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0[00:00:11] *** Joins: JohnCub (~john@replaced-ip)
1[00:00:13] <guest2338> Specialist: # blkdiscard /dev/sdX .
WARNING: read everything before doing anything! This will overwrite
your whole ssd.
2[00:00:29] <tyoiexd> any ideas about changing font/color for
text only system before boot?\
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13[00:03:17] <fire_xyz_com> hi guys, is there a way to play
sounds via micro ? E.g from firefox IVONA to discord channel
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26[00:08:37] <jelly> centurion18, if
/etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules does not exist on your
system, your network interface names will change in stretch
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28[00:09:05] <jelly> centurion18, pastebin the output of
"ip l"
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33[00:10:07] <jelly> centurion18, and look for device renamal
in dmesg (something like dmesg|grep -A10 -B10 eth)
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38[00:11:40] <guest2338> Specialist: You're welcome.
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49[00:15:35] <Specialist> guest2338: thx!
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53[00:16:26] <guest2338> Specialist: :)
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64[00:19:26] <jrmu> is there a prebuilt binary for ath9k_htc
firmware in debian? I'm compiling it at the moment as suggested
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84[00:27:13] <Brigo_> jrmu, there is a firmware-atheros package
in non-free. Maybe it has the firmware.
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93[00:29:27] <jrmu> Brigo_: thanks. You might be right.
I'm trying to avoid proprietary firmware for now, so I'll
test out compiling first
94[00:29:47] <jrmu> Brigo_: I'm just surprised why debian
doesn't provide a dpkg for the open firmware. I would have
thought they would included the firmware by default with the OS,
given that there are no licensing issues
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102[00:31:04] <Brigo_> jrmu, i think it does
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105[00:31:29] <jrmu> to clarify: why they wouldn't separate
the open firmware from the propretiary parts
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109[00:33:31] <jrmu> Brigo: Do you mean to say, debian separates
the proprietary firmware binaries from the open firmware binaries
for firmware-atheros?
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114[00:34:19] <Brigo> jrmu, not really sure, but there is a
firmware-linux-free package, for example
115[00:34:50] <jrmu>
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117[00:35:10] <Brigo> jrmu, as i said, i am not sure.
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123[00:37:50] <gert_> is there anyway I can tell debian to use
intel drivers/rendering while I have my graphics card plugged in?
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125[00:37:56] <jrmu> Brigo Thanks anyway (although I think you
are offline now)
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128[00:38:11] <guest2338> How can I autohide the top menubar in
eye-of-gnome, using cinnamon DE? Adding extra plugins doesn't
seem to work.
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136[00:44:51] <centurion18> is there any other session manager
than SDDM for KDE? this is simply ugly
137[00:45:09] <centurion18> for debian stretch
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139[00:45:34] <centurion18> where is KDM?
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146[00:47:10] <centurion18> is there at least a better theme for
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152[00:50:33] <phogg> centurion18: looks like it uses qml, so
theming should be a thing
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198[01:16:26] <galex-713> Hi
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202[01:17:00] <galex-713> What is the command that when you run
it you have a white window that opens and everything you type
everywhere get the xevent scanned and printed on terminal?
203[01:17:25] <sonOfRa> xev
204[01:17:45] <galex-713> oh yeaaah
205[01:18:05] <galex-713> juste found it alone, by verbalizing
the “xevent” that was on the end of my tongue ><
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207[01:18:31] <galex-713> argh, hate when vocal memory do that
and that cmd you need stays at the end of the tongue
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265[01:44:15] <wjtaylor> I think ipv6 is causing me issues. Even
with IP turned off in the network manager, I still get an address.
Is there a way to disable it?
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267[01:45:44] <__marioxcc> Hello.
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269[01:46:15] <__marioxcc> I intend to install Debian using the
"hd-media" method. I rebooted, while having the CD ISO in
a LVM LV that I intend to preserve during installation.
270[01:46:22] <__marioxcc> However, the installer can't
find it. Why?
271[01:46:35] <__marioxcc> Are the "hd-media" not
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312[02:03:05] <DPini> Just moved all files with rsync form an
ext3 partitions to an ext4. Size is 8GB lower. Block size is the
same. Is that normal?
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329[02:19:02] <Learnerwind> Hey. I am trying to boot from a usb
stick but mint wont boot. I keeps restarting. Could someone help me?
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346[02:28:55] <peterrooney> !based on debian
347[02:28:55] <dpkg> Your distribution may be based on and have
software in common with Debian, but it is not Debian. We don't
and cannot know what changes were made by your distribution (compare
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446[03:15:33] <wjtaylor> Anyone having issues with IPv4 settings
dropping in deb 9?
447[03:15:49] <wjtaylor> usually after about an hour of
refreshing the adapter...
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450[03:17:55] <bdonnahue> hey guys, trying to install iproute2
on 7.8
451[03:18:04] <bdonnahue> but the apd-get install failes
452[03:18:08] <bdonnahue> can anyone help me out
453[03:19:34] <bdonnahue>
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492[03:39:12] <guest2338> How can I autohide the top menubar in
eye-of-gnome, using cinnamon DE? Adding the eog-plugins package
doesn't seem to work.
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514[03:49:58] <jmcnaught> bdonnahue: when you install packages
from backports you need to set a target, like "apt-get -t
wheezy-backports install iproute2"
515[03:50:21] <bdonnahue> jmcnaught, thanks that did the trick.
I shouldhave posted back earlier
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518[03:51:13] <jmcnaught> bdonnahue: should probably start
thinking about upgrading to jessie, then stretch
519[03:51:44] <bdonnahue> yea, the only reason im looking into
this is because cloudstack uses 7.8 as the system vm template
520[03:51:55] <bdonnahue> i will try to talk to the guys to get
them to upgrade
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539[04:02:42] <bdonnahue> jmcnaught, Im having a strange issue
with packets dropping on a wget
540[04:02:57] <bdonnahue> do you have any networking experience?
im stuck debugging
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651[04:37:48] <deego> To install a package from backports, I
used to do things like apt-get -t jessie-backports .. But, it
doesn't like -t jessie-backports
652[04:38:38] <deego> oh, i had misspeled it
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701[05:10:06] <jim> trying to help someone with a 300g ext4
filesystem in a 310g partition... what's the math to determine
the exact size of the enclosed filesystem?
702[05:10:52] <jim> gonegirl, I think I have that movie
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743[05:37:50] <soulspire> Had some bluetooth issues with
firmware and driver, but now it's a range issue, if I turn my
head it loses connection and it skips and stutters and out of
sink... never happened on Debian 8 and works great on my Chromebook.
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746[05:39:06] <soulspire> This is getting ridiculous, yes I am
using Debian but basic comon things like bluetooth should just work
in 2017, my range is 3 feet? really?
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748[05:40:21] <soulspire> well, unless I turn my head lol then I
lose connection and worse when I type it has some kind of high
pitched beep
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751[05:41:36] <soulspire> When I pause my video it keep
streaming, the lag is so slow after this happens and only when using
wireless headset. Very weird.
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767[05:50:54] <soulspire> 1,648 people and no one online lol
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824[06:24:48] <Canucktux> yay! thunderbirb got updated, things
should work now!
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828[06:26:22] <elricsfate> Is this a good place to ask about
debconf and the like?
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830[06:26:36] <elricsfate> I'm trying to reconfigure
something non-interactively but I'm having issues
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836[06:28:02] <jmcnaught> elricsfate: what's the issue?
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843[06:30:22] <elricsfate> One moment let me make a pastebin
844[06:30:55] <elricsfate>
845[06:30:58] <elricsfate> jmcnaught
846[06:31:12] <elricsfate> From what I can tell, this is not
accepting the values
847[06:31:54] <jmcnaught> elricsfate: is that Ansible?
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849[06:31:57] <elricsfate> When I check the configs that are
written they are the default values
850[06:32:00] <elricsfate> Yes jmcnaught
851[06:32:16] <elricsfate> I've tried running manually as
well, no avail. I don't think it's an ansible related
852[06:32:28] *** Quits: chachasmooth (~chachasmo@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
853[06:32:34] <jmcnaught> elricsfate: there is a debconf module
you don't need to use shell module for this:
854[06:33:20] *** Parts: pileofpepper (~omr@replaced-ip)
855[06:33:37] <elricsfate> sweet :D
856[06:33:44] *** Joins: pileofpepper (~omr@replaced-ip)
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858[06:34:03] <elricsfate> Right above that I have # TODO:
understand this better so I can remove shell.
859[06:34:05] <elricsfate> LOL
860[06:34:12] <elricsfate> Had a feeling there had to be a
debconf module
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866[06:35:49] <elricsfate> Would running in this debug help
provide you with more useful info jmcnaught ?
