4[00:00:59] <davis> I'm trying to use a tool which
requires you to either use a ubuntu .deb or a .tgz file. Supposedly
the ubuntu deb works, but it fails. It has the same error as when I
use the tool from the .tgz. It gives errors regarding "cannot
load config file from /etc/fonts/fonts.conf prior to segfaulting.
I'm using Debian 10 stable and I have not done anything to
fonts. Any idea what I should do?
12[00:05:48] <JC_Denton> i'm having a really hard time on
a new buster VM with md (raid1)->luks->lvm and grub. the raid
and crypto modules are never installed, so the system boots straight
into grub rescue. the disks are small msdos partitioned w/ raid
autodetect. i can boot into rescue mode, assemble md0, luksOpen,
vgscan & vgchange w/o issue. not sure how to force grub to load
the appropriate modules.
13[00:05:50] <JC_Denton> GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y is set and
iv'e tried PRELOAD_MODULES as well w/ no avail. i see in
grub-install verbose the modules are never loaded. buster did do
LUKS2 vs. LUKS1, if that makes a difference. any info/assist is
appreciated :)
14[00:06:11] <sney> davis: do you have fontconfig installed?
35[00:15:28] *** Quits: CyberHacker (~CyberHack@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
36[00:15:30] <davis> sney: the specific error is a bunch of
messages which are of this form:
37[00:15:32] <davis> Fontconfig error:
"/etc/fonts/conf.d/90-synthetic.conf", line 6: invalid
attribute 'version'
38[00:15:53] <davis> so, the file is there, but the tool has a
problem reading it.
39[00:15:54] <JC_Denton> sney: yep, manually added raid and
what not. i got to the point where i could see md/0 in grub rescue,
but "cryptomount md/0" would return blank vs. prompting
for a passphrase.
40[00:15:58] *** Quits: Ooze (~Ooze@replaced-ip) (Quit: I have to return some videotapes...)
46[00:16:51] <sney> davis: I'm assuming the tool
you're trying to use is a 3rd party thing? it may rely on an
older version of fontconfig and that's the source of the
problem. you should probably check the tool's manual/support
47[00:17:24] *** Quits: cheet (~cheet@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
49[00:17:36] <dob1> JC_Denton, I found only ntopng on debian
and it wants to install a lot of packages. I found darkstat as
50[00:17:56] *** Quits: badsektur (~badsektor@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
51[00:18:03] <davis> sney: it most likey is an old tool. its
the pycom firmware update tool.
52[00:18:11] <JC_Denton> dob1: cool. i'll have to keep
that one in mind. depending on your use case, you can also use
iptables as a quick and dirty stat gatherer.
84[00:35:47] <sney> JC_Denton: I don't know enough about
luks2 to tell you one way or another. I think cryptsetup has a
mailing list you could ask though, or check their archives to see if
anyone else has already solved this in the past
85[00:36:36] <JC_Denton> sney: thanks, i'll take a look
86[00:36:43] <davis> sney: thanks. I've updated the forum
to give the info you gave me.
87[00:36:45] *** Parts: davis (~davis@replaced-ip) ()
91[00:38:12] <sney> bolovanos: I don't know why
you're looking for me specifically, but ok. that paste
doesn't say much. try running 'apt-get clean' and
then try to install it again.
96[00:40:29] <bolovanos> sney, some channel member said you
might know more :). Yes that paste does not say much. I was
searching for some more info, but it said whatyou say clean and than
install. I was hoping for some more debug information that I was
unable to get from /var/logs... and if there is none than reinstall
it from scratch :/
97[00:41:36] <sney> it looks like it's having trouble with
the package. apt-get clean will delete the deb from the disk. then
when you 'apt install mariadb-server-10.1' it will be
forced to re-download the deb from the package mirror
98[00:41:54] <sney> if you have any existing databases, this
won't affect them at all
111[00:51:01] <bolovanos> sney, ad apt-get clean - there is no
deb file in /var/cache/apt/archives/, but doing apt install -f will
start mariadb config ...
112[00:51:51] <bolovanos> sney, ad existing db - yes I do have
existing db which I would like to preserve without excess hassle
with configuring etc..
113[00:52:30] *** Quits: kreyren (~kreyren@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
117[00:55:04] <bolovanos> sney, where else than
/var/log/apt/history.log can apt-get log, ie. "apt-get
upgrade" is visible in log, but "apt-get clean" not
122[01:02:08] <somiaj> apt-get clean doesn't do anything
vital, also if you use apt, by default it will delete the .debs
after they are installed
123[01:02:35] <Polymorphism> I'm running a minecraft server
on a debian VPS and I don't have many players but it gets
killed (out of memory?) fairly regularly. How can I prevent this
from happening? Again, I should have plenty of ram for the amount of
172[01:30:15] <bolovanos> somiaj, ok what would you suggest to
delete. I have found no Mariadb deb package 'find / -type f
-name "*.deb"' but apt is trying to configure it -
174[01:32:23] <somiaj> bolovanos: dpkg -l | grep maria -- is the
pakcage in the iU state, so it is installed but unconfigured -- you
can remove the package or try to figure out why it is failing to
configure (could mean manually editing the install scripts)
175[01:32:45] *** mmx_in_space_ is now known as mmx_in_orbit
177[01:32:48] <somiaj> bolovanos: once the package is installed,
but unconfigured, if you want to get rid of it, you have to remove
it. Though I don't know if removing it will help it configure
better the next time you install it
178[01:33:02] <somiaj> bolovanos: I missed your original paste,
what is the output of 'dpkg --configure -a'
179[01:33:04] *** Quits: icecream (~icecream@replaced-ip) (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.)
190[01:36:40] <somiaj> bolovanos: 'set -x' at the top
line of the script and see if you can get any more output on why it
is failing, and then try to fix it.
207[01:47:57] <somiaj> bolovanos: looks like it is having
trouble altering some tables, here you need to be careful, but one
thing you can do (if you know these tables don't need to be
altered) is comment out or adjust the lines in the script so they
208[01:48:59] <somiaj> bolovanos: but now you have to decide how
to fix this script to run correctly so it exists with exit code 0 to
complete the configuration.
