-server but
it said another file isnt installed and then it says package
mysql-client-core-5.6 is not avaiable but referred to by another
package. can somebody help me?
2049[14:37:10] <greycat> ,v mysql-client-core-5.6
2050[14:37:11] <judd> Package: mysql-client-core-5.6 on amd64 --
sid: 5.6.30-1; stretch: 5.6.30-1
2051[14:37:24] * greycat notes a distinct lack of jessie
2052[14:37:31] <sauna> well, I think I just make a new user, fuck
it :D
2053[14:38:01] <Cuby96> so what should i include in my
2054[14:38:21] <greycat> If you've already installed
non-jessie packages on jessie, it's too late.
2055[14:38:21] *** Quits: Sicnus (~Sick@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2056[14:38:51] <Cuby96> should i purge mysql entirely then?
2057[14:39:10] <greycat> You should finish your dist-upgrade to
stretch, or reinstall.
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2060[14:39:41] <Cuby96> reinstall my system or mysql?
2061[14:39:46] <greycat> System.
2062[14:40:04] *** Parts: foetus (~norbi@replaced-ip)
2063[14:40:09] <Cuby96> i will try the dist-upgrade then
2064[14:40:30] <sypher> Cuby96: Good luck.
2065[14:40:33] *** Joins: [Brain] (brain@replaced-ip)
2066[14:40:49] <Cuby96> welll i will backup my databases first
2067[14:40:54] <Stummi> Cuby96, am I understanding correctly, you
have sid packages on your system and you have no idea how you got
2068[14:41:05] <sauna> okay, I got it working -.- LDAP is fucked
up tho
2069[14:41:10] <greycat> He probably knows. He just hasn't
told us.
2070[14:41:24] *** Quits: BalTun (~BalTun@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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2072[14:41:53] <Cuby96> the problem was that i had apache2 and
mysql running on a system and i had a power crash and now my apache
and mysql got corrupted for whatever f*cked up reason
2073[14:42:04] <greycat> No, there is more to it than this.
2074[14:42:17] *** Joins: Seto_Kaiba (~Hunterkll@replaced-ip)
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2076[14:42:40] <Cuby96> and i thought i could fix it by
reinstalling apache2 and mysql
2077[14:42:42] <Stummi> well, actually he didn't said what
system he has (or what he thinks he has)
2078[14:42:49] <Stummi> Cuby96, which debian version are you
2079[14:42:52] *** Quits: Brain (brain@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2080[14:42:58] <greycat> We know he has a package that depends on
a sid/stretch version of mysql.
2081[14:43:00] <Cuby96> debian jessie
2082[14:43:18] <sauna> I did have wrong UID in the phpldapadmin,
changed it and now ok. I only saw the GID in there :(
2083[14:43:23] <greycat> ... and that he *thinks* he's on
2084[14:43:49] *** Quits: alexandros_c (~alexandro@replaced-ip) (Disconnected by services)
2085[14:43:50] <Stummi> Cuby96, so it seems you mixed jessie and
testing/sid. Don't do that
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2090[14:44:27] <jhg_> hello
2091[14:44:32] *** Joins: foetus (~norbi@replaced-ip)
2092[14:44:43] <Cuby96> greycat: PRETTY_NAME="Debian
GNU/Linux 8 (jessie)"
2093[14:44:50] *** Joins: ByteStorm (~Peter@replaced-ip)
2094[14:44:58] <jhg_> I am trying to get systemtap up and running
on Debian 8 (jessie) with a custom kernel
2095[14:45:00] <Cuby96> via cat /etc/*-release
2096[14:45:11] <petn-randall> sauna: Remove those users, and
re-add them by hand, this time with the correct user names.
2097[14:45:14] <greycat> Cuby96: but at some point in the past,
you have installed a package from sid, from stretch, or from a
third-party repository that has dependencies on sid or stretch.
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2100[14:45:44] <Cuby96> i cant remember but if you say thats the
problem of it maybe
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2103[14:46:15] <jhg_> stap-prep keeps failing, saying that the
"Package linux-image-4.5.7-dbg version 1.0.AFS does not match
version of currently running kernel"
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2105[14:46:30] <Cuby96> so that means i should do a dist-upgrade
to fix that issue?
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2107[14:46:53] <maddawg2> i really HATE the netinstaller
2108[14:46:57] <maddawg2> it FAILS every damn time
2109[14:46:59] <greycat> It depends on just how much damage has
been done. If the damage is minimal, a dist-upgrade to stretch might
resolve everything.
2110[14:47:00] <maddawg2> i dont know why
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2113[14:47:09] <maddawg2> it's like either every mirror is
corrupt or some crap
2114[14:47:17] <maxigas> is it just me? Failed to fetch
2115[14:47:25] <greycat> !httpredir issues
2116[14:47:25] <dpkg> The <httpredir> service selects bad
mirrors for some people. If you're one of them, try explicitly
choosing a mirror: "deb
2117[14:47:37] *** Quits: Seto_Kaiba (~Hunterkll@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2118[14:48:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1708
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2120[14:48:13] <greycat> maxigas: in *your* case, you have the
wrong domain name.
2121[14:48:16] <jelly> maxigas: it's either
"" or older name
2122[14:49:16] *** Quits: cdown (~cdown@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2123[14:49:16] <maxigas> ah great, thanks!
2124[14:49:30] <Cuby96> greycat: i dont find a tut for
dist-upgrade my jessie system, is that custom made then?
2125[14:49:38] <greycat> !jessie->stretch
2126[14:49:44] *** Joins: cdown (~cdown@replaced-ip)
2127[14:49:48] <greycat> *shrug*
2128[14:49:49] <jelly> dpkg, jessie->stretch
2129[14:49:49] <dpkg> First, understand that testing is a
pre-release distribution without timely security support and that
you will have a bumpy ride; ask me about <moving target>
<testing> <testing security>. From
/etc/apt/sources.list, remove stable-specific lines like
jessie-updates and backports, and change jessie to stretch. apt-get
update && apt-get dist-upgrade. If you feel you need more
instructions, perhaps you should wait a while.
2130[14:49:53] *** Joins: alex1a_ (~alex1a@replaced-ip)
2131[14:49:57] <greycat> Oh, is that *still* broken?
2132[14:50:01] <jelly> nod
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2135[14:50:22] <maxigas> :)
2136[14:50:31] *** Parts: maxigas (~mxs@replaced-ip)
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2139[14:50:46] <maddawg2> if i want to do an offline install of
debian (not using the netinstall) do I need ALL 3 ISOs listed here:
2140[14:50:48] *** Mokuba_K is now known as Hunterkll
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2142[14:51:01] <greycat> Depends on what packages you are trying
to install.
2143[14:51:07] <maddawg2> lol
2144[14:51:15] <greycat> An offline install of the *basic* system
will not need more than a single .iso.
2145[14:51:28] <maddawg2> which would be ISO 1 i assume
2146[14:51:31] <greycat> correct
2147[14:51:37] <maddawg2> i plan to add the packages myself later
2148[14:51:44] <maddawg2> i need a few minor things but not much
2149[14:51:50] *** Quits: alex1a (~alex1a@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
2150[14:51:59] <maddawg2> like the debian desktop environment is
really all I need
2151[14:52:10] <Cuby96> greycat: meh well im on ssh on that
system so it would quite hard to achieve a stretch from my system
2152[14:52:20] <maddawg2> i'd love to use the netinstall but
it keeps failing
2153[14:52:32] <maddawg2> i dont know why
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2155[14:52:53] <maddawg2> internet connection is fine... 1gbps
2156[14:53:05] <maddawg2> dedicated
2157[14:53:14] *** Joins: Sicnus (~Sick@replaced-ip)
2158[14:53:18] <greycat> I still think the most likely issue is
httpredir being a stupid dummy.
