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7[00:02:47] <genoobie> okay
8[00:03:06] <genoobie> foo is not in the sudoers group, this
incident will be reported
9[00:03:13] <genoobie> how do I add foo to sudoers?
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11[00:03:50] <dvs> genoobie, add foo to sudo group
12[00:03:51] <petn-randall> genoobie: adduser foo sudoers
13[00:03:54] <jrtc27> !tell genoobie about sudoers
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15[00:04:11] <genoobie> thanks!
16[00:04:27] <jhutchins_wk> !fsck
17[00:04:27] <dpkg> well, fsck is a file system integrity
checker (man 8 fsck), or a visually-similar euphemism for fuck. Ask
me about <forcefsck>.
18[00:04:28] <genoobie> not sudo adduser foo sudoers?
19[00:04:35] * dvs notes that bar is jealous
20[00:04:42] <Logg> I do "nano /etc/sudoers" and copy
the entry for root
21[00:04:58] <genoobie> Logg you'd have to sudo nano?
22[00:05:02] <jhutchins_wk> genoobie: Obviously if you're
not in sudoers you can't run sudo.
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25[00:05:05] <Logg> you can just do "su"
26[00:05:09] <jrtc27> !visudo
27[00:05:10] <dpkg> i heard visudo is how you add users to your
/etc/sudoers file. 'man visudo' for details, and also ask
me about <sudoers>, or respects $EDITOR while doing sanity
checking (prevents *some* critical commits of broken sudoers).
28[00:05:14] <jrtc27> Logg: ^
29[00:05:18] <jhutchins_wk> genoobie: You'll have to be
come root - use su -
30[00:05:23] <genoobie> otherwise you couldn't write
31[00:05:27] <genoobie> so sudo -i
32[00:05:46] <genoobie> then adduser foo sudoers?
33[00:05:50] <jhutchins_wk> genoobie: No, su
34[00:05:51] <Plushwolf> !pico
35[00:05:52] <dpkg> Pico (Pine composer) is a newbie-friendly
editor supplied with <pine>. As pine uses a <non-free>
license, it is not available for Debian. For a free, superior
replacement, ask me about <nano>. Another pico clone is
available in the alpine-pico package.
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37[00:06:07] <genoobie> su adduser foo sudoers?
38[00:06:07] <Plushwolf> !nano
39[00:06:07] <dpkg> GNU nano is a text <editor>, the
default editor on Debian systems since 4.0 "Etch". nano is
also a DFSG-free alternative to <pico>.
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41[00:06:24] <jhutchins_wk> genoobie: No.
42[00:06:43] <Logg> su is a program that switches you to the
root user
43[00:06:45] <Logg> well
44[00:06:47] <Logg> it switches users
45[00:06:52] <Logg> you can do "su [user]"
46[00:06:57] <jhutchins_wk> Hence s u
47[00:06:58] <genoobie> so su root?
48[00:07:04] *** Quits: Levure (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
49[00:07:05] <Logg> that's redundant, but sure
50[00:07:10] <Logg> you can just do 'su'
51[00:07:11] <genoobie> then adduser foo sudoers
52[00:07:12] <jhutchins_wk> genoobie: No. Quit trying to change
what we're telling you.
53[00:07:22] <jhutchins_wk> genoobie: Just su or su -
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55[00:07:36] <jhutchins_wk> You might look at the su manpage
and see why.
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65[00:10:56] <Logg> anyone know where the source code for
'su' is? 'apt-get source su' didn't work
for me
66[00:11:00] <jhutchins_wk> genoobie: Yes, two steps.
67[00:11:31] *** Joins: Aussie_matt (~quassel@replaced-ip)
68[00:12:00] <jhutchins_wk> su root would in fact have
unintended consequences.
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72[00:13:26] <genoobie> so it looks like
73[00:13:28] <genoobie> 1) su
74[00:13:43] <genoobie> 2) edit /etc/sudoers and copy the root
75[00:14:06] <Logg> that's all I do, and it works for me.
Probably the other way of adding user to group sudoers works too
76[00:14:39] <jhutchins_wk> Right, because there's already
an entry for the group there.
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78[00:14:53] <Logg> makes sense
79[00:14:53] <jhutchins_wk> genoobie: If you choose to edit the
file directly, use visudo
80[00:15:05] <jhutchins_wk> It does a sanity check before it
activates the changes.
81[00:15:09] <genoobie> jhutchins_wk, ok
82[00:15:15] *** amcorreia is now known as Guest35268
83[00:15:22] <jhutchins_wk> It also uses whatever default
editor, so you don't have to know vi (yet).
84[00:15:44] <Logg> I use dvorak so vi is inconvenient. nano
master race
85[00:16:04] <jhutchins_wk> !start an editor war
86[00:16:04] <dpkg> pico blows.
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88[00:16:16] <pressword> nano is just simple enough for my
little mind :)
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90[00:16:42] <genoobie> so in the sudoers file, we have %sudo
91[00:16:46] <teraflops> ed!
92[00:16:51] <jhutchins_wk> You really can't call yourself
a linux admin until you know vi or emacs.
93[00:16:59] <genoobie> so under this we add foo ALL=(ALL:ALL)
94[00:17:05] <jhutchins_wk> genoobie: Oh, we had the wrong
group name.
95[00:17:19] <jhutchins_wk> genoobie: That's one way.
96[00:17:23] <Logg> u wonna go m8 @jhutchin_wk
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98[00:18:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1650
99[00:19:01] <jhutchins_wk> edlin
100[00:19:22] <Guest12345> sed!
101[00:19:36] <jhutchins_wk> Programmers, on the other hand,
edit in hex.
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105[00:20:21] <Guest12345> hexedit!
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107[00:21:43] <Guest12345> dhex!
108[00:21:52] <dvs> edlin
109[00:21:53] * dvs runs
110[00:22:35] <Guest12345> dhex is actually hard to find gem of
an editor ;-)
111[00:23:40] <teraflops> acme, I won
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114[00:26:55] <Guest12345> how do you bookmark an editor?
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123[00:31:56] <teraflops> Guest12345: you mean inside?
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143[00:43:26] <Guest12345> no, I mean how do you make editor
with stupid name easier to find
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145[00:44:17] <binaryc> Guest12345: bash alias
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166[00:57:24] <awal1> Why terminal A has more priority than B or
vice versa in /etc/alternatives/x-terminal-emulator?
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169[00:58:17] <awal1> terminal pkg requests/sets that or
update-alternatives decides or what?
170[00:58:31] <Guest12345> binaryc: yes, that works for an
editor you have already installed. Finding the terminal with apt is
another problem.
171[00:58:35] *** GrimKriegor_ is now known as GrimKriegor
172[00:58:44] <awal1> also web browsers, WM's and so
173[00:58:51] <Guest12345> awal1: yes, the package sets the
174[00:59:50] <Guest12345> s/terminal/editor
175[01:00:50] <Guest12345> I guess I can roll my own package
with easier to find name which depends on the package which is hard
to find ;-)
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177[01:01:22] <awal1> Guest12345: ok; but why terminator decides
to set it's priority as 90 and lxterminal 40 (just example)?
178[01:01:38] <binaryc> Guest12345: maintin a good dpkg-list
179[01:01:49] <awal1> or xfce4-session vs openbox-session
180[01:02:14] <Guest12345> yes, if you like one the best just
set the alternative by hand
181[01:02:21] <awal1> I don't think it's arbitrary
182[01:02:34] <Guest12345> and beware it can be reset during
massive upgrade
183[01:03:16] <awal1> I already know that; just trying to
understand priority side, how it's really set
184[01:03:19] <Guest12345> it kind of is arbitrary. you can also
choose session in display manager and most desktops have menus to
choose terminal
185[01:04:10] <Guest12345> the priority is decided by package
maintainers and is not always well coordinated
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187[01:04:33] <Guest12345> like a web browser that bitrots does
not automagically get a lower priority
188[01:05:48] <awal1> well, I say openbox is 90 and fvwm2 also
90, for x-window-manager. Maybe somiaj have an idea :P
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192[01:07:02] <Guest12345> awal1: I solve this be removing all
superfluous window managers ;-)
193[01:07:22] <awal1> Guest12345: :)
194[01:07:34] *** Quits: giricz81 (~giricz81@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
195[01:07:53] <awal1> just trying to understand debian system
stuff here
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197[01:08:10] <TomTomTosch> the priority is set in the postinst
script of the package. it has no effect if you select an alternative
198[01:08:37] <Guest12345> since you can see there are two WMs
with same priority you can see the assignment is not very systematic
199[01:08:59] <awal1> right, no effect once x app is set as
alternative manually
200[01:10:42] <rook2pawn> im geting missing operating system
when putting debian install ISO on usb
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202[01:11:04] <unborn> guys when I create user like this :
adduser --disabled-login --gecos username - does this option prevent
user even from ssh operations based on keys?
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204[01:11:49] <rook2pawn> i put in USB key, umount /dev/sdc1,
confirmed the debian-testing-amd64-DVD-1.iso is ISOHybrid
205[01:12:22] <missmbob> how did you copy it to usb?
206[01:12:23] <rook2pawn> used the cp deb.iso /dev/sdc1; sync,
also did the dd copy
207[01:12:38] <missmbob> cp deb.iso /dev/sdc *not* sdc1
208[01:12:54] <wewlad> doesn't a message
'/var/lib/dpkg/info/libapache2-mod-php5.postinst: 291: [: !=:
unexpected operator' sound very weird as if there's a typo
in the updated version's code?
209[01:13:34] <somiaj> unborn: I think that only disables
password login, not ssh login (but not positive)
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211[01:13:48] <rook2pawn> missmbob: the fdisk -l shows /dev/sdc1
the location of the usb key, do i just use /dev/sdc instead?
212[01:14:20] <unborn> hm.. i can ssh into any other account
just for that one I cannot for some reason.. error in terminal is
public key
213[01:14:43] <missmbob> rook2pawn: yes. it's in the
install guide. you have to use the block device
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218[01:15:55] <somiaj> unborn: you can check things in
/etc/passwd, but from the man page it seems --disabled-password is
different than --disabled-login, and only the first says it also
supports login in via SSH keys
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220[01:17:31] <rook2pawn> missmbob: sorry, could you direct me
to the install guide you are looking at? i find a many different
install plaaces on debian wiki
221[01:17:50] <rook2pawn> i was looking at
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224[01:18:25] <sim590> My wifi interface is not present in the
output of $(ip link)
225[01:18:44] <missmbob> rook2pawn: and it says "cp file
device" /dev/sdc1 is the first partition. the device is
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227[01:19:03] <wewlad> 'sudo apachectl -M':
'AH00534: apache2: Configuration error: No MPM loaded. Action
'-M' failed.'
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229[01:19:10] <unborn> somiaj: not much info in etc/passwd
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231[01:20:05] <sim590> I have a thinkpad t460s and this page:
232[01:20:13] <sim590> What does this mean? There are no
233[01:20:14] <unborn> somiaj: just looking normal:
234[01:20:17] <rook2pawn> missmbob: thanks!
235[01:20:20] <somiaj> unborn: well from the manpage looks like
you wanted disable-passowrd not disable-login
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237[01:20:42] <somiaj> unborn: check /etc/shadow (that is where
the password would have been disabled)
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240[01:22:43] <somiaj> unborn: but to me it appears to be set up
fine, unsure why ssh is not working, have you tired using ssh -v for
more output?
241[01:24:22] <unborn> somiaj: in shadow I have git:!:and
242[01:24:48] <unborn> somiaj: shall there be * instead of
243[01:25:19] <unborn> i mean gituser:!:and numbers::: is there
244[01:25:34] <somiaj> unborn: unsure on the details, but yes
that is how the password is disabled with a ! in there.
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247[01:25:54] <somiaj> unborn: looking at man shadow for more
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249[01:26:54] <somiaj> hmm, it doens't explain the
differnce between * and !. ! means locked password.
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254[01:29:40] <wewlad> in what conf file related to apache do I
need to specify 'loadmodule'?
255[01:30:20] <somiaj> unborn: you could try changing it to a *,
! means locked account, * is just a character that will never match
any password, so password login is disabled.
256[01:30:47] <wewlad> someone, please, help - I can't
start apache after updating it
257[01:30:58] <wewlad> it says that no MPM module is loaded
258[01:31:13] <somiaj> wewlad: how did you update it? What
version of debian are you running? what version of apache did you
upgrade from/to?
259[01:31:16] <sim590> Okay. I had to use non-free in testing
branch... :/
260[01:31:22] <wewlad> and /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/ does have
mpm_prefork.conf and .load
261[01:31:23] <unborn> somiaj: yes
262[01:31:30] *** Quits: PHPanos (~textual@replaced-ip) (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
263[01:31:45] <wewlad> somiaj: apt-get update; apt-get upgrade.
Debian 8.4
264[01:31:46] *** Joins: Achylles (~Achylles@replaced-ip)
265[01:32:20] <stoned> What is a good torrent client for cli
that can open up magnet links?
266[01:32:25] <wewlad> as for apache version - I don't
remember which one I updated from (I guess from quite a recent one)
to the last one available in the apt-get upgrade
267[01:32:33] <stoned> I currently use ktorrent, but it's
268[01:32:35] <unborn> that was it.. I just read the manual -
well its not very clear however when I looked on my other accounts /
daemons there was couple of stuff which had star
269[01:32:41] <missmbob> stoned: deluge
270[01:32:47] <stoned> cli?
271[01:32:55] <unborn> somiaj: thank you :)
272[01:33:09] <missmbob> stoned: yes. deluge-console
273[01:33:15] <somiaj> wewlad: Debian 8.4? Is this what you
upgaded from?
274[01:33:16] <TomTomTosch> * and ! both mean the same in this
instance. "If the password field contains some string that is
not a valid result of crypt(3), for instance ! or *, the user will
not be able to use a unix password to log in" passwd just uses
! to lock the password. so the old password hash gets stored after
the ! if one existed.
275[01:33:24] <wewlad> somiaj: yes
276[01:33:54] *** Joins: likcoras_ (~likcoras@replaced-ip)
277[01:33:57] <somiaj> wewlad: hmm, strange, wonder if you had
some other error in your config somewhere, I don't see a
upgrade in jessie causing such changes.
278[01:33:59] <TomTomTosch> that quote is from man shadow.
279[01:34:01] <wewlad> somiaj: oh, wait
280[01:34:03] <unborn> somiaj: btw do we know equivalent to
adduser --disabled-login --gecos ? so there will be next time *
instead of !
281[01:34:04] <unborn> ?
282[01:34:06] <wewlad> turns out it's 8.6 already
283[01:34:26] <somiaj> unborn: I said from the manpage that
--disabled-passowrd is not the same as --disabled-login
284[01:35:10] *** Quits: Ricardo__ (~rick@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
285[01:35:32] <unborn> ah right so same command but just
286[01:35:47] *** Joins: genoobie (~genoobie@replaced-ip)
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288[01:36:16] <genoobie> would you say this is a reasonable
guide for an nvidia card?
289[01:36:18] <genoobie>
290[01:36:22] *** Quits: brokency1le (~brokencyc@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
291[01:36:38] <wewlad> :(
292[01:36:42] <bazhang> for what genoobie
293[01:36:53] <wewlad> debian killed my apache :'(
294[01:37:26] <genoobie> bazhang, for installing proprietary
drivers for an nvidia card...
295[01:37:52] <bazhang> genoobie, from the debian wiki?
296[01:37:54] *** Quits: liiozx (~lza@replaced-ip) (Quit: leaving)
297[01:37:55] <somiaj> genoobie: it is fine, though I prefer
this facotid
298[01:37:59] <somiaj> !tell genoobie about nvidia dkms
299[01:38:19] <somiaj> genoobie: note that is for the current
driver, if you need a legacy driver for your hardware you ahve to
300[01:38:40] <genoobie> somiaj, it is an older card...
301[01:38:43] <somiaj> wewlad: I think it was something else
that the upgrade just triggered when apache had to restart.
302[01:38:59] <wewlad> somiaj: it worked fine before
303[01:39:03] <somiaj> genoobie: for older cards, see if the
current driver supports them or you need the legacy-driver
304[01:39:23] <wewlad> !tell wewlad about fixing apache after
apt-get upgrade broke it
305[01:39:25] *** Joins: AndrewMC (~amc@replaced-ip)
306[01:39:27] <somiaj> wewlad: well track down the error, look
at the logs.
307[01:39:33] <genoobie> somiaj, current driver is nouveau...
308[01:39:59] <somiaj> genoobie: but many older cards will be
supported by nouveau just fine. Anyways, the driver you need depends
ont he card, and 'its an older card' doesn't say much
309[01:40:12] <somiaj> genoobie: you can check the info of the
apckages to what card(s) are supported for each driver
310[01:40:15] <genoobie> it's a geforce 6800
311[01:40:20] <genoobie> nvidia
312[01:40:31] <somiaj> you may not be able to use a non-free
driver for that one at all.
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314[01:40:43] <wewlad> somiaj: I tried that, no luck:
'systemctl restart apache2' [for changes to take effect],
it says that 'job for apache2.service failed' and it
suggested me to see 'systemctl status apache2.service' and
'journalctl -xn' for details.
315[01:40:43] <wewlad> I did execute the first suggested one and
it basically just says that 'systemd[1]: apache2.service:
control process exited, code=exited status=1 systemd[1]: Failed to
start LSB: Apache2 web server systemd[1]: Unit apache2service
entered failed state.'.
316[01:40:47] <somiaj> nvidia just stops supporting cards after
soem time, nouveau may be your best choice.
317[01:40:49] <sim590> I have installed firmware-wlwifi for my
thinkpad t460s. Now, nmcli shows that my wifi card is
318[01:40:58] <genoobie> on the wiki page it says supported?
319[01:41:48] <somiaj> genoobie: you are running jessie correct?
320[01:41:56] <wewlad> are there any drivers for gtx nvidia
321[01:42:00] <genoobie> somiaj, yes, a noob though
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325[01:43:03] <genoobie> the pcid is listed.
