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0 [00:00:12] <jelly> vboxuser, show the actual output in a
pastebin, please
1 [00:00:15] <jelly> !paste
2 [00:00:15] <dpkg> Do not paste more than 2 lines to this
channel. Instead, use:
3 [00:00:28] <vboxuser> okay ha, I cannot copy the outputs to a
4 [00:00:38] <vboxuser> yes thank you. would have used pastebin
5 [00:00:43] <jelly> can you make a screenshot?
6 [00:00:54] <vboxuser> yes that should work
7 [00:00:57] <jelly> imgur or picpaste
8 [00:01:28] <jelly> "dmesg|grep eth" and "ip
9 [00:01:52] <jelly> and "ip r" while you're at
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17 [00:08:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1663
18 [00:08:33] <vboxuser> here is dmesg for eth
19 [00:08:33] <vboxuser> gnome-screenshot
20 [00:08:35] <vboxuser> sorry
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Cuthbert says 'Goodbye')
22 [00:09:17] *** Joins: diniwed (~gavron@replaced-ip )
23 [00:09:19] <jmcnaught> vboxuser:
/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules doesn't exist on VMs
in Debian starting with jessie
24 [00:09:33] <vboxuser> i see
25 [00:09:36] <vboxuser> thanks for the info
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30 [00:10:56] <vboxuser2>
31 [00:11:04] <vboxuser2> output of dmesg for eth
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34 [00:12:32] <vboxuser> no output for "ip a"
35 [00:12:49] <vboxuser> oh there is
36 [00:12:49] <jelly> interesting.
37 [00:12:50] <vboxuser> one sec
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39 [00:13:34] <vboxuser2>
40 [00:13:39] *** Quits: dtux_ (~dmtucker@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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42 [00:14:00] <vboxuser2> I use vbox since years. I never had
this issue..
43 [00:14:11] <vboxuser2> export/import always works like a
44 [00:14:27] *** Joins: dgncn (~trance@replaced-ip )
45 [00:14:29] <vboxuser2> only differnce maybe is jessie 8.3 8.4
now 8.5
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48 [00:15:03] <jelly> so the VM thinks there's no link up
49 [00:15:32] <jelly> that sounds like a hypervisor or VM config
50 [00:15:37] <vboxuser2> yes. over @ #vbox they said its
because of the mac address change
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56 [00:15:57] <vboxuser2> the configs are identical to the two
original working guest VM's
57 [00:16:03] <jelly> the mac address change would have caused
the IP address not to be set up at all
58 [00:16:20] <jelly> however the ipv4 address seems to be
59 [00:16:30] <vboxuser2> yes its configired static
60 [00:16:49] <vboxuser2> configured to and
61 [00:16:54] *** Quits: _7r4c3r (~7r4c3r@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
62 [00:17:00] <jelly> without additional info, I'd say you
need to check the vm options.
63 [00:17:17] <vboxuser2> believe me I checke them all :=
64 [00:17:22] <vboxuser2> dozens of times
65 [00:17:34] <format_c> ethtool eth0
66 [00:17:46] <vboxuser2> actually I tried to clone the
VM's as well and same issue
67 [00:17:54] <format_c> This would show the status IP protocol
68 [00:17:59] <vboxuser2> of course the originals have been shut
69 [00:18:05] <vboxuser2> okay checking
70 [00:18:06] *** Joins: metallic (~slowwind@replaced-ip )
71 [00:18:22] <vboxuser2> ethtool is not installed
72 [00:18:27] <vboxuser2> its the netinstall minimal
73 [00:18:39] <jelly> and it's probably not going to show a
lot on the emulated e1000
74 [00:18:57] *** Joins: _7r4c3r (~7r4c3r@replaced-ip )
75 [00:19:05] <format_c> and "ip link" ?
76 [00:19:19] *** Quits: kobain (~kobain@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
77 [00:19:47] <jelly> ip a already shows NO-CARRIER
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79 [00:19:56] <vboxuser2>
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82 [00:20:55] <vboxuser2> my client will kill me haha. This is
my weird issue of the year ;)
83 [00:21:06] *** Quits: fab0tage (~fab0tage@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
84 [00:21:17] <format_c> Yes. Can only be a hypervisor config
85 [00:21:29] *** Quits: _7r4c3r (~7r4c3r@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
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87 [00:21:49] <vboxuser2> okay I will try to purge virtualbox
and install th version before where it was working.
88 [00:21:53] <vboxuser2> will report back asap
89 [00:21:56] <vboxuser2> thank you for your help
90 [00:22:09] <format_c> However, I find it challenging setting
up virtual box in a way guests behaving this way.
91 [00:22:13] *** Quits: JPT (~jpt@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
92 [00:22:24] <jelly> vboxuser2, you can try to show the vm
network config to the vbox people
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125 [00:40:43] <vysag> I've got three (not the newest)
laptops with optical drives. How do I find out which one is the best
to use for converting cda to flac?
126 [00:42:07] *** Joins: BalTun (~BalTun@replaced-ip )
127 [00:42:11] <jelly> (vboxuser2 apparently had the same mac
address on multiple configured VM guests, and unsurprisingly VM host
solution doesn't like that very much)
128 [00:42:12] *** Quits: HappyLoa- (happyloaf@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
129 [00:42:13] <arha> uh, only cpu matters for that
130 [00:42:24] *** Quits: cyan__ (~cyan@replaced-ip ) (Quit: For unknown reasons the First International Convention of
the Unlucky has not started for the last eight weeks.)
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134 [00:42:36] <vysag> arha: no, optical drives have diffs in
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136 [00:43:08] <arha> nah, CD-A is pretty much a standard. 48k
sample rate, 2 channels, 16 bit resolution
137 [00:43:18] <jelly> vysag, if you care... none are, find an
old scsi plextor burner and old scsi controller :-)
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139 [00:43:55] <vysag> jelly: I've already thought about
buying a good USB optical drive. Any hints?
140 [00:43:57] <transhuman> hi I would like to get a few nvidia
packages running on debian if possible running jessie
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142 [00:44:17] <arha> shouldn't you get pretty much the same
output if you rip to raw different copies of the same cd with
different units
143 [00:44:17] <vboxuser> i think i found it
144 [00:44:19] <vboxuser> veryfying
145 [00:44:28] *** Quits: format_c (~format_c@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
146 [00:44:42] <jelly> arha, reading cd audio yields different
offsets and errors are handled in subtly different ways on different
147 [00:44:59] *** Joins: Akuw (~akuw@replaced-ip )
148 [00:45:20] <jelly> cdparanoia tries to deal with the latter
but can't fix the initial offset
149 [00:45:22] <Akuw> i need SDL to Super Nintendo Emulador
150 [00:45:28] <arha> offsets?
151 [00:45:31] <Akuw> what repository have that?
152 [00:45:37] <vysag> jelly, is there any short-term solution to
find out which of the three drives is least worse?
153 [00:45:44] <arha> i understand the errors in a way
154 [00:46:07] <jelly> arha, a couple dozen-hundred bits at the
155 [00:46:35] *** Quits: Jelmer_ (~Jelmer@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
156 [00:46:39] <jelly> vysag, try all and look at the
157 [00:47:06] <vysag> jelly: okay
158 [00:47:08] <arha> i'd go the other way, encode a CDA
with a known waveform
159 [00:47:15] <arha> something like 60 minutes of a sine
160 [00:47:20] <arha> read it back, see how much it deviates
161 [00:47:29] *** Joins: GunshipPenguin (~GunshipPe@replaced-ip )
162 [00:47:37] <arha> actually, just mirror the original and diff
with the readback one
163 [00:47:42] <jelly> that's how people found out about the
164 [00:47:44] <arha> it should cancel perfectly out...
165 [00:47:53] <vysag> arha: I'd first have to burn it
166 [00:48:16] <arha> like cd printing houses do
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169 [00:49:26] <arha> jelly: what's the deal with the
offsets though?
170 [00:49:27] *** Joins: chrunty (5e06a5c3@replaced-ip )
171 [00:49:32] <arha> are they more than blanks?
172 [00:49:44] *** Joins: mirak (~mirak@replaced-ip )
173 [00:50:02] <jelly> I don't remember whether there were
just zeroes or random garbage at the beginning
174 [00:50:11] *** Joins: ryuu_ (~ryuu@replaced-ip )
175 [00:50:15] <jelly> it was 15, maybe 20 years back
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177 [00:51:02] <vysag> jelly, have there applications been
implemented that compare two flac files and tell which has the
better quality or do I have the check against the original each?
178 [00:51:10] <jelly> annoying if you have to cut audio tracks
precisely and there are no gaps, tho
179 [00:51:11] <mirak> hi
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182 [00:51:57] <arha> vysag, the thing is, how do you define
'quality' beyond the point of being unable to hear it
183 [00:51:58] <mirak> when I insert a usb key it's
automatically mounted. I would like to repartition the usb key, but
when I unmount, the device also disapear
184 [00:52:16] <mirak> is there a way to have the device appear
again without beeing mounted ?
185 [00:52:20] <jelly> vysag, for the most part you won't
see a difference in quality. There may be errors, and a small
difference in the beginning of actual track audio.
186 [00:52:20] <vysag> arha: by measuring jitter, etc... There
are ways
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188 [00:52:46] <jelly> s/see/have/;
189 [00:52:51] <arha> yeah but so is a recording at 192k
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192 [00:53:15] <arha> i'm sorta curious where you're
going with this, being a bit interested in sound engineering myself
193 [00:53:32] <jelly> mirak, unmount it very carefully from the
command line?
194 [00:53:37] *** Quits: chomwitt (~chomwitt@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
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197 [00:53:51] <mirak> jelly: it fails silently
198 [00:54:08] <mirak> jelly: it only works through nautilus
eject button
199 [00:54:11] <jelly> mirak, are you doing the umount as root?
200 [00:54:22] <mirak> jelly: yes, root and user
201 [00:54:46] <jelly> mirak, and "df" or
"mount" shows the mountpoint afterwards?