2159[14:53:20] *** Quits: foetus (~norbi@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving.)
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2161[14:54:06] <greycat> Of course it would help if you'd
say what actual problem you have.
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2163[14:54:28] <Cuby96> greycat: well i can't get access to
my database as the mysql.service isnt running
2164[14:54:33] <jelly> maddawg2: wired or wireless?
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2168[14:55:57] <Cuby96> greycat: well and then i removed mysql
and now i cant reinstall it back
2169[14:56:08] <greycat> That would explain why it's not
2170[14:56:24] <Cuby96> yes
2171[14:56:42] <Cuby96> it didnt worked even before the
uninstalling due to that crash i had
2172[14:56:52] <DammitJim> anyone familiar with ntop?
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2174[14:58:44] <jelly> Cuby96: is there a leftover mysqld process
still running somewhere?
2175[14:59:08] *** Quits: Makaveli7 (~makaveli@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
2176[14:59:55] <Cuby96> jelly i will have a quick look over it
2177[15:00:29] *** [Brain] is now known as Brain
2178[15:00:48] <Cuby96> jelly: no there isnt any mysqld process
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2182[15:05:12] <Cuby96> jelly: any idea how i could fix this
issue i have?
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2186[15:05:39] <greycat> put testing in sources, apt-get update,
apt-get -f install, etc.
2187[15:05:56] <greycat> (or "stretch" instead of
testing if you eventually want to converge on the next stable)
2188[15:07:11] <Cuby96> isnt stretching being an issue?
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2191[15:07:24] <greycat> The other choice is to reinstall jessie.
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2193[15:07:45] <Cuby96> im connected via ssh to that machine :(
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2214[15:12:48] <sauna> What could be the drawbacks of using
"pip install Django==1.9.7" vs apt-get -t jessie-backports
install python3-django ?
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2219[15:14:17] <ChrisH> sauna: no security support from Debian
and a good chance not beeing able to upgrade to the next debian
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2249[15:21:21] <jelly> sauna: sure, use pip, but do it as normal
user, inside a virtualenv
2250[15:22:05] <jelly> that way it won't affect package
upgrades and when it breaks, it will only break within its own
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2252[15:22:35] <ayaka_naeuri> Getting a fatal error on Xserver
(Failed to activate core devices.(EE)) anyone able to help me
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2258[15:24:44] <sauna> that is an excellent point jelly
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2261[15:25:35] <towo^work> ayaka_naeuri, too less informations
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2268[15:25:57] <ayaka_naeuri> What informations do you need?
2269[15:26:23] <Putti> What to do with this:
2270[15:26:28] <towo^work> what graphics hardware, which debian
version, the whole Xorg.0.log on a pastebin
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2272[15:26:55] <towo^work> ayaka_naeuri, ^^
2273[15:27:05] <ayaka_naeuri> That last one might be difficult
2274[15:27:12] <towo^work> why?
2275[15:27:25] <towo^work> you don't have a tty?
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2278[15:27:38] <ayaka_naeuri> What's a tty?
2279[15:27:55] <greycat> A terminal where you can type commands.
2280[15:28:02] <towo^work> textbased terminal, the black thing
what you see, if you don't start the xserver?
2281[15:28:22] <ayaka_naeuri> I have a terminal up, just not sure
how I can get it onto pastebin
2282[15:28:45] <greycat> usually by running some esoteric curl
command, or installing a package like pastebinit
2283[15:28:50] <towo^work> ayaka_naeuri, apt install pastebinit
&& pastebinit < /var/log/Xorg.0.log
2284[15:29:15] <jelly> SYNOPSIS
2285[15:29:15] <jelly> <command> | curl -F
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2293[15:31:59] <ayaka_naeuri> Looks like my net drivers may not
have come up
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2295[15:32:28] <ayaka_naeuri> Logged into irc off my phone not a
tty client
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2300[15:33:00] <uwjesq> Hello.
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2306[15:35:13] <uwjesq> I have this server that does show an ipv6
adress in ifconfig and dns in v6 seems to work but when I do ping -6 it does not answer and when I run an online test it says
my webserver does not work for ipv6.
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2326[15:47:36] <ayaka_naeuri> Ok, so running the latest Debian 8
version with a mGTX770 and this for the xserver log
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2333[15:51:18] <ayaka_naeuri> Also, checked my disk space, looks
like root is full
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2336[15:52:02] <ayaka_naeuri> What's the best way to clean
root out free up some
2337[15:52:09] <ayaka_naeuri> space*
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2340[15:52:31] <greycat> for most people, "apt-get
clean" or "apt-get autoclean"
2341[15:52:58] <greycat> beyond that, you can look for
outrageously huge logs and clobber them, or look for temp files, or
delete some of your porn
2342[15:53:02] <ayaka_naeuri> that worked thanks, trying x again
2343[15:53:20] <ayaka_naeuri> X-server booted
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2348[15:56:28] <ayaka_naeuri> Also, no pron and tried nuking
/tmp/ before I came to you guys
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2395[16:14:55] <sauna> I did "git clone --bare
ssh://remote/repo.git/ . " and it says warning: You have cloned
empty repository, but everything is cloned , not empty
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2419[16:28:23] <DammitJim> is there any reason why a cron job
would run every minute for an hour?
2420[16:28:31] <uwjesq> DammitJim: Yes.
2421[16:28:33] <DammitJim> I have scheduled it with * 10 28 * *
2422[16:28:39] <greycat> * means every.
2423[16:28:47] <DammitJim> DAMMIT
2424[16:28:48] <greycat> * 10 is 10:00 10:01 10:02 ... 10:59
2425[16:28:50] <DammitJim> I"m an idiot
2426[16:28:59] <DammitJim> I knew this last year!!!!
2427[16:29:12] <DammitJim> so, it should be 0 10 28 * *
2428[16:29:20] <DammitJim> holy crap! something so simple
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2432[16:30:16] <uwjesq> DammitJim: Not like the cron devs have
gone out of their way to make it intuitive.
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2436[16:30:34] <DammitJim> no, it is intuitive, it's just
stupidity on my side
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2438[16:30:42] <greycat> I still have to look up the order of
fields every time I use one other than minute/hour.
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2461[16:35:59] <Cuby96> greycat: i went to the guys from ##linux
and they couldnt help me out getting mysql to work, are they any
other possibilities rather than reinstall and stretch?
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2466[16:36:49] <greycat> Cuby96: Yes. You could invoke a magic
spell and wish the problem away.
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2469[16:37:29] <Cuby96> greycat: no need to be sarcastic here but
fine i will still try to fix it as im not really in the mood for
setting every back up
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2486[16:45:02] <maddawg2> jelly the machine i'm installing
debian on is wired
2487[16:45:25] *** Parts: Cuby96 (3e440977@replaced-ip)
2488[16:45:28] <maddawg2> i'm installing it on a hyper-v
server but for somereason the netinstall fails everytime
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2490[16:45:32] <maddawg2> i dont know why
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2492[16:45:52] <maddawg2> it's online able to access the
mirrors starts retrieving files and does so up to a point then it
just fails
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2501[16:49:25] <jelly> maddawg2: switch to alt-f3 or wherever the
log from d-i is visible, pastebin a screenshot
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2504[16:49:52] <maddawg2> ok just a sec
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2506[16:50:13] <jelly> maddawg2: does it just hang, or does it
fail and return an error message?
