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0[00:00:04] <ryouma> which behavior?
1[00:00:15] <pingfloyd> but it's a good behavior for it
require explicit selection for backports since the goal should be
only packages from backports where necessary
2[00:00:55] <ryouma> yeah, i'm ok with that, as long as i
understand what it is doing (just no clue if running a backports
linux-base, when backports kernel isn't even the same major
version as regular kernel, is wise)
3[00:00:57] <pingfloyd> backports aren't exactly the same
level of rigorous testing as official stable packages
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7[00:01:33] <ryouma> i figured linux-base could be
incompatible. anyuway i get that you are saying i have to do -t
backports or some similar option.
8[00:01:41] <pingfloyd> hence why they should be used on a
required basis where possible
9[00:01:41] <ryouma> (or purge)
10[00:02:16] <pingfloyd> I don't use aptitude much, but I
think there is a way to direct it to include that needed version in
its resolution
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15[00:02:53] <ryouma> yeah, still sounds risky. my concern
about purging is that my carefully-constructed-with-chroot backup
partition might get screwed up by grub if i purge the backports
kernel. i'm superstitious about such things having encountered
apparent bugs.
16[00:03:24] <pingfloyd> if you're feeling iffy, it's
not a bad idea to take note the time and date (for log reference) of
the change in case you need to go a different route later.
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22[00:06:00] <pingfloyd> also, before committing to that, check
out --log-level flag for aptitude
23[00:06:14] <pingfloyd> since you're concerned, you might
want to make it more verbose this time than normal
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26[00:09:07] <ryouma> interesting. --log-level=info. or i could
use apt-get.
27[00:09:38] <ryouma> pingfloyd: however, the issue i am most
concerned about is being able to boot at all. live distros really do
not do it for me for accessibility reasons. hence my second
partition, and hence my overwhelming fear of debian's
debconf/grub/initramfs fanciness. this has been a problem before,
and i have no indication that debian has gotten safer in this
28[00:10:01] <ryouma> the fanciness gets in the way of my
backup partition really being intact
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33[00:12:12] <mrrhq> Murphy's law.
34[00:12:21] <mrrhq> But still, stable is your best bet for
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41[00:14:47] <ryouma> what would i do to find out whether
4.5+73~bpo8+1 was vuln?
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56[00:17:16] <mrrhq> This looks like a Distro-agnostic way:
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58[00:17:30] <mrrhq> What's sad is that Android phones are
also affected, I think.
59[00:17:45] <Mahksy> well good night
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70[00:21:10] <sl4v3> my coworker has never used irc before.
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75[00:21:55] <CuteMeOwnThroat> he must have a lot of time
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85[00:27:49] <ryouma> mrrhq: that (testing the vuln) looks like
a great way if (1) i rebooted to the possibly vulnerable kernel and
(2) i trusted it. so if possible i would prefer to know whether a
given debian backports kernel version is or is not vulnerable /a
priori/ from some list someplace or some changelog.
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94[00:33:27] <mrrhq> Yeah, the testing program is open-source,
but it is third-party from Debian, so it's at your own risk. ;)
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99[00:37:05] <TomTomTosch> ryouma:
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104[00:37:29] <TomTomTosch> ryouma: fixed in 4.7.8-1 so is
4.5+73~bpo8+1 vulnerable? - yes.
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106[00:37:41] <n4dir> I never fully understand it, but
apt-listbugs gives infos too
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111[00:38:47] <ryouma> TomTomTosch: great, thanks, that looks
fairly definitive
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114[00:38:52] <kals> hello
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116[00:39:55] <kals> I'm trying to set up a logical device
with a linear mapping.
117[00:40:16] <kals> But I when using dmsetup I keep getting
this error:
118[00:40:23] <kals> device-mapper: resume ioctl on wraparound
failed: Invalid argument Command failed
119[00:40:34] <kals> but when I* lol
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124[00:44:14] <pingfloyd> ryouma: problems booting is always a
potential issue. Always want a contingency for that. It should be a
pretty rare issue though.
125[00:44:37] <pingfloyd> especially rare in debian stable
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127[00:47:11] <ryouma> pingfloyd: it was a huge issue for me. i
thought i could just fairly straightforwardly create a stable,
updated, trustworthy backup drive to boot from, even using chroot.
so i still do not trust it. i run stable.
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133[00:50:03] <mrrhq> it is a really good idea to have a live
CD/USB of Debian anyway, even just to be able to use it to install
it on another computer. There's so many uses for live Linux
than just repair.
134[00:50:28] <mrrhq> You can even make custom live images for
Debian. That's a huge feature for me.
135[00:50:39] <mrrhq> I can choose what software I want.
136[00:50:48] <kals> nevermind. Apparently the actual error
showed up using dmesg
137[00:51:44] <Fluggs> debian has an install option to use mount
points for /home, /var etc, right?
138[00:51:57] <Fluggs> not sure atm, it's been a while
139[00:52:52] <Fluggs> If so: how is that implemented? Is ist
just entries in the fstab to mount the partition which is to be home
at /home/user or is it more sophisticated?
140[00:53:05] <n4dir> Fluggs: last time i used the installer:
Yes, it has options
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143[00:53:18] <n4dir> regarding mount points
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147[00:53:48] <n4dir> sure, after installation you will have the
according fstab entries.
148[00:53:57] <mrrhq> Fluggs: I don't know about installing
it in a non-standerd way, but Debian is known for pretty much the
whole chroot thing since the early 1990's, so you can make a
chroot, and install your system there.
149[00:54:17] <Fluggs> I have seen things as
/dev/mapper/archlinux-home in arch
150[00:54:18] <mrrhq> I mean debootstrap, but also chrooting.
151[00:54:46] <Fluggs> nah, it's about raspbian
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154[00:55:23] <Fluggs> i want to do have a home partition on my
raspberry pi, so I wanted to know how different distros implement
that feature
155[00:55:43] <mrrhq> /dev/mapper is just LVM2, so I guess you
could edit fstab to point to those, for sure.
156[00:55:44] <Fluggs> since Raspbian is just an image
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158[00:55:53] <Fluggs> ah, LVM, that makes sense
159[00:56:13] <Fluggs> I was asking a friend, he showed me his
160[00:56:15] <Fluggs> but he uses LVM
161[00:56:31] <mrrhq> I prefer BTRFS subvolumes over LVM. :p
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163[00:56:35] <mrrhq> Ahahaha.
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166[00:57:05] <mrrhq> But it's great if you have more than
one drive.
167[00:57:38] <TomTomTosch> /dev/mapper/ is not only for LVM.
and for raspbian you should ask the right channel.
