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27[00:24:24] <hxmuller> The question I did not get to ask
earlier, is what's best practice for kernel headers when
compiling pristine (vanilla) kernel. But I answered it while I was
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30[00:25:36] <hxmuller> I'm going to install them in a
directory next to the source and point make to that directory
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46[00:36:46] <dashs> How can i make systemd mount remote
filesystems and use NIS properly?
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49[00:37:56] <Includes08> top_left="screen -dmS top_left
sh -c 'omxplayer --win \"0 0 960 540\", does anyone
have a tool for the pixels? that i can draw area's and spits
out x1 y1 x2 y2?
50[00:38:06] *** Joins: orti (~orti@replaced-ip)
51[00:38:19] <Includes08> i'm sure some genius must have
thought of that already ^^'
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59[00:48:44] <Includes08> wheres the genius
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64[00:50:24] <ytrezq> Hello, I just send a bug titled Please
provide static archives inside libtqt4-dev ! with
65[00:50:27] <ytrezq> Package: qt4-x11
66[00:50:29] <ytrezq> Version: 4:4.8.7+dfsg-11
67[00:51:03] <ytrezq> But I’m not finding them in the
search engine, why ?
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70[00:51:24] <somiaj> static archives?
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73[00:51:39] <somiaj> you should have gotten an email response
saying your bug was submitted.
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78[00:52:06] <ytrezq> somiaj: .a files
79[00:52:10] <ytrezq> ar file
80[00:52:38] <ytrezq> somiaj: That’'s the point, I
didn’t received an e-mail.
81[00:53:13] <somiaj> how did you submit the bug?
82[00:53:19] <ytrezq> all version are affected, so I
didn’t specified version header. Is it ok in that case ?
83[00:53:28] <OS-36254> msg NickServ identify b0ws3r
84[00:53:36] <ytrezq> By mailing
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86[00:54:03] <somiaj> it can take a few minuents (5-10 max) to
process the new bug. Or maybe there was an issue with your email.
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88[00:54:18] <ytrezq> with Package followed by version lines in
the begining
89[00:54:24] <ytrezq> It’s been 24min
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say no... I wear black on the outside because black is how I feel
on the inside... Uso negro por fuera porque negro me siento por
dentro... ##replaced-url
94[00:55:05] <ytrezq> now
95[00:55:10] <somiaj> you could use reportbug and have it save
the email into a .tex file you could copy over. Does your email
client send raw text emails or do html formattting?
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98[00:56:21] <somiaj> though I think since you are doing a
source package, the name needs to be src:qt4-x11
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100[00:56:46] <ytrezq> raw text e-mail. I cannot use report bug
since it’s about a missing package libQtGui is the only
libarary without a static archive for static executable linking
which prevents me from exporting my arm64 project to other Linux
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104[00:57:48] <ytrezq> and more broadly
105[00:57:52] <Includes08> top_left="screen -dmS top_left
sh -c 'omxplayer --win \"0 0 960 540\", does anyone
have a tool for the pixels? that i can draw area's and spits
out x1 y1 x2 y2?
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107[00:58:04] <somiaj> but I'm not positive there, but
I'm not finding a binary package named qt4-x11, only the source
package. And I'm only going but my experience with the BTS, I
think source packages need to be src:name, but not positive with the
108[00:59:05] <ryouma> when i mv a file from dir a to dir b, the
ctime gets updated. i did not expect this. has this always been the
109[00:59:08] <ryouma> (jessie)
110[00:59:08] <ytrezq> somiaj: in ubuntu, you need to only use
source package for reporting bugs, not binaries, is it also true
with debian.
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114[01:00:07] <ryouma> shouldn't mv that is not across fses
preserve all 4 file times (abcm)
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117[01:01:25] <somiaj> ytrezq: both can be used, but i'm
not that familar with the BTS, I just know when browsing it they
have a seperate link for src:packname bugs
118[01:02:12] <somiaj> ytrezq: and the cgi header is
src=packagename not pkg=packagename, unsure how this links with
reporting. It was just an idea. Anyways, at this time if you
didn't get an email back I think something happened to the
email, I just can't say what forsure.
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120[01:03:47] <somiaj> ytrezq:
121[01:04:21] <somiaj> again, i'm not positive what is
going on, but it might have something to do with you are using a
source package name, not a binary package name
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128[01:05:19] <somiaj> ytrezq:
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130[01:05:24] <somiaj> again, i'm not positive what is
going on, but it might have something to do with you are using a
source package name, not a binary package name
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219[02:06:03] <awal1> sometimes I have no time for check closely
upgrades details . how can I make apt/aptitude assume YES except
when there is a removal?
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223[02:08:16] <ryouma> don't use the dist-upgrade or
whatever, and use the assume yes option, i ... think?
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225[02:12:05] <awal1> ryouma, I was refering to
226[02:12:35] <ryouma> oic you want prompt if removal else go
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228[02:12:55] <ryouma> dunno
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231[02:14:29] <RoyK> awal1: unattended upgrades can be
configured to do this
232[02:14:33] <RoyK> it's not hard
233[02:14:48] <awal1> my question is contradictory, I was just
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237[02:16:25] <awal1> RoyK, make it assume YES always, except
when there is a removal(stops upgrade durring a dist-upgrade process
if if X software is being to be removed)?
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241[02:17:22] <RoyK> awal1: yes
242[02:17:30] <RoyK> !unattended-upgrades
243[02:17:30] <dpkg> rumour has it, unattended-upgrades is a
package for installing security upgrades automatically, unattended.
244[02:17:31] <awal1> interesting
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246[02:17:57] <awal1> I will check it, thanks, RoyK
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258[02:20:41] <awal1> what I heard here about
unattended'upgrades is the opposite ; it just automates
upgrades without a phisical intervention, and not recommended bcoz
it removes automatically also
259[02:20:49] <awal1> I wil check docs closely
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277[02:34:01] <OS-38463> /msg NickServ IDENTIFY 1234XXXX
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286[02:41:12] <ghormoon> hi, any idea how to debug suspend
issues? I have thinkpad T470s and sometimes when it's suspended
(i think only if suspended automatically by systemd, though), it
starts rapidly blinking porer button (normally suspended it blinks
slowly) and is not possible to wake up, needs to be hold until total
poweroff. in journal, last messages are saying that systemd is
taking idle action and syspending it and looks normal :(
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296[02:50:03] <petn-randall> ghormoon: rapid blinking IIRC means
the firmware has hit an error. I'd check the handbook.
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298[02:51:06] <Akuw> i am trying to install debian 5.0
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300[02:52:01] <Akuw> but all repos are of-line
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306[02:56:50] <pennTeller> Hi guys, I am learning how to compile
a Linux kernel but am getting this error message:
scripts/mod/empty.c:1:0: error: code model kernel does not support
PIC mode
307[02:57:16] <pennTeller> I've looked online but
haven't found a clear solution to the problem so I come to
request a bit of your wisdom
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310[03:01:05] <ghormoon> petn-randall: manual says blinks
quickly: computer is entering sleep or hibernation mode, blink
slozly: computer is in sleep mode
311[03:01:10] <ghormoon> therefore the syspend didn't
finish properly
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313[03:02:04] <ghormoon> and it's true that if this happens
I'm usually low on battery when i wake it up
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315[03:02:11] <ghormoon> (depends how long it was ofc)
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332[03:09:49] <greggypoo> hi! if bugs says "Maintainer for
vtun is Debian QA Group <>" does
that mean the package is orphaned?
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336[03:12:07] <annadane> good question; i doubt it, but i wonder
that too now
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346[03:15:28] <somiaj> greggypoo: the debian qa seems to be a
group that maintains a collection of packages,
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349[03:16:17] <somiaj> though maybe it does default if it is
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351[03:16:54] <greggypoo> ah, thanks
352[03:17:44] <pennTeller> hi guys is kernel-package not
available in debian?
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356[03:18:54] <awal1> ,v kernel-package
357[03:18:55] <judd> Package: kernel-package on amd64 -- wheezy:
12.036+nmu3; jessie: 13.014+nmu1; stretch-backports:
13.018+nmu1~bpo9+1; buster: 13.018+nmu1; sid: 13.018+nmu1
358[03:19:17] <awal1> not in stretch, but yes in backports
359[03:19:20] <somiaj> pennTeller: use the make deb-pkg target
in the kernel source, kernel-package is no longer needed.
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365[03:22:59] <pennTeller> somiaj, thank you I appreciate the
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368[03:25:01] <imMute> somiaj: by "kernel source" you
mean the "linux" source package?
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370[03:26:30] <somiaj> no the source package, it could be from
git, it could be upstream tarball, or even linux-source-version
371[03:26:48] <somiaj> but most likely if someone is building
their own kernel, they are doing so from the kernel source, not the
debian linux source package.
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390[03:40:04] <melissa666> in network-manager, when you are
setting up ethernet connections and you set IPv4 --> Method
--> "Shared to other computers", what is that doing
behind the scenes? is it acting as a dhcp server for clients that
plug into ethernet, and then forwarding the traffic somehow? what is
a term I could search for to learn more about how it works?
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392[03:40:43] <melissa666> i set a connection up in
network-manager, and I'm trying to learn how to do the same
thing without nm
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394[03:41:21] <imMute> melissa666: I don't know about NM
specifically, but it's probably doing some kind of NAT. as well
as possibly running a DHCP and DNS server for the
"internal" network.
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405[03:48:08] <Ouroboro> melissa666: you can examine what it is
doing using the standard networking commands
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435[04:07:01] <Ouroboro> melissa666: re how to set up nat, one
way is using iptables, but there are probably others
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441[04:11:41] <melissa666> Ouroboro, ok, I will look more into
NAT w/ IP tables ... I don't really understand NAT that well,
and it would probably help me figure this out. thanks :)
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443[04:13:34] <Ouroboro> there is not much to it, most of the
details are hidden anyway
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452[04:18:50] <Ouroboro> of course, with iptables and its
various extensions you can do all kinds of strange and unusual
routing, but all of the actual work happens in the kernel
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465[04:22:35] <Ouroboro> which, btw, is a strange concept in
itself to me, network routing in the kernel? really?
466[04:22:40] * Ouroboro installs minix
467[04:23:00] <annadane> no! come back!
468[04:23:35] *** Quits: Mr_Keyser_Soze (~Mr_Keyser@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
469[04:23:42] <Ouroboro> actually, i have been meaning to try
minix 3, it has everything that i need, i believe
470[04:23:49] *** Quits: lyr3 (~user@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
471[04:24:04] <Ouroboro> and there is even a live iso
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481[04:29:09] <Ouroboro> or maybe hurd
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487[04:30:14] <pennTeller> Hi guys anyone know why "make
zImage -j8" wouldn't work in latest debian?
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526[04:47:31] <melissa666> is it generally bad to do `sudo make
install`? I'm trying to install batctl to work with BATMAN
protocol from the git repo, but I'm wondering if sudo make
install is right choice?
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531[04:48:42] <annadane> it is generally bad, yeah
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534[04:49:23] <Ouroboro> if it is not a debian package, then it
is better to keep it local instead of installing it into the system
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538[04:50:22] <Ouroboro> or, if you really must install it into
the system, then do it manually so that you know where everything
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553[05:04:47] <annadane> a few github projects instruct one to
make install and i've wondered how to do it properly, without
554[05:04:56] <annadane> things like i3-gaps
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556[05:05:02] <annadane> but i don't _need_ i3-gaps, so...
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559[05:05:32] <galaxie> Hi, I'm using Debian 9 as usual,
but today for some reason, as I'm logging into my default
account, using LXDE environment, it logs me in briefly but then the
screen turns black and then logs me off. Any ideas how I can solve
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561[05:07:36] <galaxie> I can log in fine through i.e su, but
not graphically. I dont' remember changing anything except
iptables, though.
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566[05:08:32] <galaxie> Perhaps there is some checklist I could
go through?
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571[05:11:27] <ghormoon> I've just installed adb from
debian (stretch) packages and it crashes when I try to start is, is
there something known like this?
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579[05:17:56] <ghormoon> hm, manually adb start-server did work
and even after kill-server now adb device swork and autostarts the
server correctly
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585[05:22:45] <Chinesium> How do I direct the output of a
command to multiple terminals? It's okay if one is read-only
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588[05:24:47] <Ouroboro> tee + some redirect magic, maybe
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590[05:25:03] <farruinn> galaxie: I've encountered that
with slim login manager if no session is specified. Check that your
lxde session is selected. Also check relevant logs under /var/log
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596[05:26:16] <farruinn> annadane: you could make install
without root if you have a ~/.local/bin for example.
597[05:27:03] <farruinn> or some other directory you have
permissions for. Just add to your path to use.
598[05:27:07] <annadane> and save each project in its own folder
within that path
599[05:30:09] <galaxie> farruinn: OK but why now??
600[05:30:24] <galaxie> farruinn: And which logs would be most
601[05:30:59] <rjsalts> I can't figure out where sddm is
getting it's config from, there is nothing in
/etc/sddm/sddm.conf, but if I change themes in the kcm control panel
it sticks. It's not using the alternatives system. Is it dbus?
602[05:31:11] <annadane> and by path i meant absolute path aka
603[05:31:19] <annadane> ~/.local/bin/arbitrarygithubproject1
604[05:31:42] <annadane> oh, uh...
605[05:31:50] <annadane> to the arch wiki!
606[05:32:32] <annadane> which says
/usr/lib/sddm/sddm.conf.d/sddm.conf though that doesn't sound
right and it's probably different for debian
607[05:32:33] <OS-38463> /msg NickServ IDENTIFY 1234XXXX
608[05:33:15] <annadane> "For any changes, create
configuration file(s) in /etc/sddm.conf.d/"...
609[05:34:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1559
610[05:34:07] <annadane> OS-38463, you were just in here doing
the same thing earlier, stop posting your password in the main
611[05:34:18] <annadane> also, change your password
612[05:34:19] <rjsalts> I can only see an empty /etc/sddm and
613[05:34:25] <farruinn> galaxie: perhaps there was an update to
lxde or your display manager that messed up the session file? Or you
have a startup program that's causing a problem.
614[05:34:31] <annadane> i used to know this probably but i
don't run KDE these days
615[05:34:54] <annadane> it's not a hidden folder in your
home dir?
616[05:35:28] <rjsalts> it's systemwide
617[05:35:44] <farruinn> galaxie: the default display manager
for lxde is lightdm, so maybe there's a /var/log/lightdm
618[05:36:10] <galaxie> farruinn: My apologies! I did mess with
my .xsession, I forgot about that! Trying to remap stuff for
619[05:36:17] <galaxie> farruinn: Problem solved, thanks
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621[05:37:39] <Ouroboro> rjsalts: you could strace it
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634[05:45:06] <farruinn> rjsalts: did you check dpkg -L sddm for
the config path? I just noticed I have /etc/init/slim.conf for
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640[05:47:37] <rjsalts> farruinn: yes, nothing in /etc
that's part of sddm seems to have the settings
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642[05:47:56] <rjsalts> Ouroboro: looking, but it's not
giving much joy
643[05:49:45] <Ouroboro> i would never describe stracing as joy
:P but it's in there somewhere
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652[05:55:01] <rjsalts> problem is the strace is 52M
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666[06:02:32] <Nautilus> Hi, on Stretch I'm trying to
install Chrome with the .deb, but it's missing a dependency and
it seems kind of circular (libindicator3-1 depends on
libindicator3-7?). Not sure if I'm going the right way about
ths or what clue I'm missing.
