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0 [00:00:33] *** Quits: nekomata (~nekomata@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Ex-Chat)
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9 [00:08:22] <kreyren> end-user requires help with debian
installation -> Is there an iso with non-free firmware so that
end-user has access to it's wifi-driver?
10 [00:08:33] *** Quits: ponyofdeath (~vladi@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
11 [00:09:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1557
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15 [00:14:25] <jmcnaught> !firmware image
16 [00:14:25] <dpkg> Unofficial <netinst> and DVD images
containing non-free Debian <firmware> packages are available
17 [00:14:29] <jmcnaught> kreyren: ^
18 [00:15:44] <kreyren> jmcnaught, thanks
19 [00:17:06] *** Quits: Tom-_ (tomg@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
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29 [00:24:24] *** Joins: leftist (~leftist@replaced-ip )
30 [00:25:06] <leftist> what is the download link to do a full
install of debian? i am not doing the net install
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33 [00:26:53] <leftist> i keep seeing disk1, is this like centos
with multiple disks?
34 [00:27:03] <leftist> i havent installed debian in years is
why i am asking
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36 [00:28:05] <jmcnaught> leftist: you won't have network
available during the installation?
37 [00:28:20] <leftist> yes i will jmcnaught
38 [00:28:22] <jmcnaught> leftist: the first disk should be all
that you need if you are doing a network-less install
39 [00:28:23] <swift110> I have only installed #! and Bunsenlabs
and I needed help to do both of them.
40 [00:28:58] <jmcnaught> swift110: only Debian is supported
here, you'll need to get support in the IRC channels for those
41 [00:28:59] <petn-randall> swift110: You will have to ask in
their respective channels then.
42 [00:29:05] <petn-randall> !crunchbang
43 [00:29:05] <dpkg> CrunchBang Linux is a Live CD distribution
originally based on <Ubuntu>, now based on Debian as of
version 10, featuring the <Openbox> window manager. It is not
supported in #debian.
44 [00:29:09] <petn-randall> !bunsenlabs
45 [00:29:09] <dpkg> BunsenLabs Linux is a community
continuation of <crunchbang> that features the <Openbox>
window manager. It is not supported in #debian.
46 [00:29:26] <petn-randall> swift110: You can find the IRC
channels here. ^^^
47 [00:29:39] <leftist> i was going to run mate manager
48 [00:29:42] <jmcnaught> leftist: if you will have network
access then using the net installer is recommended. It will result
in the least amount of downloading because only a small image is
needed, and then the installer downloads required packages.
49 [00:30:17] <leftist> yeah your right i will just do that. i
remember with centos i had so much difficulty with connecting, i
will give debiann a spin thanks
50 [00:30:20] *** Quits: kingsley_ (~kingsley@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
51 [00:30:22] <swift110> jmcnaught, and petn-randall thanks but
I wasn't asking for support of those debian derivatives. I was
only mentioning that's my only experience with something
similar to debian
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54 [00:31:15] <jmcnaught> swift110: sorry I misunderstood.
55 [00:31:21] <petn-randall> Ah, ok
56 [00:31:25] *** Quits: grobi (~rtng@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
57 [00:31:50] <swift110> jmcnaught, it's cool I am curious
to learn more about Debian of course.
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64 [00:33:57] <jmcnaught> swift110: well if you run into trouble
installing Debian this is one place to ask. Fortunately the
installation process is pretty well documented:
65 [00:34:01] <leftist> thanks everyone
66 [00:34:10] <leftist> got it
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73 [00:40:08] <swift110> good to know jmcnaught I have a rather
low spec machine that I am on right now and it would be nice to use
something more appropiate for its use
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79 [00:44:07] <humpled> hello fellow former crunchbang user /
80 [00:45:08] <humpled> i still have a debian 9 that was just
upgraded from bunsenlabs based on deb8 and seemed to work fine and
keep its style
81 [00:45:09] <swift110> hey humpled
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83 [00:45:22] <swift110> how were you able to upgrade it like
84 [00:45:37] <humpled> dunno just changed the sources
85 [00:45:54] <swift110> oh that's cool
86 [00:46:02] <swift110> what de are you using?
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88 [00:46:28] <humpled> that one still has ob but mostly
i'm using xfce now, with dusk theme
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92 [00:47:31] <swift110> nice
93 [00:47:47] <petn-randall> If you "crossgrade",
things might break as bunsenlabs is not 100% compatible to Debian.
94 [00:48:05] <swift110> is there much a difference in weight
between openbox and xfce
95 [00:49:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1551
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98 [00:50:24] <humpled> sure there's some differences but
of course once you open a serious browser they don't matter any
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101 [00:51:09] <humpled> my xfce is on a single core and seems
fine, things might be a bit slow to load
102 [00:51:52] <swift110> goodness a single core, I am on an x60
right now
103 [00:52:17] <swift110> I do agree with you about the browser
though. I only have 2 gb on this machine lol
104 [00:52:46] <enri> hi is there any using hexchat?
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107 [00:54:25] <annadane> yep
108 [00:54:27] <humpled> yup there are
109 [00:54:34] <swift110> enri, yes enri why'
110 [00:54:36] <annadane> though i'd like to fully
transition to irssi...
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112 [00:55:13] <ryouma> swift110: there is a site that compares
wm and de
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114 [00:55:48] <enri> swift110, i dont realy understand how do i
show @ and + in front of nicknames?
115 [00:55:57] <swift110> 5 tabs open, irc and telegram and I am
still just below a gig of ram used
116 [00:56:09] <enri> now seeing just collors
117 [00:56:15] <swift110> ryouma, link please?
118 [00:56:38] <enri> lie ops have green collor bubble ant etc
119 [00:56:43] <ryouma> swift110: dunno
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123 [01:01:21] <swift110> ok
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134 [01:07:24] <alexandros_tab> hi swift
135 [01:07:30] <alexandros_tab> hi swift110
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142 [01:12:40] <Antoine> Hello, during the upgrade to Buster, I
got "warning: unable to delete old directory
'/usr/share/man/gl/man8': Directory not empty".
Debian still works perfectly fine but is there anything I should to
about it?
143 [01:12:55] <Antoine> I got that one too "warning: unable
to delete old directory '/etc/apm/event.d': Directory not
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147 [01:14:55] <Lady_Aleena> enri, why would you need @ or + in
front of user names. Just type in the bare name, and the user will
see the message highlighted in the color of their choice (or
whatever the default setting is).
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151 [01:16:05] <Lady_Aleena> IRC is not like Twitter or Facebook,
so no special characters are needed to highlight a user.
152 [01:17:15] <Lady_Aleena> enri, and, depending on your IRC
client, you may have tab complete on user names.
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157 [01:21:06] <enri> Lady_Aleena, no no i just want to those @
or + whose have it on channel. like now in this channel i know the
debhelper has an @ but i just seeing green bubble
158 [01:21:37] <enri> like you remember first mirc program
159 [01:22:16] *** Quits: karakedi (~eAC53C340@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
160 [01:22:19] <Lady_Aleena> enri, since you are using hexchat,
the "active" people are in black, the inactive ones are in
161 [01:22:48] <gorilla> debhelper has "OPs" so can do
actions such as mute or kick people.
162 [01:23:04] <enri> yes i know this
163 [01:23:26] <gorilla> enri: sorry.
164 [01:23:41] <petn-randall> Antoine: That usually is a hint for
you to check manually, and clean it up if you don't need
anything there.
165 [01:23:45] <petn-randall> *That's
166 [01:24:08] <rhizome> i've got a problem with updating
from the docker repo, "does not have a release file" on
testing. i see that the underlying version has changed from buster,
does docker require that I use that?
167 [01:24:11] <enri> but i see like not old times @debhelper but
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173 [01:27:10] <Lady_Aleena> enri, not every op keeps themselves
ops unless there is a need for them to be ops.
174 [01:27:14] *** rick8024 is now known as KnoP
175 [01:28:04] <Lady_Aleena> enri, do you need an op right now?
176 [01:28:20] <enri> no no
177 [01:28:32] <Lady_Aleena> enri, then why are you worried about
178 [01:28:36] *** Joins: electro33 (uid613@replaced-ip )
179 [01:28:57] <jmcnaught> I think enri is asking why ops have
some green icon that has replaced the @
180 [01:28:57] <enri> my mistake to explaining what i need :))
181 [01:29:06] <enri> yes
182 [01:29:09] <enri> exatly
183 [01:29:10] <petn-randall> enri: ops seldomly op themselves
for various reasons. One is random people begging to get ops just
after joining a channel.
184 [01:29:12] *** Joins: swift110 (~swift110@replaced-ip )
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186 [01:29:19] <petn-randall> Other is random trolling targeted
at opers
187 [01:29:41] <enri> i want back to old sign
188 [01:29:52] <jmcnaught> enri: the answer to your question is
probably theme related, it could be something in your hexchat
189 [01:30:19] *** Quits: leftist (~leftist@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
190 [01:30:43] <enri> its a little bit tricky for me with this
stuff i just moved from win to linux
191 [01:31:02] *** Joins: Brainium (~brainium@replaced-ip )
192 [01:31:16] <enri> my distro have that hexchat
193 [01:31:20] <petn-randall> enri: Ah, congrats on the move! I
promise you won't miss going back after a while :)
194 [01:31:51] <enri> its a little diferent like it use to be on
win :))
195 [01:31:59] <enri> thanks petn-randall :)
196 [01:32:44] <enri> so maybe my questions also a little wierd
you know :))
197 [01:32:52] <silverballz> rhizome: update the apt source file
/etc/apt/sources.list REFERENCE:replaced-url
198 [01:33:02] <gorilla> enri: yeah, well done on making the
199 [01:33:28] <Lady_Aleena> enri, you have a lot of adjusting to
do. Have fun!
200 [01:33:35] *** Joins: Raymo (~Raymo@replaced-ip )
201 [01:33:54] <enri> yeah i know, i think i having now :))
202 [01:34:13] <enri> what distros you a using?
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207 [01:45:03] <annadane> is it considered crossposting if i
already asked a question on the debian subreddit and ask it again
208 [01:45:54] <petn-randall> Depends on how much time has
209 [01:45:58] <Unit193> annadane: dunst
210 [01:46:08] <annadane> Unit193, yeah, tried it, doesn't
211 [01:46:11] <petn-randall> If it's been half a day,
it's fine to ask here if you didn't get a response.
212 [01:46:23] <petn-randall> If it's < 10 min, you might
get scolded ;)
213 [01:46:24] <Unit193> annadane: You removed it and killed the
running process?
214 [01:46:44] *** Joins: EDM_Phd (~EDM-Phd@replaced-ip )
215 [01:46:46] <EDM_Phd> hey guys :))) have a great day and
please have a look at my friends mixsets and house music
productions!!!! THANKYOU so much!!!
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219 [01:46:58] <EDM_Phd> hey guys :))) have a great day and
please have a look at my friends mixsets and house music
productions!!!! THANKYOU so much!!!
220 [01:46:59] *** Parts: EDM_Phd (~EDM-Phd@replaced-ip ) ()
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223 [01:47:35] <annadane> Unit193, that did it. i didn't
know i had to kill the process after getting rid of it
224 [01:47:40] <annadane> thanks
225 [01:47:52] *** Quits: agentoak (~agentoak@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
226 [01:48:00] <Unit193> Sure thing. Spent a bit of time tracking
dunst down some other month, so knew right off the top what it was.
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231 [01:49:39] <annadane> for future generations: "how do
you replace the i3 notification popup with the xfce one?"
"remove dunst, kill the process [dunst being the i3
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261 [02:01:38] <mohammad-ghasemi> why for no apparent reason the
audio gets muted in debian?
262 [02:03:30] <jmcnaught> mohammad-ghasemi: can you provide more
263 [02:04:11] *** Joins: deadmund (~quassel@replaced-ip )
264 [02:04:39] <dvs> timidity-daemon
265 [02:04:41] <mohammad-ghasemi> jmcnaught, Maybe it has
something to do with switching between the speakers and the the
headset. I don't know.
266 [02:04:58] <deadmund> Can someone help me create a debian
package for my python3 Tkinter script?
267 [02:05:14] <deadmund> I have most of it done, but I'm
getting hung up on debian/control and the version numbers.
268 [02:05:34] <jmcnaught> mohammad-ghasemi: which release of
Debian? Are you able to simply unmute after it happens? What gets
muted, pulseaudio or the alsa device?
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270 [02:07:27] <mohammad-ghasemi> jmcnaught, debian 9.9 stable
release. No I can't unmute.
271 [02:07:30] *** Quits: diniwed (~gavron@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
272 [02:07:56] <jmcnaught> mohammad-ghasemi: so you have to do
what, reboot? What does pavucontrol look like when this happens?
273 [02:08:07] <mohammad-ghasemi> jmcnaught, pulseaudio I think
274 [02:08:08] *** Quits: ^ScreaM^ (~androirc@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
275 [02:08:47] <mohammad-ghasemi> jmcnaught, sometimes reboot
works, sometimes pluging and unpluging the audio jack.
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277 [02:10:10] <mohammad-ghasemi> jmcnaught, let me restart.
I'll be back ;)
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281 [02:11:54] *** Joins: mohammad-ghasemi (~mohammad-@replaced-ip )
282 [02:12:53] <mohammad-ghasemi> jmcnaught, restarting unmuted
the audio
283 [02:13:23] *** Quits: Jerrynicki (~niklas@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
284 [02:13:40] <mohammad-ghasemi> jmcnaught, but pavucontrol
remained the same. I don't know what is the problem. But thank
285 [02:15:31] <jmcnaught> mohammad-ghasemi: in pavucontrol the
"Output Devices" tab each device has a "Port:"
dropdown menu which should show if it is outputting to headphones or
line out
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289 [02:17:36] <mohammad-ghasemi> jmcnaught, thank you. I'll
check that the next time it happens.
290 [02:17:41] <jmcnaught> mohammad-ghasemi: after sound gets
randomly muted you could also look at your user's journal for
PA: 'journalctl --user -u pulseaudio.service' (not as
291 [02:18:06] <deadmund> Hello. I have a .deb package that I
created for a very simple python program I wrote (using tkinter). I
am reading here
292 [02:18:09] <jmcnaught> the journal disappears after a reboot
unless you create a persistent journal
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294 [02:18:48] <jmcnaught> !mentors
295 [02:18:48] <dpkg> hmm... mentors is the system the Debian
project uses to train new people to become Debian Developers or
Debian Maintainers and get their packages into the Debian archive.
Ask me about <nmg>.
296 [02:18:55] <jmcnaught> deadmund: ^
297 [02:19:09] <mohammad-ghasemi> jmcnaught, thank you for the
298 [02:19:21] <deadmund> Thanks
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316 [02:37:17] <Kali_Yug1> I googled for the error I have
"error 1962: No Operating System found..." when booting
debian after finishing the installation.
317 [02:39:40] <petn-randall> Kali_Yug1: What is the exact model
you have?
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320 [02:41:06] <annadane> do you seriously have to go through the
whole "enter the name of the operating system you're
installing" thing in virt-manager?
321 [02:41:14] <annadane> why is this not optional...
322 [02:41:31] <petn-randall> Can't you just skip it?
323 [02:41:36] <annadane> nope
324 [02:41:42] *** Quits: sami__ (~sami@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
325 [02:41:45] * petn-randall provisions VMs automagically.
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327 [02:42:29] <Kali_Yug1> petn-randall: m91p
328 [02:42:59] <petn-randall> Kali_Yug1: You could try updating
the firmware, maybe they fixed it in later releases.
