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9[00:06:52] <ChoHag> Why is rpcbind listening on a random udp
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11[00:07:09] <ChoHag> In addition to port 111 and tcp.
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15[00:09:26] <ChoHag> And /run/rpcbind.sock
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26[00:15:05] <ozmage> hello whereis zsnes ?
27[00:15:20] <bazhang> ozmage, which one
28[00:15:40] <bazhang> ,v zsnes
29[00:15:41] <judd> No package named 'zsnes' was
found in amd64.
30[00:16:13] <missmbob> it's a i386 only package
31[00:16:18] <ozmage> ,v snes9x
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33[00:16:35] <benlue> anyone familiar with maven? i get an
error: [ERROR] No plugin found for prefix 'archetype' in
the current project and in the plugin groups
[org.apache.maven.plugins, org.codehaus.mojo] available from the
repositories [local (/root/.m2/repository), central (replaced-url
34[00:16:41] <ozmage> debian dont have multilib ?
35[00:16:51] <missmbob> debian has multiarch
36[00:16:55] <benlue> mvn archetype:generate isnt working i get
the same error
37[00:17:03] <missmbob> !multiarch
38[00:17:03] <dpkg> Multiarch allows you to install foreign
architecture packages. For example, to allow i386 packages to be
installed on an amd64 system: «dpkg --add-architecture i386
&& apt-get update». See
39[00:17:40] <missmbob> so you add the i386 arch then apt-get
install zsnes:i386
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46[00:20:58] <bazhang> what games were you going to play with
that ozmage
47[00:21:25] <ozmage> startocean
48[00:21:46] <bazhang> most of those games can be played within
the browser now ozmage
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53[00:24:28] <bazhang>
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57[00:25:48] <bazhang> you meant 'star ocean' and not
start ocean, right ozmage ?
58[00:26:12] <ozmage> thxyeah
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60[00:26:45] <bazhang> has hundreds of free and
legal roms to play online ozmage
61[00:27:01] <bazhang> ie in your browser
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64[00:27:44] <ozmage> kk
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71[00:32:03] <zykotick9> missmbob: if you figure out how to get
zsnes running in multiarch (or hear of anyone getting it to run) let
me know... just sayin'
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74[00:32:32] <bazhang> zykotick9, I have
75[00:32:37] <missmbob> i just told you how :P
76[00:32:42] <missmbob> what didnt you understand?
77[00:33:02] <zykotick9> bazhang: really? i though zsnes had
"serious" issues (read, not working) with multiarch...
78[00:33:15] <zykotick9> bazhang: i'll have to give it
another shot... thanks!
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80[00:34:11] <bazhang> though these days I prefer the browser
option, as all the original sounds wrok much better there
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89[00:36:49] * zykotick9 grabs the advancemenu deb from
deb-multimedia, and likes to run a lot of emulators from
debian-main... the fact that MAME (and now MESS as they are
combined) are now both "free software" is something he
never thought he'd see :)
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92[00:37:34] <zykotick9> testing & sid have mame 0.179 :) i
hope testing stays with that version!
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95[00:38:20] <bazhang> I had an entire older computer set up as
my snes/other old gamer box
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97[00:38:38] <zykotick9> s/old gamer/retro gamer/ ;)
98[00:38:52] <bazhang> yeah!
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102[00:39:50] <FinalX> old retro gamer :)
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104[00:39:58] <honigkuchen> hi
105[00:40:06] <honigkuchen> I want to report a bug to debian
106[00:40:10] <honigkuchen> where can I do that
107[00:40:20] <honigkuchen> I watched for mailing lists
108[00:40:30] <honigkuchen> but r unable to chose one
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110[00:40:53] <zykotick9> dpkg: tell honigkuchen about bug
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170[01:16:31] <yokisuci> =/
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236[01:52:40] <errqre> I have a headless home server. After
installing a package that requires X, my computer won't boot
w/o a monitor attached.
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241[01:55:00] <pcdummy> errqre: theres a xorg shim package
242[01:55:06] <pcdummy> errqre: install that one
243[01:55:49] <pcdummy> wait i'm wrong have to look again
244[01:56:02] <errqre> pcdummy: ok
245[01:56:17] <pcdummy>
246[01:56:23] <pcdummy> its a driver
247[01:56:57] <pcdummy> errqre: not sure why your comp wont boot
without monitor, it has a graka, right?
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249[01:57:38] <errqre> pcdummy: yeah - nvidia 8800gt using the
nouveau driver
250[01:58:06] <errqre> it's odd, too - nothing really
sticks out in dmesg
251[01:58:31] <pcdummy> errqre: no network without monitor?
252[01:58:33] <errqre> but exhaustive (and exhausting) testing
narrowed it down
253[01:58:36] <errqre> no
254[02:00:11] <pcdummy> errqre: i remember back in the days
where people made dummy vga adapters
255[02:00:21] <pcdummy> but 88x nv sounds not that old
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259[02:02:04] <pcdummy> errqre: this should help:
260[02:02:08] <errqre> Yeah - haven't tried with just the
cable plugged in
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270[02:09:08] <jason3> gn8
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291[02:15:07] <errqre> pcdummy: xserver-xorg-video-dummy was all
that was needed - works like a champ
292[02:15:14] <errqre> thank you
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314[02:21:04] <pcdummy> errqre: np :)
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332[02:32:24] <tobiasBora> Hello,
333[02:33:04] <tobiasBora> I would like if it's possible to
use fdisk to do "arithmetic" to choose the position of the
first/last sector ?
334[02:33:29] <tobiasBora> For example something like
"<last sector nb> - 1G" to create a 1G partition.
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349[02:40:17] <noob0> hi.. does anyone know when jessie will
have chromium 54 in the repositories?
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354[02:41:41] <noob0> or how to update chromium.. chromium 53
sux now
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361[02:46:41] <noob0> it's like debian is saying 'use
firefox' or use debian unstable if you want the better chromium
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363[02:47:02] <greyeax> yes
364[02:47:06] <greyeax> there are backports maybe
365[02:47:10] <greyeax> or you can make your own backport
366[02:47:18] <greyeax> but if it's not in jessie dont hold
your breath
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369[02:47:32] <pcdummy> noob0: you need to download the ubuntu
version of chromium :/
370[02:49:18] <noob0> i was going to try the debian unstable
.deb file but i worry about dependency problems... does the ubuntu
version work?
371[02:49:46] <pcdummy> noob0: still searching for a trusty ppa
372[02:50:33] <noob0> even testing has chromium 53 still
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388[02:59:16] <pcdummy> i also find "only" 53 for
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391[03:00:28] <noob0> thanks for looking mate
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395[03:03:36] <noob0> hopefully it won't be too long til 54
is ready for the debian users not using unstable
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439[03:24:11] <ozmage> hello how i make this pkg
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441[03:24:21] <ozmage> i need a quick how to
442[03:24:40] <ozmage> i already downloaded the the .dsc
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444[03:24:47] <ozmage> what next
445[03:24:48] <ozmage> ?
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523[04:05:03] <foul_owl> Hi folks. I'm trying to compile
torch on Debian 8. Getting: nvcc fatal : Unsupported gpu
architecture 'compute_61'
524[04:05:17] <foul_owl> It looks like the error is coming from
the nvidia cuda compiler, and not on Torch's end
525[04:05:33] <foul_owl> I have a geforce 1060 which I installed
the drivers from jessie-backports
526[04:05:42] <foul_owl> As specified in the wiki
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530[04:09:01] <foul_owl> I'm wondering, is the wrong cuda
version installed? How do I run a quick nvcc test?
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532[04:09:30] <foul_owl> Essentially I want to compile
"hello world" via nvcc and run it
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534[04:09:33] <foul_owl> How do I do that? Thanks!
535[04:10:03] <foul_owl> I have been reading also that perhaps
the 1060 doesn't support cuda 7.5
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548[04:20:55] <foul_owl> It looks like the only way is to
install CUDA 8 from nvidia, is that correct?
549[04:21:10] <foul_owl> If so, do I need to use the driver
straight from nvidia or can I use the driver from jessie backports?
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554[04:23:07] <user1> Hi - I recently re-installed my server and
it was Beta. Do I need to do a fresh install to go to Beta2 ?
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567[04:37:18] <missmbob> what is beta 2? anyone have any idea in
hell what he/she meant?
568[04:37:45] <foul_owl> unstable maybe? o_O
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608[04:56:16] <missmbob> oh, of course. "Ubuntu 16.10 Beta
2 Now Available to Download"
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610[04:56:56] <dvs> and?
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612[04:58:20] <missmbob> dvs: makes sense user1 is asking ubuntu
questions in here
613[04:58:53] <missmbob> because Reading is Hard
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615[05:00:06] <dvs> !be a reading barbie
616[05:00:06] <dpkg> Aww, reading is HARD! Let's go
shopping, dvs
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622[05:07:31] <helllojesus12> how can I specify with yum what
directory to install package in
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624[05:08:00] <dvs> ???
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626[05:09:10] <helllojesus12> @dvs, so if I do yum install how
can I tell it to install in the directory I specify
627[05:09:28] <noob0> hello jesus lol
628[05:09:34] <dvs> debian comes with yum????
629[05:09:42] <missmbob> it does. "Be aware that the only
usage of yum in Debian is to perform chroot (Xen, UML) of Fedora,
RHEL, CentOS, etc. installs"
630[05:10:02] * dvs waits for dnf
631[05:10:15] <missmbob> "This package was not, is not, and
will never be, a replacement for apt-get when using Debian or any
other .deb based distribution. So please, do NOT ask about it, or do
not send any bug entry for this, or you'll get flamed for not
reading the README.Debian as anyone should."
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648[05:18:14] <SporkWitch> lol
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727[06:14:21] <vahe> hi, today I noticed that the backlight
keyboard is not working, I turn it on by fn+ arrow right but now is
not working ,any ideas?
