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0 [00:00:14] *** Quits: v01t (~v01t@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1 [00:00:16] <hans__> i've found that little trick after..
a lot of struggling with trying to make PXE work
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4 [00:00:46] <hans__> at least that works on Ubuntu, but i
think it should work on Debian too
5 [00:00:56] *** Quits: srgg (~srgg@replaced-ip ) (Quit: srgg)
6 [00:01:25] <rwp> It should work the same on both as things
are pretty much the same at that point.
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8 [00:02:07] *** Parts: galaxie (~weechat@replaced-ip ) ()
9 [00:02:26] <rwp> My house PXE setup needs some refreshing
since recent changes have broken it. Life and time is what keeps
everything from getting done all at once.
10 [00:03:29] <rwp> hans__, So how are you initiating the
installation at the very start? Booting from USB/SDcard or some
11 [00:03:50] *** Quits: mtn (~mtn@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
12 [00:05:34] <hans__> rwp, actually i've only ever used
that trick on systems that already has a functional linux system,
and i just want to switch to another one. ... comes in handy with
server providers that have very outdated OSs to choose from
13 [00:05:43] *** Joins: brokencycle_ (~brokencyc@replaced-ip )
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15 [00:06:25] <rwp> hans__, Ah... Okay. It's an interesting
hack. :-)
16 [00:06:34] <hans__> rwp, i actually did it first time on a
dedicated server from after customer service said
"it is impossible to install custom OSs on that server,
17 [00:06:52] <hans__> .. they were wrong
18 [00:07:02] * rwp laughs
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24 [00:12:01] <rwp> TTT, It has always been possible to put
/boot on a USB/SDcard and then have the entire hardware attached
storage be encrypted. But I don't prefer that method for my own
use. Note that the debian-installer makes a good rescue boot system
if it is needed.
25 [00:12:40] <rwp> TTT, Note also the 'mandos'
package which works with LUKS in this space too.
26 [00:14:35] <TTT> yeah, well, sorry, I don't have time to
play with crypto today, I'll just start kernel compile and go
sleep, long day tomorrow and it's 11pm here in London already
27 [00:15:37] *** Quits: AlexPortable (uid7568@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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30 [00:16:54] <rwp> TTT, Good luck! :-)
31 [00:17:00] *** Quits: arora (~ashok@replaced-ip ) (Quit: 'night!)
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34 [00:19:00] *** Quits: chalcedony (~chalcedon@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
35 [00:19:22] <TTT> making oldconfing on top of standard debian
4.19 config with 5.1.3 sources, that takes me back to old days of
building 2.x on Pentium-133 in the university... on Debian/Potato no
36 [00:19:46] *** Quits: Starz0r (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
37 [00:19:54] <TTT> except config these days is maybe 30x bigger
than back then
38 [00:20:24] <rwp> I started Debian with a Potato installation
too. Ah... Those were the days... I had been doing from-scratch
before that point.
39 [00:20:53] *** Quits: jurisl__ (~RebelCode@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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43 [00:29:03] <somiaj> TTT: debian also ships the config file in
/boot/config-<ver> which is useful too.
44 [00:29:08] *** Joins: Nefertiti (~Nefertiti@replaced-ip )
45 [00:29:44] <TTT> somiaj, yes, that's what I'm using
as a base, but I'm building a more recent kernel, so make
oldconfig is asking me lots of questions about options that are not
in config but have been added to the newer version
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51 [00:32:21] <somiaj> ,kernels
52 [00:32:22] *** Quits: Emmanuel_Chanel (~Emmanuel_@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
53 [00:32:22] <judd> Available kernel versions are:
experimental: 5.0.0-trunk-686-pae (5.0.2-1~exp1); sid:
4.19.0-5-686-pae (4.19.37-3); buster: 4.19.0-4-686-pae (4.19.28-2);
stretch-backports: 4.19.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae (4.19.28-2~bpo9+1);
stretch: 4.9.0-9-686 (4.9.168-1+deb9u2); jessie-backports:
4.9.0-0.bpo.6-686-pae (4.9.88-1+deb9u1~bpo8+1); jessie:
4.9.0-0.bpo.9-686-pae (4.9.168-1+deb9u2~deb8u1); wheezy-
54 [00:32:23] <judd> backports: 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae
(3.16.39-1+deb8u1~bpo70+1); wheezy: 3.2.0-6-686-pae (3.2.102-1)
55 [00:32:31] <somiaj> TTT: what kernel are you building? You
know that 4.19 is in stretch-backports?
56 [00:32:33] *** Quits: Rubin (~rubin@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
57 [00:32:59] <somiaj> oh I missed, you are doing a 5.x kernel
58 [00:33:13] <somiaj> Yea, until the release, debian won't
be getting new kernels.
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61 [00:34:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1538
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65 [00:37:22] <wr> on
66 [00:37:35] *** Quits: zeden (~user@replaced-ip ) (Quit: WeeChat 2.4)
67 [00:38:17] <somiaj> wr: I don't see why it should be, is
it not working as expected?
68 [00:38:42] <wr> somiaj, not working here
69 [00:39:10] <somiaj> I think it is egrep, not sure what has
changed with egrep
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72 [00:39:38] <rwp> somiaj, Yes. TTT is going to be doing good
work at the tip of the spear testing the latest 5.x kernels. :-)
73 [00:39:53] <TTT> what I use to determine what's taking
up how much: du -x -h -d 1 |sort -hr
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77 [00:41:28] <somiaj> wr: yea, seems aptitude format now puts a
space before the units. Just add that space and it seems to work
78 [00:41:34] *** Joins: de-facto (~de-facto@replaced-ip )
79 [00:41:40] <somiaj> wr: aptitude -F '%I %p' search
'~i'|egrep '^[0-9]+[\.,]?[0-9]* [MG]B'|sort -n
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86 [00:43:40] <wr> somiaj, bash: aptitude: command not found,
why the hell.... :/
87 [00:43:59] <rwp> wr, That grep pattern does not match for me
here. Try this: aptitude -F '%I %p' search
'~i'|egrep '^[0-9]' | sort -h | less
88 [00:44:21] *** Quits: tryte (~tryte@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
89 [00:44:27] <wr> somiaj, aptitude comes by default, no?
90 [00:44:54] <rwp> Actually I think I like using col -b better
to clean out the progress stuff instead. aptitude -F '%I
%p' search '~i'| col -b | sort -h | less
91 [00:44:58] *** Quits: GaneshRaju (~ganeshraj@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
92 [00:45:20] <uio> Hi, I'm using XFCE but have been
experimenting with other DEs and WMs. I'd like to change the
notification style, but right now it is just a dark bluish, greenish
text box that pops up when I change the volume or brightness.
I'm not sure how to describe it.... but I'd like to get
the defaut notif style back. Changing in the settings doesn't
work... What can I do?
93 [00:45:30] <jmcnaught> wr: aptitude must be installed,
it's optional. Also you might want to check out dpigs in the
debian-goodies package.
94 [00:45:46] <rwp> Hmm... aptitude is smart and doesn't
output the progress stuff to a pipe. So none of that is needed. Just
do this: aptitude -F '%I %p' search '~i' | sort
-h | less
95 [00:46:38] <wr> the command on wiki for me didn't output
96 [00:46:50] <wr> rwp, that one works
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99 [00:47:15] <rwp> Another tool I really like for looking at
disk space usage is 'ncdu'. Usually with -x option.
It's really useful.
100 [00:47:18] *** Joins: HarmtH (~harmth@replaced-ip )
101 [00:47:30] <wr> jmcnaught, should i have aptitude here?
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103 [00:47:47] <TTT> ok, my kernel build is running, and
I'll try it and get impaled by the bleeding edge spear
tomorrow. Good night everyone (if it's night wherever you are)
104 [00:47:48] <rwp> wr, You might update the wiki. That would be
useful for the next person to read it.
105 [00:47:53] <jmcnaught> wr: it's up to you. I think
it's got the best searches
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109 [00:48:57] <wr> rwp, ok
110 [00:49:03] <rwp> I had not tried dpigs before. dpigs is
pretty cool. Thanks for that hint!
111 [00:50:05] <uio> Is there a Debian paste for images ?
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114 [00:51:47] <uio>
115 [00:52:53] *** Quits: silentjet (~jet@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
116 [00:53:07] <milkt> remove their file after first
download i think
117 [00:53:22] *** Quits: {41444d494e} (~kvirc@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
118 [00:53:39] <uio> milkt, Oops.
119 [00:53:47] <somiaj> wr: aptitude no longer comes with default
since either jessie or stretch. Install it if you need it (apt is
the default)
120 [00:53:59] *** Joins: Emmanuel_Chanel (~Emmanuel_@replaced-ip )
121 [00:54:10] <uio>
122 [00:54:15] <wr> somiaj, so the wiki should be updated?
123 [00:54:19] <jhutchins> I believe aptitude may not be
installed by default any more.
124 [00:54:38] <jhutchins> somiaj: Yeah. Lag.
125 [00:54:43] *** Joins: {41444d494e} (~kvirc@replaced-ip )
126 [00:54:44] <somiaj> rwp: the command given only lists things
in MB and GB which maybe better if looking for space hogs. The
format just changed instead of 100MB it is now 100 MB, so the code
needed a space added to it, I pasted one that worked.
127 [00:55:04] <somiaj> jhutchins: I looked away from keyboard,
and just am answering not fully reading the backlog.
128 [00:55:14] <jhutchins> somiaj: You beat me.
129 [00:55:20] <jhutchins> At least from here.
130 [00:55:30] <somiaj> wr: probably, it should have that space
added to the code so it can be copied/pasted, but I don't have
a wiki acount so I cna't update it
131 [00:55:34] *** Quits: thescientist4 (59b4e0b7@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
132 [00:56:07] *** Quits: TTT (~TTT@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
133 [00:56:52] <uio> I think that the problem came about when I
tried installing i3 and awesome. But I've removed them and the
issue is still there for the notifcation style. See link.
134 [00:57:58] <jmcnaught> somiaj: I updated the wiki with your
135 [00:59:24] <somiaj> jmcnaught: thanks
136 [00:59:54] <somiaj> works here on stretch, hopefully is same
for buster
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139 [01:01:36] <uio> I think I may be asking the question wrong
because all I have is a visual. I don't know what commands
could help narrow-down the issue.
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144 [01:04:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1531
145 [01:04:15] <sammm> hey gang, what's the best way to have
a deb package install + start + enable systemd unit files?
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149 [01:05:38] *** Joins: realrivyn (~rivyn@replaced-ip )
150 [01:06:28] <realrivyn> Just installed a few Debian nodes
after a couple years of using Ubuntu with my last employer. How is
it that Debian boots up so much faster, nearly instantaneously?
151 [01:06:32] *** realrivyn is now known as rivyn
152 [01:07:11] *** Quits: Compass (~net@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
153 [01:07:17] <uio> Well rivyn, that's just the Debian
magic, because all other distros are pieces of shit.
154 [01:07:35] <uio> rivyn, Just kidding, less bloat?
155 [01:08:22] <rivyn> It seems that it's got some sort of
precompute stuff going on.
156 [01:08:29] <rivyn> Not complaining about it, just curious.
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166 [01:13:01] <sammm> hey gang, what's the best way to have
a deb package install + start + enable systemd unit files?
167 [01:13:10] <sammm> sorry if someone just answered me, i dced
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173 [01:14:33] <rwp> sammm, It is a package specific postinst
script action. The package maintainer needs to include it in the
package postinst script.
174 [01:14:54] <rwp> sammm, And being needed to be done there it
means some packagers do and some do not. So probably best is to file
a bug ticket asking for it.
175 [01:15:06] <rwp> sammm, What package are you seeing with it
not happening?
176 [01:15:23] *** Quits: agentoak84 (~agentoak@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds))
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178 [01:15:29] <sammm> rwp: I should mention; I am creating the
179 [01:15:31] *** Quits: tryte_ (~tryte@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
180 [01:15:33] <uio> Is there some config file that replaced the
xfce notifier??
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184 [01:16:23] <rwp> somiaj, I still think avoiding the grep
entirely is better. It isn't needed. And sort now knows about
human readable suffixes with the -h option. Should use that instead.
185 [01:16:36] <rwp> sammm, Oh! Well that changes everything. :-)
186 [01:16:46] *** Joins: tryte (~tryte@replaced-ip )
187 [01:17:39] <sammm> rwp: it sure does!
