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0 [00:00:10] <un214> yeah that would do it
1 [00:00:12] <turbo64> so im just deleting and purging every
virtualbox package and reinstalling it
2 [00:00:23] <turbo64> tl;dr i'm mentally retarded
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wgah'nagl fhtagn.)
12 [00:07:49] <un214> weird; badblocks succeeded
13 [00:07:54] <un214> must be a buffer size issue
14 [00:08:19] <petn-randall> un214: Could also be an unreliable
SD card reader.
15 [00:08:38] <un214> nah; problem is 100% reproducable by using
the same steps
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wgah'nagl fhtagn.)
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40 [00:27:33] <MasonHau-> Hi is anyone alive that can help me?
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42 [00:27:58] <MasonHau-> I am following
43 [00:28:25] <MasonHau-> when I implement the pci stub in the
grub cmd line file
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47 [00:28:41] <MasonHau-> and reconfig grub and reboot
48 [00:28:44] <MasonHau-> my machine freezes only with the
pci-stub.ids= flag not the imnu-amd=
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50 [00:29:49] <MasonHau-> so im wondering do I need to specify
the pci stubs in the grub cmd line or can I call the stubs while the
machine is running? or does it need to be at boot up
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54 [00:30:43] <MasonHau-> although on boot up when I call the
pci stubs in grub cmd line when my machine gets to the kernel
loading modules it freezes my machine with pcistub.ids in the grub
cmd line
55 [00:30:56] *** Joins: Brigo (~Brigo@replaced-ip )
56 [00:31:09] <petn-randall> MasonHau-: The header says that
howto is outdated, and to follow another link.
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59 [00:31:43] <frazzieJazzy> hey can someone reverse xfburn
please? stretch is pulling in an unstable copy that hangs on bdrom
burning..the old version from stable is fine.
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62 [00:32:22] <Nika> HI!
63 [00:32:35] *** Quits: Taxicletter (~Taxiclett@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
64 [00:32:35] <petn-randall> frazzieJazzy: Did you check the
existing bug reports yet?
65 [00:32:45] <Nika> Why Ubuntu mini 50 Mb and Debian mimi 300
66 [00:32:52] *** Quits: stvlker (~stvlker@replaced-ip ) (Quit:
67 [00:33:30] <petn-randall> Nika: mini of what?
68 [00:33:37] <frazzieJazzy> havent had the chance because of
ati driver glitches..ive solved them..use stretch or ubu16..but
xfburn and my media player were bugging.
69 [00:33:43] <Nika> MINI ISO
70 [00:33:55] <SuperTramp83> netinstaller?
71 [00:34:03] *** Quits: netzfisch (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
72 [00:35:26] <petn-randall> Nika: Do you mean the netinstaller?
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74 [00:35:38] <Nika> YES
75 [00:35:48] <petn-randall> Nika: Please don't use caps
all the time.
76 [00:35:53] <SuperTramp83> ^
77 [00:35:57] <Nika> OK
78 [00:36:16] <TomTomTosch> debian netinstall includes a
complete system.
79 [00:36:17] <Nika> :)
80 [00:36:34] <Nika> So Debian nothing no download?
81 [00:36:42] <TomTomTosch> and there is little need to go
82 [00:36:42] <petn-randall> Nika: I'm guessing that the
Debian netinstaller support more hardware varieties, whereas the
Ubuntu installer might not. We can't tell you what Ubuntu
83 [00:37:14] *** Joins: samain (~samain@replaced-ip )
84 [00:37:22] <petn-randall> Nika: You can get a complete
minimal install with the netinstaller, yes.
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86 [00:37:36] <TomTomTosch> Nika: anything that goes above the
basic system will be downloaded. there is a selection for additional
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89 [00:38:42] <Nika> Debian Mini is 6 Ubuntu mini
90 [00:38:53] <TomTomTosch> so what?
91 [00:39:07] <Nika> Ubuntu also can install additional packages
92 [00:39:08] *** Quits: nhhc (~nhhc@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
93 [00:39:14] <Nika> server de etc
94 [00:39:31] *** Quits: marvn (~marvn@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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96 [00:39:38] <missmbob> what?
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98 [00:39:49] <TomTomTosch> this is a support channel. so please
keep it to support questions in here.
99 [00:40:02] <sypher> Nika: What Ubuntu does is solidly
off-topic here.
100 [00:40:47] <SuperTramp83> there's the offtopic debian
channel if I remember correctly
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102 [00:41:08] <missmbob> yes, it's #debian-offtopic
103 [00:41:22] <SuperTramp83> that one, yes.
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105 [00:42:12] <TomTomTosch> but the one on oftc is much better!
106 [00:42:15] * TomTomTosch hides
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108 [00:43:03] <missmbob> TomTomTosch: always the troublemaker :P
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110 [00:43:23] <SuperTramp83> ^^
111 [00:45:07] *** Quits: otaviojr (~otaviojr@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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113 [00:46:21] <frazzieJazzy> hey, as an advice: dont use google
for reporting...u switch ISP and they lock you out of your accounts.
anyway, got to git.
114 [00:46:30] <frazzieJazzy> bug reporting
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151 [01:06:47] <netvor> hi guys, I'm trying to create a
package w/ sudoers.d file but it simply does not deliver it
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153 [01:07:24] <netvor> i have 3 files, one of them goes to
sudoers, but 2 get deployed but the one in /etc/sudoers.d not
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155 [01:08:02] <netvor> there's no error from dpkg -i, and
dpkg -L shows that this package still owns tyhe file
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(Client Quit)
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158 [01:10:23] <netvor> any ideas?
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161 [01:13:30] <bhurstpdx1> /var/log/faillog is not logging
failed authentication attempts, any ideas?
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163 [01:16:58] <tristero> I have a bizarre problem. There's
a mystery machine on my (wired) home LAN that I don't
recognize. It's got a DHCP address, and it's running a
webserver that says it's an ASRock Rack IPMI server. It's
got an open telnet port, and a trivial user/password, which shows
it's an embedded ARM device of some sort. How can I track this
down, without powering off every machine on my network one by one?
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168 [01:20:17] <sypher> tristero: This is more of a networking
question than a Debian question. Do you have a managed switch, or is
it a dumb switch?
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174 [01:26:45] <CuteMeOwnThroat> tristero, it's not some
router, modem or switch?
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197 [01:35:31] <nname31> hello, i have one question,
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199 [01:35:36] <nname31> what is this folder x-nautilus-desktop?
200 [01:35:38] <nname31> if press on this folder , take this
failed message
201 [01:35:40] <nname31>
202 [01:35:42] <nname31> (first time today i see this folder)
203 [01:35:55] <MasonHau-> :D g0t it
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214 [01:42:34] <Biganon> hi there ! Can anyone explain this
wizardry :
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218 [01:44:26] <Epakai> what's wizardry? is ewsgi in that
other bin folder?
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222 [01:45:45] <Epakai> if you're expecting a uwsgi in
goullagoullik/bin maybe it's not executable
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224 [01:46:42] <Biganon> it is there, and it is executable
225 [01:46:52] <Biganon> -rwxr-xr-x 1 biganon biganon 1167488 jui
25 00:43 uwsgi
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228 [01:48:35] <Biganon> dodobrain from #python told me to
deactive and reactive my venv and it worked
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230 [01:49:07] <Biganon> deactivate* reactivate*
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239 [01:55:30] <hassoon> where are the autobuilders of debian
located? :o
240 [01:55:38] *** Quits: jetho (~jetho@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
241 [01:55:53] <hassoon> the ones where the buildd resides
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Freenode staff: If this is happening too frequently, please set a
nickserv freeze on my account, and once my connection is stable,
unfreeze the account and /kill me to trigger a reconnect.)
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299 [02:33:23] * cafuego bows to karsten
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304 [02:37:45] <luxflow> I setfacl -d -m
user::rwx,group::rwx,other::- and umask 000, touch d, permission of
d is rw:rw:- not rwx:rwx:- while permission of `mkdir dd` is
rwx:rwx:- Is there anyone who knows why this happened?
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308 [02:40:27] <cafuego> luxflow: I guess +x is never set as
default on a file. Which makes a certain amount of sense.
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315 [02:45:44] <luxflow> thx for quick answer
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transitioned to use her as an init daemon.)
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336 [02:58:18] <deadf0x> -
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414 [03:54:56] <MasonHau-> Has anyone done VGA Passthrough?
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425 [04:00:44] <luxflow> MasonHau- me
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429 [04:03:03] <MasonHau-> Im getting blue screen of death on my
windows without virt manager working with 2 gfx cards and 1 monitor
430 [04:04:59] <luxflow> Is it ok with 1 gfx?
431 [04:05:12] <luxflow> are you on qemu OVMF or seabios?
432 [04:05:26] <MasonHau-> qemu ovmf
433 [04:05:39] <luxflow> Is it ok 1 gfx?
434 [04:05:55] <MasonHau-> yes
435 [04:06:07] <MasonHau-> but i do haave it stubed
436 [04:06:08] <luxflow> did you apply kvm.ignore_msrs=1 ?
437 [04:06:45] <MasonHau-> no?
438 [04:07:07] <MasonHau-> Ive never seen that before
439 [04:07:13] *** Joins: TheSpectre (~root@replaced-ip )
440 [04:07:41] <luxflow> vim /etc/default/grub
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="kvm.ignore_msrs=1 ~~~"
441 [04:07:43] *** Quits: TheSpectre (~root@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
442 [04:07:50] <luxflow> update-grub
443 [04:08:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1568
444 [04:08:06] <MasonHau-> ok
445 [04:08:10] <MasonHau-> lemme show you
446 [04:08:10] <luxflow> what are the manfacturer of two card?
447 [04:08:17] <MasonHau-> asus
448 [04:08:20] <MasonHau-> ati
449 [04:08:23] <MasonHau-> also
450 [04:08:28] <luxflow> nvidia or amd?
451 [04:08:34] <MasonHau-> amd
452 [04:08:51] *** Quits: LtL (~irssi@replaced-ip ) (Quit: ...)
453 [04:09:08] <MasonHau-> also, Im running radeon driver while
other card is pci stubbed
454 [04:09:23] <MasonHau-> two different hdmi cables running to
same monitor
455 [04:09:23] *** Joins: TheSpectre (~root@replaced-ip )
456 [04:09:30] <luxflow> ah you mean pci-stub
457 [04:09:36] <MasonHau-> yes yes
458 [04:09:59] *** MasonHau- is now known as MasonHauk
459 [04:10:08] <luxflow> if you're debian jessie try
vfio.ids not pci-stub.ids
460 [04:10:24] <luxflow> vfio-pci.ids sorry, vfio-pci have some
improvement over pci-stub
461 [04:10:25] <MasonHauk> Im actully gentoo ;o
462 [04:11:21] <luxflow> from kernel 4.1, vfio-pci is supported
463 [04:11:30] <MasonHauk> I see
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466 [04:12:08] <MasonHauk> Like I said Im a little lost to the
fact of the variables
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468 [04:12:23] <luxflow> but I cannot understand two graphic card
for one monitor?
469 [04:13:07] <MasonHauk> monitor different input
470 [04:13:14] <MasonHauk> I thought might work?
471 [04:13:30] <MasonHauk> lolll I dont know
472 [04:13:33] *** Joins: Orbitrix (~Huevos@replaced-ip )
473 [04:13:41] <MasonHauk> I figured it would
474 [04:13:51] <MasonHauk> but I havnt seen much impact
475 [04:14:04] <luxflow> do you want to run two vm, each have
own's graphic card?
476 [04:14:55] <MasonHauk> I want to run a host with a guest one
the host for local linux with 1 gfx card and other gfx card for vm
477 [04:14:57] <MasonHauk> guest
478 [04:15:31] *** Quits: Orbitrix (~Huevos@replaced-ip ) (Excess Flood)
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480 [04:16:13] <luxflow> ok i see
481 [04:16:22] <luxflow> did you checked iommu group ?
482 [04:16:40] <MasonHauk> well I got it under pci_stub as lspci
-nk says
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485 [04:18:08] <luxflow> can you post result of find
/sys/kernel/iommu_groups/ -type l, lspci -nnv?
486 [04:18:14] <MasonHauk> yes
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489 [04:19:31] <MasonHauk>
490 [04:19:53] <luxflow> not found..?
