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0[00:00:01] <orbere> Is there a difference in audio support
software while using xfce vs default debian desktop? My Thinkpad
volume buttons stopped working after upgrading but also switching
desktop managers.
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4[00:01:05] <orbere> And what is the package name for the
default Debian desktop? So I can try a user using that.
5[00:01:36] <Lyberta> can I have opencl on free amdgpu driver
and proprietary firmware?
6[00:02:27] <cruncher> Lyberta, limited
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8[00:02:57] <cruncher> not all already compiled opencl
programs will work
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14[00:03:36] <Lyberta> cruncher, I can live with that, what
packages do I need?
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19[00:08:07] <cruncher> Lyberta, dont remember really
anymore... the amd opencl package was removed, so i installed the
generic mesa one...but install clinfo, i think it should pull in the
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27[00:09:32] <cruncher> its a pain when having an older amd
card and wanting to opencl... since fgrlx doesnt work anymore
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30[00:10:34] <n4dir> cruncher: with default Debian desktop you
probably mean gnome
31[00:10:51] <cruncher> n4dir, ?
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34[00:11:01] <cruncher> n4dir, i thin you mean orbere
35[00:11:09] <n4dir> cruncher: sorry, yup, i meant orbere
36[00:11:12] <cruncher> s/thin/think
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51[00:22:02] <g0zzy> hfs: Macintosh HFS Extended version 4 data
. What do i need to mount that on loop?
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58[00:26:24] <Walex> orbere: unlikely, they all use ALSA and
PulseAudio underneath.
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66[00:29:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1682
67[00:29:37] <sonOfRa> g0zzy: you need hfsprogs. Note that by
default, you can only mount such disks in *read only* mode
68[00:29:54] <sonOfRa> If you want to enable read+write, you
first need to disable journalling while the disk is mounted *on OSX*
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70[00:30:24] <sonOfRa> Trying to mount a hfs+ file system
read-write while journaling is enabled will, in the best case, not
work, and in the worst case, irreperably destroy the file system
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72[00:32:49] <g0zzy> sonOfRa: thanks
73[00:33:01] <g0zzy> RO is fine
74[00:33:12] <n4dir> the bot has a bit of info too, but i am
not sure if it offers any additional insight:
75[00:33:14] <n4dir> !hfs
76[00:33:14] <dpkg> The Hierarchial File System (HFS, aka Mac
OS Standard) is the default filesystem on Mac OS prior to Mac OS X.
<MBR> partition ID: 0xAF. The Linux kernel's hfs
filesystem driver can read/write HFS filesystems, tools are in the
hfsutils package. <parted> can resize HFS (shrink only)
provided the start of the partition stays fixed. See also
77[00:33:44] <g0zzy> Oops. I already have it installed
78[00:33:48] <sdrausty> LtL: tnx
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80[00:34:36] <sonOfRa> n4dir: that is a bit outdated, hfsutils
is HFS only, not HFS+
81[00:35:54] <n4dir> perhaps give /msg dpkg hfsplus a try (but
i am really speaking over my head here. don't be mad at me :-)
82[00:36:00] <g0zzy> I should have said hfsplus to mount, not
83[00:36:39] <sonOfRa> g0zzy: hfsprogs will do hfs+ fine,
hfsutils will only do hfs
84[00:37:35] <g0zzy> OK. I'm actually searching for a ppd
in a Mac package
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86[00:38:03] <g0zzy> After all that, it looks like it
doesn't have one
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89[00:40:32] <g0zzy> Or its buried deep in some ghastly mac
90[00:40:40] <forcerecon> gartt: if signal would just make a
desktop version for linux I would stick with signal.. gonna have to
try out Ring.. thanks for information
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96[00:47:11] <forcerecon> is this accurate ?
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99[00:47:29] <forcerecon> anything should be changed, taken out
or added?
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101[00:48:49] <n4dir> forcerecon: at first glance, if you
don't plan to build anything from source, you can comment all
debian-src lines (if you plan to build from source, you often want
to build from sid anyway)
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104[00:49:51] <g0zzy> sonOfRa: Thanks again for help
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111[00:55:39] <forcerecon> n4dir: thanks.. I commented those
out.. how about the main under the cdroms at the top? are those
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114[00:56:41] <n4dir> i would say yes, but i am not good at
looking the the sources.list entries. I always copy/paste from the
debian wiki (assuming i have to, usually the installe does it, duh)
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117[00:57:23] <n4dir> you can also completely remove the cd-rom
entries. well: that's what i do, to keep the file content as
clear as possible
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119[00:57:40] <forcerecon>
120[00:57:43] <forcerecon> got it thanks
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123[00:58:36] <n4dir> probably looks like yours, like said: i
tend to oversee something if looking myself
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127[00:59:21] <n4dir> iow: to me your entries look fine :-)
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143[01:10:58] <ephemer0l_> Hi, all. I'm struggling to get
esmond installed on either jessie or stretch. Any advice?