188 [01:18:01] *** Joins: Schmantinski (~cmantsch@replaced-ip )
189 [01:18:13] <uio> How can I tell if xfce4-notifyd is being
190 [01:18:18] *** Joins: nextdoorboy (~nextdoorb@replaced-ip )
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192 [01:19:23] *** Joins: Marlin1113 (~marlon@replaced-ip )
193 [01:19:29] <uio> notify-send -i info Information "Hi
${USER}, This is a Test" Will send a notif, but in the
undesired style. Still that text blue / green thing.
194 [01:19:31] <rwp> sammm, Look at:
195 [01:19:55] <sammm> thanks rwp
196 [01:20:16] <rwp> Using the dh helpers has the advantage of
them being updated for the current best practice. But starting there
you can work down lower if needed.
197 [01:21:15] <zerocool> debain 9 with kde, i have a usb nic,
when i plug it in it automatically becomes the nic that all of my
traffic is going through, how the heck is it doing this
198 [01:21:15] <rwp> That reference is not yet including what you
need. But I lack the time to look right now.
199 [01:21:19] <rwp> Hopefully another in the channel will be
able to help you with your postinst and that can get you set up.
200 [01:21:29] <sammm> cheers!
201 [01:21:50] <rwp> sammm, Also you might pull the source to
another package that works okay and then examine how they do things.
A good example might be 'nginx' or some such other daemon
that installs nicely.
202 [01:22:19] <uio> running xfce4-notifyd doesn't work.
203 [01:23:19] *** Quits: nextdoorboy (~nextdoorb@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
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205 [01:23:58] <sammm> good idea, i'll grab nginx and see if
it enables itself and then play around with the source
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208 [01:29:02] <uio> It looks like the xfce4-notify4 is in the
config files :
209 [01:29:14] <uio> But something else must be overiding it.
210 [01:29:48] *** Joins: CaptainN (zelda@replaced-ip )
211 [01:30:02] *** Quits: peylight (~peylight@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Chat comfortably. Anywhere.)
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216 [01:32:35] <Unit193> uio: Is notification-daemon installed?
217 [01:32:54] *** Quits: \\Mr_C\\ (mrc@replaced-ip ) (Quit: (Read error: Connection reset by beer))
218 [01:33:27] *** Quits: humpled (~humbag@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
219 [01:33:36] <uio> Unit193, I don't know....
220 [01:33:37] *** Quits: tmiland (~tmiland@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
221 [01:33:50] <uio> Unit193, Yes.
222 [01:33:55] <uio> It is.
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224 [01:33:58] *** Quits: progart (~kamee@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving.)
225 [01:33:58] <Unit193> Remove it.
226 [01:34:55] <uio> Unit193, apt remove did nothing for the
notfication issue. Should I autoremove it?
227 [01:34:59] <Unit193> They don't exactly *conflict*, but
it can cause some quirks if you have more than one notification
daemon. Once you kill that, it should be good.
228 [01:35:43] <humpled> purge is for removing configs
229 [01:36:43] <uio> Purged, autoremoved, but still having the
230 [01:36:54] *** Joins: progart (~kamee@replaced-ip )
231 [01:37:03] *** Quits: progart (~kamee@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
232 [01:39:39] <uio> Do I have to reboot or something?
233 [01:39:43] *** Joins: progart (~kamee@replaced-ip )
234 [01:40:04] *** Joins: dArK_IcE (~lawl@replaced-ip )
235 [01:40:21] <Unit193> uio: Can you confirm that it is running
and nothing else? Also check xfconfd
236 [01:40:50] <uio> Unit193, I don't know what is running
237 [01:41:01] <uio> Unit193, How should I check xfconfd?
238 [01:41:22] <humpled> something that was loaded and running
could easily still be doing that after you've removed it's
files from disk
239 [01:41:27] *** Quits: vvor (~vvor@replaced-ip ) (Quit: leaving)
240 [01:41:41] <uio> so pkill?
241 [01:41:44] <sammm> rwp: looks like there is a tool called
dh_systemd_enable which starts nginx (and is provided by
242 [01:41:48] <Unit193> uio: ps aux | grep -e notif -e xfconfd
it should have /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xfce4/notifyd/xfce4-notifyd
and /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/xfce4/xfconf/xfconfd
243 [01:41:58] *** Quits: xingu (~xingu@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
244 [01:42:19] *** Joins: ManticPhoton (~OGC@replaced-ip )
245 [01:42:20] <uio> pkill did nothing.
246 [01:42:30] *** Parts: tasata_ (~atalsta@replaced-ip ) ()
247 [01:42:52] *** Quits: ManticPhoton (~OGC@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
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249 [01:44:16] *** Joins: icarious (7448832d@replaced-ip )
250 [01:44:21] <uio>
251 [01:44:24] *** Parts: icarious (7448832d@replaced-ip ) ()
252 [01:44:33] *** Quits: hybrid (~hybrid@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
253 [01:44:58] *** Joins: hybrid (~hybrid@replaced-ip )
254 [01:45:20] <uio> I think the issue is there, no?
255 [01:45:40] <Unit193> So yes, xfce4-notifyd is still not
running, so if you see notifications they're coming from
somewhere else.
256 [01:46:06] <Unit193> I used 'notif' in the hopes
that it'd be spotted..
257 [01:46:30] <uio> Hmmmm.
258 [01:46:33] *** Quits: dArK_IcE (~lawl@replaced-ip ) ()
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261 [01:47:31] *** Quits: debsan (~debsan@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
262 [01:48:25] <uio> Is there a way to see what notif is being
263 [01:48:49] *** Quits: progart (~kamee@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving.)
264 [01:50:01] <uio> I don't know. It won't show up in
265 [01:50:14] <uio> not heavy enough??
266 [01:50:47] *** Joins: giron8 (5e869817@replaced-ip )
267 [01:51:18] *** Quits: Gyro (~user@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
268 [01:51:54] <uio> dunst is high on notif use
269 [01:52:07] <uio> Why is this so bloody difficult?
270 [01:52:10] *** Quits: Secret-Fire (~Secret-Fi@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
271 [01:52:19] <uio> It's just a notifier and it was working
272 [01:53:16] <uio> How can I start xfce4-notifyd?
273 [01:53:28] <uio> It doesn't work to run in in a
274 [01:53:47] <Unit193> Presumably because something is already
using that dbus interface.
275 [01:53:51] *** Joins: xingu (~xingu@replaced-ip )
276 [01:54:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1525
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278 [01:54:12] <uio> How might I find what that something is?
279 [01:55:16] *** Joins: noobineer (~noobineer@replaced-ip )
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281 [01:56:34] <uio> is there no xkill equivalent to find out
what a package is??
282 [01:57:11] *** Quits: user_Max (~user_Max@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
283 [01:57:20] <ksk> uio: your inital problem is?
284 [01:58:15] <uio> ksk, Using XFCE, the regular notification
system has been hijacked by this ugly one:
285 [01:58:26] <ksk> mhm okay, sorry Im out^
286 [01:58:44] <uio> ksk, cheers
287 [01:59:05] *** Joins: progart (~kamee@replaced-ip )
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292 [02:00:56] <uio> It's immune to xkill!?
293 [02:01:05] *** Quits: de-facto (~de-facto@replaced-ip ) (Quit: See you around.)
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295 [02:01:32] *** Quits: Haudegen (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
296 [02:02:05] <uio> This is why I don't like Debian.
297 [02:02:15] *** Quits: progart (~kamee@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
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301 [02:05:35] <milkt> which ugly one hijacked your nofication
302 [02:06:01] <uio> milkt, I'm not sure, I took a picture
of it in the link above.
303 [02:06:17] <uio> Is the fact that the link has to be opened
not good?
304 [02:06:30] <uio> I can test one of the other pastes....
305 [02:06:40] <milkt> maybe it reqire javascript to operate
306 [02:07:03] *** Quits: cdown (~cdown@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
307 [02:07:14] *** cdown_ is now known as cdown
308 [02:07:35] *** Quits: jcb2016 (~jcb2016@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
309 [02:08:13] <uio> milkt, I don't think so. It was working
310 [02:08:45] *** Quits: delafontaine (~spell@replaced-ip ) (Excess Flood)
311 [02:09:47] *** Joins: thePiGrepper (~nagato@replaced-ip )
312 [02:10:10] <uio>
313 [02:11:16] *** Joins: dvs (~hibbard@replaced-ip )
314 [02:11:41] *** Joins: victor004 (49b95a33@replaced-ip )
315 [02:11:42] <uio> What is wrong in my problem solving
316 [02:11:54] <uio> Is it normal to spend over an hour on this??
317 [02:12:13] <Unit193> uio: What's returned from dbus-send
--session --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus
318 [02:12:21] *** Quits: victorqueiroz (uid340368@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
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321 [02:14:06] *** Quits: woenx (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
322 [02:14:13] <uio> Unit193,
323 [02:14:48] <Unit193> Find out what process 3670 is.
324 [02:15:01] <uio> Unit193, Sorry, how do I do so?
325 [02:15:11] <Unit193> ps aux | grep 3670 is one way. :P
326 [02:16:12] <victor004> could I get some help on this issue
327 [02:16:21] <Unit193> uio: That's the process ID of
whatever's registered on the dbus socket.
328 [02:16:33] *** Quits: CombatVet (~c4@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
329 [02:16:48] *** Joins: CombatVet (~c4@replaced-ip )
330 [02:17:02] <uio> Unit193,
331 [02:18:11] <uio> pkill dunst?
332 [02:18:24] <Unit193> uio: Looks like you messed around with
i3 at some point? :)
333 [02:18:29] <Unit193> Yeah you can kill that.
334 [02:18:50] <uio> Unit193, Yep. Guilty. BUT - I uninstalled
335 [02:18:56] *** Quits: thePiGrepper (~nagato@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
336 [02:19:05] <Unit193> You didn't uninstall dunst, it
would appear.
337 [02:21:13] *** Quits: greatgatsby (~greatgats@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
338 [02:21:28] *** Joins: larue94 (~kylin@replaced-ip )
339 [02:21:47] <uio> Unit193, That did it! But the deeper
question is: how could I have better tried to solve the issue??
340 [02:21:49] *** Joins: corvo (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip )
341 [02:21:53] <uio> Unit193, Thanks
342 [02:22:43] *** Joins: aresius_ (~aresius@replaced-ip )
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346 [02:22:54] <Unit193> uio: I would have started with dpkg -l |
grep notification and scanned through the list. :P Well, as I did
you could check what's registered on that dbus socket, and see
if you need it or can kill/disable/uninstall it.
347 [02:23:00] <rivyn> uio: Perhaps when removing i3, using apt
remove --auto-remove --purge ...
348 [02:23:18] *** Quits: ninja (~Abdullah@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
349 [02:23:21] <victor004> quir
350 [02:23:23] <victor004> quit
351 [02:23:26] <victor004> whoops
352 [02:23:29] <dvs> !exig
353 [02:23:31] <victor004> lol trying to quit
354 [02:23:33] <uio> victor004, No Stay with the party
355 [02:23:34] <dvs> !exit
356 [02:23:34] <dpkg> /quit you fool!
357 [02:23:46] <victor004> hahahaha
358 [02:23:48] <rivyn> Try clicking the X button at the top
359 [02:23:49] <Unit193> Indeed, rivyn.
360 [02:23:51] <rivyn> :P
361 [02:23:57] <uio> lol
362 [02:24:00] <victor004> nevermind ill just burn the thing
363 [02:24:17] <Unit193> dpkg -l | grep ^rc can be interesting
too. :3
364 [02:24:17] <dpkg> ii | grep ^rc can be interesting too. :3
2.9-13 unit193's private porn collection
365 [02:24:25] *** Quits: victor004 (49b95a33@replaced-ip ) ()
366 [02:24:36] <uio> I don't understand dpkg -l | grep
367 [02:25:01] <Unit193> "What packages do I have with
'notification' in the name or short description",
368 [02:25:03] *** Quits: downer06 (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
369 [02:25:12] <uio> Unit193, Okay, cool.
370 [02:25:29] <uio> rivyn, And yeahn I should learn how to get
rid of things properly.
371 [02:25:56] <uio> OVer an hour to get rid of dunst. Gotta hate
i3! lol
372 [02:26:42] <Unit193> dpkg -l lists dpkg's database,
'ii' means installed while 'rc' means
'removed, config files remain' (basically, again.)