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869[06:35:53] <jmcnaught> elricsfate: also is i2p.debconf output
from debconf-get-selections? My workflow is something like install
package manually, dpkg-reconfigure it a couple times maybe, then I
use output from debconf-get-selections to make my
"i2p.debconf" file
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877[06:37:12] <elricsfate>
878[06:37:25] <elricsfate> jmcnaught That is correct
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880[06:37:38] <elricsfate> I configured it manually and then
checked the output with get-selections
881[06:37:51] <elricsfate> There is the output showing that
it's properly configured and then the output of reconfigure in
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883[06:38:37] <elricsfate> It almost looks like it sets it back
to default when I reconfigure
884[06:39:06] <elricsfate> jmcnaught:
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887[06:40:17] <elricsfate> Not sure what to do about that?
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893[06:41:21] <jmcnaught> elricsfate: is i2pmeupbro the ansible
target or the system where you prepared the debconf selections file?
894[06:41:27] <elricsfate> Both
895[06:42:13] <elricsfate> Here is the full ansible file
896[06:42:53] <elricsfate>
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900[06:44:08] <jmcnaught> elricsfate: why not set the debconf
selections before you install the package?
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903[06:44:22] <elricsfate> jmcnaught Let me give that a go
904[06:44:41] <elricsfate> I've never really played around
with configuring things in this manner so I wasn't sure of best
905[06:45:18] <Canucktux> yay,it's confirmed, thunderbirb
is perfect now
906[06:45:44] <jmcnaught> elricsfate: it's also called
"preseeding". you can preseed the debian-installer the
same way (all of the questions in the d-i are debconf) for automated
907[06:46:03] <jmcnaught> Canucktux: is that different from
thunderbird or just a typo?
908[06:46:11] <Canucktux> typo
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913[06:48:12] <jmcnaught> Canucktux: yeah thunderbird is great.
there are some extensions for it that you can install via Debian
packages, like enigmail, xul-ext-sieve
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915[06:49:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1657
916[06:49:06] <Daftpunk> jmcnaught, better than evolution?
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919[06:49:44] <jmcnaught> evolution is really good too,
it's personal preference
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921[06:49:55] <David_Hedlund> how can I check the GPU
temperature from the terminal?
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928[06:51:16] <David_Hedlund> I found it: sensors
929[06:51:20] <Agafnd> hey, I inserted a blank DVD into the
drive, and nothing can detect it
930[06:51:28] *** Parts: pileofpepper (~omr@replaced-ip)
931[06:51:29] <Agafnd> is there something I can do or is it just
a bad disc
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933[06:52:16] <jmcnaught> Agafnd: what are some of the things
that didn't detect it? what did you try
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935[06:52:25] <Agafnd> brasero, xfburn
936[06:52:31] <Agafnd> also it's not mounted, I don't
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941[06:52:57] <Agafnd> but stuff usually automounts, which leads
me to believe it may be faulty
942[06:53:12] <jmcnaught> what would there be to mount if it is
943[06:53:18] <Agafnd> ...good point
944[06:53:27] <elricsfate> jmcnaught THanks. let me do this on a
fresh install. I'm getting complaints when attempting to handle
this via an uninstall and reinstall of i2p
945[06:53:44] <jmcnaught> elricsfate: did you purge the package?
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947[06:54:51] <jmcnaught> Agafnd: I haven't burned a disc
in a long time. Did you try to start a burning process and programs
said "no blank disc", or did you just insert a blank disc
and then nothing happened?
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951[06:56:07] <Agafnd> I insert a disc, then open xfburn, and it
says "no burners are currently available"
952[06:56:54] <elricsfate> jmcnaught :D
953[06:56:57] <elricsfate> No! :P
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961[07:01:03] <jmcnaught> elricsfate: next time please go do
#ubuntu if you are using Ubuntu, this channel is supposed to be only
for Debian support (not derivatives)
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965[07:02:54] <Agafnd> xfburn:
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967[07:03:34] <elricsfate> jmcnaught: It was my understanding
that debconf and the like were upstream from Ubuntu
968[07:03:37] <elricsfate> Only reason I came here
969[07:04:04] <jmcnaught> elricsfate: it's okay, people
make this mistake frequently and now you know ☺
970[07:04:25] <elricsfate> jmcnaught: And knowing is half the
battle :)
971[07:04:34] <elricsfate> Is there a channel just for debconf
and the like?
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973[07:04:42] <elricsfate> The apt package manager stuff
974[07:05:34] <jmcnaught> Agafnd: are there message in the
output of "dmesg" after you insert the blank disc? Do
other (not blank) discs work? Are you sure it's actually a
975[07:05:47] <elricsfate> On the flip side that worked
perfectly jmcnaught
976[07:05:51] <elricsfate> Thank you!
977[07:06:19] <jmcnaught> cheers. give Debian a try some time!
978[07:06:32] <Agafnd> jmcnaught: you know what, I have only
ever read discs from that drive
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980[07:06:44] <elricsfate> jmcnaught: For sure. I don't see
Debian a lot professionally so most of the time I'm working
with either CentOS or Ubuntu
981[07:07:03] <elricsfate> jmcnaught: Why would one choose
Debian over Ubuntu?
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983[07:09:03] <jmcnaught> elricsfate: they are really similar
and there is a lot of collaboration between the two and shared
developers. The two projects have different policies, length and
scope of security support is a big one. However we try to keep this
channel primarily for support. People are welcome to compare distros
in #debian-offtopic
984[07:09:24] *** Quits: pk12 (~pk12@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
985[07:09:34] <klys> elricsfate, debian is a stable operating
system that doesn't make sacrifices to get eg. desktop software
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991[07:12:09] <elricsfate> jmcnaught 10/4, thanks
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993[07:13:02] <joooookim> Personally I use ubuntu derivatives as
desktop but prefer debian over anything for server usage.
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1039[07:39:42] <LIERO_> nohup ssh -R 123: root@
1040[07:39:54] <LIERO_> ssh -R 123: root@ &
1041[07:40:06] <LIERO_> tmux; ssh -R 123: root@
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1044[07:40:30] <LIERO_> all three of these fail to keep the ssh
tunnel alive after I close PuTTY
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1072[07:52:02] <AlexLikeRock> hi
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1074[07:52:20] <zerocool> hello there
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1076[07:52:59] <AlexLikeRock> hi
1077[07:53:04] <cheapie> hi
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1079[07:53:23] <AlexLikeRock> itry to configure DHCP server
1080[07:53:28] <AlexLikeRock> but i have fail
1081[07:53:55] <AlexLikeRock> with this tutorial
1082[07:53:55] <AlexLikeRock>
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1084[07:54:43] <cheapie> I've never had any luck with
hostapd.... what did it do when you tried?
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1086[07:55:03] <AlexLikeRock> lol
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1092[07:56:24] <AlexLikeRock> /etc/init.d/isc-dhcp-server restart
1093[07:56:32] <AlexLikeRock> [FAIL] Starting ISC DHCPv4 server:
dhcpd[....] check syslog for diagnostics. ... failed!
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1096[07:57:10] <cheapie> Check the logs, if you can find them.
1097[07:57:16] <cheapie> I can't remember for sure where it
puts them.
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1102[07:57:45] <AlexLikeRock> they are
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1106[07:58:38] <AlexLikeRock> Not configured to listen on any
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1110[07:59:05] <cheapie> Did you edit the configuration to match
your network?
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1114[07:59:50] <AlexLikeRock> yes
1115[08:00:00] <cheapie> You'll probably need to change the
subnet specified, as well as the range of IP addresses that
isc-dhcp-server will offer.
1116[08:00:23] <AlexLikeRock> whitch one ?
1117[08:00:30] <AlexLikeRock> example ??
1118[08:00:56] <cheapie> I'm not sure if that would give
that error, though, since it looks like they're using NAT, so
it might not matter...
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1123[08:01:36] <cheapie> I'm thinking that maybe that guide
is for an old version of isc-dhcp-server or something (it is about 6
years old). Try finding a newer one, maybe?
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1126[08:02:50] <AlexLikeRock> yes , its old, but, must have a
"logic to explaine , the CAUSE
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1131[08:03:28] <cheapie> You may have better luck in
linux or networking, as I don't think this is a Debian-specific issue.
1132[08:03:48] <AlexLikeRock> YEAH, tanks
1133[08:03:49] *** Quits: JohnCub (~john@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1134[08:04:07] <cheapie> And I'm out of ideas at this point,
so *shrug*.