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169[00:57:44] <TomTomTosch> !raspbian
170[00:57:45] <dpkg> Raspbian is a distribution <based on
Debian> made specifically for the <Raspberry Pi>. Raspbian
is not Debian and it is not supported in #debian. Please use
#raspbian on for support.
171[00:57:55] <Fluggs> yes, I know that raspbian != debian
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173[00:58:14] <Fluggs> but I was interested in how debian does
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176[00:59:04] <mrrhq> Basically the same way Raspbian would, for
the most part.
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178[00:59:22] <mrrhq> The only reason I see Raspbian existing it
for hard-float support on its ARM chip.
179[00:59:27] <mrrhq> *is
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181[00:59:40] <Fluggs> raspbian doesn't have that option,
since they don't even have an installation routine
182[01:00:15] <Fluggs> and you can get wolfram with raspbian
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184[01:00:46] <mrrhq> Raspbian is basically just a debian
debootstrap, the DTS, custom kernel, etc.. is all on the FAT32 boot
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187[01:01:25] <mrrhq> Maybe it also has the firmware/drivers, I
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189[01:02:06] <Fluggs> yes, the GPIO pins are represented as
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192[01:02:39] <mrrhq> GPIO is defined with sysfs I believe.
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201[01:04:32] <Phanes> that is awesome
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313[01:50:31] <backnforth> Hi, I have Debian in a VM and I got
an error sending me to emergency mode.. how should I go about fixing
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322[01:56:03] <ksk> backnforth: you mean right after grub?
323[01:56:05] <ksk> !fix_mbr
324[01:56:15] <ksk> !tell backnforth about fix_mbr
325[01:56:17] <jelly> backnforth: which error?
326[01:56:30] <backnforth> Yes
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329[01:57:08] <ksk> but yes, the detailed error message would be
helpful, I was probably assuming too much :>
330[01:57:54] <backnforth> How should I provide such a detailed
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338[02:01:22] <jelly> !paste
339[02:01:22] <dpkg> Do not paste more than 2 lines to this
channel. Instead, use:
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341[02:02:10] <jelly> backnforth: upload screenshots to imgur or
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355[02:06:59] <backnforth> Oh, I fixed it
356[02:07:04] <backnforth> My fstab was off
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say no... I wear black on the outside because black is how I feel
on the inside... Uso negro por fuera porque negro me siento por
dentro... ##replaced-url
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550[03:36:16] <zophyx> which freenode channel would discuss
nvidia 3d glasses ?
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598[03:55:53] <baphomet`> what do i write in terminal if i want
to upgrade a program?
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607[04:01:23] <datasmurf> baphomet`: apt-get upgrade
608[04:01:56] <datasmurf> baphomet`: apt-get upgrade
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614[04:06:52] <nonet> I installed Debian KDE CD without
connecting to a network and now everything is installed but I see no
network-manager, no wicd, and generally absolutely no networking
tool to allow me to connect to a wireless network. Is this normal?
What should I do?
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622[04:10:50] <datasmurf> nonet: lspci does it show a network
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624[04:11:45] <nonet> datasmurf: If I type iwconfig I can see
the wireless card if that's what you mean (?)
625[04:11:57] <dvs> nonet, if you have access to a wired
network, I'd use that until you can set up your wireless
626[04:12:14] <nonet> dvs: i unfortunately only have wireless
627[04:12:47] <nonet> i'm travelling
628[04:12:56] <dvs> nonet, if you didnt use the firmware ISOs
then you're SOL.
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634[04:14:38] <nonet> i installed the Debian KDE CD. it asked me
if I have any non-free firmware to install using removable media, to
which I said I did not. Is that what you mean?
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636[04:15:05] <nonet> i thought network-manager was supposed to
be pre-installed.
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638[04:15:25] <dvs> nonet, yes, most wireless controllers need
firmware. Without it, it probably won't work.
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642[04:17:37] <nonet> dvs: may i ask a really dumb question?
what exactly do you mean by firmware in this context? does this mean
manufacturer specific software drivers for the wireless card that i
should've download to some NTFS format flash drive before
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646[04:19:11] <nonet> maybe i can use iwconfig and
wpa_supplicant to get it connected
647[04:19:30] <dvs> nonet, More wireless cards need a software
blob in order for it to work. There is a (unofficial) Debian ISO
which includes firmware for a lot of wireless cards.
648[04:20:13] <dvs> nonet, Actually, I guess I should step back
and ask what wireless chip/card you have?
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651[04:21:04] <nonet> dvs: thanks. that makes sense. hmmm it
does wlan0 is 802.11abg and it'sa Dell Latitude laptop.
that's all i know at this point.
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654[04:22:51] <dvs> nonet, What does "lspci -nn | grep -i
net" say?
655[04:22:53] <syco_> lspci | grep -i net
656[04:23:00] <syco_> oops
657[04:23:39] <dvs> not you!!!! ;-)
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659[04:24:06] <nonet> dvs: (and syco_) great comman! it says
it's a Broadcom NeXtreme ethernet card and a Intel
PRO/Wirelress card
660[04:24:22] <nonet> command*
661[04:24:36] <dvs> i need the number in the square brackets
662[04:24:51] <syco_> dvs, was just a bit slower than you ;p
663[04:25:07] <nonet> dvs: specifically Intel Corporation
PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golang] and then the numbers are [8086:4222]
664[04:25:29] <dvs> ,pciid 8086:4222
665[04:25:30] <judd> [8086:4222] is 'PRO/Wireless 3945ABG
[Golan] Network Connection' from 'Intel Corporation'
with kernel modules 'ata_generic',
'snd-hda-intel', 'iwl3945' in jessie. See also
666[04:26:16] <dvs> yup, you need firmware
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668[04:26:30] <nonet> dvs: ok thanks so much for your help
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670[04:27:05] <dvs> firmware-iwlwifi
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688[04:34:34] <tax> hello
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690[04:34:46] <tax> Hey
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693[04:35:48] <tax> hello
694[04:36:55] <somiaj> !ask
695[04:36:56] <dpkg> If you have a question, just ask! For
example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian
version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I
expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if
anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all
volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get
an answer try a few hours later or on
See <smart questions><errors>.
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698[04:37:59] <tax> hello
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702[04:38:03] <tax> hello
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704[04:38:30] <tax> hello
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706[04:39:10] <sm00th> you say helooo i say goodbye
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737[04:56:45] <echosystm> so. fcron isn't available in
jessie, but was in previous verisons of debian
738[04:56:54] <echosystm> can anyon suggest an alternative that
isn't anacron?