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203 [00:54:53] <vysag> arha: it's something special. I was
at a brain institute which checked my brainwaves and then created an
audio CD on which there are sounds that should have a positive
effect on my psyche
204 [00:54:54] <mirak> yes
205 [00:55:07] <mirak> vysag: lol
206 [00:55:27] <jelly> mirak, I guess it's possible the
gnome automounter just mounts it back right away
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209 [00:55:46] <mirak> jelly: ok, maybe I can kill the process
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212 [00:55:57] <jelly> mirak, log off, log in at the console, see
how that fares?
213 [00:55:59] <arha> vysag: how do you know they don't have
a bunch of mp3s they burn selectively to the cd? o_O
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217 [00:56:18] <mirak> jelly: it should work yes, but I wanted to
use gparted
218 [00:56:30] <arha> did you meditate?
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220 [00:56:32] <mirak> so i will do in console with fdisk
221 [00:56:35] <vysag> arha, they told me they don't and
that I should either hear from the CD or convert it into an
uncompressed format.
222 [00:56:37] <arha> or what did they make you do?
223 [00:56:57] <jelly> mirak, hm. You can still just wipe the
partition table from the console, then go back to GUI
224 [00:57:00] <vysag> arha: I can't meditate because I
cannot cool down my mind
225 [00:57:08] <arha> oh.
226 [00:57:10] <arha> ADD?
227 [00:57:25] <arha> i sorta did something like that, long time
228 [00:57:40] <vysag> arha, why have you stopped?
229 [00:57:48] <arha> binaural beats, there are some linux tools
for it. different freqs in each ear heterodyne in your mind to a
230 [00:57:51] *** Joins: jubo2 (~juboxi@replaced-ip )
231 [00:57:54] <arha> didn't really work
232 [00:58:01] *** Quits: Cassiopaya (~Discovery@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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234 [00:58:12] <jelly> vysag, eh, if it's fresh media just
try ripping it with any device
235 [00:58:16] *** Quits: AngeFede (~f3d3@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
236 [00:58:24] <arha> but did they burn it perfectly? :D
237 [00:58:35] <arha> vysag: curious about it now. what do they
sound like?
238 [00:59:01] <mirak> jelly: yes you are right, it should not be
239 [00:59:06] <mirak> if there is nothing to mount
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245 [01:00:34] <vysag> arha: have not yet listened to it. But
here's who did it:
246 [01:02:24] *** Joins: zmachine (uid67411@replaced-ip )
247 [01:02:44] <arha> huh
248 [01:02:47] <arha> they have a study on that
249 [01:02:49] <arha>
250 [01:03:04] *** Quits: GunshipPenguin (~GunshipPe@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
251 [01:03:23] <vysag> jelly: yes, will rip it tomorrow. What
Plextor drive would you suggest?
252 [01:03:53] <vysag> arha: yes, I am autistic and my two brains
are not synchronized for which the CD should help
253 [01:03:55] <arha> why not ask the guys for the files, tbh
254 [01:03:57] <M-alex_mayorga> ¡Hola! How do I extract
photos from a camera in Debian?
255 [01:04:05] <arha> just tell them you have nothing with a cd
player around
256 [01:04:20] <arha> not too far feteched today, cds are already
257 [01:04:29] <vysag> M-alex_mayorga: you can usually just copy
the files...
258 [01:04:47] *** Quits: Ryushin (chris@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
259 [01:04:56] <M-alex_mayorga> vysag (IRC): Let me raprhase,
what's the photo manager of choice in Debian?
260 [01:05:06] <vysag> arha: what you think they gonna do? Send
me a USB-stick with the file?
261 [01:05:21] <M-alex_mayorga> vysag (IRC): Looking for f-spot,
but it seems it is a no go per
262 [01:05:22] *** Quits: tensorpudding (~michael@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
263 [01:05:36] <arha> download link?
264 [01:05:55] <arha> still, ha, pretty interesting
265 [01:06:34] *** Joins: chomwitt (~chomwitt@replaced-ip )
266 [01:06:40] <arha> it's a bit odd that if you google
'brain rhythm anomalies' it keeps pointing back to their
study, but fascinating, nevertheless
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271 [01:08:40] <vysag> M-alex_mayorga: sorry, I don't have
experience with such programs. But this might help:
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276 [01:09:39] <vysag> arha, you mean googling that points to the
link you posted?
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278 [01:11:04] <M-alex_mayorga> How come F-spot is not on Debian
GNOME eventhough it is the GNOME default per
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283 [01:13:22] <jelly> vysag, no idea. Google suggests
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286 [01:16:19] <vysag> jelly, thanks
287 [01:16:53] <vysag> arha, maybe I might really ask them
whether they could provide the raw file
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290 [01:18:04] <vysag> jelly, these are old drives not to be
found anymore :(
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293 [01:19:53] <jelly> vysag, yes, that's going to be a
problem. Noone uses cds any more.
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300 [01:21:36] <vysag> jelly: at least high-quality drives for
reading are still needed!
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302 [01:21:46] <vysag> jelly, CDs and DVDs
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305 [01:22:06] <KaiserAres> hi ive a small problem im running
jessie and i want to install openjdk 8. sudo spt-get install
openjdk-8-jdk just leaves me with a package missing error. anyone
got a suggestion
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320 [01:26:13] <jelly> ,v openjdk-8-jdk
321 [01:26:14] <judd> Package: openjdk-8-jdk on amd64 --
jessie-backports: 8u102-b14.1-1~bpo8+1; sid: 8u102-b14.1-2; stretch:
322 [01:26:30] <jelly> dpkg, tell KaiserAres about
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356 [01:41:11] <arha> vysag: maybe
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358 [01:41:32] <arha> and if you do and/or rip them, can you drop
me a pm here? I'm really interested in neurosci stuff
359 [01:41:42] *** Quits: vicarion (~net@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
360 [01:42:02] <arha> also, if you like this field and music,
check up daniel levitin
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373 [01:50:53] <vysag> arha: okay, I will tell you these days
when I have listened to it
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376 [01:52:56] <vysag> arha, thanks for the hint on Livitin
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380 [01:55:58] <vysag> arha, Daniel Levitin: How to stay calm
when you know you'll be stressed:
381 [01:56:09] <arha> he has a few books
382 [01:56:13] <arha> this is your brain on music is one
383 [01:56:21] <arha> sort of popsci
384 [01:56:31] *** Quits: carleos (~yaaic@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
385 [01:56:32] <arha> and another one, much more scientific,
dealing with information overload
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388 [01:57:12] <arha> that is the ted with the forgotten
passport, isn't it?
389 [01:58:09] <transhuman> hi I am close (1 package away from
getting this working unfortunately even though libboost for ubuntu
packages are close they are not exactly the same 1.54 vs 1.55 I cant
seem to get the packages correct enough to run nvidias digits
api...anyone have any ideas?
390 [01:58:29] *** Quits: mdmcaf_ (~textual@replaced-ip ) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
391 [01:58:58] <transhuman> 1.55 exists in debian 1.54 is the
required versions
392 [01:59:27] <vysag> arha, I'm gonna sleep now. I would
contact you in a couple of days when I have listened to the CD. Are
you always connected or only on specific times.
393 [01:59:38] <vysag> ??
394 [02:00:01] <arha> i'm always conencted here
395 [02:00:09] <arha> i might not reply, but i get the messages
396 [02:00:22] <arha> i will reply eventually when we're
both online
397 [02:00:44] <vysag> arha, good, bye
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401 [02:01:15] <arha> good, goodbye
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429 [02:20:07] <ZitZ> if i have multiple subkeys for my mobile
devices, which key do i have signed at a keysigning party?
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431 [02:20:41] <epsilon> primary key
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433 [02:21:06] <ZitZ> how does that work then?
434 [02:21:15] <epsilon> it's about to confirm your
identity, not all your sukeys
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437 [02:22:04] <ZitZ> i see, so while i can upload all my subkeys
to the keyserver, the primary public key is still what confirms my
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439 [02:22:33] <ZitZ> and i sign the subkey with my primary key
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441 [02:24:41] <epsilon> yea, people will confirm your identity,
after that it's up to you to sign whatever
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445 [02:27:24] <ZitZ> and they will send me back my public key,
signed, using their private key, after they download it from the
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447 [02:27:33] <ZitZ> so there is no need to bring your secret
private key to the party
448 [02:27:37] <ZitZ> i think i get it
449 [02:29:33] *** Quits: Mission-Critical (~MissionCr@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
450 [02:29:42] <internat> i probably should get a key one day
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458 [02:37:59] <Hi||ary> alright, why does pcengines tell me that
I have to use their stupid tinycore linux rather than debian to
flash the bios on a pcengines APU2?
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462 [02:38:29] <Hi||ary> and why are they right?
463 [02:38:40] <Hi||ary> why doesn't flashrom work on my APU
from Debian?
464 [02:39:05] *** Quits: Klaus_Dieter (~klaus@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
465 [02:39:30] * Hi||ary rages at
466 [02:40:59] *** Quits: Oggen (~Ogge@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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468 [02:41:44] *** Joins: tensorpudding (~michael@replaced-ip )
469 [02:41:54] <Hi||ary> flashrom -w apu2_160311.rom -p internal
470 [02:42:02] *** Quits: Jane-PC (~Jane@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
471 [02:42:36] <Hi||ary> "FCH device found but SMBus
revision 0x42 does not match known values."
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475 [02:47:15] <amir107> guys look this video it helped me with
windows 10 update it is better than the other one
476 [02:47:18] <amir107> sorry wrong channel
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492 [02:58:12] <Hi||ary> amir107, how embarassing.
493 [02:58:33] <abrotman> it was clearly spam, ignore it
494 [03:00:05] <Hi||ary> oic
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528 [03:20:30] <ceon> Hi
529 [03:20:55] <ceon> I tried to install some software with winw
in debian 8
530 [03:21:04] <ceon> wine
531 [03:21:14] *** Quits: blackwell (~blackwell@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ZNC 1.6.3 - ##replaced-url
532 [03:21:15] <ceon> worked fine
533 [03:21:34] *** Joins: jback (~quassel@replaced-ip )
534 [03:21:43] <ceon> but the F*** Windows Software can not
import files
535 [03:21:54] <ceon> like *.bmp or stuff
536 [03:21:54] *** Quits: Starduster (~guest@replaced-ip ) ()
537 [03:22:18] <missmbob> try #winehq
538 [03:22:24] <ceon> not supportet format?