326[01:43:16] <wewlad> I see
327[01:43:26] *** Quits: dave0x6d (uid190567@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
328[01:43:41] <somiaj> genoobie: for which driver?
329[01:43:41] <genoobie> so this line is a bit scary...
330[01:44:01] <genoobie> for the 304.131
331[01:44:21] *** Quits: tr0gd0r (~Tr0gd0r@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
332[01:44:26] <genoobie> aptitude -r install
linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,')
333[01:44:40] *** Joins: tr0gd0r (~Tr0gd0r@replaced-ip)
334[01:44:48] <genoobie> I have *no* idea what installing linux
headers even means..
335[01:45:03] <somiaj> those are needed to compile the driver
336[01:45:13] <wewlad> is there a way to re-install apache2
package without having to worry about losing configs?
337[01:45:19] <somiaj> that line just installs the headers for
the kernel you are running
338[01:45:40] <somiaj> wewlad: sure --reinstall flag will do
that, but so far you haven't found the actual error.
339[01:45:43] <genoobie> so no fear...push on!
340[01:45:46] *** Quits: _sfiguser (~sfigguser@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
341[01:45:54] <wewlad> somiaj: the error is that no MPM module
is loaded.
342[01:45:57] <wewlad> that's it.
343[01:46:15] <likcoras_> Uh, hello! in ranger, when I open an
archive file, it's supposed to just do 'als' and then
show the output on pager. But for some reason it keeps forking
pager, like so: ttps://
344[01:46:19] <wewlad> and disabling and re-enabling it -
doesn't help
345[01:46:21] *** Quits: dreki (~dreki@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving.)
346[01:46:37] <likcoras_>
347[01:46:51] <wewlad> awesome
348[01:46:52] <somiaj> wewlad: well my suggestion is paste some
actual logs at and maybe someone more familar with
debian's apache can look at them to see what is going on.
349[01:47:06] <likcoras_> Why is it doing this?
350[01:47:18] <somiaj> likcoras_: what version of debian are you
351[01:47:33] *** Quits: banekillgrind (~banekillg@replaced-ip) (Read error: No route to host)
352[01:47:35] <wewlad> somiaj: can I clean logs by just flushing
the /var/log/apache2 dir?
353[01:47:36] <likcoras_> jessie
354[01:48:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1629
355[01:48:11] <somiaj> wewlad: you shouldn't need to clean
the logs, but anyways, I don't know enough about apache to be
able to give much advise with the info you have provided.
356[01:48:20] <somiaj> likcoras_: hmm, have you checked
bugreports about this?
357[01:48:33] <likcoras_> Oh, where should I check
358[01:48:34] <likcoras_> ?
359[01:48:57] <likcoras_> Oh, and top seems to segfault when
trying to show this happening. that too.
360[01:48:58] <somiaj> likcoras_:
361[01:49:24] <wewlad> somiaj: there's no --reinstall flag
for apt-get
362[01:49:57] <somiaj> likcoras_: you may report a bug there, or
see if you can look up some info on ranger to see why it is doing
363[01:50:00] <somiaj> wewlad: yes there is
364[01:50:05] <likcoras_> Huh...
365[01:50:05] <somiaj> wewlad: check the manpage
366[01:50:14] <wewlad> [root] ~/ # apt-get --reinstall apache2
367[01:50:14] <wewlad> E: Command line option --reinstall is not
368[01:50:29] *** Quits: overlord_tm (~andraz@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
369[01:50:36] <somiaj> wewlad: apt-get --reinstall install
apache2 (though this will most likely just get the meta package and
not the server)
370[01:50:54] <wewlad> :/
371[01:51:14] <wewlad> what a weird command call
372[01:51:49] <somiaj> wewlad: what? no it is normal, apt-get
install foo is the normal thing, you are just adding the --reinstall
flag to it, note this is a flag not a command
373[01:51:56] <somiaj> wewlad: apt-get always requires some
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377[01:52:46] <wewlad> why not 'apt-get reinstall
378[01:52:47] *** Quits: vaidy (vaidy@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
379[01:52:54] <sim590> b/quit
380[01:52:58] <TomTomTosch> because there is no reinstall
381[01:53:00] *** Joins: banekillgrind (~banekillg@replaced-ip)
382[01:53:04] <genoobie> okay, so now I am at this page...
383[01:53:05] <genoobie>
384[01:53:07] <wewlad> exactly
385[01:53:23] <TomTomTosch> that's why man pages exist. ^^
386[01:53:27] <genoobie> where there are two options, one to
automatically create an xorg.conf and a manual way to do the same
387[01:53:34] <wewlad> that's a poor approach
388[01:53:46] <somiaj> genoobie: use the small xorg.conf
snippet, no need to generate a full config file
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391[01:54:07] <TomTomTosch> wewlad: you can complain for ten
minutes or just read for five.
392[01:54:12] <genoobie> you mean the small snippet on that
393[01:54:32] <genoobie> what about the "automatic"
394[01:54:49] <somiaj> likcoras_: can you configure which pager
is used? if you just say use the pager 'less' does it work
normally? (trying to see if it is sensible-pager causing the issue
or ranger)
395[01:54:49] <wewlad> TomTomTosch: I can do both
396[01:54:50] <TomTomTosch> wewlad: the reinstall option is
useful for multiple command. that's why it's an option.
397[01:55:00] <genoobie> would that simply be apt-get install
nvidia-xconfig ?
398[01:55:02] <TomTomTosch> * commands
399[01:55:14] <wewlad> TomTomTosch: like?
400[01:55:19] <somiaj> genoobie: no, that is building a whole
401[01:55:28] <likcoras_> somiaj: trying a bunch of things, but
"less" does seem to work
402[01:55:29] *** Quits: ArchDuke (~ArchDuke@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
403[01:55:34] <wewlad> reinstall is an action
404[01:55:36] <wewlad> itself
405[01:55:39] <likcoras_> and $PAGER seems to expand to
406[01:55:41] <somiaj> likcoras_:
407[01:55:42] <judd> Bug
408[01:56:03] <somiaj> likcoras_: looks like it is
sensible-pager in your sistuation, change the pager as you'll
have to patch/rebuild sensiable-pager to use it correclty
409[01:56:33] <somiaj> likcoras_: yea if $PAGER=sensible-pager
seems to be bug in sensible-pager calling itself over and over and
over and not calling an actual pager.
410[01:56:43] <likcoras_> lol alright
411[01:56:46] *** Quits: nuno_nunes (~PC@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
412[01:57:00] <likcoras_> just s/$PAGER/less/g would probably
do. oh well, thanks!
413[01:57:40] *** Joins: ArchDuke (~ArchDuke@replaced-ip)
414[01:57:46] <binaryc> dist-upgraded a VM slower than i
expected. What resource binds ? curious for the next one. worth
temporarily throwing threads at it ?
415[01:57:51] *** Joins: ssaturos (~saturos@replaced-ip)
416[01:58:10] <somiaj> likcoras_: or set $PAGER to something
besides sensible-pager (including being empty)
417[01:58:25] *** Joins: adri44 (53c3c599@replaced-ip)
418[01:58:38] <wewlad> so I did 'apt-get remove
apache2' and then 'apt-get install apache2' and it
says: Job for apache2.service failed. See 'systemctl status
apache2.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details.
419[01:58:38] <wewlad> invoke-rc.d: initscript apache2, action
"restart" failed.'
420[01:58:47] <adri44> hi anyone know a adobe IRC channel ?
421[01:59:05] <likcoras_> somiaj: but $PAGER isn't even
set. ranger seems to decide to set it as sensible-pager if it's
empty or something.
422[01:59:09] <somiaj> binaryc: it takes a good amount of
internet to download all the .debs and with a local mirror you can
speed up the download part. But the cpu part of extracting then
procssing all of the install/remove scripts takes a while, disk i/o
can slow this down so can cpu speed.
423[01:59:30] <somiaj> likcoras_: ahh, well if it weren't
for the bug in sensible-pager (: anyways, at least you know where
the issue is.
424[01:59:45] <likcoras_> It's fixed, so all's good.
425[01:59:52] <likcoras_> No more accidental forkbombs
426[01:59:52] <somiaj> wewlad: why not paste some actual apache
logs like I've mentioned already.
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429[02:00:17] <wewlad> somiaj:
430[02:00:26] *** Parts: adri44 (53c3c599@replaced-ip)
431[02:01:06] *** Quits: de-facto (~de-facto@replaced-ip) (Quit: See you around.)
432[02:01:09] <wewlad> I don't see anything useful in these
433[02:01:18] *** Quits: saturos (~saturos@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
434[02:01:19] *** ssaturos is now known as saturos
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436[02:01:24] <somiaj> wewlad: that is not the apache log, also
notice how ti says the apache error log may contain more info.
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439[02:02:11] <wewlad> somiaj: pastebinit
440[02:02:11] <wewlad> You are trying to send an empty document,
441[02:02:34] <wewlad> I call bullshit on debian
442[02:02:38] <wewlad> it screwed up
443[02:02:38] <somiaj> well what package containst he MPM
module, is that one sucessful installed, just disable that moduel
for the time being, and see if that fixes it
444[02:02:40] <wewlad> not apache
445[02:02:54] *** Joins: beaver (~none@replaced-ip)
446[02:03:03] <somiaj> wewlad: there are lots of people who
upgrade just fine and it works, just because you run across an issue
doesn't mean it isn't working nicely for most users.
447[02:03:27] <wewlad> somiaj: just because they upgrade just
fine - it doesn't mean it works nicely for me
448[02:03:30] <somiaj> it also makes us less like to help if you
just add complaining noise instead of trying to track down the
source of the problem.
449[02:04:05] <somiaj> disable the offending module, does that
fix it?
450[02:04:13] <wewlad> no
451[02:05:01] <wewlad> because one can't just disable an
MPM module and expect things to work
452[02:05:12] <wewlad> I could select another MPM though
453[02:05:47] <wewlad> yeah, with mpm_event things do work
454[02:05:49] <somiaj> another MPM module? Are you using the
default one that comes with apache (again I don't know apache
that well so unsure about its modules)
455[02:05:52] *** Joins: Gaming4JC (~Gaming4JC@replaced-ip)
456[02:05:56] <wewlad> I'm using mpm_prefork
457[02:05:59] <somiaj> which MPM module were you using?
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460[02:06:29] <somiaj> is this mpm_prefok provided by a debian
461[02:06:40] <wewlad> I guess so
462[02:07:44] *** Joins: monoxane (~monoxane@replaced-ip)
463[02:07:49] <somiaj> you guess so? I'm just trying to
track down what package has the offending module and not finding
mpm-prefok in debian, but again unsure how apache orginzes things
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465[02:08:42] <wewlad> somiaj: yes, I guess so because I
don't know how to make sure it is so, but as far as I remember
I haven't installed anything from non-debian packages other
than wine-development
466[02:08:48] *** Quits: savantgarde (~savantgar@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving...)
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468[02:08:55] <wewlad> apache organizes things just well
469[02:09:04] <wewlad> problem is how debian tries to reorganize
470[02:09:21] <somiaj> wewlad: debian does just fine, but
I'm done trying to help.
471[02:09:22] <wewlad> so I guess that debian's stable
package of apache contains a broken module
472[02:10:11] <baraba> i am going to upgrade to sid, wish me
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474[02:11:34] *** Quits: dArK_IcE (~DARKICEPT@replaced-ip) ()
475[02:11:57] <binaryc> thx somiaj - debs dl were quick. had
headroom on ram and single CPU core. Didn't check ZFS disk
latency. may take a peek later for curiosity.
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480[02:13:16] <somiaj> wewlad: anways, now that you have figured
out where the bug is, you can try to debug it more or just submit a
bugrepot if you think this is an actual bug. Debian likes to know
about bugs. But personally I would see if this affects a fresh
install of Debian (or maybe just a chroot install) or if it has
something to do with a configuration on your system.
481[02:14:39] *** Joins: ssaturos (~saturos@replaced-ip)
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483[02:15:24] <wewlad> somiaj: I don't feel like an
alphatester when I'm using a f---ing stable release branch of a
distro that advertises self as very stable one, especially when a
bug like that happens (it's not like I have a very unique and
custom config, I just selected one of the 3 available mpm_ modules!)
484[02:15:25] <somiaj> binaryc: yea in chroots I seems to spend
a lot of time watching pacakges get extracted then configured. It is
probabaly a combination of cpu use and then waiting for i/o, guess
I'm just use to it being kinda slow.
485[02:15:37] <wewlad> somiaj: but thanks for the tips.
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494[02:21:32] <leptone> how can I find out which Centrino
Wireless-N 1000 WiFi card (which for the four possible model
numbers) I have on my machine?
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497[02:21:59] <ksft> aha!
498[02:22:04] <ksft> I might be able to help someone
499[02:22:33] *** Quits: dixie7z (~dixie7z@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
500[02:22:39] <somiaj> leptone: lspci shoudl list the chipset,
lspci -n to get pciid
501[02:22:41] *** Quits: ancientninja (~grant@replaced-ip) (Quit: WeeChat 1.4)
502[02:22:55] <ksft> …or not
503[02:23:39] *** Joins: Mutter (~Mutter@replaced-ip)
504[02:26:44] <leptone> somiaj, lspci shows Network controller:
Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 1000 [Condor Peak]
505[02:26:59] <leptone> which doesn't give me any info
about the model number
506[02:27:01] *** Quits: oish (~charlie@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
507[02:27:10] <somiaj> leptone: get the actual pciid
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510[02:27:55] <leptone> somiaj, how do i interpret this?
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513[02:28:50] <ksft> leptone: try `lspci | grep -i network`
514[02:29:17] <leptone> somiaj, pciid?
515[02:29:31] <leptone> ksft, Network controller: Intel
Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 1000 [Condor Peak]
516[02:29:37] <leptone> doesnt give me model number
517[02:29:46] <ksft> oh
518[02:29:56] <TomTomTosch> the hexadecimal numbers inside of
square brackets. lspci -nn | grep -i network will have them.
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520[02:30:11] <ksft> ah, yes
521[02:30:15] <ksft> -nn, not -s
522[02:30:16] <ksft> -n*
523[02:30:48] <TomTomTosch> lspci -n only helps in combination
with the full lspci output, else you can hardly reference.
524[02:31:30] <leptone> ksft, what command are you telling me to
run sry?
525[02:31:43] <ksft> leptone: TomTomTosch is right
526[02:31:56] <ksft> leptone: `lspci -nn | grep -i network`
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531[02:34:12] <leptone> ksft,
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534[02:36:31] <TomTomTosch> ,pciid [8086:0083]
535[02:36:32] <judd> [8086:0083] is 'Centrino Wireless-N
1000 [Condor Peak]' from 'Intel Corporation' with
kernel modules 'iwlwifi', 'ata_generic',
'snd-hda-intel' in jessie. See also
536[02:36:44] <ksft> well that isn't helpful
537[02:38:28] <somiaj> leptone: why do you need the version
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542[02:44:53] <happer> best irc client?
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544[02:45:11] <bazhang> hexchat for gui
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546[02:45:21] <bazhang> irssi or weechat for cli
547[02:46:40] <fuddie> I enjoy Polari
548[02:46:45] <fuddie> it is the gnome irc client
549[02:46:55] <ebarch> The Lounge is awesome if you want a self
hosted web app
550[02:48:33] <happer> thank you mlady
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555[02:50:52] <TomTomTosch> leptone: what 802.11 protocols does
your adapter support? (root) iwconfig wlan0
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561[02:53:40] <efloid> so I have a question: for the extra
second that occurs at 23:59:60 UTC on the 31st, if we watch the time
on a Linux system will we see 23:59:60?
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565[02:54:40] <efloid> of course its 03:00 CET now...
566[02:56:54] <mns> efloid: you might see it for a second :)
567[02:57:10] <petn-randall> efloid: If you're fast enough,
sure :)
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569[02:57:32] <petn-randall> efloid: You won't see it on
Google servers, though, they've been doing time smearing for
quite a while now.
570[02:57:44] <mns> "time smearing" ?
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576[03:03:01] <efloid> well the question i guess is has the
second been incorporated into a released tzdata update?
577[03:03:24] <efloid> i don't see any mention of it in the
changelog which worries me
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579[03:03:41] <somiaj> efloid: I don't think leapseconds
are done locally, just use ntp to keep in sync
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581[03:04:20] <efloid> somiaj: i was afraid that might be the
582[03:04:21] <petn-randall> mns: They don't add an extra
leap second, but they skew the time over 24h via internal NTP
servers to add an extra second.
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586[03:04:56] <mns> petn-randall: ahhh ok
587[03:05:07] <mns> petn-randall: thanks for the explanation
588[03:05:09] <efloid> oh well, bummer, because i really wanted
to "watch" it, e.g. watch -p -n 1 date -u
589[03:05:30] <efloid> since it occurs at 15:59:60 my local time
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592[03:06:09] <efloid> would be cool to put it on a projector on
a wall :-)
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596[03:07:11] <mns> efloid: it occurs in the middle of the day
for you ?
597[03:07:35] <efloid> mns: yes 8 hours behind
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600[03:08:41] <efloid> well, that really sucks! ruined my geek
601[03:09:02] <mns> you're on Central European Time?
602[03:09:49] <efloid> mns: ? no: -8 not +1
603[03:10:23] <mns> 8 hours behind is Pacific time isn't it
? PST. I thought CET was Central European Time.
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605[03:11:19] <mns> my source of confusion: <efloid> of
course its 03:00 CET now...
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609[03:11:48] <efloid> mns: yes i was just referring to the fact
that the #chan seemed empty :-)
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612[03:12:03] <mns> ahhh duh !! ok
613[03:12:05] <mns> lol ..
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640[03:30:00] <TomTomTosch> efloid: you might actually see
23:59:60 on 12/31/2016 if you have no ntp installed and an updated
641[03:30:14] <TomTomTosch> it's mentioned in the
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644[03:31:38] <TomTomTosch> ntp might actually smear it with the
default configuration, i'm not sure.
