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5[00:03:48] <awal1> david3, under stable branch upgrade or
dist-upgrade does quasi same thing since no new pkgs/newer versions
are introduced. testingUnstable are another story
6[00:04:44] <annadane> well, at least for point releases
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8[00:04:56] <annadane> 8 > 9 > 10 etc is a bit of a
different story
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12[00:05:15] <awal1> ya
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17[00:06:14] <awal1> obvious :P
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23[00:07:24] <mrjayribs> dcaxq: sorry i'm so busy
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26[00:08:21] <mrjayribs> dcaxq: I wonder if that info was too
27[00:08:25] <mrjayribs> personal*
28[00:08:30] <annadane> yeah i mean it's like i was saying
linux programs really ought to run pdf's
29[00:08:33] <annadane> including firefox
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31[00:08:40] <annadane> that message you got makes zero sense
32[00:08:46] <annadane> unless they have a really shady deal
with adobe
33[00:08:52] <dcaxq> mrjayribs: as you see the pdf created with
Adobe LiveCycle and I am not aware of a pdf software that can open
that file.
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36[00:09:17] <mrjayribs> that was a fancy set of commands my
friend. bravo for your help!
37[00:09:17] <dcaxq> mrjayribs: Your best is to open it on
Adobe Acrobat on a windows compuer.
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44[00:10:49] <dcaxq> computer*
45[00:11:24] <mrjayribs> dcaxq: thank you. Honestly that nc
command does it for me.
46[00:11:49] <dcaxq> no problem
47[00:12:05] <dcaxq> happy to help
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49[00:12:50] <mrjayribs> dcaxq: yeah but really wtf whats up
with that nc command
50[00:13:31] <mrjayribs> to the man pages!
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53[00:14:03] <dcaxq> yep
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56[00:14:24] <dcaxq> in briefly, it's just pipe and send
the data to that host+port
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64[00:16:56] <mrjayribs> I see. Yeah I'm researching it.
It's a very simple tool.
65[00:16:58] <annadane> i did not know about livecycle...
that's really odd
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67[00:18:15] <awal1> btw, pdftk + pdfchain are good
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69[00:19:09] <mrjayribs> awal1: good for what?
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72[00:20:08] <awal1> for restricted pdf stuff
73[00:20:58] <mrjayribs> i'll give it a shot
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76[00:22:05] <tiwake> how do I use LUKS to decrypt some drives
before initramfs tries to mount my ZFS pool?
77[00:22:24] <dcaxq> !luks
78[00:22:25] <dpkg> Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS) is a disk
encryption specification with a platform-independent format.
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80[00:22:51] <Maido-Chan> is there any way in kate tocompare
two files side by side?
81[00:23:16] <tiwake> dcaxq: I already have it set up, I just
need to decrypt the drives that my ZFS pool is attached to before
ZFS tries to mount it
82[00:23:33] <durg> maido-chan: thats a typical diff exercise
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84[00:23:50] <durg> emacs can also do it, don't know about
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86[00:24:05] <mrjayribs> awal1: i'd love to talk about
that later; but I have to go now. Thank you for the suggestions
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88[00:24:14] <phogg> Maido-Chan: use kdiff3 for that
89[00:24:26] <Maido-Chan> kdiff3?
90[00:24:42] <phogg> Maido-Chan: a KDE diff program; also the
best GUI diff tool I've used
91[00:25:26] <Maido-Chan> k thanx
92[00:25:28] <Maido-Chan> installing now
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95[00:26:08] <Maido-Chan> something odd. i prefer gui for
almost everything and yet i don't think i've opened
whatever graphical package manager debian/xfce4 may have come with.
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101[00:28:58] <annadane> Maido-Chan, split view?
102[00:29:05] <annadane> "view - split view"
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104[00:29:10] <Coolternet> hello guys
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106[00:29:21] <Maido-Chan> doesn't have comparative
highlighting or synchronized scrolling. :p
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110[00:31:07] <Coolternet> anyone can tell me if all is ok ?
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124[00:38:34] <dcaxq> Coolternet: why do you ask here?
125[00:38:53] <dcaxq> what is the issue?
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127[00:39:12] <Coolternet> i dont have any acces to web server
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279[02:02:16] <Crawl123> hi guys
280[02:02:28] <bazhang> hi
281[02:02:28] <Crawl123> I can't run ifconfig
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283[02:02:36] <Crawl123> Just installed debian
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285[02:02:40] <bazhang> what about ip route
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287[02:02:48] <Crawl123> ?
288[02:02:56] <bazhang> use ip
289[02:03:01] <bazhang> not ifconfig
290[02:03:21] <Crawl123> any params?
291[02:03:27] <bazhang> sure
292[02:03:27] <Crawl123> I mean, I need basic info
293[02:03:38] <n4dir> probably: ip a
294[02:03:42] <bazhang> ever heard of reading a man
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307[02:08:33] <mnuhmnuh> /sbin/ifconfig
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314[02:09:20] <mnuhmnuh> works. /sbin's not in PATH. silly.
315[02:09:32] <mnuhmnuh> not your fault.
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317[02:10:16] <coruja> if ifconfig is installed…
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329[02:15:48] <Crawl123> how to nslookup in debian?
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332[02:17:18] <Crawl123> also I can't run synaptic gui
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336[02:19:08] <coruja> try to use 'apt search
<whatever>' yourself and 'i can't run xy'
is no error message one can do any support with
337[02:19:28] <coruja> !ask
338[02:19:29] <dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For
example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian
version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I
expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if
anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all
volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get
an answer try a few hours later or on
See <smart questions><errors>.
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340[02:20:07] <xilok> whois ? maybe
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342[02:20:18] <Crawl123> heh, I can't configure network, I
need tools that can be installed over network, hah
343[02:20:48] <mnuhmnuh> libnet-nslookup-perl?
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345[02:21:02] <coruja> then you should maybe ask for help with
network config (see above how)
346[02:21:07] <mnuhmnuh> :-)
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348[02:22:35] <xilok> !ip
349[02:22:35] <dpkg> IP (Internet Protocol) is a connectionless,
best-effort packet switching protocol. It provides packet routing,
fragmentation and re-assembly through the data link layer. To check
yours, go to
350[02:22:40] <coruja> and if network is a problem during
installation, maybe use a dvd iso for install with much more
packages 'on board' even offline
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353[02:23:29] <Crawl123> yea, I made usb-installer
354[02:23:47] <Crawl123> but apt doesn't see it like source
of applications
355[02:24:23] <coruja> it should be added automatically to
sources.list during install, maybe just commented out
356[02:24:49] <coruja> /etc/apt/sources.list i mean
357[02:26:12] <xilok> that is a repo list
358[02:26:30] <xilok> apt-get update
359[02:26:41] <xilok> what does it do?
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362[02:28:15] <bitlan> hi
363[02:28:51] <bitlan> where i can find IMQ patch for debian 9
with 4.9.0-3-amd64 kernel ?
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372[02:33:19] <Crawl123> It hopes that I will install it with
373[02:33:23] <Crawl123> so it adds it
374[02:33:25] <Crawl123> not flash
375[02:33:39] <Crawl123> now fckn nano is zombie and I
can't kill it
376[02:33:51] <Crawl123> 'cause I use ctrl+C for copy, haha
377[02:33:57] <Crawl123> mthfckr
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379[02:34:24] <bazhang> Crawl123, no cursing please
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381[02:34:29] <Crawl123> k
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385[02:35:03] <Crawl123> instead of lunch I configuring old
386[02:35:07] <Crawl123> stuff*
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399[02:43:00] <Crawl123> how to add new source to it?
400[02:43:18] <Crawl123> It doesn't get
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423[02:59:06] <masterkorp> Guys how can I install AMD propritary
drivers on debian ?
424[02:59:37] <RoyK> graphics card stuff_
425[02:59:38] <RoyK> ?
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427[03:01:13] <ealfonso> just installed npm through apt-get and
I'm getting an error: "Error: Cannot find module
'npmlog'"... is the packageed npm useful at all?
428[03:01:13] <ealfonso>
429[03:01:33] <somiaj> masterkorp: What graphics card? I think
fglrx is discontinued and amdgpupro only supports newer cards.
430[03:01:53] <somiaj> ealfonso: do you have installing
recommended packages turned off?
431[03:01:59] <RoyK> ealfonso: works for me™
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434[03:03:09] <somiaj> ealfonso: What version of debian are you
435[03:04:19] <RoyK> s/What/Which/ # :þ
436[03:04:41] <somiaj> Possibly, I'm not the best at
437[03:05:30] <RoyK> shouldn't be that hard
438[03:06:19] <ealfonso> probably some issue with some
environment variables about where node libs are in the system
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440[03:07:04] <RoyK> ealfonso: do you have a lot of stuff
compiled by hand?
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442[03:08:10] * RoyK slightly wonders how many punched cards
you'd need to install a modern linux distro
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444[03:10:16] <ealfonso> I'm on 8.9
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451[03:19:11] <mnuhmnuh> RoyK: 41 floppie images dl'd from
tsx-whatevever.yaknow, over 32kbps modem ...
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470[03:25:39] <RoyK> mnuhmnuh: ell, my first linux intallation
was from a cdrom, 2x, really fast :D slackware 2.1 kernel 1.1.59 -
stability wasn't an issue back then - we didn't have it
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534[04:00:57] <jbaruchdu> ?OTRv23?
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537[04:00:57] <spadizs> ?OTRv23?
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559[04:10:21] <GenTooMan> I'm looking at acquiring a new
computer and wondered if Debian would install like normal on it. The
GL753VE ROG computer from ASUS. I plan on obliterating windows 10
however they seem to have stuffed an SSD drive in it. So now
I'm curious how to deal with an SSD. I've installed debian
a few times (5 times) so I'm not a neophyte just a bit of
concern over the hardware and the UEFI blocking replacement of
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587[04:27:44] <dvs> GenTooMan, I think you have to turn off
SecureBoot and use the UEFI installer
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606[04:46:01] <goiken2> I just ran dist-upgrade after setting my
sources.list from stretch to testing. Now I only boot into a
blinking cursor…
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608[04:46:41] <iflema> and
609[04:46:50] <iflema> what are you testing?
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611[04:48:36] <annadane> goiken, you should probably ask on
#debian-next on
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615[04:51:23] <goiken> any chance I can even get a shell? google
suggests that this may be nvidia-related?
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620[04:55:10] <iflema> P.E.B.C.A.K. You missed the google about
using testing
621[04:56:00] <annadane> if you can't even get a shell or
virtual terminal it probably means it's more than just
accidentally removing a critical package
622[04:56:04] <annadane> but take it to #debian-next
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626[04:57:44] <goiken> annadane y… get this screen before
even running into cryptsetup…
627[04:57:53] <FunkyBob> is anyone else getting a 503 for
628[04:58:01] *** Maido-Chan is now known as Meido-Chan
629[04:58:12] <annadane> FunkyBob, not a 503 but yes,
"service unavailable"
630[04:58:28] <annadane> for me it says "please try again
later" so perhaps routine maintenance
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632[04:58:38] <FunkyBob> been trying for hours
633[04:58:51] <annadane> FunkyBob, perhaps ask on #debian-replaced-url
634[04:58:58] <FunkyBob> thanks
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638[05:01:50] <iflema> thats a 503 closed for repair
639[05:03:30] <iflema> perhaps make useless noise
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642[05:05:15] <FunkyBob> seems a little less than their usual
professional standard to not put up a page for that
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648[05:07:38] <iflema> maybe its getting ddos'd
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650[05:07:51] <iflema> lol
651[05:08:13] <GenTooMan> dvs: thanks that is what I needed to
652[05:08:40] <dvs> yay
653[05:08:42] <iflema> keep up the good work
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664[05:15:15] <k_sze[work]> I'm a bit confused about
665[05:15:25] <k_sze[work]> Is it an NTP client, an NTP server?