491 [04:19:59] <joshumax> So has anyone seen the latest popcorn
on debian-devel? --
492 [04:20:40] <MasonHauk> find: Arguments to -type should
contain only one letter
493 [04:21:26] <luxflow> `find /sys/kernel/iommu_groups/ -type l`
`lspci -nnv` two command
494 [04:21:48] *** Joins: detha (~detha@replaced-ip )
495 [04:21:50] <MasonHauk> mk
496 [04:21:54] <MasonHauk> sorry
497 [04:21:55] *** Joins: No_one_at_all (~no_one_at@replaced-ip )
498 [04:22:17] <MasonHauk> nothing found on first
499 [04:22:34] <MasonHauk> returns nothing
500 [04:22:57] <luxflow> cat /proc/cmdline ?
501 [04:23:26] <MasonHauk>
root=UUID=cff2495d-050b-493b-a8fe-9bf147768369 ro iommu=pt iommu=1
502 [04:26:18] <No_one_at_all> Hi, I've got a question about
using iptables-restore on debian. I have a custom set of rules that
are saved (as per default, apparently) to /etc/iptables/rules.v4 and
rules.v6. When the box reboots, however, the rules are messed up.
iptables -L shows the original rules, followed by the modified rules
(which means the modified rules are never followed, because the
original rules have several "ACCEPT all
503 [04:26:21] <No_one_at_all> anywhere" lines). This seems
to indicate that the firewall rules are being loaded from two
different locations, and not just /etc/iptables/rules.v*. What
should I be doing if I want only my modified rules to be loaded?
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505 [04:26:39] <luxflow> are you using amd cpu?
506 [04:26:55] <joshumax> wait this isn't #debian-offtopic
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515 [04:33:28] <HaMsTeRs> hey guys, I have a super noob question
516 [04:33:43] <HaMsTeRs> what is the proper way to download and
install whiskermenu for my nix box?
517 [04:34:09] <HaMsTeRs> are there any plugins or additional
files we need to download?
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553 [04:57:04] <calherAtomic> Does anyone here use Libreboot?
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560 [05:00:53] <deadf0x> calherAtomic, not many here use rolling
561 [05:01:57] <calherAtomic> deadf0x: Libreboot is boot
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564 [05:05:02] <deadf0x> I know that...
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566 [05:08:21] <calherAtomic> deadf0x: could you please be
clearer? I don't understand, and I'm having a bad day, and
I am already trying hard not to lose my composure.
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574 [05:10:56] <deadf0x> calherAtomic, whats the question about
575 [05:11:03] <finchd> calherAtomic: doesn't sound like
anybody who's on right now uses libreboot, if they've got
a channel of their own, try that
576 [05:11:20] *** mach_k_away is now known as mach_kernel
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583 [05:15:48] <luxflow> Is there anyone who using rtl8111 on
debian? are performance good?
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610 [05:33:26] <CoLdFeeLiNgS> lastest is 8.5 ?
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614 [05:36:53] <awal1> yes
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616 [05:37:45] <calherAtomic> deadf0x: I can't boot Debian
live cd, not even by typing grub commands manually; I get an
initramfs prompt
617 [05:38:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1564
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619 [05:39:15] <deadf0x> hrm, seen this issue before...can't
recall the solution
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669 [05:59:22] <gnat_> calherAtomic, I would try putting it on a
usb stick
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673 [06:01:17] <k_sze[work]> Does debian (or Linux in general)
have a way to mark bad RAM and ignore it upon reboot?
674 [06:01:32] <orlock> k_sze[work]: yes
675 [06:01:49] <k_sze[work]> I have this server that seems
unstable. It would spontaneously reboot and then I see 16 GB RAM
676 [06:02:22] <orlock> ahh if its that bad it sounds really
677 [06:02:23] <themill> ! grub2 badram
678 [06:02:23] <dpkg> BadRAM filtering (i.e. declaring memory
regions as bad) is available in GNU GRUB 2 since grub2
1.98+20100702-1. No kernel patch is required for Linux systems. To
use, edit /etc/default/grub, uncomment the GRUB_BADRAM parameter and
include the required patterns; the <memtest86> and memtest86+
utilities can determine the patterns for your system.
679 [06:02:41] <orlock> thats sounds like a whole stick not being
detected - clean the contacts?
680 [06:02:51] <themill> but yeah, it's not worth fiddling
with it ... try reseating it or just replace it
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684 [06:04:30] <k_sze[work]> Is there a way to detect which RAM
slots are used from inside Linux?
685 [06:04:46] <k_sze[work]> Because if I reboot to BIOS, I see
all 64GB present, which isn't helpful.
686 [06:04:54] *** Quits: ToneKnee (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
687 [06:04:58] <themill> hwinfo can be informative
688 [06:05:08] <themill> err lshw
689 [06:05:30] *** Joins: calherAtomic (~calherAto@replaced-ip )
690 [06:05:31] <orlock> theres also some information available
via lmsensors/i2c
691 [06:06:05] <calherAtomic> gnat_: it WAS usb
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704 [06:13:59] <Hello> When Ever I try to mount my partition I
get this error
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708 [06:15:27] <epsilon> mount sda1 instead of sda
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722 [06:28:29] <Hello> What command can you use to tell how much
space is left on a disk?
723 [06:28:54] <luxflow> df -h
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736 [06:37:32] <No_one_at_all> Hi, I've got a question about
using iptables-restore on debian. I have a custom set of rules that
are saved (as per default, apparently) to /etc/iptables/rules.v4 and
rules.v6. When the box reboots, however, the rules are messed up.
iptables -L shows the original rules, followed by the modified rules
(which means the modified rules are never followed, because the
original rules have several "ACCEPT all
737 [06:37:33] <No_one_at_all> anywhere" lines). This seems
to indicate that the firewall rules are being loaded from two
different locations, and not just /etc/iptables/rules.v*. What
should I be doing if I want only my modified rules to be loaded?
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somewhere fun.)
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828 [07:57:04] <mi11k1> What's the best way to do voice
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834 [08:02:09] <alehck0> hey gus, I have a weird issue with my
laptop and jessie, every time I boot, come back from sleep,
sometimes very random, the eth0 gets connected even though I
don't plug anything, and disconnects me from wifi/vbox networks
835 [08:02:46] <alehck0> any idea what can be done? I have to
ifconfig eth0 down every time
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890 [08:35:39] <k_sze[work]> ugh,
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901 [08:41:54] <Hello> use emacs
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928 [09:04:31] <FUNG-KU> Hi, how do i get to a grub-shell from my
terminal ? typing "grub" results in "command not
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931 [09:05:25] <karsten> FUNG-KU: You get to the grub shell at
boot. It's not active once the system has booted Linux. What
are you trying to do?
932 [09:05:52] <FUNG-KU> how do i get an interactive grub-shell,
then karsten ?...
933 [09:06:43] <karsten> FUNG-KU: Generally: hit up/down arrows
when booting, follow the prompts.
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935 [09:07:34] <FUNG-KU> how do i get an interactive grub-shell
from my current session without rebooting... ?
936 [09:07:59] <Stummi> FUNG-KU, what do you want to do in your
grub shell?
937 [09:08:09] <karsten> FUNG-KU: again: what are you trying to
do. Generally the only time you need to get to a grub shell is when
your boot's gone bad.
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939 [09:08:20] <karsten> FUNG-KU: You don't.
940 [09:08:32] <FUNG-KU> Answering a question with a question is
not very productive, but gnostic...
941 [09:08:49] <Stummi> FUNG-KU, you cannot open a grub shell
after booting, since this wouldn't make any sense
942 [09:09:03] <karsten> FUNG-KU: Asking stupid questions
isn't very productive either. Maybe, just maybe, I've got
some fucking idea of what I'm talking about.
943 [09:09:14] <FUNG-KU> do i have to install a emulted
grub-shell then ?
944 [09:09:18] <Stummi> FUNG-KU, the grub shell is used to boot.
After booting, theres no need to open a shell allowing you to chose
boot options
945 [09:09:21] <FUNG-KU> emulated...
946 [09:09:24] <FUNG-KU> grub.
947 [09:09:27] <FUNG-KU> ?
948 [09:09:29] *** Quits: x4u3n (~x4u3n@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
949 [09:09:29] <Stummi> FUNG-KU, depends on what you want to do
with the grub shell
950 [09:09:47] <karsten> FUNG-KU: Install a VM. qemu and any
random Linux boot image would be among your better options.
Virtualbox if you want to dig deeper.
951 [09:10:02] <Stummi> but since you don't like to be asked
what you want to do with the shell, yes, just emulate it and hope
you can do whatever you intent then
952 [09:10:06] <FUNG-KU> i just want a grub-shell, what i am
going to do is not yet determined....
953 [09:10:24] <karsten> FUNG-KU: Mind that many bootable images
use something other than grub, based off of PXEBoot IIRC.
954 [09:10:29] *** Joins: cat3 (~Cat3@replaced-ip )
955 [09:10:42] <FUNG-KU> i had distros before, where typing a
simple "grub" would take me to the grub-shell, without
956 [09:10:43] <Stummi> FUNG-KU, download a live distri, and boot
it via qemu
957 [09:10:45] *** Joins: js9600 (~jsdk@replaced-ip )
958 [09:10:49] <karsten> FUNG-KU: Reboot your computer. Real or
virtual. Follow the Grub prompts. Grub's not available past
959 [09:10:54] <Stummi> FUNG-KU, which distris?
960 [09:11:14] <towo^work> this was not a disto-thing
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962 [09:11:18] <FUNG-KU> rebooting is not an option to me, but a
work-around i am not going to accept...
963 [09:11:31] <towo^work> grub-lagacy has a grub-shell from
running system
964 [09:11:42] <towo^work> grub2 does not have this
965 [09:11:42] *** Joins: GJ_ (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip )
966 [09:11:58] <karsten> FUNG-KU: I hate reality too most of the
time. I've discovered it usually wins, however. Your call.
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968 [09:12:13] <FUNG-KU> towo^work: maybe it was grub-leagcy,
grub2 can not do ?
969 [09:12:27] <towo^work> no, grub2 can't do this
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973 [09:14:34] <FUNG-KU> karsten, to answer you initial question,
i am trying to mess around with grub-shell , to see if i could
enhance my learning , but i am not going to reboot, in order to
learn grub-shell, in grub 2....
974 [09:14:45] *** Quits: evade (~evade@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
975 [09:15:31] <karsten> FUNG-KU: That's where you're
mistaken. You're going to reboot _something_. Real or virtual.
Have fun.
976 [09:15:54] *** Joins: [Brain] (brain@replaced-ip )
977 [09:16:02] <FUNG-KU> there has be an other alternative.... ,
other then rebooting, making the system unusable..., in the mean
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981 [09:16:37] <No_one_at_all> Hi, I've got a question about
using iptables-restore on debian. I have a custom set of rules that
are saved (as per default, apparently) to /etc/iptables/rules.v4 and
rules.v6. When the box reboots, however, the rules are messed up.
iptables -L shows the original rules, followed by the modified rules
(which means the modified rules are never followed, because the
original rules have several "ACCEPT all
982 [09:16:39] <No_one_at_all> anywhere" lines). This seems
to indicate that the firewall rules are being loaded from two
different locations, and not just /etc/iptables/rules.v*. What
should I be doing if I want only my modified rules to be loaded?
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985 [09:17:45] <mirazi_heket> hello, im trying to mount davfs2
share, but i have problem with it, can anyone check? (might provide
additional info if you wish)
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987 [09:18:20] <karsten> FUNG-KU: Tell you what: next time you
show up here, instead of asking questions and not liking the
answers, you have the answers. Seems that's your style.
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989 [09:19:03] <FUNG-KU> karsten, you have the software....., the
software is the answer.....
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991 [09:19:44] <karsten> mirazi_heket: Looks as if that share is
404. Can you reach it by other means?
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999 [09:21:43] <mirazi_heket> wget says 404
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1002 [09:22:18] <karsten> mirazi_heket: That would make mounting a
difficult prospect. Are you sure you've got the right host/URL?
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1005 [09:23:12] <mirazi_heket> karsten: seems like its wrong on
server side, will talk with person who created this share
1006 [09:23:20] <karsten> mirazi_heket: OK.
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1017 [09:27:48] <FUNG-KU> telling me to reboot the machine in
order to be able to execute some of software......, that can only be
executed on boot-up....