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330 [02:44:08] <acu> !paste
331 [02:44:08] <dpkg> Do not paste more than 2 lines to this
channel. Instead, use for text:
332 [02:44:12] <petn-randall> Kali_Yug1: Otherwise the blog post
by Matthew Garrett suggest using legacy BIOS boot to circumvent the
333 [02:44:52] <jmcnaught> annadane: I think it can make a small
difference to the options that get turned on for that VM, for
example so called "hyper v enlightenments" and hypervclock
are supposed to be added for windows guests
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338 [02:48:30] <Kali_Yug1> petn-randall: I was thinking would it
change something if I change to legacy and reinstall? idk if that
would fix it. Or I need to create or put the windows efi file into
the efi directory for the uefi to detect its windows.
339 [02:48:41] *** rick8024 is now known as KnoP
340 [02:49:28] <petn-randall> Kali_Yug1: You could check the blog
post, and try editing the names around until it works. I guess?
341 [02:53:48] <RoyK> erm - samba fails after upgrading to buster
342 [02:53:49] <Kali_Yug1> I will try installing in legacy mode
first I guess. I think I have to make the uefi think it is windows
to boot properly. kinda hard, I usually don't like to mess with
these things
343 [02:53:53] <RoyK> nothing else has changed
344 [02:54:05] <Kali_Yug1> to many I's
345 [02:54:30] <petn-randall> Kali_Yug1: Well, the blog post says
legacy should work, so go with that.
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354 [02:59:08] <uRock> I keep getting "E: The repository
355 [03:00:37] <dvs> uRock, maybe your mirror doesn't have
the Release file?
356 [03:00:43] <dvs> try another mirror?
357 [03:01:15] <petn-randall> uRock: What kind of mirror is that?
If it's an official mirror, you might want to change to another
one. Otherwise I'd say they didn't update for buster yet.
358 [03:01:28] <jmcnaught> uRock: it's because not all
mirrors have the security repo. Change that one line to be deb
359 [03:02:04] <dvs> jmcnaught, I don't think that's
the security repo
360 [03:02:35] <jmcnaught> buster/updates would be the line for
security but it's wrong
361 [03:02:45] <jmcnaught> buster-updates would look like the
regular buster line
362 [03:02:53] *** Quits: rednul (~rednul@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
363 [03:03:02] <jmcnaught> or if you use as your
mirror you can use that mirror for all three
364 [03:03:11] <dvs> so it should be buster-updates?
365 [03:03:20] <joepublic> updates are updates. example tz-data.
security is security. example fix a known security hole. Right?
366 [03:03:20] <uRock> dvs, I used the select best option and
that's the one it grabbed
367 [03:03:56] <uRock> petn-randall, that was the third mirror I
tried. The first was the default, then the one for US.
368 [03:04:04] <jmcnaught> uRock: it would probably be easier if
you show us your /etc/apt/sources.list file on
369 [03:04:56] <uRock> jmcnaught, I'll upload it. It's
three lines.
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372 [03:06:00] <uRock>
373 [03:06:09] *** Quits: Jerrynicki_ (~niklas@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
374 [03:06:32] * dvs give jmcnaught a buck
375 [03:06:55] <uRock> jmcnaught, I see what you mean with the
security one
376 [03:07:08] <jmcnaught> uRock: the third line should read:
377 [03:07:39] <uRock> jmcnaught, I'll hop on that system
and give it a try. Thanks!
378 [03:08:16] *** Joins: Rond (~Rond@replaced-ip )
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380 [03:09:07] <jmcnaught> dvs: for bullseye instead of security
being bullseye/updates it will be bullseye-security to be less
confusing with bullseye-updates
381 [03:09:27] <dvs> Just to confuse me even more! ;-)
382 [03:10:27] <petn-randall> That's where we get ya! :)
383 [03:10:38] <uRock> That fixed it!
384 [03:10:41] <dvs> Stop making more sense!
385 [03:10:45] <uRock> Thanks again.
386 [03:10:48] *** Joins: dmorris (~dmorris@replaced-ip )
387 [03:11:12] <dvs> np
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393 [03:19:00] <annadane> point releases used to blow my mind
394 [03:19:08] <annadane> "why are there so many packages to
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438 [04:06:59] <silverballz> annadane, sharing is caring
439 [04:07:23] <dvs> s/sharing/swearing/
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442 [04:09:38] <silverballz> stable = stable
443 [04:09:39] <Lady_Aleena> enri, if you want to talk to me
about something unrelated to Debian, you can find me in
#debian-offtopic. If you still need help with Debian, anyone here
can help you out. There is very little that I feel merits private
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525 [05:24:37] <GumShoe> I'm experimenting with installing
buster on a pair of 1tb drives as a raid 1 array. I'm setup
into the ssh install. I've detected my disks and would like to
wipe all the filesystems from the two drives before I take a crack
at partitioning with the expert guided installer. I've dropped
down to the 'ash' shell. What partitioning utilities do I
have? I don't seem to be finding fdisk or sfdisk nor parted?
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527 [05:26:14] <GumShoe> I'm also reading the "Debian
GNU/Linux Installation Guide"
528 [05:26:16] <dvs> gdisk?
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530 [05:26:47] <GumShoe> not found...
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661 [07:14:40] <Sweedish> Years ago I was subscribed to some
debian-related mailing lists. I tried to unsubscribe but I still
receive bugs report I know nothing about every weeks. What can be
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666 [07:21:03] <awal1> Sweedish, suscribe/unsuscribe here
667 [07:21:30] <awal1> i unsubscribed years ago and it worked
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669 [07:22:05] <awal1> just put your e.mail and clic Unsubscribe
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671 [07:24:28] <Sweedish> thanks. trying now
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675 [07:32:23] <enri> Lady_Aleena, i understand :)
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677 [07:33:54] <enri> good morning guys!
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768 [07:56:28] <Sweedish> @awal1 Thanks for your help. It was
769 [07:59:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1529
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785 [08:06:31] <honigkuchen> python-pip package can neither be
uninstalled nor upgraded or whatsoever
786 [08:06:52] <honigkuchen> what makes my whole system not able
to install packages
787 [08:09:02] *** Quits: shadow98 (uid236862@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
788 [08:10:06] <ayekat> honigkuchen: why can't it be
uninstalled? what's the command you run and what's the
error message?
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799 [08:17:51] <honigkuchen> post install script error 1
800 [08:18:08] *** Quits: Zauberfisch (~Zauberfis@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
801 [08:18:13] <honigkuchen> I want to remove all of python
802 [08:18:15] <ayekat> honigkuchen: is that all?
803 [08:18:17] *** Quits: darkstalker (~wolfie@replaced-ip ) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
804 [08:18:30] <honigkuchen> cannot import name
805 [08:18:31] *** Quits: Ericounet (~Eric@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
806 [08:18:39] *** Joins: __jrjsmrtn__ (~jrjsmrtn@replaced-ip )
807 [08:18:41] <ayekat> honigkuchen: please paste the full output
to some paste service
808 [08:19:32] <honigkuchen>
809 [08:20:25] *** Joins: darkstalker (~wolfie@replaced-ip )
810 [08:21:40] <ayekat> honigkuchen: what's the command you
run there?
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814 [08:21:55] <honigkuchen> apt --fix-broken install
815 [08:22:03] <honigkuchen> or any other apt command
816 [08:22:53] *** Joins: sphenxes (~sphenxe@replaced-ip )
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825 [08:26:34] <alkisg> honigkuchen: what's the output of
this? ls -l /usr/lib/python*/*onfig*arser*
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827 [08:28:00] <ozzloy> in octopi's image, i can change a
file in the boot partition to configure wifi. how would i do that in
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830 [08:29:53] <honigkuchen> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 27746 Sep 26
2018 /usr/lib/python2.7/
831 [08:29:53] <honigkuchen> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 25095 Sep 28
2018 /usr/lib/python2.7/ConfigParser.pyc
832 [08:29:53] <honigkuchen> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 53452 Sep 27
2018 /usr/lib/python3.5/
833 [08:30:42] *** Quits: BlueByte (~walther@replaced-ip ) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
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835 [08:31:16] <alkisg> honigkuchen: and if you run this, does it
fail? python -c 'import ConfigParser'
836 [08:32:05] <honigkuchen> ModuleNotFoundError: No module named
837 [08:32:16] <alkisg> Sounds like your python paths are messed
838 [08:32:57] <honigkuchen> okay
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843 [08:33:23] <honigkuchen> what can I do
844 [08:33:50] <alkisg> I don't have enough experience on
how one can break python paths, so either try to remember what you
did to break them, or wait for someone else
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848 [08:35:12] * ayekat wouldn't be surprised if this was related
to pip being involved
849 [08:35:36] <ratrace> honigkuchen: if you used pip as root you
broke it
850 [08:35:50] *** Quits: darkstalker (~wolfie@replaced-ip ) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
851 [08:36:00] <honigkuchen> yes
852 [08:36:19] *** Joins: humpled (~i@replaced-ip )
853 [08:36:24] <ratrace> reinstall whole machine; in fact buy a
whole new machine and toss this one to garbage, that's how much
you mess it up ;)
854 [08:36:28] <honigkuchen> I could compile python and install
855 [08:36:32] <honigkuchen> and then remove it with apt
856 [08:36:36] *** Quits: we6jbo (~we6jbo@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
857 [08:36:42] <honigkuchen> okay
858 [08:36:44] <ayekat> apt can't remove what it hasn't
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861 [08:37:06] <ratrace> honigkuchen: better use official .deb
and reinstall with python but... you broke modules and who knows
which ones, you'd have to reinstall all of tehm
862 [08:37:17] <honigkuchen> okay
863 [08:37:44] *** Quits: kirk781 (~kirk781@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
864 [08:37:47] <ratrace> maybe grab dpkg --get-selections and
force reinstall those, but iam not sure that'd fix everything
865 [08:37:57] <ratrace> s/reinstall with python/reinstall with
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869 [08:40:34] <ratrace> honigkuchen: uh didn't you do the
same a few months ago in #gentoo? o.O i could swear you did
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872 [08:41:03] *** Quits: preview (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
873 [08:41:04] <honigkuchen> r u kidding?
874 [08:41:18] <honigkuchen> in gentoo this is not possible
875 [08:41:26] *** Joins: tinku (~chatzilla@replaced-ip )
876 [08:41:36] <honigkuchen> when u use pip in gentoo u are
forced to use --user option
877 [08:41:38] *** Joins: preview (~quassel@replaced-ip )
878 [08:41:42] <ratrace> of course it's possible; but i
could've been mistaken and confused you with someone else
879 [08:42:02] <honigkuchen> I had similar question in #gentoo
880 [08:42:19] <honigkuchen> but I did not brake my gentoo by
881 [08:42:42] *** Joins: maxdamage (maxdamage@replaced-ip )
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885 [08:44:26] <honigkuchen> can debian please just ignore
anything about python
886 [08:44:34] <honigkuchen> and just do its pkgs updates?
887 [08:44:38] *** Quits: sndb (~kiri@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
888 [08:45:02] <honigkuchen> I could edit the .deb files and just
make the post ... skript return a 0
889 [08:45:20] <honigkuchen> I do not need python on that device
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896 [08:49:03] <humpled> something on your system probably does
need python
897 [08:49:46] *** Joins: chele (~chele@replaced-ip )
898 [08:49:52] <ratrace> apt itself doesn't require python i
think; so this problem must be specific to a few python packages
that are messed up
899 [08:49:54] <ryouma> why would pip allow you to run it as root
if it destroys the known universe?
900 [08:50:13] <ryouma> why make the user remember that?
901 [08:51:29] *** Parts: Tempesta_ (Tempesta@replaced-ip ) ("Closing Channel, bye.")
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904 [08:51:38] <ratrace> for the same reason you make the user
remember not to rm -rf ...
905 [08:51:52] <ratrace> or dunno.... any command you run as root
906 [08:52:19] *** Joins: inoderrant (~inoderran@replaced-ip )
907 [08:52:22] <ratrace> it's not pip's fault;
it's a package manager, and like any other package manager if
it installs into paths owned by other package managers, especially
the main system one, it'll break stuff
908 [08:52:33] <ratrace> so will rm -rf-ing into /usr for fun and
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912 [08:53:15] <ratrace> same happens if you run .: make install
:. for downloaded tarballs -- should make prevent you from running
it as root?
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920 [08:57:32] <z8z> during the upgrade from d9 to d10 i get this
window message asking me if start MiniSSDP daemon at startup or not.
What is that for and what do you suggest?
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995 [09:48:31] <colo-work> ,checkbackport msmtp-mta sid jessie
996 [09:48:32] <judd> Backporting package msmtp-mta in
sid→buster/amd64: all build-dependencies satisfied using
997 [09:49:13] <colo-work> ,checkbackport msmtp-mta checkbackport
--fromrelease sid --torelease jessie
998 [09:49:14] <judd> Backporting package msmtp-mta in
sid→buster/amd64: all build-dependencies satisfied using
999 [09:49:32] <colo-work> hmm, am I doing something wrong here?
1000 [09:49:40] <colo-work> ,checkbackport msmtp-mta checkbackport
--torelease jessie
1001 [09:49:42] <judd> Backporting package msmtp-mta in
sid→buster/amd64: all build-dependencies satisfied using
1002 [09:49:44] <colo-work> ah lol
1003 [09:49:47] <colo-work> ,checkbackport msmtp-mta --torelease
1004 [09:49:48] <judd> Backporting package msmtp-mta in
sid→jessie/amd64: unsatisfiable build dependencies:
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 12).
1005 [09:50:17] <colo-work> being awake supposedly helps doing
proper copypasta'ing
1006 [09:50:40] * Haohmaru pushes colo-work into the pool of coffee
1007 [09:50:47] * colo-work drowns
1008 [09:51:18] <Haohmaru> don't forget to soak too
1009 [09:51:26] <Haohmaru> for maximum powah
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1048 [10:20:21] <newb> hi i am not able to perform updates
1049 [10:20:22] *** Quits: Hunterkll (~hunterkll@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
1050 [10:20:38] <newb> i am on debian stable
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1053 [10:21:42] <diogenes_> newb, thanks for letting us know.
1054 [10:22:00] <at0m> newb: what issues do you get? how do you
1055 [10:22:08] <newb> i get this error -
1056 [10:22:14] <at0m> where what
1057 [10:22:18] <newb> W: Failed to fetch
1058 [10:22:19] <newb> ed to fetch
1059 [10:22:19] <newb>
404 Not Found [IP: 80]W: Failed to fetch
1060 [10:22:20] <newb> s12_3.0.0-1_amd64.deb 404 Not Found [IP: 80]W: Failed to fetch
1061 [10:22:20] <newb> Found [IP: 80]W: Failed to
1062 [10:22:20] *** newb was kicked by debhelper (flood)
1063 [10:22:28] <at0m> !paste
1064 [10:22:28] <dpkg> Do not paste more than 2 lines to this
channel. Instead, use for text:
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1067 [10:23:55] <at0m> newb: run an "apt update", then
"apt upgrade" again
1068 [10:24:04] <alkisg> !paste
1069 [10:24:05] <dpkg> Do not paste more than 2 lines to this
channel. Instead, use for text:
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1071 [10:25:38] <newb> ok
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1074 [10:27:37] <at0m> ,v libvlc
1075 [10:27:38] <judd> No package named 'libvlc' was
found in amd64.
1076 [10:27:41] <at0m> ,v libvlc5
1077 [10:27:42] <judd> Package: libvlc5 on amd64 -- jessie:
2.2.7-1~deb8u1; jessie-security: 2.2.7-1~deb8u1; stretch:
3.0.6-0+deb9u1; stretch-proposed-updates: 3.0.7-0+deb9u1;
stretch-security: 3.0.7-0+deb9u1; buster: 3.0.7-1; bullseye:; sid:; stretch-multimedia: 1:3.0.7-dmo1+deb9u1;
bullseye-multimedia: 1:; buster-multimedia:
1:; sid-multimedia:
1078 [10:27:43] <judd> 1:
1079 [10:28:39] <at0m> newb: reason update fails, is that
you're trying to download 3.0.6-1, while "buster:
3.0.7-1" ^
1080 [10:28:47] <at0m> s/update/upgrade
1081 [10:29:08] <at0m> apt update will sync your local cache with
the repo
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1095 [10:41:37] <EmleyMoor> Investigating an issue with autofs on
one of my systems right now... Why would it be unreliable on just
one, though?