Or both?
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668[05:16:11] <Tom-_> client
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685[05:22:28] <niconico> did popcorn time break for anyone using
debian 9.2?
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687[05:23:45] <annadane> niconico, i'm not sure popcorn
time is even in debian
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689[05:24:11] <niconico> it's not. I happened to install a
beta .deb from the official site
690[05:24:24] <annadane> well, that's a bad idea
691[05:24:25] <niconico> either way it broke completely and was
listed as obsolete in my synaptic
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693[05:25:01] <niconico> I know it's, but it's the
best idea to keep my mother busy and not paying netflix
694[05:25:27] <Uberius> XDDDD
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well / But you and me and Cisco know / It's going straight to
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746[06:12:11] <binary106> hi does anyone know if syslog receives
anything by default? i guess not. How would i pipe in kernel/panic
messages to syslog? I want to capture OOM events via
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755[06:21:29] <Agafnd> so a day or two a go i found mate
terminal was beeping at the usual terminal beep times, although it
had not done it before.
756[06:21:54] <Agafnd> seems "terminal bell" was on in
757[06:22:14] <Agafnd> but now i find all the other applications
doing it, in input boxes and such
758[06:22:29] <Agafnd> i don't *think* i changed anything
759[06:22:48] <Agafnd> but how is that turned off? it's
really annoying
760[06:23:01] <Agafnd> and plays even when the sound is muted :(
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766[06:28:25] <Agafnd> to be more specific, it's not *all*
767[06:28:39] <Agafnd> so far hexchat and x-nethack have done it
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not a_ryan .... ok maybe it is)
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799[07:14:53] <la-o-wai> weather
800[07:15:11] <han-solo> !weather
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802[07:15:26] <han-solo> :}
803[07:15:34] <la-o-wai> fail
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847[07:38:36] <la-o-wai> ?
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852[07:39:31] <wgas> Hi i shutdown my laptop with kaffeine still
running the other day now i only get a black window with popup
control bar at the bottom, this is messages from starting with
853[07:39:32] <wgas> uninstalled and reinstalled without change
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858[07:42:26] <la-o-wai> wgas: you shut down?
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860[07:42:59] <wgas> yes, ive done it before on jessie without a
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864[07:46:53] <wgas> tried deleting all the config files for
kaffeine i could find but still no go
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remember that this is the internet)
866[07:49:03] <jelly> wgas: does it work with a different, newly
created, user?
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868[07:49:25] <wgas> havent tried that yet
869[07:49:44] <jelly> if it does that points to leftover config
_somewhere_ in your normal user's home
870[07:50:49] <wgas> ah good idea will try that after i eat,
871[07:51:40] <la-o-wai> never do the upgrade
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892[08:05:38] <wgas> ok how do i add new user on stretch lxde?
no "users" in settings (was using cinnamon jessie b4)
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895[08:07:29] <annadane> wgas, "man adduser"
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901[08:13:31] <wgas> thnx, annadane
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904[08:15:19] <wgas> how do i add another desktop? i want to try
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912[08:19:53] <jelly> !install kde
913[08:19:53] <dpkg> The 'kde-standard' package gets
you the common set-up, 'kde-plasma-desktop' and
'kde-plasma-netbook' provide minimal KDE 4 setups with
respective flavouring, and 'kde-full' installs everything
KDE 4. To install using Debian-Installer (if not using KDE CD-1):
from the 'Software selection' dialog, choose
"KDE" (use space bar to toggle selections), then
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916[08:20:26] <jelly> those still exist in stretch with plasma5
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919[08:21:00] <wgas> cool thnx jelly
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935[08:34:32] <vlt> Hello. Is there a way to make a DHCP request
without actually changing any network configuration? I want to see
what IP address and gateway I *would* get assigned.
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941[08:39:35] <nix64bit> vlt: would arp cache not find that?
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944[08:40:19] <Iridos> vlt, did you look at "man
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947[08:42:46] <vlt> Iridos: Yes, there's a "-w"
flag but to me it's not entirely clear what it does. Also
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949[08:43:17] <vlt> nix64bit: I'll try arp cache, thanks.
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958[08:45:39] <vlt> nix64bit: Any idea exactly *how* to use arp
cache to find that?
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971[08:49:03] <Iridos> yeah, -n looks like the thing… and
yes, it could be a bit more verbose
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973[08:49:36] <Iridos> also -d and possibly -v
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978[08:52:06] * vlt tries carefully
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say no... I wear black on the outside because black is how I feel
on the inside... Uso negro por fuera porque negro me siento por
dentro... ##replaced-url
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1087[09:46:45] <dionysus69> morning
1088[09:47:13] <dexta> gm
1089[09:47:15] <patsToms> "dd if=debian.iso of=/dev/sdb
bs=4M; sync" should be enough to make bootable usb stick with
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1091[09:47:42] <dionysus69> yes in case of netinstaller/ uefi
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1093[09:48:35] <patsToms> if it is dvd iso?
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1102[09:52:14] <deego> Is there an apt- equivalent for
"apt-get install foo --purge" so that any automatic
removals are purged, not deinstalled?
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1133[10:14:12] <rosa> Does anyone know how to re-enable wifi?
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1157[10:28:04] <patsToms> rosa, maybe you can use some shortcut
on your keyboard?
1158[10:28:10] <{[````||||````]}>
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1176[10:34:12] <niconico> rosa: which DE are you using?
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1186[10:40:46] <altker128> Hey guys. I'm having a weird
issue with x11vnc segfaulting whenever I click on a menu item ; it
happens with both RealVNC viewer (6.x) and UltraVNC ; Is there an
alternative VNC server I can try?
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1198[10:50:45] <altker128> Well I think I "fixed it" by
running compiz
1199[10:50:48] <altker128> let's see if it stays working
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1215[11:00:47] <Iridos> what menu?
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1235[11:13:59] <J3FF> hey guys, I am running debian 8. where can
I see my bootlog? there is no /var/log/boot
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1239[11:15:06] <petn-randall> J3FF: You need to install bootlogd
for that.
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1242[11:15:57] <J3FF> thank you
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1246[11:19:00] <petn-randall> No problem :)
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1261[11:30:57] <kbob> hello, when I try to startx in tty1 I get:
Only console users are allowed to run the X server. How I can login
tty2 or tty6?
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1266[11:32:33] <Iridos> tty1 should qualify as "console
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1272[11:34:31] <kbob> Iridos: yes, usually.
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1276[11:37:32] <blingrang_> Hi, I need help. I was trying to
remove a program like so "apt-get purge <program>*".
Notice the asterik. I didn't realize it but the regex matched a
hold load of other programs as well.
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1279[11:38:42] <vlt> Hello. `dhclient -n eth1` prints its
"Usage" help (not listing an "-n" option ) and
exits, while `man dhclient` explicitly shows "-n Do not
configure any interfaces". This is on Debian 8. Any idea what
I'm doing wrong here?
1280[11:39:02] <blingrang_> It removed about 10 to 15 programs
before I realized it and stopped it.
1281[11:39:09] <blingrang_> How do I reverse this?
1282[11:39:39] <vlt> blingrang_: apt-get install <all the
programs you don't want to be uninstalled listed here>
1283[11:39:58] <colo-work> blingrang_, the configs are probably
lost, but look in /var/log/apt/history* for the list of removed
1284[11:40:15] <at0m> blingrang_: /var/log/apt/*.log will have
history ^
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1293[11:43:58] <blingrang_> vlt, colo-work at0m this is the shell
output during the catastrophe.
1294[11:44:31] <colo-work> hehe
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1296[11:44:43] <colo-work> none of the packages removed in that
paste are vital afaik
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1298[11:44:56] <colo-work> reinstalling them should repair your
1299[11:44:59] <at0m> blingrang_: then don't reboot. and an
"apt -f install" tries to "fix" current changes.
that, or either manually review changes in aptitude
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1302[11:45:30] <at0m> either way, carefully review the changes
apt/aptitude proposes
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1305[11:45:53] <blingrang_> colo-work, thanks for the reassurance
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1307[11:46:15] <blingrang_> yeah I'll install them again.
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1309[11:46:38] <Iridos> makes you wonder what regexp matches
those 784 package names… they don't start with the same
letter, nor end with it
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1311[11:46:48] <at0m> lib* mwahah
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1313[11:47:15] <Iridos> anyway, this is ubuntu… ask
#ubuntu for ubuntu questions
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1316[11:49:45] <blingrang_> at0m, Iridos it was "tor*"
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1324[11:54:34] <blingrang_> How abiword* even matches tor* though
is beyond me.
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1333[11:59:22] <at0m> blingrang_: ediTOR ?
1334[12:00:01] <at0m> anyhow, review *any* changes apt wants to
1335[12:00:10] <blingrang_> lesson learned.
1336[12:00:30] <at0m> we all have one way or another =)
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1369[12:14:41] <Rembo> hello, i'm getting this error when i
try to start apache :
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1375[12:19:13] <donut_> Rembo: forgot to include modules needed
by phpmyadmin?
1376[12:19:25] <donut_> or you have a typo and a variable is set
as command
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1381[12:22:57] <Rembo> donut_ :
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1383[12:23:37] <k_sze[work]> Erm...
1384[12:23:42] *** Joins: blingrang (~blingrang@replaced-ip)
1385[12:23:54] <k_sze[work]> apt-get install sendmail
automatically uninstalls postfix
1386[12:23:59] <k_sze[work]> how is that a good idea?
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1388[12:24:19] <themill> you can only have 1 MTA installed
1389[12:24:35] <k_sze[work]> yes, but I expect apt-get to tell me
there's a conflict.
1390[12:24:41] <themill> well it does
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1394[12:27:41] <k_sze[work]> I mean I expect it to tell me
there's a conflict AND THEN abort installing sendmail.
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1396[12:28:22] <at0m> k_sze[work]: apt doesn't ask for
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1398[12:28:27] <k_sze[work]> at0m: it didn't.
1399[12:28:35] <at0m> like, before it proceeds w the install? hmm
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1405[12:29:54] <at0m> it does here. can you cat
/etc/debian_version ?
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1409[12:30:38] <themill> I bet it did ask for confirmation
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1411[12:31:10] <at0m> ^
1412[12:31:13] <themill> (unless you'd --force-yes or
something, in which case, you get what is coming to you)
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1414[12:31:47] <b4d> Any idea why /etc/debian_version was not
updated on my sistem from 9.1 to 9.2 after apt-get dist-upgrade?
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1416[12:32:02] <themill> b4d: because it wasn't bumped (by
1417[12:32:14] <b4d> themill: thanks :)
1418[12:32:33] <masterkorp> somiaj | masterkorp: What graphics
card? I think fglrx is discontinued and amdgpupro only supports
newer cards
1419[12:32:45] <masterkorp> well, how do i install that then?