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750[04:59:14] <RoyK> echosystm: doesn't look like fcron has
been updated for a while
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timeout: 260 seconds)
752[04:59:48] <echosystm> all i need is a way to make sure jobs
run even when skipped
753[04:59:57] <echosystm> a wrapper of some kind would be fine
754[05:00:10] <RoyK> you can probably script that easily
755[05:00:32] <echosystm> yeah i can, it just needs to be
deployed to a lot of machines, so packaging it myself etc. is too
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757[05:00:46] <echosystm> surely there's something out
there for this lol
758[05:00:58] <dvs> yeah, anacron
759[05:01:00] * dvs runs
760[05:01:05] <echosystm> anacron is the devil
761[05:01:14] <RoyK> just use a configuration system like
ansible to configure the hosts
762[05:01:23] <echosystm> i already use ansible
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764[05:01:31] <echosystm> i just don't want to have to edit
every playbook
765[05:01:44] <echosystm> it's an extra 4 lines and a
github repo i dont want to have to maintain
766[05:02:02] <echosystm> (for something that surely must have a
standard solution)
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774[05:10:43] <echosystm> ok looksl ike i'm writing a
775[05:10:46] <echosystm> \:D/
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777[05:11:00] <echosystm> all good, thanks for the input dudes
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782[05:15:02] <jmcnaught> echosystm: how often do the tasks need
to run? cron on debian uses anacron (if it's installed) for
scripts in /etc/cron.{daily,weekly,monthly}. Look at /etc/crontab to
see how that works
783[05:15:35] *** Quits: adapter (~adapter@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
784[05:16:04] <jmcnaught> so if the answer is daily or less
frequently, just install anacron and drop scripts into those
directories, you get the benefit of anacron but without having to
touch it
785[05:16:39] * missmbob curses google for #841373
786[05:16:40] <judd> Bug
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788[05:18:40] <missmbob> not happy that it's so close to
stretch freezing. hope they figure something ou t
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1019[07:57:53] <sudosudosudo> new question: Is anyone able to
assist with setting up wireless drivers for intel 8260 on debian 8.6
on a thinkpad?
1020[07:58:00] <sudosudosudo> neb*
1021[07:58:11] <sudosudosudo> newb*
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1024[07:59:08] <ransur0t> you would need the iwlwifi package
installed to start
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1026[08:00:22] <sudosudosudo> ransur0t: How would I go about
adding a repository for apt to get the package for me?
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1031[08:02:43] <ransur0t> apt-get install firmware-iwlwifi
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1041[08:09:25] <awal1> sudosudosudo, firmware-iwlwifi in in
1042[08:09:40] *** Joins: Y04NN (~y04nn@replaced-ip)
1043[08:09:58] <awal1> you need non-free component in your apt
sources file if you dont have it yet
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1045[08:10:24] <awal1> is in non-free ^
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1049[08:11:13] <ransur0t> sudosudosudo: make sure you have
'jessie main contrib non-free' in your sources.list entry
for jessie
1050[08:11:37] <ransur0t> sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
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1080[08:24:17] <sudosudosudo> ransur0t: Got it added. I pulled
down and installed firmware iwlwifi.
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1085[08:27:14] <sudosudosudo> ransur0t: I ran apt-get update
&& apt-get install firmware-iwlwifi and then modprobe -r
iwlwifi ; mod probe iwlwifi
1086[08:28:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1605
1087[08:28:09] <sudosudosudo> ransur0t: Those were in the
documentation to run. I still don't see any ability to connect
to wifi. Any idea where I went wrong?
1088[08:28:45] <ransur0t> what desktop are you using?
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1090[08:29:43] <ransur0t> try apt-cache policy
1091[08:29:59] <ransur0t> you will want a gui app to manage
wireless networks
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1094[08:32:34] <sudosudosudo> installed
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1096[08:34:12] <benlue> sudosudosudo, if you using
network-manager please use your default network config :D
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1099[08:35:13] <ransur0t> sudosudosudo: so, if it installed, is
the applet added to gnome panel? if so, can you see available
wireless networks?
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1102[08:36:27] <sudosudosudo> ransur0t: I'm only seeing the
ethernet connection. still no wireless gui. I am supposed to be
running xfce
1103[08:37:00] <awal1> an easy way: reboot
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1106[08:37:47] <benlue> awal1, after mod probe iwlwifi?
1107[08:37:52] <sudosudosudo> okay, rebooting. Let see if that
helps :)
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1109[08:38:28] <awal1> benlue, not necessarily, but just if any
1110[08:38:33] <ransur0t> or ifconfig up wlan0
1111[08:38:47] <ransur0t> err, wlan0 up
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1113[08:39:07] <benlue> take a look in dmesg
1114[08:39:24] <benlue> if any troubles with wifi
1115[08:39:58] <sudosudosudo> after reboot all is the same
1116[08:40:03] *** Quits: bvdk (~bvdkfreen@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
1117[08:40:15] <benlue> sudosudosudo, dmesg output?
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1125[08:45:04] <benlue> sudo dmsg | grep -i wlan0
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1130[08:47:27] <sudosudosudo> benlue: no output for sudo dmesg |
grep -i wlan0
1131[08:48:00] *** Quits: el-aman (~Mutter@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1132[08:48:17] <benlue> :/ Thats an Notebook or PC with WIFI
1133[08:48:38] *** Quits: thebrush (~Icedove@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
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1135[08:49:08] <sudosudosudo> Thinkpad t560. intel 8260 wireless
card onboard
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1138[08:49:42] <benlue> Realtec Inc?
1139[08:49:49] <ransur0t> sudo modprobe -r iwlwifi
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1149[08:51:02] <benlue> Ahh "intel" sorry
1150[08:51:07] *** Quits: samodid (~vsamodid@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
1151[08:51:26] <sudosudosudo> intel 8269NGW to be exact
1152[08:51:36] <sudosudosudo> intel 8260NGW to be exact
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1154[08:53:03] <sudosudosudo> ransur0t: mosprobe command does
nothing for me
1155[08:53:25] <benlue> sudosudosudo, are you root?
1156[08:53:29] *** Quits: daltonx_ (~daltonx@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
1157[08:53:32] <ransur0t> no output is good, just making sure
module is loaded
1158[08:53:36] <sudosudosudo> benlue: yes
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1160[08:53:50] <sudosudosudo> ifconfig is only showing eth0
1161[08:54:00] <sudosudosudo> and loopback
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1163[08:54:14] <ransur0t> ifconfig wlan0 up
1164[08:54:29] *** Quits: dayten (~gnoid@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
1165[08:54:49] <sudosudosudo> Error while getting interface
flags: No such device
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1167[08:55:52] <ransur0t> sudosudosudo: if on xfce, you may want
to install wicd
1168[08:57:15] <sudosudosudo> ransur0t: installing network
manager right meow
1169[08:57:42] <ransur0t> wicd may integrate better with xfce ...
