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24 [00:19:03] <roylaprattep> anyone did the jessie to stretch
upgrade and dist-upgrade? no issues?
25 [00:19:31] <blackflow> two years ago, yeah it worked fine
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29 [00:22:07] <somiaj> roylaprattep: make sure to read the
release notes for known issues and best practices
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32 [00:22:57] <roylaprattep> somiaj: can you give me the link to
that known issues please
33 [00:23:04] <roylaprattep> to them*
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35 [00:23:32] <somiaj>
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37 [00:25:47] <roylaprattep> why dist-upgrade from jessie to
stretch doesnt replace the network interface naming?
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39 [00:26:27] <somiaj> because of the old udev rule in
40 [00:26:35] <somiaj> if you remove that rule, you'll get
the new name
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43 [00:27:27] <roylaprattep> ok. if i fresh install, it will be
removed by default?
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45 [00:27:38] <dvs> roylaprattep, it would have never existed
46 [00:27:45] <roylaprattep> why they didnt removed it so we
have every features of stretch...?
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49 [00:29:15] <dvs> it's the least disruptive?
50 [00:29:23] <roylaprattep> somiaj: why we need to remove this
by hand?
51 [00:29:31] <roylaprattep> dvs: ok
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53 [00:30:11] <somiaj> roylaprattep: because changing interface
names can be problemenatic (espically on remote systems), so the
upgrade will not do this by default
54 [00:30:14] <roylaprattep> sure, but its weird, we upgrade to
stretch, but they keep jessie old config.
55 [00:30:18] <somiaj> to ensure that after your upgrade/reboot,
the system's network comes up
56 [00:30:29] <roylaprattep> somiaj: ok
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58 [00:30:53] <somiaj> so it is actually a good thing. Note I
belive support for this is finally taken away in buster (though I
forget the details here)
59 [00:31:18] <roylaprattep> ok.
60 [00:31:21] <somiaj> this gives you a choice as the admin, to
keep the old names, or to switch to the new names (which may mean
reconfiguring your network)
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65 [00:31:49] <roylaprattep> ok, i will reconfigure it, its my
home network, no big deal.
66 [00:32:23] *** Joins: EriC^^ (~Eric@replaced-ip )
67 [00:32:27] <dvs> but how will people know what the new
network name is without removing the persistent file and rebooting?
68 [00:33:21] <somiaj> I am kinda dispaointed they took away
support for the udev rules in systemd, but systemd moves much
quicker than most things I'm use to
69 [00:33:47] <somiaj> If someone wants to keep the old names,
one should, just files are now prefered over udev rules
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74 [00:36:33] <roylaprattep> that name convention is widely use
since a long time on some other distro
75 [00:36:39] <roylaprattep> debian is very late to this.
76 [00:37:00] <somiaj> depends, debian adopoted systemd fairly
quickly to some
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78 [00:37:08] <roylaprattep> ok
79 [00:37:29] *** Joins: indomitable (~indomitab@replaced-ip )
80 [00:37:32] <somiaj> it is just more debian was a bit slow at
adopoting systemd. fedora/redhat based systems developed it so they
saw it first
81 [00:37:44] <somiaj> ubuntu I still think uses upstart and not
82 [00:38:07] <jmcnaught> they gave up on upstart and went with
systemd as well
83 [00:38:21] <somiaj> ahh, I don't keep up with ubuntu, so
only hear news second hand.
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129 [01:04:48] <somebody> Hello. I'm having trouble with
Unicode support in Ark on Stretch.
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131 [01:05:54] <somebody> Trying to compress files with Cyrillic
characters into an archive, it shouts back at me about being unable
to translate the names to UTF-8.
132 [01:06:09] <somebody> And some previously created archives
have "??????" for names.
133 [01:06:33] <somebody> (I can't believe we're still
dealing with this in 2019.)
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212 [01:52:48] <jordila> say i'm running (e.g.) Pidgin...
does '$ killall pidgin 'have any side effect which might
lead to not be recommended as a 'shutting down Pidgin' ?
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215 [01:55:32] <jmcnaught> jordila: that would send pidgin a
SIGTERM which gives pidgin a chance to clean up after itself and
stop cleanly. If you used "killall -9…" that sends
SIGKILL which does *not* give a chance to stop cleanly
216 [01:56:32] <jordila> ah..nice to know jmcnaught
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266 [02:36:39] <maxrazer> I'm running Debian 10. I noticed
Hexchat no longer freezes during hostname lookup. I just did a new
apt upgrade a day ago, so maybe some library was fixed or something?
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270 [02:38:05] <somiaj> could be, you can check the
bugreports/changlogs of the packages/libaries affected.
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275 [02:44:35] <Primer> Hexchat likely never froze during
hostname lookup. What was likely happening is the IRC server doing
an ident lookup
276 [02:45:11] <Primer> which had to time out before proceeding
with the connection. Honestly, all IRC servers should disable that.
Some do. Most don't.
277 [02:45:25] *** Parts: wgr (~wgr@replaced-ip ) ()
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279 [02:46:26] <donofrio> ok so what am I doing wrong ;(
280 [02:46:55] *** Parts: wgr (~wgr@replaced-ip ) ()
281 [02:47:02] <Primer> seems pretty obvious
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284 [02:48:08] <maxrazer> Primer, The interface was totally
non-responsive for like 20 seconds when it was doing "looking
up your hostname" (I think).
285 [02:48:29] <Primer> that's reverse DNS
286 [02:48:33] <donofrio> I'm stick with minimal install and
no wget ;(
287 [02:48:41] <donofrio> at least I have ssh
288 [02:48:49] <Primer> that's the server that's doing
289 [02:49:20] <jmcnaught> donofrio: look what it says to use for
APT sources:
290 [02:49:22] <Primer> Again, it's about understanding
what's actually going on
291 [02:49:45] <Primer> hexchat connects out, the server responds
with "looking up your hostname"
292 [02:49:56] <Primer> It's the _server_ that's doing
the dns lookup, not hexchat
293 [02:50:13] <Primer> it's doing a reverse lookup on your
IP, for whatever reason
294 [02:50:39] <Primer> No every IP has a reverse. Not every IP
has an actual DNS SERVER servicing the PTR zone
295 [02:50:45] <Primer> Not*, that is
296 [02:51:03] <Primer> So, when that happens, it has to time out
before it'll let you in
297 [02:51:25] <donofrio> jmcnaught,
298 [02:51:34] <donofrio> oh on min
299 [02:52:12] <Primer> Many IRC servers also do ident lookups,
which also take time. Nothing uses ident any more, and all IRC
servers should simply disable ident.
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302 [02:56:38] *** Joins: guest3541 (~guest3544@replaced-ip )
303 [02:57:09] <LtL> that tilde in front of your reverse dns
means the client isn't using identd, but servers still look for
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306 [02:58:06] <LtL> strange but true, been like that for a long
307 [02:58:45] *** Parts: wgr (~wgr@replaced-ip ) ()
308 [02:58:59] <donofrio> jmcnaught,
309 [03:00:21] *** Parts: greentoxic (~greentoxi@replaced-ip ) ()
310 [03:01:37] <donofrio> I can get it to update
311 [03:01:40] <donofrio> ;((((
312 [03:02:04] <LtL> donofrio: why use that mirror? try, deb
313 [03:02:20] <donofrio> it's ppc64
314 [03:02:32] <jmcnaught> donofrio: Please read the page
315 [03:02:35] *** Joins: indomitable (~indomitab@replaced-ip )
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318 [03:03:28] <jmcnaught> donofrio: now that I've taken a
closer look it seems that debian-ports only has unstable and
'unreleased' (unique to ports) but does not have
testing/buster or stable/stretch
319 [03:04:54] *** Quits: somebody (~somebody@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
320 [03:04:56] <donofrio>
321 [03:05:13] <donofrio> oh ok, so what do I need....
322 [03:06:37] <Epakai> does the gtk3 app hamburger menu have a
default keyboard shortcut?
323 [03:06:57] <jmcnaught> donofrio: The archive includes
binary-all packages mirrored regularly from Debian. To use it, add
the following lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list: deb
324 [03:07:16] *** Quits: indomitable (~indomitab@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
325 [03:07:59] <jmcnaught> (don't include the quotation mark
at the end of the second line, those should be the only two lines in
your /etc/apt/sources.list)
326 [03:08:30] *** Quits: Lord_of_Life (~Lord@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
327 [03:09:18] <jmcnaught> Epakai: try F10
328 [03:09:25] <donofrio> jmcnaught,
329 [03:10:07] *** Joins: Lord_of_Life (~Lord@replaced-ip )
330 [03:10:34] <jmcnaught> donofrio: again see the "Packages
authentication" section of
331 [03:10:47] <donofrio> I've got the .key from the
archive_2019.key forgot how to import it...
332 [03:11:32] <donofrio> nevermind I'm reading
333 [03:11:37] <donofrio> I've read this before
334 [03:11:44] <Epakai> jmcnaught: excellent, thanks
335 [03:11:51] <donofrio> just well...ok doing apt-key add
336 [03:12:04] *** Quits: publio (~publio@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
337 [03:12:31] <donofrio> man I get all the fun "gnupg,
gnupg2 and gnupg1 do not seem to be installed, but one of them is
required for this operation"
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340 [03:12:37] <donofrio> help anyone
341 [03:13:32] <jmcnaught> donofrio: if you have a copy of
archive_2019.key on the computer copy it to /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
342 [03:14:15] <LtL> donofrio: apt install gnupg
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348 [03:25:13] <donofrio> ok I'll mv the file
349 [03:25:42] <jmcnaught> donofrio: the filename might need to
end with .gpg like the other keys in that directory
350 [03:26:22] *** Quits: jmills00 (~josh@replaced-ip ) (Quit: leaving)
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354 [03:27:49] <donofrio> ;( "Package 'gnupg' has
no installation candidate"
355 [03:27:50] *** Quits: Mazhive (~Mazhive@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
356 [03:28:08] <donofrio> renamed the file to
357 [03:28:11] *** Joins: inoderrant (~inoderran@replaced-ip )
358 [03:28:45] <LtL> donofrio: it exists on stable.
359 [03:28:59] <LtL> amd64
360 [03:29:52] <LtL> try gnupg2 donofrio
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364 [03:31:42] <donofrio> ;(
365 [03:32:08] *** Joins: s8548a (~s8548a@replaced-ip )
366 [03:32:24] <donofrio> LtL, it's not that "it exists
on x64" moreover my client doesn't have the updated list
of what is where I believe....apt update had not even successfully
complteded yet
367 [03:32:36] <jmcnaught> hmmm… I'm not sure if the
key format that archive_2019.key uses will work in
/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ you might need gnupg to convert it
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370 [03:33:24] <LtL> jmcnaught: i'm sure he does, donofrio
i'm sure it isn't.
371 [03:33:36] <donofrio> ok how do I scp it from where to
372 [03:33:53] <donofrio> it exists online just not downloaded
and dpkg'ed anything yet
373 [03:34:02] <donofrio> and not dpkg'ed I meant
374 [03:34:41] <DammitJim> man, why is it that I have a cron job
that is not sending an email
375 [03:35:35] <friendofafriend> Did it work before?
376 [03:36:03] <dvs> DammitJim, maybe because the full path for
the mail program wasn't specified, Dr. McCoy?
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378 [03:36:55] <DammitJim>
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380 [03:37:19] <DammitJim> it works if I run it as a user
381 [03:37:27] <DammitJim> how do I "see" if it
can't find the path?
382 [03:37:37] <dvs> DammitJim, yeah, the full path for
"mail" isn't specified.
383 [03:38:06] <DammitJim> oh wow
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385 [03:38:22] <DammitJim> I guess I'll give that a try...
but I'd still like to know how I can "debug" it
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389 [03:38:47] <dvs> DammitJim, there is no "PATH" in a
cron job so full pathnames for programs must be specified
390 [03:39:06] <LtL> donofrio:
391 [03:39:07] <dvs> or a local PATH veriable can be defined.
392 [03:39:07] <DammitJim> oh, is that different than when
calling a script?
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394 [03:39:28] <dvs> a cron script, yes
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627 [06:56:28] <fsociety> Hi, i want to report that there's
a bug on boot system
628 [06:56:35] <fsociety> check this
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630 [06:57:18] <EdePopede> sure, you can't boot from android
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677 [07:48:19] <owl> I'd like to resolve an issue with
Debian Buster, which channel do I go to?
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679 [07:49:30] <blackflow> !debian-next
680 [07:49:30] <dpkg> #debian-next is the channel for
testing/unstable support on the OFTC network (, *not*
on freenode. If you get "Cannot join #debian-next (Channel is
invite only)." it means you did not read it's on
681 [07:50:17] <owl> ok, thanks
682 [07:50:20] <owl> :)
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690 [07:55:34] <somiaj> with the buster release so close, we
should start just helping with buster questions here
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716 [08:21:48] <finn0> Like Fedora is there any
"" file exists in Debian (replaced-url
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722 [08:24:52] <finn0> Since __git_ps1 variable is working then
must have defined somewhere.