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1277[09:14:10] <Lope> Howcome my colo host has a cabinet
that's 1200mm deep but I can't find any chassis
that's 1000mm deep? What's the deepest common size of
server chassis? Most of the ones I see are around 530mm or 25"
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1295[09:21:57] <jolt> Lope: You usually put other stuff at the
other end, like switches, KVM's or whatnot. The rails on the
box are usually adjustable for any depth
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1300[09:24:10] <wyoung> hai gang
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1306[09:29:04] <Lope> jolt: do you have experience with colo?
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1309[09:29:26] <jolt> Lope: Sure, some
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1311[09:29:38] <Lope> jolt: I want to rent 22U on a 19" rack
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1313[09:29:46] <jolt> Lope: Should we take this in private since
I assume it's not about Debian?
1314[09:29:56] <Lope> At the moment all I have is 5 servers in
standard desktop cases.
1315[09:29:59] <wyoung> Lope: $5
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1317[09:30:12] <Lope> jolt ok sure thanks !
1318[09:30:17] <wyoung> 0% SLA though
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1343[09:42:15] <vlt> Hello. I want to use another machine's
block device via network. Which options do I have?
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1345[09:42:41] <wyoung> NFS
1346[09:42:48] <rudi_s> vlt: nbd + vpn (if you want to protect
the traffic)
1347[09:42:53] <vlt> wyoung: For block devices?
1348[09:42:54] <jolt> vlt: loads and loads. I typically end up
via NFS. But if you want to be fancy and modern you could use CEPH
1349[09:43:12] <rudi_s> Or sshfs.
1350[09:43:16] <wyoung> NFS <3
1351[09:43:41] <vlt> Ok, I didn't know NFS could be used for
block devices, too.
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1354[09:44:07] <vlt> Thank you!
1355[09:44:29] <rudi_s> How would NFS for block devices work?
1356[09:44:45] <wyoung> vlt: NFS is the shit
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1358[09:45:06] <wyoung> version 4 is good
1359[09:45:08] <jolt> rudi_s: It wouldn't, you would need to
export them via NFS. But it would be standard and no hack
1360[09:45:29] <wyoung> AFS probably has it too
1361[09:45:30] <vlt> wyoung: Can you paste an example line for
/etc/exports and for on the client side?
1362[09:45:33] <wyoung> CIFS doesnt
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1364[09:45:59] <vlt> Is iscsi still a thing?
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1369[09:46:18] <wyoung> vlt: you put in the dev option and you
probably need root unless you want to do some permission / devfs
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1371[09:46:26] <laal> hi are there backports for strettch
available already?
1372[09:46:27] <jolt> iscsi is still a thing. But also makes
stuff a bit more complex.
1373[09:46:34] <wyoung> vlt: squashroot even
1374[09:46:41] <vlt> jolt: Ok.
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1376[09:48:16] <rudi_s> jolt: I'm just curious how access on
the other side works. I've only used NFS to mount file systems.
How would I access the exported block device on the clients?
1377[09:48:41] <jolt> rudi_s: That is what we are saying.
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1380[09:49:13] <rudi_s> jolt: I'm sorry, but what are you
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1382[09:49:35] <rudi_s> (Sorry for being confused, but I
don't get what you're trying to say.)
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1387[09:51:36] <jolt> rudi_s: I'm not sure what the others
are saying. But I'm saying that you probably don't want to
share a raw block device, you want to share the filesystem over NFS,
because the overhead and complexity is as low as it can be. But if
you want to _really_ share a block device, then you would probably
want iscsi (depends on the use-case, which we don't know), or
nbd or something else
1388[09:52:13] <rudi_s> Thanks, that makes sense to me.
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1412[10:01:49] <vlt> jolt: What?! Didn’t you say you
usually end up using NFS?
1413[10:02:48] <vlt> wyoung: What do I have to do on the client
1414[10:03:06] <wyoung> just mount it
1415[10:03:18] <vlt> wyoung: I don't want to mount it.
1416[10:03:25] <vlt> I want to use the block device.
1417[10:03:41] <wyoung> ok, use it then
1418[10:03:45] <vlt> How do I let the block device appear
somewhere in the client's / tree?
1419[10:03:57] <vlt> /dev/mapper for ecample?
1420[10:03:59] <vlt> x
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1423[10:04:03] <jelly> vlt, by using the nbd/drbd/iscsi client
1424[10:04:07] <wyoung> mount the NFS then access it from within
the mounted dir
1425[10:04:16] <jelly> wyoung, that won't work
1426[10:04:21] <wyoung> oh noes
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1428[10:05:02] <vlt> I think I really need to see an example :D
1429[10:05:04] <jelly> they absolutely have to use some block
device protocol
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1431[10:06:25] <vlt> wyoung: Can you show one, please?
1432[10:06:42] <jelly> vlt, you read the docs and pick a
technology. Then configure iscsi target (or nbd server, or whatever)
on the source, then iscsi initiator (or nbd client, or whatever) on
the destination, when you configure it properly a new block device
will appear on the client.
1433[10:07:51] <wyoung> vlt: I am going fishing now
1434[10:07:58] <vlt> jelly: Thank you! :-)
1435[10:08:11] <vlt> wyoung: Have fun!
1436[10:08:36] <wyoung> vlt: trout fishing :D
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1743[11:32:31] <sewerrat> Hey, could anyone send me a paste with
minidlna.conf? accidentally deleted mine.
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1746[11:35:07] <petemc> sewerrat: there may be a copy in
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1749[11:35:56] <sewerrat> Thanks, but nothing there.
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1752[11:36:21] <jelly> you can always purge and install the
package anew
1753[11:36:21] *** Quits: JohnCub (~john@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1754[11:36:25] <jelly> or
1755[11:36:27] <jelly> !confmiss
1756[11:36:28] <dpkg> You have to especially tell the packaging
system to reinstall config files because when they are gone, it is
assumed that you want them to stay deleted. "aptitude -o
DPkg::Options::='--force-confmiss' reinstall
$packagename" will restore them (man dpkg for details). If the
package uses <ucf> for config file management, ask me about
<ucf confmiss>.
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1762[11:37:23] <jelly> if said file is managed by the package (it
might not be, or might be generated at install time)
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1768[11:38:38] <sewerrat> Thanks, i will give it a try.
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1772[11:39:21] <sewerrat> And that worked great, how did i not
think of that... Thanks a ton!
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1779[11:39:42] <wyoung> !ubuntu
1780[11:39:43] <dpkg> Ubuntu is based on Debian, but it is not
Debian. Only Debian is supported on #debian. Use #ubuntu on instead. Even if the channel happens to be less
helpful, support for distributions other than Debian is offtopic on
#debian. See also <based on debian> and <ubuntuirc>.
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1783[11:40:05] <wyoung> haha, ubuntu is less helpful, I agree to
that :)
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1785[11:40:15] <woopdido> I have troubles getting a bridge
working, I want to configure a bridge for VMs but networking
entierly stops working when I restart networking:
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1787[11:40:52] <sewerrat> It is indeed, I mixed up the channels,
working from a debian pc on a local ubuntu pc lol.
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1802[11:43:47] <wyoung> woopdido: yes, if you restart the network
interface it may drop the interface from the bridge
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1804[11:43:59] <wyoung> use brctl show and brctl addif to assist
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1806[11:44:33] <Heckler> hello
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1808[11:44:48] <wyoung> hai Heckler !
1809[11:44:50] <Heckler> im just new to kali and ive deleted
something by using bleachbit
1810[11:44:57] <wyoung> what is kali?
1811[11:45:02] <well_laid_lawn> !kali
1812[11:45:02] <dpkg> Kali Linux (replaced-url
1813[11:45:03] <woopdido> wyoung, would you say that the routing
table is correct after I have restrated networking?
1814[11:45:07] <wyoung> what is bleachbit?
1815[11:45:19] <Heckler> my login is not the same beautiful as
the original
1816[11:45:21] <wyoung> woopdido: you tell me :) I don't
have root to your 'puter
1817[11:45:33] <woopdido> the paste contains the routing table
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1820[11:46:17] <Heckler> wait ill give u the screenshot if i get
1821[11:46:57] <wyoung> woopdido: I am going out for dinner now
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1823[11:46:58] <petn-randall> Heckler: You should join the right
channel, this one is for Debian support.
1824[11:47:05] <woopdido> wyoung, alright, thanks anyway :)
1825[11:47:13] <wyoung> I tried to fish trout but I didn't
get a bite :(
1826[11:47:16] <wyoung> now I have to eat out
1827[11:47:21] <woopdido> :(
1828[11:47:29] <petemc> no need to pout
1829[11:47:52] <wyoung> ;(
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1841[11:52:35] <woopdido> anyone else that can help me figure out
why my bridge isn't working?