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646[03:32:33] <TomTomTosch> or at least not allow for a 60th
647[03:33:40] <TomTomTosch> s/ntp/ntpd
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652[03:38:15] <themill> "It's
complicated"™. You'll get 23:59:60 but it will have
the same epoch second as 23:59:59.
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656[03:39:47] <themill> (AWS and/or google cloud stuff were
doing the smearing)
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739[04:21:10] <sim590> I have setup an EFI partition /dev/sda1,
LVM volume partition (/boot) /dev/sda2 and a final encrypted LUKS
container for LVM /root partition /dev/sda3. Now, when I boot, grub
seems to ask for a passphrase for (hd0, gpt1), but doesn't use
that because /boot is not encrypted. Then, when linux boots, it asks
for my key to decrypt /dev/sda3 which is expected. So I have this
first passphrase prompt which is
740[04:21:12] <sim590> useless and that I would like to get rid
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744[04:23:49] <sim590> My /etc/default/grub is
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754[04:34:29] <screamslash> i need a real time screen magnifier
that follows my mouse around and doesnt go away until i tell it to
what are my options in debian?
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757[04:36:10] <sim590> What I see is exactly this:
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765[04:40:06] <screamslash> i need a real time screen magnifier
that follows my mouse around and doesnt go away until i tell it to
what are my options in debian?
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774[04:49:25] <kevoroid> I need help, I have kernel 4.8
installed on my Debian, my wifi driver (broadcom wl.ko) constantly
causes kernel panic, so i installed kernel 4.3 as i remember it was
stable, now my laptop wont boot and there are bunch of errors on XFS
775[04:49:57] <kevoroid> like "internal error
xfs_trans_cancel at line 990 ..." and "Metadata corruption
detected at xfs_agf_read_verify ..."
776[04:50:30] <kevoroid> i know filesystem is correct since if i
reboot and boot with 4.8 again, everything works, but with 4.3 it
777[04:50:56] <kevoroid> am i missing something? some pkg i
should have installed that i didnt?
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809[05:13:01] <kevoroid> anyone?
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836[05:28:48] <phen> Hello. I noticed something a bit strange
concerning my CPU temp on a new laptop. Whenever i tab into a
firefox tab playing a youtube video, it goes from an idle of about
32C to about 60-70C
837[05:29:45] *** Joins: pavlushka (~pavlushka@replaced-ip)
838[05:29:45] <phen> Its a little bit concerning and I was
wondering if there was anything I could do about it. I'm
running debian 8.6, with a 4.9 kernel, and I have an i5-6198DU
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841[05:30:10] <genoobie> jim, you here?
842[05:30:17] <genoobie> Artemis3, you're also here
843[05:30:36] <fp7> jim's afk pretty sure
844[05:30:59] <genoobie> fp7, he's running jessie and I
just finished installing it
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847[05:31:28] <genoobie> but I want to add some sound packages
to make a complete recording studio
848[05:31:41] <genoobie> I added contrib and non-free and
849[05:32:00] <genoobie> but I want a stable system so I
don't want to delve much into that...
850[05:32:01] <petn-randall> phen: That's still well within
spec. Current CPUs cut off somewhere around 85-90°C.
851[05:32:14] *** Joins: _defk0n_ (~defk0n@replaced-ip)
852[05:32:41] <dvs> genoobie, adding contrib, nonfree, and
jessie-backports are considered pretty stable.
853[05:32:54] <phen> petn-randall wont 60C for prolonged periods
of time be bad though?
854[05:33:12] <phen> I'm also kind of concerned by the
circumstances. Its only a problem when the video is the active
855[05:33:14] <petn-randall> phen: Highly doubt it.
856[05:33:38] <petn-randall> phen: Because when you tab to the
video it has to be rendered, and that uses CPU cycles.
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858[05:33:45] <purana--> phen : sounds sort of normal to me
859[05:34:04] <purana--> as pten-randall said above
860[05:34:21] <phen> petn-randall i know. But right now I have
the eve soundtrack playing off of a youtube video, which is a still
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862[05:34:57] <purana--> phen: what happens if you close browser
and perhaps play music from another app
863[05:35:11] <purana--> phen: it might not be so bad, as the
music app will have lower resource overhead
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865[05:35:45] <phen> Yeah, but then i'd have to hunt for a
DL of all the music i want to listen to, or rip it from the videos
866[05:35:59] <genoobie> I'm going to try avlinux but I
don't like the "testing" branch
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868[05:36:05] <genoobie> should I be worried?
869[05:36:20] <dvs> genoobie, you should *NOT* use testing.
870[05:36:31] <phen> But I imagine my temp issues would
immediately disappear
871[05:36:31] <genoobie> okay, then I won't :)
872[05:36:34] <purana--> genoobie: only if its a test (2nd
873[05:36:43] <purana--> i wouldn't use testing on a
primary computer
874[05:36:47] <phen> Again, the temp goes down if i have the
video playing in another tab thats not the active tab
875[05:37:17] <dvs> ,v avlinux
876[05:37:18] <judd> No package named 'avlinux' was
found in amd64.
877[05:37:20] <purana--> phen: laptop has dedicated video or
878[05:37:56] <phen> I think it probably uses the intel
integrated graphics on the i5
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881[05:38:42] <purana--> phen: I just think the onboard video
device needs more cpu time when tab is active
882[05:39:00] <purana--> phen: i woudn't put too much focus
on it at this stage
883[05:39:26] <phen> Yeah, I figured as much. Still, 60C seems
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885[05:40:20] <petn-randall> phen: The still image is still a
video stream that needs to be decoded.
886[05:41:16] <petn-randall> phen: You could use htop/powertop
to check if the readings make sense. And you can use mps-youtube to
rip music from YT.
887[05:41:44] *** Quits: zykotick9 (~zykotick9@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
888[05:41:55] <petn-randall> phen: Only thing I can think of is
that somehow HW video acceleration is broken, and that the CPU does
it at much higher overhead.
889[05:42:34] <fuddie> what is SDDM, is it better than LightDM?
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892[05:43:31] <phen> petn-randall I just let the video run for a
little while to see how high temp would go. It actually hit about 72
893[05:43:54] <awal1> phen; sounds normal for me what you are
talking about. My cpu core temp. is always between 50 /70 º C
if I play adobe flash /html5 multimedia content on firefox-esr and
chromium. degree varies depending on how many tabs are
playing/running flash/html5 multimedia content; otherwise (if no
flash/html5) temp it's under 50 º C. so all fine , I think
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897[05:45:16] <phen> awal but my cpu temp doesnt just go up if i
ahve a tab playing a video. If its in the background it hovers at
898[05:45:51] <missmbob> that's because it's not
decoding the video part when the tab isnt active
899[05:45:56] <phen> I've got 3 tabs playing music in the
background right now and CPU temp is hovering at 43
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903[05:47:23] <petn-randall> phen: Guess that proves our little
904[05:47:29] *** Quits: uNmowed (~Mayu@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
905[05:48:04] <phen> :(
906[05:49:12] <petn-randall> phen: You can use
'powertop' to check if the CPU is 100% busy, then
that's a pretty normal temperature.
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908[05:49:26] <awal1> well, I just know that my temp goes above
45 only when i play html5/flash
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911[05:50:19] <phen> man
912[05:50:25] <phen> webvideos are so trash
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914[05:50:40] <genoobie> so when I search "ardour"
there are a few ardour versions that come up
915[05:51:59] <genoobie> one is ardour i686
"optimized" to work on a 686 system
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917[05:52:18] <phen> Why cant I just watch a video of some kid
hitting a grown man in the head with an inflatable ball so hard that
he falls flat on his back without slowly killing my laptop
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919[05:53:07] <awal1> ,v smtube
920[05:53:08] <dvs> phen, my guess would be lack of video
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922[05:53:09] <judd> Package: smtube on amd64 -- jessie:
14.8.0-1; jessie-backports: 15.5.10-1~bpo8+1; stretch: 15.5.10-1;
sid: 15.5.10-1
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924[05:54:22] <awal1> phen: if you install smtube, you may
don't need firefox/chromium for youtube at all
925[05:55:00] <awal1> I use it sometimes
926[05:55:23] <phen> error, could not connect to youtube server
927[05:56:20] <phen> lol nvm, repos version is like 2 major
versions behind
928[05:56:23] <awal1> try updating youtube code
929[05:57:18] *** Quits: nullbyte_ (~ghost@replaced-ip) (Quit: quit.)
930[05:57:29] <awal1> clic "Help" then "update
youtube code"
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935[06:00:09] <awal1> sid version works perfectly
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939[06:04:02] <efloid> TomTomTosch: thanks
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943[06:07:18] <genoobie> bbiam
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948[06:10:23] <awal1> phen: check if opening youtube videos in
the main smtube window works when you get errors about url not found
or about server errors instead of opening them with an extra app
(right clic in the video and choose open video en this window or
something like that)
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984[06:25:14] <bumblefuzz> how do I delete the first 7
characters of a file?
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986[06:27:08] <bumblefuzz> how do I delete the first 7
characters of every line of a file?
987[06:27:44] <somiaj> bumblefuzz: there are various tools, but
you would have to parse through it line by line and useing something
like sed
988[06:28:00] <n4dir> or a decent editor.
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991[06:29:45] <somiaj> cat file | sed 's/^.\{7\}//'
> new_file should do it
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997[06:32:34] <n4dir> somiaj: bash pittfalls, probably,
don't use cat with sed.
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999[06:33:49] <mns> use echo, not cat
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1001[06:35:05] <stoned> why use cat or echo?
1002[06:35:07] <stoned> just use sed
1003[06:35:14] <n4dir> ^^ that
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1009[06:36:09] <phen> I totally found my problem
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1013[06:36:56] <phen> I remembered that i had to uninstall
xserver-xorg-video-intel when i upgraded to kernel 4.8 (because 3.16
wouldnt recognize the elantech touchpad in my laptop)
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1019[06:37:53] <stoned> use sed to make sure that the stream is
being edited properly
1020[06:38:09] <stoned> once you verify the output, you can do in
place file editing with sed -i
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1025[06:39:30] <n4dir> if cat at all, use lolcat ! :-)
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1029[06:40:15] <maus> Hi, how do i download etch repository ?
"apt-get update" does not work, /etc/apt/sources.list has
lines like this: deb
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1035[06:44:25] <somiaj> maus: I think you need a debian in there,
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1039[06:48:22] <maus> somiaj: thank you ..
1040[06:48:35] <maus> it worked out..
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1048[06:53:03] <freqnasty> how can i mount an iso with rw
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1050[06:54:46] <maus> freqnasty: i really dont know, i did it in
the past, check for something like "mount -o loop " man
mount , but that is old , or wait for help
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1054[06:56:07] <freqnasty> im getting this error: mount:
/dev/loop0 is write-protected, mounting read-only
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1056[06:56:41] <phen> Alrighty, so I've been hunting down
the root cause of some CPU temp issues when watching any kind of
video, and I think I narrowed it down. It looks like the drivers for
my intel integrated drivers arent working
1057[06:56:44] <n4dir> a iso file like in a live or installation
CD iso? And with rw as you want to add something to it?
1058[06:56:54] <n4dir> freqnasty:
1059[06:58:07] <phen> For clarification, I had to upgrade to
kernel 4.8 because 3.16 wouldnt recognize my elantech touchpad. The
the xserver-xorg-video-intel drivers from jessie stable wouldnt work
(i.e. no booting), so I had to install the package from backports,
which at least let me boot
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1061[06:59:09] <phen> But it doesnt look like my drivers are
working still. Here's a quick terminal snippet
1062[06:59:25] <aypea[1]> should ifquery be safe to use as part
of an interface config that is getting ifuped?
1063[06:59:31] <freqnasty> n4dir, yes
1064[07:00:00] *** thursdaylark is now known as thurstylark
1065[07:00:06] <phen> What kind of chance is there of getting
these drivers working? Should I just suck it up and wait for debian
1066[07:00:10] <somiaj> freqnasty: iso is a read only file
system, you need to regenrate an iso if you want to make add/remove
1067[07:00:30] <n4dir> I wouldn't bet, but recall it
doesn't work (don't take my word for it !). Look at the
second post in this archive:
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1069[07:00:45] <Logg> phen: just upgrade to debian stretch
it's great
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1073[07:01:17] <n4dir> you could give refractasnapshot (refracta
being a remix of debian/now-devuan, refractasnapshot a tool written
in bash to create customized isos).
1074[07:01:31] <n4dir> debian repos have tools for it too, iirc
1075[07:01:51] *** Joins: catbehemoth (~vasyl@replaced-ip)
1076[07:02:15] <n4dir> but if you ask in the refracta forum,
someone might give you a hand (they've been at such for years
and years). assuming no one here will give you a hand
1077[07:02:27] <phen> Logg how stable is stretch?
1078[07:02:43] <phen> also, do i have to do a clean reinstall or
can i do it from 8.6?
1079[07:02:56] <somiaj> phen: stretch is freezing. The soft
freeze is jan 5th, the full freeze is feb 5th.
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1081[07:03:22] <Logg> phen: almost stable. it's just about
to come out
1082[07:03:30] <somiaj> phen: it is fairly stable now, except it
has no timely security support. You can upgrade your current system
to stretch, but you may encouter bugs depending on what software you
1083[07:03:47] <somiaj> well I woudldn't say just about, it
still hasn't frozen.
1084[07:03:50] <Logg> you can just upgrade from stable
1085[07:03:58] <somiaj> after it freezes takes a few months or so
to work out all the rc-bugs
1086[07:04:24] *** Quits: catbehemoth (~vasyl@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
1087[07:04:35] <phen> is this a few months after the initial
freeze or the final freeze?
1088[07:04:50] <somiaj> phen: final freeze, and few could be 4-6
1089[07:04:53] *** Quits: DeaDSouL (~deadsoul@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
1090[07:05:09] <somiaj> though debian is trying to get faster at
working out rc bugs beween the hard freeze (feb 5th) and the
1091[07:05:48] <Logg> __0: no
1092[07:05:48] <somiaj> phen: stretch isn't that bad right
now. You may need a little knowledge of debian to deal with any bugs
you may encounter. I use a minimial system so that means fewer
packages and fewer bugs but it works here.
1093[07:06:13] <phen> Ugh. I need to do a bunch of embedded
related stuff for a school project
1094[07:06:15] <somiaj> phen: the other thing is you won't
get timely security support, one recent example what the chromium
ssl issue that took about 10+ days to make it into testing.
1095[07:06:40] <phen> I dont have the kind of timetables that
allow for bug related fuckery
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1097[07:06:50] <somiaj> then testing is not ready
1098[07:06:59] <phen> :(
1099[07:07:04] <Logg> testing is testing
1100[07:07:11] *** Guest53373 is now known as spooky
1101[07:07:16] <Logg> but for me it works now
1102[07:07:36] <Logg> less buggy than trying to get my graphics
from jessie-backports
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1104[07:07:56] <phen> I mean, I run the risk of fixing graphics
and breaking everything else
1105[07:08:18] <Logg> you do.
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1107[07:08:57] <somiaj> ,v xserver-xorg-video-intel
1108[07:08:58] <judd> Package: xserver-xorg-video-intel on amd64
-- wheezy: 2:2.19.0-6; wheezy-backports: 2:2.21.15-2~bpo70+1;
jessie: 2:2.21.15-2+b2; jessie-backports:
2:2.99.917+git20161105-1~bpo8+1; stretch: 2:2.99.917+git20161206-1;
sid: 2:2.99.917+git20161206-1
1109[07:09:26] <phen> Is it normal for distros to stick with a
single kernel version for so long?
1110[07:09:28] <somiaj> consider the intel drivers from
jessie-backports and stretch are the same, and so is the kernel, I
doubt you will magically have a different experience in stretch with
1111[07:09:54] <phen> Wait, so then what exactly is the problem
1112[07:10:01] <somiaj> phen: that is what a frozen system is,
recall that debian is used for lots of other types of systems
besides desktops. When depolying software, you want a known frozen
system you can rely on.
1113[07:10:24] <somiaj> phen: lots of server side software likes
to release frozen systems for this. backports is just a way to
provide access to some newer software.
1114[07:11:06] <somiaj> phen: I'm unsure, but you are fully
running off of the 4.8 kernel and using the intel driver from
backports? Have you shared yoru /var/log/Xorg.0.log file at
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1118[07:11:51] <phen> I havent. I didnt even know that was a
1119[07:12:37] <somiaj> the logs help see what has been loaded.
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1125[07:15:25] <phen> well is down, but I did
check the log myself
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1128[07:17:23] <phen>
1129[07:17:55] <phen> Thats the section of the log pertinent to
my integrated graphics. I dont see anything going catastrophically
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1133[07:19:57] <phen>
1134[07:20:38] <somiaj> phen: sorry it was
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1142[07:24:42] <somiaj> phen: do you disable modesetting in your
grub? for some reason it is unloading the modesetting module which I
think is needed
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1145[07:26:33] <somiaj> phen: were you one in here who also
upgraded mesa to jessie-backports?
1146[07:27:58] *** Quits: chomwitt (~chomwitt@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
1147[07:28:27] <somiaj> but that error you are getting seems to
becomming from mesa and I'm unsure why.
1148[07:29:16] <phen> I never disable modesetting, but I had to
disable pci msi since my wificard was spamming dmesg with a bunch of
pci errors. dont know if modesetting needs msi. I never upgraded
mesa from backports. Should I?
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1153[07:36:06] <phen> somaij I just noticed that i965 isnt in
that list of supported chipsets
1154[07:36:25] <phen> at 21.992
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1168[07:51:22] <phen> ok what the hell
1169[07:51:40] <phen> is there any way to get aptitude to install
dependencies from jessie-backports if the package is also from
1170[07:51:49] <sim590> Let's say I hae wiped my /boot
partition, how do I reinstall the kernel? What package I would have
to force reinstall?
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1172[07:52:10] <phen> sim590 any backups?
