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0[00:00:29] <vypr> Hey
1[00:00:44] <vypr> Anyone ?
2[00:00:59] <MRme> Hi. I am having an issue. I am running
Jessie on my laptop with KDE (also had Gnome at one point and had
the same issue) and I update to the 4.5 Kernel via Jessie Backports.
When I goto Menu -> Shutdown the system no longer shutdown but
restarts. Any idea on how to fix this?
3[00:01:09] <MRme> (sorry for asking again)
4[00:01:11] <awwal> supposing that you have a DM, X, and you
have did a normal install (creating a standard user and so)..., mx
5[00:01:15] *** Joins: linuxfool (~james@replaced-ip)
6[00:01:46] <mtn> MRme: any chance you have boot on lan turned
on in the bios?
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11[00:02:16] <MRme> No
12[00:02:26] <MRme> It's only happening on 4.5
13[00:02:34] <mx> awwal, can i use the runlevel changing
command to changing runleve in normal mode?
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15[00:02:49] <MRme> 3.16 works fine
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17[00:03:43] <vypr> Hey guys, i've a question. How can I,
with debian, load a proxy list and access the same website with
different IPs, simultaneously ?
18[00:04:01] <brigo> mx, if you are using systemd, no; systemd
doesn't use runlevels.
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20[00:05:18] <mx> how to find that systemd is using?
21[00:05:19] <vypr> Doesnt matter if you can only answer my
question partly, I know it's a big question
22[00:05:36] <brigo> cat /proc/1/comm
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26[00:06:25] <brigo> vypr, you need to configure the clien you
want to use, a web browser, wget, curl, etc.
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29[00:06:50] <defanor> vypr: you're Bashme, right?
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34[00:07:47] <markybob> heh
35[00:07:48] <markybob> guy has balls anyway
36[00:07:52] <markybob> still an idiot
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40[00:09:06] <vypr> brigo: if all those options can act
(almost) equally efficiently what would be the simpliest according
to you
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46[00:09:43] <markybob> brigo: what he's doing is illegal.
don't help him.
47[00:09:54] <markybob> brigo: he was in here earlier. just
changed his story a little
48[00:10:35] <mx> awwal, how to find that systemd is using?
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50[00:10:42] <MaBunny> what did i miss???
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52[00:11:05] <vypr> Illegal in what country ? i'm trying
to replicate something that has been done my huge services, 10000 of
websites, gathering 100000000 of your favorite currency. I just want
to do it myself, wake up, it's the real world
53[00:11:14] <vypr> by huge*
54[00:11:26] <markybob> we're not going to help you steal
55[00:11:31] <markybob> go away
56[00:11:51] <MaBunny> haha
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58[00:13:09] <vypr> Some people man, the only purpose of
virtual views is getting enough visibility to gather real viewers
and have get your content known, get featured, stop. being.
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60[00:13:27] <vypr> damn i'm murdering english
61[00:14:02] <markybob> this has nothing to do with #debian,
it's off topic, and you're a dick for trying to do what
you want to do. also a dick for changing your nick and trying again
under a different story like we wouldn't notice
62[00:14:03] *** Quits: BenNZ (~Ben__@replaced-ip) (Quit: Everytime I think IQ's must have dropped recently, I
remember that this is the internet)
63[00:14:36] <MaBunny> hehe
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67[00:14:52] <vypr> Then might I have the balls to ask you
where I could seek help to less buthurted people
68[00:14:52] <markybob> vypr: go ask some other channel how to
steal money
69[00:15:15] <markybob> vypr: i couldn't give two shits to
help someone do something illegal
70[00:15:25] <vypr> Illegal in what country, genius
71[00:15:44] <markybob> every country youtube operates in. read
their terms of service asshole
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73[00:15:54] <vypr> I'm not aiming for youtube
74[00:16:04] <markybob> that was your story last time
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76[00:16:16] <vypr> It was an example
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78[00:16:25] <vypr> Any streaming service might work the same
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80[00:16:34] <markybob> vypr: i'm not sure what part of
"we won't help you" doesn't sink in?
81[00:16:54] <vypr> i'm not sure what part of you
don't represent 2k people doesnt sink in
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84[00:17:21] <markybob> vypr: i see people laughing at you and
others before who talked trash to you last time. no one is helping.
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86[00:17:56] <defanor> vypr: apart from ethical issues,
it's not quite related to debian, and you have a better chance
to get an answer someplace else – probably not on freenode
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92[00:19:07] <vypr> You guys make this such a big deal. When
some services litterally buy data centers to sell this kind of
service, you guys bash someone that tries to get some viewers hence
getting an actual good content known without waiting years
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98[00:23:00] <vypr> Wow we have fun here, afk and butthurted
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102[00:25:36] <MaBunny> not we....only us
103[00:25:42] <MaBunny> ;P
104[00:27:03] <awwal> mx, what you want to know? if your system
have systemd and its in use as default init system?
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121[00:36:01] <mx> yes, how to understand systemd is now working
and how to change to normal mode?
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130[00:40:09] <awwal> mx, run "ps --pid 1 -f" and if
you see '/sbin/init' run "stat /sbin/init" and
check if /sbin/init links to '/lib/systemd/systemd'. If
thats the case, so you have systemd and your default init system and
it's running
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133[00:40:41] <awwal> that's my suggestion
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143[00:46:41] <anexit_> anyway in virt-manager to change the
virtio boot disk?
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145[00:46:51] <anexit_> it wants to boot virtio 1 which
isn't the windows machine
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148[00:47:54] <thurstylark> anexit_: There should be a boot
order section in the machine options.
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151[00:49:06] <anexit_> All I have is boot options
152[00:49:12] <anexit_> and in there is "hard disk"
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158[00:50:57] <mx> awwal, ok tanx a lot
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161[00:51:28] <thurstylark> anexit_: Then change the HDD.
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164[00:52:10] <axc1298> um why was that guy changing his nick to
match mine
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182[00:58:31] <Mazhive> hello guys,... some one know allot on
setting up or configuring a mail server using postfix ,dovecot and a
extrernal client like claws mail and using certificates to exlusive
send emails for this particular client. so spammers would be a
minimal issue
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187[01:00:06] <anexit_> Thanks, I change one to IDE and then
went back and forth with virtio
188[01:00:09] *** Parts: ptm (~tmp@replaced-ip)
189[01:00:30] <Mazhive> Linux 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian
3.2.68-1+deb7u6 x86_64 GNU/Linux wheezy 7.9
190[01:00:31] <anexit_> hopefully this is faster than ide
191[01:00:33] <anexit_> hehe
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193[01:01:14] <Mazhive> also using webmin to make it easier..
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195[01:01:40] <thurstylark> anexit_: yeah, for Windows, you need
to install the virtio drivers before switching to the virtio
196[01:02:02] <thurstylark> Microsoft don't care bout your
Linux hypervisor crap :P
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199[01:03:10] <dax> !webmin
200[01:03:11] <dpkg> Webmin is a lame web-based interface for
unsafe system administration for Unix. Check it out at
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203[01:04:30] <anexit_> thurstylark: yeah, now if I can only get
the network card to not be 100mbit
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206[01:04:59] <thurstylark> There's virtio drivers for that
too, isn't there?
207[01:05:19] <anexit_> no idea
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210[01:05:29] <anexit_> redhat?
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212[01:05:43] <thurstylark> Yeah. Named qxl something something
213[01:05:49] <Mazhive> dpkg thank you for noticing... ii use it
very seldom but yes.. i half agree...
214[01:05:50] <dpkg> Mazhive: de rien
215[01:05:52] <thurstylark> Been too long since I tried.
216[01:06:12] <markybob> thurstylark: dpkg is a bot
217[01:06:19] <anexit_> ok
218[01:06:22] <anexit_> I'll look
219[01:06:33] <thurstylark> markybob: ...que?
220[01:06:36] <markybob> Mazhive:
221[01:06:41] <markybob> thurstylark: sorry, was for Mazhive
222[01:07:18] <thurstylark> Ahh
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226[01:08:38] <jmcnaught> Mazhive: why are you starting a new
server on Wheezy? It's only got the limited LTS for security
support now. For a new server, start with the current stable release
Debian 8 (Jessie)
227[01:08:59] <Mazhive> jmcnaught its an existing mail server
228[01:09:07] <anexit_> thurstylark: Thanks!
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230[01:09:34] <thurstylark> Np
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232[01:10:29] <jmcnaught> Mazhive: oh. did you have a problem
that you need help with then?
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234[01:10:41] <Mazhive> iv' had real problems with
235[01:12:00] <Mazhive> so wanne tightining the security and
resolve the issue with microsoft whom is blocking temperarly my mail
from there servers
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237[01:12:18] <Mazhive> sorry from my server
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240[01:12:35] <jmcnaught> Mazhive: spam is coming from your
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242[01:12:59] <Mazhive> it 's is been reported..
243[01:13:21] <markybob> Mazhive: what's your domain? you
can /msg it to me
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246[01:14:01] <Mazhive> also i want my spf and all those other
stuff work
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249[01:15:32] <Mazhive> i thought i had it perfect but lately
spammers had been busy not only my server but iv'e seen alot on
the web spammers are a real problem nowadays
250[01:15:35] <markybob> Mazhive: that's a shame. out of
104 blacklists you're on 2
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254[01:16:02] <markybob> Mazhive: anyway...ever thought of just
setting up postfix relay with google for your domain?
255[01:16:46] <jmcnaught> Mazhive: do you have users? You need
to track down which account is being used to send the spam and shut
it down or force the password to be changed.
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260[01:19:34] <Mazhive> i got a few not many only one activly
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262[01:20:15] <markybob> Mazhive: btw your ssl cert is kinda
fucked. the chain is incomplete
263[01:20:29] <markybob> Mazhive: and you're accepting rc4.
not good
264[01:20:54] *** Quits: Thrasymachus (~mpurcell@replaced-ip) (Quit: leaving)
265[01:21:19] <anexit_> only issue now is I get a blue screen
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267[01:21:22] <anexit_> ugh
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270[01:27:06] <jpleau> if I have 01-blah.conf 02-blah.conf
03-blah.conf in ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d they all get
parsed right? The rules in 03-blah.conf will overwrite the ones from
01-blah.conf if it can?
271[01:28:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1631
272[01:28:56] <k-man> on my lenovo r61 thinkpad, how can i map
fn+up arrow to be pageup?
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276[01:30:26] <anexit_> how do you release the pointer in
virt-manager Ctrl+alt isn't working
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280[01:31:02] <anexit_> nvm apparently it took 5 minutes
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287[01:36:05] <viderizer> for some reason my isofs module is not
loaded in the kernel and trying to insmod it errors, what can I do?
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306[01:46:47] <r4ng3r> hello, i ve some question. i ve 3
harddisk. 1 ssd system without home and share files. two hdds with
4tb and software raid.
307[01:47:12] <r4ng3r> how can i solve the issue? is it possible
to create to partitions on the software raid harddisk?
308[01:47:58] <r4ng3r> is it necessary that the home partition
is an extra partition or can it an folder on the sw raid partition
309[01:47:59] <r4ng3r> ?
310[01:48:11] <r4ng3r> i ve found no solution @the web. sry
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317[01:51:25] <jmcnaught> r4ng3r: it is not necessary for /home
to be a separate partition, but some prefer it. is the software raid
your root filesystem? You could to LVM on top of softare raid (use
the /dev/md0 as a physical volume (PV) and then divide it up that
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322[01:53:40] <r4ng3r> no the software raid is for the home and
the data
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325[01:55:06] <frostschutz> how large is the ssd? if it's
not tiny, home should be on ssd as well (at least for configs,
browser caches, and other stuff that deserves to be fast). ssd for
day to day work, hdd for big clunky media
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328[01:56:36] <r4ng3r> thats a server, no user @the pc. the ssd
is 100GB
329[01:56:57] <RoyK> r4ng3r: just create a big raid and use lvm
on top
330[01:57:08] <RoyK> r4ng3r: and perhaps ssd caching with it
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332[01:57:14] <RoyK> r4ng3r: if you need that
333[01:57:57] <RoyK> r4ng3r: I prefer to use mdraids directly on
disks to avoid partitioning
334[01:58:34] <r4ng3r> but without partioning the home partition
is on the ssd?
335[01:58:56] <RoyK> imho home should be on the raid
336[01:59:03] *** Quits: fstd (~fstd@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
337[01:59:19] <RoyK> either change the homedir path in
/etc/passwd or use a bind mount
338[01:59:27] <RoyK> the former is probably best
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340[01:59:48] <RoyK> keep the rootfs for system only
341[02:00:03] <RoyK> use separate drives for root and data
342[02:00:12] <RoyK> full separation is always good
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344[02:00:31] <RoyK> you find old 100GBish drives for close to
345[02:00:39] <r4ng3r> RoyK: i want to seperate linux
installation @ssd and data and home @raid ssd...
346[02:00:54] <r4ng3r> RoyK: i want to seperate linux
installation @ssd and data and home @raid hdd
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348[02:01:10] <RoyK> r4ng3r: that's what I'd do
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350[02:01:40] <RoyK> r4ng3r: just install on a small disk, move
user accounts to /data/home or whatever you call it - change
351[02:02:03] <r4ng3r> RoyK: but howto move the home partition
@the raid hdd? i found only information howto move home to an
seperate partition
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353[02:02:32] <RoyK> mkdir /data/home ; mv /home/* /data/home
354[02:02:38] <RoyK> and change /etc/passwd-
355[02:02:39] <RoyK> and change /etc/passwd
356[02:02:50] <RoyK> pretty simple
357[02:03:07] <RoyK> implying /data is the raid, of course
358[02:03:39] <r4ng3r> RoyK: thats all, so easy?
