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5[00:00:54] <miesco> unborn: This way, you put the firmware
files asked for in usb drive root
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7[00:01:36] <unborn> miesco: ah, they need to be extracted man
I see now
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9[00:02:15] <babilen> I performed installation in the past in
which I simply supplied the .debs (i.e. the extracted
firmware.tar.gz) on a USB stick.
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12[00:02:48] <babilen> I have no idea why that didn't work
in this case, but what is *really* needed is a populated
/lib/firmware -- Whatever way you achieve that.
13[00:02:54] <babilen> (hence the firmwre installer)
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18[00:04:28] * zykotick9 thinks what is *really* need is for hardware
manufacturers to STOP thinking drivers are a competitive advantage
over one another... and just free the firmware/drivers for their
products </OT>
19[00:04:52] <zinx> zykotick9: yeah, it would be nice if they
started selling hardware again
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21[00:05:00] <zinx> zykotick9: instead of drivers :/
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23[00:05:20] <somiaj> zykotick9: there are other issues besides
that with wifi firmware. I belive at least in the us there is
regulation on the wifi bands used and what users can modify.
24[00:05:34] <modwizcode> They can always burn that portion
into rom
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26[00:05:43] <somiaj> zykotick9: also the issue of what is the
difference between firmware flashed onto a rom vs provided as a
27[00:05:44] <modwizcode> And provide a regulation complient
28[00:05:44] <zykotick9> somiaj: ya, the US wireless stuff is
getting crazy recently :(
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31[00:06:02] <rlange> modwizcode: that would cost an extra
nickel per unit; can
32[00:06:05] <rlange> 't do that
33[00:06:07] <somiaj> modwizcode: but then I would have to
flash my hardware which is a pain when the manfucacture updates the it is a give take
34[00:06:11] <modwizcode> :P
35[00:06:29] <somiaj> I actually prefer it as a file, but that
is just me, I have briked hardware in the past with failed firmware
36[00:06:29] <modwizcode> You still do that for bios/uefi :P
37[00:06:52] <modwizcode> As long as they store a safe version
that can be restored that would solve briked hardware usually.
38[00:07:06] <modwizcode> Sadly that's also not economical
in their book
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44[00:08:36] <modwizcode> Besides users that care <<
users that care. Money lost << money gained. (<< = much
less than)
45[00:08:54] <modwizcode> Ahh error, second users that care
should be users that don't care.
46[00:09:04] <unborn> is there any way to search for file by
typing in folder the name of the file instead of searching whole
home folder?
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49[00:09:12] <unborn> its driving me mad
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51[00:09:32] <Tatiko> And how to use query in string?
52[00:09:34] <modwizcode> What file manager are you using?
53[00:09:35] <rlange> unborn: find my-folder-name -name
54[00:09:38] <Tatiko> in console
55[00:09:42] <miesco> alright thanks for the help
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57[00:10:05] <modwizcode> Seems that's often so much more
annoying than tab complete.
58[00:10:05] <unborn> rlange: in terminal? is that not possibly
in nautilus?
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60[00:10:24] <rlange> ah, yeah, i was assuming terminal
61[00:10:38] <modwizcode> File managers seems to be pretty
evil. I can't even copy files from my external harddrive
reliably when using one.
62[00:10:40] <somiaj> modwizcode: I am okay with non-free
firmware because it is really only wifi and I do understand it. The
thing that I think is intersting is the so called 'free'
wifi just flashes their non-free firmware on the chip, so I
don't see it as really that much more 'free'
63[00:10:42] <rlange> i'm sure it's possible, but I
don't usually use a file manager
64[00:11:12] <modwizcode> somiaj, I'm not sure what
you're referring to on the second half of your comment there.
65[00:11:16] <somiaj> modwizcode: but there is a whole project
on libre firwmare/bios, be nice to see more of that around hardware.
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67[00:11:34] <rlange> unborn: Ctrl+F in Nautilus?
68[00:11:43] <modwizcode> A lot of those projects aren't
compatible with anything relevant (or remotely modern)
69[00:11:58] <unborn> rlange: yeah that is actually what I am
trying to avoid..
70[00:12:12] <somiaj> modwizcode: Many atheros wifi cards
don't require additional non-free firmware and are thus
considered 'free' by some fsf guides. But they do have
non-free firmware, it is just on the chip and not provided as an
additional file (though there is a difference between firmware on a
chip and in userland, there is still non-free firmware)
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72[00:12:35] <modwizcode> My external harddrive goes to sleep
from lack of read/write while nautilus attempts to do... something,
and then it just gets stuck forever somehow. So I have to use the
terminal to do any copies from that drive.
73[00:12:36] <zykotick9> somiaj: i'm running libreboot
with atheros :)
74[00:12:50] <unborn> rlange: when I type backup it displays me
all backups located in home folder.. when I am in documents.. which
is wrong
75[00:13:00] <unborn> its doing it automatically
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78[00:13:22] <somiaj> zykotick9: I just try to used wired
connenction any time I can. That is my solution to wifi. (:
79[00:13:42] <rlange> huh. what version? for me, if I'm in
a sub-folder it only searches the subfolder, not all of home
80[00:13:42] <zykotick9> somiaj: i hear that
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82[00:14:21] <modwizcode> Well I'm pretty much a laptop
only person, currently I'm using my one desktop and it's
got barely enough resources for me to do the dev work I need.
83[00:14:22] <unborn> rlange: I should be able to simple type
backup and it should show me folders named backup only in /Documents
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88[00:15:32] <modwizcode> Considering I broke my entire install
(it froze upon a few seconds after login) by attempting to install
virtualbox yesterday. I'm not sure what to think about
89[00:15:50] <modwizcode> Attempting to install it from a
package no less
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105[00:22:04] <brimonk> I'm back from my slumber.
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111[00:24:40] <unborn> rlange: its not possible currently in
debian with gnome.. I may consider different DE cos this is very
much annoying.
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132[00:32:57] <rlange> On my Debian 8 system, in Nautilus (3.14)
I can go into the Documents folder, search using Ctrl+F, enter a
name, and the results are only files with that name under the
Documents folder. Is that not what you are looking for, or does that
not work for you?
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135[00:34:27] <rlange> (and make sure you didn't
accidentally click the "All Files" box in the search bar)
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150[00:43:08] <unborn> rlange:
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153[00:43:48] <miesco> If I am reinstalling debian, do I need to
reinstall the boot loader?
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155[00:44:11] <unborn> rlange: there is only one folder in my
home called backup.. but when I type backup I got all other files
and folder which I am not exactly looking for from other places..
ctrl+f is exactly same result
156[00:44:27] <somiaj> miesco: yes
157[00:44:40] <unborn> in debian 7 it was that it was only
displaying you folder or file what was in current folder you been in
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161[00:45:57] <unborn> this new way to search for files also
make it slow search , I am running on ssd and its slow, I wont
imagine what it would be on normal hdd.. is there any way to get
normal search back or I will install something more useful?
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163[00:46:43] <miesco> somiaj: How do I tell if my computer used
bios or eufi?
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167[00:48:06] <somiaj> miesco: if you used efi, you most likely
have /boot/efi mounted
168[00:48:16] <somiaj> miesco: also grub-efi vs grub-pc will be
169[00:48:26] <somiaj> miesco: but really the only way for sure
is to know how your computer is configured to boot
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176[00:52:32] <miesco> somiaj: I deleted my main partition but
not my bios partition
177[00:52:48] <somiaj> miesco: bios partition?
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179[00:53:05] <miesco> somiaj: I remember learning all there was
to know about the boot loader to configure it (with I think efi).
180[00:53:17] <miesco> somiaj: Yea thats what `fdisk -l` says
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182[00:53:48] <somiaj> miesco: if using GTP partition tables
(needed for efi) don't use fdisk, use parted or gparted
183[00:53:51] <miesco> somiaj: Oh wait that was my laptop I did
184[00:54:11] <miesco> somiaj: It is probably just bios then...
185[00:54:38] <somiaj> yea you need an efi partition for efi
boot, if you didn't create one you most likely arne't
using efi
186[00:54:48] <miesco> somiaj: I have a partition that is 977kb
and is type "BIOS boot"
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189[00:55:26] <babilen> Did you use the automatic partitioning?
190[00:55:35] * babilen always lets that create the EFI bits
191[00:55:36] <miesco> somiaj: Does the boot loader go on this
partition or my / partition?
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193[00:56:02] <miesco> babilen: No, I just used my old
194[00:56:09] <somiaj> miesco: you can do either, but usually
put the bootloader on the mbr of the disk (not the mbr of the rootfs
195[00:56:20] <teraflops> the installer does not let you use
gummiboot ^
196[00:56:53] <miesco> somiaj: So put the bootloader on
/dev/sda1 type 'BIOS boot' that is 977kb?
197[00:57:06] <somiaj> no /dev/sda (that is the disk) /dev/sda1
would be the partition
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200[00:57:21] <somiaj> that is where I tradtionally put it when
using legacy boot (note I've switched over to efi boot, I like
it better)
201[00:57:25] <miesco> somiaj: What is this BIOS boot partition?
202[00:57:59] <somiaj> miesco: GTP partition tables are not like
MBR parititon tables. If using them with wanting to do legacy boot,
you need a special BIOS partition for that, and I'm unsure on
the details to get it to work.
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206[00:58:49] <miesco> somiaj: Well my / partition is EFI it
207[00:59:20] <miesco> somiaj: 1.8TB EFI system
208[00:59:35] <somiaj> your / partition cannot be EFI
209[00:59:38] <miesco> somiaj: That doesn't seem right...
shouldn't that be linux?
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211[00:59:55] <miesco> somiaj: Apparently it is
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213[00:59:59] <somiaj> you can use either GPT or MBR partition
tables. So your partition is one of those
214[01:00:12] <somiaj> efi partitions are fat16 partitions for
booting, you don't want your root fs on an efi partition
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216[01:00:27] <somiaj> miesco: what is telling you this? fdisk?
If using GPT using parted or gparted
217[01:00:35] <somiaj> anyways I got to jet, best of luck
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219[01:00:49] <miesco> somiaj: Maybe I accidently made an EFI
partition instead of ext4 while installing (I am in install process
now, bootloader step)
220[01:01:10] <somiaj> yea the EFI partition needs to only be a
few hundreed megs.
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222[01:01:39] <miesco> somiaj: Okay thanks for the help
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229[01:06:57] <unborn> is there any way to install older version
of nautilus?
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234[01:07:12] <unborn> I mean force the older version
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241[01:09:54] <unborn> or how to enable
enable-interactive-search instead of recursive-search in nautilus?
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264[01:17:53] <usuariovirtual> hi I want to copy using dd a
rescue antivirus image to a usb drive I'm using dd if=file
of=/dev/sdb1 is this all I need? do I need bs=anything?
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270[01:22:03] <rjsalts> usuariovirtual: it's all you need,
it might be faster if you specify bs, but that's all
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275[01:23:35] *** asg_ is now known as Akto
276[01:23:41] <Akto> helo!
277[01:24:20] <Akto> I need create backup of / but I have a bugs
278[01:24:34] <rjsalts> usuariovirtual:
279[01:24:36] <Akto> sudo tar -cvzpf -C /mnt/root
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281[01:25:02] <rjsalts> Akto: f is the filename
282[01:25:15] <Akto> And?
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285[01:25:48] <rjsalts> Akto: so it needs to be f
/mnt/backup/sda1.tar.gz not -C
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290[01:26:37] <Akto> But here
291[01:27:10] <Akto> See my bug
292[01:27:13] <Akto> tar:
socket ignored tar: /media/ubuntu/5C3E23F63E23C7BA/1.tar.gz: Cannot
stat: No such file or directory tar: Exiting with failure status due
to previous errors
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295[01:27:45] <Akto> And I not see file
296[01:28:24] <babilen> The filename has to follow
297[01:28:45] <rjsalts> Akto: that wiki article is wrong
298[01:28:52] <Akto> sudo tar -cvzpf -f /mnt/root
299[01:29:01] <Akto> yes
300[01:29:02] <babilen> No, "-f
301[01:29:03] <Akto> ?
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303[01:29:37] <babilen> And drop the "f" in the
earlier options (and there might be other problems)
304[01:29:54] <rjsalts> Akto: you can use -C ... but you
can't use it directly after the f. Do -f
/path/to/backup/root.tar.gz -C /path/of/working/directory ...
305[01:29:54] <Akto> sudo tar -cvzp -C /mnt/root -f
306[01:30:18] <rjsalts> Akto: that's should work
307[01:30:46] <Akto> or -cvzpC ?
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310[01:31:29] *** mach_k_away is now known as mach_kernel
311[01:31:50] <rjsalts> Akto: shouldn't matter as p
doesn't have a trailing argument as f and C do
312[01:32:08] <Akto> ok
313[01:32:32] *** Quits: kmo (~kmo@replaced-ip) (Quit: Ta-ta for now...)
314[01:32:33] <rjsalts> Akto: man tar is your friend when
you're looking up the myriad options for gnu tar
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317[01:34:35] <rjsalts> Akto: --one-file-system might also be
318[01:35:03] <Akto> Its what?
319[01:35:27] *** Quits: RickXy (~zncadmin@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
320[01:35:53] <Akto> ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo tar -cvzp -C
'/media/ubuntu/dc75abd1-796b-49ec-9062-53618c4c0fdc' -f
'/media/ubuntu/5C3E23F63E23C7BA/ubuntu-sda1.tar.gz' tar:
Cowardly refusing to create an empty archive Try 'tar
--help' or 'tar --usage' for more information.
321[01:35:56] *** Quits: err404 (~err404@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
322[01:36:07] <rjsalts> Akto: so you're making a backup of
/ or what have you, then it will try to descend into /proc /sys ...
323[01:36:25] <babilen> Akto: btw, it looks as if you are using
Ubuntu. Are you?
324[01:36:33] <Akto> yes
325[01:36:46] <rjsalts> Ubuntu != debian
326[01:36:52] <babilen> This is #debian and not #ubuntu and we
don't support Ubuntu unfortunately
327[01:36:53] *** mach_kernel is now known as mach_k_away
328[01:36:54] <Akto> for tar =
329[01:37:24] <babilen> You might want to take this to ##linux
or #ubuntu or one of the many other channels on this network
330[01:37:30] *** Quits: xaa (~xaa@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
331[01:37:37] <babilen> Sorry, but this channel only supports
Debian and Debian users
332[01:37:53] *** Joins: RickXy (~zncadmin@replaced-ip)
333[01:37:58] <Akto> I have debian also
334[01:38:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1661
335[01:38:03] <Akto> Kde edition
336[01:38:13] <babilen> Sure, but this concerns Ubuntu
337[01:38:37] <Akto> It work in Debian?
338[01:38:54] <babilen> But then, I believe that we sorted out
your problem anyway. It's just that this channel is exclusively
for Debian and problems that arise on Debian.
