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11[00:03:23] <jhutchins> Be aware that web manpages may not
match the version you have installed.
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20[00:11:14] <themill> jhutchins: ummm....
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23[00:11:45] <pirla> Hello once more
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25[00:13:17] <pirla> I'm looking for: a password
generator, a sync folder app and a image to ascii art converter, all
with a gui
26[00:13:55] <ksk> pirla: take a look at pwgen (not GUI - but
who needs that..)
27[00:14:12] <pirla> I do need
28[00:14:16] <imMute> So I just noticed that the latest version
of the kernel available in Buster is 4.19.67-2+deb10u2 which was
about 2 months ago (according to the git log of the source repo).
However the buster branch in the source repo has been updated since
then and is currently at 4.19.87-1. Is there a reason those changes
are not making it to the archive??
29[00:15:17] <themill> 4.19.87-1 is in buster-proposed-updates
for the next point release
30[00:15:34] <themill> !10.3
31[00:15:34] <dpkg> Debian 10.3 is scheduled to be released on
Feb 8th 2020. This point release will correct some serious bugs and
copy security updates across to the main archive. Upgrades to new
point releases are trivial to do; ask me about <point
32[00:15:51] <themill> !buster-proposed-updates
33[00:15:51] <dpkg> stable-proposed-updates is a repository
containing packages being prepared for the next <point
release>. While they have already been, your additional testing
is most welcome prior to wider release.
34[00:15:53] <imMute> themill: so none of the changes are
security fixes, so they're postposed until the next point
35[00:16:11] <themill> presumably
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37[00:16:43] <themill> you can add b-p-u to your sources.list
and get the package right now
38[00:17:47] <imMute> makes sense to me. I was made aware of a
CVE that is quite old and isn't fixed in the current version in
buster. I didn't look at the nature of the changes in the git
repo, just saw new stuff that wasn't available (in the normal
archives) and wondered why.
39[00:18:07] <petn-randall> imMute: which CVE?
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42[00:19:48] <imMute> petn-randall: I don't actually know
which CVE number it is, trying to find that now. (I was pointed at
the security tracker page)
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44[00:20:49] <imMute> petn-randall: CVE-2019-14615
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52[00:27:40] <imMute> looks like it was fixed in the linux
mainline and was backported to the 4.19 branch in the 4.19.96
release (the commit linked from the security tracker matches one in
the LWN announcement)
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63[00:34:10] <petn-randall> dpkg: cve lookup CVE-2019-14615
64[00:34:11] <dpkg> Information about the security advisory
CVE-2019-14615 may be found at
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69[00:37:33] <petn-randall> imMute: I'm not an expert, but
it looks like a low-impact CVE to me. AFAICS the only leakage
scenario is when you use a vGPU, then the guest might be able to
read bits from the host's screen.
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75[00:38:55] <somiaj> ,kernels
76[00:38:56] <judd> Available kernel versions are:
experimental: 5.5.0-rc5-686 (5.5~rc5-1~exp1); sid: 5.4.0-2-686
(5.4.8-1); bullseye: 5.4.0-2-686 (5.4.8-1); buster-backports:
5.3.0-0.bpo.2-686 (5.3.9-2~bpo10+1); buster: 4.19.0-6-686
(4.19.67-2+deb10u2); stretch-backports: 4.19.0-0.bpo.6-686-pae
(4.19.67-2+deb10u2~bpo9+1); stretch: 4.9.0-11-686-pae
(4.9.189-3+deb9u2); jessie-backports:
77[00:38:57] <judd> 4.9.0-0.bpo.6-686-pae
(4.9.88-1+deb9u1~bpo8+1); jessie: 4.9.0-0.bpo.11-686-pae
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81[00:39:18] <imMute> I've seen that page as well. I
don't fully understand the mechanics of the bug but it smells
like a low-impact one to be honest.