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2509[16:50:25] <maddawg2> it fails
2510[16:50:29] <maddawg2> with an error
2511[16:51:06] <maddawg2> says "An installation step failed.
You can try to run the failing item from the menu or skip it and
choose something else. The failing step is Select and Install
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2514[16:52:04] <maddawg2> jelly i'm starting it over now
2515[16:52:47] <maddawg2> jelly: is there a preferred mirror from
the list you like...
2516[16:52:51] *** Quits: uNmowed5 (~Kaede@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2517[16:52:55] <maddawg2> the first one fails
2518[16:52:58] <maddawg2> ftp.debian one
2519[16:53:06] *** Quits: uNmowed8 (~Kaede@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
2520[16:53:07] <maddawg2> and csail also failed
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2525[16:53:55] <jhutchins> maddawg2: Are you sure your disks are
in good shape and you have plenty of space?
2526[16:54:11] <maddawg2> i have over 320GB and it's an ISO
2527[16:54:20] <maddawg2> downloaded from the web browser
2528[16:54:24] <maddawg2> it's not on a CD
2529[16:54:27] <maddawg2> and the md5 is the same
2530[16:54:33] <maddawg2> so pretty sure it's not corrupt
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2536[16:56:01] <jhutchins> maddawg2: I'd go with
jelly's suggestion and hunt for logs, try to figure out why
it's failing.
2537[16:56:04] <maddawg2> it installs the base system
2538[16:56:13] <maddawg2> i'm trying to do it again so i can
do that
2539[16:56:22] <maddawg2> it's installing the base system
2540[16:56:25] <jhutchins> maddawg2: Well, if it does that tne
you're all set, you can build a full system from there.
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2542[16:56:50] <jhutchins> maddawg2: You are installing
jessie/8.5, right?
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2547[16:58:29] <RebelCoderW> Рун\
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2549[16:58:36] <RebelCoderW> Upsss.
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2563[17:02:57] <jelly> maddawg2: you can also give up on the
installer, deselect all the Tasks and use the base system. It may be
easier to figure out why/which mirrors are broken and edit
sources.list manually
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2566[17:03:27] <jelly> maddawg2: when you find one that works,
you can run "tasksel" from the installed machine
2567[17:03:54] <jelly> RebelCoderW: no running in here please
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2604[17:18:28] <Circuitsoft> Hello - I'm trying to install,
on Jessie, a package that depends on "sun-java6-jre |
sun-java5-jre". I've done make-jpkg on a newer download of
the JRE. Is there a way to install a "stub" package for
one of those to satisfy the package dependencies?
2605[17:18:33] <x032cx> electronics online up in flames or
tids.what not
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2619[17:28:44] <scootergrisen> Is i run Firefox and start
ChatZilla from Firefox and then close main window and then i press
SUPER key and type firefox and hit ENTER. Firefox will not start a
Firefox main window because ChatZilla is already open.
2620[17:29:10] <tripkin> Hello! Yesterday when I rebooted my
computer, I lost my network card eth0. I ended up flushing it using
"ip a flush dev eth0" and after a reboot I was able to use
it again. Ever since then some sshfs mounts in fstab will not work.
If I try to mount the location as root I get "read: Connection
reset by peer" and if I try to mount as the user I get
"only root can mount ...". I am part of the fuse group on
both systems. Can anyone help?
2621[17:29:20] <scootergrisen> But if i press SUPER key and start
the Iceweasel>Firefox shortcut it will open
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2624[17:31:01] <daftest> Hello guys. Updated Wheezy to Jessie and
after boot i got a sadface and "can't recover" on
boot. thanks to help from great people on this channel, I've
got the system working on i3. Any ideas on how to fix gnome? Should
I reinstall it?
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2627[17:31:23] <daftest> thanks again Somiaj :)
2628[17:31:44] <tripkin> scootergrisen, I think that is normal
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2632[17:32:13] <fennesz> hello ! out of curiosity I have a new
verbatim store n save 2tb drive. I have formated it to ext4 and the
drive was constantly spinning for no reason ( the led was also
blinking indicating access ) I have reformatted it to ntfs with
verbatims software and now the drive stays idle? I am using Debian 8
x64 . What might be the issue?
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2635[17:33:08] <HD|Laptop> Hi, can I do "reverse port
forwarding" with SSH? Like, there is a webserver on my laptop
on port 80, and on the "real" server I want to connect
localhost:8080 and the connection will go through ssh to the laptop?
2636[17:33:16] <tripkin> I just love those guys that ask a
question and are gone 2 minutes later!
2637[17:33:30] <NoImNotNineVolt> hi. i have a windows
"domain controller" or something like that, an ldap
server, whatever it's called (i'm not a sysadmin), and
i'd like a debian box to accept login credentials for accounts
that exist on that "domain"...
2638[17:33:49] <NoImNotNineVolt> i.e. set up an ldap client on
debian box and point it at the windows ldap server?
2639[17:34:04] <NoImNotNineVolt> (i know nothing about
"domains" or ldap, so apologies for sounding like an
2640[17:34:35] *** Quits: MoonkYang (~moonkyang@replaced-ip) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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2642[17:35:56] <curtis22> HD|Laptop
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2648[17:38:05] <jhutchins> NoImNotNineVolt: Not a trivial
project, basically you want to set up sssd and pam to accept ldap
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2653[17:40:29] <jhutchins> NoImNotNineVolt:
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2668[17:45:03] <NoImNotNineVolt> jhutchins: thanks!
2669[17:45:19] <NoImNotNineVolt> i was looking at
2670[17:45:40] <NoImNotNineVolt> e.g. ldap/pam vs ldap/nss
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2673[17:47:40] <ioudas> NoImNotNineVolt samba handles this by
default within debian if you install samba. Samaba configs can use
idmap, rid or a few others.
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2675[17:48:14] <ioudas> NoImNotNineVolt
2676[17:48:16] <jhutchins> ioudas: I don't believe that
samba/winbind handles local shell logins, just CIFS share access.
2677[17:48:20] <ioudas> it does
2678[17:48:22] <ioudas> jhutchins
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2680[17:48:40] <ioudas> samba option domain logons = yes
2681[17:48:55] <ioudas> automaitcally adds pam rules etc.
2682[17:49:39] <NoImNotNineVolt> but doesn't that do all
sorts of other things too?
2683[17:49:48] <ioudas> depends how you configure samba.
2684[17:49:53] <ioudas> you can just run winbind
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2686[17:50:02] <NoImNotNineVolt> sounds like a solution
that's potentially bigger than i need.
2687[17:50:03] <ioudas> to do ldap conversion to passwd
2688[17:50:13] <ioudas> you choice ;-)
2689[17:50:18] <NoImNotNineVolt> this isn't for logon
shells, necessarily.
2690[17:50:36] <NoImNotNineVolt> there's some web stuff
running, and it accepts local creds for login...
2691[17:50:52] <NoImNotNineVolt> but i'm not trying to
create accounts on this box for everyone in our organization...
2692[17:51:18] <NoImNotNineVolt> so all i need is to
"integrate" it with "activedirectory"
2693[17:51:29] <ioudas> fair enough. Like i said samba can do
2694[17:51:35] <ioudas> your hoice.
2695[17:51:41] <NoImNotNineVolt> but from past experience, samba
can do a lot of other things too.
2696[17:51:46] <NoImNotNineVolt> i'm looking for the
smallest possible solution.
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2698[17:51:56] <ioudas> i think thats samba still
2699[17:51:57] <ioudas> imho
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2704[17:54:03] <NoImNotNineVolt> i'll read up on both, then.