1420[12:32:47] <themill> it is bumped in stretch-updates
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1422[12:33:34] <donut_> Rembo: yes but do you have "Include
/etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf" in your /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
1423[12:34:27] <donut_> as per phpmyadmin installation
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1430[12:37:47] <Rembo> donut_ , yes it is the last line added
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1432[12:39:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1698
1433[12:39:01] <k_sze[work]> Looks like it did warn, but the
message got drowned.
1434[12:39:08] <k_sze[work]> which still doesn't help.
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1450[12:48:19] <anexit_> tw: figure it out, basically you have to
use tunnel mode to esp entire networks. Transport is only to
transport between two devices. According to tcp/ip from no starch
press you want tunnel mode as it's less overhead cause you can
do entire netblocks. So in the end you want your ipsec-tools.conf
racoon.conf files to point to the gif/gre/tun ips and then you
basically "allow" what needs access to those
1451[12:48:25] <anexit_> through spdadd in tunnel mode
1452[12:48:51] <Rembo> any suggestions?
1453[12:49:01] <anexit_> setting isakmpd to the tunnels will
pretty much force traffic down them.
1454[12:49:28] <donut_> Rembo: well you are definitely missing
some parts of phpmyadmin
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1457[12:49:40] <anexit_> OR you can setup tunnel mode to the
public ip addresses which you don't need gif/tun/gre as ipsec
has its own tunnel protocol.
1458[12:49:42] <donut_> or they are in the wrong place
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1469[12:55:29] <masterkorp> Guys i am trying to install AMD
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1520[13:25:59] <masterkorp> any ideas?
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1553[13:55:11] <juslintek> Hi, how to resolve ip to ISP?
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1555[13:56:01] <gpunk> what do you mean ?
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1561[13:58:44] <la-o-wai> use whois
1562[13:59:00] <la-o-wai> !whois
1563[13:59:00] <dpkg> i heard whois is for domainnames, or for
1564[13:59:25] *** Joins: veek (~veek@replaced-ip)
1565[13:59:27] <gpunk> it works on IPs too
1566[13:59:42] <juslintek> Okay, I want to get geolocation with
as little as possible of margin of accuracy radius.
1567[13:59:53] <juslintek> I want to get geolocation of the ip.
1568[14:00:04] <la-o-wai> why you need that
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1571[14:00:29] <jelly> juslintek: you'll want to pay a geoip
provider for any decent accuracy
1572[14:00:29] <juslintek> la-o-wai, I'm creating a tool, to
do that. Would be useful. :-)
1573[14:00:33] <gpunk> all you'll have is the phisical
address of the ISP
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1575[14:00:57] <la-o-wai> i think the best way to know ones geo
is to get him share it on whatsapp
1576[14:01:17] <juslintek> Jelly, madmind2 is very inaccurate,
lite is 200 km accuracy radius, while paid one is 50 of most of my
tool users.
1577[14:01:25] <han-solo> IPs are not very reliable for
geolocation tracing, no?
1578[14:01:38] <han-solo> even with the triangulation?
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1581[14:02:08] <juslintek> han-solo, I need as accurate as
possible method which is available today. I really want this to
work. :-)
1582[14:02:13] <juslintek> Otherwise its useless.
1583[14:02:46] <jelly> juslintek: in any case, I don't think
you'll find the answer within the confines of Debian distro
1584[14:03:03] <juslintek> Jelly, can you please recommend where
to look for it?
1585[14:03:12] <la-o-wai> networking
1586[14:03:26] <juslintek> Jelly, I'm building chrome
extension. And I want people to know where website owners are
1587[14:03:49] *** Quits: Ticho (~Ticho@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
1588[14:03:50] <juslintek> I mean website servers.
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1591[14:04:09] <la-o-wai> you build a website
1592[14:04:13] <la-o-wai> make him visit
1593[14:04:43] *** Quits: LioneLL (~Pidgin@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1594[14:05:08] <tommaso> justlintek: make XHR requests from the
web extension to some site that supports web whois queries
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1599[14:05:48] <jelly> juslintek: I'd ask in ##programming
or #web
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1601[14:06:16] <la-o-wai> juslintek: i dont think you can make it
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1605[14:07:20] <jelly> I don't think this is a question for
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1608[14:08:49] <la-o-wai> juslintek: you need to ask people who
work in isp
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1615[14:10:13] <la-o-wai> juslintek: you can build something that
let them visit on mobile, possibly collect the gps info
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1622[14:11:22] <jelly> la-o-wai: there are people in here who
already work at an ISP. Still it does not make the issue more
related to Debian. And juslintek is not looking for location of
clients, he's looking for location of web servers.
1623[14:11:36] <la-o-wai> ok
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1630[14:13:52] <ntz> hello
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1636[14:14:32] <ntz> I have meta-Q:, can somebody having a laptop
with mobile nvidia 1050 share with me if it works with nouveau ?
I'm just asking before buying
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1641[14:15:40] <eoli4n> Hi
1642[14:16:01] <la-o-wai> hi
1643[14:16:02] <eoli4n> i can't apt-get update because of an
apt-key error in a chrooted debootstrap debian 9
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1645[14:16:05] <eoli4n>
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1650[14:17:22] <themill> eoli4n: that's pretty broken perms
for /tmp
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1653[14:17:59] <eoli4n> chmod 777 /tmp did the trick
1654[14:18:08] *** Joins: in1t3r_ (~shiva@replaced-ip)
1655[14:18:23] <jelly> eoli4n: you want 1777
1656[14:18:56] <eoli4n> i already had 1
1657[14:19:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1717
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1661[14:19:29] <jelly> eoli4n: and you don't want to lose it
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1667[14:20:18] <la-o-wai> root can open other users /home?
1668[14:20:22] <jelly> (I'm not sure whether 1000 bit is
kept after a chmod 777 /tmp like eg. 2000 setgid bit, if it is,
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1672[14:21:14] <jelly> la-o-wai: yes
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1674[14:21:30] <eoli4n> it keep the 1 with chmod 777
1675[14:21:36] <jelly> gotcha
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1681[14:23:23] <themill> it shouldn't
1682[14:23:55] <themill> From the fine manual (and in agreement
with a quick test): «Omitted digits are assumed to be leading
1683[14:24:07] <Guest25072> hello
1684[14:24:19] <eoli4n> try by yourself themill, maybe it's
a bug
1685[14:24:20] <Guest25072> is this the right room to ask about
1686[14:24:22] <eoli4n> but it worked for me
1687[14:24:25] <jelly> hey, if they say it's drwxrwxrwt 2
root root now, I trust them :-)
1688[14:24:26] <themill> I did try it
1689[14:25:06] <eoli4n> hm
1690[14:25:16] <eoli4n> on archlinux it doesnt keep it
1691[14:25:25] <jelly> eoli4n: lack of sticky bit will make
anyone able to delete anyone's file in /tmp (and put their own
in the same place instead)
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1693[14:26:50] <eoli4n> that's strange, i reproduce the
exact same thing on another dir, the 1 is not kept
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1715[14:40:34] <flizzy> I did try to install Debian on my laptop
yesterday night. However I did run into a problem! I want to install
it in English, my Location is Germany - because these two don't
have a preset Keyboard layout (I think thats what it was called) I
had to pick one from a list - however it did only offer me English
layouts which obviously my laptop's keyboard isn't.
1716[14:41:29] <la-o-wai> well
1717[14:41:40] <la-o-wai> what layout german use
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1728[14:45:22] <flizzy> Give me a second, I don't think it
was called just layout
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1734[14:46:09] <petn-randall> flizzy: Which installer and release
are you using? IIRC there's a way to set the language and
keyboard layout separately, I have such a setup.
1735[14:46:12] <armin> hi. i want a 2nd X server to be running
all the time, also with a 2nd additional login manager or eventually
a full blown 2nd additional session. any hint where to configure
this or what to look for?
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1738[14:46:43] <petn-randall> armin: It's possible, but
there are some caveats. What do you want to achieve with it?
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1740[14:47:03] <flizzy> The most recent lxde release, graphical
1741[14:47:05] <armin> petn-randall: i want to be able to run
different X sessions at the same time, obviously.
1742[14:47:12] *** Quits: hanfm (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Quit: hanfm)
1743[14:47:13] <flizzy> From an usb stick
1744[14:47:13] *** Quits: dupondje (~dupondje@replaced-ip) (Quit: leaving)
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1746[14:47:46] <ntz> la-o-wai: can you retard tell me why do you
ctcp me ?
1747[14:47:49] <armin> petn-randall: eventually as the same user,
eventually not.
1748[14:48:06] <la-o-wai> ntz: no?
1749[14:48:10] *** Joins: spont4e (~spont4e@replaced-ip)
1750[14:48:12] <armin> petn-randall: i basically just want what i
have on ctrl-alt-f7 on ctrl-alt-f8, too.
1751[14:48:26] <armin> petn-randall: seperately lock-able,
seperately log-in'nable, etc.
1752[14:48:43] *** Joins: rguz10 (~rguz10@replaced-ip)
1753[14:48:45] <ntz> la-o-wai: so stop doing that you fucker and
I suggest you to NOT do it to anybody else you bitch
1754[14:49:02] <nku> classy
1755[14:49:26] <la-o-wai> ntz: shut up already, its a big
channel, things happened
1756[14:49:59] <babilen> ntz: Please keep it civil in here
1757[14:50:08] <babilen> la-o-wai: You too
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1761[14:51:09] <ntz> la-o-wai: it's important for other to
know as well
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1763[14:51:22] <armin> petn-randall: any further information you
could provide?
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1766[14:51:44] <flizzy> Or maybe I just install it in German -
and then switch languages after the installation?
1767[14:51:50] <petn-randall> armin: Wouldn't it be easier
to use workspaces with the same X server?
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1772[14:53:44] <armin> petn-randall: oh come on...
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1783[14:56:43] <rosarossa> !list
1784[14:56:43] <dpkg> rosarossa: vedi
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1793[14:58:54] <hexnewbie> gpg: signing failed: No pinentry
← what could possibly be causing this? Removed pinentry-curses
and installed pinentry-tty in hopes I would be able to add packages
to my Debian repos, but nope
1794[14:59:27] <hexnewbie> How to force gpg to stop using the
pinentry nonsense? Since the upgrade to stretch all my reprepro
scripts are broken
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1799[15:01:35] <hexnewbie> In particular, how to add my package
if my terminal is "not a terminal"?
1800[15:02:29] <hexnewbie> Apparently, the kernel now defaults to
newinstance for devpts, so my /dev/pts device no longer exists.
1801[15:02:38] <themill> what are these reprepro scripts?
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1804[15:02:52] <themill> (it's awfully hard to debug things
you can't see)
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1806[15:03:21] <hexnewbie> I don't think it matters,
I'm testing with gpg --sign
1807[15:03:23] <jelly> full commands and their complete outputs
would be nice, hexnewbie
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1810[15:03:42] <hexnewbie> Full command: echo 'x' | gpg
1811[15:03:49] *** Joins: NeoBlaster (~N3oBl@replaced-ip)
1812[15:03:49] <hexnewbie> Full output: gpg: signing failed: No
1813[15:03:58] *** Quits: yaphu (~yaphu@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1814[15:04:06] <jelly> hexnewbie: and where are you invoking that
from, a normal interactive shell?