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1103 [10:49:16] <daifuco> hello, is anyone running steam on
buster? It wont connect to the network, it seems a kernel related
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1107 [10:50:46] <ratrace> daifuco: yes, running here perfectly
1108 [10:51:36] <daifuco> oh thanks it is to isolate the issue
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1112 [10:53:06] <ratrace> ?
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1115 [10:56:21] <EoflaOEViceCity> daifuco: Can you access another
site like Google? If you can, then it might be steam.
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1117 [10:58:49] <newb> seems to be working now,
1118 [10:58:57] <newb> thanks for the help!
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1136 [11:12:58] <StucKman> I know this is not a debian specific
question, but given a dorman ext4 fs, why would statfs() and tune2fs
report different ammount of total blocks? in my case, 113357950 vs
115198464, which ammounts to more than 7GiB of difference
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1144 [11:15:21] <jelly> StucKman, reserved blocks? (5% for root
(uid 0) by default)
1145 [11:16:42] <StucKman> nope, tune2fs reports Reserved block
count: 5759923, which would make user available blocks down to 110M
not 113M
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1151 [11:19:34] <jelly> StucKman, a mere 3M difference sounds like
a rounding or unit error
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1153 [11:19:52] *** Joins: mkowalski_ (~mkowalski@replaced-ip )
1154 [11:20:22] <jelly> StucKman, pastebin the output of "df
-k" and "dumpe2fs -h /dev/your/fs/is/on|grep -iE
'^(|Reserved |^Free )block'"
1155 [11:20:30] *** Joins: HerbY_NL2 (~HerbY_NL2@replaced-ip )
1156 [11:20:44] <colo-work> ,checkbackport msmtp-mta --fromrelease
stretch --torelease jessie
1157 [11:20:45] <judd> Backporting package msmtp-mta in
stretch→jessie/amd64: unsatisfiable build dependencies:
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 10).
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1162 [11:25:20] <jelly> colo-work, there's 10.2.5~bpo8+1 in
jessie-backports (repo archived)
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1164 [11:26:19] <colo-work> thanks for letting me know :) still
evaluating my options.
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1182 [11:37:04] <xk> can somebody pls help me, I'm desperate.
1183 [11:37:28] <diogenes_> xk, ask
1184 [11:37:33] <ayekat> nobody can help you if you don't
describe your problem
1185 [11:37:35] <xk> buster's network is really slow to me
only I think.
1186 [11:37:54] <EmleyMoor> xk: Describe the problem as fully as
you can
1187 [11:37:59] <diogenes_> xk, not to you it was to me too until
i changed the defaule dns.
1188 [11:38:18] <xk> diogenes_, default dns?
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1191 [11:38:33] <diogenes_> xk, exactly, the dns provided by your
1192 [11:38:37] <Mathisen> ..... ignore that dns he uses can be
totaly diffrent then yours
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1194 [11:39:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1556
1195 [11:39:45] <xk> well, I've tried that, not too much
changed. sometimes the speedtest return to normal, I mean full speed
after some changes, then after a while, less than an hour, it
dropped back to slow, I mean the speedtest.
1196 [11:39:58] <Antoine> petn-randall: Ok thanks, I removed those
directories :)
1197 [11:40:19] *** Quits: jubo2 (~juboxi@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
1198 [11:40:23] <xk> changes I made include disabling ipv6,
changing dns, disabling networkmanager. etc.
1199 [11:40:50] <ayekat> "disabling networkmanager"? how
do you connect to the internet, then?
1200 [11:40:59] <ayekat> or rather - are you running multiple
network management tools at the same time?
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1203 [11:41:16] <Mathisen> xk, where is the most important step,
screaming at your ISP :) have you tested with diffrent dist ? or
live enviroment and got better result ?
1204 [11:41:16] <xk> ayekat, what? by editing the interfaces file
of course.
1205 [11:41:40] *** Joins: queip (~queip@replaced-ip )
1206 [11:41:49] <ayekat> xk: the interfaces file is used by
ifupdown, which is an entirely different tool - so why is
NetworkManager involved?
1207 [11:42:08] <Haohmaru> a few days ago we lost hours because
someone misspelled "adress" in there
1208 [11:42:24] <xk> Mathisen, one example is when I use stretch,
downloading kali iso can reach full speed, while in buster, it only
reaches 1/3 of full speed, can't go any higher than that.
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1216 [11:43:40] <xk> ayekat, because I have to try as many
possible ways as I could.
1217 [11:43:42] <StucKman> jelly: my fault, I meant G
1218 [11:43:43] <Mathisen> and it used same mirror for the
download.. and still just downloading 1 file is not really saying
100% something is broken
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1221 [11:44:57] <xk> and the result, it appears to
be random, sometimes it shows full speed, most of the time it shows
1/10 of full speed. and the torrent download speed is really slow
right now. man I'm telling ya sth definitely is wrong with
buster's network.
1222 [11:45:11] <StucKman> jelly:
1223 [11:45:23] <xk> while under stretch, it always shows me full
1224 [11:46:23] <ratrace> xk: are you in europe?
1225 [11:46:41] <xk> ratrace, noOOO...
1226 [11:46:45] <ratrace> xk: where then?
1227 [11:46:50] <colo-work> xk, these "tests" are
meaningless for your last network hop. get iperf3 set up on two
nodes in your LAN, and use that to establish the performance
(really: throughput) baseline
1228 [11:47:01] <xk> ratrace, well, notorious china.p.r then.
1229 [11:47:24] <ratrace> xk: cd /tmp ; wget
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1233 [11:48:44] <xk> ratrace, ha, it says "read
error(connection reset by peers) in headers, pls retry again".
1234 [11:48:48] *** Quits: zamba (~marius@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
1235 [11:49:10] <ratrace> xk:
1236 [11:50:18] <xk> ratrace, it's as slow as it can get.
1237 [11:50:19] *** Quits: monstar (~mitya@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
1238 [11:50:21] <xk> too slow.
1239 [11:50:24] *** Quits: abdulocracy (~abdulocra@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ZNC - ##replaced-url
1240 [11:50:31] <xk> less than 100kB/s.
1241 [11:50:37] <ratrace> xk: blame your ISP
1242 [11:50:48] <xk> ratrace, you really think so?
1243 [11:51:03] <ratrace> yes
1244 [11:51:12] <xk> I suspected this, but it seems the least
1245 [11:51:40] <ayekat> xk: do you have any other device in your
network? try copying files between those two machines to see where
the bottleneck is
1246 [11:51:40] <ratrace> there's nothing wrong with
networking in buster ; and quite the contrary, bad ISPs are most
likely the cause of such problems
1247 [11:51:43] *** Joins: abdulocracy (~abdulocra@replaced-ip )
1248 [11:51:50] <xk> well, sometimes the least possible is the
only possible it seems.
1249 [11:52:04] *** Quits: v01d4lph4 (~v01d4lph4@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1250 [11:52:19] <ayekat> if you get acceptable speeds between
those to, but shitty speeds to the outside, your ISP (or at least
your router) is to blame
1251 [11:52:35] <StucKman> I have another question: I just bought
a mini computer with 4 eths that I plan to convert into a router. I
connect one other computer to one of its eth ports with a normal
patch cable and I don't see any link. my memory (not a very goo
one) tells me that eth port, specially in notebooks like in this
case, are good about negotiating speed and direct vs cross link, but
it doesn't seem to do anything. I tried reading ethtool's
1252 [11:52:35] <StucKman> but I still wonder if there is
something else I should do in either end to make them see the link
1253 [11:52:45] *** Joins: zamba (~marius@replaced-ip )
1254 [11:52:52] <xk> ayekat, I'll try to transfer some files
between my pc and phone later, hopefully it will reveal some result.
1255 [11:52:58] <StucKman> xk: you mentioned torrents, are you
uploading too much and saturating uplink??
1256 [11:53:11] <xk> ayekat, I agree.
1257 [11:53:14] <Antoine> Hello, while upgrading to Buster, I
noticed a line that says something like: locale: Can't
initialize LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or
directory". Should I worry about that? What does it mean?
1258 [11:53:15] <ayekat> xk: ah well... not sure if the phone is a
good test target
1259 [11:53:23] <ayekat> xk: but worth a try nevertheless
1260 [11:53:26] <xk> StucKman, noooo...
1261 [11:53:34] *** Quits: mkowalski_ (~mkowalski@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
1262 [11:53:37] <xk> ayekat, lol
1263 [11:53:59] *** Quits: progart (~kamee@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving.)
1264 [11:54:05] <Antoine> LC_ALL and LANGUAGE aren't set when
I type `locale`, the rest is set to "fr_FR.UTF-8"
1265 [11:54:11] *** Quits: diogenes_ (~diogenes_@replaced-ip ) (Quit: vergissmeinnicht)
1266 [11:54:57] *** Joins: BCMM (~BCMM@replaced-ip )
1267 [11:55:02] <xk> thank you guys. I'll hate my notorious
ISP from now on.
1268 [11:56:50] <ratrace> Antoine: dpkg-reconfigure locales and
choose all the locales you'll be using; set default
1269 [11:57:27] <StucKman> xk: have you done these tests with
torents off?
1270 [11:57:56] <xk> StucKman, what test?
1271 [11:57:58] *** Parts: alkisg (~alkisg@replaced-ip ) ()
1272 [11:58:02] <StucKman> xk: your speed tests
1273 [11:58:28] * ratrace puts $5 on "No"
1274 [11:59:17] <xk> StucKman, with or without torrents on really
didn't make big a difference as in stretch the results are
always similar.
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1276 [11:59:40] *** Joins: stefanos82 (~stephen@replaced-ip )
1277 [11:59:43] <StucKman> xk: when doing net speed tests, make
sure all other network traffic is off
1278 [12:00:15] <StucKman> torrents, downloads, irc, mail,
webmail, youtube, spotify, *everything*
1279 [12:00:17] *** Joins: petan (~g@replaced-ip )
1280 [12:00:24] <xk> StucKman, IKR, but I think I've got the
answer to this odd problem.
1281 [12:00:34] * ratrace wins
1282 [12:00:39] * StucKman goes to the decoder ring
1283 [12:00:40] * kirk781 cries because torrents are blocked at his
1284 [12:00:44] *** Quits: timahvo1 (~rogue@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1285 [12:00:55] <StucKman> kirk781: rent a seed box?
1286 [12:01:00] *** Joins: msimpson (~msimpson@replaced-ip )
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1288 [12:01:13] <xk> even when the speedtest in stretch is normal,
torrents speed drops down to 0 often, while now in buster, it's
slow but stable.
1289 [12:01:17] *** Quits: flokuehn (~flokuehn@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
1290 [12:01:25] <StucKman> (I know, it costs money, I don't
have one because of that)
1291 [12:01:48] <ratrace> xk: which network card do you have?
lspci -k will tell you, and the kernel module in use
1292 [12:02:01] <kirk781> I currently use SeedR. It offers five
gigs free space. Works for non movie files pretty well
1293 [12:02:46] *** Quits: lankanmon (~LKNnet@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Left...)
1294 [12:02:54] <jelly> StucKman, yeah, there's a difference
between df -k total size (statfs()) and dumpe2fs block count of
about 1840514 (4KiB) blocks or 7.02GiB
1295 [12:03:24] <Antoine> ratrace: I just did but `locale` still
displays the same thing
1296 [12:03:35] <StucKman> jelly: for the moment I choose to
believe statfs(), but WTF
1297 [12:03:47] <xk> ratrace, should I paste it here?
1298 [12:03:53] <ratrace> Antoine: are you doing this over ssh?
1299 [12:03:57] <EmleyMoor> !paste
1300 [12:03:57] <dpkg> Do not paste more than 2 lines to this
channel. Instead, use for text:
1301 [12:03:57] <ratrace> !tell xk about paste
1302 [12:04:20] <Antoine> ratrace: Yes, I am over ssh
1303 [12:04:46] <ratrace> Antoine: then you did not select the
locale on the server, that your ssh client is initializing
1304 [12:04:47] <StucKman> Antoine: your local locale is messing
with the remote locale
1305 [12:04:48] <xk> ratrace, Ethernet controller: Realtek
Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit
Ethernet Controller (rev 15).
1306 [12:05:21] <ratrace> xk: did you install firmware-realtek
from non-free? some of those chips need firmware
1307 [12:05:23] <xk> ratrace, Subsystem: ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
RTL8111/8168/8411 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet Controller
1308 [12:05:56] <Antoine> ratrace: StucKman: How can I edit the
remote locale then?
1309 [12:06:03] <xk> ratrace, it's installed. I pasted the
second because I think that's the kernel module?
1310 [12:06:41] <ratrace> xk: lspci would've said something
like "Kernel driver in use: r8169" :: is that in your
1311 [12:06:46] <xk> oh sorry, grep didn't show kernel
1312 [12:06:53] <ratrace> Antoine: with dpkg-reconfigure locales
:: you enable them and set default
1313 [12:07:22] <xk> ratrace, it's r8169
1314 [12:07:27] <Antoine> But I just did that :s
1315 [12:07:38] *** Joins: a_l_b (~a_l_b@replaced-ip )
1316 [12:08:02] <ratrace> Antoine: in addition, you can configure
sshd_config to not take in cliet's locale hints, just remove
LANG and LC* hints from AcceptEnv
1317 [12:08:12] <ratrace> s/cliet's/client's/
1318 [12:08:51] *** Quits: xk (~xk@replaced-ip ) (Quit: thank you, I'll see you.)
1319 [12:08:52] *** Joins: dtux (~dmtucker@replaced-ip )
1320 [12:08:54] <Antoine> Oh yep ok, thanks for the hint :)
1321 [12:09:32] <ratrace> Antoine: but ideally you configure the
locales for the same one you use on the client side :: i'd
assume you'd have to login again or something
1322 [12:09:52] *** Quits: gvth (~cell@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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1324 [12:10:25] *** Joins: Megaf (uid155773@replaced-ip )
1325 [12:10:42] <Antoine> ratrace: Both my remote Debian server
and my Xubuntu laptop are on the same locale
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1328 [12:13:40] <Antoine> So I'm not sure what to do now
since `sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales` didn't seem to change the
values displayed by `locale`. I don't know how to check if I
still get "locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such
file or directory"
1329 [12:13:43] <ratrace> Antoine: you can also force it by
exporting the LANG env in your shell rc. eg. export
1330 [12:13:58] *** Quits: dtux (~dmtucker@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
1331 [12:14:04] *** Parts: StucKman (~quassel@replaced-ip##) ("##replaced-url
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1334 [12:14:51] <ratrace> Antoine: running just "locale"
would complain like that i think, if it was configured badly
1335 [12:15:53] <Antoine> ratrace: Ok, it doesn't complain
then :). It actually only complained during the upgrade to Buster. I
can't remember exactly when though
1336 [12:16:11] <Antoine> I'll just wait and see if I get
this message again
1337 [12:16:56] <Antoine> Other question, is it advised to move
from iptables legacy to nftables?