2705[17:54:07] *** Quits: Tachyon` (tachyon@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ZNC - ##replaced-url
2706[17:54:10] <NoImNotNineVolt> doesn't help that i know
nothing about auth.
2707[17:54:11] *** Quits: P6hjakonn (~NASA@replaced-ip) (Quit: Peace out.)
2708[17:54:42] <jhutchins> The environments I've worked in
used the sssd/pam solution, not winbind/samba, but I haven't
been responsible for implementing it.
2709[17:55:19] <jhutchins> I know in Centos 6 there's a
"not quite as documented" step.
2710[17:55:24] <NoImNotNineVolt> i think the only gotcha is that
i need all users-from-ldap to be added to a certain group
2711[17:55:42] <ioudas> samba can use sssd pam or ldap.
2712[17:55:42] *** Quits: Darcidride (~Darcidrid@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2713[17:55:44] <NoImNotNineVolt> [web thing controls permissions
based on groups]
2714[17:55:50] <ioudas> yeah you need to specify ou on what ever
you use
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2718[17:56:38] <NoImNotNineVolt> ou? that sounds very ldap-y.
2719[17:56:46] * NoImNotNineVolt is not looking forward to this
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2721[17:57:09] <ioudas> ou normally is in reference to active
directory org
2722[17:57:16] <jhutchins> It's a bit of a project, more
than just an irc walkthrough, but not all that hard.
2723[17:57:41] <NoImNotNineVolt> thankfully there's nobody
breathing down my neck this time :P
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2725[17:58:21] <Skiiro> Hi all! before beggining sorry for my
poor english skills. I will try to do my best. I got a issue with
debian 7.11. So i tryed to start a script with su right at debian
startup. I found the way to start without su right but I didn't
found with su right. Someone can help me please?
2726[17:58:44] <count> Skiiro: sudo script
2727[17:58:45] <greycat> Skiiro: put the su command in rc.local.
su username -c 'your command'
2728[17:59:00] <count> ah. sorry. right.
2729[17:59:08] <greycat> if you use sudo instead of su, then (1)
you have to install sudo, and (2) it's sudo -u username your
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2733[17:59:32] <greycat> note that the command has to be quoted
as a single argument for su, but not for sudo
2734[17:59:57] <Skiiro> @greycat : but that will not ask me the
password ?
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2737[18:00:18] <greycat> No, because you are root.
2738[18:00:19] <jhutchins> Skiiro: are you trying to automate
this in a startup script?
2739[18:00:33] <greycat> You use su to drop DOWN from root to a
regular user in boot scripts.
2740[18:00:37] <jhutchins> sudo/su are for interactive sessions.
2741[18:00:40] <greycat> No.
2742[18:00:42] <greycat> No they are not.
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2748[18:01:40] <NoImNotNineVolt> i `sudo sudo -u
some_nonroot_user foo` all the time.
2749[18:01:49] <NoImNotNineVolt> from non-interactive sessions.
2750[18:02:04] <Skiiro> Sorry, I'm a begginer as Linux. My
company ask me to run a script at startup of the computer. But this
program needs the rootright for work. So thanks you all i will try
this :)
2751[18:02:27] <greycat> Skiiro: it's ALREADY root. You
don't need sudo or su to go from root to root.
2752[18:02:31] *** Quits: cruncher (~cruncher@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2753[18:02:41] <greycat> All boot scripts run as root. You use su
in them to DROP DOWN to a NON-root user.
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2755[18:03:17] <NoImNotNineVolt> maybe he's putting it in
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2758[18:04:08] <miesco_> How would one get gpg 2.1?
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2761[18:04:30] <Skiiro> I used the graphical way to start the
script : ->Application -> System tools -> Preferences ->
startup application
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2764[18:05:01] <NoImNotNineVolt> miesco_: 2.0.30 is the latest
release of gpg.
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2766[18:05:23] <NoImNotNineVolt> ah, sorry, the
'modern' version.
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2769[18:05:49] <NoImNotNineVolt> miesco_:
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2772[18:08:33] <miesco_> NoImNotNineVolt: Is there a more debian
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2776[18:09:32] <NoImNotNineVolt> there are 2.1 packages in
2777[18:09:32] *** Quits: Uf0 (~luna@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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2779[18:09:36] <NoImNotNineVolt>
2780[18:09:51] <Skiiro> Someone can tell me where I can found
.rc.local please?
2781[18:10:09] *** Quits: pencilandpaper (~penciland@replaced-ip) (Quit: Peace. :))
2782[18:10:12] <NoImNotNineVolt> in /etc/
2783[18:10:14] <greycat> /etc/rc.local
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2785[18:10:32] <simonlnu> not a dot file ;)
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2787[18:10:41] <Skiiro> greycat, NoImNotNiceBolt ty
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2794[18:11:53] <cheapie> Which register name in setpci
corresponds to the PMCSR register? I can't find it anywhere,
and I have a PCI card that I need to manually put in D3.
2795[18:11:53] <julius_> hi
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2797[18:12:38] <julius_> im still struggling on jessie with fluid
x264 playback on a i5-6200U. is this possible on testing?
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2807[18:16:51] <Skiiro> Guys, i'm sorry but that didn't
worked. I add on my script "exit 0" and I add on rc.local
"sudo -u root -c /home/Skiiro/Script/".
2808[18:17:01] <miesco_> NoImNotNineVolt: Can I backport
2809[18:17:06] <greycat> You DON'T NEED TO SUDO FROM ROOT TO
2810[18:17:29] <greycat> And if your script only has exit 0, how
do you even know whether it ran?
2811[18:18:21] <Skiiro> @greycat so on rc.local i just need to
add my script?
2812[18:18:27] <greycat> rc.local is executed as root. Yes.
2813[18:18:45] <greycat> And you conflated the su syntax (-c)
with the sudo syntax (no -c no quoting).
2814[18:19:03] <Skiiro> @greycat : Ok i will try, ty
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2827[18:28:10] <Skiiro> Ok, so tryed to add in rc.local
"/home/Skiiro/Script/". That didn't start
my application at the startup. I'm lost currently ...
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2837[18:32:27] <jhutchins> Skiiro: Is your script executable?
Does it have a correct interpreter in the header?
2838[18:32:56] <jhutchins> Skiiro: Can you run the script from a
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2841[18:33:39] <jhutchins> Skiiro: Does _everything_ in the
script use a full path?
2842[18:33:59] <Skiiro> @jhutchins Yes i can but at a moment i
got a issue because i haven't the root right
2843[18:34:10] <Skiiro> And when i started as root user that
2844[18:34:26] <Skiiro> Yes everything is in full path
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2847[18:36:22] <kfogel> On my Debian GNU/Linux recently
dist-upgraded 'testing' distro system, I've been
running GNOME 3 for a long time (and I log in the typical way, via
GDM on startup). But on a whim just now I decided to try
"apt-get install gnome", and was surprised at what
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2849[18:36:44] <jmcnaught> Skiiro: what does the script do, what
program is it launching? also you can use a tool like logger (in the
bsdutils package) in the script to have it log a message to syslog
everytime it runs
2850[18:36:50] <kfogel> Instead of saying "gnome is already
the latest version" or something like that, it offered to
install a bunch of packages!
