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0 [00:00:19] *** Quits: v01t (~v01t@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
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6 [00:01:29] <deepesh>
7 [00:01:31] <somiaj> maxcell_: why do you think you need the
virtualbox-guest package?
8 [00:01:40] <somiaj> ,i virtualbox-guest
9 [00:01:41] <judd> No package named
'virtualbox-guest' was found in stretch/amd64.
10 [00:01:58] <somiaj> also where are you getting this
virtualbox-guest package?
11 [00:01:58] *** Quits: Zardoz (~Zardoz@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
12 [00:02:01] <somiaj> ,v virtualbox-guest
13 [00:02:02] <judd> No package named
'virtualbox-guest' was found in amd64.
14 [00:02:08] <hypn0> buster
15 [00:02:08] *** Quits: neilthereildeil (cc73b704@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Page closed)
16 [00:02:14] <somiaj> what is the actual package name?
17 [00:02:37] <maxcell_> somiaj: i'm on buster bro
18 [00:02:45] <hypn0> oh
19 [00:02:46] <somiaj> debian contains no package called
20 [00:02:46] <maxcell_> this channel support buster now right?
21 [00:02:56] <RoyK> !testing
22 [00:02:56] <dpkg> Testing is a continuously updated release
between <stable> and <unstable>, currently codenamed
<buster>. See
23 [00:03:17] *** Joins: notepad (~notepad@replaced-ip )
24 [00:03:23] <maxcell_> sorry i read the topic and it says OFTC
to unstable, but i'm on buster so i thought it was supported
here as well
25 [00:03:28] <somiaj> buster is almost released, so questions
can be asked either place, but I want to know the exact package you
want to install. Debian doesn't have a package called
'virtualbox-guest' from as far as I can tell.
26 [00:04:04] <hypn0> that was stretch?
27 [00:04:11] <maxcell_>
virtualbox-guest-additions-iso/testing,testing,now 6.0.4-1 all
28 [00:04:31] <somiaj> why do you want to install that iso? What
is your goal, is this a host machine or a guest?
29 [00:04:49] *** Joins: sandwitch (~sandwitch@replaced-ip )
30 [00:04:54] *** Joins: SmearedBeard (~SmearedBe@replaced-ip )
31 [00:04:56] <somiaj> Also note virtualbox-guest-additions-iso
is a different package, than virtualbox-guest, please use full
package names, helps people double check things
32 [00:04:56] *** Joins: side^effects (~al|iss@replaced-ip )
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34 [00:05:20] <maxcell_> what i wanna reach is simple, i want to
install Android on Virtualbox on Debian. I want it to have guest
additions to be able to use the hardware as i intended.
35 [00:06:19] <RoyK> qemu should work
36 [00:06:23] *** Joins: xormor_GNU (~xormor@replaced-ip )
37 [00:06:53] <somiaj> that package should not be removing
virtualbox, unless you have installed it from somewhere other than
38 [00:07:03] *** Quits: czesmir (~stefan@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Lost terminal)
39 [00:07:10] <somiaj> Also unsure if the addons on the iso work
on andriod guests or not.
40 [00:07:42] *** Joins: Zardoz (~Zardoz@replaced-ip )
41 [00:07:46] <somiaj> maxcell_: paste the output of 'apt
install virtualbox-guest-additions-iso' at (so
we can see the actual problem), also paste the output of 'apt
policy' and 'apt policy pkg1 pkg2 ...' for any
packges listed that could be causing problems.
42 [00:07:46] <maxcell_> Debian repositories did not have any
version of VirtualBox on available so, yeah, i add the repo from
Oracle and i've installed VirtualBox.
43 [00:07:50] <somiaj> !bat
44 [00:07:50] <dpkg> In order to troubleshoot your problem with
apt-get, apt or aptitude we need ALL OF THE FOLLOWING information:
1. complete output of your apt-get/apt/aptitude run (including the
command used) 2. output from "apt-cache policy pkg1
pkg2..." for ALL packages mentioned ANYWHERE in the problem,
and 3. "apt-cache policy". Use
45 [00:08:21] <somiaj> Debian repos contain virtualbox, it is
contrib. But that is your problem right there, you are trying to
link debian packages with oracle packages, this is causing the
46 [00:08:36] <somiaj> If using oracle's packages, you need
to get support from oracle, as debian dosen't support the
47 [00:08:37] *** Quits: Zardoz (~Zardoz@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
48 [00:09:04] <maxcell_> right, i didn't found any
virtualbox on debian repos before, that's why i've
installed oracle repo
49 [00:09:15] <somiaj> I just told you it is in debian, it is in
50 [00:09:17] <somiaj> !contrib
51 [00:09:17] <dpkg> [contrib] Debian packages that contain
<DFSG>-compliant software, but have dependencies not in main
(possibly packaged for Debian in non-free). To get contrib packages,
add lines like "deb
52 [00:09:17] <maxcell_> i have contrib and non-free activated
53 [00:09:20] <somiaj> (not enabled by default)
54 [00:09:24] <somiaj> ,v virtualbox
55 [00:09:25] <judd> Package: virtualbox on amd64 --
jessie/contrib: 4.3.36-dfsg-1+deb8u1; jessie-security/contrib:
4.3.36-dfsg-1+deb8u1; stretch-backports/contrib:
5.2.24-dfsg-4~bpo9+1; sid/contrib: 6.0.6-dfsg-1
56 [00:09:37] *** Quits: _bamdad (~bamdads@replaced-ip ) (Quit: _bamdad)
57 [00:09:38] <maxcell_> i'm on buster
58 [00:09:38] <somiaj> Oh I see, yea get the package from sid
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61 [00:09:53] <maxcell_> wait, i will remove oracle repos
62 [00:10:02] <dvs> ???
63 [00:10:02] <somiaj> They are removing it from buster, becuse
we cannot provide security support for virtualbox (due to oracle
coprate policy)
64 [00:10:03] <maxcell_> how can i get it from sid?
65 [00:10:09] <maxcell_> i dont know how
66 [00:10:24] <somiaj> Once buster is released, virtualbox will
be provided in buster-backports.
67 [00:10:28] <maxcell_> got it somiaj
68 [00:10:41] <maxcell_> how can i install it from sid?
69 [00:10:44] <somiaj> If the oracle packages are working just
fine for you, you can keep using them. Just get the .iso from
orcale, not from tha package in debian you are trying to install
70 [00:10:46] <RoyK> dpkg: tell maxcell_ about sid
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72 [00:11:01] *** Joins: Zardoz (~Zardoz@replaced-ip )
73 [00:11:01] <somiaj> basic, add sid repo to your sources.list
(make sure you pin it low), and install virutal box from sid.
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76 [00:11:28] <RoyK> or just ask on the oftc channel - sid
isn't popular in here
77 [00:11:35] <somiaj> you could just remove the sid repo after
you do this. Though at this point I would be careful, since buster
is about to release, you don't want to mix things. But if you
want the debian package in buster, you'll have to get it from
sid until after the release and it appears in backports.
78 [00:11:44] <maxcell_> should i be using stretch package
79 [00:12:01] <somiaj> I think using the oracle package is just
fine, I would just reconsider wher eyou get that .iso from.
80 [00:12:17] <somiaj> You can just download that .iso from
oracles site, put it on your machine, and tell your guests where to
find it as a mount.
81 [00:12:26] <RoyK> just don't mix packages from different
distro versions
82 [00:12:33] <RoyK> you'll just end up breaking things
83 [00:12:46] <somiaj> So nothing wrong with using oracles
package, just don't mix them with debian packages, and realize
support for those packages if from oracle.
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85 [00:13:34] <maxcell_> ok
86 [00:13:40] *** Quits: Zardoz (~Zardoz@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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89 [00:13:50] <maxcell_> i'll try to find that package from
oracle but, when i search on apt it doesn't appears
90 [00:13:56] <maxcell_> so i don't know if they have it
91 [00:14:15] <somiaj> just grab the .iso, you don't need a
package to copy an .iso to your system. Most likely why oracle
doesn't have a package for it.
92 [00:14:31] <somiaj> debian just packages the iso so it
matches the version of virtualbox debian ships
93 [00:14:33] <maxcell_> hmm
94 [00:14:43] <somiaj> I'm sure you can download the .iso
from oracle.
95 [00:14:49] <maxcell_> got it
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102 [00:16:12] <maxcell_> tell your guest where to find it as a
mount. You are saying i need to mount the .iso before?
103 [00:16:38] <maxcell_> Then open vbox and tell guest where it
is already mounted?
104 [00:16:39] <somiaj> when you configure the VM, you can select
various hardware/mountpoints to add to it.
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107 [00:17:11] <somiaj> You will tell your vm to create a virtual
cd image, and point it at the .iso, then the .iso will be provided
to the guest as a piece of hardware (a cdrom with that cd in it)
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110 [00:17:38] <maxcell_> ohh got it
111 [00:17:40] <somiaj> the exact process in vbox for this I know
not (I use qemu mostly because I don't like oracle's
corprate policy around vbox)
112 [00:17:55] <somiaj> so the debian package just allows you to
download that .iso, you would still have to do that anyways.
113 [00:18:05] <somiaj> (there are also other methods to get
drivers for virtualbox into the guest)
114 [00:18:47] *** Quits: p2hc (~p2hc@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
115 [00:19:17] <maxcell_> right
116 [00:19:17] *** Quits: ghost9999 (~ghost9999@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
117 [00:20:06] <maxcell_> that qemu have those drivers that can
speak to your hardware in a better way?
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122 [00:23:15] <maxcell_> because i need Android to be fast,
specially on video side of things (nvidia)
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125 [00:24:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1510
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127 [00:24:21] <ChunkzZ> I reinstalled my system and made sure
NetworkManager wasn't installed but it's still auto
128 [00:24:50] <somiaj> qemu has a bunch of modules that should
work with an andriod guest. I think because qemu is stock in the
kernel, you don't need any additional guest addons for linux
based oses
129 [00:24:53] <ChunkzZ> ameserver
130 [00:24:55] <ChunkzZ> nameserver
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134 [00:25:22] <somiaj> ChunkzZ: there are other ways your system
can configure interfaces. Check /etc/network/interfaces (do you have
anything in that file)?
135 [00:26:00] *** Quits: skyfighter-off (~paul@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
136 [00:26:02] <ChunkzZ> yeah there's my etho etc in there
137 [00:26:06] <dvs> dhcp?
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140 [00:26:35] <ChunkzZ>
141 [00:26:37] <somiaj> if it configured via dhcp, it is your
network assigining those addresses
142 [00:26:45] *** Joins: SynrG (~synrg@replaced-ip )
143 [00:26:52] <somiaj> yup, your network is assigining those via
144 [00:26:58] <ChunkzZ> omg
145 [00:27:02] <ChunkzZ> how do I change it?
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147 [00:27:34] <ChunkzZ> I edit; reboot and it goes back -.-
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149 [00:27:46] <somiaj> what do you mean change it, what do you
want it to do?