1338 [12:17:26] *** Quits: Kevlar_Noir (~manjaro-u@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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1341 [12:19:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1548
1342 [12:19:03] <ratrace> Antoine: by the way, iam not very
knowledgeable about locales, but from what i remember you
shouldn't be setting LC_ALL anyway, but LANG, or individual
LC_* values
1343 [12:19:41] <Antoine> ratrace: I read that too. Maybe
that's why dpkg-reconfigure locales doesn't set it
1344 [12:19:44] <ratrace> Antoine: iptables are not
"legacy", and i personally wouldn't move to nftables,
i see no need to and there's talk of deprecating even nftables
in favor of ebpf
1345 [12:19:46] *** Quits: queip (~queip@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
1346 [12:20:50] <ratrace> so until the kernel devs give us a
definitive, stable killer for iptables with features worth switching
over, or literally they drop iptables form the src, i wouldn't
switch, meself
1347 [12:22:12] *** Quits: NetTerminalGene (~NetTermin@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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1349 [12:22:45] <bouzu_> Antoine, i suppose those where just
warnings about unlocalized update scripts. i think to remember to
get those too on a regular basis on a system with german locale.
dont think it's a problem
1350 [12:23:26] *** Quits: rokra (~christor@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
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1352 [12:24:06] <Antoine> bouzu_: Ok, thanks for the info :)
1353 [12:24:27] <galegosimpatico> Don't want to push, but
when's going to be an official AWS AMI of Buster?
1354 [12:25:12] *** Joins: EoflaOEViceCity (~EoflaOE@replaced-ip )
1355 [12:25:15] <Antoine> ratrace: So can I keep using iptables
like I did before? sudo iptables -A blablabla? sudo iptables-save
and all that?
1356 [12:25:20] <ratrace> Antoine: well, you're being a bit
contradicting there... was this one time instance, or, as you said:
"11:03 < Antoine> ratrace: I just did but `locale` still
displays the same thing"
1357 [12:25:43] *** Joins: queip (~queip@replaced-ip )
1358 [12:26:11] <ratrace> "the same thing" implying
"No such file or directory" for LC_ALL
1359 [12:27:30] <Antoine> ratrace: Oh sorry, by "the same
thing", I meant this stuff "[...]
running `sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales` would set LC_ALL.
1360 [12:27:39] <Antoine> The warning was a one time thing
1361 [12:27:54] <EmleyMoor> I don't like duplicating myself
on the two IRC networkn but I'm not getting any response at all
on OFTC...
1362 [12:28:10] *** Joins: asgardian (~RazvanDum@replaced-ip )
1363 [12:28:16] <asgardian> hello
1364 [12:28:26] <EmleyMoor> I've just installed biboumi,
completed a config based on the example, but it fails to start.
systemctl status biboumi gives this:
1365 [12:28:27] <asgardian> anyone using debian sid?
1366 [12:28:36] *** Joins: winy (~vince@replaced-ip )
1367 [12:29:12] <BCMM> asgardian: i am (but there's another
channel for that)
1368 [12:29:31] <ratrace> Antoine: ah no, no. then it seems
you've got it all sorted out as it should be :)
1369 [12:30:01] <asgardian> BCMM, I'm just curious if you had
any issues/problems using sid
1370 [12:30:06] <Antoine> ratrace: Ok, nice :)
1371 [12:30:12] <Antoine> Thanks for your help!
1372 [12:30:15] *** Joins: wwilliam (~afernande@replaced-ip )
1373 [12:30:38] <BCMM> asgardian: i uninstalled a whole lotta
stuff by accident before i started carefully reading the output of
dist-upgrade before pressing y
1374 [12:30:46] <BCMM> ^twice
1375 [12:31:07] <BCMM> but really that's about it
1376 [12:31:22] <bouzu_> EmleyMoor, you can check `journalctl -u
biboumi` for hints. but thats just systemd advice. no idea about
this software
1377 [12:31:47] <BCMM> asgardian: basically just follow this, and
it works fine
1378 [12:32:02] *** Quits: rhizome (~rhizome@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
1379 [12:32:04] <asgardian> BCMM, and regarding security updates?
I know that the security updates are pushed with delay in sid
1380 [12:32:12] *** Quits: slv (~slv@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
1381 [12:32:17] <EmleyMoor> I see this... biboumi.service: Main
process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
1382 [12:32:19] <BCMM> asgardian: no, that's testing. sid
gets them pretty quickly
1383 [12:32:31] <asgardian> oh great
1384 [12:32:44] *** Joins: ville (~ville@replaced-ip )
1385 [12:33:18] <BCMM> asgardian: see
1386 [12:33:41] <BCMM> i should have said "usually" gets
them pretty quickly
1387 [12:33:57] <asgardian> :))
1388 [12:34:05] <BCMM> not on a gauranteed delay like testing, but
not prioritised like stable
1389 [12:34:11] <ville> howdy. anyone here happens to have
1390 [12:34:13] <asgardian> I will take a look
1391 [12:35:15] <bouzu_> EmleyMoor, as a last resort when systemd
just doesnt want to tell me waths wrong i try to start the process
manually. you can try to run `/usr/bin/biboumi
/etc/biboumi/biboumi.cfg` (taken from ExecStart) in a plain console
and check output
1392 [12:36:10] <EmleyMoor> bouzu_: Tried. Just plain closes, no
output other than confirming its config file
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1396 [12:37:54] <bouzu_> EmleyMoor, than the app is to blame here.
it possibly has its logs in /var/logs/biboumi or something similar.
suggest looking there
1397 [12:38:19] *** Joins: Kali_Yuga (~dustin@replaced-ip )
1398 [12:38:28] <EmleyMoor> No logs. Can't get on its support
MUC either
1399 [12:38:45] *** Quits: kirk781 (~kirk781@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
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1401 [12:39:23] <asgardian> BCMM, have you used snapshots on your
1402 [12:39:27] *** Quits: Tjowers (c7bc5729@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
1403 [12:39:32] <bouzu_> EmleyMoor, well ok. then im out of
general advise.
1404 [12:39:37] <BCMM> asgardian: no, i just keep backups of my
actual data
1405 [12:39:55] *** Joins: ssarah (~miguel@replaced-ip )
1406 [12:40:05] <BCMM> if debian itself goes wrong, i can just
reinstall it
1407 [12:40:45] <asgardian> oh, ok :)
1408 [12:42:00] *** Joins: czesmir (~stefan@replaced-ip )
1409 [12:43:23] <Kali_Yuga> Hello I installed the nvidia drivers.
I need to know where to save the X configuration file to make the
ForceFullComposition Pipeline setting permanent is it in
/etc/X11/xorg.conf? don't want to mess anything up now
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1416 [12:50:31] <ratrace> Kali_Yuga: that or /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
for various snippets
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1421 [12:54:07] <BCMM> ratrace: that user disconnected already
1422 [12:54:39] <ratrace> didn't by the time i autocompleted
the nick :)
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1427 [12:58:25] <Kali_Yuga> yes it was
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1429 [13:00:07] <humpled> kali yuga: the age of crappy internet
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1448 [13:17:06] <Haohmaru> you mean crapternet
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1473 [13:29:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1554
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1477 [13:30:39] <Piraty> in a debootstraped i386 chroot, `apt
install libart` fails, despite
1478 [13:31:06] <Piraty> can anyone help me out with this?
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1484 [13:33:35] <ratrace> Piraty: fails how
1485 [13:33:55] <Piraty> E: Unable to locate package libart
1486 [13:34:09] <humpled> looks like you need its full name
1487 [13:34:24] <Piraty> cat /etc/apt/sources.list ... deb
1488 [13:34:45] <ratrace> yeah, libart-2.0-2 is the actual package
1489 [13:35:05] <Piraty> oO who does stuff like that
1490 [13:35:48] <Piraty> that does it. thanks
1491 [13:36:10] <ratrace> Piraty: apt can tab autocomplete
1492 [13:36:29] <Piraty> ratrace: that wouldn't be apt but
the shell
1493 [13:38:17] <ratrace> bash-completion has tab completion
things for apt ... better?
1494 [13:38:32] *** Quits: msimpson (~msimpson@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1495 [13:38:42] <Piraty> yeah, thank you ;)
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1501 [13:40:03] <ratrace> Piraty: is it though.... I don't
see rules for apt, only apt-get
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1504 [13:41:09] <Piraty> ratrace: vim
1505 [13:41:10] *** Quits: v01d4lph4 (~v01d4lph4@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
1506 [13:41:24] <ratrace> Piraty: I don't have that and apt
autocompletes for me
1507 [13:41:42] <Piraty> idk
1508 [13:41:45] <ratrace> /usr/bin/apt is what i mean
1509 [13:42:36] <ratrace> oh wait, my bad, i do have it, grep fail
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1512 [13:44:34] <Piraty> another question: a third-party software
i'm trying to make work requires
1513 [13:45:14] <EmleyMoor> Piraty: Do you know the exact file the
third-party software needs?
1514 [13:45:19] <Piraty> does this require me to re-setup a
stretch installation or can i use backports (or even build from
source with apt's help)?
1515 [13:45:45] <Piraty> EmleyMoor: hmm not yet, it's a
pre-dependency in the 3rd-party's deb package
1516 [13:45:56] <Piraty> possible the .so?
1517 [13:47:03] <EmleyMoor> If it's for compile time,
you'll need the headers. It's often best to just try
(often you get told what's missing at the configure stage) then
see if a Debian package exists that will resolve it
1518 [13:47:33] *** Joins: ae-35 (~ae-35@replaced-ip )
1519 [13:47:39] <Piraty> EmleyMoor: the application i try to make
work is precompiled and comes packaged as a .deb
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1522 [13:47:55] <EmleyMoor> Though I see it's actually
missing from buster...
1523 [13:47:55] *** Quits: oahong (~samigarus@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
1524 [13:48:05] <Piraty> i cannot build from source, it's not
1525 [13:48:16] *** Quits: BCMM (~BCMM@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
1526 [13:48:29] <Fox> libbonobo will never be in buster as far as
I can see
1527 [13:48:32] <EmleyMoor> libbonobo2 is in sid, but not buster
or bullseye...
1528 [13:48:41] *** Joins: BCMM (~BCMM@replaced-ip )
1529 [13:48:42] <Fox>
1530 [13:48:44] <judd> Bug
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1533 [13:50:15] <EmleyMoor> Ah, deprecation... well, the
developers need to do something about it. In the meantime you may be
able to install the stretch version, but don't quote me on
that, or try backporting sid's version
1534 [13:50:18] <EmleyMoor> !ssb
1535 [13:50:18] <dpkg> First, check for a backport on
<debian-backports>. If unavailable: 1) Add a deb-src line for
sid (not a deb line!); ask me about <deb-src sid> 2) enable
debian-backports (see <bdo>) 3) apt update; apt install
build-essential; apt build-dep packagename 4) apt -b source
packagename 5) dpkg -i packagename-ver.deb To change compilation
options, see <package recompile>; for versions newer than sid
see <uupdate>.
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1541 [13:57:37] <Fox> Piraty: you could backport libbonobo2-0 to
Buster but you'll first need to backport liborbit2-dev
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1543 [13:59:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1561
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1554 [14:06:45] <Piraty> ok i just debootstrapped stretch and try
again. thanks so far
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1556 [14:08:36] <Piraty> one last thing: can i make apt install
that deb and resolve+install all of the pre-dependencies (listed in
the control) for me instead of manualy iterating over everything it
didn't find pre-installed?
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1584 [14:31:15] <mrig> Hello
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1587 [14:32:57] <mrig> Seem to be having a few issues since
switching to buster from stretch, all mouse related; Trying to run
gpick but the program is not able to sample colours from the mouse
1588 [14:33:13] *** Joins: Immanuel (~Manu@replaced-ip )
1589 [14:33:17] <Haohmaru> gnome?
1590 [14:33:24] <mrig> Yes gnome.
1591 [14:33:26] <ville> howdy. anyone here happens to have
1592 [14:33:39] <Haohmaru> might have something to do with wayland
(just guessing)
1593 [14:34:24] <mrig> I dont have wayland that I am aware off, is
that a part of the standard gnome install from the DVD?
1594 [14:35:17] <mrig> The mouse when using a wacom tablet is
behaving strangely too.
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1598 [14:37:13] <mrig> Wondering if to would be best to go back to
stretch for a while.
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1603 [14:40:39] <BCMM> mrig: yes, wayland is used by default on
gnome, in some configurations
1604 [14:41:13] <crimson_king> mrig, most color pickers will fail
to work on Wayland
1605 [14:41:35] <crimson_king> mrig, I know that Gedit's
color picker works on Wayland.
1606 [14:41:47] <crimson_king> It's a Gedit plugin
1607 [14:42:38] <Haohmaru> mrig didn't you read the
"what's new in debian 10" thing?
1608 [14:42:39] *** Quits: Kevlar_Noir (~manjaro-u@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
1609 [14:42:44] <kreyren> any info on bullseye? it seems to still
have buster repositories
1610 [14:42:53] <Haohmaru> it says stuff about gnome and wayland
1611 [14:44:31] <mrig> Haohmaru no I haven't read that,
thanks for the pointer I will take a look.
1612 [14:44:57] *** Joins: dtcrshr (~dtcrshr@replaced-ip )
1613 [14:45:22] <mrig> crimson_king BCMM right thanks, this must
be the cause, will look at installing with xserver.
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1615 [14:45:59] <mrig> oh will take a look at the gedit plugin,
that will do for the time being.
1616 [14:46:01] <BCMM> kreyren: what do you mean by "have
buster repositories"? bullseye repos exist separately, but do
you mean they seem to have the same contents as buster at the
1617 [14:46:02] <crimson_king> mrig, it will take a while before
we start seeing color pickers for wayland, because it depends on the
compositors implementing it.
1618 [14:46:07] *** Quits: crivrc (~crivrc@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
1619 [14:46:33] <mrig> Do you think that the wacom pointer will be
buggy for a while too?
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1621 [14:46:37] <kreyren> BCMM, yep they seems to have the same
content as buster since it still outputs testing/buster
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1623 [14:46:48] <crimson_king> mrig, or you can take a screenshot
and pick the color from it in GIMP
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1625 [14:47:13] <kreyren> BCMM, ah wait those are just wine
repositories.. my bad
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1628 [14:47:20] <BCMM> mrig: one of wayland's principles is
to protect clients from one another. in x11, applications have
basically total access to each other's windows, which is kind
of a massive loophole in sandboxing or containerisation for GUI
1629 [14:47:40] <mrig> right I see, so gpick would require and
extensive rewrite to work with weyland then I imagine.
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1631 [14:48:14] <BCMM> mrig: yeah. making screenshots, or anything
else that involves spying on another application's output, got
more complicated in wayland
1632 [14:48:15] <mrig> BCMM right to far better for application
security then?
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1635 [14:48:44] <BCMM> mrig: that's the idea. a normal
application can't just record what you're seeing any more
1636 [14:48:44] <mrig> oh yes I see, that makes sense now.
1637 [14:49:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1570
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1639 [14:49:42] <BCMM> but it does mean that desktop environments
have to invent some sort of special status for their own
colour-picking, screenshotting and remote desktop stuff
1640 [14:49:50] <anaemic> phew this debian install has been almost
as fun as setting up arch :D
1641 [14:51:59] <mrig> BCMM sounds like it is worth it if the
trade is for security.
1642 [14:52:15] <crimson_king> mrig, another example is Night
Light. GNOME had to come up with its own mechanism for that.
Redshift won't work in Wayland, although I think there is a
patched version for Archlinux in the AUR that works.