359[02:03:46] <RoyK> that simple
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362[02:03:57] <frostschutz> r4ng3r, servers might do it the
other way around, root on HDD (it never reboots, and all programs
only start once and run forever, SSD adds no value there) and
database on SSD (busy databases need fast I/O so ...).
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365[02:04:51] <r4ng3r> frostschutz: its an personal server, not
enough money for large ssd :-)
366[02:05:07] <RoyK> r4ng3r: btw, you might want to use a mirror
of an HDD and an SSD with the HDD in write-mostly for safety
367[02:05:47] *** Quits: msjche (~msjche@replaced-ip) (Disconnected by services)
368[02:06:37] <markybob> i hate that people keep talking down
ssd. the new drives really don't have a write problem.
they're fine.
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372[02:07:13] <frostschutz> r4ng3r, not everyone has databases
in the hundreds of gigabyte range... anyway, it all depends what you
do with it. SSD makes things go fast but only if the data that needs
to be fast is actually on it. and that depends entirely on your
usecase, there is no general advice
373[02:07:19] <RoyK> r4ng3r: also, using an SSD for the root
doesn't really make sense since the root usually has very low
I/O unless you're swapping, meaning you're low on memory,
meaning you should buy more RAM :P
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376[02:08:07] <r4ng3r> RoyK: i ve enough ram, small server 8gb
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379[02:08:19] <frostschutz> as for caching, it works a lot less
well than organizing data such that the hot stuff is on ssd
directly. it might be okay if you simply can't organize it this
380[02:08:30] *** Quits: msjche_ (~msjche@replaced-ip) (Disconnected by services)
381[02:08:46] <RoyK> r4ng3r: then probably no proper use of swap
unless you start a bunch of VMs
382[02:09:06] <RoyK> r4ng3r: so better use a couple of old HDDs
and use the SSD for caching
383[02:09:30] *** Quits: hggdh (~hggdh@replaced-ip) (Quit: Hoc volo, sic jubeo, sit pro ratione voluntas)
384[02:09:48] <RoyK> frostschutz: have you tried lvmcache?
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388[02:11:17] <RoyK> r4ng3r: is this server running or is it
something you're setting up?
389[02:12:05] *** Quits: frostschutz (~frostschu@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
390[02:12:13] <r4ng3r> it was running :-)
391[02:12:26] *** Joins: githogori (~githogori@replaced-ip)
392[02:12:26] <RoyK> did it die?
393[02:12:33] *** Joins: hggdh (~hggdh@replaced-ip)
394[02:12:38] <r4ng3r> harddisk upgrade, it was now for 6 years
running without any raid
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397[02:12:58] <r4ng3r> nope it didnt die, harddisk space was low
398[02:13:05] <RoyK> ok
399[02:13:12] <r4ng3r> i bought new 4tb wd red and one 100gb ssd
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401[02:13:37] <RoyK> just my basic setup: hdd for the root (or
ssd+hdd with hdd with write-mostly)
402[02:13:44] <RoyK> all data on the raid
403[02:13:48] <RoyK> that's it
404[02:14:19] <RoyK> and if you need a lot of iops for the data,
well, use some ssd caching
405[02:14:27] <RoyK> usually most people won't need that
406[02:15:18] <RoyK> with 8GB of memory, you probably
aren't planning on hosting much VMs so never mind SSD caching
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408[02:16:36] <r4ng3r> RoyK: mmmh okay, you think my setup with:
linux @ssd and data @hdd with hw raid isnt rly the best option. but
now i ve bought all the drive :-P
409[02:17:00] <r4ng3r> no no vm or something else just file and
email server
410[02:17:03] <r4ng3r> and upnp
411[02:17:10] <RoyK> hwraid?
412[02:17:34] <RoyK> what sort of controller?
413[02:18:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1624
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415[02:18:22] <r4ng3r> nope.. swraid
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418[02:19:02] <RoyK> ok, install the system on raid-1 even if
you only have one drive, so that you can add another if you feel
like it later
419[02:19:20] <RoyK> then setup the data raid and move homedirs
over there
420[02:19:59] *** Joins: denisk (~denisk@replaced-ip)
421[02:20:16] <RoyK> and use LVM everywhere
422[02:20:20] <RoyK> that's my advice
423[02:20:47] <RoyK> some ppl say LVM has latency issues
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425[02:21:02] <RoyK> mostly that doesn't matter - even in
large setups
426[02:21:13] *** Joins: GNUmad (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip)
427[02:21:18] <RoyK> I'm managing some 200 servers with LVM
and it just works
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429[02:21:30] <markybob> those people are idiots
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431[02:21:57] <r4ng3r> okay thx a lot
432[02:22:04] <RoyK> maybe, maybe not - I've seen some
traces of it
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434[02:22:15] <koollman> lvm had issues. probably still has
some. It usually isn't a problem unless you are trying to push
very high performance hardware to the limit
435[02:22:21] <markybob> i have plenty of benchmarks - even some
i've done myself. lvm is fine
436[02:22:32] *** Joins: blackwell (~blackwell@replaced-ip)
437[02:22:53] <RoyK> markybob: just saying there might be some
issues, and that no, they aren't real problems
438[02:22:54] <r4ng3r> conclusion, its not necessary that the
home partition is one an extra partition just copy the folder on the
other hdd and change etc/passwd right?
439[02:23:39] <RoyK> if you have a large data raid, just put
/home there
440[02:24:01] *** Quits: afuentes (~kusanagi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
441[02:24:05] <RoyK> don't use partitioning unless you
really need it (and you probabaly won't)
442[02:24:13] <RoyK> use LVM
443[02:24:23] <RoyK> and use RAID
444[02:24:41] <RoyK> mirroring for the root and something for
the data
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447[02:25:12] <RoyK> perhaps start with a mirror for the data if
you're short of drives and then just expand that to a raid5 or
448[02:25:19] <RoyK> it'd dynamic
449[02:27:51] <r4ng3r> but at my current configuration there s
no need for lvm or? just put home @ md0/home and my files to
450[02:28:26] <RoyK> just use lvm - ut doesn't hurt, but it
*will* be more flexible
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452[02:29:01] <RoyK> if you want to separate some data from
others, it's fine
453[02:29:34] <RoyK> just start out with a small filesystem of
say 100GB for home and extend when needed
454[02:29:53] <RoyK> or perhaps you want all of it in one
455[02:30:07] <RoyK> but then, in a year, you want to separate
456[02:30:15] <RoyK> it'll be easier with lvm
457[02:30:48] <RoyK> choose xfs if you want large filesystems
458[02:31:08] <RoyK> ext4 is better for smaller things, also,
ext4 can be reduced, xfs can't
459[02:31:52] <RoyK> normally, ext4 can't be extended to
>16TiB if created as a 32bit filesystem (the default)
460[02:32:12] <RoyK> also, if something bad happens to the
filesystem, an fsck can take hours
461[02:32:15] *** Quits: s8321414 (~s8321414@replaced-ip) (Quit: Konversation terminated!)
462[02:32:17] <RoyK> xfs is better at that
463[02:32:30] *** Parts: bollullera (~anuxi@replaced-ip)
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466[02:34:10] <r4ng3r> RoyK: grrrr more and more work.....
467[02:34:43] <RoyK> r4ng3r: just trying to enlighten you a bit
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469[02:35:43] <r4ng3r> but its not so easy to create lvm on top
of an sw raid, need to read more tutorials
470[02:35:44] <r4ng3r> :-(
471[02:35:51] <r4ng3r> but i think not today
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475[02:36:12] <RoyK> vgcreate mydata /dev/md0
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477[02:36:22] <r4ng3r> thats all?
478[02:36:29] <RoyK> lvcreate -n mysecretdata -L 1T mydata
479[02:36:34] <r4ng3r> okay i stop the data copying....
480[02:36:58] <r4ng3r> i will restart toda afternoon... see you
481[02:36:59] <RoyK> then create a filesystem on
482[02:37:01] <r4ng3r> thx a lot
483[02:37:02] <RoyK> mount it
484[02:37:05] <RoyK> blabla
485[02:37:12] <r4ng3r> okay i ll try i
486[02:37:14] <r4ng3r> t
487[02:37:30] *** Quits: Nevyn|Work (~jhaskell@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving.)
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489[02:38:41] <r4ng3r> just trink no my beer
490[02:38:44] <r4ng3r> now
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492[02:39:16] <r4ng3r> until its empty
493[02:40:17] <RoyK> beer is always handy if fixing computers.
If it doesn't work, pour a pint into it and wait for it to die
494[02:41:09] <r4ng3r> gn8
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512[02:53:01] <jak2000> hi all
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516[02:54:09] <jak2000> how to copy my ssh key from server1 to
PC2 (actually i share the key with pc10 how to copy this key to pc2?
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519[02:55:04] <wbill> Hello how again do i get around the issues
with actuating commands in cron as compared to the command line when
i run a script on the command line it works fine but in cron it
times out/exits hrshly after 30 minutes????
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534[03:06:34] <RoyK> jak2000: ssh-copy-id
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578[03:37:30] <devster31> hi guys, any idea why this happens?
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585[03:43:07] <jmcnaught> devster31: can you reproduce this bug
on Debian? For Raspbian support you're in the wrong place, you
want #raspbian
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595[03:51:02] <jakew02> Hi, I was hoping someone could give me a
point in the right direction on including missing firmware files for
my onboard wireless card during install
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597[03:51:46] <jakew02> I have the firmware file that the
installer is complaining about "mrvl/pcie8897_uapsta.bin"
and it is in several locations both on my installation media, and on
a usb drive I am inserting when prompted
598[03:52:00] <jakew02> Installer continuosly complains that it
is not found
599[03:52:01] <jmcnaught> jakew02: do you know what kind of
wireless card you have? The general instructions are here:
600[03:52:17] <jakew02> jmcnaught: surface pro 3 -- marvell
601[03:52:46] <jakew02> i don't believe this firmware is
included in non-free
602[03:53:40] <jmcnaught> jakew02: it seems this file is in the
firmware-libertas package
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604[03:54:54] <jmcnaught> jakew02: and that package is in the
firmware tarball linked to in the instructions i linked above. those
instructions also link to an installer ISO that has the firmwares on
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614[04:03:30] <jml2> jakew02, well you believe wrong :)
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616[04:04:24] <jml2> jakew02,
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618[04:04:38] <jml2> (provides searches for files and packages)
619[04:05:01] <jakew02> jmcnaught: thanks!
620[04:05:19] <jakew02> jml2: yep, i just popped the deb for
libertas into the firmware directory on my installation media..
621[04:05:59] <jml2> jakew02, there could be dependencies
622[04:06:56] <jml2> jakew02, according to the output on the
search page, there doesnt list any dependencies
623[04:07:19] <jml2> jakew02, (the latest is avail from debian
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630[04:11:35] <jmcnaught> jakew02: cool. that chapter in the
installer manual documents where the installer looks, but the
simplest is to use the firmware tarball it links to
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635[04:13:52] <viderizer> why can't I speficy an ipv6
gateway outside of my netmask?
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637[04:14:03] <viderizer> ipv4 has the pointopoint option
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645[04:18:51] <jakew02> jmcnaught: oh it needs the entire
uncompressed tarball, not just the extracted deb package
646[04:19:30] <jakew02> is the /firmware directory on my
installation media (usb stick) an appropriate place to put that
then? the manual only seems to discuss using a separate usb disk or
CD if i'm reading it right
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648[04:19:40] <jmcnaught> jakew02: well the tarball has all the
firmwares that can be distributed, your hardware might need more
than one. the instructions don't say to extract the deb itself
649[04:19:48] <jakew02> true^
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652[04:20:29] <jmcnaught> jakew02: there should be a second
partition on the USB device that you can copy them to (you should
format it fat32 first)
653[04:20:57] <jakew02> ok
654[04:21:25] <jakew02> limited USB ports here [meaning none] ,
i need one for keyboard/mouse since the typecover won't work
without linux-4.x+ -_-
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656[04:25:01] <jmcnaught> jakew02: actually.. that second
partition might not be the best place anymore, seems it's a EFI
special partition now.
657[04:25:39] <jakew02> im installing from a microSD card with
one partition
658[04:25:49] <jakew02> i just created a second partition on it
to place the firmware files in
659[04:25:59] <jakew02> gparted is being a bit stupid right now
660[04:26:06] <jmcnaught> jakew02: but you could create one
after it in the unallocated space, or use the firmware including iso
linked to in that chapter of the install manual
661[04:26:26] <jakew02> yea, im probably just going to have to
662[04:26:54] <jmcnaught> jakew02: what command are you using to
copy the ISO to the microSD card?
663[04:26:58] <jakew02> dd
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665[04:27:28] <tortib> I'm trying to reset a password on my
machine and i booted into single user mode using init=/bin/bash in
grub and i get a prompt but my keyboard doesn't work
666[04:27:28] <jmcnaught> jakew02: cp works too, that's
what the install manual says to use and it's usually faster.
just make sure to copy to the device, not a partition on the device
667[04:27:41] <tortib> it also says bash: no job control in this
668[04:27:45] <tortib> how can I reset my password?
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670[04:28:02] <markybob> passwd
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673[04:28:22] <markybob> oh. non-working keyboard
674[04:28:42] <markybob> get a working one? :P
675[04:28:45] <tortib> it says can't read configurations,
error -71 when I plug the keyboard in
676[04:28:48] <tortib> the keyboard works lol
677[04:28:53] <tortib> just not in single user mode
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687[04:33:00] <tortib> how do I reset this password?
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689[04:33:21] <jmcnaught> tortib: instead of init=/bin/bash does
"" work?
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695[04:36:24] <tortib> let me try that
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701[04:39:59] <tortib> jmcnaught how do I enter that in?
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703[04:40:54] <jmcnaught> tortib: press 'e' in grub,
go to the line that starts with linux, optionally remove the word
"quiet", add ""
704[04:41:04] <tortib> ok
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707[04:42:03] <tortib> wellp
708[04:42:08] <tortib> i'm reinstalling I guess
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730[04:59:18] <jpastore> hi, I have a machine that during
shutdown for a reboot is taking forever due to an unattended
upgrade. Is there anything I can do to see the activity?