144[01:11:20] <ephemer0l_> >esmond : Depends:
python-djangorestframework-extensions (>= 0.2.8) but it is not
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174[01:36:16] <lupus> I'm at the Software Selection screen
on my Debian Stretch install. I want XFCE, but no apps eg.
LibreOffice, Calculators and such. IIRC ticking XFCE will install
all kinds of office related software. Can anybody help me clear that
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177[01:38:22] <n4dir> lupus: i think your only option is to a)
don't install a DE during installation and b) (duh) install it
after installation (apt-get install xorg xfce4 ... perhaps
xfce4-goodies )
178[01:39:02] <saptech> I think it's a way to do a minimum
install of xfce
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186[01:44:30] <master_> hi, how do i change the font in cinnamon
panel and menu?
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1732[02:26:45] <rigel> so i'm interested in helping package
LXD. ive read the packaging guide, and read the ITP thread, but
it's not clear to me where i might find out what work has
already been done, given that it has been nearly a year since a
significant useful-progress post has been made to the bug/ticket. im
unclear about the etiquette surrounding just emailing developers on
the list about helping, since i am a noob to much
1733[02:26:51] <rigel> of this stuff. any input would be
1734[02:27:55] <rigel> there is a wiki article, but the whole
packaging process has had to be restarted once already, so i'm
not clear how much of that still applies
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1757[02:45:58] <random_numbers> So, how does the process of
adding a package, written for example in Python3, to Debian go? The
part where stuff gets on alioth and gets the buildpackage files
added is what I'm not clear on.
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1822[03:35:47] <jmcnaught> gartt: there's a newer version of
ring in stretch-backports by the way
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1842[03:46:24] <r_rios> Hello, all. I just tried to boot into
Debian KDE live, but I didn't get past Plasma's splash
screen. It seems that the video driver crashes for some reason.
Also, in the boot menu, I didn't find a way to change the
kernel flags. What can I do? At the moment, I'm running Jessie
as my main system and I want to make sure Stretch works before
trying to upgrade.
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1850[03:49:57] <random_numbers> Boot flags are changed by
pressing e on grub, iirc.
1851[03:50:06] <random_numbers> As for drivers I'll let
someone else answer.
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1856[03:52:00] <r_rios> I tried pressing e, but the live image
menu doesn't seem to be grub
1857[03:52:13] <random_numbers> Hold down shift?
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1872[03:57:34] <random_numbers> I unfortunately don't have
any of the cds at hand to test.
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1895[04:28:35] <Shmam> Hi everyone! For some reason Apper seems
to crash every time I try to use it to install things. I downloaded
a .deb package and clicked to install and apper didn't do
anything. Is there something better that I should use to install
.deb files?
1896[04:29:24] <random_numbers> Apper??
1897[04:29:33] <random_numbers> Normally you install stuff using
1898[04:30:45] <Shmam> yeah I've been using dpkg on the
command line but was hoping for a quicker way of doing things
1899[04:31:08] <Shmam> so like I can just click once it downloads
from chrome and it will either install with some gui thing or just
run dpkg
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1901[04:35:10] <random_numbers> That's... probably possible.
Some sort of bash-script launcher that'd hand the full-path of
the file to the script.
1902[04:35:16] <random_numbers> s/bash/shell/
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1904[04:36:15] <r_rios> Shmam: QApt is better for single .deb
1905[04:37:04] <Shmam> and is there a way to have it install the
deps so that I don't have to manually go through them?
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1907[04:38:17] <random_numbers> Doesn't just installing with
dpkg and then using apt-get install -f do teh trick?
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1911[04:39:00] <jmcnaught> how often are you installing random
.debs anyways?
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1913[04:39:22] <random_numbers> It's possibly a security
1914[04:39:28] <random_numbers> To do so.
1915[04:40:30] <jmcnaught> every .deb package gets to run a
script as root on your system, so just make sure you trust the
origin, and that the software is in fact compiled for Debian and not
some other distro that also uses .deb
1916[04:41:15] <random_numbers> Which would probably just lead to
system breakage rather than intentional security compromise.