1842[11:52:49] <FinalX> a/w 22
1843[11:52:51] <FinalX> oops
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1978[12:45:13] <no_gravity> What's the best way to compress
a folder full of text files these days?
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1980[12:45:23] <no_gravity> Something like this? zip -9 -r mydir
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1987[12:47:14] <jelly> no_gravity, what's best for you?
fastest? least space? most portable (to windows or macos)?
1988[12:47:19] <jelly> !best
1989[12:47:20] <dpkg> Best for what? Please define what you mean
by "best". Gloria Gaynor! Tina Turner! Aretha Franklin!
Men without Hats! Women without Hats! Men at Work! Women at Play!
Anyone for Tennis!
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1993[12:48:21] <jelly> that zip command will work, and is a good
option if you want to unpack on windows later
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1995[12:48:28] <no_gravity> jelly: Future proof, small, needs to
work like a directory under Gnome.
1996[12:48:36] <forcerecon> use 7-zip
1997[12:48:53] <babilen> no_gravity: I like pigz, pxz, ... and
other parallelised tools
1998[12:49:01] <no_gravity> forcerecon: What is better about
7-zip then zip?
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2007[12:51:23] <jolt> no_gravity: 7-zip is from this century, so
better algorithms
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2010[12:51:29] <no_gravity> Hmm.. I tried "zip -9 -r mydir" and it put a directory "mydir" into
the zip. Any ideas how to have the files in the zip directly?
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2012[12:51:47] <jolt> no_gravity: add a slash to the end of
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2014[12:51:59] <forcerecon> no_gravity: I am really not sure what
your question is.. download 7zip and install it and use it and then
install others as well test them out and see what works best for
you. It compresses things.. I really don't care how, it just
does it
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2016[12:52:17] <gbds3> Hey guys! Has anybody encountered that bug
in Synaptic where after a package dowload it says that it was done
unsandboxed as root because of failing to get access to some file?
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2019[12:52:48] <Haohmaru> gbds3, i get that on a number of
machines where i installed debian
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2024[12:53:32] <babilen> no_gravity: Look into the parallelised
ones if you care about compression time and if you have multiple
2025[12:53:32] <gbds3> Haohmaru: Can we / Should we do anything
aboit it?
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2030[12:54:09] <Haohmaru> gbds3, no idea, i haven't had time
to websearch the error message and see what it really means
2031[12:54:28] <no_gravity> jolt: Even with the / it creates the
directory inside the zip.
2032[12:54:50] <no_gravity> babilen: compression time is not an
2033[12:54:54] <jelly> no_gravity, you usually really don't
want to put files without a dir in the zip directly
2034[12:55:32] <jelly> you, or someone else, will not notice, and
unpack it someplace where there are already lots of files 6 months
from now and make a mess
2035[12:55:59] <jelly> it's trivially easy to unzip, then mv
everything from the subdir into current dir
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2037[12:56:09] <no_gravity> jelly: You have a point there.
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2041[12:56:56] <gbds3> Haohmaru: I did a websearch and it was a
bit confusing. Looks like the bug was found earlier in April but
they claimed to fix it. Or it was similar bug. Anyway I think we
need to report it as a bug too, so they fix it quicker.
2042[12:56:59] <no_gravity> Wow! I tried "tar cJf
mydir.tar.xz mydir" and it's less then half the size of
the zip!
2043[12:57:01] <jelly> but if you had real good reason to do
that, you'd cd into the directory, and do seomthing like zip
-9r ../ ./
2044[12:57:04] <carmelo11> I have installed debian 9.1 and when I
run sudo apt-get update appears "Ign:2 ...." what is?
2045[12:57:13] <jelly> yes, xz is better than zip.
2046[12:57:41] <no_gravity> Wouldn't have thought that we
can compress text files to less then half of their zipped size
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2049[12:58:07] <no_gravity> I think I will go with that one.
Debian seems to support xz out of the box.
2050[12:58:08] <jelly> carmelo11, apt found some extra files on
the remote repo and told you it ignored them. It's all fine.
2051[12:58:27] <no_gravity> Would you guys agree that xz is
future proof?
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2053[12:58:38] <jelly> it's not going to go away any time
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2056[12:58:51] <babilen> no_gravity: Why would you not care about
compression time? pxz is pretty awesome :)
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2059[12:59:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1719
2060[12:59:17] <jelly> pigz has a better name
2061[12:59:19] <carmelo11> jelly Ign means ignore?
2062[12:59:33] <jelly> means "found and Ignored"
2063[12:59:36] *** Ordenador` is now known as starch
2064[12:59:38] <no_gravity> babilen: Why would I? Compression
time is less the time it took me to write this line.
2065[12:59:59] <Haohmaru> gbds3, i got it again just now:
"W: Download is performed unsandboxed as root as file
'/root/.synaptic/tmp//tmp_sh' couldn't be accessed by
user '_apt'. - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission
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2067[13:00:09] <babilen> no_gravity: Fair enough, but I
don't see why you would intentionally make it slower
2068[13:00:18] <Haohmaru> it seems it's just a warning, not
an error
2069[13:00:21] <babilen> Up to you though :)
2070[13:01:31] <no_gravity> babilen: I don't make it slower.
I just use tar cJf mydir.tar.xz mydir
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2075[13:02:09] <gbds3> Haohmaru: and it persists in Debian 9.1, I
tried it yesterday on a newly installed system
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2077[13:02:35] <Haohmaru> yes.. this debian here is 9.1 from
2078[13:02:44] *** Quits: schu-r (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Quit: schu-r)
2079[13:02:44] <Haohmaru> it also happened on debian 8.8
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2084[13:04:04] <jelly> Haohmaru, yes, W: denotes a Warning
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2087[13:04:53] <gbds3> Haohmaru jelly: I wonder if it's just
synaptic or apt itself
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2094[13:05:35] <Haohmaru> is synaptic just a GUI which actually
uses the CLI "apt" stuff to do the actual interesting
2095[13:05:37] <gbds3> Did you guys get those messages when
install packages through aptitude?
2096[13:05:48] <BluesKaj> Hey folks
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2102[13:06:06] <Haohmaru> i don't think i've ever used
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2104[13:06:24] <Haohmaru> i use either synaptic or apt-get (when
i know exactly what i want)
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2108[13:07:55] <forcerecon> I really love nmap.. the people who
create it are pretty kool
2109[13:07:55] <forcerecon> TCP Sequence Prediction:
Difficulty=262 (Good luck!)
2110[13:07:55] <forcerecon> ha!
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2116[13:09:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1713
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2118[13:09:45] <gbds3> I will try to use sole apt tomorrow to
find out if it says something about unsandboxed
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2122[13:10:43] <babilen> no_gravity: If you use tar you can pass
--use-compress-program={pigz,pxz, ...} or -I {pxz,pigz,...} to use
the threaded version. I just meant that you are intentionally
deciding against using a faster alternative
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2125[13:11:32] <no_gravity> babilen: I see.
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2131[13:13:48] <no_gravity> What do you guys think, where will
compression ratio for text files be in 10 years? Will we achieve
another 50% improvement?
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2136[13:16:17] <forcerecon> I personally hope that in 10 years I
have a card reader in my skull. EOT...
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2140[13:17:03] * Haohmaru sees it and puts an infected sd card..
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2143[13:17:30] <Haohmaru> and that's how zombies will happen
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2150[13:19:27] <p0g0> cards, hopefully, will have gone the way of
the Dodo in 10 years. You'd hope for some RNA sequenced phage
that synthesiszed memory directly in neurons.
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2152[13:19:54] <Haohmaru> that's gonna be soooo lossy
2153[13:20:05] *** Parts: gbds3 (~amig@replaced-ip)
2154[13:20:07] <p0g0> But that might have some downsides, like
who wrote the phage.
2155[13:20:08] <Haohmaru> and subject to interpretation
2156[13:20:30] <Haohmaru> like signed bool
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2160[13:22:02] <sonOfRa> no_gravity: unlikely. The maximum
"compressibility" of a piece of data is its entropy
2161[13:22:10] <BluesKaj> gonna need interpreters parsers for
each individual's neuron sources :-0
2162[13:22:23] <sonOfRa> This is effectively a physical limit on
how much you can compress a piece of data without losing information
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2165[13:22:38] <sonOfRa> Lossy compression, sure. You can
compress everything down to 1 bit. That's not useful, though :P
2166[13:23:17] <victorqueiroz> Any chance to use an old kernel
with debian sid?
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2170[13:24:06] <no_gravity> sonOfRa: I doubt that there is
something like a measurable "entropy" in a file.