373 [02:26:42] <dpkg> No packages found matching lists
dpkg's database, 'ii' means installed while
'rc' means 'removed, config files remain'
(basically, again.)
374 [02:26:56] <Unit193> I should really stop triggering dpkg..
375 [02:27:19] <uio> Unit193, it's touchy
376 [02:28:12] <rivyn> dpkg -l | grep ^rc
377 [02:28:12] <dpkg> ii | grep ^rc 1.6-12.3 rivyn's private
porn collection
378 [02:28:31] <rivyn> lol, okay then.
379 [02:29:04] <melpy> !nope
380 [02:29:04] <dpkg> yes
381 [02:29:10] <melpy> !nope
382 [02:29:48] *** Joins: grungy (~grungy@replaced-ip )
383 [02:29:52] <uio> !yep
384 [02:29:52] <dpkg> yep is, like, WOOOOHOOOO
385 [02:29:58] <uio> !yes
386 [02:29:58] *** Joins: foolsh_ (~quassel@replaced-ip )
387 [02:30:02] <melpy> !nope
388 [02:30:03] <dpkg> yes
389 [02:30:18] <uio> !dpkg
390 [02:30:18] <dpkg> methinks dpkg is the program used by Debian
to install and remove packages, "man dpkg". Also ask me
about <reference>. The main info bot in #debian is also called
dpkg; ask me about <dpkgbot>.
391 [02:30:34] <uio> !windows
392 [02:30:34] <dpkg> "PCs are like air conditioners, if you
open Windows(R) they don't work." Support for Microsoft
Windows operating systems is available in ##windows on
393 [02:30:44] <uio> !apple
394 [02:30:44] <dpkg> [apple] a fruit, or Apple Inc. (formerly
Apple Computer, Inc.), a consumer electronics and software company.
395 [02:30:53] <uio> !google
396 [02:30:53] <dpkg> Google is a search engine owned by Google
Inc. whose mission statement is to "organize the world's
information and make it universally accessible and useful." The
largest search engine on the web, Google receives over 200 million
queries each day through its various services.
397 [02:31:11] <uio> !ubuntu
398 [02:31:12] <dpkg> Ubuntu is based on Debian, but it is not
Debian. Only Debian is supported on #debian. Use #ubuntu on instead. Even if the channel happens to be less
helpful, support for distributions other than Debian is offtopic on
#debian. See also <based on debian> and <ubuntuirc>.
399 [02:31:21] <uio> !!
400 [02:31:21] <dpkg> I'm not your csh prompt!
401 [02:31:26] *** Quits: foolsh (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
402 [02:31:29] <uio> !?
403 [02:31:34] <melpy> lul, just query dpkg before mods banhammer
404 [02:31:35] <ksk> uio: its nice listening to you and the bot,
but stahp
405 [02:31:43] <ksk> you can message it directly, if you want all
the faqtoids.
406 [02:31:48] <uio> ksk !lol
407 [02:33:44] *** Joins: p2hc (~p2hc@replaced-ip )
408 [02:34:31] <milkt> can i remove remaining configuration files
(aptitude purge ~c) with apt only?
409 [02:34:49] *** Joins: debsan (~debsan@replaced-ip )
410 [02:34:53] <ksk> milkt: apt-get purge $package? will remote
411 [02:35:12] <milkt> ksk: i mean when package is removed
without purge option
412 [02:35:21] *** Joins: thePiGrepper (~nagato@replaced-ip )
413 [02:35:22] <milkt> maybe install again then purge?
414 [02:35:27] <ksk> no, just purge..
415 [02:37:05] <Unit193> Might have to just dpkg --purge $package
if it only has rc, but pretty sure you can use apt.
416 [02:37:27] <ksk> would not have said it twice if I was not
sure :P
417 [02:37:47] <milkt> apt says "package is not installed,
so not removed"
418 [02:37:56] *** Quits: grungy (~grungy@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
419 [02:38:25] *** Joins: [b0b] (~bob@replaced-ip )
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421 [02:39:32] <ksk> so, about which package are we talking?
422 [02:39:36] <milkt> actually not that package umm...
423 [02:39:41] <milkt> i installed mcrypt
424 [02:39:44] <ksk> are the config files maybe coming via a
-common package or the likes?
425 [02:40:00] <ksk> dpkg -S /path/to/config will tell you which
package they come from
426 [02:40:00] <dpkg> There is no record of a /path/to/config
will tell you which package they come from package
427 [02:40:09] <ksk> oops-
428 [02:40:43] <milkt> it also install libmcrypt4 libmhash2
429 [02:41:00] <milkt> i can remove them with apt autoremove, but
even after autoremove, aptitude says something is remaining there
430 [02:41:24] <ksk> something is a very technical term.
431 [02:41:33] <uio> Maybe this is a whole other can of worms,
but xfce4-power-manager does not manage to reduce screen brightness
after X minutes and other such things.
432 [02:41:37] *** Quits: b0b (~bob@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
433 [02:41:39] *** [b0b] is now known as b0b
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437 [02:42:13] <milkt> nevermind, it worked with executing apt
purge to dependencies directly
438 [02:42:39] *** Quits: Comp11 (~Comp11@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
439 [02:42:43] <wr> !debian 11
440 [02:43:10] *** Quits: debsan (~debsan@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
441 [02:43:27] <karlpinc> wr: It's polite to msg the bot
directly. e.g.: /msg dpkg debian 11
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446 [02:49:33] *** Quits: uio (~uio3@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
447 [02:50:49] <melpy> uio: are you using a laptop?
448 [02:51:10] *** Quits: brokencycle_ (~brokencyc@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
449 [02:53:58] <GenTooMan> Does in make sense to reinstall debian
after a catastrophic upgrade failure?
450 [02:53:59] *** Quits: woshty (~woshty@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
451 [02:54:22] <dondelelcaro> GenTooMan: not usually; it's
pretty easy to fix most of the problems.
452 [02:54:33] *** Quits: hiroshi (~hiroshi@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ZNC 1.7.2 - ##replaced-url
453 [02:54:35] <ksk> totally. can be a lot faster than repairing
the mess.. make sure to backup /home /root and whereever you stored
something you want to keep
454 [02:54:50] *** Quits: Prints (~333@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
455 [02:55:23] <ksk> also, if I rememer your talk earlier this
day, your debian seemed to be strange before the update alredy ;)
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466 [03:03:54] <EdePopede> dpkg doesn't know about apple
467 [03:03:56] <dpkg> EdePopede: i don't know
468 [03:04:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1518
469 [03:04:06] <EdePopede> you don't say...
470 [03:04:07] <annadane> there's a !bullseye factoid
471 [03:04:12] <annadane> which is, of course, debian 11
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479 [03:15:06] <Benedict> can someone please explain the correct
way to restart networking (ie. changed /etc/network/interfaces) in
480 [03:15:15] *** Quits: mahe (~mahe@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
481 [03:15:28] <Benedict> ifdown && ifup? systemctl
service restart networking?
482 [03:15:39] *** Quits: cluelessperson (~cluelessp@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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488 [03:20:53] <dvs> I thought it was ifdown and ifup
489 [03:21:29] *** Joins: etech3 (~root@replaced-ip )
490 [03:22:03] <tds> restarting networking.service will more or
less just ifdown -a and ifup -a for you
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507 [03:36:24] <GenTooMan> having had to restore more than one
system /home is it's own drive and partition so just unmount
remount I have many partitions and choose them so that overfilling
one won't cause catastrophic failure.
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520 [03:52:15] <ksk> a full /home will never cause any
catastrophic failure in any case.
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525 [03:54:50] <EdePopede> it could kill files. i bet most
programs won't check for diskspace before opening config files
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527 [03:56:04] <ksk> yeah okay, granted.
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529 [03:58:28] <GenTooMan> Some of the contents of my home
partition are from my original linux system from 1993?
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531 [04:00:19] <binaryhermit> GenTooMan: are you sure you're
in the right channel, I mean, you don't sound like you belong
in #debian, lol, and on a less trolling note, I thought I was a
longtime user who's been using linux off and on since about
532 [04:00:34] <binaryhermit> don't mean to chase you from
533 [04:01:11] *** Quits: banc (~banc@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Bye)
534 [04:01:40] <GenTooMan> binaryhermit Well slack 0.9 was my
first install I think. Erstwhile you get tired of a lot of work with
the different chunks of slack and managing dependences of the
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538 [04:03:03] <binaryhermit> I failed at installing debian
3.something, due to a quirk on the system's graphics hardware X
barfed when it tried to start
539 [04:03:26] <binaryhermit> briefly used... mandriva, I think,
stuck for a while with Fedora Core 3
540 [04:03:45] <victor001> Hello fellow deb users. How can I
change $XDG_DATA_DIRS to accept a another directory into its path it
gets overwritten regardless of where I put it example .bashrc
541 [04:04:02] <victor001> this is on debian stretch
542 [04:04:26] <binaryhermit> the one time I installed slackware
I rm -rf'd / as root out of frustration after about an hour (DO
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544 [04:06:25] <rant> victor001: what is it you're trying to
do? those files you mentioned are typically for bash shell logins
545 [04:08:49] <victor001> rant: I am trying to add my
.nix-profile/share to my xdg_data_dirs path so I can include a
custom folder with .desktop files in my application menu.
546 [04:10:30] <victor001> I thought it would be as simple as
including export
to my ~/.profile.
547 [04:10:54] *** Quits: GenTooMan (~cyberman@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
548 [04:11:17] <victor001> but it gets overwritten somewhere and
it defaults to
549 [04:11:34] *** Quits: justthedoctor (uid180843@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
550 [04:11:47] <victor001> its me trying to update my whisker
menu on xfce
551 [04:15:50] <dvs> victor001, why not
XDG_DATA_DIRS=$HOME/.nix-profile/share:$XDG_DATA_DIRS ?
552 [04:16:12] *** Quits: in1t3r (~LordShiva@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
553 [04:16:18] <victor001> i will try that.
554 [04:16:33] *** Joins: BuzzardBuzz (~BuzzardBu@replaced-ip )
555 [04:16:51] <victor001> should I set that in my ~/.profile
556 [04:17:00] *** Quits: barteks2x (~barteks2x@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
557 [04:17:10] <dvs> sure
558 [04:18:09] *** Quits: retpoline (~retpoline@replaced-ip ) (Quit: bye)
559 [04:18:39] <victor001> i will be back need to log off and log
back in
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562 [04:20:04] *** Quits: slack_ (~slack@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
563 [04:20:20] <rant> victor001: fwiw a commonly used dir for
this is ~/.local/share/applications and it would seem you are not
meant to add things to XDG_DATA_DIRS you are suppose to user-define
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566 [04:21:42] <dvs> rant, try again
567 [04:22:10] <victor001> it did not work still got overwritten
and XDG_DATA_DIRS got set back too
568 [04:22:22] *** Quits: barteks2x (~barteks2x@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
569 [04:22:39] <rant> dvs: "$XDG_DATA_HOME defines the base
directory relative to which user specific data files should be
570 [04:23:03] <rant> "$XDG_DATA_DIRS defines the
preference-ordered set of base directories to search for data files
in addition to the $XDG_DATA_HOME base directory."
571 [04:23:30] *** Quits: r00tobo (~r00tobo@replaced-ip ) (Quit: See you later)
572 [04:23:33] *** Quits: ManticPhoton (~OGC@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
573 [04:23:49] <rant> I can't say whats doing it.. but I can
say the spec clearly says users should customize with XDG_DATA_HOME
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578 [04:24:53] <rant> until someone has tested this and has the
same problem with the XDG_DATA_HOME, I am going with what the spec
579 [04:25:03] *** Prints is now known as MethMaster
580 [04:25:22] <rant> I am in the middle of coding, so I am not
logging out to try it :P
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582 [04:26:06] <victor001> rant: echo $XDG_DATA_HOME prints
nothing but the internet keeps leading me back to XDG_DATA_DIRS
583 [04:26:25] <rant> yes its not set by default its a
user-defined variable
584 [04:26:36] <rant> try setting that in your profile instead of
the other var
585 [04:26:49] <victor001> okay will try that
586 [04:26:55] <rant> let me know if it works
587 [04:27:38] <rant> the spec seems to say it reads
588 [04:27:57] <rant> which would solve issues with path name
589 [04:28:06] <rant> putting the user-defined stuff first
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592 [04:28:14] <victor001> im going to logoff and log back in
593 [04:28:19] *** Quits: thunderrd (~thunderrd@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
594 [04:28:52] <rant> I too wanted my system to respect
~/.local/share/applications/ recently but didnt look further into it
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596 [04:29:59] *** Quits: victor001 (49b95a33@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Page closed)
597 [04:30:09] <rant> I determined it was reading
~/.config/mimeapps.list instead of
~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list and stopped digging after
that :P
598 [04:31:50] *** Joins: victor001 (49b95a33@replaced-ip )
599 [04:32:18] <victor001> it failed to respect it as well when I
place in ~/.profile
600 [04:32:34] <victor001> something is overwritting these XDG
601 [04:32:40] <rant> victor001: is env showing the variable set?