209[01:49:09] *** Quits: Polymorphism (4944f223@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
210[01:49:23] <somiaj> bolovanos: If you bypass anythign the
script does, you may have issues down the road, so of course be
careful in your decisions (I don't know enough to give you
better than generic advise on this manner)
245[02:20:27] <HighMemoryDaemon> I saw a cool site several days
ago that let you browse Debian packages online and see all the
versions in the difference repos side-by-side. It wasn't
packages.debian.org. Could've been a third-party site. Anyone
have a clue of what I'm referring to?
267[02:46:57] <qid|ydl> is there any way to examine a system
backup to tell what the list of installed packages was? I had a
server with an HD failure that needed replacement anyway, so
I'm trying to examine the backup data without turning it into a
running system
270[02:51:00] <qid|ydl> I'm not sure what dpkg's
internal data structure is or where it's located, all the
documentation I've found so far is just for the command-line
284[03:01:15] <somiaj> qid|ydl: you can look at
/var/lib/dpkg/status and see what packages were
'installed' from there, might need a script to parse it
308[03:13:00] <roylaprattep> somiaj: i need to add the bulleyes
repo too?
309[03:13:03] <somiaj> roylaprattep: no
310[03:13:07] <dvs> no
311[03:13:34] <roylaprattep> so there is an error?
312[03:13:49] <somiaj> roylaprattep: that package is just broken
in backports, it could be we are waiting for the dependency to be
added to backports, it could be the matainer doesn't know about
this. I'm unsure where to look for bugs for backported packages
327[03:23:23] <qid|ydl> somiaj: yeah I have basically the whole
file system backed up
328[03:24:39] <qid|ydl> I think the --admindir option on
dpkg-query does what I'm looking for, I tried it explicitly
without root to make sure it wouldn't break my running system
and it seems to let you interact with a different database
329[03:26:31] <dvs> roylaprattep, you send an email to
330[03:26:47] <dvs> roylaprattep, or click on the reply link on
the bug page.
331[03:26:51] <karlpinc> roylaprattep: You can just email the
bug report system. ###@bugs.debian.org
332[03:27:38] <roylaprattep> dvs: it is mark as resolved, so i
guess it will not be solved.
334[03:28:20] <somiaj> roylaprattep: it can take a few days for
the upload to make it to the servers (if the resolve is they have
uploaded the dependency)
335[03:28:23] <dvs> roylaprattep, oh, it was fixed today. I
guess we have to wait for a build.
336[03:29:10] <roylaprattep> 1 Serious (policy violations or
makes package unfit for release)
371[04:19:11] <BalooRJ> I can't for the life of me figure
out how to mount the samba server to access the Shield network
storage from Debian.
372[04:19:49] <BalooRJ> every time I attempt to mount the server
share, I get "mount error(2): No such file or directory" I
created a directory and am using that directory to attempt to mount
the share
373[04:19:55] <roylaprattep> mount -t cifs
//ip_address>/<export_share> /mnt/<local_share>
374[04:22:24] <BalooRJ> when I do mount -t cifs I get mount: bad
375[04:23:15] <BalooRJ> I am attempting to use: mount -t cifs -o
username=$username,password=$password,vers=1.0 //$ipaddress
379[04:23:48] <roylaprattep> you are missing the share itslef
380[04:23:52] <roylaprattep> itself
381[04:23:54] <roylaprattep> an ip is not a share
382[04:24:15] <BalooRJ> sorry, forgot the rest
383[04:24:24] <BalooRJ> I am attempting to use: mount -t cifs -o
//$ipaddress/storage/NVIDIA_Shield /mnt/shield
384[04:24:47] <BalooRJ> could it be then that my share is
mislabelled? I wonder if I am using the wrong folders
385[04:24:48] <roylaprattep> can you access it directly?
386[04:26:04] <roylaprattep> //$ipaddress/storage/NVIDIA_Shield
is working in a file commander?
387[04:26:36] *** Quits: Prints (~333@replaced-ip) (Quit: deadlightbulb.com)
390[04:28:14] <BalooRJ> I'm getting the credentials and IP
from the shield itself...it is SMB1 if that makes a difference
391[04:28:24] <BalooRJ> but if I type that into thunar I
can't access
392[04:29:07] <BalooRJ> Is there a way I can ping the samba
share in Debian?
393[04:29:25] <hmw[at]> I am trying to set up a Debian 10.3
server for root login via public key, but sshd keeps asking me for a
password. I set permit_root_login yes, coppied my key with
ssh-copyid, set a password on the root account, to no avail. I am
trying to log in from an Arch box. What else can I check?
394[04:30:30] <hmw[at]> BalooRJ: Maybe smbtree can help you?
475[05:01:25] <BalooRJ> What would be the best way to fix this?
Should I remove the offending latest kernel? Or is there some way I
can find out the logs of the issue that is making the latest kernel
freeze? Thanks for all help
491[05:07:39] <sufy> lwp it works on regular buster stable, the
ubuntu beta seemed to have a similar issue, i am running a
preinstalled audio distro of debian for music production called
avlinux that has an rt kernel
493[05:09:19] <somiaj> sufy: are you actually running debian,
avlinux sounds like a derivative, and isn't debian
494[05:09:35] <somiaj> !avlinux
495[05:09:36] <dpkg> AV Linux (formerly A/V Linux) is a 32-bit
Live DVD distribution based on Debian <squeeze> (as of version
6). It specializes in multimedia content creation using
realtime-patched kernels. AV Linux is not supported in #debian.
Support forum:
521[05:32:36] <BalooRJ> My kernel was freezing on boot,
and I could not view the journal in safe mode on that kernel. So I
went into the older kernel 4.19 and purged the newer kernel. Is
there anything else i should do to make sure my system is stable at
this point?