1917[04:41:24] <random_numbers> Still not very desirable.
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1922[04:43:27] <Shmam> So I'm trying to install
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1925[04:45:33] <jmcnaught> Shmam: that website says the package
is in stretch-backports, did you look there?
1926[04:45:50] <jmcnaught> ,v tilix
1927[04:45:51] *** Joins: sul-fyr (~bob@replaced-ip)
1928[04:45:52] <judd> Package: tilix on amd64 --
stretch-backports: 1.6.4-1~bpo9+1; buster: 1.6.4-1; sid: 1.6.4-1
1929[04:45:58] <Shmam> Yeah that gives me the .deb
1930[04:46:05] <Shmam> that's what I'm trying to
1931[04:46:39] <random_numbers> If it's backports you should
just edit your /etc/apt/sources.list file and add backports to it.
1932[04:46:48] <jmcnaught> Shmam: you downloaded a .deb in your
browser from the stretch-backports repo? why not just add backports
to your sources.list and run "apt-get -t stretch-backports
install tilix"?
1933[04:46:52] <random_numbers> Along with importing the needed
gpg keys.
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1938[04:49:09] <Shmam> woooooah sounds fancy! So I opened up my
sources.list what do I need to add?
1939[04:51:03] <jmcnaught> Shmam:
1940[04:51:26] <Shmam> looks like I already have that in my
sources.list waow
1941[04:51:35] *** nolsen is now known as FAT32
1942[04:51:47] <Shmam> E: The value 'stretch-backports'
is invalid for APT::Default-Release as such a release is not
available in the sources
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1945[04:52:40] <jmcnaught> !bat
1946[04:52:40] <dpkg> In order to troubleshoot your problem with
apt-get, apt or aptitude we need ALL OF THE FOLLOWING information:
1. complete output of your apt-get/apt/aptitude run (including the
command used) 2. output from "apt-cache policy pkg1
pkg2..." for ALL packages mentioned ANYWHERE in the problem,
and 3. "apt-cache policy". Use
1947[04:52:58] <Shmam> Have this in sources.list: "deb
1948[04:53:22] <dvs> I thought ftp wasn't being used anymore
1949[04:53:34] <jmcnaught> stretch-updates is not the same as
1950[04:53:35] <dvs> ah neverminds
1951[04:53:37] <random_numbers> It's http, the true ftp
servers are indeed supposed to be dead.
1952[04:53:45] <Shmam> well shit
1953[04:54:22] <Shmam> This shows using ftp...
1954[04:54:57] <dvs> Shmam, it's outdated
1955[04:55:01] <random_numbers> It's not an ftp. Legacy
namescheme. But it indeed doesn't have the needed files.
1956[04:55:05] <random_numbers> Check it with your browser.
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1960[04:56:11] <random_numbers>
1961[04:56:13] <Shmam> This one? "deb
1962[04:56:44] <dvs> that's still a bit dated
1963[04:56:46] <Shmam> I get an error when trying to install
packages form that one
1964[04:56:48] <jmcnaught> Shmam: are you on Debian 8 or Debian
1965[04:57:24] <Shmam> 9
1966[04:57:37] *** Joins: chachasmooth (~chachasmo@replaced-ip)
1967[04:57:42] <jmcnaught> Shmam: so you want stretch-backports,
not jessie-backports
1968[04:57:52] <dvs> Shmam, then none of the lines should say
"jessie" anymore
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1970[04:58:15] <Shmam> right the ones I have are stretch
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1972[04:58:35] <Shmam> deb
1973[04:58:39] <Shmam> thats what I have
1974[04:58:46] <dvs> and?
1975[04:59:30] <dvs> !tell Shmam about stretch sources.list
1976[04:59:46] <jmcnaught> Shmam: like I said earlier, updates is
not the same word as backports
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1984[05:04:32] <Shmam> seems to be working now
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1990[05:06:21] <jmcnaught> Shmam: nice. You might also want to
check out
1991[05:06:57] <Shmam> Yeah will do thanks :)
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2064[06:02:14] <lordarkmemo> Hi, im working with iptables. But
everytime i restart th iptables load some rules that reject my
traffic. I dont know how to erase those rules
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2067[06:03:26] <Rusty1_> lordarkmemo: try #iptables or #netfilter
if nobody here can help
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2072[06:05:02] <lordarkmemo> Rusty1_: thank you
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2078[06:05:37] <ajbone> Would anyone be able to suggest an apple
email address I can write to ask why they don't have an itunes
for linux? I don't think they will care and I wouldn't
expect a response but I'm just not going to feel right until
its done. Thanks
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2132[06:22:56] <lordarkmemo> Rusty1_: Anybody help me :(
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2137[06:25:54] <ahmed751995> excuse me, i installed debian 9 but
i can't see Account Type in users in setting ?