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676[06:05:37] <MTecknology> Jordan_U: Howdy!
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681[06:11:08] <Voldenet> Nautilus: maybe you wanted to install
chromium browser which is in the repo (it's basically open
sourced chrome)
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684[06:12:41] <Nautilus> Voldenet: looking into it
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687[06:13:19] <Voldenet> There's also chrome repo for
debian, but I've never used it, because chromium is enough :)
688[06:14:21] <Nautilus> yea in general they're
interchangable for users
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690[06:14:39] <Jordan_U> MTecknology: I have no idea how
you're playing audio without having any alsa packages
installed. Maybe the packages just provide utilities like alsamixer
that aren't needed when using pulse, but ALSA is still there in
the kernel.
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695[06:16:20] <MTecknology> Jordan_U: ah, I didn't realize
you were referring to the kernel module
696[06:16:22] <Jordan_U> MTecknology: In fact, now that I say it
I'm pretty sure that's the explanation. ALSA is in the
kernel and has some userland utilities, but I'm not surprised
that you don't need the utilities when using pulse. None the
less, pulseaudio is still running on top of ALSA.
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698[06:16:40] <MTecknology> oh! in that case, I can guarantee
alsa isn't available.. this is a custom kernel
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700[06:17:01] <Ouroboro> rjsalts: so, small then
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703[06:18:07] <MTecknology> Jordan_U: oh well.. it's
working well and it was all just idle curiosity. :)
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706[06:19:32] <Jordan_U> MTecknology: What kernel configuration
option did you use that you think makes alsa not available?
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709[06:21:17] <Nautilus> Voldenet: ohhh, running a "apt
--fix-broken install" seems to have helped. Not sure why, been
careful with this setup, but it is what it is
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717[06:23:15] <MTecknology> Jordan_U: I lied! It's the
HD-Audio from underneath of ALSA that I removed as well as most of
the "PCI sound devices". I guess there's alsa the
userland utilities, and also also the kernel module.
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733[06:32:48] <rjsalts> arggggh
734[06:33:06] <kirk781> My bluetooth headphones really stutter
when I use them whilst connected on wifi. Is there some interference
between the wireless and BT connection?
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738[06:34:56] <JakeSqPants> they use same frequency. 2.4Ghz.
739[06:35:23] <MTecknology> kirk781: you'd have to look at
the white papers for your board to see a block layout diagram, but
it's likely they share the same path at some point.
740[06:36:01] <kirk781> MTecknology, you just said in complex
terms that the issue will remain
741[06:36:16] <MTecknology> How did I say that?
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743[06:36:47] <MTecknology> How can that possibly be determined
without first finding a root cause?
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808[07:42:03] <m712> hi, my hdd is dying and i lost some
/usr/lib files to an fsck, how can I reinstall all packages via apt?
809[07:42:11] <m712> i will replace my hdd soon
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814[07:43:06] <themill> !debsums
815[07:43:06] <dpkg> debsums is a utility that will check a
package's files against their checksums. The "-a"
argument will instruct it to also check configuration files:
"apt install debsums; debsums -a -s". Almost all packages
come with md5sums included in the package or apt will have generated
them for you; generate missing ones with "apt-get install
--reinstall `debsums -l`". Ask me about <md5sums>.
816[07:43:40] <themill> m712: ^^ that's a way to only
reinstall the packages that are damaged rather than all packages.
You can also "aptitude reinstall ~i" to reinstall all
817[07:43:48] <m712> thank you very much
818[07:44:02] *** Quits: smolboye (~smolboye@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
819[07:44:17] <m712> do reinstalled packages get set as manually
820[07:45:56] <themill> I don't think so but I'd need
to do the experiment
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822[07:46:51] <themill> nope, seems to remain automatically
823[07:46:56] <m712> okay thanks
824[07:47:10] <m712> debsums doesn't seem to list packages
which have missing files themselves
825[07:47:46] <m712> unless i need to wait until the end of the
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863[08:10:51] <yokowka> hello every soul!!!! somesoul can helps
me with logs in debian 9.3 booting?))
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867[08:12:45] <m712> themill: for f in $(sudo debsums -c
2>&1 | cut -d' ' -f 4); do apt-file find
"$f" | cut -d: -f 1; done | sort | uniq | xargs sudo apt
install --reinstall
868[08:12:48] <m712> this works fine
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872[08:15:29] <m712> no it doesn't actually, hmm
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883[08:24:05] <m712> oh god for some reason it's installing
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889[08:25:42] <m712> what the fuck
890[08:25:47] *** Joins: mel00010 (~mel00010@replaced-ip)
891[08:25:50] <m712> my rootfs just went ro
892[08:25:53] <m712> by its own
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894[08:26:13] <m712> W: Problem unlinking the file
/var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin - pkgDPkgPM::Go (30: Read-only file
895[08:26:14] <yokowka> m712 you talking with whom?
896[08:26:15] <m712> sudo apt-get install --reinstall $(cat
selections) 39.45s user 14.75s system 13% cpu 6:50.76 total
897[08:26:21] <m712> i'm just reporting
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900[08:27:25] <m712> will try to reboot but superblock seems to
be broken (!)
901[08:27:26] *** Joins: Nach0z (~nach0z@replaced-ip)
902[08:27:37] <somiaj> m712: your hd could be going faster than
you expected, and your kernel responded by making it read only
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909[08:31:34] <dgp> m712: look in dmesg
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940[08:43:53] <yokowka> beter wishes to you!any soul can helps
with booting failures of debian 9.3?
941[08:44:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1569
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952[08:46:45] <rootkea> yokowka, what exactly is the issue?
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959[08:49:58] <m712> somiaj: dgp yep, it's completely toast
right now
960[08:50:03] *** r0Oter is now known as r00ter
961[08:50:14] <m712> at least the rootfs superblock is
completely fucked
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963[08:50:55] <m712> testdisk is trying to find my home
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966[08:51:52] <m712> before rebooting /home/ could be read, so i
still have hope that only the start cylinders are dead
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977[08:55:47] <yokowka> rootkea do you read me?
978[08:56:06] <m712> Read failed: Input/output error
979[08:56:14] <m712> not so funny in my case :/
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981[08:56:53] <rootkea> yokowka, use pastebin and ask here.
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984[08:58:21] <yokowka> rootkea it will be flood....
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987[09:00:36] <yokowka> phellas, who knows how to fix booting
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996[09:04:47] <gerforce> !topic
997[09:06:07] <foobar111> !dpkg paste
998[09:06:07] <dpkg> Do not paste more than 2 lines to this
channel. Instead, use:
999[09:06:14] <foobar111> yokowka, ^
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1008[09:08:58] <foobar111> yokowka, Do not send personal message.
Instead post the link to pastebin here in channel
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1021[09:14:14] <ponanny> What do I need to do to install the
batman-adv kernel module on Debian? do I need to compile a custom
kernel or something?
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1026[09:15:12] <ponanny> I try insmod batman-adv.ko and it gived
me "no such file or directory"
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1028[09:16:30] <ponanny> I tried just installing batctl and
configuring an interface, but it gave me a kernel oops and I had to
reboot (I have a trace and the commands that caused it if needed)
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1030[09:17:24] <ponanny> I can't find any docs online that
tell me exactly how I'm supposed to enable batman-adv kernel
module on debian. All the guides I can find for Debian are for
outdated batmand app.
1031[09:17:44] <Iridos> use modprobe, not insmod… and skip
the .ko … and usually kernel modules are autoloaded whenever
something tries to use them and the crash is your real problem
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1036[09:19:17] <ponanny> Iridos: ah yes, modprobe was it ...
weird, every guide I've found for batman-adv says to use
`insmod batman-adv.ko` but that hasn't worked on either of the
Debian boxes I've tried it on
1037[09:19:20] <ponanny> thanks
1038[09:20:18] <Iridos> modprobe does the same as insmod but also
loads dependencies… they're the same if there are none
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1047[09:22:01] <ponanny> well, I'm gonna make my wifi card
all batmany on this box now, so adios :)
1048[09:22:06] <m712> huh... somehow the LVM data is intact
1049[09:22:13] <m712> so i can mount /home/
1050[09:22:22] <m712> and no issues when fsck'd
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1058[09:25:16] <yokowka> froodgie6 - hi!
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1135[10:03:14] <towo^work> yokowka, a paste without any context
does not make many sense
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1137[10:05:11] <yokowka> towo^work need help with operation
system failure
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1139[10:05:46] <towo^work> your paste is not showing any os
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1142[10:06:31] <yokowka> towo^work booting problems.
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1144[10:07:04] <towo^work> i'm out, useless words without
relevant info
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1149[10:08:23] <yokowka> went to first in you life aquedook
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1169[10:23:37] <akd> I have this error thrown from my bash
line 78:
No such file or directory
1170[10:23:37] <akd> I dont understanbd how 01-react cannot
exist, it is in the same directory as create and create is throwing
err L78 where I try to run:
1171[10:23:37] <akd> ${initial_process_wd}/${f:2}
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1193[10:34:51] <jelly> akd: /root/oot/ looks wrong
1194[10:35:37] <jelly> akd: does ${f:2} do what you think it
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1200[10:39:58] <akd> I think it remove the first 3 char
1201[10:40:45] <akd> This is the script
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1207[10:44:06] <jelly> well then it does what you told it to,
which seems to be the wrong thing
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1300[11:53:28] <nabax> Hi! Does anybody know whether there's
a way to specify the working dir of an executable when creating a
.deb package?
1301[11:53:47] <nabax> I need my executable to run from a
particular dir, as it reads files from relative paths
1302[11:55:07] <nabax> I tried packaging a shell script that
would (cd mydir; ./run-the-executable) but this failed with
"Cannot fork"
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1308[11:58:08] <c-c> sounds like a recipe for fialure
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1320[12:04:24] <babilen> nabax: I'd adjust your software to
work with standard paths and to call whatever steps are needed in
the postinst script
1321[12:04:36] <babilen> That way your and everyone else's
life will be easier
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1325[12:06:46] <nabax> babilen, yep, the issue is that we're
packaging virtual files and dirs inside of the executable
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1328[12:07:14] <nabax> so you need to be in the actual directory
where the executable lives to be able to read those
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1342[12:13:52] <nabax> oh, just got it working, disregard my
1343[12:13:54] <nabax> thanks all
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1364[12:36:18] <pussy_licker> hello
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1366[12:37:18] <michael2> hi all. Ive created a wrapper script in
the /usr/sbin/sendmail location - is there any way I can tell dpkg
that there is now a "mail-transport-agent" virtual package
on the system? to prevent any future software trying to install a
mail-transport-agent as a dependency?
1367[12:38:09] <pussy_licker> michael2: have you tried turning it
off and back on?
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1369[12:40:31] <michael2> you mean did i notify dpkg there is a
package which provides mail-transport-agent? no I dont know how
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1373[12:42:11] <pussy_licker> michael2: i don't know linux
1374[12:42:17] <pussy_licker> i just know in general
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1376[12:42:22] <pussy_licker> when the computer doesnt work
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1378[12:42:36] <pussy_licker> i turn it off and then back on
1379[12:42:53] <pussy_licker> if that does't fix it, then
kicking it usually does
1380[12:43:05] <pussy_licker> but sometimes it doesn't
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1416[13:08:28] <Iridos> michael2, you could just make a small
package with your script… possibly using checkinstall on a
copy or so
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1419[13:08:55] <Iridos> that'd probably make sense for most
things that could come up…
1420[13:08:58] <Iridos> … or …
1421[13:09:00] <Iridos> dpkg, equivs
1422[13:09:00] <dpkg> equivs is a package that enables you to
create dummy packages that tell <apt> you really have
installed (through some other means) the package. aptitude install
equivs, and read /usr/share/doc/equivs/*, see also <usrlocal>.
A better plan is often to adapt the Debian packages to your needs,
ask me about <package recompile> <uupdate> <ssb>.
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1633[15:10:27] <tyzef> Hi guys ! How you Debian is going on ???
Here I face that you know when I plug charger on da Eeepc,
don't why cursor get crazy even sometime freeze like Mr..... I
think our powerhouse electric juice not fluid that much so drain a
lot of interference, you know I mean? Am I right or just out of the
way??? Thanks
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1638[15:11:38] <beastwick> @tyzef Are you OK?
1639[15:12:20] <jelly> tyzef: do you know any language other than
1640[15:13:04] <tyzef> Am living on an island and they provide
electricity from big generators you know
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1643[15:13:29] <tyzef> yeah I know some others languages but...
1644[15:14:55] <Javabean> what is the language you use most in
your day to day life, tyzef?
1645[15:15:07] <tyzef> that's not the point, I come here
because man 1500 people here, so huge I'm pretty someone will
know what I'm talking about !
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1649[15:15:27] <tyzef> Dhivehi language
1650[15:15:34] <tyzef> den english
1651[15:15:59] <tyzef> why?
1652[15:16:20] <tyzef> my grand grand grand father like that is a
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1654[15:16:42] <tyzef> anyway
1655[15:17:34] <tyzef> if you get my curser play flipper on my
screen I will be great full to you dude !
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1657[15:17:56] <jelly> because your written English is a bit
rough, and sometimes there are support channels for other languages
1658[15:18:58] <tyzef> oh sorry
1659[15:19:08] <tyzef> is Queen Language a must?
1660[15:19:58] <tyzef> sorry I got my English talk background
from Bham, anyway, sorry
1661[15:20:30] <petn-randall> haha, don't worry, tyzef, you
can still ask in here. We sometimes just point people to localized
support channels if their english is a little rough on the edges.
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1663[15:21:43] <Javabean> when you plug in your Eeepc, even if
the cursor starts going all over your screen does the charging icon
show on your system tray?
1664[15:22:03] <tyzef> to be honest I also can use french
language but... how to debianing if not using English?
1665[15:22:23] <Javabean> !fr
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1667[15:22:23] <dpkg> Pour l'aide en francais, veuillez
rejoindre le canal #debian-fr. Francophone users: for help in
french, please go to #debian-fr.
1668[15:22:31] <tyzef> yes ! unplugged it run perfectly fine !
1669[15:22:32] <Javabean> ah, it does work
1670[15:22:49] *** Joins: OtakuSenpai (~Neel@replaced-ip)
1671[15:22:56] <Javabean> but the icon on your screen, does it
change when you plug the eeepc in?
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1676[15:24:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1605
1677[15:24:18] <tyzef> no Javabean, only problem is the cursor,
actually I have to go deeper here, I explained you...
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1680[15:26:32] <tyzef> cursor get mad then freeze, for that
matter it concern the touch pad... then for the wire mouse I use it
work but stop and go, stop and go, stop and go... like that. so 2
materials are here in trouble isn't it?
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1682[15:28:10] <tyzef> so now I use Debian in text without GUI
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1684[15:28:34] <tyzef> then okay ! but little bit old school
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1686[15:29:19] <Javabean> not sure, i am only asking ya questions
cause i seem to be able to understand ya better than others, i am
hoping the questions i ask can help the betters in the channel
figure out what is up... but yeah, the touch pad going nuts and the
wired mouse stop and go'ing should only be one subsystem
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1688[15:29:59] <tyzef> really
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1690[15:30:43] <tyzef> from subsystem it can be fixed?