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1180[09:00:28] <sudosudosudo> ransur0t: rebooted. seeing wind but
not seeing any wireless networks
1181[09:01:06] <sudosudosudo> wicd
1182[09:01:41] *** Quits: ki0 (~ki0@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1183[09:02:14] <babilen> Isn't wicd dead (again) ?
1184[09:02:54] <babilen> sudosudosudo: IIRC you have to configure
the actual interface wicd should use
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1186[09:03:36] <ransur0t> lspci -nn | grep Network
1187[09:03:39] *** Joins: surfist (~surfist@replaced-ip)
1188[09:03:48] <ransur0t> is your intel card listed?
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1190[09:04:19] <sudosudosudo> ransur0t: intel card is not listed
only eth0
1191[09:04:29] <babilen> Installed firmware?
1192[09:04:49] <sudosudosudo> babilen: my machine isn't
seeing my wlan adapter
1193[09:04:50] <babilen> Ah, if its not even listed there you
might have a bigger problem
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1195[09:05:05] <ransur0t> 8260 is supported in iwlwifi, not sure
about 8269
1196[09:05:05] <babilen> Which card is it?
1197[09:05:14] <sudosudosudo> installed firmware
1198[09:05:19] <sudosudosudo> intel 8260
1199[09:05:31] <babilen> Ah, a T560 .. which kernel are you
using, sudosudosudo ?
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1204[09:06:54] <sudosudosudo> yes t560 :) I'm running Jessie
8.6 with
1205[09:07:02] <sudosudosudo> think the kernel is too old?
1206[09:07:08] *** Quits: CuteMeOwnThroat (~k@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1207[09:07:12] <babilen> You definitely need a newer kernel
1208[09:07:16] <babilen> dpkg: bdo kernel
1209[09:07:16] <dpkg> Newer kernels for Debian stable releases
are available from the "jessie-backports" repository. Ask
me about <jessie backports> to modify your sources.list, then
run «aptitude update». To install the current backported
kernel: «aptitude -t jessie-backports install
linux-image-`uname -r|sed 's,[^-]*-[^-]*-,,'`». To
list available backported kernel image packages: «aptitude
search '?narrow(~nlinux-image,?origin(Debian
1210[09:07:38] <babilen> (along with a bunch of other newer
software - that hardware is considerably newer than jessie)
1211[09:07:54] <babilen> I run stretch/sid on that platform and
it works well
1212[09:07:57] <sudosudosudo> yeah, this machine was built two
months ago
1213[09:08:22] <sudosudosudo> I'm such a newb i was just
wanting to run a stable release.
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1216[09:08:42] <babilen> Sure, I totally understand that, but the
hardware was released after the kernel you are running was
1217[09:08:54] <babilen> Is the graphic side working well?
1218[09:09:12] <sudosudosudo> what would you recommend?
1219[09:09:33] *** Joins: kirabi (~OS-24075@replaced-ip)
1220[09:09:33] <sudosudosudo> Honestly it looks okay. I
haven't really dug too much into the graphics
1221[09:09:35] *** Joins: pvn (~vep2@replaced-ip)
1222[09:09:37] <babilen> I'd recommend installing a
backported kernel, firmware and microcode from jessie-backports to
begin with
1223[09:09:49] *** MaBunny is now known as ByteStorm
1224[09:11:34] <babilen> An entry such as "deb
1225[09:11:56] <babilen> You'd add that line to
1226[09:12:24] <kirabi> /msg NickServ REGISTER S3cu7ity!
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1231[09:13:18] <babilen> kirabi: You might want to do that in a
/query, choose a better password and setup CertFP to begin with.
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1234[09:14:24] <kirabi> bailen thanks just testing the
1235[09:14:34] <kirabi> this kinda confusing
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1237[09:15:00] <babilen> kirabi: It's a good rule of thumb
to always /query nickserv (and other services) rather than
/msg'ing them :)
1238[09:15:30] <ransur0t> babilen: is there a way on freenode to
auto-identify using ssl cert like on OFTC?
1239[09:15:38] <kirabi> i reaized that I was doing it on debian
1240[09:15:51] <kirabi> maybe should have done it on freenode
1241[09:15:52] <babilen> ransur0t: There is, it supports CertFP
and SASL
1242[09:15:58] * babilen recommends CertFP
1243[09:15:58] <kirabi> instructions on very clear
1244[09:16:25] <babilen> Either way this isn't particularly
on-topic in #debian. Feel free to ask in #freenode or #help
1245[09:16:39] <ransur0t> thx, I'll look into it ... I tried
to setup like oftc, didn't work ;)
1246[09:16:44] <ransur0t> right, gotcha
1247[09:16:50] <babilen> np
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1250[09:17:43] <kirabi> /query NickServ
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1330[09:52:28] <donttrustem> morning guys, I am trying to debug a
cifs mount issue but not having much luck in finding why I am
getting this when I run mount -a mount: failed to parse mount
1331[09:53:20] <donttrustem> is there a debug mode for mount
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1337[09:57:57] <nbags> donttrustem: whats in your mount options?
can u add/remove them one-by-one to eliminate the problematic one?
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1339[09:58:13] <donttrustem> nbags: found the issue :)
1340[09:58:19] <donttrustem> bloody typo
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1383[10:17:54] <atrament> hello, I see the glinka machine
(serving manpages) is not serving manpages... I don't know
where to report it to the proper admin
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1386[10:20:00] <ahmed751995> excuse me , when will debian
"stretch " release as stable ?
1387[10:20:50] <atrament> ahmed751995: as far as I know
"when it will be ready", which typically takes about
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1390[10:24:55] <ahmed751995> atrament: there is no releasing date
1391[10:25:49] <atrament> no, but you can use it anyway, testing
/ stretch is okay for everyday use in most aspects
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1393[10:27:11] <ahmed751995> atrament: thanks alot
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1402[10:29:23] <atrament> if you track it by codename in your
/etc/apt/sources, you will be good when it releases anyway
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1408[10:31:55] <r3m1> hi
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1414[10:32:28] <r3m1> how to add a directory to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
for all users ?
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1420[10:34:10] <r3m1> I 'm used to add some custom dir in
the bashrc for example
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1425[10:35:32] <r3m1> but I have an embedded computer running
debian 7, and I put some custom executables in /usr/local/bin
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1427[10:36:09] <r3m1> which use libraries that I put in
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1429[10:36:34] <r3m1> strangely enough, the exec cant load the
libraries without manually updating LD_LIBRARY_PATH
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1431[10:37:05] <r3m1> I would like the system to add
/usr/local/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH at all time at startup
1432[10:37:15] <r3m1> end of monolog
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1440[10:39:11] <yossarianuk> hi - just wondering if anyone can
help me with postfix relay (on debian systems)..