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2148[06:34:54] <codebam> how do I fix this
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2151[06:36:54] <codebam> I need vim installed
2152[06:37:06] <codebam> I don't care if I use outdated
packages, I just want it installed
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2155[06:38:22] <codebam> never mind, figured it out
2156[06:38:24] <codebam> used =
2157[06:38:43] <klys> codebam, take out your apt source that has
vim 2:8.0.0197-5 in it, update, and install the things you listed.
2158[06:38:49] <klys> or that
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2160[06:39:01] <codebam> well it's because I'm on sid
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2162[06:39:20] <codebam> I did a dist-upgrade when I
shouldn't have and it removed vim
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2166[06:39:38] <klys> for sid there is a channel, #debian-next,
2167[06:39:47] <codebam> oh cool, I'll join that
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2169[06:39:49] <codebam> thanks
2170[06:39:53] <klys> sure
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2185[06:53:01] <Fox682> Hey guys, anyone have any trouble
installing Debian 9 in a Virtualbox
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2187[06:54:08] <iodev> Fox682: you mean errors?
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2189[06:54:48] <Fox682> no errors, just after install it
won't boot, just a black screen. I'm just using the
regular Bios booting also.
2190[06:55:29] <iodev> did you use manual or guided install
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2200[06:58:32] <Fox682> I've done both, same problem,
install, boot, blank.
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2203[07:00:26] <Fox682> I've even verified the sha256sum for
the iso... so I'm sure I got all the bits right.
2204[07:01:00] <Fox682> The live versions will boot and run
without issues.
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2206[07:02:53] <petn-randall> Fox682: Does the bootloader pop up?
2207[07:03:17] <petn-randall> Fox682: As in, do you see
*anything* before the blank screen?
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2209[07:03:57] <Fox682> yeah, I can select the regular boot
options, tried running recovery mode, got the same thing, just more
text before it went blank.
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2211[07:05:19] <iodev> Fox682: is there any text in the top-left
2212[07:05:23] <iodev> maybe login:
2213[07:05:49] <petn-randall> Fox682: Try booting into single
user mode then, by adding "single" to the kernel command
line in grub.
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2222[07:12:30] <Fox682> it looks like it doesn't even get to
the grub boot, just shows some text about the kernel on the top left
and then nothing, pegs the CPU and sits there..
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2224[07:15:20] <Fox682> wait... nevermind, it goes to grub
2225[07:15:29] <darxmurf> morning all
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2228[07:16:35] <Fox682> the recovery mode boots the system with
the single option for the os
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2230[07:18:44] <Fox682> it shows the linux version and initial
ram disk, then nothing.
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2232[07:19:05] <Fox682> on the recovery mode, it'll stream
some text... Let my try that.
2233[07:21:21] <Fox682> yeah it runs for about 5.5 seconds the
last entry is "write protecting the kernel read-only data:
1720k" last line is "loading please wait" and
I've waited 15 minutes here too, now that I remember.
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2245[07:31:46] <pragomer> in debian9 xfce i always have to input
both, username and pw, to light-locker, when screen is locked. in
e.g. xubuntu the locked user is kind of "preselected". how
can I get this behavior in debian?
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2264[07:46:57] <darxmurf> any idea of why I miss some folders
when I mount a windows share using "mount.cifs -o
vers=3.0" ?