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739[05:08:55] <awwal> Is there any on screen keyboard which
include arabic layout?
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741[05:09:08] <mynam> Has anyone seen apt complain about a
depends that wont be installed but a package that meets the depends
is already installed?
742[05:09:12] <randomgry> awwal: for which environment / desktop
743[05:09:24] <awwal> Tried onboard, xvkbd and florence but they
dont have that feature
744[05:09:26] <simonlnu> they depend on the app's settings,
745[05:09:27] <randomgry> mynam: pastebin please :-)
746[05:09:44] <simonlnu> the gnome or kde ones probably can
747[05:10:05] <simonlnu> (not some random gtk/qt app)
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749[05:10:11] <awwal> randomgry, running xfce/openbox here (but
looking for a cross-platform one, if possible ) :)
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752[05:10:53] <markybob> !tell mynam about bat
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755[05:10:58] <awwal> cross-platform? hehehe I meant non-DE/WM
dependent :)
756[05:11:50] <awwal> I think that only xvkbd, florence and
onboard are available in debian, but not sure
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759[05:13:40] <awwal> xvkbd offers changing keyboard layout
(spanish, french, english.... --- only european labguages/latin
760[05:14:40] <randomgry> awwal: onboard, joggler are other
options, or add the layout by hand -- the layout files are pretty
straightforward (I edited mine for another environment a year ago)
761[05:14:51] <mynam> markybob:
762[05:15:04] <mynam> All three
763[05:15:53] <markybob> mynam: oh. you're one of those sid
people who complain when things break
764[05:16:07] <markybob> mynam: sid support is on #debian-next
on per /topic
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766[05:16:18] <mynam> haha. Not really complaining, just
wondering if others have seen this.
767[05:16:32] <markybob> mynam: wrong network/channel to ask
768[05:16:44] <randomgry> awwal:
769[05:16:59] <mynam> Even for a general question?
770[05:17:11] <markybob> mynam: correct
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773[05:17:29] <randomgry> markybob: mind an msg ?
774[05:17:34] *** Joins: bn` (~Patrice@replaced-ip)
775[05:18:02] <markybob> randomgry: generally. in public others
can help who might know far more than i do.
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778[05:19:21] <randomgry> cheers
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780[05:20:13] <awwal> randomgray, i have onboard yes but not
familiar with it's config files, i'll check them so.
thanks for all the info:)
781[05:20:18] <markybob> smoke break
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783[05:20:55] <randomgry> awwal: the florence folder I linked
has layouts in xml files, then you can write your own and
re-compile. let me know of your progress as you go.
784[05:22:08] <awwal> randomgry ^ , seems that I will need time
for achieve that. I 'll check that quietly so. thanks
785[05:22:41] <mynam> So how do I ask the question in
#debian-next when it's invite only?
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787[05:23:21] <jmcnaught> mynam: that channel is on, this is
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789[05:24:28] <mynam> Oh duh, sorry. Thanks. Still confused how
this isn't the correct channel for general apt questions...
790[05:25:19] <jmcnaught> mynam: you can ask here, but
#debian-next on is the testing/unstable channel so
it's a better place to ask
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794[05:27:29] <awwal> mynam, connect to OFTC server then
#debian-next channel
795[05:28:09] <mynam> I already asked here and was turned away,
all I was wanting to know is if others have seen the error. I'm
just curious because this is the first time I've seen this
796[05:29:37] *** esotericnonsens_ is now known as esotericnonsense
797[05:29:57] <awwal> mynam, simply you have unmet dependencies;
nothing new under testing/unstable.
798[05:30:33] <mynam> I've seen unmet depends but in this
specific case I have the package it wants installed...
799[05:31:23] <markybob> mynam: thus ask them. this is for
stable support. they know what's going on with testing/sid
because they use it. we don't.
800[05:32:20] <k_sze[work]> What do you call a service that is
running but not actually used? e.g. a DHCP server is running but no
client is actually going to make a request to it.
801[05:32:46] <k_sze[work]> unused? idling? standby?
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806[05:34:55] <jml2> k_sze[work], uhhh
807[05:35:09] <awwal> mynam, your problem is not related to
apt/aptitude/dpkg. you have unmet deps. so it's a
"branch" related, thats why people told you go debian-next
808[05:35:32] * jml2 stares at the uncurtained window
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885[06:37:37] <qih> Hi, using a Debian AMD64-based GNU/Linux ...
I managed to remove myself from all user groups except the $user and
the extra one I wanted ... no Admin, no Sudo ... how can I fix this?
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887[06:38:40] <jmcnaught> qih: can you become root with "su
-l" ?
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889[06:39:13] <qih> No, there was no Root password, AFAIK
890[06:40:31] <jmcnaught> qih: can you boot into recovery mode
from the grub menu?
891[06:41:03] <qih> Yes, but it comes up with an error, that
root is locked, no access
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906[06:47:53] <jmcnaught> qih: another option is to edit the
kernel command line in grub, add "systemd.debug-shell" to
the end of it. This will give you a root login on tty9
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908[06:48:30] <qih> jmcnaught: Thanks, will try that, so on the
Grub menu, hit "e" and append?
909[06:48:47] <jmcnaught> qih: yeah, add it to the end of the
line that starts with "linux"
910[06:49:20] <qih> jmcnaught: Will do, going now
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921[06:56:24] <tortib> I used dd to copy the netinst iso to my
flash drive and it isn't being detected when I plug it in
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925[06:58:02] <jmcnaught> tortib: you were trying to change a
password right? the trick i recommended to qih above might work for
you too. make sure to stop the debug-shell service after though
926[06:58:04] *** Quits: Cabanossi (~Cabanossi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
927[06:58:14] <qih> jmcnaught: Bk, that worked to set a new
passwd for #root ... now what groups should a basic $user be in?
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929[06:58:59] <qih> I was trying to add $user to the
"dialout" group but everything else ... sigh
930[06:59:09] <qih> but wiped everything*
931[06:59:30] <tortib> jmcnaught awesome
932[06:59:34] <jmcnaught> qih: you should stop that root shell
with "systemctl stop debug-shell" now that you've
changed the root password.
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936[07:01:56] <jmcnaught> qih:
file:///usr/share/doc/base-passwd/users-and-groups.html also see the
EXTRA_GROUPS in /etc/adduser.conf. My user belongs to $user, cdrom,
floppy, audio, dip, video, plugdev, users, netdev, lpadmin, scanner,
937[07:01:57] <qih> jmcnaught: I did not, on it.
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939[07:02:17] <jmcnaught> qih: might as well add your user back
to the sudo group too if that's what you prefer
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941[07:02:38] <qih> jmcnaught: Hahaha, yeah I can't even
download a new program to help
942[07:03:23] <jmcnaught> qih: you probably have the w3m program
installed by default, it can read html files
943[07:04:10] <jmcnaught> qih: but that document is also
available as users-and-groups.txt.gz, read it with zless
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947[07:04:25] <qih> jmcnaught: Checked, nope, the Linux I am
using is Deepin Linux, a Chinese-developed Debian Sid
948[07:04:43] <qih> jmcnaught: zless, aye aye
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950[07:05:25] <jmcnaught> qih: oh, well this is the reason that
based on Debian distros are not supported here. Please find the
support channel for your distro, or use Debian if you want support
from this channel.
951[07:05:34] <jmcnaught> dpkg: tell qih about based on debian
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953[07:06:28] <qih> jmcnaught: Is OK, everything mainly works. I
have been using OpenBSD for some time, came back to that
"systemd" thingy
954[07:06:30] <randomgry> qih, hey I'm glad that thing
exists, it should have a channel at freenode, could you perhaps
suggest them that?
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956[07:07:24] <qih> jmcnaught: Point taken, but I figured it
wasn't changed too much, and it hasn't.
957[07:07:25] *** Parts: tortib (~tortib@replaced-ip)
958[07:07:59] <qih> There is a #deepin but no ones really home,
so figured I ask here.
959[07:09:24] <jmcnaught> qih: from now on please respect that
this channel is only for Debian, not derivatives. There is a general
##linux channel you can use too.
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961[07:11:02] <qih> jmcnaught: Noted.
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964[07:11:34] <randomgry> qih, ah, I typoed :) thanks, I'm
in it now
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993[07:35:30] <qih> jmcnaught: Thanks for your help,
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1040[08:11:29] <BigDru> I forgot my root login password but I
have a standard user account that I can log into. I also know the su
password to get that into root. If I use the su password as the
login password for root, I get a login error. Any ideas as to why or
how to fix?
1041[08:11:53] <cafuego> Err?
1042[08:12:05] <cafuego> The password for 'su' *is* the
root password.
1043[08:12:14] <BigDru> right that's what i thought.
1044[08:12:20] <cafuego> Did you alias 'su' to sudo
1045[08:12:26] <polyphagia> root login might be disabled
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1048[08:13:01] <BigDru> i dont think i aliased it to sudo. And
the password for sudo should be the standard account's
1049[08:13:10] <BigDru> polyphagia, how would I check that?
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1051[08:13:29] <polyphagia> hmm that's just from ssh though
1052[08:13:33] <polyphagia> you're talking login?
1053[08:13:37] <polyphagia> local*
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1055[08:13:53] <BigDru> local yeah.
1056[08:14:01] <BigDru> ssh wont work if it doesnt locally
1057[08:14:05] <jml2> living la vita loca
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1059[08:16:47] <BigDru> cafuego, no it's not aliased
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1062[08:20:17] <BigDru> polyphagia, so at the login I click
"not listed?" and type in "root" w/o quotes.
next. password: the pass i use to get su. and it says "Sorry,
that didn't work. Please try again."
1063[08:22:45] <BigDru> I guess I dont necessarily need to log
into the gui as root. :/
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1079[08:34:47] <manik> HEllo. I have just installed Debian amd63,
and every time I need to install soemthing from the command line, it
says to put in CD
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1082[08:35:42] <jml2> manik, you need to update sources.list
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1084[08:35:52] <manik> apt-get update?
1085[08:36:19] <jml2> (
1086[08:36:19] <L1313> Having a problem dual booting with a
macbook8,1. It only loads up a black screen and won't go past
1087[08:36:27] <L1313> :X
1088[08:36:30] <jml2> L1313, check out refind
1089[08:36:37] <jml2> L1313, it should be able to help
1090[08:36:42] <L1313> I did
1091[08:37:03] <jml2> L1313, well that could be a refind issue?
1092[08:37:25] <L1313> jml2 I did and I'm using it.
I've read the wiki on macbook's and still
1093[08:37:42] <manik> thanks
1094[08:37:47] <L1313> hmm...didnt think that could be it since i
loaded up ubuntu & arch without to much hassle
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1098[08:38:37] <jml2> L1313, you could always try the
troubleshoot faq on its site -- another tip is to rename grubx64.efi
to BOOTX64.EFI and place it at the default location
1099[08:38:51] <jml2> L1313, i tihnk the default location would
be /efi/BOOT/BOOTX64.efi
1100[08:39:00] <jml2> (even for macs)
1101[08:39:11] <jml2> but i dont know how you have refind
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1105[08:39:42] <jml2> (<efi partition>:EFI/BOOT/ if that is
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1107[08:39:59] <jml2> i've done a boot on a mac mini without
needing any refind...
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1109[08:40:20] <jml2> nor osx installed, by just having renamed
grubx64.efi to bootx64.efi and place it in the default location
1110[08:40:31] <jml2> was a long while ago .. so i cant recall
much more than this
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1113[08:40:57] <jml2> L1313, ^
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1116[08:41:41] <L1313> hmm lets give it a try
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1119[08:43:03] <jml2> L1313, "Like rEFIt, rEFInd is a boot
manager, not a boot loader; however, when paired with a kernel that
includes EFI stub support, rEFInd can boot a Linux kernel without
the help of any other boot loader"
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1121[08:43:08] <jml2> L1313,
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1123[08:43:33] <jml2> L1313, an efi-stub, if you're using
that, is not grub..
1124[08:43:43] <jml2> L1313, it's a direct loading of the
kernel from the uefi..
1125[08:43:52] <jml2> L1313, that's another alternative you
can look at
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1129[08:46:09] <jml2> L1313, you can use just the kernel image
and copy it to the root of the efi partition
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1131[08:46:22] <jml2> L1313, and i suppose if refind is set
correctly it should scan for it
1132[08:46:48] <jml2> L1313, question is if debian's kernels
are compiled with efi-stub inside
1133[08:47:25] <L1313> talk about 2advanced lol
1134[08:47:42] <L1313> ok thanks for the details
1135[08:47:48] <jml2> L1313,
1136[08:47:56] <jml2> L1313, it's easy ..
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1138[08:48:23] <jml2> L1313, boot to a rescue, and copy the
kernel and initrd image to the root of the EFI partition
1139[08:48:50] <jml2> L1313, though use the full name of the
kernel (not their symlinks vmlinuz and initrd)
1140[08:49:05] <jml2> L1313, "With rEFInd, the easiest way
to boot Linux kernels that employ the EFI stub loader is to use
rEFInd's automatic boot loader detection code"
1141[08:49:09] <jml2> L1313,
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1144[08:50:59] <L1313> jml2 so instead of /boot/efi/EFI/debian/
its /boot/efi/EFI/optical ?
