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2[00:00:30] <memo1> Brigo: what is DH?
3[00:00:32] <SpeakerToMeat> themill: I want to avoid upstream
updating my changed package, as I see it I could do a few things,
one is to increase the version a major or so artifitially, in stable
this shouldn't get overwritten, another is to use apt.kar hold
on the package na dpray, I wonder if there's any way compatible
with debian version format and dch of saying "this is version
2.1-deb9-mine", and the last is to rename the package
4[00:00:34] <SpeakerToMeat> to package-mine but this would
mean changing control, changelog, etc
5[00:00:52] <Brigo> memo1, i was wondering about a message
from SpeakerToMeat
6[00:00:58] <SpeakerToMeat> Brigo: DebHelper
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8[00:01:31] <memo1> Brigo: im learning. Irc is great. What is
9[00:01:32] *** LocaMocha is now known as Sauvin
10[00:01:54] <themill> SpeakerToMeat: renaming the package
means dependencies would not be satisfied; possibly not what you
want. hold or pinning is better for this
11[00:01:56] <Brigo> memo1, another user (i hope) writing now
in this channel.
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13[00:02:40] <SpeakerToMeat> themill: And I should trust
apt-mark to be enough for hold?
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15[00:03:00] <SpeakerToMeat> themill: thanks, I'll do sio
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19[00:04:48] <SpeakerToMeat> so
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33[00:12:00] <nezZario> Okay. So accidentally did a hard power
off, and now i cant boot into graphical. That terminal on
'F7', gets to a certain point,, and just sits there and
blinks. I'm running lightdm and xfce, never had an issue before
34[00:12:27] <nezZario> I unplugged all non essential hardware
just to see and that's a no go
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38[00:14:46] <tw3k> nezZario: perhaps drop into shell and run
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44[00:15:42] <RoyK> or boot on a usb thing and check if the
root drive is still there
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48[00:16:45] <nezZario> No thats what's weird, i can login
to another terminal fine.. I just don't know where to even
begin... I sont see anything out of the ordinary in the logs
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60[00:27:24] <tomreyn> force fsck on non-write-mounted file
systems (mount rw to ro where needed), check dmesg -T, check smart,
do a short or long self-test
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64[00:31:43] <in1t3r_> hello debianers :)
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67[00:32:13] <nezZario> I'm booted. Looks like an xorg
failure. Guess I got a little data loss? I'll try a fsck. But
xorg'slog sats something about AddScreen/ScreenInit failed for
driver 0
68[00:32:16] <memo1> Brigo: noob queestion. Regarding my
problem, my system have 4G ram, and the automated installer set swap
to 4GBytes. That can be the problem?
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70[00:32:38] <nezZario> Why would that be a problem?
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72[00:33:04] <nezZario> I'm on mobile excuse my typing
73[00:34:07] <memo1> nezZario: just wondering. I cant install a
debian system using usb. Im checking ram and hardisk for hardware
74[00:34:42] <sevagh> hello. we have an internal mirror of the
squeeze upstream repository - today we got a KEYEXPIRED error when
using pbuilder. now, i'm not great with debian so i'm
maybe not phrasing the question very well, but is today an expected
date for the squeeze repo key to change, or for it to be deprecated,
or something?
75[00:34:49] <sevagh> (we have a handful of legacy squeeze
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82[00:36:56] <nezZario> I thought you could always just remount
r/o using - o remount,ro.. Getting / is busy. Anyway to force?
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85[00:38:47] <in1t3r> it is the debian LTS and debian LTs is 5
86[00:38:55] <in1t3r> Which have passed as I recall.
87[00:39:07] <in1t3r> YOu could search for the debian LTS
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91[00:39:33] <somiaj> sevagh: have you pointed your boxes to
92[00:39:37] <sevagh> any workaround ideas?
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94[00:39:49] <mnuhmnuh> nezZario: any chance another
user/process is still reading from/writing to it? -o remount ...
should work otherwise.
95[00:39:53] <somiaj> and are you still getting key expired
96[00:39:56] <in1t3r> Debian as the project originally do not
support anything more then oldstable which is now jessie. And before
it there are more Wheezy and only then squeeze
97[00:40:13] <sevagh> i will check that, thanks somiaj
98[00:40:17] <Brigo> memo1, no, the system try to use as much
ram as it can, but it will adapt to any changes in needs.
99[00:40:24] <in1t3r> yes is only way for so
old boxes
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101[00:40:50] <somiaj> do not support is different than
providing the old sources, debian has always proided the old
sources, so it might be that due to squeeze-lts, you just got use to
getting the sources from a trusted mirror and now enough time has
passed you need to switch to
102[00:41:09] <mnuhmnuh> nezZario: lsof?
103[00:41:10] <sevagh> that makes sense. let me try pointing our
mirrors to
104[00:41:15] <in1t3r> I would recommend doing an update to
wheezy and then stretch. Or if you can afford do a fresh install of
the stretch
105[00:41:49] <in1t3r> Of course save a list of installed
packages and install it again I mean some of them not old libraries
or depreceated
106[00:41:51] <sevagh> yeah we're trying hard to deprecate
our last handful of squeeze boxes (majority of them are stretch
right now)
107[00:42:06] <somiaj> memo1: swap is usually set equal to ram
so you can hibernate. With 4gigs of ram, unless you are hibernating
(or actually using 6+ gigs) that amount of swap is overkill, but
defaults are usualyl swap=meoery.
108[00:42:09] <sevagh> but there's always 5-10 "so
important you can't decomssion them!" boxes in the back
109[00:42:31] <somiaj> in1t3r: you skipped jessie in that
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111[00:42:45] <in1t3r> Oh damn I forgot that too
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113[00:43:03] <in1t3r> Yeah squeeze was in 2011 2010
114[00:43:06] <mnuhmnuh> sevagh: so important they should be
115[00:43:20] <somiaj> though squeeze-lts was supported for
quite some time, though it has been a few years on that.
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117[00:43:24] <somiaj> !squeeze-lts
118[00:43:24] <dpkg> Volunteer-provided security support for
Debian 6.0 "Squeeze" ended on 2016-02-29 for a limited set
of packages for i386 and amd64. An appropriate line for your
sources.list is «deb
119[00:43:43] <in1t3r> Yeah sorry my error I know that there is
an archive I meant that there is no support in a way of updates or
any security updates
120[00:43:53] <in1t3r> Which do not exist for anything but old
121[00:44:15] <in1t3r> And since raphael and group started doing
LTS also for the lts I mean oldoldstable
122[00:44:30] <somiaj> sevagh: if the (make
sure .org and not .net) is giving you the key expiered error, you
may want to contact some admin of the archive or mailing list. The
keys should at least be updated for people who want packages from
the archive.
123[00:44:47] <in1t3r> which is of course invalid codename I
mean oldoldstable grandpastable :)
124[00:44:51] <somiaj> in1t3r: lts has security support these
days, so currently oldoldstable is also getting support.
125[00:45:21] <somiaj> though limited, which mostly means server
side software on x86 and maybe arm, but no desktop software or other
126[00:45:49] <in1t3r> I know and I know the group which do that
too. :) raphaelhertzog and others
127[00:45:52] <nezZario> I'm pretty screwed here...
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129[00:46:28] <mtn> nezZario: did you try booting with
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131[00:48:04] <in1t3r> I do actually "maintain" I mean
not that much active anymore debian community of 50000 users on
google plus where I'm owner of the same. Its strange being an
owner of the for a long time only really free distribution which
allowed you to choice. nowdays with systemd and some other
unifications in linux waters its less about choice but anyway still
one of the best distros beside Gentoo.
132[00:48:47] <in1t3r> We want offtopic so I will keep on topic.
133[00:50:10] <in1t3r> swap == memory is actually normal except
in use case where you use swap a lot and want swap to be saved to
swap too beside full ram on suspend
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135[00:51:07] <in1t3r> nowdays there are some the reducing and
compressing techniques in kernel which should reduce the swap size
for pages.
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137[00:51:56] <in1t3r> Also there is something that is still not
in the mainline kernel and I guess will not be in recent years or
maybe ever as it conflicted for a while with a zswap and its far ore
useful then zswap.
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140[00:53:13] <in1t3r> It is the UKSM Ultra KSM page merging
which merges all of the pages that are basically the same and
replaces them in memory with only pointer to region in memory where
one of the instances of that page is stored. Useful for low ram
141[00:53:37] <in1t3r> it is inside of the pf-kernel as one of
the patches.
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145[00:54:58] <nezZario> What is 'nomodeset'?
I've booted into single user modr. I can boot and login to the
machine's shell fine. But the tty (I believe thats the proper
term) that would normally show lightdm and then launch the wm.. It
just sits thrre and blinks a cursor. But I can get into the system
via pressing alt+F1 and switcging tty. However, I just noticed that
for whatever whacky dacky reason, my usb wifi is totally missing
146[00:54:58] <nezZario> from iwconfig as well. So I can't
even reach the net in somvein attempt to reinstall some stuff
147[00:55:54] <mtn> nezZario: add nomodeset to the kernel line
in the grub menu. it sounds like you have a video driver problem
148[00:55:56] <in1t3r> nomodeset is parameter passed to kernel
that tell to kernel to not use the kms
149[00:56:39] <nezZario> I'll sure give it a shot!
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151[00:57:22] <in1t3r> It is basically needed for larger
resolutions on a framebuffer fr example like higher reolution on
your console on alt+ctrl+f3
152[00:58:05] <in1t3r> kms == kernel mode setting
153[00:58:22] <in1t3r> option for a graphical driver and
154[00:58:26] <nezZario> When you say the kernel line I assume
you meant the 'linux....' one?
155[00:58:38] <in1t3r> yes not initrd
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157[00:58:58] <in1t3r> the best way is to edit grub
158[00:59:02] <awal1> nezZario, that means edit
/etc/default/grub file and at that to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT
line for normal boot, or to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX for all modes, such
as recovery one
159[00:59:06] <in1t3r> I mean /etc/default/grub
160[00:59:08] <mtn> nezZario: yes, add it to the end of the line
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162[00:59:37] <mtn> nezZario:
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164[01:00:10] <mnuhmnuh> nezZario: suspect single user mode
doesn't bother setting up networking. your job, if it's
165[01:00:12] <in1t3r> also for single boot option is easier to
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167[01:00:32] <mtn> nezZario: don't edit files, just use
the grub menu to test it
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169[01:01:20] <in1t3r> I mean for not permanent change just when
grub shows up press e and then go on linux line and after other
parameters add nomodeset and press ctrl+x to boot
170[01:01:44] <in1t3r> I wrote you how to edit the grub menu
171[01:01:49] <nezZario> I'm aware, let me try it in
combination with single user
172[01:02:15] <mnuhmnuh> netone or t'other.
173[01:02:33] <mnuhmnuh> nezZario: or t'other.
174[01:02:45] <in1t3r> Yes if you boot in single user ode you
will need to systemctl all of the needed services as it boots onbly
few processes no network
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176[01:03:29] <in1t3r> if you get stack this is how to configure
ip if you are using ethernet
177[01:04:14] <in1t3r> ip addr add $IPADDRESS/$SUBNET dev eth0
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179[01:04:32] <nezZario> I can normally setup networking on my
own, but earlier it wasnt rvem showing tjr device in iwconfug or
180[01:04:53] <in1t3r> ip route add default $IPADDRESS via
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182[01:05:38] <in1t3r> The $ signa re variables this is the way
to setup the networking without ifconfig which is deprecated and
with ip tools
183[01:05:58] <in1t3r> Also there for ip addr can be broadcast
field but its ot needed for basic setup.
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185[01:06:33] <in1t3r> And if you have wpa2 secured network then
from cli if you dont have networkmanager or wicd you would need to
use iw tool
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259[01:54:16] <majest1c> What desktop environment do you guys
like the most? I dont know which one to go with on my laptop
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261[01:54:36] <majest1c> I was thinking gnome or xfce
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264[01:55:05] <tw3k> compiz but I'm not so sure it's a
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267[01:56:18] <wpostma> I just hit the lovely bug in Plasma/KDE
in Stretch that was everywhere three years ago while Ubuntu was on
this version. Black screen and mouse pointer. Seems sddm or
something just goes dumb. Have to zap your .cache and .configs.
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272[01:58:42] <majest1c> maybe ubuntu is nicer for gui
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274[01:59:26] <mnuhmnuh> majest1c: mate (fork of gnome 2) works
not badly. worth trying.
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276[02:00:12] <tw3k> haven't tried ubuntu in years.
didn't they try the wayland thing?
277[02:01:03] <wpostma> well who cares about nicer. What's
sad is that the real meaning of "stable" in debian is
"really old bugs".
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279[02:01:25] <wpostma> xfce4 seems usable, if vanilla, in
Stretch, anyways. Plasma 5.8 LTS is a heap of rubbish.
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283[02:02:00] <wpostma> 2018, the year of the Invisible Linux
Desktop. ;-)
284[02:02:15] <tw3k> i've been happy with the default
gnome. took a little getting used to
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286[02:02:26] <tw3k> right, lol
287[02:02:32] <majest1c> I think I will go with gnome, seems
like many are using it
288[02:02:41] <wpostma> I'm contemplating building
something from sources. The default Gnome is pretty good. +1 for
that idea.
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291[02:03:25] <wpostma> I'll give mate a try too.
292[02:03:32] <tw3k> no problems here with gnome
293[02:04:05] <tw3k> always nice to switch WMs too if you feel
like something different
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295[02:04:14] <mnuhmnuh> wpostma: really old, but bugless!
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301[02:06:32] <tw3k> there recently was a discusion on the
debian-user list on fvwm
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304[02:07:47] <somiaj> I say fvwm is the way to go...*hides*
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312[02:11:34] <majest1c> Do I need to make the .iso bootable
first since I use windows? If i already were running Linux then it
would load the iso straight away from the usb right?
313[02:11:40] <somiaj> tw3k: most of the replays to that thread
were of out dated info...
314[02:11:40] <tw3k> I've been liking terminology as my
terminal. Doesn't seem to be in the repository tho
315[02:11:47] <somiaj> (the fvwm one)
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319[02:12:21] <tw3k> somiaj: the users too, lol ;)
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322[02:13:03] <somiaj> tw3k: well most don't realize the
changes I did to create a default-config both upstream and in the
debian package, so a lot of outdated info about that.
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325[02:15:03] <tw3k> somiaj: I didn't mess around with but
it'd be interesting to at some point. fun to see the lineage on
wikipedia too. Used to be a e17 fan and can see similarities
326[02:15:59] <somiaj> i3 and openbox seem to be more popular
minimial window managers these days, I just personally like to power
of fvwm (though one has to like to deal with things manually, for
those use to gui tools and desktops it may not be the switch they
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329[02:17:23] <mnuhmnuh> somiaj: try dwm. less flighty. :-)
330[02:17:29] <tw3k> somiaj: true. I like using grml as well as
debian and they use fluxbox if one what a gui
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335[02:19:20] <rant> I still like sawfish best, it has
sawfish-ui which is a gui config tool.. though its got some minor
bugs in stretch
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339[02:20:42] <wpostma> Wow Mate is great. Thanks for the tip
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373[02:55:02] <maeestro> I only have wifi trying to install
debian from a USB stick on a Dell XPS 13 (9343), however I have some
issues detecting the ethernet card, how do I manage this? I cant
find mine in the list, what should I do?
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378[02:58:16] <somiaj> !firmware images
379[02:58:16] <dpkg> Unofficial <netinst> and DVD
installer images containing non-free Debian firmware packages are
available for installing Debian 9 "Stretch". See
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382[02:58:47] <somiaj> maeestro: the easiest way is to use the
firmware image, it most likely has the firmware needed for your
wifi. If you don't want to download a new image, you'll
have to manually get the firmware and copy it over to the system.
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384[02:59:04] <somiaj> maeestro: the netinstall has a fully
funcational base system, so you can install without the network,
copy the firmware over, and then get your network up and running to
complete the isntall
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389[03:01:11] <maeestro> somiaj: I dont have a permanent
connection to the internet, only wifi
390[03:01:30] <somiaj> That is fine, none of what I described
assumed other wise.
391[03:02:42] <maeestro> somiaj: So I can just use the netinst
.iso and make it bootable, install everything without needing a
network driver?
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395[03:03:21] <somiaj> you can only install a minmial base
system with the netinstaller
396[03:03:40] <somiaj> you'll have to get networking (for
wifi this means downloading and copying firmware to the machine) to
install anything beyond that minimial system.