539 [03:22:37] <ceon> whats this, ji ?
540 [03:22:39] <ceon> hi
541 [03:22:57] *** Parts: cobalt-red (~cobalt-re@replaced-ip )
542 [03:23:00] <ceon> I ll google it thanks
543 [03:23:26] *** Joins: blackwell (~blackwell@replaced-ip )
544 [03:23:38] *** Quits: asc232 (~Keith@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
545 [03:23:38] <ceon> The software needs a lotta Microsoft Net
libaries ..
546 [03:23:55] *** Quits: blackwell (~blackwell@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
547 [03:23:58] <missmbob> ceon: it's an irc channel. type /j
548 [03:24:18] *** Joins: blackwell (~blackwell@replaced-ip )
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551 [03:26:05] *** Quits: blackwell (~blackwell@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
552 [03:26:19] <ceon> und?
553 [03:27:01] <ceon> I hope u are better than me
554 [03:27:17] <ceon> I carry heart on tongue
555 [03:28:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1636
556 [03:28:09] <ceon> in all worlds are some missmbob's
557 [03:28:29] <ceon> or other judges and politicans
558 [03:28:45] *** Joins: blackwell (~blackwell@replaced-ip )
559 [03:28:47] <ceon> much luck :-)
560 [03:29:05] *** Quits: blueness (~blueness@replaced-ip ) (Quit: blueness)
561 [03:29:06] *** Joins: Mission-Critical (~MissionCr@replaced-ip )
562 [03:29:10] *** Quits: blackwell (~blackwell@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
563 [03:29:37] <ceon> I di not know you and you do not jnow me
564 [03:29:46] <ceon> but one is for sure
565 [03:29:51] <ceon> I love Debian
566 [03:30:02] *** Joins: blackwell (~blackwell@replaced-ip )
567 [03:30:15] *** Joins: angerman (~m@replaced-ip )
568 [03:30:32] <ceon> since 15 years I was admin
569 [03:30:40] <ceon> for windows
570 [03:30:47] <ceon> unfortunatly I got sick
571 [03:31:02] <ceon> now I have time for my love ;-)
572 [03:31:28] <ceon> maybe I m a Dau
573 [03:31:40] *** Quits: MissionCritical (~MissionCr@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
574 [03:31:40] <ceon> but at least I got visisons ...
575 [03:32:09] <TomTomTosch> #winehq is still the best place for
your question.
576 [03:32:30] <missmbob> i tried
577 [03:32:56] <ceon> I had a real question please
578 [03:32:58] *** Joins: sidmo (~sidmo@replaced-ip )
579 [03:33:01] <TomTomTosch> yeah, but this was going some place
580 [03:33:12] <ceon> I got two monitors
581 [03:33:16] *** Joins: chrunty (5e06a5c3@replaced-ip )
582 [03:33:27] <missmbob> TomTomTosch: oh...already on /ignore
583 [03:33:28] <ceon> and its the Pest they are running usually
overa KVM
584 [03:33:52] <ceon> what ever is their any new after xrandr?
585 [03:34:03] *** Quits: evanvarvell (~evanvarve@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
586 [03:34:05] <ceon> Debian 8
587 [03:34:28] <TomTomTosch> nothing wrong with xrandr. arandr if
you want a gui frontend.
588 [03:34:59] <ceon> I would love to have it not random
589 [03:35:00] *** Joins: Raed|Mobile (~Raed@replaced-ip )
590 [03:35:08] <TomTomTosch> heh
591 [03:35:21] <ceon> but Im rather a newbie
592 [03:35:26] <ceon> so excuse
593 [03:36:17] *** Quits: blackwell (~blackwell@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ZNC 1.6.3 - ##replaced-url
594 [03:36:19] <TomTomTosch> xrandr - X resize and rotate :P
595 [03:36:25] *** Joins: philipballew (~philip@replaced-ip )
596 [03:36:27] <ceon> I tried to work first time with wine and
some embroiderysoftware
597 [03:36:33] *** Quits: sidmo_ (~sidmo@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
598 [03:37:14] <ceon> Beliefe me TomTom I try everything befor I
knee down open the Hardware lol*
599 [03:37:26] <ceon> Got a bad back
600 [03:37:43] *** Joins: blackwell (~blackwell@replaced-ip )
601 [03:38:05] <ceon> But if u say xrandr is cool
602 [03:38:18] <ceon> I will try tommorow a little
603 [03:38:47] <ceon> Mine debian is like mine pumpkins
604 [03:38:53] <ceon> stubborn ;-)
605 [03:39:22] <ceon> they are never grow along the help :-)
606 [03:39:51] <ceon> Thanks
607 [03:40:55] *** Joins: DammitJim (~DammitJim@replaced-ip )
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637 [04:18:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1629
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646 [04:25:18] <ceon> so ist das
647 [04:26:39] *** Quits: Velveeta_Chef (~Nope@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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654 [04:32:59] *** Joins: i_need_new_nick (~Nazi@replaced-ip )
655 [04:33:06] <i_need_new_nick> phy1729: suck a dong
656 [04:33:09] *** Joins: chachasmooth (~chachasmo@replaced-ip )
657 [04:33:15] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o themill
658 [04:33:17] <i_need_new_nick> phy1729: your mom is a whorebag
659 [04:33:20] <i_need_new_nick> themill: butt out
660 [04:33:31] *** themill sets mode: +b *!*@
661 [04:33:32] *** i_need_new_nick was kicked by themill (On the
Internet nobody can hear you being subtle.)
662 [04:33:34] <themill> i_need_new_nick: play elsewhere
663 [04:33:35] *** themill sets mode: -o themill
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674 [04:41:51] *** Joins: teegee (~teegee@replaced-ip )
675 [04:42:17] <teegee> anyone know if schroot can be used to
avoid, e.g. 64-bit with 32-bit USB driver issues?
676 [04:42:21] <teegee> or will those persist?
677 [04:44:04] *** Quits: Seryth (~Matrix@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
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688 [05:00:28] *** Joins: Klaus_Dieter (~klaus@replaced-ip )
689 [05:00:52] <themill> teegee: you might need to explain that a
bit more
690 [05:02:20] <ephemer0l> Hey, all. Looking for advice on how to
add *one* package from unstable. And after adding the unstable repo,
will that automagicly trigger updates for all available packages
when apt-get upgrade is ran?
691 [05:02:34] *** Quits: kzimmermann (~kzimmerma@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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693 [05:02:48] <themill> ephemer0l: which package is it
you're looking for?
694 [05:03:08] <ephemer0l> themill: helping someone with an
odroid, and I need g++
695 [05:03:23] <ephemer0l> they are on Debian 8 currently
696 [05:03:25] <themill> that's not a good plan (and
you'll need plenty more than g++)
697 [05:03:40] <ephemer0l> heh, so dist-upgrade, then?
698 [05:03:59] <themill> they're certainly not going to
thank you for dumping them on sid
699 [05:04:01] *** Quits: ceon (~universe@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
700 [05:04:12] *** Joins: Leah0 (~p3n|$@
701 [05:04:14] * ephemer0l ponders
702 [05:04:20] *** Quits: SCHAAP137 (~dorian@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
703 [05:04:44] <ephemer0l> well, thanks for your wisdom and
insight themill. I'll convey the news. Be well.
704 [05:04:47] <teegee> I am trying to run a program which can
grab a screenshot from an oscilloscope, which can be connected via
TCPIP or USB. The site says that the TCPIP connection will work, but
the USB one will be much faster -- but it "doesn't work on
64-bit systems"
705 [05:04:54] <Leah0> i'm trying to mount a USB as -o rw,
but it keeps telling me it is write protected. it's not a
hardware issue. it's the fact that the partition is write
protected. how can I fix this?
706 [05:04:56] *** Joins: Fox682 (~fox@replaced-ip )
707 [05:05:11] <teegee> I think it might use the usbtmc driver,
which evidently has a good 32-bit implementation but no or a bad
64-bit one, I'm not sure yet.
708 [05:05:22] <teegee> i was wondering if this could surely be
solved by running the program inside a 32-bit schroot.
709 [05:05:31] *** Quits: SynrGy (~synrg@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
710 [05:05:33] <teegee> if indeed it's a driver-like issue.
711 [05:06:09] <themill> ephemer0l: do you really need g++ 6?
712 [05:06:28] *** Quits: SynrG (~synrg@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
713 [05:06:41] <ephemer0l> themill: unfortunately
714 [05:07:20] <themill> teegee: if it's truly a kernel
level "driver" then a chroot isn't going to help you
but then there's also no reason why it should be arch-specific
like that
715 [05:07:27] *** Joins: CrazyTux[m] (~CrazyTuxm@replaced-ip )
716 [05:07:38] <themill> teegee: got a URL for this beast?
717 [05:07:46] *** Quits: wildlander (~wild@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Saliendo)
718 [05:07:46] <teegee> themill: sure, use google translate.
719 [05:07:58] *** Parts: lne (~88@replaced-ip )
720 [05:08:17] <ephemer0l> themill: g++-arm-linux-gnueabi is what
I'm after
721 [05:08:33] <teegee> themill:
722 [05:08:39] <teegee> themill: that's the program.
723 [05:09:00] <themill> ephemer0l: ahh, cross-compiling can be
done other ways if GCC 6 is not actually a requirement
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725 [05:09:37] *** Quits: yeats (~chris@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
726 [05:09:40] <ephemer0l> themill: how tough is it to cross
compile and create a .deb?
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729 [05:10:53] <themill> teegee: I'm not seeing anything
there about linux
730 [05:11:11] <teegee> themill: yeah, curious, the page i
remember had linux on it. one second
731 [05:11:43] <ephemer0l> themill: found this...
732 [05:11:51] <themill> ephemer0l: my preferred approach is to
use qemu to emulate it or do it on a compatible device. There are
also ways of doing it directly
733 [05:12:21] *** Quits: cyborg-one (~cyborg-on@replaced-ip ) (Quit: cyborg-one)
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735 [05:12:46] <teegee> themill: huh. it appears he simply
stripped the page of linux
736 [05:12:49] <teegee>
737 [05:13:22] <teegee> anyway, that is a theoretical question
about it. I have an operation question.