529[05:35:09] <somiaj> sufy: we can't fully support snap
software, but is this on debian or avlinux? I kinda wish there was a
.deb based support channel, but there is ##linux too
530[05:35:39] <somiaj> BalooRJ: you can't be stable if you
are running testing (by debian's definition). Anyways make sure
you keep up to date with testing, and are running the current
software from testing. Support is in #debian-next on irc.oftc.net
534[05:36:27] <somiaj> BalooRJ: You might want to see if the
kernel from sid causes you the same problems as the testing kernel
(Sid's kernel is slightly newer). If it is freezing your
system, tracking down what the problem is and flining a bug report
can help
535[05:36:57] <BalooRJ> somia: I performed an install of Debian
Buster today, then upgraded it to Debian Testing later in the day.
Thank you, I will try that
541[05:40:14] <somiaj> klys: it would be unoffical so have two
hases on freenode. Name wouldn't be that important, maybe
##debian-based, though unsure if anyone wants to create/manage such
a community.
542[05:41:25] <klys> somiaj, ok you can join one of those,
I'm in all of them.
544[05:44:21] <annadane> still, due to specialization it'd
still probably be better in that case to just ask the actual
"upstream" support channel
545[05:44:27] <annadane> but whatever
546[05:44:42] <klys> yeah that can be a rule there
547[05:45:01] <somiaj> I was more pointing out in general, not
this case, that due to the number of based on debian with small irc
support communities, maybe a central one similar to ##linux could
548[05:45:26] <somiaj> because often we point people to places
that is hard to get actual help.
549[05:45:37] *** Quits: BalooRJ (~baloo@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
550[05:46:13] <joepublic> *people often choose obscure
distributions without vibrant help communities and then come ask
about it
551[05:46:20] *** Quits: dvs (~hibbard@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
552[05:46:52] <klys> so yeah, if I see someone i recognize join,
i'll op them.
595[06:40:37] <inflex> I have found a bug and created a fix for
a problem I was encountering in the cups package; what is the best
way to submit this fix? I do have an account on
607[06:50:46] <somiaj> inflex: usually submit the bug and the
patch to a bug report against the packages on bugs.debian.org, and
the matainer will apply the patch (also if running stable check that
it wasn't already fixed in testing/sid)
608[06:52:33] *** Quits: soul-d (~name@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
611[06:55:33] <inflex> Hello somiaj; just read CONTRIBUTING.md
on the debian salsa site, and see that they like me to submit it via
the github cups repo, so doing that now
612[06:55:40] <inflex> thank you though for your response.
616[06:57:58] <somiaj> Yea, some places do prefer up submit
upstream bugs to upstream directly, though if unsure where to submit
bugs/fixes for debian packages, bugs.debian.org works, and matainers
forward them upstream if appliciable.
654[07:36:12] <andre144k> hi all, maybe someone knows for rsync
how to define an exclude-filter to disable all files/folders which
include "foobar" in full pathname ?
655[07:37:39] *** Quits: k4nz (~Thunderbi@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
768[10:02:03] <ViperXL75> good morning. I've performed an
update on Debian from Stretch to Buster. The good news is that
"hostnamectl" shows "Debian GNU/Linux 10
(buster)". The bad news is that during upgrading it said that
errors were encountered. It showed 3 packages referring to Java and
then wrote "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code
774[10:04:33] <ViperXL75> After that i had to manually and
forcefuly reboot it. As in turn off the power and turn it back on.
Now I'm able to interact with it via ssh->putty and i do see
processes running to perform SMB shares and other things that gets
started with "crontab+e". But I'm unable to aproach
the machine from the TV (HDMI). And since I'm unable to aproach
it via VNC, i get a feeling that it isn't loading the GUI part
of Debian. How can i check
791[10:19:09] <jaami> i am in big trouble. used 2 different USBs
to make them bootable for 3 different OS but everytime i see same
some disk corruption error.
792[10:19:46] <jaami> i am on Elementary OS which i installed
after many failed attempts to install debian
793[10:19:52] <themill> how exactly are you copying the images?
794[10:20:11] <themill> (dd just copies bytes around and a newer
version of dd won't do that any better)
798[10:20:39] <jaami> i am using dd command after making new
partition and formatted with different systems but nothing worked.
let me paste the command
800[10:21:03] <themill> if you're working with partitions
on the usb stick you are doing it wron
801[10:21:05] <themill> g
802[10:21:52] <kreyren> What is the proper way to get python for
development on debian stable?
803[10:21:54] <jaami> i was making partitions on USBs but later
i decided to keep just one partition just to go through the
installation of OS
804[10:22:06] <kreyren> apt install -y python3 python seems to
cause a conflicts
805[10:22:14] <themill> jaami: there should be no partitions
806[10:22:19] <jaami> here is the dd command which i took from
internet. quite simple dd bs=4M
if=/media/tofawn/EEEEE/iso/Solus-4.1-GNOME.iso of=/dev/sdb
status=progress oflag=sync
807[10:22:34] <themill> kreyren: you can install both the
python3 and python packages without any issue
808[10:22:57] <kreyren> themill, checking
809[10:23:28] <kreyren> correction seems that the backend is
using apt install -y python3 python3-pip python python-pip pylint
810[10:23:44] <kreyren> where the pip seems to cause the issue
811[10:24:10] <kreyren> is that even all required for python
812[10:24:42] <themill> kreyren: that should also complete
without issues; whether it's needed or not depends entirely on
what you're trying to do
813[10:25:13] <kreyren> themill, this is setting up an
environment for python development assuming usage of linux in
browser environment for text editor
814[10:25:23] <kreyren> (gitpod.io, i am refactoring their linux
832[10:31:55] <themill> kreyren: there is no way of installing
debian packages that would satisfy absolutely every possible desire
for a python package for every possible developer. You can take a
reasonable tilt at some 'normal' ones I guess. Or offer a
few sets. Or work the project inside a venv so that the user can
install things at runtime
835[10:33:01] <kreyren> themill, on paludis (Exherbo Linux) it
handles it through set and creative symlinking.. if this is not
possible on debian then i need the best possible solution
836[10:33:04] <ANub> Hello, I've a query. Can we compile a
package (lets say on a test machine) from source code and then make
it available as an update for our own APT respository ??
837[10:33:17] <ANub> I know, how to create our own repositories
but I am not sure how to update an installed package from a source.
