5[00:06:28] <sponix> is there an easily established method to
backport from "experimental".. Or do I need to give it a
bit until it makes it into Sid ?
6[00:06:46] <sponix> I'd like to run kernel 5.10 with
zfs, and Nvidia 450 if possible
7[00:07:19] <sney> experimental packages will generally
install on sid or testing, provided they aren't completely
8[00:07:31] <sney> (there is no guarantee of any quality wrt
9[00:07:34] <dvs> !v linux-kernel-amd64
10[00:07:41] <dvs> ,v linux-kernel-amd64
11[00:07:42] <judd> No package named
'linux-kernel-amd64' was found in amd64.
12[00:08:00] <sponix> dvs: I know 5.9 is the latest in
backports for buster
16[00:08:11] <sney> there are some patches for zfs to compile
on 5.10 but you should know that openzfs does not consider it
supported at all, yet
17[00:08:24] <sney> this includes 2.0.0
18[00:08:36] <sney> and finally,
19[00:08:39] <sney> !debian-next
20[00:08:39] <dpkg> #debian-next is the channel for
testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (irc.oftc.net), *not*
on freenode. If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is
invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
irc.oftc.net. See also
31[00:11:17] <sponix> I should probably just wait for zfs,
nvidia, and kernel backports all to support 5.10 before I make the
jump. Got a bit excited and went to early :)
32[00:11:20] <sponix> !sns
33[00:11:20] <dpkg> Shiny New Shit Syndrome is a serious
disorder, which usually breaks out into an epidemic every time
something new is released. If you have SNS, ask me about
<backports> and <ssb>; these are better options than
upgrading to <testing> because it is a <moving target>.
34[00:11:25] <sney> backporting from experimental to stable is
basically the same procedure as backporting from sid to stable.
(again with the caveat that there is no guarantee of any quality in
experimental.) OR you could use bullseye and just install the
35[00:14:29] * sney uses bullseye, with zfs and nvidia, and is still
on 5.9 for the moment
36[00:14:56] *** Quits: mirrorbird (~psutcliff@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
58[00:22:21] <sponix> I just sometimes get the SNS :)
59[00:22:38] * dvs cures sponix
60[00:22:54] <ratrace> hmm look at this... it even says that
5.10 is blocked because it breaks, among other things, zfs ...
61[00:22:59] <sney> out-of-tree module breakage is a pretty
normal thing to deal with on testing anyway. this is why we have
apt-listchanges and apt-listbugs and the ability to pay attention
62[00:23:00] <ratrace> so how did bullseye get 5.10 then.
63[00:23:47] <ratrace> sney: bah
64[00:23:54] <sney> probably the same way it did when 5.9 broke
nvidia and virtualbox
67[00:25:39] <\\Mr_C\\> i keep getting an error with a clean
install of debian -bash: mkdiskimage: command not found
68[00:25:42] <ratrace> I used to have the bpo'd kernel on
stable until recently, but I've switched to tracking
kernel.org's 4.19 instead as 5.9 EOL'd. 5.10 has a nasty
btrfs regression.
69[00:25:46] <\\Mr_C\\> i installed the latest syslinux
70[00:25:52] <\\Mr_C\\> any ideas?
71[00:25:53] <sney> ,file mkdiskimage
72[00:25:58] <judd> Search for mkdiskimage in buster/amd64:
syslinux-utils: usr/bin/mkdiskimage
103[00:45:10] *** Quits: Jad (~Nashmi@replaced-ip) (Quit: Benefits I derive from freedom are largely the result
of the uses of freedom by others, and mostly of those uses of
freedom that I could never avail myself of.)
116[01:06:55] <sney> struck by curiosity, I took the risk, and
can happily report that 5.10.0-1 and zfs-dkms 2.0.1-1~exp1 are
running just fine on bullseye. so I'm sure buster-backports
will follow before *too* long.
129[01:16:43] <zykotick9> heh... sney "report that 5.10.0-1
and zfs-dkms 2.0.1-1~exp1 are running just fine" <- so what
you're sayin' is "I didn't just have to
downgrade my kernel in bullseye" ;) install zfs-dkms from
experimental is the workaround, I take it.
130[01:17:06] <ratrace> I also use LUKS which is suffering a LOT
due to meltdown and spectre mitigations. phoronix ran a test, and
inspired by it, I tried to reboot a test machine with
mitigations=off and indeed.... 2x difference
132[01:17:46] <ratrace> _thankfully_ still outside of sata3
bandwidth saturation, I gots strong CPUs :) but eh.... that plus
btrfs atop of it ..... 5.10 is a disaster for me, right now.
137[01:18:08] <sney> zykotick9: I'm using 2 different
out-of-tree modules so I always check the weather before I upgrade
the kernel. but sure, same idea
139[01:19:05] <ratrace> sney: but it's pretty safe on
stable. debian will err on the side of "KILLALL PERFORMANCE
HERPDERP!" before breaking zfs.
140[01:19:27] *** Quits: tagomago (~tagomago@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
141[01:19:29] <ratrace> like last year, 0.7.x was patched to
disable SIMD :)
142[01:20:02] <Souler> Welcome. Which gentlemen or ladies would
help me for priv? It is specifically about installing drivers for
the NVidia Quadro k2100m graphics card on the ThinkPad W541.
I'm not sure, but I think the graphics should work better. You
would have to check if everything is as it should be.
143[01:20:20] <ratrace> ahead of 10.1 or 10.2 release ...
can't remember now :: because thanks to GKH .... the political
patches were backported to LTS kernels in the middle of their
releaes cycle..... FUN FUN FUN FUN
144[01:20:31] <sney> Souler: that's not how things work
here, just give details in the channel and we can help
145[01:20:48] <sney> !paste
146[01:20:48] <dpkg> Do not paste more than 2 lines to this
channel. Instead, use for text:
147[01:21:24] <ratrace> (last year .... 2019 ... my brain is
still in 2020)
190[01:37:07] <dpkg> Binary-only firmware for the nouveau
<DRM> driver is packaged for Debian as firmware-misc-nonfree.
Without this package installed, poor 2D/3D performance and/or
missing video features in the <nouveau> xorg driver is
commonly experienced. To install, ask me about <non-free
193[01:37:48] <ratrace> Souler: that only shows apparmor profile
being loaded. what's the actual problem you're having?
"I think [gpu] should work better" is very vague and
195[01:38:31] <ratrace> if you have poor game performance,
you'll need the proprietary driver. nouveau is still missing
the only firmware that matters :)
211[01:47:39] <seanthegeek> EdePopede tomreyn sney dvs I'm
finally back. Thanks for testing from your ends. I just switched to
a mobile hotspot for troubleshooting, and apt worked. No idea why
it's failing on my local network. I've never had this
issue before. It persists even after clearing DNS cache on my
gateway and local system. Really weird.
212[01:49:05] <sney> seanthegeek: did you try non-cdn mirrors?
the fastly cdn sometimes behaves strangely, particularly if your ISP
is doing any cache/proxy tomfoolery behind the scenes
227[01:56:06] <Souler> I restarted the computer and now I am
upgrading. I saw that he wants to install drivers from ati and
radeon. I'm not sure if it's good. It will download,
install and then see if Blender's performance is better.
234[02:00:17] <jmcnaught> Probably the "Possibly missing
firmware…" messages during initrd creation.