339[01:39:23] <babilen> (while your problem concerns Ubuntu)
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343[01:40:07] <Akto> I afraid tar want -cfvzp
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348[01:43:21] <Akto> Can I use?: sudo tar -cfvzp
'/media/ubuntu/5C3E23F63E23C7BA/ubuntu-sda1.tar.gz' -C
349[01:44:10] <Akto> Friends?
350[01:44:31] <babilen> → ##linux
351[01:44:37] <Akto> Please
352[01:44:46] <Akto> there need reg
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355[01:45:56] <Akto> tar: Removing leading `/' from member
names tar: /media/ubuntu/5C3E23F63E23C7BA/ubuntu-sda1.tar.gz: Cannot
stat: No such file or directory tar: Exiting with failure status due
to previous errors
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369[01:52:15] <unborn> would nautilus from debian 7 work in
debian 8 as replacement of that new one?
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375[01:54:27] <bIka> wii
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384[01:57:03] <jmcnaught> unborn: the gnome-core metapackage in
jessie requires nautilus >= 3.14, so the metapackage(s) would be
removed. it might not work at all
385[01:57:26] *** Quits: xaa (~xaa@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
386[01:57:33] <jmcnaught> unborn: what's wrong with the
newer nautilus? there are also other file managers in jessie that
you could try
387[01:58:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1653
388[01:58:08] <unborn> jmcnaught:
389[01:58:19] <unborn> search is just totally mess
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392[01:59:52] <jmcnaught> unborn: do you mean it shows results
without their location? what if you switch to list view?
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395[02:00:09] <unborn> been trying to deal with this tree search
function but there is no go.. as developer I have tons of files.. if
I have backup in folder A and in folder B it displays them all
without location.. which is night mare
396[02:00:23] *** Joins: teclo- (42@replaced-ip)
397[02:00:32] <unborn> *been trying 3 weeks..
398[02:01:13] <unborn> jmcnaught: interactive-search is what was
in older nautilus and that was working perfect
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400[02:02:27] <sm00th> when I try to search i get invalid
401[02:02:32] *** Quits: PaganMin (~GitGud@replaced-ip) (Quit: There is honour even among thieves)
402[02:02:34] <unborn> ctrl+f was for tree search.. jmcnaught
i7, 12gigs ram, ssd - very fast system but searching for one file
within folder be it css or php - I can go and make coffee.. thats
403[02:03:39] <babilen> unborn: It's almost instantaneous
404[02:03:43] <sm00th> anyone know why it says invalid protocol
when i try to search in nautlius?
405[02:03:48] <babilen> (similar system specs)
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408[02:04:58] <unborn> I can imagine pain on normal hdd.. thats
why I would like to install older version of nautilus or I shall
accept that it becomes just unproductive and install some nemo or
thunar.. I mean why it was changed.. it was working perfect is there
any way to re-do interactive-search?
409[02:05:47] *** Joins: HerculeP_ (~herc@replaced-ip)
410[02:05:48] <unborn> babilen: you could see it on that video..
as soon I type backup - many files and folders came up.. I am
getting each time I search actually lost
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413[02:07:18] <jmcnaught> unborn: search is pretty quick for me
too, everything is indexed by tracker. Also it shows locations in
list view (ctrl+1)
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418[02:08:00] <sm00th> wait I think its dolphin not nautilus,
whatever the KDE one is
419[02:08:04] <sm00th> invalid protocol when using find
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421[02:08:38] <jmcnaught> unborn: if you didn
422[02:08:41] <jmcnaught> oops
423[02:09:02] *** Joins: teclo- (42@replaced-ip)
424[02:09:04] <jmcnaught> sm00th: if you didn't install KDE
using a task or metapackage, maybe there's a missing recommend
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430[02:10:40] <sm00th> jmcnaught, i installed the kde iso
431[02:10:44] <sm00th> didn't remove nothing
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433[02:11:08] <sm00th> only things I did was install nvidia
driver from jessie backports, and apparmor from stretch
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437[02:12:11] <unborn> jmcnaught: okay ctrl+1?
438[02:12:26] <unborn>
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440[02:12:50] <unborn> also note the cpu load in top right
corner - the blue graph
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458[02:22:17] <sm00th> so if I search from the root folder it
459[02:22:22] *** Quits: SimbaLion (~Simba@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
460[02:22:26] <sm00th> but if selecting the shortcut home folder
under places I get missing protocol
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475[02:25:39] <unborn> turns out that caja does better job then
crappy latest nautilus. I dont really get this.. debian perfect
operating system and experience ruined by basic most need it tool
like file manager..
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480[02:28:16] <babilen> caja is packaged in Debian
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483[02:28:51] <sm00th> babilen, apparenlty he's installed
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487[02:29:35] <sm00th> the other thing I don't like about
dolphin how it default to single click to launch files and open
folders, thats pretty dangerous.
488[02:29:47] <unborn> sm00th: I was trying to get around that
nautilus for about 2 - 3 hours..
489[02:29:58] <sm00th> unborn, man..
490[02:30:13] <unborn> simply put it, install better file
manager which actually works..
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515[02:41:50] <unborn> just found this and even that is bit
older its explains it very well
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517[02:42:57] <sm00th> unborn, if you think gome is bad,
don't even bother with
518[02:43:30] <sm00th> it has become alot worse in kde. at least
the older version in debian jessie is not as bad yet.
519[02:43:36] <unborn> man and I just thought finally got liked
gnome 3 heh last time I switched form debian 6 as I did not like
debian7 due to gnome3 which was that time pretty bad when it came
out first time.. enough of moaning.. I see xcfe or mate.. possibly
520[02:44:05] <sm00th> xfce has been really great past few
521[02:44:32] <unborn> sm00th: file manager is primary for me,
if that suxs then other things would do too ;)
522[02:45:00] <sm00th> hmm not sure if it suit your needs. but i
never had an error like i have in the kde dolphin manager lol
523[02:45:01] <luxitanium>
524[02:45:07] <markybob> thunar even has more features. like
bulk rename.
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526[02:45:58] <sm00th> unborn, well that article is probably
right about why mint is so popular. cinnamon is just great.
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528[02:46:06] <sm00th> I just don't trust it.
529[02:46:43] <sm00th> nemo in mint is amazing
530[02:46:46] <unborn> oh clems mint? I rather not comment
that..been there already.
531[02:46:49] <sm00th> the compositor is great.
532[02:46:56] <sm00th> unborn, you didn't like nemo?
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536[02:47:28] <sm00th> i remember an earlier nemo raping my pc
if I left it open and idle.
537[02:47:33] <sm00th> haha
538[02:48:00] <sm00th> don't think it does that anymore but
i always found that suspect, plus alot of other thigns I won't
go into. but as far as usuability and compatilibty it just shines.
539[02:48:03] <unborn> last time I used mint it was mint 9, then
I saw what clem done with lmde and that was signal for me to leave
that os.
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541[02:48:21] <sm00th> i never tried lmde
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556[02:54:13] * zykotick9 still likes find and grep... no indexing,
but they are steady and reliable IMO...
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579[03:06:25] <sm00th> how can I install 340 video driver in
debian jessie?
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582[03:07:43] <markybob> nvidia? hell jessie-backports has
352.79-8~bpo8+1. proper jessie has 340.96-1
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586[03:09:48] <sm00th> markybob, what is proper jessie i'm
on 8.5
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588[03:10:56] <sm00th> markybob, ok so I just have to do apt-get
install nvidia-legacy-340xx-driver right?
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593[03:11:57] <markybob> sm00th: follow this. it tells you about
what's included in jessie and about backports if you need it.
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595[03:12:18] <sm00th> markybob, ya i installed the one for
jessie-backports but want to go with the 340
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600[03:12:58] <markybob> so remove the package, remove
backports, install what's in jessie. not saying that'll
work because downgrading sucks...
601[03:13:18] <sm00th> ya i know hopefully i don't bork my
the whole install haha
602[03:13:40] <sm00th> i removed the nvidia-driver package. then
all the nvidia stuff in modprobe.d
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604[03:13:49] <sm00th> now i'm doing dpkg -l | grep nvidia
and gonna remove all that stuff too
605[03:13:57] <sm00th> then reboot in noueveau hopefully
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613[03:17:56] <sm00th> ok i'm on nouveau now here goes
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615[03:18:52] <sm00th> still alot of nvidia stuff installed
though think I should clean it all out
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632[03:25:45] <sm00th> markybob, hmm apt-get install
nvidia-legacy-340xx-driver isn't working
633[03:25:59] <sm00th> says unmet dependencies but doesn't
make sense.
634[03:27:25] <markybob> sm00th: legacy is 304 not 340
635[03:27:43] <sm00th> i found that in apt-cache search nvidia
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638[03:28:03] <sm00th> mabey i have to install the headers
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640[03:28:16] <sm00th> aptitude -r install linux-headers-$(uname
-r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') nvidia-legacy-340xx-kernel-dkms
641[03:28:17] <markybob> wiki says aptitude -r install
linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,')
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644[03:29:16] <markybob> again, legacy is 304, not 340. in
proper jessie (which is what we were talking about. it is in
backports which you said you didn't want)
645[03:30:06] <sm00th> markybob, i did an apt-cache. but
i'm following what you said
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647[03:30:22] <sm00th> aptitude -r install linux-headers-$(uname
-r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,') nvidia-kernel-dkms
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651[03:31:29] <sm00th> markybob, lol this is a weird date
/etc/modprobe.d/nvidia-kernel-common.conf 1969-12-31
19:00:00.000000000 -0500
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653[03:31:57] * dvs hails the epoch
654[03:32:23] <modwizcode> I'd be worried if it was
655[03:32:29] <sm00th> oh jesus its telling me I have to
manually enable it in xorg.conf
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657[03:33:07] <sm00th> ok following instructions here
658[03:33:24] *** Quits: alexandr2 (~alexandro@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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661[03:33:53] <sm00th> Package xorg-server was not found in the
pkg-config search path
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664[03:35:57] * sm00th crosses fingers
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667[03:38:30] <sm00th> ok tk goodness it worked
668[03:38:35] <sm00th> markybob, tks alot
669[03:38:51] *** Foxhoundz is now known as BenderRodriguez
670[03:39:04] <sm00th> BenderRodriguez, we are family?
671[03:40:16] <BenderRodriguez> sm00th: what now
672[03:40:18] <BenderRodriguez> who
673[03:40:20] <BenderRodriguez> why
674[03:40:24] <BenderRodriguez> who u?
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677[03:41:30] <sm00th> BenderRodriguez, I got same last name
678[03:41:39] <sm00th> lol
679[03:41:45] <BenderRodriguez> I am a mexican built robot
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681[03:41:52] <sm00th> oh
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683[03:42:06] <BenderRodriguez> yeah...
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687[03:43:37] <sm00th> BenderRodriguez, my apologies
688[03:44:00] <BenderRodriguez> =]
689[03:44:02] <sm00th> markybob, so this 340 driver is the
default in jessie? didn't realize that. the newer driver give
me problems
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691[03:44:12] * BenderRodriguez hotswaps sm00th's RAM
692[03:44:13] <sm00th> stuttering in cs:go for example. 340
driver is much more smoother for my system.
693[03:44:20] <sm00th> BenderRodriguez, hey come on man :(
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695[03:44:35] <sm00th> markybob, i got 650 ti
696[03:46:18] *** L235 is now known as InnocentLooking2
697[03:46:27] <sm00th> markybob, oh hell ya much better
698[03:46:38] <sm00th> man jessie keep all the best stuff, least
buggiest kde, least buggiest drivers
699[03:46:49] <sm00th> its like the newer stuff dont' get
tested as good no more
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703[03:48:04] <sm00th> or maybe my pc is just too old now
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720[03:54:27] <sm00th> markybob, ah dam there is a tradeoff
721[03:54:36] *** Joins: ToTheInt1rnet (~totheinte@replaced-ip)
722[03:54:38] <sm00th> alt tab to desktop doesn't always
work and sometimes crash the game.
723[03:54:40] <sm00th> lol
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725[03:54:44] <sm00th> sigh...
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741[04:10:25] <sm00th> markybob, i don't think only updated
driver fix that issue I think updated kde does too. but then the
problem is I can't use opengl without getting random flickering
742[04:10:35] <sm00th> there is always some tradeoff
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746[04:12:01] <mimtf> i know why . and source is required. lol
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754[04:19:20] <dvs> /brexit
755[04:20:21] <civillian> :)
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758[04:21:58] <Freedom2000> so this guy i met says that i make
him feel like shit. what does it mean? i'm new to
relationships. i sent him a message and he replies like that.
759[04:22:17] *** Joins: curtan (~jip@replaced-ip)
760[04:22:46] <rgwu> I have some troll food left over from
yesterday. Anyone want to feed it?
761[04:23:02] <Freedom2000> i'm not a troll. i don't
know who else to ask
762[04:23:32] *** Joins: stoned (~stoned@replaced-ip)
763[04:23:32] <Freedom2000> have you said that to a woman
764[04:23:37] <mimtf> echo $? <— what is $?
765[04:23:51] <rgwu> return code of previously run process
766[04:23:51] *** Quits: amcorreia (~amcorreia@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
767[04:24:05] <Freedom2000> no one replies on debian-offtopic.
and they're really cool over there
768[04:24:40] <mimtf> rgwu: what you mean?
769[04:24:59] <rgwu> Every process generates an exit code when
it dies.
770[04:25:04] <rgwu> echo $? shows it
771[04:25:16] <rgwu> 0 means proper exit, generally
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773[04:25:31] *** Joins: hiya (test@replaced-ip)
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775[04:25:39] <mimtf> test 10 -gt 55 ; echo $?
776[04:25:40] *** Innocent235 is now known as L235
777[04:25:44] <mimtf> rgwu:
778[04:26:17] <Freedom2000> What other channel is good for
779[04:26:57] <rgwu> mimtf: that returns 1, because 0 would mean
true, confusingly.
780[04:27:11] *** Quits: LtL (~irssi@replaced-ip) (Quit: leaving)
781[04:27:18] <mimtf> 0 is true
782[04:27:19] <mimtf> oh
783[04:27:32] <mimtf> thanks rgwu
784[04:27:35] <rgwu> Np
785[04:27:39] <mimtf> :)
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788[04:28:55] <mimtf> test 56 -gt 55 && echo true ||
echo false <—— rgwu why this show me
‘true’? i don’t know
789[04:30:03] <themill> because it is?
790[04:30:04] <rgwu> echo will always return 0, unless it
crashes. I've never seen echo crash.
791[04:30:39] <mimtf> rgwu: what you mean?
792[04:30:59] <zykotick9> mimtf: the "echo false" or
"echo foo" works fine
793[04:31:02] *** Joins: Lokke (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
794[04:31:16] <rgwu> echo false simply prints 'false'.