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2279[07:53:36] <butteredpopcorn> probably server side permissions
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2281[07:55:25] <uxfi> hi butteredpopcorn
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2287[07:56:35] <butteredpopcorn> hola
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2298[07:59:27] <darxmurf> butteredpopcorn: the server is a
windows 10 machine
2299[07:59:37] <darxmurf> everything is fine with vers=1.0
2300[07:59:50] <darxmurf> some folders are missing with vers=2.x
or 3.0
2301[08:00:00] <darxmurf> access rights are fine on the windows
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2304[08:02:51] <butteredpopcorn> have you checked the file
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2308[08:05:36] <butteredpopcorn> also how are you listing the
2309[08:05:48] <butteredpopcorn> depending on the file explorer
it could be hiding some files
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2320[08:15:19] <darxmurf> yep I checked
2321[08:15:32] <darxmurf> all permissions are inerhited from the
mail folder
2322[08:15:38] <darxmurf> main
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2324[08:16:33] <darxmurf> then I mount it using mount.cifs -o
ro,vers=3.0,username=xxx,password=xxx //ip/folder /mntpoint
2325[08:16:52] <darxmurf> then when I ls the content of /mntpoint
some folders are missing
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2327[08:17:05] <darxmurf> but not when I mount it with without
forcing vers=
2328[08:17:37] <darxmurf> and by the way, with smbclient I can
list everything even when I force the version 3
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2331[08:19:12] <butteredpopcorn> is it only folders or files that
are missing too
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2340[08:28:49] <pie3> if any one needs any kind of support/help
for repitive task, i am ready to work with you for any kind of
coding/similar work/task
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2347[08:34:51] <darxmurf> butteredpopcorn: I would say folders
2348[08:35:07] <darxmurf> in the root
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2351[08:36:04] <darxmurf> by the way I sent a bugreport
2352[08:36:06] <darxmurf>
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2399[09:07:23] <zorin-os> how do i install the amdgpu drivers or
at least get them to work without nomodeset
2400[09:07:29] *** Joins: dionysus69 (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
2401[09:08:14] <zorin-os> as installing linux-firmware clang4-0
and llvm-4.0 didnt work
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2444[09:31:06] <dirgeable> hi, is it normal when i run htop to
have a bunch of /usr/sbin/apache2 and /usr/sbin/mysqld running at
the same time?
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2459[09:36:55] <Stummi> dirgeable, yes, since htop shows you all
the threads created by an application
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2462[09:37:23] <dirgeable> ok thx
2463[09:37:29] <zorin-os> how do i install the amdgpu drivers or
at least get them to work without nomodeset as installing
linux-firmware clang4-0 and llvm-4.0 didnt work
2464[09:38:18] <Stummi> dirgeable, press shift+H to toggle it
2465[09:38:32] <dirgeable> thanks
2466[09:38:34] <zorin-os> and
1.3.0-0ubuntu1~16.04.1 amd64 [installed,automatic] is shown
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2484[09:50:12] <nox_darkcore> hello :) Any can help me with my
kernel problem? I am dont can install the drivers for nvidia geforce
5200fx. x.x
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2493[09:57:47] <hexhaxtron> Anyone experienced this? NMI
watchdog: BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 22s!
2494[09:57:58] <hexhaxtron> The system frequently freezes...
2495[09:58:20] <Drzacek> nox_darkcore, nouveau doesn't work?
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2522[10:19:13] <dionysus69> hey
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2525[10:20:30] <dionysus69> gnome channel is pretty inactive
right now, maybe someone knows what i need to do? I just want to
create a systray icon that will have a checkbox and check and
uncheck events will trigger two different systemctl --user actions,
that's all. anyone knows how to do that or where can I find
docs? I can't seem to find it on google, unsure what keywords
to use
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2534[10:31:11] <oskie_> cannot the world settle on writing the
first name first?
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2544[10:36:24] <jim> hi... in the past, the release notes of the
then-debian+1 would say, bring the debian up to date before altering
sources.list to go to debian+1 (example, debian being jessie and
debian+1 being stretch).... has that changed?
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2548[10:38:39] <petemc> jim: the steps required are detailed in
the release notes. it can vary
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2560[10:43:43] <inviz> deleted .initial snapshot and now cannot
start kvm vm. failed?
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2565[10:45:19] <dob1> hi, can I monitor nat connections on a
gateway with iptraf? or there is a similar tool to do this ?
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2580[10:56:29] <jim> petemc, got it... and, what I want to know
is more specific than that: has the need to bring the previous dist
(jessie in this case) up to date before moving past that to stretch
become unnecessary? if so, what got fixed to make that happen?
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2586[10:58:00] <pldiem1> hi, how to get the newest intel graphics
drivers for debian 9 stretch?
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2600[11:07:51] <jim> pldiem1, drivers are generally part of the
kernel, so maybe the answer is "upgrade the kernel"... not
sure tho
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2624[11:22:36] <forcerecon> since doing away with ifconfig, which
i generally liked the separation of things, is it default now to be
using the IP command in debian?
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2631[11:24:34] <FinalX> forcerecon: yes, and so it should've
been almost a decade already. ifconfig and related tools had been
deprecated in the linux world for the better part of said decade
already. they just stuck around in debian because people were used
to them.