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1148[08:52:06] <jml2> L1313, you have to use a boot-rescue, and
make sure the "efi" partition is mounted, then you copy
from /<mtnpoint debian>/boot/ vmlinuz<> and
initrd<> --> to /<mntpoint efi>/
1149[08:52:53] <jml2> L1313, hte refind will look at
"efi/linux/<vmlinuz kernel>" will look at
"linux" in the path and say ok this is for
"linux" and set a logo for it-- if you copy it just to the
root it'll also work but refind won't set a linux logo for
1150[08:53:32] *** Joins: mimi89999_phone (~mimi89999@replaced-ip)
1151[08:53:55] <jml2> L1313, you just have to copy two files to
the efi partition
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1154[08:55:29] <L1313> got it
1155[08:55:36] <L1313> thanks
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1177[09:08:24] <L1313> jml2
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1180[09:08:34] <L1313> Lets see if it works:D thanks
1181[09:08:39] <BinBasher> L1313: I can confirm that the refind
iso works like magick
1182[09:08:52] <L1313> ??
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1186[09:09:46] <BinBasher> My efi got corrupt once, booted with a
refind iso and reinstalled it from there
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1202[09:22:14] <L1313> jml2 can't access tty; job control
turned off
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1213[09:24:27] <jml2> L1313,
1214[09:24:30] <jml2> L1313, ^
1215[09:24:42] <jml2> L1313, you still have to consult the refind
1216[09:25:06] *** Joins: glebihan (~glebihan@replaced-ip)
1217[09:25:25] <jml2> L1313, -- you have 2 basic options, you can
keep trying to use efi-stub(maybe it can work somehow), or you can
try to get grubx64.efi to boot
1218[09:26:22] <jml2> L1313, if you want to try with
"refind" you can do that too. Holding the
"option" button on the mac power-up might be able to show
the secondary linux icon to select..
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1221[09:27:03] <jml2> L1313, You can try the non-refind (and non
efi-stub) method later.... but try it it with both grub locations --
it's current grubx64.efi location and as a copy
1222[09:27:21] <jml2> L1313, I know debian works on macs, but the
"boot-fix" procedure isn't fault-proof
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1224[09:27:54] <L1313> ok thanks
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1231[09:29:59] <jml2> there's another way as well, but that
will break your "os x" in the firmware, and will later
require to use a "bless" command from an OsX installer
1232[09:30:09] <jml2> lol
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1237[09:33:41] <introom> I understand the tesing will freeze
sometime, but will sid ever freeze ?
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1239[09:35:08] <DHowett> introom: i think the point of sid is
that it doesn't freeze
1240[09:35:16] <DHowett> well, one of the points.
1241[09:35:46] <introom> DHowett: I thought so. Someone told me
it's not, so I asked here to confirm.
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1246[09:37:01] <ph88^> does anyone know how to fix this package
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1254[09:39:01] <DHowett> ph88^: ubuntu, while being derived from
and sharing a packaging system from debian, isn't
closely-related anymore. that said, it looks like they split the
nginx package into nginx and nginx-common, and then decided that
that was a bad idea and are trying to go back to a single package
without properly noting that in the metadata
1255[09:39:16] <DHowett> I might suggest uninstalling nginx
entirely (backing up your configs, etc.), and then installing debian
1256[09:39:26] <DHowett> I mean installing the new version
1257[09:39:54] <ph88^> installing debian ?
1258[09:40:03] <DHowett> it was a bad joke. :P
1259[09:40:07] <ph88^> :P
1260[09:40:23] <DHowett> but uninstalling nginx and starting over
from the nginx package would solve that issue
1261[09:40:28] <ph88^> i don't think i ever gave the command
"apt-get install nginx"
1262[09:40:30] <DHowett> make sure you do the apt-get autoremove
1263[09:40:31] <DHowett> oh, hm
1264[09:40:36] <DHowett> oh, actually
1265[09:40:43] <DHowett> just run apt-get autoremove. i failed to
read the message (and so did you)
1266[09:40:50] <DHowett> and then do your upgrade as usual
1267[09:40:57] <ph88^> i did autoremove, see paste
1268[09:41:05] <ph88^> doesnt do anything
1269[09:41:17] <introom> why people perfer apt-get more than
aptitude ,,,,,
1270[09:41:24] <DHowett> try manually uninstalling the two
packages it mentions -- either through apt or through dpkg
1271[09:41:28] <DHowett> introom: interia
1272[09:41:30] <ph88^> oki
1273[09:41:46] <DHowett> introom: also because apt-get will
actually upgrade my machine but aptitude will spend 10 minutes on
unsolveable dependency graphs before simply giving up.
1274[09:41:49] <DHowett> introom: so that's a thing
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1276[09:42:25] <DHowett> though i should have said
"inertia" instead of "interia" as the former
would have made more sense
1277[09:43:51] <introom> DHowett: the unresovable part makes
1278[09:44:09] <ph88^> well i just leave this package
uninstalled, dont really need it ^^
1279[09:44:22] <DHowett> ph88^: that's valid too ;)
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1281[09:44:30] <DHowett> in that case, uninstall the main nginx
package too
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1289[09:48:50] <slax0r> hi, I'm trying to set up
suspend-sedation as per
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1341[10:28:17] <pollopollop> hello
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1345[10:29:07] <pollopollop> I've got this notebook that
fell on the floor and wont boot no more
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1347[10:29:49] <pollopollop> thought it was the hd but checked it
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1349[10:30:27] <DrunkenSlug> hey how do I undo this to restore to
default ext4 options? sudo tune2fs -O has_journal -o
journal_data_writeback /dev/md3
1350[10:30:33] <pollopollop> it's ok and I extraxted the
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1378[10:37:10] <pollopollop> bios says hd is not detected, how to
make it boot?
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1383[10:38:11] <sIRwa2> pollopollop: if the bios dont detect the
drive, make sure its connected correcly
1384[10:38:35] <sIRwa2> could be that it came loose a little by
the fall
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1390[10:42:54] <hightower3> Where do I find an accurate resource
about installing Debian via a serial console?
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1397[10:47:35] <pollopollop> i'll open it up again.... bye
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1524[12:13:11] <gryllida> Sound starts to crack when the sound is
bassish a little. Would like to purge the sound packages and
re-install. Tried to purge pulseaudio but sound still plays even
after reboot. What should I try next? It's Debian jessie.
1525[12:13:41] <gryllida> Most sounds play ok but when it is low
frequency it starts to crack and becomes hard to hear.
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1533[12:18:43] <gryllida> I am about to follow advice from here
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1550[12:28:19] <mar77i> *shakes
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1558[12:32:35] <mar77i> slax0r: hey, did you solve the problem?
so what I had to do, after I verified pm-suspend worked for me, the
journal indicated that usb was the cause of the waking up - I ran
journalctl --all -l -f in a terminal. I added the indicated usb
modules to some unload list which is run before suspension, and then
it worked
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1560[12:33:29] <mar77i> an immediate wakeup can indeed have
different causes, and googling doesn't necessarily turn up much
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1575[12:47:25] <Gryllida> now the sound is funny/noisy only at
volume higher than 100%, it's acl833,
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1602[13:06:18] <Gryllida> not sure what to do - the advice on the
web is a bit confusing
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1609[13:08:44] <Joost> my alt-gr key is functioning like a
regular alt key, even though I have setxkbmap -rules evdev -model
evdev -layout us -variant altgr-intl in my initrc
1610[13:08:59] <Joost> it appears my .xinitrc is never being
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1635[13:17:35] <Gryllida> Kindly please help with the question I
asked above; I would like it to work above 100% as well.
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1661[13:26:10] <nebg> do somebody here uses lxc containers on
debian ?
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1684[13:37:57] <Twirl> anyone knows where to find different
niceness benchmarks? I want to know if it actually makes any
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1713[13:52:18] <Twirl> there is literally no niceness value
benchmarks on the internet? :o
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1719[13:55:28] <jelly> Twirl: ck was doing some tests, back in
the day, while designing his cpu scheduler
1720[13:56:03] <jelly> Twirl: try asking in #ck over on OFTC if
they can dig up a reference
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1725[13:59:05] <Twirl> yea well, i'm really surprised nobody
has uploaded some benchmarks since it's so easy to renice a
process and it's widely encouraged on the internet
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1729[14:00:20] <jelly> Twirl: I'm really surprised you
haven't been able to find any
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1731[14:00:38] <Twirl> care to share?
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1747[14:07:13] <Twirl> linux "niceness"
"benchmarks" and linux "renice"
"benchmarks" yield 0 benchmarks in google
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1766[14:19:40] <scotepi> I'm having an issues in my lab
setup. I have a new Windows DHCP server and it handing out IP's
fine to windows PC, watching the packets everything is right but for
some reason on Debian 8.4, fresh install I am getting a fqdn as the
gateway when I type route. Is that normal? It is correct but I
can't get out of the lab subnet
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1769[14:21:04] <scotepi> ok, so the showing the fqdn was a route
flag but I still cant get out the router. The route line is
1770[14:21:23] <scotepi> UG 0 0 0 eth0
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1773[14:22:41] <scotepi> which looks just like my working
production PC's. Other PC's on the network can get out
that gateway so I know its not a gw issue
1774[14:22:54] <tjg1> how can i get a list of packages installed
from backports?
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1791[14:31:12] <scotepi> if traceroute is all *** that means it
has no idea where the first hop is correct?
1792[14:31:29] <jjformat> correct
1793[14:32:04] <scotepi> but there is a route with route and
it's correct...
1794[14:32:18] <scotepi> I know tis not not my VM stack because I
did a netinstall fine
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1796[14:32:38] <p3rs3us> hey guys, after installing nvidia
non-free drivers to replace nouveau driver, the fontsize of all my
applications in (including XFCE windows) became very small. This
includes what I am currently reading in xChat. Do you guys know how
can I change the default fontsize used by the system?
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1798[14:33:13] <jjformat> scotepi i've a router that
doesn't accept certain request; when i use traceroute i'm
not able to see the first hop
1799[14:33:26] <jjformat> and i see ***
1800[14:33:33] <scotepi> other pc's on the same subnet work
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1802[14:33:52] <p3rs3us> Until now I could only change directly
in XFCE->Settings->Appearance->Fonts but this only changes
the fontsize of some applications. But how could I do it for all
application like XChat?
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1804[14:34:49] <jjformat> strange
1805[14:35:06] <jjformat> then it's a problem on your pc,
not the router
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1807[14:35:35] <scotepi> I'll try reinstalling the vm and
see if that fixes it
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1817[14:41:00] <gabrimonfa> Hi all. Will it be issued an upgrade
to imagemagick packages in wheezy/jessie to mitigate so called
"imagetragick" bug?
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1822[14:45:05] <brigo> gabrimonfa, what versions?
1823[14:46:43] *** Joins: luz1_ (~luz1@replaced-ip)
1824[14:46:58] <gabrimonfa> brigo, wheezy up-to-date has
imagemagick version, jessie
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1827[14:47:33] <brigo> gabrimonfa, i know that, what is the
version with that bug and the version with the bug fixed?
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1837[14:49:26] <digidog> ok,... old but new again, I can't
remember what I have done to solve the issue when an USB stick
won'T let me edit files or permissions. I know there was sth I
did. The fstab entry looks liek this atm: UUID=XXXX-XX-XX
/media/usb-stick/portable vfat noauto,rw,async,user 0 2
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1840[14:50:15] <digidog> I know that fat formatted sticks have
limited/no permission management
1841[14:50:21] <gabrimonfa> brigo, it was fixed (mitigated?) in
6.9.3-10, but in debian patches are backported to previous versions
so it is not clear to me how much debian versions are affected
1842[14:51:06] <digidog> But I thought that mounting stick via
fstab user/rw makes it "open" to use
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1846[14:51:58] <brigo> gabrimonfa, then check the changelog of
the package.
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1849[14:52:24] <digidog> does it has to do with noauto? I also
told PCmanFM not to automaticly mout sticks. I have to click on them
to mount. This has solved issues here on reboot with stick still in.
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1853[14:53:43] <digidog> should I add umask=0000 ?
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1855[14:54:03] <brigo> gabrimonfa, or use the tracker
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1862[14:55:33] <brigo> gabrimonfa, the list of security bugs:
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1868[14:59:22] <digidog> ok, JFYI: removing asyn and adding
umask=0000 helped. stick mounts and is fully accessable
1869[14:59:34] <gabrimonfa> brigo, thank you, stock packages are
indeed vulnerable
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1872[14:59:42] <digidog> typo: asyn(c)
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1874[15:00:27] <brigo> gabrimonfa, np :)
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1890[15:06:49] <galex-713> Where do gcc search
<[…].h> files?
1891[15:06:58] <galex-713> is there a path defined anywhere for
1892[15:07:18] <galex-713> or is it just “everything in
/usr/include including subdirectories and so on”?
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1918[15:20:32] <catbehemoth> I am trying to decide what way to go
in order to connect my debian box to active directory, main goal is
samba shares and sso (especially putty + GSSAPI), am I better off
with winbind or sssd? it there is absolutely no difference in my use
case? (it is a small 1 site active directory domain)
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1940[15:32:33] <galex-713> bon tant pis j’ai inclus tout
/usr/include, c’est sale mais voilà quand on sait
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1943[15:33:24] <galex-713> dites, y a un moyen pour demander
à dpkg d’y lancer gtags à chaque fois
qu’il installe quelque chose dans /usr/include ?
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1949[15:37:12] <brigo> !fr
1950[15:37:13] <dpkg> Pour l'aide en francais, veuillez
rejoindre le canal #debianfr. Francophone users: for help in french,
please go to #debianfr.
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1956[15:41:11] <galex-713> oops, wrong channell
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1958[15:41:45] <galex-713> well let’s translate: hey, is
there a way to ask dpkg to run gtags each time it installs anything
into /usr/include ?
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1967[15:48:00] <themill> galex-713: you could do it from an apt
hook or, better, make a local package that declares a trigger on
that path.
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1969[15:49:07] <Mazhive> how can i properly debug sftp i canot
log in any more ...
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1974[15:51:19] <Saichovsky> .