738 [05:13:33] *** Joins: bertbob (~bertbob@replaced-ip )
739 [05:13:48] <teegee> How the heck do I boot a 32-bit schroot
inside 64-bit? To get bash I need some /lib, but all of my /lib is
740 [05:13:56] <teegee> people say 'copy it over' but
that seems wrong.
741 [05:14:10] *** Quits: awal1 (~awal1@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
742 [05:14:27] <themill> teegee: when you build the chroot, all
of that is done for you; the necessary libraries are inside the
743 [05:14:35] *** Joins: asc232 (~Keith@replaced-ip )
744 [05:14:40] <teegee> themill: except I can't start it
because bash fails to start
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748 [05:15:29] <ephemer0l> there is no multilib support?
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754 [05:17:04] <themill> teegee: how did you create the chroot?
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759 [05:17:15] <teegee> themill: yep, one second. i recorded
that, I think.
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762 [05:18:49] <themill> (debootstrap --arch i386 should dtrt;
you shoudln't need the libc6:i386 packages on the host)
763 [05:19:12] <teegee> originally i tried that
764 [05:19:16] <teegee> then i did --variant=buildd
765 [05:19:26] <teegee> i think i was going to try
--variant=minbase next
766 [05:20:01] <teegee> so the full command was: udo debootstrap
--arch i386 precise /media/sde1/chroot/precise_i386 --variant=buildd
767 [05:20:06] *** Joins: pencilandpaper (~penciland@replaced-ip )
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769 [05:20:36] <teegee> is no /bin/bash directory inside chroot.
Make sure you point it to where bash (or other shell's)
executable is in chroot directory.
770 [05:20:39] <teegee> err
771 [05:20:43] <teegee> i am getting errors like this:
772 [05:20:46] <teegee>
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782 [05:25:48] <teegee> themill: I am more or less following the
script outlined here:
783 [05:25:57] <teegee> themill: if you see any steps that would
cause a problem, let me know
784 [05:27:22] <pencilandpaper> teegee are you just trying to
make a script executable?
785 [05:27:45] <teegee> pencilandpaper: no, it runs fine. but it
fails to detect a USB device that's there.
786 [05:27:58] <teegee> pencilandpaper: but the command
that's failing is shcroot -c precise_i386
787 [05:28:09] *** Quits: LNJ2GO (~lnj@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
788 [05:28:09] <teegee> oh, wait, perhaps i'm a total idiot.
789 [05:28:24] <haxx0r> who
790 [05:28:26] <teegee> lol. it's not failing. i'm in
the prefix (precise_i386)
791 [05:29:04] <pencilandpaper> So did you get it working ok
792 [05:29:08] <teegee> i'm not sure.
793 [05:29:14] *** Quits: asc232 (~Keith@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Saliendo)
794 [05:29:19] *** Quits: CrazyTux[m] (~CrazyTuxm@replaced-ip ) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
795 [05:29:20] <teegee> uname -a is i686, that's not a good
796 [05:29:27] <teegee> oh, yes it is.
797 [05:29:41] <teegee> themill: le sigh. let me stop talking and
start trying to progress. thanks for the help
798 [05:29:41] <pencilandpaper> Cool. :)
799 [05:29:44] <teegee> pencilandpaper: you too.
800 [05:29:54] <pencilandpaper> Yw teegee..have fun man.
801 [05:30:16] <themill> teegee: ;)
802 [05:30:25] <teegee> well now I have to try to install all of
the deps
803 [05:31:13] <teegee> oops, sudo isn't right...
804 [05:32:26] <pencilandpaper> What depends are you trying to
install, and for what teegee?
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807 [05:32:50] <teegee> pencilandpaper: just enough to run this
808 [05:32:53] <teegee> so gtk, things like that
809 [05:33:06] <pencilandpaper> Ok, and .deb's?
810 [05:33:16] <teegee> yep, I assume that stuff will just work
811 [05:33:46] <pencilandpaper> Ok, then go su root..and then
run: dpkg -i nameofpackage.deb
812 [05:34:01] <teegee> yeah, i can't SU root, i don't
think I set a passowrd.
813 [05:34:03] <teegee> sudo isn't working
814 [05:34:05] <pencilandpaper> If you type the first few letters
of the package name and hit tab it should complete it for you.
815 [05:34:28] <pencilandpaper> sudo su?
816 [05:34:42] <teegee> sudo anything will fail. one sec.
817 [05:34:55] <pencilandpaper> And you can't enter: su root
818 [05:35:00] *** Quits: meLon (~meLon@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
819 [05:35:06] <teegee> I can, but I don't know the password
for root, because I have never set one.
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822 [05:35:32] <pencilandpaper> Try root, and see if it works.
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825 [05:36:16] <teegee> oh, i see, if I start the schroot as
root, I can be root.
826 [05:37:05] <pencilandpaper> Ok, but what does that have to do
with installing the depends. Can you do that?
827 [05:37:11] <teegee> pencilandpaper: about to find out
828 [05:37:15] <pencilandpaper> Cool. :)
829 [05:37:41] <themill> teegee: for getting root in the chroot,
remember that you can schroot -u root
830 [05:37:50] *** Quits: Velveeta_Chef (~Nope@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
831 [05:37:59] <teegee> themill: ok. evidently just su - outside,
or sudo schroot works too
832 [05:38:04] <teegee> little surprised at that, but whatever
833 [05:38:20] <pencilandpaper> Brb, I am going to go and restart
real quick.
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837 [05:40:23] <teegee> lol, i love it when you install one
package and it has like 200 deps
838 [05:40:44] <teegee> well that's not a good error
839 [05:40:45] <teegee> dpkg: error processing
(--unpack): symbolic link
'/usr/share/man/man1/perl5.14.2.1.gz' size has changed
from 26 to 9
840 [05:40:45] <dpkg> teegee: That isn't an error, post the
whole output to a pastebin (/msg dpkg pastebin).
841 [05:41:17] <teegee> well that's a funny bot response
842 [05:41:25] <themill> it's true too
843 [05:41:30] <themill> you quite probably don't want to
install recommended packages inside the chroot; when it comes to
ubuntu packages inside your chroot, you'll need to ask #ubuntu
844 [05:42:36] <teegee> oh, i'm ubuntu on the outside too,
but I figured schroot was a debian thing
845 [05:42:45] <themill> grr
846 [05:42:58] <teegee> in the sense that debian people would
understand it
847 [05:43:01] <teegee> and ubuntu people might
848 [05:43:04] <teegee> (not)
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868 [05:55:22] <fff> Do nividia cards run better than amd cards
on linux?
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871 [05:55:47] <ShamblerGmx> Hello, Debian! May be I don't
understand something, but looks like this CVE-2016-5696 is very
dangerous vulnerability and looks likes nobody fix it yet:
872 [05:55:50] <teegee> fff: are you trying to start a fire?
873 [05:56:07] <teegee> themill: it looks like this latest error
is actually me stupidly trying to do this onto NTFS (shame on me)
874 [05:56:53] <ShamblerGmx> My question is: It's really
dangerous? If yes, why it's not fixed?
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882 [05:59:30] <_rubik> ShamblerGmx: Oh shit. Thanks for pointing
this out. I'm not sure how much I personally can do about it,
but we should certainly look into it.
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884 [06:00:39] *** Quits: aaro (~aaro@replaced-ip ) (Quit: aaro)
885 [06:00:48] <_rubik> ShamblerGmx: Wait it looks like Linus
himself tried his hand at fixing this.
886 [06:00:51] <_rubik>
887 [06:02:03] <ShamblerGmx> _rubik, I may be wrong, but this bug
in tcp/ip stack allow to modify data in unencrypted connections and
break any another connections. This is proof of concept:
888 [06:02:10] *** Quits: MoonkYang (~moonkyang@replaced-ip ) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
889 [06:02:23] <themill> ShamblerGmx: the relevant patch has
already been included by the maintainers in the next upload
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892 [06:04:11] <ShamblerGmx> _rubik, Yes, Linus himself fix it in
4.7 kernel, but in Debian/Centos looks like this bug exists...
893 [06:04:36] <ShamblerGmx> themill, Oh, thank you. When it will
be ready for update? And can it be fixed in wheezy?
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899 [06:09:22] <themill> already fixed for wheezy in git too
900 [06:10:30] *** Quits: anuxivm (~anuxi@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving.)
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912 [06:19:27] <Leah0> i'm used to systemd. how can I get a
script to *properly* run on boot (iptables script)? NOTE: I do not
have access to the system while it is ONLINE, only when it is
offline. So I can't pass commands -- other than by modifying
913 [06:21:03] *** Joins: pencilandpaper (~skribblez@replaced-ip )
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917 [06:25:43] <ShamblerGmx> themill, I'm sorry, that bother
you, but what is "in git"? Is it means, that we will just
wait and new kernel update will be available in apt as usual?
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919 [06:26:16] <themill> yes
920 [06:26:55] <ShamblerGmx> themill, Thank you.
921 [06:26:57] <themill> The patches were applied to the source
37 hours ago; when the new packages actually get produced I
don't know. Kernel updates are such a pain for everyone they
tend to get clumped
922 [06:27:37] <Leah0> i presume rc.local is where I should add
my script, in sysvinit?
923 [06:27:50] <ShamblerGmx> So, thank you for your work,
peoples, it's awesome.
924 [06:27:56] <themill> ShamblerGmx:
925 [06:28:27] *** Quits: crazyglitch (~crazyglit@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
926 [06:28:37] <ShamblerGmx> themill, I'll keep it in my
927 [06:28:49] <Leah0> what does "in order to enable or
disable this script just change the execution bits" mean?
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942 [06:52:37] <StoBrendo> hi there. Could fltk 1.3 be installed
through apt?