1018 [09:28:03] *** Quits: Jidoor (~Jidoor@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
1019 [09:28:27] <CuteMeOwnThroat> there is a package grub-emu one
wonders what that might do
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1021 [09:30:08] <Stummi> FUNG-KU, I don't think you
understand what grub or the grub shell actually is
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1023 [09:30:32] <Stummi> its in the spirit of a boot loader to
only be run at boot time
1024 [09:30:53] <babilen> FUNG-KU: What are you *really* trying to
1025 [09:30:53] <karsten> CuteMeOwnThroat: Shh!
1026 [09:31:18] *** Quits: pentiumone133 (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
1027 [09:31:41] <Stummi> grub-emu seems to start an own window, so
its not a CLI command, what was asked for
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1029 [09:32:39] <Stummi> FUNG-KU, also, asking someone what he
actually tries to do is pretty productive in most cases. Look up the
so called "XY problem"
1030 [09:32:53] <Stummi>
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1033 [09:33:44] <FUNG-KU> Stummi: investigate.., learn...,
1034 [09:34:01] <karsten> Stummi: also
1035 [09:34:27] <Stummi> FUNG-KU, well, so see if grub-emu fits
your need
1036 [09:35:03] *** Quits: bvdk (~bvdk@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1037 [09:35:32] <FUNG-KU> Stummi close enough..., but not quite
1038 [09:35:42] *** Quits: GJ_ (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Quit: GJ_)
1039 [09:35:51] <Stummi> why not?
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1042 [09:37:16] <FUNG-KU> Stummi: could you explain, why
grub-shell can not be executed from Terminal-window ? if so, go
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1045 [09:38:41] <Stummi> not sure, but if I had to quess, I would
say because grub2 probably does not use terminfo for the TUI, but
something own, which cannot be applied to terminal emulators
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1058 [09:42:42] <FUNG-KU> maybe..., maybe neither..., i still dont
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1068 [09:48:14] <fkn_white_male> We must secure the existence of
our people and a future for white children. - #hax @
1069 [09:48:17] <fkn_white_male> We must secure the existence of
our people and a future for white children. - #hax @
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1098 [10:09:36] <jvava> hi, my box died, so i got a new box, after
add my old hd successfully,... now, i have a linux partition but mba
lost, how to do?
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1123 [10:23:50] <CuteMeOwnThroat> Master of Business
1124 [10:23:57] <CuteMeOwnThroat> why should the mbr be lost
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1126 [10:28:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1593
1127 [10:28:41] <CuteMeOwnThroat> IF that was the problem,
you'd boot from a rescue disk, chroot into the existing system
and ... wait why am I typing if there's a factoid
1128 [10:28:44] <CuteMeOwnThroat> dpkg, fixmbr
1129 [10:28:44] <dpkg> To reinstall <GRUB> boot to your
Debian install disk/live CD, switch to the other console (Alt-F2),
mount your root filesystem (mount -t ext4 /dev/whatever /target ;
mount --bind /dev /target/dev ; mount -t proc none /target/proc ;
mount -t sysfs none /target/sys), chroot into it (chroot /target),
run "mount /boot/efi" on EFI and "update-grub
&& grub-install /dev/whatever". See also <rescue
mode>, <dual boot guide>, <supergrub>.
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1137 [10:31:47] <afx_> Hello ! Is there any tool I can use to
measure bandwidth usage?
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1150 [10:41:17] <CuteMeOwnThroat> yes
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1154 [10:42:15] <CuteMeOwnThroat> nethogs
1155 [10:43:05] <CuteMeOwnThroat> interestingly, that fails for me
on jessie
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1158 [10:44:21] <CuteMeOwnThroat> oh.
1159 [10:44:22] <judd> Bug
1160 [10:44:32] *** Quits: boris_t (~boris_t@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
1161 [10:44:49] <CuteMeOwnThroat> judd, versions nethogs
1162 [10:44:50] <judd> Package: nethogs on amd64 -- squeeze:
0.7.0-3; jessie: 0.8.0-1; wheezy: 0.8.0-1; jessie-backports:
0.8.1-1~bpo8+1; sid: 0.8.5-1; stretch: 0.8.5-1
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1174 [10:48:21] <CuteMeOwnThroat> also, ntop, trace-summary,
collectd, darkstat
1175 [10:48:25] <afx_> CuteMeOwnThroat, is nethogs for current
bandwidth usage or does it let you calculate total usage too /
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1177 [10:49:02] <afx_> CuteMeOwnThroat, yes currently looking at
ntop . What I want is to measure the usage from the time I start one
of these programs
1178 [10:49:27] <afx_> more specific the download in MB
1179 [10:50:32] <afx_> Ah , I think nload does this
1180 [10:51:21] <CuteMeOwnThroat> well, you didn't specify
what you wanted to do...
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1183 [10:53:09] <CuteMeOwnThroat> and first you said bandwidth...
and now you seem to be interested in download amount
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1185 [10:53:20] <CuteMeOwnThroat> or traffic amount
1186 [10:53:41] <CuteMeOwnThroat> there's also dstat
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1190 [10:55:03] <afx_> yes sorry for this CuteMeOwnThroat
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1196 [10:57:17] <afx_> dstat looks nice
1197 [10:57:21] <CuteMeOwnThroat> I think there's still no
wrapper to say how much traffic a single process caused
1198 [10:57:35] <CuteMeOwnThroat> although I thought I'd seen
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1202 [10:58:46] <afx_> total traffic is also fine ( not per
process )
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1204 [11:00:18] <CuteMeOwnThroat> I once wanted to know that to
see if I could run a game server on a VPS with a limited amount of
traffic... there was no way I could find to do it about 10 years ago
1205 [11:01:57] *** Parts: neffs (~neffs@replaced-ip )
1206 [11:02:01] <afx_> as far I can see nload shows you the total
load for selected interface. Don't know when it starts counting
though.. trying to figure that out
1207 [11:02:05] <CuteMeOwnThroat> also iftop
1208 [11:02:21] *** Joins: ransur0t (83db0906@replaced-ip )
1209 [11:02:34] <CuteMeOwnThroat> the interface itself counts
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1211 [11:03:08] <afx_> let me check this too
1212 [11:03:16] <CuteMeOwnThroat> it's reading those out,
that's it
1213 [11:03:36] <CuteMeOwnThroat> you can see them in ifconfig as
part of the device config
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1217 [11:04:19] <afx_> yes iftop looks good too
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1220 [11:05:18] <CuteMeOwnThroat> laters
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1228 [11:09:42] <afx_> ;)
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1290 [11:39:10] <TheQuestionmark> Is there a user friendly way to
share files between Linux systems (all of them Debian/Debian based)
and Windows NT6 (Vista, 7, 8.x)?
1291 [11:39:41] <nkuttler> samba?
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1295 [11:41:14] <CutMeOwnThroat> rumba *cough* scnr
1296 [11:41:16] <TheQuestionmark> nkuttler: Is a mess, we tried
that yesterday and my friend's laptop couldn't see my in
the network environment. Also couldn't I find his computer.
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1298 [11:41:34] <TheQuestionmark> -my +mine
1299 [11:41:54] <nkuttler> ftp then
1300 [11:42:23] <nkuttler> you said user friends btw. setting up
samba is not totally trivial, but still easy for simple file sharing
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1302 [11:42:47] <nkuttler> friendly
1303 [11:43:12] <TheQuestionmark> nkuttler: Indeed it is but since
my computer couldn't be detected, there must be something wrong
with Samba in Jessie or at least on my laptop here.
1304 [11:44:06] <TheQuestionmark> Then again, we also tried good
old Age of Empires 2 which made us realize his laptop has an active
1305 [11:44:29] <TheQuestionmark> Possibly it's that
Windows10 he just installed to have a possible upgrade option for
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1312 [11:46:48] <petn-randall> TheQuestionmark: Windows 10 tags
network connections as either private or public. In the public case
it by default refuses to do any form of network sharing. YMMV.
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1318 [11:50:13] <ransur0t> TheQuestionmark: just make sure
you've properly setup your windows shares, samba should work
1319 [11:50:23] <TheQuestionmark> petn-randall: Huh... odd... we
set Windows10 to act as if it were in a private network and still no
1320 [11:51:00] <TheQuestionmark> ransur0t: Tried via both,
Nautilus and /etc/samba/smb.conf, neither one worked.
1321 [11:51:07] <TheQuestionmark> I still suppose it was his
1322 [11:51:31] <ransur0t> have you set sharing permissions on
each windows directory you want to access over your network?
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1329 [11:56:07] <TheQuestionmark> I set up $HOME/public to be ro
accessable via Samba, also for guests.
1330 [11:56:43] <TheQuestionmark> And since WORKGROUP is default
on Windows for ages, I didn't change that either.
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1333 [11:57:20] <ransur0t> you're saying you can't reach
your linux directory from your windows machine(s)?
1334 [11:58:12] <TheQuestionmark> Rather from my friend's
Windows machine but basically, yes.
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1336 [11:58:30] <TheQuestionmark> Neither does it work the
opposite way.
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1340 [11:59:55] <ransur0t> I use
1341 [12:00:08] <ransur0t> you can also use cli pscp (putty secure
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1344 [12:01:01] <TheQuestionmark> Hmm... that'd be probably
the easist, using temporary ssh-keys I delete afterwards.
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1346 [12:01:30] <TheQuestionmark> Then again, I can't isolate
SSH to one certain directory, can I?
1347 [12:01:46] <ransur0t> good way to go, don't even need
keys if you've enable password authentication
1348 [12:01:53] <Iridos> I wonder... is there a way to configure
pulseaudio to keep the audio sinks for an application e.g. 5 seconds
after the application quit?
1349 [12:02:13] <TheQuestionmark> ransur0t: That would need me to
tell my friends my login password.
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1351 [12:02:53] <Iridos> if there's something that makes a
loud 0.5 second "BING" sound, it's a little hard to
change the volume of that, even if the bing happens irregularely,
but as often as every 2 minutes
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1353 [12:04:35] <Iridos> woah. crazy rain
1354 [12:04:53] * Iridos continues working on his Ark
1355 [12:05:07] <ransur0t> unless you set him up as a user on your
box, could even restrict to non-gui user, etc ...
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1365 [12:10:21] <TheQuestionmark> ransur0t: You speak about the
sftp-subsystem, right?
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1382 [12:17:11] <dannysantos> i have a cron job in a certain user.
I wonder if that cron job only executes if the user is logon or
without that user being logged on?
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1384 [12:17:20] <dannysantos> hi all! :)
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1396 [12:19:39] <petemc> dannysantos: it is not dependant on the
user being logged in
1397 [12:20:03] <dannysantos> petemc: thank you
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1402 [12:23:15] <chandrashekar> hey
1403 [12:23:20] <chandrashekar> hai
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1428 [12:37:54] <petn-randall> TheQuestionmark: Can you
explicitely connect to it via \\<name> or \\<IP> ?
1429 [12:38:02] <ransur0t> petemc: keep in mind that you may need
to enter the absolute path to any programs you are running, and the
user may need sudo rights to do so
1430 [12:38:08] <petn-randall> TheQuestionmark: Might be just a
discovery issue.
1431 [12:39:15] *** Quits: electro33 (uid613@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
1432 [12:39:18] <ransur0t> TheQuestionmark: no, just user type on
your linux box. you can also specify user/passwords in winSCP
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1463 [12:58:01] <mishkin> Hi, would like to know the difference
between a virtual package and a regular package as I am having some
issues with standard lib apt provider of puppet
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1465 [12:58:45] <themill> difference in what sense?
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1467 [12:59:23] <mishkin> I mean if I understood it properly,
virtual package is like a container of packages right? it contains a
group of packages
1468 [13:00:20] <mishkin> I mean I have this message "Debug:
/Package[software-properties-common]: Provider apt does not support
features virtual_packages; not managing attribute
1469 [13:00:55] *** jim_carry is now known as _private_method
1470 [13:01:24] <themill> no, a virtual package doesn't
actually exist as a package (you are thinking of metapackages)
1471 [13:01:39] <themill> !virtual package
1472 [13:01:40] <dpkg> A virtual package doesn't really
exist, but represents a function which several real packages
fulfill, which appears in the Provides control file field of another
package. The effect is as if the package(s) providing a particular
virtual package name had been listed by name everywhere the virtual
package name appears. To determine what provides a foo virtual
package, use "aptitude search '~Ppackagename'"
or "/msg judd rprovides foo".