1643 [14:52:19] <anaemic> last night i went through three
different internet sources trying to manually setup ifup for
internet and failed, and today i reinstall with kde for better
network management and its still being a pita, AND for some reason
it installed without a proper path setup for /usr/sbin
1644 [14:53:49] <mrig> Thank you for explaining, much easier to
get along with the bugs when you understand where they are coming
from: I should of course have read the doc, but erm ... I have a
1645 [14:53:55] <BCMM> mrig: well, maybe... i don't think
that most people will actually be sandboxing individual applications
any time soon, though, so there are plenty of other ways for
applications to interfere with other applications running as the
same user
1646 [14:54:12] <dvs> anaemic, /usr/sbin won't be used if you
use "su" instead of "su -"
1647 [14:54:22] <greycat> !buster su
1648 [14:54:22] <dpkg> The <su> command changed in buster:
it no longer overrides the PATH variable. See
1649 [14:54:27] <BCMM> but it's nice to have the possibility
to support android-style isolation, if some operating systems want
to do that
1650 [14:54:50] <anaemic> ahha
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1663 [15:07:08] <dtcrshr> hello everyone. I have a simple script
that changes the hostname and /hosts file. running it manually works
1664 [15:07:18] <dtcrshr> I setup this script to run at cron
@reboot, but is not working
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1666 [15:07:37] <dtcrshr> I turned cron logs, it invokes the
script on the (Running @reboot jobs)
1667 [15:07:56] <greycat> You configure the hostname by editing
the /etc/hostname file, not by writing a script and scheduling it in
1668 [15:08:05] <dtcrshr> but the results arent the same as
running the script manually. Its on root/ folder, and on root
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1670 [15:08:41] <dtcrshr> I have 20 netbooks, that eventually I
clone the image over then, but the image is with a bogus hostname,
so when they are deployd the hostname gets the serial number of the
1671 [15:08:48] <SpeedyG> hm, guess this is more of a generic bash
question than a debian specific question... but anyone know how to
put 'remaining' variables through to the script... so
./ipscript <ipaddr> <action> <anything>
<else> <really> where $1 and $2 would be specific
variables, and $3 and further are simply passed along as one?
1672 [15:09:01] *** Joins: l0f4r0 (~l0f4r0@replaced-ip )
1673 [15:09:38] <dtcrshr> greycat, I know. but for my environment
thats what I need. A fresh restored imagem being able to get its own
hostname via dmidecode infos
1674 [15:09:44] *** Joins: Haudegen (~quassel@replaced-ip )
1675 [15:10:12] <dtcrshr> I could simple run the script manually,
but since the serial wont change, the interns could restore the
images and it will at first reboot get its proper hostname
1676 [15:11:41] <griffrawk> So does it change anything in
/etc/host name after reboot?
1677 [15:11:42] <greycat> So yeah, there's this new plague
going around and it seems to involve people who are utterly batshit
paranoid, like literally tinfoil-hat-wearing types, about their
hostnames. My new policy is to /ignore all such people.
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1682 [15:14:48] <dtcrshr> #!/bin/bash
1683 [15:14:48] <dtcrshr> declare HNAME="$(dmidecode -s
1684 [15:14:48] <dtcrshr> hostnamectl set-hostname ${HNAME}
&& sed -i "s/*/ ${HNAME}
${HNAME}/g" /etc/hosts
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1687 [15:14:55] <dtcrshr> thats the script.
1688 [15:15:07] <dtcrshr> it changes the /etc/hostname and
1689 [15:15:27] <dtcrshr> the problem is: running the script
manually works fine, it sets the right hostname I wish that is the
serial number
1690 [15:15:42] <dtcrshr> but on @reboot crontab it wont, its
executable, on root crontab
1691 [15:15:51] *** Joins: ridik1 (~mehte@replaced-ip )
1692 [15:17:01] <dtcrshr> I just want to set it as automatically
as possible so the interns can simply restore the image to other
netbooks, and after the first reboot the hostname will be set,
different from the original image
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1699 [15:20:00] <griffrawk> It’s been a while but IIRC cron
has a bit of a restricted environment, maybe that’s affecting
it. Maybe try getting cron to execute a login shell that executes
your script? If all else fails just build an instruction into your
provisioning procedure to set it manually. After all you have bodies
to do the job, and it’s a useful QA check.
1700 [15:20:23] *** Quits: thunderrd (~thunderrd@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
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1702 [15:20:34] <greycat> The word "provisioning" is
also on my /ignore list. Not you, griffrawk.
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1704 [15:21:09] <zodd_> implement it as a systemd task?
1705 [15:21:09] <greycat> Docker plague has been infecting IRC
even longer than hostname-paranoia plague.
1706 [15:21:18] *** Quits: Fye (~Fye@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Bye.)
1707 [15:21:37] <Haohmaru> hostname paranoia?
1708 [15:21:43] <Haohmaru> provisioning?
1709 [15:21:44] *** Quits: l0f4r0 (~l0f4r0@replaced-ip ) (Quit: leaving)
1710 [15:22:02] <Haohmaru> i think i need an update
1711 [15:22:39] <griffrawk> Eeh! Here 5 mins and already warned! I
don’t mean provisioning using one of those new fangled tools.
Manual builds always best. Done hundreds myself.
1712 [15:22:52] *** Quits: ridik1 (~mehte@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
1713 [15:23:08] <greycat> "Privisioning" means "I
don't have a real computer. I have a thing that generates
images of virtual computers on the fly, because I need to destroy
and recreate my virtual computers 200 times a minute, so instead of
just configuring a machine, I need to make a machine that configures
a newly born virtual machine. Also I don't know ANYTHING, so
you need to spoon feed it to me."
1714 [15:23:10] *** Joins: jmarsac2 (~jmarsac@replaced-ip )
1715 [15:23:27] <greycat> Damn it, typos.
1716 [15:23:36] <Haohmaru> oh
1717 [15:23:59] *** Joins: l0f4r0 (~l0f4r0@replaced-ip )
1718 [15:24:08] <griffrawk> Yep been there. Hundreds of physicals
and VMs.
1719 [15:24:16] <greycat> I'm so sorry to hear that.
1720 [15:24:23] <Haohmaru> okay, not sure why you'd wanna do
that, but i do strongly dislike people who reinstall their OS every
week coz it got filthy broken again
1721 [15:24:28] *** Quits: drzacek (~drzacek@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
1722 [15:24:59] <griffrawk> Useful in environment where people
purposefully break em. Eg schools
1723 [15:25:00] <Haohmaru> (usually crapdows with crackwarez)
1724 [15:25:08] <greycat> I have no idea why these people do it
either. Around the time that it's revealed that's what
they're doing, I've already /ignored them because they are
writring some godawful bash code from hell with 16 layers of nested
1725 [15:26:05] <Haohmaru> then they shouldn't be allowed to
compute in schools
1726 [15:26:08] <Haohmaru> that'll teach em
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1728 [15:26:35] <griffrawk> BOFH in the making....
1729 [15:27:00] <Haohmaru> que?
1730 [15:27:30] <griffrawk>
1731 [15:28:07] <nkuttler> i just had some yoghurt. it was
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1733 [15:29:21] <enri> ola amigos!
1734 [15:29:23] *** Quits: Rico (~Rico@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Quitte)
1735 [15:29:38] <nkuttler> don't forget the amigas
1736 [15:29:49] <Haohmaru> and the smol amigis
1737 [15:30:08] <fkg> i ate an amiga
1738 [15:30:13] <fkg> amiga 4
1739 [15:30:17] <fkg> wait 3
1740 [15:30:32] <fkg> nevermind (chuckles to self)
1741 [15:30:34] <Haohmaru> your dietologist would not be happy
about that
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1754 [15:39:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1571
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1765 [15:43:25] <dtcrshr> gee, I just wanna help the students,
1766 [15:43:42] <dtcrshr> and english is not my main language,
sorry if I choose words that bothers you
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1769 [15:44:43] <nkuttler> dtcrshr: just ignore the grumpy people.
and use a pastebin for code, see /topic
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1772 [15:45:03] <EmleyMoor> No thanks, I'm a Remainer
1773 [15:45:08] <dtcrshr> ok
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1781 [15:49:14] <Ede|Popede> btw, the factoid
doesn't even mention "You cannot disable cookies on
resources served through Cloudflare." (replaced-url
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1801 [15:58:51] <uRock> Does the debian 9 virtualbox installer
work for Buster? Just checking before I bork anything by trying
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1804 [16:01:41] <berndj> oh man, i wonder how much stuff i broke a
day or two ago when i did "ar xv something.deb" in /tmp
(it changed permissions of /tmp to drwsr-xr-x because './'
is in the archive)
1805 [16:02:16] <berndj> (actually the tar -xf following the ar xv
is what did the damage)
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1811 [16:08:05] <Ede|Popede> berndj: sounds like a case for
`--one-top-level` (i prefer subdirs for .deb contents anyway)
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1819 [16:13:32] <griffrawk> Any luck with that cron dtcrshr ?
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1828 [16:17:05] <dtcrshr> yes, I managed to get it working. on
@reboot there is no PATH loaded yet, so I tryed setting the export
to the actual path on the script
1829 [16:17:19] <dtcrshr> it didnt worked on cron, besides working
on the loaded system
1830 [16:17:26] *** Quits: piterke (~piterke@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
1831 [16:17:35] <dtcrshr> so I put the complete path of all
binaries (dmidecode, sed, hostnamectl) and it worked
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1834 [16:18:52] <dtcrshr> the final working script is as follows -
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1838 [16:20:40] <ziGuy> Hi guys,Last night i tried to connect a
second monitor with a DVI connector.The computer freezed and when i
rebooted it, it stuck after grub tried to start the system, I now
started it via a debian i've got on Disk On KeyAny ideas?
1839 [16:20:50] *** Quits: Namber (~luca@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
1840 [16:21:35] <griffrawk> dtcrshr: There you go! Incomplete
environment. If you use something like /bin/bash —login
/path/your as the cron command, that should also do it.
1841 [16:21:43] *** Quits: Sepultura (~quassel@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ##replaced-url
1842 [16:21:46] <ziGuy> I also tried with and without the
Xorg.conf but none helped
1843 [16:21:55] *** Joins: hexyul (~omonk@replaced-ip )
1844 [16:22:23] <ziGuy> I didn't change any settings, just
connected another monitor
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1847 [16:23:28] <dtcrshr> you mean on the cron entry griffrawk ?
1848 [16:23:34] <griffrawk> Yep
1849 [16:23:41] *** Joins: null1337 (~WhoAmI@replaced-ip )
1850 [16:23:51] <dtcrshr> like @reboot /bin/bash --login
/root/ ?
1851 [16:24:31] <greycat> I should be either terrified or
extremely disappointed that someone's writing a cron job that
relies on a user's dot files to establish an environment,
ultimately to ... change a god damned hostname.
1852 [16:25:04] <griffrawk> Think so. Not near a system to confirm
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1857 [16:26:41] <griffrawk> greycat: seeing as its running as root
ye have to trust someone’s environment. Feel free to disagree.
1858 [16:27:07] <greycat> I disagree with every single piece of
the entire situation.
1859 [16:27:36] <griffrawk> So propose a better solution.
1860 [16:27:47] <greycat> In Debian, one sets the hostname by
editing the /etc/hostname file. Once. Then it is left the hell
1861 [16:28:11] <greycat> One does not change the hostname every
time one reboots.
1862 [16:28:41] *** Joins: gjt343 (~gjt@replaced-ip )
1863 [16:28:42] <dtcrshr> you would understand if you work on a
university with 800+ computers
1864 [16:29:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1577
1865 [16:29:23] <joepublic> giving the computers multiple
personalities makes them more manageable, is the idea?
1866 [16:29:43] <Antoine> Hello, I'd like to know if logs are
pruned at some time?
1867 [16:29:52] <ziGuy> Guys? even just a direction please, i have
no idea what to do
1868 [16:30:13] <Antoine> Or do my computer keeps logs since I
first installed debian on it?
1869 [16:30:15] <ziGuy> A reminder: Last night i tried to connect
a second monitor with a DVI connector.The computer freezed and when
i rebooted it, it stuck after grub tried to start the system, I now
started it via a debian i've got on Disk On KeyAny ideas?
1870 [16:30:17] <Antoine> does*
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1872 [16:30:21] <greycat> If Mr. or Ms. Paranoid Tin Foil Hat
(henceforth "Hatty") wants a randomized hostname every
reboot, then ... I still strongly disagree, but Hatty can feel free
to run pwgen or whatever to get the random hostname, and set that
via the hostname(1) command, and modify all the umpteen trillion
files that will have to be modified for stuff not to break.
1873 [16:30:26] <greycat> None of that requires a user's dot
1874 [16:30:34] <dtcrshr> sorry greycat that you dont have the
knowlege or sensibility to understand about hardware deployment,
good luck
1875 [16:30:46] <earend1> ziGuy: is it a onboard card?
1876 [16:30:58] <ziGuy> No, ati radeon
1877 [16:31:02] <ziGuy> some old one
1878 [16:31:33] <dtcrshr> thanks griffrawk for the tips, have a
nice day y'all
1879 [16:31:34] <joepublic> systemd does a pretty good job
changing hostnames. systemctl hostname something or other, I think.
1880 [16:31:41] <xbow> ziGuy: what gfx card you got?
1881 [16:31:44] <greycat> ...
1882 [16:31:49] <griffrawk> dtcrshr: np. Glad to help.
1883 [16:31:53] <greycat> HOW AND WHY WOULD YOU KNOW SUCH A THING
1884 [16:32:07] <earend1> ziGuy: not onboard? because they
sometimes have a relevant bios switch ... you couldlook for
1885 [16:32:41] <joepublic> I had a machine named problem once,
kept crashing, I changed its hostname to solution - 137 days uptime
at the moment.
1886 [16:32:52] <xbow> ehehe joepublic
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1890 [16:34:54] <ziGuy> not onboard, but it's strange i
didn't change any setting
1891 [16:34:58] <xbow> ziGuy: just do # xrandr
1892 [16:35:07] *** Quits: oahong (~samigarus@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ZNC 1.7.1 - ##replaced-url
1893 [16:35:22] <xbow> ziGuy: with xrandr you should see all
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1897 [16:36:09] <ziGuy> root@debDOK:/home/ziguy# xrandr xrandr:
Failed to get size of gamma for output default
1898 [16:36:21] <ziGuy> Screen 0: minimum 640 x 400, current 1280
x 1024, maximum 1280 x 1024default connected primary 1280x1024+0+0
0mm x 0mm
1899 [16:36:45] <ziGuy> (i disconnected the new monitor and stayed
with the old one)
1900 [16:36:58] *** Quits: griffrawk (~Mutter@replaced-ip##) (Quit: Mutter: ##replaced-url
1901 [16:37:34] * xbow is reading backlog
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1903 [16:38:02] *** Quits: Haohmaru (~Haohmaru@replaced-ip ) ()
1904 [16:39:21] <xbow> ziGuy: how is the current monitor
connected? hdmi?
1905 [16:40:22] <ziGuy> vga :-|
1906 [16:41:49] <ziGuy> tried with only the secondry monitor via
DVI and it doesn't work either
1907 [16:42:35] <ziGuy> again, via my portable OS - no problem.
it's driving me crazy as i didn't change nothing in
Xorg.conf or something like this
1908 [16:43:18] <ziGuy> btw i've got this msg now (portable
os): [ 6.111620] [drm] radeon kernel modesetting enabled.[ 6.111682]
[drm:radeon_pci_probe] *ERROR* radeon kernel modesetting for R600 or
later requires firmware-linux-nonfree.
1909 [16:43:28] *** Quits: dvs (~gilford@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
1910 [16:43:37] <ziGuy> but i think it's not related and
it's work anyway
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1914 [16:48:13] <xbow> ziGuy: just to be sure
1915 [16:48:28] <xbow> ziGuy: do apt-get install
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1918 [16:48:58] <xbow> ziGuy: and reboot
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1931 [16:54:28] <ziGuy> Sorry, i gtg, will post back inm few hours
i hope
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1960 [17:09:54] <RLa> any reason why I get forbidden access on
debian wiki?