1815[15:04:07] <themill> that works just fine for me
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1819[15:04:54] <hexnewbie> jelly: I'm chrooting into a
Stretch chroot, starting gpg-start --daemon bash, then running it.
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1823[15:05:48] <jelly> hexnewbie: and what's outside the
chroot, and which user are you using?
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1825[15:05:55] <jelly> inside?
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1829[15:06:21] <hexnewbie> jelly: root. The issue is that after
the upgrade to kernel 4.8 (added with stretch) of the outer OS as
well, /dev/pts inside the chroot changed. I assume the issue is that
we now default to newinstance for devpts mounts.
1830[15:07:21] <themill> You wouldn't have a sensible /dev
at all inside the chroot
1831[15:07:28] <petn-randall> armin: If it's the same user,
I'd use workspaces. For separate users, most DMs support
multiple user sessions and will spawn new X servers for every
separate user.
1832[15:07:51] <petn-randall> armin: lightdm/gdm/kdm support the
latter AFAIK.
1833[15:07:58] *** Quits: vonsyd0w (~vonsyd0w@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
1834[15:07:59] <hexnewbie> themill: It's a bind mount to the
external one in this case, but I don't need /dev, just /dev/pts
- which is separate
1835[15:08:12] <jelly> hexnewbie: do you have a /dev/ptmx inside
the chroot and /dev/pts?
1836[15:08:28] <hexnewbie> I'm trying to bruteforce possible
options for -t devpts, and seems that nonewinstance is not a valid
1837[15:08:32] <themill> hexnewbie: you keep dribbling more
details. You have no idea how annoying this is
1838[15:08:36] <jelly> hexnewbie: do you know how UNIX98 ttys
1839[15:08:42] <hexnewbie> jelly: Yes
1840[15:09:02] <hexnewbie> themill: What details have I left out?
1841[15:09:14] <jelly> hexnewbie: is there a /dev/ptmx inside
1842[15:09:18] <themill> HFSIK?
1843[15:09:26] <hexnewbie> The /dev/pts inside the chroot is
different from the one outside the chroot after the upgrade to
kernel 4.8
1844[15:09:40] * jelly waits for the answer
1845[15:09:42] <armin> petn-randall: well if that wasn't
obvious, i don't want a workaround, i want a solution to the
actual problem here.
1846[15:09:58] *** Quits: teclo- (42@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
1847[15:10:12] <hexnewbie> jelly: Yes. There is. /dev inside the
chroot is the same as the one on the outside (it's a bind
mount, as mentioned). The terminal has been opened outside the
chroot, so nothing inside the chroot opens /dev/ptmx
1848[15:10:25] *** Quits: dionysus69 (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
1849[15:10:26] <themill> We've gone from gpg is broken to
reprepro is broken to gpg in a chroot is broken to gpg in a chroot
with some arbitrary bind mounts.
1850[15:10:28] <armin> petn-randall: to ease our view on the
problem, let's assume i want lightdm on tty7 and xdm on tty8.
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1854[15:12:08] *** Quits: simon_q_ (1899470@replaced-ip) (Quit: Lost terminal)
1855[15:12:28] <phre4k> how do I configure my debian server to
get a stateless global IPv6? I've tried wide-dhcpv6-client, but
it just won't work
1856[15:12:43] <phre4k> dhclient -6 doesn't work either
1857[15:12:51] <hexnewbie> Replacing 'mount -t devpts
devpts-chr /chroot/dev/pts' with 'mount -o bind,private
/dev/pts /chroot/dev/pts' fixes the issue. Does that mean that
with kernel 4.8 and stretch, I have to use a bind mount instead of
directly mounting devpts? There's no option (or way) to restore
the behaviour without (e.g. mount devpts without -o newinstance)
1858[15:12:57] *** Quits: crtcji (~crtcji@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
1859[15:12:58] <phre4k> what's the "default" way
of doing this?
1860[15:14:10] *** Parts: Konomi-ZNC (~Konomi@replaced-ip) ()
1861[15:14:33] <jelly> hexnewbie: if you want ttys inside the
chroot to work, you can 1) either make bind-mounted ptmx and devpts
work, or 2) make the second instance of ptmx and devpts available
only inside the chroot work
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1863[15:15:15] <hexnewbie> jelly: Yeah, I'm using the first
option, however, /dev was a bind mount, and /dev/pts wasn't -
which worked with jessie and kernel 3.16.
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1866[15:15:36] <jelly> hexnewbie: and it _looks like_ you want
them to work because you said > <hexnewbie> In particular,
how to add my package if my terminal is "not a terminal"?
1867[15:16:35] <hexnewbie> jelly: Well, I didn't wanted to
quick and dirty add the package (since it's a critical security
update -when will Debian start delivering those), without having to
kill the 80 open terminals that are using the existing /dev/pts.
1868[15:16:46] <hexnewbie> s/didn't//
1869[15:16:49] <jelly> hexnewbie: if the kernel now makes a
second devpts inside chroot by default, then presumably you need to
use a second ptmx control device
1870[15:17:29] *** Parts: la-o-wai (~really@replaced-ip) ("Leaving")
1871[15:17:32] <jelly> hexnewbie: and that, in turn, means
you'll want to make changes to /dev inside that chroot and make
it separate from /dev outside
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1875[15:18:34] <ForceRecon> in all honesty.. what is the point of
doing all that stuff.. seems like a real pain to configure and if
anything were to happen to you who else would know how to fix it? Is
this really normal for setting up a server? I am truly curious as I
don't know
1876[15:18:46] <hexnewbie> jelly: Yeah, will make sure I use the
same type of mount (bind one) for /dev and /dev/pts here. But in my
case /dev/ptmx inside is rarely used (I don't open screen or
tmux inside the chroot, in fact those are not installed, nor
anything else that creates ptys)
1877[15:18:47] <jelly> hexnewbie: I have no idea how this
separate devpts works now, but seeing it contains a /dev/pts/ptmx of
its own, maybe you want to symlink /dev/ptmx -> pts/ptmx inside
the chroot so old userspace can use the standard location
1878[15:19:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1711
1879[15:19:16] <jelly> hexnewbie: I'm GUESSING WILDLY that
pinentry-tty might, you know, try to use a tty
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1882[15:21:54] <hexnewbie> jelly: I killed the processes inside
and remounted with a bind mount. I was able to add the packages.
Thanks for the hints.
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1886[15:23:24] <jelly> hexnewbie: next time perhaps explain in
advance what your environment looks like, to avoid frustration on
helper volunteer's side
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1889[15:23:51] <hexnewbie> As for pinentry-tty, once I installed
it the error message changed to ‘Inappropriate ioctl for
device’ to ‘No pinetry’, which suggested to me a
different source of the problem, though
1890[15:24:04] <armin> interesting, when just creating a new
additional lightdm config file and specifying minimum-vt=8 in there,
i just get a black screen on all connected monitor outputs on
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1892[15:25:46] <hexnewbie> jelly: Yeah, sorry. I was also
realising the details as I was asking. It didn't even occur to
me that the chroot mattered until I installed screen inside and
notice it failed too.
1893[15:26:38] <hexnewbie> Or rather, a moment before I installed
screen to test if the chroot was at play.
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1948[15:53:46] <tiredofflatmates> i have tried limiting the speed
of my wlan0 nich with the ethtool, but it gives me a cannot get
current device settings: operation not supported. Can you guys
recommend a way where i could limit a nicks speed to lets say 2Mbps
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1958[15:57:54] <Eduard_Munteanu> tiredofflatmates, do you want to
set the transmission rate or simply do traffic shaping?
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1961[15:59:38] <tiredofflatmates> uhmm, traffic shaping could
also be a option, u just want to make sure that the interface will
only allow 2Mbps in or out :)
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1965[16:01:49] <phre4k> tiredofflatmates: why would you do
traffic shaping on a client?
1966[16:02:03] <phre4k> shouldn't you do it on a router?
1967[16:02:08] *** Quits: Madda (~Madda@replaced-ip) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
1968[16:02:51] <tiredofflatmates> its a old laptop acting as a
router, basically :)
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1971[16:04:14] <Eduard_Munteanu> Some firewall packages can do
it, otherwise you can set it up yourself but it's rather
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1974[16:05:02] <Eduard_Munteanu>
1975[16:05:02] <ForceRecon> invest in open mesh.. then you can
specify exactly how much bandwidth each USER can get
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1978[16:06:42] <hellyeah> isnt it weird?
1979[16:07:09] <phre4k> tiredofflatmates: if you have a bit of
money to spare, get an Ubiquiti EdgeRouter ER-X (60€) and a
Ubiquiti AP AC Pro (140€)
1980[16:07:29] *** Quits: adoua (~adoua@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
1981[16:07:34] <phre4k> tiredofflatmates: they have wonderful
traffic shaping capabilities
1982[16:07:40] <nix64bit> what about mikrotik router?
1983[16:07:40] <themill> hellyeah: no?
1984[16:07:54] <phre4k> nix64bit: Mikrotik routers can probably
do it, too
1985[16:08:28] <tiredofflatmates> phre4k: we are not allowed, its
a sorta "deal with it" situation .. so im dealing with it
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1987[16:09:19] <hellyeah> i suppose updaate-alternatives show the
part of java right
1988[16:09:43] <phre4k> tiredofflatmates: who's
"we" and you're not allowed to do what?
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1991[16:10:19] <themill> hellyeah:
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2002[16:14:36] <tw> speaking of java, is there a package for
2003[16:14:36] *** Joins: bwilson (~bwilson@replaced-ip)
2004[16:14:45] <tw> Doesn't look it.
2005[16:15:20] <themill> ,v openjdk-9-jdk
2006[16:15:21] <judd> Package: openjdk-9-jdk on amd64 --
stretch-backports: 9~b181-4~bpo9+1; buster: 9~b181-4; sid: 9~b181-4
2007[16:15:24] <themill> (yes)
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2014[16:17:26] <AlexPortable> Is it possible to get memory
information and only return 500MB/3GB ?
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2017[16:18:11] <petn-randall> !context
2018[16:18:11] <dpkg> Try to give enough context! For example,
let us know which command/program you are running, what you
expected, and what you got instead. Try to be as specific as
possible. If your command produced output, share the complete
command (with all parameters!) and its output on
2019[16:18:17] <petn-randall> AlexPortable: ^^^
2020[16:18:33] *** Quits: gryffus (~gryffus@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
2021[16:18:49] <hellyeah> my os knows javac
2022[16:18:58] <hellyeah> but there is nothing in
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2024[16:19:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1719
2025[16:19:03] <hellyeah> thats interesting
2026[16:19:16] <AlexPortable> petn-randall: how is there context
2027[16:19:33] <tw> themill: openj9
2028[16:19:44] <tw> not quite the same thing.
2029[16:19:50] <AlexPortable> I want to run a command and get
500MB/3GB (500 mb used of 3 gb in total), and not get a whole huge
list with total used free shared buffers cached
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2036[16:21:26] <themill> tw: ah, no nothing for that
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2040[16:22:13] <Tenkawa> AlexPortable: you could pipe it into an
awk parse
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2042[16:22:53] <Tenkawa> although theres many other ways to do it
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2044[16:23:05] <petn-randall> AlexPortable: How about telling us
what program you're running? And what you get, and what you
want instead.