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886[07:46:14] <Stranger09> samiullah r u here
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894[07:48:32] <Stranger09> missmbob: katte chukh
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906[07:54:02] <Stranger09> samiullah r u here
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910[07:56:32] <missmbob> i'm here.
911[07:56:36] <missmbob> fuck
912[07:57:17] <missmbob> Strife89: 00:54 < Stranger09>
samiullah r u here 00:56 -!- Stranger09
[~stranger0@2405:205:3:598e:120b:a9ff:fedb:f464] has quit [Quit:
WeeChat 1.0.1] 00:56 < missmbob> i'm here. 00:56 <
missmbob> fuck
913[07:57:30] <missmbob> Strife89: again, i told you, we mostly
idle and you need to be patient
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919[08:00:35] <missmbob_> of course mr_robot and Stranger_09 are
gone. great.
920[08:01:00] <missmbob_> asshole
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965[08:27:45] <awal1> I dont really understand the difference
between purge ~o and --purge-unused (aptitude purge ñ adn
aptitude --purge-unused)
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969[08:28:01] <awal1> aptitude purge ~o
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977[08:29:59] <awal1> why aptitude removes old kernel when
runninf purge ~0 , but apt/apt-get doesn't do with autoremove?
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981[08:31:18] <awal1> in fact old kernels are obsolete but
apt/apt-get always keeps 1 old kernel, not aptitude
982[08:32:14] <awal1> well, I find apt/apt-get more carefull in
this case. Which file I should check for find how/why apt /apt-get
does that?
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995[08:37:12] <awal1> is this the related file
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1000[08:38:33] <awal1> I think so, ehm? line 30
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1005[08:41:24] <frdrwn> /msg dpkg 8.6
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1008[08:43:16] <awal1> frdrwn, without space at the beginning
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1017[08:49:17] <foul_owl> How do I get firefox save/open dialog,
evince, et al to not use gnome 3 style windowing crap. My window
manager is fluxbox and the windows are "stuck". xterm,
vlc, etc work fine.
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1022[08:51:45] <awal1> foul_owl: probably purging or just
removing gnome-themes-standard pkg?
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1028[08:53:24] <awal1> well, check closely the removal prompts,
other pkgs may recommend it or depend on it
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1033[08:54:20] <AlexLikeRock> hi all
1034[08:54:43] <AlexLikeRock> we need a driver REALTEK, take a
look :
1035[08:54:45] <AlexLikeRock>
1036[08:54:46] <judd> Bug
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1046[08:57:22] <Ke> AlexLikeRock: yup, I noticed the same thing,
I have 2 different USB devices using RTL* and neither are supported
by debian, but are supported by upstream linux/linux-firmware
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1050[08:58:40] <AlexLikeRock> tanks Ke
1051[08:58:40] <Ke> AlexLikeRock: someone complained that some of
the drivers have usbid collisions with some other drivers, but that
should be patchable problem
1052[08:58:45] *** Quits: overlord_tm (~andraz@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1053[08:59:01] <AlexLikeRock> yes,
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1066[09:02:03] <Iota> Good morning, world!
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1079[09:08:13] <foul_owl> Thanks! Let me try that
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1083[09:09:29] <awal1> foul_owl: thinking about it, I dont think
it will solve your issue at all, since it's gtk3 theming
related, I think
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1085[09:09:37] <foul_owl> Hmmm ok
1086[09:09:42] <foul_owl> Yeah I tried it and it didn't work
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1089[09:11:30] <awal1> foul_owl: which theme are you using for
your flux?
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1097[09:12:21] <ak5> hi, when using apt-cache search, I am
wondering what the [default] and sometimes (default) means?
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1102[09:14:33] <AlexLikeRock> ak5 example?
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1106[09:15:01] <foul_owl> "Results"
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1111[09:16:09] <awal1> foul_owl, not window decor theme, I meaant
your desktop theme
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1131[09:28:46] <Mahe> foul_owl: with "gnome 3 style
windowing crap" do you mean those GTK3 header bars (client side
decoration) only or the full window styling (button and control
styles etc.)?
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1145[09:38:22] <dominik1> does anyone know why running my
keybindings with `xbindkeys -n` works, while it doesn't with
just `xbindkeys` ?
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1147[09:38:33] <Tsutsukakushi> hi, i'm having an issue with
the debian jessie installer
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1149[09:38:44] <Tsutsukakushi> after few seconds it freezes
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1154[09:39:34] <Tsutsukakushi> if i go to the shell fast enough i
can also see that the cursor stops blinking
1155[09:39:48] <Tsutsukakushi> no keyboard input works
1156[09:40:02] <Tsutsukakushi> ctrl+alt+del doesn't reboot,
sysrq doesn't work
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1158[09:40:12] <Tsutsukakushi> anyone know what could be causing
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1170[09:42:17] <AlexLikeRock> Tsutsukakushi, ctrl+alt+F1
1171[09:42:37] <AlexLikeRock> ??
1172[09:43:11] <Tsutsukakushi> that is the installer itself
1173[09:43:23] <Tsutsukakushi> but no, the other TTYs don't
work either
1174[09:43:26] <Tsutsukakushi> no keyboard input works
1175[09:44:04] <AlexLikeRock> try " install " but avoid
"Graphic Install "
1176[09:44:10] <Tsutsukakushi> nio
1177[09:44:11] *** Quits: xberg (~xberg@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
1178[09:44:12] <Tsutsukakushi> no
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1180[09:44:14] <Tsutsukakushi> happens with both
1181[09:44:21] *** Joins: Bobbix (~rlenti@replaced-ip)
1182[09:44:26] <AlexLikeRock> ok, what its you hardware ?
1183[09:44:50] <Bobbix> Hi to all, Why WINE isn't usable on
Debian ?
1184[09:45:05] <AlexLikeRock> how say that Bobbix ?
1185[09:45:13] <bazhang> check the appdb Bobbix
1186[09:45:14] <missmbob_> Bobbix: it is
1187[09:45:17] <Tsutsukakushi> it's a slot pc
1188[09:45:27] <AlexLikeRock> Bobbix, i have MS Office 2007 .
working fine
1189[09:45:31] <bazhang> not every game is wine-able Bobbix
1190[09:45:33] <Bobbix> No, Wine cannot be installed on Debian
1191[09:45:49] <bazhang> ,v wine
1192[09:45:50] <judd> Package: wine on amd64 -- wheezy: 1.4.1-4;
jessie: 1.6.2-20; jessie-backports: 1.8.5-1~bpo8+1; sid: 1.8.5-1;
stretch: 1.8.5-1
1193[09:45:51] <missmbob_> Bobbix: yes it can be. do you want to
try again and give us something useful?
1194[09:45:56] <bazhang> sure it can
1195[09:46:14] <Tsutsukakushi> i'll try to find the specific
model for you
1196[09:46:22] <AlexLikeRock> Bobbix,
1197[09:46:25] <AlexLikeRock> GO!
1198[09:46:45] <bazhang> #winehq once you have it installed
1199[09:46:48] <AlexLikeRock> tnks Tsutsukakushi
1200[09:46:49] <missmbob_> AlexLikeRock: that has nothing to do
with it being available in debian
1201[09:46:52] <Bobbix> No at all. I don't want Wine for
games... but i want to run some standalone software. if i install
wine i can't find wine on the sysem after.. wehy ???
1202[09:46:54] <AlexLikeRock> CPU ?
1203[09:47:16] <bazhang> which exact software Bobbix
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1205[09:47:22] <Bobbix> Notepad++
1206[09:47:31] <missmbob_> Bobbix: what have you tried?
1207[09:47:43] <Tsutsukakushi> it's a NEC Slot-In PC STv2
1208[09:47:53] <AlexLikeRock> O_O
1209[09:48:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1695
1210[09:48:25] <Bobbix> Simply installed wine via Synaptic...
don't work, the installation do something but wine is not
present, fake C drive is not present, some files for wine are not
present... the script don't work fine
1211[09:48:27] <AlexLikeRock> Tsutsukakushi, nice
1212[09:48:32] *** Joins: __marco (~marco@replaced-ip)
1213[09:48:39] <Tsutsukakushi> why is that nice :o
1214[09:48:42] <Bobbix> I've tried with any debian version
1215[09:48:53] <Bobbix> 32 and 64 bit and with any UI
1216[09:48:59] <missmbob_> Bobbix: "the installation do
something" is not helpful. you can pastebin your commands and
1217[09:49:13] <bazhang> which script is he talkin about
1218[09:49:14] <Bobbix> How
1219[09:49:23] <AlexLikeRock> Bobbix,
1220[09:49:23] <missmbob_> Bobbix: you copy and paste
1221[09:49:33] <Bobbix> from ?
1222[09:49:37] <missmbob_> AlexLikeRock: please stop with things
that have nothing to do with debian
1223[09:49:38] *** Joins: KyokoDebian (c1454746@replaced-ip)
1224[09:49:47] <__marco> Hello. I need to install MongoDB in
Debian stretch but it requires libssl1.0.0. Debian stretch has only
libssl1.0.2. Do you have an idea how to resolv?
1225[09:50:00] <AlexLikeRock> missmbob, debian have WIKI about
1226[09:50:06] *** Parts: KyokoDebian (c1454746@replaced-ip)
1227[09:50:14] <AlexLikeRock> A: NOOoooo!
1228[09:50:44] <Bobbix> Wine result already installed... but no
icon, no files, no dir... nothing
1229[09:50:51] <Bobbix> i've to uninstall it first
1230[09:51:57] *** Quits: joerg (~joerg@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1231[09:52:52] <awal1> he is installing usning synaptic
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1234[09:53:33] <AlexLikeRock> Tsutsukakushi, you have a SPECIAL
computer , you need AVANCED options of install
1235[09:53:57] <bazhang> I tend to right click the exe, open with
1236[09:53:57] <AlexLikeRock> Bobbix, , WINE , no have icons
1237[09:54:00] <Bobbix>
1238[09:54:23] <jelly> __marco: add repos for jessie back into
the configuration. Why are you running stretch at all?