1691[15:31:08] <Javabean> example would be, where does the system
log when you plug in the power on a laptop. where does the system
log when the touchpad/mouse disconnects/reconnects?
1692[15:31:29] <Javabean> would it be dmesg for that?
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1694[15:32:26] <tyzef> I don't know, people call me Newbe
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1696[15:32:58] <tyzef> I'm learning Debian actually
1697[15:33:43] <Javabean> being a Newbe isn't all that bad
yo, we all have to start somewhere/sometime... nah my question was
aimed at people like jelly and petn*
1698[15:34:52] <tyzef> but if give some little guidelines it will
be perfectly fine, I don't disturb actually, and ai also should
do a part of the job to get what I am doing, I guess
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1700[15:34:58] <jhutchins_wk> Javabean: Yes, it would be dmesg.
1701[15:35:25] <jhutchins_wk> Javabean: Most IRC clients will
complete a nick if you hit tab.
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1703[15:35:40] <jhutchins_wk> (Provided the user is in channel.)
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1705[15:36:04] <ytrezq> Hello, it seems debuild doesn’t
works for cross compiling, May someone help me on this
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1707[15:36:21] <ytrezq> (since qt4 is the only dev package
without an archive for static linking)
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1709[15:36:40] <Javabean> then tyzef, next time you plug in your
eeepc could you save a chunk of dmesg to a file and post it... that
would be the way to start getting the problem fixed
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1712[15:38:21] <petn-randall> ytrezq: Given that qt4 is
completely unsupported since 2015 upstream, and there are serious
efforts to remove it from Debian, I don't expect anyone to work
on it.
1713[15:38:39] <ytrezq> petn-randall: Qt5 is also concerned
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1715[15:39:19] <petn-randall> ytrezq: It might be, but that would
be a separate ticket against a different package.
1716[15:39:24] <Javabean> would dmesg | tail -100 > error.txt
work to grab that kind of error/problem you think? jhutchins_wk?
1717[15:39:48] <ytrezq> But if you would provide a Qt4 static
archive, I would be able to provide upward compatibility for future
version of debian that would no longer include it.
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1720[15:40:38] <squarecircle> ohai
1721[15:40:39] <petn-randall> ytrezq: Also, you filed that bug
~15 hours ago, you need to be more patient. If there's no
response in a few weeks you could poke the maintainer again.
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1723[15:40:53] <das_j> Hey everyone, I'm currently trying to
cross-build a package for arm64 using sbuild. However, when running
`sbuild` to build the package, it fails with a dependency conflict
between make:arm64 and make:amd64. How do I resolve this?
1724[15:41:15] <petn-randall> ytrezq: Also, I won't provide
anything because I have no clue about qt4 and their packaging.
1725[15:41:25] <tyzef> Okay Javabean I will try to do it asap,
tonight I am quite busy but, don't worry I am always here on
#debian when I plug to IRC, Hey guys thank you so sorry, sorry for
using slang, I just love it actually ! so I keep the chat in note
and come again... Debian well !
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1728[15:41:56] <tyzef> thank you so much
1729[15:42:12] <urbicid> hi all! how to normally chroot from
another linux distro to debian?
1730[15:42:20] <squarecircle> if I have two port forward iptables
rules that only differ in ip and port but only one works, what have
I done wrong?
1731[15:42:25] <ytrezq> petn-randall: this rather really blocking
for me, I need an arm64 version of LibQt4Gui.a or LibQt5gui.a ASAP
1732[15:42:33] <greycat> urbicid: /msg dpkg debootstrap
1733[15:42:50] <Javabean> be well tyzef, remember though my
command might not work. ought to wait a few to see if someone chimes
in to say its bunk and suggests something better to work
1734[15:43:03] <ytrezq> petn-randall: and as shown in the bug,
I’m defnitely unable to compile the missing library myself
1735[15:43:34] *** Quits: r2rien (~me@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
1736[15:43:42] <urbicid> greycat: i must install debootstrap or
what? :o
1737[15:43:59] <ytrezq> I’m talking about about managing
money. Doing nothing incures losses
1738[15:44:13] *** Joins: orti (~orti@replaced-ip)
1739[15:44:19] <greycat> Well, that was my guess as to what your
question meant -- that you wanted to install a Debian system inside
a chroot inside a different Linux.
1740[15:44:25] <petn-randall> ytrezq: Then I suggest you hire a
freelancer to do that job for you. As I said, *I* can't do
anything about it, and if you have hard deadlines, that would be the
way to do it.
1741[15:44:56] *** Quits: _joes_ (~BH23@replaced-ip) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
1742[15:45:00] <tyzef> well Javabean !
1743[15:45:13] <petn-randall> ytrezq: Don't forget that
Debian developers are doing this in their free time for no money, so
you can't really make any demands when they do things or if
they respond to your bug reports at all.
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1747[15:46:23] <squarecircle> here is the paste:
1748[15:46:35] <squarecircle> I'm actually confused about
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1765[15:53:35] <ytrezq> petn-randall: when I see they are qt4
bugs that are still untriaged since 2010, I have to fear a lot.
1766[15:54:24] <petn-randall> ytrezq: Sounds like you'd love
to help make Debian better!
1767[15:55:10] <ytrezq> petn-randall: without being even able to
test libQt4 things won’t go far
1768[15:56:43] <das_j> Umm, what do I do when a segfault occurs
in aptitude?
1769[15:56:54] *** Joins: r2rien (~me@replaced-ip)
1770[15:57:07] <ytrezq> manual dpkg reinstall?
1771[15:57:33] <das_j> ytrezq: Well, aptitude was executed by
pbuilder to calculate the dependencies, so I cannot really switch
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1776[15:58:17] <jrtc27> das_j: known bug with
1777[15:58:36] <jrtc27> switch your resolver in your pbuilderrc
file with PBUILDERSATISFYDEPENDSCMD (check the manpage)
1778[15:58:45] <das_j> jrtc27: Is it fixable with this
1779[15:58:50] <das_j> it looks correct
1780[15:59:00] <das_j> oh, okay
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1782[15:59:20] <jrtc27> idk what on earth elbepack/ is
1783[15:59:27] <jrtc27> are you on stretch?
1784[15:59:54] <petn-randall> ytrezq: You can always fix it and
then provide patches.
1785[16:00:06] <jrtc27> if so, you want
rather than -experimental
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1795[16:04:23] <ytrezq> petn-randall: how I can test the patches
if I cannot compile ?
1796[16:04:31] <squarecircle> any idea
1797[16:04:40] <greycat> !any ideas
1798[16:04:40] <dpkg> Yeah, I have an idea! But I'll need a
sack full of rutabagas, a little WD-40, and a dozen three-legged
oxen. And keep the NSA off my back for the next few hours!
1799[16:05:04] <squarecircle> greycat:
1800[16:05:18] <greycat> squarecircle: If nobody here knows your
iptables/netfilter stuff at the moment, you can either wait, or try
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1802[16:05:34] <squarecircle> join #netfilter
1803[16:05:37] <squarecircle> hm
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1815[16:10:04] <[bma]> Quickie (hopefully) - any idea why
/etc/os-release would say buster is installed on a wheezy box?
Machine is installing wheezy packages, and there's no sign of
buster except for in the os-release and debian-version files :s
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1818[16:11:02] <squarecircle> greycat: thanks
1819[16:11:26] <colo-work> dpkg -S /etc/os-release
1820[16:11:26] <dpkg> Package: /etc/os-release: Status: install
ok installed
1821[16:11:40] <colo-work> debsums base-files
1822[16:11:48] <colo-work> @ [bma]
1823[16:11:51] <colo-work> those could help
1824[16:11:58] <colo-work> (figure out what the heck is going on)
1825[16:12:19] <[bma]> thanks!
1826[16:12:45] *** Joins: CJHackerz (~CJHackerz@replaced-ip)
1827[16:12:57] <greycat> Sounds like a frankendebian.
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1830[16:13:31] <das_j> jrtc27: Thank you so much! Now it works
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1833[16:14:50] <[bma]> hmm get's weirder.
1834[16:14:56] <[bma]> debsums for base-files - OK
1835[16:15:16] <[bma]> base-files showing from 7.1wheezy11 0
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1838[16:15:28] <[bma]> yet /usr/share/doc/base-files/README
references buster
1839[16:16:17] *** Quits: pax (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Quit: pax)
1840[16:17:16] *** Joins: Akuw (~kenny@replaced-ip)
1841[16:17:20] <greycat> [bma]: my
/usr/share/doc/base-files/README on wheezy does not contain the
string buster
1842[16:17:25] <Akuw> my / is full
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1846[16:18:08] <[bma]> It has the line "Q. Why
"buster/sid" and not "testing/unstable" as it
used to be? "
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1848[16:18:15] <Akuw> and /usr/src is taking 3.5 my / is 6GB
1849[16:18:16] <Akuw>
1850[16:18:41] <greycat> so look somewhere else than /usr/src,
like /tmp or /var
1851[16:18:42] *** Joins: shah^ (~hph@replaced-ip)
1852[16:18:46] <jelly> Akuw: that's not a debian
1853[16:19:20] <greycat> when disks fill up, log files are
usually the first place you want to start looking
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1856[16:19:46] <jelly> Akuw: but here's a free hint: use
"dpkg -S /path/to/some/dir" to figure out which package a
directory belongs to, and then remove packages you do not need any
1857[16:20:01] <themill> Akuw: you were asking in the right place
when you asked #ubuntu
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1859[16:20:27] <jelly> or possibly #ubuntu-server if it's a
LTS server install
1860[16:20:34] * greycat would have followed up with "wait, 3.5
*what*" but others have already got involved
1861[16:20:38] *** Joins: AliceKelly (~alice@replaced-ip)
1862[16:20:39] <Akuw> yes, but they give me and script, but i
can't run it, i have to chech it first
1863[16:21:56] <greycat> what ever happened to good old "cd
/var; du -sk *"
1864[16:22:17] <jelly> du -x /var | sort -n |tail -n 40
1865[16:22:25] <colo-work> I like du -chx / | sort -h
1866[16:22:29] <themill> ncdu
1867[16:22:33] <jelly> du -s fails at recursion
1868[16:22:50] *** Quits: Hallodri (~Vizva@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1869[16:22:51] <greycat> You are expected to KNOW if you have
sub-filesystems mounted underneath /var.
1870[16:23:24] <jelly> why KNOW when you can use idioms that work
(even on / )
1871[16:23:29] *** Quits: shinnya (~shinnya@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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1873[16:23:36] <Akuw> i will use command and paste to check, i
don't wannna do something bad in that server
1874[16:24:06] *** Joins: corretico (~corretico@replaced-ip)
1875[16:24:08] <greycat> Oh right. He's an ubuntu user.
Ubuntu users never know anything, not even the fundamental basics.
1876[16:24:26] <jelly> that's prejudice!
1877[16:24:28] <greycat> That's why they keep coming HERE
for help, and we keep having to kick them out.
1878[16:24:44] <jelly> distroism
1879[16:24:46] <AliceKelly> good morning greycat and jelly
1880[16:24:49] * jelly hides
1881[16:25:06] <greycat> If it's a judgment made after
observation, doesn't that make it postjudice?
1882[16:25:26] *** Joins: lyr3 (~user@replaced-ip)
1883[16:26:00] <AliceKelly> i can see your point greycat but isnt
ubuntu a debian spin off ?
1884[16:26:08] <Akuw> output -->
1885[16:26:41] <greycat> Also, I learned *never* to start a
search for "what's taking all my disk space" in the
root directory, simply because it takes too LONG to search through
all that other crap. Bear in mind I've been doing this a WHILE,
and disks were much slower back then.
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1888[16:27:18] <greycat> So my experiences and training always
led me to find a likely starting point and start there, rather than
sit around waiting forever.
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1890[16:27:38] <lupulo> hi
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1893[16:28:22] <greycat> So, I would start in /var (or maybe even
/var/log), and if that doesn't turn up the culprits in like 0.5
seconds, then maybe you can think about going back up to / and
taking 20 minutes.
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1895[16:28:55] <somiaj> AliceKelly: ubuntu has changed quite a
lot due to corprate funding, Ubuntu uses debian packages for non
core things, but their core setup can be different enough to debian,
that what works in debian doesn't work in ubuntu and visa
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1898[16:29:21] <pennTeller> Guys, when I compile a Linux Kernel
into a bzImage, is a bzImage something I can put into a USB and boot
from it?
1899[16:29:43] *** Quits: Almtesh (~Almtesh@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ZNC - ##replaced-url
1900[16:29:56] <AliceKelly> somiaj, ive learned that the hard
way. when i do a google for debian i always get an ubuntu forum
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1907[16:30:23] <jelly> pennTeller: you need an initramfs as well,
and some sort of boot loader (syslinux, grub, whatever works for
1908[16:30:29] <greycat> AliceKelly: sometimes, yes. And
sometimes the answer may work. Sometimes it won't.
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1910[16:30:42] <jelly> pennTeller: doing it manually is a
nontrivial task
1911[16:30:49] <pennTeller> jelly, even if I build a kernel for
the raspberry pi let's say?
1912[16:30:52] <lupulo> pennTeller, download knoppix
1913[16:31:04] <pennTeller> lupulo, isn't knoppix a live
1914[16:31:05] *** Quits: JustASlacker (~JustASlac@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
1915[16:31:18] <AliceKelly> greycat, i found it simpler to get
rid of knoppix and just run debian
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1918[16:32:19] <jelly> pennTeller: then you use a boot loader and
initrd appropriate for that platform
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1921[16:32:32] <somiaj> AliceKelly: non core stuff (What ubuntu
call's its universe) is qutie similar, so if wanting info on
some non core aspect, usually the two are fairly similar (but in
that regard, so is the arch wiki). But core details can just not
work the same at all. In essence it is best to get support for
ubuntu in #ubuntu, because #debian may not know what has changed.
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1923[16:32:49] <pennTeller> jelly, thanks for the info :)
1924[16:32:56] <jelly> I gave no info :-)
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1927[16:35:05] <AliceKelly> !deselect --reconfigure
1928[16:35:28] <AliceKelly> !deselect
1929[16:36:12] <greycat> too many E's
1930[16:36:22] <greycat> !dselect
1931[16:36:23] <dpkg> dselect is a wonderful UI for package
management, or really more powerful than apt-get, or the only thing
that provides FULL data when making decisions on whether to install
a package. Obsolete documentation is at
1932[16:36:28] <AliceKelly> lol dpkg says theres a pebkac problem
1933[16:36:38] <AliceKelly> ty
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1936[16:36:56] <dselect> dpkg: You are person #1 to send an
unparseable request
1937[16:36:56] <dpkg> I resemble that remark!
1938[16:37:11] *** Quits: r2rien (~me@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
1939[16:37:33] <AliceKelly> so dselect is obsolete what takes its
place ?
1940[16:37:47] <greycat> probably aptitude
1941[16:38:06] <greycat> or just manually running apt/apt-get
commands, if you prefer
1942[16:38:27] <somiaj> AliceKelly: dselect is still around for
the few people who cannot manage to stop using it, though there was
some bug about removing it, I think there was someone who steped up
to try to keep it alive. Use apt, apt-get, aptitude.