235[02:01:54] <ratrace> bah.... seems like we won't see
PHP8 in Bullseye....... :(
236[02:02:46] <ratrace> been reading through the transitions and
related blockers bug reports.... and not just that; PHP software
just ain't yet ready for 8
246[02:12:36] <Souler> I checked the efficiency of video editing
in Blender. Performance is the same after the system upgrade. Should
I do something else besides installing firmware-misc-nonfree? Maybe
I should load some mod?
248[02:14:26] <ratrace> Souler: maybe you just need a stronger
computer and/or GPU
249[02:15:06] <ratrace> Souler: but eh, if that's nvidia
GPU (you mentioned ATI at some point too), you could try the
proprietary driver instead of nouveau
258[02:19:50] <sney> really? the gpu in my plex instance is a
GK107 and that's supported by nvidia-current, this should be
close if not the same
259[02:19:53] <Souler> This is a new computer that I bought a
few days ago. I just wondered if it could work even better than it
works now. Currently he is a bit stuck as there are transitions in
video editing. I thought I didn't have the correct drivers.
Maybe the blender has too high requirements. I don't know how
to approach this.
260[02:20:13] <ratrace> sney: nvidia . com says 319 for K2100M
261[02:20:35] <ratrace> oldest we have is nvidia-legacy-340xx
271[02:23:26] <sney> Souler: make sure you install the
linux-headers-amd64 package too
272[02:23:42] <ratrace> zykotick9: how do you search for it
exactly? the nvidia search tab is broken for me (resets the dropdown
if I select Quadro from the list), so I tried via google, and 319 is
all I got
276[02:26:41] <ratrace> zykotick9: that's some other search
form then. that one works for me too, and actually lists 460 as
well. thanks for correcting me
277[02:28:45] <ratrace> actually....no, it doesn't list
K2100M at for newer drivers
294[02:37:17] <dpkg> Your screen is in front of your face.
#debian cannot see it. Please give as many details as you can about
the problem. It wastes our time and yours when we have to guess what
is on your screen. See <context>, <what>
345[02:56:48] <jennie> thats when i installed ubuntu , when i
asked about brightness issue in debian
346[02:56:55] <ratrace> ANYWAY .... this channel is usually busy
and populates. there may be pockets of silence. so, if you have an
issue, ask away and have a bit patience please.
352[02:57:34] <sney> #debian is staffed by volunteers, so there
isn't always someone here. but I'm here all the time
(thanks covid) and I haven't seen you either. maybe just an
inconvenient time zone. :<
353[02:57:51] <jennie> no, as I insatlled ubuntu, but if someone
is willing to resolve, it wont take more than 10min to install
debian back
354[02:57:53] <ratrace> the channel is fairly busy
355[02:58:13] <ratrace> jennie: you'll have to come with
actual problem on actual debian and with ready logs and pastes.
358[02:59:37] *** Quits: OEIRAS (~OERIAS@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
359[02:59:37] <ratrace> but even then.... there's no
guarantee of any response. if someone knows, they'll pipe up.
sometimes you have to be persistent and repeat your question as
people come and go, and timezones change
360[02:59:57] <jennie> any other platform to ask questions than
this channel?
361[03:00:11] <ratrace> there's debian channels on OFTC
362[03:00:15] <sney> #debian on oftc, various unofficial forums
363[03:00:21] <ratrace> mailing lists....
364[03:00:28] <sney> ^
365[03:01:10] <sney> if you aren't inclined to wait around
on irc for an answer, a ml or forum may be more suited anyway
374[03:04:11] <jennie> i like it thast why i dont want to stick
with ubuntu
375[03:04:52] <ratrace> jennie: again there is no guarantee for
anything. maybe someone can help you right away, maybe not. no idea.
personally, I'm not desktop oriented, I'm way more useful
for servers, filesystems.
378[03:06:34] <ratrace> (though I can help with desktop-y stuff
that I personally use, like the nvidia issue someone had before you
.. screen brightness ain't among those, I don't use a DE,
and don't alter the brightness)
380[03:08:00] <Souler> So this is: nvidia-detect told me that
the nvidia 418 tesla driver would still be working. I have
installed. After its installation, the blender started working, but
the performance is as it was at the beginning. I decided to remove
everything from nvidia for now and keep only novoveau. I think I
installed too much at once. Write me step by step what I should
384[03:09:53] <ratrace> Souler: 418, so that's the
nvidia-driver from buster/non-free ? that's it then, if that
fixed your issue. there's nothing more you can do to improve
performance, with gpu drivers alone
396[03:21:47] * unborn "Write me step by step what I should
install" - uhm no 'please...' word? oi Souler give me
million of euro so I could live forever. whats wrong with this world
398[03:27:08] <unborn> ratrace: Im sitting here couple of years
- past month or two no recall of jennie no slow support at all. this
channel is great ! and I think some people are too nice. anyway -
sorry for making noise but millennial's without manners piss me
403[03:29:42] <sney> nice, a non-sequitor shot at millennials
when we're the last generation of die hard irc users. I'll
try to forget that next time you have a question.
406[03:31:17] <unborn> sney: I am in theory millennial as well
:) but those very early born expect too much for free everywhere.
407[03:31:22] *** Quits: H-var (H-var@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
408[03:31:48] <sney> I'm 36 and I've lost most of my
hair, and I still can't escape the attitude that I'm
somehow a child with no manners. no thanks. change your approach.l
410[03:33:23] <Souler> So yeah: I removed everything from nvdia,
restarted my computer, installed nvidia 418 tesla driver. Everything
works, but I haven't noticed any great improvement. Are there
any other packages from nvidia that we will need and possibly
improve performance? NVidia Settings or something else?
412[03:34:24] <unborn> sney: well you are my age.. am 40 badly -
I wont change my attitude - knowledge takes decades and I see no
reason for rude people too lazy to learn to just get what they want
just because they want it.. decades are not free even open source is
not free, someone had paid for it with his own time.
413[03:35:04] <sney> Souler: it sounds like you just have an old
gpu, and you've done the best you can with it.
416[03:40:42] <cybercrypto> Thats quite interesting... I am
using irc a bit after BBS got 'killed' and I like it.
Nowadays, it is quite common that people ask for other 'support
channels' for speed of course... and I think it is not only
yong people. :-)
418[03:43:56] <Souler> sney: Maybe you are right. From what I
can remember, Blender always performed a bit worse for video
editing. Maybe I got everything I could out of the graphics and the
program itself is simply not efficient enough. Most likely, I will
change my video editing program and that will be the end of it. Do
you recommend any good video editing program? I'm shooting a
music video soon and I should be keeping an eye on something by now.
419[03:44:33] *** Quits: milkt (~debian@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
420[03:44:33] *** Quits: filohuhum (~filohuhum@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
423[03:45:36] <sney> Souler: I use kdenlive for video editing, I
hear openshot is good. That stuff will generally be smoother than 3d
modelling with older hardware too.
430[03:52:24] *** Quits: blkmanta (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Quit: Escaped into the void.)
431[03:54:44] <Souler> I also think Kdenlive is good, I used it
the most. Has a lot of plugins. What only irritated me is that there
are few paths in it. Unless I can't add more.