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1963 [17:10:50] <greycat> There's some kind of firewall that
blocks certain people from it, but I've only seen it mentioned
sporadically over the years, and nobody seems to know anything about
1964 [17:11:17] <RLa> certain people?
1965 [17:11:22] <RLa> you mean ip addresses?
1966 [17:11:30] <greycat> If you can find someone who can answer
these questions, excellent.
1967 [17:12:09] <RLa> I guess I will have to use vpn to access it
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1972 [17:14:05] <RLa> nah, I can access cached wiki pages on
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1981 [17:17:54] <danielh123> Hi, I just installed Debian 10 on a
new machine, configured, transferred data. Then I accidentally
removed the last LUKS key (there are no keyslots enabled), but the
machine is still on. Any pointers on how to recover the master key
when dmsetup just won't work?
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1993 [17:26:38] <Antoine> Hello, are logs deleted automatically
after some time?
1994 [17:26:41] *** Quits: noobineer (~noobineer@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
1995 [17:27:06] *** Joins: wuzamarine (~kvirc@replaced-ip )
1996 [17:27:10] <greycat> Depends on which log. They are all
special snowflakes.
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2000 [17:30:51] <zodd_> In a bashscript I want to create symlinks
in subdir A pointing to files in subdir B. So I *presume* I need
absolute paths or what would be the best way as relative paths do
not seem to work as they are taken relatively from A and not the
location of the executing script?
2001 [17:31:04] <Antoine> Let's say /var/log/syslog then. I
see syslog.7.gz, is it a week then?
2002 [17:31:19] <greycat> zodd_: the decision of whether to use
absolute or relative links is YOURS to make, and it depends on how
the resulting symlink farm is going to be used.
2003 [17:31:23] <zodd_> Antoine, check out your logrotation
software (config)
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2007 [17:31:52] <uRock> I was under the impression that they were
compressed daily
2008 [17:32:37] <greycat> zodd_: If the farm will be mounted in
various places (either NFS/sshfs/SMB/CIFS, or a portable device, or
simply being moved in the future), and if the symlinks are INTERNAL
(pointing to other things inside the mounted hierarchy), you
definitely want RELATIVE symlinks.
2009 [17:32:45] <Antoine> zodd_: Is it handled by logrorate by
default in Debian?
2010 [17:33:00] <RLa> conf should be in /etc/logrotate
2011 [17:33:13] <zodd_> greycat, the resulting symlinks will be
used in scripts residing in subdir A
2012 [17:33:18] <greycat> Antoine: there isn't a single
answer for every log file. Every log file is SPECIAL. Many are
handled by logrotate. Many are not.
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2014 [17:33:34] *** Joins: x0n (~x0n@replaced-ip )
2015 [17:33:53] <greycat> zodd_: It doesn't matter who USES
them. What matters is what they POINT TO and the SEMANTICS of the
2016 [17:33:54] <Antoine> Ok :)
2017 [17:34:00] <Antoine> But the all rotate, right?
2018 [17:34:05] <greycat> _anb: NO!!!!
2019 [17:34:09] <greycat> Antoine: no!!!!
2020 [17:34:23] <greycat> EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. IS. DIFFERNT>
2021 [17:34:26] *** Quits: x0n- (~x0n@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
2022 [17:34:32] <Antoine> Then I might need to remove those that
don't rotate
2023 [17:34:36] <Antoine> at some point
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2028 [17:37:00] <Ede|Popede> you don't have to, there's
enough other stuff filling your disk.
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2031 [17:38:55] <Antoine> Ede|Popede: What should I look for when
removing stuff? My emails at some point but other than that I'm
not sure
2032 [17:39:05] <Antoine> apt autoclean maybe?
2033 [17:39:17] *** Quits: griffrawk (~Mutter@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
2034 [17:39:18] <greycat> What are you trying to do?
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2037 [17:40:12] <Ede|Popede> Antoine: if you don't want to
keep the debs, ok. i only have 15GB on / atm (will change with
buster due to mergedusrbin or what they call it) and it's the
2nd release i can't manage to fill it.
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2041 [17:41:25] <Antoine> greycat: Nothing at the moment, just
understand if there are things that might fill up my disk that
I'm not aware of
2042 [17:41:43] *** Quits: a_l_b (~a_l_b@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2043 [17:41:56] <greycat> Only if something goes haywire, or if
your disk is severely undersized for your purposes.
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2046 [17:42:41] <Antoine> Ok then :), thanks
2047 [17:42:53] *** Joins: v1nc1_ (~v1nc1@replaced-ip )
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2049 [17:43:04] <Antoine> I have 8 gb out of 80 and I installed in
2016 so I'm fine actually haha
2050 [17:43:15] <greycat> The most likely thing for most people
would be the gradual accumulation of .deb files in /var/cache/apt/
if you use apt-get rather than apt.
2051 [17:43:21] <Ede|Popede> Antoine: depends on your
partitioning. and what you do. media is the thing to look for, but
video and audio may go to a data disk anyway, if not even to a media
server. and then there are packages like office and java.
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2053 [17:44:16] <Antoine> greycat: What's the difference
between apt-get and apt with data flling up storage?
2054 [17:44:26] <greycat> apt-get doesn't remove the .deb
files it downloads. apt does.
2055 [17:44:31] <Ede|Popede> and if you really want to *know* it
for your actual installation, there are tooles like jdiskreport, i
think every DE comes with its own. you just have to decide of you
prefer bars or cushion sheets ;)
2056 [17:44:32] <Antoine> Ede|Popede: Ok makes sense :)
2057 [17:44:35] <greycat> (these are defaults, and you can change
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2064 [17:45:05] <zleap> hi all
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2066 [17:45:56] <zleap> quick question, on Debian 10 if I apt
remove chromium then apt install chromium will this reinstall just
the browser and leave settings etc intact, asking as I know apt
purge removes everything, I am trying to resolve chromium being very
2067 [17:46:20] <greycat> any settings in your $HOME will not be
touched, even if you purge the package rather than removing it
2068 [17:46:29] <greycat> and I can't think of any
system-wide configuration settings for a web browser
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2070 [17:46:34] <zleap> thanks
2071 [17:47:16] <zleap> ok i will try that, scratch seems very
slow and sluggish, posted a message to the debian-users list so if
this works, then i may have a solution
2072 [17:47:42] <BCMM> zleap: ~/.config/chromium is what you need
to delete if you want to reset your settings
2073 [17:47:55] <zleap> ok
2074 [17:48:02] <zleap> i have done the reset to defaults thing
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2076 [17:48:08] <zleap> but that has not made a difference
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2081 [17:52:41] <zleap> BCMM: if I rename the ./config/chromium
folder to chromium-backup is that the same as removing it
2082 [17:52:48] <BCMM> yes
2083 [17:52:57] <BCMM> chromium doesn't have any way of
guessing where you moved it to
2084 [17:53:00] <zleap> ok done that, so i just reload chromium
2085 [17:53:08] *** Quits: cdown (~cdown@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2086 [17:53:12] <zleap> lets see if it is any faster
2087 [17:53:41] <humpled> scratch the mit programming for kids
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2090 [17:54:12] <zleap> humpled: yeah I run code club
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2092 [17:54:24] <humpled> nice
2093 [17:54:46] <zleap> hpwever I want to make an activity for a
library event but it is so slow it is impossib;e to do anything
2094 [17:54:58] <humpled> is it still on flash?
2095 [17:54:58] <zleap> it was fine before stretch -> buster
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2097 [17:55:03] <zleap> no webgl
2098 [17:55:08] <humpled> oh
2099 [17:55:10] <zleap> hence it wont work on firefox
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2109 [18:01:31] <zleap> I am trying (well struggling ) to enable
it on firefox
2110 [18:01:39] <zleap> i think it seems to be some sort of
javascript thing
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2118 [18:05:40] <zleap> ok my browser doesn't support webgl
2119 [18:05:58] <zleap> it suggests upgrading my graphics driver
but I struggle with that on Debian as it is
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2122 [18:07:13] <danielh123> How can I read logon type keys from
the kernel keyring as root?
2123 [18:07:40] *** Quits: beaver (~beaver@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2124 [18:07:51] <danielh123> (when the man page says it's not
possible from userspace but the keys are clearly in memory and I am,
well, root...)
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2127 [18:09:58] <zleap> is there a tool in debian to manage
graphics drivers like there is in ubuntu or mint, as in allows me to
change the driver i am using
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2140 [18:18:20] <v1nc1_> <zleap> name of this tools is ?
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2143 [18:21:33] <Soo_Slow> does anybody there use hexchat for irc?
Is it possible to change theme without forgetting older settings
completely (so in case something will go wrong, I ll be able to
revert back)?
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2145 [18:21:45] <RLa> if I went to install debian on a recent
laptop, should I go with stretch or buster?
2146 [18:22:03] *** Joins: aliasnumber10 (~anzero@replaced-ip )
2147 [18:22:04] <RLa> I'm using hexchat but have no idea
about settings
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2149 [18:22:12] <RLa> default theme is annoying tho
2150 [18:22:16] *** Joins: Brigo (~Brigo@replaced-ip )
2151 [18:22:32] <koollman> Soo_Slow: I'm fairly sure you can
save the configuration file or folder before trying that
2152 [18:22:55] <greycat> RLa: I would expect buster to have
better support for "recent" hardware. Make sure you use
the non-free netinst images.
2153 [18:23:17] <RLa> are there non-free full images?
2154 [18:23:26] <greycat> Yes, those also exist.
2155 [18:23:34] <Soo_Slow> koollman, sure I can. But I thought if
there is some built-in feature to switch themes "on fly"
2156 [18:23:42] <RLa> it's t480s and likely needs inter
wireless firmware
2157 [18:23:50] <RLa> intel's*
2158 [18:25:09] <uRock> RLa,
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2161 [18:28:20] <RLa> uRock, should I take 10.0.0+nonfree or
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2165 [18:29:04] <greycat> rc means Release Candidate. That's
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2167 [18:29:29] <zleap> v1nc1_: hardware something, not sure not
used mint or ubuntu in a while
2168 [18:29:37] <zleap> or driver manager
2169 [18:29:43] <RLa> oh, buster was released a week ago!
2170 [18:29:44] <dashs> upgrade woe- changed sources.list to, and libappstream fails for apt update to buster
2171 [18:29:47] <RLa> nice
2172 [18:30:00] <zleap> essentially I am being told to upgrade my
video driver,
2173 [18:30:11] <greycat> almost 2 weeks
2174 [18:30:11] <zleap> not even sure that will fix the issues
with scratch being so slow
2175 [18:30:14] *** Quits: crimson_king (~crimson_k@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2176 [18:30:27] <zleap> back shortly
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2188 [18:36:10] <zleap> RLa: yeah
2189 [18:36:17] <zleap> July 6th or 7th
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2194 [18:41:05] <docarys> Any decent guides to learn how the new
nft(ables) works?
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2206 [18:52:59] <han-solo> RLa: i installed stretch for some
reason on my new laptop, and it didn't install the video
drivers and wifi stuff properly, a upgrade to buster did fix
2207 [18:53:57] <RLa> han-solo, I also had issues with video on my
older laptop but this one only got cpu-based video interface, so it
should be good
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2210 [18:54:55] <uRock> "it should be good" famous last
words, lol.
2211 [18:55:05] <RLa> it also needed some tuning for coming out of
sleep but I just used a small script to directly change acpi setting
through /proc
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2236 [19:09:02] <dashs> han-solo just curious what laptop hdw?
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2242 [19:11:31] <han-solo> dashs: HP probook 430 G6
2243 [19:11:59] <dashs> Like it?
2244 [19:12:08] <han-solo> it had all those UEFI, secure boot
stuff i had to mess
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2246 [19:12:23] <han-solo> dashs: Sure, it is compact and nice
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2290 [19:41:51] <hugepolly> trying to crossbuild libssl1.1 using
sbuild on amd64 for armhf - im getting a few errors like this '
2291 [19:41:54] <hugepolly> dh_shlibdeps -a -L libssl1.1
2292 [19:41:56] <hugepolly> dpkg-shlibdeps: error: cannot find
library needed by
debian/libssl1.1-udeb/usr/lib/ (ELF format:
'elf32-littlearm' abi: '0101002800000000';
RPATH: '')
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2300 [19:48:23] <hugepolly> heres the whole log
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2360 [20:33:27] <ponyofdeath> hi, I am unable to mount two btrfs
subvol=@root and subvol=@home with systemd timeing out and dropping
to recovery shell. as soon as I disable /home mount in fstab
everything starts up. anyone know whats going on here?
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2362 [20:33:57] <CrazyTux> hello, what advantages does Debian have
over distros based on debian like mx linux? for newbies?
2363 [20:34:23] <CrazyTux> is mx linux not easier to install and
use as compared to debian?
2364 [20:35:23] <noln> ponyofdeath, please post the btrfs lines of
/etc/fstab on
2365 [20:35:30] <ratrace> CrazyTux: you should ask the mx linux
folks that
2366 [20:35:40] <diogenes_> CrazyTux, different strokes for
different folks.
2367 [20:35:46] <CrazyTux> ok
2368 [20:36:52] <ponyofdeath> noln: its UUID=blah /
defaults,subvol=@root 0 0 and UUID=blah /home defaults,subvol=@home
2369 [20:37:10] <ponyofdeath> tried using the x-systemd before and
requires / but did not change anything
2370 [20:37:22] <uRock> CrazyTux, I've completed a few Debian
installs over the past few days. Only had ONE little hiccup and it
was easy to fix.
2371 [20:37:25] <petn-randall> CrazyTux: You can pick whatever
derivative you like, but the more specific the distro, the smaller
the support community around it.
2372 [20:37:52] <ratrace> ponyofdeath: add "nofail" to
mount options for /home and then check the logs once it boots, what
went wrong
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2374 [20:38:21] <ponyofdeath> ratrace: it already stops at and
fails to remount / as well
2375 [20:38:34] <noln> ponyofdeath, mount -osubvol=@home -U blah
2376 [20:38:53] <ponyofdeath> noln: if i remove /home from fstab
it boots fine
2377 [20:39:02] <ponyofdeath> then i uncomment /home in fstab and
do mount /home
2378 [20:39:04] <ponyofdeath> it mounts fine
2379 [20:39:16] <ponyofdeath> its the combination of both of them
in fstab
2380 [20:39:24] <ratrace> ponyofdeath: can you do what i
2381 [20:39:32] <CrazyTux> petn-randall: ok
2382 [20:39:50] <ponyofdeath> ratrace: ok let me try that
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2387 [20:46:49] <ponyofdeath> ratrace: ok so now systemd
continues, the timeout is still waiting will see systemctl --failed
after it times out
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2390 [20:47:52] <fusion809> Hi folks, whenever I try to launch
sagemath with (`sage`) on Debian 10 I get the error: /bin/sage: line
244: /bin/sage-env: No such file or directory.
2391 [20:48:03] <fusion809> This is sagemath installed from the
official repos
2392 [20:48:03] *** Quits: ozars_ (~ozars@replaced-ip ) (Quit: reboot)
2393 [20:48:09] <fusion809> Any ideas what I need to do?
2394 [20:48:19] <fusion809> I have Google searched for a package
that provides that I can't find any useful results
2395 [20:48:24] <greycat> sounds like this sage-env program
didn't get installed for whatever reason
2396 [20:48:28] <fusion809> I've searched
for a package providing that
2397 [20:48:33] <fusion809> Can't find any
2398 [20:48:35] <nkuttler> fusion809: looks like that file is in
sagemath-common: /usr/share/sagemath/bin/sage-env
2399 [20:48:44] *** Quits: dashs (~dave@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2400 [20:48:47] <nkuttler> and maybe an alternative is missing
2401 [20:48:48] <fusion809> sagemath-common is installed
2402 [20:48:54] <nkuttler> yup
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2404 [20:49:10] <greycat> oh, by "official repos" he
meant from Debian
2405 [20:49:22] <fusion809> Yep
2406 [20:50:00] <fusion809> I even just tried reinstall sagemath
with APT and I still get this sage-env error
2407 [20:50:07] <fusion809> So what am I meant to do?