2851[18:36:59] *** Joins: davi (~davi@replaced-ip)
2852[18:37:29] <jmcnaught> kfogel: gnome is a meta-package that
doesn't have anything in it itself, it depends on a bunch of
packages that together compose a typical GNOME environment
2853[18:38:16] *** Joins: cableninja_ (~cableninj@replaced-ip)
2854[18:38:32] <Skiiro> @jmcnaught : My program just get the new
version of a sofware by ftp , then compile it and execute it. The
software must be executed in root mod because it's used serial
2855[18:38:41] <Skiiro> script*
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2857[18:39:10] <kfogel> jmcnaught: thank you. The reason I tried
it was that last night, as part of an installation of Debian onto a
totally new desktop box, I for some reason didn't get a GDM
login screen on final bootup, but instead a console login. (Now,
"systemctl set-default" also segfaults,
so maybe there's something deeper going on there.) But on that
box, after I did an explicit "apt-get install gnome", I
was at least abl
2858[18:39:10] <kfogel> e to do "systemctl start
gdm.service" and get a GDM screen.
2859[18:39:17] <jmcnaught> Skiiro: so this is a program that runs
in the background, not a GUI application?
2860[18:39:30] <NoImNotNineVolt> ftp over serial port? oldschool.
2861[18:39:32] <Skiiro> jmcnaught GUI application
2862[18:39:58] <Skiiro> nop ftp by ethernet but the software used
serial port to communicate
2863[18:40:06] <Skiiro> it's a old project ^^
2864[18:40:44] <jmcnaught> Skiiro: rc.local is not a very good
place to start a GUI application. You want to either use your
desktop environment's menu options for autostarting, or make a
.desktop file for the program and put it in /etc/xdg/autostart (if
wheezy has this)
2865[18:41:23] *** Quits: vrederv (~vrederv@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2866[18:41:36] <greycat> You can't start GUI apps in
rc.local because at the time that runs, there *isn't* a GUI.
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2869[18:41:49] <jmcnaught> kfogel: i'm not using stretch on
any desktop systems right now, but the folks in #debian-next on might be more familiar with what's going on with
testing right now
2870[18:42:18] <kfogel> jmcnaught: *nod* Thanks; I may check over
2871[18:42:49] <Skiiro> jmcnaught: Currently i used the desktop
way for start my application at startup : Application -> System
tools -> Preferences -> Start application. And that work but
the solftware throw a issue : Impossible to open the serial port.
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2874[18:43:04] <Skiiro> @greycat :/
2875[18:43:22] <julius_> Skiiro, by ftp? really...there are
securer alternatives
2876[18:43:29] *** Quits: d0nn1e (~d0nn1e@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2877[18:43:34] <greycat> Add your user to the "dialout"
group which has read/write permissions on the serial ports.
2878[18:43:37] <jmcnaught> Skiiro: sounds like a permission
issue. is your user a member of the dialout group?
2879[18:43:40] <greycat> crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 4, 64 Jun 28
06:06 /dev/ttyS0
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2883[18:44:36] <Skiiro> greycat, jmcnaught : No, I don't
know how to do that :/
2884[18:44:50] *** Joins: mtn (~mtn@replaced-ip)
2885[18:44:54] <greycat> adduser yourname dialout
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2888[18:45:24] <Skiiro> greycat: Ok i will try it.
2889[18:45:33] <jmcnaught> kfogel: it's likely that the
gnome metapackage was removed on your system at some point because
you removed one of its dependencies, like the iceweasel package for
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2894[18:48:00] <kfogel> jmcnaught: Quite likely. I ran the script
2895[18:48:06] *** Quits: Caplain (~shayne@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2896[18:48:20] <ShinyObjects> Hey all - I'm probably in the
wrong channel but would like to find the right one. I've had
what looks like massive file system corruption and would like to
know what tools to use to recover what I can
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2898[18:48:47] <kfogel> jmcnaught: I wish that apt-get had some
option for "--yes except if it would cause the removal of named
package X, Y, or Z" :-).
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2900[18:49:24] <kfogel> Hey ShinyObjects. Not sure this channel
is the right place. Definitely don't use that disk for now.
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2903[18:49:51] <kfogel> ShinyObjects: whatever recovery tool you
use, it's likely to get the maximum data if you keep that disk
cold until you run the tool(s) on it.
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2905[18:49:58] <jmcnaught> kfogel: seems like that script could
be simplified using something like "dpkg --set-selections"
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2907[18:50:03] <ShinyObjects> kfogel: indeed on both counts. Any
idea where a better place to look would be?
2908[18:50:12] <kfogel> jmcnaught: I will look into it! Thank
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2911[18:50:23] <kfogel> ShinyObjects: Other than DuckDuckGo,
Google, etc, no, I don't know.
2912[18:50:33] <ShinyObjects> Ok. Thank you for your help kfogel
2913[18:50:47] <kfogel> Good luck ShinyObjects.
2914[18:50:56] <ShinyObjects> :)
2915[18:50:58] <jmcnaught> ShinyObjects: step one should be to
make an image of the entire drive or partition you want to save onto
another drive, and then work on the copy
2916[18:51:02] *** Quits: mazert_ (~mazert@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
2917[18:51:32] <Skiiro> That works !! Ty all :)
2918[18:51:34] <ShinyObjects> jmcnaught: definitely - I've
dd'd it to another machine across the network last night.
Thanks for the tip
2919[18:51:59] *** Quits: julius_ (~jason4@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2920[18:52:05] <Skiiro> Bye all :)
2921[18:52:09] *** Quits: Skiiro (59e1f0f2@replaced-ip) (Quit: Page closed)
2922[18:52:23] <jmcnaught> ShinyObjects: then there are tools
like photorec and testdisk in Debian for data recovery (and fsck of
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2926[18:53:13] <ShinyObjects> jmcnaught: my first thought was to
use fsck, but that resulted in: EXT4-fs (sdb7): group descriptors
2927[18:53:17] <ShinyObjects> when I tried to mount it ><
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2933[18:55:37] <ShinyObjects> I'm in the process of checking
for backup superblocks. We'll see :\
2934[18:55:49] <jmcnaught> ShinyObjects: i'm not terribly
well versed with data recovery, my strategy is 1) replace broken
disk. 2) restore from backups
2935[18:56:13] *** Quits: dka (~dka@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2936[18:56:19] <ShinyObjects> Indeed. That's mostly mine
2937[18:56:24] *** Quits: jwd (~jwd@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2938[18:56:40] <ShinyObjects> My problem is every time I do that
there's *something* vital that I left out of the backups.
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2940[18:56:59] <ShinyObjects> I get 99% of what I care about but
there's always that 1% that I'd really wished I
hadn't forgotten
2941[18:57:00] *** Joins: jwd (~jwd@replaced-ip)
2942[18:57:03] <jmcnaught> ShinyObjects: if you have ample space,
you could consider working on a copy of the copy, so that if you do
more harm than good you can make another copy of the copy (not a
copy of the fragile original)
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2946[18:57:44] <ShinyObjects> jmcnaught: I'm a bit space
limited. I have the copy and I'm leaving that untouched,
working on the original with the copy as my backup.
2947[18:57:50] <ShinyObjects> Good idea though
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2954[18:59:40] <julius_> hi
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2960[19:03:53] <julius_> my sid system which was installed with
debootstrap is complaining right after the grub screen at boot time
that root= is wrong. this is the grub entry:
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2963[19:04:20] <julius_> im sure that it is on the logical
2964[19:04:21] <mixxit> hiya anyone using firefox on kde5 with
2965[19:04:28] <mixxit> im having trouble dragging tabs out of it
2966[19:04:32] <vook> Any ideas of a method I can use to
determine the process opening a port other than using fuser or
netstat (which isn't returning any meaningful info). I have an
open port (45078) on a system but can't figure out what process
opened it.
2967[19:05:05] <count> vook: sudo lsof -nP
2968[19:05:06] <julius_> vook, netstat is deprecated, use ss
2969[19:05:07] <vook> It accepts connections via telnet and I can
see output on the server when I run tcpdump.