1473 [13:01:51] *** Quits: VChef_Mobile (~Dani@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
1474 [13:02:49] <themill> If you "aptitude search
'~Pmail-transport-agent'" you'll see that there
is no package called mail-transport-agent but there's a stack
of packages that have a "Provides: mail-transport-agent"
in then
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1477 [13:03:45] <mishkin> Thanks for helping to clarify the idea
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1527 [13:26:37] <darsie> what's the package needed to get
gimps 'open location' work?
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1529 [13:28:19] <ransur0t> does the option not show?
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1532 [13:29:01] <darsie> It does, but says Could not open 'replaced-url
1533 [13:29:20] <ransur0t> can you wget the same url?
1534 [13:29:26] <ransur0t> from cli
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1536 [13:29:36] <darsie> yes
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1538 [13:30:08] <darsie> And I can open the downloaded file.
1539 [13:30:18] <ransur0t> can you use open location to the local
filepath of th image you dl'd?
1540 [13:30:39] <unborn> darsie: how can you edit image from url
without being logged into srv?
1541 [13:30:54] <unborn> downloaded file would be editable of
1542 [13:31:26] <darsie> ransur0t: yes
1543 [13:31:33] <darsie> unborn: srv?
1544 [13:31:42] <unborn> ...i mean the question resolve it self..
darsie srv = server
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1549 [13:36:05] <ransur0t> have you tested other https links? vs
http links? port 443 vs 80 or 8080
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1556 [13:38:41] <darsie> ransur0t: thx, it works with http, not
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1559 [13:39:02] <ransur0t> darsie: cool, yw. i had a feeling that
would be it ...
1560 [13:39:02] <darsie> And the URL was wrong. Not a link to the
1561 [13:39:16] <ransur0t> ah, that'll get ya!
1562 [13:39:38] <darsie> But I got a useful error message for
1563 [13:40:04] <ransur0t> nice, thx gimp devs :)
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1584 [13:53:56] <menace> how do i find the debug package for a
given package?
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1586 [13:54:16] <petemc> it should have -dbg in the name
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1598 [14:00:28] <simbalion> do I have to do anything special to
get 16bit color from urxvt?
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1601 [14:01:17] <imhighowareyou> how can I dump my ram in a
debian-based distro
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1604 [14:03:34] <ransur0t> dd
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1608 [14:05:12] <ransur0t> imhighowareyou: dd
1609 [14:05:26] *** Quits: ribasushi (~riba@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
1610 [14:05:30] <petn-randall> imhighowareyou: /dev/mem is a
character device that maps to the complete RAM of the system. You
can copy it via 'cp /dev/mem
/your/place/to/dump/the/file'. Note that it is not a consistent
dump, so you depending on what you want to do this might work for
you or not.
1611 [14:05:46] *** Quits: sandeepkr (~sandeep@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1612 [14:06:11] <imhighowareyou> ransur0t: options?arguments?
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1614 [14:07:21] <imhighowareyou> petn-randall: I tried looking for
it earlier, it wasn't there
1615 [14:07:32] <petn-randall> imhighowareyou: what release are
you running?
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1617 [14:08:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1628
1618 [14:08:02] <ransur0t> imhighowareyou: looks like dd may no
longer be an option due to security
1619 [14:08:15] <imhighowareyou> kernel or distro
1620 [14:08:21] <petn-randall> imhighowareyou: distro
1621 [14:08:21] <ransur0t> try fmem kernel module
1622 [14:08:34] *** Joins: plasm0duck (~textual@replaced-ip )
1623 [14:08:34] <petn-randall> ransur0t: What are you talking
1624 [14:08:51] *** Quits: pavlushka (~Pavel@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
1625 [14:09:20] <imhighowareyou> its actually a current
kali-rolling distro
1626 [14:10:03] *** Quits: MaBunny (~Peter@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
1627 [14:10:15] <ransur0t> see
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1629 [14:10:51] *** mach_kernel is now known as mach_k_away
1630 [14:11:09] <petn-randall> imhighowareyou: Then ask in the
Kali channel, this channel only gives support to Debian proper.
1631 [14:11:12] <petn-randall> !kali
1632 [14:11:12] <dpkg> Kali Linux (replaced-url
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1634 [14:11:30] <petn-randall> imhighowareyou: ^^^
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1636 [14:11:46] <ransur0t> i think you need to execute a
script, or something like that
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1644 [14:13:56] <unborn> ...why people come here always with be it
ubuntu, kali or pi..? been thinking a lot about it for about 4
months now..
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1647 [14:15:03] <petn-randall> unborn: Because downstream distros
don't change the default channels their IRC client connect to,
so those people always end up here.
1648 [14:15:19] <petn-randall> unborn: Ubuntu fixed that, but I
think pretty much everyone else ends up here.
1649 [14:15:27] *** Quits: jorgesanjuan (~jorgesanj@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
1650 [14:15:44] <petn-randall> unborn: Plus many distros channels
are clueless, so people think they can ask here instead, since their
distro channel is dead.
1651 [14:15:52] <unborn> petn-randall: ah I see..
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1656 [14:18:24] <unborn> but that suxs pretty badly.. been using
ubuntu my self for 4 years however was never been able to get
anything useful from irc on their channel, im glad I left that os in
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1660 [14:19:48] <imhighowareyou> the guys in the Kali channel
aren't interested in helping anybody with anything
1661 [14:20:29] <unborn> imhighowareyou: perhaps we are not all in
same timezone - so waiting for your answer would perhaps/maybe help
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1665 [14:21:50] <imhighowareyou> unborn: no this is an ongoing
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1671 [14:23:07] <imhighowareyou> ransur0t: yes that's right.
you got a copy of fmem?
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1675 [14:23:21] <unborn> imhighowareyou: but I understand guys
there.. the thing is - what you using kali for in first place and
there is some thing called spoonfeeding - if you use kali as an
tool, you should know mostly already what you doing on that distro.
Personally speaking I found most of the stuff online without even
need it to visit their channel. perhaps if that distro is not
working for you, you can always change it ;)
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1680 [14:25:35] *** plasm0duck is now known as plasmoduck
1681 [14:25:35] <imhighowareyou> oh christ
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1685 [14:28:28] <TheQuestionmark> petn-randall: Nope, at least not
from my side, can't speak for Windows as I didn't knew
what to type into the address bar. Note that I can't ping the
W10 host either.
1686 [14:29:01] <TheQuestionmark> petn-randall: So... it's
most likely some crazy firewall setting cursed by my friend's
AV or FW or so.
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1695 [14:33:51] <ransur0t> imhighowareyou: no
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1709 [14:39:58] <capruro> hi all
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1711 [14:40:45] <TheQuestionmark> Hello capruro.
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1713 [14:41:00] <ransur0t> konichiwa
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1726 [14:48:01] <TheQuestionmark> Heh... speaking of my issue, it
seems like Microsoft messed up the service in some later W10 build,
so it doesn't work properly.
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1771 [15:14:29] <menace> does anyone has a idea why i cannot
install kde-runtime-dbg on debian testing? kde-runtime-dbg and
kdelibs5-dbg seem to have conflicting dependencies. i have no other
repository than debian testing (main contrib non-free) installed..
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1775 [15:16:37] <themill> menace: kde-runtime-dbg isn't in
testing at all
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1794 [15:25:52] <menace> wow.. you're right.. o_O fuckup on
my side.
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1797 [15:26:22] <shtrb> I like the new features seen post a
dist-uprgade , after a reboot my cpu and hardisk temp (84F / 86FC)
is lower than outside temp (a mercury outdoor thermometer shows 95F)
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1824 [15:42:00] <petn-randall> shtrb: Sounds like one of those
thermometers is faulty.
1825 [15:42:48] <bezaban> has anyone tried debian on a lenovo
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1831 [15:45:13] <petn-randall> !anyone
1832 [15:45:13] <dpkg> Please do not ask if anyone can help you,
knows 'something' or uses 'some_program'.
Instead, ask your real question. (If the real question _was_
"does anyone use 'some_program'?" ask me about
<popcon> instead.) See <ask> <ask to ask>
<polls> <search> <sicco> <smart questions>.
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1836 [15:45:57] <shtrb> petn-randall, or an excelent feature
related to hwmon ?
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1843 [15:47:58] <bezaban> Does debian work satisfactory
(LAN/WIFI/Sound) on the x260? It was a general question, still only
burning the iso.
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1845 [15:48:26] <shtrb> petn-randall , the chances that both
failed right after an upgrade are not that hight (it is possible ,
but still not that hight)
1846 [15:48:55] <shtrb> bezaban , what wifi chip ?
1847 [15:49:12] <bezaban> shtrb: this is the intel, not the
broadcom. One sec
1848 [15:49:25] <bezaban> 8260AC
1849 [15:49:50] <petn-randall> bezaban: I'd expect everything
to run out of the box, maybe the wifi needs to have firmware
installed. You probably have more luck doing a internet search for
"Debian lenovo x260" and checking the installation report
of someone.
1850 [15:49:52] <shtrb> google is not promising :-(
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1852 [15:50:40] <bezaban> it's still pretty new, I have found
a few stories by googling what you suggest, but I was hoping that
someone might have some more recent success stories
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1854 [15:50:49] <nohair> hello i want to ask
1855 [15:50:55] <nohair> my login screen look to ugly
1856 [15:51:06] <nohair> just black background and columnt login
1857 [15:51:21] <nohair> is possible if i want make like this
1858 [15:51:21] <bezaban> shtrb: it's not, arch has some more
positive stories, and it's in line for an ubuntu certification
1859 [15:51:26] <petn-randall> bezaban: I expect it to work out of
the box, worst-case is you need to install a backports kernel to get
something to work.
1860 [15:51:39] <shtrb> start with iwlwifi , the wiki says it
should be supported as of 4.1 (iwlmvm)
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1862 [15:51:54] <petn-randall> nohair: Which login manager do you
currently have installed?
1863 [15:51:55] <shtrb> check it says it might
1864 [15:51:57] <bezaban> petn-randall: thanks yeah, I'll
know shortly
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1868 [15:52:39] <nohair> how to checkit petn-randall
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1872 [15:53:53] <shtrb> bezaban, when I said it does not look
promising that mean you might need to get the correct firmware (use
the link I gave you) , I also named the driver you might check
1873 [15:54:04] <nohair> petn-randall, lightdm-gtk-greeter <---
is the login screen?
1874 [15:54:14] <shtrb> and the minimum kernel version
1875 [15:54:25] <bezaban> shtrb: great. Cheers
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1882 [15:56:39] <shtrb> reddit says you need 4.6 and not 4.1
(allegdly there is a small inconviense , kernel oops)
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1884 [15:56:53] <shtrb> *in case of a closed lid
1885 [15:57:02] <bezaban> yeah, the hibernate thing I can live
with for now
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1887 [15:57:44] <shtrb> also if you have a docking station , try
to play with debian when the device is disconnecteed
1888 [15:58:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1638
1889 [15:58:10] <shtrb> I was blaming once debian , but actually
had an issue with a bad docking station
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1900 [16:03:30] <nohair> omg
1901 [16:03:33] <nohair> :9
1902 [16:03:34] <nohair> :(
1903 [16:03:38] <nohair> answer me please
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1908 [16:07:36] <jhutchins> nohair: Yes, you probably are using
lightdm, see the lightdm documentation for how to modify it's
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1911 [16:08:26] <nohair> editing
1912 [16:08:27] <nohair> >
1913 [16:08:28] <nohair> ?
1914 [16:08:31] <nohair> Yes ?
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2000 [16:57:21] <Yego> hey guys, I've some source code I
wanted to build a package from, i went ahead following the debian
package tutorial, naming my directory myapp-1.0.0, cd'ed into
it and called "dh-make --createorig", modified the files
in the "debian" directory(control, etc. textual changes
only) and ran "dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc" and it worked!
Sadly it only worked once, I changed stuff in my codebase, removed
the "orig.tar.xz" archive and reran the steps, but n
2001 [16:57:42] *** Quits: l3archos (~Icedove@replaced-ip ) (Quit: l3archos)
2002 [16:58:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1645
2003 [16:58:06] <LAL> hello everyone, I don't know how but i
got blacklisted from when I was trying to register.
Please help
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2007 [16:59:34] <Yego> what am I missing here ? are there some
other files created somewhere that I need to purge to get back to a
"clean" state? As said I removed the "debian"
directory and the ".orig.tar.xz, .dsc and .tar.gz" files
that were created in the parent directory.