1239[09:54:39] <Tsutsukakushi> AlexLikeRock: it has worked before
1240[09:54:39] <AlexLikeRock> Bobbix, try at terminal $ wine
1241[09:54:41] <bazhang> also , there are other text editors
native to debian that rival notepad
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1243[09:54:44] <Bobbix> AlexLikeRock: i remeber wine have icons
and graphical tools for configuration
1244[09:54:53] <jelly> __marco: read /msg dpkg jessie
1245[09:55:02] <bazhang> thats winetricks Bobbix
1246[09:55:18] <AlexLikeRock> Bobbix, $ wine
1247[09:55:32] <Bobbix> yes winetricks
1248[09:55:45] *** Quits: imunsie (~imunsie@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
1249[09:55:47] <bazhang> thats another thing, not wine Bobbix
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1251[09:55:53] <AlexLikeRock> bazhang, pluma, gedit , kate ,
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1253[09:56:16] <bazhang> cough nano cough
1254[09:56:24] <Bobbix> wine: cannot find
1255[09:56:27] *** Quits: zykotick9 (~zykotick9@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
1256[09:56:33] <awal1> Bobbix, call wine from terminal
1257[09:56:34] <AlexLikeRock> bazhang, i love KATE
1258[09:56:44] <jelly> Bobbix: why are you running wine (and
other X apps, possibly) as root?
1259[09:56:56] <Bobbix> wine is installed and i can launch it
from commandline...
1260[09:57:22] <AlexLikeRock> Bobbix, templace
1261[09:57:27] <AlexLikeRock> don be a fool !
1262[09:57:29] <Bobbix> but i remember in ubuntu a menu entry
with some programs and link, line drive C and notepad
1263[09:57:43] <jelly> Bobbix: run it as normal user. which app
are you trying to run?
1264[09:57:56] <Bobbix> i download notepad++ please wait
1265[09:57:59] <bazhang> notepad plus plus jelly
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1267[09:58:32] <AlexLikeRock> Tsutsukakushi ever debian version
1268[09:58:36] <bazhang> he wants the gui I guess
1269[09:58:56] <AlexLikeRock> maybe you need a some option at
1270[09:58:56] <bazhang> if it works as it should, then he wants
that gui-y thing
1271[09:59:13] <bazhang> ,v winetricks
1272[09:59:14] <judd> Package: winetricks on amd64 --
wheezy/contrib: 0.0+20121030+svn918-1; jessie/contrib:
0.0+20141009+svn1208-2; sid/contrib: 0.0+20160425-1;
stretch/contrib: 0.0+20160425-1
1273[09:59:24] <Bobbix> downloaded... can i launch: wine
npp.7.2.2.Installer.exe ???
1274[09:59:33] <Bobbix> (from terminal)
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1277[10:00:12] <Bobbix> I remember that double clicking on exe
files on Ubuntu result in a installation run... on debian it's
1278[10:00:28] <awal1> yes, different
1279[10:00:45] *** Quits: sativouf (~sativouf@replaced-ip) (Quit: plouf)
1280[10:00:58] <awal1> I dont use wine, but I tried it. call it
from terminal as regular user
1281[10:01:04] <AlexLikeRock> Bobbix, yes
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1284[10:01:34] <jelly> -rw-r--r-- 1 jelly users 1356 Feb 6 2016
# the installation (done a LONG time ago) created an icon/menu entry
for me
1285[10:01:45] <awal1> the buntu's gui you're talking
about isn't winetricks
1286[10:01:48] *** Joins: surfist (~surfist@replaced-ip)
1287[10:01:48] <jelly> and I did not use winetricks
1288[10:01:49] *** Joins: sativouf (~sativouf@replaced-ip)
1289[10:02:09] <bazhang> he wants the buntu way
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1293[10:04:04] <awal1> Bobbix: from terminal run winecfg
1294[10:04:17] *** Quits: goldbox_ (~jack@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1295[10:04:31] <jelly> eh... browse to the installer path from a
shell, then run "wine npp.7.2.2.Installer.x64.exe" or
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1298[10:05:17] <bazhang> alex linked the exact instructions on
using wine some twenty minutes ago, I wonder if Bobbix read that or
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1316[10:09:46] <bazhang> !wine
1317[10:09:47] <dpkg> somebody said wine was ine (Wine Is Not an
Emulator) is an application intended to allow execution of Microsoft
Windows programs on Unix-like operating systems. Application
compatibility database:
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1320[10:10:54] <fredcooke> beware of wine64 not running win32
apps sometimes
1321[10:11:04] <fredcooke> top tip
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1339[10:18:21] <Bobbix> Thanks to all guys
1340[10:18:27] <bazhang> np
1341[10:18:36] <Bobbix> I've wine running on my debian
1342[10:18:40] <Bobbix> no UI
1343[10:18:49] <bazhang> thats super Bobbix
1344[10:18:57] <Bobbix> no menu link BUT works
1345[10:19:15] *** Quits: AimHere (~David@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
1346[10:19:18] <Bobbix> Thanls for your support, very important.
1347[10:19:21] <bazhang> Bobbix, you might want to check gedit
some time
1348[10:19:41] <jelly> emacs!
1349[10:19:50] <bazhang> that runs super duper great on debian
1350[10:19:53] *** Quits: TyrfingMjolnir (~Tyrfing@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1351[10:19:53] <Bobbix> i know gedit and also phpedit, but i love
notepad++ and it run fine under wine
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1353[10:20:04] <jelly> !start an editor war
1354[10:20:04] <dpkg> vim bites.
1355[10:20:06] <bazhang> it does indeed
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1358[10:20:37] <bazhang> oh you dpkg
1359[10:20:51] <Bobbix> Thanks agait, i've to quit group
now... see you next time. Bye.
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1362[10:21:00] <bazhang> bye
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1371[10:27:46] <missmbob> 02:50 < AlexLikeRock> missmbob,
debian have WIKI about WINE ?
1372[10:28:03] <missmbob> 02:50 < AlexLikeRock> missmbob,
debian have WIKI about WINE ? yes.
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1378[10:29:41] <jelly> missmbob: hey, this channel is here to
help people solve issues, not point out someone's mistakes
after the fact
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1385[10:32:01] <missmbob> jelly: if you couldnt tell i've
had connection issues. i havent seen everything and have been trying
to help
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1391[10:34:33] <chomwitt> when installing in stable a backported
package should it pull also all the backported dependencies ?
1392[10:34:47] <chomwitt> should -> shouldnt
1393[10:34:48] <missmbob> chomwitt: if it needs it, yes.
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1396[10:35:28] <chomwitt> i install erlang (a dummy package) and
it wont pull the backported dependencies
1397[10:35:46] <missmbob> chomwitt: so you're using -t
1398[10:35:49] <missmbob> !bat
1399[10:35:49] <dpkg> In order to troubleshoot your problem with
apt-get, apt or aptitude we need ALL OF THE FOLLOWING information:
1. complete output of your apt-get/apt/aptitude run (including the
command used) 2. output from "apt-cache policy pkg1
pkg2..." for ALL packages mentioned ANYWHERE in the problem,
and 3. "apt-cache policy". Use
1400[10:36:11] *** Joins: krups (~krups@replaced-ip)
1401[10:36:11] <chomwitt> sudo apt-get -t jessie-backports
install "erlang"
1402[10:36:16] *** Quits: chachasmooth (~chachasmo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
1403[10:36:24] <jelly> chomwitt: if a backport requires
backported deps, those should be explicit (ie. versioned
1404[10:36:45] <jelly> ,v erlang
1405[10:36:46] <judd> Package: erlang on amd64 -- wheezy:
1:15.b.1-dfsg-4+deb7u1; wheezy-backports: 1:17.1-dfsg-4~bpo70+1;
jessie: 1:17.3-dfsg-4; stretch: 1:19.1.5+dfsg-1; jessie-backports:
1:19.1.6+dfsg-2~bpo8+1; stretch: 1:19.1.6+dfsg-2; sid:
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1408[10:37:00] <jelly> ,depends erlang --release jessie-backports
1409[10:37:01] <judd> Package erlang in jessie-backports/amd64 --
depends: erlang-base | erlang-base-hipe, erlang-dev, erlang-asn1,
erlang-common-test, erlang-corba, erlang-crypto, erlang-debugger,
erlang-dialyzer, erlang-diameter, erlang-edoc, erlang-eldap,
erlang-erl-docgen, erlang-et, erlang-eunit, erlang-gs, erlang-ic,
erlang-inets, erlang-megaco, erlang-mnesia, erlang-observer,
erlang-odbc, erlang-os-mon, erlang-
1410[10:37:02] <judd> parsetools, erlang-percept,
erlang-public-key, erlang-reltool, erlang-runtime-tools,
erlang-snmp, erlang-ssh, erlang-ssl, erlang-syntax-tools,
erlang-tools, erlang-typer, erlang-wx, erlang-xmerl.
1411[10:37:03] *** Quits: NoteOn (~noteon@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1412[10:37:08] <jelly> eh
1413[10:37:17] <azarus> q
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1418[10:38:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1702
1419[10:38:02] <chomwitt> sorry i dont know about 'versioned
1420[10:38:45] <chomwitt> ,v erlang-base
1421[10:38:46] <judd> Package: erlang-base on amd64 -- wheezy:
1:15.b.1-dfsg-4+deb7u1; wheezy-backports: 1:17.1-dfsg-4~bpo70+1;
jessie: 1:17.3-dfsg-4; jessie-backports: 1:19.1.6+dfsg-2~bpo8+1;
sid: 1:19.1.6+dfsg-2; stretch: 1:19.1.6+dfsg-2
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1428[10:41:35] <missmbob> chomwitt: since jelly is the only one
with knowledge of what other people already know, you should keep
asking him
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1430[10:42:20] <chomwitt> sudo apt-cache policy erlang-base wont
show as canditate the bpo version so i guess i must install all deps
by hand?