838[10:33:26] <kreyren> themill, meaning to get general purpose
839[10:34:14] <themill> kreyren: Exherbo still isn't making
absolutely every python module available, just a set of common ones
848[10:37:10] <themill> So yes, you could just install every
single python3-.* package if you liked, but I don't think
anyone will thank you for that approach. If I wanted a disk full of
packages I didn't want, I'd use anaconda.
849[10:38:18] <kreyren> themill, it's running on GKE with
300GB SSD per workspace
850[10:38:32] <kreyren> and docker with caching so deploy is
practically instant
920[11:27:40] <Antoine-> Hello, if I want to get a list of all
installed packages so that I can reinstall them on a new machine,
how would I do that?
921[11:28:45] <Antoine-> Should I generate a list of packages
with dpkg-query then feed that list to apt?
922[11:29:01] *** debhelper sets mode: +l 1365
923[11:29:13] <Antoine-> Then I'm afraid all packages would
be flaged as installed manually so autoremove would only ever remove
one package at a time, wouldn't it?
967[12:06:08] <ViperXL75> The thing is. I'm trying to solve
the puzzle of why "reboot" isn't working. Then i
found out that if i execute /sbin/reboot it works fine. So i kinda
assumed that it should be included in the path
968[12:06:10] <jvava> Just now I install odio wih snap, but can
not start it, after type return key, it exit without saying
anything. please help.
993[12:37:05] <dpkg> In buster, su no longer overrides PATH by
default, requiring that you use "su -" or "su
-l" for login shells (which is not really a new thing at
all...). To approximate the previous behaviour, put
"ALWAYS_SET_PATH yes" in /etc/login.defs. See
1027[13:00:53] <keda> do you mean i have to install new debian?
1028[13:01:15] <EdePopede> !buster
1029[13:01:15] <dpkg> Buster is the codename for the current
<stable> release, Debian 10, released 2019-07-06.
"Buster" is Andy's pet Dachshund in Toy Story, see
1030[13:01:21] <EdePopede> it's already out for a while
1037[13:02:27] <keda> can i just leave the debian 9 but install
new module for libargon2
1038[13:02:46] <EdePopede> keda: debian isn't one of the
releases grabbing the newest version from upstream before they are
even dry. so you may even want to have stable instead of oldstable
1039[13:03:31] <keda> ooo thats mean i have to del everything and
upgrade debian right
1040[13:03:55] <EdePopede> keda: see the link, just found it. and
then you also may be able to add stable to your sources but use it
with low priority for all but this package. but you may get
dependency problems, and i've never done it, so don't
really take my word for it.
1041[13:04:14] <EdePopede> keda: no. you can do an inplace
1042[13:04:19] <EdePopede> !stretch->buster
1043[13:04:24] <EdePopede> meh?
1044[13:04:41] <EdePopede> !stretch->buster
1045[13:04:44] <dvs> !release notes
1046[13:04:44] <dpkg> The release notes for Debian 10
"Buster" are at
1049[13:05:14] <keda> can i reinstall without del my current
services running
1050[13:05:44] <EdePopede> keda: you may want your /home on its
own partition anyway. usually this should be the only thing you want
to keep, also web server stuff you may have.
1083[13:53:16] <stralex> Hello here, trying to remember irc and
find someone to help me create a start up service. I really I
don't know why I find it so difficult
1084[13:53:39] <abrotman> a start up service?
1085[13:53:49] <abrotman> to start a daemon? Which distro are you
1095[13:59:25] <jaami_> ISO was compressed with squashfs-tools
with zstd compression as default. ISO was corrupt. can someone give
me non-free iso url that wont ask cd-rom drivers.
1096[14:00:04] <jaami_> i am back to debian after wasting a lot
of time trying different flavors
1097[14:01:29] <jaami_> ii need non free debian iso that will
1109[14:07:03] <fluxwave> Shouldn't matter as long as you
have a working network connection, only difference is how much
software is preloaded onto the install media
1115[14:09:25] *** Quits: xeron832 (~xeron832@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
1116[14:11:53] <fluxwave> Yup, that image should work. If you
still have driver issues with that one, I'd suggest testing
with a *buntu or something like Manjaro to see if your hardware
needs a more recent kernel
1157[14:57:51] <SanchoPensa> I can't seem to get my
skypelinux to recognize any what so ever microphone, and i have an
urgent call in exactly 13 minutes. Help keenly appreciated!
1202[15:13:36] <brutser> when i try to install some python
modules, i get the error: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcrypto <
what do i need to do to correct this?
1254[16:00:15] <jaami> debian setup on usb started but again
looking for cd-rom. i cannot get rid of that thing. how to avoid
cd-rom check and its drivers?
1255[16:00:47] <jaami> my usb drive have 1 partition only.
1298[16:18:21] <jaami> Graphic Install was selected from debian
inslall menu. Next, Language -> location -> Keyboard were
selected. And right after keyboard debian setup auto check cd-rom
and shows error of missing drivers
1299[16:18:34] <lwp> jaami, you said 1 partition on that usb
drive. Is that where you put the installer ? How did you write the
installer to there ? What commands?
1300[16:18:46] <epsilon> ok then the install can't find the
1312[16:21:52] <dpkg> SolusOS is a Linux distribution based on
Debian <stable>. It is not supported in #debian, please see
1313[16:21:54] <epsilon> you have an USB Media with installer on
it, and another disk to actually install debian, right?
1314[16:22:36] <jaami> Yes, i am sure of=/dev/sdb and not
1315[16:23:39] <jaami> sorry, about Solus , i used many dd
commands for different ISOs. the one i pasted here is not he last
one i executed for debian firmware
1316[16:23:41] *** real_walnut_burl is now known as pinocchio
1317[16:24:01] <greycat> Since it's not a Debian installer
image, we do not KNOW how to use it. Ask #solus. They should know.
1318[16:24:12] <jaami> Yes, 1 usb for debian setup andwant to
install on other USB.
1319[16:24:38] <miskatonic> 200MB are not sufficient for GNOME,
at least the current versions of gnome
1332[16:35:12] <jaami> during debian setup i clicked on
screenshot button and the image was saved in /var/log . can you tell
me where is that folder on the usb?