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2971[19:05:22] <count> wow, didn't know ss
2972[19:06:06] <julius_> vook, and what parameters did you use
with netstat?
2973[19:06:21] <unborn> vook.. its 2016.. not 1980s.. ssh would
be much better choice.. telnet is just - bad
2974[19:06:31] <vook> netstat -tulpn | grep 45078
2975[19:06:39] <vook> unborn: telnet to test an open port
2976[19:06:40] <count> unborn: you mean nc -z ;)
2977[19:06:42] <vook> or nc
2978[19:07:01] <vook> count: it returns : tcp LISTEN 0 64 *:45078
2979[19:07:13] <vook> ss returns the same so far
2980[19:07:17] <greycat> lsof -i :45078
2981[19:07:19] *** Quits: andrewm87 (~andrewm87@replaced-ip) (Quit: andrewm87)
2982[19:07:28] <vook> greycat: no output
2983[19:07:33] <greycat> as root.
2984[19:07:34] <count> rootkit
2985[19:07:38] <vook> yes
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2987[19:08:15] <unborn> heh
2988[19:08:15] <count> take the box offline, make a copy for
forensics, reinstall ;)
2989[19:08:20] *** Quits: XSoul (~XRule@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2990[19:08:24] <unborn> root kit I would say as well
2991[19:08:30] <unborn> pull cable off
2992[19:08:34] <count> may want to take a memory image
2993[19:08:46] <vook> hmm, ok. Thanks
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2995[19:09:13] <count> good luck
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3003[19:11:49] <unborn> vook: have look at /var/log
3004[19:11:57] <unborn> as well as part of investigation
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3011[19:14:09] <vook> chkrootkit package is returning
something...the suckit rootkit in /sbin/init. Not sure how accurate
it is though. :/ Yeah, this thing gets slammed by root force
attempts all the time and has less security minded devs accessing
3012[19:14:24] <vook> *brute force
3013[19:15:07] <vook> may be false positive
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3015[19:15:37] <somiaj> wonder if it is complaining the /bin/init
is a link to systemd
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3019[19:16:50] <fennesz> Hello ! Can someone tell why my external
drive (just formated as ext4) is constantly spinning ? The led also
blinks constantly. Any help pls?
3020[19:17:16] <somiaj> maybe iotop can tell you what is
regurally reading/writing to your drive
3021[19:17:19] <greycat> Try fuser or lsof, or something of that
nature, to see what processes are accessing it.
3022[19:17:30] <somiaj> also check your memeory ussage, if you
are using swap you may beh a high io load
3023[19:17:45] <somiaj> oh external, won't be swap then
3024[19:17:53] <greycat> I think he would know if he had
swapon'ed an external drive. This isn't Windows.
3025[19:17:53] <fennesz> its external
3026[19:18:14] *** GitGud is now known as AllahDuhaiHai
3027[19:18:58] <fennesz> iotop gives me general usage of io . Can
I specify the hdd to monitor?
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3031[19:19:24] <fennesz> Ah there is this command : ext4lazyinit
3032[19:19:27] *** Quits: atrapado (~atrapado@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
3033[19:19:27] <unborn> fennesz: you can do it spin down or turn
it off after few minutes.. turning off will save you power and disk
as well.
3034[19:19:45] <greycat> No manual entry for ext4lazyinit
3035[19:20:15] *** Joins: scwizard (6bcf4cc3@replaced-ip)
3036[19:20:18] <greycat> You have searched for filenames that
contain ext4lazyinit in suite jessie, all sections, and all
3037[19:20:21] <greycat> Sorry, your search gave no results
3038[19:20:30] <scwizard> hey I'm having some font issues
3039[19:20:33] <scwizard> fc-list | grep 'Times New
Roman' <- this gives me nothing
3040[19:20:41] <jmcnaught> fennesz:
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3043[19:20:58] <fennesz> I have found this :
3044[19:21:08] <scwizard> however on another server that uses a
different distribution of linux which I didn't set up, I get:
3045[19:21:09] <scwizard> Times New
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3047[19:21:34] <jmcnaught> fennesz: sounds to me like it's
still doing the lazy initialization that you can disable with the
mkfs.ext4 command's options
3048[19:21:34] <scwizard> i've already done: sudo apt-get
install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
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3056[19:22:12] <greycat> Damned kernel processes.
3057[19:22:15] *** Quits: nathanleclaire (~nathanlec@replaced-ip) (Quit: nathanleclaire)
3058[19:22:15] <fennesz> jmcnaught, will it ever stop ?
3059[19:22:22] <fennesz> :)
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3063[19:23:19] <scwizard> ok i see what happened -.-
3064[19:23:29] <scwizard> because it installed the
ttf-mscorefonts-installer via ansible
3065[19:23:32] <scwizard> it didn't accept the eula or
3066[19:23:53] *** Joins: curtis22 (~curtis@replaced-ip)
3067[19:24:13] <jmcnaught> fennesz: i've never noticed it
myself. usually the largest filesystems i format at less than 100
GB. If it's a really large disk it might take some time. Using
the options to disable lazy initialization seems like a good idea
for an external
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3070[19:24:37] <fennesz> jmcnaught, yeap its a 2tb hdd
3071[19:24:55] <fennesz> is this safe : sudo mkfs -t ext4 -E
lazy_itable_init=0,lazy_journal_init=0 /dev/sdc1 ?
3072[19:25:05] <jmcnaught> scwizard: the fonts-liberation package
is supposed to have free alternatives to those fonts
3073[19:25:14] <greycat> You've already made the file
system. Why would you start all over?
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3075[19:25:25] <scwizard> jmcnaught: free alternatives
aren't acceptable in this case
3076[19:25:26] <greycat> Let it finish.
3077[19:25:36] *** mach_k_away is now known as mach_kernel
3078[19:25:57] <jmcnaught> fennesz: i meant for the future, so
that you have a clearer indication of when it's finished.
3079[19:26:10] <fennesz> to stop the lazyinit greycat
3080[19:26:16] <fennesz> ok I can wait
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3082[19:26:22] <fennesz> ok
3083[19:26:28] <greycat> You would have to START ALL OVER and sit
through it in the foreground if you did what you propose.
3084[19:26:29] <scwizard> what licence agreement did I just
accept anyway :|
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3088[19:26:35] <scwizard> oops i guess
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3092[19:27:13] <greycat> dpkg, ext4lazyinit is a kernel process
started after mkfs.ext4 (with default options) to finish
initializing the inodes in the background upon first mount. <replaced-url
3093[19:27:13] <dpkg> okay, greycat
3094[19:27:19] <fennesz> greycat, could I just enable the option
to write zeros next time ? i mean to avoid lazyinit
3095[19:28:07] <greycat> If you don't do lazy init then you
do ACTIVE init which means you wait the same length of time, but you
wait BEFORE you can mount it instead of AFTER mounting it.
3096[19:28:41] <greycat> (or possibly a slightly different length
of time, but in any case the same amount of work gets done)
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3099[19:30:24] <fennesz> ok got ! Thank you all !
3100[19:30:28] <fennesz> got it *
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3105[19:32:21] <ShinyObjects> jmcnaught: kfogel - I got
disconnected so I didn't see if you had any responses
(questions or the like about what I did)
3106[19:32:30] <fennesz> btw how could I specify the drive to
monitor . I don't think you can do this with iotop , right?
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3108[19:34:48] <greycat> seriously, dude?
3109[19:35:24] *** Joins: zeemz (~zeemz@replaced-ip)
3110[19:35:37] <greycat> We've already determined which
thing is writing to your disk.