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948 [06:54:28] <StoBrendo> ok nvm, it is libfltk1.3
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967 [07:05:22] <nevyn> 0/win 8
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983 [07:34:33] <Ryuken> I'm getting [405272.704745] Out of
memory in UB 45713: OOM killed process 19754 (npm) score 0
vm:1307620kB, rss:110136kB, swap:25328kB
984 [07:34:38] <Ryuken> How do I change my swap?
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994 [07:40:43] <jmcnaught> Ryuken: what do you want to change
about your swap?
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1008 [07:50:16] <bibble> "nr_pdflush_threads exported in
/proc is scheduled for removal"
1009 [07:50:20] <bibble> "sysctl: The scan_unevictable_pages
sysctl/node-interface has been disabled for lack of a legitimate use
case. If you have one, please send an email to"
1010 [07:50:39] <bibble> Just had those kernal messages... not
sure if OK ?
1011 [07:52:50] <bibble> Have altered '/etc/sysctl.conf'
to forward IPv4 for OpenVPN... maybe related.. ?
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1027 [08:21:21] <Leah0> how can I escape qemu?
1028 [08:21:27] <Leah0> i'm in it via ssh
1029 [08:21:34] <Leah0> -curses
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1040 [08:37:49] <nkuttler> Leah0: what do you mean?
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1109 [09:21:04] <ochiottes> Good morning
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1111 [09:22:20] <ochiottes> How will I get a list of all the linux
kernel source files used to configure and compile my current debian
1112 [09:23:36] <ochiottes> I don't want those listed which
aren't used
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1115 [09:25:24] <Lowl3v3l> ochiottes, you can't know directly
from the kernel executable
1116 [09:25:56] <ochiottes> yes
1117 [09:26:00] <Lowl3v3l> ochiottes, you COULD ask the package
maintainer to get the .config and try working from there, though
this will be really difficult
1118 [09:26:32] <Lowl3v3l> ochiottes, you can exclude some
directories without a problem, but... it will be hard^^
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1131 [09:37:50] <ochiottes> I reckon this is an important question
that probably has been discussed before
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1152 [09:55:47] <jim> I notice the xwayland doesn't come with
a man page for the executable Xwayland... are there docs? and if so
where can I find them?
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1235 [11:01:03] <Azitrex> think i have root user and alice user ,
alice have encrypted partition on their Home , could main root user
to open files of encrepted partition of /home from alice ? this
question is for security level of encrypted partition that is
encrypted always or root could to decrypte them
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1240 [11:03:07] <LinuxMediaCodecs> Azi: without too many details,
root has permissions to read any partition
1241 [11:03:18] <LinuxMediaCodecs> so the answer is yes
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1246 [11:04:14] <digdilem> although if the encryption is based on
a keyphrase that is not stored on the computer, then root won't
know it so won't be able to decrypt
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1254 [11:07:47] -JabberMouth- Check out my new channel, #yummycunt
1255 [11:08:38] <JabberMouth> Check out my new channel, #yummycunt
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1263 [11:13:38] <lowin> I installed xfce on my kde system using
tasksel. Then removed kde by executing "apt-get remove
kde*" and cleaning up with "apt-get autoremove"
1264 [11:13:47] <JabberMouth> lowin: Check out my new channel,
1265 [11:14:20] <lowin> all works except adwaita theme looks very
ugly. and setting the cursor using the appearance settings only
changes it for qt programs
1266 [11:14:23] <lowin> any idea?
1267 [11:15:34] <JabberMouth> yeah
1268 [11:15:34] <bazhang> !ops | JabberMouth
1269 [11:15:34] <dpkg> Hydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH,
mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel,
zobel, themill, babilen, SynrG, jm_, somiaj, jelly: bazhang
complains about: | JabberMouth
1270 [11:15:52] <JabberMouth> !ops | bazhang
1271 [11:15:52] <dpkg> Hydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH,
mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel,
zobel, themill, babilen, SynrG, jm_, somiaj, jelly: jabbermouth
complains about: | bazhang
1272 [11:15:54] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o jelly
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1274 [11:15:55] *** jelly sets mode: +b *!*@
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1281 [11:17:50] <bibble> ssh conection always freezing for a few
seconds inthe middle of typing etc. any solution to help prevent
this ?
1282 [11:18:02] <JonathanD> hi
1283 [11:18:06] <bibble> hello
1284 [11:18:31] *** Quits: catsup (~d@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1285 [11:18:46] <bibble> ...happens with all connections to all
1286 [11:19:30] <jelly> bibble: make sure you have enough
bandwidth, both transmit and receive, to avoid lag with tcp-based
protocols like ssh
1287 [11:20:05] <lowin> How can I see which package pulled a
particular package as dependency?
1288 [11:20:09] <jelly> bibble: is your endpoint on an asymetrical
connection like DSL?
1289 [11:20:20] <nkuttler> lowin: aptitude why foo
1290 [11:20:28] <lowin> ah thanks
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1293 [11:20:55] <bibble> Thanks jelly . Yep, home broadband.
nothing else using the internet; still happens ;_;
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1296 [11:22:18] <jelly> bibble: wired or wireless? Try a wired
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1299 [11:23:06] <bibble> Ah, wireless router make a difference ?,
will try ethernet then, to troubleshoot.
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1305 [11:26:13] <archification> How is everyone? Would anyone be
able to offer some assitance? Trying to apt-get install mpg123
1306 [11:26:51] <archification> unable to locate package. Tried
apt-get update. Still unable to locate package. Tried making sure
sources list was proper. Still unable to locate package
1307 [11:27:29] <Xin> archification have you tried apt-cache
search mpeg123
1308 [11:27:45] *** Joins: Rish (~quassel@replaced-ip )
1309 [11:28:15] <archification> so it is mpeg123 and not mpg123?
1310 [11:28:36] <Xin> nah its mpg123 soz typo
1311 [11:28:43] *** Quits: donofrio (~donofrio@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
1312 [11:28:54] <Xin> you might have your sources configured wrong
or something
1313 [11:29:01] <Xin> worked for me with apt-get install mpg123
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1322 [11:31:48] <archification> Would it be possible for you to
paste bin your resource file contents?
1323 [11:31:56] *** Joins: BWMerlin (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip )
1324 [11:32:00] <archification> source*
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1358 [11:49:54] <DM> hi guys
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1362 [11:50:23] <DM> i have a problem with debian 8.5
1363 [11:51:49] <DM> A start job is running for LSB: NFS support
files co...45s / no limit
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1368 [11:53:22] <DM> debian does not start.
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1388 [12:08:20] <eti_> Start in recovery mode
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1466 [13:07:28] <ochiottes> Where would I find information about
any packages "section"?
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1468 [13:08:32] <ochiottes> I assume there's an sqlite db
1469 [13:10:14] <themill> What are you trying to find?
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1473 [13:12:49] <ochiottes> Every package seems to be in one of
the ~56 sections, it's the information I get from aptitude
show. And now I want to find every packages section
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1477 [13:14:42] <themill> ochiottes: it's all in the Packages
file. The easiest way to list them all is grep-dctrl although I
don't know that it's useful data.
1478 [13:15:05] <quinnw> I'm under the impression $((1..10))
is recommended rather than $(seq 1 10). I can't get the first
method to work when the first argument is a variable like ${foo} set
to a number
1479 [13:15:08] <ochiottes> themill: Thank you
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1481 [13:15:34] <quinnw> How can I use the preferred method and
avoid this problem?
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1538 [13:58:50] <davidcsi> hello guys, i tried getting help on
##iptables but doesn't look like there anyone alive there...
hello guys, i have a road warrior on pptp, that goes through the
pptp server to the internet on eth0. And i want to block any
connection from any road warrior on ppp0 to port 5061 on the
internet via eth0... i tried with iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -i ppp
1539 [13:58:50] <davidcsi> 0 --dport 5061 -j DROP but this
doesn't seem to be doing it... am I doing it wrong?
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1545 [13:59:38] <mrsvee> Wrong chan.
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1643 [15:03:53] <hiya> which font is used by Hexchat in Debian?
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1646 [15:04:43] <themill> hiya: whichever one you have configured
for your gtk2 theme, I assume
1647 [15:05:42] <hiya> themill, which is default one?
1648 [15:05:44] <hiya> I mess it up
1649 [15:05:46] <hiya> :(
1650 [15:05:52] <themill> nfc
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1664 [15:11:52] <jelly> hiya: hexchat has a command line parameter
to use a different (eg. empty or nonexistent) config directory, you
can use that and compare
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1667 [15:13:00] <jelly> hiya: hexchat --help lists: -u,
--configdir Show user config directory, and also -d, --cfgdir=PATH
Use a different config directory
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1669 [15:15:22] <Strykar> I'm currently running 1 instance of
an HTTP proxy, privoxy
1670 [15:17:11] <Strykar> make another copy of /etc/init.d/privoxy
and point that to the 2nd config?
1671 [15:17:55] <hiya> jelly, ok thanks
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1688 [15:29:22] <Strykar> hmm, tried that and it tells me
"[....] Starting privoxy2 (via systemctl):
privoxy2.serviceFailed to start privoxy2.service: Unit
privoxy2.service failed to load: No such file or directory."
1689 [15:29:38] <Strykar> do I need to register privoxy2 as a
service with systemd?
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1692 [15:31:49] <themill> Strykar: sounds like it comes with its
own unit file so that's what you need to duplicate+modify, not
the init script
1693 [15:32:12] <Strykar> themill, where is the unit file located
1694 [15:32:39] *** Quits: thomas (~thomas@replaced-ip ) (Quit: leaving)
1695 [15:32:40] <themill> /lib/systemd/system/
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1697 [15:32:58] <Strykar> I assumed the init script would have to
be modified as that points to the original config and that needs to
change, along with PID and logfile names
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1700 [15:33:41] <themill> if there's a systemd unit, the init
script won't be used at all
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1704 [15:34:17] <Strykar> I see, sweet, this looks simple enough
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1710 [15:36:54] <Strykar> themill, do I need to enable the service
before starting it?
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1713 [15:38:26] <themill> systemctl daemon-reload
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1718 [15:41:29] <Strykar> I did that, and I get
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1720 [15:41:54] <han-solo> hey
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1722 [15:43:02] <Strykar> themill, works after running systemctl
daemon-reload again, tyvm
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1724 [15:43:12] <han-solo> what's the best way to get what
error caused the system restart, using journalctl, or dmesg?