397[03:03:59] <somiaj> other wise, yes you can install a minmial
base system without network with the netinstall
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399[03:04:42] <maeestro> Im not sure how to get the network
firmware for the Dell XPS 13 (9343) though, I can only get the dell
.exe network driver but I assume the operating system wont be able
to load executables
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403[03:05:04] <somiaj> debian provides most firmware, you will
hve to let me know what wifi chipset is being used for that.
404[03:05:09] <tw3k> maeestro: what card is it?
405[03:05:44] <hiexpo> hey all when i click say a link in a book
or something it calls and opens the link in google chrome i want it
to use firefox how do i change that thanks
406[03:05:54] <maeestro> tw3k: No idea, it just says "Dell
Wireless 1560 WiFi Driver"
407[03:06:22] <somiaj> maeestro: we can't really tell you
what firmare you ened until you get us chipset info, which you can
do with lscpi if on a *nix system.
408[03:06:29] *** Quits: AfroThundr (~AfroThund@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
409[03:06:41] <somiaj> hiexpo: what program is opening up these
links? There are multiple things that can set this.
410[03:06:51] <maeestro> somiaj: I am on windows atm
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412[03:07:26] <somiaj> maeestro: can you download a new
netinstall from windows?
413[03:07:26] *** Quits: Peetz0r (~kwazzul@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
414[03:07:28] <somiaj> !firmware installer
415[03:07:28] <dpkg> Debian-Installer is able to load additional
<firmware>, by including it within installation media or
supplying on removable media (e.g. USB stick, floppy). See
416[03:07:37] *** Joins: Peetz0r (~kwazzul@replaced-ip)
417[03:07:39] <hiexpo> somiaj, ebook reader for sure
418[03:07:46] <somiaj> maeestro: ^^ that installer should have
all the firmware you need, and you can install it.
419[03:08:01] <somiaj> hiexpo: what ebook reader? It might be
you need to configure that ebook reader to open up the links with a
different browser.
420[03:08:23] <maeestro> somiaj: Yeah I can get a netinstall,
but I will probably need the drivers anyways, maybe I can use it
then type the command you said to find the card
421[03:08:43] <somiaj> maeestro: you only need that firmware
image I linked.
422[03:08:52] <hiexpo> somiaj, fbreader
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424[03:09:11] <somiaj> maeestro: linux doesn't usually
require additional drivers, they are mostly contained in the kernel,
that unofficall firmware netinstall sh ould be enough to get you
debian and your network working.
425[03:09:23] <oct2pus> i'm having some issues with
netbeans from the debian archives on debian testing. It seems to
fail when I get to load modules. It previously worked but I had
install openjfx and it seemed to no longer work even after removing
426[03:10:02] <somiaj> hiexpo: I would look first into just
configureing fbreader directly, if not you can look at xdg-mime and
see what the setting for the default-browser and text/html is
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428[03:10:25] <hiexpo> somiaj, okay thanks alot
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433[03:13:54] <hiexpo> somiaj, okay in fbreader its calling
sensible-browser %1 &
434[03:14:09] <hiexpo> somiaj, which opens google chrome
435[03:14:31] *** Quits: Butt3rfly (~Butt3rfly@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
436[03:15:05] <somiaj> hiexpo: you can configure what browser
sensible-browser opens, or you can change that to firefox %1 &
437[03:15:43] <hiexpo> somiaj, how do i configure which sensible
it uses?
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439[03:15:59] <maeestro> somiaj: that installer you linked
assumes you already are on a linux system to download the files
440[03:16:30] <somiaj> maeestro: no it doesn't, it works
form windows
441[03:16:32] <mnuhmnuh> oct2pus: suggest (assuming
availability), add deb-src sid line in /etc/apt/sources.list, then
"apt update && apt builddep packagename"
442[03:16:43] <somiaj> maeestro: sorry
443[03:16:45] <somiaj> !firmware images
444[03:16:45] <dpkg> Unofficial <netinst> and DVD
installer images containing non-free Debian firmware packages are
available for installing Debian 9 "Stretch". See
445[03:16:55] <somiaj> maeestro: ^^ (I had the bot give the
wrong factoid)
446[03:17:26] <somiaj> hiexpo:
447[03:17:30] *** Quits: ealfonso (~user@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
448[03:17:51] <somiaj> hiexpo: what desktop do you use?
449[03:18:04] *** Quits: timahvo1 (~rogue@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
450[03:18:04] <hiexpo> somiaj, mate
451[03:18:21] <awal1> maestro: official debian images
doesn't includ non-free stuff, like non free firmware , call it
driver if you want; the unofficial one includes non-free stuff
(firmware/drivers). so just download that unofficial linked by
somiaj, burn it on windows and use it!
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453[03:18:41] <somiaj> hiexpo: you might be able to find a
prefered applications control tool to set this with a gui, but yea
you can try to configure your xdg (freedesktop standards) using
xdg-mime and various tools, or what I would do is just change the
command fbreader uses.
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455[03:19:12] <hiexpo> somiaj, ok thanks
456[03:19:14] <awal1> called unofficial bcoz official come with
free software only. I hope you got it now, maeestro
457[03:19:52] <somiaj> (they are made by the same team that
makes the offical images, debian just won't call stuff that
doens't meet the DSFG offical)
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461[03:20:42] <awal1> maeestro, unofficial are genuige just like
the official ones,
462[03:20:47] <awal1> genuine
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466[03:22:31] <oct2pus> mnuhmnuh, just so i know what im doing,
you're asking me to build the sid version from source?
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470[03:24:14] <maeestro> somiaj: When I install the
firmware-9.3.0-amd64-netinst.iso it brings me to the network card
and cant find it anyways, maybe I understood you wrong
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473[03:25:09] <somiaj> how did you install it? Anyways, that
should work, but unless you actually can give us info on what wifi
card you have, it is hard to help
474[03:25:28] <maeestro> I just pressed "Graphical
install" and followed instructions
475[03:25:53] *** Crypto is now known as Uberius
476[03:26:26] <maeestro> seems like I can continue now though
477[03:26:27] <tw3k> I've had that trouble before. Try
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479[03:26:39] <maeestro> I will get back to you
480[03:27:50] *** Joins: Gelrooss (b9ac6160@replaced-ip)
481[03:27:55] <somiaj> the biggest issue I know of is the
broadcom wifi cards. Debian cannot distribute that firmware and it
has to be removed from a windows driver with a firmware cutter. But
there are other chipsets out there that may not have linux support
as well.
482[03:28:24] <tw3k> maybe it was because i didn't use the
non-free. but you get propmted to insert usb for the firmware and if
you skip that you can install anyway
483[03:28:39] <Gelrooss> Hi
484[03:28:57] <oct2pus> apt builddep doesn't seem to be a
485[03:29:06] *** Quits: Gelrooss (b9ac6160@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
486[03:29:09] <tw3k> somiaj: a quick look for the DW1560 loks
like broadcom
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489[03:30:07] <somiaj> tw3k: if so, that one is a pain to get to
work without another internet connection (manaulaly cutting the
firmware out takes some work)
490[03:30:38] <somiaj> debian has a script that will download
the driver and cut out the firmware, but you need another network
connection for this.
491[03:30:45] <somiaj> oct2pus: build-dep I think
492[03:31:07] <somiaj> oct2pus: and if apt dosn't have it,
use apt-get build-dep
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502[03:34:22] <oct2pus> from what it looks like its not building
from sid, just testing
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507[03:34:55] <oct2pus> also build-dep is a command, thank you.
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512[03:37:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1478
513[03:37:45] <oct2pus> i then installed netbeans after
building, and then i seem to have the same issue, it fails silently
after reaching "Turning on modules"
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515[03:38:06] <maeestro> somiaj: This netinstall didnt give me a
GUI though, is that because I dont have an internet connection?
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517[03:39:18] <mnuhmnuh> oct2pus: yup, feature! bon chance.
518[03:39:20] <somiaj> correct, a minimial install won't
have a gui, and it sounds like you have a broadcom chipset which is
gonna take some more work.
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520[03:39:56] <maeestro> it would be nice if you could help me
out with that or tell me what to look into
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523[03:40:17] <oct2pus> honestly all i need is the ability to do
my java homework if i can get javafx working with eclipse idgaf
about netbeans
524[03:40:19] <somiaj> untill you tell me what chipset you have,
I can't really give you more advise
525[03:40:20] <oct2pus> its a terrible ide
526[03:40:38] *** Joins: Butt3rfly (~Butt3rfly@replaced-ip)
527[03:40:53] <maeestro> somiaj: "lscpi" is an unknown
command, which you said I could use earlier
528[03:40:54] <tw3k> maeestro: try
529[03:41:19] <dvs> maeestro, lspci
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532[03:42:30] <maeestro> Network controller: Broadcom Limited
BCM4352 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter (rev 03)
533[03:42:30] <mnuhmnuh> oct2pus: sorry, what i was told, apt
(-get?) builddep (build-dep?) package # i'm old and lazy. you
kids make it work.
534[03:42:33] <dvs> tw3k, I'd prefer
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537[03:43:09] <oct2pus> i mean i don't see a change between
the two and as far as i can tell it just installs the dependencies
without installing the actual program
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539[03:43:33] <oct2pus> i also dont see why you ask me to
install from src on sid
540[03:44:32] <tw3k> dvs: in that case
541[03:44:40] <dvs> oct2pus, so you can compile the package from
unstable source code using stable libraries.
542[03:45:09] *** Quits: nic_ (~nic@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
543[03:45:10] <mnuhmnuh> oct2pus: what?!? :-) source from sid is
latest, on your existent system; safest.
544[03:45:17] <somiaj> maeestro: that one will take a bit of
work, I think the wl driver (not included in the kernel) might be
the best approach for that chipset,
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546[03:45:26] <oct2pus> im not on stable but how would i go
about actually building it from source?
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548[03:45:50] <somiaj> maeestro: it would be easiest if you
could somehow get another connection to install that following the
instructions there, otherwise you may have to manually download a
bunch of packages from to get it to work.
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550[03:46:08] <oct2pus> well at least eclipse gives me an error
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554[03:47:32] <maeestro> somiaj: I downloaded the driver to a
usb stick and now I got it in my laptop, how do I access the driver
and install it?
555[03:48:06] <somiaj> what driver did you download?
556[03:48:22] <somiaj> if it was some .exe from dell that
won't do you any good, you should follow the wiki and build it
from the debian packages.
557[03:48:52] <maeestro> somiaj: no it was
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562[03:49:43] <mnuhmnuh> !ubuntu
563[03:49:43] <dpkg> Ubuntu is based on Debian, but it is not
Debian. Only Debian is supported on #debian. Use #ubuntu on instead. Even if the channel happens to be less
helpful, support for distributions other than Debian is offtopic on
#debian. See also <based on debian> and <ubuntuirc>.
564[03:49:52] <somiaj> don't just download random stuff and
expect it to work, in this case don't expect ubuntu packages to
work in debian.
565[03:50:13] <mnuhmnuh> !frankendebian
566[03:50:13] <dpkg> When you get random packages from random
repositories, mix multiple releases of Debian, or mix Debian and
derived distributions, you have a mess. There's no way anyone
can support this "distribution of Frankenstein" and
#debian certainly doesn't want to even try. See if you can
convince ##linux to help.
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568[03:50:27] <somiaj> maeestro:
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570[03:52:59] <maeestro> somiaj: I guess I have to buy some usb
to network adapter then
571[03:53:16] *** Quits: Butt3rfly (~Butt3rfly@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
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573[03:54:02] <maeestro> would be easy if there was just a file
for the network driver I could download then just load it and
install the driver
574[03:54:40] <somiaj> it is possible, but it will requring
downloading a hand full of packages by hand. You just got unluckly
with the wifi chipset on that machine.
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576[03:55:27] <somiaj> you have to compile it against your
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579[03:57:56] <tw3k> maeestro: try #bcm-users they might have
one handy
580[03:59:02] <hiexpo> somiaj, what wireless card is he trying
to compile a driver for
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584[03:59:22] <tw3k> hiexpo: BCM4352
585[03:59:43] *** Joins: nakhoa (~nakhoa@replaced-ip)
586[03:59:47] <rant> more like what useless piece of silicon is
he trying to use as a wireless card :P
587[03:59:51] <dvs> oh noes
588[03:59:53] <somiaj> hiexpo: Broadcom in general is a pain
even with firmware, in this case it is the BCM4352 which seems to be
only supported by the out of kernel driver 'wl'
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591[04:00:38] <quint> Is there a way to set the interface ID and
inherit the prefix/subnet for a given ipv6 configuration?
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593[04:00:59] <hiexpo> somiaj, yeppers lol
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595[04:01:32] <quint> I know you can achieve this with "ip
token set", but surely there's a simple way to put that
into a config file instead of scripting it
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598[04:04:40] <somiaj> quint: by config file you mean inerfaces
599[04:04:43] *** Joins: RedSoxFan07 (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
600[04:04:53] <somiaj> interfaces
601[04:05:02] *** Quits: nashimus_ (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
602[04:05:03] <quint> yeah
603[04:05:10] <rant> quint: man 5 interfaces
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609[04:06:31] <somiaj> quint: there maynot be a setup option for
this, but you can do both pre-up and post-up scripts in the
interfaces file to put it in the config file, though you may still
need some script
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623[04:12:14] <quint> rant, somiaj there is in fact an option. I
must have missed it the first time around. The option is IPv6Token,
whcih belongs under [Network]
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625[04:13:50] <teatime> uh
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632[04:15:22] <maeestro> somiaj: What about this?
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636[04:16:41] <renzhi> hi, my android phone running cyanogenmod
just died and totally bricked, I try to mount the sdcard on my
debian, but it always "mount: /media/xp: wrong fs type, bad
option, bad superblock on /dev/mmcblk0p2, missing codepage or helper
program, or other error.". The cfdisk command shows the
partition type to be unknown. Anyway I can recover this?
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638[04:17:53] <renzhi> fsck does not work, it just reports
"Bad magic number in super-block" :(
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642[04:21:13] <somiaj> maeestro: that is one of the many
pacakges you would have to download and install
643[04:21:31] <somiaj> maeestro: you would also have to download
and install all the building and dkms tools and linux-headers to
actually build the driver in that package.
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645[04:22:43] <maeestro> sounds too advanced, hopefully it will
work if I buy a usb to network adapter and use a hardwired
646[04:23:31] <dvs> maeestro, you can do one or the other. You
don't have to do both.
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649[04:24:15] <ealfonso> why would a default debian install not
include ifconfig (net-tools) even though I specified
'standard' and even 'ssh-server' tasks
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651[04:26:01] <tw3k> ealfonso: seems to have changed to nm or
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655[04:27:51] <ealfonso> I actually don't use nm or nmcli,
so now I have to manually install net-tools
656[04:28:16] <tw3k> well... nm was wrong anyway
657[04:30:07] <somiaj> ealfonso: ip and iw have replaced
658[04:30:42] <somiaj> in general, most consider using the newer
tools preferable, and maybe they were trying to slim down the
minmial system by not including duplicate tools.
659[04:30:51] <somiaj> though net-tools is still there for those
who want them
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674[04:38:46] <rant> renzhi: what is the command you're
675[04:39:03] *** Quits: krytarik (~krytarik@replaced-ip) (Quit: Wychodzi)
676[04:39:45] <rant> renzhi: well actually what WAS the
filesystem FAT?
677[04:39:56] <ealfonso> is it correct that 'Intel
Corporation Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 (rev 3e)' means I have to
apt-get firmware-iwlwifi? is there a tool to determine which wifi
driver I need?
678[04:40:16] <rant> renzhi: gpart might be of some help if
there is damage to the partition table, the fs is a different story
679[04:40:47] <somiaj> ealfonso: you can double check the pciid
of the card to see if it is supported, but yes, that looks like an
intel card which are all under the iwlwifi driver, and that firmware
should be what you need.
680[04:40:53] <rant> ealfonso: usually it'll tell you in
the kernel output if there is missing firmware what driver you need
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683[04:41:06] <tw3k> ealfonso: I'm pretty sure, I have the
firmware which I got from
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686[04:41:28] <ealfonso> I had to modprobe -r iwlwifi and
modprobe iwlwifi to see the interface
687[04:41:31] <somiaj> I would just get it from debian to match
your kernel though, unless you have a paticular reason not too.
688[04:41:49] <somiaj> ealfonso: you will have to do that after
you install the firmware, or have you not done that yet?
689[04:42:12] <ealfonso> I installed the firmware, but
wasn't seeing the interface.