1173[07:52:19] <MaBunny> hello,i want to include the library
provided with libsdl2-net-dbg,ie, i want to know the -l part of the
library....what commands is needed to know this?
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1176[07:52:32] <sim590> phen: no.
1177[07:52:39] <sim590> No need! :o
1178[07:52:46] <sim590> Just need to reinstall the package and
reconfigure grub
1179[07:52:55] <phen> oh boy
1180[07:53:17] <MaBunny> sim590: can you open the machinne?
1181[07:53:23] <n4dir> sim590: chroot, make sure to mount /boot
too, install the kernel
1182[07:53:25] <sim590> ah so. linux-base ?
1183[07:53:32] *** Joins: nullbyte_ (~ghost@replaced-ip)
1184[07:53:34] <sim590> I did dpkg -l | grep linux and I have a
good idea.
1185[07:53:38] <sim590> I am chrooted.
1186[07:53:42] <n4dir> back then it was linux-image, but i think
it has changed.
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1188[07:53:48] <MaBunny> as n4dir said
1189[07:53:50] <sim590> linux-base?
1190[07:54:05] <n4dir> linux-base does different things (i forgot
what exactly, but nothing with the kernel)
1191[07:54:11] <sim590> all packages which outputs in dpkg -l |
grep linux ?
1192[07:54:16] <n4dir> apt-cache show is your friend :-)
1193[07:54:29] <masterlinux> hi, how can i run the detect network
like during an install of debian?
1194[07:54:31] <n4dir> ,v linux-image
1195[07:54:33] <judd> No package named 'linux-image'
was found in amd64.
1196[07:54:37] <sim590> linux-image-amd64
1197[07:54:38] <n4dir> damnit
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1199[07:54:56] <MaBunny> n4dir: what about me?
1200[07:55:59] <MaBunny> hello,i want to include the library
provided with libsdl2-net-dbg,ie, i want to know the -l part of the
library....what commands is needed to know this?
1201[07:55:59] <n4dir> i don't know. apt-file came to my
mind, but i really don't know. MaBunny (libs i don't know
about in general). Wait, many do know
1202[07:56:14] <MaBunny> ok
1203[07:56:25] <masterlinux> i have the driver file now for my
wifi to work. so what do i do with the file?
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1205[07:56:38] <masterlinux> to get my wifi to work
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1209[07:58:37] <MaBunny> does anyone know the answer to my
1210[07:59:14] <flux242> MaBunny: translate your question to
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1212[08:01:02] <sim590> n4dir: install linux-image-amd64
doesn't produce any file in /boot. I have changed my partition
layout and that's why my /boot is empty now.
1213[08:02:26] <n4dir> hmm. probably above me. post the commands
you used for chroot and post your partition layout.
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1216[08:03:08] <n4dir> i don't think fstab comes into /boot
being empty after installing the image, but it is tough stuff and
early in the morning (here)
1217[08:03:25] <sim590>
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1219[08:04:10] <n4dir> duh: efi. I am out. No clue about it.
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1224[08:05:46] <sim590> :(
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1226[08:07:05] <MaBunny> flux242: what do you mean?
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1233[08:08:46] <sim590> I think I found. I wasn't
reinstalling the appropriate package. I need
1234[08:09:24] <n4dir> grub is installed, yes?
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1237[08:10:15] <sim590> n4dir: me? Yes.
1238[08:10:17] <sim590> the package
1239[08:10:30] *** Joins: ByteStorm (~MaBunny@replaced-ip)
1240[08:11:04] <n4dir> sim590: k. sorry for asking the most
obvious, but i thought it wouldn't hurt. no bad thought
inclucded :-)
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1245[08:12:43] * masterlinux :(
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1250[08:13:42] <masterlinux> never i got it to work!
1251[08:13:45] * masterlinux :)
1252[08:13:52] <masterlinux> never mind*
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1257[08:16:01] <ByteStorm> can anyone pls tell me how to find out
the -l name of the shared libraries inncluded in a package,like
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1271[08:23:47] <somiaj> ByteStorm: dpkg -L packagename lists all
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1273[08:23:58] <ByteStorm> ok
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1275[08:25:02] <ByteStorm> somiaj: i want to know the include
name of the -l part of the package
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1277[08:25:31] <somiaj> oh I see, umm, yea unsure how to get
1278[08:25:32] <ByteStorm> like -l libstdc++ includes the
standard c++ library shared library
1279[08:25:41] *** Quits: marlinc (~marlinc@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
1280[08:25:49] <ByteStorm> i knew how to do it,but i forgot
1281[08:25:59] <somiaj> it just isn't the filename of the
header.h file?
1282[08:26:13] <preaction> no, that's the soname
1283[08:26:15] <ByteStorm> and now i want to include a debug
library to use it in gdb
1284[08:26:30] <ByteStorm> somehing like pkg-config
1285[08:26:51] <ByteStorm> but pkg-config --libs-only-l gives
1286[08:27:04] <ByteStorm> so i was asking for another way
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1294[08:31:52] <flux242> ByteStorm: what the .... do you want? Do
you want to link a lib? Do you want to include a header?
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1296[08:33:21] <ByteStorm> i want the equivalent of libstdc++ for
the package libsdl2-net-dbg.libstdc++ is the include name for
linking with the -l flag of gcc
1297[08:34:34] <ByteStorm>
1298[08:35:17] <ByteStorm> this is the error tht i get while
typing "pkg-config --libs-only-l libsdl2-net-dbg"
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1306[08:39:19] <flux242> ByteStorm: what 'dpkg -l | grep
libsdl2' says?
1307[08:39:56] *** Quits: zykotick9 (~zykotick9@replaced-ip) (Quit: leaving)
1308[08:40:19] <ByteStorm> ii libsdl2-net-dbg:amd64
1309[08:40:23] *** Joins: ledeni (~ledeni@replaced-ip)
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1311[08:40:33] <ByteStorm> md64 Network library for Simple
DirectMedia Layer 2, debugging
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1320[08:43:48] <flux242> ByteStorm: tried to install
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1323[08:43:58] <ByteStorm> yes i hav it
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1330[08:45:04] <flux242> where?
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1341[08:46:12] <ByteStorm> hey
1342[08:46:16] <ByteStorm> /usr/share/doc/libsdl2-net-dbg
1343[08:46:36] *** Quits: kooldavi (~kooldavi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
1344[08:47:11] <themill> It's highly unlikely that you want
to try linking against debugging symbols
1345[08:47:16] <n4dir> "whereis" can be handy
(can't say i fully get it though)
1346[08:47:36] *** Quits: TheFlyingCorpse_ (~TheFlying@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
1347[08:47:42] *** Joins: Werring (werring@replaced-ip)
1348[08:47:46] <ByteStorm> themill: i want to link against
debugging symbols for using it in gdb
1349[08:48:04] *** Joins: alxd (~alxd@replaced-ip)
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1351[08:48:20] <themill> that's not how you use debugging
1352[08:48:30] *** Joins: kooldavi (~kooldavi@replaced-ip)
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1355[08:50:41] <flux242> if you aren't linking the lib
itself (you don't have it installed) how are you going to use
its debug symbols anyway?
1356[08:50:50] *** Joins: bins (~bins@replaced-ip)
1357[08:50:57] <ByteStorm> i hav it installed
1358[08:51:08] <flux242> yeah, right
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1372[08:55:39] <wsm> exit
1373[08:55:44] <Deadlyvirus> yo
1374[08:55:46] *** beaver_ is now known as beaver
1375[08:55:55] <Deadlyvirus> how to fix aircrack-ng
1376[08:56:22] <Deadlyvirus> i cant go to monitor mode
1377[08:56:27] <Deadlyvirus> or any mode at all
1378[08:56:43] <n4dir> first question would be if you chip
supports it at all.
1379[08:56:43] <flux242> here is the fix: sudo apt-get purge
1380[08:56:46] *** Quits: Geom (~Geom@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1381[08:56:53] <n4dir> ha ha. yeah, i thought the same
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1384[08:58:04] <Deadlyvirus> ok let me try
1385[08:58:11] *** Joins: bins (~bins@replaced-ip)
1386[08:58:20] <Deadlyvirus> what do you mean chip supports ?
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1394[08:59:52] <n4dir>
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1409[09:05:58] <Deadlyvirus> Yo the command line
1410[09:06:08] <Deadlyvirus> erased the freaking program
1411[09:06:10] <Deadlyvirus> !!!!
1412[09:06:10] <dpkg> "Multiple exclamation marks," he
went on, shaking his head, "are a sure sign of a diseased
mind." - Terry Pratchett, Eric
1413[09:06:33] <Logg> nice dpkg
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1416[09:07:18] <Deadlyvirus> flux 242 !!! you suck
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1419[09:09:17] <Deadlyvirus> airmon-ng
1420[09:09:17] <Deadlyvirus> ls: cannot access
/sys/class/ieee80211/: No such file or directory
1421[09:09:17] <Deadlyvirus> PHY Interface Driver Chipset
1422[09:09:38] <Deadlyvirus> this is what i get when i start
runnin airmon-ng
1423[09:09:47] <Deadlyvirus> can somebody help please
1424[09:09:58] *** Quits: todd_dsm (~todd_dsm@replaced-ip) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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1427[09:11:15] <pogs> Deadlyvirus: you are not using kali linux,
are you?
1428[09:11:32] *** Quits: jubo2 (~juboxi@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
1429[09:11:57] <Deadlyvirus> i am pogs
1430[09:12:03] <Deadlyvirus> i am on kali linux
1431[09:12:17] <Deadlyvirus> what is wrong ?
1432[09:12:31] <pogs> you need to go to the kali support then
1433[09:12:55] <Deadlyvirus> you mean change channel
1434[09:13:01] <Deadlyvirus> and join kali linux
1435[09:13:02] <pogs> yes
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1437[09:14:19] *** bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
1438[09:14:38] <Deadlyvirus> do you have any idea about the issue
my friend
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1445[09:18:20] <whit1erose1510> hey
1446[09:18:23] <whit1erose1510> guys
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1465[09:25:46] <Deadlyvirus> yes
1466[09:25:49] <Deadlyvirus> white
1467[09:25:52] <Deadlyvirus> are you there
1468[09:26:47] <Hestben> Deadlyvirus: Ask in #kali-linux
1469[09:27:00] *** Joins: BlueByte (~walther@replaced-ip)
1470[09:27:11] <somiaj> Deadlyvirus: if you are running kali
linux, it is asked that you use the support provided by the kali
1471[09:27:14] <somiaj> !kali
1472[09:27:15] <dpkg> Kali Linux (replaced-url
1473[09:28:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1612
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1476[09:30:06] <survietamine> hello, I'm reading
/usr/share/doc/bind9/README.Debian.gz which mentions "ndc
reload" and "/usr/sbin/ndc". But I have no idea
what's that ndc, is it a typo and I should use rndc?
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1479[09:31:09] <jelly> survietamine: yes, use rndc, no idea if
it's a typo or outdated
1480[09:31:28] <survietamine> ok, thank jelly, long time I
didn't see you :p
1481[09:32:13] <survietamine> I only use rndc for my
"administrative tasks" about BIND, but I was wondering why
this ndc is there in the README
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1483[09:32:26] <newcoder> elinks
1484[09:33:04] <jelly> newcoder: what do you see then?
1485[09:33:19] <newcoder> Black screen
1486[09:33:38] <jelly> no temporary messages appeared or
1487[09:34:12] <jelly> newcoder: press = to see if _something_
loaded and it's a page that just looks empty for some reason
1488[09:34:20] *** Quits: Henric_ (~Henric@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
1489[09:34:21] <jelly> press \ to see the source
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1493[09:35:35] <toni> Hi!
1494[09:36:11] <Logg> hi ton
1495[09:36:12] <Logg> i
1496[09:36:13] <Logg> !ask
1497[09:36:13] <dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For
example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian
version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I
expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if
anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all
volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get
an answer try a few hours later or on
See <smart questions><errors>.
1498[09:36:31] <newcoder> jelly: = displays size 0, nothing in
page source
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1500[09:36:53] <toni> Hi Logg! I am having trouble with a Dell
E7440 under Testing. It does not go to sleep when I close the lid,
but contiues to run at full speed. Can I solve this by
configuration, or is it a bug?
1501[09:37:05] <jelly> newcoder: so you may have network issues.
try the
1502[09:37:18] <Logg> toni: you can most likely solve that.
1503[09:37:23] <toni> I am running the almost latest, upgraded
maybe a week ago.
1504[09:37:32] <jelly> newcoder: are you in a country that does
network filtering?
1505[09:37:32] <Logg> you should be asking in oftc #debian-next
1506[09:37:47] <toni> Logg: But I don't know where to look.
Oh, thank you for the pointer!
1507[09:38:03] <jelly> !debian-next
1508[09:38:03] <dpkg> #debian-next is the channel for
testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not*
on Freenode. If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is
invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
1509[09:38:29] *** Quits: jezza (~jezza@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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1514[09:39:29] <newcoder> jelly: elinkss
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1517[09:40:22] <jelly> newcoder: what about
1518[09:40:29] *** Joins: NeoBlaster (~N3oBl@replaced-ip)
1519[09:41:14] <jelly> newcoder: also, which IP address do you
get for getent ahosts
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1521[09:42:15] <newcoder> For , i get bad http
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1530[09:46:21] <jelly> newcoder: if you want more ideas or
possibly help, provide answers to my last two questions
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1534[09:47:23] <newcoder> jelly: https has same result, blank
black window
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1538[09:48:40] <jelly> newcoder: pastebin the info (=) screen for
that, and also the output of getent
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1541[09:49:16] <jelly> !paste
1542[09:49:16] <dpkg> Do not paste more than 2 lines to this
channel. Instead, use:
1543[09:49:50] *** Joins: Yuurei (~void@replaced-ip)
1544[09:49:59] <jelly> newcoder: you'll have to press shift
and left mouse button in elinks to be able to select
1545[09:50:14] <jelly> or just screenshot the thing
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1556[09:52:19] <masterlinux> hi, is there an "update
manager" for debian jessie?
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1559[09:53:27] <flux242> !nopaste
1560[09:53:27] <dpkg> nopaste is a command-line tool to send data
to a <pastebin>. To paste e.g. your sources.list do
"aptitude install libapp-nopaste-perl; nopaste
/etc/apt/sources.list"; to paste the output of a program do
e.g. "dmesg | nopaste".
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1562[09:53:33] <newcoder> jelly: It can be network problem,
I'm on console, can't copy paste text and pastebin
1563[09:53:56] <bazhang> ,v pastebinit
1564[09:53:58] <judd> Package: pastebinit on amd64 -- wheezy:
1.3-4; jessie: 1.4-4; sid: 1.5-1; stretch: 1.5-1
1565[09:54:00] <Logg> masterlinux: apt-get, aptitude, synaptic
1566[09:54:07] <flux242> !wgetpaste
1567[09:54:07] <dpkg> wgetpaste is a CLI application for sending
text to a pastebin, its only dependencies are bash and wget. To
install and use: wget
1568[09:54:12] <bazhang> use pastebinit then
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1617[10:23:39] <jelly> you can't merely pastebinit from an
interactive curses app!
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1620[10:24:00] <bazhang> my bad!
1621[10:24:25] <jelly> they would have had to use screen or tmux
to copy/paste, or gpm (mouse support for console)
1622[10:25:24] <jelly> !factinfo wgetpaste
1623[10:25:24] <dpkg> wgetpaste -- created by jordanm
<~jordanm@pdpc/supporter/active/titan8990> at Wed Jun 16
20:28:08 2010 (2388 days); last modified at Fri Jul 16 22:07:51 2010
by jordanm!~jordanm@pdpc/supporter/active/titan8990; it has been
requested 294 times, last by flux242, 31m 16s ago.
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1630[10:38:33] <KODY928021> how can I make iptables changing
1631[10:40:15] <KODY928021> solved
1632[10:40:15] <bazhang> #netfilter KODY928021
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1662[11:01:44] <starstuff> Hi, I just installed a fresh Debian
'Stretch' and I have an nvidia gtx 1070 card. The nouveau
driver isn't working and I would like to install the nvidia
binary. Can anyone help?
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1664[11:02:44] <Vizva>
1665[11:03:17] <starstuff> Vizva: I use that page often when
installing on Debian 'Jessie' and the instructions are
flawless for that.
1666[11:03:29] <starstuff> But I have 'Stretch' and I
don't see any instructions about that.
1667[11:04:03] <Vizva> i understand
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1669[11:04:36] <starstuff> Would I use the jessie-backports
section? Or the other section?
1670[11:04:51] <starstuff> do I need to install the dkms package
or just nvidia-driver package?
1671[11:05:05] <babilen> dpkg: nvidia dkms
1672[11:05:06] <dpkg> For Debian 7 "Wheezy" and later
systems. Ask me about <contrib> and <non-free sources>.
«aptitude -r install linux-headers-`uname -r|sed
's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,'` nvidia-kernel-dkms && mkdir
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d ; echo -e 'Section
"Device"\n\tIdentifier "My GPU"\n\tDriver
"nvidia"\nEndSection' >
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-nvidia.conf». Restart your system to
enable the <nouveau> blacklist.
1673[11:05:13] *** Quits: bl0m1_ (~bl0m1@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1674[11:05:36] <babilen> That's essentially it .. also note
that testing and unstable are supported in #debian-next rather than
1675[11:05:57] <starstuff> babilen: is there a way to copy/paste
that line to another tty? I'm using irssi.
1676[11:06:19] <babilen> Are you on amd64?
1677[11:06:30] <starstuff> babilen: Yes
1678[11:06:36] *** Joins: cha18 (~cha18@replaced-ip)
1679[11:06:39] <starstuff> I'm at console on the affected
1680[11:06:46] <babilen> Just make it "aptitude -r install
linux-headers-amd64 nvidia-kernel-dkms" then
1681[11:07:15] *** Joins: Aussie_matt (~quassel@replaced-ip)
1682[11:07:21] <babilen> And then create a configuration file in
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d with
1683[11:07:35] *** Joins: bl0m1_ (~bl0m1@replaced-ip)
1684[11:07:48] <starstuff> babilen: Okay I guess I will hand-type
that command over to my other tty
1685[11:07:52] * starstuff sighs
1686[11:08:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1632
1687[11:08:05] <babilen> Hang on
1688[11:08:05] <Vizva> youre in toatlly text mode?