1360[16:54:19] <sponix2ipfw> greycat: manpage for that one
doesn't do much for me. I end up just googling an online
example for whatever intervals I need lol
1398[17:15:29] <somiaj> I once spent two days debugging a systemd
unit that wouldn't work, only to discover you have to run
daemon-reload after each change....
1409[17:19:39] <epsilon> I already gave up about systemd and
debugging start dependencies regarding network, I have cronjobs to
check if interfaces/daemons came up after boot and starts if
1452[17:37:14] <plantroon> while I see that Debian 10 switched to
Netfilter and away from iptables interfaces, is there an equivalent
to ebtables in netfilter or will the current ebtables implementation
continue to work indefinitely?
1552[18:24:55] <somiaj> ViperXL75: that really doesn't help
us. Why can you not login, what happens, could it be the xorg
session isn't working, but you are actually logging in.
1553[18:25:04] <somiaj> ViperXL75: often times it is best to
debug xorg issues from the command line with startx.
1559[18:29:14] <glow8> So I'm trying to configure a
Host-only network between my computer and virtualbox. I've
configured the static IP in /etc/network/interfaces, and when I run
an arp-scan in my computer the IP appears. But if I try to ping it,
no response is received. Any help?
1563[18:29:27] *** Quits: Haudegen (~quassel@replaced-ip) (Quit: Bin weg.)
1564[18:29:58] <greycat> keda: the stretch (Debian 9) version of
that package is version 0~20160821-1+b1 as judd told us. Just
"apt-get install libargon2-0" gets you that. The buster
(0~20171227-0.2) version is for Debian 10. It won't work on
Debian 9.
1568[18:32:12] <glow8> I created a host-only network called
vboxnet on, and added it to the VM, yes.
1569[18:32:23] <glow8> vboxnet0, sorry
1570[18:33:11] <jehorn> I do testing for Debian bullseye and I
know I had to change the VM network so I could connect to it
externally from my tablet. I did host-only and it just worked.
1571[18:33:36] <glow8> It's also attached to a NAT for
internet connection, but I doubt that's the issue :/
1572[18:33:37] <ViperXL75> The Debian10 starts up and i can SSH
into it via another machine.
1573[18:34:08] <glow8> jehorn: so I remove the network and add it
again, or what exactly did you do?
1574[18:34:23] <ViperXL75> But on the monitor of the machine
itself ( it is the CTRL+ALT+F1) i see the GUI which shows me the
1575[18:34:30] <ViperXL75> I click on that username, it asks me
for a password.
1576[18:34:57] <ViperXL75> When i type the password the screen
will go dark as if it accepted it, but jumps right back to the login
screen showing the Username to click
1577[18:35:23] <somiaj> ViperXL75: sounds like the session is
failing, what DE do you use?
1578[18:35:34] <somiaj> ViperXL75: I whould hit ctrl-alt-f2 and
try to run 'startx', and see if you get any useful errors
1580[18:35:39] <ViperXL75> "DE" u mean Debian version?
Debian 10 stretch
1581[18:35:47] <miskatonic> we still do noot know which display
manager viper is using
1582[18:35:49] <somiaj> (Though I guess if using wayland this
won't help)
1583[18:36:00] <ViperXL75> how do i find out my display manager?
1584[18:36:02] <somiaj> ViperXL75: NO I mean desktop enviorment,
gnome, kde, lxde, or some simple windowmanager, etc
1585[18:36:19] <jehorn> glow8: I just looked at my settings, I
was mistaken. I did bridge network adapter, that allowed external
access to the VM. I can VNC from my tablet or do RDP.
1586[18:36:21] <ViperXL75> ehh... how do i see that?
1587[18:36:53] <jhutchins> ViperXL75: One way would be to ask
whoever installed Debian on this what choices they made during the
1588[18:36:53] <greycat> ViperXL75: you can start with echo
1589[18:37:02] <somiaj> ViperXL75: If you don't know and run
debian defaults my guess is gnome and you have an issue with
waylend, on your display manger do you see an otption to select
other sessions?
1590[18:37:03] *** Quits: tgunr (~davec@replaced-ip) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
1591[18:37:06] <glow8> jehorn: that sucks, I need a host-only
network specifically :(
1592[18:37:11] <somiaj> ViperXL75: might be hiding under some
settings tool.
1593[18:37:54] <ViperXL75> i went to
/etc/X11/default-display-manager and i see it pointing to
1594[18:38:22] <somiaj> ViperXL75: so gnome, anyways, go look at
the possible settings for which session you use, select the xorg
(non wayland) session and try to login
1598[18:39:03] <jehorn> Has anyone else had issues in 10 where
the root user path is not set correctly?
1599[18:39:16] <greycat> !buster su
1600[18:39:16] <dpkg> In buster, su no longer overrides PATH by
default, requiring that you use "su -" or "su
-l" for login shells (which is not really a new thing at
all...). To approximate the previous behaviour, put
"ALWAYS_SET_PATH yes" in /etc/login.defs. See
1610[18:43:10] <somiaj> ViperXL75: on your display manager
(graphical login) you should have a settings button, there should be
a 'sessions' setting where you can select different
1616[18:46:50] <jehorn> dpkg: Thanks, I don't know how I
missed that. I'm usually good at checking docs, my bad lol
1617[18:46:50] <dpkg> jehorn: no worries
1618[18:47:17] <ViperXL75> strange. The only things i can find to
click on is the Accessibility button (looks like a little man in a
circle), Network icon, Sound icon, Power icon,
1655[19:04:24] <claudiu[e]> hi! dows anyone know how to make
browser use gpu for decoding videos (vp9)?
1656[19:04:41] <somiaj> miskatonic: more likey it might be due to
missing firmware on the graphics card or some other gpu module issue
than waylend itself.
1697[19:23:25] <tecneeq> I have taken a disk (with LVM) out of my
USB-enclosure and put it into my computer. Sadly, now all blocks are
shifted by one, because the USB-enclosure decided to keep the first
512bytes filled with zeros to itself.
1698[19:23:34] <ViperXL75> just like that? 0_o
1699[19:24:12] <tecneeq> Any idea how to get out of this without
deleting it all?