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84[00:40:39] <somiaj> imMute: if it has been backported to the
4.19 branch upstream, it should make its way to debian, I think
point releases bring in the upstream changes
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86[00:41:49] <ksk> I read something about that the other day, a
blogpost stating you would need local access to the machine to use
that vulnerability
87[00:42:18] <imMute> somiaj: it was backported upstream and
then released two days ago.
88[00:43:28] <imMute> ksk: physically local access or local as
in someone logged in to a shell (which could be SSH) versus a
"remote" user, as in someone hitting an http server or
something like that?
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90[00:44:04] <ksk> as in "I can touch the computer" -
but dont hold me reliable on that please without further
investigation :x
91[00:44:08] <somiaj> well it looks like 10.1 broung it
4.19.67, though didn't see a new kernel with 10.2. Depending on
the kernel team I would expect the 4.19.X branch to get updated
during some point release.
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93[00:44:47] <somiaj> though looks like 4.19.87 is sitting in
proposed updates, so this might be a bit too new to get in the next
fix in debian
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97[00:47:02] <somiaj> But in either case for the changes/fixes
to 4.19 that aren't considered sever enough to get a backported
patch, they will eventually make it in when the newer 4.19.X kernel
makes it in.
98[00:47:34] <somiaj> though wonder if 4.19.87 is going to be
comming with the next point release or not (you can grab that from
proposed-updates too, but seems you need .96 or newer for this fix)
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101[00:48:51] <imMute> all makes sense to me. other than why
isn't there a security release for this bug? just not high
priority enough?
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104[00:50:16] <somiaj> Hard to say why this particular bug
wasn't considered grave enough to get a security patch. It
could also be it will get bundeled with a group of patches during
some security update. But this is all spectulation.
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107[00:51:38] <ratrace> btw if I cared about intel gpu vulns, I
wouldn't be so eager to get the fix for it....
108[00:51:45] <ratrace> vote with your wallet, vote AMD!
109[00:51:55] <imMute> fair enough. I personally don't
really care, just decided to dig into this based on a reddit post I
110[00:53:40] <Miles8of9> question: let's say i need to run
a program i don't trust... it may be dangerous or something.. i
don't know.. how can i run it safely on linux?
111[00:54:09] <ratrace> Miles8of9: containerized, as low
privilege as possible, preferably with a MAC policy like AppArmor or
112[00:54:32] <ratrace> also probably virtualized
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114[00:55:06] <Miles8of9> containerized you mean things like
115[00:55:32] <ratrace> no I mean in its own namespaces. by
"virtualized" I mean things like virtualbox (KVM
preferably, but yeah "like" virtualbox)
116[00:55:40] <somiaj> there are various ways to can isolate a
program, a separate non-internet connected physical machine that you
will reimage after wards is the an extream way, but could be one of
the safest
117[00:56:14] <ratrace> important to keep in mind that no
mitigation is 100% safe
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120[00:56:49] <somiaj> run it with an unprivlaged user can be
safe in many cases, putting it in a chroot adds a small (Though
easily escapable) barrier, then containers, vms, or even a seperate
machine to isolate the process.
121[00:56:53] <Miles8of9> what does it mean "own
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125[00:57:50] <ratrace> Miles8of9:
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127[00:57:53] <Miles8of9> what is an unprivileged user? i can
create a new user like the one i'm using
128[00:58:42] <ratrace> means a user with no unnecessary
permissions given, no unnecessary memberships in groups it
doesn't need.... Least Privilege Principle should apply
129[00:59:39] <somiaj> also different than your main user, so
that use won't have access to any of your personal data (though
make sure your home is chmod 750 for your main user)
130[01:00:04] <somiaj> by default in debian I think other users
can read your data just not write to it
131[01:00:24] <Miles8of9> lol i need to check that :|
132[01:00:36] <ratrace> yup. meanwhile, unix user permissions is
something I'd never trust enough. I'd always go a with a
proper MAC policy instead
133[01:00:47] <somiaj> yea, ls -l /home, looks like 755 is
default $HOME permission, 750 will isolate users data more.