690[04:42:25] *** Quits: ranzpirat (~anon@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
691[04:42:49] <somiaj> the module only checks for it at load
time, so yea you have to reload the module (or reboot) after
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712[04:58:38] <ealfonso> 'unable to locate package
roxterm'... why?
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723[05:02:33] <ealfonso> why am I getting permission denied on
/dev/tty0? This used to work fine before stretch
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727[05:03:58] <somiaj> ealfonso: what are you trying to do that
gives you permission denied?
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738[05:13:35] <adminewb> is ntlm authentication associated with
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775[05:39:02] <Pendrag0n> I hope no one minds, my question is
more putty related than debian (but the putty room is by invitation
only). When I press CTRL+D, to end the session and have it close,
the putty shell/window closes just fine. When my session ends by
timing out, or if the connection is lost, or when my putty session
ends (from my Debian server) in any other way, whereas I get the
little "Connection has been lost" popup, after clicking
"OK" on the popup and then it says "(
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784[05:44:54] <Pendrag0n> for all of those 8 people who just
joined, any of you watching this?
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786[05:46:19] <tw3k> Pendrag0n: I don't understand the
787[05:48:07] <Pendrag0n> @tw3k, did it cut off? what were the
last 3 words you could see?
788[05:48:20] <Pendrag0n> (it may have been too long)
789[05:48:22] <tw3k> it says :(
790[05:48:23] <teatime> and then it says…
791[05:48:32] <teatime> but anyway, that behavior is
configurable in PuTTY
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793[05:48:40] <tw3k> "(
794[05:48:42] <Pendrag0n> ah...
795[05:48:50] <Pendrag0n> I have to break it into 3 peices
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797[05:48:54] <somiaj> Pendrag0n: are you trying to get putty
from giving you that popup if it times out?
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799[05:49:51] <Pendrag0n> no, you guys were missing cruicial
parts of my issue, give me one second, about to paste in in chunks
800[05:50:13] <Pendrag0n> I hope no one minds, my question is
more putty related than debian (but the putty room is by invitation
only). When I press CTRL+D, to end the session and have it close,
the putty shell/window closes just fine.
801[05:50:19] <Pendrag0n> When my session ends by timing out, or
if the connection is lost, or when my putty session ends (from my
Debian server) in any other way, whereas I get the little
"Connection has been lost" popup, after clicking
"OK" on the popup and then it says "(inactive)"
in the title bar.....
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803[05:50:25] <Pendrag0n> MY PROBLEM: I can't close the
window. Not by clicking the red close X at the top right corner of
putty, not by pressing CTRL+D, to end the session, nothing. when I
right click putty on the taskbar, the word "close" is
missing from the options... the only way I have found to close it,
is to click the inactive window, and then press "ALT+F4"
804[05:50:31] <Pendrag0n> Has anyone else experienced this, and
does anyone know how to fix it?
805[05:50:37] <Pendrag0n> There we go, that was all of it
806[05:50:44] <teatime> you now this isn't #putty, right
807[05:51:00] *** Joins: joe___ (43f72782@replaced-ip)
808[05:51:12] <joe___> hello
809[05:51:25] <teatime> hey, joe. heh.
810[05:51:26] <Pendrag0n> yes, it is a putty question, but the
#putty room is invite only, so I figured many of you guys likely use
putty just like I do.
811[05:51:40] <joe___> I've been trying to install Debian
off of a live USB and am having some trouble
812[05:51:59] <joe___> When I go to install, debian says it is
looking for a live CD to install packages from
813[05:52:15] <joe___> is there any simple way to point it from
the usb stick that I am booting it from
814[05:52:17] <Pendrag0n> I have like 7 other Debian related
questions, but I am going to ask one at a time, to avoid confussion
815[05:52:36] <Pendrag0n> hm.. joe__ I thnk I know of a way
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819[05:53:30] <ealfonso> somiaj I was doing xinit. I needed to
follow a workaround in this thread
820[05:53:30] <joe___> yeah dude? what would you recommend?
821[05:53:31] <judd> Bug
822[05:54:01] <Pendrag0n> @joe__ There may be a few ways of
doing the same thing, try editing your /ets/fstab to create a mount
point, or just manually mount it, to /dev/cdrom that's what I
did for a folder that I wanted treated as a CDROM, although the
mount point may be off by a smidge, I'd have to look it up, but
you get the idea, right?
823[05:54:39] <ealfonso> now xcalib doesn't work either.
'unsupported ramp size'... why is everything broken in
824[05:54:40] <joe___> ok, I tried to mount it and it said I
couldnt use mout
825[05:54:45] <Pendrag0n> So I take it no one else has
expreienced the putty issue I am ?
826[05:54:48] <joe___> I need to modify the fstab
827[05:54:51] *** Joins: holmgren (magnus@replaced-ip)
828[05:54:54] <joe___> so I will take a look at that
829[05:54:56] <joe___> thanks dude
830[05:55:00] <somiaj> ealfonso: did you install the
xorg-server-legacy package?
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832[05:55:09] <somiaj> ealfonso: what was the workaround
(didn't click the link)
833[05:55:09] <Pendrag0n> yeah, fstab, and there are different
kinds of mount points, you need to use a bind-mount I beleive
834[05:55:29] <somiaj> joe___: are you trying to install from
inside the live enviomrent, or did you boot directly into the debian
installer on the live image?
835[05:55:42] <ealfonso> adding needs_root_rights=yes to
836[05:55:52] <joe___> I used a live USB to run the installer
837[05:56:21] <joe___> and then it said it is looking for
installation files in /dev/cdrom [which is empty because I booted
from a USB]
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841[05:56:39] <Pendrag0n> Fuck, so no one else. for my
question... alright.. next question. I installed ubuntu desktop JUST
so that my crew and I can rdesktop and share the screen once a month
for meetings, but other than that, I want to run it as a Debian
server. Other than gnome and X, is there anything else I should
"stop" while we are just using it server mode?
842[05:56:42] *** Quits: Darcidride__ (~Darcidrid@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
843[05:56:43] <joe___> I havent had this trouble with other
distros; I guess I will play with mounting or messing with fstab
844[05:56:56] <Pendrag0n> @joe__ you can use fstab to auto mount
the USB to that point, /dev/cdrom
845[05:56:59] <tw3k> !ubuntu
846[05:56:59] <dpkg> Ubuntu is based on Debian, but it is not
Debian. Only Debian is supported on #debian. Use #ubuntu on instead. Even if the channel happens to be less
helpful, support for distributions other than Debian is offtopic on
#debian. See also <based on debian> and <ubuntuirc>.
847[05:57:08] <tw3k> next
848[05:57:26] *** Quits: thurin (thurin@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
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850[05:57:31] <somiaj> ealfonso: you may want to just install
the xserver-xorg-legacy package, it is the old setuid xorg server
setup and can get around a lot of the permission errors (though
unsure why it isn't working that nicely for you, it is working
for me here)
851[05:57:41] <joe___> awesome, I will check that out, hopefully
it works
852[05:57:46] *** Quits: joe___ (43f72782@replaced-ip) (Quit: Page closed)
853[05:58:08] *** Quits: Glideitill (~msfdev@replaced-ip) (Quit: leaving)
854[05:58:11] <Pendrag0n> thanks tw3k, do you at least have any
ideas about the putty thing? the "close" command/option
window dissapears from the application menu (title bar/ task bar
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857[05:58:35] <tw3k> Pendrag0n: no. I use OpenSSh. Maybe xkill?
858[05:58:48] <Pendrag0n> I'll take a look at it.
859[05:59:08] <somiaj> I would assume with putty it is running
in windows, and I'm unsure why you are not able to close the
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866[06:01:15] <Pendrag0n> well, next question is... I have a
server that got fucked up. it has a tremendous amount of important
data. But what happened is it used to be connected to an encrypted
mesh network. SLAP D pulled user perms from mysql and ldap, and
those were in an encrypted drive which isn't there anymore.
Then the thing joined the mesh network. Now I just need it to be on
my home network. I've tried editing /etc/network/interfaces and
setting "auto lo" and "iface lo in
867[06:01:24] <Pendrag0n> I still can't start networking
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872[06:01:58] <Pendrag0n> it for some reason still bitches about
slapd, what other files could I be missing (looking at) other than
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875[06:02:49] <somiaj> there are various tings that can
configure the network. There are possibliy additional files in
/etc/network/interfaces.d/, you could also have some init script or
systemd unit wanting to bring things up, or even tools like
876[06:02:53] <Pendrag0n> now that id def a debian question
@tw3k ;-)
877[06:02:57] <tw3k> Hard to say. Sounds quit customized
878[06:03:12] <tw3k> heh :)
879[06:03:34] <Pendrag0n> /etc/network/interfaces.d is empty
880[06:03:50] <Pendrag0n> trying to quit customized, and bring
it back to defaults.
881[06:03:59] <tw3k> I'm no master by any means but
I'd follow syslog and dmesg -Hw and start with disabling slapd
882[06:04:06] <Pendrag0n> I can't figure out what else to
do, I am an engineer (software) not sys admin
883[06:04:09] <Pendrag0n> but that was helpful
884[06:04:16] <Pendrag0n> in the right direction, to look in
/etc/network/interfaces.d, thank you
885[06:04:27] <Pendrag0n> I did, it's empty, what's
next? where else should I look?
886[06:04:40] <tw3k> can you just migate the data to a fresh
887[06:04:41] <Pendrag0n> ah I just saw what you typed above
888[06:04:55] <Pendrag0n> NOOO so much important data sprnkled
all over the thing
889[06:05:02] <Pendrag0n> I'll try the logs
890[06:05:05] <Pendrag0n> like you suggested
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893[06:05:12] <tw3k> they always help
894[06:05:14] <somiaj> Pendrag0n: systemctl status should list
what things are running, there is also a way to list all units that
failed, one second.
895[06:05:23] *** cdown_ is now known as cdown
896[06:05:27] <Pendrag0n> for somereason I always forget the
obvious and move onto the next thing
897[06:05:40] <somiaj> ahh systemctl list-units --failed
898[06:05:46] *** Quits: Sir_Designer (~Sir_Desig@replaced-ip) (Quit: ...dobranoc!)
899[06:05:51] <Pendrag0n> I forgot all about systemctrl,
that's relatively new right? last 5 or 10 years?
900[06:06:22] *** password4 is now known as qq
901[06:06:28] <somiaj> systemd was first seen in debian wheezy
as a preview, became default in jessie, so yea something liek that
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903[06:06:45] <Pendrag0n> sysctl right? not systemctrl, or am I
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906[06:07:06] <tw3k> systemctl
907[06:07:10] *** Quits: Butt3rfly (~Butt3rfly@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
908[06:07:13] <Pendrag0n> odd, I don't have that
909[06:07:16] *** Quits: rpifan (~rpifan@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
910[06:07:19] <tw3k> i'm getting used to the changes as
911[06:07:25] <somiaj> systemctl, sysctl is something else.
912[06:07:28] <Pendrag0n> if I type sys and hit tab, only sysctl
and syslinux2ansi show up
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914[06:07:53] <Pendrag0n> hmm let me cat proc version
915[06:08:03] <Pendrag0n> oooo
916[06:08:06] <Pendrag0n> you are all going to slap me
917[06:08:17] * cheapie gets the trout ready
918[06:08:29] <somiaj> Pendrag0n: what version of debian are you
919[06:08:39] *** Quits: adminewb (463b54b2@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
920[06:08:50] <Pendrag0n> I forgot, I am a debian guy, through
and through, to the bone, but back when I stood this up, debian was
trailing in security, in their stable version at lesat, it
didn't have apparmor, but ubuntu server did........
921[06:08:51] *** adminewb_ is now known as adminewb
922[06:08:52] <Pendrag0n> so.... sorry
923[06:09:00] <Pendrag0n> wrong room for this question I gues...
924[06:09:10] <Pendrag0n> slaps self with trout
925[06:09:18] <cheapie> "What version of Debian are you
running?" "Ubuntu Server 17.10" "???"
926[06:09:21] *** Quits: Ticho_ (~Ticho@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
927[06:09:42] <Pendrag0n> (root@replaced-ip)-(/etc/network/interfaces.d)-(12:06 AM Tue Mar 06)->
928[06:09:42] <Pendrag0n> (0 files, 8.0Kb)--> cat
929[06:09:42] <Pendrag0n> Linux version 3.13.0-45-generic
(buildd@replaced-ip) (gcc version 4.8.2 (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) ) #74-Ubuntu
930[06:10:04] <cheapie> That's one hell of a prompt :P
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933[06:10:14] <Pendrag0n> it is a two line prompt, sorry
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938[06:11:31] <Pendrag0n> anywho, I'm in the wrong room I
supose, unless somiaj or tw3k want to continue helping anyays, I
treat this thing like it is debian, I've uninstalled all gui
related anything.
939[06:11:37] <Pendrag0n> installed aptitude.
940[06:12:01] <tw3k> there like custom programs on it or
941[06:12:41] <Pendrag0n> oh hell yeah, for one, it was our
backup server before we lost the entire network, for two, there are
bitcoin, and custom code for our messnetwork, and tor, and bitcoin
bug fixes, etc
942[06:12:58] <somiaj> the core of ubuntu is quite different
from debian, so you should be seeking support for ubuntu.
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946[06:13:50] <Pendrag0n> I gotta jet, I have to go over to the
server rack, and watch syslog as tw3k suggested. the damn thing
doesn't have networking running, (which is the problem) so I
can't just ssh into it.
947[06:14:10] <Pendrag0n> I wonder why the hell someone has the
putty room locked down to invite only, what an asshole.
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949[06:14:16] <Pendrag0n> anywho, ttyl
950[06:14:19] <Pendrag0n> thanks for the advice
951[06:14:31] <Pendrag0n> @joe__ if you are still here, I hope I
was helpful
952[06:14:34] <tw3k> good luck!
953[06:14:40] <Pendrag0n> thanks, take care
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969[06:20:34] <deaninous> hi on kali having some type of pgp key
error. Anyone can help?
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972[06:27:43] <ealfonso`> how do I avoid a reboot to workaround
this debian bug?
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974[06:28:40] <teatime> you can restart X, depends on how
it's started to begin with
975[06:29:03] <teatime> if you're using a display manager /
graphical login, you can just do telinit 3, then wait a moment, then
telinit 5
976[06:29:23] <teatime> (you can do the same thing with
systemctl but that works and is what I can remember off the top of
my head.)
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980[06:31:39] <annadane> deaninous, you can try posting the
error message to but kali is not generally
supported here because there are differences between it and debian
981[06:31:40] <annadane> !kali
982[06:31:40] <dpkg> Kali Linux (replaced-url
983[06:32:22] <annadane> deaninous, i suppose if it's a
generic problem people can perhaps solve your issue anyhow
984[06:32:36] <annadane> but generally encouraged not to ask
here as we may not be able to help
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988[06:35:57] <mrjpaxton> Hey, I got a quick question. My
computer just crashed randomly, and I had to reboot. Is there any
way I can look at kernel/systemd logs after a reboot? I just need a
list or directory of files to look at specifically.
989[06:37:09] <teatime> mrjpaxton: can try /var/log but there
will likely not be too much of interest there about your issue under
the default configuration
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992[06:41:23] <mrjpaxton> teatime: Strangely enough as I was
looking through /var/log, everything is labeled a year ago from
2017... Hmmm.
993[06:41:53] <mrjpaxton> Also, by default configuration, you
mean I should be running the kernel in a different mode to debug?
994[06:42:19] <teatime> just that systemd journal doesn't
log journal to disk by default
995[06:42:33] <teatime> and I think that will keep you from
having the kernel log (dmesg) around from the previous boot
996[06:42:36] <teatime> I could be wrong though
997[06:42:37] <adminewb> is that why systemd is evil?
998[06:42:43] <teatime> not precisely
999[06:43:29] <mrjpaxton> Oh, I see. Hmm... I guess I'll
never know unless it happens again. Maybe I will enable disk
writing, if I can figure that out. Thanks for your help.
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1010[06:55:18] <linuxthefish> Hi, what's a command I can use
to delete everyone on my computer, like in an emergency?
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1013[06:55:52] <teatime> for like, cops busting in the door?
1014[06:55:52] <linuxthefish> Would "rm -rf /
--no-preserve-root" delete everything, or would the process
stop when /bin/rm is deleted?
1015[06:56:15] <teatime> deleting doesn't actually remove
the data from the disk.