1700[19:25:36] <tecneeq> Is there maybe a way to create a
"view" for /dev/sdb that skips the first block?
1701[19:26:20] * ViperXL75 is clueless to tecneeq question.
1702[19:26:23] <ViperXL75> :(
1703[19:26:33] <tecneeq> Well, let's make it clear then:
1704[19:26:34] <ChrisH> tecneeq: What is your goal? Read the
content once? continue to use the Disk?
1713[19:29:18] <tecneeq> i need a way to create a view of the
device where the first 512bytes are skipped, sadly, i haven't
found the right command yet ;-)
1720[19:31:37] <tecneeq> ChrisH: well, i guess continue to use
the disks, because we are talking about 8x 8TB here. Would be a
nightmare to move all of those files.
1721[19:31:46] <ViperXL75> now my final question for tonight. How
do i stop Debian10 from jumping into standby/hibernate/sleep? I want
the thing to keep running 24/7 without auto-shutting-down
1722[19:32:08] <tecneeq> ViperXL75: /etc/systemd/system.conf i
1727[19:33:47] <tecneeq> i too have a notebook-server ;-)
1728[19:33:49] <ChrisH> tecneeq: puh. loopback mount? recreate
the partition table in correct locations? Never did any of those
things. Could you create a new small disk with test data in yout USB
1729[19:34:12] <Plasmoduck> When I SSH into a box, how do I stop
that boxes shell color theme showing on my terminal and use my
terminals theme? My raspberry pi has a nice color theme for it I
like and my computer has its own them, I want them to both keep
their themes, but only show my local theme when I ssh to the pi.
stop terminal using remote color theme ssh use local color theme
1740[19:37:14] <tecneeq> losetup works, can mount my stuff.
1741[19:37:55] <HighMemoryDaemon> Loving SID :) Is there such a
way to use a longterm kernel in SID? For example in Arch, you'd
go with the linux-lts package.
1742[19:39:41] <ws2k3> i moved ti kernel 4.19 and suddenly
iptables is kinda broken i guess ip6tables v1.8.2 (nf_tables):
CHAIN_ADD failed (No such file or directory): chain INPUT
1765[19:48:45] <ws2k3> im in kernel 4.19 but ip6tables is not
working anymore ip6tables v1.8.2 (nf_tables): CHAIN_ADD failed (No
such file or directory): chain INPUT what can i do about this?
1775[19:52:08] <ViperXL75> this is an old HD-ready plasma TV i
have. And each time i put a new linux installation, the damn thing
fools Linux to do 720p. But when Linux does that, the TV can't
see the picture. You have to force 1080p down it's throat for
it to display something. Lol
1776[19:52:14] <tecneeq> ViperXL75: i got it working
1777[19:52:24] <ViperXL75> oh?
1778[19:52:43] <tecneeq> you need to first allow cloents to
access the display, from within: xhost +
1779[19:53:08] <tecneeq> then from the "outside":
export DISPLAY=:0.0 ; xrandr
1781[19:53:43] <tecneeq> there is a better way for xhost +, but i
never learned it ;)
1782[19:53:44] <annadane> HighMemoryDaemon, specifically,
kernel.org has different branches, so you can always look for the
one that says "longterm" and compile that
1783[19:53:53] <annadane> don't have to use debian's
1784[19:54:10] <sney> the xhost + method is considered by many to
be a security hole, but if this computer never leaves your house
it's not a big deal.
1785[19:54:36] <ViperXL75> oh it's not going to leave my
house. I'm just slightly puzzled on how to achieve what tecneeq
1786[19:54:44] <ViperXL75> allow clients to access the display
1798[19:55:46] <tecneeq> you have to type it from within the
1799[19:56:18] <ViperXL75> oh locally
1800[19:56:20] <ViperXL75> xD
1801[19:56:21] <tecneeq> you could use Gnomes autostart, put a
script there that does it
1802[19:56:32] <tecneeq> or use .xinitrc
1803[19:56:32] <ViperXL75> ah
1804[19:56:49] <sney> this is the xorg.conf option. put this in a
file called 20-resolution.conf in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ and it
should force that resolution.
1805[19:57:09] <greycat> !xhost
1806[19:57:10] <dpkg> xhost is EVIL! There are so many other ways
of getting remote X apps to work that xhost should never be needed.
For a more sensible approach, use SSH X11 forwarding, ask me about
<sshx>. Also see <mit-magic-cookie>,
1807[19:57:16] <sney> ah, there we are.
1808[19:57:32] <ViperXL75> hahaha
1809[19:57:43] <ViperXL75> diving into the xorg.conf
1810[19:57:48] <tecneeq> sney: that is what i would consider the
clean solution
1812[19:58:32] <ViperXL75> i'm just picking the one that
means i dont have to go dive behind my TV to pull the HDMI out and
input it into my tiny monitor.
1813[19:59:39] *** Quits: MyroSVK (~MyroSVK@replaced-ip) (Quit: Have to go...)
1814[20:00:05] <tecneeq> or use xrandr directly in that mentioned
autostart script?
1815[20:00:29] <tecneeq> ~/config/autostart/ or so? Not sure
where gnome keeps it hidden.
1816[20:00:35] <miskatonic> aren't hardware debianers
hostile to .xinitrc?
1828[20:03:14] <ViperXL75> tried creating 20-resolution.conf in
/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/. But it didn't help. THe computer still
shows no output to TV. But i think i need to call it the day. :(
1829[20:03:37] <ViperXL75> I will reconnect the cable back to the
tiny monitor tomorrow to troubleshoot further
1830[20:03:47] <sney> if you look at the X log it will tell you
1831[20:03:50] <ViperXL75> thanks a LOT though so far. I've
had a shitload of headaches resolved.
1832[20:04:01] <tecneeq> :-)
1833[20:04:03] <ViperXL75> sney: tomorrow i shall.
1834[20:04:21] <ViperXL75> I started this morning with
"doing a debian update on-the-fly" towards debian10.