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1977[15:51:25] <Saichovsky> Hello people
1978[15:51:29] <Saichovsky> quick question
1979[15:51:45] <Saichovsky> I would like to restrict curl to make
a connection only using a specific source port
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1982[15:52:12] <Saichovsky> e.g. curl
1983[15:52:31] <Saichovsky> but I would like the source port to
be a specific port number or within a specific range
1984[15:53:02] <Saichovsky> that way, I would be able to restrict
what URLs a user can access using curl on iptables
1985[15:53:09] <Saichovsky> how do I go about doing that
1986[15:53:14] <Saichovsky> or what options do I have
1987[15:53:16] <Saichovsky> ?
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1990[15:54:34] <Saichovsky> r/linux
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1992[15:55:46] <RoyK> Saichovsky: I doubt you can tell curl to do
1993[15:55:52] <RoyK> Saichovsky: why would you?
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1998[15:57:59] <Saichovsky> long story
1999[15:58:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1670
2000[15:58:04] <Saichovsky> some kind of security measure
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2008[16:02:17] <jackcom> ifconfig
2009[16:02:18] <jackcom> bash: ifconfig: command not found
<— what’s wrong?
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2012[16:02:46] <JonJ> jackcom: ifconfig probably not in the $PATH
of your user
2013[16:02:52] <Thraul> are you running as a user? or root?
2014[16:03:11] <jackcom> user
2015[16:03:15] <jackcom> Thraul:
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2017[16:04:00] <jackcom> Thraul: ?
2018[16:04:38] <Thraul> as JonJ has said its not in your path
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2021[16:04:59] <Thraul> you need to run as root (or sudo)
2022[16:05:00] <jackcom> lol
2023[16:05:02] <jackcom> su -
2024[16:05:21] <zinx> or just type the full path (/sbin/ifconfig)
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2026[16:05:35] <jackcom> i did it whit ‘su -‘
2027[16:05:37] <jackcom> lol
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2040[16:12:19] <Mazhive> can som one tell me why i cannot login
with sftp and it used to work before.. client log _-->replaced-url
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2048[16:16:13] <JonJ> The hyperestraier bug search on the site gives me a 403 error when clicking the link
2049[16:16:29] <themill> Mazhive: «debug1: Authentication
succeeded (publickey).» it looks like you logged in just fine
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2054[16:16:56] <Mazhive> yeah but it disconnect after the last
2055[16:17:15] <Mazhive> even in filezilla it tells me its not
2056[16:17:31] <Mazhive> i am workin on the server log one
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2065[16:23:18] <RoyK> Mazhive: does ssh work? does manual sftp
work? filezilla can be a bit bitchy at times
2066[16:23:27] <Mazhive> ssh works
2067[16:23:47] <Mazhive> manual no file zilla no..
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2074[16:26:07] <RoyK> Mazhive: do you have something like this in
/etc/ssh/sshd_config on the server? Subsystem sftp
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2077[16:26:59] <Mazhive> this is a part of /var/log auth.log
2078[16:27:04] <Mazhive> yep..
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2080[16:27:22] <RoyK> Mazhive: you might want to use rsync
instead of scp
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2083[16:27:32] <RoyK> a bit better for most things
2084[16:27:35] <RoyK> or everything
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2093[16:29:15] <Mazhive> royk.. thanx for the tip but that is not
adressing the issue that is taking a different aproach to the same
goal.. ;)
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2096[16:29:47] <Mazhive> it might be better but then i have still
the problem..
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2098[16:30:26] <RoyK> does sftp work with other hosts?
2099[16:30:31] <mo1991_> hi
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2102[16:30:46] <RoyK> Mazhive: as in servers
2103[16:30:47] <jackcom> i can’t drag and drop on vmware.
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2106[16:31:06] <Mazhive> as in client to other server ..
2107[16:31:15] <RoyK> yes
2108[16:31:23] *** Epakai_ is now known as Epakai
2109[16:31:29] <Mazhive> hmm point... lets check. ( allthough it
used to work.. before )
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2115[16:34:23] <xreal> I've mounted tmpfs to /mnt/tmp.
"df -h" says, 37% in use, but it's empty! What's
wrong here? ;)
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2118[16:34:48] <Mazhive> yep filezila sftp connects to different
2119[16:34:54] <zinx> xreal: PEBKAC
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2123[16:35:30] <xreal> zinx: god bless you
2124[16:35:30] <Mazhive> so client to server should work
2125[16:35:48] <jackcom> i can’t drag and drop on vmware.
why? help me
2126[16:36:51] <xreal> zinx: what's exactly wrong here
2127[16:36:59] <jelly> xreal: physical machine, full vm or
2128[16:37:26] <xreal> jelly: physical
2129[16:38:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1664
2130[16:38:03] <Mazhive> i have to mention that lately i changed
some chipersuite settings but i think that would not effect the sftp
i think since this is apache related..
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2133[16:39:05] <jelly> xreal: pastebin the output of "uname
-a; echo; df; echo; df -i". Which debian release?
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2135[16:40:00] <Mazhive> on file zilla client i get the Received
unexpected end-of-file from SFTP server
2136[16:40:01] <Mazhive> Error: Could not connect to server
2137[16:40:22] <Mazhive> manual i get see log file
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2143[16:44:00] <Mazhive> server side ssh.conf
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2146[16:44:17] <xreal> jelly:
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2150[16:46:59] <Mazhive> actually its /etc/ssh/sshd_config
2151[16:47:31] <xreal> jelly: ping?
2152[16:49:27] <Mazhive> and this is /etc/ssh_config
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2154[16:49:52] <Mazhive> server side..
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2160[16:57:35] <Mazhive> so..
2161[16:58:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1673
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2163[16:59:38] <jelly> xreal: did you create and delete any files
on /mnt/tmp, or did you just mount it?
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2165[17:00:04] <xreal> jelly: I've created and deleted them.
"ls -al" only shows . and ..
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2171[17:01:57] <jelly> xreal: you got running processes keeping
the files open, then, most probably. lsof +aL1
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2175[17:02:41] <xreal> jelly: nope, nothing writing in there, no
file in there.
2176[17:02:52] <jelly> xreal: did you run it as root
2177[17:02:54] <xreal> jelly: I've just unmounted and
re-created it. Now it's empty.
2178[17:03:01] <xreal> jelly: normal bug I think. Thanks for
2179[17:03:27] <jelly> if you were able to umount it then nothing
was keeping files open
2180[17:03:34] <xreal> jelly: that's what I said ;)
2181[17:03:38] <viderizer> is there a reason for a
pointopoint-equivalent networking option not existing for the inet6
2182[17:03:55] <xreal> jelly: There are often unexplainable bugs
in Debian. I've learned to live with them.
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2187[17:04:40] <jelly> xreal: that's a reasonable attitude
for both free and closed software
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2189[17:05:15] <xreal> jelly: Sure. But closed software often
fixes bugs faster, since they get paid for it.
2190[17:05:41] <barubaru> They also hides the bugs more often.
For the same reasons
2191[17:05:46] *** Quits: hanfm (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
2192[17:05:48] <xreal> barubaru: sure.
2193[17:06:16] <Mazhive> Nobody ??
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2199[17:07:22] <tortib> the winetricks pkg doesn't seem to
exist in debian 8
2200[17:07:26] <tortib> how can i install it?
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2209[17:12:19] <Thraul> its in jessie. have you enabled the
contrib in your sources?
2210[17:13:00] <tortib> no
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2215[17:15:15] <Thraul> add contrib to your /etc/apt/sources.list
so it becomes something like 'deb
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2217[17:15:55] <Thraul> change the web address for your mirror
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2284[17:29:32] <tortib> Thraul you there?
2285[17:29:38] <tortib> I followed this
2286[17:29:41] <tortib>
2287[17:29:44] <tortib> and added contrib non-free after the main
repo listings
2288[17:29:47] *** Quits: dionysus69 (~Icedove@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2289[17:29:50] <tortib> and it says 404
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2291[17:29:59] <tortib> i just want to install winetricks man
this should be that freaking hard
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2293[17:30:03] <greycat> *which line* is 404ing? Replace that
line with one that works.
2294[17:30:14] <tortib> I don't know WHAT to replace it with
2295[17:30:15] <greycat> ,v winetricks
2296[17:30:16] <judd> Package: winetricks on amd64 --
wheezy/contrib: 0.0+20121030+svn918-1; jessie/contrib:
0.0+20141009+svn1208-2; stretch/contrib: 0.0+20151116-1;
sid/contrib: 0.0+20151116-1
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2298[17:30:21] <Mazhive> works again than you..
2299[17:30:53] <Mazhive> k
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2302[17:31:30] <tortib> greycat the URL
2303[17:31:38] <tortib> for where the packages are kept
2304[17:31:40] <tortib> thats' what i need
2305[17:31:42] <greycat> WHICH LINE is failing? Is it one of the
httpredir ones?
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2308[17:32:08] <greycat> !httpredir issues
2309[17:32:08] <dpkg> The <httpredir> service selects bad
mirrors for some people. If you're one of them, try explicitly
choosing a mirror: "deb
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2312[17:32:47] <greycat> Personally I've never had an issue
with I don't know who added those last two
sentences or why.
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2314[17:32:59] <greycat> err, two clauses
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2317[17:33:35] <intothemountains> Mount is making me crazy:
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2319[17:34:59] <Thraul> tortib: can you copy your sources.list
for us? use
2320[17:35:28] <greycat> Just fucking take httpredir out back and
shoot it already, jeez.
2321[17:35:34] *** Joins: noteness (noteness@replaced-ip)
2322[17:35:45] <greycat> Pick a mirror, either a country-code
round robin or not, and use it.
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2324[17:36:04] <Thraul> I just use my ISP's debian mirror
2325[17:36:06] <toruvinn> intothemountains, "user" iirc
implies noexec/nodev
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2327[17:36:46] <greycat> the mount option "user"
definitely implies "noexec", and that's a very common
2328[17:36:47] <toruvinn> intothemountains, so specify
"user" first.
2329[17:37:05] <toruvinn> intothemountains, mount
/dev/mapper/hard /media/hard -t ext4 -o user,dev,exec
2330[17:37:09] <tortib> Thraul i got it to work
2331[17:37:17] <Thraul> cool
2332[17:37:26] <tortib> Thraul now i have winetricks installed
2333[17:37:29] <tortib> and I have to install quicktime
2334[17:37:38] <tortib> it says operation completed in the
2335[17:37:45] <tortib> but winetricks list-installed
doesn't show that quicktime was installed
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2337[17:38:18] <intothemountains> toruvinn: oh my deity, thanks!
2338[17:38:26] <intothemountains> Just read the man page :-S
2339[17:38:32] <intothemountains> I didn't even think about
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2342[17:39:40] <toruvinn> intothemountains, works quite often
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2346[17:40:39] <leba2> Hello. Yesterday I remember someone
suggested some groupware packages, one of them being citadel. Which
was the other one?
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2349[17:41:50] <Thraul> zimbra?
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2353[17:43:47] <TomTomTosch> <jmcnaught> "leba2: if
you are looking for groupware included in Debian, citadel and
php-horde are a couple you could check out."
2354[17:44:40] <leba2> Thanks sir
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2360[17:46:51] <leba2> By the way, I've heard about an
inventory software called glpi and would liek to try it.
Unfortunately there are repos only for yum-like distros. Otherwise
it has to be manuall installed
2361[17:47:01] <leba2> By the way, I've heard about an
inventory software called glpi and would liek to try it.
Unfortunately there are repos only for yum-like distros. Otherwise
it has to be manually installed.
2362[17:47:26] <greycat> So manually install it.
2363[17:47:38] *** Joins: Lugh (~Lugh@replaced-ip)
2364[17:47:46] <leba2> I.e., uncompress tar.gz inside httpd
folder, configure soem permissions and settings, etc.
2365[17:47:51] <leba2> *some
2366[17:48:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1685
2367[17:48:13] <asterismo> hi
2368[17:48:14] <greycat> Sounds like a typical PHP web app
designed for the Apache module.
2369[17:48:59] <leba2> But yesterday I was told Debian offered a
large amount fo software so one should not need 3rd party repos, yet
building and installing from source is equally safe. Would this
software manual instalaltion be considered safe as well on debian?
2370[17:49:03] <asterismo> one question, is there any live
streaming software that i can use in debian 8 jessie? i want to be
able to upload a streaming to a server from a laptop or smartphone
and then the server broadcats it
2371[17:49:28] <leba2> greycat: ^
2372[17:49:31] <asterismo> or maybe the same laptop be the
streaming server?
2373[17:49:32] <leba2> You can google glpi
2374[17:50:04] <greycat> I am not going to google things for you.
You can do that. If you are completely uncomfortable installing PHP
apps on a web server, then I don't know what to tell you.
2375[17:50:19] *** Joins: cableninja_ (~cableninj@replaced-ip)
2376[17:50:37] <Walex> asterismo: there are several, try
searching the packages web site.
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2378[17:51:13] <asterismo> Walex: maybe someone had a quick
2379[17:51:19] <asterismo> i'll look then
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2381[17:51:31] <Walex> asterismo: the one I see often mentioned
is icexast
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2384[17:52:33] <Mazhive> so Royk : i solved the issue.. and now
we can talk about your proposition. ;)
2385[17:52:37] <buu> ffmpeg
2386[17:52:39] <buu> Always ffmpeg
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2389[17:53:05] <Walex> asterismo: try 'apt-cache search
icecast' or fluendo
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2391[17:53:47] <EmleyMoor> buu: Talking of ffmpeg, do you know if
it can do anything with the GPS data in my dashcam's .MOV
2392[17:53:52] <leba2> greycat: I already did my homework. Just
told in case you needed a quick reference.
2393[17:53:52] *** WormDude is now known as WormFood
2394[17:54:04] <leba2> Please don't misunderstand me.