721[09:53:49] <shtrb> I just don't understand why my speed
(even with speedtest-cli goes now to 10 Mbit , when using the same
cable on a windows machine from WSL give me 60 MBit)
750[10:26:10] <mathsaey> Hey everybody. I'm trying to set
up a raspberry pi (running raspbian) as a bridged AP. I've
managed to do this on my home network without issues. However, when
I plug in the pi on the network where I actually want to use the pi
as AP, nothing works. The pi is assigned an ip by the router (I can
ssh to it), but it does not seem to have a correct gateway set up.
751[10:27:14] <mathsaey> I'm guessing there is some
difference in dhcp setup between the local network and the target
network. I don't know that much about networking, so if anybody
could give me some pointers I'd be very grateful :).
753[10:30:01] <aminvakil> mathsaey: you should be more specific
on changes, what are you trying to do? what do you expect? what do
you see instead? and ask it in its proper channel :) i'm not
sure debian is the one
755[10:31:43] *** Quits: Grldfrdom (uid391113@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
756[10:33:51] <mathsaey> Ah, I figured #debian would be fine
since most of this is not raspberry pi specific. But I'll look
around for a raspbian specific channel :). Besides that, I'm
not 100% sure which additional information you are asking for.
Running ping on the pi returns "network is
unreachable", while everything worked fine at home (i.e. the pi
had internet and any devices connected to the pi over wlan0 had
757[10:33:53] <mathsaey> internet as well).
758[10:34:20] <mathsaey> But anyway, I'll look around for a
more suitable channel, thanks for replying and telling me!
759[10:37:06] <aminvakil> i don't think your question is
specific to the os you're running, and it's purely
760[10:37:49] <aminvakil> also for network troubleshooting
don't start with pinging, first see if you can reach
yourself (localhost), then gateway, then outside of gateway
761[10:39:57] <mathsaey> I should have mentioned that, pinging
localhost and the gateway work with no issues. Since dns is down I
just used to see if I could reach anything outside my
network, which I can't.
763[10:40:29] <mathsaey> And right, I asked here since I figured
the packages and the default configuration is basically the same
between raspbian and debian.
767[10:44:53] <quadrathoch2> mathsaey nope, the raspberry pi
foundation do change a few things, so we in #debian have no clue
which of those changes are. that's why it makes more sense to
ask them
772[10:46:28] <dpkg> Raspberry Pi OS (previously called
Raspbian) is a distribution <based on Debian> made
specifically for the <Raspberry Pi>. Raspbian is not Debian
and it is not supported in #debian. Please use #raspbian (or
#raspberrypi) on irc.freenode.net for support.
776[10:58:05] <freem> Hello. Got an "interesting"
behavior at this boot: acpid was flooding "inotify fd eof
encountered" into logs, making CPU run at 100% (and the log
daemon, of course). Restarting it gives:
777[10:58:05] <freem> starting up with netlink and the input
778[10:58:05] <freem> 27 rules loaded
779[10:58:05] <freem> waiting for events: event logging is on
787[11:05:05] <freem> got a problem since previous boot with
acpid-2.0.31 (in debian 10). It spits "inotify fd eof
encountered" to the logs, using a full core. When I restart it,
the problem "disappear" and gives
788[11:05:46] <freem> I don't think I've updated my
system yesterday
822[11:27:37] <dpkg> #debian-next is the channel for
testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (irc.oftc.net), *not*
on freenode. If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is
invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
irc.oftc.net. See also
829[11:33:27] <themill> [sr]: from the changelog, the init
script was buggy, didn't work, and couldn't be fixed. If
you're running sid, you really really should be reading the
changelogs and also NEWS.Debian for the packages, both of which
mention this change.
830[11:33:39] <themill> !apt-listchanges
831[11:33:40] <dpkg> apt-listchanges is a tool that displays
NEWS.Debian file contents (default) and/or the changelogs of Debian
packages before upgrading them (dpkg-reconfigure apt-listchanges).
It is recommended for users of stable to install the apt-listchanges
package, to see what is happening to their systems as security fixes
are applied; it should be made _mandatory_ for users of testing and
unstable. Also ask me about <d-d-a>, <apt-listbugs>.
838[11:41:51] <shtrb> Please correct me if I'm wrong , in
case of (hardware) raid 5 single disk failure , there filesystem nor
any running application should see any effect at all.
841[11:42:14] <shtrb> The FS would have an inidication ?
842[11:42:31] <petn-randall> shtrb: nope
843[11:42:33] <Mr_Queue> will march right along until you lose
another one and then everything is tits up.
844[11:42:53] <Mr_Queue> shtrb: ^^
845[11:43:33] <shtrb> petn-randall, do you mean I was originally
wrong (that the filesystem will have an indication ) or that I was
correct originally that the fs should not have any indication at all
846[11:43:56] <Mr_Queue> You will notice when you replace the
drive an the array rebuilds.
847[11:44:17] <petn-randall> shtrb: RAID and the filesystem are
completely independent. The filesystem will notice *nothing* about a
disk fail in RAID5. That's intended.
848[11:44:42] <petn-randall> shtrb: You will however notice a
disk fail, since you're hopefully monitoring the health of the
RAID array.
849[11:45:11] <shtrb> petn-randall, thank you !
850[11:45:15] <Mr_Queue> SMART can email you, or use something
like Zabbix to watch the arrays..
851[11:45:56] <Mr_Queue> Something to think about.... The I/O
thrashing that goes on rebuilding an array can drop more drives from
the array.
854[11:46:53] <petn-randall> Mr_Queue: That would be a serious
design error, and something I haven't seen in neither HW nor SW
855[11:47:15] <ratrace> shtrb: 2021 called, they're asking
why are you not using software raid yet ;) :)
856[11:47:44] <petn-randall> ratrace: SW RAID doesn't have
writeback cache :P
857[11:48:29] <Mr_Queue> petn-randall: If you have an array with
5 drives with 60,000 hours on each because that when you built it...
If you lose a drive, then thrash the rest rebuilding the new on
in...... You are right there in the danger zone.
858[11:48:41] <petn-randall> Btw, you can set I/O priority, and
bandwidth limits for rebuilding on most RAID.
859[11:48:51] <ratrace> petn-randall: but the kernel does :)
860[11:49:35] *** Quits: T-zef (~tyzef@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
862[11:50:05] <petn-randall> ratrace: writeback cache is not the
same as dirty pages. The former gives you a huge performance boost
on things like fdatasync().
865[11:51:15] <Mr_Queue> I don't think hw raid is really
needed these days. You should have more than one array to read and
write from and disk cache in memory should be the fastest anyhow.
866[11:51:33] <ratrace> petn-randall: so is ZFS SLOG ;)
867[11:52:18] <petn-randall> Mr_Queue: You can't have write
cache in memory.
871[11:54:08] <ratrace> anyhoo, those few battery backed (or
else bye, mr. data) MB of write burst dampeners is cute.
insufficient "discount" on the otherwise high
"price" of hw raids ;)
872[11:54:34] <Mr_Queue> cache-cade or what megaraid calls it.
Expensive for what you get.
874[11:55:23] <petn-randall> Well, if you have a dedicated
device for writeback cache you're basically just reimplementing
what a hw raid does.
875[11:55:44] <ratrace> have y'all seen the performance of
a nvme SLOG? that's a beast... multi-GB beast. eats the BBU
multi-MB hw-raid cache for breakfast.
887[12:00:48] <Mr_Queue> bifurcation across the lanes really.. I
think today's PCI is a little better but you still need to cut
it up a bit..