1845[20:06:28] <ViperXL75> and go back at it. For tonight
i'll just crawl to bed. My backpain is killing me after bending
all over the TV and behind the computer. :S
1852[20:11:40] <tecneeq> what would be a simple way to left-shift
blocks on a hard disk, block 1 needs to be copied to block 0, then
block 2 needs to be copied to block 1, ad infinitum
1865[20:20:08] <Plasmoduck> greycat, it's just a python
script that generates system color themes based on wallpaper. But
its really a simple question. If someone modifies terminal shell
color scheme, how do I stop that showing over ssh
1868[20:21:13] <Plasmoduck> Im sure you've seen everyone on
Reddit using it
1869[20:21:19] <greycat> how is "it's a thing
you've never heard of and it's written in python and you
should know how to customize it" a simple question
1870[20:21:29] <greycat> wut
1871[20:21:33] <Plasmoduck> Not the program, the shell
1872[20:21:40] <greycat> IT IS NOT A FUCKING SHELL
1873[20:21:48] <Plasmoduck> Do you know how to set shell color
schemes duh?
1874[20:21:50] <greycat> IT IS SOME WEIRD ASS FUCKING THING YOU
1893[20:29:37] <electroreactive> Hi! I am new and not really a
linux user. I'm looking for an Android distro, and found what I
need, but the guy who has it isn't sharing his full source,
only a patch to debian buster and I'm not even sure if it
contains the source to the APK with the kernel hooks.
1894[20:29:55] <electroreactive> *android/linux based on debian
1897[20:32:25] <lwp> electroreactive, all the source code for
debian is freely available, if that is what you are asking
1898[20:32:57] <petn-randall> electroreactive: Android distros
are AOSP, lineage OS, /e/ Os and others. Do you want to install a
Debian userspace on your Android device?
1899[20:32:58] <electroreactive> Possibly not from this one
person (it looks like he released a patch and intentionally omitted
some, I need some help checking into that.
1912[20:38:10] <cast4dx> lightdm autologin option works only
sometimes, randomly just doesn't login the indicated
automatically. how can i debug this problem?
1913[20:38:34] <lwp> electroreactive, sorry, I'm too old to
know what APK is
1918[20:39:16] <greycat> me three... I'm guessing the K is
1919[20:39:24] <electroreactive> Android's native
application format. It's possible to install a debian chroot on
1920[20:40:24] <petn-randall> electroreactive: Is that what
you're trying to do, though?
1921[20:41:00] <electroreactive> Actually, I plan to ask a
developer to move the kernel hooks to userland to allow it to be
installed and used without root.
1928[20:43:15] <electroreactive> Only the hooks, it would be a
reworking of how X works on that system.
1929[20:43:40] <electroreactive> It would only affect graphics
1930[20:44:41] <electroreactive> volkspc.org uses a debian
derived installation and has an XFCE/MicroXWin and should be subject
to the GPL due to either the kernel hooks or derivation from XFCE.
So the source code to the apk should be there. However, he only
offers a patch and a link to the debian buster repository.
1941[20:49:24] <lwp> electroreactive, I'm not sure what you
are asking us. does this guy's patch add the APK thing onto
regular debian source ? Or is there some secret part of it too ?
1942[20:50:02] <electroreactive> That's what I'm trying
to find out. I need to know if the patch is there or if he's
violating the GPL and I need to go the 'long way' to get
the patch.
1943[20:50:02] <greycat> !free
1944[20:50:03] <dpkg> free is probably defined in English with
many different meanings of which only one refers to cost. Easier in
French, or 'free beer' = gratuit / 'free speech'
= libre, or
1945[20:50:24] *** greycat sets mode: -o greycat
1946[20:51:22] <lwp> Still confused. you said "he only
offers a patch and a link to the debian buster repository." so
the patch is available, you can look at it ?
1948[20:52:25] <lwp> (my old-fashioned understanding of
"patch" means a little bit of source code)
1949[20:52:29] <electroreactive> Yes, however, the source for the
APK could be in the debian buster repository so I need to confirm
that it isn't there as well.
1951[20:52:57] <\n3p\> the recent update of grub in sid borked my
system :(
1952[20:53:10] <electroreactive> ... He's basically trying
to make his own OS fork, so 'little bit' is subjective.
1953[20:53:24] <lwp> electroreactive, do you know a name for this
APK. It is very easy to search debian. see
1954[20:54:49] <electroreactive> Thanks, just searched for
'APK', was prepared to go through several hundred pages,
but there were only 5 results.
1955[20:54:51] <tecneeq> APK is the Android package managers
default file ending. The package googlemaps.apk installs
1956[20:56:36] <tecneeq> How to shift data 512 bytes to the left,
on disk: dd if=/dev/sdk of=/dev/sdk bs=512 conv=notrunc
iflag=fullblock skip=1
1957[20:56:40] <tecneeq> tested with a file
1958[20:56:53] <petn-randall> electroreactive: Since none of the
source packages in Debian generate APKs, I'm going to assume
that there's at least something missing there.
1959[20:56:58] <tecneeq> am scared to do it to my disk.
1961[20:58:19] <electroreactive> I also searched for XFCE, no
result. Going to search Xwin, Xfree86, and Xwindows, if there are
any other keywords anyone can recommend feel free to PM me if anyone
has a suggestion to avoid spam, I am prepared to go through each one
1970[21:01:05] <electroreactive> I know that XFCE is a windows
manager, Xwindows, Xfree86, X11 and other X.org references refer to
derivatives of the Xwindows system. I'm just looking for the
package to compile the android version.
1971[21:01:12] *** Quits: tgunr (~davec@replaced-ip) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2007[21:11:03] <electroreactive> It's the only source I was
provided with, that and patches. So if the code isn't there,
and isn't in the patches, and it's GPL-ed... well...
2019[21:19:38] <Ooze> Hi. I'm trying to upgrade my weechat
installation. I had previously installed weechat from the repo.
I've run 'apt-get remove weechat', but it still
doesn't seem to fully uninstall. 'which weechat'
shows leftovers in /usr/local/bin/wechat
2020[21:19:55] *** Quits: tgunr (~davec@replaced-ip) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2021[21:20:04] <Ooze> Is purge necessary for what i'm trying
to do?