150 [00:28:00] <ChunkzZ> I want to change the nameserver so I can
use a vpn
151 [00:28:01] *** Quits: sandwitch (~sandwitch@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
152 [00:28:12] <ChunkzZ> nameserver
153 [00:28:12] <ChunkzZ> nameserver
154 [00:28:15] <ChunkzZ> to that
155 [00:28:19] *** Quits: TW1920 (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
156 [00:28:36] <ChunkzZ> every time I edit, reboot; it's
goes back
157 [00:29:01] <somiaj> might depend on your vpn, or how you have
things setup. You have various options. 1) Configure dhclient to not
set the nameserver or to use your vpn ones, 2) use the resolvconf
(or openresolv) package to help manage this.
158 [00:29:07] <somiaj> there are more ways, but those are some
159 [00:29:32] *** Joins: szy_mat (6dcd3568@replaced-ip )
160 [00:29:35] <maxcell_> somiaj: thanks!
161 [00:29:43] <ChunkzZ> how?
162 [00:29:49] <maxcell_> somiaj: i will try qemu
163 [00:29:59] *** Joins: Uberius (~Uberius@replaced-ip )
164 [00:30:04] <maxcell_> RoyK: thank you for the help too bro
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168 [00:31:26] <somiaj> maxcell_: I'm not quite sure what is
the best way to emulate andriod, maybe ask around. I use qemu
because I almost only emulate linux machines, and qemu to me is easy
for linux (since it is all built into the kernel)
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170 [00:31:47] <szy_mat> it looks like I have found a bug in
xtightvncviewer (Debian Stretch) - when it fails to connect to a VNC
server it sends something strange to Xorg and causes an Xorg I/O
error, and something like a bug in i915 driver - when Xorg exits
with an error the screen is hung until a new Xorg instance is
started on the same VT
171 [00:31:47] *** Quits: Zardoz (~Zardoz@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
172 [00:31:48] <somiaj> ChunkzZ: pick one of those methods, if
you pick one, man dhclient, or google, configure dhclient to set
nameserver, if you use 2) install the package and read the docs.
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174 [00:32:12] *** Parts: skyfighter-off (~paul@replaced-ip ) ()
175 [00:32:26] <szy_mat> everything is on a fresh installed
Debian Stretch, on Xen dom0
176 [00:32:51] *** Joins: Gaaab (~Gaaab@replaced-ip )
177 [00:33:11] <ChunkzZ> somiaj, I installed resolvconf and: DO
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181 [00:34:11] <somiaj> well yea, you now use resolv.conf to
configure what writes to that file, read the docs on resolv.conf, it
will tell you how to configure it.
182 [00:34:14] *** Joins: Zardoz (~Zardoz@replaced-ip )
183 [00:34:15] <somiaj> I don't know off top of my head
184 [00:34:29] <jhutchins> ChunkzZ: So you have to follow the
instructions on how to configure the system to use your settings
185 [00:34:35] *** Joins: skyfighter-off (~paul@replaced-ip )
186 [00:34:48] <jhutchins> ChunkzZ: The file will be re-created
on boot, configure the system to use your input.
187 [00:34:56] <jhutchins> !resolvconf
188 [00:34:56] <dpkg> from memory, resolvconf is a package that
can be used to manage your /etc/resolv.conf (the file that contains
your DNS settings). Packages like ppp, ifupdown, dhcp-client, ...
are compatible with it. Ask me about <fixresolvconf>,
<resolv.conf>, <override dns>
189 [00:35:06] <somiaj> I think you can just add dns-nameserver
options to your interfaces file for this
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197 [00:40:52] <maxcell_> somiaj: i want to emulate android-x86
so, i think qemu will do it as any other linux distro?
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204 [00:42:01] <maxcell_> i need to install qemu qemu-guest-agent
and what more?
205 [00:42:12] <somiaj> maxcell_: that is my guess, since it is
based off the linux kernel, it should have all the modules already.
Though unsure what sort of stuff get stripped out of andriod
kernels, hence andriod people may know better.
206 [00:42:13] *** Joins: Zardoz (~Zardoz@replaced-ip )
207 [00:42:33] <somiaj> maxcell_: I would just install
virtual-manager to have a gui (if you want one) to configure things,
else yo uhave to manually do everything
208 [00:44:05] <maxcell_> hmm i'm not seeing any
virtual-manager on apt
209 [00:44:24] <maxcell_> neighter qemu-virtual-manager or
210 [00:44:46] *** Quits: Zardoz (~Zardoz@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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212 [00:45:14] <maxcell_> qemu-system-gui
213 [00:45:18] <maxcell_> thats it? somiaj
214 [00:46:13] *** Joins: aspyct (~aspyct@replaced-ip )
215 [00:47:16] <jmcnaught> maxcell_: maybe you're looking
for virt-manager?
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223 [00:50:02] <maxcell_> jmcnaught: hmm there it is
224 [00:50:13] <maxcell_> jmcnaught: it's always easier than
we expect
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251 [00:59:34] <zerocool> hi everyone, i have a strange question
by google standards. with echo or printf how can i print the literal
newline characters in one line?
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253 [01:00:12] <zerocool> oh wait no im using python, that would
be a better place to look
254 [01:00:42] <rant> zerocool: echo -e
255 [01:00:51] <rant> zerocool: echo -e "\n"
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258 [01:03:42] <humpled> :þ
259 [01:04:11] * rant pulls humpled's tongue
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261 [01:04:36] <humpled> i don't know what they mean but i
don't think they meant that
262 [01:04:56] <rant> idk, that prints a literal newline
263 [01:05:01] *** Quits: pagetelegram (~pageteleg@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
264 [01:05:02] <rant> literally
265 [01:05:03] <rant> heh
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268 [01:06:56] <rant> if you mean a string literal.. you just do
echo "\"\n\""
269 [01:07:12] *** Joins: hobbanero (~hobbanero@replaced-ip )
270 [01:07:23] <rant> or echo '"\n"'
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273 [01:07:58] <humpled> the question literally makes no sense
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278 [01:09:56] <maxcell_> Hey, on QEMU there is "logic
CPU's host" then -> actual alocation -> maximum
alocation --- my processor is an i5 4 cores. What should i put on
those in order to use maximum power all the time?
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285 [01:12:14] <maxcell_> I can choose Manual Topology as well,
and it asks me 3 questions. Sockets, Cores, and Threads. If i put 1,
4, 4 respectively the Actual Location changes to 16 minimum 64
maximum, that right??
286 [01:12:41] <maxcell_> I mean 16 maximum***
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289 [01:13:30] <maxcell_> and it gives a massage saying that too
much alocation can cause performance issues
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303 [01:20:22] <hermande> For those still running Exim on Debian,
here is a bit of config/perl script that can turn Exim into an
MTA-STS compliant sender.....
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306 [01:22:36] <maxcell_> Omg i'm on debian wiki right now
and i'm not understanding a thing!
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310 [01:23:47] <maxcell_> What is the right options i gotta use
on Qemu in order to install Android-x86 and use the nouveau driver
inside him?
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317 [01:27:26] <humpled> maxcell_ have you tried just using 1
socket 4 cores 1 thread? because i don't think i5s hyperthread
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342 [01:35:14] <maxcell_> humpled: i5 is 1 thread for every cores
343 [01:35:26] <maxcell_> 1 core 1 thread, 4 cores 4 threads
344 [01:35:42] *** Quits: Zardoz (~Zardoz@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
345 [01:35:42] <maxcell_> should i put 1 instead of 4?
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350 [01:38:23] <rant> thats not true
351 [01:38:34] <rant> I have a core i5 in this machine, its dual
core, and it has 4 threads
352 [01:38:38] *** Quits: SmearedBeard (~SmearedBe@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
353 [01:39:23] <rant> maxcell_:
354 [01:39:43] *** Quits: hypn0 (~h@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
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358 [01:41:10] <humpled> so you would put 1 2 2 i guess
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361 [01:41:25] *** Joins: SmearedBeard (~SmearedBe@replaced-ip )
362 [01:41:31] <maxcell_> rant: your i5 is an laptop processor,
i'm on a desktop
363 [01:41:38] <maxcell_> i5 2500
364 [01:41:44] <maxcell_> 4 threads, 4 cores
365 [01:41:47] *** Joins: mosh (~chaos@replaced-ip )
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367 [01:42:09] <rant> yes well regardless to say the i5 is 1
thread per core is inaccurate.. YOUR i5 may be..
368 [01:42:32] <maxcell_> omg dude
369 [01:42:41] <maxcell_> you serious?
370 [01:42:56] <humpled> “For the PC target, the number of
cores per socket, the number of threads per cores and the total
number of sockets can be specified.”