888[12:01:08] <Mr_Queue> I didn't care, the performance I
needed was there.. There were a total of 3 arrays configured for HA
so it wasn't a big deal to lose one, or even two.
930[12:33:09] <dragestil> thanks. but is a nonfree wireless
firmware less secure than a free wireless firmware, in that the
former can log your packets etc?
931[12:33:24] <noisemaker> ratrace: I will take a look, ty
932[12:33:47] <freem> dragestil: both FOSS and non-FOSS can log
stuff. The only security is when there is an actual audit.
933[12:34:53] <freem> I can imagine highly secure yet non-FOSS
code, and FOSS code leaking like a sieve. Without much efforts.
934[12:34:54] <dragestil> does being in debian firmware-nonfree
make it less likely to log stuff?
935[12:35:03] <shtrb> dragestil, I would say that audited coded
is more secure than non audited
936[12:35:35] <shtrb> dragestil, no, your running firmware can
do lot's of bad stuff
937[12:35:38] <freem> and to be clear, I can also imagine highly
safe FOSS code and non-FOSS code leaking like a sieve. Easily, too.
938[12:35:45] <dragestil> ...less likely compared to nonfree
firmawares not in debian firmaware-nonfree?
939[12:36:18] <dragestil> alright thanks
940[12:36:58] <dragestil> but is stuff in debian
firmware-nonfree audited in any way?
951[12:39:19] <dragestil> petn-randall: argh, that sucks
952[12:39:20] *** cdown_ is now known as cdown
953[12:40:11] <tuxmania> Hi all. Trying to recover an old
application installed on Debian Squeeze (6.0). It seems that I can
no more access squeeze repositories. When doing an apg-get update,
it gets stucked on "Waiting for headers".
954[12:40:13] <freem> dragestil: you may use CVE databases to
evaluate how much you can trust something I guess. Or try to break
it yourself, but that's... well, *not* easy
955[12:40:21] <tuxmania> Should I change the repositories?
957[12:41:14] <freem> also, there are people which sell hardware
they claim with as little as possible close firmwares. But
that's usually *not cheap* if you compare performances
958[12:41:21] <tarzeau> tuxmania: what is the applications
package name?
961[12:41:53] <dpkg> Volunteer-provided security support for
Debian 6.0 "Squeeze" ended on 2016-02-29 for a limited set
of packages for i386 and amd64. An appropriate line for your
sources.list is «deb
976[12:44:57] <freem> for example, you might use puri.sm 's
products. From what I've read, they try really hard to make
sure 1) hardware is as FOSS as possible and 2) can't phone home
if you don't want it (physical switches)
977[12:45:16] <freem> there are probably lot of other solutions
around, but that's a niche market
978[12:45:21] *** Quits: JohnML (~john1@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
979[12:45:47] <tuxmania> tarzeau: I think I am confused with
all. Not in the debian repo, you re right. But since I was not able
to do an apt-get update, I thought this might be linked
980[12:46:05] <dragestil> freem: what is "phone home"?
982[12:46:40] <quadrathoch2> dragestil transfering data to the
company back for example
983[12:46:55] <freem> you run some hardware produced by society
A. It does it's job, but also logs stuff. Logs by themselves
are useless, so the hardware "phones home" (to A) to send
the logs
996[12:51:19] <freem> I'm certain of it, but I think they
did a lot to remove as much as possible for an intel-arch, and have
hardware switches to cut power/signal to camera, microphone and wifi
stuff. As sad as it is, it's the best I've heard about :/
997[12:51:49] <freem> shtrb: ^ so if you know better in terms of
computers for actual work, please share :)
1087[14:25:35] <deeplogic> is kernel 5.10 going to break my
machine ?
1088[14:25:54] <petn-randall> !raspbian
1089[14:25:54] <dpkg> Raspberry Pi OS (previously called
Raspbian) is a distribution <based on Debian> made
specifically for the <Raspberry Pi>. Raspbian is not Debian
and it is not supported in #debian. Please use #raspbian (or
#raspberrypi) on irc.freenode.net for support.
1090[14:26:03] <petn-randall> Woops, stuck in backlog.
1091[14:26:30] <petn-randall> deeplogic: What makes you assume
1092[14:26:57] <deeplogic> seems like a tremendous jump from
1113[14:31:02] <deeplogic> 5.9.0-4 is the only recent kernel that
doesn't crash intermittently for me
1114[14:31:19] <shtrb> you mean an oops ?
1115[14:31:37] <deeplogic> nope, this laptop locks up
1116[14:32:16] <deeplogic> the magic key doesn't help
1117[14:32:52] <petn-randall> !tias
1118[14:32:52] <dpkg> TIAS is "Try It And See".
1119[14:32:54] <petn-randall> deeplogic: ^
1120[14:33:09] <petn-randall> deeplogic: Are you running buster
with backports, or testing/sid?
1121[14:33:22] <shtrb> deeplogic, a lockup might indicate non
kernel problems
1122[14:34:11] <deeplogic> testing
1123[14:34:14] <shtrb> deeplogic, when you are hit with a lockup
check if pushing on capslock / numlock change the led state for
example , if not , the lookup is on firmware level
1144[14:55:15] <noisemaker> Does any one has errors at boot
related with "ACPI BIOS Error (bug) Could not resolve ..."
and error related with "Volume group '-some-name-vg-'
not found - Cannot process volume group
'-some-name-bg'" ?
1145[14:55:31] <noisemaker> (this is a fresh install by the way)
1146[14:56:15] <shtrb> First one can happen if you have a
firmware (board) that requrie an ugrade , or use of nuevo with some
nvidia cards
1183[15:12:40] <noisemaker> shtrb: i will ignore it. Do you have
any idea about the other about volume group? I see in another
machine the same error, both ar using encryption.
1184[15:13:33] <shtrb> no sorry
1185[15:13:41] <noisemaker> np
1186[15:13:41] <shtrb> wait for ratrace to arrive he know
1207[15:30:17] <dpkg> #debian-next is the channel for
testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (irc.oftc.net), *not*
on freenode. If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is
invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
irc.oftc.net. See also
1214[15:32:08] *** Quits: hyiltiz (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1215[15:33:02] <jhutchins> Kliment: You need to include details.
We aren't aware of any failures in network configuration, and
since there are at least three ways to configure it, we'd be
surprised if they were all to fail at once. Usually things break one
at a time in testing.
1216[15:33:11] <jhutchins> Kliment: What did you try to do? How
did you try to do it? What did you expect to happen? What happened
1217[15:33:45] <jhutchins> Kliment: We can answer general
questions here, but things specific to testing are best asked in the
other channel.
1218[15:34:10] <Kliment> jhutchins: Oh, sorry, I mean there is no
UI for network configuration, network manager or similar
1219[15:34:18] <Kliment> I guess just missing package
1220[15:34:23] <Kliment> I'll ask on -next
1221[15:34:50] <jhutchins> Kliment: Yes, CLI and GUI intefaces
for Network Manager. It's often an applet that needs to be
added to your task bar, but usually installed by default.
1222[15:35:04] <jhutchins> Kliment: You can also configure it
manually by editing config files.