1016[06:56:22] <linuxthefish> Haha yeah teatime but I'm not
concerned about deleting things that securely
1017[06:56:28] <linuxthefish> Actually yeah hmm
1018[06:56:29] <teatime> better bet would be to use full disk
encryption, and shut down
1019[06:56:46] <linuxthefish> Would "dd if=/dev/random
of=/dev/sda" work better?
1020[06:56:55] <teatime> yes but it will take a long time
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1022[06:58:57] <linuxthefish> I could always cheat with bs=1G
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1024[06:59:34] <Stummi> linuxdaemon, that won't make it much
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1027[06:59:41] <dtux> encryption aims to produce ciphertext that
is indistinguishable from random bytes
1028[06:59:58] <teatime> you can also have a panic procedure that
secure-deletes the keys
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1030[07:00:02] <teatime> much better system
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1032[07:00:55] <Stummi> linuxthefish, yeah. use LUKS to encrypt
your HDD. In "a an emergency" you just have to wipe the
key block and all the data will become unusable.
1033[07:01:16] <Stummi> you could easily destroy terabytes of
data within less of a second
1034[07:01:37] <linuxthefish> Stummi, what would deleting the key
block mean? Is that a file or in memory?
1035[07:02:05] <Stummi> linuxdaemon, IIRC (don't quote me on
that, look it up yourself) the first few blocks of your luks
1036[07:02:09] <teatime> under LUKS, the keys are stored
encrypted by a passphrase, on the disk itself. Remove the keys, the
data on the disk is unrecoverable.
1037[07:03:06] <linuxthefish> I guess deleting the boot partition
on a luks encrypted system would make it look like my computer was
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1041[07:05:45] <password2> wire c4 to your hdd
1042[07:05:54] <teatime> nah, thermite
1043[07:06:03] <linuxthefish> Thanks guys, was just an
interesting thought, unfortunately in my country (the UK) refusing
to give encryption keys or wiping your computer is a crime even if
you haven't done anything wrong
1044[07:06:09] <password2> nah , termites
1045[07:06:21] <linuxthefish> teatime, I was watching a video
where they tried thermite on a disk and it didn't work too well
1046[07:06:41] <teatime> it would have to work better than rm -rf
/ :)
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1050[07:09:00] <Stummi> linuxdaemon, look up steganography. Its
the topic of hiding the presence of data, instead just of encrypting
it. Its a very interesting topic itself
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1102[07:57:35] <alkisg> Hehe best message ever while trying to ls
a stale mount: ls somedir
1103[07:57:35] <alkisg> ls: reading directory
'somedir': Bad message
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1105[07:58:02] <teatime> lp0: printer on fire
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say no... I wear black on the outside because black is how I feel
on the inside... Uso negro por fuera porque negro me siento por
dentro... ##replaced-url
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1131[08:16:05] <nix64bit> whats the difference between lp and
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1133[08:17:10] <nix64bit> i was doing a raw print using lpr and
when i ported it to a new system it stoppef working
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1315[09:42:34] <Tartifle> Hi guys ! I'm facing a really
strange issue with promiscious mode; whenever I enable it on an
interface, there is a huge amount of packets/bytes on it (~100mo/s)
with lots of drops; so far, easily explainable; the thing is : I
have the same problem even if the cable is unplugged
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1317[09:43:22] <Tartifle> as long as the interface is UP and
PROMISCIOUS, I see that storm
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1319[09:43:54] <Tartifle> I'm using Debian 8 (kernel 4.4.35)
and be2net driver
1320[09:44:43] <Tartifle> is it a problem with the driver ? where
should I look to investigate
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1383[10:11:10] <godzila> hello guys
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1389[10:12:34] <Lyberta> hi, I've installed the base system
on luks partition and want to make it bootable, how to add it to
GRUB and not my current system?
1390[10:12:35] <godzila> can someone help me with smth?:)
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1392[10:12:46] <Lyberta> and not remove*
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1394[10:13:36] <godzila> dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error,
1395[10:13:36] <godzila> syntax error: unknown user
'root' in statoverride file
1396[10:13:36] <godzila> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an
error code (2)
1397[10:13:36] <dpkg> godzila: parse error: dunno what the heck
you're talking about
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1399[10:15:00] <godzila> does anyone know how I can fix this
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1423[10:24:27] <Nsolon> is there a debian specific place to get
help for NetworkManager? The gnome applet crashes when I try to
connect to a WPA Enterprise network, but works fine for networks
that are open or only need a password
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1427[10:26:05] <Nsolon> I tried googling and looking over eg
ArchWiki or the Debian documentation, but I couldn't find any
fixes for networkmanager generally or the error I get specifically
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1431[10:28:34] <godzila> Debian GNU/Linux 7 \n \l
1432[10:28:37] <godzila> Linux fourg 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian
3.2.57-3+deb7u2 x86_64 GNU/Linux
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selfies at
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1527[11:22:06] <BCMM> anybody know a way to stop Steam from
blocking shutdown?
1528[11:22:34] <BCMM> i'm using KDE Plasma, and every time i
try to shutdown the computer, steam aborts the shutdown and then
1529[11:22:53] <BCMM> i always have to leave *twice* before it
actually works
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1535[11:25:57] <NetTerminalGene> stretch hasn't got updates
for a long time. is it just me?
1536[11:26:27] <NetTerminalGene> i think the last update was date
time stuff
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1539[11:27:15] <czart_> Hi, what packaged should I install to
have "nc" on board?
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1542[11:30:07] <capn> czart_: netcat ?
1543[11:30:36] <BCMM> czart_: /bin/nc: symbolic link to
1544[11:30:37] <czart_> capn: yeah, it's "netcat"
(so probably just "apt-get install netcat")
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1546[11:30:48] <BCMM> czart_: so there are multiple packages in
debian that can provide it
1547[11:31:05] <capn>
1548[11:32:33] <czart_> capn: thanks.
1549[11:32:41] <czart_> BCMM: Why? For what purpose?
1550[11:33:02] <BCMM> czart_: well, there are multiple different
implementations of netcat in the world
1551[11:33:08] <BCMM> czart_: and they don't all have
exactly the same features
1552[11:33:11] <BCMM> so debian gives people a choice
1553[11:33:34] <czart_> I just need netcat to check whether a
database server (PostgreSQL) is up (a simple scripts that invoke
netcat periodically).
1554[11:33:39] <BCMM> but instead of having to type out something
like nc.openbsd every time, the debian alternatives system symlinks
/bin/nc for convenience
1555[11:33:49] <BCMM> fwiw i've got netcat-openbsd providing
it. automatically installed as a recommendation of libvirt-daemon,
of all things.
1556[11:34:12] <czart_> BCMM: Okay, many thanks for elaboration.
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1558[11:34:30] <BCMM>
1559[11:34:31] <czart_> (a simple script*)
1560[11:34:47] <teatime> NetTerminalGene: Stretch isn't
supposed to get a lot of updates. But there have been some
1561[11:34:54] <teatime> NetTerminalGene: also nice nick.
1562[11:35:02] *** Quits: Druid (~pi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
1563[11:35:03] <BCMM> czart_: it also links descriptions of both
of them
1564[11:35:04] *** Joins: shtrb (~shtrb@replaced-ip)
1565[11:35:15] <BCMM> czart_: your simple script will almost
certainly work just the same with either of them
1566[11:35:27] <NetTerminalGene> teatime, thnaks
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1570[11:36:33] <czart_> BCMM: Okay, good to know.
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1572[11:37:53] <czart_> I have general question, because I was
using Ubuntu before solely. How it compares with Debian in terms of
running a web server (e.g. with Nginix serving Python applications)?
1573[11:38:09] <czart_> (has been using*)
1574[11:38:16] <teatime> essentially the same.
1575[11:38:34] <BCMM> czart_: very very similar
1576[11:38:39] <czart_> Cool :-)
1577[11:38:59] <BCMM> czart_: you might have different version of
some packages. it'll depend on which debian release and which
ubuntu release we're talking about, of course
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1580[11:40:11] <czart_> BCMM: Yeah, that's true. But they
both evolve rather in fast pace, so there will be discrepancies for
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1582[11:40:25] <czart_> However, do they share some come code
base or something?
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1586[11:41:20] <czart_> (or the same/similar repository for
packages - I am not sure how to ask the question properly)
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1589[11:41:51] <teatime> ubuntu, like many distros, begins with
debian packages.
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1592[11:41:58] <teatime> at least as far as I know.
1593[11:42:13] <teatime> and they've obv. inherited the apt
system for package management.
1594[11:42:27] <czart_> teatime: Okay, so Debian was (is?) kind
of foundation.
1595[11:42:27] <teatime> so the development and packaging work
they do do independently, is in the same format
1596[11:42:33] <teatime> correct.
1597[11:42:51] <BCMM> czart_: ubuntu is based on debian
1598[11:43:06] *** Quits: thunderrd (~thunderrd@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
1599[11:43:15] <BCMM> czart_: ubuntu doesn't directly use
debian's repos, but its own repos are based on debian's
1600[11:43:29] <BCMM> a lot of package are essentially unchanged
1601[11:43:35] <teatime> czart_: you can't mix packages
intended for one onto the other, though.
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1603[11:43:47] <teatime> see !dontbreakdebian
1604[11:44:04] <czart_> BCMM: Okay, I see.
1605[11:44:15] <teatime> so don't try to use ubuntu
ppa's etc.
1606[11:44:15] *** Quits: CodeBlue1776 (~CodeBlue1@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1607[11:44:17] <czart_> teatime: Okay, I will bear this in mind.
1608[11:44:25] <BCMM> czart_: yeah, its basically reuse of source
packages. ubuntu takes from debian *source packages*, not compiled
binaries. in general, finished .debs are not compatible between the
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1610[11:45:17] <czart_> Okay, I will try to grasp the differences
in-depth in spare time... Thanks guys :-) I am going to set up this
netcat and work on the script. Cheers.
1611[11:45:31] <teatime> Enjoy.
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1685[12:31:55] <acr_> why radeon is preferred by default? amdgpu
is best
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1687[12:33:23] <bazhang> acr_, many cards dont apply
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1692[12:34:38] <acr_> radeon widely support?
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1694[12:34:49] <bazhang> sure does
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1697[12:35:41] <acr_> yeah that strange
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1700[12:36:04] <acr_> my card not listed in supported in amdgpu
but it work
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1702[12:36:12] <bolt> When I'm connected to my x11vnc server
after upgrading to stretch, the server sometimes says "caught
signal 6" and shuts down. This didn't happen on Jessie.
How can I figure out what's sending it ABRT?
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1704[12:37:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1510
1705[12:37:18] <teatime> it is probably the program itself
1706[12:37:24] <acr_> bolt how to you upgrade to stretch?
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1715[12:47:32] <bolt> acr_: ?
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1718[12:51:03] <acr_> bolt i mean is you upgrade x11vnc package
with all system?
1719[12:51:03] <swati_27_> Tab-completion not working in Debian.
Please help
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1721[12:51:21] <acr_> swati_27_, really?
1722[12:51:27] <swati_27_> Tab-completion not working in Debian
through VNC. Please help
1723[12:51:42] <swati_27_> Sorry for previous message
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1725[12:52:17] <swati_27_> I've changed the
this file too for <Super Tab>
1726[12:52:21] <swati_27_> But still no help
1727[12:52:48] <bolt> acr_: yes, x11vnc was upgraded along with
the rest of the system. it's currently version 0.9.13-2
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1729[12:55:16] <acr_> swati_27_, but it work in ssh?
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1731[12:55:38] <acr_> swati_27_, or local console?
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1861[14:16:13] <gypsymauro> I've to serve some custom deb
packages on my LAN , I used nginx to publish them on a folder and I
added on my sources.lists htt://myserver/folder ./ but it works on
some old version of debian but not on the new ones, they says: W:
Failed to fetch
1862[14:16:19] <gypsymauro> to download this.. seems something
that blocks it before, and the strange is that it works on ancient
version of debian, it's cause I didnt' sign the
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1881[14:33:08] <bolt> gypsymauro: 403 Forbidden is a response
from your webserver. try fetching the URL with curl/wget/whatever.
you should get the same response
1882[14:33:13] <bolt> probably, your web server config is
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1923[14:59:33] <tw> gypsymauro: read the webserver error log to
see what requests are coming back 403.
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1943[15:13:37] <MrKeuner> hi, how should I change the default
file manager in Stretch in Gnome-shell?
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1962[15:22:21] <MrKeuner> update-alternatives?
1963[15:22:31] <MrKeuner> gnome-tweak-tool
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1966[15:24:00] <tw> I don't know if gnome uses xdg to figure
that out.
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1968[15:26:02] <MrKeuner> if so?
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1971[15:26:48] <MrKeuner> xdg-open /media/user/disk/ open via
Caja which mimics the behaviour I'd like to change
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1973[15:28:23] <tw> Normally, I'd use `xdg-mime default
some.other.desktop inode/directory` to set the default.
1974[15:29:28] <BCMM> MrKeuner: to slightly clarify the above,
there's nothing special about the "default file
browser". it's just the default application for opening a
particular type of file.
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1977[15:30:06] <BCMM> except that file type is
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1988[15:33:42] <MrKeuner> Got it thanks. Shouldn't this list
the current one? xdg-mime query "inode/directory"
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1992[15:34:12] <tw> xdg-mime query default inode/directory
1993[15:34:32] <MrKeuner> Thank you
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1998[15:37:01] <MrKeuner> xdg-mime default
nautilus-classic.desktop inode/directory doesn't seem to work,
may be it is not 'installed' in xdg, right?
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2002[15:38:15] <tw> see if that file is in
/usr/share/applications. That's usually where the systemwide
ones go.
2003[15:38:23] <MrKeuner> it is
2004[15:39:11] <tw> Hmm, no idea then. Check your
.xsession-errors maybe?
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2006[15:40:00] <MrKeuner> xdg-mime default
nautilus-classic.desktop inode/directory doesn't print any
errors in the xsession-errors
2007[15:40:05] <MrKeuner> Thank you for your help
2008[15:41:06] <tw> it'd be when you run xdg-open . from the
2009[15:41:25] *** Quits: chachasmooth_ (~chachasmo@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
2010[15:41:31] <MrKeuner> But it is still set to caja
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2013[15:41:41] <MrKeuner> according do query
2014[15:42:08] <MrKeuner> And no errors in .xsession-errors when
xdg-open .
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2018[15:44:51] <tw> hmm, weird, no idea then, sorry. I just ran
it and it worked. You can dig around in the xdg config files to
mangle them directly.
2019[15:45:05] <tw> By which I mean the ones in your home
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2025[15:46:29] <zodd> I have an old server I cannot upgrade. When
I try to git clone something from github I get: gnutls_handshake()
failed: The specified session has been invalidated for some reason.
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2027[15:46:54] <zodd> no further info. Any thoughts on the
subject beside the urge to upgrade?
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2030[15:47:22] <petn-randall> zodd: How old is the server?
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2032[15:47:29] <petn-randall> well, rather the OS on it.
2033[15:49:23] <RoyK> zodd: pastebin output of "lsb_release
-a", please
2034[15:49:46] <BanHammor> zodd, i'm suspecting you
don't have up-to-date certs. The solution is to either manually
update your SSL certs or flat out not check them, a-la
"GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true git fetch...".
2035[15:50:05] <zodd> ow. Sorry. I should have mentioned: Debian
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2037[15:50:39] <zodd> quite old
2038[15:50:43] <JustASlacker> updating certs is no fun
2039[15:50:44] <MrKeuner> You may know this already but it could
probably because of security updates applied to github not being
backward compatible with the gnutls version you run on the old
server. You cannot even upgrade single package?
2040[15:50:47] <BanHammor> is there a specific reason you
can't upgrade?
2041[15:50:51] <RoyK> zodd: heh - long time suppport until
2042[15:51:01] <bolt> When I'm connected to my x11vnc server
after upgrading to stretch, the server sometimes says "caught
signal 6" and shuts down. This didn't happen on Jessie.
How can I figure out what's sending it ABRT?
2043[15:51:10] <RoyK> zodd: better just reinstall the thing -
it'll be easier
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2045[15:51:23] <tw> gut instinct is supported tls version is too
low. It's old enough that I can't look up the package
2046[15:51:25] <zodd> lol. no option
2047[15:51:31] *** Quits: LibrarianMage (~Librarian@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2048[15:51:43] <RoyK> zodd: well, then setup a new one and
migrate to that
2049[15:51:53] <RoyK> zodd: it'll be quicker and far cleaner
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2053[15:53:07] <jhutchins_wk> My guess would be that the default
protocol needs to be set to something newer - like not TLS 1.0. The
older gnutls should still be capable of the newer protocols, it just
doesn't default to them.