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2634[11:25:18] <FinalX> there was a page that listed ifconfig
commands on the left and iproute2 equivalents on the right but
can't find it atm
2635[11:25:40] * FinalX hasn't been missing the ifconfig-family
ever since he got to know iproute2
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2645[11:31:00] <forcerecon> FinalX: thanks for information - link
for anyone following thread -
2646[11:32:04] <FinalX> forcerecon: you can still install the
tools for while you're getting the hang of it, by the way;
it's just not installed by default anymore
2647[11:32:16] <FinalX> (apt install net-tools)
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2660[11:38:54] <BluesKaj> Hi folks
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2663[11:39:23] <forcerecon> morning BluesKaj
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2665[11:39:40] <BluesKaj> 'Morning forcerecon
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2667[11:40:51] <babilen> BluesKaj: It doesn't really scale
for people to greet the channel on join, so it would be nice if you
could do that in -offtopic :)
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2671[11:42:53] <BluesKaj> babilen, your response took up more
space than my greeting ....pedantic over reaction methinks
2672[11:43:57] <babilen> Didn't we discuss this some time
back? The essential difference is that your actions are recurrent
while my statement holds true from now on
2673[11:44:17] <BluesKaj> BS
2674[11:48:11] <babilen> BluesKaj: Seriously, we addressed this
two weeks ago and you should be well aware of it
2675[11:48:30] <BluesKaj> babilen, get a life
2676[11:49:50] <babilen> Please refrain from personal attacks,
there is no need for it and this is a technical support and not a
chat channel
2677[11:50:12] <babilen> So, please drop it and greet people in
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2722[12:15:57] <phre4k> ok so a friend of mine wants to view some
DRM crap with silverlight, can you link me a good comprehensive
tutorial on that?
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2750[12:30:13] <nox-lineage> Hello :)
2751[12:32:20] <hiya> Hello :D
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2767[12:40:05] * BluesKaj waits for the negative response
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2774[12:45:14] <BluesKaj> babilen, where are you now, 2 people
just said hello
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2799[12:51:41] <forcerecon> Is anyone doing PGP encryption?
2800[12:52:02] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o babilen
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2802[12:52:02] *** babilen sets mode: +q *!*@unaffiliated/blueskaj
2803[12:52:02] *** babilen sets mode: -o babilen
2804[12:52:32] <babilen> BluesKaj: Just drop it
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2807[12:54:33] <apollo13> forcerecon: it would be more useful if
you asked a question which were a little bit less meta
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2810[12:55:59] <babilen> ^
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2815[12:56:46] <forcerecon> apollo13: yeah I agree... uhm..
hmmm.. I was thinking that I would get involved with pgp encrypted
email. Most of the reading I have done is from a couple years ago
and I am unsure how to proceed. Does it make more sense to add pgp
as stated in a document like this -
2816[12:56:47] <forcerecon> your encryption and decrypt keys?
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2818[12:58:38] <apollo13> I do not know proton mail -- I just use
thunderbird + enigmail
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2821[12:59:21] <savantgarde> I'm looking for a suitable
image to base a Fluentd Docker image off of, which should include
journald with LZ4, do you guys have any recommendations? Preferably
the image should be small
2822[12:59:49] <dokma> I'm trying to stick a Xeon X5460 into
my LGA775 box. Anyone knows where to get the CPU microcodes that can
be applied from Debian?
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2828[13:02:07] <babilen> forcerecon: Most (all?) email clients
support GPG and I would start by creating a key and configuring your
client. See
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2830[13:03:06] <babilen> dpkg: tell dokma -about microcode
2831[13:03:22] <babilen> dpkg: You are looking for
2832[13:03:23] <dpkg> I resemble that remark!
2833[13:03:30] <babilen> dokma: You are looking for
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2836[13:04:27] <dokma> babilen: these contain Xeon microcode?
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2843[13:05:49] <babilen> dokma: Yes -- See
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2846[13:07:07] <dokma> babilen: Since I already have this
installed all I need is to stick the modded Xeon in and reboot?
2847[13:07:48] <babilen> Indeed, you might also consider
upgrading your boxes firmware as vendor supplied firmare bundles
sometimes contain newer microcode
2848[13:08:30] <dokma> This would be something coming directly
from Intel?
2849[13:08:50] *** Quits: bananadev (~bananadev@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2850[13:09:21] <dokma> I'm going to try plug the Xeon in and
reboot now.