371 [01:43:17] <maxcell_> we are talking about my processor to
make a config on Qemu, not every processor in the world
372 [01:43:50] <maxcell_> the only i5 for desktop that is
differente from the others is 8ª generation i5's
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378 [01:45:08] <Marge99> i have sexy body,big Ass,Nice boobs,
Clean WET pussy. Trade nude selfies with me:
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380 [01:45:34] <humpled> well looking here
381 [01:45:34] *** Quits: Zardoz (~Zardoz@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
382 [01:46:00] *** Quits: SmearedBeard (~SmearedBe@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
383 [01:46:25] <maxcell_> yeah 8º gen or more, they are 6/6
cores, before that only 4/4
384 [01:46:28] <humpled> there are plenty of different kinds now,
rant is quite correct, i misspoke, nevertheless you don't have
16 or 64 threads
385 [01:47:18] *** Joins: Mchammerdad (~Mchammerd@replaced-ip )
386 [01:47:19] <maxcell_> nice so we are set
387 [01:47:26] <maxcell_> my i5 is 4/4
388 [01:48:05] <maxcell_> i won't discuss details about the
mysterys of the world i only wanna config the qemu at this point
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391 [01:50:21] <maxcell_> well, nevermind
392 [01:50:26] <maxcell_> thanks anyways
393 [01:51:01] <maxcell_> sorry i'm a little frustrated
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396 [01:51:29] <maxcell_> not your fault rant
397 [01:52:09] <maxcell_> you weren't trying to be an ass i
398 [01:52:15] <maxcell_> just seems that way to me
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402 [01:54:29] <rant> I don't need to try.. I'm an
ass.. heh
403 [01:54:48] <rant> but in this case, I was just trying to
point out the flaws in your logic
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431 [02:08:24] <maxcell_> rant: the logic i was trying to say
was, i5 is already 4/4 or 6/6, you were only right about
laptop's i5. the same wont apply to desktop processors
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433 [02:08:37] <maxcell_> already = always
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437 [02:12:34] <rant> again, your logic is severly flawed
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455 [02:15:28] <rant> it'd be more accurate to say that all
dual-core Core i support HT (2 threads per core)
456 [02:15:55] <rant> the lack of HT is exclusive not to i5, but
to QUAD CORE i5 .. and only the older gen ones
457 [02:16:02] <maxcell_> rant there is no Dual core i5 for
458 [02:16:07] <maxcell_> only 4 or 6
459 [02:16:39] <maxcell_> every core has only one thread, in all
versions of i5 for desktops
460 [02:16:57] *** Quits: jfoy (~jfoy@replaced-ip ) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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462 [02:17:09] *** Quits: wildlander (~wildlande@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
463 [02:17:34] <maxcell_> no, there is not a version of i5 for
desktops that supports HT, even the last ones, 8º and 9º
gen are all 6/6
464 [02:17:37] <maxcell_> afaik
465 [02:18:15] <maxcell_> if you find an i5 with HT tell me, i
may buy it someday
466 [02:18:42] <rant> Intel Core i5-7400
467 [02:18:48] <rant> just to name one of many
468 [02:18:51] *** Quits: fedorafan (~fedorafan@replaced-ip ) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
469 [02:18:52] <rant>
470 [02:18:53] *** Joins: mplsjoker (~mplsjoker@replaced-ip )
471 [02:19:09] <bindi> 4c/4t
472 [02:19:16] <maxcell_> 4/4 too rant
473 [02:19:17] *** Quits: szy_mat (6dcd3568@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
474 [02:19:19] <maxcell_> not HT
475 [02:19:22] *** Joins: paulgrmn_ (~paulgrmn@replaced-ip )
476 [02:19:38] <maxcell_> bro, your good no doubt but you are
wrong about that
477 [02:19:45] <maxcell_> just stop
478 [02:19:49] <maxcell_> please
479 [02:20:03] <maxcell_> it doesn't make sense at this
point anymore
480 [02:20:16] <maxcell_> we are altering laws of physics with
this talk
481 [02:20:21] *** Joins: corvo (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip )
482 [02:20:29] <maxcell_> just forget about it
483 [02:20:31] <mplsjoker> I was just installing from a USB and
484 [02:20:32] <rant> heh
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486 [02:20:52] <mplsjoker> said that there were exsiting OSs
installed using bios compatability mode
487 [02:21:10] <mplsjoker> but I have never installed anything in
bios comp mode
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489 [02:21:51] <rant> sorry to hear that
490 [02:22:13] <rant> I install EVERYTHING (Debian is all I
install) in bios compatibility mode :P
491 [02:22:23] <rant> since we're sharing
492 [02:22:36] *** mischief1 is now known as mischief
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495 [02:24:02] <rant> chances are this is a result of an
os-prober looking at the ESP and then the partition table, and
finding something bootable thats not in the ESP
496 [02:24:09] <rant> a recovery partition perhaps
497 [02:24:35] <rant> maybe even the install media itself for all
I know
498 [02:25:31] <rant> regardless there is no question in there I
can see
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536 [02:56:15] <tom_work> Is it possible to use a concatnated
zone file with bind9 in Debian?
537 [02:56:26] *** Quits: Zardoz (~Zardoz@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
538 [02:56:54] <tom_work> instead of putting every single zone in
it's own file, and having 5 lines in the config for bind
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561 [03:11:56] <xormor_GNU> so how many of you have moved on to
562 [03:12:06] <xormor_GNU> when will it be "stable"?
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580 [03:24:17] <tom_work> Is it possible to use a concatnated
zone file with bind9 in Debian?
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582 [03:24:20] <tom_work> instead of putting every single zone in
it's own file, and having 5 lines in the config for bind
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607 [03:40:57] <tom_work> Is it possible to use a concatnated
zone file with bind9 in Debian?
608 [03:40:59] <tom_work> instead of putting every single zone in
it's own file, and having 5 lines in the config for bind
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620 [03:46:20] <themill> tom_work: Sort of.
621 [03:46:22] *** Quits: sidmo (~ident@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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624 [03:46:59] <themill> (I know that bind is a relic but
I'm not sure why you'd want to go back in time to the most
hideous ways of configuring it possible)
625 [03:48:10] *** Quits: Tom01_ (~tom@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
626 [03:48:25] *** Joins: er4HaiC4 (~Pheih8nu@replaced-ip )
627 [03:48:34] <tom_work> themill, because as soon as i;ve
enabled AXFR and transfered the zones to linode, i'm going to
delete the server
628 [03:48:41] *** Parts: er4HaiC4 (~Pheih8nu@replaced-ip ) ()
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632 [03:50:35] *** Joins: Humatiel (Humatiel@replaced-ip )
633 [03:50:39] <tom_work> the old provider refused to enable AXFR
for the zones and instead provided a file which seems to be ~600
zones concated into 1 file
634 [03:50:52] <tom_work> I'm not sure what i'm
supposed to do with this
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641 [03:53:27] <m0rd3cai> does anyone know what these errors
usually mean or are referring to?
642 [03:53:29] <m0rd3cai> May 31 11:07:51 raptor-host kern.warn
kernel: dhd_prot_ioctl: status ret value is -23
643 [03:53:32] <m0rd3cai> May 31 11:07:51 raptor-host kern.warn
kernel: dhd_prot_ioctl: status ret value is -23
644 [03:53:35] <m0rd3cai> May 31 11:07:51 raptor-host kern.warn
kernel: dhd_prot_ioctl: status ret value is -23
645 [03:53:38] <m0rd3cai> May 31 11:07:51 raptor-host kern.warn
kernel: dhd_prot_ioctl: status ret value is -23
646 [03:53:38] *** m0rd3cai was kicked by debhelper (flood)
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650 [03:56:58] <tom_work> it keeps complaining there's not
an SOA record at the top of the file
651 [03:57:00] <tom_work> but there is
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654 [03:58:53] <tom_work> 3600 IN SOA (bunchofnumbers)
655 [04:00:17] *** Quits: banc (~banc@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Bye)
656 [04:00:29] *** Quits: Zardoz (~Zardoz@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
657 [04:00:39] <tom_work> i don't know why it's not
taking it
658 [04:01:30] *** Joins: Zardoz (~Zardoz@replaced-ip )
659 [04:01:52] <tom_work> SOA record not at top of zone
660 [04:01:52] *** Quits: Zardoz (~Zardoz@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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731 [04:52:24] <metreo> I'm trying to install a older
version of `ghc` using `apt` is this possible?
732 [04:52:54] <metreo> sudo apt install ghc=8.0.2
733 [04:52:54] <metreo> E: Version '8.0.2' for
'ghc' was not found
734 [04:53:12] <metreo> So not found = not existing
735 [04:53:26] <dvs> ,v ghc
736 [04:53:27] <judd> Package: ghc on amd64 -- jessie: 7.6.3-21;
stretch: 8.0.1-17+b1; buster: 8.4.4+dfsg1-2; sid: 8.4.4+dfsg1-2;
experimental: 8.6.4+dfsg1-1
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738 [04:54:11] <metreo> I'm on sid currently. So I need to
add the source for stretch?
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742 [04:55:49] <metreo> What about installing and using multiple
versions simultaneously?
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744 [04:56:58] *** Joins: Zardoz (~Zardoz@replaced-ip )
745 [04:57:52] <dvs> That's a no-no
746 [04:57:56] <dvs> !frankendebian
747 [04:57:57] <dpkg> When you get random packages from random
repositories, mix multiple releases of Debian, or mix Debian and
derived distributions, you have a mess. There's no way anyone
can support this "distribution of Frankenstein" and
#debian certainly doesn't want to even try. Ask me about
748 [04:58:43] <metreo> I was worried that might be the case.
Opam handles this nicely, Haskell is seemingly bifurcated due to
versioning headaches.
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754 [05:01:02] <metreo> Nothing wrong with Debian of course :-[
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834 [06:03:48] <_Random_> just installed mxlinux , don't
understand why this install has not shown in file manager the other
linux partitions, how do I add them so file manager gan see them.
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839 [06:09:13] <bigMouthCommie> fairly fresh install of v9.8, i
tried xfce but i'm not happy with all my cofigs. i want to
switch back to gnome, but i know that i allowed xfce to switch me to
840 [06:09:40] <bigMouthCommie> i'm fairly confident that
there is a dpkg --reconfigure command i can pass to make gnome
prompt me to switch back, but idk what it is
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856 [06:21:26] <annadane> gnome should already allow you to
without dpkg-reconfigure
857 [06:22:50] <mishehu> if I install a package, say opensips,
and it has a problem with its systemd unit file. so I want to have
another package (mytools) that contains other files in it to also
include an updated systemd unit file for opensips in it, and I want
it to overwrite the existing one. in the control file for mytools,
do I need to define it as "replaces opensips" ? or will
that cause the removal of opensips files
858 [06:22:56] <mishehu> when mytools is installed?
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973 [07:54:30] <TomyWork> i tried to install a package but there
were conflicts. now it's in state "in", according to
dpkg -l, implying that i desire to install it, but that it's
not installed. How do i get that thing out of the system?
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976 [07:55:20] <TomyWork> dpkg --purge only got it to
977 [07:55:20] * dpkg drinks a glass of salty water, sticks his fingers
down his throat and throws up only got it to "unknown all over
tomywork and dreamer...
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979 [07:56:04] <TomyWork> wat
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981 [07:56:35] <TomyWork> actually nm, i just realized this is an
ubuntu, not a debian
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1084 [09:16:35] <lupulo> hi
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1092 [09:25:08] <dreamer> eh, what?
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1098 [09:32:10] <rkd> I'm hitting a 'cycle found while
processing triggers' error (replaced-url
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1100 [09:32:54] <rkd> package-A has a package-A.triggers file
saying "interest package-C" and "interest
package-D", and package-C has a package-C.triggers file saying
"activate package-C". (This is because if package-C is
installed or upgraded, I want to reconfigure package-A to start
using it). package-B has a package-B.triggers file saying
"interest package-B". (I want to restart package-B if any
of twenty other packages are installed, as they
1101 [09:32:55] <rkd> put config files for it into place, so they
have 'activate package-B').
1102 [09:33:22] <rkd> Does any of that sound like an invalid use
of triggers?
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1127 [09:48:42] <maxcell_> hi, i recently found out Anbox, it is
an Android emulator that uses a container to run Android apps. It
needs 2 modules for the kernel tho, ashmem and binder. Can i install
those on Debian?
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1131 [09:50:23] <Fox> maxcell_: you don't have these on
stretch stock kernel, you'll have to use backports kernel
1132 [09:50:37] <maxcell_> i'm on buster actually Fox
1133 [09:50:54] <at0m> maxcell_: it's been a while, but i did
run anbox on buster
1134 [09:51:00] <Fox> I don't know about buster kernel,
sorry, this channel is for stable :)
1135 [09:51:04] <maxcell_> help me guys
1136 [09:51:06] <Fox> !debian-next
1137 [09:51:06] <dpkg> #debian-next is the channel for
testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not*
on freenode. If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is
invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
1138 [09:51:13] <at0m> Fox: /topic has recently changed
1139 [09:51:14] <petn-randall> Support for buster is fine in here.