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724 [08:24:54] <Primer> finn0: apt install bash-completion
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728 [08:26:16] <Primer> I know, it doesn't sound like the
solution, but it is
729 [08:26:26] <finn0> Primer: Already installed. I'm just
where variable is defined.
730 [08:26:59] <Primer> oh, a prompt command
731 [08:27:04] <Primer> this is not distro-specific
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734 [08:27:43] <Primer> I mean, it tells you what to do
735 [08:28:17] <Primer> You just put what you need in ~/.bashrc.
I have something similar, but it's not "official"
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737 [08:29:56] <Primer> Anyhow, apt-file search
yields no results. Must be a fedora thing.
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739 [08:30:45] <finn0> Primer: I've already putted in my
~/.bashrc. But just for curiosity I'm asking.
740 [08:31:03] <Primer> locate git-prompt
741 [08:31:08] <Primer> /etc/bash_completion.d/git-prompt
742 [08:31:18] <Primer> so yeah, seems there is this. And looking
743 [08:31:47] <Primer>
744 [08:32:02] *** Quits: indomitable (~indomitab@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
745 [08:33:15] <Primer> and /usr/lib/git-core/git-sh-prompt has
all your __git_ps1 stuff
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748 [08:34:00] <finn0> Primer: Thanks. Which command line tool
you're using for debian pastebin?
749 [08:34:21] <Primer> pastebinit
750 [08:37:37] <finn0> okay
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809 [09:18:10] <mms_> hi I am running debian as guest in vbox and
its internet it not working. network-manager service is up.
810 [09:18:15] <mms_> how to troubleshoot issue
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814 [09:20:22] <kopper> mms_: Perhaps check that your virtual
interface in vbox has been configured properly, if Debian cannot get
IP address via DHCP or you have checked that your manual IP
configuration is as it should.
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818 [09:24:30] <mms_> kopper: how to check ?
819 [09:26:08] <mms_> kopper: I am using NAT and there are my two
820 [09:28:09] <mms_>
821 [09:28:17] <mms_> kopper: that is my setup
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823 [09:28:22] <mms_> kopper: any thing else ?
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833 [09:37:39] <blackflow> mms_: what's the output of `ip a`
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877 [10:22:03] <jeddi> is there some tooling that i can use to
determine if my debian box is using network/interfaces or systemd
network configuration ... without risking breaking networking by
878 [10:22:03] <jeddi> changing one and restarting a service?
(both are set to dhcp)
879 [10:22:31] <jeddi> it's a buster box.
880 [10:22:47] <pyfgcr> nmcli probably?
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884 [10:23:50] <jeddi> nmcli not found ..oh -
networkmanager's not even installed on that box.
885 [10:23:57] <jeddi> that's good, I *think*.
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887 [10:24:48] <jeddi> hmm, systemctl status | grep network ..
has no hits, so it's probably network/interfaces, then. that
should be my only three options i think, yeah?
888 [10:26:30] <Exagone313> jeddi: /etc/network/interfaces is for
networking service
889 [10:27:49] <Exagone313> systemctl list-units | grep -i net
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905 [10:38:50] <jeddi> yup - i've got networking.service
906 [10:38:56] <jeddi> and nothing that looks like networkd
907 [10:39:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1507
908 [10:39:25] <jeddi> okay .. cool, taa. i did find a migration
walkthrough a while ago - i recall there were a few sharp edges
moving to systemd / networkd
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1048 [12:29:24] *** s is now known as Guest45443
1049 [12:30:02] <Guest45443> I am trying to dual boot linux along
with windows 10. I have installed both of them. But, Windows is not
getting reflected in grub.
1050 [12:30:08] <Guest45443> please help
1051 [12:31:23] <cls-02> boot to linux and sudo update-grub
1052 [12:31:29] <cls-02> should get detected
1053 [12:31:47] <Guest45443> I have done that many times now.
1054 [12:31:53] <Guest45443> let me explain in detail.
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1059 [12:34:14] <Guest45443> I had linux installed first. Later I
installed Windows 10. Since, Grub menu was not showing
automatically, I run Boot Repair and then did sudo update-grub.
Then, I deleted the efi partition and recreated it. And after that I
deleted the linux distro and reinstalled it.
1060 [12:34:21] <Guest45443> Now, I can boot into only linux.
1061 [12:34:54] <cls-02> Is windows installed in UEFI or CSM mode?
1062 [12:34:56] <Guest45443> although, I didn't delete or
format the partition on which Windows was installed, I am not am be
boot into windows now.
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1064 [12:35:10] <Guest45443> cls-02: how can I check that?
1065 [12:35:31] <Guest45443> Windows is not captured in Grub menu.
1066 [12:35:40] *** Quits: Texou (~Texou@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1067 [12:36:03] <cls-02> is there a Microsoft folder on the EFI
system partition?
1068 [12:36:37] <Guest45443> how can I check that?
1069 [12:36:59] <cls-02> mount the ESP and check it with a file
1070 [12:38:00] <Guest45443> ok
1071 [12:38:19] *** Quits: Newami (~Newami@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1072 [12:39:08] <Guest45443> it is mounted. But, not accessible in
file manager
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1078 [12:46:43] <cls-02> where's it mounted at?
1079 [12:46:51] <cls-02> is it /boot/efi?
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1091 [12:48:29] <Guest45443> hello
1092 [12:48:30] *** Joins: Texou (~Texou@replaced-ip )
1093 [12:48:49] <Guest45443> "/dev/sda1"
1094 [12:48:59] *** Joins: mayurvpatil (~mayurvpat@replaced-ip )
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1096 [12:49:32] <Guest45443> "/dev/sda1 2048 2099199 2097152
1G EFI System
1097 [12:49:32] <Guest45443> "
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1102 [12:50:26] <cls-02> this is not mounted. It's a device
1103 [12:50:53] *** Quits: dxdz (~dizzdexx@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
1104 [12:51:09] <cls-02> run mount and paste it
1105 [12:52:04] <Guest45443> can you please specify the command?
1106 [12:52:09] <cls-02> mount
1107 [12:52:21] <cls-02> just this
1108 [12:52:23] <Guest45443> the full command line
1109 [12:52:45] <cls-02> This is the full command line:
1110 [12:52:52] <cls-02> paste the output
1111 [12:52:52] <jezebel> cls-02 is trying to get you to list out
your mounts
1112 [12:52:57] <jezebel> not asking you to mount something
1113 [12:53:27] *** Quits: pragomer (~pragomer@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
1114 [12:54:03] <Guest45443> I got this - mount: /boot/efi:
/dev/sda1 already mounted on /boot/efi.
1115 [12:54:43] *** Joins: gie (~raido@replaced-ip )
1116 [12:54:45] <cls-02> Thank you. Run 'cd /boot/efi'
and then 'ls'
1117 [12:54:57] *** Quits: indomitable (~indomitab@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
1118 [12:55:47] <Guest45443> sudo: cd: command not found
1119 [12:56:10] <cls-02> That's strange.
1120 [12:56:37] <Guest45443> bash: cd: /boot/efi: Permission
1121 [12:56:59] <jezebel> (cd is not a command)
1122 [12:57:06] *** Quits: tsujp (~tsujp@replaced-ip ) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
1123 [12:57:15] <cls-02> thanks, jezebel.
1124 [12:57:16] <jezebel> you'll need a root shell to look in
there probably
1125 [12:57:28] <Guest45443> what do I do next?
1126 [12:57:29] <cls-02> run 'sudo su' and then do what
I said
1127 [12:57:51] <Guest45443> could you please specifiy the entire
1128 [12:58:02] *** Joins: tsujp (~tsujp@replaced-ip )
1129 [12:58:27] <cls-02> 'sudo su'. Then, when you get a
shell, type 'cd /boot/efi; ls'
1130 [12:59:13] <jezebel> (disclaimer: be very careful with the
root shell, very powerful, but also very destructive)
1131 [12:59:22] <Guest45443> I got this - EFI Temp
1132 [12:59:41] <cls-02> do 'cd EFI'
1133 [12:59:47] <cls-02> and 'ls'
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1140 [13:01:10] <Guest45443> I got this - BOOT Microsoft ubuntu
1141 [13:01:50] *** Joins: Kyros (~kyros@replaced-ip )
1142 [13:02:04] <cls-02> Okay. You said that you deleted and
recreated the EFI system partition. How exactly did you do that?
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1146 [13:02:35] <Guest45443> using linux live usb and gparted.
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1148 [13:03:04] <j_wrok> snmpd: error on subcontainer
'ia_addr' insert (-1)
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1153 [13:04:00] <cls-02> How did you restore the files after the
1154 [13:04:42] <Guest45443> I reinstalled the linux distro.
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1158 [13:04:58] <cls-02> What about windows?
1159 [13:05:01] *** Quits: dpkg (~dpkg@replaced-ip ) (Quit: buh bye!)
1160 [13:05:14] <Guest45443> No, windows was not reinstalled.
1161 [13:05:18] *** Joins: dpkg (~dpkg@replaced-ip )
1162 [13:05:26] <cls-02> I'm boggled by the existence of a
Microsoft folder in there.
1163 [13:05:31] <Guest45443> I didn't delete the windows
partition either
1164 [13:05:46] <cls-02> I know, but windows needs its files in
the ESP.
1165 [13:05:58] *** Joins: TheJacobsDad (~TheJacobs@replaced-ip )
1166 [13:05:58] <Guest45443> cls-02: is there anything seriously
wrong there?
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1168 [13:06:16] *** Quits: lcabrera (~desarroll@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1169 [13:06:31] <cls-02> Yep. You've probably got a bricked
windows install. Fixable, but not easily.
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1171 [13:07:24] <Guest45443> cls-02: ok. What's next then?
1172 [13:08:25] <cls-02> You'll need to restore windows files
on the ESP. You'll need a Windows install CD. Were you running
windows 1?
1173 [13:08:26] *** Joins: Kyros (~kyros@replaced-ip )
1174 [13:08:33] <cls-02> Windows 10*
1175 [13:08:49] *** Joins: Funkin-Stoopid (~xavier@replaced-ip )
1176 [13:09:13] <Guest45443> yes.
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1178 [13:10:39] <cls-02> I'm gonna be pretty straightforward.
Probably the easiest way is to back up your data from the Windows
partition, and reinstall Windows.
1179 [13:11:06] <Guest45443> cls-02: ok
1180 [13:11:18] <Guest45443> if I want both linux and windows?
1181 [13:11:19] <cls-02> After the installation, boot into a live
Linux USB and reinstall GRUB or rEFInd or whatever boot manager
you'd like to.
1182 [13:11:37] <Guest45443> ok
1183 [13:11:47] <Guest45443> cls-02: thanks a lot
1184 [13:11:56] <cls-02> no problem, glad to help.
1185 [13:12:02] <Guest45443> thanks you
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1195 [13:16:41] <darxmurf> Inkscape is complaining about Python
UniConvertor it supposed to be included in linux version isn't
it ?
1196 [13:17:04] <darxmurf> I tried to download and install it from
official website but I got some missing dependencies and all
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1226 [13:40:04] <horribleprogram> First squeeze, then stretch,
what's next? Debian push?
1227 [13:40:15] *** Joins: corvo1 (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip )
1228 [13:40:57] <horribleprogram> Working on a stand-up routine
for computer sciencists
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1235 [13:41:59] <john316_> Hey! I anybody in here?
1236 [13:43:05] <john316_> I'm having a pretty serious
problem with writing to disk using a frontend.
1237 [13:43:14] <horribleprogram> john316_: We talk about being
"in chat rooms" like it's a place. Let's all go
to the #debian channel, located at _________ (depending on where
I'm doing the standup, it'll be a local famous street)
1238 [13:43:41] <john316_> Debian is for debian stuff, right?
1239 [13:43:53] <avu> john316_: yes, don't let the comedian
bother you
1240 [13:44:01] <avu> horribleprogram: you might want to try
1241 [13:44:06] *** Joins: SirLagz (~SirLagz@replaced-ip )
1242 [13:44:18] <john316_> lmfao funny is fun. Especially when you
have to deal with probs like these~\
1243 [13:44:33] <horribleprogram> avu: tough audience there, but
1244 [13:45:21] <horribleprogram> john316_: "writing to
1245 [13:45:25] <dak> lol
1246 [13:45:26] <horribleprogram> john316_: what exactly do you
mean by that
1247 [13:45:34] <john316_> Caja was trying it's best to
handle my file ops but it doesn't want to keep the data when I
go elsewhere which is pretty frustrating especially when you find
out that 120GB is only 60.
1248 [13:45:39] <horribleprogram> john316_: like you can't $
touch file1.txt
1249 [13:46:02] <dak> uh
1250 [13:46:13] <dak> what type of disk is this? hard drisk? ssd?
1251 [13:46:33] *** Quits: Haudegen (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1252 [13:46:55] <dak> if its usb esp usb 1/2 it might take a while
after it says its like 99% done
1253 [13:46:55] <john316_> I dunno, I believe in frontend
reliability when it comes to base operations. It's happened
with multiple items, hard drives, USB, and SD cards.