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1945[16:39:51] <AliceKelly> ive tried about every fix i can find
for webgl not working except non free ati drivers and reinstall
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1947[16:40:11] <Akuw> to clear something
1948[16:40:38] <AliceKelly> is it possible that webgl wont run
due to something missing in install
1949[16:40:51] *** Quits: zerete (~debian@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
1950[16:41:03] <Akuw> if i use uname -r and get 4.x.x but when
use dpkg there are 3.x.x can i securely remove the old versions?
1951[16:41:18] *** OtakuSenpai is now known as Neel
1952[16:41:19] <Akuw> using sudo apt-get remove
1953[16:41:19] <greycat> Akuw: if you don't ever expect to
use them, yes, you can remove older kernel images
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1955[16:41:26] <Akuw> ok
1956[16:41:42] *** Quits: argus (~down@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1957[16:41:43] <greycat> some people like to keep one old image
around in case of emergency, but it's totally your call
1958[16:41:48] <Akuw> why somebody would want to use a old
version? question
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1962[16:42:05] <AliceKelly> to run backport drivers
1963[16:42:23] <AimHere> Akuw, sometimes new kernels break stuff
and you want your old one around just in case, after an apt-get
1964[16:42:32] <Akuw> hummmmm
1965[16:42:33] <Akuw> ok
1966[16:42:38] <Akuw> in my case
1967[16:42:47] <Akuw> there are many and some very old
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1970[16:43:07] <Akuw> once i delete old i will get 100MB more
1971[16:43:12] <Akuw> for each old deleted
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1974[16:44:37] <somiaj> AliceKelly: didn't that site that
had the rotating cube work for you? I think you have webgl working,
you just don't have the hardware needed for the webgl app that
keeps bothering you
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1977[16:45:05] <somiaj> Akuw: by default apt autoremove should
remove old kernels (well it keeps one old kernel around).
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1979[16:45:36] <somiaj> AliceKelly:
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1988[16:50:46] <AliceKelly> somiaj, iaj> AliceKelly:
1989[16:50:47] <AliceKelly> * Neel has quit (Ping timeout: 240
1990[16:50:47] <AliceKelly> * MoonkYan_ has quit (Quit: My
MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
1991[16:50:47] <AliceKelly> * AkQ (akq@replaced-ip) has joined
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1993[16:50:47] *** AliceKelly was kicked by debhelper (flood)
1994[16:50:57] <AkQ> ?
1995[16:51:05] <jelly> paste gone bad, ignore
1996[16:51:07] *** Joins: AliceKelly (~alice@replaced-ip)
1997[16:51:10] <AliceKelly> oops
1998[16:51:20] <AkQ> yea saw it after "?"
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2000[16:51:42] <somiaj> I dno't know what you mean by
"?", but to me it sounds more like a gl compadbility
issue, vs if webgl is working
2001[16:51:43] <Akuw> well i deleted the old one and got 150MB
2002[16:51:48] <AliceKelly> somiaj, Hmm. While your browser seems
to support WebGL, it is disabled or unavailable. If possible, please
ensure that you are running the latest drivers for your video card.
2003[16:52:02] *** Quits: Cisien_ (~Chris@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2004[16:52:15] <Akuw> now i can install openssh-server and
2005[16:52:31] <somiaj> AliceKelly: could just be your video card
isnt' fully supported in linux, glxgears run for you?
2006[16:52:33] <AliceKelly> ive run everything i can find to
enable it. it says its running in the browser
2007[16:52:34] <greycat> AliceKelly: What version of Debian, what
video chipset (lspci -nn), is firmware installed, and what driver
are you using?
2008[16:52:53] <Akuw> it sucks when i have to work in front of
server with little space
2009[16:53:00] <somiaj> AliceKelly: I had to do nothing to enable
webgl here, it is enabled if your xorg gl video is working fine
2010[16:53:04] <RedSoxFan07> I'm running Debian Stretch, but
I'm using the nvidia-driver package from stretch-backports
because the regular one in Stretch doesn't work with my GT
1030. I was trying to install through Lutris and I kept
getting an error message from about a missing graphics
context. I did a little investigating and I found out that
there's a graphics driver update, but there are unresolved
dependencies. How do I do this?
2011[16:53:15] *** Quits: drzacek (~drzacek@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2012[16:53:35] <RedSoxFan07> apt-get -t stretch-backports
2013[16:54:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1598
2014[16:54:10] <AliceKelly> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller
[0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RV250/M9 GL [Mobility
FireGL 9000/Radeon 9000] [1002:4c66] (rev 02)
2015[16:54:12] <greycat> I even see the spinning cube on mine,
and I've only got integrated intel video.
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2018[16:54:21] <greycat> ,pciid 1002:4c66
2019[16:54:22] <judd> [1002:4c66] is 'RV250/M9 GL [Mobility
FireGL 9000/Radeon 9000]' from 'Advanced Micro Devices,
Inc. [AMD/ATI]' with kernel modules 'snd-hda-intel',
'radeonfb', 'radeon' in stretch. See also
2020[16:54:33] *** Quits: chele (~chele@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2021[16:54:42] <jelly> that sounds horribly old
2022[16:54:45] <AliceKelly> using debian stretch / amd drivers
with proper firmware
2023[16:54:55] <AliceKelly> its a radeon 9000
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2026[16:55:34] <jelly> R200 barely does OpenGL 1.x I think,no
GLES, don't expect WebGL to work
2027[16:55:55] *** Joins: briner_ (~briner@replaced-ip)
2028[16:56:13] <AliceKelly> im using an rv250
2029[16:56:23] <jelly> same generation
2030[16:56:42] <AliceKelly> works fine in chrome / win32
2031[16:56:53] <jelly> good for them
2032[16:57:08] *** Quits: elevated (~elevated@replaced-ip) (Quit: bye)
2033[16:57:22] <jelly> just don't expect a lot in linux, I
don't think even GL compositors work well
2034[16:57:48] *** Quits: briner (~briner@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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2036[16:57:57] <jelly> and chrome build has a tight whitelist of
drivers and hw it will enable webgl on on linux
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2042[16:58:42] <AkQ> LOOKING FOR SPECIFIC SOFTWARE (if exist)
Description: a "Multiuser Notepad++" that is used with a
browser. The web-page is secured with a password and any person with
the password can open the project and see all the Tabs of plain text
files, in Notepad++ style and they would be able to edit any of
them, switch between instantly. Exactly like Notepad++, but with
multiuser usability through a web-browser.
2043[16:58:45] <AkQ> Needs to have Line counter on side and Tabs
of Text files. (Like Notepad++ .. )
2044[16:59:00] *** Joins: briner (~briner@replaced-ip)
2045[16:59:07] <jelly> AkQ: and cost nothing? :-)
2046[16:59:10] <greycat> a wiki?
2047[16:59:12] *** Joins: xet7 (~xet7@replaced-ip)
2048[16:59:18] <AkQ> jelly: yes, freeware software
2049[16:59:24] <jelly> !nopony AkQ
2050[16:59:25] <dpkg> AkQ:
2051[16:59:38] *** Joins: mrAZ (~studio@replaced-ip)
2052[16:59:40] <AkQ> pony .. ?
2053[16:59:57] *** Quits: msimpson (~msimpson@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2054[17:00:05] <mrAZ> hello, i read about using dhcpcd and
dnsmasq together for using it as wireless AP on one iface, but
isn't it conflicting?
2055[17:00:06] <AkQ> forgot to add: Self-Hosted
2056[17:00:15] <jelly> "you're expecting a bit too
2057[17:00:27] *** Quits: briner_ (~briner@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2058[17:00:38] <AliceKelly> me ?
2059[17:00:47] <AkQ> geez it's a notepad with line numbers
and multiuser support
2060[17:00:52] <jelly> no, AkQ. Look for etherpad clones.
2061[17:01:04] *** Joins: deicide- (~deicide-@replaced-ip)
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2065[17:01:42] <AkQ> etherpad - but needs password and tabs for
multiple plain text files to be opened for the project
2066[17:01:47] <petn-randall> ytrezq: How do you expect Debian
developers to do it?
2067[17:02:08] *** Quits: hgfd123 (~hgfd123@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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2070[17:03:53] <Fox> AkQ: did you look at etherpad plugins ?
maybe you'll find some that fit your needs
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2075[17:04:41] <jelly> AkQ: password protection can be done in
web server, http basic auth, instead
2076[17:05:06] <jelly> and all the *pads and pastebins support
multiple entries, duh
2077[17:06:22] <AkQ> multiple entries sure, but like Notepad++
style that can will be all loaded when entering the page and the
editor can switch between them, without loading or changing the page
he is currently at. just switching the view to another file
2078[17:06:25] <RedSoxFan07> I'm running Debian Stretch, but
I'm using the nvidia-driver package from stretch-backports
because the regular one in Stretch doesn't work with my GT
1030. I was trying to install through Lutris and I kept
getting an error message from about a missing graphics
context. I did a little investigating and I found out that
there's a graphics driver update, but there are unresolved
dependencies. How do I do this?
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2082[17:07:40] <jelly> RedSoxFan07: what is "lutris"?
Is your application 32bit or 64bit? If it's 32bit you might
just be missing 32bit nvidia userspace bits
2083[17:08:05] <jelly> RedSoxFan07: what do you mean by
"unresolved dependencies"?
2084[17:08:05] *** Joins: shah^ (~hph@replaced-ip)
2085[17:08:43] <jelly> AkQ: because switching to a different
browser tab is too hard?
2086[17:08:57] <RedSoxFan07> jelly: Lutris is a program that
makes it easier to install windows games with Wine. It has Wine
scripts which choose the best Wine settings to get Wndows games
working. It's a 64-bit program. But is a different
story. is a 32-bit launcher for 64-bit games.
2087[17:09:03] <croddy> live multiplayer text editing is probably
not happening. i would try to solve that using a git UI, perhaps
gitea (MIT license)
2088[17:09:19] <mnuhmnuh> ,pciid 8086:29c2
2089[17:09:20] <judd> [8086:29c2] is '82G33/G31 Express
Integrated Graphics Controller' from 'Intel
Corporation' with kernel modules 'i915',
'snd-hda-intel', 'ata-generic' in stretch. See
2090[17:09:27] <jelly> RedSoxFan07: then that 32bit launcher
probably needs 32bit opengl libs
2091[17:09:36] <greycat> He wants a custom, polished,
professionally written web application just for his specific
bizarre-world needs, and he doesn't want to pay for it.
2092[17:09:47] <jelly> hence !nopony
2093[17:10:03] <RedSoxFan07> jelly: Okay. I'll check it out.
2094[17:10:07] *** Joins: woshty (~woshty@replaced-ip)
2095[17:10:07] <AkQ> jelly: web-browser tabs are for different
web-pages. multiuser notepad++ shouldn't require additional
tabs in browser - only inside of the editor
2096[17:10:18] <AkQ> greycat lol
2097[17:10:30] <AkQ> i mean notepad++ is free
2098[17:10:35] <jelly> AkQ: you'll probably have to pay to
have the exact specs matched, is what I'm saying
2099[17:10:53] <AkQ> fine what ever, can't be too expensive
to code such simple stuff - not that i'm a coder
2100[17:11:03] <RedSoxFan07> Is this it? libopengl0-glvnd-nvidia
2101[17:11:10] <jelly> just because it's an obvious idea
does not mean the implementation is simple or easy
2102[17:11:44] *** Quits: alal (a067d006@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2103[17:11:55] <AkQ> hiring coder: make multiuser notepad++ in
web-page, self hosted, secured with password, tabs of plain-text
files inside of the editor, line counter, hyperlinks are clickable
2104[17:12:07] <jim> AkQ, dunno what all your solutions are...
but I do know two of them: hire a coder, learn to code
2105[17:12:40] <jim> (again, not sure if that's your only
2106[17:12:44] *** Joins: Nunux
2107[17:13:08] <greycat> the other obvious choice would be
"Use the google thing that's close enough"
2108[17:13:10] <jelly> RedSoxFan07: I'd probably start with
2109[17:13:12] *** Joins: lyr3 (~user@replaced-ip)
2110[17:13:50] <dgp> I heard if you bring up an idea on IRC
enough times a wizard will appear and create a github repo with the
app you wanted fully tested and everything
2111[17:13:58] <RedSoxFan07> jelly: Alright. Installing now.
2112[17:14:00] *** Joins: OtakuSenpai (~Neel@replaced-ip)
2113[17:14:06] <jelly> AkQ: alternatively, look at open source
groupware things, like OpenXchange
2114[17:14:13] *** Joins: ableto (~cryptum@replaced-ip)
2115[17:14:34] <jelly> er, wrong OpenX thing, wait
2116[17:15:11] *** Quits: kmurphy4 (~kmurphy4@replaced-ip) (Quit: kmurphy4)
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2118[17:15:23] <RedSoxFan07> jelly: works now! Thanks!
2119[17:15:49] <jelly> ah no, I remembered right. They have an
online clicky word processor part of their App Suite.
2120[17:16:38] <jelly> RedSoxFan07: you're welcome!
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2129[17:19:34] <AkQ> jelly: ox looks way too complicated or i
didn't find the thing you meant
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2135[17:20:36] <jelly> AkQ: it's a self-hosted google docs
replacement basically
2136[17:20:40] *** Joins: AlexPortable (uid7568@replaced-ip)
2137[17:20:44] <AkQ> yes i can see that
2138[17:20:59] <jelly> and it's kind of free
2139[17:21:10] <AkQ> so is google docs, and its nothing that i
2140[17:21:20] <AkQ> thanks anyway
2141[17:21:26] <jelly> google docs are not self-hosted AFAIK
2142[17:21:40] <jelly> unless you're google
2143[17:21:45] <AkQ> i'm google
2144[17:22:15] <jelly> then you have enough $$$ and devs to code
the thing on your own. Problem solved!
2145[17:23:16] *** Quits: briner (~briner@replaced-ip) (Quit: briner)
2146[17:23:43] <jelly> (it's possible there is a free pony
for you, it's just that we do not know its name or its
2147[17:24:06] <AkQ> me neither, i tried googling
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2153[17:27:42] <AkQ> owncloud seems good
2154[17:28:00] *** Joins: P1ersson (~P1ersson@replaced-ip)
2155[17:28:03] <AkQ> although it could be more minimal, but not
sure if there is alternatives
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say no... I wear black on the outside because black is how I feel
on the inside... Uso negro por fuera porque negro me siento por
dentro... ##replaced-url
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2166[17:35:37] <jim> AkQ, if we strip down any "looks"
requirement, it sounds like you could use git
2167[17:36:17] <greycat> jim: I'm fairly sure he wants
something for idiots, not for developers. I suggested "a
wiki" originally.
2168[17:36:22] *** Joins: lukasdboer (~lukasdboe@replaced-ip)
2169[17:36:29] <greycat> But even a wiki is still not WYSIWYG
enough for idiots.
2170[17:36:30] *** Quits: P1ersson (~P1ersson@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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2172[17:37:40] <jelly> jim: git only has file-level granularity
and is not usable if you want to track keypresses
2173[17:38:31] <jelly> go try to make your editor or DE
autocommit and autopull every five seconds
2174[17:38:56] *** Quits: yokel (~yokel@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
2175[17:38:59] <Akuw> hi guys
2176[17:39:17] *** Joins: tsuggs (~tsuggs@replaced-ip)
2177[17:39:17] <Akuw> everything fine, finally i remove all old
kernels and configure ssh
2178[17:39:28] <jelly> Akuw: still in wrong channel, tho
2179[17:39:40] <Akuw> how can i know what kind of disk have my
2180[17:39:44] <jim> greycat, I dunno, maybe you could hide a lot
of what git does
2181[17:39:49] <Akuw> jelly: this is related to debian
2182[17:40:00] <jelly> Akuw: not unless you're running
2183[17:40:14] <jelly> we don't do "related" here,
we do Debian. For the time being.