The exit code is still 0.
795[04:32:34] <mimtf> test 56 -gt 55 && echo true ||
echo false —> true && echo true || echo true
—> echo true
796[04:33:10] <rgwu> Yes.
797[04:33:22] <mimtf> rgwu: thanks :)
798[04:36:31] *** PaganMin is now known as GitGud
799[04:36:51] <sm00th> Freedom2000, do you put him down alot?
800[04:37:12] <sm00th> mimtf, you said you know why talking to
801[04:37:25] <sm00th> mimtf, csgo_linux64[3107]: segfault at 30
ip 00007fef78504882 sp 00007feef40a8d00 error 4 in[7fef784ab000+c7000]
802[04:37:31] *** Quits: slowmatt_ (~matt@replaced-ip) (Quit: leaving)
803[04:38:20] *** Quits: hexagoxel (~hexagoxel@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
804[04:38:21] <mimtf> lol
805[04:38:27] <sm00th> i either have to update kde, or update
video driver.
806[04:38:32] <mimtf> sm00th: you hack me? :x
807[04:38:37] *** Quits: kokod (~kokod@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
808[04:38:52] <sm00th> but I can live without alt tab, cause
otherwise i get crap perforamnce. or desktop flickers lol
809[04:39:04] <sm00th> mimtf, i get hacked I don't hack
other people.
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812[04:40:20] <mimtf> csgo_linux64[3107]: segfault at 30 ip
00007fef78504882 sp 00007feef40a8d00 error 4 in[7fef784ab000+c7000] <— what is it? sm00th ?
813[04:40:39] <sm00th> a video game on steam
814[04:40:43] *** Parts: Freedom2000 (c8532cfc@replaced-ip)
815[04:40:58] <sm00th> that means it crashed on me
816[04:41:08] *** Quits: Jerm1 (~Jerm1@replaced-ip) ()
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821[04:44:25] <mimtf> ok sm00th
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835[04:53:20] <mimtf> [ 66 -gt 55 -a 66 -lt 500 ] &&
echo true || echo false <— what is ‘-a’?
836[04:54:14] <mimtf> rgwu: ?
837[04:54:48] *** Quits: lsv_ (~nn@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
838[04:54:55] *** Quits: Akuw (~x@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
839[04:55:00] <themill> "help [" (or more likely,
"help test")
840[04:55:25] *** Quits: alexandros_c (~alexandro@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
841[04:56:07] *** Quits: GunshipPenguin (~GunshipPe@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
842[04:56:53] <mimtf> ok
843[04:57:08] <rgwu> mimtf:
844[04:57:35] <mimtf> expr1 -a expr2
845[04:57:36] <mimtf> True if both expr1 and expr2 are true.
846[04:57:41] <mimtf> thanks rgwu :)
847[04:57:51] *** Quits: chachasmooth (~chachasmo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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859[05:06:18] <Nikti> Hello!
860[05:08:08] *** Joins: RA3OR (~demon@replaced-ip)
861[05:08:33] *** Joins: Nikti_ (5c65459a@replaced-ip)
862[05:08:36] <Nikti_> hi
863[05:09:05] <Nikti_> sudo tar -cvpzf backup.tar.gz
864[05:09:14] *** GitGud is now known as GameOfTrolls
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866[05:09:37] <Nikti_> Created media folder in archive and fstab
no rok if recover
867[05:09:56] <Nikti_> no work
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871[05:12:31] <Nikti_> Hey?
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882[05:20:22] <shanemikel1> debian 8 + gnome is looking very
good guys
883[05:20:47] <shanemikel1> I also like that it's shipping
with a gnome-friendly irc client
884[05:20:47] *** Joins: cliluw (~cliluw@replaced-ip)
885[05:20:59] <rgwu> irssi?
886[05:21:31] *** Joins: tomatto (~tomatto@replaced-ip)
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888[05:21:33] <tomatto> hi
889[05:21:35] <shanemikel1> I didn't know about polari.
nice, clean, and stupid simple.. but it's a little stupid that
you can't resize the chanell sidebar
890[05:21:58] *** Joins: dreamon_ (~dreamon@replaced-ip)
891[05:22:17] <tomatto> please i have problem with systemctl and
starting services, when i run systemctl i get Failed to get D-Bus
connection: Unknown error -1
892[05:22:29] <tomatto> dbus is up and running
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904[05:29:42] <shanemikel1> you running as root?
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907[05:31:08] <tomatto> yes i am running as root
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911[05:34:18] <mimtf> England leave EU?
912[05:34:42] *** Quits: brokencycle (~brokencyc@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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916[05:39:17] <tomatto> dbus running only like this
/usr/bin/dbus-daemon --system
917[05:39:34] <tomatto> no other parameters like on other server
918[05:40:24] <sm00th> mimtf, ya
919[05:40:28] <sm00th> they crazy
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922[05:40:56] <mimtf> sm00th: you live in Europe?
923[05:41:09] *** Joins: xiaodong (~xiaodong@replaced-ip)
924[05:41:11] <sm00th> mimtf, no
925[05:41:19] <mimtf> then?
926[05:41:25] <sm00th> then what?
927[05:41:43] <mimtf> where are you live?
928[05:41:46] <sm00th> usa
929[05:41:52] <mimtf> where you live?
930[05:41:54] <mimtf> oh
931[05:42:22] <sm00th> you?
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934[05:43:48] <tomatto> systemd
935[05:43:48] <tomatto> Trying to run as user instance, but the
system has not been booted with systemd.
936[05:44:04] <mimtf> sm00th: Russia
937[05:44:12] <tomatto> why is not system not run with systemd?
938[05:44:13] <sm00th> oh
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943[05:47:53] <somiaj> tomatto: care to clarify what you mean?
What version of debian are yo using? Note that debian jessie
supports both sysvinit and systemd
944[05:48:11] *** Joins: fishcooker (~chikatamb@replaced-ip)
945[05:48:55] <fishcooker> i want to know comparison in byte
size pureftpd between vsftp and all dependencies packages before
installation... is it possible to know the both total size required
with apt/dpkg without install first?
946[05:48:56] *** Joins: Rusty1 (~Rusty1@replaced-ip)
947[05:49:22] <tomatto> somiaj: i am using debian jessie, last
update. before server was shutdown upexpectedly it works with
systemd ok
948[05:49:40] *** Joins: Jerm1 (~Jerm1@replaced-ip)
949[05:51:01] <somiaj> tomatto: so after you brought it back up
systemd is falling back to the old init system and not actually
running? systemctl status returns what?
950[05:51:32] <somiaj> fishcooker: you can do a --dry-run with
apt-get install and it should list the amount it ahs to download and
the amount of space it will take when isntalled
951[05:51:39] <tomatto> Failed to get D-Bus connection: Unknown
error -1
952[05:52:12] <somiaj> tomatto: ps fax, can you tell me the
process that is pid #1?
953[05:52:18] *** Joins: brokency1le (~brokencyc@replaced-ip)
954[05:53:00] <tomatto> /sbin/init
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956[05:53:31] <somiaj> tomatto: ls -l /sbin/init (does this
still point at systemd) -- my guess is systemd is running, just dbus
is not
957[05:53:31] <fishcooker> unfortunately it wouldn't show
the size, somiaj
958[05:53:53] <somiaj> fishcooker: are you sure? Can you give me
all the output of apt-get --dry-run install vsftp
959[05:53:58] <somiaj> fishcooker: put it at
960[05:54:38] <somiaj> fishcooker: nevermind, I just tested it
961[05:55:01] <tomatto> somiaj: /sbin/init is not symlink to
systemd, it is regular executable file itself
962[05:55:33] *** Quits: teclo- (42@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
963[05:55:54] <somiaj> fishcooker: hmm, because if I don't
include the --dry-run it tells me somethig like this. "Need to
get 2,574 kB of archives. After this operation, 4,798 kB of
additional disk space will be used."
964[05:56:13] <somiaj> fishcooker: I was hoping it would give
that info in a --dry-run
965[05:56:26] <somiaj> tomatto: that is strange, afiak it should
be a link, /sbin/init -> /lib/systemd/systemd
966[05:56:34] <somiaj> tomatto: dpkg -S /sbin/init (what does
that return)
967[05:56:36] <tomatto> somiaj: dbus is running, but systemd not
initialized all, what it should
968[05:56:58] <tomatto> somiaj: upstart: /sbin/init
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971[05:57:31] <fishcooker> ahhh got it i've listed the
packages will be installed then i calculate manually with apt-cache
show [packages]... nice switch for the dry run somiaj
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973[05:57:34] <fishcooker> thankyou
974[05:57:37] <tomatto> i don't understand why it run
/sbin/init instead of systemd after "restart"
975[05:58:28] <somiaj> fishcooker: no problem, but apt-get does
give you that calculation, I'm surprised it desont' give
it to you in a --dry-run
976[05:58:49] <somiaj> tomatto: why do you ahve upstart
isntalled on your system? That is what you are using for init?
977[05:59:05] <somiaj> fishcooker: but in the case it is more
than one package, just apt-get install foo, and then hit
978[05:59:53] *** Joins: gmelis90 (~gmelis@replaced-ip)
979[06:00:13] <tomatto> somiaj: not at all
980[06:00:14] *** Quits: sondr3 (~sondr3@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
981[06:00:58] <somiaj> tomatto: dpkg -S /sbin/init returned
systemd, that binary you see /sbin/init that is being run is from
the 'upstart' package, so some how you are using upstart
(not systemd)
982[06:01:49] <tomatto> somiaj: now i remember, when i was
trying to run node.js app as a service, i installed upstart, but
never actualy use it
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986[06:02:35] <tomatto> somiaj: so that upstart take place over
the systemd? :/
987[06:02:54] <tomatto> and that is what causing the problem
after restart
988[06:03:28] *** Joins: ToneKnee_ (~quassel@replaced-ip)
989[06:03:30] <tomatto> silly me :(
990[06:03:50] <somiaj> tomatto: upstart is another init system.
Debian provides it but doesn't use it by default and ones
mialage may varry because most matainers dont' write init
scripts for upstart (upstart is ubuntu's init system)
991[06:03:54] *** Quits: teclo- (42@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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995[06:04:13] <somiaj> tomatto: but upstart will replace systemd
if installed. So if you are on a debian system you some how
installed upstart and removed parts of systemd. I'm unsure how
this happened
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998[06:04:30] <somiaj> tomatto: what is the output of
'apt-cache policy' and 'aptitude why upstart'
(put at
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1001[06:06:36] <tomatto> somiaj: i installed manually upstart,
when i was trying to get node.js app run as system service, i
didn't know that it take place over systemd
1002[06:06:53] <tomatto> aptitude why upstart: i init PreDepends
systemd-sysv | sysvinit-core | upstart
1003[06:06:57] <somiaj> tomatto: oh, well now you know why it is.
Yes upstart is another init system.
1004[06:07:20] <somiaj> tomatto: not really supported in debian,
but it is provided for those who want to use it and deal with all
the issues of writing init scripts for their services with it
1005[06:08:01] *** Joins: reev (~reev@replaced-ip)
1006[06:08:40] <tomatto> somiaj: i uninstalled upstart, and now
systemd-sysv is not installed again...i didn't notice that
while installing upstart, that it removed systemd-sysv
1007[06:09:31] <tomatto> somiaj: so now when i reboot, it will
run systemd correctly now right?
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1012[06:11:05] <somiaj> tomatto: you can double check that
/sbin/init is a link to systemd, but yes I belive so
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1017[06:11:37] <tomatto> dpkg -S /sbin/init
1018[06:11:37] <dpkg> Package: /sbin/init: Status: install ok
1019[06:11:38] <tomatto> systemd-sysv: /sbin/init
1020[06:11:55] <somiaj> tomatto: ls -l /sbin/init (but it should
be right)
1021[06:11:57] <mimtf> what is ‘let i—;’?
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1024[06:12:22] <tomatto> somiaj: yes, it is symlink to systemd
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1027[06:12:42] <somiaj> tomatto: okay you shoudl be back on
systemd after a reboot. Do you haev recovery media ready?
1028[06:12:56] <somiaj> tomatto: you shouldn't need it, but
always best to be safe when doing something like changing the init
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1032[06:13:58] <tomatto> somiaj: you scared me a little now...i
will backup my db just to be sure before restart
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1034[06:14:53] <somiaj> tomatto: haha, you should be fine, but
who knows what else you changed when isntalling upstart so I'm
just being extra cautious because I would hate for you to get into a
state it can't boot and you aren't prepared (I highly
doubt this will be an issue)
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1043[06:17:39] <tomatto> somiaj: :), is there some recovery
"procedure" or whatever i should do on livecd, when system
doesn't boot up correctly, just want to know for being prepared
in the future?
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1045[06:18:54] <somiaj> tomatto: doy ou know how to mount your
root file system and then chroot into it?
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1047[06:19:17] <tomatto> somiaj: yes, i do
1048[06:19:40] <somiaj> tomatto: form the live system mount your
rootfs, mount --bind /proc /rootfsloc/proc, do that for /sys and
1049[06:19:52] <somiaj> tomatto: chroot into yoru system, now you
are in yoru system, and you can try to fix whatever the issue was
1050[06:20:26] <droidsect> hey guys, I've hosted couple of
websites on a box with Debian Jessie, I am using Let-encrypt for the
ssl for these sites , yesterday I noticed that when I ran the ssl
server test, I noticed a warning that said "OpenSSL Padding
Oracle vulnerability (CVE-2016-2107) "
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1055[06:21:01] <somiaj> droidsect: have you completely updated to
the current packages from
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1057[06:21:11] <tomatto> somiaj: ok, thank you for your help :)
1058[06:21:33] <somiaj> droidsect:
1059[06:21:49] *** Joins: plasmoduck (~cjg@replaced-ip)
1060[06:22:00] <somiaj> droidsect: provided you are running the
curret packages from security and the versions are newer than what
is listed there, that exploit should be patched.
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1066[06:25:23] <Zliba> i've got xfce and my time settings /
calender local is in spanish. what do?
1067[06:25:24] <droidsect> somiaj, the openssl version I'm
using is this
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1069[06:26:14] <droidsect> should I do an apt-get upgrade ?
1070[06:26:17] <nokT> what command showed hard disk usage and its
partitions? I can't remember
1071[06:26:36] <somiaj> droidsect: you are outdated, run apt-get
update, then give me the output (or just look at the output of)
apt-cache policy again
1072[06:26:39] <Zliba> nokT, df?