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135[01:01:00] <ratrace> there be suids or dbus exploits and DAC
is pretty much very weak in 2019 computing patterns.
136[01:01:13] <somiaj> yea, it really depends on how devious you
think said program could be, the more barriers/isolation, the
137[01:01:41] <Miles8of9> what is MAC policy?
138[01:02:01] <ratrace> Mandatory Access Policy. AppArmor,
SELinux, Grsec/RBAC, and I'm sure there are others
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140[01:02:38] <ximpr> Hi, I am trying to connect my PC and an
Android phone via USB and have trouble with that, I can't
access the phone's storage. First unusual thing I notice is
that the output from mtp-detect varies.
141[01:03:04] <ximpr> First time I plug the USB cable in
mtp-detect lists the phone with a lot of data with no errors.
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143[01:03:21] <somiaj> ximpr: there are various ways to do this,
and the default I think is terrible. But if you want to use mtp you
need some program that knows how to communicate to the phone
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145[01:03:39] <Miles8of9> if i'm not wrong apparmor should
bee installed by default on debian...
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147[01:03:52] <somiaj> I personally find using the andriod
devlopment tools adb the better way to access the phone (though you
do have to turn debugging mode on for your phone)
148[01:03:57] <ratrace> ximpr: I'm using jmtpfs for that. A
bit glitchy (have to give perms on the phone twice) but otherwise
149[01:04:01] <ximpr> somiaj: I tried to use jmtpfs as well, in
vain. Do you have any recommendations?
150[01:04:03] <somiaj> Miles8of9: in buster, yes, but it is
still a fairly minimial policy.
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152[01:04:14] <ratrace> Miles8of9: yes it is, but very little
default policies. Probably none for your dangerous programs.
153[01:04:27] <somiaj> ximpr: jmtpfs worked for me, but it was
always slow, adb was much faster (I use it for copying gigs of
photos off my phone)
154[01:04:47] <somiaj> ximpr: though with adb it does help to
have some familarity with a cli shell
155[01:05:14] <ximpr> somiaj: I have that. Did you just use adb
push or what?
156[01:05:15] <ratrace> there's that (free?) mobile app
that you can use to establish http(s) based connection to the phone
and transfer files. forgot its name...
157[01:05:46] <somiaj> Miles8of9: A chroot can be quick and easy
method, as long as the program doesn't try to do a root exploit
and escape the chroot, this can work for many things. A vm just
offers a large layer of protection, because you can just destory the
VM if things go wrong.
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160[01:06:09] <somiaj> ximpr: yup, I just use adb pull and push.
Though I had to do some trick (like tap a certain button on my phone
11 times) to turn the debug mode on to use it.
161[01:06:23] <ratrace> though nothing prevents you to run the
VM process under a SELinux or maybe even apparmor policy :)
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163[01:06:52] <somiaj> I still think a sepearte machine with no
internet connection is one of the safer methods.
164[01:06:58] <ratrace> true.
165[01:07:06] <Miles8of9> i'm trying to understand
166[01:07:07] <somiaj> also no data or anything except a basic
install you will reimage after you are done.
167[01:07:41] <ximpr> somiaj: I already did this and adb works
for me, didn't think to use it for that, thought it would work
with MTP. But I guess adb is probably okay for now, I don't
need to use it often.
168[01:07:46] <ratrace> somiaj: but even that isn't 100%
safe :) in theory, the IME thingy could be infected so any OS
installed afterwards easily pwn'd. after all, there's a
whole minix inside that IME :)
169[01:08:00] <ratrace> far fetched, but proof enough that even
that ain't 100% safe
170[01:08:25] <somiaj> ratrace: ahh yea, hide something in the
171[01:08:40] <ratrace> efi even
172[01:08:43] <somiaj> so after you are done, completely reflash
all of the firmware on the machine
173[01:10:40] <Miles8of9> i see files if /etc/apparmor.d
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175[01:11:12] <Miles8of9> do i need to put a file there with
custom options for that program?