1226[15:36:01] <dpkg> If you are looking for manuals, guides and
procedures focusing on Debian - from a user perspective, the
administrator's view and others - see
1227[15:36:32] <Kliment> jhutchins: it appears networkmanager is
not installed at all on that image (unlike, say, the cinnamon image
I also tried)
1228[15:36:49] <jelly> that seems unusual for a Plasma desktop
1229[15:36:58] <Kliment> indeed, which is why I'm bringing
it up
1251[15:50:27] <gnat_x> iterati: the gtk theme you use probably
has the most affect. but that's limited, since the software
doesn't follow the gtk3 paradigms that are different from gtk2.
1262[15:57:47] <Rob_Jones> can anyone help me with why im getting
my ftp error? Status: Connection attempt failed with
"ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server".
1263[15:58:19] <Rob_Jones> I have port 21 enabled by the way in
my firewall (21/tcp ALLOW Anywhere)
1264[15:59:12] <iterati> gnat_x: thanks. I see there is a package
gnome-themes-extra "This is the version of Adwaita, the
standard GNOME theme, for the
1265[15:59:12] <iterati> GTK+ 2.x toolkit". Probably
that's it, I guess.
1266[16:00:07] <gnat_x> Rob_Jones: i'm going to assume
you've been warned that ftp is a bad idea, and need it for
something specific... are you seeing anything in the ftp logs on the
1267[16:00:07] <ratrace> Rob_Jones: do you have ip_conntrack_ftp
kernel module loaded?
1273[16:01:14] <ratrace> it's automatic punching of holes in
the firewall for PASV connections -- otherwise you must manually
open the ports in your PASV ports range
1282[16:03:26] <ksk> Rob_Jones: for that to work you would
however not need any ftp server running..
1283[16:03:28] <greycat> ... please tell me this is a joke or a
1284[16:03:31] <ratrace> Rob_Jones: but WP is then a FTP client,
not a server..... which would affect your _outbound_ ports, not
1285[16:03:51] <greycat> And indeed, if you only wanted to
download updates you would need an FTP client, not an FTP server.
1286[16:03:52] <ratrace> and you should not block outbound
connections unless you know what you're doing.
1287[16:04:22] <ratrace> I'm calling it....
1288[16:04:23] <ratrace> !xy
1289[16:04:24] <dpkg> Slow down for a bit! Are you sure that you
need to jump through that particular hoop to achieve your goal? We
suspect you don't, so why don't you back up a bit and tell
us about the overall objective... We know that people often falsely
diagnose problems because they are too close to them -- it's
easy to miss that there is a better way to proceed. See
1291[16:04:45] <Rob_Jones> so i dont need an ftp account for my
1292[16:04:48] <ratrace> primarily because WP would/should/must
use https these days.
1293[16:05:01] <ksk> Rob_Jones: to the best of my knowledge even
in the wordpress update there is no ftp included. wordpress had an
integrated updater for quite a while now, you can use it via your
admin panel, or even enable automatic updates..
1294[16:05:33] <ksk> Rob_Jones: maybe refer to the wordpress
documentation before you continue implementing anything.
1295[16:05:45] <ratrace> personally I'd recommend WP not do
any kind of self-modifying things, and you can use wp-cli from teh
command line to upgrade it.... but that's maybe too advanced
suggestion at this stage.
1302[16:11:08] <xoyi-> I've installed a fresh Debian
(buster) image on a newly acquired Carbon X1 8th gen. However I
believe it doesn't recognize the VGA card yet
1303[16:11:13] <shtrb> Rob_Jones, AFAIK you don't need ftp
for wp, some people do provide it but that is absolutly not needed
1304[16:11:23] <shtrb> VGA card ?!
1305[16:11:56] *** Quits: Souler (~Souler@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1313[16:14:35] <zege> Rob_Jones: Than you don't need ftp at
all. I was confused because Wp documentation mentions uploading the
wp-files to the server via ftp.,
1314[16:14:52] <b1ack0p> zup
1315[16:15:28] <zege> Rob_Jones: what plugin? And why would one
need that?
1316[16:15:33] <greycat> I think the WP documentation is written
for people who have extremely bizarre setups, e.g. they can ONLY
send files to their "web space" via FTP or something.
1317[16:15:42] <ksk> this.
1318[16:16:12] <greycat> I wonder if they have a set of
documentation for people who *don't* have bizarre needs or
intellectual handicaps.
1319[16:16:22] <Kliment> the kde live image network manager
problem has been resolved in today's weekly
1320[16:16:23] <xoyi-> @greycat any idea how can I find out the
1329[16:18:21] <shtrb> there is only one true 8086 !
1330[16:18:51] <greycat> !non-free sources
1331[16:18:51] <dpkg> Edit /etc/apt/sources.list, ensure that the
two main Debian mirror lines end with "main contrib
non-free" rather than just "main", then
«apt-get update». But bear in mind that you'll be
installing <non-free> software. These may have onerous terms;
check the licenses. See also <sources.list>.
1332[16:18:54] <ratrace> shtrb: AMD called. They want a word with
1333[16:19:12] <Kliment> ratrace: they can have 8088 :P
1334[16:19:29] <shtrb> that's intel too :P
1335[16:19:34] *** Quits: asymptotically (~asymptoti@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1336[16:19:38] <Kliment> Yeah I know
1337[16:19:50] <zege> Thats Intel UHD graphics. Looks like you
need kernel > 4.19.
1348[16:23:07] <zege> xoyi-: in your case you need a newer kernel
from buster-backports
1349[16:23:10] <greycat> xoyi-: if zege is correct, you will need
a kernel from buster-backports, and probably firmware from there as
1350[16:23:13] <shtrb> xoyi-, look at what greycat had said to
1351[16:23:35] <greycat> !buster-backports
1352[16:23:35] <dpkg> Some packages intended for Bullseye (Debian
11) but recompiled for use with Buster (Debian 10) can be found in
the buster-backports repository. See
1371[16:37:41] <Kliment> I'm getting "mdadm: no arrays
found in config file or automatically" for tens of seconds on
startup after install
1372[16:38:04] <ratrace> Kliment: what exactly is your setup
1373[16:38:05] <xoyi-> there's just 1 glitch now related to
X11/i3: when I run `startx` (which automatically runs `exec i3`),
the screen goes black. It's only fixed after I switch to a new
TTY and then back to the previous one. It seems like the resolution
is off(?)
1374[16:38:17] <shtrb> Kliment, do you have LVM setup ?
1375[16:38:31] <Kliment> ratrace: default install with encryption
1376[16:38:42] <Kliment> on an nvme drive
1377[16:39:43] <ratrace> Kliment: do you even have mdadm raid
1378[16:40:17] <Kliment> not that I know of? I literally just
installed this
1550[18:19:22] <switchnode> i'm trying to build some
software with autotools. it depends on a third-party library,
libzstd, which i have installed under ~/.local (this is a multi-user
box on which i do not have root access).
1551[18:19:27] <switchnode> i have set PKG_CONFIG_PATH to
~/.local/lib/pkgconfig; autoconf successfully finds libzstd.pc
there. however, the build fails with "error while loading
shared libraries: libzstd.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No
such file or directory".
1552[18:19:36] <switchnode> `pkg-config libzstd --libs` outputs
"-L<absolute path to ~>/.local//lib -lzstd"; the
generated Makefile.in has the line "ZSTD_LIBS =
@ZSTD_LIBS@"; the generated Makefile has the line
"ZSTD_LIBS = -L<absolute path to ~>/.local//lib
-lzstd", as expected.