1254 [13:47:20] <dak> you should try to do it via commandline to
take caja out of the eq
1255 [13:47:22] *** Joins: napnap1 (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip )
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1257 [13:47:25] <dak> and also to see some errors if any
1258 [13:47:26] *** napnap1 is now known as napnap
1259 [13:47:29] <dak> cp = copy
1260 [13:47:31] <dak> mv = move
1261 [13:47:35] <dak> cp -R = move a dir
1262 [13:47:39] <dak> same with mv
1263 [13:47:39] <john316_> Well here's the thing, it says
it's done and it used to say it was finishing file operations
but now it just dismounts and data is lost.
1264 [13:47:54] <dak> are you sure you have enough free space?
1265 [13:48:05] <dak> you should just open a terminal and do it
1266 [13:48:12] <horribleprogram> john316_: what's the output
of df ?
1267 [13:48:25] <dak> df -h will show you your freespace
1268 [13:48:25] *** Joins: zeSoup (~jsc@replaced-ip )
1269 [13:48:40] <john316_> Aww come on, you guys really
aren't into frontends of any kind here, are you?
1270 [13:48:53] * dak takes a step back
1271 [13:48:54] <dak> good luck
1272 [13:48:58] <john316_> Sorry...
1273 [13:49:05] *** Joins: s8548a_ (~s8548a@replaced-ip )
1274 [13:49:08] <john316_> I know the terminal way, I just like
using the mouse.
1275 [13:49:20] <tsglove> What did you do john316_ ?
1276 [13:49:31] <horribleprogram> john316_: first thing I do when
I log into my computer is open a terminal and type ls
1277 [13:49:34] <john316_> It seems quicker. I need it to be fast
and easy to use but a brute for everything else.
1278 [13:49:37] <dak> then you shouldnt even be asking us whats up
untill you confirm it in terminal
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1280 [13:49:47] <dak> ah the #archlinux side of me
1281 [13:49:49] <horribleprogram> john316_: I have no idea why I
type ls, I know every directory in my $HOME, but it just fills the
terminal with some output I guess
1282 [13:49:50] <dak> ttyl
1283 [13:50:02] <tsglove> horribleprogram, first thing I do is
open a terminal and type tmux! lol
1284 [13:50:09] <horribleprogram> tsglove: heh
1285 [13:50:10] <dak> what do your logs say?
1286 [13:50:16] <dak> journelctl
1287 [13:50:16] <horribleprogram> tsglove: I do tmux new-session
-s horribleProgram
1288 [13:50:28] <dak> you did that right?
1289 [13:50:34] <dak> im going to get banned i can feel it
1290 [13:50:43] <tsglove> aww man I am still missing out on more
advanced tmux goodness. All I use is tmux and later tmux attach =\
1291 [13:50:48] <tsglove> I need to get on with the program
1292 [13:51:05] <dak> i have mixed feelings on tmux
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1294 [13:51:11] <dak> i still like screen
1295 [13:51:12] <tsglove> dak, how come?
1296 [13:51:18] <dak> im old?
1297 [13:51:21] <john316_> Code should be when you have to, ya
1298 [13:51:28] <dak> 37 = old balls
1299 [13:51:28] <tsglove> ahh... yeah... I started with screen,
yet moved to tmux quite early in my endeavor. Stayed there ever
1300 [13:51:38] <dak> i use it some times
1301 [13:51:42] <dak> i use it on my laptop
1302 [13:51:42] <tsglove> john316_, code... shoud be.... when you
have to? wat
1303 [13:51:46] <dak> but i dont use it on remote machines
1304 [13:51:49] <john316_> Not everybody can code a storm in 2
seconds with right variables and enhanced wizardry.
1305 [13:51:52] <tsglove> dak 37? he! funny dude
1306 [13:52:04] <dak> john316_: i cant so relax
1307 [13:52:08] <tsglove> dak, you DON´T !?!? Jesus... all
my servers I install tmux right away
1308 [13:52:10] <dak> you just need to read a lil
1309 [13:52:21] <john316_> Well, everybody can to a point.
1310 [13:52:22] <dak> tsglove: i run things i trust
1311 [13:52:25] <dak> remotely
1312 [13:52:32] <dak> i have never been rooted, yet
1313 [13:52:50] *** Joins: fuzzface (~fuzzface@replaced-ip )
1314 [13:52:52] <tsglove> huh... well... on that account, yeah...
I do trust tmux, so... meh
1315 [13:52:53] <john316_> But I think using a frontend is
easiest. It's SUPPOSED to be easy.
1316 [13:53:03] <tsglove> john316_, yet it´s quite clearly
1317 [13:53:06] <dak> the closest i have ever come to being rooted
was a biz partner used the same passwd on all of his stuff, he lost
everything job car house... good way to learn about security i guess
1318 [13:53:16] <tsglove> dak, yikes.
1319 [13:53:25] <dak> here
1320 [13:53:42] <dak>
1321 [13:53:47] <dak> ttyly cig break at work
1322 [13:53:52] <dak> look for dak
1323 [13:53:53] <john316_> When was the last time we verified some
of these open sources to clarify they work correctly?
1324 [13:53:53] *** Quits: darxmurf (~darxmurf@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Lost terminal)
1325 [13:53:54] <tsglove> stop that
1326 [13:53:54] <dak> lol
1327 [13:54:04] <tsglove> our you won´t get to "old
1328 [13:54:09] <john316_> Like a mass check.
1329 [13:54:21] <tsglove> john316_, what the hell are you rambling
1330 [13:54:40] <john316_> Checking to see if an open source
project works correctly.
1331 [13:54:46] *** Quits: citypw (~citypw@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
1332 [13:54:54] <john316_> Or if it gives off errors at certain
1333 [13:55:00] *** Quits: bersace (~bersace@replaced-ip##) (Quit: The Lounge - ##replaced-url
1334 [13:55:02] *** Joins: Brigo (~Brigo@replaced-ip )
1335 [13:55:04] <tsglove> john316_, what's your point?
1336 [13:55:08] <horribleprogram> john316_: what's an error
to you?
1337 [13:55:28] <john316_> Sounds like a job for that nifty AI
that Google built.
1338 [13:55:30] <j_wrok> How can you check that any IT project
works correctly?
1339 [13:55:38] <horribleprogram> john316_: if something compiles
to a particular architecture, it's technically not an error
1340 [13:55:41] <j_wrok> And, it might come as news to you, but
they never do.
1341 [13:55:44] *** Quits: HerbY_NL2 (~HerbY_NL2@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
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1343 [13:55:56] <j_wrok> Maybe some Ada ones, but I even doubt
1344 [13:55:59] <tsglove> john316_, AI? Google? dude... what?
1345 [13:56:00] *** Joins: Alpha-Omega (~quassel@replaced-ip )
1346 [13:56:45] <john316_> It's not, I know it's all
check and error. But I've seen what it can do, I'm pretty
sure it could check if any of them had broken compatibilities.
1347 [13:57:17] <horribleprogram> john316_: Google AI in a
nutshell: fastestFunc = func1 if time(func1) < time(func2) else
func2 ... fastestFunc()
1348 [13:57:28] <john316_> Like all that face stuff on TED talks.
1349 [13:57:39] <john316_> Yeah, it's it's own language.
1350 [13:57:52] <j_wrok> He is not making sense.
1351 [13:57:55] *** Quits: napnap (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
1352 [13:57:57] <john316_> Like HTML but harder.
1353 [13:58:02] <tsglove> j_wrok, at all. lol
1354 [13:58:11] <horribleprogram> I just can't tell if
he's trolling or not
1355 [13:58:14] <tsglove> john316_, they probably coded it in
1356 [13:58:17] <john316_> I'm not trolling.
1357 [13:58:18] <j_wrok> I suspect a markov
1358 [13:58:32] <john316_> You know.....
1359 [13:58:34] *** Quits: Alpha-Omega_ (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
1360 [13:58:58] <john316_> If we really put everything together,
we could make something really cool with all of it.
1361 [13:59:04] <horribleprogram> tsglove: btw, I never realized
it but when you open a shell, type tmux, split the pane,
there's 3 zsh/bash/shell you use processes open
1362 [13:59:24] <tsglove> horribleprogram, ah yes... original,
plus the two new ones
1363 [13:59:45] <horribleprogram> tsglove: yup
1364 [13:59:47] <tsglove> I just open to my heart's desire.
1365 [13:59:58] *** Joins: bersace (~bersace@replaced-ip )
1366 [14:00:09] <tsglove> I mean, Debian is always like: meh, you
do you... I'll keep on consuming no ram.
1367 [14:00:16] <tsglove> So I just open and do all over the
1368 [14:00:26] *** ayekat is now known as ayekitten
1369 [14:00:27] <john316_> Anyways, you guys got any NOW fixes for
me or am I bound to using the terminal. is it the most effective way
to write to disk?
1370 [14:00:37] *** Quits: Ridout (coffee@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Lost terminal)
1371 [14:00:43] *** Quits: yokel (~yokel@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1372 [14:00:49] <horribleprogram> tsglove: I spent like 20 hours
customizing the status bar, obviously rebinding jkl; to hjkl
1373 [14:01:14] <tsglove> john316_, yes, just go to Settings
--> System --> Billing --> User Accounts --> Licenses
--> DE Variables then tick the first three checkboxes.
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1375 [14:01:35] <tsglove> horribleprogram, tmux?!
1376 [14:01:48] <horribleprogram> john316_: what do you mean by
"write to disk"
1377 [14:01:57] <horribleprogram> john316_: I asked you that
previously, you never responded
1378 [14:02:08] <john316_> Writing data?
1379 [14:02:09] <horribleprogram> like create a new file?
1380 [14:02:16] <john316_> Yes.
1381 [14:02:24] <tsglove> That's too advanced. Computers
can't do that yet.
1382 [14:02:31] <horribleprogram> okay you have your terminal open
1383 [14:03:08] <john316_> No, I don't really need to write
any datas. I was doing it before and noticed it, I thought I should
point it out but I don't really know where to get it done.
1384 [14:03:58] <humpled> well this is fun
1385 [14:04:13] *** Quits: yurihs (~yurihs@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
1386 [14:04:21] <john316_> Terminal is savvy but if you've
got root windows and everything else going with strange file
permissions, it's easy to just think drag n drop and
you'll be fine.
1387 [14:04:44] *** Quits: churnd (~churnd@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
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1389 [14:04:48] <j_wrok> lol
1390 [14:04:50] <horribleprogram> john316_: okay you have multiple
partitions, and you're dual booting?
1391 [14:04:50] <john316_> Because, otherwise, you are.
1392 [14:04:58] <john316_> Yes.
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1395 [14:05:06] <horribleprogram> kk you're logged into which
OS rn?
1396 [14:05:11] <tsglove> horribleprogram, I like how you're
descending into insanity.
1397 [14:05:16] *** Quits: grindhold (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
1398 [14:05:22] <john316_> I've got windwos up
1399 [14:05:39] *** Joins: winy (~vince@replaced-ip )
1400 [14:05:47] <john316_> I've got the haxchet into dstore
mode on the windows shell command.
1401 [14:05:52] <horribleprogram> tsglove: He could be 12 for all
we know, where you a pro at 12?
1402 [14:05:58] <john316_> YAAS
1403 [14:06:04] <horribleprogram> were*
1404 [14:06:26] <tsglove> horribleprogram, that's true. Sorry
in my side. Yet drives me mad how doesn't seem to want to
1405 [14:06:27] <john316_> Come onnn, this is a serious issue.
1406 [14:06:36] *** Joins: Ameisen (~Ameisen@replaced-ip )
1407 [14:06:37] <horribleprogram> ^ that's the proof
1408 [14:06:40] <horribleprogram> he's trolling.
1409 [14:06:43] <john316_> I don't NEED to learn.
1410 [14:06:48] <john316_> I want to DO!
1411 [14:06:49] <j_wrok> lol
1412 [14:07:00] *** Joins: churnd (~churnd@replaced-ip )
1413 [14:07:04] <j_wrok> Nothing useful will come out of this.
1414 [14:07:08] *** Joins: yurihs (~yurihs@replaced-ip )
1415 [14:07:13] <j_wrok> But it is damn funny.
1416 [14:07:17] <john316_> TemplOSomg
1417 [14:07:27] *** Joins: Alina-malina (~Alina-mal@replaced-ip )
1418 [14:07:40] <john316_> Seriously..
1419 [14:07:59] <john316_> YOU JUST HAVE TO BE INSTALLED ON A
1420 [14:08:10] <tsglove> Ok I'm off to #debian-offtopic for
a while.
1421 [14:08:28] <horribleprogram> tsglove: okay I wrote some jokes
in there it'd be nice if you ccould write "lol" or
"lmfao" to get other ppl to join
1422 [14:08:41] <john316_> Why can't you even remotely
respect working in a frontend environment?