2184[17:40:33] *** Quits: OS-34800 (~OS-34800@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2185[17:40:38] <Akuw> i used debian man
2186[17:40:39] *** Quits: SopaXorzTaker (~SopaXorzT@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2187[17:40:40] <Akuw> 9
2188[17:40:43] <jelly> me too!
2189[17:41:00] <jim> maybe YOU can do DebiAn!
2190[17:41:11] <jelly> but I don't ask questions on how to
do something on my xenial laptop or centos server in here.
2191[17:41:18] *** Joins: a0z (~a0z@replaced-ip)
2192[17:41:20] <Akuw> just need to know if one of servers running
debian use SSD or Hard Disk
2193[17:41:24] *** Joins: mkolenda (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
2194[17:41:34] <jelly> Akuw: what does "uname -a" on
that server say?
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2197[17:42:07] <Akuw> jejejeje
2198[17:42:10] <Akuw> .9.0-6-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.88-1+deb9u1
(2018-05-07) x86_64 GNU/Linux
2199[17:42:18] <jelly> okay
2200[17:42:36] <jim> Akuw, I have a debian machine which has a
samsung 850 ssd
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2202[17:43:06] <Akuw> ok
2203[17:43:30] <greycat> His short hostname is obviously so top
secret that he had to badly mangle the output of a simple uname -a
command, so you can't see that he named his server
2204[17:43:55] <jim> anyone have any sense of how stable the RT
patches to the current stretch kernel (intel amd64) are?
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2207[17:44:18] <Akuw> lshw
2208[17:44:38] <jelly> Akuw: grep . /sys/block/sd*/device/model
does not tell you if ssh or hdd, but tells you the model(s)
2209[17:44:40] <dgp> greycat: I think it's probably
2210[17:44:54] *** Joins: orti (~orti@replaced-ip)
2211[17:44:55] <jim> lshw: no hardware found
2212[17:45:01] <Akuw> what?
2213[17:45:09] <Akuw> no command found
2214[17:45:10] <Akuw> hehehehe
2215[17:45:15] <Akuw> you have to install
2216[17:45:19] <jelly> you don't have grep?
2217[17:45:44] <greycat> jelly: /msg greybot b6
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2219[17:47:01] <jelly> there's a flag for "flash"
vs "metal" somewhere under /sys with recent kernels as
well but I can't find it
2220[17:47:14] <AkQ> can git files be edited in "full
screen" ?
2221[17:47:17] <jelly> if not there, then smart
2222[17:47:40] <greycat> git files are edited on your local
workstation using whatever editor you want
2223[17:47:46] *** Quits: Rayben (~Raybent@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2224[17:47:47] <jelly> AkQ: depends on whether you can put vscode
or vim or whatever editor in full screen
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2230[17:48:47] <AkQ> hmmh so requires a editor to be downloaded
and installed
2231[17:48:48] <jelly> it's fun how a Microsoft product is
now one of the nicer linux editors with builtin git support
2232[17:48:50] <AkQ> bleh
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2234[17:48:55] <jelly> ikr
2235[17:49:02] <greycat> oh my god not an editor
2236[17:49:10] <jelly> !start a no editor war
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2238[17:49:34] <AkQ> ok, so it needs somekind of software
downloaded and installed
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2242[17:50:42] <jelly> AkQ: and not just ANY editor, something
with git support! Users might even be forced to install git
2243[17:51:07] <greycat> I thought it was fairly obvious he
doesn't want git because he's targeting idiots, not
2244[17:51:33] *** Joins: pennTeller (~pennTelle@replaced-ip)
2245[17:51:35] <greycat> He wants a set of apes, or possibly
monkeys, to press the colored spots on their tablets and go ook.
2246[17:51:35] <jelly> I'm pretty sure the volunteers
helpers in #debian are the ones being targeted
2247[17:52:23] <jim> the developers throw editors at the
idiots... the idiots pull the pins and throw em back!
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2250[17:53:15] <jelly> greycat: if you'll be my /nick
Waldorf I can be your long lost /nick Statler
2251[17:53:56] <greycat> But you can't call me Betty.
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2258[17:56:00] <AkQ> yea sure i want something nice and effective
- hard to ask and ofc because notepad++ is freely shared, the thing
that i ask is clearly *Impossible* to exist AND FURTHERMORE is meant
2259[17:56:15] <jelly> now you're getting it
2260[17:57:07] <dgp> MOaR CAPS!
2261[17:57:56] <greycat> Not "impossible to exist".
Just such a hideously difficult and expensive project that nobody is
releasing it for free.
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2277[18:01:23] <jelly> these new apps are fun tho. "simple
etherpad, just need a couple tiny requirements: node.js, postgresql,
2278[18:01:25] <AkQ> greycat: yes, obviously way too hardcore -
that's why notepad++ is so damn expensive
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2281[18:01:45] <jelly> "or grab a tiny 400MB container! For
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2283[18:02:09] <greycat> A fancy editor that runs locally is en
entirely different project from a web-based multi-user groupware
word processor.
2284[18:02:22] <jelly> AkQ: local, single user apps work
different than distributed apps with multiple users
2285[18:02:34] <AkQ> what ever you say greycat
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2287[18:02:48] <jelly> as an idea there's not much
2288[18:03:06] <jelly> implementation is like two orders of
magnitude difference
2289[18:03:15] <AkQ> like you said, the access can be restricted
already in apache
2290[18:03:50] <jelly> it's not "whatever you
say", but how things actually work
2291[18:03:53] *** Quits: fightthewalrus (~user@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2292[18:04:59] <AkQ> yes and because it's so complicated,
it's a miracle how debian can even exist in first place
2293[18:05:16] <greycat> Debian is the end result of many decades
of work by thousands of people.
2294[18:05:22] <jelly> standing on the shoulders of giants, yes
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2296[18:05:45] <AkQ> not even mention OwnCloud or Etherpad, which
alraedy seem quite good for my purpose, at least with either of
them, with tweaks/plugins
2297[18:06:03] <jelly> those were already mentioned so why repeat
2298[18:06:04] <greycat> Starting with the GNU project to rewrite
the Unix userspace tools, then Linus Torvalds's project to
rewrite a Minix-like kernel, etc.
2299[18:06:07] <AkQ> aaah fuck it's probably a scam because,
like you said, it's impossible
2300[18:06:29] <greycat> If owncloud is close to what you want,
then by all means go use that, and ask #owncloud for help.
2301[18:07:01] <AkQ> i can't, they would +kb me because
i'm searching something that is targeting idiots
2302[18:07:20] <AkQ> or apes and monkeys
2303[18:07:26] <greycat> Why is that a problem?
2304[18:07:43] <greycat> If that's the project goal, then
that's the goal, and it should be stated clearly.
2305[18:08:15] <AkQ> how about this stating clearly: you are
fucking douchebag
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2311[18:09:05] <petn-randall> kthxbye
2312[18:09:07] <jelly> !next
2313[18:09:07] <dpkg> Another happy customer leaves the building.
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2320[18:13:29] <jelly> (fwiw, they thanked for the useful info in
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2366[18:35:29] <jelly> !qotd0
2367[18:35:29] <dpkg> < stoned> jetscreamer: i'll join
you. lets run away together
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2370[18:37:17] *** Joins: Includes08 (~Includes0@replaced-ip)
2371[18:37:27] <Includes08> could anyone check my command as i
get a return with 0: command not found
2372[18:37:28] *** Quits: cateye (~cateye@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2373[18:37:30] <Includes08> top_left="screen -dmS top_left
sh -g -c 'omxplayer --win "0 0 960 540"
-b --live '";
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2376[18:38:11] <Includes08> atm i'm clueless
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2383[18:39:07] <dgp> I think the error message is trying to tell
you something
2384[18:39:17] <Includes08> yes that i made a typo :P
2385[18:39:29] <Includes08> or i'm trying to do something
that doesn't work
2386[18:40:13] <dgp> it's telling you the command you tried
to run wasn't found
2387[18:40:19] <jelly> Includes08: you probably can't quote
" characters inside ""
2388[18:40:26] <Includes08> dgp, i added quotations at the link
cause if i don't everything after the url port it will break.
It works in cli but not in bash
2389[18:40:37] <Includes08> jelly, you know a way around? cause
it works fine in cli ^^'
2390[18:41:00] <Includes08> putting it in a bash script and it
doesn't work
2391[18:41:00] <jelly> Includes08: try to escape them, prefix
each with \
2392[18:41:35] *** Quits: ShapeShifter499 (~ShapeShif@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2393[18:41:46] <Includes08> so one \ before the quotation and one
\ before the end of the last quotation?
2394[18:41:55] <jelly> one \ before each "
2395[18:42:07] <jelly> insude top_left=" ... "
2396[18:42:08] <Includes08> top_left="screen -dmS top_left
sh -g -c 'omxplayer --win \"0 0 960 540\"
-b --live '";
2397[18:42:15] <jelly> right
2398[18:42:19] <Includes08> :D
2399[18:42:23] <Includes08> lemme try
2400[18:42:26] *** Joins: cateye (~cateye@replaced-ip)
2401[18:42:42] <jelly> why are you putting a command into that
variable, tho
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2405[18:43:07] <jelly> and why are you using sh -c instead of
calling the player directly
2406[18:43:34] <Includes08> no clue copy and paste from a old
script ^^'
2407[18:43:48] <jelly> and what does sh -g do?
2408[18:43:54] <petn-randall> jelly: sh -c "$( eval "$(
omxplayer )" )"
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2410[18:44:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1604
2411[18:44:04] <jelly> no, that's yesterday
2412[18:44:07] <Includes08> -g creates logs
2413[18:44:21] <jelly> Includes08: in which sh implementation?
2414[18:44:31] <Includes08> how you mean jelly
2415[18:44:55] <jelly> Debian's default /bin/sh, dash, does
not have -g
2416[18:45:13] <Includes08> oh fuck
2417[18:45:16] <Includes08> wrong placement
2418[18:45:31] <Includes08> should've been behind omxplayer
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2423[18:45:58] <jelly> and how get rid of sh -c
2424[18:46:01] <jelly> now*
2425[18:46:11] <Includes08> already did :P
2426[18:46:14] <jelly> and just run the command in screen
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2429[18:46:57] <jelly> and then you can use '' instead
of "" and avoid any escaping
2430[18:47:21] *** Quits: Quatroking (~Q@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2431[18:47:26] <Includes08> you want me to paste the whole
script? so you can have a look at all the mistakes :P
2432[18:47:30] <eraserpencil> hi! can I refer anyone reading to
2433[18:47:31] <judd> Bug
2434[18:47:33] <Includes08> in a pastebin offc
2435[18:47:43] *** Joins: platvoeten (~platvoete@replaced-ip)
2436[18:48:06] <grobi> hello trying out youtoube-dl i got: Your
copy of avconv is outdated and unable to properly mux separate video
and audio files, youtube-dl will download single file media. Update
avconv to version 10-0 or newer to fix this.
2437[18:48:06] *** Quits: spektrum_ (~ydixken@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
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2439[18:48:34] <grobi> my pkges under stretch are up to date
2440[18:48:39] <eraserpencil> the links dont seem to correspond
to what was reported
2441[18:48:47] <grobi> what can i do
2442[18:48:51] <mefistofeles> ,v avconv
2443[18:48:52] <judd> No package named 'avconv' was
found in amd64.
2444[18:48:58] <jelly> grobi: maybe get rid of avconv and let it
use ffmpeg if possible?
2445[18:49:08] <jelly> ,file bin/avconv
2446[18:49:12] <judd> Search for bin/avconv in stretch/amd64:
libav-tools: usr/bin/avconv
2447[18:49:20] <grobi> ah i try and come back
2448[18:49:39] <jelly> ,v youtube-dl
2449[18:49:41] <judd> Package: youtube-dl on amd64 -- jessie:
2014.08.05-1+deb8u1; jessie-backports: 2017.05.18.1-1~bpo8+2;
stretch: 2017.05.18.1-1; buster: 2018.04.25-1; sid: 2018.04.25-1;
buster-multimedia: 2018.06.04-dmo1; sid-multimedia: 2018.06.14-dmo1
2450[18:49:53] <jelly> oh that crap is so old
2451[18:50:35] <jelly> (it's not hard to backport, or just
use upstream's self-updating bundle)
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2455[18:52:11] <grobi> only /usr/bin/avconv
2456[18:52:12] *** Quits: soee (~soee@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2457[18:52:31] <Includes08> jelly,
2458[18:53:16] *** Quits: ShapeShifter499 (~ShapeShif@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
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2461[18:53:53] <Includes08> jelly, if i use the command like this
in terminal it works
2462[18:53:53] <Includes08> sh -c 'omxplayer --win "0 0
960 540"
-b --live '
2463[18:54:03] <Includes08> its just purely that it doesn't
work in bash :(
2464[18:54:03] *** Quits: briner (~briner@replaced-ip) (Quit: briner)
2465[18:54:36] <greycat> "in terminal" is most likely
bash, unless you switched shell
2466[18:54:40] <jelly> eval eval '$'$i
2467[18:54:50] <greycat> of course you're explicitly calling
sh, so it's really an sh command you're running
2468[18:54:53] * jelly quietly steps back
2469[18:54:57] *** Quits: Schepeers (~xchat@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2470[18:54:58] <grobi> its version 2017.o5.18 1-1
2471[18:55:12] *** Joins: MaxLanar (~user@replaced-ip)
2472[18:55:31] <greycat> I have no idea WHY you're running
sh -c '...' unless you switched shell to tcsh or something
2473[18:56:06] <jelly> Includes08: it ought to work without sh -c
then. omxplayer --win '0 0 960 540'
-b --live
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2478[18:56:27] <greycat> There's got to be more to the
question that he isn't showing us.
2479[18:56:43] <greycat> Like, probably some part of that command
is meant to come out of a variable, and he didn't bother
mentioning that little fact.
2480[18:56:44] <jelly> yes, the init script in the pastebin does
some more
2481[18:57:00] <Includes08> there is not greycat thats just a
copy paste and a little fix from the internet xD
2482[18:57:29] <Includes08> forgot to edit that
2483[18:57:39] <Includes08> omxplayer --win "0 0 960
-b --live
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2485[18:57:41] <Includes08> it works like that too :)
2486[18:57:44] <jelly> like setting up 4 streams from 4 cams each
in a separate detached screen and code to try check and restart
missing ones
2487[18:58:15] <jelly> and it's not indented at all so
I'm unable to read it right now
2488[18:58:23] <jelly> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2489[18:58:25] <Includes08> i already changed that in the init as
jelly told me i just forgot my shell command
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2492[18:59:21] <Includes08> ill make another pastebin jelly
greycat with my problem and how it solved ^^'
2493[18:59:44] <greycat> If there's no more problem then
dont bother.
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2496[19:00:28] <Includes08> greycat, but there is a problem its
the script that doesn't work
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2500[19:03:20] <grobi> jelly you mean to delet /usr/bin/avconv
and try : $ youtube-dl
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2502[19:03:46] <jelly> grobi: what are you really trying to do
with yt-dl there?