1689[11:08:11] <Vizva> totally
1690[11:08:28] <starstuff> Vizva: Yes. My desktop wouldn't
start because nouveau failed.
1691[11:08:51] <Vizva> isnt there a
1692[11:08:53] <babilen> starstuff: "curl
1693[11:08:56] <starstuff> babilen: Is that xorg.conf page just
executing nvidia-xconfig?
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1697[11:09:08] <babilen> Don't run nvidia-xconfig
1698[11:09:12] <starstuff> ok
1699[11:09:31] *** Quits: Atm0spher1c (~future@replaced-ip) (Quit: quit)
1700[11:09:59] <babilen> starstuff: "curl
1701[11:10:37] <starstuff> babilen: alright thanks
1702[11:10:40] <babilen> Move that into /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
after installing the driver (create the directory beforehand)
1703[11:11:08] *** Joins: l3archos (~Icedove@replaced-ip)
1704[11:11:12] <n4dir> side note: gpm is a mouse for tty
(probably not worth get the head into it, just saying it exists)
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1708[11:12:15] <starstuff> babilen: so at root I just type:
aptitude -r install linux-headers-amd64 nvidia-kernel-dkms
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1710[11:12:18] <starstuff> that's it right?
1711[11:12:23] <babilen> Yes
1712[11:13:56] <starstuff> and xorg.conf.d is a directory that I
need to create before putting in that file you provided?
1713[11:14:27] <babilen> *nod*
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1717[11:15:36] <babilen> If nvidida-kernel-dkms can't be
found you would have to enable contrib and non-free in your
sources.list (ensure entries in there end in "main contrib
non-free" and run "apt update")
1718[11:15:37] <starstuff> babilen: and nouveau will get
blacklisted after I did all that? I'm ready to reboot if so.
1719[11:15:46] <starstuff> babilen: Yeah I enabled contrib
1720[11:15:54] <babilen> And the module compiled fine?
1721[11:16:13] <Vizva> we could access a only text system in
virtualbox - if its difficult other ways - access physical hd
1722[11:16:13] *** Quits: cha18 (~cha18@replaced-ip) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
1723[11:16:15] <starstuff> babilen: there were no errors except a
notice that I have to reboot to blacklist nouveau.
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1726[11:16:34] <Vizva> i want to try that with such a stretch and
later run it direct
1727[11:17:08] <starstuff> well, thanks babilen. Here goes a
reboot. If I don't come back it means it worked.
1728[11:17:09] <Vizva> its for me only
1729[11:17:09] <babilen> starstuff: Could you run "dkms
status" -- Does it list nvidia?
1730[11:17:16] <starstuff> uh let me see...
1731[11:17:18] <babilen> starstuff: No, come back!
1732[11:17:31] *** Quits: mavhq (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1733[11:17:32] <starstuff> yes it says nvidia-current
1734[11:17:39] <babilen> Good, reboot and come back :)
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1743[11:21:09] <starstuff> babilen: Hi, I didn't boot to the
desktop again. But the behavior was different this time.
1744[11:21:34] <babilen> How so?
1745[11:21:39] <Vizva> can start x?
1746[11:22:06] <starstuff> It went through a bunch of green [ OK
] lines for different things it "Started". The last one is
[ OK ] Started Hostname Service
1747[11:22:11] <starstuff> and it just sits there.
1748[11:22:27] <babilen> Nothing happens and you can't log
into the console?
1749[11:22:35] <starstuff> it doesn't give me a console
1750[11:22:45] <starstuff> I had to CTRL+ALT+F2 to another tty
1751[11:22:50] <babilen> What about tty2 (ctrl-alt-f2) ?
1752[11:22:50] <starstuff> (the one I'm on now)
1753[11:23:02] <babilen> Right .. is this a laptop?
1754[11:23:04] *** Joins: bumbal (~lxk@replaced-ip)
1755[11:23:05] <starstuff> nope
1756[11:23:09] <starstuff> it's a desktop
1757[11:23:20] <Vizva> can you try ---> startx?
1758[11:23:29] *** Joins: JackSparrow (75cc0e65@replaced-ip)
1759[11:23:31] <Vizva> if not work you can use another console
and kill c
1760[11:23:34] <Vizva> kill x
1761[11:24:10] <Vizva> CTRL+ALT+F3 or 4
1762[11:24:11] <starstuff> I'll try that. But I just had the
thought that maybe some other weirdness is going on because nouveau
should have at least given me a gdm desktop login.
1763[11:24:26] <JackSparrow> hello, Linux newbie here. Need some
help in choosing between LXDE and LxQt
1764[11:24:29] <Vizva> if it crash you go to another console and
kill the x
1765[11:24:51] <starstuff> Vizva: it gave me a fatal error
1766[11:24:57] <JackSparrow> which is more lightweight and
suitable for old laptops?
1767[11:24:59] <Vizva> which one
1768[11:25:04] <babilen> starstuff: Any error message?
1769[11:25:11] <JackSparrow> Does debian support lxqt?
1770[11:25:27] <Vizva> iam curious but must go :P
1771[11:25:45] <bazhang> ,v lxqt
1772[11:25:46] <judd> Package: lxqt on amd64 -- stretch: 7; sid:
1773[11:25:57] <bazhang> JackSparrow, ^
1774[11:25:59] <starstuff> modprobe: FATAL: Module nvidia-current
not found in directory /lib/modules/4.7.0-1-amd64
1775[11:26:02] <xormor> killall X
1776[11:26:04] <starstuff> and there are two more errors.
1777[11:26:08] <xormor> or ps -ef | grep X
1778[11:26:17] <JackSparrow> my laptop is a 32 bit system
1779[11:26:20] *** Joins: btf (~btf@replaced-ip)
1780[11:26:31] <starstuff> modprobe: ERROR: could not insert
'nvidia': Operation not permitted.
1781[11:26:38] <babilen> starstuff: Which kernel is listed in
"dkms status", which one are you booted into (uname -a) ?
1782[11:26:41] *** Quits: Vizva (~max@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1783[11:27:01] <bazhang> JackSparrow, former ubuntu supporter, by
1784[11:27:06] <JackSparrow> runs on Intel Celeron M Single core
1.6ghz cpu and 2 gb ram.
1785[11:27:10] *** Joins: llorephie (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
1786[11:27:42] <JackSparrow> bazhang, what?
1787[11:28:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1639
1788[11:28:07] <bazhang> if not, my apologies
1789[11:28:10] <starstuff> babilen: dkms status says
"nvidia-current, 375.26: added". And uname -a: Linux
system 4.7.0-1-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.7.8-1
1790[11:28:23] <n4dir> JackSparrow: in general there is no need
to choose yet. Install debian, then install a wm or
1791[11:28:33] <JackSparrow> i am a beginner here. want to try
1792[11:28:37] <n4dir> if it doesnt work well, try a
"smaller " solution.
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1794[11:29:03] <n4dir> you can keep the other one or remove it,
whatever you prefer.
1795[11:29:05] <JackSparrow> tried xfce, but it was a bit
1796[11:29:18] *** Quits: flux242 (~chatzilla@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1797[11:29:30] <n4dir> i wouldn't mix kde and gnome though
(but with such specs they are out of options anyway, i guess.)
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1799[11:29:41] <JackSparrow> I trie Xubuntu also. It seemed a bit
slow on my old laptop.
1800[11:29:52] <babilen> starstuff: Doesn't it also list
kernel versions?
1801[11:30:15] <starstuff> babilen: the dkms status? nope. I gave
the whole line. I typed "dkms status" as root.
1802[11:30:48] *** Quits: treegor (~gary@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
1803[11:31:26] <babilen> starstuff: Hmm, that should be a 4.8
kernel. Could you run "apt install linux-image-amd64" ?
Also, which kernels are listed in "aptitude search
'~i~n^linux-image'" ?
1804[11:31:55] <JackSparrow> can I as a beginner try debian
1805[11:32:07] <babilen> starstuff: Run the last command before
the first, please
1806[11:32:08] <JackSparrow> will it be suitable for me?
1807[11:32:13] <n4dir> rather not
1808[11:32:25] <starstuff> babilen: I typed the search command
1809[11:32:47] <babilen> Does it list a 4.8 kernel or
linux-image-amd64 ?
1810[11:32:55] <starstuff> babilen: it says an "i" and
an "A" next to linux-image-4.7.0-1-amd64
1811[11:32:57] <JackSparrow> which one in debian will suit my
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1813[11:33:28] <starstuff> babilen: it lists a 4.8 kernel but it
isn't installed looks like. There is a "p" in front
of that line.
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1815[11:33:39] <bazhang> explain your needs
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1819[11:34:32] <babilen> starstuff: You might want to upgrade
your box and ensure that you have a 4.8 kernel installed. Run
"apt update" and then "apt install
linux-image-amd64" -- If that package is installed already,
install linux-image-4.8.0-2-amd64 explicitly
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1823[11:34:58] <starstuff> babilen: linux-image-amd64 is already
installed. There is an "i" next to that package.
1824[11:35:04] <babilen> aye
1825[11:35:33] <starstuff> babilen: and I already did update the
system. It was already fully up-to-date upon installation. This is a
new install and I chose all default choices.
1826[11:35:41] <starstuff> but I'll try another
1827[11:35:54] <n4dir> debian is lite per default, compared to
other distros. The rest depends on the apps and the DE/WM used.
Debian stable is easy to administrate, setting up can be a bit of
fiddling, depends on the hardware. JackSparrow good?
1828[11:36:14] *** Quits: SynrG (~synrg@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
1829[11:36:17] <starstuff> oh wow.....there is an update
available. weird. and it's linux-image-amd64.
1830[11:36:28] <starstuff> babilen: I could have sworn I did an
update already! How could that happen?
1831[11:36:37] *** Quits: Ariannah (~adagio@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1832[11:36:53] <starstuff> babilen: So I I need to
re-run the nvidia dkms install?
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1835[11:37:39] <starstuff> babilen: so the update gave me the 4.8
1836[11:37:42] <babilen> starstuff: You essentially want to make
sure that you have matching headers for the 4.8 kernel installed.
Did you run "apt upgrade" ?
1837[11:38:03] <JackSparrow> is lxqt fully functional DE? can it
be properly integrated with debian stable?
1838[11:38:09] <nemo_fish> Hello! I configured an Alix board as a
WIFI client and used parprouted and dhcp-helper to
'bridge' eth0 with wlan0. Everything works well, except
that I don't receive any multicast traffic on clients attached
to eth0 interface. Do I have to use 'traditional'
bridging? I didn't because I might need to use ebtables because
of WIFI access point and MAC address isue,...
1839[11:38:13] <starstuff> babilen: yes upgrade is running now
1840[11:38:19] <starstuff> it's taking a bit of time.
1841[11:39:05] <babilen> I guess .. afterwards make sure that
"dkms status" lists (at least) two lines (one for 4.7 and
4.8 respectively)
1842[11:39:28] <starstuff> okay it finished. there was some
complaint about my filesystem nvme support ext4 filesystem
couldn't be found.
1843[11:39:42] <starstuff> babilen: yes dkms status now gives me
more info.
1844[11:40:07] <starstuff> babilen: dkms status shows the 4.8
kernel info only. Not the 4.7
1845[11:40:30] <babilen> I guess it compiled the module for that
.. I'd reboot now and see how that goes
1846[11:40:47] <babilen> (which is why it couldn't be loaded
under 4.7)
1847[11:40:54] <starstuff> babilen: do you know why all of a
sudden update gave me a new kernel when I know I tried updating as
the first thing after installing?
1848[11:41:16] *** Joins: electrostat (~dag@replaced-ip)
1849[11:41:22] <babilen> Maybe you didn't select the
"linux-image-amd64" metapackage but the 4.7 one during the
1850[11:41:45] <babilen> Don't really know .. might be
obvious from /var/log/apt/history.log* though
1851[11:41:58] <starstuff> babilen: I just used the
'Stretch' installer and chose all defaults. There was no
selection choice for linux-image-amd64 metapackage.
1852[11:42:28] *** Quits: spinbee (~spinbee@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1853[11:42:38] <starstuff> and the linux-image-amd64 metapackage
was installed properly at the get go.
1854[11:42:57] <starstuff> so it's like all of a sudden,
after install, it decides to upgrade me to 4.8 from 4.7.
1855[11:43:18] <starstuff> maybe it got triggered due to a
dependency with the nvidia-dkms driver?
1856[11:43:44] *** Joins: ssaturos (~saturos@replaced-ip)
1857[11:43:58] <starstuff> well, here goes a reboot.
1858[11:44:06] *** Quits: starstuff (~user@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1859[11:44:09] <babilen> The linux-image-amd64 metapackage
depends on 4.8 in the current version
1860[11:44:10] *** Parts: JackSparrow (75cc0e65@replaced-ip)
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1865[11:45:50] <starstuff> babilen: hey :) I'm in gnome!
1866[11:45:56] <babilen> Great :)
1867[11:46:09] *** Quits: Defaulttinen (defaultti@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1868[11:46:18] <babilen> starstuff: Do you have an Intel or AMD
1869[11:46:18] <starstuff> babilen: I really would love to
understand what went wrong with the kernel package though
1870[11:46:26] <starstuff> babilen: Intel i7
1871[11:46:29] *** Quits: saturos (~saturos@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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1874[11:47:16] <babilen> starstuff: Install the
"intel-microcode" package in that case. It contains
current microcode for your CPU that might fix CPU bugs that are hard
to debug (reboot after that)
1875[11:47:20] *** Joins: RickBR (~carlos@replaced-ip)
1876[11:47:31] <starstuff> babilen: I swear to you that
linux-image-amd64 metapackage was installed as part of the initial
installation and that I ran an aptitude update/upgrade and it showed
nothing available to be updated. Then, after whatever I did with the
nvidia dkms stuff, all of a suddent aptitude update/upgrade revealed
a 4.8 kernel to be installed!
1877[11:47:49] *** Joins: kapitalist (~kapitalis@replaced-ip)
1878[11:47:50] <babilen> starstuff: It's hard to say, but
reading /var/log/apt/history.log should provide some info.
1879[11:47:50] <starstuff> babilen: is that non-free? if so I
don't want it
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1882[11:48:46] <babilen> starstuff: It is non-free, but you are
already using it (it is just on your mainboard in an older version).
If you prefer you could also upgrade your mainboards firmware
assuming that the vendor already packaged the latest microcode.
1883[11:48:57] *** Quits: timahvo1 (~rogue@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1884[11:49:13] <babilen> There is no way to *not* use it ..
installing that package simply allows you to sideload the latest
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1887[11:49:27] <starstuff> babilen: do you mean firmware as in a
bios update for my mobo?
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1889[11:50:11] <babilen> starstuff: That is what I mean
1890[11:50:23] *** Joins: m_m_ (~m_m@replaced-ip)
1891[11:50:52] <starstuff> babilen: I was planning on looking
into that next anyway. But I don't know how to confirm if they
provide latest microcode
1892[11:51:04] <babilen> starstuff: Your CPU is using microcode
already. Intel releases upgrades for it in binary form and it can be
loaded by the linux kernel during boot. You can also get upgrades
through firmware upgrades from your mainboard vendor.
1893[11:51:26] <babilen> There simply is *no* reason to not
install the "intel-microcode" package
1894[11:51:41] <starstuff> okay I understand what you are saying
1895[11:51:55] *** Joins: BenNZ (~Ben__@replaced-ip)
1896[11:52:04] <babilen> I am totally in favour of the "No
non-free software", but when it comes to hardware drivers
(nvidia) and, in particular, firmware and microcode there is no
1897[11:52:50] <babilen> You are already using that software and,
in the best case, it is the same version as the one in the
intel-microcode package. If it's not then you'd get a
newer version by installing it. It doesn't change the fact that
you are using it however.
1898[11:53:18] <babilen> In a way I would love for
"non-free" to be split into "non-free software"
and "non-free firmware/microcode/drivers"
1899[11:53:20] <starstuff> babilen: I'll do that. By the
way, looking at my apt history log and I see two entries for
linux-image*. One of them is for 4.7 and then way down in later in
the log the next one is for 4.8.
1900[11:53:28] *** Quits: m_m (~m_m@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
1901[11:54:02] <babilen> starstuff: Please forgive me, but I
don't have the time to find out why you didn't have 4.8
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1903[11:54:16] <starstuff> no worries. I think maybe it's a
bug in Stretch
1904[11:54:17] <babilen> It's good that you do now and it
sounds as if your system is on a good way.
1905[11:54:21] *** Quits: Savage (uid189461@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
1906[11:54:44] <babilen> starstuff: Are you tracking testing or
stretch ?
1907[11:54:46] <starstuff> babilen: That must be why nouveau also
failed (the default after installing debian)
1908[11:54:59] <babilen> *shrug*
1909[11:55:01] <starstuff> I think the stretch installer is
bugged and putting 4.7 somehow on my sytem?
1910[11:55:05] <starstuff> haha. Okay thanks again.
1911[11:55:15] *** Quits: jezza (~jezza@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
1912[11:55:21] <babilen> The installer is pretty much a
"work in progress"
1913[11:55:24] <starstuff> maybe #debian-next would be interested
1914[11:55:32] <babilen> Are you tracking testing or stretch?
1915[11:55:45] <starstuff> stretch using the recommended Alpha 8
1916[11:56:41] <starstuff> oh #debian-next is invite only
1917[11:56:51] <babilen> A few more tips: 1. I'd configure a
stretch/sid mix and set stretch as default release (/msg dpkg ssm)
2. Read
1918[11:56:54] <starstuff> I was gonna go ask if they were
interested in the issue I have.