2008 [17:01:23] <themill> removing the packaging doesn't
sound like the right approach to making changes in the packaging
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2010 [17:03:04] <voyager_> q all
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2015 [17:05:41] <teraflops> LAL: I can't see a _create
account_ or similar at
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2018 [17:07:25] <Yego> themill: I started out with my codebase,
then I ran dh_make in the source directory this created the
"debian" directory(and a source tarball due to the
--createorig flag), and then the very first build with
dpkg-buildpackage worked fine an I got an .deb package file, however
now I'm unable to rebuild the package, so I thought I just
start the packaging process all over again.
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2030 [17:12:18] <LAL> teraflops: sorry for the delay, actually its
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2055 [17:27:30] <LAL> teraflops: How to get started with
contributions. Also how to remove this blacklist tag from me :)
2056 [17:27:31] <teraflops> LAL: it worked for me flawlessly less
than a minute ago
2057 [17:27:32] *** Joins: SourTrout (~sourtrout@replaced-ip )
2058 [17:27:59] <teraflops> LAL: I have no idea, look at the site
for support email
2059 [17:28:26] *** Joins: Ool (~Ool@replaced-ip )
2060 [17:28:51] <LAL> teraflops: Do debian use IRC to communicate
2061 [17:29:03] <teraflops> LAL: for the wiki is way harder,
actually you have to email some guy and then he evaluates the
2062 [17:29:43] *** Joins: ValodiaDeSeynes (~ValodiaDe@replaced-ip )
2063 [17:29:55] <teraflops> LAL: no idea sorry I'm not part
of debian, I just hang by here
2064 [17:30:17] <LAL> Ah !
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2067 [17:31:16] <LAL> Does anyone know to get started with Debian
for contributions ?
2068 [17:31:39] *** Quits: ArchNoob (~ArchNoob@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
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2070 [17:31:51] <LAL> I am not able to register in Debian main
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2073 [17:32:19] <babilen> LAL: Where are you trying to register
and whatfor?
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2080 [17:33:17] *** Parts: Yego (~lj1102@replaced-ip )
2081 [17:33:18] <teraflops> install testing/sid and file bugs,
create a wiki account and fix/write entries/translations, offer
support here… I guess
2082 [17:34:48] *** Joins: telecode101 (telecode10@replaced-ip )
2083 [17:34:57] <LAL> babilen:
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2087 [17:36:37] <LAL> babilen: I was trying to register at debian
so that I could start contributing.
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2092 [17:36:55] <babilen> LAL: Where exactly?
2093 [17:37:13] <themill> LAL: "at debian" tells us
nothing. Exact URLs can help.
2094 [17:37:13] *** Quits: nohair (~nohair@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2095 [17:37:18] <greycat> 11:12 LAL> teraflops: sorry for the
delay, actually its
2096 [17:37:30] <greycat> I literally have NO IDEA what that site
2097 [17:37:42] <babilen> It's an old collection of howtos
2098 [17:37:57] <jelly> it's a rather unaffiliated blog type
thing, isn't it
2099 [17:38:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1654
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2101 [17:38:16] <babilen> yeah
2102 [17:38:16] *** Quits: SourTrou_ (~sourtrout@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2103 [17:38:23] <teraflops> I setup an account there because I was
curious, no issues at all
2104 [17:39:06] *** Joins: tristero
2105 [17:39:30] <LAL> babilen: its
2106 [17:39:43] *** Quits: jback (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Quit: kthnx)
2107 [17:40:13] <greycat> LAL: I think the primary point here is
2108 [17:40:16] *** Joins: jback (~quassel@replaced-ip )
2109 [17:40:30] <teraflops> LAL: did you check the "remember
my ip" thing while login?
2110 [17:41:13] <babilen> LAL: How would you like to contribute to
2111 [17:42:11] <LAL> teraflops: I actually don't know what
happened, my internet was slow.
2112 [17:42:33] <teraflops> LAL: as I said look there for a
support email, contact or whatever
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2116 [17:43:40] <teraflops> also: install testing/sid and file
bugs, create a wiki account and fix/write entries/translations,
offer support here… look like ways to contribute too
2117 [17:43:50] <LAL> babilen: Iam interested in fixing bugs.
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2125 [17:49:04] <nohair> share lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf please :(
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2128 [17:49:59] <greycat> Is it part of a package that you've
got? If you try "dpkg -S lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf" does it
list anything?
2129 [17:50:13] *** Joins: towo` (~towo@replaced-ip )
2130 [17:51:00] <nohair> dpkg-query: package
'lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf' is not installed and no
information is available
2131 [17:51:28] <greycat> you did lower-case s instead of capital
2132 [17:51:45] <nohair> ups sorry
2133 [17:51:49] *** Joins: Jidoor_ (~Jidoor@replaced-ip )
2134 [17:51:51] <nohair> yes it listed
2135 [17:51:54] *** Quits: SourTrou_ (~sourtrout@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2136 [17:52:00] <greycat> WHAT did it list?
2137 [17:52:01] <nohair> but, i have problem with login screen
2138 [17:52:14] *** Quits: aau (~aau@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2139 [17:52:15] <nohair> lightdm-gtk-greeter:
2140 [17:52:21] <nohair> lightdm-gtk-greeter:
2141 [17:52:26] <nohair> lightdm-gtk-greeter:
2142 [17:53:03] <nohair> at login screen font look square
2143 [17:53:04] <greycat> And you have deleted
/etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf and you want it back? Or you
believe that it has been altered from the default and you want the
default back?
2144 [17:53:05] <nohair> :(
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2148 [17:53:32] <nohair> im not delete, but im using
2149 [17:53:44] <nohair> and lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf is changed
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2152 [17:54:24] <nohair> im forgot backup
2153 [17:54:29] <nohair> i want default
2154 [17:54:44] *** Quits: sysanthrope (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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2159 [17:55:24] *** Joins: lucaswang (~lucaswang@replaced-ip )
2160 [17:55:24] <greycat> You can use dpkg-deb --extract
whatever.deb /tmp/greeter
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2162 [17:55:41] *** Joins: lsyoyom (~liny01@replaced-ip )
2163 [17:55:45] <greycat> If you don't have the original .deb
file you can re-download it with apt-get --download-only --reinstall
install pkgname
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2165 [17:56:18] <nohair> thanks greycat :)
2166 [17:56:33] *** Joins: SourTrou_ (~sourtrout@replaced-ip )
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2169 [17:57:19] <teraflops> hmm, if you delete the files that are
included in the package and you reinstall the package, does it put
the missing files back?
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2172 [17:58:08] <greycat> No.
2173 [17:58:08] <nohair> dik
2174 [17:58:09] <nohair> idk
2175 [17:58:09] <nohair> xD
2176 [17:58:11] *** Joins: trueneu (~noone@replaced-ip )
2177 [17:58:14] <greycat> !confmiss
2178 [17:58:14] <dpkg> You have to especially tell the packaging
system to reinstall config files because when they are gone, it is
assumed that you want them to stay deleted. "aptitude -o
DPkg::Options::='--force-confmiss' reinstall
$packagename" will restore them (man dpkg for details). If the
package uses <ucf> for config file management, ask me about
<ucf confmiss>.
2179 [17:58:22] <teraflops> greycat: ah good to know, thanks
2180 [17:58:29] *** Quits: llucenic (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
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2183 [17:59:00] <greycat> The primary question was whether
/etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf was an actual CONFIG FILE (as
defined by Debian), or whether it was generated by a
post-installation script.
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2185 [17:59:02] *** Quits: trueneu (~noone@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
2186 [17:59:09] <greycat> Turns out it's a config file, as
verified by dpkg -S
2187 [17:59:26] <greycat> So you can re-extract it from the
original .deb without having to run a post-inst script.
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(Remote host closed the connection)
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2190 [18:00:08] <nohair> greycat
2191 [18:00:13] *** Quits: InfoTest (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Quit: InfoTest)
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2193 [18:00:31] <nohair> the file is lightdm-gtk-greeter.deb>
2194 [18:00:31] <nohair> ?
2195 [18:00:46] <greycat> look in /var/cache/apt/archives/
2196 [18:01:54] <nprs> can you guys recommend a USB wireless N
device that works in Debian?
2197 [18:02:06] <nprs> the belkin one I have isn't supported
2198 [18:02:47] <nohair> no file .. i think is deleted by apt-get
clean :(
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2201 [18:03:07] <jelly> nprs, do you require it only worked
without non-free firmware?
2202 [18:03:17] <greycat> Then you will need to re-download it
using apt-get as I showed.
2203 [18:03:32] <jelly> nprs, can you show the "lsusb"
line matching your adapter?
2204 [18:03:32] <nprs> it doesn't matter really
2205 [18:03:44] <nprs> I just cant run a cable to this desktop
2206 [18:03:46] <nohair> im try it
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2209 [18:03:58] <jelly> nprs, type it, then :-)
2210 [18:04:03] <nprs> yeah sure lemme wake it up
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2212 [18:04:25] <jelly> if you're lucky, it just needs
2213 [18:04:53] <jelly> but most wifi vendors keep the source for
that firmware very very private
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2216 [18:06:06] <nprs> this is it
2217 [18:06:09] <nprs> Bus 001 Device 002: ID 050d:110a Belkin
2218 [18:06:27] <nprs> I found the firmware on git but was having
trouble compiling it
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2230 [18:09:49] <nprs>
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2232 [18:10:44] <jelly> yeah, that seems to be firmware AND a
driver too
2233 [18:11:13] *** Joins: baptist (~baptsk@replaced-ip )
2234 [18:11:14] <jelly> nprs, get online (wired?), "apt-get
install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential" then try
building again
2235 [18:11:37] *** Joins: ppphd (~pinsek@replaced-ip )
2236 [18:12:00] <ppphd> hello guys. do you know how to download a
package from debian source, and all it's denpendencies??
2237 [18:12:02] <nprs> I'll give it a go
2238 [18:12:03] *** Quits: _foldLeft (~foldleft@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2239 [18:12:06] <ppphd> I want to install software offline
2240 [18:13:24] <greycat> apt-get --download-only install pkgname
2241 [18:13:40] <greycat> but if you ALREADY have some of the
dependencies on the wired system, it will not redownload those
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2244 [18:13:54] <ilinka> I want it
2245 [18:14:03] *** Quits: thebrush (~Icedove@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Ciao)
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2247 [18:14:14] <ppphd> greycat: okay i get it. let me try
2248 [18:14:15] <ppphd> thanks
2249 [18:14:29] <ppphd> greycat: so where can i find it?
2250 [18:14:37] <greycat> in /var/cache/apt/archives
2251 [18:14:46] <ppphd> thnx
2252 [18:15:06] *** Joins: Nach0z_ (~nach0z@replaced-ip )
2253 [18:15:07] <greycat> Copy the .deb files to the unwired
system and then try the apt-get. If you've got all the
dependencies, it'll install.
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2255 [18:15:31] <ilinka> I want it
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2257 [18:15:48] <greycat> ilinka: so what is your question?
2258 [18:16:07] <ilinka> there no deb
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2266 [18:19:19] <ilinka> greycat, ?
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2268 [18:19:54] <ppphd> greycat: other than in
/var/cache/apt/archives , can i specify other places to save
downloaded deb(s)?
2269 [18:20:14] <greycat> I still don't know what the
question is. Are you asking he how to figure out whether this web
site's software exists in a pre-packaged-for-Debian form?
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2271 [18:20:38] <greycat> ppphd: You could mount a file system on
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2276 [18:20:56] <nprs> hey thanks jelly I got it to build now
2277 [18:20:58] <nohair> thanks a alot greycat
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2297 [18:26:39] <thermal0> Hi, what should be the temperature
inside a server? I'm monitoring it with /bin/sensors
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2300 [18:27:38] <RoyK> thermal0: depends where in the server. cpu
can tolerate rather high temperature, disks should be <60c
2301 [18:27:48] <RoyK> thermal0: the most important, however, is
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2305 [18:29:12] <thermal0> The A/C is damaged, the four internal
sensors report from 32 to 38C (89F 100F)
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2307 [18:30:39] <epsilon> thermal0: as simple rule, if you can not
touch a component or heat sink anymore without hurting, then
it's too hot
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2321 [18:36:05] <thermal0> Previously it was close to 30C.