2045[16:23:07] <Tenkawa> thats just the one I know the best
2046[16:23:31] <petn-randall> AlexPortable: For now, due to lack
of context, my answer is "echo 500MB/3GB".
2047[16:25:23] <AlexPortable> thanks petn-randall
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2053[16:27:43] <tw> I tried free -h | awk '/^Mem:/{print $3
"/" $2}', but it doesn't give the same result as
you wanted =(
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2056[16:27:56] <phre4k> AlexPortable: free -m | awk '/Mem/
{print $4 " MB used / "$2 " MB total"}'
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2061[16:28:50] <phre4k> tw: ^
2062[16:28:59] <sphalerite> Hi folks. I want to use debian CDs
(non-netinst), but I can't seem to find an index of the CDs and
which software each one contains. Can anyone point me to one?
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2064[16:29:19] <petn-randall> !cd contents
2065[16:29:19] <dpkg> To find out which CD or DVD image contains
a particular package or source file, use the search engine at
2066[16:29:20] <tw> phre4k: that's free and not used though
2067[16:29:26] <phre4k> tw: lol, you're right
2068[16:29:29] <petn-randall> sphalerite: see factoid above
2069[16:29:43] <sphalerite> petn-randall: perfect, thanks
2070[16:29:51] <petn-randall> sphalerite: you're welcome :)
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2073[16:31:25] <phre4k> tw: just use $3 instead of $4 and
it's correct; but isn't that the same thing you did?
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2078[16:33:57] <tw> yes, but mine printed 750M/16G and not
2079[16:34:06] <tw> so it failed testing =(
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2082[16:34:40] <AlexPortable> thanks phre4k
2083[16:34:42] <phre4k> tw: lololol :D
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2096[16:39:05] <graps> Hi. Is there anyone here that can help
track down a cgi-bin issue ?
2097[16:39:39] <petn-randall> graps: If it's on a Debian
system, ask ahead.
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2100[16:40:56] <graps> Okay. I keep getting 403 forbidden on my
Debian Wheezy setup. I've been working on 000-default and it
still shows ExecCGI is off for my cgi-bin directory
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2108[16:46:30] <bezaban> graps: apache2? is the cgi module
enabled? what do the logs say?
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2111[16:47:47] <bezaban> and the directory block has a Options
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2117[16:48:46] <graps> bezaban: Yes, apache2. I think the CGI
module is enabled, I see cgid.conf. The /var/log/apache2/error.log
mentions Options ExecCGI is off in this
2118[16:48:54] <graps> directory: /var/replaced-url
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2123[16:50:09] <bezaban> that's probably the module logging
that, but you can try apache2ctl -M to verify. Directory block needs
the abovementioned Options line
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2126[16:50:29] <graps> bezaban: I can paste the 000-default file
in a pastebin. Which pastebin do you want me to use ?
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2128[16:51:25] <bezaban> graps: any one really, use I mostly run nginx and do no cgi, but can have a
quick look, maybe someone else sees something too :)
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2131[16:53:16] <graps> bezaban:
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2136[16:55:58] <bezaban> graps: well yes.. that does look right.
You restarted apache right?
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2138[16:56:31] <graps> bezaban: Yes, with a service apache2
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2150[16:59:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1725
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2156[17:02:23] <bezaban> graps: Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
ExecCGI that line might need some +/-?
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2159[17:03:15] <bezaban> Or just remove it, not sure how settings
propagate down directoriews
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2164[17:04:02] <graps> bezaban: In the Directory /var/replaced-url
2165[17:04:07] <bezaban> graps: yeah
2166[17:04:39] <bezaban> girlfriend home, gotta head to shop.
Good luck. Unusually quiet here now
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2171[17:06:14] <graps> bezaban: Okay, thanks. I'll try to
work with the script a few minutes more
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2178[17:07:34] <Ragnar> While trying to install Debian from USB I
get told that the disk drive is not working / not found. The
installation then tells me it cannot proceed. Laptop is a t400.
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2182[17:07:51] <Ragnar> What can I do about this?
2183[17:08:03] <petn-randall> Ragnar: Did you use unetbooting or
something similar to prepare the USB stick?
2184[17:08:15] <petn-randall> s/unetbooting/unetbootin/
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2187[17:09:02] <phre4k> can somebody PLEASE help me with my IPv6
SLAAC client?
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2189[17:09:20] <phre4k> I see the router advertisements in
wireshark but my clients don't assign themselves an IP
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2191[17:09:56] <phre4k> I've tried dhclient -6 and
wide-dhpcv6-client to no avail
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2205[17:15:25] <petn-randall> Ragnar: You PMed me that you used
lili. That will be your problem.
2206[17:15:51] <Ragnar> @petn-randall then I'll check out
2207[17:16:10] <petn-randall> Ragnar: Check the release notes how
to prepare USB images. On Linux a simple 'cp debian.img
/dev/sdx' is enough, for windows use win32diskimager.
2208[17:16:35] <petn-randall> Ragnar: DON'T use unetbootin,
it also breaks the installer.
2209[17:16:53] <Ragnar> OK, thanks
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2223[17:21:09] <Delf> On Buster now, touchpad doesn't work
here either.
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2228[17:23:00] <hellyeah> is it possible to install xcodebuild on
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2234[17:25:55] <babilen> hellyeah: Isn't that an Apple
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2237[17:28:55] <sphalerite> are there any mirrors that still host
packages for ancient versions like lenny?
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2243[17:30:16] <Megaf> Hi all
2244[17:30:35] <Megaf> for some weird reason QEMU is not booting
from Debian ISOs
2245[17:30:50] <Megaf> as if they are not bootable
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2247[17:31:10] <babilen> sphalerite:
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2252[17:31:24] <sphalerite> babilen: thanks!
2253[17:31:35] <babilen> But please don't put more lenny
boxes out there! ;)
2254[17:32:15] <hellyeah> babilen: yeah it is apple there is
something called ionic and clam you can improve ios application
2255[17:32:18] <sphalerite> babilen: just a virtual machine to
try some stuff out
2256[17:32:32] <hellyeah> ionic has linux version and didnt state
you cannot develop ios app. in linux
2257[17:32:33] <babilen> sphalerite: Fair enough :)
2258[17:32:47] <Megaf> Ok, ISO is fine, VBox can boot
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2260[17:32:52] <Megaf> but qemucant
2261[17:32:55] <Megaf> hm
2262[17:33:15] <babilen> hellyeah: You'd install xcodebuild
on Debian in the same way you install it on any other Linux, but my
impression is that it is very much an OSX tool
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2264[17:33:28] <babilen> Maybe Apple will give you the source if
you ask nicely for it
2265[17:33:50] <hellyeah> there is no xcodebuild package on
2266[17:33:59] *** Quits: jazz (~jazz@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2267[17:34:04] <babilen> hellyeah: Is there sourcecode for it?
2268[17:34:05] <hellyeah> yeah
2269[17:34:17] <hellyeah> not sure about that
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2276[17:35:16] <Mmike> Hello, lads! Do you know how to make
debsign NOT to open window for entering passphrase?
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2278[17:35:21] <Mmike> when debuild invokes it?
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2282[17:35:49] <sphalerite> hellyeah:
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2290[17:38:26] <hellyeah> obviously there is no way
2291[17:38:36] <Delf> Is there any way to install a
"new" and fresh old-stable?
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2297[17:40:49] <petn-randall> Mmike: --no-sign, this is passed to
dpkg-buildpackage and documented in its man page.
2298[17:40:56] <hexhaxtron> How can I change my IP to
2299[17:41:36] <Megaf> Delf, sure
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2302[17:41:49] <Megaf> I have a brand new Jessie install on this
very laptop
2303[17:41:53] <Megaf> no worries
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2305[17:42:06] <Mmike> petn-randall, is there an env var I can
use to set this up? I've set DEBSIGN_PROGRAM="gpg
--no-use-agent", but I still get asked for a passphrase via
gtk/x11/whatnot window
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2307[17:43:08] <petn-randall> Mmike: Wait, do you want to *not*
sign your package, or just have the prompt in the terminal instead
of an X11 program?
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2309[17:43:51] <Mmike> petn-randall, the latter, prompt in
2310[17:45:07] <petn-randall> Mmike: I see. You could try the
answers on this page:
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2312[17:46:02] <Mmike> petn-randall, thxn, let me see
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2315[17:47:10] <Delf> Megaf: Can't find the iso
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2323[17:48:25] <Megaf> Delf, what version you'd like?
2324[17:48:33] <Megaf> answer quick
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2326[17:48:56] <Delf> Jessie!
2327[17:48:56] <Megaf> too late
2328[17:49:01] <Megaf> Delf,
2329[17:49:03] <Delf> Damn it…
2330[17:49:07] <Megaf> help yourself now
2331[17:49:11] <Delf> Yay! :D
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2340[17:55:36] <hellyeah> can i say update-alternatives are using
for setting environment variable
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2343[17:56:58] <hexhaxtron> I need help getting a Internet
connection. I did ifconfig enp0s31f6 and then dhclient
and it was working but now I try ping
2344[17:57:20] <hexhaxtron> ping gives me temporary failure in
name resolution
2345[17:57:23] <Megaf> Delf, you're welcome
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2354[17:58:46] <somiaj> hexhaxtron: what does ping do?
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2356[17:59:19] <somiaj> hexhaxtron: though assigning an ipaddress
then running dhclient could conflict. Also any reason why you
don't just use the debian interfaces file for configuration?
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2358[17:59:39] <hexhaxtron> somiaj, nothing happens, it seems
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2360[17:59:54] <hexhaxtron> somiaj, I need the machine to get everytime it boots.
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2368[18:01:15] <somiaj> hexhaxtron: then just add this to the
interfaces file. You can set static address there.
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2371[18:01:21] <muse> set up a static ip in
/etc/network/interfaces, hexhaxtron
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2375[18:01:33] <somiaj> after you add that to your interfaces you
can ifup enp0s31f6 to check it works, then it should come up at
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2378[18:02:06] <nmschulte> I'm looking for help obtaining a
DHCP lease on an IPv6 network. Public WiFi (unencrypted) at a shop.
I use CLI to connect and obtain a lease (no networkmanager, no
wicd). I can connect to the AP, but dhclient -6 never settles
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2382[18:02:38] <nmschulte> I've never used IPv6 before, so I
assume I'm missing something.
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2384[18:03:02] <hexhaxtron> somiaj, is this okay?
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2386[18:03:25] <nmschulte> wlp2s0 iface has local address, but
upon connect I also see another IPv6 addr for wlp2s0. Maybe I just
need to fix routing?
2387[18:03:41] <somiaj> hexhaxtron: that should be, Im'
unsure if you have to indent line 12 or not. I always do.
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2389[18:04:02] <somiaj> hexhaxtron: you can set other things if
needed, but that should be sufficent, it should efault the gateway,
netmask, broadcast, etc.
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2399[18:07:46] <Delf> Touchpad doesn't work with 6.8 either.
What that hell. Should I try even older?
2400[18:07:50] <hexhaxtron> somiaj, I rebooted and it got the but when I try ping it says network is
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2403[18:08:52] <somiaj> hexhaxtron: look at the output of
'ip a' and 'ip r', also feel free to share it at for others to look at.
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2405[18:09:27] <somiaj> Delf: it might just be something about
the touchpad. Newer kernels are usually better in that regard. Do
you know any situations in which the touchpad works?