2054[15:53:32] *** Quits: bzyku (~bzyk@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2055[15:54:07] <zodd> jhutchins_wk, I think so too
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2057[15:54:58] <RoyK> zodd: really - it will be easier to just
setup a new thing
2058[15:55:12] <zodd> RoyK, really not true
2059[15:55:17] *** Joins: LibrarianMage (~Librarian@replaced-ip)
2060[15:55:42] <zodd> otherwise this would have been done ages
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2064[15:56:24] <tw> github only supports tls gnutls
2065[15:56:26] <tw> Err doh.
2066[15:56:31] <JustASlacker> well, why not
2067[15:56:58] <tw> Worth a shot, but that error suggests
it's not doing cert verify, it's closed during
2068[15:57:02] <zodd> I just did an export of that and next a git
clone : same error
2069[15:57:40] *** Quits: soee (~soee@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
2070[15:57:51] <JustASlacker> well, why not look for new and
exciting jon opportunities elsewhere?
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2072[15:58:29] <JustASlacker> s/jon/job
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2091[16:05:22] <BanHammor> not really helpful advice, but you
should REALLY lobby your higher-ups to spend a few days upgrading,
this is a security breach waiting to happen,
2092[16:05:27] <BanHammor> AND it's unusable
2093[16:05:36] *** Quits: cadillac_ (~omab@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2094[16:06:08] <mandeep> is it possible to setup 2fa where a
yubikey is needed to login to the desktop?
2095[16:06:14] *** Quits: super_gollum (~ich@replaced-ip) (Quit: Ex-Chat)
2096[16:06:20] <tw> yubikey has some docs on that.
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2098[16:06:26] <mandeep> hmm
2099[16:06:28] *** Quits: nobodi (~nobodi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2100[16:06:34] <tw> they also have some docs on force-logout when
yubikey is removed.
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2102[16:06:41] <tw> *Yubico
2103[16:07:07] *** Joins: anonymip (~anonymip@replaced-ip)
2104[16:07:10] <mandeep> they have guides for windows and macos
but i didnt see any for debian or any other distro
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2110[16:10:15] <tw>
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2116[16:12:22] <mandeep> tw: thanks. is u2f the right way to go
with this?
2117[16:12:28] <jhutchins_wk> ,v libpam-google-authenticator
2118[16:12:29] <judd> Package: libpam-google-authenticator on
amd64 -- jessie: 20130529-2; stretch: 20160607-2+b1; buster:
20170702-1; sid: 20170702-1
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2121[16:13:35] <tw> Depends on what you want to do. U2F is
probably fine and can coexist with other kinds of login.
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2129[16:18:19] <tw> zodd: I looked into it; the gnutls shipped
with squeeze, latest updates, does support TLS 1.2, but it does not
support any cipher suites supported by github (who only use strong
ciphers and some non-FS RSA compat ciphers).
2130[16:18:30] *** Joins: diniwed (~gavron@replaced-ip)
2131[16:18:39] <tw> Supported cipher suites from this page:
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2135[16:20:05] <tw> the other from gnutls-cli
2136[16:20:08] <zodd> tw, thank you very much. The easiest way to
resolve things was a checkout on a new server and scp it back to the
prehistoric server
2137[16:20:55] *** Quits: LibrarianMage (~Librarian@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2138[16:20:59] <tw> I'm actually shutting down a squeeze
server right now =/
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2141[16:21:28] <jelly> tw: I have 50 of those that are not being
shut down right now.
2142[16:21:32] <tw> XD
2143[16:21:32] <naptastic> I'm doing a dist-upgrade on
Buster and "Setting up ifdown 0.8.30" is stuck. It's
waiting for a sleeping process, "systemd-tty-ask-password-agent
2144[16:21:44] <jelly> !debian-next
2145[16:21:45] <dpkg> #debian-next is the channel for
testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not*
on Freenode. If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is
invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
2146[16:21:46] *** Joins: a_l_b (~a_l_b@replaced-ip)
2147[16:21:49] <jelly> naptastic: ^
2148[16:21:54] <naptastic> jelly, thanks!
2149[16:23:01] <Nezoriel> Hello :D
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2174[16:34:59] <nezZario> this is nuts
2175[16:35:02] *** Quits: jubo2 (~juboxi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2176[16:35:04] <nezZario> i've been struggling with this
since yesterday
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2179[16:36:45] <nezZario> yesterday I had a unexpected power
outage, nothing weird, and ever since my pc has been, well, broke.
originally i couldn't get into X11 at all, and my wireless
devices won't and still won't show up. I got Xorg to start
by commenting out all the fancy resolution lines in xorg.conf .. But
I'm stuck in 1024x768 ... wireless devices, which never have
had a problem with before (and before, didn't even need to
2180[16:36:45] <nezZario> any special drivers for..) aren't
showing up anywhere.
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2185[16:37:28] <greycat> Having an xorg.conf at all is unusual.
What happens if you rename it so that it doesn't get used, and
let X find the hardware itself?
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2187[16:37:34] <nezZario> i'm connected by a USB tethering
app right now effectively using my phone as a wifi antenna but
it's slow as crusty crud
2188[16:37:41] <nezZario> i did not know that was unusual.
2189[16:37:44] <nezZario> let's see...
2190[16:37:51] *** Quits: towo` (~towo@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
2191[16:38:07] <greycat> If something in the motherboard actually
did get zapped by the power surge, it may be time to buy new
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2193[16:38:23] <nezZario> I just accidentally unplugged it from
the power strip trying to plug up a phone.
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2195[16:38:36] <nezZario> Thought I was unplugging a monitor :/
2196[16:39:16] <nezZario> okay, eh, i'm actually using the
pc right now so let's see what happens on a nice clean reboot
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2203[16:41:48] <nezZario> Nothing good, still stuck in 1024x768.
I'm using xfce, and the xfce "display" gui bit just
calls my monitor "default" and doesn't give me the
option to switch resolution
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2206[16:42:25] <nezZario> This monitor is fairly new for what
it's worth... I've only been using it for about a week and
it is much higher resolution that my last one but it wouldn't
make sense that it would work flawlessly for a week and then
suddenly act up
2207[16:42:27] <greycat> Any errors in the Xorg.0.log?
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2209[16:43:22] <alkisg> nezZario: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc 9999 => will upload your xorg log for us to see
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2211[16:43:55] <greycat> assuming that's where his log file
2212[16:44:01] <nezZario> That is amazingly neat ^
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2214[16:44:09] <nezZario> yes it is, it's mostly crap about
the mouse/keyboard, but hang on
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2216[16:45:14] <nezZario>
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2218[16:45:42] <jhutchins_wk> nezZario: What graphics hardware do
you have? Have you installed special drivers for it?
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2220[16:46:29] <deadrom> hi
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2223[16:47:04] <greycat> Looks like it's trying radeon,
failing, then falling back to fbdev.
2224[16:47:07] <deadrom> I'm looking at
2225[16:47:14] <nezZario> Yeah I did remember having to do some
kind of special driver. I want to say I'm using the OSS version
and not the proprietary one..
2226[16:47:19] <BanHammor> nezZario, also, you should be worried
about the "kms report modesetting is not supported"
2227[16:47:19] <nezZario> Weird why the driver would suddenly act
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2229[16:47:35] <nezZario> what does that even mean? :/
2230[16:47:36] <BanHammor> have you upgraded your kernel or
messed with grub settings recently?
2231[16:47:46] <nezZario> yeah I did a upgrade overnight hoping
to flush this crap out
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2233[16:48:02] <BanHammor> so, the problem appeared before you
2234[16:48:05] <nezZario> yes
2235[16:48:13] <alkisg> nezZario: what's the output of `ls
/boot/vmli* | nc 9999` ?
2236[16:48:14] <nezZario> nothing changed
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2239[16:48:41] <BanHammor> (the message means that your kernel
has disabled KMS support, aka the thing that makes your monitor
switch resolutions)
2240[16:48:42] <greycat> Next thing I would look at (after
answering alkisg) is "dmesg | grep -i firmware".
2241[16:48:45] <jhutchins_wk> deadrom: Yes, you can run 32bit
apps on a 64b kernel.
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2243[16:49:06] <jhutchins_wk> deadrom: Keep in mind that
"crossgrading" usually doesn't work very well.
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2248[16:50:06] <nezZario> my kernels =>
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2252[16:50:29] <alkisg> nezZario: did you realize you booted with
2253[16:50:29] <nezZario> let me try to figure out what card I
even have, I don't remember, it's some cheap built in
2254[16:50:40] <nezZario> Wait what?
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2258[16:50:46] <nezZario> Why would that even happen
2259[16:50:55] <alkisg> grub configuration or dual booted grub
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2261[16:51:05] <nezZario> I bet..
2262[16:51:17] <nezZario> I wonder if one of my drives failed and
the other one hasn't been updated
2263[16:51:40] <alkisg> Try rebooting with the recent one, and
see if it works there
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2266[16:52:08] <deadrom> jhutchins_wk, very tailored-to-the-cause
VM with mainly a java app server, but lots of user config. rather
install over and keep /home?
2267[16:52:43] <greycat> If all your config is in /home instead
of via system packages, reinstalling should be much easier than it
would be for ... most of us.
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2270[16:54:19] <deadrom> sh*t you're right.
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2295[17:03:13] <P4> Hello. On Debian Jessie (ScrolloutF1
appliance) in netstat I can see many global IP addresses listed in
the column of Local Address (replaced-url
2296[17:03:16] *** Quits: ehlodex (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2297[17:03:33] <greycat> is one of Google's public
DNS resolvers
2298[17:03:45] <P4> Yes, I know that. My question was different
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2300[17:03:53] <nezZario> okay what the heck am I doing wrong
2301[17:04:19] <P4> why the hell those addresses are listed as
local when they are not! :/
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2303[17:04:32] <nezZario> I rebooted, when grub comes up, i press
'e', use the goofy little editor, changed the 3. whatever
to 4.14.0-3 in the two spots it matters (initrd/linux)
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2305[17:04:52] <nezZario> and it just says "can't find
/boot/vmlinuz-4.14.0-3-amd64" even though it's PLAINLY
freaking there
2306[17:04:59] <greycat> P4: any chance you're just
misreading it, and the is actually under the Foreign Address
column header?
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2308[17:05:19] <P4> please see my paste @
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2310[17:05:45] <nezZario> I checked three times I wasn't
typo'ing it..
2311[17:06:08] <nezZario> what dumb thing am I doing here?
2312[17:06:11] <greycat> Oh, you used "-l", so you are
only seeing things that listen.
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2314[17:06:33] <P4> nezZario: you should be able to list the
drive content from GRUB somehow (cannot recall exact commands).
would be good to confirm that you can see those files there
2315[17:06:51] <greycat> let me try to find a jessie box...
2316[17:06:56] <petn-randall> P4: Sounds like your named is
severely misconfigured. It's apparently set to listen on, amongst many other things.
2317[17:06:58] <P4> greycat: that is correct. also note that
it's all about bind processes
2318[17:07:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1514
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2320[17:07:09] <nezZario> well hey better idea here..
2321[17:07:23] <nezZario> if i just wanted to update-grub should
I run update-grub or update-grub2?
2322[17:07:24] <P4> petn-randall: oh, thanks for the hint. this
is actually standard configuration of Scrollout F1 virtual appliance
2323[17:07:27] <BanHammor> nezZario, do a grub update.
2324[17:07:35] <BanHammor> <oh sorry i was too late>
2325[17:07:45] <nezZario> yeah I think the whole issue is because
/dev/sda is failed and /dev/sdb hasn't been getting grub
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2328[17:08:00] <greycat> P4: ... are you *intercepting requests
meant for google* ?? On purpose?
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2332[17:08:24] <nezZario> going to just hope this works, .. hang
2333[17:09:17] *** Quits: chele (~chele@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
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2336[17:09:50] <P4> greycat: this I could achieve differently on
the L2. I just want to setup local mail relay to process mails sent
from localnet and chose Scrollout F1 which is based on a Debian
Jessie for that. investigating named configuration now. I would be
surprised if vendor configured it that way...
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2339[17:11:28] <rs3> Apologies if my inquiry should go
elsewhere...but when installing Steam I'm advised to install
32-bit OpenGL libraries for my Nvidia graphics, and I'm
prompted to remove 64-bit libraries; reinstalling the 64-bit
libraries removes the 32-bit. I'm afraid to reboot with the
64-bit libraries uninstalled; should they be able to coexist, or
should I just leave the 32-bit libraries in place for playing games
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2343[17:11:34] <rs3> Steam? Thank you!
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2345[17:12:01] <petn-randall> rs3: On Debian?
2346[17:12:04] <petn-randall> !bat
2347[17:12:04] <dpkg> In order to troubleshoot your problem with
apt-get, apt or aptitude we need ALL OF THE FOLLOWING information:
1. complete output of your apt-get/apt/aptitude run (including the
command used) 2. output from "apt-cache policy pkg1
pkg2..." for ALL packages mentioned ANYWHERE in the problem,
and 3. "apt-cache policy". Use
2348[17:12:15] <petn-randall> rs3: If yes, can you please provide
all of the above in a single paste? ^^^
2349[17:12:23] *** Quits: Pjusur (~Pjusur@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2350[17:12:40] <P4> petn-randall: grep -rni liste /etc/bind/
returns only listen-on port 53 { any; }; and listen-on-v6 port 53 {
any; }; in named.conf.options
2351[17:13:09] <rs3> petn-randall: Sorry, yes, on Debian 9.3
amd64. I'll put that stuff together in a paste now. Thank you
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2358[17:15:29] <P4> omg, what the hell is that! I can see all
those IP addresses listed in quagga configs... thanks for hints.
I'm about to contact Scrollout F1 for explanations or look for
some docs there. Also sorry for asking in this channel.
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2362[17:17:12] <nezZario> I'm so confused.
2363[17:17:22] <rs3> petn-randall:
2364[17:18:11] <nezZario> Okay so I booted back up into grub,
dropped to the little console. It shows something like, ... lvm/
md0/ (hda1) and so on. and from what I could understand, I think I
was actually listing these drives, ... it doesn't show the
nwere 4.x kernel in any of the boot directories within
2365[17:18:17] <nezZario> I do have two drives here
2366[17:18:40] <nezZario> they're suppose to be on RAID1 but
/proc/mdstat is only showing one drive. but the other drive
isn't actually falied
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2368[17:18:59] <nezZario> No idea what the hell is going on this
is just strange
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2380[17:22:58] <P4> sb says "Quagga is not critical. Is
trying to set public DNS IPs as local (on lo interface) in order to
avoid using public DNS for RBLs (results are poor to null)". To
me that's a cheap approach very much for achieving that...
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2384[17:24:16] <greycat> All this instead of just setting up a
local dnscache or whatever... so confusing... so much unnecessary
and ridiculous work....
2385[17:24:26] <P4> true
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2393[17:27:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1521
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2399[17:29:29] <nezZario> okay solid question here
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2401[17:30:03] <nezZario> if I am going to run grub-install, ...
should I run that on the whole disk (/dev/sda), or the particular
partition, or the mdadm device (/dev/md0) or the lvm device that
sits on that mdadm device? :)
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2403[17:30:32] <Haohmaru> so many choices :/
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2405[17:30:46] <antoszka> nezZario: BIOS or UEFI?
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2409[17:30:51] <nezZario> The only thing I can figure is I am
booting from an out of date drive somehow... So I re-added /dev/sda
to the mdadm array (don't know why the hell it was removed in
the first place?)
2410[17:30:51] <greycat> I've never understood the concept
of installing a boot loader on a partition. It doesn't even
make sense conceptually to me. I must be missing something.
Firmware/BIOS boots from a DISK, not a partition, right?
2411[17:30:52] <nezZario> UEFI
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2414[17:31:26] <antoszka> nezZario: then the device you're
booting from (probably /dev/sda)
2415[17:31:34] <Haohmaru> greycat all i know is there is one
"bootable" partition on the hard disk
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2417[17:31:55] <antoszka> nezZario: and make sure you have all
the uefi related stuff mounted (you probably do if you're
running the automated installer)
2418[17:31:57] <Haohmaru> but i might be mixing things up
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2420[17:32:28] <greycat> The "bootable" flag is mostly
a legacy Microsoft thing, as far as I understand.
2421[17:32:32] <antoszka> yep
2422[17:32:51] <Haohmaru> on the other hand, i know there's
the "MBR"
2423[17:33:04] <Haohmaru> so i guess anything that should
"boot" must start from there
2424[17:33:15] <Haohmaru> and a hard disk has one such MBR ;P~
2425[17:33:19] <greycat> Yes, the "MBR" is where the
boot loader is supposed to go, in pre-UEFI setups.