1431[10:42:44] <missmbob> chomwitt: please pastebin your
1432[10:42:53] <chomwitt> ok.
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1444[10:45:10] <missmbob> chomwitt: did you apt-get update?
1445[10:45:26] <chomwitt> from inside aptitude
1446[10:45:32] <chomwitt> i'll do it again
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1449[10:49:23] <chomwitt> ok. i see that apt-cache policy will
list the new bpo version of erlang-base . the question is why it
wont pull it if i run apt-get -t jessie-backports to install erlang
1450[10:49:59] *** Quits: helllojesus12 (~helllojes@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
1451[10:50:13] <missmbob> you could pastebin it
1452[10:50:25] *** Joins: helllojesus12 (~helllojes@replaced-ip)
1453[10:50:35] <chomwitt> ok
1454[10:50:55] <chomwitt> one moment to change locale of output,
from greek
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1457[10:51:57] <jelly> chomwitt: do you have any pinning or
APT::Default-Release in place?
1458[10:52:06] <chomwitt>
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1462[10:52:48] <missmbob> chomwitt: pastebin the install of it
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1465[10:53:08] <chomwitt> generally cause i dont have knowledge
related i wont tamper with apt config. but i could check. my memory
is not always a good servant
1466[10:53:40] <jelly> chomwitt: also "apt-cache -t
jessie-backports policy erlang erlang-base"
1467[10:53:41] <missmbob> huh
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1473[10:56:10] <chomwitt>
1474[10:56:21] <si_kabayan> Where should I report debdelta?
1475[10:57:03] <si_kabayan> It doesn't work for more about a
week now. I see there is alot of failed debdeltas package on its
1476[10:57:03] <missmbob> chomwitt: so what does apt-get -t
jessie-backports install erlang say?
1477[10:57:23] *** Joins: OS-24749 (~OS-24749@replaced-ip)
1478[10:57:37] <chomwitt> thats its installed in its latest
1479[10:57:50] <PaulePanter> Hi. Should the Debian Installer work
on a Kaby Lake laptop?
1480[10:58:01] <PaulePanter> My colleague says the screen stays
black. Any workarounds?
1481[10:58:02] <missmbob> chomwitt: you dont like pasting do you?
1482[10:58:18] *** Joins: supersoju (~ajones@replaced-ip)
1483[10:58:20] <missmbob> PaulePanter: alpha 8 will probably work
1484[10:58:40] <chomwitt> missmbob: :-)
1485[10:58:56] *** Quits: disconnecht (~disconnec@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1486[10:59:33] <missmbob> chomwitt: wasnt meant to be funny
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1493[11:00:52] <missmbob> chomwitt: sounds like you should answer
jelly's questions.
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1495[11:01:55] <chomwitt> i dont know a thing about pinning.
i'll try to look a bit more
1496[11:02:04] <chomwitt> regarding apt conf
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1499[11:03:52] <chomwitt> i should lool in apt.conf.d rigth?
1500[11:03:56] <chomwitt> lool -> look
1501[11:04:30] <PaulePanter> missmbob: I try Grml testing now,
and install with debootstrap.
1502[11:04:34] <PaulePanter> missmbob: Thank you.
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1505[11:06:06] <chomwitt> my /etc/apt/preferences.d is empty
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1514[11:08:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1709
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1517[11:09:04] <chomwitt> i found it! i ll try to installa
another backport. it deps are pulled then maybe its erlang packaging
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1525[11:12:26] <tehfreakjoe> Where can i get assistance ? debian
helpdesk or something..
1526[11:12:31] <tehfreakjoe> for a asus laptop
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1529[11:13:13] <tehfreakjoe> asus says its debian that helps ,
well last night i was told it was asus that would help ... and im
stucked without no clue what to do
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1533[11:15:28] <petemc> tehfreakjoe: you can try asking here, no
one from debian is obliged to help you - its all voluntary
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1917[11:49:18] <KARMBIAN> Help.. I keeeeeep getting banned. from
linux, is this for just staying on the channel? :-s
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1923[11:50:32] <tehfreakjoe> asus says its debian that helps ,
well last night i was told it was asus that would help ... and im
stucked without no clue what to do
1924[11:50:42] <tehfreakjoe> Where can i get assistance ? debian
helpdesk or something..
1925[11:50:49] <tehfreakjoe> email contact wtv
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1927[11:52:23] <themill> tehfreakjoe: you're unlikely to get
help if you don't ask a question.
1928[11:53:07] <tehfreakjoe> well..i asked last night nobody
answer me
1929[11:53:11] <tehfreakjoe> ^^
1930[11:53:19] <tehfreakjoe> Fn key is dead so are F1..F12
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1933[11:54:00] <themill> Testing them how? Have you got the right
1934[11:54:30] <tehfreakjoe> i dont get brightness xor backlight
from keyb
1935[11:54:39] <tehfreakjoe> none of them work
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1937[11:54:49] <tehfreakjoe> yeh layout is ok right keymap is
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1939[11:55:06] <tehfreakjoe> it matches
1940[11:55:06] <themill> If function keys don't work, that
suggests not quite right
1941[11:55:24] <tehfreakjoe> iso-8859-15
1942[11:55:26] <tehfreakjoe> latin
1943[11:55:44] <tehfreakjoe> laptop is a gl702vm
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1945[11:56:07] <themill> yeah, iso8859 is unlikely to be right
1946[11:56:22] <themill> (but also not likely to be the problem)
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1948[11:57:40] <tehfreakjoe> what is your sugestion ?
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1950[11:58:37] <themill> Is there a BIOS setting that changes how
the Fn keys behave?
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1952[11:59:03] <tehfreakjoe> nop
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1960[12:01:26] <tehfreakjoe> themill, just checked im not on the
target pc
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1962[12:01:35] <tehfreakjoe> doesnt have none
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1964[12:01:53] <tehfreakjoe> never eared about such thing
1965[12:01:55] <themill> If you run xev, do you see keycodes from
F1, from Fn, from Fn+F1?
1966[12:02:00] *** Quits: Drzacek_ (~Drzacek@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
1967[12:02:08] <themill> it's quite common to have some sort
of BIOS option that controls how Fn behaves
1968[12:02:08] *** Quits: HJfFun (~Omega@replaced-ip) (Quit: Fatal server error: (EE) Caught signal 11 (Segmentation
fault). Server aborting)
1969[12:02:14] <tehfreakjoe> lemme check
1970[12:02:18] <tehfreakjoe> xev?
1971[12:02:23] <themill> yes
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1978[12:03:29] <tehfreakjoe> themill,
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1988[12:07:39] <t4nk025> on trying to connect to ##electronics i
get 'you must be invited'.how to fix this?
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1997[12:09:07] <DX099> anyone here has any experience with
installation preseed scripts?
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1999[12:09:25] <DX099> It appears to be impossible to install
without pulling files from the web
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2005[12:12:27] <missmbob> deepblue: you must have a registered
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2031[12:23:44] <ImUs3r> dd if=4g sd card of=8g sd card
<—— this is possible?
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2037[12:24:56] <Ke> ImUs3r: what do you mean by being possible?
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2040[12:25:22] <Ke> ImUs3r: targeting devices based on capacity
with a very simple command?
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2042[12:25:29] <ImUs3r> i want to copy 4g sd card to 8g sd card
2043[12:25:41] <ImUs3r> this is possible?
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2045[12:26:05] <Ke> it is possible, however GPT backup copy will
not be copied, for MBR it's just fine
2046[12:26:35] <Ke> on most systems valid GPT without backup will
still work properly
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2048[12:26:46] <ImUs3r> work?
2049[12:26:47] <ImUs3r> ok
2050[12:26:48] <ImUs3r> thanks
2051[12:27:20] <Ke> if you want to enable all the capacity, you
are going to have to do resize in addition
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2054[12:28:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1699
2055[12:28:19] <petn-randall> ImUs3r: You could simply do cp
/dev/<4g_card> /dev/<8g_card>, no need for dd.
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2058[12:28:58] <petn-randall> Ke: How is the backup copy not
copied? It's on the block device, right?
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2060[12:29:16] <ImUs3r> petn-randall: but it is os sd card
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2062[12:29:23] <tpuser> anyone got any suggestions for using
Debian on a ThinkPad T640p with lower resolution? right now I
can't get anything other than 2560x1440
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2066[12:29:49] <petn-randall> ImUs3r: If you have booted from
that, you can't copy it like that without corrupting the data,
as the OS will still be writing to it.
2067[12:29:50] <tpuser> *t460p
2068[12:30:04] <Ke> petn-randall: well it's copied, but the
location relative to the end of the disk is incorrect, so it is
compeletely useless
2069[12:30:08] <ImUs3r> petn-randall: then i can’t?
2070[12:30:16] <petn-randall> Ke: Ah, right, good point.
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2073[12:30:36] <petn-randall> ImUs3r: You can boot a live system
and do it. Or boot in read-only mode and do it.
2074[12:30:50] <Ke> petn-randall: theoretically you can search
the whole disk for the table for recovery purposes
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2077[12:31:18] <petn-randall> ImUs3r: Keep in mind though that
the partition and filesystem will still be 4 GB, so you won't
have won anything yet. You still need to enlarge the partition and
filesystem for it to work.