2503[19:04:06] <Includes08> nvm thanks jelly and greycat :D you
guys did help me i fucked up i forgot to remove the quotations
2504[19:04:12] *** Quits: Treylis (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
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2506[19:04:23] <grobi> try to watch video with avplay before
2507[19:04:40] *** Quits: tw (~tw@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2508[19:04:52] <jelly> grobi: install mpv, give it the URL
directly, it will call youtube-dl on its own automagically
2509[19:04:56] <grobi> it actually worked 1 time and now it dont
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2511[19:05:22] <Chinesium> How exactly does one make a debian
2512[19:05:33] <grobi> mpv = mplayer?
2513[19:05:39] <greycat> ',info mpv
2514[19:05:39] <jelly> no, mpv = mpv
2515[19:05:40] <Chinesium> I'd like to make
2516[19:05:42] <greycat> ,info mpv
2517[19:05:43] <judd> Package mpv (video, optional) in
stretch/amd64: video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2. Version:
0.23.0-2+deb9u2; Size: 855.4k; Installed: 2166k; Homepage:
2518[19:05:46] *** Quits: dmorris_ (~dmorris@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
2519[19:05:47] <jelly> it's a fork of a fork of mplayer
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2521[19:06:14] <grobi> ok i try
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2525[19:08:03] <grobi> jelly same warning as before
2526[19:08:21] <jelly> grobi: it does not work?
2527[19:08:48] <grobi> not with the command
2528[19:08:54] <greycat> !doesn't work
2529[19:08:54] <dpkg> "Doesn't work" is a vague
statement. Does it sit on the couch all day long? Does it
procrastinate doing the dishes? Does it beg on the street for
change? Please be specific! Define 'it' and what it
isn't doing. Give us more details so we can help you without
needing to ask basic questions like "what's the error
message?". Ask me about <smart questions>, <sicco>
and <errors>.
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2533[19:09:53] <jelly> grobi: which debian release is this?
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2540[19:11:14] <grobi> you mean exactly??? how was the command
for asking version?
2541[19:11:27] <greycat> cat /etc/debian_version
2542[19:11:31] <jelly> !debian suite
2543[19:11:31] <dpkg> cat /etc/debian_version (or lsb_release
-sc). Or check /etc/apt/sources.list. If unsure about the
distribution, $ cat /etc/{*version*,*release*,*issue*} should grab
almost all distributions.
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2547[19:12:27] <jelly> I have old yt-dl from stretch package
here, and mpv from stretch as well, and doing "mpv
2548[19:12:30] <grobi> its 9.4
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2551[19:12:52] <jelly> (verified with strace -f -eexecve mpv ...)
2552[19:13:06] <grobi> mpv is workin with normal files
2553[19:13:07] <jelly> also, it works
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2560[19:13:58] <galex-713> Hi
2561[19:14:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1610
2562[19:14:14] <galex-713> How can I get errors and warnings from
gcc translated into my locale?
2563[19:14:19] <galex-713> is there a package for that?
2564[19:14:31] <galex-713> or are they just untranslated strings
from the gcc project?
2565[19:14:32] <jelly> grobi: go install ffmpeg and remopve
libav-tools, and see if there's a difference
2566[19:15:35] <c-c> I just realized my sources.list uses
'http' protocol. Should one use 'https' in 2018?
2567[19:15:42] <greycat> No.
2568[19:15:54] <greycat>
2569[19:16:11] <c-c> Hey thats kind of you to help 8)
2570[19:16:29] <jelly> and now I'm watching a video of
someone else watching a video on youtube with mpv on youtube with
2571[19:16:29] *** Quits: shannow_ (~shannow@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2572[19:16:34] <blackflow> lol a gpl3 site!
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2576[19:19:11] <jelly> galex-713: first, verify LANG or
LC_MESSAGES (or LC_ALL, but you probably should avoid using that
one) env.var. is set to desired locale, if it is, then you're
probably hitting stuff that is not translated
2577[19:19:26] <galex-713> ah :/
2578[19:19:27] <grobi> so without deleting libav-tools and with $
2579[19:19:37] <jelly> grobi: so it works?
2580[19:19:42] <c-c> greycat: do you know of an attack in the
wild that uses apt transport as vector?
2581[19:19:46] <grobi> now i remove and try again
2582[19:19:48] <jelly> grobi: that warning is fine.
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2585[19:20:08] <grobi> ah ok then i keep libav
2586[19:20:16] <c-c> hello jim
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2588[19:20:18] <jelly> you can ignore it, happens always, google
is doing things with their TLS.
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2590[19:20:27] <grobi> thank you jelly
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2592[19:20:41] <Trel> On a fresh install of debian (stretch),
does fstab include acl for mount options?
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2594[19:20:51] <jim> c-c, hi
2595[19:20:53] <greycat> wooledg:~$ grep acl /etc/fstab
2596[19:20:53] <greycat> wooledg:~$
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2599[19:21:14] <Trel> Thanks
2600[19:21:16] *** Quits: tyzef (~yaaic@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2601[19:21:17] <jelly> grobi: ffmpeg is probably better
maintained upstream these days compared to libav, but if you need
libav, sure, keep it
2602[19:21:43] <greycat> "I did something involving youtube
and there was only 1 warning, what's wrong?"
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2604[19:22:16] <jim> c-c, just came back from rebooting into an
rt kernel
2605[19:22:17] <Includes08> hmm weird my update-rc.d service is
enabled and set as defaults and in rc2 but yet doesn't start
when the os is loaded.
2606[19:22:18] <Trel> What's wrong is obviously you did
2>/dev/null :p
2607[19:22:19] <grobi> i ask my self if youtube-dl will work
correct for download
2608[19:22:20] <jim> seems ok
2609[19:22:31] <jelly> grobi: also that video was mute for me.
2610[19:22:45] <greycat> Includes08: what version of Debian, and
what does ls -ld /sbin/init tell you?
2611[19:22:55] <jim> grobi, did yourself reply?
2612[19:22:57] <grobi> right for me too
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2616[19:23:16] <Includes08> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Dec 3 2017
/sbin/init -> /lib/systemd/systemd
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2618[19:23:31] <jelly> grobi: but mpv
2619[19:23:45] <greycat> Includes08: so, if your system is using
a systemd unit file, then anything you do with update-rc.d is
2620[19:23:48] <Includes08> Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 greycat
2621[19:23:48] <jim> grobi, mainly you have to keep it uptodate
(because it's basically a fight between reverse engineers and
2622[19:23:54] <greycat> Includes08: the .... FUCK!
2623[19:23:54] <jelly> !raspbian
2624[19:23:55] <dpkg> Raspbian is a distribution <based on
Debian> made specifically for the <Raspberry Pi>. Raspbian
is not Debian and it is not supported in #debian. Please use
#raspbian on for support.
2625[19:24:23] <grobi> itry download with yt-dl later
2626[19:24:31] <greycat> init scripts from a foreign OS are
*DEFINITELY* something we can't support
2627[19:24:34] <Includes08> :P yeh don't blame me, people
are just unresponsive in #raspbian its basically the same
2628[19:24:43] <grobi> well tjis sounds funny ;))))
2629[19:24:44] <Includes08> okay :) then for the init i will run
towards them :p
2630[19:24:51] <greycat> 13:24 Ignoring ALL from Includes08
2631[19:25:00] <jelly> Includes08: and it's basically the
same people, too
2632[19:25:17] <Includes08> don't ignore me fully :O i still
chat here for debian stuff to ^^
2633[19:25:21] <jelly> except those willing to deal with raspbian
are in the other channel
2634[19:25:36] <jelly> willing to answer there
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2639[19:27:19] <Includes08> posted now we wait a few hours :P
2640[19:27:59] *** Joins: Lily-Ayta (~Lily-Ayta@replaced-ip)
2641[19:29:15] <annadane> there's also mailing lists, forums
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2656[19:35:29] <grobi> jelly?
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2660[19:36:26] <jelly> yes
2661[19:36:35] <grobi> iwould it be possible to start videos from
links-browser into mpv?
2662[19:36:46] <jelly> probably
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2665[19:37:36] <grobi> can i combine that command by clicking a
link directly?
2666[19:37:43] <jelly> no idea, never tried using links
seriously, only when there's no GUI
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2670[19:38:19] <grobi> and w3m?
2671[19:38:28] *** Joins: tsuggs (~tsuggs@replaced-ip)
2672[19:38:35] <jelly> my favorite is elinks or links
2673[19:38:50] * greycat uses w3m when he explicitly DOESN'T want
videos or other crap
2674[19:38:59] <grobi> lnks is mine aswell
2675[19:39:03] <greycat> if I wanted to see a video, I'd
open it in chrome or firefox
2676[19:39:39] <grobi> well yore right just playing... ;)
2677[19:39:49] <jelly> does that make a Mozilla-compatible DOM
and javascript, and 90% of sites today, crap
2678[19:40:10] *** Quits: tyzef (~yaaic@replaced-ip##) (Quit: Yaaic - Yet another Android IRC client -
2679[19:40:21] <greycat> 90% of sites are crap, but that
didn't just start today
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2684[19:42:54] <jhutchins_wk> Sturgeon's law...
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2689[19:44:38] <jelly> Chinesium: there's a packaging guide
but I'm not sure how well it covers cmake builds /msg dpkg nmg
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2693[19:46:16] <Chinesium> jelly: It's above my skill level
I think
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2695[19:47:12] <mnuhmnuh> if I wanted to see a video, i'd
youtube-dl it, and vlc.
2696[19:49:45] <dgp> I would just watch it on youtube and let
ublock deal with the crap
2697[19:49:57] *** Quits: orti (~orti@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2698[19:50:07] <greycat> that's what I do, too
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2728[20:05:19] <c-c> So, I want to add a js-script to my path. A
.js file thats executed with node.js and starts with
"#!/usr/bin/env node". Whats the right way to do this?
Just add the script dir (say, '~/foojs/bin') to $PATH?
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2730[20:05:38] <srged> my wifi connection drops often and wicd
reconnects after a long time, how do i lower the reconnect time ?
2731[20:05:43] <c-c> *Hm or just add export to path at the end of
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2743[20:07:32] <jhutchin1_wk> srged: You might find that Network
Manager works better for you.
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2758[20:18:04] <ksk> c-c: there are multiple way. you could paste
it to /usr/local/bin, add an alias in your bashrc, add a $PATH in
your bashrc, really kind of depends on how you want it to be
available on the system
2759[20:18:16] *** Quits: mazoltov (~iguana@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
2760[20:18:25] <c-c> Oh well I think I will 1) make a ~/bin, 2)
symbolic link from ~/bin to script $ ln -s ~/foojs/bin ~/bin, 3)
echo "export PATH=$PATH:~/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
2761[20:18:36] <c-c> How do you like me now? 8)
2762[20:18:52] * c-c hopes that doesn't contain typos
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2771[20:23:01] <c-c> I'm doing this to test yarn
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2775[20:25:37] <c-c> The funniest thing is I installed nodejs
using nvm, installed with a creationix install script, then
installed yarn using the yarn project repositories and apt, and in
the process yarn installed nodejs from the apt repositories B)
2776[20:26:06] <das_j> Umm, I'm currently trying to run
pbuilder-dist in Docker. It successfully bootstraps stage 2, but
then logs: "I: Base system installed successfully.\nE:
qemu-debootstrap failed" - What? I checked the relevant tools,
but couldn't find the source of this message. Has anyone had
this problem before?
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2812[20:45:20] <jak2000> hi all, how to test if a server can send
emails? i get this error:
"org.apache.commons.mail.EmailException: Sending the email to
the following server failed :"
2813[20:45:23] <jak2000> Java program
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2815[20:46:28] <Walakea> there is a typo:
2816[20:47:25] <jim> jak2000, can you telnet (that machine) 25?
2817[20:47:53] <annadane> Walakea, you should file a bug
report... i'm not sure what it gets filed against though, maybe
2818[20:48:03] <jak2000> jim? server (where program is running)
or firewall?
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2822[20:49:41] <Walakea> annadane: i don't really want to, i
was just randomly browsing
2823[20:50:17] <annadane> fair enough, i'll do it
2824[20:50:50] <jim> jak2000, is the machine where this program
is running, a remote? or is it in the same room with you?
2825[20:51:00] <dgp> jak2000: If you can't get any better if
out of the program itself try using TLS dump to see if it's
actually connecting
2826[20:51:00] <jak2000> same rom as me...
2827[20:51:15] <dgp> jak2000: google might be refusing to take
email from you
2828[20:51:16] <jim> ok, is it running an MTA?
2829[20:51:24] <greycat> Or tell the java program to deliver mail
to your local MTA like a normal program instead of contacting directly.
2830[20:51:25] <jak2000> same lan, i run my program on my laptop
for testing purposes and here can send....
2831[20:51:32] *** Joins: bites (~bites@replaced-ip)
2832[20:51:39] <greycat> Then have your local MTA deliver through
gmail if that's what you have to do for some ungodly reason.
2833[20:51:40] <jak2000> same configuration...
2834[20:51:58] <greycat> I couldn't even tell if that was a
delivery TO a address, or an attempt to use as a
2835[20:52:22] <greycat> The fact that it used port 587 instead
of 25 isn't helping me.
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2838[20:53:09] <jak2000> greycat i am confused: from ip 1.148
cant send but from my laptop 1.59 yes
2839[20:53:23] <greycat> Are you sending TO
2840[20:53:47] *** Quits: asterismo_l (~asterismo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2841[20:53:47] <jak2000> ot
2842[20:54:10] *** Quits: farruinn (~nathan@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2843[20:54:10] <jak2000> i send email from:
to here mydomain is here in same LAN...
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2845[20:54:29] <greycat> If you're... what...
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2848[20:54:40] * greycat waits for jelly to wake up and decipher this
2849[20:55:31] <greycat> At this point the only GUESS i can
proffer is "my java application is trying to generate email and
I want that email to APPEAR as though it came from gmail so I am
spoofing the sender and the From: and so on, and then relaying it
through gmail's SMTP server"
2850[20:55:38] *** Joins: Barones_ (~B@replaced-ip)
2851[20:56:09] <greycat> At which point any success would be the
surprise result.
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2859[21:00:05] <ytrezq> petn-randall: debian developers have the
correct environment for doing it without errors
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2863[21:00:38] <ytrezq> I mean they can compile it
2864[21:00:38] *** Joins: neibo (~pi@replaced-ip)
2865[21:00:52] <jak2000> greycat found the error
2866[21:00:56] <ytrezq> but me I don’t have access to
Debian compile servers
2867[21:00:57] <jak2000>
2868[21:01:27] *** Quits: Walakea (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Quit: Walakea)
2869[21:03:04] <greycat> "something in the java
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2873[21:04:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1612
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2875[21:04:25] <Blueeyez> I have installed Debian with no DE. The
debian installaer is with non-free. How do i connect to a wifi
network? Is it possible?
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2878[21:05:39] <LtL> Blueeyez: nmcli, if it doesn't pull in
a DE.