1140 [09:51:18] <at0m> ^
1141 [09:51:22] <Fox> oh, did see that, thx at0m
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1143 [09:51:27] <Fox> didn't
1144 [09:51:30] <maxcell_> Fox: they said earlier to me that
buster is almost stable so the channel is supporting
1145 [09:51:34] <petn-randall> maxcell_: Both modules are in the
buster kernel.
1146 [09:51:42] *** Quits: aindilis (~aindilis@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
1147 [09:52:03] <petn-randall> Yes, the opers agreed on that
we'll also support buster in here.
1148 [09:52:05] <at0m> maxcell_: so, it sounds like you're
all set for anbox :)
1149 [09:52:23] <maxcell_> ok so, no need to install anything
1150 [09:52:23] *** Quits: sistematico (~lucas@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1151 [09:52:32] <maxcell_> just lxc and anbox?
1152 [09:52:38] <at0m> petn-randall: technically speaking, opers
are admins on the irc /server/
1153 [09:52:47] <at0m> admins are channel operators
1154 [09:53:40] <maxcell_> at0m: do i need to run Anbox through
1155 [09:53:40] <petn-randall> maxcell_: anbox is also part of
buster. So I'd say just install it and then try it and see.
1156 [09:53:50] <petn-randall> at0m: oh, right.
1157 [09:53:54] <jelly> ,v anbox
1158 [09:53:55] <judd> Package: anbox on amd64 --
stretch-backports/contrib: 0.0~git20181014-1~bpo9+1; buster/contrib:
0.0~git20190124-1; sid/contrib: 0.0~git20190124-1
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1160 [09:54:02] <maxcell_> petn-randall: really? it will run using
the hardware and all?
1161 [09:54:06] <at0m> maxcell_: yea no need for lxc, afaik
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1163 [09:54:12] <maxcell_> wow
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1165 [09:54:43] <petn-randall> maxcell_: Try it and see.
1166 [09:54:45] <jelly> it's packaged, but that does not
always mean it runs (well)
1167 [09:54:50] <maxcell_> i literally being all day trying to
install android-x86 on a virtualbox/qemu without luck regarding
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1171 [09:55:34] <maxcell_> let's try it out
1172 [09:55:37] <maxcell_> :)
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1174 [09:56:22] <jelly> maxcell_: apt-cache show anbox shows a
Description with a pointer where to find more docs
1175 [09:57:19] <maxcell_> jelly: i was reading their website, it
says you only need ashmem and binder modules DKMS for kernel and
install Anbox through Snap
1176 [09:57:44] *** Quits: Gyro (~user@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
1177 [09:58:29] <maxcell_> i was trying to find a way to install
those modules, are we sure we have it already out-of-the-box?
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1184 [10:03:11] <petn-randall> maxcell_: If in doubt, look for
1185 [10:03:38] <petn-randall> maxcell_: `modinfo
<kernelmodulename>` will give you info about it, if it exists.
1186 [10:03:38] <maxcell_> petn-randall: i can't, but thanks
1187 [10:03:40] *** Quits: etech3 (~root@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
1188 [10:03:41] <maxcell_> thats ok
1189 [10:03:51] <maxcell_> hmm
1190 [10:03:52] <maxcell_> ok
1191 [10:03:54] <petn-randall> maxcell_: Why can't you?
1192 [10:03:57] <at0m> hmm modinfo: ERROR: Module binder not
found, same for ashmem.
1193 [10:04:02] <at0m> but apt show android-androresolvd
1194 [10:04:04] <maxcell_> petn-randall: don't know how
1195 [10:04:04] <at0m> that has them
1196 [10:04:12] *** Quits: conta (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
1197 [10:04:22] <petn-randall> maxcell_: I just gave you the
literal command.
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1200 [10:04:35] <maxcell_> petn-randall: module ashmem or binder
not found
1201 [10:04:35] *** Quits: cyberjpn (~cyberjapa@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
1202 [10:04:41] <petn-randall> They're called ashmem_linux
and binder_linux.
1203 [10:04:42] <at0m> maxcell_: apt show android-androresolvd
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1206 [10:05:07] <at0m> petn-randall: oh, right!
1207 [10:05:24] <at0m> the appended _linux does it
1208 [10:05:34] <maxcell_> at0m: i saw this before, i think
it's ashmem
1209 [10:06:10] <maxcell_> petn-randall: it says in-tree
1210 [10:06:31] <lupulo> at0m, compile the kernel or search the
module and compile it
1211 [10:06:31] <maxcell_> if it's in-tree it's already
1212 [10:06:42] <at0m> maxcell_: /sbin/modinfo binder_linux ;
/sbin/modinfo ashmem_linux
1213 [10:06:45] <lupulo> at0m, plus you need headers
1214 [10:06:58] <at0m> lupulo: no need. this is stock
1215 [10:07:26] <at0m> lupulo: it's maxcell_ that's
looking for support, not me.
1216 [10:07:41] *** Quits: aslicedbanjo (~aslicedba@replaced-ip ) (Quit: AtomicIRC: The nuclear option.)
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1221 [10:08:13] <at0m> but afaik they're in stock buster
kernel, so no need to compile or get headers
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1224 [10:09:54] <maxcell_> so, as it is built-in no need to load
the module, it is already working, right?
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1227 [10:11:35] <at0m> maxcell_: i would guess so. just apt
install anbox (and its depends that it pulls in, if any aren't
installed already)
1228 [10:13:15] <maxcell_> ok, sorry for many questions
1229 [10:13:22] *** Quits: llucenic (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
1230 [10:14:01] <at0m> maxcell_: no worries :)
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1246 [10:26:24] <petn-randall> maxcell_: Both kernel modules are
shipped with the standard kernel from buster. As I said, you can
verify this yourself with the commands I gave you. There's no
need to ask thrice.
1247 [10:26:37] *** Joins: flokuehn (~flokuehn@replaced-ip )
1248 [10:27:17] <petn-randall> maxcell_: modinfo only tells you
about the module. You'd use `modprobe` to load it, but I'm
guessing that anbox already does the job automatically.
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1300 [11:03:29] <lupulo> why? qemu-arm -L /usr/arm-linux-gnueabi/
-> ./main -> Profiling timer expired
1301 [11:03:41] <lupulo> why? qemu-arm -L /usr/arm-linux-gnueabi/
./main -> Profiling timer expired
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1319 [11:15:18] <petn-randall> !ask
1320 [11:15:18] <dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For
example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian
version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I
expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if
anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all
volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get
an answer try a few hours later or on
See <smart questions><errors>.
1321 [11:15:37] <petn-randall> lupulo: See above. What are you
trying to do?
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1375 [11:44:29] <uio> Hi. I'm using LXDE and
xfce4-power-manager. I can't get the manager to manage. Just an
example : it won't display a message at 15% battery left.
Another: it won't suspend the laptop after a certain period of
inactivity. How can I fix this? Are there other tools that would
work better with LXDE?
1376 [11:45:07] <zamuro> LXDE has its own power manager.
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1380 [11:45:53] <uio> zamuro, Ah. That could suspend, and give
1381 [11:46:37] <uio> zamuro, I can't find anything about
it... I don't think there is one.
1382 [11:46:46] <zamuro> It notifies, indeed. As per suspending,
most likely.
1383 [11:47:01] <uio> zamuro, Would you have the exact name of the
1384 [11:47:27] <zamuro> It's like an panel applet. I've
got an Lubuntu installed on an old laptop and it has power manager.
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1387 [11:48:01] <uio> zamuro, Ah - maybe there is something for
Lubuntu, but I'm on Debian.
1388 [11:48:30] <zamuro> Never used LXDE on debian TBH. On arch
and ubuntu.
1389 [11:48:33] <mrig> Hello, is there a password to return back
into a live usb session, after the screen locks?
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1391 [11:48:39] <uio> zamuro, I also have it working on Lubuntu
(perhaps another example of how Debian is not user-friendly...) but
can't get it to work on Debian.
1392 [11:48:49] <uio> *can't find it on Debian.
1393 [11:48:53] <mrig> I am using debian 9.9 gnome, live cd
1394 [11:49:37] <uio> mrig, Not sure, maybe just root?
1395 [11:49:51] <uio> mrig, or guest?
1396 [11:49:52] <zamuro> uio Have you tried running
1397 [11:50:04] <uio> zamuro, Yep, I am right now.
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1399 [11:50:18] <mrig> uio I will try that, thank you, I think the
lock on sleep is turned off now, but just in case.
1400 [11:50:22] <uio> zamuro, Have been for months now, but
can't get it to work properly.
1401 [11:50:24] <zamuro> To no avail, I presume.
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1403 [11:50:49] <zamuro> I see. Sorry for not being of much help.
1404 [11:51:05] <mrig> I am stuck and can no longer install debian
after using it for a couple of years, no idea why :(
1405 [11:51:25] <uio> zamuro, No worries. It is odd: on Lubuntu it
works great, but not on Debian. Alas.
1406 [11:51:27] <Gasoline> why can't you install it?
1407 [11:52:46] <mrig> Gasoline, I thought that it might be a UEFI
issue, but that appears to be working okay, the UEFI graphical
install is workink, it just fails at the install system step, with
no further details.
1408 [11:53:16] <Gasoline> I was having a problem with it picking
up my cd drive
1409 [11:53:29] <Gasoline> came across an article that helped me
1410 [11:53:39] <uio> Would it be possible to use the Lubuntu
power-management on Debian?
1411 [11:53:41] <Gasoline> just had to unplug the usb for a few
1412 [11:54:02] <mrig> ah, I dont have a cd drive but have moved
the cd usb to a different location in the listing.
1413 [11:54:19] <mrig> that is after that it started to refuse to
install though.
1414 [11:54:51] <mrig> I am beginning to really suspect foul play.
It is as if it just hits something that stops it.
1415 [11:54:52] *** Quits: mpmc (~mpmc@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
1416 [11:55:06] <uio> Apparently Lubuntu uses
1417 [11:55:10] <mrig> Gasoline do you remember the link?
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1421 [11:55:41] <Gasoline> I'm looking for it now
1422 [11:55:52] *** Quits: cyberjpn (~cyberjapa@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
1423 [11:55:57] <mrig> Thank you very much.
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1426 [11:58:36] <Gasoline> I can't find it atm but I'll
keep looking
1427 [11:59:05] <Gasoline> but if I remember right what I did was
unplug the usb when it stalled and waited 30 seconds
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1429 [11:59:19] <Gasoline> plug it back in and hit enter
1430 [11:59:25] <Gasoline> or try that step again
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1435 [12:02:33] <Gasoline> I really shoulda saved that link cause
I'm sure I'll need it again someday
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1437 [12:02:52] <mrig> Gasoline, thank you for the tip, I have had
a similar comment in linux, will go and try this now.
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1439 [12:03:14] <lupulo> qemu-arm Profiling timer expired
1440 [12:03:18] <lupulo> why?