1553[18:19:43] <switchnode> the compilation string printed by
automake includes those flags, and there is definitely a
libzstd.so.1 under ~/.local/lib (it's a symlink to
libzstd.so.1.4.4 in the same directory). so why can't the
linker find it?
1554[18:19:49] <switchnode> (i've also tried setting LDFLAGS
directly to ~/.local/lib, but that didn't help.)
1599[18:44:18] <azidhaka> my question is if i am correct to look
into libc for that types of problems
1600[18:44:22] <xoyi-> any ideas why network doesn't work
(fresh Debian Buster installation) but only when I connect via WiFi?
(other devices in the same WiFi work, and this doesn't seem a
DNS issue because I can't either ping via IP)
1601[18:45:41] <karlpinc> xoyi-: ? Either the network/nic works
or does not. What does "doesn't work" mean?
1602[18:45:54] <jhutchins> azidhaka: I'd start with the
kaspersky forums. Is this a two year old package? What debian
release are you on?
1605[18:47:06] <karlpinc> xoyi-: Did you use the installer with
firmware included?
1606[18:47:11] <karlpinc> !firmware images
1607[18:47:11] <dpkg> There are <live> system and
<netinst> and DVD images containing non-free Debian
<firmware> packages available from
1608[18:47:17] <jhutchins> xoyi-: "doesn't work"
is pretty vague. Have you checked for messages in dmesg?
1609[18:47:28] <azidhaka> jhutchins: buster, i've send a
support ticket, but they are really slow in answering, and a package
update caused the breakage, that's why i am asking here
1610[18:47:35] <xoyi-> karlpinc: I can connect to the network
(via nmtui) but it seems like the network is down(?). For example,
`ping` returns "Destination Host Unreachable"
1611[18:47:58] <azidhaka> someone might have experienced this
1612[18:48:22] <jhutchins> azidhaka: See if they have a support
1615[18:49:26] <azidhaka> jhutchins: i will, thanks! its an
obscure problem
1616[18:50:05] <jhutchins> azidhaka: Make sure you're
running their latest version.
1617[18:50:22] <azidhaka> jhutchins: it's the latest
version. Will it be possible to see your nsswitch.conf, what does it
have as resolution order for group: ?
1618[18:50:41] <jhutchins> azidhaka: Commercial software often
doesn't get updates on all releases and distros.
1619[18:50:44] <xoyi-> I think the NIC works, since I can connect
to the WiFi network via nmtui
1620[18:51:46] <jhutchins> Mine only has "compat".
1621[18:52:19] <azidhaka> jhutchins: it is supported, i've
got paid support, but thought it will be faster to see which linux
system update broke it
1622[18:52:44] <azidhaka> jhutchins: our mail server is running
without av/spam protection right now
1623[18:53:42] <jhutchins> xoyi-: So what's the actual
problem? How are you trying to connect that it fails? We don't
know what you've done with your system.
1631[18:54:54] <jhutchins> azidhaka: Most of us don't run
paid software, we're pretty much all open source, but if
you're handling mail for Windows you probably need it.
1632[18:55:05] <jhutchins> azidhaka: avg used to have a free
1634[18:55:41] <azidhaka> jhutchins: that's the only paid
software we use, everything else is open-source. And yes,
that's handling mail for Windows workstations
1635[18:56:56] <jhutchins> xoyi-: So you're saying that this
system connects to wifi, but you can't ping google. Can you
ping other sites? Do you get dig/host replies? Can you ping devices
on your local network? Is the correct gateway being assigned?
1636[18:56:56] <azidhaka> jhutchins: couldn't assemble
open-source system which filters viruses/spam as well as this
1637[18:57:33] <karlpinc> xoyi-: xoyi- You need to try to ping
your local gateway.
1650[19:08:08] <jhutchins> Makes me suspect that maybe it was a
permissions/user issue. Ah well, it works. "Fixed" costs a
lot less than "why".
1651[19:08:37] <azidhaka> jhutchins: sudo-ing as the user, i am
able to read /etc/group
1652[19:08:55] <greycat> azidhaka: if the service in question is
started by systemd, it could have been started with the same
modifications that buster's login uses, that breaks NIS until
you install nscd or equivalent. Or it could be an AppArmor thing.
1661[19:11:32] <greycat> I very strongly doubt the same issue
could arise from an init.d script. The config options in question
are highly systemd specific.
1676[19:25:49] <unixbsd> is eternal lands to be soon or later,
free into the debian repository?
1677[19:27:29] <sney> unixbsd: you can find this out yourself,
for any piece of software. a) is the license DFSG-free? b) is there
a wnpp bug?
1678[19:28:25] <unixbsd> I saw. ... what an idea. this is not
thinking about opensource community at all.
1679[19:28:41] <greycat> What?
1680[19:29:03] <unixbsd> EL with GNU would be ideal for all.
1681[19:30:02] <greycat> So, let's pretend for a brief
moment that anyone in this entire channel other than you knows what
"eternal lands" is. How does this make it OUR
responsibility to discover its status within the Debian development
framework for you? Why can't it be YOUR responsibility to find
the information that you want?
1682[19:32:08] <unixbsd> after some time, people give their
project to gnu licensing.
1683[19:32:22] <sney> wouldn't that be wonderful if it were
1691[19:37:30] <Kliment> anyone know how to enable fingerprint
authentication in testing? I have libpam-fprintd installed
1692[19:37:54] <karlpinc> !debian-next
1693[19:37:54] <dpkg> #debian-next is the channel for
testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (irc.oftc.net), *not*
on freenode. If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is
invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
irc.oftc.net. See also
1694[19:38:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1232
1695[19:38:09] <karlpinc> Kliment: See above if no one answers.
1696[19:38:29] <Kliment> karlpinc: did that. thanks
1703[19:41:42] <Filystyn> I will try not to explode
1704[19:42:19] <ratrace> zutat: there's a verb missing in
that sentence. but I'm gonna hazarad a guess about your
question, and say that any partitioning tool is also a recovery,
since gpt uses backup sectors. take a look at sgdisk for example.
1725[19:48:25] *** jotaxpe__ is now known as jotaxpe
1726[19:50:54] <frazzydee> I'm running debian buster, and I
notice I have the following entry in my /etc/apt/sources.list.d, is
this OK? "deb
1728[19:50:59] <frazzydee> not sure where that entry came from.
1729[19:52:05] <ratrace> well either you, or an impostor root,
added it there
1730[19:52:26] <frazzydee> ratrace: Yes, could have been me. I
don't remember how or why I added that in. Shouldn't it
say buster not sarge?
1731[19:52:34] <frazzydee> Maybe some old install script.
1732[19:53:02] <ratrace> whether it's okay or not depends on
whether you want to even attempt installing who knows what level of
quality software from notoriously poor-security webmin's
_sarge_ repo.
1733[19:53:36] <greycat> if it's truly a repository of sarge
pkgs, it will probably not work very well
1734[19:53:56] <greycat> !webmin
1735[19:53:56] <dpkg> Webmin is a lame web-based interface for
unsafe system administration for Unix. Check it out at
1736[19:54:03] <frazzydee> honestly I don't even remember
installing webmin.
1737[19:54:21] <Filystyn> Ok qos module did it
1738[19:54:23] <frazzydee> It must be used by some other program
I have installed, perhaps znc or my rtorrent/rutorrent?