602 [04:33:01] <dvs> maybe what you're running is a script
603 [04:33:03] *** Joins: RickRSS (~RickRSS@replaced-ip )
604 [04:33:19] <victor001> rant: yes that command works fine
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608 [04:34:53] <victor001>
609 [04:35:25] <victor001> like I where is that being set
*scratching my head*
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626 [04:55:54] <victor001> debian forever ill be back!
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638 [05:07:20] <sammm> do people here use CICD which supports
building debs?
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673 [05:54:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1503
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686 [06:02:57] <rant> sammm: afaik gitlab ( is
capable of doing this
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697 [06:07:16] <rant> sammm: their support channel is on / and is #alioth
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828 [07:45:34] <sammm> hey, I have a kiosk running debian +
gnome, the kiosk user was created ages ago by people who didnt know
what they were doing, it has too many privileges and I was wondering
if three was an easy way to start the gnome session inside a chroot
/ container / jail type thing
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847 [07:58:49] <dff> is this the correct syntax to change my
sources list "sed -i 's/stretch/buster/g
848 [07:58:51] <dff> ?
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850 [07:59:22] <dff> without the quotation marks :)
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855 [08:00:05] <earendel> can i mount an image created by dd? i
tried with mount -o loop <file> <mountpoint> and it
fails .. could it depend on weather its an image of a disc or
partition? or how to do it right in principal?
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861 [08:02:14] <diogenes_> earendel, maybe acetoneiso?
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870 [08:06:47] <melpy> earendel: you probably have to specify the
offset in bytes
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907 [08:26:26] <earende1> melpy: how can i find out the offset?
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909 [08:29:12] <earende1> ah ok. thanks i'll try that
910 [08:30:11] <melpy> fdisk -l imagefile
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933 [08:48:13] <earende1> melpy: hey! that worked.
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935 [08:49:19] <earende1> now the tough one: can i somehow use an
image + some differential file to write changed to?
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937 [08:49:29] <earende1> changes*
938 [08:50:14] <earende1> like when u have a protected read-only
part, and all changes go somewhere else ..
939 [08:50:28] <earende1> know what i mean?
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952 [08:56:37] <met> it's possible - you can make a live usb
with a "persistence layer"
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955 [08:59:03] <melpy> ʘ‿ʘ
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957 [08:59:38] <melpy> maybe device-mapper snapshots is what
you're looking for
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970 [09:04:24] <met> mount -t overlay might do what you want
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983 [09:13:06] <melpy> TwT
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1077 [10:18:09] <halt> Anyone is around from the Debian AWS
Marketplace team ? ( This one
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1102 [10:31:01] <COOurb> I need to shrink size of partition to
clone it with clonezilla. What should I do?
1103 [10:31:19] <apollo13> make a backup
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1105 [10:31:40] <apollo13> then read the file system tools for
your fs type and see if it supports shrinking
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1111 [10:33:36] <Shlosre> I'm creating an rsyslogd VM to
aggregade logs from about 20 servers, is there a recommended
filesystem for /var/ in this use case ?
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1138 [10:57:03] <RoyK> Shlosre: anything will do, really - ext4 or
xfs, I'd say, or even zfs with its compression
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1141 [10:58:12] <RoyK> Shlosre: we do the same at work, but we
chose a dedicated, physical machine for the logs in case something
smelly hits the fan in the virtualisation department
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1144 [10:58:43] <Shlosre> What's you virtulisation
environement based on RoyK ?
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1152 [11:00:15] <RoyK> Shlosre: vmware - some 10 esxi nodes and
dell compellent storage
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1154 [11:01:12] <Shlosre> RoyK And you don't trust it? I mean
if the whole virtualisation infrastructure goes down, you might have
bigger issues than being able to check out the VM's log
1155 [11:01:34] <RoyK> Shlosre: during the holiday in december, we
had a whole blade centre going down because of an UPS dying, even
though it should have handle that with power redundancy
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1157 [11:02:43] <RoyK> Shlosre: obviously, a virtualisation
environment should be safer, but still, we have chosen to keep the
log server and monitoring servers on physical machines, just in case
1158 [11:03:03] <Shlosre> Ok interesting...
1159 [11:03:22] <Shlosre> The only thing we hesitate to keep
"physicial" is a large file server
1160 [11:03:45] <Shlosre> (To avoid having to manipulate
multi-terabyte VM images)
1161 [11:03:58] *** Quits: Nevermin_ (~Nevermind@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1162 [11:03:59] <RoyK> we don't do that anymore - everything
is virtual except for those very few mentioned servers
1163 [11:04:13] <RoyK> the largest fileserver we have now has
60TiB of storage
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1165 [11:04:30] <RoyK> all virtual
1166 [11:04:33] <RoyK> works well
1167 [11:04:38] <Shlosre> yummy
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1169 [11:05:03] <RoyK> mostly a video archive
1170 [11:05:15] <Shlosre> wht kind of network do you have to move
thing around with that volume?
1171 [11:05:17] <RoyK> the AV dept uses it
1172 [11:05:49] <RoyK> 10Gbps between buildings on the campus,
1Gbps to clients, 40Gbps to storage and so on
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1174 [11:06:48] <Shlosre> seems decent, i'm preparing a new
virt infra right now, with 12Tb of SSD storage, and was going for
10Gb, as you're using 40Gb for 60Tb that coherent
1175 [11:06:51] <Shlosre> that's
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1177 [11:07:48] <RoyK> we have half a peta or thereabout on the
dell compellent system with tiered storage, about 20TiB of SSD, the
rest on spinning rust
1178 [11:08:29] <Shlosre> So, according to what I understand of
ESXi, the dell compellent is pretty much a SPOF, right ?
1179 [11:08:31] <RoyK> that is - about 1PiB in total, but half of
it is for the replicated stuff
1180 [11:08:40] <RoyK> SPOF?
1181 [11:08:45] <Shlosre> single point of failure
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1183 [11:08:56] <jelly> I think I liked it better when storage had
15k rpm disks for performance and not ssd
1184 [11:08:59] <RoyK> not really, since it's replicated
between two sites
1185 [11:09:02] <Shlosre> the ESXi can't do without, right?
1186 [11:09:07] <Shlosre> oh, ok
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1188 [11:09:33] <RoyK> jelly: why is that, when SSDs are several
magnitudes of order faster?
1189 [11:09:39] <Shlosre> that's quite a massive
infrastructure then
1190 [11:09:50] <RoyK> Shlosre: it works ;)
1191 [11:10:49] <jelly> RoyK: faster but less resilient to random
io, esp. lots of writes
1192 [11:10:50] <Shlosre> Jelly: It's the member berries
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1194 [11:11:37] <RoyK> jelly: it all depends on the sort of SSDs
you get. Enterprise stuff last a long time and with sufficient
redundancy, it's no problem at all
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1204 [11:18:27] <jelly> RoyK: the ones with enough DWPR are $$$
1205 [11:18:32] <jelly> DWPD*
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1207 [11:18:49] <jelly> wait, this isn't #debian-offtopic
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1224 [11:23:41] <RoyK> jelly: dell compellent is also $$$, so is
most things labelled "enterprise"
1225 [11:24:04] *** Quits: roenie_ (~roenie@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
1226 [11:24:32] <RoyK> jelly: and 10/40Gbps networking
doesn't come cheap either
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1239 [11:33:03] <jelly> should be cheap enough these days, both
10G and 40G ethernet
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1242 [11:34:28] <Fox> could you define "cheap" ?
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1252 [11:42:06] <celyr> 10G are super cheap
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1303 [12:05:36] <krion> trying to make works and understand
pinning here
1304 [12:05:50] <krion> obviously I should try to understand first
and then make it works
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1314 [12:11:04] <krion> I guess I can only pin a version that is
referenced in a Packages file of a repository
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1415 [13:03:38] <eatox> Hello, I need some help with regular
expressions in PHP and can't join PHP channel because I'm
not invited nor registered. Can you help me?
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1422 [13:06:24] <COOurb> help to register?
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1427 [13:07:24] <eatox> I don't need help with registering
this nickname. I need help with splitting a string using regex in
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1434 [13:10:32] <netriber> Hello, what other open source
containers exists besides Docker?
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1444 [13:17:31] <met> lxc
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1457 [13:21:43] <knasten> anyone here that's good at ufw?
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1460 [13:22:57] <RoyK> knasten: sure
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1462 [13:25:29] <knasten> RoyK,
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1464 [13:26:53] <knasten> Trying to let ssh in
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1502 [13:53:40] <dff> can you set the limit? or is 6 attempts what
you get?
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1509 [13:55:29] <dff> the documentation is not clear is this, from
what i could find
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1511 [13:56:01] <dff> seems simpler than fail2ban if that is case
1512 [13:56:08] <dff> the case*
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1516 [13:57:28] <dff> man page for ufw links to a page that has
this on it This site is now 100% read-only, and retired.
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1521 [13:59:12] <alazred> Hi there! Anyone can give me a hand on a
wireguard configuration ?
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1566 [14:26:11] <kinky_nekoboi> someone should push the kernel
with ZOMBIEFALL migitation to buster fast
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1569 [14:26:40] <kinky_nekoboi> seem like someone finaly has
pushed the microcode to buster
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1574 [14:27:36] <dutchfish> kinky_nekoboi, there is also
#debian-next on OFTC, this channel is for stable. And to your
remarks, be patient, they are working on it.
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1577 [14:28:31] <dutchfish> kinky_nekoboi, furthermore, noone
promissed you, security updates in testing to be done promptly.
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1580 [14:28:53] <kinky_nekoboi> thank you for feedback dutchfish,
sry but i am a unpatient catboi regarding computing security per se
1581 [14:29:22] <dutchfish> kinky_nekoboi, well, then you ca do as
me, roll your own kernel package ;)
1582 [14:29:42] <petn-randall> kinky_nekoboi: Then you'd
understand that it's a pretty low security bug on a desktop,
1583 [14:29:51] *** Quits: hybrid (~hybrid@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1584 [14:29:57] <dutchfish> petn-randall, true
1585 [14:30:00] <petn-randall> kinky_nekoboi: And you'd also
understand that buster doesn't get regular security support, as
it is unreleased.
1586 [14:30:18] <kinky_nekoboi> petn-randall, i am using buster on
gateway thourgh i net the better nftables support
1587 [14:30:31] *** Joins: hybrid (~hybrid@replaced-ip )
1588 [14:30:58] <kinky_nekoboi> luckily i am using amd hardware on
desktop anyway
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1590 [14:31:18] <dutchfish> kinky_nekoboi, and that is why i
prefer stable on production systems.
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1592 [14:32:14] <dutchfish> kinky_nekoboi, and even on stable,
bugs appear, but you will be get updates faster for it.
1593 [14:32:40] <dutchfish> s/get/getting
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1595 [14:33:22] <petn-randall> kinky_nekoboi: nftables is also in
stretch-backports, so that's not a good reason to run an
unreleased OS on a production machine.
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1597 [14:33:26] <petn-randall> ,v nftables
1598 [14:33:27] <judd> Package: nftables on amd64 -- stretch:
0.7-1; stretch-backports: 0.9.0-1~bpo9+1; buster: 0.9.0-2; sid:
1599 [14:33:30] *** Joins: pvdp (~pvdp@replaced-ip )
1600 [14:33:39] <petn-randall> ^ same version in stretch-backports
and buster.
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1716 [15:48:43] <plasmik> topic
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1725 [15:51:53] <plasmik> I'd like to set up a local Wheezy
repo. Do I get the last release of it from the official .iso's;
and "update" .iso's contain all the lts updates, and
so I have all packages?