176[01:11:35] <ratrace> Miles8of9: yes and you can use
aa-genprof or aa-logprof to construct initial policies
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179[01:11:53] <ratrace> there's an official apparmor wiki
with examples and guides
180[01:12:08] <Miles8of9> that's interesting
181[01:12:29] <zylop> yeah
182[01:12:43] <zylop> but now im faster
183[01:12:45] <zylop> sorry !
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185[01:13:01] <ratrace> I got my own policies on firefox, steam,
other programs I frequently use with untrusted data
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188[01:14:21] <Miles8of9> what options did you put?
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191[01:14:46] <ratrace> Miles8of9: all the paths and modes
required for legitimate operation of those programs
192[01:15:12] <ratrace> the point of a MAC policy is to say what
the program is allowed and expected to do, so everything else is
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195[01:15:30] <ratrace> read the wiki. bbl, lunch
196[01:15:38] <Miles8of9> ok thanks a lot
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202[01:20:44] <ximpr> Oh cool, just saw that Raphael Hertzog and
some others are updating the Debian Administrator Handbook for
Buster :) Would love to see a new version of it.
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206[01:22:36] <mason> Hey all. I'm wondering if there are
known issues netbooting libvirt-hosted VMs. I'm following
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250[01:38:43] <mason> Woot, figured it out.
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252[01:38:59] <ksk> mason: what was the issue?
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259[01:42:55] <mason> ksk: So, hardware seems not to require an
explicit next-server, but ipxe does. With that in place, it works. I
got thrown off by debugging stuff I was reading that was talking
about root-path, which ends up being irrelevant if I'm loading
260[01:43:12] <mason> At least, the hardware sitting with me
that I'm using for testing.
261[01:43:33] <mason> Alright, now to build the equivalent for
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303[02:15:14] <preyalone> The kfreebsd download links 404, the
daily ISO directories are empty, and for some reason
isn't connecting :/
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314[02:23:49] <mason> preyalone: Try some other oftc server.
That's the network is on.
315[02:24:10] <ksk> " is an alias for"
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404[03:36:36] <No0n3Left> Im trying to install debian on a
laptop, however, I need to get the MAC address of either the wired
or wireless interface during installation. This is due to having to
register the device on the network (it is a school network which
requires registering devices MAC address). Is there anyway to check
the mac address during install? I tried opening the shell and doing
ifconfig, but, ifconfig wasnt an avaliable command
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411[03:39:09] <mason> No0n3Left: Open the shell and try "ip
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521[04:23:52] <No0n3Left> Is there anyway to access any text
based browser from the installer? I need to access a network login
page to allow access to any domain but my universities gatekeeper
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527[04:29:22] <oerheks> No0n3Left, start the installer from a
live iso, i guess.
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605[05:34:45] <Oceany> I need help with my Bind9 server.
It's giving me could not configure root hints from
'/usr/share/dns/root.hints': permission denied
606[05:34:54] <Oceany> I need it for my personal email.
607[05:35:06] <Oceany> I transferred the config files from my
old VPS.
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609[05:35:35] <toruvinn> that sounds like the file permissions
are wrong. or owner.
610[05:35:40] <Oceany> Disabling apparmor fixed it.
611[05:36:12] <Oceany> Yep, it's now resolving :)
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613[05:37:00] <Oceany> Now I'm transferring postfix, apt,
and PHP config files. Hopefully it'll work out.
614[05:37:39] <Oceany> I should've mentioned this, but
I'm doing this from Ubuntu Server, not Debian. The system
I'm IRCing from is my main Debian PC.
615[05:38:12] <Oceany> They're both the same internally
though (or similar).
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