2395[17:54:15] <buu> EmleyMoor: I strongly doubt it
2396[17:54:19] <Mazhive> Rsync i have been using it for backups..
so how is this easier to use it with say a user who wants to upload
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2399[17:55:05] <leba2> And I meant, can manual installations be
considered "safe" enough on debian as well? And not just
meaning php software
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2402[17:55:36] <leba2> ^ Because I got a bit paranoid about
debians policy of better not installing 3rd party software not
included in repos.
2403[17:55:55] <leba2> I have never used debian, I always used
distros that safely relied in 3rd party repos.
2404[17:55:58] <tortib_> this is what happens when I run
2405[17:56:15] <leba2> greycat: ^
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2408[17:57:20] <greycat> It's a PHP web app. It is installed
by extracting inside the web doc root. It's nothing. Just do
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2419[17:59:54] <TomTomTosch> leba2: the only thing we advised
against was installing foreign sources, which could fuck up the
package manager's ability to resolve dependencies. you can put
into /var/replaced-url
2420[17:59:57] <leba2> greycat: ok, so its process has nothing to
do nor compared to installing 3rd party repos on debian, right?
2421[18:00:04] <leba2> ^ Aaahhh
2422[18:00:10] <leba2> greycat: nevermind. Thanks.
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2425[18:00:38] <leba2> Hooray.
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2427[18:01:07] <leba2> "Foreign sources" can mean
"3rd party repos", right?
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2430[18:01:22] <greycat> yes
2431[18:02:24] <leba2> Ok, thanks.
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2433[18:02:49] <tortib_> greycat, any idea how i can install
quicktime with winetricks?
2434[18:03:20] <greycat> Don't choose a random person and
pester that person with questions.
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2437[18:04:07] <leba2> Any special reason for needing quicktime
on wine?
2438[18:04:19] <tortib_> the app i'm trying to use with wine
requires it
2439[18:04:21] <greycat> And no, I don't know jack shit
about winetricks or quicktime other than it sounds like some
atrocious horror from the Microsoft world of the previous century.
2440[18:04:28] <tortib_> there is a bug that brings up a black
screen with that app using wine
2441[18:04:31] <tortib_> ableton is the app
2442[18:04:40] <tortib_> people said that quicktime will get rid
of the black window
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2457[18:08:32] <jamesl> I am attempting to read from a microsd
card formatted with a proprietary nokia OS but that still works (it
works in the phone, but not in my PC) when I attempt to mkfs.vfat
/dev/sda I get the error "no medium found" how to format
the SD card so I can use it? I also tried parted /dev/sda but got
the same error
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2462[18:10:22] <Walex> jamesl: you may have a not-so-good SD card
2463[18:10:44] *** Quits: karimb (karimb@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2464[18:10:57] <Walex> most SD card readers are fairly terrible
as to speed and compatibility.
2465[18:11:01] <jamesl> walex: I tried both SD card readers I
have. I know the SD card works, but it's just slow
reading/writing to and from cards.
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2477[18:18:56] <Walex> yes, indeed.
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2480[18:19:23] <Walex> jamesl: look at 'dmesg | less
+G' to see if there are errors reading.
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2482[18:20:07] <jamesl> no errors, just "[ 162.204291] sd
1:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
2483[18:20:07] <jamesl> "
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2490[18:22:05] <jamesl> walex: there are no errors
2491[18:22:27] <Walex> jamesl: try 'fdisk -l ...'
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2497[18:23:21] <jamesl> it shows /dev/ram* and my main hard
drive, it does not show my SD card (sda) walex
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2500[18:23:52] <Walex> jamesl: it is unlikely that your SD card
is 'sda'.
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2504[18:24:18] <Walex> jamesl: try 'lsblk' and/or
2505[18:24:26] <jamesl> walex: this is a raspberry pi, main
storage is /dev/mmcblk0, it says in dmesg my SD card is SDA
2506[18:24:26] <Walex> jamesl: and 'blkid'
2507[18:25:07] <jamesl> walex: blkid does not show /dev/sda,
neither does lsblk
2508[18:25:21] <jamesl> just my raspberry pi's main storage
2509[18:25:30] <Walex> jamesl: the Raspberry Pi is a bit
peculiar. Make sure that its SD reader is comaptible with the type
of SD card you want to read.
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2512[18:26:06] <jamesl> walex: i'm using a USB SD card
reader on the pi, the main storage for the pi is a different,
working SD card.
2513[18:26:33] <Walex> is that an original Rapsberry Pi with the
not-quite compatible USB sockets?
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2516[18:27:24] <zinx> thought all the rpis had a DWG_OTG
interface, which i will refrain from calling USB
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2518[18:27:48] <jamesl> it's a raspberry pi original model
B. It has USB sockets, they are compatible
2519[18:27:54] <Walex> zinx: that's a bit too realistic :-)
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2522[18:28:35] <Walex> jamesl: perhaps then the USB SD card
reader is incompatible with that compatibility... :-)
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2524[18:28:56] <jamesl> the USB card readero n the pi works with
another SD card I have
2525[18:28:58] <zinx> it's not event sending the media
inserted event, sooo
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2527[18:29:07] <zinx> erh, even
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2584[19:03:17] <greycat> jessie elinks fails on
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2587[19:04:08] <thurstylark> in what order is the output of
"apt-cache search foo" sorted?
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2594[19:05:57] <greycat> Pipe it through sort if you want it to
be sorted.
2595[19:07:04] <thurstylark> greycat: Yeah, I do, but what's
the reason for the way it's sorted?
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2597[19:07:15] <greycat> I would imagine it's NOT sorted at
2598[19:07:16] *** Quits: superusr (~usr@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
2599[19:07:22] <greycat> Just dumping the results in the order
they are found.
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2603[19:07:44] <TomTomTosch> probably in order it appears in the
package list.
2604[19:08:16] <greycat> that's my guess as well, except
lists is plural
2605[19:08:23] <dTal> Hey Debianistas. You heard of this?
It's super sweet:
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2607[19:09:19] <thurstylark> alrighty, then
2608[19:09:24] <dTal> I think it might be the first mobile device
ever to ship with "stock Debian", for some value of such
2609[19:09:36] * thurstylark rolls eyes and pipes to sort and less
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2611[19:10:31] <teraflops> s/debianistas/debianitas
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2616[19:11:40] <thurstylark> debianites
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2619[19:12:35] <teraflops> thurstylark: well he said debianistas
that sounds spanish to me but in spanish is debianitas
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2621[19:13:39] <thurstylark> debianauts
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2623[19:14:01] <mdlpe> hi, If I extend my /home with gparted does
I need to modified my fstab or I can restart as this ?
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2627[19:16:17] <teraflops> mdlpe: do you plan to delete any
partition for re using the space? do you use UUIDS or labels?
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2633[19:18:07] <thurstylark> mdlpe: as long as you haven't
deleted a partition that was in fstab, or changed its
identification, you should be fine.
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2642[19:21:56] <mdlpe> teraflops: I only extend my home with free
2643[19:22:23] <mdlpe> and I use uuid
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2649[19:24:33] <teraflops> mdlpe: youll be fine, just do backups
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2652[19:25:17] <mdlpe> teraflops : thanks
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2659[19:28:00] <jhutchins> mdlpe: You might check the blkid to
make sure the UUID hasn't changed.
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2666[19:31:12] <mdlpe> jhutchins: ok, thanks
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2673[19:35:44] <mdlpe> bye
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2679[19:37:21] <greycat>
2680[19:37:22] <judd> Bug
2681[19:37:41] <greycat> I don't know what the hell a
rehandshake is, but they explicitly mention
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2700[19:46:46] <forks> hey
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2703[19:48:21] <forks> I'm using dual boot (windows 7 +
debian). I decided to fully reinstall my debian. While instalation,
I chose not to install grub (as it incorrectly detects my windows
7). Now, I got two entries in my boot menu (configured from Windows
lvl: Windows and Linux). Windows starts correctly, but Linux poitns
to empty grub, what should I do to start linux kernel from grub?
2704[19:48:25] <forks> GRUB menu is empty
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2708[19:51:11] <greycat> Win7 + Debian should work, with GRUB on
the boot disk. The KEY POINT, and I cannot emphasize this strong
enough, is that you have to figure out whether the disk is formatted
as GPT or MBR *BEFORE* starting the installation, and force the
installation medium to boot in whatever mode is required to install
in either GPT or MBR mode.
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2710[19:51:30] <greycat> The installer will not do this for you.
I learned all of this the hard way.
2711[19:51:43] <forks> greycat: I remained MBR untouched
2712[19:51:59] <forks> I used windows tools to configure
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2714[19:52:03] <forks> but Linux points to empty grub
2715[19:52:09] <greycat> If your Win7 disk is formatted MBR but
your motherboard is *capable* of booting UEFI, the installer will
boot UEFI and then it won't work.
2716[19:52:25] <greycat> Unless you go into the firmware and
force the CD to boot in "legacy mode" or whatever your
computer calls it.
2717[19:52:45] <greycat> I do not have the slightest CLUE how to
undo whatever it is you did.
2718[19:52:48] <forks> uefi is probably disabled, especially,
that debian works for me (I instaleld it, like 2 years ago and it
worked fine), today I decided to full reinstall it
2719[19:52:53] <greycat> All I know how to do is what I
2720[19:53:14] <greycat> "probably" is a key word here.
It means "I don't actually know".
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2724[19:53:29] <forks> greycat: so you allowed GRUB to be
installed and overwrite your MBR?
2725[19:53:33] <greycat> Yes.
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2727[19:54:40] <forks> brb, have to check something ;]
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2735[19:57:56] <mdlpe> hi, coming back. All was fine with
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2737[19:58:44] <mdlpe> when I made fdisk -l, I found 15 ram disk,
ram0 to ram15 ?
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2739[19:59:23] <awwal> A bit confused about gui front-end for
qemu/kvm. I use 'virt-manager', but I wonder if
'virtualbricks' is just another tool for work with
qemu/kvm & have features similar to virt-manager?
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2746[20:02:51] <frost_> hi again, I selected kernel from grub
menu, did 'boot' but, got this error: VFS: unable to mount
root fs on unknown block(0,0)
2747[20:02:56] <frost_> what that could be, how to fix that?
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2756[20:06:35] <brigo> frost_, some kind of grub misconfiguration
2757[20:06:35] *** Quits: shaun413 (uid121475@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
2758[20:07:17] <frost_> brigo: how can I fix it?
2759[20:07:37] *** Quits: Akuw (~x@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
2760[20:07:41] <frost_> I'm using dual boot win7/debian.
While reinstalling debian, i decided no to install grub in mbr
2761[20:07:46] <frost_> now, entering grub shows no info
2762[20:07:50] <frost_> it's empty
2763[20:08:05] <greycat> 14:08 forks
2764[20:08:06] <greycat> 14:08 frost_
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2766[20:08:54] <frost_> yup, it's me
2767[20:09:05] *** Joins: distortedvoice (~distorted@replaced-ip)
2768[20:09:15] <thurstylark> awwal: it seems that virtualbricks
is indeed a gui front-end to qemu-kvm. An important distinction,
though: virt-manager is a front-end for libvirt, which is another
layer on top of qemu/kvm.
2769[20:09:17] <frost_> sorry, i'm not IRC guy, using random
nicknames and didn't remember that one :)
2770[20:09:33] <brigo> frost_, where did you install grub if not
in the mbr?
2771[20:09:34] <greycat> Is your disk formatted in MBR mode or
GPT mode?
2772[20:09:46] <distortedvoice> I have a script in init.d to
start rtorrent. When I run
2773[20:09:46] <distortedvoice> update-rc.d rtorrent defaults 99.
It doesn't start on boot.
2774[20:09:46] *** Quits: mdlpe (~mdlpe@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
2775[20:09:47] <frost_> greycat: MBR mode
2776[20:09:57] *** Quits: z0ran (~z0ran@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
2777[20:10:10] <frost_> brigo: in the same partition, when kernel
2778[20:10:18] <greycat> Install the grub-pc package (you may
have to boot the CD in rescue mode or whatever).
2779[20:10:36] <greycat> Let grub-pc install GRUB into the MBR,
normally. Also make sure os-prober is installed so it can find Win7.
2780[20:10:37] <brigo> frost_, wrong place. Bios can't reach
it there.
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2783[20:11:39] <frost_> greycat: Last time I did it, I overwitten
MBR and wasn't able to run Windows (I dont have win7 cd right
now, to fixmbr in case it wont work)
2784[20:11:52] <frost_> brigo: so when/how should I move it?
2785[20:11:53] <greycat> Probably because os-prober wasn't
installed for whatever reason.
2786[20:12:23] <frost_> greycat: on install, it detected win7 as
2787[20:12:24] <brigo> frost_, use the install disk in
expert/rescue mode and install grub from there.
2788[20:12:43] <frost_> brigo: but where to install it, if I
don't wanna overwrite mbr?
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2791[20:13:31] <brigo> frost_, you have to overwrite mbr or not
install it at all. The mbr is the natural place for grub
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2794[20:14:00] <brigo> frost_, why wouldn't you want to
install grub in mbr??
2795[20:14:01] *** Joins: ryouma (~user@replaced-ip)
2796[20:14:18] <frost_> Last time (like 2 years ago) when I did
it, I coudn't access Windows
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2798[20:14:35] <frost_> I got options Debian/Windows Vista (which
was detected as Win7)
2799[20:14:42] <frost_> and entering Vista didnt boot
2800[20:15:01] <frost_> I'm not at home right now, so I
don't have win7 install cd, to fixmbr in case it could go wrong
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2802[20:15:25] <frost_> brigo: what do you mean, 'not to
install it at all'?
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2804[20:15:38] <frost_> Can I enter linux without grub then?
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2806[20:15:52] <brigo> frost_, of course not.