1725 [15:43:19] <Strykar> will systemd autostart it now?
1726 [15:43:31] <Strykar> on reboot that is
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1799 [16:40:01] <MaBunny> hello guys
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1801 [16:41:03] <MaBunny> so i followed those steps,and today
tried a fresh install of deb jessie with basic linux packages and
ssh server and all but any gui thing
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1803 [16:41:38] <MaBunny> i tried using grub-install but it keeps
me telling tht /mnt is busy
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1805 [16:42:01] <MaBunny> pls help
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1813 [16:46:02] <narcan> MaBunny: Hi, what do you want exactly?
which steps did you followed ?
1814 [16:46:08] *** Joins: RebelCoder (~Yuriy@replaced-ip )
1815 [16:46:15] <Silverlight> hello
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1818 [16:46:52] <TomTomTo1> MaBunny: what do you have mounted in
/mnt and your installation didn't install grub correctly or why
are your trying to run grub-install?
1819 [16:47:00] *** Quits: philipballew (~philip@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
1820 [16:47:26] <narcan> yes, we need more informations
1821 [16:48:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1670
1822 [16:48:09] <MaBunny> TomTomTo1: i installed the basic linux
system but couldnt get grub properly installed bcoz i got confused
btween those many usb drives
1823 [16:48:33] *** Parts: Silverlight (uid179682@replaced-ip )
1824 [16:48:34] <MaBunny> so i tried installing grub manually from
my current desktop (deb) which im speaking from
1825 [16:48:42] <TomTomTo1> paste the whole command and output to please.
1826 [16:49:11] <MaBunny> i tried grub-install ....
-boot-directory=/mnt and mount /dev/sdc /mnt b4 tht
1827 [16:49:13] *** Joins: meseira (~meseira@replaced-ip )
1828 [16:49:15] <MaBunny> ok
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1831 [16:50:22] *** Joins: _chaky_ (~chaky@replaced-ip )
1832 [16:50:59] <TomTomTo1> so you want your boot directory on
sdc. that'
1833 [16:51:04] <TomTomTo1> * s weird.
1834 [16:51:45] *** Joins: wildlander (~wild@replaced-ip )
1835 [16:51:56] <TomTomTo1> did it mount correctly?
1836 [16:52:16] <TomTomTo1> else umount and mount sdc again.
1837 [16:52:22] *** Quits: RebelCoder (~Yuriy@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
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1840 [16:52:56] <MaBunny> wait im posting
1841 [16:53:28] <wsky> anyone using mate on Jessie here?
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1848 [16:55:22] <ByteStorm> hello
1849 [16:55:28] <ByteStorm> srry got disconnect
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1852 [16:56:14] <ByteStorm> TomTomTo1: heres the link:
1853 [16:56:21] <wsky> anyone seen his/her de logging out instead
of rebooting when invoked from menu?
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1857 [16:58:07] <TomTomTo1> ByteStorm: because sdb is already
mounted. you would have to bind mount to have it in multiple places,
but your setup is weird and i think you have to overthink what you
are doing.
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1859 [16:58:26] <ByteStorm> ok
1860 [16:58:28] *** Quits: dvs (~hibbard@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1861 [16:58:35] <ByteStorm> can you pls tell me what to do,im
1862 [16:58:51] *** Quits: MoonkYan_ (~moonkyang@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
1863 [16:59:09] <TomTomTo1> ByteStorm: why is sda HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
1864 [16:59:27] <ByteStorm> its a Win7 disk
1865 [16:59:41] *** Butt3rfl1 is now known as Butt3rfly
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1867 [16:59:48] <ByteStorm> im installed the fresh one on sdb
1868 [17:00:27] *** Joins: jass93 (~ifillj@replaced-ip )
1869 [17:00:49] <TomTomTo1> okay. so where did you install your
surrent system? sdb or sdc?
1870 [17:01:16] <ByteStorm> sdb
1871 [17:01:32] *** Quits: LNJ2GO (~lnj@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
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1873 [17:04:22] <TomTomTo1> if ByteStorm so your boot directory
will be the default /boot/ you don't have to mount anything if
you are inside the running system.
1874 [17:04:27] *** Quits: betaboon (~betaboon@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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1876 [17:04:33] <TomTomTo1> s/if//
1877 [17:04:43] <ByteStorm> im ByteStorm
1878 [17:05:11] *** Quits: Ishaq (~Ishaq@replaced-ip ) (Excess Flood)
1879 [17:05:18] <ByteStorm> sdc is my new install,im going to use
the cli debian from it
1880 [17:05:28] *** Joins: betaboon (~betaboon@replaced-ip )
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1882 [17:05:59] *** Quits: th0r (~th0r@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Bye)
1883 [17:06:05] <ByteStorm> srry sdb
1884 [17:06:46] <ByteStorm> ill do a umount and mount
1885 [17:07:06] *** Joins: blueness (~blueness@replaced-ip )
1886 [17:07:28] *** Joins: quinnw (~AndChat52@replaced-ip )
1887 [17:07:36] <TomTomTo1> no, your boot directory is already
mounted if you are currently running that system.
1888 [17:07:41] <ByteStorm> how do i check the ID of sdb5/1
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1891 [17:07:59] <ByteStorm> ok,so /mnt is already mounted?
1892 [17:08:11] *** Quits: quinnw (~AndChat52@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
1893 [17:08:14] <ByteStorm> TomTomTo1: i hav an idea
1894 [17:08:37] <ByteStorm> while i start my cli debian/sdb on my
1895 [17:08:41] <TomTomTo1> no, /boot/ is already mounted. i have
no idea which instructions you follow, but they are not what you
1896 [17:08:57] <ByteStorm> i get into the grub shell....
1897 [17:09:09] *** Quits: blueness (~blueness@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
1898 [17:09:13] <ByteStorm> can i use these commands from tht
1899 [17:09:18] *** Joins: LtL (~irssi@replaced-ip )
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1904 [17:13:01] <ByteStorm> TomTomTo1: ?
1905 [17:13:18] *** Joins: clu5ter (~staff@replaced-ip )
1906 [17:13:21] <TomTomTo1> no.
1907 [17:13:36] <ByteStorm> then....can you pls help
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1910 [17:14:05] <ByteStorm> pls...i have been trying since 2 days
1911 [17:14:52] *** Joins: Tom01 (~tom@replaced-ip )
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1916 [17:16:37] <TomTomTo1> so you are currently inside the system
with broken grub installation, then grub-install /dev/sdx is what
installs grub to whatever drive you want with /boot/ of the /
currently in use as boot directory.
1917 [17:17:43] <ByteStorm> in my 32gb gui debian install
with the 16gb cli debian mounted as a disk with a broken grub
1918 [17:18:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1676
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1921 [17:18:08] <ByteStorm> the 16 gb disk is what i want to
install grubb on,which is sdb
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1926 [17:20:30] <TomTomTo1> ah, got it. which partition of sdb
contains your boot directory? you need to mount that not the device.
1927 [17:20:44] *** Quits: hualet (~hualet@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
1928 [17:20:47] <TomTomTo1> probably /dev/sdb1
1929 [17:20:57] <ByteStorm> wait
1930 [17:21:14] <ByteStorm> yup tht one
1931 [17:22:28] *** h4ndy is now known as H4ndy
1932 [17:22:52] *** Quits: narcan (~narcan@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1933 [17:23:36] <TomTomTo1> check if something is mounted in /mnt
using df -aTh first.
1934 [17:23:46] *** Quits: Guest74558 (~sbine@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
1935 [17:24:11] <ByteStorm> can you specify the whole command?
1936 [17:24:58] <TomTomTo1> df -aTh | grep mnt
1937 [17:25:15] *** Joins: tlaxkit (~hexchat@replaced-ip )
1938 [17:25:57] <ByteStorm> nope,it doesnt show anything
1939 [17:26:19] <TomTomTo1> then mount sdb1
1940 [17:26:47] <ByteStorm> ok,on /mnt ?
1941 [17:27:02] *** Joins: OS-23726 (~OS-23726@replaced-ip )
1942 [17:27:21] <ByteStorm> yup done,mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt
1943 [17:27:21] <TomTomTo1> whereever you want.
1944 [17:27:32] <ByteStorm> ok but
1945 [17:27:52] <ByteStorm> isnt the whole /boot directory on
/sdb1 ?
1946 [17:27:57] *** Quits: MoonkYa__ (~moonkyang@replaced-ip ) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
1947 [17:28:32] *** Quits: Janos (~Janos@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
1948 [17:29:03] <OS-23726> hi
1949 [17:29:12] <TomTomTo1> yes, now you can specify the
boot-directory path to grub-install
1950 [17:29:15] *** Joins: dfsgs (~sgdsg@replaced-ip )
1951 [17:29:23] *** Joins: ElectroMotive (~spider@replaced-ip )
1952 [17:29:26] <ByteStorm> ok
1953 [17:29:39] *** Joins: eki (~eki@replaced-ip )
1954 [17:29:51] <ElectroMotive> well then
1955 [17:29:52] *** Joins: Janos (~Janos@replaced-ip )
1956 [17:30:02] *** Joins: dvs (~gilford@replaced-ip )
1957 [17:30:08] <ElectroMotive> long time no see
1958 [17:30:19] <ByteStorm> hey TomTomTo1
1959 [17:30:24] *** Joins: Satchmo (~louis@replaced-ip )
1960 [17:30:38] *** Quits: fossrox (~fossrox@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Free Software, Free Hardware, Free Culture, Free Spectrum)
1961 [17:30:41] *** Quits: edoardo (~edoardo@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Quitting)
1962 [17:30:45] <ByteStorm> will it be or
1963 [17:31:05] <TomTomTo1> it will be /mnt/boot
1964 [17:31:11] <ByteStorm> ok
1965 [17:31:12] *** Quits: netzfisch (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1966 [17:31:38] <ByteStorm> ElectroMotive ask your question bro
1967 [17:31:51] <ElectroMotive> alright
1968 [17:31:54] *** Joins: The_Loko (~The_Loko@replaced-ip )
1969 [17:32:04] <ByteStorm> ok TomTomTo1 its installed...hope to
get it working
1970 [17:32:15] <ByteStorm> brb gonna reboot
1971 [17:32:18] <ElectroMotive> so i did a full reformat
overwriting with 0's and then did a fresh install
1972 [17:32:28] *** Quits: ByteStorm (~Peter@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Bye guys hav a good time :))
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1974 [17:32:35] *** Joins: fossrox (~fossrox@replaced-ip )
1975 [17:32:56] <ElectroMotive> and after i booted into the system
after the install i did the typical update/upgrade etc.