1073[06:26:44] <somiaj> droidsect: you need to run apt-get update
1074[06:26:48] <droidsect> ok
1075[06:27:09] <nokT> Zliba: it had a tree like output
1076[06:27:38] <somiaj> droidsect: actually wait, you should run
an apt-get upgrade, but I'm trying to figure out what the
difference between 1.0.1k-3+deb8u5 and 1.0.1t-1+deb8u2 is
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1079[06:28:24] <somiaj> droidsect: yea, you jsut need to upgrade
your package is all. I just got confused by the newer package
released with 8.5 recentally, that is the one you want (the
1.0.1t-1+deb8u2) which iwill be installed when you aptitude upgrade
1080[06:28:30] <somiaj> !unattended upgrades
1081[06:28:46] <somiaj> !unattened-upgrades
1082[06:28:48] <droidsect> this is the output for apt-get update
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1084[06:29:03] <somiaj> !unattended-upgrades
1085[06:29:03] <dpkg> somebody said unattended-upgrades was a
package for installing security upgrades automatically, unattended.
1086[06:29:18] <somiaj> droidsect: that might be a package you
want to install if you don't want to manually upgrade your
system regurally
1087[06:29:43] <somiaj> droidsect: another option (what I do) is
subscribe to the DSA mailing list, and you will get emails about
security fixes and if you get one about a package you use, then
maunally upgrade your system
1088[06:30:13] <droidsect> cool, I also came a across an article
about the use of aptcron package
1089[06:30:20] <droidsect> to alert for any upgrades
1090[06:30:20] <somiaj> that is another possibility
1091[06:30:26] <nokT> Zliba: I mean, df won't recognize a
drive without a partition table
1092[06:30:55] <Zliba> fdisk -l ?
1093[06:31:09] <somiaj> Zliba:
1094[06:31:18] <nokT> yeah, but I remember there was an easier
way with a better output :P
1095[06:31:24] <nokT> it's fine tho
1096[06:31:25] <Zliba> nokT, dunno
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1098[06:33:01] <somiaj> nokT: what are you looking for again?
something like 'blkid'
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1101[06:33:45] <nokT> somiaj: yeah, not as verbose as "fdisk
-l", but blkid won't show as well a drive without a valid
part. table
1102[06:33:56] <mimtf> what is ‘let i—;’?
1103[06:34:10] <mimtf> instead of i—?
1104[06:34:35] *** Joins: teclo- (42@replaced-ip)
1105[06:35:02] <somiaj> mimtf: in bash (again I suggest you ask
question in #bash for better answers if using bash) they should do
the same thing, one just has a line end
1106[06:35:18] <somiaj> mimtf: so i--; foo (you can then run the
next command foo in the same line if you ahve a ;
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1108[06:35:37] <somiaj> mimtf:
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1111[06:36:04] <somiaj> mimtf:
1112[06:36:23] <mimtf> thanks somiaj :)
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1116[06:37:14] <somiaj> mimtf: getting use to the syntax so you
can just look up the command you don't understand is a very
useful skill
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1118[06:38:20] <nokT> there it is, lsblk was the command
1119[06:38:33] <somiaj> ahh, (:'
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1123[06:40:01] <mimtf> somiaj:
1124[06:40:13] <shadow> whoa, lsblk is useful
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1127[06:40:58] <shadow> lsblk does get confused by my btrfs
system though
1128[06:41:26] <somiaj> btrfs confuses lots of things
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1130[06:42:07] <nokT> dunno, lsblk seem more nice to my eyes than
'fdisk -l'
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1132[06:42:19] <somiaj> mimtf: are you trying to learn to program
in #bash? Why are you not asking these question in bash. I also
linke dyou a page that described what the let command did.
1133[06:42:46] <mimtf> ok thanks somiaj
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1136[06:44:03] <streulma> qemu just boot to black screen with
Windows 7 guest (qemu-arm)
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1138[06:44:38] <shadow> arm? and Windows7?
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1152[06:52:05] <qiyong> anyone could do me a favor to download
this for me?
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1174[07:01:37] <brimonk> Hey all. I was wondering if anyone had
any specific resources about setting up an ethernet passthrough on
debian. I came on and asked about it earlier, but I couldn't
really get it to work.
1175[07:02:05] *** Quits: teclo- (42@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
1176[07:02:06] <brimonk> qiyong: I downloaded it.
1177[07:02:11] *** Quits: sondr3 (~sondr3@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1178[07:02:17] <rangita> passthrough how? as in make two ports be
logically connected? you can do that with bridging
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1180[07:02:44] <qiyong> brimonk: how can i get it from you
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1186[07:03:42] <brimonk> qiyong: You could just open it up in a
1187[07:03:49] <brimonk> qiyong: and hit the download button.
1188[07:04:04] <qiyong> blocked here
1189[07:04:12] *** Quits: cyphase (~cyphase@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
1190[07:04:17] <rangita> qiyong: was your goal just to have
someone download it for you? are you behind a firewall or something?
if so, you could say sound like you're trying to
infect people with malware
1191[07:04:40] <qiyong> rangita: it's pdf, yes i mean that
1192[07:04:44] <rangita> if you're blocked, use SSH to
create a proxy (google it), or get a commercial proxy service
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1194[07:05:09] <qiyong> google is blocked
1195[07:05:18] <brimonk> qiyong: Where the hell are you?
1196[07:05:23] <rangita> i just mean search it by whatever engine
you have
1197[07:05:44] <qiyong> korea
1198[07:06:04] <rangita>
1199[07:06:22] <qiyong> i don't have ssh account
1200[07:06:41] *** Joins: wingwalker (~wingwalke@replaced-ip)
1201[07:06:43] <rangita> as for the SSH target, you can get an
Amazon EC2 instance for near-zero money -- just make it a "spot
instance" of their lowest tier linux VM
1202[07:06:56] *** Quits: GameOfTrolls (~GitGud@replaced-ip) (Quit: There is honour even among thieves)
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1204[07:07:04] <brimonk> qiyong: You can get an amazon ec2 micro
instance for literally nothing.
1205[07:07:30] *** Quits: klow (~textual@replaced-ip) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
1206[07:07:49] <qiyong> it need my credit card?
1207[07:08:03] <brimonk> qiyong: And I'm sure that there are
free vpn services you can use. I used to use
1208[07:08:32] <rangita> amazon will, yes, but like brimonk just
said, there's tons of free alternatives. if all you need is a
proxy to get around a firewall, there's tons of options
1209[07:08:35] <brimonk> qiyong: I'm not sure. But, you
could just go out and get a prepaid card with like, the minimum
purchase on it, and use that to register.
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1211[07:09:08] <brimonk> qiyong: You aren't from NORTH
korea, are you?
1212[07:10:28] <rangita> wait, aren't you in Changchun
1213[07:13:18] <rangita> in any case, there are many ways to
bypass a basic firewall like China's -- they all center on
getting a secure, encrypted connection to a VPN or SSH service and
tunneling your traffic through that.
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1244[07:37:22] <qiyong> could any just download a network spec
pdf for me? thanks
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1250[07:43:04] <mimtf> what is pid?
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1253[07:43:44] <qiyong> how anyone could provide me some ssh
1254[07:44:23] <mimtf> mimgoogle@debian qiyong
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1263[07:47:50] <rmzelnick> Hi
1264[07:48:02] <rmzelnick> Good evening to all
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1266[07:48:24] <rmzelnick> I'd like to know if there's
a server admin guide for debian
1267[07:49:31] <rmzelnick> Should I use Debian Squeeze?
That's the 6.0 version correct?
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1272[07:52:03] <mirazi_heket> hello, in what way debian
lvm/encrypted partitions are mounted (if installed from cli
installer)? is it only /etc/crypttab and /etc/fstab? i created
encrypted partition (without lvm; luks) and want to mount it in same
manner (password on bootup)
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1275[07:56:44] <rmzelnick> mirazi_heket: afaik, I suppose
you'd need an initramfs, dunno if apt installs it for you
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1277[07:57:45] <rmzelnick> are you just asking what options to
use for mounting?
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1280[07:58:56] <mirazi_heket> rmzelnick: so far, i have no idea
how to mount it in default way
1281[07:59:06] <mirazi_heket> which files i need to config
1282[07:59:11] <mirazi_heket> edit*
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1286[07:59:38] <rmzelnick> is there not a luks config file?
1287[07:59:39] <darxmurf> hi all
1288[07:59:48] <rmzelnick> look into /etc/default/
1289[08:00:08] <rmzelnick> hi darxmurf
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1295[08:04:41] <mirazi_heket> rmzelnick: nothing revelant in
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1314[08:14:05] <Muvlon> ehm
1315[08:14:21] <Muvlon> what is the suggested course of action if
dpkg hangs indefinitely?
1316[08:15:23] <somiaj> Muvlon: where is it hanging at?
1317[08:15:38] <somiaj> Muvlon: during the unpacking,
configuration, postinstall script, etc?
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1319[08:15:49] <Muvlon> unpacking
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1321[08:16:20] <Muvlon> first happened while trying to install
1322[08:16:28] <somiaj> hmm, well you could paste the output of
where it is hanging at and maybe someone can chime
1323[08:16:39] <somiaj> Muvlon: were you installing connman with
dpkg? Where did you get this .deb?
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1325[08:16:51] <Muvlon> no, i was installing it using apt
1326[08:16:55] <somiaj> I don't have any suggestions at this
time, it seems strange that it is hanging
1327[08:17:02] <Muvlon> but the part that hangs is definitely
1328[08:17:02] <somiaj> ,v connman
1329[08:17:03] <judd> Package: connman on amd64 -- squeeze:
0.48+dfsg-2; wheezy: 1.0-1.1+wheezy1+b1; jessie: 1.21-1.2;
jessie-backports: 1.32-0.1~bpo8+1; stretch: 1.32-0.1; sid: 1.32-0.1
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1332[08:17:22] <somiaj> Muvlon: it seems strange, is this in
jessie using the jessie or jessie-backports packages?
1333[08:17:31] <Muvlon> it is stretch
1334[08:17:42] <Muvlon> i tried to join debian-next but it's
not public
1335[08:18:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1652
1336[08:18:50] <somiaj> Muvlon: #debian-next is on
1337[08:18:55] *** Quits: pavlushka (~Pavel@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1338[08:19:07] <somiaj> (different network). Though I would have
the same responses there. Have you checked the bug reports?
1339[08:19:11] <Muvlon> ah I see
1340[08:19:49] <Muvlon> no, hold on
1341[08:20:22] <Muvlon> i can't use the affected computer to
browse bug report as it has no network now :<
1342[08:20:28] <Muvlon> am confined to my phone
1343[08:22:08] <somiaj> no bug reports look relevent from my
quick search
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1379[08:36:06] <darxmurf> I did not follow the stuff but is there
enough free space on your hdd to unpack ?
1380[08:36:35] <somiaj> ahh yea, I always forget to check for
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1385[08:41:46] <Muvlon> there is
1386[08:42:21] *** Joins: overlord_tm (~overlord@replaced-ip)
1387[08:42:34] <Muvlon> 100GB+ available
1388[08:42:56] <Muvlon> but I did get my laptop back on the
network by now :>
1389[08:44:01] <Muvlon> after rebooting, dpkg --configure -a did
finish after a while (but connman seemed to not work)
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1391[08:44:05] <somiaj> Muvlon: usually a error pops up if not
enough space. also check df -i (inodes can fill up even if there is
enough space) though I think it is somethign else, I'm just not
sure what.
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1393[08:44:20] <Muvlon> there's more than enough space,
that's not the issue
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1396[08:44:59] <mirazi_heket> regarding my issue, setting it up
in /etc/fstab and /etc/crypttab is enough, though prompt mounting
through /etc/cryptab looks different (no idea why)
1397[08:45:28] <Muvlon> but for the record: is there a safe way
to clean up the state if dpkg hangs forever?
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1400[08:45:52] <Muvlon> the only thing resembling errors that I
did get were
1401[08:45:55] <Muvlon> insserv: warning: script
'savecache' missing LSB tags and overrides
1402[08:45:55] <Muvlon> insserv: warning: script
'transit' missing LSB tags and overrides
1403[08:46:17] <Muvlon> but I get those all the time, probably
expected behavior since Debian abandoned LSB compliance
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1406[08:47:10] <somiaj> Muvlon: nope
1407[08:47:27] <somiaj> Muvlon: it is you have scripts in
/etc/init.d/ that do not meet LSB compliance and have proper LSB
1408[08:47:32] <Muvlon> ah
1409[08:47:36] <somiaj> Muvlon: systemd fully supports LSB
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1411[08:47:59] <Muvlon> I was using OpenRC at some point in the
past, this might be the cause of this
1412[08:48:34] <Muvlon> either way, I'll try installing
connman again later when I have the time, to see if I can reproduce
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1419[08:50:23] <Kenran> Good morning! How can I see if a package
is installed with a specific option (in my case vim with
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1424[08:55:00] <Kenran> Oh nevermind, it's an option I can
actually set in vim, but my version is too low
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1435[08:59:45] <sumi> hello
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1446[09:04:16] <mirazi_heket> sumi: !hi
1447[09:05:00] <sumi> hi mirazi_heket
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1454[09:07:57] <dionysus69> is jessie ever gonna get newer
version of gnome?
1455[09:08:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1667
1456[09:08:20] <dionysus69> this version has lots of annoying
bugs like not loading extensions after suspend etc etc
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1465[09:12:15] <darxmurf> I found a few machines with mount
definitions in the rc.local file, is it something common ?!
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1470[09:13:38] <jelly> dionysus69: it won't, in general
versions of software are fixed within a release
1471[09:13:59] <jelly> darxmurf: no, it's LOCAL workaround
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1476[09:17:31] <dionysus69> jelly: and its not possible to
upgrade without dirty hacking?
1477[09:18:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1673
1478[09:18:05] <dionysus69> so far I couldnt find a
straighforward way to upgrade gnome version, I have backport
repository in sources but I don't think gnome is part of it
1479[09:18:11] *** Quits: spronk (~spronkey@replaced-ip) (Quit: I may need a longer sleep timer...)
1480[09:18:51] <jelly> dionysus69: gnome has lots of components
and dependencies, and jessie-backports are useful for more isolated
bits of software
1481[09:20:08] <jelly> consider switching to stretch if you
really can't live without a newer gnome
1482[09:20:09] <dionysus69> ok I guess I ll have to upgrade to
stretch in order to use newer version :s )
1483[09:20:13] <jelly> or pick a different DE
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1485[09:20:30] <towo^work> cinnamon has got an update in
1486[09:20:45] <dionysus69> dunno I somehow prefer gnome over
1487[09:21:03] <jelly> ,v task-cinnamon-desktop
1488[09:21:04] <judd> Package: task-cinnamon-desktop on amd64 --
jessie: 3.31+deb8u1; stretch: 3.35; sid: 3.35
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1490[09:22:40] <jelly> ,v cinnamon
1491[09:22:41] <judd> Package: cinnamon on amd64 -- jessie:
2.2.16-5; sid: 3.0.4-1; stretch: 3.0.4-1; jessie-backports:
1492[09:22:56] <jelly> huh
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1647[10:56:10] <mirazi_heket> whats the most reliable way to copy
/var to different localisation? cp -prd ?