1739[19:54:26] <Filystyn> sorry for fuse
1740[19:54:41] <greycat> just because you have a repository in
sources.list does not mean it was ever *used*
1741[19:54:57] <ratrace> frazzydee: if YOU don't remember
why you added it...... I can do it for you. I have a crystall bal.
That'll be $49999 payable in advance, tho
1742[19:55:19] <frazzydee> ratrace: lol
1743[19:55:31] <frazzydee> Don't need a crystal ball,
I'm just expressing how weird I find it.
1745[19:55:51] <greycat> If you don't use webmin, I would
comment out the epository first thing.
1746[19:55:55] <ratrace> frazzydee: webmin is a (terrible) web
admin panel like cpanel or plesk, but infinitely more bad. probably
nothing to do with znc or rtorrent
1747[19:56:06] <greycat> Second thing, find out whether webmin is
actually installed.
1766[20:08:28] <jhutchins> frazzydee: Check top, check ps -ax,
identify as many processes as you can. Disconnect from the net and
see if anything changes. Look for odd directories.
1769[20:09:58] <wobelinger> einen wunder schönen guten
1770[20:09:59] <jhutchins> frazzydee: debsums can be useful, but
it has to be installed _before_ exposure. Tripwire can be useful.
rkhunter and chkrootkit may return false negatives and should be
initially run from separate boot media.
1774[20:12:47] <ratrace> no tool can be trusted if there's
suspicion of pwnage.
1775[20:12:50] <jhutchins> wobelinger: Guten tag.
1776[20:12:52] <jhutchins> !de
1777[20:12:53] <dpkg> Deutschsprachige Hilfe bekommt ihr in
#debian.de (auf irc.oftc.net, irc.freenode.net oder irc.belwue.de) -
1779[20:13:05] <unixbsd> I just compiled eternal lands on amd64,
it is very easy actually to compile. this project just deserve to be
GNU, and free. I will make a little fork with little installer.
1824[20:27:05] <jhutchins> So non-free is stuff that may be under
an non-dfsg license, right?
1825[20:27:30] <ratrace> yup
1826[20:27:33] <unixbsd> Anyhow I upload on gitlab ;)
1827[20:27:47] <ratrace> requires at least permission to redist
1828[20:27:51] <greycat> You still need to be legally *allowed*
to distribute the packages.
1829[20:27:57] *** Quits: alexeightsix (~alexeight@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1830[20:28:20] <ratrace> unixbsd: does the license permit you to?
1831[20:28:21] <greycat> One of the primary reasons a license may
be considered non-free is because it doesn't allow free
redistribution of the package, or distribution of patched versions.
1835[20:28:54] <epsilonKNOT> I wanted to submit a package for
1836[20:28:57] <epsilonKNOT> Yo ratratce
1837[20:28:58] <greycat> I don't know QPL. So you'd
have to take it up with debian-legal or the copyright holder.
1838[20:29:14] <epsilonKNOT> Pardon my mobile typos
1839[20:29:38] <epsilonKNOT> So, like how do I submit a package
to Debian?
1840[20:29:47] <ratrace> I'd definitely go with copyright
holder's written permission, or maybe they're even willing
to relicense. it's a very old game
1841[20:29:48] <epsilonKNOT> I don't see any ports tree or
1842[20:31:46] <Mister00X> ratrace: What sudo CVE do you mean?
1843[20:32:22] <ratrace> epsilonKNOT: only DDs can upload
methinks... you'd need a sponsor or something .
1854[20:36:19] <ratrace> epsilonKNOT: more resources here.
I've been actually going through this from cover through cover
and playing with building some packages for our company's in
house software ::
1855[20:36:56] <greycat> !debian-mentors
1856[20:36:56] <dpkg> Find packaging help for the Debian project
in #debian-mentors on irc.oftc.net. If the channel is invite-only
it's because you missed it being on OFTC.
1863[20:40:51] <jhutchins> Man, learning to build RPMs on CentOS
was a total pain. They had a scripted chroot build that basically
built a new server for each build.
1864[20:41:22] <jhutchins> There was no documentation, and trying
to ask questions about the process would get you kick-banned.
1865[20:41:28] <ratrace> not a terrible idea. FreeBSD ports
system "Poudriere" does the same with jails. clean build
from scratch for each package
1866[20:41:52] <ratrace> makes sure no stray package or file or
leftover or something pollutes the building
1868[20:42:57] <jhutchins> ratrace: It's not a horrible
idea, unless you're in the build-tweak-build part of
development. This was a little more than ten years ago, when kernel
compiles were still used as benchmarks. Not as much horsepower as we
have today.
1869[20:43:15] <jhutchins> RPM is also a heavier system to build
1870[20:43:39] <jhutchins> ratrace: Yeah, or that development
environment you were using on the same box.
1871[20:43:53] <ratrace> right.
1872[20:45:35] <ratrace> build-tweak-build is okay if the
framework is supporting it. don't remember if the RPM framework
did .... whatwasit .... koji? last tiem I wrote a spec file and
built RPMs was ... many orbits ago
1876[20:46:46] <ratrace> from that standpoint building debs is
easier. but the format is so complex compared to a single spec,
.ebuild, or ports makefile
1942[22:00:29] <sney> (also, a lot of consumer ISPs will just
block TCP/25 due to spambot activity, so if you're trying to
host mail from your home computer that is likely the problem)
1943[22:02:09] <epsilonKNOT> jhutchins: just tried to report bug
and it failed. Gimme sec will get error
1944[22:02:41] <sney> don't use reportbug for tech support
issues, package maintainers are busy as it is
1949[22:03:50] <aisha> so i'm epsilonKNOT (just switched to
webchat for easier typing)
1950[22:03:50] <greycat> sney: I'm guessing he hasn't
got a working MTA set up...
1951[22:04:10] <aisha> error on reportbug - SMTP send failure:
[Errno 101] Network is unreachable. You can retry, or save the
report and exit. Do you want to retry [Y|n|q|?]? ?
1952[22:04:41] <jhutchins> epsilonKNOT: It has an off-line mode
that doesn't require a mailer.
1962[22:07:49] <sney> though there are ways that it can get
skipped, or environments where the default wouldn't be able to
send mail to internet addresses
1963[22:08:13] <aisha> this sounds crazy
1964[22:08:22] <aisha> cant it just use an external email server?
1975[22:11:50] <greycat> In past versions of Debian, cron and
exim/exim4 were installed by default, and the user was prompted for
basic MTA configuration during the installation. At some point,
Debian stopped doing it that way. So now there's a shit-ton of
Debian systems out there without a working MTA installed.
1976[22:12:09] *** Quits: Vizva (~Vizva@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1982[22:13:29] <Jen_smiles> i have an application that i
installed ( awscliv2 ) and it works under my user ( if i do a
"which aws" it give me /user/local/bin/aws )
1983[22:13:44] <Jen_smiles> but if i run it as root it won't
work, and "which aws" can't locate it
1987[22:14:16] <sney> no, it's likely a PATH issue
1988[22:14:33] <sney> did you mean /usr/local/bin? was
'user' a typo?
1989[22:14:53] <Jen_smiles> sorry! yes that was a typo
1990[22:15:13] <sney> ok, so become root and check the output of
'echo $PATH'
1991[22:15:16] <Jen_smiles> from my regular user 'which
aws' = /usr/local/bin/aws
1992[22:15:37] <Jen_smiles> as soon as you said $path i checked
that, i'm just going over it now
1993[22:16:07] <greycat> Some of the ways that you can become
root will change your PATH variable, and some of them will not.