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1427 [14:09:23] <jelly> horribleprogram: keep your lines in here
to tech support, please
1428 [14:09:38] <horribleprogram> jelly: fine sorry 😐
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1442 [14:14:35] <han-solo> hello guys
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1445 [14:14:46] <vlt> o/
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1450 [14:16:40] <han-solo> vlt: wrong window. Sorry about that :)
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1488 [14:31:58] <apathor> hi. i'm using a debian package to
replace a daemon that was "manually" installed. is there a
way to force apt-get to overwrite the old config files with those
contained in the package?
1489 [14:32:22] <greycat> Just remove them before installing the
1490 [14:32:51] *** Joins: napnap1 (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip )
1491 [14:32:58] <greycat> (though to be honest I'm surprised
it actually matters)
1492 [14:33:30] <apathor> thanks greycat. that's what
i'm doing already. thought it maybe could be done in one step
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1500 [14:36:37] <wvdakker> apathor: apt-get purge [package],
apt-get install [package]
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1503 [14:37:09] <greycat> There's no package to purge. He
just has files lying around in /etc or somewhere.
1504 [14:37:16] *** Joins: lcabrera (~desarroll@replaced-ip )
1505 [14:37:39] <apathor> yeah exactly. previously the files were
just copied files into place by hand
1506 [14:37:46] <greycat> I'm still not sure whether he
actually TRIED it and dpkg complained and aborted the install
because a config file was "in the way", or whether dpkg
just silently overwrites it and he didn't bother trying.
1507 [14:38:02] <apathor> it just silently kept the old configs
1508 [14:38:05] <jelly> apathor: which daemon? Which file paths?
1509 [14:38:08] *** Joins: uNmowed (~Kaede@replaced-ip )
1510 [14:38:08] <jelly> !confnew
1511 [14:38:08] <dpkg> [confnew] dpkg --force-confnew will force
dpkg to overwrite any changes you have made to conffiles. You can
also reinstall them using the following apt-get line: apt-get -o
DPkg::Options::="--force-confnew" --reinstall install
<packagename>; or using aptitude, aptitude -o
DPkg::Options::="--force-confnew" reinstall
<packagename>. See also <confmiss>.
1512 [14:38:25] <apathor> jelly: thanks!
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1528 [14:43:20] <xormor> how do I get rid of pulseaudio and will
still be able to listen to YouTube videos? I know alsa is an
alternative, but it seems the browsers use pulseaudio when YouTube
is the
1529 [14:43:38] *** Quits: citypw (~citypw@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1530 [14:44:01] <colo-work> afaik, that just isn't an option
any more. pulseaudio has won. why do you want to get rid of it in
the first place?
1531 [14:44:14] <greycat> Depends on the browser.
Google-chrome-stable (third party, not in Debian) works fine with
straight ALSA. Debian's packages of firefox-esr have been
reported to work with straight ALSA in the past; not sure about the
present and future.
1532 [14:44:35] *** Quits: nckx (~nckx@replaced-ip##) (Quit: Updating my GNU Guix System —
1533 [14:44:49] <greycat> colo-work: some of us have literally
never *had* it, ever, so there isn't a "get rid of
it" so much as a "do nothing and continue using ALSA"
choice here.
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1536 [14:45:27] <greycat> It's only installed if you request
it, or if you install one of the Desktop Environments.
1537 [14:45:43] <greycat> Many of us still just use a traditional
window manager.
1538 [14:46:10] <colo-work> greycat, I installed it on this
(initially squeeze) stretch machine with xfce when firefox started
requiring it
1539 [14:46:12] *** Quits: martin-_-__ (~default@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1540 [14:46:22] <greycat> Upstream firefox?
1541 [14:46:36] *** Joins: martin-_-__ (~default@replaced-ip )
1542 [14:46:41] <colo-work> yes, but also debian's
firefox-esr package
1543 [14:47:18] *** Quits: napnap (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1544 [14:47:27] <colo-work> (it "requires" it insofar as
that the browser won't be able to output audio if you do not
have it)
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1547 [14:48:02] *** Quits: Unit193 (ukikie@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1548 [14:48:21] <greycat> In which version did Debian's
firefox-esr stop including ALSA support?
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1551 [14:48:58] <petn-randall> The last ESR, 52, I think?
1552 [14:49:12] <colo-work> firefox upstream dropped plain ALSA
support around that time
1553 [14:49:20] <colo-work> they require pulse now
1554 [14:49:26] <greycat> firefox-esr (60.2.2esr-1) unstable;
1555 [14:49:29] <greycat> * debian/control*,
debian/ Build ALSA support.
1556 [14:49:29] <greycat> Closes: #864987, #900062, #908349
1557 [14:49:30] <colo-work> (I consider using pulse an upgrade,
1558 [14:49:31] <judd> Bug
1559 [14:49:56] <greycat> That's the last mention of ALSA in
the changelog -- *adding* it.
1560 [14:50:04] <greycat> No mention of "no longer including
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1568 [14:55:02] <spacejam> Hello, World!
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1573 [14:57:18] <spacejam> Does anybody know about the ParrotSec
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1575 [14:57:29] <greycat> !parrot
1576 [14:57:30] <dpkg> Parrot OS (replaced-url
1577 [14:58:59] <spacejam> I have, there is no activity, and no
one to talk about my need and concerns of the ParrotSec Distro! I
was hoping i might find an answer here.
1578 [14:59:08] <greycat> No.
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1581 [14:59:35] <spacejam> Okay, Thank you for your time.
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1603 [15:07:40] <blackflow> Huh, the Buster installer surprised me
a tiny bit, I thought selecting no specific desktop environment
wouldn't install any (except xorg itself, with the desktop task
selected). but it installed gnome
1604 [15:08:06] <greycat> That's how the installer has always
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1607 [15:08:51] <blackflow> yeah I never tried to install
"just desktop" with no env specifically until now.
1608 [15:08:53] <greycat> The vanilla installer defaults to GNOME
if you allow a Desktop to be installed but don't select one.
Specific tuned installer images may have different Desktop defaults.
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1612 [15:09:45] <LtL> does debian oidentd work?
1613 [15:10:04] <greycat> If it doesn't, file a bug report.
1614 [15:10:05] <blackflow> since I want lightdm+i3wm, is it
better I reinstall with no desktop at all and then manually build up
to it, or should I lazy bum out with apt autoremove --purge
'gnome*' gdm3 ?
1615 [15:10:06] <LtL> on freenode to be specific
1616 [15:10:11] *** Joins: cdown (~cdown@replaced-ip )
1617 [15:10:34] <greycat> blackflow: personally I install with no
Desktop, and then add xorg + window manager, etc.
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1619 [15:10:46] <somiaj> blackflow: your choice, remove gnome is
just fine in debian.
1620 [15:10:54] <LtL> greycat: hasn't worked on irc servers
for years
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1623 [15:11:46] <LtL> i was just wondering, its not worth the
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1632 [15:14:00] <dooteo> Hi all,
1633 [15:14:30] <dooteo> How can I configure Xorg with a 1920x1080
for a computer without display?
1634 [15:15:32] <dooteo> I need it to grab x11 (ffmpeg x11grab)
and stream it's 'desktop/display'
1635 [15:15:55] *** Dragone2 is now known as Dragone2|Away
1636 [15:16:08] <blackflow> somiaj: yeah I see that worked nicely
and robust. No errors.
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1677 [15:28:08] <ksk> dooteo: mhhm, no Idea about ffmpeg/X, but
what are you like "really trying to do"?
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1700 [15:38:38] <dooteo> Other way to make similar question, how
can I screencast from a server with no display?
1701 [15:38:56] <dooteo> I'm using ffmpeg
1702 [15:39:14] <greycat> Feels like an X-Y, or you're
solving your problem in a very bad way.
1703 [15:39:33] <greycat> Maybe you should just be sharing the
media files instead of trying to "remotely stream" a
playback of them.
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1707 [15:41:22] <j_wrok> You could do remote X
1708 [15:41:36] *** Quits: crackpotmark (uid42871@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
1709 [15:41:54] <greycat> I'm skeptical of anything that
involves a video player on a different machine than the display
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1712 [15:42:54] <dooteo> greycat: as a project requirement, I can
not share media, gotta stream them via RTP to several display
(all-in-one) clients, meanwhile audio output is done by server
soundcard to output analog amplifier
1713 [15:42:56] <j_wrok> Heh. Yeah, this would need quite a bit of
bandwidth to work.
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1717 [15:44:19] <j_wrok> Actually, I'm not really sure how
that would work with remote X.
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1721 [15:44:50] <j_wrok> I guess the answer to that is "It
depends on how you remote X".
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1724 [15:46:02] <dooteo> j_wrok: gotta be server's local X,
not remote. Every media 'shown' on server must be captured
and streamed via RTP
1725 [15:46:16] <dooteo> but, server has no display
1726 [15:46:21] <greycat> Give it one?
1727 [15:46:25] <greycat> I mean, seriously, what *is* this.
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1729 [15:46:41] <jmcnaught> Yeah are you going to spend more money
in the form of time solving this problem than the cost of a display?
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1732 [15:47:01] *** Quits: well_laid_lawnch (~Jean-luc@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
1733 [15:47:21] <dooteo> Server will be located in a rack, and it
wont have display
1734 [15:47:29] *** Quits: Pjusur (~Pjusur@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
1735 [15:47:30] <greycat> because...?
1736 [15:47:32] *** Joins: well_laid_lawn (~Jean-luc@replaced-ip )
1737 [15:47:40] <blackflow> quick googling suggests a possibility
to use fbdev and force xorg to ignore no monitor (ignore EDID)
1738 [15:48:04] <blackflow> though personally I'd stick a gpu
into that thing for fun and profit.
1739 [15:48:11] <dooteo> blackflow: mmm... let me try
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1741 [15:49:15] <Osmosian> Hello everyone
1742 [15:49:24] <blackflow> however the $32k question is how well
is that gonna perform. you should really consider stickign a gpu in
1743 [15:49:36] <j_wrok> You don't need a monitor to have X
running, if that's what you mean by "display"
1744 [15:49:39] <greycat> I can't even fathom how you expect
to be able to magically transport, in real time, multi-megapixel
display of a video playback, even to a machine IN THE SAME ROOM, let
alone multiple clients god knows how far away....
1745 [15:50:12] *** Joins: nav2002_ (~nav2002@replaced-ip )
1746 [15:50:23] <j_wrok> Don't need a GPU to record and
1747 [15:51:04] <j_wrok> A decent server should do it easy.
(depending on factors such as what it is that needs streaming,
resolution, etc.)
1748 [15:51:06] <blackflow> dooteo: does this perchance have
anything to do with certain facebook requirements on certain live
1749 [15:51:14] *** Quits: nav2002 (~nav2002@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
1750 [15:51:55] <j_wrok> But yeah, we are not going to solve your
problem for you, especially since you seem unwilling to give any
specific information.
1751 [15:52:02] <dooteo> blackflow: no, it's a project for
trains, where travelers will view a movie, or in any time an
anouncement about next station
1752 [15:52:17] *** Joins: bralyclow01 (bralyclow@replaced-ip )
1753 [15:52:29] <j_wrok> so just stream the movie via rtp?
1754 [15:52:38] <dooteo> so, there is not enough to stream using
VLC, gotta to record 'monitor/display'
1755 [15:52:39] <j_wrok> What is this?
1756 [15:53:16] *** Quits: vvor (~vvor@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
1757 [15:53:24] <greycat> because a thin client in a MOVING TRAIN
is going to have freaking fiberoptic bandwidth to your server in a
different country. Right.
1758 [15:53:53] *** Joins: vvor (~vvor@replaced-ip )
1759 [15:53:57] <dooteo> gotta stream visual announcement as
Passenger Information System as well as movies
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1762 [15:54:53] <dooteo> greycat: server in on board too
1763 [15:55:03] <dooteo> server is onboard too
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1765 [15:55:19] <j_wrok> Yeah, that's how it usually works.
On airplanes as well.
1766 [15:55:33] <dooteo> that's right
1767 [15:55:37] <j_wrok> This is a relatively simple task, use rtp
or rtsp.
1768 [15:55:53] <j_wrok> Have channels on there for the different
1769 [15:56:08] *** Quits: sobkas (~sobkas@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1770 [15:56:27] <j_wrok> The rest is done on the clients.
1771 [15:56:56] <dooteo> so each client cat switch from RTP
channel to other channel?