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2079[12:31:42] <ImUs3r> ok thanks petn-randall
2080[12:31:44] <ImUs3r> :)
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2084[12:32:21] <Ke> while doind block copy of a live filesystem
is not safe, it does often work for some filesystems like ext4
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2087[12:32:39] <Ke> for btrfs it would almost certainly not
2088[12:33:17] *** Joins: azerteez (~azerteez@replaced-ip)
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2091[12:33:44] <Ke> work can include various amounts of data loss
2092[12:33:48] *** Joins: jason3 (~jason4@replaced-ip)
2093[12:33:57] <Ke> definitely not recommended, unless it's
an emergency
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2098[12:36:14] <petn-randall> Ke: It also doesn't work with
ext4. Think of databases, it'll never work there.
2099[12:36:43] <petn-randall> Ke: Only safe way would to mount
those filesystems ro, then it's safe-ish.
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2102[12:37:03] *** Quits: julius_ (~jason4@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2103[12:37:11] <Ke> your database might be out of sync, but with
slow activity, it might not be corrupt
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2105[12:37:36] <petn-randall> Ke: It'll be 100% corrupt if
there have been any inserts/updates during copy.
2106[12:37:52] <Ke> probability is related to database
fragmentation and total copy time related to interval of the updates
2107[12:37:57] <Ke> yes
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2113[12:39:33] <introom> how to instal emacs25 on jessie ?
2114[12:39:42] <introom> any repo for that ?
2115[12:39:52] <petn-randall> ,v emacs
2116[12:39:53] <judd> Package: emacs on amd64 -- wheezy: 45.0;
stretch: 46.1; sid: 46.1; jessie: 46.1
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2119[12:40:22] <petn-randall> ,v emacs25
2120[12:40:23] <judd> Package: emacs25 on amd64 -- stretch:
25.1+1-2; sid: 25.1+1-2
2121[12:40:30] <petn-randall> ,checkbackport emacs25
2122[12:40:52] <judd> Backporting package emacs25 in
sid→jessie/amd64: all build-dependencies satisfied using
jessie, virtual.
2123[12:40:54] *** Quits: jason3 (~jason4@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2124[12:41:08] <petn-randall> introom: You can trivially backport
it yourself
2125[12:41:10] *** Quits: _Nox (~Nox@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
2126[12:41:13] <petn-randall> dpkg: ssb introom
2127[12:41:13] <dpkg> petn-randall: i haven't a clue
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2138[12:45:25] <introom> yeah. that's trivial.
2139[12:45:31] <introom> build-dep should be ok.
2140[12:45:35] <petn-randall> !ssb
2141[12:45:35] <dpkg> First, check for a backport on
<debian-backports>. If unavailable: 1) Add a deb-src line for
sid (not a deb line!); ask me about <deb-src sid> 2) enable
debian-backports (see <bdo>) 3) aptitude update; aptitude
install build-essential; aptitude build-dep packagename; apt-get -b
source packagename; 4) install the resultant debs. To change
compilation options, see <package recompile>; for versions
newer than sid see <uupdate>.
2142[12:45:41] <petn-randall> introom: ^^^
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2148[12:48:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1693
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2153[12:49:26] <tehfreakjoe> hi
2154[12:49:27] <tehfreakjoe> again
2155[12:49:30] <tehfreakjoe> ./ts3client_linux_amd64: error while
loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object
file: No such file or directory
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2161[12:51:10] *** Parts: itsiam (~unknown@replaced-ip)
2162[12:51:34] <introom> petn-randall: I /query dpkg, and the
typed: help. but there seems no `checkbackport' command.
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2166[12:52:11] <introom> maybe I should query judd
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2173[12:53:45] <petn-randall> introom: yes, it's judd.
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2176[12:54:04] <petn-randall> !tell introom -about ssb
2177[12:54:10] *** Joins: lachlan (~lachlan@replaced-ip)
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2179[12:54:35] <relaxed> tehfreakjoe: install libc++abi1
2180[12:54:47] <petn-randall> relaxed: teach a man to fish!
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2183[12:55:37] <petn-randall> tehfreakjoe: 'apt-file search' will show you which package contains that file.
You can use it for all kind of file searches.
2184[12:55:37] <relaxed> tehfreakjoe: install apt-file, the run
"sudo apt-file update" followed by "apt-file search
2185[12:55:45] <petn-randall> :)
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2188[12:56:27] <tehfreakjoe> thank you , it worked
2189[12:56:36] <tehfreakjoe> relaxed:
2190[12:56:40] *** Joins: gacekjk (~gacekjk@replaced-ip)
2191[12:57:06] <relaxed> you're welcome
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2196[12:57:38] <tehfreakjoe> ./ts3client_linux_amd64: symbol
lookup error: ./ts3client_linux_amd64: undefined symbol:
2197[12:57:43] <tehfreakjoe> -.-
2198[12:57:56] *** Quits: jubo2 (~juboxi@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
2199[12:57:58] <tehfreakjoe> i dont have a clue what is this now
2200[12:58:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1700
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2202[12:58:29] <c-c> tehfreakjoe: ts3client?
2203[12:58:58] <vahe> hi all, stopped working the light on the
keyboard after reinstalling Debian, any ideas?
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2205[12:59:05] <tpuser> Anyone have suggestions on how to lower
my resolution on a ThinkPad T460p? Tried xrandr and adding new
modes, but no luck. Impossible to work since it's stuck on HD
2206[12:59:12] <tehfreakjoe> yes c-c
2207[12:59:28] <tehfreakjoe> vahe: im strugling that as well
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2209[12:59:58] <MaxFrames> hello
2210[13:00:15] <MaxFrames> I am going to ask a few lame
questions, please bear with me :)
2211[13:00:48] <petn-randall> MaxFrames: As long as they're
related to Debian, and you tried doing your own research first, feel
free to ask.
2212[13:01:31] <MaxFrames> I have a debian 7.11 virtual machine
acting as (among other things) a dhcp server in lan; now I need to
send dhcp logs to a remote syslog server; I understand that I first
need to install syslogd on the debian machine, as it's not
installed by default?
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2216[13:01:57] <OpenTokix> MaxFrames: rsyslog is default, and you
can just create a config for your dhcp-logs
2217[13:02:15] * tehfreakjoe -,-
2218[13:02:33] *** Joins: baraba_ (~baraba@replaced-ip)
2219[13:02:34] <chomwitt> !help
2220[13:02:52] <MaxFrames> ok so basically I will be editing
/etc/rsyslog.conf ?
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2227[13:03:34] *** baraba_ is now known as baraba
2228[13:03:40] <OpenTokix> MaxFrames: you probably want to add a
config to /etc/rsyslog.d/
2229[13:03:45] *** Joins: InfoTest (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
2230[13:03:59] <deepblue> how to get 32-bit compatibility in
amd64 systems?
2231[13:04:00] <OpenTokix> MaxFrames: like kernel.dhcp
@loghost:514 or something along those lines
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2233[13:05:02] *** Quits: dpkg (~dpkg@replaced-ip) (Quit: buh bye!)
2234[13:05:14] <missmbob> deepblue:
2235[13:05:25] <missmbob> deepblue: i already told you this,
though :(
2236[13:05:38] <MaxFrames> mm, I see that years ago (long live
the #comment lines!) I've already modified /etc/rsyslog.conf to
send dhcp logs to /var/log/dhcpd.log
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2240[13:06:30] <deepblue> missmbob: sorry ,i FORGOT YOUR ANSWER
2241[13:06:49] <deepblue> so I had to reask
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2245[13:07:13] <deepblue> missmbob: an thanx
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2247[13:07:32] <MaxFrames> found this
2248[13:07:33] *** Quits: derstrom (~derstrom@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
2249[13:07:46] <MaxFrames> OpenTokix: looks like what you
2250[13:07:57] <jim_carry> What is full disk encryption?
2251[13:08:01] <MaxFrames> only: is this /etc/rsyslog.conf or is
it /etc/rsyslog.d ?
2252[13:08:26] <introom> I don't quite understand why the
emacs info doc is in the non-dfsg
2253[13:08:31] <petn-randall> jim_carry:
2254[13:08:58] <OpenTokix> MaxFrames: /etc/rsyslog.conf is
handled by dpkg, and your files in /etc/rsyslog.d/ gets included
2255[13:09:08] <petn-randall> jim_carry: It would be great to do
some independent research before asking here. If you get stuck or
don't understand something, feel free to ask here.
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2259[13:09:53] <mpsag> I have a process running in the background
with the PID 12345 which would usually ouput to the terminal. Is
there a way to occasionally fetch the output of this long running
process without waiting for the next? More precisely this programm
is returning progress status information (e.g.: `\rframe= 422 fps=
37 q=28.0 size= 2764kB time=00:00:16.76 bitrate=1350.7kbits/s`)
2260[13:09:56] <jim_carry> I thought someone can teach me in
layman terms
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2263[13:10:25] <missmbob> jim_carry: if someone takes out your
hard drive and puts it in another computer the data in it can't
be read
2264[13:10:56] <jim_carry> okay missmbob thnx, how can I setup on
already installed debian?
2265[13:11:11] *** Quits: debalance_ (~debalance@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2266[13:11:31] <missmbob> jim_carry:'s not easy.
the installer itself makes it super easy. you might consider
2267[13:12:13] *** Quits: warsoul (warsoul@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2268[13:12:30] <jim_carry> Okay
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2277[13:13:36] <petn-randall> mpsag: How is it being
backgrounded? What kind of process?
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2283[13:15:46] <mpsag> Just `& disown` I think. It's
ffmpeg, video conversion. If I run it in the terminal it will output
progress status information until conversion is done and then frees
the terminal again
2284[13:15:56] <mpsag> petn-randall: ^
2285[13:16:29] *** Joins: careta (~botto@replaced-ip)
2286[13:16:44] <petn-randall> mpsag: You might want to run in in
a screen instead.