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1653[10:58:14] <unborn> mirazi_heket: rsync
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1656[10:59:09] <Anju> Bonjour
1657[10:59:12] <mirazi_heket> unborn: will try, well, read manual
first :)
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1659[10:59:20] <mimtf> while (( $# )) <— why there is ((
)), what is it?
1660[10:59:29] <mimtf> (( ))
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1663[10:59:56] <unborn> its not that complicated mirazi_heket ...
just make sure you use -a so you preserve everything
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1666[11:00:23] <mirazi_heket> i think so, will read manual
1667[11:00:24] <mimtf> me unborn ?
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1669[11:00:57] <mirazi_heket> mimtf: no
1670[11:01:16] <unborn> mirazi_heket: rsync -a dir1/ dir2
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1674[11:02:14] <unborn> mirazi_heket: one second.. I will give
you simple explanation and example how to use it
1675[11:02:34] <mirazi_heket> unborn: no need to, understood all
options and usage
1676[11:02:41] <mirazi_heket> reading done
1677[11:02:47] <mirazi_heket> thanks however
1678[11:03:08] <unborn> mirazi_heket: brilliant.. in my view that
is the best way to copy files also fastest..
1679[11:03:23] <mirazi_heket> unborn: will check after reboot ;D
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1683[11:07:00] <tinyhippo> is there a way jsut to install one
package from Sid?
1684[11:07:36] <nkuttler> !tell tinyhippo about backports
1685[11:07:40] <nkuttler> !tell tinyhippo about ssbp
1686[11:07:41] <jelly> tinyhippo: short answer no
1687[11:08:15] <tinyhippo> thanks nkuttler
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1689[11:08:37] <tinyhippo> jelly: I really dont want to do it but
I have a dependency on something that was added after jessie was
1690[11:08:42] <mirazi_heket> tinyhippo: if there are no
additional dependencies get it with wget
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1692[11:09:17] <jelly> tinyhippo: which package?
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1694[11:09:39] <tinyhippo> jelly: I need php5-memcached with
igbinary support (sid has it, jessie doesn't)
1695[11:09:51] <jelly> ,backbackport php5-memcached
1696[11:10:04] *** Joins: bmr (bmr@replaced-ip)
1697[11:10:05] <jelly> ,checkbackport php5-memcached
--fromrelease sid
1698[11:10:06] <judd> No package named 'php5-memcached'
was found in sid/amd64.
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1700[11:10:20] <tinyhippo> ,checkbackport php-memcached
--fomrelease sid
1701[11:10:21] <judd> (checkbackport <packagename>
[--fromrelease <sid>] [--torelease <stable>] [--arch
<amd64>] [--verbose]) -- Check that the build-dependencies
listed by a package in the release specified as
"fromrelease" are satisfiable for in "torelease"
for the given host architecture. By default, a backport from
unstable to the current stable release and amd64 are used.
1702[11:10:27] <tinyhippo> ,checkbackport php-memcached
--fromrelease sid
1703[11:10:37] <judd> Backporting package php-memcached in
sid→jessie/amd64: unsatisfiable build dependencies:
Build-Depends: dh-php (>= 0.17~), php-all-dev (>= 28~),
php-igbinary, php-json, php-msgpack.
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1705[11:11:04] <jelly> unless php-igbinary comes from its own
source, that looks... problematic
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1707[11:12:17] <tinyhippo> probably better to remove it as a
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1709[11:12:39] <jelly> you'd have to figure out whether it
builds and works with php 5.6 from jessie at all
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1723[11:19:55] <RoyK> hm....
1724[11:19:55] <RoyK> Message from syslogd@black-mamba at Jun 24
11:18:09 ...
1725[11:19:55] <RoyK> kernel: [15542.165672] flags:
1726[11:20:09] <RoyK> any idea what may cause these messages?
1727[11:20:21] <RoyK> memtest has been run
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1730[11:21:12] <RoyK> these appeared just after adding more
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1756[11:36:28] <mimtf> answer=42 ; eval x=\$$answer ; echo $x
<—— why result is 2? i think that result is 42?
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1761[11:39:13] <CHCl3> I've got a laptod whith a config
problem at the hdmi, the hdmi of the laptop works fine with the
hdmi, but I've got an hdmi to vga adapter that is not detected
by the laptop, the adapter works fine on a raspberry pi, but I need
to force it to run the hdmi because the pi does neither detect it.
So my question is which config file do I need to touch at Debian to
force the hdmi with the needed resolution?
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1850[12:21:17] <unborn> mirazi_heket: did you had any luck?
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1855[12:26:04] <mirazi_heket> unborn: sure, just had to copy
files second time, after reboot, since not everything was copied
(files gone missing after reboot?!)
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1877[12:37:46] <jelly> mimtf: run the command line for your last
question again, then run "set -x" in the same shell, then
run the command line again, and pastebin the whole output including
all the commands
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1884[12:38:34] <google77> hi
1885[12:39:26] <google77> is it possible that my testing has
updated its sources.list and downgraded to stable?
1886[12:41:50] <jelly> google77: no
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1889[12:42:10] <jelly> no packages in debian will mess with your
sources.list on their own
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1892[12:46:22] <google77> jelly ok then, I am investigating my
install media then.
1893[12:48:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1703
1894[12:49:43] <jelly> google77: if you want to actually install
testing, install a minimal jessie system then do
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1896[12:49:48] <jelly> dpkg, jessie->stretch
1897[12:49:48] <dpkg> First, understand that testing is a
pre-release distribution without timely security support and that
you will have a bumpy ride; ask me about <moving target>
<testing> <testing security>. From
/etc/apt/sources.list, remove stable-specific lines like
jessie-updates and backports, and change jessie to stretch. apt-get
update && apt-get dist-upgrade. If you feel you need more
instructions, perhaps you should wait a while.
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1901[12:50:57] <jelly> google77: devel and testing d-i images are
not made to install testing; they're made to test the new
installer code
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1903[12:51:28] <google77> jelly I noticed what happened
1904[12:52:26] <google77> I downloaded
debian-live-testing-amd64-lxde-desktop+nonfree.iso, but actually
this was a Debian 8 image while it was still in testing.
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1906[12:52:46] <jelly> pfft
1907[12:53:22] <jelly> verify the timestamp and url before
download? :-)
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1912[12:54:05] <google77> Are there any live testing images out
there? I can't find them ATM.
1913[12:55:17] <jelly> ask in #debian-live over on
(= maybe
1914[12:56:04] <google77> ok thx anyways
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1921[12:58:51] <blut> where can I tell the debian installer to
never touch any of my network settings?
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1924[13:00:14] <google77> ah fuck it, I think I am going to use
the non-free netinstall.
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1928[13:01:16] <google77> all I really want it to do is to offer
me guided encryption and to start x on bootup.
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1930[13:01:27] <google77> so I will experiment with it in
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1955[13:14:24] <kiril> guys who's responsible for ii tcl-tls
1.6+dfsg-3 amd64 TLS OpenSSL extension to Tcl
1956[13:14:52] <kiril> for the reason package is older than
required it's not working
1957[13:14:53] <kiril>
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1983[13:29:13] <mimtf> su vs su - , which is difference?
1984[13:29:21] <mimtf> what is difference?
1985[13:30:26] <p0g0> persistance
1986[13:30:43] <mimtf> what you mean?
1987[13:30:47] <mimtf> p0g0: ?
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1991[13:31:27] <p0g0> su -l, for example, (iirc the l is
optional) makes the su a session, not a one off.
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1995[13:32:35] <mimtf> i don’t know what you mean?
1996[13:32:36] <mimtf> :(
1997[13:33:03] <mimtf> p0g0:
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2000[13:34:29] <kiril> anyone about the issue with this outdated
2001[13:34:32] <p0g0> You can escalate your privilege to
superuser (root) levels using su, The invocation with "-"
makes the escalation persist in the console session, so all commands
issued in that escalated console have super user privilege, until
you close that session.
2002[13:35:06] <p0g0> Hence, the "-" makes the su
command persist for the duration of the console session.
2003[13:35:58] <mimtf> then i must use - ? p0g0
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2005[13:36:09] <mimtf> it is good idea?
2006[13:36:13] <p0g0> mimtf: this is all well documented in the
man page.
2007[13:36:23] <mimtf> :(
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2010[13:37:27] <mimtf> -, -l, --login make the shell a login
2011[13:37:30] <mimtf> lol
2012[13:37:32] <p0g0> If you want a console with root prvilege,
yes it is a good tool, however, most folks agree that it is a risky
thing to do, and that one should only escalate privilege when you
need that privilege.
2013[13:37:35] *** zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
2014[13:37:41] <mimtf> - mak log in shell
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2017[13:39:20] <mimtf> thanks i understand it.
2018[13:39:29] <mimtf> p0g0: :)
2019[13:39:49] <mimtf> jackbrown: how about your android phone?
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2021[13:40:15] <jackbrown> mimtf: hi I reinstalled anothe CUSTOM
ROM and suddenly and magically both the IMEI were fixed !
2022[13:40:28] <mimtf> good
2023[13:40:38] <mimtf> but what is ppi?
2024[13:40:48] <jackbrown> mimtf: after that I used TWRP and I
did a backup of the NVRAM partition (5mb almost)
2025[13:40:51] <jackbrown> mimtf: ppi ?
2026[13:40:59] <mimtf> yeah
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2028[13:41:01] <mimtf> screen ppi
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2033[13:42:08] <kltrg_> I’m running jessie and I
can’t get networking to work. It worked plug and play with
ethernet in the beginning but then I installed wicd to manage a
wireless connection. And now, even the wired connection
doesn’t work any more. I also tried Network Manager, but it
can’t manage my networking devices (that’s what the
applet says). How can I reset everything and get a good start?
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2037[13:43:03] <jackbrown> mimtf: what do you mean ? if it
changed ?
2038[13:43:11] <jackbrown> mimtf: I never asked about screen ppi
2039[13:43:16] <mimtf> pixel per inch
2040[13:43:26] <mimtf> what is your model?
2041[13:43:36] <mimtf> i will scan it on google.
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2043[13:44:58] <jelly> jackbrown, mimtf: take this to
#debian-offtopic or a channel relevant for phone mods, please
2044[13:45:08] <mimtf> oh
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2046[13:45:33] <mimtf> jelly: i know jackbrown, so i talk with
guy. ok
2047[13:45:45] <jelly> mimtf: ok, just do it elsewhere
2048[13:45:52] <mimtf> ok
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2050[13:46:28] <jackbrown> sorry jelly. mimtf do you want to
continue on another channel ?
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2052[13:46:39] <mimtf> ok where?
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2055[13:46:46] <mimtf> android?
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2057[13:47:34] <jackbrown> mimtf: ok
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Freenode staff: If this is happening too frequently, please set a
nickserv freeze on my account, and once my connection is stable,
unfreeze the account and /kill me to trigger a reconnect.)
2125[14:17:06] <fornax> Hi I try to run a backuppc docker image
and have problems making a rsync based backup on the remote system.
I now debugged the connection to the remote ssh server and see a
"Fatal error (bad version): tput: No value for $TERM and no -T
specified". I googled and binged but there is noone having the
same problem in this context. Anyone an idea what could cause the
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2130[14:18:29] <fornax> The command backuppc executes is :
/usr/bin/ssh -q -x -l root myhost.tld /usr/bin/rsync --server
--sender --numeric-ids --perms --owner --group -D --links
--hard-links --times --block-size=2048 --recursive --ignore-times .
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2159[14:33:22] <deuterium> hia, how does debian jessie/8.x handle
init scripts now that it uses systemd? is there some mechanism that
considers legacy system-v scripts as well? is there any defined
prioritization, e.g. first check if there's a systemd script,
then check if there's a system v script?
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2168[14:38:58] <venkat_330> I all i have i have N200 atom
processor with DEB 8 and using lightdm.. After boot process my
screen goes kernel i see gma500 is loaded as driver..i
want to try fbdev or vesa ... i tried changing Xorg.conf still ::
lspci -k is shows gma500.. Need guidnace
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2181[14:45:10] <towo^work> venkat_330, if you want vesa, you have
to blacklist gma500_gfx
2182[14:45:28] <towo^work> as long as gma500_gfx is loaded, vesa
can't work
2183[14:45:55] <towo^work> you can even try xorg's
modesetting driver, then you need gma500_gfx loaded
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2220[15:02:03] <venkat_330> towo^work: Yes blacklisting worked..
Is there any other mechanism available??
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2390[16:22:23] <kiril> is there any tool or whatever you can see
the current power consumation in wats?
2391[16:24:37] <petn-randall> kiril: 'powertop' does
that, if there are the sensors for it in your device.
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2409[16:36:14] <VlijmenFileer> I have two like entries in my
sources.list: stretch-updates and stretch/updates. Are they the
2410[16:37:07] <wrksx> is there better than cat ./toconcat_* >
2411[16:37:38] <greycat> What improvement do you think that
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2417[16:40:13] <petn-randall> !tell VlijmenFileer -about
2418[16:40:38] <petn-randall> VlijmenFileer: Check the info from
dpkg, and just replace 'jessie' with 'stretch'
while reading.
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2432[16:45:49] <VlijmenFileer> petn-randall Thanks, so different.
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2437[16:48:39] <guampa> should I expect problems if I choose sysv
for the init in Debian servers?
2438[16:49:00] <guampa> (ie no X)
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2441[16:49:35] <greycat> It's supposed to work. Some people
are doing it. I don't happen to be one of them.
2442[16:50:25] <guampa> thanks for the input greycat. I'll
give it a shot then
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2480[17:05:05] <wrksx> greycat, last time I used cat I've
been told it's a bad practice (cat | grep) so I thought there
maybe a more 'respectful' way of doin it
2481[17:05:35] <wrksx> greycat, apart from that it just do what I
2482[17:05:37] <greycat> "useless use of cat" is a
thing, but cat *manyfiles* is not useless.
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2485[17:05:47] <hassoon> should i download the package that i
need from the backport repository, from the web interface ? or
should I ann the whole backport repository in my
/etc/apt/sources.list~and do apt-get update? i read here that i
should get a single package that just need (which is the openjdk/jre
8) in
2486[17:05:58] <greycat> cat *is* the best choice for
concatenating multiple files
2487[17:06:01] <wrksx> glad to hear that, thanks for your input
2488[17:06:05] <hassoon> to avoid incompatibility iththe other
components of debian stable
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2491[17:06:32] <greycat> The useless part is where you do cat
onefile | grep blah instead of grep blah onefile
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2503[17:13:15] <mimtf> how can i install mysql?
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2508[17:14:44] <hassoon> mimtf: sudo apt-get install
mysql-client-5.5 mysql-server-5.5
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2512[17:15:10] <mimtf> why there is a server and client?