1994[22:16:35] <greycat> But even if your PATH is changed,
it's odd that /usr/local/bin isn't in the new one.
1995[22:16:39] <sney> indeed
1996[22:16:47] <sney> it could also be that it's not set as
+x for everyone
1997[22:17:07] <sney> though anything in /usr/local should still
be owned by root unless it was installed strangely
1998[22:18:42] <greycat> The three obvious ways to become root
with a root-specific PATH are direct console login, sudo -s (or su
if configured with ALWAYS_SET_PATH yes), or sudo -i (or "su
-"). I think all 3 of those should give you a PATH with
/usr/local/bin in it, though.
2003[22:21:27] <greycat> Direct console login, sudo -i, su -, or
ssh root@ all give you a login shell as root, so it picks up PATH
from /etc/profile and/or /root/.profile. The one in /etc/profile
definitely has PATH with /usr/local/bin, and at least *my*
/root/.profile doesn't touch PATH, although I'm not 100%
sure it's a default .profile.
2004[22:21:46] <Jen_smiles> i'm basically logging in as a
non-root user, then doing a "sudo su"
2005[22:21:54] <sney> haha,
2006[22:21:56] <sney> !sudo su
2007[22:21:56] <dpkg> Typing "sudo su" is like typing
"cat file | cat". If you want a non-login shell as root,
just use "sudo -s". If you want a login shell, "sudo
-i". There's no need to run two different
superuser-elevation programs chained back to back. See also
<buster su>
2008[22:22:00] <greycat> !sudo su
2009[22:22:02] <sney> but still this probably isn't the
2012[22:23:02] <greycat> In that case, sudo is setting the PATH
as it sees fit, and then invoking a non-login su, which will either
leave PATH untouched (default behavior), or overwrite PATH if you
configured ALWAYS_SET_PATH in /etc/default/su.
2013[22:23:28] <sney> indeed, on a debian system with no PATH
2035[22:27:45] <sney> ok, this is amazon's fault. update
/etc/profile and send amazon an email about not changing defaults
that they don't understand
2036[22:27:51] <greycat> That's the part that intrigues me.
Can you figure out why that happened? Did someone put PATH=... in
your /root/.profile or some other file?
2037[22:27:52] <sney> next
2038[22:28:04] <Jen_smiles> after doing "sudo -s" my
$PATH is ==> /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
2039[22:28:23] <greycat> That is not normal for Debian.
2040[22:28:41] *** Quits: dreamon (~dreamon@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2041[22:29:00] <greycat> sudo -s on my system (buster) gives
2042[22:29:03] <Jen_smiles> our AWS account is so large we have
11 TAMs assigned to us, so I can get an answer on that in an hour,
and sure I can ask
2048[22:30:49] <sney> this is still a dumb way to accomplish
that, but it may have an ostensibly security-related justification,
so you may want to check before doing it anyway
2049[22:31:29] <Jen_smiles> is "sudo -s" over
"sudo su" a standard that should be followed on just
debian or all linux distros ?
2061[22:35:33] <jhutchins> Jen_smiles: sudo -s or sudo -i
2062[22:35:46] <sney> !sudo
2063[22:35:46] <dpkg> Sudo, aka Substitute User DO, is a common
way to give limited super user privileges to specific users. Not the
magic "do what I want" button. Good in scripts with
"username ALL = NOPASSWD: /some/program". See <sudo
path>, <visudo>, <sudoers>.
2064[22:36:25] <jhutchins> I think sudo is pretty consistent
across distros. Su wasn't, but I think most conform to the RHEL
standard these days (su -).
2065[22:37:18] <ratrace> too bad sudo insults have to be compiled
in, and not just a config option
2066[22:37:33] *** Quits: mezzo (~mezzo@replaced-ip) (Quit: leaving)
2088[22:55:36] *** Quits: emptylica (~pi@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2089[22:56:06] *** Quits: Jad (~Nashmi@replaced-ip) (Quit: Benefits I derive from freedom are largely the result
of the uses of freedom by others, and mostly of those uses of
freedom that I could never avail myself of.)
2092[22:57:17] <aisha> user not found in sudoers file, proceeding
to throw banana grenades and wipe them from the face of the earth
2093[22:57:41] <noisemaker> What's the name of the package
to tweak the mouse pad of a laptop ?
2094[22:58:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1225
2095[22:58:12] <ratrace> aisha: moar raciss with correct flags :)
2096[22:58:31] <aisha> ooof
2097[22:59:06] <sney> noisemaker: there used to be a
'synclient' but I don't think it works anymore since
the switch to libinput. you should some controls in your DE settings
widget at least
2099[23:00:41] <noisemaker> At ubuntu old version I didn't
need to press the pad to make the click, I just needed to tap for
it, so what I need to config ?
2108[23:04:03] <noisemaker> ratrace: well, yeah, I did, I
can't find the setting :)
2109[23:04:06] <sney> Kliment: it's not clear, there
doesn't seem to be a bug about it. common reasons can be
maintainer mia, missing new dependencies, upstream license changes
2110[23:04:26] <aisha> how long does it take for package to
appear in mentors package listing?
2133[23:13:25] <Kliment> I think they're the worst idea ever
2134[23:13:32] <ratrace> then no blender for you.
2135[23:13:48] <Kliment> I used ubuntu for the past 15 years
2136[23:14:02] <ratrace> now... it's one thing when
it's forced and defaulted to like ubuntu, and quite another
where you have the _option_ to use them, and no better alternatives.
2137[23:14:11] <ratrace> that said, maybe there's flatpak,
if you dislike snapd
2138[23:14:16] <Kliment> Well, I'm uncomfortable with the
snap ecosystem
2139[23:15:21] <ratrace> or maybe you can just download and
unpack the tarball:
2140[23:15:38] <Kliment> on ubuntu I use a number of ppas for
applications I need to be up to date on, and it updates in a sane
way with the rest of the system
2141[23:15:39] <sney> you could probably use uupdate to update
the debian package too
2142[23:15:40] <ratrace> ,v glibc
2143[23:15:41] <judd> No package named 'glibc' was
found in amd64.
2152[23:17:39] <Kliment> ratrace: the forcing of it is not what
bothers me - I mean apt is effectively forced on debian too. What
bothers me is the technical design of snaps - single source, severe
limitations on functionaluty, and really terrible performance
2159[23:18:39] *** Quits: Deknos (~deknos@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2160[23:18:43] <Kliment> what is this uupdate thing?
2161[23:18:46] <Kliment> !uupdate
2162[23:18:46] <dpkg> uupdate (in the <devscripts> package)
upgrades a source code package from an upstream revision, or e.g. if
the newest foo in debian is 1.2, and upstream is at 1.4: apt-get
source foo; wget -nd
2163[23:19:05] *** Quits: T-zef (~tyzef@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2164[23:19:11] <Kliment> interesting
2165[23:19:29] <sney> careful, it's the gateway drug to
actually being a debian maintainer :P
2210[23:57:55] <jhutchins> I'd love to see Arthur get more
involved in this than facebook posts, but at his age he's
entitled to do as little as he likes.
2211[23:59:02] *** Quits: gonzo (~gonzo@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)