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1728 [15:52:57] <themill> you wouldn't base it of the iso
images; archive.d.o
1729 [15:53:16] <greycat> wheezy is archived. the wiki page has
the sources.list line for it.
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1741 [15:56:08] <plasmik> greycat, sounds nice, I should mirror it
at my repo machine, right?
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1743 [15:57:19] <ksk> You should maybe thing about upgrading, and
not like buying an infracstructure to keep it running ;)
1744 [15:57:24] <ksk> *think
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1746 [15:57:59] <plasmik> we have it embedded ))
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1748 [15:59:19] <plasmik> we produce offline devices at work
1749 [15:59:59] <ksk> industrial spies will thank you :P
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1873 [17:09:31] <jelly> ksk: maybe not if they keep to versions of
components that CIP plans to support (20 years LTS)
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1901 [17:18:35] <toruvinn> oops pidof broken in buster
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1904 [17:19:09] <greycat> bug number?
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1906 [17:19:31] <jelly> ,v cherrytree
1907 [17:19:32] <judd> Package: cherrytree on amd64 -- jessie:
0.35.2-1; stretch: 0.37.6-1; sid: 0.37.6-1.1
1908 [17:19:44] <jelly> judd, why is cherrytree not in testing
1909 [17:19:45] <judd> No package named 'is' was found
in stretch/amd64.
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1911 [17:19:50] <jelly> dpkg, why is cherrytree not in testing
1912 [17:19:50] <dpkg> cherrytree is not in testing for the
reasons listed in
1913 [17:20:28] <toruvinn> greycat, no idea, i've found it
out on my own now.
1914 [17:20:41] <toruvinn> but i havent upgraded for quite some
time now
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1936 [17:29:59] <ksk> jelly: did not know that one, interesting!
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1997 [17:54:48] <ssa> Hello
1998 [17:54:50] <ssa> Installing redis-server from
stretch-backports created two systems service files,
/etc/systemd/system/redis.service and
1999 [17:54:59] <ssa> Both have identical contents. Is this
2000 [17:55:15] <ssa> Both services are "active
(running)" as well. I'm a bit confused.
2001 [17:56:39] *** Quits: ExoUNX (~ExoUNX@replaced-ip ) (Quit: later fam...)
2002 [17:56:59] <ssa> OK Found that both of them symlink to
2003 [17:57:03] *** Quits: hays (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2004 [17:57:08] <ssa> So I guess whether I deal with
"redis" or "redis-server", it's the same
thing. Hmm
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2015 [18:02:35] <furycd001> HI Guys. I'm trying to boot
crunchbang++ on a thinkpad but the keyboard is messed up and I
cannot login or even use tty. Is there any way of setting the
keyboard layout from the grub menu entry edit ??
2016 [18:02:35] *** Quits: ghost9999 (~ghost9999@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2017 [18:03:17] <OerHeks> furycd001, crunchbang =!debian, not
supported here
2018 [18:03:32] <nkuttler> !crunchbang
2019 [18:03:32] <dpkg> CrunchBang Linux is a Live CD distribution
originally based on <Ubuntu>, now based on Debian as of
version 10, featuring the <Openbox> window manager. It is not
supported in #debian.
2020 [18:03:54] <furycd001> Ok thanks :)
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2040 [18:13:31] <elm_> Who says what Thunderbird for buster is
marking as scam?
2041 [18:14:02] *** Joins: grobi (~rtng@replaced-ip )
2042 [18:14:09] <elm_> It always marks emails from environmental
organizations as scams while spam is not marked!
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2055 [18:18:15] <jelly> elm_: as far as I know, Thunderbird itself
does not do ANY mail filtering or marking on its own. Do you have
any add-ons in TB or an antispam filter server side?
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2061 [18:19:26] <elm_> jelly: no I have no addons; it is just the
plain version of Debian Testing/ Buster.
2062 [18:19:31] *** Joins: bamdads (~bamdads@replaced-ip )
2063 [18:19:45] <elm_> it marks the messages as read thus
deterring potential readers
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2066 [18:20:04] <elm_> it is somewhat unfair that environmental
organizations are on that list
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2076 [18:22:31] <jelly> elm_: thunderbird should _not_ mark
messages as read on its own. Do you have access to server logs and
can you see if there's any other client reading the same
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2081 [18:22:58] <dax> thunderbird has adaptive junk mail controls
enabled by default
2082 [18:23:10] <elm_> jelly: how to test for access to server
2083 [18:23:12] <dax> i forget whether those controls default to
marking as read, but i recall there being an option to do so
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2085 [18:23:30] <elm_> there is no other client reading the same
2086 [18:23:35] <elm_> it is a gmail account
2087 [18:23:42] <elm_> perhaps that one is evil
2088 [18:23:45] <dax> if you go into Account Settings there should
be a Junk Settings category that lets you turn it all off
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2091 [18:24:01] <dax> (it's one of the first things I do when
I set up thunderbird)
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2093 [18:24:13] <jelly> elm_: gmail does very nasty filtering to
all incoming mail.
2094 [18:24:31] *** Quits: a_l_b (~a_l_b@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
2095 [18:24:32] <jelly> verify you don't have and custom
filter rules set there.
2096 [18:24:46] <jelly> any* custom filter rules.
2097 [18:24:59] <elm_> yes, I could disable junk filtering
2098 [18:25:11] <jelly> dax: so you're saying TB _does_ some
filtering on its own by default?
2099 [18:25:15] <dax> jelly: yes
2100 [18:25:20] <elm_> .. but it would be good to know who
assembles these filters and who is liable for the results
2101 [18:25:24] <dax> if you're using gmail, you're
probably better off turning off Thunderbird's junk handling and
just use Google's, it's significantly less crap
2102 [18:25:29] *** Joins: Tom01 (~tom@replaced-ip )
2103 [18:26:09] <elm_> why does an open source project like
thunderbird act against environmental networks?
2104 [18:26:17] <greycat> ...
2105 [18:26:28] <dax> it doesn't, it acts against messages
that e.g. include hyperlinks that don't go where they say they
2106 [18:26:29] <jelly> elm_: you would have to ask the authors.
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2109 [18:27:12] <elm_> day: aha, good hint; I would like to
analyse the next mail marked as scam
2110 [18:27:25] <dax> specifically,
2111 [18:27:26] <elm_> and see whether there are any non-direct
links in it
2112 [18:27:34] <dax> and as for spam/junk stuff, it's based
on what you've previously marked as spam
2113 [18:27:53] <dax> (i don't think scam detection marks
mail as read automatically, so maybe you're getting hit by
2114 [18:28:40] <elm_> ok; I understand
2115 [18:28:58] <elm_> as far as I remember no link had an
illlegal server name
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2117 [18:29:10] * dax shrugs
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2119 [18:30:19] <elm_> is there anyone whom I can contact at
mozilla if thunderbird recurrently marks messages as scam that are
definitely not a scam?
2120 [18:30:36] <elm_> I guess they also have some filter of
senders or emails or so
2121 [18:30:47] <dax> as far as i know, they do not have a sender
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2123 [18:31:06] <dax>
2124 [18:32:10] *** Quits: nullbyte_ (~nullbyte@replaced-ip ) (Quit: closed.)
2125 [18:32:58] <elm_> it does not list my issue:
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2152 [18:49:42] <Iarfen> hi!
2153 [18:50:05] <Iarfen> If I get the error "sudo: unable to
resolve host metricsMultitenancy", what does it means?
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2160 [18:50:46] <greycat> I would imagine it means you've got
something incorrect in your sudoers file
2161 [18:50:52] <jelly> Iarfen: probably means that you have
"metricsMultitenancy" somewhere in sudo's config file
where it expects a host name?
2162 [18:50:53] *** Joins: mibo (~mibo@replaced-ip )
2163 [18:51:43] <jelly> Iarfen: syntax errors in /etc/sudoers and
/etc/sudoers.d/* won't be commited if you use
"visudo" command to edit those files.
2164 [18:52:06] <dax> make sure whatever hostname is in
/etc/hostname is also in /etc/hosts
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2166 [18:52:30] <Iarfen> jelly: the hostname should be identical
to a user then?
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2168 [18:52:48] <greycat> start by undoing whatever you did in
2169 [18:53:04] <greycat> THEN we can try to runravel why you
would ask such a question
2170 [18:53:04] <Iarfen> I haven't done something, I'm
fixing an error that was already present
2171 [18:53:21] *** Joins: ManticPhoton (~OGC@replaced-ip )
2172 [18:53:24] <jelly> Iarfen: no. The hostname should be valid
or a literal ALL
2173 [18:53:25] <jhutchins_wk> elm_: That's more likely to be
your mailserver than thunderbird marking messages as spam.
2174 [18:53:42] <Iarfen> jelly: then I can change the file
hostname to ALL right?
2175 [18:53:44] *** Quits: pamaury (~pamaury@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
2176 [18:54:08] <jelly> Iarfen: can you show your sudoers file
around where that string happens
2177 [18:54:13] <jelly> or the whole file
2178 [18:54:34] <jhutchins_wk> !paste
2179 [18:54:34] <dpkg> Do not paste more than 2 lines to this
channel. Instead, use for text:
2180 [18:55:09] <jelly> Iarfen: and what do you mean by "the
file hostname"? I meant in /etc/sudoers.
2181 [18:55:22] <Iarfen> jelly: the string of the file
/etc/hostname is metricsMultitenancy, inside /tc/sudoers
there's no user called like that
2182 [18:55:22] <greycat> 12:52 dax> make sure whatever
hostname is in /etc/hostname is also in /etc/hosts
2183 [18:55:42] <jelly> Iarfen: fix your /etc/hostname then, yes
2184 [18:55:45] <greycat> Iarfen: that is a HOSTNAME, not a USER
2185 [18:55:58] <greycat> you have named your machine
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2188 [18:56:08] <Iarfen> jelly: what I can wirte inside
/etc/hostname? Anything?
2189 [18:56:14] <greycat> it is the name of the machine
2190 [18:56:17] <Iarfen> greycat: then the name was valid?
2191 [18:56:24] <greycat> YOU CHOSE IT
2192 [18:56:29] <jelly> Iarfen: a short name of the machine,
probably should be valid for dns.
2193 [18:56:30] <Iarfen> greycat: ok
2194 [18:56:59] <jelly> !hostname
2195 [18:56:59] <dpkg> Use «hostname foo» to set the
hostname, $EDITOR /etc/hostname to set it for the next boot (create
/etc/hostname if it does not exist) and $EDITOR /etc/hosts to set up
local translations for a FQDN. See also 'man 1 hostname',
or ask me about <mailname>.
2196 [18:57:51] <Tenkawa> and just think... none of you even have
to deal with NIS
2197 [18:58:03] <Tenkawa> now those were the days
2198 [18:58:04] <greycat> none of whom?
2199 [18:58:18] <Tenkawa> ok.. maybe.. mabe not all
2200 [18:58:24] <Tenkawa> er maybe
2201 [18:58:32] <jelly> Tenkawa: I'd rather shoot my foot
than deal with NIS. In fact I'd rather join my Linux servers
into Active Directory.
2202 [18:58:49] <Tenkawa> jelly: nis was just scary
2203 [18:58:58] <jhutchins_wk> I dunno, I worked with NIS for a
couple of years, didn't have any serious problems.
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2205 [18:59:14] <jelly> the yellow pages have gone brown by now
2206 [18:59:19] <jhutchins_wk> LDAP is a lot more problemic.
2207 [18:59:22] <Tenkawa> hahaahahahaahaha
2208 [18:59:24] <Johann> oO
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2212 [19:00:55] <Tenkawa> jelly: some people may not even know
what yellow pages computer or non computer are anymore.. I asked
some people and they had never seen an actual phone book
2213 [19:01:13] <jelly> [19:00] ~ # realm list |grep server
2214 [19:01:16] <jelly> server-software: active-directory
2215 [19:01:34] <greycat> Tenkawa: whaddaya mean "was"
2216 [19:01:39] <jelly> jhutchins_wk: ldap does not _have_ to be
2217 [19:01:43] <greycat> wooledg:~$ ypwhich
2218 [19:01:43] <greycat>
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2221 [19:02:07] <hans_> this bad?
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2223 [19:02:35] <Tenkawa> greycat: eh? I didnt say was did I?