2287[13:17:02] <petn-randall> mpsag: AFAIK there's no simple
way to re-attach STDOUT to your tty again.
2288[13:17:26] <Shahnaz> whats the best ultrabook for lnx? or is
there a website that tests them?
2289[13:17:43] *** Quits: perceptron (~nilton@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2290[13:17:58] <mpsag> damn
2291[13:18:37] *** Quits: ksft (~k@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
2292[13:21:41] <petn-randall> mpsag: This might help, but
it's hacky:
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2307[13:30:06] <introom> petn-randall: I did't anticipate
compiling emacs25-nox would take that long.
2308[13:30:13] <introom> looks like I should go to sid.
2309[13:30:40] <petn-randall> introom: Don't upgrade to sid
unless you're willing to make some sacrifices.
2310[13:30:56] <introom> what sacrifices?
2311[13:31:22] <petn-randall> introom: sid only gets minimal
testing and often breaks in horrible ways. Just the other day it
caused X11 to fail to start, sometimes it corrupts your data or kick
your dog.
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2313[13:31:36] <introom> I am wondering if debian has ppa
relevants. emacs25 is so common.
2314[13:31:47] <introom> yeah. that's my concern.
2315[13:32:28] <petn-randall> introom: Well, most of the time
it's in jessie-backports. If that fails you backport yourself.
That's the price you pay if you want shiny new stuff on a
well-tested system.
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2319[13:35:30] <missmbob> introom: i've backported emacs25
if you want to use my debs
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2322[13:36:36] <missmbob> introom:
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2333[13:40:11] <introom> missmbob: how to install? click and
download the deb? and dpkg -i ?
2334[13:40:35] <missmbob> introom: multiple debs, but yes.
2335[13:40:54] <missmbob> introom: you should put them in a
single folder and dpkg -i *.deb
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2337[13:41:27] <missmbob> then maybe apt-get -f install depending
on what you currently have installed
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2344[13:44:34] <introom> I did what `ssb' told me. The
package name is emacs25-nox. Why I now have debs like
emacs25_25.1+1-2.deb, looks like it's for gui.. Seems I
unnecessarily builds extra debs.
2345[13:44:36] <introom>
2346[13:44:40] <introom> ^^
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2350[13:45:10] <missmbob> introom: using ssb method creates all
binary packages that the source package can create
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2354[13:45:45] <Cloudwalker42> hello folks, could you olease help
me. Can u tell me how its possible to install a 32BIT .deb package
on a 64BIT debian environment ?
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2356[13:46:00] <petn-randall> introom: yes, just 'dpkg
-i' the ones you're interested in, then fix up with
apt-get install -f.
2357[13:46:05] <missmbob> Cloudwalker42: are you seriously the
same person and just keep coming back?
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2359[13:46:30] <petn-randall> dpkg: multiarch Cloudwalker42
2360[13:46:30] <dpkg> petn-randall: no idea
2361[13:46:35] <Cloudwalker42> missmbob: i visited this chatroom
maybe several monts ago
2362[13:46:38] <petn-randall> dpkg: multiarch
2363[13:46:38] <dpkg> Multiarch allows you to install foreign
architecture packages. For example, to allow i386 packages to be
installed on an amd64 system: «dpkg --add-architecture i386
&& apt-get update». See
2364[13:46:40] <missmbob> Cloudwalker42:
2365[13:46:41] <petn-randall> Cloudwalker42: ^^^
2366[13:47:30] <Cloudwalker42> thx at all .... wtf happend here
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2379[13:49:50] <introom> sudo dpkg -i
emacs25-nox_25.1+1-2_amd64.deb tells me emacs25-nox depends on
emacs25-bin-common (= 25.1+1-2); however:
2380[13:49:52] <introom> Package emacs25-bin-common is not
2381[13:50:02] <introom> so I have to manually dpkg -i that first
2382[13:50:15] <missmbob> introom: you can. or dpkg -i *.deb as
you were told.
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2384[13:50:39] <missmbob> and that'll output other problems.
then apt-get -f install
2385[13:51:04] <introom> aha. i misunderstand the meaning of *
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2392[13:52:48] <introom> missmbob: works ok.
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2396[13:53:41] <introom> missmbob: but doesn't that mean I
installed all the debs ?
2397[13:54:13] <missmbob> that ssb for emacs created
2398[13:54:42] <missmbob> apt-get -f install just installs their
run deps
2399[13:54:43] <introom> missmbob: and they are all required for
the PKG which I specified via apt-get -b source PKG ?
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2404[13:55:11] <missmbob> for all the features, yes
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2406[13:55:35] <introom> ok. then those debs are not
un-necessary. looks like they are depedencies.
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2409[13:55:57] <missmbob> correct
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2411[13:56:31] <introom> missmbob: normally, for a pc, how long
will it take to build emacs-nox ?
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2415[13:57:23] <missmbob> introom: i have no real concept. i
throw builds on a crazy fast work server
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2418[13:57:58] <introom> it took me 12 minuts. dunno if
that's too long.
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2435[14:02:28] <introom> also, does ,checkbackports ensure the
run time deps?
2436[14:02:33] <introom> or simply build time deps ?
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2438[14:04:09] <missmbob> both
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2446[14:06:13] <eugenmayer> considering this line apt-key adv
--keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys
58118E89F3A912897C070ADBF76221572C52 … how would i be able to
find this key using
2447[14:06:16] <introom> but aptitude build-dep only checks
compile time deps, what's the command for run time dpes ?
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2455[14:09:27] <missmbob> introom: it's not a command.
it's specified in debian/control file in source package
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2461[14:12:50] <introom> I check with 'aptitude search
emacs'. the gtk version is also installed. so apt-get -b source
emacs25-nox did build the deb for the gui version. What's
worse, I'd suspect `aptitude builde-dep emacs25-nox' also
installed the deps for `emacs25'
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2464[14:13:18] <missmbob> eugenmayer: that's not a valid key
known to that server but apt-key adv --keyserver
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2466[14:14:11] <missmbob> introom: it builds all packages that
the source package can build (which i said). gui version shares
source package, so yes, it built it
2467[14:14:31] <missmbob> introom: yes. it's all based on
source package
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2475[14:16:29] <introom> yeah.
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2478[14:16:45] <introom> so I have to do that on a separate
2479[14:16:46] *** Joins: zoolook (~zoolook@replaced-ip)
2480[14:17:02] <introom> otherwise it introduces too much
unnecessary packages.
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2483[14:17:19] <missmbob> you can just install whatever packages
you need instead of all it creates
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2486[14:17:38] <missmbob> but you need all build-deps, even gui
ones, if the source requires it
2487[14:17:46] <ImUs3r> W: Not using locking for read only lock
file /var/lib/dpkg/lock <— what’s wrong?
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2489[14:18:05] <introom> missmbob: regardding the last step, sudo
dpkg -i *.deb, indeed it should be sudo dpkg -i
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2491[14:18:23] <missmbob> introom: if you're certain of what
you dont want, sure.
2492[14:18:32] <introom> but the pain is I have to guess the
dependencies of the debs.
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2494[14:20:06] <introom> is it possible to tell dpkg, I have this
many debs, say, specifying *.debs, and also tell what the deb I want
to install, and let dpkg figure out what dependent debs to install
among *.debs ?
2495[14:20:26] <eugenmayer> missmbob: not a real key, what do you
mean by that?
2496[14:20:38] <eugenmayer> misiek200m: its part of this
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2501[14:21:12] <missmbob> introom: no
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2504[14:22:09] <missmbob> eugenmayer: the key you pasted and the
key in that doc are different
2505[14:22:22] <missmbob> eugenmayer: the one you pasted
isn't a real key. the one in the doc is
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2511[14:25:53] <HJfFun> hello there, what can cause a
segmentation fault with usage of hwclock ?? a libc6 pb ?
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2542[14:39:10] <Cloudwalker42> Hey Folks, I installed a .deb
32bit package under a 64bit debian Jessie. This works fine for me.
The problem is that the installed package need two more i386
packages which also has dependencies. Normally I would fire an
apt-get install -f but if I want to install all of the dependencies
several packages will be removed.
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2553[14:43:24] <jelly> dpkg, tell Cloudwalker42 about basic apt
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2583[14:59:09] <halloLeut> hi
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2585[14:59:35] <yermjobs331> where i can download the old version
of debian? example (debian 1, debian 2)
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2599[15:05:15] <asarch> What are the differences between the
packages xen-utils, xen-system and xen-hypervisor?
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2614[15:09:15] <way2go> hey guys, i'm not able to boot
Jessie, it says kernel panic when it starts to boot
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2633[15:12:47] <Hestben> way2go: And what was the error message?
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2645[15:14:43] <way2go> the message is kernel panic
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2648[15:15:17] <Hestben> way2go: And nothing more? Or has it
scrolled everything away?
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2651[15:15:39] <way2go> unable to mount root fs
2652[15:15:41] <way2go> not syncing
2653[15:15:46] <Hestben> way2go: did you screw around with your
hard drives changing cables and stuff?
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2655[15:16:10] <tremon> way2go: are you running without
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2657[15:16:25] <way2go> no, i didn't screw it
2658[15:16:29] <way2go> let me see
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2661[15:16:44] <way2go> the one i got this error with is
2662[15:17:05] *** Joins: frdrwn (~frdrwn@replaced-ip)
2663[15:17:08] <way2go> is kind of a puppy linux version of
debian made from the livecd
2664[15:17:11] <tremon> if it can't find your rootfs, then
you should be dropped to a shell in the initramfs. The only reason
the kernel would panic instead is if you're not using an
2665[15:17:31] <HJfFun> hello there, what can cause a
segmentation fault with usage of hwclock ?? a libc6 pb ?
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2667[15:18:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1715
2668[15:18:19] <tremon> HJfFun: anything can cause a segfault.
bad ram, disk corruption, bad library...