2171[13:24:21] <Haohmaru> sonOfRa, horation from CSI miami can
extrapolate as much as he wants (and even more) from a single pixel
2172[13:24:41] <Haohmaru> * horatio
2173[13:24:55] <no_gravity> sonOfRa: The question is how well one
can target the average text file. You could compress all of
wikipedia into a single bit with the right compressor.
2174[13:25:08] <sonOfRa> no_gravity: well, you're simply
wrong as a matter of fact.
2175[13:25:27] <sonOfRa> no_gravity: no, you can't. Well,
you can *compress*, but you cannot decompress.
2176[13:25:33] <no_gravity> sonOfRa: No, you are wrong as a
matter of fact!
2177[13:25:39] <no_gravity> Typical IRC converstation :)
2178[13:26:04] <sonOfRa> no_gravity: do you understand the
implication of what would happen if you were RIGHT?
2179[13:26:16] <sonOfRa> I could simply take a bit and decompress
it into the world formula with the same decompressor.
2180[13:26:23] <FinalX> truncate -s0 original.tar && mv
2181[13:26:24] <BluesKaj> wrong is the "wrong" word
.mistaken is better
2182[13:26:32] <Hoolootwo> well, you could do it with a simple
edge case demonstration compressor
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2185[13:27:30] <Hoolootwo> such as a compressor like "is a
single 1 bit" if it is wikipedia and is "0 concatenated
with contents" if it is not
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2188[13:28:17] <no_gravity> Hoolootwo: Exactly.
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2190[13:28:19] <sonOfRa> Hoolootwo: well, but that is useless.
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2193[13:28:28] <Hoolootwo> I agree with both
2194[13:28:44] <sonOfRa> You cannot build a *general* compression
function that reduces *all inputs*
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2196[13:28:58] <no_gravity> sonOfRa: Correct
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2198[13:29:10] <Haohmaru> if the bit is 1 - the decompressor
outputs the contents of wikipedia, if it's 0 it segfaults
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2200[13:29:47] <Haohmaru> the decompressor would be several
thousand jigabytes itself
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2214[13:36:24] <Haohmaru> is there some suitable place to put an
executable so i can run it from terminal without specifying the full
path to it?
2215[13:36:31] <Haohmaru> and i mean, as a normal user
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2220[13:37:30] <victorqueiroz> Any chance to use an old kernel
with debian sid?]
2221[13:37:56] <tremolo> Haohmaru: Sure. Anywhere in your PATH.
You can make a ~/bin directory and add it to your PATH.
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2226[13:39:37] <sekil> hello
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2233[13:42:34] <Haohmaru> grr it is slightly worrying when the
first search results are almost always from askubuntu >:/
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2258[13:52:34] <cruncher> Haohmaru, try prepending the word
"debian" in your search..
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2262[13:53:52] <Haohmaru> what helps more is adding
"-ubuntu* ;P~
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2265[13:55:12] <cruncher> Haohmaru, that would only eliminate
ubuntu from the results, as i understand you want debian results
first, so your solution would still show other distros
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2301[14:10:38] <sekil> does debian support NFS as a proto for PXE
install for packages etc?
2302[14:10:54] <victorqueiroz> Any chance to use an old kernel
with debian sid?
2303[14:10:56] <sekil> or I should configure a local mirror as a
package storage
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2310[14:13:37] <z8z> I'm unable to update my debian after
clean installation from 9.1.0 DVD... some pgp key problem happening
2311[14:13:45] <z8z> gpg
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2329[14:20:14] <jaami> my debian wont open no window for example
if i click wifi-settings then there will be no GUI opened. even
settings window does not open. the progress circle shows animation
but nothing is shown. what happened to all GUI windows?
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2336[14:21:31] <jaami> do need to reinstall debian?
2337[14:21:40] <jaami> do i***
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2339[14:21:49] <victorqueiroz> jaami: Do you have a picture?
2340[14:21:59] <jaami> yes
2341[14:22:08] <victorqueiroz> Show us
2342[14:22:22] <jaami> what you think, i ammale
2343[14:22:28] <jaami> male***
2344[14:22:38] <jaami> lol
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2346[14:23:27] <jaami> victorqueiroz , now you wont respond.
because you asked what you wanted to ask
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2349[14:24:46] <jaami> hello operators, is it ok for people to
ask for pictures on debian channel?
2350[14:25:13] <cruncher> jaami, i dont think he asked for a
picture of yourself
2351[14:25:20] <jaami> lol
2352[14:25:35] <jaami> i am sorry, i missed the point
2353[14:25:48] <jaami> but i got the joke
2354[14:25:55] <victorqueiroz> ahhahahahahahhahahhaa]
2355[14:26:29] <Haohmaru> nekkid pics plz
2356[14:26:33] <jaami> please help me with GUI problem , no GUI
window show up when i click icon,
2357[14:27:01] <Haohmaru> he asked if you have a screenshot so we
can see exactly how bad it looks
2358[14:27:18] <Haohmaru> which might help diagnose the problem
2359[14:27:45] <victorqueiroz> I need a picture of this bug
you're experiencing
2360[14:27:50] <cruncher> well, i dont think that would help
anyway, if you click something but nothing happens, what is there to
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2362[14:28:10] <Haohmaru> cruncher, who knows
2363[14:28:18] <jaami> cruncher , exactly there is no use of any
2364[14:28:28] <cruncher> who knows? ywhat you want to diagnose
from a circle turning?
2365[14:28:42] <jaami> what to capture, just a animated circle?
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2367[14:28:59] <cruncher> jaami, did you check your logs for some
errors? you could have any kind of error
2368[14:29:08] <Haohmaru> forget what i said
2369[14:29:20] <jaami> cruncher , is there
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2371[14:29:27] <cruncher> Haohmaru, no offense intended, but i
really dont think int his case a screenshot would help
2372[14:30:02] <Haohmaru> cruncher, i never said i want a
2373[14:30:15] <Haohmaru> nor that i can use such screenshot to
diagnose anything
2374[14:30:53] <jaami> cruncher , is it possible that if i use
update or upgrade and whole system is checked for missing or corrupt
files and replaced automatically. instead of looking into reason, i
think restore of system or recover of debian is possible?
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2377[14:31:56] <jaami> Haohmaru , i dont mind your jokes. nice
joke btw.
2378[14:32:34] <jaami> is it possible to restore debian while its
running instead of re install?
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2380[14:33:33] <cruncher> jaami, if by "restore" you
mean fix, yes, it should be possible. But as i said, you have to
find the error first
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2385[14:35:36] <jaami> cruncher , I understand and agree with
that, but really, i use debian for vbox and nothing else. for me re
install is no problem. but you are right, if i cannot find reason
for this issue, i may encounter same issue again
2386[14:36:33] <jaami> i remember, i removed every file that had
mozila in its name, and after that day i see the issue
2387[14:37:00] <jaami> also i removed every file that had webkit
in its name
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2390[14:38:05] <jaami> actually, i wanted to get rid of firefox
and neither i want any web browser on debian that is why i removed
those files
2391[14:38:37] <cruncher> jaami, well, there you have it. And
removing files on the whols system with an specific name is not the
way of unsintalling something (this aint windows ;-))
2392[14:38:38] <Haohmaru> you.. like.. went into the system
folders and erased a bunch of files?
2393[14:38:40] <jaami> unfortunately, i feel insecure using
2394[14:39:00] <Haohmaru> pull the internet cable out
2395[14:39:30] *** Quits: galex-713_ (~galex-713@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2396[14:39:34] <jaami> yes, i erased all files that had mozilla
and webkit in it.
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2398[14:40:07] <Haohmaru> is that eastern health care?
2399[14:40:16] <victorqueiroz> I have the following problem. Even
with my 8 cores not all busy and only 3GB of RAM in usage, the mouse
keep lagging sometimes. Anybody know what could it be?
2400[14:40:34] <jaami> Haohmaru , nice jike. i use laptop and
there is a wifi switch that turns off internet. easy
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2403[14:41:03] <jaami> lol
2404[14:41:10] <cruncher> jaami, since you are using vbox, do you
a backup/snapshot? if so, just restore, if not, i suggest to install
"debsums", then run it, and reinstall the packages that
contain the files you deleted
2405[14:41:16] <cruncher> victorqueiroz, are you using a ssd?
2406[14:41:23] <victorqueiroz> cruncher: Nop
2407[14:41:38] <cruncher> victorqueiroz, did you check swap
2408[14:41:43] <victorqueiroz> 0%
2409[14:41:44] <guavas> hello everyone. I am trying to install a
live persistent encrypted debian on a usb drive, and before going on
editing fstab and grub I was wondering if there is a package you
know that makes life easier, like a debian-installer that works from
OS to pendrive
2410[14:42:10] <Haohmaru> victorqueiroz, is the mouse pointer in
the desktop lagging, or is the mouse response (in a game or
something) lagging?