2879[21:06:15] *** Joins: madage (~madage@replaced-ip)
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2881[21:06:32] <Blueeyez> LtL nmcli command not found
2882[21:06:43] <LtL> Blueeyez: thats cli for network-manager,
i'd have to chk if that has massive dependencies
2883[21:07:06] <LtL> Blueeyez: wuh, its not installed sir'
2884[21:07:19] *** Joins: ESphynx (~ESphynx@replaced-ip)
2885[21:07:20] <Blueeyez> am i lost or can i still get on wifi
2886[21:07:38] <LtL> Blueeyez: caution installing may pull in a
2887[21:07:38] <ESphynx> hi guys, so we have our package getting
kicked out of Testing today, how bad is that? we don't really
want to have it excluded from the release
2888[21:07:46] <ESphynx> when
2889[21:07:52] <ESphynx> when's the freeze happening?
2890[21:08:40] <Blueeyez> LtL if im without wifi and usd a net
installer, can i then get on wifi without nmcli?
2891[21:08:52] <annadane> i believe hard freeze is supposed to
be... march 2019?
2892[21:08:59] <annadane> there was an email about this
2893[21:09:01] *** Joins: fearnothing (~nothing@replaced-ip)
2894[21:09:21] <annadane> which i probably won't be able to
2895[21:09:30] <annadane> lemme ask #debian-release
2896[21:10:07] <LtL> Blueeyez: Blueeyez no, you'll need to
get the driver on separate media first
2897[21:10:23] <JyZyXEL> ESphynx:
2898[21:10:25] <Blueeyez> i think the driver is installed
2899[21:10:51] <Blueeyez> i just dont have nmcli
2900[21:10:59] <Blueeyez> wpa_supplicant is there
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2904[21:11:39] <annadane> ESphynx,
2905[21:12:11] <LtL> Blueeyez: run 'dmesg |grep firmware ;
check for missing firmware. you should have net
2906[21:12:36] <annadane> ESphynx,
2907[21:12:42] *** Quits: smolboye (~smolboye@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2908[21:12:46] <LtL> Blueeyez: I'M not sure what you
installed in the first place
2909[21:13:02] *** Joins: AimHere (~David@replaced-ip)
2910[21:13:04] <Blueeyez> LtL just basic debian (I selected
2911[21:13:07] *** Joins: smolboye (~smolboye@replaced-ip)
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2913[21:14:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1620
2914[21:14:30] <Blueeyez> LtL seems dmesg isnt installed
2915[21:15:31] <greycat> unlikely.
2916[21:15:49] <LtL> Blueeyez: thats seem,s unlikely but in any
case, do you need a DE
2917[21:16:06] *** Joins: holmgren (magnus@replaced-ip)
2918[21:16:11] <greycat> it's in a package with Priority:
required and Essential: yes
2919[21:16:16] *** Quits: holmgren (magnus@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2920[21:16:19] <Blueeyez> not at this point, now i just need
wifi.. but i dont know if i can connect to a wifi
2921[21:16:19] *** Joins: pentiumone133 (~quassel@replaced-ip)
2922[21:16:43] <Blueeyez> or how to connect to a wifi
2923[21:16:49] <Blueeyez> without nmcli
2924[21:17:13] <LtL> Blueeyez: try iwconfig ; iwlist etc. do you
have net now on that box?
2925[21:18:04] *** Quits: lyr3 (~user@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2926[21:18:16] <pentiumone133> hello. i would like a simple way
to monitor container ram usage over time. is there a simple pre
built thing that i can use for this ?
2927[21:18:23] <pentiumone133> docker stats but historically
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2930[21:19:02] <Blueeyez> LtL, i tried iwconfig : iwlist but not
connected, but i get some output
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2932[21:19:44] *** Joins: DammitJim (~DammitJim@replaced-ip)
2933[21:19:58] <LtL> Blueeyez: seems nmcli doesnt exist. anyway,
can you ping anything?
2934[21:20:48] <Blueeyez> cant ping LtL
2935[21:21:01] <LtL> Blueeyez: run ip addr
2936[21:21:02] <Blueeyez> not sure if my router allows local
2937[21:21:06] *** Joins: mtn (~mtn@replaced-ip)
2938[21:21:13] <pentiumone133> crap sorry this is debian not
2939[21:21:24] *** Quits: samouy_ (~sam@replaced-ip) (Quit: Bye !)
2940[21:22:18] <Blueeyez> LtL yes i see 2 devies and one of them
is my wifi card (No lan port)
2941[21:22:39] <Blueeyez> wlp3s0 i think
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2945[21:24:01] <nymb242> hello, not sure if anyone remembers me
from last week..
2946[21:24:16] <nymb242> I finally got my desktop environment up
and running
2947[21:24:20] <annadane> \o/
2948[21:24:27] <nymb242> \o/
2949[21:24:36] <nymb242> However, I'm still a complete linux
2950[21:25:00] <nymb242> so still a few things to do
2951[21:25:04] <nymb242> first, I need to set up ftp
2952[21:25:07] <jhutchins_wk> Blueeyez:
2953[21:25:14] <ESphynx> so no crazy impossibilities for the
package getting back in for the release then :)
2954[21:25:22] <jhutchins_wk> Blueeyez: I think there's
something about manual configuration there.
2955[21:25:32] *** Quits: Nawab (~OtakuSenp@replaced-ip) (Quit: Lost terminal)
2956[21:25:44] <jhutchins_wk> nymb242: No you don't.
2957[21:26:19] *** Quits: UR4N1UM (~uranium@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2958[21:26:34] <jhutchins_wk> nymb242: You need to use sftp,
which is probably alredy set up because you have ssh.
2959[21:26:37] <Blueeyez> LtL u there?
2960[21:26:45] *** Joins: thomas__ (~thomas@replaced-ip)
2961[21:26:47] <nymb242> ok..
2962[21:27:07] <Blueeyez> jhutchins_wk yea, but howto?
2963[21:27:28] *** Quits: asterismo_l (~asterismo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
2964[21:28:04] <jhutchins_wk> Blueeyez: Look at that wiki page.
2965[21:28:18] <LtL> Blueeyez: try as root 'ip link set
interface up' inerface being wlp3s0 or whatever
2966[21:29:07] <LtL> Blueeyez: then ping somebody. we need dmesg
output btw
2967[21:30:07] <nymb242> I'm trying to get it to work with
filezilla (ultimately I want to use smartftp). This would be to ftp
from my local computer to the server.
2968[21:30:33] <LtL> Blueeyez: does 'ip a' show a inet
address on wlp*?
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2971[21:31:31] <nymb242> I did install/set up vsftpd on the
2972[21:31:36] <jhutchins_wk> nymb242: Use ssh/scp/rsync
2973[21:31:40] <Blueeyez> no inet address on the wifi i belive..
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2976[21:32:10] <Blueeyez> but on lo there is ( (My own
2977[21:32:32] *** Quits: VBrain (~VBrain@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
2978[21:33:06] <LtL> Blueeyez: dmesg |grep firmware spell it
right please
2979[21:33:16] *** Joins: VBrain (~VBrain@replaced-ip)
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2983[21:35:14] <AdamDay73> Do you know of a webmail client that
has a better search function than roundcube? I'm getting
complaints that our mail system isn't google basically :/
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2987[21:36:57] <Blueeyez> LtL what info you need?
2988[21:37:03] <Blueeyez> got 5 lines :-)
2989[21:37:14] <LtL> Blueeyez: are you missing firmware?
2990[21:37:29] <Blueeyez> dosent look like
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2993[21:37:52] <Blueeyez> line 2 says something with loaded
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3001[21:41:55] <LtL> Blueeyez: run 'dmesg' near the end
look for a 'wlp3s0: associated'
3002[21:42:33] <LtL> Blueeyez: you can find the rest here,
3003[21:42:40] *** Joins: va3vna (~mayday_ja@replaced-ip)
3004[21:42:54] <LtL> Blueeyez: g'lusk gtg really
3005[21:43:05] <LtL> *luck
3006[21:43:32] <Blueeyez> thanks LtL thanks for the help :-)
3007[21:44:27] <nymb242> Ok, next thing I'm not getting a
handle on yet is installing apps
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3013[21:45:22] <nymb242> For instance, say I wanted to install
jdownloader. They have a linux version, but I'm not sure how to
actually install it.
3014[21:45:47] <greycat> If it's not packaged by Debian,
then you follow whatever the instructions are for the upstream
3015[21:46:31] *** Joins: orti (~orti@replaced-ip)
3016[21:46:32] <greycat> Which could be practically anything.
Like "copy this file into your ~/bin and then run it". Or
"extract this tar.gz archive in /opt and then set up
symlinks". Or "extract this .tar.gz and then run
./configure; make; sudo make install".
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3020[21:47:27] <greycat> Sometimes even crazier shit, like
"running this script modifies your ~/.bashrc to create a bunch
of new functions that only work in your interactive shell".
3021[21:47:29] *** Joins: lyr3 (~user@replaced-ip)
3022[21:47:32] <AdamDay73> always see if a have a deb file first,
if so, it's just like dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb
3023[21:47:49] <greycat> In some cases I'd trust the random
crazy manual steps over a third party .deb file.
3024[21:47:52] <greycat> Depends on the party.
3025[21:47:58] <AdamDay73> yeah
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3027[21:48:39] <AdamDay73> compiling from source is always fun,
tracking down needed library development packages... then you find
out it was built upon old libraries or libraries that are newer than
in the repo...
3028[21:49:08] *** Joins: holmgren (magnus@replaced-ip)
3029[21:49:11] <AdamDay73> then it turns into a whole rabbit hole
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3031[21:49:20] <greycat> been there, done that
3032[21:50:29] <AdamDay73> and you are almost always going in
blind to what dev packages you need to compile it, so you run
./configure a hundred times and wait for the next error to show what
you are missing XD
3033[21:50:40] <nymb242> basically it's just a file called
3034[21:50:57] *** Quits: mtn (~mtn@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
3035[21:50:57] <greycat> sometimes the README or INSTALL file
mentions some of the lib dependencies
3036[21:51:18] <greycat> nymb242: well, read it and see what it
does, or at least what the comments claim it does...
3037[21:51:29] *** Quits: orti (~orti@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
3038[21:51:30] <AdamDay73> nymb242: [as super user] sh
3039[21:51:46] <greycat> IF it seems safe to run, then maybe do
what AdamDay73 said.
3040[21:51:49] <AdamDay73> but, I would read the friendly install
guide to make sure if there is one
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3043[21:52:05] <AdamDay73> it might not need su
3044[21:52:09] <greycat> yeah
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3046[21:52:57] <nymb242> Yeah, I don't see any instructions.
3047[21:53:09] <greycat> where did you get the .sh file?
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3053[21:54:04] <nymb242>
3054[21:54:09] <AdamDay73> some places don't give install
guides, they just assume you know what to do with an sh installer...
3055[21:54:43] <nymb242> yeah, not good for a complete noob like
me. :P
3056[21:55:05] <greycat> And it just gives you a raw .sh file
with no instructions? Well then you're back to "read it
and see what it does, or what its comments say".
3057[21:55:09] <AdamDay73> (does debian use sudo by default?)
3058[21:55:14] <greycat> no
3059[21:55:20] <Tegu> or "install exactly ubuntu 12.04 and
these and these libs ad run these commands"
3060[21:55:21] <AdamDay73> (didn't think so)
3061[21:55:30] <Tegu> oops, ai ws in the backl8g
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3063[21:55:42] <greycat> still a valid data point
3064[21:55:43] *** Joins: holmgren (magnus@replaced-ip)
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3066[21:55:51] <annadane> sudo isn't even installed by
3067[21:56:06] *** Joins: jake9 (5cf12a3d@replaced-ip)
3068[21:56:19] <AdamDay73> it's been a while, I use
raspbian/elementary os/ubuntu server :/
3069[21:56:19] <jake9> hi , i have problem with unzipping
3070[21:57:29] <annadane> in general, in future consider using and not
3071[21:57:35] <annadane> !tell jake9 about
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3074[21:58:32] <annadane> and also you don't really need to
be root to zip/unzip
3075[21:58:53] *** Joins: d-fence_ (~quassel@replaced-ip)
3076[21:58:56] <greycat> unless you're trying to unzip into
a place that only root can write to
3077[21:59:08] <jake9>
3078[21:59:08] <AdamDay73> So, I am kinda super lazy and use mc
to do all my archive extractions :/
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3083[22:01:43] <jake9> so how can i solve the problem
3084[22:02:35] *** Quits: kemisten (~kemisten@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
3085[22:03:41] <AdamDay73> what exactly is the problem jake9?
3086[22:03:44] <AdamDay73> bare with me
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3088[22:03:49] <galex-713> !tell galex-713 about
3089[22:04:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1614
3090[22:04:07] <galex-713> oh okay
3091[22:04:12] <jake9> AdamDay73: i cant extract the file
3092[22:04:19] <jelly> !tell galex-713 about msg the bot
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3095[22:04:42] <galex-713> how foolish am I
3096[22:04:52] <greycat> What kind of file is it? What kind of
archive is inside it? Does it create a subdir of its own, or spam
the current directory with files? Where are you trying to extract
3097[22:04:53] <galex-713> thank you for rememering me, and sorry
3098[22:05:07] <AdamDay73> jake9: do other zip files do the same
3099[22:05:26] *** Quits: grobi (~grobi@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3100[22:05:30] <annadane> this rabbit hole doesn't end, does
3101[22:05:31] *** Joins: hele (~hele@replaced-ip)
3102[22:05:35] <annadane> tell jelly about ...
3103[22:05:38] <jake9> AdamDay73: i need to extract the things
inside it :)
3104[22:05:51] <jelly> jake9: that pastebin does not actually
show any problem
3105[22:06:05] <jelly> how does unpacking fail?
3106[22:06:50] <jake9> its give you 82% only
3107[22:07:04] <jake9> bad CRC 23c57adf (should be ada1588a)
3108[22:07:08] <AdamDay73> ahh
3109[22:07:10] <AdamDay73> bad download
3110[22:07:11] <greycat> Then the file is corrupted. Re-download
3111[22:07:12] <AdamDay73> :)
3112[22:07:14] *** Joins: UR4N1UM (~uranium@replaced-ip)
3113[22:07:16] <jake9> i did
3114[22:07:17] <jake9> :D
3115[22:07:24] <AdamDay73> umm, bad file on server
3116[22:07:30] <jake9> its a homework btw
3117[22:07:38] <AdamDay73> crc = corrupt
3118[22:07:42] *** Quits: RattleBattle791 (~steinar@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving.)
3119[22:07:53] <jelly> or there's a proxy between you and
the server eating some bits in the file
3120[22:07:57] <annadane> homework will forever be corrupt, that
doesn't change until you leave school
3121[22:07:59] *** Joins: wonderer (~quakeroat@replaced-ip)
3122[22:08:08] <AdamDay73> XD
3123[22:08:09] <greycat> or you ran out of quota/diskspace during
the download and have only part of the file
3124[22:08:27] <jake9> annadane: the curropt is the part of the
3125[22:08:31] <jelly> unzip would fail completely in that case,
zip has index at the end
3126[22:08:47] <jake9> what is want it unzip it correctly to done
3127[22:09:00] *** Quits: [ClayMore] (~while@replaced-ip) (Quit: It's always same story, our steel thread becomes
their silk.)
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3130[22:09:06] <greycat> If the file is corrupt on the server,
there is nothing we can do.
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3134[22:09:20] <AdamDay73> that's the server's fault,
not debian's :(
3135[22:09:29] <AdamDay73> you will have to get with the
server's administrator
3136[22:09:48] <jelly> maybe the homework IS to manually fix the
zip file
3137[22:09:51] <jake9> is there any way to fix it?