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3114[19:36:55] <scwizard> ahh the licence agreement for that is
basically just "you can use this font, but you can't
reverse engineer it or make derivative copies of it"
3115[19:37:04] <scwizard> yeah we should be in compliance with
3116[19:37:38] *** Joins: TomasCZ (~TomasCZ@replaced-ip)
3117[19:37:44] <fennesz> greycat, true .this is more a general
3118[19:38:00] <fennesz> in case I need to know in future for
something else
3119[19:38:08] <greycat> if iotop were installed, I would have
skimmed the man page, but it appears not to be a standard tool
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3121[19:38:17] *** Joins: denisk (~denisk@replaced-ip)
3122[19:38:18] <greycat> soon as I got "No manual
entry" I stopped
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3125[19:40:07] <fennesz> greycat, what do you mean by "No
manual entry" , pls forgive my ignorance
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3127[19:40:20] <greycat> wooledg@wooledg:~$ man iotop
3128[19:40:20] <greycat> No manual entry for iotop
3129[19:40:34] <fennesz> ah ok :)
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3133[19:42:42] <prussian> ya I'm pretty sure iotop just
monitors general kernel level io
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3137[19:44:38] <fennesz> I have installed iostat but there is
only io information in general , not per process
3138[19:44:49] <fennesz> you can define the drive though
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3142[19:45:42] <fennesz> ext4lazyinit still running . Can this
take overnight for a 2tb hdd ?
3143[19:46:37] *** Parts: pcadams (~pcadams@replaced-ip)
3144[19:47:24] <greycat> Man pages don't say how much work
it has to do. No idea.
3145[19:47:59] <fennesz> k
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3158[19:51:07] <necrose99-wrk> ? why is it xfce for debian cant
have aptitude by chance thats odd
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3161[19:51:45] <Putti> necrose99-wrk, what do you mean?
3162[19:52:06] <greycat> aptitude is an optional package; install
it if you want it
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3165[19:52:14] <necrose99-wrk> i installed deb 8 and xfce for a
vm it pulled aptitutde out
3166[19:52:18] <Putti> just do apt install aptitude
3167[19:52:27] <necrose99-wrk> it will kill xfce
3168[19:52:33] <greycat> prove it
3169[19:53:13] <Putti> what packages does it want to remove when
you do apt install aptitude?
3170[19:53:16] <necrose99-wrk> its what the synaptics pm says it
will remove xfce and most of its suppot libs
3171[19:53:32] <Circuitsoft> necrose99-wrk: Do you have two
different apt sources?
3172[19:53:53] *** Quits: rnb (~Name@replaced-ip##) (Quit: Textual IRC Client: ##replaced-url
3173[19:53:55] <Circuitsoft> That sounds like version conflicts.
3174[19:54:01] <Circuitsoft> Upgrading everything is likely to
fix it.
3175[19:54:07] <necrose99-wrk> just ossec-wazuh , suse for
oppenvas ,
3176[19:54:11] *** Joins: troulouliou_div2 (~troulouli@replaced-ip)
3177[19:54:29] <necrose99-wrk> i added kahli repos but mainly
havent pulled anything from them
3178[19:55:38] <necrose99-wrk> normilly i'd say Pentoo
emerge -sync && emerge -U -world , but grr politics at work
for vm
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3181[19:56:53] <necrose99-wrk> naily i just Needed openvas and a
few audit tools to monitor others in our cloud
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3189[19:58:34] <kfogel> ShinyObjects: I had no further
contributions -- not enough expertise in this to say much more.
3190[19:58:38] <necrose99-wrk> meh its been ages since i've
had a redhat/deb boxes in active invitory
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3198[20:00:29] <ShinyObjects> Well thank you anyway kfogel - this
discussion helped me lead to my solution so I thought I'd share
the informational spoils-of-war. I found a blog post that succinctly
explains the steps since then:
3199[20:00:38] *** Parts: ANXMFR (~ANXMFR@replaced-ip)
3200[20:01:08] <ShinyObjects> Useful info to file away!
3201[20:01:34] *** Joins: frangor (~frangor@replaced-ip)
3202[20:01:44] <ShinyObjects> Oh, and thanks for being one of the
few people that were friendly and attempted to help on IRC :)
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3204[20:03:38] <mate_CRAZY> hello debianers. all right ?
3205[20:04:09] <ShinyObjects> hey mate_CRAZY. What can we help
you with?
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3208[20:04:27] <mate_CRAZY> i need some help, regarding mate
desktop, but I use kali sana.... is it still ok to ask in here ?
3209[20:04:32] *** Parts: zlatan (~Zlatan@replaced-ip)
3210[20:04:51] <moon__> Errrr... I dunno, my guess is a no.
3211[20:05:09] <mate_CRAZY> moon__, kali is debian based,
therefore I ask to ask
3212[20:05:12] <ShinyObjects> Not sure, mate_CRAZY. I'm new
here mysef.
3213[20:05:23] <moon__> Ah, true, maybe then
3214[20:05:27] <mtn> !kali
3215[20:05:28] <dpkg> Kali Linux (replaced-url
3216[20:05:28] <ShinyObjects> I'd guess just ask and someone
will tell you where else to go if not
3217[20:05:38] <moon__> Ok
3218[20:05:38] <mate_CRAZY> ok, ShinyObjects ever tried to
replace a default de by a custom one ?
3219[20:05:43] <moon__> Try #kali-linux
3220[20:05:48] <moon__> Dont ask here
3221[20:05:59] <mate_CRAZY> moon__, will i find them on freenode
3222[20:06:13] <mtn> mate_CRAZY: read what dpkg just said
3223[20:06:21] <mate_CRAZY> ?
3224[20:06:27] <mate_CRAZY> ah, sorry
3225[20:06:32] <ShinyObjects> Usually just apt-get install that
3226[20:06:37] <moon__> ^
3227[20:06:44] <ShinyObjects> apt-get install xfce-desktop. etc
3228[20:06:47] <mate_CRAZY> ok, will go there
3229[20:06:55] <ShinyObjects> Then set that as your default
3230[20:07:01] * moon__ goes back to working on dualbooting OpenBSD
with debian
3231[20:07:32] <mate_CRAZY> i did all of that, the greeter is
mate right now, but if I choose the mate or not choose, still
standard gnome is started...
3232[20:08:02] <mate_CRAZY> some months i could start, if
choosing in greeter, but now not anymore, I forgot, what I changed
during my exoeriments
3233[20:08:05] <unborn> moon__: can you later on when you done
post your boot script somewhere in paste? - thanks
3234[20:08:18] <moon__> Its not hard
3235[20:08:19] <mtn> mate_CRAZY: ask on the kali channel
3236[20:08:28] <moon__> Here, leme check it
3237[20:08:33] <mate_CRAZY> all right, thx so far
3238[20:08:54] *** Joins: PETsounds (~californi@replaced-ip)
3239[20:08:57] <moon__> in fact
3240[20:08:57] <ShinyObjects> mate_CRAZY: rather than starting a
"we can't help you when we actually can" situation,
pm, ,e/
3241[20:09:00] <ShinyObjects> pm m,e
3242[20:09:10] <moon__> its only 4 lines mate_CRAZY, do you have
a second drive?
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3245[20:09:47] <moon__> Like a spare, empty drive you could
install it on mate_CRAZY?