2426[17:33:35] <greycat> The "MBR" is just the first
few bytes of the disk, before any partitions.
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2430[17:34:09] <Haohmaru> also, isn't MBR only valid when
the partition table is for "DOS" ?
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2432[17:34:14] <Haohmaru> but i gotta go
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2436[17:34:26] <antoszka> greycat: well, in the BIOS world it
actually shares the first 512 bytes with the dos-style partition
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2438[17:34:30] <antoszka> greycat: but nvm
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2460[17:40:49] <lispmacs> hi, does somebody know what would be a
good tool for simply streaming the output of a shell command across
the network and reading it into a file on the other side?
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2465[17:41:57] <greycat> mycmd | ssh user@host 'cat >
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2468[17:42:10] <greycat> or >> file if you wanted to append
2469[17:42:21] *** Quits: jubo2 (~juboxi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2470[17:42:29] <nezZario> I'm not running the installer
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2473[17:42:57] <nezZario> I don't know, I just re-added
/dev/sda to the RAID, I just hope this fixes it, I really have no
idea what's going on, been having issues since yesterday
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2490[17:46:05] <nezZario> sweet, sweet 2560x1440!
2491[17:46:23] <nezZario> and wifi that can go faster than a few
dozen kb/sec
2492[17:46:43] <lispmacs> greycat: ok, thx
2493[17:46:45] <nezZario> thank you SO much whoever pointed out i
was running the old kernel. and everyone else that helped. holy crap
2494[17:47:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1521
2495[17:47:07] <nezZario> now i just have a morning's worth
of development to catch up on. thanks so so much again.
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2505[17:56:29] <lispmacs> greycat: i think i just found a better
way to do what I want with netcat
2506[17:57:05] <lispmacs> maybe
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2508[17:57:48] <franlol> hey, i just installed Debian (i usually
use other distros) and im looking for inetd. Is not installed by
2509[17:57:57] <greycat> I promise you it's not *better*.
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2514[17:59:28] <lispmacs> greycat: well, with ssh I've got
to deal with authentication, whereas with netcat I can just listen
for the incoming connect. Not as secure, for sure, but simpler
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2516[17:59:59] <franlol> anyone can answer my question? :)
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2527[18:03:37] <jhutchins_wk> franlol: xinetd
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2529[18:04:05] <jhutchins_wk> franlol: Actually, intetd.
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2531[18:06:33] <jhutchins_wk> franlol: The package is xinetd, the
utils just say inetd. I believe it's not installed as a default
for desktops, it may be automatically installed for some server
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2533[18:07:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1529
2534[18:07:10] <jhutchins_wk> franlol: What are you planning to
run with it?
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2536[18:10:03] <mandeep> so it seems that the yubico-pam package
is in maintenance mode, should i be using a different package for
yubikey auth??
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2550[18:16:07] <franlol> jhutchins_wk im doing some homeworks for
my server assignature and i have to know the use of inetd, pros and
cons :)
2551[18:16:32] <franlol> i just for try, im not planning run
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2553[18:17:30] <jhutchins_wk> franlol: You'll find a lot of
the information is under "tcp wrappers" - google has good
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2556[18:18:04] <franlol> ty man! im gonna check it
2557[18:18:04] <greycat> inetd is the legacy
"superserver" that listens to umpteen dozen ports and
launches programs as configured in /etc/inetd.conf for each port.
Very poor design.
2558[18:18:11] <jhutchins_wk> franlol: They're not used much
any more as most of the network capable apps have built-in sercurity
now, and the ones that don't aren't much used.
2559[18:18:45] <greycat> If your class is teaching you about
inetd, I hope it is teaching you why we don't use it any more.
2560[18:18:46] <jhutchins_wk> It was a band-aid when unsecured
apps were suddenly facing a hostile internet.
2561[18:18:50] <franlol> i have read that is usefull for example
to run a security against port scan ...
2562[18:19:02] <greycat> what
2563[18:19:14] <greycat> you mean some kind of tarpit? stupid.
it's stupid.
2564[18:20:13] <greycat> or maybe you mean a reverse tarpit,
something that appears to be listening to EVERY SINGLE PORT, because
it is, but then most of them do nothing? Again, stupid.
2565[18:20:23] <jhutchins_wk> franlol: You may also find some
documentation relevant to your class at
2566[18:20:29] *** Quits: holmgren (magnus@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2567[18:20:32] <greycat> *shudder*
2568[18:21:35] *** Joins: Butt3rfly (~Butt3rfly@replaced-ip)
2569[18:21:41] <greycat> Move sshd to a different port to stop
the billion hits from Chinese script kiddies. Then simply turn off
every service you do not actually need.
2570[18:22:02] <greycat> Stay up to date on security patches.
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2572[18:22:29] <hbautista> greycat, or you can use, I don't
know, a firewall ?
2573[18:23:22] <greycat> Notice how none of these answers involve
a monolithic inetd listening on dozens or hundreds or thousands of
2574[18:24:12] *** Quits: really34293 (~really342@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2575[18:25:30] <greycat> ,info openbsd-inetd
2576[18:25:30] *** Joins: Vizva (~Vizva@replaced-ip)
2577[18:25:31] <judd> Package openbsd-inetd (net, optional) in
stretch/amd64: OpenBSD Internet Superserver. Version: 0.20160825-2;
Size: 35.1k; Installed: 83k; Screenshot:
2578[18:25:34] <greycat> If you REALLY need it.
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2589[18:31:41] <alkisg> greycat: actually inetd design was
superb, and it's what systemd is also using currently...
that's a long chat, but if anyone's interested
there's some thoughts on
2590[18:31:56] *** Quits: pk12 (~pk12@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ZNC 1.6.5 - ##replaced-url
2591[18:32:13] <alkisg> It's waay more efficient to have one
app listen to 100 ports, than 100 daemons listen in case they might
ever be needed
2592[18:32:42] <jhutchins_wk> ,info xinetd
2593[18:32:43] *** Joins: phragment (~blubb@replaced-ip)
2594[18:32:43] <judd> Package xinetd (net, extra) in
stretch/amd64: replacement for inetd with many enhancements.
Version: 1:2.3.15-7; Size: 130.1k; Installed: 309k; Homepage:
2595[18:33:03] *** Joins: telcoguy____ (~telcoguy_@replaced-ip)
2596[18:33:06] <RoyK> alkisg: and those daemonds will come back
at you, against God etc
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2598[18:34:16] <petn-randall> alkisg: That's not what your
link is about, though. It's a tutorial to convert xinetd config
to systemd units. I doubt you could run a webserver efficiently like
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2601[18:35:50] <alkisg> petn-randall: it explains the 3 different
methods to do socket activation, with their benefits etc; it's
the theory that matters, not the conversion of configuration files
2602[18:36:04] <n4dir> hbautista: even if you use a firewall
setting the sshd port to non-default sure won't hurt.
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2604[18:36:48] <alkisg> petn-randall: if you read them,
you'll know which method has overhead and which not at all
2605[18:37:11] <hbautista> n4dir, indeed, also you can use ssh
keys instead of passwords, allow only few IP's, etc..
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2612[18:38:32] <n4dir> :-)
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2637[18:51:40] <galex-713_> How do you know what a source package
gives as binary packages?
2638[18:52:09] <galex-713_> Like if I have zlib1g, and download
its source, then I’d like to know what are the binary
packages, if several, that are generated from this single source
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2642[18:54:16] <jhutchins_wk> galex-713_: Probably look for
documentation wherever you get the source package from.
2643[18:54:52] <jhutchins_wk> galex-713_: There is usually a
README and/or INSTALL file that will explain the build process (if
it's good quality code).
2644[18:55:15] <greycat> He means a debian source, not an
upstream source.
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2647[18:56:37] <jhutchins_wk> In that case, he would look at the
binary package, no?
2648[18:58:03] <greycat> galex-713_:
2649[18:58:14] <galex-713_> like I want this informations:
2650[18:58:19] *** Joins: conta (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
2651[18:58:19] <galex-713_> automatically, without web ui
2652[18:58:22] <galex-713_> through cli
2653[18:58:28] *** Joins: dasj (~daniel@replaced-ip)
2654[18:58:43] <galex-713_> oh, you took the same link as I did
2655[18:58:50] <galex-713_> except I’d like to retrieve
such informations with apt
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2657[18:59:15] <galex-713_> I’m dissatisfied at using the
web, because it can uselessly depends on the internet, and is heavy
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2659[18:59:38] <galex-713_> jhutchins_wk: greycat: ^
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2662[19:00:27] <greycat> galex-713_: WHY do you need this
information in a script?
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2665[19:01:12] <galex-713_> no, I don’t like the web and I
feels like if the debian websites can get it, I can probably get it
without the debian website
2666[19:01:20] <galex-713_> not too much complicatedly
2667[19:01:22] <galex-713_> I hope
2668[19:01:23] *** Quits: franlol (53282b02@replaced-ip) (Quit: Page closed)
2669[19:01:42] <galex-713_> I often need this website and
I’m unhappy with that
2670[19:01:47] <greycat> galex-713_: what are you trying to DO?
2671[19:01:50] *** Joins: areyouloco (~areyouloc@replaced-ip)
2672[19:01:56] <galex-713_> to have this information
2673[19:01:57] *** Quits: blitzed (~blitzed@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2674[19:02:03] <greycat> WHY
2675[19:02:11] <galex-713_> I just want this information to
answer accordingly and with correct information to an email
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2678[19:02:44] <galex-713_> because someone pointed me to a tool
and I want to be sure it’s not packaged by debian because like
debian took the source, and only took all the binaries besides the
one I want
2679[19:02:50] <greycat> Then there's nothing more we can
POSSIBLY say to you. You've built up a strawman problem in your
mind according to your mental model of the person who ACTUALLY wants
to do something.
2680[19:03:10] <greycat> And you don't know what the goal
is, and we don't know what the goal is, so there is no point in
2681[19:03:27] <galex-713_> what’s a strawman?
2682[19:03:28] *** Quits: Tiffon (~name@replaced-ip) (Quit: exit)
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2685[19:03:57] <galex-713_> the goal is writting an email with
information and getting this information about a source package
2686[19:04:02] <hypn0>
2687[19:04:30] <galex-713_> I mean, I just want to know where do
2688[19:04:34] <galex-713_> hypn0: no not graphical
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2690[19:05:20] <galex-713_> I mean, I just want to know where do
go all the compiled source files, like for instance i can do apt
source, and if I well understood by following a compilation
procedure it would produce several .deb accordingly, well I’d
like to know the name of these .deb without having to compile them
2691[19:05:47] <hypn0> apt-cache rdepends packagename <this
2692[19:06:01] *** Joins: xcm (~xcm@replaced-ip)
2693[19:06:18] <alkisg> galex-713_: check in debian/control of
the source package, it lists the generated binary debs there
2694[19:06:23] <jelly> which tool? Which package are you missing
in Debian? <galex-713_> because someone pointed me to a tool
and I want to be sure it’s not packaged by debian because like
debian took the source, and only took all the binaries besides the
one I want
2695[19:06:47] <galex-713_> and if after compiling them the
system can get somewhere their package name from this source file,
and if the debian website can get these names from the source
package name I suppose I can
2696[19:06:51] *** Joins: blitzed (~blitzed@replaced-ip)
2697[19:06:57] <greycat> oh, he started changing the question
after I /ignored him? cute.
2698[19:07:00] <galex-713_> hypn0: doesn’t work with source
2699[19:07:06] <galex-713_> alkisg: oh thanks I’m looking
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2701[19:07:14] <jelly> galex-713_: which tool precisely? which
package are you missing in Debian's build?
2702[19:07:41] <galex-713_> alkisg: oh thank you it’s
exactely that!
2703[19:07:46] <alkisg> np
2704[19:08:03] <galex-713_> is there a normalized way to get it
through apt, apt-get or apt-cache without doing apt-source then
less? I would be even more satisfied ^^
2705[19:08:17] <galex-713_> jelly: gzlog
2706[19:08:37] <alkisg> galex-713_: the information is in
/var/lib/apt/lists, but I don't know if some tool shows them
the way you want
2707[19:09:30] <galex-713_> I know it’s not packaged
because apt search and apt-file search did return nothing, but I
want to be able to as well showing a shell command that show all the
binaries produced by the source package, with the absence of gzlog
in them, while gzlog.c is present in the source package
2708[19:09:45] *** Quits: LioneLL (~Pidgin@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving.)
2709[19:09:58] <jelly> galex-713_: and gzlog is supposed to be
part of which source package?
2710[19:10:05] <galex-713_> jelly: zlib
2711[19:10:24] <jelly> judd: file bin/gzlog
2712[19:10:25] *** Joins: LioneLL (~Pidgin@replaced-ip)
2713[19:10:28] <judd> No packages in stretch/amd64 were found
with that file.
2714[19:10:31] <jelly> judd: file bin/zlog
2715[19:10:35] <judd> No packages in stretch/amd64 were found
with that file.
2716[19:10:49] <galex-713_> I did apt source zlib (which can
gives zlib1g for instance) and there gzlog.c in it
2717[19:10:51] <alkisg> Many .c files can form a single binary.
Not each .c file maps to an executable, and much less a package.
2718[19:10:52] <jelly> galex-713_: what is it supposed to do?
2719[19:11:40] *** Quits: nom-ent (~user@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
2720[19:12:10] <galex-713_> jelly: rather complex to say…
it takes small input of data, for instance small lines per line
delayed output, and write it as “uncompressed block” to
a gz file, and then the total uncompressed blocks are more than 1MB,
afaik, it compress them and replace them with the compressed blocks,
then it keeps adding uncompressed stuff and compress them all 1MB or
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2722[19:12:55] <galex-713_> alkisg: Mark Adler pointed me to
gzlog.h while saying “an utility”, therefore I deduce
this along with gzlog.c gives an utility
2723[19:13:05] <alkisg> galex-713_: dpkg -L zlib1g => shows
you the contents of the package
2724[19:13:14] <alkisg> It's a library. You can create .c
files that use the library.
2725[19:13:22] <jelly> galex-713_: you do realize gzlog.c is
example code and not code for a working program? There's no
2726[19:13:23] <alkisg> examples/gzlog.c is an example of how to
do it
2727[19:13:50] <galex-713_> alkisg: it is in the
“examples/” directory, and I think having something
being part of the “example” programs of a package, often
meaning it to be not that useful besides for testing, can be
considered a reason worth not packaging
2728[19:13:57] <galex-713_> maybe even make install doesn’t
install it
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2731[19:14:16] <galex-713_> alkisg: yes but only zlib1g, not any
binary coming from zlib source file
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2735[19:14:41] <alkisg> galex-713_: this is what libraries are.
"binaries" but not "executable programs", not
2736[19:14:44] *** Joins: rpifan (~rpifan@replaced-ip)
2737[19:14:49] <jelly> galex-713_: and it's packaged as-is
in -dev package?
2738[19:14:50] <alkisg> You can use them but you can't run
2739[19:14:59] <jelly> judd: file gzlog.c*
2740[19:15:03] <judd> Search for gzlog.c* in stretch/amd64:
zlib1g-dev: usr/share/doc/zlib1g-dev/examples/gzlog.c.gz
2741[19:15:35] <jelly> galex-713_: use apt-file to search for
uninstalled package contents.
2742[19:15:49] <galex-713_> from debian/control I can see there
are the packages zlib1g zlib1g-dev zlib1g-dbg zlib1g-udeb lib64z1
lib64z1-dev lib32z1 lib32z1-dev libn32z1 libn32z1-dev (sed -ne
's/^Package: \(.*\)$/\1/p' zlib-1.2.8.dfsg/debian/control)
2743[19:15:58] <jelly> or use the handy judd bot
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2745[19:16:18] <galex-713_> alkisg: I think gzlog is not a
library, because I indicated him I was using shellscript
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2747[19:16:40] <greycat> 13:02 galex-713_> I just want this
information to answer accordingly and with correct information to an
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2750[19:16:53] <jelly> galex-713_: there never was a binary built
just from that example
2751[19:17:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1537
2752[19:17:05] <galex-713_> jelly: I know about apt-file,
that’s the first way I had to know it was not packaged, and it
is really nice in fact
2753[19:17:17] <jelly> galex-713_: it is packaged.
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2759[19:18:10] <jelly> galex-713_: it's not compiled,
however, becuase it's not a complete app. It's just some
example code.