2406[18:09:38] <hexhaxtron> I can't pastebin it...
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2412[18:10:23] <somiaj> hexhaxtron: well that is what I would
look at next.
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2420[18:13:19] <nicknight> hello allhow can I add my user to
sudoers list?
2421[18:13:41] *** juboxi is now known as jubo2
2422[18:13:49] <petn-randall> nicknight: Add your user to the
group "sudo"
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2424[18:14:08] <nicknight> petn-randall: visudo command not
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2426[18:14:11] <nicknight> actually
2427[18:14:31] *** Joins: lafleurdubien (uid206563@replaced-ip)
2428[18:14:32] <nicknight> not able to find sudoers file in /etc
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2434[18:16:09] <somiaj> nicknight: you may need to install the
sudo package. Then as petn-randall said, 'adduser username
sudo' to add yourself to the sudo group.
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2437[18:17:08] <nicknight> somiaj: installusing apt and please
dont mind are you ##math guy ?
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2443[18:20:08] <nicknight> I forgot this ,, it show dvd when i
try to use apt where should I change it?
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2459[18:26:18] <LtL> nicknight: comment out dvd source from
/etc/apt/sources.list AND have proper repo lines in it, then save,
'apt update'
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2468[18:30:45] <nicknight> LtL: Hit:1
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2473[18:31:52] <nicknight> should I add any line? ad comment
above also?
2474[18:31:56] <LtL> !tell nicknight about sources.list
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2476[18:32:22] <LtL> nicknight: read message from dpkg
2477[18:32:41] <nicknight> ok thank you
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2503[18:42:06] <nicknight> what is the correct package name of
2504[18:42:11] <nicknight> ?
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2508[18:43:10] <petn-randall> nicknight: It's
2509[18:43:16] *** Quits: Darby_Crash (~Darby_Cra@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2510[18:43:29] <petn-randall> (surprisingly)
2511[18:43:40] *** Quits: Ragnar (~Ragna@replaced-ip) (Quit: Bye)
2512[18:43:41] <nicknight> E: Package 'sudo' has no
installation candidate
2513[18:43:57] <Fjorgynn> :)
2514[18:44:11] <nicknight> I got above error
2515[18:44:26] <Fjorgynn> i sudo - Provide limited super user
privileges to specific users
2516[18:44:30] <towo`> nicknight, paste your sources.list
2517[18:44:47] *** Quits: shellclear_ (~shellclea@replaced-ip) (Quit: bye!)
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2522[18:45:54] <nicknight> towo`:
2523[18:46:16] <towo`> there is missing the normal stretch repo
2524[18:46:27] <b0xii> somewhat related...occasionally sudo hangs
for 5 sec or so before it allows password. Any ideas on this? 9.2
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2530[18:47:08] <petn-randall> !stretch sources.list
2531[18:47:08] <dpkg> A suitable /etc/apt/sources.list for
"Stretch" has three lines: "deb
2532[18:47:10] <Delf> somiaj: Good question. It seems that
it's not working in michaelsoft wirus either.
2533[18:47:23] <petn-randall> nicknight: Compare your
sources.list with the one from the factoid above. ^^^
2534[18:47:36] *** Quits: in1t3r (~shiva@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2535[18:47:38] <nicknight> I copied from same
2536[18:47:40] <nicknight> I got msg
2537[18:47:48] <nicknight> from dpkg
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2539[18:47:56] <nicknight> Ok my irc client
2540[18:47:59] <nicknight> :(
2541[18:48:21] <petn-randall> nicknight: No, you didn't.
This why I said you need to compare them.
2542[18:48:28] *** Quits: StathisA (~StathisA@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2543[18:48:39] <nicknight> petn-randall: can Imake dpkg to pase
to a paste
2544[18:48:58] <LtL> nicknight: seems you omitted 'deb
2545[18:49:03] <nicknight> I cant see propoerly lines are not in
same line
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2547[18:49:32] <nicknight> ok LtL
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2549[18:50:01] <turlutton> Hey guys, I have an USB drive
read-only, It seems I can't use Gparted or fdisk. Fsck says
"Magic number invalid in the super bloc when trying to open
/dev/sdb" (<-- translation from my language). I don't
care about the data, I just want to format it to be able to use it.
Oh, and it's supposed to be ntfs (fsck seems to test for ext2
2550[18:50:33] *** Joins: rsx (~rsx@replaced-ip)
2551[18:50:39] <turlutton> If it was r/w, I would juste use dd,
but it's not.
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2557[18:52:18] <petn-randall> nicknight: It's not that hard,
everything in quotes goes on a single line.
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2559[18:52:36] <nicknight> petn-randall: I figured it out
2560[18:52:51] <nicknight> in my client each lines splited to 3
2561[18:53:08] <nicknight> so forst I manually compared with
existing host file
2562[18:53:18] <nicknight> thats how I missed
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2566[18:54:29] <turlutton>
2567[18:54:40] <Delf> This is suggesting that there's some
issues with the hardware
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2571[18:56:09] <towo`> turlutton, you propably will not have a
ntfs filesystem on a device
2572[18:56:19] <towo`> turlutton, normaly there are partitions
2573[18:56:34] *** Joins: hexhaxtron (~hexhaxtro@replaced-ip)
2574[18:56:52] <turlutton> Oh, yes. Should I try ntfsdsk on
/dev/sdb1 then
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2576[18:56:54] <hexhaxtron> somiaj, hi! I had connection but I
don't have it now... What should I do?
2577[18:56:55] <Delf> as in sda1
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2586[18:57:33] <Delf> But not sda as that's probably your
current os drive :P
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2588[18:57:45] <towo`> turlutton, and for usb-sticks, they are in
99% faulty, if they are write protected
2589[18:58:17] <turlutton> They can't acces sdb1
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2592[18:58:28] <somiaj> hexhaxtron: you will have to see what is
different, check routes, 'ip r' and ipaddres info. It
could also be your router/network causing the problem and not the
debian box.
2593[18:58:47] <hexhaxtron> somiaj, I have it now again... but it
seems it's coming and going...
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2595[18:58:50] <turlutton> Should I try fixing it with windows
(ntfs proprietary thing) or just throw that usb to garbage?
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2598[18:59:19] <towo`> turlutton, the latter
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2600[19:00:34] <turlutton> towo`: that's a shame, thanks for
helping guys.
2601[19:00:45] <nicknight> It is working thanks all
2602[19:01:03] <LtL> nicknight: cheers
2603[19:01:07] <somiaj> Delf: either hardware, or there is some
switch to turn it on/off.
2604[19:01:14] *** Quits: in1t3r_ (~shiva@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2605[19:01:18] <somiaj> might be on the machine, might be in the
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2607[19:01:55] <Delf> Would that switch make it not appear in
Xorg.0.log too?
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2612[19:02:34] <somiaj> Unsure, I have seen hardware you can
completly disable in the biso making it not visable to the os.
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2615[19:02:51] <somiaj> Delf: but it could just be bad hardware.
2616[19:02:54] *** Joins: petn-randall (~petn-rand@replaced-ip)
2617[19:03:22] <nicknight> LtL: :)
2618[19:03:47] *** Joins: rguz10 (~rguz10@replaced-ip)
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2620[19:04:11] <LtL> nicknight: added note, you can append
'contrib non-free' to each line. no quotes
2621[19:04:11] *** Joins: shellclear (~shellclea@replaced-ip)
2622[19:04:18] <Delf> Looked in the bios. Yes, could be bad
hardware… or someone re-assembled it not proper. There are
some screws missing.
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2624[19:04:46] <nicknight> LtL: whatit will do?
2625[19:05:25] <Delf> Going to disassemble it soon and see what I
can find :)
2626[19:05:32] <LtL> nicknight: contributed packages and non DFSG
software. = more packages
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2631[19:06:28] <nicknight> LtL: okay and debian didn't add
them on default leaving it is upto user ? thiat is good
2632[19:06:33] <LtL> nicknight: perfectly safe, i've done it
for years, unless you have ethical reasons to avoid non-free
2633[19:06:39] *** Joins: in1t3r (~shiva@replaced-ip)
2634[19:07:03] <LtL> nicknight: debian doesn't add them,
most users do add them.
2635[19:07:18] <nicknight> LtL: ok Thanks for the info I am
adding them
2636[19:07:23] <somiaj> Delf: well hopefully it is just a loose
2637[19:07:44] <LtL> nicknight: remember to apt update &&
apt upgrade
2638[19:07:49] <somiaj> nicknight: users who accept any terms of
the non-free licenses that come with the software included in them.
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2640[19:08:26] <nicknight> LtL: somiaj ok
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2644[19:09:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1729
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2647[19:09:17] <hexhaxtron> somiaj, my Internet connection is
coming and going...
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2649[19:09:59] <someguy130850> Hey there. How large, at minimum,
should a EFI partition be for a single OS machine?
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2652[19:10:19] *** Quits: mibo (~mibo@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving.)
2653[19:10:31] <user893457892> found a bug:
software-properties-gtk will freeze upon updating sources if you
input malformed/invalid source lines to the "other
software" tab
2654[19:10:42] <someguy130850> I realized on trying ot install
Stretch I neglected to make one...
2655[19:10:54] *** Joins: annadane (~annadane@replaced-ip)
2656[19:10:55] <user893457892> no way to stop it other than to
kill software-properties-gtk then fix sources.list thru command line
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2659[19:11:29] <somiaj> someguy130850: I'm using 16M on
mine. 100M should be more than fine, though you can go smaller if
you like it seems.
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2661[19:12:00] <someguy130850> brb in s ec, something wrong.
2662[19:12:03] *** Quits: someguy130850 (adb29874@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
2663[19:12:06] <user893457892> expected behavior: it detects the
malformed/invalid source line and refuses to run apt-get update
until you fix it
2664[19:12:14] *** Joins: killian99 (~killian99@replaced-ip)
2665[19:12:25] <somiaj> user893457892: have you checked the BTS
for such a bug, if not you should report it there.
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2670[19:13:13] <user893457892> will do later today :)
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2675[19:15:25] <someguy130850> I'm back. Sorry about that.
The webclient I was trying to use decided to max-out CPU-use for
some reason.
2676[19:15:48] <someguy130850> Anyway, how large should I make an
EFI partition for Debian to use it?
2677[19:16:09] *** Joins: Darby_Crash (~Darby_Cra@replaced-ip)
2678[19:16:26] <somiaj> someguy130850: I'm using 16M on
mine. 100M should be more than fine, though you can go smaller if
you like it seems.
2679[19:16:30] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o petn-randall
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2681[19:16:56] <someguy130850> somiaj: That little would work?
Ah, that's nice.
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2684[19:17:42] <somiaj> It just needs to store the boot
information for each os you have. So yea not much, but must be fat16
I belive.
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2697[19:21:50] <someguy130850> Ah, the installer warned me my
arch needs at least 35MB. Sorry for bothering you unnecessarily I
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2707[19:24:03] <jelly> someguy130850: windows defaults to making
a 100MB one and it usually does not think there will be any other
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2710[19:24:40] <someguy130850> jelly: Yeah, I read as much as I
wandered around looking to understand what step I'd missed in
the install.
2711[19:25:03] *** Quits: _0bitcount (~Big_Byte@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2712[19:25:04] <someguy130850> My last install was in BIOS mode
because I couldn't be bothered back then.