1441[10:39:18] <yossarianuk> I have a few vm s which have no
valid DNS, I have whitelisted one vm to send to our exchange server,
and that works fine, how can I use the server that is whitelisted to
relay mail from the others?
1442[10:39:26] <yossarianuk> it is possible to forward mail to my
whitelisted vm, as if the email was being sent via that ?
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1467[10:46:18] <n0wh3re> so, Im having trouble with my wifi.
having to use m@cchanger to get temp wifi. Trying to install parrot
to an extra internal ssd alongside windows but its saying the
contents cannot be found from the cd even though its usb.. but would
it be possible, to install vanilla debian, and just copy the
packages out of my parr0t liveusb? for installation on vanilla
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1471[10:47:30] <n0wh3re> Im having trouble with the gnu-versions
reverting back to the permenant address. so i figured i would
install parrot and *revert* it keeping the tools i need while having
an active connection.
1472[10:48:12] <n0wh3re> if thats possible? or what should i do.
as i dont have the tools needed or i would start fresh.
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1482[10:52:02] <jelly> n0wh3re: what's parr0t?
1483[10:52:08] *** Joins: heurist`_` (~heurist@replaced-ip)
1484[10:52:14] <n0wh3re> security based distro like kali
1485[10:52:16] *** Joins: PTO_ (d4584702@replaced-ip)
1486[10:52:21] <n0wh3re> frozenbox
1487[10:52:25] <jelly> why not ask them?
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1489[10:52:48] <n0wh3re> its debian based.
1490[10:52:53] <n0wh3re> i did. :)
1491[10:53:42] <babilen> dpkg: based on debian
1492[10:53:43] <dpkg> Your distribution may be based on and have
software in common with Debian, but it is not Debian. We don't
and cannot know what changes were made by your distribution (compare
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1494[10:54:35] <n0wh3re> okies, friend -
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1496[10:55:04] <PTO_> systemd: Job dev-pve-data.device/start
timeout. What can cause this to fail? A manual mount /var/lib/vz
(from fstab) works.
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1507[10:59:38] <jelly> PTO_: which debian release is this? Are
you running a custom kernel?
1508[10:59:52] <PTO_> Jessie
1509[11:00:09] <PTO_> I run proxmox ve build of jessie
1510[11:00:15] <PTO_> *fresh install
1511[11:00:34] <jelly> um, proxmox makes so many changes it
can't really be considered debian any more
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1513[11:00:37] <jelly> !proxmox
1514[11:00:37] <dpkg> Proxmox Virtual Environment (Proxmox VE) is
a GNU/Linux distribution <based on Debian>, providing a
virtualization platform with <OpenVZ> and <KVM>. It is
not supported in #debian. There's an unofficial
proxmox channel on Freenode. For official venues, see
1515[11:00:40] *** Joins: disi (~quassel@replaced-ip)
1516[11:01:12] <PTO_> I can try there, but a lot of google posts
suggest its a debian problem
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1518[11:01:50] <jelly> it's possible, and if you can
reproduce it on an actual Debian installation we'll try to help
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1520[11:02:39] <PTO_> I will try the proxmox channel first, then
i will try and reproduce. Thx anyway
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1652[12:10:11] <gebruiker> how can I remove a task, including the
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1750[13:05:58] <d3xter> hey guys. is there any cli which lets me
backup specific configuration files easily? (apart from
"cp" ^^)
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1754[13:09:55] <bezaban> d3fc0n: cat.. what requirements do you
have that cp doesn't fulfill?
1755[13:10:02] <bezaban> d3fc0n: sorry
1756[13:10:07] <bezaban> d3xter: ^
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1770[13:18:32] <jelly> d3xter: etckeeper ?
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1776[13:22:50] <TrevorH> I've just done the
wheezy->jessie update on my little arm box and I was expecting
/etc/init.d to be almost empty but I have a lot of files left in
there that appear to duplicate things that are also under
/lib/systemd/system - is that expected?
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1779[13:23:19] <TrevorH> for example I have /etc/init.d/bind9 and
1780[13:24:10] <TomTomTo1> TrevorH: the package in jessie still
provides the init script.
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1783[13:24:59] <TrevorH> so how do I know that it won't
attempt to start it twice?
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1789[13:27:40] <d3xter> TrevorH: either systemd or init will
start as pid1, not both
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1791[13:28:10] <d3xter> bezaban: versioning, remote backups is
what i'm missing right now
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1794[13:28:38] <TomTomTo1> i think the init script is not being
run if a unit file of the same name has been found. but i'm not
entirely sure.
1795[13:28:42] <d3xter> jelly: its seems like it manages the
whole /etc-folder
1796[13:29:00] <jelly> d3xter: I bet it can be configured!
1797[13:29:07] <TrevorH> pid 1 is /sbin/init which is a symlink
to /lib/systemd/systemd
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1800[13:30:14] <d3xter> jelly: hm, yeah probably with .gitignore
and stuff. will check it out
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1802[13:30:42] <bezaban> d3xter: there are lots of alternatives,
currenlty I use a homegrown script as a frontend to rdiff-backup
1803[13:31:02] <d3xter> TrevorH: did you take a look inside the
bind9 init-script? IIRC on jessie the init-scripts just call systemd
if it is running
1804[13:31:10] <bezaban> if I could only remember one that was
mentioned here that I wanted to check out..
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1806[13:31:32] <jelly> TrevorH: packages in jessie that have
support for both systemd services and init scripts all have wrapper
code to use systemd stuff when available
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1808[13:31:57] <jelly> TrevorH: this is probably documented in
the release notes, but I can't be bothered to look it up
1809[13:32:31] <jelly> !sing sussudio
1810[13:32:31] * dpkg sings "Su, su, sudio...Su, su,
1811[13:32:34] <TrevorH> I saw stuff about removing old files
which I did and I'm still left with 52 files in there
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1813[13:33:23] <jelly> TrevorH: that's fine. However,
it's better to purge any packages that got removed but still
have leftover stuff in /etc/init.d/
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1819[13:34:23] <jelly> !purge
1820[13:34:23] <dpkg> "purge" means to completely wipe
away a package, including its configuration files. Use
«aptitude purge $package» or «dpkg -P
$package» (note: before wheezy, you can't 'apt-get
purge' a package that is already removed; use aptitude or dpkg
instead). To purge all "removed" packages: «aptitude
purge '~c'». To restore configuration files, ask me
about <confmiss>. Also ask me about <why aptitude>.