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1978 [17:33:12] <ElectroMotive> now the system will not boot but i
still have grub
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2006 [17:45:53] *** Joins: MaBunny (~Peter@replaced-ip )
2007 [17:46:33] <orb> I'm having a weird issue where
apparently fsck.ext4 can't find my root partition because it
complains about it at boot time. Yet the system boots fine.
2008 [17:46:35] <MaBunny> TomTomTo1 !!!
2009 [17:46:43] <MaBunny> it didnt work bro
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2012 [17:47:09] *** Joins: patterson (~patterson@replaced-ip )
2013 [17:47:21] <MaBunny> it again takes me to the Grub shell
2014 [17:47:29] *** Joins: murfjr (~douseiais@replaced-ip )
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2018 [17:48:51] <frostschutz> orb, check your fstab for typos
2019 [17:49:19] *** Quits: johnkeates (~johnkeate@replaced-ip ) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
2020 [17:49:34] <orb> i have looked at it. Right after install,
the fstab was empty ... which also confuses me.
2021 [17:49:39] <orb> although the behavior was the same.
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2023 [17:50:27] *** Joins: Ad1 (~Ad1_RnR@replaced-ip )
2024 [17:50:35] <orb> there was a line in fstab saying essentially
that it was an placeholder file for setup.
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2026 [17:50:43] *** Quits: andor2007 (~andor2007@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Ex-Chat)
2027 [17:50:43] <TomTomTo1> MaBunny: did you boot from the correct
2028 [17:50:51] <MaBunny> yeah pal
2029 [17:50:52] *** Quits: timahvo1 (~rogue@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2030 [17:51:06] <MaBunny> i did,but it again take me to the Grub
2031 [17:51:10] <MaBunny> *menu
2032 [17:51:22] <TomTomTo1> where else should it take you?
2033 [17:51:32] *** Quits: robotroll (~robotroll@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2034 [17:51:45] *** Quits: tlaxkit (~hexchat@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2035 [17:51:46] <TomTomTo1> if it's the normal graphical
menu. a cmd line would be bad.
2036 [17:51:56] *** Joins: andor2007 (~andor2007@replaced-ip )
2037 [17:51:58] <MaBunny> it should run the system,login to my
root user
2038 [17:52:16] <MaBunny> no just terminal stuff installed
2039 [17:52:29] *** Joins: tlaxkit (~hexchat@replaced-ip )
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2043 [17:52:55] <MaBunny> but it shouldnt be grub sshell,should
2044 [17:53:21] <TomTomTo1> no, that usually means it can't
find the boot directory.
2045 [17:53:38] <MaBunny> yeah
2046 [17:53:56] <MaBunny> so it cannot take me to login screen
2047 [17:54:00] <MaBunny> which i want
2048 [17:54:08] *** Quits: andor2007 (~andor2007@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
2049 [17:54:20] <TomTomTo1> grub-cli that is. grub shell started
every time.
2050 [17:54:29] <MaBunny> ok
2051 [17:54:43] <MaBunny> but my /boot seems to be ok btw
2052 [17:55:31] *** Quits: Shentino (~Shentino@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2053 [17:55:44] *** Quits: RebelCoder (~Yuriy@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2054 [17:56:50] <MaBunny> TomTomTo1 ?
2055 [17:57:18] *** Quits: psichas (~psichas@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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2057 [17:58:48] *** Joins: orb (foobar@replaced-ip )
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2061 [17:59:57] <orb> hm, yeah, it's not the fstab
2062 [18:00:26] <orb> this is something that happens right at the
beginning of boot.
2063 [18:03:48] *** Joins: AgentElrond (~ELROND@replaced-ip )
2064 [18:04:29] <AgentElrond> I'm having problems with
dpkg-deb in an automatic build because Python has a package named
"python-wsgiref-simple_server", which screws up because of
the underscores. Any ideas?
2065 [18:04:39] *** Quits: Ceber (~PHP5-4-45@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2066 [18:04:47] <AgentElrond> (Singular underscore, I mean. The
hyphens are fine.)
2067 [18:04:59] <orb> so, nic firmware apparently isn't a
requirement, even though it complains?
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2098 [18:29:38] <bakwards> How can you add h264 support in debian?
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the Unlucky has not started for the last eight weeks.)
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2101 [18:29:55] <Xin> bakwards you tried typing that into google
2102 [18:30:04] <Xin> or do you want to do this all
2103 [18:30:07] <Xin> bakwards;
2104 [18:30:09] <Xin> ;p
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2167 [19:11:22] <DoctorD90> guys, may I add/change crypto keys
under LUKS while system is running and the target lUKS device is the
mounted device?
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2169 [19:11:40] <DoctorD90> i never remember...
2170 [19:12:57] <koollman> DoctorD90: yes
2171 [19:13:26] <DoctorD90> oh great...i would like check status
of my keys and change passwords :P
2172 [19:13:30] <DoctorD90> thx :D
2173 [19:13:31] <ZitZ> quit
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2199 [19:28:27] <donald1> hi. I want to use the shared folder on
kvm. I have alredy created a root folder in /mnt/folder, Gave him
all the rights, add a systemfile configured to use mapped mode,
source in /mnt/folder, select the target path as 'folder'
and finally boot in the guest system. I do not see the folders yet.
How to see these?
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2238 [19:44:24] <no_gravity> When I type sqlite3 and then tab,
only .sqlite3 files are suggested. Why? My sqlite databases do not
have that ending.
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2240 [19:44:58] <zinx> no_gravity: because the shell you're
using has smart completion, and most people use that extension for
2241 [19:45:11] <no_gravity> zinx: How do I desmart my shell?
2242 [19:45:23] <zinx> no_gravity: depends on the shell, and i do
not know how specificly, sorry
2243 [19:45:34] <no_gravity> It's bash I guess.
2244 [19:45:47] <zinx> no_gravity: look for: bash turn off smart
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2246 [19:47:01] <no_gravity> "complete -r" seems to
solve it.
2247 [19:47:03] <no_gravity> Wonder if I should put that into my
2248 [19:47:07] <zinx> yes
2249 [19:47:20] <zinx> it's not saved anywhere
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2260 [19:49:55] <wsky> is there anything like compiz fusion for
2261 [19:50:02] <wsky> Jessie that is
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2263 [19:50:16] <wsky> i'd liek compiz fusion in my mate but
cf seems dead
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2267 [19:50:59] <zinx> there are other compositors, but none with
the over-the-top special effects compiz fusion has
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2270 [19:51:37] <wsky> well mate has a basic compositor
2271 [19:51:43] <zinx> compton is one that works with any window
manager that doesn't already have a compositor
2272 [19:51:46] <zinx> it's basic :/
2273 [19:51:46] <wsky> but i'd like something like compiz
2274 [19:52:26] <missmbob> ask someone who has a clie
2275 [19:52:33] <wsky> i wonder why did that happen
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2289 [19:58:57] <zinx> wsky: fwiw it looks like compiz is being
developed again, you could build packages for that
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2293 [20:00:11] <zinx> wsky:
2294 [20:00:40] <zinx> wsky: and, don't use the precompiled
ubuntu packages for it. you'll just break stuff.
2295 [20:00:43] <wsky> i have not much experience with building
debian packages
2296 [20:01:29] <missmbob> wsky: how is that possible? you said
you've been an admin for over a decade
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2342 [20:17:43] <b6s3d> i need some help with nvidia setup on
debian jessie
2343 [20:17:57] <zinx> wsky: for that one, you have to remove some
ubuntu dependencies (dh-migrations, dh-translations, and
libxorg-gtest-dev) in debian/control, and take
,migrations,translations off the last line in debian/rules.
otherwise, it's the same as building anything with
dpkg-source/dpkg-buildpackage from .dsc + .diff.gz + .orig.tar.gz,
which you can google
2344 [20:18:20] *** Joins: mtn (~mtn@replaced-ip )
2345 [20:18:20] <b6s3d> i have two graphic cards in my computer,
and i wish to use both to dual screen my desktop interface
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2349 [20:19:05] <zinx> b6s3d: which two graphics cards?
2350 [20:19:42] <somiaj> b6s3d: is this an optimus setup with dual
nvidia/intel cards?
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2354 [20:22:25] <b6s3d> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA
Corporation GK104 [GeForce GTX 760] (rev a1)
2355 [20:22:43] <b6s3d> x2
2356 [20:23:17] *** Quits: [huypn12] (~huypn12@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2357 [20:23:21] <zinx> b6s3d: do either of those have two outputs?
it's usually easier to set it up that way and use nVidia's
"twinview" feature
2358 [20:23:35] <somiaj> !nvidia-dkms
2359 [20:23:42] <somiaj> !nvidia dkms
2360 [20:23:43] <dpkg> For Debian 7 "Wheezy" and later
systems. Ask me about <contrib> and <non-free sources>.
«aptitude -r install linux-headers-`uname -r|sed
's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,'` nvidia-kernel-dkms && mkdir
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d ; echo -e 'Section
"Device"\n\tIdentifier "My GPU"\n\tDriver
"nvidia"\nEndSection' >
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf». Restart your system to
enable the <nouveau> blacklist.
2361 [20:24:18] <zinx> "nvidia-driver" is the
2362 [20:24:45] *** Quits: LotharKAtt (~lelouch@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2363 [20:24:46] <somiaj> b6s3d: those are the basic instructions
to get the nvidia non-free driver. From there you can just use
xrandr (my suggestion) or nvidia's tools (zinx suggestion) to
get both cards working.