2513[17:15:12] <mimtf> hassoon:
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2516[17:16:19] <hassoon> mimtf: because mysql is basically a
language for managing mysql databases, so you need a server for
building your mysql server, and yet a client for accessing the said
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2518[17:16:47] <mimtf> oh
2519[17:16:54] <mimtf>
2520[17:17:01] <mimtf> sudo apt-get install mysql-server
2521[17:17:17] <mimtf> instead of sudo apt-get install
2522[17:17:25] <mimtf> what is right? hassoon ?
2523[17:18:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1706
2524[17:18:11] <mimtf> debian use sudo?
2525[17:18:13] <mimtf> lol
2526[17:18:14] <mimtf> su?
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2529[17:18:18] <jak2000> hi all
2530[17:18:30] <jak2000> how to change the time of ask a password
when use sudo command?
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2535[17:19:53] <greycat> passwd_timeout option
2536[17:20:01] <jak2000> in wich file?
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2538[17:20:31] <greycat> err... damn it, this man page is
horrible. Looks like it's actually the timestamp_timeout
2539[17:21:29] <rlange> mimtf: by default debian does not use
sudo, but you can (and should) install it and configure your user
account to use it
2540[17:21:30] *** Quits: cdown (~cdown@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2541[17:21:52] <hassoon> mimtf: debian has already official wiki
pages for how to install mysql* packages, read them instead
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2543[17:22:30] <mimtf> thanks rlange and hassoon
2544[17:22:31] <mimtf> :)
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2551[17:24:15] <rlange> hassoon: re backports, you can add the
repo to apt. the backport repo is configured by default to only
upgrade packages you have manually chosen, so a regular `apt-get
upgrade` won't bring in every backport
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2554[17:25:04] <hassoon> rlange: ah alright, hence the
openjdk/jre 8
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2560[17:26:09] <rlange> you can use `apt-get -t jessie-backports
dist-upgrade` to see all of the backports for packages you currently
have installed, but I would strongly recommend saying "N"
to that upgrade and manually installing specific needed packages
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2564[17:27:43] <mimtf> himtf is not in the sudoers file. This
incident will be reported. <——sudo apt-get install
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2566[17:27:47] <mimtf> what’s wrong?
2567[17:27:49] <hassoon> rlange: i see.
2568[17:27:51] <hassoon> thanks
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2573[17:28:31] <rlange> mimtf: you need to add yourseld to the
sudoers file before you can sudo. try `su visudo` to add yourself,
but read the man page first so you use the right format.
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2575[17:28:47] <greycat> `su visudo` is not a valid command
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2577[17:29:13] <mimtf> rlange: then i can install it with root?
2578[17:29:21] <mimtf> su -
2579[17:29:22] <mimtf> root
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2582[17:29:34] <greycat> "su" and then
"visudo", yes. Or "su -c visudo".
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2586[17:29:36] <rlange> doop, yeah, it's `su - -c visudo`
2587[17:29:40] <mimtf> member:apt-get install mysql-server
2588[17:29:44] *** Quits: fred`` (fred@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2589[17:29:53] <rlange> or if you're already root, just
2590[17:31:01] *** Parts: shibly (~shibly@replaced-ip)
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2592[17:31:10] <greycat> I *strongly* discourage this "use
backticks as IRC markup" trend but I'm afraid I'm not
going to be able to stop it. It conflicts with the literal use of
`...` as shell syntax.
2593[17:31:37] <greycat> There are also literal backticks in
MySQL. Which are totally different in meaning from sh's.
2594[17:31:38] <rlange> greycat: true. any suggestion for
delimiting commands from speech?
2595[17:32:49] <hassoon> what are you guys discussing
2596[17:32:52] <rlange> haha, yeah
2597[17:32:57] <hassoon> the use backticks thing
2598[17:33:25] <rlange> how to delimit unix commands from speech
in such a way that we aren't conflicting with legal command
2599[17:33:33] <rlange> when discussing on irc
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2601[17:35:34] <mimtf> rlange: i just can install mysql with root
instead of sudo?
2602[17:35:37] *** Quits: s4ndm4n (~sandman@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2603[17:36:07] <rlange> mimtf: yeah, once you're root sudo
is not needed. it's just recommended that you don't
regularly run a shell as root
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2608[17:36:47] <mimtf> ok thanks
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2611[17:37:17] <hassoon> rlange: okey
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2620[17:39:40] <hassoon> there was this colleague who just
switches to su (root), does his whole admin work keeping the su root
connected for the whole time until he finishes, i told him to use
just sudo and minimize the time of using su, but he kept denying my
advices ahah
2621[17:39:47] <hassoon> back in unviversity
2622[17:40:06] <greycat> Different styles, different upbringings.
2623[17:40:16] <hassoon> but wasn't I wright back then ?
2624[17:40:23] <hassoon> * right *
2625[17:40:57] <greycat> I use su whenever there's a
directory that only root (or a specific role-user) can see the
contents of. Because sudo on files I can't see or tab complete
it abominable.
2626[17:41:27] <babilen> I often just "sudo -i" and do
whatever I have to do on the box. Having to prefix everything you do
with "sudo" is annoying.
2627[17:41:36] <plasmoduck> whats a good console based stock
market monitoring tool?
2628[17:41:52] <plasmoduck> I found this, anything else?
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2630[17:42:11] <rlange> yeah, if you're going to do a bunch
of commands in a row as root, you might as well just «sudo
-i» to save yourself some typing
2631[17:42:11] *** Quits: rbern (~rbern@replaced-ip) (Quit: zzz)
2632[17:42:57] <jak2000> greycat is passwd_timeout or:
timestamp_timeout in wich file change this?
2633[17:43:02] <greycat> jak2000: man sudoers
2634[17:43:10] <jak2000> ok
2635[17:43:13] <greycat> There's only one config file for
sudo, so it didn't have to be said.
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2638[17:43:48] <greycat> And remember to use the
"visudo" command to alter it, NOT a direct text editor.
It's like passwd, has its own lock-and-edit-and-verify command.
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2642[17:45:00] <rlange> especially if you don't have a root
password set, you don't want to bork your sudoers file by
editing it outside visudo
2643[17:46:24] <greycat> Unfortunately the sudoers syntax is
atrociously bad and the documentation is *worse*.
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2645[17:46:43] <greycat> I don't know how this thing caught
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2649[17:47:07] <babilen> Like flu?
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2655[17:47:49] <rlange> someone w/ a lot of money said
"paeons, this is the way you will do things from now on"
and people obeyed him?
2656[17:47:50] <hassoon> doesnt visudo modify the same
/etc/sudoers file anyway ?
2657[17:48:06] *** Quits: murfjr (~douseiais@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
2658[17:48:14] <greycat> Yes, but it does sanity checks, like
using vipw instead of vi /etc/passwd.
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2689[17:57:34] <err403> Would someone mind walking me through a
recovery? I installed a new SSD, but now it won’t boot. It did
show up under the old failing drive, after I tarred over the
contents. I have a live CD installed, and currently at the ALT Linux
(regular-rescue) menu, with the options Rescue LiveCD
2690[17:58:05] <err403> Rescue with sessions support, etc. My
main SSD is sdb. I started working on this yesterday, but got
interrupted at work.
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2732[18:17:21] <spectie> hey all!
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2735[18:17:29] <spectie> does anyone here run debian on a macbook
air ?
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2738[18:17:44] <spectie> i'm having some problems with doing
netinst because of the wireless driver
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2831[18:48:31] <deb> is there a way i can install freebsd in a
debian bootstrap?
2832[18:49:07] <greycat> I think you would need a virtual machine
for that. It can't be done in a chroot because the kernels are
not the same.
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2834[18:50:09] <deb> i dont think so too, perhaps in a vm?
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2836[18:51:28] <deb> greycat, cat i pm you?
2837[18:51:39] <deb> greycat, *
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2839[18:52:11] <mdim> hi all
2840[18:52:15] <greycat> It would be a waste of time because I
don't know anything about virtual machines or freebsd
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2843[18:52:59] <deb> greycat, is not about bsd, its about your
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2845[18:53:12] <mdim> I've been having high CPU loads due to
cgmanager occupying it when I start doing something with LXC
containers, e.g. creating one. It's cgmanager 0.33-2+deb8u2
from Debian Jessie. Has anyone had issues like that?
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2847[18:53:34] <greycat> My bot isn't even in this channel,
but... ok...
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2849[18:55:15] <mdim> cgmanager occupies one of my CPU cores at
100% and stays like that until I restart the service
2850[18:56:12] <fishcooker> how to automatically reconnect using
pptp after disconecting?
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2857[18:58:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1705
2858[18:58:11] <sobersabre> hi. when would apt-get update require
"-y" option?
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2861[18:58:33] <sobersabre> I don't remember apt-get update
requiring interaction.. is it interactive?
2862[18:58:36] <greycat> When you REALLY trust that it won't
do the wrong thing, and you REALLY need to walk away from the
2863[18:58:41] <H4ndy> sobersabre: if you want to skip the
"yes/no" confirmation
2864[18:58:49] *** Quits: netzfisch (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2865[18:59:00] <sobersabre> H4ndy: when does apt-get update EVER
ASK for any confirmation?
2866[18:59:08] <H4ndy> every time for me
2867[18:59:09] <sobersabre> apt-get update, not apt-get upgrade.
2868[18:59:14] <H4ndy> oh update
2869[18:59:22] <doublehp_> replacing libc6 2.11 by 2.22 fails
with something about unknown directive 'activate-nowait' .
any chance to fix this ?
2870[18:59:23] <H4ndy> that shouldnt haven any confirmation
2871[18:59:23] <sobersabre> Please explain, H4ndy
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2875[19:00:03] <rupmaister> hi
2876[19:00:13] <sobersabre> I have ansible automation and
somebody wrote 'apt-get update -y', and I'm f***ing
puzzled what da hell did he mean by '-y' :-\
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2883[19:01:51] <H4ndy> the option is pretty much useless for
2884[19:01:53] *** Quits: x032cx (~lxuser@replaced-ip) (Quit: "You picked the wrong kite to run away with!")
2885[19:02:25] <greycat> right, agreed
2886[19:03:18] <afernandez_> y, --yes, --assume-yes
2887[19:03:20] <afernandez_> Automatic yes to prompts; assume
"yes" as answer to all prompts and run
2888[19:03:20] *** Joins: T4ng10r (~Tanglor@replaced-ip)
2889[19:03:21] <afernandez_> non-interactively. If an undesirable
situation, such as changing a held
2890[19:03:23] <afernandez_> package, trying to install a
unauthenticated package or removing an
2891[19:03:25] <afernandez_> essential package occurs then
apt-get will abort. Configuration Item:
2892[19:03:26] <afernandez_> APT::Get::Assume-Yes.
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2894[19:03:42] <jhutchins> Wow, how'd he sneak that past the
flood bot?
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2896[19:03:50] <afernandez_> But ike the above people said ,
useless in apt-get uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupdate
2897[19:03:54] <H4ndy> delayed pasted
2898[19:04:06] *** Quits: fishcooker (~chikatamb@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
2899[19:04:10] <afernandez_> oops
2900[19:04:13] <greycat> Like knife fights in Dune.
2901[19:04:23] <afernandez_> whats up with that "u"
2902[19:04:37] <jhutchins> afernandez_: Useless in update, yes,
but perhaps mis-typed for an upgrade.
2903[19:04:43] <jhutchins> Or just brainfart.
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2906[19:05:52] <doublehp_> which search engine is compatible with
lynx ? google is not
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2914[19:08:11] <doublehp_> why does stretch network installer try
to install squeeze ?
2915[19:08:31] <mtn> trick questions?
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2919[19:09:06] <doublehp_> mtn: nope ... 36h i am trying to
install debian on my disk; running out of hope
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2921[19:09:59] <mtn> doublehp_: you do know the stretch installer
is basically for testing the installer, right? stretch is the
testing version
2922[19:10:02] <jhutchins> doublehp_: Given that thousands of
people have successfully installed Debian, we must seriously
question your methods.
2923[19:10:10] <mtn> indeed
2924[19:10:14] <jhutchins> doublehp_: GOogle is usable in lynx
with some work.
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2927[19:11:07] <doublehp_> jhutchins: boot the netinst CD, press
5 times ENTER, and "squeeze not available on this mirror"
2928[19:11:09] <jhutchins> doublehp_: Useful enough that I
have't tracked down anything more text-friendly.
2929[19:11:32] <croddy> startpage looks horrible but works fine
2930[19:11:57] <jhutchins> doublehp_: Maybe you could try
installing current stable. It's more likely to be available
acrosss the mirrors than an archiveal release.
2931[19:12:00] *** Joins: GJdan (~dan@replaced-ip)
2932[19:12:24] <jhutchins> doublehp_: If it's defaulting to
squeeze then you probably have the wrong image for Jessie.
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2936[19:12:42] <doublehp_> jhutchins: 6 wrong different ISOs ?
2937[19:13:12] *** Joins: fyrril (~fyrril@replaced-ip)
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2943[19:16:04] <jhutchins> doublehp_: Reptition does not
influence correctness.
2944[19:16:22] <jhutchins> doublehp_: Why would you have six
different isos uness you knew what each one was?
2945[19:16:25] *** Quits: gebjgd (~stmsgebjg@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2946[19:16:49] <jhutchins> doublehp_: Again, THOUSANDS of people
got this right without struggling.
2947[19:18:27] *** Quits: dionysus69 (~Icedove@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2948[19:18:29] <jhutchins> doublehp_: Have you read the install
instructions? Have you read the release notes?
2949[19:18:38] *** Quits: socketguru (uid30377@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
2950[19:18:44] <doublehp_> jhutchins: i have 2 old ones from
archives, and downloaded 4 new ones just today from mirrors (from
jessie and stretch folders); all 6 complain that my mirrors
can't provide squeeze. So, if those 4 iso i took today had any
trouble, I also believe some people would have complained; and it
does not explain how an ISO downloaded from stretch folder would try
to install squeeze
2951[19:19:21] <jhutchins> doublehp_: No, it doesn't explain
it, unless you downloaded an old image.
2952[19:19:52] <jhutchins> doublehp_: I wish I were more familiar
with the installer, I only run it once every several years.
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2955[19:20:15] <jhutchins> !install guide
2956[19:20:16] <dpkg> The Installation Guide for Debian 8
"Jessie" can be found at
2957[19:20:16] <doublehp_> jhutchins: 2 files i downloaded today
are tagged 2016 in the filename
2958[19:20:29] <jhutchins> !netinstall
2959[19:20:29] <dpkg> well, netinst is a small CD image with
which you can install Debian. If, during the installation process
you have a working Internet connection, you can install more
packages straight away, otherwise, you will have a base install and
more packages later. See
2960[19:20:37] <doublehp_> jhutchins: had not run it since 2008
2961[19:21:17] <mtn> doublehp_: I used the stable installer and
upgraded to sid a couple of days ago. no mention of squeeze
anywhwere to be seen ;)
2962[19:21:43] *** Quits: p3rs3us (~jduro@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2963[19:22:11] <doublehp_> jhutchins: why don't they give
this URL in the debian installer page ? debian install page has a
text about netinst, but does not give any download link !!!