2408 [20:50:11] <nkuttler> fusion809: do you know what a symlink
2409 [20:50:43] <fusion809> Ah fair enough, just symlink between
that file and /bin/sage-env, just thought there was a more
Debian-specific way of setting this up
2410 [20:51:15] <nkuttler> there is, the alternatives system i
already mentioned
2411 [20:51:34] <nkuttler> though i guess that serves a different
purpose really
2412 [20:51:41] *** Quits: Guest98325 (~quassel@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ##replaced-url
2413 [20:51:43] <nkuttler> fusion809: in any case, you should file
a bug report
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2416 [20:52:57] <greycat> have you tried reinstalling
sagemath-common yet?
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2420 [20:55:20] <greycat> I don't know anything about this
package, but... the fact that the program actually lives in
/usr/share/sagemath/bin/sage-env but the error says /bin/sage-env
makes me wonder whether something is supposed to run chrooted to
/usr/share/sagemath and is failing to do that
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2422 [20:59:22] <fusion809> OK, just filed one.
2423 [20:59:33] <fusion809> (bug report)
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2426 [21:02:30] <ziGuy> Guys, after grub is starting up, my
monitor is going down. i thought a dist-upgrade to debian 10 will
solve this but now i don't have access even if i set the boot
flag init=/bin/bash :-|, any suggestions?
2427 [21:03:30] *** Quits: CrazyTux (~s@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2428 [21:03:46] <noln> sagemath is a moving target and becomes
obsolete quickly, and (so far) is not getting the load of bugfixes
found upstream, so consider running upstream if this is something
2429 [21:04:19] <noln> I'm speaking of stable, ofc, not
testing or sid
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2431 [21:05:34] <diogenes_> ziGuy, try: nomodeset acpi=off as grub
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2433 [21:08:02] <ziGuy> Thanks, i'll try in a minute and let
you know
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2463 [21:28:02] <NetTerminalGene> guys, default debian (without
blobs) works fine with ryzen 3200G?
2464 [21:28:11] <NetTerminalGene> buster
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2483 [21:48:27] <NetTerminalGene> :/
2484 [21:49:12] <humpled> ?
2485 [21:50:21] <NetTerminalGene> humpled, no one answers my
2486 [21:51:05] <humpled> maybe no one has a card like yours
2487 [21:51:34] <greycat> I think it's a CPU, not a card, but
the question was so incredibly hyper-focused and specialized that
only someone with that EXACT piece of hardware can answer it.
2488 [21:51:38] *** Joins: `jig (~jig@replaced-ip )
2489 [21:52:28] <NetTerminalGene> yeah
2490 [21:52:58] <humpled> i keep meaning to look for some lists of
known supported hardware, there used to be lists like this
2491 [21:53:13] <greycat> !ryzen
2492 [21:53:26] <greycat> Hmm, a bit surprising there's
nothing at all.
2493 [21:54:54] *** Joins: cdown_ (~cdown@replaced-ip )
2494 [21:55:50] <rabbitear_sdf> bad googling skills
2495 [21:56:40] <rabbitear_sdf> or burn out, one of the two
2496 [21:57:00] *** Quits: nav2002__ (~nav2002@replaced-ip##) (Quit: Going offline, see ya! (##replaced-url
2497 [21:57:01] <greycat> the first google results I get for
debian on ryzen are talking about stretch
2498 [21:57:12] <rabbitear_sdf> wow
2499 [21:57:23] <rabbitear_sdf> what a stretch
2500 [21:57:27] <greycat> talking about is bad, because it means
people are asking how to make it work on stretch
2501 [21:57:34] <NetTerminalGene> there is 2200G stuff ddg
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2505 [21:58:08] <rabbitear_sdf> yeah, did you try yahoo greycat ?
2506 [21:58:28] *** Joins: progart (~kamee@replaced-ip )
2507 [21:58:29] <rabbitear_sdf> you might get a different second
2508 [21:58:31] *** Quits: progart (~kamee@replaced-ip ) (Max SendQ exceeded)
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2511 [21:59:52] <greycat> At this point the only thing I can say
is "don't bother trying stretch or older on it". I
don't know whether buster will work well or not. Someone would
have to try it and report the results.
2512 [22:00:17] <rabbitear_sdf> greycat: search engine by post
2513 [22:01:11] <rabbitear_sdf> greycat: you sound like you know
what you are doing ;)
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2518 [22:01:51] <humpled> silly rabbit
2519 [22:02:21] <dan_kelly> Hello
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2521 [22:02:48] *** Joins: BlueByte (~walther@replaced-ip )
2522 [22:03:06] <rabbitear_sdf> tricks are not for kids !
2523 [22:03:35] <humpled> get back in the hat plz
2524 [22:03:43] *** Quits: beaver (~beaver@replaced-ip ) (Quit: leaving)
2525 [22:03:54] <rabbitear_sdf> well I'm looking for my
american express card
2526 [22:04:12] *** Quits: mkowalski (~mkowalski@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2527 [22:04:20] <dan_kelly> Debian 10 user needs a little help
2528 [22:04:38] *** Quits: cshzg (~dietary@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2529 [22:04:45] * rabbitear_sdf gives dan_kelly $100
2530 [22:05:30] <uRock> Shrek's giving away money now?
2531 [22:05:40] *** Quits: Raylier (~ray@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2532 [22:05:55] *** Joins: fireba11 (~fireba11@replaced-ip )
2533 [22:05:59] <rabbitear_sdf> its the only way to make people
smile anymore
2534 [22:06:04] <dan_kelly> $100 will get me to hop distros
2535 [22:06:08] *** Quits: Trieste (~T@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
2536 [22:06:23] <rabbitear_sdf> its not enough?
2537 [22:07:00] <uRock> dan_kelly, what's your issue? get it
out on the table.
2538 [22:07:04] *** Parts: fireba11 (~fireba11@replaced-ip ) ()
2539 [22:07:15] <dan_kelly> Have camera trouble with Google
2540 [22:07:34] *** Joins: Trieste (~T@replaced-ip )
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2542 [22:08:14] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: well thats sad, and why
just hangouts?
2543 [22:08:30] <ziGuy> i messed up everything.
2544 [22:08:36] *** Joins: skittle_ (~skittle@replaced-ip )
2545 [22:09:09] <rabbitear_sdf> class class, quiet down
2546 [22:09:26] <ziGuy> can't bring up interface now:
iptables-restore... line 2: table_flush failed (device or resource
2547 [22:09:48] <ziGuy> line6: chain_user_add failed (file exists)
2548 [22:10:33] <rabbitear_sdf> ziGuy: whats the difference from
your iptables to your interface?
2549 [22:11:39] <dan_kelly> Don't know. Work on Stream Yard
and Jitsi. Also turns on in cheeze
2550 [22:12:17] <ziGuy> what do you mean?
2551 [22:12:25] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: what browser?
2552 [22:12:33] <rabbitear_sdf> ziGuy: what is the differnece?
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2555 [22:13:12] <ziGuy> can you tell me how to check?
2556 [22:13:28] <dan_kelly> Chrome, chromium, Vivaldi
2557 [22:13:31] <rabbitear_sdf> ziGuy: check what?
2558 [22:13:53] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: could be DRM thing, but
I don't really know
2559 [22:14:06] <ziGuy> i don't realy understand how to
compare an interface with iptables, sorry
2560 [22:14:19] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: any other browsers pick
up the mic and cam?
2561 [22:14:43] *** Joins: jnavila (~jnavila@replaced-ip )
2562 [22:15:18] <ziGuy> is there anyway to reset iptables? not
just the rules as it doesn't work
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2565 [22:16:36] <rabbitear_sdf> ziGuy: yes
2566 [22:16:47] <uRock> ziGuy, check out
2567 [22:16:54] <rabbitear_sdf> ziGuy: you flush all the tables
2568 [22:17:05] <uRock> it lists the commands you're looking
2569 [22:17:07] <dan_kelly> Mic,all of the work. Camera Hangout
only problem
2570 [22:17:17] <rabbitear_sdf> ziGuy: flush is a good word for
2571 [22:17:30] <ziGuy> flushing didn't work, same message
2572 [22:17:37] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: work in what website?
2573 [22:17:53] *** Quits: qwas (~Android@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2574 [22:17:53] <rabbitear_sdf> ziGuy: you have to flush all the
2575 [22:17:56] <jmcnaught> dan_kelly: do you get an error in
chromium or does it just fail silently? What if you run chromium
from a terminal to see its text output?
2576 [22:17:58] <rabbitear_sdf> ziGuy: -t
2577 [22:18:16] *** Joins: qwas (~Android@replaced-ip )
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2579 [22:18:37] <ziGuy> -F?
2580 [22:18:45] <rabbitear_sdf> ziGuy: -t!
2581 [22:18:47] <ziGuy> the chains are empty, nothing to flush
2582 [22:18:55] <rabbitear_sdf> ziGuy: you -F all the -t's
2583 [22:19:00] <rabbitear_sdf> no chains
2584 [22:19:01] <ziGuy> iptables -t?
2585 [22:19:03] <rabbitear_sdf> tables
2586 [22:19:11] <rabbitear_sdf> this is iptables not ipchains
2587 [22:19:29] <rabbitear_sdf> man iptables ziGuy
2588 [22:19:39] <rabbitear_sdf> nat table filter table, etc
2589 [22:20:05] <greycat> -F, --flush [chain]
2590 [22:20:10] <greycat> Flush the selected chain (all the chains
in the table if none is
2591 [22:20:23] *** Joins: ExoUNX (~ExoUNX@replaced-ip )
2592 [22:20:23] <rabbitear_sdf> yeah, but your missing the tables
2593 [22:20:51] <dan_kelly> No errors, the camera is recognized
but does not turn on. I did do a search but nothing helpful. Camera
is a Logitec c922
2594 [22:20:52] *** Quits: psmolen (~psmolen@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2595 [22:21:22] *** Joins: srgg (~srgg@replaced-ip )
2596 [22:21:26] <jmcnaught> dan_kelly: no errors even if you run
chromium from a terminal? Does it work in firefox-esr?
2597 [22:21:27] *** Joins: nulix (~nulix@replaced-ip )
2598 [22:21:40] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: its not about the
camera if it works sometimes
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2601 [22:22:46] *** Joins: psmolen (~psmolen@replaced-ip )
2602 [22:23:03] <dan_kelly> No in terminal and no in firefox esr
2603 [22:23:27] *** Joins: diogenes_ (~diogenes_@replaced-ip )
2604 [22:23:44] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: how do you know your
browser lets you use its camera at all?
2605 [22:24:10] <dan_kelly> Camera does show up as Logitec C922
but don't turn on.
2606 [22:25:03] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: look, but it
doesn't matter if it works like say with cheese, because the
browser sounds like its blocking it
2607 [22:25:06] <dan_kelly> Camera Works with everything else but
Google Hangouts
2608 [22:25:20] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: I don't believe
2609 [22:25:42] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: you got any other cam
app for the browser?
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2612 [22:26:36] <diogenes_> dan_kelly, on firefox?
2613 [22:26:51] *** Joins: skybert76 (d4fbaa71@replaced-ip )
2614 [22:26:51] <dan_kelly> Stream Yard and jitsi works fine in
the browsers
2615 [22:27:12] *** Quits: dtcrshr (~dtcrshr@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2616 [22:27:29] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: does google have a
1-800 number you can call?
2617 [22:27:38] <jmcnaught> dan_kelly: if some sites work in the
browser and only google hangouts does not then it sounds like a
google issue.
2618 [22:27:55] <dan_kelly> Dont Know
2619 [22:27:59] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: file a bug report
2620 [22:28:03] <dan_kelly> maybe
2621 [22:28:41] <diogenes_> if it's ff then hangouts
don't support ff, chrome user agent needed.
2622 [22:28:45] <ziGuy> ok, was not familiar with -t. 1 error is
gone but still: line 2: TABLE_FLUSH failed (Device or resource
busy): table filter
2623 [22:28:48] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: usually I think those
are DRM things, but could be wrong too
2624 [22:28:59] <uRock> dan_kelly,
2625 [22:29:07] <ziGuy> i ran among the rest:iptables -t filter -F
2626 [22:29:25] <rabbitear_sdf> ziGuy: -t nat too
2627 [22:29:32] <ziGuy> already did
2628 [22:29:45] *** Quits: han-solo (~han-solo@replaced-ip ) (Quit: leaving)
2629 [22:29:48] <rabbitear_sdf> then --list-rules for each -t
2630 [22:29:54] <ziGuy> mangle as well
2631 [22:29:58] <dan_kelly> Hangouts does work in Linux Mint and
Ubuntu, But I want to get away from them. To much drama!
2632 [22:29:59] <rabbitear_sdf> yeah
2633 [22:30:17] <rabbitear_sdf> ziGuy: so you are back to your
interface only
2634 [22:30:17] *** Quits: qwas (~Android@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2635 [22:30:53] *** Quits: BlueByte (~walther@replaced-ip ) (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
2636 [22:31:03] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: that is because human
2637 [22:31:21] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: they are not monks
2638 [22:31:48] <rabbitear_sdf> only *I*, j/k
2639 [22:32:46] <rabbitear_sdf> ziGuy: 'ip' command like
'ip addr show' helps
2640 [22:33:04] <rabbitear_sdf> and I miss ifconfig ;(
2641 [22:33:11] *** Joins: _Vi (~vi@replaced-ip )
2642 [22:33:20] <dan_kelly> @uRock Been to that support page. Not
much help. I did look around before coming here.
2643 [22:33:27] *** Quits: lead_pipe23 (~Lead@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Bye)
2644 [22:33:31] <uRock> dan_kelly, kool
2645 [22:33:39] <uRock> I was hoping there'd be something
2646 [22:33:59] <rabbitear_sdf> uRock: now you know
2647 [22:34:29] <uRock> rabbitear_sdf, Know what?
2648 [22:34:40] <rabbitear_sdf> what's on the page
2649 [22:34:48] *** Joins: saptech (~saptech@replaced-ip )
2650 [22:34:50] <uRock> but I don't
2651 [22:35:00] *** Joins: hypn0 (~h@replaced-ip )
2652 [22:35:03] <rabbitear_sdf> well you know now what is not on
the page
2653 [22:35:22] <ziGuy> Yay! i had some very old script (2013) in
2654 [22:35:28] *** Quits: saptech (~saptech@replaced-ip ) (Client Quit)
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2656 [22:35:38] <rabbitear_sdf> \o/ success ziGuy
2657 [22:36:06] <rabbitear_sdf> ziGuy: but anything could of put
up that interface probably
2658 [22:36:42] <xaeB5> can anyone recommend a sound recorder in
debian repos? just need something simple to record audio from the
computer microphone
2659 [22:36:45] *** Joins: nifker (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip )
2660 [22:37:02] <ziGuy> now is the real fun :-| original issue was
the my monitor shut down right after grub. i've just replaced
the video card and now checking... give me few moments please
2661 [22:37:03] <rabbitear_sdf> sox
2662 [22:37:13] <ws2k3> im on debian jessie. i wish to install
mysql 5.5.60 by default it installs 5.5.62 is it possible to hard
say i wanne install 5.5.60?
2663 [22:37:22] <nifker> There is no firefox with wayland support
in the debian repo, or?