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1824[13:36:25] <TrevorH> I'm used to CentOS 7 which also
uses systemd and there I have the grand total of 5 files in that
directory and 2 of those aren't real initscripts
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1828[13:37:38] <jelly> most packages in debian try to keep
support for bot systemd and sysvinit available, so users can pick
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1832[13:37:50] <jelly> both*
1833[13:38:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1665
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1835[13:38:07] <gr8> Hi, I want to get the latest firefox version
that is available for GNU/Linux. Can i get that via
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1837[13:38:22] <gr8> I mean, jessie-backports
1838[13:38:30] <TrevorH> yeah, we have a similar idea in CentOS
but the packages there tend to be of the form e.g. clamav-systemd
and clamav-sysvinit
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1840[13:39:43] <TrevorH> well they all appear to be owned by
installed packages so it looks like it's as designed
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1842[13:42:02] <jelly> gr8: go to
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1849[13:45:55] <gr8> jelly: The problem is I get: W: GPG error:
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1852[13:47:16] <jelly> gr8: that's explained on the web
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1857[13:48:34] <jelly> gr8: install pkg-mozilla-archive-keyring
1858[13:48:41] *** Joins: concacid (~concacid@replaced-ip)
1859[13:48:58] <gr8> Yeah. After the check command given I get:
gpg: keyblock resource
`/usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg': file open error
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1861[13:49:10] <jelly> you don't have to check it, really
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1864[13:49:51] <jelly> if you choose to, > (requires the
debian-keyring package to be installed)
1865[13:50:06] <gr8> well. ok it works now
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1867[13:50:41] <gr8> but the version I get from that is still
45.4.0 which I had before
1868[13:50:43] <jelly> but pkg-mozilla-archive-keyring is
available in normal jessie repo, so you have some sort of trust path
without having to manually download .deb or .asc
1869[13:51:11] <jelly> gr8: run "apt-get update". Then
run "apt-cache policy firefox"
1870[13:51:45] <jelly> gr8: then figure out if you want
firefox-esr to remain installed
1871[13:52:10] <gr8> eh. It says I didn't have firefox
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1873[13:52:22] <gr8> but I've been using it all the time lol
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1875[13:52:57] <gr8> oh, no I've been using firefox-esr
1876[13:52:58] <jelly> You have firefox-esr package installed
1877[13:53:01] <gr8> yup
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1879[13:54:09] <gr8> ok awesome! Thanks for your help :)
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1881[13:54:37] <gr8> I guess I can purge firefox-esr now?
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1883[13:55:05] <gr8> wow the new version is noticeable faster
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1886[13:57:06] <TomTomTo1> it's possible that you have
packages that depend on firefox-esr. gnome is an example.
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1890[13:57:53] <TomTomTo1> so at least take a look at what apt
tries to remove, if you do so.
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1898[14:01:00] <gry> i broke my sound again, alsa-base is
installed, amixer has everything up to the top, built-in and headset
both make no sound. where do i go from there? how do i troubleshoot?
1899[14:01:15] <gry> i use it so rarely that i can't tell
when i broke it, yesterday or a month ago
1900[14:01:52] <jelly> gry: which debian release?
1901[14:01:56] <jelly> !alsa checklist
1902[14:01:56] <dpkg> 1) add yourself to the 'audio'
group (log out & in again) 2) unmute and raise channels w/
alsamixer (also try muting some & toggle jack sense if
available) 3) <pulseaudio> or other daemon stopped? 4)
speakers on? 5) does "aplay
/usr/share/sounds/alsa/Noise.wav" work for root? 6) purge any
installed <oss4> packages to remove ALSA blacklist. See also
<list alsa users>, <alsa firmware>.
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1908[14:05:51] <gry> hmm, I've got sid on this one so
I'll head over to the other channel
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2054[14:31:49] <Eryn_1983_FL> hi peeps
2055[14:32:06] <Eryn_1983_FL> i keep getting alot of nmt watchdog
hack lockup on cpu #
2056[14:32:13] <Eryn_1983_FL> for my asus laptop
2057[14:32:29] <Eryn_1983_FL> X205T
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2109[14:38:02] <merethan> Do any of you know a good userspace
fatfs library in Cpp? It needs to translate raw disk access to a
dir/file structure and enable me to read file contents.
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2126[14:44:34] <Fluggonaut> !why aptitude
2127[14:44:34] <dpkg> aptitude has more advanced
conflict/dependency resolution and will often find a solution where
apt-get gives up. It can be used from the command line like apt-get
plus an interactive resolver makes it much easier to recover from
broken dependencies. It has advanced search capabilities (see
<aptitude search>). For some upgrades, apt-get is preferred
(e.g. <lenny->squeeze>, <squeeze->wheezy>).
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2261[15:42:43] <cylince> hi folks, i'm looking for some
direction on capturing traffic from a cisco span port using tcpdump
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2266[15:43:31] <ChrisH> cylince: what is special about a
'cisco span' port?
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2281[15:48:11] <ElPasmo> Hi all, I'm just did a fresh
install of debian (1st time, coming from ubuntu) and I'm having
problems building my WiFi driver. I'm using a broadcom BCM43224
and when I try to 'make' the driver I get an error:
"implicit declaration of function 'rdtscl'".
I've installed build-essential and
linux-headers-4.7.0-1-686-pae. I don't know how to proceed from
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2290[15:50:02] <cylince> nothing special about the span port
2291[15:50:28] <cylince> I think the kernel is unable to process
the packets
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2303[15:55:31] <ChrisH> ElPasmo: run /msg dpkg b43 ; then follow
the ideas offered by the bot.
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2305[15:55:49] <ElPasmo> ty ChrisH
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2311[15:57:33] <ChrisH> ElPasmo: if there are still question,
continue to ask here with more details
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2318[15:59:39] <ChrisH> cylince: Special is: SPAN seems to be the
port monitoring offered by Cisco. I googled for cisco span wireshark
and found this information. Do you see traffic using tcpdump or not?
tcpdump is not expected to understand whats coming in.
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2325[16:01:42] <cylince> I'm able to run tcpdump and see the
traffic, but i think the kernel is dropping some of the traffic due
to high throughput
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2334[16:04:18] <cylince> ChrisH I think netstat will show me
dropped traffic
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2339[16:05:03] <cylince> Do you or anyone else on here know if
the kernal can handle high throughput. I don't think it's
a problem with tcpdump??
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2356[16:09:31] <ChrisH> Normal approach is: tcpdump -w FILENAME
-i interface SOME-FILTERS and then use wireshark to analyse. the
kernel should be able to handle currrent 1GB and 10GBit/s Port
speed... unless you are not running Pentium III with IDE Disk
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2377[16:15:00] <cylince> ok, let me check on the cpu/disk
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2466[16:52:04] <Stadtpirat> Hey people, I have trouble with
bash-completion on Debian 8. It works for all commands I know,
except for 'apt'. 'apt <TAB>' just lists
all files in the current directory. ('apt-get <TAB>'
works perfectly, by the way). Any ideas?