I'd rather turn it off. I'll check tomorrow.
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2323 [18:38:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1661
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2325 [18:38:28] <tikun> ls
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2331 [18:39:53] <epsilon> 38C doesnt sound dramatic...
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2334 [18:41:46] <thermal0> Yes ,but this server has more than 10
years so I'm worried. Ok, I'll leave it on.
2335 [18:42:18] <thermal0> BTW, is there anyway to know exactly
where are the sensors? the manual doesn't say. It's an
intel server board.
2336 [18:42:35] <epsilon> maybe dust es blocking the fan or dust
filter? broken fan due to age?
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2339 [18:43:09] <thermal0> epsilon: I'll check
2340 [18:43:43] <teraflops> dust and humidity, u better get rid of
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2343 [18:44:18] <epsilon> humidity is not critical unless the room
is not cool(ed)
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2347 [18:46:16] <teraflops> well if it's cooled it condenses
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2350 [18:46:45] <calherAtomic> epsilon: 38° C?!
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2359 [18:52:35] <epsilon> why not, my HDD is operating at 50C at
hot days
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2373 [18:56:28] <julius_> hi
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2377 [18:58:23] <julius_> ive got a second debian installed from
this running one, both use the same /boot partition and the grub
from the first system. the second system cant mount its root,
/boot/grub.cfg looks like but i guess it cant load its encrypted
root from the lvm partition....this should be no problem if the
second system uses the same kernel/initrd as the first right?
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2421 [19:21:51] <Gabs5807> julius_: there is a /etc/crypttab (or
something like that). i is copied to the initrd file. the file
contain the uuid of the root device. if you copied the root device
the uuid is wrong (also it is wrong in /etc/fstab) ..
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2474 [19:44:26] <Iridos> I have an old laptop disk with a
debian-including-home partition and a windows which I finally want
to copy over...
2475 [19:45:04] <Iridos> with possibly a slight potential of
booting the windows xp in a VM or so if possible, but mostly for
accessing the files
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2477 [19:46:10] <Iridos> bit unsure what the most practical
approach is... copy the whole raw device? mount the linux thingy and
rsync or tar /home/$USER?
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2479 [19:46:47] <Iridos> use something like clonezilla? (huh,
thought it's a boot disk, but it's a debian package)
2480 [19:46:49] <Iridos> dpkg, clonezilla
2481 [19:46:50] <dpkg> Clonezilla Live is a live CD based on
Debian, providing disk/partition cloning functionality similar to
Symantec Ghost. Basically a front-end to <partimage>,
<partclone>, <ntfsclone>, sfdisk and others.
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2503 [19:56:37] <jhutchins> Iridos: You can partclone the Windows
2504 [19:57:06] <Iridos> what does that produce? is that
2505 [19:57:15] <Iridos> or maybe even transferrable into a VM?
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2508 [19:59:03] <calherAtomic> Installing Debian to test that it
all works. Then will embed a preseed in initrd to automate my system
install to help make my system 100% reproducible
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2524 [20:04:37] <jhutchins> Iridos: I think that should give you
options of a mountable image file, a partition, or a compressed
2525 [20:05:13] <Iridos> will try, thanks
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2540 [20:09:04] <tpanarch1st> hello, how do i go about mounting a
usb drive please
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2542 [20:09:15] <tpanarch1st> i tried fdisk -l with the drive
plugged in, no mention of it
2543 [20:09:17] <johnkeates> first, get a saddle
2544 [20:09:25] <greycat> figure out what the device is called
(usually by reading dmesg|tail) and then mount it with a mount
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2548 [20:10:15] <tpanarch1st> greycat: nowt there :(
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2550 [20:10:54] <greycat> Find *all* of the lines that the kernel
writes when the device is plugged in. There has to be a hint
2551 [20:11:02] <greycat> Especially if some of them look like
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2554 [20:13:35] <tpanarch1st> i'm running debian on proxmox
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2556 [20:14:04] <jhutchins> tpanarch1st: Consult proxmox docs for
how to connect a USB device to a VM.
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2566 [20:17:12] <tpanarch1st> thanks everyone :)
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2626 [20:50:22] <aguitel> debian jessie network install support
gpt /uefi ?
2627 [20:50:51] <greycat> Yes, as long as you use an actual
installation image and NOT a live image.
2628 [20:51:14] *** Joins: Ceber (~PHP5-4-45@replaced-ip )
2629 [20:51:29] <aguitel> greycat, i want to install on laptop
with network install iso image
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2632 [20:52:48] <greycat> If you need special drivers for
proprietary hardware, see:
2633 [20:52:51] *** Joins: bn` (~Patrice@replaced-ip )
2634 [20:52:52] <greycat> !installer firmware
2635 [20:52:52] <dpkg> Debian-Installer is able to load additional
<firmware>, by including it within installation media or
supplying on removable media (e.g. USB stick, floppy). See
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2638 [20:53:16] <greycat> !firmware images
2639 [20:53:16] <dpkg> Unofficial <netinst> images -
containing non-free Debian <firmware> packages - for
installing Debian 8 "Jessie" are available from
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timeout: 258 seconds)
2643 [20:55:22] <aguitel> greycat, thanks i will use this image
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2649 [20:57:42] <awal1> live images also are made for install. for
example live image of debian xfce will install debian/xfce task
2650 [20:58:14] <greycat> *sigh*
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2652 [20:58:22] *** Parts: dannysantos (052b1532@replaced-ip )
2653 [20:58:28] <awal1> so the installer should be able to install
in uefi/legacy as any other installer, ehm?
2654 [20:58:33] <greycat> !uefi live
2655 [20:58:33] <dpkg> Currently, UEFI support exists only in
Debian's installation images. The accompanying live images do
not have support for UEFI boot. <replaced-url
2656 [20:59:01] <awal1> ok, I dont knew that ;)
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2658 [20:59:43] <sypher> That's probably why greycat's
first response was "yes, as long as you use an actual
installation image and NOT a live image."
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2662 [21:00:34] <awal1> my message was almost like a non direct
question :P
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2669 [21:02:09] * sonion bets awal1 is a lawyer
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2673 [21:03:42] <sorta> whats the correct way to add a firmware
.deb to the netinst.iso ?
2674 [21:03:57] <awal1> many people told me that , sonion
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2679 [21:04:29] <awal1> sorta, you have a netinst with non-free
firmwares ready for use yet
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2683 [21:05:17] <jhutchins> sorta: Use the netinstall image linked
2684 [21:05:27] *** Joins: teclo- (42@replaced-ip )
2685 [21:05:42] <awal1> sorta,
2686 [21:06:08] <sorta> thanks for the link
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2688 [21:06:43] <awal1> this one if amd64 , sorta
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2690 [21:07:18] <unborn> sorta: there is always an way to install
those drivers.. I usually do netinstall with ethernet in and once
installed I just install drivers later..
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2694 [21:08:12] <jhutchins> unborn: You have to have the version
of the installer that propmts for the location of the firmware
files, or a version that includes them.
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2698 [21:08:37] <jhutchins> unborn: Re-read your post, nevermind.
2699 [21:08:47] <unborn> jhutchins: :)
2700 [21:09:17] <jhutchins> unborn: That's usually easier
than messing with the extra medium.
2701 [21:09:20] <quantomworks> I tried asking in #raspbian ... How
come sound from firefox is working but not from omxplayer or
vlcmedia player? It's the same audo file. An m4a I got from the
youtube downloader. Yet nothing is playing today, when it played
fine yesterday.
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2704 [21:09:58] <unborn> jhutchins: exactly and its also faster,
no headaches
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2709 [21:10:25] <unborn> quantomworks: codec?
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2711 [21:11:24] <unborn> quantomworks: its same with mkvs - if
they use some other sound codec which is not supported in web then
you will have video but no sound or sound but no video
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2716 [21:13:19] <quantomworks> unborn: No idea of the codec, but I
know it was playing fine yesterday and no alterations were made to
the file since then.
2717 [21:13:29] <unborn> quantomworks: best bet would be to
download those as mp4 which is sort of same as m4a or that other
one.. mp4 will work for you, then you can convert it to webm or mp3
2718 [21:13:29] <quantomworks> or updates or anything else
2719 [21:14:25] <unborn> quantomworks: well perhaps ask someone
from mozilla?
2720 [21:15:06] <unborn> quantomworks: I always convert it to oggs
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2723 [21:15:48] <quantomworks> Erm, it's a audio file on my
local machine now. I'm going about your method. converting it
first. I'm just trying to figure out, since im on a raspberry
pi, if there's even enough ram to have firefox and omx run at
the same time or something. It's a local file right now though
that was on the PC. Was just using mozilla as a reference saying
that my sound is configured properly...wondering if it isnt for
2724 [21:15:48] <quantomworks> vlc or omx..
2725 [21:15:55] *** Parts: calherAtomic (~calherAto@replaced-ip )
2726 [21:16:17] <teraflops> unborn: when you do youtube-dl -f id
download a bunch of files in different formats, also video only and
audio only I bet that file has no audio track at all
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2730 [21:17:18] <quantomworks> teraflops: It had one yesterday is
the thing! It played just fine through vlc media player.
2731 [21:18:02] <unborn> teraflops: yeah could be that as well.. i
never used youtube-dl so I dont know... I have some plugin in ff
which gives me only mp4 format which is essentially same as m4a
however codecs could be different - perhaps you right.
2732 [21:18:10] <teraflops> quantomworks: it's easy to find
out run `mediainfo` against that file
2733 [21:18:24] <teraflops> err^ i meant unborn
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2735 [21:18:29] <unborn> that is actually very good point ^^^
2736 [21:18:36] *** Quits: WayToDoor (~milk.bott@ (Ping
timeout: 250 seconds)
2737 [21:18:59] <quantomworks> installin media info..
2738 [21:19:18] *** Joins: Starky (~Starky@replaced-ip )
2739 [21:19:36] <quantomworks> format: AAC
2740 [21:19:41] <quantomworks> channels 2
2741 [21:19:46] <unborn> aac?
2742 [21:19:52] *** Joins: kinda (~sorta@replaced-ip )
2743 [21:19:55] <quantomworks> Advanced Audio Codec
2744 [21:20:17] <unborn> quantomworks:
2745 [21:20:25] <unborn> read that yellowish note there
2746 [21:20:59] <quantomworks> unborn: I'm not playing it
through firefox though. Im playing it locally on my machine.
2747 [21:21:00] <unborn> mah i re-read it too.. im wrong :) well
that should be playing right?
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2750 [21:21:49] <unborn> aha that is not working on your vlc - i
got it wrong all the way
2751 [21:21:55] <quantomworks> ^ yes and omx
2752 [21:21:59] <quantomworks> for some reason
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2755 [21:23:04] <unborn> yeah its playing on my machine
2756 [21:23:44] <teraflops> unborn: then
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2763 [21:24:44] <teraflops> oh wait im dumb im adressing the wrong
nick again
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2765 [21:25:20] <unborn> teraflops: no problem on my end :)
thanks.. quantomworks perhaps redownload file in another format and
convert it.
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2767 [21:27:06] <unborn> quantomworks: and is the other audiofiles
working? i mean in vlc
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2770 [21:28:16] <quantomworks> i only have 2 audio files right now
2771 [21:28:25] <quantomworks> unborn: none of thm work
2772 [21:28:25] *** Joins: crawler (~crawler@replaced-ip )
2773 [21:28:26] <quantomworks> them*
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2775 [21:28:52] <unborn> teraflops: i use pi-s only as ssh reverse
tunels for remote support and ssh folders as home media storage for
files, well sometimes.
2776 [21:29:16] <unborn> quantomworks: then check output in your
vlc settings (check also advanced)
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2783 [21:31:18] <unborn> there perhaps audio output module -
should be automatic
2784 [21:32:00] <quantomworks> its set to that..
2785 [21:32:01] <quantomworks> no idea what to change it to.
2786 [21:32:16] <teraflops> unborn: I do sbc as well but they have
stock debian
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2791 [21:33:03] * awal1 Finds quvi also a nice, lightweight & fast
multimedia downloader; like youtube-dl it supports many websites...
2792 [21:33:23] *** Joins: egos (~egos@replaced-ip )
2793 [21:33:35] <teraflops> aria2c is the better one imo
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2797 [21:35:43] <awal1> ,v aria2c
2798 [21:35:44] <judd> No package named 'aria2c' was
found in amd64.