2411[14:42:26] <Haohmaru> is it lagging or stuttering (as in fps
2412[14:42:57] *** Quits: forcerecon (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
2413[14:43:15] <victorqueiroz> I'm not sure. All I know is
that I'm using a Microsoft Wireless 3500 and when I have a
little usage of CPU the mouse lag, the wired keyboard worked fine.
But when I have high cpu usage the mouse starts lagging.
2414[14:43:18] <cruncher> jaami, as it will print the package
names (and use the -s parameter on debsums)
2415[14:43:55] <Haohmaru> oh, a wireless mouse
2416[14:44:03] <cruncher> have to go to eat now... brb
2417[14:44:03] * Haohmaru gives up
2418[14:44:11] <jaami> cruncher , that is good idea , i will use
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2424[14:45:40] <jaami> my debian is already in bad condition so i
think next time i will use debsums
2425[14:46:10] <victorqueiroz> Any ideas?
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2430[14:47:07] <jaami> victorqueiroz what Os are you using?
2431[14:47:29] <victorqueiroz> DEbian
2432[14:47:33] <victorqueiroz> Debian stable
2433[14:47:34] <victorqueiroz> Stretch
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2439[14:52:19] <jaami> isn't there any restore command for
debian ?
2440[14:53:10] <Haohmaru> normally an average user doesn't
mess up his linux
2441[14:53:38] <jaami> right
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2443[14:54:08] <jaami> why apt-get update upgrade cannot fix the
2444[14:54:10] <jelly> jaami, there's no backup configured
by default, so there is no restore either
2445[14:54:33] *** Joins: e_xistense (~e_xistens@replaced-ip)
2446[14:54:58] <jelly> jaami, what you can do, is reinstall
packages containing the paths you have deleted
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2448[14:56:08] <jaami> is there any system restore ? , in fact i
changed the folder to root and removed every file that had webkit in
it with recursive search
2449[14:56:41] <jaami> really, i dont like webkit and debian
should not be a ness
2450[14:56:54] <jaami> ppshould not be a mess without webkit
2451[14:57:08] *** Joins: legend (~killbill@replaced-ip)
2452[14:57:14] <jaami> why debian is dependent on webkit and
2453[14:57:36] <Haohmaru> eh?
2454[14:57:51] <Haohmaru> did you try to uninstall mozilla?
2455[14:58:04] <Haohmaru> or you went to erase system files
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2458[14:58:46] <jaami> yes, there was an error and mozilla was
not un installing that is why i removed it
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2464[14:59:38] <jaami> i erased each and every file that had
mozilla in it and didi that on root folder with -R switch
2465[15:00:08] <Haohmaru> containing the text "mozzila"
or just in the file names?
2466[15:00:27] <jaami> just in the file name
2467[15:00:38] <Haohmaru> in both cases, i don't know what
you expected to happen after that
2468[15:00:56] *** Quits: Futha (~Futha@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2469[15:01:02] <jaami> and i still get updates for mozilla when
run apt-get update, but it fails in the end
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2471[15:01:19] <Haohmaru> you get updates because you have it
2472[15:01:53] <jaami> yes, you are right. there are still some
tracks of mozzilla in some files internally
2473[15:02:04] <jelly> you learned something today, if you want
to uninstall things, do it with the package packager and not with rm
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2477[15:02:32] <jaami> jelly, i want to eat you
2478[15:02:58] <jaami> yes, but really, i hate mozilla so much i
will do it again if i install debian again
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2480[15:03:16] <Haohmaru> jaami, next step is to erase the
program which keeps mozilla updates popping up.. that's apt-get
2481[15:03:28] <biax> on a new install, enabling sshd gives:
Failed to enable unit: Refusing to operate on linked unit file
2482[15:03:30] <Haohmaru> or synaptic
2483[15:03:31] <biax> whats this
2484[15:03:38] <jaami> webkit, google and mozzila are most
painful words for me
2485[15:03:41] <Haohmaru> break your debian completely and start
over again ;]
2486[15:03:48] <forcerecon_> what about sudo apt-get purge
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2489[15:04:38] <jaami> Haohmaru , right, i wanted to ask you for
help because you people always have some real smart ideas
2490[15:05:26] <jaami> i am taking backup, and next thing will be
reinstall of debian
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2493[15:06:45] <jaami> debian is still running but it work like a
blind man. it dont see what was told it to copy, and neither it see
what was asked to delete. it just do what it wants
2494[15:06:51] <forcerecon_> firefox esr is actually quite solid
and secure when comparing to chrome etc..
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2497[15:07:33] <jaami> forcerecon_ yes, compared to chrome
firefox is better
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2499[15:07:58] <jaami> but i want no browser or java on my
debian, neither javascript
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2501[15:08:11] <Haohmaru> then you uninstall them
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2503[15:08:57] <jelly> jaami, linux usually does what you tell it
to, not what it wants
2504[15:09:10] *** Joins: Drzacek (~Drzacek@replaced-ip)
2505[15:09:11] <jelly> if you tell it to do somehting dumb, it
tries to obey
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2507[15:09:33] <jaami> Haohmaru , that was my very first try, but
there were issues i dont remember. and i thought mozilla, firefox,
google, webkit etc if deleted , wont make no effect on debian
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2509[15:09:39] *** aax is now known as xaa
2510[15:09:41] <Haohmaru> and when you're logged in as
"root" it doesn't ask you to confirm 5 times whether
you really want to break your system
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2513[15:10:21] <jaami> jelly , do you think it was dumb to remove
every sign of webkit?
2514[15:10:31] <Haohmaru> jaami, the point is you deleted random
SYSTEM files
2515[15:11:00] <jaami> good point Haohmaru , you said it, SYSTEM
2516[15:11:25] <Haohmaru> and now your system is misbehaving
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2518[15:11:40] <jaami> that is my exact point, why webkit is a
system file, or mozzila, or chrome, or google etc?
2519[15:12:01] <Haohmaru> jaami, because it's installed
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2524[15:13:11] <jaami> everything is handled i files on linux,
and if file is not there means , nothing was installed like webkit.
am i right?
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2526[15:13:49] <jaami> unless debian is using something like
registory of windows
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2529[15:14:07] <Haohmaru> if you wake up tomorrow and your car is
not in front of the house - logic says that you've never HAD a
car, so everything is okay
2530[15:14:21] *** Quits: Sir_Designer (~Sir_Desig@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
2531[15:14:29] <Haohmaru> this is not how linux works
2532[15:14:41] <jaami> hhhmm, smart idea.
2533[15:15:39] <Haohmaru> and on the next day you see some car
parked there - you assume it's yours and go out to give it a
nice wash
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2536[15:16:44] <Haohmaru> your system knows what programs
(actually packages) are installed, and tries to get new versions
when they are available
2537[15:17:00] <jaami> my point is that, if webkit was missing
then was it hell of issue for debian, why not ignore that crap?
2538[15:17:49] <jaami> system files has nothing to do with webkit
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2540[15:18:00] <Haohmaru> there probably is a reason for
2541[15:18:07] <jaami> system files are still there untouched
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2543[15:18:38] <Haohmaru> you just went there and trimmed the
bush a little
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2545[15:19:42] <Haohmaru> stop argueing, backup your important
files, and then wipe this broken debian, install a new one, and
don't do silly things
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2549[15:20:07] <Haohmaru> avoid logging in as "root" as
much as possible
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2582[15:37:01] <maziar> why "&&" is not in my
shellscript ?
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2588[15:39:21] <onca> while trying to access a samba share from
windows, I recieve a "System error 67" "The nework
name cannot be found."
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2598[15:43:27] <forcerecon_> If I am wrong someone correct me..
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2600[15:44:28] <forcerecon_> I think what I did was edit the
config file and add my network name. Then I editted the host file
and added the ip address of the machine in question with a hostname.
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2610[15:47:56] <Haohmaru> do you have ping towards that hostname
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2625[15:56:52] <vlt> maziar: Either because nobody ever put it
there or someone deleted it.
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2628[15:58:42] <forcerecon_> In LMDE there was no workgroup
setup. but that makes sense, when I created the box I gave it a
name, you would think it would have been there..
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2651[16:09:15] <_Strix_> guys, which is the faster desktop
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2653[16:10:33] <Logg> which ones are you considering
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2655[16:10:40] <sypher> That's not really a good question.