2713[19:25:28] <jelly> right, I honestly have no idea what
happens when you install just Debian on an uefi-only system
2714[19:25:46] *** Quits: azur_kind (~azur_kind@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2715[19:25:51] <someguy130850> It had support for BIOS boot, so
it worked fine.
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2719[19:26:08] <someguy130850> Well, after I enabled backwards
compatibility in the menu.
2720[19:26:09] <jelly> that's just fine for linux
2721[19:26:20] *** Joins: SkyPatrol (~SkyPatrol@replaced-ip)
2722[19:26:22] <someguy130850> It'd probably nuke any
Windows installs.
2723[19:26:32] <jelly> dual- or triple- booting is easier with
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2727[19:27:00] <someguy130850> I also hear it boots faster?
2728[19:27:10] <tw> Debian works fine with uefi only (CSM
disabled) if you disable secure boot.
2729[19:27:54] <someguy130850> I've been wondering about
that. Wouldn't it be possibl
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2733[19:28:08] <someguy130850> for a user to trust the debian key
manually or some such for SB?
2734[19:29:47] *** Joins: shellclear (~shellclea@replaced-ip)
2735[19:30:14] <tw> You mean add another KEK to secure boot, yes,
but too complex for most people.
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2738[19:30:43] <someguy130850> Ah, that's a shame. Nice to
know I wasn't misunderstanding something in that it's
feasible though.
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2741[19:31:34] <tw> Mmmm, wrong key name, but same problem.
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2785[19:47:02] <someguy130850> It boots fine. One of these days
I'll fix the Secure Boot side.
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2790[19:49:26] <ix> any idea why I'm still running Debian
9.1 even after updating the system?
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2799[19:51:31] <someguy130850> Did you dist-upgrade too?
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2802[19:52:08] <ix> someguy130850, yes, of course
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2804[19:52:27] <RoyK> isn't 9.1 the latest stretch?
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2806[19:52:44] <ix> I think 9.2 is the latest
2807[19:52:46] <someguy130850> I'm not going to be of any
help then. May be your mirrors aren't upt to date yet?
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2811[19:53:10] <RoyK> seems I'm wrong, yes
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2814[19:53:29] <jelly> ,v base-files --release stretch
2815[19:53:30] <judd> Package: base-files on amd64 -- stretch:
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2823[19:54:54] <jelly> someguy130850: if you have that version of
base-files, and correct repos, you're probably already on 9.2.
Someone just forgot to update the number in /etc/debian_version
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2826[19:55:27] <annadane> if it's says 0, 0, 0, 0 for
packages it should all be fine
2827[19:55:35] <annadane> s/it's/it
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2829[19:55:47] <jelly> !stretch sources.list
2830[19:55:47] <dpkg> A suitable /etc/apt/sources.list for
"Stretch" has three lines: "deb
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2840[19:57:41] <ix> I don't have stretch-updates, I
don't think I need them, do I?
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2842[19:58:54] <jelly> if you don't know, you probably do
2843[19:58:58] <jelly> !stable-updates
2844[19:58:58] <dpkg> stretch-updates is probably a suite
providing updates to some packages (from <proposed-updates>)
prior to a <point release>. All packages from stretch-updates
will be included in point releases.
2845[19:58:58] <ix> I only have the stable and security repos
enabled, but it should be enough
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2847[19:59:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1736
2848[19:59:33] <annadane> if you give us your sources list to we can tell you if it's correct or not
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2851[20:00:24] <ix> they should be fine:
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2854[20:01:49] <annadane> you should add deb
2855[20:02:07] *** Joins: rguz10 (~rguz10@replaced-ip)
2856[20:02:25] <annadane> or stable-updates but the thing with
stable is you should use stretch instead so you don't get nasty
surprises when buster becomes the new stable
2857[20:02:41] <jelly> ix: you just get some updates later, and
they're functionality fixes not security fixes
2858[20:02:47] <jelly> without it
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2868[20:04:49] <jelly> but in some cases new functionality can
also improve security, like in an antivirus. A newer upstream clamav
version usually ends up in stable-updates
2869[20:06:04] <jelly> if Debian packaged firefox release branch
for stable, it would be a good candidate for stable-updates as well,
with its fast release cycle
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2872[20:06:24] <ix> adding stretch-updates made no difference,
which I expected, someone probably forgot to change the
debian_version file
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2879[20:08:13] <jelly> ix:
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2881[20:08:37] <thedogcatcher> Looking for an up-to-date way to
set up a pxe server to install ESXi 6.5. Everything I'm reading
seems outdated or broken, any suggestions?
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2888[20:09:28] <jelly> ix: says it's already in
stable-updates, so wait for mirrors to catch up
2889[20:10:06] <annadane> is 13:47 in UTC time?
2890[20:10:18] <annadane> er, 13:17
2891[20:10:25] <jelly> annadane: date --utc
2892[20:10:37] <jelly> Thu Oct 12 18:10:28 UTC 2017
2893[20:10:53] <annadane> i notice it says +1:00
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2895[20:11:13] <annadane> jelly, right, but i mean the time on
the email on the tracker
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2897[20:11:24] <annadane> so i assume that means UTC +1
2898[20:11:36] <jelly> yeah, that's rfc822 format
2899[20:11:48] <jelly> well, I guess it's rfc5322 now.
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2902[20:12:24] <ix> ok, thanks for the info, jelly :-)
2903[20:12:25] <jelly> annadane: you can also: date -d 'Sat,
07 Oct 2017 13:17:53 +0100'
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2905[20:13:08] <jelly> and even append --utc to that!
2906[20:13:45] <annadane> oh, i didn't even notice it was
oct 7, i thought it was from today
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2908[20:14:08] <annadane> i are gud at reeding
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2949[20:27:34] <dmzz> Hi all
2950[20:27:50] <dmzz> I try to install fpm
2951[20:27:52] <dmzz> php-fpm
2952[20:27:55] <dmzz> for php5.6
2953[20:28:03] <dmzz> firstable I'd like to configure it
2954[20:28:16] <tdn> Does the kernel packages in recent 9.2
update cause dkms modules to fail? I get this error upgrading linux
images packages:
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2957[20:28:49] <tdn> Log contains this:
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2961[20:29:48] <towo`> tdn, install a recent version of vbox
2962[20:30:00] *** Quits: Skeptik (~pomo@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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2964[20:30:14] <tdn> towo`, but it is not included in debian
anymore, right?
2965[20:30:15] <towo`> 4.3.36 is stone old and EOL
2966[20:30:24] <towo`> tdn, it is, in backports
2967[20:30:30] <tdn> towo`, this is probably what I got from
debian 8
2968[20:30:41] *** Quits: amirite (~root@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2969[20:30:43] <tdn> Can I get a vbox without binary blobs?
2970[20:31:00] <towo`> there is no binary blob in vbox
2971[20:31:01] *** Joins: DaVinciCode2 (~DaVinciCo@replaced-ip)
2972[20:31:08] <towo`> vbox is opensource
2973[20:31:31] <tdn> OK
2974[20:31:39] <towo`> the only blob is the extention pack, which
you have not to installed if you donÄt want it
2975[20:31:43] *** Quits: DaVinciCode1 (~DaVinciCo@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2976[20:31:43] <tdn> What backports source to add in order to
only get vbox?
2977[20:31:51] <towo`> !bpo
2978[20:31:51] <dpkg> (formerly is an official repository of <backports> for
the current stable (see <jessie backports>) and oldstable
(<wheezy backports>) distributions, prepared by Debian
developers. Ask me about <backport caveat> and read
2979[20:31:56] <tdn> Thanks
2980[20:32:08] <towo`> and you need contrib too#
2981[20:32:22] <towo`> you you use the deb direct from oracle
2982[20:32:35] *** Quits: thedogcatcher (~thedogcat@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2983[20:32:39] <jim> isn't the following a bug? <judd>
Search for bin/make in stretch/amd64: make: usr/bin/make;
make-guile: usr/bin/make
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2992[20:37:11] <tdn> towo`, I did just that and it says:
virtualbox is already the newest version (4.3.36-dfsg-1+deb8u1).
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2997[20:39:10] <tdn> Oh. Forgot contrib
2998[20:39:12] <towo`> tdn, apt install virtualbox-qt -t
2999[20:39:17] <tdn> Wow it needs a lot of packages
3000[20:39:36] <tdn> towo`, do I then have to reinstall the
kernel-image-amd64 packages?
3001[20:39:46] <towo`> tdn, no, why you should?
3002[20:39:55] <tdn> towo`, because it failed during install?
3003[20:40:12] <towo`> tdn, no it was not failing!+
3004[20:40:21] <tdn> Something was :)
3005[20:40:23] <towo`> tdn, read such output carefully
3006[20:40:36] <towo`> the build of the vbox kernel modules was
3007[20:40:37] <tdn> The DKMS compilation failed.
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3010[20:40:46] <tdn> I have no idea if that leaves the remaining
kernel intact
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3015[20:41:49] <towo`> tdn, the nev vbox version, needs also new
version of virtualbox-kernel-dkms
3016[20:42:07] <towo`> and on install time, dkms will build the
3017[20:42:11] <tdn> OK
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3025[20:46:43] <tdn> On another host I got this:
3026[20:46:58] <tdn> W: initramfs-tools configuration sets
3027[20:47:01] <tdn> W: but no matching swap device is available.
3028[20:47:18] <tdn> When upgrading linux-image-amd64
3029[20:47:28] <tdn> What does this mean? Is it safe to reboot?
3030[20:47:56] <towo`> remove that resume entrie fron the initrd
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3034[20:48:11] <jelly> tdn: it means resume from hibernate may
not work properly
3035[20:48:22] <tdn> No idea why resume is in there. It is a
3036[20:48:26] <tdn> No need for resume.
3037[20:48:41] <jelly> tdn: grep -R RESUME /etc/initramfs-tools
3038[20:48:44] *** Quits: Sia- (~sia@replaced-ip) (Quit: QUIT >>>)
3039[20:49:00] <tdn> jelly, empty
3040[20:49:04] <tdn> jelly, no output from grep
3041[20:49:12] <jelly> huh
3042[20:49:22] <jelly> did you do it as root
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3044[20:49:49] <Rembo> hello, i'm getting this error:
3045[20:50:10] <tdn> jelly, as root, yes
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3047[20:50:33] <tdn> SORRY! Wrong host. I am getting tired
3048[20:50:37] <tdn> jelly,
3049[20:51:06] <tdn> jelly, only line in there. Should I just
truncate the file?
3050[20:51:43] <jelly> I'd do that, and rebuild any
3051[20:52:17] <tdn> jelly, then update-grub?
3052[20:52:23] <tdn> mkinitramfs?
3053[20:53:26] <jelly> update-initramfs (needs some other
3054[20:53:30] <towo`> update-initramfs -u -k all
3055[20:53:38] <jelly> right
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3058[20:54:04] <tdn> Thanks
3059[20:54:07] <tdn> Then reboot?
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3061[20:54:22] <jelly> Rembo: verify you don't have any
remaining apache processes, or other http server, keeping port *:80
3062[20:54:38] <jelly> tdn: if you want to make sure it works,
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3066[20:55:47] <jelly> Rembo: use ss or netstat, perhaps like:
netstat -tupan| grep LISTEN | grep :80
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3069[20:57:01] <tdn> update-initramfs gave this output:
3070[20:57:25] <jelly> sigh.