1441 [12:03:23] <mrig> they did not mention unplugging though so
this is grat to have extra options.
1442 [12:03:29] *** Quits: tyranny12 (~blarg@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1443 [12:03:37] <mrig> great
1444 [12:03:42] <Gasoline> I found a similar post about kali linux
1445 [12:03:47] <Gasoline>
1446 [12:04:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1516
1447 [12:04:03] <Gasoline> not the same one I used but looks like
the same deal
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1451 [12:04:31] <sorokinvic> Hi! Is there a way to revert Thunar
theme in Buster to the Stretch one (striped rows and dotted lines
btwn columns) ?
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1539 [12:49:52] <Nong> apt update && apt upgrade
&& -yes
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1576 [13:09:22] <m1dnight_> I have a noobie question. I installed
a fresh install of stretch, and want to install texlive-full, but
that depends on asymptote. That package doesn't want to install
because it needs libosmesa6 (>= 10.2~) , which needs
libglapi-mesa (= 13.0.6-1+b2), but it says "but 18.2.8-2~bpo9+1
is to be installed"
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1582 [13:13:11] <jelly> m1dnight_: you have some packages
installed from stretch-backports already, and apt-get does not know
how to gracefully deal with that. Use aptitude instead, or add -t
stretch-backports to the command line but the latter might install
more stuff from backports than is strictly needed
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1584 [13:13:50] <m1dnight_> aha
1585 [13:13:57] <m1dnight_> Yeah, I needed to install the
nvidia-driver from backports
1586 [13:15:12] <m1dnight_> ill give it a shot, thanks jelly
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1608 [13:30:44] <mrig> Hello, well unplugging the usb ans
reinserting did not seem to help. Still no install.
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1659 [14:03:11] <darxmurf> maybe here
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1746 [14:44:29] <BCMM> i'm kind of impressed that it's
possible to so bad at spamming that you kick yourself before you can
get klined
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1758 [14:50:09] <JolietJakeBlues> are there other reasons for
spamming than annoying people and/or economic profit?
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1763 [14:56:40] <m1dnight_> Relieving some form of frustration?
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1789 [15:14:19] <debuser> hello, what create the .cache directory
1790 [15:15:04] <greycat> the first thing that needs to create it
1791 [15:15:58] *** Joins: debsan (~debsan@replaced-ip )
1792 [15:16:01] <greycat> if you need it, then that thing is you
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1795 [15:17:18] <debuser> the issue i have, something create a
.cache directory directly in /
1796 [15:17:36] <greycat> was HOME set incorrectly at the time?
1797 [15:17:48] <debuser> yes
1798 [15:17:58] <debuser> how i can trace the issue?
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1800 [15:18:32] <petn-randall> debuser: You can probably run
fsnotify on /. However, I'd wonder what you're running as
root in the first place.
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1804 [15:19:47] <debuser> i don't know yet the condition for
it's creation
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1808 [15:21:08] <greycat> if you're asking "over the
history of my computer's existence, what are all the events
that could have led to this directory being created", we
can't possibly tell you.
1809 [15:21:19] *** Joins: nirakara (~nurks@replaced-ip )
1810 [15:21:22] <greycat> if you don't want it here, delete
it and get on with your life
1811 [15:21:33] <wwilliam> hello i did this usermod -a -G
wireshark wwilliam but when i log in as wwilliam and do id he is not
part of the wireshark group, do i need to do anything else?
1812 [15:21:36] <wwilliam> Thank you.
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1818 [15:22:25] <dvs> wwilliam, adduser wireshark wwilliam
1819 [15:22:34] <greycat> if you want to add a user to an existing
group in Debian and you aren't comfortable just editing the
/etc/group file by hand, the correct command is "adduser
username groupname"
1820 [15:22:40] <greycat> dvs: other way around
1821 [15:22:48] <dvs> yup, just got that
1822 [15:22:50] <wwilliam> Thanks greycat
1823 [15:22:59] <dvs> hmp
1824 [15:23:24] *** Joins: bautiste (~saviano@replaced-ip )
1825 [15:23:30] <wwilliam> the user already exists also.
1826 [15:23:32] *** Joins: activist (~activist@replaced-ip )
1827 [15:23:40] <greycat> Yes, I meant to imply that.
1828 [15:23:53] <greycat> The man page for adduser has better
formal language than I felt like typing out.
1829 [15:24:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1550
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1838 [15:28:56] <debuser> greycat, i'll do more debugging
tonight (i think the directory get created at each boot)
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1840 [15:29:15] *** Joins: bora (~bora@replaced-ip )
1841 [15:30:37] <greycat> OK, then you can start by looking
through all of the stuff that YOU (or your fellow sys admins) added
at boot time. Any customized local stuff, init.d script, systemd
unit files, crontabs, rc.local and so on.
1842 [15:30:59] *** Joins: HelloShitty (~narayan@replaced-ip )
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1850 [15:33:59] *** Joins: Gyro (~user@replaced-ip )
1851 [15:34:49] <debuser> will try the fsnotify thing
1852 [15:35:57] <greycat> You have so many local boot things that
you don't feel you can possibly review them all?!
1853 [15:36:16] <greycat> You think it'll be easier to hack
something *more* into the boot sequence?
1854 [15:36:35] <tmroland> tried to apt install steam bt no go. no
candidate found for package steam
1855 [15:36:41] <tmroland> followed wiki instructions
1856 [15:36:42] <greycat> !steam
1857 [15:36:42] *** Joins: woenx (~quassel@replaced-ip )
1858 [15:36:42] <dpkg> Steam is a proprietary content delivery and
management application for PC software with Linux support. Packaged
in <non-free>; amd64 users are required to enable
<multiarch> and install the steam:i386 package. For help with
upstream issues, ask #steamlug on
1859 [15:36:49] *** Quits: dvs (~hibbard@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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1861 [15:37:21] <tmroland> E: Unable to locate package steam:i386
1862 [15:37:27] <tmroland> did that already
1863 [15:37:31] *** Quits: format_c (~format_c@replaced-ip ) (Quit: format_c)
1864 [15:37:58] <milkt> !nonfree
1865 [15:37:58] <dpkg> [non-free] a component which contains
software that does not comply with the <DFSG>. To add non-free
packages to your packages index, ask me about <non-free
sources>. To see which non-free packages are installed ask me
about <non-free list>.
1866 [15:38:14] *** Joins: jasperarcola (~JasperArc@replaced-ip )
1867 [15:38:16] <greycat> either you didn't enable multiarch
correctly, or you didn't add non-free correctly, or both
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1875 [15:41:36] <tmroland> root@localhost:/home/tmroland# dpkg
--add-architecture i386
1876 [15:41:42] <tmroland> thats ok i suppose
1877 [15:42:19] <woenx> I have a question regarding ssh public and
private keys. Let's say I give my public key to a server, so I
can access it without a password (e.g. to run some script or check
some stat)
1878 [15:42:21] <greycat> setting your hostname to localhost is
probably going to break something, sometime, but I don't know
1879 [15:42:37] <woenx> then, if my computer was hacked, the
server would be at risk too, no?
1880 [15:42:44] *** Quits: bautiste (~saviano@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
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1882 [15:42:54] <greycat> woenx: if your private key has a
passphrase (which it should) then the attacker would need that
passphrase as well as your private key fikle
1883 [15:43:12] <woenx> greycat: no, it doesn't
1884 [15:43:15] <greycat> if your private key does not have a
passphrase, then you're correct
1885 [15:43:22] <woenx> ok, that's what I thought
1886 [15:43:30] <tmroland> deb
1887 [15:43:51] <woenx> greycat: but if I used a passphrase, I
couldn't program (via cron) scripts to be run in another
machine, right?
1888 [15:43:55] *** Joins: mpmc (~mpmc@replaced-ip )
1889 [15:43:58] <woenx> (i mean remotely)
1890 [15:44:06] *** Quits: Raed|Mobile (~raed@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1891 [15:44:18] *** Joins: Raed|Mobile (~raed@replaced-ip )
1892 [15:44:54] <BCMM> woenx: you can't have automated remote
access without storing sufficient credentials to enable that remote
1893 [15:45:12] <BCMM> (but you could maybe edit the crontab on
the remote server)
1894 [15:45:35] <greycat> tmroland: a sid user shouldn't have
to ask these things. Seriously.
1895 [15:45:42] *** Joins: dvs (~hibbard@replaced-ip )
1896 [15:46:04] *** Quits: lazywalker (~lazywalke@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
1897 [15:46:11] <woenx> basically, I have a scheduled weekly
backup that connects to another remote device and performs the
backup (via rsync) offsite. For that, I use passwordless ssh keys so
it can be automated
1898 [15:46:33] <tmroland> greycat no one should need to ask
anything if documentation and instructions would work properly,
which they don't , obviously. there is no error in that file or
in what i did. yet the package still doesn't work.
1899 [15:46:38] <woenx> but the thing is... if anyone has access
to my computer (well, it's my NAS), then that person would also
have access to my backup device, no?
1900 [15:46:55] *** Joins: Flewtje (~sebas@replaced-ip )
1901 [15:47:00] <greycat> tmroland: *plonk*
1902 [15:47:11] <milkt> ,v steam
1903 [15:47:12] <judd> No package named 'steam' was
found in amd64.
1904 [15:47:42] <BCMM> tmroland: try #debian-next on oftc maybe
1905 [15:47:43] <tmroland> yes, no package, same error here
1906 [15:47:55] <tmroland> i installed steam before doing the same
im doing now
1907 [15:48:22] <greycat> It's funny how the documentation
and instructions worked for everyone except him.
1908 [15:48:43] <BCMM> greycat: come on, saying "you should
already know the answer" on IRC is just plain unhelpful
1909 [15:48:49] <greycat> He's using sid.
1910 [15:48:58] <greycat> He should be able to edit a sources.list
file without hand-holding.
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1913 [15:49:40] <BCMM> tmroland: you've definitely done `apt
update` since enabling non-free, right?
1914 [15:50:15] <tmroland> greycat i see you are very late in
reading, analyzing and processing information provided.
1915 [15:50:29] <tmroland> i already did everything exactly
according to instructions and it doesn't work , that's why
i'm here
1916 [15:50:45] <tmroland> assuming that the problem is a very
basic one and it's my fault for having it is not the purpose of
a help channel
1917 [15:50:50] *** Joins: tyranny12 (~blarg@replaced-ip )
1918 [15:51:05] <tmroland> BCMM ofcourse
1919 [15:51:22] *** Joins: diogenes_ (~diogenes_@replaced-ip )
1920 [15:51:28] <woenx> greycat: what' the benefit of using
passphrased SSH keys intead of passwords?
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1924 [15:52:30] <greycat> For starters, someone trying to falsify
themselves as you needs both the key file AND the passphrase, not
just the password. So it's two-factor authentication, which is
one thing.