2669[15:18:29] <Hestben> way2go: doesn't it say where it
couldn't find the root fs, like a /dev/sdxx?
2670[15:18:47] <way2go> hd 2,0
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2672[15:19:15] <Hestben> way2go: And you didn't move any
hard drives?
2673[15:19:25] <HJfFun> tremo, ok thx
2674[15:19:30] <way2go> i didn't
2675[15:19:38] <Hestben> way2go: and didn't move or change
2676[15:19:43] <way2go> no
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2679[15:19:51] <way2go> it is supposed to run from ram
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2682[15:20:05] <Hestben> way2go: That is strange
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2685[15:20:20] <Hestben> way2go: So, it is a live-cd?
2686[15:20:45] *** Joins: solf1re (~solf1re@replaced-ip)
2687[15:20:48] <way2go> yes, it is a modified version of a live
cd so you can frugal install it, have a savefile and so
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2689[15:21:04] <Hestben> way2go: OK, who did create the live-cd?
2690[15:21:08] <tremon> way2go: maybe you can try asking
#debian-live on OFTC for help. There's many ways to create a
debian live-cd but it's probably not something many of us here
have played with
2691[15:21:27] <Hestben> tremon: good call
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2696[15:22:01] <way2go>
2697[15:22:05] <way2go> this is the project
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2699[15:22:37] <way2go> that's a nice idea tremon, i'll
take a look there too!
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2713[15:31:50] <way2go> well, it seems that the guys are not
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2733[15:39:04] <way2go> i guess i must edit the boot options
2734[15:39:14] <way2go> the live.cfg is like this label sysvinit
Porteus in RAM changes=/changes.dat
2735[15:39:15] <way2go> kernel /live/vmlinuz1
2736[15:39:15] <way2go> append initrd=/live/initrd1.xz noauto
from=/ copy2ram changes=/changes.dat
2737[15:39:15] <way2go> label sysvinit Porteus Always Fresh
2738[15:39:15] <way2go> kernel /live/vmlinuz1
2739[15:39:15] *** way2go was kicked by debhelper (flood. Please use
2740[15:39:41] <rumoxingme>
2741[15:39:43] <rumoxingme> 14:12:47 Hestben | way2go: And what
was the error message?
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2743[15:40:17] <jmp_> lol
2744[15:40:27] <way2go> well
2745[15:40:28] *** waynr1 is now known as waynr
2746[15:41:32] <jmp_> welcome back mate
2747[15:41:33] <jmp_> xD
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2751[15:42:58] <Gloomy> Hi :)
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2757[15:44:01] <Gloomy> I just took over a debian machine that
acts router/firewall/dns server and I need to make some
modifications to the firewall settings
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2761[15:44:46] <Gloomy> since I'm quite unexperienced
I'm a bit afraid of breaking everything :D atm I'm trying
to understand how the thing is configured.
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2763[15:45:43] <Gloomy> The whole thing "configures
itself" automatically on startup (i know it because it gets
back to working after power failure) so I figured If I find what the
startup scripts are I should understand what's going on.
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2765[15:45:55] <Gloomy> Is there somewhere else than init.d that
I should look in?
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2768[15:46:32] <OpenTokix> Gloomy: Start by looking in
/etc/init.d called firewall or gateway, you can also grep for
iptables in that folder. - You might also have script in
/etc/network/interfaces and/or /etc/rc.local (This is where I would
start to look)
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2770[15:47:28] <Gloomy> OpenTokix Thanks. Will start by that
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2786[15:56:27] <Cheshired> hi
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2789[15:57:44] <Cheshired> I created a package an added a line
such as myproject/systemd/* etc/systemd/system/ in debian/install
but the files aren't copied, can anyone tell me why ?
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2825[16:10:09] <thurstylark1> Trying to build a debian package
for netdata using these instructions:
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2827[16:11:10] <OpenTokix> thurstylark1: Create a changelog file
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2832[16:13:28] <Gloomy> Hey again :) so I have found a file
called xtrafire.fw which /seems/ to be the configuration for the
firewall, however google doesn't find anything for that name so
I guess it's custom made by some local company. Could anyone
give a look at it and tell me if it looks like something known so
that I can read a bit about it?
2833[16:13:30] <Gloomy>
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2835[16:14:32] <Ke> Gloomy: it's a shell script, what part
is unclear?
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2842[16:15:46] <Gloomy> so basically just a really long script
that sets up all the iptables rules? nothing more to it?
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2844[16:16:13] <Gloomy> Its not the output of some other
firewall-configuration program or something?
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2846[16:16:34] <OpenTokix> Gloomy: might be, but usually not
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2848[16:17:01] <OpenTokix> Gloomy: looks pretty standard, apart
from very verbose
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2851[16:17:47] <Gloomy> So what do I google to get better
understanding of how it works/how to tweak it? :)
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2853[16:18:23] <Ke> Gloomy: perhaps generator like that should
output a comment header stating that it has been generated by ~
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2856[16:19:19] <Ke> also it has builtin conditionals, which might
not have been necessary, if it were already generated by generator
that knows all the settings
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2858[16:19:37] <OpenTokix> Gloomy: Read all the comments, they
are very good - and then you will have a good understanding of what
it does.
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2860[16:19:51] <Gloomy> Yes sounds right. But I also think
it's weird that the previous admin wrote all that stuff just
for this building. maybe it's just a standard file they use in
that company.
2861[16:19:51] <thurstylark1> There's seriously no way to
skip the changelog?
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2863[16:20:18] <OpenTokix> thurstylark1: afaik it can be empty
2864[16:20:37] <Gloomy> allright then, 1600 lines to go :-D
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2867[16:20:56] <OpenTokix> Gloomy: Better to read your actual
firewall, then to read some dumb thing on stack exchange
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2869[16:21:49] <thurstylark1> OpenTokix:
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2871[16:22:08] <OpenTokix> thurstylark1: then it has to be
correct, sorry for that.
2872[16:22:11] <Gloomy> True but I have 0 experience with network
administration so maybe I should read a bit on how it works before
2873[16:22:21] <thurstylark1> how annoying
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2883[16:27:02] <mingdao> Gloomy: maybe /join #Netfilter at some
point ... and
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2886[16:28:28] <Gloomy> thx, will do
2887[16:29:26] <Cheshired> someone for a question about packaging
and systemd?
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2894[16:32:52] <way2go> the exact error i got when i try to boot
jessie is kernel panic-not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on
unknown block(0,0)
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2932[16:44:40] <ZeroBeholder> So, I may be breaking an unwritten
rule by posting to SO, coming here giving a brief synopsis, and then
posting a link-- but I'm going to give it a go. I want to set
environment variables that persist across reboots. I want to expose
those environment variables to PHP on a webserver. My scripted
initialization of the node will change and so will the web
application due to testing the...
2933[16:44:42] <ZeroBeholder> ...variables exposed.
2934[16:45:17] <ZeroBeholder> Here is the link for anyone that
wants a hard earned shot at a paltry amount of points (that
don't mean anything best I can tell).
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2987[17:05:55] <brontosaurusrex> If I use httpredir in
sources.list, is there a way to blacklist certain specific servers?
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2989[17:06:41] <somiaj> brontosaurusrex: why do you want to do
that? It is supose to only redirect to healthy mirrors
2990[17:06:57] <somiaj> brontosaurusrex: there is also the new redirector
2991[17:07:12] <greycat> "supposed to" is not
2992[17:07:14] <somiaj> oh that only seems to work with stretch
and later apt though.
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2995[17:08:02] <brontosaurusrex> somiaj, so basically the
solution is to replace httpredir with specific mirror?
2996[17:08:08] <brontosaurusrex> with Jessie i mean
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3001[17:10:36] <somiaj> brontosaurusrex: correct, if you know a
good mirror just use that. I personally haven't had much issue
with, but as a redirector it isn't always
flawless. Using a speicific mirror is one way around it
3002[17:10:46] *** Quits: Alex88WH (~alex88wh@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3003[17:10:48] <brontosaurusrex> Ok, thanks.
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3006[17:11:24] <greycat> I still just continue using
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3015[17:16:45] <sssolid> I am having an issue binding a few
directories. The error message is returning special device does not
exist. The same process works for all but a few directories. Any
help would be appreciated,
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3019[17:16:59] <HaGGaRx> hi people
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3045[17:23:43] <fiveflowerzz> I'd like to test a viewsite
from the point of view of a user which has port 80 and 443 open
only. How to do that from Debian?
3046[17:23:53] <fiveflowerzz> *to view a website
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3049[17:25:08] <greycat> Run a web browser. Type the URL into the
URL bar.
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3053[17:26:08] <fiveflowerzz> greycat: I'm not sure if my
reverse proxy works well etc.
3054[17:26:18] <fiveflowerzz> so I suspect my website uses
another port than 80 and 443
3055[17:26:23] *** Quits: hspcd (~hspcd@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3056[17:26:27] <greycat> Why do you need a reverse proxy or
whatever other bullshit you are talking about to view a web site?
3057[17:26:27] <fiveflowerzz> and so it's possible that some
users will be blocked
3058[17:26:38] *** Quits: betandr (~betandr@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3059[17:26:42] <fiveflowerzz> I have a website
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3062[17:26:59] <fiveflowerzz> and I would like to see it from the
point of view of someone who has only 80 / 443 port access
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3065[17:27:22] <greycat> Does your web site use http or https? Is
it on a standard port?
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3067[17:27:39] <monsune> do you have a clue if there is any way
to run a single-core code on multiple cores? or other method? like
cluster maybe or just anything to let me split that cpu-heavy code
on multiple nodes?
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3070[17:28:05] <Braemar> @fiveflowerzz "netstat -tulpn"
| grep apache" on your webserver
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3072[17:28:18] <teraflops> fiveflowerzz: same as you even from
3073[17:28:28] <petn-randall> monsune: That's something the
programmer of that program has to do.