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2468[16:53:06] <croddy> Stadtpirat i've noticed that too. i
don't think yours is broken, but that the completion data just
needs to be improved for the 'apt' command
2469[16:53:33] <greycat> Sounds like you want to file a bug
report. Not sure whether that belongs to the apt package, or the
bash-completion package.
2470[16:54:22] <Stadtpirat> croddy, Ah great, so it is not only
me. THanks for the reply.
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2474[16:56:07] <croddy> interestingly i can't find anything
immediately obvious that provides the completions that *are*
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2477[16:56:45] <gebruiker> !backport xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin
2478[16:56:57] <gebruiker> !check-backport
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2480[16:57:14] <croddy> oh, my completions are working for some
commands because i switched to zsh a few months ago. right.
2481[16:57:16] <Stadtpirat> looking in
/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/ it has no file
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2483[16:57:20] <croddy> i think the bug should be filed against
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2506[17:04:38] <cruncher> i would say against apt, as it has its
own completion file
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2510[17:05:01] <cruncher> the one from apt-get is installed by
package bash-completion
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2512[17:07:20] <jelly> gebruiker: you probably want /msg judd
checkbackport xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin
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2528[17:13:56] <cruncher> well, respectively there is the
problem, thee is no bash-completion file in apt in stable
2529[17:14:02] <cruncher> *there
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2536[17:16:11] <zee> Debian 8.6 - My SSH hangs/freezes when I do
commands such as ls, or use mc etc.
2537[17:16:23] <zee> have anyone else experienced this before?
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2539[17:17:22] <spacebug^> zee: not me. Only when using SSH? From
the machine or to? Or both?
2540[17:17:41] <zee> To the machine.
2541[17:17:46] <spacebug^> hum ok
2542[17:18:03] <zee> Everything is fine, as long as I dont do
commands, that lists more than 5-7 lines
2543[17:18:07] <greycat> sounds like it *might* be networking
related (MTU?)
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2545[17:18:26] <zee> When I go into a directory, and LS it, if it
has more than 5-6 lines to show me, the connection
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2547[17:19:02] <zee> I also noticed, that when I do FTP from this
server, to another server, I get connection refused etc, when I want
to LS on the remote server
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2555[17:21:04] <spacebug^> zee: the last thing has to do with
active/passive transfer and if one or both machines are behind a
router/firewall. To fix this open a port range (usually on the
server) for connections used when trasfer files. Also specify the
same port range in the server config
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2560[17:21:45] <zee> we havent gotten this issue on any other
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2562[17:22:05] <Stadtpirat> Is the problematic server in the same
network as the others?
2563[17:22:19] <greycat> if it's not just ssh then this
definitely points toward network interface misconfiguration
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2566[17:23:39] <zee> I guess you could say that. We have 25
servers with hetzner
2567[17:23:48] <zee> so, a part of the same network - probably
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2578[17:27:43] <cruncher> Stadtpirat, i didnt mention your name
before, hope you read it
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2584[17:28:56] <Stadtpirat> cruncher, no i didn't, thanks.
Yeah, there isn't. But there also is none in
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2587[17:29:35] <Stadtpirat> cruncher, I am out of the loop.
Isn't apt relatively new? Haven't used that in ages and in
Debian 8 bam it is there all of a sudden. (I was using debian 6
2588[17:29:47] <cruncher> Stadtpirat, as i said, the completion
file for apt is in the apt package, not in bash-compeltion
2589[17:29:55] <cruncher> dont ask me why
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2591[17:30:05] <Stadtpirat> cruncher, oh now I understand
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2594[17:30:33] <zee> What the heck is going on!! Why does the ssh
connection freeze/die/whatever when I do this!
2595[17:30:54] <zee> I have never, ever experienced this
2596[17:30:58] <cruncher> zee, does it happen as well when
connecting from another machine?
2597[17:31:02] <zee> yea
2598[17:31:07] <greycat> Stadtpirat: yes, the apt command is new.
In wheezy?
2599[17:31:09] <zee> From everywhere
2600[17:31:15] <greycat> No, new in jessie.
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2602[17:32:09] <greycat> zee: you can check the MTU with "ip
link show" but this is not really my strong suit.
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2604[17:32:29] <cruncher> zee, did you check the mtu like greycat
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2606[17:32:38] <zee> MTU is 1500
2607[17:32:44] *** Quits: BWMerlin (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2608[17:32:50] <greycat> sounds normal
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2612[17:33:17] <greycat> Not sure how to advise you to check the
duplex... there are multiple commands and it seems to depend on
which driver it's using.
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2614[17:33:44] <Stadtpirat> I used aptitude previously because I
often type apt-get search when I want to type apt-cache search.
Problem solved with apt, too. But apt search returns such an ugly
list, especially when more than 6 results. What are your opinions on
that? Just curious. What package manager do you prefer?
2615[17:33:47] <greycat> Are the other servers on that same
network also using MTU 1500?
2616[17:33:53] <zee> yes
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2618[17:33:59] <zee> Everything is 1500
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2623[17:34:25] <zee> Its like... "Too much information has
to be shown - so Ill just shut down the SSH connection"
2624[17:34:26] <Stadtpirat> zee, is the server new or already in
2625[17:34:30] <zee> in production
2626[17:34:37] <Stadtpirat> so its a sudden change?
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2629[17:35:01] <zee> Yes Stadtpirat
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2636[17:36:35] <zee> I guess I could try and lower the MTU with
20 bytes..
2637[17:37:16] <jelly> |ifei5g00d, |ifei5g0_: your real ip
address is peeking out.
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2647[17:40:20] <veek> how do you search debian's bug db by
email - trying to locate a bug i filed
2648[17:40:25] <veek> using reportbug
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2653[17:41:12] <cruncher> zee, are your clients debian too?
2654[17:41:28] <zee> I am connecting to the servers, via a VPN
2655[17:41:43] <zee> so It might be an MTU issue with the VPN
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2659[17:43:04] <cruncher> veek,
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2663[17:43:19] <cruncher> although i dont know if its possible to
search for email
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2667[17:43:43] <veek> yeah .. saw that.. very irritating because
i just filed it a few days back
2668[17:43:53] <veek> and who knows where it's gone
2669[17:44:27] <veek> reportbug should keep the numbers somewhere
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2674[17:46:56] <veek> it's not listing anything.. it was in
unattended.. my laptop freezes randomly
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2676[17:47:34] <veek> ah 'unattended-upgrades'
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2679[17:47:57] <cruncher> veek, but you got an emaila fter
filing, didnt you? you deleted them?