2224 [19:02:43] <jelly> hans_: maybe. Some of those ethernet cards
work without fw, some don't
2225 [19:02:55] <greycat> 12:58 Tenkawa> jelly: nis was just
2226 [19:03:05] <Tenkawa> ahh that
2227 [19:03:17] <Tenkawa> I meant when "I" used it
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2229 [19:03:35] <jelly> hans_: the simplest thing to do if it
turns out they do need it, is use unofficial debian-installer images
that include firmware for physical servers
2230 [19:03:37] <jelly> !firmware images
2231 [19:03:38] <dpkg> Unofficial <netinst> and DVD
installer images containing non-free Debian firmware packages are
available for installing Debian 9 "Stretch". See
2232 [19:04:13] *** Quits: grobi (~rtng@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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2234 [19:04:42] <Tenkawa> out of curiosity any of you still doing
cobol on debian
2235 [19:04:42] <Tenkawa> ?
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2239 [19:04:53] <Tenkawa> serious question
2240 [19:05:09] * jelly too young for cobol
2241 [19:05:22] <jelly> also, !anyone
2242 [19:05:26] <annadane> get off my lawn
2243 [19:05:29] <greycat> the last time I saw cobol was in 1994 on
2244 [19:05:34] * Tenkawa spent the first part of his career doing it
2245 [19:05:41] <jelly> that was about the last time I say yp
2246 [19:05:53] <jhutchins_wk> Cobol 77 forever
2247 [19:05:57] <Tenkawa> I was wondering if you think its going
to be maintained
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2249 [19:06:10] <jelly> if you asked about fortran you might have
even gotten a positive
2250 [19:06:30] <Tenkawa> Well cobol is still in a lot of banking
2251 [19:06:36] <jhutchins_wk> Tenkawa: There are a lot of
financial institutions with massive cobol codebases.
2252 [19:06:53] <Tenkawa> jhutchins_wk: yep.. thats how I got in
2253 [19:07:20] *** Joins: deicide- (~deicide-@replaced-ip )
2254 [19:07:20] <Tenkawa> mind you at that time it was svr4
2255 [19:07:22] <jelly> you just say "massive" because
they can't run a hercules emulator on a PC
2256 [19:07:25] *** Joins: grobi (~rtng@replaced-ip )
2257 [19:07:58] <jhutchins_wk> IBM 360/370
2258 [19:08:08] *** Quits: sputnik (kli0rf@replaced-ip ) (Quit: leaving)
2259 [19:08:09] <Tenkawa> now that machine could run on my
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2264 [19:09:35] <gvth> Hi there; I just booted a live system from
a USB key (created using the hybrid function). I created a new
partition on the free space on the USB key using fdisk which
succeeded. When I try to make a filesystem on it issuing
"mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb3", I get an error message:
"/dev/sdb3 is apparently in use by the system; will not make a
filesystem here!". The command-line tool df, at least, shows
that /dev/sdb3
2265 [19:09:41] <gvth> is not mounted, so why the error message?
2266 [19:10:00] <Tenkawa> well back to waiting for my downloads to
finish so I can see if vmware and I are going to have an epic
struggle today.
2267 [19:10:03] <Tenkawa> afk
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2269 [19:11:18] <jelly> gvth: if any other partitions on /dev/sdb
are in use, the kernel might not be able to update its in-memory
notion of partition table layout and userspace, eg. mkfs, can't
work with /dev/sdb3
2270 [19:11:27] *** Joins: hybrid (~hybrid@replaced-ip )
2271 [19:11:32] <jelly> gvth: reboot and try again :-)
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2273 [19:13:02] <jelly> gvth: does /dev/sdb3 device node exist at
all right now?
2274 [19:13:15] <jelly> if it does not, that's a clue
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2276 [19:13:56] <gvth> jelly: fdisk shows that sdb3 exists
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2278 [19:14:08] <gvth> jelly: I rebooted and tried again; to no
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2280 [19:15:18] <jelly> gvth: pastebin the output of
"lsblk", and "mount" and "swapon -s"
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2285 [19:16:18] <gvth> jelly: the machine running the live system
cannot go online because the wifi-adapter is broken. I am just
trying to shift some data files over
2286 [19:16:39] <gvth> jelly: lsblk shows that sdb3 exists and is
27.6G large
2287 [19:17:36] <jelly> I don't want your choice of excerpts,
show the whole output please
2288 [19:17:56] <rivyn> So I set up some Debian 9 VM's in
vmware. I'm finding that when I reboot the VM's, even if I
select at the BIOS level to boot from CD, it ends up booting the
installed grub. How can I go about doing a reinstall?
2289 [19:17:57] <jelly> upload screenshots to or
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2291 [19:18:37] <gvth> jelly: I can't :(
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2293 [19:19:00] <jelly> no camera phone at hand?
2294 [19:19:04] <annadane> or pipe it to termbin?
2295 [19:19:17] <jelly> yeah, pipe it from a machine that does not
have internet
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2297 [19:19:24] <annadane> fair, lol
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2300 [19:20:08] <rivyn> How do I make a system boot a Debian CD
even when Debian is already installed?
2301 [19:20:09] *** Quits: netriber (~Andre@replaced-ip ) (Quit: good night)
2302 [19:20:18] <jelly> gvth: is mount|grep sdb3 empty?
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2305 [19:20:25] <greycat> boot menu in the firmware, usually
2306 [19:20:29] <rivyn> It seem like the CD is detecting that
there's an install and turning over the boot loading to that.
2307 [19:20:35] <rivyn> I did select CD in the boot menu
2308 [19:20:40] <rivyn> that works for Ubuntu, but not for Debian
for some reason.
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2310 [19:21:21] <jelly> rivyn: debian-installer does not do that.
which .iso are you trying to boot?
2311 [19:21:27] <gvth> jelly: yes, mount|grep sdb3 is empty
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2314 [19:22:24] <madjpm> hi
2315 [19:22:37] <jelly> rivyn: if you suspect it of doing that,
you can boot ubuntu, wipe the disk from boot loader and partition
table, and try to boot debian iso again
2316 [19:22:48] <rivyn> I guess, but that's a pain
2317 [19:22:54] <rivyn> I figured there must be something simple
2318 [19:22:57] <rivyn> I'll try it again
2319 [19:23:15] <jelly> which iso is it?
2320 [19:23:27] <rivyn> The 9.9 cd from
2321 [19:23:33] <gvth> jelly: imgut wants me on my phone to
download the app (which is non-free likely). I cannot find an option
to upload a photo
2322 [19:23:36] <jelly> rivyn: netinst?
2323 [19:23:50] <rivyn> debian-9.9.0-amd64-netinst.iso
2324 [19:23:57] <jelly> right
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2326 [19:24:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1556
2327 [19:24:31] <rivyn> Is there an alternative to that?
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2329 [19:25:24] <jelly> gvth: click "no thanks", then
the upload cloud icon, then X, then the upload form appears
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2331 [19:25:31] <madjpm> anyone know why on a new install of
debian 9, usb keys are mounted automatically on gnome but not on my
old box...
2332 [19:25:59] <madjpm> udev config problem ?
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2334 [19:26:30] <gvth> jelly: there is only a "Gew App"
button. There is no "no thanks" button
2335 [19:26:45] <jelly> gvth: is there no X in top right corner?
2336 [19:27:08] <gvth> jelly: no
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2338 [19:27:28] <jelly> wfm on android
2339 [19:27:38] <jelly> maybe?
2340 [19:27:54] <jelly> nope
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2346 [19:31:17] <gvth> jelly: I am desperately trying to find a
free photo host provider...
2347 [19:31:43] <jelly> ? :-)
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2349 [19:33:07] <jelly> wfm (but then again, so does imgur in
2350 [19:33:33] <jelly> and there's hardly any lewd
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2353 [19:34:56] <jelly> sure
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2356 [19:35:56] <jhutchins_wk> I suppose there is some reason
everybody is ignoring the 800lb gorilla that is google photos.
Probably involving tinfoil hats.
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2361 [19:37:05] <annadane> it'll probably be discontinued in
6 months
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2417 [20:02:41] <jhutchins_wk> rivyn: Are you sure your iso file
is good? Checksum?
2418 [20:02:54] <jhutchins_wk> rivyn: If it's a VM, why not
just delete and recreate?
2419 [20:03:13] <rivyn> that takes a lot more steps
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2421 [20:03:27] <rivyn> anyways I'll figure it out, got
sidetracked for now
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2424 [20:04:28] <rivyn> Creating a VM involves going through a
dialog and configuring a bunch of options. I'm using a
standalone VMWare ESXi server, and as far as I can tell there's
no ability to clone VM's from a template unless you buy
2425 [20:04:36] *** Joins: hybrid (~hybrid@replaced-ip )
2426 [20:04:49] <rivyn> I'm just looking for the shortest
path to "recycle" an existing configured VM
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2448 [20:17:21] <a-l-e> how can i get virtualbox to install on
testing? ...
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2453 [20:18:06] <a-l-e> it's available for jessie,
stretch-backports and sid... but not for buster : - (
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2462 [20:20:35] <a-l-e> ok... has an "all
distributions" download... that might be a solution...
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2467 [20:22:33] <englosh> when I install `lua5.3-dev` and link
with lua5.3, I get `undefined reference to `lua_pcall'`. Is
this function not included in the package? `luaL_newstate` does
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2494 [20:28:56] <teb007est> trying to install netinstaller for the
first time I have no USB am stuck on Ubuntu 19.04 I want to switch
to Debian 9 Stable Support I have the ISO I tryed installing Grub
Rescue Placing the ISO in /boot/images/ & update grub-menu
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2496 [20:29:59] <greycat> you have no USB ... so write it to a CD?
2497 [20:30:06] <teb007est> But when I tryed to install it boot to
the menu I click graphic installer and it said when it was trying to
dectect CD it did not and it no prossess after that
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2499 [20:30:52] <greycat> if you can't boot from USB or CD
then you might have to try the deboostrap method, from within Ubuntu
2500 [20:30:56] <teb007est> This is a netbook no CD I have no CD
USB DRIVE or a USB it would be more easer for me to do so but I have
no way of getting one I am trying to get this to work but very hard
2501 [20:31:19] <ksk> !tell teb007est about debootstrap
2502 [20:32:11] *** Joins: Tenkawa (~Tenkawa@replaced-ip )
2503 [20:32:14] <a-l-e> so, no the "all distribution" is
not a good idea... it (silently) messes with the system files.
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2505 [20:32:36] <rwp> teb007est, How did you get Ubuntu installed
if there is no USB or CDROM boot?
2506 [20:32:56] <a-l-e>
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2509 [20:33:28] <johnfg> Although I'm not a noobie, I feel
like this is a noobie question.
2510 [20:33:28] <ksk> a-l-e: iirc it was removed, because debian
cannot keep up with oracles way of releasesing patches to security
related stuff (they dont release patches, only new, patched
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2512 [20:33:41] <ksk> dpkg, why is virtualbox not in buster
2513 [20:33:42] <dpkg> ksk: I think you lost me on that one
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2515 [20:33:47] <ksk> :(
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2517 [20:34:08] <rwp> a-l-e, I am not personally a fan of
virtualbox on GNU/Linux. On Windows it works well enough. But on
GNU/Linux KVM with libvirt works very well. Is there a reason you
need VirtualBox?
2518 [20:34:42] <a-l-e> ... the reason is that i don't know
any other free solution to get another linux to run in my linux...
2519 [20:34:44] <a-l-e> : - )
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2521 [20:35:24] <temple48> let's assume there's a reason
for wanting vbox rather than pushing libvirt, is there a reason why
the debian 9 .deb here would not work for debian 10? or why oracle
will not post a debian 10 link here when the time comes?
2522 [20:35:30] <johnfg> I'm running cinnamon and bash, on
stretch, all updates installed.
2523 [20:35:37] <rwp> Then I strongly recommend and suggest trying
libvirt. You will have a much better success with it.
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2525 [20:36:10] <johnfg> I'm using ddev (a great thing btw,
imho) and needed this in either my .profile or .bashrc or
2526 [20:36:23] *** Quits: gusnan (~gusnan@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
2527 [20:36:25] <rwp> temple48, The kernel driver has had a very
troubled history of poor support and bugs in the Linux kernel.
2528 [20:36:31] *** Quits: discovered (~discovere@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2529 [20:36:34] <rwp> For vboxdrv.
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2531 [20:36:56] <ksk> johnfg: what is ddev?