2807[20:15:52] *** Joins: aZz7eCh (~aZz7eCh@replaced-ip)
2808[20:16:24] <brigo> you can only enter linux installing it in
the mbr or in a usb/CDROM and bootting from it. (Not easy)
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2811[20:16:59] <greycat> In the old days we had boot floppies.
2812[20:17:12] <greycat> A bootable USB thing is the current
2813[20:17:13] *** Joins: flash (~the_flash@replaced-ip)
2814[20:17:31] <frost_> like installing grub on USB?
2815[20:17:43] <frost_> and I mean, only grub, linux will be on
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2820[20:18:35] <greycat> Everyone in the entire world who
dual-boots Win7 + Debian, except for you, just installs GRUB in the
MBR (or the UEFI equivalent).
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2826[20:20:21] <teraflops> frost_: out of curiosity why did you
decide "no to install grub in mbr"
2827[20:20:48] <frost_> I remember, that two years ago when I did
it, it overwritten MBR and I wasn't able to access Windows
2828[20:21:10] <frost_> I dont have win7 cd right now, so
i'm not prepared to fix it, in case it will do the same
2829[20:21:21] <greycat> 14:11 frost_> greycat: Last time I
did it, I overwitten MBR and wasn't able to run Windows (I dont
have win7 cd right now, to fixmbr in case it wont work)
2830[20:21:37] <teraflops> frost_: but if install debian this way
how do you boot into debian?
2831[20:21:37] *** Joins: chius (~atomic@replaced-ip)
2832[20:21:54] <teraflops> from windows? /me shrugs
2833[20:21:55] <greycat> He doesn't. That's why
he's here.
2834[20:21:57] *** Quits: Tiffon (~name@replaced-ip) (Quit: Saliendo)
2835[20:21:58] <teraflops> heh
2836[20:23:12] <frost_> teraflops: I did like that: Installed
win7, installed grub, it overwitten my mrb, i used win7 rescuse disc
(which I dont have right now, as i'm not at home); did fixmbr,
then used soft called easybcd to create entries for windows and for
2837[20:23:19] *** Quits: chius (~atomic@replaced-ip) (Client Quit)
2838[20:23:30] <teraflops> oh boy
2839[20:23:32] *** Joins: Discovery (~Discovery@replaced-ip)
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2842[20:23:58] <greycat> you should NOT have to use the windows
media to fix things.
2843[20:23:59] <frost_> and i still had entry in grub, wchi
pointed to vista, instead of win7 (it detected me like that)
2844[20:24:15] <greycat> Doesn't matter what label they slap
on it.
2845[20:24:16] *** Quits: f10 (~flo@replaced-ip) (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
2846[20:25:00] <mdlpe> frost, I don't understand. What do
you want ? fix linux or windows ?
2847[20:25:29] <frost_> Fix linux, I reinstalled debian and now I
cannot enter anything in grub
2848[20:25:49] <greycat> 1) Get PC with windows on it. 2) Boot
Debian CD. Shrink Windows partition. Create Debian partition(s).
Install Debian. 3) Find out you are fucked because your motherboard
supports UEFI but they gave you an MBR Windows hard disk. Start
over. 4) Find out how to boot the Debian CD in "legacy
mode". n+1) Install Debian in legacy mode. n+2) Done.
2849[20:26:09] <greycat> You didn't install GRUB.
2850[20:26:14] <greycat> You need to install GRUB.
2851[20:26:16] <teraflops> greycat: heh good 3)
2852[20:26:21] *** Joins: z0ran (~z0ran@replaced-ip)
2853[20:26:31] <frost_> i got grub, but on the save hd as linux
2854[20:26:31] *** Joins: lok_ (88b94ea1@replaced-ip)
2855[20:26:35] <greycat> teraflops: as I said earlier, I learned
what I know about UEFI the hard way.
2856[20:26:55] <teraflops> greycat: nah I just liked the 3)
2857[20:26:59] <greycat> frost_: YOU HAVE NOT INSTALLED GRUB. you
did some crazy stupid shit that is equivalent to not installing
2858[20:27:11] <frost_> greycat: then why do i see grub?
2859[20:27:20] <greycat> I'm done. *plonk*
2860[20:27:38] *** Quits: Defcronyke (~Defcronyk@replaced-ip) (Quit: Bye!)
2861[20:27:54] <frost_> I'm able to do: select (hd0, 4);
kernel /boot/vm-[tab]; boot - and then I got kernel panic?
2862[20:28:01] <teraflops> frost_: you dont need all that
clusterfuk, grub can handle booting windows
2863[20:28:04] *** Joins: Defcronyke (~Defcronyk@replaced-ip)
2864[20:28:07] <greycat> !fixmbr
2865[20:28:07] <dpkg> To reinstall <GRUB> boot to your
Debian install disk/live CD, switch to the other console (Alt-F2),
mount your root filesystem (mount -t ext2 /dev/whatever /target ;
mount --bind /dev /target/dev ; mount -t proc none /target/proc ;
mount -t sysfs none /target/sys), chroot into it (chroot /target),
run "mount /boot/efi" on EFI and "update-grub
&& grub-install /dev/whatever". See also <rescue
mode>, <dual boot guide>, <supergrub>.
2866[20:28:11] *** Quits: Zyferus (Zyferus@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
2867[20:28:11] <awwal> thurstylark, ok. via virt-manager creates,
manages... VM's created for/in qemu/kvm. so seems that
'virtualbricks' can do that oo, not sure. anyways I will
try it for clear doubts . thanks
2868[20:28:35] <greycat> Hmm, that factoid assumes EFI?
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2872[20:29:02] <greycat> I wouldn't trust that factoid on a
non-EFI system.
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2877[20:30:17] <frost_> ok, then why grub detects my win7 as
2878[20:30:24] <frost_> it was during todays installation
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2881[20:30:46] <thurstylark> awwal: again: virt-manager is a gui
for libvirt, and not qemu/kvm directly. Switching may not work as
you expect.
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2886[20:32:20] <awwal> thurstylark, oh, excuses. Ok, understood
now. thanks
2887[20:32:34] <teraflops> frost_: it doesn't matter, anyway
it's because os prober is rubbish
2888[20:32:40] <markybob> frost_ 13:24 < greycat>
Doesn't matter what label they slap on it
2889[20:32:45] <markybob> round and round we go
2890[20:32:53] <greycat> That's why I /ignored him.
2891[20:32:57] <frost_> last time it detected it as vista, it
didn't allow me to boot
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2896[20:33:39] <greycat> He's never going to do things the
right way because of his past experience, and nobody here knows how
to deal with his clusterfuck boot strategy that he wants to employ.
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2898[20:33:45] <teraflops> frost_: then it was for another reason
not because it said vista in the label
2899[20:33:49] <markybob> we don't care about "last
time" or have any way to know how you fucked that up
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2901[20:33:54] <markybob> i'm done too now
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2906[20:34:41] <greycat> There is also an mbr *package* that I
believe you can use to restore the Microsoft boot loader. I thought
dpkg was going to tell us about that, but !fixmbr led to some
grub-efi shit instead.
2907[20:34:44] <teraflops> lel os-prober magic
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2933[20:43:00] <rastos2> Q: where I could find some information
about how is Xorg server built on Debian (what are the actual
2934[20:43:09] <rastos2> ?
2935[20:43:15] <greycat> Download the source package and read the
debian/rules file.
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2942[20:46:47] <awwal> Forgot how to list disabled
services(systemctl). I dont find it in man/docs
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2944[20:47:11] <rastos2> greycat: I'm not familiar with
Debian, so I need a bit of help here. This looks pretty close -
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2948[20:47:38] <greycat> !source
2949[20:47:39] <dpkg> As an overview: to work with Debian source
packages, add a <deb-src> line to your sources list; cd to a
location with free space; download the source package with
<apt-get source>; edit <debian/rules> to taste; use
<dpkg-buildpackage> to build the new .deb. For more details,
also ask me about <package recompile> <backport>
<nmg> <policy> <source package>
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2954[20:48:25] <rastos2> greycat: should I see the debian/rules
file in that .deb file?
2955[20:48:38] <greycat> It's not normally in a file ending
with .deb
2956[20:49:05] <greycat> It's in the source which you get
with "apt-get source", or by downloading THREE files (none
ending with .deb) and doing manual stuff on them.
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2958[20:49:56] <thurstylark> awwal: systemctl list-units --all
will show both enabled and disabled
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2961[20:50:45] <rastos2> greycat: I'm actually not on the
Debian right now, so I can't really do apt-get. However the
.deb file contains data.tar.xz which in turn contains
xorg-server.tar.xz which actually contains the source code.
2962[20:51:06] <greycat> But not the debian patches? I have no
idea what your thing is. At all.
2963[20:51:24] <unborn> hey all.. is it okay to have sort of
pptpd small server with one NIC attached to NAT network? I mean
would it work? its for home usage only
2964[20:51:38] <greycat> You normally need a *-orig.tar.gz file,
a *.dsc file, and some other file whose extensions escape me at the
2965[20:52:04] * rastos2 puts on the google-fu hat
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2967[20:52:41] <unborn> or do I need 2 network cards?
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2969[20:53:02] <rastos2> greycat: ah, right. the web page
2970[20:53:10] <greycat> that looks better
2971[20:53:17] <thurstylark> unborn: I've done it before.
Not very efficient, but it works.
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2974[20:53:44] <greycat> The debian/rules file will be in the
*.diff.gz file.
2975[20:53:57] <awwal> thurtylark, I have tried that yet but it
list active /inactive, not the disabled ones
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2981[20:54:51] <awwal> someone have told me how in this channel
but I forgot the argument/patern needed
2982[20:55:16] <unborn> thurstylark: thank you.. its for my vnc..
I just want be able to connect home back to my moms and be able to
assist her with pc and / or get some files from NAS.. vnc is
encrypted is self and only that small server will be exposed with
open ports.. I would love to install different protocol however they
seems to me hard to setup
2983[20:55:40] <unborn> thurstylark: so only one networking card
would be fine?
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2985[20:56:05] <marc_> guys, quick question... just intalled
jessie and changed the repos to stretch. everything worked, exept
that i cannot use the "touch to click"-option anymore and
it's also gone in the settings. any suggestions?
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2993[20:56:37] <markybob> marc_: ask #debian-next on
per /topic
2994[20:56:48] <marc_> alrighty,thanks
2995[20:56:57] <thurstylark> unborn: Why not use ssh instead? Way
lighter on the network bandwidth, and easier to set up. If
you're only needing to use vnc, an ssh tunnel will work.
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2998[20:57:54] <rastos2> greycat: I think I've found what I
was looking for. Thanks a lot.
2999[20:57:54] <ven00m> hola
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3001[20:58:33] <unborn> thurstylark: I am using ssh tunel :)
right now but having trouble to find anything like gui thing for
it.. also sometimes I close terminal accidentally
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3003[20:59:15] <thurstylark> unborn: ahh. Well, I don't know
of a gui for ssh tunnels, but you should really figure out that
accidental closing problem :P
3004[21:00:02] <greycat> One answer would be to do the tunnels in
a screen or tmux session and then detach it on purpose.
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3006[21:00:31] <unborn> thurstylark: yeah :) it happens to me
when I do things quickly perhaps it would be just great if there is
any way to tell my laptop (linux) to automatically connect into it..
vnc viewer with socks5 is not a problem
3007[21:01:04] <thurstylark> unborn: you can create an ssh tunnel
in an init or systemd service no problem.
3008[21:01:31] <unborn> basically would be great to connect to
linux server which is there already in sort of backgound mode..
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3011[21:02:29] <greycat> If there's a particular tunnel you
set up frequently, you could make a shell function/alias for it, so
it's shorter to type.
3012[21:02:31] <unborn> heh thurstylark would you mind to point
me right directions? I have passless ssh access to it.. is it matter
of just adding command somewhere?
3013[21:02:39] <greycat> Or even a script in ~/bin/ but that
seems like overkill.
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3020[21:04:01] <unborn> greycat: I would like to got this.. hut
when I tried detach after logon in ssh from terminal my proxying
just died
3021[21:04:02] <thurstylark> umbSublime: I would go with
greycat's suggestion of a script that you run when you need to
start up the tunnel.
3022[21:04:18] <thurstylark> unborn:
3023[21:04:19] *** Quits: TyrfingMjolnir (~Tyrfing@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
3024[21:04:22] <unborn> perhaps I was doing something wrong
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3033[21:07:16] <unborn> Im running it like this ssh -D 11000
george@serverip -N from terminal.. however when I try to detach it,
it will stop working.. thurstylark so with command inside
of it would be enough? I mean like ./ and then close
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3040[21:09:25] <RoyK> unborn: add -f
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3042[21:09:58] <unborn> RoyK: on end?
3043[21:10:04] <RoyK> anywhere
3044[21:10:08] <RoyK> and perhaps -n
3045[21:10:20] <thurstylark> RoyK: -f implies -n
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3047[21:10:34] <Cyclonit> Hi, is there some simple way of
converting systemd .service definitions to sysvinit? I need to run
cgroup-tools inside of a lxc container and systemd doesn't work
in there.
3048[21:10:44] <RoyK> thurstylark: ok
3049[21:10:48] <greycat> Simple? No. You would have to rewrite it
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3051[21:11:53] <Cyclonit> Well, some form of cheatsheet maybe?
This is the only piece missing for me to have unprivileged nested
debian jessie containers on jessie >.<
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3054[21:12:53] <greycat> It would be easier to install something
like runit or daremontools and then rewrite the systemd unit file as
a daemontools run script, or the runit equivalent. At least they use
the same "foreground process" paradigm.
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3063[21:14:28] <Cyclonit> I'm already somewhat annoyed
having to fall back to using sysvinit and I'd prefer not using
additional pieces of software... I'll take a look at it though,
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3067[21:15:04] <RoyK> there's something called
3068[21:15:24] <greycat> That's a bit more intrusive than
just installing daemontools.