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2852[13:09:25] <dokma> I'll keep you posted.
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2865[13:16:20] <darxmurf> forcerecon: same here, t-bird +
enigmail, it works quite well
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2868[13:17:34] <phre4k> how do you watch silverlight stuff on
Debian nowadays, I think pipelight uses NPAPI which is deprecated?
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2870[13:18:24] <darxmurf> forcerecon: protonmail is using
encrypted servers and all but their webmail does not offer the
possibility to add PGP keys to encrypt/decrypt messages... which is,
for me, a bit stupid ...
2871[13:19:24] *** Quits: B[]rG (~tuptidup@replaced-ip) (Quit: regeneration...)
2872[13:19:33] <forcerecon> darxmurf: things must have changed..
they do offer the pgp key but it is 2048. They also do encrypted
with password and timed self destruct.
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2874[13:20:00] <forcerecon> I have an account with them and it is
really quite a nice interface. I use Tor to connect..
2875[13:20:28] <phre4k> forcerecon: why do you upload your PGP
key to strangers' servers?
2876[13:21:00] <forcerecon> I don't.. they offer a public
key for download
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2880[13:22:59] <phre4k> ok so why do you encrypt your mail with
strangers' PGP keys? :D
2881[13:23:37] <forcerecon> because I trust protonmail..
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2887[13:26:30] <tdn> I have a user who logs on via SFTP which is
chroot'ed into a specific folder. However, when I try and log
in authentication goes fine, but get this error: fatal: bad
ownership or modes for chroot directory <path to user's
home>. Where can I find the requirements for ownership and modes
for this folder?
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2890[13:27:46] <darxmurf> forcerecon: yep but if I send an
encrypted mail to you, can you read it from the webmail ? and
encrypt your reply ?
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2899[13:34:19] <DK2> when removing a hardrive that is in mdraid
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2901[13:34:25] <DK2> do i need to remove it via mdraid first ?
2902[13:35:42] <forcerecon> darxmurf: based on this, seems like
you can, but they seem to have added it and then removed it in
version 3 but are putting it back once they make it better or
something -
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2907[13:39:15] <nicechap> Hi what does this crontab entry mean?
17-59/60 * * * *
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2916[13:44:13] <nstr> nicechap:
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2919[13:44:35] <nicechap> nstr: I didnt understand it “At
every 60th minute from 17 through 59."
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2921[13:45:08] <nicechap> every 60th minute from when the crontab
is set??
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2923[13:45:22] <themill> I'd assume it means
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2925[13:45:39] <darxmurf> I would say the same :D
2926[13:46:37] <nicechap> brrr really?
2927[13:47:02] <darxmurf> where did you find this ?
2928[13:47:24] <nicechap> on a server I am trying to understand..
it does run though at some point
2929[13:47:34] <nicechap> (I believe)
2930[13:47:56] <darxmurf> well, log the result somewhere and see
if you get something :)
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2933[13:48:09] <nicechap> i thought everyone here was a guru
2934[13:48:13] *** Quits: in1t3r (~shiva@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2935[13:48:20] <nicechap> except me...
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2937[13:48:54] <darxmurf> you can be a cook guru but pretty bad
with cron
2938[13:48:56] <darxmurf> but still a guru
2939[13:49:07] <darxmurf> :D
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2975[13:57:26] <jolt> You should see some cron output in syslog
or messages I guess
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3007[14:12:06] <Agafnd> apt can't find nyquist despite it
apparently being in the repos
3008[14:12:12] <Agafnd> any idea why?
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3017[14:16:37] <darxmurf> what do you have in your sources.list ?
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3019[14:17:27] <Agafnd> it looks like
3020[14:17:33] *** Joins: Milijus (~Milijus__@replaced-ip)
3021[14:17:54] <Agafnd> basically just the default file + a
backports line I added ... yesterday ...
3022[14:17:57] <Agafnd> hm.
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3029[14:20:46] <darxmurf> is your mirror up to date ?
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3035[14:24:04] <Agafnd> aren't mirrors listed on
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3039[14:26:30] <nvz> does anyone know of a free dynamic dns
service that works with the utilities in debian that I can use for
simple access to a private network?
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3046[14:30:11] <apollo13>
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3049[14:30:26] <apollo13> that said, what do you mean by access
to a private network?
3050[14:30:32] <nvz> apollo13: have you used this with debian?