3074[17:28:28] *** Quits: paw (~afong@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
3075[17:28:39] <greycat> If your web site runs on port 80 then
WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO? What do you think is going to go wrong?
3076[17:28:47] <monsune> petn-randall and no other way?
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3082[17:29:36] <fiveflowerzz> My website is on a VPS
3083[17:29:38] <fiveflowerzz> not local
3084[17:29:39] *** Quits: lachlan_ (~lachlan@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3085[17:29:41] <fiveflowerzz> a distant VPS
3086[17:29:43] <brontosaurusrex> monsune, run multiple in
parallel (if there are multiple tasks)
3087[17:30:02] <fiveflowerzz> which listens on port 7310
3088[17:30:05] <greycat> fiveflowerzz: so fucking what? WHAT PORT
3089[17:30:18] <fiveflowerzz> but my domain provider redirects
all from 7310 to 80
3090[17:30:20] <greycat> Oh. Then a user who can't talk to
port 7310 WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SEE IT. Period. have a nice life.
3091[17:30:26] <greycat> ...
3092[17:30:27] <fiveflowerzz> ...
3093[17:30:30] *** Quits: karimb (~karimb@replaced-ip) (Quit: Karim has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
3094[17:30:30] *** Parts: conan1415 (~conan1415@replaced-ip)
3095[17:30:31] <fiveflowerzz> but my domain provider redirects
all from 7310 to 80
3096[17:30:32] <greycat> *plonk*
3097[17:30:41] <brontosaurusrex> monsune, like: find . -type f
-iname "*.mp4" | parallel --gnu durtc | sort -k2
3098[17:30:46] <fiveflowerzz> but I'm not sure if it's
a nice real redirection
3099[17:30:50] * greycat just keeps ignoring everyone until the agony
3100[17:31:15] *** Quits: clmsy (~eoz@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3101[17:31:29] <fiveflowerzz> or just a HTTP 301 redirection
3102[17:31:38] <fiveflowerzz> or something else which I
don't know...
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3105[17:31:52] <monsune> brontosaurusrex yeah i have just
recently discovered parallel and i love it :) but in this case
it's not about running another instance of the binary,
it's about making it use more cores because it is maxing out 1
core while all the rest is idling...
3106[17:32:16] <fiveflowerzz> So my question is (sorry if you
think my question is bad) : how to mimic having a limited access to
80 and 443 only?
3107[17:32:42] <greycat> By the way, when you BREAK A SENTENCE
INTO MULTIPLE LINES, then people will respond to your partial
when we type and answer to part 1 and then you provide part 2 which
contradicts the answer to part 1, and so on and so on and so fucking
on and on and on
3108[17:32:56] <fiveflowerzz> greycat : I don't see why you
act like this. Was I rude? No. Was I unpolite? No. Do I have limited
knowledge about this? Yes, that's why I'm asking.
What's the problem now?
3109[17:33:33] <fiveflowerzz> the only problem I can see is you
talking loud with capital letters... If you don't want to
answer, don't, but please let other people do.
3110[17:33:43] <greycat> monsune: The program ITSELF has to be
rewritten to use algorithms that can take advantage of multiple
threads. This is not a thing you throw a stupid shell tool at.
3111[17:34:11] <greycat> It often means rewriting the entire
application from scratch.
3112[17:34:22] <monsune> greycat so basically not possible to
force cpu or kernel? that's what i was hoping for
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3114[17:34:41] <monsune> they don't want to :/
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3125[17:39:04] <Guest78268> I have a problem running openbox.
When I start an installed program (downloaded tar with executable in
it) I can see the gui as a root but not as a non-root user. Chmod is
good and strace has the same outputs for root and non-root so I have
no idea anymore why I cant see the program
3126[17:39:40] <monsune> do i have a problem there? RX
packets:1135192079 errors:0 dropped:10730 overruns:0 frame:0
3127[17:39:57] *** Parts: fiveflowerzz (~ahop@replaced-ip)
3128[17:40:01] <monsune> i mean that amount of dropped
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3133[17:40:45] <thxer> Hi guys
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3135[17:40:58] <monsune> hello thxer
3136[17:41:15] *** Quits: klow (~textual@replaced-ip) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
3137[17:41:26] <thxer> I need to mount a remote folder . This
remote folder will be used a samba root folder. I have to mount it
with : acl, user_xattr options.
3138[17:41:39] <thxer> But sshfs, nfs semms to not support thaht
3139[17:41:41] <thxer> that
3140[17:41:46] <thxer> have you got a idea ?
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3146[17:42:59] <thxer> Wich kind of "mount" (cifs ,
sshfs, nfs ...) i have to use for mapped a remote share in my fstab
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3151[17:45:14] <tremon> thxer: cifs
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3153[17:46:10] <petn-randall> monsune: Do you see a problem?
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3156[17:47:23] <thxer> tremon , okey i use it but user_xattr and
acl options don't exsist
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3162[17:48:52] <tremon> that's correct
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3165[17:49:27] <thxer> it's implicit ?
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3168[17:50:07] <tremon> yup, see man mount.cifs. There are
options noacl and nouser_xattr, but the default is to have them
enabled if the server supports it
3169[17:50:27] <thxer> okey i read it, but i was not sure
3170[17:50:31] <thxer> thank's a lot :)
3171[17:50:35] <zamba> how can i remove everything X-related on a
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3175[17:51:22] <tremon> however I agree that only providing
negative options does not follow the principle of least surprise
3176[17:51:22] <c-c> zamba: apt-get purge?
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3178[17:51:42] <greycat> Find the package that all of the X libs
depend on (probably something with "common" in the name)
and remove that.
3179[17:51:49] <tremon> zamba: X as in "X server", or X
as in "any random package"
3180[17:51:51] <greycat> !remove x
3181[17:51:51] <dpkg> rumour has it, remove x is "aptitude
remove x11-common" will remove X. Use "purge" instead
of remove if you also want to remove X's configuration.
3182[17:52:04] <greycat> That factoid might be quite old....
3183[17:52:11] <nohitall> hi guys, I am trying to et java working
in firefox, I am on jessie, I installed openjdk7 and 8 but with both
I am missing the file that ever tutorial is talking
about. Anybody got an idea?
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3207[17:59:15] <TomTomTo1> ,i icedtea-plugin
3208[17:59:16] <judd> Package icedtea-plugin (web, extra) in
jessie/amd64: web browser plugin to execute Java applets (dependency
package). Version: 1.5.3-1; Size: 8.5k; Installed: 35k; Homepage:
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3210[17:59:30] <TomTomTo1> that was the right thing iirc.
3211[17:59:35] <thxer> tremon , however I agree that only
providing negative options does not follow the principle of least
surprise // sure
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3219[18:02:08] <zamba> dpkg -l | grep GNOME
3220[18:02:08] <dpkg> No packages found matching | grep GNOME
3221[18:02:11] <zamba> could work
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3225[18:02:43] <greycat> I thought you wanted to remove X, not
3226[18:02:46] <greycat> !remove gnome
3227[18:02:46] <dpkg> To remove or purge GNOME 2.x: aptitude
remove ~nlibgnome ~nlibbonobo2 ~nliborbit2 ~nlibgnomeui
~nlibgnomevfs2. Use 'purge' instead of 'remove'
if that's what you want (ask me about <purge>).
3228[18:02:47] *** Joins: stray_ (~stray@replaced-ip)
3229[18:02:52] <greycat> Nobody knows how to remove gnome 3.x
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3233[18:03:16] <n4dir> would be better if nobody knew how to
install it ...
3234[18:03:16] *** Joins: Bona (~Bona@replaced-ip)
3235[18:03:34] <greycat> It's also helpful if you actually
ask the question you want answered.
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3241[18:06:07] <ninjaturtle> Hello, is it possible to slipstream
the non-free firmware blob from into a stable xfce cd
install image? I know there is an image with the blob already in it,
but AFAIK it doesn't have an xfce variant, which is what I need
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3248[18:07:10] <greycat> Why do you need an "xfce
variant"? Can't you just select that in the task selection
dialog at the end?
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3250[18:07:33] <ninjaturtle> why is there an xfce image
at all?
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3254[18:08:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1713
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3257[18:08:20] <TomTomTo1> for people who don't have a
working connection during installation but want xfce.
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3260[18:09:17] <ninjaturtle> so if I get a vanilla iso, and
select xfce for a DE, the install will be identical to that of the
xfce image?
3261[18:09:37] *** Quits: Serpent7776 (~Serpent77@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
3262[18:09:38] <teraflops> affirmative
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3273[18:12:23] <ninjaturtle> hmm ok thanks, incidentally, if I
put the blob on a usb stick and direct the installer to that during
install, is it going to be any different from installing from the
firmware-inlined image?
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3276[18:12:53] <n4dir> and what would be the advantage of doing
so? for the lulz?
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3280[18:13:57] <ninjaturtle> because I already downloaded the
xfce image and I'm looking at another half-hour of downloading
to get a new image with the firmware inlined
3281[18:13:58] <n4dir> btw: to me it looks as if the
debian-installer is the same on any iso (including the net-iso).
Hence what you get depends on the choices you make during
installation, not on the iso (firmware obviously being an exception)
3282[18:14:24] <TomTomTo1> ninjaturtle: you can do that.
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3288[18:16:18] <ninjaturtle> can the installer read from ntfs
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3290[18:16:51] <TomTomTo1> fat is recommended.
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3306[18:21:47] <ninjaturtle> ok everyone, thanks for all the
help, later
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3340[18:37:23] <armin> anyone a clue why my system shuts down
when i do a "reboot"? i can easily switch the machine on
again by hitting the power button, but i would love to be able to
reboot my machine without physical access, like we did for decades.
i reckon something systemd-related?