1925 [15:52:54] <Fox> tmroland: sid is unstable, it's for
advanced users that don't need explanations about the problem
you're having
1926 [15:53:04] *** Joins: pagetelegram (~pageteleg@replaced-ip )
1927 [15:53:12] <BCMM> woenx: 1. now an attacker needs two pieces
of information, which are stored separately, to take over the remote
computer. 2. the key is effectively impossible to bruteforce, unlike
any passphrase that isn't horribly cumbersome
1928 [15:53:26] <woenx> greycat: BCMM: Ok, now I get it.
1929 [15:53:32] <milkt> tmroland: try different mirror maybe?
1930 [15:53:47] *** Quits: jasperarcola (~JasperArc@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
1931 [15:54:47] <BCMM> tmroland: did you get any errors when
trying to add i386?
1932 [15:54:53] <BCMM> tmroland: and can you see any other i386
1933 [15:54:57] <tmroland> none
1934 [15:55:08] <greycat> Another thing: scripting stuff is
immensely easier with passphrased keys, because you just use an
ssh-agent and type the passphrase once, and the key is then
available for scripts/programs to login securely from your session.
You don't have to write some awful hack in expect(1) to feed
the password to the server every time.
1935 [15:55:13] <tmroland> only tried adding steam
1936 [15:55:44] <karlpinc> woenx: (There's a whole slew of
advantages to using keys. The remote end can disable password
1937 [15:56:01] <woenx> karlpinc: that's true too
1938 [15:56:25] <karlpinc> woenx: command= in authorized_keys is
probably my favorite.
1939 [15:56:38] <woenx> I was reading about that right now
1940 [15:57:04] <woenx> So I could tell the remote machine to just
accept some commands (like rsync) from my nas, right?
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1943 [15:58:24] <karlpinc> woenx: Well, command= forces the
running of a command. So you could run the daemon end of rsync
listening on stdin, for instance, to have a key that only rsyncs.
(I've done this but I forget how. It might involve
"." in the rsync command line.)
1944 [15:58:53] <woenx> Ok. I'll have to check it out
1945 [15:59:08] <woenx> so by having passwordless ssh keys, the
weakest link in the chain is always my computer
1946 [15:59:09] *** Joins: jasperarcola (~JasperArc@replaced-ip )
1947 [15:59:14] <karlpinc> woenx: rsync --server --daemon .
1948 [15:59:28] *** Joins: kever (~quassel@replaced-ip )
1949 [15:59:49] <karlpinc> woenx: Yes. Depending. (Sometimes I do
rsync pulls instead of pushes, so the connection is initiated the
other way around.)
1950 [15:59:58] <woenx> aha
1951 [16:00:27] *** Quits: llucenic (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
1952 [16:00:58] <woenx> what about using sshfs through ssh keys?
(e.g. to mount a remote NAS in my computer automatically). The whole
NAS would be vulnerable if something happens to my computer, right?
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1954 [16:01:42] *** Quits: a_l_b (~a_l_b@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
1955 [16:01:55] <BCMM> woenx: that depends on the capabilities
that your user on the remote NAS has
1956 [16:02:15] <BCMM> again, an attacker taking over your
computer will have exactly the same access to remote machines that
your computer has now
1957 [16:02:33] <woenx> BCMM: well, it would only be limited by
the user permissions in the remote machine
1958 [16:02:35] <woenx> Ok
1959 [16:02:53] *** Joins: Prints (~333@replaced-ip )
1960 [16:03:05] <BCMM> woenx: you can configure your remote user
so it can't have a shell (sftp only), and you can use file and
directory permissions to restrict which files and directories it can
1961 [16:03:14] *** Quits: drzacek (~drzacek@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
1962 [16:03:16] <woenx> aha, ok
1963 [16:03:24] <karlpinc> I have a tendency to do things as root
with rsync. On the side being copied I often need root permission to
read everything. And on the receiving side I often want to keep uid
and gid exactly as it is in the original. There's probably
something I could do instead, but haven't paid attention.
1964 [16:03:29] *** Joins: banc (~banc@replaced-ip )
1965 [16:03:29] <BCMM> but there's nothing magic about ssh
keys - it's just an authentication method.
1966 [16:03:30] <greycat> (sshfs uses sftp)
1967 [16:03:55] <woenx> is it possible to check which hosts have
access to a specific machine?
1968 [16:03:57] <greycat> karlpinc: I do that too.
1969 [16:04:11] *** Quits: mpmc (~mpmc@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
1970 [16:04:19] <woenx> karlpinc: yes, same as me. I use root for
rsync, and preserve the uid and gid
1971 [16:04:22] <greycat> access should not be based on
"hosts" for most protocols. NFS is an exception, because
it's old.
1972 [16:04:28] *** Quits: mibo (~mibo@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving.)
1973 [16:05:08] <woenx> greycat: well, yes, I meant in that
specific case. NFS does not work in remote connections (unless you
use a VPN or similar)
1974 [16:05:45] <greycat> What specific case are you talking
about, and why are "hosts" involved in the decision?
1975 [16:05:46] *** Quits: polymorphisme1 (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1976 [16:06:21] <woenx> doing a backup to a remote location
1977 [16:06:26] <BCMM> woenx: you can restrict which IPs can
connect in sshd_config. but there's no way for the server to
know who has a copy of the key, if that's what you mean
1978 [16:06:34] <woenx> ok, that's what I meant
1979 [16:06:41] <BCMM> woenx: the private key really is just a
file, that can be readily shared out-of-band if you want to
1980 [16:06:47] <bashes5> Anyone have good resources for deploying
zfs on a debian home server?
1981 [16:07:06] <woenx> BCMM: so what if I suspect a private key
has been compromised? what should I do?
1982 [16:07:08] *** Quits: pinnsvin (~pinnsvin@replaced-ip ) (Quit: pinnsvin)
1983 [16:07:22] <woenx> is there any way to revoke access to all
previous ssh keys?
1984 [16:07:24] <BCMM> woenx: you should remove the corresponding
public key from authorized_keys
1985 [16:07:46] <BCMM> woenx: and then generate a new one, once
you've worked out how to stop that one getting leaked too
1986 [16:07:57] *** Joins: weedloser (weedloser@replaced-ip )
1987 [16:08:09] <greycat> authorized_keys is just a text file. you
can delete keys (lines) from it at will.
1988 [16:08:10] <woenx> BCMM: ok
1989 [16:08:20] <BCMM> woenx: ssh keys are generated in pairs, see
1990 [16:08:25] <woenx> so just removing them from
1991 [16:08:25] <karlpinc> bashes5: I think if you enable contrib,
or non-free, you can just install the zfs package. You might want to
install a minimal debian to do that, and then migrate. Or do it
running a live boot, etc. etc.
1992 [16:08:48] <BCMM> woenx: yup. authorized_keys is just a
serious of public keys with line-breaks in between
1993 [16:08:59] *** Quits: teclo- (42@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
1994 [16:09:02] <woenx> ok
1995 [16:09:03] <BCMM> woenx: any private key that matches a
public key in authorized_keys can be used to log in
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1997 [16:09:09] *** bashes5 is now known as bashes
1998 [16:09:28] <karlpinc> bashes: That's just a thought.
I've not tried it.
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2002 [16:10:33] <karlpinc> bashes: (IIRC, the trouble with zfs is
that it's non-free. The licence requires that the end-user
compile it. So that's what the package does.)
2003 [16:10:48] <BCMM> karlpinc: it's not non-free as such.
just not gpl-compatible
2004 [16:10:48] *** Quits: cyberjpn (~cyberjapa@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
2005 [16:11:17] <bashes> What file systems do you use for a debian
2006 [16:11:18] <BCMM> you can't distribute cddl binaries
linked to gpl binaries
2007 [16:11:21] *** Quits: george959 (~george959@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2008 [16:11:30] <bashes> I'm completely new and trying to
weigh out options
2009 [16:11:34] <BCMM> bashes: ext4 still feels like the most
trustworth solution to me
2010 [16:11:35] <woenx> ok. So a related question. I have a script
that connects to several raspberry pi at home, runs some commands,
and records stats (cpu, ram usage, uptime, etc. for Grafana). The
best way to "secure" that access would be limiting the
commands that the computer can run on these raspberryes, right?
2011 [16:11:41] <karlpinc> BCMM: Ah, right. So it's just not
compatible with Linux's licence.
2012 [16:11:52] *** Quits: jasperarcola (~JasperArc@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2013 [16:12:22] <greycat> woenx: a better model would be for each
of those pi boxes to initiate a connection and send you the
information. That could be done with ssh, or with email, or with a
specific TCP service that you create....
2014 [16:12:31] <BCMM> bashes: i mean it doesn't do any of
the fancy features like snapshots that you can do with zfs and
btrfs, but i guess if you're asking an open-ended question
about filesystems, you're not using those?
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2016 [16:12:42] <BCMM> bashes: and it's extremely
well-supported and well-tested
2017 [16:12:59] <woenx> greycat: well, I think that MQTT would be
ideal for this
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2019 [16:13:08] <woenx> (I already use it for some sensors)
2020 [16:14:07] <BCMM> karlpinc: yeah. so it can't be shipped
with the linux sources, or shipped in binary linux kernels.
2021 [16:14:21] <Psi-Jack> Mmmm, MQTT can be nice.
2022 [16:14:26] <BCMM> karlpinc: but compiling it locally
isn't a huge deal, since there's a dkms package in contrib
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2027 [16:16:04] <woenx> Well, thanks everyone, that's all I
wanted to know!|
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2040 [16:23:52] <Psi-Jack> But, hmm... using MQTT for stats like
CPU, memory, etc... Seems ... Silly, to me.
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2044 [16:24:24] <greycat> it's what SNTMP was built for,
probably, but I never learned that
2045 [16:24:59] <Psi-Jack> snmp, you mean. That's one way, or
another way is a special monitoring agent like zabbix-agent, or
node_exporter (prometheus), etc is for.
2046 [16:25:06] <greycat> yes
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2048 [16:25:15] <greycat> I have no idea where that T came from
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2050 [16:25:27] <Psi-Jack> It came from your misplaced fingers. :)
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2054 [16:27:03] <Psi-Jack> Heh, I finally got all my LXC
containers migrated back to VMs this weekend, and been
re-implementing monitoring back with Prometheus. So I'm happy.
Lot more reliable.
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2066 [16:34:25] <wwilliam> is there a way to get pictures from an
iphoneX to Debian?
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2068 [16:34:46] <rpifan> why does a ppa not auto import the pub
key on debian
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2074 [16:36:35] <nkuttler> !ppa
2075 [16:36:35] <dpkg> [ppa] Personal Package Archive (see
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2079 [16:37:06] <rpifan> well this package only comes in a ppa
2080 [16:37:10] <rpifan> several of them do in fact
2081 [16:37:18] <greycat> because if it could "auto import a
key" that key would not be useful
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2083 [16:38:00] <rpifan> well i run the command by hand what
difference does it make
2084 [16:38:11] <greycat> then it's not "auto", is
2085 [16:38:21] <rpifan> Debian users also can install Papirus
from our PPA, but the commands will differ:
2086 [16:38:38] <rpifan> but its stupid, the key still goes
through the same gpg server
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2089 [16:39:21] <greycat> You need to tell apt that you TRUST this
key. Otherwise there's no point.