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3072[20:57:48] <jelly> tdn: and if you remove the file
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3074[20:58:03] <tdn> jelly, no, just remove the line in it. So
now an empty file.
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3076[20:58:10] <tdn> should I rm it instead?
3077[20:58:44] <jelly> yes, and see what happens
3078[20:59:57] <tdn> jelly, same, I think:
3079[21:00:13] <tdn> Should I leave the file containing RESUME= ?
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3081[21:00:52] <tdn> But why is resume in there in the first
3082[21:00:53] <tdn> ?
3083[21:01:19] <jelly> I guess that would be the next step, an
empty value for RESUME=
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3086[21:02:08] <jelly> probably because you have a fixed block
device for swap and initramfs-tools support using that for resume
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3090[21:03:22] <jelly> it don't hurt noone, the resume code
in initrd image would not find a hibernation signature and would
boot normally every time
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3092[21:03:45] <tdn> jelly,
3093[21:03:52] <jelly> no idea then :-)
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3098[21:05:39] <tdn> jelly, should I restore the file altogether
containing an actual value for RESUME and then updateinitramfs
3099[21:05:51] <jelly> tdn: I guess next step is reading the
code? /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/resume
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3103[21:06:11] <tdn> jelly, I think I am in over my head
3104[21:06:13] <jelly> if [ "$RESUME" = none ]; then
3105[21:06:13] <jelly> exit 0
3106[21:06:13] <jelly> fi
3107[21:06:38] <tdn> So I add RESUME=none ?
3108[21:06:58] <jelly> as the single line in that file
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3110[21:07:02] <tdn> OK
3111[21:07:48] <tdn> jelly, I think that worked:
3112[21:07:51] <simpledat> How do I install FileZilla Client for
3113[21:08:41] <tdn> jelly, does that look right? Should I reboot
3114[21:08:49] <jelly> tdn: that's nominal yes
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3116[21:08:54] <tdn> jelly, thanks
3117[21:09:17] <jelly> simpledat: apt-get install filezilla
3118[21:09:29] <jelly> as root
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3121[21:10:12] <simpledat> jelly: Should I then run filezilla as
normal user?
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3128[21:11:56] <jelly> simpledat: yes, just like almost all the
3129[21:12:11] <simpledat> jelly: Ok thank you
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3149[21:24:04] <greycat> So, all the stretch 9.2 updates
don't come with an update to base-files (/etc/debian_version)
unless you are also using stretch-updates. Izzat a bug?
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3165[21:29:45] <jelly> greycat: known and will be fixed, see
3166[21:29:49] <greycat> cool
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3168[21:30:28] <jelly> my mirror doesn't have it even in
stable-updates yet
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3172[21:31:05] <alhadi> can i upgrade my Debian 8 Jessie without
3173[21:31:15] <mundosegundo> yes alhadi
3174[21:31:21] <alhadi> i have a game server
3175[21:31:28] <alhadi> will it have any issue?
3176[21:31:31] <alhadi> mysq 5.7
3177[21:31:37] <alhadi> ogp installed open game panel
3178[21:31:37] <jelly> greycat: would be funny if it was fixed
with the next point release
3179[21:31:41] <mundosegundo> just change the repos for debian 9
and upgrade; dist upgrade etc..
3180[21:31:50] <annadane> alhadi,
3181[21:31:52] <mundosegundo> alhadi, honestly i dont know
3182[21:31:55] <jelly> mundosegundo: it's almost never JUST
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3184[21:32:02] <muse> lol. no one can say, alhadi.
3185[21:32:05] <greycat> !tell alhadi about jessie->stretch
3186[21:32:15] <mundosegundo> y jelly ?
3187[21:32:30] <alhadi> i mean upgrade gives more problems
3188[21:32:32] <jelly> mundosegundo: release notes would be a lot
shorter then
3189[21:32:35] <alhadi> the software compability
3190[21:32:37] <greycat> For upgrade issues, see
3191[21:32:42] *** Quits: rguz10 (~rguz10@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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3193[21:32:47] <alhadi> mysql 5.7
3194[21:32:50] <alhadi> php5.5
3195[21:32:51] <greycat> err, sorry, that should be
3196[21:33:01] <mundosegundo> doesnt the apt handles all the
3197[21:33:05] <jelly> alhadi: read the release notes. There is
no php 5 any more.
3198[21:33:12] <alhadi> yes
3199[21:33:13] *** Quits: Teflonaid (~Teflonaid@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
3200[21:33:17] <alhadi> my sotware needs php5
3201[21:33:23] <alhadi> it wont work in new
3202[21:33:24] <alhadi> php7
3203[21:33:38] <jelly> alhadi: php is at 7.0 in Debian 9. If you
need 5.x do not go stretch
3204[21:33:46] <alhadi> thats the reason
3205[21:33:53] <alhadi> becuz the panel i use its ogp 5.5
3206[21:34:02] <alhadi> if put 7 it send me bunch of erors
3207[21:34:12] <alhadi> the author says php5 is what will work
3208[21:34:19] <alhadi> beyond it wont work for the sowtare
3209[21:34:21] <jelly> mundosegundo: ^^ this, and other known
gotchas get documented in the release notes
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3212[21:34:42] <mundosegundo> oh ok, but the general system will
right jelly ?
3213[21:35:14] <jelly> mundosegundo: no. You absolutely want to
read the release notes.
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3217[21:35:39] <mundosegundo> ok
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3221[21:35:52] <jelly> if you don't, we'll laugh at you
when you come with an issue that could have been avoided
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3223[21:36:04] <jelly> probably.
3224[21:37:02] <jelly> alhadi: well the author and you have time
until, maybe, 2020 to make it work
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3227[21:37:31] <jelly> that's when jessie LTS support ends.
php5 security support will be limited in LTS anyway.
3228[21:37:33] <mundosegundo> ok, then here is one jelly, my
laptop starts getting really slow when it its low battery like 10%+-
and if i tell him to shutdown or sometimes i dont even have to do
that, the system frezes and i have to force the turn off with the
power button
3229[21:37:49] <mundosegundo> its a fresh debian 9 with gnome,
not an upgrade from 8
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3233[21:38:57] <shellclear> mundosegundo: Why don't run
docker containers?
3234[21:39:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1743
3235[21:39:15] <jelly> mundosegundo: seeing as it a laptop, and
you're on gnome, I don't have a lot to offer with that
3236[21:39:36] <mundosegundo> honestly i dont know what that does
3237[21:39:48] <mundosegundo> jelly, ok
3238[21:39:58] <jelly> shellclear: are you a bot?
3239[21:40:13] <shellclear> mundosegundo: sorry, my answer is to
alhadi ...
3240[21:40:24] <mundosegundo> oh ok
3241[21:40:34] *** Quits: rguz10 (~rguz10@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
3242[21:41:07] <shellclear> jelly: no way...
3243[21:41:33] <jelly> alright
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3246[21:42:12] <mundosegundo> wat about this one, on a desktop
now and with cinnamon installed, if i program a shutdown to xx:xx my
mb start to beep every x minutes, how can i turn this off?
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3249[21:43:40] <shellclear> mundosegundo:
3250[21:44:06] <shellclear> this time is to you.
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3252[21:44:11] <shellclear> hahaha
3253[21:44:15] *** Joins: Chadfii (~Chadfi@replaced-ip)
3254[21:44:24] <mundosegundo> thank you shellclear, but why only
on shutdown command?
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3256[21:44:30] <ewew> Hi. Did somebody had trouble running irc
proxy bip on debian 9 ?
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3260[21:45:25] <greycat> mundosegundo: are you running headless
or something? Are you not seeing a text message at the same time as
the beeps, on the console?
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3263[21:45:39] <annadane> ewew, it would help if you're more
detailed about your problem
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3265[21:46:03] <shellclear> mundo segundo: this is interesting,
would it be need investigate
3266[21:46:14] <annadane> what about bip are you having trouble
3267[21:46:14] <shellclear> mundosegundo:
3268[21:46:14] <mundosegundo> greycat, no, i cant tell usually
the term is on a window im not loocking at
3269[21:46:25] <ewew> when running via normal start script it
fails to work. If i run it as root it works well.
3270[21:46:36] * greycat tries to parse that response
3271[21:46:37] <annadane> shellclear, you can probably use tab
completion. type the first few letters of someone's name and
press tab
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3274[21:47:15] <shellclear> annadane: yep, I know. I made a
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3277[21:47:54] <annadane> ewew, how does it "fail to
work". do you have any output from the terminal?
3278[21:47:59] <annadane>
3279[21:48:28] <ewew> its not listed in output from ps -Af
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3293[22:00:24] <AllyG> Hi. I'm installing a debootstrap
chroot, arch=arm, onto my desktop. AFter I exec the debootstrap, and
cd in the the $chroot, I check & there's *no*
$chroot/bin/apt*, or $chroot/debootstrap/debootstrap.
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3295[22:00:55] <AllyG> I've tried
3296[22:01:15] <AllyG> and I *DO* the the .deb's DL'd.
they're just not apparently unpacked/installed
3297[22:01:26] <AllyG> Do I have to do those manually somehow?
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3300[22:04:50] <unkmar> I am thankful to all that finally Debian
Live working.
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3304[22:05:50] <hexnewbie> AllyG: debootstrap chroots into the
target directory to execute scripts, so if the host is not arm,
you'd need qemu user emulation like so -
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3306[22:06:19] <hexnewbie> AllyG: Though if that's the case
I would be surprised at the lack of errors (though debootstrap is a
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3309[22:09:35] <AllyG> hexnewbie: I've got qemu installed.
debootstrap populates the chroot with lots of dirs/files.
$chroot/bin is *full* of stuff. but 'usr/bin/apt-get',
'usr/bin/dpkg', 'debootstrap/deboostrap' are
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3314[22:13:21] <AllyG> hexnewbie: e.g., here's what bins are
installed by the debootstrap step:
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3319[22:16:40] <hexnewbie> AllyG: egrep 'Package: apt$'
"$chroot"/var/lib/dpkg/status -A 2
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3321[22:17:06] <Fjorgynn> hej
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3333[22:21:09] <Eduard_Munteanu> AllyG, you need the static build
of ARM-targeted QEMU and it has to be installed in the chroot
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3335[22:21:28] <Eduard_Munteanu> So you likely need to do a
2-stage debootstrap.
3336[22:22:10] <AllyG> k. brb
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3346[22:24:42] <b0xii> ping 9192.1.668.1.1
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3348[22:24:59] <greycat> it's like a Hollywood movie about
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3360[22:29:43] <rachelfish> hi #debian
3361[22:30:08] <rachelfish> Does anybody know if there's a
reason why Atom (the text editor) isn't available in the debian
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3366[22:33:13] <awal1> check PTS
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3372[22:34:42] <awal1> if it was in the past :P
3373[22:35:00] <awal1> seems no
3374[22:35:12] <tw> I'd guess the dependency on node.js is a
bit of a damper.
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3385[22:37:56] <jim> so, sway and gnome are the envs that work
well with wayland, and kde, not so much... what are the package
names for each?
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3387[22:38:37] <jim> also, is it just that wayland is a simpler
replacement for x and doesn't add new features?
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