3138[22:09:52] *** Joins: DandyPandy (~textual@replaced-ip)
3139[22:09:59] <greycat> You ... didn't download it by FTP
in "ascii mode", did you? No? Good.
3140[22:10:01] <jake9> jelly: the homework wants me to fix it
3141[22:10:11] <annadane> ...oh
3142[22:10:14] <greycat> jake9: *plonk*
3143[22:10:16] <jelly> jake9: then you're asking us to do
your homework?
3144[22:10:16] <annadane> it's one of THOSE.
3145[22:10:18] *** Quits: iiaann (~ian@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
3146[22:10:24] <AdamDay73> oh, so we are doing your homework XD
3147[22:10:27] <jake9> im not asking you to do it
3148[22:10:33] <jake9> im asking about this error
3149[22:10:41] <jake9> its my first tme hear it
3150[22:10:44] <jake9> time
3151[22:10:55] <jelly> jake9: is the error supposed to happen?
3152[22:11:05] <wonderer> hi, can anyone can help with this post?
3153[22:11:08] <AdamDay73> well, at it is okay to cheat and ask
questions in real life, so it's all meh
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3156[22:12:12] <AdamDay73> jake9:
3157[22:12:20] <greycat> He could have at least NOT WASTED OUR
FUCKING TIME by pretending this was an actual problem he was having.
3158[22:12:33] <AdamDay73> yeah, that was a 2 second google
search :/
3159[22:12:40] <AdamDay73> no one teaches google fu anymore
3160[22:12:40] <greycat> If he had started out "This is a
homework I have a corrupted .zip file and I am supposed to fix
it" ...
3161[22:12:50] *** Joins: Tramp (~Tramp@replaced-ip)
3162[22:13:18] <jelly> greycat: OTOH if people knew how to ask
the right questions they'd probably be able to google the
3163[22:13:27] <AdamDay73> ^_^
3164[22:13:36] <jelly> but wasting time, yes
3165[22:13:47] <greycat> How hard is it to write a simple
declarative sentence in your native language, run it through google
translate into English, and then paste that?
3166[22:13:54] *** Quits: Barones__ (~B@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
3167[22:13:55] <annadane> except that google now routinely
ignores your specific search but anyway i digress
3168[22:14:12] <annadane> "how to fix debian?"
"did you mean, how to shop for debian products?"
3169[22:14:19] <AdamDay73> YES
3170[22:14:21] <jelly> very hard. People write essays about
asking smart questions!
3171[22:14:23] <AdamDay73> I want some of those NAO
3172[22:14:43] *** Joins: Nd-69-m (~nend@replaced-ip)
3173[22:14:48] * AdamDay73 buys a bunch of debian hoodies
3174[22:15:02] <jake9> AdamDay73: not helpful link
3175[22:15:08] <greycat> I actually have some OpenBSD tshirts.
3176[22:15:10] <AdamDay73> what...
3177[22:15:13] <AdamDay73> dude
3178[22:15:28] <AdamDay73> it tells you in the link what to do...
3179[22:15:31] <AdamDay73> read it :/
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3182[22:15:47] <jelly> wonderer: which debian release are you
using? Set eg. RewriteLogLevel 3 and a RewriteLog
/path/to/rewrite.log and try to figure out what is happening
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3186[22:16:32] <wonderer> deb 8
3187[22:16:41] *** Quits: jake9 (5cf12a3d@replaced-ip) (Quit: Page closed)
3188[22:16:52] <jelly> wonder if the point is to zip -F, or do a
brute force flip of every bit and see whether a specific bitflip
fixes it
3189[22:17:06] <AdamDay73> zip -FF --out && unzip
3190[22:17:09] <jelly> we may never know
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3192[22:17:37] <annadane> is unzip actually the preferred method
for unzipping, i know there's several similar packages
3193[22:17:49] <AdamDay73> psh, I dunno, I use mc
3194[22:17:52] <jelly> it's the first one to remember
3195[22:17:56] <greycat> If you've been given a .zip file
for some reason, unzip is probably the tool of choice.
3196[22:18:06] <greycat> At least it's the one I've
always used.
3197[22:18:16] <jelly> sometimes unzip fails if it's a
really new .zip and 7z works
3198[22:18:43] <AdamDay73> 7z is great :)
3199[22:18:54] <annadane> according to dpkg -l *zip* i have in
sid, installed: bzip2, gzip, p7zip, p7zip-full, unzip, zip
3200[22:18:58] <jelly> but I honestly haven't seen any of
those files in the wild
3201[22:19:09] <annadane> this all comes with task-mate-desktop
3202[22:19:21] <jelly> and half of those do not know how to
unpack .zip
3203[22:19:30] *** Quits: zarzar (~zarzar@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3204[22:19:53] <jelly> ,kernels
3205[22:19:54] <judd> Available kernel versions are:
experimental: 4.16.0-rc6-686 (4.16~rc6-1~exp1); sid: 4.16.0-2-686
(4.16.12-1); buster: 4.16.0-2-686 (4.16.12-1); stretch-backports:
4.16.0-0.bpo.2-686-pae (4.16.12-1~bpo9+1); stretch: 4.9.0-6-686-pae
(4.9.88-1+deb9u1); jessie-backports: 4.9.0-0.bpo.6-686-pae
(4.9.88-1+deb9u1~bpo8+1); jessie: 3.16.0-6-686-pae
(3.16.56-1+deb8u1); wheezy-backports:
3206[22:19:55] <judd> 3.16.0-0.bpo.4-686-pae
(3.16.39-1+deb8u1~bpo70+1); wheezy: 3.2.0-6-686-pae (3.2.102-1)
3207[22:19:58] <wonderer> jelly as always thx for valuable advise
3208[22:20:00] <AdamDay73> I was mind blown they don't teach
this stuff in schools. Like kids can't even extract zips on
windows or mac even...
3209[22:20:13] <wonderer> will try to save rewrite to log file
3210[22:20:34] <AdamDay73> like, what do they learn in computer
class these days? Oh yeah, how to use a web browser :/
3211[22:20:50] <nymb242> that's another thing I'd like
to install...7zip
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3216[22:21:10] <Blueeyez> Id imagine they learn how to search
youtube videos
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3218[22:21:27] <jelly> that's not a computer class,
that's basic literacy
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3220[22:21:51] <dcpc007_> hi all, i have debian 9 in fr_FR.UTF-8,
but when opening xterm or other via ssh/X11 they are in qwerty even
if env guive fr_fr, any idea ?
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3228[22:23:49] <greycat> !keymap
3229[22:23:49] <dpkg> Run "dpkg-reconfigure
keyboard-configuration" to change both your default console and
X keymap; the setxkbmap utility can be used to adjust keymap
settings during X operation. For setting up X keymaps, see xkeycaps,
xev and ask me about <multimedia keys>.
3230[22:24:48] <AdamDay73> good bot :)
3231[22:25:19] *** Quits: towo` (~towo@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
3232[22:26:07] <AdamDay73> I'm using an older mac keyboard
and hate having to hit the FN key for the function keys to not be
media buttons :/
3233[22:26:32] <dcpc007_> thx
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3239[22:28:39] <dcpc007_> i try
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3254[22:37:53] <dcpc007_> dkpg-reconf + reboot change nothing
3255[22:39:05] <dcpc007_> setxkbmap fr && xterm -->
again qwerty
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3259[22:39:58] <dcpc007_> i'll try from another linux VM to
see if not a windows client problem
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3262[22:41:46] <dcpc007_> ok windows problem !!!!
3263[22:41:46] <greycat> *blink*
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3265[22:42:09] <dcpc007_> i use mobaxterm at work and never had
this :-(
3266[22:42:23] <greycat> what in the actual fuck just happened
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3268[22:43:06] <greycat> Shit, it does say "via
ssh/X11" in the original question.
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3273[22:45:22] <dcpc007_> yes, mobaxterm does ssh + X11 server
3274[22:45:53] *** Quits: sebastianlutter (~sebastian@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
3275[22:45:54] <dcpc007_> (rf forget to mention mobaxterm here
:-( )
3276[22:46:03] <greycat> The !keymap stuff is only for ACTUAL
debian machines, like, you are using the debian machine right now,
it's in front of you, your fingers are in contact with the
keyboard that's actually PLUGGED INTO the debian machine.
3277[22:46:37] <greycat> If the keyboard is plugged into a
Windows machine, then the configuration has to be done on the
Windows machine.
3278[22:46:46] <dcpc007_> yes but i was thinking it's about
the keybord config on the "server"
3279[22:47:01] <dcpc007_> not the client i already use at work
without this problem
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3284[22:48:34] <dcpc007_> i force x11 config to FR (was auto) and
same .. ok i'll grab a classic putty
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3288[22:50:00] <dcpc007_> boring, mobaxterm greater then putty
for console
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3293[22:51:55] <dcpc007_> easier windows xserver is xming from
memroy ?
3294[22:52:10] *** Quits: va3vna (~mayday_ja@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3295[22:52:16] <greycat> ask ##windows
3296[22:53:09] *** Quits: zarzar1 (~zarzar@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
3297[22:54:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1606
3298[22:54:09] * annadane fears for greycat's blood pressure
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3305[22:56:32] <dcpc007_> ok works like a charm with old
3306[22:56:38] *** Joins: jhutchin1_wk (~jonathan@replaced-ip)
3307[22:56:38] <dcpc007_> GRAAAAAAAAHHHHH
3308[22:56:45] <dcpc007_> thx for the help
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3312[22:56:56] <dcpc007_> luckily i don't buy mobaxterm pro
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3317[22:57:10] <dcpc007_> ????
3318[22:57:14] <annadane> !next
3319[22:57:15] <dpkg> Another happy customer leaves the building.
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3321[22:57:34] <greycat> sounds like someone bought too-new
3322[22:58:59] *** Quits: wonderer (~quakeroat@replaced-ip) (Quit: Famous quotes #3: "A lie gets halfway around the
world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." - Sir
Winston Churchill (1874-1965))
3323[22:59:01] <AimHere> greycat, I'll give you 10-1 odds
that that guy hasn't tried running Linux at all the last week
3324[22:59:31] <darsie> I did dpkg --add-architecture i386
&& apt-get update but still get bash:
./xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc: No such file or directory. What else can I
3325[22:59:45] <greycat> start by installing libc6:i386
3326[22:59:45] *** Joins:
3327[22:59:52] <greycat> then do ldd on the program in question
and see what else it needs
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3332[23:00:53] <annadane> have they tried debian, not just
3333[23:01:13] <greycat> they wanted their troll-spam to be as
generic as possible so they could flood it into every linux-based-OS
3334[23:01:29] <de-facto> when i installed debian i had my sys up
and running in two (!) minutes with all the drivers
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3336[23:02:04] <greycat> Hell, it took me more than 2 minutes to
get into the god damned UEFI firmware on my most recent installs.
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3339[23:02:40] <greycat> Nothing that could be pressed during
POST worked. Had to let it finish the initial windows configuration
and then click through windows bullshit menus to get to a place
where I could say "restart into the firmware".
3340[23:02:51] <de-facto> on same system i had to fight for 5
hours with windows to convince it to install all the drivers
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3342[23:03:28] <Blueeyez> Just installed debian 9.4 with KDE - Im
told kwin has zoom and invert colors and should work out of the box,
but dosent here.. someone else here using KDE on Debian?
3343[23:03:28] *** Quits: holmgren (magnus@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
3344[23:03:32] <greycat> So that I could boot the CD.
3345[23:03:56] *** Quits: melon_ (~melon@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
3346[23:04:10] <annadane> well, debian stable of course uses an
older version of KDE, namely 5.8
3347[23:04:15] <annadane> are you sure it's meant to work on
3348[23:04:32] <Blueeyez> dunno can i switch from terminal to
testing or unstable?
3349[23:04:32] <AdamDay73> oh wow, looks like I missed an angry
3350[23:04:46] <annadane> you *can*, if you're ok with
occasional breakage
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3358[23:05:08] <[operator]> :D
3359[23:05:11] <Blueeyez> lol
3360[23:05:19] <AdamDay73> o_O
3361[23:05:25] <annadane> my general experience using sid, which
i currently run, is that it's fine, but i do have backups and
keep a live image
3362[23:05:34] <Blueeyez> well im just interested in getting zoom
and invert window/whole screen
3363[23:05:54] <annadane> it's a risk and generally
isn't to be recommended in #debian in general terms
3364[23:06:31] <Blueeyez> my next problem then, im used to
compizconfig-settings-manager but for some reason i cant set or use
keybord shortcuts for its features
3365[23:06:32] <AdamDay73> sid is the bleeding edge version
3366[23:06:38] <greycat> basically, yes
3367[23:06:40] <mquin> it's fine, until it isn't
3368[23:06:48] <mquin> then you get to keep both halves
3369[23:06:55] <annadane> more or less; there's also
experimental but experimental packages aren't exactly meant for
regular use
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3377[23:07:41] <Blueeyez> annadane see here
3378[23:08:05] <annadane> from 2013
3379[23:08:16] <annadane> i'd post an updated thread asking
whether you can do it now
3380[23:08:27] <greycat> or ask in #kde
3381[23:08:29] <annadane> and definitely don't switch to
testing/sid purely because of that
3382[23:08:31] <[operator]> a synapse going off
3383[23:08:32] <annadane> or ask in #kde
3384[23:08:36] <Blueeyez> ill try #kde :-)
3385[23:08:51] <darsie> greycat: thx
3386[23:08:57] <AdamDay73> someone figured out how to use a web
proxy, such hacker
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3389[23:10:29] <[operator]> a real hacker doesn't delete his
own data by mistake, I think.
3390[23:10:35] <AdamDay73> ikr
3391[23:11:04] *** Quits: nunatak (~nunatak@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
3392[23:11:16] <AdamDay73> biggest thing you do before you do any
major changes to a computer... if your data is super important, get
a cloud service or at least a usb hard drive :/
3393[23:11:23] <bites> you know they do it for attention, right?
so don't give it to them.
3394[23:11:43] <[operator]> I would forget about the cloud
3395[23:11:54] <[operator]> enough hdd around :D
3396[23:11:55] <AdamDay73> I love the cloud ^_^
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3405[23:12:38] <[operator]> mouahhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhahaha
3406[23:12:44] <AdamDay73> o_O okay lol
3407[23:12:48] <[operator]> That clown :)
3408[23:13:52] <AdamDay73> I gotta head home, have a good day
#debian XD
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3410[23:14:10] <[operator]> the guy doing it is there...
3411[23:14:31] <[operator]> he preparing his flooding phrase by
putting our name :)
3412[23:14:46] <abrotman> no need to comment on spam, go on with
your life
3413[23:14:48] *** abrotman sets mode: -o abrotman
3414[23:14:50] <[operator]> an excelent hacker it looks :D
3415[23:14:51] <greycat> Yes, we know. Nothing we can do about
3416[23:15:44] *** Quits: darsie (d45f05af@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3417[23:15:47] *** Quits: BananaGuitar (uid304640@replaced-ip) (Excess Flood)
3418[23:15:47] <[operator]> I like to comment stupidity
3419[23:15:52] <[operator]> it's my fun
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3421[23:16:04] <abrotman> [operator]: stop, it's annoying
3422[23:16:21] <[operator]> you are annoyed very quickly
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3426[23:16:56] *** abrotman sets mode: +b
3427[23:16:57] *** BananaGuitar was kicked by abrotman (you should know
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