2090 [16:40:23] <rpifan> i trust all keys
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2092 [16:40:25] <rpifan> from everyone
2093 [16:40:32] <rpifan> id like to enable that
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2096 [16:40:45] <themill> umm, no.
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2098 [16:43:09] <rpifan> it makes no difference
2099 [16:43:13] <rpifan> paranoid for no reason
2100 [16:44:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1558
2101 [16:44:09] <themill> has 3 decades of computer virus
transmitted by untrusted file transfer taught us nothing?
2102 [16:44:24] <greycat> yes.
2103 [16:44:45] <dvs> what's a virus?
2104 [16:45:00] *** Joins: teclo- (42@replaced-ip )
2105 [16:45:21] <greycat> in any case, look at apt.conf(5) and
search for Insecure
2106 [16:45:32] <rpifan> i like my apt like i like my sex bareback
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2142 [17:06:12] <wrksx> hey, how can I easily find out what
'command' a systemd service accept?
2143 [17:06:40] <greycat> systemctl
{stop|start|disable|enable|...} servicenmae
2144 [17:06:46] <greycat> man systemctl for a full list
2145 [17:07:03] *** Quits: Sepultura (~quassel@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ##replaced-url
2146 [17:07:05] <wrksx> but I mean, are all services accepting all
2147 [17:07:18] <wrksx> I would like to know if vsftp supports
some kind of reload command
2148 [17:07:24] <greycat> Do you mean, "what does this
service DO?" That would be documented in the individual
service's documentation.
2149 [17:07:59] <greycat> You seem to be confused between
"what systemctl accepts
2150 [17:08:10] <greycat> and "what the service does/accepts
on its TCP ports".
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2153 [17:08:43] <wrksx> I want to type "systemctl reload
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2158 [17:09:02] <wrksx> but that outputs nothing
2159 [17:09:14] *** Quits: mvaenskae (~mvaenskae@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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2162 [17:10:20] <greycat> it's not supposed to. systemctl
just sends a signal (or whatever) to systemd.
2163 [17:10:36] <greycat> use "systemctl status vsftpd"
to see what the current status is, when the process started, the
last things it logged, etc.
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2165 [17:11:23] <wrksx> The man systemctl says Reload: Asks all
units listed on the command line to reload their configuration.
2166 [17:11:38] <wrksx> That's exactly what I wanna do with
2167 [17:11:48] <greycat> check 'status' and see if it
logged something like "re-reading my config"
2168 [17:12:02] <wrksx> but based on what you said I understand
it's not systemctl responsability
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2171 [17:12:35] <wrksx> It says reloading then reloaded
2172 [17:12:40] <wwilliam> So I can not transfer from IphoneX to
2173 [17:12:42] <greycat> If you COMPLETELY REFUSE to use
systemctl status, then go to the /lib/systemd/system directory and
grep for ExecReload= in the vsftpd unit file.
2174 [17:13:14] <wrksx> greycat: sorry I was a bit slow
that's all
2175 [17:13:27] <wrksx> greycat: still I'll have a look at
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2179 [17:14:39] <wrksx> okay so it kill -HUP
2180 [17:14:46] *** Joins: msimpson (~msimpson@replaced-ip )
2181 [17:14:47] <wrksx> ty greycat
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2187 [17:15:59] <greycat> it's funny that systemd seems to
require forking /bin/kill just to send a HUP signal instead of
offering it as builtin functionality
2188 [17:16:05] *** Quits: brw (~brw@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Off to listen to some tunes...)
2189 [17:17:06] <wrksx> I have no clue what effect the HUP signal
has on vsftpd
2190 [17:17:19] <greycat> man vsftpd
2191 [17:17:35] <wrksx> tried without any luck, looked for
2192 [17:17:37] <greycat> It's an extremely common convention
for unix daemons that HUP means "reread config".
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2195 [17:18:34] <wrksx> Seems like vsftp doesn't do that
2196 [17:18:35] <greycat> but it's weird that it's not
in the man page
2197 [17:18:37] <wrksx> too bad
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2200 [17:18:53] <wrksx> I just tried it while changing the config,
it's not updated
2201 [17:19:05] <wrksx> probably the reason why it's not in
the man =)
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2204 [17:19:49] <greycat> That's a weird omission.
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2227 [17:33:14] <greycat> Is there a way I can see the
vsftpd.service file online without downloading and extracting it
from the .deb?
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2230 [17:33:50] <Elon_Satoshi> Will zathura-pdf-mupdf ever be
available for zathura?
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2233 [17:34:23] <Elon_Satoshi> s/for zathura/for debian
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2235 [17:34:33] <petn-randall> greycat: You could check the
packaging repo from vsftpd, if it's on salsa / gitlab you can
view it online.
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2237 [17:35:02] <greycat> "VCS: unknown" on tracker
2238 [17:35:09] <greycat> good idea though
2239 [17:35:16] *** Quits: teclo- (42@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2240 [17:36:28] <petn-randall> greycat: Or grab the source via
apt-get source vsftpd`. That's the complete tarball, though.
2241 [17:36:38] <DLange> greycat:
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2243 [17:37:18] <greycat> DLange: thanks
2244 [17:37:27] <DLange> any time
2245 [17:37:33] <greycat> OK, so
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2247 [17:37:46] <greycat> If HUP doesn't actually *do*
anything to this daemon, I'd think that's a bug in the
service file.
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2254 [17:41:22] <petn-randall> Ah right, sources.d.o is a thing,
too! Nice!
2255 [17:41:26] <greycat> (on the other hand, if HUP *does* work
with this daemon, the man page could use some additions)
2256 [17:41:31] <tony`> hi
2257 [17:41:56] <DLange> my vsftpd seems pretty un-impressed when
HUP'ing it
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2265 [17:43:57] <Janni> Hello. I have a question... Does anyone
know a way to change the mouse cursor temporarily into a BIG
crosshair? What I mean by that are a horizontal and a vertical line
spanning the whole screen, indicating where the cursor is.
2266 [17:44:16] <Janni> (on Xorg, obviously).
2267 [17:44:53] <jelly> kde used to have ways of showing where the
cursor was, but they looked different than that
2268 [17:44:54] <DLange> greycat: ./standalone.c:static void
handle_sighup(void* duff); in vsftpd-3.0.3
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2270 [17:45:07] * greycat ponders answers of the form "launch 3
instances of xeyes at different corners of the screen and
triangulate from which way their eyes point"
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2272 [17:46:16] <jelly> duff and his engine
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2274 [17:46:39] <DLange> Janni: I actually have a script for that
in my XPS13 because of its insane screen resolution
2275 [17:46:41] <greycat> looks like it tries to load the config
2276 [17:46:42] <Janni> jelly: I want to use it to help me read
some files (in various contexts) with indentation.
2277 [17:47:10] <saskwach> I'm trying to cross compile
something with CMake, and can't figure out how to tell it that
I have the target's libraries installed on my system. My
toolchain file has
2278 [17:47:10] <Janni> DLange: What is the script based on?
2279 [17:47:13] <saskwach> SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Linux)
2280 [17:47:13] <saskwach> SET(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR armhf)
2281 [17:47:22] <DLange> ah, won't do that, just helps to
find the mouse cursor
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2283 [17:47:39] <saskwach> Anyone know how to tell it where to
find, for example, libssl?
2284 [17:47:50] <saskwach> er, libcrypto
2285 [17:49:08] <greycat> wrksx: anyway... if HUP (or systemctl
reload which does a HUP) is not having any effect, you should file a
bug report. It looks like it's supposed to work.
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2291 [17:53:45] <markovski> guys how to install the ffmpeg codecs
for opera-stable?
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2296 [17:55:07] <mrig> hello, net install has worked. Will store
the dvd as a backup form now on I think, rather than the live cd, I
suspect that my locality could be the cause. Not in any way sure of
that though.
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2298 [17:55:46] <markovski> ?
2299 [17:56:18] <dvs> mrig, at least you only have to install from
DVD once.
2300 [17:57:07] <mrig> dvs, I am working up to that level, still
have a habit of going to a new install when I don't know what
is causing an issue.
2301 [17:57:39] <mrig> dvs: really nice to know that you do not
depend upon an internet connection to install software.
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2303 [17:58:26] <mrig> I am back with gnome again, no doubt about
it, I really like it, the colour profiling is awesome.
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2305 [17:58:38] <dvs> O_O
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2307 [17:59:21] <mrig> Is that a reel to reel recorder or a look
of surprise?
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2314 [18:01:11] <mrig> I should try a session of switching GUI
environments without reinstalling the base as a learning experience,
seems that there is quite a difference between gnome and xfce when
it comes to the user configuration of the GUI user profile.
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2317 [18:02:39] <dvs> mrig, you definitely dont have to reinstall
to change GNU environment
2318 [18:02:50] <mrig> Would really like to learn how to track
down the cause of this glitch though, comes with time and experience
I suppose.
2319 [18:03:30] <mrig> dvs comes from being dependant on the live
usb sticks I think, need to shake the habit.
2320 [18:04:02] <mrig> I used a net advanced install, all seems
quite familiar now, so no excuses.
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2324 [18:05:16] <mrig> curious thing, the chromium colour is awful
in gnome, and mozilla is excellent, less noticeable in xfce.
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2326 [18:05:44] <mrig> I think gnome must have a wider color
profile than xfce, speculation though.
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2329 [18:06:09] <mrig> else it is mapping very differently.
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2337 [18:09:08] <mrig> I had a question in the advanced install
that I did not really understand, I would appreciate some
clarification on; `Force grub to the EFI removable media path`. This
was the default setting, I was wondering if there was any security
benefit forsaken by doing this?
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2340 [18:10:19] <dvs> mrig, I had to select that option in order
to do the EFI install
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2343 [18:10:56] <mrig> right so it is sometimes an obligation, yes
it mentions that the alternative can be buggy.
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2345 [18:11:46] <mrig> I used it but do not know if I had to or
not, will experiment if I do need to install again. Intruiged to
know if it is better protection if it is not done?
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2368 [18:22:57] <Synaptic> is that possible to install debian on
virtualbox, if the virtualbox is on a VPS??
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2371 [18:23:08] <Synaptic> i can reach only the installation
screen.... then... all black
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2376 [18:24:06] <RoyK> Synaptic: duuno about vbox, but with kvm I
guess it should work, just by re-exporting the cpu flags needed
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2379 [18:25:25] <RoyK> Synaptic: btw, why would you want to
virtualise on a virtualised platform? using lxc will probably be far
more efficient, although it won't have its own kernel
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2393 [18:32:53] <Synaptic> RoyK because its a windows vps that i
ned for some job.... but i need also a linux shell
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2396 [18:33:12] <Synaptic> so what you suggest me to do?