2760[19:18:22] <jelly> galex-713_: that example code IS packaged.
2761[19:19:02] <galex-713_> oh but in fact it is
2762[19:19:05] *** Joins: zphds (~sudharsh@replaced-ip)
2763[19:19:07] <galex-713_> and it doesn’t have a main
2764[19:19:14] <galex-713_> so it’s in fact not a proper
2765[19:19:29] <galex-713_> okayyyy I get it
2766[19:19:47] <galex-713_> strange I missed it at first
2767[19:19:50] <galex-713_> maybe a typo?
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2770[19:20:47] <galex-713_> jelly: thank you for making me
noticing this
2771[19:22:54] <galex-713_> yet, that problem interested me a
lot: how can I, from an apt* cli utility, get the list of packages
listed in debian/control in the source file? are there apt* utility
for source files that do something else than downloading and/or
building? such as querying metadata?
2772[19:23:16] *** Quits: goatish (~textual@replaced-ip) (Quit: Hibernating)
2773[19:24:06] <jelly> reading is HARD
2774[19:24:09] <n4dir> galex-713_: i wouldn't bet, but
earlier you said you would need the info from the webpage from
within a shellscript. lynx --dump -nolist ; came to my mind, but i
would not know how to extract only the names of the binaries.
2775[19:25:01] <greycat> n4dir: look like an X-Y-Z-Omega-etc.
2776[19:25:29] *** Joins: goatish (~textual@replaced-ip)
2777[19:25:35] <jelly> galex-713_: aptitude can do a search based
on source package name.
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2779[19:25:43] <n4dir> greycat: well, it only came to my mind.
You don't hear often about the lynx "trick"
2780[19:25:56] <greycat> He said his sole purpose was to answer a
question he got in an email and then I /ignored him and then jelly
was talking about judd and rdepends and sample C source code and all
kinds of crap, so god only knows what he changed the question to.
2781[19:26:16] <galex-713_> n4dir: extracting the names
wouldn’t be that difficult I guess, but what I’d like is
some tool using sources.list deb/deb-src to get metadata about
source packages
2782[19:26:21] <n4dir> yeah i got lost too. but i assumed it was
me ...
2783[19:26:37] <jelly> greycat: they thought debian did not
package a built binary (that was actually never built)
2784[19:26:46] <n4dir> galex-713_: yup, i got you. I only made a
side note.
2785[19:26:50] <jelly> (and that could not be built)
2786[19:27:18] *** Quits: RebelCoder (~RebelCode@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2787[19:27:28] <greycat> So how did he get from "where is
the binary for sample.c" to "How do I see which binary
packages come out of a given source package" to "I am only
responding to an email question and have no actual goal"...
2788[19:27:30] <jelly> and there was an implication someone else
somewhere did in fact build and package that tool, which seems
2789[19:27:30] <galex-713_> n4dir: yes, yet a pertinent note :)
didn’t know about the lynx trick ^^ usually I do wget -O- and
sed the output, which is much more complicated ^^'
2790[19:28:02] <jelly> greycat: if you wanted to know you'd
unignore. I take you don't really want to know.
2791[19:28:03] <n4dir> hail to the mighty :-)
2792[19:28:10] *** Quits: jnavila (~jnavila@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2793[19:28:34] <galex-713_> I actually did misread the mail, he
really said “I wrote something called gzlog”, and I
extrapolated it was an utility
2794[19:28:40] *** Quits: Darcidride_ (~Darcidrid@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2795[19:29:04] <greycat> n4dir: "/msg greybot faq html"
does have at least one trick involving Lynx
2796[19:29:09] <jelly> galex-713_: so you misread at least two
things today!
2797[19:29:32] <galex-713_> OH I FOUND IT
2798[19:29:43] <galex-713_> the exact thing I was searching for
since the beginning
2799[19:29:59] <galex-713_> thank to jelly
2800[19:30:03] *** Joins: apollojustice (~apollo@replaced-ip)
2801[19:30:12] <galex-713_> in fact, aptitude has, right on its
manpage, the “showsrc” command
2802[19:30:27] *** Joins: Strife89 (~quassel@replaced-ip)
2803[19:30:31] <galex-713_> in its manpage it says it’s
from the apt command
2804[19:30:40] <galex-713_> and turns out in fact apt *does* have
a showsrc command
2805[19:30:48] <galex-713_> which does exactely what I wanted to
do! :D
2806[19:30:49] <galex-713_> \o/
2807[19:30:56] <galex-713_> jelly: thank you a lot!
2808[19:31:01] <n4dir> greycat: if you use the searchbar at
wooledge. i think you get two results for lynx. But i am pretty sure
someone at #bash helped me (and i found it at wooledge or from
greybot later)
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2811[19:31:57] <n4dir> ah, yeah, greybot html links to what i
2812[19:32:36] <greycat> /msg greybot pony # also recommended
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2815[19:33:22] <n4dir> thanks. pretty sure i won't need it
anytime soon, but if yes, i do know what to ask for.
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2817[19:34:36] <annadane> bahahahaa.
2818[19:34:47] <galex-713_> jelly, alkisg, n4dir, hypn0 in
general, thank you a lot for your dedication to helping ^^
2819[19:34:56] <annadane> forgot about that gem
2820[19:34:57] <alkisg> np
2821[19:35:15] <greycat> In #bash we can never forget.
2822[19:35:22] <galex-713_> also: jelly: alkisg: greycat (if you
unignored me since then): also thank you for your actual help and
useful informations ^^
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2833[19:37:56] <galex-713_> Btw, while I’m at learning
doing stuff without the debian website, would there be a clean way
to search for debian packages in all archs and all suites and all
versions, like the website does? what would be the proper, clean
way? would adding all the lines and source lines to sources.list
with a special pinning to say not to install anything from them yet
get their db through apt update be ok?
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2835[19:39:29] <jelly> !udd
2836[19:39:29] <dpkg> The Ultimate Debian Database (UDD) is an
effort to gather lots of useful information about Debian from a
variety of sources and stuff it all into a giant PostgreSQL
2837[19:39:34] <jelly> probably
2838[19:40:10] *** Quits: CurryWurst (~CurryWurs@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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2840[19:40:14] <galex-713_> I mean so that I can do that through
a cli utility?
2841[19:40:16] <galex-713_> like apt search
2842[19:40:39] <jelly> galex-713_: I'm pretty sure you can
do a postgresql SELECT from cli
2843[19:40:42] *** Joins: a_l_b (~a_l_b@replaced-ip)
2844[19:40:47] <galex-713_> yet that would maybe mean apt search
would no longer discriminate between installable and not anymore
packaged/not installable because non-free/etc. packages :/
2845[19:40:58] <galex-713_> myeah…
2846[19:41:03] <greycat> You can, via the psql command.
2847[19:41:06] <galex-713_> that’s not exactely how I hoped
it ^^'
2848[19:41:18] *** Joins: CurryWurst (~CurryWurs@replaced-ip)
2849[19:41:19] <galex-713_> like some <command> search
<package> directly
2850[19:41:27] <galex-713_> of course I can still write a wrapper
around a psql command
2851[19:41:32] *** Quits: LtL (~ltl@replaced-ip) (Quit: LtL)
2852[19:41:36] <jelly> that's all SELECT does
2853[19:41:46] <jelly> are you complaining about syntax?
2854[19:41:53] <greycat> echo 'select whatever;' | psql
[options] dbname
2855[19:41:54] *** Joins: Darcidride_ (~Darcidrid@replaced-ip)
2856[19:41:57] <galex-713_> isn’t it SELECT *something*
FROM <somedb>
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2859[19:42:35] <galex-713_> jelly: a little yes, but it’s
actually more a matter of that I like simple standard things, but
maybe I’m asking too much or this is not allowed with standard
apt utilities, which I don’t find unreasonnable
2860[19:43:06] *** Joins: libreman2 (~yaaic@replaced-ip)
2861[19:43:07] <galex-713_> like “is it the right
thing” instead of “does it just works”
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2865[19:43:18] <galex-713_> after all, I could just as well use
the website
2866[19:43:19] <jelly> Postgres is pretty standard in its SQL
2867[19:43:27] <galex-713_> but of course an offline database is
always better
2868[19:43:28] <jelly> we're not talking about mysql
2869[19:43:45] <jelly> or you could ask the bot.
2870[19:43:58] <galex-713_> jelly: yeah, and if package
management was all done using sql command that would completely
satisfy me
2871[19:44:27] <jelly> galex-713_: package management does not
require dealing with sources at all
2872[19:44:33] <galex-713_> but since it’s not, and
I’m really maniac about consistance, I’d so much like a
utility standard like “[…]search <package>”
2873[19:44:49] <jelly> I'd like a pony!
2874[19:44:54] <galex-713_> jelly: no in fact but since it works
a bit the same way ^^ (with deb-src, apt update, apt stuff, etc.)
2875[19:44:58] *** Joins: RebelCoder (~RebelCode@replaced-ip)
2876[19:45:00] <galex-713_> yeah I know
2877[19:45:18] <galex-713_> what does the bot behind the scene?
and the website? querying that sql database?
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2879[19:45:41] <galex-713_> you said it was an effort, does it
mean it’s not finished or experimental?
2880[19:45:42] <jelly> judd queries a local copy of UDD and some
more stuff
2881[19:45:53] *** Quits: Ruebezahl (~Alf@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2882[19:46:15] <greycat> Did You Know: the last three letters of
judd are UDD
2883[19:46:20] <jelly> !judd
2884[19:46:20] <dpkg> judd is a window into the Ultimate Debian
Database (ask me about <udd>). Judd can look up package, PCI
ID and kernel config information. See
2885[19:46:28] *** Quits: dayten (~gnoid@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2886[19:46:50] <galex-713_> jelly: and the website too?
2887[19:46:57] <galex-713_> then maybe that’s the way to go
in fact
2888[19:47:06] <jelly> galex-713_: I have no idea what the
website does
2889[19:47:24] <galex-713_> okay
2890[19:47:28] <galex-713_> maybe I should ask them
2891[19:47:31] <galex-713_> find some contact info
2892[19:48:03] <galex-713_> etc.
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2900[19:49:56] <galex-713_> oh there’s a git
2901[19:50:05] <galex-713_> let’s search there first
2902[19:50:10] <n4dir> !udd
2903[19:50:10] <dpkg> The Ultimate Debian Database (UDD) is an
effort to gather lots of useful information about Debian from a
variety of sources and stuff it all into a giant PostgreSQL
2904[19:50:24] <n4dir> the entry at seems to
offer some useful info
2905[19:50:45] *** Joins: lilabsence (~RizzoTheR@replaced-ip)
2906[19:51:01] <galex-713_> oh yeah, only did take a look at the
latter link, the udd.debian one
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2914[19:54:37] <galex-713_> mmmh it seems pretty huge
2915[19:54:41] <galex-713_> including bug reports too
2916[19:54:42] <galex-713_> etc.
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2923[19:56:10] <n4dir> gotta say that i usually get away with
apt-cache search. But to each his own.
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2928[19:56:57] <galex-713_> n4dir: I’d largely prefer
apt-cache search, but it can’t research for all version and
all architectures, since it has only the current ones in
2929[19:57:19] <n4dir> yeah, got that. Well: i don't need
such info. :-)
2930[19:57:56] <jelly> galex-713_: you do realize apt-cache gets
all this info from an online source as well, at apt-get update
2931[19:58:26] *** Quits: jnavila (~jnavila@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2932[19:58:33] <jelly> so what's the bloody difference
between using apt-cache and looking at the same info via a web
2933[19:59:12] <jelly> galex-713_: are you going to be on a
desert island with only a local offsite copy of apt cache?
2934[19:59:22] <galex-713_> jelly: apt-cache uses only what comes
from apt-get update which comes from sources.list
2935[19:59:35] <galex-713_> yet, sources.list contains only info
relative to stable, on my systeç
2936[19:59:49] <galex-713_> so it won’t be able to know
that, for instance, recover was packaged under oldoldstable (wheezy)
2937[20:00:25] <jelly> galex-713_: what do you use that
information for?
2938[20:00:47] *** Joins: jnavila (~jnavila@replaced-ip)
2939[20:00:48] <n4dir> i fail to see why i should care if a
certain package is available for, say, kFreeBSD, if i don't run
that thing (or old-stable, or whatever you could think of).
2940[20:01:01] <greycat> 13:01 greycat> galex-713_: what are
you trying to DO?
2941[20:01:07] <jelly> yes.
2942[20:01:10] *** Quits: lldd (~l@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2943[20:01:14] <jelly> !goal
2944[20:01:14] <dpkg> Describe your goal, not what you think the
solution is.
2945[20:01:16] <greycat> One hour mark!
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2948[20:01:39] <jelly> it's not as if anyone else is asking
any questions
2949[20:02:38] <galex-713_> n4dir: last time I used this it was
because I did read somewhere recover was packaged under debian, yet
I couldn’t find it, so the web interface allowed me to find
out it wasn’t since wheezy
2950[20:03:02] <galex-713_> I would have liked to have been able
to do/learn the same thing through cli instead of web ui
2951[20:03:16] <jelly> galex-713_: judd has a cli.
2952[20:03:28] <jelly> you access the CLI over irc
2953[20:03:33] <jelly> ,bug rm recover
2954[20:03:36] <judd> Bug
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2957[20:03:54] <jelly> like that, or better, by /msg judd stuff
2958[20:04:11] <galex-713_> yay but i’d like the same
information, without the internet at all
2959[20:04:14] <jelly> WHY
2960[20:04:18] <galex-713_> judd is yet better than the website
2961[20:04:18] <n4dir> galex-713_: not saying it doesn't
make any sense to you. just saying that i for one don't need
such (probably as most of the time i am too lazy to figure things
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2963[20:05:07] <jelly> galex-713_: which real-life situation are
you ever going to have where you need offline UDD info and act on it
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2972[20:07:43] <jelly> galex-713_: answer that with a plausible
example and you MIGHT receive a dd-copy of whole judd VM disk, ready
for your offline perusal! Play today!
2973[20:07:46] *** Joins: ryzokuken (uid116283@replaced-ip)
2974[20:07:49] <galex-713_> jelly: when someone asks me something
like that afk and I’m offline?
2975[20:08:03] *** Joins: DziamDziam (~DziamDzia@replaced-ip)
2976[20:08:10] <n4dir> "i don't know". case
2977[20:08:30] <jelly> galex-713_: are they going to be able to
do anything with that info while offline?
2978[20:08:46] *** Quits: xcm (~xcm@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2979[20:08:48] <galex-713_> no but once online they will
2980[20:09:02] <galex-713_> but I prefer being able to help then
right away rather than saying them “ask judd on irc”
2981[20:09:04] <jelly> galex-713_: then they can ask it WHEN THEY
GET ONLINE, on their own
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2984[20:09:13] <greycat> He lives in a cavern with no escape,
patrolled by random quizbots that demand answers at unpredictable
2985[20:09:29] <n4dir> lol.
2986[20:09:35] <galex-713_> also I generally doesn’t like
using the internet when it’s not necessary, just as I
don’t like SaaSS, which judd almost is, it’s free
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2992[20:10:59] <jelly> galex-713_: what you like and what solves
the problem can be two different things
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2995[20:11:34] <galex-713_> if the problem is that I have to use
something I dislike then it cannot
2996[20:11:57] <jelly> sure, but this channel is not here to tell
you things that you like :-)
2997[20:12:09] <greycat> The quizbots taser him if he cannot
2998[20:12:10] <jelly> we mostly solve problems
2999[20:12:19] <jelly> or try to
3000[20:12:35] <n4dir> so this boils down to the question if the
whole UDD can be downloaded ?
3001[20:13:02] <jelly> I think this answer does not deserve a
free judd VM clone.
3002[20:13:10] <mnuhmnuh> SaaSS? and what's wrong with judd?
i love udd!
3003[20:14:23] <galex-713_> it’s really near SaaSS
3004[20:14:29] <greycat> dpkg, saass
3005[20:14:29] <dpkg> bugger all, i dunno, greycat
3006[20:14:31] <jelly> it's SaaS.
3007[20:14:35] <greycat> dpkg, saas
3008[20:14:35] <dpkg> greycat: i haven't a clue
3009[20:14:39] *** Quits: password8 (~password@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3010[20:14:56] <greycat> Shave and a Shaircut?
3011[20:15:26] <mnuhmnuh> software as a service?