2656[16:10:51] <sleepyhead> _Strix_: the light ones like xfce and
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2659[16:11:09] <Logg> for maximum speed, don't install one
2660[16:11:13] <_Strix_> kde and gnome
2661[16:11:27] <sypher> Again, this is a bad question.
2662[16:11:46] <sypher> "faster" is a completely
subjective term that depends entirely on what you're using the
system for, what resources the system has, etc.
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2665[16:12:24] <Logg> you should just try all the desktop
environments you're interested in using, and decide which one
you like the best. You can install multiple at once with no
problems, just choose at login which one you'll be using for
that session.
2666[16:12:31] *** Quits: soupfly (~robert@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
2667[16:12:46] <_Strix_> I need to run it on virtual machines
with limited resources.
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2673[16:13:31] <Logg> You might consider actually not installing
any desktop environment depending on the application of your virtual
machines... on my servers I don't need one
2674[16:13:57] <jolt> _Strix_: not any of those. Try something
like slim perhaps?
2675[16:14:34] <_Strix_> will it have large impact on
2676[16:14:49] <_Strix_> having a desktop environment
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2680[16:16:25] <jolt> _Strix_: Well, I don't know what you
are trying to achive, so it's hard to say. If the goal is to
use a browser remotely, then I would say you need a nice UI, if not,
then why add it at all
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2683[16:17:35] <_Strix_> You can see me as a wannabe
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2685[16:17:55] <jolt> _Strix_: Then you should look into
kali-linux instead
2686[16:18:08] <jolt> You will get 99% of what you need for free
2687[16:18:09] <_Strix_> I used kali on VMware and Virtualbox
2688[16:18:10] <Haohmaru> then you need a desktop with 6 terminal
windows covering the screen
2689[16:18:17] <jolt> Haohmaru: Hahaha!
2690[16:18:21] <JobEwanKenobi> No... I really can't see that
at all.
2691[16:18:23] <sypher> tmux.
2692[16:18:24] <Logg> a wannabe hacker definitely doesn't
need a gui
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2694[16:18:52] <Haohmaru> Logg, but you gotta have multiple
terminals with a very fancy font and background
2695[16:19:16] <Logg> you can get fancy fonts on a tty I think,
never felt the need to do that myself though
2696[16:19:16] <greycat> "white" is very fancy, right?
2697[16:19:21] <_Strix_> but as I'm just starting out GUI
should help me up to some extent.
2698[16:19:26] <_Strix_> right?
2699[16:19:31] <sypher> No.
2700[16:19:59] <sypher> If anything, a GUI will abstract away
technical details that are mandatory for learning those kinds of
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2703[16:20:09] <greycat> The only thing you use a GUI for is to
resize and move terminals around, and to use a web browser that can
actually open all the horrible Javascript/graphical web pages out
2704[16:20:26] <jolt> _Strix_: Well, I like modern browsers, so
GUI are nice. Install slim, it's small and doesn't try to
do too much
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2708[16:21:01] <_Strix_> ok jolt
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2710[16:21:10] <JobEwanKenobi> I would spend less time deciding
on desktop environments and more time getting your terminal env the
way you like it...Tmux anyone?
2711[16:21:25] <jolt> (nothing wrong with using gnome or
something else either, just that it installs a billion extra
packages that you probably don't need)
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2714[16:21:53] <sleepyhead> _Strix_: the light ones like xfce and
lxde. xfce + browser will run on 2GB VM
2715[16:21:53] <jhutchins_wk> _Strix_:
2716[16:21:54] <Haohmaru> lxde for me
2717[16:22:11] <Haohmaru> but i'm no h4x0r
2718[16:22:14] <greycat> A window manager, a terminal emulator,
and a web browser.
2719[16:22:24] <sypher> ^
2720[16:22:27] <Haohmaru> and a hoodie!
2721[16:22:30] <greycat> hah
2722[16:22:34] <_Strix_> how do I mention other users here in
2723[16:22:44] <sypher> And a balaclava. And fingerless gloves.
2724[16:22:46] <_Strix_> IRC is a new thing to me.
2725[16:22:48] <greycat> type their name, or type a part of their
name and press Tab
2726[16:22:51] <sypher> If we're going for bad stock photos.
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2728[16:23:30] <iodev> greycat, do you use i3?
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2730[16:23:38] <greycat> I use fvwm
2731[16:23:38] <Logg> you could install i3 or awesome _Strix_
2732[16:23:48] *** Joins: cdown (~cdown@replaced-ip)
2733[16:23:49] <iodev> close enough greycat, new buddy :D
2734[16:23:57] <_Strix_> I'm using mobile client. So tab is
not available.
2735[16:24:05] *** Joins: cadillac_ (~omab@replaced-ip)
2736[16:24:10] <greycat> I do use i3lock to replace xlockmore
which hasn't been packaged in many a release.
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2742[16:25:15] <_Strix_> greycat
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2745[16:26:38] <_Strix_> bye guys see you soon.
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2747[16:26:53] <Haohmaru> see you on the news!
2748[16:26:57] <Logg> okay good luck
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2800[16:53:52] <OS-22010> /msg NickServ IDENTIFY irc2017
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2802[16:54:12] <sypher> Aaaaand password change.
2803[16:54:30] <greycat> Not until next year.
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2809[16:56:25] <OS-22010> /join #offsec
2810[16:56:31] <oerheks> ~ /msg NickServ SET PASSWORD irc%Y
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2812[16:56:56] <greycat> OS-22010: Your slash-commands must NOT
have a space in front of them.
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2814[16:57:37] <OS-22010> greycat: thank you
2815[16:57:41] <jdfish> and that's why you type that into
NickServ's query tab or window
2816[16:57:41] <jdfish> or in your status window
2817[16:57:52] <sypher> Or use SASL auth.
2818[16:58:04] <sypher> Or certificate auth.
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2831[17:02:23] <victorqueiroz> I have the following problem. Even
with my 8 cores not all busy and only 3GB of RAM (I have 8 GB of
RAM) in usage, the mouse keep lagging sometimes. Anybody know what
could it be? All I know is that I'm using a Microsoft Wireless
3500 and when I have a little usage of CPU the mouse lag, the wired
keyboard worked fine. But when I have high cpu usage the mouse
starts lagging.
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2836[17:04:47] <jdfish> victorqueiroz: it may be worthwhile not
to crosspaste and keep your question in one place at a time
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2838[17:05:15] <victorqueiroz> jdfish: Sorry
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2840[17:05:39] <greycat> Are you sure the issue comes from CPU
use and not, say, USB bus errors? Or other device errors visible in
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2873[17:21:52] <__marioxcc> Hello.
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2876[17:22:33] <__marioxcc> I want to install a set of
dependencies for a program I intend to build from source, but I
would like them to be organized in a "group" so that I can
remove the group and they're gone, instead of having to
remember which they are, and removing them manually one by one. How
can I do this?
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2880[17:24:35] <Logg> __marioxcc, probably make a text file with
the names of the dependencies, then you could pipe that list later
as your "uninstall" script
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2883[17:25:21] <Logg> or, I think apt will let you know
automatically sometimes "this package was installed as a
dependency and is no longer needed"
2884[17:25:24] <greycat> Why bother removing them at all? What
happens when you want to upgrade to the next version of this thing
you're building?
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2909[17:34:02] <iodev> Schmetterwurm, :D hallo
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2918[17:36:10] <__marioxcc> greycat: It may not require the same
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2921[17:36:36] <__marioxcc> Anyway, somebody suggested
"equivs" in #debian in OFTC. It seems to be what I am
looking for.
2922[17:36:38] <greycat> Yes, that is a theoretical possibility,
like the sun going nova, or an asteroid killing you.
2923[17:37:09] <greycat> But a *typical* upgrade from, say,
version 2.5.6 to 2.5.7 is not going to change dependencies.
2924[17:37:11] <__marioxcc> I get what you mean.
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2927[17:37:31] <greycat> Are you so low on disk space that this
is an actual issue, or is this just some anal-retentive compulsion?
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2929[17:38:04] <__marioxcc> greycat: No, OCD.
2930[17:38:21] <jdfish> "or is this just some anal-retentive
2931[17:38:21] <jdfish> rofl
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2946[17:47:05] <aZz7eCh> is it allowed to ask jessie questions?
:P for soem freakin' reason ... my default gnome applications
are playing up... i have images opening in firefox ... firefox
demanding to be default browser every time it opens ... no idea what
has caused this only started yesterday ... anyone else brougth it up
here ?
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2950[17:48:41] <greycat> Yes, you're allowed to ask.
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2953[17:50:02] <greycat> google says
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2955[17:50:46] <greycat> I'm not sure whether the
"Ubuntu Linux" instructions mean "GNOME" or not.