3051[14:30:37] <apollo13> no
3052[14:30:57] <nvz> I plan to ssh into my father's computer
from time to time
3053[14:31:04] <hellyeah> Debian has problem with broadcam
wireless card i am sure
3054[14:31:11] <nvz> it'll be a lot easier if i have a
hostname that doesnt change
3055[14:31:46] <apollo13> nvz: a) most routers already support
dyndns protocol out of the box, so you could utilize that, b) if
your system allows for it I'd put it behind a vpn
3056[14:32:03] <apollo13> I currently just have to do ssh
home.vpn and it will utilize my ipsec network to $home
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3058[14:32:31] <crazyb0y> nvz: use connect back tool
3059[14:32:34] <nvz> this is whatever comcast gateway they give
and the ip isn't likely going to change much
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3061[14:33:18] <apollo13> well will work fine then
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3063[14:33:57] <nvz> last time I did this was still a
free service and it worked well with both the tools in debian as
well as the router firmware I had at the time
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3066[14:34:19] <apollo13> yes, is free and supports
the dyndns 2 procotol
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3068[14:34:52] <nvz> ah, ok. so does the router have to support
it or can it be done from the debian box behind the router?
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3070[14:35:30] <nvz> I will of course need to setup a static ip
and port forward on the inside
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3072[14:35:42] <nvz> for the ssh, and I will setup keys while
I'm there too
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3074[14:35:51] <hellyeah> My card seems work but it cannot
recieve near wireless connection. Can you help me about it?
3075[14:36:17] <apollo13> whatever you have been using with
dyndns should still work (assuming you can change the provider
3076[14:36:47] <nvz> hellyeah: check dmesg, you may be missing
firmware. You need to be more specific about the model of the card,
interface it uses (internal/laptop, usb, etc) and the issue
you're having
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3078[14:39:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1676
3079[14:39:30] <hellyeah> Bm4313 broadcom wireless. Sometimes it
couldnt find connections. I have laptop
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3081[14:40:10] <hellyeah> Lots of networks bu no result
3082[14:40:23] <nvz> yes well I haven't used one of those in
many years but last I did it sucked royally, noise calibration was
terrible, they crippled the driver which is closed source, disabling
several features.
3083[14:40:47] <nvz> again you will want to check dmesg, and
perhaps /var/log/daemon.log to see if there are any clues as to what
is going on
3084[14:41:22] <hellyeah> Dmesg said error @wl_cfg80211_scan
wlc_scan error -22
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3087[14:42:27] <hellyeah> Any clues?
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3089[14:43:44] <nvz> not really, nothing helpful anyhow. My best
advice is find another wifi card and check for broadcom stuff before
buying a laptop. its really junk and only supported by their binary
drivers which are terrible
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3092[14:44:59] <hellyeah> I see
3093[14:45:08] <hellyeah> So driver issue
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3095[14:45:43] <hellyeah> Sucks
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3097[14:45:55] <nvz> well I can't be sure because I
can't test the hardware with another driver but I know when I
had one a long time ago it was definately failing to calibrate the
noise floor properly which causes huge issues in the modern world
where there are lots of radio signals
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3099[14:47:36] <Agafnd> darxmurf: OH actually i think the problem
was there's no build for my arch!
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3103[14:54:17] <Agafnd> i'll just have to use apt-get source
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3111[14:57:47] <darxmurf> ah yep
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3131[15:05:16] <Agafnd> darn. I was following the instructions
found here
3132[15:05:27] <Agafnd> and i'm not sure what to do
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3171[15:21:40] <oskie_> Agafnd: perhaps control file is not
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3173[15:22:38] <Agafnd> where's the control file? or
what's it called?
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3175[15:22:54] <oskie_> it should be in the debian directory
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3177[15:24:15] <Agafnd> in what way might this be wrong?
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3181[15:25:53] <kus> when I do php -v I get PHP 7.1.8 (cli)
(built: Aug 4 2017 18:47:28) ( NTS ) but apt-get install php-xdebug
fails how do I install php xdebug in my php:latest image?
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3205[15:37:27] <oskie_> Agafnd: could it be that the Architecture
doesn't match? i don't know...also i use
dpkg-buildpackage, not debuild
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3207[15:38:24] <Agafnd> oskie_: gee, I AM building it on amd64
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3209[15:38:51] <Agafnd> i assume just adding "amd64" to
"architecture:" will not fix anything.
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3213[15:39:56] <oskie_> you can try...
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3228[15:45:41] <Agafnd> oskie_: well, I get a slightly longer
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