1772 [15:57:02] *** Quits: Kevlar_Noir (~manjaro-u@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
1773 [15:57:03] <dooteo> can
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1788 [16:04:18] <j_wrok> so each client can stream the channel it
1789 [16:04:18] *** Joins: nav2002_ (~nav2002@replaced-ip )
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1791 [16:05:51] <dooteo> j_wrok: all clients must show same
content at same time (synked)
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1794 [16:07:03] <j_wrok> ok then no channels
1795 [16:07:04] *** Quits: Sepultura (~quassel@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ##replaced-url
1796 [16:07:08] <j_wrok> saves some bandwidth as well
1797 [16:08:12] <dooteo> RTP using Multicast
1798 [16:08:33] *** Joins: rampant (~rampant@replaced-ip )
1799 [16:09:18] <rampant> hello, I am trying to use the sury
packages on my debian installation but I am getting errors similar
to the ones listed here:
1800 [16:09:25] <rampant> does anybody have a solution
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1803 [16:09:55] <rampant> i am trying to install PHP7.1
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1807 [16:10:58] <rampant> but it keeps failing with the same
errors. i am also unable to use wget to get the gpg file (i manually
transferred it using ftp to /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
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1810 [16:11:30] <jmcnaught> rampant: this looks like a problem
you'd need to go to for support
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1815 [16:12:55] <cusco> backports bring php 7.3 .. I would rather
use that than some external repo
1816 [16:13:11] *** Joins: ksk (~ksk@replaced-ip )
1817 [16:13:35] <donofrio> what files do I need to copy the mirror
on the client so my .deb's would all be local - right now I
have no mirror, no gpg/key appiled because no gpg utils installed
so.....or do you know command and files needed to scp to client from
my workstation upstairs to powerpc g5 tower?
1818 [16:14:21] <greycat> cusco: what package name is that?
It's not "php-fpm" or "php7.3-fpm"
1819 [16:14:45] <jmcnaught> I don't see php7.3 in
1820 [16:14:57] <greycat> yeah, I'm not finding anything
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1822 [16:15:57] <jelly> those are likely coming from
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1825 [16:16:08] <jelly> !
1826 [16:16:08] <dpkg> Short instructions for sury's php deb
builds can be found at
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1830 [16:16:49] <rampant> jelly: I already did half of that
1831 [16:16:51] <jelly> arguably if you don't trust sury you
probably should not run php from either debian or ubuntu...
1832 [16:17:05] <rampant> and that's why GPG import is
failing because it keeps giving me a 403 error over wget
1833 [16:17:24] <jelly> contact him directly, then
1834 [16:17:35] <rampant> i had to download it over windows and
then used ftp to drop it into the directory
1835 [16:17:40] <rampant> yes just sent him an email
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1841 [16:19:04] <jelly> rampant: um, there's no 403 error in
your gist
1842 [16:19:42] <jelly> there's a Err:4
1843 [16:19:42] <jelly> Received HTTP code 503 from proxy after
1844 [16:19:46] *** Quits: Kevlar_Noir (~manjaro-u@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
1845 [16:19:56] <jelly> which explicitely says your proxy is
1846 [16:20:08] <jmcnaught> I just noticed that jist is from last
1847 [16:20:26] <jelly> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
1848 [16:20:31] *** Joins: yurihs (~yurihs@replaced-ip )
1849 [16:20:52] <jelly> rampant: can you show _your_ whole output
and errors?
1850 [16:21:36] <rampant> may I DM?
1851 [16:22:10] <rampant> or let me just screenshot it, hold up
1852 [16:22:14] <greycat> I... I don't ... I guess I have no
idea what a "gist" even is. I thought it was like a paste.
But this thing has a *comment* from another user, and we're
supposed to be reacting to the comment?
1853 [16:22:34] *** Quits: Brigo (~Brigo@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1854 [16:22:53] <greycat> or, wait, even the COMMENT is a year old
1855 [16:22:54] *** Joins: Brigo (~Brigo@replaced-ip )
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1857 [16:22:56] <greycat> so it's not even a comment from YOU
1858 [16:23:23] <greycat> you're using a COMMENT made by
SOMEONE ELSE on a THIRD PERSON's instructional web site which
is disguised as a ?!
1859 [16:23:50] *** Quits: drzacek (~drzacek@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
1860 [16:23:58] <rampant>
1861 [16:24:04] <greycat> All in pursuit of PHP 7.1, because PHP.
*throws hands in the air*
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1865 [16:25:18] <jelly> rampant: it's nicer you use a
text-based paste site like
1866 [16:25:36] *** Quits: Osmosian (~osmosian@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
1867 [16:25:48] <rampant> :( it's a VM
1868 [16:26:05] <greycat> So what?
1869 [16:26:16] <greycat> You ssh into a VM just like you ssh into
a physical server.
1870 [16:26:31] <greycat> You paste text from the terminal in
which you're running ssh.
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1874 [16:27:33] <donofrio> does Kubernetes/docker run on ppc64?
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1877 [16:28:43] <rampant>
1878 [16:29:02] <jelly> donofrio: no reason why it wouldn't
run. Finding images created specifically for ppc64el might be a
different problem
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1885 [16:36:04] <EdePopede> is it safe to claim bash being the
default shell on debian? if so, since when? even in the days of
1886 [16:36:33] <greycat> It's the default interactive shell.
Not the default /bin/sh for scripts.
1887 [16:36:33] <somiaj> EdePopede: depends on what you mean by
default, default user yes, default system no (look at dash)
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1890 [16:37:17] <EdePopede> dash was the one with everything
included? (but yeah, i'll check)
1891 [16:37:42] *** Quits: freanux (~freanux@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
1892 [16:37:47] <somiaj> dash is a minimial shell for scripts (not
for interactive use) and has most stuff stripped out of it
1893 [16:37:51] <EdePopede> was about most people expecting bash
instead of, say, zsh. so i'd take this as a yes.
1894 [16:38:04] <EdePopede> ah, the other direction then
1895 [16:38:13] <somiaj> it is much faster than bash
1896 [16:38:24] *** Quits: napnap (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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1898 [16:38:27] <greycat> EdePopede: what are you really asking?
1899 [16:38:38] <EdePopede> what was the fat one then? for
emergency and the like, with everything included.
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1902 [16:38:53] <greycat> ... busybox?!
1903 [16:38:59] <greycat> I still don't know what you're
1904 [16:39:06] *** Joins: Tenkawa (~Tenkawa@replaced-ip )
1905 [16:39:13] <somiaj> bash is really fat, I can't think of
a shell that has more features than bash.
1906 [16:39:20] <greycat> zsh
1907 [16:39:30] <EdePopede> about the shells used as standard and
since when. and would have to find my old disks to find out about
1908 [16:39:32] *** Quits: P0G (~pogay@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
1909 [16:39:41] <greycat> EdePopede: for what *purpose*?
1910 [16:39:57] <EdePopede> to get things sorted out?
1911 [16:39:58] <ayekitten> EdePopede: also, there is no single
"standard" shell, because it depends
1912 [16:40:07] <greycat> No, "used as standard" FOR
1913 [16:40:15] <ayekitten> EdePopede: "sorted out" in
what context?
1914 [16:40:18] <greycat> The standard end user interactive shell?
1915 [16:40:26] <somiaj> bash has been the defacto standard
interactive shell in linux for a long time (though can't recall
back to hamm), but this has always been configurable.
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1918 [16:41:23] <EdePopede> greycat: most probably. bash is for
interactive, dash for non-interactive scripts, and right, busybox
with everything included. and zsh.
1919 [16:41:42] <greycat> Default end user shell has been bash for
as long as I've been using Debian. Maybe since Debian began, I
1920 [16:41:46] <Tenkawa> EdePopede: that is completely incorrect
1921 [16:42:14] <EdePopede> since i never used anything else than
bash knowingly that's something i probably read during the days
of my first installs. some HOWTO or whatever, digged through a lot
of docs back then
1922 [16:42:26] <greycat> I still don't know what you're
1923 [16:42:30] *** Quits: rampant (~rampant@replaced-ip ) ()
1924 [16:42:50] <somiaj> EdePopede: also what is the purpose of
this, in many cases the shells are configurable, and some scripts
include a she-bang to indicate needing to use a specific shell. If
you mean what /bin/sh links to, that is dash.
1925 [16:42:56] <EdePopede> Tenkawa: well, that's how
i've read what has been written so far
1926 [16:43:24] <somiaj> If you are talking about the shell that
gets put into /etc/passwd for standard (non system) users, that is
1927 [16:43:24] <greycat> The answers are all over the place
because the questions are all over the place.
1928 [16:43:33] *** Quits: eki (~eki@replaced-ip ) (Quit: leaving)
1929 [16:43:33] <ayekitten> if you ask confusing questions,
you'll get confusing answers
1930 [16:43:46] <jelly> EdePopede: are you looking for a recovery
shell with lots of builtin commands?
1931 [16:43:54] <jelly> !wayttd EdePopede
1932 [16:43:54] <dpkg> What Are You Trying To Do, EdePopede?
1933 [16:44:08] <EdePopede> "configurable" by whom? i
don't think i ever *actively* selected bash, the only time i
went that far was when i stripped down the installation to the bones
to see what it would install in the end
1934 [16:44:15] <greycat> By the system administrator.
1935 [16:44:39] <greycat> grep DSHELL /etc/adduser.conf
1936 [16:44:44] <somiaj> can't the user change it with chsh
as well?
1937 [16:45:06] <greycat> Yes, users can select their own shell,
but I thought the question was about the sys admin setting up the
default shell for new accountgs.
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1941 [16:45:57] <greycat> And then the layer after that is
"Debian setting up the default default-login-shell entry in
adduser.conf on new installs".
1942 [16:46:18] <greycat> There are probably layers above that as
well. Trends of the Linux community.
1943 [16:46:31] <greycat> I still don't know what is the ONE
THING being asked for.
1944 [16:46:35] *** Joins: _Vi (~vi@replaced-ip )
1945 [16:46:53] <EdePopede> 1) sometimes people don't even
try to DO anything, they want to KNOW what's going on. 2) in
the typical home environment (especially with no internet access at
all) there isn't any dedicated system administrator. just a
person with a CD (or a stack of floppies back then), a standalone PC
and maybe some printed documentation.
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1949 [16:47:01] <greycat> What is the One Thing you want to know?
1950 [16:47:39] <somiaj> I also find 'what is the
default' questions very vague, since this can easily be
changed. If you want to see a default, just look.
1951 [16:48:15] <somiaj> EdePopede: and why does the default on a
20 year old release matter much? It was most likely bash. bash has
been one of the standard shells in linux for a long time.
1952 [16:48:18] <EdePopede> so i have to put it all into one
single term? then maybe: debian's default usage of shells.
"default" meaning of course the presets of the
1953 [16:48:29] *** Joins: xcm (~xcm@replaced-ip )
1954 [16:48:40] <greycat> ... again, context. What are you ASKING
about shells?
1955 [16:48:40] *** Quits: mkowalski (~mkowalski@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1956 [16:48:51] <somiaj> as greycat pointed you at adduser.conf,
go download the source from for hamm, and see
what it says.
1957 [16:49:17] <EdePopede> "could you tell me the time,
please?" "why do you care?"
1958 [16:49:22] <Tenkawa> greycat: I havent heard a defined
question yet
1959 [16:49:24] *** Quits: napnap (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1960 [16:49:45] <greycat> Near as I can tell, he wants an ESSAY
about Debian's usage of shell programs, in every context, in
every release.
1961 [16:49:52] <greycat> Nobody is going to write all that for
1962 [16:49:57] *** Quits: progart (~kamee@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving.)
1963 [16:50:46] <EdePopede> somiaj: oh right. instead of someone
knowing the answer to a simple question sharing it in one sentence
the "modern" solution is of course to download in image of
hundreds of megabytes and send the person asking to a hunt maybe
taking a few days.
1964 [16:50:58] <dooteo> greycat: j_wrok: done. It is set at
/etc/X11/xorg.conf . gotta use 'dummy' driver, set proper
modelines and modes
1965 [16:51:00] <greycat> YOU HAVE NOT YET ASKED A
1966 [16:51:14] *** Quits: Brigo (~Brigo@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1967 [16:51:17] <dooteo> If you want me I can share xorg.conf file
at pastebin
1968 [16:52:16] <EdePopede> that's exactly the reason why i
left #bash. the user unfriendly attitude of some regulars there. if
i'd be sitting in front of you right now, you'd smash me
against the wall, right?
1969 [16:52:30] <greycat> If you would ask a simple question, you
would get a simple answer.
1970 [16:52:48] <greycat> I've been trying to dig the simple
question out of you for about 10 minutes now. I'm done trying.
Have a nice day.
1971 [16:53:05] *** Joins: napnap (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip )
1972 [16:53:11] <somiaj> EdePopede: you have been given lots of
answers, but you are asking about 20 years ago, maybe our memeory
isn't as good as actually looking it up.
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1975 [16:53:52] *** annadane_ is now known as annadane
1976 [16:53:54] <somiaj> the answer has been probaby bash for
interactive shells, and scripts, I'm not quite sure when dash
was added to debian.
1977 [16:54:20] *** Quits: ich (~ich@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Ex-Chat)
1978 [16:54:21] <somiaj> if you want to know about
jessie/stretch/buster, bash will be the default interactive shell if
a user does nothing and just installs debian.
1979 [16:54:25] <greycat> The switch from /bin/sh -> bash to
/bin/sh -> dash by default but bash if you override it, was
probably around squeeze or so.
1980 [16:54:48] <jmcnaught>
1981 [16:54:48] <greycat> I think Ubuntu actually made the /bin/sh
switch before Debian did, but not by a long time.