2964[19:22:39] <jhutchins> doublehp_: It's the internet.
Links age out, and somebody has to maintain them.
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2967[19:23:08] <doublehp_> jhutchins: 10y they are NOT providing
the netinst cd links on the debian install page
2968[19:23:12] <doublehp_> BRB
2969[19:23:14] *** Quits: doublehp_ (~dhp@replaced-ip) (Quit: leaving)
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2971[19:23:20] <mtn> yikes
2972[19:24:01] *** Joins: doublehp (~DoubleHP@replaced-ip)
2973[19:24:10] <doublehp> !netinstall
2974[19:24:10] <dpkg> netinst is probably a small CD image with
which you can install Debian. If, during the installation process
you have a working Internet connection, you can install more
packages straight away, otherwise, you will have a base install and
more packages later. See
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2977[19:25:00] <teraflops> dpkg: are you trying to do a clean
install of squeeze?
2978[19:25:01] <dpkg> teraflops: i don't know
2979[19:25:08] <teraflops> doublehp*
2980[19:25:15] *** Joins: CME (~CME@replaced-ip)
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2984[19:25:57] <doublehp> teraflops: I am trying to perform a NEW
install of any recent distro
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2986[19:26:29] <jhutchins> doublehp: We suggest jessie/8.5
2987[19:26:30] <jelly> doublehp: there's a link on the main
page of
2988[19:26:52] <doublehp> i am fine: found a new ISO to test; if
it fails again about squeeze, i ll come back
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2993[19:27:33] <teraflops> doublehp: try debian jessie, if you
get errors installing it please share with us or google them
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2996[19:28:04] <doublehp>
2997[19:28:25] *** Quits: Walakea_ (~marian@replaced-ip) (Quit: Walakea_)
2998[19:28:32] <jelly> doublehp: what kind of hardware are you
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3002[19:29:40] <doublehp> jelly: Intel brand of AMD64; but first
step of installation is done via VirtualBox on a 486 kernel to raw
disk: korked fine 3 times already
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3014[19:31:35] <spectie> are there any versions of debian with
4.x kernels?
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3018[19:32:09] <mtn> spectie: sure
3019[19:32:25] <TomTomTosch> spectie: jessie-backports has 4.6
right now.
3020[19:32:34] <babilen> spectie: You can install it from
backports on jessie and it already is in testing and unstable
3021[19:32:41] <afernandez_> cmd: Linux kanotixbox 3.16.0-4-amd64
#1 SMP Debian 3.16.7-ckt25-2 (2016-04-08) x86_64 GNU/Linux
3022[19:32:42] <babilen> judd: kernels
3023[19:32:43] <judd> Available kernel versions are:
experimental: 4.7.0-rc4-686-pae (4.7~rc4-1~exp1); sid: 4.6.0-1-686
(4.6.2-1); stretch: 4.6.0-1-686 (4.6.1-1); jessie-backports:
4.6.0-0.bpo.1-686-pae (4.6.1-1~bpo8+1); jessie: 3.16.0-4-686-pae
(3.16.7-ckt25-2); wheezy-backports: 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae
(3.16.7-ckt25-2~bpo70+1); wheezy: 3.2.0-4-686-pae (3.2.81-1)
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3028[19:33:31] <spectie> hmm
3029[19:33:39] <spectie> i'm trying to install debian on a
macbook air
3030[19:33:42] <spectie> and i can't see the ssd
3031[19:33:49] *** Quits: osx- (osx@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3032[19:34:00] <spectie> the kernel in the 'daily'
installer i downloaded seems to be 3.x series
3033[19:34:07] <spectie> so i figured i'd try with a 4.x
series kernel
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3035[19:34:56] <spectie> am i looking in the wrong place ?
3036[19:35:05] <babilen> Where did you look?
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3040[19:36:54] <babilen> There is no stable installer with a
newer kernel, but you could use
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3052[19:40:46] <spectie> babilen,
3053[19:40:51] <spectie> yes that's what i've been
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3056[19:41:10] <spectie> one sec
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3068[19:47:03] <jil365> Hi all
3069[19:47:38] <jil365> I've had an issue with one M-SATA
drive and I'm trying to recover data on it
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3071[19:47:56] <jil365> I made a ddrescu that told me only 30M
were in error
3072[19:48:32] <jil365> The ddrescu was made on all the
partitions of the drive
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3074[19:48:52] <jil365> Now I'm not able to access my data
because this drive was using LVM
3075[19:49:19] <jil365> and I think LVM data were in the 30M in
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3080[19:50:02] <jil365> So vgscan shows me nothing
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3082[19:50:06] <doublehp> teraflops: does not boot; no error
3083[19:50:12] <spectie> babilen,
3084[19:50:12] <jil365> And I don't know were to go
3085[19:50:13] <spectie>
3086[19:50:17] <spectie> this is where i downloaded it
3087[19:50:19] <spectie> is there a better place ?
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3090[19:50:55] <doublehp> teraflops: can I put the ISO on a USB
stick ?
3091[19:51:14] <babilen> spectie: It is one of the choices and
should come with a 4.* kernel
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3094[19:51:47] <someotherguy> is this an appropriate place to ask
3095[19:51:49] *** Joins: axc1298 (~axc1298@replaced-ip)
3096[19:51:51] <someotherguy> oh, seems it is
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3100[19:52:04] <mtn> doublehp:
3101[19:52:05] *** Quits: Tundra_Mobile (~AndChat54@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
3102[19:52:15] <someotherguy> I have a network drive mounted via
FUSE that has spaces in the name
3103[19:52:34] <someotherguy> i'm trying to make an alias
for it that has no spaces in the name
3104[19:52:41] <someotherguy> or remount it somewhere else
3105[19:52:49] <someotherguy> does anyone know how to do this?
3106[19:53:10] <someotherguy> i need to basically manually mount
a FUSE network drive to some subfolder name in /mnt that I specify
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3108[19:53:23] <someotherguy> like /mnt/anamewithnospaces
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3111[19:54:02] <doublehp> someotherguy: why not do a symlink to
the content ?
3112[19:54:17] <doublehp> someotherguy: also, can use "mount
-o bind"
3113[19:54:25] <jil365> Here is some commands output:
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3115[19:54:51] <someotherguy> sorry doublehp, i'm very new
to linux
3116[19:54:55] <someotherguy> how would i make a symlink?
3117[19:55:14] <greycat> man ln
3118[19:55:15] <someotherguy> i guess i can use man symlink to
find that out actually
3119[19:55:19] <doublehp> someotherguy: ln -s target source
3120[19:55:22] <someotherguy> oh right ln
3121[19:55:24] <someotherguy> ok thanks
3122[19:55:36] <doublehp> someotherguy: mount -o bind target
3123[19:56:06] <someotherguy> thanks!
3124[19:56:09] <someotherguy> i'll try that out
3125[19:56:10] *** Quits: T0rch (~T0rch@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3126[19:56:18] <teraflops> doublehp: yes you can. how are you
trying to boot the iso?
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3131[19:57:26] <doublehp> teraflops: since the ISO does not work
in virtualbox, my last chance is to boot a USB flash on physical
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3133[19:58:16] <google77> hi anyone here?
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3135[19:58:28] <teraflops> doublehp: I don't know about
vbox, but im pretty sure people uses debian isos all the time in
3136[19:58:34] <google77> just wanted to report that my upgrade
from stable to testing went well
3137[19:58:42] <google77> even X did not break :D
3138[19:58:51] <doublehp> teraflops: bah, in VB, the same way
other ISO worked ...
3139[19:59:04] <babilen> google77: "yet" ;)
3140[19:59:15] <spectie> babilen, hmm
3141[19:59:30] <spectie> babilen, maybe the installer boots with
an old kernel ?
3142[19:59:35] <google77> seriously, why is X so breakable?
3143[19:59:36] <somiaj> doublehp: you know squeeze is now longer
supported and you have to get packages from
(offical mirrors won't have any squeeze sources)
3144[19:59:44] *** Joins: de-facto (~de-facto@replaced-ip)
3145[19:59:48] <teraflops> doublehp: you still say squeeze and I
don't know why
3146[19:59:57] <babilen> google77: Install apt-listbugs and read
3147[20:00:03] <babilen> dpkg: tell google77 -about tum
3148[20:00:04] <google77> Isn't squeeze in old old stable?
3149[20:00:10] *** Quits: xIKa (~xIKa@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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3151[20:00:32] <doublehp> teraflops: squeeze is what was written
in the sourcelist i got ... after running
3152[20:00:46] <babilen> spectie: I have no idea what that
installer is like or what it does. You might want to try the alpha
3153[20:00:47] <somiaj> google77: squeeze stopped being supported
earlier this year, as such the packages are still avaialbe in an
archive, but they don't recieve any security support anymore.
3154[20:01:03] <babilen> google77: "stretch" !=
"squeeze" :)
3155[20:01:10] <teraflops> doublehp: again, use a current debian
iso (jessie)
3156[20:01:20] <modwizcode> Been having issues botting debian
images on my physical desktop. Somehow just having the debian USB
plugged in freezes after part of POST test.
3157[20:01:25] <spectie> babilen, where is that ?
3158[20:01:28] <babilen> google77: Ah, sorry .. you are
absolutely right
3159[20:01:33] <somiaj> doublehp: correct, but that will not
write correct sources, because squeeze is not on the mirrors any
more, you'll have to change the sources to
and also have a unsecure os. Listen to teraflops and use a supported
3160[20:01:40] <babilen> spectie: Right at the top on
3161[20:01:58] <babilen> spectie: Please note that I also
haven't used that installer either :)
3162[20:02:03] <google77> I have lots to autoremove now, should I
do it?
3163[20:02:12] *** Joins: T0rch (~T0rch@replaced-ip)
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3165[20:02:18] <somiaj> google77: look though the list and make
sure it is nothing youw ant.
3166[20:02:46] <someotherguy> doublehp you're the best! it
works perfectly :D
3167[20:02:51] <teraflops> doublehp: if your vbox fails to boot a
debian jessie iso idk why
3168[20:03:00] *** Joins: Draggin (~Draggin@replaced-ip)
3169[20:03:02] <spectie> babilen, ok! thanks
3170[20:03:03] <google77> somiaj looks like mostly libs
3171[20:03:24] <spectie> babilen, actually that's the one
i'm using
3172[20:03:30] *** Quits: geekbri (~geekbri@replaced-ip) ()
3173[20:04:07] <somiaj> google77: that is usuallyt he case, just
alwasy best to double check before doing anything in testing. If you
feel there is no program you'll be missing then autoremove the
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3176[20:05:09] <google77> somiaj it seems it wants to uninstall
3177[20:05:31] *** Parts: crash_override (~crash_ove@replaced-ip)
3178[20:05:51] <babilen> spectie: Didn't you say that you
were using the daily?
3179[20:05:56] *** Joins: Slashman (~Slash@replaced-ip)
3180[20:06:04] <somiaj> google77: if there are packages in that
list you don't want to be uninstalled, you'll have to
change their flag from 'auto' to 'manual' and
they wont' uninstalled by autoremove
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3183[20:06:45] <somiaj> google77: man apt-mark, you can use that
to change the flag to manual. You can also run 'apt-get install
foo' and the side effect is it will mark it as manual
3184[20:07:18] <google77> somiaj what I usually did with Ubuntu
is just apt the package and it changed the flags by itself.
3185[20:07:33] <somiaj> google77: that works, just saying you can
use apt-mark if needed as well
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3201[20:13:31] <google77> dolphin however seems to be broken...
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3203[20:14:31] <babilen> google77: fwiw, we have #debian-next on for testing/unstable support
3204[20:15:08] <jelly> "if it's broken, you get to keep
all the pieces"
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3207[20:15:39] <google77> oh jelly, you are still here...good
news... now I actually am on Testing
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3210[20:16:04] <jelly> so am I! WHAT COINCIDENCE
3211[20:16:10] *** Joins: xIKa (~xIKa@replaced-ip)
3212[20:16:30] <greycat> s/if it's broken/when it breaks/
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3214[20:16:36] <google77> I guess I will add apt-listbugs to my
3215[20:16:39] *** Joins: hR13_ (~hR13@replaced-ip)
3216[20:16:40] <google77> :P
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3218[20:17:56] <jelly> I'd suggest apt-listchanges as well
but when you're on testing and sid it lists so much stuff you
won't read it anyway. Still, configure it to show you
NEWS.Debian at least
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3224[20:22:43] <ryouma> my understanding is that those are not
for stable though
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3228[20:22:58] <ryouma> at least, i was told so here
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3231[20:23:58] <google77> noob question, how do I use
apt-listbugs when I want to use it for all packages in apt upgrade?
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3233[20:24:04] <Draggin> Good evening, everyone. I'm stuck
with my hands in my hair... Out of the blue, my wi-fi card on my
Debian Jessie system stopped connecting to my router. Gives a
"bad password" message every time. Odd thing is -
it's not the router, NOR the wi-fi card. The router works fine
with other devices and operating systems. The wi-fi card works fine
from the same machine when using it from a live CD. I've just
set up an entirely different router, and I STILL have
3234[20:24:05] <Draggin> the same issue. The articles are all
going on about removing Network manager and only using WICD with
wpasupplicant. That's the setup I've always had. I
don't know for the life of me what could have changed - was
definitely nothing manual. Any advice as to where to begin looking?
I've reinstalled wicd and wpasupplicant.
3235[20:24:40] <Lady_Aleena> Hello. Does anyone here know how to
use LibreOffice Base? Is there a Debian-LibreOffice channel?
3236[20:24:52] <rupmaister> hi
3237[20:25:28] <jelly> Lady_Aleena: one would think "how to
use product" wouldn't be a debian specific question
3238[20:25:28] <Lady_Aleena> I can't get a MS Access
database to open in LibreOffice Base. I am getting very very
3239[20:25:34] <google77> Draggin I had a similar issue. It got
fixed after I used network manager once. Are you sure you don't
have NM or some parts of it installed?
3240[20:25:42] <jelly> so maybe find a libreoffice channel
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3243[20:26:01] <google77> #libreoffice probably exists.
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3247[20:27:00] <Lady_Aleena> google77, no Debian users there, so
they use versions of LibreOffice which are far ahead of what Debian
supports at the moment.
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3253[20:27:43] <Lady_Aleena> I was hoping to find a Debian based
LibreOffice channel for those of us who have a version which nearly
is 10 points behind.
3254[20:27:49] <google77> Lady_Aleena it is still worth a try,
just tell them which LO version you use.