1919[11:57:06] <starstuff> oh, right, oftc..
1920[11:57:09] <babilen> The channel is on (aka along with all the other official ones
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1927[11:59:34] <babilen> Good luck and welcome to Debian,
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1940[12:03:27] <starstuff> babilen: thanks! goodbye.
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2155[13:43:14] <dixie7z_> xorg.log
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2157[13:43:27] <dixie7z_> my google chrome keeps crashing
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2160[13:43:37] <tx> open up chrome in a terminal
2161[13:43:38] <dixie7z_>
InitializeSandbox() called with multiple threads in process
2162[13:43:41] <dixie7z_> ^C^C
2163[13:43:42] <tx> ah
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2167[13:44:11] <transhuman> hi I have a wierd problem with debian
xfce desktop loosing its proper scalling in debian so the buttons
don't line up ..Going to the settings---display---and changing
resolution and changing it back seems to fix it...but it repeatedly
looses it when ever it goes to screen saver mode on the vm
2168[13:44:14] <dixie7z_>
2169[13:44:16] <tx> disable hardware acceleration
2170[13:44:19] <tx> chrome://flags
2171[13:44:30] <dixie7z_> i did... i want hardware
acceleration.,... it works without it
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2173[13:44:45] <dixie7z_> it will reduce performance?
2174[13:44:48] <dixie7z_> tx:
2175[13:44:54] <transhuman> and some times it just looses it for
no apparent reason
2176[13:45:02] *** Quits: cdown_ (~cdown@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2177[13:45:08] <tx> Depends on your GPU.
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2182[13:47:01] <dixie7z_> okay.. i will disable hardware
acceleration and wait for next driver or google chrome update. tx
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2199[13:55:34] <eugenmayer> what would be the best option to run
a script "blocking" with the least possible CPU usagen (
bash script ). I just need the script to never end (docker
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2204[13:56:29] <tx> a while true with a sleep statement?
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2206[13:56:34] <wewlad> hello again, debs
2207[13:56:54] <wewlad> does anyone here use apache on debian?
2208[13:57:10] <eugenmayer> tx: thats the obious one of course. I
would use a huge sleep i guess. What about ressource usage using
that? Anything particular worring?
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2211[13:58:50] <abrotman> wewlad: lots of people, just ask your
real question
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2215[14:00:17] <tx> eugenmayer: not at all
2216[14:00:31] <tx> that's why it's done so often
2217[14:01:12] <eugenmayer> thank you tx
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2221[14:02:28] <eugenmayer> tx: is there any way to react on
sigterm signals?
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2225[14:03:23] <tx> you can with traps
2226[14:03:37] <wewlad> abrotman: do you use mpm_prefork module?
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2228[14:03:38] <tx> (assuming bash)
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2230[14:03:54] <wewlad> the question is simple: does it work for
anybody or not
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2233[14:04:04] <abrotman> wewlad: I didn't saay me, I just
said to ask your actual question .. and yes, that works
2234[14:04:10] <abrotman> Does it not work for you?
2235[14:04:14] <wewlad> no
2236[14:04:25] <wewlad> a different mpm module works fine
2237[14:04:38] <wewlad> and even mpm_prefork worked fine until I
updated apache to the latest stable
2238[14:04:48] <abrotman> and you have no errors in logs?
2239[14:05:02] <wewlad> the only error is that no mpm module is
2240[14:05:16] <wewlad> other than that - nothing helpful
2241[14:07:37] <transhuman> question: does open vm tools install
a mouse driver or is that done separately?
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2243[14:08:11] <tx> I think it uses the mouse kmod
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2245[14:08:13] <tx> most hypervisors
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2247[14:08:22] <tx> mouse / usbmouse
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2252[14:09:43] <rdococ> I have reason to celebrate
2253[14:09:55] <petn-randall> yay \o/
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2256[14:10:19] <rdococ> why on earth was I not logged in?
2257[14:10:20] <transhuman> apparently open-vm-tools does NOT
change the vmmouse from absolute to relative which might be the
source of my problem (according to xfce people)
2258[14:10:21] <rdococ> nevermind
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2261[14:10:33] <rdococ> anyway
2262[14:10:40] <rdococ> I will now tell you my reason to
2263[14:10:54] <transhuman> I am not sure how to make that change
2264[14:10:56] <tx> so much build up
2265[14:10:56] <transhuman> anyone know
2266[14:10:58] <tx> this better be good
2267[14:11:12] <rdococ> I am no longer using Windows!
2268[14:11:33] <tx> cool.
2269[14:11:40] <rdococ> I am now using, well... you guessed it.
2270[14:11:57] <rdococ> it's all thanks to my friend on IRC
tho :p
2271[14:12:16] <rdococ> yes, I'm not as dumb as the general
public is so I knew LozeBloze was bad
2272[14:12:22] <Ooze> I'm using rsync to copy the contents
of one drive to another, I think I've copied everything as when
I run it I get the end dialogue. When I look at the drives though,
they differ in size. I've gone through the properies of every
folder and it looks like all the data is there. What's going
2273[14:12:26] <Ooze> Do I have everything?
2274[14:12:28] <wewlad> does anyone here use apache with
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2277[14:14:15] <jelly> wewlad: best assume someone does, and ask
the real question
2278[14:14:50] <wewlad> that is the real question, jelly
2279[14:14:51] <jelly> anyone still using mod_php would go with
prefork model
2280[14:15:02] <jelly> wewlad: then yes.
2281[14:15:09] <wewlad> jelly: do you?
2282[14:15:14] <jelly> yes.
2283[14:15:27] <jelly> problem solved!
2284[14:15:30] <wewlad> do you have the latest stable apache?
2285[14:15:31] <jelly> next
2286[14:15:41] <jelly> wewlad: that's a new question
2287[14:16:12] <wewlad> does anyone here use the latest stable
apache on latest stable Debian and uses mpm_prefork module?
2288[14:16:14] <jelly> my systems with apache are mostly still on
wheezy. what do you REALLY want to know?
2289[14:16:26] <jelly> wewlad: again, assume the answer is yes.
2290[14:16:39] <wewlad> I want to know whether the package is
f---ing broken or is it something on my end
2291[14:17:05] *** Joins: kuraidesu (~kuraidesu@replaced-ip)
2292[14:17:06] <wewlad> because I did just apt-get upgrade and
since then apache stopped working with that module
2293[14:17:20] <wewlad> it works fine with another mpm module
such as mpm_event
2294[14:17:21] <jelly> wewlad: which architecture?
2295[14:17:25] <wewlad> 64
2296[14:17:32] <wewlad> amd64
2297[14:18:20] <wewlad> aaaand then usually goes silence
2298[14:18:21] <jelly> did you check the bts?
2299[14:18:28] <wewlad> what's 'bts'?
2300[14:18:31] <jelly> !bts
2301[14:18:31] <dpkg> Bug Tracking System for Debian packages,
2302[14:18:36] <wewlad> no
2303[14:18:42] *** Joins: sokle (~s0k1e@replaced-ip)
2304[14:18:57] <jelly> if it's really horribly broken,
someone may have already reported it
2305[14:19:06] <wewlad> I expect stable release of an util work
well on stable branch of an os that advertises itself as very stable
2306[14:19:33] <wewlad> so I assume bts doesn't matter, such
a bug wouldn't reach stable branch
2307[14:19:41] <jelly> you assume wrong
2308[14:19:50] *** Joins: dethos (~dethos@replaced-ip)
2309[14:19:56] <wewlad> unlike you
2310[14:20:15] <jelly> the correct way to hunt for a cause
includes checking if someone else has the same or similar issue
2311[14:20:23] <jelly> those issues are reported in bts
2312[14:20:40] <wewlad> no
2313[14:20:47] *** Quits: InfoTest (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Quit: InfoTest)
2314[14:20:51] <wewlad> the correct way is to figure out whether
it works for others
2315[14:21:00] <wewlad> if so - then the problem is local to my
2316[14:21:34] <jelly> then you'll have to ask the same
question every couple hours
2317[14:21:49] <jelly> until someone with the exact setup is
accidentally online at the same time
2318[14:21:56] *** uNmowed|2 is now known as uNmowed
2319[14:21:58] <wewlad> does anyone here use the latest stable
apache on latest stable Debian and uses mpm_prefork module?
2320[14:22:27] *** Joins: MARPATdroid (~MARPATdro@replaced-ip)
2321[14:22:29] <jelly> or do a new install of amd64 jessie and
try to reproduce
2322[14:22:30] *** Quits: js9600 (~js9600@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2323[14:22:31] <MARPATdroid> j
2324[14:22:52] <wewlad> jelly: I refuse to do so.
2325[14:22:57] *** Joins: guardianJ (~javaserve@replaced-ip)
2326[14:23:15] <wewlad> if that distro dies so easily I think I
shouldn't be installing it again
2327[14:23:26] *** Quits: karakedi (~e7E2C80CD@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2328[14:23:30] <jelly> wewlad: you may find out volunteers in
here may refuse to waste time on users that had not done their best
2329[14:23:57] *** Joins: ajyg (~ajyg@replaced-ip)
2330[14:24:03] <wewlad> jelly: I'm not going to do my best
on a stable release channel
2331[14:24:12] <wewlad> especially when it concerns such a
popular package
2332[14:24:20] <wewlad> and pretty simple config
2333[14:24:21] <Ooze> Anyone know why my drives appear to hold
the same content yet one consumes more space than the other?
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2335[14:24:38] <wewlad> Ooze: fragmentation?
2336[14:24:46] <wewlad> Ooze: different fs?
2337[14:24:57] <Ooze> both ext4, one is raid6 though
2338[14:25:01] <Ooze> but I t hought that was already accounted
2339[14:25:31] <jelly> Ooze: which tools did you use to compare?
2340[14:25:54] <Ooze> just properties from Windows in my smb
2341[14:25:56] <Ooze> also ranger
2342[14:26:19] <Ooze>
2343[14:26:40] <Ooze> when I check the properties of each sub
folder they all have the same size
2344[14:26:46] <Ooze> but the drives overall are different
2345[14:27:27] <jelly> Ooze: what about output of df -i ?
2346[14:27:53] <Ooze>
2347[14:28:22] <jelly> so you got a lot more files and folder on
michigan than on backup
2348[14:28:42] <Ooze> that's what it feels like but my rsync
command doesn't seem to want to copy any more
2349[14:28:46] <Ooze> looks like it's finished
2350[14:28:58] <Ooze> sudo rsync -pauv --progress
/media/michigan/ /media/backup/
2351[14:29:14] <Ooze>
2352[14:30:04] <jelly> Ooze: do you have any mountpoints below
/media/michigan/ ?
2353[14:30:25] *** Quits: electro33 (uid613@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
2354[14:31:09] <Ooze>
2355[14:32:45] *** Quits: MafProd (~mafprod@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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2359[14:33:22] <jelly> so, no
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2363[14:34:15] <jelly> Ooze: what if you remove -u from rsync?
2364[14:34:41] <jelly> add -n for a dry run
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2367[14:35:29] <jelly> and -a implies -p so you don't need
that either, but it doesn't change anything
2368[14:35:30] <Ooze> sudo rsync -pavn --progress
/media/michigan/ /media/backup/
2369[14:35:30] <Ooze> ?
2370[14:35:37] <jelly> yes.
2371[14:35:46] <Ooze> same thing
2372[14:35:58] *** Joins: Aussie_matt (~quassel@replaced-ip)
2373[14:36:10] <jelly> weird
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2377[14:37:04] <jelly> Ooze: did you at any point use -S or -H or
some other way to do sparse files or deduplication by hardlinking on
the backup side?
2378[14:37:08] <Ooze> I had been using 'sudo rsync -pauv
--progress /media/huron/ /media/transfer/
2379[14:37:08] <Ooze> ' and they're the same size
2380[14:37:12] <Ooze> It's the same config as michigan
2381[14:37:21] *** Quits: Zzeiss (~wsy@replaced-ip) (Quit: Zzeiss)
2382[14:37:26] *** Parts: OS-20724 (~root@replaced-ip)
2383[14:37:28] <Ooze> I ran two instances at the same time once
2384[14:37:49] <jelly> that usually does not hurt too much except
for making things slow
2385[14:37:55] <Ooze>
2386[14:38:37] <jelly> Ooze: just for fun, does rsync --progress
-an --delete /media/backup/ /media/michigan/ say anything?
2387[14:39:08] <Ooze> Just sending incremental file list
2388[14:39:08] <Ooze> then returns
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2395[14:42:59] <jelly> Ooze: huh. I'd check for hardlinks
then. find /media/backup -links +1 \! -type d -ls
2396[14:43:14] <jelly> either that or sparse files
2397[14:43:17] *** Quits: bumbal (~lxk@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
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2402[14:45:52] <Ooze> returns nothing
2403[14:45:52] *** Quits: root__ (~HenryHone@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
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2411[14:47:06] <jelly> Ooze: then see if any files on the backup
side are sparse
2412[14:47:25] <jelly> I don't have a ready recipe for that
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2415[14:48:55] <jelly> probably google: find sparse files, and
pick a stackoverflow result
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2429[14:53:19] <Ooze> Yeah, this is virtual so it looks like this
could be a possibility
2430[14:53:50] <Ooze> One is a 4TB volume of a RAID 6 array, the
other is a 4TB volume of a two-disk raid 0
2431[14:54:05] <jelly> that doesn't really matter
2432[14:54:11] <Ooze> didn't think so
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2438[14:55:46] <Ooze> Running ls -alsh
2439[14:55:53] <Ooze> looks like the file sizes are the same
2440[14:56:00] <jelly> however, rsync doesn't sparsify files
on destination by default, so if some of them are sparse, the
initial rsync had to be done with -S
2441[14:56:01] *** Joins: shahid__ (~shahid@replaced-ip)
2442[14:56:16] <Ooze> well, you saw my bash history
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2446[14:56:22] <Ooze> don't think I messed anything up
2447[14:56:26] *** Quits: shahid_ (~shahid@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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2451[14:58:36] <jelly> Ooze: diff -u <(cd /media/michigan;
find .|sort) <(cd /media/backup; find .|sort) returns nothing,
2452[14:58:50] <jelly> (that will work in bash or zsh)
2453[14:59:04] *** Joins: Ryushin (~Ryushin@replaced-ip)
2454[14:59:08] <Ooze> Correct, returns nothing
2455[14:59:42] *** Quits: zhangweichinese (~zhangwei@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving.)
2456[14:59:44] <jelly> so hunt for sparse files, then, I got no
other ideas
2457[15:00:12] <Ooze>
2458[15:00:18] <Ooze> after running that ls command everything
looks fine
2459[15:00:24] <jelly> if you find some, that merely means your
backup is somewhat more efficient
2460[15:00:43] <Ooze> but I'd still have everything in
2461[15:01:22] <Ooze> I'm just trying to move /michigan,
/huron, and /superior to /backup and /transfer so I can relocate the
drives to my NAS
2462[15:01:23] <jelly> correct
2463[15:01:25] <Ooze> then return it all
2464[15:01:26] *** Parts: majukarma (~marc@replaced-ip)
2465[15:01:37] <Ooze> it freakin' me out
2466[15:01:38] *** Joins: Savage (uid189461@replaced-ip)
2467[15:01:46] <jelly> that ls doesn't do subdirs
2468[15:02:05] <jelly> how did you compare the two values in each
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2470[15:02:19] <Ooze> They're mostly movies, I went into the
main dir w/ just files and they looked the same
2471[15:02:22] <Ooze> just my eye
2472[15:02:31] *** Quits: kuraidesu (~kuraidesu@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2473[15:02:43] <jelly> movies won't be sparsifiable
2474[15:03:01] <jelly> vm images might be.
2475[15:03:08] <jelly> or some databases
2476[15:03:23] <Ooze> I have some documents and photos too
2477[15:03:54] *** Joins: milind_ (~milind@replaced-ip)
2478[15:04:02] <jelly> find a command line or script that tells
you which files are sparse out of all the files in a directory,
2479[15:04:06] *** Joins: GenteelBen (~GenteelBe@replaced-ip)
2480[15:04:21] <Ooze> Something like this? I'm too
intimidated to run it
2481[15:04:26] <jelly> yes
2482[15:04:53] <GenteelBen> I don't think you're ready
for this jelly.
2483[15:05:20] <jelly> sorry?
2484[15:06:40] <GenteelBen> It's a song lyric, nevermind.
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2487[15:07:48] <jelly> Ooze: find /media/backup -type f \! -size
0 -printf '%S:%p\0' | sed -zn 's/^0[^:]*://p' |
tr '\0' '\n' .... doesn't look too scary
2488[15:08:20] *** Joins: ssaturos (~saturos@replaced-ip)
2489[15:08:21] <Ooze> returns n o t h i n g
2490[15:08:32] *** guardianJ is now known as DonkeyMust
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2493[15:09:01] <jelly> weird
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2496[15:09:51] <jelly> Ooze: what does du --apparent-size -xhs
/media/michigan say?
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2500[15:10:25] <Ooze> 1.6T /media/michigan
2501[15:10:33] *** Quits: TomTomTo1 (~henryk@replaced-ip) (Quit: WeeChat 1.5)
2502[15:10:38] <jelly> but 3.2T is in use
2503[15:10:51] <jelly> could be deleted files but still open by a
2504[15:11:05] <Ooze> I did clear a lot from michigan recently
2505[15:11:08] *** Joins: OS-26377 (~OS-26377@replaced-ip)
2506[15:11:11] <jelly> Ooze: you got any torrent client processes
still running or something?
2507[15:11:14] <Ooze> yeeee
2508[15:11:16] *** Quits: Aussie_matt (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2509[15:11:21] <Ooze> rtorrent has a bunch of stuff
2510[15:11:29] *** Quits: saturos (~saturos@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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2512[15:11:30] <jelly> !deleted
2513[15:11:38] <jelly> hmph, there was a factoid
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2518[15:14:34] <jelly> Ooze: lsof -n +L1 (as root)
2519[15:14:55] <jelly> perhaps | grep michigan
2520[15:15:40] <Ooze> in any location?