2532 [20:37:04] <johnfg>
2533 [20:37:04] <a-l-e> i'm reading about libvirt but i
cannot really understand what it does... it looks more like a
library that virtualbox is using...
2534 [20:37:39] <johnfg> ksk:
2535 [20:37:40] <a-l-e> i need somethign that will run a linux
mint inside of my debian testing... that's all : - )
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2537 [20:38:03] <johnfg> They've got the what is ddev right
2538 [20:38:04] <temple48> rwp: I get it, "use libvirt"
is the answer to every virtualbox question, but assuming someone
needs or wants to use vbox
2539 [20:38:12] <temple48> a-l-e: take a look at this
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2543 [20:38:26] <temple48> a-l-e: it makes libvirt a bit easier to
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2545 [20:38:32] <rwp> a-l-e, I do exactly what you are wanting to
do and and KVM with the libvirt utilities is IMNHO the easiest way
to use it.
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2549 [20:38:55] <rwp> I am lumping virt-manager in with the
libvirt utilities. virt-manager is quite good.
2550 [20:39:06] <johnfg> I've got the lines in the paste in
my .profile, but it isn't getting read at login.
2551 [20:39:25] <johnfg> I have to do a: . .profile, then
it's there.
2552 [20:39:28] <rwp> johnfg, Do you also have a .bash_profile
too? .profile is ignored by bash if there is a .bash_profile.
2553 [20:39:30] *** Joins: dev (~dev@replaced-ip )
2554 [20:39:39] <johnfg> I do.
2555 [20:39:44] <rwp> Then that is why.
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2559 [20:40:59] <dev__> hello
2560 [20:41:01] <dev__> xd
2561 [20:41:02] <a-l-e> virt-manager is pulling half of the
2562 [20:41:05] <rwp> a-l-e,
2563 [20:41:08] <a-l-e> is qemu needed for what i need?
2564 [20:41:09] <johnfg> I actually have the lines in
.bash_profile as well, but not getting read.
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2566 [20:41:29] <rwp> a-l-e, Yes. QEMU is part of the system that
you need.
2567 [20:41:32] <johnfg> Is: "eval
$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)" the right
syntax for bash?
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2570 [20:42:15] <rwp> a-l-e, Also see
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2574 [20:44:47] <Soliton> eval
"$(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
2575 [20:44:52] <rwp> a-l-e, Looks like the full list of things
that *I* install for KVM is this long list. apt-get install
gir1.2-spice-client-glib-2.0 gir1.2-spice-client-gtk-3.0
libvirt-clients libvirt-daemon libvirt-daemon-system ovmf qemu-efi
qemu-kvm qemu-utils spice-client-gtk virt-manager virt-top
virt-viewer virt-what virtinst
2576 [20:44:56] <Soliton> assuming brew outputs shell syntax.
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2582 [20:46:07] <rwp> a-l-e, But that covers everything. And then
add yourself to the 'libvirt' group. As root "adduser
YOURLOGINNAME libvirt" and then log out and log back in again
so that you get that additional group in your login groups.
2583 [20:46:17] <a-l-e> ok, installing half of the world... i
cannot remove substantial parts of the optional dependencies.
2584 [20:46:18] <johnfg> Soliton: You're saying it *should*
work as it's in my .bash_profile?
2585 [20:46:50] <rwp> a-l-e, Then start "virt-manager",
it will be a menu pick from the start menu too. If that all works
and you have virt-manager up then we can talk about doing a linux
2586 [20:47:34] <Soliton> johnfg: if you're talking about an
interactive login shell, sure.
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2588 [20:48:02] <rwp> johnfg, I think it should work as is in your
.bash_profile file.
2589 [20:48:57] <a-l-e> ok, thanks rwp
2590 [20:49:03] *** Quits: salerace (~salerace@replaced-ip ) (Quit: salerace)
2591 [20:49:05] <rwp> johnfg, You can run the "brew
shellenv" command manually. Just type it into your bash shell.
And see the output it produces. It should all be stuff that looks
like bash syntax variables setting and things like that.
2592 [20:49:14] <a-l-e> i can now restart X11...
2593 [20:49:47] <rwp> a-l-e, You can verify that you are in the
libvirt group with "id" and looking for it. "id |
grep --color libvirt" and it should be there.
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2601 [20:54:04] <a-l-e> ok, rwp i'm back in...
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2603 [20:54:34] <rwp> Cool! Can you start up virt-manager? It
should also be a desktop menu item too. Your choice on how you start
2604 [20:54:36] <a-l-e> and virt-manager is running
2605 [20:54:44] *** Quits: dkmueller (~dkmueller@replaced-ip ) (Quit: WeeChat 1.6)
2606 [20:55:23] <rwp> \o/
2607 [20:55:23] *** Quits: johnfg (~johnfg@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2608 [20:55:28] <a-l-e> i can try to add my iso as qemu/kvm...
2609 [20:55:35] *** Joins: johnfg (~johnfg@replaced-ip )
2610 [20:56:06] <rwp> Is that an installation ISO? If so then the
easiest thing is to copy it to
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2612 [20:56:58] <a-l-e> ok, it's a linux mint image...
virt-manager cannot detect a system when trying to create a vm...
2613 [20:57:00] <rwp> If not then easiest is to download a netinst
iso and put it in the /var/lib/libvirt/images/ directory. Don't
use the boot directory there. It's a distraction.
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2615 [20:57:26] <a-l-e> i'll try to do as you are saying
(but, well, putting in a non system path would be preferred : - )
2616 [20:57:53] <rwp> You can polish up the process as you desire
after you have a working example. :-)
2617 [20:58:11] <a-l-e> yep
2618 [20:58:11] <rwp> Then right click on the system name in the
body of virt-manager, select New.
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2620 [20:58:31] <rwp> Choose Local install media or cdrom. Then
2621 [20:58:53] <rwp> Choose Use ISO image and then Browse.
2622 [20:59:06] <rwp> That should show you the contents of
/var/lib/libvirt/images right there. Select your bootable install
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2624 [20:59:41] <rwp> At that point everything should be obvious
enough that you can figure it out as you go along. Hopefully it will
all work at that point.
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2627 [21:00:24] <rwp> But the details of all of that up to that
point can be confusing and easy to get off the working path. The
smallest detail can cause lack of success.
2628 [21:00:43] <a-l-e> ok, it shows up (i've missed the
2629 [21:01:21] <a-l-e> it still says that i must select an os
when going forward...
2630 [21:01:42] *** Quits: johnfg (~johnfg@replaced-ip ) (Quit: leaving)
2631 [21:01:52] <rwp> Select an OS instead of Generic? It would be
best to select the specific OS you are installing from the selection
list. So it can make other selections for you.
2632 [21:03:12] <rwp> If you have gotten to the point where you
are creating a VM successfully and it is installing and you are
seeing the graphical display of it then there are a couple of more
hints for you.
2633 [21:03:20] <a-l-e> i can mount the iso...
2634 [21:03:34] <rwp> Mount the iso? Huh?
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2636 [21:03:52] <rwp> You can't boot from it?
2637 [21:04:16] <rwp> Early on if you have an http netinst boot
path that can be selected instead of a netinst boot iso.
2638 [21:04:37] <a-l-e> well, i wanted to check if the iso was
2639 [21:04:52] <a-l-e> i could selecet "generic"...
2640 [21:04:58] <rwp> I keep fearing that you have a VM image that
you are trying to import rather than a bootable netinst image to
boot from to do an install.
2641 [21:05:01] *** Quits: Gazooo (~Gazooo@replaced-ip##) (Quit: The Lounge - ##replaced-url
2642 [21:05:21] <rwp> That would be a different path.
2643 [21:05:56] *** Quits: _bionade24 (~oskar@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
2644 [21:06:31] <rwp> Another path is to boot from your hardware
cdrom. That is a different selection to choose at the first step.
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2646 [21:06:51] <a-l-e> ok, mint is booting...
2647 [21:07:03] *** Joins: Gazooo (~Gazooo@replaced-ip )
2648 [21:07:26] <rwp> The guest OS choice is up to you. It could
be anything. I have a dozen different varieties for testing and
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2650 [21:07:41] <weedloser> virt-manager is a very nice gui
2651 [21:08:04] <weedloser> I don't like the generous
dependencies however, as usual with readhat software x)
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2654 [21:08:28] <annadane> suckless should make a virtual machine
2655 [21:08:47] <weedloser> meh, you can use qemu by its own
2656 [21:08:50] *** Joins: faw (~faw@replaced-ip )
2657 [21:08:53] <rwp> The thing that used to snag me was lacking
gir1.2-spice-client-glib-2.0 gir1.2-spice-client-gtk-3.0 meant the
spice client failed. A hidden dependency.
2658 [21:08:54] <weedloser> it's more of a hassle however
2659 [21:08:57] <annadane> yeah but the syntax.......
2660 [21:09:08] <annadane> vanilla qemu is arcane wizardry
2661 [21:09:11] <a-l-e> ok, indeed, too many dependencies... but
it it works!
2662 [21:09:14] <a-l-e> thanks for your help!
2663 [21:09:39] <weedloser> annadane: yeah x)
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2665 [21:10:33] <rwp> There are a few subtle points. For one, at
step 5 of 5 there is a checkbox, Customize configuration before
install. That is where deep details can be tweaked. Such as creating
a UEFI boot or other.
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2668 [21:11:46] <rwp> For another I always set up a network bridge
so that the VM can be reached from the subnet. Most docs assume you
are using a bridge. But it is okay to use the default NAT'd
network interface for a pure client configuration.
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2670 [21:13:13] <a-l-e> ok, it seems to work good enough for my
needs : - )
2671 [21:13:19] <a-l-e> thanks for your help
2672 [21:13:21] <rwp> For another I often use "virt-manager
--no-conn-autostart" on my laptop and then connect up to the
remote server with ssh to manage the VMs remotely. WORKS AWESOME!
2673 [21:13:36] <rwp> Happy to help. Good luck! :-)
2674 [21:13:51] <weedloser> You can also configure after install
if you didn't know that. Open the viewer for a vm and click on
the I
2675 [21:13:57] <a-l-e> ... tomorrow i will need to the work i
wanted to do... but, now it's friday night!
2676 [21:14:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1555
2677 [21:14:10] <annadane> dependencies... meh. disk storage is
cheap, but i get why people don't like programs like that
2678 [21:14:33] <weedloser> counting packages is an obsession of
mine :p
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2680 [21:14:42] <annadane> i do draw the line on programs that i
really don't need because there are alternative programs with
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2682 [21:14:57] <annadane> like what is it, shutter? a screenshot
program, pulls in everything under the sun
2683 [21:15:04] <weedloser> have a nice night a-l-e
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2685 [21:15:11] <annadane> whereas i can't just use qemu by
itself, i'd never understand it
2686 [21:15:13] <a-l-e> btw, i have a live install that works and
i could install... but no need for it for now (i just have to check
how the "system" variable are set when a dark theme is
picked in gnome...
2687 [21:15:45] <rwp> I used to use qemu just by itself. But then
started to build up a management framework around. Realized I would
just end up recreating libvirt. So now I use libvirt's
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2690 [21:16:03] <rwp> I don't like all of the xml files for
configuring libvirt. But meh it is acceptable enough. Works reliably
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2693 [21:17:28] <rwp> a-l-e, I am glad we could save you from
using the vboxdrv!
2694 [21:17:46] <annadane> i avoided virtualbox because it's
not free software
2695 [21:17:58] <annadane> i just assumed the free alternative was
better quality
2696 [21:18:15] <rwp> But virtualbox is GPL. It's just poorly
2697 [21:18:32] <annadane> yeah no, it's in contrib and not
in non-free
2698 [21:18:35] <weedloser> it performs pretty bad :/
2699 [21:18:35] <annadane> still
2700 [21:18:45] <weedloser> and needs a kernel module
2701 [21:18:48] <rwp> Let's see.. Here is a very old
reference link:
2702 [21:18:51] <annadane> i'd rather use software in main
unless i have to use something else
2703 [21:18:54] <weedloser> so yeah, no excuse to not use
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2706 [21:19:13] <annadane> (fucking nvidia...)