3255[20:27:50] <Draggin> google77, Can't do
/etc/init.d/network-manager restart or anything (doesn't exist
there). Network Manager itself is definitely not installed according
to Synaptic. Not sure what other "parts" I might be
looking for though...?
3256[20:27:55] *** Joins: Orbitrix (~Huevos@replaced-ip)
3257[20:28:19] <google77> Draggin does your router support WPS?
3258[20:28:35] <jelly> ,v libreoffice
3259[20:28:36] <judd> Package: libreoffice on amd64 --
squeeze-backports: 1:3.5.4+dfsg2-0+deb7u4~bpo60+1; wheezy:
1:3.5.4+dfsg2-0+deb7u6; wheezy-security: 1:3.5.4+dfsg2-0+deb7u6;
wheezy-backports: 1:4.3.3-2+deb8u3~bpo70+1; jessie-security:
1:4.3.3-2+deb8u3; jessie: 1:4.3.3-2+deb8u4; jessie-backports:
1:5.1.3-1~bpo8+1; sid: 1:5.1.4~rc2-2; stretch: 1:5.1.4~rc2-2;
experimental: 1:5.2.0~rc1-1
3260[20:28:42] <jhutchins> Lady_Aleena: You _might_ find a Libre
Office channel. Once you filter down to Debian Libre Office,
you're below the threshold for a viable live irc channel.
3261[20:28:46] <Draggin> google77, Ummm... I think so... let me
check... I've never used it...
3262[20:28:57] <greycat> That sounds like a hell of a backport.
3263[20:29:01] <google77> if yes try forgetting your network and
reconnecting trough it by pushing the button on your router.
3264[20:29:19] <jelly> Lady_Aleena: if the upstream support nags
you about the horribly old version you use, you can install 5.1.3
from jessie-backports
3265[20:29:32] <Draggin> google77, Yup - it's got a WPS
button... I've never used WPS before though...
3266[20:30:18] <Lady_Aleena> jhutchins, the only person I found
in #libreoffice is a Windows user who is using LibreOffice 5.1.4
while we're stuck back at
3267[20:30:38] <google77> Draggin easy... just first make wicd
forget your network and disconnect, then push the buttton and
reconnect over wicd, you have like 1 minute of time.
3268[20:31:15] <Draggin> I... uh... How do I make it forget the
network? I can't see how to make that happen...
3269[20:31:22] <Lady_Aleena> jelly, I don't know how to use
backports. I forgot.
3270[20:31:46] <modwizcode> Any reason my pulseaudio outputs are
all insanely loud?
3271[20:31:47] <google77> yeah I am a noob at wicd... maybe
someone else can help you there.
3272[20:32:08] *** Joins: scream (~scream@replaced-ip)
3273[20:32:14] <google77> apparently dolphin with qt4 works
wi+hile the qt5 version is broken in testing.
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3276[20:33:04] <Draggin> google77, Thanks. Let me see if I can
get something right here... Gonna disappear for a second though
3277[20:33:15] <greycat> !tell Lady_Aleena about bdo
3278[20:33:34] <greycat> Or is that outdated now...?
3279[20:33:44] <jelly> it's good enough
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3283[20:35:58] <DammitJim> Do you guys think I need to fully
disable ipv6 on my debian systems?
3284[20:36:02] <DammitJim> I don't use ipv6
3285[20:36:07] <greycat> Then why would you care?
3286[20:36:29] *** Joins: dionysus69 (~Icedove@replaced-ip)
3287[20:36:33] <DammitJim> some software company that does
systems monitoring was saying we had to disable it
3288[20:36:36] *** Quits: cdown (~cdown@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3289[20:36:37] <DammitJim> but I'm not buying it
3290[20:37:18] <greycat> If you don't use it, then I
can't see any benefits to disabling it.
3291[20:37:18] <jelly> DammitJim: did they provide raisins?
3292[20:37:23] <koollman> DammitJim: fewer active software parts
mean less chances for something to go wrong. I can understand their
3293[20:37:23] <google77> DammitJim, whatwas their rationale?
3294[20:37:34] <greycat> What "active parts"?
3295[20:37:49] <koollman> also there are classics, with ipv6. you
may have no ipv6 but "just enough" that some softwares
will change behaviour
3296[20:37:51] <greycat> Other than ::1
3297[20:38:12] <jelly> DammitJim: when I disable it, I disable it
to make the resolver library be less chatty and less dumb
3298[20:38:20] <DammitJim> they didn't prove the disgusting
3299[20:38:21] <google77> So how does apt-listbugs get used?
3300[20:38:22] <koollman> typical : localhost on ::1, or trying
to use an ipv6 address when it is provided if there's a bit of
autoconf on the network
3301[20:38:29] <scream> also, you can think that you have a
firewall set up with iptable, but v6 link-local address is still
open ;)
3302[20:38:40] <jelly> DammitJim: what about reasons then
3303[20:39:08] <Draggin> google77, Nope... No luck. I think this
wi-fi card might be too old for WPS. But - interestingly, even if I
switch off all encryption on the router, the card STILL fails to
obtain an IP address
3304[20:39:12] *** Joins: dreamon_ (~dreamon@replaced-ip)
3305[20:39:17] <DammitJim> their reason was that the monitoring
system does autodiscovery and servers that have ipv6, but don't
use it, confuse their system and they don't report info about
those machines
3306[20:39:18] <DammitJim> LOL
3307[20:39:20] <koollman> for example, I've disabled ipv6 on
many systems because some debian mirrors have ipv6, the networks the
systems were in had no ipv6 officially, but it was enough for the
ipv6 address for the mirror to be tried first
3308[20:39:33] *** Joins: fredolinhares (~fredolinh@replaced-ip)
3309[20:39:36] <jelly> DammitJim: tell them to fix their own
3310[20:39:43] <DammitJim> the other reason why I bring it up is
because sometimes I see stuff when doing lsof -p <pid> where
it prints ipv6 stuff
3311[20:40:00] <google77> Draggin well, continue trying, have
luck with it.
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3314[20:40:04] <jelly> dual stack is the norm for linux
3315[20:40:06] *** Quits: jnavila (~jnavila@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
3316[20:40:07] <koollman> or, funnier reasons, you lock down ipv6
by dropping everything in ip6tables rules, and suddenly local
software crashes. because localhost is ipv6
3317[20:40:32] <Draggin> google77, Haha, what do you mean...?
3318[20:40:37] *** Joins: jnavila (~jnavila@replaced-ip)
3319[20:40:53] <koollman> (or worse, some softwaer get an ipv6
address as an answer and have no idea what to do with it. although
it's rare)
3320[20:41:06] <DammitJim> or it drives me nuts when someone asks
me why a netstat shows tcp6 for port 22
3321[20:41:13] <google77> Draggin, I mean I am out of advice for
now :(
3322[20:41:24] <jelly> DammitJim: what happens when you add a
system to monitoring, then start using 'v6 at some point?
3323[20:41:49] <DammitJim> jelly, you know how it is... at that
time, all hell will break loose
3324[20:42:25] *** Quits: fredolinhares (~fredolinh@replaced-ip) (Quit: WeeChat 1.5)
3325[20:42:26] <Draggin> Ah, google77. Darn :/ Thanks though :)
3326[20:42:32] *** Joins: cdown (~cdown@replaced-ip)
3327[20:42:49] <jelly> DammitJim: point out that fact
3328[20:42:56] <jelly> !noipv6
3329[20:42:57] <dpkg> From Debian 6.0 "Squeeze"
onwards, <IPv6> is built into the Linux kernel (excluding the
loongson-2f flavour). To disable IPv6, add the kernel command line
option ipv6.disable=1 to your bootloader.
3330[20:43:01] <jelly> ^^
3331[20:43:02] *** Joins: fredolinhares (~fredolinh@replaced-ip)
3332[20:43:15] <scream> or use sysctl ;)
3333[20:43:26] <DammitJim> scream, that's what I found...
edit my sysctl.conf
3334[20:43:30] <greycat> ... and this is why we will never have
full IPv6 adoption.
3335[20:43:36] *** Parts: fredolinhares (~fredolinh@replaced-ip)
3336[20:43:55] <spectie> hmm
3337[20:43:56] <spectie>
3338[20:43:58] <DammitJim> but man, I don't want to start
that... I'll have to submit a change request for management to
know I'm doing this since I'll affect prod servers
3339[20:44:02] *** Joins: fredolinhares (~fredolinh@replaced-ip)
3340[20:44:09] <spectie> this suggests that linux just
doesn't support the ssd
3341[20:44:16] <greycat> DammitJim: they want you to change
things, but then they won't let you change the things they want
you to change?
3342[20:44:17] *** Joins: KindOne_ (kindone@replaced-ip)
3343[20:44:27] <scream> i speak as an ipv6 user - disable it if
you don't know/need to deal with it
3344[20:44:39] <scream> especially disable it in production if
you do not need it
3345[20:44:54] <jelly> DammitJim: software _will_ act subtly
different (eg. you won't see :ffff:ipv4 addresses in netstat
any more)
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3348[20:45:20] <jelly> DammitJim: and it requires a reboot to be
3349[20:45:41] <teraflops> scream: disabling ipv6 might break
3350[20:45:57] <DammitJim> greycat, no, I felt like I needed to
make the change, but then I have to go through this long drawn
process of getting approval to do it since it is a change to so many
3351[20:45:59] *** Joins: CrazyTux[m] (~CrazyTuxm@replaced-ip)
3352[20:46:03] <jelly> (if you do it the sysctl way, that is...
if you do it with kernel parameter, then it requires a reboot for
obvious reason)
3353[20:46:09] *** Quits: KindOne (kindone@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3354[20:46:18] <teraflops> so if you dont need it dont use it,
just dont blindly disable it
3355[20:46:32] <jelly> DammitJim: that's a very good reason
to make them fix their thing, too
3356[20:46:32] * greycat votes "leave it the hell alone"
3357[20:46:40] <DammitJim> I'm with jelly and teraflops ...
I'll keep it to myself and just make a note
3358[20:46:48] *** Joins: KindOne (kindone@replaced-ip)
3359[20:47:02] <scream> then set up ip6tables ;)
3360[20:47:03] <jelly> "introduces changes and downtime to
prod systems"
3361[20:47:05] <DammitJim> but I wanted to at least talk to
knowledgeable people about this before making that decision
3362[20:47:12] <DammitJim> (not that you guys are knowledgeable)
3363[20:47:15] <DammitJim> if that's a word...
3364[20:47:18] <jelly> heh
3365[20:47:21] *** Quits: mastokley (~mastokley@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
3366[20:47:30] <greycat> It's a word because people use it
as one.
3367[20:47:36] *** Quits: bolovanos (~bolovanos@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
3368[20:48:34] <DammitJim> I think knowledgeable resolves to
3369[20:48:35] <DammitJim> LOL
3370[20:48:41] <teraflops> xD
3371[20:48:59] <jelly> link local knowledge doesn't get you
3372[20:49:08] * jelly hides
3373[20:49:11] <greycat> Know thyself?
3374[20:49:12] *** Quits: KindOne_ (kindone@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
3375[20:49:57] * jelly has NAT66 at work and loves mentioning it to
make the 'v6 purists squirm
3376[20:50:06] <doublehp> teraflops: FYI, I have already found a
bug in the installer. once more. And once again, it's around
mkfs. Last time, it was mkfs default behaviour changed by author,
but not notified to the Hurd team, so, my disk ended up with
features that could not be handlede bu the Hurd kernel. Today,
it's about how partman launches mkfs, when partition already
contains stuff. And I tend to think I also hold a bug either around
the whole debian installaiton p
3377[20:50:18] <doublehp> teraflops: not staying here; gotta go
back to my machine
3378[20:50:47] <jelly> doublehp: what does Hurd have to do with
3379[20:51:14] *** Joins: tlab (~tlab@replaced-ip)
3380[20:51:15] <doublehp> jelly: fact I find bugs in debian
installer each time i use it; second mkfs bug i find
3381[20:51:21] <jelly> oh, it's an unrelated issue
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3385[20:51:35] <jelly> doublehp: I hope you report them!
3386[20:51:55] <doublehp> jelly: will depends if they have fixed
the bugs I previously reported ...
3387[20:52:08] <teraflops> doublehp: every time you talk to me my
confusion arises. no offense it's just i really have no idea
what are you doing
3388[20:52:10] *** Quits: B[]rG (~Borg@replaced-ip) (Quit: Sayonara....)
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3391[20:52:37] <DammitJim> man, so I installed debian on a
machine for my 9 y/o
3392[20:52:57] <DammitJim> he was confused about why he needs to
use a terminal to run the python console
3393[20:53:07] <google77> apparently otter-browser has
unsatisfied dependencies on testing
3394[20:53:13] <doublehp> terr1: jelly I have taken pictures ...
i will proove it in a few days, when machine boots correctly.
3395[20:53:15] *** Quits: fishcooker (~chikatamb@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
3396[20:53:20] <DammitJim> there is no python console I can have
him run directly on the desktop, right?
3397[20:53:26] * doublehp away
3398[20:53:31] *** Joins: planetmaker (~pm@replaced-ip)
3399[20:53:38] <DammitJim> LOL... he also freaked out because
typing Python on the terminal said command not found
3400[20:53:39] <jhutchins> DammitJim: You can make a shortcut
that launches it.
3401[20:53:40] <teraflops> doublehp: hurd? you didn't
mention it till now
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3407[20:55:30] <jelly> DammitJim: time for a "case is
important" lesson
3408[20:55:47] *** Joins: jackbrown (~se@replaced-ip)
3409[20:56:03] <DammitJim> yeah, and I learned that I have to do
that in the morning
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3413[20:56:43] <DammitJim> it was 9pm and my wife pointed out
that my son was too tired at that time of the day to learn something
like that (I think I give him too much of a hard time for not being
a good speller)
3414[20:57:09] <jhutchins> DammitJim: Spell check has taught me
more spelling than school ever did.
3415[20:57:45] <DammitJim> that's probably because you want
to avoid having to press Fix so many times next time
3416[20:57:59] <jhutchins> DammitJim: Yep.
3417[20:58:01] <DammitJim> some people grow to just take the
little bit of pain (i.e. my wife)
3418[20:58:02] <DammitJim> LOL
3419[20:58:06] *** Joins: KindOne_ (kindone@replaced-ip)
3420[20:58:10] <DammitJim> ok, I should stop talking bad about my
3421[20:58:26] <DammitJim> God knows I am horrible at many more
important things
3422[20:58:27] <jhutchins> DammitJim: Learned my multiplication
tables by getting tired of entering dimensions for sheet metal. Got
easier to enter the answer than the question.
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3424[20:58:52] <modwizcode> Lol I never bothered to learn
multiplication tables. Was really happy to finish that part of
3425[20:58:58] *