1982 [16:54:50] *** Quits: knidos (~knidos@replaced-ip ) (Quit: WeeChat 1.9.1)
1983 [16:55:02] <j_wrok> dooteo, I do not think you need Xorg for
1984 [16:55:05] *** Quits: bralyclow (bralyclow@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1985 [16:55:07] <somiaj> (though I think you may break things if
you point /bin/sh -> /bin/bash now, at least the docs warn
against this, since it is not tested)
1986 [16:55:10] <j_wrok> just ffmpeg with correct commandline
should be fine
1987 [16:55:20] <greycat> But I don't know whether that
ignored person was asking about /bin/sh or not. I tried multiple
times to get clarity.
1988 [16:55:23] <EdePopede> somiaj: well, maybe. but then exactly
this would be a corresponding answer, that too much time has passed
to remember it. i was new at that whole thing back then and on my
own, so i couldn't even put things into context like someone
working in in IT company maybe even with a fitting degree would have
been able to.
1989 [16:55:44] <greycat> They don't seem to possess the
basic knowledge of what a shell *is* yet.
1990 [16:55:57] *** Joins: Tom01 (~tom@replaced-ip )
1991 [16:55:58] <dooteo> j_wrok: AFAIK Xorg is needed for ffmpeg
to be able to x11grab
1992 [16:55:59] *** Quits: sdgsdgsdgsdgd (~sutherlan@replaced-ip ) ()
1993 [16:56:13] <Tenkawa> dash - 1997
1994 [16:56:30] <Tenkawa> according to wikipedia
1995 [16:56:48] <Tenkawa> er 2002
1996 [16:57:02] <Tenkawa> added to debian
1997 [16:57:27] <Tenkawa> created in 97... added to debian in 2002
1998 [16:57:55] *** Joins: bralyclow (bralyclow@replaced-ip )
1999 [16:58:20] <greycat> the changelog for dash reports that the
early versions were called "ash", and were in Debian in
2000 [16:58:40] <greycat> ash (0.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
2001 [16:58:42] <EdePopede> jmcnaught: that link was the answer.
only, the sentence with the terminal sounds somehow contradictory?
2002 [16:58:43] <greycat> * Initial Release.
2003 [16:58:47] <greycat> -- Herbert Xu <>
Thu, 19 Jun 1997 19:29:16 +1000
2004 [16:59:07] <Tenkawa> ahh
2005 [16:59:15] <greycat> * Renamed to dash --- the Debian
Almquist Shell.
2006 [16:59:17] <greycat> -- Herbert Xu <>
Fri, 13 Sep 2002 20:35:06 +1000
2007 [16:59:29] <jelly> we were experimenting with /bin/sh ->
dash way back in etch
2008 [16:59:40] *** Quits: P1ersson (~P1ersson@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2009 [16:59:46] <Tenkawa> that was never reflected in wikipedia
2010 [16:59:49] <jelly> (we is a local team, not debian)
2011 [17:00:04] *** Dragone2|Away is now known as Dragone2
2012 [17:00:05] <Tenkawa> intriguing it was netbsd
2013 [17:00:08] <jelly> most stuff worked, not many init scripts
needed fixing
2014 [17:00:22] <j_wrok> what do you need x11grab for dooteo ?
2015 [17:00:50] <Tenkawa> I liked the older *BSD stuff
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2077 [17:27:25] <afidegnum> hello, i can't seems to find
php7.0-geoip installed on my deiban 9 with nginx, via apt-get, what
do i need to make it enabled?
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2080 [17:28:50] <somiaj> Where did you install this from (it
isn't from debian), maybe read the docs on doing a local
install of php
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2093 [17:34:04] <jelly> afidegnum: the package is actually called
2094 [17:34:25] <jelly> ,provides php-geoip
2095 [17:34:26] <judd> Package php-geoip in stretch/amd64
provides: php7.0-geoip.
2096 [17:34:37] <Tenkawa> virtual pkg
2097 [17:34:45] <Tenkawa> right?
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2099 [17:35:01] <jelly> afidegnum: "apt-cache search php
geoip" would have been useful
2100 [17:35:27] <jelly> yes
2101 [17:35:32] <Tenkawa> yep...
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2103 [17:35:59] <Tenkawa> well... time to go get some stuff done..
cheers all
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2106 [17:36:23] <jelly> !karma Tenkawa
2107 [17:36:23] <dpkg> tenkawa has neutral karma
2108 [17:36:34] <jelly> Tenkawa++
2109 [17:36:38] <jelly> !karma Tenkawa
2110 [17:36:38] <dpkg> tenkawa has neutral karma
2111 [17:36:47] <jelly> !Tenkawa++
2112 [17:36:51] <jelly> !karma Tenkawa
2113 [17:36:51] <dpkg> tenkawa has karma of 1
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2121 [17:41:12] <annadane> yeah that's not easily abused
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2138 [17:50:37] <afidegnum> jelly: so will php-geoip cover php7 ?
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2144 [17:51:24] <jelly> afidegnum: there is no other php in Debian
9 to cover
2145 [17:51:37] <afidegnum> ok,
2146 [17:52:05] <afidegnum> i just checked php-geoip is even
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2153 [17:52:59] <afidegnum> jelly: what about the one with pecl?
what's its use?
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can get shot if you crack smiles and shit...)
2164 [18:00:50] <jelly> afidegnum: almost every interpreted
language has its own package/extension management system, choosing
whether to go with distro packages or language's stuff is a
matter of your own choice, and each has some benefits and some
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2182 [18:15:40] <jelly> afidegnum: going with distro packages when
available means you're going to get security fixes from the
distro. Going with PECL means latest code.
2183 [18:16:07] <jelly> (if I remember what pecl is correctly)
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2189 [18:17:47] <j_wrok> Depending on how you use it, it may also
poo all over your system and confuse the os package manager.
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2222 [18:32:22] <jhutchins_wk> Using both the OS & language
package managers is likely to end up with a mess.
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2232 [18:38:40] <somiaj> it depends a lot on the adminstration of
such things, there are ways to do it so it works just fine.
2233 [18:39:05] <somiaj> though leaving dpkg/apt from manging such
stuff for you, adds more work and thought to the administrator
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2236 [18:40:26] <somiaj> Thuogh more and more, languages are using
virtual enviorments in their own enviorment_root, making this a lot
easier than times past.
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2311 [19:26:49] <DammitJim> I'm trying to set up NIC bonding
on buster
2312 [19:27:00] <DammitJim> but I'm confused as to what is
handling my network connections
2313 [19:27:09] <DammitJim> or how I need to configure it
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2319 [19:31:42] <blackflow> DammitJim: /etc/network/interfaces
perchance? that is to say teh ifupdown package, unless you run gnome
or something with NetworkManager
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2322 [19:34:19] <DammitJim> no, no network manager
2323 [19:34:33] <DammitJim> I did it on /etc/network/interfaces
2324 [19:34:43] <DammitJim> maybe my expectations are incorrect
2325 [19:34:59] <DammitJim> the bond is there, but the underlying
interfaces: enps0s6 is showing an IP address
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2327 [19:35:07] <DammitJim> I thought the bond0 would have the IP
2328 [19:35:19] <jelly> DammitJim: have you even set up a bond
iface on earlier debian?
2329 [19:35:34] <DammitJim> I can't say I have... I've
done it in Ubuntu
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2331 [19:35:54] <jelly> did you "ifdown enps0s6" before
removing it from the config?
2332 [19:36:07] <jelly> that's useful to keep a clean state
2333 [19:36:18] <DammitJim> hhmmmm... I don't think I did
2334 [19:36:27] <jelly> otherwise you might want to reboot now,
hope you have console access!
2335 [19:36:39] <DammitJim> oh, I did this a couple of days ago
2336 [19:37:03] <DammitJim> I followed this:
2337 [19:37:04] <jelly> or put it back, ifdown all the members,
ifdown bond0, then remove member config again, ifup bond0
2338 [19:38:03] <DammitJim> I don't think I'm using
systemd-networkd because that unit is disabled on this system
2339 [19:38:14] <jelly> DammitJim: if youi followed that, it said
"unconfigure existing interfaces" right after
"install stuff"
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2342 [19:38:38] <jelly> # ifdown eth0 (Repeat for all interfaces
included in the bond)
2343 [19:38:50] <DammitJim> jelly, I guess I indirectly
ifdown'd the interfaces when I did: /etc/init.d/networking stop
2344 [19:38:56] <jelly> ^ if you forgot that you'd have
similar symptoms
2345 [19:39:01] <kryl> hi there where can I find the file :
/etc/logrotate.d/httpd-prerotate please ?
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2347 [19:39:03] <DammitJim> oh
2348 [19:39:06] <DammitJim> shoot!
2349 [19:39:07] <jelly> DammitJim: that is NOT enough
2350 [19:39:14] <DammitJim> yeah, I didn't do the first line
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2352 [19:39:24] <DammitJim> ok, brb... let's see if I can
come back in LOL
2353 [19:39:41] <greycat> ,file logrotate.d/httpd-pretorate
2354 [19:39:47] <judd> No packages in stretch/amd64 were found
with that file.
2355 [19:39:49] <jelly> kryl: use apt-file, or ask the judd bot:
/msg judd file httpd-prerotate
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2357 [19:40:21] * jelly sends praetors for greycat
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2359 [19:40:34] <jhutchins_wk> kryl: From past experience, the
prerotate is a section of the http logrotate file.
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2361 [19:40:40] <jhutchins_wk> httpd
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2363 [19:40:49] <jelly> judd file httpd-prerotate
2364 [19:40:53] <judd> No packages in stretch/amd64 were found
with that file.
2365 [19:41:02] <jelly> nope, not even with right speling
2366 [19:41:19] <jelly> kryl: which debian release is this? What
does dpkg -S /etc/logrotate.d/httpd-prerotate say?
2367 [19:42:03] <jelly> if you say "it's not debian
it's ..." we're obligated to frown and shake heads
2368 [19:42:05] <greycat> I think kryl *thinks* that such a file
is *supposed* to exist, but does not exist, and is wondering where
to find it, but won't say why kryl *expects* this file to
exist, or why the file does not currently exist.
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2376 [19:43:49] <greycat> the initial wording was "where can
I find the file", not "what is this file" or
"why is this file here"
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2380 [19:46:00] <jelly> it's unlikely to be part of Debian
what with Debian not having a package named "httpd"
2381 [19:46:23] <Guest14741> changed wording detected
2382 [19:46:38] <jelly> yellow alert!
2383 [19:47:04] <greycat> I'm imagining they have some goal
in mind, which they will not reveal under ANY circumstances, and in
pursuit of this goal, they found some crappy "guide"
somewhere on the web, and this guide has an example in it, and in
this example they mention this file, and even though the
"guide" was written for RHEL or something, they're
asking here.
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2491 [20:10:19] <jhutchins_wk> Wow, my buster vm certainly boots
to usability quickly.
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2502 [20:18:03] <kryl> jelly, thank you
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2507 [20:18:30] <Roxanne_98> --- Control me during my Live.
I've toys ready and I am already wet. I have 2 free VIP Invites
left. Be quick and get 1 of them! Believe me, the fun is guaranteed!
Enter now --->
2508 [20:18:31] <kryl> jelly, apparently there is no such file for
stretch... if someone know any equivalent ?
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2525 [20:31:31] <jhutchins_wk> kryl: I wouldn't expect a
separate file.
2526 [20:31:57] <jhutchins_wk> kryl: I would expect prerotate to
be part of the main apache logrotate file.
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2529 [20:32:51] <greycat> Which by the way is named
"/etc/logrotate.d/apache2" because this is Debian, not Red
Hat or whatever.
2530 [20:32:51] <jmcnaught> It's not a file, it's a
directory and if it exists then /etc/logrotate.d/apache2 executes
run-parts on it
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2532 [20:32:58] <kryl> jhutchins_wk, Yep I can guess that.
I'll just rely on the reload... I'm just wondering why
nginx continue to use this config in stretch ...
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2534 [20:33:19] <greycat> jmcnaught: ahh.
2535 [20:33:29] * greycat tries actually *reading*
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2549 [20:40:27] <kryl> greycat please have a look in the default
/etc/logrotate.d/nginx installed with nginx, it doesn't use
/etc/logrotate.d/apache2 maybe they missed something. :-)
2550 [20:41:04] <greycat> What are you trying to do?
2551 [20:41:06] <kryl> My question is : would it be a problem to
rotate the logs without problems without this alternative script for
2552 [20:41:21] <greycat> wooledg:~$ less /etc/logrotate.d/nginx
2553 [20:41:24] <greycat> if [ -d /etc/logrotate.d/httpd-prerotate
]; then \
2554 [20:41:31] <kryl> I didn't find the old one I have to
get stretch to read it.
2555 [20:41:39] <kryl> sorry to get wheezy...
2556 [20:41:51] <kryl> yep so it won't use it.