2680[17:48:16] <veek> ah hmm i don't remember seeing it
lemme check
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2685[17:51:11] <veek> ah well.. nothings done about it
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2688[17:51:42] <ghoti> So .. I have a terminal that is iTerm2 on
a Mac. My cursor is an inverse block. I SSH in to a server and
re-attach a GNU Screen session, and I have no cursor. Within screen,
I can `reset` to reset my terminal, but it doesn't bring back
the block cursor.
2689[17:51:58] <ghoti> Is there a VT100 sequence or something
that I can use to define what cursor my terminal should be showing?
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2692[17:53:07] <greycat> ghoti: that would depend on the terminal
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2696[17:53:45] <ghoti> greycat: that's why I mentioned
iTerm2 and GNU Screen.
2697[17:53:57] <greycat> Oh. There were multiple lines. I see.
2698[17:54:16] <greycat> I don't know anything about iTerm2.
2699[17:54:26] <ghoti> It's "just another terminal
2700[17:54:35] <ghoti> The same thing happens to me sometimes
using xterm.
2701[17:54:38] * greycat reads the rest of the PREVIOUS half of the
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2703[17:54:58] <greycat> if you're just looking to restore
cursor visibility after some app has issues the
"cursor_invisible" command, try tput cnorm
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2705[17:55:28] <ghoti> WORKED! Awesome. Thank you very much!
2706[17:55:29] <greycat> (the other direction: tput civis)
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2726[18:03:31] <cruncher> zee, try ping -c 4 -M do -s 1472 ip (ip
being the ip address of the ssh server)
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2756[18:13:45] <CtrlC> Is there any way to have a non interactive
"dpkg-reconfigure locales"?
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2771[18:19:55] <cruncher> CtrlC, dpkg-reconfigure -f
noninteractive locales
2772[18:20:28] <cruncher> CtrlC, but you could have looked that
up yourself with man dpkg-reconfigure
2773[18:20:50] <CtrlC> right. Thank you.
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2828[18:39:24] <r00tobo> guys, anyway to report suggestions for
debian packages on the repos?
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2925[18:42:59] <aboulafia1> hi, when I print my test page with
cups I get 8 pages test miniatures on the same sheet.
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3051[19:10:05] <nmschulte> I'm using openconnect to connect
to a Cisco AnyConnect VPN solution. I'm wondering how I can
use/create a vpnc script that doesn't tunnell all traffic
through the VPN. I know how to configure things post-facto,
manually, but it seems that in order to avoid network interrupts I
need to prevent vpnc-script from doing it in the first place. Any
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3054[19:10:32] <nmschulte> I'm ignoring DNS problems for
now, and using the VPN provided nameservers. I would like to route
only certain traffic through the VPN.
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3170[19:46:07] <sweb> i need to run ftp server on debian with no
system users ... which package is better for that ... ?
3171[19:47:01] <sweb> for example simple txtfile for
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3173[19:47:14] <somiaj> might depend on use, but vsftpd might fit
your needs. I usually suggest sftp over ssh if at all possible
3174[19:47:16] <sweb> user : password : jailpath
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3177[19:47:43] <sweb> somiaj: i dont wanna create system user for
my ftp access
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3180[19:49:14] <somiaj> sweb: have you seen if vsftpd lets you
create users internally to it.
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3193[19:51:42] <somiaj> sweb:
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3195[19:52:23] <sweb> somiaj: thank you i will try it
3196[19:53:04] <greycat> Why is anyone setting up a new FTP
server in 2016?
3197[19:53:26] <spar01101011> i want to play a game with a 32-bit
libGL dependency on Jessie. B.c. of kernel+drivers backports (that i
need) its unviable to install with apt. Any idears / tricks?
3198[19:53:53] <Anselmo> because ftp can be useful sometimes. . .
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3202[19:55:01] <somiaj> spar01101011: have you enabled multiarc?
What graphic drivers / gl libaries are you using?
3203[19:55:06] <somiaj> !multiarch
3204[19:55:07] <dpkg> Multiarch allows you to install foreign
architecture packages. For example, to allow i386 packages to be
installed on an amd64 system: «dpkg --add-architecture i386
&& apt-get update». See
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3210[19:57:20] <spar01101011> somiaj, yup oc i added i386 bit. Im
unsure of all the dependencies but atm. the gamebreaker is
libgl1-mesa-swx11-i686:i386 -> depends on libgl1-mesa-swx11 which
is not compatible with my backported nvidia kernel blob.
3211[19:57:45] <somiaj> spar01101011: you just need the 32bit
libgl stuff for nvidia from jessie-backports
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3214[19:58:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1676
3215[19:58:19] <somiaj> ,v libgl1-nvidia-glx
3216[19:58:20] <judd> Package: libgl1-nvidia-glx on amd64 --
wheezy/non-free: 304.131-1; wheezy-backports/non-free:
340.96-1~bpo70+1; jessie/non-free: 340.96-1;
jessie-backports/non-free: 352.79-10~bpo8+2; stretch/non-free:
367.44-3; sid/non-free: 367.44-3; experimental/non-free: 370.28-1
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3219[19:58:46] <somiaj> spar01101011: if using the nvidia
non-free driver, apt-get -t jessie-backports install
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3225[20:01:02] <spar01101011> somiaj, thank you! It didn't
show up in the apt listing for some reason. Il be sure to check with
the webpage instead next time.
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3231[20:02:56] <datasmurf> Hello debians, debian does not send
local mails about the system status aka daily logs to the root
account by default? Or did i mess up something?
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3236[20:05:32] <irandms> datasmurf: You can set up logwatch to do
that, but afaik there isn't any default to do anything like
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3238[20:05:49] <irandms> !logwatch
3239[20:05:50] <dpkg> Logwatch is a modular log analyser, which
runs via cron each day, parses _yesterday_'s log files by
default and returns summarised log output by service. Empty
/etc/logwatch/* directories are intentional, see
3240[20:05:56] <somiaj> datasmurf: only a few things send emails
to root by default on a debian system (at least for mine)
3241[20:06:00] <spar01101011> it puzzles me that some i386
packages is in the apt-cache and some are not.
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3243[20:06:36] <somiaj> spar01101011: there are some i386 only
packages that are not in amd64. But usually a package can be both.
3244[20:06:50] <datasmurf> okay thx i'll have a look at
logwatch and a deeper look at the syslog facilities on debian
3245[20:06:51] <somiaj> spar01101011: check apt-cache show
packagename foo, it should show you both.
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3248[20:07:39] <spar01101011> somiaj, makes sense. Thx!
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