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2399 [18:33:55] <greycat> two separate VPSes?
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2404 [18:34:50] <annadane> does crontab -e support aliases?
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2407 [18:35:28] <greycat> I wouldn't care to risk it.
2408 [18:35:50] <greycat> It'll depend on which shell cron is
using to parse the lines, and which mode that shell is operating in.
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2410 [18:36:13] <annadane> yeah i think i'll just not be lazy
and standardize it instead.
2411 [18:38:12] <bashes> How do you go about backing up a ext4
filesystem on a debian server?
2412 [18:38:34] <Synaptic> greycat no to separate vps.... i have a
vps hosted... i want to create a vps inside a vps
2413 [18:38:53] <Synaptic> i will try now with vpware
2414 [18:38:57] <Synaptic> vmware
2415 [18:39:02] <greycat> I wasn't asking what you have now.
I was proposing that as a solution.
2416 [18:39:15] <Synaptic> ah ok no but i cannot fit that
2417 [18:39:21] <Synaptic> i dont host the first vps
2418 [18:39:41] <greycat> that's not relevant
2419 [18:40:00] *** Joins: fstd_ (~fstd@replaced-ip )
2420 [18:40:01] <greycat> The question is just "can I afford
the monthly charges of a second VPS or will that exceed my
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2428 [18:46:01] <jelly> Synaptic: which windows version on the
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2430 [18:46:20] <jelly> well,
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2433 [18:47:38] <Synaptic> server 2006
2434 [18:47:43] <jelly> Synaptic: if you 1) just need a shell and
2) do not care about performance a lot and 3) can live with serious
limitations in socket api and 4) have a windows 10, try WSL
2435 [18:47:45] *** Quits: Levure (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2436 [18:47:54] <jelly> 2016?
2437 [18:47:55] *** Quits: dvs (~hibbard@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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2439 [18:48:04] <jelly> no such thing as windows server 2006
2440 [18:48:32] <Synaptic> 2016 sry
2441 [18:48:33] <jelly> or use cygwin
2442 [18:48:44] <Synaptic> i will try now with vmware
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2447 [18:51:14] <jelly> ability to use nested virtualization
usually comes with a price tag
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2592 [20:14:34] <spacedust> hi, could anyone give me a link the
adb+fastbook package ?
2593 [20:14:56] <tom_work> you mean fastboot?
2594 [20:15:21] <spacedust> lol that writing :)
2595 [20:15:30] <spacedust> hi, could anyone give me a link to the
adb+fastboot package ?
2596 [20:15:47] <petn-randall> spacedust: They're literally
called "adb" and "fastboot".
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2598 [20:16:07] <spacedust> but im not on debian right now but i
would still like to download and try them
2599 [20:16:07] <tom_work> spacedust, apt install adb fastboot
2600 [20:16:26] <tom_work> spacedust, you can download them from
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2603 [20:16:56] <spacedust>
2604 [20:17:06] <spacedust>
2605 [20:17:18] <spacedust> ah loads of deps :)
2606 [20:18:10] <spacedust> i am using gentoo right now, and
android-tools package wants to download go , which is 600mb, not
sure why would i need go for adb + fastboot :)
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2608 [20:18:22] <spacedust> so was thinking maybe i can make the
debian packages work on it :D
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2613 [20:21:59] <petn-randall> That won't work. You're
better off installing from sources than trying to get Debian
packages work on Gentoo.
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2617 [20:24:25] <spacedust> yeah petn-randall i figured, its just
it need go to build ... which is 600mb big ... and i dont want go
2618 [20:24:34] <spacedust> fsck go :)
2619 [20:24:39] * petn-randall shrugs.
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2641 [20:34:36] <uniqdom> how can I reconfigure mysql-server
package? I need to get rid of all misconfigs that I have done. I
don't care about the databases or users that i had created
2642 [20:34:54] <uniqdom> apt purge mysql-server; apt install
mysql-server ??
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2645 [20:35:22] <greycat> you'll need to purge the actual
server package, not the meta package
2646 [20:35:30] <uniqdom> i see
2647 [20:35:34] <uniqdom> thanks :)
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2649 [20:35:54] <petn-randall> uniqdom: `dpkg-reconfigure -plow
2650 [20:35:56] <greycat> I'm not sure if it's
mariadb-server-core-10.1 or mariadb-server-10.1 ... hell, just do
'em both
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2682 [20:59:20] <milkt> is it completely safe to pause
"dd" or "rsync" or "ffmpeg" etc with
ctrl+z and resume it later? or should i better avoid to pause jobs
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2691 [21:02:11] <Akuw> hi, i am trying to copy using scp -P 38752
2692 [21:02:31] <Akuw> but command show me usage options
2693 [21:02:40] <nkuttler> no target
2694 [21:02:41] <greycat> milkt: depends on too many factors to
give a single answer. You gave three incredibly DIFFERENT commands,
and you gave no indication what kind of devices the dd is operating
2695 [21:03:06] <petn-randall> Akuw: Read them closely.
2696 [21:03:32] <Akuw> damm .
2697 [21:03:34] <greycat> for rsync the most likely source of
problems would be "after x minutes of inactivity, the
connection to the remote host is lost because my NAT times out"
2698 [21:03:36] <Akuw> all is ok now
2699 [21:03:57] <greycat> there are workarounds for that, and
they're the same ones you use for regular interactive ssh
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2702 [21:06:07] <milkt> greycat: sorry, i meant just some
non-interactive local file manipulation without networking
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2704 [21:06:39] <greycat> well, your local system probably
won't complain that you're doing nothing, unless
you're talking to some exotic device
2705 [21:06:40] <petn-randall> It was missing the dot. :)
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2930 [23:19:26] <z3r0_r00t> hi
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2939 [23:23:36] <z3r0_r00t> hi
2940 [23:23:37] <z3r0_r00t> !
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2953 [23:28:29] <_2E0LNX> Hi z3r0_r00t...
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2964 [23:32:04] <z3r0_r00t> i need to know about this exploit
2965 [23:32:19] <z3r0_r00t> windows/nuuo/nuuo_cms_sqli
2966 [23:32:37] <z3r0_r00t> msfconsole
2967 [23:32:38] <jmcnaught> z3r0_r00t: we don't do that here
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2972 [23:34:01] <dvs> we can solve it: install Debian!
2973 [23:34:01] <z3r0_r00t> why ?!
2974 [23:34:25] <z3r0_r00t> kali linux is my os
2975 [23:34:34] <jmcnaught> !kali
2976 [23:34:34] <dpkg> Kali Linux (replaced-url
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2979 [23:34:59] <jmcnaught> z3r0_r00t: try #kali-linux ^^
2980 [23:35:13] <z3r0_r00t> oh yeah sure
2981 [23:35:19] <annadane> !whynotpentesting
2982 [23:35:19] <dpkg> For some reasons why Kali/Parrot/Other
based-on-Debian penetration testing distributions shouldn't be
used as a home desktop, see
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2984 [23:35:24] <enowaldo> Upgraded from jessie to stretch, Xorg
doesn't start, ask here or elsewhere?
2985 [23:35:27] <z3r0_r00t> thanks for your time anyone
2986 [23:35:30] <annadane> here, enowaldo
2987 [23:35:47] <enowaldo> annadane: I've got a
/var/log/Xorg.0.log to paste, where should that go?
2988 [23:35:52] <annadane>
2989 [23:35:56] <enowaldo> annadane: Tx.
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2994 [23:38:05] <enowaldo> annadane: Here:
2995 [23:38:42] <enowaldo> Xorg segfaults on startup with: [
47.649] (EE) modeset(0): glGetString() returned NULL, your GL is
2996 [23:39:01] <enowaldo> 4.6.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.6.4-1
(2016-07-18) x86_64 GNU/Linux
2997 [23:39:07] <enowaldo> Thinkpad T520
2998 [23:40:01] <annadane> that's neither a jessie nor a
stretch kernel
2999 [23:40:21] <enowaldo> annadane: Too new or old? It's
freshly installed.
3000 [23:40:26] <enowaldo> annadane: I can update that if needs
3001 [23:40:33] <annadane> for stretch, too old, stretch uses 4.9
3002 [23:40:47] <annadane> not certain, of course, that the kernel
is the source of your problems or not
3003 [23:40:54] *** Quits: Nevermin_ (~Nevermind@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
3004 [23:41:14] <annadane> jessie uses 3.16 so it's strange
you have that one
3005 [23:41:21] <enowaldo> annadane: I'll see if I can't
update that.
3006 [23:41:43] <enowaldo> annadane: ... as it may impact other
bits. And yes, I did update the kernel during the upgrade.
System's been offline a few years.
3007 [23:42:22] <enowaldo> hrm. I'm finding 4.19 in
3008 [23:42:34] <enowaldo> and 4.9
3009 [23:42:43] <annadane> 4.19 is in stretch-backports, you
likely have that in your sources list
3010 [23:42:47] <annadane> ,kernels
3011 [23:42:47] *** Quits: jnavila (~jnavila@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
3012 [23:42:48] <judd> Available kernel versions are:
experimental: 4.20.0-trunk-686-pae (4.20-1~exp1); sid:
4.19.0-5-686-pae (4.19.37-1); buster: 4.19.0-4-686-pae (4.19.28-2);
stretch-backports: 4.19.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae (4.19.28-2~bpo9+1);
stretch: 4.9.0-9-686 (4.9.168-1); jessie-backports:
4.9.0-0.bpo.6-686-pae (4.9.88-1+deb9u1~bpo8+1); jessie:
4.9.0-0.bpo.9-686-pae (4.9.168-1~deb8u1); wheezy-backports:
3013 [23:42:49] <judd> 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae
(3.16.39-1+deb8u1~bpo70+1); wheezy: 3.2.0-6-686-pae (3.2.102-1)
3014 [23:43:48] <enowaldo> Hrm, strange...
3015 [23:44:42] <annadane> someone else can probably answer this
better than i can, i'm not completely aware of your problems
3016 [23:44:58] *** Quits: grayrider (~grayrider@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
3017 [23:45:01] *** Quits: labartu (~none@replaced-ip ) (Quit: leaving)
3018 [23:45:18] <enowaldo> annadane: NP. And I've got a 4.19
installed, just ... not booted, for some reason. I'll go kick
at grub a bit.
3019 [23:45:28] *** Quits: bert84 (~bert@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
3020 [23:45:54] <enowaldo> BBIAM, rebooting
3021 [23:46:02] <annadane> enowaldo, did you read the release
notes btw?
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3045 [23:58:27] <enowaldo> So ... what happened to update-grub?
3046 [23:59:23] <annadane> you probably need to be more specific
3047 [23:59:40] <annadane> also, i was asking before you
rebooted... did you follow the release notes?
3048 [23:59:46] <enowaldo> I thought there was a command
"update-grub", for re-generating Debian grub configs. I
don't find it now.
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