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3255[20:11:38] <moon__> mate_CRAZY,
3256[20:11:44] <moon__> That will tell you know
3257[20:11:46] <moon__> *how
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3259[20:12:52] <mate_CRAZY> thx, let me look
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3262[20:13:35] <moon__> its easy really, just 4 lines to add
Openbsd (and most other OSes that support multiboot)
3263[20:13:59] <mate_CRAZY> moon__, not the right link, perhaps
not for me ? (my grub runs well ) is all about x, (i think )
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3267[20:14:35] <moon__> ? im confused, what did you want?
3268[20:14:58] <moon__> just to refresh my memory
3269[20:15:00] <mate_CRAZY> moon__, You send the grub link to me
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3272[20:15:10] <mate_CRAZY> take a look some lines above
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3277[20:15:58] <moon__> You want my boot script?
3278[20:16:01] <moon__> Eh, no
3279[20:16:32] <mate_CRAZY> moon__, You understood, right ?
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3281[20:17:11] <moon__> Yea, but you said it after i noted i was
going to get back to work on using GRUB with openbsd
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3283[20:17:19] <moon__> so i assumed that what you wanted
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3285[20:17:55] <mate_CRAZY> so, ok, I know, it is NOT debian, but
this should be the same on both distros.... can I try to ask for
"how to troubleshoot" in here ?
3286[20:18:08] <mate_CRAZY> Because the base de is the same (
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3288[20:18:58] <centrx> mate_CRAZY: I don't know what
you're question is, but different distributions are often using
different software.
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3291[20:19:10] <centrx> mate_CRAZY: Even different versions of
the same software can have their own quirks
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3297[20:20:04] <mate_CRAZY> centrx, I need to set up mate desktop
properly as default.... where would You look, if the distro was just
debian and it does not work
3298[20:20:05] <mate_CRAZY> ?
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3302[20:20:47] <centrx> mate_CRAZY: I would check my .xinitrc
3303[20:20:59] <mate_CRAZY> ok, for what entries ?
3304[20:21:03] *** Quits: mtn (~mtn@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
3305[20:21:21] <centrx> mate_CRAZY: To check if my custom
openbox/fbpanel is set up properly
3306[20:21:38] <centrx> mate_CRAZY: Have you tried in #mate or
##linux ?
3307[20:21:53] <mate_CRAZY> not yet
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3313[20:23:03] <awal1> mate_CRAZY, you choose mate in your DM
once and your DM will remember it for next logins
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3319[20:23:33] <mate_CRAZY> awal1, it does not, even if I choose
(strange) from the mate-greeter
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3322[20:25:03] <awal1> mate_CRAZY, kali use gnome as default DE.
but it encourages the build of other DE/WM and make them as default.
No clue how all that is compiled/configured by Kali devs
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3324[20:25:36] <awal1> thats why debian isn't kali, as the
bot told you
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3331[20:27:16] <awal1> I have kali in a vm (even if I almost
never use it) and via gdm3 I can choose the DE/WM I want
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3339[20:31:06] <acidchild> What service on linux makes the OS
(chown, id, etc) aware of users in LDAP? I don't want the users
in LDAP to be able to login (PAM).
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3342[20:31:41] <greycat> Then don't give them valid shells.
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3347[20:32:58] <greycat> (Or give them a shell which is just a
script that says why they can't log in.)
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3350[20:34:52] <acidchild> greycat: They have valid shells in
LDAP for other systems.
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3352[20:35:39] <acidchild> But an application creates their users
directories, and does various permission changes. that machine needs
to be able to do chown, without that machine knowing of them users,
it will give an error
3353[20:35:39] <greycat> Then how are you supposed to know which
users to block?
3354[20:35:56] <acidchild> That's a good question.
3355[20:36:05] <acidchild> What are my options?
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3360[20:38:02] <jmcnaught> acidchild: /etc/security/access.conf
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3369[20:41:59] <Azelphur> Hey folks, trying to install borgbackup
from the repositories on Debian 8 - however it depends on
python3-msgpack >0.4.6 but 0.4.2-1 is what's in the
repository, Any ideas? Heres my sources.list:
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3374[20:42:49] <unborn> Azelphur: why other software when rsync
would do it for you?
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3377[20:43:10] <Azelphur> unborn: rsync would do deduplicating
incremental backups?
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3380[20:43:47] <unborn> Azelphur: yeah it does all stuff you need
it - incremental or update (delete on a go)
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3383[20:44:14] <Azelphur> unborn: interesting, I feel like
setting up rsync, incremental backups, deduplication and encryption
with keyfiles using rsync might be a lot of owrk?
3384[20:44:16] <unborn> or date based.. with deleting the old
after few days, month or years
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3387[20:44:37] <Azelphur> compared to borg, which is borg create
and borg prune
3388[20:44:41] <unborn> nope Azelphur just one command actually
3389[20:44:49] <Azelphur> unborn: go on?
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3391[20:45:08] <unborn> Azelphur: there is a thing.. google you
know.. its all there.
3392[20:45:20] <greycat> I feel like a backup should just be a
fucking copy of your files so you can restore 'em if they get
3393[20:45:30] *** Quits: RebelCoder (~jurisl85@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3394[20:45:30] <jmcnaught> Azelphur: can you please show the
command you use to install and the output? I suspect it's a
matter of needing to use "-t jessie-backports" in the
install command
3395[20:45:36] <unborn> greycat: exactly..
3396[20:45:40] *** KindOne is now known as Sutekh
3397[20:45:48] <Azelphur> unborn: Google doesn't show up
much for rsync deduplicating backup, apart from zbackup
3398[20:45:51] <greycat> But go ahead and waste months writing
some crazy Rube Goldberg crap with all those buzzwords.
3399[20:45:53] <unborn> Azelphur: just use -a when backing
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3401[20:46:23] <Azelphur> jmcnaught: here you go,
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3403[20:46:33] <unborn> Azelphur: really? try to search different
3404[20:46:37] <unborn> one moment
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3407[20:46:50] <Azelphur> jmcnaught: -t jessie-backports does
indeed fix it :)
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3410[20:47:21] <awal1> greycat, a few days ago I asked why I have
a non-hidden files in my /home, named "2" and found out
that they are created by "fvwm-crystal" WM (but no clue
why or what's the purpose)...
3411[20:47:40] <unborn> Azelphur:
3412[20:47:45] <greycat> Sounds like a bug in a shell script.
3413[20:47:56] <greycat> Look for a shell script that has >2
when it should have 2>
3414[20:47:58] <unborn> that is good ^^^example.. and learn how
to ask google ;)
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3418[20:48:30] <awal1> greycat, ok. will check that
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3422[20:49:19] <mate_CRAZY> hello once again... I could narrow
down the mate behaviour
3423[20:49:27] *** Quits: dmr (~dmr@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
3424[20:49:28] <mate_CRAZY> anyone interested ?
3425[20:49:38] <greycat> I gave up trying to understand my mate
years ago.
3426[20:49:39] <Azelphur> unborn: that doesn't seem to match
what borg does in any way shape or form, for example, borg allows me
to have hourly backups, while only the changes are saved on the
backup machine. So I don't need N*1 backup space
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3429[20:49:57] <Azelphur> and I can mount those backups to
explore the system at that point in time
3430[20:50:23] <greycat> And you need this because...?
3431[20:50:32] <Azelphur>'s very useful?
3432[20:50:40] <greycat> OK. Have fun.
3433[20:51:01] <unborn> Azelphur: well - you know cronjob right?
you can have it even every minute..
3434[20:51:42] <Azelphur> unborn: right, but I'd have to
have rsync backup my entire system, then a second copy of my entire
system right? so if I had 200GB of files, the remote host would need
200GB multiplied by the number of hours I'd been running it for
3435[20:51:51] <unborn> Azelphur: if that did not resolve your
specific issue as you wan