2799 [21:35:49] <awal1> ,v aria2
2800 [21:35:50] <judd> Package: aria2 on amd64 -- squeeze:
1.10.0-2; wheezy: 1.15.1-1; jessie: 1.18.8-1; sid: 1.24.0-1;
stretch: 1.24.0-1
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2804 [21:37:49] <awal1> teraflops, aria2c isn't in debian;
but aria2 yes. what it does exactly? can be used for download media
files from say youtube?
2805 [21:38:17] <awal1> looked at it's descrition (aptitude
show) but the description is vague
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2807 [21:38:41] <unborn> teraflops: same here
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2811 [21:39:41] <unborn> quantomworks: change it for each..
remember to restart vlc
2812 [21:40:12] <unborn> each time I guess
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2817 [21:44:34] <unborn> quantomworks: I use this one
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2829 [21:50:17] <quantomworks> but it takes so long to load a
youtube page on this thing
2830 [21:50:47] *** Joins: ec0 (~ec0@replaced-ip )
2831 [21:51:00] <quantomworks> well
2832 [21:51:00] <quantomworks> something that actually works
wouldnt hurt either...
2833 [21:51:00] <quantomworks> thanks
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2838 [21:53:42] *** Joins: dannysantos (052b153e@replaced-ip )
2839 [21:54:55] <dannysantos> debian 8 uses pulseaudio or
alsamixer? I want to be able to set a volume through a command. I
want tot know which one to search for
2840 [21:55:01] *** Quits: Slumlord_ (~username@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2841 [21:55:19] <missmbob> pulseaudio is default
2842 [21:55:21] *** Joins: Ametrine_ (~sona@replaced-ip )
2843 [21:55:34] <hexnewbie> dannysantos: It has pulseaudio by
default, can be disabled, and alsamixer works regardless
2844 [21:55:35] <greycat> Depends on what you've installed.
If you install a basic system, then it's just alsa. If you
install some fancy desktop environment then it's pulseaudio
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2849 [21:56:19] <dannysantos> so either pulseaudio or alsamixer
2850 [21:56:23] <teraflops> dannysantos: you meant pulseadio or
alsa right?
2851 [21:56:35] <teraflops> because pulseaudio or alsamixer has no
2852 [21:56:37] <dannysantos> yes
2853 [21:56:40] <dannysantos> alsa
2854 [21:56:42] <dannysantos> sorry
2855 [21:56:54] *** Quits: shinnya (~shinnya@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2856 [21:57:01] <teraflops> dannysantos: then as greycat says
2857 [21:57:21] <dannysantos> ok
2858 [21:57:29] *** Quits: Ametrine (~sona@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2859 [21:57:42] <jhutchins> AFIK pulseaudio runs on top of alsa,
doesn't work without it.
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2861 [21:58:04] <dannysantos> I have gnome 3 and trinity desktop
enviorments, so it must be pulseaudio
2862 [21:58:14] <teraflops> jhutchins: right, if you install
pulseadio you get alsa too
2863 [21:58:29] <teraflops> dannysantos: you definitely have
pulseadio then
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2865 [21:58:49] <dannysantos> jhutchins: didn't know that. So
if I want to set a volume through a comand its better to search for
2866 [21:58:58] <hexnewbie> dannysantos: ALSA and PA are usually
well intertwined, so your volume commands will work. In particular,
PA adds a control (volume) and sink to ALSA that stream back to PA,
so ALSA tools/apps continue to work.
2867 [21:59:17] *** Joins: mtn (~mtn@replaced-ip )
2868 [21:59:19] <jhutchins> dannysantos: No, if you're
running pulseaudio you should use the controls for that.
2869 [21:59:28] <teraflops> dannysantos: nope, you better get a
pulseadio mixer, gnome have one, you can use pavucontrol too
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2871 [21:59:56] <dannysantos> ok
2872 [22:00:02] <teraflops> I think pavucontrol has more features
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2875 [22:00:14] <dannysantos> and alsactl restore? is that ok to
2876 [22:00:52] <jhutchins> One of the features that most users
might notice is that PA can set different volumes for different apps
which can access sound simultaneously. You can have soft background
music and still hear a call.
2877 [22:01:28] <teraflops> dannysantos: there are systemd unit
files for that
2878 [22:01:49] <jhutchins> Then there's some sort of silly
business that allows you to forward the sound from one system to
another system, which is handy for forwarding music to your stereo
or tv.
2879 [22:01:51] <dannysantos> alsactl store/restore to save the
volume and restore it before changing it. Is that ok to use in a
script in debian 8?
2880 [22:01:59] <hexnewbie> dannysantos: PA restores/remembers
volumes for you
2881 [22:02:15] <teraflops> dannysantos:
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2883 [22:03:08] <dannysantos> hexnewbie: how do i restore remember
volume through pulseaudio?
2884 [22:03:19] <hexnewbie> dannysantos: It does it for you
2885 [22:03:26] *** Joins: N3X15 (~Rob@replaced-ip )
2886 [22:03:33] <teraflops> dannysantos: it does automagically
*most of the time* ^
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2889 [22:04:27] <dannysantos> hexnewbie: so I want to remember a
volume, set it to 70% then restore its volume. Do you know how i can
do that in a script, which commands should i use?
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2891 [22:04:50] *** FaulMcCartney is now known as LandSurveyor
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2893 [22:05:39] <greycat> At some point you have to just try it
yourself and find out.
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2895 [22:05:45] <teraflops> dannysantos: have you checked it using
pulseadio? aka try it and see? because it works.
2896 [22:05:56] <teraflops> I'm getting slow
2897 [22:06:12] <dannysantos> teraflops: what do you mean
automagically? if I set volume to 70% through a command wont it stay
that way?
2898 [22:07:48] <teraflops> dannysantos: you mean the master
volume? pulseadio does sink-inputs too (per application) and last
time I tried they did too
2899 [22:08:09] *** Joins: LouisDeFunes294 (~textual@replaced-ip )
2900 [22:08:48] <dannysantos> yes, the master volume
2901 [22:09:06] *** Quits: LouisDeFunes294 (~textual@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
2902 [22:09:24] <teraflops> dannysantos: then, yes
2903 [22:10:07] <frikinz> Anyone knows if automated abuse
reporting (like for spam, ssh,..) is common? If yes, what do you
2904 [22:10:33] *** Quits: maucar (~maurizioc@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2905 [22:11:05] <jhutchins> frikinz: You mean you want to report
it when somebody's brute-forcing your sshd?
2906 [22:11:21] <frikinz> jhutchins: yes
2907 [22:11:33] <jhutchins> frikinz: /dev/null
2908 [22:11:39] *** Quits: ER_nesto (~ER_nesto@replaced-ip ) (Quit: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL (ETD.sys))
2909 [22:11:45] <frikinz> I suspect also :)
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2912 [22:12:34] <jhutchins> frikinz: The only people you could
conceivably report it to would be an ISP who would be willing to
block the offending IP - which will promptly move on to the next one
in the chain - or to a sysadmin for your system who would configure
it to avoid DOS.
2913 [22:12:51] *** Joins: CeBe (~CeBe@replaced-ip )
2914 [22:12:58] <jhutchins> frikinz: Nobody at the origin or
anywhere you're not paying someone will care.
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2916 [22:13:37] <dannysantos> if I use "amixer -D pulse"
i'm using pulse audio?
2917 [22:13:52] <frikinz> jhutchins: there are some IP that hit my
server and I suspect the admin would do something about it for their
2918 [22:14:02] <jhutchins> frikinz: There is no good reason to
run sshd on the standard port; spam filtering is up to the admin of
the mail system.
2919 [22:14:36] <teraflops> o never faced an isp that gives a shit
about what you ask frikinz. appart from sending you an automatic
response email to your email request
2920 [22:14:42] <jhutchins> frikinz: Probably not.
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2923 [22:15:14] <frikinz> jhutchins: I'm happy with ssh on
its default port. I need it. I'm the admin.
2924 [22:15:21] <missmbob> frikinz: it's up to you to
configure things properly. non-default port, iptables (maybe with
help from fail2ban), etc
2925 [22:15:34] <frikinz> missmbob: it's perfectly configured
thank you
2926 [22:15:54] <hexnewbie> jhutchins: There's a good reason
for running SSH on the default port - preventing non-root users from
binding to your SSH port :)
2927 [22:16:04] <jhutchins> frikinz: The only reason to run it on
22 would be if there was a webfilter or firewall where you connect
from that blocked other ports, in which case you just run it on
something like 443.
2928 [22:16:24] <frikinz> I have no reason to run it on another
port than 22. So I don't do it
2929 [22:16:34] <jhutchins> hexnewbie: You have malicious users
within your own system?
2930 [22:16:35] *** Quits: Ametrine_ (~sona@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2931 [22:16:39] <missmbob> it'd fix your
"probablem", but whatever
2932 [22:16:50] <missmbob> problem*
2933 [22:16:56] <frikinz> missmbob: no that wouldn't
2934 [22:17:16] *** Quits: pirxio (~pirxio@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2935 [22:17:55] <hexnewbie> jhutchins: On my system, no, but I
have managed played with systems with thousands of users where the
answer was "probably".
2936 [22:18:13] <teraflops> frikinz: also you have no reason to
comply since nobody cares about your servers being ester by bonnets
appart from you obv
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2939 [22:18:30] * unborn never need it to change ssh port..what is the
point if you use ssh keys without system passwords?
2940 [22:18:50] *** Quits: KevinFrench (~Gustavo@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2941 [22:19:22] <unborn> fail2ban or nohosts or something similar
and just forget about it
2942 [22:19:26] *** Quits: Barteks2x (~bartosz@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2943 [22:19:30] <teraflops> sorry for the typos i 'm on the
2944 [22:19:59] <missmbob> unborn: no no, everyone is configurated
perfectly. he doesn't need it (as i mentioned earlier)
2945 [22:20:07] <hexnewbie> unborn: It *does* reduce the risk of
compromise if a OpenSSH zero-day happens. Has happened to the Debian
package in the past.
2946 [22:20:50] <unborn> missmbob: im just asking what is the
2947 [22:21:16] <jhutchins> unborn: We had a system that was
adequately secured, but ran on a standard port. It was so busy
denying bad logins that it became unreachable/unusable.
2948 [22:21:18] <unborn> hexnewbie: you mean it happened
2949 [22:21:22] <teraflops> yeah let's change the default
port for everything. ssh on 443 Web server on 22 ...
2950 [22:21:27] *** Quits: ompaul (~ompaul@replaced-ip ) (Quit: and zebedee said its time for other stuff)
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2952 [22:21:50] <calherAtomic>
2953 [22:21:55] <unborn> jhutchins: uh that is bad - yeah that is
good reason i suppose
2954 [22:22:02] <hexnewbie> unborn: I mean Debian.
2955 [22:22:02] <frikinz> teraflops: I'm sure there are some
admins that read these abuse emails. But I suspect not a lot for
2956 [22:22:03] <calherAtomic> Oops
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2958 [22:22:15] <unborn> hexnewbie: im martanian
2959 [22:22:21] <jhutchins> teraflops: Unlike HTTPS, a user needs
a username and a key or password to connect to ssh. Whatever
mechanism supplies those can also supply the port.
2960 [22:22:32] <teraflops> frikinz: nah I think that nobody cares
2961 [22:22:56] <missmbob> frikinz: i've worked at an ISP. no
one cared.
2962 [22:22:57] *** Quits: Nevyn|Work (~jhaskell@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2963 [22:23:00] <jhutchins> unborn: There were reasons we needed
to keep it at 22, but we firewalled the problem ranges.
2964 [22:23:03] <unborn> hexnewbie: that package was on every
single distro out there... not only on debian. of course Im on
debian too
2965 [22:23:22] <teraflops> jhutchins: I was joking. and I can
understand people running ssh or whatever in not standard ports
2966 [22:23:40] <frikinz> teraflops: lol. I'd have to try to
know. As said, among thousands, I think a dozen would/should read.
These reports are also public.
2967 [22:23:40] <hexnewbie> unborn: Only Debian, and perhaps
Ubuntu, was affected by the Debian SSH vulnerability. But
that's beyond the point, so it doesn't matter
2968 [22:24:42] <teraflops> frikinz: I'll save you time. I
used to do such things 10 years ago...
2969 [22:24:50] <unborn> hexnewbie: it was bug in that package, no
matter what distro you been on. source was only one. but I agree its
not what we want discuss.