2707 [21:19:30] <weedloser> I'm very happy with my RX580 :D
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2710 [21:22:11] <weedloser> literally plug and play, and
everything just works (with nonfree amd gpu firmware i might add :P)
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2787 [22:03:17] <jhutchins_wk> ,v virtualbox
2788 [22:03:18] <judd> Package: virtualbox on amd64 --
jessie/contrib: 4.3.36-dfsg-1+deb8u1; jessie-security/contrib:
4.3.36-dfsg-1+deb8u1; stretch-backports/contrib:
5.2.24-dfsg-4~bpo9+1; sid/contrib: 6.0.8-dfsg-2
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2791 [22:04:01] <jhutchins_wk> I run it on W10, don't have
any issues, but all I do is ansible and irc.
2792 [22:04:14] <jhutchins_wk> I run the gui so I get screen
2793 [22:04:19] <jhutchins_wk> (xfce)
2794 [22:04:45] *** Quits: Krennic (~Krennic@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Lost terminal)
2795 [22:05:42] <jhutchins_wk> weedloser: vbox will run without
kernel modules.
2796 [22:07:05] <weedloser>
2797 [22:07:06] <weedloser> hm?
2798 [22:08:39] <jhutchins_wk> weedloser: I believe that provides
extended capabilities. But D'Oh, you're HOSTING on linux,
not just running guests like me.
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2807 [22:14:10] <rwp> jhutchins_wk, VirtualBox on Windows seems to
be okay. It is the Linux kernel driver vboxdrv that is poor.
2808 [22:15:33] *** Quits: beencubed (~beencubed@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2809 [22:16:51] <weedloser> Yes
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2819 [22:28:03] <temple48> there are some things it makes easy,
bridged networking and shared folders under certain circumstances.
libvirt had horrible performance for some reason on one of my
machines, and virtualbox didn't, so i used / use vbox there. i
think it's an iommu kernel setting perhaps that was causing it.
in any event there are a rare few people who have a better
experience with vbox than libvirt on linux host
2820 [22:28:12] *** Joins: Greyztar (~irc@replaced-ip )
2821 [22:28:40] <temple48> never run it on debian though, as a
topical caveat. only fedora. maybe it's especially rotten on
debian due to other packages & components
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2831 [22:32:36] <S1lv3rL1n1ng> beer thirty... off to the bar
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2834 [22:33:27] <cbilt> S1lv3rL1n1ng: enjoy
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2838 [22:35:36] <rwp> Regarding VirtualBox. My observation is that
people running Windows always think it is fine. Then try to use it
on a Linux distro and there are often problems. Because it is poor
on Linux.
2839 [22:35:39] <rwp> "Negative transference of
2840 [22:35:51] *** Quits: S1lv3rL1n1ng (~main@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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2843 [22:36:28] <Tenkawa> rwp: biggest problem I run into is
2844 [22:36:38] *** Joins: salerace (~salerace@replaced-ip )
2845 [22:36:45] <Tenkawa> its just a pain.. virt and non-virt
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2847 [22:38:04] <rwp> "activation"? You mean Windows
Microsoft license activation?
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2851 [22:38:33] <Tenkawa> yep
2852 [22:38:57] <temple48> rwp: people running windows as the
guest or the host?
2853 [22:39:06] <Tenkawa> especially on amd virts
2854 [22:39:15] <rwp> Well... You have a choice. I think you have
chosen poorly. :-)
2855 [22:39:41] <rwp> temple48, Yes.
2856 [22:39:56] *** Quits: gacekjk (~gacekjk@replaced-ip ) (Quit: leaving)
2857 [22:39:57] <Tenkawa> rwp: not really.. I support windows
clients so I dont want all the hardware
2858 [22:40:01] <temple48> rwp: ha, fair enough. only thing
i've ever done in vbox is win guest on fedora host
2859 [22:40:16] <temple48> in cases when i've had linux
guests, virt-manager worked just fine
2860 [22:40:38] <Tenkawa> mind you.. my new replacement box got
rid of that problem :)
2861 [22:40:54] *** Quits: Copenhagen_Bram (~elonsatos@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2862 [22:41:01] <rwp> libvirt itself is simply a management
framework for qemu kvm guests. So saying libvirt has a performance
problem covers up the real issue of whatever was running the guest.
2863 [22:41:21] <rwp> The latest intel-microcode firmware has
significant performance loss for me for example.
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2865 [22:41:53] <temple48> rwp: right, many months later I
stumbled into finding something that made me think it's an
iommu kernel setting that was causing the bad performance on libvirt
on that one machine
2866 [22:41:54] <weedloser> intel... *sigh*
2867 [22:42:05] <Tenkawa> perf problems are one thing I never had
on any of the virt solutions
2868 [22:42:51] <Tenkawa> I really do like kvm though
2869 [22:43:23] <rwp> There is a little bit of a learning curve to
figure out what needs to be installed and how to drive it. But after
getting past that then it really works rather nicely.
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2872 [22:43:37] <Tenkawa> indeed
2873 [22:43:59] *** Joins: gusnan_ (~gusnan@replaced-ip )
2874 [22:44:17] <rwp> And different people have different needs.
Some just want something very manual. Running qemu directly for them
is fine. Others want a larger continuous integration build system.
Something more like openstack. For them they want more.
2875 [22:44:36] <Tenkawa> well.. lets see if this newly built vm
will activate or not... I doubt it
2876 [22:44:39] <weedloser> Regarding mitigations: I have an ASUS
motherboard and i see a uefi/bios firmware update with mitigations,
it's marked as beta tho and i have everything set up an running
nicely. Is it really needed considering mitigations are in kernel
2877 [22:44:42] <rwp> There is no single size to fit everyone.
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2881 [22:45:11] <greycat> Why does a kernel security fix bump the
kernel ABI?
2882 [22:45:17] <rwp> weedloser, Are you running untrusted code
from 3rd parties on your system? Or only your own stuff?
2883 [22:45:42] *** Quits: Scrutinizer (~Scrutiniz@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2884 [22:46:04] <rwp> If only your own stuff then you can delay
maybe forever installing the beta fix.
2885 [22:46:26] <rwp> greycat, Yes. That is an excellent question.
There should be no need for an ABI change.
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2887 [22:48:09] <weedloser> Why does it matter if there's
kernel mitigations already?
2888 [22:48:30] <rwp> The MDS flaw is similar to Spectre and
Meltdown in that hosting companies like Linode, DigitalOcean, Amazon
AWS, Microsoft Azure, are the ones really hit by it. Because they
sell cpu cycles to anyone with a credit card. One customer can
attack another customer. So they are the most vulnerable to those
2889 [22:48:33] <greycat> dpkg, mds is also <replaced-url
2890 [22:48:34] <dpkg> okay, greycat
2891 [22:48:56] <greycat> (would've added that to the factoid
the other day but security-tracker was down)
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2894 [22:49:55] <rwp> weedloser, The motherboard has no idea what
OS you are running.
2895 [22:50:52] *** Quits: progart (~kamee@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving.)
2896 [22:50:54] <rwp> What does the full factoid say now?
2897 [22:50:56] <rwp> !mds
2898 [22:50:56] *** Quits: n_1-c_k (~n_1-c_k@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2899 [22:50:56] <dpkg> Microarchitectural Data Sampling (MDS) (aka
MDSUM). Yet another hardware exploit in recent Intel CPUs. See
2900 [22:50:59] <Terrell> does anyone know how to do this? I know
it can be done. I want my cell phone mapped to a window on hte PC.
Right now its wiondows 7 pro. But I also have all versions and they
are legal. My desktop is going to be Debian. But I run at least 6
servers. OpenBSD on the firewalls and web servers. I have twin
towers. Plus lap tops. I have been running Debian Linux for over 20
2901 [22:51:20] *** Quits: enki (~enki@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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do nothin' 'cause I'm cute and furry)
2904 [22:53:25] <rwp> Terrell, No idea.
2905 [22:53:41] <Terrell> rwp me too
2906 [22:54:29] <vishal> Terrell: nothing debian related but
I've used the vysor chrome app for an android phone tethered to
the pc via USB before.
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2908 [22:54:39] *** Quits: weedloser (weedloser@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2909 [22:55:36] <Terrell> last time I was in court the Crown
Prosecutor said to the judge. Quote: I have no idea. To which I
reply. Well Jugde this makes two (2) of us.
2910 [22:56:07] <Terrell> vishal, well I know we ccan do it.
2911 [22:57:06] *** Joins: Nevermi__ (~Nevermind@replaced-ip )
2912 [22:57:29] <Terrell> I sa3w it. We can tether a smasung smart
phone. I can use the KB on the PC and tsalk to the smart phone
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2919 [23:02:06] <vishal> is this a good place for debian
development type questions? or is there a different channel?
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2923 [23:03:16] <Terrell> vishal, I think its a good placce
2924 [23:03:28] *** Quits: Namarrgon (~Namarrgon@replaced-ip ) (Quit: WeeChat 2.5-rc1)
2925 [23:05:16] <Terrell> vishal, I aM A PROGRAMMER
2926 [23:05:25] *** Quits: in1t3r (~LordShiva@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2927 [23:05:28] <Terrell> DAMN CAPS LOCK
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2932 [23:08:13] <vishal> I'm curious if someone who is/were a
DM can give me a gist of the 'steps' for creating a new
package update, I'd be grateful. I'm the upstream in this
case, and I maintain the fedora/epel packages, but getting a request
to also maintain the debian package. Debian sid does package this
via some other DM, but it is a couple versions behind.
2933 [23:08:29] *** Quits: Vizva (~Vizva@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2934 [23:08:39] <vishal> I'm just trying to get an idea of
what I'm signing up for before going through the DM/DD process
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2936 [23:09:04] <Terrell> vishal, you do far better than me
2937 [23:09:10] <jmcnaught> !nmg
2938 [23:09:11] <dpkg> The packaging tutorial (replaced-url
2939 [23:09:25] <jmcnaught> !mentors
2940 [23:09:25] <dpkg> extra, extra, read all about it, mentors is
the system the Debian project uses to train new people to become
Debian Developers or Debian Maintainers and get their packages into
the Debian archive. Ask me about <nmg>.
2941 [23:09:46] <jmcnaught> vishal: ^^ check out the new
maintainer's guide and #debian-mentors on
2942 [23:09:55] <vishal> jmcnaught: thanks, I'll give those a
2943 [23:10:13] <Terrell> vishal, I am 66 years old with dead kids
2944 [23:10:35] *** Quits: enki (~enki@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2945 [23:10:37] <dvs> ???
2946 [23:10:47] <Terrell> Also kick ass
2947 [23:10:48] <Terrell> ]
2948 [23:11:36] <Terrell> My girl friedns say I can kick ass
2949 [23:11:55] <ksk> Terrell: there is #debian-offtopic for your
social needs.
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2981 [23:29:07] <at0m> !ops Terrell
2982 [23:29:07] <dpkg> Hydroxide, dondelelcaro, LoRez, RichiH,
mentor, abrotman, Maulkin, stew, peterS, Myon, Ganneff, weasel,
zobel, themill, babilen, SynrG, jm_, somiaj, jelly, petn-randall:
at0m complains about a problem (see above)
2983 [23:29:12] *** Joins: codedmart (codedmart@replaced-ip )
2984 [23:29:29] <at0m> ksk: they tried there, too
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2989 [23:31:53] <codedmart> Can I disable selinux with
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2999 [23:36:38] <rwp> codedmart, If you are using debootstrap then
simply don't install it if you don't want it.
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3002 [23:37:53] <codedmart> rwp: Oh so when I install bionic it
isn't installed by default?
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3004 [23:38:01] <codedmart> With debootstrap?
3005 [23:38:03] *** Quits: dkmueller (~dkmueller@replaced-ip ) (Quit: WeeChat 1.6)
3006 [23:39:06] <codedmart> I must be seeing another issue then. I
am using debootstrap with systemd-nspawn (machinectl), but I get an
error when I try to use `machinectl shell CONTAINER ...` and from
googling I thought it was selinux.
3007 [23:39:16] <codedmart> I will poke around some more.
3008 [23:39:19] <codedmart> Thanks
3009 [23:39:37] <rwp> bionic sounds like #ubuntu to me. :-/
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3011 [23:39:57] <codedmart> Ah right :(
3012 [23:39:57] <rwp> But no, debootstrap installs a minimum
system. Then you install whatever you want on top of that as a
second step
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3014 [23:40:50] <rwp> You can see if you have it installed: dpkg
-l |grep selinux
3015 [23:41:04] <rwp> And then you can always uninstall it if you
don't want it or disable it or whatever.
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