2030[21:22:28] *** Quits: nukecat (uid436712@replaced-ip) (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
2031[21:22:45] <otyugh> I wonder, If i want to list all the
reverse-dependance from a package from a distribution I don't
have installed here (it'd be stretch), how can I do that ?
2032[21:22:52] *** nsegkos is now known as nksegos
2038[21:23:46] <electroreactive> It's a very small file.
Cairofixes, gdk2/3/4fixes, startupnotification, ttynull, and for
XFWM4 it seems to have a keyboard patch... that's it.
2045[21:26:15] <greycat> out of the things you named, xfwm4 is
probably the easiest starting point, because it's an easily
recognizable single *thing* that you can download the source code
for, apply the patch to, and build, assuming you have the build
environment for this weird debdroid hybrid thing
2046[21:26:50] *** Quits: rabbitear_g (~rabbitear@replaced-ip) (Remote host closed the connection)
2050[21:29:05] <electroreactive> It's very small and simple,
I just looked through it, maybe he changed the keymapping to
accomodate missing keys, but nothing bigger, and it's
definitely looking like a GPL violation. Thanks guys, I feel
confident enough to contact the FSF now.
2051[21:29:12] *** Quits: Ooze (~Ooze@replaced-ip) (Quit: I have to return some videotapes...)
2066[21:36:49] *** Quits: tgunr (~davec@replaced-ip) (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
2067[21:36:58] <tecneeq> Here is a strong word for Seagates
USB-enclosure division: fsck you! Why skip the first block of the
harddisk anyway? And why did you skip a 512b block instead of the
4096b block that is you physical block size?
2079[21:42:55] <tecneeq> It was in 8 simple USB enclosures. But
the disks didn't spin down nor could i smart them. So i bought
two 4x usb enclosures (jbod).
2082[21:43:42] <tecneeq> sadly, the original enclosures hid the
first 512b block of the disk, so that the data was offset by one
block on the "good" controller
2093[21:50:26] <tecneeq> the idea is to have them connected to a
RPi4 via USB3, use 2 disks for snapraid parity and serve the 48TB
files via NFS/smb/dlna in my network. Hopefully the RPi is fast
enough for streaming of 4k movies to the TV.
2115[22:09:53] <tecneeq> So it's the computer not starting
to execute Grub then?
2116[22:09:53] <Diezel> some EFI stuff going sideways but how to
get to debug that, I do not know
2117[22:10:19] <Diezel> tecneeq: yes, and only in a reboot, never
if you do a full shutdown and startup
2118[22:10:42] <Diezel> I can live with it, but still annoying
2119[22:10:46] <tecneeq> You couldn't path the EFI anyway i
think. I believe all you can hope for is a patch from the hardware
vendor that fixes your problem.
2120[22:10:55] <tecneeq> s/path/patch
2121[22:11:43] <Diezel> it's an old X220 so it will get
Coreboot at some point anyway
2122[22:12:20] <Diezel> I can live with it, but annoying that I
have to do a full shutdown to get it to start
2198[22:59:37] <allizom> rpifan: get an usb dongle, or check out
your laptop wifi card to see if you can swap that
2199[22:59:54] <sney> you'd basically have to build a custom
installer. or, you could back up the kernel module that you already
built, do your fresh install with CD1 or DVD1 instead of netinst,
and copy the driver back
2203[23:00:25] <rpifan> so the driver would just need to copied
from the lib directory and pasted?
2204[23:00:41] <sney> yeah the .ko file and anything matching in
/lib/firmware are all the binary files you need
2205[23:00:42] <jjakob> couldn't you clone the kernel repo,
checkout the specific tag that the installer uses, and build just
that module, then copy the .so?
2209[23:01:27] <sney> the installer keeps its kernel in a ramdisk
that it unpacks after booting. so it's not a simple matter of
copying it into the iso
2210[23:01:37] <allizom> the driver would need to be built in the
kernel or as a module
2211[23:01:40] <rpifan> well i have a working wifi card on that
laptop now if its just copy and paste of the stuff in the firmware
direcroy i can do that
2212[23:01:44] <sney> allizom: we've already been over that
2213[23:01:44] <jjakob> add it after it's boot it and
modprobe it?
2215[23:02:41] <sney> rpifan: grep dmesg for firmware to find out
exactly what file the module is loading. then you just need
rtl8821ce.ko and that firmware file that it listed in the log
2260[23:16:31] <Ooze> Would someone kindly point me to some
docs/best practice for cleaning up my /usr/local/bin/ ? I'm
tempted to delete something, don't think it tied elsewhere
2265[23:17:16] <jhutchins> Ooze: You should use the package
management system.
2266[23:17:24] <sney> /usr/local is generally outside the package
manager though
2267[23:17:47] <Ooze> I must have installed weechat 2.3 manually?
I'm just trying to remove the old version from /usr/local/bin
so I may install a new one
2272[23:18:11] <sney> if you still have the source tarball it may
have a 'make uninstall' or so
2273[23:18:21] <sney> is it possible that you used stow?
2274[23:18:25] <sney> !stow usage
2275[23:18:25] <dpkg> A quick intro to <stow>: ./configure
--prefix=/usr/local/stow/program-version && make &&
make install; cd /usr/local/stow/ ; stow program-version. Use stow
-D to remove. See also <usrlocal>.
2276[23:18:31] <Ooze> Not the original. Should I go find it and
2281[23:19:21] <sney> anyway, there's nothing mission
critical in /usr/local unless you put it there yourself. so
don't worry too much about manually deleting stuff, just be
aware that most applications will install something in bin and
something in lib and something in etc and so on.
2309[23:37:55] <Ooze> I need libc6 >= 2.28. I'm trying to
get it from this page. Can I download a .deb somewhere or is it best
to add the experimental repo and pull it from there? Can I remove it
afterward to ensure I'm not collecting other experimental
2326[23:45:02] <greg_logan> I'm trying to use ansible to
install a package, and I'm getting this error: Failed to update
apt cache: E:The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/bzip2 could not
be found.
2327[23:45:09] <greg_logan> apt-get via commandline works fine
2328[23:45:17] <greg_logan> that file is indeed not present