3012[20:15:31] <hsiktas> Debian is now available in the Windows
Store :)
3013[20:15:37] *** Quits: hbautista (~hbautista@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
3014[20:15:42] <hsiktas> with that WSL-thing from Windows 10
3015[20:15:43] <jelly> all bots that provide any kind of response
are SAAS, you have an API to access, and something processes API
requests and maybe gives a response
3016[20:15:57] <mnuhmnuh> that's ancient stuff, prob. as
boring as smtp by now.
3017[20:16:01] <galex-713_>
3018[20:16:14] <galex-713_> Software as a service sustitute
3019[20:16:25] <annadane> don't give me none of that sass
3020[20:16:27] <hsiktas> maybe even unstable would run on that...
3021[20:16:30] <jelly> smtp isn't boring!
3022[20:16:40] <galex-713_> jelly: I prefer cli to bots
3023[20:16:46] <mnuhmnuh> is to me.
3024[20:16:49] <jelly> galex-713_: bots ARE FUCKING CLI
3025[20:16:58] <galex-713_> sorry, misexpressed
3026[20:17:03] <galex-713_> I prefer local cli to online bots
3027[20:17:13] *** Joins: dashs (~dave@replaced-ip)
3028[20:17:23] <greycat> I should have used a longer than 1 hour
3029[20:17:34] *** Joins: bzyku (~bzyk@replaced-ip)
3030[20:18:11] <annadane> this chat is getting sassy
3031[20:18:18] <annadane> i've pretty much exhausted that
pun now
3032[20:18:21] <n4dir> for a very small distribution i used said
"lynx" to grep if a certain package is in their
repository. To keep it easy with their server, i downloaded a list
of all packages and did grep the text file.
3033[20:18:22] <jelly> I'm done anyway
3034[20:18:41] <n4dir> i am not sure if the amount of all debian
architectures and packages and what not would make that reasonable.
3035[20:18:48] <jelly> ±1 hour
3036[20:20:00] <galex-713_> n4dir: the ideal thing would be to
have offline the content got by apt update if source.list contained
all the archs and versions
3037[20:20:55] <n4dir> like said: not sure if it is still
reasonable with the amount of debian. And i sure don't know how
to exactly do it.
3038[20:21:03] *** Quits: volodim (~volodim@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
3039[20:21:09] <jelly> galex-713_: so go write it or put all
arches and releases in sources.list and see if apt scales.
3040[20:21:28] *** Quits: Agiofws (~agiofws@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
3041[20:21:42] <mnuhmnuh> galex-713_: you want local control.
others prefer somebody else store the data and give access. 6 of
one, half doz. of t'other.
3042[20:21:48] <galex-713_> you really think it would be too
3043[20:21:58] <jelly> !tias
3044[20:21:58] <dpkg> TIAS is "Try It And See".
3045[20:22:06] <galex-713_> I didn’t thought it
3046[20:22:09] <n4dir> i would assume would
be the way to go ?
3047[20:22:41] <galex-713_> the main problem I find is,
afterwards, how could I do so that I have a *different* command to
search packages only for the current version/archs/etc. and one for
all of them?
3048[20:23:16] <jelly> galex-713_: you don't have to do this
on a system you're actually using. Have a separate chroot.
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3050[20:23:50] <mnuhmnuh> galex-713_: worse, your local copy is
out of sync w $out_there copy. rsync diff.
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3053[20:24:05] <galex-713_> what’s $out_there?
3054[20:24:15] <mnuhmnuh> net/web
3055[20:24:25] *** Quits: Sauvin (bocaneri@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3056[20:24:26] <jelly> galex-713_: don't even have to add
arches to sources.list, just dpkg --add-architecture every arch
you're interested in except the native one
3057[20:24:26] <galex-713_> I was thinking it could update each
time I do apt update
3058[20:24:28] <greycat> It's full of stars! And porn.
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3061[20:25:31] <n4dir> can someone tell me that downloading all
of is a more bad idea than editing sources.list
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3063[20:25:31] *** DrWatson_ is now known as DrWatson
3064[20:25:40] <jelly> galex-713_: and to do it all offline, you
will have to achieve it without using apt-get update
3065[20:26:02] <greycat> n4dir: everything that has been said in
this channel for the last 90 minutes is a bad idea.
3066[20:26:03] <jelly> because that thing goes on web and reads
info from there
3067[20:26:15] <jelly> which is evil apparently
3068[20:26:15] <galex-713_> the idea is I regularily do apt-get
update online, but when I’m offline I can search whatever I
3069[20:26:21] <n4dir> greycat: lol. i guess so. just wasting a
bit of my time.
3070[20:26:27] *** Quits: inaki (~inaki@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
3071[20:26:30] <galex-713_> greycat: even apt(itude) showsrc
3072[20:27:10] <greycat> I have no records of showsrc in my
/lastlog other than the one you just said right now.
3073[20:27:30] <galex-713_> greycat: because you were ignoring me
when we solved my problem
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3076[20:28:04] <galex-713_> if you say me the interval of time
while you ignored me I could paste you what I said
3077[20:28:08] <greycat> If your problem has been solved, then
why are you still proposing horrible things?
3078[20:28:14] <galex-713_> it started when jelly said something
like “aptitude can do it”
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3081[20:28:30] <galex-713_> and me searching in aptitude man
page, and finding out a command that wasn’t in apt man page
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3085[20:29:44] <kanzure> p/win 1
3086[20:29:53] *** Joins: devwatchdog (~devwatchd@replaced-ip)
3087[20:29:56] <mnuhmnuh> it all boils down to an ugly interface
war. they all work. some are more suited to specific types of users;
their prob.
3088[20:30:05] <jelly> galex-713_: /usr/bin/apt is a
work-in-progress and has quite a few things missing
3089[20:30:37] *** Quits: AimHere (~David@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
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3091[20:30:42] <n4dir> i do miss the flamewars aptitude versus
apt-get though.
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3094[20:31:08] <galex-713_> jelly: especially a complete
documentation ^^
3095[20:31:14] <jelly> and I was thinking more of aptitude search
syntax, which includes ?source(foo)
3096[20:31:19] *** Joins: devwatchdog (~devwatchd@replaced-ip)
3097[20:31:29] <mnuhmnuh> jelly: i've been told exactly the
opposite. it's the grand dame, actively supported, robust as
hell, ...
3098[20:31:40] *** Quits: a_l_b (~a_l_b@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3099[20:31:43] <n4dir> first time i hear that.
3100[20:31:46] <jelly> sorry, ?source-package(foo)
3101[20:32:05] <jelly> mnuhmnuh: that's not what the release
notes for stretch say
3102[20:32:06] *** Joins: AimHere (~David@replaced-ip)
3103[20:32:15] <galex-713_> I don’t like that syntax :/
3104[20:32:23] <galex-713_> but yet to me aptitude is more
3105[20:32:38] <galex-713_> yet I don’t know aptitude so I
always used apt-get and apt
3106[20:32:44] <galex-713_> afaik you can search for tags in
3107[20:32:47] <galex-713_> I think
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3110[20:33:48] <jelly> I only remember that one because it's
the easiest way to purge nvidia drivers
3111[20:33:51] *** Joins: roshanavand (~mos@replaced-ip)
3112[20:34:05] <jelly> and I have it in history all the time
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3114[20:35:28] <mnuhmnuh> galex-713_: played w debtags?
"debtags tagsearch sql" # assuming it interests.
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3116[20:35:59] <annadane> i tried apt purge nvidia-driver
nvidia-glvnd-whatever-crap etc and all the components a while ago...
didn't go well, not recommended
3117[20:36:00] <mnuhmnuh> debtags search "(protocol::db:psql
|| devel::lang:sql) && (interface::graphical ||
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3142[20:44:19] <johnfg> hi folks
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3144[20:44:41] <johnfg> I've got a new install of debian
stretch, and am just getting slapd/openldap configured.
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3149[20:45:34] <johnfg> Where's the best place to get
kerberos.ldif for debian?
3150[20:45:43] <galex-713_> mnuhmnuh: oh yeah thanks! I forgot
this one
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3191[21:09:33] <valeech> Hello - is this a good place to get help
analyzing a kernel crash?
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3197[21:12:23] <jhutchins_wk> valeech: That's probably a bit
specialized, but you could give it a shot.
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3209[21:21:13] <mnuhmnuh> valeech: is your
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3214[21:22:50] <areyouloco> !paste
3215[21:22:51] <dpkg> Do not paste more than 2 lines to this
channel. Instead, use:
3216[21:23:22] <mnuhmnuh> though, it is a bit cranky.
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3219[21:25:06] <Lyberta> hi, I want to have 2 installations on my
PC and second one should have encrypted root, I installed second one
to encrypted partition but now I don't know how to tell GRUB to
add this installation to the list, help?
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3221[21:25:29] <Lyberta> I used debootstrap
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3239[21:35:09] <rocketmagnet> hi all, i've a strange problem
here, after hitting enter in grub to load my linux it doesn't
start the boot proccess before i provide username/pw ...
3240[21:35:17] <maeestro> im trying to install network drivers
for a network card (broadcom BCM4352 rev03) with
3241[21:35:19] <rocketmagnet> what's that kind of an issue ?
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3244[21:36:37] <rocketmagnet> i find nothing on the web
describing this issue :(
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3248[21:37:48] <areyouloco> rocketmagnet: do you have other
versions of kernel installed? try booting rescue shell
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3252[21:38:25] <rocketmagnet> i have normal debian 9 stable
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3255[21:39:23] <rocketmagnet> i try with rescue mode
3256[21:39:24] <aphotica> for gaming performance, is it worth it
to upgrade from stretch to buster/stable to testing?
3257[21:39:32] <rocketmagnet> brb
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3262[21:41:19] <classsict> hi
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3264[21:41:41] <deadrom> rocketmagnet,
3265[21:41:44] <classsict> is possible extract kernel module to
install it on other machine?
3266[21:41:50] <deadrom> oh. he's gone.
3267[21:42:25] <deadrom> classsict, if the kernel version or API
and glibc version match, could be, wouldn't bet on it
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3269[21:43:05] <deadrom> maeestro,
3270[21:43:36] <maeestro> deadrom: I followed that guide
3271[21:44:11] <maeestro> the last step doesnt work, since
"Module wl not found in directory (...)"
3272[21:44:25] <maeestro> So the guide is incomplete
3273[21:44:34] <deadrom> maeestro, checked if there is a wl.ko
file in the modules dirs?
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3275[21:45:51] <maeestro> deadrom: doesnt look like it
3276[21:46:43] <deadrom> maeestro, build-essential and dkms
installed? did you run module-assistant manually? from what I gather
dkms builds that module, it doesn't come as a file with a
package. so most likely dkms did not build it. possibly dkms logs
will tell you, or console output from m-a
3277[21:46:53] *** Quits: jerdef82 (~jerdef@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3278[21:46:54] <deadrom> used dkms before?
3279[21:46:59] *** Quits: devwatchdog (~devwatchd@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
3280[21:47:23] <maeestro> deadrom: I just followed the guide, I
am an unexperienced user
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3282[21:47:48] <classsict> yes, I am looking for this module
3283[21:48:05] <classsict> for use fan control on pcstick
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3287[21:49:43] <carp_> ah hooray, i dont need to log in to get to
this channel again! (it was a week or so ago, a spammer forced it).
Anyway, last week I dist_upgraded to Stretch and I just want to say
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3290[21:50:21] <maeestro> deadrom:
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3294[21:51:10] <deadrom> maeestro, ok: dkms is "Dynamic
Kernel Module Support", it takes care for tricky 3rd party
kernel modules to built when necessary. usually that's modules
that are only half-open or not at all and need wrappers to sneak
them into the running kernel. since the 3rd party tends to change
their stuff a lot, it often fails building or is missing something
it needs. so first step is: check if dkms built the module at all,
or since it is not there:
3295[21:51:10] <deadrom> why it didn't. google where to find
dkms logs and check them out, pastebin them if you can't make
anything from it and paste the pastebin link here (
I think)
3296[21:51:17] <carp_> Thankyou so much to everyone who is
involved with Debian in some way, its fantastic. My computer updated
without a hitch, I was very impressed. This OS is vital for me so
thankyou guys.
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3298[21:51:25] <deadrom> ok, so not *that* unexperienced :)
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3302[21:53:20] <deadrom> maeestro, not an elegant problem solving
approach, but did you reboot after that?
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3306[21:53:33] <deadrom> shouldn't be necessary, but who
3307[21:53:55] <maeestro> deadrom: I will try, brb
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3314[21:57:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1538
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3317[21:58:32] <maeestro_> deadrom: Np
3318[21:58:41] <maeestro_> oh, I meant thanks dude
3319[21:58:44] <mnuhmnuh> maeestro_: aptitude search firmware
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3321[21:59:38] <deadrom> maeestro_, works?
3322[21:59:39] *** Joins: frju365[IRC] (~frju365@replaced-ip)
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3325[21:59:56] <maeestro_> deadrom: yeah it works, lol
3326[22:00:00] <maeestro_> on wifi now
3327[22:00:20] *** Joins: Schmetterwurm (~Schmetter@replaced-ip)
3328[22:00:38] <mnuhmnuh> well, wtf? t's not supposed to be
that easy.
3329[22:01:10] <maeestro_> I need some drivers for my touchpad
though, cant touch it to click, I have to press it
3330[22:01:42] <greycat> !synaptics
3331[22:01:42] <dpkg> As of stretch, the synaptics driver
isn't used by GNOME. If your touchpad stopped working in
stretch, try installing xserver-xorg-input-libinput and removing
xserver-xorg-input-synaptics; see
3332[22:01:56] <deadrom> maeestro_, heh, that's what I
meant, dkms is rather clever but it's not a crazy catch all as
everybody handles their things some different way. what hinted me at
a reboot is that dkms generated a new ramdisk, the bit that says
"update-initramfs: Generating
/boot/initrd.img-4.9.0-6-amd64" etc, so something was modified
in the kernel image at boot time already
3333[22:02:19] *** Quits: ableto (~cryptum@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
3334[22:02:43] <annadane> there's also the needrestart
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3338[22:05:18] <m4rkw>
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3341[22:05:54] <greycat> If you run testing, you have chosen the
LEAST secure branch.
3342[22:06:09] *** Quits: olafout (~chloubs@replaced-ip) (Quit: olafout)
3343[22:06:11] <greycat> Is there a CVE? Look up the CVE on the
debian security web site.
3344[22:06:12] <jelly> m4rkw, is there a CVE number?
3345[22:06:15] <jelly> hah
3346[22:06:16] <annadane> ^ and also if it was just discovered
today (per the date of the article, i haven't really read it)
it mostly assuredly won't be patched today
3347[22:06:21] <annadane> but yeah, look up the CVE
3348[22:06:32] <annadane> which i should do, except i'm an
idiot, and lazy, and so gave a stupid answer
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3350[22:06:39] *** ssaturos is now known as saturos
3351[22:06:55] * greycat wonders what
"half-of-the-internets-email-servers" means. Sendmail?
Microsoft Exchange?
3352[22:07:02] <jelly> greycat, exim
3353[22:07:08] <jelly> yes.
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3356[22:07:46] <greycat> What parallel universe have I stumbled
3357[22:07:50] *** Quits: areyouloco (~areyouloc@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
3358[22:07:55] <jelly> m4rkw, after you figure out the
CVE-year-value look it up on the
3359[22:07:55] <annadane> but yes, testing does not get the
quickness of security fixes as stable and unstable do
3360[22:07:58] <jelly> !tracker of doom
3361[22:07:58] <dpkg> The Tracker of Doom is a vulnerability
database maintained by the Debian security team, viewable at
3362[22:08:08] *** Quits: xcm (~xcm@replaced-ip) (Killed ( (Nickname regained by services)))
3363[22:08:18] <greycat> !cve lookup CVE-2018-6789
3364[22:08:18] <dpkg> Information about the security advisory
CVE-2018-6789 may be found at
3365[22:08:27] *** Quits: DerLGm (~DerLGm@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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3367[22:08:30] <jelly> m4rCsi, and don't use testing on
3368[22:08:36] <jelly> sigh
3369[22:08:42] <annadane> "buster, sid, fixed"
3370[22:08:44] <annadane> there you go
3371[22:08:46] <jelly> m4rkw, and don't use testing on
3372[22:08:48] *** Joins: xcm (~xcm@replaced-ip)
3373[22:09:32] <Lyberta> jelly, why? what if my code requires GCC
8? how am I supposed to run it on stable?
3374[22:09:53] <greycat> Stop writing code that needs gcc 8.
3375[22:10:00] *** Joins: jaami___ (~me@replaced-ip)