2521[15:15:45] <Ooze> or in a certain dir?
2522[15:15:54] <Ooze>
2523[15:16:39] <jelly> that doesn't show anything on
2524[15:16:49] <Ooze> no, it doesn't
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2526[15:18:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1654
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2528[15:18:29] <jelly> Ooze: I'm stumped. Perhaps something
else holds some files open but lsof doesn't see it. A reboot
might help.
2529[15:18:39] *** Joins: maotm (~mao@replaced-ip)
2530[15:18:49] <jelly> or blindly killing suspect processes
2531[15:18:59] *** Joins: n4dir (~user@replaced-ip)
2532[15:18:59] <Ooze> I've rebooted several times in recent
days. I'll reboot the actual host I suppose
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2534[15:20:44] *** Quits: Ooze (~Ooze@replaced-ip) (Quit: I have to return some videotapes...)
2535[15:21:17] <n4dir> debian-stable ppc, after booting during
tty-login i get an endless message stating: firewire_ohci
0001:02:0e.0: isochronous cycle too long
2536[15:21:44] <n4dir> seems to be some hardware, lspci lists:
0001:02:0e.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): Apple Inc. Shasta Firewire
2537[15:21:54] <n4dir> doing ps i find:
2538[15:22:03] <n4dir> 73 ? S< 0:00 [firewire]
2539[15:22:03] <n4dir> 74 ? S< 0:00 [firewire_ohci]
2540[15:22:18] <n4dir> is there any quick way to get rid of those
2541[15:22:59] *** Quits: knidos (~knidos@replaced-ip) (Quit: knidos)
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2544[15:23:21] <jelly> n4dir: if you don't plan on using any
firewire hardware you could blacklist the relevant kernel modules
2545[15:23:27] <jelly> !blacklist
2546[15:23:28] <dpkg> To blacklist a Linux kernel module,
create/edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local.conf and add a line
similar to this (without quotes): "blacklist module_name".
If this doesn't work, do 'echo "install modulename
/bin/true" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local.conf'.
IMPORTANT: ask about <blacklist-initramfs>. To blacklist a
module at installation time, ask me about <installer
2547[15:23:32] <petn-randall> n4dir: You can grep them out if you
2548[15:23:53] *** Quits: criztovyl_ (~christoph@replaced-ip) (Quit: Nooooooooo)
2549[15:24:09] <n4dir> thanks, jelly, i never did blacklist, will
try that.
2550[15:24:25] <jelly> n4dir: if that happens on the console, you
can try playing with kernel log levels
2551[15:24:36] <jelly> !printk
2552[15:24:36] <dpkg> extra, extra, read all about it, printk is
see docs for <sysctl> and adjust /etc/sysctl.conf
kernel.printk (3 4 1 7 or so). You can also use 'dmesg
-n1' command. See
2553[15:25:00] <n4dir> well: i think i don't need those
firewire thingy, but i am not that sure what exactly it is. :-)
2554[15:25:08] <jelly> if it only happens in logs... ignore it
2555[15:25:15] *** Quits: Ryushin (~Ryushin@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2556[15:25:49] <n4dir> i would, but it really is annoying when
typing username and pwd. could switch to tty2, where no messages are
to be found. will try blacklist, else go on to ignore it
2557[15:25:57] <n4dir> thanks again
2558[15:26:04] *** Quits: cha18 (~cha18@replaced-ip) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2559[15:26:22] <jelly> there may or may not be someone more
clueful on a ppc-specific channel
2560[15:26:24] <jelly> !ppc
2561[15:26:24] <dpkg> PowerPC is a <RISC> architecture (replaced-url
2562[15:26:36] <n4dir> ah, cool, thanks for that too
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2578[15:29:27] <n4dir> jelly: just to be sure, i edited
/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.local.conf likes this (both modules found
by lsmod | grep fire):
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2581[15:29:59] <jelly> looks reasonable
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2583[15:30:17] <n4dir> cool. thanks
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2587[15:32:31] <rdococ> I think I did this once, but forgot...
2588[15:33:24] <rdococ> how do I "install" a .deb
2589[15:33:55] <feodaron> hi, Debian should work with 6 TB drive
(4096 byte sectors)?
2590[15:33:56] <n4dir> dpkg -i *deb or gdebi (which will also
take care of the dependencies)
2591[15:33:56] <dpkg> package *deb or gdebi (which will also take
care of the dependencies) is already installed
2592[15:34:07] <feodaron> reading data from such drive e.g. with
dd gives me IO errors
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2595[15:34:54] <feodaron> reading from /dev/sda = I/O errors.
reading from /dev/sda1 kind of works but is super slow, like 100
times slower then it should be
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2597[15:35:14] <feodaron> debian was able to partition the disk
and even setup filesytems there
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2601[15:38:53] <rdococ> hm... not the right architecture
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2606[15:41:47] <Ooze> looks like one of my volumes is already
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2608[15:41:54] <Ooze> which is what I feared, but expected over a
2609[15:42:06] <Ooze> hopefully I can boot back up fine, then
I'll shut down and see what the problem is
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2627[15:52:33] <Ooze> Just rebooted the host
2628[15:52:38] <Ooze> went much more smoothly than expected
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2630[15:53:19] <Ooze> drives are still the same size though
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2642[15:57:05] <rklopfer> can `pass` access the passwords stored
in gnome keyring? i have both right now, but would like to
consolidate the key stores
2643[15:59:21] <rklopfer> pass refers to this:
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2649[16:01:04] <jer0me> hey there, on a machine without X, what
do I need for xkb options to apply in tty? (capslock as control for
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2655[16:03:30] <jenia> hello
2656[16:03:48] <jenia> does anyone know if it's possible to
install debian on this machine:
2657[16:03:55] <jenia>
2658[16:03:56] <jenia> ?
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2663[16:09:07] <TomTomTosch> i don't think so, at least not
with the default kernel.
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2669[16:11:39] <TomTomTosch> it might work once stretch gets
released in 2017, but that's just a guess.
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2695[16:21:01] <star31416> On my server without any GUI I'm
looking for an efficient way to play an audio notification
(something like aplay etc.) on system boot. The problem is that
aplay does not play the notification in the background, i.e., the
boot process stalls until the 10 second lasting song is finished.
Are there any suggestions for a fix? aplay -q xyz.wav &>
/dev/null does not work.
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2728[16:34:10] <Vladimirski> Is there a command prompt tool which
converts html to a pdf file ?
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2732[16:35:07] <yotam> wkhtmltopdf maybe?
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2735[16:36:58] <likcoras_> Hello, how would I search for packages
I have installed from other archives? Like backports or something I
added to sources.list
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2739[16:37:51] <abrotman> dpkg: tell likcoras_ about bdo list
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2741[16:38:36] <likcoras_> thanks!
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2756[16:43:26] <Vladimirski> yotam: I've tried it but
it's really buggy and only downloads the first page it sees,
although the URL should login to the application the wkhtmltopdf
prints only the login screen..
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2759[16:44:02] <Elirips> Is it stupid to run Mate as desktop, but
also install kdevelop and use that from within Mate? Or is it just a
waste of diskspace, as kdevelop brings in a lot from kde?
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2762[16:45:07] <n4dir> apt-get install -s kdevelop will tell you
what it will install (i hope)
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2764[16:45:20] <n4dir> -s like simultate, nothing will actually
2765[16:45:37] <abrotman> Elirips: it's your system, use it
how you want
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2768[16:45:45] <Elirips> yes, it tells me it will install 400MB
ob KDE stuff :)
2769[16:45:59] <abrotman> Someone else's opinion of
"stupid" may not match yours
2770[16:46:25] <Elirips> abrotman: there should be no conflicts,
that then suddenly some gnome magic wants to mount a device like a
usb-stick and at the same moment kde wants to do so?
2771[16:46:30] <Elirips> well, I guess I'll just have to tes
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2773[16:46:40] <abrotman> Elirips: what are you using kdevelop
for? Maybe there's a GTK-based equivalent?
2774[16:46:42] <feodaron> how to disable computer going to sleep?
2775[16:46:44] <n4dir> you could try --no-install-recommends, i
wouldn't know how many features you will miss and how much
space you will save (or safe, i sure don#t know)
2776[16:47:01] <feodaron> closing lid in text mode (no X) =
sleep. how to disable this
2777[16:47:16] <abrotman> disable acpi perhaps
2778[16:47:24] <Elirips> abrotman: I'm trying to port some
projects to linux, have a working cmake configuration, but as I come
from windows and Visual STudio I would prefer something like that
instead of just a pure editor
2779[16:47:28] <Elirips> and kdevelop looks nice
2780[16:47:30] *** Quits: root__ (~HenryHone@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
2781[16:47:33] <feodaron> !acpi
2782[16:47:33] <dpkg> Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
(ACPI) is a power management interface that gives more control to
the BIOS, or horribly horribly broken, or "run this arbitrary
code in ring 0", or generally better than <APM>. For a
list of supported systems/BIOSes, see
2783[16:47:35] <Elirips> but I'm open to any alternatives
2784[16:47:49] *** Joins: _myse|f (~xXx@replaced-ip)
2785[16:48:05] <abrotman> Elirips: So, there is Eclipse (which
works in Windows too), but Gnome has Anjuta IIRC
2786[16:48:06] *** Quits: Panacea (~Panacea@replaced-ip) (Quit: Goodbee)
2787[16:48:14] <abrotman> judd: info anjuta
2788[16:48:15] <judd> Package anjuta (gnome, optional) in
jessie/amd64: GNOME development IDE, for C/C++. Version: 2:3.14.0-1;
Size: 1463.1k; Installed: 4648k; Homepage:
2789[16:48:17] *** Quits: myse|f (~xXx@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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2791[16:48:20] <Elirips> abrotman: I'm not a fan of eclipse
2792[16:48:35] <abrotman> okay, so, look at, see if it
looks like something usable
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2794[16:48:52] <Elirips> or has it become faster and more
responsive in the last .. hm.. 3 or 5 .. years?
2795[16:48:53] <abrotman> otherwise, intsall the tools that work
for you
2796[16:49:02] <abrotman> I haven't used Eclipse in ages, I
couldn't answer that
2797[16:49:05] <Elirips> abrotman: okay, i will look into anjuta,
thanks for the input
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2806[16:52:03] <n4dir> there are several IDE's for C, i
can't remember the names. Not sure if more than only an IDE is
2807[16:52:09] <apeplanet> hey fuck you goddamn crooked nigger
dick suckin thieving girl murdering Nazi/Jew goddamn
bastards need to hand over the trillions of dollars in Model 1
royalties you motherfuckers owe the 5 of us and pay for your goddamn
heinous crimes
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2820[16:54:30] <n4dir> i meant codeblocks
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2823[16:55:57] <Elirips> ah, codeblocks, wasnt that related to
wxWidgets some time ago?
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2834[16:59:28] <diamvw> Could Debian SID be considered as an
rolling distro? I have many issue with tumbleweed and rawhide lately
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2837[17:00:06] <pogs> i would not look at Sid as a distro more
like a package pool that changes often
2838[17:00:08] <bllluruks> hey all
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2841[17:00:40] <pogs> when you upgrade in the wrong moment then
your system breaks
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2847[17:01:25] <diamvw> pogs: it is the price of customisation
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2852[17:01:56] <bllluruks> i always upgrade only when i have a
few hours free after to fix stuff!
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2854[17:02:04] <pogs> hehe
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2858[17:04:02] <diamvw> bllluruks: ...but dnf inform me about
4.10 kernel. I could not resist...
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2864[17:05:50] <diamvw> Which rolling distro is recommended from
Debian family? I have seen some of them like Sidux but i am not
aware of them
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2868[17:06:34] <mtn> diamvw: none of them are really good rolling
distros. if you want to roll, go arch ;)
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2871[17:07:10] <n4dir> if you really want it rolling, then the
freeze can be very long ...
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2875[17:08:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1654
2876[17:08:07] <bllluruks> haha i know the feeling diamvw
2877[17:08:15] <yotam> bllluruks: How often does it break for
you? I used Debian Unstable for a few weeks and for me it's
more stable than Fedora
2878[17:08:17] <n4dir> and i think the sid distros, now siduction
and aptosid ?, focus on kde. might be wrong though.
2879[17:08:25] <star31416> systemd-analyze blame shows in general
start up times below 300ms which is fine. However, "2.154s
networking.service" is IMHO quite high for just a simple
configuration as
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2881[17:08:55] <diamvw> mtn: i was on Arch but oracle db
installation what nightmare. In the end i used docker
2882[17:09:02] <bllluruks> yotam, it's normally more my
fault than actual bugs
2883[17:09:13] <pogs> sidux is siduction now
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2888[17:10:34] <abrotman> diamvw: Debian doesn'thave a
rolling distro, and things based on Debian aren't supported
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2893[17:11:35] <bllluruks> i use debian unstable on all my
devices, but the most important things i do on a computer is using a
web browser and SSH
2894[17:11:52] <diamvw> abrotman: that's why i asked here.
So neither testing or sid are considered as usable rollinf distro.
They are merely for testers / packagers of debian
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2898[17:12:14] <bllluruks> my parents are on wheezy...
2899[17:12:24] <abrotman> diamvw: not true. But that aside, they
aren't true rolling distros like you're looking for
2900[17:12:29] *** Quits: mostly_harmless (~deadstar@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2901[17:12:50] <abrotman> all manner of people/users use
testing/unstable for various things
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2911[17:13:53] <bllluruks> "and things based on Debian
aren't supported here" what does this mean? O.o
2912[17:14:36] <babilen> bllluruks: It means that only Debian is
supported in here, but not the many derivatives
2913[17:15:05] <bllluruks> ah i see
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2917[17:15:26] <bllluruks> sorry my understanding of wording
isn't too good
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2919[17:15:35] <babilen> No worries
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2922[17:16:15] <diamvw> Do Debian SID shipped wayland?
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2927[17:17:05] * zykotick9 notes, sid never "ships"...
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2931[17:17:39] <yotam> It's not default if that's what
you are asking
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2933[17:18:12] <diamvw> OK. Thank you
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2936[17:19:03] <mtn> wayland is default with gnome
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2942[17:21:25] <yotam> mtn: are you sure? I'm using Debian
unstable with Gnome and Nvidia drivers, from what I understand it
doesn't work with Wayland
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2944[17:21:37] <n4dir> diamvw: imho that overview is not too bad:
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2946[17:22:22] <mtn> yotam: I am on stretch and it uses wayland
by default. you can choose to use xorg, instead
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2949[17:22:43] <mtn> yotam: I am using intel video
2950[17:23:11] <yotam> mtn: I don't think I changed from the
default, maybe they detect if Wayland is supported?
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2954[17:23:35] <mtn> yotam: could be. I know it switched to
wayland without asking ;)
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2957[17:24:48] <diamvw> i think that this is a matter of the
implementation for each DE. In arch i was asked which one to use,
but on Tumbleweed or Rawhide no prompt
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2960[17:25:45] <mtn> diamvw: arch switched to wayland without
asking, too
2961[17:26:21] <awal1> mtn: is it enough stable (gnome+wayland)?
2962[17:26:41] * n4dir searches the horizon if a new never ending
flamewar already approaches ..
2963[17:26:53] <mtn> awal1: works fine on my machine
2964[17:26:53] * spacebug^ wants to switch to Wayland. But I think
NVIDIA hasn't done any drivers for it yet
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2966[17:27:22] <diamvw> mtn: my installation was before 2 years
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2969[17:28:16] <diamvw> mtn: it is absolutely magic that it
survived also systemd change
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2971[17:29:06] <mtn> diamvw: do you mind a pm?
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2973[17:30:03] <diamvw> OK
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2976[17:31:11] <n4dir> i would rather be surprised if changing
the init system would not be survived. couple of days ago i checked
and found 4 init systems in debian repos
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2992[17:35:04] <Walex> n4dir: first they came with udev; and I
said nothing because I did not use udev; then they came with DBUS;
and I said nothing because I did not use DBUS; then they came with
'systemd'; and I said nothing because I did not use
'systemd'; then they came with Wayland/Weston/...; and I
said nothing because I was too sad. :-)
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2994[17:35:46] <n4dir> :-)
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3005[17:38:12] <pogs> Walex: i think that is one reason why they
call debian the universal os - you have several options to choose
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3007[17:39:06] <chomwitt> is it possible apt-cache policy foo to
show that a newer version of a package exist but apt-get upgrade to
not showing it in the list of packages that will install ?
3008[17:39:19] <Quatroking> any way to measure speed between a
windows and debian machine on LAN?
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3011[17:39:44] <Walex> comgot: yes, different cases can happent
that result in that.
3012[17:39:57] <Walex> chomwitt: yes, different cases can happent
that result in that.
3013[17:39:58] <n4dir> pogs: have fun with trying it.
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3017[17:40:13] <Quatroking> I just copied over a 150 megabyte
archive from windows to debian and it finished within a second
3018[17:40:35] <chomwitt> Walex: so its not a bug or sth
3019[17:40:36] <starstuff> Hi, I have lost my windows 10 option
in the grub menu when I boot my system. Can anyone help me get it
back please?
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3021[17:40:59] <n4dir> update-grub doesn't help?
3022[17:41:13] <Walex> pogs: but the problem is that the
"axis of Linux evil" want to redefine the UNIX
architecture by introducing a new set of "base" APIs.
Without forking it, just little by little.
3023[17:41:13] <chomwitt> starstuff: you must regenerate grub
menu with update-grub
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3025[17:41:44] <starstuff> chomwitt: I ran update-grub but it
didn't mention windows in the output. I haven't rebooted
yet to check though.
3026[17:41:56] <starstuff> chomwitt: I ran os-prober and it
didn't find any windows
3027[17:42:03] <n4dir> if it didn't mention it it should be
3028[17:42:08] <chomwitt> starstuff: thats not good i think
3029[17:42:10] <Walex> Quatroking: one radical way is to install
the Ubunt or Cygwin user layer and then use any of the usual tools,
like 'nuttcp' or 'iperf'
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3031[17:42:55] <chomwitt> starstuff: suddenly the menu entry was
lost? did u do sth ?