2557 [20:41:55] *** Quits: Renari (~Renari@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2558 [20:42:02] <greycat> I won't even try to guess why the
authors of these logrotate config files thought that apache2 and
nginx could *share* prerotate scripts.
2559 [20:42:25] <kryl> forget that I'll install wheezy and
read the script. that's better :)
2560 [20:42:57] *** Quits: bolt_ (~r00t@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2561 [20:43:04] *** Joins: slicktrail (~slick@replaced-ip )
2562 [20:43:14] <kopper> How is wheezy better for anything at this
2563 [20:43:22] *** Joins: bolt (~r00t@replaced-ip )
2564 [20:43:38] <greycat> As I said an hour ago, they will not
reveal their goal under ANY circumstances.
2565 [20:43:40] <kryl> kopper, because I didn't find the
script and I know it's coming with this version of debian.
2566 [20:43:53] <greycat> WHAT script? WHAT is "coming"?
2567 [20:44:23] *** Joins: queip (~queip@replaced-ip )
2568 [20:44:24] <kryl> this one : /etc/logrotate.d/httpd-prerotate
2569 [20:44:28] *** Joins: fuzzface (~fuzzface@replaced-ip )
2570 [20:44:29] <greycat> It's not a SCRIPT.
2571 [20:44:40] <greycat> It's an OPTIONAL DIRECTORY where
you can PUT scripts.
2572 [20:44:47] <kryl> yes I got it
2573 [20:44:53] <greycat> Do you not understand what [ -d ... ]
means in a shell script?
2574 [20:45:05] <kryl> ok ... the scripts under the directory.
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2587 [20:50:48] <jhutchins_wk> Um... why would you be looking at
apache logrotate when you're not running apache?
2588 [20:50:59] *** Joins: areyouloco (~areyouloc@replaced-ip )
2589 [20:51:23] <greycat> We mentioned it first, because kryl
never bothered to say WHICH web server they were using.
2590 [20:51:42] <areyouloco> hi I want to cross compile for armhf
on stretch. which crosscompiler should I download and how to set it
in CROSS_COMPILE="stuff"
2591 [20:51:46] *** Quits: karakedi (~eAC53C340@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2592 [20:51:47] <jelly> kryl: can you state what's wrong in
the first place?
2593 [20:51:49] <greycat> Because that would be too close to
revealing their goal, or providing enough basic common sense
background information to answer a question.
2594 [20:51:49] <jelly> !ask
2595 [20:51:49] <dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For
example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian
version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I
expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if
anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all
volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get
an answer try a few hours later or on
See <smart questions><errors>.
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2600 [20:52:25] <kryl> jhutchins_wk, because stretch nginx package
install by default a logrotate script including a script and
I'm curious to understand what they want to do :-) especially
because that won't work actually. The script under this
directory are just ignored.
2601 [20:52:38] <greycat> FINALLY\
2602 [20:52:42] <greycat> AN ACTUAL QUESTION
2603 [20:52:58] <greycat> kryl: The script names inside the
directory must conform to the restrictions in run-parts(8).
2604 [20:53:03] <jelly> areyouloco: "apt-cache search gcc
cross armhf" shows a couple candidates
2605 [20:53:11] <greycat> In particular, the script names must NOT
have periods in them.
2606 [20:54:12] <greycat> Any files in the directory that do NOT
conform to the run-parts naming rules are assumed to be backups, or
default files that are not installed (like *.dpkg-new), and are not
2607 [20:54:37] <areyouloco> jelly: thx I have found
crossbuild-essential-armhf package
2608 [20:54:37] <areyouloco> the one you mentioned included
2609 [20:54:37] <areyouloco> now how do I set the crosscompiler?
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2614 [20:55:15] <jelly> I don't actually know anything about
crosscompiling, sorry
2615 [20:55:41] <areyouloco> jelly: thx anyway
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2617 [20:57:18] <slicktrail> Hello all. I have some questions in
regards to how debian patches the kernel. Ive currently ran the
'' script to deblob the latest v5.1.15 kernel
and now have an 'orig' directory with
'linux_5.1.15.orig.tar.xz' in it. I have unpacked it and
can now run 'make menuconfig' to start my configuration.
However, Does Debian apply any patches to the kernel when they build
the vanilla kernel? Or is
2618 [20:57:25] <slicktrail> that the typical process of how they
go about building the vanilla kernel?
2619 [20:57:41] <greycat> !kernel handbook
2620 [20:57:41] <dpkg> The Debian Linux Kernel Handbook
2621 [20:57:47] <kryl> greycat, interresting
2622 [20:57:54] *** Quits: bittin__ (~bittin@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Lost terminal)
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2627 [20:58:33] <telmac> how do I increase jack frames? I'm
running jackd 0.124.1
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2634 [21:02:26] <Primer> trial and error, process of elimination
2635 [21:02:33] <Primer> I do it with a lowlatency kernel
2636 [21:02:54] <Primer> Linux daw 4.19.37-041937-lowlatency
#201904270929 SMP PREEMPT Sat Apr 27 09:35:11 UTC 2019 x86_64
2637 [21:03:07] *** Joins: davidep8922 (~davidep89@replaced-ip )
2638 [21:03:14] <Primer> I'm running jackd at 44.1/64/2, for
2.9ms latency, as reported by qjackctl
2639 [21:03:51] *** Quits: flipxyz (~flip@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2640 [21:03:56] <jhutchins_wk> I set up a multi-effects emulator
with jack and messed with it. It was like playing through a tape
delay. Mildly amusing but unusable.
2641 [21:04:00] <Primer> 1.5ms as reported by ardour
though...still not sure how that works
2642 [21:04:05] *** Quits: omonk (~omonk@replaced-ip ) (Quit: quit)
2643 [21:04:15] <Primer> you have to tune it
2644 [21:04:20] *** Quits: majuscul2 (~majuscule@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
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2646 [21:04:29] *** Quits: czart (~czart@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2647 [21:04:46] <Primer> I'm able to play a guitar through my
sound card, into the computer, into ardour for processing, and back
out, all in less time it takes sound to travel between my speakers
and my ears
2648 [21:05:01] *** Quits: Gazooo (~Gazooo@replaced-ip##) (Quit: The Lounge - ##replaced-url
2649 [21:05:07] <telmac> Primer: I meant just like, what command?
2650 [21:05:18] *** Joins: jnavila (~jnavila@replaced-ip )
2651 [21:05:25] <telmac> I'm mostly clueless, I'm trying
to fix a crash in ardour
2652 [21:05:26] <Primer> as sound travels about 1ft per ms. The
only good use of the standard system! (I borrowed that from at0m!!)
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2654 [21:05:43] *** Joins: eduardo_ (~eduardo@replaced-ip )
2655 [21:05:46] <Primer> fixing jackd is not going to fix your
ardour problem, IMO, but...we can try
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2659 [21:06:28] *** Joins: DammitJim (~DammitJim@replaced-ip )
2660 [21:06:44] <Primer> First, are you running ardour from a
terminal? If not, you should
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2664 [21:07:11] <Primer> Also, if you're not using ardour
5.12...then you need to use ardour 5.12
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2666 [21:07:49] <telmac> what do you mean, need?
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2679 [21:10:34] <jhutchins_wk> ,v ardour
2680 [21:10:35] <judd> Package: ardour on amd64 -- jessie:
1:2.8.16+git20131003+dfsg1-1~deb8u1; stretch: 1:5.5.0~dfsg-1+b1;
buster: 1:5.12.0-3; sid: 1:5.12.0-3
2681 [21:10:58] <jhutchins_wk> Primer: I figured low-latency was
the next thing to try, but I ran out of time/enthusiasm.
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2687 [21:12:30] <Primer> jhutchins_wk: I've built a dedicated
DAW that I've been futzing with for months now
2688 [21:12:56] <Primer> 5 displays, Behringer UMC404HD, drums,
guitars, mics.
2689 [21:13:22] *** Joins: RebelCoder (~RebelCode@replaced-ip )
2690 [21:13:26] <jhutchins_wk> Nice
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2692 [21:13:53] <jhutchins_wk> Bah, what's the name of the
kernel headers package?
2693 [21:14:01] <greycat> linux-headers-$(uname -r)
2694 [21:14:16] <jhutchins_wk> Thank you. Getting old beats the
2695 [21:14:51] <greycat> Sucking the life force out of children
in a necromantic ritual to halt aging?
2696 [21:15:15] *** Joins: qxt (~holyfathe@replaced-ip )
2697 [21:15:15] <jhutchins_wk> Yeah, the cops start to get
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2705 [21:17:13] <jhutchins_wk> Is there a lightweight version of
build-essentials that doesn't install the kitchen sink? (Trying
to build VBox extensions.)
2706 [21:17:18] *** Joins: _till_ (~till@replaced-ip )
2707 [21:17:33] <greycat> build-essential is already kinda slim
2708 [21:17:48] *** Quits: bolt_ (~r00t@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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2711 [21:18:05] <greycat> Depends: libc6-dev | libc-dev, gcc
(>= 4:8.3), g++ (>= 4:8.3), make, dpkg-dev (>= 1.17.11)
2712 [21:18:22] *** Quits: telmac (~telmac@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Lost terminal)
2713 [21:19:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1535
2714 [21:19:33] <jhutchins_wk> Yeah, I think I was probably
looking at the recommends.
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2718 [21:20:32] <greycat> It has no recommends or suggests, but
maybe you're looking at recommends/suggests from dpkg-dev or
2719 [21:20:54] *** Quits: dxdz (~dizzdexx@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
2720 [21:21:08] <jhutchins_wk> Ah, suggests, not recommends.
2721 [21:21:30] *** Quits: Kevlar_Noir (~manjaro-u@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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2725 [21:22:17] <subopt> How do i tell bash/readline to treat
underscores as part of the identifier when doing forward-word ?
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2730 [21:23:19] <jhutchins_wk> There we go, fullscreen buster.
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2738 [21:30:10] <DammitJim> ok, I configured the bonding for bond0
on /etc/network/interfaces
2739 [21:30:15] *** Parts: timdau (~paul@replaced-ip ) ()
2740 [21:30:26] <DammitJim> however, when I rebooted, bond0
didn't automatically get an IP address
2741 [21:30:32] <DammitJim> nor did it show up when I did an: ip
2742 [21:30:40] <DammitJim> I had to: ifup bond0
2743 [21:32:33] <jelly> DammitJim: can you show your interface
file, "ip a" and "ip r" and "cat
/proc/net/bonding/bond0" _before_ the manual ifup
2744 [21:32:34] *** Quits: ibalerio (~ibalerio@replaced-ip##) (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (##replaced-url
2745 [21:32:45] <jelly> and after, perhaps, as well
2746 [21:33:00] <jelly> I meant /etc/network/interfaces
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2748 [21:34:07] <DammitJim> working on it
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2751 [21:35:20] <DammitJim>
2752 [21:35:22] <DammitJim> that's after
2753 [21:35:30] <DammitJim> let me reboot to do the before capture
2754 [21:35:38] <somiaj> DammitJim: do you have an auto bond0 in
your interfaces file?
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2759 [21:39:35] <DammitJim>
2760 [21:39:37] <DammitJim> that's before
2761 [21:39:58] <DammitJim> somiaj, I do not
2762 [21:40:02] <DammitJim> oh, is that it?
2763 [21:40:15] *** Quits: winy (~vince@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving.)
2764 [21:40:35] <DammitJim> let me try that, brb
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2766 [21:42:19] *** Joins: DammitJim (~DammitJim@replaced-ip )
2767 [21:42:34] <somiaj> auto foo is the line needed to bring up
foo (basically run ifup foo) at boot
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2769 [21:42:47] <DammitJim> ok, that was it!
2770 [21:42:50] <DammitJim> oh gosh
2771 [21:43:04] <DammitJim> I thought allow-hotplug did the same +
more, but that's definitely not the case!
2772 [21:43:22] <DammitJim> now, what is responsible for doing
this? ifupdown?
2773 [21:43:34] <DammitJim> I mean, I don't have
network-manager nor connman or anything like that
2774 [21:43:46] <greycat> allow-hotplug means the system will
continue on without the interface being all the way up
2775 [21:43:53] <DammitJim> I do see that there is an
avahi-autoipd package
2776 [21:44:14] <DammitJim> oh, so I should set that, too because
sometimes the interface might not be plugged in...
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2779 [21:45:06] <somiaj> auto foo, is short for allow-auto foo,
then when 'ifup --allow=auto' is run, every interface that
has allow-auto foo (or auto foo) is brought up
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2782 [21:45:53] <somiaj> would the bond0 be able to detect if it
is plugged in or not? I'm not sure on that.
2783 [21:46:19] *** Joins: lead_pipe23 (~Lead@replaced-ip )
2784 [21:46:38] <somiaj> and in more detail allow-hotplug should
bring interfaces up and down when a plug is added/removed from the
interface in addtion if it is plugged in at boot, bring it up.