2664 [22:37:25] *** Joins: anonymip (~anonymip@replaced-ip )
2665 [22:37:30] <dan_kelly> Does anyone use Google Hangout on
debian and does it even work?
2666 [22:37:50] <uRock> xaeB5,
2667 [22:37:51] <jmcnaught> nifker: not yet but it works under
xwayland okay
2668 [22:38:10] <ziGuy> after blacklisted nvidia in every possoble
way now i need to bring it back again :-|
2669 [22:38:11] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: we use the
2670 [22:38:16] <nifker> notifications cause it too freeze 1-2secs
2671 [22:38:39] <uRock> dan_kelly, it works
2672 [22:38:45] *** Joins: JTDoc (uid180843@replaced-ip )
2673 [22:38:47] *** Quits: BCMM (~BCMM@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
2674 [22:38:54] <uRock> but I don't use audio/video
2675 [22:39:02] *** Quits: Xyle (~quassel@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2676 [22:39:35] <jmcnaught> ws2k3: why can't you use the
mysql-server 5.5.62-0+deb8u1 that is in the repo?
2677 [22:40:00] <jmcnaught> nifker: what notifications?
firefox-esr hangs?
2678 [22:40:22] <nifker> jmcnaught: firefox notifications from
2679 [22:40:54] <ws2k3> jmcnaught cause im migrating an older
wheezy server to a newer sollution and i wish to stay on exacly the
same version of possible
2680 [22:41:03] <rabbitear_sdf> actually I was trying to use
google-chrome with matrix, to video chat, and it had some
protections which I never figured out what where, but I have a
feeling because I'm a scienist, that it was a drm thing
2681 [22:41:10] *** Quits: eyalroz (~quassel@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ##replaced-url
2682 [22:41:15] <dan_kelly> We use it on many Linux YouTube
channels to do shows.
2683 [22:41:42] *** Quits: brokencycle_ (~brokencyc@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2684 [22:42:05] <jmcnaught> ws2k3: are you migrating the database
by doing a mysqldump?
2685 [22:42:11] *** Joins: lead_pipe23 (~Lead@replaced-ip )
2686 [22:42:17] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: but, the issue is
inside that browser, I'd bet
2687 [22:42:17] <ws2k3> jmcnaught no. using drbd
2688 [22:42:23] *** Parts: diogenes_ (~diogenes_@replaced-ip ) ("vergissmeinnicht")
2689 [22:42:27] <ws2k3> jmcnaught to a new filesystem on another
2690 [22:42:31] <phogg> dan_kelly: isn't hangouts being shut
down later this year?
2691 [22:43:01] <uRock> phogg, it starts going down for users in
2692 [22:43:07] <uRock> down for good next year
2693 [22:43:17] <phogg> sounds like he needs a new plan in any
case, then
2694 [22:43:26] <rabbitear_sdf> it was getting its jabber (I
forgot the letters) part of it taken away a couple of years ago
2695 [22:43:45] <rabbitear_sdf> but it actually didn't
happen, they lied, it still does jabber
2696 [22:44:10] <rabbitear_sdf> or maybe I'm lying, but
pidgin still works with hangouts
2697 [22:44:15] <phogg> rabbitear_sdf: partly; people who had been
using gmail addresses for jabber when it got sunsetted in *some*
cases kept being able to use it for some years. I was one of the
lucky ones.
2698 [22:44:17] <jmcnaught> ws2k3: have you referred to the mysql
documentation to see if that is a supported migration technique. I
haven't used mysql in some time, but the way to do it before
was using mysqldump
2699 [22:44:33] <phogg> rabbitear_sdf: new gmail accounts
won't work, though
2700 [22:44:40] *** Quits: uRock (~uRock@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Ex-Chat)
2701 [22:44:42] * phogg hasn't tried it lately
2702 [22:45:04] <jmcnaught> nifker: I would try running firefox
from a terminal to see if you get any errors when it locks up
2703 [22:45:41] <phogg> dan_kelly: seems like it would be pretty
short-term valuable to find a way to make hangouts work again only
to lose it in 3 months anyway. What do you use it for? Maybe there
are better long term options.
2704 [22:45:46] <ws2k3> jmcnaught yes i know. but that isnt realy
my question as of this moment.
2705 [22:45:55] <dan_kelly> #<phogg> Ya but it would be nice
to use it until we settle on something else
2706 [22:46:03] *** Joins: humbot (~humbag@replaced-ip )
2707 [22:46:11] <ws2k3> jmcnaught i just wish to install mysql
5.5.60 instead of 5.5.62 as of this moment
2708 [22:46:16] <jmcnaught> ws2k3: no you cannot get other
versions of mysql in jessie, only the one provided in the repos.
2709 [22:46:38] <jmcnaught> ws2k3: do your mysql migration
properly and you don't need to worry about this.
2710 [22:47:19] <ws2k3> jmcnaught i cant do a full lock on the
database this would affect production. so how else im gonna do this?
2711 [22:47:21] <rabbitear_sdf> phogg: no the site works, used to
do hangouts
2712 [22:47:36] <nifker> jmcnaught: seems like some synchronous IO
- I get "(firefox-esr:23157): libnotify-WARNING **:
22:46:45.441: Failed to connect to proxy"
2713 [22:47:58] *** Quits: Newami (~Newami@replaced-ip ) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2714 [22:48:02] <jmcnaught> nifker: something to look into at
2715 [22:48:08] <rabbitear_sdf> for instance it works in chromeOS
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2718 [22:48:19] <ws2k3> jmcnaught im reading that something like
this should work apt-get install subversion=1.9.2-1
2719 [22:48:31] <rabbitear_sdf> and why not figure out why it
doesn't work phogg ?
2720 [22:48:54] <jmcnaught> ws2k3: use the command 'apt-cache
policy <package>' to see which versions are available.
2721 [22:49:02] <rabbitear_sdf> no matter how long its gonna be
there, nothing is gonna be there evenually, save facebook
2722 [22:49:13] *** Quits: lead_pipe23 (~Lead@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
2723 [22:49:18] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: you should make your
2724 [22:49:31] <jmcnaught> ws2k3: I strongly suggest that you
test your migration strategy on some non-vital systems if not
interrupting production is your concern.
2725 [22:49:31] <dan_kelly> The device (camera) does show up in
the browse setting and is Allowed. It just don't turn on with
2726 [22:49:39] <nifker> seems to be this issue
2727 [22:49:44] <ws2k3> jmcnaught then i see 5.5.62-0+deb8u1 0 and
5.5.60-0+deb8u1 0 the .60 is the version i want
2728 [22:49:53] <phogg> rabbitear_sdf: why sink time into
proprietary junk?
2729 [22:50:04] <ws2k3> jmcnaught yeah i know. im trying to do
that now
2730 [22:50:16] <rabbitear_sdf> phogg: true that, but its, good to
know why too
2731 [22:50:23] <jmcnaught> ws2k3: try it and see
2732 [22:50:24] *** Quits: debsan (~debsan@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2733 [22:50:50] <rabbitear_sdf> phogg: I wonder what it takes to
make your own ''hangouts''
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2736 [22:51:16] <phogg> dan_kelly: from anecdotal experience (from
one of my brothers) hangouts audio/video has a very spotty record,
even on Windows. He would get into situations on a week-by-week
basis where it worked, stopped working, worked a bit, broke again,
etc., all in new and interesting ways. Eventually he gave up on it
and switched to something else.
2737 [22:51:40] <phogg> rabbitear_sdf: less and less all the time.
Key term: webrtc
2738 [22:52:03] <rabbitear_sdf> phogg: I used for video
chat before, and on my end chrome was only letting me about 5
seconds of audio, via refreshing the page...
2739 [22:52:24] <ws2k3> jmcnaught this worked. great thanks!
2740 [22:52:41] <rabbitear_sdf> phogg: I was thinking that is a
''security'' measure somewhere..
2741 [22:52:58] <phogg> rabbitear_sdf: it's a reasonable
2742 [22:53:21] <rabbitear_sdf> still unsolved, oh well
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2745 [22:53:56] <dan_kelly> It works fine in Mint and Ubuntu. Been
using it for two year. The trick is you must use a chromium based
2746 [22:54:40] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: chromium !=
2747 [22:55:06] *** Joins: mkowalski (~mkowalski@replaced-ip )
2748 [22:55:09] <dan_kelly> Ya, that too
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2752 [22:56:52] <dan_kelly> I can even get Hangout to work in
Arch, When Arch don't brake it self
2753 [22:56:57] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: if you wanna go as far
as something like 'diff'ing the difference from
mint/ubuntu debian
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2763 [23:00:01] <dan_kelly> I want to stay on debian it looks like
I may need to use Ubuntu to do Hangouts until we fine something else
2764 [23:00:04] *** Quits: GyroW (~GyroW@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2765 [23:00:44] <rabbitear_sdf> chromium might not have DRM built
2766 [23:01:10] *** Joins: MCP_ (~MCP@replaced-ip )
2767 [23:01:13] <rabbitear_sdf> firefox, you have to turn it on
2768 [23:02:16] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: everybody thinks they
are doing the right thing
2769 [23:02:17] <dan_kelly> Chromiun works on Ubuntu and Mint and
Arch right out of the box
2770 [23:02:34] <rabbitear_sdf> but you can compile whatever you
want in it
2771 [23:02:34] *** Quits: timahvo1 (~rogue@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2772 [23:02:56] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: leave out parts, like
DRM etc, that have other types of liences etc
2773 [23:03:04] *** Quits: k-man (~jason@replaced-ip ) (Quit: WeeChat 2.5)
2774 [23:03:54] <rabbitear_sdf> mint/ubuntu don't have as
strick policy of what liences go into it
2775 [23:04:16] *** Joins: slv (~slv@replaced-ip )
2776 [23:04:50] <rabbitear_sdf> so like, phogg is right, hangouts
should and will mess you up if you depend on it
2777 [23:05:06] *** Quits: fmerges (~fmerges@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
2778 [23:05:06] <rabbitear_sdf> no matter what thing it needs
2779 [23:05:23] *** Quits: towo` (~towo@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
2780 [23:05:44] *** Quits: LorD_n1c0w (~igora@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving.)
2781 [23:06:05] <dan_kelly> Ok, I understand debian is not big on
Non free packages. I went through that on the install. So maybe
something is missing
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2789 [23:07:01] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: its possible to add
google-chrome along side of chromium
2790 [23:07:07] *** Quits: smev81 (~smev81@replaced-ip ) (Quit: smev81)
2791 [23:07:13] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: its not free software
2792 [23:07:16] *** Quits: annadane (~annadane@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Leaving)
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do nothin' 'cause I'm cute and furry)
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2795 [23:09:02] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1565
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2799 [23:11:21] <dan_kelly> This is the only issue I found with
debian 10 so fear since it came out. It's a little thing, not
enough to give up on it.
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2806 [23:13:49] <dan_kelly> Thank's for your time!
2807 [23:13:52] *** Quits: leandrovianna (~leandrovi@replaced-ip ) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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2810 [23:15:47] <coruja> dan_kelly, maybe
2811 [23:16:11] *** Joins: xtort- (mark@replaced-ip )
2812 [23:17:57] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: welcome! thanks for the
2813 [23:18:02] <qman__> Looks like netdata was removed from
stretch-backports, anybody know what's up with that?
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2816 [23:19:07] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: install from
google's site, google-chrome, I believe there is a repo from
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2818 [23:19:27] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly: that should give you
full non-free DRM and that crap
2819 [23:19:28] *** Quits: zzor (~zzor@replaced-ip ) (Quit: zzor)
2820 [23:20:02] <rabbitear_sdf> dan_kelly:
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2829 [23:26:24] <ziGuy> Guys, how can i know if i'm using
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2832 [23:27:31] <rant> you're using kms
2833 [23:27:41] <ziGuy> explain
2834 [23:27:46] <BCMM> ziGuy: my machine says "[drm]
initializing kernel modesetting (POLARIS10 0x1002:0x67DF
0x148C:0x2373 0xCF)." in dmesg, but i don't know if
that's specific to the amdgpu driver
2835 [23:28:19] <rant> no, there will be a drm kms line in
anyone's kernel messages
2836 [23:28:33] <rant> even if it didnt load successfully
2837 [23:29:04] <BCMM> rant: what do you mean by "you're
using kms". isn't it still all weird if you have
proprietary nvidia drivers?
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2841 [23:29:25] <ziGuy> well dmesg shows no kms line
2842 [23:29:28] *** Joins: petn-randall (~petn-rand@replaced-ip )
2843 [23:29:36] <rant> hell if I know, I havent touched them in
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2847 [23:29:58] <BCMM> rant: as in "initializing kernel
modesetting" is just the subsystem loading, and doesn't
indicate that it actually set a mode?
2848 [23:30:35] *** Quits: xtort- (mark@replaced-ip##) (Quit: ZNC - ##replaced-url
2849 [23:30:38] <EmleyMoor> BCMM: If it didn't indicate
failure, you're using it
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2853 [23:31:07] <dan_kelly> Ok, Removed Chrome. Downloaded Chrome
as a deb package and install it with gdebi. This fixed the problem,
Camera turns on in ALL browser. Must need a package only found in
2854 [23:31:09] *** Quits: soee (~soee@replaced-ip ) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
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2857 [23:34:17] *** Joins: debuser_ (~debuser@replaced-ip )
2858 [23:34:22] <ziGuy> so? how should i know? have some lack of
performance here i think
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2862 [23:35:25] <rant> ziGuy: are you running X? what graphics
2863 [23:35:37] <rant> if you are running a modern os, on modern
hardware, you are using KMS
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2866 [23:36:44] <debuser_> Hi. I have a bit of an issue after
upgrading to Buster, namely I can't seem to launch
Weston/Wayland (from a VT console). This used to work fine in
Stretch, so it seems to be a regression. If it matters, I'm on
a fairly old Intel graphics, fut hw acceleration works fine under X.
Thoughts? It's not a huge issue, just a bit weird
2867 [23:36:51] <rant> there are only two other options.. UMS and
no modesetting and UMS breaks most modern software, and no
modesetting makes it impossible to display output if the machine
screws up so..
2868 [23:37:01] <EmleyMoor> ziGuy, If it hasn't said it
isn't working, it is. Simple as that.
2869 [23:37:15] *** Quits: ChristopherAppl (~HitchSlap@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2870 [23:38:26] <ziGuy> video card is old: geforce 210
2871 [23:38:44] <BCMM> ziGuy: what driver are you using?
2872 [23:39:01] *** Quits: Space_Man (~Space_Man@replaced-ip ) (Remote host closed the connection)
2873 [23:39:10] <ziGuy> nouveau
2874 [23:39:42] <ziGuy> you think i shall install nvidia's
2875 [23:40:06] * EmleyMoor would avoid that unless nouveau plays up
2876 [23:40:07] <ziGuy> as far as i remember they uses KMS
2877 [23:40:07] <BCMM> pretty sure nouveau always uses kms
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2883 [23:42:39] <ziGuy> ok, thanks
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2891 [23:47:23] <rant> (lsmod;dmesg;cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log)|grep
-Ei 'drm|kms|modesetting'|nc 9999
2892 [23:47:26] <rant>
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2895 [23:48:23] <rant> fwiw.. to further illustrate kms is the
rule, not the exception
2896 [23:48:34] <rant> even windows has used kms for decades
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2905 [23:58:53] <debuser_> Hi. I have a bit of an issue after
upgrading to Buster, namely I can't seem to launch
Weston/Wayland (from a VT console). This used to work fine in
Stretch, so it seems to be a regression. If it matters, I'm on
a fairly old Intel graphics, but HW accel works fine under X.
Thoughts? It's not a huge issue, just a bit weird. It seems to
go wrong with "failed to greate gbm surface", "Failed
to init output gl state"
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