2970 [22:24:58] *** Quits: aguitel (~aguitel@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2971 [22:24:58] <jhutchins> hexnewbie: I thought there was one
that was GNU-wide, but you might be thinking of something else.
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2974 [22:26:17] <unborn> jhutchins: I understand.. well if that
will be happening to me, I guess I shut 22 down on hardware firewall
and use vpn to get there outside of my lan
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2978 [22:27:52] <Iridos> jhutchins, its vat... how the heck do I
decide if to use partclone.fat32 or partclone.exfat or
2979 [22:27:54] *** BhangiMalangi is now known as stoned
2980 [22:27:57] <teraflops> doing vpn and not exposing ssh outside
is a good idea too. depending on your needs
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2988 [22:29:30] <unborn> teraflops: its possibly overkill but from
past I learned my lesson ;)
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2997 [22:36:15] <jhutchins> Iridos: I don't really know the
distinctions. I _think_ vfat will work with all three.
2998 [22:36:27] <Iridos> that's the one I picked
2999 [22:36:55] <jhutchins> Iridos: I'd have to go dig up
documentation on them - I don't do much cross-system any more.
3000 [22:36:56] <Iridos> you sure you didn't mean partimage?
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3003 [22:37:15] <jhutchins> Iridos: I was thinking partclone, but
I know the tools are there.
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3007 [22:38:54] <teraflops> !souchiro is <reply>replaced-url
3008 [22:38:55] <dpkg> teraflops: okay
3009 [22:39:04] <teraflops> ooooops
3010 [22:39:09] <teraflops> not here
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3013 [22:40:16] * teraflops is embarrassed
3014 [22:40:32] <Iridos> jhutchins, it seems a bit ... unfinished
on the interface side
3015 [22:40:34] *** Quits: llucenic (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
3016 [22:40:58] <greycat> teraflops: is there any reason to keep
this factoid?
3017 [22:41:23] <teraflops> greycat: nope. I did it in the wrong
3018 [22:41:38] <greycat> !forget souchiro
3019 [22:41:38] <dpkg> greycat: i forgot souchiro
3020 [22:41:43] <Iridos> point is... you should delete it. if
someone from us does it, it's one mark towards dpkg's
3021 [22:41:46] *** Quits: Mortumm (~Mortumtz@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3022 [22:41:51] <teraflops> I was about to msg dpkg for getting
the key to delete it
3023 [22:41:57] <greycat> key?
3024 [22:42:12] <teraflops> greycat: thanks and sorry
3025 [22:42:48] <jhutchins> Iridos: It's easier if you read
3026 [22:42:52] <Iridos> greycat, you can delete 3 or 4 more, then
dpkg doesn't like you anymore?
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3034 [22:51:02] <teraflops> greycat: I meant the command for
deleting the factoid. feel free to asking me for using my 4 forget
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3038 [22:53:15] <f-a> hello, I have aqemu/kvm installed. is there
a debian i386 image I can download and slap in it?
3039 [22:53:29] <f-a> I mean, not the installer, a readymade image
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3045 [22:56:31] <`Kevin> f-a: i wouldn't know but i would
suggest just using debootstrap
3046 [22:56:53] *** Quits: GeorgeJipa (~admin@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
3047 [22:56:55] <teraflops> f-a: no idea but the qemu
adventure.calendar was funny
3048 [22:57:39] <teraflops>
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3056 [22:59:11] <tpanarch1st> hello, how do i check if there is
any kind of firewall installed please on a debian install
3057 [22:59:11] <greycat> Advent is not short for
"Adventure" in this context.
3058 [22:59:21] <johnkeates> it always is
3059 [22:59:36] <johnkeates> only imaginary-friend-cult people
think there's a 2nd advent
3060 [22:59:44] *** Quits: vigilvindex (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
3061 [23:00:04] <f-a> quite amazing, teraflops
3062 [23:00:06] <`Kevin> teraflops: thats great :P
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3064 [23:00:10] <missmbob> tpanarch1st: there ins't one
installed by default. so unless you did something you're not
using a firewall
3065 [23:00:19] <f-a> thanks `Kevin , I'll look into it
3066 [23:00:21] <tpanarch1st> yeah i just can't quite
3067 [23:01:25] <teraflops> tpanarch1st: you have a kernel so you
have firewall. you meant a firewall interface of some sort?
3068 [23:01:38] <tpanarch1st> hmmm actually it looks like im
running fail2ban
3069 [23:01:44] <tpanarch1st> it was so long ago i set this up!
3070 [23:01:51] <tpanarch1st> God knows how to temporarily disable
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3084 [23:06:03] <jhutchins> tpanarch1st: I'm sure he does,
God has always run *nix.
3085 [23:06:13] <sqwishy> Sometimes the installer fails to
download a package because it gets a connection reset from Then the install is interrupted and then all of the
preseed configuration is thrown out the window. So when you retry
that step the installed system is completely not what the user
wants. Is http.debian having a bad time? Why is my preseed being
3086 [23:06:18] *** Quits: tensorpudding (~michael@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
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3090 [23:08:04] <jhutchins> tpanarch1st: service fail2ban stop?
3091 [23:08:33] <jhutchins> tpanarch1st: iirc fail2ban uses
iptables, so iptables -L might be useful.
3092 [23:08:44] <tpanarch1st> jhutchins: apparently it's
fail2ban-client stop
3093 [23:08:49] <tpanarch1st> :)
3094 [23:09:05] <tpanarch1st> but in any event it failed to
contact server and questioned is the server running
3095 [23:09:07] <tpanarch1st> so there we go
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3099 [23:10:38] <jhutchins> tpanarch1st: Still might check
iptables to see if there are any old rules there. Not sure what your
actual goal is.
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3103 [23:11:42] <jhutchins> WRT our earlier, the problem with
iptables/fail2ban is that every attempt still reaches the system and
consumes resources, even if it's rejected.
3104 [23:12:15] *** Joins: tensorpudding (~michael@replaced-ip )
3105 [23:12:32] <rue> I'm trying to get syslog to accept
remote connections, I'v added the -r flag and restarted it, its
taken the flag, [ 12071 0.0 0.1 1924 744 ? Ss 13:02 0:00
/sbin/syslogd -r ] but I cant telnet to port 514
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3108 [23:13:22] <tpanarch1st> jhutchins: made a silly mistake and
specified the wrong ip haha
3109 [23:13:25] <jhutchins> rue: syslog or rsyslog?
3110 [23:14:09] <rue> syslogd
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3113 [23:15:48] *** mach_k_away is now known as mach_kernel
3114 [23:16:10] <`Kevin> rue: re telnet, ... 514 is likely udp not
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wgah'nagl fhtagn.)
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3120 [23:18:02] <`Kevin> rue: echo "<14>$(hostname)
test message" | nc -v -u -w 0 host 514
3121 [23:18:06] <`Kevin> something along those lines
3122 [23:18:34] <jazzysnazzyjazz> is there a way to purge and redo
my menus for light and mate? ive formatted ubuntu and debian back
and forth and like to reset them.
3123 [23:18:48] <rue> ok, 1 min
3124 [23:19:40] *** Quits: ribasushi (~riba@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
3125 [23:19:42] <rue> strange, dosn't like a wait time of 0
3126 [23:20:41] <`Kevin> could be version specific try 1 or 2, its
udp so it should just throw it onto 514 and exit
3127 [23:21:22] <rue> errors, but it worked
3128 [23:21:25] <rue> ok, thanks
3129 [23:21:44] <rue> what is the best type of bat to hit an IP
phone with?
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3131 [23:22:38] <jazzysnazzyjazz> lol
3132 [23:22:58] <rue> RITA?
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3135 [23:25:39] <rue> it indicates the hardware is misconfigured,
fubar, or broken as designed.
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3138 [23:26:36] <jazzysnazzyjazz> these days that describes
3139 [23:27:02] <rue> does that mean it might have connected to
the asterisk server somehow?
3140 [23:28:31] <teraflops> rue: mind describing your issue in an
understandable way
3141 [23:29:13] <rue> I have a panasonic sip phone that ignores
all settings applied to it and issues a message that the settings
given to it aren't there
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3143 [23:29:26] <teraflops> rue: if you have asterisk issue look
at asterisks logs ^
3144 [23:29:45] <jhutchins> rue: Are you running asterisk on
3145 [23:30:15] <rue> the phone does not register with the
asterisk service, nomatter what is put in the config.
3146 [23:30:18] <rue> yes I am
3147 [23:31:58] *** Quits: frank1e (~frank1e@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3148 [23:32:07] <jhutchins> rue: Not knowing much about asterisk,
I would guess that it might not be getting the right dhcp info.
3149 [23:32:18] <jhutchins> !asterisk
3150 [23:32:18] <dpkg> Asterisk is an open source, cross-platform
telephone Private Branch Exchange (PBX). It can be used with VoIP
and PSTN services.
3151 [23:32:19] *** Quits: pavlushka (~Pavel@replaced-ip ) (Quit: rebooting, but not booting, oops!)
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3153 [23:32:33] <rue> oh, all the ips are hard coded
3154 [23:32:48] <jhutchins> rue: You'll probably get better
help from one of those resources.
3155 [23:32:59] <rue> its refusing to connect with the log service
or register its sip
3156 [23:33:30] <rue> it also ignores all settings made thru its
web interface
3157 [23:33:35] <teraflops> rue: so tail -f /var/log/asterisk/full
3158 [23:33:35] <jhutchins> rue: I'm pretty accustomed to
cheap IP devices not saving their settings correctly.
3159 [23:33:42] *** Quits: greycat (~wooledg@replaced-ip ) (Quit: This time the bullet cold rocked ya / A yellow ribbon
instead of a swastika)
3160 [23:33:48] <rue> this isn't cheap
3161 [23:33:55] <teraflops> rue: look at attempts to register I
3162 [23:34:03] <rue> its a panasonic KX-UT136
3163 [23:34:05] <jhutchins> rue: I mean quality, not price.
3164 [23:34:12] <rue> mmm
3165 [23:34:51] *** Joins: ribasushi (~riba@replaced-ip )
3166 [23:34:59] <jhutchins> rue: Direct from Panasonic or where?
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3168 [23:35:13] <rue> yup
3169 [23:35:22] <rue> we do panasonic phone systems
3170 [23:35:28] <rue> but we use a voip system
3171 [23:35:28] <jhutchins> rue: Do you have another one that
3172 [23:35:52] <rue> I'v got two, I cant get either of them
to register the sip
3173 [23:36:08] <teraflops> rue: take a look at the fine logs ^
3174 [23:36:23] <rue> I just dialed verbose and debug up to 9
3175 [23:36:34] <jhutchins> rue: Has _anything_ registered with
the server?
3176 [23:36:50] *** H4ndy is now known as h4ndy
3177 [23:36:57] <rue> yea, I have 5 other phones of different
models behaving great :)
3178 [23:37:19] <jhutchins> rue: In that case, I'd contact
Panasonic support, the server sounds like it's working fine.
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3186 [23:38:20] <sqwishy> Any clues on having the installer not
disregard a preseed if it fails because it can't fetch a
package temporarily?
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3190 [23:39:22] <awal1> jazzysnazzyjazz, reset mate menu and
lightdm you meant?
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3196 [23:45:35] <awal1> Why route needs root and netstat no?
(finding gateway)
3197 [23:45:58] <johnkeates> because route isn't for reading,
it's for writing
3198 [23:46:04] *** Quits: geoid (~geoid@replaced-ip##) (Quit: Lingo: ##replaced-url
3199 [23:46:20] <awal1> ok, ok. got it
3200 [23:46:53] <teraflops> awal1: also netstat shows more things
if you launch it as root
3201 [23:48:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1651
3202 [23:48:22] <awal1> teraflops, good to know :)
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3211 [23:56:34] <Iridos> jhutchins, dunno... I have problems with
the partclone stuff... it refuses to do anything without the
"-c" option, but I can give "-W -c" ... but the
outcome is not obvious to mount
3212 [23:56:48] *** Joins: Poppa (Poppabear@replaced-ip )
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3214 [23:57:03] <Iridos> and documentation is somewhat
non-existent, despite all the man-pages
3215 [23:57:15] <fa> Hello
3216 [23:57:51] <Iridos> and -W seems to disable any space-saving
stuff anyway to retain mountability :-/
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