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2796 [21:51:43] <DammitJim> weird... I got 2 addresses for the
bond0 interface
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2805 [21:58:23] <Primer> jhutchins_wk: the lightweight approach to
that is to use debootstrap, make a chroot, install everything there,
build what you need, and just pull the necessary .deb files that
were made, install those, nuke the chroot
2806 [21:58:46] <Primer> I keep meaning to do that, but for some
reason, never do
2807 [21:59:03] <Primer> Kitchen sinks abound!
2808 [21:59:19] * jhutchins_wk wonders who Primer meant to tag.
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2810 [21:59:45] <Primer> <jhutchins_wk> Is there a
lightweight version of build-essentials that doesn't install
the kitchen sink? (Trying to build VBox extensions.)
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2812 [22:00:02] *** Quits: Haudegen (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2813 [22:00:18] <somiaj> jhutchins_wk: they are saying use a
chroot to build in so you don't have to install anything on the
2814 [22:00:42] *** Quits: gryffus_ (~gryffus@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2815 [22:00:52] <jhutchins_wk> Oh. Nah, no need to be that
elaborate for one build.
2816 [22:01:04] <Primer> sure..then install said kitchen sink
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2819 [22:01:42] <jhutchins_wk> Not a prod machine, so don't
mind keeping the build environment around. Limited resources though
(VM), so don't wan to install things I won't use.
2820 [22:02:25] <somiaj> might just need to install the dev tools
you need if you can get buy with less than build-essential
2821 [22:02:52] *** Joins: fstd_ (~fstd@replaced-ip )
2822 [22:03:42] <greycat> dpkg-dev would be the one to drop, if
you aren't going to build .debs
2823 [22:04:14] <greycat> or g++ if you aren't building C++
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2827 [22:04:53] <jhutchins_wk> Ah, that would probably have
2828 [22:05:03] *** Joins: SirLagz (~SirLagz@replaced-ip )
2829 [22:05:08] <Primer> I use an lxc in in aws instance as my
build environment
2830 [22:05:16] *** Quits: xcm (~xcm@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2831 [22:05:18] <Primer> it's one of 9 lxcs :)
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2834 [22:05:48] <Primer> And that's running on a VM. Works
fine. I don't think you get the point of a chroot
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2838 [22:06:07] <Primer> The resources you're saving would be
nothing but disk space and your own time
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2842 [22:06:35] <Primer> lcx is just a fancy chroot
2843 [22:06:59] <Primer> and docker is just a step up above that,
but still running natively on Linux
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2849 [22:09:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1522
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2853 [22:09:29] <jhutchins_wk> Primer: Centos had an automated
system that built a temporary chroot, built the software in it, and
tore it back down. I was not impressed with the complexity. It
addressed extreme edge cases.
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2856 [22:10:19] <somiaj> debian has that for packages, pbuilder
and dbuild
2857 [22:10:20] <Primer> jhutchins_wk: I often use the term
kitchen sink, so I'm rather sensitive to it. I personally try
to avoid installing build tools into machines just for the sake of
building a deb
2858 [22:10:25] *** Joins: ulterior (~quassel@replaced-ip )
2859 [22:10:42] <Primer> But do so in a pinch. Nothing _wrong_
with it.
2860 [22:11:12] <jhutchins_wk> Yes, I and my company both have a
policy to never put a build environment on a prod server. Sandbox
servers are fine.
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2863 [22:12:21] <jhutchins_wk> If I had more than one Buster Vbox,
I'd build a deb just for the learning, but for a one-off,
I'll just put it on, and maybe figure out how to manually put
it in dkms.
2864 [22:12:42] <jhutchins_wk> The nvidia driver installer is nice
in that it will set up dkms for you.
2865 [22:12:44] <Primer> also. why not qemu-kvm?
2866 [22:12:55] <Primer> vbox == oracle, oracle == bad
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2869 [22:13:12] <jhutchins_wk> Primer: Why not vbox? It works.
2870 [22:13:19] *** Joins: hypn0 (~h@replaced-ip )
2871 [22:13:23] <Primer> heh so does qemu-kvm
2872 [22:13:37] <Primer> and it's open source
2873 [22:13:43] <Primer> vbox...isn't
2874 [22:14:00] *** Joins: Emil (emil@replaced-ip )
2875 [22:14:07] <jhutchins_wk> It's on windows anyway.
2876 [22:14:22] <somiaj> jhutchins_wk: are you just trying to
install the virtubalbox guest addon module?
2877 [22:14:37] <jhutchins_wk> somiaj: I have already installed
the guest addon modules.
2878 [22:14:50] <somiaj> was just gonna point out there is a dkms
package for this
2879 [22:14:51] <jhutchins_wk> Job done, full screen buster.
2880 [22:16:00] <Primer> ok, didn't realize linux wasn't
the host
2881 [22:17:08] *** Quits: scp1 (~scp1@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2882 [22:17:47] <jhutchins_wk> somiaj: I'll bet that would
have pulled in the necessary build tools as well.
2883 [22:17:56] <jhutchins_wk> Well, one more thing I don't
have to learn.
2884 [22:17:57] *** Quits: dethos_ (~dethos@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2885 [22:18:02] <somiaj> ,v virtualbox-guest-addons-dkms
2886 [22:18:03] <judd> No package named
'virtualbox-guest-addons-dkms' was found in amd64.
2887 [22:18:13] *** Quits: CurryWurst (~CurryWurs@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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2889 [22:18:18] <jhutchins_wk> virtualbox-guest-dkms
2890 [22:18:22] <somiaj> Yea, that is it
2891 [22:18:30] <somiaj> It won't pull in linux-headers
2892 [22:18:34] *** Quits: subopt (~subopt@replaced-ip ) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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2894 [22:19:20] <somiaj> ,v virtualbox-guest-dkms
2895 [22:19:22] <judd> Package: virtualbox-guest-dkms on amd64 --
jessie/contrib: 4.3.36-dfsg-1+deb8u1; jessie-security/contrib:
4.3.36-dfsg-1+deb8u1; stretch-backports/contrib:
5.2.24-dfsg-4~bpo9+1; sid/contrib: 6.0.8-dfsg-7
2896 [22:19:33] <somiaj> most likely you'd want the
stretch-backport version too
2897 [22:19:54] <somiaj> oh yea, vbox isn't in stretch, so
you would have no choice
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2900 [22:22:06] <jhutchins_wk> Not in jessie though, which was the
target machine. I've installed it on this stretch.
2901 [22:22:31] <jhutchins_wk> For some reason buster isn't
allowing me to paste from the windows clipboard.
2902 [22:22:58] *** Quits: AimHere (~David@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2903 [22:23:12] <somiaj> even after the guest addons are loaded?
2904 [22:23:19] *** Joins: jbond42 (~jbond42@replaced-ip )
2905 [22:23:23] <jhutchins_wk> Right.
2906 [22:23:46] <dak> hrm
2907 [22:23:49] <somiaj> there was an additional package needed to
do this in qemu-kvm, though I don't know if that affects vbox
at all, can't recall its name though.
2908 [22:23:55] <dak> are they still working on kfreebsd?
2909 [22:24:03] <greycat> not actively
2910 [22:24:05] *** Quits: noosanon (~noosanon@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2911 [22:24:11] <dak> :(
2912 [22:24:25] <somiaj> its an uoffical port
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2916 [22:26:05] <jhutchins_wk> Mouse integration is enabled. Works
on stretch.
2917 [22:26:08] <dak> hrm no drowz
2918 [22:26:20] <somiaj> jhutchins_wk: check the settings, there
are settings for a shared clipboard, what is it ocnfigured for this
2919 [22:26:22] *** Quits: ericnoan (~en@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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2921 [22:26:32] <somiaj> jhutchins_wk: Looks like it is under
general -> advanced
2922 [22:26:58] <jhutchins_wk> Looking for that setting.
2923 [22:27:37] <somiaj> Not sure where it would be located, but
maybe this image will help.
2924 [22:27:55] <jhutchins_wk> Now the keyboard's failed.
2925 [22:28:22] *** Quits: zerotech (~zerotech@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
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2927 [22:28:35] *** Joins: ericnoan (~en@replaced-ip )
2928 [22:28:51] <somiaj> I found one formum that suggests you
neeed to reboot the guest after you change this setting
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2931 [22:29:20] <jhutchins_wk> Done
2932 [22:29:39] *** Joins: zojka (~zoja@replaced-ip )
2933 [22:29:42] <somiaj> and the main thing I'm seeing is you
need virtualbox-guest-dkms virtualbox-guest-utils and
virtualbox-guest-x11 for the various guest addons, though I'm
assuming the method you used to install got them all.
2934 [22:31:11] *** Joins: TRPM8 (~TRPM8@replaced-ip )
2935 [22:31:25] <jhutchins_wk> I installed off the virtualbox
guest iso.
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2938 [22:34:03] <jhutchins_wk> Found it, settings, general,
advanced. It was off.
2939 [22:34:25] *** Joins: Guest48953 (~mm@replaced-ip )
2940 [22:34:32] <Guest48953> hi guys
2941 [22:34:51] *** Quits: cerenous (~cerenous@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2942 [22:35:08] <jhutchins_wk> I should probably install the
debian packages instead of the VBox ones.
2943 [22:35:17] <jhutchins_wk> That way I don't need dkms.
2944 [22:35:20] *** Joins: dvs (~hibbard@replaced-ip )
2945 [22:35:58] <jhutchins_wk> somiaj: It's named
virtualbox-guest-additions-iso in buster.
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2954 [22:41:36] <namll> hello, i have a bare bones net install of
debian, and i have been doing fine with wirless internet with
wpa_cli/wpa_supplicant for all that stuff. but i want to connect via
ethernet and I am having troubles getting it to work. I tried adding
configs to /etc/network/interfaces from the "man
interfaces" example and it says it is UP, but its state is
DOWN. so running ip link set enp0 up and dhclient -v enp0 gives me
no good results.
2955 [22:43:52] *** Quits: volodim (~volodim@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2956 [22:44:21] <Brigo> namll, your ethernet connections is called
2957 [22:44:22] <greycat> Does your ethernet interface require any
firmware? (dmesg | grep -i firmware)
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2961 [22:45:47] <namll> Brigo: enp0s31f6
2962 [22:46:16] *** Quits: chalcedny (~chalcedon@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2963 [22:46:22] *** jbond42|away is now known as jbond42
2964 [22:46:25] <Primer> that's ethernet
2965 [22:46:27] *** Joins: acelogic (~acelogic@replaced-ip )
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2969 [22:47:04] <Primer> I found that when I did my debootstrap
install, that firmware-linux* didn't come, and was needed for
wifi to work on this laptop
2970 [22:47:29] <Primer> tasksel won't cover it either
2971 [22:47:50] *** Joins: greatgatsby (~greatgats@replaced-ip )
2972 [22:49:12] <namll> ive added firmware-misc-nonfree and
firmware-iwlwifi. greycat:
2973 [22:49:20] <somiaj> jhutchins_wk: that is different
2974 [22:49:26] *** Quits: greatgatsby (~greatgats@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2975 [22:49:31] <greycat> There are unofficial installer images
with non-free firmware. Laptop users will probably want to use
2976 [22:49:36] *** Joins: rany (~rany@replaced-ip )
2977 [22:49:41] <somiaj> jhutchins_wk: that is what you install on
the host, to make the .iso available to guests to install form the
.iso vs using the other packages.
2978 [22:49:47] *** Joins: greatgatsby (~greatgats@replaced-ip )
2979 [22:50:14] <somiaj> and it seems buster is doing the same
thing stretch did, vbox is not offfically part of buster, so
you'll have to wait for buster-backports or install the
packages from sid
2980 [22:51:17] *** Quits: alonkli (~alonkli@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2981 [22:51:31] <greycat> namll: Hmm, I don't see anything
that looks like ethernet in there. All I can suggest is that you
double-check the syntax you used in /etc/network/interfaces
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2985 [22:52:43] <namll> greycat:
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2989 [22:55:08] <greycat> either have auto enp0s31f6 or
allow-hotplug enp0s31f6, not both...
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2991 [22:55:41] <namll> greycat: oh ok, I will remove that and try
it out. Thank you.
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3027 [23:07:30] <namll> what would be a reason my interface state
is DOWN?
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3036 [23:11:21] <jmcnaught> namll: is there a link light?
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3042 [23:12:13] <namll> where the ethernet connection is?
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3045 [23:13:53] <namll> jmcnaught: yeah there is nothing, ill have
to investigate that.
3046 [23:14:18] <jmcnaught> namll: did you try a different cable
or port on the switch?
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3053 [23:14:48] <namll> i just switched port on modem, didnt try
new cable.
3054 [23:14:55] <namll> are there special drivers for those ports?
3055 [23:15:41] <jmcnaught> I don't know what ports you mean
but NO-CARRIER tells me no cable is plugged in. If the cable is
plugged in, it could be bad.
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3059 [23:16:15] <dvs> I thought NO DIAL TONE means there is no
cable plugged in?
3060 [23:16:31] <namll> jmcnaught: AH, new cable. now lights
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3065 [23:16:59] <namll> jmcnaught: thank you for insight.
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