2364 [20:24:54] <b6s3d> thanks man
2365 [20:25:37] <somiaj> note the small stuff you have to put in
the xorg.conf (I wouldn't use the automatic config genatro)
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2367 [20:26:41] <b6s3d> gonna reboot :)
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2378 [20:31:57] <grim210> i was checking out the wiki on
installing bumblebee-nvidia for my laptop. however, one question: it
doesn't appear that using the drivers from the nvidia website
will work with the repository bumblebee? or am i wrong?
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2380 [20:32:20] <grim210> i did an apt-cache showpkg and saw that
it depends on all the nvidia things from the repo
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2383 [20:33:30] <zinx> grim210: you should be using the debian
packaged drivers anyway on debian
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2388 [20:34:06] <grim210> yeah, well they're old. i do vulkan
development, which isn't in the repo-provided driver
2389 [20:34:42] <zinx> grim210: have you tried backports (i
haven't looked, but sid has nvidia's vulkan stuff)
2390 [20:34:53] <grim210> 352.79, need 360.xx for Vulkan
2391 [20:35:04] <grim210> jessie-backports, I'll add
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2394 [20:36:12] <zinx> grim210: if it's not there and you
don't want to build the packages, you can always add dummy
packages, but it'll be hard for #debian to support you, as
using the ones from nVidia's site is known to break things :)
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2397 [20:36:53] <grim210> the proprietary ones support dkms, which
makes it a lot easier than it used to be
2398 [20:37:18] <cburkhardt> question, how would I get Debian
services on a custom linux system? including dpkg and such
2399 [20:37:20] <zinx> grim210: mainly they don't play nice
with Debian's alternatives system
2400 [20:37:41] *** Quits: mtn (~mtn@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
2401 [20:37:43] <grim210> zinx: i appreciate your assistance!
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2405 [20:38:50] <jelly> ,v nvidia-kernel-dkms
2406 [20:38:51] <judd> Package: nvidia-kernel-dkms on amd64 --
squeeze/non-free: 195.36.31-6squeeze2; squeeze-backports/non-free:
295.59-1~bpo60+2; wheezy/non-free: 304.131-1;
wheezy-backports/non-free: 340.96-1~bpo70+1; jessie/non-free:
340.96-1; jessie-backports/non-free: 352.79-10~bpo8+1;
stretch/non-free: 352.79-10; sid/non-free: 361.45.18-2;
experimental/non-free: 364.19-1
2407 [20:38:52] *** Quits: sbasurto (~sbasurto@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2408 [20:39:15] <zinx> guess it's not in jessie
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2411 [20:39:23] <zinx> erh, jessie-backports
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2414 [20:41:35] <b6s3d> i couldn't install nvidia-glx
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2417 [20:42:19] <grim210> i always have good luck installing
nvidia-kernel-dkms instead of all the other stuff in the repo
2418 [20:42:49] <grim210> that pulls in linux-headers-{arch},
nvidia-glx, dkms, etc etc so that all you need to do is
nvidia-xconfig and reboot
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2421 [20:43:48] <grim210> exit
2422 [20:43:57] <grim210> whoops, thought i was in the terminal..
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2425 [20:44:37] <b6s3d> E: Unable to locate package xorg-server
2426 [20:44:37] <b6s3d> \
2427 [20:44:38] <b6s3d> wtf
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2431 [20:45:30] <jelly> b6s3d: what are you trying to do
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2434 [20:47:15] <jelly> b6s3d: also which debian release are you
on? do ask the bot: /msg dpkg nvidia dkms
2435 [20:48:52] <b6s3d> jelly, nvidia-glx said i needed
xorg-server so i tried to install it
2436 [20:48:53] <b6s3d> jessie
2437 [20:49:29] *** Quits: grim210 (~grim210@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2438 [20:49:32] <cburkhardt> is it possible to intergrate debian
on a custom linux build
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2442 [20:50:29] <donald1> hi. I want to use the shared folder on
kvm. I have alredy created a root folder in /mnt/folder, Gave him
all the rights, add a systemfile configured to use mapped mode,
source in /mnt/folder, select the target path as 'folder'
and finally boot in the guest system. I do not see the folders yet.
How to see these?
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2446 [20:51:18] <cburkhardt> i am used to it via my desktop and
Raspberry all being built on debain
2447 [20:51:35] <b6s3d>
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2459 [20:58:12] <Rust3dCor3> hello. after reinstalling debian
(from stable to stable) my gpu is working weaker. i use mesa
drivers. what package should i install additionally. im asking
because i've lost my precious file of needed packets to
install. yes it can be nonfree.
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2462 [20:59:27] <musca> Rust3dCor3: and which chipset is it?
2463 [20:59:40] *** Quits: therealfibonacci (~crow@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving.)
2464 [20:59:50] <Rust3dCor3> musca: ati radeon xpress 200 m.. yep
my card is old
2465 [21:00:12] *** Quits: Putti (~Putti@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2466 [21:00:32] <cburkhardt> did you download and run the last
known good driver by chance?
2467 [21:00:35] *** Quits: lankanmon (~LKNnet@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2468 [21:00:39] <musca> so you are using the free radeon driver
which in some cases needs firmware-linux-nonfree
2469 [21:00:52] <Rust3dCor3> ati dropped support for my card like
6 years ago
2470 [21:01:18] <cburkhardt> usually you can find the last working
driver in the legacy section of their site
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2473 [21:02:03] <Rust3dCor3> i recall having the
firmware-linux-nonfree packet on my list. but i dont have it
2474 [21:02:08] <Rust3dCor3> ill try it and restart
2475 [21:02:09] <Rust3dCor3> thanks
2476 [21:02:13] <cburkhardt> my gpu was just dropped last year,
and thats how I get the drivers for my distros
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2479 [21:02:48] <musca> Rust3dCor3: make sure you have
xserver-xorg-video-all or at least
2480 [21:03:50] <musca> cburkhardt: well, fglrx is pain, and
radeon has made a lot of progress.
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2487 [21:07:11] <cburkhardt> i only use ATI/AMD (have had to many
operating systems fail to build using other drivers
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2496 [21:10:03] <Rust3dCor3> Thanks guys. The
firmware-linux-nonfree packet did the job. Now I can play
conterstrike again :)
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2507 [21:14:33] <cburkhardt> whats the best window manager for a
low end system ? Looking at LXDE
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2511 [21:17:11] <mtn> cburkhardt: that is not a wm, that is a de.
how about openbox, that is a wm
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2518 [21:21:20] <cburkhardt> I actually like that one... cant find
the min requirements yet, though I am concurrently writing an
operating system for my laptop
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2520 [21:21:53] <mtn> uh huh, sure.
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2522 [21:24:04] <cburkhardt> I am... every componant to the
laptops linux system being put in on its own with me writing config
files as needed
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2526 [21:26:42] <bibble> how do you create an ECDH, elliptical
curve diffie hellman key using openssl ? ... thought it would be
simple, but not coming across a clear answer.
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2529 [21:27:39] <bibble> ...dhparam.pem
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2540 [21:31:53] <bibble> to make an RSA one: "openssl dhparam
-out dhparams.pem 2048"
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2546 [21:34:27] <wsky> how to mount the initramfs image under
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2563 [21:41:39] <Flippylosaurus> just a quick question: to make my
graphics card work with games i had to downgrade libdrm-intel and
mark it as hold. whenever i try to install any package it says that
the dependencies are quite fucked. when i tryto use aptitude -f, it
says that libdrm-dev depends on libdrm-intel1 (= 2.4.58-2) but
2.4.56-1 is installed and it is kept back.
2564 [21:41:46] <Flippylosaurus> i tried unholding kit
2565 [21:41:48] <Flippylosaurus> it*
2566 [21:41:52] <Flippylosaurus> but i get the same error
2567 [21:42:25] <tobias47n9e-c> Does anyone if there is a package
for "zanata-python-client" for Debian or Ubuntu?
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2569 [21:43:06] <Flippylosaurus> oh wait, now it seems to not do
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2571 [21:44:29] <jchuck> hi boys, i want block my pc by shell, how
can i do ?
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2579 [21:48:14] <wsky> ok i got this
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2581 [21:50:07] <dutchfish> jchuck, the shell or ssh access?
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2583 [21:50:22] <jchuck> shell
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2586 [21:51:19] <dutchfish> jchuck, just change in /etc/passwd the
end to :bin/false (meaning no interactive logon)
2587 [21:51:40] <jchuck> i want send my pc in lockscreen
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2590 [21:52:40] <dutchfish> jchuck, so temporary lockout, for
normal users?
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2592 [21:52:51] <dutchfish> jchuck, be clear
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2594 [21:53:32] <jchuck> sorry i have problem to speak english :D
2595 [21:53:44] <jchuck> yes normal lockscreen
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2597 [21:53:56] <jchuck> for use pc required password for user
2598 [21:54:43] <dutchfish> jchuck, which window manager?
2599 [21:54:57] <jchuck> cinnamon
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2602 [21:55:15] <jchuck> default shortcut is ctrl+l
2603 [21:55:18] <jchuck> sorry
2604 [21:55:24] <jchuck> ctrl+alt+l
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2607 [21:57:21] <dutchfish> jchuck, that or true the menu, but i
gues you want it automated?
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2610 [22:00:20] <dutchfish> jchuck, you could configure the screen
saver to do that, or manually on a prompt like `bash -c
"cinnamon-screensaver-command -l; xset dpms force off;"`
2611 [22:00:38] <jchuck> dutchfish, i want use it by shell
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2615 [22:02:21] <jchuck> dutchfish, perfect thanks!!
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2618 [22:02:32] <jchuck> cinnamon-screensaver-command -l
2619 [22:03:08] <dutchfish> yw
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2700 [22:46:14] <dove> hi sypher
2701 [22:46:29] <sypher> dove: hey!
2702 [22:46:42] <dove> wow!
2703 [22:46:44] <dove> what's up man?
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2709 [22:51:52] <iio7> Where is the "--encrypt-home"
option of adduser?
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2793 [23:54:53] <vixxo> hello, I would like to install debian on a
libreboot machine with a full disk encryption and I would liek to
know if this tutorial
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