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3072[21:16:25] <Cyclonit> and doesn't solve my problem of
trying to run cgroup-tools using sysvinit
3073[21:16:35] <Cyclonit> merely extends it to the host
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3077[21:17:19] <Cyclonit> and I'm fine using systemd, its
just not compatible with lxc
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3118[21:30:17] <Cyclonit> sheesh, if only systemd were compatible
with lxc. That would resolve lots of problems...
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3122[21:31:03] <zinx> or maybe if lxc were compatible with
3123[21:31:15] <Cyclonit> well, that's the same
3124[21:31:24] <zinx> no it isn't ;)
3125[21:31:24] <Cyclonit> compatbility is a symmetric
3126[21:31:56] <greycat> Not the way it's normally used.
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3129[21:32:25] <greycat> "x is compatible with y" means
x has taken steps, or got lucky. y didn't necessarily do
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3131[21:32:49] <jelly> maybe you want LXD, it ends with
"d" which sounds more compatible with systemd
3132[21:33:01] <Cyclonit> haha ;) if only that were true
3133[21:33:05] *** Quits: Ticho_ (~Ticho@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
3134[21:33:18] <zinx> might wanna try some LSD while you're
at it, just to be extra certain
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3138[21:34:36] <Cyclonit> well, LSD might actually help a lot
when trying to run LXD on my setup
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3141[21:36:10] <TomTomTosch> #ᵈᵉᵇⁱᵃⁿ ᵈᵒᵉˢ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵉⁿᵈᵒʳˢᵉ ᵒʳ
ʳᵉᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ᵘˢᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵖʳᵒʰⁱᵇⁱᵗᵉᵈ ˢᵘᵇˢᵗᵃⁿᶜᵉˢ
3142[21:36:27] <teraflops> xD
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3146[21:36:53] <tripout> hi, it seems that my realtek wifi card
is causing some trouble with tethering connection.... connection
gets killed regularly and it's really annoying. using manjaro
for a test now, and there i have a stable tethering connection for a
few hours now. is somebody able to help me with this issue. i have
to use non-free drivers to get the card to work.
3147[21:37:02] <Cyclonit> that's all I need to switch to
using Ubuntu instead :P
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3149[21:37:29] <teraflops> Cyclonit: yeah
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3156[21:39:02] <tripout> you can get a lot more information
related to this issue, but i have to log in to debian first.
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3163[21:40:34] <tripout> is there a possiblity to change to
another non free driver?
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3176[21:44:41] <jhutchins> tripout: First we need to know which
realtek chipset you have. No, there's probably not a non-free
driver. If you're connected at all, you probably don't
need firmware. Realtek is not known for high-quality chipsets.
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3181[21:46:31] <tripout> jhutchins, i did a non-free net-install,
because regular iso couldn't find wifi card-
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3184[21:46:54] <tripout> just a minute, i have to switch back to
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3201[21:51:25] <luxio> Can it please be stated in the topic that
this channel is logged?
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3208[21:53:13] <jhutchins> luxio: Anybody can log an irc channel.
3209[21:53:31] <tripout> here's chipset information
user@debian:~$ lspci | grep -i wireless
3210[21:53:33] <tripout> 03:00.0 Network controller: Intel
Corporation Centrino Wireless-N + WiMAX 6150 (rev 67)
3211[21:53:34] <markybob> hell i'm logging it right now
3212[21:53:34] *** Quits: a-l-e (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
3213[21:53:52] <markybob> tripout: he wants lspci -nn
3214[21:54:02] <jhutchins> tripout: use -nn on lspci to get the
actual chipset. That's not a realtek.
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3216[21:54:33] <unborn> thurstylark: okay can you tell me how to
add the ssh command to start up of my system?
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3218[21:55:21] <thurstylark> unborn: what version of debian are
you running?
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3220[21:55:33] <jhutchins> unborn: Do you mean you want to enable
the ssh daemon, or something else?
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3223[21:55:45] <greycat> I suspect he means establishing a
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3225[21:56:09] <unborn> thurstylark: debian 8 all up to date :)
3226[21:56:11] <tripout> jhutchins, here you'll find
complete lspci -nn output
3227[21:56:25] <teraflops> luxio: this is a warning about me
logging you in my .weechat log directory.
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3230[21:56:54] <unborn> greycat: yeah that thing we was talking
about.. basically I do connect there like 7 times a day.. so its a
bit pointless to disconnecting from my side
3231[21:56:57] <luxio> teraflops: I recall a freenode rule about
public logging
3232[21:57:05] *** Joins: EasyShekels (~easysheke@replaced-ip)
3233[21:57:13] <luxio> Not private logging though.
3234[21:57:15] <thurstylark> unborn: ok, take that ssh command,
and make it the ExecStart= line of a systemd service file.
3235[21:57:19] <thurstylark> done
3236[21:57:20] <unborn> jhutchins: yeah ssh tunel to my other
linux box in another country.. home server in my moms
3237[21:57:21] <thurstylark> :P
3238[21:57:30] *** Quits: lok_ (88b94ea1@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
3239[21:57:36] <jhutchins> tripout: Ok, your wireless is intel,
but you do have a realtek for the wired connection. Are you
tethering another device to the laptop, or are you tethering the
laptop to another device like a phone?
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3241[21:58:12] <unborn> crap is that easy as it is? meh thats
like hangouts sending me aim when someone logs into server via ssh
3242[21:58:13] <jhutchins> ,pciid 8086:0885
3243[21:58:14] <judd> [8086:0885] is 'Centrino Wireless-N +
WiMAX 6150' from 'Intel Corporation' with kernel
modules 'iwlwifi', 'ata_generic',
'snd-hda-intel' in jessie. See also
3244[21:58:19] <tripout> i'm tethering laptop to phone for
web connection
3245[21:58:20] <unborn> thurstylark: thank you
3246[21:58:28] <thurstylark> unborn: np
3247[21:58:30] <greycat> If systemd were just the ExecStart
stuff, it would be awesome.
3248[21:58:47] <thurstylark> is there a debian wiki page for
creating a systemd unit file?
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3254[21:59:00] <greycat> It's all this other crap that it
does for no apparent reason that ... I just don't get.
3255[21:59:01] <thurstylark> if not, Imma just link the arch one
3256[21:59:05] *** Quits: Tundra-Mobile (~AndChat54@replaced-ip) (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
3257[21:59:20] <greycat> The debian wiki is nowhere near as
actively maintained as the arch one.
3258[21:59:20] *** Joins: roshanavand (~roshanava@replaced-ip)
3259[21:59:24] <luxio> I suppose it's not a rule, but more
of a guideline:
3260[21:59:26] <luxio> "If you're publishing
logs on an ongoing basis, your channel
topic should reflect that fact. Be sure to provide a
way for users to make comments without logging, and
get permission from the channel owners
before you start. If you're thinking of
"anonymizing" your logs (removing
information that identifies the
specific users), be aware that it's
difficult to do it well—replies and
general c
3261[21:59:26] <luxio> ontext often provide
identifying information which is hard
to filter."
3262[21:59:36] <greycat> what the
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3264[21:59:54] <teraflops> !pastefail
3265[21:59:56] <thurstylark> dafuq did you just do to my terminal
3266[22:00:26] <unborn> thurstylark: yeah man that worked :)
3267[22:00:32] *** Joins: skylite (~skylite@replaced-ip)
3268[22:00:34] <simonlnu> is there a way to reload the alsa snd*
modules like the old script did?
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3270[22:00:36] <thurstylark> unborn: \o/
3271[22:00:45] <simonlnu> it's a PITA to have to do this
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3274[22:00:58] <simonlnu> screwed my term too
3275[22:01:36] <markybob> screwed it how? my irssi is fine
3276[22:01:40] <greycat> All I see are a bunch of words with
hyphens in them as if they were being sounded out by syllables, and
one UTF-8 glyph that is of course rendered as reverse video Z as all
UTF-8 glyphs are on this system.
3277[22:02:02] <teraflops> hah
3278[22:02:03] *** Quits: sbine (~sbine@replaced-ip) (Quit: sbine)
3279[22:02:03] <greycat> Just utterly baffling.
3280[22:02:04] <luxio> Huh? I don't see that
3281[22:02:24] *** Joins: sbine (~sbine@replaced-ip)
3282[22:02:28] <luxio> Here's my client:
3283[22:02:36] <teraflops> may a paste an image, with your
permission? :P
3284[22:02:55] <jelly> teraflops: make sure to base64 encode it
3285[22:02:59] *** Joins: Tundra-Mobile (~AndChat54@replaced-ip)
3286[22:03:01] <teraflops> :P
3287[22:03:03] <simonlnu> heh
3288[22:03:07] <unborn> :D
3289[22:03:17] <greycat> If I go to the freenode web site and
paste the text directly from chrome into urxvt, I see the hyphens.
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3291[22:03:46] <simonlnu> weechat is choking on it
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3294[22:03:59] <simonlnu> extra spaces at the end
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3296[22:04:10] <unborn> thurstylark: shall I add that -f option
to that command?
3297[22:04:19] <teraflops>
3298[22:04:30] <defanor> those are soft hyphens
3299[22:04:50] *** Joins: tako (~tako@replaced-ip)
3300[22:04:51] <jhutchins> tripout: Not sure why you would be
having that problem. Could be a weak connection on the phone's
end. Intel wifi is usually pretty solid.
3301[22:05:05] *** Joins: murfjr (~douseiais@replaced-ip)
3302[22:05:06] <jelly> this isn't #freenode-web-bugs, go
complain in #freenode or
3303[22:05:10] <teraflops> my scroll got borked :P
3304[22:05:13] <teraflops> wtf
3305[22:05:16] *** Quits: murfjr (~douseiais@replaced-ip) (Max SendQ exceeded)
3306[22:05:21] <thurstylark>
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3309[22:05:36] <defanor> it's not a bug on the web
3310[22:05:49] <jhutchins> tripout: One thing you could try is to
automatically cycle the connection at a shorter interval than the
3311[22:05:55] <simonlnu> more like #UTF-8/Latin-1-incompat :P
3312[22:06:07] <tako> randomly i'm getting authentication
request like the "Please enter the password for account
3313[22:06:07] *** Joins: dionysus69 (~Icedove@replaced-ip)
3314[22:06:20] <thurstylark> unborn: you'll probably need it
for running your tunnel as a service.
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3318[22:07:06] <tako> how can i find this that want to
authentication from me
3319[22:07:07] <unborn> thurstylark: aaaah finally some light in
my skull :)
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3322[22:07:20] <tako> unborn, hi bro :)
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3324[22:07:34] *** Joins: tripout (~tripout@replaced-ip)
3325[22:07:39] <tako> unborn, take it easy
3326[22:07:51] <teraflops> simonlnu: I � Unicode :P
3327[22:08:00] <tripout> jhutchins, here is another paste from
3328[22:08:00] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1702
3329[22:08:23] * greycat downloads
3330[22:08:41] *** Joins: flux_ (594010f6@replaced-ip)
3331[22:08:44] <flux_> hey
3332[22:08:48] <jhutchins> tripout: Please use
in future, has problems.
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3334[22:09:01] <flux_> should ntfs partition be auto-mounted in
debian? I dont have access to them
3335[22:09:30] <tripout> jhutchins, thx for information.
3336[22:09:30] <greycat> It's actually
3337[22:09:57] <tripout> bookmarked greycat
3338[22:10:16] <jhutchins> tripout: It looks like it is looking
for firmware, although the judd info should mention that.
3339[22:10:19] <jhutchins> !firmware
3340[22:10:19] <dpkg> Firmware is software to operate electronic
devices, usually contained in EPROM or flash memory. Some Linux
kernel drivers require firmware to be provided from userspace,
notably for <WiFi> devices. Most firmware files are not part
of a Debian release as they do not conform to the <DFSG>; some
are available via <contrib> and <non-free> packages, ask
me about <search>. See also <installer firmware>.
3341[22:11:01] <jhutchins> tripout: The wiki's probably your
best bet, I think there's a firmware-nonfree package that grabs
most of it.
3342[22:11:07] *** Quits: tako (~tako@replaced-ip) (Quit: Leaving)
3343[22:11:40] <thurstylark> flux_: I mean if you want to,
it's not gonna blow things up. Why do you want to do that,
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3346[22:12:26] <flux_> err, i just want to be able to edit files
from ntfs partition being on linux
3347[22:12:39] <greycat> Then mount the partition when you want
to do that.
3348[22:13:02] <greycat> or, if you want it mounted all the time,
put it in fstab, but with "nofail" so the system
doesn't stop booting when the NTFS partition goes away
3349[22:13:16] <flux_> what do you mean - goes away?
3350[22:13:26] *** Joins: davi (~davi@replaced-ip)
3351[22:13:42] <greycat> If it's not mountable at boot time
for any reason.
3352[22:13:51] <flux_> ok, thx
3353[22:14:07] <flux_> would i be able to see content of these
files via gui?
3354[22:14:16] <tripout> ok, i'll try it on my own. anyway,
thx for help jhutchins
3355[22:14:20] *** Joins: x032cx (~lxuser@replaced-ip)
3356[22:14:39] <wewlad> read the article 'blogging about
logging' and it's weird
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3359[22:15:05] <wewlad> rules that base on the word
'should' can be ignored
3360[22:15:11] *** Joins: mastokley (~mastokley@replaced-ip)
3361[22:15:28] <wewlad> so I don't know why f-node even
bothered to fight public logging bots
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3364[22:16:14] <teraflops> nah weird is a paste borking the
terminal with escape sequences
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3370[22:19:01] <greycat> It's because the web page contains
weird UTF-8-crap pseudo-hyphens in the middle of every multisyllable
3371[22:19:04] <greycat> I've never seen anything like it.
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3375[22:19:42] <wewlad> void for utf-32
3376[22:19:49] <wewlad> no, utf-64
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3379[22:20:44] <thurstylark> greycat:
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