2956[17:52:04] <tx> Unity I'd gather.
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2990[18:03:08] <kion> My boss is tired of windows, I told him i
will install Debian on his computer but he needs skype, has anyone
tried it on wine, or should i install the linux version?, any advice
is welcome.
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2999[18:04:38] <mjtpzfrL_> hello guys, am on debian parrot-4.9.0 unable to conveniently use apt-get install for i get this
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3002[18:04:51] <mjtpzfrL_> << GnuTLS recv error (-54):
Error in the pull function.
3003[18:04:52] <greycat> !parrot
3004[18:04:52] <dpkg> Parrot OS (replaced-url
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3006[18:05:10] <mjtpzfrL_> ok
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3008[18:05:22] <greycat> If it were Debian, I'd simply say
"stop trying to use https sources"
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3010[18:06:23] <mjtpzfrL_> could any try explain this error
" GnuTLS recv error (-54): Error in the pull function."
3011[18:06:26] <soulspire> Hello again :) Now that I can use my
headphones using Bluetooth directly or using Blueman, I seem to be
limited to 3 feet or even when I turn my head it loses signal. I
moved from Debian 8 to Debian 9.1
3012[18:06:27] <mjtpzfrL_> ??
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3031[18:13:12] <soulspire> anyone had wireless headphones
connection issue after upgrading to Debian Stretch?
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3037[18:15:15] <__marioxcc> Wireless devices *are* a security
3038[18:15:25] <mutante> can't tell, not using wireless
because it just adds new problems like connection issues, battery
always low in the worst moment etc
3039[18:15:33] <__marioxcc> And wasteful of batteries.
3040[18:15:40] <__marioxcc> (bad for the environment)
3041[18:15:46] <__marioxcc> (and for your finances)
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3043[18:15:57] <jrmu> kion: I did use skype on Ubuntu once. The
call quality was decent, but I had some troubles with screencasting
and video. I've never tried it on debian and now discourage its
use after I found out about its spyware. Have you ever tried
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3046[18:16:58] <jrmu> kion: does your boss need skype for skype
to skype calls or skype to landline calls?
3047[18:17:06] <tx> fwiw
3048[18:17:13] <tx>
3049[18:17:14] <kion> jrmu its not for me, I stopped using skype
when ms dropped support for linux, this is for my boss and for him
skype is a deal breaker....
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3051[18:17:22] <kion> jrmu, skype calls
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3053[18:17:39] <kion> jrmu, can you tell me a little more on the
spyware thing?
3054[18:17:59] <jrmu> kion: yeah I understand the difficulty.
I've faced similar situations.
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3058[18:20:01] <jrmu> kion:
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3061[18:21:34] <kion> jrmu, thanks, I didn't know but.... I
3062[18:21:49] <kion> anything ms now is...
3063[18:22:03] <jrmu> kion: right now I'm using linphone. It
takes more work to configure, especially if you are behind a NAT.
But otherwise you also can make calls to landlines cheaply and calls
to other sip addresses for free
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3068[18:23:06] <jrmu> kion: linphone also works on android. It is
sometimes a real hassle to configure.
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3073[18:23:55] <ubone> there is blink and jitsi also
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3088[18:29:11] <jrmu> kion: linphone gives away free sip
accounts. So if everyone switches over to linphone, you can get the
same free phone/video calling as skype offers
3089[18:29:11] <jrmu> the main trouble, of course, is getting
everyone to switch over to linphone :)
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3091[18:29:17] <kion> jrmu, yes I would like to use something
like that, the problem is, the user base that skype has...that is
why my boss is stuck in it
3092[18:29:23] <jrmu> I should clarify: you can use any sip
client, such as jitsi. But it won't work with Skype, since
skype has its own proprietary protocol
3093[18:29:44] <kion> jrmu, I know, skype is as closed as it gets
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3095[18:30:17] <jrmu> kion: sorry then :(. I don't think I
know how to help in that case
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3097[18:30:36] <kion> jrmu, no problem... I appreciate your time
and experience
3098[18:31:21] <kion> jrmu, I think i will set him on Debian and
install the skype for linux program, I would never do that on my own
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3100[18:31:23] <jmcnaught> kion: MS announced a WebRTC interface
to skype last year, see if you can find that and test it in a
browser on Debian
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3103[18:31:54] <kion> jmcnaught, as far as I know skype for web
does not support video... so it is useless
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3111[18:33:00] <jmcnaught> kion: other webrtc stuff does video
and works in Debian, check if MS has updated features
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3137[18:40:37] <jrmu> being incompatible with proprietary
software is a problem I have to deal with as well. It definitely
scares people away from using debian. I wonder if anything can be
done about it
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3141[18:43:43] <jdfish> proprietary software isn't the
problem per se, but whether the program can run natively on Debian.
things like MATLAB and Mathematica have native GNU/Linux ports, but
they are proprietary
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3213[19:10:48] <aguitel> installed lxdm (display manager) how to
choose from xfce4 or enlightenment
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3215[19:11:18] <grillon> does someone already used distcc and
crosstool-ng together?
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3218[19:13:04] <Texou> hi
3219[19:13:30] <Texou> do you know if there is a way to rescue a
/etc destroyed by mistake?
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3222[19:13:43] <_rubik> ^ yikes.
3223[19:13:47] <greycat> restore backup
3224[19:13:54] <Texou> I dont have :)
3225[19:14:01] <_rubik> Unless you have a backup, you're
3226[19:14:03] <greycat> Then no. Reinstall.
3227[19:14:19] <Texou> ok
3228[19:14:25] <Texou> it is what I suspected
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3231[19:15:07] <boodie> Hi (Jessie): it's me again. I
haven't started the transition yet, because my plan is to also
upgrade the hardware. This PC is on its last legs and I don't
want to wait for the disaster to happen. However; do you think
it's wiser to first upgrade to scratch on this machine, so the
packages and libraries will hopefully be upgraded / sorted and then
replicate the linux box on the new hardware, or the other way
3232[19:15:58] <Texou> however if I fetch a /etc/apt
3233[19:16:02] <Texou> then apt update
3234[19:16:04] <_rubik> How soon are you planning to upgrade?
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3236[19:16:13] <Texou> then dpkg-reconfigure -a
3237[19:16:15] <_rubik> The hardware that is.
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3239[19:16:25] <Texou> will it fail?
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3241[19:16:44] <greycat> you're getting crosstalk between
two questions
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3243[19:17:07] <Texou> oops sorry
3244[19:17:12] *** Joins: AimHere (~David@replaced-ip)
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3246[19:17:26] <greycat> Texou: /msg dpkg confmiss /msg dpkg
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3251[19:18:02] <Texou> ok thanks
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3253[19:18:41] <boodie> _rubik: in the next couple of weeks?
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3258[19:20:45] <_rubik> boodie: Personally I would upgrade the
hardware first to make you life easy. Itll be like a new machine.
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3265[19:23:27] <__marioxcc> Hello.
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3272[19:25:50] <boodie> Hmmm, ok: are there packages in Jessie
that don't exist in Stretch? I'm sure there might be ...
3273[19:26:07] <boodie> The contrary will also be true
3274[19:26:24] <Nebuchnzr> they cut out a number of base
utilities , moved to the depository
3275[19:26:29] <boodie> I suppose it's difficult to answer
3276[19:26:38] <greycat> There are definitely packages in jessie
that do not exist in stretch.
3277[19:27:00] <greycat> Not difficult to answer at all.
3278[19:27:03] <Nebuchnzr> after upgrading from jessie to stretch
i missed a lot of common stuff
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3280[19:27:35] <jmcnaught> Nebuchnzr: such as?
3281[19:27:42] *** Quits: password8 (~password@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
3282[19:27:49] <Nebuchnzr> jmcnaught: i remember : updatedb,
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3286[19:28:12] <Nebuchnzr> but also ifconfig, netstat (now ip) ,
i forgot about the rest.. it were half a dozen more
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3289[19:28:27] <boodie> I'll try to put it better; if I
created a list of packages on this machine, installed a netinst copy
of stretch on the new machine (with a CD or USB stick), how will
stretch handle the differences?
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3294[19:29:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1730
3295[19:29:13] <jmcnaught> Nebuchnzr: not installed by default is
different than missing from the distro…
3296[19:29:41] <Nebuchnzr> boodie: no idea. jmcnaught: i'm
comparing a basic install jessie with a basic install stretch
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3298[19:30:22] <Nebuchnzr> i guess there should be diff with the
netinstalls too
3299[19:30:54] <greycat> Doing a dpkg --set-selections from some
other release's --get-selections output is not supported.
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