3032[17:42:59] <starstuff> chomwitt: maybe it has to do with my
bios settings related to this stupid uefi vs. legacy boot mode?
3033[17:43:25] <Walex> chomwitt: I prefer using
'aptitude' to explore available versions and dependencies.
3034[17:43:34] <starstuff> chomwitt: I had to reinstall Debian.
Before reinstalling Debian it was working fine with dual-boot. Then,
after reinstalling Debian, I lost the grub menu option to boot into
3035[17:43:36] <chomwitt> starstuff: well i dont know details
about uefi
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3038[17:44:16] <Walex> starstuff: I am not familiar with UEFI,
but if you are not doing UEFI boot, you should find MS-Windows in
the UEFI menu.
3039[17:44:26] *** Quits: sh00p (~sh00p@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
3040[17:44:40] <Walex> if you are *now* doing UEFI boot....
3041[17:44:41] *** Joins: f10 (~flo@replaced-ip)
3042[17:44:55] <starstuff> if I installed windows 10 with my bios
set to uefi, then disabled uefi and installed debian jessie in the
second half of the hard drive, does that mean I can't dual boot
with windows anymore? I'm so confused.
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3045[17:45:28] <starstuff> Walex: I think I was doing uefi boot
before, when my dual boot was working. Then I think I disabled it
and reinstalled debian on the second half of my disk.
3046[17:45:55] <starstuff> ugh. why does this stupid uefi have to
be so confusing. I don't understand the point of it.
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3048[17:47:54] <starstuff> in gnome-disks it says "EFI
System" on /dev/nvme0n1p2 (this is one of the partitions
created from windows 10 install)
3049[17:48:17] <starstuff> so now I *have* to use uefi in my bios
if I want access to dual-booting windows 10?
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3060[17:54:59] <pampeho> starstuff: i doubt it, you probably just
don't have GRUB configured properly
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3063[17:55:37] <pogs> and you could check if your linux system is
able to access windows / ntfs
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3076[17:58:12] <unicron> how do you run a script after boot these
days? /etc/rc.local seems to run before everything else thanks to
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3083[18:00:46] <Ooze> Hey jelly, these sizes are still the same
even after a host reboot
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3085[18:00:52] <Ooze> One drive in my RAID array is failed,
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3116[18:16:55] <wewlad> does anyone here use the latest stable
apache on latest stable Debian and uses mpm_prefork module?
3117[18:17:12] <sioux_> Hi. I have installed debian 8 with
netinstall iso, but the ethernet not recognize, only wireless. In
Windows works fine. But using 'lspci' not listed. How can
i resolve this?
3118[18:17:26] <sioux_> here is out of lpsci:
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3148[18:27:56] <jelly> Ooze: dunno, I'm out of ideas. Might
we worth a try doing a rsync with --checksum, after you rebuild the
3149[18:28:02] <jelly> be* worth
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3242[19:15:17] <jkl> Hi, I am using gpg (GnuPG) 2.1.16 on debian
and after a recent update (a month or two) I noticed that the
pinentry used ignores the DISPLAY variable: I always get a X
pinentry even when I unset DISPLAY (I used to get the
pintentry-curses prompt with DISPLAY unset). I had read about using
dbus-update-activation-environment --systemd DISPLAY to enable the
DISPLAY variable, but I still don't get the curses pinentry.
What I would like is
3243[19:15:17] <jkl> to use a X prompt by default but revert to a
terminal only one when needed (ideally without having to restart the
agent). Does anyone know how to achieve that? Thanks.
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3260[19:18:41] <sioux_> Hi when i run "lspci | grep
Ethernet" don´t show my wire ethernet only wireless. In
windows the wired ether runs normal"
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3268[19:22:39] <jelly> sioux_: how new is your hardware? Pastebin
full output of "lspci -n"
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3270[19:22:56] <jelly> sioux_: sorry, "lspci -nn"
3271[19:23:45] <jelly> jkl: which debian release is this
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3273[19:24:07] <jelly> judd: v gnupg2
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3275[19:24:08] <judd> Package: gnupg2 on amd64 -- wheezy:
2.0.19-2+deb7u2; wheezy-security: 2.0.19-2+deb7u2; wheezy-backports:
2.0.25-1~bpo70+1; jessie: 2.0.26-6+deb8u1; stretch: 2.1.15-4;
stretch: 2.1.16-3; sid: 2.1.17-2
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3281[19:25:03] <jkl> jelly: I am on testing
3282[19:25:11] *** Joins: LtL (~irssi@replaced-ip)
3283[19:25:41] <jelly> welcome to testing, please file a bug
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3285[19:25:52] <jelly> dpkg, tell jkl about reportbug
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3287[19:25:55] <jkl> ok thanks
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3290[19:26:33] <TomTomTosch> sioux_: if lspci doesn't list
your device maybe lshw does. it's in the lshw package.
3291[19:27:02] <sioux_> jelly: the Lenovo E73
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3293[19:27:37] <sioux_> TomTomTosch: so i will download lshw
package, because in netinstall dont download this package
3294[19:28:05] <DeaDSouL> Hi, what is the most recommended 10G
switch ?
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3296[19:28:08] <TomTomTosch> it does not come preinstalled.
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3301[19:30:05] <sioux_> jelly:
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3309[19:33:08] <jelly> sioux_: so it's either not connected
via PCI/PCIe or some additional config is required from the OS side
for it to appear
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3321[19:38:12] <jelly> sioux_: what about lsusb ?
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3323[19:39:43] <sioux_> jelly: TomTomTosch: this is paste of
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3332[19:41:21] <Ooze> jelly, Do I have to rebuild the array for
that to work, to be able to determine if I have everything or not?
3333[19:41:29] <Ooze> I just went out to buy a new drive but they
didn't have it
3334[19:41:31] <Ooze> ugh
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3340[19:42:27] <sioux_> jelly: TomTomTosch the leds indicators of
network card it´s on, normally
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3349[19:45:24] <wewlad> does anyone here use the latest stable
apache on latest stable Debian and uses mpm_prefork module?
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3352[19:45:54] <TomTomTosch> sioux_: no hints from the lshw
output. you could try finding the chipset in windows or open the
case and read the print.
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3354[19:46:03] <babilen> wewlad: Many people are likely to use
Apache on Jessie, yes
3355[19:46:13] <babilen> !next
3356[19:46:13] <dpkg> Another happy customer leaves the building.
3357[19:46:20] <wewlad> babilen: are you one of them?
3358[19:46:24] <jelly> Ooze: no, it's just saner and
you're going to have decreased performance with a degraded
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3361[19:47:03] <jelly> babilen: I've had this conversation
with wewlad an hour ago. You don't want to go there.
3362[19:47:05] <babilen> wewlad: I am primarily deploying nginx,
but why don't you ask your real question (assuming you
don't just want to find a person who uses Apache on Debian)
3363[19:47:08] <Ooze> I'm about to move my drives over so I
think i'm fine
3364[19:47:15] <Ooze> just going to build a new array and expand
it later when i get the drive
3365[19:47:19] <babilen> jelly: aye
3366[19:47:20] <Ooze> ahhh I just hope i Have all my data
3367[19:47:22] <TomTomTosch> (also yesterday, word by word.)
3368[19:47:23] <Ooze> not losing anything
3369[19:47:26] <wewlad> babilen: don't assume wrong stuff.
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3372[19:47:44] <wewlad> babilen: so are you using latest stable
nginx on latest stable debian?
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3374[19:48:01] <babilen> I'm sure I have a box somewhere ..
3375[19:48:14] *** Joins: m_m (~m_m@replaced-ip)
3376[19:48:22] <wewlad> how sure are you?
3377[19:48:43] <wewlad> if you are sure enough - could you check
which mpm_ module you use there?
3378[19:48:44] <jelly> babilen: "my apache config is broken
and I'm suspecting it's mpm_prefork's fault not mine.
I will not tell you which package version, and only tell you
it's amd64 if poked hard enough"
3379[19:48:56] <greycat> wewlad: *why*?
3380[19:49:08] *** Quits: l3archos (~Icedove@replaced-ip) (Quit: l3archos)
3381[19:49:08] <wewlad> greycat: hello. Why what?
3382[19:49:33] <greycat> Why are you asking what other, random,
people are using? What problem are you having?
3383[19:49:38] <jelly> also "I will not check BTS, and I
will not try to reproduce on a clean jessie amd64 install"
3384[19:49:48] <babilen> wewlad: I am not necessarily running a
query against hundreds of production boxes unless you actually ask a
3385[19:49:50] <wewlad> greycat: because it is important to me.
3386[19:50:20] <greycat> wewlad: It is of zero importance to US
until you ask a specific question.
3387[19:50:23] <jelly> greycat: just did a recap from last time
wewlad asked. ^^
3388[19:50:29] <wewlad> babilen: tl;dr: I suspect mpm_prefork
doesn't work in latest stable nginx on latest stable debian.
3389[19:50:32] <greycat> jelly: yeah, not surprising
3390[19:50:49] <greycat> so he's using both apache and nginx
3391[19:50:59] <wewlad> damn, I mean apache
3392[19:51:01] <jelly> that was probably a typo right now
3393[19:51:01] <greycat> probably at the same time on the same
box on the same port on the same interface, too
3394[19:51:02] *** Quits: os_ (~os@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
3395[19:51:03] <wewlad> sorry, a typo
3396[19:51:13] <wewlad> greycat: assume more
3397[19:51:21] <greycat> Nope, done. Bye bye asshole.
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3401[19:51:28] <wewlad> bb pussycat
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3403[19:51:52] <greycat> Negative importance, /ignored.
3404[19:52:03] <wewlad> oh noes, I've lost a huge helper
3405[19:52:13] <wewlad> he helped soooo much asking me all about
my problem
3406[19:52:22] <wewlad> woes upon me :(
3407[19:52:31] <babilen> wewlad: Drop it please
3408[19:52:49] <jelly> wewlad: focus on tech stuff and not on how
little help you're getting
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3411[19:52:57] <Ooze> dude this is driving me insane
3412[19:53:06] <wewlad> babilen: you drop. If you don't run
a latest stable apache on latest stable debian, which I explicitly
asked - don't bother me with your questions
3413[19:53:12] <Ooze> I just added up the subdirs of each drive
and they're the same total
3414[19:53:19] <Ooze> but more space is used on one driver than
the other
3415[19:53:27] <wewlad> jelly: the stuff is that debian
doesn't fucking provide me any means to diagnose the problem
3416[19:53:27] <jelly> Ooze: and it's not 3.2T ? ;-)
3417[19:53:38] <greycat> different block sizes in the file
system, or different file systems, or removed-but-still-open log
3418[19:53:44] <wewlad> and the problem shouldn't have
happened at all if I to believe you all
3419[19:53:44] <jelly> wewlad: you did not say whether you looked
at logs
3420[19:53:52] <wewlad> jelly: I did say that multiple times
3421[19:53:57] <wewlad> logs are fucking empty
3422[19:53:57] *** Joins: Andrew_S (~Icedove@replaced-ip)
3423[19:54:07] <wewlad> they say stupid shit like 'mpm
module is no loaded'
3424[19:54:13] <wewlad> 'aborting this task'
3425[19:54:18] <greycat> or a different reserved-for-root
percentage, or other file system options
3426[19:54:22] <sioux_> jelly: TomTomTosch it´s USB_lan,
ih81m lenovo motherboard
3427[19:54:22] <Ooze> It's 1615.3
3428[19:54:28] <Ooze> GB
3429[19:54:42] <jelly> wewlad: and the process dies?
3430[19:54:54] *** Parts: qwxlea (~user@replaced-ip)
3431[19:55:01] <babilen> wewlad: I have boxes on which
mpm_prefork is loaded .. I don't see how this is relevant
3432[19:55:07] <wewlad> jelly: I didn't check that
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3435[19:55:20] <wewlad> jelly: seems like there are 4 apache
3436[19:55:29] *** Quits: Nd-47-M (~nend@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3437[19:55:35] <wewlad> ps | grep apache | pastebinit
3438[19:56:05] <wewlad> babilen: do those boxes run latest stable
debian and latest stable apache?
3439[19:56:16] <wewlad> babilen: yes/no is all I need to hear.
3440[19:56:16] <babilen> wewlad: What is "latest stable
apache" ?
3441[19:56:19] <jelly> wewlad: so apache IS running. what does
"apachectl -M" say
3442[19:56:19] <babilen> (which version)
3443[19:56:25] *** Quits: ongolaBoy (~ongolaBoy@replaced-ip) (Quit: leaving)
3444[19:56:45] <wewlad> babilen: the one installed by
"apt-get upgrade 'yes; yes, please'"
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3446[19:56:50] <wewlad> hold on
3447[19:56:55] <babilen> wewlad: yes
3448[19:56:59] <babilen> Are we done now?
3449[19:57:06] <wewlad> babilen: yes, thanks.
3450[19:57:30] <jelly> wewlad: you want to provide actual version
numbers. dpkg -l apache\* for example
3451[19:57:34] <babilen> Okay .. *shrug*
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3453[19:57:47] *** Quits: Ooze (~Ooze@replaced-ip) (Quit: I have to return some videotapes...)
3454[19:57:54] <wewlad> jelly: 2.4.10-10+deb8u7
3455[19:58:08] *** Quits: asterismo_l (~santiago@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
3456[19:58:18] <greycat> If someone is refusing to provide
version numbers, it's usually because they are not actually
using Debian, and they are abusing us, and they KNOW THIS, and they
are intentionally doing it anyway and trying to hide it.
3457[19:58:36] <greycat> Especially when combined with an overall
trollish attitude.
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3459[19:59:00] <wewlad> greycat: I'm a newb and I always
forget how to run a query through installed packages to see what
version they are
3460[19:59:04] <jelly> wewlad: can you pastebin actual output of
dpkg -l apache\*|grep ^.i
3461[19:59:07] *** Quits: mvensky (~mvensky@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3462[19:59:09] <wewlad> dpkg -l apache\*
3463[19:59:09] <dpkg> No packages found matching apache\*
3464[19:59:18] <sioux_> jelly: it´s usb ethernet
3465[19:59:27] *** Joins: mvensky (~mvensky@replaced-ip)
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3468[19:59:59] <wewlad> why would anyone come to ask questions
about the system he doesn't use?
3469[20:00:02] <jelly> sioux_: good, now you know something.
it's a haswell system, maybe you need a newer kernel for the
drivers to pick it up
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3472[20:00:38] <wewlad> jelly: [root] ~/ # dpkg -l apache\* |
3473[20:00:46] <gitgud> i dont understand the use of the jigdo
thing. can i just download the iso file?
3474[20:00:47] <wewlad> (if the above screenshot didn't suit
3475[20:00:52] <greycat> sure
3476[20:00:59] <jelly> gitgud: if it exists, yes
3477[20:01:00] <greycat> !netinst
3478[20:01:00] <dpkg> i guess netinst is a small CD image with
which you can install Debian. If, during the installation process
you have a working Internet connection, you can install more
packages straight away, otherwise, you will have a base install and
more packages later. See
3479[20:01:01] <gitgud>
3480[20:01:25] <jelly> wewlad: good, so they all match and
it's the current version
3481[20:01:34] <gitgud> i want the netinst of the debian stable
one and i want to know if its good enough for server :p
3482[20:01:46] <wewlad> jelly: please, guide me, if you are
willing to help
3483[20:01:53] <wewlad> I believe I did nothing to break apache
3484[20:01:56] <greycat> gitgud:
3485[20:01:59] <wewlad> it got broken by just updating it
3486[20:02:03] <jelly> wewlad: did you pastebin apachectl -M
3487[20:02:23] <wewlad> apachectl -M | pastebinit AH00558:
apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully
qualified domain name, using Set the
'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message
3488[20:02:35] <gitgud> ok thanks jelly and greycat
3489[20:02:43] <gitgud> i shall now use the netinst one
3490[20:02:46] *** Parts: gitgud (~GitGud@replaced-ip)
3491[20:02:47] <wewlad> jelly: oops, hold on
3492[20:02:50] <jelly> wewlad: you have mpm_event_module (shared)
enabled right now
3493[20:02:58] <wewlad> I've 'fixed' the problem
by switching to mpm_event
3494[20:03:23] <jelly> wewlad: stop apache, verify processes are
gone, disable that, reenable prefork, start it
3495[20:03:38] <sioux_> jelly: how can i do this ??
3496[20:03:58] *** Joins: dreamon_ (~dreamon@replaced-ip)
3497[20:03:59] <jelly> dpkg, tell sioux_ about bdo kernel
3498[20:04:02] <jelly> dpkg, tell sioux_ about bdo
3499[20:04:12] <wewlad> jelly: do I need to stop? I thought I
could just a2dismon&&a2enmod on the go
3500[20:04:31] <jelly> wewlad: did I fucking stutter
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3504[20:04:58] <wewlad> no, sir/mam
3505[20:05:11] <jelly> (no, you don't, it's a
precautionary measure and playing it safe)
3506[20:05:12] <sioux_> jelly: thanks
3507[20:05:22] <wewlad> systemctl start apache2 Job for
apache2.service failed. See 'systemctl status
apache2.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details.
3508[20:05:31] <jelly> good.
3509[20:05:42] <wewlad> apachectl -M | pastebinit AH00534:
apache2: Configuration error: No MPM loaded.
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3515[20:06:16] <jelly> wewlad: now show the latest stuff from
error.log and, why not, "systemctl status apache2"
3516[20:06:26] *** Quits: RageNorge (~electro7@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
3517[20:06:56] <wewlad> jelly: that's why: systemctl status
apache2 | pastebinit
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3523[20:07:41] <wewlad> jelly: cat /var/log/apache2/error.log |
3524[20:08:27] <jelly> wewlad: ls -